11-NovemberParish Nurses Healing The IVIind, Body And Spirit Goal Of New Davie Group Paged D A V IE C O U N T Y E NTE RPRI/E^HEC ORD U S P S 1 4 9 -6 0 N u m b e r 4 5 Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 ; 40 PAGES' V o te rs A p p ro v e $ 8 .8 M illio n S c h o o l B o n d ‘A Wonderful Day For The Children’ Children i'irsl. ll WHS the slogan o f a group o f concerned Duvie residents, and when voters went to the polls Tuesday - the did just that - overwhelm ingly ap­ proving an $8.8 million bond refer­ endum to provide needed classrooms in all o f the co u n ty’s elem entary schools. “ This is a wonderful day for the children o f D a v ic C o u n ly ,” said D avid Ow ens, chair o f the county board o f education, as results were read In the lobby outside ofthe board o f elections officc Tuesday night. W ork w ill begin immediately on putting the bond to work - adding classrooms to all elementary schools except W illiam R . Davic (construc­ tion has already begun there), m ak­ ing im provem ents to both m iddle schools, and building new science labs and other improvements to Davie High School. Although a step forward, this bond Please See $8.8 M illion - I>a(-c 4 Incumbents Win In Mocksville Incumbents prevailed in M ocks­ ville elections Tuesday, with M ayor D r. Francis W . Slate and coinmission- ers J.C . "Buster” Cleary and Vernon Thom pson going back into office. Slate defeated challenger Debra M . Stanley 472 to 204, In the race for two board seats, Clenry led the ballot 479 votes, fol­ lowed by Thom pson wilh 40.^ and Bill Wooten with 374, C o o l e e m e e G e t s A N e w B o a r d M e m b e r A new member was elected lo the Cooleemee Tow n Board Tuesday. Carl Sm ith defeated incumbent Aubrey B . Wcnsil for one of two four- year commissioner positions. Incum­ bent Michael S. Barron led the ballot with 42 percent o f the votes. Incumbent commissioner Jean H , Cornatzer defeated Les Steele 122 to 36 for a two year term. M ayor John Chandler was unop­ posed. Pumpkin Power W ill and C layton Foster pick out a pum pkin at a fall festival at tiie B eth le h em A ngels preschool last w e e k . T h e y are th e tw in sons of G arry an d A nne Foster. For m ore photo graphs, p le as e turn to p a g e D 1 . - P h o to g ra p h b y R o b in F e rg u s s o n Fund Started To Buy Vests For Cooleem ee Police It’s those routine calls that can .spell danger for police. They never know whal lo expect. W ill they be friendly? W ill they cooperate? O r w ill they com e out shooting? In Cooleem ee, police officers have little more than their shirts to protect them from a bullet. B ill S ills says that needs lo changc. H e ’s started a fimd at C C B in Cooleem ee called “ Save A L ife ,” hoping lo raise .SI ,.‘>00 to buy Ihree bullet-proof vests, “ Al'ler C h ie f (Jo e y) R eynolds look office, he told his tw o officers lo begin a good repertoire with the neighborhoods,” It was one o f those visits from an olTicer when Sills noticed he wasn’ t wearing a vest, Reynolds has one he ow ns, but il is out o f date, " If they’ re going to protect us, we should help protect th e m ,” Sills said. "T h e y ’ re really nice guys and w ould do anylhing in the w orld for you. Everyo n e in the com m unity likes them ,” Donalions m ay be dropped o ff at the CooleeiTiee C C B branch in the shopping center. Veteran’s Day Parade, Observance Tuesday The llth minute o fth e lllh hour o fth e I Ilh day o f the llth m onth. Expect to hear taps al that time across the country as Veteran’s D ay is celebrated. You can hear it in D a vie C o u n ly at the veteran’s monument in dow n­ town M ocksville, preceded by a pa­ rade, patriotic music and a lol o f m em ories about this c o u n try ’s fallen heroes - and tho.se slill alive - w ho called D avie C ou nty hom e. The m orning w ill start Tuesday w ith a parade form ing al the First United M ethodist Church Fa m ily Life Cenler on N o rlh M ain Street, A ll are in vite d to p a rtic ip a te , churches, youlh groups, Scouts, 4- H ... Bring your flags and join the parade. Bo there prior to the sched­ uled 10:30 a.m , start. The parade will proceed the short distance on M a in Street to the monim ient on Court Square. Cerem onies w ill include perfor­ mances by the D u vie H ig h M arch­ ing W ar Eagles band, the school J R O T C , some remarks and prayers. Bermuda Run Mayor Reelected B erm uda R u n M a y o r R o n Ferguson won re-election to another four-year lerm Tuesday night and a new member lo the town council was elected. Ferguson had 57 percent o f the voles againsl his opponent - retired local businessman, R .C . Childress. "I want lo lhank all the people for voting for me the first time and all PIcnsc See Nuncy - Page 4 State Seeks Death My Jackic Seabolt D avie C otin ly Enterprise Record Prosecutors intend to seek (he death penally against a D a vie m an accused o f m urdering his form er room m ate theh burying his body behind his hom e. According to Assistant District A lto rn e y G re g B ro w n , a K u le 24 . hearing wus held in D avie Superior Court on M o n d a y and evidence de­ clared the m urder o f C orey D a vid H aw kins a capital case. Rayford C lyde Hendrix, 26, who lived at 172 Pineville R o a d , was taken inlo custody at M yrtle Beach on June 20 after he called hom e and told fam ily members he had killed H aw kins and buried him behind his Farm ington hom e. Haw kins, 20 , was reporled miss­ ing in Forsyth C ounty in D ec. 2002. Please Sue State - Page 4 S h eriff’s A ssistant D etention C h ie f D a rre ll B urch esco rts R a y fo rd C ly d e H e n d rix to court M o nday. - P h o to b y R o b in F e rg u s s o n ! ; J. ■4 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdiiy, Nov. б, 2003 Editorial Райе Can’t Die Yet, In The M a il... Not Before Leading Parade The reports o f m y death have been greatly exaggerated, al lea.st a.s o f tliLs writing. But il was a little creepy and un.set- tllng .seeing iny name — dilTerent m iddle initial — on the obituary page o f Ihe Salisimry Post last week. M y mother got worried phone calls from her friends. A few people asked me if I was still alive. 1 am. T o cross over Jordan now would be premature — consid­ ering lhal m y moment o f glory, m y 15 minutes o f fame — has now been scheduled. You m ay have inissed last week's announcement: I’m to be the grand marshal o f the M ocksville Christmas Parade. G lo ry , hallelujah. This is certainly an item for m y obituary, when lhal day arrives. Lasl I heard, they were going to have som ebody a-spect- able for the grand marshal. Som eone esteemed, revered and honored in the conim unity. T h e y called m e, instead. .Something’s up wilh the M ocksville Parade. A fle r being dignified — and a litlle stuffy — all these years. M ocksville is taking a page out o f the Advance Christm as Parade, which tapped me as grand marshal years ago. parading me through the slreels on a jackass. I have been concerned that the parade organizers will have a cow wailing for me lo ride on parade day. Joan Carter o f Ihe Cham ber o f Contm erce insists Ihut w ill not happen. Instead, she is recruiting beauty queens to join me on the parade float, a charitable act, she insists, lo im prove m y social life. Fo r some reason, Ihe Cham ber’s announcement termed Ihem a "host o f beauties,” iu quotation m arks. W henever you p u la r o u n d som elhing, it’s time lo worry. CouUl lhat be "herd o f beauties” ? I'd have more confidence in her promises if I hadn’t accu.sed the Cham ber o f irying lo turn M ocksville into a beer-guzzling, wine-slpping, liquor drinking tow n o f sin, corruption ¡md drunkenness during the reccnl A B C referen­ dum . Voters didn'l listen to me then, either. M rs. Carter said some o f tlte pasl grand marshals o f the M ocksville parade died less than a year laler. So she has now lapped me ... M akes me pause. The M ocksville and Advance parades have had an unspo­ ken com pelilion over the claim as the best and biggesi parade in Davie County, M ocksvilie's parade has always laken it.self .seriously. Advance’s parade is anything but serious. Advancc w ill no longer have Davidson County Sheriff Gerald Hege in its parade, interloping here. Bul the Advance organizers are already at w ork on their ow n parade. Perhaps I’ m to be the ambassador to Unally make peace between Ihe parades, lo end Ihis petty jealousy by becoming the one thing they have in com m on — the livestock entry, Halloween goes quickly II was over in two hours. Costum es, candy, lots o f prepa­ ration. A n d then waiting ... waiting for the door bell to ring. Trick-or-trealers relieved me o f a lot o f candy lasl week. Their numbers were somewhat off at m y house, bul those w ho came — especially Ihe lale ones — were well rewarded. 1 didn’ l wanl much candy lefl, so I gave handfuls at the end. M y little buckaroo, m aking his ow n rounds, faded alter four doors, "Ciirry m e. D ad dy.” I carried him home. Trick-or-treating is hard w ork, — Dw ighi Sparks O ffe r A P ra ye r A t V e te ra n ’s M em o rial DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRi/EpECORD U S P S 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O , Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwighi Sparks.................................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...........................................General Manager Mike Barnhardi................................................Managing Editor Ray Tulterow.....................................................Adverlising Director Brian Pitts..............................................................Sports Ediior Mary Lynne Baysinger.............................Circuialion/ClassKled Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid In Moeksvlllc, N C 27028 Sub.scriplioji Rales Single Copy, M) Cents S20 Per Year In N .C ., S2.‘i Outside N .C . P O S TM A S T l-U Send Address Changes lo; Daviu County Enterprise Uccoril P.O . Box 9‘J, Mocksvillc, N C 27028 , — To Ihe editor: With Veterans Day fast approaching, 1 felt that our residents may have an interest In Ihc Davic Counly Veterans Memorial in down­ town Mockvillc. The concept behind this memorial was to honor Ihosc Davic residents thal give their lives while in Ihe U .S . Armed l-orces during either an ofllcial operation (if we experience a loss in Afghanistan) or during a recognized period of war (Ihe Persian G u lf war ornclally began in Augusl 1990 and has nol ended by Presidential decree or Congressional act). The memorial was not conceived lo recognize military servicc during any period unless this resulted in Ihe death of Ihc individual; nor was it intciulcd lo recognize the deaths of veterans as a result o f disabilities lhat may have origins in service (Agent Orange related). The memorial is open for public use in such ways as would do credit lo Ihe memories of Ihosc friends, relatives, and neighbors whose names are engraved there. II is available for placement of wreathes during various holidays or for private recognition of a loved one. It is a place of respect and should always be viewed in reverence for the sacrifice these souls have made; regardless of their volunteering or having been drafted inlo service; regardless of the public's views on the conflict. There arc only two members of the Davie Counly Veteran's Memorial Committee, myself and Mr. Harold Frank. We arc Ihc co-directors ofthe commlllee and oversee ils needs to include Ihe disbursement of funds wc accept from conlribulions for such pur- po.ses. Either of us arc available lo the public to discuss Ihc memo­ rial and ¡my questions tiuu may arise. ll is a greal honor to see the memorial each time 1 travel in town, E¡lch time I sec il, I offer a humble prayer of thanks that niy name is not on il and thal 1 will never have a need lo placc another nnme on il during my lifetime. Plensc join me in this simple nnd yet very imporlanl prnyer the next time you sec the memorial. Don'l wait for a holiday. Barry J. Carlner, Mocksvillc M oral And Civic Virtue Is A live And W ell To the ediior; Over Ihe yeiirs our organization has been the recipient of thou­ sands o f acts of charily, good will ¡md good deeds. Two such acts were recently bestowed by olher local organizations. On Sept, 1 1 - ¡1 dale wc will always remember - Ihc Uniled Way of D¡lvie Counly sponsored a volunleer day lo do "good things" in our counly. They h¡ld called to ask "whal do you need most?" and the answer was "cicnring out the basement of the Zachary I louse.” For this thankless, heavy und ilirty task Unilcd Way sent us Iwo volunteers, Ken Dwiggins and Barry Bass, All day long, these Iwo hauled out unwanted ilems Tilling iwo pickup Iruck loads lo the dump. Thanks be to Ood they didn'l run inlo any ihing lhat bit. Our basemcnl is now ready for olher volunleers to come in and build .shelves for storage. NÓI long after, the Civitan Club of Cooleemee mustered dozens of ils men to put on our 12lh Annual Textile Heritage Festival on Sepl, 27. This, loo, was a Godsend - ns il relieved our organiziition of work so thal we may conccnlrate more on historical efforls, I’ roceeils wenl in no one's pocket, of coursc, 1 should add lhal nearly .“iO cakes were baked for Ihe Civilan’s old-time Cake Walk, greiUly adding dolhirs lo a good c;iuse ¡ind pounds lo Ihe lucky win­ ners, Civitans will use whal Ihey raised lo do yel more good deeds in our communily. Combined with volunteer firefighters, school tutors, church mis­ sion programs, and the many acls o f kindness done by neighbors for each olher, ihere is no doubt lhal moral civic virtue is alive nnd well in our community. Lynn Rumley, Textile Heritage Center al Coolecnice' ‘Caring’ Davie People Sliow A Lot Of Patience To Ihc editor; I would like the readers of Ihe Davie Counly Enlerprise Record 10 know how wonderful Ihis counly really is. On Ocl, 17, wc had a benent barbecue chicken meal for injured officcr R ,M . Robbins. The response wc had was tremendous. The people who hnd their meals delivered and the ones who picked them up, I would like to thank you for your patience and being very understnnding. This is Ihc first lime our agency look on such u Uisk. We cooked 950 chicken halves lluil day. I believe cach of us had a learning experience wilh Ihis meal. Several unforseen ihlngss occurrcd nt the beginning Ihnl put (is behind on gelling the chickens done on time, I would like lo apologize lo nnyone who did nol get their meal on time. I hope everyone enjoyed their meal and please, remember the cause, 1 would also like lo thank all of the volunteers who helped pul Ihis meal on. If il was nol for them, Ihls event would nol have hap­ pened, 1 would like to thank cach one of you personally, but Ihc Rec League Coaches Show Compassion To the editor; I wanted lo express my sincere thanks for the care and concern of coach Kimdy McDaniel and the parenls and coaches ofthe W iz­ ards and Orange Crush socccr teiims who came to Ihe aid of our son Joel after he broke his leg. In competitive .sporis, you lake Ihe chance of the will to win clashing with Ihe laws of physics. In the D¡lvie Coimly/Mocksville Parks and Recreation league, Ihere is no chance lhal you won'l find friends and co¡lches who care. The mid­ shin fracture of Joel's tibia gave us concern of course (and Joel quite a lot Of piiin and inconvenience); but it also gave us lime to- gclher yesterday ¡is f¡llher and son as we drove to the quality pri­ mary c¡lre of Terry Deakle, PA and then on lo Forsyth Hospital (where we waited in the ER for three hours) for the cnsl. Jl gnve me lime lo pause and rellect on Ihc compassion of our community and the fuel that Ood gives blessing in the mist of adversity. Gregory Sliling ■ Mocksville number is loo great. But 1 can pray that the good Lord can watch after eiich of you. To the residenis of Davio Counly, 1 would like to tluink you for caring so much and for showing your support for all Ihc law en­ forcement officers. This shows me thal this is a great county to live In and gives Ihc strength lo keep going by Ihinking of all the caring people in this county, ■ \ ' L . Keilh Gunler Mocksville CVFD Fundraiser A Success To the editor: The Cooleemee Fire Depariment L¡ldics Auxiliary would like to lhank Ihe numerous companies and indlvidiuils for the contribu­ tions Ihey made or Ihe money Ihey donated lo help us purchase the necessary supplies for our first aid kit fundraiser. Wc truly appreci­ ate your efforts and wanted all of you to know wc couldn'l have done it without you. O ur fundraiser has been a success and we owe il all lo you, Karen F, Asliley, president C V F D Liidies Auxiliary ТЭТГ- \LetWrs Welcomed .The Enterpri.se Record welcomes letters from its reacl'i; ers. The letters nitay be on topics of locnl, state, luitlonul oV ' international issues. An effort will be made to print all Ictiers, provided they j ar(j not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste.The editor reserves, i thc right to edit letters forgrammar und for space. ' . i All letters shoitlid include the name and address of.ihe writer, including a sigiiature. A telephone number, not to ' be published, is also requested. ; Please have letters in the newspaper office iio later than - 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published. Davie County Enterprise Recoid RO. Box, 99, Mocksviiie, or email to: ,■ ernews@davie-entcrprise.com. ', Got An Opinion? A dd your vo te to our w eekly online poll that asks questions affecting you an d D avie County. Log on at w w w .en terp rise-reco rd .co m and click on re a d e r’s poll to cast your vote. R esults will b e listed h ere w eekly. Has the sale of alcoholic beverages harmed the Town of Mocksville? Log on now to cast your vote. www.enterprise-record.com Yes, 24% No, 76% S i i l i DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursdii.v, Nov. 6, 2003 - 3 World’s Smallest Woman Born Herein 1852 Louise Stroud 1 suppose every child growing up wunts lo go lo a circus. A t least they used lo, I remember when I was little, occasionaly a small circus would come to town and most everybody went, 1 remember one little circus putting up a lent on the picnic ground and 1 think the school children went to the afternoon performance. O f course, the big name circu.ses didn't come lo this little town and you didn’t feel like you had lived until you had seen at lenst one performance o f Ihe Ringling Broihers. Barnum and Builey Circus. 1 remember well m y experience with lhat, A Mocksville family invited me to go with them to the circus In Winston. I wus delighted, Shorlly before time to go, they called und suid they were nol going. Not to be outdone, I quickly packed an overnight bag, walked uptown and caught a bus to W inston, I walked from the bus station down to Efird ’s Department Slore where m y brolher, Frank, worked. He was boarding wilh a fiunily we knew. The Uidy hiid a girl’s dormitory und one for men. She told me I could slay with some of the girls in one o f their rooms, which I did, I think Frnnk nnd 1 walked to the circus, 1 hnve no idea where it took plucc and I don’t remember a lol about it. The nexl m orning, I cume home on the bus nnd Ihiil wns thut, I hnve had no desire to go back to a circus, but I guess I'm glad I went, Ringling Brothers still seems lo be going sirong. W hen I think uboul circuses, I remember litlle Muriah Nail M ertz, Murin wns born In Mocksville in 1852 to the prominent Nail fnm ily. She was nn uunt o f our nexl door neighbor, M rs, Murgaret Cull, When she wns fully grown she wus a mere 36 inchcs lull und weighed 38 pounds She hud u brolher who wus working for u circus and he lold the manager about Muriah. The mnnnger nsked her to join the circus und sho wus billed as "the smallest woman in the w orld.” It was there lhat she met M ajor John M ertz, a native o f Hungary, who had joined the circus when hc came to Am erica. He was called “ M ajor” becau.se o f his erect manher, his brisk step and his military-like demeunor. A t 46 inches, he wns a heud tullcr thnn Muriuh, Afte r u courtship o f one m onlh, they were murried on a singe in the Burnum and Bailey Circus in St. Loui.s, M o . Between seasons, Ihey cnme buck to M ocksville und to Salisbury. I don’t know just what her connection to Salisbury wns, bul she must have lived there al one lim e, Mnrlnh died of flu when she was about 70 nnd was buried in Chestnut H ill, 1 wus just u child und I don’ l remember whether or not her husbund wns still living when .she died. 1 cun’l remember whether I nctually ever saw the couple together, but if I didn’t. I saw a picture of them, because 1 remember cxactly how they looked. 1 wonder how many people loday remember them. I was thinking ut first that Mariah may have died during the terrible flu epidemic in 19 17, during W orld W ar I, bul I think she died in 1922, During tho outbrenk in 19 17, muny people died of flu. Alm ost every.fum ily hud ca.ses. O u r fum ily wns lucky. Dnddy Looking For Clarinet To the ediior: Someone bought n Bundy clurinct from u gurnge sale on LaQuinta Drive aboul five or six yenrs ugo. ll wus in u bluck cuse with red velvet lining, Il hus Ihe Initials “J,M .” carved on the top front o f the case, Il belonged to my deceased son and was sold liy mistake. I would really like to find it. If you bought it and would be willing to sell it back, please call 998-3825, Donna Mosier Advance F e s tiv a l G ro w in g To Ihe ediior: What began n few yenrs ngo ns n small church gathering nt n parishioner’s home on Erwin Street has evolved into a huge com­ munity evcni, Lasl Friday marked Ihe second annual communily fall festival al Cooleemee Church of God, For Ihe second year in a row, the event drew n crowd of more than 300. We thank everyone from the young to Ihe young at heart who took lime oul of their busy schedules to participale. O n behalf of our congregation, I would like to thank all the businesses nnd orgnnizniions lhat made it all possible. We would also like lo thnnk Jnmes nnd Gina Purls, Rick and Billie Wenthers, JoAnn Gregory, Chnrles "C D " Turner, Dwighi Durham, Dana Hepler, Frank nnd Knren Anlonitis, Chiirity I lullelte, Debbie O ’Neal, Chris and Tracy Gregory and David Spillman for all Iheir efforts and hard work, Mosl of all, we lhank God for His blessings (everylhing from good wealher to lelling us share Ihe Good News of His son, Jesus Christ), As paslor, I would like lo lhank Ihe wonderful people who make up Ihc Church of Ood in Cooleemee. Thnnk you for having a love for your communily and dclcrminalion lo mnke il n better plnce. God bless you all. Ifyo u would like lo see some piclures taken at the event, please visil our websile al www.a)ii!co);.i>i-}i and follow the links. Pnstor Robbie Hulletle Cooleemee Church of God W tia t C m Brown Bo For You?'“ Color Copies Brochures & Programs Custom Packaging • Calendars Just to nam e a few The UPS Store™ Located Next To BILo behind Kelchle Creek Battery IVIocksville •751-9990 would take me by the hand and go for a walk on Sundays and no one would be in sight, anywhere. During this time, daddy’s only brother bccame very ill wilh flu and I don’t Ihink they Ihought he was going to mukc it. How ever, he did und lived for quilc a while nftcr. O n u Suiuhiy, duildy took me anil went to W inston to spend the entire afternoon wilh m y unclc, W alker Slrouil. 1 tlon’l reineinbcr how wc got there because there were practically no cars in Mocksvillc nt the time and I’m not sure any buses camc through low n. Daddy sat by ihc bed all aflernoon and I sat in n little chnir over in Ihc corner. 1 don’t know yel why 1 wns nllowcd to go ¡uid be exposed lo the flu. I don’ l know, either, w hy neither o f us took it. 1 would call it a miracle. Those were the days when children were “ seen and not heard." M y mother wiis a stay-at-home mother, but on rare occasions, she would take me and go to visit a friend o f hers from the church. M y job was to sit quietly and not open m y mouth. Before we lefl home, Mumu would suy, “ N o w don’ t nsk for anylhing to cut. If you nre offered something, you miiy tnke it, but don’ l ¡isk.” M r, and M rs, W ill Crotls lived beside where Ernie Foster now lives on Norlh Main Street, which is next door lo whnt was then Casey’s slore and Inter Otis Hendrix's slore. and slill huer housed other businesses, 1 never minded going with mama lo sec M rs, Crolls bccuuse she ulwuys lold Annie (her slep-duughter) and me lo go oul on the front steps und she would bring us somelhing lo eul. A s I've suid before, times huve chungcd. Buck when 1 graduated from high school, people in general did nol give expensive gills, I sort o f suggested lo m y Unclc Walker Slroud thal it would be nice to huve n ciir, 1 think hc nctunlly would huve given me one bul he suid, "I'm afraid you'd go oul and get yourself killed,” I remember that he always drpve u Dodge. He didn’t wnnt uny olher kind. A l thnt time, Spunlsh shuwls were in style for dress occuisions. M y brolher. Frank, gave me one for graduation und I wus proud o f it, I think il cost $5, und thal was a lol o f money in 19 2 9 ,1 think 1 still have that shawl somewhere. We were hnppy with whnlcver wc had back then, I remember some years later when a cousin got married, her parents gave her a c¡lr for a wedding present und they ulso guve her 16-yeiir-old sister n cur, so she w ouldn’t feel left out, I Ihink discipline was dilTerent in Ihose days. If 1 were told lo do something I didn't w¡ml lo do and 1 said, “ W hy?” , somelimes the anwswer would be “ bccause I said so,” End of conversation. We normally didn’l question whal wc were lold to do. . Леаяп Ro w a n R e g io n a l MHDICAI, CliNTUR November Classes & Events Community Programs Diabetes Screening— $ 15 fee All individu.il consullnlion with a certified diabetes educator. Panicipnnls gel a fingci'slick blood glucose tesl nnd are assessed on their risks for developing diabetes. This scirening is by appoint­ ment only. Screenings ai'e lield nli Education 8( Wellness Outpatient Sci-vices liuilding, 721 Grove St., Salisbuiy. Call (704J 638-1437 for an appQlntmenlpr fgim ore inloTO Educational Programs Comprelienslye Ptabetes Classes Small group ciasscs and individual instniction are offered on n weekly basis . to lielp master ihe skills and concepts lor the control of diabetes. Tliese classes have a fee, which is covered by most Insurance plans. All classes are held at the Salisbury C ity Park Recmation Center, .116 Lik e Drive in Salisbury. Dlal>clcs classes will be offered on llic following dates, anti yo u must attend all (lircc sessions! Novem ber 11, 18 and 25 • 9 -11 a.m. Call (704) 6^1437 for niore iriformgion. Gestational Diabetes Classes A certified diabetes educator provides a special program for expectant molhers with gc-stational diabelcs. Tlic program includes basic facts, meal planning and home blood glucose monitoring. Tliese ciasscs have a fee, which Is covered by most insurance plans. Ceslational diabelcs classes will be offered on the following dales; attend Ihc dale o f your choicc. Novem ber 13 or 20 • 9-11 a.m., Rowan Regional Education & Wellness Oulpalient Services liuilding, 7 2 1 Grove St., Salisbuiy. Call (704) 638-1437 for more information. Look Good, Better All American Cancer Society program lhal teaches cancer patients lechnkiues lo address the cosmelic side effects of irealment. Call (704) 278-0992 lor an appoinlment or for more inlormation. Support Groups ADHD Support Group Provides support and educalion for parents of cliildien with Attention Delicit Hyperactivity Disorder. November 25 • 6:.S0 p.m ., Salisbuiy^ Pediatric Associates, 129 Woodson St., Salisbuiy. Call (70 4 ) 6 3 6 -5 5 76 lor more inlamation. AWAKE (Alcrl, Well And KccpinK Rnergelic) Provides a socinl nnd educational fonini lor anyone with a sleeping disorder. Call Ihe Sleep Medicine Center ol Salisbury al (70 4 ) 6 3 7-15 3 3 lor meeling inlormation. Support Groups Com Better Breaihlng Club Offci-s membei's and guests the opportu­ nity lo lenrn about breathing disorders. Novem ber 12 • I p.m ., Rufty-Holmes Senior Cenicr, 1120 S. lioundary St., Salisbury. Call (70 4 ) 2 1 0 5 3 4 3 fa more inlOTrnatm Cannae Support Group Provides support and cducalion for cardiac patients, people who are at high risk for heart disease and their families. I Tills group meets the third Tuesday of 1 the month during Fcbniary, June and October • 7 p.m .. Cardiac Rehabilitalion 8< Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Office liuilding, Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Call (7(M ) 2 1 0 5 4 1 2 (or m a e infarnation, Colon Cancer Support Groiqi Offers support and education for people with colon canccr and colon cancer survivors. Novem ber 18 • 7 p.m ., Library nt St.Johns fj.itheran Churcli,200 W Innes St., Salisbury. Call (7(M ) 6 3 7-10 9 3 fa m a é infamallon. Coping wHii Grief Support Group Provides support for those dealing with the loss of a ioved one. Sponsored by Rowan Regional f-lomc f-lcalth Ht Hospice. D ay and evening support groups ate available. Call (70 4 ) £ 0 7-76 4 5 for m ae inlarna|ion. Epilepsy Support Gioup Provides support and educnlion for people with epilepsy nnd iheir families. Novem ber 11 • 7 p.m ., Pirst Baptist Church, 223 N . I'ullon St., Salisbury. C alf(70 4) .638-8664 la m a e infamation. Prostate Cancer Support Group OffeiT; support and educalion for people with prostate canccr and prostate canccr sui"vivoi-s, Novciiilxir 1 .S • 5:30 p.m ., Lirgc Gonference Room, Rowan Regional Mcdical Genter. Call (70 4 ) 6 3 » 0 9 4 2 a (70 4 ) 2 1 0 5 1 0 4 fa more infamation,...................................................... RSDSA Support Group (Reflex Synipaihetic Dysirnphy Syndrome Association) Offei-s support and education for people with Reflex Synipathctic IDystropliy Syndrome, a chronic neurological disease marked by constant pain. Novem ber 10 • 7 p.m .. Administrative Conference Room , Rowan Regional Medicnl Genter. Call (70 4 ) 6 3 0 0 3 6 5 for m a e infamation. Welgftt Loss Support Group Provides support and education for people who iiave had or are contemplat­ ing having gastric bypass surgeiy as a Wliy lo lose weight, Novem ber 13*7 p.m ., Womens Health Genter, .Ird lloor, Rowan Regional , Medicnl Center Call (70 4 ) 6 3 7-8 6 18 for m a e inlormation. Women’s Health All classes meet in the Women's i-leallh Genter, 3rd lloor, Rowan Regional Medical Genter. Call (70 4 ) 2 1 0 5 5 4 4 to register or lor more inlormation. Big Bratiier/Big Sister Siijlings, too, have to adjust lo a new role when the bafiy anives. This class helps prepare them for the amval of a new brother or sister. It Includes a lour of the maternity cenler and a visit to our new­ born nureciy.Noyem beL] la n a ze Preparad ChM M rth and Baliy Basics Leam what lo expect during labor, birth and postpartum periods, coping skills/ relaxation nnd breathing techniques, and preparing for childbirth. Taught by our Limazc-certified childbirth educators. Ciasscs meet once a week for six weeks, and a class fee Is chargcd. Lam aze classes will be offered on (he following dates: November 10 - December 15 • 6- 8:30p.m. ’"November 18 • December 16 • 6 • 8:30 p.m. ’"five-week series Getting Reac^ for Baby PrB-AdmissJon Class TTiis class prepares new parents for what lo cxpect prior to deliveiy. Learn the signs of pre-lemi labor/ know when to come to the hospital; and review important policy and registration infonnation. Classes are offeix'd every Tuesday at 3 p.m. New motheis need to sign up for the one-time class between the 22nd and 28th week of their pregnancy. Tliere is no charge for the class, but space is limited. Eveiy 3rd Wednesday of the month, this class will be offered in Spanish. Blood Pressure Clinic Every Wednesday from 9 n.m. • noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held in tlic mnin lobby of Rowan Regional Mcdical Center. Vokintccr nurses conduct the clinic. I t c c pnrking is provided in the medicnl center's parking garage on Henderson Street. Nurse - On - Duty For routine, non-emcrgcncy mcdical prablcms or for answers to your medicnl r]ueslions, call Nui'se-On-Duty 24 hours a day, seven clays a week. It's free. 1-800-33&4921 iitm sj Rl C.li )NAIMi I и Л1 I i> П к Rowan. Regional I\/ledical C enter offers a variety of health and w ellness education classes. For m ore information or to register for any classes or support groups, call (704) 210-5000 6 1 2 M o c k s v iU e A v e n u e , S a lis b u r y , N o rth C a r o lin a 2 8 1 4 4 w w w .r o w a n .o r g 4 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 State Seeking Death Penalty Against Davie M urder Suspect Conlinuud From Pngel After Hawkins body wns re­ covered buried in Hendrix's backyard, an autopsy report showed he had been shot in the head with a small calibcr gun at closc range m orc than six monlhs earlier. According to Brown an ag­ gravating factor in the crime is lhat it was conducted for mon­ etary gain. Brown said the state contends before and after the dealh ofthe victim Hendrix ob­ tained access to settlement checks that belonged to Hawkins. Prosecutors have requested a handw riting sample from 1 lendrix to help prove Ihe aggra­ vated circumstancc. In Ocl. 2002 a domestic vio­ lence protection order was is­ sued instructing Hendrix to have no more contact with Hawkins. Hendrix is charged with one count first degree murder, His case hns been continued until January 2004. Brent Hunter and his mother present the Northwest Piedm ont Council of Govern­ ments G rady Hunter Excellence Award to Vernon Thompson of Mocksville, with council chair Chris Jones on the right. Vernon Thom pson R eceives R egion H um anitarian A w ard $8.8 Million School Bond Gets Overwhelming Support Of Voters M o cksvillc T o w n Board m em ber Vernon Thom pson received the G ra d y Hunter E,xcclle nce A w a rd for Ini- maiiitarian behavior from the Northw est Piedm ont Council o f Govcnm ient.s at its meet­ ing O c t. 21 at W alnut H u ll, Tanglew ood Purk, T lic award Is nam ed after form er hoard m em ber G rady H u n le r o f Y a d k in C o u n ty , w ho was involved as a vol­ unteer and served on eom m it- tces to help re,sidents. The aw ard was established in 2001. A m em ber o f the M ocks­ ville To w n B oard, Tliom pson is its representative to the council, which is composed o f D a v ie , Fo rs y th , Stokes, Surry and Yadkin counties. A fte r a b rie f m e e tin g . Care Center’s 1 H o u r Miissage (Uc«.$55) N ow $27.50 European Facial (Rcs.$45) Now $22.50 H o t O il M anicure CRt».$20) N ow $10.00 lip o r Brow W axing (Reg. $9) N ow $4.50 A piiolntm ent R ecoim neiuled i:\pin.-s 12/ltvi).< • «Wlfvl“) IVII;i Miil .SUin ( iiif C iim r, MIILstl:ilc l’u>(‘ liulc (Ix'tiiiul C jtgi>) Flyers • Raffle Tickets • Brochures • Programs l^ibcts ■ Custom Scir-lnking Stamps Invitations • Political &. Campalun Needs Slfins • Advcrtlslnu Spcclaltlcs • Page Layout & Design Vchiclc Magnets • Sports Magnets / Fast T urn-around ^ Q uality Printing & Typesetting y Service you can count on i / Experienced Personnel ^Contact: Dan Campbell or Angle rrancc s im p ly email, fax or call, . . acUonprinU®yadlcl.nct fx 336/ G TM 'IO O ph. 3 3 6 / 67 9.4 44 7 Yadklnvllle, N C Smith Grove V o lu n te e r F ire D e p a r tm e n t Now Taking Orders for Christinas ir '/ S '/ è é йГ è ЙГ k BBQ S houlders includes Slaw & Dip Orders Must Be Picked Up Wednesday, Dec. 24 by 9am To Place Order Please Call: Fire Station............................998-3484 Junior Smith..........................940-2861 Don Howard...........................998-3479 Robert Bailey........................998-8140 By Wednesday/ Dec. 1 7 Chris Jones, chair, called on Brent Hunter lo introduce his father’s fam ily. Then Thom pson accepted the award from Hunter, and thanked fellow board m em ­ bers for tiieir confidencc in him . H e also told o f m em o­ ries o f M r, Hunter. Tliom pson then rccognizcd his fam ily and M o c ksville and D a vie ofncials ut the meeting. Continued From Page 1 doesn’t fulfdl nil needs, Owens said. “ There are more needs oul there. There are more pieces to this puzzle." He praised the work o f fel­ low education board members and counly commissioners for putting the issue to the voters, to the c itize n ’s grou p , tho chamber o f conimerce, P T A s. A lth o u g h a larger bond failed lasl spring ihnt would also have provided for a new high school, the effort then educated the public on the el- i n d i v i d u a l l y Y o u , I n c , Announcing New Evening Hours M on. 9-3, Tues.-Thurs. 9-7, Fri. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-3 W alk-Ins W elcom e t Spice Up Your Color for the Holidays!^ , $ i a o o ' o 7 F ! any color or highlightI I FULLSERVICE R ED K EN with coupon expires 12^1/03 j Latest Trends In Cutting Styling* Color Perms • Pedicures Manicures • Waxing Acrylic NbIIb • Facials 6311-G Stadium Drive Clemmons (beside к-мап) 766-4474 766-8047 Joe Byrd U.S. Congress 5th D istrict R e p u b lic a n C O S T C O M P A R IS O N Pres. Drug Cost Cost Dosage, Qty. in U S in Canada Celebrex, 100 mg, 60 $77.15 $33.75 Prozac. 20 mg, 45 $ 105.64 $43.00 Zocor, 80 mg, 30 $101.82 $60.00 Zoloft, 50 mg, 30 $62.00 $31,00 JO E B YRD is the only Fifth Di.strict candidate who support.s legislation to allow Americans to buy FDA approved prescription drugs from anywhere in the world! _____________P aid for by the cantjldate r Announcing the Opening of ^ ^ r d in a l J Ä L Jennets 809 C edar C reek Road M ocksville....Farm ington Area Boarding for Dogs & Cats Doggie Day Care 15 Indoor / Outdoor Runs for Dogs Climate Controlled Runs Exercise Area for Dogs Security Monitored Now Open Monday - Saturday Sunday Pick-ups Available 9 9 8 -9 3 9 5 Open House Saturday Door Prizes & Refreshments November 8 • l-4pm ementary school needs, Owens said. “ TIum k you to the people of the county for stepping to the plale and doing what's right for the childrcn.” The bond passed 3,317 to 1,646, and was approved in all 14 ofthe county's precincts; 95 lo 58 in North Calahain, 127 to 73 in Soulh Calahain, 198 lo 132 in Clarksville, 216 to 115 in Cooleem ee, 285 lo 137 in Fa rm in g to n . 140 to 70 in Fulton, 183 to 97 in Jerusalem, 229 to 103 in North Mocksville C ity , 289 to 132 in South Mocksville, 197 to 145 in East Shady Grove, 161 to 90 in West Shady G ro ve , 299 to 146 in Sm ilh Cirove, 515 lo 162 in Hillsdale, and 168 lo 89 in North Mocksville County. A b ­ sentee voters favored the bond 202 lo 95 and precinct trans­ fers were in favor 13 to 2. Nancy Marshall Wins Seat On Bermuda Run Board Continued From Page I those who voted for me the sec­ ond tim e a ro u n d ," said Ferguson. First elected to lead Ber­ muda Run in 1999, the 65-year- old Ferguson said he plans to carry on and continue with the importani i.ssues for Ihc town. Ferguson’s first lerm was mnrked by the public sewer de­ velopm ent und construction plun. He has said he will now fo­ cus on the remaining 200 lols wilhout public sewer. Nancy Marshall was elected by a 20 perceni margin over in­ cumbent Charles Whitman for the seal of Dislricl III council member. Three o f the five member seals were up for grabs Ihis pasl election duy but only Whilman’s seal was conlesled. Dislricl I’s Ted Tilsworth und Dislricl IV 's A l Barnell each ran unconlested. H o w a r d O n G o v O p s C o m m i t t e e Rep. Julia C . How ard has been appointed to the Joint Le gislative Com m ission on Governmnnlal Operations. “ While wc ure in this interim period, il is important to ensure lhat Ihe General A.'isembly is .still engaged in the operation of.siale govemmenl," Howard said. The commission, referred lo as "Gov Ops", is responsible fot examining wliclhcr previ-ous policies and approprtaUons resulted in expected program benefils. Il also reviews agency expendiliires and activities. r< í_ íí. Cherry Curio Cabinet 6 Foot High Only M 4 9 New Framed Artwork A s s o rte d sizes to fit every d e co r from $17.99 - ready to hang W illiam s Furniture 279-A N. M ain Sl. • Mock.svillc • 336-751-4893 Hr.s. W ed .-I'ri. 10;ini-5pm All Major Credit Cards. We finance. I f a l l y o u w a n t f i x ) m c h u r o i i s h e l l , i i r e a n d b r i m s t o n e , b u r n t h i s a d . The EpLscopal Church, of the Asccnsion Welcomes You WorshiiiSen'Um: OMii.iii Л ll:IX)n.m. SwuhySchiwI lO.Wiuii. 183 Fork-Hixby Koad • Advancc, N C 27(Юй • 336.998.0857 \vw\v,a.scenslon-fork,org District Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 - 5 Tlic followhii; cases were heard in Davie Dislricl Court Ocl. .10. Prc- siiling: Judge L. Dale Graham. Pros­ cculing; Wemty Terry mul Kevin Beale, Assislmil DAs. - Joseph R. Adams, DWl, sen­ tenced lo 30 days in jail, suspeuded 2 years, ,$100, cosl, surrender li- cense, not operiite a vehicle until licensed, .substance abuse a.ssess- ment/irBalmcnl, remain ofgood tie- havior, not possess any controlled subslanccs, in lieu of communily service, no operale vehicle for 30 days; driving after consuming un­ der 2 1, misdemeanor possession of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed per plea. - Cyrano Allison, unauthorized use of vehicle, dismissed per re­ quest of prosecuting wilness. - Roberl V. Alonzo, speeding 73 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $50, cosl. - Meagan D. Andrade, worthless chcck, disniis.sed/civil .selllenienl. - Mary H. Angell, simple assault, dismissed por request of prosecut­ ing witness. - Phillip M. Angell, worthless check, dismissed/civil seltlemenl. - Robin T. Bares Jr., injury to personal properly, senlenced lo .10 (lays in jail, suspended 18 months, cost, no contact with victims, $400 reslitution, $390 attorney fee, $50; communicating threats, dismissed per plea. - Corey S. Beavers, DWI, sen­ tenced lo 30 days in jail, suspended two yenrs, $100, cosl, 24 hours community scrvice wilhin 60 days, nol to operate a motor vehicle until licensed by Department of Molor Vehicle.s, surrender license, sub­ stance abu.se assessment/lrealmeni; failure lodim headlights, disniissed per plea. - Wilma E . Bobbin, simple worthless checks, dismissed per civil .seulement. - Wendy J. Boger, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil selllement. - Kalie Brewster, simple worth­ less checks, disniissed per civil settlement. - Barbara Brown, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Linda K. Brown, DW I, sen­ lenced to nine monlhs In Jail, sus­ pended two years, $400, cost, sub­ stance abuse asscssnient/trealmenl, surrender llccnse, not to operale a motor vehicle until licensed by De- , partmeni of Molor Vehicles, not lo possess any conlrolled substances, submit to warrantless searches and random screens: unsafe movement, disniissed per plea. - Karen Chappell, simple worth­ less check, disniissed per civil selllement, - Rodney D. Chunn, simple worthless chcck, disniissed per civil settlement. - Heather G. Cline, simple worthless check, disniissed perclvil selllement. - Joshua C. Coker, reckless driv­ ing to endanger, prohibited use of electronic, and improper passing, dismissed per failure of proscculing wilness lo appear. - Nicole L. Coursey, breaking, entering, felony larceny, and pos­ session of slolen goods, bond unse­ cured al $50,000, have no conlaci wilh proseculing wilness, follow recommendations of pre-trial re­ lease, - Jay P. Eckman, speeding 80 lu a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl; failure to weardriv- ers seal bell, dismissed per plea. - Tasmin M. Edgerlon, simple worthless checks, dismissed, wrong person charged. - Richard E, Evans, driving while license revoked, dismissed per correction. - Katherine P. Ferrell, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $50, cost. • Donald Frost, assault on a fe­ male, domestic criminal trespass­ ing, simple worthless check, domes­ tic violence prolcclive order viola­ tion, disniissed per civi! selllenienl. - Timolhy A. Olidden, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia and pos­ session of marijuana up to half ounce, dismi.s.sed per compliance, contraband ordered deslroycd. - Steven E. Hepler, DWI, sen­ lenced to45 days in jail, suspended two years, $100, cosl, 24 hours community service wilhin 60 days, nol lo operale a motor vehicle unlil licensed by Deparimeni of Motor Vehicles, surrender license, sub­ stance abuse assessnienl/lrealnieni; speeding and open container afler consuming alcohol, disniissed per plea. -Terry D. Houjie, misdemeanor larceny, senlenced to 30 days in jail, suspended six months, $25, cosl, nol lo violate any laws; no opera­ tors license and ficlitiou.s/con- cealed/revoked registration card, dismissed per correclion. - Steve R. Howell, assnull by pointing a gun and simple assault, dismissed per reqiiesl of prosecut­ ing wilness. - Cimly 0. James, simple worth­ less chcck, dismissed per civil .selllenienl. - Melanie L. Knox, worthless chcck on closed account, dismissed perclvil seulement. - Shannon S. Lambelh, unsafe niovcmenl, dismissed per civil seltlemenl. - Kenneth C. Link, fnilure to slop for slopped school bus, prayer for judgeiiient continued on cosl. - OliverT. Luna, larccny of cable lelevision. sentenced lo .10 days in jail, suspended 10 monlhs, cosl, $.106.07 restitution, SI.10 allorney fee, $50. - Arnold W. Mann. DWI. sen­ tenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended Iwo years, $100, cost, nol lo oper­ ale a motor vehicle until licensed by Deparimeni of Molor Vehicle, sur­ render license, |00 credit in lieu of communily scrvice; open conlainer after consuming alcohol, dismissed per plea. - Scoll R. Maxwell, misde­ meanor probation violalion, sen­ tenced lo45 days in jail, credit for 31 days served. - Felton L. Mayfield, misde­ meanor probation violalion, sen­ tenced to 150 days in jail, credit for 10 days served, attend D AR T pro­ gram; drjvlng wilh license revoked expired .Inspection slicker, driving wilh license revoked, llclilious/con- cealed/revoked regislraiion card/ tag, and false imprisonment, dis­ missed per plea; assault on a female, senlenced lo 75 days in jail. -Sonio P. ProscrpI, speeding 82 in a 70, reduced to improper eiiuip­ ment, $ 10. cosl; driving wilh license revoked, disniissed per correclion. - Kimberly Randall, simple worthless checks, dismissed per failure of proseculing witness to appear. - Luis A. Salgado, driving wilh license revoked, possession/display of allered/ncliliou.s/revoked drivers license, dismissed per pleu; exceed­ ing safe speed, cosl. - Michael Shell, simple worth­ less checks, disniissed per civil seltlemenl. - Brian R. Smilh, false impris­ onment and assault on a female, dis­ missed per plea; assault by point­ ing a gun, sentenced lo 60 days in jail, suspended one year, $ 100, cosl, nol lo possess uny firearms, com­ pete counseling wilh Cenlerpoiiitc, nol lo assaull/liarass/ihreaten pros­ eculing wilness; couiniunicaling threats, dismissed per plea. - Chrislie R. Snyder, simple worthless check, dismissed per civil sylilemenl. - Elaine Spry, simple worthless check, dismi.s,sed per civil sellle- menl. - Alice B. Stevenson, domestic criminal trespassing, disniissed per request of proseculing witness. - Burlie L. Stevenson, commu- nicaling Ihrcals, dismissed per re­ quest of prosecuting wilness. - David Sirancy, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil selllenienl. - Amber D. Williams, speeding 88 in a 70, prayer for judgemenl conlinued on cost. - Jessie L . Simpkins, unsupcr- vised probation violation, senlenced lo nine days in jail, crcdit for nine days served. Fnllcd Tu Appear - Daniel D . Berry, worthless check. - Paula M . Klndley, misde­ meanor larceny. - Dwight D. McClure, reckless driving lo endanger, hil/run leaving scene of properly damage. S p e c ia l o£ th e W ee k M NEl “ Good Fo od tfe Good Service ” IM Saturday, November 8 Live Gospel Music 5-8pm L a n c e Honeybuns & Cakes e a . Lim it 8 W hile Supplies Last BLUM ’S Farmers & Planters Almanac Available Now! for 2004 I'o r ;«i4‘nl iM lo i'in iiliiin on (1п1цч «ü lii'ìillti p ro l)li-m s , Ц(1 It) NN « \\.Г(»Ч11Т (1П 1Ц1(1.1.1)П1 R egu lar H ours: M -F 8 :3 0 -8 • S a t B ;30 -4 • S u n V .3 0 -5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • M ocksville • (336) 75 1-2 14 1 w w w. fOS t er (I r iigco.coin T O T A L L Y C O iV IM IT T E D T O T O T A L H E A L T H C A R E C O M P A SSIO N A N D C A R E T H A T ’S C L O SE TO Y O U R H EART. FROM A PLACE THAT’S CLOSE TO YOUR HOME. (htr Ct'sdumtr is tlx fnsifst, iiimr iirfiiriiir imujiiiijt ifditiuloiiynvitiliil'lf aiiwlvn'. Ли luiviiucùl iwiv dijiihil iiiufjiii{iisyuon ,vunr i<iifíi»rí.»iíí Г1>тч'М»'|>нп/ Л'-mvjfiìUfr, too. Thf iirir phyiifiil n'hiihilitiitiiiii centfr l/iis iißyin iliedfiailly dfiißiitd 1ч inrri сЫЫпи 's ufftii. <Jiir 4'fííi) thrriìj'iuf h(¡]> iinprm- iiiin»iiiniailii'n,«'!'( nril/ZllIfinn. ill lldll/li lililí ilii/ilirii lllllf. Oiilpiilifiif siiriifiyßu ihlifs III thf MfdinU l'itrk iiu hulf nrn upfniliiij! siiiía, II rffüVfry íUiii for pmifiu vUirryitthn, mili éi (umfnrhililf IIII IIIIII lohliy Jor pillimi fnmily ттФеп. A t Row an Regional Mcdical I’ ai k, yo u ’ll find the same kind o f compassion, conim itm cm nml world-class carc you’ve come to c.vpect from Row an Regional Mcdical Center. Hut il’s all in a place that yo u ’ll find closer to hom e and more convenient: Julian lU m l just otV 1-85 near Jake Alexander Boulevard. Nauirally, there’ s m uch m ore to the M edical Fark than convenience. It's actually tw o state-of-the-art facilities; the spacious, sophisticated O utpatient Surgery Centcr and the new Im aging and Physical Rehabilitation Center. The latter houses an adi’anccd digital imaging system that helps your doctors develop better diagtio.ses - and treatments - faster, It also includes more than 7,00 0 square leet for physical, occupational, and .speech therapy. A n d ofcotir.se, backing all this are the doctors, nur.ses, therapists and other professionals w ho help make Row an Regional one o flh e premier medical centers in N o rth Carolina. O u r patients hai'c always been clo.se to our hearts. N o w , it’s great to he close to their homes. Fo r m ore inform ation, call or visit us on the W eb. Vh- iiiuyiiHfl I'fiiifr iijfiri foiirtiiiriii dii{im>4ifs, iiidiuliiij) tlllllllllU'UnipilY, II ('Tsoilinrr lililí siHlll/lllllfllllS vini'innilf X-ftlY itllHllft III llllllliplf IlKlllioilf, II Jtru for ЛнП’ЛН Соншу. IKdipiiiiounl йнгпру iiiipivmii piiiifiil’siiivi muí liniití ^Uiiflimi nini ii/'(7úv tu prtfurili i«irimi/ «{«iVitl'ci. ¡U ihort, lite ilifiiipy hfipi iiiipruvf liivs imiiiftuuriibfy. (7()‘i)2I0-5000 _ ~ ' ii’ii’ii’.coii’/iw.ura R o w A N R e g i o n a l M edical I^auk В: m cl til ri E IV N 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 Public Records The Davie Counly ShcrilTs De- piinmcm nwile the following iirresis'. -Uarry Gene Rivers. .1«. o fl 2« Molnian St.. Mocksville was arresled Ocl. 2-1 for failure lo appear. Trial dale; Nov. IK in Robeson Counly. ■ Selh Edwin Seaford, 19, of 121 Ruinlree Road, Advance was ar­ resled Ocl. 24 for DWI, provisional licensee, and posse.ssion by a 19 year old. Trial dale: Nov. 21. • Timolhy Dean Andrews, .IS, of 1123 Gladslone Road. Mocksvilie wiLS arrested Ocl. 2.5 fordriving wilh license revoked, I'ictilious lag. no insurance, and left of ccnler. Trial dale; Nov. 20. ■ Eric Sleven Whitaker. .11. of 220f) U.S. LiS. Mocksvillc was ar­ resled Ocl. 26 for possession of a coniroiled subsuuice on jnil pro­ mises. Trial date; Nov. 6. - Jimmy Thomas Russell, .10, of Winslon-Salcm was arrested Ocl. 27 for second degree trespassing. Trial dale: Nov. 1.1. - Ronald Jason Shcrrcll, 2.1, of Harmony was arresled Ocl. 28 for failure lo appear. Trial dale; Nov. .1. - Lauren Eli/abeth Pcddycord, 20. of'IO.'i Nortliwoo<l Coun. Mocks­ villc was arresled Ocl. 28 for pos­ session of marijuana and drug para­ phernalia. Trial dale; Nov. 20. - Sumuel Deall James, 2.1, of 405 Northwood Court, Mocksviile was nrrestcd Oct. 28 for simple posses­ sion of schedule VI and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial dale: Nov. 20. - Dcrcck Thomas Daniel, 42, of 194 Hillon Road, Advancc was ar­ rested Oct. 28 for failure to appear. Trinl dale; Nov. 14 in Slokcs County. • - Jose Carachure Garcia, 19, Hannony, arrested Oct. 29 for .as­ sault on a female. Trial dale: Nov. 6. - Leo Andrey Saann, 26, of 236 Gilbert Road, Mocksvilie was nr­ restcd Ocl. 29 for second degree. trespnssing. Trinl dnle; Oct. 30. - Jermaine Sturdivant, 28, of 776 Bear Creek Church Road, Mock.s­ ville was arrested Ocl. 30 for do­ mestic criminal trespassing. Trial date: Nov. 13. - Raymond McBride. 62. of 1014 Wyo Road, Mocksviile was arresled Oct. 31 for felony conversion. Trial dale: Nov. 6. - Leticia Chalmun Slale, 25, of Walniil Cove was arrested Oct. 31 for inloxicntion, disruption, resist­ ing, obslrucling, and delaying. Trial dale; Dec. II. - Joseph Andrew Spillman Sr., 65, of 1323 Junction Ro.nd, Mocks­ villc wns arresled Nov. I for ullow­ ing livestock lo run ul large. Triul dnle; Dcc. 4. - Tlioinasina Jones, 31, of 139 Fairfield Road, Mocksviile was ar­ rested Nov. 2 for driving wilh li­ cense revoked luid child restraint violalion. Trinl date; Dec, 19. - Erik John Bauer, 37, of Kernersville, urrcslcd Nov. 2 for possession of murijuann. Trial dute; Dec. 18. - Robert Chrislopher Wagner, 35, of 329 Beauchamp Road, Ad­ vance. urresled Nov. 2 for driving wilh license revoked und fictitious regislialion, Trinl dnte; Dcc. 19. Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported to the Mocksviile I’olicc Depnrtment. - The lurceny of four pumpkins from Ihe porch of n residence on Birchwood Lnne wus reported Ocl. 27, - Someone drove uwuy without paying for $34 worlh of gasoline from B's, Yndkinville Road, il wns reported Ocl. 28. - The lurccny of a distribution switch nnd two radio-conlrollcd Corvettes from Radio Shuck, Yndkinville Road, was reported Ocl. 29 - A trespasser wns reported nl Dollar General, U.S. 601 South, on Ocl. 29. - A man reported Ocl. 29 he wus assaulted ul u slore on Sulisbury Street. - A vchicle wns dnmagcd while parked ul Soulh Duvie Middle School, il was reporlcd Ocl. 31. - The larccny of a pockctbook from a shopping curt nl n business off Yndkinville Roud was reported Nov. I. • A Winslon-Salem teen reported Nov. I he wus Ihreulcned in the Northridge Court parking lol. - A Railroad Strcel imin reported Nov. I someone threnlened to kill him nl Foster and Walnul sirecls. • Someone drove away without paying for $26 worth of gasoline al Fast Track, Yadkinville Rond, il was reported Nov. 2. Arrcsl.i - Bradford Kenneth Johnson, 45, of 125 Doe Trail, was chargcd Nov. 2 with DWI, driving while license revoked und driving lefl of center. Triul dale: Nov. 21. TriifTlc Accldcnis - A Iruck making n wide right tum collided with another vchicle at Depot nnd Sulisbury Streets ut 2 p.m. Ocl. 27. John Lester Ijames, 69, of 361 Parker Road, was making Ihe wide turn In Ihe truck when a 1990 Dodge, driven by Fezipa Chora Vnlenlin, 28, of 145 Clnirmonl Lane, attempted to reach the inter­ section lo Ihe right, reported Officer E.M. Parker. - Kennelh Rny Sanford, 35, of 192 Nancy Easter Loop, wns driv­ ing a 1997 Pontiac on Soulh Salisbury Street nl 12;45 a.m.-Oct. 30 when a deer run into Ihc side of Ihe vchlcic, reported Officer J.D. Finney. - A Mocksviile womun was charged wiih failure lo reducc speed ufter a wreck on North Main Street nt 7:30 a.m. Oct. .30. Ereniu Morales Romero, 24, of 932 Hurdison St., fuilcd lo slop Ihe 1993 Nissan .she was driving before it struck the reur of n 2002 Ford driven by Phyllis Renee Hudspeth, 38, of 126 Edison St., reported Of­ ficer N.L. Turrentine. - The mirrors lo Iwo trucks - driven by Tobias Vondale Monroe, 36, of Bellhaveii, Flu., und an un­ known driver - siruck us they pnssed cuch other ul Ihc ruilroud overpass on Le.xinglon Road al 1:01 p.m. Ocl. 30, reported Officcr R.A. Donalhan. - Two vehicles collided on Yndkinville Road nl 3:45 p.m, Ocl. 30. Li.sn Dianne Sleeie, 38, of 185 Lois Lune, was driving a 1989 Mer­ cury from the Farm Bureau drive­ way, and Sleven Kent Saunders Jr., 23, of Yadkinville, was driving n 1988 Nissnn from Yndkinville Rond to Ihe drivewny when Ihe two col­ lided, reported Officcr E.M. Parker. Sheriff s Department The following incidents were reported to the Davie Sheriffs Depl. • On Ocl. 23 Kennelh Bracken reported a loolbo,x was removed from a parking lol ofthe McDonauls in Hillsdale. • Dcbble Snyder reported hnruss- Ing phone culls al a residence on Brier Creek Road, Advance on Ocl. 27. - On Ocl, 28 Tommy Easl re­ porlcd shcels of prefab wnll.s were damaged nl a construction .site in Dnvie. • Helen Bustle reported cash and chccks svcfc a'lnoved from n class­ room nt Davie High on Oct. 28. ■ On Oct. 29 Jan Wrighl reponed a cur w'indow was dnmagcd nt a resi­ dence on Pleasant Acre Drive, Mocksviile. - Clifford Nush reported a mail- bo.x wus daniiigcd al a home on U.S. 64 Easl, Mocksviile on Oct. 29. - On Ocl, 29 Rodney Leonard reporlcd u plustic bo.x und lid were removed from u locaiion on Dulin Road, Mock.svillc. - Troy Spear reported a lock was damaged on un outbuilding on Everhurt Road, Mocksvillc on Ocl. 30. - On Ocl. 30 Ronald Onntt re­ ported cash wa.s removed from n residence on Lonelree Drive, Mocksvillc. - Tonyu Runncy reported an as- saull al n home on N.C. 801 South, Mocksvillc on Oct. 31. - Jason Sapp reported money was removed from u home on Fullon Road, Advance on Oct. 31. • On Ocl. 31 Sherry Cnywood reported n golf bug nnd clubs were removed from n residence on Ber- mudn Run Drive, Advance. - Jason Slewart reported n .sign und -slund were removed from n lo­ cation on Howardtown Circle. Mocksvillc on Ocl. 31. - On Nov. I Thurman Foster re­ ported money was removed from a residence on Milling Road, Mocks­ viile. - Terri Neely reported a horse was running al large nt a locaiion on Delano's Way, Mocksvilie on Nov. 1. - On Nov. 1 Robert Lucns re­ ported a vchicle was dnmagcd al a residence on Essie Road, Mocks­ villc. - Steve Lnwson reported ciga­ rettes were removed from a business on U.S. 158, Advnnce on Nov. I, - On Nov. 1 Roborl Rowe re­ porlcd an air compressor wns re­ moved from n cnmpground on Thousnnd Trulls Drive, Advnnce. - Roger Stockner reported vinyl siding wus damaged al a home on Sain Rond. Mocksviile on Nov. I. - On Nov. I Shnnnon Hartncss reporlcd a television and DVD player were removed from a home on Ridge Rond, Mocksvillc. - Jean Onitlicr reported jewelry nnd a paycheck were removed from a home on County Line Road, Mocksviile on Nov. 2. - On Nov. 2 Mark Cruse reported a bike wns removed from a home on Calvin Lane, Mocksviile. • Kathy Cook reported a bicycle was removed from n home on Hobson Drive, Mocksvilie on Nov. 2, - On Nov. 2 Anron York reporlcd fishing rods und reels were removed from n home on Berts Wny, Ad­ vance. - Sherry Crouse reported n bl- cyclc wns removed from a yard on Hobson Drive, Mocksvillc on Nov. 2. - On Nov. 2 Mabel Ebrlght re­ ported a wcedcnier, hedge Irimmer, nnd nir tank were removed from a home on Wall Wilson Road, Mocks­ viile. - Charles Hess reported credil cards, a knife, money, and a wullcl were removed from n home on Sincee Trull, Mocksvillc on Nov. 2. - On Nov. 2 Cnswell Booe re­ ported four wheelers dnmagcd crops t« tt Cttrm on Funcy Bollom Lune, Mocksville. Land Transfers The following lund trnnsfers were filed with Ihc Duvic Register of Deeds, listed by parties involved, acreage, township und deed stamps purchuscd, wilh $2 representing Sl.O(X). - Darren Burke Construction to James C. Winchester IV and Natalie B. Winchester. I lot, Farmington, $420. - Richard C. Shorl lo Duane Bnrncu and Nina Barnelt, 5.27 acres, $292. - Tim Beck and Kristy H. Beck lo Sleven R. Hillon and Kitty Hillon, 1.44 acrcs, Caluhuln. ■ Guy R. Bosi and Sandra Lynn Bosl lo Guy R. Bost. 2 tracts. • H&V Construction lo Thomas G. Parsley and Miranda D, Bntncycnslle. 1 lol, Mocksviile, $217. - Donnld Hursey nnd Katherine Hur.sey, Hnrvcy Linuel l lursey and Phyllis llursey, Priscilla Ann Morrison und Hill Morrison, nnd Gary William Hurscy to Noah Eu­ gene Best and Diane Best, 6 lots, Mocksvillc, $185. - Frances Johnston Allen to Joe Stanley Allen and Glynda Cranfill Allen, 1.14 acres, Fullon, - Frances Johnston Allen to Jw Stnnley Allen, I ucre, Fullon. - Wlllinin R. DeGrnw Jr., substi­ tute Iruslee lo RIcklunu, I lol, Mocksville. - Fruncis II. Bahnson III und I’amein B. Bahnson lo Pamela B. Bahnson, I lol. - The Provident Bunk lo David Howard Swain Jr., I lot, Fannlng- ton,$l49. - Robert B. Dwiggins Jr. und Renee B. Dwiggins lo McDanicI Investment Properlies, 4 lots, $114. - Debornh A. Spillmun and Roger P. Spillman lo Merrell Otis Hogue and Shawna S. W. Hogue, .34 acre, Jerusalem, $150. - Bennuda Village Retirement Center 10 Beatrice Mershon, I con­ dominium. Fnrmington, $279. • William A. Burnette lo Engle Developing Co., I lol, Fanninglon, $200. - Samuel F. Hartley by utlomey in fiicl, Mury J. Hunley nnd Mury J. Hartley lo Jacqueline H. Hall und Snmuel P. Hull, 1 Irncl, Mocksvillc. - Vcnniclerto Jeff Arnold Invest­ ments, 2 Irncis, Mocksvillc, $700. - Cnndnce Pule Spillman lo Roger Dale Spillman, 4.41 acrcs, Clarksville. - Bobby R. Wesl nnd Jerri R. West to Billy F. West und Pntly H. West, I lot. Jerusnlem. - James H. Carter Jr. nnd Burbara VV. Carter to Frunk B. Curler und Donna L. Curler, 1 lot. - Rundy L. Hanes to Jeffrey K. Potts and Angelu Michelle Potts, 2.85 acres, Clurksville, $42. - Michael Gruce, trustee of the Mnry T. McLaurin Esiate lo Toni Wrighl and Jonathan L. Wright, 1.5 ncres, $35. - Donuld Grny Angell, trustee of Ihe Brudy Lundrelh Angell Revo- cuble Trust, Donald Grny Angell and Robbie H. Angelll, Richard L. Angell nnd Carol K. Angell, and B. Dcnn Angell and Belly M. Angell to Thomas C. Harbin and Vickie H. Harbin, I lol, Mocksvilie, $.54. - Duvid Chrislopher Monroe and Shnron Fruncis Monroe lo Christo­ pher R. Brown nnd Surah E. Holmes, I lol, Farminglon, $274. - Jo Ann C. Cox to Danny M. Walker and Melissa N. Walker, .81 acre, Farminglon, $229. - Connie Y. Campbell lo Rodney Darrell Chunn, I lot, $96. - Kalhryn Wagner lo Donna Shahpa/.inn and Ricky Wagner, .5 acre, Jerusalem. - Viola W. Boggs lo Johnny Wnyne Boggs, 3 tracts, Funninglon. - William B. Hamel, sub.slitule Iruslee to Sterling National Mort­ gage Corp., 1 lol. $144. - Adnms Eglofr Avanl Properties und Salem Development Venture to Mulvaney Homes, 1 lol, Fanning­ lon, $217. - Eluine A. Kent und Robert Kent to Vidu Carter Allen, 9.61 acres, Fanninglon. - Richard Drew Tnyleor, trustee ofthe Rulh B. Tuylor Fumily Tru.st and Kichard DrewTuylor to Vidu C. Allen, I truci, Farmlnglon. Civil Lawsuits Fires Duvie County fire ileparlincnis responded lo Ihe following calls; Ocl. 27: Smith Grove, 3:25 p.m.. U.S. 158 East, automobile accident. Oct. 30: Mocksvilie, 7;.14 a.m.. N. Mnin Street, auiomobilc acci­ dcnl; Mocksviile, I0;57 a.m., Sanford Avenue, automobile ucci- dcni; Mocksviile, 4:14 p.m.. Mill Street, dumpster fire; Jerusalem, 4:41 p.m., Gludsione Roud, out­ building fire; Cooleemee nssislcd; Mocksville, 7:05 p.m., Yndkinville Road, smoke invesligalion: Will­ iam R. Davie assisted. Ocl. .11: Comatzer-Dulin, 2:45 p.m., Conialzer Roud, grass fire; Advance assisted. Nov. 1 : Shefricld-Cnlahaln, 3:33 p.m., Sheffield Road, tractor und field fire. Nov. 3! Fork, 8:27 a.m., J.R.'s Convenience Slore, callcd lo direct traffic. The following civil lawsuits were filed wilh Ihe Clerk of Courl. • Tummy Michelle Correll Horn vs. Duvid Bnidley Honi, child cus­ tody nnd support, posl-sepanition supporl, equitable distrihullon of murilul property. - Shirley Bryant and Freddie Bryant vs. Palsy Ewings and Sherisse Ewings, child custody and support. - Benjamin B. Hinckley Jr. by allorney in fact, Roberl M. Ste­ phenson Jr. vs. Renee M, Garwood und Ronnie Jonlnn. rcciucsl Ihul de­ fendants lie reslniined from access­ ing premises of or having conlncl with plulnlilT. Ihul defendunts be enjoined from receiving pnymenl for providing curc for plainlilf. - Holly Joan A. Despres vs. Wuyne A. Despres, uhsolule di­ vorce, lhal defendant hold plaintiff hnrniless for pnymenl of debts, re­ sume using maiden name. - Dnvie Social Services on be­ half of Sherry Y. Hakim vs. Ained Hakim, voluntary child supporl agreement. - North Carolina on behalf of Davie Social Services vs. Edwin L. Spomcr, voluntary child support. - Davie County vs. B&F Mnnu- fuciurlng, Moxvil Munufuciuring, E. Edward Vogler Jr. as inislce for Marguerite S. Fox Trusl, lien hold­ ers IRS, N.C, Baplisl Hospilal, Mutual Trimming Co. und All Sen- sons Luwn Cure, reijuest judgment for luxes owed, - Davle Counly vs. Azulcc Stockton. Levi Pruitt, Dolois Deese, Charles Wnyne Deese, Lonellc Pruitt and L& L Conslruclion, Phyllis Holland Pruitt, lien holders U.S. Employment Security Com­ mission, IRS, Davie Counly Healthcare, request judgment for tuxes owed. - Davle County vs. Lonell Pruitt and L& L Conslruclion, Phyllis Holland Pruitt, lienholders Davle County Heullhcure, USA Employ- tuent Security Commission, Irs, nnd E. Edwnrd Vogler Jr. us trustee for A-1 Mobile Home Snles nnd Ser­ vice, request judgment for tuxes owed. - Fcllclu Tnylor vs. David Craig Shaw, request defendant not assault, threaten or abuse plaintiff. - Dorolhy Jenn Thomas vs. Lloyd M. Thomns, absolute divorce. - Discover Bunk vs. Edwin B. Owens, request judgment, $4,530.07. - American General Finunciul Services of Amcrieu vs. Wnlter E, Ridenhour, request judgment. $9,108.59. • - Firsl Cilizens Bund & Trust Co. and First Citizens Bank National Association vs. Glendu Woodard, rc(|ucst recovery $4,071.70. - Ellie Dunn Fosler vs. Roberl Nell Foster Sr.. child custody and support, divorce from bed and board, disiribuilon of marilul prop­ erty in favor of plaintiff. - Don R. Pope vs. Belly Marshall, request recovery, $1,073.33. - David C. Slniney vs. Lnura E. Llewellyn, child custody. - Green Tree Servicing vs. Jef­ frey H. Dnvis, rccjuest possession of mobile home, monetary award. - Oukwood Acceptunce Corp. vs. Cynlhiu B, Benge, request judg­ ment, $15,298.99, possession of property to be sold to pny debt. - Duvie Sociul Services on be- hnlf of Angelu Y. Fowler vs. Kevin D. Dewull, child supporl. - Bessie Shrewsbury vs. Jimmy Russell, reejuesl defeiuluul nol as- simll, Ihrentcn, nbuse, follow, harass or interfere with plnintllT. - Phenecious Clurk Williums III nnd Murchcia D. Williams vs. H, Terry Hulchcns, Iruslee, request thal foreclosure proceeding be enjoined so iliut u determinntlon cnn be made as to whelher Ihere nre monies owed lo Conseco Finance, Ihut properly not to be included In nionguged property be excluded from foreclo­ sure proceedings. - Jo.se M. Gonznlez vs. Mercelu R. Gonznlez, absolule divorce. - Mnrgnrel B. Leficr vs. Kenneth D. Chnndler, cvlclion. - Rniidy McClamrock und Cienevu McClumrock vs. Wendy June Bo|;cr, child visllutlon. Highway Patrol The following traffic wrecks in Duvie County were listed hy the N.C. Highwuy Palrol. Wrcck On Inlfrslnte 411 A North Curolina woman was charged W'ilh exceeding a sale speed after un uccideni occurrcd Oct. 27 Janene Hammond McLean of Mooresville was driving a 1988 Ponliac vehicle wesl on Intcrslale 40 when the vehicle run off the lefl shoulder und siruck the median cables. Troojicr A.A. Justice reported the accidcnl occurrcd at npproxi­ mately 4 p.m. and Ihere were no in­ juries. Wreck On Dciidinon Koud A Davie woman was charged wilh exceeding a sufe speed aflcr an nccidcnt occurred Ocl. 27. Leslie Monique Steele of 876 Counlry Lane, Mocksviile was trav­ eling soulh on Deadmon Roud in a 1998 Ford vehicle when Ihe vehicle ran off the roud lo the right. Slcele overcorrected causing Ihe vehicle lo side skid und collided wilh a ulilily pole. The vehlcic Ihen spun lefl und collided Inlo a ditch. Trooper M.T. Dallon reported the uccideni occurred al npproxi­ malely 9:15 p.m, nnd there were no injuries. Wreck On Milling Kuiid A North Carolinu man was charged with driving with license revoked, left of center, und exceed­ ing a safe speed afier Ihe vehicle he was driving hil another Oct. 27. Darrick Foster Vlllnrreul of Hamptonville was driving a 1990 Ford pick-up eust on Milling Roail. Terry Lee Bndley of 288 Dogwooil Lune. Mocksvilie wus driving his 1993 Lincoln vehicle west on Mill­ ing. Villarreul’s vchicle was exceed­ ing a safe speed for Ihc wel road conditions and crossed lefi of cen­ ter and collided wilh Brulley's. Irooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe accident occurred al approximulely 8:30 a.m. Tire lllows, Truck Wrecks No churges were filed ufier a North Carolina man wrecked the i vehicle he was driving Ocl. 30. James Ronuld M cElroy of Waynesvllle was driving his 1981 Chevrolet pick-up west on Intcrslale 40 when tile lefi rear lire blew oul and caused il to spin out ol' conlrol. McElroy's truck nm off the rond to the left und siruck u guardnul. Trooper A.J. Funner reported the uccident occurred al a|iproxlinulely 2:35 p.m. and there were no inju­ ries. Conllnuetl On Piigt‘ 7 DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - 7 N .C . Highw ay Patrol Trooper J.R. Allred looks at dam age to the car in which a man died Friday night ■ P hotos by R obin Fergusson L in w o o d M an D ie s In W re c k B y Jnckic Scnbult Dnvie County Enlerprise Rccord A North Cm olina mun was killed in a wrcck at the inter­ section o f U .S . 601 and Pine R idg e R oad last Frid a y evening. According to u report by the North Carolina Department of H ig h w a y Patrol, Ted W iley Doby Jr., 4.1, o f Linw ood died at the sccnc. D o b y was driving a 1986 Nissan passenger vehicle easl on Pine Ridge Road on Hal- lowecn evening uround 9 p.m . when he failed to stop for a slopsign at the intersection. Bridget D . Vhison, 29, of Charloiie was driving a 1989 Honda vehicic soulh on 601 at approximately .‘i.S m .p.h. when Doby drove his vchicle into the path o f Vinson’s car. Her ve­ hicle siruck D ob y’s on the pas­ senger side. A t the time o f im ­ pact Vinson’s estimated speed was 40 m .p.h. Highw ay Patrol reported no drugs or alcohol were involved nnd no charges were filed. Trooper A.A. Justice and Line Sgt. F.L. McLaughlin at the w reck scene. Highway Patrol Cunlinued Krum Pngc 6 Huth Drivers Churgcd In Wreck The drivers of both vehicles involved in an accidcnl in Davle Counly were charged on Ocl. 31. Jumes Floyd Wlllls Jr. of Soulh Cnrolinn wus driving a 2002 Peterbuill truclor-truller north on 801. Rnmlnli Clurk Mabe of 132 Oak Hill Road, Advance wn.s Irnv­ cling behind W illis in a 2002 Chry.sler vehicle. Wlllls merged Ills Iruck into Ihe lefi turning lane, still pnrtiully mnininlning a position in the northbound lune, in an utlcmpl lo make a right turn onlo U.S. 158. The right liini signal lights on Willis' truck were nol working, nnd Mnbe passed and slopped at the intersec­ tion. Willis attempted lo make a right lum and his Iruck collided wilh Mabe's veliicle. Willis was chargcd wilh safe movement violation and equipment violnlion. Mabe wus clutrged wilh improper pass viola­ lion. Trooper A.T. Keller reported Ihe nccident occurrcd ul upproximalely 7:55 u.m. Three Cur Collision A Davie woman was chnrgcd wilh failure lo reduce speed al'tcrthe vehicle she wus driving wns in­ volved in an accident in Davie on Ocl. 31. Peggy Rhoades Grose of 168 E. Maple Avenue, Mock.sville wns driving lier 1994 Chrysler ve­ hicle soulh on U.S. 601 behind a 1987 Nissan vchicle driven by Rob­ ert Wesley Gibson of Joncsvillc und u 2000 Jeep vehicle driven by Nicholns Joel Siricklund of 869 Gladslone Road, Mocksvillc. Gibson and Siricklund slopped their vehicle for traffic, bul Grose fulled 10 reduce the speed of her vehicle und II collided into the renr of Gibson's vehicle pushing il inlo Stricklund'.s.Trooper J.R. Allred re­ porlcd Ihe accidcnl occurrcd al ap- proximalely 4:10 p.m. No Evidence In Wreck No charges were filed ufier u wreck wus reported in Dnvie on Oct. 31. Scoll MichacI Howard of Yadkinville was driving his 1999 Chevrolet vehicle north on N.C. 801 when he slated another vehicle wns trtiveling southbound on 801 und sideswiped his vchicle. Howard's vchicic wus moved prior to the nr- rlvul of an invcsligatlng officer. It was reported Howard gave Incon­ sistent slaleinenis ul the sccnc and there was no evidence to indicute the involvement of nnolhcr vehicle. Trooper M.C. Howell rcporlcd the uccident wns reported ul up- proximatcly 11:50 p.m. Collision At Y.K.'s Store A Davle woman was chargcd wllh unsnfc movement, no insur­ ance, und inspecllon violnlion uficr the vehicle she was driving hil an­ olher Nov. 1. Sylvia McNcil Dalton of 189 Mason Drive, Mock.sville was driv­ ing her 1990 Chevrolet vchicle easl on U.S. 64. Chrislopher Scolt Hare of 374 Deadmon Rond, Mocksvilie wus driving his 2000 Chevrolet pick-up west on 64. Dniton at- lempled to muke u left lurn inlo T.R.'s Convenience Store and lunied inlo Ihe path of Hare's iruck, causing Ihe two to collide. Trooper J.R. Allred reported Ihe uccident occurrcd nl 'npproximnlcly 3:30 p.m. Mull Carrier, Vehicic CullUlc A Duvie woman was cliargcd with child restraint violalion ufier u wreck in Davie on Nov. I. Myra Lynn Stoliings of Sulisbury wns driving her 1999 Kin vehicle, n rural mail carrier, norlli on 601 in front of a 1986 Toyola vehicle driven by Tekla Sude Tom;nceor401 Pine Sircel, Mocks­ ville. Torrence uticmplcd lo puss Stoliings' veliicle in the southbound lnne as Stoliings alicmpted to make a lefi lurn into a private driveway. The vchicle collided. Stoliings staled she had her lefi lurn signal on as well us her flashing amber light. Torrencc slaled she could nol say whether Stoliings had her lum signal on, but that she had seen the I'lnshing umber light. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reported the uccident occurrcd at approxi­ mntcly 11;57 u.m. Cur SIde.swiped Al Inter.sectlnn A Duvie man wus churgcd wilh improper left lurn afier Ihe vchicle he was driving hit another Nov. 2. Calvin Coolidge Cline of 189 Mason Drive, Mocksvilie wus driv­ ing his 1984 Muzdu pick-up norili in llie lefibound lane of U.S. 601. Alvin Gene Fosterof 1160 N.C. 801 North. Advance wus sialionary in his 2002 Dodge pick-up in Ihe cen­ ter lefi lurn lune of 601 wuiting to muke a lefi turn onto Ihe Interstate 40 entrtincc rump.’ Cline ultemplcd lo muke a lefi lurn onto the enlrancc ramp from the northbound lane and sideswiped Foster's truck. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurrcd al approximately 2;25 p.m. nnd ihere were no inju­ ries. Nine Deer Hit In Dnvlc County Nine deer were reported hil by un automobile in Davie County. In the following uccidenis no injuries 10 Ihe drivers were reported: Rickie Burlon Lnnier of 3746 N.C. 801 Soulh, Mocksvillc, was driving Ills 1998 Ford pick-up north on U .S. 801 when a deer entered llie .road nnd Lanier's vchicle collided wilh it. Trooper M .T. Dullon reporlcd Ihe uccideni occurrcil at u|iproxi- malely 9:45 p.m. on Oct. 27. Suzanne Ellis Bamhardlof3332 N.C. 801 Soulh, Mocksvilie was driving a 2003 Ford vehicle north on N.C. 801 whenadccrallcmpled to cross in her vehicle's pnlh. Bamhiirdl's vchicle hil llic dccr. Trooper M .T. Dallon reporlcd the uccideni occurred ul approxi- mntcly 9:15 p.m. on Ocl. 27. Ricliard Waller Barnes of Top­ sail Bcach was driving his 199ft Chevrolet pick-up easl on U.S. 158 when n dccr ullcmpling lo cross the roud ran in his vehicles palh. Trooper A.J. Farmer reported Ihc accidcnl occurrcd al npproximately 7 u.m. on Ocl. 31. Daniel Eniesl Zimmer of Greens­ boro wus driving his 2000 Oldsmobile vchicic cast on Inter­ state 40 when il collided wilh u deer crossing Ihc roadway. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurrcd at approximnlely 8:10 p.m. on Ocl. 31. Jeffery Dean Finney of 953 Yadkinville Road, Mocksvillc was driving a 1996 Ford vchicle easl on Campbell Road wlicn it collided wilh a deer crossing Ihc roadway. Trooper M .T. Dullon reporlcd Ihc uccident occurred ut upproxi­ mulely 1:15 a.m. on Ocl. 31. Larry Preston Dishmond of Sialcsvillc wus driving his 1999 Chevrolet vchicle cusl on Inlcrstale 40 when il collided wilh a clecrcross- ing the road. Trooper A.J. Fanner reported Ihc nccidcnt occurred al upproximulely 7 a.m. on Nov. 1. Wanda Mishoe Hollar of Woodleuf wus driving u 2000 Dodge veliicle soulh on Murginal Street when a deer nin inlo llie roadway in llic pulh of Hollur's vchicle. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the aceidenl occurrcd ul approxi- muicly 8;.14 p p.m. on Nov. 1. Duniel Wayne Michael of Gran­ ite Quurry wus driving his 2003 Chrysler vehicic .south on U.S. 601. A deer run into llie pulh of Michucl's vchicle nnd Ihe Iwo collided. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the uccideni occurred al approxi­ mately 9:25 p.m. on Nov. I. Banicy Douglas Blackhuni of Lexingion was driving a 2002 Ford vchicle wesl on U.S. 64 wlien il siruck n deer crossing Ihc roud. Trooper A.J. Furmer reported Ihe accidcnl occurred al approximnlely ft a.m, on Nov, 2, G ospel S in g in g J'c d t n r in ii S o u n d s o f F c iilh Satu rd ay, Nov. 8 • 6 p.m. Vegetable Soup & Pimento Cheese Sandwiches after the show. D o n atio n s A ccep ted P ro ce e d s to ¡}o to O a k G ro ve C h u rch B u ilid n g F u n d T h a n k Y b u ! Davie Storm Baseball would like to Thank ■ Beechw ood Acre Farm •T.W. Consulting, Inc. y- • Sim ply Stitching Em broidery - • K ingery & Kingery, D.D.S. for m aking our season possible! T h e t n k V m ! I ffVirtly apprcdate a ll those who have votedjor me and have showtu confidence in me as Mocksville^ Town Commissioner. J.C. (Buster) Cleary Paid for uyJ.C. (Buster) Cimary T he D a vie C o u n ty R e p u b lic a n P a rty C o n g ra tu la te s Mrs. Betsy Cochrane Mr. Vernon Dull Mrs. Ruth Richardson Mr. Jim Wilson ^9 9 ^ 2003 Inductees To The ■ Davie County ■ Republican Party Hall of Fame S atu rd ay, N o v e m b e r 1, 2 0 0 3 Mr. Carl Boone - Advimce Honorable Jimmy L. Myers - Dislricl Courl Judge Senator Andrew Brock - NC Señale Kepresenmtivc Julia Howard ~ NC House Mr. Nalhan Tabor - “Taborfor Congress" Mr. Ed Broyhilt - "Broyhillfor Congress " . A D PAID FOR BY TH E D A V IE C O U N TY REPUBLICAN PARTY D o n 't G e t B u r n e d ! You can be fineii up to $10,000 for illegal open burning in N.C. Smoke from ootn burning can cm«e iiWowi health problems ana pollute the air. That's why the state regulates open burning. Only leaves, branches or other plant growlh can be burned. IT'S ILLEQAL TO BURN.; •Garbage, paper and cardboard •Tires and olncr rubber products •Building materials, Includhig lumber •Wire, plastics and synthettc mateilals nalt shlngic! househol ural proi Ung logs and siumpeif it's allowed under local ordhiances, no public pickup Is available an •Asphalt shingles and heavy oils •Paints, household chemicals andagricultural products Homoowncte can bum yard Itlmmlngs-excludU „ if it's allowed under local ordhiances, no public pickup Is available and It doesn't cause a public nuisance. Other allowable burning Includes campfires, outdoor barbecues and bonfires for festive occasions. Landowners also can open burn vegetadon to clear land or rights-of- way, provided that: • Prevailing winds are away from built up areas and toads • Fires are at least 1,000 feet away from occupied buildings • Burning Is done between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rtmimbir, bum pnmlf h$uid by Ihi N.C. DIvltlon of Гот! RHoimn, iu ogtnt» or any local goptmmint do not txcut* a penon from following IhtMt ttaU otriluatity rullt. For more tn/ormalton, contact: Wlnston-Salom Regional OHIce Division ol Alf Qualllv N.C. Department of Environment and Nalurai Resources Phone; (336) 771-4800 , (Dtls ad paid lor by в violator ol the open burning law.) Philanthropists Wanted! iru-' Y o u d o n ’t h a v e t o B E A M IL L IO N A IR E T O G IV E L IK E O N E . Y o u O N L Y N E E D T O : • Want to give back to a community that has supported you • Need a year-end tax deduction • Want to give a gift that keeps on giving The CommtiniiT hoiiiulntion of D.wie County accepts donations of ill! sizes for its Unrestricted Community Lindownicni. Your donution will be added to the Endowment and invested with all Foundation endowed fluids. Eaniings from these ftiiids are granted to D.ivie County non-profits and charitics forever. Your gift to the Unrastricted Community Endowment makes nn eternal imp.ict on the D.ivie County community and a positive impact on your penional taxes. Gifts to the Unre.stricted Com munily Endowmcm should be sent to 'Hie Community Foundation of Davie County, P O Box 546, Mocloville, N C 27028. To discuss specific giving needs or foi' information, contact Jane Simpson, Pre.sident, at (336) 936-0045; jsimpson@daviefoiindation.org; or visit our web-site at m m claYi<;fo»iij atioiiiorg. 8 - DAVIE COUNTY EN I’ERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 P et Corner Lou and I are g reat friends. Lou is a very sensitive beagle. H e w an ts you to be tlie re to pet him . H e d o e sn ’t like to be disturbed w hen he is eatin g and m ay even grow l if he feels you are annoying him . A nyw ay, he is a fine b e ag le w ho loves m e an d I love him . W e sp end tim e together every day. B ecau se of friends like Lou, our fam ily su p ­ ports the D avie C ounty H u m a n e S ociety’s pro­ g ram s to spay, neuter, an d ad opt pet dogs and cats. - G u s M eloy D ull Speaker Of S enior Legislature Vcmon M . Dull of Mocks­ villc hiis been cleclcd speaker of Ihe N .C . Senior Tar Heel Legi.s- lallirc. Me was electcd during the I Oil) aniiiver.'iar)' celcbralion and fall meeling in Raleigh Oct. 7- X. Dull has been a member of ihc senior legislature since its incep­ tion. Elceted speaker pro tempore was Larry Moore of Davidson County: deputy speaker pro tem­ pore was Pat Capchart from Heaufort County: nnd secrelary was Wanda Hinshaw from Guilford Counly. Dull had served as speaker and deputy speaker pro tempore, the resolution commiltee chair, legislature committee chair, on the executive commiltee for eight years and on Ihc rules and by-law s conim illec for four years. The 2{)(13 Davic County Se­ nior Citizen of the Year, Dull has been a memberofthe Northwest I’iedmont Area Agcncy on A g ­ ing Regional Advisory Commit­ tee, the Davie Counly Aging Planning Committee. Ihc Davic County Home and Community Care Block Grant Comniitlee. He has been activc in schools, church. Masons, Rotary and other clubs. Hc was chair of Ihe Davie Zoning Board o f A d ­ juslmenls from 1974-1979, ex­ ecutive direclor of Ihe Davic Chamber o f Commerce for five years, nnd in locnl, stule nnd na- lioniil Jayccc ofriKcs. Tlic Senior Tar Heel Legis- Inturc provides informalion nnd cducnlion to senior ndults on matters being considered by the General Assembly, and makes recommendations on Ihc legis­ lative needs of older North Caro­ linians. Ll. Gov. Beverly Perdue wns Ihe O ct. 7 luncheon spenker. Knren Gotlovi, director of Ihe N .C . Division o f Aging, said Ihe senior legislature Iind contrib­ uted lo the General Assembly taking such action ns increasing funding for home anti commu­ nity based services for older adults by $16 million, nnd in­ creasing Ihe Homestead prop­ erly lax exemption for older nnd disabled adulls. The delegnlcs heard presen­ tations from state ofncials nnd budget analysts about issues of importance to older adults. Infor­ mation was also presenled nbout Ihe status of pending federal leg­ islation, including efforts under way to address Ihe need for a nntionnl prescription drug pro­ gram for seniors. Priority issues for the senior legislature: •Restoring $1 m illion in funding cul from Ihc Home and Community Carc Block Grant in 2003. • Th e General Assem bly passed legislation to make the lax credit for long-tcnn care in­ surance permanent. This credil will expire wilh the 2004 tax year unless action is taken in the shorl session to remove Ihc sun­ sel provision. The credit is 15 percent of the premiums paid, not lo exceed $350 for euch qualified long-term carc insur­ ance contrnct for which a credit is claimed. > The General Assem bly should take steps lo ensure lhat Ihe Medicaid Community Alter­ natives Progrnm for Older Adults (C A P /D A ) remains a vi­ able service for older nnd dis­ abled adulls. Reports arc due to Ihc Sludy Commission on Aging in January, 2004. • The General Assembly re­ store funding for senior centers to the 2001 -2002 level, when the appropriation was cut $381,000. The 2003 Générai Assembly re­ slored $100,000 of Ihis cul. • The General Assembly tuke steps tp ensure Ihnt nnlionnl criminni background chccks for employees in long-term cnre fa­ cilities are completed. A special provision was passed in the last . legislative session which further delayed the requirement for nursing homes lo conduct nn­ lionnl criminni hislory rccord checks for employment posi­ tions other than those involving direct patient care und for adult care homes to conduct national criminal rccord chccks for all slaff positions until Jnn. 1,2005. Cooleemee Wants To Help Clean Hollar Park Thanks! To a ll my frien d s and neif>bh.ors who have supported niy canipaif>n fo r anolher term on Ih c M ocksviUe Town Hoard. I A p p r e c ia t e Y o u r V o t e ! r\ii> iinm \ \iK\i>\ I III >\irs( t\ ( \\i4ii\ii T o all Ih e re sid e n ts o i M o c k s v ille w h o h n ve s u p p o rte d m e as M o c K s v iile 's M a y o r , Thank You! Dr. Francis W. Slate l\ikl foi l>Y Dr. F.W. -SV.iic C O O L E E M E E - The town wunts to cleun ils portion of Hollar Purk. Bul first, the lown has to know the location o f the prop­ erty lines. Aubrey Wcnsil presented fel­ low lown bonrd members wilh the preliminary resulls of a prop­ erty survey Inst week. "W e nceilcd a survey down the bnck of Duke Street so we'd know where the righl of way is,” said W cnsil. "VVc cun't ask people to clean up their property when ours isn’t." Death Ruled A Suicide A Davic man who u sheriff’s olTicial snys may have been suf­ fering from depression died from a self-inflictcd gunshot wound lust I'riday. Kenneth Charles Bolin, 49, of 26f) Edwards Road, Harmony was found dead al his home around 6 p.m . on Halloween. According to Detective J.S . Parker o f the Davie Counly SherilT’s Depariment, Bolin shot himself in ihe righl side of his head with a .22 caliber pistol he owned. □SPIRIT BUILD □ Q ZD C Û C C G l CO GO “ D ID CD О Spirit Build Saturday, Nov.8 Brock Performing Arts Center Doors open at 6, Concertât?□SPIRIT BUILD □ F e a tu rin g S ô ü th e rh С о ф е ! G rò iiìi 3 F o rl Message will be provided by Pastor Joel Boyles, I^astor Chris Clontz, ami Pastor Otis Robinson Entertainment also b\: Corey Doub & Jody King The Jericho Church of Chiist Praise Team Kci.sey McDaniel *• Donations and canncd goods accepted All proceeds to benefit The Storehouse for Jesus Event .spaii.wrcd hy local churches The survey hasn’t been com­ pleted bccause of two issues. The first is a fenced-in yurd on Davie Street. Apparently the town’s property line is wilhin Ihe fenced-in area, but owners of the property have not been iherc when Ihc surveyor was working. Unfortunately, their Germ an Shepard hns been home, so the surveyor has nol been nble lo enter the yard to line up the sights, Wcnsil said. The second problem is on the side of the old telephone office nnd mill parking lol. There are Sheriff’s Department Officers O f The Year The awards were given al our annual depHrtniem picnic on Sepl. 20th. The unnuni Dnvie County S h e r i f f ’ s Departmenl picnic was held Scpl. 20th at Rich Park. D u r­ ing the event a w a r d s were pre­ sented. Sgl. T о m 111 у Grubb was named O f­ ficcr o f the Year, liis hire date was Feb. 2 1, 1987. Grubb started as a palrol deputy, then worked as a Detec­ tive for a while. He currently works as a third shift officer. Grubb Sgt. Doug Rivers wns recog­ nized us Delention Officcr of the year. Rivers sturled as a jailer on June 22, 1998 and was pro­ moted lo sargeani at the D avie D e te n tio n Center in carly 2002. He also serves as Ihc Safely O f ­ ficcr for Ihc Sheriffs O f­ fice. Each were sc- Icctcd by their peers and Ihose who believe Ihcy have bcsl represented Ihe depariment during the la.st yenr by their de­ gree of professionalism and ef­ forls mude lo make improve­ ment. Rivers T h 3 n k Y o u for your kind support in my campaign for Mocksville Town Commissioner William R. “Bill” Wooten Paid for by Bill Wooten, candidate Get Ready For The Holidays Lose Up To 10 Lbs. On Us! T W O FREE W E E K S OF W E IG H T L O SS! Lose Fat, Keep Muscle Burn Fat Without Hunger One-On-One Support Restaurant & Grocery Store Foods Safe & Effective Call Today For A Free Consultation336-75M423 •Call (ei detftlti ol o({»r. *R«qulit(| Pioduci Not Included. Oiler E ip lr ii Do«. 31, 2003. 865 Yadkinville Rd., Suite 102 • Mocksville two stnkcs there, but euch one lends 20 degrees off the other one in different directions. The surveyor is cxpcctcd to huve fi­ nul results next week, hc said. Oncc tlic property lines are marked, Ihe lown cnn request ensements if neccssury from ad­ jacent property owners in order lo get mowers nnd cleanup equipment along the properly lines. "W e’re nol going in there to lake anyone's property," said Wcnsil. "W e're just going in to clean up ours." Economic Survey Results On The Way W IN S T O N -S A LE M - Final recommendations for growing the economy in eighl Northwest Piedm ont Counties w ill be unveiled N o v . 14 al 10 a.m . when AngelouEconom ics of A u s lin , Texas presents the Com prehensive Econom ic Development Strategy (C ED S ), at Ihe Benton C onvcn -iion Cenicr. Scheduled lo speak nre David Sampson, assistant sc-creiary of Com m erce for Eco-nom ic Development, and Rep. Richard Burr(5th-N .C.). Angelos Angelou, president o f An gelou Econom ics, w ill present Ihe team’s findings and suggestions for building the economy in the eighi-couniy area lhat includes Alleghany, Ashe, Davie, Forsyth, Rock­ ingham , Slokes, Surry and Yndkin counties. Residents in the eight coun­ ties were urged lo purticipnte in a survey that asked questions regarding many issues including K -12 educnlion, cosl of living, cnrccr advnnccm ent opportunities, job nvuilnbilily, sirong business grow th, effective government leader­ ship and highway scrvicc. During the past nine monlhs, AngelousEconomics has spent lime in each county, tulking wilh lenders, business owners and residents. The study, funded by the Econom ic Developm ent A d ­ ministration (E D A ) office of the U .S . Dept, of Commerce, is a rciiuired step for any community seeking federal dollars for infrnslnicture or other projects activiliesthat spark job crcntion. Upon com pletion, the siralegy will identify those big needs in the counties lhal will require federal funding and provide recommendations for how the counties can improve overall business conditions, regain lost jobs and better market Ihemselves. For more informalion , log onlo www.NorilmcsiNC.vom. Administrative Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I'lmr.stliiy, Nov. 6, 2003 - 9 The following eases were dis­ posed of in Diivie Admini.Mralive Courl Sepl, m. I’resldhig: Magis- irule Kevin D. ^kmlri^. Prosecut­ ing: Wendy Terry, assislani DA. - Roberl D. Anderson, nclilious/ concealed/revoked registration card/lag and drivingAillowing ve­ hiclc nol regislered/iitled, dis­ missed per correction; failure lo weur drivers scat bell, $2.‘i, cosl. - James L. Angle, expired leg- istralion card/tag, dismissed per correction. - Refugio B. Aparicio, expired inspection slicker, dismis.sed per correclion. - Ali B. Ar, speeding 85 in a 70. reduced lo improper equipment. $2.‘i, cosl. - Diaz A. Ausby, speeding 85 in a 70, reduccd lo Improper equip­ ment. $50, cosl. - Luis D. Avila, speeding 85 in a 70. reduced to improper ecjiiip- menl, $25, cost; expired inspeclion sticker, dismissed per correclion. - Maritza R. Benvides, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduccd lo improper eijuipmenl, $25, cosl. - Sylvia VV. Blackwell, failure 10 wear drivers seal bell, dismissed per plea; failure lo secure passen­ ger under 16, $25, cost. - Christopher Blunkall, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper ecjulpinenl, $25, cosl. - Grace R, Boone, speeding 68 in a 55, reduced to improper e<|uip- nienl, S25, cosl. - Gina M. Bostic, failun; lo wear drivers scat bell, $25, cost; failure 10 nolify Dcparlnicnt of Molor Ve­ hicles of address change, dismissed per correction. - Cecil B. Boyd, unsafe tires, dismissed per civil .selllemenl. - Burlon S. brevda, failure lo Slop Ibr slopsign/llasliing red light, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25. cosl. - Kimberly S. Brooks, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to 74 in u 70, $10, cosl. - Nicholas L. Broome, speeding 80 in a 65, reduced lo improper ei|uipnienl, $25, cosl. - Calhy J. Brown, no operators license, dismissed per corrcction, - William R. Butler, failure to wear drivers seal bell, $25, cosl: expired registration cnrd/lag, dis­ missed lier corrcclioni - Cindy L. Byerly, no operators license, dismi.s.sed per correclion. - Jovu D. Carachure, no opera­ tors liccnsc, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Terry K. Carriker, speeding 60 in u45, reduced to improper equip­ meni, $25, cosl. - Carrie J. Carter, no operators license, dismissed per correction. - Michael D. Clemenl, expired inspeclion slicker, dismissed per correclion. - Miranda N. Coker, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $25, cosl. - Maria N. Corees, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equip-, ment, cosl; failure to secure passen­ ger under 16, $25. - Joan R. Colton, failure to se­ cure passenger under 16, $25, cost. - Frunk R Cross, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo improper eiiuip- menl, $25, cosl. - Jamaal P. Dawson, expired in­ speclion slicker, dismissed per cor­ reclion. - James A. Dickens, speeding 54 in a 35, dismissed in the interest of lasiice. - Gerald L. Doby. speeding 52 in a .15. leduced lo improper equip­ ment, $50, cosl, - Roberl W. Duncan, exceeding posted speed, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cost. - Daniel B. Ehrlleh, covering/ di.sguising regi.slrulion plale, dis­ missed per correclion. - Carolec L, Eickmann, speed­ ing 80 in a 70. reduccd to improper equipment, $25. cost. - Lou K. Estep, failure lo slop for slopsign/nasliing red lighl, re­ duced lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Jose L. Flores, speeding 85 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Mallhew B. Fry. speeding 94 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $50, cosl. - Elizabelh M. Gallo, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cosl. - Ronald N. Garcia, speeding 59 in a 45, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Coy L. Garza, expired inspec­ lion slicker, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Timothy L. Gearhart, exceed­ ing .safe speed, disnii.ssed per civil selllemenl. • Kennelh C. Gill, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. $25, cost. - Max H. Ooclling, .speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, cost. - Jacob L. Goodin, no opcralors license, expired inspection slicker, no liability insurance, failure lo ap­ ply lor new lille, fictiliou.s/con- cealcd/revoked regislralion card/ lag, no regislralion card, dismissed per correclion. -James E. Graham, speeding 86 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $75, cosl. - Kedrick D. Cranford, fuilure to wenr drivers seal bell, $25, cosl. - Charles P. Griffin, failure lo wear drivers seal bell, $25, cosl; expired inspection stickcr, dis­ missed per correction. - James A. Gunnings, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cosl. - William J. Hagerman, speed­ ing 80 In a 70, reduced lo improper eiiuipment, $25, cost: expired in­ spection slickcr, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Timothy D. Harryman, speed­ ing 80 in a 65, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cosl; expired in­ speclion sticker, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Palricia B. Hayes, unsafe movement, dismissed per civil selllemenl. - Stephen L. Hefner, unsafe movemeni, dismissed per civil selllemenl. - Billy R. Helmandollar, driv­ ing wilh license revoked and ex­ pired inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Lisa P. Hines, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Timolhy L. Hodge, speeding 81 In a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cost; I'ailure lo wear drivers seal belt, dismissed per plea. - Jeffrey S. Honeycull, ficti- lious/concealcd/rcvokcd registra­ tion card/lag, operating a vehicle with no insurance, and expired in­ spection sticker, dismissed per cor­ rcction; I'ailure lo wear driver seat belt, $25, cosl. Mm., November IOl 2(Ю| Downtown Mockwilh, ИСSilo ПИ - 9:30 PM or nnlil- PlaasB bring a new, unwrapped Gift and Share the Joyl Gift* to be diitrlbuted by tha 8torahou»e for Josua, Need itiore Info: (336) 284*290'M ovorcaah0vadtel,net - Marie A. Horner, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $25. cosl. - Tiffany R. Howell, speeding 55 in a 40, dismissed in the inter­ est of justice. - Susanne lagulli, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd lo improper «pilp- nienl, $25, cosl. - Bradford M. Ivey, licensc nol in possession, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Jean M. Jacques, failure lo wear driver seal belt, $25. cosl. - Emerardo Jaramillo, speeding 93 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $50, cosl. - Austin T. Jol'I'e, license not in possession, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Lisa M. Johnson, expired in­ speclion slicker and failure to no- lily Deparlmenl of Molor Vehicles of address change, dismissed per corrcction. - Chrislopher D. Kelchle, speeding 64 in a 45, reduccd lo improper equipment, $75, cost. - Joy E. Lash, expired regislra­ lion card/lag, dismissed per correc­ lion. - Charles K. Laughter, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cost. - James J. Lear, no operators li­ cense, dismissed per correclion. - Erin M. Lederer, unsafe move- mcnl. disnii.ssed per civil settle­ ment. •Amanda M. Lineberry, expired registration card/lag, dismissed per correction. - Chnrles I. Lineberry, failure lo slow/change lanes for, dismissed per eorreclion. • Alma M. Mabry, speeding 52 in a 35, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Lucina L. Martian, failure lo slop for slopsign/sleady red liglil, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost, - Nalhun D. Maynard, speeding 59 in a 45, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Shawn C. McBrayer, ficti­ tious/concealed/revoked regislra­ lion card/tag and no liability insur­ ance, dismissed per corrcction. - Larry McLaurin Jr., failure to wenr drivers seat belt. $25. cost; driving/allowing vchicle nol regis- lered/lillcd, operating a vehicle wilh no insurance, and giving/lend­ ing/borrowing license plale, dis­ missed per correclion. - Maribcl R. Mendoza, failure lo slop for steady red lighl, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Donnie G. Mullnix, .speeding 67 in a 55, reduced lo improper equipment,-$25, cosl. - Sylvesler J. Nenles, speeding 65 in a 5(1, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cosl. - William T. Nivens, speeding 70 in a 55, reduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Subodli K. Pandit, expired reg­ islralion card/lag, dismissed per correction. - Anltiony L. Purker, exceeding safe speed, dismissed per civil selllemenl. - Angela D. Parks, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $25, cost; expired inspection sticker, dismissed por correclion. - Fabian D. Paslranu, speeding 52 in a 35, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Audrey N. Pallon, expired in­ spection sticker, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Derrick H. Potter, speeding 69 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Carmelo Preslipino, failure lo slop for steady red light, reduced 10 improper equipmeni, $25, co.sl. - Mauricio L. Quintana, fishing without a license, $25, cosl; fail­ ure to wear drivers seat belt, dis­ missed per plea. - Maria 0. Sanchez, speeding 72 in a .55, reduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Nikita J. Sanders, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $25, co.sl. - John D. Sanda Jr., no motor­ cycle endorsement, dismissed per correction. - David E. Seven, failure lo yield lefl lurn, dismissed per civil selllemenl. - Brenlon L. Shaw, speeding 84 in a 70, reduccd to Improper equip­ ment, $75, cost; fnilure lo wear drivers seat bell, dismissed per plea; unsafe movemeni, dismissed per civil settlement. - Josef B. Sliega, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Robin N. Short, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ meni, $25, cosl. - Cassandra M. Shue, failure lo secure passenger under 16 und no operators licen.se, dismissed per correction: failure lo weur drivers seal bell, $25, cosl. - Laura S, Sikes, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Shaun C. Smilh, expired in- speclion sticker and I'lclllious/con- cealed/rcvoked regislralion curd/ lag, dismissed per correclion. - Cari'ie R. Snyder, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Nathanial J. Southern, speed­ ing 85 in a 70. reduced lo 79 in a 70, $25, cosl. - Janies C. Spiiider, speeding 92 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in a 70, $25, cosl; license/permit time limit violalion under 18, dismissed per plea. - William W. Slanaland, failure lo nolify Deparlmenl of Molor Ve- hicies of address change, dismissed per correclion. - James K, Steele, possession/ display of altcred/l'ictitiou.s/rc- voked drivers liconse, dismissed per eorreclion. - Samantlia E. Sleele, driving wilh liccnse revoked and posses­ sion/display of alterccl/nclitious/rc- voked drivers licen.se, dismissed per correclion. - Vickie S. Sleele, expired in­ spection slicker and expired regis­ tration card/tag, dismissed per cor­ reclion. - Ashley N. Stewart, I'ailure to wear drivers seal bell, $25, cosl; failure lo nolify Deparlmenl of Molor Vehicles of address change, dismissed per correclion. - Geoffrey L. Taylor, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Amy L. Teague, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Larry L. Tonkin, speeding 83 in a 70. reduced lo 74 in a 70, $25, cost; improper steering mecha­ nism, cost. - Jo.se B. Va.squez, speeding 81 in a 70, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Bul'fy A. Veres, speeding 87 in a 70, reduced to 79 in a 70, $ 10, cosl. - Bruce E. Whitaker, speeding 70 in a 45, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $25, cost. - Jeffrey B. Whillliigton, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cosl. - James G. Wllllanis, unsafe lires, dismissed per correction. - Edmond M. Wolfkamp, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Barbara S. Wood, fuilure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil .selllemenl. - John R. Wood, fnilure lo wear drivers .seal belt, $25, cost: driving willl license revoked, dismissed per correclion. ' Glenda S. Woodward, failure lo reducc speed, dismissed per civil sctllomenl. - April M. Woodie, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo 60 in a 55, $ 10, cosl. - Gertrude L. Yingyu, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cost. W E B U Y H O U S E S A n y Condition — A n y Location Fast Cash — Quick Closing L ig h t h o u s e P r o p e r t ie s Mocksville, N C • (336) 751-4371 H , G l é m m o n s ) F A M ILY p r a c t ic e A Forsyth Medical Group Practice ш т Announcing the Newest Member of the Forsyth Medical Group Family: Clemmons Family Practice A s the newest member ol Forsylh Medical Group, Clemmons I'amily S \ . Practice joins a network of more than .30 praciiccs and 250 providers who are aniliaied witii Forsytli Medical Center, dedicated to improving- the ■ liealtU and well being of our communities, one person at a time. Our community has always trusted Clemmons Family Practice for its licallhcarc needs. As part of our new affiliation with Forsytli Medical Group, we look forward to the additional benefits we can bring to patients and families through a wider range of accessible, convenient healthcare sei'vices. Call 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 6 4 7 3 for more inform ation or to schedule an appointm ent. 6301 Stadium Drive, Clemmons a a.m. to s p,m. Monday • Frid.iy We wtlcaiiK ikivpiiliciils mutamjK uml iiimnwct pimi. A£tliiitnt with I'mytli MiiUmI Criiirr % Walter H. Wray, Jr., MD i Deborah H. Pollock, MD Nicholas J. Passero, MD Terry Deakle, PA-C ^ Brooklandf ЖГ— Stadlun 3\ \ - -~Dr. JiS ) 10-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Nov. 6,2003 ACmsnWHodelslnUnostGone!! Ford CreditA.P.R. UP TO 72 MOS» A ll NEW Vehicle Purchases Include 2 Year M ainteriance Service Plan " ‘03 Focus Wagon ‘03 Mustang GT ‘03 Mustang Convertible GT ‘03 Taurus SES Sedan ‘03 Crown Vic LX MSRP =$17,590CiMnmceDiKOUnI -$690 CaihDack -$3,000 »11,900’ *13,900‘ MSRP = $27,010 ClearatKoDitcount -$2,010 C«»hBacli -$3,000 «2 2 ,0 0 0 ^ MSRP =$30,400Cleiminc«NicounI - $2,000 CartiBwli -$4,000 « 2 4 , 4 0 0 * ГлпТ -$1,500 -$3,000Cash Sack MSRP = $27,980CloarancoIXicount -$1,380 CaihBack -$4,000 *19,100* *^22,600* ‘03T.BÌKÌ *03 Escape XLT ‘03 Expedition XLT 4x4 MSRP =$40,570 ofMouit -$7)123 «33,447* «22,100* ^cajnt -$1,680 HKount -$4,035 Caihflicli -$2,000 C«itiB«c> -$4,000 ‘03 Ranger S/C XLT ‘03 Ranger S/C Edge 4x4 ‘03 F-150 Crew Cab XLT MSRP =$21,445 CtoaninceDiKount -$1,245 -$3,000Caih Back ^31,800* «17,200* '^025,280 ^!»count - $2,180 CaihBack -$3,000 « 2 0 , 1 0 0 * «31,405^ drKe . ^Mtcount - ^|3 0 5 Ca»hBack - $3,000 «25,100* ‘03 F-150 SiCXLT ‘03 F-150 S/C Flareside 4x4RW J0T9MI MSRP =$26,735 CnhlKk ‘03 F-250 S/C 4x4 6.0L. Diesel ‘03 F-250 Crew 4x4 6.0L Diesel ‘03 F-350 SIC 4x4 6.0L. DleseL ‘03 F-550 XLT 4x4 6.0L. Diesel 2,000 MKouni -$4,6 74 - $2,000CaihBack *20,600* *28,477* *33,620* *35,341* R R E - O W I M E D S A V I N G S ! ! ! > =$41,350vwaranc«Wieainl - H 5 7 0 CaihBack -$ 2,0 00 MSRP = $45,225 ClearanceDiKOunt -$5,864 CaihBack -$2,000 «34,780* «37,361 C A W S IPI59I............'03 Focus S E auto, A/C, pwr, grp., alloy wtwcls.............................$230x60 m O S,* »PI454A.........‘99 TBUrus S E aulo, V6, alloy whools, pwr. grp.............................$ 129 x48 IflOS.* »30595A....'98 Orand Marquis V8, llte, pw, gtp. loaded ..............$236x36 m o s.* »PIM9A..........'03 Taurus S ES V 6, low miles, pwr. grp., alloy wtioels ............$248x60 m O S.* «P1594............'03 Taurus S ES V8, pwr. grp,, alloys, low miles .........................$248x60 ItlOS.* »PIM5...........'03 Orand Marquis va, iihor, ls irim, pwr, grp., aiioys..........$ 373x6 0 m o s.* ÎPI554A.........‘99 Lesabre lealher, alloy wheels, pwr, grp,, CD .........................$206x48 m O S.* «PI600............‘03 Sable OS pwr, grp., V6, aulo, low miles..................................$248x60 m o s.* IPI569...........'00 W lndsiarLXv6,autp,AC,4door.......................................$239x60 m o s.* IP1590...........‘03 windstar V6, power group, A/c, 4 (kXK.................................$352x60 m o s.* IP1536B.........'00 Mountaineer a« wfieel drive, kialhot rod, CO ..................$304x60 m O S.* »PI57B............'03 Expedition ve, 4x4,3rd seal, loaded...................................$ 4 9 9 x72 m o s.* »3T4042ß........'02 Explorer Sport ve, powor group, low mikis......................$293x60 m 0 8.* 130Т17в5А,.. ‘02 Explorer 4x4, Ve, 3rd seal, alloys, local trade.......................$ 419 x6 0 m O S.* • $1,000 down cash/lrade plus tax & fees. APR (rom 8.99% lo 12.99% depending on model/trim. See dealer (or details, S U V S i c o n t . l #pi592............'03 Escape X LT ve, aulo, power group.....................................$352x60 m o s .* »PI60I............‘02 Explorer X LT 4x4, V6, power group, aiioys ........................$ 419 x6 0 m o S .* <i20T85ieA.....‘01 Ranger S/C X LT ve, aulo, A/c, alloys ............................... $230x60 m o s.* «PI596 ............'01 Ranger S/C X LT iiareside,ve, aulo, A/c.........................$230x60 m o s .* «P1598.............‘02 Ranger S/C X LT 4x4, vs, auto, power group ..................$335x60 m o s .* »PI543............‘01 F*150XLT4x4,6cyl,5spd.,LWB,alloys .............................$293x60 m o S .* IPISS7............‘01 F-150 S/C X L aulo, ve, power group...................................$335x60 m o s .* *PI558 ............'00 F-150 S/C X LT aulo, V6, low milos......................................$335x60 m o s .* IH3DT4609A .„‘02 Chevy Silverado Z71 ex cab, S.SLVe, 4x4, clean.........$ 4 18 x 72 m o s.* »40T0198A ,.,'01 F-150 S/C X LT V8, auto, power gtoup, alloys...................$356x60 m O S .* «3DT1289A ...‘02 Dodge Ram ST ve, auio, low miles, local irade...............$ 2 72 x6 0 m o s .* HPI575............‘02 F-350 S/C X LT DRW 4x4, Laiial, 7.3LVB, aulo............$ 5 70 x72 m o S .* «DT7296A ,..‘01 F-350 Crow Cab X LT 4x4,7.3L diesel, Nicol..............$ 5 5 2 x72 m o s.* NEW W F^ISO] Arriving Daily! ‘0 4 D i e s e l S u p e r d u t i e s a l s o A v a i l a b l e ! 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These áre new, first quality tires thal were ieft ovor from recaii Inventory., if you own a truci< or SUV that uses any one of these tiro sizes, then you may aeUBt have a l)etter opportunity to purchase Urea at this level ot savings again!So take advantage of Ihls offer while yoü oani Í15%*0flpjártsiI íñ fith T h S s C o u p o n I 'l ^ ‘ Excludes Accessories, Offer Good Until 11/30(1)3 at All-American Ford Mercury Only, j FORD MERCURY -------^ ^ Wintlon-Mem t ^ AU- A /МининГОШО ^т пш х j' Mockevllle Shop us online at aaford.conn Buy American... Buy Ford... “Buy ALL AiVlERiCAN FORD” Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 7 5 1-2 16 1 • Plus Tax & Fees. Dealer retains all rebates. '"Excludes diesel engines. See dealer lor delails. Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - Bl Dream Dr Davie Takes CPC Title With 86-Yard March By Brian Pitts Davie County Enlerprise Record For a span of 27 minutes, 18 seconds, tile Davic football team's offense wa.s dead. In a iiigii-stalces game aguinst visit­ ing Nortli Davidson on Haiioween nigtit tliat determined the season for botii teams, tiie Wur Eagles were deader lhan painted-on jeans witliout pocltets. Deader than tube socks. Deuder than disco, Tlien, Davie’s corpse jumped up and responded wilh a miraculous grind-it- out touchdown drive that ended witli 30 seconds on the clock, delivered n 23-20 win und gave Davie a siiare of the Central Piedmont Conference championship. The final night ofthe regu­ lar season began with West Forsylh, Dnvie nnd North tied in the C PC standings at 2-1, Wcsl (9-2,3- i ) beat Reynolds 34-26 and received the league's N o , 1 seed for the state playoffs virtue of its 14- 6 win over Dnvie, Tiie War Eagles (7-4, 3-1 ) grabbed a piece of tiie title for the lliird time in Coach Doug Illing's six years and sccured the No, 2 seed. North (y-2, 2-2), which bcnl West 24-14 and would have owned the top seed witii a win over Davie, stumbled all tiie way lo seed No, 4 behind South Rowan (6- .-î, 2-2), After a brutal four-gnmc losing streak al midseason, Duvic's regular seuson cuiminnted in the most gratifying wuy ininsiiiiibtu, JoUiny II biller rivul ul the finish line, singing one of llie mosl fun- tastic finisiies in its 48-yeur history and surviving un epic game that overflowed wilh rnw emotion, electrifying pussion und explosive energy. The Binek Knights sonred to N o , 5 in the A P poll and were i)-0 before los­ ing 3.‘i-28 in overlime al Soulh Rowan, To pul n price tag on whnt an upsel of North meant to tiie Duvie program, play- PIcusc See Davie Grinds - Page H 7 Jiikü b ers and fans is impossible, "Oh my goodness, after a four-gume skid and then lying for tiie C P C cham­ pionship, it's just unbelievable," senior free safety B illy Riddle said afler Davie's third straight win, "W hen you go on a four-game kid, tliere's junk talk­ ing and some sneering going on. Some people in the county may have stopped believing and people in the school stopped believing. But our leum hung together and jelled. We hnd composure nnd m nlurity because w e've been through lough silunlions nil senson." “ People didn’ l think we had a chance to win, with them being ranked eighth in the stnte und us be­ ing 6-4," said junior D-lineman Zac O'B rien, "Weil, just look now." "Th is is by fnr the besl sports moment I've ever had," senior left guard Juslin Norsworthy said, "Tliis is llie most excited I've ever been nboul winning u bnllgume. Hnrd work pnys off." Norlh rocked Davic willi 13 unanswered points nnd had conlrol of liie game al 20-16, Tlie mo­ mentum wus clearly in North's fnvor because llie War Eugles couldn'l do any­ thing on offense. Afler watching star Cooler Arnold rip off two long touch­ downs in tlie firsl 13 minules, the War Engles were wondering how so mucli could go wrong so fast in a gnme tlint started so well witli leads of 10-0 and 16-7. After Arnold's 58-yard dash to the end гопе on the firsl piny of the second .quurter, the Wur Eugles mustered only 18 yurds on their next 16 plays, Tliey imd six consccutive three-und-oul pos­ sessions. They were completely shut down for 27-plus minules, "They were pinying greal defense and we couldn't gel unything going," Davie coach Doug llling snid. "O ur de­ fense kept hanging and hanging und Ryan Boeiim (left), Ted Randolph and the line led the w ay to victory, - Photo courtesy of Jim Moore Justin Brown hopes for one last shot with Davie down 20-16.■ Photo by Robin Fergusson Resilient Defense Keeps Davie Alive Before Davie's refuse-to-lose offen­ sive linu paved a stunning 19-plny, 86- yard, eight-minute drive to pull out the third unbelievable finish in ns mnny weeks and nail down a share of the Cen­ tral Piedmont Conferencc cliampionship on Hnilowcen night, visiting Nortli Davidson looked us if il was going lo tnke the No, 1 seed over Wesl Forsylli nnd breuk Dnvie's iienrl 20-16, Davie roared to leads o f 10-0 and 16- 7 in an eventual 23-20 victory, but North quarlerbuck N ick Jurvis cnrved up Dnvie's secondary for 13 ununswered poinls. In the first hulf, Jurvis wenl 1 i-ol-16 for 164 yurds nnd hil Ibur different re­ ceivers as North rolled up 252 yards, Jurvis, a 6-4, 240-pound former lighl end, helped North produce 14 firsl downs and pull to 16-14 nt hniftime. O ’ B rien Pane With four minutes left in the third qunrler, Jai-vis completed a lO-ynrd pnss on tliird-and-9. O n the nexl play, TVanna Tullle wenl 18 untouched yards. North led 20-16 after a bad snap on Ihe extra point. When Jarvis wnsn'l picking Dnvie's Rice secondury nparl, Tuttle (87 rushing yards) and Braxton Debo.se (64) were making productive runs, "W e thought we could gel pressure on the qunrlerbnck, but il wns n hit-or- miss thing," Dnvie conch Doug llling PIcnsc See Defense - Page B 7 McClannon Bounces Off Bench, Sparks Unforgettable Drive ■ In the aftermath of Davie's crushing 14-6 loss at Wesl Forsylh on Ocl. JO, Andrew McClannon probably figured he'd taken his last meaningful snap as a foolball player. He completed 4-of-7 passes, bul they only prodiiceii 18 yards, Tlien there was tiiat other perplexing problem - botciied snaps. Center Kyan Boehm and McClannon suffered bud exchanges in preseason, nnd the drive-killing irend wus worse than ever nt West as lliree mi.ssed snaps in 10 pluys ruined Davie's comebuck chunces. Tiim's one issue liiut's diliicult to fix by wutcliing film, Conclies sny Boehm fired off so quickly thut it prevented M cClnnnon from getting a clean handle. Th n l's nol a putdow n on Boehm. He's just trying lo explode and hit somebody, and line coach Chad Groover loves Boehm. He said he con­ sistently grades oul as good as anybody up front, llling wasn't sure who to fault. Wilh Davie mired in a four-gume skid and wobbling ut 0-1 in the C P C , he jusl knew he had lo do someihing to spark a lurnaround, so he made some lough decisions, m oving Boehm lo right tackle, record-selling tailback Cooler Arnold (who threw for 900-plus yards last year) lo Q B , and sub Kyle Brown lo center. McClannon, who's as good a kid as you'll ever meet, was the odd man out. if he were a lesser person, he might hnve stomped off nnd quit. If he were n self­ ish player, he would have done the easy thing ami given up. Bul M cClnnnon is n fighter. He didn'l smell the field in dramatic come­ back wins over South Row nn nnd Plense See M cClannon - Page B5 llling In sp ires H u g e T u rn a ro u n d , B a g s T h ird C P C T itle For most observers al Friday's 23- 20 thriller over North D uvidson, Davie's win was jusl ahoul playoff secdings uiul which one would sliure the conference championship with West Forsyth. Duvie rallied in the final seconds to become co-ciiamps. It also handed llie top seed to We.sl (3-1 C PC ), N o , 2 to Duvie (3-1), No. 3 lo Soulh Rowan (2- 2) and N o , 4 to North (2-2), For the War Eagles, though, the slakes were even liigiier. This was aboul llieir reputation in big games and eslab- lisliing consistency as a contender und .serious pluyoff purticipunt. Througiiout the 4-0 stun and currenl liiree-game rise, one player after an­ other lias emerged as a hero and the players have bathed in cliecrs. Bul one iinportnnl detuil cun'l go unnoticed. How aboul Doug llling?The sixlli-year head coach deserves high praise for piloting perhaps the biggest turnaround since the .scliool opened in 1956. Tlie War Eugles were facing severe disnppointment ufler dropping the Cen­ lral Piedmont Conference opener. W in­ ning a title unylime is olwiously spe- cini, Bul recovering from a four-gume losing streak and 4-4 rccord lo go 7-4 and 3-1 in llie league - now, that's a feat. Illing's greatest edge, according lo three senior captains, is nll-lor-onc teum spirit. “The whole lime coach Ihrew in the word ndversity," Juslin Norsworthy said, "H e was prcuching nnd preaching to get Ihrough llic hard limes. Even af­ ter North Forsylh - when I wanted lo crawl inlo a hole somewhere, while everybody else was living in the mo­ ment - he sees the season as a whole, a whole bunch of evenls thal uccumulule inlo one. W ho would hnve thought af­ ler losing four games we would slill be able to win the conference chnmpion- ship'.’ Please See IHlng - Page B9 В2 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 S o cce r C oach Turn s To Prom ising Future N o one cxpcclcd nnicli oul of this year's Davie varsily soccer team, and Reynolds und North Davidson broughl u nicrcifiil end lo a dreadful 3-15-3 season lusl week by routing the Wur Eagles by 5-1 scores. But Jeremy Byrd knew his first year as the head man would bo a long road. It wus buptism under fire for a teum that used one senior in u serious role, and the Wur Eugles were uweslruck almost every nighl out. Reynolds overw helm ed Davie wilh a 15-3 advantage in shots. Senior C orey W ood chipped the bull over the keeper for u quick 1-0 lead over North Davidson, The Black Knighis, of Bekah Peeler Closes Stellar Running Season Bekah Peeler finished 36lh oul of 126 runners in Saturday's 4 -A slate championship cross country meet. The junior run a time of 21 minules 26 seconds, the highest time in her lusl five meets. "1 didn’t do too w ell," she said, "ll was really hoi outside and I've been getting 20s for the lust monlh or so." Even though she didn'l clo.se Ihe wuy she hoped, I’eeler had u terrific season. She captured the Central Piedmont Conference lille al 19:59 and placcd eighth in the M idwest Regionul al 2 0 :15 . The 4 -A chum pion, Katherine Merrill o f Durham Jordan, posted a 19:25. "I didn'l do so well, bul I'm glud I made It lo the slate," Peeler .said, "The top girl (Merrill) usu­ ally nms in Ihe 18s, so everybody really run slower than usual." Boger Shoots 96 At PInehurst After a rocky first day in the Class 4 -A slate championships ut Pinehursl N o . 8 last w eek, Heather Boger of Davie's golf lenm bounced back with a 96. That's a rc.spectable score und a good wuy lo wrap up a senior season. That's really solid when you consider the pouring rain und how difficull the course is. "It wus actually her best round ull year, and it wus in u cold rain," Couch Debbie Evans said, "The weather was horrible, and lhal cours« was by fur more difficult lhan anything we've playeil all year. “Thut wns a reul slrong round. If she’d broke 100 bolh days, she would have probably been in Ihe top 25." Boger opened wilh u 108. She milled to finish 40-sonielhing among 70 golfers. Also repre­ senting Davic was junior Saruh Jarvis. V o l l e y b a l l T e a m W i n s R o u n d 1 ; L o s e s T o E v e n t u a l S t a t e C h a m p s D a vie ’s volleyball team notched the firsl pluyoff win in school history before losing ut Chnpel №11. It turned oul lhal Coach Karen Stephens’ club losl lo the best teum in Ihe slule. In Ihc Class 4 -A stale championship Saturday al N .C . Stale’s Rey­ nolds Coliseum , Chupel H ill ckedom a 25 -15 ,25 -19 ,21-25 , 19-25 ,15-13 win over Wilming­ ton lloggurd. War Eagle Madness Nov. 15,6-10 p.m. M ike Absher und Kuren Stephens, Davie's varsity baskel­ bull coaches, have planned War Eagle Madness for Nov. 15 al 6- 10 p.m. in Ihc high-school gym. Admission is S2. The night's evenls will in­ clude music, performunces by school groups uiul talent, gumes lo win prizes, giveaways, intro­ ductions of middle-school tennis, high-school teams and other win- ler sport progrnnis, und in- trasquud .scrinininges. Food will be available as well as booster- cliib clothing and niembersliip infonnntion. ll will be a night to kick off bnsketbnll nnd have some fam­ ily fun. Register For Church Basketball Tlie Mocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Depurtmenl will hold reg­ islration for cliiircli-lengue bas- kelball through Nov. 14. The league will starl the firsl Sunduy in December. Call 751-2325. Register For 7-1 Oth Basketball The Mocksville-D'ivie Recre­ alion Deparlnienl is uccepling forms for its seventh- 10th grnde busketbull league. The registralion fee is S35 for the first child and $30 for euch udditionni child in Ihe sume fnm- ily, and the deadline is Nov. 14. Everyone nuist he prercgislercd nnd must attend Ihe teum pluce- nienl drills nl Ihe Brock Gym . Call Joe Boyette at 751-2325. Meet The War Eagles Justin Norsworthy Sporl: football If I could keep jusi one music C I), II would he; Appnln- chian Sionip. If I lost ull my po.ssessluiiK hut one, I’d keep; M y Bible. Somelhing people don’ l know aboul me; I really am an offensive lineman. I'nntiisy Job; To have Lee Corso’s job on College Gumeday. I cun'l live wllhout: M y heurt. M y grenlest monienl In .sporls: Beat­ ing North Davidson lo win a share of the C PC championship in 2003. I would like lo switch places lor a day w ith: Coach Groover. I''iinnlc.4t foolbiill .slory; W atching Coach Oakley going over Ihe edge in priic- lice lust yenr while yelling at the O L . I would like 10 eal dinner with (dead or alive): A glass of tea. Knvorllc class In school mul w liy: Mr. Mitchell's class. Not only do we learn nialh, hut ulso about life e.vperiences, Alhlelc(.s) I admire inusl: Zach Jakob, Karl Malone nnd Tony Bo.selli. M y favorite thlnB iiboul piiiyhig t'ootlinll Is: The friend­ ships you develop und the feeling of winning. course, ruled the rest o f Ihe game. "There wus n difference in size between our guys nnd North’s guys," Byrd suid. "Their guys were huge, and they were fast. So wc were outniuscled, we were outdone in speed nnd wc were outdone in skill. "I knew coming in il was go­ ing lo be chullenging. It was a very hard lime to come in wilh 13 seniors leaving la.st year." Byvd d id n 'l wanl lo talk much nbout u senson in which Duvie fini.shed 1-7 in the Cen­ tral Piedmoni Conference. He would much rather talk aboul nexl year, when 10 currcnl jun­ iors will mesh with sophomore Andrew Gildein and freshmen Tyler Baity and Chris Wanluch 10 produce an experienced team. "W e just needed a yearto gel 11 together," he said. "We have u lol of young talent coming up, and the future looks very good for Ihe nexl few years. I feel like we've developed relationships with some kids, and I think that's going lo pay off in the fulure. "There were poinls in the sea­ son when we really played well, b'ul it's hard when you leave your heart on the field nnd then you lo.se 2-1 or 1-0. W e've got n good core o f juniors (Lucus Boger, Felix Carbajal, Carlos H e rnandez, Hurrison Ju d d , David M cllwain, M ike Paoni, Josh Parrish, Reud PIoll, Dylun Reynolds, Juslin Schultz nnd David Siein), and Gildein is go­ ing to be real significnnt. From JV I like what I've seen from Brook H in m a n, and Jarrell Fleharty and Michael Sulier are showing a lot of promise. "H ad W anluch and Baity sluyed on JV Ihis yenr, Ihcy would have beaten down pretty much all their com petition, which is exciling for the future," he suid. H ard -Luck JV S o cce r B attle s To Fin a l W h istle There wasn'l a time all sea­ son when Hugh Lee's JV soccer team did nol bailie. In 12 of 14 losses, Davie made the opponent sweat oul the victory. The War Engles just did not huve enough offensive firepower lo gel the job done. Last week’s final decisions of the season were all too familiar, lo.s'ing 2-0 al Rey­ nolds and 3 -1 al North Davidson, They went 2 -11 in games won by two goals or less and finished 5- 14-2 overall nnd 2-6 in tho Ccn­ irnI Piedmont Conference. “Thnt pretty much would sum up our season,” Lee said. “ We had scoring opportunities bul Ihe finishing wasn't there. Wc cre­ ated enough shols, we just couldn't finish. There were two games (9-0 and 6-1 losses lo Lake Norman nnd Eusl Forsyth, respectively) we were not in. Every olher gnme we hnve been in with opporlunities to lio or win near Ihe end." Whul kind of luck did Dnvie hnve? Early in the sccond half at Reynolds, w ith Ihe Dem ons clinging to a 1-0 lead, Davie's "best defender" (Jnrrett Flehany) was ejected for n foul. Although Jack Rooney mnde hn incredible ' suve on the penulty kick to keep the score 1-0, Davie had to piny wilh only 10 players in 31 of the second hnlf's 35 minules, Lee snid Flehnrty’s foul dkl nol wur- ninl a red card and should have been a yellow. Reynolds put the game away, 2-0, nt the 54th minute. “ Usuully they go to Ihe yel­ low cnrd, and then we had lo play down a defender," Lee said. "W e hnd severnl opporlunities early and in the last 20 minutes, but could nol gel one lo go in, nor did we give up anything else." North Duvidson buill n 2-0 leud in the first 22 minules be­ fore Brook Hinmun cut the mar­ gin in half. But once again, Lady Luck frowned on the War Eagles, who barely nii.sscd u handful of threats. After North pushed tho mar­ gin back to tw o nl Ihe 55lh minute, Hinm un appeared lo bring Duvie to 3-2. But his goal was wiped off by an offsides call. Nnturnlly, a long bnll by North squeezed narrowly ovor keeper Rooney’s oulsirelched hands for Ihe 3-1 final. “ Wc had two shots (by Plácido Cruz) Ihnl suilcd wide by inches," Lee snid. "C ru z and Hinman played very well up top. We had several opportunilies lo score. Shot-wise, we were busi- cally even with them." Hillman's goal Inte in Ihe first half was an impressive move thul guve Dnvie new life. "He just powered Ihrough the defense," Lee said. “ I moved Brook from defense lo forward for Ihis gume, and he was able lo power Ihrough wilh individual effort." ■ Though Davie’s record sank deeper as the year wore on - largely because iw o talented freshmen (T^ler Baity and Chris Wanluch) were pulled lo varsity after n 2-1 slarl - there was a bright side. Opponents outscored Duvie by a slim 2.5 -1.6 margin and a host of players (particularly freshmen Michael Jolly, Rooney, FIcharly, John Michnel Bnrtell and M ax Graham ) made drn- nialic improvement. Freshman Michael Sulier was the main man, accounting for 11 of 33 gonls. "Jolly came on late in Ihe year and crenled numerous scoring opportunities," Le e said. “ Rooney was nn incredible keeper once Richie Gassell gol hurl. He made a big difference nnd he certainly hns the physical tools - great hands, quickness and good hand-eye coortlinalion, Flc- harty, Bnrlelt und Grnhani all got good experience and will form the nucleus next year," Worth Ndting... Fre.shman M ichael Sulier.scored IL of the Davie: JViSoccer team’s 33 goals. ■ / In' a'21-0 win over N.; Davidson, Jaspen Gray rushed for 80 yards and 'two TDs, M ark Huggins made, 14 tackles and Kenny Rivers made an INT lhat allowed Davie’à TV football team to pull away. Red,shirt freshman Dai-ld Wooldridge of Ad­ vance is averaging 47.2 yards a punt for t|ie North Carolina Tar Heels, Senior Chris Perry of Advance nished.51 times for 219 yaidsin Michigan’s 27-20 w in at Michigan 3tatc. And RS freshman Patrick Lowery of Mocksville has, appeared. In eight of N.C. State’s 10 games. Coûter Arnold rushed for 152 yards, three TDs ?ind clinched an 23-20 win overN. Davidson with a 1- yard sneak. Billy Riddle ¡md Dustin Morgan cotti- bined for 28 tackles, Bran­ don Pune had two sacks, and Andrew McClannon came off the bench to en­ gineer a ip^play* 8-min'ute drive that gave Davie a .Share of the CPC title. Spartans B ack On Top In Flag Football League Week nine of Ihe Duvie Flag Football League wus filled with turnovers and high scorcs. In game one. tbe Enforcers rouled Sura Lee 50-18. Sarn Lee’s Q B had a hnrd time ugainst Ihe pesky Enforcers defense, throwing several interceptions. Adam Carpenter of The Enforc­ ers had throe picks and returned ono of them for a 30-yard touch­ down. Alex Juslice nnd Bubbn Colemun ulso hud inlercoplions. Coleman continued lo light il up on offense, by throwing several Hickory Hill T D passes. In game tw o, the Spartans beal Going Deep 26-25 In a batllc for first placc. Tho Spar­ lans jumped ahead early, thanks lo tho Jason Clark Show. He had two intorcoplion returns for TDs and one receiving T D . Wilh 10 minutes left in the game, Dennis Whi.sonhunt had a critical IN T for Going Deep and lulernlled the bull lo Chad Heiner for a 40-ynrd T D that guve the Sparlans a 26- 19 lend. The Spartans turned Ihc bull over wilh less thnn two min- invites OU play our TVaditional Golf Course’s First Ever W w iT iiR S p e c ia l IVovember 1st th ru Mai'ch 1st Momlay ■■ Siimlay Anytime $ 1 6 .0 0 Includes cart & green fee 6 Miles fi-oin Mock.svilIe nn Hwy. 0)4 E.336 -9 9 8 -8 74 6 BANK o/iМЖН]ёАЮ 1 ША M o R T a A Cl K M o rtg a g e rales are the low est they have been in 4 0 years'! H ave yo u refinanced? D o yo u w an t to purchase a hom e? Please c a ll us today! There c o u ld n ’t he a better lim e ! J E R R Y K A P P Managor/1-оал Ollicer 1336 Westgate Certei Drive VWnslon-Satem, NC 27103 i 2 ri4^ Ui«»i Telephone: (336) 774-2944 Mobile: (336)462-3932 E-Mail; jkapp<Sbankolnc.Dom Member FDIC $ 2 .5 0 CRYSTAL GLEANERS 3608 Clemmons Road, Clemmons7 12 -3 15 5 Night Drop & Drive-Thru M-F 7 AM-7PM • SAT. 8 AIVI-5 PM Sam e Day Service W eekdays: In by 11a .m .; Saturday In by 10 a.m. E V E R Y D A Y S P EC IA l.: M E N 'S D R E S S S H IR TS 9 9 0 each minimum 5 iloms ^;еощ цткв17со гоА С сш д ’геьукЕЕР ткаЩ о р vi ! y o # p r ì ) k r : ' . ■ ■ iil^lHERANDSliEPE • DRAPES • • îi •:^I^}RTEKSANYS1ZE$10* DOWN C0Ml^RTEBS$2SJ • HEAWCOATS $6.00, REG, $Л50 1 WE NO W DO EXPRESS ALTERATIONS $ У Щ . О ОPANTS START A T Pants, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, | Vests, Shorts, Ties, Blazers < ■ ■ ■ G 3 C i l I I I I :i Dresses, Robes, Short Coats, Jump Suits $ O S O each I I I I I Minimum 3 items, ^ Silks $2.00 extra I C O U P O N IV IU S T B E P R E S E N T E D W I T H I N C O M I N G O R D E R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,4 utes lo go. W ilh under 30 seconds lo go. Going Deep scored nnd went for . the winning two-point.conver­ sion. The ball was linocked nwny nt Iho last second ns the Spurtuns hung on. The Yadkinville Vikings crushed Ihc Aeros 60-24 in game ■ three. Mark Brandon and C o , . easily bombed ihoir wny inlo the ond zone ns the Vikings look a • 38-12 hnlflime lead. Turnovers and porous defense hurt the ■ Aeros’ cause. Davie Grabs Another JV Title B y Brian Pllts Davie Couniy Enterprise Rocord hi Ihc aflernialh of Ihe pre­ season scriinninge wilh Mount Tabor and in Ihe nervous dnys before Ihc Davie J V football team’s season opener, Tilden Carter found him self over­ whelmed by the task of inking over a winning program und wns shaking w ith doubt aboul whether ho could mainiain high standards Ihnt Lee Linville es- tnblished over Ihe previous three years. “ I didn’t feel any pressure nt nil until we had the scrimmage, and I’m going to tell you, that’s when il slapped me in the face of whal those kids were expect­ ing out of m e," Carter said. “ Me and (Devore) Holmnn stood on Ihc practice field at 3;30 in Ihe morning afler Ihe Tnbor scrim­ mage talking, and he kept pick­ ing me up and saying: ‘ It's go­ ing to be alright,’ " Holm an's soothing words lurned oul lo bo righl. Carter nol only passed Ihe head-coaching lesl, he led a dominating ride thal measures up to anything Iho JV program’s ever done. In the final game o f the .sea­ son last week at North Davidson (1-9 record), Iho War Eagles pul Ihe finishing touches on a sea­ son in which they went 9-1 over­ all nnd 4-0 in the Centrul Pied­ mont Conference wilh a 21-0 win. The War Eagles went 7-2 and Davie JV Statistics Record: 9-1,4-0 CPC DAVIE COUN'l'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - B3 4-0 in 2000. They wont 8-2 and 4-1 in 2001. And Ihey went 8-2 und 5-0 lust yeur. Thursdny’s fiflh strnight win mukcs tliem 32-7 and 17-1 in the last four years. Carter suid il couldn'l have happened without his nssislnnls. "If il wnsn’l for (Mult) Snin, (Randy) Athey, (Ron) Bivins, (sludenl-leachcr) Zanc Chainra and (Sam) Stovall, il would have been a tough rond," he suid. "Those guys reully worked their lulls off," After opening 4-0, Ihe Wnr Eagles threw u gutter ball in a 23- 8 loss to Freedom. But no one came closer thnn nine poinls the rest of the wuy, blasting oppo­ nents 247-78. "The bus ride over there wus crazy,” Carter said, shaking his liead, “ You would think Ihc kids weren’t ready, bul us I’ve said all year, Ihese kids are loose. Th e y’re going to be wild and cra/.y, bul they show up to play," Davie did it lo North Iho way it has so often, mixing an intor- changeable rushing attack with precise passes from Brud Corri­ her und gelling stout defcn.se from Brock Flowers, Murk Hug­ gins and Brandon Slewarl, The offense was never a one- man show, arid once ngain il used a spread-the-weallh atliludc to produce un.sioppablc balance. Jaspen Gray rushed for 80 yards on 13 curries, Kennclh Brown hud 55 on eight curries, Duniel Gough hud 42 on three carries. Flowers chipped in 11 yards on Iwo carries, and Corriher com­ pleted passes to Zach Vogler, Curt Davis and Josh Eder as Davio oulguined Nortli 220-168. “ ll would have been easy for people to gel seinsh, bul there wasn’t any selfishness on our leam," Carler said. The W ar Eagles, however, took Iheir lime putting North away. They opened the game wilh an 11 -pluy drive, but bogged down nl Ihe North 32. But Grny sprinted 21 yards on a third-and- 10 play for touchdown and 7-0 lead. Gray scored again, Ihis time from 19 yurds out, for a 13-0 lead, nnd Gough tucked on n 42- ynrd T D in the fourth, ll was a defensive player who ignited Davie, On North's first series, Tim m y Allen made a tackle that jarred the ball loose, and Casey Griffith recovered. Then Corriher hil Eder and Vo­ gler wilh 17-yard completions. Gruy cupped the nine-play drive and Corrihcr's extra point made it 7-0, With Dnvie’s offense strug­ gling for consistency, the game lurned in a flash on un inlcrcep- lioii by Kenny Rivers, who re­ lumed Ihe pick 45 ynrds lo sol up G ray’s second score. “ M om entum -w ise, lhal changed the game as much as anylhing,” Carler snid of Rivers, “ I WHS scared to death at halflimc und proud us could be ut the end. It should huve been 21-0 al half- time (instead of 7-0). We hadn’t taken control, and we did right High-Profile Programs Davie Products Wooldridge, Lowery, Perry Playing In Top College Games B y Brian Pllts Davic Couniy Enterprise Record Tile way il looks now, Ihis senson will go down ns one of Ihe worst in North Cnrolina football history, Th o wny ll looks now, this season will be one lhat North Cnrolina punier Dnvid W ooldridge w ill never forget, W ooldridge, a redshirl fresh­ mnn from Advance, is one o f the few bright spots in un otherwise dreary season for Ihe Tar Heels, While Ihey tumbled lo 1-8 over­ all nnd 0-5 in Ihe A C C in Sniurday’s drubbing to M ary­ land, W ooldridge posted an- olher sparkling performance with a 48-yard average on three punts. But il was only a few weeks ago when Wooldridge couldn’l have imagined being the hottest punter in Ihe A C C , For seven games he was the backup lo se­ nior John Lafferiy, bul Lafferly gave way lo Wooldridge on Ocl. 25 al Clemson, “ I don’l know if lie losl (the early-season) biiille (to La f- ferty), 1 Ihink it was more lie wasn’t ready at lhal point to go in the gam e," Jatnes Webster, U N C 's assislani head coach and special leams coordinator, said before Saturday’s game, “ H e ’s gotten to Ihe poini where he’s ready lo be our (N o . 1) punier, and right now he is our punier," W ooldridge has punted 14 limes for an average o f 47.2 yards. His longest one was 61 yards and he's pinned six inside the opponents’ 20-yard line. In a sharp contrast, Lafferly has n 37.5 avernge on 26 nttempls, a long o f 47 and six inside the 20, “ I do believe I wasn’t ready, nnd I like whul (Ihe coachcs) did,” Wooldridge snid by phone Salurday nighl. “ I guess 1 just showed my talent in prnclice and games, and it all switched over to being good, 1 love it to death, and I hope I keep doing whul I’ m doing.” W ooldridge’s flashy num ­ bers arc even more impressive given this is only Ihe beginning for Ihe 2002 Duvie High gradu­ ate, His average would lead the A C C if he had the required number of attempts. Going into Saturday, Wake Forest’s Ryun Plackemeier led the league wilh 'Wooldridge Lowery n 46.6 average on 44 punts, und M a ryla n d ’ s A d n m Podlesh ranked socond al 44.0 on 37 punts. “ M y parenis (Darrell nnd Nancy W ooldridge) record all Ihe games, and they alwuys call and loll me whul Ihc announc­ ers say,” he said. “ I’ve heard a lol o f them say; 'H e doesn’ t know anylhing but long.’ They kind o f give me credit for hil­ ling il long. In a situation (at the Clemson 44), it was supposed to be a sky kick, and 1 boomed il through the uprights. Like in golf, 1 used a little loo long of a club,” W ooldridge’s shortest punt so far was a 38-yard "sky kick," the only phase o f the punting game that is giving him trouble. His only low moment was a block in tlie end zone by N .C . State. The biggest highlight wns Ihe first collcgiale punl o f his life, n 61-yarder nguinst Florida State, “ I was shaking so bad before I wenl on the field,” lie said of the dcbul. “ Afler I gol done, I snid, 'That’s nol that bad.’ “ Lo w ery Seeing Tim e A t State W hile Patrick Low ery, who starred w ilh W ooldridge on Davie's 9-2 team in 2001, did not see the field in two of N .C . Slate’s firsl ihree games, he’s gotten playing lime in each of the last .seven games, Thai’s nol bad for a redshirl freshman who plays a position (linebackcr) whore the conipc- tilion for P T is brutal, “ For his first time Ihrough, I’ve been very happy with his developm ent, Ihe w ay he's picked up on tilings and nol re­ peated Ihe sume mislukes,” snid linebackers coach Manny Diaz. “ Tliese last Ihrec gnmes (includ­ ing Snturdny’s win over V ir­ ginia) ure Ihe make-or-break games, and the boss (Couch Chuck Am ato) could have a little lighter leash wilh the sec­ ond-team guys.” In eighl gnmes Low ery, a 6- 2 ,228-poundcr from Mocksville and the son of Buddy and Tara Low ery, has eight solo lackles, 13 total tackles and one sack. Though Low ery snid he wishes bis numbers were n little bigger, D iaz said Lo w ery’s progressing at a conifoitable rate and laying tlic foundation fora solid future. “ If he was having missed lackles, Ihnl w ould be one thing,” D iaz said. “ W hen 1 look ut him nnd at all m y linebnck- ers, Ihe foundution is nssignmeni nnd efforl. Sometimes Ihal’s Ihe hardest thing for u young player to understand. I don’t have nny problem with Pntrick’s efforl. H e ’s playing hard nnd fast. He runs betler than people Ihink.” “ It’s n learning experience und il’s boon im proving," said Low ery, who wus averaging be­ tween 25-30 defensive snaps over a recent seven-gnmc spun. "Sometimes we gel Ihe T V copy of llie tape, und il’s exciting. Wc watched the Thursday nighl gume against Clem son, nnd it was weird bccause growing up 1 was always watching those Thursday nighl games.” Perry Lends Michigan Chris Perry, u senior from Advance, run roughshod over ninth-ranked Michigan State Saturday nnd carried N o . 11 Michigan to u 27-20 win. The 6 -1 ,228-pound tailback rushed u m ind-boggling 51 times for 219 yards, ll wns his llrst iOO-ynrd game on Iho roud, and he acconipiislied lhal in Ihe first hulf. In the process, he sel un nll-limc Michigan record for carries, passing the 42 by Ron Johnson in 1967 and Anthony Thomas in 1999. "I need a hot lub, und w e’ve got one in our nparlmenl,” Perry suid nfter pulling Michigan (8- 2, 5-1 Big Ten) in firsl place in llie conference. “ H e’s nol n flusliy guy, but whal un unbelievable player lie is,” Coucii Lloyd Curr said. Perry, who hus 3,335 career yards on 732 carries, wenl lo school nt Shady Grove Elem en­ tary and North Davie M iddle bel'ore transferring lo Fo rk Union M ilitary Academ y. He came back and allended Duvie High in the second semester of tlie 1997-98 school yenr, bul re­ lumed lo F U M A in Ihe fnll of 1998, Ihcrc (wilh Rivers’ IN T ).” So much has been written aboul Flow ers' wookly excel­ lence nt linebacker - and he swurmed ngnin for 10 luckles - bul fellow lincbncker Huggins cun clulin niucli of Ihe credit for this defensive sliutout. He rucked up 14 lackles as 16 of North's 40 rushing nllenipis went for zero or minus yardage. North pickcd up 40 of ils 168 yurds nfter it wus 21-0. Slewurt added seven tuck- les. “ I don't know whul possessed Huggins, bul tiial kid played his heart oul," Curler suid. Brown uveruged neurly seven yards a curry despite running in bad luck. Ho was, according to Duvio, robbed of n 3-yurd T D after pushing Ihe bnll to the North 1 with a 21 -yard dash, and lie hnd a 7 1 -ynrd gallop lo paydirt cullcd buck by u penally well behind Ihe play. "They said he never got in Ihe end zone, bul we thought he was cicurly a ynrd deep," Carler said. "That's a tough brcuk. H le’s had two touchdowns cniled back in liie lusl two gnmes by penalty and they didn't give liim credit for another one.” Notes! Anthony Brown also pickcd off u puss.... Curler said Josh Aiken, a junior who played J V because he wus home schooled before this year and had never played foolbnll, made rapid iinproyomenl on Ihe D L . The 6- 4, 240-pounder is n mnrvelous physicul talent who has unlimited potenliul in foolbnll and baskct- ball. "He pluyed tremendously well (wilh five tnckles)," he snid. "He's a raw athlete. If be works hnlf us hard for (bnsketball couch Mike) Abslier us he worked for me, and improves as much as he hns for me, he's got a grenl fu­ ture. He's a good kid nnd lie's very well-rounded ulhletlcally." ... Curler snid GrifnUi evolved into a teliablo D-lineman, W, Rowan W7-6 Lake Norman W38-0 at Mooresville W 21-6 at Statesville W29-6 Freedom L23-8 at N. Forsyth W 40-12 W. Forsyth W32-0 at S. Rowan W23-7 Reynolds W 27-18 at N. Davidson W 21-0 R U S H I N G Car, Gain Avg. Jaspen Gray 83 637 7.7 Daniel Gough 69 544 7.9 Kenneth Brown 77 423 5.5 Davie 291 1854 6.4 P A S S IN G Comp Att Int Pet Yds TD Brad Corriher 36 71 2 .507 557 10 Davie 49 114 4 ,430 636 11 P A S S R E C Rec Yds Avg, TD Zach Vogler 19 334 17,6 7 Curt Davis 15 159 10.6 2 Davie 49 636 13,0 11 S C O R IN G TD Conv, Kick FG Pts Jaspen Gray 9 0 0 0 54 Daniel Gough 8 0 0 0 48 Zach Vogler 6 4 0 0 44 Brad Corriher 1 0 22 1 31 Kenneth Brown 4 0 0 0 24 Curt Davis 4 0 0 0 24 Davie 35 5 22 1 247 D e f e n s e Tackles For Loss Sacks FF Brock Flowers 89 3 1 1 Mark Huggins 63 1 0 1 Timmy Allen 40 1 0 0 Jordan Fowler 38 6 1 2 Brandon Stewart 37 0 0 1 Chantz Grannamon 30 0 0 2 Josh Barnes 27 2 0 0 Justin Thompson 27 7 6 0 Bubba Boger 20 3 1 1 IN T E R C E P T IO N S Brock Flowers 3, Brandon Stewart 3, Jaspen Gray 2, Whit Merrifield 2, Anthony Brown, Kenny Rivers F U M B L E R E C O V E R IE S Timmy Allen, Bubba Boger, Johnathan Chaplin, Brock Flowers, Jordan Fowler, Jaspen Gray, Casey GrlftUh, Whit Merrifield, Michael Murphy, Dontay Rivers They Only Coiwe In Extra Strength LIIO tAWN TRACTOR« 17 S-hp. 0virh«ld'vflvi 1лв1л* «TlQht, le-lnthtuinlnoxidlui X59S UWN & GARDEN TRACTOR• 24-hp,3-cvlin(!«< dieiel Mwheeldifvo• SlintHid роучв! «oefing *nd CfuiM coattcl LTt60 LAWN TRACTOR• 16'hp, oveihiid-valv« inglne• Aulomitic irintmiiiion• Dflht, M-inchlutning ridiui Now'i the tima to find oul just how much a John Deere Tractor can help you create the perfect yard. Whether your maintaining whai you've finlthed or ptepaiii^g (or what you to do, John Dear« hai Ihe perfect lool for you. And, check oui the many dilferent atlachmenis that oiler year*round veristility and yeer^round dependability. Stop in to your local John Deere dealer loon, because caring for your yard never truly ends. 0T23S UWN & QAROEN TRACTOR• )вФр, overhetd-vilve engine• Automatic trintmitslon •Over IS ittschmanii iviilibie vvwwJohnOeere.com ACE VILLAGE HARDWARE 5431 HIGHWAY 158 ADVANCE, NC 27006 (336)998-1987 PIEDMONT FARM & YARD EQUIP,, INC, 805 KLUMAC ROAD SALISBURY, NC 28144 (704)636-2671 OmtOltlM N4 MNN DdU Kt * tMMrt I tl 0»rt I c«n»*4 В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTIÍRI'RISIÍ RECORD. Tliiirsthiy, Nov. 6,200.1 F O O f l M U C O H T E S f CONTEST RULES t. Anyone can ontei escoQt employees of the Davie County Enlorpfiso Record and their lamiiies. Only one enl^ allowed per person per week. All enlries musl bo on onginat newspftnl or lax lo ‘336-751-9760. 2. Games in Ihis week's contest aro listed m each advertisement on trese two paoes. Fill m the contest blank and suBmil or mail Ihe entry io Itie Enlerptise Recoid, P.O, Box ksville, NC 270P8. 3. The fitsl ontfant coftectly predicting Ihe outcome ol all games m a week will receive a bonus of S2500. Weekly prizes aro S25 4 Cap lof first place and S5 lor second place, 4, In case o( ties, the entrant v<ho came closest to ttie total number of poinis in ttie tie breaker wins. II a tie still exists, awards will be divided equally among Ihe winners. 5, Entries must be deltveted lo the Enterprise Record before 5 pm Friday each week. The oflice is located at 171 S. Main St.. Mocksville, NC. 6. Winners will be announced follo'wing eacti contest. Decisions ot judges will be fmal, A new contest will DO announced eacti week. ^ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Porfoct Entry 2nd Prize Ш Daniel Furniture& Electric Co., Inc. G WAR EAGLES! 1, W,For8ylh V, Myors Park Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • A fcfa RolHns • Will Marklin 848 Soulh Main Slreet • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2492 • 336-751-3975 QCB Cx'titr.il Ciin)lin;i Hank 17, (NCAA) Tonnossoo v, Miami - 4 DAVIE COUNTV I.OCATIONS - MX W. WiiliTSl., Mdcksvillc • Vil-SWf) НЖ) Yiulkinvillc Rtl.. Mi)ck.4Villf • 75l-ft2f)l Cmilccmco Slioppini! C'cnlcr, Owlccnwc • 284-25-12 .461 U.S Ilwy. j5,S,Ailvimcc»y-l()-2‘l20 SOMETHING DIFFERENT 5 2 8 6 H w y. 158 Sm a ll (16 o z.) Milkshake only 99^ with ariy food purchase s. Chicago v. Oetroll Advance • 940-2438 Spillman’s Lmid &Home Sales 14. Soatllo V. Washington Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 CLEMMONS DISCOUNT SALES 21. Michigan St. V. Ohio SI. G reat Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Clemmons l-ioufs: Mon-Ffi. 9-7; Sal. 9-5 766-44.I9 WWW. clammonsdiscountsalos. com MPCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY A comploto lumber yard lor Iho post 70 yoars. Whoro your granddad was a sniiadod cuslomor! 2. N. Forsyth V. N. Davidson _______Mention This Ad i Got A Froo Koy CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 1 x:\visville-Clcninions Rei., Cicmmon.s 32 Yc:us l-AporiciK-c 766-8110 or 766-0166 i 20. Wako Foroet V. UNO S : SfiowriHtm Open Mon-Fri fUim-5pm • Sat H. JOam ■ Ì2:00 T hom as L . N e sb it A ttorney at Law 65 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville (3 3 6 ) 75 1-2 125 visit our website al www.no.sbillaw.com im c H o . Your Echo dealer in M ocksville 7. Miami V. Tonnossoo M O C K S V I L L E A U T O M O T I V E (336) 751-2944 EATONFUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksville, NC 751-2148 12, Clovoland v, Kansas City Davie Medical Equipment providing all of your home health cars needs8, Tampa Bay v, Carolina 959 Salisbury Road Mocksville, N C 27028 (336) 751-4288 • (888)797-1044 Fax (336)751-4688 Tops T ra v e l ^ Tops o n P ro fe s s io tia l Service YourIj)cal Full Seirice Travel Agency 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -7 3 0 3 32. Vandorbllt v. Florida wmv.topstravel.com » ^ ^ ^ 5 5 4 ^ w i s v i l l ^ C l e m ^ ^ Beth’s H allm ark New Towne Shopping Center, Clemnnons 766-6567 23. Nebraska v. Kansas JS F A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES F o r a ll y o lir stajjini> needs, g ive ti.s' a c a ll, 6, Houston V. Cincinnati Ksilliy W liitin iin , .Sliil'iiiiK S u p erviso r 336-751-4414 • Mocksville ARE YOU UP TU THE CHALIENGE? PhilCar Automotive Y our Full Service Vehicle M ciintenaiice C enler F O R E iG N & D O M ESTIC A IR C O N D ITIO N IN Q W O R K C V A X L E S » B R A K E S TIM INQ B EI.TS • G E N E R A L M A IN T EN A N C E IS, Texas A&M v, Oklahoma 1()2B H w y. (501 S. • 7.'51-1800 Iwsiilc liiUi'wnitil MtiicI ■ M ocksvillc;_________ GASTHAUS on the S Q U A R E Rcslaurant.Guesthousc & morel 101 NoKiii Mai.v .Sthkkt • M(iCK.svil.l,i:, NC 2702« Call For Dinner Specials & Fri. & Sat. Reservations I’liONK; .W.-75I-7WHI I'AX! .W6.75.1.0!)»! Arliir Ilcicli OHiicr/ManiiRir 13. Indianapolis v, Jacksonvillo WE HAVE MANUFACTURED i|«%^HOMESTO FITYOUR BUDGET 1 SEE JACE or STEVE TODAY! 4. (NFL) Arizona V, Pittsburgh B o n a n z a M o l i i l e H o m e s 700 Wllkosboro St. • Mocksvllio, NC ln!or. Hwys. 60} & 64 N.336-751-5959 Owiuul & Opcraied by Jack Marfjan It a l ia n F a m il y R e s t a u r a n t 11. Atlanta V. NY Giants TaiiHlewood Shopping Centcr • Hlll.sdiile 940-6787 BODY SHOP DIRECT REPAIR for many major Insurance companies. Lifetime warranty an all body & finish repairs 10, Bailimoro v, St. Louis Call Tracy Pardue at 704-633-9018 '■'rV HD Jerry A. Hauser, DDS, PA Adam T. Dorsett, DDS Hillsdale Dental 9. Búllalo V. Dallas Family and Cosmetic General Dentistry 336-998-2<(27 • Fa* 336-99a-1088 w w w .h l ll s d a l o r d o n t f l l.c o m 135 Мо(]1сл1 Drivo, Sullo 201 Advanco. North Caroiinn 27006 Your “Home-Town” Drug Store Foster Drug Co. 3. Oavie V. Ch’ltto Harding 495 Valley R oad • M o cksville, N C 336-751-2141 Kur urt'ut inlVirmutloii mi drills Si Itviillh prohlvin.s. (■» 1'» ivuw.lo.slcrdniuco.com D A V I C C O U N T Y enterpri/e^iIecord FULL COVERAGE ON NEW/S & ADVERTISING RO . Box 99 ■ 1 71 South Main St., Mocksville, N C 27028 phone: (336) 751-2129 fax: (336) 751-9760 24. Texas v. Oklahoma St. M cC la n n o n ... DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - B5 Continued From Page 111 Reynolds, but lie wa.s a good sol­ dier through il all. And look al what he did in Friday’s monumental matchup against visiting North Davidson with a share o f the C PC cham- pionjihip on the line. With Davie down to its final gasp, llling con­ fidently turned lo the bench and pinned D avie's hopes on M cClannon’s shoulders while facinga20-16dcricit. This was pressure. Ball on Ihe Davie 14. Eight minutes and 30 scconds left in Ihe regular sea­ son. Undauiucd, McClannon di­ rected an unfalhomnble I9-plny, 86-yard, eight-minute drive that allowed Davie lo steal a 23-20 win. "It was a pressure situation, and the coachcs had confidence in m e," McClannon .said. “ They lei me pass on my firsl pluy. What you saw on thal drive wa.s determination. After thnt first first down, liie momentum just took over. Then at the end, the adrenaline was really pumping," Tailback Arnold stood out In the end by pounding out 51 of the 86 yards, barely converting a fourth-and-5 and scoring the winning touchdown, Bul in a finish lhal will be relived for years and years, McClannon will have a prominent spol. He set the march in motion with a bold completion to lighl end Ted Randolph. Then he eompleled one ol' the biggest pas.ses in school history, a 14- yardcr lo Justin Brown on Ihird- and-7. And it came against Duvie's oldest rivnl. O n top o f that, it came aguinsl ihe eigiiih-runked leurn in the state. W here did McClunnon get the gumption lo save the duy? “ He'.s a heady pluyer," llling said. “ He's u kid lhat’s hung in there. H e ’s had some lough times but kept hi.s chin up, kept his confidence and wailed for his opportunity again. Coach goes wilh a different move, and the kid didn't quit. He comes to praclice everyday and works as hurd as he cun. He stepped up and gave our teum u big w in," " I’ ve been playing cenler with McClannon al! through JV and as a junior on varsity," Brown said, “ I believe in him a lol and I knew when he came in he wus going to lead us to vic­ tory. W e've been doing Ihis for four years, so we've meshed re­ ally well. We warmed up on the sideline and it was perfect," Another Hcurtw iirm lnB Slory Forgive yourself if you'd never heard of Brown, Early in Ihe season, the 6-3, 270-pound senior was an unknown if ever there was one. Last year he spcctuted in ull 14 games. He watched the first fourgmnes of 2003 with ills hel­ met under his arm. He waited a long lime for Sepl. 12, when a Boehm injury gave Brown his firsl Sturt. Eight starts later, Brown is a mainstay on u domi­ nating line. “ There’s a lot of individual success slories on our team," fi­ ling said. "Kids have gone from wailing for the opportunity to being starters." "I didn't play at all my junior year nnd I didn't play al all the first four games. Nothing ut ull," Brown suid. “ I wus just deter­ mined. It's the fumily we have on this team thal keeps every­ body logetlier. I stuck il oul be­ cause these are my guys and I’ve got lo stick with them through Jhick und thin. I love playing with the team, winning wilh the team, anylhing with the teum." Old School Davie Sports From November 1958 The Duvic Rebels football teum lost to Children’s Hom e, 27-6 , in a gume thul wus much closer thun the scorc. II wus Davie's besl defensive effort of the season, thanks to Carl Jacobs, Fred Pierce, “ Bools" Huske and Bob Thies. The Methodist scored once on a punt return and twice after Davie fumbled deep in ils territory. The Rebels (2-6 -1, 1-5 conference) hud three goal-line stands, including one at the 1-yard line. Davie’s touchdown cnme on an eight-play, 70-yard drive, Fu ll­ back Joe Whitlock had a 19-yard run. Southern completed a pass lo John Grimes and Whitlock had another first-down run before cap­ ping the drive wilh u T D run. C O N G R A Y U I A T I O N S To last week's winners in our Football Contest First Place = $25 to Manda Snow Second Place = $5 to Thom as M agallanes 8 l « d t S m l C » . S m ¿ . G m t l g XoM laeoÿe •S/nce 19S7' Sand Qrovot Mulch Bark Nuggols Santi Rock Brick Nuggots Mon.-Fri, 7:30-5:30 Sat. 8:00-3:00 МСЛ/ISA/AMEX 788-6411 Mark& CIrKly Shoaf Owners 19. W.Virginia v. Boston Colloge Compost Topsoll Kid Cushion Whilo Pobbtos Brown Pobblos Pino Noodlos Rod Doslgnor Mulch Dirt 745 W. Clemnrionsvllle Road Winston-Salem. NC27127 Handi Cupboard 1&2 2 L o c a tio n s To S e r v e Y ou r N e e d s ! iff 1-175 Hwy. 801 S .' Woodleaf ■ 284-4141 Open Sun.-Thurs, 'til Midnight & Fri. & Sat. nights ‘III 2:00 a.m. it>2-7682 Hwy. 801 S. • Cooleemee • 284-2828 YOUR NEtOHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE MART/ Owned & Operated by Mardico, Inc. IS, Minnesota v, San Oiogo VO G LER & S O N S 30, Mississippi V. Auburn Srn’tng tite cttmnium'iy /oroi'er /-/S}vars. ' Clemmons Cliapel • 2849 Middlebrook Dr. * For iii.nimiice callB R A D R O M I N E s t a t e FARIVI IN S U R A N C E 31. Washington v. Arizona 3770 Clcmni(»n.s Road • Clemmons • 766-3245 STATH farm INSUKANCI: COMI'ANIIi.S • HOMI- Ol-l’ICIi.S: ULOOMINfîTON. И.1., Manda Snow was the top performer this week with only 7 misses. Thomas Magallanes won the tie-breaker over several entrants with 8 misses to take the second place honors. A LL CONTEST ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE A FU LL MAILING ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. WE WILL KOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. THANKS! E N T R Y B L A N K 4, BONANZA HOMES V iC C a g e ^ í M Commi 29. Misi M o r t g a g e s 2 2 5 5 -D L e w is v U le - Blil Brown 3 3 ) Buslrvesa Manager ( M o r t g a g e nrcial S R«liien<4al souri V. Colorado f o r t h e c e n t m y ! C le m m o n s R o a d , C le m m o n s 5-766-8700 •J“”''Operations Managor You Know Us... We Know Real Estate Prudential Carolinas Realty 27. Army V, Air Force “Serving Lewisville, Ciemmons <S Davie Counly" 4156 Clemm ons Road • Clemm ons • 336-714-4400 : I 25, Fla, St, V. Clemson O n R o u g h R id e rs , La w m a n & R o t;k i«s S a le P ric e d S 3 6 The Oaks Shopping Center* Lewisville ___ ^ 2 ^ * 'з 36-945-2566 ■ Hours: Monj=ri 10-7; Sa^l 0-6 Th e Low P rice Cigarette Leader HOURS: M>F 9;30-£ 8л1. »-S 33, S,Carollna v, Arkansas БШ НЕЕЩ Ш ) i f l M i “A Tobacco Frien d ly Sto re!’ •IbcsoD C h erokee »10^ • l a i o e * 10 ^ ‘FnxUglilorWiUi Cation Puivhaso 6311 Stadium Dn,aemmons •778-1144 10. CLONINGER 11. VENEZIA 12. EATON'S FUNERAL SERVICE 13. GASTHAUS 14. SPILLMAN’S HOME & LAND SALES 15. HANDI CUPBOARD 1S2 C lem m on s Village C hiropractic 22. Ga. Toch v. DuKe Dr. Michael Riccoboni 2235-B Lewisville-Clemmons Road Locdlod on Ihe cornor of Lewisvllla Clommons Road & Poacehavon Road in iho Clommons Vi«ago Piolossional Cenler, SPECIALIZING IN: Headaches, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Сафа! Tunnel, Ami/Leg Pain, Auto & Work Injuries, Most Major Medical Plans Accepted 766-5935 m m i R e a lty C o n s u lta n ts 28, Kansas St, v. Iowa St. R a th How may I serve you? Office: (336) 726-2135 , , ,. Indopondontly OwnodEmail: danralh@remax.nel omiopcmod www.danrath.com 2150 Country Ciub, Suite 100 • WInslon-Salem, N C 27104 M ts i PATS BODY SHOP • COLLISION REPAIR • AUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOP FOR MOST INSURANCE COMPANIES • COMPUTERIZED FRAME STRAIOHTENINO • EXPERT COLOR MATCHINO Family Owned & Operated Since 336-945>3767 • TOWINOAVAIUBLE •COMPLETE INTERIOR REPAIR & REPLACEMENT• CONVERTIBUTOPS • DETAILINO AND CUAN UP 26. S. Florida v, ECU 19B4'0' mer Sandra Chaney 5720 Counliy Ciub Rd„ Winston-Saiora INSURANCE CI.AIMS WELCOME A t t o r n e y s & C o u n s e lo r s A t L a w W a r r e n E . K a s p e r J i U F r a n k e l K y l a J . S i p p r e l l 34, Appalachian v. Eion P.O. Box 687 • 3626 Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 • 336-766-9660 I I 1. DANIEL FURNITURE I 2. CAUDELL LUMBER I 3, FOSTER DRUG I j 6. ABLEST I 7. MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE I 8. DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT I 9. HILLSDALE DENTAL I I I I I I 16. THOMAS LNESBIT/ATTORNEY I I I I I I I 24. ENTERPRISE RECORD I 25. PARTNER’S TACK & WESTERN I 26. PATS BODY SHOP 27. PRUDENTIAL REALTY 28. REMAX REALTY 29. VILUGE MORTGAGE 30. VOGLER & SONS 31. STATE FARM • ROMINE I 32. TOPS TRAVEL I 33. TARHEEL TOBACCO I 34. WARREN KASPER I I I I W a k e F o r e s t v . U N C I W I N N E R 17. CCB 18. PHILCAR 19. BUCK SAND 20. CLEMMONS CARPET 21. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT 22. CLEMMONS VILUGE CHIROPRACITIC 23. BETH'S HALLMARK Tic llrcokcrPrwllcl llie lolal score in tiic following gnnic. In cases of tics, Ihe licbrcaiicr wlii tie used to determine Ihe winners. TotalPoints Scored. NAME: I I ADDRESS:_ j DAY PHONE:. ^ Entries IVlust Be Recelvad Before 5 pm Friday j NIGHT:. i$6 . DAVIE COUN'I'V ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursda.v, Nov. 6, 2003 Justin Brown runs up the middle for some of his hard-earned 55 yards.Chris Goode (4) brings down Tyanna Tuttle. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Derek Cornatzer and Derrick Foster (53) listen to de­ fensive coach Keith Whitaker. , Bryson Brown blocks for super soph Raeshon M cNeil. Defensive coordinator Devore Holman signals the play. Kevin Winters has been reliable all sèason at punter. DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov, 6,2003 - B7 Davie G rinds O ut Last-M inute W in D ream D rive I Continued Kroin Pugc B l hanging. North miule some (de­ fensive) adju,siments at liulftimc, came out In a different set and it took us a quarter to figure out wliat they were In." Davie’s fading hopes weren’t helped by Adam Kassouf’s 54- yard punt. W ith 8:30 on tlie clock, Davie’s offense took the flcld knowing Ihis was possibly the last chance to win a huge, huge game. The ball lay al the Dnvie 14-yard line. Fans can follow Davic for the nexl 50 yenrs and not experience what happened next. In one of the mosl amazing, sensational, dramatic, exciting revivals of all time, the War Eagles wiped nwny two-plus qunrters of futility with a 19-play, 86-yard, eight-minute drive lhal left North wilh 30 hopeless seconds. Il evoked memories of a 7-3 upset of fa­ vored West Forsyth in 1996. “ It’s up there," defensive co- Coach Doug Illing got his third CPC title in six years. Dewayne Collins blocked this pass and forced an INT. Cooler Arnold rushed for 152 yards and three TDs. -------------------------------------------------------^---------------------------------------------------- Davie Football Statistics Record: 7-4,3-1 CPC Alexander Central W 29-7 at W. Rowan W 28-7 at Lake Norman W52-0 Mooresville W10-7 Statesville L 34-27 at Freedom L 37-13 North Forsyth . L 24-22 at West Forsyth L14-6 South Rowan W 21-13 at Reynolds W 22-19 N. Davidson W 23-20 R U S H I N G - Arnold Brown • Bratcher Cornatzer Rice Parks Winters McClannon Davle Opponents P A S S IN G McClannon Arnold Winters Davle Opponents P A S S R E C Young Randolph Parks Collins Arnold Brown Bratcher Davle Opponents S C O R IN G Arnold Brown Winters Randolph Bratcher Collins Pane Parks Rice Young Corriher Davle Opponents D e f e n s e Riddle Rice Pane Cornatzer O'Brien Buchanan Goode Morgan Collins Wilson McNeil Blakley Norsworthy Stephens Arnold Randolph Bivins Phillips Reavis Brown Foster Britt Cody Parks Bratcher Young Markland Note; Tackles through 10 games. IN T E R C E P T IO N S Arnold 3, Riddle 3, Pane F U M B L E R E C O V E R IE S Pane 4, Morgan 2, Collins, Goode, Morgan, Randolph, Rice 44 1-1 2-2 2- 0 0-0 0-0 ,0- Avg. Long In 20 34.7 58 7 Car.Gain Avg.Long 227 1527 6,7 77 140 818 5,8 52 53 293 5.5 50 2 13 6.5 11 4 11 2,8 4 1 0 ,0,0 0 2 -5 0,0 21 11 -26 0.0 0 440 2631 6.0 77 444 1847 4.2 88 Com p Att Int Pet Yds TD Lng 35 77 6 .455 483 3 73 13 39 3 .333 234 2 39 0 1 1 .000 0 0 0 48 118 1C1 .407 717 5 73 52 123 7 .423 763 2 58 Rec Yds Avg. TD Long 18 189 ■10.5 0 26 9 163 18,1 2 40 9 107 11,9 1 39 7 157 22.4 1 52 2 85 42.5.1 73 2 14 7,0 0 14 1 2 2,0 0 2 48 717 14,9 5 73 52 763 14,7 2. 58 TD Conv.Kick FG Pts 21 0 0 0 126 7 1 0 0 44 0 0 21 5 36 2 1 0 0 14 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 35 3 22 5 253 26 0 21 1 182 Tackles For Loss iSacks BrUp FF 129 4 0 3 ■ 1 101 14 2 0 1 59 10 7 0 0 53 6 1 1 0 50 3 0 0 1 49 2 0 0 0 47 4 0 1 0 47 10 1 2 2 45 5 3 1 2 42 7 5 0 1 39 0 0 0 0 23 1 1 0 0 14 '0 0 0 0 11 1 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 ■0 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 .0 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 ,0 ■0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 K ic k in g PAT FG Winters 21-29 5-9 Corriher 1-1 0-0 P U N T I N G Att Yds Winters 31 1077 ordinnlor Devore Holman said of the win. "I told Ihem Ihis is Ihe biggest game w e've ever coachcd or they’ve ever played. We didn’t forget two years ago when we were 9-1 coming inlo this, und this time il was re­ versed." T H E D R E A M D R I V E started wilh Illing shoving A n ­ drew McClannon onlo the stage. The senior was the slurting quar­ terback Ihrough week eight, but was benched as Arnold moved from tailback to Q B for two-plus games. M cClannon came ihrough when Davie needed him most, igniting Ihe lifeless offense with a completion lo Ted Randolph, who was surrounded by three Knights bul caught a 6-yarder. Fullback Justin Brown converted n third-and-I for Davie’s first first down since the first piny of the second qunrter. On third-and- 7 , McClannon rolled right. He kept rolling, then completed a I4-yarder lo Brown, who had four catches for 6 ynrds in two years. “ That's one of Ihc plays of the game," tiling said. “ Brown struggles catching the ball, and one of the reasons is he hadn’l hnd uny contncts in. Now he’s wenring contacts so he can see the ball. It was an easy calch. McClannon stuck it right in his ribs." Fou r plays later, Arnold zipped 17 yards lo the North 28. He might have gone all Ihe way ifhe hadn't crashed inlo Ihc back of his own lineman. Five plays Inter, everyone went Ihrough several different emotions in a span o f just sec­ onds. On third-and-5 at the North 12, Davie lined up in an unusunl fommtion nnd tried a gadget play to receiver ReShaun Parks. Thc piny wns n disnstcr: Zero yards. “ I thought we could catch them offgunrd," offensive coor­ dinator Barry W hitlock said. “ Wc didn’t execute it or we walk in." “ I felt sure ihal play would work,” Norsworlhy snid. "Even earlier on thnt drive, 1 looked at the sideline and guve the signal for it. The whole defensive line went where the fake (lo Arnold) wns going. We were one guy from busting it." It wus fourth-nnd-5. Staring death in llie face, Davic called timeout. "A lillle pa.ss in the Hal was whal we were leaning toward, nnd Ihc offensive line finnlly snid; ‘ N o , coach. L e t’s go offtnckle left,’ " Illing said. "So we pul il in their hands. Thnl’s how much they believe in them­ selves. You have lo be careful not 10 let your kids lalk you out of something, but it’s our favorite play." “ It was a simple offtnckle, but were they expecting power on fourlh-nnd-5?" Whitlock said. W ith hearts pounding, the clock under two minutes nnd ev­ erything riding on a single play, McClannon handed off to A r­ nold, who plowed behind Ran- ilolph, Zach Jakob and Norswor­ lhy. Arnold churned and lunged nnd pushed wilh all his mighl. Adding lo the wild drama, no one knew for sure if Arnold had gained 4 1/2 yards or 5. The of­ ficials cniled for the chain crew. Everyone held their breath. “ When they were measuring those chains, McClannon wns laying on the ground, walching 11 and measuring it with his eyes," .senior cenler Kyle Brown said. “Tliey had guys measuring it wilh their eyes. I thoughl we had il, bill I was still worried about everything." Davie got it by foot. “The re­ actions were priceless," Brown snid. Wilh Nortli shocked and stag­ gered and Davic jacked sky high, nothing was going to stop Ihe Wnr Eagles after that. Arnold pounded 4 yards lo the 3. Arnold hammered 2 yards to the inch- line. O n third dow n, Arnold bowled in on second effort. D a v ie ’s rejuvenated kicker, Kevin Winlers, drilled the crucial exlra pohil for the 23-20 lead. Four incomplelions later, it was over. “ It was unbelievable lo see liie offense push and push nnd push nnd score lo win the gam e," O ’ Brien said. “ It was exactly what we wanted, und il was a game we needed lo win so bad." “ Wo knew we had to get il done," Jakob said. “The clock was just going. M e, Noors (Nor­ sworlhy) and Ted knew we could gel it (on fourth down), nnd we wanted il on our backs. We were all yelling nl ench olher and tell­ ing each other we’ ve got lo get it done. You give il lo Cooler, il's going in. We all told Cooler; ‘Jusi get il in.' “ North's defense, which gnve North Davidson 20, Dnvic 16 Adam Ka.ssouf punt 54 yards to Ihe D I4 . Dnvic drive stnrt nt 8;30 (fourth). 1-10 D 14 And re w M eClunnon pass com plete to Ted Randolph for 6 yards lo the D20. 2-4 D20 Justin Brown rush for 3 yards to the D23. 3 -1 D23 Brown rush for 2 yards to the D25, 1 S T D O W N . 1-10 D25 Cooler Arnold rush for 5 yurds lo the D30. 2-5 D30 Arnold rush for minus 2 yards lo Ihc D28. 3-7 D28 McClannon pass complete lo Brown for 14 ynrds to the D42, 1ST D O W N . 1-10 D42 2-4 D48 1-I0 N D 4 6 2-9 ND45 D O W N . 1-10 ND28 2-7 ND25 1 -I0 N D 1 7 2-8 N D I5 3 -5 N D I2 4-5 N D 12 1-G N D 7 2-G ND 3 3-0 N D I Brown rush for 6 yards to the D48. Arnold rush for 6 ynrds lo the N46, 1ST D O W N . Brown nish for I ynrd to the ND 45. Arnold rush for 17 ynrds to Ihe N D 2 8 , 1S T Brown rush for 3 ynrds to the ND 25. Arnold rush for 8 ynrds lo the N D 1 7,1 S T D O W N . Arnold rush for 2 ynrds lo Ihe N D I5 . Arnold rush for 3 yurds to the N D I2. ReShaun Parks rush for no yards to the N D I2. Arnold nish for 5 yards to the N D 7 ,1S T D O W N . Arnold rush for 4 yards to the N D 3 . Arnold nish for 2 yards to the N D I. Arnold rush for I ynrd lo the ND O . D A V IE T O U C H D O W N , clock ;30. Kevin Winlers kick allempl good. --------------------19 plays, 86 yards, T O P 8;00.................................................................. Davic 23, N . Davidson 20 up eighl points a game during Ihe 9-0 run, knew Arnold was going lo get the bnll. Still, it was pow­ erless to slop him. He ran 1 1 times for 51 yards on thc 19-play drive. He piled up 152 yurds overall when 151 would not have been enough. How could you top lhat? “ And you know a game like this hud to be especially hard on him," McClannon said. “Tiie de­ fense was keying on him and he still came Ihrough. Vou could see it in his eyes. You could see it in everyone's eyes." “ It’s the besl game ever. I mean il was incredible," nose guard Brandon Pane suid. “ I don’l know how high we’re go­ ing to go. We’re up so high righl now I don’t Ihink we’re ever go­ ing to comc down. Come play­ offs, it’s going to have to be a lough team to beat us." “ It was crazy,” linebacker D .J. Rice snid. “ M y heart was thump­ ing. A ll I could think about was m y freshman yenr when Ihey came over here, bent us nnd sent us home.” “The wny we won, it feels as gootl as it can gel,” a.ssistant coach Mike Rominger snid. Nurlh Duvtilsun 7 7 (i a-20 Davic to 6 0 7-23 I-'Ir.sl QuiirliT D - Wliucr.s ,1-t no, 8:.10. D • Arnold 31 tun (Wlnlurs kick). •1:06. ND - Rohcrlson 20 pass from Jarvis (Frye kick), i.lt. Sccond Qunrter D-Arnold.'!« run (kick fail). 11:48. NU - •I'uale 8 tun (Ptyc kick), 1 ;27. Third Quiirler ND-Tuulc 18 tun (tun full). 4:01. I'lmrlh Quivrlcr D-Arnold I run(Wlntcrskick),.'?n. TKAM SI ATI.S TICS ritsi downs Rusiies-yutds t’ttsslng Comp-Att-liU I’unts Putiibics-Losl Pcnailics-yurds 3rd conversions INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS N, Dnvldson RUSHING -Tulllc 16-87, Ddiosc 17-fi4,Rolietlson 1-14, Fulp l-.“i,Jutvis 6-(-2) t'ASSINa-Jwvis lJ-2()-l-189 RECEIVING - Kussouf 4-67, Dutliani 5-.S7, Robertson .1-42, Lien I- 23 Davle RU.SniNa - Arnold 22-1H row n 18-55, Bralclier 1-4,1’lirks 1-0 l>A.S.SINa - Arnold 2-9-1-.17, Mc- Ciannon 2-2-0-20, Winlers 0-1-0-0 RECni VINO - Voung 2-37, Hrown I-14. Randolph 1-6 ND I) 22 14 4МЙ8 42-211 18У 57 13-26-1 4-12-1 4-34 .V32 3-0 0-0 7-87 K-85 8/14 5/13 Defense Keeps Davie’s Hopes Alive Continued From Pnge B l said, “ You gel pressure on him, they hit you wilh a run und bust loose, Jarvis is a top-notch qunr- lerback. H e’s as good ns Dnniel LighI wns Insl yenr,” Davie made nn emphatic statement early. Cooler Arnold completed n 21-ynrd halfback pass lo Jerejpiy Young on the game’s first play. He found a wide-open Young again for 16 yards, and Kevin Winters made a 34-yard field goal for a 3-0 lead. On North’s llrst series, Dew­ ayne Collins slammed into Jarvis as ho was launching a, pass, and nose guard Brandon Pane mnde a diving inlerccplion 6 yards be­ hind the line of scrimmage. Thai play turned out to be crilical ns Arnold romped 31 ynrds Ihree plays later for a lO-O lead. After North used n 30-yard penalty on Davie (15 for im- sporismanlike conduci, 15 for pnss interference) lo mnrch 84 yards nnd cul it lo 10-7, Arnold CPC Final Football Standings C P C Overnll West Forsyih 3-1 9-2 .D avieC ouniy 3-1 7-4 South Rownn 2-2 6-5 Norih Dnvid.son 2-2 9-2 Reynolds 0-4 3-8 bast W eek’s (inmes Davie 23. N , Davidson 20 W . Forsyih 34, Reynolds 26 N . Rowan 32, S, Rowan 24 galloped 58 yards early in Ihe second quarter and gave Dnvic a 16-7 lend! ■ Then camc a Davic. train wreck. The nexl 27 minuies be­ longed 10 the Black Knighls, who gol two Tuttle touchdowns for a 20-16 lead and held Davic with­ out a first down on six straight possessions, a span in which the Wnr Engles gained 18 yards on 16 plays, . "I don’t Ihink we were really dying, they were just playing good defense,” Arnold said, "Bul nflcr nwhile, we just stepped it up n lillle more, gol our inlen­ sily up n lillle higher and moved the ball." Davie’s struggling offense pul henvy pressure on the defense, bul Billy Riddle, D .J. Rice, Bran­ don Pane, Duslin Morgan and Co, came up wilh amazing re­ solve when Norih had iwd pos­ sessions to deliver a knockout blow. Riddle brought his customary wood wilh 15 lacklcs, followed by Morgan wilh 13, Pane wilh 10, Rice with nine and Collins wilh six. Rice crushed a Tulllc running play for mlnus-9 ynrds. Afler Pnne forced a ihird-nnd-10 wilh his .second snck (Chris Bink­ ley was apart of one of them), Morgan knocked down a pass lhal led lo Davie’s game-winning mnrch. “ In our defensive scheme, we’re going lo bend n lilllc bul hopefully we don’l break very often," Illing .said.-"Luckily we held Ihcm to 20 poinls and we scored 23. You cnn’l ask for any more." , "You don't get comfortable giving up yards, bul as long as you don'l give up a touchdown, Ihal's all lhal mailers," Riddle said. “ North’s gol a great team," defensive coordinator Devore Holman said. “They throw Ihe besl deep oul lhal you’ll see in lilts area, plus they’ve got two backs thnt make you miss. They ran whal we thought they were going to, and our philosophy hnd to be not to give up the big play. A n d when our backs were againsi the wall, they stepped up. D .J. called a defensive meeting and they decided this Isn’t over yet.” Afler giving up 252 yards iii the first half, Davie allowed 105 in the second half and sliul down North’s Insl Ihrce series. Jarvis misfired on eighl of his last 10 passes. Outside linebackers coach Keith Whilaker mai-veled at Davie’s gril. “ I saw Riddle come up and just slam people,” he said. “ Rice wns renl physicni. M orgnn shined. Even lhat pass-interfer- ence call, you’ve got an outside linebacker running wilh their speediest receiver, and they ciilletl it because Morgan was bulling him. Derek Cornalzer was tough. Pane had a big snck. Collins played the hardest I’ve seen him play overall. I know I coach him, but Morgan is somc- Ihing. Zac O ’Brien’s been a great nddilion to the D L . Four weeks ago Zac was outside linebacker. Now he’s playing with his hnnd down. (Tackle) Terrell Wilson did a good job and held the liouse in there, They didn’t have mnny big plays on us.” '•North’s very physical, very well-coached and I’m proud of our kids for overcoming adver­ sity,” Illing said. Two years ago, when Davie; was 9-1 nnd 4-0 in the C P C and; North was the underdog, Ihe; Black Knighls dealt Dnvie u dev-; astating 20-13 blow lhat forced; a three-way tic atop the C P C .; Davie losl the drawing for two; playoff berths and packed up ihe; equipment. Last year North outgained Davie 506-297, yel Davic some­ how managed a 26-24 upsel. A f­ ter lls offense was Icfl for dead, Davie CUI Norlh’s heart out in eighl agonizing m inutes of smnslimouth surgery. The Black Knights, left wilh 30 measly seconds afler Arnokl’s 1-yard sneak, stood in disbelief. Everything was going so well for, them, bul ihey couldn’t put Ihe hammer down in the third clas­ sic battle. “ We had our chances lo salt Ihe game away, but we couldn’l gel the yardage when wc needed il," North coach Mark Holcomb said afler four incomplete Hail Marys, “ It hurts. I’m silting here wilh my kids crying their eyes out. They played as hard as they could possibly piny, nnd we lost, 1 mean I can’l ask my kids to do any mote than lhal. They luid it all on the line.” Notes: Tight end Ted Ran­ dolph high-fivcd Rice in Ihe ju­ bilant locker room. "This man is a true beast," lie said of the jun­ ior linebacker, “ He plays hard core and lights people up," North slill.leads the series 20-15. В8 . DAVIE COUNTY KNTKRPRISE RKCOR», Thursdiiy, Nov. 6. 2003 Davie High Dancing Bools entertain ttie crowd at Friday night's football game in War Eagle Stadium,■ Photos by Robin Fergusson Ivlarching band members have fun on the field - and off the field. On senior night, Jessica Foster and Candice Dyson are joined on the field by their parents.Kelly Felts wows the crowd. Ivlatt Rich puts everything he has into the music. Fans cheer the War Eagles on their final drive up the field. COOLEEMEE VIDEO Î . « i S ...................... Cooleemee Shopping Center • 284-2950 INSURANCE F a m i l i e s • I n d i v i d u a l s G r o u p • S e l f - E m p l o y e d Lo w -C o sr C o v e r a g e F k e e Q u o t e s Marlin Smith ( 3 3 6 ) 9 9 8 - 9 4 6 4 B a k e S a l e S a tu rd a y , N ov. 1 5 • 7 :0 0 a m -1 2 N o o n at Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church US Hwy. 601 North, Ivlocksville H a m B isc u its , S a u sa g e B iscuits^ C o H c c , C a k e s , P ies, etc. DAVIE COUN I'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thiirsthi.v, Nov. 6, 2003 - »!) Different Styles Harding’s Speed Will Face Davie’s Power Here Friday Friday's fir.sl-round pliiyoff game lielwceii Davie and visit­ ing Charlolle Harding will be a fascinating clash of styles. Kick off is 7;30 p.m . Davie's offen.se is not tricky. It conics right at yon wilh Cootcr Arnold, Justin Brown and Jamar Bratchcr plowing behind tlic he­ roes of last week's 23-20 show­ down with North Davidson - blockers Ted Randolph, Zach Jakob, Justin Norsworthy, Kyle Brown, Malt Markland and Ryan Boehm. If Davie is plain-vanilUi, the Rams are peppermint. They get you with the big play. Harding’s arsenal of speed has Davie coach Doug llling un­ easy. Davie (7-4), the N o . 2 seed from the Central I^icdmont Con­ ference, is the N o . 5 seed in Ihe 4 A Wesl bracket. Harding (5;4, 3-4 M E -C A 8 Conference), is the No. 12 seed. The winner gets the survivor o f N o . 4 Page (8-2) and No. 13 Alexander Central (4-7), "They spread you out and have a scatback who is a jitter­ bug," he said. "Th e y like to spread out and run it, and they like lo line up tv/o-buck and throw the fade to a real good re­ ceiver who is very similar to (2002 N . Davidson slar) Chris Noble." Harding's top weapons: Jun­ ior tailback Jamellc Culhbertson has У80 yartls rushing. Its rotat­ ing quurlerbaeks havc close lo 1,000 passing yards between them. The starter, senior A .J. Hudson, who also plays receiver and tailback, threw for 1,300 lasl year. Tight end Kevin Barksdale has 400-plus yards receiving. Bul the hottest topic of conver- sAtioii in Davie's camp is 6-4, I8S-pound receiver John Paul Buckley, who has 22 receptions for 500 yards, a 22.7 average. Raeshon M cNeil, Cooler A r­ nold and Kurt Bivins’ defcn.se on Buckley is an issue that could be telling in the outcome. “ He goes up and gets it, and we're going lo have our hands full,” tiling said. “There's going lo be some jump balls, and wc'rc going to have to go up and get il off Ihe rim, kind of like rebound­ ing. Hopefully we can pul pres­ sure on the c(uarlerback and not let him set his feet. W e've got to be a good tackling team. Wo were a real good tackling team last Friday,” The Rams’ defense possesses lackles who are 6-4,260 and 6- 3, 280, “They arc very aggressive, blitz a lot and put nine guys in the box with man coverage out­ side,” llling said. “They've gol Charlotte Harding (6-4,3-4 M E-CA 8) at G arin g e r (0 -1 0 record)W 2 1 -1 0 at S . M ecklenb urg (1 -1 0 ) W 2 8 -1 4 W ad dell (6-5 )W 2 1 -2 0 at V an ce (4-7 , 3-4)W 14 -1 2 W . lVlecl< (1 -1 0 , 0 -7 )W 3 4 -1 4 at In d e p en d en c e (1 1 -0 ,7 -0 )L 5 7 -2 0 a tW . C harlo tte (1 0 -1 ,6 -1 )L 3 7 -1 4 N . M e e k (5 -6 , 4 -3 )L 3 7 -3 6 (2 O Ts) at C . C ab arru s (2 -9 ,1 -6 )W 5 0 -4 2 (2 O Ts) H opew eii (7-4 , 4-3 )L 4 4 - 3 2 two lacklcs that are real men." It wasn't long ago when more folks came lo see Ihe Ranis' band lhan their foolball leam. They were a “ W ” waiting to hiippcn as recently as three years ago. In Coach Mike Jones’ .seven years as an assislani (1993-99), Ihcy either wcnl 0 -11, l-10 o r2 -9 . But now they're a true test. Jones went 5-6 in his first yeur in 2001, 4-8 last yenr and they started 5-0 Ihis year. Last year Ihey went to the playoffs for Ihe Tirsl lime in 12 years and losl 70- 16 in the firsl round al giant Richmond County. Though they’ve losl four of five, two of the losses were 57- 20 lo invincible Independence (58-game winning streak) and 37-14 to oncc-beaten West Char­ lotte. By playing in the M E -C A 8, Jonos doesn’ t expect his troops lo be inlim idatcd at Davie, “ Independence is going lo be an ‘ L ’ for everybody in Ihe slate,” Jones said. “ Wesl Char­ lotte has traditionally been very sirong. Every week in our con­ ference you belter be ready lo play, even outside the confer­ ence." Encouraging news for Davie is the Rams have given up a bunch of points (28.7 per game). The nip side is they score 27 a game. In the last three weeks, they lost 37-36 in double over­ time lo North Meek, they beat Central Cabarrus 50-42 in double overtime and Ihey losl 44-32 lo Hopewell. Jones said a rash of injuries contributed to Ihe 1-4 fade. “ We had 13 players oul afler the West Charlotte game." he said. "W c were healing and all of a sudden our defensive end (Reggie Scott) does a celebralion dance after making n good hil on (H o p e w e ll’s) tailback. He stomped his foot in Ihe ground and hypcrexlcnded his knee. 1 was like; ‘ You’ ve got lo be kid­ ding m e.’ H e’s one of our best defensive players.” W hile Harding holds the speed advantage, Jones fears Davie will pound the ball and conlrol the clock. “ It looks like Ihey jusl gel physical and run it right at you," he said. “They've got .some tieef up front. I've only seen about 20 plays (as of Sunday night), but I saw right away No. 6 (rush end Dewayne Collins) is obviously an athlete. I saw No. 16 (runner Justin Brown) and (runner A r­ nold).“ Noic.s The trip lo Mocksville w ill be nothing new for the Rams. Il's only their 1 1th road game. “ Our stadium is closed. They're doing construclion," Jonos said. “ O u r fans have picked up tremendously and they're accustomed lo driving around." ... A l 1,574 students, Davie is the 66lh largest oul of 93 4 -A .schools. Like last year, the slate subdivided four classes into eight for the pliiyolfs. Champions will be crowned in 4 A A (larger), 4 A (sm aller), ЗА A . З А . 2 A A , 2 A , lA A and I A . ... W ilh 152 yards vs. N . Davitlson, Arnold pas.scd David Daye's 1,472 in 1996 and look second in single-season rushing yards. A l 1,527 yards, he needs 75 lo pass Cedric White's record; 1,601 in 1997. Arnold's three T D s gave him 2 1 imd put him within two of White's record. II was also Arnold’s ninth 100- yard game of ihe season.... Wait until you see Harding’s band. "W e’ ve got one of the besl bands in the stule,” Jones said. "They were drawing more people lo Ihe games in the past years than the football team. The band has about lOO-some kids. They prac­ tice as hard as wc do. It’s like bool camp in Ihc summer, going o ff lo camps. It’ ll bo a good show.” llling Gets Third CPC Title Continued Fro m Page B I "It’s a lot like last year, as far as lurning Ihings around. He Ihinks aboul the team as a fam­ ily unit. He delegates his work and responsibilities lo his assis­ tants, but wilhout a leader like him this wouldn’t be po.ssible. H e ’s always calm. H e ’s not go­ ing to get real ugly about any­ thing, Alm ost every year he’s had n winning record (five o f slk),' and he’s really brought a new m eaning to offseason w ork,” Davie was embarrnssed at 4- 4 , Olher coaches might have lost their team, "H e gets you pumped up for the nexl game,” Brandon Pane said, “ He keeps everybody’s head up und says: ‘ W e’ re going lo get through this,’ He knows exactly what to say and when lo say it," Some notable facts: Davie has finished with six or fewer wins in 37 .seasons, while 11 teams have posted seven or more wins. Jack Ward went 7-3 in 1959, 7-3 in 1964 and 10-1 in 1965. Bill Peeler went 8-2-1 in 1973. M ike Carler went 8-3 in 1984. Benjie Brown went 8- 5 in 1996 and 11-3 in 1997. llling now owns four .seven- win seasons- 10-3 in 1999,9-2 in 2001, 7-7 last year and 7-4 heading inlo F rid a y ’s first round. West Forsyth Coaches Heard Play-By-Play Of Winning Drive West Forsyth’s fans cheered loudly when Coach Russell Slone emptied his bench early in the fourlh t|uartcr of Friday’s 34-26 win at Reynolds. The noise svas louder when the sideline learned lhal Davio had-stunned North Davidson 23-20 wilh a lule drive. We.st (3-1 C PC ) knew, win or lose, il was going to share the Central Piedmont Conference championship. But to got the C P C ’s N o . 1 playoff seed, it needed Davle (3-1) to beat Norlh (2-2) be­ cause North beat West 24-14. West and Davle tied, bul West beat Davie 14-6. “ We had people on the phone (at Davie), and our coaches fol­ lowed the whole lasl drive from the sideline,” Stone said. “ We had taken our .starters out and actually il looked strange because our backups had a turnover and our whole bench erupted because we had just heard Duvie scored wilh 30 scconds to go. “ We were really, really happy for Davie. We hale cach olher for Iwo hours, bul there’s a lol of respect between bolh teams.” Ward won a conference tille in 1965 and Carler in 1984. Peeler won a division title in 1973. Friday was Davie's fifth conference title, and llling has three of them (also 1999,2001). Il would be unfair to ignore the fad W ard, Peeler and Cnrter competed in larger conferences. S lill, Ihree conference titles against well-respected pro­ grams like Mount Tabor (which finished behind Davie in 1999), West Forsyth and North David­ son is no small accomplish­ ment. And Reynolds always has a ton o f gifted athletes, and South Rowan suits up 100-plus players every year. Don’t Let Your Heat Go South R e p la c e m e n t W in d o w s b y G re a t L a k e s W in d o w s ... E n g in e e r e d F o r E n e rg y E ffic ie n c y A n d L o w M a in te n a c e . 998^2140 m d o w Options fo r E very N eed & Evepy B udget The W ar Ea g le s’ pla yoff record through 1995 wus 0-5, and Ihey were 3 -7 before Illing’s arrival in 1998. llling, on the olher hand, is 3-2 in the postseason, and he’s got them rolling down Ihe stretch again. “ Most teams when Ihey go on a four-game skid, that’s il for them ,” Billy Riddle said. "He kept saying: ‘ Believe, believe, believe.’ He's always positive at practice. All the coachcs, they never give up. He gets the besl out o f you, and we can play through anything.” G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 - 9 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons :2X I Z Z I S Z X Z Z Z Z Z Z X Z Z Z Z Z I X r X X r Z Z X Z 2S Z 2Z Z r Z X I Z 2î 2I Z X Z 2Z Z Z Z X I i r Z X r Z Z Z Z The R eat Deals are at Horn’s Express # 1 & # 2 spend just $3.99 at either store and receive your clioice of: Cup of Coffee for 190 or 32 oz. Fountain Drink for 390 Don't Forget Our MONSTER Deals B uy a lio t d o g , c h e e s e b u rg e r d o g , o r chicl<en to rn a d o & a d d a m o n s te r size 2 0 oz, o r 3 2 oz. fo u n ta in drinl< a n d a 99C b ag o f ch ips fo r ju s t $ 1 ,2 5 m o re . O r a 4 4 oz. drini< & a 99C b ag o f chips, jiis t $ 1 .4 0 m o re. Friday, Nov. 7 Join us for a coffee, hot chocolate & cappucino sampling from 7am-11am & 4pm-7pm at Both Locations S T A R T I N G N E X T W E E K H o r n ’ s E x p r e s s # 1 w ill be in stallin g I F A Y A T T H E P U M P Sor y«>ur convenience 1 C o m e o n i n ‘•we^re s t ill o p e n | H o rn ’s Exp re s s #1 H o rn ’s Exp re s s #z 266 S. S alisb u ry St. A c ro ss from Lee Je a n s , Hwy. 601 751-76 76 751-578 9 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxzxxxxzxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxzzzzxxxxxxzzxxxxi C h rysler C la ssic S a les E ven t 3,99% A P R F O R 60 M O N TH S , 4,99% A P R F O R 72 M O N TH S O N A LI. C H R Y S LER C LA S S IC O F G R E E N S B O R O G O L F T O U R N A M EN T V EH IC LES P LU S H U G E D IS C O U N TS A N D R EB A T ES : THE BEST VALUE IN AMERICA JUST GOT BETTER 2004 CHRVSLIR PTCRUISBR 44,S88 A utom atic ^ 1 4 , 5 8 8 S004 C H R V S LIR TO W N & C O U N TR Y 46.988 m a t's Right 4 6 . 9 8 8 2004 CHRYSLER PACIFICA ^22,988That's Right « 2 2 , 9 8 8 2.<L L4 1ÛV tXJHC SMPI, Aulonulic. AÆ, PowM Wliulow*. AM/FM/CO Р<агм.ТШ. b Pat»w>oer Soalmg. Cu«lwit«r ho(MtiK) PhQ.. 2Й0, Ooil Volite« in Алнм1св . 7 Yoor 70,000 M>l« Potvof Tiolrt Wonanly And Oi ClianoM. Sunicreen Qlau, ТШ, CmlM, 7 PauHigor SoAttno, Cuttonier Prelenod Pka 4 Door. Valuti In Amotlca ГГМ 7 Yoar 70,000 Mite Powar Train Wananty end OH ChanoQi. 2004 CHRYSLER TOWN & (О и н т TOURING EDITION «22,988That's Right « 2 2 , 9 8 8 3.81. ve OMV. 3 Zono rro iil & Moni Climnlo Control, Front Hucl(Ots w/G Wai Powof Soal, Powor WmOow*. ?owor Door Locki vtilh Kayioso Erilrv. AM/FM/CD PInvof. Sunicfüon Glnss, Tilt, 7 Potaor>gor Ou.id Command Seating wilR 4 Hiickot S<iaU. Cu«tuino( ProloiTud Pka 4 Warranty and Oil Chañaos. All prtcoa plua tax, ' tag ond $109 OOC fee. All prices roftoct I 'robato. On approved credit. I 751-5948 1-888-469-5781 www.oowboyrob.com 157 Depot Street IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE BIO ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 7th Basketball Nov. 20 vs. S. Duvic 25 nt Souihciisi Dcc. 2 at Erwin 4 vs. N . Rownn 8 nt Forsytli Counlry Duy 9 at Knox 16 vs. W , Rowun 18 nt Chinn Grove Ju n . 6 vs. Corrihcr-Lipc 8 vs. Soutlicn.st 13 nt S. Duvic I4 V S .FC D 17,19-20 Mid-South Confer­ ence Toumnmcnt nl N . Rownn • Gnnies Sturt nl 4:30 p.m ., c.xcept for F C D gumes nl 4. W restling N o v. 19 vs. Lexingion nt 4 22 vs. Wnltcr Johnson nl 11 24 vs, Thomusville at 4 25 vs. Southeu.st nl 4:30 Dec. 2 vs. Erwlti nl 4:30 4 nl N . Rownn nl 4:30 9 vs, Knox nl 4:30 10 ut Lexington nt4 16ut W .Row nn at 4:30 18 vs. Chinn Grove at 4:30 Ja n . 6 at C-Llpe at 4:30 8 at Southeast nt 4:30 13 vs. S. Dnvie nt4;30 17 M id-South Confcrence TournamenI al S. Davie 21 nt Thomasville al 4 24 JV tournamenl nt N , Davie South Davie S chedules 7th Basketball Nov. 20 nt N . Duvic 25 nl Erwin Dec. 2 vs. W . Rowun 4 nt Chinn Grove 9 vs. Corriher-Lipe 11 nl Soiilhcnsl 18 vs. Erwin Ja n . 6 vs. N . Rownn 8 nt Knox 13 vs. N . Davie 1 7 ,19-20 Mid-South Confer­ ence Tournament wl N , Rowan W re s tlin g Nov. 22 vs. Wuller Johnson nt N . Dnvie 25 vs. Erwin Dee. 2 nt W . Rowun 4 vs. Chinn Grove 9 ut Corriher-Li|x: 11 vs. Southenst 18 ut Erwin Ja n .6 vs. N . Rowan 8 vs. Knox 13 u tN . Duvie 17 M id-South Conference Tournument m S. Duvic 24 JV Tournument nl N , Davie • Wrestling schedule is nol complete. Couch Hownrd Riddle is in Ihe process of ndding four more ninlches. 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd.^ Salisbury SA L ISB U R Y M A L L 704-637-7467 I @RAN!D^ Q P iN M The BIGGEST selection the BEST prices on all CD’s, DVD’s, & Video Games M U S IC & M O R E (II Ihc Sali.ibiiiy Mall (704) 636-6525 G rand O pening Nov. 7 Opening November 6 "Itiesday Morning^ Everything 50* to SO^Oir It Is where you 're sure to find a treasure. Every time you shop! Experience the most unique retail conccpl by walking Inlo n Tuesday Moming store where everything is eloscout priccd 50% to S0% off prices normally found in specially nnd department stores or upscale catalogs. Mali MerchatOs Directory ACC 637-6030 Payless Shoe Source 637-5476Bath & Body 630-0216 Peking 633-0040BolK636-5241 Rainbow 637-7412■ Bio Lols 633-5255 Rave 637-6326Bon Worth 637-5952 Radio Shack 633-6030Booliland636-0354 Regis 636-0966Qritchos & Bows 636-7601 Super Nails 638-0207Calos633-4443 Sweel & Nully 637-2775Chlck-Fil-A 637-0071 Take Five 633-5654Claiio's 836-4160 The Alhlole's Fool 636-0608Dollar Ttoe 636-5918 The Original Sleakhouse 638-0026Friodmans Jowelets 630-9432 The Shoe Departmenl 637-7172' Q.O. Msnswsnr 647-0001 Tuesday Morning 645-8370GNC636-1662 Tupperware 639-9110Goody's 633-8774 Whitehall Jewelers 638-8444Hibbol's 647-0935 Woll Camera 637-7750JC Ponnoy 636-1531 Posh. LTD (slorling silver lewoliy kiosk) Now OpehinaJoanne's 797-0042 The Village Collee Shop Opening SoonKalharino's Hallmark 637-2280 Belly Bùllons 2-U Opening SoonKay Jewelers 636-4931 Plorcinfl Pagoda Opening SoonNapoli'a Piz2a 638-0599 Saslow'fl Opening SoonOcoan Music S More 630-6525 N o v em b er E v en ts Nov. 21 • Angel 'i’lvc Kick ( )li - .Salvalioii .\iiiiy Nov. 22 • National Adoplion Awaivncss - l()ain .’i|iiii Nov. 2S* Santa Arri VOS al llam DHS Winter Sports Schedules Wildcat Softball Team North Davie's softball team placed 2nd In the tournament. From left: seated - Megan Marshall, Katie Walker; kneeling - assist, coach Leann Spillman, Katelyn Jones, Coach Angle Williams; 1 st row - Sarah Daywalt, Sarah Evans, Amanda Riddle, Lauren Mitch­ ell, Gina Williams, Breanna Dalton, Brettly Kirk, Mary Collette; 2nd row - Kelli Brown, Brandy Smith, Emily Tierney, Kayla Bowles, Sarah Alexander, Jordan Schultz, Mar­ garet Anderson, Amy Grubbs. Not pictured: Stephanie Hinson. North Davie S chedules Varsity Basketball Nov. 10 at E . Forsyth (scrim- mnge) 13 nt Hickory (scrimmage) 19 at Lake Norman at 6 21 vs. Sintesville n i6 24-26 nt N . Stnnly Tourn. Dcc, 2 vs. Mooresville at 6 4 vs. N . Iredell ut 6 9 ut N . Iredell at 6:30 11 vs. W . Rowan at 6 15 vs. Lnke Norman at 6 16 al Mooresville at 6:30 27-30 Sam M oir Tournament at Calawba Jan, 2 at Statesville al 6:30 9 vs. Alexander Central at 6 13 nl W . Forsyth at 6 16 vs. S. Rownn at 6 20 at Reynolds at 6 23 vs. N . Davidson at 6 28 vs. M l. Tabor at 6 Fe b . 3 vs. W . Forsyth at 6 6n tS .R o w n n n t6 10 vs. Reynolds nt 6 13 at N.Davidson at 6 16-20 C P C Tournament 23-28 N C H S A A Sectionals Wrestling N o v . I I at M t. Pleasant (scrimmage) at 6:30 13 vs. Chnpel Hill at 6 18 V S.S W Randolph at 7 20 vs. Lake Norman at 7 25 at M t. Tabor (JV ) at 7 26 at St. Stephens Dcc. 4 at Freedom nt 6 6 Dnvie Duals at 10 9 at W . Rowan at 6 13 at Parkland Stampede 16 vs. East Burke a l6 22-23 at Tiger Classic 30-31 at East Gnston Tourn. Jan. 3 at Reynolds (JV ) 8 at M l Tabor (J.V) 10 nt Orange Duals 13 vs. S. Rowan nt6 15 vs. Reynolds at 6 17 at N , Duvidson (JV ) 22 U tN . Duvidson nt 6 24 nt Glenn (JV ) 27 al W. For.syth nt 6 31 C PC Toumnment nt Dnvlc Feb . 3-7 N C H S A A Duals 13-14 N C H S A A Regionnls 20-21 N C H S A A Individuals JV Basketball N o v. 19 nl Lake Norman at 4 21 vs. Sintesville nt 4 Dcc. 2 vs. Mooresville nt 4 4 vs. N . Iredell at 4 9 at N . Iredell nt 4 15 vs. Lake Norman at 4 16 at Mooresville at 4 Ja n . 2 at Slatesville at 4 9 vs. Alexander Cen. nt 4:30 13 vs, W , Forsyth at 4:30 16 at S. Rowan nl4:30 20 vs. Reynolds nt 4:30 23 at N . Davidson at 4:30 28 vs. M l. Tnbor at 4 Feb . 3 at W . Forsyth at 4:30 6 vs. S. Rowan at 4:30 10 nt Reynolds nt 4:30 13 vs. N . Davidson at 4:30 Swimming N o v. 19 vs. M t. Tabor/N. Ire­ dell nt 4:30 26 nt N . Davidson at 4:30 Dec. 3 vs. N . Iredell at 4:30 10 vs. W . Forsyth at 4:30 17 nt S. Rownn al4:30 Ja n . 7 nl Reynolds nt 4:30 14 «W .Fo rs y lh nt4:30 21 vs.S.RowanyRnldsal4:30 29-30 C P C meet Feb . 6-7 N C H S A A Region- als Freshm an Basketball N o v. 24 at Wesciyn Academy (girls) at 7 Dcc. 1 nt G ’boro Day at 6:15 6 at N . Davidson (boys) at 10 10 at Forsyth Country Day at 4 12 vs. Alex. Ccntral at 4:30 13 vs. E . Davidson (b) at 11 13 vs. Wataugn (g) at 12:30 19 at E . Davidson (b) at 4 Ja n . 6 al N . Davidson (b) at 4 7 vs. F C D al 4 10 vs. Charlotte Christian at 12 14 vs. Bishop McGuiness (b) at 4:30 16 vs. S. Rowan nl4 17alW ntaugn(g)nt 12:30 20 at Reynolds (b) at 4 23 v s.N .D a vid so n (b )a t4 27 vs. S. Rowan (g) at 4:30 Fe b . 5 at S. Rowan (g) at 4 6 nt S. Rowan (b) at 4 7 nt A lex. Cenlrnl (b) nt 11 10 vs. Reynolds (b) at 4 When You're Bad — We're Good. To find out more about our auto Insurance - Call m e.,. Stop by... Log on - It's your cholcel Jim Kelly, Jr. 281 North Main street Mocksvilio 33e-761-2937 kelytZOnatkmiidamn Kellh Hiller 1111 Yadkinville Hwy., Mocksviile WillmiOakjStiop.Cnlr. 336-751-8131 hdiorkl(9 no liorrtvido.com Nationwide' « Insurance & IFinancial Services Nalionwlde Is On \burSlder Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies, Home Office: Columbus. OH 43215-2220 ANS16 11/00 T A G SA LE PINK 20% OFF • ORANGE 10% OFF S H O P E A R L Y F O R B E S T S E L E C T I O N . .. ----------------- E V E R Y T H I N G IS G O I N G F A S T ! C h u m m n A S d v o o J BARG^ MALL LIoiB^nON ;enter ‘ Mirrors 40% Off Our Price * Cockl-Qll Tables 40% Off Our Price * Accessories 30% Off Our Price CLOSE OUT A LA B A S T E R B U FFETT LA M P S A LA B A S T E R F L O O R L A M P M IS S IO N M IR R O R ITALIAN C A R V E D M IRROR JUST IN FROM MARKET T r u c k l o a d o f h a n d , k n o t t e d , w o o l r u g s . G r e a t S e l e c t i o n o f C o l o r s & S i z e s . R u g s p r i c e d 1 / 2 o f f m a n u f a c t u r e w h o l e s a l e o r le s s i New weekly stock of name brand returns, cancellations and discontinued items, . Assorted Dimi^ Rooms, Bedrooms, Lan^Mints8,Qfi5ceF\miituitB 3550 Clemmons Road • 712-1890 * Open Monday 10-5 (C 111 ucsl ml Sll ¡III» Uil Kil. c\k‘Msu»ii m lakt.’ I-10 Wesl it* ( k'niiiin'iis c\il iV: lurn lell ( ill 111 -llli siiiplii;lil. Uiin k'll iV: K'ok Iin si.iuiiil mi Ivvuk' C Iciuiuous hhi'.irs.l Davie Peonie DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - Cl Parish nurse, Barbara Webb, charts Marie Shaw's blood pressure readings to share with her doctor. "She’s a real good listener,” Marie says of Barbara. A C a l l i n g Parish Nurses O f Davie County Seei(s To i-ieai l\/lind, Body And Spirit Heart to Heart with Kathy Chaffin My child, I have given you special In your mind I have given you ihe ability to mulerslami Ihe needs of the suffering. Marie Shaw’s face lights up when Bnrbnra Webb arrives ul her door. ■ . B arbara visits . Marie regularly in her role as a parish nurse, taking her blood pressure, checking her heart nnd lungs w ith a siclho.scope, Inking her lo and from Ihe doctor or drugstore ns needed, shnring Inform alion on health Issues, nn- swerlng queslions nnd som etim es, simply listening. "She is a real good listener," Mnrie snys. On Ihis pnrllcu- Inr nfiemoon, Mnrie has good news and bad news to share wilh Bnrbnrn. The good news Is she gol n poslilve reporl from her doctor enr- lier in the dny; her brenthlng is belter, nnd she’s nol relnining ns much fluid as before. The bnd news is personnl nnd off Ihe record, of course. Bnrbnrn is sympnlhetic nnd assures her thal sometimes good can come from bad. Marie seems to feel better right away. Before she leaves, Barbara has a prnyer wilh Mnrie, ihnnklng God Ibr her good doctor’s reporl nnd nsking for her conlinued henling nnd guidance in the coming dnys. Marie, who will turn 65 laler this month, nppenrs to be n lillle snd lo see her go. Bul like an old friend, Barbara promises she'll be bnck soon. In your hands / have given you the strength to meet these needs hy touch­ ing, soothing und comfoning the sick. For Bnrbnra, being a pnrish nurse is more Ihnn n wny lo mnke a living; it’s n cnillng. "1 hnve no doubt bul whnl God hns cnllcd me lo do this," she snys. A ll her life, she hnd been lorn be­ tween nursing nnd Christinn educniion. Pnrish nursing offered Ihe perfect op­ porlunily to bring them together. After gracluntlng from high school in Hopkins, M ich., .she moved in wilh hor sister in Illinois and completed n one-year program lo become n licenscil prnciicnl nurse, She worked ns an LP N for four yenrs before enrolling nt Marlon College in Indiana to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing. "M y freshman year, I felt Ihe Lord saying, ‘That's not what I want you doing,' " she snys. “ I fell led Ip go into Christian education, so 1 switched my degree." Her Junior year, Barbara studied nt tho American Institute of H o ly Land Studies in Israel. < "Thnt renlly chnnged m y life spiri­ tually," she says. "That’s where m y renl faith was Iried... When you leave home and your country, who do you have to depend upon but the Lord?" A ll her life, Burbara says she had been shy lo the point lhal she hnd diffi­ culty working wilh people. “ The Lord really slarled working wilh me thal year and helping me to overcome Ihnt shyness," she says. After reluming to Indiana nnd gradu­ ating in 1981, Barbara acceplcd a job as u traveling Bible teacher for the New England Fellowship o f Evangelicals, traveling from school syslem to school system leaching studenis who chose lo participate. She hnd been working for only six monlhs when the program , funded solely Ihrough donations, wus discon­ tinued due lo lack of finnnciul supporl. Barbara returned home lo Michigan, where she took a job as an L P N for a few months before being led lo go to Alaska. There, she directed a dny cnre cen­ ter affiliated with the Wesleyan church she was attending at the time. “ W hile I . was Ihere, I met m y husband," she snys. It wns Daniel'W ebb's love o f Ihe outdoors and hunting nnd fishing that had compelled him lo move from his home stale of Pennsylvania to Ihe wilds o f Alaska. There, ho pul his accounting degree to use in his Job as a bookkeeper for a privately-owned ranch for delin- , qucnt boys. “ We fell in love and got married," Barbara says, “ but unfortunately, the ranch was in Ihe process of closing. The slale was closing il down because it wns competition for its state-operated boys' ranch." About this lime, she says Daniel's parents, Stephen and Florence Webb, had retired from Iheir leaching Jobs in Pennsylvnnin nnd moved to ensiern Dnvie County after being introduced to Ihe nren by friends. "The winters here nre so wnrm nnd so sunny," Barbara says they told them, "O h , you’ve gol to come." B y Ihen, Daniel had been living in Alaska for more than four yenrs nnd wns nbout rendy lo move bnck. He nnd Bnrbnrn mnrried on Nov. 23, 1983, and spent their honeymoon driv­ ing to North Cnrollnai “ We arrived here at m y In-laws on the 24th of December," Barbara says, “ nnd w e’ve been here ever since." In your eyes / have given you my sight that you may recognize when one of my people needs to talk, needs a hug or j'tlst needs a shoulder to lean on. Bnrbara and Daniel Webb buill a house o ff o f Yadkin Valley Road and started a family. Matthew wns around 5 nnd Snrah, 3, when the Webbs begnn attending church at Smith Grove Uniled Method­ ist Church on Highway 158. A couplc o f years laler, Barbara started working on her bachelor o f sci­ ence degree in nursing at Winston-Sa­ lem Slate University, graduating after two yenrs in 1995. That same year, she pnssed the state nursing bonrds, thereby enrning her li­ cense lo practice ns nn R N , It was when she was working in care management for Novnnt Heulth, from Parish nursing allows Barbara Webb to put her degrees In Christian education and nursing to good use. . Photos by Robin Fergusson V/ 1999 lo 2001, thnt Bnrbnrn snys she be­ gan monitoring the health of Davie’s senior citizens within Ihcir homes. "Sometimes I would go In every week and check on them," she says, "m onitor their w eight, check their symptoms, evaluate how things were going, heip them with their medica-.j,;^. lions." Other times, doctors would ask her to go into patients' homes and assess Iheir needs. “The doctors weren't renlly able to do Ihnt in the shorl lime thnt they snw them in the officc," she snys. When the insurnnce compnny thnt paid for the In-home monitoring was sold, Novant discontinued its care man­ agement program, leaving Barbara and the other nurses who worlced in it with­ out Jobs, "M y first thoughl was 'W hnt nbout nil these folks thnt I’ve been going to see in D avie County?' " she says. “ Some of them were able to connect to Home Health, but a lot of Ihem didn't meel Ihe qualifying fnclors for insur- nnce covernge or for Medicnre cover- nge." It wns her concern for these people thnt Bnrbnra says led her to pursue a parish nursing program for D nvie County. She had become fam iliar w ilh Forsyth’s program while working for Novant, and after becoming unem­ ployed, went on Ihe Internet and learned even more. The more she rend about parish nurs-, ing, the more Barbara says she realized Ihe opportunity it offered for bringing logelher her backgrounds in nursing and Chrislian education. "This Is what Ihe Bible tells us we are supposed to do," she snys, “ You know, we're supposed to be out Ihere helping Ihe widows, and w e’re sup­ posed to help those individuals that have needs." In Luke 9;2, forexnmple, Jesus sent his 12 disciples lo "prench the kingdom of Ood nnd lo heal Ihe sick." “ Parish nursing is nil uboul getting OUI Ihere nnd helping lo educnte, work­ ing wilh Ihe body, mind nnd spirit ,.. They’ re so intertwined. When you're not feeling well, your spiritual realm is off killer, nnd the other wny around. "W hen your spiritual realm is off killer, you tend lo gel sick easier." The founders of Ihe parish nursing program recognized Ihe connection be­ tween Ihe mind, body nnd spirit, Bar- bnrn says, nnd ndopted John i0;10 ns ils Iheme; "Jesus snid, ‘I huve come thnt they mighl have life, and lhat they might have it more abundantly.’ ’’ I’lease Sec Parish Nurses - Page CS C2 - DAVIK COUNTY EN'I'ERPRISE RliCOUD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 C a r t e r - T e r r y C o u p l e U n i t e d i n l\ / l a r r ia g e T h e R e v . N e i l C a r t e r w it h M r . a n d Iv ir s . B r a y d o n L e e D o d d T u rn er-D od d C o u p le M a rried Lisa M arii; Turner iiiul Brayiloii Lee Doliti were married «II Aug. 30 al llie Tunglewood Cliapel in Clemmons by the Rev. Neil Curler. The bride is Ihc diiiighler of M r. und Mrs. Chuck Turner of Mocksvillc. Her grandpurenis ure M r. and M rs. Roberl L . Wulluec of Mocksville, Virginia D . Turner orColumbiu, S.C. and Ihc late Charies M . Turner Sr. The groom is the son of Cheryl A . Crook of Riilgecrcsi, Calif, and Ronald L . Dodd of Orovillc. Calif. I Iis grandparenis arc Mury Higgins of Oroville und Ihc lule Ciene Higgins. The bride wus escorted by her fulher and curried deep red gerber duisics surrounded by baby’s brealh. Her mairon of honor was Colleen Brooks Bracken, and bridesmaids were K im berly Sloan Sm ith and Ashley Elizab elh B yrd . The llowergirl was Kayienc Savan­ nah ljumes. The groom's besl mun wus his brolher, Brooke Anihony Fryur. The groomsmen were Charles M urion Turner IV , brolher of the bride, and Tim o­ thy B. Morgan. The ring beurcr wus Jason Lee ljumes. Tu ylor M urie Lu n kfo rd , cousin o f Ihe bride, prc.senled fans lo each gue.sl upon entering the chupel. A s u gifl lo the couple, Mel Jones provided mu­ sic on a hammered dulcimer Ihroughoul the ceremony. The couple was driven lo the recep­ tion in a ly.“!? Cadillac convert­ ible driven by Grady McClam ­ rock Jr. The reception wus helil at ihe Red Barn in Tanglcwootl wilh music by 3rd Generation. The couple honeymooned in Florida and will continue lo live in Chapel 1 till. Former D istrict Court Judge MARK S. CULLER is pleased lo mmoimce iluii he is now m iih ble to represent clients in the Dni’ie County Courts and tluit he Iuis opened an office for the practice of latu MARK S. CULLER A^rrORNEY AT LAW 26 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2918 O m ci; llcnms: MONDAy - I ’llllMY 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (.MIMIVM (.HAKi.l.s Ф Ik^incCtl.MIOSN Ф i. Ф i'lllK lC U S'lO inCiltiii Visri.MiDS' Ф (;iiiu>.Siii’h>ia Ф .SH‘AK.MiosA(.KMAi(Nts M^Krt.M hli)l1»MYANIll)lltlS#AtJM(íNV Мшчш.мя I*wt)HO)iwOKtiiJiN AimiMlinill A( CIDI .VIS ♦CÜMIA.SIX'MMIN.M.IVI.M.S If )IU <lirv.i.y> h.llf )/ (/hTril .(tl«4ЧИ1!!И«> fc« UV ikll }) >441 iJ.» »i«4 ibHV IJH .Mr i ulliiuii^i .inyiiilv vni^n liiiiWiiN<t- Jenny Darlinc Carter and Hurold Duvid Terry Jr. were united in nutrriuge Salurday. Oct. II in un outdoor ceremony at the home of Callic B. Terry, mother o f the groom , o f A d ­ vance. The Rev. Donnie Durham officiated, The bride is the daughter of Jeff Carter and the lute Donna Carter. Her paternal grandpar­ ents are M r. and Mrs. William Carler of Advance. Her mater­ nal grandparenis ure the lule Wesley Adams Sr. nnd the lute- nslelle Sluter. She is u graduate of Duvidson Com munity C ol­ legc and is a phlebotomist with Wake Forest Univer.-iity Baptisl Medical Center. The groom is the son o f Cullie B. Terry of Advancc and Harold D. Terry Sr. of Blufflon, S.C . His paternal grundparents are the lule M r. und Mrs, Wade Terry of Jefferson. S .C . His imi- ternal grandparcni.s nre the lale M r, und Mrs. W .A . Bniley of Advnnce. The groom is n gradu­ ate of High Point University and works for Russell Construction C o., Advancc. The groom’s futher was best mun. Groomsmen were Adam Cnrler, brolher of Ihe bride of Advance; Joe Gardner of Clemmons; Sam Dover of Wcsl Luke, Ohio; nnd Grnham Long of Winslon-Salcm, Willium A . Bniley, uncle of the groom of Advunce, wus honorury usher. Flower giris were Kuiilin E. Lanier und Cara Buiiey Terry of Advunce. The ring bearer was Boyd Correll of Advunce. The guest register attendant wus Denu E , Terry, sister of the groom of Winslon-Salem. The bride, father of Ihe bride, flower giri.s and ring bearer ar­ rived in u horse-druwn carriage and the bride was escorted by her fulher. She wore a full A-line dress with caviar beading on the bodice and banded skirl wilh embroidered sequins. The wedding music was by Benila Finney, soloist. She wus also wedding director and pro­ vided flowers. After the cercinony, the bride and groom departed in the horse- drawn curriuge for a short ride and then returned for the recep­ tion ul the home o f Cullie B. Terry of Advance. A reheursul dinner hosted by the groom's parents was held on Frid u y. O c t. 10, and the bridesmuid’s luncheon, hosted by Denu Terry, sisler o f the groom was Oct, 5 at the home o f Callie B. Terry. Afler n honeymoon trip Id Ouk Island, the coupic is resid­ ing in Advance.i 4 r . a n d i i / i r s , t ^ a r o i d D a v i d T e r r y J r . CH A To R a ffle R a re C oin C ollection C O O L E E M E E - Some kids take to history like a duck to water. But if yourchildrcn or grand­ children carc little for that "old s tu ff, how about a material in­ centive'.’ To raise funds, the C ool­ eemee Historical Association is raffling off a rare coin collection valued at $800. The drawing will be at 11 a.m. on Dec. 13 at Davic Discount Drugs in the Cooleemee Shopping Center. Tickets ure $5. You need not be present to win. Am ong the rare coins being ruffled as one sel urc nn 1828 Cupped Bust H u lf Dollar, an 1838 Seated Liberty Quarler, un IS.“)? Flying Eagle Cent, un 1861 Silver 3 cent piece, a 192.‘i Slone Mounluin M em orial 50 cent piece, a 1951 Booker T . Wash­ ington Memorial hulf dollar und u 1996 $5 American Gold Eagle. In addition 10 the 31 coins, there ure four proof sets und u mint set. ”l wunted lo make a gift lo Coolcemcc's hisloricnl efforl and I've gol more coins than I do money," said n local, anonymous donor. "I've been collecting coins for 15 yeurs. M y parents were cotton mill people and too much of our heritage is going down the drain. Someday, I'd like to .see this expanded .so wc can exhibit genuine textile ma­ chinery." Seeond prize i.s $100 in cush. Third prize is a signed, framed print o f Jerem y Sam s' "Cooloem ee's O ld Square" bused on Ihe lurge mural puinled on Ihe side of the Stokes Couniy Ynrn Company's mill depicting the town's heyday. Ruffle tickets are uvuiluble in Cooleem ee ul the Zuchary House on Church Street and Davic Discount Drugs in the Cooleemee Shopping Cenler; in Mocksville at the Davie County Cham ber o f Com m erce on Salisbury Slreet: in Salisbury at Ihe LandTrust for Central Curo­ linu in Ihe old Salisbury Irnin depot. Advance News Five Generations P ictured are five generatio ns of the G o b b le fa m ­ ily, from oldest to youngest, John J, G obble, John T, G obble, D onald W . G obble, Josh W , G obble and S ierra fvlcK enzie G obble, By K<lllh VClinmermun Advancc Correspondent The annual Harvest Sale, sponsored by the Methodist cliurch, will be Saturday, Nov. 8 from 8 a.m.-2:3(l p.m. at the com­ munity building. Country ham biscuits.chickcn pies, homemade vegetable soup, honiemnde pi­ miento cheese snndwiches, hot dogs, baked goods, crufts, hund- mnde wood ilems and a set of crystal will be available. We welcomed our new organ­ ist and choir direclor, Donna Cartner of Clemmons on Sunday. She was accoinpained by her daughter Shiricy. Edith Zim nierm nn, Janie Hendrix and Pauline Hendrix drove lo Charlotte last Thursday night, Oct. 3(1 to attend an urt show showing the personal nrt collection of Meredith Hendrix. The reception lo meet the urlisi wus held in Ihe Cone Cenler gnl- lery, UNC-Chnrloltc. A lurge number of friends, relutives, pro­ fessors and fellow-sludenls ul- tended the two-hour showing. Adrian Farley, Denise Farley, John Farley and Krislen Wychoff of Ariington, Va. arrived Fridny night to spend the weekend with A d ria n ’s ' molher Ed ith Zimmermun and to clelebrale Edith’s 86th brlhduy on Monday, Nov. 3. Saturday the group en­ joyed breakfast at the communily building, sponsored by the Meth­ odist church. Later Janie Hendrix and her granddaughter Isabelle Barnum joined them. Alter a brief visit the group de­ cided lo go lo Charlotte lo see the art work o f Meredith Hendrix. The 7 of us climbed inlo Adrian’s van for the drive lo Chariotle. We were mel by Meredilh Hendrix and boy friend Adam Kerr and given n tour of tlie art gallery, plus a tour of the U N C campus and a lour of the city of Charlolle. Leaving Churlottle we were mel in M ocksville by Melissa H . Barnum lo pick up baby Isabelle. Aflerwurds Adrian, Denise, John Furley, Kristen W ychoff, Janie Hendrix and Edith went to Pier 601 in Mocksville for dinner in honor of Edilh’s birthday. Bess Bennell and daughter Cynthia Summers visited the Zim m er­ man’s laler on Saturday night. Everyone attended church Sun­ day and was met by Janie Hendrix for a birlhday lunch al Edith's home.Tlianks to every­ one lor the dozens of cards I re- ccived’and the many plione calls. Nov, 17-24 is Ihe Nalional Ciillection Week for Operation Christmas Child. Those inter­ ested in lining a shoe box should get in touch with Susan Nelson as soon as possible. Get well wishes go oul lo Su­ snn Huffninn who was treated at Salisbury Hospital lasl week. She is recuperating al home. Beth Beilder of Raleigh was a weekend visitor of her parents Dave and Frances Ward. Jnnic Hendrix and daughter Meredilh Hendrix enlcrluined Edith Ziinmeman wiih a birthday dinner al Janie's home on Markland Road Monday night. Elsie Vogler fell,at her home lasl week. Get well wishes to her. O N i.Y r w o w i:i;k s i i-i-t t o r i :s i:r v i; y o u r t i m b .b r l a j c e w i n t e r p o r i i'o l i o T H E BOB T IM B E R L A K E G A L L E R Y announces the release of a very special tim e-lim ited edition entitled “W IN T E R P O R T F O L IO ” TIMBERLAKE OfTered in ofTset lithography, "H'inter Portfolio" features two t>cautiful Timberlake images “Nay's Ihrkeys'And “Ccniered IVagon". Iloth reproductions have image areas of 10 V" X 16" on museum quality archival stiKk measuring IS X 20" and are numbeted a-s a matching set. Quality features include hand-deckled edges, dcbos-sed |»ncls amund the image as well as protective coverwraps. Doth reprodiictioroi arc pcreorally hond-signcd by llobTimbcrlalic.'l'he Issue price is $250.00 for the set plus shipping and N C sales tax when applicable. Ordere taken September ISth ihrough November 15(h, 2003 wid> die edition si« being determined at the end of the reservation period. Collette A rt & Fr a m in g 835 Yadkinville Road • Mock.sville, NC 27028 Ph/Fax (336) 751-2296 E.st, 1971 Call Collette Art to reserve this special two-piece Timberlake edition. Shipping charges (up to $60“) waived when you order from Collette, the only authorized Timberlake dealer in Davie County. L iv e, In M o c k s v iiie DAVIK COUNTY KNTERPRISE RECORD, 'I'luir.sday, Nov. 6,2003 - C3 Mel Jones & His Bag Of Bones To Record CD Here Saturday M el Jones and his Bug of Bones will record u live album Saturday, N o v, 8, nl 9 p.m . ut The Auic in Gasthaiis on the Square in downtown M ocks­ villc. It will be Jone.s’ third ulbum and fir.st live recording. Jones, n Dnvic m usician, performs across North Curolina with Danny W icker, K ip Snow and Don Story, Dedicated to preserving the sanctity o f Pied­ mont Blues & Ja zz, the quuriet is developing a new style o f their own that combines the ■soulful sound o f the South with the traditional tunes o f the Delta Blues, The quartet formed nbout a yenr ago, and after much per­ forming and u reccnt appear­ ance at the Carolina M usic Ways Heritage Music Festival, dccided to record their efforts. In an attempt to capture the en­ ergy and true spirit o f the band, Jones and The Bones decided to make a live album. “ I’ ve been pinying music for 30 yenrs, und it has always been m y dream to make a live T Mel Jones & His Bag of Bones invite area residents to be a part of their live album , to be recorded at The Attic Saturday night, portunity to showcusc our tal- The band invites everyone, ent, us well us our supporl in Admission is S6. For more in- the bnckground." formation, call 751-7900, SS recording," Jones said. “ Since this coininunity supporis us so graciously, wc wnnlcd the op- l i t i l l DAVIE FOR DIAMONDS DIAMOND WEDDING SETS 25% SAVINGS NOW! and some are HALF PRICE! SALE! SALE! SALE! DIAMOND WRAPS 2 5 - 7 0 % O F F ! This photograph by D avie High senior Jessica O ’Donnel won first place In color photography and the Judge’s Choice aw ard at the Dixie Classic Fair. Davie S isters Earn Photo Awards At Dixie C lassic Fair W , Ш Ш Ihottouchj Duvie High School senior Jessica O ’ Donncl and her sister M olly M iles of Norlh Davic Middle School won more than 10 ribbons for their photography nt the 2003 Dixie Classic Fair. Photography has nlwuys been a strength o f the sisters. Both hnve won P T A Reflections awards in photography sincc kindergarten. Jcssicu hns won .school, dis­ trict und stnte awnrds, ns well us nutionul recognition. She pluns to study gruphic design in col­ lege. She won firsl plucc uwurds ut the Dixie Clussic in: gruphic design, 3D un, and color pho- logruphy, which ulso took the Judge’s Choice award. Sccond place awards were for junior homemnking and commercial urt: M olly received first pluce ribbons for; commercial url, gruphic design nnd color ani­ mals photography. She earned second place ribbons for: black and white animals photography und bluck and while phologra- phy. Molly Miles shows her photography awards at the Dixie Classic Fair. .FALLIS I ÍC T A C U U # AT 7 Î Ï 2 0 0 2 Chrysler PT Cruiser $10,988 2 0 0 0 Jeep Wrangler Sport Л.4, «kwrwco. V>n top, M Cdrpelmg. »teil doo's. ur AC. dulo. courlet/ljn>pt naa « iu,4uu $15,988 2 0 0 2 Dodge Ram 1500 .teiJijiis.rW. »4. poftfli fn ttd*. auto, 6 9L VH, 1Л ciuis* >8K mil«» was$21,0BB $20,767 2002 Saturn SCI fcWt MCD, At:, 1Л. leai contate, remote (uel cVxx, ИЖК1 Irufik lunfoül, iic*ibutg4ii.)y, ipotfj' $9,988 1999 DodgeDakota L lie.lb. led. Mdonum V6. hxkiiig tvJc^,er.ke>t«sje<itr,.AMFhV CASii.CiLis* auto.PW.(’J.,po*ei iTii'ioii. Ill, eitia iiiK'p $11,167 In Beautiful Dowiitown Mocksville www.cowboyrob.com 157 Depot street • 751-5948 1-888-469-3781 DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY RINGS From .*49! B. SA L E $ 7 9 ! C. SA L E $ 9 9 ! D. 1/4 C arat From $ 9 9 ! E. 1/2 C a ra t F rom $ 2 9 9 ! ] F. 1 C arat From $ 4 9 9 ! 10 % Down Layaway 50% OFF! 1 C arat M arquise Rcg.$6,m SALE! ^3,497* D. E. F. DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RINGS From ,..»29! IJ. SA L E $ 9 9 ! C. SA L E $ 1 4 9 ! 1/4 C arat SA L E $ 1 7 9 ! 1/2 C a ra t SA L E $ 4 9 9 ! 1 C arat SA L E $ 9 9 9 ! I ONE JAR of PROFESSIONAL | I JEWELRY CLEANER | I ® 4 “v a l u e I • Silver C leaner I • Jew elry C leaner1^ DAvm J ewelers j VALUABLE COUPON J e w e l e r R e t i r e m e n t S a l e I n P r o g r e s s ! ^ - 4 Г У е а г D lÄ M O N t- Mocksville 751-3747 NEXT TO WAL-MART DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Ч и С4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 E x te n s io n B a ke A n d C ra ft S a le T h is F rid a y By Juckie Scubult Diivie Coimiy Enletprise Recoixl Will) Chrislmiis only ii few weeks away il's nol too early lo begin shopping for ihose specini one-of-a-kind gifts. Whal better place to pick up a unique handmiide item thun at the annual North Carolina E x ­ tension and Com m unity Assoclntion’s Craft and Bake Sale. This Friday, Nov. 7 , one room of the county officc building at 180 N . Main Street, beside the court house, will be lilled with a variety o f baked goods, handcrafted item s, biscuits, cakes, pics, wearables and holi­ day selections for purchase from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. The organization is com ­ posed o f local homemakers. Clubs and their individual mem­ bers from around the counly will huve lubles set up for the event. The Redhmd Club, Easl Davie C lu b , Nola Rich o f Ihc Clarksville Club, and Louise Blackweliler of the Kappa Club will be participating. The Norlh Carolina E,xlen- sion and Communily Associa­ lion began in 1920 nnd is Ihe largest volunlccreducalional or- gantziilion. Previously callcd ihe N orlh Carolina Exiension Homemakers Associalion, Ihe name was changed to N C E C A in 1999. Luleuh D unn, who is the president of the Redland Club und is Duvie's Spccial Projecis Coordinalor, has been involved with the homemakers for more lhan 16 years and is coordinat­ ing the sule. She hopes for a successful Creative crafts like ttiese snowmen made from golf fees will be soW along witli other items made by members of the North Carolina Extension and Community Associa­ tion. -Photos by Robin Fergusson Lateah Dunn wilh some of the handmade items she will be selling at Friday's event. turnout this year from the com­ munity. The clubs recently made Red Cross Relief Bags, called com­ fort kits, lo be distributed in di­ sasters us purt of their commu­ nity outreach programs. Clubs also volunteer al the local senior centcr and Slorehou.se For Jesus. According to Dunn, due to budget cuts Davie County is withoui an extension agent for the homemakers, bul clubs con­ tinue lo do projects indepen­ dently. 'I'he money raised from the cruft and bake sale will go lo each individual club. So this Friday make your way downlown. Enjoy a cup of coffee while you browse the ilems and enjoy .some delicious foods - ull brought to you by Davie's finest homemakers. B ody Care From The Garden Area Extension Community Association To i-iost Programs The Duvie Extension Com- y munity Association will host the urea meeting on Nov. 13 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m . with a program on "Body Carc from the Garden" presented by Forsylh Coopera- tive Extension Agenl Yolanda Pickett. The programs will be held in Ihe County Officc Building on South Muin Street in Mocksville and ate open to the public. In addition to the baked goods there will be wearables for sale. Pictured above is a festive basket weave collar 2 . 8 8 %* APY The Revere, 1128 sj, $59,900 ($53 p e r sf) 3 bedroom s, 2 J u il baths We’re extending a very special offer on one of our most popular homes through December 31, 2003. ■ Our homes are buill on site, not pre-fab or modular. ■ National buying power. Local craftsmen. ■ No lot? We can help you with our free lot location service. ■ No down payment and no closing costs for qualified buyers. Statesville Sales & Design Center Take Exit 154 off ¡-40 704-872-898Q 800-714-2324 ext. 2 WWW.WayneHotnes.com Call for free book of house plans. ÌI7AYNE A Division of Centex Homes OaraRc, land and Improvemenls noi Included In price. Oifer good through 12/31/03 and applies ic qiulliled buyeii. Mnancins must be iJiro\igh CTX Mongage. Home shown lot lliiiMrailon purposes only. NC General Contracting License #47781, VA Home Builder ID «8809. YOUR H O M P .V О U R 1, О T ■ Y О Ü R W A Y 3 6 -M o n th C D S p e c ia l Lim ited Tim e O pportunity! $25,000 Minimum - $99,000 Maximmxi For a limited time only, Bank of The Carolinas is offering a 36-Month CD with a 2.88% Annual Percentage Yield, fully FDIC Insured, for a minimum deposit of $25,000. P lu s B tiinp U p O|)t.ion If, at the time you open your 36-Month CD you have or open a Carolinas Checking Plan, you will receive a “One-Time Bump Up”'*'* option. Anytime during the tenn of your 36-Month Certificate, you liave the option to 'bump up' to any higher yield being offered with no early withdrawal penalty for the remainder of the term! A 36-Month CD paying 2.88% APY with a “Bump Up" option for Carolinas Checking customers — that's “Banking Carolinas Style"! Bank of The C aro lin as vm w .bankofthecarolinae.com A D V A N C E 362 N C Hw y 801 S, Tel: 330.098-1003 A S H EB O R O 110 7 S. Cluirch Sl. Tel: 330-025-0990 C A in 'H A G E 109 Monroe St. Tel: 910-947-2501 HARRISBURG 4350 Main Street Tel: 704-464-5863 ■LANDIS 107 S, Central Avenue Tel: 704-857-7277 C LE V E LA N D 11713 Statesville Blvd. Tel: 704-278-3700 M O C K S V ILLE 135 Bojovood Village Drive Tel: 336-751-5755 • 2.88% APy Is accuialt as ol 10/23/03; minimum deposit $25,000, maximum deposit $99,000. Finally loi early wilhdiawals,____ Al maluilty, ceitllltin lemws automillcally il tta yteM llwn In tllacl on «iWlcatiS o( IWs type. •' Bump Up option llmllsd lo Caiollnas Cliecking cuslomeis only. One-lime option duiing Ihe original leim ol Ihe Special 36'Monlh CD to ‘bump up' lo a higher yield. No regular Inleresi checli] can be Issued on 30'Monlli CDs wilh Ihe Bump Up option. Yield may diange aliei the accouni ij yp Personal accounls only. Member FDIC - M ■ b-..; IX- ;k P a r i s h N u r s e s DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, Nov. 6,2003 ■ CS i' '■) Continued From Page C l III your specch / give you my words lo comfort Ihc III, give courage to the fearful and eii- couragemcm to the one who otherwise would give up. When Barbara began talking about the need for a parish nurs­ ing program in Duvie Counly, the congregation at Sm ith Orove United Methodist, where she is the volunteer director of Christian education, agreed lo pay llie $1,000 required for lier iraining. She took the course |n June o f 2002, during which the teachers warned thut there would be times when she would bccome discouruged. Tliey gave her a copy of “Jesus Speaks to the Pari.sh Nurse," the verses of which arc interspersed through­ out this article, to rend during those times. Barbara keeps a copy of it on the wall above her desk. In starting Purish Nurses of Davie County, Barbara applied for a grant from the Duke En ­ dowment, which agreed to do­ nale $20,000 Ihc first year. Her church agreed (o provide an of­ fice as well as Ihc additional $1,500 to $3,000 needed to meet Ihis year's budget. She has already applied for a grant for next year. Agencies cnn apply to the Duke Endow­ ment for up to four years, she says, but the largest amounts are usually uwnrdcd the firsl two years. It's herchullengc lo try to get enough donutions from churches and private indivldu- uls to keep Ihe progrnm going ufter the grant m oney has ended. "That's my big goal for next 1, year," she says, "is to try lo get the word oul nnd to let churches know that this ministry is avail­ able. "I want to work with them and through their congregations • to reach those folks in the com- m iinUy that aro needing help und not getting it because there’s nothing there for them." Marie Shaw, also a member at Smith Grove United Method- i.st, is just one example of the •seniors in Davio County who ! need assistance, according to :> Burbnrn. Murie says she had . two knee replacement surgeries m Murch und April nnd also suf- '.'jl, fers from asthma and puhno- nary hypertension. Barbara receives a few pu- *. . iicnt referrals from the Davie Counly Department of Social i Services and the Senior Cenler. ; i “ But most of them come from word of mouth," she snys, . i "Somebody here in Ihe church ' knows a neighbor that has a friend ..." ! One young man referred to Barbara was so sick that she arranged for him lo be seen im­ mediately at the V A Medicul Clinic in Winslon-Salem. "Had he not gone," she says, "prob­ ably in anolher few months, he would have been dead." She also managed to connect him with the Department of Social Services, wliich assisted him with food stumps, and A Storehouse for Jesus, which provided him with food. In your heart I have given you the full measure of my love lhal you may freely .kIiow how much I love my people and care for them in iheir times of dis- tivs.i. One of the services offered Ihrough Parish Nurses of Davie County is ussistunce with pre­ paring living svills und arrang­ ing for heallh carc power of nl- tomey. Barbara and Mary Smith, an­ other church member, com- pletctl a cour.se on the advanced medical directives ihrough Hos­ pice of Winston-Snlem and ex­ plains llic options to patients. The Duke Endowment gram allows Bnrbnra lo work Iwo and a hulf dnys a week, whicii she suys usually turns into three. She works Mondays and Tues- dnys and schedules the third day according to the needs o f pa­ tients. Her officc al Smith Orove United Methodist has a pnvnte entrance to comply with the re­ quirements o f the federal pri­ vacy laws. Barbara is also re­ quired to follow the laws in dis­ cussing patients. “ I'm not allowed to give you names or talk about heallh prob­ lems with individuals unless thoy give me permission," she says. Neither is u purisli nur,se al­ lowed to do nny type of Invasive procedures such as starting IVs or giving injections. A purish nurse is nlso restricted from ud- m inistering m edicntions ‘or changing dressings. "You have to meel O S H A re­ quirements to do that," Barbara snys, "nnd we don'l hnve the setup for lhal." While she is not allowed to administer medicntions, Barbara may assist ptuienls by filling their weekly pill boxes or mea­ suring insulin injections. Unfortunately, she snys, most insurnnce companies will nol pay for someone lo assist dinbet- ics who cannot see well enough to drnw up their own insulin. “ So u family member has to be educated and tauglil how to do that," she says, “ and occa­ sionally, you run ncro,ss folks who don't hnve nny fnmily, or siidder still, they have relnlives, but they either live out o f stale or Ihcy lilernlly don’t cure nnd don't want to bo involved.” Depending on the need, Bar­ bara may go sec a patient once or twice or on an ongoing basis like she does with Marie. Sometimes, she simply ar­ ranges for carc througii another ngency ornsslsts u pnticnl in get­ ting on a program such ns Main Street Messenger, an emergency alert syslem offered through Yadkin Valley Telephone. In your whole heing / give you the energy, desire and un­ failing courage to open yourself lo Me lhal I may heal my loved ones Ihrough you. Services provided Ihrough the purish nursing program in­ clude blood pressure screening; asse.ssment of mcdicnl needs; ns- sisumce with health carc plan­ ning; visilalion lo patients re­ cently discharged from Ihc hos- phal or other facilities; assis­ tance w ith com m unily re­ sources; rcspile cnre; educn- tionnl mnterinls nnd the Icnch- ing/facilitnting of wellness; and bereavement visits. As a parish nurse, Barbara fills several roles. She is n henllh cducutor, promoting wellness and prevehtion of health prob­ lems, providing insiruclion on caring for a loved one nt home and offering instruction on signs und symptoms of henlth prob­ lems. She is also n pcrsonnl henlth counselor, providing instruction on henlth problems utid medica­ tion. Barbara also trnins volun­ leers lo assist wilh transporta­ tion, errands, "liandyman" jobs and respite. As an advocate of comnuinity resources, she helps lo match pa­ tients wilh Ihc appropriale avail­ able resource and a'ssisls them in fmding carc. The role that is unique lo par­ ish nursing is integrating faith nnd henllh. In this capticily, Bnr- bnrn shares Ihc importance of heulth in maintaining wellness and G od ’s love wilh those un­ der her care. Barbara says it was the yenr she spent in Jerusalem that most prepared her for this role. “ I would not be where I am loday if it was not for lhal year," she siiys, “ God knew what He was doing. He had this all planned wuy down Ihc road." Co forward, unafraid and confldeiil in the knowledge lhal I will always he wIili you and wilh Me, all things arc po.uihle. You see, / love you and i need you to share my love and heal­ ing 10 my people. Barbara welcomes the oppor­ tunity to speak to churches nnd civic clubs nbout Iho nondc- nominational services offered through Parish Nurses of Davie County. To make a referral, vol­ unteer or learn more about the progrnm, call her office at (336) 998-9728 or c-m nil her at bwpn@yadlcl.net. Tux-deductible donutions may be mailed to: Purish Nur-sos ofDuvie County, 3492 U .S . 158, Mocksville, N .C . 27028. A Ltinch-n-Learn Progntm Sponsored by Cancer Services, Inc. for Cancer Survivors and Their Caregivers Comf)[ement(U!j oiui dllernottve Medicine; UiKot evei'9 ooniier patient skouldl (mow. Speaker: Suzanne Hess, Ph.D . Irom Wake Forest Universily Baptist Medical Center Friday, November 21slfrom IJ;30am-l;00pm . Davie County Ubrary in Mocksville Call 760-9983 or 1-800-228-7421 for further information nnd to rogiator. The progrnm nnd lunch nre freo. Space ¡8 limited. Regiatrntion deadline is November 18,2003. C ancer Services, Inc 3175 Mnplewood Ave. Winston-Salem, N C 27103 www.cancorserviccsonline.org Unlt«JWfcu J TOTALLT COMMITTED TO TOTAL HEALTHCARE L IF A L L O U R D IG IT A L IM A G IN G S Y S T E M S A V E D W A S T IM E , IT W O U L D S T IL L B E W O R T H T H E IN V E S T M E N T . - l i i l ’ • The new digital im aging system here at Rowan Regional Mcdical Centcr is fast. Very fast. N ot only that, but it delivers sharper, clearcr images. And because they’re digital, they can be viewed, shared and analyzed just about anywhere. Available at both our Medical Ccnter and our new Medical Park on Julian Road, this remarkable system converts X-rays, M R ls, CTs and ultrasounds into crisp, clear, easy-to-manipulate digital images. Images that will soon be available online to physicians in our network. All fiistcr than ever before. And should a physician want to review those images with one o f our radiologists or share them with another specialist, !ie or she can assemble an entii'c team just as quickly. So with Rowan Regional’s new digital imaging system, our physicians not only get a better picture faster, our patients get to diagnosis and treatment faster. A nd, the way we sec it, that could end up saving a lot more than time. #1'/^ (704) 210-5000 Rcwan Regional M ED IC A L C e n t e r И ' i С6 - DAVIE COIINTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, Nov. 6,2003 ™ J.C.S troud stands at the gas pumps at his store in the Elsie Stroud at the J.C. Stroud grocery in the late 1940s. late 1940s. Diane Owings at her restaurant at U.S. 64 West at Ridge Road. County Line News By Shirley Thorne Counly Line Correspondent Calvary Baptist Church on Davic Acadcmy Road had a great homecoming scrvicc Sunday. Members welcomed back two former paslors, the Rev. Wayne Bateman of South Carolina und Ihe Rev. Sidney Grim es o f Slatesville. Calvary also wel­ comed Iheir new paslor, Ihe Rev. John Lyons and wife, Dunna, wilh children, Cassandra and Joshua of Staic.sville. The V-Polnl Riirilan Club is having a country ham ba'akfjist Saturday morning from 6-10 al the building on Old Mocksville Road. The menu will include scrambled eggs, gril.<r, sausage, ham , gravy, biscuils, baked apples and drinks. Take-outs will be available. Eal all you wish and make a donation. Proceeds will be used for community and nurs­ ing home projects. The club in­ vites anyone interested in join­ ing lo call Alice Absher, 704- 546-7820, or Johnny Tow ell, 492-7707, or come to a meeling. The club nieels at 7 p.m. the scc­ ond Thursday of each month al the V-Polnl building. Our community extends its sympathy to Ihc families of the late Ernest Burdette and Debbie Burgess. Ernest had lived for sev­ eral years wilh his daughter and son-in-law, Mildred and Buck Bcnneld. Debbie lived wilh her Pino News Bessie Lowery, wife of Kenny. family on U .S . 64 al the Soulh Yadkin River. We send gct-well wishes lo Allen Jones, Ed Green and Glenn Koontz. Allen, a iruck driver, is recovering at home after being ho.spitalizcd in Tcnnes.scc. Ed . husband of Ruth Williams Green, is critically ill wilh inoperable lung cancer. Glenn is recovering from shoulder surgery following a farming accidcnt. Diane’s Diner, a newcomer lo Counly Line, is celebrating its onc-year anniversary Saturday evening from 5-8. Free cobbler and ice cream will be served to every customer. There will be live gospel music and animal balloons for children. Diane Owings is the owner und opera­ tor. Perhaps in the lale 1930s, Ihis column might had read "Entre- Sanford Stroud managed the store from the eariy 1940s until his death in 1946. preneur Lowery moves one mile wesl on U .S . 54 and opens new store.” In the 1930s, Tcnny and Bessie Lowery und son, Hennan, luid moved from Ihe River Hill area (now Vaughn Mill and So­ ciety roads) to the Beard home on N .C . 901 to manage the Lowery family slorc in Ihe V of N .C , 901 and U .S . 64. A few years later, they boughi Ihe Paul Efird farm one mile west on U .S. 64 at Ridge Road, Around 1938, Tcnny had Herman and neighbor M arvin Gaither build a small store on the southeast comer. Marvin initially Billy Stroud with wife Beverly and children David, jenny Lowery in the Rebekah and Rachel. managed the slorc followed by Marvin Keller and Rod Slroud, including Tcnny at times. Herman also helped when he was nol in school. In Ihc 1940s, Sanford Slroud began managing the store ufter hc and his wife, Avis, had re­ lumed to County Line in 1937, After Sanford’s death in 1946, J.C . and Elsie Stroud and son, Billy, moved from Georgia and began operating the store as J.C . Stroud Grocery. J.C . was the el­ der son of Sanford and Avis. M y dad regularly bouglU m ilk, eggs and gas from the J.C . I have many fond memories of Ihul little store in the curly 1950s. Muny times I listened to J.C . and daddy chui on a slant back Cheerwine bcnch as we licked our ice cream cones. J.C . callcd us “ Mack's little boys” and used lo kid us about our longues fly­ ing oul every lime our elbows bent, J.C . used lo buy eggs und rab­ bits (killed nnd dressed) from local residents and Ihen resold the rabbits ii few days latter to Marshall Koontz. Marshall sold the rabbits for 50# oach to a pro­ cessing company in Salisbury. 1940s. In 1957, J.C . and Elsie and Iheir son, Billy, planned and had buill a much larger slore on the adjuccnl northeast comer of the inlcr.section. I.ocal carpcniers Bill Seamon and J.C . Seamon buill the slorc. The little old store was tom down in Ihe late 1960s, After J.C .’s death in 1993, Billy und wife, Beverly, continued to operate the slore for .several years. We hope you have enjoyed this “ blast from the past” wilh old photos compliments o f Elsie Stroud nml Herman Lowery. Hy Norn Kiilhntn Pino Correspondent Tim e really flics! Cun you believe Ihe breakfast will be again in two weeks on Novem ­ ber 15. There will also be a bake sule sponsored by the U M W . Don’l forget. We were glud lo have pianist Dewilla Smilh back al church Sunday. She spent a few days the week before in the hospital hul is feeling much liclter now. ll wus good lo have M rs. Johnsie Shelton and Mack Eure hack. Bob Dill has ulso been uble tn utlend for Ihe last few Sundays, Sundy und Ann Cline visited Hurmon and Nora Latham on Sunday afternoon. James and Lelia Essie re­ cenlly had dinner with their son, Neil, and wife, Brenda. Neil and Brenda’s son, Daviil, and wife, Tam m y, und daughlcr, Sadie, also joined ihem. Sunday lunch guests o f Harmon und Nora Latham were Jim and Chinera Latham, Ethun and Allison Boger and Bob and Kathy Ellis. Happy birthday to Tom and Toni Horton. H olid ay S tr e s s R e lie f Free Workshop Monday At Public Library Thanksgiving und Chrislmas is just uround the corner. To help prepare for Ihe holi­ day season. Healthy Carolinians of Davie/Substance Abuse/Men­ tal Health Subcommittee, invites you to a free workshop on Mon­ day, Nov. 10 nl 7 p.m . at Ihe Duvie Counly Public Library, North Main Street, Mocksvillc. The workshop is titled “ Sur­ viving the Holidays; Strc.ss Re­ lief.” ■ Presenters w ill be Drs. Carolyn Beaver and Betly Grifnth. Beaver holds a master’s of educalion degree in counseling, and a Ph .D . in child develop­ ment and family relations. She has 38 yeurs experience in Davie Counly Schools as a teucher, counselor und direclor of student services and cxceptinul chil­ dren’s progrums. Griffith holds u bachelor’s degree in nursing, school nurse certification, and a master’s de­ gree in public administration. She has 21 years experience with the Davie County Heallh Departmenl and Davie Counly Schools as direclor of school heallh .services. She has .served ns un adjunct fuculty member at UNC-ChapcI Hill. Both ure experienced in jug­ gling a variety o f aclivilies with­ out stressing. Both are active in their community, churches and olher organizations. Coffee, hol cider and desserts will be provided. For more Information, call Andreia Collins ul 751-8700. N o v e m b e r lA R Q A IIS IS К G r e a t ^ L o w ^ P r i c e s ! By combining Ihe buying strength ol thousands of True Value stores, you get great low prices on quality top-name brands, Millie F. .lohnson l\ / lit t ie J o h n s o n C e le b r a t e s H e r 1 0 1 s t B ir t h d a y Millie F. Johnson of Mocks­ ville celebrated her 101st birth- duy on Friday, Ocl. 31 al home with family nnd friends. Slie wus born on O cl. 31, 1902. Her husband, W esley R . Johnson, died in February, 1985. A granddaughter and grandson are also deceused. H e a lt h D e p a r t m e n t T o B e g in G iv in g F iu , P n e u m o n ia V a c c in a t io n s N o v . 1 3 The Davic County Heallh Department w ill begin giving influenza vaccinutions to the public Nov. 13 from 8:30-11 a.m. Fo llo w ing Ihis date, inlluenzn clinics will be held al Ihe heulth department each Tuesday, 1-4 p.m . and cach Tluirsday, 8:30-11 a.m., wiih Ihe exceptions of Thanksgiving Day, Chrislmas Dny, und New Venr’s Duy. Those w ilh M edicure or Medicaid will need to bring Iheir Medicare or Medicaid cards with them to the clinic for billing purposes. The charge lo ull others for the flu vuccine will be $10. Pneumonia vaccinations will be avnilnble ut this lime for .$20. The flu is one of the lending causes of death in older adults. bul an annual flu shot can provide protection againsl Ihis deadly disease. Individuals, young and older, who have chronic condilions are urged to rcceive the flu vaccination, Peak im m unity is usually reached w ithin Iw o weeks o f Ihe vaccination. For clinic, vucciiialion infor­ mation or questions, call the heallh depariment, 751-8700. C a u d e ll L u m b e r an d B u ild in g S u p p lies 1 6 2 S h e e k S tr e e t • 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 Open Dally Weekdays 7:30 • 5:00 Sat. 7:30 -12 noon nS N F R V S a t u r d a y N o v e m b e r 8 • 5 p m Auction at 6 pm Items includc: Old Silver Dollars. Hnnd painled ilcms, Cbllcclibtcs Farm-grown catfish, frosh-cut french fries, hush puppies, siaw, desserts & drinlcsProceeds used lor church mission prolocis Eat-in or Take Out - ^6 per plate Concord United M ethodist C hurch 161 Cherry H ill Road • M ocksvillc PREPARED FOR JUDGMENT? ARE YOU SUCCESSFUL AT EVERYTHING EXCEPT THAT WHICH MATTERS MOST-PREPARATION fOR ETERNnTY? Jc.sus said, “Seek lirsl liic kingdom of God and His riglileoiisnc.ss„,” Secure .vour soul’s salvation totla.v bv obeyinj* tlie |>ospel! Believe In Christ (Mk, i(d.^ iA;ikh.u,r,) Repent of your Sins and Turn to God n k. i.t:.t: A,is i7:.tn) Confess tiie Name of Jesus imhu. io:.i2; Aas8uni Be Buried in Baptism for tiie Forgiveness of Your Sins (Alls 2:.m, 8:.W, 22;lf>; lliiiu, I Cor. 12:1.1; (iul. ,tl27)Be Faithful to Jesus unto Death (Un. I ¡7; Ki>v.2:10) ViSIT THE JERICHO CHURCH OF CHRIST , Non-l)tni)nilmiliiinal Dcdlculcd lu Ri'slurinji New tcslumcnl Chrlsliuiillj’ llllillcal 1a Name,llriianl/allijn, Wonhlji, unil IWirlni:, l.«alt(l al Ihe ciiracr ol Junclldn and Jtrltliii Kaailtl)r, loin liirp)’, Minister (.336) 492-5291■I S h / io h C e ie b r a t io n S a t u r d a y A t i ^ i d d e n M e a d o w s ^ Fall Harvest Shtloh Cel- MinluK'l Tvlf*n!inii»l luin lu» tin» a r.iii i,....,.»..« iini Un n.,.-r uAvii'; cuu:davii; county en TERPRISE record, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - C7 -------------------- A Fall Harvest Shiloh Cel­ ebration will be held Saturday, N o v . 8, at Hidden Mendows Chrjstlun Youth Ranch. The cclcbrntion, scheduled for 2 to 9 p.m ., will feature old- tiniey games, apple-bobbing, hay rides, horse rides nnd a praise und worship service. Chalk artist and evangelist Teen Wins At State Fair A M ocksvillc teen was a winner in a live.slock show al Ihe N .C . State Fair. Kelsey Lu tz, 17, earned the grand champion prize in Ihe Jun­ ior Dairy Cattle (Jersey) show. Mi! M y niinie is lliiiiey Tho- II1HS M cK n ig h l. I turned Iwo on Seplem ber 24, 20 0 3 .1 cel- ebruled m y birthday w ilh u piirly 111 m y home on Seplem- ber 27, 2003. Guests enjoyed II pizzM purly nnd M icke y MoUse enke. I reniiy had fun imd received m any nice gifts from friends, aunts, uncles und cousins. M y big brother, M allhew , hnd fun loo nnd also received some gifts. M y par­ enls nrc T im nnd S h e rry M c K n ig h l o f Ad vnnce. M y grundparenls urc Churies und •ludy Builey of Advnnce and •laeltlc M cK n ig h l of Moores­ ville. Th n n k you nil for cel- ehruting m y birlhdny wilh me and bringing me such nice gifts. I iove yuu ail. Michael McDaniel will be Ihc guest spenker. There will nl.so be a spccial performance by Ken Sheeis and Ihe Heavensent Band and an interpretive dance perfor­ mance by the Girls of Hidden Meadows. A fall harvest feast and old- fashioned chicken stew is planned for the evening. Quests are welcome to bring a favorile dish or dessert to add to Ihc feast as well as a mug and lawn chair. Marshmallow roasting and hol spiced cider will also be part of Ihe celcbralion. The ranch is located o ff Ralph Rutledge Road al 20<J Hidden Mendows Tra il. For more information, call the ranch at 492-230«. BBQ To Benefit Youtii Livestoci< Programs A pork barbecue will be held to support youth livestock projects Saturday, Nov. 15 at the William R . Davie Fire Dcparl­ ment. The take-out only plates will C a t f is h F r y N o v . 1 5 A t R iv e r P a r ii A catfish fry will bo held Sal­ urday, N o v. 15 nt the grand opening of RiverPark al Cool­ eemee Falls., Fish plates will be sold from noon- 4 p.m ., wilh remarks at I. Phase 1 of the park will be open. Follow the signs off N .C . 801 jusl inside Rownn Counly to gel lo Ihe park entrance. be sold from 4:30-7 p.m . for $6 each. Proceeds will go to support local youlh educalionnl live­ stock projccis rnnging from live­ stock judging teams, Skill-a- Ihon contests, teaching clinics, as well ns animal projecls. "Livestock projecls are ex­ cellent avenues lo leach youlh life .skills such as .sport.smanship, responsibility, palicncc, decision making and public spenklng," said Phil Rucker, Coopcrntive Extension agent. “These projecls are a greal way lo spend a lillle fnmily lime,” The barbccue is spon.sored by the Yndkin-Duvie 4-H Live­ stock Associalion und friends cif locnl youth. For more informa­ lion or lo purcha.se tickets, con­ iaci Extension al 75 1-6 2 9 7. Walk-ins are welcome. "Com e out Nov. 15, gel a greal deal on a great meal and help our local youlh to have a brighler future,’’ Rucker said. Civil War aulhor and cnlhu- siast Clint John.son will give a slide show prcsentnlion called “ B u ll’ s-Eyes and M isfires," based on his book of the same title at 7 p.m . Thursday, Nov. 6, at Ihe Davic County Public L i­ brary, N o rth M ain Street, Mock.sville. Hear how relatively unknown people changed the course of Ihe war by Iheir heroic efforts and bungling mi.slakes. The program is free and open lothe public. Call 751-2023 for more informalion. .lessicu W liile, daughter of M r. aud M rs . M u rk W h ile , just celebrated her 8th birth- duy w ilh u dinner al Ihe home of grundpurents M r. and M rs. •loe W hile. This picture shows her in her grandparents’ rose garden wenring a crocheted dress her grandm olher M arie wore when she wus suiuli. It was made by an aunt, M rs. Bon M ny. B o y S c o u t C h ic k e n S t e w S a t u r d a y S m it h G r o v e C a n c e ls B a r b e c u e S c h e d u le d F o r F r id a y , S a t u r d a y Troop 575 o f M ocksville First Baptist Church will hosl a chicken slew fundraiser on Sal­ urday, Nov. 8 from 5-8 p.m . at Lib e rty United M ethodist Church fellowship hall, off U .S . 601 South on Liberty Circle. The proceeds will go lo hcl[) in paying for a trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico next summer for eight Scouts. Ricky Naylor’s band will be holding a jam se.ssion forcnter- tninmenl. Des.scrls and drinks will be served. Donalions will be accepled. The barbecue scheduled for Nov, 7 nnd 8 at the Smilh Grove Volunteer Fire Depurlmeni hns been cnncclled. The department is inking or­ ders for the annual Chrislmas barbecue pork shoulder sale. Pork barbecue shouldens wilh .lohnna and Brack Beal nn­ nounce tlie birth of a ditugh- ter, Chioe La ykin Ueui. Chloe was born August 26, 2003 at 7:55 a.m . She weighed 7 ihs. 12 0/,. and was 19 and 1/2 inches long. She wns delivered by D r. Scott Shapiro. Chloe wns welcomed into the world by her two older sis­ ters, .lacie and M akuyla, and grandparents, Frances and Tom m y Riciiie of Advancc and .lune and I’ eeW ee Beal o f Mocksville. 4c- Д Ж 4^ STILL HAVE CHRISTIVIAS SHOPPING TO DO? COIVIE JOIN US & RAISE MONEY FOR RELAY FOR LIFE!!! AT HARDISON UNITED M ETHODIST CHURCH'S 2ND AN N U ALCHRISTMAS FOR CANCER Saturday, N ovem ber 8th from 1 0am -2pm H ardison United IVIethodist Church 1630 Jericho Church Rd., Mocksville (2 miles past South Davie Middle School on right) PARTICIPATING VENDORSlTupperware,Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Discovery Toys, Jan's Jewelry, Beautlcontrol.Usborne Books at Home,Longaberger Baskets, Premier Jewelry, Things from Egypt, Southern Living at Home, Creative Memories, Wiggle Worms, Books Just 4-U, Pat's Paints & Crafts, Van Damme Exquisite Jewelry, & MUCH, MUCH MOREI FOR MORE INFO CALL: 998-5355 A PORTION OF ALL PROCEEDS СОТО THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY'S RELAY FOR LIFE Ж Ж Ж к - - '" Cedar Rock Assisted Living of Mocksville Peace of Mind - Round die Clock Care M o m a n d D a d d o n ’t h a v e to b e r ic h to g e t th e b e st c a i^ p o ssib le ! Cedar Rock is fully licensed by Nordi Carolina and uses only cenified slaff who uiulerffo complete criminal check and drua screening. • O n Site Doctxjrs • Handicap Transportation • Nutritious Meals • Activities • Caring Staff • lndeper]dent Living Apartments Available • 24 H o u r Security •Snacks • Trips • Outings • O n Site Laundry • Medications Vie accept MedlcaliJ & Private Funding "Ifyou think your mom and dad deserve the best possible care, call me, Shelia Sammons." Cedar Rock 191 Crestview Drive Mocksville (336) 751-1515 E nough la Serve - Sm a ll Enough lo C a^c^ Diane Battles CPA announces the opening of her office at 1 2 8 P e a c h t r e e L a n e , A d v a n c e ( ‘ Services offered include: ,Tax Planning & Preparation forIndlviatife, v’,j • < ' , , Corporations & Partnerships ', ’r-' '3 ; J S m a ll Busihe.ss Consulllrtg & Sei-up i ’ ‘ . Estate & Retirement Planning , y ,'-v ijtRS Prpblem Solving • Eldercare SerVic^^'a \Business & Personal Financial G(Jngliitliig5^’^*| the CPA, Novuf Un(lBies1lm.ite Ihe Vfllue^ 940-3600 • Office hours by appointment Located in Hiiisdule - H w y 158 & 801N (direclly lu'liiiul Hajaiiglex) Civii War Autiior To Be At Davie Library On Tiiursday sinw and dip may be ordered ihrough Dcc. 17. Shoulders musl be pickcd up on Wednesday, Dec. 24 before 9 a.m. To placc an order, call the fire staiion al 998-.3484; Junior Smith nl 940- 2861, Don Howurd al 998-3479 orRoliert Bnilcynl 998-8140, Yard Sale, Bazaar & Bake Sale When: Saturday, Nov. 8 8am-2pm Where: Church of the Ascension 183 Fork-Bixby Road Advance • 998-0857 good clotfifrig, batli/beil accessories, exercise eijuipmenl, canoe, bicycles, Indian cont, refrigerators, full size, freezer,' i bedroom fumlture, baked goads, canned preserves, tiller, many other Items. Food Available for Breakfast & Lunch ★ ★ Latest GLENDA BEARD print w ill be on sale. Lim ited Num ber A vailable ★★ Proceeds tor Building Fund & Playground Equipment B i g B r o t h e r s B i g S is t e r s S e r v i c e s FouithAimiversai^ Celebration S u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 9 ,2 0 0 3 • 4 :0 0 P M D a v i e C o u n t y P u b l i c L i b r a r y ★ B H E i l ì l N Ì J * The Miigic of Ryan Short - Local Magician The Puhlic Is Inviietl lo Join iixfor Lillle Moments, Blf; Magic! I r iZ Z A fA R IT A FfER TIIE SHOW | Tills Event is F R E E i»—i»ii C h e enchonted C o tto g e Pubber Stamp & Scrapbook Store 1 0 Year Anniversary November 8-15,2003 Special yes 4- ❖ Demos ^ 4-Drawings 4- * Classes * Details on website or in the storewn.Encliaii8eilCollagcNC.coiii 6253 SiiallowfordHil-Lewisville, NC (1 mile off 421, just west of Winston-Salem) , 336-945-5889 ----------------------------------------------— a C8 - »AVllí COUN I Y KNTKRPRISK RIÍCORI). Tluir.sda.v, Nov. 6,2003 : it ANNUAL INCORPORATORS MEETING of Smilh Grove Volunteer Fire Department. Sunday, Dec. 7,2003 2 p.m. at Smith Grove Fire Dept. COÜNTRY HAM BREAKFAST - wilh till llic irimniiigy - Saturday, Nov. 8 6:30ain-10am L i b e r t y U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C l n u r c h Just oil Gtiiclslone Rd. <S Hwy 601 Soulh of Mocksville Take Ouls or Eal In Proceeds go lo Church Mission Projects С У//Г У//Л ■////,/- Bobby A. Mnriin 193-1 - 2003 ADVANCE Willinm И. ¡oyiwrjr. 1951 -2003 KONDA Obituaries Fall Sale 40% Off Suggested Rctnil on all Borkhofder Amlsh Crafted FumHure and Tom Seely Furniture Antique Reproductions ru i Hn M » H I. IA»PMtoi ГИМ Ò M fMi ntH r« rci^ Ы klil (мгпфммм tort OAB OW ИЛ U lUf on BeekerFURNITURE 4889 ОШ Н ю у B4 W est Lexington • (336)787-3353 Debonil) I-Yyc Kurgcss Mrs. IJchorali "IX'bby" Frye niir);L'ss. -17, of Slalcsvillc, died riuirsdiiy. Ocl. 30, al For.sylh Mcdicnl Cenler in VVinslon-Sa- leiii. Burn in Rowan Counly on Ocl. 19. 1956, slie was Ihc daiiglilcr ol' George Hom er iintl Gwen Ralladge Frye ol'Mock.sville, wlio survive. She wa.s an assi.sluni loan secrelary al Carolina Farm Crcdil and allctulcd New Union Uniled Melhodisl Church. She enjoyed horse.s and was n member of ihe Mill Alliinlic Rodeo Assochillon wlicre she WHS the 2002 Woninn of llie Year, She won muny olher awards in roping and team pen­ ning. Survivors: her husband of 17 years, Roy Lane Burgess; a son, Juslin "Chad" (Candice) Burge.ss of Wcsl Jefferson; a duughler, Kristi Liinc Johnson of Jefferson; a brother, George Homer Frye Jr, of Mocksvillc; and 3 grandchil­ dren. A cclchralion of life wus held al 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2, In Ihc Davic Funeral Scrvice Chapel in Mocksvillc. Burial was private. T Mcnioriuls; in Dcbby'.s name to Forsyth Region«! Cancer Cen­ ter, 1010 Bcthesdu Court, Wiii- .ston-Salein, 27103. ■ L o c a lly G r o w n , H y d r o p o n ic Tonnatoes Come Taste The Difference! N'KW’ HOURS: TlllKS. & F hi. Nih)N-5|’,m ,\n1) S,vr. Ham-N(X)N D ew D ro p F a rm 302 Fo.stcr Road, Moci<,svillc (I-oslcr Ktl. is jusi (iir Kidjii; Uti. in Weslern Davic County) Call For Directions (336) 492-5263 Resume all activities inmiediately after cataract surgery at Southeastern Eye Center by C. Richard Epes, M.D. • I’rocccliirc lake.s only 4 to 7 minutes to perfoiin • Return lo all activitic.s immediately • Dr, Ii|x:s named as one of the “Best Doctors in America” • Dr, EjX's luis perfomiecl surgery on individuals from 48 states and 18 I'oreiKn countries • Dr. lijies has performed over 75,000 cataract surgeries “No-iWcc(lle, No-Stitch, N o-Patch” surgeryC. Richard Kpc.s, M .I). F o r local conrem eiicc im m atclm l experience, call TRUST YOlJU liYES TO EXPiiKIlCNCE. I'or yimr riiiivraiVm-c yiiu iiitiy sff onv nfilii' St'iiiliiwiirii liyc Cmier th>cior\ in our ojfwes m: M oSsVILLEVISION CEmii Dr. Steven CJ. Laymon, 0(ii»imirist I'JH-il li.fi|iiti.i St., MockHliif. 751-57.34 ж р м и ш Q uayVISION CINtlR^^ Dr. Steven G. Laymon, Optomcirisi llernuida Quay .SIio|). CnIr., Advancc • 940-2015 r Charles Howard Perry Mr. Churles "Charlie" Howard Perry, 79, of N .“! Pembrooke Ridge Court, Bermuda Run. died Sunday, Nov. 2,2003, al his home. Mr. Perry was born Aug. 12, 1924, in Chatham Counly lo Ihc late Henry and Rilla Perry, He served in the U ,S . Arm y during World Wur II nnd wns nwnrdcd Ihc Purple Heart und Bronze Slur. Hc was a member o f Calvary Moravian Churcli and hnd retired from the U.S. Postal Service. Mr. Perry was preceded in death by iiis w ile, M yrtle McKaiighn Perry; and 7 brothers. Svirviving; his daughter, Deborah Dnwn Nmicc and hus­ band Phil Redmon, of Greens­ boro; a son, Cliarles Derek Perry and wife Oeorgiinne of Green­ ville; 4 grandchildren; a brother, W illiam Perry; a sister, Annie Ktitli Fox and husbund Joe; and n ntccc. The funeral servicc wns held al 7 p.m. Tuesduy, Nov. 4, nt Cal­ vary Moravian Church in Win­ ston-Salem by the Rt, Rev. Lane Sapp. A graveside .service took place al 1:30 p.m . Wednesday. Nov. 5, at God's Acre in Old Sa­ lem. Memorials: Calvary Moravian Church, 600 Holly Avc„ Winston- Salem, 27101, James Mitchell Dickinson Mr. James Milchell Dickinson, 59, of Las Cruces, N .M ., died Sun­ day. Ocl, 26, 2003 after a linger­ ing illness. Survivors; his wife Mnry; par­ cnls, Edgar and Loui.se Dickinson of Mocksvillc; a sisler, Anne D , Leniiic of Lancaster, Pa.; and 2 sons. Will and Charlie Dickinson of Plioeni.x, An'/,, A memorial .service is planned for Nov. >15 in the First Prcsbylc- rian Church in Mocksvillc. The family will rcccivc friends alter the servicc in the sanctuary. Memorials: First Presbylerian Scholarship Fund. Interior Designs, Inc. ;ri'l.l. .'''iiKVIC h'Pl'SKi.N' : Lot Us Help You Wllh Your Home For tho Fnll Custoin Line of Window Treatments Silk Troos.4 Plants Wall Coverings * Bedding Ensembles Acccessorios* Lamps We Wllh hcon.'iod coniinrlois lot , voui romodeiiiH} nnd tnnidmg CM.uif.-iu) n Crissid/ ins ' CiC'MUiioDb fid I Calvin Coolidge Gaither Mr. Calvin Coolidge Gaither, 78, of County Line Road, Har­ mony. died late Saturday after­ noon, Nov. 1,2003, ut his home. Mr. Gaither was born Dec. 10, 1924, in Davie Counly to the late Robert Allen and Kate Ha.sh Gailher. He retired from Holly Farms Poultry with more than 20 years of .service and had been awarded n safe drivers certificnie with more thun 10 yenrs of con­ tinuous accident-free trucking, Hc enjoyed gardening, fishing and visiting thc Sheffield Music Hall. He wa.s a veteran of the U .S . Arm y, serving in Cenlral Europe during World War 11, He received several decorations and citations including the Croix dc Guerre of thc French govcrntnent. He was preceded in death by his wife, Laverne S. Gaither; his parents; and n brother. Surviving: his soli and daugh­ ter-in-law , Steve nnd Dianna Gaither of Cleiniiions: a grand­ daughter; and a sister, Nannie (Leroy) Dyson of Mocksville. A graveside service wns held nl 11 n.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, nl New Union United Methodist Church Cemetery with Pastor Wayne Swisher officiating. Mililary hon­ ors were conducted by Ihe 11 th District Memorial Guard Veterans of Foreign Wars. Memorials: Sheffield-Cnln- hnln Volunlcer Fire Depnrtment, c/o Dnvid Beck, 435 Dyson Rond, Mocksville. W illiam Dennis Lassiter Mr. William Dennis Lnssiter, 63, of Clemmons died Monday, Ocl. 27, 2003, in Kilgore, Texns. Hc wns born Feb. 9, 1940, in Sanlord to the late .William Tho- miis nnd M ozelle Lee Dowdy Lnssiter. He mnrried Marjorie Faye Hayes on Aug. 24, 1957, in Bcnnettsville, S .C . He retired from Food Lion after 25 years, where he had been a slore super­ visor for more than 30 stores in North Carolina. He was a Baptist. Survivors; his wife of 46 yenrs, Faye Lnssiter of the home; 2 daughters and sons-in-law, Cynlhia and Thomus Sprouse of Advancc and Angela nnd John Doggcli o f Sum m erfield; n brother, Kenneth Lnssiter of High Poinl; a sisler, Shirley Pcndley of Raleigh; 3 grandchildren; and mi- iiierous nicces and nephews, A funeral service was held at 10 u.m. Friday, Oct. 31, al Vogler & Sons Clemmons Chapel, offi­ ciated by the Rev. Atwell Hnnkins. BurinI was in Westlawn Gnrdens of Memory. M arianne M . Bond M rs. Mnrinnne M ncAulny Bond, 79, of Winston-Snlem died Tuesday, Oct, 28, 2003 at Arbor Acres where she hud resided for the pa,st 12 years. She was born Sept. 10. 1924 in Bullimore, Md. to Fred Rile nnd Fny Mumford MacAulay. Mrs. Bond was a 1944 gruduntc of Mount Suint Agnes College in Baltimore. She had been a mem­ ber of St. Paul's Episcopnl Church sincc thc I940’s, where she was u long standing member and past president of Ihe Altnr Guild. She wns pnst president of the League of Women Voters and served on the Medical and Forsyih Hospitnl Auxiliaries. She wns a bridge pinyer nnd needle artist. She wns preceded in death by her husband, Dr. Vemnrd Frnnklin Bond Jr. Survivors; 2 sons, Vernnrd Frnnklin Bond III and wife Bar­ bara of Littleton, Colo., and F. Mac Bond nnd wife Terri of Fnrm- ington; n duughter, Mnrinnne Bond Price nnd husbnnd Robert of Fnrminglon: 5 grandchildren. A memorial service was con­ ducted Friday, Ocl. 3 1 at 3;30 p.p. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church by the Rev. John E . Shields. Memorials: Thc A L S (Lou Gehrig’s disease) Assoc., 27001 Agourn Road, Suile 150, Cnln- basas Hills, C A 91301; or The Americnn Henrl Assoc,, P, O , Box 25086 Winston-Sttlem, 27114. Kenneth Charles Bolin Mr. Kenneth Chnrles Bolin, 49, of Hnrmony, died Fridny, Oct. 31,2003 nt his home. Mr. Bolin was born March 26, 1954 in Yadkin Co. lo Lonnie Gray Bolin, Sr. and Irene Pettit Bolin. Hc was a supervisor for Pallet One Corp nnd wns of Ihe Baptisl Faith. Surviving; his w ife , Judy Vogler Bolin o f Ihe home; a duughter, Cnrric Angela Bolin of M ocksville; n slep-dnughter, j Chasity (Daniel) Crotls Hart of Lewisville; a step-son, Ronnie Joo (Angela) Johnson; 3 step-grnnd- children; 5 sisters, Ineze Moon of M ocksville, Thelma Sm ilh of Yndkinivllc, Judy D ixon nnd Mnrie Hedrick o f Lexington, Dollie Lingic of Sulisbury; 4 brothers, L ,G , Bolin of Harmony, Lindsey Bolin and Donald Bolin of Mocksville, David Leonard Bolin of Yadkinville.' The funeral service was lield al 2 p.m. Tuesdny, Nov. 4 nl Gen­ try Family Funeral Home Chnpel in Yndkinville by Rev. Danny Leonard. Burial followed in the Shncklown Cemetery. Щ Country Ham Breakfast Saturday riicrc will be a country hum brenkfnsi with all the trimmings Saturday, Nov, 8, from 6:30-10 a,m . at Liberty United Melhodisl Church, just off Gladstone Road and U .S. 601 South, Mocksvillc, Take-out plates will be available. Proceeds will go to church mis­ sion projects. Chicken Pie, ¡-iam Supper Saturday There will be a chicken pic und baked hnm supper from 4:30-8 p.m . Snlurilay, Nov. 8 ul the Shefrield-Calnhaln Community Build­ ing. There will also be craft.s and baked goods for salq. Proceeds will go lo New Union United Melhodisl Church. Breakfast Saturday At Center A counlry breakfast with counlry hnm, sausage, eggs, grits, gra­ vies, baked apples and homemade biscuits will be served froni 6-10 a,m , Saturday, Nov, 8 al Center United Methodist Church, U .S . 64 West nt 1-40, Mocksville, Fish Fry Saturday At Concord The Concord United Melhodisl Men will host a fish fry on Sat­ urday, Nov, 8 beginning at 5 p.m. The menu will include fiirm-raiscd caltlsli, frcsh-cul french fries, hu.shpuppies, slaw, desserts and soft drinks. Ettt-in or take-out plates will be $6 ench. There will be n limited quantity of uncooked fish for snle. Pro­ ceeds will go to mission projects. Concord is located al 161 Cherry Hill Rond, Mocksville, just off N ,C . 801, Brea!<fast Saturday At f[/locl<s A counlry ham and tenderloin breakfast will be held from 6:30- 10 a.m. Salurday, Nov, 8 iil Mocks United Melhodisl Church. A d ­ vance. The menu will also includc sausage gravy, eggs, grils, home­ made biscuits und beverages, eat-in or lake-oul for $5, Proceeds will bcnel'it projects and niinislries of Ihe United Methodist Men. M o c k s v iU e F ir s t M e t h o d is t Y a r d S a ie i s T iiis S a t u r d a y O n Saturday, Nov, 8, First United Methodist Church of Mocks­ villc will have a church-widc yard sale wilh all proceeds going to the Storehouse for Jesus building fund, Thc sale will be in llie base­ ment of Ihc Fam ily Life Cenler on North Main Sireel (entrance in the rear of the building), from 7:30-10:30 a,ni. Items lo be .sold will include nice clothing for men, women and children; household and seasonal items; books, games and toys. Thc United Melhodisl Women will have baked goods, cookbooks, mid Christmas ornanicnls for sale along wilh ham biscuils, dough­ nuts, colTce mul juice. Smith Grove Youth To Honor AH Veterans The children and youth of Smitli Grove United Methodist Church will perform the patriotic program “ Freedom" in lionor nnd memory of all veterans in Davie Counly on Sunday, Nov. 9 nl 7 p.tn. in tlie church snncluary. The public, especially vclernns, is inviled. Ea tons Baptist To Sponsor ¡harvest Festival On Nov. 8 Eatons Baptist Church will sponsor a harvest festival Saturday, Nov. 8 beginning at 5;30 p,m . 'Thore will be games for children, chicken slew, desserts and a hayridc. Games begin at 5;30, the chicken stew will be served al 6 wilh Ihe huyride at 7. For more information, contact David Gilbreath at 998-6149. The church is located on Eatons Church Road at Richic Road. Gospel Sing, Supper Nov. 9 At Oak Grove Methodist There will be a go.spel singing wilh the Sounds of Failh, iis well as a .soup and sandwich supper Sunday, Nov. 9 al 6 p.m . at Oak Grove United Melhodisl Church, U ,S . 158 aboul three miles cast of Mocksville. Proceeds will go to the building fund. If you can't bear the thouoht of other dealerships saying lUOraiua ME a call" DAVIK COUN I Y KNTKRPRISK RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 - C9 P/ease Attend The Church O f Your Choice No Crook PrimltWo Bopllsi Church, 223 Aubrey Merrell Pd., Mocksville. 2nd A 4th Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Saturday wotshlp and conference,V.30 p.m. Pastor, Richard Kirby. Eagie Heights Church.lO a.m. Sunday worship, 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertlmo, 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Bible study andAwanns. Casual dress, contem­ porary muslc/worshlp, 5103 U.S. 158, Hlllsdald. Mooksvtlte Wesleyan Church: Hospital St., Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7 p.m. Rov. Qeorgo Tioyer. 751 -5595. Union Chapel Unlled Methodist Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m.. Paslor, Rev. Jim Sanders. Center United Methodist Church: U.S. 64 W, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pastor, Stephen Blair. 751- 2754. Childcare directors: Carla Prevelte, 492-5735 & Sandra Autty, 940- 3753. Etbavltto United Methodist Church: N.C. 801, Advance. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship. 11. Kids Fcr Christ (ages 4-11). 1st & 3rd Sun., 3*4;30 p.m. Teens (or Christ (ages 12* 18) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor; Rov. Nevltio Storey. Cooteomee Church of God: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling. 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m. For more Info, call pastor Roberl Hulette at 264-2180 or visit www.coolcog.org. Cornolzer United Methodist Church: 1244 Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m.. Rev. Kayo Frye, pastor. Bethel United Methodist Church: Bethel Church Rd. Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carter, pastor. Advance United Methodist Church: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sammons.Downtown Advance. Farmington United Methodist Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 996-5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Oak Qrovo United Methodist Church: 1994 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Concord United Methodist Church, Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor, John Andrews. Hardison United Methodist Church: Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wonderful Wodnes-days Children’s program, 6-7:30. Pastor, Rov. Dennis Q. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening service, 6. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hillsdale United Methodist Church: 5228 U.S. 150, Advance. Conlomporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dross, relreshmonts. Jr. High Youth Sunday night. 5:30, Sr. High Youth Sunday night, 7. Midweek@Hillsdate prayer service, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studios, ministries such as drama, worship, mislons, singloa, womon's, men's. Paslor: Jorry Webb. 99B-4020. Wesley Chapol United Methodist Church: Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rov. Tommy Robertson, Pino Rd. Redland Pontocostal Hollnoas Church: Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evoning: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study. 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1013 US 601 S. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 0:15. Rov. Robert Kasting. 751- 5419. mvw.mindspring.coni/'^tiolycross/ Mocksville First Presbyterian Church. 261 S. Main SI. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Choristers (o^^des 1-5) & Youth (grades 6-12). 5:30 p.m. Pastor: Neal Carter. 751-2507. Mockfl United Methodist Church, o(t N.C. 601 S. at Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads. Advance. Rev. Donnie W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St. Winslon Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Qrovo Methodist Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Pastor: Chris Clonlz. Sunday School: 10 a.m., worship, 11. Children's ministry, Before and afler school programs, 940-5296. H llisdalo Baptist Church: Sunday Worship and Bible Study 9 & 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Fellowship Meal. 6 p.m. Children’s youth activities, prayer meeling. 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alderman. 940- 6618. Minister of Music, Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158. Advance. Faith and Victory FamUy W orship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers Ministries. 350 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Wednesday night Bible study. 7. Paslor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc, pastor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Methodist Church. U.S. 601 s. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. First United Methodist Church of Mocksville. Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 a.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporary format. Traditional service, 10:55 a.m, 305 N. Main St. 751- 2503. Pastors, Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Routh. Believer's Sonship Tabernacle: Sunday worship. 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Pastor: Jerry L. Couch, 998- 1324. Cana Rd. - Poller's Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11; Night Service, 6. Paslor: Rev. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Methodlet Church: Sunday early worship. 8:45 a.m.: Sunday School, 10. Worship. 11 a.m. Lighthouse Service, contemporary worship. Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd., Advance. 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E- Mail: kaybethumc@yadlel.net Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Fofk-Bixby Rd., Advance, Sun. School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long ot Advance. 998-7716. Clement Grove Church of Qod, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School. 10 a.m.. Worship', 11:45. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor: Elder Ernest l|ames. Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays. 8- 8:30 a.m.. WSTP 1490 AM. Green Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study. 7 p.m. Pastor Rev, Michael Waters. 998-3022. Liberty W esleyan Church. 2106 ^hellieid Rd.. Harmony. Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. 492-2963. Pastor: Ronald Lee. Bixby Presbyterian Church, 1606 Fork- Bixby Rd.. near Cornatzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11. Pastor: Peter Peterson, 998- 6813. Dulln United Methodist Church, 897 Dulin Rd., Mocksville, 998-5409. Paslor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cootoemoe United Methodist, Main St., Sunday School, 10a.m.,Wor8hlp, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Pastor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284- 6135) In Homo Bible Studies, by Randy Howell. 284-4687. Boor Creek Baptist Church, Boar Creek Ch. Rd.. Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Rev. William Lee Cook III, pastor. Cooleemee First Baptist Church. 284 Marginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister. Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, pastor. Mockavltle Second Presbyterian. 400 Pine St. Sunday School, 8:30 a.m. Worship. 9:30. Only African-American Presbyterian chuich In Davie County. Rev. Thomas M. Leach.75M410 SI. Francis of Assisi, RC. Masses; Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m, Sunday. 8 and 10:30 a.m.. Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday evening Mass, 7. Monday, VOGLER &-SONS runcrui Home2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 Tuesday. Thursday. Friday & Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Masses, Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR. 751-2973. Farmlnglon Baptist Church, Sunday morning Bible study, classes for ad ages, 10. Worship: 11. 1841 Farming-ton Rd.. 5 miles Irom 1-40. Paslor; Scott Lyerly. Church: 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baptist Church, Blaise Church Road, oil U.S. 601 N. ot 1-40. Mocksville. 151-3639. Worship. Sunday, 8:30 Л 11 a.m.: Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Bible sludy and mission programs for all ages, 7 p.m. Pastor; Glenn Sellers. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. www.bfaisebflptist.org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751-0597. Fullon United Methodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fullon Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Neville Storey. Heaven Bound Full Gospel Church,U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (beside Center Fire Dept.). Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday nighl praise/ worship, 7. Paslor. James Ward. 998- 6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St., Mocksville. 751-5312. Contemporary early worship service, 8:30 a.m. Sunday School lor all ages, 9:45 a.m. Traditional worship service. 10:55 a.m. Children’s choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. Wednesday. 6:30 p.m., activities for children, youth and adulls. Fork Baptist Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45. Worship service. 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzer Baptist Church. 1372 Cornalzer Rd.. Mocksviiie. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11; evening. 6:30; Awana’s Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. 7:30 p.m. Now Union Methodist Church. 1669 Shelfleld Rd.. at County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., contemporary worship with casual dress and refreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. JO. Sunday School for all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. Ijames Baptist Church. Sheffield Rd., f^ocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening. 6, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zion Church, 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship. 11 a.m. Paslor, George C. Banks. Advance First Baptlst Church, 1936 N.C. 801 S. Sunday Schooi. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Postor:Martln Kastner. 998-6302. Church ot God ol Prophecy. 2323 U.S. 601 S.. Mocksviiie. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday evening, 6: Wednesday evening, 7. Paslor; Rev. Bobby Shinautt. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Church, Midway St.. Cooleemee. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evoning, 6: Wednesday Awana/Youth. 6i45 p.m., Prayer & Bible Study, 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Seventh Day Adventist Church. Milling Road. Mocksville. Sabbath School, Saturday, 9‘.30'1V, Worship, U*noon. Pastor. Ron Davis. 751*3886. Macedonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance. Sundny Schooi, 9:30-10:45 a.m. Worship, 8:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Pastor; Rev. Greg Liltte. Yadkin Valley Baptist Church, f324Yadkln Valley Rood. Advance. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship, 11 a 6. Wednesday Night Prayer meeting, 7:30. Live Sundaya, WDSL 1520AM, 11-Noon. Mt. Zion Holiness Church of God, U.S. 64 E. at Mil) Street, Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. 11. Paslor: Bishop James Ijames. Mt. SInal AME Zion Church, 488 Peoples Creek Road, Advance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m.. Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Dr. Olis B. Robinson Sr., pastor. 998-6231. Bixby Church of iho Living Qod, 2121 Cornalzer Rd., Advance. Pastor, Rev. Perry Hawks, 768-1606. Worship. Sunday 10-11 a.m., 6 p.m. Salem Unlled Methodist Church. Salem Church Road ol( Davie Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW. second Wednesday, UMM first Sunday breaklast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blair. Plney Grove United M ethodist Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Pastor: Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998- 7316. . New Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Paslor, Neltye Ijames-Barber, 751-0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday night: Bible class. 7:30. Intercessory prayer, 6 p.m. True Light Christian Ministry, U.S. 601 N., Danner Rd. to Camella Lane, Mocksville. Pastor; Steven W. Daiton. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Episcopal Church of the Qood Shepherd. Church & Cross sts.. Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m ., fellowship hour afler church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays afler church. Priest: Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Life Mission. Liberty Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worship, 11. Sunday evening al 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavis. Mocksville Church of God. 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0617. Pastor; Larry Hollilield. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6. Wednesday evening, 7, Jerusalem Baptist Church. 3203 US 601 S.. Mocksville. 264-2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services: 6:15 a.m.. praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School lor all nges; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday services: 6 p.m., lamily fellowship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKID, Youth 4 Christ, Adult Bible Study. Nursery tor inlants and toddlers. Foitowshlp Baptist Church. 1064 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998-6544. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation. 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smith Qrove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 156, Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Bov. Morgan Qienn, paslor. Eatons Baptist Church. 495 Eatons Church Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, to a.m., worship. 11. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. A bundant Life Christian Victory Center, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksvillo. Paslor. Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship. 11. Life Community Church, Sundays, 10 a.m.. Brock Periorming Arls Center. North Main ' Street, Mocksville. Contemporary style worship with Paslor Kevin Stewart. 753-UFE. Hope Baptist Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 158. Mocksville. 996-3616. Worship. 11 a.m., Sunday School. 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m., AWANA children and teens, adults, prayer meeting and Bible study. East Davle Baptist Churoh. Bermuda Quay Shopping Center, 5397 U.S. 158. Advance. Sundays. 8:15. Bible study for older adulls; 0:30, morning worship; 10:45, Qlblo study tor all ages; 6 p.m.. Sunday evening service. Wednesdays. 7 p.m., Bible Study and Prayer Service. Paslor. Max T. Furr. 998-5584. Life Community Church. Days Inn. Madison Road, Mocksville. Services Sunday, fOa.m. Call Kevin Stewarl, paS' tor, aboul Wednesday evening life groups. 753-5433. Mainvifle AME Zfon Church, 210 Main Church Road. Mocksville, Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Biblo Study, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor; Rev. Robert H. Bailey. Baliey's Chapel United Methodist Church, Bailey’s Chapel Road, Ad- vonce, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Pastor, the Rov. Ed Carter. I GÍTR o o m r Kevin McCullough Call me personally at 7 0 4 - 6 3 3 - 7 2 7 0 or 1 - S O O - 2 6 4 - 6 8 2 3 Em ail M e a t - k m c c u n o u g h @ b e n m y n a tt.c o m A p ply by Ptnono - 1 -888-756-AUTO (2886) w w w .b e n m y n a tt.g e to y e s .c o m J E R R Y 'S M E A T P R O C E S S IN G We Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 30 years experience 802 Ralph Railodgo Rd • Mocksvillo 492-5496 J . p. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. MaKers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 Years Experience . v > J ^ B E N M Y N A T T 'P0NTIAC>6M€>NISSAN 6 2 9 JA K E A LEX A N D E R BLVD . S. S A L . I S B I J R Y сю ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s 19 fowr iMt«« 7,l«tftbti»h truit e»«tNf*n «ktd ttudtfi' • Um b*toiliMn) Ivmq iUrvji 9 N*tM ki bini« EVERYDAY t» Senior Cititcnfl 1)1ясо11л(я ON SALE NOW N O V . 6 th -1 2 th L A D I E S A P P A R E L A A C C E S S O R I E S B U Y 1 , G E T 1 F R E E .AUf № ijljuif » Unar (Mjrf f f ton hMlWtoTS tWAUa»£W/VfW'ntql Clejnmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 X I L E R IT E (336) 813-T ILE BAKERY THRIFT STORE Buy 1 Arnold Bread & GetlFREE Kqmil or Le.ss Vnliiv I C)»e !’««* i’crsonj Kxplrcs I Clemmons Thrift StoreI 2068 LeNVtevOfrClemmcns Rd Ckunme»(Acrcsafrom ViMoCondlofl; OAsII мл-и. 0-7: SA {йГал iz-6 • теб^ооо United Tae Kwon Do Academy Teaches Self Discipline At 2 Area Locations Ш imtall ceramic and stone tile. fìjnily [шюй ÍT16 We tike {да1 Bl aif ttdonJ cuMomff ücnir. Fot Btiimta. Inwtl K E Y •LU M B iN G KIM E. YOUNG-OWNER Y our K o v Tb Honest a Dependable Service• 30 Vra. Exp. • HcikJvnlhl/OiimivrdjI • • lwk\& Clofifinl DrjIiK• Dhpouik • íúticvls • TimIcIs • InuirtdSi BwhM -2 0 6 1 .Hocksvlllo NC UC. n 22229 f«KV?,víH->' Repulir Ä Spftjcp Spc^iiliU (336) 751-2 Mocksvllio Improved sell discipline, greater self esteem and enhanced coordination are benefits most people don’t readily associate with Tae Kwon Do. They should. Under the expert Instruction and guidance of Barry Par­ tridge of United Tae Kwon Do Academy, students of all ages will come away with all of these things and more. Contrary to the perceived notions of many, Tae Kwon Do is not just about kicl<ing and punching. “Martial arts Is about developing mental skills as well as physical ones," mentions Partridge, a Sth degree black belt. "When students leave here they have the confidence and self esteem to know they wouldn't have to fight physically. They have the mental ability to use self discipline and use their heads instead.” Partridge, a Raleigh native, says another misconception about martial arts Is' that It has to be taught by an Aslan per­ son. “Anyone can teach martial arts regardless of their age or race. You look for the best and most experienced teacher, not at their ethnic background," he notes. Barry moved to this area In 1998 to coach lor the North Carolina Tae Kwon Do Association. He began martial arts train­ ing when he was eight years old and has now been studying various disciplines for 28 years. He Is a top USA athlete and started teaching at age 17. Barry, a three-time U.S. National Champion, Is also a na­ tional referee, national and International coach, and a 1998 and 2002 U.S. Coach of the Year. United Tae Kwon Do Academy offers Ihree different classes: Tae Kwon Do, Hap KI Do and cardio kick boxing for men, women and children. “Cardio kick boxing is primarily geared for adults but Is also a very popular class for any age," Barry explains. f^ost United Tae Kwon Do classes last for one hour. For the younger students (ages 3-5) classes usually last around 30 minutes. Partridge says he loves teaching kids and watching their confidence level rise as their mental and physical skills grow stronger. Asked when children should get involved In martial arts, he says the sooner the better. "It’s good to start children when they are young. We start teaching martial arts at around three years of age. It gives them that good head start with their developmental skills such as attention, focus, respect, confidence and flexibility." Partridge says United Tae Kwon Do's focus on developing mind as well as body Is an important part of their mission. “We practice five main tenets; courtesy, Integrity, perserverance, self control and indomlnable spirit. We want to build mental confidence as well as physical confidence," he says. United Tae Kwon Do has two locations In the area: 159 Jonestown Road in Winston- Salem and 5401 Highway 158 In Advance. The hours at Jonestown Road are fVlonday- Frlday 11 am to 9 pm and Sat­ urdays 9 am to 1 pm. In Ad­ vance f\/londay-Frlday 11 am to 8 pm and Saturdays 11 am to 1 pm. Barry and his staff also hold private training sessions by appointment oniy. They can be reached at 659-1853 or 940-6326. earaiic C>€ci l^eiiairs All Electrical Cpeiier Renairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount 25 Years Experience SPRINQS OABLiS^ GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "Mr. Ed" (336) 998-2336 • Farminoton, NC E D W A R D S ^ ra i ^ 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climate Controi / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance TIRED O F CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyi Replacement Windows' Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures F ree E stim ates! Mobile Phone 9 7 8 - 2 2 9 985 U G L Y R O O F S T A I N S REM OVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation’s Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removéis Roof-Brite^ 785-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr., Winston-Snlem. NC 27107 ,ey oormg Hours; Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 S pecializing In . Carpet &Vinyt Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinlshing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (3 3 6 )7 6 6 -0 7 3 3 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN ГО7НЕ F W L C 5919-C James St. Dollar Store" D o l l a r D r e a m s & M o r e K.M Vulluy Road, Suilc M ) Mocksville, NC (htwiilc Kcichie Creek Uaken'l (336)753-8997 Oiu'ti ManrSiit. lOíim-ópm ® J O Y ’S 5un & Moon Jiiiique Boutique I incense Scented Candies & Unique Gifts ; 8527-D North NC 150 ; Clemmons, NC I 336-77S-93№ ] (Across from Arcadia Nurseiyjd^l J I »0% OlT wilh Ihls axjpoWn^tira A-1 FIR ST IM P R E S S IO N SCARPET&SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 -4 2 7 4 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 www.AlRrsllmprosslons.co<n Сафо1 UpholstQiv Rugs Draperies Rood Extfaction Fkxiring Inspectkms Спфв1 Binding Rug Relringing e e IICRC cenitled Firm Ж CKffimooa SI Miïml-d IwMinty’i © H u sq v a rn a v iK iN G Owner,s Ann Miciicl and Teresa Lupole Qualily faliric al great prices. Complete line of sewing maciiines and sergers. Adult and youth clusses. Service and repair—all makes and models. Notions-Qul!ling-& Embroidery Supplies Mon-'l'hurs 10-8 • Fri-Sat 10-5 I Sharing tho Jo:^8_of Sovvlng i 421 & Lewisville-Clemmons Road Lewis; (336) 766-8271 www.scwlnglyyoiirs.coni 1Ш C.t-H * -104.. V ( SECURITY UNDERW RITERS 336-945-3713 hitl@securilyumlerwriters.com nliieiUvMilagf* Plans .Mi'diciia' Su|i|>k'int‘i)t Insurance IK'iilal [line* for Indivliliials • Who Kxtr-.is'" Dlscoiim I’rosrams • U)iiRU'rin Care BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina ».I Ctriii «’..t PVr* Ct'O'«* lijC'it I.V rr.tii (fxl ItKil'at rm »* !«.jmM»"’ * b* AntiKj»))«'till«I t R*g tlt'tij I..I !>•« Qi^,« C'on »»J Du* Sh.«kJ A«^<iil un SMB j. 5'..’iA»vvniir>n J.«) (Ireat Stalls with Blue Call me for infonnation on; M A S T ‘ Since 1989' Woodworks A ffordable Portable Buildings WiiY PAY FOR STORAGE? We Cu.stoini/€ to Your Six'cirieations! 336-468-1194 Satisfaction Giiiu-.inta’c! • Financing Available Call For Ditmions • No Sunday Calls Alvin Mast Jr. ilanipl'onvillc, NC 2702i) • ’ • *,• t-., ’.' V ; Feature DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, Nov. 6,2003 - Dl Robin Fergusson takes part in the hayride with grandsons Luke and Lane Bolmer. Lauraiynn Ellis, 2, daughter of Steven and Crystal Ellis, proudly shows the pumpkin she picked at the Bethlehem Angels (ail festival last week. , - ' *:''v ' Children scamper through the church yard fo find just the right pumpkin. Kate Margaret Sink takes a pony ride with a little help from Mary Dixon. Payton Crotts, age 16 months, enjoys a day In the warm sunshine. Ange/s Celebrate Autumn They came dressed in their seasonal best. They left witli a pumpkin and some happy memories. Children in the Bethlehem Angels preschool progrnm nt Bethlehem United Methodist Church celebrated with n fall festival last week, with plenty fo snacks nnd gnmes. Once outside, the children were treated to n hnyride, thanks 10 parent Garry Foster. Other volunteers brought po­ nies for the children to ride, goats to feed nnd baby chicks to hold. They also got to scamper through the yard to pick out a pumpkin. Children play with baby chicks brought to the festival by Jon and Amy Bolmer. Parent volunteer Garry Foster drives the tractor for the hayrides D2 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, Nov. 6,2003 Davie Schools Cuiilccmcc KU'im'ntury Dill you know Ihc liiril spiilcr la- runluia of South Amcrica lives in Ireos atul cats stiiiill birds'.’ The third graders are coiilinuing lo sludy spi­ ders and learning facts liiic this. I hcy arc learning about llie strength of spider silk. ' The Ihird graders arc working to meniori/c niulliplicalion facts for Icc crcam sundaes. Students in Mrs. Linkous and Mrs. Maurer's clnsscs are beginning a unit on communily leaders nnd local giwemnienl. Tlic children in Ms. Schwiebert's class are studying soil with Mrs. Pisher, while the children in Mrs. Fisher's room are e.xploring the earlb. the sun, and the mrain witb Ms, Schwichcrt. Students in Mrs. I'leming's class are completing a study of Ihe United States. Eacii sludenl wrote a spccch aboul Ihcir stale float and presented the speech to the class. The 4th graders arc brushing up on multi­ plication facts to gel ready for divi­ sion. Students nre taking weekly tests to demonstrate mastery of mul- tiplicaliun. In Mrs. Culler's class, one group of students completed a biography project, Tliese students tcsearched a famous person, consinicled a lime line, and presented imporlanl infor­ mation about Ihcir persnn to Ihcir classmates, TIicsc sludenis will fo­ cus on composing a free verse poem about their famous person. Mrs. Kistner's class is learning about llie coastal plain and study­ ing closely Ihe lost colony of Roanoke. The students in Mrs. Jones class are having an e,xciting time with electricity. They con­ ducted nn experimcnl to make light bulbs light will) batteries. The kindergarten students liavc studied about spiders nnd pumpkins. Students in Miss Davis and Miss Ludwick's classcs made pumpkin pic. Mrs. Saville's students made pumpkin mufnns. On Friday the students will bc going on a pump­ kin parade lo Cooleemee Shopping Center. The combination class in Mrs. Wall's room enjoyed a festive day of center activities on Friday, Oct. 31. The first and second graders learned to graph candy corn, sort candy, measure pumpkins, write po­ ems, nnd use puppets. The first graders have been using flow maps In writing activities nbout pumpkins and apples. The second graders have been studying about Antarc­ tic, writing poems about penguins, and graphing Ihcir size. In science, Mrs. Wall's class is studying mat­ ter. They have discussed solids, liq­ uids, and gases. First grnde hns been making many words Ihis week working wilh tlie spelling pallerns: -ip,-id,-ag,-og,nnd -op. Tliey have Cal (336) 751-3538 For IVIore Avaiable Properties or Visit our Wel)s>te at www.howardreaHy.com 3BH, 2BA, 316f/- acros. wilh lOO+A ncros innn, 3BR, 2BA. out- stfoam and pondS2,970,400. Wdgs,, crook. $549,000. 1085 N. M«iN St. HOWARD REALTY 330 S. Salisbuiy SL Mocksville (336) 751-3538 HouKMondjy-FiiiijyW SjlurdiyHlSundjyByAppL Hisiorical 60Я. 2BA. homo on 2.76 cKTOS. with irnmaojlato landscaping 174 L MCMORtAl 2 pnrrols witli 2 buildings. Coll НлгтолуЗВП, 2BA, 29 26 acf09.(3 9.3 acfOS. 4BR. 3BA. Inrgo Bormuda Ruii - ЗВП, 250A, S4,000 J^no lor dotdiis. $320,000. fonccd), 1 no. pond, barn$220,000 storngo bldgs. $219,900. RcdocoratinaAJIowancol $185,900. 10S7 ViuiNO Roao I ш \ 11428 BEAR CRC» Ch. Rd. гТШ П 198 Spainchiil Orivc I /ш\ 1 187 Crestview Drive ЗВЯ, IBA, in Hafrnony, HUGE 30ifi0 Adornblo 38R, 2.5DA on 3.51 .IBR. 3BA. Call listing agont for 2 story, 2200 sq. ft. Iromondous Twinbrook. ЗВП. 20A. FR $3,500 worVshop $175,000. ncros. bsml, PP $142,500. dotnilsl $139,900. vaiuol FP, gazobo. $134,900. RcdccoratingAllowancel $134,900. ic 4BR. 2.5BA. Soulhwood Acfoa 5 0о<1гоотз. 3 Baths. 3.5 acros, 3DH. 2DA. on privnto 1.29 ncros, 3BR, 2BA. 5.5 ncros, posslblo 3l)R, 2BA, lull bsml. FP. opon floor Sub., bfick firoplaco. $132,500. Counlry LIvlngl $124,900. scroonod porch, dock. $119,400. loaso. $109,900. pian. conv. localion $109,900. 401 SAiis&URY St. Г7Ш П 225 Bear Creek Ch. Rd. Г Ж П 1065 Hwv. &4 West 3BR. 2BA, Historic District, 1.5 3DR. 2BA, foncod back yard, .91 Gfoni brick homo. 2 Bodrooms. 1 Spacious 3 bodroom. 2 bath, Spacious 3BR. 2BA. stono FP. storios. basomonl. $102,900. ac.. groat slartor homo $102,500. Oath, liroplnco. $99,900. groal localion, $99,900. much morol $99,900. 15G Avon Street 3QR. IBA, wondoifu) cotors, woH Wot) mainlainod, parlia) basomont. 4BR, 2DA, Now point, carpol, Rowan County, minutos Irom Caiawta 3BR, IBA, hardwoods, Ingroiind lundKiipod, lltoplaco,S98,900. 09ncros,3DR, ШЛ S89,900 vinyl, olc, $84,900 College. 30П, I 5BA $89,500 pool, pan, bsmt, $87,000. 253 Main Street 3BR, IBA, on 1 arro, plus a 5 95 acros. 3DR, 2ПА, FP, (jrnai 3DR, 2BA, partial barnl, oxcollonl 3E)R, 2BA, sinijlowido, all appiiancos, ЗВП, 1.5DA, Cooloomoo, now hoal/A 40*30 bidg. $84,900. iHjildmg sitoi $79,900. cotKiitionl $69,900. (jfoal starlor homo $C9,ООО new plumb, comp, updated, $69,000 246 W»n STWn 121 Droohe Rose Cooloemoo. completely upcJntod, Spaciouo 3DR. IBA. Cooloomoo, звП, IBA, brick ranchor with tovoly 100*190 lot zoned Town Ctr, Call SDR, 2BA, 2+/-ac, socludodi privalo ingroundpooi, greal buyl $65,900. updaiod oloct $64,500. hardwoods $59,900. Jano tor details $40,000. bul conv, to Hwy. 64 $35,000. A V m l a u h - L o t s a n i > L a n d a n i > R i í n i a i . P r o i m i u t i i.s »1 Stlmoni Ro*d...................12 SAlmoni Road...................Of» B«th«l Ch. Rd................... Kiydon Drive (commerciai)C#d»r nidg# Rd.....................Sanford AveВмг Сгмк СП. Rd.................VIrcMMeil Un#................... ...........2* Ac, 1140,825.............10 Ac, Й5.050..........6 MAC. 160,000..........a.« Ac. И5,000.....1S6 acr«iSUO.OCO.....2.15 acre» $160,000....|.2$7кгв1 {29,000......14 aerai 1134,900,.,40.02 *cra« (257,000 ......2.29 acra» 116,000 ЛШа Trail................Hwy,60IH...............Shetdeld fload........Orum Lan*..............L0I19. Northbrook,, 'ш тгупгг.п т ’" ......30 «era» SI72.S00........6,5 aerai Мб,475...20*Лкгаа SI39,500 1 3 Krai $23,900......2.29 aerei $29,S00.Lot $115.000 ...Lot $15,900.............t tere 116,000Userei $71,en .....7.IS Aerai $49,900 629M»diion Road...............................Hwv. 64 Hwy. 64 nENTALPnOREFlTlES357 Avon Street....................................................3l7Avon Streel.....................................................477 Underpaia Rd................................................616 RlveibendOf..................................................101 Matabraeze Lane............................................Mobile Home Lol. Daniel Road............................ .................$425,000,ew- aerea $55,000 tacre $10,SOO .........$425 P/M.........$400 P/M.........$385 P/M.......JVWOP/tt........jiSOP/M been studying all sorts of bugs and whal Ihey need lo live. They Inlked about how spiders and insects nre Ihe same and differenl. Dnvic High Varsity Baskelball; Nov. l(),East Forsyth (scrimmage), (away) 5;00/ 7:00), Wrestling: Nov. I I , M t. Pleasnnt, (nway) 6:30. The Asset Placement Test wiil bc given al DCCC Nov. 6 nt 6p.m. in Room 109 in the Lab Building (behind the main building). Students sliould plan on arriving nround 5:50 with Iwo N o . 2 sliarpcned pencils. Students do not need to register with Rex Hobson to be tested. All Ihey need lo do is show up nl the above time. However, they should pick up n practice lest from a counselor or Hobson before going, so they will know what to expect. Siudents who will be atlending primarily DCCC next year should lake the As.scl Piacemeni Tost. However, FI'CC will ulso accept tlic scores. (These students should seo Hobson for a special form that necds lo bc completed to send scores lo FTC(3.) Students interested in taking the Psy/Soc course next semester, should take Ihe reading seclion lo see if tilcy i|ualify to take the class. Tlie.se individuals should see Hobson before taking the tcsl. Juniors and seniors interested in psychology/sociology through D CCC during fourth period next semester should see Mobson as soon as possible. Students can earn Ihrec seniesler hours in psy-choiogy and three semester hours in sociology if they have a "C” or higher in Ihc class. These hours will transfer to most four-year colleges. Sludenis who have taken Compuler Appis. II may wnnt lo check oul taking “ E-Commercc” during fourth period next semcs-lcr. Siudents will plan, design, crcale, publish, maintain, nnd promote an electronic web site. Sec Mr. Moore or Mr. Hobson as soon ns possible. T he following choral siudents earned a chorus letter this semester: Richard Anderson, Jamie Fulk, Kenneth Mitchell, Ashley Spain, Brittany Voyles, Luurcn Wanucha, and Terrell Wilson. PTSA Is sponsoring n drive toward tho purchnsc'of Texas Instrument 83 plus calculators to bc used for students who arc economically disadvantaged. If interested in making a donalion, contaci Nola Rich, presideni, 492- 297‘l or send her nn e-mail al richjtim®)nullel.iicl. Mail dona­ tions lo Davic High Scliool, 1200 Salisbury Road, Mocksville. Wllllnm K, Davic Elementary Bus and Car Riders forthe week of Ocl. 24 arc Bobby Vandiver, Jordan Beam, Ricky Wilson,Traci I'crrebcc, Jonathan W hitaker, Hrooke Wallace, Mutthew Keenan, Megan Mohat, Zachary Pnugh,and Kelsi Miller. Sludenis in Linda Barnette's classcs completed a HyperStudio slide siiow on the compuler. Fourth graders chose a famous North Carolinian, nnd fiflh grnders did one of tiic signers of tlie United States Constitution. At llie end of the unil sludenis shared slide shows with Iheir groups. These students are reiuling North Cnrolina author Gloria Houston's lalesl novel. Bright Freedom's Song, n story of the tlndcrground Railroad in the North Carolina mountains. Tiic Arts Learning Collage hns been full of artists preparing for seasonal displays and contests. Orados 3-5 have had an opportunity to enter the Winston-Sulem Journal's holiday rack art contest. Resulls should bc published by Iho second week of November. Pumpkin patches abound in the kindergartens and trees drawn with the letter V cun be seen in first grade's display áreas. Second grade artists aro conslrucling and designing life-size scarecrows. Third graders liavc been studying one point perspective using pastels in a seasonal iandseape. Fourth and fiflh grades aro developing cultural projects including quill designing and three dimensional mask making. The artists huvc used Ihoir heads a.i armiturcs for their sculptures. Fir.st grnders who had perfect attendance for the first nine weeks: Franklin Bledsoe, M cKenzic , Brookman, Johnathan Onrcia, Austin Hunter, Tyler Kelly, Troy Lagle, Craig Moore, Colton Prim, Kenneth Tom pkins, Jonathan Whitaker. Diana Barron. Jennifer Dodd, Christina Grannaman, Tyler M cLam b, Auslin Nnylor, Tyler Nem eth, Chase Prim , Keenan Shoffncr, Dakota Thompson, Jacob Bcauchamp, Franciso Chamo, Ashley Cregar, Cody Griggs,Taylor Lash, Mnriann Moreno, Jucob Stewart, und Duke Whittnker. Second graders with pcrfcet attendance: Michaela Boger, Juslice Childress, Jonnlhun Ellington, Alex Gobble, Sasha Lockhart, Chloe Mabc, Duslin Reavis, Mallhew Scarleit, Kristy Turner, Joscpth Whitaker, Kolin Andrews, Avery Brow n, Anna Carter, Allyson Edwards, Johnny Hernandez, Conner M ayo, Kelsi M iller, Haileigh Wooten, Trovor Anderson, Taylor Blankenship, Mark Diaz, Rossie Hoffner, Kendal Lanier,' Misty M cEw on, nnd B ob by Tompkins. Shndy Grove Elementary - Tbe recent edition of Ihe Shady Grove Newsletter, left out tho following names from Ibo fourth grade honor roll: Sarah Miller, Llnd.say McDougnll, Junna Dixon, Hannah Cbrnnt/.cr,‘'nnd-Mntthew Potts. Tho Give A Kid A Coat School Coal Drive will take place Ihrough Nov.. 21. Drop off donated coals ul the nearest A Cleaner World localion (do not drop off coats at liio .school) und reccivo a rcccipt for caeh donated coal. The elementary school that collects the most receipts will be given $500. M s. Kirkpatrick and M s. McDaniel's class has been learning uboul farm animuls. fire sufely, und Halloween pumpkin aclivilies. The children wenl lo the Dixie Classic Fair in curly in Octobcr. The boys und giris fed the nnimals, watched a sheep get its' wool sheared, ale lunch provided by the Vienna Civitan Club, and rode some rides. Kindorgarloners from M s. Marlin und Ms. Burford’s class enjoyed a Irip to Dan Niclioias Purk. The children gol lo pel u box turtle, ferret, and mink'. Also Ihe boys and girls went on a nature wulk al school to observe the changing seasons first hand. Please T\irn To Page D3 Davie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - D3 Continued From Pugc D2 Ms. While's first graders learned about tiic life cycle of ihc pumpkin und mude u book uboul it. Students wciglied, measured and counted the lines on the pumpkins they broughl back form a trip lo tlio pumpkin patcii. Ms. Rogers and Ms. Tester’s first graders enjoyed the book Stellaluna, a slory about a bal. On Oct. 29, Iho children dressed up like scarecrows nnd hud n lol of fun comparing costumes. Ms. Hill and Ms. Carter’s class of sccond graders enjoyed hearing the Brass Quintet of the the N.C . Symphony that visited ihe school. Tho iiludonts got to hear and sec all the brass instruments. Ms. Kauff und Ms. Boswell’s socond grnders roud Churlie Anderson, u slory ubout u cat who was shared by two families. In scicncc, Ihe children learned about the food chuin. Sccond graders in Ms. Spach's cluss have completed a lesson on living nnd non-living things. In muth, they worked on uddition facts up lo 18 and on odd and even numbers. ' Ms. Johnson’s third graders will be earning Pizza Hut coupons in the “ Book It" program for reading a designated nuinber of A R books. The Ihird graders in Ms. Ohr and Ms. Norman’s class aro reading liie book Little House in the Big Woods by Luuru Ingalls Wilder. Ms. Hobson and Ms. Carter’s lliird grade class had 15 students with perfect attendance for liie first nine weeks. In science, tho children nro lenrnlng about soil and what plants need. The fourth graders in M s. Marlin's class huve finished the novel The Trumpet of tho Swan and compared it to Tiic Ugly Duckling. They discussed Iheir differences and how negative comments can hurl someone’s feelings. Ms. Redmond's fourth grudc class made models of Native Americans iiouscs used in tlie early limes in North Carolina. They creulod roplicus of long houses, dome bouses, spenrs, bows and arrows, niutls, meeting iiouscs, und tribul communilies. In Ms. Brown’s fourth grude class the first pages of cach student’s North Cnrolina scrapbook arc due. The following students have been clioscn as the student of the week; Ivoy Carney, Allic Cunninuhnm. Bliikc Kncvnl. Avoc Nixon Cnriollo, Faith Dclucln, Ashley Barnhardt, Kiiyla Lunc, Hallie Sekula, Suzanne Phillips. Paul Ountner, Hnlcy McKnight, Stephanie Graham , Proslon McCiurn, Lnke Slabaeb, Collin Eichhorn und Brooke Zlglar. Pinebrook Elemenlary This week's Box Tops for Edu­ cntion Champions are Mrs. Hendrix's firsl grade cluss wilii 127 box tops. Cinss winners includc; Austin Buiiey, Katolyn Bolmor, Caleb Brown,Garrett Bycrly.Kusoy Cushwell, Kelsey Cushwell, Tyler Duvis. Dakota Ferguson, Deinnce Jackson, Brianna Locklcar, Jesse McDaniel, Loriannc Miller, Sam Motley, Elisabeth Newman, Knyia Pfuntcr, William Poulscn, Braden Rampcrsad, Jacob Sink, Surah Spuugh, und Christopher Wrighl. A tolul of $ 1,027 towards books for Iho modiu ccntcr has boon collected. important Dales; Nov. 7 - Lusl Day for Operation Chrislmas Child; Nov, 10 - Sock Hop in tlic scliool gym from 6-8; Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day, no .school; Nov. 14 - Yearbook Orders due; Thunksgiving luncii - Nov. 20; Kindcrgnrlen Indian Stow - Nov. 21; Thanksgiving Holiday, Nov. 26-28, no xchooi; Dec. 8 - P'PA meeting with 4th & 5th grades Christmas production; Dec. 12 - D A R E graduation. Tlic Character Kid trait for Ihe week of Oct. 20-24 wns self- discipline. Chnracler Kids for that week: Kathleen Justin, Clayton Chilcn, Griffon M ock, Aspen Marsli, Ricky Green, Jack Rcuvis, Ashley Hcpler, Sum Hupier, Sam Harvey, Shelby Whiltinglon, Alex Montgomery, Brittany Horne, Ashley Carpenter, Braden Rampcrsad, Wilson Land, Reid Murshall, Lee Fortoscuc, Cailtin Hauser, Samonc Gibson, Chandler Brudsiiaw,Stcphunie Brown, Adam Lapisk, Luke Walker, Juslin Pliipps, Snrah Reynolds, Blake Boole, Üi- cliurd Conyers, Auslin Kerr. Charcter kids for Ihc week of Oct.27-31; Hampton Smllh, Emily Evans, Aniella Wriglit, Auslin King, Asia Evnns, Xundriu Frunk, Milcli Taylor, Joshua Sm ilh, Curios Murlincz, Amber Myers, Dillon Rold, Cris Rus.sell, Tyler Davis, Hallie Humphries, Alli.son Pardue, Samantha Vannoy, Clint Boner, Kurin Minor, Juke Hendrix, Morgun Slicklund, Cn.sey Cranfiii, Kuyla Thornsberry, Surah Reynolds, Mury Beth Dcliurt, Richard Conyers, Ben Beeson. South Duvie Tsunami scicncc students huve compieled tiicir study of weather bul will continue to monitor weather conditions Ihroughoul tho hurricunc seuson which ends November 30. riic team enjoyed a very unique field Irip Ocl. 16 to Catawba Collcgc. They saw “Super Scicntinc Circus,” wlicrc a number of scientific con­ cepts were sliared in a vory enter­ taining yet informative way. A new unil of sludy, body systems, is un- dcrwuy. Clusses arc exploring liio skeletal and muscular systems. Stu­ dents enjoyed the hands-on activity “Tired Muscles, viewed tho video “ Broken Bonos," and will bc doing journal entries as the unit progresses. A new uddition lo tho classroom, “Mr. Bonos," is also touring the sev- cntii grade classrooms as a visual aid to enhanco the students’ exploration inlo Ihc human body. Also us a re­ minder lo parents, progress reporls for the sccond quarter will bc sent homo Nov. 17. Please ’nirn To Pngc D4 OrriuiK' 2 1SI" Swicegood Watl & McDaniel ) DOWN* l / 'l ,418.12 Ш.* Э DOWN* ^1,381.22 M«.* 0 DOWN* t/'l,11B.BBMo.‘ Want to know more about any of these fine properties? Call either of our ocal numbers OR for recorded information: CALL TOLL FREE ® 1-800-210-6849 and enter recording # yi) DOWN* 1798 Fnrmington Rond 1633 NC Hwy 0011peaceful nnd terene grourxii l«eJ into nn Inviting lum ol Mouse and 0 Aciei eubjeei lo it/rvey oHored lor $ 100 ООО. It» century home In mini condition. No»» iliKtficflj, plumbit*« Smell hooie oHofeci al SCO.OOO Smal houeo lo bo sold llooring.palnllog.iniulalkxi.MpI« tyilem.iooling f»cont / ODOWN* / *1,828,02 M».* 106 McAlllstor RoodNo«v Airport Oev. Lovoly homo w.'maitsr bdmi on main or 2nd tevol, poo<. M«40 Mangflf w/»hod,220 oied, waler A phone, B» ee wilnteiesl m 2000 It. runway New root, heal pump, Irmting patio. MOME WAnnANTYI (W299043) Recording 168It ^ 0 DOWN* ✓ ’1,416,12 Mt.* 239 Ooocon's WayFabubui (юте on 3* Acre Tract in ÜeautiM Deaconi nidge. 4 Dedroomi /2,5 Qattxi. HattKyoodt. Fomxat Dining and Moi«^ (W302941)necording#B70I 1.70 Mo; l / ’0 DOWN* •971.81 HO,* HVAC. (W2T532T) Recoidmg • OTftt 0 DOWN* '870.84 Mo. nitor big tKXjio. (W290738) Recording i 0771 20 Pepperstone Dr. DOWN* '843.41 MO.* 1641 S NC Hwy 601 101 Koontz floodSprftvilnj4 0R. rnt>c»ier Ю AtKnncfl on ovor I nc. Lnrgo Ju*lotl ol l-40ntC0t e<it rontute* lulllinlihed iVilndwd gnmyo vr'worVihop, Dog rut. tool Mwd. br^cii gnl on brttoment with tireplace end half buth. Lot* ol re Р.ИЮ, nice yd wlrut lti*e* A v»«s Doul>to oven, wol b« «»pftwl (W202720) Recotibng • Q70t m lien, lowxlryw/hall bath, (W2«1495( ПосогОшд #0711 Уо DOWN* «/•808.84 Mo.* Currentfy (W303049) necordmg« sett i / o DOWN* >818.18 Mo.* Can new end make H your own.467 Madison RoadЭ UR 3 5 bam with partially (ir two car ^lг^e-in basement garage, close lo 1-40 aiKj towi 1W29&009) Reoot^ ■ 002t 105 Hazelwood Dr.GoocJajnew................nhilclKtn, lai Уо DOWN* У 788.81 но.* 149 Wandering LanoWell-cared lor charmmg »an-bo< tlyle home on pnvele lot in an ideal localion, 3 coiy llrepiecei. original hdwd lloore. gicat Moiage »pace.poocetut tcreened porch,>g, dectc. Home Warranty (W28634S) Recording » 6691 Уо DOWN* У 788.88 Ml.* b,» (,o„t r«». «», f L*o!í;, 2 w b.th..m hitchon, large laundry a«d more' Larne a'4 ac levol tot ^ 2 »/2 bathi.with r>ico landicnping. nocking chair IronI porch In beautiful •*®я1ригп<) in 2001. Home Warrnnty Included... Mfltilngo OaKs. (W302920) Recording • B59I iW20t070> Recording • 855t 25вМвапо11аДуо. “ “ 2522 US Hwy 64WW.II b»-, in 0.,d«, V..., b,. o, 183 Becktown Rd.A muti «ee< Mam level end basemeni bolh have • master Dedroom and balh in basement hai a garden lii>, ceramic tlie, large separate »hower. fireplace and much o'IVUVD-Uni nx-n>H./m ■ AKai Уо DOWN* У 734.81 Ho.* Home warranty Included (W2B7B3B) Recording • У о DOWN* У *843,84 MO.* 39 Ellsho Crook nd.Ur>f:nished bonus room over garage. Greal floor plan, notghborfKxxl offeri playground, picnic area and walking trnils.CO'litled wilti Dons Short.(V/D070I0) Recording »0521 532 East Lake Dr.OronI bricK ranch In Twinbrook Sobdr»iston. NalurnI 0ns, Mature t.indscaping Hon^e Watrnnty included! 6940 NC Hwy e01 S.Country tvmg at il’t best! OUet nnd lnvK)ul Mttng with a ipedout home offering' potontal 4 bdnn. covered porch.We & wood fkxxing, new cAipet. and co/y ^replace in Irvmg loom, (tome Warranly incMiedt (W30700S) necordmg 18701 Уо DOWN* У 707,28 Ho,* У) DOWN*| 1^8 8,3 8 HO. 12G l^in Run Pinco Walking distance to local Mocksville amenities. 9' ceilings, butt m onlertainment ctr. gat log fireplace, Ig bedrooms, •umoom, appliance pkg, prewired lor Ngh speed A cable |W794tei)necord<ng*e2S1 У о DOWN* I У 707.28 HO.* ^ DOWN*| У 677.18 Mo. 100 Sunny Doll LnNew F’rkel Welt maintained home with e«lin room, lo ll ol nico eitrns...Electronic windows, ceiling Ians in every room, (tewiy ndded mnster suite ni'id f>uoo gatngo will> oH«* «pace. PniCED 10 SElLt (W2927II) Recording eB4Bt D O W N * ^ ^ y 643.84 HO.* LovelyNi?ortca?iv^eWithorlginalluirdrtoodf(ooi»,wnlk-ln CoUnty Homo Rd.■ - AlmosI new tiome ctoee lo town. Attached garage, ....L ——I.----(J driverdmgie2;t panlry. ceramic Me, »paciotis rooms. IntUe you 11 discover charming leaturei like nrched doorways ti buller e pantry (WaOCSM) n•cold>i^g • Give Us A Call For All Your Real Estate t SKidKOd. {(Ш . ni(kii NcOtlllll i„ii, ш|,:.,а.. N... r .,.., C O L D U i e L L B A N K E R Q TRIA D , REALTORS' DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 J36-998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 wliatever it tal(es 1170 UMDWm ROAO DAVII :<RA w tv'l t-v.i•.*.:r«n KiV't J ’«!<■>■.Vt-'O * И- lit •! It 1,4 Г4'?«*0С1 ix I-'«(ML/z-d!tr($4M.9W 1Ш OOOItY RO OAVIE 4гЙ '-НУijg c.ij'« yi 15 угл h.Uiie i Ciil v>l Í SI.-.Í) \ I' r-'t *i:ri;i*ИЯ.ООО lOT 30 FORIST UIN OAVll mOlí ìovi Ii.,ng К).i bw т (COTI u( I n iiiTx-ij j'fij loi'.'.’t (üliyi."eijii»ИЯ.ООО \ìi(>yyw. rr.Vijii furi)*'/A3-. Vi». OT 24 f OUST tu» DAVIE 3i-.fi 2 AJi t'uk cu'.ixi iks-g'i t/y Ktiii CuifKiing Ser»'C« (bifjin pn.j'e ikovw Ы, itrtffl■ciOì. 1 Wi untili fcvri, ■J fii j'e eir^r-s-cii è rrv/Ji ftoìì' vai HtnnrqpciOì, 3Iw fii j'e 4 itl6?01l,9CO Ä - i , Ä tllllTitftin Ш Ш ,'xW ЛА fiiUrtj «'ye' Uy-f'Tg (Juirler tf Srw Wjirt r.vr v/'i * W.i-ù VU i l'f) ftai Л '¿r-1 » I Ä tí fui.......... '•hfjf fù____1И7Ш1.100 ynij'j 26 K'e^ !ri.s c«<¡ ifitì fWi lalbJii in ini3',AiU All Dñi fu.e pri.iif С(?л<Мti.»pL-r:r liijcr-it'O. JCil t ürij A »й-'П c'a-.n fw rrj'c.n.ng (>u(iv.vierifii uiriivi f-iiTirtj A Vidi Hrlwnwi A В«'0 fi(k ftJ'ivrii Н.ЛК u,i l lil 157/ ky l/z’r Л’И'П', iirifOC^rt Id, S24S.U0 Г1т.'^/л1 ti'JttlS.OOO l/r.'T.X'jlí’í lc'*t'fi.4i< itiii/lc-i Cluti nitrirsi,Ip {WUlir.rcuQfi«:ii Wi. lecrt'x-j i y.tr«j й>| tal. daXiu gi;3’je foo« é'I tló’ fwJ.OOO l i l DMUM МДО OAVK 36Л lÌAcr* he«* v'j/oi СЛ IV3Í w 0^ Ижк piJt »Wied ■ív,i t»x3foc«Tw. tkam Äcof. C/uií GiJe Ы natisi,Ю ЮГ п DUTCHMAN IflUS SAVIE Ш МP...из cyiwn' Uí«>u'Hií lì'gfuv.l Ос«л K.liíaíjfulrnjfcris Cii\j/ jfMyjn '/Mitr? St59,M0 U l DEPOT IT PAV1EB4BACMTTirt;oi;ír«atÉ liilrt »'.’ü Lt\3iigei. Vi ifi алоccrtl'iiivi On ijijt ínni iJ ne.i- М.хкы11« /cí«d t)i I'*,/tO(T.TetCiii í.bi<licticiyH n5,'$1W,000 lOT tl DUTCHMAN »lU DAVIE 36Я 2BAik-írtU jiWtiw lo toiíiung Оз.'е Cií ft.yUiihCtJ Vef^ jI'üíiliWí pí« lOf nía CÍ'll’ÍUSl.ín 0(«fl II06I fJ31, Ojllíd rc«:<Ti 10 t'íiinj in ur.f niitinl bonui iwítií m Uvn«« Cru.jG]’i>'/f8-tiy)S144,nO 02001 (oWwcH Honkcí Kí'.tl ÍU.iif Co(pof.ilion. Coldwell üankei I' is .i regiíieied lfjik‘iii.uk o( (olilwcll [J.trikci (orpoi.itioii An ifjujl Oj)poilumly (ompany [qu.il Housing Oppoituiiiiy {.uh ОКкс И iiidfptndcntly Owned .imi Opcutcd, Alì Imh'poiìiliMitly OvvtiL'd .Ulti Mfmliri i»l ( oliKvell li.mki*! lloitl l sl.ìb* L otporatKin U] COMnVAUU OiUVE 0AV1E A'MGeli cciyr'i Imfig ii«s on rr>c,fe ITki'i1Л jcie BeiJifu' Wad hctìij. rm n (iwjr ix.nji, loooi jiO All ü.íf31XSF 1153 $2И,000 www.coldwellbanker.com 262 LAIEVIfW ROAD OAVIE 36Й 25ÍIA IMAC l’ucciul MCiuiisn. pn»3'e poot. (ri'vwjl piet, 5£(i*re(l piüch [¡(■•Ju'ilol kiictidc.ibir4iv ccfitw ijiind. Ille counicttops А flii-t/ií c-i Jii« Vi:i'l«J Öre.« mi I-JT5 M;!i siili *;fP Vnki Г1е(Г|.П13%а-11Ь/ $219,900 näiSi Й& 1 № lOT 440 SCOnUALE OAI VAUEY OAVIE4BI4 2 bök AJI UiCk 2 VMv iriüilioiui on tul uniiiiished basemert All bedioonu uosiaiis fwinjl liiiivj and (lining iQonis Gftitiocn Buv ПОЙ lo сиУо(ги/е vicki Flíming &38-1I6Í DAVIE 3('.A 2 'M Ire Иис1 liom j Uj5, 1$ »Ming lij' lOu Hü Conngl;fiCftt. Plli Iciice iii.luJrijcfVj' toirrji, IH К Wt, ruij^ijoai viiiiu ki’ rt-n a.lk'J rmu А wnlf, V^ki Иет.;лун11б;|117,мо ьЬепЛ'Р inclu ! ur m ird gniji, rt«i tJ/, Me 4tk Kitt owirii ibsi тш 006neiim,9oo 199 PEMIROOKE RIDCE DAVIE M 25(1A bUirjteJ м-1'tt n'jki сЛег* кигцц Ьч\ CxifJf» Club iirtiJ»tnfiip iriUW atji 2 StOrf ICVinuf-e 2 Ul К P.viljLkj МЛ1 h;ffO !0( qj,C» U't V'Ckifi^rv3«rilC/|1J4.900 D4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl'KISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. f., 2003 Davie Schools___________ Continued From IW South Havic's Klh graJi; Muiknls arc husy prcpariri(; for Ihc Stale Ccimpulcr ComiK'Icncy Test which will be given Ihc week of Nov. .1. They have been allcniling uftct- school liitoritig sessions with Mrs. Tribble as they prepare for lliis ini- ptirtanl lesl. Computer Technology students in Ihc sixth and seventh grades have been working on data­ base. sprendslieel und power |)oint. Wc have just started ii new rota­ tion in Ihe (itil grade and Ihc students have been working on the Martian landscapes. They will be weaving next. Tlic 7lh graders arc finishing up the details on Ihcir ccramic pieces. They have made coil pots wilh handles and sprouts.They have been very crealivc Ihis ijuartcr and come up with some very uni(|ue designs. They will have lo dry and then they will glaze them and I will fire Ihem again. The 8t1i graders arc continuing wilh Iheir .sketchbooks cach week. They are developing Iheir drawing skills including shading and prupor- lion. They mjsl draw one example of euch category: slill life, portrait, landsca|)c, and masterwork every two weeks. In addition lo this. Ihoy lire sludying pcrsiH'clivc. We ure conlinuing work on the mural in Ihc cafclcria and hope lo complcle lhal after a long delay. You can slop by and see the 6lh graders "Dream BcdaKints" inside Ihe lobby. You can also log onlo the inlcmet anytime lo see SDMS ;utwork. Our site is: ansonia.com/schools/davic I. Wc have had over 9,(XX) hils. and several studenis have won awards. Cornutzcr Klcnicntury Aulumn has been a busy lime in Ihe Hrc-K class of Mrs. Ancuta nnd Mrs. Peeler. The children have been busy learning aboul apples, pump­ kins, ucorns, spiders and leaves. The class has liecn made nature bags, spider webs und tissue apples mid huve had fun puinling pumpkin faces. 'Hie children huve also learned seasonal songs and fingcrplays. 'lo celebrale Nulional School l.unch Week, Ihc children colored hippos for Ihe cafclcria and wore spider heudbands lo Itincli. Oclober was I'ire Safety Monlh und the children learned and practiced fire safely rules. "We would especially like lo llumk two of our parents. Renee Gulliher and liric Godbey. for com­ ing to our classroom. They did un excellent job of lelling the children whul do do in cusc of u fire," suid Mrs. Ancutu. Children ure continuing lo leurn their ulphubel lellers and how have alphabet cooking every Friday. In Oclober. they made Monkey I’ic. Traffic l.iglit Cruckers und Sha|)c Bread. Mrs. Kim Brooks's first gnulc class has l>ecn learning uboul spiders und bats, and have become experts on these two topics. Each sludeni made Ihcirowii bat book filled with facls. Students also "Iwcume" spi­ ders and made Iheir own spider w eb. In math lessons. Mrs. Hnvks's slu­ denis haVe been busy learning all Iheir uddilion und subtraction facls. They have also Icanied how lo count coins using dimes and pennies. "We ate very hurd lo work in first grade!" suid Mrs. BriHiks. .Mrs, .McDaniel's class is finishing up iheir unit on eco­ nomics. Several parents of studenis have CO me inlo class to talk about and share Iheir careers, Sludenis have learned what it involves to be a nurse, leachcr, legal assistance, ex­ ceptional children’s ussistunce and a conlractor. Ilic class isvery excilcd aboul its forthcoming field trip lo the Popcorn Factory in ^udkinvillc, Mrs. Stiller’s fourth grade class has had u grenl firsl nine weeks of sehix)!. They have just completed anolher class novel “The Kid in the Red Jaekcl," und ihe sludenis en­ joyed working together on activities uboul the novel. All of ihc fourih grade particlpnlcd in The Uig Sweep conlcsl. The contest wus nbtnil keep­ ing our walcr clean and severul stu­ dents projects have been sent for­ ward for inclusion in Ihe statewide contest. Sludenis have now sturlcd work on nnolhcr project for the Duvie Counly Soil and Wuter conlcsl; "Soil and Wuter, Yours for Life," Mrs. Sliller's cluss enjoyed u field irip to the Brock Audilorium lo see Ihc play "Wiley und Ihe Hairy Man" per- fornieil by Ihe Tnrailiddle Players. On Oct. 24, third, fourth and fifth grade had llieir honor roll assembly, Mrs. Sliller is very proud of her stu­ dents who inudc Super Honor und lionor Roll. On Su|)er lionor Koll: Tracie Thomas. Madison Junker. Caroline Co/urt. Cixly llules. Denise Ramire/.. Griselda Murcclino und Natasha Ranney. On lionor Roll; John Thomas Jar\ is, Andrea liasler, Josie l’i|)crand Leslie I'ullon, Cougurs of the Week: l-ranciseo Uriostcgui, Juslin Stanley, Coltcn Correll, Parker Correll, Crickell Hayes, Nulhan Carler, Ashley Browning, Savanna Thomas, lilijah Johnson, Holly Jones, Chelsea Moore, Dylan Andrade, ,\lex ,‘\bbtill, Adonis Smool, Mike Lew is, Luke Tuylor, Josie l’i|4'r. Salvador Benitez, Leigh Smiley. Kendra Kimmcr. Brandon Stokes. Lesley Alvarado, Reminder lo parents: Tuesday. Nov, l l ,I S ,’ .‘i, Venezia's and Marco's Night; 1'riday, Nov, 7,5-8 p.m.. Cornatzer Fall I'eslivahTluirs- dny. Nov. 1,^ 6:.4)-S p.m. I'amily Reading Night; Tuesday. Nov. 11, No school for students: Monday, Nov. 17. Interim reports go home; Tuesday. Nov. I S. 7 p.m.. PTO Night of Kindness; Nov. 26-2.S. No schiwl, ritanksgiving holiday. iMnck.svlllc Klenicntury Miss Gamer und Mrs, Russell's clnss has been studying fann life nnd animals. All of the kindergarlen classes recently enjoyed a field trip to Bun Moo Funn, These sludenis gol lo see muny of llie animnis they hnd lennied ubout and fed some of them, UK), The students also enjoyed a hayride, picking pumpkins from the pumpkin patch nnd milking a cow. Miss Gamer’s cluss hus nlso been bu.sy Icnrning uboul bills, spi­ ders and pumpkins, Mrs, Whitukcr nnd Mrs, Shuler's firsl graders loured the North Curo- linn Trnnsporimlon Museum in Spencer, 'lliey were exciled Hi ob­ serve nn engine leave ils comparl- mcnl of Ihe roundhouse and get onlo the roundlable. When il was reposi­ tioned to another track, it left the roundlable and wenl out inlo Ihe Irain yard, 'fhe clnss ulso suw oilier : means of trnnsiwrtntion. After a pic­ nic lunch, everyone enjoyed a irain ride, Mrs, Martin nnd Mrs, Pruitt's class hus been busy reatling aboul pumpkins, apples and full. We lasted three dilferent kinds of apples nnd selected our favorile. Wc made an upple graph in ntiith. Ms. Hilary,our high school intern, worked wilh the class 10 peel and cul up apples for homemade applesnucc, Wc finished by crenting upple prim piclures und writing our own reei|K‘s, Mrs, Strieklund's third graders arc learning about adjeclives. We have 1ЧЧЧ1 ubie lo draw pictures by reading others’ de.scriptions. We have just finished rending "Invisible in Third Grade," The cluss loved the book. We are going lo licgin rending "Rip Van Winkle" for the Hallow­ een season. All Ihird graders nre bringing in fubulously dccorated pumpkins for Ihe pumpkin conlest, Mrs, McKnlghl's foutth grade class has been busy at work. We have Iwen learning about vurious types of graphs. Wc have studied aboul bar, linc.eia'lc and pictographs. The stu­ dents hiwe enjoyed learning about different types of graphs. This week we nre working on n specinl Hnllow- cen gruph. In sociul studies, we hnve been sludying North Carolina und ils re­ gion, The sludenis hnve learned aboul Ihc slales and Ihe iKcan Ihnt borders North Carolina, Mrs, Smilh’s fiflh grude class is working on Ihe Uniled Stales gov­ ernment in social studies. They pre­ sented n book report on a biography of Ihcir choice. They will also pul their report on HyperStudio and share them wilh cuch oilier. They urc hard al work on Ihcir soil nnd wuter posters. Our November birthdays nre Brandon Toney nnd Duslin Hurd- cnslle. They ure ulso gelling logelher crazy ideas for Crnzy Huir Dny, Sludeni ofihe Week, Ocl, 27-31: Patrick Gordon, Angelia Turner, Erandi Hernandez-Brilo, Ryun Snunders, Jcssica Rcbbc, Isaac Hernandez, Courtney Boger, Ethnn Renvis, Dinna Moure-Garcin, Cameron Cussndy, Shnyheim Ew ing, Alex Lashm il, Robert Daniel, Kyle Sono, Dominique Disrauke,Courtney Bowman, Javnn Phillips, Jacob Barber, Sarn Taylor, Central Duvie Dcvelopmentnl Day I Sludeni of Ihe Week, O cl, 27-31: Huley Jernigun, We would like lo thunk everyone who helped and donated items to our Full Festival, It was u fun night for all who came out. 'I'he kids got 10 pick pumpkins from our "pumpkin patcli" to take home wilh them. We gol to visit some of the rooms upstairs and gel spccial treats. Pennington Company R li A L T Y Mocksvillc Officc:336-751-9400 IO l I I Kiii: i-800-ï30-î3Hî . Hillsdalc/Advancc Officc:336-998-8900 m i 1 I HI I I w w |u iim M i;l(im i',ilh,i im i " Ш т хт ^ Featured Listings F ^haUe^lm F antastic Fam ily N eighborhood C onveniently located to schools, shopping & 1-40. H om es startin g in the $130s. DirectUmii: 1-40 Wust to Exit 170. Left on Hwy 601 South to Hwy 64 East. Cliarle.'ilon Rklgv /.s on the Rinht. 139 Applew ood DriveBfKk r.ìMcli wAukJitiofj ne.tr co(iipk*le is much foi Ihcirv)t4*y AcriMcjt4icross-fi4Kwlp.»line, |и|(одг1гк|,11гг(«,9'\1>111 ixìin. pit.Mckrm Upto6Bft. sep livin<jonLl.foimlH.kit.ÜKiicn ♦ mon* Call Glen $324,900 384 Park AvenueChiirming brick idncli on btMutiiul 1.7 acres, in-iown locaiion, 3BR, 2(3A,'2 iireplaccs, totally updated kitchen,hardwood iloofs and freshly painted.Call Bobby. $179,900 341 Kennen Krest Road Cozy home surrounded by 3.4*1 woodocJ acres. Privacy in great locaiion, close lo Clemmons & W-S. Wired shop/office in back w/storage bldg. 3BR, 2BA. Call Janice. $129,900 168 Ham ilton CourtGolf course view w/BRCC membership incUidcd.ltalian tile flooring in kitchen, lg master suite & bath. Great room w/gas log fireplace, sunroom, 3BR, 2BA. Call Janie. $189,000 Featured Listings 4 17 W hitney RoadWell fiiaintained, 3BR, IDA home on beautiful 1 acre lol. Full basement & 1 car carport. Great startor home! CallTeresa $87,900 2997 H w y 601 South Wonderful 3BR, 2BA home on 2 acres. Close to schools and town.Immaculatel Priced to sell. Call Cindy $89,900 340 Kinder Road Priced Below Appraisal! Like New! Great home in a (|ulet setting with 4BR, 40A. Spacious rooms and many updates. Price just reduced. Call Glen $194,900 437 Ijames Church RdGre.1t fiimlly home In nice location. 30R, 2BA, pjved circle drive 1588 SF ol living space. Urge yard to play in this summer! Call Glen $89,900 New Listings 252 W inding Creek RoadNew coniuucllon InCh.itleston Ridge! Split BR plnn, ЗОН, 213Л w/m.iny features, woocfed b.ickyord w/ view of creok. Buy now & choose your colors! Horne similar to photo.СлН Ciiuly $149,900 New Homes 130 sterling DriveNew conslruclion. 2ПН, 2.5ÜA lownhouse. Grael room w/gas log firepl.ice, l.ircje m.ister suite w/siitincj area. Convenienl loCiiiion 1-40 & lown. C.ill JiiDiceor IJobby. $169,900 151 W inding Creek Rd. New home. SanFilippo Construction with finished basement for added space makes this a great deal. Call Bobby $154,900 New Price 145 O ld O a k LaneVery nice home oii 3.5 acresi f’rivate, mostly wootled w/poncl & 2 springs. 3DR.2ÜA w/nice kltcherx lots of cabinets & format DR.Molivated seller,Call Cindy $119,900 Whnl fun it wus lo walch our pump­ kin turn inlo a jack-o-lantern. We have slarled decorating our room for riinnksgivlng. We will start tnlking nhout 'riinnksgivlng und lurkey.s. Dcvelopnienlnl Duy II clnss en­ joyed muny e.xciling aclivities Ihis week. Our frcld trip Monday lo see Ihe Taradiddle Pluyers wus wonder­ ful. 'rite children were on their bosl bchuvior und n grenl lime wns hud hy nil. Lnler in Ihe week, wc enjoyed picking our n pumpkin from the "pumpkin pnleh,” Wc used markers and crayons to dccorntc them. In circic lime, wc conlinue using our helper churl. This conlinuos to be such a confidence builder, 'fhe stu­ dents nre ubIe to choose which job Ihey will hnve for the week, Wc hnve such a responsible class. Our line leader this week was Slar Sludeni Julcn Revels, Jnlen hud very good behavior ihis week. He also siinrcd n special picture book wilh liis class- rnalcs. On Ocl, 24, wc held our sccond unnunl Full Feslival for Ihe students and Iheir families. We also enjoyed u silent nuclion. Pnrenls hud Ihe op­ portunity 10 bid on mnny very items. Wc would like to lake this opporlu- nity to thunk Ihe muny businesses nnd individuals who donated the ilems lo be auctioned. Mnny of those ilems were "child friendly" nnd the bidding wus pleasuntly productive for our first silent auction. We greatly npprcciative the support of our com­ munily. The children in the pre-kinder- gnrlen huve hnd fun this week doing aclivities wilh pumpkins. They mnde n pumpkin jnck-o-lanlcrn, went on a pumpkin hunt nnd cnrved u funny pumpkin. They nlso enjoyed wear­ ing Iheir hal.s lo school on Monday, dressing tacky on Wednesdny nnd wearing Ihcir pajnmns or slorybook costumc on Friday, They gol lo go on a parade Fridny und visit other classrooms. Trick or treat safely wus emphasi/.ed. They Did It A lm ost H o m e C h iid C a re has b e e n issued a 4 S tar license from th e N .C . D ivision of C hild D e v e l­ o p m e n t. P ic tu re d ; K e n d ra R o b e rts o n , S u s a n Phillips, P at A llen, S ab rin a D isher, S h an n o n Parker, Faith W ilson, Je ss ie S tan ley, H a z e l D illa rd ..E th e l W ilson and D eb ra S tan ley. N ot pictured but instru­ m ental in the process: Lisa Stanley, Jessica Benfield, K aren Sm ith an d J a n e H einer. Student Com peting For Miss Mt. Olive College M O U N T O L I V E - Am b er Ucinsvokl of M ocksvillc will com pete in Ihe M r. and Miss Mount Olive Collegc I'iigcanl at 7:.W p.m . on S a 111 r il a y , N o v . 15, in the Lo is K , M 11 r p h y Keyional Center, Tickets are ÌH and will be Rclii,4Vol(l u vailablc in the Student Development Office and at the door, Rclnsvold, the daughter of Roger and Lena Reinsvold, is a sophomore art major. She is a graduate o f D a v ie H ig h School, Th e pageant, w hich includes interview, casual wear, ta le n t, and evening w ear co m p e titio n s, aw ards the w inner a $500 scholarship along w ith gifts from local businesses. Ellis Studying Culinary Arts Ashlee Ellis of Mocksvillc is studying culinary arts at The Art Institute of Charlotte, She is the daughter of Chris and Carol Stroupe, O pen H ouse Sunday, Nov. 9 • 2-4pm P I , A G I S ^ *149,900 130 sterling Drive - New Construction. 2BR, 2.5BA townhouse. Great room w/gas log lireplace, large master suite w/sittlng area, Convenient location to 1-40 & town. Dmcllom:FmmW-S,H0WeiltoExitl70,LeltonHwy60lS,LellonCouniryLane. Sec entrance on Left. Pennington C o m p a n y n к A L T Y Mocksville ОШсс: 336-751-9400 Ilillsdnlc/AtlvanceOnicc; 336-998-8900 ^ i.t J* ^ DAVIE COUN'I’Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, Nov. 6,2003 - D5 Cornatzer Elem entary pre-K students show oft their animal headbands C o r n a t z e r E l e m e n t a r y S t u d e n t s C e l e b r a t e S c h o o l L u n c h W e e k Cornatzer Elementary School students celebrated National School Lunch Week in a creative way. It was a case of “ feeding time nt the zoo” us students entered the cafeteria wilh a Jungle Safari theme. Art Icacher, Shar Beck, helped decorate the lunchroom wilh col­ orful work students had produced in art classes; Students nlso made animal hend bands and grass skirts and wore animal print clothes to •school. A ll classes made jungle banners which were hung in the lunch­ room and around the school, “ I’m very impressed by the work and the effort the students have put in to inake National School Lunch Week such a fun week for us all," said Brenda Norman, cafeteria manager. As a reward, students received treats and prizes. Cafeteria workers took part in the jungle them e by w earing safari hats. G reul G()vcrujj;e Sliirlsw ilh Blue • BlueAilvanliige* Plans •NoRcicnalHMO,PPOanil POS Graup Plans • .'Imall Group Coverage Johnson Insurance Services, Inc. Jo h n W o o d (336) 75 1-62 81 • Long Hinn Care • Miallcare Supplement Insurance • Denial Coverage for Individuals and Groups • Blue Extras* Discount Programs BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Miiiioni.*1С)и1кУ1|«1Ч)M/mt«jndi'ntitchtiépef'cym«ybeccntruMintet* .......... ........Crot* tnd Oiijt ShitM Auocitiicn. • (ЫфИАгИ Ы Iht 041« Creit tnd OU Sh«id Afiocation, SM S«i4>e« m»(i oi tfia Oiu*C«M tnd Bio* SKiid Аиваиюо. UJOM », 2/03 _____ Students w ear animal print clothes In the cafeteria. Master P. Browder Completes Basic Training Arm y Reserve Pvt. Muster P. Browder hns grnduntcd from ba­ sic combat truining nt Fort Jack­ son, Columbia, S.C. During Ihc nine weeks of train­ ing, Ihe .soldier sludicd Ihe Army mission, hisiory, iradiiion und core values, physical fitness, and re­ ceived instruclion and practice in basic combat skills, mililnry wenp- ons, chemical warfare and bayo­ net Iraining, drill and ceremony, mnrching, rifle marksmanship, nrmcd and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courle.sy, mililary justice sy.steni, basic firsl aid, foot marches, nnd field Iraining exercises,Browdcr is the .son of Connie J. Browder of Milling Road, Mocksvilie, He is a 2003 graduate of Dnvie High, («Mine MTAp ^|)[W B u y liife c t From^/The G row er M i n i a t u r e C h r is tm a s s / T r p e s ' ' sin conitaip'erV’ ' /• J i g . fo r ‘ tlTe,‘v -5 ^ * Y a d k i^ t^ a ll.e y 'N u r s e r y C o ; Y adkinviùè^4 3 3 6 ) 463-2181 All of us at Premier Carolina Properties want to say THANK YOU for such a wonderful turn-out for our "Pumpkin Patch" Open House! l i d ® ‘ Congratulations to our Cash Prize D raw ing Ш W inners! Jerry K erley & ^ Stacey Edw ards I P r e m e r ■ I jV>- ... A great time was had by all! C h ic k e n S t e w Saturday, Nov. 8*5 -Tpm Century 2 1 and BRC Development ^ ^ Invite You To E n j o y A B e a u t i f u l F a l l E v e n i n g a t Milling Way Garden Villas Come <& Tour Our Model! W ay ' I L L A S ^ ^ Swicegood Wall & McDaniel 336-751-2222 Directions: i-40W to Farmington Rd (exit 174), ieil over i-40, right on Hwy 158, ieft on Mining Rd, rigiit onlo i\/liiling IVay. Pf Watch for signs Call on the Premier Carolina Properties Team! 3 3 6 -9 9 8 -7 7 7 7 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -5 5 3 5 ? / 4 - ,4 ' ^ 0 A R D E N ( D6 . DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD. Thursday. Nov. 6.2003 C h i l d r e n A t R i s k F o r L e a d P o i s o n i n g DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 - D7 P U B L IC N O T IC E S P U B L I C N O T I C E S C o u ld yo u r cliild be .sul'ferinji from lead poisonitig? CIlildrLMi under 6 years old arc nt the jjreatcsl risk o f being poisoned by lead, ¡i heavy mclal used in making hundreds of common products. Young children arc most at risk o f lead poisoning becausc they lire grow ing and developing so rapidly and they tend to pul their liiinds or other objects - which may have been in conlact with lead dusl - inlo their mouths, Lead poisoning can cause severe heallh effects in children, bul il is prcvenliible. M ore lhan half a million children under the age of 6 live in Norlh Carolina and fewer lhan half of ihem havc had their blood tested Ibr evidence o f lead exposure. Between l^y.“) ami 2002, more than 27,500 children between the ages o f 6 monlhs and 6 years living in North Carolina were found to have high blood lead levels (10 or m ore m icrogram s per deciliter). Lead can affect nearly every sy.sicm in the body. It cun cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and at high levels - seizures, coma or death. Even exposures lo small amounts o f lead can cause adverse heallh effects. Som e children who ure poisoned by lead m ay have no apparent symploms arid can go undiagnosed and un(rciited for years, resulting in long-term problem s. Th e Centers for Disease C o n lro l and Prevention (C D C ) recommends lhal all children belween Ihe ages o f 6 monlhs and 6 years gel Icslcd for lead poisoning, especially children between the ages of I and 2. Treatm ent is available to help children who have high levels o f lead in their blood. Years a g o , gasoline in Am ericn contained lead, and vchicle exhaust released lead inlo Ihe environmenl. Lead was also widely used in house paint before 1978. In Norlh Carolina, there nre more Ihnn 1.5 million homes buill before 1978 that may ■ contain lead painl, which can flake, peel, or release lead- contnm inated dust. Lead is com m only found in the .soil along the drip line o f homes duc to the w eathering o f exterior paint. Children can got the Icud-contaminatcd dust, paint chips or soil into their bodies through normal hand- to-mouth activity. Other common sources of accessible lead includc plastic m ini-blinds, im ported toys, crystal, fishing and hunting supplies, batteries, food stored in low-fired pottery orccrainic w are, and hobbies like the making o f stained glas.s ilems. Children are expo.sed lo lead by taking traditional medicines such as aznrcon, greta, pay-loo-uh and litnrgirio. C hild re n adopted from other countries huve a greater risk o f having an elevated blood-lead level because o f the availability of lend-containing gasoline and industrial omissions in sotne parts o f the world. To ensure that your children arc safe from lead poisoning, keep your home lead-safe by routinely dam p-m opping the floors and damp-wiping other surfaces, including toys, to remove lead dust. Alw ays wash your child's hands before snacks and meals. Ensure that your child’s diet conlains Ihe recom m ended levels o f calcium and iron. Have your child tested by your physician or the local heallh deportment if you have nol already done so. Only u few drops o f blood from a child's finger nre needed lo test for lend. A ll children enrolled in Medicnid nre required lo hnve n blood lend test at 12 months und ugain ut 24 months o f age. F o r inform ation nbout having your child tested for lead, contact the Davie Counly Health Departm ent at 75 1- 8700 Before disturbing Ihe painl in older homes, have ihc paint tested to determine if lead is present. To find oul if your home contains lead, contact the N .C . Heallh Hazards Control U n it at 9 19 -73 3 -0 8 2 0 fo r u listing o f lead certified inspectors or risk ussessors. For additional information aboul lead, sec the N .C . D epartm ent o f H ealth nnd H u m a n Scrviccs loud poisoning w eb pnge at www'.epi .stute .nc .usiepil ii’(ul.iitml or call the National Lead Information Centcr nt I- 8 0 0 -4 2 4 -LEA D (5323). RiverPark Trust Association Cordially Invites You and Your Family to the (^ c m d O p e n it^ RiverPark at C ooleem ee Fails, Phase I C a tfish Fry Salutday, November 15,2003 R a in o r S h in e U n d e r th e S h e lte r J o i n U S a n y t i m e b e t w e e n 1 2 :0 0 n o o n a n d 4 :0 0 p . m . Welcome Remarks at 1:00 p.m. $ 7 .0 0 p e r t i c k e t B e n e f i t f o r R l v e r P a r l < a t C o o l e e m e e F a l is F o l l o w S i g n s t o R o w a n C o u n t y E n t r a n c e Tickets Available a t,,, Davle Ctram ber of Com m erce751-3304 Zachary House 284-0(340 ihe RIveiPaik 's new shelter and parking tot. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY AM EN D ED NOTICE O F FO R EC LO S U R E S A LE 02 SP 1 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by John Michael Russi and Cynlhia Ann Russi, Hus­ band and Wife (I^ R ES EN T R EC O R D O W N ER S ; Cynlhia A. Russi and John Michael Russi) to William R. Echols, Trustee, dated the 15th day p( June, 1999, and recorded In Book 306, Page 124, Davle County Registry, North Caro­ lina, Default having been made In the paymenl o( the note thereby secured by Ihe said Deed ol Trust and tha undersigned, H. TER R Y H U TC H EN S , P.A., having been substituted as trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In the Office of the Register of Deeds ol Davle County, North Carolina, and Ihe holder of tha note evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that Ihe Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Subslllute Trustee will olfer lor sale al Ihe Courthouse'Door, In the City ol Mocksville, Davle County, North Carolina at 3:00 p.m, on Wednes­ day, the 12lh day ol November, 2003, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash Ihe lollowlng real esiale situated In Ihe County ol Davle, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol­ lows; Tract 1: Being known and des­ lgnaled as Lot Five (5) of Dutch­ man Acres, as Ihe same appears on a plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 5, Davle County Reg­ istry, to which reference Is made lor a more particular description as If fully set forth herein. Subject to all reservations, re­ strictions, and easements of record and specifically lo restrictions re­ corded In Deed Book 153, page 3, Davle County Registry, Tract II; Beginning al a p/k nail In the northern edge ol SR 1643 (locally known as Sain Road) Ihe southeast corner ol Ihe wlthln-de- scrlbed tract, southwest corner ol Lot 5 Dulchman Acres; thence with the northern edge ol the pavement ol SR 1643 Nor1h,80 dag. 26’ 16" West 55 leet to a p/k nail; thence North 09 deg, 33'44" East 250,83 leet lo a new Iron pin, the line ol Donald E , Qrogoiy (DB 154, Page 084); thence with the Gregory line, south 80 dag, 26'16" East 55 leet to an existing Iron pin Ihe Northeast corner ol the withln-descrlbed tract, Ihe Northwest corner of Lot 5 Dutchman Acres; thence with the line ol Lot 5, Soulh'09 deg, 33'44" West 250,83 leet to the Point and place ol Beginning containing 0,3165 act es, more or less, as sur­ veyed on May 4, 1993, byTutterow , Surveying Company, and being a portion ol Lot 4. Dutchman Acres, Plat Book 6, page 5, For back rel­ erence, see DB 51, page 217. Together with Improvemenls lo­ cated thereon; said properly being located at 823 Sain Road, Mocksville, North Carolina, The above lands are subject to all restrictions, reservations, and easements ol record and specifi­ cally to tho lollowlng described easements running with the same In Ihe hands ol all persons whom­ soever, 1) No mobile homes shall be permitted on said lands, 2) No home shall be constructed on said lands containing loss than 1,100 square loot ol heated space on Ihe lirsl lloor. 3) No lol 1s to be lurther subdivided to create a lot less than 100 leet wide at the Iront ol rear. 4) All utilities shall be place under­ ground, 5) This property shall be used lor a single lamily residential unit only and customary accompa­ nying outbuildings, 6.) A garden space lor home use shall be per­ mitted, 7.) No unlicensed motor vehicle shall remain on said prop­ erty lor more lhan thirty (30) days. See modlllcatlons ol Ihe above re­ strictions In Deed Book 168 Page 893, DCR. Should the properly be pur­ chased by a third party, lhal per­ son musl pay the tax ol Forty Five Cents (45e) per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The properly to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance “AS IS, W H ERE IS," Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the nole secured by Ihe deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being loreclosed, nor Ihe olllcers, directors, atlorneys, employees, agenis or authorized represenlalive ol either the Trustee or the holder ol Ihe nole make any representa­ tion ol warranty relallng to the lille or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing In, on, al or relating to the properly being olfered forsale,andanyand all responsibilities or llabllllles aris­ ing oul of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this properly Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessmenis, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases, A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five perceni (5%) of the purchase price', or seven hundred filly dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required al the time ol sale. This 17th day ol October, 2003, H. T ER R Y H U TC H EN S, P,A, Substitute Truslee H. Terry Hutchens, P.A, Substitute Trustee P.O, Box 2505 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 201 Fayetteville, NC 28302 10-30-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY UNITED STATES O F AM ERICA FED ER A L EN ER G Y R EG U LA TO R Y COM M ISSION N OTICE O F APPLICATION FO R N O N -P R O JEC T U S E O F P R O JEC T LA N D S AND SOLICITING COM M ENTS, M OTIONS t o IN T ER V EN E A N D , P R O TES TS (October 24, 2003) Take notice that the following application has been llled with the Commission and Is available for public Inspection; a. Application Type; Non-Project Use ol Project Lands b. Project No,; 2197-068 c. Date Filed; October 6,2003 d. Applicant; Alcoa Power Gen­ erating Inc. e. Name ol Project; Yadkin Projeci I, Localion; The project Is lo­ cated on the Yadkln/Ree Dee River In Montgomery, Stanly, Davidson, Rowan and Davle Counties, North Carolina, The project does nol con­ tain any lederal lands. g. Filed Pursuant to; Federal Power Act, 16 u se § §791 (a) 825 (r) and §§799 and 801. h. Applicant Conlacl; Mr, David R. Pow, LeBoeuI, Lamb, Greene & MaoRae, LLP, Sulla 1200, 1875 Connectloul Avenue, NW , Wash­ ington, DC 20009-5728, (202) 986- 8039. I, FER C Conlact; Any questions on this notice should be addressed lo Brittany Schoenen at (202) 502- 6097, or e-mall address; bschoenan®lero,gov j. Deadline for filing commenis and/or motions; November 28, 2003.' All documents (original and eight copies) should be llled with; Ms, Magaiie R. Salas, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Com­ mission, 888 First Street, N E, Washington, DC 20426, Please In­ clude the project number (P-2197- 068) on any commenis or motions llled. Comments, protests, and In­ terventions may be llled electroni­ cally via the Internet line In lieu ol paper. See, 18 C FR 385,200(a)(1) (III) and the instructions on the Commission's web site under Ihe ”e-Flling" link. The Commission strongly encourages e-llllnQs. k. Description ol Request; Alcoa Power Generating Inc, (APGI) Is seeking Commission au­ thorization to Issue a permit lor non­ project use ol project lands and waters. The permit would be Issued lo Uwharrle Point Associates, LLC lor the construction ol a marina to accommodate a total ol 53 water- cralt slips wilhin the project bound­ ary on Narrows Reservoir, localed In Davidson, Stanly, and Montgom­ ery Counties, Nortli Carolina, I. Location ol Ihe Application; This llling is available lor review al the Commission or may be viewed on the Commission's web site at htlp://www.lero,gov,, using the "eLlbrary" link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three dig­ its In the docket number llled to éûtfiJay Dlm m c L access the document. For assis­ tance, contact FER C Online Sup­ port at FERCOnllneSupport® lerc.gov or toll-lree al (866) 208- . 3676, or lorTTY, contact (202) 502- 8659. m. Individuals desiring to be in­ cluded on the Commission's mail­ ing list should so Indicate by writ­ ing lo the Secretary ol the Commis­ sion. n. Comments, Protests, or Mo­ tions to Intervene -- Anyone may submit comments, a protest, or a motion lo intervene in accordance with the requlremenls ol Rules and Practice and Procedure, 18 C FR 385.210, ,211, .214. In determining the appropriale action to take, the Commission will consider all pro­ tests or other comments llled, but only those who Hie a motion lo In­ tervene In accordance with the Commission’s Rules may become a party to the proceeding. Any com­ ments, protests, or motions to In­ tervene musl be received on or belore the specllled comment date for Ihe particular application,0. Filing and Service ol Respon­ sive Documents --Any tilings musl bear In all capital letters Ihe title "COM M ENTS," “R EC O M M EN D A­ TIONS FO R TERM S AN D COND I­ TIONS,' 'PRO TEST,' O R "MOTION T O IN TER V EN E," as applicable, and Ihe Project Number ol Ihe par­ ticular appllcalion lo which the fil­ ing relers. A copy of any motion lo Inlen^ene must also be served upon each representative of the Appli­ cant specllled In Ihe particular ap­ plication, p. Agency Comments - Fed­ eral, slate, and local agencies are Invited to Hie comments on the de­ scribed applications. A copy ol the applications may be obtained by agencies directly from the Appli­ cant. II an agency does not file commenis with the lime specllled tor llling commenis. It will be pre­ sumed to have no commenis. One copy ol an agency’s comments must also be sent to the Applicant's representatives. Magaiie R, Salas Secretary 11-6-1ln N O R TH C AR O LIN A DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E O F P U B U C H EA R IN G ' Notice Is hereby glyen that the' Davle County Boai'd df Cominissioners.will hold a public hearing on the adoption ol the DaWs County 2003 Solid Waste Plan Update, as required by G .S. 130A-309.09A. This public hearing will be held at 7:0 0 PM on November 17, 2003 In Ihe County Commissioners' meeling room located on the second lloor ol the County Administration Building, A copy ol the drall plan Is on Hie lor public review In the olllce ol the clerk to the board.11-6-1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COJJNTY NO TICE TO CRED ITO RS Having qualilied as Administra­ tor of the Estate ol D O N N A ADAM S C A R TER , lato of Davle County, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said eslate to present them to the undersigned on or belore Ihe 30lh day ol Janu­ ary, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom Ihe llrsl day ol publication or this nollce will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons Indebted to said eslate will please make im­ medlale paymenl to Ihe under­ signed. This the 30th day ol October, 2003, William Jellrey Carter 369 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 10-30-4IP Imvv. L.J A Ciuiiwy, Mtirn. Datl, C'iiiiiiir, llmrly it- llrinn á I'amily F O R SA LE : Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings C arports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 JW o c k s v iM e ^ N IRANDY MILLER &SONS 2 « MllliT Hoail-Mocksville (336) 284-2826 ' Now Pumping Septic Tanks' SkW Steer Wof)r\ Trenchor Work Haullrtg Soptic Syalema ' Footings loarfer Work NO RTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E O F FO R EC LO S U R E S A LE Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Chad Mitchell Thomas and wile Rebecca L, Tho­ mas, Husband and Wile lo Robert Lee Saunders, Trustee, dated the 29th day ol July, 1999, and re­ corded in Book 310, Page 244, Davle Counly Registry, North Caro­ lina, Default having been made In the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, H , T E R R Y H U T C H EN S , P,A „ having been substituted as trustee in said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly re­ corded In the Olllce ol the Register of Deeds of Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder ol the nole evidencing said Indebtedness hav­ ing directed that the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Truslee will oiler for sale at the Coiirthouse Door, In the City ol Mocksville, Davle County, North Carolina at 3;00 p.m. on Wednes­ day, the 12th day ol November, 2003, and will sell to Ihe highest bidder lor cash the following real estate situated In the County of Davie, North Carollha, and being more particularly described as lol­ lows; Beginning al a new nail In the pave portion ol N .C . 801, and thence wilh N.C . 801 three lines as lollows; (1) South 65 degrees 43 minules 52 seconds West 58.79 leet to a new nail; (2) South 58 de­ grees 20 minutes 04 seconds West 69.31 leet lo a new nail; (3) South 53 degrees 12 minutes 23 seconds West 30.08 leet to a new nail In the pavement ol N .C . 801, corner ol Charles F. McSwain, thence with McSwaIn live lines as lollows; (1) crossing the right ol way ol N.C. 801 North 78 degrees 14 minutes 19 seconds West 15,46 leet to an iron; (2) North 03 degrees 19 min­ utes 54 seconds East 13.04 leet to a pole; (3) North 23 degrees 04 minutes 13 seconds East 96.44 feet to a new Iron pin In a gravel drive; (4) North 10 degrees 32 min­ ules 21 seconds East 64.71 leet; (5) North 64 degrees 01 minutes 55 seconds West 31.^5 leet to a new Iron pin In the line ol Joyce F. Carter; thence with Carter three lines as lollows; (1) North 21 de­ grees 47 minutes 43 seconds East 24.54 leet lo a new Iron piri; (2) North 32 degrees 03 minules 31 seconds Easl 80.71 feet to a new Iron pin; (3) North 12 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds Easl 20.71 leet to an existing Iron pin in the line ol Garland S, Holleman; thence with Holleman South 56 degrees 48 minules 11 seconds East 102,09 leet lo an exisling iron pin In the line of Sarah J, Klhn; thence with Kuhn Soulh 17 degrees 14 minules 53 seconds West 115,38 leet to an Iron; thence again with Kuhn Soulh 17 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West 115.38 leel to an Iron; thence again with Kuhn South 24 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds Easl 53,81 leel to a new nail In the paved por­ tion ol N ,C , 801, point ol Beginning, containing 0 .57 acres and as shown on a survey lor Chad M. Thomas and wile Rebecca L. Tho­ mas by Teddy W. Deal, RLS , dated March 11,1999, Togelherwlth Im­ provements located thereon; said property being located at 116 Guinevere Lane, Mocksyille, North Carolina, The manulactured home is per­ manently a llxed to a loundation and will assume the characteristics ol slle-bullt housing. New, Year; 1999, Manulac- turer's Name; Fleetwood, Model Name and Model No.; Oakgrove, Manulaclurer's Serial N o ,; NCFLW566, Length/Width 42x60 Should Ihe property be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay Ihe tax ol Forty Five Cents (45C) per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property lo be ollered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, W H ER E IS." Nei­ ther Ihe Truslee nor Ihe holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being loreclosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agenis or authorized representalive ol either Ihe Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any representa­ tion ol warranty relallng to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salety condlllons existing in, on, al or relating to the property being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing oul ol or In any way relating lo any such condilion expressly are disclaimed. Also, Ihls property is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or seven hundred lllty dollars ($750,00), whichever Is grealer, will be required at the time of Ihe sale. This 22nd day ol October, 2003, H, T ER R Y H U TC H EN S, PA SUBSTITUTE T R U S T EE H, Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 Case No. 458,68614 10-30-2ln NORTH C ARO LINA DAVIE C OUN TY N O TIC E O F PUB LIC HEARING B EFO R E T H E B O AR D O F C O U N TY COM M ISSIONERS FO R T H E FO LLO W IN G ZO NIN G AM EN DM ENTS NO TICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN , pur­ suant to the requirements ol Article 20-B ol Chapter 153-A ol the Gen­ eral Statutes ol Norlh Carolina and Paragraph 155,250 ol the Davle Counly Code ol Ordinances, that the Davie County Board ol Com­ missioners will hold a Public Hear­ ing In the C.PintnlssLqngrg-Room ol the Davie Counly Administration Building, Mocksville, NC, on Mon­ day, November 1 7, 2003 at 7i00 p.m. to hear the following requests; ment Companv has applied to re­ zone 1.547 acres ol land Irom Resi­ dential Agricultural (R-A) to High­ way Business (H-B). This property Is located at 160 NC Hwy 901 West, just wesl ol the Inlersection of US Hwy 64 and NC 901, and is further described as a portion of Parcel 42 of Davie County Tax Map 1-1. A sign will be placed on the above listed property to advertise the pubilc hearing. The pubilc is in­ vited to attend Ihe hearing at which time there will be an opportunily to b heard in favor of, or In opposition to, the above item. Additional Inlor- matlon Is available at the Develop­ ment Services Deparlment on weekdays between 8;30 a.m. and 5;00 p.m, or by telephone at (336) 751-3340. John Gailimore Planning Director 11-6-2ln NORTH C ARO LINA DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E TO C RED ITO RS Allred A. Allen, having qualilied as Administrator ol Ihe Estate ol R A M O N A LY N N A L L E N , de­ ceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, Estate File Number 99 E 75, Davle County, North Carolina, Ihls Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them lo the undersigned In care of David R. Crawford, attor­ ney lor tha estate, at Ons North Marshall Street, Suite 100, Wln­ slon-Salem, NC 27101, on or be­ lore the 23rd day of January, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in­ debted to said esiale will please make Immediate payment. This the 23rd day ol October, 2003. Allred A, Allen, Administrator ol the Estate ol Ramona Lynn Allen 10-23-4tn NORTH C ARO LINA DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E TO CRED ITO RS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Esiale ol KATHRYN J, JO N ES , late ol Davle Counly, Ihls Is to no­ tily all persons having claims against said eslate to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or belore the 30th day of January, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrst day ol publlcalion or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will piease make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 30th day ol October, 2003, Roberta Sue K, Gobble, EX EC 815 Shellleld Road Mocksville, NC 27028 10-30-4tn NORTH C AROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY PUBLIC NOTICE Pubilc Sale - Mocksville Mlnl-Stor- age Intends to sell contents ol the lollowlng units lor unpaid rent and expenses; #417 Miranda Franklin ($305,00) #411 Walter Everhardt ($285,00) #134 Shlriey Gray ($560.00) #162 Bobby Booe ($390.00) Public Sale date is Nov. 21, 2003 al 2;00 p.m. No sale il bal­ ance Is pad by Nov. 19,2 003. No personal checks (or overdue ac­ counts. 817 Salisbury Road • cor­ ner ol 601 South and Eaton Street, 751-2483.11-6-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY N OTICE TO C RED ITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate ol A N N IE LA U R IE HOLSTON FAUSETT, late ol Davle County, Ihls Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day ol Janu­ ary, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs from the llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 23rd day ol October, 2003. Milton B. Crotts P.O. Box 1008 Clemmons, NC 27012 NORTH CAROLINA 10-23-4ln DAVIE CO UN TY A D V ER TIS EM EN T FO R BIDS WB and MB llrms - Magnolia Construction is soliciting bids Irom minority-owned and female-owned business llrms as subcontractors, malerial or equipmenl suppliers on the lollowlng projeci to be bid on November 11, Noon; P R O JEC T ; William R, Davle School, Davle County, NC Interested llrms should contecl Randy Foster at (336) 724-7202, Fax (336) 464-0035, Magnolia Construction, E O E , NC Unlimited License 46428 N ORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY N OTICE O F F O R E C LO S U R E S A LE Under and by virtue ol a Power ol Sale contained In that certain Deed ol Trust executed by Misty Padgett and Chris Padgett to PRLAP, Inc,, Trustee, dated June 15, 2001, and recorded in Book 374, Page 770, Davle Counly Reg­ istry, North Carolina, Delault having been made in the payment ol the note thereby se­ cured by Ihe said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, Priority Trustee Services ol N C , L .L ,C ,, having been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duty recorded In Ihe Ollice ol the Reg­ ister of Deeds ol Davie Counly, North Carolina, and the holder ol the note evidencing said Indebted­ ness having directed that the Deed of Trust bo foroclosed, the under­ signed Subslllute Trustee will oiler lor sale at the Courthouse Door, In the City of Mocksville, Davle County, North Carolina, at 10;00 A.M . on Wednesday, November 12, 2003, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash Ihe following de­ scribed property situated In Davle County, North Carolina, to wll; Being known and deslgnaled as Lot No. 35 ol Oakland Heights Sub­ division as set lorth In Plat Book 4, page 122 and 123 (slide 121), Davle County Registry, to which relerence Is hereby made lor a more particular description. Subject to Restrictive Cov­ enants In Deed Book 89, page 306, Davle County Registry, and any other easements and restrictions ol record. For back title, see Deed Book 196, page 793, page 851; Deed Book 154, page 315; and Deed Book 89, page 655; Davle Counly Registry. See also Tax Map l-l-ii, A , Pe123, localed In Calahaln Township, Davle County, North Carolina. Said property is commonly known as 178 Oakland Avenue, Mocksville, NC 27028. Third party purchasers must pay the excise lax, and the court costs ol Forty-live Cents (45«) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), Acash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe purchase price, or Seven Hundred Filly Dollars ($750,00), whichever Is grealer, will be required at the lime ol the sale. Following Ihe expiration ol the statutory upset bid period, all Ihe remaining amounts are Immedi­ ately due and owing. Said property lo be ollered pur­ suant to the Notice ol Saie Is being ollered for sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, W H ER E IS." There are no representations ol warranty relating lo the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relallng to the property being ol­ lered lor sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transler laxes, II any, and encum­ brances ol record. To the best ol the knowledge and beliel ol the undersigned, the current owners ol the property are Misty Padgett and Chris Padgett. File No.; 158.030771 NC/SGW Priority Truslee Services ol NC, L.L.C . Substitute Trustee 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27607 10-30-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY NOTICE O F FO R EC LO S U R E S A LE Under and by virtue ol Ihe power of sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made byTahnya M, Bowser to Randolph & Moir, Trustees, dated the 6th day ol April, 2001, and recorded In Book 364, Page 825, Davle County Registry, North Carolina, Delault having been made In the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the undersigned, H. T ER R Y HUTC H EN S, P.A., having been subslltuted as trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olllce ol the Reg­ ister ol Deeds ol Davle County, North Carolina, and the holder ol Ihe note evidencing said Indebted­ ness having directed that Ihe Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will oiler lor saie at Ihe Courthouse Door, in the City ol Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 3;00 p.m, on Wednesday, the 12lh day ol November, 2003, and will sell lo the highest bidder lor cash the lollow­ lng real estate situated In the County of Davle, North Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as lollows: B EGINNING at an Iron stake located in Ihe west right oi way line ol a 60 loot unnamed street, said Iron slake being localed al the northeast corner ol James W. Russell, 111, property described In Book 104, Page 826; running thence with the wesl right ol way line ol said unnamed street. North 00 deg, IV East 280.0 leet to an Iron slake located at the southeast corner ol Alice Charles properly described In Book 110, Page 486; running thence with said Charles property and lalling in with the south line ol Randy Brawley prop­ erty, North 81 deg. 54’ West 1,004.11 leet lo an Iron stake; run­ ning thence Soulh 05 deg. 34' West ' 280 (eel lo an irons lake located at the northwest corner ol James W. Russell, III property, described In Book 104, Page 826; running thence wilh said Russell property. South 82 deg, 02' East 1,030,3 leet to tha point and place ol Beginning. Containing 6.50 acres, more or less, and being ihe same property as described In Deed Book 122, Page 605 In tho OHice ol the Reg­ ister ol Deeds ol Davle County, N.C, Also being deslgnaled as Par­ cel No, 97, Map F-3, Clarksville Township as shown on Davle Counly Tax Maps. Together wilh improvements located thereon: said property being located al 135 Camellia Lane, Mocksville, North Carolina. Less and except that property conveyed by Deed rocordcd and set out below, B EGINNING at an existing Iron pipe In Ihe southeast corner ol Alice Charies (see Deed Book 110, Page 486, Oavie County Registry. Tax Parcel No. F3-110) and the west­ ern margin of the righl-ol-way lor Camellia Lane (a public slreet); thence running with said margin of the right-of-way ol Camellia Lane South 00 deg. 11'00" West 67,64 leel to a new Iron pipe Ins aid mar­ gin ol the right-ol-way ol Camellia Lane; thence turning and running North 88 deg. 09’34" West 269.30 leet to a new Iron pipe In the line ol Tahnya M. Bowser (see Deed Book 209, Page 249, DCR Tax Parcel No. F3-97); thence turning and run­ ning with said Bowser line North 01 deg, 50'28' East 94,84 leet to a new iron pipe In said Alice Charles lino; Ihence turning and running soulh 82 deg, 20'37" Easl 266,72 leel lo an existing Iron pipe, Ihe POINT AD P LA C E O F B EGINNING, contain­ ing 0.5000 acres, more or less, according to a survey drawn by Thomas A, RIccIo and Associates, R LS , L-2815, dated March 19, 2001, bearing drawing number 01084 entitled “Survey Prepared lor James H. Campbell and wile, Loretta M, Campbell," Should the properly be pur­ chased by a third party, that per­ son must pay the lax ol Forty Five Cents (45c) per One Hundred Dol­ lars ($100,00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The propertyto be olfered pur­ suant to this notice ol sale Is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance “AS IS, W H ER E IS," Nei­ ther the Truslee nor Ihe holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agenis or authorized representative 01 either the Trustee or the holder ol Ihe note make any representa­ tion ol warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salely condlllons existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all laxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior liens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lllty dollars ($750,00), whichever Is grealer, will be required at the time of the sale. This 22nd day ol October, 2003, H. T ER R Y HUTC H EN S, PA SUBSTITUTE TR U S TEE H. Terry Hulchens, PA Substitute Truslee P.O, Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayelleville, NC 28302 Case No, 430,54822 10-30-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY IN T H E G EN ER A L COURT O F JU STIC E O F NORTH CAROLINA SU PERIO R C OURT DIVISION DAVIE C OUN TY 03SP235 IN TH E M ATTER O F TH E FO R E­ C LO S U R E O F A D EED O F TRUST E X E C U T E D BY G A R Y L E E RUM M EL, JR „ DATED AUG UST 29, 2002 A N D R EC O R D ED IN BOOK 436 AT PAG E 657 IN TH E DAVIE C O U N TY PUBLIC R EG IS­ TRY, NORTH CAROLINA N OTICE O F S A LE Pursuant lo an order ol the Clerk ol Superior Court and under and by virute ol the power and authority contained In the above relerenced deed of trust and because ol de­ lault In the payment of the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and lall- ure to carry out and pertorm the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder ol the in­ debtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose lor sale at pub­ lic auction to Ihe highest bidder lor cash al the usual place ol sale at the county courthouse ol said county at 11:30 A.M .. on Novem­ ber 18, 2003, the lollowlng de­ scribed real eslate and any other Improvements which may be situ­ ated thereon, situated In Davle Counly, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as lol­ lows: Beglnnnlng al an existing iron rebar located In the right ol way ol Gladstone Road SR 1121; running tehnce North 00 degrees 18 min­ utes 05 seconds Easl 155,23 leel to a new Iron rebar located at the right ol way ol Gladstone Road SR 1121, said new Iron rebar localed the two lollowlng calls Irom a tie- poinl-nail-cap at the center line of SR 1125 and S R 1121 (South 01 degrees 36 minutes 05 seconds East 1114,12 leet and Ihence Soulh 00 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds West 55,23 leel to the said iron rebar); running thence Soulh 44 de­ grees 40 minutes 35 seconds East 283,77 feet to a new Iron rebar; running thence Soulh 16 degrees 51 minutes 03 seconds East 381.01 leel to a new Iron rebar; running thence South 16 degrees 51 minutes 03 seconds Easl 381.02 leet to a new Iron rebar, Ihls line crossng a well centered on the property line by design for common use; running thence South 18 de­ grees 34 minutes 17 seconds East 602,74 leet to a new Iron rebar, run­ ning Ihence North 71degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West 433,14 feet lo an existing Iron rebar; run­ ning Ihence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds East 843,64 leet lo an existing Iron rebar; thence North 40 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds Wesl 151,62 feet to an exisling iron rebar; running Ihence North 89 degrees 41 minules 55 secons Wesl 344,85 leet to Ihe point and place ol Beginning and containing 5,460 acres, more or less, SAV IN G , E X C EP T IN G AN D R ES ER V IN G THAT 0,451 tract and easement as described In the conveyance Irom Gary Lee Rummel, Jr, and wile. Sherry Lynn Rummel, to Shannon D. Spillman and Slaces S, Wyrick by deed dated November 2, 2001 and re­ corded In Book 393, Page 790 Davle Counly Regisiry, ' And Being more commonly known as: 130 Ranch Way, Mocksville, NC 27028 The record owner ol the prop­ erty, as rellected on the records ol the Register ol Deeds, is Gary Lee Rummel, Jr, The property to be ollered pur­ suant to Ihls notice ol sale Is being offered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, W H ER E IS," Nei­ ther Ihe Truslee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol Irusl/securily agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the olllcers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative ol either Trustee or the holder ol the note make any representation or warranty relating to Ihe property being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or llabllllles aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating lo any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale Is made sub­ ject to all prior Hens and encum­ brances, and any unpaid taxes and assessmenis Including bul not Iiml ted to any transfer lax associated with the loreciosure, for paying, II any. A deposit ol live percent (5%) ol Ihe amount ol Ihe bid or seven hundred lllty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater. Is required and must be tendered in the lorm of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remain­ ing amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date ol this Nollce Is Octo­ ber 27, 2003, ELIZAB ETH B, ELLS O R DAVID W, N EILL Substitute Truslee 8520 Ciill Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Chariotle, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 11-6-2ln N ORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY NO TIC E TO CRED ITORS Having qualilied as the Admin­ istrator ol the Estae of C H AR LES VIRGIL NEW M AN, deceased, late ol Davle County, North Carolina, this is to notily all persons, llrms and corporations having claims against the estate ol said deceased to exhibit Ihem lo the undersigned at 102 South Cherry Streel, Win­ ston-Salem, N C 27101, on or be­ lore February 9, 2004, or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Imme­ diate payment. This Ihe 6th day ol November, 2003, Shirley T. Clubb, Administrator The Estate ol Charles Virgil Newman Stafford R. Peebles, Jr„ Esq. 102 South Cherry Streel Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 723-7361 11-6-4tn N O R TH C AR O LIN A DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E TO C RED ITO RS Having qualilied as Execulrix ol the Estate ol SAM U EL S P EN C ER FO S T ER , late of Davle County, this Is to nolify all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or belore Ihe 30th day of January, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publicalion or this nollce will be pleaded in bar ol Ihelr recovery. All persons indebled to said estate will please make immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 30th day of October, 2003, Penny Foster Calhoun, EX EC P,0. Box 262 Cooleemee, NC 27014 10-30-4ln N O R TH C ARO LINA DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E T O C RED ITO R S Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ lor ol Ihe Estate ol W ALTER E , M ARTIN, late ol Davle Coupty, this is to notily all persons having claims against said esiale to present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 6th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 6th day ol November, 2003. Walter E. Martin, Jr. P,0, Box 145 Denmark, SC 29042 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 11-6-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY N OTICE TO CRED ITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Estate ol W ILLIAM C LY D E W OOD , late ol Davle County, this is lo notily all persons having claims against said eslate to present them ; lo the undersigned on or belore the 16th day ol January, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs Irom Ihe llrst day ol publicalion or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 16th day ol October, 2003. Shlriey Shepherd, EX EC P.O, Box 35 Cooleemee, NC 27014 10-16-4tn ■Ф D8 - DAVIK COUN I'Y ENTKRI’RISIÍ RlíCORD, I’liursday, N<iv. 6,2003 FBOFITABLB NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE CO UN TY IN TH E G EN ER A L C O URT O F JUSTICE O F NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR C O U R T DIVISION DAVIE C O UN TY 03SP218 IN TH E M ATTER O F TH E F O R E ­ C LO S U R E O F A D EED O F TRUST E X E C U T E D B Y W ILLIAM C , DODD, SR., DATED D ECEM B ER 31, 1999, AN D R EC O R D ED IN BOOK 323 AT PAG E 60 IN TH E DAVIE C OUN TY PUBLIC R EG IS­ TRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE O F S A LE Pursuant lo an order ol tha Clerk of Superior Court and under and by virtue ol Ihe power and authority contained In Ihe above-relerenced deed ol trust and because (%l de­ fault In Ihe payment ol Ihe Indebt­ edness thereby secured and failure lo carry out and perform Ihe stipu­ lation and agreamenis therein con­ tained and, pursuant to demand of Ihe owner and holder of Ihe Indebt­ edness secured by said deed ol (rust, Ihe undersigned substitute Iruslee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to ths highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at Ihe county courthouse of said county al 3:00 P.M. on November 12, 2003, Ihe following described real eslale and any olher Improve­ ments which may be situated Ihereon, situated In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at a point, an angle Iron located In Ihe Eastern right of way of U .S. Highway 601, said point ol beginning being the South­ west corner of John J. Pratt (Deed Book 170, Page 597) said point ol beginning also being the Northwest corner ol the wllhin described tract; thence from said point and place ol beginning Soulh 86 deg. 24 min. 25 sec. Easl 253.18 feel lo an iron; thence Soulh 09 deg. 489 mln. 05 seo. West 28.55 feel to an Iron; thonce Soulh 83 deg. 56 mln. 45 sec. East 259.21 feet lo an iron, the Northeast corner of the within de­ scribed tract; Ihence South 02 deg. 03 mln. 45 sec. West 135.36 feet to an Iron, the Southeast corner ol the within described tract: thence 83 deg. 56 mln. 55 sec. West 428.93 feet to an Iron lying In the Eastern right ol way ol US High­ way 601 ; thence continuing with the Easlern right of way of US High­ way 601 North 24 deg. 48 min. 00 sec. West 176.98 feel lo the POINT AND P U C E O F BEGINNING and containing 1.56 acres as taken from a survey of Richard P. Bennett, RLS, daled 12-01-99. And Being more commonly known as; 5358 US Highway 601 North, Mocksvilie, NC 27028 The record owner ol the prop­ erty, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, Is William C. Dodd aka William C. Dodd, Sr. The property lo be offered pur­ suant to this nollce of sale Is being oflored lor sale, transfer, and con­ veyance “AS IS, W H ER E IS.” Nei­ ther Iho Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor Ihe officers, directors, attorneys, employees agents, or authorized representa­ tive of either trustee or the holder ol Iho note make any representa­ tion ol warranty relating to the lille or any physical, envlronmenlal, health or salety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and ail responsibllitlet or liabilities arls-i ing out of Of (h any way relating to; any such condition expressly are disclaimed, this sale Is mads sub­ ject lo all prlòr liens and encum­ brances, and unpaid taxes and as­ sessments including but nol limited lo any transfer lax associated with Iho foreclosure, lor paying If any. A deposil ol live percent (5%) ol Iho amouni ol the bid or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified lunds at Ihe time ol tho sale. This sale will be held open len days lor upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing Iho expiration ol Ihe statu­ tory upset period, ail remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. The date of this Notice is Octo­ ber 20 2003. ELIZAB ETH B. ELLS OR DAIVE W. NEILL Subslllute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 333-8107 10-30-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUN TY NO TICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate ol P A U L R IC H AR D M C D OW ELL, SR ., late of Davie County, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30lh day of Janu­ ary. 2004, being three (3) months from Ihe first day ol publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 30th day of October, 2003. Paula McDowell Church, EX EC 192 Gladstone Road Mocksviile, NC 27028 10-30-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUN TY NO TICE TO CREDITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Co-Ad- mlnlstratrix of the Estate of K A TH LEEN FLINT, late ol Davie County, this is to nollly all persons having claims againsl said estate to present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 6lh day ol Febru­ ary, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the lirst day oi publication or this notlco will be pleaded In bar ol thoir recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please mako Im­ mediate payment to tho under­ signed. This eth day ot November, 2003. Geneva Foote, Co-Adminislra- Irix P.O. Box 593 Mocksvliie, NC 27028 Belly Frost, Co-Adminlslralrix P.O. Box 13 Mocksviile, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney al Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 11-6-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY N OTICE TO C RED ITORS Having qualllled as Ihe Execu­ tor of the Estate of JA N IE W. KO O NTZ, late of Davie Counly, this Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or beforo tho 6th day of February, 2004, being three (3) month» Irotri (he lirst day of publication pr this notice will'be ; pléaded In bar of thell’ rpf ovary. All ' persons Iri^ebled tp'sald eàtate will ‘plMse rnake immediate payinnent to Iho undersigned. This 6th day of November, 2003. Judy A. Koontz, ADMN 276 Ketchie Creek Mocksviile, NC 27028 11-6-4ln M a n a g e m e n t a n d C r e w P o s i t i o n s Hatcleo's Is cutteiitly Werviowing lor enorgotic, enthusiastic inciivitluals lor our Mooksvllle iocalioni II you havo lasl lood managGmGnl oxporlonco, aro cuslomoi-tlrivoii, can molivale people and grow profits, you sliould bu wilh usI Hnro's Why; • ExcollonI Promotional • Modical/Donlal/Vislon/ Opporlunilios Lilo Insuranco • Comprohonsiva • >101 (k) Plan Training . Vacation/Sick Lonvu • Conipolilivo Salary • Anti Much Moro! Fax rosumos to 336-351-3356 Or o-mall to mlt2laldrldgo®boddlonooll.com For moro Information, cnll 1-600-888-8136 oxt. 6 More than a Job — an opportunity of a lifetime. Visit our website at www.bnelnc.cbm Vbrdeej Abortion Alterntive Employment D A V IE P R E G N A N C Y C A R E Center oilers confidential & free pregnancy lests, supporl ser­ vices, and referrals, fl^ake a healthy choice for your llfel Call 75 3 -H OPE for appointment. Apartments 1B R , IS A , A P A R TM EN T- Mocksvllle $425/monlh H U D approved Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 L A R G E 1 B E D R O O M Apt' Downtown Mocksville. No chil­dren, pets or H U D . 704-278- m L _______________________ R EA D Y TO M O V E In; furnished 2BR upstairs apt. evetything fur­ nished, $550/month. 751-1218, 704-657-5613________________ Boats for Sale 14 F O O T C R E S T LIN E R metai “V" hull boat trailer has new paint rewired wllh new lights and sland. 20 H P Silver Banded Mercury rope start molor recondition also Hummingbird llsh Under. Plus some extrasi $1200 998-5893 Child Care A LM O S T H O M E C H ILD Care has Immediate openings - A LL A G E S - for 1 st & 2nd shilts (3rd shift pos­ sibilities). Convenient hours 5;30am -1 ;45am. Full Time, Part Time, Drop In - upon availability. Come see us at 571 S Main St., Mocksville or call Debra, 751- PU Y(7529) FO R lT B A P W S T T iH T JR C irA ^ • ter school until 6;00pm $100/ month, Cornatzer School busing zone. Come by or call for appli­ cation. 998-8306 D ITC H W ITCH O P E R A T O R S , heavy equipm ent operators needed for underground utility construction 336-391-6155 E X P E R IE N C E b C A R P E N T E Fi F O R framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overtlme. Must be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. iiX P ER iEN C ¥ D E LE C fR IC IA N “ A P P T . only. Osborne Electric 751-3398 IN C O M E M A IN T E I^ A N C E C A S E W O R K E R position with DavIe County Departmenl of So­ cial services. Responsible for accurately dotermining and rede­ termining eligibility (or applicants/ recipients for the Work First pro- 8ram and for Fam ily and hiidren's Medicaid programs. Will perform olher duties as re­ quired. Com puler experience needed and some Spanish pre­ ferred. One year's experience as an Income Maintenance Case­worker or an equivalent combi­nation of training and experience. Musl have a vehicle available lor work and a valid NC Driver's li­ cense. Submit a completed state application (PD_107) to Karen Smith, Director, Davie County Department oi Social Services, P. O . Box 5 17, Mocksville, N C , 27028 Telephone; 751-8800. Ap­ plication deadline; Monday, No­ vember 10, 2003. Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. LO C A L PREClsiONMACH^^^^ fui, but nol required. 336-463- 2311. STAY AT H O M E mother In Ad­ vance area will watch 2 Infant and/or toddlers In home. M -F 7am-6pm 940-6134__________ Com m ercial Property C O M M ER Q IA L B U ILD IN G FO R sale on Hwy 64. 1.5 acres plus building. Good business localion. sale on Hwy 64. 1.5 acres plus building. Good business localion Owner financing with down pay­ment. Will sell at tax value. 910- 233-2517 or 336-751-2105. “ ^ flfllO U S COM fVIERCIAL I P R O P ER T IES Warehouse & Ollice space Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty __________751-9400 Employment $200-8500 W EEK-w lll train to work at home helping the US Government llie HUD /FH A mort­ gage funds. No experience nec­ essary. Call Toll Free 1 -866- 537-2907 AD VERTIS EflilENT F 6R ^ fD “S- W B and MB fIrm s-HendrIx Corriher Construction is soliciting bids from minority-owned and lemale-owned business firms as subcontractors, material or equip­ ment suppliers on the following project to be bid on November 11, Noon; P R O JE C T ; William R . Davie School, Davie County, NC Interested firms should conlaci Jackie Corriher or Richard Tay­ lor (336) 751-5972 catYLT^fTanch m Counly needs full-time mainte­ nance man. Must be experienced wilh fami maintenance and cattle. Starting $8 to $10 per hour. Send letter stating experience; Farm Maintenance P. O . Box 99 Mooksvllle, NC 27028 GENE TREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Rools Small Ropnir Jobs Freo Estímales 336-284-4571 N E E D A R E S P O N S IB L E sitter for 10 & 12 year old from 5pm- 5am, 4 days a week In our home- Smllh Grove, 998-3427, starting now, references required. PAR T-fiiiiE H E L ^ N E E D E D S Ellis Auto Auction in Cooleemee on Tues. 10am -5pm & W ed. 10am until end ol auction (approx 10pm) Must apply in person. 284- 4080 PAR T-TIM E secretary position, N C Cooperative Extension, Davie Counly Center, part-time secretary, 9am-1pm, fwl-F, mini­mum pay $ 10 .25/hr, more for work and educational experi­ ence. Earn retirement, sick leave and vacation. No medical ben- elits. Good people and compuler skills essenlial. For more informa­ tion and to apply, go directly lo yment Security Commls-slon, (Mocksviile. C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call Artliur Bostick 336-492-5992 OST INDUSTRIES. INC. A leading supplier ofpockds, waisihumls, bias ami siraifihi cut fabrics, and iriin coniptmciils lo the apparel iiidiistry, is now acceptinii applications for the followinfi posilions: CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK Applicani must have computer e.xjiericnce iind a good gencnii oflice background. Primary duties will lie woikiiiy wilh inteniational cu.stomcis and sales people. Pay will he set accoidinjj loexperieiK'e.Work liotirs are Monday-Fnchiy, 8 a.m.-5 ji.m. Ik'tiefil.S Includc; Gxccllcm starting pay, paid vacations, K paid liulidays, iiriiiip riK'dicul, lil'e anil denial insiinini'c, both short and lont! Icnn disabilily insurance, prolil sharing and -lOIK plan. Applications will be accepted at or resumes can be sent to; qST Industries, Inc. 140 Llonheart Drive • Mocksville, NC 27028 (336)751-8508 • EOE Employment S EEK IN G R ES P O N S IB LE, C A R IN G Individuals lo provide direct care services to our developmentally disabled clients. Experience working with Ihe population prelerred bul nol necessary. Ideal candidates should possess a CPR/Flrst Aid . certlllcallon or be willing lo obtain. Minimum requirements; Must be al least 18 years of age; possess a high school diploma or equivarent, valid driver's license and reliable transportation. We have several part-time posilions available In Mocksviile for the following hours; M -F, 6;00am-8;15am M -F, 5;00pm-10;00pm Various Afternoon Weekend hours Apply in person or send resumes to; Amy Garter Charles Hines & Son, Inc. 401 Northgate Park Drive Winston-Salem, N C 27106 336-896-0950 336-896-0955(lax) T E A C F e r ^ S I S T A N f ; N E E D E D for afler school pro­ gram al Cornatzer Unlled Meth­ odist. Child care depree or expe­ rience required. Mail resume to P. O . Box 103, Advance, N C 27006_______________________ Farms for Sale M INI FA R M : B R IC K rancher, 3BR, 2B A, 6.5 acre, barns, pas­ lure wilh stream near Elemenlary School. 998-4922____________ Home to Share R E T IR E D A R M Y M A L E looking for mature single adult lo share very nice 3BR, 2BA home In Ad­ vance. Nice quiet area. 2 acres with pool. Very reasonable deal on month lo month rent & utill- lles. Cali 998-9674.___________ Homes For Rent 1800 +/- S O . FT. house, large rooms, all appliances, central heal/air, above average, call af­ ter 4:00pm 941-7593. 2B R 1 B A H O U ^ ‘"$450/mo & $450 deposll 751-2986 ¿ m T T ^ ’A .'c ^ N T R Y T a n ^ LIV IN G R O O M , D E N , N O H U D , R E F E R E N C E S R E Q U IR E D . $500/M0. 336-674-9740 2 B R , “ C o M t R Y H O M E Turkeyloot Rd. 336-414-1448 al­ ter 6pm. R O W A N -C A B A R R U S C OM M U­ NITY College seeks applications for an Adminislralive iJata Coor-. dinator. Required: Associate de­ gree In a computer-related disci­ pline. Experience In managing an administrative computer syslem and handling conlidenllal/sensl- tlve data. Prollclenl in loading operating system and application software updates/releases and Ihe use of personal computers, e-m ali, web brow sers, and Microsoft Ollice application soil- ware. Expertise In comprehend­ ing technical documentation. Abil­ ity to lift and carry equlpmt?nt, supplies and materials up to 30 lbs.) Prelerred; Bache or’s de­ gree In a computer-related disci­ pline. Experience In providing computer programming support. Experience in Solaris Unix. Dead­ line for applications; November 18,2003. For additional required and preferred qualifications and lo appiy, contact Brenda F. Ciem- enl, Rowan-Cabarrus Commu­ nity College, P O Box 1595, Salisbury, NC 28145-1595, (704) 637-0760, ext. 290 Homes For Rent 3BR, 2BA-Cl0mmons-$B5O/mo 2BR, 1BA-Mocksvlil0-$45O/mo 3BR, I.SBA-Mobile HotnB-$500/mo 3BR, 2BA DW/aoreage-Yadklnviiie $900/mo Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 601S, M O C K S V ILLE 2 B R ,2 B A , just refurbished, no pels 284- 4481 or 998-2931 "c a l l C EN T U R Y 21 S W IC EG O O D W A LL & M C D A N IEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Quaint 2B R , 1BA home near Oavie High Call today, this home won’t lasl longl $550/monlh 1BR, 1B A apartment for rent near downtown Mocksville No appliances but utilities included In rent price $425/monlh T w o 2 0 R , IS A homes In Cooleemee $475/$550/monlh E X T R A N IC E 3BR brick home In country, 3 people limit. No pets. Well water $600 plus deposit. 336-284-4758. F O R R E N T / S A LE : 134 Legion Cemelery Sl. 1B R , 1B A , $350/ mo Or purchase for $37,500 Bro­ ker/Owner Call 492-7505 F O R 'r EN T : 264 Watts SI-3BR, IB a, $500/mo Deposit required. Broker/Owner C a i 492-7505 H O U S E F O R R EN T-2 B R , IB A house in M ooksvllle. $485. Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020. IM M A C U LA T E , IN lown 2 B R , 1 BA , no pels, gas log FP, del. garage $500 monlh & $500 de­posil. 1 year lease. Call Mary Hendricks 751-3152, 940-7077 4 Premier Carolina Properties. 3 B R , 1B A B E A U T IF U L country setting, garden space , conve­ nient to 1-40 $650/month 75 1- 4371 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliur.sdiiy, Nov. 0, 2003 - D9 WlggCORVgli MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about iree rental. 2975 Hwy. 64 E in Fork Calitodaijl (SSG) 098-8810 Ken Durham Construction R e s id e n tia l o r C o m m e rc ia l R e m o d e lin g & N e w C o n s tru c tio n 'Additions • Vinyl Silling •Roofing • Bobcat Work Call lor Free Estimate 6)284-2698 A U C TIO N SALE Saturday, November 8, 6:30 pm All types of merchandise - Mostly New - Some Used Cotno buy (or your own use, for resale or (or Christmas gKtsI $100 FREE CASH at end o( auction. Ail will have a chance to winl Our restaurant will open at 5 pm. 99< Hot Dogs ALL NIGHT & 1 /2 lb. Hamburger Steak with Freedom Fries & Slaw for $2.99 ALL NIGHT. So come on out - eat a good meal at age-old prices & enjoy the auction. Listed Below Is A Partial List - Much More Doils (a good soleclion), Clocks, Walclics, Musical Boxes, Porlablo TVs, Now Eleclric Scoolci, New Rocilner. Now Sola & Chair, New Ctiaicoai Grills, New Men's Shills, Poci(6l Knives 8. Biilchei Knives, New All Rilles, Asst, ol Small Tools (SOME STANLEY), Go Karls, Goil Can (Nice Used 2000 model). New •1-Wheeiei. Aniiquo Table. Nico Used Cliairs, Now 2-Ton Paiiel Jack on Wheels, Tires & Wheels,« In. Band Fans (good lor harn or shop). New 16 Speed Diill Press, Poulan Chain Saw, New Mini Bike, 5 Speed Mini Diill Pioss, New 20 Gal. Pails Washer, New Ccinenl Mix«, Tool Boxes lor Pickups, 27 In, Roll-Around Tool Boxes, 5.5 Honda Piessure Washeis, Homeiile Leal Blowor/Vac, 2-Pc. Folding Sawhoisc, Weed Eaters, Wind Mill, Used ollice Chairs & Desks, Used Eleclric HP Typewriter, Old Typewrilor Sland, Some Poicolain, IBM Compuler - lower wilh keyboard & moniioi. Much, Much More of All Types Not Listed - Something for Everyone Lasaled H a y . S M Setllh of Mocksvliie. n o - North of S a M m o L N g at the site of ELLls a u t o ATinTini\i Auto Auction every Wednesday 6:00 pmELLIS AUCTION COMPANY.»L.,« Contact us for any auction needs - large or smalll Phono: 336-284-4080 Monday-Thursday lOam-Spm Nights: 336-284-4980 or 336-998-8744 Fax; 336-284-6455 Soma soatlna avallablo, bul you are woloomo to bring your own chair. II It's cool, wo'll turn tho hoat onl Not Reaponstble tor Accidenta ot any type Any announcomonts on salo dato take procedonce ovar this advertisement. e L A S s a T O lilX F E M SIV E PROFITABLE Homes For Sale Mobile Home/Sale 4 B R W ITH M O TH ER -in -ia w 1япя 1ЛУпп н п п тп ы тг.ьпо Service Vehicles Yard Sales Yard Sales apt. 1900 + sq. It. 367 Spring St., Mocksville 998-8897 B R IC K H O U S E F O R sale by owner, Hobson St, near Trinity Baptist Church, 4BR, 2BA cen­ tral heal, lixer upper, owner fi­ nancing available with down payment, $69,900, 910-233- 25 17 or 336-751-2105, F W s A L l T iT W h i i n e y St.- Mocksvlile 3B R, 2,5 B A Corner lol Com pletely renovated $97,000 Broker/Owner Call 492-7505 H ^ E T o T S A L i - L E A S E O P T IO N , like new, perfect starter home, one level, open and airy, 3 B R , 2 B A , eat-ln kitchen, large storage shed. $695/month 998-3571 N IvV D O U B LEW ID E h o m e " big lot, 3BR, 2B A, front porch, rear deck, heal pump, $76,000. reduced lo $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653._______________ Land For Sale LA N D FO R S A L E -5 acre tracts FS B O . Restricted. $12,500 per acre. Call 998-4703.Lawn Care L E A F R E C O V E R Y B Y Clem- ent Lawn Care. Cali 284-2037. Lost & Found P U P P Y F O U N D -F R E E togood home 940-3595_____________ Miscellaneous F O R S A L E : E X T R A large ga­ rage door 20' wide. Also 3 cell­ ing fixtures. Make offer- 7 5 1 -3396 Karl & Joanne Osborne ■ s.> w v i-rrtw w IIIU L / IID home, greal location on private rented lol close lo Hillsdale, 3BR, 2BA, covered decks, carport, out­ building, $14,500. 998-2588. i9 ^ '¥ 6 “B iL E li‘6 W m ”X80^ lor sale: 2BR, 2 full baths, «re­ place, washer, dtyer, dishwasher, slove, refrigerator, covered front porch. Call 998-8853 between 9am and 10pm. ¿ B R ^ IB A H m flE o n m Owner financing available. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Prop­ erties 909-1284. 2B ^ B ^ T T n lc e T ( ^ $ W ,000’ Owner financing. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Properties 909- 12S4________________________ 3BB, 2B A H O M E, very good con­ dition, Advance area, $15,300 O B O , some owner linancing, Cali 704-929-9333 BfflCKW iODULiTR' New A G P $250 down $650 payment/on 1 acre O A C Call (828) 695-0039 F O R S A L E : G O O D condition- . 160 ten loot split rails, 60-3 hole line post, less lhan half. Call 284-4292 alter 7:00pm F R E E M A N U R E^ H A V IN G S ^ . Davie County 940-5391 H A V E Y O U B ^ 'R Irie d farm fresh eggs? Delicious large and extra large organic eggs from • happy, healthy free range chick­ ens, No chemicals or pesti­ cides. $2.50/doz or $3.00 de­ livered. Call 998-0300. M EN ’S G O L F C LU B S , senior & regular flex, 2-SW , graphite, assortment ol woods & putters, ■repalrwork, re-shafting, re-grip­ ing, swing weighting & custom clubs. Call 751-2030 i ni O A K FIR E W O O D F O R sale. $55 pickup load-u haul. $65 de­ livered. 751-3737. TW O W O O D C H IEF llreplace Inserts w/electrio blowers $175 each 998-3675. W O L F F S Y S T EM W n Wbed, $1600. Call for Info 998- 4078______________________ IVlobile HomeRent 14X70 M O B ILE H O M E on pri­ vate wooded lot. 2BR, 2BA. Call formore details. 336-468-9364. Í4X80 2000 M O B ILE Kom eOT spacious country lot. $450 de- posil/$450 per monlh. Available Jan. 1, 2004, References re­ quired. 492-5618 14 l«ó rÍB R ,'2 fuli^baths7$5^^^ monlhly, w/$450 deposll, no pels, located In Rowan county In Needmoro' communily 704- 278-4350 2B R, Í.5 B A , very nice & clean, musl see, $ 3 75 ,, 70 4-873 - 5426, 2B r7 T b A 'M O B ÍL E lo ir ié ! Redland area. Partially fur­ nished. No pets. 998-4071 iz ¥ O B Á r P R I W T É T o T car­port, prefer couple, renl $350 + deposil & relerences. Ready now. 492-5509 M O C K S W U .E, SBRTÍBAñíce“; H U D voucher O K , 704-892- 1284 $400 deposil- jusl in Iredell Counly. 704-546-2089. TÁTotTG Xp p ITcÁTToÑ S ^^ a 2BR, 1 BA mobile home w/ap- pliances on prívale lol. Back­ ground & relerences checked. $450/mo & $450 deposil 284- 4552 Music • ;.P IA N 0 T U N IN G iRepair- Rebuild- Regulate Sell-piayers & Reed Organs Wallace Barlord 998-2789 Service W ILL slay In your home or mine and bustles, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulching, pine needles. Call Brenl for free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. TO M M Y'S T O T A L LAW N Care. We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and planting. We also oiler tractor work, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and free esti­ mates, Ollice 492-2330. Cell 336- 682-7006. V ie w c la s s if ie d s o n lin e a t w w w .e n t e r p r is e - r e c o r d .c o m Leaf Removal/ Gutter Cleaning 336-284-6501 ( s t v M U c k e r LAWN CARE V IR T U A L A S S IS T A N T P R O ­ V ID ES desktop publishing, word processing, transcription and more from home. Free quotes. 940-6974 C O N S O LID A T E, C O N S O LI­ D A T E New H O P $250 down $550 payment 4B R, 2B A, consolidate debt Only 3 available O A C Call 828-464-8970 M O V E IN T O D A Y 3BR, 2BA, $500 down Assume $537 payment O A C Call (828) 464-1169 n Tc E D O U B LE W ID E , B LO C K foundation, 3 bedrooms, 2 balhs, 3 acres, fenced with barn. Old Mocksville Hw y, must selll $75,000 negotiable. Call ; 704- 546-5763 o W n E ^ ^f Tn a TTc E . O N L Y $500,00 Down, 3BR, 2BA, mo­ bile home, ready to move Into In nice community. Hurry Ihis one won't last long. Call 769-0755 or pager 208-3203. t w o T e f t H O P $500 down $537 payment 4B R, 2BA 1,3 acres O A C Call 828-465-8402 Motorcycles 1997 Y E L L O W S U ZU K I Kalana, 600CC, 5,900 miles, $2000. 336- 414-0918 E X P E R IE N C E D C A R E T A K E R W ILL slay Call 998-8 E X P E R IE N C E D N U R S IN G A S ­ SISTANT will help with adull care. Call 284-2902, ask for Christina. LIN K ’S S E A M L E S S G T iffE F r ING Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 o ^ó r n e é l I c t r ì^ for all your electrical needs. • Free Estimates. 751-3398. p e r f e c t PAW S, C E R T IFIED Groom er, Christine Julian, Mocksville, N0 ,75 1-9 0 74 fÒ ìflB E R L T l^ ^ A W C A R E ^ &Handyman Services. Ail types ol iawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming trees C H EV . PIC K U P 1978, original owner, garage, 4W D, 4 speed transmission, best oiler, 998- 4922 W E W ILL C L E A N your house apartment or business oflice, monthly, weekly or daily. Davie Cleaning Team 940-2635 Statewide A L L C A S H C A N D Y route. Do you earn up to $800/day poten­ tial? Your own local route. 30 m achines and candy. All lor $9,995. 1-8 0 0 -9 9 8 -V EN D , MultiVend, LLC G E T A o m EC T Satellite TVsfs^ tem. No charge for equipmeni, delivery or installation, for 3 rooms, wilh one year of sen/ice. Call Direct 1-800-352-9992, www,dtvsatellite.com N C M O U N TAIN S , N EW ciistom built 1,230 square fool easy lo fin­ish on 2 acres wilh views and river access. Only $69,900, Owner/ Broker B2B-286-1666 S iM P LT lv ib FErR U N N IN G Re^ gional. More pay and moro home fimel Call us we'll provide II to youl 12 months O T R required. Heart­ land Express, 1-800-441-4953 www,heartlandexpress,com w e l d e r Tp i p e f i t t e r -n oT e x - P E R IE N C E needed—we train 'ou. Full salary and benefils. High ■ ihool diploma grads to age 34. Relocation required. Call 800- 662-7419. Local Interview avall- abls.________________________ Travel B A ILE Y A N D H O W AR D T O U R S Nov. 15th & 16th Pigeon Forge, T N . Annual Christmas Shopping Includes; I night motel, 1 dinner, 1 Christmas show also Lazer Lights and fvlore Shop Double $169,00 Call Helen Bailey Davis 998-4338 Harrah's Cherokee Casino Trip FR I-N ITE N O V 7TH SAT-D AY N O V 15TH T U ES -D A Y N O V 18TH A T LA N T IC C ITY TR IP Nov, 27 & 28 E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt yot Sci Wohlfahrt Haus-Nov 15 "Smoke on Ihe Mountain" McAddenvllie-Chrislmas Lights Dec 2 Raleigh-Titanic Exhibit/ Governor’s Mansion , Dec 11 MaggieVaiiey/Lake Junaluska Dec 12 & 13 Call T & J Fun Tim e Tours, (336)945-9391/(336) 924-6461. Vehicles 1984 C H E V Y P IC K U P , runsl $300. lirm 751-5277 T988" ’ C H E V R O L E T S ILV ER A D O , 1500, pick up, 4x4, auto, $4500 O B O 998-2697 i'gTo M E R C U R Y ^ R ^ lv ja r ^ 8uis, auto, loaded, white, $2500 iBO, 998-2697 1995 B U IC K P A R K T v e i u i 89,000 miles, V G C , $4200. O B O 998-4922 1997 B UIC K L E Sabre Limited, Blue Book value $6,225,, extra clean, llhr, int,, all power options, alarms, auto controls lor temp & lights, remote radio conlrols on steering wheel, soil suspension, $5,900, 998-5000 3 FAM ILY Y A R D sale-3432 Hwy 601S, baby clothes, toys, house­hold Items, tools, men & women clothes, Fri & Sal, 320 PAR K A V EN U E, Mocksvilie- Fri. 1:00-5:00 & Sal. 8;00-1:00. Rain dale next week ^COMING SOON* FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2003 601 AUCTION CO. 1518 HWY. 601 • YADKINVILLE, NC 27055 FRIDAY NIGHT SALES STARTING AT 7:00 P.M. CONCESSIONS SPECIALIZING IN NEW , USED, RETURNS, OVERSTOCK M ERCHANDISE ALO N G WITH OTHER S ELLER S & D EALER S . Direclions; Take 601 N. To Yadkin Co. Line & We Are Localed Approx. 2 Miles On Righl Jusl Aller The Caution Light, or Winslon-Salem Area; 1-40 W To Hwy 601 Exil (Horn's Truck Slop). Hwy 601 N. To Yadkin Co. Line. Approx. 2 Miles On Right. AUCTION BUILDING IS LA R G E B LU E BUILDING WITH G RAVEL PARKING & FLASHING LIGHTED SIGN AT ROADSIDE. CALL 336-240-4470 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. AUCTIONEER: JE F F CO BLE NCAL# 716 8 SCA L# 3703 4 FAM ILY SALE-H o ose Lane oil Will Boone Rd„ Sal. 11/8 8:00 to 2:00 G R A C E M O TO RS Advance 336-817-7482 1997 M ER C U R Y M YS TIQ U E ■102,000 miles, pl, pw, co, air, am/lm cass, burgandy $3,200. 1996 B O N N E V ILLE S E 79,000 miles, pw, pl, air, ■metallic blue, Warranty Available $4,500, 1995 IZU ZU R O D EO86.000 miles, pw, pi, cc, air, new tires, 6 cyl, white , sharp, Warranty Available $5,500. 1996 T O Y O T A C O R O L LA 97.000 miles, 4dr, 5 spd, air, green. Warranty Available, $4,199, 1998 T O Y O T A C O R O L LA L E 67.000 miles, 4dr, auto, pl, pw, air. Warranty Available $6,250 1996 H O N D A A C C O R D LX 71,70 0 miles, 4dr, auto, pw,pl, CO, air, burgandy. Warranty Available, $6,400 1996 FO R D ES C O R T 96,000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, alloy wheels, extra clean, $3,200 1997 H O N D A A C C O R D LX 92.000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pl, cc. Warranty Available, $7,250 1996 T O Y O T A C AM RY DX Gold Package, 115,000 miles, 4dr, aulo, air, pw, pl, Warraniy Available $4,500 1995 F O R D C O N T O U R 168.000 miles, 4dr, aulo, air, pw, pi, $2,000 1997 O LD S AC H IEV A 103.000 miles, air, pw, pl, co, alloy wheels, $2,800 1995 F O R D ES C O R T120.000 miles, ao, auto 2dr, $2,300 1994 F O R D R A N G E R X LT 76.000 miles, 5spd, air, am/fm oaas, $3,700 1993 S A TU R N SL2 79.000 miles, 5spd, air, twin cam, very clean, $3,300 1989 B U IC K R E G A L 60.000 miles, 6 cyl, 4 dr, pw, extra clean, $2,799 Wanted LA N D W A N TED FO R hunt lease for a couple of good old boys- large or small tracts 940-3124 L E G A L L Y B LIN D M A l i W ^ for ride lo & from work In Win­ ston-Salem, M -F, Call Charles Hiatt 492-5569 or my daughter 392-3663, O LD S ILO AW AY fi^bulidlngs & roads to lake down at no cosl. Will bury broken concrete on site. Bahnson Farm 998-3160 Q U A ILIT Y ^ UNTq U E C H IR STM AS oralts needed lor Ihe former Christmas Collage. Camille Gardens & Signs, 492- 6476_______________________ Yard Sales 2 FAM ILY FR I & Sal 129 AshDr, off Campbell & Country Lane, children, ladies, 18-4X & miscel­ laneous & cralts. 965 C O R N A T Z E R R O A D "Huge Christmas Sale" Friday & Salurday 10-4 Sunday 1-6 1/2 oil on ail dolls, cradles, chairs, end tables, dishes, corning ware. Ail Barbie Dolls not In box $10.00 each, Avon bottles $3.00 each, small tea pots, several box lots $1,00 & $2,00 each A V l j N ^ P i N H O U S eT e v ^ ^ Monday 6;00pm-9:30pm, Tonie Cope's hom e. 336-284-2116 7631 Hwy. 8018, Cooleemee C ^ R O L / lr S C O L L ^ ^(336) 751-6252 N EW H O U R S Wod-Thurs 11:00 III 5;00 Friday 11 ;00-6;00 Saturday 10;00-4;00 Now seloollons on: Barbie's/ BeanlGs(4.g9) porcelain dolls/ dolphlns/oaglos/knivos/ orystai out glass/elo. (loo much lo monllon so come by and shop wilh us) Layaway available. C H U R W O i^ TH E'M c ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 183 Fork Blxby Road, Nov. 8, from 8am to 2pm, Many nice ilems lor sale. Food available all day. Latest Glenda Beard print available. Indian Corn, fruit pre­ serves, upright freezer, canoe, refrigerators, bicycles, baked Items, nice clothes, bedroom suite, 'COM M UNITY Y A R D S A LE-S a t. Nov. 8-8am unlii-no early birds, childrens clothes and toys, baby items, bedding sels, plus size clothes, cookware, kilchen ilems, household decor, lurnlture, many more items. 64E lo No Creek Rd lo Hickory Tree Rd F R T7f H 7:Fo-4T6o, 12:00,6018 to 484 Becklown Rd, lollow signs-lools, farmgate, lawn mowers, toys, lots ol kids clothes, playstation 1 , lols more. Rain cancels, F R L & SAT. 8 unin...',~ ?30 Gwyn St. Little bit ol everythlngl G A S ^ I S A L E C O R N E R Pa7k Ave, and Main S t., Sal, 8am- noon, furnilure, anilques, col- leotibles, household Items, like new V W -16" wheels & hubcaps G A R A G E S A L E ¥ A iN “o r ^ 849 Duke Whittaker Rd, oil Bear Creek Churoh R d , Lols of childrens clothes and shoes. Giris up lo size 6, boys up to 2T, adult clothes also. ^ R A G E S A LE-S A T . Nov,Tt'h“ 554 Pine Ridge Rd., Bam HI 2pm, baby to 2T, twin boys clothes, mens and womens clothes all sizes up lo 22 1/2. Lols of house­ hold and Christmas Hems. salel Sal. Nov, 8, 7:30-10:30, Treasures galore. Nice clothing and children's clothes and toys. Bake sale, ham biscuits, dough­ nuts and collee, tool First United Melhodlsl Family Llie Center Basement, North Main Slreet, Rain or Shinel S  X N 0 17.8 T H , Basement Rain or Shine, many household items, some very old , big selec­ tion of Western books, furnilure and piano, nice large size ladles clothes, many other ilems. 251 S Claybon Dr (olf 801 near Hanes plant) Irom 1-40 on 801N , 1st slreet on lelt, last house on lelt, S A T .; NOV.^ 8 ÎH 7'7a rn u^nt^^ baby furniture, clothes and household Ilems, 601N , brick house across from Jim 's Fruit Market S A T , N O V ., 8T H , 881 Gladstone Rd. 8 am-12 noon-No Eariy Birds. Cancelled II raining. f R A dTn G p o ST-60 i/S O T/ Greasy Cornor. Open Fri. & Sal. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. Call 284- 4302. Need To Place An Ad In The ш Classifieds? Here’s Some Helpful Information For You... Tho lirst 10 words are S6.50; each additional word Is 10c. Yard Sale ads aro payable In advance. Deadline lor classilled ads Is 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Call The Enterprlse-Record At 751-2129 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3’ Coverage I Many Colors Pole Buildings iVlelai Roofs & Siding f 1-888-778-6050 MID-STATE METALS Have a “Taylor Made” 50" Birthday Happy Birthday Monte M I L L E R E Q U I P M E N T R E N T A L FA U IS HEBEI Bobcat, aeraioi: core plugger amore for tenuodavl Mocksvllio^’ 1336) 751-2304 Are You Smart? Join the smartest community in Davie County and take advantage of... “The Best Deni in the‘Ville" N o r th w o o d Apartments Qiuiliiv * Convciih'iici' * Aff'ordahiliiv 336-751-4141 ANTIQUE TOOL AUCTION SAT. NOV. STH 9 AM C .E .F . A U C T I O N 234 E . M A I N S T . Y A D K I N V I L L E - A C R O S S F R O M L I B R A R Y NO RnSIiRVE - ALL fOOI.S TO mi SOLD TO I lIGt lEST BIDDI;R- W IN C H ES TER G R IN DER •скапямак.ришпплтсмшампнаммпязWCXJDliN SI'OKR SHAVnR.DRAW KNIVhS -TORCHliS -МАТСИ 1ЮХ HOLDCR .WRENCIItS l.UFKIN m ^■OOT STEKl. TAi'fc -m.ACKSMiTU AN» COUHIUR100LS .SCYTHES .DRIU.S I MAN AND TWO MAN SAWS -6 ГООГ PIT SAW -6 ЮОГ ONH MAN SAW - niTS - URACES- 3 INCH ANVIL-SCRJHES .MELTINa 1ЮГ *l.ADLES.pULLEYS -AUCERS -AXES -PICKS • SEVERAL AD7Rii -AMlSII CHOPPER -U.S. ARMY PICK AND POST HOI.E DlfiOERS- CORN PLANTER -AMISH NAY LIRER .PUNCS .HOOKS -OIL ANII MILK CANS.flEl.T WHr.El. •SHOE LAST -LARCIE HLACKSMITHS POl.E VISE -STORE PAPER ROl l.PR -CORN SHF.I.IER* SKILLETS .CANT HOOK -AMISH ТОПАССО CUTTERS .DEAD tlREAKER -FORD WRENCHES - HOO SCRAPER -MEAT GRINDERS .CHERRY SEEDER •HUNDREDS OF OLD TOOLS -MANY TO UE SOLD IM TRAY LOTS .WRENCHES .BITS -CHISELS A L L T O O L S F R O M P E N N S Y L V A N IA A M IS H F A R M S LOADING DOCK - HEATED AND AIR CONDITIONED nUlt.DING- PLENTY OF PARKING - FRON T AND REAR C A S H - D E B I T C A R D S - V I S A - M A S T E R C A R D N O B U Y E R S P R E M I U M - C. E. FLYNN NCAL 3240 PHONE 336-677-4666 DAY 336-;940-3787 EVENING : л - л i 'j 1)10 - DAVIE COUNTY KNI KRPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 6,2003 Davie Dateline Fundraisers W ed esd ay, Nov. 5 .Spiighelli.Sii|)|KT,mElh;ivilluUMC, ■S-7 p.m.. al llic church fellowship bU!g. 2595 N.C. KOI S., Ailvimcc.' I’rocccds for Third Annual Girislnias Angel Projecl. Bil-in or lake-oul, do­ nalions acccplcd. Thursday, Nov. 6 llcncnt RuflliMickels being sold now through Mocksvillc Police Dcparl- nicnl, nifflc dniwing for gun. Pro­ ceeds going lo bencfil Mocksville Police Ofliccr Robin Robbins. Con­ lncl: David Miller 751-62.11 or Keilh Gunlcr?5l-0851. Full l>(irl-A-I>ll Chicken KundrplsiT, by Dnvie Civilan Club. S7 a plate includes liulf ctiickcn, slaw, bilked beiuis. roll, and slice pound ciikc.Servcd 11 n.ni.-6p.ni.nl Allyson Sawlclle's office, 130 N.C. 801 S., Hillsdale. Pive onlcrs or more deliv­ ered frce. Proceeds lowortliwhilc com­ munily projecls.Toplacc orders; 9<J8- 42.1.1 by Ocl. 31.St. Friday, Nov. 7 Annuul Cruft & Hake Sulc, by N.C. Extension & Coninuinity AssiK'ialion. honicniakcri will have baked goods, breads, handcrafled and holiday items forsalc,9u.m,-2:30p.m., l80S.Main .Street, downtown Moeksvillc(bcsidc courlhouse), parking Iwhind hldg. Saturday, Nov. 8 Kpirh Ilulld, to support Storeliou.se For Jesus, 6-9 p.m. ul Brock Pcrfomi- iiig An.s Ctr. a concert nnd lime uf preaching A prayers. For info; 998- 5409 or lmnidcs@allglobal.ncl/ Country Hum & Tenderloin llreuk- fusl. Mocks UMC, llwy. 801 S. ul Mocks Church Rd., Advancc, from 6:30-10a.m., eat-in or lake-oul. Coun- tr)’ ham, lendcrloin, sausage gravy, eggs, grits, homcmiidc biscuits, bcv- cnigc - $5. Proceeds lo projects & minislries of Unilcd Melhodist Men. Info: 998-5518. CiMintry Hum llreukfusl, with all die trimmings, 6:30-10 u.ni,, at Lib- eny UMC (just off Ciludstone Rd. & Hwy. 601 S.) take ouls available or cal-in, PrcKceds lo church mission projects. Fish Kry, hosted by Concord United Methodist Men, 5 p.m. Menu; funii raised catfish, fresh-cut french fries, hush puppies, slaw, desserts, & soft drinks, Eiil-ln or tuke-oul. Cost: $6 a plate. Location; 161 Cherry Hill Rd., just off N.C. 801. Chlckcn Plcit Ilukcd llumSupper, at Shclficld-Calahaln Coniniunity Hldg., 4:30-8 p.m. Also u crafts & bakcil goods sulc. All proceeds lo New Union UMC. Iliirvesl Sulc, ul Advance UMC, 801 S., Advancc. 8 a.in.-2;30 p.m. Crofts, baked goods, handmade items, crys­ tal, ham biscuits, vegetable soup, hoi dogs, honiemnde pimento cheese, nnd chicken pies. IIUKC Church-^VIde Yurd Sule, by Pirst UMC for Storehouse for Jesus Building fund, 7:30-10:30forall yiuti sale "early birds", in Ihe basement of Family Life Center, N, Main Street (entcrat rearof bidg.) United Mclho<l- ist women will have baked goo<ls, hum biscuits,coffce, juice, und Christ­ mas ilenis for sale, Chlckcn Slew, hosted by Troop 575 of Mock.sville Firsl Bapl., 5-8 p.m., nt Lilicrty UMC fellow.ship hall. Pro­ ceeds lo help pay for trip to Philmont Seoul Ranch in New Mexico foreiglil scouts. Ricky Nuylor’s band will en­ tertain. Desserts & drinks lobe served. Stew is donation only. Counlry Ilrcukfust, 6 a.m.-IO p.m., ul Center UMC, 64 West. Counliy hum, sausage, eggs, grits, gravies, buked apples, luid homemade npples. Sunday, N ov. 9 Vegclublc Soup & Siindnich Sup­ per, ulong with gospel singing wilh Sounds of Fuilli, al Oak Grove UMC, 6 p.m. All prcKceds to building fund. Friday, N ov. 14 CooU NeiRhoorllHQ & I’url-A-Pll. nl Bclhlcliem UMC. Porl-A-PitS7 per plate, inchides hnlf chicken with sides being scr\'c<l 10:30 u.m. til 7 p.in, nt Ihe church. Dcliveiy free wiih 10 or more orders from I Oa.m.-3 p.m. BBQ S7 per plate wilh sides being served 5- 7 p.m. al Ihe church. Sponsored by Hetlileliem in support of good neigh­ bor fund ministry. S aturday, N ov, 15 Pork IlIIQ, lo support local youth, at William R, Davic Fire Depl. Meals are lake-out only, I)cginning4;30p.ni. unlil 7 p.m. Tickets; $6, Sponsored by Yadkin-Davie 411 Livestock Asso­ cintion. Info; 751-6297, Walk-ins welcome. Religion Sunday, N ov. 9 A Mlsslunury Chrlsl I.IkcJuurncy, Angela Lawronco aroher 909-1838 O â k H a v G R Brad Lawrence Broker 909-1293 (336)751-2055 Р7И leiE.leJlnotooBd Mocksville J Buyers!. - Get a free home vi/arranty or Iielp with closing costs' ttX Mdom Гшт Ui - 40H 3QA, №«r 2.000 sr, hu^o f*i Uvmit «Ki don. I«dnn Ьлт. offri» &КХПОГМ1 расл lio»MWiwimartA>rp wMUwt p«ftuil wooüod tot w/ilrwim • $217,900 CU SalUbury SI 1йнн4|«и1^ furrittieledl f «tähirut rrawn tnokUnQk. üvwai. ceffimic J;»o, & arci) doorweyi,bow Kj*nrn(«« rn>09 & DW. taree urtfn brtMiTMkrt, lafQo foncod bttyard - t117,M0 614 Uoufrtvkw [}< • aitft 2(1Л, Cfoethrar43i**hlulio<»pt»ctì PrwArv (ofm It09,700 1810 Riv*r»ld« I)r • l j*e I tome wHkxM. 30r< 211Л. »tixk)ud hill bwnt,СОГЮТС liJ«. 0Ш Ï3Q% rock & »tone fMitn lo ünr> p«r 1209,MO 121 EmI U*« Or • N^e C4ip« ìUmì. lUtK ?ПЛ rwamc Ite i) tuiih». ? одз her (Kroodi. calNxlrrt ceJiie 12 * 20 siorbU» hKXtoCApo tn9,W0 24a Townp*ii( Or • ßfiroAnii« ml InvnaaiiXe 30R 2 5ÜA Ijq HcIi Mp dnixj. «fml porcft, rktirony ofl o>u» fm. pCTctioff on, 2«ar ovooe • t17ft,S(« 24« Alltii Rd • N.J*« 30П 2BA, егшм^у оЯктг)1. bomA/iÀ таЧатЛи, mailer bath »лп upofMo «fKwof S hutfo garden tU),1 » аыа parlaiy woodod tut • I134J00 S e l l e r s ! C o m m i s s i o n : a s l o w clS 2.9% I lliiiiitt'd tinif I Davic Missionary Union invites all to attend, 3 p.m., at Cedar Grove Bnpt. Church, Mocksville. Please bring 8” while candic in n holder lo be lil lo mcmoralize decensed leaders of mis­ sionary deparlnienls. Sponsored by Davic Co. Missionary Union. Guesl speaker. Special Events Every Friday Night .lumScsslon.s,atShcfneldMusicHall, call 492-7417 for info. Thursday, N ov. 7 Hull's Eyes & Misfires, free slide prcsenlnlion by American Civil War author Clini Johnson, writer of seven books. Al Davic Libraiy, 7 p.m. He will sign & sell books after program. Info: 336-924-2181, Thursday, N ov. 6 Hull's Eyes & Misfires, free slide pre.senlalion by American Civil War author Clint Johnson, writer of seven books. At Dnvie Libmiy, 7 p.m. He will sign & sell books after program. Info; 336-924-2181. Saturday, Nov. 8 Hurvcsl Fesllvul, sponsored by Buons Bapt. Chureh, begins 5;30p.m. Games for children, chicken slew, desserts, and hayride. Games begin 5:30, chicken slow served 6 p.m., hayride 7 p.m. Info; 998-6149. S unday, N ov. 9 “Freedom", patriotic program per- fomicd by children of Smilh Grove UMC, in honor mid niemoiy of veter­ ans In Davie County. Perfonnance 7 p.m. in church .sanctuary, Tuesday, N ov, 11 Velcrnns Duy Ob.scrvnncc,paradcat I0;30 a.m. from UMC Fiunily Life Ctr. lo Mocksville Town Square. Cer­ emony lo follow al .square including live music by Davie High Marehing War Eagles. Saturday, N ov. 2 9 Spcclul Olympics Annual Turkey Trul 5K Run & Wulk, Mocksville/ Davie Rec. Depl, registration 7 a.m., nin/walk 8 a.m., breiikfasl lo follow. $ 10 in advance, $ 15 day of race. Info; 751-2.125. Dates to Remenr^ber M onday, N ov. 10 Chrlslma.sSplrltCruLscIn,for Davie Co, children, meel on Uic square down- lownMocksvillo5i30-9;30p.m.Bring ■ unwrappedloylobedonaledtoStore- housc for Josus for needy family for Christmas. Info: ovcrciUili@yadteI.net orovercush2@yndleI.nct, All vehicles welcome. Surviving the Hollduy.s: Stress Re­ lief, workshop by Healthy Carolin­ ians of Davic. Free, open lo public, wonderful speakers, coffee, hot eider, desserts. Al 7 p.m., Davie Co, I’ublic Library, Friday, N ov. 21 American Red Cruss HIuud Drive, I0a.m.-2;30p.m.,al WnlMart, 1063 Yadkinville Road. Saturday, N ov. 29 American Red Cross Hlood Drive, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., at Smilh Grove Rurilan, 4126 U.S. 158, Advnnce. O ngoing visit Cuoiccmee'.s Mill Village Mu­ seum, I4ChurchSl.,Tues.&TIiurs., 9 n.m.-noon. Sals,, 11 a.m,-2 p.m. Tours also uvailable by appt. Call 294-6040. Presciiuol Storytime, Tues., 11 n.m.,DavieCounty Libnuy. 30-minute program. For children ages 3-5. Mu­ sic, read aloud, siories, films, nursety rhymes. Richurd Burr Holds Office Hours in Davie, 2nd Thurs. of cveiy monlh, 9 a.m. til 4 p.m., Mocksville Town Hall Building. Special Oiyinplcs of Davie County, play aclivies & fun nile, Wcdnesdnys nl Brock Bidg. Play activities 6-7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 p.m. Open lo all per­ sons with disnbililies & Uieir families. Meetings Tuesday, N ov. 11 Ghana Trip 2004 Meeting, for any­ one interested in attendiiigStorehousc for Jesus mcdical mission trip lo Ghana, 6:30 p.m. nl Storehouse, De­ pot Street, Mocksville. Wed. & Tliurs., Nov. 19 & 20 Christian Wumen’.s Ciubs, nl Ber­ muda Run Counliy Club. Wednesday lunchcon, 11:15 u.m., $12.25, theme "Festive Fushions", cull 774-9962. Thursday brunch 9:30-11:30 a.m., $10.50, theme "Tlianksgiving Holi­ day Brunch", call 940-6885 or 760- 4253, S unday, D ec. 7 Annual Meeting, for Smith Grove Fire Depl, al Ihc fire dept,, 4155 U,S, 158, Advmicc, Questions; 998-3484. O ngoing Humane Society of Duvie Co., monlhly meetings 2nd Tues. of cach month, al officc Yndkinville Rd. be­ hind car wash. 751-5214. Disubted Americun Veterans Post 75 meels on Ihird Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m., al 1958 Hwy. 601 S. Conlncl J. Renfro at 284-4664 for inatc Info. DuvIb Business Women’s Associa­ tion, first Wed. of cach month, 12 noon, nt Mocksville Rotnry Club Hul. For Info: 751-2828. Davie Republican Mens Club, meets 4th Salurday of each monlh, 7:30n.m„ Red Pig BBQ. Celebrate Recovery, weekly support group for Iho.se struggling wilh bud habits, addictions, nnd victims of abuse. Meets Fridays, 7 p.m., at Hillsdale Bapt. Church, Hwy. 158, Advance. Cnll940-6618 formore info. Duvie County Horse Emergency Res­ cue Team, 7:30 p.ni., downstaiis at llie Agiicultural Building, Mocksvillc. Ev­ ciy 3itl Tuesday etich monlli. For info: 940-2111. VFW Auxiliary Post 4024,1 p,m„ 4th Thurs. cach month in lower level of Brock Bidg., N. Main Slreel. Eli­ gible members welcome. Davie Kiwanis Ciub, 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. al Webb Henl­ ing & Air, 998-2121. Recreation Formore infonnation on these events, call 751-2325, Line D ancing Farmington Communily Center. Ev­ ery Tuesday. Cosl; $2, Instructors: Steve & Linda Hntley. For more info, call 751-3848. R ec C iub Before <$ 15)or nfler ($25)schooI and out of school programs, Regislrution open, GoodTim ersSquare Dance Dance Lessons $5 per monlh. Volun­ teers for different social events. Con­ tact Elhel «998-3837, Siiverstriders W alk C lub Senlois, 50 and up, M-F, 6:30-9 n.m. No charge. M others M orning O ut Tue.sdays nnd Thursdays, $7 por dny, $40 por month. T h e D ance C om pany Mon„Tues„ Wed., & Snt. Call Emily Robertson, 998-5163. Thursday, N ov. 6 Mountuin Harvest, 8 a.m.-fi p.m., $ 15 per person, Lunchonyourownat Moose Cafe, Farmer’s Market, return down Hwy. 64 Thursday, N ov. 13 .Southern Christmas Show, 8 n.m.-6 p.m., $20 per person. Biscuit slop on way and dinner al K&W on retum, both on your own. Friday, D ec. 4 Southern Horse Festival, Raleigh, State Fairgrounds, clinics, shopping, more. For Info & times cnll 751-2325. S aturday, D ec. 5 Mt. Airy Tour Of Homes, $25 per person, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Lunch on your own. YMCA For more infonnation, cnll 751-9622 or visit Davic Fiunily YMCA. W ate r Exercise C iass For beginners nnd die experienced. All ages. Call forclass types & limes. S w im Lessons Clioo.sc from 2wk., 4 wk. ,Sal. mom- ing or private lessons. Reg. begins 2 wks. priortoclnss. Call forclass times. K arate-C arucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. T a e l<won D o Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs.. 6:00,6:45 p.m. Aduit Flag Footbail League Adult league ages 21 and up. Each leam guaranteed 10 games and scrim­ mage. League mns eariy Sept. loeariy Dec. Cosl; $550 for member team/ $600 non-member team. Call Lauren for info. Seniors All Senior Acllvities lake place al Davic County ScniorScrvices locatcd in the Brock Building on North Main Street, Mocksvillc unless otherwise noted. Call 751-0611. O ngoing Sr! Lunchbox, M ,T,W , 11:30 a.m., Th. & Fri., II a.m., lunch served daily. Silver Health Exercises, East Room ofSenior Services, M, W, F. 8:30a,m. Qulltlng,every Monduy, 10a.m.,Ea,sl Room. Scrubbie,every Monday, 1 p,m„Craft Room, Bridge, Tuesdnys Ip,m, & Fridays 2 p.m,, Ensl Room, SKH’HO, Wednesdays, 1:30 p,m„ East Room, Scrupbuoking, 2nd Tuesday, 2 p,m. Paint Class, Wednc.sdays nl 8:30 a.m.. Cruft Room. Dr, Dunn, Podiutrist, nl Sr. Services every three weeks on Monday, 8:30- 11:30 a.m. in Ihe Nulrilion Site, iaxi monlh’.1 vlsll Ocl. 27th. Free Blood Pressure Chccks, once a month, at 10:45 n.m. in Ihc Nulrilion Site. . Sr. Ciiorus,Thursdays, I0a.m.,Easl Room. Tul Chi Cinsses, Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m.. Nature’s Gifts, current session dates: thmNov.25. Class size limited, call Sr. Services al 75lr0611 lo prc- registcr, E very Thursday Crafty Ludles, n new activity at Sr, Services, 10 a.m.-12 noon, in theCraft Room. We will meet each week and work on new Christmas Ornaments forthccenlor.Ci\ll75l-06l 1 formorc ■< info. Report D avie D ateline Item s B y Noon M onday Items fur Duvie Dutellne should be reported by noon Monday o f Ihc pub­ lication week. Call 751-2120 or drop it by Ihe officc, at S. Main Sl. across from Ihe courthouse. M U L V A N E Y H O M E S .c $ F U N N BUSINESS! 9 9 G e ls ^ in ! Just *9 9 on a Muivaney Showcase Home gets you inili O ur showcase homes are ready to go, and that's ail the cash you need for a downpayment! Not *9 9 plus a thousand dollars in pre-paids and inlerest and whatever everybody else sticks you for. At Mulvaney Homes *9 9 means *99. l.ool< for Mulvaney's "*9 9 Gets You In, N o Funny Business Homes"at Kinderton. And, w e have special financing to help lower your monthly T X T " D ' payments by at least *100/mo...GUARANTEED! | I n 1 J I X X \ Visit us at Kinderton, go online at MonOayFrliayll-e.SalurdaylO-S.Sundayl-e ----------------- WWW.MuivaneyHomeS.com or call 9 4 0 .4 6 6 3 fmml-IOWKl.UkiExiiieOIHwMII TuniijMomoH^y eOl.Mtlirslngliloii' Vai)liiiVjll«ylM, Communily mliyii on llll njhl. LSJItokift Wtlioffli ■ S 9 Homes from » M ^ p ^ o n t h ^ e w ^ r l y a r ^ m e s from '674 per monlh. See your Mulvaney Sales Agenl for complete delails, A Good Attitude Teen Who Lost Foot In Lawnmower Accident Learning To Use Artificial Leg Page D1 m r D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD U SP S 149-60 N um ber 46 Thursday, Nov. 13 , 2003 4 0 P A G E S Murder Suspects Denied Bond Reduction Iiy .laokie Seabolt Davic County Enterprise Record Murder .suspect.s Donald Ray Niclioi.s and Donna Denise Blanlccnsliip were transferred from Diivie Detention Center to Forsytli and Iredell jails, respectively, after requests by their lawyers for bond reductions were denied in Davie District Court last Thursday. Both are accused of killing Ernest Howell, 27, at daybreak Sept. 16 in a borrowed SUV found parked on Farmington Road in front of North Davie Middle School. Nichols, 30, crossed his arms and sat silently as attorney Harrell Powell Jr. spoke in his defense. He began by telling Judge Mary Covington that “this is a tragic case." Powell said on Sept. 16 Nichols was highly intoxicated and had partied throughout the night with Howell. "At some point the decedent, who said he was a drug dealer, was going to get more drugs.” According to Powell, he asked Nichols and Blankenship to go with him. “At some point a situation ensued in which my client believed he was being robbed and his life was ^ B o th defendants have given statements that are inconsistent with evidence in this c a s e .® ^ ' A ssistan t DA Terry IVIeinecite in danger.” Powell .said Nichols struck Howell in the face with his fist, and the two began fighting. “The problem was the decedent was fighting him while still driving. My client was trying to get the car stopped.” j’oweli said Blankenship grabbed Howell in an ami lock from tho back seat for fear her baby, who was in a car seal beside her, would be harmed. Nichols got his foot on the brake and pulled tho car to the side. , Powell said the first car to pass was flagged down and records would show 9 11 was called from a cell phone. Ten minutes later 911 was called again from a home near the scene because Powell said Nichols and Blankenship were conccrned and Greensboro, Here We Come . g:’iU 1.] V БЗ ж r .: .......... C o ach D oug llling rallies the troops after the D av ie H igh easily w on g a m e one of the state 4 -A football playoffs Friday night at W a r E ag le S tad ium . U p next, a trip to G reen sb o ro Friday night to fac e P ag e. For m ore, p le as e turn to p ag e B 1 . - Photo by Ja m e s Barringer asked that they please send someone. "The state will have a lough problem showing there was intent to kill.” Howell died from suffocation, Powell said, “My client only hit him with his fist. There were no fatal blows from my client.” Nichols’ ex-wife, sister, and mother traveled from his home state of Tennessee for his court appearance. "I’ve known him for 13 years, he’s not a violent person,” his ex-wife stated. Nichols has no prior criminal Please See Murder ■ Page 4 Hello, Mr. President L o c a l F i r e C h i e f G e t s T i m e W i t h ' W ’ B y M ik e H a rn h a rd t' Davie County Enterprise Record President Georgo W. Bush got off of Air Force One Friday morn­ ing and shook the mayor of Win­ ston-Salem’.s hand, and a few other dignitaries. Then he walked over to Brian Koontz. The president of the United States did more than shake his hand. The volunteer fire chief and church youth leader from Davie County actually had a conversation with the president. It was a whirlwind three days for Koontz, who became su.spicious on Wednesday when his supervisor at Please See County Line - Page 4 Craft Corner Adiustment Board IVIember Questions Land Use Plan This WeekJ . - .................................. , . .. The 34th annual Davie Crs By Kim Jiisten Davie Couniy Enterprise Record Chances for board and public scrutiny on land uses could change if a proposed land use plan is adopted by county commissioners, Approximalely .SO people at­ tended the firsl planning board workshop lo discuss the updates lo the land use development plan Mon- day night in Hillsdale, Following a 20-minule presen­ tation about proposed changes, au­ dience members were invited lo sludy the maps up close and ask board members questions one on one, ' ' ■ , ■ While many people were con­ cerned about what would happen to their own property, some were more interested in the changes to the plan and how they came about. One man asked lhal the curronl plan be put online so lhal he could road it along wilh tlie new version, Wayne Webb, a member of the board of adjustment, was concerned about how the changes wefe writ­ ten, "Will the board of adjustment get to review this al all?” he asked. Con­ sultant Carol Rhea said lhal if the board was interested, she would be willing lo give them a pre.sentation. But Webb was concerned thal the board of adjustment was being brougiit in loo late, “The board of iidjustmont has a legal definition of what’s going oh and should be in­ cluded in the groundwork,” Ho was also concerned lhat the Please See Public - Page 4 Tho 34lh annual Davie Craft Cor­ ner will be hold Thursday-Salurday at the Brook Gym on Norlh Main Slreet in Mocksville, Sponsored by the Davie Crafl Association with proceeds going to community projects, the fair will be open from 5-9 p,m. Thursday, Nov. 13,9 a.ni.-9 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.ni.-4 p.m. Saturday. Admission is $1 for adulls. The Village Cafe will sell refresliments. T lie Bullhole C atfish A nd B luegrass S atu rd ay A t N ew P ark Uy Mike Uarnhardt Davie County Enlerprise Record COOLEEMEE - Ron Bivins is familiar wilh The Bullhole, It Wiis where ho nrst wenl nsliing, wont swimming, waler skiing, skipped school and learned a lot about the world around him. ____ ________________________________________ “There were a lol of firsts at Tho Bullhole, let’s just leave it at lhat,” he Ron Bivins, John C handler and Joan C arter tail< about RiverParl< in front of the new Please See Fish Fry - Page 4 additions, the restroom s at the left and the picnic shelter at right - Photo by Robin Fergusson ■■■' .i J J, J ,/ j '..i 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 ExJitorial Райе Election Notes Voters Miffed By Car Tax Now that elections and voting are off our m inds... a few political reflections: • Democrat Howard Dean of Vermont loolcs like the probable Democratic nominee for president next year — well before the party begins voting. He appears ready lo forsake government campaign financing — and spending limits — to spend a lot more. He — belter than any other candidate — lias learned how to tap the internet for money. The problem for the Democrats is that Dean is to the left of McGovem and Dukakis, two prior candidates who went down in flames. There's no way he's getting the good- oid-boy Confederate fiag bumper sticker vote. • Unless the worm turns. North Carolina might miss its chance to put one of its own on the national ticket. U.S. Sen. John Edwards has yet to make his mark in the cam­ paign. • Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts is also languish­ ing. Once considered the front runner, he has never re­ covered from the White House staffer’s remark that he "looks French.” Tho.se two words — uttered in jest — put him into a tailspin. • Maybe we didn’t leam much from the Florida elec­ tion debacle — that every vote counts. In Clemmons last week, less than two percent of the registered voters went to the polls. The mayor and town board were running unopposed. Mayor Ed Brewer received 175 votes — more than enough lo win, bul nol enough lo gel cxciled aboul. • In Lewisville last week, three of four incumbents for town council were thrown oul of office. Among the chief complaints-against ihem, they had imposed a $5 car tax. The lax was to pay for snow removal, but voters were angry about it. They already were paying property taxes on those cars — most of them a lot more than five dollars. Bul il was double taxation. Ironically, a car lax was one of California Gov. Gray Davis’ big offenses that led lo a land- - slide for Arnold Schwarzenegger last mpnth. We put up wilh a lot of taxes. Taxes on our homes, gas, beer, ciga­ rettes, almost everything we buy. We’re taxed when we die, taxed when we gel married, when we do just about anything. For most of us, that’s just the way it is. Bul when the government tries to lax twice for the same thing, voters — at least in Lewisville and California — get mad. • Davie Counly finally got it right on its school bond referendum last week. An earlier $29 million bond failed miserably — 70 perceni lo 30 percent. Last week, voters approved the much smaller $8.9 million package by nearly the opposite margin — 66 percent to 33 perceni. The ear­ lier bond failed over controversy about spending $20 mil­ lion to build a second high school. Ironically, Sen. Edwards is now campaigning on a theme of small high .schools. Perhaps we should all vote for him when the lime comes and let the federal government pay for our school construction problems. Thai is the Ameri­ can way. • Finally, President Bush. If the economy keeps im­ proving and if things settle down in Iraq, he should sweep his way to another term, The economy is improving, but Iraq conlinues to bedevil our armed forces. But with ter- rori.sls now striking Saudia Arabia, it’s hard to argue that we shouldn’t be in Iraq facing down this dangerous threat and punishing those responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on America. It’s uncomfortable, and we have lost valuable lives, but we have a score to settle. — Dwight Sparks DAVIE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^l^ECORD U S P S 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O . Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks..................................................Edilor/Publlsher Robin Fergusson...........................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt................................................Managing Editor Ray Tutterow.....................................................Advertising Director Brian Pitts..............................................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Baysinger............................Circulation/Classilied Mocksville Enterprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1699-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Postage Paid in Mocksville, N C 27028 Subscription Rates •Single Copy, 50 Cents $20 Per Year In N.C., $25 Outsido N.C. POSTM ASTER Send Addre.ss Changes lo; Davic County Enlerprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, N C 27028 Jerusalem Fire Department, 1963 T h e Jeru salem V olu nteer Fire D ep artm en t w as som e 10 years old w h en this photograph a p p ea re d in the C o o le em e e Journal in D ec em b e r of 19 63 . T h e departm ent at G reas y C o rn er (U .S . 601 South and N .C . 80 1 ) w ill celeb rate its 50th an niversary S atu rd ay evening. For details, se e p a g e 7. T h e E nterprise R ecord w elco m es old photographs of D av ie p eople and places. Bring th em by the n e w s p ap e r office on S outh M ain S tree t in M ocksville. In The M a il... Family Took Care Of Cemetery To tlie cciitor; In the article conccming the Red House Taylor Family Cem­ etery, it was stated that the graveyard had been bulldozed by Ihe land owner. This statement is absolutely inaccurate since there has been no damage done to tliat cemetery since our family started living on that land. It stands to reason that if the cemetery hud been destroyed then it would have been impossible for anyone to locate the graves that Vulcan is go­ ing to relocate. The only thing wc have done to that area is to add more rocks to the wall surrounding the graves. I was at Passage Of Bond Shows That Davie Residents Care To the editor: Tiiank you for taking llie time lo vole lasl week and for passing the $8.825 million school bond rcfcreiKlum. This bond represents Ihc llrsl slep in adddressing Ihc needs of ali schools in our school syslem. We have a lol of wonderful children who arc eager lo learn. We are also blessscd in our counly lo have a superintendent, adminis- tralors, leachers and slaff who perfonn Iheir individual jobs in a professional and caring manner. I applaud all school employees, children, parenls, businesses and individuals who support our schools, for your conlinuing efforls in various capacities. I lhank everyone for playing an active role in making our com­ munity an even grealer place lo live. Regina Graham-Hauser Mocksvillc that cemetery two weeks ago and the stones were in essen tially the same location that they were when I first visited there in 1948 when we first moved to that farm. There were more stones that could be read then, but tfie many years of weathering of the sandstone markers make them unreadable. The statement attributed to my father had to be a miscom- munication. In alt the years my family farmed that land, thut burial plot wus kept siicred, If it had been destroyed, then I would have not been so forthcoming with Vulcan about the location and the need to make arrangements to protect the graves when we started discussing the lease of the property. The allegation that we destroyed the cemetery is not true. John H. Seats Mocksville Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters froth its read­ ers, The letters may be on lopics of local, state, nalional or international issues. ; , An effort will be made to print all letters, provided ihey are not libelous, vulgar dr in poor laste. The editor reserves tne ngm to edit letters for grammar and for space. ,. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, inciuding a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. . ; ' Please have letters in the newspaper office no later than ^ , 4 p.m. Monday of the week to be published, Davie County Enteiprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksyille, or email lo; emews@davie-cnterprise.com. . ‘ , Got An Opinion? A dd your vote to our w eekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and D avie County. Log on at w w w .enterprise-record.co m and click on read er's poll to cast your vote. R esults w ill be listed here w eekly. Has the sale of alcoholic beverages harmed the Town of Mocksville? Log on now to cast your vote. www.enterprise-record.com Yes, 1 8 % J I DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 ■ 3 S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Call Bermuda li’s Self Storage BAKERY I THRIFT ISTORE I THOMAS.' II »<im I I Buy 1 Thomas Item | & Get 1 FREE | I nr l.r«« \ ltlll«- .I Onr 4'iiti|Min IVr I'rrsoiu 1I/2.VD.I | , C le m m o n s T h r if t S to re iI 2GG8 LowBvWoOwiviwrt FW. CtDnvnae ^ , (Acrt«fran V'UjtoCnrxJloA Giftn) II Mon.-Frt. 9-7: Sal. M; Sun. 12-5 • 7«M0e0 I SAVINGS up EVERYDAY ю 4 U Senior Cilixcns Dlncounli MEN’S APPAREL & ACCESSORIES NOV. 13th-19th BUY 1, GET 1 FREE.ail Rnm Mot Do Ecyjri Or Lerm (Mnl > hw 2 iwim IriMJail ««m vyi Dri 9c« AJ fWi PrV») attroHnia»rm»An(khrtlThoanTpkM Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Lewievillè-Clemmons Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 T I L E R I T E(336) 813-TILE Out of storage space In your home or office? Or maybe ! there Is some seasonal furniture or equipment that you don't I want to have cluttering your garage. I In any case, Bermuda Mini’s, located on U.S. 158 In I Advance, can help. It's the place lo slore all of your excess business or personal property. Just call 998-9661. V\/ith 296 storage units, including 63 lhat are climate- controlled, the community has excellent options when they need to store belongings. “The business Is doing very well," said Jessica Denzendorf, who owns the business along with her hus­ band, Ladd, and Lorin and Doris Wood. “People seem to have a real need for It. We're very clean and have a secure facility. We get very positive responses from our tenants." Bermuda Mini’s are used for a wide variety of reasons. The staff has even seen neighbors join together to rent space. Christmas decorations, outdoor furniture, tools and other things that clutter a home are just a few of the reasons people obtain a rental space. “We’re very proud of our facility and we've tried lo con­ struct a place where our customers will feel safe and secure," notes Jessica. Bermuda Mini’s has a double pass coded gate. Custom­ ers must enter Iheir pass code to gel In and oul ol the faclllly. "Our computer system records the date, time and unit number for every entry into the key pad," Jessica explains. Sandy Scholl, now a manager at Bermuda Mini’s Sell Storage, originally came to the facility as a customer. : ^ “We moved here from Pennsylvania and looked at all the storage facilities before renting at Bermuda Mini’s," she explains. 'They were Just tho best."Tho Scholls rented with Bermuda Mini’s for seven months while their new home was being built. She was so im­ pressed with Ihe professional attitude and friendliness of the owners that she came on board as an employee and has now been there lor seven years. “We go out of our way to make arrangements for custom­ ers," Sandy adds. Clients are able tp use a trailer to move items into their storage unit at no cost (call for more details.) Free security round locks are given lo tenants II they are staying for more lhan a month. Monthly rent reminders are e-mailed to tenants. For those who do not have e-mall, a courtesy phone call is made. Convenient paymenl envelopes are provided lor those who request them. Tho newest service at Bermuda Mini's Is the acceptance of credit cards. Now tenants can have their rent automati­ cally paid on a monthly basis. Cleanliness, attractiveness and friendly service are what you will Iind at Bermuda Mini’s Self Storage. Empty units are cleaned and sprayed regularly. The entire area is lighted with spotlights. So if you’re tired of all thal clutter stacked up In your home, call the efficient, courteous slaff at Bermuda Mini’s Self Storage at 998-9661 today. Better yet, drop by Bermuda Mini’s located at 146 Commerce Drive In Advance behind A Cleaner World and next to Bermuda Quay Shop­ ping Center on U.S. 158. You can also visit them on the web at www.bermudamlnls.com or contact them by e-mail at bermudaminis@yadtel.net. Wk instali cenm'c and stone ie, Fimil)'wncJ KtwM b 16 Wc bkr gml h ОЦГ »wk anJ аЫнтсг »nice. Fay Ifyunii K E Y PL.UMBING Kim E. Young - o w n er Your tis ï To Honest & Ihpendable Service• J(J Vn. Dp. • Rnn/cfitiil/ConmwrcijI • \y,ifvr/h\ilvn • li\ih & i'foffuxlDrjm • • Toihb• litsiin'd & ШинЫ(336) 75 1-2 0 6 1 Mocksvlllo NC Lie. « 22229 Гпюг/цчку Kpfuir Л .Sifl Spwktlht earaae Dccr l^enairs A ll Electrical C pciier Repairs • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount ' 25 Years Experience CABLU GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "Mr. Ed" (336) 998-2336 • Farmington, NC E D W A R D S S w ^ s Your Hometown Printer G o o d w o r k s P u i N T S h o p Stt U$ForM VourPlMtgHttM Rubber Slamps, Coptes, Business Cauls, Caibontess Forms, Odice /, Newsletters, Brochures, beJ9, Continuous Forms, CatdsSEnvetopos, Magnetio Signs. Bannore (336) 751-0200 160 e. Lexington Rd. (Hwy. 64 E). Dosvntown, Mocksvllte, NC B^rtTiiuda lylini’sj E iS .ie lfrS .to ra g e ^ 9 9 8 - 9 6 6 1 / Climate Conlrol / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting /Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance 764- TIRED OF CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyl Replacement Windows'* Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures F r e e E s tim a ie s ! Mobile Phone 978-2299 U G LY R O O F S TA IN S REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Renrovers Roof-Brite® 785-2030 100 Royal Oak Dr.. WInston-Salom. NC 27107 loonng Hours: M o n .-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10 -2 Specializing In... Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Hie Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NCWOPEN TOJHE PUBUC A D o lla r S to r e " D o lla r D r e a m s & M o r e 854 Vullcy Road, Suite .“iiX) Mock.sville, NC (besidi' Ketchk' Creek liakerv) { Ш )1 5 Ъ Ш ЛOpen éMon.-Sül. ¡Ошп-брт • 5919-C James St. Cler ( i r e a t ( x ) v e r u ^ c S t u r t s w i t h B lu e Call me for Informalion on: ffiJOY’Si ^un& M oon! Tiiique Boutique: ; Incense Scented Candies | I & Unique Gilts ' ; 8S27-D Nortti NC ISO | ; demmons, NC' ! 336-775-939^ \(Across from Arcadia Nursery I 10% OFF wilh this coup SECURITY UNDERW RITERS 336-945-3713 hill&sec»rilyuiulemrilcrs.e(m • Dliio A(lvanta|!e‘ I’lims • Muillcare Siip|)k‘iiK‘nt liisiiraiice • Puntai hluc' fur liullvlduals • Hlue Kxtnis" Discount ProgranB • Uiiii!'H;nur.are A - 1 F I R S TIMPRESSIONSСА1Ш&SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 -4 2 7 4 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 WWW. A1 Firstlmprcssions.coni Carpol Upholstery Rugs Draperies Flood Extraction Flooring Inspections Carpel Binding Rug Relringtig e s IICRC Certilied Firm O H u sq va rn a V IK lfM G Ovvrieis Ann Michel nnd Qualily fabric at greal priccs. Complete line of .sewing machines and set’i’cr.s. Adult and youlh classes. Service and repair— all tiiiikes and models. Notions-Quiltiiig-& Finibroidery .Supplies M o n -T lu ir.s 10-8 • F r i- S a t 10-5 421 & L cw isv illc-C lL'in m o n .s R o a d L cw ii (336) 766-8271 www.scwiníílyyours.cíim B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f N o rth C a r o lin a Ci.iimi yc.*' »иПюИ»!..! Rlu« Cn>u i'wl Dlua ul Noilh Covi“'* »Я«''» 'o' <ü»t» íikJ ij«l*<lt nft.iniiiiiui« •ic.liit u<i> o'ii latmi u'nl»' n'urti tti« policy nijy b* lutiti'iucil >n lo'i.« An in(J«|>«í>dtr'l liCtni«« ol iNv DIu« C'o» J>vl \¡U,t Vi<«i<l Aitoci«l<o>i S iTi4>k ol lh« Diu* C'oll Dtu* Attoci41ion SM Strvifto< II.» üVi* 01.<• &ib*t,i Ationtt>on u;oti2 i. гю) M A S T ‘Since 1989’ Woodworks A ffordable Portable B uildings WHY PAYFOR STORAGE? We Cu.stomize to Yair Specifications! 3 3 6 - 4 6 8 - 1 1 9 4 Satisfaction Guiininteed* b’inmicing Available Call For Directions* No Sunday Calls A 1 ' A Cl'un-’li Ril.A I v in iV lttS l J r. Hiuiiptonvillc, NC 27020 Storage Buildings Garages • Workshops .-..t ¿ L i' j. j- J V, J J j . J j ^ ' !'.-t.í'"í i ^ 4 - DAVIFi COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 Murder Suspects Appear In Court I; I Contiiuicd I'rom Piikc I record, except for Iriiffic offenses, according to his iuwycrs. I’owell suid Nicliols was not ;il risk for flight mid asked thut llis bond be reduced lo $250,000 iMisecured, “The nature o f Ihe cliiirge sounds very serious - and there arc no minor homicides. But nothing in Ihc law says Ihe wishes of the victim’s family are grounds for keeping my client incarcerated." Several menibers of Howell’s fam ily sal in the courtroom audience. Attorney Julie Parker spoke aboul the concerns brought lo her allenlion by a jail employee for her client’s safely while he was being housed ul D avic Delenlion Cenler. She told the judge the chicf jailer hnd lold her lo conduct her interviews wllh Nichols quickly afler his arrest because a relative o f the deceased worked »1 the ja il. “ WhcM the chief suys there’s u p rob lem ... my concerns are there," said Parker. She pointed OUI that no one has acted inappropriately, bul she fell Nichols should not continue being housed in Davie, There was ulso the issue of privacy for Nichols when speaking wilh his luwyers while inside Ihe juil. Covington told Powell nnd Purker the mosl importunl thing is thc preservation o f u ilefendunl’s constitutional rights and the privacy lo communicate with his luwyers. "1 huve lo preserve thut," .suid Covington. "The slate would want no issues for upiieul," Ulankenshlp, 30, cried as her lawyer Wude Leonard asked Covington for a reduction of her bond. H c lold C ovin g lon everything his cllcnt had lold y him svas consistent with whul Powell had said earlier. Leonard said Blankenship did have her 7-month old wilh her the morning of llic incident. "You're not out looking lo kill somebody wilh your buby nt 5 a.m. in the morning," he said. “ In this case she was following her man." Leonard touched on the issue of privacy when spenking wilh Blankenship inside the juil. He pointed out there were cameras in the lawyer’s room at thc jail. As Covinglon ordered her transfer to Iredell, Blankenship asked to be moved to Forsyih so she could sec her family and child. Covinglon denied her request. "H o w are m y family going lo see me all the way in Iredell County?" Blankenship nsked. Covinglon told Blunkenship there wns no communication ullowed between her und Nichols nnd they hnd been pul in ¡solution while in Dnvic for Ihnlrenson. Slate’ s Assistant District A llo rn e y Terry M einecke pointed oul the scriousne,ss of the crime and the fact thal Ihe release of Ihc dcfcndnnls would be u dnnger lo the communily. "Bolh defendants have given stnlcmenls thal arc inconsistenl wllh evidence in this case." Meiiiecke argued Nichols wus a flight risk. Nichols wus with Blunkenship becuuse both were actively avoiding the Department o f Social Services in Tennessee, “ That’s why they camc to North Carolina," said Meinecke. "The circumstances that led to this involved substance abuse," M einecke told C o vin g to n . "There is no ussurunce u similar circumstance cnn'l happen down the rond." Covington denied the motions lo rcducc bond. Ench remain al $500,000 secured. Their next court appearances are .scheduled Dec. 4. Public Gets A Chance To Talk About Land Development Plan Conlinued From Page I proposed changes would take ihings away from the plunning board and board of adjuslmenl. "W e’ re talking uboul a lol of is­ sues boards normally handle," he said, citing noise as an ex­ ample. "W hy? W hy would you lake lhal circuit oul?" Commissioner Dan Barrett said llie document the public was looking al was one counly com­ missioners had nol seen. "W hile Ihe counly cnniniissioners arc Ihc ultimate deciders, we've gol Ihe planning board for a rea­ son... The key word lo this is •draft'.'' I’eler Hairston asked that a nalural resource inventory be done before the map was ap­ proved to ensure lhal properly wasn't being plunned for devel­ opm enl dow n Ihe roud lliul should be protected in some way. He suggesled lhat ihe in­ ventory be done by the North ( ’arolina Land Trusl. Following Ihe meeling, the planning board met for u few Land Development Plan Workshops Wednesday, Nov. 12 Davie Public Library Thursday, Nov, 13 Cooleemee Town Hall 6-8 p.m. minuies to share the questions and eommcnls they had heard. One resident told a board mem­ ber thal the counly shouldn't be encouraging any residenlial grow th anywhere near the drag.strip. Based on input nt this work­ shop, n zoning map will be avail­ able ut the next two workshops so people cun sec the zoning cur­ rently in the county next to the, if upprovcd by the counly com­ missioners, first-ever land devel­ opment map. The land develop­ menl map would be used as a lool in determining rezoning re­ quests by landowners. Special Thanks To Bermuda Run District 3 Voters For Their Support In My Election To The Town Council November 4. Sincerely, Nancy Marshall Paid for by Nancy Marshall President George W. Busii tall<s to County Line Fire Chief Brian Koontz during his visit to Winston-Salem. County Line Fire Chief i\/1eets The President Continued From Page 1 EnergyUnited slarled usking questions about his volunteer work. Tw o hours later, they guve him thc nuniber o f a woman ul Thc While House and lold him to call. He didn’l know il wus "ihe" White Hou.sc. “ I thoughl hc wus lulking ubout n little house out here," Koontz said. Hc hnd been sclccled Ihrough the U S A Freedom Corps to meet thc president, nnd lhat woman al Thc W hile House interviewed him for about on hour. She gave lhal Informntlon lo the president. When he renched Koontz, lljc prcsideni culled him by his nnmc. "Il wns u good, firm linnd- shakc,” Koontz said, “ I probnbly gol to talk lo him for two or Ihrce minuies." Aclually, K oo niz listened more than he lulked. "He thunked me for nil Ihe voiunleerism and lold me how imporlant that is. Hc lold me hc hud been lo CuliCot- niu (during the wildfires) und most them on the front line were volunleers." Bush lold Kooniz Ihul he con­ tributed lo his volunlcer fire dc- pnrlmenl in his homelown in Texas, bul they still wouldn't let him piny on the trucks. Koontz did get time lo tell the president how imporlnnl federal grants arc to keeping volunlecr fire depurlmcnts operating. Kooniz gol lo pick one per­ son lo go wilh him , nnd he and wife Donna decided hc should take Ills father, Jnck Koontz, a former chicf of the Counly Line Volunlcer Fire Deparlmenl. "Since I’ m sort of following in his footsteps, me and my wife Ihough.i it would be a good gc.s- lure, /^iid he eat.s i'ha^ sort of stuff up anyway." His father wns on the inrmuc wllh reporters during the visit nflcr Ihe lunding, bul both hud front row scuts to u meeting Bush led Ul Forsyih Tecjmicnl Commu­ nily College lnler Ihul nflernoon. “A l Ihe end, he recognized me again. Then he ciinie down to shake hands and I got lo lalk lo him and shake hands with liim Ihcn, and daddy gol lo shake his hand then." Kooniz' day slarled early on Friday. Up ut 5 a.m ., he wus al Ihe nirport by 6, Inlking on live morning lelevision news broud- cnsls. When he Icfl there lo go lo breuk fust, olhcrs ul Ihe diner rec­ ognized him from being on tele­ vision. He wenl buck lo ihe uirporl for more interviews prior to the president's urrivul. "I wns more nervous Inlking to the press Ihnn lo the presi­ dem," Kooniz suid. "1 wus real eoinfortnblc wllh him. He was just a good, old boy lo lalk lo, 1 liked him . I'm a registered Dem ocrat, bul I did vole for him." Kooniz’ children, Brandon, 8, and Kalic, 6, were lickled Iheir fnlher wus gelling ull the ultcn- tion, he snid. Kntie got lo wnlch pnrt of Ihc visil on television ul school. Bul soon ufler he gol home, realily quickly stvuek. O n call wilh EnergyUnited, hc was sum- nionsed lo work. Everyw here the president goes, he tries lo recognize locnl volunleers, and hns met more lhan 160 since March, 2002. A 13-year em ployee of EnergyUniled, Kooniz is chief of the Counly Line Volunteer De­ partment, a job he hns held for thc pusl two years. For 10 yenrs prior lo lhat, hc wa.s assistant chief, and has been u member for 19. For Ihe pust 16 yenrs, he hns been nn emergency medicnl tcch- nicinn for the first responder pro­ grum. He is u member of thc A r­ son Tusk Forcc for Davie und Iredell counties, und is u mem­ ber of the Fire Chief Council. He Is ucllvc in the Fireman’s Aaso-. elutions for Duvie und Iredell counlics und Norih Cnrolinn. Hc Is huzmnl (irulncd lo ireut hnzurd- ous fires, chcmlcul fires und spills) cerlified. Koontz is n member of Sniem United Melhodisl Church where ho serves us n youth leader, truslee und Is on Ihe pnslor/pnr- ish eommiuee. His is un assislunt youth soccer coach. Fish F ry S atu rd ay A t P ark D ed icatio n Continued From Page 1 On Salurday, there will be un- other firsl. B iv in s , w ilh lielp from friends Ronnie Shoaf and Ron Webb, will cook fried cnlllsh for ihe hundreds of people expected for Phusc 1 of Rlver|)urk al Cool­ eemee Falls, The Bullhole. O f course, Bivins caught his first caiflsh from ihe South Yadkin River. He's dedicating the fish fry lo Ihe lale Jesse Boyce und Ricky “ Dhobcr" G lass, tw o people who loved Cooleemee nnd the river. "Other thun the O ’Nculs, no­ body fished down here more Ihun Jesse nnd Doober," Bivins snid. The grand opening fish fry will be held from noon- 4 p.m. Snlurday, Nov. 15 al the shelter, off Needmore Road In Rownn County, off N .C . SOI just ucross the river from the Duvie line. Plutes urc $7, wilh proceeds go­ ing lo the RiverPurk trust, which will mniiuge llie park.Tickets ure uvuiluble ul Osliornc's Service Slulion and Ihe Zuchary House in Cooleemee and ut Ihe Duvie Cham ber o f Com m erce in Mocksville. There will be bluegrass mu­ sic, and a brief dedication cer­ emony ut 1 p.m . for Phase 1, which ill addition to the sheller and restrooms, includes trails to the river below the dam. The Bullhole is a part o f Cooleemee, and just about ev­ erybody will have a story or iwo 10 tell. “ We came down here as a What: Grand Opening of River Park at Cooleemee Falls - The Bullhole,. Catfish Fry, bluegrass music When: Saturday, Nov. 15 Time: Noon-4 p.m. Where: Off Needmore Rd., Rowan County church group to fish and cump when I wus 8,9 , 10 years old," Bivins suid. “The Bullhole had u bnd repululion al limes, bul I never fell like I wus in any dan­ ger down here." Joanne Lester grew up in the Davie Acudmey communily, bul remembers Thc Bullhole. Her fnlher would bring her. Unlike her more rural nren, iherc were people Ul Thc Bullhole, people her own uge. “ I would see nil these chil­ dren nnd it wus hcnvcn, becuuse of ull Ihc children," she snid. Bivins snid purenls some­ times dropped their children off al the swimming pool in lown, children who wiien the parcnls gol oul of sight, headed for The Bullhole. Mothers nlwnys found out be­ cuuse your underwear would hnve thul unniislukuble river muil on Ihem, .so you Icurned lo hung your unilerwcnr on ihc Iree before hilling the wnter, Bivins suid. Remember, there were u lol of firsts nt The Bullhole. Bivins remembers The Qoyz, who left their Icgucy puinted onto one of Ihe rocks. Lesler, n fairly recent ncw- comcr lo Cooleemee, likes lo take visiling relatives und friends to the river. And she likes lo hear stories of locnl resldenls, who hnve named every rock nnd fishing hole. The fun and gnmes were .somelimes inleirupled by inju^ rics, us people pluyed on ihc slick rocks und look chuncos lliey shouldn'l huve. The Rowan side of the river whore Phnse 1 is locuied wus filled wilh ruts and mud, and it wus difficull lo uccess, Bivins suid. And il could be u dungor- ous wulk from Ihe Duvie .side. "I think cleaning il up is a plus," Bivins said. " A lol of people wunled lo keep il lo themselves. This got il cleuned up, will keep it cleuned up und be puli'olled, und 1 hope it will keep Ihc vundulism down.". Cooleem ee M u yo r John Chandler said the town’s police depurlnieni, and Ihe Row un Counly Sheriff's Depurlnieni, will periodically pulrol llie urcn. He secs ihe purk ns a possible start for an increuse In tourism. Wilh llie Textile Horiluge M u­ seum open, and the mill village life museum in the works, a purk on the river will be anolher draw for people in the heavily popu- I laled Piedmont, many o f whom can trace iheir ancestry lo a place like Cooleem ee, Ihe life in a small village wilh a textile mill and a river. “ People arc wanting short va­ cations ... places close b y," Chnndlersaid. “ I think more tours will come here," Lesler snid. D avic Cham ber o f C o m ­ merce direclor Joun Curler snid a rcconi economic survey sliows lhal Ihe lourlsm and hospiialiiy induslries would work here. People arc especially interesied in hei'iiage lourisni. A master gardener and junior masler gardener instructor, Lesler suid Ihey are Irying lo find Iho righl Seoul group lo murk u Irail,naming trees,nulive plums und olher nuun’ul I'oulures. Mocksville/Duvio Purks and Recreation is overseeing use of Ihe shollor, which can be u.sed by fum ilies or rented for lurge groups for $30 u hulf duy for $60 an enlire duy. Chandler likes whut he secs ut RiverPurk. “ It's nalural hul a lol o f the undergrowlh has been cleaned ... and Ihal's llic way It used lo be because so many people used il." Tho fish fry and grand open­ ing ceremony will be held rain or shine. If you can,lake lime lo walk the winding, wooded irail lo Ihe river. Think uboul those boys jumping into the cool wuler 30 years ugo, uboul a father and son fishing 60 years ago, about fnmi- lies gelling awuy from ihe non- uircondiiioned world by having a pipnic al Ihe cool river. V District Q)urt DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - 5 Tlie following eases were heard in Davic Dislricl Court on Nov, 6. Presiding; Judge Mary F. Covington. Prosecuting: Wendy Terry, Assislani D A . - Amnnda J. Barrier, failure lo rcduce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Brent L . Cnin, DW I, sentenced lo 75 dnys in jail, suspended two years, $200, cost, not to operale n niolor vehicle unlil licensed by De­ parlmenl of Motor Vehicles, sur­ render license, substance abuse as- sessmenl/lrealinenl, non-operation for 60 days; driving wilh license re­ voked, senlenced lo 30 dnys, sus­ pended one year, nol lo operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by De­ parlmenl of Motor Veliicles; pos­ session/display of allered/ficti- tious/revoked driver's license and misdemeanor possession of sched­ ule VI controlled subslance, dis­ missed per plea; possession of drag paraphemnlla, senlenced lo 7 days In jail, credil for 7 days served, con­ traband ordered destroyed. - Darren J. Caudle, misde­ meanor larceny, dismissed per plea. - Rodney Chunn, simple worth­ less check, $100, cost. - Gary W. Clendenln, failure lo stop for stopsign/fiashing red light, $25, cost. - Dyrell Dallon, fuilure to return rental properly, dismissed per cor­ rection. • Dewayne E . Gailher, breaking ,aiid enlering, larceny after break­ ing and enlering, dismissed per plea; cotamunlcatlng ihreals, sen­ tenced to 14 days in jail, credit for time served, write letter of apology before release. - Wings M . Gibson, driving wllh license revoked, prayer for judgment conlinued on cosi; fail­ ure to stop for stopsign/fiashing red light, dismissed per plea. • Kerry Gray, forgery of en­ dorsement, reduced lo common law forgery, senlenced lo 120 days In jail, credit for 31 days served; uttering forged endorsement, dis­ missed per plea; forgery of en­ dorsement, reduced to common law forgery, sentenced lo 120 days at explrallon of any prior sentences. - Dana C. Hall, D W I, senlenced lo 30 days in jail, suspended one >. year, $100, cost, 24 hours commu­ nily service wllhin 30 days, nol lo operale a motor vehicle until li­ censed by Department of Motor Vehicles, surrender license, sub­ slance nbuse assessment/treatment. - Dallas R. Hamilton, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed per civil settlement. - Derwood Johnson, D W I, sen­ lenced lo four monlhs in jail, en­ roll in D A R T program; driving wilh license revoked, open con­ tainer afler consuming nlcohol, dis­ missed per plea. - Gilbert A . Johnson, driving with license revoked, prnyer for judgement conlinued on cost; reck­ less driving lo endanger, dismissed per plea. - Jonalhan D. Jordan, posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, sen­ tenced to 45 days in jail, suspended one year, $100, cost, 24 hours com­ munity service williin 30 days, sub­ slance abuse assessmenl, contra­ band ordered destroyed, submit lo warrantless searche.s/random drug т т ш 40% O ff 'J Suggested Retail ■ ' o n a H BoridiolderAmisli . firattMl Furniture and V <Hom$eelyROTltura AnBqiwlteproAicaons Mid«inltMU8A l>ilngton » .. IWckcr*^ h irn iiiirc Beeker F U R N IT U R E 40B9 Olcf Hwy 64 West I I'xiinilon • screens, not to possess any illegal substances, $325 attorney, $50; as­ sault on a female and communicat­ ing threats, dismissed per request of prosccutlng witness. - Karina P. Leal, no operator’s license, prayer for judgment con­ tinued on cost. - Heman M . Lopez, speeding 77 In a 45, reduced lo 54 lna45,cost; driving wllh license revoked, fail­ ure lo wear driver’s seal bell, driv­ ing after consuming under 21, and driving left of ccnier, dismissed per plea; driving after consuming un- , der 21, $100, cost. - Aaron D. Machlolff, open con­ tainer after consuming alcohol, dis­ missed per plea; operating a vehicle in violation of reslriclion, prayer for judgement continued on cost. - Scotl R . M axwell, misde­ meanor possession of schedule V I conlrolled subslance, senlenced lo six days In jail. - Tommy W . Measlmer, failure lo wear driver’s seal belt and ex­ ceeding safe speed, reduced lo Im­ proper equipment, $25, cost. -Jeffrey D . Mlghlon, following loo closcly, dismissed per civil settlement. - Jcssica L . Nelms, failure'to slop for steady red light, reduced to improper equipment, cost. . - Elduvlna R. Nunei, no opera­ tors licensc, player for judgment continued on cosi; expired Inspec­ tion slicker, dismissed per plea. - Yolanda S. Peebles, speeding . 51 in a 35, redutid to Improper equipment, $25. cost. - Joshlit» L,'Phipps, expired In­ spection stlctcer.) driving/allowing vehicle not riglstered/lllled, oper­ ating a yehlole.Wth no insurance, and driving left bf ¿enter, dismissed per plea; exceeding safe speed, $50, cost. , - - Frances 0 . Wagoner; driving wllh license revoked, reduced to no operator’s license, $10, cost. - Jeffery A . Wamer, littering not more than 15 pounds, dismissed per plea; misdemeanor probation violation out of counly, sentenced to two years; habitual Impaired driving, dismissed per Insufficient evidence; failure lo wear driver's sent belt, dismissed per plea; DW I, sentenced to two years in jail. - Eric S. W hilaker, misde­ meanor probation violation, sen­ tenced lo 150days In jail, credil for 12 days served,'enroll In D A R T program; possession of controlled substance on jail, premises, re­ duced to misdemeanor drug para­ phernalia, sentenced to 90 days in 'jail. ■ - Johnny k< Wilson, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 45 days In jail, suspended two years, $200, cost, nol 10 operate a motor vehicle until licensed by Dc- . partment of Motor Vehicles, not lo consume alcohol/drugs, $293 attor­ ney fee, $50; failure to report acci­ dent, dismissed per civil seltle­ ment. - Matthew P. Woodward, failure to wear seat bell, $25, cost; oper­ ating a vehicle wllh no insurance, expired Inspection, and driving/al­ lowing vehicle not rcglstered/lltled, dismissed per plea. ' - Johnny L . Woolen, unsuper- vlsed probation violation, sen­ tenced to 30 days in jail. - Oscar L . Young, driving wllh license revoked, senlenced to 120 days In jail; driving wllh license revoked, failure lo wear seat bell, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule II con­ lrolled subslance, dismissed per plea; possession of drug parapher­ nalia, sentenced to 120 days in jail, at expiration of any prior sentences. Failed To Appear: - Geneva A . Eslep, driving with license revoked. - Jeffrey R. Roberts, driving with license revoked. ' - Marcus A . Rogers, speeding 60 In a 45. - Clint L . Stiles, speeding 88 In »70 . WE BUY HOUSES Any Condition —Any Location Fast Cash — Quick Closing L ig h t h o u s e P r o p e r t ie s Mocksville, N C • (336) 751-4371 ________________________ Diane Battles CPA announces the opening of her office at 128 P each tree L ane, A dvance I T S m / m 9 { fm 4 in Q M d . ' i f ] Personal Financial Consult№jg^^| Tha CPA. N«vur Umleiostlmote The Vniu«f 940-3600 • Office hours by appointment Locntcd in Hillsdale • H w y 158 & 801N (directly behind Bojtmgles) T otally com m itted to total licalthcare A f t d f a k n o w s y o u in s id e a n d o u t . All wc need is about an hour. Because witli Rowan Regional Medical Park’s new PET (Positron Emission Tomograpiiy) imaging system^, that’s ali the timc it taices for your doctor to get a comprehensive, head-to-toe iooic .it wliat’s going on inside o f you; It’s paitilcW. Non-invasive, Perfectly safe. The results afe earlier cancer detection, faster diagnosis and more immetiiate'.trcattirient. In fact, the only side effect we’ve noticed is more and more couples arc making thc first-class facilities o f Rowan Regional Medical Park their first choice for hcalthcare. R c w A N R e g i o n a l M edical Park (704)210-5000 ♦ m mrowan.org 6 - D/WIE COUNTY KN ГКRl’UISK RKCORI). Tliursday. Nov. 13.2003 Public Records Arrests The Diivic (.'опту Slicrilfs Dc- piirtnicntniiiitclliL' rollowÌDgancst.s: - Kdiiald Jmeph WooiIriilT, S'), оГ Ì74 Mimtviow Drive, villc wiis arrcMeil Ocl.} 1 for inlrai- callon iind (lisriiplion. Trhil dale: Nov. fi. - Trislaii Dijiin Oimiion, 16. of •I(i7 Madison Kuad. Mocksvillc was urresled Nov. I for contribuling lo Ihc (Icllnqucncy of a minor. Trial dole: Jan. 1.5. -Kcilh Allen Neal Jr„ 17,of 2.17 Morse Sircel, Mocksvilie was i\r- rcstctl Nov. I furconlrihuling to Ihe clclim|iiency of a minor, 't rial dale: Jan. 15. • Steplutn Cluise Einiorc, 17, of ‘I‘I9 Madison Road, Mocksvillc was arrested Nov. 1 for eoiilribuling lo Ihe ilcliiuinency of a minor. Trial dale; Jan. 15. - William Andrew Roberts. 18. of .1S8 Allen Road. Mocksvillc was arrested Nov. I for conlributing lo Ihe (Icltnqucncy of a minor. Trial dale: Jun. 15. ■ Jeremy Lee 1’roclor, 21. of 2.158 U..S. 158. Mocksvillc was arresled Nov, .1 for assault on a female and communicating Ihrculs. Triul dnle: Nov. 2». - Jeffrey Edwnrd Pnrsons. .19. of 25.1 Cutnplwll Roud, Mock.sville wns urrcslcd Nov. .1 for violution of u court order. Triul dule: Jun. 19. -Duvid Cruig Slinw, 28. of 112 Riverview, Advnncc wus nrrcsted Nov. .1 for dome.sllc criminni tres­ passing. domestic violcncc protec­ tive order violalion. and injury to real property. Trial date; Dec. 4. - Bryant Mari|uis Wilson. 20, of Fonzo Way, Mocksvillc wns arrt^sled Nov. .1 for dome.sllc assault. Trinl dnle: Dcc, 4. - Joseph Andrew Spillmnn, 65, of 1323 Junction Rond, Mocksvillc wns arrested Nov. 4 for nllowing livestock to run. Trial date: Dcc. 4. - Marvin Jones, 42, of 2295 U,S, 601 South, Mocksviile wns nrrcsted Nov, 4 for assault on n fcmnle. Trinl dnte; Dcc. 4. - Levine Livingston, 37, of 2295 U.S. 601 Soulli, Mocksvillc wns nr- reslcd Nov. 4 for simple nssnull. Trinl dale; Dcc. 4. - Su.san Kelli Lawhon, 18, of Clemmons was arresled Nov. 5 for no opernlor's license. Trinl dnte; Dec. 19, - Eric Arrêta Bartrorn, 24, of Yndklnville wns nrrestcd Nov, 6 for possession of murijunnn less Ihnn half ounce nnd no opernlor's license. Trinl dnle; Dec. 19. - Lindn Onil Lomnn, 27, of Yndklnville wns nrrestcd Nov. 6 on nn order for urrest. Trinl dnte: nol listed for Surry Counly. - Jnson Olcnn Shcnvier, 22, of 119 Westview Court, Advnnce, nr­ restcd Nov. 7 for harassing phone cnils. Trinl dnle; Dec. 3 in Forsylh. - Pnul Durhnm Ferrell, 16, of 172 Slnyu Way, Mocksville was ar­ rested Nov. 8 for trespnssing with nn nll-terrnin vehicle. Trinl dnte; Jan. 5. - Malthew Lee Perkins, 23, of 1106 Willinms Rond, Advance wns arrested Nov. 9 for fnilure lo appear. Trial dnle; Dec. 9 in Forsylh Counly. Land Transfers The following lund trnnsfers were nicd with the Duvic Register of Deeds, listed hy purties involved, ncreugc. township und deed stamps purchased, with S2 representing SI.ООО. - Tony D. Mullis and Hohhy I). Mullis to Wilma M . Davis. .I.lfv acres. 2 lols. Mocksvillc. .$.'.54. - Larry R. Louderinilk and June Louderniilk to Belly I-. Oodhcy. 1 lol. Mocksvillc. S2ft4. • Nancy N. Triplell to Mark Wil­ linm rriplcll.TunielnT. Walker. Tara T. llolshoiiser. I'onya T. Mill and Michael Scott Triplell. 1 loi.MiK'ks- villc. - l.ucille L. Tulmorc and Julius A . Fulniore lo William Rondal Smool and Bealrice f'. Smoot, I tract. Mocksvillc. - Grady L. McClamrock Jr. nnd Wnrren E. Kus|wr,co-tnisteesof the Henry E. Ilnrp Sr. Trust to Murgu- rct A. Mnrently und Braxton Milo MiiR’ud). I Irucl. Fanninglon. $190. • Westview Developmenl Co. lo Martjuis Huilding Inc.. I lol. Shady Orove. S63. - Vidu Carter Allen hy attorney in fact Eluine Allen Kent to L, Ken­ neth McDnnicl and Laura S. McDaniel. 9.61 acres. Fanninglon. S270. . - Oak Valley Associates to Cum- hridge Isenhour Monies. I lot. Fnmi- ington. $84. - Nichole W. Simmons and Adum Simmons to James E. Ward and Patricia R. Ward, I.If» acrcs. Jerusalem. - Dana M. Cable to Lenuicl Rex Murris, .94 nere, Mocksvillc, .$218. • Anthony E. Collins nnd Dinu S. Muuser Collins to Phillip Curler und Anne Murie Cnrler, I Irnct, Mocksviile, $178. - Federal Nntional Morlgnge Association to Larry T. Pierce und Suru E. Pierce, 2.66 acrcs, Caluhaln. - Tnmu M . O'Mnrn to Allon F. Mnrklund. 4.78 nca-s, Shudy Grove. - Matthew Allen Williums nnd Andren Hnrris Willinms lo Don 0. Angell und Vera C. Angell, 1 lol. Fanninglon. $70. - Everetle William Tutlerow lo Jnson Tutlerow, Eliznbelh T. McGuire, Jumes Luny Tulterow und Fninccs W. Tullerow, 2 trncts. Fumi- ington. - Juson Tutlerow und Pnige Tullerow, and Elizubelh T. McOuirc to Jnmes Lnrry Tutlerow nnd Frnnces W. Tullerow, 2 trncts, Fnmi- ington. - Carol W. Holton to Carol W. Holton imd Lulher L . Holton Jr., 1 lol, Mocksvillc. - T. Dun Womble, subslilule Iruslee 10 Tumn M . O'Maro, 4 lots, $415. - Knthleen T. McCulloh to Teresn M . Couch, Tim othy R’. McCulloh und Jessie F. McCulloh, 20,700 sijunre feel. - BRW Properties lo Jerry Crews nnd Jnnie Crews, 1 lol, Mocksvilie, $30. - Piedmont Triud Construction lo T, Kyle Swicegood and Jimmie Cuudle, I lol, Clurksville. - ColoninI Estates lo Richnrd P. Hendricks nnd Curol D . Hendricks, 1 lol, Mocksvillc, $48. - Rnymond J. Markland nnd Rulh S. Mnrklnnd, Clyde Hendricks nnd Helen Hendricks to Kenneth D. Durhnm and Cynthin D . Durhnm, 1 lol, Mocksvilie, $30. - Barry H . Link lo Dallas W. Thompson and Brenda Thompson, 2 irncis, Fnrmington, $850. - Lynne S. McDnniel to Dnvid Scotl Murphy and Cheryl Ann Murphy, 1 lol, Fnrmington, $850. - J.K . Cnnter Builder lo Lynne Slewnrl, I lot, Fnmiinglon, $692. - Mulvnney Homes lo Andrew M . Ange, I lot, Fanninglon, $293. - Jeffrey D . Hayes and Nancy M . Huycs, und Michnel A . Bumgarner and Renee A . Bumgarner to John R. Taylor Jr. and Tamara K . Taylor, 1 lot, Shndy Orove, $340. - Ellen M . Vuzzo to Siruclure Investments, 2 tracts, Farminglon, $330. • Omie Vena Marlow Cariner to Lnrry Wayne Harbin and Thomas Cli\y Harbin, 3 lots, Mocksviile. • William Sanford Bameycastle to Willium M . Pnrker and Leesa Robb-Parker, 2.93 acres, $36. - Samuel P. Hall and Jacqueline H . Hall lo Anne Stapleton, 7.94 acres, Mocksvilie, $634. - Southern Communily Bank and Trust to Alexander S. McGuire, 2 tracts, Farmington, $500. Highway Patrol The following Iraffic wrccks in Davie County were listed by llie N.C. Highway Patrol. CollislimOn U..S. filli A Forsylh man was cliargcd wilh yield violnlion und no operator's li­ cense uflcr the vcliiclc lie wus driv­ ing hit another Nov. 5. Odilon Rojas-Nava of Winston- Salem wus driving a 1994 Ponliac vehicle south on 601. I^onald Orny Shore of Yadkinville was driving his 1995 Fotd vehicle notlh on fidi. Nnvu ntlempied lo lurn his vehicle lefl onto N.C. 801 und fniled loyiehl right of wuy lo Shore's vchicic. Tlie two vehicles collided. Trooper A .T. Keller rcporlcd the accident occurred al uppio.\imulely 4:40 p.m. Man Chnrged In Wreck A Duvic mun wus charged wilh unsufe movement after the vehlcic he was driving was involved in an accidcnl Nov. 7. Michael Ray Whitaker of 162 Country l.ane. Mocksvillc was driv­ ing his 1986 Jeep vehicle south on Fork Bixby Rond. Katcl Eli/.alielh Potts of 165 Papoose Trail, Advancc was driving her 1995 Jeep vehicle north on Fork Uixhy. Whiiaker failed lo yield right of way and (unicd his vehicic inlo ihe pulh of Polls'. Potts swerved her vehicle to avoid n collision and wenl off the roud to Ihe lefl. Potts' vehicle col­ lided wilh a utility box. Trooper M .C. Howell reported Ihe accidcnl occurred nl npproxi­ mnlcly 4:33 p.m. and there were no injuries. Vehicles Collide On U.S. 601 A Dnvie mun wns churged wiih failure lo reduce speed ufter Ihe ve­ hicle he wus driving liil unother Nov. 7. Chnd Lacey Leazer of 2245 U .S, 601 Soulh, Mocksvilie was driving his 1993 Honda vehicic south on 601 behind a 1994 Chevrolet vehicle driven by Robert Pnul Willinms of 562 Fnirficld Roud, Mocksvillc. Willinms' re- ilucetl Ihe speed of Ids vehlcic due to truffic nnd Lenzcr's vchicic col­ lided Into the vehicle's renr. \ Trooper M .C. Howell reported the nccident occurrcd nl npproxi­ mnlcly .5:43 p.m. und there were no injuries, Huth Drivcr.s Hu.spilnllzed A Duvic womnn wns chnrged with fuilure to yield right of wny nfler the vchicle she wus driving hit another Nov. 8. Pnlricin Kay Zambo of 239 Hcplcr Road, Mocksviile wus driv­ ing her 1997 Jeep vehicic eusi on Hepler Rond uttempting lo mnke a left turn onto Dulin Roud. Lisa Duwn Riddle of 2235 Milling Road, Mocksvilie wus driving her 1991 Chevrolet vehicle south on Dulin. Znmbo failed to yield right of way to Riddle and ihc two vehicles col­ lided. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accident occurred at approximately 9:20 n.m. and bolh women were tuken 10 Forsylh Hospilal in Win­ ston-Salcm for treatment. Chnrge.s Pending In Wrcck Charges arc pending after a Mocksville Police The following incidents were reported lo the Mocks\’illc Police Departmenl. -The lurceny of $20 w'onh of gns from Fast Tnick, Yadkinville Rond, was reported Nov. 4. - 'I hc larceny of a wallet from a pockctbook in a parking lot on 796 Valley Road was reported Nov. 6. - The lurccny of I'our wheels and tires from a vehicle parked at 1125 Yadkinville Roiul was reported Nov. 8. Arre.sls - Cicero Henry Jones Jr., 38, of 139 Fairfield Road, was charged Nov. 5 wilh brenking, entering und lurceny. Triul dnte: Nov. 20. - Cryslul Clurice Sleeie, 25,'of 2021 U.S. 601 S., wus chnrged Nov. 5 with breaking, entering und lar­ ccny. I'rinl dale: Nov. 20. ’rnifnc Accidents - A Mocksvillc teen was cited for following loo closely after u wreck on Snnford Avenue nt 7:41 n.m. Nov, 3. CnrI Brundon Ginn, 16, of 274 Kiverdnlc Roud, wns driving n 1988 Ford and ultemplcd n drive to the left to nvoid n 1987 Muzdn pickup driven by Donnld Junior Keaton, 56, of Yadkinville, hitting the truck in the renr, reported Ofncer J.P. Young. - A pnrkcd cnr wns hil on Depot Street nl 8:05 p.m. Nov. 10. Patricia Woody Walker, 33i of 139 Pete Foster Road, was driving a 2003 Honda and looked down at the gas gauge just before il struck a 2001 Dodge parked on the street, owned by Hendrix & Con-iher Con- slruclion, reported Officer Dnnny Chandler. Sheriff’s Department The following incidents were reported lo the Duvie Sheriff's Dept. - On Ocl. 31 George Troyer re­ ported a giiilur. amp. radio fuceplalc, and vehicle hatlery were renioveil from a vehicle in the Davie High School parking lol. ' Stephanie Pardon reported a wallet was lost al a location near Swicegood Sireel, Mocksviile on Nov. 3. - On Nov. 3 Kelly Siroud re- porleil a pick-up iruck was removed from u residence on Counly Line on your A uto Insurance CALL US BEFORE YOU RENEWand COMPARE RATES Check out these Discounts! - Safe Driver - MulthPolicy - Age 55 & Over )/lllstate. You'ro in good hands. Call Mark Jo n e s or Steve Ridenhour ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 0 6 6 9 Road. Mocksviile. - Kimberly Turner reporlcd a wullcl was removed from a camp­ site off U.S. 64. Mocksville on Nov, 4. - On Nov. 4 Rohert Lucus re­ ported n vchicic (lush und rudio were damaged ul a home on Essie Road, Mocksviile. - Venion Lapish reported n two- w heeler wns removed from n home on Fred Lanier Roud, Mocksvillc on Nov. 5. - On Nov. 5 Douglas Ter|)enning reported rocks were being thrown at passing cars al u locution on N.C. 801 Soulh. Mocksvilie. - Kimberly Robertson reported gus was laken wilhoul pay al Cen­ ter Exxon, Mocksvillc on Nov. 5. ■ On Nov. 6 Clinton Ellis re­ ported a breaking nnd entering at n home on Clinton Lune, Advance. - A concerned resideni of Rose liud Lane. Mocksviile reported a dog was shot in Ihe neck on Nov. 8. - On Nov. 9 Scolt Myers re- porled u irniler wns removed from the pnrking lol of Yndkin Vulley Bnptist Church, Advnnce. - Dnrlcnc Mills reported n prowler al a home on Feed Mill Road, ,\dvancc on Nov. 9. - On Nov. 9 Billy Buker reported dccr slands were damaged nl nn nren nenr Ijnmes Church Rond, Mocks­ vilie. wrcck in Davie on Nov. 8. Churlcs Richnrd Myers of 115 Crnbtree Drive, Mocksviile was driving his 1997 Ford vchicle cast on Elmore Roud und hnd stopped nl the inlerseclion of U .S. 601 lo make n left tum. Ariel Zupnta Apnricio of 129 Deck Circic, Mocksviile was driving his 1997 Honda vehicic soulh on 601. Myers failed lo yield right of way and drove his vehicle into Ihe path of Aparicio's. The two vehicles collided. Trooper J.R. Allred reported the accidcnl occurrcd ul upproximulely 9:30 a.m, nnd Myers nnd a passen­ ger were Inken lo N .C . Bnptist Hos- pitnl for ircntment. Woman Wrecks Vchlcic No churges were filed after a Duvie womnn wrecked the vehicle she wns driving Nov. 9. Deboruh Collins Booe of 168 Williams Street, Mocksviile was driving her 2000 Sutum vchicic enst on Deer Run Road and turned right to travel north on Buck Hill Rond. Booe's vehicle run off the right side of the road and collided with a driveway culvert. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reported the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 3 p.m. nnd there were no in­ juries. Twelve Deer Hil in Duvie Twelve deer were reported hit by nutomobiles in Davie County. In the following accidents no injuries 10 the drivers were reported: Salvador Oleo Jimenez of 130 Sioney Lane, Mocksvilie was driv­ ing his 1997 Dodge vehicle east on U.S. 138 when it struck a deer cross­ ing the rond. Trooper A .A . Justice reported Ihe accident occurred at approxi­ mately 6:30 a.m. on Nov. 4. Kenneth Lewis of 345 Fred Lnnier Rond, Mocksvilie was driv­ ing his 1995 Chevrolet pick-up east Fires Dnvie County tire depnrtnienis responded lo the following cnils: Nov. ii Mocksvillc, 11:35 n.m., Blaise Church Rond, dumpster fìrc; Willium R. Duvie assisicd; Mocks­ viile, 4:52 p.m.. Bethel Church Road, cable and lelephone lines down. Nov. 4: Mocksviile, 3 p.m., Yndkinville Roail, suspicious odor investigation. Nov. 5: Jerusalem, 5:20 p.m.. Pleasnnt Acres Drive, fire ulumii Cooleemee nssislcd. Nov. 8: Cornalzer-Dulin, 9:19 a.m., Dulin Rond, nuiomobile ncci­ dent; Willium R. Dnvie, 9:36 n.m., Elmore Rond, uutomohile uccideni. Nov. 9: Jerusnlem, 9:29 u.m.. Cooler's Onrage, vchicle fire; Fann­ inglon, 10:13 a.m., Farminglon Large Anininl Hospilnl, fire alarm; Smilh Orove assisted. G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & IVlix Auto Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons B a k e S a l e Saturday, Nov. 15 • 7:00am-12 Noon at Chestnut Grove United Methodist Church us Hwy. 601 North, Mocksviile H a m Bi.sciiits, S a u s a g e B iscu its, C o tte e , C a k c s , P ics, etc. Sponsored by Ihe Middle Adult Class on U.S. 64 when it collided with dccr crossing Ihe roud. Trooper M .T. Dniton reported the uccident occurred at approxi­ mnlely 8:35 p.m. on Nov. 4. Angela MillerDavis of East Bend wus driving a 2003 Toyola vehicle west on U.S. 158 when a deer en­ tered the roud and Davis' vehicle collided wilh il. Trooper J.R . Allred reported the accident oecun-ed at approximately 6:50 a.m. on Nov. 5. Chnd Ellmori Thurlo of 235, N . ^ Pino Road, Moeksvllle was driving his 1996Chevrolet vehicle north on Cana Rond when it collided wllh a deer in the northbound lane. Trooper F.C . Ferguson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 11 p.m. on Nov. 7. Shirley Mae Edwards of 137 Edwards Road, Hannony was driv­ ing her 1995 Lexus vehicle north on Bear Creek Church Road when it collided with a deer. Trooper F.C . Ferguson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 11:21 p.m. on Nov. 7. Kimberly Dawn Humphrey of Winston-Salem was driving a 1997 Jeep vehicle north on Baltimore Road when it collided wilh a deer. Trooper F.C . Ferguson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 11 ;52 p.m. on Nov. 7. Rodney Keith Harris of Salisbury was driving his 2003 Toyota ve­ hicle soulh on Cherry Hill Road when a deer ran onto the rondway inlo the path of Harris' vehicle. Trooper M .C . Howell reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 6:06 p.m. on Nov. 8. Carol Keyser Angell of 233 Famdund Road, Mocksviile was driving her 2003 Mini vehicle enst on Interstate 40 when it collided wilh a deer. Trooper F.C . Ferguson reported Ihe accident occun'ed at approxi­ mately 10:13 p.m. on Nov. 8. Christopher Mikel Bordeaux of Statesville was drivinghis 2001 Ford pick-up west on Interstate 40 when it collided with a deer. Trooper F.C . Ferguson reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 11:56 p.m. on Nov. 8. Jeremiah Keith Neiderhiser of Virginia was driving his 2001 Chevroletvehicle west on 1-40 when u deer crossed the road and caused Neidcrhiser's vehicle to collide wilh it. Trooper J.R Allred reported the uccident occurred nl npproximnlcly 4:05 n.m. on Nov. 8. Helen Reynolds Reeves of 1283 Main Church Rond, Mocksviile was driving her 1994 Toyota pick-up cusl on Ijnmes Church Road when it collided with a deer. Trooper F.C. Ferguson reported the nccident occurred at approxi­ mntcly 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 9. Christopher Ted Pope of Lex­ ington wns driving his 2002 Q M C vehicle enst on U.S. 64 when it col­ lided with n deer. Trooper M .C. Howell reported the accident occurred at approxi­ mately 5:45 p.m. on Nov. 9. Jerusalem Fire D epartm ent C elebrating SOtii A nniversary Jerusalem Volunteer Fire Department w ill celebrates its 50th anniversary Saturday from 5-7 p.m. at the station on N.C. 801 just off U.S. 601 South at Greasy Corner. Area residents arc invited to the time of refreshments and sharing o f memories, and to honor a ll present and pasl firefighters. The department is looking for old photographs of rirefighters and the department, and welcome residents to bring them to the celebration. "Over the past 50 years the fire department has experienced many beneficial changes and positive growth,” said Chief Wayne Williams. At Us inception in 1953 there were 14 charter members; Hubert Call, J.W. Everhardt, Phillip Everhardt, Alfred Coble, Bud Sell, Jack Ridenhour, Tom Ridenhour, Monroe Ridenhout^, Terry Burton Sr., Heathmnn Howard, J.T. Barnhardt, O.C. Rambeau, Lester Wooten und Harold Boger. A t this time, there are 31 ttc- tive firefighters; Wayne W ill­ iams, chief; Terry Russell, a.ssis- tant chief (MR); Terry Correll, assistant chief; Barry Correll, captain; Clay West, captain and training officer; B ill West, lieu­ tenant; Pete Ludwick, safety and traffic officer; Edwin Williams; R ick H am ilton (M R ); Joe Stafford; Joe Beck; M ichael Hamilton; Larry Thies; Stacy West; Donnie Beck; Perry M iller; Nathan Foil (EMT-D); Brent Crotts (EM T-P); Terry Burton; Eddie Spry (EMT-P); Alton Mauldin; Brian Harris; and Jeff Lagle (EMT). Junior firefighters are Jonathan Sm ith, Christopher Beck, Andy Hamilton, Darinka M au ldin , Joey M ille r and What: 50th Anniversary Celebration Where: Jerusalem Volunteer Fire Department When: Saturday, Nov. 15 Time: 5-7 p.m. Jonathan Hicks. The original building was erected in 1953 lU U.S. 601 and N.C. 801. The members built the station with donated materials and funds, witli the first dona­ tion from Margaret Woodson. Much of the equipment, materi­ als and labor were donated by members. In 1980, a new 5,500 si|uare foot station was built just south of the first building. Again, it was accomplisiied by Ihe efl'orts and donations by the members. AKso, the department received several large doniitions by tiie Margaret Woodson Foundation to help pay for Ihc kitchen and dining room, and for paving tlie parking lot. This is the facility the department now uses. The fire department has come a long way since starting oul with a 1953 pumper to the newest Iruck, a 2002 Picrce 1250 gallons per minute (G PM ) pumper-tankcr. Along with this trnck, the department uses a 1,000 G PM pumper, another 1,250 G PM pumper tanker, ii 750 G PM pumper tanker, and a 300 G P M four-wheel drive brush truck. Recently, the"departnient purchased a 2003 Ford F550 to Girl Runs Away From Moclisville Group Home Sunday Evening A 14-year-old girl with sui­ cidal thoughts ran away from a Mocksviile home Sunday night. Kala Smith had gone to lake the garbage out nt New Begin­ nings Group Home on East Lex­ ington Road and didn't return, according to a report by Mocks­ vilie Police Officer John Coley. That was at 6;45 p.m. Work­ ers at the home said there was no apparent reason, but that the girl is considered suicidal. O fficers began the search within minutes of the call, but could not locate her. N.C. De­ partment of Correction tracking dogs and the N.C. Highway Pa­ trol helicopter were later culled. The child has been listed with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Smith is described as 5-4,120 pounds with blonde hair and ha­ zel eyes. She was last seen wear­ ing a black shirt and black pants, with a black hat witii white stripe and a black coat. Site is slim with shoulder length hair. She is from the Raleigh area Kitlii Smith and has family and contacts in Person County, especially llie Tlmberlake area. Officers believed tlie girl lied to the east on U.S. 64. They al.so searciied a wooded area lo llic north of U.S. 64. Joe B yrd U .S . Congress 5tii District Republican COs t (;:q m p a R-1S.0 .1S. Pres. Drug Coat Cost Dosage, Qty. in US in Canada Celebrex, 100 mg, 60 $77,15 .$33.75 Prozac, 20 mg, 45 $105.64 $43.00 Zocor, 80 mg, 30 $101.82 .$60.00 Zoloft, 50 mg, 30 $62.00 $31.00 JO E B Y R D is tiie oniy Fiftii District candicliilc who supports legisltUion to allow Americuns to buy FDA approved prescription drugs from anywhere in the worid! P aid for by tlie canditJate ,____________ replace liie current brush truck and to run medical calls. With tho influx of more resi­ denls, die department’s call vol­ ume has also increased. Jerusalem runs un average of more than 300 calls per year, the majority of which are for medi­ cul emergencies. The depart­ ment is an EMT-D level mcdi­ cal provider. It purchased an AED , combitube and other ALS (advanced life saving) equip­ ment to provide a more ad­ vanced level of care to the resi­ dents of Jerusalem Township. “Tile existence of tiie depart­ ment would not be possible without tlie assistance of the (.adies Auxiliary, which works diligently throughout the year with muny fundraisers and a general daily support of the firefigiiters," Williams said. “Tlie department would like to thank the residents of the Jerusalem Township, tlie Davie County com m issioners, and various oiher organizations for their conlinued support over the past 50 years, and for many years to comc." Г I I I I I I I L Greeting Cards 2 5 - $ 6 . 9 9 5 0 - $ 1 3 . 9 9 7 5 - $ 1 9 . 9 9 1 0 0 - $ 2 4 . 9 9 with Ihls coupon receive an additional $2 olf when order is placed before Dec. 5 ,20 03 Foster D rug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksvilie • (336) 751-2141 Christmas Scene Photos Friday, Nov. 21 8:30am-8pm Santa Claus Photos Saturday, Nov. 22 8:30am-4pm Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksviile • (336) 751-2141 I’IN A I, W H l- K T O Rt-SEU VF. Y O U R T IM B liR L A K F , W IN T E R PO IVI FO t.lO T H E BOB T IM B E R L A K E G A L L E R Y announces the release of a very special tim e-lim ited edition entitled “W IN T E R P O R T F O L IO ” ¿ j B O B T I M B E R L A K E OfTered in ofTset lithography, "Wr«/ir/’orj(S//o'features two beautiful Timberlake images "Nay's Turkeys' mA “Covered Wagon". l)«th reproductions have image areas of 1 0 X 16* on museum quality archival stock measuring I S X 20" and are numbered as a malching set. Quality features includc hand-decldcd edges, dcbosscd panels around die image a.s well ns protective covcrwraps. Both reproductions are personally hand-signed by Hob Tunbcrlake. The issue price is S2SO.OO for the set plus shipping and N C sales lax when applicable. Oidera taken September ISdi through November ISth, 2003 wilh the edition size being determined at the end of die reservation period. C o l l e t t e A r t & F r a m i n g 835 Yndkinville Road • Mocksville, N C 27028 Ph / Fax (336) 751 -2296 E.si. 1971 Call Collette Art to reserve this special two-piece Tlmberlake edition. Shipping charges (up to $60“) waived when you order from Collette, the only authorized Timberlake dealerirrDavieCcJuhty. G R AN D O PEN IN G 4 Days O nly! Thursday thru SundaysA New Way to Shop for Your Home! ver\ Item is P r ic e 3 0 % to 7 0 % B e lo w N o rm a l R e ta il P r ic e s E v e r y Item - G u a r a n te e d ! E u ro p ean C h ristm as O rn am en ts Up to $25.00 Fashionable Decorating Accessories, Brand Name Closeouts, Furniture, Lamps, Art Prints, Oils, Mirrors, Ma1iogany%^^®^^^’ Candles, Christmas Decor & Much More! P la n t S tands Compare at $90.00, $24.99 ALL30% to 70% OFF!! Markei Hom e D eco ratin g F o r Less! Shop Thursday-Saturday 9AM to 8PM Sunday IPM to 5PM 5230 H ighw ay 158 A dvance (H illsdale) 940-6024 (1/4 M ile W est of R t 801 & H w y 158 Intersection) Exit 180 1-40 ■II' -fwifeb '/; Hwy 158 Bermuda Run .1 - 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 Honor Students D avie H ia h The lollowing Diivie High School sluJcnts were niimcd to the first semester academic honor roll. Ninth Grade All A ’.v: Maria Alvarez. Brian Blackwell, Ashlee Boger, Chris Brogdon, Lauren Brown, Ashlee Burton, Nick Buss. Kevin Crtason. Andrew Gosnell, Adena Hockaday, Dillon Manship, Lesley McBride, Ali Rus.scll, Jennifer Slancill, April Stockner, Lea Tarlelon, Corey Taylor, Jessica Vamadoc, Whitney Williams, Karla Woodward, A/B Honor Roll; Christopher Ange, Latesha Arnold, Taylor Autry, Tyler Baity, Justin Barker, Kim berly Baugh, Michael Beamon, Alec Beauchamp,Conrad Bcauchamp, Megan Bcauchamp, Am y Belluccl. Kevin Boehm. Jason Bowles, Taylor Boyles. Stephanie Bryant, Bianca Byrne. Megan Carter, Ellen Carter. Danielle Casey, Joshua Chesnee, Elizabeth Choplin, Adam Cloer, Krislina Crews, Sam Curtis, Ashley Davidson, Ross Davidson, Oracc Didenko, Robbyn Dingey. Josh D ixon, Jill Durham , Kalah Edrington, Katie Ellis, Miranda Esposito, Kelly Felts, Christopher Felts, Dustin Frye, Jade Garrett, Zachary Gentry, Rochel Coin, Megan Grey, John Grose, Britt Harrison, Jordan Hempstead, Brittany Hill, Samantha Hobson. Michuel Jolly,Tiffany Kelly, Bryan King, Thomas Kuell, Brandon Landrcth, Ben Law, Christopher Lester, Daniel Litton, Snmamha Loj, Blake London. Erica Maine, Jennifer Mann, Will Markland, Britteny Marshburn, Stacey M cDaniel, Kelsey M cDanicI. Katherine M cDougall, Wess McKnight,Ca.ssandra Meloy, Whit Merrifield, James Mighion, Grant M iller, Kevin M iller, Michael Murphy, Matthew Myers, Jared Nelms. Thomas Nelson, Patrick O'Connor, Morgan Owens, Lauren Parker, David Pitts, Kim Poplawskl, Christopher Poplin, Wesley Potts, Sabrina Quillin, Andy Ramsbotham, Renee Ratledge, Kyle Rclchel, Allyson Reynolds, Rebecca Riddle, Jack Kooney, Amanda Russell. Kalhryn Schamens. Katie Seaford, Bennett Shipman. Jennifer Smith, Whitney Snow, Matthew Spach, Kristen Spainhour. Aston Stansberry, Kaylin Stansberry, Courtney Stevens, Kristi Stoneman, Megan Theurer. Brandi Veach, Amanda Walser, Brooklee Want, Michacl Weakley, Matthew Webb, Michael W entz, Justin Whilaker, Molly Whitaker, Jenno Wolford. 10th Grade Л II A's: Andrew C. Allen, Ben Bruffey, Meredith Cheek, Brad Corriher. Justin Daywall. Tracy Easter. Clayton Edwards, Kristen Fromal, Evan Hall, Jacob Hauser. Cara Hennings, Jessica Huggins, Phillip Hursey, Jacob Llo yd , Jonathan M ayfield, Joseph McDaniels, Raeshon McNeil,Ryan Michael, David Monsees, Brittney Overby, Phillip Scott, Adam Sheesley. Kelli Sifford. Michael Smith, Jennifer Spillman, Stacey Statham, Lance Stout, Nicholas Tuckcr, Christal Willis. A/B Honor Roll: Brent Ahendroth, Neely Ale.xander, Timolhy Allen, Meghan Appelt, Brian Bullard, Jessica Beck, Andrew Beeson, Elizabeth Bennett, Lauren Bennett, Michuel Bingham,Carly Boolh, Am y Bosl, Jim Bremer, Rebekah Brock, Ja.son Buchonan. John Call, Corderia Chambers, Maegan Cline, Matthew C lu tz, Sarah Collis, Brittany Cooper, Megan Cooper, Brittany Cope, Erica Corne, Stephanie Croall, Kelley Croisslin, Chelsea Curry, Stephen Dennison. Marcie Dickm ann. Jacqueline Downing, Kami Ellis, Brandon Em cn, Christopher Foote, Wendy Fulk, Justine Gamble, Katherine Gaskin, Kena Gentry, William Goad, Deyvl G om ez. Joseph Gunter. Dennis Haile, Kaitlen Hall, Dustin Harris,Trent Harrison. Matt Hauser. Grace Hayes, Brandon Hedrick, Mark Hennessey. Brian H ill. Russell H ilton. Brook Hinman, Adrian Hogue, George Holder, Stephanie Hoy, Rachcl Humphries, Darren Hunt. Holly Hunter, Mitchell Ivey, Logan Joldersma, Krystle Kelly, Erica Lane, Naycli Lo p e z, Lauren Macaione, Jessica McCallistcr, John McDaniel, Jordan Michacl, Danielle Miller, Andrew Minor. Danielle Morales, Jcssica Morasco. Misael M oreno-Luna, Drew Mossman, Dianna Naglteri, Anamarie Navarro, Casey Norman, Antasia Norwood, Jessica Overby. Jusiin Pilcher, Kayla Powell. Caitlin Reavis. Josh Relnsvold. Brittney Reynolds, Abby Riddle, Anna Ritchie, William Robertson, Erin Robertson, Brittany Rowe, Kara Seaford, Jannu Seumon. Erin Sears, Ashley Sells. Brandy Short, Jonathan Sims, Matthew Singleton, Amanda Sloun, Jaclyn Sm ith, Kathryn Smith, Kyle Smith, Sam Stunsberry, Ray Stevens, Glenda Stevenson. Leuh Stewnrt, Megan Slrouse, Em ily Teague, Elysc Timmons. Evony Tucker, Shayna Turner, Benjamin Tutterow, Conccpcion Varona, Stephanie Vines, Zachary Vogler, Sean Wagoner, Shanna Ward. Erika Whickcr. Daniel Wood, Jeremiah Worrell. n th Grade /IW/li.-TannaBerolh, Catherine Boyles, Troy Brooks, Angela* Gaither, Brooke Harris, Amanda K in g , Am y Krissak, Shelley Phelps, Shamika Pompcy, Katy Russell, Ben Shego, Justiti Shultz, Michael Vulpitta. Alyson Walker, Louren Wanucha A!B Honor Roll: Om ar A l Sweltl, Am y Alexander, Taurus A lle n , Andrew Alle n , Jon Anderson, Krystal Angell, Elizabelh Arroyo, Ashley Atkins, Jessica Bader, Jucquellnc Baugh, Elizabeth Bellueci, Jennifer Berube, Amber Blackwell, Lucas Boger, Jcssica Bowling. Casey Brewer, Kara Brucc, Brad Bruffey, Paullta Carbajal, Felix Carbajal, Abby Carpenter, Kimberly Carter, Joseph Cook, Ashley Cornatzer, Chelsea Correll, Chad Dalton, Kara Deadmon, Kelsey Dyson, Michael Eddy, Spencer Farrell, Paul Ferrell, Lauren Fletcher, Brittany Folds, Robert Franklin, Heather Fritz, Latoya Gadson, Josh Godbey, Chris Goode, M ary Graves, Andrew Guildcin. Annie Haftman. Kourtney Hanrahan, Molly Harris, Megan Hendrix, W illinm Hockaday, Brittany Holman. Ben Holmes. Haley Hunt, Mallhew Ireland, Sarah Jarvis, Donald Jester, Joshua Keller, Colby Kinder, Brandi Knight, Grant Lakey, Hope Ledford, M Iki Leonard, Michelle Leslcr, Alexis Levin, Craig Link, Ramon Lomeli, Johnathan Loos, AUlson Mackintosh, Tanner Manship, David M cllw ain, Kalelyn M cKenna, A.shlcy M cK nighl, Kelly Mitchell, Kcnncih Milchell, Lorena Morena, Maria Navarro, Zach O ’ Brien, Danielle O 'N e al, Madison Ow en, Andrew Paige, Taylor Parris, Joshua Parrish, Michelle Pawlik. Rebekah Peeler, Kris Pcnland, Corey Peoples, Amanda Phillips, Jessica Ramey, Toni Register, Amanda R eid, Denzel Rice, Matthew Rich, Lea Scott, Amanda Short, Ryan Silvia, Greg Simpson, Ashley Sizemore, Mallhew Sm ith, Somer Sm ith, Erica Smith, Katie Smith, Bryson Sm ith, Christy Sparks, Talena Tagnani, Dana Vestal, David W eakley, Stephanie W endel, Christy Williams, Andrew Wilson, Terrell Wilson, Zachary Yokley. 12lh Grade All A's: Roberl Allen, Carly Balsley, Christine Baughman, Justin Boger, Christopher Burton, Hillary Cartner, Tanya D ixon , Jamie Fu lk , Adam Hanes, Catherine Harrison, Lindsay Jackson, Ana LIza n o , Jessica Odonnel, Angelique Overton, Kristen Proctor, Laura Riddle, W hitney Rum ple, Mariha Thurston, Casey W ebb, Greg Whybrew, Jennifer Williams. A/B Honor Roll: Ashley Allen, Courtney Allen, Jessica Anderson, Elizabeth Beck. Amanda Blackwood, Rebecca Boger,Alyse Bowden, Brandon Capwell, Linden Cartner, Jordan Cline, Matt Conley, Derek Cornalzer, Erik Cotton, Heather Cover, Robert Crews, Kalie Crosslin, Brittney Crotts, Kristen Culler, Chase Dooley, Trena Drake, Christy Draughn, Andrea Dwiggins, Jessica Dyson, Julie Eldred, Nick Evens, Brian From al, Am elia G rubb, Sara Hamilton, Stormy Harmon, Dimas Hernandez, Ashley Hollm an, Jennifer Horton, Jermcy Howard, Emily Hunter, Ryan Johnson, Tara Jones, Megnn Jordon, Gilberto Martlnec, Darlnka Mauldin, Jenay M ayfield, Kim berly M cBride, Kevin M cDaniels, Mátela Meadows, Jennn Michuel, Jeffrey M ighion, Amber M iller, Brian Moore, Benjamin Moreno, David O rsillo, Jason O verby, Jose Paniagua, Stacey Parham, John Patrick, Heather Patton, Rcnec Plowman, KatcIyn Potts, Florencio Rojas, Oabinal Rom ero, Erica Scherle, Anna Seaford, Ashley Seamon, LaShae Sm ith, Nicole Sm ith, Shann Speer, Courlney Springer, Margaret Steele, Erin Slrouse, Michael Timmons, Chris Tolllson, Alana Tucker, Tiffany Tumer, Jessie Tutlerow, Brittany Voyles, Laura W illiam s, Curl Wilson, Catherine W oltz, Corey Wood. South Davie Middle North Davie A^iddle The following South Duvic Middle School students were numcd 10 the first semester academic honor roll. Sixth Crude AU A’s: Roger Adkins, Luurcn Bailcy,Lindscy Bailey, Clcru Beam, y Kelsey Bryun, Brian Bullins, Shunc Butcher, Brittany Clark, Rosa Flores, RIanna Folds, Zachary Green, Chander Holland, Nicholas Juegar, Kattle Lin k, Gabrielle Lopez, William Marrs, Thomas Meloy, Gregory Nuckols, Evan O 'N cu l, Josh Peeler, Katherine Quijada, William Rooney, Corey Shorllidge, Gerald Stuklcy, Kelcey Sykes, Katie Trotter, Grace Williams. A/0 Honor Rail: Mark Akers, Andrew Allen, Kaylcc Allison, Raul Amaro Melvin Argucta, Jordan Autry, Adam Bornhurdt, Shelby Bcuumont, Joshuu Bcrryhlll, Kimberly Booe, Briana Boone, Catherine Brake, Benjamin Brock, Jarred Burcham, Kaitlln Buss, Candace Carter, Hannah Carlner, Courtney Church, Rachcl Creuson, Erin Desnoycrs, Ruben D iaz, Zachary Dreehsler, Ll/.abeth Enriquez, Patli Evans, Kristin Fcrchcc, Tina Fortney, Heather Foster, Jessie Frye, Tishu Funderburk, Kirsten Gaddy, Bradley Gaither, Devon Garretson, Gubrielle Grant, Tyler Ham , Michelle Humilton, Sum Hundy, Brenlon Hoose, Christopher Hurl •Kolby Hurt, Kayla Ivey, Ashley James, Tyler Jewell, Jessie John.son, Elizabeth Kennedy, Molly Lankford, Michacl Lanning, Christian Linton, Jose Lorenzo, Kelly Lo y, Natalie M cBridc, Savannah McGuinigul, Kuthryn McMillan, Justin Miller, Payne Miller, Britlany Moore, Rachel Moore, Hannah Orrell, Chcrlna Overton, Jumes Purls, Bedford Plummer,Truvis Powers, Juke Prim, Zeb Rumsbothum, James Ruy, Chelsea Reynolds, Rachcl Reynolds, David Rodriguez, Norma Rodriguez, Victoria Rogers, Christopher Rose, Courlney Seamon, Steffi Shaver, Whitney Short, Katherine Sim s, Travis Sm ith, Ashley Sm ool, Anna Smyers, Felicia Soard, Karen Spry, TVIcr Spry, Jessica Stephens, Maleia Stevenson, Lauren Sirickland, Katie Taylor, Elyssa Tucker, Kevin Whitley, Jcssica Williams, Courtney W ilson, Morgan W yatt, Keisha Yonker, Danielle Young. Sevcnih Grade All A's'. Jennifer Allen, Carrie Brewer, Lindsay Cartner. Murlen Gabino. Luke Hollifield. Hannuh Hursey. Joshuu Ijames. Mui^ Jarvis, Maggie Kecble, Victoria Kennedy, Daniel McBridc, Vasillka Millo, Kaillyn Mote, Jessa Ren, Kelly Solovtzoff, Chris Sponuugle, Sumuel Whitley. A/D Honor Roll: Haley Allred, Amber Beck, Heather Boger, Lea Booe, Rebecca Boone, Michacl B_rewer, Cudy brown, Trucey Brown, Joshua Burchum, Brundl Capps, Omar Carachure, Christopher Carter, Debra Clendcnin, Luis D ia z, Saruh Dinkins, Kara Dodd, Brittany Dy.son, Jack Evans. Je.ssica Foster, Kristy Freeman, Garrett Fulton, Jorge Gumu, Gloria Gomez, Britni Grammcr. Alhondru Gutierrez, Richard Hamilton, Landon Harris, Dana Huyes, Shelton Howurd, Xuvier Howell, Muriun Hunckler, Zuchary llling, Melinda jublonski, Jordan James, Shelby Karrlkcr, Churlcs Lee, Paul Lincc, Michuel Lucas, Brittuny Mabc, Rachcl Mackinlosh, Maggie MacLean, Mcaghan Mathews, Adam McKnighl, Madison Melton, James Norlh, Lindsay Phurr, Karlyn Phipps, Cody Rusher, Stacy Sanders, Anna Sm ith, Chelsea Smith, Heather Smith, Corey Spell, Kevin Slewarl, Whilney Talbert, Joseph C . Taylor, Joseph T . Tuylpr, Kelsey Taylor, Audcl Urioslegui, Stephanie Walker, Brandon Walls, Joshua Whitaker, Megan Whittaker, Debra W ilson, Tabitha W ilt, Kristina Yourdon, Noemi Zelaya. Eighth Grnde All /I'.v.’ Caitlin Atkinson, Amanda Bridges, Meghan Collins, Talum Crews, Michael Domanski, Brian Gaither, Lauren Hauser, Yesenia Lopez, David PruUl, Rachcl Simpson, Matthew Vanhoy, Erin Williams. A/B Honor Roll; Alex Appelt, Trey Archer, Catherine Arevalo, Summer Best, Sarah Blackwell, Jordan Brown, Lee Cain, Courtney Campbell, Tayler Cave, Dylan Cheek, Amanda Cook, Tonyu Correll, Morgun Costner, Joshua Craver, Elizabeth Crowe, Chelsea Davis, Gregory Devault, Magan Doss, Lamclsha Fowler, Tckalra Gailher, Bethany Gough, Graham Harm on, Kristina H ltc, Noel Hollaiid, Clint How ell, Kyllc Jenkins, Victoria Karlck, Jamie Keegan,Tanner Lowe, Eric Lowery, Dcc Ann Lytic, Heather Medford, Ericka M iller, Sarah Moore, Kathryn Newberry, Kurt Newberry, Jeffrey Nuckols, John Parker, Elizabeth Peeler, Jusiin Phillips, John Piper, Nicholas Polls, Am y Presley, Taylor Randall, Rose Robertson, Stucy Suunders, Justlna Scott, Amber Seivers, Putrick Shore, Billy Short, Nora Smith, Carly Stauffer, Amanda Stewart, Laura Vanhoy, Brooke Williums. The following North Duvie Middle School students were named lo the first semester academic honor roll. Sixth Grade All A's; Nlcklaus Ashburn, Krystal Beam, Winston Bcckcr, Jennifer Booth, Gregory B rill, Benjamin Burton, Joshua Carter, Morgan Carter, Elizabeth Davis, M olly Graham, Lauren Gryder, Carla Hurris, Autumn Jones, Julia Juhasz, Alex Macaione, James M cKay, Costner M errifield, William Mills,Taylor Moore, Clare Moser, Catherine Nichols, Courtney Ogle, Chelsea Parish, Leanna Peedin, Michelle Phillips, Jennifer Rominger, Tyler Shelton, Taylor Slokes, Andrew Sutter, Caitlin Tlitterow, Sunni Uu, Kelley Walton, Emily Whitaker. A/B Honor Roll'. Tyler Aberncthy, Ell Adam s, Jacob Alston, Brla Backman, Sarah Barber, Stephanie Barbour, Jackie Barney, Luke Bartell, Austin Bell, Nimeeta Bhasker, Tim othy Bingham , Jessica Blackburn, Rebecco Bobo, Ashlyn Brunstctter, Samuel Cassidy, Samantha Caudill, Alcxandrca Champncy, Annellsc Chesnee, Wesley Clark, Sean Davidson, Kristie Davis, Karll Dempski, Kaycee Dixon, Sarah Ducote, Hannah Duncan, Zachary Dunn, Taylor Ferguson, John Flowers, Lisa Foster, Kassandra Gerdes, Kathryn Gerdon, Avimilix Gom ez, Emma Gordon, Duvcn Gruy, Ashley Green, Kuru Harvey, Nora Hayes, Ryan Hcsler, Madison Hunt, Kasey Ireland, Kothcrlne Johnson, Jacob Kalie, Kristen Kurns, Brudley Landrcth, Spcncer Lanning, Grace Locfflcr, Zachary Long, Atticus Lu m , Jessica Manspile, Joel Martin, Gregory Miller, Lindsay Miller, Matthew Appearing Saturday, Nov. 22 * 7pm Clemmons United Methodist Church Individually You, hie» A n n o u n c i n g N e w E v e n i n g H o u r s | Mon. 9-3, Tues.-Thurs. 9-7, Fri. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-3 3 W alk-Ins W elcom e ^ iSpiceVpYourColorfortheHolidi^slt Also appearing “Sons of Thunder” quartet from Clemmons ШЁк.Clemmons United Methodist Chmtih 3700 CIcmmone Rood • Cloimnone 76 6 ^ 76 % M ills, Jucob Moser, Alyssa Mossman, Catherine Nichols, Melissa Nichols, Oscar Orellana, Luurcn Osmond, Corrle Phelps, Sofija Pitovski, Jessica Poulscn, Adam Pryor, Jenna Pum m ill, Gregory Rogers, Jennifer Russell, Chase Sampson, Brianna Sheets, Courtney Sims, Joel Silling, Jessica Strickland, Will Suggs, Emily Tate, Brandon Tester, Morgon Thomasson, Michael Tilley, Kalhryn Van Nlm an, Brooke Wagoner, Breck Want, Ashleigh Whaling, Justin Whisenhunt, Brel Williams, Alexander Woodell, Seventh Grade All A's: Michael Burford, Brad Burlon, Allison Campbell, Vince Cloce, Will Duncan, Diana Green, Christine Gulledge, Stacy Jolly, Samantha Maready, Adam McCalllster, Ashley McCalllster, Tatyn McCann, Joshua Pan, Brel Pelerson, Michael Rowe, Jordan Schultz, John Stigall, Hannah Stroupe, Maggie Tupay, Jaclyn Woodward. A/B Honor Roll: Paige Altman, Chasen Arcy, Joshua Atkins, Austin Bally, Jake Ballman,Cassle Bames, Nathan Battles, Lindsey Bentley, Katie Bond,Taylor Brewer, Hannah Campbell, Halle Cartner, Brandi Cockerham, Samantha Contos, Carly Cornatzer, Kyle Crosslin, Mandy Doby, Paul Dodson, Izabelle Donnelly, Kaylo Drennen, Kaillyn Ducote,Nell Edwards, Suruh Evuns, Josh Frcemun, Alex Frye, Rebecca Gerdon, Israel Goheen, Scan G riffin , Suruh Hurvcl, Daniel Henderson, Alexandra Hendrix, Cooper Hinman, Salma Ibruhim, Samantha James, Julie Jones, Justin Keaton, Patrick Keeney, Kurtls Keiser, Jordan Kinder, Joey Lard, Morgan Long, Kayla Luckcy, Susanna MacFarlane, Michael Maready, Sarah Martin, Cussundra McClunnon, Audrey McIntyre, Daniel Merritt, Jennifer Miller, Ashley Mooneyhum, NIkl Myers, Christian O'C onnor, Julianne Olson, Paris Page, Andrea Paproky, Joshua Parks, Kelli Parks, Trevor Recce, Amber Rogers, Ellle Rogers, Caleb Rominger, Ciana Sampson, Kelsey Shipman, Madelyn Shore, Tiffany Short, Tatum Snow, Brandon Sowers, Will Stone, Jordan Taylor, Elizabeth Waller, Ethan Wantuch, Jerron Watson, Katelln Wensley, Brandy Williams, Natasha Wilson, Ashley Woodie, Ashton York, Monika Zakamarek. Eighth Grade All A's; Sarah Alexander, V Brittany Becker, Lindley Bess, ' Allison Bradley, Trent Brooks, Elizabeth Budd, Maryette Collett, Zeb Cope, Alyssa Corne, Ian Dowdy, Kayla Duncan, Tiffany Estep, Robert Gassett, Amy Gilbert, Margaret Guntner, Angella Harmon, Jordan Hendrix, Hannah Jakob, Kalelyn Jones, James Kuell, Coty Lee, Andrew Llnhan, Chase Macaione, Taylor M lllcson, Amanda Nichols, Brooke Padgett, Amanda Reavls, Jordan Reavls, Johnathan Roesch, Hannah Speight, Erika Wcniz. A/B Honor Roll: Margaret Anderson, Anna Bailey, Matthew Bullard, Brent Beam , Garrett Benge, Chelsea Bordner, Kayla Bowles, Meagen Brookman, Paige Carter, Devon Nicole Casper, Katie Castrovlnci, Rcbecca Church, Will Clevenger, TVler Cornatzer, Kasey Davis, Ryan Davis, Sarah Daywall, Logun DeHurt, Alyssa DeLong, Alex Dickens, Quinton Faulkner, Chris Flelem ler, Kristopher Grannamun, Leslie Gray, Am y Grubbs, John Haftman, Palrick Harris, Bryce Hauser, Raclcne Hernandez, D .J. Holman, Ryan Hutchinson, Katie Johnson, Brandon Jones, Samantha Judd, Emily Kelly, Brcttly Kirk, Cynthia Kohnen, Stephen Livengood, Jeffrey Loos, Chelsea Maness, Katelyn Manspile, Brittany McGee, Graham Morrison, Cara Mossman, Nicholas Pfeiffer, Kayla Plumley, Zack Proctor, Adam Ridenhour, Sean Rouse, Zack Russell-Myers, Brett Schneggenburger, Sarah Sexton, Cassle Shoemaker, Cayla Sims, Danielle Smith, Vann Smith, Jenny Snyder, Jamie Stuncliff, Jennifer Stanley, Kaillin Stevens, Chelsea Swyers, Em ily Tierney, Tiffany Triplett, Daniel Truszkowskl, Katya Vaseneva, Lauren Walker, Adam Ward, Daniel Wendel, Nicole W hite, Alex Williams, Kirston Wilson, Micah Womble, Jordan Yuengcr. FULL SCRVICE REDKEN $ 1 0 . 0 0 O F F ! any color or highlighf !I with coupon I I expires 12/31/03 j Latest Trends In Cutting Styling» Color Perms • Pedicures Manicures • Waxing Acrylic Nalls • Facials ANNUAL INCORPORATORS MEETINGof Smith Grove Volunteer Fire Department. Sunday, Dec. 7,2003 2 p.m. at Smith Grove Fire Dept. WATCH OUT S chool buses are on the road every day. D rive slow er. K ee p your eyes open. A nd help everyo n e rem ain safe. William R. Davie Elementary DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 ■ 9 The following William R. Davie Elementary sludenis were named to Ihe first semester academic lionor roll. Third Grade Surah Anderson, Brooke Ball, Autum n Barber, Maggie Barneycustle, Joshuu Blackburn, Cole Blankenship, Lincoln Brock, Chris Callowuy, Brittunl Cartner, Evan Cave, Jonathan Chaffin, Kirsten Cockerhum, Joey Davis, Alex Espinozu, Briana Guevara, Logan Hendricks, Will Hinsdale, Nutulic Irclund, Shelton Lunning, Jullu Lunzu, Andrew Lee, Shelby Mast, Tyler Myers, Sherri Purks, Dullon Scherer, Tyler Shoffner, Jessicu Stewnrt, Kendul Tifft, Anna Tutterow, Brooke Wullace, Taylor Weatherman,, Cody While, Tyler Wooten. Fourth Grade Brandi Allen, Ashley Anderson, Britlany Anderson, Aubrey Apperson, Megan Bcck, Mury-Kate Beck, Kuylu Bell, Haley Caudle, Derek Danner, Mary Ferebee, Courtney Grannaman, Jennifer Jordan, Payton Kelly, Sadie Lagle, Tyler Luckey, Ja'chawn Martinez, Courtney Moore, Lindsay Sanders, Nora Tuylor, Dnvid Wagoner. Jacob Wliilaker, Madison Whillock. Fifth Grade Abigail Alvarado, Tuylor Anderson, Peyton Blackley, Clifton Bodenhamer, Megan Boyer, Jordan Drennen, Matthew Dyson, Brnndon Gammons, Austen Gobble, Esmernlda Hernandez, Brenda Hernandez, Cuitlyn Hyde, Chelsea Ledford, Tyler Lee, Ashley Malloy, Jamie Morris, Tori Norris, Andrew Olson, Zachary Paugh, Joaquin Ramirez, Heaven Shoffner, Ke'Airn Smith, Kelsey Tifft, Jaleesa West. Pinebrook Elementary Cooleemee Elementary The following Cooleemee Elementary students were named to Ihe first semester ucudcmic honor roll. Third Grade Alex Anderson, Austin Burtletl, Makayla Blake, Amelia Boger, Melanie Brannock, Lysa Brooks, Ashley Burgess, Montero Carter, Will Carlner, Aaron Dodd, Justin Eckurt, Briunnu Farris, Tnrn Fox, Tyler Grubb, Daniel Harris, Colleen Hembree, Courtney Honeycutt, Jacob Horne, Alex Jacobs, Quumcshlu Jumes, Jessica Lancaster, Rebecca Mlckalowskl, Tedl M lckalowskl, Andrew Montgomery, Jnmes Osborne, Wesley Pulton, Brandon Ruth, Juson Sellers, Michuelu Shuver, Shelby Stephens, Kiyomi Tuylor, Stephanie Velotta, Jennifer West, Jonalhun West, Brie White. Fourih Grade Tyler Allen, Chris Barnhardt, Cameron Beck, Cody Bell, Karen Boger, Tyler Bush, Rebeccu Clendcnin, Whitney Correll, Truvis Crews, Kris Cruse, Muriah Dobbins, Nlcolc Ebright, Sierra Ferrell, LaStella Gray, Josh Jacobs, Nathan Jones, Andrew Kasling, Drew Lewttllcn, Malthew Love, Daruh Lusk, Elijah MucLeun, Junscn McDaniel, Luurcn Robbins, Kuytlyn Shoemaker, Josh Smyers,. Cassie Sourd, Mick Spillman. Ben Wallington, Jeremy West, Becca We.st, Auslin While, Juke Whitley. Fifth Grade Chris Allen, Anthony Beuver, Jessicu Bobbitt, Kuylu Brooks, Hullie Burlon, Shane Curler, Maggie Curler. Denitra Clement, Tiffany Cox, Devon Cross, Tony Diuz, Mulissn Diehl, Tyler Durham, Carmen Grubb, Amber Honeycutt, Joey Ijumes, Krystul Jncobs, Cody Lnne, Kudcshn Maddox, Zach Monthomery, Desirae Moses. Mikael Pulliam, Chelsey Relnhurdt, Dlunu Rodrlqucz-Sulgndo, Muriuli Sanders, Chrisla Smilh, Breanna Snowden, Robert Spillmun, Josh Stewnrt, Savanna Stover, Michcllc Taylor, Amy Trexler, Aaron Veuch, Dylan Vogler, A.shley Waller, Jacob Zihmer. The following Pinebrook Elementary sludenis were named lo Ihc first semester ncudemic honor roll. Third Grade Tuylor Anderson, Andrew Bnllurd, Conrud Cumpbell, Bradley Curter, Haley Carter, Clayton Chilcn, Kinnnic Crandall, Hannony Dlmmig, Lauren Dixon, Angciicn Donnelly, Wynll Driscoll, Matthew Ellis, Em ily Evans, Luke Hurris, Kelsie Hatherlee, Richurd Hege, Kuylu Hendrix, Jurctte Hulchins, Robert Jackson, Huley Johnson, Michuel Lee, Sydney McCune, Dylan McDuniel, Kendrick Myers, Luke Nuylor, Jesse Nester, Snmuel Newmun, Ellsc Rosier, Jennifer Rothberg, Morgun Stricklnnd, Nick Tale, Eric Thornsbcrry, Luke Walker, Jeremy Wulker, Travis Wulker, Austin Whitaker, Chelseu Whitnker, Murlssu Williams, Tori Williums, Jonah Womble, Christian Young, John Zurbock. Fourih Grade Suruh Battles, Will Beeson, Amundu Bell, Chrlstinn Bobo, Kirklin Bowles, Chundler Brndshuw, Hunnuh Brunstctter, Andrew Byrd, Ashley Carpenter, Morgan Curler, Tuylor Chundler, Tori Cionlz, Eriku Coffey, Wil Cope, Kuty Cox, Fclishn Dnlton, Emily Demurest, Auslain Doby, Sam Dressier, Taylor Frunk, Kuylu Olenn. Dixon Gom ez, Jessicu Green, Jesse Gunning, Ruchcl Hotlel, Dallon Hummer, Hallie Humphries, Kaitlyn Hutchins, Suru Johnson, Heather Kimel, Eric King, Wilson Land, Ashley Levan, Ryun London, Jasmine Lyons, Katrina Maine, Haley McCune, Maegan M cGee, Ashley M cLaurlne, Christopher Miller, Karla Miner, Amber Minor, Hollln Morrison, Kuylu Rumpersud, Jake Reavis, Heuther Riddle, Nnthun Roy, Nick Shceran,,Juryd Shore, Muggle Simmons, Nolun Smith, Christinnnu Tuylor, Chelseu Thomns, Trey Thomas, A .J. Timmons, Lacey Tulhill, Weston Walker, Jacob Walker, Hunnnh Whittington, Alyssn York. Fifth Grade Nic Anders, Mngglc Arnold, Justin Atwood, Puul Beuuchump, Mnry Belh Dehart, Connor Bodenhamer, Knyla Brewer, Ryun Budd, Dallas Burchum, Chris Carter, Chrislopher Crandall, Zachary Cranfill, Brad Deul, Asiu Evans, Jordan Flem ing, Jusiin Flood, Mengnn Gilbert, Rickey Greer, Jnsmln Gunning, Elizubeth Hurtmun, Cnltlln Hnuser. Kenneth Hockuduy, Chud Howurd, Steven Justrow, Cody Jones, Jackie Kohnen, Wesley Kulp, Erinn Lapish, Christian Lee, Daniel Lee, Juke Linhart, Kuillin M artin, Brittany Mctcalf, Justin Minor, Catie Montgomery, Hunnuh Nelson, Sean Newmun, Pete Newman, Alex Newman, Katie Reed, Dillon Reid, Blake Rosier, Charlie Rothberg, Brandon Roy, Katie Sells, Nathan Sheets, Haynes Shelton, Blake Simmons, Christopher Sm ith, Jordan Smith, Charlotte Smith, David Stanley, Brlllanl Stewart, Zach Summers, Collin Taylor, Holly Thompson, Samantha Vannoy, Gruy Walts, Jcssicu West, Putrick Whuley, Kali Whitukcr, Elulnu Womble, Jucob Wood, Olivia Woodwurd. Mocksville Elementary Cornatzer Elementary The following Cornntzcr Elementary studenis were named lo the first semester academic honor roll. Third Grade Alex Abbott, Matthew Beauchamp, Duniel Benitez, Kyle Bullins, Kristi Burton, Tyler Correll, Robby Dotson, Aaliyah Doulin, Corey Gordy, Virl Hernandez, Brent H ill, Jacob Horton, Elizabeth Howard, Catherine Joyce, Jucob Knrrlker, Jnmul Luckey, B.J. Lunier, Amber Lin k , Anna M cBridc, Justin McClunnon, Austin McClunnon, Cnrollnc Miller, Tyler Minor, Alex M yrick, Zack Norm an, Rynn Pfeifer, Bront Ponlillo, Karina Ramirez, Georgi Romano, Ashleigh Scarlett, Amanda Smith, Jason Swaim, Lauren Taylor, Jusiin Wulker, Austin Williams, Savuimuh Yosl. Fourth Grade Nicky Allen, Jacob Backstrom, Cody Buies, Angel Bradford, Chelslc Blown, Austin Carter, Kaillyn Cheek, Caroline Cozart, Tiffany Davis, Jodie Davis, Jose DIaz-Olea, Sierra Doucette, Andrea Easter, Leslie Fulton, Meredith Hnnes, Charily Ingram, Madison Junker, Mike Lewis, Kathy Murin, Tyler Neeley, Ben Peterkin, Josie Piper, Denise Rum irez, Corey Rnndull, Nutushu Runncy, Brittany Reynolds, John T. Jurvis, Luke Taylor, Trade Thomns, Megan Walker, Gerald Whilaker, Logan Wilkinson. Fifth Grade Drew Andrade, Chan Archer. Anthony Beaver. Salvador Benitez, Kuli Duvis, Erin Deadmon, Chris Diggs, Erica Etchison, Puul Gough, Andrew Guardado, Kora Hiatt, Matthew Howscr, Conner Jewell, Shelby Johnson, Justin Jones, Megan Lawson, Luurcn Marshall, Ronnie Moore, Ruchel Morules, Amber Nicholson, Huyley Osgood, Billy Pnge, Destiny Pcarcy, Tiffany Robertson, Marlen Roman, All Romano, Jasmine Sales, Multlcu Snwlcki-Johnson, Kristen Scnrlctt, De'Vonta Scotl, Kellie Sexton, Sarah Shaver, Leigh Smiley, Tyler Thomas, Amber Vundull, Wuller Vuronn, Bryson White. The following Mocksville Elemenlnry students were named to the first semester ucudcmic honor roll. Third Grndc Andrew Austin, Jonuthun Beaver, Ashlyn Blass, Aldan Blumqulst, Dylan Bright, Jessica Brown, Seth Burgdofer, Hebert Cuellar, Robert Daniel, Stephen Duniel, Caroline Doby, Jaylon Driver, Alll Dyer, Angelica Edwards, Tyler Gaddy, Huley Ginther, Vcrenice Granadero, Abby Harrold, Joshua Hleks, Deluny Holcomb, Nulhun Howurd, Dnvid Hursey, Brooke Johnson, Brandon Koontz, Jacob Lambert, Hayley Lambert, Evan Lankford, Alex Lashmit, Sydney McBride, Gerald McCall, Davin McLaughlin, Currie Miller, Lorenu M illo, Jonuthun M onk, Nikki M oody, Arturo Mourc-Gnrciu, Alexis Murphy, Will Priestly, Shnrlnn Scotl, Suruh Sponuugle, Miranda Williams, Rachel Williams, Kelsey Wooten. Fourth Grade Priyanka Burud, Anne Berkeley, Courtney Brunch, Logan Bryun, Ana Burton, Taylor Carpenlcr, Heather Cartner, Clay Cave, Alex Costner, Kendra Custer, Cameron Duvis, Ashleigh Duvis, Tyler Downing, Chelslc Endlcoll, Betsy Forrest, Alex Foster, Briunnu Gullher, Christina Griffin, Colleen Hennelly, Lundon Hurt, Justin Lunning, McKenzie Marshall, Andrcn Mclju, Kntrinn Nelson, Alex Normun, Jordun O'Neill, Chelseu Oswell, John Purker, Cameron Phillips, Kelly Presley, Mnrvin Quijada, Chris Rhodes, Hunter Sales, Jose Sanchez, Elizabeth Santis, Kyle Scrlo, Christina Shrewsberry, Paige Smart, Adam Smith, Krista Smith, Armani Steed, Angelo Tyus, Krista Webb, Jeremy Whitaker, Ashton Wise, Kucy Yount. Fifth Grade Mury Ann Kiser, Tunner Builey, Jucob Burber, Cura Belh Hendricks, Lyndsey Blnlock, Echo Burgdofer, Trey Carey, Stephanie Collins, Ashley Cook, Becca Cook, Meredith Dinkins, Andrew Domanski, Ryan Dyson, Kehia Ellis, Perry Ferrell, Denzell Garmon, Ruchel Hoffmnn, Shelby Hollund, Rachel Howell, Matthew Hursey, Matt lies, Cymone James, Will Jones, Kevin Jordan, Ashley Joyner, Allison Lambert, Tyler Luym on, Chuse London, Ryun Moxley, Daniel Moxley, Caleb Osw ell, Shanlelle Painter, Stephanie Purker, Llndsuy Peterson, Juvun Phillips, Brock Reynolds, April Rodriquez, Joel Shuler, Ashton Swicegood, Tess Tugnunl, Edgurdo Torres, Wesley Vunhoy. Shady Grove Elementary Tho following Shndy Grove Elemenlnry students were numed to the first semesler ucudcmic honor roll. Third Grade Karch Arey, Sarah Beauchamp, Aaron Brown, Elizabeth Carbone, Carly Cook, Rebecca Craig, Sarah Cranfill, Bobby Delucia, Ashley Dow ell, Isaac Dunn, Abigail Dupree, Cassidy Edwards, Brinnnn Eichhorn, Lou Estep, Jennifer Evens, Jumes Ferguson, Amber Finney, Colin Floyd, Builey Folmur, Scott Gallimore, Anna Goheen, Allison Griffin, Leuh Gryder, Aaron Guttenberg, Hannah Harter, Drew Taylor Hew itt, Sarah Hinson, Alice Hoskins, Nicholas Irwln, William Lambert, KayUi Lane, Celeste Long, Katherine McCulslon, Chuse Moore, Kelyn Nichols, Adrienne Olson, Kelsey O rr, Charles Parrish, Kristina Purrish, Cumeron Peebles, Jeffrey Phillips, Suzunne Phillips, Nick Ressn, Knylu Revelle, Josh Rominger, Wilson Rowe, Sydney Rowell, Allle SInbnch, Andrew Thomnsson, Stncy Torrence, Caroline Wugoner, Brittany Wull, Cnrn Wulton. Hunnnh Weukland, Hailey Weatherman, Cassidy Webb, Claire Whituker, Sydney Woolen. Fourth Grade Nntalle Abernethy, Blaine Adderton, Trevor Albarrun, Lexi Arm ini, Kutie Barber, Britlany Bennell, Kelsey Bha.sker, Kristin Bhasker, Megan Bolin, Ashley Byrd, Tyler Cnllnway, Dylan Carpenter, Ellie Carter, Nichole Casey, Autumn Church, Alex Cloer, Darren Colbourne, Brea Correll, Dylan Cranfill, Alexis Crater, Tommy Dillon, Kristen Dray, Ryun Dunn, Trevon Fuulkner, Sergio Feraundez, Ryun Foster, Kendrick Fruits, Murk Grnham, Paul Gunter, Duvid Нпф, Oliviu Hnrvel, Maggie Hurdle, Richard Kelly, Mason Lesser, Will Массу, Bryan McGee, Haley McKniglit, Hannah McNeil, Kevin M iller, Duvis Mossmun, Wesley Myers, Elizubeth Newsome, Builey Ogle, Bethany Pun, Morgun Purrish, Rachel Peterson, Emma Powers, Madi Pratapas, Brendan Radntovlch, Adum Rector, Dnniel Ritter, Luurn Shellon, Stephnnie Slier, Joe Sink, Kuillyn Smith, Spencer Sm ith, Nulhun Soulh, Luuru Spillman, Michael Spillman, Saruh Stlgull, Katie Sutherland, Chris Swiergiel, Stephanie Walls, Jennifer Weatherman, Nalhan Webb, Jake Whitley, Rob Wilson, Kalie Wollenweber, John Woltz, Tabalha Young, Carolina Zakamarek, Brooke Ziglar. Fifth Grade Heather Alspaugh, Donnie Baker, Daniel Barrett, Devin Beuuchump, Alex Bell, Andrew Buchanan, Kristen Curpcnter, Elliot Chapll,n, Seth Constable, Dune Cook, Justin Cook, CcIlle Cornulzer, Knyla Cornulzer, Austin Crnter, Katie Davis, Roby Duvis, Christian Dny, Brett Dodson, Zune Duffner, Collin Eichhorn, Zach Fair, Peler Fields, Hallcy Folk, Tony Gadson, Jason Gallimore, Vance Greene, Caitlyn Grubbs, Reece Hnrmon, Megnn Hennings, Christy Holdsclnw, Culob Howurd, Dnvid Howard, Amanda Hughes, Kloi Irving, Zeb Jones, Hannah Keeney, Alex Keiser, Alice Kim , Carly Kincaid, Sarah Lambert, Rebceca Lard, Andrew Ledford, Parker Lee, April Mube, Kyle Mucey, Chrisliun McGoughan, Preston McGurn, Mult Meeker, Nathan Milleson,, Meg Minor, Jim m y Myers, Jordan Myers, Daniel Needs, Taylor Normun, Ashley Rowe, Morgun Rowe, Brnndon Rowell, Lyndsey Ruble, Brundon Russell, Cody Schneggenburger, Nick Sizemore, Luke Slubuch, Alex Smithdeal, Juy Stuncliff, Hurley Slroud, Sterling Tkuch, Wendy Villatoro, Zach Waller, Landon Whilaker, Ward Wilson, Shane Winters, Chelsea Young, Casey Zakamarek, Jodcy Ziglar. They Only Come In Extra S trength 10 • DAVIE COUNTY EN TERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 P et C om er W hen Ginger cam e to our house she was a quiet, purring afffectionate cat. She is a red Burm ese given to us by our daughter. She has a sleel< ath­ letic body and a beautiful fur coat. She can jum p several tim es her height. Som etim es w e find her waii<ing on lop of shelves near the ceiiing. G inger had been im ported from Australia for breeding pur­ poses. S he has a pedigree that mai<es the Pilgrims iook iil<e sojourners. She had one iitter of kittens and decided that w as enough. W hen should would not produce again, she was spayed and sold as a pet. She is very affectionate and a Joy to have around. W e are happy to have her and wish that 'm ore people could have a friend like Ginger. S up­ port of the Davie County H um ane Society and its spay, neuter, and adoption program wiii help m ake this possible.- Norris Fellow s 64 Bypass, 601 Widening Mai<e Priority List The U .S . 64 Bypnss urounti Mocksville is the N o . I prior­ ity for govcrnmcnis in the N .C , Department of Transporlaiton Division 9. Representatives from Davie County were part of a Depart­ ment o f Transportation meet­ ing on O c t. 29 at the Davie County Library. The meeting was open to representiitives from all countics within divi­ sion nine o f the state and gives the Rural Planning Organiza­ tion (R P O ) a chancc to lobby fo r upcom ing highw a y projects. W ithin the d ivisio n , the R P O listed the U ,S . 64 Mocks­ villc Bypass as its top request o f the six requests Ihey pre­ sented. Davie County also had the sixth request presented by the R P O : widening U .S , 601 from two lanes to four from I- 40 to Cana Road, Both projects could be put on the 2006-2012 Transporta-, tion Im provem ent Plan, the first step towards getting fund­ ing and getting the projects completed. Landfill Burial Too C lo se To Buffer Davie Couniy officials got sotiie bail news that could de­ lay closing the landfill. In testing the 200-fo o t buffer aren around the landfill, Ihey found trash w here it w asn't supposed to be. The state requires the buffer nrea to protect surrounding landown­ ers nnd ground wnter supplies. “ W e’ re finding things in the buffer thnt need to be cleaned u p ," County Manager Terry Braliey told the commissioners .N o v . 3. Becnuse the project can’t continue unlil a solution is found, Braliey was faced with the possibilily o f iillowing Ihe cap contractor to go to an­ other projecl. "Clean up could be as much as $60,000, and w e’re hoping th«t’.s on the high .side. We have waste that was buried in the Jeff Claris Receives Promotion Jeff Clark, a 1982 graduate of Davie High School, has been prontoted froni patrol sergeant lo lieutenant by the Chnpel 1 lill Police Department. A prom otional cerem ony wns held on M onday, Sept. 29, in the Council Cham bers in Tow n Hall. R iv e r P a r k T ru s t A s s o c ia t io n C o r d ia lly In v it e s Y o u a n d Y o u r F a m ily t o t h e m i n aC 7^ RiverPark at C ooleem ee Falls, Phase I Catfish Fry Saturday, November 15,2003 Rain or Stnine Under itie Shelter J o i n US a n y t i m e b e t w e e n 1 2 :0 0 n o o n a n d 4 :0 0 p . m . W e l c o m e R e m a r k s a t 1 :0 0 p . m . $ 7 .0 0 p e r t i c k e t B e n e f i t f o r R i v e r P a r k a t C o o l e e m e e F a i is F o i i o w S i g n s t o R o v ^ a n C o u n t y E n t r a n c e Tickets Available a t .,, Davie C ham ber of Com m erce 751-3304 Zachary House 284-Ó040 ¡he RIveíPaik ‘snow shelter and poking lol. wrong place. A lot of it is con­ struction debris," The county can either clean up the currenl buffer, or find the edge o f the waste and buy enough land to mnke a new 200-foot buffer. Braliey asked the bonrd for their nuthorizntion for him to be able to either buy property or pay for tlie clean up, whicli- over would be cheaper. “ Wc need to fix it,” Tlie board agreed, and au­ thorized Braliey to spend up to $60,000 in additional funds to bring the landfill into com pli- nnce with regulations. S e e D e m p s e y ^ s B l u e b i r d a t T h e D a v i e C r a ß F a i r Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, Nov. 13,14 & 15 Charleston Clock '65“ K in g o flh e F ie ld ” 10 1 / 2 x 1 « Ed itio n SOO G ic lc e $ »S Depicted is a bluebird perched on a very realisticallypainted barbed wirefence post with a chud bedecked sky in the background. Tou must see Dempsey’s clouds...they will blow you awayl [10%Ъкайжг! on 1 item ! Limit 1 per ciistonier j Excliiilcs; Wooden Tniys, I Full Size S/N Prints, | ^ Gidees if Clocks j Signal if Numbmd NewThisYear: • “Blessings of Grace” aprinL of Mocksville’s First United Methodist Church • “The Fledgling" Mug • “View From tiic Veranda" Tapestry • Hummingbird Collector’s Plate The Dempsey Essick Galleiy • Heart of Wclcomc • 336-731-3499 • wwwdcmpseyessick,eom T A G SA LE PiNK 20% OFF • ORANGE 10% OFF Plom ntiìÈ\ S H O P E A R L Y F O R B E S T S E L E C T I O N . . . E V E R Y T H I N G I S G O I N G F A S T I C k n w w n A S c h o ß J BARGAIN MALL V liqvmationX^ENTER * Mirrors 40% O ff O ur P rice * Cockl-ai! T ables 40% O ff O ur P rice * A c c e sso rie s 30% O ff O ur Price CLOSE OUT A LA B A S T E R B U FFETT LA M P S JUST IN FROM MARKET T r u c k l o a d o f h a n d , k n o t t e d , w o o l r u g s . G r e a t S e l e c t i o n o f C o l o r s & S i z e s , R u g s p r i c e d 1 / 2 o f f m a n u f a c t u r e v \ / h o l e s a l e o r le s s ! New weekly stock of name brand returns, cancellations and discontinued iteins, Assated Dining Rooms, Bedrooms, Umq», Miirors, Office Fiimiture 3550 Clemmons Road • 712-1890 * Open Monday 10-5 (( 111 ui.'sl cm Slr.illinxl Kil, I'Mcnsiiiii HI l;ikc 1-40 Wcsl In ( Ifliuiimis е'\ц (цщ |,_.|i ( IO 111 4ih NUi|iliglii, Him Icli Л Iniik lill 4'liiinl on L'll IkmiIl- ( lyiiiiiuuis lilii-.ns,) ' Sports DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 ■ Bl Davie’s Trio Backfleld Puts On A Show Three Rush For 100 Yards In First-Round Blowout ' 'I Cooler Arnoici threw two TD s, as well as rushing for two TD s and setting and tying two schooi records, ■ Photo by Jam es Barringer B e ll ind Thie S ce n e s Offensive Line Has Made Running Highlights Possible By Brian Pitls Davic Couniy Enterprise Record You do all you cnn, put everybody in the box, nnd Davie’s powerhouse running gnme slill hnmmers you into submission. Chariotle H arding conch M ike Jones, like 11 opposing conches before him, knew exnctly what to expect from Davie’s offense hero Fridny in Ihe first round of the 4 A West pinyoffs. But do­ ing something aboul it was another matter entirely, Dnvie’s wnves of run­ ners - juniors Cooler Arnold, Justin Brown nnd Jnmnr Brnteher - treated the defense like n snndcnstle nnd bowled over the bewildered Rnms (6-5) for 31.3 ynrds, Remnrknbly, nil three rushed for 100 yards, Arnold had hi.s usual big gnme wilh 116, Brown, a straight-ahead beast, rumbled for 100, And Dnvie unleashed Bratcher for 102 as the fifth-seeded Wnr Eagles (8-4) trnnipled Ihe 12th-seedcd Rnms 33-14, “Those guys have tremendous bnl- nnce nfler the first hil,” Jones snid, “ They don’t stop. O u r gu y’s pretty good, but those guys don’t stop nfler the first hit, I Ihoughl we had Ihem down severnl times, so I can lell Ihey spend a lot of time in the weight room, "O h , we knew what was coming. They don’t have too much trickery over there. They’re just coming nt you. So I give them props for tremendous offsenson work. That slarled a long time ago." W hat more can possibly be snid nbout Arnold? H e’s gol vision, power, speed - he’s got il nil. The qunrterbnek/ tnilbnck nchieved four pairs of twos in Davie’s fourth strnight win, rushing for two touchdowns, throwing Iwo touch­ downs, setting and tying Iwo single-sea- son school records and picking off two passes. He pushed his rushing totnl to a PIcnsc See Arnold - Page B 7 By Brian Pitts Davie Couniy Enlerprise Rccord Give all the glory you wnnt to Cooler Arnold, Consider Arnold nnd Justin Brown for the Grentesl Running Buck. Tnndeni distinction if you like, Arnold is n gnmebreaker who is i y storming through nil the rushing nnd touchdown rccords. Fellow juniors Brown dnd Jnmnr Brntchor nrc power­ ful bulldozers who hnve helped Dnvie I nninss 2,944 ynrds, or 873 more Ihnn f opponents, i Bul ns jaw-dropping ns Arnold’s cul- f. bncks nre, nnd as fun as it is to watch Brown and Bratcher steamroll would- • I be Incklers, even N F L backs need a litlle running room. Remember, n bnll enr- rier goes nowhere without nn offensive line. The nimies of the grunts up fronl nre buried low in every slory, if mentioned nl all. They learn in youth league to never go looking for nttenlion, becnuse it usunlly only comes with nn officinl’s fiag. They live in anonymity, even when the runner is hardly touched. In the end, Ihough, It all comes bnck to the O L , und Davie’s hns delivered splendid blocking during a slirring four- game winning strenk. So let’s take time to cast an npproprinle spotlight on the guys who often Inck sufficient nppre- ciation; junior tight end Ted Rnndolph (6-4, 2.S5), senior left Inckle Znch Jn­ kob (6-4, 290), senior left gunrd Justin Norsworthy (6-0, 20.')), senior center Kyle Brown (6-3, 270), senior right guard Mnit Mnrklnnd (6-2, 220) nnd Please Sec Offensive - I’nge B9 The O L has allowed Davie to rush for nearly 3,000 yards. They are, from left: front - Zach Yokley, Brent Abendrolh, Jordan G rim es and Tony Booe; bacl< - Ted Randolph, Ryan Boehm , M att Marl<land, Kyle Brown, Justin Norsworthy, Zach Jakob and T,A, Steele. Not pictured: Dion Cody. H o -H u m D avie W restling Team Full O f Prom ise Buddy Lowery is a master of understatenient, Davie’s wrestling team wenl 62-8 Ihe past two yenrs nnd its rosier is again filled with top-10 Inlcnt, Bul you’d never know it by listening to Ihc 28th-yenr coach, “ W e’ re jusl Irying to survive right now,” he snid, "W e wnnt to gel to tlie poinl where wc don’t mnke me swent so much. W e’ve gol to get tougher nnd we’ve got lo put Ihnt puzzle logelher, "/ou cun’l just jnm Ihose pnrls in Ihe squnre nnd sny, ‘Thnt fits,’ Everytliing’s gol lo fit,” Tlie colorful nnd cnndUl Low ery pnuses nnd admits lie’s a poormoulher, "I’d probably sny lhat if I had four slale champions,” he snid, " I’m nol one to give somebody n bunch of bulletin-bonrd sluff. I snid (three-time slnle ehnmpion) Scotty Spry is n prelty good wrestler, 1 didn’t lie to you, I jusl didn'l tell you everything I knew,” Come on, conch, lell us whnt you renlly think, Low ery let his gunrd down ever so sligliliy, "W e’ re going lo be successful,” he snid, "W e lo.sl (only) Ihree .seniors,” Lowery is loaded wilh talent, so much so tlint missing Iwo guys wlio started last year (37-9 Millard Smith and 23-16 Juslin Bentley, who de­ cided nol to wrestle ns n junior and senior, respectively) hns not tempered expeclntions one bit. Nothing less Ihnn n Ihird slrnighl perfect C P C record nnd umptecnth-straigiit ranking in the slate’s top 10 will do for a team lhal returns nine slnrters nnd six state qualifiers. Lnsl yenr Dusty Johnson wenl 40-10, Russell Hilton 38-9, Aaron Hollifield 34-11, Jeremiah Raby 33-16, Zac Morton 3 1-11, Tim m y Allen 27-16 and Jo.sh Barnes 14-13, Davie’s playoff football team hns nt lensl five wrestlers, Ted Randolpli wenl 37-4 nnd Ryan Boehm 28-13, Zac O ’ Brien and Derrick Foster will battle for starting .spots, and Billy Riddle is returning after sitting out Inst senson with n foolbnll injury. Riddle could be nn nwesoiiie nddition afler going 34-12 as a varsity freshmnn nnd 2.“)-13 ns n sophomore. "I hope it's like riding a bicycle,” Low ery said of liiddie’s relurn, "H e ’s going to forget some sluff, but hopefully he doesn’t get discouraged. He knows how to wrestle, but how wili the year layoff affect liim?” Tile returning starters went n combined 282-103 (,732) in 2002-03. Dnvie’s penchnni for relonding yenr niter yenr is borderline unfnir, "We could be pretty solid,” Lowery said, "If .somebody heals us, liiey’re I’ lease See Low ery - i’age B3 Boys Building Around 6-6 Burns The Dnvie vnrsity boys bnskelbnll team has a frontline of 6-6 C liff Burns, 6-4 Michael Mashore nnd 6-4 Josh Aiken. W hnl’s Ihis? A tall frontline al Davie? Rarely has Dnvie been blessed wilh good lieighi, but Ihnl could nctunlly be n strength for the Wnr Eagles this sen- son. Their second-yenr hend conch, Mike Absher, is relying upon thnt group of juniors to lend the 2003-04 group, "Rebounding was nn nren of much concern lnsl yenr, so wilh size and more nihlelicisni in there we should be beller on Ihe bonrds,” Absher snid. "Tlinl’s n big key for us to be successful,” Lnst yenr Ihc Wnr Engles fizzled af­ ler a 5-0 start, losing six of their lasl seven games nnd exiting in Ihc firsl round ofthe Cenlral Picdmonl Confer­ ence Tournament, Afler collecting four slraighl winning rccords, Ihey wenl 9- l.“! overall and 1-9 in the C P C , They were clearly overmatched on Ihe boards - getting outrebounded by margins of 3 6 -29 ,3 7-25 ,42-31,41 -25, 47-3 4,3 1-24,3 3-24,41-2 7,3 9 -23 ,42- 27, 39-30 and 33-19 in 12 games - and no one averaged more than 10,6 points for a team that mustered only 54 points a gnme. Although they hend into the season still lacking a true slar, Absher is rav­ ing aboul big Burns in the middle, Aiken, who was a home schooler be­ fore enrolling in Augusl, hns injected excitement as a new addition. Throw in Mashore’s wingspan and Davie could pack some power in the paint. Last year Burns led the team with 7,2 rebounds, he’s the lop returning scorer at 6,7 points and lie blocked 53 shots (2.2 a game), “ Thnt’s pretly good size ncross Ihe fronl,” Absher snid. "Aiken is n very quick jumper, Mn,shore’s gol a big body nnd Burns hns been impressive. He’s gotten stronger nnd he uses ills left hand around the basket, Aiken coming in hns helped mnke the other big guys better. Everybody’s pushing themselves in the post becnuse tliere’s an added guy wilh ability i(nd athleticism. There’s going lo be mnny times when we’re going lo throw it inlo Bums nnd nsk him to score or get fouled.” Absher likes whnt lie’s .seen from five olher varsity returners; seniors Brandon Cnpwell, Rynn Price, Travis Howell and Dnvid Scliweit and junior M att Sm ith. W ith football senson Plensc Sec Absher - Page B9 Reloading Kirk Aims To Build On Ricin North Wrestling Tradition By Brian Pitts Davic Couniy Enterprise Record So what if Norlh Davie’s wrestling team lost 14 of 15 starters from last year’s 13-0 team. Expectations remain liigli nt n dynnsty progmm becnuse re­ building is Ibr oilier teams. Coach Ron Kirk has a ricii back­ ground in reloading. Etliiin Curlis was n 2002-03 confcrcnce ehnmpion nnd is the only returning starter from a team lhal produced seven Mid-South Confer­ ence cliampions. But Kirk is adept at polishing first-year sinners into sinrs, Afler nil, he’s won so big for so long that wc can linrdly remember wiint not contending for tlie chnnipionship wns like. Twenty ycnrs ngo (1982-83) wns the lnst lime North missed first or sec­ ond plnce, 1997 wns the lnsl time Norlh lost more than one malch nnd 1987 wns Ihe last time North dropped three deci­ sions. More numbing numbers; Kirk has 11 perfect records and 13 regular-season lilies in 23 years. The Wildcnis nre 194- 7 since 1987-88, they’re 93-3 in con­ ference piny sincc 1993-94 nnd they’ve won 53 of their lnst 54, Yes, if Ihis were a horse race, your $2 bet thut Norlh will finish first or sec­ ond would pay nboul $2,10, Curlis enters Ihc senson as "The M an,” Last year he wenl 15-1 with 10 pins and won Ihe 112 weight clnss. Kirk doesn’t seem worried nbout North’s newlook lineup becnuse, in lnst yenr’s end-of-the-yenr JV tournnment, Joel Bnrnell, Nic O ’ Brien, Tuylor Evnns nnd Josh Riddle (Ihe tournament’s niost- outstunding wrestler) finislicd first, Nathan Budd finished second und Evnn Wiles, James Kuell and D .J, Holman nni.shed fourlh, “ We have several wrestlers who gol n lot of mat time last ycnr and either won or placed in the lop four of the JV tour- nnmenl,” Kirk snid, “ So we have scv- crnl aliiieies with good experience. We also hnve some others who nre first-yenr people with experience in A A U nnd things like that,” Please Sec K irk - Pngc B3 Л J J Л В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 Tony Donali m eets N A SCA R legend Richard Petty, who arranged to have Tony's drag racer painted at Petty Enterprises. On The Track Tony Donat) at the line at Farmington Motorsports Park. H e's foiiowing in the foot­ steps of his dad, Butch. Mocksville 9 Year Old Drag Racer Part Of Growing Sport By M ike Gunning Spcciiil to tlie Entcrpri.se W i l h Novem ber here und cold wenllicr jusl around Ihe corner, Kevin Hughes, Ihe owner o f Farm ington Molor Sporls Pari<, is getting ready lo closc the tracic for Ihe season. th a t m ove w ill undoubtedly disappoint many young-sters who .spend their Saturday.s al Ihe track wilh Iheir parenis. Nol lo watcli races, bul lo race. Junior drag racing has evolved in recent years to become the fastest growing sport among children - boys and girls - in the country. "Farmington introduced junior drag racing a few years ago, and il’s become one of our most popular features," said Hughe.s, who’ tooli ow nership of Fanninglon last February. The track, located on N .C . 801, is one of 130 in the country that offers junior drag racing on Us schedule, with aboul I.*! junior dragsters competing weekly. Nationally, the N H R A and IH R A boast more tlian 5,000 members in the junior drag racing league programs, with ages of members ranging from 8 to 17. More lhan 25 percent of the members are girls, and the cars run an eighth of a mile-full size dragsters nm a quarter mile - hilling speeds up lo 60 M P H . The average age of a junior is 12, bul lhal didn’t deter Butch Donali from pulling his son Tony in a ear al age 9. Donali is one o f the youngest competitors at Farm ington, und is beginning to enjoy a budding reputation as a fierce competitor. A fifth grader at Mocksville Elementary School, Donali won a skills competition earlier this summer, and has placed in several niee.s. “ H e’s gelling belter every week," Butch said. "1 see improvement all the lime, and his confidcnee is growing more, too." Tony said he wanled to race because il was his dream lo follow in his dad’s footsteps, and ihe sporl gives llie two of Ihem something tliey can do together, Butch, a form er racer him self, wastes no effort in leachingTony safely. "He does real well in listening to me about how to do Ihis .safely," Bulch said. "In here (the pit garage) people can get hurt easier than they can out there (on' the track). Donali’s car is fully equipped with protective devices, including straps that prevent his arms from leaving the steering wheel in the event of a roll over. Butch said the investment of money into the sporl could be substantial. With some cars running fully equipped, the cost of a racer could run into the tens of thousands. “Tlial’s when you huve lo hit the streets, and find some sponsors," he said. Donali has pickcd up some help from several companies, including a deal wilh Hoosier Tires and Nalional Welding. Using these sources, Bulch was able to pul logelher a sealed down drag racer for Tony lo learn wilh. "W c slill needed a paint job," he snid. "Tliat's when I tumed lo Richard." King Richard, tiiat is. Butch had developed a friendship with Richard Petty while fixing air compressors in Richard’.s shop. While doing work for Richurd recently, they got into a conversation about Tony’s involvement wilh racing. Petty was impressed enough with the fam ily’s dedication lhal he offered to huve the experienced Petty Enlerprise.s crew puint the car in his shop. The car sports Petty’s colors and decallng, including one for the Victory Junction Gang Cam p, a cump for children with life threatening illnesses sturled by Kyle Petty to honor his son Adum , killed in a practice .session in March of 2000. "We talked lo Richard about Tony bringing the car oul there for tlie kids to see," said Bulch. "Tony was all for it.” “ While Petty Enlerpri.ses is not an ofrieial sponsor of Tony, Richard was happy to help the lamily offset some of their costs," .said Martha Jane, a Petty Enterprise spoke.sperson. “ Richard certainly wishes the boy well,” Tony’s success on the track has led him to try to open the door for olher kids 10 participute in the sporl. He recently spoke at a county commissioners meeting, asking for support on the expansion of Fanninglon to include a go-kart track, “ I talked lo them ubout why racing hus been good for m e," Tony said, “1 gel beller grudes, il teuches ine respecl, und when I do good, I feel good about myself," Donuti suid he plans to take Tony to other trucks next year. “ M osl o f the tracks that offer Junior’s nre in Florida & Texas. Some are closer, like Virginia and O hio," he said. “ If he’s going to get any national points, we have to go to those trucks." Racers al Fanninglon did nol quulify for nulionul com petition, because Furm ington is not currenlly on the J D R L circuit of tracks. The 2003 J D R L season concluded in the N H R A Castrol O T X Jr. Drag Racing League Conference Finals contested al Maple Grove Raceway in Mohnlon, Pa. in June. The growlh of the sport has allowed for the awarding o f over $100,000 in college scholar.ships to the finalists. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, Nov. 13, 2003 - H3 Smith Grove V o lu n te e r F ir e D e p a r tm e n t à ÎTмг èN o w T a k i n g O r d e r s f o r C h r i s t m a s BBQ S K oulders includes Slaw & Dip Orders Must Be Picked Up Wednesday, Dec. 24 by 9am To Place Order Please Call: Fire Station..............................998-3484 Junior Sm ith............................940-2861 Don Howard............................998-3479 Robert Bailey..........................998-8140 By Wednesday, Dec. 1 7 P i è K l t i à -к ЙГ ЙГ è РГ é é P r é I-.' ■ Team Farm ington celebrates a fifth place finish among 19 drag racing track team s from along the East Coast. Team Farmington 5th In Drag Points Don’t Let Your Heat Go South Replacement Windows by Great Lakes Windows... Engineered For Energy Efficiency And Low Maintenace. f r (у B U ILD IN G . I* ^ Т~ГС~| Él~iri4 einet \9tO BBMOoeuNO, UO ' Mvtnce, N.C. 998^2140 У П и к т O ptions io n Every Need & Every Budget Fanninglon Motorsports Park finished fiflh of ly Division 1 tracks in a poinls race along Ihe East Coast, And il was close. Going into the final race, Farmington trailed by one point in a back-and-forih battle among Richm ond Dragw ay and V ir­ ginia Motorsports Park. Ruin postponed the race al Virginia unlil Monduy, und many of llie Farmington leam racers couldn’t return on Monday be­ cause of work und school com­ m itm ents. Team m ate Tim Sidden losl his son in an A T V accident Saturday and had to leave. Team Furm ington ruised $ 1,4(X) for the Sidden family. Doug Walker of Greensboro went furtheresi in T O P Elminator for Team Farmlnglon, making lo the lop 10. He donated all of his winning prize lo the Siddens. Earl Hancock of Winston-Sa- lem went the furlhesi in the Foolbruke division, making it to the semi-finals (four cars). S A L E S D R I V E F R E E G o l f B a s W ith E v e r y C h ry s le r C la s s ic V c h ic le P u rc h a s e ’9,988 T h a t'S R ia h t’9,988 2 DL L4 16V SOtIC SMPI. M CWtdltlon- ir>g. till мГ>*Ы, АМДМ/Смм11в loar window cMn>»l»r, pow«> »1мллд. po#M ivufc»». S tfiMd rrutnuM trai«, смклмг ptelwiwi (Ag ZIA, b«ti «Мм» in A/TMftca hiM 7 y«ar. 70.000 гга(м |>OWM UMn CMRVSURCMIIHR44.588 A u to m a tic44.588e r'S O M -.B iO D « '.. S a le P ric e45,988 3 4Ll.4ieVDO«4C SMPI, ^A/C, Po**i Wkvtowi, АМДМ/СО Miyw.TM, 5 Pe»u>4)er Sealirtg, CMlonw Piil«n*(i Pktf. 2Л0, D««t In Ал>«К«, FiM 7 V»« 70.000 Mil* Pomm Trem WwiMity VkJOiI 2.4L DOIIC lOV &MPI 4 Cyl. 4 itoof, 7 p«*Mng«K. mi condiiioolnu. Nvd auto- nuitic, AM/FM сам, llnlod gluit. r»cknlno clam |||цГ) back buckal tuati wilh Iwo ГМГ Iwncit«». ?2C раскац*. Miy oul toner Malt, ciilki tal«(y lock* BiKl агкпсма. delay D««l Value» III A«n*nca. ’23,988 T h a t’s R ig h t’23,988 3.5L High Oulpul VO 24V, Ooal Zon« Cllmat* Control, AM/FM SIrrua 8al«lio»il/S OIK CD & CmmII« Plsyar, Powaf Moonrofi, Brtmlum LMthtr Matlnum Edllton HaalM a Way Manwfv Ouckat CuHomor Pr«rtrr»d Pk0 iflP. 4'Door, D«it Valu«i in Amartc* Tim 7 Yew 70,000 Milo Powar Train Warianty stkI Oil Chanoat. Alt p ricoa ptUH liiH , tag and S270 OOC foo. All prIcuH rufloci tobiilu. On ¿ippioved credit. 751-5948 1-888-469-3781 www.cowboyrob.com 157 Depot Street IN B E A U T I F U L D O W N T O W N M O C K S V IL L E C oach Buddy Lowery (sitting far right) has a room full of wrestlers to continue D avie’s tradition of excellence on the mat.- Photos by Jam es Barringer Lowery Enters 28th Year With Stockpile Of Winners Cunllntivd Frorn Page III going lo be a pretty good team. I don’t see loo many weak .spots. But it might be three or four weeks before w e’ re going lo have people where they belong, There’s other people in Ihe same position I’ m in. You do whal you’ve gol lod o,” Lo w e ry’s comments came before Randolph’s knee injury ugninsi Chariotle Harding, He was helped off Ihe field and the initial speculation was a possible meniscus tear. Randolph’s .slalus was supposed to become much clearer Monday. The besl-case scenario has him back in action in tw o or three weeks. The worst-casc scenario has him inissing the rest of football und ull of wrestling. Thut would be u big blow lo the team and leave a large bur­ den on Boehm, who would have lo move from 215 to heavy­ weight. That would push un in­ experienced wrestler into 21.“). Lowery hus plenty of oplions in Ihe low and middle weights, but he’s nol especially deep at the top. After two weeks of prac­ tice, he has 37 wrestlers on the JV and varsity teams. “ I need to find a 171, und I don’t know about 12.“)," he said. “ Morton is 128 or 129 and I’d like lo see him gel to 125." Low ery offered his usual as- ■sorlnienl of .sound biles. • On high-scliool recruiling, lie said: “ Do people rccruil? Yes. Are families willing lo move to put their kids in the best pro­ grams? Yes. Hey, there’s noth­ ing 1 can do uboul il. I’ ll wrestle wilh homegrowns und do the best we can.” • On how he’s changed over a 28-year career, he said; “ Like (R on ) K irk al Norlh D avie , you’ re nol us nervous us 10, 15 yeurs ugo. You know whal lo expect. You ’ re going to have headaches that you don’t expect, and if Plan One doesn’t work you better have Plan Tw o reaily. Kiric Begins 24tli Year W itli 295 Wins . Continued From Page U l K irk analyzed each weight cla.ss; • 83 - Caleb Anderson and M ichael Harder are looking good. They are being piislied by Jacob Damcll and Zac Bovender. • 93 - Zach Russell-Myers and Wiles are showing a lot of protnlse. They’re being pushed by Jume.s Shores, Cody Cun­ ningham, Nic W hite, Brandon W arren, Johnny Sw eat and Daniel Henderson. • 103 - Barnett is the leader. Close behind arc Rusty O ’ C on n o r, John Roesch, Michacl Row e, Josh Freeinun, Brundon Sow ers, Chuse Macione uml Wesley Puugh. One of them may move up lo 112. • 112 - Michacl Maready and Brelt Peterson are competing. • 119 - Kuell heads this class. He's followed by Michacl Cates, Ben Sink and Cass Cassidy. • 125 - Evans leads the way, followed by Joey Morunge und James Hill. • 130 - Curtis is coming off a phenomenal seventh-grade sea­ son. He’s being pushed by Daniel Truszkowski and Brandon Doby. • 135 - This .spot is between N ick Shambach, Jared Patton, Ryan McAndrews and Brandon Shaver. • 140 - This spot is between Riddle and Chance Davis, who may inove down to 135. • 145 - Nathan Budd and Devin Trull are battling. • 152 - Caleb Rominger is locked in. • 160 - Robert Gassett and Clark Dallon are competing. • 171 - This belongs lo O ’ Brien. • 189 - Dusly Sm ilh and Palrick Harris arc dueling. •H W T -A lle n Cline and Hol­ man ure fighting il out. They’ re followed by Brunnon Lynch and Ryan Carter. T h e N o rth D avie-Sou th Davie showdown at the end of the regular season has decided the lust seven titles, Even thoiigh Kirk is starling from scratch, and even Ihough South Davle (nine reluming starters, according to Kirk) and China Grove (seven re­ luming stsirters) huve a load of proven talent, anything less thun u riui at first is a felony ul Norlh, “ I um sure Soulh Davie and China Grove are going lo be pre­ season favorites lo win the con­ ference,” Kirk said. “ And they Tenor Is Cataw ba’s No. 2 Receiver Rod Tenor of Cooleemee has helped Catawba College’s fool­ ball team to records of 8-2 and 5-1 in the South Atlantic Confer­ ence. The Indians fell into a three-way tie for the S A C lead wilh Curson Newmun and Tus- culum after Saturday’s 41-36 loss at Curson Newmun. Tenor, a 6 -0 , 185-pound sophomore who graduated from Davie in 2001, is No. 2 on the team in receptions, receiving yards and touchdown catches. In nine games he has 25 catches for 357 yards (14.3 average) and three TD s . Tenor is Ihe son of Rodney and Teresa Tenor. A sporls nuinagement major, he had a 3.72 G P A in Ihe spring se­ mester. Anolher Davie product, 1999 grad Kenny W hile of Mocks­ ville,' is a junior linebacker for Catawba, The 6-0, 210-pounder has two tackles while appearing In four games. Lyerly Excited About North Girls Basketball JaiTiie Lyerly has had two los­ ing seasons in a row after post­ ing winning records in five of her first six years us Norlh Duvie’s seventh-grade girls bas­ ketball coach. Everylhing came together in 1997, when the Wild­ cats upset Kannapolis in over­ time lo win Ihe conference lour- nament. After going 6-7 and 5-8 for nfth- and sixth-place llnishes the lust two yeurs, they may be on the verge o f unother break­ through. Lyerly couldn’l hide her excitement over what could be the deepest and mosl talented group since Ihe 1997 champions. "1 have .some tall girls, and soine of them seem to have Ihe skills to go with il,” said Lyerly, who begins her ninth year with a 50-47 record. “ And 1 have some girls that are athletic. 1 think we’re going lo be a pretly talented team.” A lthough things could change before the N o v . 18 opener against visiting South Duvie, North’s slurting-lineup pieces uppeur lo be in place. If the season started loday, Hannah Stroupe would likely starl al point giuird. Am ber Parrish al .shooting guard, Kellie Brown at small forward, Carly Pralapas at power forward und Sarah Evans ut center. The rest of the rosier includes Curly Cornul/.er, Surah Marlin, Morgan Long, Jordan Schultz, Hallie Cartner, Ciana Sampson, Samantha Maready und Kelsey Shipmun. “ We slundd be able Io gel u lot o f rebounds,” she said. "Parrish has a good outside sliol, along wilh Stroupe. And they can gel the ball down the court. Marlin is probably going lo see a lol of playing lime. She’s tall. Schultz, Cornalzer, Sampson and Cartner are tall, loo. “1 hate 10 make predictions. but 1 think we’ re going to have a belter team than we've luul in the (rccent) past, A lol of llic.se girls were on Ihc softball leam that came in .second (in Ihe lour­ namenl), There’s some good ath­ letes, bul you never know whal the other teams have. They might have some superstars," HEALTH INSURAIVCE FEtmilies • Individuals Group • Self-Employed L ow-Cost Coverage Free Quotes M a rlin S m ith (336) 998-9464 Do you care and worry? Yes, But things you worried about 15 years ago ,„ you don'l sweat the small ihings." Notes: Davie finished third in Ihe Midwest Regional each of the past two years. .„ Lowery has a 425-73 record (,853 winning percentage) with 23 C PC lilies (15 regular sea.sons, eight tour- narncnls), 14 regional titles and two slate titles. ... Brandon Brooks and M att Sain, who won’t be arotuul imlil foolball is over, are Ihe assislani coaches. ... Davie opens Nov. 13 against visiting Chapel Hill al 6 p.m . ll hosts Soulhwesi Randolph on Nov. 18 at 7. I: m Tim m y Allen (lower) is one of nine returning starters. both do have very good teams anil very good coaches. Bul 1 am nol counting us oul. We’re get­ ting better every ilay. Our kids are working hard, they’ re eager lo learn and we have wrestling experience. The kids know our trailition and they want it lo con­ linue, “ And at the end, 1 plan to see our mime around Ihe top again,” Notes: In last year’s tourna­ ment, South Davie fini.shcd .sec­ ond to Norlh und Chinu Grove was third.... Kirk starts his 24th yeur with u 295-35 (.893 winning percentage) record. The mile­ stone 3(K)lh win could come Dec. 2 againsl visiling Erwin. Norlh opens Nov. 19 al home lo Lex- inglon. ... K ir k ’s assistant coachcs arc fatniliar faces, Janiey I loll and Jason Boger. COOLEEMEE VIDEO Rent 3, Get 1 Free Friday«Saturday»Sunday Games ’5 for 5 Days Every 11tli Rental Is Free Cooleemee Shopping Center • 284-2950 <^'.rgLga> i E H Y T r e e S e r v i c e l^*®jj^Ro»ld8nHal a Commerlcal • lot Clearing • Tree Feeding• Tree Removal FertilizaUon ■ Stump Grinding • Hazardoui• Selactlve Trimming Removal «Pruning • Skid Steer Work• Storm Damage33(^492-2944 TraineaArborfeigggtggrgy^iwi Indudes oil filter and up to 5qtAcDekx)o{l, _ ■ TopHoff fluids. Inspect exhaust, check wipers, ^ battery, lights, and suspension, Inspect tires and g at^usl air pressure. Gasoline engines only, ■ Not, №28th 2003 Call: 751-3372 > v w w w v w v s Nothing Else Stacks Up! COOKING DEMONSTRATION C o m e S e e , S m e l l a n c T a s t e t h e D i f f e r e n c e Wednesday, Nov. 19'" Through Saturday, Nov. 22"'' 9:00ani - 1:00pm Daily N o F l a r e U p s Y o u v a u t h o r i z e d F u l l S e r v ic e D e a le r . OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT f 3 2 4 2 S . M a i n S t r e e t S a l i s b u r y , N . C . • ( 7 0 4 ) 6 3 3 - 8 4 8 4 В4 - D A V IE C O U N T Y E N T E R P R IS E R E C O R D ,T h u rs d a y , Nov. 13,2003 Ь>л-FOOIBALI CONÏEST t o CONTEST RULES 1. Anyone can enlor except employeos of the Davio County Eniefpf'se Record and Iheir lamihes. Only ono entry allowed per4 person per week. All enlrios must »\ be on onginal newsprint or fax to “‘#335-76}-9760, 2. Games in Ihis week's conlest aro listed in each advertisemenl on Iheso two pages. Fill in the contest blank and submit or mail tho entry 3, The first enlrani correctly predicting the outcome ol all games in a week will receive a bonus ol S2500. Weekly prizes are S25 & Cap lor first placo and $5 for second placo. 4. In caso ol ties, the entrant who camc ckisosi to the tolal number ol points in Iho lie breaker wins. II a tie still exists, awards will bo divided equally among Ihe winners. 5. Entries must be delivered to the Enterprise Record belore 5 pm Priday each week. The oflice is kxated at 17t S. Main St.. Mocksville. NC. 6. Winners will be anrwunced folk)wing each conlest. Decisions of judges will be linal. A new conlest willoe announced each week. WIN! ^2500 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Porfoct Entry $25 1st Prize & Cap 2nd Prize ( Д г D aniel Furniture& Electric Co., Inc. G WAR EAGLES! 1. W.FOnSYTH V. EAST BURKE Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Marklin • Melissa Rollins • M l Marklin 848 Soulh Main Slrcel • Mock.sville, NC 33 6-75 1-249 2 •3 3 6 -75 1-3 9 75 17. NY JETS V. INDIANAPOLIS C C B CJcniral ( imilina Hank - 4 D A V IE C O U N T V L O C A TIONS - I -18 W. Walcr .St.. Miicksvillc • Ifi I-5Ш ««» Yadkinvillc UU.. Miicksvillc • V.SI-Wfil C'wilccmcc SlioppiiH! CV-nlcr, C’lmlccmcc • 2X-1-2512 .“i.lfil US llwy. I.S8,Ailvuiicc»‘M()-2-l2(l S O M E T H I N GDIFFERENT 5 2 8 6 H w y. 158 Small (16 oz.) Milkshake only 99^ w it h a n y f o o d p u r c h a s e 5. (NFL) ARIZONA V. CLEVELAND A d van ce • 9 4 0 -2 4 3 8 Spfflman’s Land & Home Sales 14. HOUSTON V. DUFFALO Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 CLEMMONS DISCOUNT SALES 21. DUKE V. CLEMSON G r e a t S a v i n g s T h r o u g h o u t T h e S t o r e 1533 Lewlsvllle-Clemmons Road, Clemmons Hours: Mon-Fri. 9-7; Snt. 9-5 766-4449 WWW. clomnwnsdlscounlsalos. com 7 jm s iL'I rnMHIWWWII»««f Afio ^BUILDING SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET , 751-2167 ^ MOCKSVILLE'S COMPLETE BUILDER’S SUPPLY A complolo lumbor yard (or tho past 70 yonrs. Whoro your granddad was a salisflod customorl 2. DAVIE V. o'oono PAOE ________Monllon ThiB Ad A Gat A Froe Koy CLEMMONS CARPET 2711 Ix'wisvillti-Clcmmons lid., Clemmons ~ 32 Years I’xpcricncc '— 7 6 6 - 8 1 1 0 o r 7 6 6 - 0 1 6 6 i 20. UNC V. GA. TECH Sluiwnwm Open Mon-Fri fhim-Spm • Sal « M u n ■ /2:00 T hom as L . N e sb it Attorney at Law g 6 5 C o l l i i S q u a r e , D o w n t o w n М о с к н и Ш е ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 2 1 2 5 visit Olir wcl).4ÌU> at www.nosbitlnw.com (ш с н а . Your Echo dealer in Mocksville 7. JACKSONVILLE V. TENNESSEEMOCKSVILLE »»"s.Mainst AUTOMOTIVE M ocksville (336) 751-2944 EATONFUNERAL \ SERVICE I SINCE 1951 r 325 North M ain Street ? Mocksville, NC 751-2148 ^ 12. DALLAS V. NEW ENGLAND All mill Jlloii fur lliimr Caff. Inc. P a v i e M e d i c a l E q u i p m e n t providing all of your home health care t\eeds8. NV GIANTS V. PHILADELPHIA959 Salisbury Road Mocksville, N C 27028 (336) 751-4288 • (888)797-1044 Fax (336)751-4688 T a p s T r a v e l T i j p s o n P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e Your Local Full Service Tmvel Agency 3 3 6 ”7 6 6 “7 3 0 3 32, KANSAS ST. V. NEBRASKA w w w .to p s tn a v e l.c o m 2554 Lew/isville-Clemmons Rd. • Clem m ons - t t f & s i i ' 60 t h H allm ark N e w T o w n e S h o p p in g C e n te r, C le m m o n s 7 6 6 - 6 5 6 7 23. UGONN V. WAKE FOREST WABLEST STAFFING SERVICES F o r ( i l l y o u r s K iJ J iiif ’ n e e d s , } > iv e u s a c a l l . 6. DALTIMORE V. MIAMI Kilth}' Wliltiiiiiii, Stiifilii); Siipervi.sor 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 4 4 1 4 • M o c k s v ille ARE YOU UP TO THE GHALLEHGE? P h ilC a r A u to m o tive FoKC F u l l S a n n c e V e h ic le M a i n i e i t a n c e C e n l e r FO R E IG N & D O M ES TIC A IR C O N D lttO N IN G W O R K ! C V A X L E S « B R A K E S TIM ING B ELT S » G E N E R A L M A IN T EN A N C E | 18. DETROIT V. SEATTLE 1(528 Hwy. (501 S. • 7.51-1800 _________htvlilr hitlirwonil Motel • iVlocksviiie GASTHAUS o n th e S Q U A R E Restaurant,Guesthouse & morel 101 NoKTii Main Sthkkt • Mocksvii.i.k, NC 27028 Call For Dinner Specials & Fri. & Sat. Reservations I>ii()N|:;.W)-75I-7'J0«I-,\X:3.16-75.V098I ArliirlklcliOwner/Miiniiiicr 13. ATLANTA V. NEW ORLEANS I WE HAVE MANUFACTURED SEE JACE or STEVETODAY! ^jjJ^^HOMESTO FITYOUR BUDGET Bonanza Mobile Homes 700 Wilkosboro St. • Mocksvillo, NC Inlor. Hwyo. 001 & 04 N. 336-751-5959 Owned lb Operated by Jack Morgan I t a l i a n F a m i l y R e s t a u r a n t 11. GREEN BAY V. TAMPA BAY Tiiiij>Icwoo(l .Shoppiiij' Center • Ilill.sdiile 940-6787 BODY SHOP direct repair for many ma|or Insurance companies. Lifetime warranty an all body S finish repairs10. SAN DIEQO V. DENVER Call Tracy Pardue at 704-633-9016 H)Je rry A . H a u ser, D D S , P A A d a m T . D o rse tt, D D S Hillsdale Dental 9. WASHINGTON v. CAROLINA Family and Cosmetic General Dentistry336-D90-2427 • Fax 336-996-1088 www.hlllsdalodonlal.coi 135 Medical Drivo, Suito 201 Advanco, North Carotina 27000 Your ‘^Home-Town’^ Drug Store Foster Drug Co. 3. N. DAVIDSON V. MT. TABOR ^ 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, N0 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 K oi'K m il Inl'iirniiition on (iriiKS Л livalth j)r(il)lfiiis, ц» In www.lo.stenli uuco.coni D A V IE C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^^litECORD FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISING RO . Box 99 171 South Main Sc, Mocksville, N C 27028 phono: (335) 75 1 -2 129 fax: (336) 75 1 -9760 24. WCU V. APPALACHIAN DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - B5 Notes & Quotes I n s p i r a t i o n : J a k o b P l a y s T h r o u g h P n e u m o n ia , B l o c k s T h r e e O n T D P l a y •That Zach Jako b managed to drag him self on the field in D avie’s 33-14 first-round playoff w in over Charlotte Harding was impressive. Dom inating the way he did at left tackle and tight end was downright inspirational. Jakob came down with pneumonia and mi.ssed .scliool Thursday. He reached deep and found a way to plow on. The 6-4, 290-pounder blocked three different people on a 12-yard T D run by C o o le r A rn o ld thnt Davie a 12-7 lead. Jakob al.so played tight end for Ted R andolph, who injured his knee and left the game in the first quarter. “ What can you say? That’s great heart and cour­ ag e” Coach Doug Illin g said. “The kid wants to win and didn’t want to po.ssibly go out being sick in his last game.” “I W inters with took a lot o f medicine before I camc and just sucked it up,” said Jakob, a honor student who has attracted interest from Davidson and Catawba. “ I slept most o f tile afternoon. I didn’t feel as pumped as I usually do, but I got in there and got the job done. I learned all the (tight-end) plays real quick on the sideline.” • Davie may have lost Randolph, a 6-4 behemoth who was injured on a 10-yard reception, for the rest o f thc season. The junior is a D ivision I prospect who averages 17 yards a catch. “M y meniscus is probably gone,” he said. "I won’t play (this) week, but if it comes down to it I’ll ju.st go get it scoped and be ready in two weeks. It sucked now playing. You see things you think you can change, but that’s why it’s a team effort, not indi­ vidual. Jakob had an awesome game, coming out pneumonia and toughing through it.” The euphoria o f winning a fourth straight game was tem­ pered by Randolph’s likely season-ending injury. “That really concerns me. I think he’s probably done,” Illing said. “ But Т Л . Steele and D ion C o d y stepped in and did a good job.” • Senior Q B A n d re w M cC la n n o n came o ff the bench and threw two strikes. Unfortunately, he had nothing to show for it. Both were dropped. • Senior punter/kicker K e vin W inters has been a weapon after a slow start. H e’s made six o f his last seven exU'a points, despite having his rhythm disrupted by some bad snaps. Against Harding, he averaged 42 yards on five punts. “ Kevin does a great job,” Illing said. “ H e’s got great hands and that’s why I like him back there. He continues to give us an advantage. T hey’re not just long (kicks and punts), they’re good positional kicks.” GONGRATULATIONS To last week's winners in our Football Contest First Place = $25 to Debbie Nelms Second Place = $5 to Jim McArdell b ia t k Soiul Cft. Som l, G iom C 8 t i r n d t m Ш в Ш л Ь •since 1927' Sand Compool Topsoll Qrnvol M on.-Fri. 7:3 0 -5 :3 0 CushionMulch Cal A.nn.?-00 Whito Pobblos Bnrk NuoooloSand Rock M C /VISA/AM EX pino Noodloa Brick Nuggels 7 8 8 - 6 4 1 1 ^ DW Mark & Cindy Shoal 745 W. Clemnnonsvllle Road Owners 19. MINNESOTA V. OAKLAND Winslon-Salom, NC 27127 H andi Cupiioai«! 1i&2 ~ ^1-175 Hwy. BoTs. • Woodleaf ‘ 284-4141 Open Sun.-Thurs. ‘til Midnight & Fri. & Sat. nights 'til 2;00’a.m. #S-76B2 Hwy. 801 S .- Cooleemee ■ 284-2828 YOUR NEiaHBOBHOOD CONVENIENCE МАЯТ! Owned & Operated by Mardico, Ino. 15. KANSAS СГТУ V. CINCINNATI V O G L E R & S O N S 30. KANSAS V. OKLA. ST. S rn in g the com m tm ity f o r (jt v r /- ts}vars. F u n e r a l H o m e Clemmons Cliapel • 2849 Middlebnx)k Dr. • 766-4714 For insurance cail B R A D R O M IN E s t a t e F A R M IN S U R A N C E 31. BAYLOR V, OKLAHOMA 3 7 7 0 C len m i(> ii.s R o a d • C le m n i()ii.s • 7 6 6 -3 2 4 5 STATH ГЛКМ INSURANCi; COMI'ANIIiS • HOMI! Ol-l'IC'liS: IILOUMINCiTON. ILL. D e b b ie N e lm s b a r e ly e d g e d o u t J i m M c A r d e ll th is w e e k to w in t h e c o n te s t . B o t h p la y e r s m is s e d 9 g a m e s b u t N e lm s w a s c lo s e s t in th e t ie -b r e a k e r to t a k e th e to p h o n o r s . A L L C O N T E S T E N T R I E S M U S T I N C L U D E A F U L L M A I L I N G A D D R E S S A N D P H O N E N U M B E R . WE WILL NOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. THANKS! E I M T R V B L A N K V i i ia a e ^ ' M Comnu 29. VA M o rtg a g e s 2255-D LewisvUle- Blll Brown 3 3 1 Buslnoss Manager ( M o r t g a g e nrldl á^Re#<ilcntíal . TECH V. TEMPLE fo r the 2 P c e n t u iy ! Clem m ons Road, Clem m ons S-766-8700 E"“'Operations Manager You Know Us... We Know Real Estate Prudential Carolinas Realty 27. MICH. ST. V. WISCONSIN "Serving Lewisville, Clemmons S Davle County" 4156 Clemm ons Road • Clemm ons • 336-714-4400 I 25. AUBURN V. GEORGIA | Rollali Riders, Lawman & Rockies Sale Priced S36 _____ The Oaks Shopping Cenler* Lewisville 1^2 ^^ 3 6 -9 4 5 -2 5 6 6 « Hours: MoivFri 10-7; Sat 10-6 T h e L o w P ric e Cig^arette L e a d e r HOURS: M-F 9:30^ Sat. 9-5 33. PURDUE v. OHIO STATE ШНЕЕЬЩССО W o A c c e p t > M C . I “A Tobacco Friendly Store!" • T a c a m O m b e e »1 0 *»* •Таюе *1(Г* ‘Froo Ughtor With Ca/ton Puchasa 6311 Stadium Dn, Clemmons •778-1144 W INNER Clem m ons Village Chiropractic 22. Ga. Toch v. Duke Dr. Michael Ricooboni 2235-B Lewisville-Clemmons Road Localod on iho coinor of towlsvilio-Clemmons Road & Pcacehavcn Road In »ho CletnnvjM Vtllog« Ptoiesjloool C«nto(. SPECIALIZING IN: Headaches, Neck Pain, ' Low Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Arm/Leg Pain, Aulo & Work iniuries. Most Major Medical Plans Accepted 766-5935 R e a lty C o n s u lta n ts 28. Kansas St. V. Iowa St. Q g n R a th How may I serve you? Oflice: (336) 726-2135 ,aJ. . Indopondonlly OwnodEmail: danralh® remax.nel omiopotQiod www.danralh.com 2150 Counlry Club, Suite 100 WInston-Salem, NC 27104 I 3. FOSTER DRUG ■ 4. BONANZA HOMES ! 5. DAIRY QUEEN J 6, ABLEST i 7. MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE I 8. DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT I 9. HILLSDALE DENTAL I 10. CLONINGER I 11. VENEZIA I 12, EATON’S FUNERAL SERVICE ! 13. GASTHAUSj 14, SPILLMAN'S HOME & UND SALES I 15. HANDI CUPBOARD 1&2 I 16. THOMAS L NESBIT/ATTORNEY I 17. CCB I 18. PHILCAR I 19. BLACK SAND I 20. CLEMMONS CARPET ! 21. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT ■ 22. CLEMMONS VILLAGE CHIROPRACITIC I 23. BETH’S HALLMARK I 24. ENTERPRISE RECORD I 25. PARTNER'S TACK & WESTERN I 26, PATS BODY SHOP 27. PRUDENTIAL REALTY 28. REMAX REALTY 29. VILLAGE MORTGAGE 30. VOGLER & SONS 31. STATE FARM-ROMINE 32. TOPS TRAVEL I 33. TARHEEL TOBACCO I 34. WARREN KASPER PAT’S BODY SHOP . COLLISION REPAIR . AUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOP FOR MOST INSURANCE COMPANIES . COMPUTERIZED FRAME STRAIOHTENINO . EXPERT COLOR MATCHINQ Family Owned & Operated Since 1964 • Owner Sandra Chaney n o e n>iE 5720Counliy.Clubfld,,Winslon-Salem336-945"37B7 mSUnANCE CLAIMS WELCOME .TOWINO AVAIUBLE . COMPLETE INTERIOR REPAIR & REPLACEMENT . CONVERTIBLE TOPS . DETAILIND ANO CLEANUP 26. SYRACUSE V. MIAMI A t t o r n e y s & C o u n s e lo r s A t L a w Warren E. Kasper Jill Frankel KylaJ. Sipprell 34. WOFFORD V. FURMAN P .O . B o x 6 8 7 * 3626 C le m m o n s R o a d C le m m o n s , N C 2 7 0 1 2 • 336-766-9660 Tie Breaker Prcdicl Ihc lolnl scorc in the following game. In ca.ies of ties, Ihe liebteoker will be used to determine the winners. I I I I D a v i e V . P a g e I Total Points Scored. NAME;. I ADDRESS; I 1^ Entflee Must Be Received Before 5 pm Friday j DAY PHONE;.NIGHT:. - j. ■ ¿ - ; J I.' J ■ I .. Л ■- i il, j .i ¿ ' i u -.i i ^ ; ■ j i DAVIE COUN'l'Y KN'l’EUPRISE RECORI), Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 - li7 A rno ld , Bratcher, Brow n G et 100 In Playo ff O pener Continued Fro m Puge B l 1,643, passing Cedric W liilc’s 1,601 in 1997, nnd tied W hite’s T D record (23). Furtherm ore, Arnold sur­ passed 100 yards for the 10th time this year. He completed four passes for 10 or morc yards to four different receivers. And he added to his team-high inter­ ception total (five) while guard­ ing Harding’s big-play receiver. “1 was looking forward to breaking it this game and it hap­ pened,” Arnold said in typical low-key manner. “The line ex­ ecuted and 1 got it. Tliey did their job and (Brown and Bratcher) helped a lot. Not only did they have to key on me, Ihey broke out some big runs that really helped us.” Bratcher opened the season wilh nn 11-carry, 102-yard per­ formance against Alexander Central, but spent the next 10 games averaging 4.8 carries and 19 yards. Maybe now Brutcher will get some attention. After all, this is f Cooler Arnold set a new single-season rushing record. Davie Football Statistics Record: 8-4 ■ Alexander Central : at W. Rowan : ii'at Lake Norman ifl^/looresvllle M Stalesville af Freedom ., North Forsyth ip at West Forsyth South Rowan at Reynolds N. Davidson il Charlotte Harding W29-7 W28-7 W52-0 W10-7 L 34-27 L 37-13 L 24-22 L14-6 W21-13 W 22-19 W 23-20 W 33-14 R U S H I N G .Car. Gain Avg.Long Arnold 241 1643 6.8 77 Brown 164 918 5.6 52 Bratcher 63 395 6.3 ’ 50 Davie 490 2944 6.0 77 Opponents 473 2071 4.4 88 P A S S IN G Comp Att Int Pet Yds TD Lng McClannon 35 79 6 .443 483 3 73 Arnold 17 48 3 .354 299 4 39 Davie 52 129 101 .403 782 7 73 Opponents 59 144 101 .410 876 3 58 P A S S R E C Rec Yds Avg.TD Long Young 19 203 10.7 0 26 Randolph 10 173 17.3 2 40 Parks 10 135 13,5 2 39 Collins a 170 21.3 2 52 Davie 52 782 15.0 7 73 Opponents 59 876 14.8 3 58 S C O R IN G TD Conv. Kick FG , Pts Arnold 23 1 0 0 140 Brown 8 1 0 0 50 Winters 0 0 22 5 37 Randolph 2 1 0 0 14 Collins 2 0 0 0 12 Parks 2 0 0 0 12 Davie 40 4 23 5 286 Opponents 28 0 23 1 196 D e f e n s e Tackles For Loss iSacks BrUp FF Riddle 144 5 0 4 2 Rice 113 15 2 0 1 Pane 61 11 8 0 0 Cornatzer 60 6 1 1 0 Morgan 60 11 1 2 2 O'Brien 60 3 0 0 1 Goode 50 5 0 1 1 Buchanan 49 2 0 0 0 Collins 48 5 3 2 2 McNeil 44 0 0 0 0 Wilson 42 7 5 0 1 Note: Tackles through 11 games. IN T E R C E P T IO N S Arnold 5, Riddle 3, Pane, Phillips F U M B L E R E C O V E R IE S Pane 5, Morgan 2, Collins, Goode, Morgan, Randolph, Rice K ic k in g PAT FG Lg 20-29 30-39 40-49 Winters 22-30 5:9 44 1-1 2-2 2-5 a block-first, run-second full­ back who lines up beside two headline acts. He waited a long , time for his second night of double-figure carries, nnd when his chance cam e, Harding couldn’t stop him. “ It’s been awhile since I’ ve done that and it felt pretty good,” Bratcher said. “ I’ m glad they gave it to me morc. It gave me a chance to show what I could do. With the three of us distributing all those pluys and nil those yards, it’s hard to do thnt. “ You’ve got to be versntile. You’ve gol lo block, you’ve got lo run people over, you’ve gol to make them miss, you’ve gol to do whaiever. Tonight it was pretty much evenly distributed, so everybody gol il nnd we slill dom inated. (Three 100-yard rushers is) very rare. Very rare.” W hile Arnold is a cutback arlist, tailback/fullback Brown is n bruiser who breaks lackles and runs over defenders, Bratcher resembled Brown in gaining ex- Irn yards. “ H e’s gol a grenl nttitude nnd he worked his tail off in the off­ season, outworking everybody and waiting for his opportunity,” Davic coach Doug llling said of Bratcher. “ He kept his head up and kept competing, so it’s a great slory for him lo be success­ ful in such a crucial game. H e’s getting more field vision and getting a feel for how to hit a hole nnd use his blockers.” After putting gray hairs on llling with three henrlstoppers at the end o f the regular season, Dnvie roared lo ils Tirst blowout since a 52-0 win at Lake Nor­ man on Aug. 29. But not before stumbling oul of the blocks. Arnold fumbled 50 seconds into the game, and Hnr- ding wasted no time taking a 7-0 leud. On ils first piny, John Pnul Buckley, the 6-5 receiver that 11- ling talked nbout all week, ran n flat-out "go” down the left side­ line, zipped pnsl Arnold nnd caught a 44-yard T D pass from A .J. Hudson. “ We practiced lhat and preached that, and then acted like we’ve never .seen il before,” lll­ ing snid. “ Mnybe Cooler wnsn’l focussed afler fumbling.” Dnvie's pnss defense, though, received rnves the rcsl o f the wny. Hudson wenl 7-o f-2 0 , threw two of Hnrding’s three in­ terceptions nnd only managed 69 passing ynrds nfler the enrly bomb. Davie responded wilh 20 unanswered poinls - for a 20-7 halflimc leud - and ballercd the Rums in the decisive first hnlf. In llie first hnlf Duvie had 11 first downs, 174 rushing ynrds nnd l97 lolui yurds. Harding, m eanw hile, hnd Ihrec firsl downs, 16 rushing yards and 89 total yards. Afler the 7-0 lead, Buckley hud one cutch for 11 yurds. “ We needed (a dominating effort),” llling snid. “ I wus wor­ ried nil week ubout coming off a big emotional win (over North Davidson). Cnn our kids comc buck und pluy wilh the emotion and intensity? I was worried, bul they pluyed grenl nfter Ihul (first Harding play).” O n Davie’s second scries. Brown bu.sted a 17-yarder before capping a 66-ynrd drive. He was nailed in the backfield but over­ powered his way lo a 5-yard touchdown lhal made il 7-6. Afler Brown pounded out 59 first-quarter yards, Arnold pul Duvic ahead lo stay with three big bursts. Harding fumbled the en.suing kickoff, giving Dnvie the bnll at the 16. O n third down, Arnold lobbed u fade lo the right comer of Ihc end zone, and De- wuyne Collins mude n briliinnt cnich for the 20-7 lead. “ When you execute like lhal, that forccd them to put eight in the box instead of nine,” llling snid. “They thought they could cover us one-on-one.” Hudson kept Harding in the game, rolling and scrambling for 119 yards in the second half. He sidestepped and shook his wny for 33 yards on u 72-ynrd march that pulled the Rams lo 20-14 with 2:06 left in Ihc third quarter and gave them a chance al the upset. B illy Riddle und Bratcher ended their chances. Riddle re­ turned the ensuing kickoff 44 yards, nearly taking it Ihe dis­ tance. Bratcher look the first- down handoff and pul a 20-yard dagger in the Rams. Arnold sped Ihe final 25 yards. Simple as lhal, it wiys all bul over al 26-14 wilh 12 minutes to pluy. "(H u d son ) worried us to death, rolling out and scram­ bling, and the luilback culling back and wiggling,” llling .said. "That was a big momenium- lurner to answer their score.” ReShaun Purks added Ihe ic­ ing after getting benched in Ihe second quarter. His confidence wns shaken by ihree drops (one vs. N . Davidson nnd Iwo vs. Hnr- ding), bul the sophomore re­ deemed himself wilh n 28-yard Bratcher liuchiinuii Collins C u rn a tzc r calch-und-run thul closed Ihe .scoring wilh nine minules left. "We know he’s a bciter re­ ceiver lhan lhal, and we’re not going 10 give up on him,” llling said. “ (Receivers coach Chris Callison) hnd to gel him refo­ cused on the sideline. Collins stepped in there und did a good jo b . Purks cume bnck nnd showed us the receiver he's sup­ posed to be." “ Coach lold me lo keep my head inlo il,” Parks suid. "I hope thut lets them know 1 can catch the ball nnd do my responsibili­ ties.” Logun Buchunan (eight tack­ les), Collins (three tackles for loss, sack, caused fum ble, blocked P G ), Derek Com alzer and Riddle spearheaded the de­ fensive charge. Though Ihc Rams put up 337 yurds. Ihey fniled on 14 of 21 pusses nnd came up emply on eighl of nine third- and fourth-down conversions. Cornalzcr was n pnin in the neck. He knocked down four passes. Three of Ihem slipped Ihrough his fingers, bul whal muttered wus conslunlly being in posiiion. "Tlial man righl Ihere (O LB s coach Keilh Whiluker) does ull Ihe work for us,” Cornalzcr said. "H e lold us before Ihe game Ihey’ re going lo puss it right to us because they saw Iiow North Duvidson threw the out. I sliould huve come up wilh Ihrec inter­ ceptions, but 1 wus looking lo­ wurd the end zone every time. I haven’t had an interception and 1 daydream in class, silling and thinking about an interception and taking it to the house. Bul 1 knockcd il down, ll worked.” "He was lliere every lime and hud Ihe ball hil him in Ihc nioulh Iwice,” llling ¡¡aid. "H e ’s jusi gol lo work on catching drills. Bul he knew their routes and knew whal lo expecl. Coach Wliilaker docs a greal job wilh Ihose oul­ side guys." Anollier key play cume from Riddle, n free safely who hiis hard enough lo make ball carri­ ers forgel iheir mothers’ names, Buckley leaped nnd hnd a 10- yard louchdown in his hands, but Riddle clockcd Buckley before he camc down, The incomplction led lo Collins’ field-goal block and kcpI Ihe firsl-lialf,scorc at 20- 7. “ We hil (Buckley) a coupic times und gol him dinged up,” llling .said. “ He wus very ginipy and they didn’t go to him uny­ more. Thai was big. Thai was Riddle being a playniaker and nol standing uround watching somebody else make a piny." Nute.s: Besides sophomore Buchanun’s eight tackles, Cor- nalzer had six, Zuc O ’ Brien and Riddle five, and D .J. Rice and Terrell Wilson four. Joseph Phil­ lips added an IN T .... In the scc­ ond half, Brutcher had 80 yards on six carries.... Brown has 918 yards. Davie, over Iwo yenrs, is 8-0 wlicn Brown reuches 100 .... Brundon Pnne recovered his tenm-high fifth fiimble. ИпгИ1пц Diivic 7 « 7 0-14 fi Ы 6 7-33 Kirst Qunrter H - Buckley 44 pu.ss from Hmlsim (Elder kick). 11:01. D • Brown 5 run (kick fiiil). 6:25. Second Quarter D • Arnold 12 run (pass fall), K;28. D • Collins 13 pass from Arnold (Arnold run). 7:01. Third Quarter H • Barl>er 23 run (Elder kick). 2:06. D - ArnoUl 25 run (pass fail), 0:00. Kdurth Quarter D • Parks28 pass rroiii Arnold (Win* tcrs kick). 9:10. I KAM S TA riS'I ICS11 I) Firsl downs 14 21 Riislies-yards 29-224 50-313 Passing 113 65 Comp-All-lnt 7-21-3 4-11-0 Punis 3-35 5-42 Pumblcs-Lost 1-0 2-1 PenaUles-yards 7-60 4-45 3rd conversions 1/7 6/12 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Hiird(nf{ RUSHING - Hud.son 15-128, Bar- her 8*50, Culhborston 6*46 PASSING - Hudson 7-20*2«n3, Buckley ()*1-I*0 RECEIVING - Buckley 2-55. Wors- ley N20. Barl)cr M7. CulhlH.'r.ston 2- 17, Barksdale 1-4 Davie RUSHING - Arnold 14-116. Braichcr 10-102. Brown 24-100. Parks 1-6 PASSING - Arnold 4-‘M)-65. Mc­ Clannon 0-2-0-0 RECEIVING - Parks I-2H, Youny M4. Collins M3. Randolph l-IO Offensive Line Makes Higlilights Possible Friday Night At Page Tho cheerleaders do their thing as Davie advances to the final 16. Photos by Jam es B arringer Reshaun Parks goes lo the house with a 28-yard catch I P U N T I N G Winters AU Avg. Long In 20 36 35.8 58 9 Continued Fro m Pugc B l right tuckle Rynn Boehm (6-0, 225). Tw o others who have seen significunt lime are junior tnck­ les T .A . Steele (6-2, 230) und Dion Cody (6-3, 295). “ You know you ’re never go­ ing lo be seen or no one’s really going lo care who you nre, ex­ cept your parents and tiie run­ ning backs,” Boehm said. “ We go off inlo our own lillle corner in prnclice nnd do our thing. But we kind of tuke il with pride. W e’ re the hard-working ones. The only way you gel famous on offense is running or passing the bull. Defense, you ulwuys huve n chnncc. Offensive line, you’re out there making other people beller.” Boehm ’s blocking buddies eclioed lhal senliment. “ You don’t get us much glory und nllenlion, bul our work shosvs when the running backs gel big yards,” Marklund said. "I don’l Ihink we’ve given up a sack Ihis year.” "Th e y m ighI have gollen pressure, bul I renlly cun'l re­ member that many licks laid on the quarterback,” Norsworthy suid. “ A n d how m any two 1,000-yard rusiiers has Davie had in one .season? Brown is getting close lo 1,000 and lhat says u lol. Jnmnr’s done u grenl job with Ihe curries he’s gollen. We know we’re nol going lo gel Ihe iiiglilighls, bul whul we re­ ally focus on is winning. W in­ ning is our paydirt." "N o niutler whni level you’ re on, Ihe guys in Ihe irenches never get a lol of glory. Bul wilh­ oul Ihem thul offense doesn’t go," O L couch Mult Snin said. "Being a first-year line coach, it’s nniazing to see the movc- nienl Ihey gel on each nnd every pluy. To me they’ re u doniinnl- ing O L . They’ re big und ihey nieun business. I enjoy every minute I work with lliose guys.” Jukob is u ninmmolh. When Randolph meets a chnilenge, he’s us nnsly as liiey come. Nor­ sworlhy, Boehm nnd Marklund are tough und hurd-nosed. Brown compieled Ihe puzzle by surging as u senior. And Sleele nnd Cody huve been reliable in spot duly. Il takes a lol to impress fifth- year O L coach Cliad Groover. It’s sometimes lough lo tell whether the line’s on pur in con- versulion wilh him , but even Groover had lo admit this is a speciul group, “ I’m nol hnving lo do u lot of yelling now,” Ihc Appalachian Slate All-Am erican said, “ und I Imve high expectnlions. I said il nt the beginning of the yenr - if we’re nol in Ihe slale-chanipion- ship gume. I'll be (licked) off. I feel Ihe sume wny and liie O L feels Ihe same wuy. ” As u group Ihis is llie best , line I've had in five years," It’s easier to block Superman Ihun pile up puncakc blocks on Groover's slal sheet. Jakob leads the way with seven, followed by Markland wilh five, Norsworthy with four, Boehm wilh lliree und Page B9 Randolph with two. Norsworthy and Boehm have Ihe only knock­ out hits. Their numbers woukl be quadrupled under anollier, less- grumpier boss. "They’ ve graded 80 percenl or higher since West Forsyth,” Groover said. "W hich is like a 95 in some people's grade books,” chimed in offensive coordinalor Barry Whitlock. "The highest I’ve had is 92 by Norsworlhy and Jakob, and Boehm ’s had a 9 1,” Groover suid, “ He's n really good coach,” Mnrklnnd suid. “ H e’s been there und he knows what he's talking ubout." The best thing uboul the line: Winning, nol being mentioned in the same breath as the running backs and tacklers, is whal oc­ cupies llieir Ihoughls. Il helps lhal Arnold, Brown and Braichcr are the lusl ones lo congrululule themselves for their succcss. “ In films they congratulate us and stuff. It’s not like they think il’s Ihem doing evcrylhing,” Boehm snid, “ We huve u rivulry on the line. We were counting plays during (tlie Nortli David­ son) film , nnd il ended up being aboul even (between llie left and right side). So I’d say we're all effective. When I was playing cenler, I wns kind of mediating. It’s a healthy rivalry. A ll that matters is we get wins." G r e a t ( k ) v e r a ^ e S t u i’ts w i l h B l u e • Blue Advantage* Plans • No Referr.ll HMO, PI’O and PO.S Group Plans • .Saiall Group Coverage J o h n s o n In s u r a n c e S e rv ic e s , In c . Jo h n W o o d(336) 75 1-6 2 8 1 • IjmgltrmCare • Medicare .Supplement Insiirono; • Denial Coverage for Individuals and Groups • Blue lilras'“ Discount Programs B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f N o rth C a ro lin a CoRUd your »ulhanMd blu« Cmu ind Ukia Sh>ei.1 ol North C^rol nt «o«ol lor CMtt funh*r ol nx«ria«,ipicutmt, «>с1и№ол|4гч1|*т1»ип)4г v.h<ch ^epoi'cymifbeccntnu««! lo tn'f*. An ipd«p*o.lM<t hnniM Ы Ih* В8 - DAVIK COUN ГУ KN l KKI'KISK KKCORI), Thursdii), Nov. 13. 2003 DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - B9 D a v ie G irls R e b u ild in g A ro u n d S e a s o n e d S c h a fe r I S e c o n d -R o u n d R e m a tc h : D avie Visits P ag e In Final 16 Kiircn SleplR-ns isn'l suri! whal kind of lean) shi; will bo coaching this season. She knows il won'l be easy for Davie's var­ sity girls biiskelball leant lo re­ place Sarah W illiam s, Dawn Singiclon unil Heather McDanicI. W ith thnt trio leading the way. Ihe War Eagles went 17-9 in 2001-02 and 21-7 lasl year. They won I6 of20 Central Pied­ mont Confcrcnce games, win­ ning the regular season and loiir- naincnt in 2002 and tying for first before winning Ihe lourna­ ment in 2(H).1. After picking up Davie's 20th confcrcnce lille, Ihey lost in Ihc final 16 to third- ranked Northern Durham. Williams was C I'C Player of Ihe Year wilh averages of I4..S poinis and 6.0 rebounds and lui- ished wilh 916 carccr poinis. Singleton had an A il-C P C sea­ son wilh 12.2 points. 7.5 re­ bounds and 67 blocked shols. Williams and Singiclon were re­ sponsible for nearly half of Davie's offense, while poinl- guard McDanicI contributed 7..1 points and 77 steals. Now senior Allison Schafer slicks out like neon lights. She was an A ll-C P C performer lasl year, but she's Ihe only proven scorcr returning in 2003-04. "People arc going lo look at us and say: ‘They’re nol going lo he too d iffic u lt,' “ said Stephens, who is beginning her second yearal Davie. “ I hope we surprise people, ll's good in a Varsity freshman W tiitney W iiliam s works against Andrea Dwiggins.Alyson Wall<er puslies tlie ball against Brooke Harris. Wiiy because il lakes the pressure off us. I mciin there's no pres­ sure on us. Nobody e.\pccls us lo be al Ihc top. Everybody (else in the C PC ) was young and they have key players back. I like the underdog feeling. "The good Ihing is (seniors) Sehiil'er, Alyse Bowden and A n ­ drea Dwiggins are competilive. Wc saw lhat in volleyball. They fought with evcrylhing they luid." The rosier also includes se­ nior l lealher Boger; juniors Ash- Icy Cornatzer, Brooke Harris, Allison Mackintosh, Nicole Mar- cady. Danielle O 'N e a l, Alyson W alker and Erin W hitaker; sophomore Carly Booth; und freshman Whitney Williams, Davic is hitching ils hopes to Scliafcr, a Ihird-year starter who jusl signed a scholarship to play baskclball al Division II Mars Mill and is coming o ff u Co- Coach M ike Absiier addresses his baskelbali team . - P hotos by Jam es B arringer Absher Has The Size To Rebound From Last Year’s 9-Win Season ConllniiL'd I'Yom I’iigc H I siretching into the sccond round of Ihe pliiyoffs, the I'lnal roster is up in the air. For now ihree sophomores - guards Kyle W in­ ters, Evan Hall and Drew Yeager - are practicing wilh Ihc varsity, but Abshcr expects six or seven foolball players lo vie for spots. "Capwcll, Pricc, Howsll and Schwcil have all improved iheir skills," he said. The War Eagles' main uncer­ tainty is Hnding a go-lo .scorcr. Lasl year Ihey regularly suffereil long, fruslraling dry spells. "O lh e r than rebounding, som elhing lhat hurt us was droughts where we didn’t scorc," he said. "W e couldn’t overcome dcricits. Somebody is going lo have lo step up und luke Ihiit role. There's some thal can do it, and it’ ll I'le interesting to see how lhat unfolds." Despite the big-scorcr ijues- lion mark, there's nothing wrong wilh a bidance-and-lcamwork M ichael M ashore goes up against Brandon Capweli. formula. Several players saw signiHcant minutes lasl year, and wilh u hundful of promising ulh- leles com ing from football, Davie appears lo have the ath- lelicisin to match up mun-to-man and pul up a considerably stron­ ger team lhan Ihe 2002-03 ver­ sion. Its prime goal is a winning record. Anything more would be gravy. "Everything’s better (than lasl year),’’ Absher said. "W c had a complcle summer logelher. Thai first year was tough, gel­ ling in here kind of late. We know cach olher better and everybody’s on the same page. The energy level and excilcmenl ... this has been a great preseason for two weeks. "I don’t know lhat I can give a number of wins and lo.sses, but I think we’ re going to be belter. W e've gol balance inside and oulside on offense, and 1 Ihink we will be a beller rebounding Icam. We want lo pressure more and I Ihink we'll bedeepcnough lo do lhal. We'll be morc alhlclic lo hopefully creale some easy baskels off the defense. "I Ihink Ihey ihink they can be successful, and that's a big part of the game." Notes: Davie scrimmages Nov. 13 at liickory. The opener is Nov. |y al Lake Nomtan. ... This is Absher’s 20th year in coaching, I2lh as a head coach. ... Mike Dinkins und Shannon Pulliam relurn us vursity a.ssis- tants. Terry Mitchell hus moved from IVeshmun lo JV couch. Eric Alspaugh is in his .second stint :is I'reshman coach. Pliiyer of Ihe Year season in vol­ leybull. She's certainly capable of currying Ihc load, averaging 6.3 points us a sophomore and 9.5 and 4.9 rebounds lust year. The versatile 6-footer has deliv­ ered double-figure points 18 times in two yeurs. Bul she wil< huve a full plute Ihis year, shouldering responsi­ bilities ut every position. "She’s going to huve lo lukc over that role o f being Ihe dom inanl .scorer," Stephens said. If anyone h:is figured out who will start around Schafer, they’re way ahead of Ihe coach. “ W e’ re prelly even ull Ihe way across," Siephens suid. "Everyboily’s got a chance. To run a pressure defense, we’ re going lo have to huvo morc thsin five or six players reaily. It’s ba­ sically up lo Ihem if Ihcy want lime." While Ihc battle for four start­ ing spots is a vigorous one, cen­ ter Nicolc Mareudy, forwurd Dvyiggins (who started off und on lasl year), forwaril/cenlcr Booth (who started some), and guards Bowden and Alyson Walker are candidates to pluy mujor roles. Mareudy is a 6-fooler who bangs relenlle.ssly und pluys wilh desire. Dwiggins is a defensive blunkcl who uvcrugcd 4.0 paints und 4.1 rebounds. Booth is u polentiul slar in Ihc making. She averugcil 4.6 points and 3.4 re­ bounds as a freshman, und she should lukc off us a tested sopho­ more, Davic needs Walker, a second-year varsity player, lo nourish as a junior. Power forwurd/centcr W hi- tukerand guurd Hurris led the JV teain wilh double-figure scoring uvcrugcs. “ Maready is going to have to pick up the inside game nnd score several points every night,” Stephens suid. "Booth is stronger and bigger, and she’s going to have to play four and five. She plays very confidently inside, and she can pop out und shoot the short jumper. She hits the bourds strong und she can get to the ball quick for u big girl. Hnrris could give us some time. She’s renl intense und works hurd defensively and offen ­ sively. “ I see Alyse and Andrea step­ ping forward because they know the system. Bolh aro quick and play good defense. All those kids rcturiiing will definitely have to play roles. They’re going to have to. Our fulleourt mun-to-nian is probubly better thun we had it lust yeur ut this time. We’re go­ ing lo have lo use Ihul bccause o f our size difference. W e’ re going to be small." The War Eagles huve enjoyed a winning record in 31 o f the past 42 yeurs, and Stephens en­ ters her U lh year with a 251-91 rccord (.733). But this figures to be a daunting task. The bright side: Patience is on Duvie’s side. “ W e're in u leurning pro­ cess," Siephens said, "We play a tough schedule and we’ ll have ups und downs. Bul us in vol­ leyball, il makes you better in the end. I'm hoping we’ ll be the sur­ prise and the spoiler I, and lhat’s what makes it fun. W e’ re just going to go one day nt a time and week by week.” Notc.s: Dnvie scrimmages Nov. 13 at Hickory. The opener is Nov. 19 at Lake Norm nn. ... Davic has a freshman gem in W illiams, who jumped straight from North Davie Middle to the big show. “ It was beneficial for Carly last year, and Whitney's in the same situation,” Stephens snid, “ She’s very nthletic, very uttentive and wants to learn. If you’re going to build a program, you’ ve got to get those renlly strong uthletes up quick. I’ve nol seen any doubt in her eyes. She’s a real mature kid .” ... Boger didn’t play as a junior. “ U ’s very unusual for a kid to come back out and make it,” she said. ... Debbie Evans is a fourth-yenr varsity ussistnnt. Teresa Boggs in the new JV conch. Davie doesn’t hnve a fulltime frcshinnn coach. •< "Debbie, myself and Teresa arc Juggling and making sure Ihc freshmen arc covered,” she said. "Teresa practices the J V nnd freshmen togelher.” ... The JV roster: Sophom ores Shnniku Brown, Justine Gnmble, Slonn Smith nnd Evony Tucker; nnd freshmen Gruce Didenko, Vnn- essu Didenko, Jenny Munn, Mor- gun Owens and Luuren Purker. ... The freshman roster; Rachel Goins, Jodi Hurpe, Tonettn Ram­ sey, Rebecca Riddle, Amanda Rus.scII, Jaclyn Smith, Brittany Whorlen, Megan Williams and Tuylor Boyles. S c h a fe r C P C V o lle y b a ll C o -P la y e r O f T h e Y e a r Allison Schafer was named co-player of Ihe year in volley­ ball. The Davie senior shared the awurd wilh Nortli Duvidson’s Cody Harden. Schafer was joined on the All- Ccnlral Piedmont Conference Icam wilh seniors Andrea Dw ig­ gins and Alyse Bowden and sophomore Ashley Davidson. Davie's tennis team hiid tliree all-confcrencc selections - se­ niors Megan Jordan and Carly Baisley and junior Alyso n Walker. New Swim Coach Brings Credibility Davic hus a new swim couch, and Jennifer Richardson brings instant credibility lo ii program that’s lackcd stability. Duvie seems to have a new couch every couplc of yenrs, bul Richnrdson hus thoroughly en­ joyed her firsl three monlhs al Davic and her firsl two weeks as tlie Wur Eagles' couch. “ I wunled u chunge of ulmo- spliere and change of school, and I’ m really, really huppy thut I cnme here," snid Richnrdson, who spent eiglil yeurs nl Purk- land High. Since Ihe progriim’s birth in the curly 1990s, Davie has had a tough lime competing wilh Rey­ nolds, Wesl Forsyih and every­ body in Forsyih Counly. Bul R i­ chardson, who is murried lo 1987 Davie gruduale Bob Rich­ ardson, Ihinks Davie’s boys and girls teams have enough talent to make something happen as early as this yciir. They open ¡it home on Nov. 19 against M ount Tabor and North Iredell. " I’m really impressed wilh their ability level already,” she suid. "Tliey don’t need a lot of skill technique building, they jusl need lo gnin sirengih. I wanl lo luke a whole bunch lo regional and state und get more recogni­ tion here at the school.” Richardson is determined lo put some shine on a progrnm that has produced individual stars from lime lo lime bul never con­ sistent winning as a team. "I know sometimes swim tenms are kind of overlooked,” she .said. "Il’s nol us importunt of u sport as olhers seem to be, so I really wanl to get Ihem more recognition uround here. Being new as a coach I don’t know them lhal well yet, but each dny I’ m impressed more and more with their ability levels.” The boys roster: Michael Beck, Ben Boger, Ryan Davis, Drew Esposito, Dustin Frye Juslin Lee, James Mighion, Jeff Mighion, David Monsees, Tim Norman, Shane Patrick Ben­ nell Shipman, Dnvid Stein und Shelby Wallace. The girls rosier: Neely Alex­ ander, Linden Cartner, Miranda Esposito, Jennifer Hamilton, Jen­ nifer Hu rt, Jenna Hendricks, Colby Kinder, Bniley Marrs, Jes­ sica Nelm s, Kimberly Rhodes, Marie Robertson, Jennifer Smith, Christy Sparks, Hannah Sweat, Dana Vestal, Stephanie Wendel und Веска West, Richardson coached Purklund’s teams for four years. “ I swam my whole life, when I wus young and nil through high school,” she said. “ In college (at Florida) 1 swam recreation.” Last year’s second-round 4A playoff gnmc at Greensboro Page wns n monumental moment in Davie football lore. The War Eagles blasted Page 22-0 in the first nine minutes and led 29-0 nt hnlflim e. The dumage wns done in a 36-20 victory. Dnvie, getting 190 rushing yards from Cooler Arnold, 131 from Justin Brown and 103 pass­ ing ynrds from Andrew McClnn- non, rendered the Pirates speech­ less with 469 ynrds. The Pirntes countered with 363, but most of them came when the outcome was long decided. They went 5- of-21 through the air nnd fniled on II-of-13 third downs. Their sturting quarterback, the same one who is running the show this .year, went I-o f-15, Fifth-seeded Davie (8-4) will try to stage a repeat performance in a second-round remntch Fri­ day night ut Page at 7:30 p.m . Page (9-2,4-1 Metro) at High Point Cenlral (8-3) W 20-0 at Western Guilford (5-7) W 33-7 nt George Washington L 19-17 at Dudley (8-4) W 14-13 Reynolds (3-8) W 50-39 at North Forsyth (5-6,2-3 Metro) W 20-14 Grimsley (2-9,0-5 Metro) W 18-10 Mount Tabor (10 -1 ,5-0 Metro) L2 5 -0 at Enst Fonsyth (2-8, 1-4 Metro) W 35-21 N W Guilford (5-7,3-2 Metro) W 25-7 Alexnnder Cenlral (4-8) W 48-27 Fourth-seeded Page (9-2) would like nothing better lhan to return ■ the favor, “ W e’re not going to be able to sneak up on them ,” Davie coach Doug llling said. “ Last year they might have not ex­ pected us to come in nnd piny thnt well. We pcnked and everything meshed. There’s not going to be any overlooking by them this year. I’ m sure they’re going to be very well prepared for whnt they’re going to see.” You know Pnge is fired up to remove the bitter tnste of 29-0. But it won’t be ensy against a Davic team that has hit its stride. With defenses focussing so much o f their energy trying to shut down Arnold, Brown is nearing 1,000 yards nnd Charlotte Hard­ ing lost track of Jamar Bratcher, whose 102-ynrd outburst should keep Page's defense guessing, “ We continue to improve and you saw a good exiimple of that (vs. H a rd in g ),” llling snid. "(Brntcher’s explosion) is big Striper Limit From left, Jim K alish of W ilm ington , Frank K alish of S heffleW R o ad , Larry G o b b le of S heffield R oad, M ocksville, au ght this lim it of striped bass an d a few catfish at S an tee C o o p e r T hursday, N ov. 6. Enforcers On A Roll In Flag Football Week ten of the Dnvie Flag Football League was a cold, blus­ tery Sunday. Il finally felt like football weather. In gume one, the Dirty Dozen jumped lo a 19-0 lead and look an ensy 44-20 win over the Frisby Aeros. The Enforcers routed Going Deep 49-24 in game tw o. Alex Justice scored twice on passes from Bubba Coleman. Brinn Ir­ win and Alex Nnil also scored TD s ns Tlie Enforcers cnme to life nnd looked strong. Going Deep liud its hands full but still struck back. Dennis Whiscnhunt had two TD s and William Arm ­ sworthy ulso scorcd in u losing cuuse. The Spurluns und Yadkinville Vikings wenl al it in game three. This is a long rivalry that made the game not only imporiunl in the slnndings, but for pride as well, A see-saw gnme became a shootout of thrills. Unfortunately, the sun began to set and it was too dark to finish. With 7:18 left and the Spartans up 31-28, the gnme was called by the referees. It will be completed at a later dale. “ I don't think the teams were too hnppy wilh tiic decision lo call the game," suid league direc­ tor Bob Richardson. “ For safety, though, it was a good cull. The first game of the day was delayed by almost 20 minutes, .so that set us back for the entire day,” Next week is a doubichcader. Games will be played on Satur­ day and Sundiiy starting at 1 p.m. each day. Long-To-Sampson Connection Leads North 6th Grade All-Stars Over South The Norlh Davie sixlli-grade football all-stars scorcd firsl and never trailed in a 28-14 win over South Davie on Nov. 1 nl Smilh Grovo. Znch Long hnd n dnzzling per- foritiunce in the win. The quur- terback from Shndy Grove threw two touchdowns on the way to 73 pnssing ynrds, rnn for a score and had an interception. Afler n scoreless firsl qunrtcr, Long com- pleted u 9-yard touchdown to Chase Sampson. Daven Grny rnn in the two-point conversion for un 8-0 lead early in the sccond. In tlie third, Long ran 1 yard into the end zone, then fired a 7- yard T D to Sampson. Brad Lan­ dreth capped N o rth’s scoring with n 54-yard run. Matlhew Speer added the two points. Am ong tlie oilier highlights for North, Jake Boger returned an IN T 30 yards, Speer had nine liickles, Greg Rogers hnd five tackles and a fumble recovery, Sampson had four catches for 58 yards und John Flowers rushed for 52 yards. North got outstanding block­ ing from Tanner Holden, Tyier Chilen, Cody Blake, Brandon Tester, Jerry Bales, Znchary D u n n , Sam pson, Boger nnd Gray. Old School Davie Sports News From November, 1 9 9 6 because now when we run sweep, they can’t jump oul there on the sweep without checking Bratcher firsl. He made some cuts, something he hadn’t been doing earlier. It’s a good time to stnrt doing thal.” Davie is faced with its first serious injury o f the season. Tight end Ted Randolph, who injured his knee in the first quar­ ter ugninst Harding, will be re­ placed by Zac O ’ Brien, a 6 -1, 195-pound junior who also starts nt defensive lackie. Look for O - tackles T .A . Sleele nnd Dion Cody lo also step in. “ W e’re going to get O ’ Brien ready,” llling said. “ He can run nnd cutch and he knows the blocking scheme. He’s going to hnve to pluy defense, too, so he’s going to have to gut il up.” Sophomore conierback Riie- shon M cNeil, who sprained his ankle on the opening kickoff against Harding, is probable for Church Basketball Registration Open The Mocksville-Davie Recrc- nlion Depurlment will hold reg- istrulion for church-lengue bas­ ketball through N o v. 14. The league will start on the first Sun­ day in December. Cnll the rec nl 751-2325. Two First In PP&K Brnd Corriher and Morgan Wyatt captured firsl place in the N F L Punt, Pass & Kick compe­ tition Saturday al Calawba Col­ lege. Corriher won the 14-15 age division and Wyatl took the 11- 12 group. They earned a berth to the regional. Instructional Wrestling Is Offered The Mocksvillc-Duvie Parks & Recreation Department is of­ fering an instructional wrestling program for second-sixth grad­ ers nt Dnvie High on Dec. 1,8, 17,2 2 , Jn n .5 , 12, 19!Uid 26. The progrnm will start ench night nl 6:30 and end al 7:45. The instructors will be Ron K irk , Adnm Burber und Jumey Holl. The cosl is $25, which includes n T-shirt. The dendline to regis­ ter is Nov. 2 1, Call the rcc at 75 1 - 2325. Register For 7-10th Grade Basketball The Mocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Department is accepting forms for ils seventh- 10th grade basketball league. The registration fee is $35 for the first child and $30 for cuch additional child in the same fnm­ ily, and tlie dendline is Nov. 14. Everyone must be preregistercd and must attend the team place­ ment drills at Ihe Brock G ym . Cnll Joe Boyette nt the rec at 751-2325 formore infornialion. Page. "Brandon Reliab said it’s not too bad of a spruin," llling said. “ Il didn’ t swell that bad, nnd thul’s good news.” i Brnndon Rehub’s K evin Clenry niso reported good news on Rundolph, who could be buck as carly as the quarterfinals should Davie defeat Pnge. “ He has w hat's callcd a bucket bundle tear,” Cleary said. “ T h e y ’ re probably going to scope it (N o v. II) , we should have him in rehab by (the nfter- noon of N o v. 11) nnd hopefully back by (Nov. 21), It’s going to be uncomfortable, but he could be O K . W e’ ll get a brace to slap on him. “ If things go well, he’ ll be fine for wrestling. Il cnn go well or il can linger. T .A . McLendon (of N .C . State) had the same thing Where Is Page? T iike 1-40 East to Greensboro. Exit on Hwy. 29 N orth. G o about 4.5 m iles to Cone Boulevard. G o west on Cone Boule­ vard. G o to fifth stoplight and take left on Alm apinnix Drive. Page is on left. against Clem son, and he was buck in a week and a hnlf. It’s kind of hard to predict. Some are out for the senson.” Notes: The Duvie-Page win­ ner will face the N o . 8 North Davidson (IO -2 )-N o . I Mount Tabor (10-1) winner.... Page av­ erages 25 poinis nnd gives up 17. Davie averages 24 points and gives up 16. 0 4 NTEREST 0 1 K i a S p e c t r a .....................................’^’4 , 9 9 5 0 1 F o r d E s c o r t ....................................^ 5 , 4 9 5 0 1 F o r d T a u r u s ....................................’’’6 , 9 9 5 0 0 F o r d E s c o r t ....................................^ 4 , 9 9 5 0 0 H y u n d a i ................................... ^ 4 , 9 9 5 0 0 S a t u r n ........................................................^ 5 , 9 9 5 0 0 C h e v y C a v a l i e r ............................^ 5 , 8 9 5 0 0 F o r d F o c u s .........................................^ 4 , 9 9 5 9 9 F o r d C o n t o u r ...................................^ 4 , 9 9 5 9 9 O ld s . I n t r i g u e ................................^ ^ 5 , 9 9 5 9 8 B u i c k C e n t u r y ...............................^ 6 , 8 9 5 9 8 F o r d C o n t o u r ...............................^ 4 , 8 9 5 9 7 C h e v y L u m i n a ...............................^ 3 , 4 9 5 9 7 D o d g e R a m 2 5 0 V a n . . ^ 6 , 4 9 5 9 6 O ld s A u r o r a ....................................^ ^ 6 , 9 9 5 9 8 G M C S o n o m a T k .....................^ 3 , 9 9 5 9 6 D o d g e D a k o t a T k .... ^ 3 , 9 9 5 9 5 C h e v y L u m i n a ...............................‘‘‘2 , 4 9 5 9 5 B u i c k L e s a b r e ...... ‘‘‘3 , 9 9 5 9 4 H y u n d a i E l a n t r a ....................., 9 9 5 9 0 C h e v y V a n - 2 0 ..........................‘‘‘2 , 9 9 5 WITH APPROVED CREDIT AND REQVIRED DOWN PAYMENT Rives IVIotor Co 1616 East Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 704 -6 36 -1 99 1 • D a vie ’s varsity football team stunned lOth-ranked Wesl Forsyth 7-3 in the final regular- season game. The upset gave Davie (7-4 , 4-2) .second in the C P C , the first four-game win­ ning streak since 1987 and the highe.st win total since 1984. With West ahead 3-0 and try­ ing to pul Davic away, Andy W ard’s hil caused an incomple- lion on fourth-nnd-2 nt the Duvic 29. Then, Kenny Collins’ 34- ynrd reverse set up David Daye’s winning touchdown run with 61 seconds left. Daye finished wilh 97 yards on 22 carries. West had won the previous eight meetings by an average score o f 26-6. • Ricky White of Davie's JV football team rushed 27 times for 167 yards in n 19-6 lo.ss to Wesl Forsyih. • Hillary Brickey, Caroline Steed and Garick Hill of Davie's cross country tenms quulificd for the stute meet in the Midwest Regional. War Eagle Madness Nov. 15 M ike Absher and Karen Stephens, Davie's varsity basket­ ball coaches, hnve plnnncd Wnr Eagle Mildness for Nov. 15 at 6- 10 p.m. in the high-school gym. Admission is $2. The night’s evenls w ill in­ clude music, performnnccs by school groups and talent, games to win prizes, giveaways, intro­ ductions of middle-school teams, high-school teams and other win­ ter sport program s, and in- trasqund iicrimmagcs. Food will be nvnilnble as well ns boosler- elub clothing and membership information, Il will be a nighl to kick off basketball and have some fam- ' ily fun. w A llyson H. Sawtelle, CPA, РЛ. ’ Spedalizin}i in Construviion Accountiiiff ' Certijh'd Quckliooks ProAdvisor B u ild e rs a n d C o n tra c to rs . Q u ic k b o o k s ® fo r C o n s tru c tio n S e m in a r - F R E E !! Learn how a .specialized QtiickBook.s® product can .simplify and grow your business - Including: Estimating/take-offs Job Costing/Change Orders Invoicing Contractor-.speciiic reporting and much more! Only 10 spaces available! Register early! November 18,2003 4pm-6pm T o R e g is te r: M a il, F a x o r C a ll N am e:___________________________________ C om pany:_______________________________ A ddress:_________________________________ C ity /S t/Z ip :_ Phone;_______ Fax:__________ 130 N C Hwy 801 South A dvance, N C 27006 Telephone: (336)940-5589 Fax: (336)940-5955 sawtelle@yadtel.nel v . b »10 . DAVIK COUN TY KNTKRI'RISK RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 4CrF4ST!!WModelsARAIniost(M Ford CreditA.P.R. UP TO 72 MOSÜ All NEW Vehicle Purchases Include 2 Year Maintenance Service Plan " *03 Focus Wagon '03 Mustang GT *03 Mustang Convertible GT MSBP ^$17,590CloarancoDiicount - ^ 9 0 othBiK ii - $3 ,0 0 0 MSBP = $27,010 Cloaninc« Dlicowt - $2 ,0 1 0 - $3 ,0 0 0CtihBack MSRP = $30,400 Clearanca . . . Dltcounl - $ 2 ,0 0 0 C«ihBKli - $ 4 ,0 0 0 ‘'l 3,900* ^22,000* =^24,400* ‘03 Crown Vic LX ‘03 T-Biitl ‘03 Ranger S/C XLT MSRP = $27,980 eioaranc« IMicount - $1 ,3 8 0 CailiBiick - $4 ,0 0 0 MSRP = $40,570 Cluranca Diicounl - $7,123 $ MSRP = $ 2 1 ,4 4 5 CiMrance . nuount - $ 1 ,2 4 5 CaihBack - $ 3 ,000 22,600* «33,447* 7,200* ‘03 F-150 S/C XLT r i f B k C : : ' ‘03 F-250 S/C 4x4 6.0L. Diesel ‘03 F-550 XLT 4x4 6.0L. Diesel MSRP = $ 2 6 ,7 3 5 ClaarancaMKOunt - $2,635 CaihBack - $3 ,5 0 0 MSRP = $39,765 ClaarincaBlicounI - M ,1 4 5 CaihBack -4 MSRP .= $ 4 5 ,2 2 5 ClurancaBiKouni - $ 5 ,8 6 4 CaihBack - $ 2 ,0 0 0 «20,600* «33,620* «37,361 P R E -O W N E D S A V IN G S !!! C A R S #P1591.......‘03 Focus SE auto, A/C, pwr. grp., alloy wheels...........$230x60 mos.* #P1454A....'99 Taurus SE auto, V6, alloy wheels, pwr, grp............$129x48 mos.* #3C3595A....'98 Grand Marquis V8, Ither, pwr. grp, loaded.........$236x36 mos.* #P1549A......‘03 Taurus SES V6, low miles, pwr. grp., alloy wheels .. $248x60 mos.* #P1594.......‘03 Taurus SES V8, pwr. grp,, alloys, low miles........$248x60 mos.* #P1585.......'03 Grand Marquis V8, Ither, LS trim, pwr, grp., alloys .$373x60 mos.* #P1554A.....'99 Lesabre leather, alloy wheels, pwr. grp., CD..........$206x48 mos.* #P1600.......'03 Sable GS pwr, grp., V6, auto, low miles..............$248x60 mos.* #P1569 .......‘00 Windstar LX V6, auto, /VC, 4 door.................$239x60 mos.* #P1590.......'03 Windstar V6, power group, A/C, 4 door..............$352x60 mos.* #P1536B.....'00 Mountaineer all wheel drive, leather roof, CD......$304x60 mos.* #3T4042B.....'02 Explorer Sport V6, power group, low miles.......$293x60 mos.* #3DT1785A...‘02 Explorer 4x4, V6,3rd seat, alloys, local trade.......$419x60 mos.* #P1592 .......‘03 Escape XLT V6, auto, power group................$352x60 mos.* #P1601.......'02 Explorer XLT 4x4, V6, power group, alloys........$419x60 mos.* T R U C K L S #2DT8518A...‘01 Ranger S/C XLT V6, auto, A/C, alloys.............$230x60 mos.* #P1596.......‘01 Ranger S/C XLT flareside, V6, auto, A/C..........$230x60 mos.* #P1598.......‘02 Ranger S/C XLT 4x4, V6, auto, power group.....$335x60 mos.* #P1543.......'01 F-150XLT4x4,6cyl,5spd.,LWB,alloys...........$293x60 mos.* #P1557 .......'01 F-150 S/C XL auto, V6, power group...............$335x60 mos.* #P1558 .......'00 F-150 S/C XLT aulo, V6, low miles.................$335x60 mos.* #4DT9198A...‘01 F-150 S/C XLT V8, auto, power group, alloys.......$356x60 mos.* #3DT1289A...'02 Dodge Ram ST V6, auto, low miles, local trade ....$272x60 mos.* #P1575.......'02 F-350 S/C XLT DRW 4x4, Lariat, 7.3L V8, auto ,..,$570x72 mos.* • $1,000 down cash/trade plus lax & fees. APR (rom 8,99% lo 12.99% depending on model/trim. See dealer lor details. PARTS & SERVICE WELCOMES YOU! Factory CerUfled • Technicians & Master Certifted Parts Personnel To Serve Your Needs. 12 Montli/12,000 Mile Warranty On All Parts & Labor Performed. Nevy Service Hours: 7:30am^:00pm M-F; 8;00artv4;00pm Sat After hours pick-up available. Viintlon-Sêltm AU. AMIRICAN FORD MIRCURY / M ockavllle E X T H E M E T lfíE S A L E Fora limited time, and while quantities last, the following tires will tie on sale to the public: P2S5/70R16 - Fits Explorer, Em e dltlo n , and F l 50 with 16" W heels ■ ar W rangler A P Outline White Letter (9001-1328400-72) i . l 3 o a c h ! Onlyi set available at this price. W rangler R T S Outline White Letter (9001-1378400-39)B.20 each! O n /K l set available at № price. MIchelln Cross Terrain S U V Outline White Letter (9004-67119)$102.00 each! sets available at this price. These are new, first quality tires that were left over (rom recall Inventory, if you own a truck or S U V that uses any one of these tire sizes, then you may never havo a better opportunity to purchase tires at this level of savings egalnl So take advantage of this offer while you can! il'5%*0ff Pa’rt^ I I V f t f i T M s C o u p o n I ^ 'Excludes Accessories. Ofler Good Until 11/3tW)3 at Ali-Amerlcan Ford Mercury Only, j FORD IVIERCURY S h o p u s o n l i n e a t a a f o i x l . c o i i n B u y A m e r i c a n . . . B u y F o r d . . . “ B u y A L L A I V I E R I C A N F O R D ” Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 7 51-2 16 1 ' Plus Tax & Feos. Doalor retains all rebates. " ‘Excludes diesel engines. Soo dealer lor details. -Í Davie Peonie DAVIE COIINTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - Cl ■ Photos by Robin FergussonC larence L. Gobble talks about W oritj W ar II while nieces Creola Rogers and Vauda Ellis listen. Band Of Brothers G ob b le F am ily S en t F ou r S o n s To F igh t in W orld W ar II Heart to Heart w ith Kathy Chaffin (<rp 1 o put it in plain language,” Clarence L. Gobble says, serving in World War II was nothing less than "hell on wheels.” Indeed, as an assistant ambulance driver and orderly for the 68th Medical Group which serviced the 1st Army in Europe, Clarence literally spent much of his active duty on wheels. He helped transport injured soldiers to inakeshift ho.spitals, sometimes spending hours and hours on the road. Some of the wounded died along the way. Clarence, who tumed 81 on Tuesday, closes his eyes when he talks about the horrors he witnessed. It’s not something most veterans want to talk about, he explains, espe­ cially those who saw the worst of the killing. “I just don’t care about repeating it,” he says. “I don’t even discuss it with my kids.” Once, Clarence and the lead ambulance driver with whom he worked transported wounded soldiers practically nonstop for six solid weekis. “We cut the switch on the ambulance one time,” he says, “long enough for the me­ chanics to change the oil and gas us up.” They didn't have it chnnce to chnnge clotlies or blithe during that time, "W e were hauling a long way,” lie says. “ W e’d pick tliem up off the front lines nnd haul them back to the hospi­ tals. W e'd be on the roads day and night." He and the lead driver would switch off at the wheel. "And what sleep we got, we got sitting In the front seat while the otiicr one was driving." Clarence wns one of four sons of the late W illis Vestal "W .V ." and Flossie Lanier Gobble to be drafted for service in World Wnr IL As brought to light in the nwnrd-win- niiig Steven Spielberg film , “ Saving Private Ryan," the Arm ed Services liad ■imposed a limit of three draftees from a single family, Tlierefore, W .V. was given the op­ tion of selecting one son to remain home. But, according to family, he suid that was a choice he could not make. “ I figure that decision wns made by a much liigher Person," 84-yenr-old Willis M . Gobble says, “ becnuse we all went, nnd wc all came home. Thank God!" Howard A . Gobble was the Tirst to be drafted. He left the family farm on Sheffield Road on Sept. 22, 1942, and was assigned as n medic attnched to the 333rd Fighter Squadron of the A ir Force. Clarence was the next to be drafted on Jan. 13, 1943. A couple of months laler, on IVIarch 12, Virgle O . Gobble reported for duty under Company K of the Anny's 3 18th Infnntry nnd Anti-Aircraft. W illis, tiie oldest ofthe four, wns the Inst to leave home on June 8,1944, serv­ ing in the Navy on the USS King S. Wooisey, USS PC-788. ¡PT/T. C L A H E N O E G O B B L E DAVIE PARENTS HAVE FOUR SONS I SERVICE. THREE OVERSEAS. M r. and Mrs. W . V. CSobble oi Route 1 have iour sona serving in the arm ed forces, ono of whom wiw reported .week to .hdve been slijfhtly wpuhded ftoUoi;) In ^ a n c e on November ^8 ' , > f: T h rw of t^e four aons are w W ing overMos^ ■ Tihe son WAS vounded U Pvt. Virgle O. Oobbl«,' who h w ))«en in servke since M arch, and overieAfl since Au> yem. O ttier than th a t h« wa4 sl^ebtt^r wounded,' the m «u»ee gave np details of hia ^tondllion.’ ' • •' 'l u ''' V' . Pfc, Howfard A. first to • enter scrvice^ ''''w donned the uniform in Septen|^ ber^; 1942, and la now f at' m enthftl* Field, W ilm lngtori. ' Pvt, Clarence 1.. Qobljle,is w itli a medical unit in Bolglumi He Jblrifed the arm y In January, 1943^ and w ent oversea» In No» vember, 1943. ' Se am a n l-c . WiUi^ qiobbj; joined ,the navy Juijif«,; ti now on.sea duty in !tut, ignated area,' I’lciisc Sec Gobble - Page C4 A new spaper clipping from the 1940s. C2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 Carter- Terry C ouple U nited In M arriage Jenny Darlinc Carler and Harold David Terry Jr. were united in marriage Saturday. Oct. 11 in an outdoor ccremony at the home of Callie B. Terry, tnotlicr of Ihe groom, o f A d ­ vance. The Rev. Donnie Durham ofnciated. The bride is the daughter of Jeff Carter and the late Donna Carter. Her paternal grandpar­ ents arc Mr. and Mrs. William Carter of Advance. Her mater­ nal grandparents arc the late Wesley Adams Sr. and the late Estelle Slater. She is a graduate of Davidson Com munity Col­ legc and is a phlcbotomist wilh Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. The groom is the son of Callie B . Terry o f Advance and Harold D . Terry Sr. of Bluffton, S .C . His paternal grandparents arc the late Mr. and Mrs. Wade Terry o f Jefferson, S .C . His ma­ ternal grandparents arc the late M r. and Mrs. W .A . Bailey of Advance. The groom is a gradu­ ate of High Point University and works for Russell Construction C o ., Advance. Lori Correll of Advance was Ihe 'matron o f honor. Brides­ maids were M egan Carter, Tam my Tucker and Leslie Ellis of Advance. The junior brides­ maid was Brea Correll of A d ­ vance. The groom's father wns best man. Groomsmen were Adam Carter, brother of the bride of Ad vancc: Joe Gardner o f Clemmons; Sam Dover of West Lake, Ohio; and Graham Long of Winslon-Salem. William A . Bailey, uncle of the groom of Advance, was honorary usher. Flower girls were Kaillin E. Lanier and Cara Bailey Terry of Advance. The ring bearer was Boyd Correll of Advance. The guest register attendant was Dena E . Terry, sister of the groom of Winston-Salem. Tlie bride, father of the bride, flower girls and ring bearer ar­ rived in a horse-drawn carriage and the bride was escorted by her father. She wore a full A-line dress with caviar beading on Ihc bodicc and banded skirl with embroidered sequins. The wedding music was by Benita Finney, soloist. She was also wedding director and pro­ vided flowers. After the ceremony, the bride and groom departed in Ihe horse- drawn carriage for a short ride and then returned for the recep­ tion at the home of Callie B. Terry o f Advance. A rehearsal dinner hosted by the groom's parents was held on Frid a y, O c t, 10 , and the bridesmaid's luncheon, hosted by Dena Terry, sisier o f the groom was Oct. 5 at the home of Callie B. Terry. After a honeymoon trip to Oak Island, the couple is resid­ ing in Advance.M : a n d l \ / i r s . H a r o l d D a v i d T e r r y J r . The D avie C ou n ly Arts Council invites you lo kick off Ihc holiday season w ith an evening of bluegrass music from Blue Highway. Hailed by US AToday as one of “ bluegrass* finest groups," Blue Highway comes lo Mocks- )- ville as part of the Blue Christ­ mas at the Brock celebration on Dec, 6 at 7:30 p.m. Blue Highway’s newest gos­ pel project, “ Wondrous Lo ve," has received exceptional re­ views from across the counlry. Taking home IB M A awards for "Emerging Arlist of 1996" and "Album of the Year" (It's a Long, Long Road), Blue Highway con­ tinues to rack up accolades. According lo Joe Ross, staff writer for Bluegrass Now , “ Blue Highway has buill a reputation for brilUam instrumental prow­ ess, soaring harmonies, driving rhythms, well-crafted original rnalerial, and crcative arrange­ ments. Wondrous Love is a top- notch gospel album from a band that continues to be foremost in Ihcir pi'ofession and presenta­ tion. Blue Highway's got the power, and this is an album thal will help you find true inward­ ness from the gospel messages presented in Ihcir spiritual songs." Opening for Blue Highway will be a rare performance by four of the urea's finest musi­ cians, Je ff Fo x h a ll, Scott Huffm an, Bert Sprye and Cruig Smilh. "Wc have some of the nnest bluegrass players in the country living less than 25 miles from here and many people don't even know il," said Laura Ward, ex­ ecutive director of the Duvic County Arts Council, “ Scott Huffman and his friends arc as good as it gets." Ward said Blue Christmas at the Brock is a day dedicated lo great music and Christmas chccr. The Brock will open ut noon and feature a displuy ofhund-painted Christmas trees dccorated by local .school children. Chicken stew, hot cider und other conces­ sions will be uvuiluble und jum .sessions arc scheduled through­ out the duy. "If you're a picker, wc wunt you lo come jam nnd cclcbrate with us," snid Ward. The Mocksvilie Christmas parudc, which begins at 3 p.m. lhat day, will pass by The Brock. Ward hopes to offer folks a plucc to come oul of Ihc cold and hear more grent music and cut. “The lobby will be nlive wilh musiciuns, wonderful food und decorations. The more people who come enl, drink und make music the beller." Tickcis arc on sale ul $ 12 for general admission; $10 Ibr stu­ dents und senior cilizens. Bring n cun food donulion for Slorc­ housc for Jesus and reccive a dollar off the ticket pricc. For more infonnalion call 7.‘i 1-3000. Philanthropists Wanted! R o c k e f e l l e r , G a t e s & Y O U ! "V bu d o n ’t h a v e to b e a m illio n a ir e t o g iv e li k e o n e . Y o u ONLY NEED TO: ' Want to give back to a community that has supported you ' Need a year-end tax deduction ’ Want to give a gift that keeps on giving 'Ilic C^oinmunity Foundation of Davie County acccpts donations of all sizes for its Unrestricted Community Endowment. Your donation will be added to the Endowment and invested with ali Foundation endowed funds, tim ings from these flinds arc grantctl to Davie Couniy non-profits and diarities forever. Your gift to the Unrestricted Community Endowment makes an eternal impaa on the Davie (bounty community and a positive impaa on your personal taxes. Gifts to the Unrestriaed Community Endowment sliould be sent to 'llie Com nniniw Foundation of D,ivie County, P O Box 546, Mocksvilie, N C 27028. To discuss specific giving needs ■ or for information, contact Jane Simpson, President, at (336) 936-00‘<5! isimpsong>davicfoundalion.or(!; or visit o u r web-site at www.d.wicfotintiation.orp. Open M ic Saturday A t The Gasthaus On Saturday, Nov. 15, Ihe Davie Counly Arts Council, in conjunction with The Gasihaus on the Square, will host Jam @ the Haus, an open mic night for musiciuns of all ages and lypes of music at 8 p.m . Groups of musicians urc in­ vited to purticipatc, as well us individunls. Whether you pluy solo or are looking for someone to play with, bring your inslru­ ment and jum niong, A FA syslem und set of dnims will be provided. A keyboard is available upon request. Euch en­ try receives 20 minules of play time. If lime allows, musiciuns may have Ihe opportunity lo pluy uguin Inter in the evening. Frc-rcgistrntion gunrnntees the opportunity lo pluy and pro­ vided time slots urc open - mu­ sicians may register ill the event. The Jam is located at Gasihaus on Ihe Square, 101 N . Main St., Mocksvillc, upstairs in The A t­ tic. Music slarls around 8 p.m. Admission for parlicipanls, as well as uudicncc members is $3. Direct all inquiries and rcg- i.stralions to Regan Jones at 75 1- 3000 or rjone.t@iliiviearls.orit. Care Center’s [ONDAF m i2 P p E ^ P European Fitclal (uck.$s5) N ow $27.50“ Deluxe Pedicure (lies. $45) N ow $22.50 H ot O il M anicure (Ueg.$2o) Now $10.00 Lip o r B row W axing (Kcg.$9) N ow $4.50 A ppohitnw n t R ecom m ended liiplnra 12/lfV0.1. >»H-16-(S lU b M i;i Sitili O u t Center, HilULilc I'm!; l‘.»k (Wiincl Cliti)) M s. D a v i d C o r b in R u s s e l l Hiii-Russeii Coupie Married in Charleston B lu e C h ristm a s A t T h e B r o c k T o p B l u e g r a s s B a n d , P i c k e r s T o H ig h lig h t D a y - L o n g E v e n t Deirdrc Renae Hill und Duvid Corbin Russell, bolh of Winslon- Salem, were married Saturday, N o v. I aboard the "Spirit of Charleston" in Charieslon, S.C. Dr. G uy L . Hipp officiated ul Ihc 7 p.m . ccremony. The bride is the daughter of M r. and M rs. Billy J. H ill of Clemmons. She graduuled from West Fonsylh High School and earned a bachelor's degree in business udminislrulion from Meredith College in Ruleigh. She is employed ns n htunnn re­ sources gcnernlist for Atrium W indows nnd Doors in W cl­ come. The groom is the son of Lindu Rus.scll o f Winslon-Sulcm nnd Diw id C . Russell of Winston- Snlem, He is the grundson of Myrtle H . Heud of Winston-Sn- Icm. He graduuled from Bishop McGuinness High School and at­ tended Louisburg College and Pfeiffer College. He is the owner of the West Salem Grill in W in- ston-Salem. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Breanna Hill, the bride's sis­ ter, was the tnaid of honor. The grootn's molher served as best woman. Groomsmen were Billy J. Hill Jr. of Oak Ridge, Ihe bride’s brother, und A n d y Humillon and Cam py Wulker of Winston-Sulem. Follow ing the ceremony, u dinner and dancc reception wus hold while cruising aboard the “ Spirit o f Charleston." A re­ hearsal dinner at 82 Queen was hosted by the groom’s mother. A fte r a wedding trip to Charieslon, the couple is living in Winston-Salem. TImmons-Griffin Engagement Announceo David and LuAnn Timmons of Advance unnounce the engage­ ment of Iheir daughler, Amanda Marie Timmons to Jeffrey Wayne Griffin, tlie son of Don und Curol Griffin of Winslon-Salem. The bride-elecl is a 2002 graduate of Duvie High School. She is in the cadet program with the Winston-Salem Police Department. The groom-lo-be is a 1993 grndunte of Mount Tnbor High School. He is nn officer for Ihe Winston-Sulem Police Depnrtment. The wedding will be held ul Union Cross Moravian Church on May 8, 2004. A Lunch-n-Learn Program Sponsored by Cancer Services, Inc. for Cancer Survivors ancl Tiieir Caregivers Comf lementoiy awl flltwnaUve IWetiicine: Wktt evwij ta n m fxttient slvould biow. Speaker: Suzanne Hess, Ph.D. (rom Wake Forest University Baplisl Medical Center Friday, November 2lstfrom II:30am-I;00pm Davie Counly Library in Mocksville CnII 760-9983 or 1-800-228-7421 (br further information nnd to register. Tho program and lunch are free. Spneo ia limited. Registrntion dondllne ia Novombor 18, 2003. Cancer Services, Inc 3175 Maplewood Ave. Winslon-Sulem, N C 27103 www.cuncerservicesonline.org Unlbedvw^i W a l k T h i s W a y Retired Doctor Knows Exercise Stimulates The Body And M ind By M ike Barnhardt Davie Counly Enlerprise Record Just about every day, you cnn find Dr. George Kimberly walk­ ing around the community track between Mocksvilie Elem en­ tnry School nnd the Davie Fam ­ ily Y M C A , Lap after lap, a quarter mile each circuit, one foot in front of the other. If he looks n bit funny, it’s because he’s race walking, an Olym pic event that requires one foot to be on the ground at nil times. Race walking is good exer­ cise, which is how the retired doctor got into the sport. Kimberiy will be 71 later this month, and started un exercise program soon nftcr he retired at age 66. He hud always been ac­ tive as a doctor, walking from room to room , up and down the halls o f Davie County Hospital and nursing homes. An d he knew that exercise was important. “ W hen I retired and I would dress, I would hnve lo lean ngainst the wall to put my pants on,” he said. So he started walking. W ith­ out really trying, he lost 23 pounds. Kim beriy calls walking the easiest and safest exercise you cnn do. “ There's not enough people out here,” he snid, glancing nt the paved trnck open to the pub­ lic. O n ly his w ife, Libby, wns making laps on a warm Novem ­ ber morning. “ There’s a lot of people in town who should be out here. There are a lot o f nicc places for people to walk in ^ Davie County." ^ He points out that 30 percent o f all people are obese, and an- What: S en io r P ow er Fair W hen: M onday, Nov. 17 W here: D avie Fam ily Y M C A C em etery St., M ocksviile Tim e: 10 a.m ,-1 p.m . other 30 percent nre over­ weight. “ Exercising is n rnce ngainst nging and deteriorntion," he snid, “ W e're nil going to de­ cline. It's a rncc to insure thul we feel good nIong Ihe way nnd pul o ff the inevitnble a little longer." The benefits of exercising are great, Kim berly si\id. “ Il helps to keep you from getting sick. It improves circu­ lation, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It decreases your blood pressure, helps you to lose weight. "An d ns wc get older, we get more sore and more stiff with wenker muscles. It improves bnlnncc, strength and mobility." Exercising improves your appearance, increases stamina, helps with self-confidence and reduces boredom. Exercise can be done alone, or with groups. You can com­ pete, or do it just for fun. It doesn't have to be ove rly strenuous nnd you don't have to be an athlete. Kim berly is sold on the ben­ efits o f exercise. But there's more. “ I think it helps your brain fu n c tio n ," he said. “ It just makes you feel good." Kim berly was on one o f his walks four years ago when Kathie Slreil, coordinator for Senior Oames in Davie Counly, usked him nbout rnce walking. "I tried it and I thought I was going to die,” Kim berly said. “ But I kept after it." He qualified ns Davie’s en­ try into the North Carolina Se­ nior Oames. That's because he was Davie’s only race walker, finishing th c5 K (3 .1 milc)race in 45 minutes. “ I got lo Raleigh, competing with 30 or 40 guys. M y goal was not to be disqualified. (Re­ member, with racc walking, one foot must stay on the ground at all times.). I was not disquali­ fied, but I was last. And I was cc.static.” He kept walking. This year, he won the 1,500- meler race walk at the state games. Every dny, he’s slill wnlking. The second place finisher last year lold him he would win the next year. It’s good fun, and il's motivation to l<eep doing some­ thing that's good for him any­ way - exercising, “ I try to think about how much better it makes you feel. I was getting sluggish and felt depressed. It's a lot of fun be­ cause other people arc in ­ volved," Kim beriy said. The Healthy Carolinians of Davie County are trying to get a walking trail started, with mile markers. An obstacle course is nlso being considered, as are bocce arid shufficboard courts and horseshoe pits. They would all make Davie County tt nicer place for seniors and others to exercise. “ W hen I was doctoring, I told people to walk 30 minutes a day," Kim beriy said. “ You've just got to do it.” % APY 36-Month CD Special L im ited Tim e O pportunity! $25,000 Minimum - $99,000 Maximum Pbr a limited to e only, Bank of The Carolinas is offering a 36-Month CD with a 2.88% Annual Percentage Yield, fully FDIC Insured, for a minimum deposit of $25,000. P lu s Himi|) Up OpUon If, at the time you open your 36-Month CD you have or open a Carolinas Checking Plitn, you will receive a "One-Time Bump Up"** option. Anytime during the term of your 36-Montli Certificate, you have the option to 'bump up’ to any higher yield being offered with no early withdrawal penalty for the remainder of the term! A 36-Month CD paying 2,88% APY with a "Bump Up" Option for Carolhias Checking customers — that's “Banking Carolinas Style"! Bank of The C a ro lin a s www.bankofthecarolinas.com A D V A N C E 362 N C Hw y 801 S, Tel: 336-Ö98-1003 A S H EB O R O 110 7 S. Church St. Tel: 330-026-9990 C A R T H A G E 109 Monroo St. Tel: 910-947-2501 HARRISB URG 4360 Main Street т а : 704-464-6863 LAN D IS 107 S. Central Avenue 'M : 704-867-7277 C L E V E U N D 11713 StatcsviUe Blvd. Tel: 704-278-3700 M O C K S V ILLE 136 Boxwood Village Drive Tel: 336-751-6766 * 2.66% APY is accurate as ol 10/29/03; minimum deposit $25,000, maximum deposit $99,000. Penalty lor early wlttidrawals.^At maturity, certificate renews automaticatiy at ttie yield then In ellect on certillcates ol this type.' * Rump Up option limited to Carolinas Checldno customers only. One-time option during tlie original term ol tlie Special 36-Month CD to 'bump up' to a higher Member yield. No regular Interest checks can be Issued on 36-Month CDs with the Bump Up option. Yield may change alter Ihe account ppio Is opened with Ihe Sump Up option. Personal accounts only. S en ior P o w er F air l\/londay The Senior Power Fair will be a placc for senior cilizen.‘ to learn how to feel beller. T lic y'11 learn exorcises that will help them breathe, nutri­ tion lips thnt w ill lielp them stay healthy. T h e fair will be from 10 a .m .-l p .m . M o n ­ d a y, N o v . 17 at the Davie Fam ­ ily Y M C A on C c m - G eo rg e K im - ctery Streel, berly; “E xer- o ff N o rth cising just M ain Sireel m aizes you in M o c k s - feelgood." ville. Registration and refresh­ ments begin at 10 a.m . D r. Lo n n ie P ro c lo r, Se nio r Gam es Am bassador, w ill be the guest speaker at 10:30. From 11 a .m .-l p.m .,there w ill be dem onstrations and ¡ictivities al! aimed at helping seniors be m ore h e alth y. There w ill be blood pressure checks, and flu ( $10) and pneumonia ($20) shots w in be available (B rin g M edicare card if appropriate.). Tlie fair is free and open to the p u b lic , sponsored by Health Carolinians o f Davie County Physical Fitness and Nutrition subcom mittee. Fot m ore in fo rm a tio n , call Andreia Collins at the Davie County Health Departm ent al 75 1-8 70 0 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPKISJC RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - CJ br. G eorge Kimberly practices race walking on the pub­ lic track adjacent to the Davie Fam ily YM C A . ■ Photo by Robin Fergusson $ 5 9 , 9 0 0 . 1 1 2 8 s f . ( Y e s , y o u r e a d t h a t r i g h t ) T h e R e ve re , H 2 8 s f, $ 5 9 ,9 0 0 ($ 5 3 p e r s f) 3 b e d ro o m s , 2 f u l l b a th s We’re extending a very special offer on one of our most popular homes through December 31, 2003. ■ Our homes are built on site, not pre-fab or modular. ■ National buying power. Local craftsmen. ■ No lot? We can help you with our free lot location service. ■ No down payment and no closing costs for qualified buyers. Statesville Sales & Design C enter Take Exit ¡54 o ff H O 704-872-8989 800-714-2324 ext. 2 WWW.W ayneHomes.com Call fo r free book o f house plans. W jP im . У У Д о ш ' A Division of Centex Homes GaraRC, land and Improvements nol Included In pricc. Olfer Rood ihrouRli 12/31/03 and applies lo qualified buyers, rinancing must be ihrough CTX MoriRage. Home shown lor lihistration purposes only. NC General Contracting License «<17781, VA Home Builder ID H8R0‘>. YOUR HOME YOUR LOT ■ YOUR WAY Gobble... Contliuic'd Knim I’liKC C l A I'rivatc tsl Cliiss, Howard, who dial on Aug. 20 ¡il age 82, SCI veil in Ihc Pacific on Okinawa aiul Icshiina. I lis tlccoralions in- chiilc Pacific Thciilrc ribbons anil live liatlle Stars. Claroiicc. who rclircd lasl Dcccinbcr as a Winslon-Snlcnt barber, .served as a Private 1st Class ill Germ any, Belgium , l-rance and Holland, He was awarded five Hattie Stars and u l-uropeaii Theatre Ribbon. Virgle. the youngest o f the broihers, .served as a Private 1st Class in Gennany, France and lingland and was awarded the American Theatre Servicc Rib­ bon. a W orld War 11 Victory Medal and a Good Conduct medal. W illis served in England, r-'nince, Africa and Italy as a 1st Cla.ss Merchant Marine Seaman. As an armed guard on the W oolscy, he witnessed a ship Iraveling behind it come under attack in Ihe Strait of Gilbratar. "I saw it sinking as we were leaving," he says. Though their paths never crossed during the war. the Gobble brothers, all o f who moved to I'orsyth Counly after they relumed home, thought of cach olher often. "W e couldn't help but won­ der," Clarence says, "but we slayetl so busy. And when wo weren't working, we were try­ ing to get a little resl and sleep." ll was also iinportanl lo put their worries aside, according to Willis, so they could fulfill Iheir C4 - DAVIIi COUN'I V KNTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 duties as best they could. "W e had to stay ulcrl and fo­ cused," he says. "It was the same thing when thinking of Papa and Mama. Wc could not dwell on it." The brothers also had four older brothers, Felix, Ouis, J.B . nnd Ervin and three sisters, Betty, M avis and Zula back home. Though he never saw Howard, Virgle or Clarence dur­ ing the war, Willis recalls run­ ning into a first cousin overseas, but doesn't remember exactly where il was. Clarence says'the only .ser­ viceman he saw that hc knew was his first cousin, Dr. Clifton Lanier from the Welcome com­ m unity. "I found out he was there and started researching," he says, "and I found him in a hospital one day working." Though Virgle doesn't like to talk aboul the war now, Willis says he remembers him telling about being penned in a foxhole for three days. "Day and night," he says, "he could not get out bccau.se as soon as he would rise up to look, a Gcnnan solder would shoot at him. "Can you im agine three whole days und nights trapped in a hole? I did not have to ex­ perience lhat, but it still hurts for me to hear it. I can imagine how il makeS those that experienced it very hesilunt to speak of It." Virgle, who is 79, was also the only brother lo suffer inju­ ries in the war. His feet literally froze, Clarence says, and after a stay in the hospital, hc was assigned to guard German prisoners oP war on a ship bringing them back lo the United States. During the winler months, hc says, soldiers were oftentimes in the snow dny nnd night. Their feet would be wet through and through. "It was worse lhan frostbite," he snys. Hundreds of soldiers suffered such exlcnsivc damage Ihut they had to have Iheir feel amputated. Tliough Clarence contracted pneumonia while training in Ihe snow in Virginin and had lo spend 10 days in the hospital, hc says he was fortunate during ac­ tivc duty to .spend much of his time in ambuhmces, the only ve­ hicles to have heat. "I managed lo slay warm nnd pretty well dry," hc says. Willis snys the mosl difficult pnrl of serving in the war was leaving his young wife, Ellie, nnd Iheir 4-year-old son at home. "But I wanted lo serve my country," he says. "I wrote Ellie a letter and dropped il off when wc were Iraveling by train lo our next post. "I was not sure it would make it, but it did." W hen Elite's brother was killed in nctivc duly, Willis wns given a lenve lo return home for the funeral. CInrencc snys he helped trnnsport Ihousnnds nnd thou­ sands of wounded soldiers dur­ ing his .service. Injured soldiers were tngged, he says, with the wounds identi­ fied and any Irealment rendered recorded so Ihnt mctlical person­ nel al the hospitals would know whnt to do next. If someone died en route, Clarence says the body would be taken to the grave registration group for processing. Tliough be saw soldiers die on a regular basis, hc always held onto the belief lhat he wns coming home. "I reckon thnl's what most of us were thinking." hc snys. "Ifil hadn't been, we would have all died over Ihere, I guess." Their religious upbringing al Ijames Baptist Church gave them the failli they needed to survive Ihe hard times. Virgle, in a letter asking sis­ ter-in-law Cloyce Gobble lo look nftcr his sweethcnri. Ruby, who he Inter married, wrote Ihnt he carried his Bible in his pocket al all limes. “ I hnd my little tnlks with God." Clarcnce says, and when­ ever possible, he nttended wor­ ship services during the war. Looking back on those days, hc says he's proud to hnve served his country. "I know of some lhat were supposed to have been drafted." he says, "but Ihrough polilical pulls and so forth, they managed lo slay oul. I'd hale to be one of them. "Servicemen look down on Ihem ns pretty common and low." Clarence says most Am eri­ cans don't have enough respect for veternns. As for himself, hc says lie's nol asking for any spe­ cial recognition. "But 1 do think somelimes people have forgotten what the young men went over there nnd sacrificed for," he snys. Virgle O. Gobble with mother Flossie Lanier Gobble and abrother, Howard A. Gobble. D A M E " I C R A F T X C O R N E R 34th A n n u a l C ra ft V illage f g Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 5pm-9pm 9am-9pni 9am-4pni B .C . B r o c k G y m M a in S t. • M o c k s v ille S p onsored by O a vie C ra ft A sso cia tio n i j r B e n e fit f o r ^ C o m n n in ity P ro je c ts f f r A D M IS S IO N : $1.00 Adult F e ciliirin }’ the V illa};e C afé Q u i l t e r s G u i l d M e e t s E a c h M o n t h A t T h e B r o c k The Davie County Quilters Guild is beginning a new year. Meetings nrc held at the B rock Center, N orlh M nin Street, M ocksville, the third Monduy ofeach month. Projects nre in progress. N e w officers havo been elected (M nry Anna Smoot is president) and new members nre welcome. Dues arc $ 10 per yenr. If interested, cnll 492-7408 or 49 2 -7718, DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursduy, Nov. 13,2003 - C5 T o d d , A n n a and M organ Bum garner orM ocksvlllc an­ nounce the birth o f their .son and b ro th e r, Joshu a T o d d , born October 2,2003 at F o r­ sylh Hospital. H c weighed 8 lbs. 11 Ji o z. and was 21 and 1/ 2 Inchcs in length. M a te rn a l g ran d p a re n ts are C a rte r and B re n d a Robertson o f M ocksville. Pa ­ te rn a l g ra n d p a re n ts arc La rry and K a y Bum garner of Cooleemee. Great-grandpar* cnts a rc M s . M a rg a re t B u m g a rn e r o f C ooleem ee, M r. and M r.s R .C . Moose of Statesville and the late M r . and M rs . C .A . Robertson of M ocksvillc. H e llo - m y nam e is C a th e rin e M a rie L a z a r o - everyone calls me “ C a tie ” . O n N o v . IS th , I will celebrate m y first birthday w ith a big p arty at m y house in N o rth B erw ick, M aine. W h e n I w as b o rn I weighed only 1 lb .5 ozs., I was IS w eeks p re m a tu re . M y fa m ily w as v e ry w o rrie d about me & I spent 5 months in the hospital. Bccause ofthe w onderful hospital staff, m y p ro a c tive p a ren ts & the prayers of all m y fam ily & friends, today I ’ m a happy, lieaithy 17 lbs. 12 ozs. M y M om m ie & D ad dy are Paul & Jcanna Hanes La za ro o f N o rth B e rw ic k , M a in e . M y m aternal grandparents are R a n d a ll H a n es o f M o c k s ville & D e b o ra h L a n k fo r d K u tc n o f O ld O rch ard Beach, M aine. M y paternal grandparents are P a u la and J e f f A lle n o f H u d s o n , M a s s . and R o n La za ro o f South B oro, Ma.ss. M y m a te rn a l g re a t* g ra n d p a re n ts a rc : C ra ig (Poppaw ) Hanes and the late M a rie (m y M o m m le -rle ) G reen Hanes o f M ocksville and D ad dy Jam es & M am a Jean La n k fo rd o f Cooleemee. I also have m a n y a u n tS , uncles, g rc a t-a u n ts, grcat- unclcs as well as great-great aunts and uncles who love mé bunches! A lso , m y “ M em e” (g re a t A u n t C a th y ) the frequent flyer, has racked up quite a few d ivide n d m iles com ing to visit me! A n n o u n c i n g t h e N e w e s t M e m b e r o f t h e F o r s y t h M e d i c a l G r o u p F a m i l y : Clemmons Family Practice A s the newest member o f Forsyth Medical Group, Clemmons Family X iP r a c t ic c joins a network o f more than 30 practiccs and 250 providers who arc affiliated with Forsyth Medical Center, dedicated to improving the .health and well being o f our communities, one person at a time. O ur com m unity has always trusted Clemmons Family Practice for its healthcAre needs. As part o f our new affiliation with Forsyth Medical Group, we look forward to the additional benefits we c.in bring to patients and families through a wider range o f accessiblc, convenient healthcare services, C d l 3 3 6 - ’7 6 6 - 6 4 7 3 f o r m o r e i n fo r m a t io n o r t o s c h e d u le a n a p p o i n t m e n t . 6301 Stadium Drive, Clemmons S a.m, to S p.m. Monday • Friday We welcome new patients and accept most imunmce pLim. AJJiliateti with Forsyth Medical Center WAL-MART P o r t r a i t S t u d i o т ш т г . PhotaqraphtrHeun; lOim-Tpm Photo9riph(r will b( ауаПаЫ! Ihfit 5 diys only: ThutMlay, Hovf mbtr 1} through Hondiy, Novimbir I) M O C K S V I L L E (Yadkinville Road) Willis M. Gobble was married and had a son, Doug, when he was drafted into the Navy. Need Printina? Business Cards • Letterhead &'Gnvelbpcs -Business Ponn? Flyers • Raffle TIckcts ■ Brochures ■ Programs Udiels • Custom Sclf-lnkin(< Slamps invUations • Polltlciil & Campaign Needs Slan.s • Advertisini; Speclalllcs • Page Layout «¡4 Design Vchlcic Magnets • SporLs Mnfinels ^ Fast T urn-around y Q uality Printing & Typesetting ^ Servicc you can count on y Experienced Personnel^Conlacl: Dan CnmpliclTor Aiiflic Prance Slm pJy email, fax or call. . . acllonprinlsOyndtel.net fx 336/ 679.4400 ph. 3 3 6 / 6 7 9 .4 4 4 7 Yadkinville, NC да iUiJlCI ms ÜÍ AODiIION« CHA«GIS. tl2 si p«bo* (<«< poij "I Го» lo.oi>*<liMd pcxloot ^ li^it on« podng« p«r Up to (»t otiditiooal (ЮМ! kiUti W cutkm ni#M>ii Ui'iynlion <u («urtkiM Ай IM I »«kntita j-nin»« 18 mudU oftortipomedlv0 SiMiopp'Ui.mol*.b* occonporved Of a pnifiii) Sn*i opfwoiimal«. сoi fwnioble b«l 'n C t i O N PRINTIIMGinc PAÌDADVBRTI3BMENT The Ti-uth About Being Left Behind When determining the truth of Bible prophecy as It applies lo Ihe mystery ol Ihe end limes; II Is essenllal lhat we carefully distinguish between Ihe actual truth of the Moly Scriptures with whal has been handed down lo us Ihrough Ihe traditions of men, lhat sometimes, if not always distorts and misinterprets Ihe aclual meaning ol God's word. So Is the case when one begins lo sludy Ihe scriptures thal pertain to the Second Coming ol our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The need for scrutiny Is Imperative. Fact must be separated from fiction. The sirong delusion lhal fosters false doctrine will resl solely on a traditional foundation. Therefore If we attempt to know and understand Ihe truth, then our interpretation ol God's word must not come from our own understanding, but from the knowledge of Ihe mind of Christ. Now II there has ever been any portion of scripture that has been distorted and misinterpreted Ihrough Ihe corridors of Iradilion II has to be Ihe scriptures concerning the Irulh of Ihe raplure. Now friend, I want to say this, and please undersland whal I am saying. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt lhat Jesus Is coming back lor his people. God's word Is very specific concerning the criteria of his return. So therefore let me reiterate once again by saying that Jesus will definilely return again for his people. There WILL BE a rapture of Gods people, Bul the distortion and misunderstanding over this event doesn't lie In whelher or not il is going to happen, II lies with those who Ignorantly believe lhal the rapture will be a pre-tribulation rapture. This man made doctrine lhal suggest that (he raplure Is a pre-tribulation rapture Is nothing more than the doctrinlzatlon of wishful Ihinking to comfort and pacify Ihe troubled soul who hasn't the faith nor the abilily to endure unto the end. II is so easy for Ihese people lo twist Ihe scriptures In order to be satisfied with their own way of thinking. You can compare 11 to someone who refuses to negate his or her sins. Sooner or laler Iheir sins will begin to appear justifiable and therefoie they will conveniently convince Ihemselves that their sins are so small, and therefore 11 Is probably all right with God to keep doing Ihem. The Immunity lo Ihe conviction of sin In most cases comes through the willingness lo accept sin and practice sin as If II were all right to do so. In other words what some people are saying. Is, If It feels good then do'it. If It. sounds good, then accepl. It. N0' wonder the pre-tribulation raptufe 1$ so widely accepted. It p'rotitoles i candy-coated semnon designed to', pacify our religious Ideologldis th^’ are based on things lhal'are comfortable and soothing to our ears. Neveriheless such candy-, coated, ear soothing, silhshliie sermons cannot change the word pf God. The Bible says In Daniel chapler 7 verse 21 thal 7 tiehald and Ihe same horn (anII-Christ) made war with the saints and prevailed against Ihem. Verse 22 says that this war with the saints continued until the Ancient ol days came. Friend, Ihe ancient of days Is Jesus. The ancient of days Is Ihe word of God, The word of God has and will always abide forever. The anti-Christ will make war with the saints and prevail against the saints who have failed to bear the testimony of Jesus Christ. Those who bear Ihe testimony of Jesus Christ will overcome Ihe beast by Ihe blood of Ihe lamb and Ihe word ol thelr testimony. In both eases there Is no evidence of a pre- Iribulalion raplure. The prevailing ol Ihe Anti-Christ against the saints Indicates that these are salnis of God who have failed to confess lhal Jesus Christ Is Lord. This would procure In membership those who have fallen prey lo the sin of being denomlnationallzed, A sin In which • Ihe power of God is denied and the gifts of Ihe spirit are negated. This particular ■ sin has ils , rpijls embedded In the rejection o( Pentecost, which Is responsible for the operation of the gifts of Ihe spirit, and the confession lhat Je$us Is the Christ. 1st Corinthians 12:3 says lhal no man can say that Jesus Is Lord bul by the Holy Ohosl. When Pentecost was removed from the plan of salvation that allowed for the falling away lo occur resulting In Ihe fulfillment of 2nd Thessalonians 2;3, When Jesus Christ asked Peler, who do you say lhat I qm? And Peter replied thou art Ihe Christ the Son of the living Qod. Jesus said upon ' this rock (Peter’s testimony) I will build my church and the gales of hell shall not jiirevail. This teli me that thesp are saints who have not confessed that Jesus Is' the Christ tit Ihelr daily walk In life. . Had they of done that then the.Anti- Chri^ colild hot have prevailed' .again^: them'instead they , would have overcpma the beast by the' ; blood of lha temb:ilnd the word of their testimony. There are people who do not; understand this and therefore their most common answer when faced with the truth Is lhat the Anti-Christ will prevail against the saints who have been left behind after the rapture. In their opinion Ihe Bible was talking about the people who are to be saved during Ihe great tribulation. Now notice Ihis friend. These are Ihe same people who use 1st Thessalonians 5:9 as their excuse for escaping Ihe great tribulation. 1st Thessalonians 5:9 says that we (God's people), are not appointed unto wrath. Now friend why would God appoint half of his people to a pre-tribulation rapture and the other half to wrath? God doesn't have Iwo plans for his people. Either we will all face great tribulation together or we will all escape II together. Now seeing that Daniel chapter 7 verse 21 has already made It clear concerning the end time evenls then we must conclude lhat 1st Thessalonians S:9 has also been misunderslood. What did God mean when he said lhat we are not appointed unto wrath? A careful analysis Of the'swipture will reveal that the wrath that God's word Is lalking about. In this, paitlcular Instance Is the day ol the Lord. The Bible says in; .2nd Peter 3:10, Bul the day ot the'LonI will come as a Ihlel In the night, In the which the heavens wi// pass atvsy with a great nolsB, dnd the elements will melt with fervent heat, the earth also and Ihe works that are Iherein shall be burned up. Friends, Ihls happens at the end of lime. This Is a posl- Iribulation event. The wrath lhal we as children ol God are not appointed unto Is Ihe eternal wrath of God lhal takes place In the lake of fire. This Is not talking aboul escaping the great tribulation. The purpose of Ihe great tribulation Is lo cause Ihe denomlnationallzed church world lo forsake Ihe ways of Jezebel and return lo the days of Pentecost that It should never have forsaken in the lirst place. Even 11 the Bible was refer-ring lo Ihe greal Irlbulallon as the day of the Lord we still must face the fact that 1st Thessalonians 5:9 says lhat we are appointed to OBTAIN salvation by Jesus Christ our Lord. This would mean that he would go through It with you. That is why thal he said that he would never leave you nor forsake you. Thai Is why lhat he said lhat he would be wllh you always, even unlo the END OF THE WORLD. The Apostle Paul wrote In 2nd Thessalonians 2:8 concerning Ihe Anli-Chrlst “whom Ihe Lord shall consume wilh the spirit of his • mouth, and shall destroy with the BRIGHTNESS O F MS COMING. When the Lord Jesus Christ returns he will complelely destroy what Is lefl ol the Anti-Chrlsl. This tells me that Ihe man of sin comes first and the rapture last. The fact lhal the man ol sin conies first Is further proven by 2nd Thessalonians 2:3, which says, Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day (coming of the Lord) shall nol come except there come a falling away lirst and thal man of sin be revealed the Son of Perdition. Friends, Ihe AnII-Christ comes first, The rapture Is a post- tribulation event thal will happen at Ihe sound ol the LAST trumpet. The Bible says In 1st Corinthians 15:51- 52 behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a momenl. In the twinkling of an eye, al Ihe LAST In/mp. The last trump Is post- tribulation. The last trump Is the end of time. Revelation Chaplet 10 verse 7 says, But In the days of the voice ol the sevenlh angel when he shall begin to sound, the mysleiy ol God should be FINISHED. This Is why lhal Jesus said In Matthew 24:29 “Immediately afler Ihe tribulation of Ihose days shall Ihe sun be darkened, and the moon shall nol give her light, and the stars shall fail from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Verse 30 says, and Ihen shall appear the sign of Ihe Son of man In heaven. Jesus said In Matthew 13:30, Let both (Christians and sinners) grow together unfil the harvest, He went on further to say In verse 39, The enemy lhat sowed them Is tiie Devil, the hanesl Is the end ol the world Friends, sinners and Christians will be here together until the end of Ihe world. And lhal Is post tribulation. One of the most misunderstood portions of scripture has to deal wllh the subject of being left behind. Which by the way contradicts Matthew 13:24-30. This LEFT BEHIND doctrine, as we know It Is more fictional than Huckleberry Finn. It belongs in the fiction section of our local libraries along wilh Tom Sawyer and The Wizard of Oz. The Bible says In Matthew 24:37, Bul as the days of Noe (Noah), were so shall also the coming ol the Son of man be. Now friends just how was It In Ihe day of Noah? Well lor the righteous, they were given a vessel to ride out Ihe storm. They endured unto Ihe end. But as for the sinners, verses 38-39 says, For as Ihe days that were belore the Hood they (sinners) were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day lhat Noah entered Into the ark. And knew nol until the flood came and took them ALL А Ш У , The Bible says that Ihe sinners were nol aware of what was happening until Ihe flood came and took them ALLAWAY It win be the same way when Jesus returns. The sinners will be unaware of the day of the Lord until It Is to late. Then they will be laken away, The Bible says in verse 40, then shall two be In the field and one laken and Ihe other lefl. This wasn't talking aboul a pretribulatlon rapture Ihls was talking aboul Ihe removal of Ihe sinners Irom among Ihe sheep. The lares are galhered together lirst. Malthew 13: 30 says, let both grow logelher unlil Ihe harvest and In Ihe lime ol Ihe harvest I will say to Ihe reapers. Gather ye logelher FIRST the lares and bind them in bundles lo be burned This Is exactly whal Jesus was saying In Mallhew 24:37- 39. But as the days ol Noah were so shall also Ihe coming of Ihe Son of man be. For as Ihe days lhal were before Ihe flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving In marriage until Ihe day lhat Noah entered Inlo the ark. And knew nol until the Hood came and look Ihem ail AWAY. Then shall two be In Ihe field and one taken and the olher lelt. My friend 1 hope that you understand that Jesus was talking aboul Ihe separation of the tares from the wheat nol a pre- tribulallon rapture. The rapture Is at the sound of Ihe LAST trumpet. To believe In a pre-tribulation rapture would contradict the entire New Testament. No one goes anywhere until the sound of the last trumpet. Jesus said In Ihe 13th chapter of Matthew concerning the wheat and the tares to let both (Christians and sinners) grow logelher until the harvest. He went on to say that when Ihe han/est came he would send his angels to gather together the lares FIRST My God Is a God lhat can see you through Ihe lire as he did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. My God Is a God that will place you in a spirilual ark ol safely so that you can ride out the storm. II Is Imperative lhal Ihe gospel first be preached unto the entire worid and Ihen shall the end come. How can the gospel be preached when the church Is not here to preach It? You must undersland lhat as long as there Is one sinner here on Ihe earth Ihen there will be a church for him to hear the gospel. God will not separate Ihe sinners from Ihe just until Ihe Day of Judgment. A pre- Iribulallon raplure would Indicate the removal ot the veiy thing thal the world would need In the greatest time of their troubles. The pre- tribulation rapture doctrine would Iherefore deny Ihe very reason that Jesus died on the cross for. Prophet Randy Howell Cooleemee, NC PAIDAOVEHTISEMeNT C6 - DAVIE COUN TV KNTKRPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 I n v i s i b l e S c a r s Nursing Student Who Was Killed Leaves Behind Three Children B y Kalrciin VVull.s Spccial to tlic Еп1сфг1яс Toya K n o x CIcvclaiul enrolled in Ihe Nursiiij; Assistiinl I clas.s in lliu summer оГ2(К)3 at Ihe Davie Campus оГ liaviilson Cm uity Com munity College. She attended classes tiie tirsl weelv as she arrived w ilh a positive altitude, a ready smile Гог her cla.ssinate.s and a hunger lo learn. The emotional and physical scars ofdomestic violence were not visible, hul her determin­ ation to succeed in class was apparent. Toya was absent Ihc third nighl o f class. Her I'liMoral followed the nexl weei<. A year ago. Zirithia Knox never would have dreamed lhal she would be raising Iier ihree grandchildren. She lold Toya lhal she would always have a place al home, but now Toya resides only in her molher's hearl. Three grandchildren live in Iier home - and she remembers Ihe precious memories. Toya Lashell Knox "was ¡1 lo vin g , adorable child and everything lhal any m ollier would W'ant in a daughter, She loved lo play jokes on friends, fam ily m em bers, anybody. Mosl o f all. she was a caring person sincc her childhood. Ii didn'l mailer ifshe didn't know you. You'd be on your worst day and she'd brighten il up. She would say u few tilings and keep on unlil yon would smile She'd come and lift o ff the burden." Toya reminds Zirilhia ofher own mother. "M y mother took in people and would give tliem a pluce to slay. If others were in need, Toya would share her lasl crumb of food." Toya also loved animals. "One liay a dog came to the door when she was litlie. She took in lhal dog and trained il to do tricks. She cried for three days when she saw the dog hit in Ihe road. She couldn'l sland lo see an animal get hurl." Keligioiis faith sustained Toya Ihrough many of llie trials she faced. "She atlciuled Clark Chapel in Statesville. Aftershe moved, she weni lo ihe Tosver of Power in Salisbury, Slie visiled olher churches including Gospel Light in Salisbury. She joined Freedom Uniled Church of God in Woodieaf. "Toya gol married aboul 10 years ago. She had her ups and downs. She said she planned on leaving her husband. She’d call me but son of sliut me om at limes when I would ask ques­ tions. 1 tried lo reach oul but something was slopping her. It sort of Ihrew me offguard. I jusl couldn't pinpoint it. ll all makes sense now." Toya’s plans were lo become an R N - she wanled 10 help people. She loved her job al Davie Village in M o cksville. She would work double shifls when Ihey needed help. The other slaff encouraged her lo go to school. Toya Knox Cleveland, Davle Village employee and Davie Campus nursing student, was killed earlier this year. Above left Is son AJ, In center Is Toya wilti son BJ and at right, Toya and daughter Lel<ethia play with BJ. T'oya left behind precious memories and three prccious children: Lakcthia Shounlac M oore (1 2 ). B illy Joe Cleveland Jr. {5) and Alandis Joe Cleveland (2), " I'm raising the grandcliildren and making sure lo keep Ihem in school and aclivilies „ , and making sure tliey get plenty o f lo v e ," Zirithia said, "The y arc my pride and joy, all Ihree of them, "Lakcthia looks jusl like her mom. She was a mama's baby. She's Irying to get her schooling done, bul she is often distraclcd hecause she misses her mom. Sihe says her mom was a loving, (.■aring mollier." La ke ih ia seems to have inheriled her molher's concern for olhers. "She is scared lo leave her mawmaw (Zirilhia) alone by herself, Ihinking something tragic is going 10 happen. "B illy Joe, known us B J, loves Ihe Incredible Hulk and Spidernian. Mo had lo lake a toy to school ancl lalk aboul il in front of Ihc class ihe oilier day. The leacher said he iloes a real good job in school ... jusl like his mama d id , B .J. is soniewhal in denial that his mother is gone. Me always wants lo know why his falher look his m other's life, ft',s going to be hard but he's not going to lei it get him down, "Alandis Joe, we call him A .J,, slill wakes up, still has bad dreams. When he wakes up like that, he wanIs a hug, lie ’s above level in presciiool. lie ’s like a 3 year old. Once your mom is gone, your best friend is gone, "Tlie children miss their mother and will always love her, bul it is hard and Ihe family and 1 will be Ihere when Ihey need us." Olhers are there to share in the burdens, Toya’s sisler Angie advi.ses olhers lo "talk lo Ihe loved one lhal you Ihink m ay be in trouble. You jusl might be able 10 change iheir mind so lhal they could gel oul o f Ihe situation. Never think that one situation is less imporlani than anolher because a big silualion slarletl as a little one." A n olh e r sisler, N ic k ie , wrilcs; "M y sister wus a clo.se person lo me and she was under-standing. Some nights w e’d talk on the phone about attending scliool lo further our education, our kids, and about things that we always luughed aboul. The day I heard about her being killed was one o f Ihe most puinful days I’ ve ever dealt with. Wc were planning a Molher's Day cook oul for M ay 11. It wus hnrd to enjoy the celebrution o f m otherhood wiihouf her around. Il will be hard lo enjoy b irth-da ys, holidays, and busicaliy every day." Nickie advises others as (juestions slill plague her thoughts'. “ Plcuse open up your eyes and realize il can happen loyou. Ifyou are continuously told ‘ I’m going to kill you,’ take that as u true w arning nnd remove yourself from the situa­ tion. The biggest setback of a victim filing for u restraining or­ der is that they feel it’s meaning-le.ss. Is a restraining order worthles,s without the assistance o f police, und not doing a follow-up or routine patrol o f Ihe victim ’s nren?” Zirith ia ’s words to olher mothers whoso daughter is living in a violent relationship; "If you see different reac-tions ... her lifestyle changing... seek help. D on’l wail and wait and wait. If I'd known everything back Ihen, it would have been different. When push comes to shove, it’s time to slep up to tlie plate.’’ A Closer Lo ok It is easy lo have all the answers afler the fact. It’s easy lo say “just got out" when you are not living the nightmare. Perhaps you stay with a de­ testable job for the .security and benents. Maybe you keep your mouths shut around those who intimidate. W hut ubout keeping the children safe? W ould those same children be alone with the nbuscr, who would have visi­ tation rights unless Ihc abuse were documented? That docu­ mentation brings its own risks nnd costs and energy and trust ... things that victim s o f domestic violence often find hard to come by. Then again, there wns an apology, that phone call to patch things up. You think people cnn change? Th e shoo o f a dom estic violence victim doesn’ t fit nicely, won’t stretch with wear and looks more appealing in someone eise’s closet. It is u problem with more questions Ihnn eusy nnsw ors. M ore silence Ihnn speech. More inner scnrs thnn outer ones. Thut snme shoe is worn by young and old, rich nnd poor, graduates and drop-outs, strangers and relntives. That shoe m ighl be in n closet thnl is closer than you think. Maybe even in your own bedroom. The follow ing resources from Davie Domestic Violence Services nnd Rape Crisis Ccnier and Fam ily Services of Forsyth County website muy lielp. Does your partner,,. • Switch from charm to rage without warning? • Swear at you, intimidate you or make you feel criticized? • Believe he/she should be the one to make the m ajor decisions in your relntionship? • Devalue your opinions, you r feelings, and your accomplishments? • Get jealous? • Fight more when he/she has been drinking? • Hurnss you at your job or try to keep you from getting or keeping ajob, make you ask for money, or take your money? • Insist that you give up important activities or people in your life in order to keep him/ her happy? • Hit you with his/her fist? • Push, grub, sinp, shove, or throw things al you? . • Force sex on you? • Threuten you with a gun or knife? Survlvul Tips for Victim s Euch situation is unique. D o what works for you. • Know a safe place whore you cnn go (fnmily/frionds or Davie Domestic Violence Ser­ vices can help w ith shelter placement) • Have an e.scape plan for yourself nnd your children and tench it to your kids. • Bo aware of mood changes that turn into violent behavior and do not put yo u rse lf in unnecessary danger, • Keep the following items where your partner can't find them ; $50 or more in cash; change for telephone calls if necessary; extra clothing for you and yo u r children in something that is not obvious such as a trash bag; important papers (or copies) such us bunk account numbers, checkbook or stubs, SocinI Security numbers, insur-ance policies, marriage license, divorce/custody papers, birth certificates; special medication/prescriptions for you and your children; extra keys for the house and car; hide weapons or potentially violent objects. K n o w you r Options • Davie Domestic Violence Services and Rape Crisis Center cun help with crisis counseling, courl advocacy, em ergency shelter assistance, assistance filing protective orders and with educational programs, support groups and other services. • Vou can obtain a domestic violence restraining order with­ out an attorney at the Davio Clerk o f Court’s office and you can file criminal charges at the magistrate’s office. • Discuss your situation with a close friend or fa m ily ^ member. ' • See a doctor for medical care if needed, • Realize that you have the right to live a life free from violence. W ays Others Can Help • Be available to listen and offer support. • Become a volunteer for D D V S / R C C by helping with activities such as; court udvocacy, crisis coun-seling, fund roising, child care, support groups, publicity, • Davie Domestic Violence Services/ Rape Crisis Center welcomes monetary donations as well as donations of cellular phonos, children’s toys and supplies. Nursing Scholarship Established At Davie Campus A new nursing assistant .scholarship has been established to honor Iho m em ory o f a sludenl who died in M ay 2003. The scholarship honors the m em ory o f the late Toya Cleveland, a resident o f Iho W oodlcaf com m unily who allendcd ihe nursing assislani's class on Ihc Davie Campus of Davidson County Com munity Collcge. The mollier of Ihree children, Cleveland had allendcd only Iwo nursing assislani classcs when she was killed, a victim of alleged domestic violence. The scholarship wili benefil students in the Nursing Assistant 1 program, a continuing education course she attended on liie Davie Campus in Mocksville. A now nursing assistant’s cla.ss will begin in April or May 2004 on bolh Ihe Davidson and Davie campuses. Acceptance inlo the progrum is limited, sincc 7.i to 8.S people often try to register for 20 slots each semester, snid Rose McDaniel of D C C C , who coordinates the course. The first scholarship will be offered to a sludenl on the Davie Cam pus. It w ill provide assistance toward the $230 required for course foes, tuition, textbooks and clinical supplies. Tnx-deductible donations may be sent to the Davidson County Com m unity College Foundation, P .O . B ox 1287, Lexinglon, 27293, and directed lo the Toya Clevclnnd Memorial Scholarship Fund. For more information about making donations to the fund, contact Katrena Wells, nursing assistant instructor at liie Davie Campus at 751-2885, or Rose M cDaniel, course coordinator, at 249-8186, ext. 215. More information about the college’s scholarship program may bo obtained from Christine Herrick at 249-8186, ext, 200, FA IL IS CTACU 1996 Dodge 2500 Van $5,988-OUT THE OOQR" 1996 Chrysler Town & Counhy Ш Ш Ш AC.W Pl.M fTw.-i*.-, $ M 8 8-OUT THR DOOR« 1992 Mercury Grand Marquis - - PW К PSГ[( tl ctijM ve Kw AMfUC.itt .«Ю Clrrvil* kllir«' J^C $3,988“OUT THi Doon" 2 0 0 2 Saturn SCI AU ruco. AC. И. le contol« r»moU №0f. hood »br* («май. lumini."Cti tuigun«); $9,988'‘OUT THI DOOn«* 1997 Ford Windstar Whti, Kt. AU ru, pCMtf Mfxjo«. poatr loctl. 3 rout IMI oklNt« b $4,988“OUT THI POOH" In Beautiful Downtown Mocksville 157 oepot sue J 'T i-s M e i-888-469-378i R e s o u r c e s F o r V i c t i m s • Davie Domestic Violence Services/Rape Crisis Center: h t t p : //w w w . c o . d a v ie .n c . u s /d e p a r t m e n t s / c o o p e r a t!v e _ e x t e n s io n / d e p a r t m e n t _ t } o w e _ d o m e s t lc _ v io le n c e .it t m . 336-751 -HELP (751 -4357) or 336-751 -3450 • Family Services ot Forsyth County, h t t p : //w w w J a m lly s e r v .o r g /d w .t it m i • N.C. Domestic Violence Service Providers t i t t p : / / w w w .n c c a d v .o r g /s e r v ic e jjr o v id e r s . h t m • National Coalition Against Domestic Violence iit t p : //w w w .n c a d v ,o r g • Safe Horizon; Domestic Violence Shelter Tour & Information Site, t } t t p ; //w w w .d v s h e it e r t o u r .o r g • Faith Trust Institute (Center for the Prevention of Sexual & Domestic Violence), t it t p ; //W w w ,c p s d v ,o r g • U.S, Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, h ttp ://w w w .o jp .u s d o j.g o v /v a w o • Violence Against Women Online Resources h t t p : //w w w .v a w .u m n .e d u V C o u n ty Line N ew s DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdiiy, Nov. 13,2003 ■ C7 B y Shirley Thorne County Line CorrespondenI O u r com m unity was filled with great pride this pasl week as hom egrown County Liner Brian Koontz was selected ns the volunteer to greet President Bush upon his arrival at Sm ilh Reynolds Airport last Friday morning. We congratulate Brian for receiving this honor. The youth o f Society Baptist will have a “ M ile o f Pennies” walk-a-thon to benefit the N .C , Baptist Children’s Homes offer­ ing Sunday afternoon al the church. This past Sunduy the odult Indies went to Pigeon Forge for a three-dny retront. The church is collecting toys for tho South Yndkin Toy Storo for dis­ tribution to needy children. Th e senior adults of Clarksburg U M C wiil go on a shopping spree to Ham rick’s in W inston-Salem this com ing Tuesday. Afterwards, they will have lunch al a nearby restaurant. Pleasant View Baptist will haVe a special mission speaker, the Rev. Paul Fields and wife, M aria, o f Paraguay, this Sunduy morning. Following the worship service, there will be n covered dish dinner in the fellowship hall. The 1953 graduating clnss of Cool Spring High School re­ cently their 50-year reunion ut the Cool Spring U M C fellowship hall. O f the 42 graduating se­ niors, eight were from County Line. Those attending the reunion were Nell Peacock Barnhardt, S m i t h G r o v e T o S e l l B B Q Barbecued pork shoulders will be sold at Christmas by the Smilh Orove Volunleer Fire D e­ partment. Sold with slaw and dip, or­ ders must be placed by Dec. 17. - Call Junior Smith at 940-2861, Don Howard al 998-3479, Rob­ ert Bailey at 998-8140, or tlie fire station al 998-3484. The barbecue will be avail­ able for pickup on Wednesduy, Dec. 24 before 9 u.m. Nettie Lee Duyw nit Blevins, Tom m y Carlner, Shiricy Doby Chnpm nn, Glenn K oonlz und Billy Siroud. Cari Ciirtncr was unable to attend and Edd Ray Kelchie is deceased. O ur comnuinity sends gct- wcll wishes lo David Bcck, who is recuperating al home after be­ ing hospitalized at Iredell Mc- morial for diabetes. We also ex­ tend our deepest sympathy lo Mrs. Rulh Wiliams Greene and faniily in the death o f her hus­ band, Ed . Four C orners N ew s B y M nric W hite Four Corners Correspondent M r. and M rs. Joe W hile spent last weekend in Pigeon Forge celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary. M rs. Johnsie Shelton, Mrs. Bobby Shelton and Mrs. Sarah Ow ings loured llie mountains Saturday. They enjoyed a won­ derful lunch in Sparta. M r. and M rs, Von Shelton, Mrs. Johnsie Shellon nnd Sandrn Laws attended a Halloween parly at the home of M r. and Mrs, Ken Shelton. Jessica Campbcl I, daughter of D oug Cam pbell and grand­ daughter of M rs, Joyce Parrish, wns recently injured in nn auto­ mobile accidenl in Chapel Hill, She needs our continued prayers. Eddie Masten. son of M r. and Mrs. Cliarles Master and nephew of Mrs. Ollivc Burgess, is scri- ou.sly ill in Salisbury Hospital, He needs our conllnucd prayers. Mrs. Kenny Smith, JeiTy Pots, Toni Ireland and Amanda and Cole Haneline visiled M r. and Mrs. Terry Hamm and daughlers at Carolina Beach recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wiiilc vis­ ited M r. and Mrs. Joe Carr Harpe Sunday niglit. ñ«ll£IGH'5 Л W onuui^ Jicst Friend Ж Former D istrict Court Judge MARK S. CULLER is pleased to announce that he is now available to represent clients hi the D avie Coim ty Courts am i that he has opened an office fo r the practice o f law MARKS. CULLER A ttorn ey at Law 26 C o u r t Sq uare M o cksville , NC 27028 (336) 751-2918 Omen Hoims: M o n d a y - F rid a y 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM CUIMINAJ.CIIAHC1-S ♦'I'RAi ncCrrAIUJNS ♦ UftXHICIl ♦ QUID CllSIOI>Y ClIIIJ) Vl,SflAm)N ♦ ClIIU) SUl'l'OHI ♦ SlI'AlwnON Al.lll IMINIS DlSIKiminON HI MAHIIAI. PKOMI KlY A.SD Dl inS ♦ Al l,M<tNY . MonilH'AlltWOr I’KIOHCoIIKI OHPHIS AlflOMOHIIJ! AcaniKIN ♦ CfVtl. AND CHIMlN.M-'hllAI.S If )!>» iihribly liMV iiri iiUi>nii')’iv If iheie is iirti/iiH pleMe ciwlim lo tw ilun <iii»>rti.7'. If)\«i «ft» »hii ii»i Mr. Cullfriivuli/Hvit'trti’ ilwlyffnyttunii}' ft)iiu^t)t>H uiOi (iityi'f the ffixica liiMl iiNiv. ^ y s e t t l e C a b * 2.02 Allstate Ban>( X \№t*V S .1 .H !. National Average Allstate Bank offers a competitive 1-year CD rate that's typically higher than the national average. A CD is one of the smartest ways to save. It’s simple, secure and easy to open. Cali us today to open your account with Allstate Banl<. It couldn’t be easier. Steve Ridenhour (336) 751-0669 Mark S. Jones (336)751-0669 /instate B A N K Member Pnrciintaga YIsId (APY) quotad u of I'Jovombor 7,2003. for a I -yoir СопШыи of------ “ ~ Deposit (CD) uid ll effective through DocBHbar 4,2003. t^lnlmumdípoiltíl,ООО, lUtMireuti|ect to chwge. PcniWej will be Impoted (or eirl/ whhdnyat. Dcpoiiu are fDIC Injured up to j 100,000 per dopoiitor. In certain lutoj, tho referral of CD» to Aiiiute Bank li llmltod tiy 1Ш0 security lawi to ajonu who aro reglitcrod lecurltlos representativos. Conuct an Allsute Agency or Alltute Bank for further Infoimatlon. Allsute Agencies nicolvo compensation for tho rehrral of AUstate Bank C13i, which nuy vary depending on the she and term of the certificates. •♦Annual ftircentage Ykikl (Af^. NattemI Index determinad by Bankrata, Inc, N. Palm Beach, FL on November 5,2003. вПООЗ Allstate Insunnee Company. TO T A LLY С О М М ГГТЕ15 T O T O T A L H E A LTH C A R E C O M P A S S I O N A N D C A R E T H A T ’ S C L O S E T O Y O U R H E A R T . FROM A PLACE THAT’S CLOSE TO YOUR HOME. OiirCTiOiinur IX llvJiisirsl, must »fcimur ifthiohjiyiivitilahle niiyivhftr. An iif»' iiiuijiiiijtiyilfiii Hifionyoiir iliiftiinjtfi fnin'fiiliniint \-n\yifiiilfr, Ion. Thf lien' pliyii(a¡ rflnihHitiUioii (tntfr lun itjiyiii spedficnlly ilfs(iiiifil /I' tuffi (hiUitfU ‘s iirtils. (htr >¡'(i-ch ilii hipiiii help »»/»плг i niiiiiiiiiiioilitiii, (iiiiil'irlk lisiiiii, m il ill iiiliillf Hint (hihlirn illih. Oulpaiitnt mrflfty facilitm til ihe Mfiliail I'urk iucliii/i- two орегапцч siiiui, /1 recorrryiimi fur ¡niiifiii ol'itn'iiiiou, nml a {omfurtnblt atrium hbtry for pmiiiit fnmily mt'mlu ij. A t Rowan Regional M cdical I’ark, you’ll lind the .same kind o f compassion, commitment and world-class carc you’ve come to e.\pcct from Rowan Regional M cdical Center. But it’s all in a place that you’ll fiiul closcr to home and more convenient: Julian Road just o ff 1-85 near Jake Alexander Houlcvard. Naturally, there’s m uch more to the M cdical I’ark than convenience. It’s actually two siatc-ol-thc-art I'aciiitics: the spacious, sophisticated Outpatient Surgery Center and the new Imaging and Physical R.chabilitation Ccnter. The latter houses an advanced digital imaging .system that helps your doctors develop better diagnoses - and treatments - lastcr. It also includes more than 7,000 square feet for physical, occupational, and spcech therapy. And o f course, backing all this arc tlic doctors, nurses, therapists and other proFc.ssionals who help make Rowan Regional one o fth e premier mcdical centers in N ortli Carolina. O ur patients have always been clo.se to our hearts. Now, it’s great to be close to their homes. For more inforniation, call or visit us on tlie Web. Vx C<H»fr ujfm íom-r»»«!!! »Hf/Híííryf iiiamiiKifiraph, a СТюмпиг mut simiiUmieimt ifX-ray ¡ища л! uiiiliipíe loenliims, itjirsifor /{üii’/ih ( Miniiy. (k<u¡4Uioiu\l (/ht4(/>v (I /iiuii/ flliulilill lililí llbilily 10 l'rrfonil IlDnillll ifllily llflil'ilifí. ¡II ilhiri, ilif Онгпру M p í iiiip w f IÍM iiiimfiismilily. (7(H) 21(1-5000 ^ ' ii’ii'ii’.CHii'rtW.om Rcwan R egional MiíDicAL Park C8 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 Obituaries E dgar Greene Edgur "Ed " Orccnc. 78 , of Asheville, died Wednesduy, Nov. 5,2003 111 M l. Area Hospicc Cen­ ter. M r. Green lived in Jackson County before moving to Asheville in 1946. Hc was pre­ ceded in death by: his parcnls, Frank and Annie Greene; his firsl w ife, Geraldine Green: a son, Barry Green; 4 brothers, Arvcl, Daniel, Jarvis and Ruben Greene. Before retiring, M r. Greene worked as n chicf radiologist at the V A Medical Ccntcr. Hc was a member of the Berea Baptisl Church and served his counlry wilh the Navy and Marines. Survivors: his w ife , Ruth Greene; a daughler, Shelia Blair of Asheville; a step-daughler, Diana Walker of Harmony; a step­ son, Fred Summers of Stale Rond; a brother, Avery Grccnc of Whillicr; 2 sisters, Edilh Messer of Black Mountain and Mary Brown of Asheville; 3 grandchil­ dren; and several nicces and neph­ ews. Funeral services were held in Ihe W illiam s Funeral Home Chapel, Asheville, on Salurday, Nov. 8 at 2:30 p.m. with the Revs. Johnny Tiller, Richard Kinsland and Fred Summers officiating. Burial followed at Berea Baptisl Church Cemetery. Doris Lagle Lingle Mrs. Doris Lagle Lingle, 83, of Salisbury, died Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 at Ihc N .C . Lutheran Home in Salisbury. She was bom on Dec. 20,1919 lo the lale Jessie Holshouser Lagle and Hugh Lagle. She atlcnded Davic County Schools, and was a graduate of Ihe Slalesvillc School of Nursing. She was a homemaker and hnd been a nursing supervi­ sor al Rowan Memorial Hospital. She was a member of Christiana Lullicran Church and W E LC A . Survivors; her husband, Arnold Warren Lingic, whom she married on June 1,1948 ; 2 sons, ^ Gary Lingic and David Lingic of P‘ Salisbury; a brother, Andrew Lagle of Mocksvillc; 2 sisters, Shirley Lagle of Mocksvillc and Carolyn Hcndrick of Shelby; 5 grandchildren; and a grenl-grand- child. Graveside services were sel for 11:30 a.m. Nov. 12 nl Chrisliana Lutheran Church Cemetery, offi- cialed by lihc Rev. Carl Haynes. Memorials: Chrsiinna Luther­ an Elevator Fund, 6190 U.S. 52, Salisbury, 28146. The C H R IS T M A S C O T T A G E PoinSClliiLS & Gifls Open Nov. 17-Da-. 23 10am-7pin, Mon-Sat ‘ C AM ILIK G AR D EN S& SIGNSOimlmy Fnm Sfrrkn lile: Huy fl)l Sill Ijainrt Chunk Hd (turn al Cl liliQ) Ihtn^ ott G'mnfutttutn Or. fjr Щ Ш Ш C O M E V I S I T T H E L O W - P R I C E L E A D E R Ш Е 11Р SKYDANCER....$9.95 SILVER................$9,99 TUCSON............$10,49 CHEYENNE.....$10,99 TAHOE..............$10,99 CHEROKEE....$10.$9 MARLBORO„.,$21,85 BASIC................$19.25 MISTY...............$16.29 USA G OLD........$16.29 K O O L ................$19,85 NEW PORT......$21,59 MONTCLAIE„.$15.99 S K O A L/C O PEN H A C EN $12,79/« 5 M O R G AN S............................%U¿S S O U TH ER N PRIDE„.,)15£5 G R IZ Z L Y ...................................$5,79 6 3 1 1 S T A D I U M D R . C L E M M O N S 7 7 8 - 1 1 4 4 Eugene Roadm an Pope M r. Eugene Roadman Pope, 81, of Angell Road, Mocksville, died Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2003 at Forsyih Mcdicnl Center in Win- slon-Salcm. Funeral services were Sunday at 3 p.m. in Ealon Funeral Chapel wilh Dr. David Gilbreath and Rev. Andrew Draperofficialing. Burial was in Eatons Baptist Church Cemetery. M r. Pope was bom March 3, 1922 in Davie County to the late Marshall Duke and Minnie White Pope and was co-owner of Weber’s Char House Restaurant in Arlington and was a dairy farmer. He served in the U .S . Coast Guard, was a charter member of Ihc Moose Lodge, on the William R . Dnvic Advisory Board, mem­ ber of the State Dairy Council Assoc., Charter Bonrd Member of W m . R . Davic V F D , past mem­ ber of Water and Soil Conserva­ tion Board and a member of Eatons Baptisl Church. Survivors: his wife, Mary We­ ber Pope of the home; 3 sons, Eu­ gene (Patricia) Pope of Mocks­ villc; Richard Pope of M ooresvillc; Charles (Cindy) Pope; a daughter, Mary Jane Clark; 5 grandchildren; 3 great- giandchildren; 2 sisters, Nelda Brown and Jo Shaw, both of Mocksvillc. Hc was preceded in death by a brother, John Henry Pope. Hugh Thom as Chaffin Sr. Mr. Hugh Thomas Chaffin Sr., 84, of Woodleaf, died Saturday, Nov. 8,2003 al his residence. Mr. Chaffin was bom April 28, 1919 in Davic County to the late Kenneth M . and Maude Miller Chaffin. M r. Chaffin was a self- employed plumber, a member of Saint Lukes Lutheran Church in Mount Ulla, nnd served his coun­ try in World Wnr 11 in the U .S. Army. Survivors; his wife of 62 yenrs, Kathleen Waller Chaffin; 3 sons, Hugh T . (Tommy) Chaffin Jr. and wife Pat, Howard W . Chaffin nnd wife Joy, and Harold R . Chaffin, nil o f W oodlcnf; a dnughtcr, Shirley Dnrron nnd husband Steve of Mocksvillc; 2 brothers, Chnrlie Chnffin nnd John Chnffin, bolh of Virginin; 12 grandchildren; and 18-greal-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tue.sday, Nov. II , nt II n.m. at Suint Lukes Luthernn Church wilh Ihe Revs. Bob Kasting, Shirley Jones and Mclbcrt Kurti officiat­ ing. Burial followed in Ihe church cemetery. Memoriuls: Rownn Regional Hospice, 825-A W. Henderson St., Salisbury, 28144; or Saint Lukes Cemetery Fund, 11020 N .C . 801, M l. Ullu, 28125. H o rs e L in im e n t E a ses A r th r itis P a in OCALA.FL-Aningrediem de­ rived from hot peppers lhat de­ creases inflammation inracehorse's legs, is nowrccognized as safeand rtlTective forhuman use. The ingre­ dient has been formulated into a product called A R T H -R x’"and comes in a slrength designed for humans. Researchers are excited andsaylheformulacan relieve ar­ thritis pain formillions. Developed by Ihe Phillips Gulf Corporation, ARTH-Rx isabreak- Ihrough in Ihetreatmentof painful disorders rangingfromminor aches and pains lo more serious condi­ tions such as arthritis,bureitis,rlieu- matism, tendonitis, backache and more. Althoughthemechanismby which ARTH-Rx workslorelieve pain is not totally clear, scientists suggest that painisrelieved becausc AR TH -R x intercepts the messen­ ger subslance thal sends pain sig­ nals lo Ihe brain. ARTH -Rx is avai lableinaconvcnlentroil-onap- plicatorwithoutnprcscription. Ac­ cording to a spokesperson for Ihe company,duelolheoverwhelming demand supplies are sometimcslim- ited. AR TH -R x can also be or­ dered by calling 1-800-729-8446. www.hcdsaks.com егоознсо ARTH-Rx la available al: ' s m Q ^ I S tç lb a K v n a c ^ O r al your local: FO S TER D R U G 495 Valley Rd. • 751-2141 George ‘Tom ’ W illiams M r. George Thomas "Tom" Williams, 60 of Yadkinville, left died Fridny O ct. 3 1, 2003 ut Forsyih Mcdicnl Cenler. M r. Willinms wns bom March 9, 2003 in Forsyth County to George Tuft nnd Mnry Kathleen Burton Williams. He loved thc outdoors, fishing, going to auc­ tions and working in his yard. Hc was preceded in death by his parents and a sisler, Alicc Faye Wood. Surviving; his wife, Nnncy Grocc Williams of thc home; 3 dnughters, Lisn, Donna nnd Lori Williams, all of Yadkinville; 7 sisters, Louise Hooker, Rosie Southerland, Johnnie Hitchcock, Carol Sm ilh, Belly Jo Grocc, Vickie Harkey nnd Ann Wilson; a brolhcr, Roy Williams; molhcr in law; Edna Oroce Lnwrencc; in laws; Mr. nnd Mrs. Gary (Bar­ bara) Groce; M r. and Mrs. Ricky (Judy) Doub; M r. nnd M rs. Wesley (M ay Jane) Snow ; Debbie Binkley, Dee L . Binkley nnd Ann Wilson; and friends. Thc funeral servicewns held 2 p.m. Mondny, Nov. 3 nt Gentry Family Funeral Home Chapel by thc Revs. Bud McDowcll, Eric Isbell and Earl Newton. Burial follow in the Wyo Communily Cemetery. Memorials: the W yo Cem ­ etery Fund,c/o Ednn Lnwrencc, 1002 Wyo Rond. Mocksvillc. Frances Leftwich Brown Mrs. Frunccs Irene Leflwich Brown, 80, of Mounl Airy, widow of Clyde Hnrrison Brown, died Salurday, Nov. 8, 2003, nl Surry Community Nursing Ccntcr. Mrs. Brown wus born in Surry County onApril 1,19 2 3 ,to Lloyd Fulton nnd Dclln Victorin Johnson Leftwich. She wns retired from Renfro Corp. with 45 yenrs of ser­ vicc und was a lifclime member of Firsl Buplist Church of Mount Airy. Survivors: 3 sisters and 2 brothers-in-lnw, Henrietta Bingmun, Inez nnd Bill Belton nnd Normn nnd Sieve Knllum, all of Mounl Airy; a brother nnd sister- in-lnw , Roscoc nnd Virginin Leftwich of Advance: and several nieces and nephews. In addition lo her husband of 60 years nnd parents, Mrs. Brown wns preceded in death by a brother, James Elmo Leftwich. Thc funeral servicc wns held nl 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10, at First Baptist Church of Mount Airy, conducted by Dr. Roger Gilbert and the Rev. Robert McCrary with burial in Ihe Skyline Memory Gardens. M em oriuls: First Baptist Church, 714 N . Main St., Mounl Airy, 27030. Ray Penland Ray Penland, 42, of 128 Dinnnn Lune, Mocksville, died enrly Salurday moming, Nov. 8, 2003, at home. He was bom in Forsyth County on Jan. 23, 1961, lo Franklin D . nnd Marie Howerton Penland. He was preceded in dealh by his father nnd a brother, Rnlph Penlnnd. Surviving; his moiher, Mnric H . Shaw of Mocksvillc; 3 broth­ ers nnd sisters-in-lnw, Roger nnd Jenny Penlnnd. Rnndy nnd Connie Penlnnd, ull of Mocksvillc, and Ronnie and Suzanne of Winslon­ Salem; a spccial friend, the Rev. Chris Clonlz; his dog Buby; and birds Bud, Honey and Precious. Fern H am ilton Crouse Mrs. Fern Hamilton Crouse, 87, of Meadowbrook Terrucc of D nvic, died Tuesday, N o v. 4 , 2003. ShewasbornMarch3l, 1916, in Alva, Okla., to thc lute W .C. and Vcrnn Morgnn Ham ilton. Mrs. Crouse was n member of Cnlvnry Moravian Church and wns retired from Huncs Knitting. She was preceded in dealh by her husbnnd, Pearl L . Crouse; a son, Luven L . Crouse; a brother, Lelnnd; and n sisler, Luada. Surviving: 4 grundchildren; 12 grcal-grandchildrcn; a dnughtcr- in-lnw, Nancy Hurdle of Lexing­ ton; nnd n sister, Doris Gorham of Missouri. A graveside service wus held nt II u.m. Snturdny, Nov. 8, in God's Acrc with the Rt. Rev. Lnnc Supp officiating. Memorials; Cnlvnry Mornvinn Church, 600 Holly Ave., Winston- Snlem ,27101. Thom as Caudill M r. Thomus Cuudill, 6 7, of North Wilkesboro, died Fridny evening, N o v. 7 , 2003, at his home. Survivors: his wife, Georgia Billings Caudill of thc home; 5 sons, Ronnie Caudill of North Wilkesboro, John Willinm Cnudill of Wichiin, Kan., Larry Douglas Caudill of Cooleemee, Ricky Allen Caudill ofThomnsvillc und Stephen Cnudill ofMoorcsville; n dnughtcr, Lcsin Bryson o f Thomasville; 3 stepsons, Richard Anders and Gary Anders of North Wilkesboro nnd Jeffrey Anders of Spnrla; 2 brothers, Haywood and Henry Cuudill, bolh of Luurel Springs; 20 grandchildren; and 6 greul-grundchildrcn. The funernl service wns eon- dueled ul 2 p.m. Mondny, Nov. 10. al Ihc Grandview Mem orial Chnpel wilh buriul in Ihe Lnnd- murk Bnptist Church Cemetery in the Whilchend community. Anna M arie Nicolls M rs. Annu Mnrie (Slaub) Nicolls, 82 of Avon Street, Mocks­ villc, formerly of Springboro and Cambridge Springs, Pa., died M onday, N o vc . 10, 2003 nl Forsyih Mcdicnl Ccnier in Win- ston-Snlcm. She wns bom Aug. 21,1921 in Akron, Ohio lo thc lute Adum and Kalherinc Slaub. She was n mem­ ber of Valley United Methodist Church, Conneautville, Pu. nnd First United Methodist Church of Mocksville und was a volunlecr at the Storehouse For Jesus in Mocksvillc. She was a long-term employee of City Hospital in Meadville, Pa. She was preceded in death by II daughter. Tommy Anne. Survivors; her husband of 62 yenrs, Thomus L . Nicolls; chil­ dren, Connie C . W cibcl of Lewisville, nnd Thomiui L . Nicolls Jr. of Jefferson Cily, Tenn.; a sis­ ler, Curol Sue Phelps of Fredericksburg, Vn.; 2 grnndchil- drcn; a great grandson; and many nieces und nephews. Visitation will be from 7-9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14,and a funeral servicc will be Saturday, Nov. 15 ul 2 p.m. at While Funeral Home in Conneuutvillc, Pu. The family was 10 be at Eaton FunernI Home in Mocksville Wednesduy from 7- 9-p.m. Addle M ae Robbins M rs. Addle Mne Keuton Robbins, 79, of Ccntcr Circic, Mocksvillc, died Saturday, Nov. 8,2003 nt Iredell Memorinl Hos- pilul in Stntesville. Funeral services were nt 2 p.m. Ttiesdny, Nov. 11 in Enton Funeral Chnpel w ilh thc Rev. Lester Kenton officiuting. Buriul was in the Jerusalem Bnptist Church Cemclery. Memorials: Davie Hospice, P.O. Box 848, Mocksville; or Can­ ccr Services, 622 N . Main S t., Mocksville. M rs. Robbins wns born in Davic County on July 28,1924 to thc lute Thomus Theodore nnd Josie Kniherine Burney Kenton nnd wns retired with 35 years .ser­ vice with Fra y-R a y N u rsin g , Home. She enjoyed crocheting, quilting, canning, nnd wns a N A S C A R , professional wrestling and soap opera fan. She was preceded in death by her ex-husbnnd nnd friend, Carl Presión Robbins, by 3 sons, 2 dnughlers,4 sisters,4 brothers and n grundson. Survivors; 5 children, Lillie (Bill) Huyes of Newton, James David (Frcida) Robbins, Johnny (Judy) Robbins, Peggy (Kenneth) Ellison and M innie (La rry) Burnette, all of Mocksville; 19 grandchildren; 32 great-grundchil- drcn; a sister, Annie Ruth Wishon of Lexington; and a brother, Sam Keaton of Lexington. Cedelm a S. B urton Mrs. Cedelma S. Burton, 90, of W inston-Salem, died M onday, Nov. 3,2003, nt her home. She wns bom Sept. 3 ,19 13 , in Sullivun's Islnnd, S .C ., to Henry Byrd and Eliznbeth Carter Fant. Mrs. Burton wns n member of Cul- vury Bnptist Church, where she wus active in thc Bible Fellowship Clnss. She was also a member of the Forsyth County Homemukers Club. She wns u graduate of Reynolds High School nnd wus retired from Wcstem Electric. She wns preceded in death by her parcnls; her son, Kcnnelh Bur­ ton; 2 brothers, Wilson Fant and Proclor Fani; nnd 2 sisters, Cedola Smart and Martha Brewer. Survivors; 3 daughters, Gay King and husband Tom of Ber­ muda Run and Joyce Ring and hus­ band Lnwrencc und Brendn Merrill und husbnnd Bill, nil of Winston- Snlem; 5 grundchildren; a great­ grandchild; 2 sisters, Delphine Th ­ ompson und Ollie Richurdson of Winslon-Salcm; and several nieces and nephews. The funeral servicc was con­ ducted al 2 p.m. Nov. 6, al Vogler & Sons Muin Street Chapel by thc Rev. WillToburen. Memorials: Hospice/Palliative CareCcntcr, 1100-C S. Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, 27103; or Kate B . Reynolds Hospice Home, 101 Hospicc Lane, Winston-Sa- lem, 27103. M argaret Pam ela Brown Mrs. Margaret Pamela Crotts Brown, 90, a lifelong resident of Winslon-Salem, died Saturday, Nov. 8,2003, at Forsyth Medical Center. She wns born N o v. 6, 1913, in Winston-Salem to Lizzie and William Alee Crotts Sr. Mrs. Brown was a resident of Salemtowne and was formerly of Butler Street. She was a member of First United Church of Christ, She was preceded in death by her pnrents; and her husband, Jones Thomas "Shorty" Brown. Survivors: 2 dnughters, Mrs. Chnrles (Joyce Mnrshnll) Cary and Mrs. Willium L . (Rebeccn) Foust of Mocksville; 4 grundchil­ dren; nnd 4 great-grandchildren.. The funeral scrvice was con­ ducted in the Forsyth Memorial Pnrk Mausoleum Chapel, W in- slon-Salcm by thc Revs. Elizabeth Parker and Christa Warisc. A graveside scrvice followed. Mem oriuls: Firsl United Church of Christ, 1912 Waugh- town St.,Winslon-Salem, 27107. Vasta Juanita Cope Miss Vnsla Juanita Cope, 86, of Somerset Court, formeriy of Merrclls Lake Road, died Thurs­ day, Nov. 6,2003, al Wake Forest University Bnptist Medicnl Cen­ ler. Miss Cope wns bom Jnn. 18, 1917, in Davic County to the lute Wiley Baxter Cope Sr. and Lou Effie Hendrix Cope. She wus a member of Fork Baptist Church. She wns preceded in death by a sister, Mozelle Gillcan; and 2 brothers, Denny Cope and Wiley Baxter Cope Jr. Survivors: 3 sisters, Ednn Hendrix, Sadie Burton und Jessie Gobble. The funeral service wns held ut 2 p.m . Nov. 9, nt Fork Bnptist Church, wilh the Rev. Timothy W olf officinling. Burial was in the church cemetery. Memorials: Grandfather Home for Children, P.O. Box 98, Ban­ ner Elk , 28656. Eugene W yche Sm ith M r. Eugene Wyche Smilh, 80, of North Main Street, Mocksville, died on Wednesday, Nov. 5,2003 at his residence. Bom in Davie County on Aug: 20, 1923, he was the son of the lute Beal and Rosa Merony Smith. He had been em ployed nt Pennington Chevrolet and had been thc Mocksvillc lown clerk. He was a member of Mocksville First United Methodist Church where hc had sung in the choir, been Sunday School superinten­ dent and a Sunday School teacher. He served in the Air Force during Worid War II and was a member of Mocksville Masonic Lodge 134. His wife, Letty Foster Smith, preceded him in death. Survivors: 2 sons, Gene C . Smith of Salisbury und Paige F. (Melissa) Smith of Advance; a daughter, Elizabeth Durham of Cooleemee; und 8 grandchildren. He wns niso preceded in deuth by u brolhcr, Beul Smith, and a -( sisler, Margaret Wnlers. A memorinl scrvice wus held Fridny, Nov. 7 nt thc Mocksville First United Methodist Church wilh the Revs. Don Routh and Crystal Alexander officiating. Pri­ vate burial wus in Rose Cemetery. Memorials: Letty Smith Schol- urship Fund, First U M C , 310 N . Muin St., Mocksvillc. A urelia Foster Potts Mrs. Aurclin Foster Polls, 95, of Comatzer Road, Advance, died Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 at Mag­ nolia Gardens of Spencer. Funeral services will be Thurs­ day, Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. at Advance United Methodist Church wilh the R evs. Harry Sammons and Marion Fulk officiating. Burial was in the church cemclery. Thc family was lo be at Eaton Funeral Home Wednesday from 7-8:30 p.m. Memorials: Advancc United Methodist Church Building Fund, PO Box 2021, Advance. Mrs. Potts was born Dec. 9, 1907 in Davic County to the laic Sanford and Bessie Smith Foster and was a homemaker. She was a lifelong member of Advance United Melhodisl Church where she sang in thc church choir, was a member of the United Method­ ist Women (formeriy Ladies Aide Socicty) and thc SaUy Sue Peebles Sunday School Class. She was uctive in community uclivities, nnd enjoyed quilting nnd fishing. She wns preceded in deuth by her husband, G .A . (Anderson) Potts, 2 sons, G .W . Potts, Roy Polls; a sister. Pansy Howard; 2 brothers, Albert Fosler, Hcge Fos­ ter; 2 grandchildren, Wayne Potts, Elizabeth Potts. Suivlvors: 4 children, Ruth P. (Churiie) Luthum , Bob (Belly) Potts, Olenn (Ruby) Polls, Gray (Belly) Polls; 2 daughters-in-law. Belly Polls and Dianne Polls, all of Advance; 7 grundchildren; and 8 greal-grandchildren. O b itm n eS f O n lin e www.enterprise-record.com f Good Neighbor BBQ Saturday At Bethlehem Bclhlehcm Uniled Melhodisl Church will hold its unnuul Good Neiglibor Barbccue Fridny, Nov. 14 from 5-7 p.m . ut the church on 321 Rcdlniul Rond, Advancc, between U .S . 158 and N .C . 801. Barbecue und Porl-A-Pil chicken meuls will be sold for $7 per pinte. Port-A-Pil chicken lunches ure nvuilublc from 10:30 u.m.-3 p.m . Delivery will be provided for 10 or more plutes, und udvunce tickcts are required for thc lunch. Thc church has sponsored the barbecue for severnl yenrs wilh proceeds benefilting the Good Neighbor Fund ministry. Il hns helped people in the community by paying electric bills, filling oil lunks, repairing cnrs, making medical payments und house payments - fill­ ing a need when Ihcre is no alternative. Wilh increased numbers of job layoffs und losses, requests for Good Neighbor dollars are ex- peeled to increase. The pcr-pcrson limit has been increased from $300 to $500. Christian Women’s Ciubs To iWeet The two Christian Women’s Club.s of Winston-Sulem will meet on Nov. 19 nnd 20 ul Bermuda Run Country Club. The meetings are open lo the public, but reservations nre required. A free nursery is provided. The speaker will be Debbie Newton from Fleetwood. The theme for Ihe luncheon on Wednesday is "Festive Fashions" by Fraleigh’s of Clemmons. Music will be by Carol Purvis. It be­ gins ul 11:15 a.m. Cost: $12.25. Call 774-9962. O n Thursday the theme will be Thanksgiving Holiday Brunch, a Weekenders fashion show wilh Kil.sy Malhis. Freddy Casstevens will provide thc music. The brunch will be from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Cull Pnl nl 940-6885 or Alelhu at 760-4253. Cost: $10:50. S t o r e h o u s e L i s t s T t i a n t c s g i v i n g t - t o u r s The Storehouse for Jesus will be closcd for Thanksgiving Nov. 26 and 27. The pharmacy will be open Nov. 26, but closcd oii the 27lh. The Thursday Nighl Clinic will be closcd on the 27lh. F a l l B a z a a r T h is S a t u r d a y The Women’s Fellowship of Macedonia Moravian Church will have ils annual fall bnzuar Salurday, Nov. 15 from 8 a.m.-noon in the church fellowship hall. Thc church Is locatcd at 700 N .C . 801 N . in Advancc (one mile north of I - 40). Moravian ilems will be featured, as well as, selections from the W orld Mission Shop. Moravian Lovefeasl buns, Dewey's sugarcake, und Mrs. Hanes' Cookies will be sold. Homemade baked goods, crafis, original artwork, buskcls, woodcurvings, fiavoring, cutlery, and more will be uvuilable for purchnse. The Men's Fellowship will serve ham, sausage, and tender­ loin biscuits, juice, and coffce for brcnkfast. Profits will benefit church nnd community projects. DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 - C9 We don’t care what you wear to church. And considering he walked around in a sheer, Jesus probably won’t either. V llli-i lm l:i •» llj'l.i . lull, Il An.l (lili'- IlCl- I') (11 .Alter .ill.Urt M.I. i^.i.InU •..Vi<ii.iri!nli.i4'rm;> The Episcopal Church of the Ascension Welcomes You. Wonhip Services: 9:00 a.m i& II:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 183 Fork-Bixby Road • Advancc, N C 27006 • 336.998.0857 www.iisccnsion-fork,org I f y o u c a n t b e a r t h e i l i o u o l i i a f O l h e r d e a l e r s h i p s s a y i n g t i O f a l v B M i a c a l l ' I Ger R esam r Kevin McCullough C a l l m e p e r s o n a l l y a t 7 0 4 - 6 3 3 - 7 2 7 0 o r 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 4 - 6 8 2 3 Em ail M o at - k m c c u l l o u g h @ b e n m y n a t t . c o m A p ply by Phono - 1 -8 8 8 -7 5 6 -AUTO (2886) w w w . b e n m y n a t t . g e t a y e s . c o m hBMN M YNATT )NTIAC<GMC>NISMN < Í 2 9 J A K E A L E X A N D E R B L V D . S . $ A L I S B t J I R Y Please Attend The Church O f Your Choice No Creok Primitive Baptist Church, 222 Aubrey Merrell Rd.. Mocksville. 2nd & 4lh Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Fourth Salurday worship and con(erence.1:30 p.m. Postof. RIchord Kirby.Eagle Heights Church,10 a.m. Sunday worship. 7 p.m. Tuesday Powertime. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Bible study andAwanas. Casual dress, contem­porary muslc/worshlp. 5103 U.S. 156. Hdlsdate. Mocksvillo Wesleyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyer. 751-5595.Union Chapol Unltod Methodist Church! 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship» 10 a.m. Sunday Schooi. 11 a.m.. Pastor. Rev. Jim Sanders. Center United Methodist Church; U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Pastor. Stephen Blair. 751 • 2754. Childcare direclors: Carla Provette, 492*5735 & SandraAutry, 940* 3753.Elbavllle United Methodist Church: N.C. 601. Advance. Fellowship. 9 a.m. Sunday School. 10. Worship, 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4-11). 1st & 3rd Sun.. 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ (ages 12« 18) meet Sun., 5*6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Neville Slorey. Cooleemee Church of Qod: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer MoQtlng. 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service, 7 p.m. For moro info, cail pastor Robert Hulette at 284-2160 or visit www.coolcog.org.Cornatzer United Methodist Church: 1244 Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m., Rev. Kaye Frye, pastor. Bethol United Methodist Churoh: Bethel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.m. Rev. Ed Carter, pastor. Advonce Unltod Melhodisl Church: Sunday School. 9:45 n.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth. 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sammons.Downtown Advance. Farmlnglon United Methodist Churoh: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 1939 Farmington Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Ook Qrove United Methodist Church; 1994 U.S. 156. MocKsville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11.Concord United Methodist Church. Cherry Hlil Rd.. Mocksville. Worship; 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pastor, John Andrews.Hardison Unltod Methodist Church; Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wonderful Wodnes-days Children’s program. 6-7:30, Paslor, Rev. Dennis B. Marshall. Communlly Baptist Churoh; Sunday Schooli 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11. Evening servlcOi 6. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hllisdalo Unltod Mothodlst Church: 5226 U.S. 158, Advance., Contemporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Casual dress, refreshments. Jr. High Youth Sunday night, 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night, 7. Mldweek(g>Hlll8dale prayer service, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studies, ministrios such as dramo, worship, mislonoi singles, women's, men's. Paslor: Jerry Webb, 998-4020. Wosley Chapel United Methodist Churoh: Worship Service: 10 n.m, Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Tommy Roboitson. Pino Rd. Redland Penteoostfll Holiness Churoh: Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Evening: 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study. 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US 601 S. Worship; 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15. Rov. Robert Kasting. 751- 5419. www.mindspring.conU'^tio/ycross/ Mocksville First Prosbyterfan Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youth (grades 6*12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Neal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks United Methodist Church, off N.C. 601 S. at Mocks Church/ Beau­ champ roads, Advance. Rev. Donnie Durham, 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Qrove Mothodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Pastor: Chris Clonlz. Sunday School; 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Children's ministry. Before and after school programs, 940-5296. Hillsdale Bapllsl Church: Sunday Worship and Bible Sludy 9 & 10:30 a.m.. Wednesday Fellowship Meal. 6 p.m. Chlldfen's youth activities, prayer meeting. 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alderman, 940* 6618. Minister of Music, Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158. Advance.Faith and Victory Family Worship Conier, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 аж, 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m.New Believers Ministries, 350 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday Sciiool, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc, pastor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Methodist Church. U.S. 601 S. Worship;9:45 a.m. Sunday Schooi; 11 a.m.First United Methodist Church of Mooksville. Early Sunday Worship Service, 6:50 a.m. f>raise singing, casual dress, contemporary format, Tradlllonal service, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main St. 751* 2503. Pastors. Crystal Alexander and Donald W. Routh. Boilever’s Sonship Tabernacle; Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening. 7. Paslor: Jerry L. Couch, 998- 1324. Cana Rd. - Potter's Lane. Turrentlne Baptist Church; Sunday Schooi, 9:45 a.m.. Worship, 11; Night Service, 6. Pastor: Rev. Joe Smith. Bethlehem United Methodist Church: Sunday early worship, 6:45 a.m.: Sunday School. 10. Worship. 11 a.m. Lighthouse Service, contemporary worship. Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd.. Advance. 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E- Mall: kaybethumc(S>yadtel.net Episcopal Church of Ihe Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advance. Sun. Schooi. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Peggy Long of Advance. 998-7716. Clement Qrove Church of Qod, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd., Mocksviiie. 492-5125. Saturday Services; Sabbath School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Study. 7 p.m. Pastor: Elder Ernest ijomes. Radio Broadcast; The Bible Is Right. Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m.. WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays. 6- 8:30 a.m.. WSTP 1490 AM.Qroen Meadows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study. 7 p.m. Pastor Rov. Michael Waters. 998-3022. Liberty Wesleyan Churoh. 2106 Shetlletd Rd., Harmony, Sunday School10 a.m., Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Minlslry 2nd Tues. each month 10 a.m. 492-2963. Pastor: Ronald Loo. Bixby Presbyterian Church. 1606 Fork- Bixby Rd., near Cornatzer Rd., Sun. Schooi 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11. Pastor: Peter Peterson, 996- 6813. Dulin United Methodist Church, 897 Dulin Rd.. Mocksville. 998-5409. Pastor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m.Cooleemee United Methodist. Main St.. Sunduy School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Kids Kamp Sun. 5*6:30. Pastor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284-6135) tn Homo Bible Studies, by Randy Howell. 284-4667. Bear Creek Baptist Church, Bear Creek Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Rev.' William Leo Cook Hi. paslor.Cooleemee First Baptist Church, 264 Marginal St., Sun. Bible Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Eve. Worship? p.m., Wednesday prayer meeling. 7 p.m. Muslo minister. Regina Chandlor. Dr. Tommy Register, paslor. Mocksville Second Presbylerian, 400 Pine St. Sunday School, 6:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only African-American Prosbytorian church In Davie County. Rev. Thomas M. Loach.751-1410 St. Francis of Asslel, RC. Massos: Salurday Vigil. 6 p.m, Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass, 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday evoning Mass. 7. Monday. Tuesday. Thursday, Friday & Saturday. 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rev. Andrew Draper. TOR. 751-2973.Farmlnglon Baptist Churoh, Sunday morning Bible study, classes for alt ages, 10. Worship; 11. 1841 Farmlng-ton Rd., 5 miles from 1-40, Paslor: Scott Lyerly. Church; 998-3626. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baptisl Church, Blaise Church Road, off U.S. 601 N. at i-40, Mocksviiie. 761-3639. Worship. Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Bible study and mission programs for all ages, 7 p.m. Pastor: Glenn Sellers. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. www.blaisebaptlst.org.Shiloh BapUst Church, 544 E. Depot St., Mocksviiie. Sunday Schooi: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751-0597. Fullon Unlled Methodist Church. 3895 N.C. 801 S.. Advance. Worship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youth In Christ, Sundays, 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor; Rev. Neville Storey. Heaven Bound Full Qospel Church,U.S. 64 W.. Mocksville. (beside Center Fire Dept.). Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday night praise/ worship, 7. Paslor, James Ward. 996- 6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St.. Mocksville. 751-5312. Contemporary early worship service. 8:30 a.m. Sunday School tor all ages. 9:45 a.m. Traditional worship service. 10:55 a.m. Children's choir, Tuesday, 3 p.m. Wednesday. 6:30 p.m.. activities for children, youlii ond adulls. Fork Baptist Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E., Mocksviiie. Sunday School, 9:45. Worship oervlce. 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzor Baptist Churoh, 1372 Cornatzer Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., Worship, 11; evening, 6:30; Awana’s Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m.New Union Methodist Churoh, 1869 Sheffield Rd.. at County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., contemporary worship with casual dress and refreshments; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday School for all ages. 11 a.m., Worship. 492- 5367. Ijames Baptist Church. Sheffield Rd., Mocksville, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship. 11, Sunday evening. 6. Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor. Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zion Church. 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Pastor, George C. Banks. Advanco First Baplist Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. PastonMartln Kastner. 996-6302. Churoh of Qod of Prophecy. 2323 U.S. 601 S., Mocksviiie. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Sunday evening. 6; Wednesday evening. 7. Pastor; Rev. Bobby Shlnault. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Churoh, Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m.. worship 11. Sunday evening, 6: Wednesday Awana/Youth. 6:45 p.m.. Prayer & Bible Study, 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077.Seventh Day Adventist Churoh. Milling Road. Mocksville. Sabboth School, Saturday, 9:30-11; Worship, 11-noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751-3886. Macedonia Moravian Church. 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advance. Sunday School. 9:30-10:45 a.m. Worship, 8:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Pastor: Rev. Greg Little. Yadkin Valloy Bapllsl Churoh. 1324Yadkin Valloy Road. Advance, Pastor; Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. worship, 11 & 6. Wednesday Night Prayer meeling, 7:30. Livo Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11 -Noon. Ml. Zion Holiness Church of Qod, U.S. 64 E. al Mill Stroel, Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. 11. Pastor: Bishop James Ijames.Ml. Sinai AME Zion Church, 486 Peoples Creek Road. Advanco. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship. 11 a.m.. Wednesday night Bible study. 7. Dr. Otis B. Robinson Sr.. pastor. 998*6231. Bixby Churoh of the Living Qod. 2121 W .G . W H ITE & C 0 . 850 N, Trade St, Winston Saletti, NC 27102 336-723-1669 V O G L E R & S O N S l-uiicral Home 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Cieinmons, NC 27012 336- 766-4714 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 5 1 4 8 JERRY^S MEAT PROCESSINGWe Custom Meat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 3 0 years experience 692 Ralph Ralledgo Rd • Moclovlllo 492-5496 LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 24 Years Experience Sanding • Refinishing Installation • Old & New Work Larry MoClenney * Mocksvillo 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 1 7 2 1 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 1 4 4 J . P. GREEN M ILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St., Mocksville, NC 336-751-2128 E A T O N FUNERAL HOME SINCE 1951 325 Norih Main .SirccI Mocksvillc, NC 2702K 336-751-2148 FOSTER DRUG COM PANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 4 1 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 2 1 6 7 A U TO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. Main St. • Mocksville 336-751-2944 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 US Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 3 3 5 0 M X .шшнтшпЕ 5431 Hwy. 158 • Advance, NO 336-998-1987 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FQR YOU CALL 751-2120 FULLERI^l'rteir Precision Laser C u ttin g & M etal Fabrication 855 Salisbury Road, Mocksville. NC 27028 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 3 7 1 2 Cornatzer Rd., Advance. Pastor. Rev. Perry Hawks, 768-1606. Worship. Sunday 10*it a.m., 6p.m, Salem United Methodist Church, Salem Church Rood off Davle Academy Rd.. 8 miles west ol Mocksville. Worship, Sundays at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, tO:45.UM.W, second Wednesday, UMM first Sunday breaklast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Stephen Blafr. Plney Drove Unlled Melhodisl Church, 376 Underpass Rd., Advance. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11. Paslor: Rev. Kendall C. Qlover. 998- 7316. Nevi Jerusalem Apostolic Church, 291 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Pastor, Netlye Ijames-Barber, 751-0049. Sun. School. 10 a.m., Worship 11. Wednesday night: Bible class. 7:30. Intercessory prayer. 6 p.m. True Light Christian Minlslry, U.S. 601 N„ Danner Rd. to Camella Lane, Mocksvillo. Pastor: Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. It. Episcopal Churoh ot Ihe Qood Shepherd, Church & Cross sis., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m., lellowship hour afler church. Bible Sludy 2nd and 4th Sundays afler church. Priest: Rov. Noah Howard.Jesus Life Mission. Liberty Church Rd„ Mocksville. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worship, 11. Sunday evening al 6 and Tuesdays al 7 p.m. Paslor: Hilda Reovls. Mooksville Church ol Qod. 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor; Larry Hollifield. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday evening, 7. Jerusalom Bapllsl Churoh. 3203 US 601 S.. Mocksville. 264-2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services: 8:15 a.m.. praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School for all ages; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday services; 6 p.m., family fellowship meal;7 p.m., TeamKID, Youth 4 Chtlsl, Adult Bible Study. Nursery lor Inlants ond toddlers. Fellowship Baptisl Church, 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998-6544. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smilh Qrove AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 158, Mocksville. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Rev. Morgan Glenn, pastor. Eatons Bepllst Church, 495 Eatons Church Rd.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship. 11. Wednesday prayer mooting, 7:30 p.m. Pastor: Dr. David Qllbreolh. 998.6149. Abundant Lite Christian Victory Center, 117 E. Depot SI., Mocksville. Pastor, Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11. Lllo Communlly Church, Sundays, 10 a.m.. Brock Performing Arts Center, Noilh Main SUsst, Mocksville. Contemporary style worship wllh Pastor Kevin Slewarl. 753.LIFE. Hope Bapllsl Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 158, Mocksvillo. 998-3616. Worship, 11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m., AWANA children and teens, adults, prayer msstlng and Bible study.East Davle Baptist Churoh, Bermuda Quay Shopping Center, 5397 U.S. ISO, Advance. Sundays, 8:15, Bible sludy for older adulls; 9:30, morning worship; 10:45, Bible study for all ages; 6 p.m., Sunday evening service. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Study and Prayer Service. Paslor, Max t Furr. 998-5584. Life Communlly Churoh, Days Inn, Madison Road, Mocksville. Services Sunday, 10 a.m. Cail Kevin Slewarl, pos- tor, about Wednesday evening lile groups, 753.5433.Malnvllle AME Zion Church, 210 Main Church Road, Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, II. Bible Study, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Robert H. Bailey. Baliey's Chapel Unlled Melhodisl Church. Bailey's Chapel Road, Ad­ vance, Sunday Schooi, 10 a.m.. Worship11 a.m. Pastor, the Rov. Ed Carter. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 3 3 6 - 4 9 2 - 5 5 6 5 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Sultol Advance, NC 27006 336-940-2341 iiuiUenil Quihl) Cunonilhmici fcfO\tti0 Jfjn Craig A. Cajicf, PrciiJtni • Minin C. Cjncf, Vice Prei. H a y w o r t h - M i l l e r F u n e r a l H o m e K in d e r t o n C h a p e l Located on Hw y 158 Between Clemmons & Advance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 CIO - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 The C ornerstone Of Education Davie Public Library To Ceiebrate Nationai Chiidren’s Booi< Weei< The Rev. Kay Rackley and arlist G lenda Beard look at a fram ed print of the Episcopal Church of Ascension at Fork. - P hoto b y R obin Fergusson ‘Ws Such A Pretty Church’ P r i n t s B e i n g S o i d T o H e ip F u n d A d d it io n A t E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h O f A s c e n s i o n O f F o r i^ Growing up hi the Fork com­ m unity, Glenda Bciircl often passed by tho Episcopal Church of the Asccnsion. Slie admired > the evergreens, simple architec­ ture and steep roof. So when church member Eddie Everhart approached her aboul creiitlng a painling of the church, the now-accomplished artist jumped al Ihe chance. The II- by 18-inch framed prints are .selling for$l50each, with money going lo Ihc church building fund. “This is the prettiest church," she said. "I empliasized young trees so wc could get the roof line in there." It .stnrlcd wilh pen and ink, and she added watercoior and pastels for ihe mixed media re­ sult, Only 200 will be sold. She has also made bookmarks, note cards, coasters and magnets. The Rev. Kiiy Rackley, vicar of Ihe church, is pleased wilh ihe product. The planned addition w ill double Ihe fellowship and cla.ss space. The church has grown lo where more lhan 50 regularly attend services on Sundays, which are held at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m ,, with Sunday School in be­ tween. There are five Sunday School clas.ses, wilh room for about two. Although Ihe two .services are convenieni, having Ihem closc lo the same time keeps the congre­ gation connected, Rackley said. To order a print, call the church at 998-0857 or Everhart at 998-5043. Monday, Nov. 17 Ihe Davie County Public Library will join libraries, buokslures, schools and families all over the country lo celebrale National Children’.? Book Week. Tliis spccial week is set aside cach year by the C hildren’s Book Council lo celebrate the written word and promote the enjoyment of books by young people. “ Reading is the cornerstone of education," said Lisa Ncal, youlh services librarian. "The love o f books and reading, passed from adull lo child, is a lifelong treasure lhal helps lo uncover Ihe secrets o f our universe." The fun begins with a puppet show Monday evening al 7. The children’s staff will presenl The Revenge of Ihe Magic Chicken, ba.sed on Ihe picture book by Helen Lester. Come .see whal happens wlien a wizard, a giggly fairy, and a silly magic chicken Iry lo prove they are each Ihe most powerful of all. The show will also be presented ul 11 a.m. Tuesday. Thursday, Nov. 20 brings a special .slorylime for 4-year olds al 10 a.m. These stories and a craft project will be a bit more com plicated than the usual preschool fare - just perfect for Ihose ever curious 4 year olds, Neal said. Have you ever heard the saying “ D on’t judge a book by ils cover"? Here’s a chance to bring new life to an old favorite. Continuing Ihe celebration of Children’s Book Week will be a book CQVcr workshop on Thurs-day, Nov, 20 at 4:30 p.m. Kids ages 6 and up are invited to create a colorful new cover for some o f the w ell-w orn library books, They can sign their names as the jacket illustrator, and the rejuvenated books w ill go back into the collection for all lo appreciate. The library w ill supply ihe books, covers, and art supplies - you bring your talent and imagination. There will be a prcschool slorylime on Friday mornings al II . A ll ages arc welcome lo 'S ALL ABOUT VALUE Adeiphia Cable HI now only Save over 26%! 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Today! 1-877<506-3043 www.adelphia.com J i d e l p h î a come and share in Ihc joy of week, take the lime lo share a stories and the wondrous world book wilh a child. It could of children’s books. change both your lives," Neal “ If you do nolhing else this said. Get Ready For The Holidays Lose Up To 10 Lbs. On Us! T W O FREE W E E K S OF W E IG H T L O SS! Lose Fat, Keep Muscle Burn Fat Witliout Hunger One-On-One Support Restaurant & Grocery Store Foods Safe & Effective Call Today For A Free Consultation 336-751-1423 & W tU tW i ■Call for dtteil* ol oMtr. 'Required Product Not Included. Ефгеэ Novembcf 29.2003 865 Yadkinville Rd., Suite 102 • IVIocl<sville CUSTOM DESIGN WITHOUT THE CUSTOM PRICE The Tesserae Carpet System lets you design Individual living spaces In any room-easlly and affordably. CAREFREE CARPET SYSTEM Should dam age occur such as stains ot excessive wear, you can simply remove Individual panels and replace them with new ones In seconds- helping you maintain exceptional beauty for years to come. CLEAN, MESS-FREE INSTALLATION Tesserae panels are professionally Installed using TracllonBack™ Glueless Installation. This creates a secure hold throughout the room ' without messy glues ot other adhesives. ATTACHED FIDOR PAD Each Tesserae panel has attached residential padding with a moisture barrier built In- assuring a soft, comfortable, quiet feel and added sublloor protection. M ILUKEN K & es^ccopted Hours: Mon, -Pri. 8-6 & Sat, 9-1 215 New Highway 64 West, Lexington, N C Phone: 249-6672 C A R P E T & F L O O R I N G C O V E R I N G COMING TO MOCKSVILLE SATURDAY & SUNDAY November 15 & 16 B en F ra n k lin Saturday, 10 am to 5pm Sun day, 1 pm to 5pm C o l o r P o r t r a i t P a c k a g e S p e c i a l 3 - 8 x 1 0 ’s 3 ■ 5 x 7 ’s 1 2 - W allets 13 95 Deposit Customei pays $11.00 when portrails deliverad al slore approxlirately one week laler. • DON’T MISS IT . NO AGE LIMIT • FAMILY GROUPS ALSO »ADULTS TOO! A ll work Guaranlccd by; T R I V E T T E S T U D I O B en F ra n k lin W illow Oak C enter • M ocksville, NC t Feature DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - Dl Attitude C u r t W i l s o n K e e p s H i s G o o d D e s p i t e L o s i n g L o w e r L e g By M ike Barnhardt Davie Couniy Enterprise Record Curt Wilson plans to graduate wilh the Class of 2004 al Davie High School. He wanls to stand up from the back row, walk up the aisle and across the stage to receive his diploma. And he doesn’t want anyone to no­ tice lhal one leg isn’l real. If altitude has anylhing to do with il, Wilson will do ju,st lhat. O n Sept. 3, he was mowing grass al his home off Hepler Road near Mocks­ ville, a chore he enjoyed and did oflen. W hen he wenl lo get o ff the lawnmower, something he had done safely a hundred or more times before, he slipped. His foot went underneath the mow­ ing deck. He was wearing boots, but the sharp blades cut his foot off behind the toes. There was more damage at the heel and ankle. Curt W ilson’s life had changed for­ ever. “ Somehow, I gol it off me and got lo the back door," he said. His moiher, Leean, sisler Vicky and broTher John were at home. Father Danny, a trucker, was out of town. They dialed for help, and Vicky slarlcd applying pressure to the wound. Curt didn’t look, but he knew it was bad. In no lime, their yard was full of medical first responders. The ambu­ lance wasn’l much farther behind. Dociors at N .C . Baptist Hospilal knew pretty quickly lhat an amputation would be necessary. “ I wouldn’t looi{ at il, but I told them 10 tell me something," Curl said. “ I knew it was bad by the way everybody was acting." There was no way to completely clean the dirt and grass from Ihe wound, and they amputated the foot just above the ankle. Tw o days laler, they amputated again at mid-shin. “ Every time I would wake up, I would see more while coats and more white coals," Curt said. Never bashful. Curt asked questions. Doctors and nurses didn’t work wilh­ oul explaining wlial was happening. He was sent home with a cost up lo his hip. “ I wenl from doing everything on my own to silting around and waiting for everybody to do il for me," Curt said. His 2-year-old nephew, Deslry, the lighl of his life, kicked the lawnmower because il hurl his “ D irt,” as he calls him, Last week, he saw the amputee doc­ lor for the last time. He has a prosihciic leg, and is learning to balance and use 11 for walking. He slill needs crutches, bul has been back in school, even lay­ ing a few brick, for over a week. A Smilh Cirove volunleer firengliter. Curt worked at Food Lion. As soon as he’s able to walk, he’s going back to work. He became a junior firefighter at age 14. “ I wanted lo learn and to help my community," he said. “There’s limes you have fun und limes you’re serious and gel a lot oul of il,” A l one lim e, he was considering becoming a professional firefighter. Now , he’s leaning toward becoming a diesel mechanic. Allhough his moiher carricd insur­ ance through work, it hasn’t paid for everything, including the prosthetic leg. O n lop of that, she took a leave of abscence without pay to help care for her .son. W ilh cooperation from Smilh Orove and Cornalzer-Dulin fire dcparlmenis, Dulin United Melhodist Church is spon­ soring a fall festival Saturday from 6 a.m,-2 p.m , wilh proceeds going lo ihe Wilsons, There will be crafts, food, enlerlain- menl, fire trucks and a yard sale. Call 998-5409 for more infonnation. If you see Curl W ilson, he’ll likely be in a good mood. “ I’m dealing with it,” he said. “ H e ’s always had a good attitude," said his mother. What: Fall Festival When: Saturday, Nov. 15 Where: Dulin Methodist Time: 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Why: To Benefit Family of Curt Wilson, who lost his foot in a lawnmower accident in early September. , Curt W ilson relaxes at hom e. I'm dealing with it,” he said. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Curt W ilson is learning to have “fun" with his prosthetic leg. Vici<y shows the fire helm et signed by m em bers of Smith G rove Volunteer Fire Departm ent. C u rt W ilso n sh ow s how his stum p fits into the prosthetic leg. I’ The W ilsons are a c!ose-l<nit family. Shown on the new deck are Curt's brother John, m other Leean, father Danny, sister Vicl^y, and nephew Destry with Curt. And that's Petie the dog. ................................... ‘ \ > D2 - DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdny, Nov. 13, 2003 Davie Schools Wlllliirn R. Dnvic Klcmvnlarv The throe firsl ¡;r¡ulo tlasscs visited Bail Moo Farm in Olin Priday. Oct. 31 where chiUlrcn hail Ihe opporlunil)' lo pci live animals, explore a imuc, milk Daisy the cow. pick up chicken eggs and bolllc- fced Ihe calves. Denise Baugh. Jenny James and Tina Dyson enjoyed the wagon riile around Ihe fium. All of the adults nnd childien enjoyed the hoi dog meal cooked on Ihe open fire by Chubby Bailey. The children asked questions and shared Iheir knowledge of ihe fimii wilh the stall al Baa Moo. Al the end of the day all of the classe.s went into a large pumpkin patch and picked oul Iheir own pumpkin lo take home. Alyce Bagshaw. Pam Renegar and Danielle Shepherd's second grade classes completed boating and water safety at the Davic Family Y M C A . Each class participated In hands-on water safety skills during their four days at the Y M C A . Each small group worked with a certified swimming instructor for one hour each day in Ihe pool. Another hour was spent in the classroom selling reviewing water safely rules. Several parents and faculty volunteered to help. Thanks to Mr. Lee. Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Elmore, M r, McEwen, Mr. Meagher, and Mrs. Drum. This enrichment activity enhanced the "Risk Wutch" curriculum. Citizens of the Week of Nov.3- 7; Megan Mohal, Joshuu H ill, Bobby Vandiver, Traci Ferrebee, Diana Barron, Jordan Beam, Frank Bledsoe, Becca Ferebee, Jonathan Ellington, Sam Nesbit. Jessie Ramirez, Cruz Keller, Evan Cave, Aubrey Appcrson, Lindsay Simders, Jordon Drennen, Liitrinda Tillery, and Casey Ferrebee. Jaylce Miller wus the lop PTO fundraiser seller. She sold 70 ilems and won a $100 savings bond. Top sellers In each grade level; kindergarten, Jaylec Miller: 1st grade, Taylor O'Neal; 2nd grade, Ross Hoffner; 3rd grude, Jonathan Clmffm; “llh grade, Taylor ProfTm; 5lh grade. Taylor Anderson. Top seder in each grade level received a penlight. Mrs. Byrd's class collected 2>t6 box tops for October and were treated to chocolate chunk cooklcs. Skate Night and McDonalds Family Night will be Nov. 18. Skate Night is from й-7 and McDonalds Night is from 5-7. The next PTO Meeting will be Dec. 9. The PTO has teamed up with the Davic Youlh Council and Santa. Prior to the meeting, from .‘i-6:‘45 p.m., children will be able lo have their picture made wiih Santa for $4. The Christmas Store will be open lhat night. A Vendor Blender will have raffle tickets for saleand serve pizza by ihe slice for dinner for a small fee. If you have a business or scrvice and would like 10 take pan in the Vendor Blender, call Sheila Brown at 998-3898. Spaccs will be reserved on a first come basis forSIO. We will try nol to have two vendors selling the same products. This will be open to vendors other than parents and tcachers afler Nov, 17. Sludenls in third grade who made perfect attendance for the first nine weeks: Brooke Ball, Chcsnec Barber, Jacob Bates. Brillani Cartner. Jodi Gregory, Cruz Keller, Shellon Lanning, Dallon Scherer, Tyler Shoffner, Annulee Tutterow, C O L D U i e U . B A N K e R S TRIA D , REALTORS' Ricky Wilson. Sarah Anderson. Jonathan Chaffin. Kirslon Cockerham. Gibran Pino-Luoza. Ashlee Triviiio. Tyler Woolen, Maggie Barneycaslle. Cole Blankenship. Evun Cave. Natalie Ireland. Andrew Leo, Shelby Mast, and Jessica Slewart. Fourth gr.idors having perfect attendance were Aubrey Apperson. Mary-Kale Beck. Megan Beck. Logan Broun. Brandi Ferrebee. Brittany Gobble, Payton Kelly. Sadie Lagle. Scotty Slumbo. Bailey Carpenter, Derek Danner. Courtney Grannaman. Brandon Medford. Nathan Pcarec. Ntadison W hitlock. William Brannon, Krystal Caudle, Alex Dooley. Courtney Moore, Lindsay Sanders, and David Wagoner. Fifth graders who had pcrfcct attendance were Megan Campbell, Em ily Davis, Matthew Dyson, Casey Ferrebee. CJ Fcrtilla, Caillyn Hyde, Jordan Mayo, Jerrick McKnight, Ashton Whittaker, Tuylor Andeison, Tanner Bledsoe. Mack Brill. Evan Bullinglon. Brenda Hernandez, Tyler Lee, Auron Moreno, Andrew Olson, and Heaven Shoffner. Cooleemee F.tcmcntnry Students of the Week and Citi­ zens of the Month arc recognizcd. Each week, teachers choose a stu­ dent from their classroom that has shown greal eharaeler and citizen­ ship that week. They also choose monlhly Cool Cooleemee Citizens who have shown great citizenship for the month. The character word for Octobcr is self-discipline. The following have been chosen as Stu­ dents of the Week of Oct. 27-31: kindergarten - Nolan Osborne, Kristian Walls, Austin Thies, Allison Carter, Brianna Brewer: 1st grade - David Michalski, Courtland Cardinalc. Tiffuny Fleming. Nyasia Slocklon. Auslin Jones; 2nd grade - Treacy Redmond. Briseyda Garcia, Josh Peters. Chelseu Bululko: 3rd grude - Hannah Godbey, Jcssicu Lnncasler. Brandon Ruth, Wesley Pulton; 4th grnde - Jacob Thompson, Ethan Chattin, Jansen McDunicl; Sth grade - Matiah Sanders, Danielle Velotia, Danny Frye. The kindergarten, firsl and sccond grade classes have a puny as a reward for achieving this honor. Tho Cooleemce PTA and in­ dividual volunteers provide food for the party. The ihird, fourth and fiflh grade classes reccivc a trip to McDonalds. The character trail for October was self-discipline. The following children were chosen ns Cool Cool­ eemee Citizens of the Monlh; kin­ dergarten - Kasey Polts. Kelly Davis, Kayla Allen, Haley Foslcr, Geneva Daye; first grude - Travis McDunicl, Jacob Keaton, Guillerm o Fucntes, Humberto Marcial. Peyton Bennell; second grade - Jose' Carillo, Michele Diehl, Ra’Suun Martin, Cody Jeffries, Adriana Moreno; third grnde - Rebecca Mickalowski, Wesley Patton, Pebbles Wuugh, Colleen Hembree; fourth grade - Kayilyn Shoemaker. Melissa Freeman. Tyler Allen; fifth grade - Tyler Durham, Aaron Thies, Michelle Taylor. Regisler now for Adult Basic Educalion classes und earn your G E D . Classes and materials arc free. Classes meel Monday-Thurs- duy 8:30 a.m.-1 p m. at the school. Fiflh grade students in Mrs. Wilcox's class finished a unit on wealher. They learned how to slay C h i l d r e n O f E d e n N e x t W e e k e n d The D avic H igh School Fine Arts Deparitncm w iil pre.sent ¡1 prodiiciion o f "The Childa-n o f Eden" Nov. 20- 2.3 at the В пк'к Pcrfom iiiig Arts Cenler. Norlh M ain Streci. M ocksvillc. T ickcls are SIO in advance. S12 nl the door. C all 751-5905. Ext. 419. safe during slortiis. They chose a book to read uboiit wealher und gave an oral report to the class. Now they nre ready to start a Social Studies unil on history and goveni- menl. Aaron Thies was chosen the Sludent of the Monlh. Students are looking forward lo checking oul ihc Book Fair und making their own selections to pur­ chase. Mrs. Custer's class hud a great time busting ihclr Pumpkin Piñula. All of Ihe sludenls worked hnrd making il and enjoyed evety swing, especially when the candy began to fall. Tlicy huve been learning some new Lcllerland characlcrs - Annie Apple, Clever Cul and Dippy Duck. Cody Jeffries wus Student of the Month. Anikc Fuller volunteered her lime lo work in Ihc class and provided goodies thal wenl into the piñata. Mrs. Henderson, Mrs, McDougall. Mrs. Godbey. Miss Brown, and Mrs. Wall's sccond grade sludenls enjoyed a field Irlp lo SciWorks in Winston-Salcni re­ cently. The students studied the three forms of matter and enjoyed making candlcs. They vistcd the exhibits there. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. McDougall are looking for­ ward to sharing in the hatching of Ihe chicks due lo be bom Nov. 18. Mrs. Wall's firsl grade students arc learning how to write u para­ graph. They illustrated the slory of Johnny Applesced by using con- siruclion pupcr bits. The lhir<l grade students huve been learning lhal they cnn do any­ thing if they set their mind lo il. The rending slory Ihis week focuses on a child lhal is deaf and his work to overcome lhat lo become a percus­ sionist. The culminuling activity for the Slory wns that the third grade students suw a musical performance nnd mnke connections wllh the story. Third graders are continuing to.work on multipllcntion tables. Students in Mrs. Linkous's clnss are learning about leadership In their social studies unit. Mrs. Maurer's class is focusing on communities und compuring and conirasiing citi­ zens and cultures. Mrs. Fisher's slu­ denls arc learning about the phases of the moon. Ms. Schwiebcrt's slu­ denls arc working on wnys lo con- scr\'c soil. Kindergarten and firsl grade slu­ denls and Ihcir families are invited 10 attend the firsl Ppnners In Prim workshop on Thursday, Nov. 13. Partners in Prim is a new progrum designed lo slrenglhen ihc connec- lion bciwcen home nnd school. Par­ ents, tcachers, and students will leam more aboul Ihc rending pro­ ccss and about how we can work logelher lo help childrcn improve rending skills. They will meet al 5:4.^ in Ihe Cooleemce cafeleria for a lighl supper before moving lo the media cenler to begin a workshop. Kindergarten students have been learning aboul apples this week. They lasted apples und graphed favorites. Some compared the weights of apples and found out lhat apples flout. The students also helped make applesauce and apple pies. Davic High Varsity Basketball; Nov. 13. Hickory {scrimmage), (away) 5:001 7:00). Wreslling: Nov. 13. Chupel Hill, (home) 6:00. PTS A is sponsoring a drive toward the purchase of Texas Instrtimcnt 83 plus calculators lo be used for students who nre ccononiicnily dlsudvantugcd. If interested In making a donation, conlacl Nola Rich, president, 492- 2974 or send her an e-niall at riclifiini@yatllel.ner, or mail dona­ tions to Duvic High School, 1200 Salisbury Road, Mocksville. On Oct. 30. the PTSA provided soft drinks and coupons for free meals ut Sonic Drive-In for Ihose students who were on the A/B honor roll for the first quarter. Similar incentives will be offered at the end of Ihc nexl two grading periods. Following Ihe thirrd quarter grading period students who have been on the honor roll for all three quarters will be eligible to participate in a spccial event which will include drawings for cash and other prizes. Shady Grove Elemenlury Shndy Grove is participating in the A Cleaner World Give A Kid A Coat Schoal Coal Drive. Through Nov. 21, drop off coals ul Ihe nenrcsl A Cleaner World loculion (do nol drop off coals al the school) nnd receive a receipt for each donated coal. The elementary school thal collects the most receipts will be given $500. The school enms money for all Ihc caps collecled from gnllon nnd hnlf gallon Harris Tecler or Hunter Fnnns milk jugs. Collect General Mills box tops and relink Harris Teeter VIC cards lo Shady Grove »1701. The next sknte night is Tuesday, Nov. 25 at Skateland in Clemmons. Every Mondny cat in or takeout from Vcnczin's restaurant where 10 percent of the receipts go lo the school. Ms. Minor und Ms. Crnnfill's first grade class, the "Busy Bees," measured, sorted, compared, weighed, and graphed pumpkins, leaves, bones, nnd cundy in mnlh. Christopher Columbus visited the clnss und explained curdinal directions lo the class using a mnp. They fini.shcd the monlh by building n ginm skeleton in their room. The boys and girls enjoyed enling honey snacks and using bone cnndy to mnke skeletons. Ms. Hill nnd Ms. Carter's class of second graders slnrled nn embryology unil Ihis past week. Tracy Carter, a 4-H extension agent, brought 18 eggs for nn incubator. Ms. Carter lold Ihe childrcn about the eggs and how to carc for Ihem. The chicks should hatch by Thanksgiving. Ms. Kauff and Ms. Boswell's second graders read Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bals. a slory uboul buls und Iheir habits, whore they live, whal they eul, nnd their size variations. Ms. Johnson's ihini graders have a book und a reading assignmenl euch night. The third grnders in Ms. Ohr and Ms. Nonnan's class learned nbout how nulural resources oflen deteniiiiic where communities arc crcatcd. M s. Hobson and Ms. Carter's third grade class will be earning Pizza Hut certificates in the Book It program for rending four days a week. Ms. Redmond's fourth grnders hnve been busy wiih cooperative learning groups in sciencc studying force and molion. They identified whether Ihc forcc shown in the pielures was a push or n pull. They pluyed a floor game aboul molion and Ihe lack of molion. M r. Manzullo asks Ihnt all parents of fiflh graders chcck Ihcir children's school supplies. He hus noticed that many arc out of lined paper, pencils, and colorcd pencils. Also many students have slarted lo use mechanical pens nnd In fiflh grade sludenls nre to use only old fashioned wooden pens. The following sludenls have been chosen as the student of the week: Bryson Wenvcr. Kntic Reed. Scotl Dennard, Mullhew Hurding. Adam Conrad. Kari Harris, Wiliam Lambert. Shawn Myers. Zane Duffner. Taylor Hedrick. Candace Mize and Jill Duffner. Pinebrook Elementnry Thanks lo everyone who al- Icnded Fall Feslival, a night of fam­ ily and communily fun. Muffins for Moms nnd Donuts for Dnds wns held Ocl. 21 and 22. Parents enjoyed refreshments spon­ sored by PTA. The Davie Coumy Bonrd of Educalion met wilh the the Advi­ sory Council and PTA officers on Tuesday. Oct. 21. Lelierland nnd Accelerated Math, two new pro­ grams, were praised. The school's recognition as a School of Excel­ lence was honored. The plnns for an addition arc on display in Ihe com­ mons nrea. Mrs. Harris's nnd Mrs. Blank's classes for having 100% school lunch participalion during National School Lunch Week. Each sludent received Spy Kids bookmarks, and the leachers received sladium cups. Winners of Ihe Animal Headband conlesl were Austin Kerr, David Sloan, Daniel Lee, nnd Joshua Wood. They each received Spy Kids book bags. Mrs. Davis's 4th grade won the banner contest and will receive an ice crcnm party. The brass ensemble from the Winston-Salem Symphony per­ formed for the second and third graders on Tuesday, Oct. 21. The students were delighled with the bright, loud sounds of the inimpet, amused by the low sounds of Ihc lubn. cnierlained by ihe plunger mule oflhe irombonc nnd intrigued by the muted sound of the french hom. On Tuesduy, Nov. 4, the stu­ dents were agnin trcuteil to nnolhcr ensemble, the strings, which per- fomicd music from Ihe three B's - Bnch, Beethoven, nnd Brahms. They heard a tnngo from Argenlinu. The siring quartet consisted of Iwo violins, one viola, and one cello. The green cello wns a cool looking insirumenl. Students look forward to hearing Ihe siring buss when they hear the enlire orchestra in Decem­ ber. The kindergarten classes have been sludying the season fall. They read many books, learned songs, and mnde fall crafts. They slarled going to Ihe compuler lab Ihis month. On Nov. 13. they will go see the piny Little Engine Thai Could al the Brock Perfonning Arts Center. This monlh they have been learning nbout Indians, Pilgrims, and the Firsl Thanksgiving. On Nov. 21. Ihey will be having an In­ dian Stew. Mrs. Hockadny's hus­ band will cook the slew over nn open fire. Mrs. Polls'. Ms. Holden's, and Mrs. Hnrpc's second grnde classes participated Nov. 3-G in n "Wnlcr Safely Educnlion Program" offered at Ihe Davic Y M C A . The students learned water skills Including lifejacket nnd boating safety, per­ sonal safely, and swimming skills. The sludenls received one hour of classroom lime nnd one hour of pool lime dnily. South Duvic Phnraoh Socini Sludies lenm hns completed bnsic inlroduclion nnd ge­ ography skills. We are now study­ ing specific couniries. We have slarled in East Asia and China is our firsl counlry. We arc doing some ex­ tra credit projects on subjects like foot binding, the Great Wall nnd dragons. Wc have looked al online newspapers using Ihe inlemcl. Wc will be moving lo Japan and the Korean peninsula in aboul Ihree weeks. Tlic.sc countries will allow us to continue with extra credil projects and inlemcl work. Mrs. Markland's 8lh grade Life Skills classes nre doing Iheir foods and nulrilion unit. Sludenls have complclc research on n nulrlenl nnd displayed Iheir work in llie fomi of u posler. Afler analyzing Ihcir meals nnd snacks according to the food pyramid, Ihe students arc keeping a record of whnt they nre enling and Irying lo improve their eating hab­ its. We have also been learning nboul safely nnd smiilation in preparation for our foods unit. All sludenls en­ joyed participating in an equipment scavenger hunt. Mrs. Markland's 7th grnde Ca- reer Decisions cinsses hnve been learning nbout the world of work. They hnve studied Ihe importance of benefits and money mnnngement. They hnve also been filling out np- plicalion fomis, giving references nnd doing interviews. Mrs. Markland's 6lh grade Key­ bonrding classes are working on im­ proving their accuracy and key­ boarding speed. Emphasis is on cor- recl poslurc and correcl finger pluce- mcnl. Science: Pharaoh sludenls have been working on a project this quar­ ter. The "bones and muscle" project wns tumed in Nov. 5. Students used cither toothpicks to identify certnin hones in the body or used yam to identify different muscles in the body. The projects will be displayed. around the school in the coming weeks. Also, science students will begin a new unil of sludy soon. They wiil be studying nulrilion and diges- lion. Reminder: The Pharnoh field trip "A Christmas Carol" will be in December. Also, progress reports go home wilh sludenls Nov. 17. Continued On Page D5 DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE 336-998-8816 Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 И ^ w h a t e V e r i t takes.www.coldwellbanker.com in} FUMOBTM m UM .u13УС Fjtucw’ (jOfsxa tcrt •?! -jn X yun X t «5 »TJ ’< ЖПЙ zaj: U: ыь» cííww й I Гоа л re >í>c: ixí.y. C/Ci xtníT mnu МЯ КЯМДТ nuft ТАМЛ Щ22i‘.K u. K «in c.! Жп: no i; yrc i ‘л -/* ¿-Ухm tí гл Sí.y»jc и* '. 'С 'Л.iX'cxM»" t Ttut ii.':ì а Md'ííj *21 cuuacw envi мои mis unijfcA ‘Л. '• i Mi » Í • Y. b ¡а<п.¿ w if-ii-'e: 3.1 V .•!/• Ьски V 1»1 EATOKS OMtCN ROAS UVtfÌ íí* itiJ.U avtr, 'жг.’<)Ы7 -g »141 C< • Р4У.'« Vtf.-q Ы’П,Ifíij Ccol t/íe.'p»?; »-»j i vof!r.^3»-:ni:e4S,oqo lOT 22 COVMTM СШК UVlt 33H 2ftr» hor< on lifoe tcl -1 (jftfjWí yvj %!«i сл?г$ lar^S. l'QfürJn.l rJ J bTj’t tid OíMi^g ■Tjfiefa.'u t’« ore ifte; U-ftj Гюаа! lU. 2 КЛЛ foomj сх'вУ»!4 l't» ií*Ti. toVJ.fTQ 6T i UDUIO WhToixíi lore Ci/oiina mj c<«!eO tivi piíi taiu/ino 2 u( tiiwnert gjrjge, ?nj iju’,!?» wtí Hffy cíti'ng ani3 nn^rj »i:ám ciov«. iíT)e lii^hen «.'wrüfv X ■ • Heír4f4»8-lt6r«.'wrüfv X 9 Wll í . í s S S n . ’* ' - UT 1t ЮШВ IfcT UVS '¡tí\ ÍÜÁ* el e аи-я ате \п lÀinncu ю а uvtt ; <глMJ'J ::rr,/ tt fc:jeu)je1Л :i И li «ir 4,v;.r »v Злц.¡/if .1 г/ AU!*i . J -0 \ìif :>e rü >Shù >j, C'/rt W H7C'sui.no lOT i OUrCHUR MUI uni 38.4iCCBCfl i'tM tí tìi/ JfCOJ WrJ.'a 5J ,TW1 ^ й*) {r«y U tcutff ri m furne »-.n fftVtóu-/rtìi f»T, Огч Ci| Tifooij h Utós!iH(ih.9oo Ш a FAUÍI6CMU run DAVIIL^?ед itrvrt frt Krt I/Orfccrsijfljrt ;■« o-r xr»irx/p.'4' in wm ИАП1 OAVIi ЗЙА OiJ ьллеc/j’T CiTrffi^re а'тр.««',teiiU p.-«; r.yyi ei?i iccr\ ttinciAlteiTiBft ttnjOjra iVi 1 гад yt (;*я GUO •ttM.no lOT 1 ОиТСНИАМ ШШ OAVff 38A 26Kt«-« иляшАол Л COUTtr) Stfl.W fWiil ГЛ11 I'l on ofB ivae W pcrjwiie^iiio.w LOniFEMHUDAVIOSOII Mантатхлг/ m Cjut<Ií cfrtsifY,ng *i:ti ccmmjiit) pih jr« ЮШ W3. •ifii.-O jrxj р.СГ|:С JIfiJ Ir;;J (VV hcyr« hkij Ì Ы ikj дт i;w pjji CifvirJc^ason-*5-ii;,’ НИ,toa Di¥le о т AgenlsЬ&м4аМЦ| IwbviAl«« I s - 4M MNIAT 1U DAW ¡tk I IKfee/n Л rx} ri'ixui* ifiúi tvt«1Т4.Ч fx u kc Uyckieti flrú itTifi p»'frr ic.',kstxx Aci КЦГОШ ГСЛА cci IMGOimVQIUYIЧ'З fi-Xi' V; on ore w- я tí lis t^írtííú w’c r« >xi o-'f' ti: Irt i-Wm «•■‘ite. H,ki itr< »yirtf 4»T| >í6l'ál 1ST II МП» РАМ DAVK ‘жЛ'Лк Мчtu:j.n5 fXi' Тли kv>3 fCTY'O'Ut n’tfl IJAi fUXtí Gl--TKvwíiJKCf........... ■■ “I НМ,900 Ш PUASAJTT Acn omn BAVK ЗВЛ \3Kn toj t<re, wtert 0*r« Ntt »iw eii. ffcoterw 1’Л|1.n bjri A »üef htiw G’fci roxri irciudei A anifiQ/mj A k.| efifA ijiiiJ Ul ovTi jotsaiS licm aivJe Gjil 02001 toldrtell ÜJfikff Kcal hrjic (wpo<.iliwi CoWvncII DJfiket t> li j fcgtHcied ItjiJenuik ol СоИлеП Оапкс» CoípofJlion An Íqu.íl Oppoilumiy Cwnp.iny fqudi Иоиялд Oppodunily tach 0!(icc li independently Owned and Operaled. LOT 41 НПП rm OAVIE 38Л 2VM :e,« ro-t •Tl I-Ixui: t o< Kjct 1ЛГИ rtre iTefti« trc'u3e wvi'ert ¡jrije. rj&w I'O ruf, ff«yi KiXai i?‘ U)'i С9И iuU^m.rW jt«|1C3.500 4SI «ГЧШТ MAO OAVIi 38A ^8A СУеiriffig in ctrntfieri kcat«m Víe'i iTjinunftj ficrt 10СЛ Firtpi« inofi iron iu «lit« hoff« ff Mtnj Muii Sie* Bitifi Л’1<п »3-llW Itn HWT M OAVIE m 1ГШ1 1« Гкгв* Согф<1Иу itfTtìOiHM' Virügtf here Ptrteci Iff ac»fü:;ing w г.те r«Dtne b'.wi t'etJiKai, i^ic. inífficí ird ............) pfOWftf CfJiJ Gide ■ «á-llM __urorn JMkUosmmm tn-IIU m-mi mni) tM-IIH . miiH«I-I17IИМ174IW-ll»m-n»miiutM-iUS«M-mi m-tiM 1М1Ш «M-ltil m « 70 m \ iím-i 71-m-i SI m \tiЖ-1 IIm i uтли •т ш ’ . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdii.v, Nov. 13, 2003 - D3 Presidential Goodies S tudents in D eb b ie H irst’s ciass at D av ie H igh S chooi got a presitdentiai paci<age earlier this year. T h e re w ere bookm arks, au to g rap h ed pictures of G e o rg e an d L au ra B ush an d their dog, B arney. T h e y got “From T h e W h ite H o u se to Your H ouse" stickers and a door hold er w ith th e suggestion, "The R ight C hoice - R ead ." T h e gifts ca m e after the class sent a hum orous video an d presidential first aid kit to B ush last year. S h o w n w ith so m e of th e item s ea ch student received , from ieft; front - K evin D aniels, W en d y B rock an d T au ­ rus A lien; an d in back, G reg W hybrew , M ich ael H epler. H irst h opes to take the seniors on a trip to W ashing to n, D .C . in th e spring. DCCC Offers Classes Here Th e D a vic Cam pus of Davidson Couniy Com munity College will offer tlic following continuing education classes beginning Nov. 14. These classcs arc featured in the 2003 Mid-Fall Semester Tabloid on pages 28- ^ 30. For more informalion cnll Dnvie Campus at 75 1 -2885. M otlule V I: Pow er Point This coursc will tcach the student how lo enhnncc presen­ tations com m only used in today’s businesses. A presenta­ tion program lets you design your meeting so yon can en­ hance the visual cffccts. Using the O L E fenture, you can import documents, spreadsheets or any purl o f the database into your presentation without redoing any work, 10 liomv Nov. 14, 21. IVIotorcycIc Rider Safely Course #0301301 Designed for riders with little or no experience, this coursc will teach safety skills that minimize cliances of accident and injuries. Sludenls w ill have classroom instruction on proper motorcycle operation and then praclice on the outside range. This is a self- supporting course and fees will be charged to all students. Nov. 21-23,F,Scil,Sim,6-IOi>.m.(F), S a.m.-6 p.m. (Sal, Sun), 22 hows. Insirucior; M. Prilchanl. $118.75. Insmwwc Fee: $1.25. School B riefs S h a d y G r o v e C h a r a c te r A w a r d s The following Shady Grove Elementary School sludenls were recognized with character education certificates by the board of educalion; Alexis Albarran, Ethan Barnes, Rachel Barron, Ellie Carter, Darren Colbourne, Ben DeAngclis, Kiran Dhillon, Da­ kota Lem m , Daniel Needs, Vv^oody Parri.sh, Caillyn Peebles, and Alexandra Smithdeal. D e c e m b e r M e e tin g A t W R D The school board will its Iheir nexl regular meeting on Dec. 1, at William R . Davie Elementary School, beginning at 7 p.m. Beginning in January, meetings will return to Central Davie Education Center. A + A w a r d s G iv e n Elizabeth Bustle, a science teacher at Davie High School, was awarded an A + award after being named the Davie County Teacher of the Year. Bustle has taught at the high school for four yeurs. Also receiving un A + award wiis Larry Lanier, Davie County’s Principal o f the Year. Lanier has been principal of Shady Grove Elementary School for the past three years. M o c k s v ille C h r is tm a s P a r a d e Chair David Owens asked board members lo check sched­ ules und gel back with him on their availability to participate in the Mocksville Christmas parade on Dec. 6. F a ir L a b o r S ta n d a r d s A c t Non-exempt employees (those who can receive paid over­ time) will soon receive Iraining regarding the Fair Labor Stan­ dards Act (F L S A ). The 1938 Act requires lhat non-exempl em­ ployees be compensated for all Iiours worked. Davie Couniy Schools employees arc nol allowed to work additional hours over their regular schetltile without prior approval from their supervi.sor. The training will explain employee rights under F L S A and time-keeping procedures. B u d g e t A m e n d m e n ts The following budget amendments were approved; an in- crea.se of $697,918 lo adjust for A B C bonus monies and changes in allotments; and an increase of $300 to record money received from sales of vocational equipment. O i l е в и в Е ш т Е Local, F a m ily O w ned B u sin e ss S e rvin g O ur C o m m u n ity S ince 1929 Full Service Fuel Oil, Propane & Kerosene Dealer Gas log Installation & Service 20 Delivery Trucks 15 Service Vans 1,000,000 Gallons of Storage on Site to insure availability 24 Hour Emergency Service Q uality on Automatic Keep Fill - Sign Up Today рГвдЦв*“ Budget plan for easy monthly payments For the Finest Service Available Call 722-3441 or 998-4620 — After Hours: 721-1381 S e H abla E sp a ñ o l www.qualltyollnc.com Storehouse Needs Holiday Sponsors Sponsors lo provide needy families with Thanksgiving and Christmas meals arc needed by the Storehou.se for Jesus. Call Marie Collins al 75 1- 1060. T e r r y M c B r i d e B u y s M a j o r i t y In F u n e r a l H o m e Terry L . McBride, president o f Adam s Funeral Hom e in Taylorsville has purchased ma­ jority inlerest in the funeral home. A former Cooleemee resi­ dent, he and wife Patricia, vice president of the firm, have a son, Jonathan. He is a member of First Baptist Church o f Taylorsville and is active in the community. The funeral home serves sev­ eral counties as far away as Davie with traditional services, gruveside and cremation ser­ vices. “ Distance is no extra in cost because ourconcern is caring for the family," he said. (OKirfp m i BOTANilAL BBl^ D irect F ro m G row er t i ■ /л Vi n .c q n t a i n e r s fo'r directiotts^vV ' ' . Ж Т Г аау Scasóh! w w w .conirerndge.coin Hours: Friday & Saturday <)ám-4pm thru ^ í ^ i l i v i s i o n of December 13,2ppá’^ f ^ É l l i i n Valley N u rs e i'y C 6, v 'k ; »ur we 1 1 3 2 ''C ó n ifé ¡ fi'R id e e D r i v e _ Y n d k i'tiv U le , • , , -• O f f O l d S ta g é R o a d ' ' em ier C t v r o lin a P r o p e r t ie s Please join with us in supporting a holiday food drive for A S T O R E H O U S E F O R J E S U S We L u ill be a c c e p tin g c a n n e d g o o d ite im a n d m o n c ta iy d o n a tio n s fo r th e ir n e w b u ild in g fu n d . Ite m s c a n be d ro p p e d o ff a t o u r A d v a n c c i H ills d a le o ffu v M o iid a y -F rid a y 9 -5 & Salurdays 9-12 uiilil Novvm hcr 2-:l. liOcalc'd aL inU'rsfclion ol'HOl and l lwy IHH in Advance behind W achovia Bank. i;j() Hwv 801 South • Advance/Hill.sclale Lot 0 Lflurona Dr. • Armsworlhy Acros • S225.900Bonutilul 4BR, 2 Bath homo, hardwood lloors, 12' cuilino in groat room, lots ol molding, on cornor lol in groat Advance location. Call for details. 120 Ookridgo Lorio • $101.500 A Must Soo! Immaculnto homo in rural community,convenient lo l-<10. 3BR. 2BA ranch-slyle home oaturos valulod ceiling, gas log fireplace and a hot lub for those relaxing summer nlghtsl Call tor dolalls. Call on the Premier Carolina Properties Team' 3 3 6 -9 9 8 ^ 7 7 7 7 3 3 6 -7 6 6 -5 5 3 5 w w w .p c p n c .c o m n*' 4à R o iliic )' H a ile y D f h b i f I.. .Slu>rcs М агл ' lll-iu lrifk .s U iris s a H a r p e r .«< ).< 3.^(>-909-128 1 .^«>-9 )0 -7 ()7 7 336-3 > I - >8 t i K ri.stcn H iK llorcl 14-tcr Ik -iiv fii ,У-5()‘Л 8 -2 0 ()2 U -c U a rlK T U ri)y ;e u I'e rri'll .V íív y o y -.io -lí. 19 e m ie r C aro lin a P rooerties 1)4 - DAVIE COUNTY KN'I KRi’RISF, RFX’ORI), Thursdii.v, Nov. 13. 2003 Administrative Court The following cnses wore ilis- posfd of in IJavie Adminislralive Court Ocl, .1.1’rcsidiiii!: Magislralc Robert W. Cook. I’ roseeiiling: Weiuly Terry, aHsisUiiit D A . - Larry I I. Adams, speeding XI) in n 70. reduced lo improper eijuip- mcnl. $25. cosl; failure lo wear driver’s senl bell, dismissed per plea. - David A . Allen, speedinj! 82 III a 65, reduced lo Improper eiiuip­ ment. S.'iU. cosl. -Erick.i B. Allen, e.'spired regis- Irulion card/lag, dismissed per cor­ reclion. - Amy S. Anderson, .speeiliitg (i5 in II50, reduced to improper eiiuip­ ment, $25, cost. • Aniliuny W. Anderson, e.x- ceeding side speed, dismi.ssed per civil seltlemenl. - Jose R. Arguela, no o|)cralor's license, dismissed per correclion. - Dawn S. Anice, speeding SO in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, cosl. - Anihony J. Assanle, e.xpired inspeclion sticker, dismis.sed per correclion. - Teresa L , Hailey, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper cquip­ menl. $25, co.st, - Paul F. Banner, .speeding 60 in a 45, reduced lo improper eiiuip­ ment. $25. cost; expired inspection slicker, dismissed per correclion. - Puul A . Barrier, license nol in possession nnd expired regislraiion card/lag, dismissed per correclion. - Henry W. Beals, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper cijuip- ment, $25. cosl. - Elizabelh A . Bensley, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, rcduced lo improper e(|uipntcnl, $25. cosl, - Chnndra W. Beaver, speeding 70 in u 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, co.st. • Gregory L . Beckel, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper ei|uipment, $25, cosl. • Marcus L . Bennell. speeding 8.1 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipmeni, $50, cosl. - Jimmy C. Benson, no opera- ' lors liccnse nnd expired regislraiion card/lag, dismissed per corrcction. - Wendy G , Blankenship, unsafe , movement, dismissed per civil seltlemenl, ■ Bonlla II, Blood, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Candy L. Bost, no opernlors licen.se, dismissed percorrcction. - Lurissn S. Brown, speeding 71 in n 55, reduced lo improper cquip­ menl, $25, cosl. ■ Johnny E. Biielin, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper equip- luenl, $25, cosl. - Jc.ssica E. Bumgarner, speed­ ing ‘J5 in a 70, rcduccd lo 79 in a 70, S5, cost. - Patricia C. Carpenter, speed­ ing 60 in n 45, reduced lo 50 in a •15, $5, cost. - .Simone M . Carroll, expired registration card/tag nnd opernling a vehicle wilh no insurance, dis­ missed pi;r correction. • Dennis C. Carlner, expired iii- spcclion sticker, dismissed per cor­ reclion. • Margaret F. Cales, failure lo reduce speed, dismissed per civil selllement. - Maria E. Cecenas, speeding 8‘J in a 70. reduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, cosl. • Lenh C. Cliunn, no operators license, dismissed per correction. ■ Meagan B. Clary, speeding 80 in n 70, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, $25, co.sl. • Joshua T. Cline, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed/civil seltlemenl. - Kourlney D. Cohen, speeding 67 in a 55, rcduccd lo improper cquipmenl, $25, cosl. - Gregory P. Crnwley, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced lo 7‘> in a 70, $.1, cosl; expired inspection slicker, dismissed per correclion. - John 11. Crump, speeding 81) in n 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, cosl; failure lo secure passenger under 16, dismi.ssed per correclion, - Joycelyn Cruz, speeding 5 1 in a 35, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, 525, cosl. • l.eroy M . Curl, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ meni, $25, cosl. - Jeffrey M . Dudley, I'ailure lo wear drivers sent belt, $25; expireil inspeclion slicker, dismissed per correclion. - Erne.sl C. Dummil, speeding 6'J in n 55, dismissed in Ihe inler- esl of juslice. ■ Ann B. Edwards, fnilure lo wear drivers senl t)cll, $25; license nol in possc.ssion, dismissed per correclion. • Wayne C. Fichlel, speeding 84 in u 70, rcduced to 74 in a 7(1, $5, cosl. - Kennclh D. I'ields, expired in- ■spcclioii slicker, ilisniissed per cor­ reclion. - Bryan C. Freeman, speeding 60 in a 45. reduced lo improper cquipmenl, $2.‘i, cosl. - William D. Frith, speeding 84 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. $50. cosl. - Mar^'in A . Oarcia, s|K.'cding 85 in a 70. reduced to improper cquip- inenl. S.10. cosl. - Kenneth A . Goad Jr.. .speed­ ing 65 in n 55. reduced lo improper equipment. $25, cost. • Jose I. Gonzalez, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Roger D. Goodman, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Jonathan 0 . Greene, exceed­ ing posted speed, reduced lo im­ proper equipmeni. $25, cosl. - Dawn R. Gunler, .speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to improper eiiuip­ ment. $25. cosl; no operators li­ cense, dismissed per correclion. • Gary ,S. Halsey, expired in­ speclion sticker, disniissed per cor­ rection. - Cameron R. Hardin, speeding 91 in a 70, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, cosl. - Kedi T. Harvcll, no operators licen.se, dismissed per correclion. - Jeffrey M . Haas, expired in­ speclion slicker, dismissed percor­ rcction. • Melissa T. Hnss, failure lo re­ duce speed, disniissed per civil selllement. - Chrislinn M . Hustings, speed­ ing 84 in a 70, reduced lo 74 In a 70, $5, cost. - Randall G . Head, no opera­ tors license, dismissed per correc­ lion. ■ lilnicr K. Ilcndren. speeding 70 in a 55. reduced lo improper ci|uipmcnl, $25. cosl. - Angelica S. I lernandcz. speed­ ing 88 in a 70. reduced lo improper cquipmenl. $75, cosl. - Bobby L . Hilc, speeding 70 in n 55, rcduccd lo improper equip­ ment. $25. cost. - Cheryl A . Hoar, expired in­ speclion slicker, disniissed per cor­ rection. - Christopher T. Hood, speed­ ing 89 in n 70, reduced to 74 in a 70, cosl. - LeliliaT. Howard,expired reg- islration, dismis.sed per correction. - John C. Hunler, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed/civil selllement. - Virginia L. Jolly, speeding 68 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Clifford M . Ju.stice, speeding 60 in n 45, reduced lo 54 in a 45, $5. cosl; llccnse nol in possession, dismissed per correction. - Jason R. Knox, speeding 90 in a 70, reduced lo 79 in n 70, $5, cost. •- Melissa S. Lennon. speeding 80 in n 70, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Angela H. Leonard, expired regislraiion card/lag, dismissed per correction. - Joann M . Leopold, failure lo notify Department of Molor Ve­ hicles of address change, disniissed percorrcction. - Zhnng Lin, speeding 74 in a 55, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. $50, cosl. - Brinn K. Lillle, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. $25. cosl. - Christopher L . Martin, ex­ ceeding safe speed, reduced lo im­ proper equipment, $25, cosl. - Grace R. Mayhew, expired regislraiion card/lag, dismi.ssed per correclion. - Lesier M. Medley, speeding 70 in n 55, reduced to improper equip- nient, $25, cost. - Troy R. Mett.s, unsnfc move­ ment, dismissed per civil .seule­ ment. - Katelyn E. Mich, speeding 80 in a 70, reduecd lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Colenc P. Miller, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed/civil seulement. - Dcliornh K. Misenheimer, fail­ ure lo stop for stopsign/red lighl. reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost; speeding 70 in a 55, rc­ duccd lo improper ci|uipmenl, $25. cost. - Dònna L . Moore, fnilure lo wear seal belt, di.smissed per cor­ rection. - Mnrvin A . Morales, unsafe niovenieni, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Mamie K . Naylor, no license, dismissed/correction; unsafe movement, reduced to improper cquipmenl, $25, cosl. - Landon S. Overcusli, exceed­ ing safe speed, dismissed per civil .selllenienl. - Arlene M . Owens, speeding 80 in n 70, reduced lo improper cquip­ menl, $25, cosl. - JeanetlcT. Parks, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil setllemenl. - Timothy A . Pass, speeding 83 in a 70, rcduccd lo iniproperequip- inent, $25, cosl. - James C. Peelc, expired regis- Iralion card/ing, disniissed percor­ rcction. - Edgar O . Portillo, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Janies W. Potts, speeding 60 in a 45, rcduced lo improper equip- ment, $25, cost. - Jesse W. Powell, speeding 88 in a 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, $5, cost. - Kevin O . Privette, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Timolhy R. Reece, speeding 69 in n 55, reduced lo improper equipment, $25, cosl; failure to wear drivers seat bell, $25. - Juan C. Rivas, speeding 67 in a 55, rcduccd lo improper cquip­ menl, $25, cosl; failure lo reduce speed, dismi.ssed per civil .sellle- nicnt. - Susan M. Rodgers, failure lo reduce speed, rcduccd to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Gay C. Rudisill, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper cquip­ menl, $25, cosl. - Harold Russell Jr., speeding 85 in n 70, rcduccd lo improper cquip­ menl, $50, cosl, - Mark A . Sndlcr, improper passing, dismissed per civil settlc- menl. - Flor D. Sanchez, speeding 52 in n 35, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment, $50, cosl. - Michael D. Savage, speeding 87 in a 70. reduced to 74 in a 70, $5, cosl; failure lo secure passen­ ger under 16, dismissed per correc­ lion. - Chrislophcr J. Senmnn, speed­ ing 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cost. - Troy M . Shepherd, expired registration card/lag, dismissed per corrcction. - Khanifoun C. Silinrath, speed­ ing 80 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $25, cosl. - Timothy A. Sink, expired in­ speclion stickcr, dismissed percor­ rcction. - Schuylcr K. Sinilh, speeding 80 in a 70, rcduccd to improper equipnicnt, $25, cost. . - David L . Snyder, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Paul B. Spnrks, expired in­ spection slicker, dismissed per cor­ rection. - Chrisly M . Steele, speeding 70 in a 55, rcduced to 60 in n 55, cost. - Tammy B. Stewnrt, e,xpired registration card/lag, dismissed per correction. - Ted M . Stiller, expired inspec­ tion slicker, dismissed per correc­ tion, - Tiffani A . Teiichey, failure to slow/chnnge Inne for a, rcduced lo improper equipment, $25, cost. - Wcss A . Thonipson, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper equipment, $25. cost. - Samuel P. Throekniorton, ex­ ceeding safe speed, rcduced to im­ proper equipmeni, $25, eost, - Andre J. Townsend, .speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipnicnt, $50, cost. • Alana M . Tucker, following loo closely, dismissed per civil selllenienl. ' - Laronicn R. Vnnce, speeding 81 in n 70, rcduced lo improper equipmeni, $25, cosl. - James D . Vier.s, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed per civil seltlemenl. - Jimmie L , Ward, speeding 83 in a 70, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25. cosl. - Am y L . Wheeler, fniUice to se­ cure passenger under 16, dismissed per correclion. - Laura Whisennnt, speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - John K . Williamson, .speeding 80 in a 70, reduced lo improper cquipmenl. $25. cosl. O n lU I ) ( Want to know more about any of these fine properties? Call either of our ocal numbers OR for recorded information: CALL TOLL FREE I® 1-800-210-6849 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel and enter recording # 2 ! i / o D O W N * 1^1,416,12 MO.* Î D O W N ' ^ 1,8 8 1.2 2 Ml, 0 D O W N * '1,1tB.B5Mo. У0 y O D O W N * y 't,828.02 M«.* 196McAlllBtor RoadNew Aifpoit 0«v. Lovelir hooi# w/mailor Mm> on nwin of Jixl level, pool, 04i40 HangAr «y/|h»d 220 eloct. wiiltr & phone, oe w-lnlefeit m 2000 N, n;nwny. New fool. heal pump, kryiling pM«, HOME WAnnANTYI (W209643) nocoftfmg fS61l ^ 0 D O W N * ✓ '1,416.12 Ml.* 230 DoQCOn*« WayFftbutou»twn«ona»Acie'Tiftct In DeaulihitDeacon*n>«tge. 4 OeO'oomi /3.6 (lalht, Menbvoocit, Fornul OioJno an«i Morel (W30294U Песог(<1п01 8/01 0 D O W N i,78Mo. 1790 Fnrmlnoton Rood 1633 NC Hwy 0011Pe*(,eM afV) »eieiM Dtoixxl* lee<l »ilo лп uiHing hun ol Home nmi 0 Acfe* ii4»j<»c1 to $iuv«y o«efeiJ liir $ 100 (Ю0 tf« centufy »юте màf.( со«к11юо Ne« eiecti>cul, |jlu«iil>.nrj Small oflefetJ M ViO ООО Sma# f>oube lo be wW fkiofing íKwifiíwj ir>iiiiHl>ofi »epU; ioo<<f*a lecent ц, íiCTim (W?Ofl/M| »«coíü-ou • fl/71MVAC {W27b32^)nt>co*(>naie/fll « ^ D O W N i/*808.84mo.‘ l / o D O W N * У 7B8.B1 M.,* 1641 SNC Hwy 801ПМ riwcfiarkiA(K.vii«tviovt( 1 nc Lnru*(1я1.1С*мч) M.Vrortislicf). Dog run. loot UkmJ, brkJi gnl on РЛ1«3 1>СЛ у<1 «Irul Iteei A giapet v«iut Dai>lo ovwi. «vel tuii eipnfxj (W?02726) HecoiiJing « 8701 ilon UijtxJpy *ii MI ballv (VV2W495) Плсопкпа »870 y Э D O W N * y '871,81 Mo.* 101 Koontz RonüJdsI оП of |.40 Ht 001 ед1| Fealiiiat lull Mihecl with tifupiflcu тч) ЬлИ balh. Lui* o( (ooi У о D O W N * 788.88 Mo.* 105 Hazelwood Dr.Ootxl •« rteur briLK (rom Mith pUrriAlion Uiuller». eal- liX(i<en. Uto* laufKliy and mote' Uiu« 14 к кЛ aiilKOtiiw Mocking chAf Ironij 1933 US Hwy 601 N.Great Ыкк гягкП, 5 Redioom, 2 I/? Ьл11>1, 14OWondorln0 LnnoWell’CA'ed for charrn>iig »alt boi ityla home on privalo lol In an Ideal localon, 3 coty lirepiac«». Odypnal hdwd lloof*, great itoroge ipKe,p«<tcelul ic'eerwd pofch.lg deck. Mom« Warranty (W260345) nocoiding • 8091 / о D O W N * У 788,88 MO.* ^ 0 DOW N< </^'818.18 MO.* n 200«, Home Wurranly Irtcl'xiod 0 D O W N 788.88 №. 2522 US Hwy 64WHj«to»c Tarmhw«»« wMi to ofet'lg tcreenpofch, pod MlnoAmuM M.tuB balh, мпф around Irni porch, h<tbdllri& II rm»»«0№«Aatrantyinciud*d (W2fl7e3fl| n«cuid>ng t йЬ41 (W2VI070) RecordngeeMI У о D O W N * ^ 781,34 Mo.* Iv J i. 183 Bocktown Rd.A muti «я«' М.11П level агм| baserìienl both hnve a matter Uedrood) and balh шЬлмпчШ hai a garden tub, cerumic tile, turg« »e(>niale ttioMer, fiiepUtc« and miKh more (W302349) Recordir^eesa» 222 Byorly Chapel Rd.kWn;m with 34x14 bam with 2 itoM. tack room ortd U<«d Vi«>) water and «rfectrtcir/ Fenced paiture, large covered IronI porch. Honw wnrrnnly ncJud«» (W3C874âjn«Ofrtng#0e91 0 D O W N ' 781.74 MO.* / с 30 Etisha Crook Rd.UnlmiTtedbonu« room over дагадц Пгеа! Moor plan, (■fligtibortiood olfer* playground. p>cn.c area and wattmg tin>t»(W307010) nec«riir>giB52l i /o D O W N * ^ 784.61 MO.* 258 Magnolia Avo.Wall bu« hoi»w >c\ Ottiden VuB«y toi» tipdaí»» paini, lloor covering, appliance», heaipump and roof.. (W302937) Recording leOOl____________ i/o D O W N * У 707.28 Mo.* 532 East Lake Dr.O'e.il bnck t№>ri> in Та«\Ьгоо1| Sutxlivition. Natural Oai. Mnlu'e Iiir4i»cap«wj Home Warranty included' (WJ01335) llecurding f 8511 0 D O W N * 707,28 MO.' 1/ Э D O W N ' У ■885,61 Mo.* 1/ 0 D O W N * «/■880.68 M«.* 5940 NC Hwy 801 S.Соип1гу1глпда1||>Ьом< Ou«tandlianqkiJ»ettmgwtha ц>.кюи» homo oHormg pc4enlnl 4 bdrm cmerod porch.Ue A wood Aouraig, nuw corpol, nnd co/y tveplocs *i living tfome Watrnnty «^с>дЫ' (W30769e) »acnriir>i i 8761 0 D O W N * 3603 us Hwy 601 s.Spaciou*hom«w<h 2-3 bodroom Lnige 1П wuhgai log liepliKe, (>ecan, wakiul aryl »«veral bnidford peai Кее» AIM. atklbonal houie with 2 br >кхт%е Uutt iMed» a handftnan » touth (W30132Wnxcrt>f>g t 8421 1/0 D O W N * | ^ ^ W ^ »/■648.84 Mo.* 395 Buck Soaford Rd.WeU'ma>niar^)lio'rto recenl root sK)ir>g AC. mH>c Fui bWTil watt on« tnnlod room «ivi tuli Uilti lon» ot ••(>an»i6n polenui tal <n tntcUn c<.an lo lomg luom. bay wirx>:.*, Ifetich iioof» 1 ) (U^orii • 87i 1 112 Covenant CovoWalk in ck>*et» 111 nl 3 liedroomi r^c« lloor pl.in, devetoprtienl Iw» waiki»«it;ad»,pK:nic ateaar>dplftyvound tWJ07003) n«xort*ng I 8401 \ l / O D O W N i l / >543.84 Me.* 2100 Junction Rd.PCDUCEO' Poti-bM 4it) ВП, oRce. playroom' E>tra room ц curnmiry a fui e9u<(ip«d beauty »аюп (Cquçment rvegoliablel Q»;#}» »pace lor 3 v.lMiei' HOWC WAnnANTY'Aÿiiil 11 Itleledto иив» (W2Mï34) flecord-nj • B3SI 1/ 0 D O W N * 1/518,88 Mi.* 186 Sunny Detl LnNew Price! Well moinlamed liome with enlra room. LoK ol nee eilrai ..Ulectron« wmtlow». ceiling Ian» m evo/y room, nowty added matlur »mle and hirge gaiug« wilh ollice »puce. PRICED TO SEILI iW2g27U>naco«J>n9«a4et 0 D O W N * ■826.821*..* 031 Soln Rd.Ormi liome wiiti I0U lo oflerl SIOOO 00 carpel alow.w:«, )tome wajiniity, Matiee tindvci^-r-g, fwwxllxicli ynrti ond more. (W300e02| Rocontiig ■ 833t 1/ 0 D O W N 600,83 Mo.’ '688,38 Mo.‘ 570 Salisbury Rd.Lovefy hittoneal homo v«i{ti ongwil harrbvood flnon, wali-<n panliy ceramic Ыо.(расюи» roan» Iristdayuuld-icovet cliarmmg lenlru»» l*e nclietl-doonviiy» A buOer'» pantry (W30C2M| RecordvKJ ■ B28I D O W N •875,70 MO.* 122 Mill Run OliveWtilKigibUncatolonilMciiitv^toanienitie« ечеАп^,Ь(М‘ n»nt6rtnrvi4i(4ctl. IgDMt. »ш<гог«л цяюгл'(V/ЗЫт} Raconlng«e;4l 220 WilkoBboro 3007 US Hwy 601 NCom(4«ie lenovalion underway on ihi» coliaga »tylo home m Thi» home ha» к>1» ol charmi Рте lk>o(i/>g e.it-m kilchen,Hitionc Downtown Moatviile. Qraal mader 0П tuila wilh 2 car ollached carporl, malure land»co{>iiig Simply n dolllaige waik ln ck>«el All new Kitchen, laundry and much ггкне! houwl (У/Э0в47й) flocordmg 16^31 <V/y»87fl|Mecord«>g »8061 529 Church SIroot ExtCollage with In lown k>calon. Fenced in back yard. Can todayl (W30000C) Recording * B88I Give Us A Cali For Aii Your Real Estate Needs! Davie; 336-751-2222 or Forsyth; 336-778.2221 A * ' Ì I ijii i.uiiiii, (tm . *‘'1 W-»n fea ih D»ii* 0¿» Kifupf »Stt Kmigtr Will Hijli ilinbitb i»t(e(«íí'CM jUio»P,l<............. mm l<lf jinn MMlli (hmtK luff Uti] lobimti iift9i&-S3n'IUw»d on a conveniiuiar b-l ARM, i M.i-g-n Cdti» M.Î., lnd«i I Vo»t ì l-li. y..i)i $0 Down Payit«nl, Paymeni I» piincipal •nd nintn onV and »<i>|vct lo Certa*i iu»lr<t>ont eppiy b 2444 APR CaH Hob Church. QLL LAtiocutt«» al |ЗЗЛ)712-1444 for ntoni mlnitrvilion dtpUxvIM ¡B INDIVIDUALMEMBER ln>Houto AffinityPartner Partners for the American Dream: CENTURY 21 Swiccgood Wull & M cDtinicl and GLL & A.ssocintcs, Inc. Mort);ii(;c I'inuncing: • No-Mimcy Dnwn l,(.an» № Ill.Vi . Ijk,,, AiiKUinls u> S5 Millinii• NCTIIA Hond Mcino' Ijiai» . PirsI Tillli.- Iliinic lluycr Liuii',• OiiiMniCli.iii/IVtlnaiKm Liuin . Slalcil Incwilc l.iian»• IJ.SDA—Uural licDnomiv Dcvclopmeia Uiuiis• .Sccond lloinc ;imi Invcstrnem Prupcriy l.(iiins• CuiivciiliiHial. I'llA, VA, ImcfOM Only, unil Jumlxi l.iwn> • in lutijsc OUkei, Appriiisers. niul Undcrwriivrs U> klicr mtvc vmi!• VM'.V. l*ri‘v\pitruvuU .VUi-712-14.14 - Offit'c-- Cell Plu.ni- P. niail; iHilicdifnU.ncl lti)h (.’hiircli .Si'iilor I.oun Omcvr G LL S'Associates, Inc.SubsiclUry ol iwnk Oi Granile Corporallon 'MOntDACtOANKtng—' ---- Bob Churcli 971-8865 t^ |..«*4*.lH..»,.,h||.r Partner Web Sites: www.C21SWM.com and www.isll.net T 02003 C-21 8WM. All RIQHT8 RE8BRV6D. D avie Schools DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13,2003 - D5 Contimicil From Pngc D2 Mucksvllle Klcmenliir)' Sliuliiiit of the Week, Nov. 3-7; Amber Collins. Connor Coriiclisoii, Jncob Miller, Ciirlo.s Ascencio- Moreiio, Kivyln Rnisbcck, Kelsey Cheeks, Dcviin Joyner, SImnariel .Spciise, Abigiiil Daniels. Will Seiimon. Shelby Polls, Juke Curler, Keyiinu Juckson, Logun Ren, Adnm Smilh, Alex Lmilis. Joel Shuler, Sliclby Hollniul, Crysliil Stycrs. In Ms. Lnngcrnml Mrs. Dyson's kiiulergurlcn cluss, children nre cur­ rently lenniing uboul Irunsporlulion. They nre having fun prelending lo be trucks, bonis nnd pinnes. They urc ulso lenniing songs uboul Irnnspor- lutlon nnd simple ninp skills. They nre working on Ihe letter “S" imd ordering numbers lo 20. Mrs, Flynn und Mrs. Cook's firsl graders ure busy singing nnd learn­ ing nboul Ihe fumi. We urc Ihunkful for Ihc good foods wc gel from the larni. We arc practicing our Charac­ ter Educulion Progrum to porfonii for our school's 1>TA Nov. 18. We have worked hard on learning all Ihe poems und songs lo help us be bel­ ter citizens. Our favorite is Mind Your Manners..,which we are trying lo do. Sccond graders in Mrs. Starnes und Ms. Zoubeck's class huve been dre.sscd for sumnier the first week in November, This has made for iti- leresling wcutherdiscussions. Week­ end Halloween events provided great pmclico with our writing maps. In mulh, students arc practicing counting combinntions of dimes, nickels nnd pennies, We’ ro looking for\vard lo our holiday on Tuesduy and Ihe rclum of full weather. Tlie third graders in E. Vogler und D. Brown's cluss urc leuniing about life in colonial days. As Ihey read the books “Samuel Eaton" und “Suruh Morton," Ihey ure compnring Iheir wuy of life lodny wilh lives of chil­ dren long ngo. In mnlh, Ihey have learned how lo find Ihe perimeter of polygons imd ure beginning to leurn multiplicutlon fuels. Plum life is Ihc science topic for this month, Con- griitululions to the seven students who met Iheir Pizza Hut Book-ll reading goal for October. Miss Willinms's class lias been purticipniing in a “survival" unil us­ ing the novel “ Halchct" by Gary Paulsen, The sludenis are wriling ■ and sharlngjoumals as Ihey read the chapters. Newspaper articles, miss­ ing person reports, predictions and personal reuctlon urc somo of Ihe vnrious jouniul entries the sludenis ure choosing lo write. In muth, we nre finishing up u unit of sludy on division and order of operations. We arc beginning our sludy of fractins. During sociul studies, we have been studying some of our nation's wars, such as Ihe Revolulionury Wnr und Ihc Civil Wur. Tlie students ure also participatingin « literature contest by wriling Icllers to un author whose work has influenced Iheir lives. Cornntzer Elemenlury Miss Calhy Byerly and Mrs. June Allison’s Ihird gruders urc reading aboul pilgrims of the pust and present. They are learning about Thank.sgiving and why wc should ull be Ihunkful. In sciencc, sludents have been sludying heat and have now moved on lo invesllgute light. Mrs. Sandra Smith's fiflh grad­ ers ure conlinuing to mnkc good progress in ull academic areas. They Iiave used graphs und slory sturlers in bolh communicutions and the compuler Inb. and some great sto­ ries arc in the making. In muth clusses, sludenis are working hard witli fractions. In social studies, Ihc cluss is continuing its journey ucross the United Slulcs. Mrs, Smith is very proud that all herstiidents mudc their Book-ll goal for the month of Octo­ ber. They will be uble to redeem u free personal pizzu from Pizza Hut, sponsors of the reading program. Students ulso enjoyed dressing up and taking part in Ihe jungle uclivi­ tics in Ihe lunchroom as part of Na­ tional School Lunch Week. The class has worked on ihc character trail of responsibility und is concentrating on the Itnit of compnssion this month. Students have adopted a class motto, "There ure only winners in our class!" This was certainly the ease on Field Day last week when Mrs. Smith's class won the fiflh grade tug-of-wur. Ail of Cornalzcr's art classcs have worked extremely hard on compleling projects thal were used for a new school fundraiser offered by Square 1 Art. Euch grude level had a different projecl to work on. When Ihe artwork wus completed, it wus sent to Square I Arl where cuch sludent's work was scanned, and Ihen made available to families to buy their child’s work printed on various items such as mugs, tote bags, huts, couslers, etc. “ Whnt a great idea for pvescmsl Tiic students fell like real artists when they saw their art piece in print,” said an teacher Mrs, Shar Beck. Pre-K and kindergarlners mnde a printed hundprint with a colorful .shupe collage border. First graders drew turtles using patterns for the shell, Sccond gnulc captured the big one as Ihcy drew nnd painted fish pictures. Third graders had lo use their imuginallon nnd draw u side­ ways view of their own shoe and Ihen add dctuils lo creule u new look. Some sludents got lolully curried away by the idea und udded secret gndgcis, rockets, finmcs, wheels nnd DHS Class Helps Autumn Cdre Celebrate Halloween On Ocl. 30, Moiitc Taylor’s TICTclass at Davic High School visited the rcsidciil.s ut Autumn Carc of Mocksville. The sludents liail painted punipkins iiiid brought and dis­ tributed tliein, and vi.sited with the re.sidenis. They nl.so brought IWO large pumpkins with bat- tory-opcrated lights to be dis­ played out.side. Students helped residents fill bags wilh goodies Ibr trick-or- trealers. "Each year, M r. Taylor has involved his students in doing ГёП M I L SOak Haven „лкк• (336)751-2055Realts (336)909-2638 BUYERSI Use an Oak Haven Realty agent to purchase ANY home listed with ANY realtor and receive a f r e e h o m e w a r r a n Q r o r h e lp w lU t y o u r c lo s in g c o s ts i 100% rin.-incitig a v n iln lilc! FR EE Pre-q iin lifyin y See our homes at these websites & magazines: w w w .O akH avenR ealty.com w w w .R ealEstate.com vifww.ListingBook.com vww.HomeAdvisor.com w w w .H om a sA n d Lan d .com w w w .Y ah oo .co m www.VourRealEstateToday.coni www.Realtor.com Davio Real Eetate Guide, Homes & Land Magazlns, HomMpotter SFLI F.RS C|et ri FRf r m.nl-,-l .ni.il,-v . ' i ' Cortim lssion as low as... 2 .9 % flowers. Fourih grade studied nctual lines versus implied lines, nnd their artwork involved the use of a vari­ ety of actual lines surrounding an object from the fall. Fifth grnders looked al several examples of OpArt design. Once Ihe projects were com­ pleted all students worked on fnll pictures jungle art. Mrs. Beck used their jungle work lo decorate the school cafeteria and is very proud of her students for helping win the best decorated cnfelcriu ut the elementnry level. Cornutzer Elementnry will cel­ ebrate Children’s Book Week, Nov. 17-21. Some of ihe nctiviiles plnnncd for the week nre; Book Chntucler Parade on Nov. 19, spccial guest readers and “Oct Comfortable With Reading" on Nov. 21. Mrs. Dcudmon's Dcvclopmentnl clnss hns been busy exploring Ihe fnll senson. They hnve been leurning nboul punipkins, scarecrows and clianging leaves. Their unit of study ended Ocl. 30 wilh a visit to the Milford Hill Pumpkin Patch in Snlisbury. The class enjoyed face painting, pumpkin games, n special pumpkin slorylime and sing-a-long and picking Iheir very own pump­ kins. Mrs. Dendmon’s sludenis en­ joyed pnrlicipnting In Fall Field Duy al school, joining in several raccs nnd gnnies. The class hns been enjoying n speeinl circle lime cacii Wednes­ day with Ihcir friends in Mrs. Ancuta’s Pre-K clnss. They partici­ pate in culendar uctivilies, counting, letter of Ihe day and special songs wilh the cluss. Cougars of the Month: Drue Parker, Blue Miller, Shawn Dnnicls, Alyssa Dudley, Jordan Mnrcinl, Nicolc Lusk, Luis Moreno, Michncln Draughn, Snmi Kimmcry, Britlnny Nicholson, Rnckwon Orny, Suvan- nah Yost, Jonnthan Wiseman, Knthy Marin, Sierra Doucette, John Tho­ mas Jnrvis, Oma Beiza, Wnlter Vnronin, Knli Duvis, Jnmie Lowery. Reminder to pnrcnls: Tuesdny, Nov. 18,25 - Venezia's und Marco’s Nighl; Thursday, Tuesday, Nov. 11 - No school for students; Nov, 13, 6:30-8 p.m.. Family Reading Night; Monday, Nov, 17 - Interim reports go home; Tuesday, Nov. 18,7 p.m, - PTO Nighl of Kindness; Nov, 26,27. 28 - No school, Thanksgiving holi­ day. Centrnl Dnvle The Pre-K clnss is in the monlh of November and it’s so hard o be­ lieve. The childrcn in the clnss nre mnking progress every dny. They nre doing n greut job socially and aca­ demically. We hnve been working on writing nnd rending. They nre nil doing n icrrific job wilh ihnl. This week we have worked on Indinn nc- tiviilcs and talked about Indians. Wc have mnde headbands, shakers, ca­ noes and more. They hnve also leurncd some Indinn sign langunge. The Pre-K Student of the Week is Myles Evnns for being n great friend lo everyone, following direclions and participnting in all learning ac­ tivities. Congratulations to Myles for an outstanding job in the clussroom. Developmentnl Day II Student of the Week is Chloe Dressier. Chios is n good friend to nil of her class­ mates and was nn excellent Une lender. This week our theme wns “ fnll," We mnde toni paper trees, painted with leaves and made apple prinis. Whut a creative class we have. We also would like to welcome n new student. Eden Wood joined our clnss on Thursday. Eden is such n sweet girl nnd we nre excited to have her with us. When you know how our homes are built, The Macon Starting at $149,000 You’ll build with Nationwide. The most advanced modular home building environment In the U ,S ,, where ovor 400 highly skilled craftsmen build homes In a controlled environment with the finest materials and tools available. Delays due to theft, weather and unreliable workers are eliminated. Huge cost savings from purchasing materials In bulk from quality building material companies are passed directly to our custom ers. And with over 70 award-wlnning m odels, we can build a better quality home on your lot, In far less time, and for thousands less than other local builders. Now that you’re In the know, stop by our sales office or give us a call. All of our homes feature quality Therma-Tru exterior doors and stylish Delta faucets and fixtures. 3 3 9 H ig liw a y 6 8 S outli G reen sb o ro , N C 2 7 4 0 9 3 3 6 -8 1 2 -3 0 9 8 • 8 0 0 -6 8 8 -0 8 1 8 www.nationwldecustomhomoG.com diffeent projects with our resi­ dents," said Autumn Care activ­ ity director, Jane Hurrison, and Shirley Shepherd, activity assis­ tant. “ We appreciate M r. Taylor and his students." Students participating on Oct. 30 ewere Am e lia G ru b b , Candace M cCoy, Jordan Cloine, Ashley Peoples, Rynn Privette, Jason Sm oot, Dem os Hernundez, Karl Swartz, Taylor Phillips and Jason Pitts. Autum n Care residents hnd a Halloween Party on Oct. 31. www.howardreaHy.com 193 Raven Roao 3BR. 2BA, 316+/- acros, with 100+Л QCfos farm. 3BR, 2BA, out- stream and pond $2,970,400. bldga., crook. $549,000. 157 E. Depot St. НОУШ Ш 330 S, Salisbury SL Mocksville (336)751-3538 I SJturdjyHi^SundjyB/AppL Historical 6ВП.2ВА, homo on 2.76 2 parcols with 2 buildings. Coll Harmony-30R, 2DA. 29.26 acros,(3 9.3 acres, 4BR. 3BA, large Bermuda Run - ЗВП, 2,5BA, KOOO acros, wilh Immaculaiolflndscaping Jano for dotolls. $320,000. lencod). 1 ac. pond, bam $220,000 storogo bidga. $219,900. RodoooralingAllowancol$18S,9()0. tOG Canton Roao 3BR, IBA, In Harmony, HUGE 30x50 Quail Hollow. 3BR, 2.5BA, FP. Adorable 3BR, 2.5BA on 3.51 4BR, 3BA, Call listing agonl for 2 story. 2200 sq. ft. tromondoua workshop. $175,000. bonus room. 1.04 Ac. $146,900. acros. bsml, FP $142,500. dolailsi $139,900. valuol FP. gazebo. $134,900. 141 Dakota Lanf Twinbrook, 3BR, 2BA, FP. $3,500 4BR, 2.5BA, Southwood Acros 5 Bodrooms, 3 Baths. 3.5 acros, 3BR. 2BA. on private 1.29 acres, 3BR. 2BA, 5.5 acres, RedocoralingAllowancol $1M,900. Sub., brick (Iroplaco. $132,500. Country Livlngl $124,900. scrooned porch, deck. $119,400. lease. $109,900. 3BR, 2BA, tul) bsmt, FP, opon Door 3BR, 2BA, Historic District, 1.5 3BR, 2BA, fonced back yard, ac., groat startor home $ 1 0 2 ,^ .plan. conv. location $109,900. stories, basement. $102,900. Я м и к д ы я й ^ ^ я 1 Groat brick home. 2 Bodrooms. 1 Spacious 3 bodroom, 2 Bath, fireplace. $99,900. groat location. $99,900. bath, 1 2113 Junction Road I t n l l D S H I S Spacious 3BR, 2BA, stone FP, 3BR, IBA, wonderful colors, well Woll malntainod, partial basomont, 4BR. 2BA. Now paint, carpot, Rowan County, mlnutop from Calawba much morol $99,900. landscapod, firoplaco.$98,900. .69 acros, 3BR, IBA. $89,900 vinyl, etc. $iS4,900 Collego. 3BR, 1.5BA. $89,500 3BR. 1 BA, hardwoods. Inground 3BR, 1BA, on 1 acre, plus a 5.93 acros, 3BR. 2BA, FP, groat 3BR, 2BA, partial bsmt, excellent 3BR, 2BA, slnglewklo. all appliances, pool, part. bsmt. $87,000. 40x30 bldg. $84,900. buiiding sitol $79,900. condition! ^9,900« groat startor home $69,900 253 Main SrnEn 24G WAn ЗТПЕП 3BR, 1,5BA, Cooloomoe, new heat/AC, Cooloomoo, complolely updalod. Spacious 3BR. IBA. Cooleemoe, 100x190 k)t zonod Town Ctr. Call 2BR,2BA,2>/-ac., secluded & private now plumb., comp, updated. $69,000 Inground pool, groat buyl $65,900. updated elect. $64,500. Jane for details. ^ ,0 0 0 . but conv. to Hwy. 64 $35,000. A v A i i Л И 11 l .o t .s A N D L a n d a n d K i n ia i I’ k o i-i i«i it s fl S«lmoni Road................12 Salmons Road................Olf Bothol Ch. Rd................^erly Chapol Rd Kaydon Orlvo (commorcUl).Cedar RldQoRd..................Sanford Ave....BnrCrtftk Ch. Rd...............VIrcatidoil Uno .24 Ac. 1140,625 ...10 Ac. $45.050 6.84 Ac. Ì60,000 2.19 Ac. $25,000 ....15.6 ■crea$140,000....2.1S aerai ^60,000,.t.257 aerai $20,000 ....1.4 aerea $134,000 ...40.02 acioi $357,000 Hwy.eoiN....Snafileld Road.........Drum Lane....Lol 19, Northbrook.... .....Maeroa $172,500 629 Madison Road...............................................6.5acros 46,475 Hwy.64....................................................ti...20+A aerea $ 39.600 Hwy. 64......................................................12 aerea 23,900 BEHTAL BBQECHIIU....2.29 acres 29,500 357 Avon Street.........................................................Lot $ 15,000 317 Avon Street..........................................................Lot 15,900 477 Underpass Rd...........................-......................lacre 18,000 618 Rlvert>endDr..................................................«aerea 71.*77 tOtMeUbrtejelane......................................Mobile Home Loi, Daniel Rotd......................... USAWISE909-1Ш $429,000 ■ acrss $55,000 AKtt tte,SQO U25P/M $400 P/U $385 P/M........$1.500 P/MÌ750P/M $12S PAI ' ШW BEVERLYRUSS99MtM 1)6 - DAN'Il-. COUNTY KNTKRPRISIi RliC O RI), Thursdiiy, Nov. 13. 2003 Diane Battles Opens CPA Office In HillsdaleHARVEST FESTIVAL CURT WILSON BENEFIT Dulin United Methodist Church S A T U R D A Y N O V E M B E R 1 5 6 :3 0 a m u n t i l 2 :0 0 p n i Ijmrh. Crnjix, Qiiiltx, 1‘miliice, I'iivintrks. Biur/iiimiii’iil, iimlSiilf, Climn\ muí Face Híiimiii);. I’oiiy liùU'x, Kiíl, Sii/nr Slidf, Dimkiiiií Honth, Ciiki' Wiilkiiml iiim h. mm li топ-!!! Si4).\snui I) MV: SMrm Ciiiovi: l-im- Ukpartmiínt, Dl I IN IMC. ЛК1Л I iKi; П|:|’лнгм1эт.ч Ä Ciiurciiiùs l’HIK I I IIS lOHl.Nl.l irClW r WlI.SON l-'AMII.Y Diane Baltics, C I'A , has opened an office at 1281’eiichlree l.ane in Hillsdale. A licensed C P A with more lltim I (I years e.\periencc in pub­ lic accounlinj;, Qallles decided In llie summer il was lime lo be­ come her own boss. Services include lax prepara­ tion lor initividuals, small busi­ nesses, corporations, parlner- sliips and L L C s . She olTers Eldercare services, estiilc ami re- tirenienl planninj!, financial slatement preparation, small business consulting, start-ups, tax plainiini!, assistance in resolving IRS problems, 401K plans, pay­ roll and payroll tux prepanillon, and personal and business finan­ cial consulting. "I enjoy getting involved with a client's business," she said. “ Becausc of my experience as a C P A and having worked for small busine.sses, I feel I have a closer appreciation for whal busi­ ness owners fncc. If I only lalk to a client once a yearal lux time, then I feel thal I hnve nol done Ihe best possible job for them." Battles recently attended a weeklong seminar in Charlotte sponsored by the A IC P A on Eldercare services, "This seminar opened iny eyes lo Ihe problems our citizens overage 65 face in Ihis country," Battles snid. “ The amouni of fraud committed againsi our se- nors each year is astounding. Also, wilh advances in nicdical science, people are living longer than ever before. This leads lo greater life management prob­ lems for seniors and their fami­ lies," C P A s who specialize in Eldercare services cun help those families by managing Ihe house­ hold budget and paying bills, coordinating cash flow reiiuirc- menls with an investnieni broker, nioniloring the quality of nurs­ ing care received, insurance claims review, financial planning und budgeting, and consulting about Ihc carc options nvallable lo aging parents and whal Ihe fi­ nancial impact will be. Bullies suid. “ I know how il feels lo be hundreds of miles away from a parent experiencing u heullh cri­ sis," she said. "As an Eldercare speciulist, I can help fumilies muke u sound, informed decision uboul a family member’s care. "I uni nol u lawyer, und I'm nol u doctor or nurse, but I can muke sure lhal families have Ihe information and gel the experlise Ihey need lo make a good deci­ sion, "Ideally, parenls will consider how they want lo spend Iheir re­ tirement years before Ihey begin having difficulty. You can relieve your children o f tremendous hearl-wrenching decisions with just a little planning in udvunce," Battles said. Battles is a member o f the Davie Civilan Club, the Davie Businesswomens Association, Davie Chamber of Commerce, N C A C P A and A IC P A . She is a 1985 graduate of Texas A & M University wilh u bachelor's de­ gree in business administration. For more inforniulion or an appointment, call 940-3600. ^ IVew Customer Special at I Classic Cuts S h a m p o o , C u t & B lo w D r y - $ 1 5 (Reg. $27) W e t C u t - $ 1 0 (Reg. $18) P e r m - $ 4 5 (Reg. $65) Ask for Billie orjeannie 6353 Cephis Drive Clemmons7668445 Hours: Open M onday-Saturday Rabies Clinic & More... Saturday, November 15 • 1-3 PM Rabies Vaccinations $8.00 Other Vaccines & Microchipping Also Available at Reduced Prices In trodu ction To F lyb all By Kristie P ope & C arp e P ilam Flyball Team $ 2 5 .0 0 per D og/Lim it 15 D ogs R egister by calling 7 6 6 -8 9 5 0 or em ail ah coffice@ bellso ufh,net A N IM A L IIO S P IT A I. Ol- CLE.M .M ONS 2635 Neudorf Road Clemmons 766-8950 ww w.anim alhospitalofclem m ons.com P ennington Company R !•; Л L T Y MocksvillcOHlcc;336-751-9400 IDI I I HI I 1 ,400 )W ilH i i iillsdalc/Advance (.iHicc:336-998-8900 1011 I U ll IKH KH 2KÌÌM w w \\,|u n m ii,u iiin ii'.ilu ( i>m . lI edb Featured Listings T lß M N C P U C I L u x u r i o u s T o w n h o m e C o m m u n i t y n e s t l e d i n a p e a c e f u l c o u n t r y a t m o s p h e r e ! D u p l e x e s s t a r t i n g a t $ 1 3 2 ,5 0 0 T r i p l e x e s s t a r t i n g a t $ 1 3 9 ,9 0 0 Directions: From W-S, 1-40 Went to exit 170 to left on 601 South .___________tol^eft on Country Lane. See entrance on left. 18 15 Barnstable Road Clemmons ■ Big house w/iots of room. Brick home w/SBR, 2.5BA, deck, new heat pump, new water healer. Needs some TLC. Going fast. Agent owned. Call Glen $179,900 19 8 G in n y Lane Spacious ranch with 4BR, 3BA )n eastern Davle County. Full finished basement, 2 car attached garage, deck and storage building. Call Bobby $169,900 2180 H w y 601 South Nice 30R, IBA home on 1.35 acres. Hardwood floors and new paint, above ground pool, convenient to lown. Call Cindy $104/900 325 G w yn Street Neat ЗВП, 1.5BA ranch, tike new on nicely maintained lol.Convenient in town location wilh easy access to interstate.Call Janice $94,900 Featured Listings 168 Ham ilton Court Golf coursc view w/BRCC membership Included. Iliillan Ule flooring In kllchen, Ig master suite & bath. Great room w/gas log fireplace, sunroom, 3BR, 20A. Call Janie. $189,000 4627 W yo Road Yadkinville - secluded country living on almost 3.5 acres. Uke new home In move-ln condition. Call Glen $129,900 448 Avon Street In town location. Brick ranch situated on nicely landscaped lot. 3BR, 1 BA with fenced backyard and storage building. Call Bobby $109,900 400 Salisbury Street Mocksville's Historic DistrlctI 100 yr old home w/soarIng ceillnns & Ig rooms orig. beadbrd, hdwd firs, 2BA, gas neat/cent ¡ilr, enclosed bkporch, gar. Call Janice $169,900 à New Price 3406 H w y 158 Beautifully decorated home with new kitchen cabinets, tile countertops, replacement vinyl windows.Wonderful home In great location. Call Janice or Janie. ____ $89,500____________ 340 Kinder Road Priced Below Appraisal! Like Newl Greal home in a quiet setting wllh «IBR, “IBA. Spacious rooms and many updates. Price Just reduced. Call Glen $193,900 New Homes 252 W inding Creek Roa<ÎW construction In CharTeston RIdael Split .. 3DR,2flAw/mpnyfe.HUfe5,woocred backyardВП plan, w/ view of cfeek. Buy now & choose your color») Home similar to photo.Call Cindy $149,900 239 Charleston Ridge Dr 3BR, 2BA, living room w/gas log FP. Spill BR floorplan.lg kit, fin. bsmt, prick front w/vinyl siding, 2 car bsml gar. Cali Bobby. $164,900 I Prudential , Caroliruis Healty Absolute Real Estate. Clem m ons/Davie Co. O ffice - 336.714.4400 877.371.5822 W m ston-Salem O ffice - 336.748.2000 B00.8I0.47 78 www.prudentialcarolinas.com 3532 №rlh Uikeshoro Dr 5219,000 Kristina FatmlUI'l-4417 ISSOId March Wootls $247,900 Vlckl Bulloni 462-3693 600 Holly Hotlge DiIvd $139,500 Olorig Malttim 714-4405 734 Sunset Road $279,900 Suun Parlor 399-3137 2016 Swan Creek $99,500 Sanilta Johnion 714-4408 1840 Ounmore Lano $424,900 Cfieryl Плк 714-4430 133 Pembiooke Rldge $149,900 Bo«Su|1pIb714-44I14 niOVallcybrookRd $172,500 Clioryl Fink 714-4430 8100 Lasater Rd $215,500 Boy Supple 714-4404 45S3Canlagtt>n)0kC1 $247,900 Cheryl Fink 714-4430 152 Arnold Palmer Dr $814,900 OloriB MatHiein 714-440S 4312 Riverside Dr $149,500 Olotia Buckwerth 714-4429 440 Meadows Edge« $199,900 Sandra lleilrick 714-4410 246 Buckeye 1Уа11 $315,000 Charyt Ftnk 714-4430 1 A ijfn t Kosier AutJirifufirmiftn М4 44ИAnijru Suggi П4 4-116e«iri Astinson П4 44МpTf Supple 9Э92034BIlNcliols;I4 44I2Botte Mendentuil M4 44ISCedr>cli}/i 714 442tCheryifinkЛ4 4430Qarottiy (Utl iH.mGloíü Ducitwfíi П4 4417Glorij Mjfiew)990 500ItylgbuniП4 44»JiftniiefSltouiJ 7144424KaïiïPWirw7\mnlOmbertrPoBsП44407KrUlniFantll714 4425PitKhininwn788.7722SindnHedtick7t4.44t0Sandti Johnjon 714.4400SindyDyion7144409ShvoflThORUS714.4433SlwlCofin7H.44ÍÍSusin Patter m mwrtiawwW82170VWtoolonift714,4428 1488IHuddy Creek $189,008 Sobilli Memliiihall 714-441S 1005Chackechgriy $114,900 Andrea SuBBí 714-4416 130 Underpass $214,900 Vlt:kl Bullard 462-3693 1880 Dunmore $469,900 Andrea Suggi 714-441B 6050 Qieunhayen Dr. $204,900 Shirrl Coram 909-B01B líBAtnolí Palmei $889,500 Otarla Mattfiom 714-4406 12B Summit Dr $116,000 SuianParktr 399-3137 303 Cornwallis $225,000 CbarylFInk 782-24te *” W HtlïK T,!-w »ftujrtu; Sl« 1й» Wtllc -----------T ---------------------------------1-------'t------------ D a v i e D a t e l i n e DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursday, Nov. 13,2003 - D7 Fundraisers Friday, N ov. 14 Good NclBhhor BBQ & P«rt-A-J>lt, nt Bethlehem UMC. Port-A-Pit$7 per plMe, includes half chickcn with sides being served I0;30 a.m. til 7 p.m. at the church. Delivery free with 10 or moreordcrsfrom IOa.m,-3p,m.BBQ $7 per plate with sides being served 5- 7 p.m, nt tlic church. Sponsored by Bethlehem in support of good neigh­ bor fund ministry, S aturday, N ov. 15 Pork BBQ,to support local youth, nt Willinm R, Diivic Fire Dept, Menls nrctakc-outoiily,bcginning4:30p.m, until 7 p,m. Tickets: $6. Sponsored by Yadkin-Davic 4H Livestock Asso­ ciation. Info; 751-6297. Walk-ins welcomc. Country Brenkrnst, at Smith Orovo Metii. Church, 6:30-9:30 u.m. Ham, tenderloin, sausage, eggs, grits and gravy. Ctuiiilry Hum & Sausane Break­ fast, at Wesley Chapel Church, 6:30- 10 n.m. Bukc sale, too. Religion O ngoin g Prcscliaol/Pareiil.s Mornin); O u t, Bethlehem United Metli. Time: 9 a.in.-Hooii. Ages 1 & 2 - M .W o rT , Th. Ago 3 - M ,T , Th. Age 4 & Pre- K - three or four days per week. Cnll 998-6820. Preschoul/Purcnl.<i Morning O u t, Centcr United Mcth.,Ages2,Thurs.; Ages 3 Mon., Wed.; Ages 4 Mon., Wcd.,Thurs. Cull 940-3753 or 492- .5735,8:30-11:30 a.m. Before Scliool l’ roj>runi for Sliudy Grove Students, available Mon.- Fri. beginning 6 a.m, at Advuncc UM C Community Bldg, School bus arrives 8 a.m. to take children to Shady Grove Elementary. Call 998- 0199 for fees and Info. Awiinii & Bible Study, Wednes­ days at 7 p.m.. Hope Baptist Taber­ nacle. M OPS (Mother.sof Prcscliuotcrs), 1st & 3rd Fridays thru school year, al Macedonia Moravian Church, N .C , 801 N , 9 :15 -11:45 a.m. Childcare provided for small fee, iufo: 998-4394. . Before Scliool Program, Advance UM C Bldg, N .C , 801 S, for Siindy Orove students, drop off 6 n,m„ school bus plc)<-up 8 a.m. Registra­ tion rcqultBd. Call 998-0199 for Info, Lighthouse Service, Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Bethlehem U M C , 321 Redland Rd„ Advancc, 998-5083, SpecieJ Events Every Friday Night Jam Sessions,ut Sliofficld Music Hnll, call 492-7417 for info, Saturday, N ov. 29 Speciid Olympics Annual Turkey Trot SK Run & Walk, Mocksvillc/ Davie Rec. Dept, registration 7 n.m., niii/walk 8 a.m., breakfast lo follow. .$ 10 in advance, $ 15 day of racc. Info: 751-2325, Dates to Remember Friday, N ov. 21 American Red Cro.ss lllood Drive, 10 n,m,-2:30 p.m., at WalMart, 1063 Yadkinville Road. Saturday, N ov. 29 Amcricim Red Cross lllood Drive, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., at Smith Orovc Ruritan, 4126 U .S. 158, Advance. O ngoing visit Cooleemee's Mill Village Mu- .seum, 14 Church St.,Tucs. &Tliurs., 9 a.m.-noon. Sals,, 11 a,m,-2 p.m. Tours also available by ap|4l. Call 294-6040. Preschool Storytime, Tues., 11 a.m.,Davi(!Coumy Libraiy.30-niimile program. For children ages 3-5. Mu­ sic, read aloud, stories, Rims, nursery rhymes. Richurd Burr Holds Officc llour.s in Davie, 2nd Thurs. of every monlh, 9 a.m. til 4 p.m., Mocksviile Town Hull Building. Special Olympics of Davie County, play uctivies & fun nite, Wednesdays ut Brock Bldg. Play activilies6-7 p.m. Fun Nite 7-8:30 p.m. Open lo ull per­ sons with disabilities & their families. Meetinfe Wed, & Tliurs,, Nov. 19 & 20 Christian Women’s Clubs, ut Ber­ muda Run Counlry Club, Wednesday luncheon, 11:15 n.m., $12,25, theme "Festive Fashions", cull 774-9962. Thursduy brunch 9:30-11;30 u,m., $10.50, theme "Thunk.sglvlng Holi­ day Bnmch” , call 940-6885 or 760- 4253. S unday, D ec. 7 Annuul Meeting, for Smith Grove Fire Dcpt.iit llie Tire dept., 4 155 U.S. 158, Advuncc, Queslions; 998-3484. O ngoing Humane Socicty of Dnvie Co., monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of ench month, at office Yadkinville Rd. be­ hind car wu-sh. 751-5214, Di.snhlcd American Vcleruns Post 75 meets on ihird Monday of cach monlh,6:30 p.m., ut 1958 Hw y.601 S. Conlact J. Renfro nt 284-4664 for more info. Dnvie County DIahctcs Support Group,lu.stTliurs.ofcvery monlh,7- 8:30 p.m.,at DavicCo, Public Library Small Conference Room. Info; 751- 8700. Davle Co. Hospilnl Auxllary, every second Tues., at hospital cafeteria, 7 p.m. Duvie Busine.ss Women’s Associa­ tion, first Wed. of cach month, 12 nixin,at Mocksvillc Rotary ClubHul. For info; 751-2828. DnylcRopulillcunMcnsCluh,meets 4lli Sulurday of each month ,7:30 a.m., Red I’ig BBQ. CclehraleRcc'Overy,wccklysupporl group for tliose struggling wiili bud hublts, nddlctions, und victims of abuse. Meets Friduys, 7 p.m., at Hillsdale Bnpt. Church, Hwy. 158, Advuncc.Cull 940-6618 formore info. DavleCounty Horse Emergency Res­ cue Team, 7:30 pju., downstairs at the Agricultural Building, Mocksvillc. Ev­ eiy 3rd Tuesday cuch month. For info: 940-2111. DavIeCo. Bnnd Boosters, meets 2nd Tue.sduy of month, 7:30 p.m., Dnvie High Bund Room. KaniliyScrvlccs "Wliut Every Par- entShould Know" ,purentingclusses to interested parents of teens in locul urcus, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., ut Mocksvilie office Snnford Ave. Cost $15. Formore info; 751-4510. Christian Businessmen's Commit­ tee of Mocksviile, Thursduys, 7 u.m. Mocksvillc Rolury Hut. Gold Win): Touring Association, Red Pig Burbccue, Grcusy Corner, N.C . 801 at U.S. 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Dnvlc County Stump Club, 2nd Tliurs., Duvic Senior Centcr, 7 p.m. 751-0611. Cooleeniee Rcerentlun Association, Znchary House, l.st Tuesday, 7 p.m. Homescliool 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th 11iur,sday. Call 998-8925 for more info. Piedmont Triad Rabbit Fanciers, lusl Sunday of cuch month, 2:30 p,m. All rubbit owners welcome. Call 336- 998-9858 or visit www.picdmonttriadrnbbil.com or c- mail ptrf20(X)®aol.com formorc info. Help YaurseirSuppartGr«U|i,Cun­ cer Services. lnc..2nd Tucsduy, niKin- l;30p.m.DavieCounty Libniry. Bring bag lunch if you wish. For more info, cull 751-0313 or 760-9983. M OPS (Mothers of Prc.sclioolers). Muccdonia Moravian Church. Fel­ lowship, food, support, and crealivc iictivilics. Children rccelvc excellent carc in the guided M OPPETS pro­ gram. Regislrution fees arc nominal und .scholarships arc available. Meet­ ings ure the 1 st and 3rd Fridays of euch month beginning Aug, 16, from 9:15- 11:45 u.m, Duvic Sciiool Schedule is followed. Questions call 998-4394. The Artist Group, Davle Counly Li­ brary, 7 p.m. lust Tues. Call Bonnie at 998-5274. Center Canimunity Development, 3rd Mon., 7 p.m. Comniunity Bldg. Cooleemee Town Board, 3rd Tues­ day,Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted, Cooleemee A A , bcliind Good Shep­ herd Episcopal,Tucs,& Fri.,8p.m. North Cooleemee and Clark Road Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fcllow.ship Hall, Mock.svllle A A , Thurs,, 7 p,m, - clo.'icd mlng. Sun,, 8 p,m, - open mtng. Call Christine ut 998-9885 or Terry 940-5944. Davle Domestic Violcncc Scrvlccs nnd Rape Crisis Ccnler. Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexual ussuull victims.11ic groupmcctsevcryTucs.cveningfrom 6:30-8:30 p.m. Plcusc cnll officc for locution, 751-3450, Family Violence Prevention Scr­ vlccs of Dnvie County, Free counsel­ ing for viclims of violence and their children. Separate groups. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.First Uniled MclliodisI Chureh of Mocksvillc. Call 1-800- 728-.3413. Ctmccrncd Bikers Assuclatlim, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, WestcmSl<;or,U.S,60l all-40,7 p.m. Public welcomc. Advance Garden Cluli, I sl Tues., 9 a.m.„MocksUMC.998-2111. MocksvillcGnrdcn Ciul), IstThurs., Jericho Church of Christ fellowship hail, 7 p.m. Visitors welcomc. Sons of Ciuifcderalc Veterans, 1st Monduy,Cooleemee Hisloricul Build­ ing, 7 p.m. Mocksvillc Rotary Club, Tuesduys, 12:10 p.m., Rolury Hut. Farmlnglon Musonlc Lodge No. 265. 2nd Monday. 7:30 p.m. al the lodge. Davle Conversations On Cancer, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., Davie Library, for cancer patients, friend, fumily. 1- 800-228-7421 or 751-0313. Mocksville Lions Club. 1st, 3rd Tliursdays,? p.m.,fcllowsliiphull of St. Fruncis of Assisi, Yadkinville Roud, MiKksville. Dnvlc Co. Unlled Wny Iioard of Directors, 4th Monduy. 5:30 p.m., Brock Center Annex, Conf. Room 208. Mocksvillc-Dnvlc Homebuilders. 4thTliursday,7p.m..CaptainSlevcn's. DavIc High Athletic Boosters, 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., school cafclcria. Farmington Ruritun Club, 2nd Thursduy, 7:30 p.m., Fnrmington Metliodist church. H ELP S Ministries, Clirisliun recov­ ery progrum for women .sexually iibu.sed us children. Mondays, 7:30 p.m., 41 court Square, Room 210. llrcast-rccdlngSupportGraup,2nd Tucsiluy, Duvic Heullh Depl.,6-7:30 p.m. Parents Resource Orgnnlzatlon (PRO) support group for families of children with disabilities, 2nd Tues­ day.? p.m.Call Rosemary Kropfclder ul 998-3311 for locution. .Icrlcbo-Hurdlson Kurltnn Club, 2nd Tuesdny, 7 p.m., club building. HcattliDepl..elinichours: Mon.-Fri., 8;.30-l 1;.30 a.m., 1-4:30 p.m.: Tues­ days,4:30-7 p.m.;Tccn Health Pro­ motion Ciinic, 8:30 tt.m.-iioon, 2nd, 4th Sniurdays. Davle County Board of Social Scr- vlces,4thTuesday,5:30p.m.al DSS. Narcotics Anonymous Against All Odds Group. BC Brock Bldg., 622 N. Main St., Thurs. 7 p.m.. Sun. 6 p.m. Drus ProWcm? Hclpliiie„336-785- 7280. Mocksvillc American Legion Post 174, VFW Hut, Sanford Ave., 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m. Mocksville Civltan Club,6:30 p.m., 2nd, 4lh Monday, Western Steer. Advancc Memurlnl Pnst 8719 Vet­ erans of Foreign Wurs and Ladies Auxlliaiy, 4th Tues., 7:30 p.m., post home. Feed Mill Rond. Dnvlc County Rigid To Life, 7 p.m., 3rd’lliursduy,grund jury room,court- hoiise. 751-5235 or 492-5723. Cnolcemec Memoriul V FW Post 1119,2nd, 4th'nuirs., 7 p.m., VFW Hull, N.C. 801. Corinthian Lodge J'io. I7F& A M , 2nd, 4th Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the lodge, Mocksvilie Loiigc No, 1.34,1st Tues­ dny, 7:30 p,m. 111 the lodge, CuolcemccClvltan'sClubMceting, Isl und 3rd Mon. cuch monlh, 7 p.m.. Red Pig, Hwy. 801, Ciwlecmcc. Cul) Scout Pnck 5114, sponsored b Fulton United Mcdi.Cliureh, 1st nnd 3rd Tues. nights euch month, 7-8:30 p.m. Young boys 1-5 grades who would like to become a member are wclcome to attend, DavlcCo.MSSupportGruup,2nd Mon, of cach month. 6 p,ni,. Duvic Co, Hospitul, V FW Auxiliary Post 4024.1 p,in„ 4th Thurs, cuch month in lowcrlevcl of Brock Bldg., N , Mnin Street, Eli­ gible members welcomc. Davle Kiwunis Club, 1st und 3rd Tucsduy, 6:30 p.m. ul Webb Heal­ ing & Air, 998-2121. Recreation For more infonnalion on Illese events, cull 751-2.325. Line D ancing Furminglon Community Center. Ev­ ery Tucsduy. Cost; $2. Instructors: Steve & Lindn Hatley. Formore info, cull 751-3848. R ec C iub Before ($ 15)«r after ($25)school und oul of .schixil programs. Registrulion open. G oodTim ers SquareD ance Dunce Lessons .$5 permonlh. Volun­ teers for different sociul events. Con­ tuct Ethel nt 998-38.37. A BIG 40 We all wish you a very Happy Birthday on Nov. 12. We atl love you & wish for you moro than 40 more j healthy & happy years aheaH with good luck & success also. Have a gooaonel Siiverstriders W aik Ciub Seniors. 50 and up. M-P. 6:30*y u.tn. No chargc. M others i\/iorning O ut Tuesdays and Thursdnys, $7 per duy. $40 per month. ■ T h e D ance C om pany Mon.,Tues., Wcd.,&Sut.Cull Emily Robcrt.son. 998-5163. Thursday, N ov. 13 Soullicrn ChrlstmusShow,8a.m.-6 p.m.. $20 per ()crsofl. Biscuit stop on wny nnd dinner ut K&W on return, bolh on your own. Friday, D ec. 4 Soutlicrn Horse Festival, Rnleigh. Slute Fuirgrounds. clinics, shopping, more. For Info & times cull 751 -2325. Saturday, D ec. 5 M l. Airy Tour O f Homes, $25 per person, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Lunch on your own. YMCA For more inrormation. Ciill 751-9622 or visit Dnvlc Family YM C A . W a te r Exercise C lass For beginners nnd tiic experienced. All ugcs. Call for cluss types & times. Sw im Lessons Choose from 2wk.,4 wk. Sul. morn­ ing or privule lessons. Reg. begins 2 wks.priorloclass.Ciill forclusstimcs. K arate-C arucado Style Tuesduys, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. T a e K w on D o Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs,, 6:(K),6:45 p,m. Adult Flag Football League Adull league ugcs 21 und up. Ench tcum guaranteed 10 games und scrim- mugc. Leugue ninscurly Sept. tocurly Dcc. Cost: $550 for member 1ситУ $600 non-member tcum. Cull Lnuren for info. Seniors All Senior Aclivilies tukc plucc ul DuvicCoiinly ScniorServices locutcd in llie Brock Building on North Mnin Slrccl, Mocksvillc unless otherwise noted. Cull 751-0611, O ngoing Sr. Lunchbox, M ,T,W , 11:30 u.m,, T'h,& Fri,, 11 H.in.,Uinch!icrveddnily. Silver Ili'ttllh Exc rc te , East Room of Senior Services, M , W , F,8:30 a.m. Quilling,every Monday, lOa.m.,Eusl Room. Scrabblc,cvery Monduy, I p.m.,Craft Room. Bridge,Tuesdnys Ip.ni. & Fridays 2 p.m., Enst Room, SK IP IIO , Wednesduys, 1:30 p.m., Eust Room. Scrapbooking, 2nd Tucsduy, 2 p.m. Pttlnt Clnss, Wednesdays nl 8:30 a.m.. Craft Room, D r, Dunn,Podiatrist,at Sr, Scrvlccs every three weeks on Monduy, 8:30- 11:30 u,ni. in the Nutrition Site, Nn v/.v/( //i/,v iitmilli, Dr. Diiiiii on rnca- lion. Free Blood PrcssurcChccks,onec n monlh, ut 10:45 u.m. In the Nulrilion S\le,Thi.i тотЬ'.ч visil Nov. I7lh. Sr. Citoriis,Thursdays, 10 n,m., Eust Room. Tui Ciii CIUS.4CS, Tuesdays, 10-11 n.m,, Nuture's Gifts, current session dntcs: //in(Wm’.25.Clnsssizeliniited, cnll Sr. Services ut 751 -0611 to pre- register. Every Thursday Crafty Lndle.s, a new uclivily iH Sr, Scrvlccs, 10 n .m.-12 noon, in Ihc Cruft Room. Wc will meet euch week und work on new Christnius Oninincnls forthcccntcr.Cull75l-0611 formore Info. Friday, N ov. 21 Dny OfTravel,goto Kitty Hawk, 10 a.m., ill tlic East Room. Must pre- regisicr. Thurs. & Fri, Nov. 2 7 & 2 8 Senior Scrvlcc.s Closed, centcr will be dosed forThunksgiving oaTluirs- duy nnd the Fridny aftcroards. Report D avie Dateline item s B y Noon iVlonday ltcm.s for Dnvlc Dateline .should be reported by noon Mondny ofthe pub- liculion week. Call 751-2120 or drop it hy the olTice, ul S. Muin St. ucross from the ciiurthouse. ШЯЖШШШаяшЕпнв F O R S A L E : C a rs • T ru ck s Utility Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442M ocl<svlile, NC P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE CO UN TY IN TH E G EN ER A L C OURT O F JUSTICE O F NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIO R C O U R T DIVISION DAVIE COUN TY' . 03SP235 IN T H E M ATTER O F TH E FO R E­ C LO S U R E O F A D EED O F TRUST E X E C U T E D B Y G A R Y L E E RUM M EL, JR ., DATED AUG UST 29, 2002 AN D R E C O R D E D IN BOOK 436 AT PAG E 657 IN TH E DAVIE C O U N TY PUBLIC R EG IS­ TRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE O F S A LE Pursuant lo an order of Iha Clark of Superior Court and under and by virute of the power and authority contained In Ihe above referenced deed of trust and because ol de­ fault in the payment of the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and fail­ ure lo carry out and perform Ihe stipulation and agreements therein contained end, pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder of the In­ debtedness secured by said deed of trust, Ihe undersigned subslilule trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction lo Ihe highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the counly courthouse of said county al 11:30 A.M .. on Novem­ ber 18, 2003, the following de­ scribed real estate and any olhor Improvements which may be situ­ ated thereon, situated In Davle County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as fol­ lows: Beglnnning at an existing Iron rebar located In the ilghi ol way ot Gladstone RoadSR 1121; running tehnce North 00 degrees 18 min­ utes 05 seconds East 155.23 feet lo a new Iron rebar located at the right ol way of Gladstone Road SR 1121, said new Iron rebar localed the two following calls from a tle- polnt-nali-cap at Ihe center line ol SR 1125 and S R 1121 (South 01 degrees 36 minutes 05 seconds East 1114.12 leet and thence Soulh 00 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds West 55.23 leel to Ihe said iron rebar); running Ihence South 44 de­ grees 40 minutes 35 seconds East 283.77 feet to a new Iron rebar; running Ihence South 16 degrees 51 minutes 03 seconds East 381.01 feet lo a new Iron rebar; running thence South 16 degrees 51 minutes 03 seconds East 381.02 feet to a new Iron rebar, this line crossng a well centered on Ihe property line by design lor common use; running thence South 18 de­ grees 34 minules 17 seconds Easl 602.74 (eel lo a new Iron rebar, run­ ning Ihence North 71 degrees 40 minules 30 seconds West 433.14 .feet to an existing iron rebar; run­ ning Ihence North 00 degrees 18 minutes 05 seconds East 843.64 feat to an existing Iron rebar; thence North 40 degrees 22 minutes 20 second^ West 151.62 leel lo an existing Iron rebar; running thence North 89 degrees 41 minules 55 seoons West 344.85 leet lo Ihe point and place of Beginning and containing 5.460 acres, more or less. S A V IN G , E X C EP T IN G A N D R ES ER V IN G TH AT 0.451 tract and easement as described In the conveyance from Gary Lee Rummel, Jr. and wife, Sherry Lynn Rummel, lo Shannon D. Spillman and Slaces S. Wyriok by deed daled November 2, 2001 and re­ corded In Book 393, Rage 790 Davle County Registry. And Being more commonly known as: 130 Ranch W ay, Mocksviile, NC 27028 The record owner of the prop­ erty, as reflecled on the records of the Register ol Deeds, Is Gary Lee Rummel, Jr. The property lo be olfered pur­ suant to Ihis nolice of sale Is being offered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, W H ERE IS." Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the dead ol trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor tho ollicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the nole make any representation or warranty relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or ilabiillles aris­ ing out of or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are )■ MILLER EQUIPMENT rental Г Д Ц IS HEBE! Bobcal. aeratoc Goro plugger anioreiorrenttodayl ^C ksvil'le’ 1336175 1-2 3 D 4 disclaimed. This sale Is made sub­ ject lo all prior liens and encum­ brances, and any unpaid taxes and assessments including but not llml ted lo any transfer tax Associated with Ihe foreclosure, for paying, If any. A deposit ol five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred llfly dollars ($750.00), whichever Is grealer. Is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at Ihe time ol Ihe sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following Ihe expiration of the statutory upset period, all remain­ ing amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date of Ihls Notice Is Octo­ ber 27, 2003. ELIZA B ETH B. ELLS O R DAVID W. N EILL Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suile 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 11-6-21n NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY N OTICE O F PUBLIC HEARING B EFO R E T H E B O AR D O F C O U N TY COM M ISSIONERS FO R T H E FO LLO W IN G ZONIN G AM EN DM ENTS NOTICE IS H ER EB Y GIVEN, pur­ suant lo the requirements ol Article 20-B ol Chapter 153-A of the Gen­ eral Statutes of North Carolina and Paragraph 155.250 of the Davie County Code of Ordinances, thal the Davle County Board ol Com­ missioners will hold a Public Hear- of the Davle County Administration Building, Mocksviile, N C , on Mon­ day, November 17, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following requests; mant Company has applied to re­ zone 1.547 acres of land Irom Resi- dentlal Agricultural (R-A) to High­ way Business (H-B). This properly Is located at 160 NC Hwy 901 West, just west ol the Intersection ol US Hwy 64 and NC 901, and Is further described as a portion ol Parcel 42 ol Davle County Tax Map l-l. A sign will be placed on the above listed property lo advertise the public hearing. The public Is in- , vlled to attend the l;iearlng at which -( : lime Ihere will be an opportunity to b heard In favor ol, or In opposition to, the above Hem. Additional infor­ mation Is available at the Develop­ ment Services Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, or by telephone al (336) •751-3340, John Gallimore Planning Director NO RTH C AR O LIN A ^ DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E TO C RED ITORS Alfred A. Allen, having qualifiée as Administrator of the Estate ol R A M O N A LY N N A L L E N , de. ceased, late of Davle Counly, North Carolina, Esiate File Number 99 E 75, Davle Counly, North Carolina, this is to notily all persons, Ilrms and corporations having claims against the estate ol said deceasec to exhibit Ihem lo Ihe underslgnec In care ol David R, Crawford, atlor­ ney for the estate, at One North Marshall Street, Suite 100, Win- ston-Salem, NC 27101, on or be­ fore Ihe 23rd day of January, 2004, or this notice will be pleaded In bai of their recovery. All persons In­ debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 23rd day ol October, 2003, Allred A, Alien, Administratoi ol Ihe Estate of Ramona Lynn Allen 10-23-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY NO TICE TO CRED ITORS Having qualified as the Admin­ istrator of the Estae of C H ARLES VIRGIL NEW M AN, deceased, late of Davle County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the esiate ol said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 102 Soulh Cherry Street, Wln- ston-Salem, NC 27101, on or be­ fore February 9, 2004, or Ihls no­ tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diate payment. This the 61h day ol November, 2003. Shirley T. Clubb, Administrator Tho Estate of Chartes Virgil Newman Stafford R. Peebles, Jr., Esq. 102 South Cherry Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 723-7361 11-6-4tn C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, At^TIQUE FURNITURE Call Arthur Bostick 336-492-5992 1)8 - DAVIK COUNTY KNTliUI'RISli RKCORD, Thursdny, Nov. 13,2003 P U B L IC N O T IC E S NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUN TY PUBLIC NOTICE EMh|lc_5ale - Mocksvilie Minl-Slor- age Inlonds lo sell conlenls of Ihe following Onlts lor unpaid rent and expenses: #417 Miranda Franklin ($305.00) #411 Waller Everhardi ($285.00) #134 Shirley Gray (S560.00) #162 Bobby Booe (3390.00) Public Sale dale Is Nov. 21, 2003 al 2:00 p.m. No sale il bal­ ance Is pad by Nov. 19,2 003. No personal checks tor overdue ac­ counts. 817 Salisbury Road - cor­ nerei 601 South and Eaton Street, 751-2483.11-6-2lnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualiliod as Executrix ol tho Estate ol KATHRYN J. JO N ES , lato of Davie Couniy, this Is lo no­ tify all persons having claims againsl said eslale lo present them to the undersigned on or belore tho 30th day ol January, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom the firsl day ol publication or Ihis notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said eslate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day ol Octobar, 2003. Roberta Sue K. Gobble, EX EC 815 Sheffield Road Iviocksviile, NC 27028 10-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE CO UN TY NOTICE O F PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby given lhal Iho Town of Cooieemee Board of Com­ missioners will hold a public hear­ ing on the adoption of the Davie County 2003 Solid Waslo Plan Update, as required tiy Q :S . 130A- 309.09A. The public hearing will be held at 6 15 £ M . on ttefimbBL24^20Q3 in Ihe Cooieemee Town Hail. A copy ol the drall plan Is on file for public review In tho office of the Town Clerk. Dolly Urdanick Town Clerk-Flnance Olficer Town of Cooleemoe 11-13-1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C O U N TY N O TIC E T O C RED ITORS Having qualifiod as Executrix of Iho Estate of SAM UEL S P EN C ER FO S TER , late of Davie County, Ihls Is to notify all persons having claims against said oslale lo present Ihem lo the undersigned on or before tho 30lh day ol January. 2004, being throo (3) months Irom the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar of Ihoir recovery. Ail persons Indebted lo said eslale will please make Immediate paymeni lo Ihe undersigned. This Ihe 30th day ol October, 2003. Penny Foster Calhoun, EX EC P.O. Box 262 Cooieemoo, NC 27014 10-30-4tnNORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUN TY N O TIC E TO CREDITORS Having qualified as tho Execu­ tor of the Estale ol W ALTER E. MARTIN, late ol Davie County, Ihis is lo notify ali persons having claims against said estate lo presenl them to the undersigned on or belore the 6th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) monlhs from tho first day ol publication or this notice wiii bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ali persons Indebted to said estate will ploase make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 61h day ol November, 2003. Waller E. Martin, Jr. P.O.B ox 145 Denmark, SC 29042 Martin 8 Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ton Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 N ORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY NO TICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra­ tor of the Estate of D O N N A ADAM S C A R TER , late ol Davie County, this Is lo nollly ail persons havmg claims againsl said eslale to present them lo the undersigned on or before the 30th day of Janu­ ary, 2004, being three (3) monlhs from the firsl day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol Ihoir recovery. Ail persons indebted lo said estate will please make im- modlale paymeni lo the under­ signed. This the 30lh day of Oclobor, 2003. William Jeffrey Carter 369 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 10-30-4tp•i itivi', MiW A Oiut i i u i a i » NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of A N N IE LA U R IE HOLSTON FAUSETT, lato of Davie Couniy, Ihls is 10 nolify aii persons having claims againsl said estate to present Ihem lo the undersigned on or before Ihe 23rd day of Janu­ ary, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs from the first day of publication or this notice wiii be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estalQ wiil please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This Ihe 23rd day of October, 2003. Mlilon B. Crolls P.O. Box 1008 Ciemmons, NC 27012 10-23-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY N OTICE TO C RED ITORS Having qualified as Execulrix of the Eslate of LA U R A B E L L E DULIN, lato of Davie County, Ihls is lo nolify ail persons having claims against said eslate to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 13th day ot February, 2004, being three (3) months from Ihe first day ot publication or Ihls nollce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 13th day of November, 2003. Nora Barker, EX EC 356 Campbell Road Mocksvilie, NC 27028 11-13-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY NO TIC E TO CRED ITORS Having qualilied as Executor of Ihe Estate of CALVIN C O O LiD G E G A ITH ER aka Calvin Coolridge Gaither, late of Davie Couniy, Ihis is lo notily aii persons having claims against said ostate to presenl them to the undersigned on or belore the 13lh day of February, 2004, being Ihree (3) months from Ihe first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. Aii persons Indebted to said eslate wiil pleaso mako immediate paymeni to tho undersigned. This Ihe 13th day ol November, 2003. Steve A. Gaither, EX EC 120 Slonburg Road Ciemmons, NC 27012 11-13-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE C OUN TY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra­ trix of the Eslate ol FAYE ALLISON HOSCH, late of Davie County, this is lo notify ail persons having claims against said estale to present Ihem to Ihe undersigned on or before Ihe 13lh day of February, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or Ihis notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebled lo said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 13lh day of November, 2003. Cynthia Laverne Hosch, ADMN P.O. Box 1138 Cooleemee, NC 27014 11-13-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE O F PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Town of Mocksvilie Board of Com­ missioners wiil hold a public hear­ ing on the adoption of Ihe Dav/g Couniy 3003 Solid Waste Plan Update, as required by G .S . 130A- 309.09A. This public hearing wiil be held al giOiPAl. on Itoaiiibfii:^. 2QQ3 in Iho Town Hail Commission­ ers' room. A copy of Ihe dralt plan is on file lor public review in the of­ fico of the town clerk, Christine W. Sanders Town Manager 11-13-1ln Lordy, Lordy Look Who's 40! H a p p y B irlh d a y Abortion Alternative D A V IE P R E G N A N C Y C A R E Center offers confidential & free pregnancy tesls, support ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice for your llfel Call 75 3 -H O PE for appointment. Apartments 1 B R .1 B A , APARTIUIENT- Mocksville $425/monlh H U D approved Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 B A ^ E Iv T E N rÄ F T , nished 1B R, oulside entrance, 3 miles out 158.751-2967. L A R G E 1 B E D R 0 0 M Apt. Downtown Mocksville. No chil­ dren, pets or H U D . 704-278- 1717. _____________________ Child Care ALIVIOST H O M E C H ILD Care has Immediate openings - A LL A G E S - for 1 sl & 2nd shifts (3rd shllt pos­ sibilities). Convenient hours 5;30am -1;45am . Full Time, Part Time, Drop In - upon availability. Come see us at 571 8 Main St., Mocksville or call Debra, 751- PLAY(7529) FO R IC B A P TIS T C H U R C H 'A f-' ter school until 6:00pm $100/ month, Cornatzer School busing zone. Come by or call for appli­ cation. 998-8306 Э ТАУ A T llb T iO io t h e r ln ^ vance area will watch 2 Infant and/or toddlers in home. M -F 7am-6pm 940-6134_________ C om m erciai Property V A R IO U S C O M M ER C IA L P R O P ER T IES Warehouse & Office space Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400_________ Employment S200-SS00 W EEK-wlii train to work at home helping the US Governmenl file HUD/FHA mort­ gage funds. No experience nec­ essary. Cali Toll Free 1 -866- 537-2907 C A N Y O U M A K E Ihe cut? Are you an over achiever that's un­ der appreciated? We have op­ portunity lor best stylist with management potential. Call Christine 253-3789. C A T f l ^ R A N C H l ^ Couniy needs lull-tlme mainte­ nance man. Must be experi­ enced wilh larm maintenance and cattle. Starting $8 to $10 per hour. Send letter stating ex­ perience; Farm Maintenance P. O . Box 99 Mocksville, N C 27028 D if c F w i fc H o p I r a t o ^^^^^^ heavy equipment operators needed lor underground utility construction 336-391-6155 E X P E R IE N C E D C A R P E N T E R f o r framing crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overtime. li/lust be dependable. No drugs, no hot-heads. 336-467-7061 or 336-998-7428. E X P E ¥ l¥ N ( fE D E L E C T R I­ C IA N . A P P T . only. Osborne Electric 751-3398 IN C O M E M A IN T E N A N C E C A S EW O R K ER il position with Ihe Davie County Dept, of So­ cial Services. Employee will he responsible for the total process of delermining/redelermlning eli­ gibility for the Food Stamp pro­ gram. Work Includes such task, as the interviewing of clients to obtain required Information, completing inllial applications, verifying information obtained, determining eligibility and com­ pleting scheduled program re­ views. Will assume olher dulies Employment as required. Applicants musl have good mathematical reason­ ing and computational skills and must have the ability to read, ana­ lyze, and Interpret rules and regu­ lations. Must have the abilily to communicate with Ihe clients, ex­ plain and interpret policies and procedures, and be able to com­ plete casework functions within structured time frames. Must have a valid N C Driver’s License and a vehicle available for work. One year of experience as an In­ come Maintenance Caseworker I; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Com ­puter experience needed and some Spanish prelerred. Submit a completed State application, P D -1 07) to Pal Helmstetler, 3avle County Department of So­ cial Services, P. O . Box 5 17, Mocksvilie N C 27028 by 5:00 on Monday, November 24, 2003. Telephone Num ber: 336-751- 8850. Equal Opportunity Em ­ ployer. N O W H IB IN G l> T7óo rTrSte rv dants. Help keep our Super 8 super cleani Genuine smil uir iper 8 lie re- S O F A & C H AIR -m atchlng Burgandy In color. Delivery avall- abie.$100. Call 998-7162. Homes For Rent 1800 +/- S Q . FT. house, large rooms, ail appliances, central heat/air, above average, call af­ ter 4:00pm 941-7593. rH o ^ u ^ s n ro F re n T -liT E iB a$450. (2) 1 BR with double garage $450. Mobile hom e $350. Cooleemee, 284-4373 2B R 1B A H O U S E $450/mo & $450 deposit 751-2986 2B ^ T i B A , C O U lifR Y LaneT" LIVING R O O M , D E N , N O H U D , R E F E R E N C E S R E Q U IR E D . $500/M0. 336-674-9740 2 B R , C O U N T F IY H O M E Turkeyfool Rd. 336-414-1448 af­ ter 6pm. G E N E T R E X L E R I R O O F IN G New & Old Rools Small Repair Jobs Froo Estimates 336-284-4571 Lordy, L w A j Look WK(y Was 401 onNov.ll Love, Your Datifihtcr tt Yaiir Mom A U C T I O N 272 1 R e g e n c y D r , W in s to n -S a le m Mon., Nov. 17 • 10/ ESTATE OF: RICHARD W. BARNARD (DECEASED)DIRECTIONS: NOE ¡o Siliis Crook Parkway North. Al fork, slay Right, thor) turn Riijht onlo Roynolda Rd. Turn Loft onto Cotisoum Drive. Travol 7/10 milo, lurn Loft onto Rogoncy Drivo. Salo on Righl. EyRKlIUR& l So(ns', Solid Choffy Entoitainmont Contor; Dining Room Tnblo nnd Chairs; End Tables; Forn Stnnd; Booksholvos; Smalt Drossor; Offico Chairs; Glass Top Tnblos; Gomo Tablo; Dosks; Chosl of Drawors; Mahogany Tablo & 6 Chairs; Coffoo Tables; Cornor Sholf; Bofstools; Drossing firlirrors ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLESi Framod Prints; Old Books; Old Bibloa; Brass Horns; Knick-Knacks; National Goographic Magazinos; Fiuto Lamp; Old Bolllos; Glnssos; Lols of Old f^ocords; Stomwaro; Candlowick; Milk Glass; Hon ott Nost; Art Glass; Prossod Glass; Old Gamos fyil&CELLANEQUS; Fox 4MP Mini Biko; Briggs & Stratton Edgor & Mulcher; Slihl Chninsaw; Grindor; Troybilt Tillor; Yard Tools; Hand Tools; Craftsman Tablo Saw; Bicyclos; Sports E(|iiipmonl; Satollilo Dish & Systom; Golf Clubs; Rods & Rools; Tablo Lamps; Filing Cabinots; plus much, much moro..., C ol. Kenneth G . Kctncr, l*rcs., N C A L 3 2 6 K F ir s t C h o ic e A u c t io n & R e a lty Finn Licen.sc i/722‘) • I'O llo,\ 335, Lewisville • (336) 945-4118Vitii Our Web Site tl www.firitchnicetucHon.com • m.iil: clin>idiiua'Mi(alri.idn.mn Homes For Rent Homes For Rent 3B R, 1B A B EA U T IFU L counlry setting, garden space , conve­nient to 1-40 $650/monlh 751- 4371 3 B R, 1B A , $575/M ONTH, refer­ ences required, Comalzer sohool district, 336-841-1240 3B R, 2 B A , B RICK rancher with asphalt drive, large yard and stor­ age building In Mocksvilie, resi­ dential area. $750 per month rent, $103,500 for sale. Wiii lease with option lo buy. Call 704-872- 5565. 3BR, 2BA-Clemmons-$850/mo 3BR, 1.5BA-Mobile Homo-$500/mo SBR, 2BA DW/acreage-Yadkinville $900/mo Pennington & Company Realty 751-9400 quired, (336) 778-0931 T E A C H E R Ä F sTs TÄN T^ N E E D E D (or after school pro­ gram at Cornatzer United Moth­ odlst, Child care depree or expe­ rience required. Mail resume to P. O . Box 103, Advance, N C 27006 H O N E S T L A D Y W ILL sit wilh eideny or disabled, by me week or live In, Mon-Fri, Includes per­ sonal care, cooking, light house­keeping, errands and lots of T LC , experienced, references, call 940-2507, leave message will return call.___________________ Furniture 2 B U R G U N D Y LE A T H E R wing back recliners, 2 yrs old, i 998-6908 601S, M O C K S V ILLE 2BR, 2BA, lust refurbished, no pets 284- 4481 or 998-2931 C ^ r C E N T U R Y 21 “ S W IC EG O O D W A LL& M C D A N IEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext, 213 Nights & Weekends Prlvacyl Nice SBR, 2BA home off Davie Academy Rd. Ameni­ ties include a llreplace, laundry room, spacious living room and fenced paslurel $750/monlh 4BR, 1.5BA home on Windward Circle. Some appliances Included. $700/monlh Rent ReducedI Quaint 2BR, 1B A home near Davie High Call today, this home won't last longl $550/monlh 1B R , 1BA apartment for rent near downtown H/tocksvlile No appliances but utilities Included In rent price $425/monlh 2BR, 1BA home 243 Main St. In Cooleemee. Refrigerator, stova Included. Office Space for Rent In downtown Mocksville $300/month F O R R EN T /S A LE: 134 Legion Cemetery St. IB R , 1B A , $350/ mo O r purchase for $37,500 Bro­ ker/Owner Call 492-7505 FO R R EN T: 264 Walts S1-3BR, 1 Ba, $500/mo Deposit required. Broker/Owner Cali 492-7505 H ^ jS E F O R 'R E N T ^ B R , IB A house In M ocksville. $485. Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020. ¡jvTM AC U LATE, IN town 2 B R , IB A , no pets, gas log FP, del. garage $500 month & $500 de­ posit. 1 year lease. Call Mary Hendricks 751-3152, 940-7077 Premier Carolina Properties. Homes For Sale F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C HMocksvilie parsonage. 229 Wan­ dering Lane, 9 room, 2 story, brick, 4BR, 3.5BA, 2760 square feet, unfinished basement with FP, 2 car garage, large deck, .6 acre lol. $259,900. 751-5312 F O R ^ A L E : 114 Whitney St.- Mocksvllle SBR, 2.5 BA Corner lot Com pletely renovated $97,000 Broker/(Jwner Call 492- 7505 re B O 3BR,” 2B A, doublewlde, excellent condition, many extras, beautiful, private, mostly wooded 5.14 acres In Advance, 6 miles to 1-40. Reduced to sell $113,500 & will negotiate. 940-6850 New Home (No Steel Fram es , Crane Set, 7/12 Roof, 3 B R, 2BA,$100,00,00 appraised value. On your foundation $54,500.00 Landowners call 336-362-3676 N EW D O U B LEW ID E H O M E, big lot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­ duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. SACFIIFICEI N EW Cape Cod (no steel Irames), crane set. 3BR 2BA approx, 2300 sq.ft. Normal cost $129,000.-on your founda­ tion $81,900. Limited time onlyl Land owners call 1-800-672- 9223. T R U E M O D U LA R H O U S ES (NO S T E E L FR AM ES) Info call 1-600- 322-8679,___________________ Land For Sale B U ILD IN G /M O B ILE H O M E lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653 LA N D F O R S A L E - 5 acre tracts FS B O . Restricted. $12,500 per 4 acre. Call 998-4703.__________ ^ Lawn Care C A M P B E L L LA W N C A R E" For all your lawn care needs" Call: 998-1603 ask for Eric L E A F R E C O V E R Y B Y Cietin^ Lawn Care. Call 284-2037. A U C T IO N Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 • Sam Estate of Brady Higgs (deceased) Conducted for Lola Riggs (living) Location: Farmington Gym, Farmington Road Partial Listing • Depression; glass, It/lcCoy cdoKie .1 )ar, Poppy Trail dlsfies, Milk Glass, Carnival, . j , Glass, footed bowl, vinegar iars, old drink ^ bottles, snuff glasses & tins, collectibles, old s< dolls, metal toys, bid tools, box lots, lots more ! AUCTIONEER: DONALD R. LUFFMAN • NCAL 2804 2137 Milling Road • Mocksville, N0 27028 Phone: 336-998-4059 • Day of Sale: 336-391-2199 Not responsible lor accidents of any kind • Food will be available A U O T I O N Sat., Nov. 15 • lO AM R E A L E S T A T E & P E R S O N A L P R O P E R X V ICs(atcM>l'KDI I'H C O IN PIK R C E (Deceased) Directions: 607 Groontraa Dr., Lowlsvlllo, NC. From Winston.Splom, go MO Wost to 421 North. Exit nt Lowisvillo ifZAA. Turn Right. Go ono mlta; turn tett on Lowisville-Vionna Rd. Go 1 1/4 milo. turn left on Franklin Rd, Go 1/4 mile, turn left on Groontroo Dr. Sale on loft. Real Eslale; Two bodroom liouso siluolod on bdauliful landscopod, shodod lot with odjoining lot in bQC)< that tronts on Woslloloh Dr. Both proporllos aize 100'x200'. Coniral tioaiyair, basement, garage, porchos, and building on extra lot. M.nny extras and line fealuros. intoresled partes havo 10 days prior lo auclion lo moke any Inspections (lead point or any olher). Real ostate sold subject lo conlitmalion. Sale at 12:00 Noon. • Personal Property! Gorman Grandlother clock, beautiful Duncan Phyfo sofa, line ook pedestal table, 2 line oak wash stands (ono with mirror, one with rack), taro otnato oak center lable, nice spinet dosk primillvo one-drawer tablo, elegant carved back ook falnllng couch, B po. dining room suite, day bed, marble top lorn stand, corner cupboard, cornor what-nol stand, bookcase, lurtlo back trunk, old wooden churn, oak'rocker, collodion ol old pallorn oil lamps (somo roal good), Konmore washer and dtyor, 2 refrigerators, sot ol Noritaks china, toa house rose set ol china, living room suite, 3 recllnors, TV's, end tables, 5 po. breaklasl room suite, coal tack, sots ol ctilna, old paltotn glass, slomware. Depression glass, chosl Iteozer, some hard lo Ilnd old milk bolllos, wooden measure. Ironware, peanut pallorn lamp, finger lamps, miniature lamps, milk glass, cake plates and stands, mirrors, malching drossor, chost of drawers, night elands, twin beds, microwave, large amount of cooking ulensils, noedio work Ilems, sol of ciyatal, cat stools, child's rocket, lea pot, Boston rocket, wash pileher and bowl, collection of plates, hull polloty, lols ol china and glassware, old churn bench, church plates, and lots rnoro. P R E V IE W ; 1 H O U R B E F O R E SA L E . S E E P IC T U R E S AT W W /W .tVtOCKAUCTIONS.COIVITERM OF SALE) Roal Estato: $5000 Day ol Salo, (Cash or Corlifiod Funds) On Pofsonat Propoily: Cosh or Appiovod Chock. Evorylhinfl Sold oa laWlioro Is. No Worranllos E«piossod or Iriiplioil. Aiiclionoor Is nol rosponsiblo lor discropanclos or Inaccuracios In inlvonisirio or lor ony ndditiong Of (Joioliona NOT RESPONSIBLE IN CASE OF ACCIDENT, FRED MOCK, AUCTIONEER (336) 699-3426, NCAL #21 DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tiiursday, Nov. 13,2003 - D9 CT.A.<ig]iMj¡a{Pj¡¡MsivE FROFTCABLE Lots for Sale Mobile Home/Rent Mobile Home/Sale Statewide Vehicles Yard Sales wwik.i^ii^wa I ill pupu* lar Charleston RIdge subdivision. $14,900. Cali Kalhi Wail, broker Century 21 Swicegood Wall & McDaniel 336-909-1726. Miscellaneous 10 IN C H C R A F T S M A N radial arm saw & attachments $150.00. Golden Eagle compound bow with carrying case & arrows $85.00. 751-3985 alter 6pm. 5 F O O T 3-polnt hitch, scrape blade, good condition, needs paint, $50. 751-1893 A G E D S P L IT H A R D W O O D , mosliy oak. Heaped one ton dum p bed truck. Delivered/ dumped In Davie. $150. 75 1- 1893 or 751-2737 H A V E Y O U E V E R tried farm Iresh eggs? Delicious large and extra large organic eggs from happy, healthy tree range chick­ ens. No chemicals or pesticides. $2.50/doz or $3.00 delivered. Call 998-0300. M EN ’S G O L F C LU B S , senior & regular Ilex, 2-SW , graphite, as­ sortment of woods & putters, re­ pair work, re-shalllng, re-grlplng, swing weighting & custom clubs. Call 751-2030 R A IN B O W V AC U U M W ITH ac- cessorles, like new $1100, O B O 753-6822 S T E E L B U ILD IN G S H U G E sav- Ings on laclory seconds & Ireight damaged 20x26,25x34, Financ­ ing Available, 90 days same as cash, no reasonable olfer re- fusedl 800-222-6335. W O L F F S Y S T E M T A N N IN G bed, $1600. Call lor Info 998- 4078________________________ l\/lobile IHomes/Rent 14X80 2000 M O B ILE home on spacious country lot. $450 de- posll/$450 per month. Available Ja n . 1, 2004. References re­ quired. 492-5618 14X80 3B R , 2 lull balhs, $50() monthly, w/$450 deposil, no pels, located In Row an county In Needmore community 704-278- 4350 1995 M O B ILE H O M E lor rent lo- caled In the Pines Mobile Home . Park, 2BR, 2BA, all electric, air, ^ allappllances. Nopels. $400per month/$400 deposit requlred- 751-7502 2B R , 1 B A , appliances furnished, private lot, couple or single, no pets, Hwy 158-$375. per month, deposit, 751-3431 2 B R , 1 B A , carport, no Pets, $350 rent & deposit & references 492-5509 2BR upstairs apt. everything fur­ nished, $550/month. 751-1218, 704-657-5613 t^ T n g a ^l ic a ^n s f o ^ ^ 2BR, 1 BA mobile home w/appii- ances on private lot. Background & references checked. $450/mo & $450 deposit 284-4552 Mobile Homes/Sale 1992 S IN G LE W ID E M O B ILE home, 2BR, 2ВА, $10,000. 336- 798-3466. 1993 14X80 H O R T O N mobile home, great location on private rented lot close to Hillsdale, SBR, 2ВА, covered decks, caroort, out­ building, $14,500. 998-2588. M O C K S V ILLE, 3B R, 2B A nice, H U D voucher O K , 704-892-1284 N IC E 2B R , 2 B A , $450/mo $400 deposit- lust In Iredell County. 704-546-2089. C a k e D e c o r a t o r N e e d e d Set you own lioursi Apply in person or call 940-2438 Dairy Queen of Hillsdale RANDY MILLER &SONS 295 Miller Road •Mock.svilli;(336) 284-2826 • Now Pumping SepUc Tanks • Skid steor Work Trencher Work Hiuting S E L L I T F A S T Ш Т Н Е C L A S S I F I E D S ! The first 10 words are $6.50 • each additional word is 10«. Yard Sale ads must be paid in advance. Deadline for classified ads is 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Davie County Enterprise Record 171 South Main St. - MocksvlIlD ■ 336-751-2129 $500.00 Down, 3BR, 2BA, mo­ bile home, ready to move Into in nice community. Hurry this one won’t last long. Cali 769-0755 or pager 208-3203. TW O L E F T H C P $500 down $537 payment 4B R, 2BA 1.3 acres O A C Call 828-465-6402 Motorcycles 423-596 A L L C A S H C A N D Y route. Do you earn up lo $800/day poten­ tial? Your own local route. 30 machines and candy. All for $9,995. 1-8 0 0 -9 9 8 -V EN D , MulllVend, LLC G O T A C A M P G R O U N D ln e rtv bership or timeshare? We'll take 111 Best In sales, service and sat­ isfaction, America’s largest old­ est Resale Clearing House. Re­ sort Property Resales 1-800- 1997 Y E L L O W S U ZU K I Katana, 600CC, 5,900 miles, $2000. 336- 414-0918 Music 1997 M O B ILE H O M E 14X60) for sale: 2BR, 2 lull baths, fire­ place, washer, dryer, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, covered front porch. Call 998-8853 between 9am and 10pm. M R , IB A H O M E on great lo t.f Owner financing available. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Prop­ erties 909-1284. 2B R , IB A O N nice lot. $38,000. Owner financing. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Properties 909- 1284 3B R, 2B A H O M E, very good con­ dition, Advance area, $15,300 O B O , some owner financing. Call 704-929-9333 B R IC K M O D U LA R New A G P $250 down $650 payment/on 1 acre O A C Call (828) 695-0039 C O N S O LID A T E, C O N S O LI-“ D A TE New H C P $250 down $550 payment 4BR, 2BA, consolidate debt Only 3 available O A C Call 828-464-8970 C R ED IT P R O B LEM S A R E N O Problem -Need a land/home Call (82^) 928-2066 D O Y O U O W N a 1991-1996 SInglewide. If your payoff Is $5000 or less & you’ve been turned down due lo negative trade-in equity, w e C A N H ELP I Trade It for Modular Land/Home Pkg. Easy Flnancing/$500 down after Trade In. 704-883-7706 M O D U LA R LA N D /H O M E pkgs. Up to $15,000 cash back/debt pawff W E M EA N IT Call lor detalls/Conv. Ln. Only (704) 883-9997 M O V E IN T O D A Y 3BR, 2BA, $500 down Assume $537 payment O A C Call (828) 464-1169 n Tc E D O U B LE W ID E , B LO C K loundatlon, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 acres, lenced wllh barn. Old Mocksville Hw y, must selll $75,000 negollable. Call : 704- 546-5763 LA Y A W A Y N O W F O R Chrlst- masl Everything on sale. Lessons available. Dave's Music. 751- 1934. P IA N O F O R S A L E , serious In- quirles only. 941-7426 PIA N O TU N IN GRepair- Rebuild- Regulate Self-players & Reed Organs Wallace Barford 998-2789 Pets 2 LH A S A A P S O puppies, 1 male, ■ ■ ■ "3-4805. L O G H O M E D E A L E R S wanted. Qreat earning potential, excellent profits. Protected Territory, life­ time warranty. American Made- Honest Value. Call Daniel Boone Log Homes, 1-888-443-4140. SIM PLY M O R E ...G O T 2+ years driving O T R bul been off the road a while? W ant to drive O T R again? Call usI Heartland Ex ­ press, 1-866-282-5861. www.heartlandexpress.com W ELD ER /P IP EFIT T ER -N O EX - P E R IE N C E needed—we train you. Full salary and benefits. High school dlpolma grads to age 34. Relocation required. Call 800-662-7419. Local interview available. 1 female, 99в-‘Travel A K C B E A G L E P U P S for sale. Call 998-5089. B E A G L E P U P P IES -12 weeks old. Call alter 5:30pm, 492-7570. F R E E K IT T E N S , A L L colors, 492-5713. F R E E P U P P IES & 1 K IT T EN , call alter 6pm, 751-6359 ~O W N A B IR D , ferret or other pet? Need supplies? Call or ennall to see If I can save you money. 998-2628, rwhllt1212@aol.com PIT B U L L , 4 months, registered, gentle, 492-2393_____________ Rooms for Rent FU R N IS H ED R O O M F O R single sober working man 751-0645 Service E X P E R IE N C E D N U R S IN G A S ­ SISTAN T will help with adull care. Call 284-2902, ask lor Christina. LIN K ’S S E A M L E S S G U T T ER - ING Richard Link-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 O S B O R N E ELE C T R IC for all your electrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398. P E R F E C T PAW S, C E R T IF IE DGroom er, Christine Julian, Mocksville, N C , 751-9074 T O M B ER LIN ’S LA W N C A R E & Handyman Sen/Ices. All types of lawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedealing, bushhogging & trimming trees and busies, plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removaT, mulching, pine needles. Call Brenl for free estimate (residential and com­ mercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391-2266. TO M M Y ’S T O T A L LA W N Care. We oiler mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and planting. We also oiler tractor work, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and Iree esti­ mates. Office 492-2330. Cell 336- 682-7006. W E W ILL C L E A N your house apartment or business office, monthly, weekly or daily. Davie Cleaning Team 940-2635 Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Trip Sat-Day Nov 15th Tues-Day Nov 18th Fri-Nite Nov 21st Fri-Nite Dec 5th E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt Wohllahrt Haus-Nov 15 "Smoke on the Mountain" McAddenvilie-Chrlslmas Lights Dec 2 . Ralelgh-Tltanlc Exhibit/ Governor's Mansion Dec 11 MaggleValley/Lake Junaluska Dec 12 & 13 Call T & J Fun Time Toura. (336)945-9391/(336) 924-6461. Vehicles 1988 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N T Y Longest Lasting 3 ’ Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding f 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS Ken Durham Construction Residential or Commerciai Remodeling <5 New Construction • Additiom • Vinyl Silting • Rooftng • Rtibcoi Work Call for Free Estimate 1336)284-2698 Cleinmons Road Two Adjoining Honies (Being soid at Auclion us per the Will ofthe late Louise II. York)3442 & 3446 Hwy 158 E (Just pasl First Baptist Church across from Clem nions Pallet W orks) Auction: Sunday Nov. 23 (® 2:PM Preview: Sunday Nov. 16 from 2-4PM Also scllins rciiiainini; conlcnl.s orhomc which includes .several good anlique piece.s including good Iloo.sier cabinel, antique eliest, dresser, tables, eabinels, wardrobe, glassware anil miscellaneous housetioW goods. Real csliite sells ut 3;pni - buy one or botlil Joiin C. Pegg Auction Service • #5098 (336) 996-4414 • m vw.peggauction.com C H E V R O L E T S ILV ER A D O , 1500, pick up, 4x4, aulo, $4295.00 O B O 998-2697 1990 M ER C U R Y G R A N D Mar- quis, auto, loaded, while, $2395.00 O B O , 998-2697 1997 B U IC K L E SabTeTimited; Blue Book value $6,225., extra clean, lthr. Int., all power options, alarms, auto controls for temp & lights, remote radio controls on steering wheel, soft suspension, $5,900. 998-5000 2003 FO R D E X P L O R E R Sport Track, 11,0 00 miles, loaded many extras, musl see, $22,850. 336-492-7685. 95 G E O M E T R ^ a iiT s lM e i 40+ mpg, 116K miles. Call 940- 6857 B UIC K LA S A B R E '0 0 1Ш й |1у equlped, low mileage, 768-1441 BLASS ROOFING Quailty Work • Lowest Prices Free Estimate 336-751-5024 G R A C E M O TO R S Advance336-817-7482 1997 M ER C U R Y M YS TIQ U E102.000 miles, pi, pw, cc, air, am/fm cass, burgandy $3,200. 1996 B O N N E V IL LE S E 79,000 miles, pw, pi, air, metallic blue, Warranly Available $4,500. 1995 IZU ZU R O D EO86.000 miles, pw, pi, cc, air, new tires, 6 cyl, white, sharp.Warranty Available $5,500. 1996 T O Y O T A C O R O L LA97.000 miles, 4dr, 5 spd, air, gr6en,Warranty Available, $4,199. 1998 T O Y O T A C O R O L LA L E 67.000 miles, 4dr, auto, pi, pw, air. Warranty Available $6,250 1996 H O N D A A C C O R D LX 71,70 0 miles, 4dr, auto, pw,pl, cc, air, burgandy. Warranty Available, $6,400 1996 F O R D ES C O R T 96,000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, alloy wheels, extra clean, $3,200 1997 H O N D A A C C O R D LX 92.000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pi, cc. Warranty Available, $7,250 1996 T O Y O T A C AM R Y O X Gold Package, 115,000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pi. Warranty Available $4,500 1995 FO R D C O N T O U R 168.000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pi, $2,000 1997 O LD S A C H IEV A103.000 miles, air, pw, pi, cc, alloy wheels, $2,800 1995 FO R D ES C O R T120.000 miles, ac, aulo 2dr, $2,300 1994 F O R D R A N G E R X LT 76.000 miles, 5spd, air, am/lm cass, $3,700 1993 S A TU R N SL2 79.000 miles, 5spd, air, twin cam, very clean, $3,300 1989 B U IC K R E G A L 60.000 miles, 6 cyl, 4 dr, pw, extra clean, $2,799 Wanted LA N D W A N TED F O R hunt lease for a couple of good old boys- large or small tracts 940-3124 O L D S ILO AWAYTrolm buiiJngs & roads to lake down at no cost. Will bury broken concrete on site. Bahnson Farm 998-3160 P O R T A B l1is W M iLL ¥ o p e ra - tor to rip pIne/cedar on farm, 751 - 1893. 3 FAM ILY Y A R D sale. Thur, Fri & Sat 9am to 4pm. 70 7 Countiy Lane. Christmas items & miscel­ laneous. 79 ^ S ^ H E F W LF "R D 7 a c ro 's s from Rock Springs Church Rd., Nov 15th, 8 to 2. A U T U M ÌN C A R È ^ F M Ò ^s-’ ville. Fail Bazaar & Bake Sale Tuesday, Nov. 18th 8am til 4pm A V O N O P E N H O U S E -E v e ry Monday 6;00pm-9;30pm. Tonie Cop e’s hom e. 336-284-2116 7631 Hwy. 801S , Cooleemee C A R O LY N ’S C O lL E C T IB liK (336) 751-6252 N EW H O U R S Wod-Thurs 11:00 III 5:00 Friday 11;00-6;00 Saturday 10;00-4;00 Now selections on: Barbie's/ BBanles(4.99) porcelain dolls/ dolphlns/ongies/knives/ crystal cut glass/etc. (too much lo mention so come by and shop with us) Layaway available. FR I & SAT -8 untir..1075 Main Church Rd. something lor every­ one, rain date-Nov. 21 & 22. G A R A G I “ S A L E , B E H IN D house, Sal. Nov. 15th, 8:00-4:00. 999 Gladstone Rd., household, clothes & much more. Don’t miss this one I M O VING S A L ^ l l . & Sat. Noi: 14 & 15, 224 White Dove Way, 601N 9/10 mile Irom 1-40. Signs. No Early Birds. 8:00-1:00. N O V 1 3 -T iT s , 1413 Baltimore Rd, Advance near Bixby, winter clothes & lots ol other items, 8:00 until... T H U R S D A Y & FR ID AY, 8-5,808 Greenhlll Rd. fR Am N Q To sT-~6oi/BoTra Corner. Open Fri. & Sal. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. WIII buy whole or partial estates. Call 284-4302. Y ^cT s A L e 7 S A T U R D A Y re - untll...plus size clothes-men & women, girl clothes- lnlant-4T, in- door-outdoor toys, etc. 494 Deadmon Rd. Y A R D S A L E O e i T H w T I W , Mocksvllle-Sat. 11/15- 8am-12 Y A R D S A L iT H U R S & F r l ^ O - , 3:00, 169 Gun Club Rd. oil Hwy < : 158 ,1st house on lell. CD's, video's, clolhes & shoes- cheap, luton-whlte, bed-maltress & box springs, compuler desk, chest of drawers, winter coals. Are You Sm art? Join the smartest comwunity in Davie Coufity and take advantage of...“Tlie Best Deal in the ‘Ville” Northwood A p a r tm e n ts Q iiiilltv • C nm rnii'm r • AlJ'oréihilitv 336-751-4141 WISSCORVSR MINI'STORAGE For all your .storage needs, choose us! Come by to inquire about Iree rental. 2975 Hwy 64 E in Forii C a ll todaijl (338) 9 0 8 -8 8 1 0 Jockey Closeout Sale Sat. Nov. 15 9am-1 pm C a s h O nly Local/on: Jockey DIst. Center 264 Nolley Rd., Cooleemee, NC OPEH TO THE PUBLIC A U C T I O N 144 Queensbury Rd., Winston-Salem Tües., Nov. 18 • 10/ E S T A T T E O F : H A R L E Y P H I L L I P S ( L I V I N G ) DIRECTIONS: From Wlnaton-Salom: 421N to Jonostown Rd. Turn Right off ramp, travol 4/10 milo to Country Club Rd. Turn LaH onto Country Club Rd. Travol 1/W milo, lurn Right onto Ouoensbury Rd, sale on Left. FURNITURE; Kitchon Tnblo & Chairs; Mnrblo Top Forn Stand; Drop Leaf Tablo w/2 Drawors; End Tables; Dixlo 3 Pioco Bodroom Suit; Depression Era Wardrobe, Drossor. nnd Bod; Mahogany Corner Tnblo; Mahogany End Tables; Rocking Chairs ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES; Hobblo House; Upco; Royal Bayreuth China (43 PCS); Hull; Royal Coploy; USA; Manloy; Cnrnival Glass; PoUory; Hon On Nost: Water Sot; Cobalt Bluo Glass; Farmor’a Dairy Milk Botlle; Oil Lamps; Milk Glass; Flat Icons; Prlncoas House; Prossod Gloss; Llnona; Costume Jewolry; Gorman Door Stoins; Soagrove Pottery; Watt Bowl; Bob Timborlaka Pottery; Cuckoo Clock; Old Floor Lamp MlS££LI>A!iEQjU& Tablo Lamps; Punch Bowls; Hand Tools (Craftsman, Etc); Craflsman 1 HP 3“ Belt Sandor; Craftsman Tablo Top Drill Press; Black & Dockor Drill; Black & Dockor Grindor; Yard Tools; Gas Wood Eater; Gas Blower; Bolens 5 HP Chippor/Shroddor; Echo Gas Trimmer; Gas Edger; Yard Man Lawnmower; Shop Vac; Framod Prints (Signed & Numborod: Harry Jarman “The Road Homo", John Furches “Evening Snow“, and Phillip Philibock “Late Summer Sun"), plus much, much moro..... C ol. Kenneth G . Ketner, Pres., N C A L 3268 F ir s t C h o ic e A u c t io n & R e a lt y Firm License • I'O Box 335, Lewisville • (336) 945-4118Visit Our Web Sile at www.firstchoiceauclhtLcgn^^^ m-mfj mo - D/WIFÎ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 County B riefs S ilv e r S p ir its T o B e H o n o r e d Davie County commissioners approvetl a rcsolulion lionor- ing Ihe DavIc County Silver Spirits I baskelball team. The learn, made up of women ages 60-64 has won Ihe gold medal for six consecutive years ut Ihc North Carolina Senior Games, and won Ihc gold medal al Ihc 2003 Nalional Senior Games. Tlie presen­ tation cercmony will be held later. C lin t J u n k e r H o n o r e d Clint Junker was honored for six years of .service on Ihc plan­ ning board. During that lime he imparled "his good sound judg­ ment and wi.sdom for Ihc bcllemieni of our citizens." said Counly Manager Terry Bnilloy. Junker served for tlie maximum time al­ lowed In consecutive tenus, and now serves on Ihc Mocksville planning board. S m ith R e z o n in g A p p r o v e d Kulli Shellon Smilh rci|uesled a rezoning of 1.07 acres al 1267 Yadkin Valley Road from Residential (R-20) lo Rcsidenlial-Ag- ricullural (R -A ). .so she could pul a mobile home on Ihe properly for her son. Smith had made a previous rctiucsl lo the board of adjustment slating a medical need, but Ihe board fell there was nol a médical need, nor would il be a lemporary dwelling. Henr­ ing that slaff would recommcnd the rezoning regardless of the mcdical necessity. Ihe board voted to approve the rezoning. The home will be in keeping wilh olher hontes in the area, said direc­ tor of zoning. John Gailimore. N o r th C o o le e m e e G r a n t A public hearing was held regarding Ihc close-out of Ihc Norlh Cooleemee Infrastructure Project, that inslallcd 8.400 feel of sewer line in Norlh Cooleemee and allowed residents lo lap inlo the new system. The lines are in placc, and connections arc being made. According lo Michael Walser of Benchmark, people are changing their minds and asking to tap onto the system. Through Ihis process nine buildings were demolished early on in Ihc projeci. one family was relocated lo belter living conditions, and another family rcceivcd a balhrooni upgrade because Iheir facili­ ties were substandard. Ofthe 55 families that could lie inlo Ihe system, 3.“) havc asked lo lap In, No one from Ihe audience asked lo speak during the hearing, and no aclion was nccessary by Ihc board. D a v ie A p p lie s f o r S c a tte r e d S ite G r a n t Commissioners approved applying for $400,000 in comnui­ nity development block grant funds for a scattered silc housing rehabilitation program. The grant is provided by Ihe N .C . D ivi­ sion of Community A.ssislanec, and il Iscxpcctcd the funds would help between 10 and 14 low income families. In pasl years, fami­ lies were chosen afltr Ihc grant was awarded, but Ihis yeur, Ihe application reniiircs that families be chosen prior to submitting the application. Twelve families were ehoscn, if Davie County is awarded the grant. Michacl Walser of Benchmark saiil, "They’re not conccntrated in one area, ns we've seen in the past. This yenr, Ihcy’ re really spread out." The bourd took Ihe time lo upprove Ihc policies, procedures, re.solulions nnd ordinnnces governing the grant in advance. These are all the required documents. They awarded Hobbs, Upchurch nnd Associntcs the conlract lo pro­ vide udministralive services for .S.^S.OOO. B a ile y O n S m ith G r o v e F D F u n d B o a r d Robert Bailey has been appoinlcd lo fill nn unexpired term on Ihc Smith Grove Volunteer Fire Dcpnrlmcnt Relief Fund Board. The term will expire on Jan. 31, 2004. C o u n ty S e llin g A m b u la n c e Following a iwo-weck delay while stuff reseurchcd nil op­ lions for a 1‘J‘JS ambulance, the board voted to trade-in the am­ bulance for .$l2,.'iOO. The counly will also purchase a new 2003 l-'ord l;-4.‘i(lTraumaliawk for,$76,yi6.60aftcr irndc-in. The 1998 diesel had 129,000 miles. F iv e P a r a m e d ic s G r a d u a te Davie County has live new pnrnriiedics. Nathan Walker, Brcnl C'rolts, Brian Carler, Cynlhia Scamon and Kevin Ward gradu­ ated from certification progrnm this monlh. Wulker and Crolls gr.idualed wilh honors. L a n d fill B id A w a r d e d The bonrd awarded the bid lo cap the landml to Siroud Broth' ers Grading at a cost of $ 107,600. They will work wilh Ben Crolls to complete the projeci, which is scheduled to be done by llie end of Ihc year. "The stale is anxious for us to go ahead and finish the closure of Ihis landfill," said John Grey, consultant. The bid is considerably lower than the lowest previous bid of $ HJ.S.OOO. A l­ though Ihc landfill is being capped, residents will still be able to drop off trash al Ihe transfer station. C o n s e n t A g e n d a The following items were approved in the consent agenda; a budget amendment showing library gifts received last year with a zero balance: an amendment budgeting $30.1,000 for the pur­ chase of the property on Clement Street: budgeting $9.50 in funds for Senior Scrviccs trips. The funds for Senior Services are rc- ceivctl from Irip participants, and cosl the counly nothing; and a budget amendment decreasing funding to the Domestic Violence Services by $ 10,000 becnuse the counly did not receivc $ 10,000 in Z . Smilh Reynolds grant funds Ihis year. E x c h a n g e O f E a s e m e n ts Commissioners nuthorizcd an exchange of easements between Ihe First Baptist Church o f Cooleemee, the counly and school system. The church hnd interest In using a small tract of land nexl to Iheir property that used to house an elevated waler tank. The school system wanted to use Rocky Hill Trail, owned by the church, for school buses. The easements are limited; no owner­ ship is being exchanged, no buildings can be buill on the proper­ ties, and arc rcnewuble nfter the firsl 30 years. W illia m R D a v ie B o n d W o r k C o n tin u e s In order for Ihe school system lo receive money from a Quali­ fied Zone Acndemy Bond (tjZ A B ), county commissioners needed to approve filing the application for approval of the installment purchase contrnct. They also needed lo schedule a public hearing regarding Ihe bond and hire bond counsel. During Iheir Nov, 3 meeting, the bonrd approved the resolution, sel the public hear­ ing for Dec, 17 at 7 p .m ., and approved W om ble, Carlyle, Sandridgc and Rice as bond counsel. C o u n ty N e g o tia tin g J a il C o n tr a c t "W e had A B L , but Ihe quality went lo nothing," .said Wendell Sain, C h ie f Detention O ffic e r at the D avie C ounly Detention Ccmer. According to Sain, Irays were not the snme for all inmates which caused "tension." Suin asked the board lo ap­ prove n new contrnct wilh Arumurk, wliich look over at the end of Oclobcr. Aramark is asking for $1.36 per meal, plus $1,700 per week in udministrntlvc chnrges. The bonrtl hns tabled a deci­ sion while contract negotiations continue. R e z o n in g B r ie fin g The board heard a rezoning briefing on a 1.55 acres at 160 N .C . 901. The properly is zoned Residential-Agricultural. Rep­ resentutives from West Davie Power Equipment asked that it be rezoncd lo Highway-Business for a lawn mower sales and repair busine.ss. S u b d iv is io n P la t A p p r o v a ls Three final subdivision plal reviews were approved; Maple Knoll, u six lol single-family residential subdivision on Sain Road; and Iwo for Ihc final arens in Kinderlon’s phuse one develop­ ment. Phase IF is 11 lots on Bridgewater Drive and phase IG is 13 lots on North Forke Drive. B o a r d E y e s F ir s t R e s p o n d e r S u p p lie s Chair Ken White usked Ihe board lo consider using .some of the fire grant fimding thut wasn’t used this yenr for a new type of epinephrine shots that would be carricd by mcdicnl first respond­ ers. These shots cnn save lives when administered to people who are having a severe allergic reaction to Ihings like bee stings and peanuts. According to While there is a new mandate lhal would require Ihc new shots which cost approximately .$43 each, as op­ posed to the shots currently used which run less than $5 each. Ben Franklin Opens New Crafts Store In Kernersville Center Criifis conlinue to be popu­ lar, and everyone seems lo want to be able to make their ow n, D avid nnd G ayle Heiil'ncr suw this trend in 1981, when they opened Iheir firsl Ben Franklin Store in M ocksville, which specializes in crafi sup­ plies. N o w . Ben Franklin Crafts w ill open in the Charleston Shopping Center on Soulh M ain Slreet in Kenersville, the fourlh store for Ihe Heafners. T h e 25 ,0 0 0 square foot store features a large selection o f crafts, g ifts , fabric and framing. M r. Hcafner was associated with Roses Department Stores for 25 years before retiring and opening the M ocksvillc store. Th e y have three chil­ dren; M elinda, John Jr. and A n th o n y. M e lin d a lives in W ilson. The .sons are active in Ihe business. The second Ben Franklin store was opened in 1991 in Kannapolis. A n th o n y is the manager. The ihird store was opened in Green.sboro in 1994, which was clo.sed in Ju ly 2003. John look ovor as munager in 1996, and w ill be m anager o f the new Kernersville location. T H E $ 2 .5 0 CRYSTAL CLEANERS 3608 Clemmons Road, Clemmons 7 1 2 - 3 1 S 5 Night D rop & Drive-Thru M-F 7 AM-7PM • SAT. 8 AM-S PM Sam e Day Service W eekdays: In by 11a .m .; Saturday In by 10 a.m. EVERYDAY SPECIAL: MEN’S DRESSSHIRTS 990 each tninimumSrtoma [#С0МСТ>ГЕ1Ш;Е0'1«АСС111ШКГЛ'КЕЕ1'fkЛCKOF^^^^ •VbtJRORDER:. : < ', •LEA’raËRÀNDSUEDE • DIl/VPES ' • C0MIX5ÎITERS ANYSIZE $10 • DOWN LX)MI<4)R1'ËRS $25. !jjVP)DING GOWNS ♦ HEAVY COATS $6.00, REG, $¿¡50? WE NOW DO EXPRESS ALTERATIONS PANTS START A T Pants, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, | Vests, Shorts, Ties, Blazers | $ooo 6 9 c h $1.00 extra I il................---■ Dresses, Robes, Short Coats, ■ Jump Suits I 50 e a c h Minimum 3 Hems, Silks $2.00 extra I COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED WITH INCOMING ORDER Janet Lawson Earns Lowe’s Award Janet Lawson of Advance is a I’resident's Awiird winner at l.owes Foods. The awurd is given annually lo employees who exemplify the values of Lowes and serve as role models in the company. A Lowes employee tor 21 years. Lawson is cuslomer ser­ vicc manager. "She demands Ihe best results in every area of her responsibility, including cash mnnugement, cuslomer service, sanitation, supplies and wrap," snid Asheboro Store Manager Tony Harper, where Lawson works. Custom er feedback from comment cards and mystery shoppers routinely lead the com- pany. I ler co-workcs depend on her us a go-to person when help is needed for emergency staff­ ing. "The store takes great pride in Ihc fact lhal the corporate of­ ficc uses il as an example of cu.s- tomcr service," Harper said. "Lawson lias played un inlegrul role in crculing that perception." G A S TH A U S on the SQUARE Restaurant. Guesthouse & more! Announcing... S unday B runch Starting November 16th 11:00 am ‘til 2:30 pm F eat urinf; A S pecia l H runch M en u P rep a red B y C h e f M a yn a rd KII NoKiii Main .SmKKr I’iiovk: .W6-75I-7900 MikKSMI.I.K, nc 2702H KW: ,W S .U m i (¡A.S'IIIAU.S (III llu' ,S'(|iian.' I.I.C’ Artur lltk'li Onacr/Muiiiiiii'r N()\V Sk k v iNC ASKI.KCTION (If MtXKI) D k in k s Live Entertainmentl T H E A T T I C ({''> G iisih iiiis tin ih c Stiiu irc JAM@ THE HAUS Open Mic Night Saturday, Nov. 15th 8:00pm $3 Cover 556 S. Main St. • Hwy 601 (Located beside Welch Funeral Home) Bring this ad and receive: # 5% off on Markers & Singles Monuments 10% off Death Dates & Cleanings Good until March 31, 2004 Children Of Eden Davie High Fine Arts Department Students Presenting Production This Weekend Page D1 i i On^bre Round 'War£agles Beat Pagejv At M l Tabor Friday Page Bl D A V IE C O U N T Y e n t e r p r i /e A e c o r d ;Ü S R S !ÍI;4 9 -6 ()N um ber 47 , ' Thursday, Nov, 2 0 ,2 0 0 3 44 PA G ES G od H as A N ew A n g e l: 16 Year Old D ies In W reck By Mike Barnhiirdt D avie County Enterprise Record G od has a new angel. She’s right by H is side, helping the sick, the hurt, the sad, the lost. Lindsay Elizabeth Gales woke up happy Saturday morning. Joking and playing with her fa­ ther, B illy Gales, and getting orders for lunch for her father and brother, Seth G ales, she headed out the door. The three had gone their differ­ ent ways that m orning - her father Lindsay G aies to his new property on H igh R ock L a k e , her b roth er to get tires for h is new truck. A n d Lindsay had gone to do what she liked most - to help a friend. The 16-year-old D avie H igh School student headed for D ulin United M ethodist Church, where Ihere was a benefit for fellow stu­ dent and friend, Curt W ilson, who httd lost his foot in a lawnm ower accident in early September. She had helped Curt’s fam ily of­ ten. She bought candy days earlier and attached notes about the ben­ efit, handing thein out to students at Davie High, hoping to boost at­ tendance at the benefit. Lindsay never made it. Just a few m ile s from her father’s home, things went terribly liy ,Iackic Scabult Davie Coimty Enlcфrisc Recctd Long before ils start, area on­ lookers began gathering on the M o cksville downtown square for the annual veteran’s duy parade that began al I0;.40 a.m. on Nov, 11. Young and old stood on side­ walks waiting to watch the proces­ sion. The drumbeats of the Davie High School band could be heard ap­ proaching from their starting loca­ lion at the Firsl United Methodist Fam ily L ife Ccnter on M ain Street. M em bers o f the D avie H igh JR O T C marched iu unison as they carried United Stales, Norlh Caro­ lina, and M IA /P O W flags, Four cars w ilh Iheir convertible tops dow n transported vclerans wrong. According to N .C. Highw ay Pa­ trol Trooper J.R. Allred, her Datsun went o ff the road lo the right on W illia m s Road near C o rnatzer Road. It went inlo a broadsiide and h it a d itch em bankm ent. It cartwheeled in the air, landing in a field. A llre d said she m ay have been speeding, bul nol excessively. L in d sa y w as u n resp o n sive w hen firs l resp ond ers from C o rn atze r-D u lin Volunteer Fire Deparlm ent arrived minutes laler. Doctors al N .C. Baptist Hospilal in W inston-Salem said she died of brain injuries and never knew what happened. Lindsay G ales is still helping people, but now, from a m uch higher place. H er father said it was meant to be. G od knew what was happen­ ing, and that’s why Lindsay woke up happier lhan she had been in weeks. G od needed her, and deep down in her soul, she knew it, too. For more on Lin d say’s life and how she touched olhers, please lurn lo page 12 . W hat’s Going O n? Godbey Road Residents Concerned With Work After Rezoning Request Withdrawn Uy Kim .lustln Davie County Enterprise-Record Four Godbey Road area resi­ denls up.set with a building projeci in their neighborhood spoke oul at a D avie land developm ent plan workshop in H illsdale last week. In M arch, M id-South D rillin g and Blasling Com pany rcciiiested lo have 8.76 acres on Godbey Road rezoncd from Residenlial A g ricu l­ tural to Industrial Special U.se. The land, in Ihe middle of a .“iO-acre tract, would have housed equipment and m utcriuls, inelu din g explosives. Housing explosives was not men­ tioned when the planning board re­ view ed the rezoning and recom ­ mended it to the counly com m is­ sioners. The commissioners held a pub­ lic hearing where many members of Ihe local com m unity .spoke againsl Ihe rezoning. They came w ilh a pe­ tition against the rezoning signed by 6 19 residents. A l Ihe end o f tho hear­ ing, the commissioners tabled a de­ cision for further sludy. I’ leiise Sec Residents - Page 5 Lincoln Brock Faces Federal Firearms Charge Colton Nichols, 2, and his sister, Kierston, 7. attended the Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown Mocks­ ville. The two siblings represented the Disabled American Veteran’s Auxiliary. - Photo by Bob Corson We Remennber Davle Recognizes Contributions Of Veterans down M ain Street to the monument on the square. Members o f area girl scout and hoy scout troops carricd banners itnd flags as they made Iheir wiiy dow nlow n. One scout carried a homemade cardhoard sign that read, ‘Thanks For Our Freedom ’. Pastor Don Routh of Firsl Uniled M elhodisl Church opened the cer- 1‘leasc See Davle • Page 5 -------------J --- Uy .Jackie Suabolt Davie County Enterprise Record On Nov. 1 - the same day he was indicted by a grand ju ry in Davie County - .sherifrs department officials and agenis o f the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms arrested Lincoln M onroe Brock, .10, o f 209 Leisure Lane, M ocksville. Brock was laken into custody at his home and charged with firearms vio­ lations under federal law. He is being held in federal custody lU a site outside Ihe c o u n ty , acco rd in g lo a press release from the B rock sheriff’s deparlment. A detective would not comment on the numlier o f guns Brock had al the time o f the arresl or whal fa­ cility Brock was being held at in co n sid e ra tio n o f the attorney general’s ongoing involvement in the case, Brock was arrested in A pril 2003 and cliargcd with six felony drug charges. He was again arresled in Septem ber and charged w ith six more felony drug charges. Brock had been released from stale custody and was under a .li.300,000 bond at the lim e o f his arrest lasl week. Roarke WrighI, resident agenl in charge o f the ATF, said he believed Brock was in possession o f one gun al the time of his arresl. AT F involvem ent began after being contacted by Davie S h e riff’s Deparlm enl and the case qualified as a fed­ eral investigation. Wright said afler Brock’s initial firsl appearance on the currenl charges he was lurned over lo the custody ofthe U.S. M ar­ shals, pending further judicial ac­ tion. Brock was indicted by a grand jury lasl Thursday on six o f Ihe 12 drug violations for which he was pieviously arresled. Deadlines Early Next Week . ’ TlieiEnteipri^e Record w a dayearlyjiext week, so local ''.subscribers should get their newspaper in the mail on Wednesday. DetV^llin(;si for news and advcitisements., for this, issue is at 3 p.m. I Friday, Nov. 21, • , 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20,2003 Exjitorial DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdiiy, Nov. 20, 2003 — Demon Book Shouldn’t Be In School Let’s Invent In The M a il... A TV Remote Without Legs Defending Rights Of Unborn Babies W hich o f m an’s invcniions has been Ihc mosl helpful? Some have said it’s ihe refrigeralor. The lelephone. The aulom obile. The airplane. Tlie Thermos botlle. Wc can fly nil over the world. Talk lo people around ihe globe. Keep food from spoiling. Even buy meals already cooked, and Ihcy don’l lasle lhal bad. Inventors are always coming up w ilh gim m icks to make life ... easier. Less complicated. M orc fun. They often seem to have the opposite effect, especially when the electricity fails, which always seems to happen at the lenst convenient limes. I’m particularly fond o f the television remote invention. The clicker. It’s prelly im porlanl al my house — right up there wilh the refrigerator, w ell ahead o f the telephone, and we may not even have a working Thennos bottle. Everyone in the house wants the T V remote. Bul no one can ever seem lo Find il. I’ve found it in the bathroom. The kitchen. Outside. I’ve found il buried in the .sofa. Under the sofa. On lop o f the sofa. And sometimes, I haven’t found it at all. Does it have hidden legs? Like lasl week. It went missing in action for five days. It was us hard to find as Osama bin Laden and that Saddam fellow. We had to change the T V chann el... by hand, ll was awful. I was about 5 when my fam ily’s first television arrived. Il was aniazing. W hen "Lassie" or “ Fury” or anyone got in trouble, I ran oul o f the room, too scared lo watch, ll took me aw hile to understanding the concept o f acting. It seemed real — even if it was black and w hile and on a tiny screen, B ul when wc wanted to changc the channcl, w c jumped y up nnd cranked the dial. We were thrilled to do il. It was an honor. T h d e were only liuee or four channels then. Now, wc get 40-something, I’ve never been able lo : accurately count. But no matter how muny channels we get, there never seems to be anylhing on. So we point the remote and click furiously — sure lhal there’s .something exciting if we go ihrough the channel menu one m orc time. Bul if the remole is missing, channel siirllng comes to a quick end. One friend said he had four remotes, jusl in case one got lost. A ll four o f them got lost. It’s time for a new invention — this one to finally make life less complicated, less stressful and more enjoyable. Instead o f .sofa lhal eats remotes, some intrepid furniture maker should make a sofa wilh a built-in remote. A remote thal can’l be moved, can’l be lost, can’t be taken to the bathroom. C an’t be tucked inlo the pillow s, Cun’t be dropped — .scattering batteries and com puler chips across the floor. C an’t be dropped into the bathtub — ending its function forever. Thut invention — if made in Am erica — might reverse the fortunes o f our furniture induslry. People would have more free lim e on their hands sincc they would no longer have to devote hours to Pinding the remote. We would be nicer to each other. No more false accusations. N o more fal.se denials. We would have the remole, and we could click al w ill. O f course, Ihere still wouldn’t be anylhing worlh watching. That would require anolher invention. — Dw ight Sparks D A V IE C O U N T Y U S P S 149-160) 171 S. Main St., P.O , Box 99, Mocksville, N C 270ZB (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by the Davie Publishing Co, Dwight Sparks..................................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson...........................................General Manager Mike Barnhardt................................................Managing Ediior Ray Tulterow.....................................................Advertising Direclor Brian Pitls..............................................................Sporis Editor Mary Lynne Baysinger.............................CIrculallon/Classilied Mocksville Enterprise Oavie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 ,1899-1958 1901-1971 Periodicals Poslngo,Pnid in Mocksville, N C 27028 Subscription Rales Single Copy, 50 Cents .$20 Per Year In N .C ,, $25 Outside N .C . P O S T M A S T E R Send Address Chiinges to; Davie County Enlerprise Rccord R O . Box 99, Mocksvillc, N C 27028 To the ediior; Thirty years ago, on Jan, 2 2 ,1973, Ihc U.S. Supreme Courl liiiiulcd down IWO decisions that made iiborlion on demand a reality. Since then, Roc vs. Wade and Doc vs. Bolton havo resullcd in Ihc murder of over 44 million defenseless babies. Using techniques that are too grotesque lo even describe, these babies were subjected to barbaric practiccs and acls of violence again.si their persons that would rival Ihe torture chambers of the Dark Ages. Forly-four million babies' righl lo life has been taken away by Ihcir very mothers, and the mother’s womb has become by far the mosl dangerous place in America loday. We cry loud and long aboul violence on school campuses - and rightly so. We pursue terrorists across Ihe globe and go lo war wilh those who perpetrate violence against us, bul abortion has killed more people and wasted more human potential lhan all of America’s wars pul together. Wilh no regard for Ihe rights of the unborn lo life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - rights that every "person" is guaranleed under Ihe ConstiUilion, we throw babies away al the rale of over 4,000 per day. It is easier for a teenager lo gel an abortion than it is for Ihcm lo take a school field trip. They have lo have Iheir parent or guardian’s permission for the hitter. The writer o f Proverbs tells us thal God hales hands lhal shed innocent blood (Prov. 6i 17). Surely the wrath of God cannot long be stayed againsl a nation lhal denies personhood to ihc unborn and plays games wilh words and theories lhal we all know, deep down inside, are nonsense. Wo all know when life begins! We all know Keeping Editor Humble To Ihe editor; December 13 nl 10 a.m .. Advance will again meet the challenge of having the biggest Chrislmas parade in Davie Counly. Roy Ackland of Fox 8 “ Roy’s Folks" will be the grand marshal of this, our ninth parade. The Davie County Rockeltes will be our special guests. Wc were lucky 10 have booked Ihem early. They put on a show-stopping acl thal will bedazzle you. Santa will be riding wilh our volunleer firefighters and their fanli­ lies on the fire truck. This year, he’s working hard to make sure all Ihc children get a special treat. As our entries have grown, we realize we are going to be short of help wilh one of the most important jobs of Ihe parade. Dwighi Spurks, wc humbly ask for your help. We realize lhat Mocksville has bestowed you with a grcul honor — grand marshal — even including a court of beautiful girls. Wc in Advancc strive to keep ovir most important ciiizens humble. Keeping that in mind, we ask you lo join our distinguished pooper scooper brigade. As you have pointed oul lo us, we muy be short sonic dignitaries ihis year und this job would not involve riding a donkey, jusl what a donkey would leave behind. Dwighi, wc sincerely hope you will meel this challenge, and we will do our best lo keep you humble. Linda Carter Advance (lulilor's Note: Mr. Sparks pnfcrs a well appoimed limous'me). Speeders At School To the ediior; I would like to make a suggestion to raise money for William R. Davie School. On any given day while school is in .session, police could give out speeding tickets all day. The speed limit is 3.5 mph und no one slows down at all, especially the tractor trailers. You might consider installing fiashing lights to bring their atten­ tion to the facl that it is a school zone, I hope you don’l wait until something happens before you do something to corrcci the problem. Eileen Smilh Mocksville Asleep At The Wheel? To the editor; Wilh ull the concern and worry aboul zoning changes in Duvie County, isn’t il ironic lhal rotating beacons udvertising a fasl-food joint were ruining Ihc night .sky practically nexl door lo the public meeting in the funeral parlor? Someone is uslecp at Ihc wheel and blind. Bert Buhnson Advance thal the unborn are human beings! Birlh is simply a change in loca­ lion, nol in essence! As I'ur buck as Moses, there were prohibitions againsl injuring Ihc imbom because Ihey were recognized as human beings. We have known sincc 1826 when and how life begins, und our laws und vulues for the most part upheld the sanctity of human life, even of Ihe unborn, unlil 1973. "Righteousness exalts a nation, bul sin is a reproach to uny people." To quote u portion of a 1996 prayer by Joe Wright of the Kansas Legislature, he prayed; "Woe to Ihosc who call evil good and lhat is exactly whal wc have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium. We have inverted our values. W e... have ridiculed Ihe absolute truths of (God's) Word in the name of moral pluralism. “ We have worshipped other gods and callcd it multi-culturalisni. "W c have endorsed perversion and called il ‘an allernulive lifestyle.’ We have exploited the poor and callcd il a lottery. We huve neglecled ihe needy and called il sclf-prcscrvalion. We have rewarded laziness and callcd il welfare. " ... in Ihe name o f‘choice,’ we have killed our unborn and Ihen, in the name of ‘right to life,' we have killed abortionists and called il justifiable." Wc have become so twisted in our sense of right und wrong us a people lhat we even allow partial birth abortions of babies as they are being born — without anc.slhcslu. Finully, this week. President Bush signed u new luw banning Ihis practice, bul almost immedi­ ately, a nonelccted judge wilh no accounlabilily to anyone signed an injiuiclion preventing the implementution of the new luw. So the slaughter will go on indefinitely while we conlinue to deny Ihe personhood of Ihe unborn. Shame on America! Sincerely, Neal E.ssic Mocksville Friends Support Wife While Soldier’s In Gulf To Ihe ediior; 1 have asked that the Dnv/c County Enterprise Record publish this letter so lhal I cun formully Ihunk m y neighbors und friends for their service and kindness lo me while m y husband was serving in the Persian G ulf. He arrived home on Saturday, Nov. 15, after being away since Ihe end of July. M y friends and neighbors havo set tho example for tho nntlon by . looking after me nnd my two sons while hc was gone. They have done Ihe following Ihings lo show Iheir support und friendship to us (myself and my two sons) while he was uway serving overseas; helped repair a luwnmower, cul the grass, loaned me a lawnmower, uttemptcd lo fix the trimmer, drove my son to basebull practice, picked him up and the list goes on. They arc an example to ihe muliitudes who cun express their gratitude for Ihose currenlly in the military and our veterans. So, lo our friends and neighbors in Countryside and East Ridge, I want lo tell you how much I’ve iipprcciulcd what you have all done. If the rcijt of America showed support to our men and women in service, they would never be forgotten or unappreciutcd for their immcusur- able sacrifice, Lori Perkins Advance [ ' Letters Welcdmed The Enterprise Record welcomes letters from ils read- .ers. The letters may be on topics of local, state, national or Inteniationall.ssiies. t, An effort will be made to print all letters, provided thiiy are not libelous, vulgar or in poor taste. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and for space. All letters .should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature. A telephone number, not to be published, is also requested. PleiVse have letters in the newspaper office no later than 4 p,m, Mpn'day of the week to be published. Dayle County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to; emews@davie-enteiprise.com. Got An Opinion? A dd your vo le lo our w eekly online poll that asks questions affecting you and D avie County. Log on at w w w .enterprise-record.co m and click on read er's poll to cast your vote. R esults will be listed here w eekly. Has the sale of alcoholic beverages harmed the Town of Mocksville? Log on now to cast your vote. www.enterprlse-record.com Yes, 2 2 % N o , 7 8 % To Ihc editor; lo everyone thut reads or hears these words, I pray lhal Ihe Lord will give you ears lo hcur und eyes lo see. Lasl week, my sccond grader al a Davie County elementary school cunic home with a report lhal he had written from a book callcd 1 he Popcorn Book." The book was aboul un Indiun legend that said Ihcrc were demons in the popcorn. M y son had lo draw a pic­ ture of the demon und write a small report callcd "M y Popcorn De­ mon.” 1 was sliockcd, to say ihe leusl. I wrote a letter lo his teacher, explaining lo her lhal rny husbund and 1 ure raising our children to be Christians, und that if it is against the luw lo teuch about Jesus, Ihen she wus certainly nol going to leach my child aboul demons, and Ihul she should be ashamed of herself for compromising Jesus. The ncxl day, 1 wenl lo see Ihe principul. When I showed her Ihe report wilh the picture, it didn'l appear to be as shocking for her as il wns for me, I explained to her how I fell thal Ihis is unacceptable for my child lo do. She wus very sweel, bul uppeured lo huve no underslanding uboul whul I was suying, I asked her about the demon they huve locked up in a glass box in the library. It is the demon from the Harry Poller books and movies, I usked her why il is acccptuble to have thut in the library and nol have Jesus hanging on a cross in the library. She slated thut she had .seen the Hany Potter movies but suw nothing wrong with them, I expiuincd lo licr thal Harry Potter is a witch and thal Harry Potter’s evil enemy is a svitch. They both have the sume powers, und their power comes from the sume source, only Ihcy make Hurry Poller the good one, Harry Poller breaks every biblical principle (The Ten Command­ ments), People, we have to wake up and look ut whal Ihe world is offering ourchildrcn for educalion und entertainment, 1 expiuincd lo the principul that she would one day have to stand before a Holy Ood and have to unswer lo Ihe Ihings tliat she allowed G od’s little children lo he exposed lo, Wc, us parents, will huve to unswer lo those questions concerning our children, the children God gave lo us. It's ull in the Bible in black and white. "Choose this day whom you will serve." I received u leller sent home lhal evening with my sccond grader from his teucher who suid lhat she was sorry if she offended me, but lhat the book or the projcct had nothing to do with Christianity. Wake up. God says you are ei­ ther for Him or against Him . It's bluck or while, no gray and no compromise. Harry Potter is uboul witches and witchcruft. Witchcnifl is u reli­ gion lo some people, whelher we choose lo believe thut or not. De­ mons are from Satan; people worship Satan and demons. If we can’l have Jesus in the schools, Ihcn we shouldn’t have occult religions in our schools either. A Family’s Thanks To Ihc editor; We, the family of Debornh “ Debby" Frye Burgess, would like lo express our sincere appreciation lo everyone who has been so kind 10 us during our recent loss, Wc suy “ thank you" lo everyone who callcd us, sent fiowers und cards, brought food or camc by to visit us. Your concern und caring T have helped us Ihrough a very clifficull timo, Debby louched so many lives as was evident to us by the tremen­ dous lumout of her extended family, coworkers past und present, and many, many friends on the night of her memorial service, Il was a blessing to our hearts, Wc lhank the doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who compassionately allcnded lo Debby during her illness, Debby was very conscientious and regretted missing any days al work. We ure especiully grulcful to John und Shcllu ul Carollnu Furni Credit for going ubove and beyond to accommodate her many doc­ tors’ appointments and trentment schedules, nnd for boosting her spirits wlicn she wns uble to work. Thul meuni so much to her nnd lo us, Agnin, thank you, and may Qod bless you. Roy L , Burgess, Cliad and Krisli, Slatesville George & Gwen Frye, George Frye Jr„ Mocksvillc School Board’s Message To the editor; Wc want to express our heartfelt gratitude lo our ciiizens for overwhelmingly pa.ssing Ihc $8,8 million .school bond on Nov. 4, 2003. Wilh this money, urgently needed new classrooms, urt, music and resource rooms will be buill at Cooleemee, M ocksvillc, Pinebrook und Shudy Grove elementary schools to handle studenis already in our system. A crilicully needed gym will be buill al Mocksville Elenienlury. The 1955 bnthroorns nt Dnvie High will be renovated, along wilh science lab upgrades und new bathrooms and improvements at the cufeleria and alhlctic stadium. Norlh and Soulh Davie middle schools will be able lo do roofing and H V A C repairs. Tiiank you, Davie County, for your generosity and for investing in our children. Wc recognize thal Ihis urgent first step only begins lo nddress the $44 million in facility needs addressed liy the countywidc task force in 2002. Wc ure slill hundreds ofsludcnis over cupncilynl our high school und middle schools. We must ihink nhend und prepurc for these current needs. We npprccialc Jonn Carter, Diane Foster and Ihc Chamber of Commerce for working so hard to puss the bond. Thnnk you to the counly commissioners, ninyors nnd town councils of Cooleemee, Mocksville und Bermudn Run Ibr Ihcir endorsements. The Concerned Ciiizcns I'or Children, led by Lindu Mnce, gnve vital support us well. Plensc come nnd celehrnle wilh us on Dcc. 1, 2003, us wc breuk ground for $3,370,000 in renovutions ut Willinm R . Dnvie Elenien- tary. Tlic Board of Education has awarded this base bid to Davie County conlraclors I lcndrix-Corriher; and we anticipate Ihut the results of this bond vote will boost mnny locnl businesses nnd sub- contrnclorsaswcll, Our bonrd hns voted lo accept Ihe Mebane Foundution s $750,IK)0 chullenge grunt, to mise $1.5 million in privule money in u one- yenr period, beginning April 1,2004. Thunk you to Michelle Speas, executive director, for spenriiending n landmark opportunity to druw our communities logelher nnd invest in our schools. We nre proud lo serve you, and lo serve our children. Davie Counly Bonrd of Educntion; Dnvid Owens, Debbie Binghnm Pullen, Murtin Carter, Dr. Regina Gruham- Hnuscr, Carol Livengood, Marlene Shamel I have a voice ns a spirit-llllcd Christian. 1 am asking Ihosc who rend Ihis and understund lo plensc write a letter, send u note or call. Let the editor know thal you will nol stand in ugrccment wilh Ihis. Let's mnke n difference. There is nothing, ubsolutely nothing thul is irnpo.ssiblc with God. Let's get Hurry Potter oul of Ihe schools. Let's remove ull occult mutcrials from our children's classrooms. Let our voices be as one. In unity, let us stand before our Lord Jesus Christ and pleud for our children und their futures. Toniu D . Carter Mocksvillc Hospital, EMS Acted Quickly To Help Husband To the editor; O n Oct. 20, my husband rushed me to Davie County Hospital, which is only five minutes from onr house. The i(iiulificd stuff im- mediulcly begun lo slubilize me for irnnsfcr to Forsyth Medicnl Cen­ ter. Thanks to Dr. Fisher, Rachcl Howard, Sue Allen and the olher slaff on duly for Iheir quick response. I urn also proud wc have such caring EM S attendants. 1 used their services twice in one week. Thanks lo Dr. Edwards for making ur- ningements wilh Dr. Weeks for me lo rcluni llic sccond lime wilh a room nlready ussigned lo me. This may be u smull lown, but il is very big in heart. DcWillu Dull Smilh Mocksvillc Flyers • Raffle Tickcls • Brochures • I'rograms Labels • Custom Sclf-Inklnu Stamps Invitations ■ Political & Campaign Needs Signs • Advertising Spccialttcs • Page Layout & Design Vchicle Magnets • Sports Magnets ^ Fast T urn-around ^ Q uality P rinting & Typesetting ^ Service you can count on ^ Experienced Personnel ^^Contact Dan CampBciTor Angie France Simply email, fax or call. . .________ nclIonprints®yadlcl.net fx 336/ 679.'1‘100 ph. 336/ 679.4447 Yadkinville, N C HUilUN /p rin tin g INC Announcing the Premiere Showing 2003 Official Davie County Christmas Ornament First United Methodist Church M ocksville, N o tih C arolina Ornament Signing by artist Dempsey Essick Sunday, November 23,2003 2:00 - 4:00 p.nn. Gasthaus on the Square 101 North Main Street - Mocksville The "limited edition” ornament is 13th In a series of annual Issues featuring Historic Mocksville and Davie County landmarks. 2003 ORNAMENT-$7.00 Sold al area merchants, banks. Town Hall, and Ihe Chamber ol Commerce beginnlnB Nov. 25 Prior Year Ornaments - $8.00Sold at the Chamber ol Commerca Ornamenl proceeds go to l-llsloric Davie - Hometown Chrislmas Enjoy Shopping at the ^ ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE ^ Downtown Mocksville Shops \ Open Sunday, Nov. 23 • 1 -6 p.m. r ie a lth Ro w a n R e g io n a l MUDICAI. CHNTUR November Classes & Events Community Programs I Support Groups com. Diabetes Screening—$15 fee An individual consullallon wilh a ccrtiiied diabelcs educator Participants gel a iingerslick blood glucose lest and arc assessed on llieir risks for developing diabelcs. Tliis screening is by appoint­ ment only. Screenings nre held at; Educalion Si Wellness Oulpalient Services liuilding, 721 Grove St., Salisbuiy. Call (704) 638-1437 for an appointment or for more inlofiTialion. Educational Programs LdoIc Good, Ftel Better A ll American Cnncer Society program that teaclies cancer patients lecliniciues lo address llie cosmelic side eiiects of treatment. Call (704) 278-0992 for an appointment or for more inlormalion. Support Groups ADHD Support Group Provides support nnd ccliication for larcnls of children with Atlcnlion Deficit -lyperactiviiy Disorder November 25 • 6:30 p.m., Salisbuiy^ Pediatric Associates, 129 Woodson St., Salisbuiy. Cali (7Q4) 6 3 ( ^ 7 6 for more informalion. AWAKE (Alert, Well And Keepin« Eneryellc) Provides a social and educational fonim for anyone with a sleeping disorder Caii the Sleep Medicine Center of Salisbury al (704) 637-1533 for meeting information. Cannae Support Group Provides support and educalion for cardiac patients, people who are al high risk for henrl disease and tlieir families. This group meets the third Tuesday of the monlh during Febniary, June and Oclober • 7 p.m., Cardiac Rehabilitalion & Wellness Center, 2nd floor, Kiser Medical Olfice Building, Rowan Regional Medical Center Call (704) 2 1 0 5 4 1 2 fa more infgmatipn. Coping lArttli Grief Support Group Provides support for those dealing willl die loss of a loved one. Sponsored by Rowan Regional Home hleallli s< Hospice. Day and evening support groups nre available. Call (704) 637-7645 for more information, Prostate Canc^ Support Group Offei-s support and educnlion lor people with prostate cancer and proslale cancer suivlvoi's. November 20 • 5;.W p.m., Uirge Conference Room, Rowan Regional Medical Center Cali (704) 63^ 0942 or (704) 2 1 05104 fa m ae infamation, Nurse - On - Duty For routine, non-emci'gcncy mcdical problems or ior answers lo your nicclicnl ciucstioiis, call Nurse-On-Duty 24 hours a clay, seven days a week. It's fire. 1-800-335-4921 Women’s Healtii All classes meet in the Women's Heallh Cenicr, 3rd floor, Rowan Regional Medical Cenler Call (704) 2 1 0 5 5 4 4 lo register or for more information. Getting Ready for Baby Pre-Admission Class Tliis clnss prepares new parenls for what lo expect prior lo delivery. Leam the signs of pre-tcmi labor, know when to come to the hospital; and review important policy and registration infomintion. Classes ai'e offered eveiy Tuesday at 3 p.m. New molheni need to sign up for the one-time class between the 22nd and 28th week of their pregnancy. There is no charge for the clnss, but space is limited. Every 3rd Wednesday of the monlh, this class will be offered in Spanish._____ Blood Pressure Clinic Clinic Eveiy Wednesday from 9 a.m. - noon, a free blood pressure clinic is held in the main lobby of Rowan Regionni Medical Center. Volunteer nurses conduct the clinic. Free parking is provided in the medical centers parking garage on Henderson Street. R ow an Regional M edical G enter offers a variety of health and wellness education t h - classes. For m ore information or to register for any classes or support groups, Rl i\\ A \ Rl ( .K i.NjAi call (704) 210-5000 6 1 2 M o c ks v ille A v e n u e , S alisb u ry, N o rth C a ro lin a 2 81 4 4 4 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERl’RISE RECORD, Tliursday. Nov. 20. 2003 Ed B ro y h iii W ants To F ollow H is Father To C ongress (First nf (III omisiniuil series ahoiit ihe candidates for U.S. Ctmnress for the Sth Districl.) Uy Dwight Sparks Duvic Counly Eiiler|msc Rccord He bears one of Ihc landmaric names in Ihc Republican Party’s emergence in Norih Carolina. Now he wanls lo follow his father's foolsleps lo Congress. Ed Broyhiii says he knows about Ihe responsibilities of Con­ gress. "When 1 was 5 years old, my father was cicclcd to Congress. Wc always Irealed his congres­ sional service as a family affair." Young Ed rode wilh his father on campaign trips, spent time as an inlem in Ihe office and helped with thc iTiatl. "I licked Ihc sininps on many of Ihosc letters. I grew up know­ ing what public service was and what Ihe job is, whal ihe role of thc congressman is and thc over­ all commitmcnl lhat is required," he said. His father. Jim B ro yh iii, served in Ihe Houseof Rcprescn- liilivcs 25 years. Democratic leg­ islatures gerrymandered his dis­ lricl repeatedly, finally giving up on ever defeating him. Hc slood for 13 elections. Hc was ap­ pointed lo Ihe U .S . Señale by Ihen Gov. Jim Marlin. Broyhiii, Í0 , said President George W. Bush was a chiidhoo<l aci|iiainlance while their fathers served logclher in Washington. Current 5lh dislricl Congressman Kichard Burr was a college class­ mate. Tlie Broyhiii name has been a conicrslone oflhe G O P, and he is banking on ihnt. "Thai has canted me a lol of crilicism from m y opponenis, and it's Inie lhat my dad has pro­ vided me a fabulous amounl of influence based on his c.\peri- cncc in Ihe pasl, and I'n) proud of il, and 1 will be laking il wilh me 10 Wasbinglon. Hc has done for me as his falher did for him ." ' His campaign slogan incor­ porates the Ihenie, “ Broyhiii for Congress, « North Carolina tra­ dition." Thai tradition has been out of office for a long lime und mny nol hold the snme influence over a new generation o f voters. Broyhiii louts thc endorsement of fomier President Gerald Ford, who lefi oflice 27 years ago. The Broyhiii name also means furniture. His grandfalher and namesake, J.E . Broyhiii. wus the founder of Broyhiii Indus­ tries. Ed Broyhiii has personally suffered the highs and lows thul Shaw Awards Honorary Degree To Williams Richard W . W illiam s, Sr., president and C E O of Williams Companies in Advance, hus been awarded an honorary degree doc­ torate of humane lellcrs by Shaw University located in Raleigh. The honorary degree was con­ ferred during Ihe Founder's Day convocation Ocl. .11. Williams suid, "I am indeed honored to have received ihc honorary degree Doctorate of Humane lellers from Shaw Uni­ versily. Certainly, I arn excited nbout our future partnership lo bencfil the suidenls of Shaw Universily." W illiam s Companies Inc., founded in 1971, is the parent company of the subsidiary com- punies: Williams Medical Tex­ tiles, Inc., T .R C . International, Inc., RJ Transports Inc.. Value Clothing, Inc., and Inlcrnalional Housing, Inc. G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Auto Paint 7 6 6 ^ 1 4 8 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons have visiled thal industry. A l one time, he was Ihc dar­ ling of furniture murketing - his Edgar B furniture company in Clemmons became an interna­ lional relailerof fine furnilurc - commanding big sales in New York. Florida, Chicago and Cali- foniia. He established the company out of collegc. buying the old Clemmons School. Thc busine.ss mushroomed. A l ils peak, it had 140 employees wilh another indirectly involved in the com­ pany. He sold to movie stars and millionaires. Barburu Bush shopped al Edgar B when she ncedcel furni­ ture for the fam ily home at Kennebunkport. Maine. Edgar B advertised in the New York Times. Broyhiii was a guest on Ihc "Oprah W infrey Show " and "Good Moming America." M a­ jor business magazines featured him. He designed furniture for Clinl Eastwood. Edgar B operated from 1978- y.“! - selling furniture hy tele­ phone and catalog in a way never seen before. New Yorkers could buy furniture at North Curolinu prices, bypassing locul retailers. Bul it didn'l last. Edgar B filed for hankniplcy - a personal hum iliation lo Broyhiii und his fnmily in 199.“). Angry customers from across the nation. Ihcir money locked in a bankruptcy proceeding, said some unllallering things about B ro yh iii. Those memories haven't died. Already, thal bank­ ruptcy has surfaced as a factor in Ihe campaign - a piecc of his pasl lhal won't go away. Thc internet sile. »'ww.HaiikniiitUroyhill.idiii al- lempls lo .scuttle Ihe campaign in this way; "Edgar Broyhiii is bankrupt of political and business iilcas. Edgar Broyhiii iried lo make a living off his grandfather’s repu­ tation in thc furnilurc business. It cost his dad over $1(1 million and Edgnr filed bankruptcy. N o w , nfter fulling in' his grandduddy's business. Edgur wunts to use his dnddy’s name and try politics. North Curolinu does not need this, nor do Rcpub- licans need a rich failure irying live off Ihc goodwill lhal his daddy created over his years of public .service to Norih Caro­ lina." Broyhiii said Edgar B was caught in a vise created by the furniture makers trying to regain control of their prices. They de­ manded lhal Iheir retailers build “ When one compares the credentials of these candidates against Ed „ Broyhiii, you will find Ed | Broyhiii has made sacrifices for this party. I will continue in the building of the Repub- lican Party.’’ - Ed Broyiiill huge galleries and quit .selling oul of Iheir regions. There were tO.(K)(l furniture retailers then. Now iherc are less than 1 ..“itX). he said. "All tho.se rules were crcaled as a resull of Edgar B , und Ihey were meanl to stille compelilion. especially in the Northeast," Broyhiii suid. He called Edgur B an idea ahead of ils lime. "The industry forbids Ihut mclhod of retailing. Thai method of reluiling was basically dis­ count prices - the Walmart pro­ gram and strategy. Unfortunately, Ihe consumers now have lo pay higher prices for ihcir product, and il’s led lo thc loss of jobs in Ihe furniture industry. Il was in­ sane." Despite Ihe hunriliation, Broyhiii said lie handled Edgar B's failure responsibly. "I feci like I re.solvcd the clos­ ing of thal business in Ihe mosl judicious way possible. The em­ ployees' health insurance was paid off 100 percenl. The em­ ployees owed me a six-figure debt for furniture purchases, w'hich I paid off. I resolvcti Ihe liability of lhat company. The Irustce of lhal company was paid by me personally. "You lake risks in life. That was the hardest year of my life, and I puid the price. 1 huve re­ built over the la.si 10 years since lhal lime and helped olher busi­ nesses survive as an investment banker so they could gel Ihrough hurd times. "I've hud my ups und downs in business. I've had five or six succe.sscs in life, and I've had a dram atic failure here in Clemmons, .somelhing Ihey felt very personally. Bul I've had nothing lo be embarrassed uboul because I had liic heart lo go oul and Iry. The furniture liuluslry is nol for ihe faint of henrl. "I identify very clearly wilh Ihc Ihousands who have lost their jobs and lost Ihcir I'urnilurc fac­ tories. Adversity has huill a sense of slrenglh and churuclcr. M y business still exists here in Fo r m e r D ist r ic t C o u r t Ju d g e MARK S. CULLER is pleased lo anmunce iluu he is now miihihle to represent clients in the Davie County Courts and lhat he has opened an office for the practice of law MARK S. CULLER A t t o r n e y a t Law 2 6 C o u r t S q u a r e M o c k s v il l e , N C 2 7 0 2 8 ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1-2 9 18 Oi-ria: I kniiis: M o n d a y - ¡'ihimy ii:30 AM - 5:.W PM Ctiisus'.M CmKC.i.s ♦ lK.M n(:(:ii.M ioNS ♦ Diu u k i ♦ (.h u h C iisiiiih C H III) V lSllM lH S ♦ ♦ Sil'.SRNMOS A u «lls> »sts n ism m i/n n so i .Mw i.m rn o riK iv .v .n O iiti’. ♦ Aij.m dsv )! nnCMKl.S’ i U (*«« )J{ Q II Jlir OKI )| KS A iriiH iim in A (i.in i.s'is4 (:i\ ’ji a.s h Ch im in ai I klm-s .ihf.ul)' )IHV .m .Ht.in.y.'r 1/ ilui^ 1> .III Mionuy iWh> \vu. UfUM'lh.it,lit,>nuy. ii.ihMii.Kf.rni,-); ,Mr ( ull.n utih liny <>t lbi‘ l,\\(,il vii-uit ht,-,!,il<,iv. Clemmons and is open to ihe public, making a contribution to thc community." Broyhiii operates the O ld Clemmons School di.scouni fur­ niture business. He donated land for Ihc Clemmons Library to be built beside thc old school. The furniture industry's plight is purl oflhe call Broyhiii feels for Congress. Hc said thc industry and ils muny employees - a criticnl purl of the .“iih district’s manufactur­ ing base - needs help. “ Ccriainly the trade agree­ ments that have been decided upon in Ihe last 10 years have had a dramatic impact on the indus­ try. At lieart, I’m a free trader, but I'm appalled al the lack of re­ sponse of Ihe federal govemment ut Ihe climate of trading jobs overseas. "Most of the counties have been totally unprepared for the loss of industry and the abilily lo recruit new industry lo replace Ihese jobs. Il has creaicd a sig­ nificant passion in me, given Ihe fact my family has been involved in Ihe industry, und I worked in Ihe factories as a kid." His own homelown, Lenoir, has been hurl by the loss of fur­ niture jobs, "This is not, to me, just an economic issue. What 1 see is a nalional security issue. Most of our manufacturing and textile products ure now mude in u com­ munist nulion that hus not in years gone by been friendly lo the United States. "If a disugreement over Tui- wan or Soulh Korea came up, who's lo say they couldn’t hold us hostage as O P E C has done wilh oil," He .said China has kept is cur­ rency al an arlificiully low level lo help ils Irude. "W e’re a silting goo.se for a nightmare. I need to becomc an advocate lo nttrnct others, bolh industrial and civic, and recruit Ihose in need of help and Iry to make a movem ent to create change in Washington. D C ." he said. He has foniicd the Broyhiii Jobs Council and is recruiting other silting Congressmen lojoin him. "We have a plun lo Iry to iden­ tify grants and aid to have an im­ pact on the counties' infrastruc­ ture. Muny of the counlics need new water and sewer systems. Wilkes Counly has un nirport thnt hus been shut dow n. Yadkin County's wuler system needs a new reservoir. Iredell County's transportation system is botllencckcd. Alleghany County has 14 to 15 percenl unemploy- mcn! bccause ils transportation system is inadequntc. “ M y efforts would be to find grants nnd aid lo help the coun­ ties improve their infrnstruclure nnd recruit new industry." But the furniture industry can't simply be allowed lo wither away, he snid. “ The fedcrnl governm ent needs lo slep in nnd provide lonn gunrantees ihrough Ihe Small Business Adm inistration and comc up with novel approaches for equity guarantees, and it needs lo expand the i|ualifica- tions for industries beyond just those who are profiiabie so they cnn ride out thc recession." Furniture mnnufnclurers arc liaving trouble finding loans. "There arc very few people willing to invesi in old economy munulucluring," Broyhiii said. "Tlie federal government ought to address that immediately. "I'm going to attain some of Ihe money George Bush hns promised fortruining and retrain­ ing. The 5th districl has been hit hardest by trade with China, and wc need our fair share." Broyhiii said thc problem isn't just China. Part of thc blame lies with furniture makers who want to move overseas to maintain their high margins. Chinese-m ade furniture - once a joke - now bears construc­ tion and rmi.shing qualities equal to domeslic products. Bul nol all mnnufaclurcrs want to move. "There ure a few who truly want lo keep those jobs here," Broyhiii said. Bul thc industry has long changed from Ihc old fnm ily-dom inated businesses such as his grnndfalhcr's, He is tackling Ihe cnmpnign with an ambitious schedule. He hns callcd in lots of his fnlhcr's friends lo help. In nddi­ lion lo President Ford, he hns been endorsed by former Sens. Jesse Helm s nnd Lauch Fnirclolh. In Davie Counly, N .C . Sen. Andrew Brock is a member of Ihe campaign staff. Brock’s falher, Ihe late Rufus B ro ck, cam puigned for Jim Broyhill's eariy congressional races. His grandfather and J.E . Broyhiii were early leaders of the O O P . Brock is serving as political direclor of the campaign. B ro yh iii has published u cookbook und has gone across the district - nine o f the 10 coun­ ties which at one time or another were served by his father. He has hired a professional stuff und is pumping a lot of his own money into the effort. But the race is crowded. At least 10 Republicans have said they plun to be In the primary next year. Some are young. Some are experienced. Some have money, and some don’t. The crowded field is a testi­ m ony, B royhiii says, lo the growth and maturity of the Re­ publican Party. “ All the candidates ure good people. I like to be a Republican who’s proud o f the number mn- ning for this seat. 1 remember thc days when Iherc were very few Republicans willing lo take a risk. There’s a sense of uccom- plishment for the Republican Party. But when one compares the credentials of these candi­ dates agninst Ed Broyhiii. you will find Ed Broyhiii has made sucrifices for this pnrly. I’ve been involved as a chairman, fund raiser to help elect everyone from Jesse Helms to Richard Burr. I will continue in the building of Ihe Republieun Pnrly us a com- pnssionnle member of Congress. Mis campaign has crcaled a website with campaign nows, www.broyhiUjohs.com. James Edgar Broyhiii wns bom in 1954 in Lenoir. In 1976, while enming his master of busi­ ness administration at Wake For­ est U n ive rs ity, he mnrried Melanie Pennell. Tiiey have three children, Elizabeth 24, a gradu­ ate orVnndcrbill.Universily nnd nssistant ulumni director there, - Jnmc.<i 19, a sophomore at Appa­ lachian State University, nnd Penn 17, nn RJ Reynolds High School senior. The Broyhiii fam­ ily hns resided in Winston-Sulem thoir enlire marriage, and are members of the Knollwood Bnp­ tist Church. B royhiii is an investment bunker and hend of the Broyhiii Group. He was co-founder of the Easl Coast Hockey League and has served as president o f severnl professional ice hockey lenms, including the W inston-Salem Thunderbirds, the Raleigh Ice Cups and the Wheeling Nailers. 1000 FREE ANYTIME MINUTES U N L IM I T E D NIGHT & WEEKEND MINUTES U N L IM I T E D MOBILE TO MOBILE MINUTES Includes N ationw ide L on g-D istan ce $ 3 9 .9 5 /m o plus 410 Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee FREE Nokia 358Si With a new line ol'.service on tiny $39.95 Freedom Plan or higher Share your minutes wilh a family member for Only $20 per month for each additional line (up to 4) Í T H E P H O K E P L A C E 121 Oepot Street • Moeksville • 751-2626 Мп1ь-ГН. 8:30am*5pii) • Sul. 9mii-l2iiiiim authorized A G E N • T <C1'003 ALLUL hiii.icij iioi^; oliei d( |urlicip,iiiri[) lowiions Service aQietmenl, ciedil appioval & appioveci fiandscl fcqulied. 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An addilional 41-ccnt Reyulalory Cosi Recoverv fee will be added lo it^s ALLTEL tale plar\ pet monlt> free Nokia 3585i avail^le lor ^ limiled lime wtiile supplies lasl willi tlie aclivalion ot any Freedom plan $39.95 & hiflhei wilh applicable aclivalior) Ico & a 1 vear sefvice aorecmefit_©2003 Noi^ia Connwling People, & Ihe model 3585i plione arc ttademaiks ol Nokia Coipoialion &/ot Uw alliltale. All liotits icseived. 'This oiler avatuiJie inrouon ine rnone Place only DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursdii.v, Nov. 20,2003 — i Davie Celebrates Veteran’s Day With Parade Continued From I’ase 1 -emony with pruyer. "W c don’ t s|and in a day of peace, but n time when men and women are under fire in Iraq," he said. The crowd then said the pledge of allegiance followed by a m edley o f patriotic songs played by the band. Veterans from various eras were in the audience and cach was recognized for thc servicc hc gave his country. World War II, Korea. Granndn, O u lf Wur. Operation Enduring Freedom and Operution Iraqi Freedom were cach represented by veter­ ans in attendance. A s the D avie H igh bund played a medley of war lime songs, each veteran stood as the song of his war era was played. A quiet hush fell over the au­ dience as America The Beauti­ ful began and thc crowd quietly sang. Mike Branham was the fea­ tured speaker. He begun by lell­ ing aiuiicncc members thut free­ dom has a price lhal everyone possesses, our lives. Branham spoke about Ihe wars of thc past and thc number of men and women who have paid the ulmost price llial wc mny huve our freedom. "In all u quarter of a million have died in com bat, nol including those missing in action." Branham said. The 346 men's names that are written on the stone monument on the lown square pnid Ihc ulli- mule pricc. "God bless our men and women in uniform . God bless our flag, and G od bless Am erica," Brunham concliulcd. In closing host Nonn Curiton. Director of Velcrun's Affuirs for the counly, told thc nudiencc how news about today's youth tends to be bad, “ I, loo. nt one time, wondered about tlie future of our families. But. I paused and looked into the eyes o f our yo u th , these here in D avie County, and 1 know our nulion and our future urc secure." A benediction was followed by a laps solo by Davic High band momber L iz Beck. “Thank you," Carlton said to Ihc Ihose in attendance. Then hc turned nnd faced the scaled vet­ erans, “ And thank you for the right to .say God Bless." Speaker Mike Branham spoke of the price many of America's soldiers have paitj so lhat we may have freetdom. - Photos by Bob Corson Veterans from World War II, Vietnam, and Operation Iraqi Freedom attended the Veteran's Day Memorial Parade last week.Local scout members carried flags and banners as they made their way Ihrougli the parade. Area Girl Scouts proudly carried their banner as they marched to the town square. Norm Carlton hosted the Qayje veterans making their way down Main Street. Veteran’s Day program. Veterans and audience members stood with their hand over their hearts as they said the pledge of allegiance.' Davie JROTC march their way to the square. Residents Upset Withi Woric After Zoning Withdrawn Continued I'rum Page 1 Tliat decision never camc be­ cause Mid-South rescinded Ihe rezoning requesl. Locul residenis suid lliey have seen trucks coming and going and they fear illegal im­ provemenls are being made to Ihe properly. In a letter to state Attorney General Roy Cooper. Jay Colvin says, "Activity was and still is conlinuing as though the rezon­ ing is a done deal. A l least 12 lurgc dump trucks went by today currying rock for tlie road thnl hus to be more then 2/10 of a mile long." The map, if approved with­ out clianges. docs not suggest thal uny propcny on Godbey Roud should be considered for any heavy industrial use in the fulure. A seclion between U .S . 64 nnd Community Lane would be consiilered Ibr commercial re­ zoning ih Ihe future. The lund development mup does nol re­ zone lund, bul is u plunning lool for the future. W hat’s happening on the property? “ As of len Ihis morning, lie hns done absolutely nothing thal requires a pemiit from any local ugency,” said William Wlialey, Direclor of Developmenl Ser­ vices on Friday. Whellier local land owners approve of the expense or nol, Jeff Seuford does not need u per­ mit to lay a driveway. Accord­ ing 10 Wlialey, Seaford has not applied for a building permit and no building has taken place be­ yond pulling in half of a 4,000- I'oot access rond. “1 wenl oul Ihere bccause of the concerns of citizens. Nothing's being built out there," Periiaps of more concern to thc residents is thc fact lhat a farm building could be built without a permit bccause fnrm structures nre exempt from the process. “ Bonn fide furm build­ ings don’t require permits,” said Wlinley, but he ulso notes thnt right pow the Seaford property wouldn't qualify as a fann. "A l the prc.senl time there ure no crops or nnimals out Ihere to constitute a bona fide furm. Ifhe had 50 head of cattle, goats, any­ thing like thnt, tlien il’s n farm use." The Davio High School band provided music for the Veteran's Day Parade, www»enterprise-record.com ANNUAL INCORPORATORS MEETING of Smith Grove Volunteer Fire •Department. Sunday, Deo. 7,2003 2 p.m. at Smith Grove Fire Dept. 6. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20,2003 C o u n ty L o o ks A t E con om ic F uture By Kim Juslen Davie Couniy Enlerprise Record Counly Manager Terry Bralley and Planning Director John Oailimore presented infomiation on the economic future of Davie County, which included discussion on the land development plan cur­ rently being considered by the plan­ ning board. "Subdivisions or housing devel­ opments are flat," said Gailimore. “Wc don't sec a lot of large subdi­ visions coming online. Based on the current subdivisions, there's probably about 1,800 subdivision lots oul there. “Shady Orove township is still the fastest growing aren in the counly. It’s Ihe school district that has the highest number of unbuilt lots." There are approximately 500 unbuilt lots in the Shady Grove dis­ lricl, and Gailimore said he believes the growth in the township will continue, Although Gailimore said that large subdivision growlh is flat at the moment, he also said that if the economy pici« up, he expects huge subdivisions to pick up as well. Growth is expected to conlinue in easlem Davie Counly, although he pointed out that withoui sewer, those developments would havc lo have private seplic systems. “I believe there is a new momen­ tum in eastern Davie," said school board member Matty Carter. "Sales in Kinderton in the past six months have exceeded their sales in the lost three years. “ Kinderton has a tremendous momentum right now. Redland Way had a fast build-out, and Ihey expcct the next section to have a fast build-out as well." Pointing to an area marl<ed for residential growlh in the eastem part of the county. Carter said tliat realistically that was whetie growth would be cxpected to occur. "We only have 600 chairs for students in that urea.” Superintendent W .G . “ Dub” Potts interjecled that it would bc­ come 600 seats once Ihe bond im­ provements were made. A t the pteseni time, there are less than 80 open capacity seats. Carter continued, “ If the com­ missioners are going to adopt this and say this is what the future of tlie county is, I would like to have them partner wilh Ihis board to moke sure those facilities are in place. They have lo be personally involved in getting the school buildings in Ihis area. “We were lold by people that if you ever Iry to go over there and build schools, ‘We’re going to fight you and you'tB going to lose' ...We don't say, ‘Do you want lo vole on a fire depaitment? A sheriff’s de­ partment?’ We say, ‘ Il‘s needed,’ and we build il.” Carter said lie would like to see the counly commissioners have the same altitude about school facili­ ties. “ If you said, ‘Let’s vote on a fire depaitment (in eastem Davie),’ it would probably fail. If they say, ‘This is the vision,‘ ihey have to gel on Une wilh us to build the schools because they're needed." School board member Debbie Pullen asked if the schools could be added to the map so it would be easy to sec where later improve­ ments would lax the infrastructure that's in place. Bralley lold Ihe School Board Briefs M e b a n e C h a lle n g e R eso lu tio n The board passed u resolution supporting the accep­ tance of the Mebane Charitable Foundation’s challenge grant nnd retaining a professional fund-raiser. In order to qualify for the QZAB loan for some of the renovations to William R. Davle Elementary School, community and business support was required. "If the county had not got­ ten that QZAB money, there’s no way we could have com­ pleted the William R. Davie improvem'ents," said Carol Livengood вПег the meeting.The challenge grant from the ^íeЬane Foundation is on? way the schools can meet thii requirements. The foundation has offered a grant of $750,000 contingent upon the Davie County Schools rais­ ing $1.5 million during a one-year period. The resolution accepts the challenge and slates that professional fund­ raising services will be acquired because they "would in­ crease the changes of a successful campaign." Pledges could be paid over a three-year period "I want to publicly lhank Mr. Mebane for his generous offer," said board member Regina Oraham-Hauser. "1 appreciate the vision he has for otir community, and I think this will have a positive impact on our county. It sends the message that education is a priority.""It takes a village to raise a child," said Mariene Shamel. "In this case, it's going to take Davie County and all its efforts to meet this challenge and do what’s best for our children." Oraham-Hauser and Livengood agreed to serve on the fund-iaising commit­ tee.,^ ■ B u d g e t A m e n d m en t The board approved a budget amendment increasing funding to the William R. Davie Elementary School con­ struction project by $70,000, The increase budgets inter­ est revenues for the 2003-2004 fiscal year as well as addi­ tional costs for the project, including the sewer system. W illia m R . D a v ie B id A w a rd ed The school board awarded the William R, Davie El- ' ementary School construction bid to Hendrix-Corriher Construclion, a Dnvie Counly fmn. Ils bid of $3,370,000 was the lowest of eight received. Although all bidders were given several areas where alternate wnys of meeting the ' requirements could be met, such as using spray-on insu- ' lation instead of rigid insulation, no alternates are being considered at this time. Hendrix-Corriher also plans on using a local plumbing company, B&B Plumbing Con­ tractors, as well as local grading nnd flat-concrete opera- . tlons. “I’ve satisfied myself that we would not have saved ourseWes any money if we hud gone multi-prime,’’ said board member Marty Carter, who looked at the numbers affer the bids were opened. "The big unknown is the sewer. I think one of the poorest use of funds we as a school system has is building sewer lines for the county. Wouldn’t you rather put a computer in a child’s hands? Couldn’t we challenge Ihem lo get inlo the sewer business and let us get along with educating children? The talk now is they want us to build the sewer lines nil the way from Mocksville, to the interstate, That’s not Ihe best way for us to educate kids." W illia m R . D a v ie C e le b ra tio n s The official groundbreaking on the William R. Davie Elementary School renovations and improvemenls is scheduled for 2 p.m. onT\iesday, Dec. 1. Following those ceremonies, there will be a gymnasium dedication at 2;4S. M e e tin g S c h e d u le C h a n g e The board of ^ucalion will begin its Deo. 1 monthly , afternoon meeting at 3:30 at William R. Davie, Board members will hear from the advisory council at 5:30 and will present the character education awards at 6:30. board he also wanted lo stnrt truck­ ing building permits by Ihc school district they affecl. Bralley suggested that school capacity information would also be helpful as the board considers projects. "As n board, we don‘t think elementary schools should be over SOO students, and they're nil over that," said school board mem­ ber Marlene Shnmel. “ Every elementury school wc hnve is at whut we consider llie maximum,” snid Carter. Cornalzer Elemcntnry was excluded from lhal, and Willinm R. Dnvic fnr ex­ ceeds its capacity by using 10 mo­ bile units. “Our vision is nol 1,200studcnls in one," he said. “ The middle schools are in even worse shape... Any place you build in the counly, we’d be looking nl needing u new school." According to Bmllcy, building is on the rise in Davie Counly over lnst yenr. In nil of 2002, the counly issued 317 building permits for single-fnniily homes. So fnr Ihis yenr, llic county hos nlrendy issued 322. In 2002, Ihe county issued 156 permits for mobile homes; to dnte Ihis yenr, tho counly luis issued 113. According to Brnliey und Oailimore, the decline in mobile home requests is because of changes in nnuncing oplions in Ihe mobile home industry. Members of the board und Bralley agreed thut wilh Ihe un­ funded mnndnlcs that comc down lo local governmenis, it is going lo require some crculivity in llie fu­ ture us lo how infrastructure needs could be funded. “ If you pick up Ihe paper, you can see the compc- lilion for public monies is liecom- ing grcntcr und greater," suid Brulley. School bourd nicmber Reginu Orahuni-Hnuser wunled lo know if n cnp could somehow be pul on the number of people moving inlo u counly, und assuming it couldn't, whut could be done to munuge growlh? “Tlie nnswer is no,” said Bralley. "You wouldn't wnnt to suy only 36,000 people cun live here. Tliis is a capitalistic society driven by cnpitnl. Diversity is good for Davle Counly. We hnve lo look ul new ways of financing." Pullen usked if the counly hud •seriously considered impncl fees on residentinl building. “ Il hus to be looked al," Brnllcy suid. "We need lo be responsible when we look ut it, bul we need lo di.scuss il.” “ It's u big price Ing for us lo build n school,” said Pullen. “ No­ body voles on whelher lo put n prison here. We don’l alwuys wunl lo be looked nt us the ones who urc coming usking for money" She went on lo suggest Ihul ini- pnct fees could diffuse some of the animosity from rcsidenis tiiat .huve been lierc for years lowurd new residents moving in. Cnrter suggested llie counly look ul llic fumi lux exemptions in llic county, "Does thut exemption go to millionaire fnnns willi lurge ucrc tracl.s?" he asked. "If you colored In everything on the mup thnl wus exempt from tnxes, it would be big.” Guiiimorc ugrced lliul il would be ubout hnlf the counly, but stressed thut the reductions were bused on muny fuclors, including Ihe type of funning. “Tlie General Assembly fell il wus imporiunt lo encouruge lund preservulion.” Philanthropists Wanted! R o c k e f e l l e r , G a t e s & Y O U ! 'V b u d o n ’t h a v e t o b e a m i l l i o n a i r e t o g iv e l i k e o n e . \ b u o n l y n e e d to : • Want to give back to a community that has supported you • Need a year-end tax deduction • Want to give a gift that keeps on giving The Coiiinuinitv I'oundation of Duvie Coiiiity ¡icccpis clonaiions of all sizes for its Unrestricted Coniniunity Endowment. Yonr donation will be .ndded to the Endowment and invested with nil Foundation endowed fluids. Earnings from these funds arc gnuited to Davie County non-profits and charities forever. Your gift to tlie Unrc,strictcil Community Endowment makes an eternal impact on die Davie Count)’ community and a positive impact on your personal taxes. Gifts to die Unrestricted Com munity Endowment should be sent to The Conimunit)' Foundarion o f D.ivie County, P O Box 546, Mocksville, N C 27028. To discuss specific giving needs or for information, contact j.ine Simpson, President, at (336) 936-0045! isimpsonig’daviefoundation.org! or visit our web-sitc at mywiditviçfq'indltiopiore. FREE Golf Ваз With Every Chrysler Classic Vehicle Purchase K iä M W W li.;::;:: ^ 9 , 9 8 8 T h a t's R ig h t ’9,988 3 OL U lev SOHC SMPf. «f contJitkin- tr>0. Ml whe«<, playM«.1»ш iModot» Oelro«t«r, ро>лг it««ririg, p«i««r Utk«*. S »pMd manuaf tioiit. CutlCKtiM p(»<«ried pkg 2IA, b«*t vaIum m AfT)4ik:a frt« 7 уфм, ГО,ООО м1м pow«r barn Mrarranly. Я 0 0 4 C H R V S L IR P T C R U I S I R 44.588 A u to m a tic 44.588 200« ОООСШ CARAVAN S a le P ric e 45,988 LiM then eoo7 4L L4 lev DOIIC SMPI. Aiilom.Mic, АЛ. PowQf WliKlo**. AM/f M/CD Djynr.Tm, 5 l’utMK>yo( Soalint), VnluM In AfiMdca, Г(М r Yèa/ 70,000 Milo Ptmof Тгшл Wano/Hy АЛ(1СМСП«Ч)М. 2 4L OOHC IflV flMPI 4 cyl. 4 <l<)Of, 7 imsAngor. air coodilionino, hvtJ auto- malic, AM/FM ca»i, llnlod a'»>. locliniMu clolh r»uh b.ick hiKhol tuata wtilh two tu.if (Miictioi, 33C i>ncl>/i(ju, on«y (Illl iD»or tnnu. onk) «Atflty kKkt nml nitchort. liol.iy w<ovi». 7/70 limitw) powurtrain wnriaiily □oti Vdluot In Amiiitcn. 2004 CHRVSLIR 300M PUTINUM EDITION «23,988 T h a t's R ig h t *23,988 lor CO- f' mll'eiP3.5L High Oulpiit VO 24V. Dual Zono Chmato Control, AM/FM Simis Satol*o>it/0 Disc CD A Catiolto (’layer, F’ower Moonrofl. 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TVЩ EId c a m JlllllltlWirilOMI .a n d M ore! UnMed tirne tffer. Offer appli«t to rtew custonwi onfy. Regular retail rate upon offer expirabcn. BtticSiniMprtfiraywybyvn. Pric«dono( induO« IrancNte feet or taxes. Fiei installation apple) to ttanoard kistaiiation ord/on prim^AddrtioruJ outlei Instattation nuy requiecharv«, Number o(ct^ltm3yva(yt!yvea.(№ttrestrictioni may apply, tn M wl inciude only I <>g4Ai comoriM • 12^1-0 Limited Time Offer! Call Today! 1-877-506-3043 www,ail8lphia.com d e lp h i a IMVIK COUN'I’V KNTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday. Nov. 20,2003 — 7 Lo cal A uthor To Sig n New Book Novem ber 23, W oodw orks G allery Davie County imtlior Ricky Perkins, pre.siclent of Wren’s Nc.st Ptiblisliing Inc., has published a new book lie wrole witli co-iui- tlior Carol Thompson capturing the goodwill of everydny Ameri­ cans. Tlie book is a compilation of 25 stories featuring people who have performed selfless acts of kindness. The stories capture n common thread that runs deep within our country - helping oth­ ers. Tlie featured Americans rep­ resent much of Ihe country from Michigan to Mississippi and Ver­ mont to Califomin, but the cover photograph and first story feature J .L . “ Mule” Powers of Winston- Salcm. Powers has refurbished more than 1,200 bicycles and given lliem to neeily kids during tlie pust 20 years for no other rea­ son than in his words, "lo see the look on those kids’ faces." Anolher North Carolinian, Carol Wiggs of Pinehursi, orga­ nized 11 dinner pnrty for her friends only to surprise Ihem by usking for their lielp to build u Hnbitnt for Humnnity home in Iheir community. For co-uulhors Perkins und Thompson, writing “ America the Good" was more tlian a labor of love; it was a chance to give something back. Tlic book will be predomi­ nantly distributed through fund­ raising efforts. Orgnniznlions will keep $5 of every book sold. “These wonderful individunls huve given selflessly o f their lives," Perkins says. "Since the essence of ‘ America the Good’ is goodwill, we felt it only ap­ propriate that it be used to lielp raise monies for churity und civic-minded orgunizutions." The book's consumer distri­ bution will be through select gift stores, such ns Woodworks Gal- ^ lery of Mocksvlllo. Perkins will be at the gallery for u book signing on Sundny, N o v. 23,,durins M ocksvillo’.s Clirlstma.s Open House. ' ' " ‘America the Good’'illus­ trates just how much ‘good’ hap­ pens in our counlry on a daily basis," suys Lind u Mnce o f Woodworks. “These people ure everyduy folks who do wonder­ ful Ihings but you rnrely hear aboul tiieni." A Woodworks artist is fea­ tured in Ihe book via a two-page photograph, Leslie H am lin’s wooden door painted as a flag ndds u personulity of Americnn spirit to tile book. “ Il’s deriniteiy one of my fn- vorite flng photos - her uri is so in ve n tive," Perkins snys. “ Americn the Good" ulso feu- tures nine porlrnits of fentured individunls. Additionally, W ren’s Nest Publishing will be supporting chnrities through book sules on its website - americnthegood. com - by donuting $4 lo the char­ ity designated by the purchaser. Two Indicted For Murder By .Jackie Scahtill Davie Counly I2nterprise Rccord The man and woman accused o f murdering Duvie resident Ernest Howell were indicted by u grand jury lasl Thursdny. Donnn Denise Blankenship and Donald Ray Nichols, both 30, each fuce churges of second de-' gree murder in Ihe dealh of Howell. Howell, 27, wns killed in tiie early morning liours of Sept. 16 in a borrowed S U V found parked on Furmington Rond in front of N . Dnvie Middle School. Nichols nnd Blankenship were irnnsferred from Duvie Detention Center to Forsytli and Iredell juils, respectively, ufler rei|uesls by Iheir luwyers for bond reductions were denied in Dnvie District Courl N o v. ñ und issues concerning their privucy and sufety inside the jail were addressed. Tw o chnrities included иге Locks of Love - an organization that makes wigs for cancer treut- ment patients from donutions of real hair, und Hubitut for Humun- ity Internulional. “ Anicrica Ihe Good,” whicii sells for $l.‘i.95, is the first in a scries of books, and Ihe authors nre currently uccepling new story idens nboul good Americuns on their websile. Tile second book is scheduled for publlculion in 2005. O n amerciUliegood.com, visitors citn ulso inquire about fund-raising opportunities nnd corporute snles ns well as reud excerpts from highlighted stories. “ When wc were inlerviewing one of the people fentured in llie book," Perkins snys, “ he made a comment that lias siayetl witli me for m any m onths. He suid, ‘Someone is going lo reud Ihis book and be motivated to do something good for someone else.’ “That’s what ‘ America the Good’ is all about." For more information, cull Woodworks nl 751-1001. WE BUY HOUSES Any Condition —Any Location Fast Cash — Quick Closing L ig h t h o u s e P r o p e r t ie s M ocksville, N C • (336) 751-4371 Ricky Perkins' new book, “Am erica The Good,'' is first in a series about Am ericans who give back. W e M a n u fa c tu re O n ly T h e B e s t “ALL STEEL” S to ra g e & U t U it y B u ild in g s l!! ■ Convor^onlrolt-up doof 40 n. wide ft 50 n, wtdo Ä Ä ® 4 , 7 4 4 o o x n o S d , / 'N • Volu» “ loil moro Itian SO y*of»• Envlronrmnfotly friendly - Moro Ifion 20 billlon poundi ol otpholl »[gingie} ond up In londflllt oocl) yeoi whilo mold U100% rocycloblo• Cneigy - Accordino lo tludioi. molai rooing con lowor oltic lomporafuro« boHor tt>on ony othor n^olorfol Metal Roofing F o r Y o u r H o m e & B u ild in g s •Wind - Milal panli m ItiM lor upHI.• Woighl - f^old roofing wolgiu up lo ISO pounds por Ktuoio wtdo oiphoK wolghs W*400 pounds por squero for oocti loyor. "Our Buildings Are Made To Last” CALL TODAY! Ask tor Tim I N C , B u ild in g The F uture o f Sey-Storage 228 Commsice Blvd. (olf Crawlord Rd.), Statesville 1S00-«S4-7S13, 704-872-2999, Fax 704-872-3099 www.belcolnc.com Totally coniniirted to total healthcare A f t e r a l i f e t i m e t o g e t h e r , h e k n o w s y o u i n s i d e a n d o u t , Ail we need is about an liour. Bccattsc witli Rowan Regional Medical Park’s new PE'f (Positron Emission Toniography) imaging system, that’s all tlie time it takes Fof your doctor to get a comprehensive, liead-to-toe look at \y!iar’s going on inside of you. It’s painless. Non-invasive. IVrlectly sate. The results arc earlier cancer detection, taster diagnosis and more immediate treatment. In liict, the only side effect we’ve noticed is more and more couples are making the first-cla.ss Ihcilities of Rowan Regional Medical Park their fii'st choice for healthcare. \\\\ i f / / Rowan Regional MiBicAL Park (704)210-5000 ♦ www.rowan.org 8 — DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 Public Records D i s t r i c t C o u r t DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20,2003 — 9 L a n d T ra n s fe rs The following land Imtislcrs were filed wilh Itic Davie Rcijisler of Deeds, lislcd by purties involved, iicrcagc, township nnd deed slamps purchased, with S2 represenling $1,000. - Pnul E. McGniw lo Wendy M. Low, I lol, Mocksvillc, $166. • Alcxiuidcr S. McGuitv und ЕПгл- belli T. McGuire lojmnes LTullerow nnd Frances W, Tutlerow, 8.01 ucrc.s, Farmington, $660. - George M. Boger and Dorothy Faye Boger loGeoige Mllchcll Bogir Jr., .78 acri, Calahain. - Michael Risko by nlloniey in fact, Arlene M . Risko lo Todd J. Mears, .1.31 actvs, Mocksville, $300. - John Henry Reeves to Victoria R. Bourne nnd Louis Bourne, 2.06 acres, Cnlalmln. - И. Terry Hutchens, substitute trustee to National City Home Loan Scr\ices, 2 lots, Sl.''4. - Adams EglolT Avant Pro|ierties and Salem Development Venture lo Mulvmey Homes, I lol, Fannington, $69. - Mulvnney Homes to June L. Hnrding, 1 lot, Fannington, $305. ■ Mulvnney Homes to Richard M. Heriot und Knthryn D. Heriot, 1 con­ dominium, Famiinglon, $16.^. - Pauline S. Allen to Joann A. Barney (l/8th interest), Elsie Jane Allen Sammons (l/8th interest), Peggy Sue Gaither (i/8th inleresl), Williiun Fred Allen (l/8th interest), Glenda Allen (l/8th interest), Darlene A . Naylor ( l/8tli interest), Jmict Gm- hani (l/24th interest), Dennis Allen (IV24th inleresl), Betty Hoot,s (i/24lh interest), Kathy Hutchens (I/I6th in­ terest) nnd Gary Hulchens (1/16th in- terest), 50 acres, MiKksville. - Eloise \V. Green toTliomns Eu­ gene Shelton, 99.69 acres. Jcnisalcm. - Delbert E. Foster Sr. und Linda W. Foster to Richard Cniven Short, 11.4.5 acres. Furniinglon. $ 170. - Jim M . Johnson 10 Conanl Foun­ dation, I villn, Fimninglon. - Jeny F. Swicegood and Judy 0. Swicego^ nnd T. Kyle Swicegood and Elizflbeth S. Swicegood lo Davie County. 2 tnicts. Mocksville. $700. • Salun C. Fling nnd Donnld W. Frosl to Snlun C. Fling. I lot. - Ciittse Mnnhaltnn Mortgage Corp. to Ramon Cundm nnd Sandm Cecilia Guevara. 1 lot, Cnlahaln, $200. - JP Morgan ChiLsc Biuik as truslee to Lnrry E. Scngcr nnd Lynnn G. Scnger. 1 lot. Famiington. $455. - TilTnny Jan Smith to Jnnice M. Hitch, 1.5 ncres, Fullon, $194. - Onkwootl Mobile Homes to Jn- son D. Powell, 11.5 ncres, Cnlnhaln, $232. - Kristina A , Reynolds nnd Touch­ stone CaroliiuUo Holly Wright, 1 lol, Fnmiinglon, $367, - Peggy H, Desnoycrs and as nd- ntinistmlrix of estnic of David George Desnoycrs lo Marin Olivn Sancliez, 4 lots, Mocksvillc, $154. - Homes by Jonnthan Lee lo Tho­ mas A . Chadwick and Judith K . Chadwick, trustee, I lol, Fnmiinglon $840, - Fmnces J. Allen to Wnller Cleve­ land Allen UI and Lcanne E . Allen, 2.07 ncres, Fullon. - BRW Properties to Lurry McDaniel Builders. I lol. Mocksville, $30. - The Cann Group to Mike Hester Building Co., 1 lot, $40. - Voglcr's Construction to Lewis Walker nnd Ruby Walker, 1 lot, Fami­ inglon, $450. - TliomiLs H. Gniliiun imed Brenda E. Gnihnm lo Yycon Croslin nnd Teresa J.Jolmson, I lol, Mocksville. $636. - Morgan Builders to Tliotiius H. Graham and Brendn E. Graluun. 1 lol. Farminglon, $757. - Jennne C. Wherry lo Bermudn Villnge Retirement Cenler. 1 villn, Fnrminglon, $660. - Bennudn Villnge Retirement Center to J. Roy Nichoia.'i nnd Weslray B. Nicholns, I villn, Fnrminglon, $660. - Joseph Ynnkura nnd ns exccutor of estnle of Mnjorie WoodralT Keefer, Peter Yankum nnd Dorothy Ynnkum lo Bcmiudn Villnge Retirement Cen­ ler, I villn. Farminglon. $440. - Bermuda Village Retirement Cenicr to Jeanne Wherry. I villn. Fnnninglon. $440. - Cnmbridge Isenhour Homes and K.T. Isenhour Conslniclion to Emmit O . Ayers and Jane H. Ayers, 1 villn, Fiuminglon. $500. - Ronnld G . Burlon luid Nell P. Burton lo Jnke S. Miller, 5.54 acres. Shndy Grove. - Ronnld 0 . Burton nnd Nell P. Burton lo Jiuties R. Miilernnd Debbie B. Miller. 6.55 acres, Shndy Grove. - Kennelh L. Foster nnd Gnil F. Foster to Debbie L . Siiores, 1,4 ncres, Mocksville, $50. - Lonnie Gray Hepler and Anie Shelton Hepler lo Dnniel Cobb nnd Knlhy Cobb, 1.5 ncres, $250. ■ Robert Lee Pnlillo nnd Vickie T. Pntillo lo Willinm J. Lilllc, I lol.Fnnn- ington, $250. M a rria g e LJcenses The following were issued innr- riage licenses by the Dnvie Regis­ ter of Deeds. - Jnmes Todd Adkins, 27, of Owenton. Ky. nnd Am y Dru Baldwin. 24. of 1218 Peoples Creek Rnod. Advnncc. •Anihony Thomas Andrude. 2.1, nnd Jessicn Lynn Spillmnn, 25, of 225 Lnkcwood Drive. Mocksvillc. - Pnul Anthony Angell. 20, of 161 Dogtrot Rond, Mocksvillc nnd Lnuren LceAnn Grimes, 20, of 258 Shnllowbrook Drive, Advnnce. • Michael Anihony Southard, 28, and Vanessa Diane Greer, 44, of 1627 Jericho Church Rond, Mocks­ villc. ■ Corey Dule Brumlett, 27, of Mnbleton, Gli. nnd Cnrrie Lee Johnson, 24, of 351 Buck Scnford Rond, Mocksville. ■ Miehnel Gernrd Cnmpbell. 34. nnd Hcnther Lee Rny, 28. of 216 McDnniel Rond. Advnnce. -Jimmy Torres CarriznI, 19,nnd Eivin Snlas Rodriguez, 20, of 119 Jasmine Lune, Mocksville. - Wesley Kyle Curler, 19, nnd Christen Mnrie Burke, 20, of 191 Dulchmun Trnil, Mocksvillc. - Marco Antonio Dim , 26, nnd Emma Violeta Botello, 18, of 129 Deck Circle, Mocksvillc. - Dnvid James Eldred, 21. and Elisabeth A.shelly Beery, 19, of334 Swicegood St., Mock.svillc. - Barry Denn Hnuser. 30, nnd Stncy Blanc Pnrker, 26, 241-B Tot Sl„ Mocksvillc. - Leshnwn Dnwnync McNeill, 29. and Shelley LiiToya Foote, 27, of 206 Northridge Courl, Mocks­ villc. - Brudley Frnnklin O'Ncnl, 34, of 359 Ijames Churcli Road, and Jnn Mnrie Collette, 37, of 1480 Jericho Church Roud, Mock.sville, • Roger Dule Pnrrish, 30, and Term Lynne Johnson, 26, of Shcrt-iils Ford. - Jnmes Mntlhcw Reese, 30, nnd Christy Renee McMnhnn, 25, of 148 Longwood Drive, Advnnce. - Miehnel Shnwn Swnney, 41, nnd Lynn Chri,stian Wallers, 47, of 578 Sheffield Road, Hannony. - Chnrles Allen Talum, 38, of Mocksville nnd Lenlrice Ann Rev­ els, 34, of 143 Leisure Lane, Mocks­ ville. ■ Harold David Terry Jr., 28, nnd Jenny Darline Cnrter, 24. of 461) Bniley Rond, Advnncc. - Dnvid Miehnel Willnrd, 28, nnd Christie Louise Bocltcher, 27, of 701 E. Lexinglon Rond, Mocksville, - Benjnmin Mntthew Brickley, 25, of 193 Duke St., Cooleemee nnd Rcbeknh Renee Gryder, 24, of 424 Riverdnle Rond, Mocksvillc, -Tarek Ibraitim El Ahwnny. 25, nnd Wnndn Lee Brudley, 44. of 3095 N .C . 801 S., Advnnce. - Jeffery Webb Hurrlson Jr., 22, nnd Melissa Ann O'Brien, 24, of 380 Polls Rond, Advnnce. -Tilghmnn Dorsey Rnwlings III, 49, of 130 Sonora Drive, nnd Teresn Michcllc Lane, 38, of 119 Cnsn Bella Drive, Advnncc, S h e riff s D e p a rtm e n t The Dnvie Counly Sheriffs De- purtmcnt mude the following nrresl.s; - Crystal Veniessn Coles, 25, of 142 Etchison Street, Mocksville was arrested Nov. 8 for possession of mnrijunna less lhan hnlf ounce. T rini date: Nov. 20. - Rolicrt Dale Edwards, 51, of 279 Hobson Drive, Mocksville was nrrested Nov. 10 for fnilure to np­ peur. Trial date; Jnn. 22. - Angela Dawn Buchnnun, 2.“), of Cievclnnd was arresled Nov. 10 for fuilure to nppeur. TrinI dutc: Nov. 20. - Dewuyne Eric Chunn, 41, of 212 Fonzo Wuy. Mocksville wns nrrcsted Nov. 11 for fnilure to up- penr nnd possession of drug parn- phcrnulin. Triul dnte; Dcc. 11. - Chrislopher Wayne Martin, 33. of202 Powell Roud, Mocksvillc wns nrrested Nov. 12 for lurccny. Triul dnte; Dec. 9 in Duvidson Counly. - Jeffrey Roy Roberts, 33, of 443 Swiccgood Street, Mock.svillc wns nrrcsted Nov. 12 for driving wilh license revoked. Triul dule; Dcc, 11. - Brodford Keilh Gnither, 37, of 3624 U.S, 64 West, Mocksville wns arrested Nov, 13 for failure lo ap­ pear. Triul dule; not lislcd. H ig h w a y P a tro l - Rnndy Miehnel Bnrkcr, 31, of 387 Binghnm Parks Roud, Advnnce wus nrreslcd Nov. 13 for misde- niennor lurccny, TrinI dnte: Jnn. 15, - Ericn Dnnicllc Lyons, 20, of ■MO E. Lexington Rond, Mocksville was arrested Nov. 13 for failure lo nppcnr. Trini date: Dec. 18. - Sntidra Wnlker Sanford, 47, of 401 N. Mnin Sircet, Mocksvillc wns nrrcsted Nov, 13 for fnilure lo np­ pcnr, TrinI dnte: Dec. 4. - Brinnnn Lynn Onk.s, 24, of 2185 U.S, 64 West, Mocksville wns nr­ reslcd Nov. 13 for niding nnd nbct- ling Inrceny, TrinI dnle; Dcc. 2 In Iredell Counly. 1 The following irafric wrccks T in Davic County were li.sled by the N .C . Highwny Piilrol. Culllslon O n U .S . 601 A Davic leen wii.s charged with failure lo reduce .speed af­ ler the vehiclc he wa.s driving hil another Nov. 12. Zachary Thomas Fulls of 176 Pineville Road, Advancc was traveling north on U .S . 601 in n 11)94 Ford vchicle, Jucob Shane Tuttle of Winston Salem, was traveling norlh in a 1992 M o ck s v ille P o lice The following incidenl.s were reported lo the Mock.sville Po­ lice Department. - O n Nov. 12 Deny Inman reported a false idcntificulion card was used at the D M V of­ fice on Salisbury Road, Mocks­ ville. - Tim othy and Lisa Kenney reported a wallet, cell phone, and credil cards were removed from ¡1 unlocked vehiclc on E . Maple Sireel, Mocksville on Nov, 13. - On Nov. 13 Susan Wall rc- pDrteil CD s were removed from a vehicle on Raymond Street, Mocksvillc. - Frederick Gillis reported a cell phone, sunglasses, und cign- rettes were removed from a vc­ hicle on Tot Street, Mocksvillc on Nov. 13. - On Nov. 13 Chcssncy Pharr reporled a radio, vurious text books, and clothing were re­ moved from a vehicle on Tot Street, Mocksvillc. - Marty Collins reported tools were removed from vehicle al Adelphia Cable, Salisbury Road Mocksville on Nov. 13. - On Nov. 13 Joe Perry re­ ported gas was removed without F ire s pay from a convcniencc slorc on Yadkinville Road, Mocksville. - Paula Lew is reported ve­ hiclc tires were damaged al a home on W indw ard C ircic, Mock.svillc on Nov, 13. - O n N o v . 13 Adnm Chrislophtrson reported a hundlruck was removed from a parking lot on Lexinglon Road, Mocksvillc. - Palricia Ebright reported cigarettes were removed from a supertnarkcl on U .S . 601 Soulh, Mocksville on Nov. 14. Arrcsl.s - David Brandon Bolin, 19, of 178 Essie Road, Mocksvillc was charged Nov, 12 with simple possession o f marijuana and drug violations - equipment/ paraphernalia. Trial dale; Nov. 20. - Manuel Anthony Bryden, 25, of Durham wus charged Nov. 12 wilh frattdulenlly obtaining money/property and resisting a public officcr. Trial date; Dec. II. - Quincy Donnell Redmon, 19, o f W oodleaf was charged Nov. 13 wilh burglary and mo­ lor vehiclc theft. Trial dale; Nov. 20, С Davic Cotuily fire depurtments responded Id the following calls: Nov, II: Mocksvillc, 1:23p.m.. Cull Rond, grnss fire: Fork ussisied. Nov. 12: Ccntcr, 10:02 u.m., Mudlson Roud, uutomohilc ncci­ dcnl; Mocksvillc nssisled; Willinm R. Davic, 11:07 u.m., U.S. 601, nu­ tomobile accidcnt; Center nssisled; Farminglon, N .C . 801 North, Tire ulunn; Willinm R. Davic nssisled. Nov. 13: Advnnce, 12;3I p.m., grnss fire; Fork nssisled; Comntzcr- Dulin nssisled; Mocksville nssisled; Cooleemee, 7 p.m., Nollcy Roud, fire ninmi; Jerusulem nssisled. Nov. 14: Coolecnice, 1:19 u.m.. Walls Street, structure fire; Jerusa­ lem nssisled; William R. Dnvie. 9:.‘i.‘i u.m., Scnrlctt Lunc, wocxis fire; Fork, 10:18 n.m., U.S. 64 Enst, smoke in house; Advuncc ussisied; Cenler, 5:45 p.m., 1-40 West, uutomohilc uccident; Mocksville nssisled. Nov. IS: Mocksville. 6:30n.m., Lexington Rond, structure fire; Fork assisted; Conialzcr-Dulin, R:50a.m., Williams Road, nutomobile ucci­ dent; Fork nssisled; Smith Grove, 10:26 u.m., Fnir Onks Drive, nssist Clemmons on fire ulunn. Nov. 16: Jerusnlem. 11:.30 n.m., Stoney Lnne, fire alami; Mocks- villcnssisted; Cooleemee, 5:50 p.m., Temple Rond, grnss und woods fire. Chevrolel pick-up. Tuttle slowed for trafnc and Falls's vchicle col­ lided inlo Tuttle's. Trooper M .C . How ell re­ ported the iiccidcnt occurrcd at approximalely 3:22 p.m. W rcck A l Inlcrsccllun A Davic teen was chargcd with failure to yield righl o f way after Ihc vehicle she wns driv­ ing was involved in an nccidcnl Nov. 12. Casey Nicole Brewer of 164 Vule Road, Mocksville was trav­ eling south on Madison Road in a 1999 Volkswagon vchicle. Brewer stoppeil al the interscc- lion of Mudison Road and U .S , 64 lo make a left lum. Brenda Henderson Beaty of Charlolte was traveling wesl on U .S . 64 in her 1997 Honda vehicle. Brewer failed to yield righl of way to Beaty, driving into her vehicle's palh. Trooper J.R . Allred reported the accideni occurred ul upproxi- malely 10:00 a.m . Beaty was iransporlcd lo Davie County Hospital for trealmcnl. W rcck A t Lowes Fow ls A D avic wom an was chargcd w ilh D W I, unsafe movemeni, and operating a ve­ hicle willl no insurance afler the vehicle she wns driving hit an­ olher Nov. 9. JtidyOriffen Riley of 172 Old Town Drive, Advance wns back­ ing her 1997 Chrysler vchicle soulh in the Lowes Foods park­ ing lol out of purking space. Donna Mae Wanuchu of 180 Brentwood Drive, Advancc had parked her 1993 Mercedcs vc­ hicle facing north in Ihc parking lol. Riley's vehiclc collided wilh Wunucha's. Riley Ihen lefl the scene of the collision and drove lo another area of Lowes. Trooper M .C . How ell re­ ported the accident occurrcd ut approximately 7:18 p.m . and Iherc were no injuries. M iin Churged In W rcck A Davic man was chargcd with failure to rcducc speed af­ ter Ihc vehicle he wus driving hit another Nov. 10. Hector Manuel Turcios of Harm ony was driving a 1993 Toyolu vchicle east on U .S . 64. Claudiu Hyde Redmond o f Har- niony was al.so driving cast on 64 in her 2001 H yu nd ai, Redmond failed to slow her ve­ hicle for traffic and Turcios failed to slow his vchlcic in time before it collided with the reur of Redmond's. Trooper M .C . How ell re­ ported the accident occurrcd al approxiniaiely 4:23 p.m . and Redmond was taken to Iredell Mem orial Hospital for Ircat- ment, Vchlcic Collides W ith Fcnce A Rowan man was charged wilh failure to maintain a proper lane control and unsafe lirc.s af­ ler hc wrccked the vchicle he was driving N ov, 10. Duane La rry M itchell o f Salisbury was driving a 1990 Toyota vehiclc on Pine Ridge Road when Ihe vehiclc left Ihc roadway to the right und collided w ilh a drainage cu lvcri, Milcliell's vehicle then collided wilh a fcncc before coming to rest on it's top on the shoulder of Pine Ridge. Trooper M .C . How ell re­ ported the accident occurred at approximately 2:40 p.m. CoUlsiun A t Intersection A Davie man wus charged wilh failure to yield al stop sign after the vehiclc he was driving hil anolher Nov. 11, Ricky WiI.son Danner of 766 Jack Booe Road, M ocksvillc was driving his 1994 Chevrolel pick-up west on Duke Whitukcr Road. Susan Mecham Barnhardt of Harm ony was driving her 1993 Chevrolet vehicle south on Sheffield Road. Danner failed to yield nt the siopsign al the inter- .scclion of Duke W hilaker and Sheffield Roads and drove into the path of Barnhardt's vehiclc. Trooper M .C . Howell re­ ported the uccident occurred ul approxim ulely 2:58 p.m . and there were no injuries. Dog H II By Vchicle Christopher Jordun Goode of 120 Somerset Court, Advance was driving a 1995 Honda vc­ hicle north on U .S . 158 when it collided wilh a dog in the north­ bound lunc. Trooper F.C , Ferguson re­ porled the uccident occurred al approxim ately 9:47 p.m , and Goode was not injured. M an Charged In W rcck A North Carolina man was chargcd with failure lo reduce speed after the vehicle he was driving hit another Nov. 14. Jackie Dule Mason o f East Bend was driving his 1995 Sal­ urn vehiclc .south on U .S . 601 behind a 1990 Mazda pick-up driven by Hilda Heath Blevins of Yadkinville. Blevins slopped her vehicle for a dog in the road and two children on the shoul­ der. Mason's vehicle collided with Blevins' in the southbound lane. Trooper F .C , Ferguson re­ porled Ihe accldcnl occurred al approximately 4:49 p,m . W reck O n Interstate A G u ilfo rd wom an was charged wilh failure to rcducc speed after the vchicle she was driving hit another Nov. 14. K e lly Delores Brooks o f Greensboro was driving her 2002 Chevrolet vchicle west on Interstate 40 behind a 1991 Chevrolel vehicle driven by M ildred W oods Sm ithers of Hickory. Smithers slowed her vehicle for traffic and Brooks vehicle collided with her's. Trooper F .C . Ferguson re­ ported the accident occurred at approxim alely 5:45 p.m . and Brooks, Smithers, and a pas.sen- ger were taken lo Baptist Hos­ pital for treatment, W rcck O n U .S . 64 A Davie mun wus charged with improper passing on the right after an accident occurred Nov. 12. Daniel Luke Hilton of 214 Cross Street, Cooleemee was driving his 1987 Chrysler ve­ hicle north on U .S . 64. Jennifer Prince Parker of Hickory was driving her 2000 Jeep vehicle north on U .S . 64 and attempted to turn right into a public drive. Hilton attempted to pass Parker und collided with her vehicle in a public drive. Trooper F.C , Ferguson re­ ported the accident occured ut approxim ately 2:20 p,ni, and there were no injuries, W rcck O n Gladstone Rond A Davie teen wus charged wilh exceeding a safe speed af- tcr an accident occurrcd Nov. 12. Jared Wayno Shrewsbury of"' 205 Arrowhead Road, Mocks­ ville was driving a 1998 Ford vehicle west on Gladstone Road. The vehicle ran off the road to the left and collided with two highway signs on the eastbound shoulder. Trooper F .C . Ferguson re­ ported the accident occurrcd at approxim ately 3:22 p.m . and there were no injuries. Collision O n U .S . 64 A North Carolina man was charged with failure to reduce speed after im nccidcnl lhat oc­ curred Nov. 12. Travis Michael Cloer of Le x­ ington was d rivin g a 1992 Dodge vchicle wesl on U .S . 64. Kennita Lynne Price of 6746 N .C . 801 South, Mocksville was wus stopped in her 1990 Chrysler vehicle in the west­ bound lane of 64 due to traffic. Cloer failed to reduce his speed and his vehiclc collided into the renr of Price's. Trooper M .C . Howell re­ ported tlie accident occurred at approxim ately 2 :17 p.m . and there were no injuries. W rcck O n Interslnie 40 A Davie woman was chargcd with reckless driving and failure to change address after an acci­ dcnt occurrcd Nov. 13. Laurtt Casey Doub of 300 Milling Road, Mocksville was Iraveling we.st on Inlerslalc 40 in a 1990 Ford Vehicle. Ann Marie Mullins of Kentucky wus driv­ ing her 1993 Nissan vehicle west on 1-40. Doub merged her vc­ hicle right inlo the travel lane of M ullins'. Doub und Mullins' vehicles collided. After impact, the two vehiclc continued west­ bound colliding a second lime and running off the road to the right. Doub's collided into an embankment, Doub stu'ted she swerved inlo the righl lane of travel in order to aviod collid­ ing inlo a deer. Trooper M .T . Dalton reported the accident occurred al approxim atley 9:15 p.m . and there were no injuries. W rcck O n Farm inglon Road A Dnvie woman wns charged Continued O n Pugc 9 The following cn.scs were hcnrd in Dnvie District Court on Nov. l.l. Presiding; Judge Mury F. Covington. Prosecuting: Wendy Terry nnd Kevin Bcnlc, Assisluni DAs. - Tnnyn R. Angell, driving wilh liccnsc revoked, pruyer for judge- menl continued on cost. - Jerry L . Bnkcr II, speeding 74 in n 55, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment, $100, cost; possession/dis­ play of ficlitious/revokcd drivers licensc, dismissed per correction. - Robert Brodnuf, allowing dog to run nl nighl, dismissed per re­ quest of prosccuiing witness. - Frederick S. Brown, driving with liccnse revoked, rcduccd lo failure lo nolify Department of Motor Vchicle of nddress chnngc, $50. cost; expired registrnlion cnrd/ tug. dismissed per correction. - Roberl W. Buff. D W I. sen­ tenced to two years in the Norlh Carolina Department of Corrcc­ tions, enroll in D A R T progrum, credit for three days served; driv­ ing with liccnsc revoked, dismis.sed per plen. - Jorge M . Cnrdcnus, driving wilh licen.se revoked, pruyer for judgement continued on cost; ex­ pired registrnlion curd/tng, dis­ missed per corrcction, - Lnriy 0 . Chuppcll, sccond de­ gree trespassing, disnii.ssed per fnil­ ure of prosccuiing witness to np­ peur; injury lo personal property, nol guilty: injury lo personul property, dismissed per fnilure of prosecuting witness to nppcnr. - Brundy E. CInpp. DW I, sen­ tenced to 30 duys in jnil, suspended one yenr, subslunce nbuse nsscss- mcnt/give crcdit, surrender liccnse, not to operute n motor vehiclc until licensed by Depnrlnient of Motor Vehicles, utlend school, $100, cost; failure lo dim headlight nnd posses­ sion of open contnlncr/consuniing ulcohol in pussenger ureu, dismissed per pleu. - AInn R. Clurk, ussuult on u fe- innle, dismissed per request of vic­ tim; simple ussuult, dismi.s.sed on condition to complete A A und coun­ seling, - Burtis H . Conley II, posses- sion/displny of ulteredffictitious/re- voked drivers liccnse, dismissed per plen; possession of mull bevcrnge/ 3- unfortified wine by 19/20, prayer for judgement continued on cost. - Victor T. Coria. driving after consuming under 21, sentenced to 15 days in jnil, suspended one yenr. nol to opcrntc u motor vchlcic until licensed l>y Depurtmcnl of Motor Vehicles, no alcohol, $.■!(), cost. - Sherry W. Crouse, fuilure to ■stop for steady red light, dismissed per plea; reckless driving to endan­ ger, $50, cost. - Jennnine D. Dnlton, expired inspection stickcr nnd rccklcss driv­ ing to cndunger, dismissed per cor­ rection; no operators license und no motorcycle endorsement, $50, cost. - Jnson D. Duvis, no opcrntors license, prnyer for judgement con­ linued on cost; fnilure to wenr driv­ ers sent boll nnd fnilure to secure passenger under 16, dismissed per plen. - Am y C. Doby, misdemeanor Inrceny. sentenced to 30 duys in jnil. suspcmlcd one yenr. 30 hours com­ munity service within 45 duys plus fee. $100, cost (wnived). - Cory A . Dulin. speeding 75 in a 55, reduccd to exceeding snfe speed, cost. - Kenneth D. Durhuni, no regis­ tration cnrd, failure to give lum sig- nul, resisting n public officer, und expired inspeclion slicker, dis­ missed pcrcompiinnce. - Tim B. Eccles, driving with li­ cense revoked, .sentenced lo 100 duys in jnil, suspended two yenrs, not to operute n motor vehicle until licensed by Depnrlmcnt of Motor Vehicles, $200, cost: fnilure to stop for stopsign/llushing re<l light, dis­ missed perplen; operuling n vchicle with no insurunce, sentenced to 30 days in jail, suspended two yenrs, $50, cost; operuling n vehiclc wilh no insurnnce, dismissed per plea. - Joshun W. Ford, possession of drug pnruphernnlin und driving with license revoked, sentenced to 30 duys in jnil, suspended one yenr, $50, cost, $65 nttpmey, $50, evi­ dence ordered destroyed; misde­ meunor possession of schedule VI controlled .subslunce, disnii.ssed per plea, evidence ordered destroyed. - Shnnnon M . Funderburk, fuil­ ure lo wenr drivers seat belt, dis­ missed per pleu; driving with li­ ccnsc revoked, sentenced to 10 duys in jnil. - Cnrlos J. Gprciu, expired in­ spection sticker nnd exceeding snfe speed, dismissed per correction nnd civil .settlement. - Cnrson B. Glnss, resisting n public officer, dismissed per plen; littering not moro thnn IS pounds, cost; crlmlnul use of a laser device, cost remitted. - Kerry Grny, misdemeunor pos- scssion of schedule VI controlled subslunce, sentenced lo 20 duys in jnil, credit for six duys served. - Miehnel A . Hurt, fnilure to stop forstendy red light, reduced to im­ proper equipment, $10. cost; ex­ pired inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Miehnel T. Hicks, driving wilh licen.se revoked, sentenced to 45 dnys in juil, suspended one yeur, $100, cost. -Audrey E. Hill, fnilure to wenr drivers sent belt und expired rcgis- trution curd/tng, dismissed per plen; driving with license revoked, sen­ tenced lo 30 dnys in jnil, credit for one dny served. - Kristopher R. Hoots, driving with licensc revoked, rcduccd to improper equipmeni. $100, cost; expired registrulion cnrd/tng und driving willl liccnsc revoked, dis­ missed per plen. - Jennifer L . Howell, driving with license revoked, sentenced to 30 dnys in jnil, nol lo operute n mo­ tor vehicle unlil licensed by Depnrt- menl of Molor Vehicle, $50, - Thomns R. Hunler, driving wilh license revoked, reduccd lo no operators license, $50, cosl; failure to yield to slopsign/flushing red light und ficlitious/coiiccnled/re- voked registrulion curd/tng, dis­ missed per pleu, - Steven G , Ivey, misdemeunor Inrceny, dismissed per request of officer. - Gury L. Jenkins, speeding 101 in n 70. dismissed per pleu; reck­ less driving to cndunger. $200, cost. ■ Saiil Kapoor, speeding 89 in a 70 , reduced to exceeding sufe speed, $50, cost. - Kristen F, Lnrnmie, exceeding posted speed, prnyer for judgement continued on cosl. - Jcffercy C. Lewis, cruelty to nnimnls, prnyer for judgement con­ tinued on cost, not lo posscss/pur- chnse nny nnimnls, - Duniel W. Long. DW I, reduced to cureless ami rccklcss, $100, cost; speeding, dismissed per plea. - Christopher W. Martin, misde- mcnnor Inrceny, judgement nr­ rested, defcndnnt nol properly served; resisting n public officer, dismissed per plea. - Mnrio Murtincz, speeding 69 in u 55, reduccd to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost, - Jonnthnn E, Mnyes, driving wilh liccnse revoked, reduced to no opcrntors license, $100, cosl; fuil­ ure to yield for slopsign/flushing red liglil, dismissed per plen. - John L . Mnyficld Jr., driving with liccnse revoked, reduced to improper equipment, $100, cost; expired inspection stickcr, dis­ missed perplen; driving with license revoked, dismissed per correclion. - Lnlnshn D. McClellund, driv­ ing wilh licensc revoked, reduccd to fuilure lo notify Departmenl of Motor Vehicles of nddress chnnge, cost; opernting n vehicle with no insurnnce, dismissed per plen. - KnrI E. McFrederick, driving with liccnsc revoked, reduced to no opcrntors license, prnyer for judge­ ment continued on cost. - Frnnclsco J. Mendez, driving with license revoked, rcduccd lo no operators licensc, $50, cosl; $130 utlorney fee, $50. - Donnld J. Moore, resisting n public officcr, dismissed per request of officer, completed counseling. - Dwigiit Myers, simple nssnult nnd eommunienting threats, dis­ missed per request of prosecuting witness. - Mntthew D , Naylor, driving wilh liccnsc revoked, dismissed per correction; operating a vchicle with no insurnnce, prnyer for judgement continued on cost; fictitious/con- ccnled/revoked registrulion cnrd/ tug, $50, cost. -Allen L . Pardon, misuse of911 syslem and fnlse report to police sin- tion, sentenced to 30 days in jnil, suspended one yenr, crcdit for two dnys served, $100, cost, two page letter of npology wilhin two weeks. - Sonya 0 . Pinkstnff, speeding 86 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost. - Pnul A . Pilcher, fuilure to wear drivers sent belt, dismissed per plen; possession of mnlt bevcruge/unfor- tified wine by 19/20, prnyer for judgement continued on cost. - Stncy G . Plowmnn, unlawful u.se ofhighwnys, dismissed. - Cordnle L , Pressly, resisting n public officer, sentenced to 30 dnys in jnil, suspended one yenr, cost, $65 allorney fee, $50. - Busil R. Reed, felony brcnking und entering of a molor vehicle, not guilty, no probable cause. - Tnqunnda K . Reynolds, failure to wenr drivers sent belt, nllowlng linlleenscd to drive, operating a vc­ hicle with no insurnnce, felony pos­ session of schedule V I controlled substnnce, nnd no operators license, dismissed per plea; possession wilh intent to mnnufncture/sell/delivcr schedule VI conirollcd substance and no linbility insurnnce, rcduccd to possession of drug pnrnphemn- lin, sentenced n 9096, complete the following wilhin one yenr; rnndom drug scrcens, not violate nny Inws, nltend parenting cinsses, substance nbuse nssessmenl/lrenlmeni, get GED/high school diploma, not op­ erate n motor vehicle until licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, cost, $195 attorney fee, $50. - Christopher M . Riddle, driving wilh license revoked, dismissed per plen; fnilure to yield, reduce to im­ proper equipment, $100, cost. - Jimmy Russell, second degree trespassing, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness; driving with liccnse revoked, senlenced to 45 dnys injnil, suspended one year, not to operate a motor vehicle unlil li­ censed by Depnrtment of Motor Vehicles, $300, cost. - Robert W. Setzer, designuled lnne violntion, dismissed per civil seltlement. - Jnson 0 . Shermer, resisling a public officer, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness, - Jeminlne Sturdivant, domestic criminal trespassing, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness. - Travis C. Thompson, breaking nnd enlering a motor vehicle, dis­ missed per plea; misdemeanor Inr­ ceny, sentenced to 45 days in jnil, suspended two years, $73.72 resti­ tution, $ I 95 attorney fee, $50, $200, cost, 30 hours community service wilhin 45 dnys plus fee, wrilc letter of npology within 30 dnys. - Cynthia B. Tumer, forgery of endorsement, reduced to a misde­ meanor, sentenced to 45 days injnil, suspended Iwo years, credil for three dnys served, 24 hours commu­ nity service within 30 days plus fee, write letter of npology wilhin 30 dnys, $260 nltorney fee, cosl, have no conluct with co-defendent, drug screens; uttering forged endorse­ ment, forgery of endorsement, dis­ missed per plen, - Rny N . Vnughn, unsnfe move­ ment, dismissed per correction. - Christopher T . Ward, rear Inmps violation and operating a ve­ hicle with no insurance, dismissed per plen: driving with liccnse re­ voked, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10, cost; expired Inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. - Craig S, Willlnms, driving with license revoked, dismissed percor- rcclion. - Jnmes E. Willis Jr., fnilure to wear drivers sent belt, expired reg­ istrnlion cnrd/tng, fnilure to stop for slopsign/flnshing red lighl, reckless driving to cndunger, dismissed per plen; driving wilh licen.se revoked, sentenced to 45 dnys in Juil, crcdit for 39 dnys served; hit/run fulling lo slop for property dnmnge nnd re­ sisting n public officer, sentenced lo 45 days Injnil. - Telicin L . Young, speeding 94 in a 70, reduccd to 79 to 70, prayer for judgcnicnt continued on cost. - Cnndnce Smilh, driving with liccnse revoked, reduccd to failure to notify Department of Molor Ve­ hicles of nddress chunge, .sentenced to one duy injail, crcdit for one duy served; using n foreign license while driving wilh licciise revoked, speed­ ing 87 in a 70, and no liability in­ surance, dismissed per plen. ■ Timothy Wilkes, speeding 85 in n 70 nnd using n foreign license while driving while license revoked, dismissed per corrcction; driving while liccnse revoked, prnyer for judgement conlinued on cost. Failed To Appear: - Hector A . Coreas, failure to yield. - Michael L , Dyson, no opera­ tors license, DW I, possession of nn open container/consuming alcohol in passenger area. - Mnriu R. Fleck, fnilure lo stop for stopsign/flashing red light. - Corey D. Grnves, misdemeunor Inrceny. - Debornh K . Gmziuno. speed­ ing 88 in a 70. - Timmy R. Green, niding nnd nbetting Impnircd driving. - Jonnthnn D , Jordun, driving with liccnse revoked, fnilure lo bum hendlights, exceeding snfe speed, - Coy L . Kezinh, driving wilh licensc revoked, misdemeunor pos­ session of schedule VI controlled substnncc. - Brent Newell, driving with li­ censc revoked. - Andrew M . Rumley, unsufe movemeni. - Jennifer Siuie, misdemeunor larceny. '- Dnvid S, Smith, misdemeanor- possession of schedule V I con­ trolled substnnce, possession of drug purnpheninlin. H ig h w a y P a tro l Continued Fro m Page 8 with failure lo reducc speed after an accideni occurrcd N o v, 13. Heather Pcrrell Ralledge of 367 Oakland Avenue, Mocks­ villc was driving her 1995 Ford vchicle north on Farmington Roud. Richard Steven Seals 11 of 125 Eust Renee Drive, Advancc was stopped in a 2001 Ford pick­ up in the northbound lane of Farm ington Road wailing to make a left hand turn into Acc Hardware. Ratledge failed to re­ duce her vehicle's speed and it collided inlo Scat's. Trooper J.R . Allred reported the accidcnt occurrcd al approxi­ mately 7:35 a.m. Nine Dccr H il In Davic Nine deer were reported hit by automobiles in Davie County. Ill the following accidents no in­ juries to the drivers were re­ ported; Bruce Garner M cBryde of 2410 U .S . 601 North wns driv­ ing his 1997 Oldsmobile vchicle soulhon U .S .601 whcnit.struck a dccr crossing Ihc road. Trooper M .T . Dnlton reported the accidcnt occurrcd al approxi­ mately 1 i;55 p.m. on N o v. 10. Brandon Milchell Brooks o f 108 Greenfield Road, Mocks­ ville was driving his 2001 Ford pick-up north on U .S . 601 when it collided wilh a dccr crossing the road. Trooper M .T . Dulton reported Ihe accident occurrcd at approxi­ niaiely 11:10 p.m . on N o v. 11. Sharon Renee Allen of 114 DunnTrail, Mock.sville wasdriv- ing a 1988 Ford vchicle east on U .S . 158 when u deer entered the road anil Allen's vchicle col­ lided with it, Trooper M .T . Dalton reported the accident occurred ut approxi­ mately 1 1:35 p.m . on N o v. 11, Shiriey Boger Moyer of 991 Riverbend Drive, Advance wus drivingher 1998 Lincoln vehicle north on Howardlown Circle when adecrcrosscd into the road­ way and collided witli her vc­ hicle. Trooper J.R . Allred reported Ihc accidcnt occurrcd at approxi­ mntely 11:45 a.m. on N o v. 16. A m y Jo Collahan of Har­ mony wns driving a 1999 Ford vchicle cast on Bear Creek Church Road. A deer ran into the road and collided intoCollahan's vchicle. Trooper M .C . How ell re­ ported the accident occurrcd at approximately 6:28 a.m. on Nov. 14. Joyel Buelin Miller of 139 Colton Lane, Mocksville was traveling north on N .C . 801 in a 2000 Toyota vehiclc when a deer crossed inlo the road and Miller's vehicle collided wilh it. Trooper M .C . How ell re­ ported the accidcnt occurrcd nt npproximately7:53 p.m . on Nov. II . Charles Gilbert Jones of 1099 Farmington Road, Mocksville was trnveling south on Farming­ ton Road in a 2001 Ford pick-up when adecrcrosscd into the road­ way and collided into Jones' ve­ hicle. Trooper J.R . Allred reported the accident occured at approxi­ mately 6:00 a.m. on N o v. 17. Kenneth Lee Owncs of 2 1 1 W illow Crcen Lane, Mocksvillc was traveling cast on U .S . 64 in a 1994 Ford pick-up when a deci crossed the road and collided into his vehicle, Trooper J.R . Allred reported Ihe accident occurred nt approxi­ mately 6:35 a.m. N o v, 17. Dorothy Spaugh Freidt of 150 Charon Lane, Advancc was driv­ ing her 1996 Geo vehiclc north on Howardlown Circle when ii deer collided into her vehicle. Trooper J.R . Allred reported the accident occurrcd at approxi­ mately 6:40 a.m. on Nov. 17. Davie Grand Jury Indictments Tlie following people were in­ dicted by a grund jury for the Nov. 13 criminni se.ssion of Duvie Counly Superior Court. - Victor Suusedo Beniul, DW I, possession of n controlled sub­ slunce. - Trucy Mitchell Cockerham, possession of n conlrolled sub- slnncc, speeding to elude nrrest, und DW I. - Dyrcll Lnprince Dnlton. com­ mon Inw robbery nnd misdemennor child ubusc. - Gilmer Sleven Denny, oblnin- ing property by fnlse pretense. - Glenn Eubunks Jr., breuking/ entcring/liirceny, brcnking nnd en­ tering of a molor vehicle, breaking mul enlering. - Jininiy Lnmont Fortune, pos- .scssion with intent sell/deliver, sule of u controlled subslunce. - Johnnie Frnnklin Godfrey, ub- duction of children, first degree kid- nupping. * - Pntricin Ann Godfrey, nbduc- lion of children, first degree kidnap­ ping. - Terry Grny, robbery wilii u dendly weapon. - Jerry Randnll Greene 111, breuking/enlering/lurceny. - Charles Maynard Grimm Jr., brenking/enlering/larceny. - Yo.scf Amici Hundy, possession wilh inlent to .sell/deliver, sale of n epnlrnlied subslunce, nllempled trnfficking in cocaine by sale. - Jimmy Lee Harris, ninlicious conduct by prisoner, assunit with n dendly weupon wilh inlent lo kill innicling serious injury. - Thomns Lnrry Ivey, second degree iiidnupping nnd first degree statutory sex offense. - Justin Randolph Johnson, D W I, misdemeanor child nbuse. speeding lo elude arresi. - Ronuld Juson Kinzer, brcnking/ enlcring/lnrceny, breuking nnd en­ tering of u niolor veliicle, breaking uml entering. - Kevin Ruy Murlow Jr., brenk- ing/entering/lurceny. - Roderick Tyrone Murtin, pos­ session with inlent lo sell/deliver, sell cocnine. - Jonuthnn Estnl Mayes, break- ing/cntering/lurceny, brcnking und enlering of n niolor vchicle, brenk- ing und enlering. - Lnlushn Imes McClellund, frnudcnily burning dwelling, burn­ ing one's own dwelling. - Brnndon Geoffrey Oliver. hrenking/enlcring/ltttccny, brcnking und entering of u motor vehicle, brenking nnd enlering. - Joim Wesley Redmon, posses­ sion of n controlled substnnce. -John Speiglil Sanford Jr., finun- Ciiil transaction curd theft nnd finun- ciul trnnsnction cnrd fruud. - Sumuel Alun Walton, obtaining property by false pretense. - Crnig Frederick Wiund, brenk- ing/enlering/lnrceny, brcnking and enlering of n motor vehicle, breuk- ing and entering, Inrceny after brenking nnd entering. - Jusiin Lee Wiand, breaking/ entering/lnrceny, brenking nnd en­ tering of n motor vchicle, brenking nnd enlering, misdemennor Inrceny. A S E Davie Planning Board To Meet i Certined Techs The Davie Counly Planning Board w ill meet on Tuesday, Nov. 25, al 5:30 p.m . in the con­ ference room o f the D uvie County Administralion Building. The purpose of the workshop is 10 review Ihc draft ofthe Land Development Plan and the pub­ lic workshops conducted on Nov. 10, 12 and 13, A U T O M O T I V E Η ^ $ 1 4 .9 5 O I L C T I A N G E & S E R V I C E Ш 17th-28th 2003 CaU: 751-3372 If vou can't bearthoihouO htof oilier dealarslilDS saving |\f0^aiva M E acair. r 6Cr Resumr Kevin McCullough C all m e personally at 7 0 Д - 6 3 3 - 7 2 7 0 o r 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 4 - 6 8 2 3 Em ail M e a t - km ccullough@ benm ynatt.com A p p ly by Phone - 1 -888-756-AU TO (2886) www.benmynatt.getayes.com ’^ B iN M Y N A T T 0N T IA C *6M C *N IS S A N 6 2 9 JA K E A L E X A N D E R B LV D S S A L I S B U R Y 10 ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTKUI'RISK UKCORl), riiursilii.v, Nov. 20, 2003 Students Honor Veterans By Mike Barnluinlt D a vie C ou nty Enterprise Record His slory sturtod out rouiine enough. Chris Wooldridge liad gradu­ ated from Davie High School in 1999 and began .•jtudies al the University o f North Carolina at Charlotte. “ I started studying and had a few problems ... so 1 decided to join the m ilitary because I needed a little discipline." Woodridge was speaking lo Dnvie High students at a spccial Veteran’s Day assembly last week, an assembly marked hy students introducing loved ones carrying flags of the military branches, of patriotic music pro­ vided by the school's bund and chorus, o f drama students read­ ing letters wrillen by men serv­ ing in previous wars. Wooldridge had become a Marine, and on Sept. 11, 2001, he was preparing for a “ fun" de­ ployment to the Mediterranean. “ M y mother called me and said, ‘ Chris, I think you wanl to turn our T V on’ ." W hen he realized thal Amcrica had been attacked hy terrorists, he knew his deploy­ ment wouldn't be fun, and it wouldn’t be lo Italy and Greece. "I knew I would be firsl (inthe war on terrorism) and 1 was. We sel suil on Sepl. 1.1." His unit circled Ihe Soulh coast o f Pakistan for five months. Much of his time was spent playing board games, pretty lame sluff for a Marino on war deployment. Afier that, he went lo Paki­ stan, where the flies were thick and the atmosphere was un- stable and scary. Then ■i y Wooldridge and another Marine were taken to Kandahar, A f ­ ghanistan, where the United Slates hnd taken conlrol o f the crucial airport. One and a hulf miles from the airfield, he wns placed in a freshly-dug hole, six feet deep and three feel wide. "This is where I lived for two weeks," he suid. He slept on dirt, and endured wealher that reached 75 degrees in the day and dipped to 16 degrees al night. The sweat on his shirt in the day turned to ice al night. It hadn'l rained in years in K andahar, bul when Wooldridge wus in the hole, it rained for three straight days. H is dusty hom e became a muddy home. There was lillle lime for sleep. Awake all duy, he took lums on two hour shifis of guard duly at night. "1 started gelling accusiomed lo it," he said. Then one night, while he was asleep, all hell broke loo.se. "I heard ull this commotion ... and Ihe squad leader was run­ ning around screaming 'gel up. get up, gel up'." Mortars flew overiiead, ex­ ploding in front of him. Guns were being fired. Everything the United States hud was being fired . “ It was an awesome sight," he said. “ It was real and I knew it was real when 1 realized they were firing al us," Wooldridge suid. The fighi lasted only 10- I.S min­ utes, but the 22-year-old A d ­ vance resident had seen plenty. People had died, one cul in hall' in front of his eyes. Speaking to the sludenls who filled the Davic High gym , he told them to remember Ihe men and women who fighl for Iheir freedoms. He told them to re­ member those who fought in previous wars, and lo thank Iho.se who are slill alive. As the band played "America the Beautiful" and the chorus sang "Let There Be Peace on E a rth ,” sludenls m arched around the gym currying the flag o f each o f the 50 slates. WOODWORKS QflLLCRT 185 N. Main St., Mocksville (33Ó) 751-1001 Davie High stuijents and visitors recite the Pledge of Allegiance at a patriotic Veteran's Day observance last week at the school. COUNTER POINT MUSIG Iristiiimcht Sales & Rcpnirs Music Lessons Kip Smm’/OtviiLT ,’ 5l’.Coiirl Square’, Mocksvillc ‘ 33<-75l-9390 HAPPY НОШЁ MIMAIURES Dollhouses uml Accc.ssoi'ie.s 135 N. Main St., Mocksville (336) 751-1424 Student Frankie Frank with her grandfather, Army Private Harold Frank. Teacher Malt Sain with his grandfather, Navy 2nd Class Petty Of - Photos by Robin Fergusson ficer Lester Pete Sain. «s . э О ) Miss Judy’s DoUs Wic Sr.Lh T h o m a s T im Tr a in 43 Court Square Mocksvillc, NC 3'" G if t s a n d O f f ic e S u p p l ie s121 N. Main Sl.. Mocksville 25% OFF GIFTS TTils Sunday Storewide Refreshments Served! m C ollette A rt & Fr a m in g 835 Yadkinville Road M ocksville, N C 2 7Ü 28 Ph /Fa x (336)751-2296 HISTORIC DOWNTOWN IVIOCKSVILLE CELEBRATES HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, NOVEM BER 231 PM - 6PM (Hours m ay vary by store) Come celebrate with our shops and businesses io downtown Mocksville for the best in holiday cheer. Take a leisurely stroll around town and shop in our casual, hometown atmosphere. Enjoy live music, great food, and horse and buggy rides The annual Davie County Christmas Ornament Signing will take place at Gasthaus on the Square from 2:00 to 4:00 PM featuring First United Methodist Church by artist Dempsey E.ssick. Davie School of Dance Students will present “The Christmas Store” as a fundraiser. Special Guest. . . I V I r S . C l a u s will be greeting all children as she visits throughout the retail .stores. U p c o m i n g D o w n i o w n H o l i d a y E v e n t s Evenings appx. 6:30 P M 'til 7:30 P M 'l\it‘.s„ Dec. !> Soulh Diivic Chonis Wed., Dcc, 10 Liitliuniii Church Choir 'I’hurs., Dec. 11 Wm. R. Davie & Mocksvillc Elementary Choru.s Fri, Dec. 12 Hor.sc & Buggy Ride.s by Ricky Naylor Sat., Dec. 13 Santa & Mr.s. Claus (come visit & hiive photos made 1-4PM at Davie School of Dance)Wed., Dec. 17 Jericho Church of Christ “Singers” I ’hurs., Dec. 18 I)avie High School Choral / Chorus Fri., Dec. 19 ■ Horse, & Buggy Rides by Ricky Naylor Sat., Dec. 20 Horse & Buggy Rides by Ricky Naylor M OCKSVILLE CHRISTM AS PARADE Saturday, December 6th at 3:00 PM GASTHAUS on l)ic SQUARE Rcstauranl and Guesthouse nil N()Hilli\lAI.N.STIIi:ior MofKSVII.I.i;, NC 27028 (I'A.S'ril/UJS (la llu; S(|imri' I.I.C I.......ni;: .Wr.-75I-79IH) Kw; .Wi-7.y-(IWl Arliir lli'U'li Omifr/Maaa(¡i'r ANTIQUES ••• o n m a i n Gifts • 'Basizets 'B t U i a n i e g i s t t y Mon. thru Fri. 9:30-ело S a u0;00-S .00 67 Court Sofjane. Mookaville, NC 336-751-1336 T O LL F R E E 866-715-4336 Foster’s Jewelers SiiuviNCi MocK.svii.i.i; & Davie C o u n ty rou O vü r 50 Yuars! !7I N. Main Street Mock.witle, NC (336) 751-2737 DAVE’SMUSIC M u s ic a l In s tru m e n ts A ccessories & R e p a ir M u s ic Lessons 129 Court Square • Mocksville (336) 751-1934 EVERYTHING ON SALE FOR CHRISTMAS, UYAWAY NOWl O PENIN G SAT. NOV. 2 2 ComcSeeUsDuringOpenHouiel All Types of Bikes From: Schwinn, GT, Kona, Santa Cmz&others 115 Nonh Main St., Mocksville (between Gasthaus & Bits of Grass) (336) 751-0300 К Davie Sdicx)lof Dance • Pointc • Ballet • Modem «'Hip • •Jiizz • 1 lip Mop • Clogging • •.Sodiil Diuicing* I.J2 N. Main St,, DouTitowii Mock.svillc 7 5 1 .2 « 9 « .'37 C ourt Square lîow ntow n M ocksvillc, N C СЗ.'К)) 75l-98()4 “ U G H T I W Y n R F ' Gel Candles for any occasion CLQURTSIDE SPIQRTS 157 N. Main St., Mocksville, NC ( 3 3 6 )7 5 1- 4 7 0 0 1 Court Square, Mocksville 751-5262m N a t u r a l H e a l t h -------S lio/j/jc- Natural Modlclnos, Nutritional Supplomonts, Aromalhorapy,Thorapoutlc Music, Books and Moro... on th» Sq u ar« In Downtown M ockavlllo 751-0092Consultations by Appolntmont 1 I4 N . M a in (C o iiit Square) M ocksville, N C Open Mon-Fri .Siim-2pm For Brcakfasi & Lunch 751-0075 9 \< Members of the ctiorus watch as drama students read letters written by service men during times of combat. 12 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 Г 'V Í Lindsay cuts up on on her grandfather, Sandy G rantham 's lap, with, from left, m other Polly G ales, brother Seth G ales and grandm other Perl Grantham . L o t s O f H a p p y M e m o r i e s By M ike Uurnhnrdi Diivic Counly Enl<;r|)rlse Rccord Every tear Is a memory - u happy memory. Those happy memories can’t even be counted. There are too mimy. As Polly Gales hugged LeAnn W il­ son Sunday night, the tears were flow­ ing by tlic bucket.s. , Polly had lost her daughter, Lindsay ^ Elizabeth Gales, a day earlier in an aulo accidcnl. Wilson's son, Curt, had lost his lower leg two and a half months earlier in a lawnmowcr accidcnl. When Lindsay died, she was on her way to a benefit for Curl Wilson. Insur­ ance hadn't paid all ihe bills, and he was her friend. It wns Lindsay’s nature to want lo help. On Sunday nlghl, Polly told Curt's mother that memorial donulions in Lindsay's memory were going lo a ben- cfil for Curt and Ihe Wilson family. "Thai's whal Lindsay would have wanlcd," she said. The two mothers hugged, und cricd. The tears flowed, someday lo be replaced wiih happy memories. Lindsay Gales loved to help other people, A happy 16-year-old high school junior, in reccnt months she had begun thinking aboul whal she wanlcd to do wilh her life. The medical field was on her mind, maybe a nurse or a related job. She had joined the heallh occupa­ tions club at Ihc school, und oflen talked about Ihc options in lhal field. She also loved to lulk aboul her fam­ ily and friends. Her mom Polly, father Billy and brother Seth, her grandpar­ ents, Sandy and Perl Grantham, and her grandparents, William nnd Libby Gales, both of whom died earlier this year, were always in her thoughts, as were counllcss cousins and aunts and uncles. She wus among ihc firsl lo Wilson's home after his accidcnl, and had re­ mained a regular visitor - and worker - since lhat time. When her friend and classmale. Megun Howell, died in an a wrcck in Seplember, Lindsay was there for her friends, and Megan's family. She wrote her feelings on Ihe back glass o f her car for everyone lo sec. Curl W ilson callcd her Ihe nicest person he has ever known. “ She has been there for me through ' all the things lhat 1 have been throilgh," he said. "I never saw her without a smile on her facc. She always made a poinl lo come sec me at least one day a week. I always looked forward to her coming." Lindsay Gales had a positive influ­ ence on many people, One of her besl friends, Ashton Lam b, said she will be lost for a long lime without "Lin d z," "But I believe that Lind z would tell me to move on and live niy life," Ashlon said, "I love you. Baby Doll, See you in heaven!" Many of Lindsay's friends and class­ mates knew o f her strong faith. In her bright green and purple “ E x ­ treme Teen Bible" her mother gave her in 2001, Lindsay had made Ihe follow­ ing note on June 10 of this year: “ 1 sur­ render ull ,., God callcd me to .some­ thing, bul I’ m nol sUre yet. God called me to Him !" A bookmark was in Corinthians when she died, probably the last pas­ sage and message she had read, Ashlon had direclcd her lo lhal part of the Bible, It was about love. 1 Corinthians 13;4,.‘i: “ Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not seek its own, is not pro­ voked, thinks no evil." It was followed by a message aboul relationships, love and jealousy. "Love is aboul .serving, scine.ssncss und caring, Arrogancc and jealousy arc for Ihe in.sccurc,” Lindsay’s love was Jason Ritchie, her “ Pudding." "Lind.say was Ihc love of my life," Jason said, “ 1 will always remember her, 1 lold her that my love for her grew more and more every day and it will continue lo do lhal, 1 will never forgel you Pud- i: Som e of Ihe m any faces of Lindsay Elizabeth G ales, folding her hands for a photograph, showing her first lost tooth, and working in Christm as greenery. J Lindsay and father Billy Gales en- Batter up: The Mighty Lindsay joy som e fun time in the snow, stril<es a pose. Lindsay last year on a friend’s four-wheeler. ding. And ihis lime. I'm not messing," Lindsuy and Jason loved to pick on one another, and just when the other would get upsel, or pretend to be upset, Ihey would say, “ I'm just messing, pud­ ding,” That was usually followed by a hug, or n kiss, or a friendly punch on Ihe arm. Many of her classmates wrote their feelings down M onday morning at Davle High School. Kelsey Dyson wrote; "Best friends are hard to comc by. I know you’re so happy now becausc you’re with Meg (Megun Howell) and I know ya’Il are walching over us, I can’t wail till I gel to sec you again one day, I will always love you I" Kourtney Hanrahan wrote; "Lindsay will Iruly be missed, She was one amaz­ ing person wilh one amazing heart," Carrie Sain wrote; “ If you ever needed anything, you could count on Lindsay always being there. She was truly an angel sent from G od. I will never forget her and her loving smile." Lindsay Gales grew up an athlete, playing softball and cheerleading. In more reccnt years, she had bccomc in­ terested in horses, Siie loved horses, and had a job in a horse bam, even though she probably would have worked there for free, ac­ cording lo her father. She loved Ihc water, and spent many weekends nt High Rock Lake wilh her father, and wilh Ashlon and Ashton’s granilfalher. When you open Jason’s glove com­ partment in his truck, packets of ketchup would fall oul. He didn'l want his pudding to go without her favorile condiment. You could give Lindsay the best sleak in the world, bul wilhoul kelchup, to Lindsay, il wasn’t worth eating, Slncc Megan's death,’.she had be­ come more aclive in Students Against Drunk Driving, She wanted lo make sure such tragedies w ouldn't strike again. And allhough Ihey ofien pickcd on one another around family, Lindsay and her brother Selh were close. "Lindsay was ihe besl sislcr lhal any brother could ever have. She was sweet and as nice as she could be," Selh .said, “ M y sisier is my bcsl friend, I lold her everything. When I needed advice aboul anyihing, 1 always wenl lo my sisier to ask her and sec whnt she would say, "I Ihink lhal God worked ihrough Lindsay to help lead me in the right di­ rection in life, I will always miss her and 1 will love her forever," Selh said, "She is the best friend a person could have. She always spoke her mind no mailer what il was about and that is one of the many things 1 loved about my sislcr. She will be missed very much, and 1 love her so much and she will al­ ways be in my thoughts, l love you, Sissy," Lindsay with the love of her life, Jason Ritchie. Lindsay and brother Seth enjoy playing in the ial<e at their grand­ parents’ house. All dressed up, Lindsay and best friend Ashton Lamb. Sports DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursdny, Nov. 20,2003— HI D e j a V u : D a v i e D e m o r a l i z e s P a g e War Eagles Bounce Page For 2nd Straight Year B y Brian Pitts Davie County Enlerprise Record G R E E N S B O R O - In the second- round movie running through the Davle football team’s head before Friday’s trip to Greensboro Page, the War Eagles probably never imagined this. They could have envisioned eliminating Page in the final 16 of the 4 -A West playoffs for the second straight year. They could have scriptcd another decisive victory. But they got more than their daydreams promised in a 34-14 dismantling. Last year’s 36-20 second-round win at Page guaranleed the Pirates’ best ef­ fort, Pavie humiliated them 22-0 In the first nine minutes and 29-0 at halftime, and it expected an absolule tug-of-war in the rematch. The War Eagles (9-4) didn’t need to w orry. In a phenomenal grind-it-out performance, they left footprints all over Page’s field, amazed even their coaches and punched their Ihlrd-ever ticket to the quarterfinals with a fifth straight win, "I wns very surprised," Davie coach Doug llling said, "W e thought it was going to be a dogfight, Wc by no means thought we’d be able lo do what we did. That’s a great tribute to our kids and their heurt, courage and desire.” : “1 knew they were going to be think­ ing about last year," senior free safely Billy Riddle said. "W e came in and shocked them, and I told the guys they remember that and Ihey’re going to be playing with all their hearts. But we , wanted it moro and we’re a better team ^ than last year. So we came out and did : it again.” "I thought they would be pumped up . and ready to go," senior left guard Jus­ tin Norsworthy salt!. “ I thought revenge would play a huge key. Right before we came out, I said: ‘Guys, I don’t want to hang it up tonight,’ “ The War Eagles played the smooth­ est game. It’s hard lo believe, but ev­ erylhing came almost too easily. They got the ball three times In the first half and bulled down the field all three times for a 21-0 halftime lead. They marched 72 yards on 12 plays, 80 yards on 16 plays and 43 yards on 13 plays. Davie ran 42 plays in Ihe first half, while Page (9-3) ran seven. Wjth light end Zac O ’ Brien and linemen Zach Jakob, Norsworthy, Kyle Brow n, Matt Markland and Ryan Boehm clearing Ihe wny for quarterback Cooter Arnold (25 carries, 135 yards), tailback Justin Brown (22 carries, 89 yards) and full­ back Jamar Bratcher (14 carries, 69 yards), the War Eagles controlled the ball for 18;28 of the first half’s 24 min­ utes, That’s incredible. “ It was the same thing we've done to every leam we’ve played," Arnold said. “ We didn't have anything special planned. We just did what we do every game - find a couple pluys thal work and just keep running them," “ Scoring on four out of four oppor­ tunities (counling the first .scries of the third) isn’t a bad start," Norsworthy ■said, “That shows dominance up front. They knew who was gelling It and where it was going. We could have pointed and told them where it was go­ ing, and there was nolhing they could • do about il," As difficult as it is lo fathom, Davie went 7-for-7 on fourth-down conver­ sions, Arnold moved the fourth-down sticks six times as Davie neutralized Page’s quick-strlke offense. "W e can’t score if we can’t get on the field. Seven plays in the first hnlf?” Page coach Bob Via said. "Their block­ ing schemcs are certainly nol compli­ cated, but you’ve got lo spend so much time looking at Arnold, nnd then there’s Brown and Bratcher, "Size-wise we just don’t malch up up front. Size only counts if it’s lean­ ing on you, and when they do lhal double down, kick out and pull the g u a rd W e thought we had it schemed up, and still they got to us.” Davie's domination started when Page won the coin loss nnd deferred to the second half. On Davie's third play (third-and-6), Arnold appeared trapped as he looked up lo pass, only to race 28 yards around lefl end. Arnold thrust Davie lo the Page 14, where it faced fourlh-and-inchcs. In whal became a theme, Arnold sneaked 3 yards for a first down. O n third-i\nd-3, Bratchcr plowed 4 yards and Kevin Winters drilled the extra point for a 7-0 lead. Afte r Bratcher barreled 18 yards on the W ar Eagles’ second scries, Ihey fnced fourth-and-l al Ihc Page 48. Arnold not only picked up the first dow n, he was nearly gone. He was dragged down from behind 13 yards downfield, Arnold converted anolher fourlh- and-1, but the drive was in danger on lhird-and-14. N o sweat. Relief pilcher Andrew M cClannon foiled oul and 'dum ped « 13-yard com pletion lo Arnold, who later kept things rolling with a 2-yarder on fourth-and-l. Brow n capped the 80-yurd, 7;45 march for a 14-0 lead. Dnvie had nine first downs In the first 17 minules. “ W e’re just a big line and wc just punish people,” Kyle Brown said, "You could tell they were getting frustrated, Plcusc See Pngc O n K5 l \ / l a s s i v e O p p o r t u n i t y Davie Would Mal<e History With Upset AT Tabor Davie’s football leam has beeri here before. Maybe this time, in ils third trip lo Ihe state 4 -A quarterfinals, ihings will be different. The way Davie is going now, perhaps even one of the greatest nemesis (Mount Tabor coach Bob Sapp) can be slain, "It’s huge," senior Billy Riddle said, “The third round of the playoffs doesn’t happen much at Davie County, W e’ve talked about it since January and been dreaming about the ring. And we’re one step closer. Hopefully we can work our magic ogain this week," Fifth-seeded D avie visits N o , 1 Mount Tabor Friday night at 7;30. If the War Eagles get over the quarterfinal hump, they’ ll make hisiory. Th ey’re loaded with confidence nfler executing to perfection and belling Page 34-14, Th e y were drilled in their other quarterfinal appearances, losing 27-0 at Crcsl in 1997 and 42-0 at A ,C , Reynolds last year. They’re 0-7 againsi Sapp, and his Spartans have won nine in a row. So you can imagine what an upsel would do for Davle, “ It’s exciting," Davie coach Doug Illiiig said, " h ’s a big opportunity for our kids, our program and our commu­ nity, We had a heart-to-heart in the middle o f the year when we had that little skid. They set a goal and by gosh they're getting beller each week," Tabor is favored to win, bul the Wnr Eagles’ offensive line, their trio of run­ ners and their gritty defense make ev­ erylhing seem possible. They’ve won five in a row, "We scrimmaged them and saw their running backs have phenom enal speed," Riddle said, "But we’ve seen a lot of speed over the .season, so it's nol going to surprise us. We know what's coming," Il's a classic matchup of strength vs, strength. If there's ono thing Dnvlc docs superbly, it's chew up the clock with a puni.shing running game. If there's one ihingTabor does exceptionally woll, it’s shutting down Ihe run, “ W e’ re going lo have lo keep them off the field as much as wc can, kind of like we did againsi Page, Wc need to control the line of scrimmage and make first downs," llling said, “ W e’ve gol lo do a great job ofgang tackling. They’re. very elusive and very quick,” Davie has lo figure out a way to slop - well, slow down - the 0 ,C , Wardlow- to-Marcus Vereen passing machine. W ardlow wenl 7-of-15 for 100-plus yards in a 28-21 w in over Norih Davidson, and Vereen made all seven receptions, including three for louch- Plcasc See Is Th ird Page US Josh Aii<an soars above the rim. - P h o to s by J a m e s B a rrin g e r' L o n g A r m Transfer Josh Aikan Raises Davie’s Basketball Outlook Ily Ilrliin Pills Dnvie Counly Enterprise Rccord If you don’l ycl know the name Josh Aikan, you soon will. The new Davie High sludeni has rai.sed the hopes of Davie’s varsity boys basketball team. “ He gives us a lot o f size und alhlcticism,” junior ccnicr C liff Burns said, “ W e've gone front maybe in the middle of ihe conferencc lo being to­ ward tiie lop." Aikan lived in Rockingham Coimly and attended McMlchael High before moving to Mocksviile In Oclober of 2002. He was home schooled last year, "(Joe Boyciie, alhlelic direcior of ihe Mocksville-Davie Recreation Deparl- menl) informed nte nbout him playing basketball al the Brock," Davie coach Mike Absher said. "So wc talked lo his mom and got him enrolled," “ We wanlcd a good placc for sporls, and we heard Davie was a good school for academics," Aikan said. Wilh 6-6 Bums and 6 -4 ,210-pound Aikan anchoring the middle, the War Eagles can envision considerable im­ provement from last year (9-15, 1-9 Ccntral Piedmont Conference), As a big mnn who can handle the ball, run the fioor and shoot wilh range, Aikan im­ mediately seized a prominent role. Now — coupled wilh the return of Burns, M att Sm ilh, Travis How ell, Brundon Capw ell, Ryan Price and David Schwcil — a winning season Is a reulislic goal, “Going againsi euch other everyday, you have lo work," Bums said of Aikan, “ He fils in, acts like us and cuts up,” "H e ’s going to help us a lot wilh re­ bounding," Smith said, "H e ’s sirong and can jimtp quick. He's really athletic. He brought enthusiasm after wc lost Scotty Robinson (who transferred back to Salisbury), H e’s replaced him pretty good. I’m real excited ubout it,” Please Sec Transfer Page B2 Wrestlers Win Season Opener Davie star wrestler Dustin Johnson stom ped the first opponent of his junior season. By Brian Pills Davie Counly Enlcrprise-Record Wilh several slarlers slill on the fool- ball I'ielil and nine freshmen and soplio- mores in the lineup, Davio wrestling coacli Buddy Lowery is nol looking for style poinls. The War Eagles barely had enough firepower lo get pasl visiting Chapel H ill in last w eek’s season opener, but Low ery wasn't aboul lo Ihrow hack a 41-27 win. “They’re supposed lo be prelly good, especially through Ihc middle," he said, “ They gave us u (cUwe) malch at ihe end of last year and they have a lol buck from lasi year. We were anlsy. How nuich nervous energy did we burn be­ cause il wus Ihe first malch?” The Wur Bugles ripped off 32 unan­ swered poinls for a 32-6 lead, Bubba Boger (215 weight class) and Ru.s.sell H illo n (10 3 ) pinned and Adam Mcllwain (112 ) ami Dustin Johnson pounded oul major decisions. Freshman Mcllwain was shnrp in his high-school debut, cruising 9-1. But jusi when il ,seemcd liie Tigers were cookcd, they stormed back wilh five conseculivo victories between 125 und 145 to pull wilhin 32-27, One of Please See W restlers Page B2 ; ! i 'I, ; ÌÌ2 - DAVIK COUNTY KN TKUI’UISK RKCOKD. riiiirsdiiy. Nov. 20, 2003 Wrestlers Open With Win Cuntintivil From 111 the wins, 15-1, camc IrDin 130- poutuler Kcllaii M cKcii». i\ 2()()2 sl.ite clKinip and ihc ¡¡randson of Florida Marlins manai>cr Jack McKeon. "Through Ihe gul they have some quality wrestlers." Lowery suid. "McKttoii is going lo make people around him good, lie’s going lo Duke (to wrestle). The people thal gol beat (freshman Craig Brown, senior Zac Mor­ ton, who faced McKeon. .sopho­ more Aaron Hollifield, senior Malachi Gentry and .sophomore Tim m y Allen), il wasn'l because of erfort. Tlieir good people were technique .sound." With the D avi; roof caving in and Ihe chips down, Jeremiah Raby dodged early irouble and pinned his 152 opponent in Ihe rir.sl period, giving Davie an in­ surmountable 38-27 lead. The junior relished the role of deny­ ing Chapel Hill in dramatic fash­ ion. "I jusi knew I had lo beat the guy," Raby said. "Everybody on the sideline was talking lo me nbout how I had to win, that it was on my shoulders. I like lhat. I’ve never been put in that situ­ ation before. "W hen we get a lol of foot­ ball players in, at 171 on up, I think we can he a contender in Ihe .state. I Ihink we’ ll have a beitcr leam than last year, but right now it’s like (last year's slow start)." Josh Barnes ailded a double- overtime, 10-8 win in the final niiitch. The sophomore was pe- tudized three points for illegal moves, bul found n way. The War Eagles started two freshn\en, seven sophomores, two juniors and two seniors. T h e y ’ re hot accustomed to scratching and clawing for the upper hand, hut they might have to get used to the feeling unlil Billy Riddle, Ryan Boehm and Zac O'Brien join the leam. They will also gel Brock Flowers and Derrick Foster from the football team , and maybe Jam ar A nice turnout enjoyed the Davie wrestling team 's tough 41-27 season-opening win over C hapel Hill. Bratcher. "The m iddlc-school pro­ grams help us as I'ar as being able lo move young wrestlers in Ihere," Low ery said. “ It’s nol like it’s a total shock to them. W e've gol an advantage ihere." IIO W D A M A G IN i^ v ill the potential season-ending loss of Ted Randolph, who injured his knee in the I'irsi round of the football playoffs against Char­ lotle Harding, be'.’ The 6-4,255- poumler wenl 37-4 as a sopho­ more, and his absence puts a dent in Davie's hopes. Randolph started last year 31-0 and split four matches in the slale meel. Lowery said Raiulolph would be sorely missed hul would un- derstaml if bc uses the whiter lo recover for 2(KM baseball and football. "W hal do you do',’ Do you m ove Boehm (from 215 to H W T)'.’ " Low ery said. "You might bc betler o ff leaving Boehm at 215 and. going with a young pup al heavyweight. I don't know which way we’ ll go, bin you Iry lo be as positive about il as you can. Ifyo u win 13 be­ fore you gel lo heavyweight, you don't have lo worry aboul il. "Yes, I’d love lo have Ted back. Bul he better have a love affair with the weight room, be­ cause face Ihe facts: They give more football scholarships lhan wrestling scholar.ships. With him it's probably going to he football. Everybody wants somebody Ihal’s 6 -4 ,6 -5 .1 le's 6-4. Every­ body wanls somebody ihal's 250, 260. He's (255)." Nute.s; Johnson dominated 14-4 despite moving up from 112 to 119 bccausc of Josh Johnson's ankle Injury, ,,. Davie denied Chapel Mill in Ihe firsl round of last year’s 4-A duals. Trailing 33- 26, Davie look the last three matches for a 39-33 w in. ... Davic hosts Lake Norm an on Nov. 20 al 7 p.m. It goes to Sl. Stephens on Nov. 26, Jerem iah Raby slam m ed the door on C hapel Hill with a first-period pin Transfer Brings New Lool< To Davie Basketball Team Conlinucd From I’age HI "Josh was very involved over the summer, and everybody re­ alized he could be an instant part of what we're Irying to do," A b ­ sher said. "H e gives us more size, he runs the floor very, very well, and he makes us more com­ petitive in Ihe post. H e’s pretly versalile, and he will definitely be a bonus for us.” l»lJK N S M A I)K a n emphatic slalemenl in last week’s close scrimmage with Hickory, dunk­ ing twice on fastbreaks and nearly slamming home another while getting fouled. Travis Howell staked claim to the point-guard job wiih an im ­ pressive showing. Tile same Rec. Dept. Plans Wrestling goes for forwaril Capwcll. "Howell played good al Ihe point. He looked up the floor and gol il lo the open people." A b­ sher said. "Capwell playe<l macli bciter. Thai was encouraging, too." The WarEaglesopen Nov. 19 at l.ake Norman. Tlieir Nov. 21 home game w ith Stalesville has been postponed. They play in a tournament at Norih Slanly on Nov. 24-26 and host Mooresville on Dec. 2.Coach Buddy Lowery tries to brace the fall as two wrestlers tumble off the mat. Clinic The Mocksville-Davie I’aiks & Recrealion Deparlmcnl is of­ fering an instructional wrestling program for second-si,xth grad­ ers at Davie High on Dcc. I, 8, 17, 22, Jan, 5, 12, 19 and 26. The program will slart each night at 6:3(1 and end al 7:45. The instruclors will he Ron K irk, Adam Barber anil Jamey Holl. The cosl is $25, which includes a T-shirt, The deadline lo regis­ ter is Nov, 21, Call the rec al 751 - 2325,Sophom ore Bubba Boger m anhandled his 215-pound opponent, pinning in the first period.- P hotos by Jam es B arringer DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, I lMirsdiiy, Nov. 20,2003 ■ Ser Ire & Ya I Coun *T r e e S e r v ic evie - syih ft »s Reiidenllal & Commorlcal 75’ Working Helgtit BucKet Truck • Lot Claarlng ■ Troo Foeiting • TrM nemoval Fertlllutlon • Stump Grinding ■ Hazantous • SalMtln Trimming Romoval & Pruning . Skid Steer Work • Slorm Damage 336492-2944 Tolti Complete Clean up Fully Insured V A L U A B L E C O U P O N Allison Schafer will do a little of everything for D avie’s girls basketball team . - P hotos by Jam es B arringer Allison Schafer Signs With Mars Hill Uy Hrlan Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record Over the past two years, as D avie’s girls basketball teain ruled the Central Piedmont Con­ ference, rolled up 38 wins and made two trips to the Hnal 16, Allison Schafer played u support- . ing role. Now Ihc cornerstone of Ihc : War Eagles is Schafer, u multi­ dimensional 6-0 senior, "She can player every posi- ; lion on the floor," Davie coach Knrcn Stephens said. “She’s go­ ing to hnve to piny n lol o f diffcr- ent roles. A n y given night it < could be different," ! Schnfer is ns comfortable pop- ■ ping « three-pointer ns she is tak­ ing n defender to the basket. She, ^ hns the ability to defend and en:- '■ nte open shots for tenmmntes, ■ Her agility and long arms make • her effective on defense and on Hie bonrds. The little-bit-of-everything arsenal hns extended Schafer’s career to the Division II collegc level. Last week she signed a ba.sketbnll scholarship with Mars Hill, "She ean be either inside or outside for us," Mars Hill conch Mnndy Mattox said. “ In our of- ' I'ense we need our post players to be able to handle the bnll and ' shoot the three. So we could get away with her playing at the four ■ (power forward) spot because 1 think she can definitely defend inside. A ll of our post players I have to be on Ihe perimeter at ■ some point in our offense, and ; she’s very versatile. You're look­ ing al a 6-foot guard, and that’s great for Division 1!, That’s go­ ing to cause some mismatches bccause she can shoot the three and she can drive to the goal.” Schafer reached this moment Ihrough a tireless work ethic. M attox not only admires •Schafer's passion for bnsketball, slic*s impressed with Ihe kind of person and teammate she is. "She’s very fundamental and her work elhic on Ihe lloor is just incredible," M attox said. “ Walchinglierdefen.sively, she's very aggressive and il’s constant efforl. You sec a lol of kids walk­ ing around. You don’l see that from Allison. You can lell she’s someone that takes pride in her defense. “ She obviously has a lol of talent nnd is very nthletic for her height. But she’s nIso n quality individual, Sho seems vory ma­ ture for n high-school kid. She’s very courteous when you talk lo hor. You can see when she talks to her parents that she’s respect­ ful. When she wns up here visit­ ing, sho always looked you in the ■ eye. She’s very smart and has incredible grades," Schafer’s resume Includes sophomore performances of 16 points nnd seven rebounds, nnd eight points, eight rebounds, five stenis nnd four nssists. In n 51- 45 overtime win over West For­ sylh in the C P C Toumnment ft- nnl, she delivered two vitnl O T bnskcls thnt stnvcd off the Titnns, Last year she averaged 9.5 points, 4,9 rebounds and had 62 stenis. Her biggest gnmes were 20 points and eight rebounds on 8-of-13 shooting, 17 points on 8- of-12 shooting nnd 10 points and 11 rebounds. She was at her best during the stretch run, averaging 11,6 poinls in the last nine games, Schafer paid her dues in the offseason by playing A A U and practicing relentlessly. N o w she’s collecting, “ I’ve wanled to play (college basketball) pretty much sincc I started ninth grnde, nnd it shows hard work really does pay off," said Schafer, who turned down Mars Hill rival Newberry. “ She's done the time," said Stephens, who happens to be n former Mnrs Hill phtyer, “ She's done the A A U und they know she’s dedicnted. She gets ¡ilong with others and can mix into any group." While Schafer is a coming off an A ll-C P C junior .sea.son, Ihc War Eagles are a ,wait-and-.scc team. Despite the longshot odds BMOffl-GEIOin EUFFEIDinEB Wednesday-Sunday 4pm-Close November 19-23,2003 Regular Price Buifei Only ($7,29 Value NOT GOOD FOR ANY OTHER DISCOUNTS OR PRICE POINTS 2 G reat L o ca tions; M O C KSVILLE AN D LEXING TO N l-AM ILV S T E A K H O U S E Karen Stephens (seated left), Christy and A lexander Schafer (standing) and Debbie Evans w atch as Allllson Schafer signs a scholarship to M ars Hill. N o v e m b e r b a r g ü i n s ^ of capturing the C P C for a third straight year, Schafer believes unknowns will step forward nnd provide reliuble help. "W e wnnt to surprise n lot of people nnd get conference chnmps ngnin,” she said, “ I think we cnn definitely do it if we work hnrd and improve." Notes: The War Eagles open Nov. 19 at Lake Norm an. Their Nov. 21 home game wilh5tates- ville has been postponed. They piny in n toumnment ut North Stanly on N o v, 24-26 and host Mooresville on Dee, 2, Mattox was a thrce-yenr stnrter at point guard for Berry College (Ga.) in . the 1990s. She holds the Berry record for assists in a season and assists per game (8.5). ... Last year Mars Hill went 15-14 nnd 7-7 in Ihc South Atlnntic Con­ ference. The Lions have seven S A C rivals: Carson-Newm an, Lenior-Rhyne, Newberry, Tus- eulum, Catawba, Presbyterian and Wingate. GreatLowPrices! By combining Ihe buying strength of thousands of True Value stores, you get great low prices on quality top-name brands. O n Your Side*in North Carolina for 75 Years. For soventy-flvc years Nationwide* has been proudly serving North Carolina. From expert advice to superior claim service, we are the single source for all of your Insurance needs. •Aulo «Home •Financial Products •Business Call us... Stop by... 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LIcci\«o •a0?4<l ли риа.:, uIn Beautiful Downtovvn Mocksville 157 Depot street • 751-5948 • 1 -888-469-3781 HUNTIR’S SALS f 5 0 % O FF MUZZLFXOADING BULLETS AND SELECTED ACCESSORIES DEER SCENTS AND COVER SCENTS PLUS SELECTED ACCESSORIES A U T R E E S T A N O S C L O S E O U T P R I C E D 11895 C O O L SPRING S R O A D W O O D L E A F , N C 27054 MILKS FROM HWY 80! DETWEEN ST/VlESVll.LK ANDSAUSDURY 704-278-9159 wvrtv.fnIloutsheHefgiinehop.com oiM:Nr.ims..FKi юлм-брм SAT I0AM-3PM Ol'l-N UNTIl,‘)|'M I'BUMYS UNTILCURISTMAI B4 — DAVIE COUN I'Y KNTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20,2003 What Coaches Think Of 3rd Round GameDavie Football Statistics Alexander Central at W. Rowan at Lake Norman Mooresville Statesville at Freedom Nortti Forsytti at West Forsyih South Rowian at Reynolds N. Davidson ciiarlotte Harding at Page Record: 9-4 W 29-7 W28-7 W 52-0 W10-7 L 34-27 L 37-13 L 24-22 L14-6 W 21-13 W 22-19 W23r20 W 33:14 W 34^14 Car. Gain Avg. Long 266 1778 6,7 186 1007 Г5.4 77 464 6.0 3254 5.9 2188 4.4 556 492 77 ,‘5й'-; s a ^ 77 88 Com p Att int Pot Yds TD Lng R U S H I N G Arnold Brown Bratcher Davie Opponents M S S I N G McClannon Arnold Dayle Opponents Young . Parks Randolph Collins Arnold Dayle Opponents Arnold Brown Wintérs Randolph ' Bratcher Collins Parks Davie D e f e n s e Riddle Rice Cornalzer Pane O'Brleri Morgan ; : , luphanan'Vi iolllris ';'^-;; ‘• Qoode Wilson McNeil ( N T E 8 C E P T IO N S Ambltf S, Riddle 4, McNeil, Pane, Phillips ■ f u m b l e R E C O V E R IE S ’ Pane 5,"Morgan 2, Bratcher, Buchanan, Collins, Goode/ Morgan, Randolph, Rica K ic k in g PAT FG Winters 26-35 5-9 P U N T I N G Att Avg. Winters 38 35.9 37 81 6 .457 497 3 73 18 51 3 .363 310 4 39 55 134 10 .410 ' 807 7 73; 65 160 12 .406 961 3 58 Rec Yds Avg.TD Long 19 203 10.7 0 26 11 136 ,12.4 2 39 10 173 17.3 2 40 8 170 21.3 2 . :52 3 98 32.7 1 73 55 807 14.7 7 73 65 961 14.8 3 58 TD Conv.Kick • FG PIS, 25 ■ V' '0 ■, 0 152 10 1 0 '"0'.'^; : 62 0 0 26 5 41 2 1 0 0 14 2 0 0 0.12 2 0 .0 0 12 2 0 0 0 12 45 4 27 5 : 320 30 0 25 1 210 Tackles For Loss Sacks BrUp FF 157 5 0 8 3 120 15 2 1 1 70 6 \ '3 •0 69 11 8 0 0 67 4 1 0 1 63 11 " Г ■,,1i' '■>2 2 60 2 cO,. '■0 0 55 ' 8 ,4 . -2 3 52 5 0 1 1 47 ,9 6 0 1 44 0 0 0 0 Lg 20-29 30-39 40-49 44 1-1 2-2 2-5 Long In 20 58 9 Old School Can Dnvic spring liie upset of oncc-bealcn Mount Tubor nnd reach the state semifinals for the first time ever? The Enterprise interviewed coachcs who have played Davic and Mount Tabor. They offered commentary on Friday’s !<ey matchups. Page coach Bob Via; "I think it’ll be a knock-down, drag-out. Tabor’s got belter size than we do, and they play a real strong 3- 5 defense with big linebackers than can move. Tabor hns a very active quarterback (O .C . Ward- low ) and (receiver Marcus Vereen) is a deep threat in any game. They stretch you vertically with him. A key is cnn Davic bali- control it like tiiey did ngainst us? It doesn’t matter how much run­ ning around or what Wardlow can do or liow deep (Vereen) can go if thijy can’t get on the field. If Davie can move it... If their tackles nnd tight end cnn gel on those linebackers nnd seal tliem off, they cnn be successful. Ta­ bor hasn’t scorcd n lot o f points, but they haven’t needed many. Tlieir defense is good. Davie’s got to wnlch for that deep bail. Wardlow tries lo buy extra time and then launches that thing." N o rth Forsyth conch B ill Onkiey; “ Davie’.s kids up front nre renl sirong and they’ re play­ ing renl well right now. Tnbor’s obviously got nn outslnnding de­ fense ngainsi the run, and those three linebnckers and free safely run a lot o f stuff down. Davie’s been able to pretly much run on everybody, nnd I’ m sure that’s the mntclittp everybody’s going lo wnnl to sec. Tiiey’re going to huve lo dcnl with Vcticen. Duvic’s Wrestling Program Coming The Mocksville-Davic Parks & Recreation Dcpi\rtiTicnt is of­ fering an instructional wrestling program for second-sixth grad­ ers nt Davie High on Dec. 1, 8, 17,2 2 ,Ja n ..‘>. 12, 19 iuul 26, The progrnm will stnrl each night nl 6:30 and end nt 7:4.*). The instructors will be Ron K irk, Adam Bnrbcr nnd Jamey Holt. The cost is S2.‘>, which includes a T-shirt. Tlic dendline to regis­ ler is Nov. 21. Call the rcc nt 75 1 - 232,‘i. Davie Sports News From November 1983 • Chris Jacobs, Duvie’s ft-5. 235-pouml ilcfensivc lackie. wns named to the Norlh Carolina s(|uad for the Shrine Bowl. • Davie’s football team lost 9-0 lo visiting Soulh Rowan in n Clnss 3-Л Division II Tirst-round playoff gnme. The Rniders (9-2) held underdog Davie (fi-.*)) to 104 yards and four first downs. Ker­ wyn Wilson led Davie with 30 t'usiiing yurds. South scorcd the game's only touchdown Inle in the first quarter after a questionnble call wenl ngainst Dnvic anil kept Soutti in pos­ session. Soulh got a safety wilh 4:32 left to seal the win. Davie's center snapped the liall over the punter’s head and through the end zone, giving South two points. • The. Cooleemee Vikings won the yotilh-lengue plnyoffs. The team members; Chad Correll. Peter Reuvis, Brent W ull, Gury Blnlock, Stuart Dull, Britt Osborne, Jody Gammons, Kevin Benfield, Anthony Chunn, Jim m y Gagne, Roger James, Erik Smith, Mallhew Vnughtcrs, Stanley Pruitt, Tracy Wilson, Lamont Chunn nnd Allan Chapm an. The conching stnff: Bill Wall (head coach), M ike McDaniel, Bobby Wall nnd Bill Correll. The water hoys were Jason Garwood and Mark Correll. H i c k o r y H f l l in vite s y o u to p la y o u r 'ri’a diiion a l G o l f C o u rse ’s F ir s t E v e r WiivTER S pe c ia l Novcinlier 1st III I’ll Mai’cli 1st Monday ■ Sumlay Anytiiiie $ 1 6 .0 0 Includes cart & green (ee (i Milc.s from Mock.sville on Hwy. (M H. 336-998>8746 Randy M iller & Sons N ow P um ping S efftic Tanks Call ( 3 3 G ) 2 8 4 " 2 8 2 G for service or Cell (336) 399-7261 The Health Dept. Recommends Pumping Your Tiank Every 3to5 Years. 18 Years Serving Davie & Surrounding Counties With New Installations & Repairs. " N o b o d y S t i c k s T h e i r N o s e I n O u r B u s i n e s s ! " got great lenm speed - a lot of people don’t realize how athlctic Davic is - and righl now they're on a strenk. It'll be a big crowd nnd n lot of fun from a fnn stand­ point.” North Forsyih assistant Lee Linvilie; “Tabor is obviously fa­ vored, but Davie is capable of beating Tabor. O ffe n sive ly, Davie has to block No. 30 (Derek Nicholson). If they can block 30, Ihey've gol a chance of winning. He mnkes most of their plays. The olher thing Dnvie hns to do is stretch the field. Tabor plays man coverage, they’re up in your face and dare you to throw it by tiiem. VVe had aboul three balls where we were behind the de­ fender, but wc couldn’t make the connection. They need to connect on some pnss routes nnd block No. 30. Defensively, tiiey’ve got lo conlrol (Wardlow) and (run­ ner Jnmnr W iley). They’re not bad running Ihe ball, but they’re much better svith W ardlow throwing to Vereen. If Davie can cover him up, they’ ve gol a chance. Wlien we played them it was 0-0 nt hnlflime (in an even­ tual 20-0 loss), nnd honestly I think Davie is ahead of us defen­ sively because il's our first year pulling in a new defense. Davie’s offense has got to help their de­ fense. They’ve got to conlrol the ball. Anytime you play Tabor the pressure’s on the offense.” '’It could go either wny,” suid an anonymous source who has watched bolh teams. “ Dnvie could give them problems with llic ground gnme. One thing Tu­ bor did well (vs. Norlh Dnvid- Paoni, Stein Selected Dnvie’s boys soccer lenm hnd two plnyers selected to Ihe A ll- Central Piedmont Conference team. They are juniors M ike Paoni, n sweeper/center ttiid- fielder, nnd David Stein, a goal­ keeper. Paoni nnd Stein were also named second team all-region. son) was throw, but they didn’t nm it good. There hasn't been many teams run against Tabor's defense, but they haven’t faced a running team they’re getting reudy to fnce Friday. They some­ times have problems with the pass. They’re going lo pul nine in the box. They haven’t faced anybody ns physical ns Davie is. If it’s cold...” Class 4-A Playoffs E A S T (Rountl 3) No. 3 Fay. Smith (12 -1)111 No. 2 Northern Durham (11-1) No. 4 Greenville Rose (11-2) nt No. 1 W ilm . Hoggard ( 12-0) W E S T No. 7 Chnrlolte Waddell («- 5) at No. 3 We.st Charlotte (12- I) N o , 5 Davie County (9-4) nl N o . I Mount Tabor (I l-l) Mount Tabor (11-1,5-0 Metro Conference) at Parkland (11-2) W 17-3 at Carver (5-7) W 24-12 nt W . Forsyth (11-2) L 40-20 Reynolds (3-8) W 2 1-7 Hnlifax(Va.) W 49-3 at Grimsley (2-9,0-.*) Metro) W 21-14 E . Forsyth (2-8, 1-4) W 26-0 at Page (9 -3 ,4-1) W 25-0 a (N W Guilford (5-7, 3-2) W 29-6 N . Forsyth (5-6, 2-3) W 20-0 Watauga (4-7) W 4 0 -I0 N , David.son(10-3) W 28-21 C P C F o o tb a ll S ta n d in g s Overall Last Week’s Games West Forsyth North Duvidson Davie County South Rowan Reynolds 11-2 10-3 9-4 7-6 3-8 This W eek’s Gnmes Dnvic 34, Page 14 W . Charlolle 2 1, S. Rownn 20 M t. Tabor 28, N . Davidson 2 1 W . Forsylli 23, Easl Burke 0 Davie at M t. Tabor W . Forsyth nt Riclimond Co. Enforcers Score 104 The Enforcers swept their games to rockci into first place in the D avic Flng Foolball League, The Enforcers crushed the Aeros 50-8, They defeated the Spartans 54-33 in a key game. The Dirty Do/.en, Yudkinville Vikings, Sara Leo and Spartans nil had splits. Snturday's scores; Sara Lee 29, Yadkinville Vikings 14; Spartans 52, Dirty Dozen 39; The Enforccrs 50, Aeros 8. Sunday's scorcs; The Enforcers 54, Spartans 33; Dirty Dozen 20, Sum Lee 12; Yudkinville Vikings 40, Going Deep 26, The Oulstanding plnyers were; Bubba Colemnn, Alex Jus­ lice nnd Alc,x Nnil (Enl'orccrs); Tony Birriltieri, Brett Berrier and Josh Barker (Dirty Dozen); John M anning and Conan Arth u r (Spartnns); M ike Oslermnn und Bob Brucc (Yadkinville); and Lee Hitmmond niul Brad Prycc (Sum Lee). Tw o morc weeks remain in the regular senson, and playoff spots are still jum bled. The league plnys Sundny, then lukcs II week off IbrThanksgiviiig, The final regiilar-senson gnmes con- clu dcD cc.7. $59,900.1128Sf. (Yes, you read that right) The Revere, 1128sf, $59,900 ($53 per sf) 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths We’re extending a very special offer on one of our most popular homes through December 31, 2003. ■ Our homes are built on site, not pre-fab or modular. ■ National buying power. Local craftsmen. ■ No lot? We can help you with our free lot location service. ■ No down payment and no closing costs for qualified buyers. Statesville Sales & Design Center Take Exit 154 off 1-40 704-872-8989 800-7¡4-2324 ext. 2 WWW. WayneHomes.com Call for free book of house plans.A Division of Centex Homes C.araRc, land and Impravcnitnts noi Included In price. Offer good iliroiiRli 12/31/03 and applies to qualllled buyers, rinancing musi be llirouRli CTX Morlgage. Mome shown for llliisirallon purposes only. NC General KonlracilnR License M77BI. VA Home Builder II) «8809. YOUR HOME YOUR LOT YOUR WAY Page Falls Again To W ar Eag les Continued From Page B l The morc they got frustrated • the morc it excited us, and we ■ just kept on gelling fourth downs afler fourih downs. There was no doubt in our m ind that we wouldn't get a first down.” Arnold nnd Bratcher con­ verted a pair o f fourlh-nnd- inches plays on D avie’s third series. On third-and-10 nl the Page 19, Arnold rolled right, turned nnd found O ’ Brien all alone in the left flat. O ’ Brien gained 11 first-down yards on his first high-school catch, nnd Am old did his thing two plays later lo make it 21-0. “ I was so happy to get the ball,” said O ’ Brien, wlio took over for injured T E Ted Ran­ dolph, "Going inlo this year I didn’t think I wns ever going to pluy any offense, and to calch the ball and run for a first down, thnt was greal,” "They were coming hard and we were just walling for the right time to call it," llling said oflhe O'Brien scrcen, ‘When they start putting nine guys in the box, you’ve got to try to get them a little soft. W e’ve been practicing that play for a long time, nnd we tnught Znc up this week,” Dnvie fans couldn’t contain their excitement at halftime; 12 first downs to Page’s tw o, 37 carrics for 200 ynrds to Pnge's six for 27 ynrds, Arnold’s 111 rushing ynrds, 6-for-6 on fourth- down Iries to Page’s 0-for-l on third-down tries and a combined first-half scorc of 50-0 in two meelings. The War Engles haven’t lost sincc Oct, 10, and everyone has come to a consensus - they're se­ riously good. The O L is fero­ cious, the bnckfield is a three- headed monsler und the defense doesn’t flinch when il needs n stop. "Il couldn’t hnve gotten nny better thun thnt,” O ’Brien snid, ; "21-0 ngainst a higher seed Mhnt was supposed to come out ;im d play with us - it feels pretty ;good,” Jakob said, ■ "W c totally sel the tone up front,” llling said, "They were pushing people nround nnd we were going 5 ,6,7 ynrds nt n time. The game was on (the O L ’s) shoulders, nnd they took it to another level tonight,” The teams traded scores in the inconsequential second half. Page quarterback Kevin M ar­ shall revived the Pirntes curly in the third qunrtcr, completing three passes on u 74-yard drive that closed the gap lo 21-7. ■ Riddle quelled the Page rally ;by adding anolher page to n he- ;roic 2003 chnpter, He returned ; the ensuing kickoff 56 yards and Ispnrkcd a four-play scoring ; drive. He nearly broke il before mowing the kicker nnd rumbling to the Pnge 30, Then Arnold sprinted 12 un­ impeded yards to make it 27-7. There’s nothing more demoral­ izing than scoring 89 seconds nfter Page’s first score. Pnge finally forced n Dnvie punt with 2:55 left in the third. After a pnss-interfercnce call on Davie, Marshall dashed 16 yards on a simple snenk that cnught Davie’s D L by surprise. The Pirates , forced anolher punt nnd had the bull w ith enough time to overcome n 27- 14 deficit (10; 17), "It followed the same script two years in a row,” Via said, "They jumped ahead, Ihen we came oul wilh n little flurry. You feel like if you get your offense out there, you cnn do something with it,” Tw o touchdowns in eight minutes were it for Pnge’s posi­ tives, M nrshnll hit Bryun Crutclifield over the middle for 16 ynrds to the Dnvic 4 7, but Arnold showed why he pluys bolh ways, knocking the you- know-what out of Crutchfield and sending the ball to the ground, Logan Buchanan recov­ ered, and Davic responded wilh n 14-play T D drive thnl put Ihe Pirates away, Arnold’s hit was so vicious that the highlights show on W F M Y News 2 replayed it four times in slow-motion, “ Billy set it up,” Am old said. ‘'Because when Billy hit him, he spun and 1 was righl there to make the hit.” “1 missed the rcceiver, actu­ ally,” Riddle said. "I wns going for n big hil,” Riddle (eight tuckles), Bran­ don Pune (five), Derek Cornntzer (four), Arnold (three), Buchunun (three), Dcwnyne Collins (three), D ,J, Rice (three) nnd Terrell W il­ son (two sacks) smothered Mar­ shall and his runners. They held Page to five third-down allempts and forccd three turnovers, Mar­ shall, who had thrown for 1,520 yards, went 6-of-16 for 85 yards. That mnde him 7-of-31 for 107 ynrds in tw o games ugainst Dnvie. N o one fiexcd Iheir muscles more lhan Riddle, who wus in­ volved in 13 of Pnge’s 37 plays, including three pnss brcukups, a caused fumble and his fourth in­ terception. You will nol see mnny hits better thun one on Page's sccond play of the game nnd on nn Incomplete puss over the m iddle w ith the score 2 7-7 . Dooley hud it at midfield before Riddle knocked him into 2004, “ Riddle set the tone for those receivers,” llling said. “ They started peaking a little bit.” "W e hnven't renlly gollcn n lot of three-nnd-outs the whole yenr, but in the first half wc got three right in a row. Thnt’s big-time,” Riddle said. ' Notes: McClannon, who had tw o strikes dropped ugninst Charlotte Harding, went 2-of-2 in spol duly. ... O ’ Brien helped Wilson on a sack. ... Raeshon M cN eil had a pick. ... Davie gained 310 yurds on 66 rushes, while Pnge hnd 117 on 19 rushes, DavIc 7 14 « 7-34 Pngc 0 0 Ы 0-14First Quarter D - Hriilchcr 4 run (Winters kick), 6il2. ' Scconit Quurter D - Brown 4 run (Winters tilck), 7:01. D - Arnold 9 run (Winlers kick), :34, Tlilrit Quarter P - Mursiiall 2 run (Matlocks kick), 8:54, D-Arnold 12 run (kick Ги||), 7:10. P - Mnrshull 16 ran (Mullocks kick), :23, Kourth Quarter D - Brown 3 ruii (Winters kick), 2:.SI. ТЕЛ1И S TATISTICS n I' First dowibs l>; II Ruslie.s-ynrd.s 66-310 1У-П7 Pussine 2.“i 8.4 Comp-All-Iiu 3-.‘i-0 6-16-2 Punls 2-38 2-34 Fmnbles-Lost 2-0 l-l Pemiltic.s-yurds 9-80 2-20 3rd coiivcrsion.s 5/14 3/5 4lli conversions 7/7 0/0 IN D IV IDU AL STATISTICS Dnvic RU.SHINO - Amold 25-135, Brown 22-89, Biirtchcr 14-69, Parks 3-17, Cor- rilrer2-0 PASSING - McClimiion 2-2-0-14, Amokl I-3-0-11 RECEIVINO-Amold t-13,O'Brien I-I I. Parks l-l Pasc RUSI IINO - Taylor 3-46, Marshull 7-43, Aislon 5-26, Smiill I-2, Long 1-0, Pulliam 2-0 PASSING - Marshall 6-16-2-85 RECEIVING - Crulchfield 4-63, Copeland 1-15, Tnylur 1-7 F a m ilie s • In d iv id u a ls G rou p • S elf-E m p lo y ed L o w -Co s t C o v e r a g e F r e e Q u o t e s DAVIE COUN I’Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, riiursday, Nov, 20,2003 — BS Notes And Quotes Arnold, Brown Rip Through Record Book • Doug llling hus amassed .several dis­ tinguished feats in six years as Davie's football coach, including llirec conference championships und tiie second-most wins. Another milestone fell his wny in Friduy's 34-14 second-round playoff win at Page, The War Eagles’ fifth win in a row lifted them to 9-4 and placcd Ihem in spe­ cial compuny. Only four previous teams won nine or morc games; lO-l in 1965, 11-3 in 1997, 10-3 in 1999 and 9-2 in 2001, llling owns three of the five nine- win records, • Cooler Arnold has taken u blow torch to Duvie's rccord books. After eclipsing Cedric W hile's singlc-scason rushing- yards rccord in the first round, he toppled three more records against Page, Tw o touchdowns gave Arnold 25, l-Ic came in lied with White, who tnllicd 23 in 1997, llling Twelve points guve liini 152, Me cnme in tied wiih White's 140, He tied Kicky W hile, who scored 36 TD s over four years (1996-99), Arnold hns cuught him in two years. And Arnold's nexl T D will break Ricky W hite’s record for career points (226), Arnold hus 222, • Am old hus set u new bur for Duvic running backs, Frce sul'ely Hilly Riddle has compiled enough big plays to have his nume tossed inlo any discussion about Davie's best-evcr de­ fensive players. And now Juslin Urow n cnn be included in best-ever discussions. Brown crossed the 1,000-yard barrier againsl Puge, becom­ ing llic nr.st Duvic runner lo hit tlic mugic number ns a .sopho­ more and junior. Next year he could bccome the first runner in Duvie hisiory lo rusli for 1,000 yurds three limes. “ 1 thought about it, but I didn’t think it was going,lo be possible this yenr because I (only hud 394 yards through seven games),” Brown said. “ But I jusl kept my head in it, stayed focussed. Is Third Quarterfinal A Charm? Continued From Puge HI downs, “O .C , and Marcus liud one of the better halves I’ve seen in high-school footbull,” Supp snid, W urdlow hus throw n for 1,500 yurds nnd Vereen hus 50 cutches for roughly 1,000 yurds. Then there’s Jamar W iley, who has 1,320 rushing ynrds, und J- Mce Sumuels, who has around 500. Like mud scientists .sweating away in u laborntory on Sunday afternoon, Davie’s coaches tried to comc up with somelhing to defend Tabor’s speedy spread of- fcn.sc, Davie will have u hurd time if Cooter Arnold or Rues- hon M cNeil can't keep up with Vereen. That malcliup may tell thelale. “They spread you oul and iso­ late you one-on-one w ith Vereen.” llling said. “ W e’ ll sec how M cNeil is on (Nov. 17). He tweaked his ankle right before linlftime (vs. Puge).” Supp doesn’ t wnnl to heur aboul Duvic’s underdog slutus. Although Tubor is scoring 26,7 points und giving up jusl 9 .7, he did n't want lo acknowledge Tabor's superiority on paper. ’’W e’ ve got to stop a great offensive team ,” he said, “They’ve been playing real good defense also, Afler looking ut them on film , Duvic is pluying extremely well offensively und defensively. W e’re going lo hnve •to play great lo be in the game with them. They’re playing well defensively, so il’s going to be tough lo move the ball.” Sapp dismissed the power- vs.-spced theme, “ They run the ‘ I ’ and run power, bul when they’ re in the shotgun there’s a little finesse to what they're doing with that,” he said, “ I don’t think N o , 2 (A r­ nold) is a slow Individual. Il’s nol like they’ve got a bunch of plod­ ders and get 2 or 3 yards. That kid's broke a lol of plays, ll’s going lo be tough for us lo stop them,” Tubor linebuckcr Derek Nicholson presents u special challenge for Davie’s blockers. The 6 -2 ,220-pound junior is the fotirlli slnr lincbncker in Ihe fam­ ily, following father Durrell (an All-American at North Carolina) and brothers Durrell (who played at Wingate) and A ,J , (a player ut Floridu Slule), Notes: After trailing 28-7 al lialftimc, Norlh Davidson had u shot lo lie Tubor, It took over possession ut its 34-yurd line with 3:49 left, but threw un in­ terception, Davie's secondnry has answered the call before, in­ tercepting 10 passes and allow­ ing only liirccTD passes. ,„ Sapp and llling liave been friendly ri­ vals for u long timo, “ He kicked ut Wuke Forest, he wus at Rey­ nolds and I wenl on a couplc golf trips with him ,” Sapp said, “ I think Ihe world of D oug.” ... Sapp’s couching genius is re­ flected in Ihe scries record. Davie won six ofthe first .seven meetings from 1985-91. Sapp was hired at Tubor in 1992, and his Tabor teams won nil seven meetings from 1992-98. They not only w on, Ihcy drubbed D uvie 228-55. ... W ith Sapp coaching elsewhere in 1999- 2000, Davie bent Tubor bolh times. It iidds up to un 8-8 series tic. ... Tabor left the Centrnl Piedmont Conference for the Metro in 2001. Directions to M t. T a b o r: Tuke 1-40 Eust to Clemmons exit. Turn lelt al lop of ramp onto Lewi.svillc-Clemmons Road. G o approximately 1 mile and turn right onto Peacehaven Road. Conlinue on Peaceliaven Road for upproximately-8 miles. You will sec a sign for M l. Tabor. The sehool will bo on the left. Announcing the .Niewest Member of the Forsyth Medical Group Family: Clemmons Family Practice A s the ncwe.st member of For.syth Mcdical Group, Clemmons Family - t i . Practice joins a nefwork ol' more than 30 practices and 250 providers who are afllliated with Forsyth Medical Ccnter, dedicated to improving the health and well being o f our communiries, one penson at a time. O tir community has always trusted Clemmons Family Practice for its healthcare needs. As part o f our new affiliation with Forsyth Medical Group, we look forward to the additional benefits we can bring to patients and families through a wider range o f accessible, convenient healthcare services. Call 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 - 6 4 7 3 for more inform ation or to schedule an appointm ent. 6301 Stadium Drive, Ciemmons 8a,m , to 5 p,m. Monday • Fridiiy IVi mimnt new piuimu mul itmpt imi iiiiimiiice plans. AjjiiiiiUil with l'or$yih AMkni Cenler Deborah H , Pollock, M D Nicholas J, Passero, M D Terry Deakle, P A -C ,en ftd, / f w ^ Brookland ^ Rd, ì -i: Stadiun ^ - Dr, s I H6 — DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursda.v, Nov. 20,2003 FOOIBALI CONnSI CONTEST RULES 1. Anyoro can enter encepl employees of the D.ivie County Enlerpfise Record nnd Ificr (amilies. Only one entry allowed per petson pe» week. AH enjiies musl 00 on original newsprint or lax lo 336-751-9760. 3. Tho lust entrari correclly prwlicling Iho outcome ol all games in a week will receive a bonus ol S2500. Weekly prizes are S25 4 Cap for lifsl piace and S5 loi second place. •J. In case of ties, Ifie enlranl who camo ciososi to Iho tolal number ol points in tlio lie breaker wins. If a tio sttll exists, awards will bo divided equally among ihe winners, 5, Enlries must be delivered lo Ihe Enterprise Record belore 5 pm Friday each week. The ollice is located at 171 S, Main St„ Mocitsviile. NC, 6. Winners will be artnounced following each eonlesl. Decisions of Judges will be final. A new contest will 00 announced each week. $ 2 5 0 0 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Portoot Entry $ 2 5 1s t Prize & Cap * * 5 2nd Prize GQ WAR EAGLES! Daniel Furniture & Electric Co., Inc. _______ 1. Wost Forsyth V. Richmond Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Mnny Marklin • Melissa Rollins • Will Marklin 848 South Main Street * Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -75 1.249 2 * 3 3 6 -7S l-3 9 75 0 Ш Central Сап)11па Bank 17, Tennessee V. Atlanta - 4 DAVIE COUNTV LOCATIONS - MS W. Waler St., Mocksvillc • 751-5936 8K0 YiKlkinville Ril., Mocksvillc • 751 -6261 Cooleemee .Slioppinj; Cenler, Cooleemee • 2H4-2542 5.161 US Hwy. 158, Advnncc •940-2420 i l l Small (16 oz.) M i l k s h a k e SOMETHINGDIFFERENT only 9 9 ^ with an y food purchase 5, New England v. Houston 5 2 8 6 H w y. 15 8 • A d va n ce • 9 4 0 -2 4 3 8 S p f f l m a n ’s L a n d & H o m e S a l e s 14. Seattle V. Boltimore Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 DISCOUNTSABES 21. Penn St. V. Mich. St. G re a t S avin g s Throughout The S tore 1533 Lewisville-Ciemmons Road, Clemmons Horns-, l/on-Fri. 9-7; Sal. 9-5 766-4449 WWW. clemmonsdlscounlsales. com С ?AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET 751-2167 MOCKSVILLE’S COMPLETE BUILDER'S SUPPLY A complete lumbor yard for Ihe past 70 years. Where your granddad was a satisfied customerl 2. Mt. Tabor V. Davle County Monllon This Ad A Get A Free Key CLEMMONS CARPET 2 7 1 1 luiwisvillC'Clcmmon.s Rcl., Clem m oas ^ .12 Vcar.4 I-xpericnce ; 7 6 6 - 8 1 1 0 o r 7 6 6 - 0 1 6 6 i 20. Clomson v. S.Carollna íífumrtMnti (Цичх Mtm hri Sum Si>m • Sat H:MUtm И:(Ю ^ T h o m as L . N e s b it i A tto r n e y a t Law у 65 Court Square, D ow ntow n M ocksville ~ (3 3 6 ) 75 1 -2 1 2 5 visit our wcbHÍtü ut www.nc.sbitlnw.com т е с н а . Your Echo dealer in M ocksville 7. San Francisco v. Groon Boy M O C K S V I L L E “ i ® “ " i i ® ' A U T O M O T I V E (336) 751-2944 EATONFUNERAL] SERVICE I SINCE 195! 325 North Miiln Street ! 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PhilCar Automotive Your Full Si'rvice Vehicle M m ntcm rnce C enter FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AIR CONDITIONINQ WORK ,j CV AXLES«BRAKES I TIMING BELTS » GENERAL MAINTENAI;1CE I 18. (NCAA) Ohio St. V. Michigan 1G28 H w y. 601 S. • 751-1800 hc.-ildc l.dh i'im ixl M o ld • iVlock.svilli; GASTHAUS on the SQUARE Restaurant,Guestliouse & morel KII North Main Stiikkt • Mock.svii.i.k, NC 2702« Call For Dinner Specials & Fri. & Sat. Reservations I’iiom;; .Wfi.75t-79(M) I'AX; MM5.1.0981 Arliir llcltli OHncr/ManiiRcr 13. Now Orleans v. Philadelphia W E HAVE M ANUFACTURED HO M ESTO FITYO U R BUDG ET ^ SEE JACE or STEVE TODAY! 4. Indianapolis v. Buffalo B o n a n z a i V o h l l e H o m e s 700 Wilkosboro St. • Mocksville, NC Inter, Hwys. 601 & 64 N. ЗЭ6-751-5959 Ou'tivd ife Opvratvd hy Jack Мог}>ап I t a l i a n F a m i l y R e s t a u r a n t 11. Detroit V. Minnesota Tmifilcwood SiKippIng Ccnicr • Hillsdale 940-6787 BODY SHOP DIRECT REPAIR for many major insurance companies. LifetlntB warranty on all body & finish repairs 10. Washington v. Miami Call Tracy Pardue at 704-633-9016 r o Jerry A. Hauser, DDS, PA Adam T. Dorsett, DDS Hillsdale Denial 9. Oakland v. Kansas City Family and Cosmetic General Dentistry 336-99a-2427 • Fax 336-998-1088 135 Modica! Orivü, Sulto 201 Advanco. North Carolina 27006 Your “Home-Town” Drug Store Foster Drug Co. 3. (NFL) Carolina v. Dallas 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 Kiir iiii'(iniiiilii)ii on (IniKs & Ik'hUIi proliU'ius, цо to \v>v>v.l'i).slc-r<lrii)>cii.c(im D A V I E C O U N T Y E K T E R P R I / E i ^ ^ E C O R D FULL COVERAGE ON NEWS & ADVERTISING P.O.Box 99 171 South Main St., Mocksville, N C 27028 phone: (336) 7SI -2 129 fax: (336) 751 -9760 24. Boston College v, Va, Tech DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 — B7 Richardson Relishes Challenge New Coach Hopes To Build Davie Swimming Jennifer Ricliardson’s era ns Davie’s swim coach began Nov, 19 when tlic War Eagles hosted Mount Tabor and Norlli Iredell at the Davie YIVICA. Although m aking Davie competitive in her first year will be a serious challenge, the new Davie coach is dead serious about making the War Eagles a respectable program - now. ‘Tve been working with the inexperienced swimmers one- on-one to help them gain the skills needed,” she said. "Swim ­ ming isn't as easy as it seems. Many people think you just hop in tiie pool and swim around for a couple of minutes. Tliere is a lot of teclini(|ue involved, some­ thing the beginner swimmers soon realized. I try to keep them motivated because frustration often sets in quickly. Many be­ ginner swimmers quit after one or two practices. So far I've man­ aged to keep all but two of my beginners.” The War Eagles havc taken substantial steps since the first week of practice, “Lnst yenr, when conching (Parkland), it took weeks for our practices to reach over 3,QOO yards," she said. “This team was swimming 3,5(X)-plus by the end of the first week (1,650 ynrds is one mile). So these swimmers are averaging 2-2.5 miles each practice. Tliat's quite n bit in two hours. I suppose we'll be at 3- 3.5 miles soon." Davie’s building blocks nre junior Stephanie Wendel and freshmen Justin Lee and Drew Esposito. “They swim for the W in­ ston-Salem Y team, splitting their practices between Davie and W SY," Richardson said. "Thoy nre definitely our stron­ gest swimmers. I liope to take those three along wilh many oth­ ers to regionals in February. In the past I’ve never taken more than threo to regionals, und only one or two cach year to states. I hope to take more nnd more each year at Davie. I'll aim high this yoar. 1 predict six swimmers will make regionals. “ I am anxious about our first meet. Mt. Tabor has always had a strong team. They'll be a chal­ lenge for us. But I w ill never go into a meet thinking defeat. I will always remain optimistic and open for a challenge.” Friends - Neighbop^i Customers v i / BIG C hicken S tew i P a r i n i i i g t o n R o a d E x x o i t 305 Farmington Rd. S a t u r d a y , N o v . 2 1 • 6 p n \ C O N G R A YU IA YIO N S To la st w eek 's w inners in ou r F ootb a ll C on test F irs t P la c e = $ 2 5 to D o u g la s E . P e e b le s S e c o n d P la c e = $ 5 to H a rris o n S a le s S «m 1 С » . 1 ^ ^ S tttd , в ш а & ù m d i u f t Ш в Ш в Ь 'Since 1927' Sand Qravel Mulch Bark Nuggels Sand Rock Brick Nuggols tVlaikS, Cindy Shoal Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 Sat 8:00-3:00 MC/VISA/AMEX 7 8 8 - 6 4 1 1 Owners 19. Dukev. tJNC ComposI Topsoll Kid Cushion WhIlo PoUblos Brown Pobblos Pino Noedlos Rod Doslonor Mulch Dirt 745 W. Clommonsville Road WinstofvSatem. N027127 HancN Cupboard 2 Locations To Serve Your Needs! # 1 -1 7 5 Hwy. e o i S. • W oodieaf' 2 8 4 -4 14 1 Open Sun.-Thurs. ‘til Midnight & Fri. & Sat. nights 'til 2:00 a.m. ё г -7 6 в г H w y 801 S .- Cooleem ee • 284-2828 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE MARTI Owned & Operated by Mardico, Inc. 15. Chicago V. Denver V O G L E R & S O N S 30. Vanderbilt v, Tennessee Serving ifie communily /or oyer US years. ' Clcmttrans Chapel * 2849 Middlebrook Dr. • 766-4714 For insurance catt B R A D R O M IN E s t a t e f a r m i n s u r a n c e 31. Rutgers v. Miami 3770 Clemmon.s RojkI • Clemmons • 766-3245 STATI! lv\KM INSUHANCI! COMI’ANIKS • IIOMH OmCTLS: lll.OOMINOTON, IU.. Douglas Peebles missed just 5 games this week to claim the honor as the week’s top prognosticator. Harrison Sales was close on his heels with only 6 misses to take the second place prize. A LL CONTEST ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE A FU LL MAILING ADDRESS AND PHONE NUM BER. WE WILL NOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. THANKS! E N T R Y B L A N K ViCCage ^ (M. Com im 29. Kor M o rtg a g e s 2 2 5 5 -D L e w is v U le - Bill Brown 33 ( Business Manager 9 Л о г т д а д е trcUd 9 Retldenilal itucky V. Georgia /o r the c e n tu ry ! C le m m o n s R o a d , C le m m o n s &-766-8700 Operations Manaoar You Know Us... We Know Real Estate Prudential C arolinas Realty 27. Oklahoma v, Texas Tech “Serving Lewisville, Clemmons & Davle Counly" 4156 Clem m ons R o a d . Clemm ons * 336-714-4400 I 25. Maryland v. NC State Come sec us and do your Christmas Sho|)(iin{< Early! The Oaks Shopping Center • Lewisville ^ t ./ j ° * *^336-945-2566 ■ Hours: MoivFri 10-7; Sat 10-6 T h e L o w P ric e C ig a re tte L e a d e r HOURS M F 9 .30-6 Snl. 9-5 33. Oregon St. v. Oregon т а Н Е Е Щ Х Х ) I I 1. DANIEL FURNITURE I 2. CAUDELL LUMBER I 3, FOSTER DRUG I 4. BONANZA HOMES '■ DAIRY QUEEN .. ABLEST I 7. MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT HILLSDALE DENTAL 10. CLONINGER 11. VENEZIA 12. EATON'S FUNERAL SERVICE 13. GASTHAUS 14. SPILLMAN'S HOME & LAND SALES 15. HANDI CUPBOARD 1&2 16. THOMAS L NESBIT/AHORNEY 17. CCB W I N N E R “ A T o b a c c o F r ie n d ly S to r e !’ •Шяоп »IO«*« Chfxvkee *10^ • Т а ю е n o r ‘FmoUghlorWth Carton Purchase 6311 Stadium Dn,aeiranons I I I I 9. I I I I I I I I 18. PHILCAR I I I I I C l e m m o n s V i l l a g e C h i r o p r a c t i c 22. Ga. Toch v. Virginia Dr. Michael Riccoboni 2235-B Lewisville-Ciemmons Ftoad Located on Iho Minor ol Lowisvtllo-Ctommons Road & Poacehavon RoaO In tho Cicmmons Village PioloMional Cowoi. SPECIALIZING IN: Headaches, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Arm/Leg Pain, Aulo & Work Injuries. Most Major Medical PlansAccepled 766-5935 ¡ т ш R e a lty C o n s u lta n ts 28, UCLA V. Southern Cal R a th How m ay I serve you? Office; (336) 726-2135 Email; danrath@remax.net www.danrath.com 2150 Country Club, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, N C 27104 IndoponiJently Ownod and Oporatod Ш 1 19. BLACK SAND 20. CLEMMONS CARPET 21. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT 22. CLEMMONS VILUGE CHIROPRACITIC 23. BETH'S HALLMARK 24. ENTERPRISE RECORD I 25. PARTNER'S TACK & V\IESTERN I 26. PAT'S BODY SHOP I 27. PRUDENTIAL REALTY I 28, REMAX REALTY ■ 29. VILLAGE MORTGAGE j 30. VOGLER & SONS I 31. STATE FARM-ROMINE I 32. TOPS TRAVEL I 33. TARHEEL TOBACCO I 34, WARREN KASPER PAFS BODY SHOP • COLLISION REPAIR • AUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOP FOR MOST INSURANCE COMPANIES .COMPUTERIZED FRAME STRAIOHTENINO • EXPERT COLOR MATCNIND Fam ily Owned & Operaled Since 336-945-3767 .TOWINO AVAILABLE . COMPLETE INTERIOR REPAIR & REPLACEMENT . CONVERTIBLE TOPS .DETAILINQANP CLEANUP 26. ECU v, tuland 1964 • Owner Sandra Chaney 5720 Counliy Club fid., Winston-Salom INSURANCE CUIM3 WELCOME A t t o r n e y s & C o u n s e l o t s A t L a w Warren E. Kasper JiU Frankel KylaJ. Sipprell 34, Iowa St, V, Kansas P.G. Box 687 • 3626 C lem m ons R oad O em m ons, N C 27012 • 336-766-9660 I I I I Dukev.UNC I Tic Orcuker Predici Ihc lolal scon; In Ilio following game. In cases of ties, Ihe licbrcukcr will be used lo delcrminc Ihe winners. Total Points Scored, NAME:.I I ADDRESS:. I I DAY PHO NE:.NIGHT:. Entries Must Be Received Belore 5 pm Friday j sn — DAVIE COUN I Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursda.v, Nov. 20,2003 South W restling Is T h e C lear Favorite 'I'hc loiijicr Ihings stay Ihe iiiinc. Ihe hinyer people assume hey'll slay Ihe same. Uespile .’«nsliiiit personnel lurnover. here's been a droning sameness :o middle-school wreslling .since iy')6; North Davie, Soulh Dnvie. North Davie, Soulh Davie, North D avie , South D a vie . N o rih Davie. The annual N o rth-South ;lash has determined the Insl icven conlerence champion- ihips. North won lasl ycar'.s ihow dow n 5.*)-18. But w ilh North returning one starter lo South's 10(seven ofthe lOcom - leted in eight or more matche.s), he Tigers are decided favorites .0 keep thc nrst-plnce pattern ^oiiig I'or ail eiglith year. South couch I loward Riddle, hough, isn't talking about nny rophies. He did everything pos­ sible to guard Ihe hype surround­ ing his team. "W e’ve had pretty fair pruc- ices, bill we've gol a lot of stuff ;o do and a lol o f stuff lo pre­ pare," hc said. "W e're going lo itarl some e.xpericnced guy.s, but .ve're going lo have some green juys in there, loo. We're going o struggle al a coupic places. We're going lo be piled up in fome weights, and we're nol ;oing lo be iis deep. "Y o u 've got lo gel beller. iVe're nol ready lo do nnylhing Iliile yel. We're going lo gel on he mat the 22nd and see what .ve've gol." Unless injuries or menial lapses slow the Tigers - who A ent 12-1 and finished .second :o Norlli lasl year - Ihey're un- luestionably the team lo beal. riiere’s few, if any. better wres- lers in Ihe nine-team Mid-South Conference than Floyd Collins, who went 14-0 wilh 1.1 pins as a seventh grader, Collins has an abundance of talented experience around him - four wrestlers who finished second or Ihird in lasl year's M SC Tournament. Jesse Cous­ ins went I.1-.1 and finished .sec­ ond. D .J. Gnrrelson recovered from an injury lo go 5-3 and fin­ ish sccond. Caleb Creason went 11-4 and finished Ihird. and Jessie Frye went 9-6 and finished third. Five more saw significant lime - Jesse Crotls. Graham Har­ mon, Luke Rny.'Travis Goforth and Jr, Payne. Sevenlh graders who could play major roles are Zac Shoe­ maker, Josh Burcham and Lewis Favre. Even though the signs point to South. Riddle insi.sis there's a lot of Work lo be done. "W e've been on the nint be­ fore, but we’ve got lo keep get­ ting better." lie said. "There's no giiiuiics out there. Six or .seven guys will gel on the mat for the firsl tiiTie ill thc first match, so it's an unknown factor for them. "(N o rth . South and China Grove) have been the best llirce lenms for the last several years. Chinn Grove hasn’t fiiiished out of Ihird or fourth. Lust year wc barely gol by them, and hope­ fully we cnn get by Ihem ngnin lliis year." KIddlc’.s Resume Ron Kirk is a 24-year legend at North Davie, beginning the year with 295 wins and 13 regu­ lar-season lilies. Bul how about Ihe job Kirk's pupil has done. Riddle is 62-1.3 in six years (l9y.‘i.‘J 6 .2000-03). including n 49-2 run that's produced two firsl- and two second-place Гш- ishes. The Tigers have won 60 of their Insl 62 matches. They're gunning for their fifth title in eight years. Tup-Mutch Assistants Riddle has picked up Iwo as­ sistants w ith considerable knowledge. Adam Bailey has the fifth-most career wins al Davie High, going 123-27 in the late 1990s. "H is eighth-grade yenr nl North Davie was my first yenr nl Soulh." Riddle .snid. “ So I've been around long enough lo conch ngainst them ami then have them as an assistant. Hc gels in Ihere and wrestles with Ihe guys. He knows his .slulT. has been Ihrough the North Davie and Davic programs and I’m for­ tunate enough lo have him help me.” Thc olher new face is Perry Long, a 1992 graduate of Sun Vulley. Long, 29. won thc stale championship at 171 as a senior. “ Hc married somebody here in the counly (son Chris Long is a sevenlh-grude Tiger)," Riddle suid, “ He's good with the kids and knows his wrestling. I'm renl lucky to have two assistants w ilh the knowledge they’ ve gol.” Nolcs: The Tigers open Nov. 22 ngninst W nller Johnson al North Dnvie. They host Erw in on N o v . 25 nnd go to West Rownn on Dec. 2. .„ Soulh has 20eighth graders and 14.sevenlh graders. COOLEEMEE VIDEO 5:ftHf‘5 P a y y ;‘ N o w C arryin g Designer La die s Clothes n.ilph Lmiron. Cnlulii Klein, Liz Clnibonio S Jones Now Vark C ooleem ee Shopping Center * 284»2950 C raw fo rd , G ra n t L ead T ig e r G irls Mike McDougall feels good aboul Ills Soulh Davie seventh- grade girls basketball team. The first-year coach said the talent level is more ihnn suiricieiit for a team that’s shooting for n win­ ning season. "W e've gol some good nth- Ictes.” McDougall snid, “ W c’rc nol bad. I’d definilely like lo see n winning rccord, if nol more, A lol of Ihese girls huve played for n few yenrs. nnd I’d like to be in the lop ihrce (in Ihc ninc-lcnm M id-South Conference) when il’s snid nnd done,” South’s; Cndy Brown, Sydney Crnwford. Briini Grnmmer. An- A b sh er, M ayfield K e y S o u th Tim Devericks is as anxious as the next guy to sec how good South Davie's seventh-grade boys basketball tcniii can be, Uiillke Ills first two years as couch, when Devericks bad little talent and suffered 17 losses in 22 gnmes, he hns quulily mate­ rial to work with. "They look prelly good.” Dcvericks said. "If wc take care of the ball nnd make free throws. I think wc'll hold our own." Devericks has two big rea­ sons for oplimism. Drew A b ­ sher. a Icflhandcd shooting guard and the son of Davie boys basketball coach Mike Absher, has Ihc coach licking his chops. Ccnier James M ayfield also shows greal potential. "I'll lell you righl now. I'm looking for big Ihings oul of Drew and Janies," he said. "Drew knows a lot of basketball. It conics real easy lo him, and he's like anolher coach on the lloor. I le helps gel people where Ihey nee<l lo be, and he sets olher people up. "I'm looking for Mayfield to be a beast on Ihe boards." I’erry Janies has the leaping abilily lo make his presence fell underneath. Josh Osw ell’s pas­ sion for banging gives him a chance to com ribiile. Chris Sponaugle provides more size lo go with M ayfield, Janies and Oswell. "Oswell is a big surprise to me. He likes lo rebound," Dev­ ericks said. "Ouri|uickne,ss is up there, (loo). Mayfield and Perry run the floor, they're big. and they've bolh gol fairly deccnl hands," Although Devericks has sev­ eral big names from thc unde- fcalcd sevenlh-grade foolball team, lie didn’ l make any bold prediciions. There were no prom- ise.s of contending with lypicnl powers N o rth R ow nn. West Rowan and Erw in. Bul wilh in- gredienls like Absher nnd M ayfield, yo u 've gol to like South’s chnnccs of being in the m ix. "I’m renlly looking forward lo this season.” he snid. "Tnlent- wisc, this is probably thc best leum I’ ve hud. It ull depends on whal North Row an und West Rownn have, und Erw in hns hud renl good squads. I’ m just look­ ing to compclc.” Notc.s: Thc rosier includes Zach Illing . X a vie r H o w e ll, Brnndon Wnlls. Shellon Howurd. Jess Cnrlner. Shyleek Brow n. Michael Wniiiwrighl nnd Landon Harris. ... Illing and Walls are baltling at poinl gunrd. ...T h e T i­ gers opened nt North Davie on Nov. 1«. They play al Erwin on Nov. 2.‘i and al home to West Rowan on Dec. 2 B A N K 0/1 N O R T H I E A R O L I N A M O U T 0 A Ci I ; Mortgage rates are the lowest they hove been in 40 years! Have you refinanced? Do you want to purchase a home? Please call us today! There couldn't be a better time! JERRY KAPP Managei/Loan Ollicot 1336 Woslgalo Conter Olivo VWnslon-Snlom, NC 27103 Telephone; (336) 774-2944 T » f Mobile; (336)462-3932 E-Mail: jkiipp®bankofnc.coni i.'-'i.'' Mombor FDIC Mocksville's Auto Service ^leader Stomps the Competition Buy 4 Oil Changes Get the Next 10 FREE! (T h a t’s R ig h t, 10!) some roslrictions apply New Tire Special F o u r (4 ) - 17 5 - 7 0 R 14 G oodyear/In tegrity T ires S'1 R Q / All four, installed, balanced ■ 5 1# Includes Hoad Hazard Warranly Ш M m mm. m . . . WWW.COWbOyrob.COin I., опч,-. шл,,In Beautiful Downtown Mocksville 157 oopoi street • 7^1-5948 • 1-ш-4б9-з781 dreu Grant, Kayla Grvibb,Tiffany 1 lolines, Rcbccca Hendrix. Mary Jarvis, Crystal Smith Ruchel Muckinlosh. Kelsey Tay­ lor, Jc.ssa Ren, Tonesha Turner and Tubi W ilt. South’s strength starts with gunrds Crawford and Grunt. The primnry pieces supporting that combinnlion, M cDougall said, are Turner, Grubb und Ren. Notes: Thc Tigers opened at North Dnvie on Nov. 18. They piny at Erw in on Nov. 25 and al home to West Rownn on Dec, 2. ... McDougnll’s nssistnnt is Steve Leslie, who recently moved from Lewisville to Mocksvillc. “ He's got n lot o f bnsketbnll experi­ ence.'' McDougall said. ... Mc- Dougall is South’s sixth seventh- grade girls coach in six yenrs. He follows Lisa Kenney. Sheila Tribble. Cindy Durhnm , Tim Kenney nnd Todd Bumgnmer, $ 2 .5 0 CRYSTAL GLEANERS 3 6 0 8 C i e m m o n s R o a d , C i e m m o n s 7 1 2 - 3 1 5 S Nigjht Drop & Drive-Thru M-F 7 AM-7PM • SAT. 8 AM-5 PM Sam e Day Service W eekdays: In by 11 a.m. ; Saturday In by 10 am. EVERYDAY SPECIAL: MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS 9 9 0 each mínlnxífTi 5 Itoms WE NOW DO EXPRESS ALTERATIONS S y M .O OPANTS START AT Pants, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, Vests, Shorts, Ties, Blazers $ - ^ o o e a c h Silks $1.00 extra Dresses, Robes, Short Coats, Jump Suits$350 e a c h Minimum 3 Ilems, Silks $2.00 extra COUPON M U ST BE PRESENTED WITH INCOMING ORDER T A G SA LE PINK 2 0 % OFF • ORANGE 1 0 % OFF S H O P E A R L Y F O R BEST S E L E C T IO N ... ---------E V E R Y T H IN G IS G O I N G FAST! Cisatwwti& School B A R G A I N M A L L [ Q U t f l A T I O N J C E N T E R ■ MIrrore 40% Off Our Pilce ‘ Coclctall Tables 40% Off Our Price * Accessories 30% Off Our Price CLOSE OUT A LA B A S T E R B U FFETT L A M P S A LA B A S T E R F L O O R L A M P M IS S IO N M IR R O R ITALIAN C A R V E D M IRRO R S B S S a JUST IN FROM MARKET Truck lo a d o f h a n d , k n o tte d , w o o l rugs. G r e a t S e le c tio n o f C o lo rs & Sizes. R ugs p r ic e d 1 /2 o ff m a n u fa c tu r e w h o le s a le or lessi New weekly stock of name brand returns, cancellations and discontinued items. Assorted DitiingRootns, Bedrooms, Lm ip s, M inora, Office Furniture 3550 Clemmons Road • 712-1890 * Open Monday 10-5 DAVIE COUN TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursda.v, Nov. 20,2003 — 9lt \ S p o t l i g h t o n B u s i n e s s Arnold Bakery Thrift Store The Arnold Bakery Thrift Store In Clem m ons sells de­ licious, high-quality bread, snacks and other related prod­ ucts, including low-fat, no-fat and no-sugar products at savings up to 60 percent of suggested retail. Som e of the m osl popular items are Entem ann’s cook­ ies, pastries, cakes and pies; and Boboli line of pizza crusts, plus a wide range of specialty food items. For m eals, sandwiches and get-togethers, the store features the A rnold line of premium America breads, rolls and buns, which include B row nberry, B rick O ven, Fran­ cisco and B ran’ola, a hearty line of breads that are baked with all-natural whole grains. N ew Arnold breads which do no have any trans fats Include 7 G rains, H oney W tieat B erry, H earty M ulti G rain, O atnut (w ith hazel­ nuts), O atbran , S ourdou gh an d 100% W hole W heat. The A rnold B akery Thrift S to re also sells Tho m as bagels and English muffins. Super-size muffins, and naturally low-fat Sahara pits are also available. The thrift store has an u n b elievab le In ven to ry of P ep perldge Farm prem ium snacks, crackers, cookies and Goldfish; S n yd er of H anover pretzels and flavored potato chips; O ld Lond on products, including their fa­ mous M elba Toast and W affle Snacks; Voortm an cook­ ies; U tz pretzels and chips, Fam ous A m os cookies and Little D ebbie snacks. The A rnold B akery Thrift S tore has A m lsh jam s and relishes, local honey, M rs. C am p b ell’s hom estyle chow- chow, Vldalla Sweetsreiishes, as well as G olding Farm s honey, m olasses, salad dressings, and steak, barbeque, cocktail and tartar sauces. M oravian L ovefeast are delivered fresh on Fridays from Jones Bakery w hen avpilable. The thrift store's unique Inventory of fam ous Stash Tea includes traditional flavors of black, green and herbal teas as well as triple ginseng teas from India, and orien­ tal blends you would drink in Japan and C hina for health benfits. The store also has E xo tic Tea, which includes 5- rare flavors such as Silver Jasm ine and China W hite, Also featured at the A rnold B akery T h rift S tore are gourm et coffee, co coa and cu ppaclno packets; Includ­ ing l-iazelnut, Snickerdoodle, M o ucha-doodie, Irish Crem e, C rem e Brulee and Coco C abaret flavors. For custom ers who desire a bit m ore flavor, the thrift store has a num ber of jalopena, garlic an d spicy Items. The A rnold B akery Thrift S to re is conveniently lo­ cated in Clem m ons at 2668 Lewisville-Clem m ons Road, across from the new D O LLA R B U YS Store. Store hours are M onday through Friday 9-7, Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 12-5. Phone 766-3080, B A K E R Y T H R IFT S T O R E I I , • B u y 1 E n t e n m a n n ’ s | & G e t 1 F R E E i I >:<|iiiii nr i.rs> Viitiir II tVr U'JIMi.« I C le m m o n s T h r if t S to re iI Uftvt5v<o-Cloninioiis rtd C'Mt«K»i9 *(Ac/ovifrom Vi.v)0 OuKlki A G'fte) I I ^ ^ Snt. WJ; Sun. 12-5 * 7«K»00 I IL E R IX E 3 3 6 ) 8 1 3 - T I L E<8453) •I SAVINGS up EVERYDAY ‘o 4 v Senior Citizeni Dlacount* ALL CHRISTMAS ITEMS B U Y 1 , G E T 1 F R E E . Clemmons Discount Sales 1533 Uwlsvllle-Clemmone Rd. 766-4449 • Clemmons • 766-4938 Hi* instéceimúc andstone tie, Ги1«1у tMwJ KisncM it 16 Wc ukc Rtval jñlc in (ЦГ and ciPtnnxt чпус. Fft\‘ n>onatfs 1пч1гп! ^ P l u m b i n g Kim E. Young - ow ner yburKeyro Honest & Depemtobto Seivfco• JO Vrv £v>. • Hnkh'nli,il/Omimni,\l • \V.\lt‘fH(\UvfS • Uwk^S. C/<w,WOr.i/m • DisfHMh • fautvis • ToMs • /mi/nt/A Hi««/«/(336) 751-20 6 1 Mocksvillo NC Uc. « 22229tmorni'mr HcfMlr A Smhv S/Kihlhl A r n o ld B a k e r y T h r ift S to r e is lo c a t e d a t 2 6 6 8 L e w is v ille - C le m m o n s R o a d , C le m m o n s . D a v i e D o i x /v u D i s c o u n t S t o k e Cooioemoo Shopping Conlor Cooioemoo (Bosldo Iho Posl Ollico) M o s t i t e m s J u s t $ 1 ! !OiFTS • TOYS • PET SUPPUE3 PARTY FAVORS • GIFT BAQS CHRISTMAS CARDS & STOCKING STUFFERS and MUCH. MUCH MOREIII Ita/J fcton -Sal 9 00AM-7ClOf’M.Sun20OPM-S0OrM(33S) 204-4020 earatic C)€€r l^eiiair§ A ll Electrical €p en er l^epalrs ' Emergency Service ' Senior Citizens Discount ' 25 Years Experience CABLE* GARAGE DOOR SERVICES "M r. Ed" (336) 998-2336 » F a rm in g to n , NC E D W A R D S S & 1 Y a u rH o m e lo w a Р К п Ш 1 BerhiUda Mini’s, S e l f - S t o r a g e iC n 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting / Sizes 5x5 up to 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next to Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance 1 G o ò d m o r k s i 1 P R l í # f e i O P 1 See Us For ¿U yovr Prlnllns Needs! \ Rubbor Slamps, Copies, Businoss Cards. Cortwnloss Forms, Oilico Slationaiy, Nowslottors, Brochures. Booklots, Labols. Continuous Forms, Spociaity Cords & Envolopos,Bool<, Binding, MagnQlic Signs. BannofS ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 0 2 0 0 160 E. Loxington Rd. (Hwy. 64 E.). Downtown, Mocksville. NC j UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOK!! Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers TIRED OF CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyl Replacement Windows'^ Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures F ree E stim ates! ЛООС! Mobile Phone 7 b 4 -U 0 0 Î 3 978-2299 © H u s q v a r n a V I I C I N G Owiicis Ann Michel iincl •;): Tei'c.sa Lupolc Hooring Н о11Г.ч: Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 S pecializing in ... C an )et& Vinyl Ceram ic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Lam inated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Experience NOW OPEN T v m PUBUC D ollar Store'’ Ш а D o l l a r у D r e a m s & M o r e S.“i.| Viillcy KiMcl, .Sulle .SIX) Mocksvilli;, NC (he.wle Kvk liU’ Crt'vk lUiki'ry) (336) 753-8997 OpvH iMoii.'Sut. Юиш-брт ®JOY’S: ?un&Moon: Inìque Boutique : Incense Scented Candles | & Unique Gifts i 8527-D North NC 150 | Clemmons, NC' 336-775-935 '¡(Across from Arcatlio Nursor^I 10% OFF wilh Ihis coupoT' IA -1 F I R S TIMPRESSIONSCARPET »SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 ^ 2 7 4 4 0 3 -6 4 4 2 wwwAinretlmpressions.com Qiialiiy fabric ill great pricc.s. Complcle line of .sewing inaeliine.s anti .scigers. Adult and yoiilh clii.sse.s. Scrvice and repair— all makes and model.s. NoliQns-Oiiilling-& Embroidery Supplie.s tmvnvillu Cli'ftimonii MoailUixt IWhUnoy't 5919-C James St. C le m m o n s _____ G r e a t C o v e r a g e S t a r t s w i t h B lu e S e curity U nclerw ritcr.s 336-945-3713 hill(p'.s<'ainlyuii{h‘nvriu'r.u-(nn B Iu c A d v a n t a g e ' Affordable, Quality Health Insurance I'lail Д: • \cj lif(‘timi’m.iMmiiiii »«1 tMMÍlb /9 S 9 ’ . ^ í n S ü r f a u Woodworks^ Afibrdable Portable Builcling.s WHY PAYFOR STORAGE? WeCustomi/.c to Y air SiKcificiaions! 3 3 6 - 4 6 8 - 1 1 9 4 Satisfnction Guaiiintccd • Financing Available Call For Diiections • No Sunday Calls A 1 • Tk i .Sl. l^lUl Cluiivh Rd. A l v i n M a s t J r . Hun,|>lonville, NC 27020 B lueC ross B lueS hield ol’ N orih C aro lin a BIO ■ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. Nov. 20,2003 K A ll Am erican Ford Mercury, inc. is proud to be a sponsor of ^ KlnrtMHrlj^ Kkte Please donate any unopened, unwrapped toy for X.C.’s underprivileged chOdren! D o n a t i o n s a r e b e i n g a c c e p t e d i n o u r s h o u r r o o m u n t i l D e c e m b e r 1 6 t h , C o m e h a v e y o u r p ic tu r e m a d e w ith S a n ta !!! D ecem b er 13th lOsOO am - 3 :0 0 pm All American Ford wishes you and your family Happy (Holidays! t^ave your photo made with Santa December 13, 2003 10:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.’Camptlmen-tary 4x6, aridltlonal package« available. Santa Claus is , coming to town! IA W American Ford ' yadklnvllle Rd. AAockavllle 78 1-216 1 Photos by:One Shot Photogrflphy 998-3405? ^ P R E - O W N E D S A V I N G S ! ! ! C A R S #P1591......'03 Focus SE aulo, A/C, pwr. grp., alloy wheels...........$230 x6 0 m os.* #P'1454A....'99 Taurus SE auto, V6, alloy wheels, pwr. grp...........$ 12 9 x 4 8 m os.* #3C3595A...'98 Grand Marquis V6, liher, pwr. grp. loaded.........$236 x 36 m os.* #P1549A.....'03 Taurus SES V6, low miles, pwr. grp., alloy wheels ....$248x60 m os.* #P1594.......'03 Taurus SES V8, pwr grp., alloys, low miles.........$24 8 x60 m os.* #P1585......'03 Grand Marquis V8, liher, LS trim, pwr. grp,, alloys ..$373x6 0 m os.* #P1554A....'99 Lesabre leather, alloy wheels, pwr. grp., CD .........$20 6 x48 mos>* #P1600......'03 Sable G S pwr, grp., V6, auto, low miles.............$24 8 x60 m os.* S U V ^ S #P1569......'00 Windstar U( V6, auto, A/C, 4 door.................$239 x6 0 m os.* #P1590......'03 Windstar V6, power group, A/C, 4 door..............$352 x6 0 m os.* #P1536B....'00 Mountaineer all wheel drive, leather rool, CD .......$30 4 x60 m os.* #3T4042B....'02 Explorer Sport V6, power group, low miles........$29 3x6 0 m os.* Ü Ü w B M ^ I ip ty C e r tff - ^ - q é r t t f l e d P a r t a P w a o n n o ! \ ■ r S e t v a Y o u r N e t f c k k ' i^. Part* Mi ..........................iI, A . ; ; P ^ r f b r ñ ^ ^ C,' ' 8ervlc9l^re: . v , , ^ . ;00p m M ^ ; B :0 0anh4.-oopni S ^ t V ' pld<-up available. f f g g i i i i i m TiTTn:!— Oil Ciiange Special W S t h T h i s C o u p o n Includes MotorCraft Filter and up to 5 Qts. of Oii. #3DT1785A..'02 Explorer 4x4, V6,3rd seal, aiioys, local trade........$4 19 x 6 0 m os.* №1592......'03 Escape XLT V6, auto, power group................$35 2 x 6 0 m os.* #P1601.....'02 Explorer XLT 4x4, V6, power group, alloys.........$ 4 19 x 6 0 m os.* T R U C K S #2DT8518A..'01 Ranger S/C XLT V6, auto, A/C, alloys.............$230 x 6 0 m os.* #P1596......'01 Ranger S/C XLT llareside, V6, auto, A/C..........$230 x6 0 m os.* #P1598.......'02 Ranger S/C XLT 4x4, V6, aulo, power group......$335 x 6 0 m os.* #P1543......'01 F-150 XLT 4x4,6 cyl, 5 spd., LWB, aiioys............$29 3x6 0 mOS.* #P1557......'01 F-150 S/C XL auto, V6, power group...............$ 3 3 5 x 6 0 m os.* #P1558......'00 F-150 S/C XLT auto, V6, low miles.................$3 3 5 x 6 0 m os.* WDT9198A..'01 F-150 S/C XLT V8, aulo, power group, aiioys.......$356 x 6 0 mOS.* #3DT12e9A..'02 Dodge Ram ST V6, auto, low miles, local trade....$27 2x 6 0 m os.* #P1575......'02 F-350 S/C XLT DRW 4x4, Lariat, 7.3L V8, auto....$ 5 7 0 x 7 2 m os.* • $1,000 down cash/lrade plus lax & fees. APR from 8.99% to 12.99% depanding on model/trim. See dealer lor details. M iesei Oil Ciiange Special 7 . 3 L . o r « 3 9 “ 6.0Lfor«47®® W i t h T h i s C o u p o n Includes MotorCraft Filter and tap to 15 Qts. of MotorCraft oil. D a v ie P e o p le DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20,2003 ■ Ct Five Minutes Of Gioiy D a v ie S o c c e r P la y e r B a ttle s M u scu la r D y s tr o p h y W hen the lineup was an­ nounced for the Oct. 21 .soccer game between Davie and West Forsyth high schools, Connie and Charles Swartz cried tears of joy. For the first time in his three years on the junior varsity and varsity teams, their son, Karl, was among the starters. Th e ir tears re­ flected eight years of watching him fight off weakness in his legs from a progres­ sive mu.scle disease in an altempt to live a normal life. W hen Karl ran onto the field that Tuesday night, vis­ ibly slower than the other players, the stu­ dents and other par­ ents at the game gave him a standing ova­ tion. K a rl, know n as “ Krazy Karl" by his teammates and other friends at the high .school, only played for.five minutes, but for his par­ ents, they were glorious. “ It was the most awesome night we’vo ever had,” Connie says. The memory still brings tears lo their eyes. This is a story about Krazy Karl Sw artz, even though he let his parents do most o f the talk­ ing during the interview. It Is a story about couragc, sheer deter­ mination, nnd for five minutes on the Davie soccer field, abso­ lute triumph. Connie nnd Charles wore both divorced when they met at Heart to Heart w ith Kathy Chaffin a bowling alley in Greenville, Ohio. Though she didn’l have any childrcn from her firsl marriage, he had four and sole custody of them all. When they started dating and _ eventually married, Connie went from living alone to being a step­ mother to a 5-year-old daughter and three sons, ages 7 ,9 and 11. It was a major ad­ justm ent, she says, laughing. “ That was 22 years ago, and since then, we've had plenty o f ups and downs.” One of the ups was when Karl Andrew was born on April 13, 1986. He was almost 4 when his father lost his job in Greenville and accepted an offer from a com petitive com pany, Ingersoll- Rand in M ocksvillc, N .C . Connie and Charles purchased a home on East Lake Drive, and he moved down in April of 1990 to start his new job. Their three older sons were living on their own by then, but daughter, Kasey, joined him in August of that year so she could start school in Davie County. Connie, who was working full time as an insurance agent, stayed behind with Karl until their house sold a few months later. The family was reunited on Dec. 31 and celebrated the New Year’s Day holiday in their new home. Karl started kindergarten at M ocksville Elem entary the following August. Karl Sw artz Inspired others with his determ ination to be a part of the Davie High soccer team . Growing up, tie was very ac­ tive and loved to run and play. . "E v e r since he was born, from the time he got out of that bed until the time he hit the bed at night,” Connie says, “ he was on his feet. He did not sit still and watch T V . He wanted to be doing something all the time.” Connie and Charles had no­ ticed Karl walking on his toes, but they hadn’t given it much thought. Charles says he had also no­ ticed his son having a little dif­ ficu lty running. "B u t I was thinking, ‘ W ell, he just hasn’t learned to stride and all that,’ ” he says. It wa.sn’t until Karl was In the fourth grade and Connie took S E R V IC E C E N T E R Business Preferred Network ■ ■ I ' l and up to 15 Qts. of MotorCraft oil..■ OHer Good Until 12/13A)3 at All-Amorican Ford Mercury ■ Offer Good Until 12/1M3 at All-American Ford Mercury 15%* O ff Parts U M M m -a -a ^ --------------------- I I I _ ___ _ ------ I \ ñ f B W :§ w T M s C o A # j 9 o # v Stalwm ---------1!£------ \ lHnilonS«tom 1 V. MO *11. ^ AMtRICAN-^ FORD M MMCURY j'Mocksville FORD IVIERCURV Shop us online at a a fo r d .c o iT i Buy American... Buy Ford... “Buy ALL AIMERICAN FORD” Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2161 • Plus Tax & Fees. Dealof retains all lebales, •"Excludes diesel engines, See dealer lor dolalls. Charles and Connie Swartz are proud of son Karl's acompiishm ents. ;:-r- - P hotos by R obin Fergusson him to the doctor about his re­ curring nose bleeds that they re­ alized something else could be w rong. In checking routine blood tests, D r. James Evans noticed that Karl’s liver enzymes were high nnd ordered repeat lesting every two weeks. Each time. Connie says, the results cnme liack higher and liigiier. So D r. Evans referred him to Brenner Children’s Hos­ pital at Wake Forest University Bapli.st Mcdical Cenler in W in­ ston-Salem for further testing. After an initial assessment, Karl was sent to the neurology ilcpartment.Tliere, a neurologist took a look at his liver counts and walked into tho examining room where Karl was waiting with his parents. They will never forget what he snid to Ihem. "H e looked at us nnd said, ‘W ell, his liver enzymes are as high as somebody silling in a wheelchair,’ ” Connie recalls. "W c just looked at him. We were dumbfounded.” The neurologist ordered more extensive testing, including a muscle biopsy. Deciding lhat there was definitely something wrong, he sent Karl's bloodwork to Boston for D N A testing. It wns based on those test re­ sults that Karl was diagnosed with Becker’s muscular dystro­ phy, which causes progressive muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis due to a loss of muscle mass. Weakness also occurs In the muscles In the arms, neck and other areas, but it is not as se­ vere as In the lower half of the body.' The Swartzes were told that the disease wns inherited through the female,even though Connie did not know o f anyone in her fnmily ever having it. "If I had had a female, there was a 50-50 chnnce lhat .she would have been a carrier,” she says. The chance of Karl coming down with the disease was also 50-50, Though they didn’t realize it at the time, the Swartzes say Karl realized enrly on that he could end up in a wheelchair. They found out nt a school conference that he had told one his leachers that not long after he was seen at Brenner. Even so, he never let his dis­ ease stop him from doing whnt he wanted to do. "It hasn't slowed him down,” Connie says. "H e ’s been in sports ever since lie’s been in school.” Karl played baseball, basket­ ball and .soccer through the M ocksville-Davie Recreation Department's sporl.s program. "The Brock sports are just fanlaslic,” says Connie, who now works as an office assistant at the N .C . Department of Trans­ portation office In Mocksville. "Every one o f the conches has involved him constantly in Ihings. It’s kept him going.” One year, she says M ike Gar­ ner, recreation director and coach of Karl’s basketball team, was determined lo help him make a ba.sket. "He put him down by the goal and put the rest of the kids run­ ning back and forth throwing him the ball," she says. "H e didn’l get one that year, but the nexl year, they did the snme thing, and he finally gol it.” Karl kept on playing, and Ihe lasl year he was on the basket­ ball leam , he was averaging eight points a game. "H e cven got a ihrce-poinier,” his falher .says. Wlien he gol to high school, Charles snys Karl had decided he wanted lo play soccer, His fresh­ man year, he served as manager o f the junior varsity team. He told Coach Jeremy Byrd that he wanted to try out for the team the following year. " O f course, it was evident that he had a disability," Coach Byrd says, "so it was a real dif­ ficult decision to make as a coach." Though K a rl had been cleared by his physician to play, his parenis sny then-principal Dr. Linda Bost, Coach Byrd and Coach Sean Garnett met wilh them and .said lhal while ho could be on the lenm. he would not be allowed to play In a game bccause of the risk of injury. "If he injured a muscle,” his mother says, "it would not henl." Karl was devastated by the decision. “ That was the firsl time he cried through all o f this,” Connie says. "But he has gone lo every practice and he hns gone to ev­ ery gnme knowing that he was going to sit on the bench.” Even when some friends tried to talk him out o f remaining on the team, Charles says Karl stuck with it. "They said, ‘ You’ re just going to sit on the bench,’ ” he says. "He said,‘Tliat's O K , I’ ve got friends there.’ ” His .sense of humor mnde him a favorite nmong teammates. When one o f last year’s gradu­ ating seniors recalled his favor­ ite sports moment in an Enter­ prise sports feature, he said it was K razy Karl's talenl show at the Davidson College soecet camp during the summ er of 2001. To this day, his parents don’t know whnt went on at that camp, "H e won’t tell us," Connie says. "N o b o d y w ill tell us. The coaches said what happens there, stays there." Cojich Byrd snys Kar) is nn inspiration to the rest of the leam. “ He's exactly the kind o f per­ son that you want around a pro­ gram because he’s got a lol of character,” he says. "H e comes and dresses out. He encourages olher people. He jusl wants to play soccer," His five minutes o f play on Senior Night, during which the graduating players and theirpar- ents were recognized, was spe­ cial for everyone nt the game, according to Coach Byrd. If anyone deserved a night lhat special, he says, it was Karl. "Il was a good lesson for ev­ erybody, myself Included," he says, “ about whal a person can do wilh the potential he hns and how much he cnn encourage ev­ erybody around with his indi­ vidual actions. “ H e even got a couple of good kicks in, which was awe­ some,” While the soccer program has been good for Karl in that it has kept him active and m oving. Coach Byrd says, "we got that back tenfold." “ It's good for us to be around someone who jusl says ‘ no' to his limitations,” he says, “ and says, 'I ’m going lo go ahead' and ‘ I’m going to try’ and 'I ’m go­ ing to do everything that I pos­ sibly can.’ Thnt’s whnt Karl has done. "H e ’s outstanding. I'm going to mi.ss him quite a bit when he leaves.” The olher senior players pre­ sented Karl with a plaque this week in recognition of his con­ tributions to the team. And for tlie second year in a row , all the players signed a game bnll to give lo him . The signed soccer ball given lo Karl by last year's team is displayed prominently in the Swartz home. Continued O n Pngc C5 DAVIE COUN I'Y ENTERPRISE RECORD, 'I'luirsdiiy, Nov. 20, 2003 - СЗ C2 — DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Tliursduy, Nov. 20, 2003 Campbell-Gobble Engagement Announced Phelps-Landreth To И/ed At Catawba CollegeAm y Ciimpbcll and Lee Gobble, both of Mocksvillc, aimouiicc their engagement. The bride-elect is the daughter of Lydia Taylor of Mocksvillc nnd David Campbell of Hamiony. She graduated from Davie High School and is attending Mitchell Community College of Mooresville. The groom-to-be is the son of Tom m y and Burbara Gobble of Mocksvillc. He graduated from Davie High School and is employed by Freightliner of Cleveland. The couple will be married on Jan. 10, 2004 at Holy Springs Church of Hamiony. Fruit Orders Being Taken Jack and Tina I’lielps of Mocksvillc announce tiie engagement of their daughter, Tunyu Michelle Phelps, to Clind Kelly Landreth, the son of Kelly Landreth of Luwsonville and Teresa Wall of Sophia. The bride-elect is a graduate of Davie High School. She graduated from Appalachian State University wilh u B .S. in communications. The groom-to-be is a graduuie of Rundleman High School. He is employed by Estes Truckline Express. The wedding will be February 21, 20()4 at Omwark-Dearbom Chapel, Catawba College, Salisbury. Heather Neal Weds Michael Ryan Froellch Tlie Mocksvilie Lions Club is selling citms fruit fresh from the orange groves of Florida for the holidays. This yearly event is a fundraiser to supporl the visually und heuring impaired in Duvie County Lions from ull over the county will be accepting orders for small or large cases of oranges, lungeloes, tungerincs, gnipefruit us well as mixed cases until Tue.sday, Nov, 2.“), Delivery of the fruit will be uround Dec, 8, For more information, cull Lion Linda Blackburn during the daytime ut 753-0y.‘i0, Advance News By Edith Zlm m crm iin Advance Coorespondent We welcomed Ricky and Mim i Perkins as new nicmbcrs to the Methodist church lusl Sun­ duy, The Youth will spend this weekend ul Cump Hanes, Ken and Beth Potts are youth lead­ ers. The group will get to travel in our new church van. A lovely cut flower arrange­ ment was on the church altar Sunduy in honor of Maybellc Orrell's 87th birthday on Nov. I Sth, given by her family. We were happy to have Olivia Talbert, her sister Carolyn Peterson und their mother Mrs. Murlin us visilors at church Sun­ day. The M ethodist W om en's cook-book is off the press and ready for sale. O u r conim unity extends sym pathy to the fum ily of Aurelia (Rhea) Polls. She died lusl Monday at Spcncer Care af­ ter many months as a resident there. Bess Bcnnell and Ed ith Zimmcmian visited their cousin Florine Black in Lexingion last Tuesday afternoon. Florine is re­ cuperating from extensive eye surgery in which she lost the sight of one eye. Sandra W hite Perry of Po w ell, Tenn. visited Edith Zimm cnnan last Tuesday morn­ ing. She was u luncheon guest of her cousin Nancy Pcnry on Lybrook Road. Heather Nicolc Neal und MichucI Ryan Froellch, both of M ocksvilie, were married ut 9:4.*) a.ni. Ocl. 22 in an outdoor ceremony on the grounds o f Bluebeard's Bcach Club on iho island of Sl. Thomas. The Rev. Bill Arnett officiated. The bride is the daughter of Vickie M cD aniel NeuI o f Mocksvillc and David Neal of Rockwell. Her mulcrnal grand­ parents are D oris W hitukcr McDunicl of Mocksvilie und the late W illiam Henderson McDaniel Jr. Her paternal grand­ parents arc Billie Angell Horton and George Foster of Richfield. The bride attended the Ufiivcr- sity o f North Carolina at W ilminglon where she wus a member of Phi M u fraternity. She is completing a business degree at the University of Phoe­ nix and is employed wilh Inniar Inc. in Winslon-Salem. The groom is the son of Palsy Burringer Byrd of Union Grove und the late Chris Froellch Sr. His maternal grandparents are the late Adam and Ann Barringer. His paternal grand­ parents are the hite William und Kutherin Froelich. The groom gruduulcd with honors frpm For­ sylh Technicul Communily Col­ lege and is employed with Mears Construction Co. in Mock.sville. The bride wore a pearl-col­ ored strapless A-linc gown ac­ cented wilh gold, designed by M ori Lee. Her headpiece was made of seushells und wus hund- mude by a friend of the bride. She carricd a boui|uet of pink Gerber daisies. Following the ccremony, un inlimule receplion wus held next to the Caribbean Sea. The couple was honored with a pre-wedding celebration ut the Oaslhuus on the Square, hosted by Peggy Dillon, coilsin of the bride, nnd Loraine Blackwood, nunl of the bride. C o-w orkers o f the bride hosted n Cnrlbbcun-slylc bridal shower. Afte r a honeym oon cruise through the Eastem Caribbean, the couple made their residence in Mocksville. Frye Completes Training Marine Corps Pvl, Joseph H , Frye, son of Vicky L , und Hurold H. Frye of Mock.sville, completed 12 wks. basic tniining ut Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Is- lund, S.C. Frye began ut u.m., nmning three miles and iwrfoniiing culis- Ihenics. He spent numerous hours in classroom and field ussign- menls, also perfonning closc or­ der drill nnd opentling ns sninll in- fnnlry unil during field tniining. Frye ended the tniining phuse with Tlie Cnicible, u ,‘i4-hour, teum evolution culminating in a cer­ emony in which recmits are pre­ sented the Marine Corps Emblem, and addressed us "Murines" forllie lirst time in their careers. Help For Horsefeathers KIwanIs of Davle County recently held a pork tenderloin din­ ner to benefit Horsefeathers of N.C. Matt Voreh, president of Kiwanis of Davle County, (lelt) presents Susan Crisp, direc­ tor of Horsefeathers, (right) with a $200 check. The funds will be used (or riding therapy scholarships. Browder Attends Basic Training Am iy Reserve Pvl. Muster P. combat, ninp reading, field tactics, Browder has gnidualcti from ba­ sic combut tniining ul Fort Jack­ son, Columbia, S,C, During Ihe nine weeks of train­ ing, the soldier studied Ihe Am iy mission, history, tnidilion and core values, physical fitness, and re- ceivctl instruction and practice in basic combat skills, m ilitary weapons, cliemicul wurfure und buyonel truining, drill and cer­ emony, marching, rifle niurks- manship, armed and unarmed military courtesy, military justice system, basic first uid und foot marches, Browder is the son of Connie J. Browder of M illing Road, Mocksviile. In 2(X)3, the .soldier graduated from D avie High School. CO O O O O O O O O O O O TO O O M a ^ in th B U S A Pointer Brand Products point the way to Cooleemee Thie Value Hardware . Cooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee BibOveralls,Coveralls,CarpenterPants, X e y a i u e Jeans,ChoreCoats,and Morel Denim, Brown Duck, Woodland Print. U d y and Youth Sizes & Styles available also. Call for sizes and prices. If we don't have It ...We Can Get Itl (336 ) 2 8 4 -2 2 3 4 s p e c ia l oS th e W ee k Come meet Davie County's own Ricky Perkins A u t h o r o f America the Good S to r ie s o f G o o d w ill b y G o o d A m e r i c a n s R i c k y w i l l b e s i g n i n g h i s b o o k a t t h e W o o d w o rk s G a lle ry O P E N H O U S E S im d a y N o v . 23 fr o m 1 p m 't il 6 p m WOODWORKS QflLLERT 185 N . Mnin St., Mocksville N C , (336) 751-1001 Copies of die book nvnilable for .sale nt W oodworks Gnllerj' for $15.95 en. Kleenex Pocket Рас Cotton Balls Fingernail Clippers Emery Boards Cuticle Pushers ea. Limit TotuI of 8 W hile Supplies Last B a s k e t s h y M a r l e n e N o w A v a ila b le Unique gifts for Christmas Marlene will be here in person Monday, Dec. 1 • 8:30am.-6pm l-'or inl'ormat 1(111 on (lni}>s & health prohleiii.s, до to \\ \v\v.l«ster<lruj>i;o.com R e g u la r H o u rs ; M -F 8 :3 0 -8 • S a t 8 :3 0 -4 • S un 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • M ocksviile • (336) 751-2141 ____________ www.fosterilnigco.coin J oiin son -P a rrish C ou p ie iV larriedA t F irst P resb yteria n Terra Lynne Johnson and Roger Dale Pamsli were man-led O ct. 2,‘i al Firsl Presbyterian Church, Mocksville. The Rev. Neal Carter officiated tho 10:30 morning service. Imniediately following the wedding, a clianipagnc brunch was held at The Historical Vance Hotel, Stalesville. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terry W . Johnson of M o cksvillc. She i.s the granddauglicr of M r. and Mrs. Charlie W . Johnson of Mocks­ vilie and Mr. and Mrs. Williani B. Clontz Sr. of Advancc. She is Ihe great-granddaughter o f Millie Johnson of Mocksviile. A graduate of Davie High School, she earned a bachelor's degree in sociology/Spanish from Sa­ lem College. She Is employed as a claims Investigator for Fann­ ers Zurich Insurance Group. The groom Is the son of Roger Parrish and Louise Parrish of Mocksviile. He Is the grandson of the late M r. and Mrs. Robert Parrish o f Mocks­ viile and the late M r. Dolph Ludwick and Mrs. Emma Bean, bolh of Salisbury. A graduate of Davie High School, he earned a bachelor's degree in criminal juslicc from Appalachian State University. He is employed with the U .S . Probation Office. The bride was escorted by her father. Matron of honor was M egan K e lle r Renegar o f Mocksviile. Bridesmaids were Debbie Parrish Idol o f Kernersville, Denise Parrish Miller of Mock.sville, bolh sis­ ters of the groom; Ivey Clonlz Gunter of Advancc; BcIh Wall Carter of Mocksvillc; Rebecca Davi.s o f Cooleem ee; C risly Branon Caudle of East Bend; and Noel Shields of Salisbury. Best man was the groom's father. Groomsmen wercThadd Johnson, brother of the bride of Charlotte; Charlie Crenshaw of Clem m ons; Tony Renegar of Mocksviile; Scott Calllson of Athens, Oa.; Chad Jones of W in­ ston-Salem ; and Dan Gauth- reaux of Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edward Dean J e s s ic a D a vis W ed s J o e D ea n Jessica Kirsten Davis and Jo.seph Edward Dean, bolh of W inston-Saleni, were married Saturday, Novem ber 1 at Clemmons Moravian Church. Rev. Ray Burke officiated at Ihe 5 p.m. ceremony. The bride is the daughter of M r. and Mrs. Gilbert T. Davis Jr. of Advance. She graduated from Davie High School and received her bachelor of science degree in business administration from Appalachian Stale University, where she was a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. She re­ ceived her master’s degree in business administration with a marketing concentration from the University of North Carolina al Greensboro. The groom is the son of Mary Deán o f W elcome and John Dean 111 o f Le xin g to n . He graduated from West Forsyth High School and received his bachelor of .science degree in business administration with a m arketing m ajor from East Carolina University. He is em­ ployed as a zone business man- Birth Lucy W alker White Jan-all and Seplember White of Huni.sville proudly announce Ihe biilh of Iheir lirst child, a son, Lacy Walker White. Lacy was born November 11, 2003 at 3:08 p.m . al Forsyth Medicul Center. He weighed 7 lbs. and I oz. and was 20 Inches long. His grantlparenls are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Splllnian of Fanning­ lon and M r. and M rs. David While of Huntsville. His greal- ' grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilbuni Spillman of Fannlngton and Mrs. Joann Pilcherof Hunt.s- ville . M rs. H azel Riddle o f Yadkin Valley Is his great-great- grandnioiher, Child attendants were flower girls Tori Clonlz o f Advance, cousin o f Ihe bride, and Savan­ nah Idol of Kernersville, niece of the groom. Register atten­ dants were Am ber Dotson of Elkin and Stephanie Johnson of China Grove, both cousins ofthe bfidc. Prognim attendants were Mitchcll Miller of Mocksville, nephew o f the groom ; Luke Mears o f Elkin and Trey Clontz of Advance, both cousins of Ihe bride. Bell ringer was Donald Johnson of China Orove, cousin of the bride. Nuptial music svas provided by a professional string trio, Sa­ rah Borders, haniniered dulci­ mer; Veda Bafford, violinist; and Rick Bafford, guitarist. Anita Long was the pipe organist and bridesmaid, Ivey Gunter, was soloist. Reception greeiers were Dianne K e lle r, and Lib b y Creason, both of Cooleemee; and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wilson of Advance. Wedding director was Palsy Crenshaw. On the eve of the wedding, the parenls of the groom hosted a rehearsal dinner-costume party at Triple J Fann, Mocksviile. Showers uml I’urlles • A miscellaneous shower was given by aunts of the bride, Ivey Gunter, Darla Clonfz, and Lisa Mears. • A lawn and garden shower was hosted by M r. and M rs. Chuck Glnther, M r. and Mrs. Tony Renegar and M r. and Mrs. Charlie Crenshaw. ' • A Christm as ornam ent shower was hosted by Juanita Richardson. • A lingerie shower for the bride was hosted by Rebecca D avis, Beth Carter and Anna Wilson. • The bride hosted a pottery shower in honorof bridesmaids, friends and fam ily al Unique Designs, State.sville. After a honeymoon trip to Hawaii, the couple will reside In Sherrill's Ford.Mrs. Roger Dale Parrish Philip Stonestreet Meets Old Mocksville Friends M ocksville native Philip Stoneslrcel entertained a number ofold friends at dinner at Miller's Diner on Saturday. Stonestreet was born in Mocksviile January 29, 1925 lo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stonestreet who lived for many years in their home on Hurdison Street. He had Iwo older broth­ ers, James now retired In Texas, and Gordon who lost his life while a member of the A ir Force during World War II. The family was active In the Jericho Church of Church. Stonestreet graduated from Mocksviile High School in 1942, served In the A m iy in Europe during World War II, graduated from the Unlver.sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and be­ gan a lifelong career as a sales­ man. Ho was a direct sales rep­ resentative for applUince manu­ facturers and laler worked for Montgomery Ward. He settled in Frederick, M d ., and married there. His w ife, Elsie, died earlier this year. V/on- derful friends. Lettic and Pete Byrdlc, Invited him to make his home with them in Conway. S.C. since he no longer enjoys robust health, and he has been wilh them for .several wcek.s. Although he is confined to a wheelchair by his illness, he wanted to return to Mocksviile and be with friends many of whom have known him for three-iiuartors o f a century. The Byrdics made the arrange­ ments for the trip lo Mocksvilie, and Stonestreet and his friends had a wonderful evening of vis­ iting and recalling old times shared. Invited guesls Included Pete and Bottle Byrdlc and daughter, C arrie , Holland und B illie H o lto n , Ralph and T irza B ow d en , Buck and W ylene Keller, Mrs. Helen Crenshaw, Tilthia Ruye Hnnes, Johnny and Betty Marklin, Loyce Marklin, Geraldine Sheek, Frankie Mo.ser, Lester and Elizabeth Marlin, Bob and Hopo Hall, Josey Miller and Hugh Larew. Great ('overage Starts wilh Blue • Blue Ailvant,ige* Plans • Nn Referral HMO, I’PO and PO.S Group Plan? • Saiall Group Coverage Johnson Insurance Services, Inc. Jo h n W o o d (336) 75 1-6 2 8 1 • Lnne'ftnn Care • Mcillcare Sapplcment lasarance • Dental Corerage for Individuals and Groups • Blue Exttiis” Discount Programs B lu e C ro s s B lu e S h ie ld o f N o rth C a ro lin a Cofl»<i Cfofi »(vJ Shi«« Norih fjTJ n» b' co«» rf«U>li nlrr*, 4*ciui.o«4 («'Fit «ti ch pol ty b* ip br* Ал hcer»*« Ы th« ük.«C'ait «nd (JIl* Sh,«id А|юо«1>п». • Чао-КачЛ n*ri ni tha H'u« Сл>и v'd (l’ut >úinci«tinn SM f"*'t oí tfi* Oiu« Cmtt *лс1 flk.a Shp*lvl •. 2/01 Girl Scouts Observe Founding ager with Frito-Lay. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Sharon Brow n W halen of Huntersville wa.s tho matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Brooke W hitley Cashlon and Kristen Lee Lowrey, both of Winslon- Salcm. John Joseph Dean IV o f Chesapeake, Va ., the groom's brother, served as best man. Groomsmen were Derek John Cernak of Clem m ons, David Allen Cardoso of Wake Forest and Albert Eugene Saunders of Tam pa, Fla. Ushers were Tho­ mas Justin Davis of Greenville, the bride's brother; Heinz W ill­ iam Milerl of Atlanta, G a.; and Edward Roberl Fergus of Win- slon-Saleni. Jessica W hilley served as registry and gift table attendant. A reception al tho Bermuda Run Counlry Club followed the ceremony. After a wedding trip lo St. John, U .S . Virgin Islands, the couple will live in Austin, Texas. The founder of Giri Scouts Uniled Slales o f Am erica, Juliette Gordon Low , was born on October 31, I860 in Savan­ nah, G A . Each yoar, Girl Scouts nationwide celebrate her birth­ day. On Nov. 1, 2003, the .scouts of Davie and Yadkin Counties celebrated with a chicken slew prepared and served by Kellh and Chrisline Lashmil. A hay­ ride, conducted by Giri Scout voliuileers, followed. There was ulso a .spook trail, faccpainllng, potato sack races and mini bowl­ ing. Treats and prizes were given at each area. The girls were asked to come dressed in their Hnllow- eon costumes and bring a deco­ rated pum pkin for a contest. Placeniat ribbons were given in each category. Polly Caudle, dressed as Juliette Lo w , gave a brief biog­ raphy of G S U S A and the life of the founder. All 130 plus people in attendance s-ang "Happy Birth­ day,” then cake and hot choco­ late were served. This year's evenl was hosted by Jane and L ib Bullard o f Cornatzer. Em ily Stewarl o f Davie County ancl Linda Neely of Yadkin Counly were the event organizers. Linda and Tammy Neely provided the decorations. G et R eady For The H olidays Lose U p To 10 Lbs. O n U s! m o FREE WEEKS OF WEIGHT LOSS! Lose Fat, Keep Muscle Burn Fat Without Hunger One-On-One Support Restaurant & Grocery Store Foods Safe & Effective C ali T o d a y F o r A F re e C o n s u lta tio n 336-751-1423 Weight Lott A. WeUtuft *CalJ (or delalli of o(i«r. *noquirod Produci Not Included.C«piiOi NovomUn 20, ?003 8 6 5 Y ad kin ville B d., S u ite 10 2 • M o cksvilie interior Designs, inc. ;Fn I. Si u v id -A .s ic n Let Us Help You With Your Hom e For tlie Fall Custom Line of Window Treatments Silk Trees & Plants Wall Coverings * Bedding Ensemblos Accccssorlcs • lamps Wo ivy/A Wllh hconscd ixmaclofs lot yOiir mnhHli'iiiHj.}/((/ binkliiHj naods Ch<iil(;noB Ciisbiily lIXS' Assoc'iito 'JfjOOCCicniMionsUd :Nl'»l I< {iliMtllllun^ I lliim vl 336-766-9918 ^ ^ ^ s e t t le f o r 2 . 0 2 « im* A lls t a t e B a n k VS.Ш . N a tio n a l A v e r a g e Allstate Bank offers a competitive 1-year CD rate that's typically higher than the national average. A CD Is one of the smartest ways to save. It's simple, secure and easy to open. Call us today to open your account with Allstate Bank. It couldn't be easier. Steve Ridenhour (336) 751-0669 Mark S. Jones (336) 751-0669 /illstate B A N K Membei* *^''’"‘‘>1 Porconogo Yield (APY) quoted as of November 7,2003, far a I -year Certlflcuo of Deposit (CD) and Is affective througli Oeccmber'4,2003. Minimum de|>aiit$ 1,000. Rates aro subject to change. Penalties will be Imposed for early withdrawal. Deposits aro FDIC Insured up to $ 100,000 per depositor. In cerain states, the referral of CDs to Allsute BaiU( Is limited by state security laws to agonu who are registered securities roprйsonut^os. Conuct an Allsuu Agency or Allsute Bank for further Information. Allsute Agencies reccive compensatkin far tho referral of Allsute Bank Ct3s, which may vary depending on the slia and term of the certificates. »♦Annual Percentage Yield (APY). National Index detemilned by Bankrate, Inc., N. Palm Beach, Ft. on November 5,2003. @2003 Allsme Insurance Company. C4 — DAVIK COUNTY KN I ERPRISK KiX'ORI), riuirstlav. Nov. 20, 2003 M o c k s v ille W o m a n ’s C lu b s M e e tin g H e ld L a s t W e e k The mcnibe's and giiesls of the Mocksvillc Woniim’s Club met at Bcrmucia Run Country Club on Nov. 12 for the regular monthly meeting. Hoste.s.ses for tho luncheoti were Betty Fellows, Connie Grass, Phyllis Potter and Bettie Shore. Club president M yrna Harris presided with Vickie Smitherman leading the pledge to the flags and Phyllis Potter offering words of inspira­ tion. Mrs. Harris thanked all of the club members for their participa­ tion in the District 4 fall meeting that was held ut the Fam ily Life Center of First United Method­ ist Church. This event would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work o f the club’s membership. The Mocks­ villc W oman's Club received three awards ul the full meeting: First plnce for club newsletter, first place for federation duy cel­ ebration aiuI nirncr-up for year­ book. With the club working dili­ gently lo recruit new members, a simple installation service was held to honor IWO new members. Myra McOunigle und Su/unne Valyer were presented u inetnbcr- ship pin, a club hi.story, u ycur­ book und a red rose. Words of welcome were expressed to euch of Ihese ladies. Tlie arts department reminded euch inember of the club's uris festival, ll will be held ul the Davic County Public Librury Dec. 6. Those purticipating ure usked lo urrive by 8 n.m. Tlie urIs feslivul will be held in March 2004. The educntion deparlmenl re­ ported that Iheir final educnlion projecl for the year would be the chib's participation in Ihe Dictio­ nary Projecl for Davie County schools. Last year, all 5th und 6th grade sludenis received free dic- lionuries. The club'.s donation to this project will purchase Span­ ish/English dictionaries for Ihe English-as-a-Second Language students and Iheir teachers. This should greatly enhance the learn­ ing and leaching process for a number of individuals. Tlie home life department col­ lected u total of 310 items for the Storehouse for Jesus. Various cunned vegetables, packaged mi.\es, und dried grains were do- nated by the club membership. An additional monetary donation was also given lo assist in the purchase of needed food ilems for the Storehou.se. Later this month, a total of appro.ximately l4,tK)0 cancclleil stamps will hc .sent lo the Disabled American Veterans by Ihe chair of this de­ partment. Mrs. Dorothy Horn made a prc.sentation concerning the Bell Ringing projecl for the Salvation Arm y. Members of the club will be at Wul-Murl in Mocksvillc on Dec. 5 from noon unlil 8 p.m. The members are looking I'or- ward to helping this most worth­ while organization raise funds. The ways and means commil- tee reported on Ihe club's full fundraiser. Local arlisi Sue Boggs is conlinuing to offer ink drawings of homes, churches or .special places. The dimension of Ihe image drawn is 6x9-in. wilh a 2 l/2-in. black map to give a Tmished frame size of I lxl4-in. The cosl of Ihis portrait of your life is only .S.'iO. Club members will be taking orders until the end of next year. The nominating committe presented Ihe slate of officers for 2004-2(K)6. Members of Ihe club accepted Iheir nominees uml the installation .service will be ut the December meeling. The pro­ posed budgel for 2004 was ulso presented, voted on und up- proved. The intcrnulionul affairs de­ partment wus in churge of the program. Jean Steele, chair, in­ troduced Rosario D'Larre who gave a very inlercsting dialogue about her life and her most re­ cent passion, painling. Rosario volunteers ul the Storeliouse for Jesus, acts as an interpreter for many of our Hispanic people. and is a reader for the Children’s primed and shared wilh others. Story I lour ut Ihe Davie County After adjoumment, lunch was Public Library. Indeed, her life served. The next meeting is Dec. slory is one lhat needs to be 3. I n d i v i d u a U y Y o u , I n c , Announcing New Evening Hours Mon. 9-3, Tues.-Thurs. 9-7, Fri. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-3 Walk-Ins Welcome t Spice Up lour Color fir the Holidays! j ! $ T a o i b ' b F F " 1 ■ any color or highlight !I with coupon Iexpires 12/31/03 j Latest Trends In Cutting S tylin g ' Color Perm s • Pedicures Manicures • Waxing Acrylic Nalls • Facials FULL SERVICE R E D K E N 6311-G Stadium D rive C lem m ons (bosldo К-Mart) 766-4474 766-8047 Linda Sechrist, center, welcomes two new members, Suzanne Valyer and Myra McGonigle. Jean Steele, International Affairs Chair, thanks Rosario DILarre for an excellent pro­ gram. L ШКШ1 (lAPDENi i K e F r o m G r o w e r Jt, ^ b ■■ ■ ■Mi Chp „ i.Ol«?q’n tam ers w w w .conircrndge.com '• ^ > Hours; Friday & Saturday Slàin-4pm',thxu;- .Dcccinbcr 13‘,2Р.Р \ ' ■ п Ш е ш Ш Щ м Щ l O T A i . j . Y C O M M I г 1'1-:п г о 1 0 1 Л 1. m ; A i / r H C A R i - : C O M P A SSIO N A N D C A R E T H A T ’S C L O SE TO Y O U R H EART. FROM A PLACE THAT’S CLOSE TO YOUR HOME. Olir ('I'KittiitiT Й i/v JiiHal, limit naiirittf Kcliiiuhijiyiii.nlahlf nmvlHit. An iuìvhikoI кгл- J/.mm/ Ibe ИГН' phyiKiil rfliiilii/itiiiinu utitcr A<ii к dti« tpfdj'iCilllii ilfiijinnt to nirri ihililtiil I III I ill (hn 4'fiili iliiiiii'hii hl lp iiiii'i4\ i' .i'liiiuiiiiiiiiii'iii,llll/’ltl^ U4"H. OYII W.lllolVIIUI, III Il.hllli Illj Jilhiu’ll Itlllf. Oulpaiuiit luijifry l.iiilitici .If il’r l\nl iiiiliuli(u‘o Ut lif I, ll irtovii V ii>i.i ;i» /i.ihrxi ¡'1чп tiiiii'x,atilt tt ioiiiforiiit'U 1ЧЧ14Ч1 ¡t‘l’1'1 li'i I'.I til III i,iniii\ 4iinil'ii‘ A t Rowan Regional Medical Park, you’ll find the same kind o f compassion, com niitnicm and world-class carc you’ve come to expect from Rowan Regional Medical (Center. But it’s all in a placc that you’ll find closer to home and more convenient; Julian Road just ofri-S .') near Jake Alexander Boulevard. Naturally, there’s much m ore to the Medical Park than convenience. It’s actually two state-of-the-art facilities: the spacious, sophisticated O utpatient Surgery C^cntcr and the new Im aging and Physical Rchaliilitation Center, Th e l.utcr houses advanced digital imaging syslem lhat helps your doctors develop better diagnoses - ami treatments - faster. It also includes more than 7,()()() square I'cct for physical, occupational, and spccch therapy. A n d ofcour.sc, liacking all this arc the dociors, nur.scs, therapists and other profe.ssionals w ho help make Row an Regional one o f the premier medical centers in N o rth Carolina. O u r patients have always heen closc to our hearts. N o w , it’s great to be clo.se ii> their homes. I w more inlbrniation, call or visit us on the W eb. (7(Ы)21<1-тЮ Vk ¡mtßt»\fl Cfntrr tijf'en аштит/ ilutjnioiiKi, tiidiuhnii maiimiiffritph, ii C.l soniiin itihl uuiiiltiniiviii i ini inn «/' rtl /oftinoiii, for Kou'.Hi <Kciif<.ilii'iii!l luipivm ll piitiiiii'tiiim aiui IntiiitlllUdlun illht Itl'lllli III I'ttfollll Hi)» »»ill/ litllly ihH\ltUI.In ihi'it, IÌ4 li«'fii/i> III ¡ft iiiil’H’\r Im I iiiiiiiin iihihli Ro w a n R e g i o n a l .... Mi-DiCAL Park DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20,2003 - C5 Karl Sw ailz... Continued From Pngc C l This year’s players also pre­ senled Kurl wilh a poster-size photo o f the teum praying to- gelher und wrote their numbers nnd personul messages on it for him. Conch Byrd suys many of the messages doal wilh Karl’s sense of humor. “ Aguin, here's a kid who’s dealing with a big physi­ cal issue," he suys, “ und he’s ul- wnys upbenl. He’s always smil­ ing and joking around." Karl's parents have ulso been inspiring to others. Couch Byrd suys, in their support of their son and the whole team. "They ure just a grent fumily,” he snys. " I’m going to miss them being nround,too.’’ Connie nnd Charles sny they nre grnteful to nil the coaches, fellow players and other players’ pnrents for their supporl of Kurl through Ihe yenrs. The faculty al Duvie High hns also been very cooperative, they .suy. For exnmple, Chnrles snys they agreed to assign him u pnrk­ ing space closer lo the .school becuuse of his m obility prob­ lems nnd to allow him a litlle more time to gel from class to cla.ss. Some o f the leachers even kept nn extra book for him in their clussrooms so he wouldn't hnve to curry uround a heavy bookbag. Now that the soccer senson hns ended, the 17-yeur-old can be found al his pnrl-lime job nt Foster Drug Com pnny, in his 1992 white Cumnro or wulching Dnle Enrnhardt Jr. race. Karl says he started out as a fan of Dale Earnhardt Sr., who was killed nt the Daytona Speed­ way in February of 2001. One o f his prized possessions in n bedroom packed full o f Earnhardt memorubilin is ц car Ihc late seven-time champion signed for him. Karl’s dream, his parents say, is to w ork for D E I (D ule Earnhardt In c .). Though he hopes to go lo N A S C A R Tech­ nical Institute nnd work on ac­ tual race curs, Chnrles snys they nre ulso cncournging him lo con­ sider Inking clusses in comput­ ers und compuler druwings in cuse he gets to where he cnn’t work oul in the shops. “ I don’t know how much nt- tenlion he’s going to pay to that," he snys. Like they have with every­ thing else Karl has set oul to do, his parents intend to support him in hiscnreer decisions, “ If he thinks he can do it, let him Iry it," Chnrles snys. Though the muscles in his legs nre grudunlly deieriornting und cuusing him to sometimes full without wnrning, Connie snys she hopes Kurl will be nble to hold off on having lo be fitted for full leg bruces until nfler he graduates from Duvie High ncxl spring. Il is their hope that he’ ll be able lo walk across Ihe stage to receive his diploma. Swartz, pictured with his collection of Earnhardt racing memorabilia, dreams of work­ ing for Dale Earnhardt Inc. D avie ¡Health Fair A S u c c e s s Retired leachcrs and their guests lined up for flu shots, pneumonia shots, blood pressure checks, blood lesls und vision and liearing screenings prior to. their luncheon meeting on Tiiurs­ day, Nov. 6. Davie County Hospital and Davie Counly Heallh Dcparl­ ment personnel were on hand, as well ns u BellTone represen- talive. This is the .second yenr for the Heulth Fnir, wliich was nt- tendcd by morc lhan 50 people. Participants filled tip a donntion box with canned goods for A Storehouse for Jesus. A l the meeting, Mike Hendrix reported thut the Diciionury Project whieh he hends has al­ ready received more than .$500 from retired teachers to provide a dictionary to every third grader in tiie county und a ihesnurus lo every sixtli grader. Lust yeur, the group provided funds to give diclionnries to ull third, fourth and Fifth graders nt Iwo schools in the counly. In ad­ dition lo tiie dictionaries, mem­ bers also provided Iiours of vol­ unleer service in the sehools as tutors, tesl proctors und llll-ins for ceniral olTicc secreturini staff. Superintendent Dub Potts re­ viewed the sclicduie for work to be done in connection wilh tlie recently passed bond issue. Jane Simpson, direclor of tlie Com - m unity Foundation o f Davie County, spoke ubout Ihe makeup and work of the foundation. The interest from gifts received is used for projects benefitling the Davie County community. In or­ der to better serve the commu­ nily, the foundation hopes to grow by encouraging gifts and bequests I'rom all Dnvie Counly citizens, she said. The Davie County Retired School Personnel meets every first Thursday, September-De- ccmber,nnd Mnrch-June. Meet­ ings ure held nt noon al Bermuda Run Counlry Club. Any retired school employee is welcome. Contact Lorene Markland or Sadye Barger for information. H a s t h e s a m e t h i n g h a p p e n e d t o y o u r & t h ? un^ln »lill ikir r.mli .11 liiim. Scill, wt viwiar.ik't ^iii lo hliiit \\na lU iU » itnJ »n il v»i. livMi iltcy’tv wckiHHe in « ir ih ii^ li The Episcopal Church ofthe Ascension Welcomes You. Visit Us Anytime ® www.ascension-fork.org Worship9ani& llam Sunday School 10am 183 Fork-Bixby Roud Advance, N C 27006 336.998,0857 VARSITY SOCCER front Kow: rnit CarlHiM. HanHonJuM Carl /•/,/, nhi i n ,.\ Matt ConU'y. Anatrw tUldtn. f^ca^l riMt. Mikf. Paoni Sccond Row'. Jcrttny Byrd, Oovia Strln.Josh l*arrish. l ni m r>o*irr. ( iiir*r U’lvv/ /on CriSiO. Octnlcl (kitnhii', jo^f Panlufiua PavlitMcilwtln, MlkfCrmtttt.JtailnSvhuni.Awi. loath Hufih iff S E N I O R S Jon CrIsco M a tt Conley Paniel Gamble MkeGnmrtt Jose Paniagua Carl Sw artz Corey Wood S te e le A c c e p ts M em bersh ip O livin A n ge lyn Steele o f Mock.sville has nccepted mem­ bership in Golden Key Internu- lionai Honour Society imd was honored during n rcccnt cer- cm ony at U N C -C h a p e l. M iss Sleele is a 2000 gfadu- nle o f Dnvie High School nnd the daughter o f John and Joyce Stele, Jr. o f 371 Morse St. o f M o c k s -v ille . She was also named to the Nnlionnl Dean’s List nnd is in the top 10 pcrcent o f her clu.ss. She is n nursing student, uccepled inlo Ihe U N C School o f Nu rsing in A p ril 2003. "It is only fitting that a high ncndemic uchiever like O livia be recognized be rccognized by Golden K e y," said Alexnnder D . Perwich, II, Golden K e y’s C hief Executive Officer. "O u r members nre inspired nnd m o­ tivated by the challenge not only to be recognized for their oulstunding nccomplishinenis Fall Sale 40% O ff Su g geste d R e ta il onall BoridiohierAinlsli Crafted Furniture and Tom Seely FumHure Antique Reproductions but niso lo make a positive im ­ pact on our world Ih ro u g h t h c Society’s c o m m it­ m ent to scrvicc.” Golden K e y In - Sfeclc I e r n a - lional H o n o u r Society was m founded more tiian 25 years ago in Atlanta, G a . and pro­ vides academic recognition to college juniors nnd .seniors in the top 15 percent o f their class. The mission o f the global, non­ profit Society is to build glo- ^ bal communities o f academic achievers by providing oppor­ tunities for individual growth through leadership, career de­ velopmenl, networking and ser­ vicc. Beeker F U R N IT U R E Ш 9 Old Hwy 64 West Lexinglon • (336)7e/-ii353 a v ie P la c e ng Assisted Living Community Skip Colvard Davie Place is p eased to have Skip Colvard as one of our residents. Skip has been with US smce July of Uiis year. Bom in Delaware, Sldp was fortunate to be adopted as a youngster. He grew up and served our county as a United States Marine. He saw action in Viet Nam during two tours of duty. He tlien had a career as a pititer. Sldp loves playing Bingo and entertaining our otlier residents witli liis perfect imitation of Donald Duck! He said., “It5> pretty good here and the food is really good,” F o r A d m i s s i o n s C a l l : S u z a n n e S im p s o n 336-751-2175 F u r r y F r i e n d s P et Adoption Center Open in IHiiisdaie C6 — DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 Are you looking for a lov­ ing companion? D o you find a need to hear (he sound o f tiny “ pawsteps" around the house? D o you enjoy wet sloppy kisses from a flurry friend? A new pet adoption center at Village Way Veterinary Hospi­ tal in Hillsdale may have just the dog or cat for you. An out­ reach o f the Humane Society of D avie C ou nty, the adoption center offers residents an alter­ native to the county animal shelter in Mocksville. Lust week, there was a big, fluffy while cat, a more active brendle-colored cat, and a handful o f small, docile kittens. And Ihere were four sisters, all border collie mixed dogs with sleepy, big eyes. Th e y all could be yours, “ Th e best part is, th e y’ re healthy when you get them ,” said Susan Beeson, The $75 adoption fee, the same as from the animal shelter, includes all shots und spay or neuter ser­ vices, The county animal shelter isn’t a pleasant place to go, or easy to get to, Beeson said. A n i­ mals have a room at the veteri­ nary clinic, and one pet is nor­ m ally kept in the lobby for people to see when they visit. Village W ay primarily keeps cats and kittens and small dogs. If you have a certain type o f pet you want, Ihey will keep their eyes open and cull you when one becomes available. “ If we could just get people to comc in the door to look at them, I think they w ill have homes," Beeson said. The alternative isn’t pretty. “ The bottom line is, they’re not going to make it unless someone adopts them ,” she said. “ Please stop by to see the w onderful anim als w ho are ready for good homes." Village W ay is at U .S . 158 and N .C . 8 0 1, across from C C B , telephone 998-0262. Anim als can be visited M on­ day-Friday 7:3 0 tt,m.-5:30 p.m . and on Saturday from 8 a.m .- noon. Anna G rubbs antd Diana Ellis siiow two of tiie border collie mix dogs available for adoption last weel< at Village W ay Veterinary Hospital in Hiiisdale. - P hotos by Robin Fergusson Susan Beeson w itli a cat available for adoption,Cats and kittens com e in all colors and are available tor adoption at Village W ay Veterinary. [ G ^ e tin g C a rd s ] ■ 25-$6.99 50-$13.99 75-$19.99 100-$24.99 ■ I with this coupon receive an additional $2 olf when order is placed before Dec. 5 ,20 0 3 ^ j Foster Drug Co. i 1^ 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 J| Puppies, lil<e the one pictured above, need loving and caring homes. Christmas Scene Photos Friday, Nov. 21 8:30am-8pm Santa Claus Photos Saturday, Nov. 22 8:30am-4pm Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 DAVIK COUN TV KN'I EKPUISK RKCORD, I hursdiiy, Nov. 20, 2003 - C7 M e e t M e A t T h e F l a g P o l e Davie County Training SchooiAiumni, Friends Remember The Ciass Of 1942 Ily Mike Uurnliardt Duvie County Enterprise Recont Once again, they met at tlie llagpole. Fa ye Cain C arter, W illa Cum m ings Reid and Mam ie Brown Young were on the same grounds they had stood on in 1960, when they graduated from the D a vie C ou nty Training School. Young had a photograph of the three friends gathered at the llagpole in 1959 or 1960, a flag­ pole where many had met to re­ cite the Pledge of Allegiance, lo exchange love letters, to trade stories and even to meet before sneaking away to the slore to return with candy. The flag pole had been a ilo- nation from tho Class o f 1942. the year the three women were born. They were glad to be there Friduy for the re-dediculion of the flug pole. A new pole ancl flag have been erected, bul the old monument base donated by the Class of 1942 stills stands, simply inscripted with Class of 1942. “ This flag pole symbolizes slrengtli and unity.” said Dewey Hunt, who organized the tribute attended by about 20 former stu­ dents. Hunt didn't go to Central Duvie High School or the train­ ing .school, bul he realizes the importance of keeping thal link to the pasl open. In 1942, class members were living in a different world, one where blucks didn’ t have the same rights as whites, one where the world was at war with Ger­ man U-boats slriking the North Carolina coast. There have been m any strides since that lime, but it’s important lo remember. Hunt said. “ We may never get to do this again, and lhat’s w hai’s been on my heart,” Hunt said. The women of the Class of I960 remembered the old days. “1 washed walls und learned how to write love lellers,” Reid said. She did have trouble ex­ plaining when she went to col­ lege in New York thal u training school wus for black children, not bad children. They lalcr learned the name cume from the fact that tcachers were being trained. Carter remembers going for two grudes at Ccdur Creek be­ fore being bused lo Mocksville, where discipline ruled. “1 could never underslund why we would ride by William R . D avie and the school in M ocksville. We rode by two schools and couldn’t go there.” Dorothy Rucl^er G raham recites her poem . Meet Me At The Flagpole Ooroiliy Rucker Grdluiiii - Novcmhvr. 2003 Meel me al the Flug Pole A phruse oflen spoken A pluce to rncel und secrets be told Sometimes muybe, a lieari wus broken Huppy times, sad times, all in the past Just memories of teachers nnd friends tried und true Friendships und education for our life lo last From our dear Alm a Muter Gold und Blue We have traveled our sepurule wuys Since the year 1942 For some the journey was gentle Olhers struggled until their hands were blue Bul through il all we stand here loday 61 yeurs later afler paying the cost Classrooms demolished and bricks hauled away Bul you, dear Flag Pole, will never be lost Some muy forgel you And full by the way But we are delermined As we stand here today To keep hope ulive Wheiher sunshine or rain Knowing that whatever bettide Precious memories o f you will remain Thanks bc to God for Dewey A . Hunt W ho is nol a D C T S alumnus He look the help not fearing Ihe tusk Acting alone with altruism und impetus Euch one present November 7,2003 Feels indebted lo your for choosing this duy To reflect and honor, behold and see D C T S ’s Flug Pole in a special way Forever may you remain ut Ihis hallowed spot For whaiever memories we carry in our hearts All praise lo ilie Class of 1942 A greal wuy to remember Old Gold und Blue Young remembers Ihe school books Ihut had already been used by the white children, wilh their marks in the margins, “ We ulwuys gol the leftover school books,” she suid. “ But Ihrough it ull, we cun still achieve," Reid .said. “ It was a great foundation 1 got here." Davie Schools superinten­ dent W .G , “ Dub” Potts remem­ bers sneaking lo wutch a basket­ ball game at age 16. They were peaking through a window when they were ap­ proached by u big, black burly man. Polls said he thought he and his white buddies were go­ ing to die, instead, Ihe man in- viteil the boys inside to watch the gume. When Potls graduated from college, he went to work for lhal man, who had become principul ut Thomasville High School. “The flag pole is u symbol to this com m unity, to tlie stu­ dents," Potts suid. When the old building be­ hind the flag pole wus lorn down. Polls ugreed wiih Hunt thul the Class o f 1942 monu­ ment should stand. . Board of education member Regina Gruham-Hiuiser thanked people for supporting liie school bond. “ Buildings come und go, but whal mutters is the people we educate," she suid. "Public schools are an impor- laiU part of Davie County," Potts said. D orothy Rucker Graham read an orginal poem she hud written for the occasion. Young recited tlie names of the cluss of 1942: Jumes Pink A llis o n (deceased), Agnes Cannady Thom as (d e c .), Rebccca Cody Isaac, Naom i Gaither (dec.), Fannie Goolsby H u d son , C harlie Harrison (dec.), Louise Harrison Jones (d e c .), Ella Rose H ow ard Dalton, Thomas Mason (dec.), Ernest M o rg u n, Louise Nicho lson (d e c .), D ezaree Pullium Chumbers (dec.), Ethel Sludevenl Eccles (dec.), Robenu Sturgis (dec.) and Murial Vinson (dec.). The facully in 1941-42 in­ cluded; G eorge Vernon McCallum (principal), B .T. W il­ son, Cora Morton Massey (class adviser), Lottie S. Hairston, Jumes McKinley Murfrce, Alice Ev a D u lin , Laura B . Jones, A lys ie Young B ovian und Geneva Clement. W hen passing by on Campbell Roud in Mocksville, look lo your righl al ihe entrance to the school. There's a shiny new flug pole with an American flag flying high. Behind it, lliere's thut monument erccleci by the Davie County Training School Cluss of 1942. ll repre­ sents more Ihun a slab of con­ crete to hold u pole, it represents a communily, a people, uml hus lols of memories. Davie Schools Superintendent Dub Potts tall<s to Davie County Training School alumni gathered around the stone m onum ent erected by the Class of '42. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Dew ey A. Hunt, left, w elcom es the 25 or so people at the dedication. He organized the event. W .G . “Dub" Potts: “This flag pole is a symbol to this co m m un ity, to th e s tu ­ dents." W illa Cum m ins Reid, M am ie Brown Young and Faye Cain Garter - m em bers of the Glass of 1960 - m eet again at the flag pole. M em bers of the Davie County Training School Class of 1942 ready tor graduation, from left: front - Ella Rose How ard Dalton, Agnes Gannady Thom as, Louise Nicholson, Robena Sturgis, Ethel Studevent Eccles, Louise Harrison Jones, Fannie Goolsby Hudson; row 2 - Naom i Gaither, Murial Vinson, unknown; row 3 - W aller N athaniel Doulln, Ernest M organ and Charlie Harrison. The m ascot is G eorgia G arter Burgess. ' I I C 8 - D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 - C 9 Pet Comer About 11 years ago I rescued Grady, who at that time was about 2 years old and was called Patrick. We had to change his name from Patrick to Grady, because at that time we already had a dog named Patrick. He adapted very quickly to his new name, to our other pets, and to my six grandchildren. He is the smartest dog I have ever owned. As you can see from the picture, both Grady and I are showing a bit of gray hair. We are trying to grow old gracefully. These days Grady spends his time protecting our house from any critters that may wander by while I try to sell houses. My whole life has been spent with a dog or dogs, as part of the family. I support the Davie County Humane Society and urge you to do the same. If you would like to have a colored, magnetic, fridge sticker, like the one show here entitled "Ten Commandments for Pet Owners," just call me at 998-7777 and I will be pleased to mail one to you, at no charge. I think if reminds us to always be considerate to our pets. Peter Heaven, Realtor Advance B e r m u d a R u n G o l f T o u r n a m e n t R a i s e s M o n e y F o r H o s p i c e RunThe 7lh Bermuda Hospicc Golf Clussic WIIS Salurday, Sept. 27 at the Bcmuida Run Counlry Club in Advance and raised S37.800 for the Kale B. Reynolds Hospice Home. "The supporl we received from these remarkable people is phenomenal," JoAnn Davis, Hospice president and CEO, says, “Since Ihey first estab-lished the tournament in 1996, they have niiscd more lhan $237,(XX) forthe home. It’s a wonderful gift which helps us continue to cure for I lospice palienls and their families in a homelike environment." ’Ilie Bermuda Run Ladies Golf Association set up the tournament in 1996 to honor close friends who had died during the year. Because - these friends nnd their families took advantage of Hospice’s services, members thought giving back to Hospice would lie a great way lo honor them. Eighty-eight players turned out for Ihis year’s golf classic. Following the loumamem, golfers came logelher for dinner, dancing, live entertainment, and an auction. Tlie home is located on an II- acre wootled tract off Burke Mill Roiid jusl south of 1-40. The 20,(XX)-si]uare-foot facilily, which houses up 10 20 Hospice palienls. is designed lo create a homelike environment where Hospice patients and families can receive care around Ihe clock. Plans urc under way for a 10- bed addilion, which will enubic Hospice 10 .serve more than 1,0(X) patients each year, a 50 |)ercent inciviLse. To fund the addilion plus a new counseling and educalion cenler nearby, recently Hospice launched u major capital campaign aimed ul raising $.1.7 million. At the same time. Hospice pluns to build a Palliative CnrcCcnter on the campus, which will provide a pemiunenl home for all of Hospice's oijenitions. This building is being funded by allemalive means. Formed in 1979, Hospice & Pulllulive CareCenter is committed to providing quality mcdical, emotional, spiritual, and social supporl to palienls and West Davie Power Equipment, bic COMING SOON! Intersection o f Hwy. 901 & 64 VK • Mocksvillc c < AVAILA BLE NOW Trikes, Bikes, Wagons Scooters, Rocking Horses & MORE!! e v e n in g s & w e e k e n d s Call 492-2317 Steve Stroud 492-7924 D oug Cartner ' F R E E T A X S E M I N A R S Come and learn about recent tax law changesl Individuals: 5:30 to 6:30 pm New lower tax rates on capllal gains & dividendsMarriage penalty relief Investmeni strategies to minimize faxes Buslne.sses: 7:00 to 8:00 pm How lo write off $100,000 In equipment Ihls yearBonus 50% depreciation Retirement plans • Other tax saving strategies Ttiesday, December 2nd at Davie County Library-Mocksville Diane Battles CPA Pre-rcgisinition ix sunnvsicil, bin not m /iiiivd. Please call 940-3600 to ref;ister or lo ____ sclit'iliile a privale consiiltaiioii. families who face a serious illness - regardless of diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment. In 2(X)2. Hospice served 1.705 patients, wilh professional slaff making .18,527 palienl visits. Al Ihe Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home, 737 patients received care. Also during the year, 1,295 family caa-glvers received bereavement coun-seling and 748 individuals in the community received AUCTION A N T IQ U E S , F U R N IT U R E .GLASSWARE & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IVIONPAY * NOV 24^ * 3:30 PM EJLKS L O D G E , winston^salkm, across i'rom roRsvriinospiTAi.аешоызпевюеыгз. оошеазгто bilas спсскpkwy. sot/m пкз1оооеанелооыпю*{т Acnoss ПЮМ гопзгтшиотм HOSPITAL (3340 SILAS CnCEKPAWWAY). lEfiMS CASil<yi*/VlfOVWa€Cf<(ft}aMciUWct»k*sl Ew)t*4)iolJasa'Mvma FadAtuiMt FRED G. MOCK, AUCTIONEER #21 СЗЗв) 69»342в • В.а. СОВ1Ж #3813, UNM SHEETS t4»47 Sm ith G ro ve Volimteer Fire Department N o w T a k i n g O r d e r s f o r C h r i s t m a s B B Q S h o u l d e r s includes Slaw & Dip Orders Must Be Picked Up Wednesday, Dec. 24 by 9am To Place Order Please Call: Fire Station............................998-3484 Junior Smith..........................940-2861 Don Howard...........................998-3479 Robert Bailey........................998-8140 By Wednesday, Dec. 1 7 Don’t Let Your Heat Go Soutf R e p la c e m e n t W in d o w s b y G r e a t L a k e s W in d o w s ... E n g in e e r e d F o r E n e r g y E f f ic ie n c y A n d L o w M a i n te n a c e . S/лм \BdO Mvtnu, N.C, 9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 Wìntìow Options top EvBPy lileetl a EvBpy Budget counseling services. Hospice volunleers provided 16,3.13 hours of scrvice. For more infonnation aboul I lospice, conlacl Lisa Holleman. direclor of community relations, at 768-3972, or visit the websiie www.lio.'ipicecdrecemer.org. rs n .¿.r- C e d a r R o c k A s s i s f e d L i v i n g of Mocksville Peace ofMUid - Round the Clock Care Sm aller Is Better Cedar Rock is fully licen.ied by North Carolina and uses only certified staff who undergo complete criminal check and drug screening. • On Site Doctors • 24 Hour Security •Handicap »Snacks Transportation • Trips • Nutritious Meals »Outings • Activities »OnSite Laundry •Caring Staff »Medications • Independent Livmg Apartments Available We accept Medicaid & Private Funding "If you think your mom and dad deserve the best possible care, call me, Shelia Sammons." ' i l f ' C e c l a r R o c k 191 Crestview Drive Mocksville (336)751-1515 Enough to Serve - Sm all Enough to Locally Grown, Hydroponic Tomatoes C o m e T a s t e T h e D i f f e r e n c e ! N e w C l u b O f f i c e r s J o s h R e in s v o ld E le c t e d J u n io r C iv ita n P r e s id e n t Officers and members for the new Junior Civilan Club al Davie High School were installed Oct. 23. President of the MocksviUe Civitan Club, Karen Smith, was the toastmaster. The Mocksville Civilan Club sponsored the Davie High Junior Civitan Ciub with one of their members, Shelia Stanley, being recognized as building the club. She received a sweater and fniined ccrlificalc from Junior Civitan President Josh Reins-vold. Davic High Assistant Principal Alicia Holman greeted the parents and guests. Kerstin Plagemann was recognized as the faculty ad­ visor. Officers and members were in­ stalled by the Junior Civitan Gov­ ernor, Claire Herrington: presi­ dent, Josii Reinsvold; vice presi­ dent, Matt Austin; secretary, Marcie Dickmann; treasurer, Emily Evans; PR coordinator, Chelsea Cun^; historian, Megan Carter; sergeant at amis, Jason Bowles; I llh grade director, Molly Harris; lOlii grade director, Sarah Peters; ninth grade director, Miranda Esposito; members, Beth Bennett, Lauren Bennell, Emily Blallock, Amy Bosl, Megan Coo­ per, Kara Dcadmon, Megan Favrc, Lauren Fletcher, Sarah Frazier, Angela Gaither, Andrew Gildein, Phillip Graham, Jordan Hempstead, Phillip llursey, Jes­ sica M cCallister, Kelsey McDaniel. Heather Oakley, Jes­ sica Overbey, Christopher Poplin, Kalie Potts, Kayla Powell, Anna Ritchie, Katy Russell, Ashley Sells, Christina Snider, Seth Spry, Aaron Strain, Megan Strouse, Emily Teague, Kayla Thompson, Kristin Truelt, Christie Vancuren, Ashley Wesoloski, and Jeremiah Worrell. Tliey were given a certificate and pin by Jim Bullard, lieuten­ anl governor, Area 5 Wesl and Sue Shoemake, governor, NC District West. Also in attendance were Wayne Mullis and Bob Snyder, sales and marketing for NC Dis­ trict Wcsl; Don Bringle, Junior Civitan Eastern Coordinator and Amanda Thompson, Junior Civilan Deputy Governor. Shoemake presented the club with a plaque and welcomed the members lo Civilan. Mocksville High School - Class of 1947 Members of tfie iVloci<sville Higfi Schiool Class of 1947 field tfieir 56tfi year reunion Oct. 4 at tlie Snnith Grove Ruritan Building. Fourteen of tine ciass mem­ bers are deceased. Attending tfie reunion were, from left: front - Elnora Bowles Luper, Lucille Anderson Brown, Opal Lashmit f\/lasten, Helen Crenshaw (teacher), Floy Tutterow Gobble, Dorothy fVlcAllister Williams, Billie Griffith Yountz; row 2 - Linda Dunn Gilley, Ramona Hoots Hall, Estelle Allen Smith, Frances Beck, Christine Barneycastle Wyatt, Ralph Bowden, fVlartha Mason Brown, Janie Naylor Cozart, Louise Armsworthy Wilson; back - William Graves, John Hartman, Bob Purvis, and Jack Pennington. Thanks to the medical staff and administration of Autiimn Care of Mocksville, North Carolina; including past staff members and former administrator, Ed Peron,for many years of medical and sympathetic attention to our mother, Ida Chalmers Jones. October 12,1902 November 12,2003 Age 101 The family ofthe late Rev. & Mrs. N.V. Jones, Sr. The Enterprise Record will be closed in observance ofthe Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, Nov.27. C H R I S T M A S A U C T I O N TUESDAY, NOV 25 • 7 PM 601 AUCTION CO. Bring your friends and family, and come out to purchase some or all of your possible Christmas gifts, all at one time. There will be four Dealers selling this night and hopefully you will be able to buy all you need. Directions: Take 601 N. To Yadkin Co. Line & We Are Located Approx. 2 Miles On Right Jusl Alter The Caution Light, or Winslon-Salem Area: i-^O W To Hwy 601 Exit (Horn’s Truck Slop). Hwy 601 N. To Yadkin Co. Line. Approx, 2 Miles On Rlghl. AUCTION BUILDING IS LARGE BLUE BUILDING WITH GRAVEL PARKING & FLASHING LIGHTED SIGN AT ROADSIDE. CALL 336-240-4470 or 336-463-5660 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. AUCTIONEER: JEFF COBLE • NCAL# 7168 SCAL# 3703 Concessions are available on site, and we are a non-smoking, family friendly auction company We also have Friday night auctions starting at 7pm. If the Christmas safe Is not one you tHInk you can attend, please keep us In mind for your other auction needs. When you know how our homes are built, The Macon Starting at $149,000 You’ll build with Nationwide. The most advanced modular home building environment In the U.S., where over 400 highly akilled craftsmen build homes In a controlled environment wilh the finest materials and tools available. Delays duo to theft, weather and unreliable workers are eliminated. Huge cost savings from purchasing materials In bulk from quality building material companies are passed directly to our customers. And with over 70 award-winning models, we can build a better quality home on your lot, In far less time, and for thousands less than other local builders. Now that you're In the know, stop by our sales office or give us a call. All of our homes feature quality Therma-Tru exterior doors and stylish Delta faucets and fixtures. t a r 339 Highway 68 South Greensboro, NC 27409 336-812-3098 • 800-688-0818 www.nallonwldscuslomhomes.com A c c i d e n t V i c t i m N e e d s H e l p Jessica Campbell -16 Jcssica is in crilical-bul stable condilion at UNC l lospiial in Chapel I lill, NC. She is ll sleep liiituccd coma with nuillipic lifc-tlireiilcning injuries covering her entire tiody. Jcssica and lliree friends were Involved in a horrible vchlcle iieciilcm Friday, OclolDcr 31, 2003 on llieir way in a church-spionsorcd party. The driver of the vehicle, Malthew Gdwards, 19, and passenger Rachel BriKiks Cumn, 19, died al the sccne. Anolher passenger, Brian Morrison, 20 is in crillcal-but fair condilion. To help with Jessica Caniphcll’s hospital cosls donations can be made tlirouuh: Community of God Fellowship 723 West Main, Yadklnvllle, NC 27055 I’h: 33(i-463-31'J2 (pastor) Plaise prtiy for all llwfaiiiilit'x im olvnl. MULVANEY HOMES. on your A u t o I n s u r a n c e CALL US BEFORE YOU RENEW and COMPARE RATES C h e c k o u t these D isco u n ts! - S a fe D rive r - M ulti-Policy - A g e 5 5 & O v e r >/lllsta1e. $BUSINESS! 9 9 G e ls^ u in ! Just *99 on a Mulvaney Siiowcase Home gets you iniII Our showcase iiomes ^ are ready lo go, and tliat's all tlie cosh you need for a downpaymenti Not *99 plus 0 thousand dollars in pre-paids and interest and whatever everybody else sticks you for. At Mulvaney Homes *99 means *99. Look for Mulvaney's "*99 Gets You In, No Funny Business Homes" at Kinderton. And, we have special financing to help lower your monthly T "\.T ' I payments by at least '100/mo...GUARANTEEDI CT x iiN J^JZ/IV I W lN Visit us at Kinderton, go online at www.MulvaneyHomes.com or call 940.4663. Monday-Frlday 11-6, Salurday 10-5, Sunday 1-6 from HO Wesl. UU Enl 180 (llwy. 80l|, Turn tijhl onlo Hwy. 801. TaU lirsi right ooYadkin Valley Rd. Communily enliy is on Ihe rijlil. - .. lniliiriW«l(om< H O a New Cili Homes from '589 per monlii. New Courlyard Homes from *674 per monlh. See your Mulvaney Salas Agenl for complete details. с ю - D A V I K C O U N T V E N I I Í R P R I S K K K C O R l ) . 'I l i u r s d i i y , N o v . 2 « , 2 0 0 3Obituaries Lindsay Eli/.abcth Gales Lindsay EliziilxMli Gales, 16, of Oakland Avenut;, MiK-ksvilli;, died Saturday, Nov. I.S, 2(K13 us a result of injuric!i siislainod in an aiiloino- bilc acci­ dcnt. She was boni Aug, 6, 1987 in F o r s y 1 ll Counly, the daughter of Billy Gales and Polly Grantham Gales, bolh of Mocks­ villc, Lindsay wiLs a junior al Davie High School, where she wus a mem­ ber of Heallh Occupation Students of Americn und a member of the re­ cenlly formed Students Againsl Drunk Driving, She loved softball and horses. In addition lo her piuenis, survi­ vors include; her brother, Selh Gales of Mocksville; and malemul grand­ parents, Sandy and Perl Grantham of Eulawville, S.C, She wns preceded in death by her paternal grandparents. William R, and Marian Elizabelh Benson Gales, eiu-licr this year, Tlie funerul .service was at 4 p,m. Wedne,sdiiy at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev, Jamie Pharr, the Rev, David Snipes and Bill Campbell of­ ficiniing, Burinl followed in Rose Cemelery, Memorinls; Cun Wilson Fund, c/o Dulin United Melhodisl Cl-.urch, 897 Dulin Road, Mock.svilIc, Mary Garner Craver Mrs. Mary Garner Craver. 88. of Yadkin Valley Road, Courlney, died Wednesday. Nov, 12,2(X)3 al her home. Funeral services were Salur­ dny at Gentry Family Funeral Chnpel in Yadkinville with the Rev, Marvin Blnckburn olTicial- ing. She was born Aug,31,1915in Courtney lo James F, and Ethel Wooten Garner, A member of Courtney Baptisi Church and n - homemnker, she is remembered for her gentleness of spirit nnd faith, her love of nnture, for grow­ ing and arranging flowers for Ihe church, and for poetry. She was preceded in dealh by her parents, brolhers John and Reuben Gnrner. half-brothers Charles and F,W, Marlin and her husbnnd, James W, "Jim" Craver. She died on Edgewood Farm where she was born, und will he buried nt Yadkin Memorial Gar­ dens with her husband. Surviving; a sister, Mnrie (Bill) Eagle of Sulisbury; her children. Lyim (AInn) Brown of Grass Val­ ley. Calif,. Abigail (Andrew) Reavis of Mocksville, James W, (Wanda) Craver Jr. of Courlney, Alice (Bill) Summers of Slalesville, nnd Jane (Vladimir) Shlensky of Durhnm; 10 grnnd­ children; and 14 great-grandchil­ dren. Memorials;! lospice of Yadkin. PO Bo.x 12f)7, Yadkinville, 270.‘i.‘i, Arnold Dean liowles Mr. Arnold Dean Bowles. 65. of Salisbury, died Tuesday, Nov. 11, ?003 at Rowan Regional Medi­ cul Center. A memorial service was held Friday in Eaton Funeral Chapel with Ihe Rev, Charles Slewarl of- ncialing, Mr, Bowles was born in Davie Coumy, Dec, 4, 1937 to the lule Earl Thurman and Frankie Wall Bowles and had been wilh Repub­ lic Foil for many years. He had also worked at Sunbeam Bakeries and Cheerwine Boitling, and had been a securiiy guard al Cleveland Freightliner nnd also al Trinity Oak.s Retirement Cenler, Survivors include one son, Randy Bowle.s of Sulisbury; one daughter, Julia LeAnn Bowles of Salisbury; one brother, Earl Normnn Bowles of Wrightsville Beach; four sislers. Ruby Thomp­ son of Hillon Head, S.C,, LaVenic Holder of Salisbury, Sue Talley of Wrightsville Beach and Joyce Bowles of Mocksvillc; and two grnndchildren. Memorinls; American DialK-les Associution, 3109 Poplurwood Court, Suite 125, Rnleigh, 27604- 1043; or (o the American Cancer Sociely, 622 Forsyth Medical Park, 1900 South Hawthorne Rd., Winston-Salem, 27103, Sloven VV. DuKon I’astiir Steven W. Dallon, 4X, of Advance, died Nov. 14, 2003 in I'otsylli Medical Cenler. He is the son of Nathaniel aiul I lelen Mack Dallon, and graduated from Diivie High School in 1973. He was co-owner of Dalton’s Cusiodial Services, and Ihe paslor оП гие Light Christian Minislries. Surviving, in addition lo his parenis: his wife. Edna Kealon Dallon of the home; u son. Cory Dallon, and a daughter. Avanti Dallon, bolh of the home; four brolheis, David (Annetta) Dallon, James W. (Siephanie) Dallon, Churles 0. Dallon and Thomas E. (Diane) Dallon, all of Mocksville; n sister. Debbie (Lemuel) Wntkins of Durham; and a half-sister, Francis Carler of Mocksville. Funeral services were held Tuesday al Firsl Baptist Church, Mocksville, with the Rev, Melvin Frazier officialing. Burial was in Rose Cemelery, Anna Marie Niculls Mrs. Annu Marie Slaub Nieolls, 82. of Avon Slreet, died Monday, Nov. 10,2003 nl For.sylh Medical Cenler in Winslon- Salem, She wus born Aug. 21,1921 in Akron, Ohio, lo Ihe lale Adam and Katherine Slaub. She was a member of Valley Uniled Methodist Church in Conneaulville, Pa,, and Firsl United Melhodisl Church of Mocksville and was a vohmleer ut A Storehouse for Jesus in Mocksville, • Anna Mnrie was preceded in deulh by n daughter. Tommy Anne. She was survived by her husband of 62 yenrs. Thomns L. Nieolls; n daughter. Connie C, Weibel of Lewisville; a son, Thomas L, Nieolls Jr, of Jefferson City, Tenn,; a sisler, Carol Sue Phelps, of Fredericksburg, Va.; her two grandchildren; a great- grandson; nnd many nieccs and nephews. Funeral services were held on Friduy und Snturday al While Funeral Home in Conneaulville, Pa. Aurelia Foster Potts Mrs. Aurelia Fosier Polls. 95, of Coriial/er Road died Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 al Magnolia Ganlens of Spencer. Mrs, Polls was born Dec. 9, 1907 in Davie Counly lo the lale Sanford and Bessie Smilh Fosier, She was a homemaker and a lifelong member of Advnnce Uniled Melhodisl Church, where she sang in the church choir ami was a inember of Ihe Uniled Melhodisl Women (formerly Ladies Aid Sociely) and Ihe Sally Sue Peebles Sunday School Class. Mrs. Polls wns very aclivc in community aclivilies and enjoyed ((uilling and fishing. She was preceded in dealh by her husband. G,A. "Anderson" Polls; two sons, G. W. Polls and Roy Polls; a sister. Pansy Howard; two brolhers, Albert Fosier ami Hege Fosier; and two grandchildren. Survivors include four children. Ruth P. (CharlieI Latham. Bob (Kelly) Polls, Glenn (Ruby) Polls und CIray (Beilyl Polls; iwodaughlers-in-law. Belly Polls and Dianne Polls, all of Advunce; seven grandchildren; and eighl greal-grandchildren, The funeral service was held Thursday al Advance United Melhodisl Church with ihe Kev, Harry Sammons officialing. Burial was in Ihe church cemelery. Memorials: Advance Uniled Melhodisl Cluirch Building l-vmd, P.O. Box 2021, Advance, 27006. The CIIRISTJWAS COTTAGE Piiinscltias i'i Gifts 0|vii Nov, 17-Dec. 23 U)am-7pni, Mon-Sal CAMILLE GARDENS* giv SIGNSIhrirlum: hwiSUht lilt: /jh/in’,i Ckunh IU tlum nl Ct ¡tIUp tlu n^ h’ft i>n (iranniiiiuin I (Jilbert Leon Smith Gilbert Leon Smith, 85. of Yadkinville, formerly of Wyo Road, died Sunday, Nov, lf>, 2003 al Meadowbrook Terrace in Ad­ vance, where he hud been a resi- deni for Ihc past 18 months. Funeral services were held Tuesday in Eaton Funeral Chapel in Mocksville wilh Ihc Rev, Joe Lear and Ihe Rev, Garry Fosier of­ ficiniing, Burial followed in Ihe Ml, Olive United Melhodist Church Cemetery. Mr. Smilh wns born in Yadkin Counly, July I, 1918 lo Ihe late Millard Phihnore nnd Ida While Smilh and had Ik'cii a housing con­ tractor, He also had been a build­ ing and grounds muinlenance at­ tendant al Wake Forest University and Rcynolda Village, He was a veteran of the U,S, Navy during WWII, Mr, Smith had been a lifelong member of Ihe Ml, Olive Uniled Melhodisl Church, where he served on various com­ mittees including Ihe Building Commillee, He enjoyed gardening and Ushing, He wns preceded in dealh by a sister, Dorothy Alhan, and three brothers. Herman Sniilh. Aubrey Smilh and Elmo Smith, Surviving are his wife. Flora Meryl Walker Smith of Advance; one daughter, Beverly (Bobby) Hoots of Yndkinville; ihree sons. Bruce W, (Mary A,) Smith, Breck L, (Doris) Smilh, all of Yadkinville. and Terry Boyd (Carolyn) Sniilh of Scarborough, Maine; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews, Memorinls: Mt, Olive Uniled Melhodist Church c/o Mrs. Lelly Whitaker. 1890 Cana Road, Mocksville. Ida Chalmers .lones Mrs. Ida Chalmers Jones, 101, of Mocksville. died Wednesduy, Nov, 12, 2003 following an extended illness. She was ihe widow of the late Rov, N,V, Jones Sr, Survivors include; two sons, Wendell Jones of Greensboro and Calvin Jones of Mocksville; a daughter, Camilla Holman of Durham; six grandchildren; nine great­ grandchildren; and eight greal- greal-graiulehildren. The funeral servicc wus held Salurday nt Sl. John AME Zion Church in Moeksville wilh Ihe Rev. George Banks officiuting. Burial was in the church cemelery. Scherry Lynn .(oundi Scherry Lynn Joundi, 49, of Main Church Road Exiension, Mocksvillc, died Friday. Nov, 14, 2003 al Forsylh Medical Cenler. Born in Michigan on June 7, 19.54, she was Ihe daughter of Rulh Brinkley of Virginia, who sur- vives. She was di.sabilily relired. She is survived by a son, Clifford (Clil'O Harlline of Balli­ more, MD; a daughter, Cryslal Lynn Wilson of Mocksvillc; Iwo sislers, Kimberly Arwood of Ten­ nessee and Debbie Wood of Vir­ ginia; and a grandson. Call Us First.At Adams Funeral Home,We Save You Money On FuneraJ Services and Cremations We o/fer our families the veiy best in, Professional Service, Excellence, Compassionate Care, and Lowest Prices. No distance is too far for our firm to serve you. No family is ever tumed away regardless of financial situations. We also provide affordable paymeiU plans serve. more families are depending on us for f or funeral and civmation services. You have my word. A dam s Funeral Home, L.L.C. y07 Mnin Avenue Drive, ’I\iylni'svillo, NC 28681 (828) 632-2291 • 'IbU F ree (866) &S2-2291 Direcl Cremation S550.00, DiSMunIs for Veterans, Ministers and Pro-Neod Translors.•«k47;( Wsilalions may bo held In your homo church al no exlra cosl. lent plans to meet the needs of families that we !. Compare the difference ancl you w ill see why You don't have to pay more ,^tp get the very best. Waterless cookware b;l Just compare and you'll see. Whctlier you’re buying groccric.s, replacing a watcr-hcatcr or planning a wedding, you should always know that you are getting the best product and scrvice al the best price. When planning a funeral, wc cncouragc laniilics to compare products and services. It’s important to look at all costs because some funeral homes charge more for their scrviccs, while others charge more for their caskets, Jn order to do a fair comparison, you need to look at the bottom line. Stop by anytime and visit wilh our staff, we will provide you witii an exact cost. W inston Salem Kernersville 1 lAYWORTI I MIl.LLK Rural H all I LINl'RAl. 110Л'\Г: Clemmons-Advance i#/ M G , BRONZE • MARBLE • GRANITE ^ Vases • Markers • Monuments Mausoleums Authorized Georgia Marble Dealer 3 3 6 -9 9 8 - 8 9 1 8 5 S 6 S . M a i n S t . • H w y 6 0 1 (Located beside Welch Funeral Home) Bring this ad and receive: 5 % o f f o n M a r k e r s & S i n g l e s 1 0 % o f f o n D o u b l e M o n u m e n t s 1 0 % o f f D e a t h D a t e s & C l e a n i n g s Gimpare Our CD Kalt-is Iiank-i.ssiie(l, FDIC- iiistii’ed I» $1(И),(НН) 1-year 1.50% Mtilmum ;APY* tl«p(^$5,000 3-year 2.65% Minimum APY* ilepositS5,000 S^r 3.50% МпЬпип) Äpy* |1ермН$5,000 ‘Annual Percenlage YleW (APYhlnlerest cannot remain on deposit: periodic payout ol inleresi is roguired Early wlhdrawal Is nol permitted, Effective 11/17/03. Sublect to availability and price change, Ttio amount received from a sale ot a CD at currenl market value may t>e less tlian the omounl initially invested. Call or stop by today. . Matt Voreh 66 Court .Siiiiarn Mncksville, NC 2702» (,m ) 7:il-'l'l(H) VfWtv.iHtwiirdJin......til Turrentine Baptist Wiii i-iost Cooieemee Area Tiiani<sgiving Sen/ice D A V I E C O U N ' I ’V I 5 N I K R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 Edwardjones ri Since ißyi ErigarGimw^ ' Died: Nov, 5,'2003 ASHEVILLE : < « > '• Doris L Lingle 1919-2003 SALISDUKY Eugene R, Pope , 1922-2003 MOCKSVILLE & HtighT.CImjfinSr, 1^119-2003 WOODLEAF ' V George Ti ^iiliiiitis^'* ; 1943 - 2003 ' I YADKINVILLE & ■ , Frnnces L. Brow» 1923 - 2003 • MOUNT AIRY ‘ «ft • 'Rnj/'Peiiland 1961-2003 MOCKSVILLE (ft Fern H.,Crouse ■ 1916 •'2003 ADVANCE' • ' ’■ Thomas Caudill Died; Nov. 7,2003' NORTH VVILKESBOnO ■ ,' ..(ft Addie M. Robbins 1924 - 2003 MOCKSVILLE Cedelma S. Burton 1913 - 2003 WINSTON-SALEM : Vasta ¡.Cope 1917 - 2003’ ’ MOCKSVILLE ■ (ft ■ Eugene W. Smith 1923-2003 • MOCKSVILLE & " ' Anna M. Nieolls 1921-2003 MOCKSVILLE ' ^ ': V Margaret ?. Brown 1913-2003 WINSTON-SALEM (ft ■ ■ Aurelia F. Potts 1907 - 2003 ADVANCE (ft ' The Annual Cooleemee Coni- numily Thanksgiving Service will be held Ihis Sunduy nighl ul Turrenline Baptist Church, 613 Turrentine Church Road ul 6 p,ni. The offering will be received for Ihe efforts of the Jesus Video Projcct, This project is a coop­ erative efforl of many differenl organizations, agencies, cluirehcs, businesses and indi­ viduals desiring to blanket ihe stale of Norlh Carolina wilh Ihe message of Jesus Church, This will involve a copy of Iho Jesus video being distributed to I.5.411 households - beginning the week of December 1, There have been severul prayer vigils nml fund­ raising efforts carried out by urea churches to raise awurcness and support of Ihis projeci. The Jesus Video Projeci was produced by Campus Crusade for Chrisl, ll depicts ihe life of Christ as recorded in Ihc Gospel of Luke, It has been translated into 766 languages and hus been viewed more than 17 million times. Rev, Melvin Ke.sslcr of New Shepherd Baptist Church will bring Ihe message, A special children's .sennon will be given by Robbie Hullelle, A highlight each year is Ihc CombiiictI Com­ munity Choir and Ihis year will be under the direction of Harold Harper, If someone would like lo sing in ihis choir, they are inviied to allend Ihc practice on Sunday at .“i p,m, in Ihe sanctuary of Turrentine Baptist Church, In conjunclion wilh the Jesus Video Project, there is a special prayer walk Saturday, Nov. 22 lo prepare Ibr the di.slribulion of the video. We are simply asking for churches and individuals lo walk and prayer Ihrough Iheir neighborhood, asking ihe Lord lo cultivate a receptivity wilhin tho.sc who live within Ihe neigh­ borhood for Ihe message of Jesus Church, Everyone is asked lo pray for our postal carriers, as Ihey will have the responsibility of delivering each video lo each home wilhin Iheir route. As a way lo culminate this elTort, everyone is encouraged to attend a prayer rally Saturday night at 7 p,ni. at Turrentine Baplisi Church lo share about your prayer walk experience and spend lime to­ gether in prayer. If there are any questions, please call 998-.‘ilO(), 1 S t P r e s b y t e r ia n T o h io s t i\ / io c i< s v iiie A r e a S e n / ic e On Sunday, Firsl Presbyterian Church of Mocksville will host Ihe annual ecumenical Thanks­ giving servicc at 7 p,m, Tliis joint service will include First Melh- odist Church, First Baptist Church, Second Presbylerian Church, Sl, Francis of Assisi Calholic Church and First I’rcs- liylcrian Church, Appearing Saturday, Nov. 22 • 7pm C l e m m o n s U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Mww Cro&sWoyOuartot com A ls o a p p e a rin g “S o n s o f T h u n d e r” quartet from Clemmons Clemmons United Methodist Church aVOO Clemmons R<jnd • Clemmons 766-6376 November Events'’|f •4UnJMNCARE OF MOCKSVIUE "Come Home For Hometown Care That Can Meet Your Individualized Needs." SUNDAY SCHOOL Eveiy Sun, af 10:00am - by John & Eslet Baum SUNDAY AFTERNOON SERVICES Eveiy Sun, al 3:00pm - by Scoll Jackson AUTUMN BEUEVEBS Each Filday ot 10:30am November 11,10:30am............................Veteran’s Day Recognition 2:30pm.........................................RSVP Birthday Party Novembei 14,11:30am..........................................................TqHoo Joe November 15,10:00am..................................Consullalion wilh Song 6:30pm..............................Lonesome Road Bluegrass Novembei 18,8:00am - 4:0Cpm FALL BAZAAR CRAFT and BAKE SALE November 19,10:30am...............Davle Counly Singing Seniors 2:30pm.....Karaoke - Mo & Judy Settler & Eamie Shaw November 20,10:30cm......................................Thanksgiving Poetry November 22,10:30am..................................Singing by Sharon Yale November 27 HAPPY THANKSGIVING FAIVIILY VISITS November 29,10:30am................................Devotions - Charles Bell Nov,3,10,17,24 2:30pm...........................Tal Chl with Mike DePuewREMEMBER TO GET A FLU SHOT To ¡dn us lor any oclMHes, please confaclJane Harrison /Activity Director. VILLAßE HARDWARE 336-751-3712 Please Attend The Church O f Your Choice No Creek Primitive Baptist Church,222 Aubrey Morrell Rd.. Mocksville. 2nd & 'tth Sundays. I0;30 a.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conference,1:30 p.m. Pastor. Richard Kirby. Eagle Holghls Church.lO a.m. Sunday worship. 7 p.m. Tuesday PowerUme, 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Bible sludy andAwanas. Casual dress, contem* porary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale.MocksviUe Wosloyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11. Wednesday Prayer Meeting. 7 p.m. Rev. George Troyor. 751-5595. Union Chapol United Melhodisl Church: 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m.. Paslor. Rev. Jim Sanders. Contor United Mothodlst Church; U.S. 64 W. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Paslor, Slophen Blair. 751 • 2754. Childcare directors; Carla Prevette, 492-5735 & Sandra Autry, 940- 37S3. Eibavilie United Mothodlst Church: N.C. 801, Advance. Fellowship. 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10. Worship. 11. Kids For Christ (ages 4-11), 1st & 3rd Sun., 3-4:30 p.m. Teens for Christ (ages 12- 10) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m. Paslor: Rev. Neville Slorey.Cooloomoo Church oi God: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Wed, Family Service. 7 p,m. For more Inlo, call paslor Roberl Hulotte at 284-2160 or visit wmv.cQolcog.org. Cornotzor Unltod Mothodlst Church: 1244 Cornalzer Rd. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m., Rov. Kaye Frye, paslor. Bothoi United Moihodlst Church; Belhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:50 o.m. Rev. Ed Carler. paslor. Advance Unltod Mothodist Church:Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Youth, 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sammons.Downtown Advanco. Formlngton UnUod Molhodisi Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. 1939 Farmlnglon Rd. 998-5569. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Oak Qrovo Unlled Mothodlst Church: 1994 U.S. 158. Mocksvlllo. Sunday School. 9:45 n.m. Worship. 11. Concord United Mothodlsl Church. Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksville. Worship: 11 a.m. Sundny School: 10 n.m. Paslor. John Andrews, Hardison United Moihodlst Church; Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45. Wonderlul Wodnos-days Children’s program. 6-7:30. Pastor, Rev, Donnis B. Marshall.Community Baptist Church: Sunday School, 10 a.m. Sunday Worship, 11, Evoning sorvlce. 6. Wednesday Biblo Sludy, 7 p.m. Gladstone Road.Hlllsdalo United Mothodlst Church: 5228 U.S. 158, Advance. Conlomporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School, 9:35. Cnsunl dress, refreshments. Jr. High Youlh Sunday night, 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night, 7. Midweek@Hlllsdalo prayer service, wodnosday 6:30 p.m. Bible sludies, mlnlstrloQ such as drama, worship, mlalons, singles, womon's, men's. Pastor; Jerry Webb. 998-4020.Wosloy Chapol Unltod Melhodist Church: Worship Sorvico: 10 a.m. Sundny School: 10:45 a.m. Rev. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. Rodland PenlocoslQl Hollnoss Church: Sunday School; 10 n.m. Worship: 11 n.m. Evening; 6:30. Wednesday prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p,m. Rev. Jool Boyles. Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1913 US 601 s. Worship; 10:30 n.m. Sunday School: 9:15. Rov. Robert Kasting. 751- 5419, www.mindsphng.com/^holycros&' Mocksvlllo First Prosbytorian Church, 261 S. Main St. Worship: 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday evening: Choristers (grades 1-5) & Youlh (grades 6-12), 5:30 p.m. Pastor; Neal Carter. 751-2507.Mocks Unltod Mothodlst Church, olf N.C. 001 S. at Mocks Church/ Beau­champ roads, Advance. Rev. Donnie W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade St, Winston Salem, N0 27102 3 3 6 -7 2 3 -1 6 6 9 JERRY^S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom IVIeat Process Beef - Pork - Deer 3 0 ye a rs experience 092 nolpti nmloilao nd • Mocksvlllii 492-5496 CAUDELL LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek Street IVlocksvllle, NC 27028 336-751-2167 Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 Q.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Smith Qrovo Mothodist Church: 3492 U.S. 158. Mocksville. Pastor: Chris Clontz. Sunday School: 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Children's ministry. Before and after school programs. 940-5296. Hillsdale Baptist Church: Sundny Worship and Bible Study 9 & 10:30 a.m., Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children's youth activities, prayer meeling. 6:30 p.m. Paslor R.T. Alderman, 940- 6618. Minister ol Music. Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158. Advance. Faith and Victory Family Worship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. New Believers Ministries, 350 Railroad St., Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Paslor Elizabelh Mock. Assoc, paslor. Derrick Mock. 492-5566. Liberty United Melhodist Church. U.S. 601 S. Worship:9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m.First United Mothodlst Church ot Mocksviiio. Early Sunday Worship Service. 8:50 o.m. Praise singing, casual dress, contemporary format. Traditional service. 10:65 a.m. 305 N. Main St. 751- 2503. Pastors, Cryslal Alexander and Donald W. Roulh. Bollovor's Sonship Tabernaclo: Sunday worship, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Pastor: Jerry L. Couch, 998- 1324. Cnna Rd. - Poller's Lane. Turrontine Baptist Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.. Worship. 11; Night Sorvlce, 6. Pastor: Rev. Joo Smith. Bothlohom Unltod Mothodlsl Church: Sunday oarly worship, 8:45 a.m. : Sundny School, 10. Worship, 11 a.m. Lighthouse Sorvlfje, contemporary worship. Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. 321 Redland Rd.. Advance. 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E* Mall; kaybelhumc(Q)yadtel.net Episcopal Church of tho Ascension, Fork-Bixby Rd., Advnnce. Sun. School, 10 a.m, Worship. 11 a.m. 998-0857. Dial A Story Ministry for children. Bill and Poggy Long of Advonce. 998-7716. Clomoni Qrovo Church of Qod, Body of Christ. 159 Porker Rd., Mocksvlllo. 492-5125. Saturday Services: Sabbath School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11:45. Wednesday Bible Sludy, 7 p.m. Pastor: Eldor Ernest Ijames, Radio Broadcast: The Bible Is Right, Tuesdays. 5-5:30 p.m., WDSL 1520 AM and Sundays, 8- 0:30 a.m.. WSTP 1490 AM. Qroon Moodows Baptist Church Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m,,7p,m, Wednesday Prayor & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor Rev. Michael Waters, 998-3C22. Liberty Wosloyan Church, 2106 Shellleld Rd.. Harmony, Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed. Bible Adventure 7 p.m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. each month 10 n.m. 492-2963. Pastor: Ronald Lee.Bixby Presbylerian Church. 1806 Fork- Blxby Rd., nenr Cornalzer Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m., Worship 11. Pastor: Peter Polerson, 998- 6813. Dulln Unltod Mothodlst Church, 897 Dulln Rd.. Mocksville, 998-5409, Pastor: David Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m., Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooloomoo United Mothodlst, Main SL, Sundny School. 10 n,m.. Worship. 11. Kids Komp Sun. 5-8:30. Poslor: Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284-6135)In Homo Biblo Studios, by Randy Howelli 284-4667.Boor Creok Baptist Church, Bear Crook Ch. Rd., Sun. School 9:45 a.m.. Worship It a.m., Bible Study Wed. 7 p.m. Rov. William Lee Cook III, pastor.Cooloemeo First Baptist Church. 284 Marginal St.. Sun. Bible Study 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Evo. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prnyer meeting, 7 p.m. Music minister, Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, paslor.Mocksvlllo Socond Prosbytorlan, 400 Pine St. Sunday School. 8:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30. Only African-American Presbyterian church In Davie County. Rev. Thomas M. Leach.751-1410 St. Francis of Assisi, RC. Masses: Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8 and 10:30 a.m.. Spanish Mass. 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday ovoning Mass. 7. Mondny, VOGLER &-SONS Iniacrai i-ioine 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, N0 27012 3 3 6 - 7 6 6 -4 7 1 4 L A R R Y ’ S W O O D F L O O R I N G S E R V I C E 2 4 Years E xperience Sanding * Rollnlshlng Installation • Old & Now Work Larry MoClBnnoy • Mocksvlllo 336-751-1721 J. P. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St,, Mocksville, NC 3 3 6 -7 5 1 -2 1 2 6 EATON FUNERAL HOME .S IN O ' 1931 ЛЗ.“! Norlh Main .Slrccl Mock.svillc, NC 27028 336-751-2148 cS^ST AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S, Main SI. • Mocksville 336-75 1 -2 9 4 4 Tuesday. Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rev. Andrew Draper, TOR. 751-2973.Farmlnglon Baptist Church, Sunday morning Bible study, classes for all ages. 10. Worship: 11. 1841 Farmlng-ton Rd., 5 miles Irom 1-40. Paslor: Scoll Lyerly. Church; 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Baptist Church, Blaise Church Road, ofl U.S. 601 N. at 1-40. Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship, Sunday, 8:30 & It a.m.; Sunday School, 9:45 o.m. Sunday evening, 7. Wednesday Bible study and mission programs for all ages, 7 p.m. Pastor; Glenn Sellers. Assoc, pastor, Ken Furches. mvw.biaisebaptistorg. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St.. Mocksville. Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751-0597. Fullon United Methodist Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advance. Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youlh In ChrisL Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Neville Storey. Heaven Bound Fuil Qospel Church.U.S. 64 W., Mocksville. (beside Cenler Fire Depl.). Sunday School. 10 a.m., Worship, 11. Sunday night praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday night praise/ worship, 7. Pastor, James Ward. 998- 6394. First Baptist Church. 390 N. Main St.. Mocksville. 751*5312. Contemporary early worship service. 8;30 a.m. Sunday School lor all ages. 9:45 a.m. Traditional worship service. 10:55 a.m. Children's choir, Tuosday, 3 p.m. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.. activities for children, youth ond adults. Fork Baptist Church, 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 9:45, Worship service. 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas, Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzer Boptlst Church, 1372 Cornatzer Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship, 11; evening, 6:30; Awana’s Worship, 7 p.m. Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. Now Union Mothodist Church, 1869 Sheffield Rd., at County Line Rd. Services: 8:30 a.m., contemporary worship with casual dress and reireshmonts; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School assembly. 10, Sunday School lor alt ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. ijamos Baptist Church, Shellleld Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6, Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor, Tommy Faust. St. John AME Zion Church. 145 Campbell Rd.. Mocksvlllo. Sunday School. 9:30. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Pastor, Georgo C. Bonks. Advanco First Baptist Church, 1938 N.C. 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups, 7 p.m. Pa8tor;Martln Kastnor. 998-6302. Church of Qod of Prophecy, 2323 U.S. 601 s.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sunday ovoning, 6: Wednesday evening, 7. Pastor: Rev. Bobby Shlnault. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Boptlst Church, Midway St., Cooleemee. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship 11. Sunday evening. 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh. 6:45 p.m.. Prayer & Bible Sludy. 7. Rev. Shelby l^arbour. 284-2077.Seventh Day Advontlat Church, Milling Road. Mocksville. Sabbath School, Saturday, 9;30'll; Worship, 11-noon. Paslor. Ron Davis. 751*3886. Mocedonia Moravian Church, 700 N.C. 601 N., Advance. Sunday School, 9;30-10;45 a.m. Worship, 8:45 and 11 a.m. 998-4394. Pastor; Rev. Greg Little. Yadkin Valloy Baptist Church, 1324Yadkln Valley Road, Advance. Pastor: Ronnie Craddock. 998-4331. Sunday School, 10a.m., worship, 11 &6. Wednosdoy Nighl Prayer moeling. 7:30. Llvo Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11 -Noon. Mt. Zion Hollnoss Church of Qod, U.S. 64 E. at Mill Street, Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Morning Worship, 11. Pastor; Bishop James Ijames. Ml. Sinai AME Zion Church, 486 Peoplos Creok Rood, Advance. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m., Wednesday night Bible study, 7. Dr. Otis B. Robinson Sr., pastor. 998-6231. BIxby Church of tho Living Qod. 2121 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 IWaIn Churcli Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE &TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 Cornatzer Rd., Advance. Pastor, Rev. Perry Hawks. 768*1606. Worship, Sunday 10-11 a.m., 6 p.m.Salem United Methodist Church, Salem Church Road off Davle Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship. Sundnys al 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW, second Wednesday, UMM first Sunday breakfast at 7:30. UMYF Sunday evening?. Rev. Stephen Blair. Piney Qrovo United Melhodist Church, 376 Underpass Rd.. Advance. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Pastor; Rev. Kendall C. Glover. 998* 7316. New Jerusalem Apostolic Church. 291 Campbell Rd., MocksviUe. Paslor, Neltye Ijames-Barber. 751-0049. Sun. School,10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday night: Bible class. 7:30. Inlercessory prayer, 6 p.m. Truo Light Christian Ministry. U.S. 601 N.. Danner Rd. to Camelia Lane. Mocksville. Pastor: Steven W. Dalton. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Episcopal Church of the Qood Shepherd, Church & Cross sis., Cooleemee. Worship, 9:30 a.m.. fellowship hour after church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays after church. Prieat; Rev. Noah Howard. Jesus Lite Mission, Liberty Church Rd.. Mocksville. Sunday School, 10a.m., morning worship. 11. Sunday evening at6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavis.Mocksvlllo Church ot Qod, 862 U.S. 64 E. (beside Armory). 751-0817. Paslor: Larry Hollilield. Sundoy School, 10 a.m., worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6. Wednesday evening. 7. Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3203 US 601 S., Mocksville. 284*2328. Rev. Jimmy Lancaster. Sunday services: 8:15 a.m., praise and worship; 9:45, Sunday School for all ages; 11, morning worship; 7, evening worship. Wednesday services: 6 p.m., family fellowship meal; 7 p.m., TeamKlD, Youlh 4 ChrlsL Adult Bible Study. Nursery for Infants and toddlers. Foilowship Baptist Church, 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advance. 998*6544. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worship, 11, Sundays, 6 p.m. Wednesday service, 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492*7210. Smith Qrovo AME Zion Church, 3707 Hwy. 156, Mocksville. Sunday morning worhslp, 11. Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Rov. Morgan Qlenn, pastor. Eatons Baptist Church, 495 Eatons Church Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School, 10 a.m., worship. 11. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Paslor: Dr. David Gilbreath. 998-6149. Abundant Life Christian Victory Center, 117 E. Depot St., Mocksvlllo. Pastor. Daniel Brown. 753-4453. Sunday School. 9:45 o.m. Morning worship. 11. Life Community Church, Sundays, 10 a.m.. Brock Perlorming Arts Center, Norlh Main Slreet, Mocksville. Contemporary style worship with Pastor Kevin Stewart. 753-LlFE. Hopo Baptist Tabernacle, 2408 Hwy. 158, Mocksville. 998*3616. Worshli), 11 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m.. 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m., AWANA children ond teens, adults, prayer meeling and Bible study.East Davio Baptist Chureh, Bermuda Quay Shopping Cenler, 5397 U.S. 158, Advance. Sundays, 8:16, Bible study tor oldor adults; 9:30. morning worship; 10:45, Bible study for all ages; 6 p.m., Sunday evening sorvlce. Wednescfays. 7 p.m.. Bible Study and Prayer Service. Pastor, Max T. Furr. 998-5584.Llfo Communily Church, Days Inn, Madison Road, Mocksville. Services Sunday. 10 a.m. Call Kovln Slewarl, pas­ lor, about Wednesday evening life groups, 753-5433. Mainvlllo AME Zion Church, 210 Main Church Road. Mocksville. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship, 11. Bible Sludy. Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor: Rov. Robert H. Bailey. Bailey's Chapel Unltod Methodist Church. Bailey's Chapel Road, Ad* vance, Sunday School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m. Pastor, the Rev. Ed Carter. SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. A PALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Foot Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy, 801 S, Sullo 1 Advance. NC 27006 336-940-2341 IlmlJaof (^hijli[\ Ihnx* (iVincf.M) Ifj/i Ctjj},' A. Can». PrcM Jfni ■ Shnifi C, Cattcr. Vi« H a y w o rth-M ili-er F u n er a l H o m e K inderton Chapel Locatud on Hwy 158 BiiTwiiGN Clhmmons & Advance 336-940-5555 888-940-8511 P U T T H I S S P A C E T O W O R K F O R Y O U C A L L 751-2120 F U L L E R ^a tta ^S "rS ir Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication S55 Siilisbiiry Road. Mocksville, NC 27028 C 1 2 - Р Л У 1 Е C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E : R E C O R D . N o v . 2 0 . 2 0 0 3 силмт ног COMMfRCr C H A M B E R F O C U S W / T I I A I L E I I SOf ГН1 EASr COAST inc. 8 0 0 - 2 8 4 - 2 3 7 7 360 Blaise Church Rd.. Mocksville (336) 751-2377 Bank of The C arolinas 135 Boxwoocl Village Drive, Mock.svillc 751-3755 352 Hwy «01 S., Advancc 9У8-1003 Telephone (336) 998-2427 HILLSDALE DENTAL FAMILY AND COSMETIC GENERAL DENTISTRY onice Hours By Appolntmom 135 Modlcal Drlvo Advance, NC 27006 B B & T )!bu can tell wc want your business. Since 1872 119 Ouilhcr Street, MiKksville, NC 7.‘il-.Wl Willow Oak Shopping Cenier, Mocksvillc, NC 751-5956 MARK S. CULLER At t o r n e y a t Law 26 Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2918 O iiia H ours: M oN ixw - Fr im y 8:.W a m - 5:30 I’M It a l ia n Fa m il y Re s t a u r a n t Tnngltwood ShopplnB Center ■ lllllsdnie • 940-6787 H o r n O i l C o m p a n y , I n c . H o rn 's E x p re s s I • 7 5 1 - 7 6 7 6 H o rn 's E x p re s s II • 7 5 1 - 5 7 8 9 GAS, SNACKS & SO MUCH MORE! 2 003'»,ap: M r . & M r s . S a n t a C la u s a r e c o m i n g t o T o w n ! Annual Merchants' Open House Downtown Mocksville Sunday, November 23 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friendly Service, Unique Items, Curbside parking, Refreshments and Entertainment All Afternoon. Premier Showing of2003 Davie County Christmas Ornament First United Methodist Church Mocksville, Nortli Carolina Ornament signing by artist Dempsey Esslck Gasthaus on the Square 101 Klorth Main Street Sunday, November 23 • 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Mocksville Christmas Parade Lighting ofthe Town at Dusk <9^ O C hdstmas Saturday, December 6 3:00 p.m. (Rain date - Sunday, December 7) Parade Entry Deadline - Friday, November 21 Entry forms are available from the; Davie County Chamber of Commerce 135 South Salisbury Street • 751 -3304 (Entry numbers for parade lineup will be listed in the newspaper the week of the parade) Single entry fee $5.00 • Group/Business entry fee $ 10.00 Advance C hristm as Parade Saturday, December 13-10:00 a.m. Contact: Linda Carter @ 998-734 7 Celebrate Hometown Christmas Shopping in Mocksvilie Downtown Shops Stores Open til 8:00 p.m. Dec. 8-1 Sand Dec. 17-19 Entertainment: Carolers, Local Talent, Horse & Buggy Rides Mr. Mrs. Santa Claus back In town Dec. 13th, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm ^ T h e s e B u s i n e s s e s E n c o u r a g e Y o u T o S u p p o r t Y o u r C o m m u n i t y a n d S I t o p L o c a l l y J j f n s l e r ’a Serving Davie Countv For Over 50 Years! 17! N. Main Slrcet,Mocksvillc, NC Phone; 3.16-751-2737 Murgarel Foster, Owner j m B L E S T STAFFINO SERVICES (336) 751-4414 Mocksvillc, NC Edwardjones Matt Voreh liivi^stimnit H(;pres(;iilativ(‘ 66 Coiirl S(imu4‘ M(K-ksviilc. NC 2702it (;Ш) 7Г»1-М(Н) Scr\in^ ||и11>й1||л1 lnvrsliir>S(iuT 1Я71 MomborSiPC EATON FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Main Street Mocksvillc, NC 751-2148 G A S T H A U S on the SaUARE Restaurant,Guestliouse & morel IOl North ЛЬм.\ Street M ocksvii.i.k, NC 27028 Р1Ю.ЧЕ; 336-751.7900 Fax:336.753-0981 CCB Central Girolina Bank - 4 DAVIE COUNTY LOCATIONS - 148 W. Water St., Mocksvillc • 751-59.% 880 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksvillc • 751-6261 Cooleemee Shopping Center, Cooleemee • 284-2542 5.161 US Hwy. 158, Advancc»940-2420 E. Edward Vogler, Jr. PA — Attorney At La w — 181 S. Main St., Mocksville, NC (336) 751-6235 • Funerals t • Cremations ---' •Pre-AirangcnKms F u n e r a l H o m e Ü “ s •Noiory 635 \Vilko.slx)ra Stivet M(x,k.sville,NC (336)751-1100 DAVIB COUNTY ENTtERPRI/E^^i^ECORD COVERING DAVIE COUNTY FROM THE CORNFIELD TO THE COURTHOUSE 171 Soutli Moin St, Mocksviile • (336) 7S1-2129 ' i / - Feature D A V I K C O U N ' I ' Y K N I ' K U I M U S U R K C O R I ) , I ' h u r s d i i y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 ■ D l The Oast A c t! Father Philip Smith Adam Johnathan Loos Eve Sara Snow, Elyse Timmons Cain Chris Goode Abel Josh Foster Young Cain Krystal Angell Voung Abel Amanda Cudd .Seth Casey Brewer : Seth’s Wife Paulita Carbajal f Snake Drew Mossman Amanda King Kelsey Lutz Sara Hamllton/Jenay Mayfield Ashley ¿pain Lauren Wanucha Jacqule Downing : Storytellers Courtney Allen, Richard l Anderson, Krystal Angell, Amber Blackwell, Casey - Brewer, Jessi Brown, Jackie Button, Paulita Carbajal, Amanda Cudd, Jjacquie Downing, Josh Foster, Jamie Fulk, Katherine Gaskin, Malachi Gentry, Chris Goode, Sara Hamilton, Molly Harris, Jen Horton, Reuben Ijames, Lindsay Jackson, Amanda King, Matt Lee, Johnathan Loos, Kelsey Lutz, Jenay Mayfield, Sa­ vanna McLamb, Drew Mossman, Jessica Nelms, Erica Scherle, Teresa Shadroui, Greg Simpson, Kaim Simpson, Sara Snow, Ashley Spain, Elyse Timmons, Lauren Wanucha, Ashley Wiles, Laura Williams, Terrell Wilson, Catherine Woltz A c ta Father Philip Smith Noah Greg Simpson Mama Jenay Mayfield, Sara Hamilton, Kami Simpson Japeth Malachi Gentry Yonah Jen Horton, Molly Harris, Katherine Gaskin Ham Matt Lee Shem Terrell Wilson Aysha Jamie Fulk, Laura Williams Aphra Erica Scherle Animals Jacob Snow, Brannon Shortt, Logan Shortt, Catherine Brake, Catilin Brake, Eric King, Cara Mossman, Alyssa Mossman, Jacob Horton, Christain Lee, Evan Wiles Dancers Kelsey Lutz, Amanda Cudd, Paulita Carbajal, Savanna McLamb, Courtney Allen, and Casey Brewer rehearse at the Brock. - Photos by Robin Fergusson D H S D r a m a P r o d u c t i o n T t i i s W e e i < Il’.s an agc old conflict - par­ enls vs. children. In Children of Bdcn, the Davie High School. Fine Arts Deparimcnl will explore lhal confllcl this weekend when it presents the t\vo-i\ct production al the Brock Performing Arls Ccnler on Norih Main Sircel in Mocksviile. Admission is $10 in advance and $12 al the door. Show linies are al 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, al 2 p.in. and 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22 and al 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23. For lickel informalion. call 751-590,“) extension 419, or buy them iit the door. Based on ihe story of Gen­ esis, Childven of Eden is a frank, hcarlfell and oflen humorous ex- amlnalion of the age-old conlict between parents and children. Adam, Eve,.Noah and the Father who creivt^d them deal wilh the huadsirniTg, cataclysmic actions of llioti^respeclivc children. The show ultimately delivers a biltcrswect but inspiring mes­ sage: that ihe hardest part of love is letting go. Expect lo see plenty of danc­ ing and acting, to hear plenty of music and song. Davie High’s drama, band, choral and dance programs will lake pari. Susan Shorll is direcior, Elaine Snow niusical direcior, Marc Schaub conductor, Colleen Allred, Je.ssica Allen and Teri Mossman, choreographers, Dan Gamble slage manager and An­ gela Slauffer, set design. Rehearsing for the production, from left, Kami Simpson, Sara Hamilton, Erica Scherle, Matt Lee, Jamie FulR, '■ director and conductor, Elaine Snow and Marc Laura Williams, Terrell Wilson, Molly Harris, Jen Horton and Greg Simpson. Schaub, prepare students for the show. Davie High fine arts students rehearse the opening number for Children of Eden, to be performed Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at the Brock Performing Arts Center. ................................................. ................................................................................................................................ i V 1 ) 2 - D A V I K C O U N T Y K N T K U l ' U I S b : R I C C O U l ) . r i i i i r s d i i . v . N o v . 2 0 . 2 0 0 3Davie Schools Saudi Dnvtc Middiv Soulh Davie's Junior Hcla Club licId il.s annual Induction ccrcniony on Thursday, Oclobcr 2nd. Eighty-iwo .sevenlh and eijjhlh grade siudenis joined Ihe si.xiy-ninc members already in Ihe club. Thc officers are: Taylor Randall, president; Alexis Freeman, presidcnt-eleci; Rachcl Simpson, secretary; and Lauren Hauser, treasurer. The sponsors Mrs. Garner, Mrs. Hollernan, Mrs. Marklin. and Mrs. Wenker look forward lo working with the members as they attend monthly meetings and complete al least three service projects during Ihe year. Thc service projects include a collecting canned food for Storehouse for Jesus, participating in Pet Therapy ut a local nursing home, creating holiday cards and posters, selling lollipops to provide funding for students who cannol afford to pay for field trips, tutoring, and being “Big Buddie.s” lo specially-identified sl.Mh graders. Two social activities will be held during thc year, the first being an aftcr- school trip in November or December. Soulh Davie physical educution students in the sixlh. sevenlh. and eighth grades huve been purticiputing in u volleyball tournameni. Teams wore choscn ufter Iwo weeks of skill development. All leuins competed in a romul-robin tournameni. On Friday November 14. 200.^ teams competed for the cluss chumpionship. Seventh grade winners were the Stingers and Ihe Tiggers. Sixth grade winners were the Buccaneers und Ihe Davie Tigers. Bighth grade teams competed if they were one of Ihe top four teams from euch class period. The over-all eighth grade winning leam was the ALU Stur.s. Members of the leum were Laura Vanhoy, Carly Stauffer, Britluny Priestley, Maria Nail, Coryanne Kunbur. Noel Hollund. Liz Wright, und Jam ie Keegan. I’hysicul educution classes will move back inlo anolher runess rotation for the next two weeks. The nexl activity for classes will be basketball, wilh the American Red Cross fund ruiser "Hoops for l leurt" Ihe lasl week before Christmas Break. Shndy Grove Elemenlnry This is the lust week to drop off your donalions for A Cleaner W orld’s Give A Kid A Coat School Coat Drive this full. From now through November 21. drop off your donated couts at thc nearest A Cleaner World location (do not drop olT coats at the school) und receive a rcceipt for each donated coal. A Cicaner World nol only accepts children’s coats, but mosl types of outerwear (lightweight jackets and vests for children C O L D U Je L L b a n k e r s TRIAD, REALTORS' und udults). The elementary school thal collects the mosl receipts will be given S.'iOO by A Clcjner World. The kindergarteners in Ms. Ellis and Ms. Booth's class have a new dry erase hoard und t\vo new computers in their room. Robber Red from Letterland paid Ihe children a visil lust week nnd took ull Ihe red magic markers bccause hc likes to luke Ihings thut begin with R. Also remember to mark your calendars for Monday, November 24 at .V.()()-3:30 for the meeting wilh Ihc kindergurlen pareiUs. Ms. Rogers and Ms. Tester's firsl grade class went lo the Brock Center in Mocksville this pasl Thursday lo see the pluy. The Lillle Engine That Could. Thc children enjoyed the outing and learned from thc little Iruin to nlways do your besl und never give up. This month thc children will be studying aboul food. Pilgrims, Indiuns, and the llrst Thank.sgiving. Ms. Spach’s cluss of second gradefs enjoyed reading a greal story culled The Best Friends Club. Ms. Mill and M.s. Carter's second graders Worked on counting money, comparing prices, und using the fewest coins to mnke u designated amount, The sccond grude cluss of Ms. Kuuff and Ms. Boswell read Josellna Story Quilt, a story uboul a lillle girl w'ho journeyed west in a covered wagon wilh her fumily and her hen, Jo.seiina. In science, the children are turning Ihc eggs in their inctibator three times u day. They also candled the eggs to see how the chicks are growing. All Ihird gruders will be in the I’TA Christnaas program on Tuesday, December 9. The children need to wear western attire-jcans. a baiidanu. n cowboy hut, nnd boots (if possible). I’nrcnt volunteers nre needed to help with the set and the buiUling of props. Ms. I lendrix and Ms. Plyler’.s ihird gruders read The Sun. The Wind, and the Rain, and worked on com prehension as well as common and proper nouns. The third graders in Ms. Ohrand Ms. Norman’s cluss learned ubout spiders and their habits. The students also sturtcd a new unil ill science on energy, heat, und liglH. Ms. Brown asks for more fourth grade parents to help with the planning for exhibits and conlucling exhibitors for the Shndy Grove Slale Fair. Ms. Redmond’s fourth grade math class crcuted sur\'cys about some .“indent concerns al Shady Grove. They wenl through a voling process to pick the best survey submitted. The best survey hud five (|uestions aboul homework and was given to the whole stuilenl boily. They ure in the proccss of graphing the resulls for each class. A bulletin New Soulh Davie Beta Club mennbers, seated, irom lett, Michael Brewer and Jack Evans; standing, Vasllika Millo, Luke Hollifield, Jamie North, Maggie Keeble, Sam Whitley board will be created lo .show thc students Ihe results oflhe survey. Please remember thc other ongoing fundraisers for Shudy Grove. Thc school earns money for nil tho caps collected from gallon und hulf gallon Harris ■Гео1ег or Hunter Farm.s milk jugs. Al.so collect General Mills box tops and relink your Harris Teeter VIC curd to Shady Grove «1701. The nexl Shady Grove skalc night is Tuesday November 25 at Sknlelnnd in Clemmons. Every Monday eat in or takeout from Venezia’s restaurant where len percenl of Ihe receipis go to Ihe school. ■flic following students huve been choscn us thc student oflhe week: Taylor Hedrick, Rebekah Barrett, Kaitlin Lanier, Allic Jackson, Gilson Kingmun. Dawn Butcher. Jennifer Evens, Abiguil Dupree, Molly Engstrom, Abby LaRue, Will Webb, Danielle Wood, Kalic Reed, Baline Adderton, Hayley Carter, Trevon Faulkner. Kelsey Bhusker, Curly Kincaid, Tarn Carter, Megan Hennings, tionnie Baker nnd Lexie Armini. Cooleemee ICIemvntnry Fifth grade is svorking hard. Mrs. Carter's class is starting their unil on Ihe Changing Etirth. They will be leurning ubout earlhc|uakes, volcnnos, und muny olher earth changing di- susters. The students ure also working on their D.A.R.E es­ says. A winner will be chosen from eacli cluss lo be reud ul gruduution in December. Keep up the good work! Coolecmee's Accelerated Reader breakfasl for students in grades 3-5 was held on Friday. These students have made the 25 POINT CI.UB: Ashley Burgess, Aaron Dodd, Colleen Hembree, Shelby Stephens, Kiyomi Taylor, Karen Bogcr, Tyler Bush, Janira Hernundez, Jimsen McDanicl, Becca West, Kuytlyn Shoe­ maker. Nathan Jones. Austin While, Jake Whitley. Sierra iTrrell, Melissa Гчсетап, Josh Jacobs, Carlos Moreno. Jonalhan Truelt. Daniel Harris. Cody Lane, Mulissa Diehl. Dnniellc Vclolta. Elizabeth Tucker, Raheem M artin, Kadeshn Maddox, and Matthew Busbee. .iO und 75 POINT CLUBS: Duniel Hurris. Mulissu Diehl, nnd Mutthew Busbec. 100 POINT CLUB; Mutthew Bustiecand Mali.ssa Diehl. Citi­ zenship program ut Cooleemee This year. Cooleemee Elemen- tury decided to recognize Stu­ dents of Itie Week ns well ns Cili­ zens of the Monlh. Euch week, teachers choose a student from Ihcir cla.ssroom that hus shown great character and cilizcnship lhat week. We also choose monthly Cool Cooleemee Citi­ zens who hnve shown greal citi­ zenship for the entire month. The character word for thc monlh of Novcmticr is Compas­ sion. The I'ollowing students have been cho.sen as Students of the Week during thc week of Novcmticr 3-7; Kindergurlen; Briuun Cleary, Ally Wyrick. Corbin Kopetzky. Bryant Rodriguez, Bethnny Burger: 1st grnde; Shuwmain Fleming, Henther M oore. Brnndon Trivett, Tuylor Crunfllli 2nd grnde; Zuck Osborne. Elijnll Johnson, Brandie McCrary, Marly W hitfield; .3rd grade: Aracelis Mendozu-Hcrnundez, Melnnie Brunnock, Aaron Dodd, Tara Fox: 4th graile; Mall Love, Satirina Thompson: .Sth grade; Autumn Dennislon, Desirae Mo.ses, Joanna I licks Third grade has been working on test taking skills. Mrs. Maurer's class has been reading stories on Curious George and will be cre­ ating Ihcir own tales. Ms. Schwiebert's students are doing un author study on Leo Lionni and will be wriling slories ba.sed on these books. Mrs. Fisher's cluss is finishing up Charlotte's Web. Thc students in Mrs. Linkous room arc wriling para­ graphs on an animal of their choice. A rending group in Mrs. Culler's fourth grade class have recently completed a biography study. Students chose an famous person to reud uboul then con­ structed a lime line of thut person's life. Students urc ulso leurning aboul thc different Na­ tive American groups ihnl lived ill North Carolina. Mrs. Jones' cluss urc studying litcrulurc circles and still study electricity. A group of sludcnts arc making n class news letter luid entering informalion from their cluss mules. In Mrs. Kistner's class, they have been studying the Americnn Revolution in Social Studies. They are beginning a sludy on Pirates. For .science, they are studying rocks and min­ erals. Thc second grude has- been studying Native America. To cclcbrale the students' learn­ ing atioul this sulijeci, an excit­ ing diiy is being planned for Tue.sduy, Nov. 24. Hands-on leiirning centers, such as storytelling, urt activities, tasting centers, and games will be en­ joyed at that time. Mrs. Wall's combination firsl and sccond grade class has made Inngram turkeys und Indians. They hnve ulso written parugriiphs ubout whnl Thnnksgiving meuns to cach student. Pinebrook Elcmentury Our Box Tops Champion for November 14 is Mi.ss Fuller's Kindergarten wilh 89 tiox lops. The winners inctude Samuel Allen. Ariel Barker. Laura Bishop, Harrison Bollinger, Raymond Brooks IV, William Clontz, Caroline Davis. Kulea Godfrey, Julie Gough, Ryan Murrell, Snmuel Murvcy, Caillin Hill, Atiby Kerr, Austin Naylor, William Parker, Jucob Rosier, Joshua Smilh, Allison Stuley, Zuchary Swaim, und Daniel York. Esich student will rcceive a box tops slicker and pcncil, and Mrs. t^illcr will receive a Box Tops t-shirl. The first grude classes have been leurning nboul the seven conlinenls. On Friday, Novem­ ber I4lh ihey parliciputed in a Cultural Sharing Day. They spent the afternoon going lo dif­ ferent centers to learn more about the continents. There were crafts, food, und games. We It's T^fiat Плщеß.ßciin 9{ov 17tfi through xc 17th DAVIE COUNTY OFFICE Intersection of Hwys 158 & 801 336-998-8816 Relocation 1-800-327-4398 w h a t e v e r / i t t a k e s . hayc also been leurning phonies skills with a program called t^cllcrland. On Friday, Octoticr 3lsl Ihe children camc lo .school as their favorite Letterlanil char­ acters. Wc saw Fireman Fred, Robber Red, und Quurrclsome Oueen just lo name a few. Thc children had a chance to sing about each character. They then parlicipaled in games and activi­ ties such as I.etlerland Bingo und Pin thc Nose on Eddie Elcphnnl. Our Pinebrook Scliool Fam­ ily has been collecting items for "Operation Christmas Child" which is an outreach to children who arc suffering becau.sc of wur. naturul disnstcr, poverty, ill­ ness. or neglect. The students have collected 82 shoe bo.xes of toys, .school supplies, and hy­ giene ilenis. We appreciated all the parents and students who supported this wonderful projccl! Thank you Pinebrook School Fumily! Thc enthusiastic Firsl grade teuni of Heather Btunk, Wendy Dranc, Sandy Hendrix, and Tracy Miller; Reading teachers Raymondu Shelton and Chris Stiiing: Third grnde leachcr Cindy Orsillo. Adminislralive Intern Ashley Evcivltc, and Prin­ cipal Mary Sine hosted llieir firsl “Partners in Print" workshop on the evening of November 6. An eager group of seventy parent.s und students uttcnded. 'leaehers presented reading, wriling, and spelling strutegics lo give par­ ents guidance in supporting their child’s learning al home. Thc slaff was greatly ciicouragcd by positive feedback and aelive par­ ticipation. Girl Scout Troop 831 generously provided childcare for siblings of parlicipanls. North Diivlu Middle Accs Thanks to parcnls for send­ ing in items for the end of first quarter celebrations. On Thurs-’ duy, Oct. 16, sludcnts who made honor roll firsl i|uarler enjoyed' a pizza feast und sociul time. The next day all students who com- pleted firsl quarter wilh no noga- ' live disciplinary problems were Irealed wilii drinks, snucks, and free lime to socialize with friends. Student quotes: Allison Brn- dley. “The Aces pizzu feast and Aces All the Way were awe­ some. You get to have a party for simply doing what is right.” Angelia Harmon, “I thought the Accs Pizza Feast and Accs All the Wuy wns fun nnd it gnve stu­ dents a chancc to gel to know one another lieller. Il is u rewurd thal influences kids lo try to make ticller grades und lo be more responsible." Aces students visiled Stone Mountain State Park in Roaring Gap, Friday, Oct. 24 for a hike and a picnic. Mike DeHart and Bill and Julie Bradley were par­ ent volunteers. Student quotes: Adam Ward, "I liad a great time Continued On Page 1)4 Ш tgr www.coldwellbanker.com CHINQUAPIN ROAO DAVIE .i'A Va:■J’ ; /: f. !У li’-i 41 'y I'Ji'j (.1- ' 'J.'^ ',■! I.'.M rvd, tt* vrj trrtlrij 'i'i”'''*''» i'I'! c,ett Ito •'/-s llf/iW5.ÛOO 2003 GIEN CHASE 8AIEM GiEN DAVIDSONm 3.5BAti'<;rlUj^!,i,l.r-r*rit№i а'С-ГГАЗ, i;i 1ГЛ l.if Д Íj’ü'г*/*! ач) *|' ^Ч-.J LV''! f I'«'/'Il'-rn I>1'| J-'.) ¡.I’. nt?$зй 189 JUNIPER CIRCU DAVIE m MSWii.cmJ f.o- Wc'Jicijciii hcft'8 H'lfi:)) I rfAj'u; LciufiM linr.tWílUi.vj'Oi,! 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It.'KtJ l'^il >iij j'id t.rn ij'jct lí yj otkii [i'M.ií C'l ír.Ki ’.fui Hji^í Ш tfl Q(ill..''.Q (K i'.lc!tl.n íy Mi,yCi(KJíJúf^W(iW3 1Í7í $65,000 Ш WINWARO CIRCIE DAVIE ЗШ< 71íííntill li-itl ti-ru.rj locVcJ MaUiiiiie ifW. ч.1ч1 W li cuiiíVlif yike/im.T*i(Tun</OÖ П8^$49.500 C?00i (cl(t.>.i.’ll U.mlicr k’t'jj (il.ili- ((>(()or.ilion (ol¡lvSk‘li ll uil ii‘í]i\!i'ti'(l lí.iilfiti itk of (uMwtlI llaiilcc Con)ü(,iltü(í Л» Ojutuitunity Иоимну l.uli Olino n tnilfiicntlemly Owíied .mil й((С'Г.1кч). ш-паб 99Í-1154 «6-1183 998-1U4 998-1157 998 П71waim998<115в998-im998-1188998-1Ì6S«8-t153998>118]99И17399B-1U2«8-117099И16»998-1178W8-11«998-1187998-1181998-1160998-1166998-1155998-1180998-1156W8-1167 An intlepoiuli-fiily Owm-cl and Opef.iied Mfinber oi Coldwüll Вллке» Real Eslole Corporntion Davie Schools D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d i i . v , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 — D 3 Cuntlnued From D2 at Stone Mountain. Il was so peaceful and pretty and the wcuther wns beautiful." Adum Ridenhour, “I enjoyed the Stone Mountnln trip bccause we were outside with our cln.ssmntes. To me, you leum a lol more by spending time Ihere one dny Ihnn by 10 days in class. I hnd n grent time.” Chetscn Swyers, “Thc Irip was really fun. It wns a beauti­ ful day and a good trip for all of us.” Social studies classes arc be­ ginning a study of the American Revolution. Students are prepar­ ing and reviewing for the North Carolinn Computer Test and en­ joying reading and leaming from North Carolina weekly newspa- per.s. Language srts students are reading the American Revolu­ tion novel Johnny Treninin and working on a colonial journal. Math cinsses have been solv­ ing equations, graphing, and in- ec|ualities. We arc headed into work with factoring and polyno­ mials. Prime Time classes have been involved in units dealing with study skills and goal set­ ting. Students nre beginning a Christmns communily service shoebox gifls project, which will bcnent the Storehouse for Jesus. Suulh Dnvic The Emperors were given a royal welcoming in August by receiving brand new books, desks, book shelves and tnuch more. Since the team hns clnss in mobile units, each class change includes n shorl trip out­ side. This gnve students un op­ portunity lo observe and identify the various cloud types and changes in frontal syslems wliile studying their unit on weather. One class period was spent out­ side to classify and discuss vari­ ous clouds. This prompted stu­ dents to become skillful meteo- , rologists by rending weather ninps, studying stntion models ami even predicting weather, "Seymore the Skeleton” as­ sisted Emperors with leurning approximately 25 bones In Uie human body. To extend their knowledge, cach student devel­ oped an incredible-edible mini- skclcton model using only edible materials such as; stick pretzels, uncooked macaroni or spaghetti noodles, rice, oyster crackers and Rice Krispies, Beyond thnt, they usedTwiztcrs and string licorice to add the muscles. Students agreed Ihis was both fun and edu- cuiional. Bolh malh classes have been uclively cngnged in leurning bn- sic and advanced math skills. They huve used Litlle Debbie Cakes to learn fractions and Luffy Taffy candies to learn prime und composite numbers. The Emperors cnn often be seen working in cooperative learning groups on problems relevantt to real-life skills. Accelerated Math lias proven to be successful with review problems und preparation for the end-of-grade lest. The Emperors began Iheir So­ cial Studies clnss discussing vari­ ous fields within the discipline. Acting as cartographers, the stu­ dents produced mups of South. Duvie Middle School. After re­ viewing some of the busies, stu­ dents hended strnight for Africu. Students took n virtuni Irip to Egypt und wrote a narrnlive de­ scribing thc places that they hud visited. Currently, students nre creuting nn Africun culture col- luge. In Communicntions class, students nre keeping n journal containing various writing as- signnienls. Sharing these inter­ esting journnl entries hus kept Communications class qu ite uni- iiiaied. Along wilh jouninl writ­ ing, the Emperors have been busy studying units in grnnimur, .spelling nnd liler(iturc. Going lo "Study Islnnd” in the computer lub for end-of-grade test review ims proven to be fun and success­ ful. Currently, sludcnts nro writ­ ing huikus nnd illustrating them on a poster along with an nccom- pmiying picture. Thc students enjoyed a Ticld trip to the Scientific Circus in October and will ulletid “The Christmns Carol” Dec. 5. The Emperor Citizens of the Monlh arc Joseph Taylor and Hunnah Hursey. The Emperors are work­ ing hard to ensure tiiat this is a very successful school year. Cornntzer Elcincntnry Comntzcr’s PTO would like to thimk everyone involved in mnking the school’s sccond an­ nual Full Festival a great success. Hundreds of students, family and friends enjoyed the festival, which raised almost $1.500 for the PTO, And n specini thnnks to the following locnl businesses which kindly sponsored the fes­ tival; CCB of Mocksville and Advnnce, PBI Music nnd Games, Southern Milk, Transport. Double A Grading.. Fnrrnington Road Exxon. Miller Building. Fosler Drug, L&S Grocery, Tucker’s Pluce, C ’s BBQ, Deano’s Barbccue, Hendrix BBQ, Will and Dietrc Junker. Bixby Convenience Store, Lowe’s of Hillsdale, The Soda Shop, Chick-Fil-A, Food Lion of Hillsdnlc, Ketchie Creek Bakery, Rcichel’s Bread Basket, Ace Vil­ lage Hardware, Leslie Brudley - Mary Kay distributor, Gina Boone - Stnmpin Up distributor, Bojnngles of Hillsdnle and Bi-Lo of Mock.svillc. Ms. Esenwein and Mrs. Blakley’s first graders have been taking a trip bnck in time nnd learning what life wns like in thc 1600’s. Students hnve been keep­ ing a diary as if they were one of the 32 children aboiird Tiic May­ flower. To conclude the unit, stu­ dents presented their reports to Ihe rest of the class, Tlieir reports included; Tho Mayflower, life as a pilgrim, how the Native Ameri­ cans helped the pilgrims, nnd the problems pilgrims fnccd on their journey to Amcricn. At the end of Ihe unit, all Ms. Esenwein’s students concluded thnt they were very thankful to be living in tho present time and nol in the 17th century. Mrs. Bullins’s clnss rcccnlly completed nn economics unit. During their sludy of economics, student.s learned about different types of jobs. They rend “The Popcorn Book” and then discussedd popcorn und whut il would be like to work in a pop­ corn factory, As u culminating uctivity, the class visiled The Popcorn Factory in Yndkinville. Students discovered thul popcorn is grown in mnny places in Duvic County and then sent to The Pop­ corn Factory. Students watched the com being popped nnd then packaged. They were interested to leam thnl the labels on the bags were written in seven different Inngunges becnuse Dnvie County popcom is sent to mnny countries oulside the United Sinles. Before lenving, sludcnts were treated to their own freshly popped bug of delicious popcorn. In Ihcir music clusscs, kindcrs and first graders nre doing lots of movement and learning how to feel n steady bent. Second and third graders have been learning many new music symbols and playing n variety of musical in­ struments. They have also en­ joyed visits from the Winston- Snlem Symphony. Students hnve henrd brnss, percussion and strings groups, nnd look forwurd to n field trip 10 Ihe Brock Audi­ torium Dec. 2 lo hear the enlire orchestra. One of the pieces they will hear performed is the Harry Potter movie theme. Fourth and nfth graders huve been prepuring for the PTO's Nighl of Kindness progrum to be held Ihis week. They will be per­ fonning u song culled “Let’s Nol Forget” and using sign language. Chorus students nre leurning many Christmas songs und hnve two scheduled perfon.nance dates; Dec. 5 at Somerset Court ■ of Mocksville and Dec. 11 when they will record u video at school. In their ESL classes, Ms. Rosas’s kindergarteners und First and second gruders have been learning to express Iheir favorite activities, toys and food in En­ glish. They have also had fun performing skits on liow loorder their favorite food when they go lo n restaurant. First graders have been classifying nnimids by their hnbitnt. They have read the books, “Who Lives in a Tree'?” “My River,” and “Where do I Live'?” Next week, they will starl a small projccl ubout an animnls in which they nre interested. Scc­ ond grade students have been leuining how to read a map of Ihe worid by localizing diffcrcnl oceans nnd continents as well as locating the United States nnd the counlry where they or their par­ ents come from. In addition, they hnve been leurning how to de­ scribe whul the flngs of some countries look like. Cougnrs ofthe Week; Kneeka Brown. Anitra M cClelland. Joshun Pontillo, Giselle Rodriguez, Diana Custorenn- Polilo, Keion Joyc, Tyler Boole, Aaliyah Doulin, Cameron Gor­ don, Morgan Hendrix, Tyler Hardin, Annu Brown. Kaleb Pugc, Dnniel Benitez, Chelsie Brown, Leslie Fulton, Puul Gough. Ann Delsy Uriostcgui- Arrcola. ZucharySpaugh, Dylan Bnniier. Reminder to pnrents: Tues­ dny, Nov. 25 - Venezin's nnd Mnrco’s Nighl: Nov. 26-28 - No school. Thanksgiving holiday. Mocksvillc Elcmvntury Student of the Week. Nov. 3- 7; Allic Icnrd: Nov. 10-14; Leslie Janies. Murcus Sninzur. Korbin Smith, Paige Berryhill, Aiigclicn Doby, Dnkotn Church, Mcnther McClnmrock, Chcnisen Rickard, Tanner Nelson, Dustin Bruken, Lunce LnRogue, Jeb Folds. Priyanka Bnrud. Courtney Machetle. Trey Cnrey. Alicia Usioslegui. Tlie kindergnrtners in Mrs. Knye Vandiver nnd Miss Jodi Wnlkcr’s cin.ss hnve been busy leurning nil nbout Indian life.The children have li.stencd to stories about how they lived, hunted, grew their food, mude their clothes nnd becume friends with the Pilgrims. They arc in the pro­ cess of making Indian costumes lo wear nt our upcoming Thnnks­ giving Parade and luncheon on Fridny, Nov. 21. We wunt to give a .special thanks to our high school volunteer. Ashley Oulen. for help­ ing thc children create Indian henddnesscs for the occnsion. Next week, our cluss will Icnrn even more nbout Ihe Pilgrims nnd how they cclcbrntcd Ihe first Tlinnks- giving with their Indinn friends. Mrs. Bell nnd Mrs. Knight’s first grnde class hns enjoyed ob­ serving the chunges thnt comc along with full. Mnny of us did exciting, fun activities around Halloween und we shured Ihosc experiences in class. We are reudy for colder wcnther nnd the chil­ dren have already slnrted usking how muny duys unlil Christmns. Wilh our reading story, "Sam's Song,” we teamed some interest­ ing owl facts. Wc wrote about those facts nnd mnde some very cute paperplnto owls. Whoooooo! Mrs. Lankford nnd Mrs. Brown’s classes have been writ­ ing friendly lellcrs. We hnve new penpals from n Ihird grade clnss nt Shudy Grove Elementary. We huve written n letter lo our penpals nnd nre iinxiously uwailing to re­ ceive letters from them. We are reading novels aboul people from long ago, such ns the Pilgrims, Squnnto and Pocahontas. We have Icnmcd lhat limes long ago were much liurdcr in mnny ways tlian our lives to­ day. As tlic Christmns senson up­ pronches, we will be studying a unit of "Chrislmas Around the Worid.” In different clas.scs, we will visit other countries luid sludy their Christmns customs and en­ joy some of the treats lhat they enl at Chrisimnsiimc. Wc will nitcnd a Moravian Lovefeast nnd will mnke cnndy houses. Students in Mrs. Price’s fourlh grnde clnss have been exploring the properties of rocks nnd min­ erals through experimcnls. Using the slreak test, acid test and Mohs hardness scale, students hnve be­ come experts at classifying rocks and minerals. Students arc also leurning the difference belween sedimentary, igneous and meta- morphlc rocks. While conlinuing n study of multiplicntion, students are finding multiples and percents of numbers, while exploring divi­ sion and problem solving in all ar­ eas. I laving completed “The Kid in thc Red Jacket," students are now beginning “Soulh the Jubi­ lee.” Enjoying many Thanksgiv­ ing related opportunities for wril­ ing, students are writing from a turkey's point of view nnd shar­ ing what they ure ihnnkful for while exploring their favorite Thanksgiving traditions. Ourfan- Instic fourtii grndeni for the month arc Bcisy Forrest, Student of the Month, and Logan Bryan nnd Brianna Guilher. Terrific Kids. Our only November birthday is Terrell Joyner, who celebrated his bivthduy on Nov. 1, In Guidance this week, kinder- gurlners heard two stories from DUSO Ihe dolphin. The first was about Lefty thc Octopus and how he used his six hand.s to make his hamburger sland a success. In the second story. Pudge Puffer learned to work Ihrough differences and make friends with fish who were different from him. Firsl graders Icrned tlie importance of being nice to students new lo MES In the story "Tlic Brand New Kid,” writltcn tiy Kalic Couric. (’haries Jones Rt‘alty, Inc. . ,jo„I's Уыы,.. W.>/../, , > M.iKI.S KKH <<//)., I I ti.iS'"». 14,III I ii.ii 1И1К-Ч " 1г\» oiiiltH-.m-l ■ Great localion. convenient to Win.ston-Salem. Mocksville. Snliiibury, & Lexington • Beautiful 2/3 acre homesilesTor custom construction • Neighborhood of homes priced from mid $14()'s 10 $250,000 • Close to golf, shopping & schools • Coming Soon Phase II FAIRWAY LOT IBS CEDAnWOOO-nOO«/'SF lancti Ш т loom, 3BR. 2BA, open & spjtlous. vlld Miiing, lecessed ligWing, (US logs, spin BR plan. 2 cai all. gaiage 149 HUEIWOOD ■ 3 01 4611, 3BA tS9 HAZELWOOD - 4BR, 2.58A Iwomainienance te Cape w/opeii plvi sloiy home, open S spacious, laigeMBS suile on main W , mtiMl lionl kiltliEnflamily ioom, IB. loimal Ofl, 2poith, 2 car all. gaiaje. $IB9,900 M all, gaiage, $172,f “ Under construction.UndtìT construction.llmicr construction. 169 HAZELWOOD - 1700 «/■ SF lancli w/bonus loom, 3BB, 2BA. open 4 spacious, vlld ceiling In FB.Iiey ceiling In MBR. Clown moling, ctiaii tilling, i car all. gaiage IIH,9Ш 131 HAZELWOOD - 3BR. 2BA Cape Cod wjbonus loom ovei gaiage. FP in lR.MBflonmalnlivel,2cai 1900)/-SF. $149,900 117 HAZELWOOD ■ 3 014BR, t..... iiont home w/splil ioyei. vaulted «...,1. garago, in FR WFP. Itey ceiling in MBR, ciown moldino, cliair tailim. 2 cai side entty 9aiaoe.il49.900 Pennington Company R li Л L T Y M ocksvillc O U kc: 3 3 6 - 7 5 1 - 9 4 0 0 fOI I I UM ,I-Hl)l) )54-5W5 l lilisclalc/Aclvancc ОГПсс: 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 8 9 0 0 lOI I I Kl I l-HH8-H>H->2H , xv \v,|H im iiii4Uiinv.ills ( oin ||П 1гтп гч C o u n t r y C o v e B e a u tifu l Nevi^ H o m e s B u ilt w ith s ty le & e le g a n c e , y e t a ffo rd a b ly p r ic e d ., G r e a t lo c a tio n ! L a n d / H o m e p a c k a g e s s t a r tin g a t $ 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 . Directions; From W-S, 1-40 West to exit 180. Luft on Hwy 801 South to Right on Hwy 158. Country Com /.s- on thc right. Featured Listings 417\/Vhitney Road Well malntnincd, 3BR, 10A home on beautifui 1 acrc lot. Full basement & 1 cnr corport. Greal starter homel Call Teresa $87,900 139 Applewood DriveDrkk ranch wAiddlllon near complelo is much for (he t!\oney. Acreage Is cross-fenced, pasture, fiding rlng,<iren<').9-st<ill barn,wash pit,tack rnvUpioCdR, sep, living on LL. form LR, kit. 00. den » more Gill Glen, $324,900 108 Ruffin street Large brick ranch w/lots of rm. SBR, 2DA. Updated kit, new roof, replacement wndws, new doors, lg sep workshop/garage with heat, AC & water. Screened porch. Call Bobby. $149,900 341 Kennen Krest RoadCozy home surrounded by 3.‘I4 wooded acrcs. Privacy In great location, close to Clemmons & W-S. Wired shop/olflce In back w/storage bidg. 30R, 2BA. Call Janice. $129,900 Featured Listings 437 Ijames Church Rd Great family home In nice location. SBR, 2BA, paved circle drive 1588 SF of living space. Large yard to play in ihls summerl Call Glen $89,900 148 Davle Street Nice 3BR home with large rooms In historic Cooleemee! Upilaied with vinyl siding and replacement windows, new paint. Priced to sell. Call Cindy $56,900 145 O ld O a k LaneVery nice liome on 3.5 acrcsl Private, mostly wooded w/pcnd & 2 springs. 3BR.2QA w/nice kitchen, lots of c,iblnels & formal DR. Motivated seller.Call Cindy $119,900 268 Cleary Road Situated on I acte, this 3 bcdioom,2 bathhome has a private setting In the country. Deck, porch & storage buirding. Road soc to be paved. Priced to sell.Call Glen. $59,900 New Homes 151 Winding Creek Rd.New home.SanFilippo Construction with finished basement for added spacc makes this a great deal. Call Qobby $154,900 114 sterling DriveBrick & vinyl outside, easy one level living Inside with 20n, 2BA,gas logs, 9ft celling In greatroom, trey celling In master. Close to shopping business areas and 1-40. Call Janice $132,500 249 Charleston Ridge Dr 3BR, 2BA, living room w/gas tog fireplace. Split BR floorplan, lg kit, fin. bsmt, brick front w/vlnyl siding, 2 car tismt garage, desirable neignborhood.CiiTl Bobby. $164,900 252 Winding Creek RoadNew conMtvictlon in CiiniTeMon niUgel Split BR pia 3GR. 2BA w/mpn^ features, wooded backyardw/ view of creek. Buy now & clioose your colors! Home similar lo [iholo.Call Cindy № ; \у I J 4 - D A V I K C O U N T Y K N I K K I ’ K I S K K K C O R I ) , T h i i r s t l a y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 Pino News Uy Nor» Liitliain I’iiio Corrcspondciil The breukfast al Wesley Cliiipel Iiisl Saturday was a big succcss. Thanks id everyone who enjoyed the fellowship and good food. Thanks also lo all Ihose very faithful workers. Paslorl'oniniy Kobertson rec­ ognized all the veterans al Wesley Chapel Sunday. Nov. 10. Each one was asked to tell some­ thing of Ihcir experience while .serving in the Anned Forces. Tlie veterans present were Bob Dill, Vernon Dull. Bob Ellis, Mac Eure. Jesse Gentry. Toni Horton. Four Corners News lly Marie White Pour Corners Correspondent Leonard Shellon. Donald Miller. Jimmy Zininierson and Johnny McBride visited Tommy Shellon in a nursing home in Danville. Va. Tuesday. Jerry Polls and Toni Ireland visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smith Sunday nighl. Hobby Shellon visited Johnsie Shelton Saturday. Michelle Davis and girls vis­ ited Mrs. Ollive Burgess Sunday, Grady Beck is on our sick list. We are wishing him a speedy re­ covery. Game To Be On Local Radio WSJS (f)(X) AM) radio is broadcasting Ihe Ml. Tabor/Davie foot­ ball game beginning wilh Ihe pre-game show at 7 p.m. ihis Friday. -. ? sAngela Lawrence Broker Cell: 909-263B O a k Н э т в к Ф R e a % Sellers! (336)751-2055161L Lcxin0on Rd. ModsvlII« BradQiwrofico Broker CoU: Ш-1293 FRFF Miirke' 2 . 9 % 117 8«Mofn F«rm Ln • Eiqi««ne A DR ЗОЛ. OW 2,800 SF. FeUiou« ory floorpian. targe ronrti, huQo Гп>«/>ма Ь.гипот. partiti woorM кЛ w/Mroom • t217.BOO IM polari« Dr ■ 3UR TOA. 91* tagt. pantry, buy ияАгм, buMt In tiiolvm. cmlcm doMi, huge iO к ?6 anroQO, п«я bmdsctipo. gr«KK nwgfitarhocxJ • t137,B00 24a Townpath Or • Gorgocu« end hnmocuiale 3UR 7 lig tutch w/i«lflrxl. •ep drwxj. »cn«l P«ch. botorty ofl guwl nn, porch off DR. 2 СЛГ gorogo • t179,600 24S Mttrt M • Woe MdintjKrwO ЗПП утЛл! cnilng. rmniw effioon». eonrmouf mBtftMtti with ganlon tut) ft t«p ihowor. poocoKilaroa. t* *cro lot • I1H700y^- IM 8«Utbury Bl i)«au(iru»y lomodoioOt Fasturo« aiMTi motdng«. йш* r*il. cnornc lie. hiKranlk New range e tofgo ЪамтпгМ. li«uo tmxMi • $117,«00 121 Caat Lj*a Dr • Ntoe Cl^ Cod. 30R УНЛ. cwwnic I«« tl belhi. 2 gen logt, her (broods, омГкккЫ cailmg. 12 x 20 «tor bUo. ptul»w<onAl tWYtocapo t13t,W0 lilt Rlv*r»kt* Dr • I ake >tome *,l(Uxk, 3UR ?UA fttmUMt ил l»nit. hufiVoodi coramic l4e. vn V>q«. rnr> A »inn« (Kttli lo (lotk |Mir, 7 <лг дштч^ 1209,900 IM Son»hlne Way - Vary ipar.MXjii ft cJoan 5(IR 2I1A rkxMvw«)« on 1 / oc NMllod uphill aruni Imnjttfttl hrKvrle A bnrtVwa IhitctiniHis Ciiwk $74.000 LAND - 8.7 nero» of» People» Crook Rd Advance - Nov» LlsUngl BUYERS] Use an Oak Haven Realty agent to purchase ANY hoine listed wilh ANY realtor and receive a FREE home warranty or help with vour closing coslsl 1100% Flnanclno avallablo! FREE ProH|UBllffylngl| SCO oiir homes dt these websites ^ nvig.i/iiu’s- Ocii’Havenf^ealty Lom vva.v f'lecVi: sMff- c«>/ti L-StingBook com u'.vw Hb'TTt-A i-.. S jr com HomesAnclLancl com Yc1’k^ \ t oni YoufReatEstateToday com Reaif*i com Davic Rciil Efitatu Giiido, Homes & L<tfuJ Mauii/uvG Momehptitlor Gene M iller, Lonnie Gene Miller, Clyde Murray and Roland Wesl. There was a covered dish dinner afterwards in honor of Ihe veterans. Visiling lo enjoy the festivities were Vernon’s broiher, Gene of Slalesvillc. and Belly West's sister. Marly Babcock of Raleigh. Ellen Rawlings of Wellington. Fla, spenl some lime with Harmon and Nora Latham on Thursday. Salurday night, Bob and Kalhy Ellis entertained Ellen and her son. Keith Bernhardt, and wife, Elizabelh. and Iheir son. Adam, wilh dinner at iheir home. Olhers attending were Harmon and Nora Latham and Jim and Chinera Lalham, James and Lelia Essie hosted her iy.19 high school graduation class from Bartlett Yancey High School in Yanceyville at her old home in Caswell County Nov, I, Classmates came from Pennsyl­ vania, Washinglon, D.C., Vir­ ginia and all over North Caro­ lina. With the help of large name lags, everyone had a wonderful time. Kalhy Miller and Suzanne Lakey spent Ihc weekend in Florida. Mary Ellen Candillo of Win­ ston-Salem visited her parenls, James and Lelia Essie, on Mon­ day afternoon. Happy birlhday to Mattie Ward, Pastor Totniny Robertson, Virginia Murray nnd Roscoe Leftwich, Jockey Closeout Sale Sat. Nov. 22 9am-1pm C a s h O n ly Location; Jockey DIst. Cenler 264 Nolley Rd., Cooleemee, NC Q P E N fO fH ii^ Call For M ore Available Properties! or Visit our Website .it w w w .h o w a rd re a lty .c o m H O W A R D REALTY 330 s. S a lis b u ty St. M o c k s v ille (336) 751-3538 Hours: Monday-Frldny »-6 Snliirdny 9-12, Sundny By Appt. m MLS] 198 Springhill Drive 2 story homo wilh 3 BEÒROOMS, 2,5 BATHS,separalo laundry, liroplaco, All in a groal, quiol Iocalioni IVlust Selll Price Negotiable!$134,900 3BR. 2BA, 316+/- ncros, with stfoam and pond S2,97Q»400«IDOfA acfoa farm. 3BR, 20Л, out- Histotical 6DR. 2ВЛ, homo on 2.7G bldgs., cfcok, $549,000» actes, Immnculnlo liiixlscaping 157 E. Depot. ST.1420 CouroY Line Rd. Г71П 275 Madison Road 2 parcols with 2 buildings. Cnil Harmony-3BR, 2ВЛ, 2926 ncros,(3 9.3 ncros. 4DR, ЗВЛ, i.irgo Jnno lof dotalls. $320,000. foncod). 1 ac. pond, bam $220,000 slorngo bldgs. $219,000. 1428 ВЕАП Creek Ch. Rd. Bermuda Пил - 3BR, 25BA. $4,000 ЗВП, IBA. in Harmony. HUGE 30x50 Quail Hollow. 3BH, 2.5BA, FP. Adorable 3BR, 2.5BA on 3,51 4BR. 3BA. Cali listing agonl (or nodecoratingAJiowancol $185,900. woikshop. $175,000._____ bonus room. 1,04 Ac. $146,900. acros, bsmt. FP $142,500. dolails! $139,900. 187 Crestview Drive Twtnbfook, ЗВП, 2BA, FP, S3,500 4DR, 2.5BA, Soi/lhwood Acros 5 Bodrooms. 3 Bntiis, 3.5 ncros. 3BR, 2ВЛ, on privato 1.29 nctoa, 3BR, 2ВЛ, 5.5 ncros, poosiblo nodocoratingAliowancol $134,900. Sub., brick (iroplaco. $132,500. Country LIvingl $124,900. scroonod porch, dock. $119,400. lonso, $109,900. 440 Hosprai STREET Ext.З У Е В Е П Ш В Е Я Ь З i;225 Bear Creek Ch. Rd.11Р Ш Ш ™ | | ; | 1^115 TARfl Court 3BR. 2BA, lull bsml. FP, opon (кюг 3BR, 2BA, Historic District. 1.5 3BR, 2BA, (orKOd back yard, .91 Qfoal brick homo, 2 Dorlrooma, 1 Spnclous 3 bodroom. 2 bnlh. plan, conv. location $109,900. storios, bnsomont. $102,900. ac., groat stortor homo $102,500. Bath, (Iroplaco. $99,900. groal location. $99,900. Spacious 3BR. 2BA. stono FP. 3QR, IDA. woodotlul cotora, woU WoH n«iin\alnod, partial basomont, 4BR, 2BA, Now paini, carpot. Rownn County, minutos Irom Catawba much morol $99,900. landscaped, (lroploco.$98,900. .69 ocre«, 3BR, IBA. $89,900 vinyl, oto, $ÌB4,900 Cotlogo. 30FÌ, 1 5DA $89,500 i B a f l K F B B c a i g g i w p M B 156 Avon STRin 211 RainoowRoad 145 Duke Street 3BR, IDA, hardwooda, inground pool. part. bnmt. $87,000.3BR, IDA, on 1 ncfo, pK»3 a 5.95 ncros, ЗВП, 2BA. FP, ytonl 40x30 bldg. $84,900. building sitol $79,900.ЗВП, 2DA, pmlinl bsml, oxcollonl condiiioni $G9,900. ЭВП, 2ВЛ. singlowido. al) пррИлпсоч. groat sinilur homo $G9,000 253 Main Streh ■ Б O i 3DR. V5DA, Cooieemco. now hcaVAC, Cooloemoo, complololy updated, Spacious 3BR, IBA, Cooloomoo, 100x190 lol zoned Town Ctr. Call 2BR. 2BA, 2+/-nc., socludod & prwalo row plumb , comp updated. $69,ООО inground pool, groal buyl $65,900. updatod oloct. $64,500. Jano (or details, $40,000. but conv, to Hwy. (M $35,000. AVAILAIILI: LOTS AND LA N D AND RliNTAL PR O fER TinS II Salmoni Road..гг Salmoni noad..^•rty Chap«l Rd... CedarRÏdgefir.Z'Sanlord Ava........Bear CrMli Ch. Rd...,Vircatidell Lsn«...Tiltlt Treil...........Hwy, MIN.......... 24Ac.$t40,S2S ,.10 Ac. S45.050 3.19 Ac. $25,000...15.6 aerei $140,000..1.2S7ecraa $29,000....1.4 «crea $134,900...40.02 aerei $257,000....2.39 ICI«» $Ш,000....30 acra« $172,500.....e.5 aerei $46.475 Shafllald Road......Drum Lane...Lot 19, Northbrook.... Allen Road...,Thompion Lane....Feuor Road 629 Madlion Road,... Mwy. 64.... ...20W* aerei $139,500.....1,2acroa $23,900...3.39 aerea $39,500..........Lol $115,000...........Lol $15,900........1 acre $18,000......11 aerea $71,877...7.18 Acre» $49,«»$425,000 ...8*/* aerea $55,000 Hwy, 64,,. . C. rental PRQP.EaTlEa357 Avon street 317 Avon Street477 Underpasi Rd..................................618 Riverbend Dr,..................................101 Metabreeie Lana...............................Mobile Home Lot, Daniel Road.................... S43S P/M $400 P/M $385 PÆI ...$1,500 P/M $750 P/M lUIIA CONSli:UOWAIUi KOWM.SKI7S|-hVi7 rniMbS Ki.NSMf.S751-fl.Sfr« M.J. CVLLYNUANDAH llAVNrS7SI-3S3a 7Ц-НЧУ Ш Prudential Absolute Real Estate. C arolin as R ealty Clemmons/Davie Co. Office - 336.714.4400 877.371.5822 Winston-Salem Office - 336.748.2000 800.810.4778 www.prudentialcarolinas.com Now Listinfi Nntv LÍKliii)< New Lifiliiiii 309 Park Avenus $134,900 Suun Parker 399-3137 4445 Asbury Place Road $239,000 Suun Paik.i 399-3137 524 West Ue Avenue $120,000 Sherry Caiam 714-4414 3532 North Lakeshore Dr $219,900 KiltUnaFaiiell 714-4417 156 Old March Woods $247,900 Vlckl Bullgnl 462-36S3 BOO Holly Hedge Oilve $139,500 aioila Matlhewt 714-440S 734 Sunset Road $279,900 Susan Paikei 399-3137 760 N. Main St $92,000 SuianPaiker 399-3137 1840 Ounmore Lane $424,900 Cheryl fink 714-4430 133 Pembrooke Ridge $149,900 Bay Supple 714-4404 1710ValleybrookRd $172,500 Cheryl Fink 714-4430 8100 Lasater Rd $215,500 Bov Supple 714-4404 4553CanlagebniokCt $247,900 Cheiyl Fink 714-4430 4312 Riverside Dr $149,500 aiailaDuckwoilh714-442S A g e n t R oster Auiticy lutti n;,vin ?U44ttA'iJ/i.if,u(3gi П4441СEehAlkinjon714 44.*^flev Supple 329:C34DIIN citolj 7144412Bcti)« Wenijçnhall П4 441^Cedficlash П4 4421ClKfyl rink /14 4430Озго1Пу)Ы1 ;i4 4406Glofla Ouckwoitfi П4441?GlO'ij Mjthewj 99850«IlyCgbufu ;i4 44MJifiniiif St'wd П4 4424KJíirPhÜlip]M4 44I3lOmbîfly Potts 714440?Kfitiiria Firreil П4 4425PaiKiftfijrTwi7И.7/22SarriraKodiick/144410SifKÍfaJohnwn7t4.44C9SanrfyDifjon7144409ShvonTNxnu7144433S^efrtCof»n 714.4414SoanPartw399.3137Vicki B. Bullifd 999¿170WiftontoHifi7144429 1438 Muddy Cieek $169,000 Behble Mendenhall 714-4419 1005 Chockecheiiy $114,900 Andiea Sugg« 714-4416 130 Underpass$214,900 Vlckl Bullard 462-3693 1850 Dunmore $469,900 Andrea Suggi 714-4416 138 Arnold Pelmei $669,500 Oleila Mallhawi 714-4405 128 Summit Dr $116,000 Suian Paiker 399-3137 211 Henderson $166,700 Sandia Hedrick 714-4410 4444 Roblnhood Rd $159,900 Sandio Johnjon 714-4408 An ^Kw^rCf owtwj mci oçerïW merrt« ot te Pnjdertial Raal AflJjw, Inc. DAVIE COUN I Y RN I'ERPRISE RECORD, riitir.sdiij, Nov. 20, 2003 - D5 S l A Tribute To Lindsay Davie High Schooi students, friends and family of Lindsay Gales paid tribute Saturday night with a candlelight vigil at her parking space at the school. She died earlier in the day in a wreck on Williams Road. I County Line News By Shirley Thorne County Line Coorcspondcnt ; The Davic Charge or the United M ethodist Church : (UMC) will hold its annual Thanksgiving service this Sun­ day al 7 p.m. at Salem UMC. Pastor Stephen Blair will deliver i ■ the message. The charge consists 1 pf Center UMC und Salem UMC. : Clarksbury UMC will hold ils ! (innual Thanksgiving luncheon • Sunday rollowing the morning Worship service. Pastor Allen Boliek will deliver Ihe message. Everyone is invited. . : Calvary Baptist will hold ils Thanksgiving supper on Nov. 26 al 6 p.m. in tho church rdlow- ship hall. The Youth or Society Baptist exceeded its goal of raising a "mile of pennies” (about 847) for the N.C. Baptist Children’s Homes. The youth sponsored a walk-a-thon fund-raiser this past Sunday. Approxim ately 25 people walked. Participants walked from one and a half miles to more than eight miles for a total of over 95 miles walked by all. The County Line Volunteer Fire Department will be taking orders for pork barbecue again this Christmas season. Barbecue will be sold in shoulders or by the pound. Orders must be received by Monday, Dec. 15, for pickup on Saturday, Dec. 20. To place an order, call Brian Koontz at 492- 5759 or Jack Koontz at 492- 7116. Former County Line native Anne Seamon Snider and hus­ band Harvey of Churchiand cel­ ebrated their 50th wedding an­ niversary Sunday with a recep­ lion given by their children. Sev­ eral from County Line attended Ihe reception, including her sis­ ter, Mary Howell and husband Woodrow, Diane and Daniel Smith, Evelyn Seamon, Clara West, Pri.scilla Dwiggins, Ken and Betty Stroud, Gury Siroud and Fred and Linda Gray Gryder. Our community extends its deepest sympathy lo the family of Laura Safriet Kiinmel. Laura was raised on Campground Road and was the daughter of Mart (Fool) Safriet and a sister of Lois (Snookie) Harris and Howard Safriet of Campground Road. Our community sends gel- well wishes to Elsie (J.C.) Siroud and Carol Woolen Holton. Elsie was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital on Sunday morning and is now be­ ing treated in Ihe inlensive-carc unit for bleeding ulcers. Carol Woolen is nol as well. Please place them on your prayer list for God’s healing touch. O m u i ï ^ Swicegood Wall & McDaniel 0 DOWN* '1,118.в8м«.* «Л> DOWN* l/í,06B.7eM». 1641 S NC Hwy 801 181 Koonlz Rond6prawlno4on.rancMrlnAtKancoonovor 1 ac. Largo Jutloflol 1-40otCOI oui- Fonluio*lui!Imiitwd(totachMl oentQa w^vorkthop Oog rua tout «hoO, bnck onU on baiomeni wiih lireplaco and luill balh. Loli ol rovm (opatK>, nice wltui tfM» & grapo* vtwt. Ooubta ovon. w«t Ыи eipami (W29272Q) Посо<(1к\д ■ 07Q t ln non. tound^vr/faïf baUt. (WÎOWM) П<коп*пд i e7Î1 l / ' 0 DOWN* '871.81 Mo.* Want to know more about any of these fine properties? Call either of our local numbers OR for recorded information; CALL TOLL FREE ® 1-800-210-6849 and enter recording # DOWN* i /'8B5.B4Mo.* i / o DOWN* »/i,41B.12Me.* 1790 Formlngton RoadPnncotui nnd loioiw grounii load inie an inviting turn ol the conlury nomo m m<n| condition. No«* okocthcni. plumbing, «oonng.pniming,mini,11ЮП,»optic •yilom,iooling.foconl <W27532?) n<KO(d<r>g • 0781 l / " Ï DOWN* 1^1,881,ггмо.* 1633 NC HwyBOINMouto АПО 0 Aero* Kibjocl to lurv^y onuiod fo< $100.000 Smnll house cHorod nt $00.000 Small 1юи»о lo be toW nllor big houio. (WiOOTM) nocoidmg • 6771 105 Hazolwood Dr. У 0 DOWN* У 788.81 Mo.‘ Woll-cnied for ctiernwKi «alt-box itylo homo on privalo loi In <^»«1 fio« I)'«*« ‘'ОШ homo with planlalion ihuttor», onl-■n 3 „„ о,^ш, ««Ü,к “mu, t/o DOWN* 988.88 M»,* 163 Bocktown Rd.’A mo»l »Ml Mam level and baiemeni bolh havo a moiior Bedroom and bath In baMinenI hai • garden lub, ceramic Wa, taig« Mpatal* ihwti. Hiepbice and much more. (WXOM) necording • Bsa i 9 / 0 DOWN* I ^7ei.74M«.* 532 EoBt Lake Dr.Qreal brick rarKh in Twinbrook Subdivaton. Natural Oa», Mature landscaping Home Woirnni/ included' ;W3oms> fíeco«dino»e5n » / 0 DOWN* 788.88 Me.* 222 Byorly Chapol Rd. 149 Wondorlng LaneWoll'Caied for ctiarmmg talt-bo 1 / 0 D O W N * B H H H |« ^ DOWN* <818.18 MO.* 788.86 MO.* 1933 US Hwy 601 N.Qrual brick ranch 5 Bodroom. 2 1/2 bathi.Noor hoalptimp In S001. Home Wniranly tncludod. (W20I070) nocoiding 1 8S5I DOWN* *734.61 Mo.* 256 Magnolia Avo.Woll Unit homo in Oaidon Vd llooi covonng, appliftnc (WW2937J nocording #0001 DOWN* l/^V07.2BMt.* »Л» DOWN* i / ' 781.84 Mo.* '2522 US Hwy 64W пагегшиоюагк^. roncm^iuro.utrgaC№oro«jirontporU) llooicovonng, appliftnco».hon^nimpar>droot.. nrtfwdiiii a «i imi. |Wj„93„n,co,»,ng.8C0, ^ n.cdin,. 8i»l DOWN 850.88 Me. 5040 NC Hwy 801 S.Country tvmg at Ш boati Ouiol n/id tronqul wnng with a spocdus homo oflonr»g: potontwl 4 bdmi. ocTvoredporch.Ыо A wood floonng, now oirpol. and co/y hropixv in King ---Itamo Warranty »Kkxlodi (W30700e) necofUoj ■ 8701 DOWN*] / 707,28 Mo.* 39 Ellehn Croek Rd.Unlinnlwd bonus room ovor длглдо Oroal llocr pian, noigfiboitKKxJ 0Н0ГЯ pt.iyground. picnkj a>o.t and walking Irnil».(W3070I0J Roco«iling#e52t t/ 0 DOWN* ■826,82 Mo. 2100 Junction Rd.nEOUCED' Potitio 4tti on, cffce, playioomt Eitiiroom ii cuienlV a ful •qu<>ped beauly uk>n. (Equ<>m«rtt negotiable) Oarago »pace lor 3 vehtcMli HOME WARnANTYI (W3Ma34) nacordng 19M1 186 Sunny Doll LnNotv Pilcul Woll malnljiriod homo mth oxlm room Lots Ы nice oatias.EkKlrunic windows, cotUng lot;» in every loom, nowty oiVJoil nmiiloi »uito nnd liugo gnrngo with ottico »poco. РШСЕО TO SELLI (W2g27ll)riocoiding«R4(lt t / О DOWN* 1 / me4Me. 3003 us Hwy eoi s.Spacious liomo with 30 bodroom. Largo LH with gas log Iiropldco, pocnn, wnlnul nnd sovoral brnfilord po£W «oes AIM. nú'jiiional hotiui with 3 br home Uvii noeOt a hjmlyinani louch. (W30t325) Rocording a 5421 112 Covenant CovoИ/.11к'И> clotuls In all 3 Dodioomi...Nce lloor plun, davolopmoni Ims wn^ing «atl», picnic nicst and ptaygiount. IW307003) r<ocoidii>g • 8401 831 Sain Rd.Qreal hcmo with tols lo o«orl $1000 00 cnrpol ftïowanco. Homo wwiftrty. Maluio Lwdicnping, teftcod UcK youl and moro. (W300e02) nocordng 10331 ^ DOWN* 800,83 Me.* 3007 US Hwy eoi NThi» |юп>о has loi» o< charmi Pino flooring. олМп kilciMn, 2 CAI attached carpotV land»capit\g SinstHy & doll housol (W30047B) nocortling ■ 6531 ^ DOWN* «/■482,78 Me.* 264 WindwardVory nice DOrwOA liomo, dean (is л wh*#|lo, groni startot or roUiomont homo.(W307S20)necording »DOM 578 Salisbury Rd.Lovefy hutortcnl 1юто with ortgirvil turdwood lloors. wnk-in рлШгу. cornriitc tito, (píKKHJS reuma. Inwlo you 11 ciscowr сЛпгтюд lo.itn«» tiko ocitod-doorwoyi & buttoi't fontry (W30e280) Rocordiig a 8261 1 / 0 DOWN* 1 / ’B43.84 M0. 1И Mill Run Orlvo ■ ^ DOWN' 618.88 Mo.* 220 WllkosboroWiUkJiw rtíbw» tn locAi UvJxviB« «nwiniu.. Q • Compktlo ronovalHin undoiwoy on Ihi» collage ityle home (nсв*од»,Ьий- tiislor«t>ownlownMockeviBe Oroal miislor DFllutto wHh.П *, Ю on.. Wi«™i „„„ д„ DOWN ^436.88 МО.* (W294I70) Record^ • 6241 ^ D O W N * Ìll «/•328.16 МО. IW3006/8) Flocording 18081 1072 US Hwy 64Wthis horr« hji lot* ol c»vi/in hko pmo ItoOfing oal m МсГюп. )g b.icK yaiil Ikil bawmont 11 рлъапу finurvxJ wuh bnth. loo. IW3I0005) Roco'd^ngieail DOWN* */■328.16 MO.* 144 Contor St. 101 Winword CIrciuWoiKared fot coliajo on laige lol docent lurnanco, cenlral a>/. floor Q'oal orpoiturMty lo onn vs rsnl. lor LESS' 40n home with now covoiingt. cabnoii A windowi. Cwcle drive win outbmUing loot pa^l and carp«i on 1.11^0 cornor lol Apphances. homo waiiariy. Handcap ready! (W2i»82l) M«ordmg 16061 and caiport (VrtMflU) f1oco(Jrf>g 18011 Give Us A Call For All Your Real Estate Needs! Davie: 336-751-2222 or Forsyth: 336-778<2221 É -’I lWi(i|Hd,i(IH . ï'ib.iWill Vif"; luli) Wbiiialtr HiifYidni Dzik (Met Kvugcr FcnythmxfUugcr {»dr Ktbiriion •Basod on a convontional VI APM, 275% Margm. Capi 5/2.'5, Indo» 1 Yoar T-biH, wilh $0 Down Payinonl, PaymonI 1» pnncipal AixJ IntoiosI only nato» and pricing ii<>|ocl lo cluingo. Coitalo (oiliiclioni appfy. 5 244% APR Cali DoD Chuich. QLL & Atsociatos at |336)7I2-I444 lor more tnformalion L04XM INDIVIDUALMEMBER ln«H0U8eAffinityPartner Partners for the American Dream: C E N T IJ IIY 21 Sw icoguod W ull & M c D a n ic I nnd G L L & A.ssocintcs, Inc. All Kinds of Loans, A N D Best of All... NO JU N K FEES! FREE Pre-Approvals Over 15 Years Experience inan Officer Coll 336-712-1444 to put this experience to work for you, today! • No Broker Fee • No Undonwrltlng Fee • No Document Preparation Fee • No Processing Fee • No Courier Fee • No Wire Transfer Fee • No Tax Service Fee vu. 712-I.M.I — Ofllre .Ul. ')7|.«8(i.1 - Cull I'luiiic С mail: iHilitiBiill.ncl Koh Cliiiri'h .Senior I.nun OniciT GLL & Associates, Inc.Subjltilary ol 04пк ut Granilo CorpotJlJon — — — MOWnUGCOAMtfna—----- Bob Churcli 971-8865 ) *•! I .<1 Ilk \|,<i|.,|( n.t4ti> ■«'«•luiViH и«пч'Nutrvl I. lUijMi <n UuJ Ittajrr tti Partner Web Sites: www.C21SWM.com and www.gll.net • www.neighborhoodgold.com © 2003 C.21 SWM. All mOHTS RESERVED. Follow The War Eagles Each W eek In The Enterprise Sports Section D 6 - D A V I E C O I I N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3Davie Dateline Religion Ongoing I’rcschool/Parcnl.s Morning Oul, Ueihlclicm Untied Mclti. Time: 9 a.m.-noon. Ages I & 2 - M.W orT, Til. Age 3 - M,T, Til. Age 4 & l^rc- K - llircc or four days per weeli. Ciiii 998-6820. Preschocil/I’iircnls Morniiii; Oul, Center United Metii., Age.s 2, Tiiiirs.; Agc.s 3 Mon., Wed.; Ages 4 Mon., ' Wcd.,Tiiurs. Cali 940-3753 or492- 5735, 8;30-i 1:30 a.m. Ilcfore Scliool Program for Shudy Grove Students, uvuilable Mon.- Fri. ijcginning 6 a.m. at Advancc UMC Comimmily Bidg. Sciiooi bus arrives 8 a.m. to take cliildren lo Sitady Grove Elementary. Call 998- 0199 for fees und info. Awunii & llibic Sludy, Wednes­ days ut 7 p.m., 1-jopc BaplislTaber- naclc. ,MOPS (Mothers of Prcschooler.4), ' 1st & 3rd Fridays tliru scliool year, ut Macedonia Mcravlan Cluircli, N.C. 801 N. 9:15-11:45 a.m. Clliidcare provided for .sniaii fee, ’ info; 998-4394. Before School Program, Advance : UMCBIdg,N.C.80l S.forSliady Grove siudents, drop off 6 a.m., scliool bus pick-up 8 a.m. Registta- tion required. Cail 998-0199 for Info. ■ IJghthousc Servicc, Thursdays, - 7:30 p.m., Betlileheni UMC, 321 , Redland Rd„ Advance. 998-5083. Special Events ' Every Friday Niglit .. J«mScssluns,ot SlKfTicld Music Hall, call 492-7417 for info. Thurs.-Sun., Nov. 20-23 . Children Of Kdcn, presented by Davie High Fine Arts Dept., at Brock Perfomiing Art.s Ctr. Tickets: SIO in advancc, $12 al door. Гог info: 751- .■>905ел1.419, Sunday, Nov. 23 Downtown Mocksville Open Mouse, i -ft p.m., live music, grenl fiKKl, iiorsc Л buggy rides, nnd Ciirislmas sales with unique gifts. Merchants o|x;n I ■ 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 29 Specinl Olympic.s Annuui Turkey Trot 5K Hun & Wulk, Mocksville/ Duvic Rec. Dept, rcgistrolion 7 a.m.. ruii/wulk 8 a.m,, breakfast to I'oilow. • S10 in udvance. S15 day of nice. Info: 751-2325. Tiiursday, Dec. 11 Dnvie Co. Repiibllcun Pnrly An- mini Chrislmas Purty, 7 p.m., at Smith Grove UMC.Tickcts $12. Con­ tact; Carolyn Shouf, 998-3244. Dates to Remember Friday, Nov. 21 Ainerlcnn KctI Cross IIIwhI Drive, 10 u.m.-2;30 p.m.. al WalMart, 1063 Yadkinville Roud. Saturday, Nov. 29 Americun tted Cros.s Iliood Drive, 9:30 a.m,-2 p.m., at Smilh Grove Ruritan,4l2f)U.S. 1.58. Advance. Ongoing Visit Coolcemee'.s Mill Viiluge Mu­ seum, 14 Ciiurcli St.,Tues. & Tliurs., 9 a.m.-noon. Sals., 11 a,ni.-2 p.m. Tours ulso uvuilable by appl. Cali 294-f)040. Storytinies. ul Duvie Co, Lihniry. Mondays 7 p.m. Family Story time &/ or s|wciui progrum. Tues. II u.m. Ttxkilcr Time (stories, songs & fun forages l-3).Tiiiirs, iOa.m..Sioryliou for3-5’s. Fridays 11 a.m. Friday frec- for'ull, eveiy'one welcome. Prognims fiec & open to everyone. Richnrd Burr Holds Officc Hours In Davie, 2nd Tliurs. of every mouth, 9 a.m. lil 4 p.m., Mocksville Town llainiuliding. Speciul Olympics of Duvie County, play activics S: fun nite, \Ve<incsduys at Brock HIdg. lMuyactivilics6-7 p.m. Fun Nile 7-8:30 [).m. Open to nil per­ sons wiihdisahiiitie!.& tlieir fumilies. Meetings Sunday, Dec, 7 Anntiul Meeling, for Smilli Orove Fire Dept, ut the fire dept,. 4 i 55 U.S. 158, Advunce. Questions; 99K-3484. Ongoing llumune Society of Dnvle Co., niontliiy meelings 2nd Tues. of each montli, at oflicc Yudkinville Rd. Iw- hind car wash. 751-5214. Disullied Amcricun Velerniis I’osi 75 meets on Ihird Monday of eacli numlh, 6;.W p.m., ut 1958 Hwy. fiOi S. Conlaci J. Renfro ut 284-4664 for more info. MOPS (Mothers of Preschnolcr.s), , Mucedoiiia Moravian Cluircli. Fel- ' lowship, food, support, and creative ’ uclivities. Childa'n a'ceive excellent ■ cate ill the guided MOPPETS pro- ' gram. Regislration fees are iioiiiiiial I ami sclioiarsliips ure uvaiiuble. Mecl- I ingsun!llie lslund3rdFriduysoreuch ; monlh liegiimiiig Aug. 16, from 9:1.5- I 11:45 a.m. Duvie School Schedule is I followed. Questions cull 998-4394. Recreation Гог more infomiation on thcsccvcnis, call 751-2Я25. Line Dancing Farniington Communily Center. Ev­ ery Tuesduy. Cosl: $2. Instnictors: Sleve& Lindu Hatley. Formore info, cull 751-3848. Friday, Dec. 4 Southern Horse Fcstlvnl, Raleigh, State Fuirgrounds, clinics, sliopping, more. For info & times cull 751 -2325. Saturday, Dec. 5 Ml. Airy Tour Of Homes, $25 per person. 8 u.ni.-6 p.m. Lunch on your fmnily. Qiildrcn huve opportunity lo make Christmas crufts wilh Santa’s lieipcrsand have pics made with Santa ($2/piclurc). Cost is free lo members/ . $2 non-members. Drop-N-Stiop Nov. 29tli. 6:30 u.ni.-3 p.m. Drop your children off ul Y und go siiop- ping. Cost: $25 before & ufter scliool patticiputioiipunicipiuits/$30iionp;ir- llcipunl.s/$5 .second child discount. Sunsiiine Club For alt older uclive (uiulis. Inin, fel­ lowship, gooil news. Wc do mothly pot luck lunclieons with a speaker. Cosl$!0nienibers/$20non*nienilx!rs. YMCA Formore infomiution, cull 751-9622 or visit Davie Fiuiiily YMCA. Water Exercise Ciass For beginners und the experienced, Ali uges. Cull for class types & times. Swim Lessons Choose from 4 wk., Sat. morning or private les.sons. Reg. begins 2 wks. prior to ciuss. Cull for cluss times. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdays, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae l<won Do Ages 6 & up. Meet Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6:45 p.m. Gymnastics Wedncsdnys3:30-4:30p.ni.Cost$20 membcrs/$30 non-members. Family Niglit Nov. 21 sl. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tliis monlh Turkey Bowling, family with higliest score receives FREE turkey. Cosl $2 per person (5 & under free.) Breakfast With Santa Dec. 6th, 9-11 u.m. Fun for whole Seniors All Senior Activities tuke pluce ut Davie County Senior Services localcd in the Brock Building on Nortli Main Street, Mocksvillc unless ollierwisc noted. Cull 751-0611. Ongoing Sr, I.unchhox, M,T,W , 11:30 a.m.. Til. & Fri., 11 a.m., lundi served daily. Silver Health Exercises, Enst Room of Senior Services, M, W, F, 8;30a.ni. Quilllng,eveiy Monday, 10u.m.,East Room. .Scruhble,cvety Monday, 1 p.m.,Cnifi Room. Bridge, Tuesdays Ip.ni. & Friduys 2 p.m.. East Room. SKIPUO, Wednesdays. 1:30 p.m.. East Room, Scrupbooking, 2nd Tuesduy, 2 p.m. Paint Class, Wednesdays ut 8:30 a.m., Cnift Room. Dr. Dunn, Pudiatrlst, ul Sr. Services evciy three weeks on Momlay. 8:30- 11:30 a.m. in tiie Nutrilioii Site, ¡Mu visil llii\ ntontit. !h\ Diiiin ini I'ufi/- litiii. : A d e l p h i a Adeiphia Communications is hosting a J O B F A I R W H E N - T h u rsd ay, N o v e m b e r 2 0 th LO C A TIO N - F a irfie ld Inn M o o re s v ille {e x it 3 6 o ff In te rs ta te 7 7 ) 120 Consumer Square Drive, Mooresville, NC TIM E - 1 0 :0 0 a .m . till 7 p .m . Adeiphia has Im m ediate openings: ^ Sales supervisor ^ Sales assistant 4 DCT Retrieval Specialist 4 Direct sales representatives (6 openings) 4 Technician installers (4 openings) 4 We will also take resumes for future openings 4 Media Services Account Executive Personal interviews tor direct sales attendees! I f you unable to attend please apply at one o f our local offices located at 4 3 5 South B ro ad S tree t, M o o re s v ille 1 2 2 N o rth T rad d S treet, S tatesville Adeiphia !• an equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCE LIFE UNDER OUR ROOF DISTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITIES productivity partnerships unparalletd opportunities [афгаИч Hon» lm|inn«iiMnt' The good life just gol a wliole lot belter. Thai's because Lowe's offers EXCITEMENT, OPPORTUNITY and OWNERSHIP, nol lo menlion a unic|ue culture ond a refreshing combination of benefits lhat is considered one of the best packages in retail. I I Experience what Il's like under our roof wilii one ; of the following oulstanding fulltime opportunities: ! D IST R IB U T IO N TEAtVl M EM BERS I Receiving, Building & Shipping Departments i These positions slart at $9.00 per hour plus a $.50 per hour i shift Incentive. Wa are currently hiring for nigiil shift, 6;30pm I - 5:00am. Shift Is 10 hour days and 4 days per week, j t^ertime varies. Requirements Include: the abilily to lift up to 70lbs; 18 years of age or older; a stable work hisloiy; and the ability to successfully pass a daig screening and criminal background check. Fortdift experience Is preferred. For more Informalion aboul Lowe's Companies, Inc., or to apply on4ine tor dislrlbulion opportunities, go to vvww,lowBS.com/caraars. To apply In person, slop by anytime Monday - Friday between 9:00am and 4;00pm. Lowe's Distribution Center 711 Tomlin Mill Rd Statesville, NC , Lpyve’s Is an Equal Opportunity Employer ■ c(3mmiHed to Diversity and inclusion. Free Blooil Pressure Checks, once a montli, at 10:45 n.m. in Ihc Nutrition S\\c,Tliisniiintii'svisitNtiv. ¡7th, Sr. Chorus, Thuraiuys, 10 a.m.. Ensl Roiim. Tul Cld Clusses, fuesdays, 10-11 a.m.. Nature's Gilts, current session dulcs: llmiNov. Ciuss size iimiled, call .Sr. Services nt 751-0611 to pre- register. Every Thursday Criifly l.iidles, u new uctivity ut Sr. Sen'ices. I Ou.iii.-12 luxin. in liie Cmft Room, We will meet euch week mul work on new Ciiristmns Oniunicnis for liie ccnier. Cull 751-0611 formore info. Friday, Nov. 21 Day Of'I'rnvel, go lo Kitty I iuwk, 10 u.m., ill tiie Eust Roitni. Must pre- regisler. Thurs. & Fri, Nov. 27 & 28 Senior Services Closed, cenler will l)c closed I'orTliaiiksgiving on 'i'hurs- <iay uml the Friduy afterwards. Report Davie Dateline items By Noon Monday Items fur Dnvie Dateline sliould Ik; leporled by noon Mondny of the puli- iicntioii week. Caii 75 i-2120 or drop it liy liie oincc, nt S. Mnin Sl, ncross I'rom liic courliioiise. ^ a s t e r I'In I' 11' V s •|icold Turkey Day Sale Open Nov. 28 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. From 7-11 a.m. A L L J e w e l r y 4 0 % OFF From 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. ALL Jewelry 3 0 % O F F ‘Clocks and Other Gift lloins Nol IncluclGcl In This Sale, 171 N. Main St. • IVlocksville • 751-2737 Serving You For Over 50 Years D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T i i u r s d a y , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 ■ D 7 ' ^ p r e m i e rCarolina. operties P le a s e j o i n w i t h u s in s u p p o r t in g a h o l id a y fo o d d r i v e f o r A STOREHOUSE FOR eJESUS We will be accepting canned good items and monetaiy donations for their new building fund. Items can be dropped off at our Advance/Hillsdale office Monday-Friday 9-5 & Saturdays 9-12 until November 24. i.ocatcHi iiL intfr-.sfction o f HOI ¡m d llw y 1Г>Н in A'clvnncc iK -iiind W acii(ivi;i l?aiil<. i;U) iivvyH O i .Soutli • A d v a iu c /llili.s d iil,. O P E N H O U S E S • N o v . 2 3 • 2 -4 p .n u № •S169.90020<1 Chnrloaton Rldgi Cuiilorn built, cornor lol. 3DH, 2DA, bonus roorn Diioclions: l-tOW to Exit J 7-i. loll on Farmington Hd, nt Of) Hwy J5fi Ifuu Mocksvillo, loft on Hwy C*IE. ntinto Chnrloston Hi ' 510 Salisbury Strooi • $139,000Iin Hisloric dislricl, 3DR, 2ВЛ hnrdwood floors, sunrooml I Diroctiono: I-40W. loll nl Exit 170. rigtu on Sniisbury SA C a l l o n th e P r e m i e r C a r o l i n a P r o p e r t ie s T e a m ! 336-998-7777www.pcpnc.com FOR SALE: Cars • Trucks . Utilily Buildings Carports: All Sizes, All Galvanized _All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocksvilie, NC PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAR01.INA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE QENERAL COUI^T OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 03SP242 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY I^ARK A. FOLDS AI^D CHERYL L. FOLDS DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1999, AND RE­ CORDED IN BOOK 314 AT PAGE 303 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUB­ LIC REGISTRY, NORTH CARO­ LINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order ol tha Clerk ol Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of de­ fault In the payment ol the indebt­ edness thereliy secured and fail­ ure to carry out and perform Ihe stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand ol the owner and holder of Ihe in­ debtedness secured by said deed ol trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auclion to the highest bidder lor cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00 A.M. on December . 4, 2003, the following described real eslate and any of the improve- rrients which may be slluated thereon, slluated In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: LYING AND BEING In Mocks­ ville Township, Davie County, and beginning at a point in Ihe center of NCSR #1304, said point being located South 72 deg. 51 mln. 21 sec. East 24.53 feel from a point located In the center of said road, said point being tho Northwest cor­ ner of Christy Trucking Company; Ihence from said beginning point North 13 deg. 42 mln, 47 sec. East 240,00 feet to an Iron; thence South 76 deg, 57 mln. 38 sec. East 179.80 feet to a new iron; thence Soulh 13 deg, 42 mln. 47 sec. West 250.00 feel lo a point located in the center ot said road; thence with the cen­ ler ol said road North 73 deg. 46 I mln. 31 sec. West 179.96 feet to y the point and place of Beginning and containing 1,011 acres as sur­ veyed by Tutterow Surveying Com­ pany on December 30, 1988, and revised on June 19,1990. And Being ítfd're ooriiiTÍoñly linown as; 140 Allen Road, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028 The record owners of the prop­ erty,, as rellected on the records ot the Register of Deeds, are Mark A. Folds and Cheryl L. Folds. The property lo be ollered pur­ suant lo this nollce ol sale Is being ollered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by Ihe deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being foreclosed, nor the officers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder ol the nole make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or Iiabliilles arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are dis­ claimed, This sale Is made sublact to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments Including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the loreclosure, for paying. If any, A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount ol the bid or seven hundred lilth dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater. Is required and must be tendered In tlie lorm of certllled lunds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing the expiration of the statu­ tory upset period, all remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date of this Nollce Is No­ vember 12, 2003. ELIZABETH B. ELLS OR DAVID W, NEILL Substitute Trustee 8520 Cliff Cameron Drive, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 11-20-2ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Execulrix of the Estate ol KENNETH CHARLES BOLIN, deceased, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons, Ilrms or corporations having claims against the estate to present same duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 18lh day of February, 2004; otherwise, Ihls nollce will be plead In bar ol recovety. All per­ sons, firms or corporations In­ debted to the estate will please make prompt settlement with the Executrix. This the 20th day of November, 2003. Ethel Marie Bolin Hedrick, Executrix 306 Westdale Avenue Lexington, NC 27295 Joe E. Blesecker BIESECKER, TRIPP, SINK & FRITTS RO, Box 743 Lexington, NC 27293-0743 11-20-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ tor ol Ihe Estate ol WALTER E, MARTIN, lale of Davie County, this Is lo nollly all persons having claims against said estale to present them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publlcallon or this nollce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to Ihe undersigned. This 6th day ol November, 2003. Waller E. Martin, Jr, P,0,Box 145 Denmark, SC 29042 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 11-e-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor ol the Estate of FRANCIS MAXINE LANGSTON CARTER, late ol Davie County, this Is to notlly all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un­ dersigned on or belore the 20th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) monlhs from the llrst day of publi­ cation or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery, Ali persons Indebted to said estale will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 20th day of November, 2003. Richard L. Carter, EXEC NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Administra­ tor of the Estate ol DONNA ADAMS CARTER, lale ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day ol Janu­ ary, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 301h day ol Oclober, 2003. William Jellrey Carter 369 Beauchamp Road Advance, NC 27006 10-30-41P NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Execu­ tor ol Ihe Estate of JANIE W. KOONTZ, late of DavIe County, this is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo present Ihem to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of February, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Ironi Ihe llrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 20th day ol November, 2003. Judy A. Koontz, ADMN 276 Ketchie Creek Mocksville, NC 27028 11-6-4ln I GENE TREXLER ROOFING New & Old Roots Small Repair Jobs Free Estimates 3 3 6 -2 8 4 -4 5 7 1 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix oi Ihe Estate ol KATHRYN J. JONES, late ol Davie County, this Is lo no­ tlly all persons having claims against said estale to present them lo Ihe undersigned on or before the 30th day ot January, 2004, being three (3) months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 30th day ol October, 2003. Roberta Sue K. Gobble, EXEC 815 Shellield Road Mocksville, NC 27028 10-30-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol the Eslate of LAURA BELLE DULIN, lale ot Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estale to present Ihem to the undersigned on or before Ihe 13th day of February, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estale will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 13th day ol November, 2003. Nora Barker, EXEC 356 Campbell Road Mocksville, NC 27028 11-13-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executor ol the Estate ol CALVIN COOLIDGE GAITHER aka Calvin Coolridge Qaither, late ot Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or boiore the 13lh day ol February, 2004, being Ihree (3) months from the tlrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 13th day of November, 2003. Steve A. Gaither, EXEC 120 Slonburg Road Clemmons, NC 27012 11-13-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as the Co-Ad- mlnlstratrlx ol the Estate ol KATHLEEN FLINT, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20lh day ol Febru­ ary, 2004, being three (3) months from the llrst day ol publlcallon or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment lo the under­ signed. This 20th day ol November, 2003. Geneva Foole, Co-Admlnlstra- trlx P.O, Box 593 Mocksville, NC 27028 Betty Frost, Co-Administratrix P,0, Box 13 Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mooksville, NC 27028 11-20-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Admin­ istrator of Ihe Estae of CHARLES VIRQIL NEWMAN, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the eslate ol said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 102 Soulh Cherry Street, Wln- ston-Salem, NC 27101, on or be­ fore February 9, 2004, or this no­ tice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said eslale will please make Imme­ diate payment. This the 6th day ol November, 2003. Shirley X Clubb, Administrator The Estate ol Charles Virgil Newman Stafford R. Peebles, Jr„ Esq. 102 South Cherry Street Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 723-7361 11-6-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the power ol sale conlalned in a certain Deed of Trust made by Michael Cline and Dianna Cline to Rebecca W. Shala, Trustee(s), dated the I9lh day ol January, 2001, and recorded In Book 356. Pape 664. Davie County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of Ihe note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H, Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed of Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Ollice ol the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol Ihe note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will olfer lor sale at the Courthouse Door in the Clly of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 3;00 pm on December 3,2003 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the lollowlng real estale situate In the County of Davie, North' Carolina, and being more particularly de­ scribed as follows; BEGINNING at a railroad spike In the Northwest corner of the herein described tract and within the right-of-way margin of S R 1415 (Eaton Churoh Road), thence within the road's right-of-way mar­ gins South 81 deg 01 mln 50 seo East 149 21 feet to a point being the Northeast corner of there herein described tract and the Northwest corner of a 50 ft access easement, thence with the Western line of a 50 It access easement. South 06 deg 20 min 51 sec West passing through an Iron at 30 17 leet, lor a total ol 362 68 feet to a Rebar In the Southeast corner of the herein described tract, thence with a new line lor Kirk W Cleary (Deed Book 208, Page 236) North 89 deg 29 mln 36 sec West 134 98 leet to an iron In the Southwest corner of the herein described tract, thence with the Eastern Ilne ol Joseph H Jor­ dan (Deed Book 65, Page 618) North 04 deg 8 mln 24 sec East passing through an Iron In the Southern right-ol-way margin of S R 1415 (Eaton Church Road) lor a total ol 383 53 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING, containing 1 214 acres, more or less, as sur­ veyed by Kenneth L Foster, Profes­ sional Land Sun/eyor, on Septem­ ber 15,2000, JOB NUMBER 2420- OOC. Together With Improvements located thereon; said property be­ ing located ot 1141 Eatons Church Road, Mocksville, North Carolina. Subject lo the right-of-way mar­ gin ol S R 1415 (Eaton Church Road) and any other Easements and restrictions of record. For back title, see Deed Book 208, Page 236, Deed Book 206, Page 337, Deed Book 122, Page 242, Deed Book 97, Page 634, Deed Book 90, Page 63, Deed Book 83, Page 454, Deed Book 52, Page 528, Davie County Regislry See also part of Tax Map D-3, Par­ cel 55 01 located in Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina. Together wilh a certain manu- laclured home described as lol­ lows; 1999 mobile home Vehicle Identlllcation number ol NCFLX46ABCD0850CN12. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay Ihe tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suant to this notice of sale Is being olfered lor sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther the Trustee nor the holder ol the note secured by the deed ol trust/security agreement, or bolh, being loreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing In, on, at or relating to Ihe property being ollered lor sale, and any and ali responsibiiilies or liabilities aris­ ing out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior Hens or encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will bs required at the time of sale. This Sth day ol November, 2003. H, TERRY HUTCHENS SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H. Terry Hutchens, EsquirePresidenl H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 Case No; 370.69970 11-20-21П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR­ ING belore the DavIe Couniy Board of Adjustment at 7 .00 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2003 in the 2nd ElQor.C.omml5slQfi8rs Room ol the Davie County Admin­ istration Building, Mocksvilie, N.C. The public Is Invited to attend. The following items are scheduled to be heard; Terrv Dedmon has appealed a decision ol Davie Couniy regard­ ing the zoning classification on a property located off Pine Ridge Road, Mocksvilie. The property Is localed at 383 Pine RIdge Road, Mocksville, and Is further described as Parcel 68 ol Davie County Tax Map N-5. James R. Cralo has applied to renew the Special Use Permit granted for the Lake Myers camp­ ground expansion approved on June 7, 1999. The permit was granted for three years wllh the bllity to renew for additional three- year perios. This property Is located at 150 Fred Lanier Road, Mocks­ ville, and Is lurther described as Parcel 16.03 ol Davie County Tax Map H-2. A sign will be placed on the above listed property to advertise the Public Hearing. All parties and Interested citi­ zens are Invited to attend said hear­ ing at which time they shall have an opportunity to present any lads or evidence related to a particular request. Prior to the hearing, all persons Interested may obtain ad­ ditional Inlormatlon on a request by visiting the Development Services Department weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone at (336) 751-3340, John Gallimore Development Services 11-20-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE SALE OF TOWN-OWNED PERSONAL PROPERTY BY SILENT AUCTION Al the regular meeting of the Cooleemee Town Board of Com­ missioners on October 21, 2003, said Board authorized the. sale ol any surplus property owned by the Town according to the Town ol Cooleemee Code of Ordinances Chapter 35 "Town Policies,” Sec­ tion 35.03 "Disposal ol Personal Property." The lollowlng Is a de­ scription of the Items; • Miscellaneous maintenance equipment • Miscellaneous lurniture and Items All Items will be sold by means of a "Silent Auction." All ilems In the Silent Auction may be viewed on Salurday, December 6, 2003, be­ ginning at 11:00 a.m. at the auc­ tion site, which is the Town's metal maintenance building located be­ side ol the Town swimming pool and just behind the Cook Shack on Churoh Street In Cooieemee. Bid lorms will be available at the auc­ tion site and all bidders will be re­ quired to complete a bid form. Bids will be accepted from 11:00 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. on Salurday, De­ cember 6, 2003. At 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 6lh, the tally­ ing of winning bids will begin. Please Note; Ali winning bidders will be required to pay either by cash or with a money order that Is made payable to the Town ol Cool­ eemee. NORTH CAROLINA ^ ’ -20-2\n DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of Ihe Estate of PAUL RICHARD MCDOWELL, SR., late ol Davie County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said eslate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 20th day of Febru­ ary, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovety. All persons Indebted to said eslate will please make im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. , This the 20th day of November, 2003, Paula McDowell Church, EXEC 192 Gladstone Road Mocksville, NC 27028 11-20-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 03SP188 Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust made by Belinda J. Hill and Todd A. Barnhardt (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S); Belinda Jane Hill) to Cherl A. Hill, Trustee(s), dated the 30th day ol March, 2001, and recorded in Book 364. Page 21, Davie County Reg­ istry, North Carolina, delault hav­ ing been made in the payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Olfice ot the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder of Ihe note evidencing said Indebtedness having directed that the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substitute Trustee will oiler lor sale at tha Courthouse Door in the City ol Mooksville, Davie County, North Carolina at 3;00pm on December 3,2003 and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash the lollowlng real estate situate In the County ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more parllcuiarly de­ scribed as follows; BEGINNING at a point, an iron stake on the LIBERTY CHURCH ROAD, which point Is located South 16 deg. West 450 feet Irom R. Daniel's corner and thence running with the said Liberty Church Road South 16 deg. West 100 leet to an iron stake; Thence North 74 deg. West 200 leet to a stake; Thence North 16 deg. East 100 leet to a stake; Thence South 74 deg. East 200 feet to the Liberty Church Road and the Point of the BEGINNING and being a lot 100 x 22 feet. To­ gether with Improvements located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 542 Gladstone Road, Mocksville, North Carolina. See Deed Irom Ella Call (single) to Evelyn B. Daniel and recorded In Book 76, on Page 257 Davie County Register ol Deeds Ollice. Also see Deed Irom Evelyn B. Daniel and husband Armand T. Daniel to GOSHEN LANDS, INC. and recorded In the Oiilce ol the Register ol Deeds for the County ol Davie, State of N.C. In Book No. 82 on Page No. 106. This lot Is restricted lor residen­ tial purposes and residential pur­ poses only. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third party, lhat per­ son must pay the tax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS§7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pur­ suant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transier and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS." Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor the holder of Ihe note secured by Ihe deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of eilher the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representa­ tion or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior Hens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier's check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilty dollars ($750.00), whichever Is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. This 5th day ol November, 2003. H. TERRY HUTCHENS, PA SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY; H, Terry Hutchens, Esquire President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 1028 4200 Morganton Road, Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 . Case No. 430.68001 11-20-2tn Classified Deadline Monday 10:30 A.M. I ) « ■ D A V I K C O U N T Y K N T K R P R I S K R K C O R D . l ' I i u r s t l a y . N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 PUBLIC NOTÌCES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITOHS Having qualltied as Executrix ol the Estate ol SAMUEL SPENCER FOSTER, late ol Davle County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate lo present them lo the undersigned on or belore the 30th day ol January, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom Ihe lirsl day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 30th day ol October, 2003. Penny Foster Calhoun, EXEC P.O. Box 262 Cooleemee. NC 27014 t0-30-4ln NORTH CAR0L1^■A DAVIE COUNTY NOTIce TO CREDITORS Having quaiilied as Administra- Irix ol Iho Estate ot FAYE ALLISON HOSCH, late ol Davie County, this is to notily alt persons having claims against said esiate lo present them lo Ihe undersigned on or belore Ihe t3th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirsl day ol publicaiion or Ihls nolice will be pleaded in bar ol iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mal<e immediate payment lo the undersigned. This the 13lh day ol November. 2003. Cynthia Laverne Hosch, ADMN P.O. Box 1138 Cooleemee, NC 27014 lM3-4tn I N E X P E N S I V E P R D E T E A B L B Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Center oilers conlidenllal & Iree pregnancy tests, support ser­ vices, and referrals. Make a healthy choice (or your IKel Call 753-HOPE for appointment. Apartments 1 BR APT, furnished, $375 monlhly, must be mature & reli­ able, weekends call 492-5531, oiher limes 336-945-2436. 1 BR, iBÄ r APARTMENt-^ fvlocksvllle $425/month HUD approved Janice McOanlel Pennington & Company Realty BASEMENT APT. FULLY fur­ nished IBR, outside entrance, 3 miles oul 158. 751-2967. BLASS ROOFING Quality Work • lowest Prices F re e E stim a te 336-751-5024 C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL!OR WHOLE ESTATES, COLLECTABLES. OLD M^TAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Call AfthUf Boillcti 336-492-5992 m sscam /sk MINI-STORAGE F-’o r ill! ym ir .st()rHi>e netd.s, ciioo.se ii.s! Conic i)v to iiujiiire al)oii( iVfc rentiii. 2'J75 Hwy. M l<: in Forli C ailto o U jI (3SG) 998-8810 RANDY IHILLER &SONS 2')5MillirK(i;iil-.\tcHks\ille (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 8 2 6 • Now Pumping Sepllc Tanks • SklóSleerWoik Trencher Work Hauling Sepllc Systems Foollngs Loader Work F ÏÏIT I/lH H iU Y E A R W A R R A N TY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Rools & Siding I 1-888-278-6050 MID-STATE METALS Ken Durham Construction Residential or Commercial Remodeling S New Conslruclion • /UldilimK • Vinyl Slill nn • Kimjinn • lliihciil Work Call lor Freo Esiimalo (30^)284-2698 LARGE 1 BEDROOM Apt. Downlown Mocksvilie, No chil­ dren, pels or HUD. 704-278- 1717._______________________ Appliances REFRIGERATOR WHITE SIDE- by-slde AMANA $500 940-3671 Card Of Thanl<s TO THE MANY friends and fam­ ily who have supported us throughout the Illness and Ihe death ol a loving husband and lather, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks. Also, we wish to thank Scolt Welch and the staff at Welch Funeral Home for their many kindnesses and profes­ sionalism shown to us during Ihls lime of loss and grief. The Fam- lly Of Hugh Thomas Chaffin. Sr, Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opeings for all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-llme, Drop-In, Be­ fore & After School and Out of School Days. 1st & 2nd shift. Open 5;30 am. Flexible hours. Spill shills also. Call Debra, 751- PUAY (7529) 571 S Main St., Mocksville, across Irom Welch’s Funeral Home. Employment INCOME MAINTENANCE CASEWORKER II posilion wilh Ihe Davle Counly Dept, ol Social Services. Employee will be re­ sponsible lor the total process ol determining/redetermining eligi­ bility lor the Food Stamp pro­ gram. Work includes such task, as Ihe Interviewing ol clients lo obtain required Information, com­ pleting Initial applications, verify­ ing Informalion obtained, deter­ mining ellglblllly and completing schedulecTprogram reviews. Will assume other duties as required. Applicants must have good math­ ematical reasoning and compu­ tational skills and must have the ability 10 read, analyze, and in­ terpret rules and regulations. Must have the ability to commu­ nicate wllh the clients, explain and interpret policies and proce­ dures, and be able lo complete casework functions within struc­ tured time frames. Must have a valid NC Driver’s License and a vehicle available for work. One year ol experience as an income Maintenance Caseworker I; or an equivalent combination of train­ ing and experience, Computer experience needed and some Spanish preferred. Submit a completed Slate application, PD-107) 10 Pal Helmstetier, □avie County Departmenl of So­ cial Services, F>. 0. Box 517, Mocksviile NC 27028 by 5;00 on Monday, November 24, 2003. Telephone Number; 336-751- 8850. Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer. MANAGER NEEDED AT Horn’s Express. Must be able lo work a flexible schedule including week­ ends and holidays, fi/lust be friendly, energetic, drug free. Benelits available. Experience preferred. Call June Beal at 751- 2181 If Interested. ■^ALEM CARRIERSldCAT drivers needed $700.00 to $800.00 per wk 3rd shift Homes For Rent CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL & MCDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 Ext. 213 Nighls & Weekends Prlvacyl Nice 3BR, 2BA home off Davie Academy Rd. Ameni­ ties Include a fireplace, laundry room, spacious living room and fenced pasturel $750/month 4BR, 1.5BA home on Windward Circle, Some appliances Included. $700/month Rent ReducedI Quaint 2BR, 1 BA home near Davla High Call today, this home won't last longl $550/month 1 BR, 1 BA apartment for rent near downlown Mocksvilie No appliances but utilities Included In rent price $425/month Lawn Care - night trips. Requires 2 yrs exp, with Class A drivers llcensQ. Ap FORK BAPTIST CHURCH Al­ tar school until 6;00pm $100/ month, Cornatzer School busing zone. Come by or call for appli- cation. 998-8306_____________ Commercial Property VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Warehouse & Office space Janice McDaniel Penningtor^& C^ompany Realty Employment CAN YOU MAKE Ihe cul? Are you an over achiever that’s un­ der appreciated? We have oppor­ tunity lor besl stylist wilh manage­ ment potential, Call Christine 253-3789. CATTLE r M c H Tn~Davie Counly needs lull-llme mainte­ nance man. Must be experienced with farm maintenance and cattle. Starting $810 $10 per hour. Send letter slating experience: Farm Maintenance P. O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 EXPERIENCED CMPENTER FOR Iraming crew. 40-plus hours weekly w/overlime. Must be de­ pendable. No drugs, no hot­ heads. 336-467-7061 or 336- 998-7428. EXPERiENCED CASHIERS NEEDED al Horn's Express. Must be able to work a flexible schedule Including weekends and holidays. Must be friendly, energetic, drug free. Benefits available. Call June Beal at 751- 2181 II Interested. HONEST LAbTwiLL sirwTih elderly or disabled, by Ihe week or live in, Mon-Fri, includes per­ sonal care, cooking, light house­ keeping, errands and lots of TLC, experienced, references, call 940-2507, leave message will return call. person 191-Park Plaza _ Winston Salem, NC, Or call 800-709-2536. EOE p^ly In 1- 3BR, IBA, CANA Rd, $525/ month + security deposit, reler­ ences required, 998-3906 3BR, 2^BA, ^rTcK rancher with asphalt drive, large yard and stor­ age building In Mocksvilie, resi­ dential area, $750 per month rent, $103,500 for sale. WIII lease wllh option to buy. Call 704-872- 5565. 3BR, 2BA, DW/Acreage-Yadkinville $900/mo 3BR, 2BA-Clemmons-$850/mo • 3BR, I.SBA-Moblle Home-$500/mo 2BR. 1BA-Mocksville-$450/mo Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 601S, MOCKSVILLE 2BR, 2BA, just refurbished, no pels 284- 4481 or 998-2931 ||'B o o '4 4 o o i . . W o < y W o < y J o K a S teven . Is a grievin' ■But t W t be too- sad Turruft.' 5 0 oiftit s(y bod becouse... if o u 'te tu r n in ' ifítiy Sania Claus! (Stevfc S m äk) 5-0 2BR, 1BA home 243 Main St. In Cooleemee. Refrigerator, stove included. Ollice Space for Rent In downlown Mocksviile $300/month TEACHER ASSISTANT- NEEDED for atter school pro­ gram al Cornalzer Uniled Meth­ odist. Child care depree or expe­ rience required. Mall resume to POBox^03,M\)anc6,NC 27006 Farm Machinery 1947 9N TRACTOR wilh bush hog, good condition, call 998- 6141 after 7:00pm or leave mes­ sage^________________________ Furniture OVAL OAK DINING table w/5 chairs $50 998-8016_________ Homes For Rent 2 HOUSES FOR rent-(1) 2BR, $450. (2) 1 BR wllh double garage $450. Mobile home $350. Cooleemee, 284-4373 2W i B O ^ “S E l «0ATiF& $450 deposit 751-2986 2 ^ lT 5 B A T c 6 1 jN f^ ^ l^ ^ LIVING ROOM, DEN, NO HUD, REFERENCES REQUIRED. $500/M0. 336-674-9740 3BR7i^r$ff757MONTO.re ences required, Cornalzer school district, 998-4634 DOUBLEWIDE 3BR, 2BA, of­ fice, gas heat on private lot near Jockey. Water & dumpster In- cludea. $650 per month, $500 deposit. Sorry no pets. 284-4679 FOR RENT/SALE: 134Legiori Cemetery St. IBR, IBA, $350/ mo Or purchase for $37,500 Bro­ ker/Owner Call 492-7505 FOR RENT: 264”WattS St-3BR” 1Ba, $500/mo Deposit required, Broker/Owner Call 492-7505 HISTORIC hM eTlarge rooms, all appliances, central heat/air, above average. No HUD 751- 1108 HOUSE FOR RENT-2BR, IBA house In Mocksvilie. $470. Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020, iMMACULATE, IM town 2BR, 1 BA , no pets, gas log FP, det. garage $500 month & *500,de­ posit. 1 year lease. Call Mary iHendricks 751-3152, 940-7077 Premier Carolina Properties. Homes For Sale FOR SALE: 114 Whitney St.- Mocksvllle 3BR, 2,5 BA Corner lot Completely renovated $97,000 Broker/Owner Call 492- 7505 FSBOliBRr2B/^doublewide, excellent condition, many extras, beauiiful, private, mostly wooded 5.14 acres in Advance, 6 miles to 1-40. Reduced to sell $113,500 & will negotiate. 940-6850 “ liiOBiLESirMODULARS buill localiy-shop on line BonanzaMoblleHomes.com Call us 1-888-462-7806 Lowest prices In N.C, CAMPBELL LAWN CARE " For all your lawn care needs" Call: 958-1603 ask for Eric L lA F^iO V ER Y ^Y C iem ent Lawn Care, Call 284-2037. Lost & Found FOUND-3 SMALL kittens & 1- 6 monlh old kitten, 2-orange tabby, 1 long hair “Persian type", 1 slamese. Free lo Good Home 492-6196____________________ Miscellaneous 1950'S, 60’S, 70’S, Rock & Roll, vinyl record albums, personal col­ lection, many rare collectibles, over 1200 albums, $1500. Com­ plete colleutlon. Call Mark Goln 940-2529 1989 CADILLAC SEDAN, Devllle, 107,000 miles, 1 owner, white/white leather, all options, $3,800, 998-2648. 6 ALUMINUM TRUCK wheels, 24,5x8 $150. each or $850. lor all six, 998-8115, AGED SPLIT HTmrbWOOD^ mostly o&k, Heaped one ton dump bed truck. Delivered/ dumped in Davle, $150. 751- 1893 or 751-2737 FIREWOODI MIXED HARD- WOOD seasoned and split, $100 per cord, $50 per half-cord. WIII deliver and dump. Extra lo slack. Call anytime. 753-4982 GAS GOLF CART with cover, 2 seats, $2000., Mocksvllle-Plne Ridge Rd„ 284-4431. GOURDS, LARGE SELEC- TION, $1,25 each & up MEN'S GOLF CLUBS, senior & regular flex, 2-SW, graphite, as­ sortment of woods & putters, re­ pair work, re-shafting, re-griping, swing weighting & custom clubs. Call 751-2030 MONITOR HEATER-USED only 2 Winters-all hook ups wllh II. $500. 9998-3610 NORDIC TRACK (CLASSIC), excellent condition, best offer. Panasonic message chair, red leather, excellent condilion, best olfer 998-2197 POOL TABLE $150, ping pong table, $50 940-3671 New Home (No Steel Fram ed, Crane Set, 7/12 Rool, 3BR, 2BA.$100,00.00 appraised value. On your foundation $54,500.00 Landowners call 336-362-3676 NE^OUBLEW IDE HOME, big lot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heal pump, $76,000. re­duced to $69,900. 998-5816 or 284-2653. SACmFiCETNEW Cape Cod (no steel frames), crane set, 3BR 2BA approx. 2300 sq.ft. Normal cost $129,000.-on your founda­ tion $81,900. Limited time onlyl Land owners call 1-800-672- 9223. TRUElvi0bUL^lH^^ (NO STEEL FRAMES) Inlo call 1-800- 322-8679. ‘-.TTBCiiSEAW^^ New AGP OAC home loans Get approved in 5 mins. Hotline # 704-883-9997, Land For Sale BUILDING/MOBILE HOME lols lor sale, 998-5816, 284-2653 La¥d FOR SALE-5 acrelr'a^t's FSBO. Restricted. $12,500 per acre. Call 998-4703. SEASONED FIREWOOD, ALL hardwood, 440. per load deliv­ ered 998-3538 STEEL BUIldTn gS HUGE s ^ Ings on factory seconds & freight damaged 20x26,25x34, Financ­ ing Available, 90 days same as cash, no reasonable offer re- fusedl 800-222-6335. W ESLOliARbTo GLIDEFTw/ computer, $50, Nordic Track Skier w/computer & heart moniter $100. 940-6541_______________ Mobile Homes/ _______Rent_______ 14X80 2000 MOBILE home on spacious country lot. $450 de- poslt/$450 per month. Available Jan. 1 , 2004. References re­ quired. 492-5618 1995 3BR, 2BA large porch, near 601/801 $450 month $250 de­posit 704-892-1284. 1995 MOBILE HOME for rentT? caled In the Pines Mobile Home Park, 2BR, 2BA, all electric, air, all appliances. No pets. $400 per monlh/$400 deposit requlred- 7S1-7502 2BR, 2BA, private l o t ,^ ^ of Davie/Yadkin, 15 mins from Mocksville $450/month renl. Call 336-406-1981. MOCKSVTTlE, 3BR, 2BA7ii№ HUD voucher OK, 704-892-1284 NiCE 2BR, 2BA, $450/rno$400 deposit- just In Iredell Counly. 704-546-2069. rI aDY TXTm o VE In: fum¥hed 2BR upstairs apl. everything fur­ nished, $550/month, 751 -1218, 704-657-5613 Bank-Ordered AUCTIONS 240 FORECLOSED HOMES Located Ihru-oul NC & SC - Including This Aroa_________________ Holiday inn W inston-Salem • mo, oxIt Sllas Crk Pkwy T u e s d a y « D e c e m b e r 16 * 7:0 0 p m 399 Fulton St • Mocksvilie mi 3 BR, 1 BA, 1200 SF HOME iWSm 5 L o c a l A g e n t: M ik e Z im m e rm a n , | CoidweH Banlter, 336-998-8816' Utttriiv. I OPEN HOUSE: Sal. & Sun., DEC, 6 & 7; 110 3 PM | Vlow Llat ol a l l h o m e s ati vw<vK.hu d so n an dm ar8 hall.co m ~ B 0 »wHon jr tXMMR 4 I (C4SM9,IUMM4UCISt18 0 0 - 4 4 1 - 9 4 0 1 Mobile Homes/ Sale 1992 SINGLEWIDE MOBILE home, 2BR, 2BA, $10,000.336- 798-3466, 1993 14X80 HORTON mobile home, great location on private rented lot close to Hillsdale, 3BR, 2BA, covered decks, carport, out­ building, $14,500, 998-2588, 199614X80 CUSTOM built Sky­ line mobile home on 3/4 lot with adjoining separate 1/2 aoro lot.Very private, 1600 ft. off main road. Also has a 30x45 heated shop, $48,000. Fork Community, CalfMark Goln 940-2529 1997 MOBILE HOME (14X80) lor sale: 2BR, 2 lull batns, fire­ place, washer, dryer, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, covered front porch. Call 998-8853 between 9am and 10pm. 2BR,1BA HOME on great loti Owner llnanclng available. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Prop­ erties 909-1284. 2BR, 1 BA ON nice lot. $38,000. Owner llnanclng. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Properties 909- 1284 3BR, 2BA HOME, very good condition. Advance area, $15,300 OBO, some owner ll­ nanclng, Call 704-929-9333 BRICK MODULAR New AGP $250 down $650 payment/on 1 acre OAC Call (828) 695-0039 CONSOLIDATE, CONSOLI- DATE New HCP $250 down $550 payment 4BR, 2BA, consolidate debt Oniy 3 available OAC Call 828-464-8970 LOT MODEL CLEARANCE Must get rid of all 2003 model homes YourJob time Is your credit Call (7'04) 878-0147 for appt. MOBILE HOME-FREE. Must move In 3 days, 998-4779 MOVE IN TODAY 3BR, 2BA, $500 down Assume $537 payment OAC Call (828) 464-1169 NEW FINANCING No one else hasi Land/Home packages onlyll Call (704) 883-7706 NO PAYMENTS until July 1st 2004 On conv. Land/Home Pkgs, 704-878-0147 OWNER MUST SELL 3BR, 2BA, beautiful area $500 down assumes payment (704) 928-2066 “tw o LEFT HCP $500 down $537 payment 4BR, 2BA 1,3 acres OAC Call 828-465-6402 Music LAYAWAY NOW FOR Chrlst- masl Everything on sale. Les­ sons available, Dave's Music, 751-1934. PIANO FOR SALE, serious in- qulries only, 941-7426 p Tano tuning Repair- Rebuild- Regulate Self-players & Reed Organs Wallace Barford 998-2789 M IL L E R E Q U IP M E N T R E N T A L FAIilS HEBE! BobGal, aerato( core pluoaer ft more for renl lodayl Hwy. 601 S.. „ rtOftM Mocksvillc 1336) fShzoO A CHRISTMAS AUCTION Sat. 22^° N ovem ber 7 P.M. C.E.F. A U C T IO N 234 E. MAIN ST. YADKINVILLE, N.C. (Across From Library) TOYS-DECORATIONS-DOLL- 32 PIECE SET CHRISTMAS VILLAGE-SCOOTER FlGURINES-COLLEOTABLeS* KNIVES-GAR BANKS- HUNDREDS OF NICE NEW AND OLD CHRISTMAS ITEMS Qob^\ and Credit Cards Welcomo C.E.F AUCTION NCAL 3240 336-677-4666 3 3 6 -9 4 0 -3 7 8 7 OUR REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION EACH MONDAY 7 PM Visit Tammys Toasted Hot Oo9 And Dairy B^r Localed Across Sireel From Auction D A V I K C O U N ' I ' Y K N ' I I i R P R I S K R K C O R I ) , I 'h u r s d i i . v , N o v . 2 0 , 2 0 0 3 - 1 ) 9 GLASS]В М Е Д Д И М К П У Е F B O F I T A B L B AKC BEAGLE PUPS lor sale. Call 998-5089. FREE KITTENS, ALL colors, 492-5713. OWN A BIRD, lerret or other pet? Need supplies? Call or email to see If I can save you money. 998-2628, nftihilt1212@aol.com РЕКЕ SHU PUPPIES time lor Christmas. Gal 2846 for details. just In It 492- PURE BRED BLACK lab pup- ples. 751-2574______________ Service EXPERIENCED NURSING ASSISTANT will help with adult care. Call 284-2902, ask lor Christina. LINK'S SEAMLESS GUT­ TERING Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 OSBORM ELECTRIC ”' lor all your electrical needs. Free ¿Estimates. 751-3398. PERFECT PAWS, CERTIFIED Groomer, Chrisline Julian, Mocksville, NC, 751-9074 toW e r u n's'^ lawT c'a rI & Handyman Services. All types ol lawncare and handyman ser­ vices, mowing and weedeating, bushhogging & trimming Irees and busnes; plugging, seeding, fertilizing, leaf removal, mulch­ ing, pine needles. Call Brent lor Iree estimate (residential and commercial services) Home phone 492-5424 Mobile 391- 2266, TOMMY'S TOTAL LAWN Care. We olfer mowing, trim­ ming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trimming shrubbery and planting. We also offer trac­ tor work, bush hogging, plow­ ing, scraping driveways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. In­ sured and Iree estimates, Oi­ fice 492-2330, Ceil 336-682- 7006. WE WILL CLEAN your house apartment or business office, monlhly, weekly or daily. Davle Cleaning Team 940-2635 wTne^o ff mW orTaT s“ Steve Bridle, owner. Memorials 01 Disllnotlon. 704-873-966 A r e You S w a r t ? Join the smartest cowmuMilY in Davie Counly and take advantage of... “The Best Deal in the‘Ville” Northw oodApartments Qualilv • O nn rn iviiic • Aff<ml(ihiliiv 336-751-4141 P ^ e Thankfur Ч Ц for a New Career! Long Term I Temp to Hire $7.50/hour Moci<sville and Clemmons Locations M acliine Operator and Assemblers 1st shllt, 2nd, 3rd and 12 hour rotating day and night shilts Poslllons require clean criminal record, ability to read and understand English, frequent lo repetlllve lining ol 30+ lbs., & standing lor 8-12 hours. ABBly iMa Weskll Mocksville Employment Security Commission Communily College Room 109 Thursday, Novomber 20,2003 1:30 pm-4:oo pm and Thursday, December 4, 2003 1:30 pm-4:00 pm ••'BfinO 2 lofiTis ol idontiltcaiion to inlerviow'" se HAQUA ESPANOL.LLAMEHOY Temporary Resources, Inc. Expörionc0...Tho Dillerenco In SlaHing 336-896-100077W Norlli Poinl Blvd. Winslon-Salom Harrah's Cherokee Casino Trip Frl-Nlte Nov 21st Fri-Nlle Dec Sth Sat-Day Deo 13lh Atlantic Cily Nov 27th &28lh E Z Way Travel Local 998-4732 John S Evelyn Wyatt McAddenvllle-Chrlslmas Llghls Dec 2 Raleigh-Titanic Exhibit/ Governor's Mansion Deo 11 MaggleValley/Lake Junaiuska Dec 12 & 13 Call T & J Fun Time Tours, (336)945-9391/(336) 924-6461. Vehicles 1971 PLYMOUTH ROADRUN- NER-rare muscle car. 75% re- slored-m atch number car. $6500. Call Mark Goin 940-2529 1997 FORD LX Escort, 4 dr, aulo, a/c, keyless entry, 106,000 miles, good condition, $2400. Phone 751-5750 1997 JEEP W an speed, white, new tires, never used oil road, new CD player, asking $8,000. 492-2500 Й и Г аТЁПЙООеС stocl<lar, 80% new Grand Prix Pontiac body-Hedgecock chassis, $5800, w/o engine, with engine $8800. (engine built by Hlentz Bros, ol Slatesville) Call Mark Goln 940- 2529 2^ 'F o ¥ D lX ^ ¥ E R 'S p o r i Track, 11,000 miles, loaded many extras, must see, $22,850. 336- 492-7685. Pets Travel Vehicles Vehicles Yard Sales Yard Sales BUICK LASABRE '00 LTD, fully equiped, low mileage, 768-1441 1981 CADILLAC $2500. 998- 8016 CHEVROLET1988 SILVERADO, 1500,pick up, 4x4, auto, $4295.00 OBO 998-2697 iigyiuickT A S A B R E , some body damage but runs good. $500 998-3610 199^ M rCU RYGR AN^Mar- quis, auto, loaded, white, $2395.00 OBO, 998-2697 1990 OLDSMOBILE SIERRA $400, runs great, 998-3610 1996 CHRYSLER CIRRUS LX, 4dr, aulo, a/c, pw, keyless entry, 69,000 miles, excellent conol- tlon, $4250. 751-5750 1997 BUICK LE Sabre Limited, , Blue Book value $6,225., extra clean, lthr. Int., all power options, alarms, auto controls lor temp & lights, remote radio controls on steering wheel, soli suspension, $5,900. 998-5000 1997 FORD EXPLORER XLT, 4x4, green, one owner, 126,000 miles, execent condition, new brakes & batterv $6500, 998-7117. FOR SALE OR trade, 73 Ford car hauler, $995, 782-0268 M A ^M O T O R S Advance 336-817-7482 1997 MERCURY MYSTIQUE 102.000 miles, pi, pw, cc, air, am/fm cass, burgandy $3,200, 1996 BONNEVILLE SE 79,000 miles, pw, pi, air, metallic blue. Warranty Available $4,500. 1995 IZUZU RODEO 86.000 miles, pw, pi, CO. air, new tires, 6 cyl, white , sharp. Warranty Available $5,500. 1996 TOYOTA COROLLA 97.000 miles, 4dr, 5 sod, air, green,Warranty Available, $4,199. 1998 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 67.000 miles, 4dr, auto, pi, pw, air. Warranty Available $6,250 1996 HONDA ACCORD LX 71,700 miles, 4dr, aulo, pw,pl, cc, air, burgandy, Warranty Avallaole, $6,400 1996 FORD ESCORT 96,000 miles, 4dr, aulo, air, alloy wheels, extra clean, $3,200 1997 HONDA ACCORD LX 92.000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pi, 00, Warranty Available, $7,250 Loan Assiistant ■ Carolina Farm Credit Loan processing, gen. accounting, clerical, loan servicing, antJ customer svc. Si<llls in Word, Exce and OutTool< req. 1 - 2 years specialized office training or equiv. exp. preferred. Exp, In liome mortgage processing a plus. Candidates selected for interview will be contacted. Send conf/dentia/ resume stating salary requirements to Br. Mgr., Carolina Farm Credit, 390 Salisbury St., h^ocksvUie, NC 27028, or email iobs®ciai Resumes accepted until Nov. 24lh. EOE w w w .y o rk a u c tio n .c o n i A U C T I O N Saturday, Nov. 29,2003 @ 10am the iilil lumwplM i' o{Paul H. Stroud - esiaie (deceased) andAlleen R. Stroud by P.O.A. 4 0 7 0 U .S. H w y . « 4 W .* * * M o c k sv ille , N C(i onivr (if it /m/<7/ Couniy) Directions: (between Mocksvillc. NC and Stiite.svillc, NC) otTI-iOe.xit /M(»2 (llwy, 64 & Cool Springsc,Kit), take llwy. 64 Hast towjirtl Mocksville, NC tor 11/2 miles lo the Slromrs homeplace._______ ANTIQUES & PERSONAL PROPERTY early Rowan Co. Wal. Corner Cupboard (20 pane, 98" lall), nice 10 pc. Mahog, Dining Room Suite, Oal( High CItesI (relinished), Oak Dresser w/ mirror (rel,), solid Cherry ChesI ol Drawers by Bryn Mawr, early Wal. Table, Posiot Ropo Bed (tel.), Wal. Vicl. Easl Lai(fl Diesser w/mirror (ref.), 3 pc. Clterry old Parlor Suile (rel.), Mahog. Sola (eaglo carved bacl< w/horn ol plenty arms), Wal. 2 dtaweis Spool Cabinol Table (lel.), Wal. Vicl. Rd. Lamp Table circa ISSO's, Moal ChesI, 2 Cedar B/anl<e( CftesI, Dep. Era Hioli (^/lesi. Oak Hal Tree, 2 Patloi Cliaiis (lel.), Slools, <1 pc, While Oak Bedtoom suile, 3 pc. Bedroom Suilo, High ChesI by Slyle Mark, Uph. Rockers, Vinyl Sola & Chairs, modern Wooden BreaWasI Suilo, Acorn Poster Maple Bod, Maple High ChesI, Singer Sewing Mach. in Wal. Cabinel, Small G.E. ChesI Freezer, Holpolnl Dryer CLOCKS Cherry Grandlalher Clock by Hersehedo, old Sessions Oak Manlle Clock, Black ForesI Cuckoo Clock SMALLS & COLLECTIBLES 2 Indian Baskets, “That Good Gull Gasoline" Pump Globe, Aladdin Wall Hanging Lamp, mod. C, 5 gal. Calawba V Slorage Jar (cracked), Poilery, 2 Oak Frames & Miirots (loi.), stiaiflhl sided Coca-Cola Boliio (Greeiislioro, NC), wooden Shaker slyle Buckel, Sq. Trunks, nice Counlry Quills, 10 Boopie Walet Glasses (Foiost Gteen), Foiost Gteen Water Pilchot & Ico Cteams, 8 pi. Warwick Clilna, Royal Holland Pewler Tea Sel, Virginia Rose Pcs., Tea Pilcher (C.F.H.), Peach Cookie Jar, Garrett’s oal. Jar, Glassware, pr. Small McCoy Rose Planters, pr Lane & Co. Planters, oiher Planters, Wooden iiocker & Chairs, Kilchenware, 17 ql. Canner Many Oiher ltems*"Lunch Avai/ab/e^'Restroom YORK AUCTION ^ REALTY 356 F(>.\ H unter Rcl., Harmony, N.C. 2K63-i 704-546-2696 office o r 704-929-931 1 cell ncnl#7-( sinct; 1935 1996 TOYOTACAMRY DX Gold Package, 115,000 miles, 4dr, aulo, air, pw, pi. Warranty Available $4,500 1995 FORD CONTOUR 168.000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pi, $2,000 1997 OLDS ACHIEVA 103, ООО miles, air, pw, pi, cc, alloy wheels, $2,800 1995 FORD ESCORT120.000 miles, ac, auto 2dr, $2,300 1994 FORD RANGER XLT 76,000 miles, 5spd, air, am/lm cass, $3,700 1993 SATURN SL2 79.000 miles, 5spd, air, twin cam, very clean, $3,300 1989 BUICK REGAL 60.000 miles, 6 cyl, 4 dr, pw, exlra clean, $2,799 716 SAIN RD, SaL 8 unlll...... antiques, quills, household, ste­ reo speakers, something for ev­ eryone. Rain cancels. 8;66-Tio‘o, SATr22nd,‘39Fw Church St., children & adult clothing, toys, furniture, home­ made bake items. ^'965 COFTnATZER “r o ad “ Friday Nov. 21st, 10-4 Last sale until December 1/2 off kitchen appliances, dolls, cradles, outdoor Christmas decorations, 3 lighted bells, lighted star, lightsd angel, approx. 2ft. round wreath for door, several box lols & more. TRADING POST-601/801/ Greasy Corner, Open Fri. & Sat. 10-5. Buy, sell, trade. Will buy whole or partial estates. CARPORT SALE, SAT. 8am- 3pm, clothing, ohildren-4X, wheelchair, time clock, winter coats, household, etc.; 2030 US Hwy 158 CASSIDY’S GROCERY, SAT., Nov. 22, 9-2, Hwy 158, store re­ turns, new & slightly used, small appliances, toys, baby & house­ hold items. FRI & SAT 8-1, 169 Gun Glut Rd„ lots of new items, clolhes 50c & $1, headboard mattress 8 box springs, chest of drawers, movies & CD's. AVON OPEN HOUSE-Every Wanted OLD SILO AWAY Irom buildings & roads to take down al no cost. Will bury broken concrete on site. Bahnson Farm 998-3160 PORTABLE SAW MILL & opera­ tor lo rip pine/cedar on farm. 751 - 1893. __________________ Yard Sales 119 SHEFFIELD RD., couch & chair, VGC, like new, $235 or best offer, TV enterlainment stand $45, small dresser, handmade Christmas ornaments, lots of baby ilems and misc., Fri & Sal 8-3, 782-7769 (cell) .i m ’^ntF y cm cLE, otTUn^^ derpass, Friday 11am, Salurday Sam. Huge Family Sale. TiTsTALflM ORE RD, near Bixby Postponed Irom last week. Will have Nov. 20th, 21 st & 22nd, w eather permitting. 8:00am until,,.Lots ol bargains. Monday 6:00pm-9:30pm, Tonie Cope's home. 336-284-2116 7631 Hwy. 801S, Cooleemee CAROLYN'ycOL- LECTIBLES (336) 751-6252 NEW HOURS Wed-Thurs 11:00 III 5:00 Friday 11:00-6:00 Saturday 10:00-4:00 New selections on: Barbie's/ Beanles(4.99) porcelain dolls/ dolphlns/eagles/knives/ crystal cul glass/etc. (too much to mention so come by and stiop wllh us) Layaway available. HIGH QUALITY ITEMS, 244 Covington Creek, Advance oil 801 Soulh, Saturday, 8am h u g¥w Wd's a l e7 Turrit accessories, miscellaneous, 1086 Williams Rd (betweer Cornalzer & Fork Bixby Rd), 1 • 5 Friday, 8-2 Salurday mulTiR'efamIly Farmington Community Cenier, 1723 Farmington Rd., Friday 9-5 and Saturday 8-1. Leaf Removal/ Gutter Cleaning 336-284-6501 Look At Our Daddy. He’s Turning 40! LOVE, Gabrielle and Danielle is ty j L A W N C A R E REAL ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAY, NOV. 20 • 4 PM off Cana Rd., Davie County, NC IQ SITE: Take I-40W to Mocksviile 601. Go up ramp, go right approx. 1 mi. lo Cana Rd, Land about 1 mi. on right. 38 1/2 acres rural land (parcel 400000027) wilh some timber, TERMS: 10% down day ot sale, balance due at closing. Being sold subject lo confirmation by owner, SALE CONDUCTED BY JOHN PAIT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 336/299-1186 NCAL#1064 NCFL#5461 www.jolinpalt.com D I O - D A V I E C O U N T Y K N T K R I ’ R I S K R K C O R D , I ' l m r s t l i i y , N o v . 2 0 . 2 0 0 3 I Now is the best time to treat yourself or that special someone to ■ that perfect piece of beautiful jewelryl For a special occaslpn or ‘just becausB..."teke edvantage of our unheard of Anniversary Savingsl D i a m o n d S o l i t a i r e s 3 D i a m o n d R i n g s P e n d a n t E a r r i n g s D i n n e r R i n g s C o l o r S t o n e s • R u b i e s • s a p p i i i r e s • E m e r a l d s • T a n z i n i t e s D i a m o n d P e n d a n t s D i a m o n d E a r r i n g s C o i n R i n g s W e d d i n g B a n d s R i n g W r a p s P e a r l s G o l d C h a i n & B r a c e l e t s R o p e s H e r r i n g b o n e s O m e g a s C h a r m B r a c e l e t s M e n 's R i n g s S a n M a r c o s . W h i t e G o l d L o c l( e t s G o l d E a r r i n g s W atches 4 0 - 7 0 C i t i z e n S e i k o P u l s a r / \ T t T ! W i t t n a u e r V / Г Г G o l d S i l v e r C h a r m s 3 0 -7 0 % C o l i b r i Pocket Watches Tie Tacks Money Clips Watch Chains Pens 3 0 -5 0 % S t e r l i n g S i l v e r 3 0 % O FF B B B MVMliKNOItHWIir NO«TH CMOUNA m e . N e w T o w n e S h o p p i n g C e n t e r • C l e m m o n s , N C 7 6 6 - 8 5 0 5 i A r t D a n c e s D a v i e H i g h S t u d e n t s T o P r e s e n t S h o w D e c . 4 - 5 A t T h e B r o c k C e n t e r P ageB 12 ( ; î , iЬ ,'И М » ur. m ifc,,.,д...,............ .. D A V I E C O U N T Y e n t e r p r i /ë A e c o r d USPS 149-60 Number 48 Thursday, Nov. 27,2003 ' Sadie Taylor on her respite worker: "She gives me a great big hug and a !<iss every time she comes." - Photo by Robin Fergusson .'i ' i ’ Deputy Suffers Injuries He Was Responding To Domestic Incident By Jackic Scnbolt Duvie County Enterprise Rccord A Duvic mnn nccuscci of butter­ ing his wife ulso fuces felony churges after assaulting the deputy who responded to the call. According to Davic County Sheriff Allen Whitaker, the wife of Christopher Michael Duvis, 30, of 219 Prutt Furm Lane, Mocksvillc phoned authorities Nov. 22 around 7:27 p.m. saying her husband had headbutted, choked, und hit her. Whitaker said,the woman re­ ported Dnvis hnd bpen drinking since the early morning hours und had left their Mocksville residence mid-afternoon, While out, Davis spoke to his wife by phone and told her "someone had snid the only way to get rid of her wns to beat the hell out of her,” After returning home, Dnvis und his wife continued ucgu- ing and he threutened to lenve with their 13-month old baby, A fight be­ gnn when Duvis uttempted to tnke the child from his wife, Davis’ 16- yenr old und the buby suffered mi­ nor injuries during the incident. Deputy Durren Ireland was first on the scene. According to him, when he arrived and pulled his pa­ trol car into the drive he saw two females with a smull child lenving the home, Dnvis, uppearing agi­ tated, also came out of the residence and was heuded toward Ireland’s vehicle. Ireland suid Davis wus yell­ ing, “I’ve got a gun. I’ve got a gun.” As soon us Ireland exited his car Davis approached und swung at him. A scufHe ensuPJ and Ireland was forced to use his flashlight, pep­ per spray, und night-stick to detain Duvis, Davis continued to I’Icasc See Man Chnrged - I'ngc 8 The End Davie High made it to^he quarterfinals^ but no further - in the state footbaii piayoffs. Above, Justin Brown pici<s up some yards for the War Eagles as Zach Jakob (left) and Ryan Boehm deliver blocks. For more on Davie’s season and IVIt. Tabor’s win last Friday, please turn to page B1. - Photo by James Barringer Free Food: Church Sponsoring Thanksgiving IVIeai Hungry? Do you just need to be around sòme people on Thank.sgiv­ ing? Head to the Davie County Pub­ lic Library. Beginning at noon on Thanksgiv- ing Day, some 25-30 volunteers from Abundant Life Christian Vic- tory Center in Mocksville will serve a free meul to linyone who comes. There will be turkey, ham, pump­ kin und sweet potuto pie, stuffing, gruvy, green beans, crunberry snuce, potuto salad and bread. “It’s a traditional thanksgiving meul,” suid the pustor, Daniel Brown. “Wc just thnnk tlie Lord for giving us this opportunity to give back to the community on Thanks­ giving Duy.” Volunteers will ulso deliver meals to homebound residents. To put .someone on the list, cull 336- 753-4453 and leave a messuge. Abundant Life is finishing its seventh year, and services are held at 117 E. Depot Street. "W e hope to have a lot of people,” Brown suid. "Ifyou cun’t muke it, just pruy thut it will be suc­ cessful und that wc cun feed as many people us we can.” County Updating Water, Sewer Master Plans Duvie Cotmty’s water usage pat­ terns have chunged over the years. The distribution system hiisn’t kept up with the changcs, A new master plan being devel­ oped by the county will outline whut is needed for growth - for residen- tiul consumption, industrinl use and firefighting purposes. The county’s water syslem would be connccted to Mocksvillc, and to the Winston-Salem For.sylh system, "We believe very strongly, us do the state and federal governments, that we need a safety connect in case of an emergency,” John Grey, engi­ neer who is working with the county’s water and .sewer commit- tce, told county commissioners lust week. Connecting lo Mocksvillc would help creute additionul pressure for fighting fires, and the conncction to Forsyth could provide water in case Duvie’s system malfunctioned. The previous masicr plan was crcaled in 1997. The Duvic waler system serves 8,027 residences, 254 businesses, 16 industries und 133 institutionul sites. On average, Davie uses 2.7 mil­ lion gallons of water a day. . “The couniy growth rales have I’lease See County - I’uge 8 Respite: Program Cares For The Caregivers Uy Mike Uarnhardt liavic County Enterprise Rccord Sadie Taylor is a ssveet, dear wonuui. She’s a sweet, dear grumlmother, and mother... and patient. , The 86-year-old Mocksville woman cun’t cure for her.self. Instead, she lives with daughter ^adie Thompson and her husbund, Jjm. j It’s an urrungement that works tor mother and daughter. Mother gets top-notch, loving cure, und dnughter gets the satisfaction of knowing that her mother is getting that carc. But it can be tiring - Ibr the patient and carcgiver. Even with the help of fnmily, it can be tiring, Thompson is thankful Ibr tho respite program operated through Davie County Senior Services, It sends a trained nurse’s assistant to stay wilh her mother so she and her husband can have a night out, "Every little bit helps,” she suid. "It’s reully u Godsend.” She receives aboul six hours a monlh, Taylor looks forward to the visits from Ihc respite nurse's assistant. She has learned aboul Sara Smith’s fumily, and that she is studying lo bccome a registered nurse. The besl pari? "She gives me a great big hug and kiss every time she comes,” Tuylor suid. Il’s important lhal the earegiver feel comfortable with the respite worker, ami Thompson docs. That makes time lo herself more relaxing. Tayor had a stroke in 1992 and almost fully recuperated olher than being able to pick things up. On May 10,2001, she had another stroke and lost the u.se of her left side, "When w.e gol her home from the hospital, I was overwhelmed,” Thompson said, Il helped lhal she was a nurse, but she received training lo help care for her mother. Exercises urc a daily routine. “Il’s amazing whal 1 can do lhat I didn’t know 1 could do,” Taylor still has good color in the nearly wrinklc-frcc skin on her face. Her eyes lijghl up when visitors come,’even though it’s nol always il surprise bccause she cnn see their approach from her chair in front of a buy window, filled wilh african violets. Tuylor looks forward to the hugs and conversations with visitors. She u.sed lo love to go to the Davie Family YMCA, and to the senior center to play bridge. Wilh the help of her son-in- law, she still gets lo go lo Sunday School und .services at First Presbyterian Church in Mocks­ ville ut times. "We have long days here with jusl the two of us, bul we don’t get Plense See Family - Pngc 8 I 2 - D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3ExJitoriai Райе P r e s i d e n t I n T h e M a i l ... W a s h i n g t o n ’s Be Sure To Stop For School Buses T h a n k s g i v i n g P r o c l a m a t i o n — Proclam ation o f National Thanksgiving George W ashington C ity o f New York, O ctober 3, 1789 Whereas it is the duty o f all Nations to acknowledge the providence o f A lm ig h ty God, to obey his w ill, to be grateful for his benefits, and hum bly to im plore his protection and favor, and whereas both Houses o f C on­ gress have by their jo in t Com m ittee requested me "to recom m end to the People o f the United States a day o f public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by ac­ know ledging w ith grateful hearts the m any signal fa­ vors o f A lm ig h ty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably io establish a form o f govern­ ment fo r their safety and happiness." N ow therefore I do recom m end and assign Thurs­ day the 26th day o f N ovem ber next to be devoted by the People o f these States to the service o f that great and glorious Being, w ho is the beneficent A uthor o f all the good that was, that is, or that w ill be. That we m ay then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and hum ble thanks, fo r his kind care and protection o f the People o f this C ountry previous to their becom ing a N ation, fo r the signal and m anifold m ercies, and the favorable interpositions o f his providence, w hich we experienced in the course and conclusion o f the late war, fo r the great degree o f tran q u ility, union, and plenty, w hich we have since enjoyed, for the peace­ able and rational manner, in w hich we have been en­ abled to establish constitutions o f governm ent for our safety and happiness, and particularly the nalional One now lately instituted, fo r the c iv il and religious liberty w ith w hich we are blessed; and the means we have o f acquiring and d iffusing useful knowledge; and in gen­ eral for all Ihc great and various favors w hich he halh been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we m ay then unite in most hum bly offering our prayers and supplications to tiie great Lord and Ruler o f N ations and beseech him to pardon our national and olher transgressions, to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually, to render our national governm ent a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Governm ent o f wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and fa ith fu lly ex­ ecuted and obeyed, to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them w ith good governm ent, peace, and concord. To prom ote the knowledge and practice o f true religion and virtue, and the encrease o f scicnce among them and Us, and generally to grant unto all M ankind such a degree o f tem poral prosperity as he alone knows lo be best. G iven under m y hand at the C ity o f New York the third day o f O ctober in the year o f our Lord 1789. — Go: W ashington DAVIE COUNTY E N T E R P R I / E ^ ^ E C O R D USPS 149-160) 171 S. Main Sl„ P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 (336) 751-2120 Published weekly by (he Davie Publishing Co. Dwight Sparks.................................Editor/Publisher Robin Fergusson............................General Manager Mike Barnhardi...............................Managing Ediior Ray Tullerow...................................Advertising Director Brian Pitls.........................................Sports Editor Mary Lynne Baysinger...................Circulation/Classilied MocKsvllle Enlerprise Davie Record Cooleemee Journal 1916-1958 1899-1958 1901-1971 I’eriodiculs Posliigc Paid in Mocksville, NC 27028 .Siib.scriplion Riile.s Single Copy. 50 Ccnl.s $20 Per Year In N.C.. 52.“) Oul.side N.C. POSTMASTEK Send Addre.ss Change.s to: Davie County Enlerprise Record P.O. Box 99, Mocksville, NC 27028 To the ediior; I have been driving different buses over many areas of Davie Coumy Ihis year. Almost every day, somelimes twicc a day, motor­ ists pa.ss the flashing red lights and slop sign of the stopped school hus. Olher bus drivers lell me Ihey experience the same problem. Everyone knows they are supposed to slop when a school bus has flashing red lights, the slop ann Is extended and it is loading or unloading passengers. Gel caughi not complying, and the ticket will have a penally of 5 points againsl your driving record, a fine and court costs of $ 125. For Ihosc of you who slow down at the amber lights, then slop for Ihe red lights and slop sign, lhank you. Perhap.s people arc confused aboul the amber (yellow) lights that flash on the bus. I know the feeling. The amber lights weren't al­ ways used. The amber lights caution drivers lhat the bus is about to slop. If you sec Ihe amber lights flashing, slow down nnd prepare to slop. This is nol the lime lo .speed up. If Ihe bus slops in front of you, then you must slop. Would you run a red light because you are lale lo work? Think about safely, nol about Ihe inconvenience of stopping for our children. Think that Iherc may be lillle pedestrians near Ihe road. Don't get into a panic that you'll be late for work. I asked two sludenis lo time my bus stops. The longest stops, which seemed to lake an eternity, were only .36 seconds. So you see. you are nol losing much lime. If you are late for work, lell your boss you had lo .stop for a bus. Scan Ihe area for children. The bus will probably slop near the children. Houses or cars and even Ihe bus can obscure a child from view until they are in your path. They may appear from behind a power pole or emerge from a parked car. Somelimes busses operate In darkness before sunrise. Sometimes Ihere is fog or rain lo ob­ scure your view, so slow down even more, Whut hns it cost you to guaranlec the safety of our children'/ A few seconds, a couplc of mlnulesi a small pricc lo pay for Ihe life . of a child. Teresa Wright Homer, Mocksville U.S. Right To Join World Fight Against AIDS To the editor: Since Ihe beginning of Ihe AIDS epidemic, 83% of deaths result­ ing from Ihe disease have been in Africa. 18,8 million people have died as a result of AIDS since its discovery. Today, in Kenya, Soulh Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, one in every two 15-year-old boys is infected with AIDS. The disease is so common in Africa, expected almost. The life expectancy of Sub-Saharan Africa has dropped from 62 to 47 since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. Can you imagine liow difnculi il would be to retain hope if you were surrounded by Ihls terrible disease? Medicine readily available in Ihe Stales Is rarely seen In Africa, many people don’l even know they are affected wilh the virus. But AIDS is very real In Africa. Though it is most commonly sexually transmitted, it can also be Iransmilicd from a molher to her child through nursing, Too often, children are left without parenls. ^y thé year 2010,44 million Afri­ can children nre expected to be orphaned because of Ihis disease. Each year the African government spends $ 14.5 billion on repay­ ing debts to the riclicsl countries of Ihc worid. This is $40 million each day. Of all the money Africa pays, ihey only receive $12.7 billion in uid, creating larger und larger debts. These debts were ini­ tially created by loans laken oul by unstable governments, or loans simply wasted by the governments that received them. Africa spends more money paying back rich countries lhan it docs on healthcare or educalion. 'The money is simply not Iherc. Jubilee Research recenlly found lhal the IMF international,Monetary Fund) and Ihe Worid' Bank, could i|ulle comfortably cancel the debts of Iho poorest coun­ tries. Jubilee Is an Intemalionul Group that strongly advocates the cancellation of such debts. The richest country, the USA, gives the smallest percerilage of ils wealth of any rich country to poor countries. President Bu.sh recently S m o k i n g S h o u l d n ’t B e A l l o w e d I n P u b l i c B u i l d i n g s To the editor: I am writing from anolher counly but hope you can print this, as It mny be imporlanl lo residents in your area. We have a lovely hluman Resources Building in Yadkin County. Half the building has Ihe Department of Social Services (non-srnok- ing), und the other hulf hai; the Department of Health, the counly manager’s office, the board of conmilssioners room and Ihe finance office. No employees are allowed lo smoke in Ihe building, but four out of our five commissioners voted to conlinue to allow smoking In Ihe building. This is apparently so Ihe commissioners ihemselves can smoke during their meetings. This is a shameful example of polilical selfi.slmess that I hope will not be allowed lo persist, and files in Ihe face of Ihe public well-being. I hope that the ordinances in your coimty nre more progressive than ours, and lhal smoking In buildings lhal Ihe public must u.se do not allow smoking. If they do, I urge you to figln lhal position. While I may have temporarily lost my fight here, 1 hoping this letier may help others to realize the Importance of limiting the public's exposure lo secondhand smoke. Thank you so much. Stephen Messick Yndkinvllle Editor's Note; Smoking is not allowi’d in i>iil)lic hidldiii^s in Oavie Coiiniy. look a Irip lo Africa and promi.sed $15 billion to the African AIDS epidemic. This outraged many conservatives. "This $15 billion is not going to get him any more Republican votes, and it will not put potential Republican voters back lo work,” said one. “It is a total waste on a disease thal Is totally preventable." Anthony Fauci, an official al the NIH (Nation In.slilutes of Heallh), said thnl the money would be used for condom distribution, generic AIDS drugs and AIDS cducalion. Some believe thal condom distribution promotes promis­ cuity. Whether this is true or nol doesn’t matter. Il is a fairly Inex­ pensive measure thal coukl potentially decrease the sprend of AIDS. Despite Presidenl Bush’s $.1 billion promi.se for the first year in Af­ rica, the Bush administration’s chief policy advisor on AIDS, Dr. Joseph O’Neill, recently urged Congress lo reducc foreign aid funds from President Bush’s own first year $3 billion AIDS progrum be­ cause heallh Infrastructure in Africa is “loo weak to absorb it." Yel with so many sick people and potentially sick people. I’m sure Ihey could munuge to “absorb" it. Especially since recently, AIDS treat­ ments can be generic, making them much morc easily accessed. World Trade Organizations negotiators In August readied an agt'ecmcnl to allow developing countries to Issue n compulsory license In order lo Import the generic drugs if the country confinns thut il cannot do­ mestically manufacture the drugs itself, making AIDS treatments more readily available and less expensive. The cost of Ihe drugs? One dollar per day. A person could be kept alive for one dollar per j dny. Think of thal next lime you order two apple pies or a double cheeseburger al McDonald’s off the dollar menu. Nonetheless, as the ricliest counlry, Ihe U.S. spends billions upon billions on the War on Terrorism. But $3 billion in one year is “too much,” Don’t gel me wrong, Ihe purpose of this letter Is not to Insult Presidenl Bush or Ihe War on Terrorism al all. Josef Slalin once suid, "One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a slali.stic.”Though it may seem overwhelming and pointless since Ihose already infected will inevitably die, I feel that il is our obliga­ tion to our fellow human beings lo provide Ihem ut least with cduca­ lion, teaching prevention, and lo provide those ulreudy sick wllh some hope, some comfort. Dec. 1 is Worid AIDS Day. Let your voice be heard. Let's not let our fellow human beings full through the cracks. We mustn't forget, Katie Smilh Mocksville Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Rccord welcomes leHers from its read­ ers; Tlie.letters ipay be on topic.s of local, state, national or interriationul issues. An effort will be made to print all letters, provided they fire not libclou.s, vulgar or in poor lasle. The editor reserves the right to edit lellers for grammar anR for space. All letters should include the name and address of the writer, including a signature, A telephone number, not to be published, is al.so requested, Please hiwe letters in the new.spapcr office no later than 4 p.m. Monday of the week lo be published. Davie County Enterprise Record P.O. Box, 99, Mocksville, or email to: ernewsiSdavie-enterprise.com. ‘ G o t A n O p i n i o n ? Add your vote to our weel<iy online poll that asks questions affecting you and Davie County. Log on at www.enterprise-record.com and click on reader’s poll to cast your vole. Results will be listed here weekly. Has the sale of alcoholic beverages harmed the Town of Mocksville? Log on now to cast your vote, www.enterprlse-record.com Yes, 24% No, 76% D A V I K C O U N T Y K N l E U P I i L S I i l U i C O R D , r i i i i r s d i i y . N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3 • I Snub My Nose At Cary No More I used to snub my nose til Ciiry. That’s not an easy task. Cary does everything the right way. Cell phone towers designed to look like a meUillic tree from the Planet Suburbia. McDonald’s that you’ll drive right past becau.se all you sec is a grove of cypress trees. Oa.soline stations hidden behind bushes und grass, accessible only from a side road. Paved walking and jogging ptuhs along a gurgling stream. Sidewalks, lots of sidewalks. An extra couple of feet of pavement for bicycles. Shopping centers with no lla.shing signs. That’s Cary. Wc pass zoning laws that arc rarely enforced. Cary chccks the number of bales of pine straw put out for required tnulching. Appearance is important in Cary. Whoii, Is that a huge industry'? It’s okay, you just crossed over into Morrisville, known in some circles as Cary’s industrial park. There’s lots of money and smart people in Cary. If you drive a mini-van, you’re lower class. SUVs arc the family vehiclc in Cary, Big SUVs. Expensive SUVs, If you’ve gol a rusty, old pickup truck, hide it. You might be able lo sneak it oul at nighl, bul the ncxl day, you could gel a vvarning| letter from the city. It’s not even thiit important that Cary High School is the only school in the state'with a better wrestling reputation than Davie High, or that Cary got the benefit of ii question­ able call in the lasl .seconds ofa stale title match a few years back to steal Ihc chtimpionship away from Davic. The wrestling gods - like the appearance gods - seem to always smile Cary’s way. It had everything any town worth it’s weight in tax revenue wanted. Yet, I was able to snub my nose at Cary. Me, a not-too-refincd almost-reilneck rusty-lruck driving boy from Davic Counly was able lo snub my nose at Cary, When I visited friends there, I would marvel al Ihcir backward recycling program. They didn’l take Ihis, or lhat. They had to pay for it. In Davie Counly, recycling was free countywidc. Even on the iinpavcd roads. In Cary, even unpavcd driveways arc rare. In Davic Counly, we accepted evci'ything lhal could be recycled. Glass. Tin cans. Aluminium in any form. Newspa­ pers, Magazines, Cardboard, I snub my nose no morc. Wilh the new iigrccmcnt counly commissioners made to make our recycling program private, we can no longer put ^ F a m i l y E n j o y s N e w s p a p e r To the editor: Our family enjoys reading the Enterprise Record. Keep on do­ ing a good job, Marie and Willie Cope Advance Gobble Family Story Makes Relative Proucj To the editor: I would like to express my apprecialion and gratitude lo the staff ofthe Davie Counly Enlerpri.sc Record, especially Kalhy Chaffin, for Ihe exceptional coverage provided your readers concerning Ihe Gobble family (Thursday, Nov. 13). Being a Gobble, I am proud lo be an Americnn. a descendant of such a devoted family, and a Davie Counly native. Slamey A. Gobble Mocksville Children’s Books Shouldn’t Be Compared To Story Of Jesus To the editor: I hnve a few comments to make about last week’s letter, “De­ mon Book Shouldn’t Be In School,” To say lhal teaching children about n Native American slory thnt gives nn explanation for why popcorn pops Is Satanic takes the story a bit out of context. First, it assumes thal the Indians had the same religious conccpllons of de­ mons thal Christians do. This is not true us the native religions anil stories existed long before Europeans reached the Americas, Sec­ ond, the writer of this letier suggests thal teachers are trying to In- iloctrinnle children with Satanism, This obviously was not the goal, or really even a consequcnce, of the use of the popcorn slory and to say lhat .schools arc teaching the worship of demons is absurd. “Demon Book Shouldn't Be In School" goes on to addre.ss the “demon” lhat is Harry Potter. If the writer of the letter liad ever actually read, or even watched, the Harry Potter series, she would be aware that it never references Satan or Indeed any higher author­ ity, The characters nre jusl people who hnve slrnnge nbililies and the author never puts forth nny religious doctrine. And lo sny thnt Harry Potter breaks "every biblical principle” including the Ten Commandments (which 1 assume slill contains adultery, taking the t,ord's name in vain, and worshipping gods other Ihun God) is al­ most ns absurd ns to suggest thnt schools try to present Harry Potter as a religious belief. Another consci|uence of having nctually read nny of these wonderful children’s books would hc lo learn thnl whnl Ihey really leach is ihe value of intelligence, the strength of friend­ ship, the power of cooperation, an aversion lo bigotry, and mnny other good qunlities thnt they indeed have in common with the Chris- lian I'ailh. If cerlain individuals do not value those qualities, they may feel free not to read the hooks or walch Ihc films, but 1 would appreciate Ilif they slopped irying to compare a children’s book to the story nnd teachings of Jesus Christ. Jon Overbey Mocksville Mike Barnhardt soup cans into recycling. Our friends in Cary can. They even get bags to pul yard wiiste into for recycling. Our model recycling program, operated by counly employees and often morc than 20 inmates from a mini­ mum security prison, who worked practically lor free, was losing money, Bul Ihc private company can pay people and make money, 1 slill don't understand that. It was explained by people I trust, but still. I don't understand. Neither do the people of Davie County. They don'l understand. They don’t like the green boxes, especiidly when too often, ilcms that are rccyclablc arc ihrown back inlo the bo,\ becau.se this company does not rccyele that item. Surely, il all boils down to money. Il’s cheaper this way. Personally. I’d rather pay a bit morc and do the righl thing - recycle everything possible. When it goes to garbage, il means more land is needed lor burial - land thal all too often is unable to handle the wasle. leaking il into streams and onto neighboring properties anti releasing dangerous gases inlo the air. Recycle? Yes. it’s worth the extra cost. Then maybe 1 can snub my nose at Cary oncc again. Р Г А й Г ÎT, S m i t h G r o v e V o l u n t e e r F i r e D e p a r t m e n t Now Taking Orders for Christmas B B Q S h o u ld e r s includes Slaw & Dip O r d e r s M u s t B e P i c k e d U p W e d n e s d a y , D e c . 2 4 b y 9 a m T o P l a c e O r d e r P l e a s e C a ll: Fire Station......................998-3484 Junior Smith....................940-2861 Don Howard.....................998-3479 Robert Bailey...................998-8140 B y W e d n e s d a y , D e c . 1 7 11 l@n ЕМ Ш Г CMiSÿ yfejS: tljfji© Plj^aisjuili^s , Friday 11/28/03 7AM to 8AM One Regular Priced Item <41^ , - O f fI off regular price limit ' ^ one Item per customei t)ovo porcent off Friday 11/28/03 8AM to 9AM One Regular Priced Item O f ff off regular price limit ^ o n e Item per customei off regular price limit ’ one Item per customer Above percent off good for 1 regular priced Item excludes custom frames, custom ttorat & gift certificates Friday 11/28/03 9 AM to 12PM One Regular Priced Item . O F F Regular Pricio. of In Stock Moulding J Wo glacllyaccopl Mnsior Corel, Viso'& Dibcovüi 'B e n F r a n k l i n Mon-Sat 9am - 9 pm Sunday 1 pm - 6 pm 1 1 1 5 Yadkinville Rd • Mocksville, NC * 336-751-5488 Ycjur one stop tor uaUs, ttaminn; vaitetv & peU . ' 4 - DAVIK COli'N TV KN TKUI'UISK UKCOKD. I’hiirsdny. N»v. 27, 2(103 Fun, Food, Friends Highlight Annual Farm-City Event Anolher grciil crowil liiniL'd (lilt I'orltiis year's Farm-City ccl- chratiim. Roy Swisher, presidciil iil'the Davic County Calllemcn's Asso­ ciation. responsible for feeding; tlie group, siiiil about 32,‘i at- Iciulcd. While not a rccord, or­ ganizers said il was probal)ly tlic sccond or Ihird highest alten- dancc since the event moved lo the picnic groimcis seven years ago. Tlie event is held cacli year lo help bring farm and iion-larm people together, according to Greg Hoover, county extension director, "We want tliis lo be a family I'lm event. Wc want folks lo get lo know somebody new. learn someihing new, experience someihing new, s|>end time vis­ iting ami enjoy the foixl and en- tcrlainmenl." Someone who experienced something new Ihis year was M ocksville Town Manager Chrisline Sunders. Sanders, who had never milked a cow, ¡igrced lo compete with Couniy Com­ missioner Richard I’oindexter in the first Fantt-City Milking Con­ test. Larry Campbell. Gxlension Advisory Leadership Council member, organized the event with help from Davie's Karriker Dairy which provided two w ill­ ing bovine participants. I’oindexter's limited experi­ ence proved too iiitich as he was able lo coax just a litlle more milk out of his cow lhan Sand­ ers. Another new experience for some was Davic County l-'ami Bureau's simulated impaired driving course. Drivers wore goggles with lenses thal simulate what it's like to drive while in­ toxicated. Participants then at­ tempted lo drive a four-wheeler through an obstacle course. Ihc results of which were educa­ tional and often humorous. Several youth activities pro- viilcd something for people of all ages. Local fanner John Peeler, chairman of the Extension Advi- sv>ry Leadership Council, coordi­ nates the popular Farm Animal Petting Zoo. Peeler gels help from Mike Gamer who brought rabbits and miniature horses. Gamer is a member of the Pied­ mont Kabbil Fanciers. The annual evenl is organized aiul put on by Ihe Davic Coop­ erative Extension staff, the Davie Couniy Cattlemen's Association and Ihe Extension Advisory Leadership Council. Many olher volunteers and groups made the event possible according to Tnicy Carter, 4-11 E.xtension Agent, "We had a record nuniher of booths and exhibits this year and more of Ihem were interactive," "We really appreciate our cor­ porate sponsors, Carolina Farm Credit and Davie Couniy Fann Dureau and till the volunteers and groups thal made il possible," Hoover .said. " The Extension and Community Association ladies have been providing ilesserts for this event for years, and we all know those ladies can cook." John Garwood meets an old friend, Smokey the Bear. Jack Robinson meets a goat Ihe the popular petting zoo. The slightly experienced Richard Poindexter (leii), a county commissioner, did rookie milker Christine Sanders, right, Mocksville town manager. coaxed more milk from his cow than A meal was served to some 350 Davie residents al Farm-City Day at the Masonic Picnic Grounds. Kim Crowley tests her skills and entertained onlookers at Farm Bureau's Impaired driving demonstration. Michael Galllher, Davie Farm Bureau vice president, served as the designated driver and instructor. Kevin Robinson makes a narrow escape from the Cen­ ter Fire Department safety education house. Delphia Naylor, left, visits Judy Wilson and Nola Rich at their Wool, Fiber to Fabric booth. Davie County Cattlemen's Association member Rayvon Ring and other volunteers cook and serve ribeye steak sandwiches for guests. District Court D A V I K C O U N T Y K N T K K P R I S K R K C O R D , ' T h u r s d a v , N » v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - 5 The following cases were heard in Davie District Court on Nov. 20. Presiding; Judge M ary F. Covington. Prosecuting; Wendy Terry nnd Kevin Beale, Assistant DAs, - Lorcmo Arnold, larceny of a fireami, disini.'ised perplea; misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 120 days in jnil, credil for 39 days served, - Riehard A, Atkinson, fnilure to wear drivers seat belt, dismissed per plea; driving with license revoked, prayer for judgeinent continued on cosl, - W ilbur Blackw ell, simple worthless cheek, dismissed per civil seltlemenl. - Frankie D. Bolden Jr.. speed­ ing 60 in a 45. reduced lo improper equipment; fnilure lo wenr drivers seat belt, dismissed. - Deedrn H. Bright, niding and abetting driving wiih license re­ voked, dismissed per plen. - Matlhew D, Brock, shoplifting concealment of goods, sentenced to 20 days in jnil, credit for 17 dnys served, ntlorney fee. • Orshone D. Brynnt, false II- eense/pemiit In committing felony, dismissed per plea; forgery of en­ dorsement. reduced lo common Inw forgery, sentenced to 120 dnys in jnil, credit fpr 31 dnys served: ut­ tering forged endorsement, dis­ missed per plen; obtnining property by false pretense, dismissed per plen, - Angein D, Buchnnan, driving wilh license revoked, prnyer for judgement continued on cost, - Curtis E, Bunnell, driving wilh license revoked, senlenced to 45 day In jnil, suspended two yenrs, 4200, cosl, not lo opernie n molor vehicle imtil licensed by Depnn- ment of Motor Vehicle, $260 ntlor­ ney fee, .$50; fielilious/concenled/ revoked regislrnlion enrd/tng nnd nol linbilily insurnnce, dismi.ssed per correclion; driving willt license revoked, dismiss'd; failure lo apply for new title, dismissed per correc­ tion, - Monica J, Burrell, communl- caling threats, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness, - Jnvier V, Carbnjnl, littering nol more tlinn 15 pounds, $50, cost, - Lucio R. Cnrbnjnl, driving widi license revoked, prnyer for judge- ' ment continued on cosl. - Arthur C. Church, speeding 87 in n 70, rcduced lo exceeding snfe speed, cost. ■ Knren R. Contes, misdemcnnor possession of scliedule VI con­ trolled subslnnce, disinis.sed per plen, evidence ordered destroyed; possession of drug paraphernalia, senlenced lo 30 dnys in jail, sus­ pended one year, not locoinnill any crimes, no illegal drugs, evidence ordered destroyed, $100, cosl; pos­ session of dnig paraphernalia nnd misdemeanor Inrceny, senlenced lo 120 dnys in jnil. suspended two yenrs, subm it lo random drug screens, comply with drug assess­ ment, evidence ordered destroyed, $100, cosl, 35 hours community service within 30 dnys, $260 ntlor­ ney fee, $50, -Richnrd M, Dnle, driving with license revoked, expired regislrn- tion cnrd/tng, permit openrtion of vehicle with no insurnnce, and op­ erating a vehicle with no insurance, dismissed per correction. - Amy K. Dulton, DW I, sen­ tenced to Iwo yenrs in jnil (30 dnys active), suspended three ycnrs. $750, cost, substancc abuse assess­ ment, surrender license, not lo op­ erate a motor vehicle until licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, $325 allorney fee, $50; driving with license revoked, reckless driving lo endanger, misdemeunor ehild abuse, dismissed per plea; posses­ sion of open container/consuming alcohol in passenger nren, cost. _ - JesseeJ. Doss, communicating threats, dismissed per request of prosecuting witness, - Domingo M, Duran, driving willi license revoked and operaling vehicle wilh no insurance, sen­ lenced to 40 days credit, crcdil for Ihnc served; expired registration card/tng, ficlitious/concenled, re­ voked regislrution curd/tug, driving with license revoked, dismissed, - Amnndn B, Enríes, forgery of endorsement, reduced to common law forgery, sentenced to 45 days in jnil. suspended two yenrs, $ 100, cost; uttering forged endorsement, dl.smis.sed. - Stephen S. Fincher, speeding 85 in a 70, reduced to improper equipment, $50, cost, - Brandi Fleming, simple as­ sault, sentenced lo 45 days in jail, suspended Iwo years, $100, cost, $325 attoniey fee, submit lo random drug screens, no conlncl wilh vic­ tim, 50 Iiours community service wllhin six months, - Eddie Frank, assaull by poinl­ ing n gun, communicnting threats, conlribuling to the delinquency of a minor, dismissed per rc(|uest of prosecuting witness, - Tristón D, Oamion, contribut­ ing to the delinquency of n juvenile, dismis.sed; contributing to Ihc delin­ quency of u juvenile, 50 hours com­ munity .service wllhin six months, be gninfully employed, huve no conlucl wilh juveniles involved, no alcoholic beveruges, submit to ran­ dom drug screenings, $455 attorney fee, $50, - Debbie Glennon, communicut- Ing threuls, dismissed per fnilure of prosecuting witness to nppenr. - Nicholus T. Hnrdcnstle, simple u.ssault, disml.ssed per request of prosecuting wilness, - Andrew D, Harris, communi­ cnting thrents, dismissed. - W nndn B. Hnrris, sim ple worlhless check, dismissed per civil settlement. - Shnnnon L. Hnrlness, no liubil- Ity insurnncc, dismissed per correc­ tion. - Marcos L. Hernnndez, DW I, dismissed per fnilure of prosecuting witness to uppeur. - Snul Hernandez, D W I, .sen­ tenced to 30 days injnil, suspended one year, substance abuse nssess- menl within 30 dnys, surrender li­ cense, not lo operate a motor vehicle unlil licensed by Department of Motor Vehicles, $100, cosl; no op­ erators license, dismissed. - Bradford Ivey, possession of drug paruphernallu, senlenced lo 30 duys in jail, suspended one year, evidence ordered destroyed, $100, cost, - Jean M. Jacques, driving with licensc revoked, dismissed per cor­ reclion. - Cindy 0 . Janies, simple worth­ less check, dismissed per civil seltlement. • Wesley A. Johnson, financlul curd frnud, senlenced lo 120 dnys in jail to run concurrent with sen­ tence being served. C O O L E E M E E V ID E O R e n ta .G e t 1 F re e F rid a y * S itiiraiaiy ^ S iin d a y Games*S fpr S Days X i t E very 1 1 th R e n ta l Is F ree Now Carrying Designer Ladies ClolhesRnlph Lnuron. Cnivin Kloin. Liz CIniborno 4 Jonos Now York Cooleemee Shopping Center • 284-2950 - Steven W. Jones, simple ns- snult, dismissed per rc(iuest of pros­ ecuting witness. - Richurd S. Kelley, driving with license revoked, reduced to no op- erntors licensc, $50, cost. - I’nuin M. KIndlcy. misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 15 dnys in juil. credil for 15 dnys served. - Joshua Lnckcy, possession of marijunna more than half ounce to one and hnlf ounces, prnyer for judgeinent continued on cost, evi­ dence ordered destroyed. - Frederick D. Locks, speeding 85 in n 70, reduced lo improper equipmenl, cosl, - Puulo P. Murlinez. speeding 87 in a 70, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $75, cost; failure to secure passenger under 16, dismissed per plea. - Marcos Mendozu, ussuull on a female, dismis.sed per fuilure of prosecuting witness to uppeur. - Shelly A. Monroe, simple us- snull, prnyer for judgement contin­ ued on cost, nol to be in the pres­ ence of victim. - Brundon G. Oliver, driving wilh license revoked nnd possession of drug pnrnphcrnuliu, dismi.ssed; failure to stop for steady red light, reduced lo improper equipment; misdemeanor possession of sched­ ule VI controlled substancc, sen­ tenced to 20 days in jail, suspended one year, $200, cosl, $260 attorney fee, possess no illegnl drugs, no ul- coliol, substance abuse assessment, evidence ordered destroyed, 24 hours community scrvice within 30 duys; open contniner after consum­ ing alcohol, 20 dnys in jnil ul e.xpi- rulion of prior senlence. - Charles D. Parsons, misde­ meanor larceny, sentenced to 45 duys in jnil, suspended two yeurs, $10», cost, credit for 21 dnys ■served, no contact wilh co-defen­ dant, submit to random drug screens/senrclics, $325 uttomey fee, $50, - Ted W. Pcucock, DW I, sen­ tenced lo 90 days in jail, suspended two yeurs, $200, cost, 24 luiurs community service wilhin 30 dnys, subslunce nbuse ussessmeni, surren­ der license, not to oiierate « molor vehicle until licensed by Deparl­ menl of Motor Vehicles; speeding 70 in n 55, dismissed per plea, - Miguel Policarpo, driving with licensc revoked, prayer, for judge­ ment continued on cosl, - Shannon L, Redmond, nilsde- ineanor probalion violation, sen­ tenced to 30 days in jail, credil for 10 duys served. - Lisa D. Riddle, second degree trespassing und communlculing threuls, dismissed per failure of prosecuting wilness to appear. - Janie M. Shore, simple nssnull. injury 10 personal property, simple nssnull. dismissed per rei|uesi of prosecuting wilness. - Brian Cl. Smith, speeding 85 in u 70. reduced lo improper ei|aip- ment. $50. cost; no opcratois li­ cense,-dismissed. - Roger D. Sorrow, open con­ tainer afler consuming alcohol, prayer for judgement contiiuied on cosls. -Troy N. Speer, speeding 82 in a 55. reduced lo exceeding safe speed, cost. - William T. Spillmun. breaking and entering, ilisniissed per plea; .misdemeanor Inrceny. senlenced lo 30 duys in juil. - John B. Stark, assaull inflict­ ing serious injiuy. sentenced lo 45 duys in jail, suspended one year, pay restitution. - Frederick C. Talbert, posses­ sion of marijuana up to half ounce, dismissed per leiiuest of priisccul- ing witness. - Hcrbei'l W. Talum, resisling a public officer, sentenced to 60 days in jail, credit for time served. - Dnnny R, Teague Jr., posses- ■sion of marijuana up to half ounce, dismissed; possession of drug (lai a- plieinalia, scnicnccd to 45 <lays In jail, suspended Iwo years, substance abuse assessment, submit to random drug screens, $100, cost; felony possession of cocaine, senlenced lo 45 days in jail, suspeniled Iwo years, ut expiralion of any prior sentences being served. - Joel 0. Tro,xell. misdemeanor possession of .schedule VI con­ trolled substance, .senlenced lo 15 days in jail, suspended Iwo years, $10(1, cosl, evidence ordered de- stroyeil. - Roberl A. Vandiver, speeding 60 in a 45. reduced lo 54 in a 43, $10. cost. - Dalia M. Vnsquez. learners per­ mit violation under 18. prayer lor judgement continued on eosl; fail­ ure lo nolify DM V of address change, dismissed per plea. - fistcban M. Vu/Ajue/., lesisliug a public officer, prayer Ibr jiulge- nicnl continued on cosl. - Chadw ick W estmoreland, simple assault, senlenced to 45 days in jail, suspended two years, nol to assault/threaten/bnrass victim, sub­ mil lo random drug screens, mental heallh assessment, .$455 ullorney fee, eosl, - Michael White, communicai- ing threats, disinissed per rei|uest of proscculing wilness, - W illiam D, W hile, ullering forgcd endorsement, reduced lo comnioii law uttering, sentenced to I20day.slnjnll. - Johnnie T. W ilson, misde­ meunor possession of schedule VI controlled subslunce, prayer for judgement continued on cosl, evi­ dence ordered destroyed; posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, dis­ missed. - Trislon Ciarnion. contrihullng to Ihe deliiuiueney of a minor, dis­ missed perplea. I''nlled To Appeur; - Carlos L. Barreras, speeding 86 West Davie Power Equipment, Inc C O M I N G S O O N ! J Intersection of Hwy, 901 & 64 W. • Modc.svilic t A V A I L A B L E N O W J Trilces, Bilces, Wagons Scooters, Roddng Horses & MORE!! EYENTNGS & WEEKENDS G»ll 492-2317 Steve Stroud 492-7924 DougGirtner FALL IS C T A C U L 1996 Chrysler Town & Country lil». teeli«». AC. PW, »'L. m. memory Mit, p<mef mmoit. At.1 ThV CmsCO.<iui«.«u».*.'C “OUT ТНЖ 000П” 1992 Mercury Grand Marquis 5Лв1 »<) ctxiipuief i'V/, f’l. I'S PH. M cfU'4a,Ve. pOAeipmiMS WArt.i.Cí«.ívil4CHr.l1evü4ltül “OUT THE DOOR" AI,imC[).AC.|.:l (в.IBtlkjIu tiH'IO.Xi. liOMi tio'i teWi.ISo iiíHii.» «OUT THE DOOB"“OUT THB DOOR" Bluegrass musicians “Simply Southern" entertain Davie residents at Farm City Day. Staying between the lines was not a requirement for the coloring contest. , www.cowb0yrob.com Ucen»e#30J« In Beautiful Downtown Mocksville 157 Depot street • 751-5948 • 1-888-469-3781 A)) ptk:os includo I tnx, lng nnd I $2?aOOGIoo iini 70. - CliiudL' A. .lanic.v. Cailurc to - KichnnI J, litirr, DW I. no li' LVxirtbit/siUTctulcr liccnsc. ccnsc. railurc to wear seal hell. I'nil- - Annie M. Marline/., open cun- nre ll) scciire passenger under 10. lainer afler consuiniiijL: alcohol. T i r e d o f Т к м г к е у ? H o w A b o u t A T o m ato S a n d w ic h ? i Locally Grown, Hydroponic Tomaloes NliW HOURS; TmiH.s. & Fin. Nodn-Si’.m л.М) S vr. 8am-Noii.N' Dew D ro p F a rm 302 Foster Road, Mocksville (I'oster Kcl. is jnst olí Ridge Rd. in Wcslcrn Davie C’ounly) Call For Directions (336) 492-5263 (OKifE^ i &0TAHi(AL m m s . il , BjutírDireclí From . 'The Grow er ,4 '4 V 'Í • Глс,.; Miniafeúrte с ь М щ Ж ! " ' у ' * iri.containers O u r • ■ Uwijgíiór'tlíe ^fo> d irc c tio iv sv ^ ' uH oli'aaj Seaspn! w w w .co n iferfid ge.co m — . " Hours: Friday Sc Saturday Yadkh Off Oïd Single Koad Fo r m e r D istrict C o u r t Ju d g e MARK S. CULLER is pleased to announce tiuit. he is now auiiildble io represent clients in the Dnvie Coiinly Courts mul thnt he Iuis opened mi office for the pnictice of imv MARK S. CULLER A tto rn e y a t Law 2 6 C o u r t Sq u a r e M o c k s v il l e , N C 2 7 0 2 8 ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 -2 9 1 8 Orria; l-louHs: Monimv - ¡■uiday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (IIIIMIS.M (IIIAIK-I.N Ф lRMt1<:(!(l/MIONS ♦ lil«’!)!»:!. ♦ i:intl)('lb'lt)in 1:1111 l>Vls(|.\noS ^ ACIII t .MlNIS |)MiimmioNin'M.\iiii.\i I'Koi'i KiY лм>1)ги1чФЛмм<»м MoniiuiMioNor rwimOniKi ()nnnts AiiioMniiiii /\mni.s’is4 Civil.,vsnCiiiMiNM.'IKi.M.s It )»'I1 /r,II»’.III .»/I’Muyi'i il flutr is rill ii7h',K>'ii.’ii% .I<in.'.-1 H'K.I^r>l I’hw Ч'ЧИИШ' fl' ll.'i' (full гПГ«'»»!*)'. If |/<I lli’l fl.llv ilM iKfi'dli}', Ml < lllh'l ll\’uLI uri, Olili' llu't'll^'lfllllilyliuisuil }\4I U1l^lil>l)'('/ St'inn') flWl'ii ilts'U’ .4 # f> - D A V I K C O U N T V I ' N r i ' l U M U S K U K L 4 ) U 1 ) , T h t i r s d a . v , N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3Public Records M o c k s v i l l e P o l i c e 'I'hc t’olU'Winji iiKidonls \>.v.’rc roporlocl 1(1 Ihc Miicksvillc I’olicc IX-|i:irlMiciil, - The larccny til'a liccnsc plate (SNL-U)i2\ wns repiincd Irmli ii vehicle (111 .South Main .Street on Nov. 17. - The hreiikinii, ciilcrini; ■iral lar­ ccny of items from a residence on .South Main .Street wus reported Nov. 17. ' The larccny ot' iiioiicy fiom u vehicle parked off W ilkcsboro Street was reported Nov. 17. • The larccny of a radio I'rom a car parked off U.S. fiOl South «as reporled Nov. IS. - A drink niachinc was broken into off Salisbury Streel. il was re­ ported Nov. 19. - The larccny of l.'i packs of Ctcst Whiteslrips, with an estimated value of S4.!.''. was reported Nov. 20 from Pood Lion Norlh. Yndkinville Koad. - A woman reported Nov. 2 1 she » (IS assaulted by her boyfriend al a residence off Sunset Drive. Arresls - Johnnie Franklin Godfrey, .‘'4. of Lewisville, was charged wilh lirst-dci:rec kidiiappiiii! and Ihrcu counts of child abduction. Trial (late; Jan. 20. - I’alriciii Ann Godfniy. 44, of Lewi.svillc, was charged with first- degree kidnapping and three counl.s child abduction. Triul date: Jan. 20. - Duslin Anlhony Lawhon, 19, of Lewisville, wa.s charged Nov. 18 wilh fleeing lo elude arrest, failure lo heed light mwl siren, and rccklcss driving lo ciulander. Trial date: Nov, 20. - Zach Jamc.s Wishon. 17, of Clemmons, was charged Nov. 18 wilh fleeing lo elude urrest, failure lo heed lighl and siren iiiid recklc.ss driving lo endanger.Triul dale: Nov, 20, - Michuel Brent Tucker, 19, of 286 Creekwood Drive, Advunce, wns churged Nov, 18 with fleeing to elude arrest, fnilure lo heed light und .siren, nnd reckless driving lo endunger. Trinl dnte: Nov. 20. - Levine Lyons Livingston, 37, of 2295 U,S, 601 S., wns churged Nov, 19 wilh four counts of fraud. Trial date: Dcc, 4. - Patrick Stanley Horun, 20, of 156 Avon St., wns charged Nov. 20 with larceny from u vehicle. Trial date; Dec. 18. - Quincy Donnell Redmon, 19, of Woodlcaf. wns charged Nov, 20 with larceny of n molor vehicle und with burglary. Trial dnte; Dec, 4. - Brundi Michellc Fleming, 17, of 252 Wntt St.. Cooleemee, wns churged Nov, 20 with breaking, en­ tering und Inrceny. Trial dule; Jun, 22. Traffic Accldcnis - A Boonville man was charged wilh ranking nn unsnfe movement ufler a wreck on South M ain nt Soulh Snlisbury Street nt 12:30 p.m. Nov, 17, Samunl Dewey Reavis, 48, wus driving a 1996 Ford pickup owned by J.S. Myers Construclion nnd lurned the truck left Into the pnth of a 1998 Chevrolel driven by George Hermnn Barnhardt, 84, of 220 Onk Grove Church Roud, re­ ported Officcr R,A. Donuthnn, - No chnrges were filed after a wreck on Valley Rond ul 11 ;20 n.m. Nov. 19, Mirundn Dnnlelle Dillard, 20. of 254 Baltimore Roud, A d­ vance, started her 1990 Nissan for­ ward. cuusing il lo hil in the rcur u .stopped 1998 Pontiuc, driven by Barbnrn Sue Burch. 46, of 765 Bear Creek Church Rond, reported Chief J.R. Keller. H i g h w a y P a t r o l The following Iruffic w rccks in Davio County were listed by ihe (N.C. Highway I’atrol. Driver Swerves To Miss Deer No charges were filed al'tci' a Davie inun wrecked Ihe vehicle he was driving Nov. Ifi. Matthew I’aiil Woodwdrd of ISlKi N.C. KOI Nmlh, Mocksville wusdrivinghis IW .l Honda vehicic south on llowurdlown Road when il ran ofl Ihc road lo Ihe left. Woodward's vehicic collided wilh a fence. Trooper M.C. Howell reported the accident occurred at upproxi- nialcly 9; 10 p.m. and there were no injuries. W'oodward slated he had swerved lo miss a dccr in the roud. Collision On Dnviv Acndemy No churges were filed ufler a wreck in Davie County on Nov. 17. An unknown vehicic wus truv- cling west on Davie Acadcmy Road. Jamie Williard Wright of 123 Cook Trail, Mocksville was driving a I9‘J3 Buick vehicic east on Davie Academy. As Ihe unknow'ii vchicle entered u curve upproaching Wright's vehicle il Iruvclcd across the centerline. Wright attcmpled to siccr her vchicle lo the right lo avoid a collision, but the unknown vchicle and Wright's collided. After impact the unknown vehicle left the scene Iraveling wesl on Davie Academy. Wright stated Ihe vehicic wus u small green or blue sports car. Trooper M.T. Dallon reported Ihc uccidciil occurrcd ut upproxi­ niately I0;20 p.m. and there were no injuries. Si\ Deer Hit In Duvie Si.x deer were reported hit by uu- toniobilcs in Duvie Counly. In the following accidents no injuries lo the drivers were reported; Churles Gilbert Jones of 1099 Furmington Road. Mocksville wus driving his 2001 Ford pick-up soulh on Farmington Roud when u deer crossed the road and collided with Jones' truck. Trooper J.R. Allred reported Ihe uccident occurred nt upproxlmutely 6 a.m. on Nov. 17. Kcnnclh LeeOwnesof 211 W il­ low Creek Lnne, Mocksvillc wus driving u 1994 Ford pick-up eust on U.S. 64 when a deer crosscd the roudway und collided wilh Ownes' Iruck. Trooper J.R, Allred reported Ihe uccident occurrcd at upproximulely 6;35 a.m. on Nov. 17, Roberl Dean Lafuycllc Jr, of Soulh Dnkotu ivus driving his 2000 Pontiuc vehicle wesl on Interslale 40 when it struck a deer crossing the rond. Trooper M,T, Dnilon rcporlcd Ihe uccident occurrcd nt upproxi- mntely 2:40 u.m. on Nov. 18. Christy MichcUe Drnughn of 1038 Cnlnhnln Roud, Mocksvillc wus driving a 2001 Volkswngon vehicic east on Sheffield Road when a dccr ran into the roadway and collided wilh Druughn’s vchicle. Trooper M,C, Howell reported Ihc uccideni occurred nt upproxi- matcly 5:34 p.m. on Nov. 18, Faye Troutman Keaton of 766 Duke Whituker Roud, Mocksville wns driving a 1999 Dodge mini-vun north on Georgia Roud when u deer entered Ihe roadway from the shoul­ der, Kenton's vehicic collided wilh the animnl. Trooper A,T. Kellerreporlcd Ihe accidcnt occurrcd nl approximately 6:15 p.m. on Nov, 19. Palsy Allen Poindexter of Vudkinvillc wns driving her 1995 Toyotn vchicle north on N.C. 801 when il collided, with n deer cross­ ing the rond. Trooper M.T, Dnilon reported the nccidcnt occurred ut upproxi- mutcly 9;30 p.m, on Nov, 20, Funder Earns Safety Award D A V I J i C O U N T Y K N I ' I C R P R I S K R I Í C O R I ) , l i m r . s i i n y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - 7 Funder A m erica Inc, of M ock.svillc rcccivcd W ausau Insurance’s Silver Sufety Award for a continuing coniniitmcnt to safety. The awurd wus presented by Mark Irvine, Wuusuu Insurance loss prevention servicc director, lo L indn H ockenberry. Funder hiiiiiitn resource manager, and members of the Funder America Safety Team on Nov. 11, Funder Americn achieved a sigiiincani safely aehicvcmeni by working a tatul of 256,903 Iiours with one lost time inei-deni, The award signifies lhal Fumler was nt least 60 perceni belter Ihun tiic published losl time incident rale for its industry. Founded in 1973, Funder i.s the premier producer of mela-mine panels and com ponents. Headtjuarlered in M ocksville. Fimder operates three manul'iic- turing fucilitics - one each in North C arolina. Arkansas nnd Norlh Dakola. Funder A m erica safety team m em bers, from left: Kimberly A dam s, K aren Murphy, R u ss Knight, Mark Irvine (W ausau Insurance), Linda H ockenberry (team leader), R ichard Berryhill, S u e Hill and David Beck. Not pictured; P eter Funder, Larry D raughn, R ay W oodrum . T h is F r id a y , N o v e m b e r 28*'' J o i n t h e s e D o w n t o w a M o c k s v i l l e M e r c h a n t s f o r s o m e g r e a t s h o p p i n g o n t h e d a y a f t e r T h a n k s g i v i n g . . . C O L D T U R K E Y D A Y ! L a n d T r a n s f e r s S u p p o r t Y o u r L o c a l S t o r e s ! ШТиА^Вау S A L E ! Some Stores Will Open Early. Shop Early For Best Selection! riie I'ollowing land transfers Here filed with Ihc Davie Register (if Deeds, listed by patties involved, acreage, township und deed stamps purchased, vlilh $2 representing ,S 1,00(1. - Ronald W. McDuniel and ."’ic- lanie H. M cD aniel lo James Michael Scott. Perry Wesley Kidenhour und Vlckl Wurd Ridenhour, I lot, Jerusalem, S20. • Mary Susan Parker lo Michael ‘ Aaron and Cindy S. Aaron, 1.38 acres. Mocksville, $l(il). - Elizabeth H. Ells, substilule trustee, lo Secretary of V'elcrans Al'fuirs, I lot, • Eli/abelh H. Ells, substitute trustee, lo Dl.J Mortgage, 2 parcels, Clarksville, .$1.140. - C.W. Myers Trading Post lo llitv Construclion,42 lols, Mocks­ ville, S.K6. ■' - William P. Leonard and Patricia S. Leonard to Hcrmuda Village Re­ tirement Ccnicr, 1 villa, Farming- lon, .$450. - Hcrmuda Village Reliremenl Ccnier lo Roberl Colcinun, I villa. Furmington, $450. - Lois K. Spry and Marvin O. Spry, Nancy R. Foster and James D. Foster, Rulh 11. Kidenhour, James Aduni Ridenhour Sr„ Kuthleen K. Spry, Harold E. Ridenhour and Linda Kidenhour, Curolyn R. Bowler, and Harold Brucc Ridenhour und Eleunor S. Ridenhour lo Marvin O. Spry und Lois R. Spry,5.97 acres. Jerusalem, S44. - Bowden Investinenis lo Pied­ mont Investments, .39 acre, Mocks­ ville. - James Lee Helmstcllcr und Pulriciu Tuylor llclm steller lo M ilburii Slevens and Brenda ! ITHE COUNTRY BARN RESTAURANT 201 Outlel Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC • Ph. 803-236-3257 PRESE^ГTS Friday, November 28,2003 Only at 5:30 PM from Mocksville, NC TOMIVIY DRIFTER AND THE LOST TRAVELERS t ] I loM D.»i;f} Г(1а,1Г(1'. U>n.i Jo GfiJf.rHlwn.o). Leo Foster (t>c»bfO), IЪ-шпу (yi-ii.ir) Ion, Horton ttvi'A airifjof) .ifKl ОлО TlKXTipwn (lidtllo) | Playing Counlry, Gospel and Bluegrass Music • Good, Clean Entertainment • Come Join Us j ! FOR MORE INFO CALL 336-998-3110 or 803-236-3257 ' --------------------------------. . _ a J We M a n u fa c tu re O nly T h e B e st “ALL STEEL” S to ra g e & U tility B u ild in g s! 11 jo xM $ 4 7 Л И itaitingot Convenient roll-up door n wido«SO(t 'tAin ovoilablo (tax not Includod) * Velui ~ loti mor» Itiort 50 y»art• Inilionmtntolly ItifftdtY - Mot» №on 20 ЫЯюп poirdi ol OipMI jWfiglei Ш up in kjndftí» »och y»Qi m«1al n )OON юсусЮЫв' trt»rgy - Accofdir^ io melol con tOW«l OftK l»rnpo(0^)l»i b»He> thon ony ottvei rrv3t«nol IV le ta i R o o f in g F o r Y our H om e & B u ild in g s Wind - Moiol poneit 01» lotl»d loi upfafl Wllght ~ M»)oi loofing w»ighi up lo I SO poundl p«» iquoi» whil» oiphdt w»lghj 300-400 poundl p»t icjuo(»fo( »ochkjyn " O u r B u ild in g s A re M a d e T o L a s t” CALL TODAY! Ask lor Tim I B E T C O ,I N C . B u ild in f i T h e F u t u r e oJ SeyStorage 228 Commoico Blvd. (oil Ciavjfotd Rd.), Slalesville I80Q-Ò54-78I3, 704-872-2999, Fax 704-872-3099 www.bolcolnc.com Slevens. I lot, Jerusalem. $.‘i4. - Hetty Lynn Whituker Peters und Lcumon E. Peters lo Martin Lee Harber and Dreama E. Barber. 2 tracts, Mocksville, $44. - Cruig Curler Uuildcr lo Kevin S. Wallers and Carrie A, O'Connor, 1 lol, Farmington, $.*i30. - Jerry R. Ellis to Vince Tuylor and Donna Taylor, ..“if) acre, $144. - K& D Partnership lo K C Ca­ tering, 1,18 acres, Mocksville, $72, - Susan Spuch Dumgardner and Richnrd Thomas Bumgardncr to Rundy Jones and Mury Ann Jones, I lot. Shady Grove, $129. - W illiam J, Harpe, Jennifer Neely and Preston Neely, heirs of Judy A. Hurpe lo Willium Johnson Marklin Jr. and W illinm Johnson Marklin III. lol. Mocksville, $108. - Willium Sunford Buriieycustle to Ronald Lee Gobble and Amy Renee C am pbell, 5.61 ucres, Clurksville, $66. - Mel Murtincz, Secrctury of Housing nnd Urban Development (H UD) to M ichacl J. Allen nnd Regina S. Allen, 1 lot, Fnnnington (governnient tux stamp exemption). - Jimmy Kesler and Deboruh Kesler to Debornh Kesler, 3.5 ucres, Jerusalem, - Pnmelu Smoot to Marjorie Smool, 1,17 ncres, Fullon, - Marjorie Smoot to Pnmelu Smoot, 1 lot, Fuhon, - W illium Kent Pnrker und Tnmurn R, Purkeno Dnvid P. Sheets nnd Cail K. Sheets, 1 lol, Farmlng- ton, $1,180. - John Terry Paniell nnd Mury M. Williams to Dennis R. Lanning and Johnnu M, Lunning, 2.5 ucres. Shady Grove, - Jumes H, Bumes nnd Sundru B, Phelps lo Briun Michnel Moore, 3,5 S h e r i f f s D e p a r t m e n t ucres, Fullon, $55. - Churles Jeff Hugermnn und NuomI M, Hugermnn to Theodore W, Brown nnd Mallie Jeun Brown, 1,049 square feet, Mocksvillc. - Theodore W. Brown and Mullie Jenn Brown to Charles Jeff Hugerman, 1,992 square feet, Mock.sville. - C.J. Ramey, nllorney in fact for Oak Vnlley Associntcs, Ridge Run Properties nnd Oak Vnlley Proper­ ties 10 Empire Builders nnd Devel-' opers, 1 lot. Farmington, $115, - BR 549 to Home Builders As- soclnlion of Winslon-Sulem, I lol, Farmington, $107, - Home Builders Associution of Winslon-Snlem lo John Thomns Cuudill nnd Olorin Fussell Cuudill, I lot, Farmington, $796. - V. Snicm Development lo Paul Anloon Evens und Enuu Buteyi Evens. 1 lot, Fnnnington, $566. - Roberl S. Burnhardl nnd Glendn S. Bnrnhurdt to Grndy L. M cCIum rock Sr., 3,35 ucres, Mocksvillc, $80, - Elizabelh B. Ells, substitute trustee to The BankofN cw York, I tract, $126, - Tnmurn A. Fleming, substitute trustee to Martha E. Edwards, 8 lols, $135. - Doris Kashin to Murlin Lee Burber und Drenmn Bnrber, 1 lol, Mocksville, $60, -< - Bruce F. Taylor and Rosemarie H, Tnylor to Cecil L. Cranfill and Lisa R. Crnnfill. 1 lol. ShudyOrove, - The Winslon-Snlem Foundn- llon us trustee for L. FruncesTempIe nnd Jesse C. Temple Chnrllnble Unitrust und as trustee for the Louise S. Adnms Churltuble Unilrusl to Westview Development Co., purcels. Furmington, $230, The following incidents were reported lo the Dnvie County Sheriff’s Deparlmenl. - On Nov. 13 u sludent ul South Davie Middle School reported shoes were removed from a gym locker. - A sludent at South Davie Middle School reporled baskelball shoes were removed from the school's gym locker room on Nov. 13. - On Nov. 14 Amundu Allen re­ ported a trespusser al a residence on F-dward Brock Road, Mocksville. - Diuiic Sinyard reported u dis- A r r e s t s lurbance ut n home on U.S. 601 North, Mocksville on Nov. 14. - On Nov. 14 Sheliu Ro.ss re­ porled fruud ut u business on Medi­ cul Drive, Advunce, - Lisa Mickalowski reported a breaking und enlering ul a home on N.C. 801 South, Mocksville on Nov. 14. - On Nov. 14 Churles Timmons reported a CD player und speukers were removed from u vehicle ut u home on Bulimore Rond, Advunce. - Puul Spillniun reporled steps und senls were removed from deer stund ut a farm near Pino Roud, Mocksville on Nov, 15. - On Nov. 15 Ted Johnson re­ ported gus wns luken wilhoul pny nl u business on U.S. 158. Advunce. - A concerned resident reporled unimnl cruelly at n location on Le­ gion Cemetery Sireel. Cooleemee on Nov. 17. - On Nov. 17 Gilbert Williams reported a lawnmower was removed from u home on Juney Benuchnmp Roud, Advnnce. - W illium M urlin reported Christmas decorations were re- moved from a business nenr U.S. 601 North, Mocksville on Nov, 17, - On Nov. 17 Robyn Youngblood reporled hnrussing phone culls ul a residence on Gladstone Roud, Mocksville, - Kern Manor reported harass­ ing phone calls ul n residence on Westridge Court, Advnnce on Nov, 18. - On Nov. 18 Lindn Brnnnock reporled u lawnmower was removed from a home on Joe Road. Mocks­ ville. The Duvie County Sherifl's De- punmcnl made Ihe I'ollowing urrests: • Christopher Wayne Martin, 33, of 1013 Cornatzer Roud, Mocks­ villc was urrested Nov. 13 for pro- butioii violution. Trial dale: Jun. 19. ■ Koberl Lfc Church, .14, of 2X4 Mnintley Farm Road. Mocksville was urrested Nov. 14 for domestic assuiill. Trial dale: Dec. 11. - Kamirez Jorge llcdollu, 32, of Fresno was arrested Nov. 14 for driving with license revoked, con­ suming mall beveruge while driv­ ing, und falling to stop for slop sign. Triul dute: Nov. 2(1. -Oscar Armando Turcios, 25, of Slalesville was arrested Nov. 15 for D W I. open container, and no seatbelt. Trial dale; Jan. Ih. - Donna Sue Bell While, 34, of 161 Jarvis Road, Advance was ur­ rested Nov. 16 for ussault on a pub­ lic officinl, obstructing, delaying, inloxiciUion. and disruption. Trial date.' Dec. 11. - Consluncio Rodriguez Cortez, 23. of I9.‘i Deudmon Road. Mocks­ ville was arresled Nov, 16 for pos­ session of a controlled substiuice on jail premises, DW I, careless/reck­ less driving, and possession of drug parnphernuliu. Trial dale; Nov. 20, - Christopher Allen Howell, 18, of 169 Rainbow Road, Advunce wus urrested Nov. 18 for possession of schedule II und possession of drug paruphernalia. Trial dale; Nov. 20. - Michael Brent Tucker, 19, of 286 Brentwood Drive, Advunce was arrested Nov. 18 for injury to per­ sonal property, speeding lo elude, speeding 130 in a 70, obstructing, delaying, fictitious tag, and no in­ surance, Triul dute; Nov. 20. - Zuchury James Wishon, 17, of Clemmons, arrested Nov. 18 for speeding lo elude, speeding 130 in n 70, obstructing, delaying, und fail­ ing to stop for blue lights. Triul dnte; Nov. 20. - Dustin Anlhony Luwhon, 19, of Lewisville wus arrested Nov, 18 for speeding to elude, speeding 130 in u 70, obstructing, delnying, no operutors license, failing to slop for blue lights, cnreless/rcekless driv­ ing, Trial dnte; Nov. 20. - Shnwn Chrislopher McClure, 28, of 116 Northridge Courl, Mocks­ ville was arrested Nov, 19 for pos- sessio'n ormarijuuna, und drug para- phernnliu, und driving with license revoked. Trinl dnte: Dec. 19. F i r e s Davie County fire departments responded lo Ihe following culls: Nov,17:Cooleemee. I I;l9a.m ., Block Junction Roud, uutomobile W E B U Y H O U S E S Any Condition — Any Location Fast Cash — Quick Closing L ig h t h o u s e P r o p e r t ie s Mocksville, N C • (336) 751-4371 G E N E ’S AUTO PARTS We Make Hydraulic Hoses & Mix Aulo Paint 766-9148 3612 Clemmons Road Clemmons accident; Jerusalem ussisied; Cen­ ler, I p.m., U.S. {i4 West, automo­ bile uccident: Mocksville ussisied, Nov, 19: Center, 8:38 u,m„ 1-40 Enst, uutomobile nccidenl; County Line ussisied. Nov, 20; Advance,'12;41 p,m„ Mohawk Lane, barn fire; Fork as­ sisted; Cornatzer-Dulin n.ssisled; Smith Grove, 1;26 p.m., stund by for Fork reference barn fire; Jerusu- lem, 1:26 p.m., sliindby for Fork reference burn fire; W illinm R, Davie, 1:30 p.m., N.C. 801 North, vehicle fire. Nov.21:SmithGrove,a;13R,m„ U.S, 158, residentinl fire alarm; Cornatzer-Dulin assisted. P o i i l M i i S i i 50 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville, NC (336) 751-9390 LOW PRICES! GREAT SELECTION! High Quality Instruments, Repairs & Lessons For Guitnr, Bnt\jo, Miinilolin & Unss by Kip Snow, Ownct' /^ F R K T s ii« ( with $50 Purchase, V Layawnyor XOIftceriiflcatfr COLD TURKEY SALE S t o r e w i d e G i f t S a l e s F r i d a y / N o v e m b e r 2 8 O P E N E A R L Y • 7 a m 7-1 lam - 40% OFF 11am-5pm - 25% OFF Already reduced items fake an additional 2f/o OFF BRAN D -N EW ! Davie High, North Davie & South Davie BEADED BRACELETS with STERLING SILVER SCHOOL MASCOT CHARM * 2 0 R e g .$29 FRIDAY ONLY Refreshments Gifts & Office Suppiics 121 N. M ain S t., Mocksville, N.C. 27028 (336) 751-3418 D o n ’ t m i s s o u t o n t h e b i g g e s t s h o p p i n g d a y o f t h e y e a r ! Come Visit The Area’s Newest Bicycle Shop! NOW OPEN IN MOCKSVILLE All Types of Bikes From: Schwinn, GT, Kona, Santa Cruz & others UEiiiiyi.ie sfiBViCE afci a ll aKEs am seuu 115 N. Main St., Moclcsville (336) 751-0300 (between Gasthaus & Bits of Brass} Open Mon-Fri 9;30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. and Sat 9:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. T h e H o u s e T o o ■ p f E 1 2 3 N . S a i i s b u r y S t r e e t i n I U o c f e s v i i i e ( S 3 G ) 7 5 S - G G 8 0 ^ J 2 5 % O F F Bearly Worn Clothing 2 5 % O F F Household Item s 1 0 % O F F New Clothing Designer Brands, Name Brands,. .. We have them. Come shop our Mocksville Store and discover the "llnds" our customers are talking about. We’re not just a consignment shop. SALE ENDS SAT. NOVEMBER 29TH Reg. Hours OPEN 10am lo 6pnn Mon & Fri; 10am lo 5pm Tuos, Wod & Thurs and 10am lo 3pm Sal t h a n k s g iv in g ; s p e c ia l FRIDAY, NOVEM BER 28 ONLY! 1000 F R E E ANYTIMI-MINUTBS U N L IM IT E D NIGHT & WIÌBKEND MlNUTliS U N L IM IT E D MOBILE TO М0П11.П MINUTE.S Inclutlu's Niitionwiclc Long-Di.stiince 3 9 . 9 5 / m o plus‘Ik' liciiuliiloiy C\»sl Kocdvoiy Itl* F R E E N o k ia 3 5 8 5 Í Wilh a niiw line uf sorvicc on uny Frccdoni Plan or liiylicr Shnre yi)ur minutes with a l'amily тстЬс'г Гог Only .$20 рс*г month (br cach additional line (up lo 4) X t h e p h o n e p l a c e ^ t L I O . 121 Ih'iiiil sircil • ЛЬчкнПа*« 75I-W2ft 7'h одДТй; vfiVHu \ I I, Ч ( S f o s l c r ’s N K l l c í n c í c r a Cold Turkey Day Sale O p e n N o v . 2 8 7 a . m . - 5 : 3 0 p . m . From 7-11 a.m. A L L J e w e l r y 4 0 % O F F From ll a.m .-5:30 p.m. A L L J e w e l r y 3 0 % O F F •Clocks and Other GifI Ilems Not Included In This Sale. 171 N. Main St. • Mocksvtlle • 751-2737 Serving You For Over 50 Years 8 - DAVII’, COUN I'Y liN TI'KPUISI': RKCOKD. riuirsdii.v. Nov, 27, 20(U T h e y ’re Th e Best Davie High Students Score Higli On State Technical, Career Tests According III (lain jiisl ru- liMscil by the .Sliilc Dcpmlinciil ol' Public liisiriiclion. Davie lliyli simlciil scorcs (in ciul-ol- coiirse lests in carcer/leclinical citiiciilion (CTli) classes lasi scliool year were secoiul liigh- csi ill llie slale. Only Lliiiim Couniy suiileiils ои1регГоп11С(1 Uavie Migli sui- (Icnls. Sludenis were leslcd in more llian .'() courses. .Scores were senl eleclronieally lo Kaleiyh I'or proeessinj; and llie conipileil data I'rom all 117 school systems was shared with the schools. "These scores prove thal there arc some exceptional ca- recr/lcchnical education leach­ ers in our classrooms." said Neal lissic. Davie's Cl'li director, "ll (Icmonstratcs that Ihey are el'I'ec- lively delivcrinj; the curriculum. 1 am very proud of Ihem I'or this acliievemeiil." Career/leelinical cilucation. know 11 by (lil'I'ereiil lilies over the years including occupational eduealion. vocational education, aiul workl'oree ilevelopiiieiit. provides middle and liigli school suuleiils wilh opporlunilies lo explore careers and lo ilevelo]i marketable skills. C ri; courses reinl'orce aca­ demic skills as students apply theories and concepts learned in Ihe academic disciplines to real- world problems, lîssic said. lie poinled lo research lhal shows thal students who lake lour or more CTC classes in high school are less likely lo drop oui I C o u n t y B r i e f s Silver Spirits I Receive Award Kep. Julia Howard preseiiled members ol'llie Silver Spirits I bnsketball team with Laurel Wreath Award certificates issued by Gov. Mike Haslcy. I'lie Laurel Wrealh Award is a stale award lioiioring oulslanding athletics, and an award Ihe Silver Spirits deserve. 'I'liey have won the gold medal in the age bracket I'or six conseciilive years al the N.C. Senior Games. 'I'liey re­ cently won the gold med'.d al the 2(К).Я National Senior Gnnies in Virginia. In addition lo llie slale honor, the team received a county resolulion honoring tlieir athletic successes. "We hope we will conliiiue lo play nnd bc a roll model I'or seniors to get out and be active." said team spokesperson Alice Harnetlc. "Not all of us pinyed haskelball in high school, bul we all share n love for ihe gnme." Deputy James Murphy Remembered The I'amiiy оГ James l.eason Murphy Jr. received a I'ranied copy ol'a resolulion honoring liis lile. Mnr)iliy was a meniber ol’ the Davie County SherilT's I3epartiiieiil and died earlier this year in a motorcycle wreck. Severnl members ol'llie depavlineni were present. The boaril approved a requcsl I'or liis service I'irearni lo be awarded lo his wiiiow, Kim Murphy. West Davie Power Rezoning Following a public bearing in wliich no one spoke in I'nvor or againsl llie reiiuesl, the bonrd approved re/.oning I ,.‘'47 acres of property al IW) N.C. 401 I'rom Hesidential-AgricullurnI lo Highway Hiisiiiess. The petitioners plan lo serve ciinimercial landscapers in Davie and norlhwesl Iredell counties, repairing and servicing mowing ec|uipmenl. and possibly doing traclor restorntions. It is tlieir hope that as the business grows, they will bring nddilional .job opporlunilies lo the coumy. "Al llie very least, we'll be bringing lax money inlo Dnvie County that cur­ rently goes to olher counties," said Doug Cnrtner, nn owner. County Considers Abandonin}' Street The commissioners were briefed on a reijuesl lo closc Sec­ ond Slreel inllieT.W. Clraliam subilivision.Tlic street wns never officially opeiieil. and one of the two adjncenl property owners uses thal righl of way ns a driveway. The street is on llie maps ns connecting Cann Koad and Main Church Uoad wiiliin the sub- ilivision. One of the properly owners would like lo pm an addi­ tion on his home but cannol unless Ihe county gives up the right of wny. in which cnse Ihe two affected properly owners would split the land. A public lienring is rciiiiired iiefore coniniission- ers cnn vole im the slreel closing. They .set the hearing for iheir Dec. l.'i meeling. Fire and Rescue Grants Awarded The board approved fire ami rescue gram monies being awarded as tleleriiiiiied by llie eoniniillee: Advance; Cen­ ler: Cooleemee .S'),U2; Coriialzer-Dulin: 8,7.‘i2; l-'arm- ingloii: S-I.'JS4; l-'ork: .S4.222; Mocksville; S4.1.4(l; Sheffield- Calahaln; .SS,‘J.‘S8; Sniilh Grove: 7,188; William K. Davie: $7..SS8; and llie Rescue Siiuad; .S.S,!).*!?. County Line and Jerusn- leni did nol rei|uesi grant funds ihis year. Advance. William U. Davie and the Rescue Sipiad had nddilional rei|uests Ihnt did nol meel the program's guidelines. The board also approved using .S4.(I0I) of the unused grnnl funds to purchase new epinephrine shols for first responders. Children’s Board Appointment Dennn:i I’nrrisli was appoinled lo llie boaril of the Davie Ciumly I'nrlnership for Children as a business leader represen- Inlive. ARAMARK Contract Approved With some legal clinnges mnde to Ihe agreenienl. the boaril approved tbe ARAM.MiK conlraci I'or prison meals. ARAMARK eontimied lo serve meals while the conlraci wns negotiated. Sand Dred}>in}> Update The board heard a sand dredging update in which John Ci:iHiimire. director of plnnning, ijiiickly nm ihrough some new informalion and proposed changes dredgers wiuild like to see nuule lo the proposal. Their primary rei|uests were lhat in cases where a driveway permit would nol ollierwisc be rec|uesled. Ihe county should nol reijuire dredging operations lo hnve one, :md lhal permits should be issued for Iwo years instead of one. The proposal h:is been before eilher the planning board or the couniy eimimissiimers on and off for ihc iwo years. It is going before the land use committee for additional review. Consent Agenda The following items were approved in Ihc consent ngendn: October lax reporls, releases and refunds* ei|iiipmenl deletion of IWO 1У8.1 Chevrolet Iriicks; and a .Sn,.“;!!!) budget ameiul- nicnl for the schools lo purchase a school hus from solid waste. The bus used lo bc u.sed lo transport inniales.- of .school. They nre more em­ ployable than their peers as evi- ilenccd hy Ihe fact lhat Ihe un- employmenl rate of siudents who compiele CTli programs is consistently well below the gen­ eral youth unemployment rale. Other benefils of C I'I; pro­ grams arc llie developnienl of consumer and praclical lil'e skills, leadership skills, and ca­ reer dccisioiimnking skills. I'.ssic said. County Drawing Plan For Water System Cnntlmieil I'rimi rage 1 exceeded ex|ieelalions and Ihe developm ent pallerns have shilled." Grey saiil. The plan would crealc hon- eyconihs nnd cells in llie water system, especially In areas see­ ing increased growth, to improv­ ing pressure. The county now has long stetclies of six-inch water lines, which liinils the amount of W'a- ter ill one dirccliiin. Conneeling those lines will help improve pre.ssure by sending water froni bolh directions. "What's importnnt nbout this plnn Is it's n pnllcrn and it's not lo be developed tomorrow." Grey said. "What we reconi- iiienil very strongly is four tilings he kepi in I'oens." The sysleni needs lo be flushed in a "disciplined" way; :iM valves need lo he on a map and maintained so they will function in emergencies: lelein- etry developnienl (This would let engineers know from a re- niote location how much water is in the tanks and is being laken from inpul suiiions.); and emer­ gency connection. Tile nexl step, according to Couniy Commission Chair Ken White, is for the eoniniillee lo fine lune Ihe plnn by selliiig new priorities for gelling larger trans­ mission lines to the slorage tanks, mul on pushing waler lo Ihe weslcrn pari of llie couniy for fire suppression. Man Charged ' With Beating Sheriff’s Deputy Ciintlmied Ki'om Puge I resist, :ind Ireland was forced lo pull his w с a p о 11. Davis was Ihen apprc- h с n d с (I. cuffed. :ind iransporlcd lo the D:ivic De- t e n I i о n Cenler. Ireland suffered iii- .juries Ul the head and Christopher Davis face and was Healed al Davie County Hospital and released. D:ivis has :i lisl of prior crimi­ nal ch:ugcs. lie rcnuiins in jail in lieu of :i $120,00(1 secured bond. He is facing one counl :is- saiill on :i child under 12, two counts :iss:uilt on a female, one counl resisling n public officer, and one felony count of ass:iiill on a l:iw enforccincnl officer. "Officer Ireliiiid followed procedure anil protocol :md did :m excellem .¡ob lo bring this nuiii inlo eusloily," Whilaker said. Davis' firsl court appearance is scheduled Dec. 4 in Davie Dislricl Courl. Daughter Saidie Thompson spentds her days helping care for her mother, SacJIe Tay­ lor. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Fa m ily G ra te fu l F o r H e lp Fro m R e s p ite P ro g ra m Conllnued Kriitii I’lige I on each olher's nerves loo oflen," Tbonipson said. "I couldn'l ask for a heller jiatient," her daughter said, "She thanks me for evcrylhing I do. She does not complain. "You're a sweet, dear palient," she said lo her' moiher. The caregiver resiiile program is designed lo help the physical and mental health of lliose caring for an elilerly rclalive. They receive vouchers for a cerlain number of hours per month. It is esiinialed lhal morc tluin 22 million people nalion- widc are iinp:iid. informal caregivers lo older Americans. They arc spouses, adull children, rclalivcs and friends who help wilh shopping, iransportiiilon. household chores as well as bathing, dressing, meal preparation and medications. They provide more than 80 percenl of all home cnrc services and may contribute as much as ,$2.‘i7 billion annually to the nation's health care system, an amount thal significanlly reduces cosls to Medicare, Medicaid and private payers. As the population ages, the number of family caregivers will increase, said Kim Shuskey, senior services direclor. "These caregivers, mostly women, ollen experience substantial stresses and burdens as a consei)uence," .she said, "Prolonged cnregiving can adversely al'fecl one's physical and menial health," So W'ho cares for the caregivers'.’ Three years ago, the I'ederai government established the Nalioiiul I’amiiy Caregiver Support Program and caregiver programs are available in every stale through granls to area ugeneies on aging und local community services. Davie Senior Services offers caregivers respite carc, supplemental services (nutri­ tional and iiiconlinence supplies), information about available services and informa­ tion on how to access these .services. Print inl'onnalion and videos are available. To tjualil'y, llie person receiving care must bo 60 or oilier, a resiilenl of Davie Couniy, reijuirc help with al Iciisl two personal care necds or have cognitive difficulties. There is no eharge, bui some participants make donations back to the program. Income is nol a faclor in dclcrmining eligibilily. Call7.‘il-(I6I1 for more informalion. Forty Attend Robinson Campaign Breakfast Forty Davie residents al- leiiiled a breakfast Wednesday. Nov. 14 as Vernon Robinson's canipnign for Congress t'eatured former Congressman and I louse Impciichnienl Manager Hob Barr and Author :ind relired b'Hl Agent Gnry Aldrich. Harr was ihc firsl Congress­ man lo inirodiice a resolution calling for Hill Cliiilon's im- peachnicnl and Gary Aldrich rose lo national fame when he published the expose cniillcd "Unlimited Access: An FHI Agent Inside the Clinlim White Iiouse." Al 7 a.m. on ihe IVlli. llic Davie residenls braved the rain and tornado warnings and as­ sembled for breakfast at Deano’s Harheiiue in Mocksville lo hear from Harr, Aldrich, and Robinson. In aliendance were Gubernn- torial candidate and Davie County Com m issioner Dan Barrett, Davie County Commis­ sioner Richard Poindexter, Clerk of Courl Ken Hoger, Register of Deeds Hrcnt Shoaf, former Davie County GOP Chairman Mark Jones, and current Davie Couniy GOP Chairman Darrell Seaford. When asked about the deci­ sion of Barr and Aldrich lo tour the .‘iih Di.stricl on his behalf, Robinson said, "I'ni humbled lhat these two great Americans came down lo support my cam­ paign and I'm even more humbled hy the size of the en­ thusiastic crowds. The cam­ paign is gaining moinenium wiih each passing day. Clearly, our conservative mcssiige is resonat­ ing with the volers." House Committee Hears Report On Yadkin Shelter On Tuesday. Nov. 4, the Singh’s presentalion was preceded by lestiniony given by Mort Conglelon, a member of I louse Interim Conimittee on the Prevention and Disposition of Unwanled and Abandoned Com panion Aniniiils heard lesliniony from Alice Singh, presideni ofthe Yadkin Couniy Humane Society. Singh offered also presenied il sluM't video I'oeusing on Ihc poor conditions of the Yadkin County Animal Shelter. Co-Ch:iir Julia I loward said; "This lesliniony enforces Ihe need for action by ihis eoniniillee. The meinbers of Ihis com iniltee :ind I were very troubled by this video." the eoniniillee and executive ilirector of the SPCA of Wake Coumy. I le staled lhal of the I6,0()() nnimals laken in hy the SPCA and Wake Coumy shelters, approximately 4,00(1 nre adopted, 2,000 nre returned lo the pel owner, and Ihe reniain- ing 10,000 are etilhanized, "ll is niinihers like these thal demanded the crealion o f our eoniniillee :ind drive our w ork," I low’ard said. The commiltee resumed Ihe discussion of spay and neuler programs ihnt began during ils Iasl meeting. The commiltee henrd from Dr. Kelli Perris, a member of the commiltee and veterinarian with the NCSU School of Veierinary Medicine. She provided the commitlee wiili informalion regarding Ihe cosls of such programs. Dr. Laureen Barlfield ol SNAP-NC (Spay-Neuler Assisuinee Program of Norih Carolina), explained thnt SNAP- NC has a mobile spay-neuter clinic lhal performs 25-3.S spays/ neulers per day, three lo four days per week. The commiltee then toured the clinic. D A V I E C O U N T V E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , r i u i r . s d a . v , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - 9 Man Found Guilty Of Assault By Pointing Gun I Ge/ I t W e e k l y Kv .liirtrln ___^..1.. .i.__........... 2....:.!.. .,1._*rr t ....I__.-..i!« ..! •!.- ......... ^By Juckie Scuba!) Dnvie County Entcrpri.se Rccord A Dnvic mnn wns found guilty of criminal churgcs nfter he was ac­ cused of pointing n loaded gun nt anollier mnn during n sociul gather­ ing nround nn outside campfire nt his home on Oct. 2. Terry Vellón Jordnn, a 58 year old retiree, fnced one count of misde­ meanor assnult by pointing a gun in Davie District Court, His cnse was tried in front of Judge Mary Covington, Complalnnnt Lee Landers testi- fled he was at Jorilnn’s home that Oct. evening and initially he and the other people there were inside Jordan’s home when he came inside and got a shotgun. Landers said Jor­ dan was going lo scare some sirny dogs nway that were in Ills ynrd. Lnleron Landers tesliricd he and the others were silting around nn oulside enmprire .socializing when Jordnn nppronclicd him from behind. "He enme up behind me wilh a loaded rifle, poinling il al the back of my head. 1 turned nnd snw it nbout three inches away," Landers lold as­ sistnnt D.A. Kevin Beale. "1 wns scared.” "What happened after Ihnt." Beale asked Landers. He snid he wns nngry and went home and called the slieriff. Landers testiried there hnd been no disputes or disagreoiiiciils between Ihe two prior to the incldcut. Jordnn, who hns no prior crimi­ nal record, testified he was nol an­ gry at Landers and was initially us­ ing the gun to scare awny the dogs. Jordan said when everyone was outside al the eiinipfire lie did point his gun in Lnnder's dia’clion. "I got my gun and I poinled ll above his head and snid I'm going lo shoot a .squirrel,” Jordnn told his Inwyer Ed Vogler. Jordnn snid lie stepped back and fired the rille over Lander's heud. Afterwards, the rifle was put inside his truck, Jordan lesllfied. Did you ever point Ihe gun at Mr, Lelniid’s head'/" nsked Vogler. “No, it wus pointed ubove his head,” Jordan replied. In closing Vogler lold the judge there was no alcohol involved and no reason for a person nl the gnlher- ing to intentionally point a gun at unother, "You’ve gol to have inlenl." Vogler concluded. Covington said she did nol know why Landers would go this fnr wilh the case if it weren't true. "I find he (Jordan) did do it." .she snid. Jordnn wns given n prnyer for judgement and ordered not lo point nny guns nt nnyone else. Subscribe to the Enterprise. C a ll 751-2120 Man Dies In Wednesday Wrecic On 1*40 A wreck on Interstate 40 that killed a North Carolina man on Nov. 19 may have been caused by defective tires. Erik Warren Soots of Hudson was driving a 1998 Chevrolet pick-up owned by a company out of Charlotte callcd Crime Prevention Inc. According to a report filed by Trooper M.C. Howell of Ihe North Cnrolina Highway Patrol, Soot.s was traveling east on 1-40 in the left lane around 8:38 a.m. last Wednesday. Soots lost control ofthe truck and it ran off the roadway to the left and into the median. The pick-up collided wilh a tree in the median morc than 30 feet off the interstate. Howell reported the posted speed wus 70 ni.p.h. und Soots' was e.stimutcd lo bc traveling at 85 inpb!. The truck skidded an approximately 196 feet before hitting the Irec, The truck wiis reported lo have defective tires. Soots wus transported to Bnptist Ho.spital in Win.ston-Sa­ lem where he was pronounced dead at 2:38 p.m. A dm inistrative Court The following enses were dis­ posed of in Dnvic Adminislrnlive Conn Ocl. 3. Presiding: Mnglstrnte Robert W. Cook. Proscculing; Wendy Terry, nssislnnl DA. - Lurry I I. Adnins, speeding 80 in n 70, rcduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost; fniiurc to wenrdriver's seat bell, dismissed per plen, - David A. Allen, speeding 82 In n 65, reduced lo improperequipment, ■S50, cost. -Erickn B. Allen, expired regis­ tration, dismissed per corrcclion, - Amy S. Anderson, speeding 65 In n 50. rcduced to improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Anthony W. Anderson, exceed­ ing snfe speed, dismissed/civil settle­ ment, - Jo,se R, Argueta, no license, dis­ missed per corrcction, ■ Dawn S. Arnce, speeding 80 In n 70, rcduccd to 74 In a 70, $5, cost, - Anthony J, Assanie, expired In­ spection, dismissed per correction, - Teresa L. Bniley, speeding 80 In a 70, rcduccd to Improperequipment, , $25, cost. - Pnul P. Banner, speeding 60 In a 45, rcduccd lo improper equipment, $25, cost: expired inspection sticker, dismissed per correction. • Paul A, Bnrrier, license nol l|i possession nnd expired registration, dismissed per corrcction. - Henry W. Beuls, speeding 80 In a 70, reduccd lo iinproperequipnienl, $25, cosl. - Eliznbelh A. Beasley, speeding 80 in a 70, reduced to improper Man Dies From Injuries Suffered In Bus Wreck The 76 year old Win.ston-Sa- letn man whose cargo truck col­ lided with the rear of a stopped Duvic school bus on Sept. 17 has died, Earl Lowe was pronounced dead at North Carolina Baptist Hospital on Ocl, 28 al liiS.S p.m, Lowe died from injuries sus­ tained in tho accident. Lowe wns traveling east on U.S. 158 in a 1997 CMC truck around 3:45 p.m. that Wednes­ day. According to reports by Ihe N.C. Highway Patiol, Lowe was traveling Ihe posted speed of 55 mph and his truck slid more than 120 feet before hitting the school bus at an approximate speed of 15 mph. No students or the bus driver were injured in the wreck. Charges Are Dismissed Charges against a fomier can­ didate for couniy commissioner were di.smis.sed in Davie District Court on Nov. 13 Dwight Myers, 72, of 165 Birchwood Lane, Mocksville wns arrested Ocl, 3 and charged wilh simple assaull and commu­ nicating Ihreuls, A report by the Davie Couniy Sheriff’s Depurtmenl said Myers hit Russell Craig Jr., owner of Lake Myers Cumpground, with a pick-up truck door and antago­ nized him' with nrearm. The charges ugainst Myers were dismissed nt Craig's re­ quest. equipment, $25, cost. - Chandra W. Beaver, .speeding 70 in a 55, reduced to improper eqnip- mcnl, $25, cost. - Gregory L. Beckel, speeding 80 In n 70, rcduccd lo Improper equip­ ment, $25, cosl. - Mnrcus L, Bennell, speeding 85 in n 70, reduccd to improper equip­ meni, $.50, cost. - Jimmy C. Benson, no license nnd expired registrntion, dismissed per corrcction. - Wendy G. Blankenship, unsnfe niovcmcnl, dismissed/civil selilc- mcnt. - Bonita H. Blood, speeding 80 in u 70, reduccd tp improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. - Candy L. Bost, no license, dis­ missed per correction. - Lurissn S. Brown, speeding 71 in n 55, reduced to Improper equip­ meni, $25, cost. - Johnny B. Buelln, speeding 80 in n 70, rcduced to Improper equip­ ment, $25, coal. - Jessicn E. Bumgarner, speeding 95 In a 70, reduced lo 79 in n 70, $5, cost, - I’nlricla C, Carpenter, speeding 60 In a 45, rcduced to 50 In n 45, $5, cosl. - Simone M. Cnrroll, expired reg­ istration nnd opernting a vehicle wilh no insurance, dismissed/correclion. - Dennis C. Cnrtner, expired in­ spection, dismissed/correclion. - Margnrcl F. Cnies. fuilure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed/civil .sellle- mcnl. - Muriu E. Ccccnus, speeding 89 in n 70, reduced lo 74 in a 70, $5. cosl. - Lenh C. Chunn, no license, dis­ missed per corrcclion. • Mengnn B. CInry, speeding 80 in a 70, reduccd lo improper equip­ ment, $25, cost. i f ‘Anything you don't want to do yourseir ^ T o p 2 (Bottom - I n s id e ^ O u t Home Improvement - Maintenance and Repairs ________Free Estimates and Reoaonable Prices_________ ^ Cenerat Odd Jobs CQrpen1i7 - I>ecks - Hauling - Cleaning and Disposal Indoor Painting - Gutter Cleoning Installations - Repairs Ught Plumbing and Electrical (Celling fans - Light fixtures - Dimmer Switches) Sordening / Pkinting - Shrubs Trimmed «Any Various Odd J9bji>f .AmLTYB€i!iLSi-Xt* Speclol Discounts to the Elderly and Disabled Phone: Terry W. Spoinhour (336)766-4049 or (336) 926-9771 Cellular CIemmonsHandyMan@att.net p . 11 ^ P EX ' y November 19 jduren We love you so much Grandmother and Papa Jeff L ■ ^ A l A ^ Ж Ж QQgaOQg>OOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOO C firis tm a s L o v e fe a s f i№ WKg.v o f hot coffee fitted la the hrim. Beeswax candles with red paper trim. M oravian hunx a ll wrapped up in the white. An eight-pointed star thal gl'ows in llie nighl. Inside the church people are singing. Up in ihe lower ihe church bells are ringing. A feeling o f love is around everywhere. I l ’s Christmas at my ctuirch. Wi.'ih you could l)e there. Sunday, December 7,2003 • 7:00 p.m. F i r s t B a p t i s t C h u r c h 390 North Main Street • Mocksville, NC Everyone welcome to our special gift lo Ilte communily. Childcare W ill Be ProvidedClttUlcare Will ae rrovulea II I I Tucson Jewelry Artist C y n t h i a G u l d b e r g will be at Woodworks Gallery Selling her Handmade Jewelry O N E D A Y O N L Y This Friday, Nov. 28th • 1-5PM ^ f i WOODWORKS ^ QflLLCRT 18SN.MninSt,Mock.svillL' (336)75M(X)1 P o o r M an^s S u p p e r H a r d i s o n U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h (1630 Jcricho Chiii'ci-i Road, Mociisville) Thursday, December 4, 2003 5:30 until 7;00pm Join us for a fun evening nut w ith fnm ily and friends and enjoy great food, feiiow sliip, nnd live m usic featuring The Poor M an’s Band! - Proceeds to benefit David Tavlor - Donations welcomed bul not required ' FREE TAX SEMINARS Come and learn about recent tax law changes! Individuals: 5;30 to 6:30 pm New lower tax rates on capital gains & dIvliJentJsMarriage penalty reliefInvestment strategies to minimize taxes Businesses: 7:00 to 8:00 pm How to write off $100,000 In equipment this year Bonus 50% (depreciation Retirement plans • Other tax saving strategies Tltiesday, December 2nd at Davie County Library-Mocksville Diane Battles CPA Pre-registration is .'lugge.slcd, but nol required. t’lea.w call 940-36(K> to register or to ^^^sclwdul^ojtriw^^ CENTER EXXON 1822 Hwy. 64 West Mocksville 492-5623 We Now Accept Tobacco Coupons New Selection of Support Our Troops Ribbons Small Large $ | 9 9 $ 2 9 9 Products 12 packs Coke Products $ 2 8 6 Single Cans of Coke Products 39*^ each Y o u r L o c a l S to p F o r M ilk , E g g s , B re a d , e tc . • • • • • . . г»«* * » « S ïb • S T O R E W ID E H O L ID A Y SALE The Oaks Shopping Center Hours: Lewisville Mon-Fri 10-7 336-945-2566 Sat 10-6, Sun 1 -5 Buy l Get X FREE* I 'Sccond item must be of equal I or lesser value0 All Mon's, Womon's nnd Cfiildron's clothinc) nnd accGssorios includod. doci' nol includo SpencGr products. Must hnvo 2 itoms. Indlvldunl Itoms vWII not bo soid nt hnlf prico. All snios tinnl. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT SALES 1533 I.vwl.svlIle'Clcminotis H^l, Clcinnion.s 766*4449 • 766-4938 F u ll L in e O ffic e S u p p ly S to re Gina, Liz €r Sk&t-ry want to- we(j&omj& you to- MT etc. • All Your Holldtiy Shipping Needs, Free Boxes 8< Shipping Peanuts, Plus We Pack When You Ship W ith Us • Variety of Learning Tree Christmas Cards • Jewelry & Purses Come by & pickup our new sale catalog Full line office supply Free next day delivery,.,whether you need 1 or 100, we can accommodate, You may call“, fax or email your orders. Fuil color copies coming soon I Full line typing, resumes, flyers, printing & signs. Hours: M-F 8-6 2668 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd, Clemmons (across from Village Candle & Gills) Ph: 766-8382 Fax: 766-9661 Sports D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - B I Davie Has No Answer For Tabor’s Quickness ARNOLD BAKERY THRIFT STOREEnhance Your Holiday Got-Togethers& Gilts With Рп>п}1ит Нота At Thrtn Storo Pricos S A V E U P T O 6 0 % DAILY ON SELECTED ÍTEMSЛепха the Street from Village Interiors 2A6H U!\vLsvUlc-CU'inm()ii.4 Kd. * Clenmwiis, NC OPEN; Mon.-Fri. 9-7; SaL 9-6; Sun. 12-5 DIscounU lo Church«« & Other Group« BUY 1 Arnold Bread &Get 1 FR E E ! KQlUbOH I.MSShiK VAI.rK CI.KMMONS THHin STOUK CODI'ON BUY 1 Boboli Product &Get 1 FR EE! IIQUALOK I.IUÌ.SHR VAl.UIiCLHMMONS TIIRIKr STOR« COUl'ON(>M Смроа Гм NrtM. B U Y l Entemann’s Product & G e tl FR E E ! ÜQUAI. OK I.IU5im VAI.Uii CLIlMMONSTIIKIPr STOKH COUPONOm СмроА nt Гммй.........1ИР‘Ш.»Л{}Л71?......... ATTENTION SMOKERS THE LO W-PRIC E T OB ACC 0 LEADER XRRHEELTQB^ •‘ЛТиЬнссо Friciiilly Slorc” .SKYDANCER.. TUCSON......... SO.VEB_____ ,.$9.95 MARLBORQ....................$2L85 i i a « MEWPOKT.....................$2159 ..»as KOOU...........................Í19.8S TAHOE...........................Д1а99 BASIC................... CHEROKEE.................,.$ia99 №STY.................. CHEYENNE... M CtfldAm . ..........^»28 ...........$I&29 и&АСОШ.......................,$1&29 ,.$16.99 BAILEY’SL........................$1S.29 Huge (elictiim of Invoited CJe^ Fcaiuririsi A. Fumica Montenfaiig, Macanudo, Parbeu, Punch, Oif^s CoMba, Adil)i> OuertaRerand Mai^More!! 6311 S T A D I U M D R . C L E M M O N S * 778-1144 • Certified Angus Beef Burgers & Philly Steaks • Homemade Idaho fries & onion rings Starters & Salads ' Subs & Pizza • Wraps & Pitas ~PLUS~ • Homemade Ice Cream • Banana Splits • Hot Fudge Brownie Sundaes * Shakes & Malts •Root Beer Floats. •Smoothies 2570 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd. 7 days a week Sun-Thur 11am-9pni FrI-Sat llam-IOpm 712-1050 Y O U D E S t B IIE T H E B E S T HUSQVARHA ViKlHG iííe r^ У OnatPritxson; ntbrfc, Notions, TArestf йШИпеж&Зегдш I 1317 L«wifVlU«.CI«mmon« L«w(>vl)* ЗЗв-ГМ-8271 ■ H è a W l ^ n d | l e r b C ^ e r W ish|,|^Y o x.\|a xiid --ÿ^^^ M éri-y C hristriìas ariä a “tìE A L p -IY ’l^ ^ w Yeai ' Prese»t,jÉis ad f(^.Ä •■'í .ìfiridology" - ^ ànd nütrltonal^Çonsultation ' (b26.^Value)0 ^ Offer E x ig e s Jaii. 81,04 j í í ^ o u r e 7вв-вбв5Х ..^ M -F 10 - в;О0/-К В. Stadltím Dr.' ' Clemmtìne,*'' , H a p p ^ i S â M a y s jj| r ô n ij; ) Ç v ^ à ^ Ä ^ e i i r i b t y W î ï l ^ i; S A J V T A ' S 0 j m Cruises Tours Vacation Packages Give the Gift to Remember! Alaska, Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, Bahamas, Bermuda, Hawaii, South America, Disney World, Universal Studios, and more. Visit n'vinv, tops travel, com Book your trip now or get a Gifi Certificate to wrap for your special Holiday Season, Tops Travel 2554 !.ewisviUe-Ciemmons Rtl Suite ¡02 Clemmons, NC 27012 336-766-7303 r Kimono Authentic Ja»(incse Restauranti<M. И;л|Ц. (iili.n,) Í Hours: 4^ 5un()ay-lhursday 1 liOOdm-iOOpm rnilaylliOam-yjOpni SdluiiJaH^OOpm-ftJOpn) Dine-ln or Take-Out Fast and Friendly Service Clemmons New lowne Shopping Cenler /66.6261 Welcome Old Highway us 52 731.7510 ä С I Д D «ffaiii, begitining O U v J / \ l \ Nov. 27, we w ill be selling N U R S E R Y b C r i/ Ft^sh-Cut, Premium Quality, North Carolina Grown Fraaer Fir Christmas Ttves At Our Two New Locations in J Intersection of Highway 15B & 801 beside Dairy Queen & fc Clemmons Road beside Bi-Lo f t “ o ^ S !» N U R S J i V any t№ ej Fraser F in Cut From O u rFam T b ^ u ^ ^ o m el -Wreaths & Garlandl NG Fraser Firs • Spruce By Brinn Pitts Davie County Enterprise Rccord WINSTON-SALEM - Davic turned football back to its roots nnd hammered out nve straight win.s. Tiie War Eagles demolished Page with a memorable of­ fensive performance and rumbled into Friday's 4-A West quartcrnndls at top- seeded Mount Tabor desperately want­ ing to do something that had never been done at Davic, Fan after fan said they could not re­ member being so captivated by an up­ coming game. Even though Tabor wns heavily favored, they sensed this-was It. The third quarterfinal appcarance was going to be a charm. Their offensive wide bodies were winning every battle in the trenches, and they were going to spice an amazing comeback story from 4-4 with nn unprecedented march to the .semlflnnis. The War Eagles, though, could not generate further glory. In a Tabor team that has n bottomless reservoir of light­ ning-quick weapons, they faced a chal­ lenge they couldn’t meet. After making so much magic, they could not crentc a shocker heard ‘round the .state, falling behind 14-0 and losing 27-12, "Wc were up and had thnt bounce in our step," said senior outside linebncker Derek Cornntzer, his eyes glazed over from uncontrollable tears, “Before the game I felt like we were unbeatable, I felt like we could bent anybody the way we’ve been pinying. It just went down­ hill real quick," The Wnr Engles (9-.S), de.spite a fabu­ lous week of prncticc and a drooling hunger, did everything they could. They produced the second-most yards (4,293) in records that date to 1981. They rc- cordcd a sixth winning rccord in eight years, won the Central Piedmont Con­ ference for the third time in six yenrs, becnme'the fifth team in 48 yenrs to post nine wins and celebrated a qunrterfinal M ft). second year In a row.m W tremendously proud of the kids,” Cbach Doug llling said. “A lot of teams would hnve quit after that four- . game skid, but; they got redirected, fought together and got better as the sea­ son went on. They wanted to set the stan­ dards higher, and I think that's going to carry Into our offseason, This is back- to-bnck years Davie's been to the third round, and that’s never been done be­ fore, The senior class set a standard and 1 told the junior class we’ve got to get to this level ngnin, but be good enough to get to the nextIcvcK” The defense figured stopping Tabor receiver Marcu.s Vereen, who was com­ ing off a seven-cntch, thrce-touchdown explosion ngninst North Dnvidson, nnd slowing roll-out qunrterback 0,C . Wardlow wns morc imperative lhan dealing with fullback Janiar Wiley, ' ’fi|i(dXhris Sponaugle nnd ' ‘ jj9]^e8’aij. №ored between 10,*and', '.‘i.^'goints as S. Dnvie’s 7th basi?et|;: blitzed N.Davi "\l^K«l),ieBr6Mrn scorcd 13 gat^^:-, :vi:hj^hpoin‘^sns N. Davie’s gir)s^a0i , t^tbal! teanji'jumpod on S. Da|iei ' l^rand cpa^ted to, a 43-26:^in4.;; s'; ,l!^von Venable and s4Veyrcon\blped for'34 ;; icarfied Daviess JV boyo to a.'i^qm^ i; .fortable lead twfofe won 58-57 qn a 3-pointcr. / Cliff Burns of Davie’s V^ p| boysi had 22;polntf shpoting, 9 reboynds and'5 ijx a 19-69^ i5eason-ape^ing||wi , over tkke’Nonnan. Mat jl /added 19 'po|nts i^nid '.Mashore had 11 points; tounds arid 5 assists', “ 'i y ' f ,4/AUlsori Schafer, Carly 1 - Alyse oWden,'Alyson Wa ^nd Nicole MtireAdy e^h , Ijetween H and 15 po(nts,i?'C , Davie’s varsity girls opeHp4M}i|| a sttinningly efficient over Lake Norman. ^ ‘ , Cooter Arnold ptpavie^s|i^fe ball team recorded his 12tH|l^ii v.yard game of thoyear,wjtli,!i||jM' a 27-;12'quarterfinal loss '.T»bo,r,.The junlpt .■'Í It wns most definitely a plck-your- poison dilemma that has victimized 10 straight opponents. Cooler Arnold, Raeshbn McNeil, Cornatzer and Kurt Bivins held Vereen to one catch and lim­ ited Wnrdlow to 40 yards on nine scrambles. But even when they’re quiet, it doesn’t mailer because Conch Bob Snpp has countless options. Wiley (32 carries, 130 ynrds) drove the bnll right down Davie's esophagus and demonstrnted why the Spartans (12-1) have one ofthe most complete teams in the slate. “They hnve a lol of speed and they could get up the middle or tnke it out­ side nnd then throw the deep ball,” se­ nior free safety Billy Riddle said. "So they're pretty solid all-around, They were just better than us. We stopped one but they've got so many weapons.” Wardlow ran wild in what proved to be a decisive first quarter, On third-and- 14, he left the pocket, didn’t find any­ body open and kept the ball for 18 yards. After a 26-yard gain by Wiley, Wardlow whipped a 37,-yard touchdown to Wayne Crowell, who slipped three steps behind Davie's cornerbnck and mnde an ea.sy catch in the end zone. Why wns Crowell so wide open? Becnuse Wnrdlow rolled lefl, looked ns if he wns going to tuck it nnd sucked Davie’s secondary up. At the last scc­ ond, he stood up just shy of the line of scrimmage and let it fly. On Tabor’s sccond scries, Wardlow dashed 12 yards and Wiley kept Dnvie's defense on its heels with 48 of the TD drive’s 63 ynrds. It was 14-0 in Ic-ss than 13 minuics, Dnvic’s defense looked befuddled as Tabor amassed 157 yards nnd seven first downs in the first qunrler. By contrast, Dnvie had 2 yards and no first downs. “It was very confusing with their backfield motion,” senior left guard/ linebacker Justin Norsworlhy said of Tabor’s sprend offense, “We had some breakdowns and a lot of mis.sed tackles," Riddle snid, "They hnd a gnme pinn nnd per­ formed it lo a ‘T ’," Cornatzer snid. “I mean we tried to head (Vereen) up and figured he'd be Iheir go-to guy. He caught seven passes (vs. N. Davidson) nnd three of them were touchdowns. You would think they would throw to him, bul Wiley jusl killed us up the gut," Meanwhile, Davie’s sledgchainmer offense was overwhelmed by a Tnbor defense lhal gives up 10 points a game, Arnold, who holds virtually every school rushing rccord ns n junior, pro­ duced his I2th lOO-yard gnme (143 yurds on 22 carries), bul 113 of them camc on three plays.. Junior Justin Brown, a lOOO-ynrd tailback for the sec­ ond lime, managed just 51 ynrds. In the air, Arnold and Andrew McClannon went 4-of-ll for 36 yards. In the first half Davic didn’l advancc past Tabor’s 42-yard line and trailed 14-0, “We knew we’d have to bring our A game lo win, and Sapp had a grent gnme pinn for us," Norsworlhy snid. "Sapp noticed we like to run to the tight end a lot, and they shifted a few guys over there. And enough can’t be said nbout Ihcir linebackers. No, 12 (Josh Chilton) and No. 30 (Derek Nicholson, the brotherof Florida State's A.J. Nicholson and son of UNC great Dnrrell Nichol­ son) lived up lo Ihcir hype. We didn't Please See llling - Page B7 Mt. Tabor controlled things from the outset, as you can tell by the look on Davie's cheerleaders. - Photos by James Barringer Devore Holman (middle) and Keith Whitaker don't like what they're seeing in a season-ending loss. S te p h e n s’ N ew lo o k Team M a k e s Q u ite A S h o w in g By Brian Pitts Davie County Enlerprise Rccord % Last yenr’s Davie varsily girls bns- kclbnll tenm revolved around two prominent firsi names; Snrnh and Dawn, This yenr’s first names surround­ ing college-bound Allison Schnfer; Alyse, Alyson, Andrcn, Nicole, Carly. Fine, so maybe a surname is required this early in the senson, Alyse Bowden, Alyson Wnlker, An­ drea Dwiggins, Nicole Maready and Carly Boolh are not stars - not yet, any­ way, after combining for a 12-point av­ erage last year - but they’re no longer unknowns, either. Shooting 53 percent over a 16-minule stretch, hitting lO-of- 1 O free throws down the stretch nnd pro­ ducing five double-figure .scorers in a 69-52 senson-opcning win ut Lake Norman will do that every lime, “Who would have Ihoughl we would scorc 69?" Coach Karen Stephens said. "I was surpri.scd, too." When Sarah Williums und Duwn Singleton carricd Davic lo 21 wins lust year, some of the main guns on this year's team were almost invisible. Bowden, Wulker and Maready mostly watched from the bench and paid their dues. When 2003-04 cume culling, they served notice lo nnyone doubting their chances of uchieving competilivcness, Schafer offset cold ficld-goal shool- ing from the line for 15 team-high points. Booth had 13 points und nine rebounds. Bowden had 12 points nnd foura.ssists. Walker had 12 points, four steals and three ussists. Murcudy hud 11 points and nine rebounds. Dwiggins ■ scorcd jusl two, but wrestled away 10 rebounds. Beating Lake Norman hardly guar­ antees success, bul Ibr a team feeling its way Ihrough u rebuilding maze, it was quite a start. Please See Stephens - Page B8 Burns’ Offseason Work Shows In Opening Win By Brinn Pitls Davic Counly Enterprise Record Considering several football players were missing from the Davie vursily boys basketball roster, and considering the War Eagles are dealing with ques­ tions regarding roles, minutes nnd go­ to scoring, Ihey entered last week’s sea­ son opener al Lake Norman ns n work in progress. Cliff Bums’ progress was obvious in a 79-69 win. The 6-6 junior center scored 22 poinls, controlled nine re­ bounds and rejected five shots lo allow Davie lo mainlain a working margin over the final 19-plus minules, "He's stronger and he runs the floor n lot better lhan he did lasl year," Couch Mike Absher said, "It’s what he's done to get ready for the year, and 1 think that’s just the beginning for him." In Ihc offscuson. Burns developed u new work elhic lo smooih jagged edges from a sophomore season in which hc avcrnged u modest 6.7 poinls for u 9- 15 leum. Hc also worVcd hard to pul power post moves inlo liis arsenal, aiul the 2003-04 opener aiipeured to show posilive effects. Burns puni.shed Lake Normun wilh 8-of-10 shooting Ihut lefl Absher beuni- ing. He also went 6-of-8 from the frec- Ihrow line. "We’ve talked aboul having lhal go­ to guy, und il may well be him," Absher suid. "I diti a lol of work in the weight room, working on my footwork, junip- ing roping und everything," Burns .suid. "Before 1 didn'l renlly work on jump roping or tuke weight lifting serious. Then 1 suw how much it could holp me." Burns was only one part of the win. Malt Smith hit 12 of 14 free throws for 19 poinls, nnd Michuel Mushore mude u dramatic impact in his first varsily appearance, stepping in for a suspended Josh Aikan and responding wilh 11 points, 16 rebounds and five assists. Plense Sec Mnshore - I’age B8 Wrestlers Exceed Lowery’s Early Expectations Forget how Dnvie’s wrestling team has done ll. All that matters is the War E.igles prevailed and they’re 3-0 wilh­ oul key picces from the football team. Afler surviving a down-to-the-wire scrap wilh Chapel Hill in the .season opener, Davic irndcd blows wllh visit­ ing Southwest Randolph lust week. The Cougnrs bolted lo n quick 15-6 leud, but Dnvie owned the middle matchups and sealed a 36-33 win with two weight clas.scs left. "We made mistakes all the wuy Ihrough, bul when you’re wrestling with 10 freshmen nnd sophomores, I’ll tuke what I get," Coach Buddy Lowery said. Afler Dnvie dropped three of the first four matches. Dusty Johnson triggered a 26-0 run with a pin al 119. Zac Morton, Aaron Hollifield, Chris Aiige, Timmy Allen and Jeremiah Ruby fol­ lowed Johnson’s cue with consecutive wins for u 32-15 lead. Freshman Angc's 6-1 win at 135 came in his high-school debut. “Ange sucked it up and wrestled hard," Lowery said, "1 think he’s going to be a good one." SWR closed to 32-21 by beating sophomore Jonalhan Dwiggins in his first-ever varsity match, but sophomore Josh Bames nailed the SWR coffin shut with a 13-4 win thal mnde it 36-21. Barnes’ win was magnified when the Cougars collected 12 poinls in Ihe final two matches. Given the eircunislunces, it’s nol surprising Ihul Duvie hud lo cluw for Iwo wins, Lowery’s hud lo roll back carly expectations because of the fool- ball team’s plnyoff run, "You’re going 10 have (closc calls) Ihis early in Ihe year," Lowery said, "Ncilher one of those teams (Chapel Hill und SW Rundolph) urc bnd. It might mukc you lo.sc u little sleep, but they're gelling u lol of drilling nnd we're building a good foundation. “I'm nol disappointed n bit with the way we've wrestled. I've got young pups at the top, (Travis Scales und Garetl Parks) ure big in stature but they just need to mature physically. But that just comes with lime," Freshman Adam Mellwuin cnme ever .so closc to sturting his cnrccr 2-0, losing 6-3 ut 112, "He controlled the whole mnlch," Lowery suid, "He was benting him 3-1 wilh 20 .seconds left." Shutout Win The level of competition dropped lo new depths laler in the week against visiling Luke Normnn. Dnvie piled up 12 pins in n 79-0 win thul wus the next- closest ihing to n bye, “Every now and then you’ve gol to PIcnsc See Barnes - Page B2 1 12 ■ D A V I K C O U N T Y E N T K R I ’ K I S I ' : R K C O R l ) , l ' i t i i r s d a y . N o v . 2 7 . 2 ( 1 0 3 Josh Barnes operates al 160. The sophomore is 3-0. - Photos by James Barringer Sophomore Russell Hilton hasn’t been challenged in three matches. B arn es S e a ls V icto ry CoMtiiiiicd Knmi I’lini! Ill liiivo one likf ihiil," l^owery siiiil. "Did il rcully help Il.s? I don'l Ihink It lielpucl us tliat imicli. As lav lls conl'iilcnce, some of llie hii; boys iiceilcil a win." Davle yol pins Crom Holll- lit'li). Aiii,’t', Kiihy. D\vii!^ii).s, llaines. Troy Blakley, Seales, Mieliuel Miirpliy. Purks, Mell- uaiii, .lolinson and Morton. Allen slipped by 5-4 ami Riis- .sell Hilton eniiseil 8-0. Nolc.s: Last year Davie slumliled out (1-2 wiilionl fool­ ball players, losing 40-30 to SW Randolph and .19-35 lo IHasI Uiivke. Then with a full stjuiid, it won .30 of 33 dual nialches.... Kaby. Barnes. Milton and Jolinson lire 3-0 and Ange is 2- O.Hoinneld,Allen,Parks. Mcll­ wain uiul Moi'Uin are 2-1. Jun­ ior lilakley’s win at 171 agiiin.st Lake Norman was his varsity debut. "We’rc belter than mosl people think we are righl now." Lowery said.... Thc War liagles go to .St. Stephens for 10-teani tournament on Nov. 26, and they iravcl to rrcodoin on Dec.4 al 6 p.m. ... Davie's JV leam will compete in a loiirnament al Ml. Tabor on Nov. 25 at 7 p.m. Josh Barnes drives Is foe into the mat. Buddy Lowery talks to Josh Barnes during blood time. TR EIi StiRVlCE North Wrestlers Open Strong 75' WorklnaHeight BucketTruck Complelo Clean up ' . Rasldonllol & Commorlcal sylh iTn y n T fifn Tn Tn f t iy • Lol Clearing • Ttoo Feeillng• Tree Ramovai Farlllliallon • Slump Gtlniling • Hatardous • Selecllve Trimming Removal & Pruning ' Skid Sleor l/Vork Fully• Storm Damage Insurod 33r.4 9 2 . 2 9 4 4 ^ Toll №’ 33) I'oiir missing slarters from a lineup lhal was already burdened with replacing 14 of 15 slarters from lasl year's 13-0 leam. Thai appeared lo be a recipe Ibr di­ saster as North Davie's wrestlers hosted Lc.xinglon in lasl week’s season opener. Bill Coacli K011 Kirk husn’l won 2‘Jft nialches for nolhing. Ho moved people around, wnex- pecled slarters covereil up the holes wilh ama/ing ease and Ihe Wildcals rolled like always,«)- .30. "We w'cre missing four start­ ers due to academic suspen­ sions," Kirk said. "Hopelully lliose guys will be bitck scum.btK the wresllers wlio filleil in did a greal job." The Wildcals are far from cham pionship form, bill ihu 0()cniiig pcrl'ormiiiice was more llian enough for finc-liming No­ vember. Michael Harder and Zach Russcll-M yers gave Nonh a quick 12-0 lead in Ihe S3- and y3-pomid spots, and afier Lcx- ington responiled wilh consecu- livc pins 10 tie it, James Kuell, Taylor livans, Ethan Curtis. Chancc Davis and Josh Riddle crushed the visitors wilh five slraiglil pins for an insurmouiil- ablc 42-12 lead. Nick Scham bacli, Caleb Rominger and D J. Holman re­ ceived Ibrlelts as the Wildcals split tlie filial si,>: matches. De- spilu a lineup full of unknowns. they picked up Iheir 14th straight win and 54tli in 55 inalclies. "We are inexperienced now, but the more mat lime we gel llie better we will be," Kirk said. Nolc.s: Michael Maready had a pin in a preliminary malcli.... North hosts Soutlieiisl on Nov. 25 and Erwin on Dec. 2. Unless North loses before Dec. 2, Kirk will seek his 300th win against Hrwin. ... Soulh Davie hosts Krwin on Nov, 25 anil goes lo 1 West Kowan on Dec. 2. M $5 9 ,9 0 0 .1 1 2 8 sf, (Yes^ ^ o u re a d th a t r ig h t ] ', O ld S chool D a v ie S p o rts N e w s F ro m N o v e m b e r, 1 9 6 6 • The Central Davie Moliawketls defeated the Cleve­ land Hawks 2Ì1-I2. Annie Ijames led Cenlral Davic with nine poinls. Cenlral Davie lopped Cleveland again 15-K. Ijames had another big game with 10 points, and I'lora Wilkes added five as the Moliawketls iin- proveil lo 4-0. • The Davie Rebels football leam placed three on the All- Norlh Piedmonl Conference team: Halfback Randall Ward, cenler Edgar Osborne and guard Ronnie Riddle, Ward and Os­ borne were named for ihe scc­ ond year in a row. Corriher In PP&K Championships Nov. 30 Urail Corriher, who wiin llic NFL’s Punt, Pass,& Kick soctiomil, will parlicipate in ihe cliampionsliip al halliimc (if the Carolina Paiitlicrs’ game on Nov. .^0. The Davic sophomore will be among four contestants in his 14-15 •age group. The Revere, 1128sf, s59,900 ($53 per sf) 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths W e 're e x te n d in g a v ery special offer on o n e of o u r mo.st p o p u lar h o m e s th ro u g h D ecem b er 3 1 , 2 0 0 3 . ■ O u r h o m e s a re b u ilt o n site , n o l p re-fab or m o d u lar, ■ N atio n al b u y in g pow er. Local c raftsm en . ■ N o lo t? W e can h elp you w ith o u r free lot lo c a tio n se rv ice. ■ N o d o w n p a y m e n t an d n o c lo sin g co sts for q u alified b u y ers. Statesville Sales & Design Center Take Exit 15^1 off I ¿10 704-872 8Q8Q 800 714-2324 ext. 2 WWW.WnyneHomes.com Call for free book of house plans. W ß O iV E S /1 Division of Centex Homes I Htr.u’-. l.iii'l ,111.1 ií!iíTMVf,’:,-’M. fluì inclti'li' l ii; |.i,i ■ . ' ’!;• (fii; >,.■ С/.Х Mufti'.ìi'.’'- I* ' !,. r.ll t Mi, I \'/\ Honu- [lùi..;. I ;'r . ; ìf.r.-'a'l: 1.1 il (' > ,i:. 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O ffer G o o d U ntil 11/30/03 a t A ll-A m erican F o rd M e rcu ry O nly. j SMeivllIo 1' 1.40 ä впШ) i's. 1Ш AIL- 1 AMERICAN FORD ^ MERCURY Mocksvillo FORD MERCURY Shop us online a t a a f o r d . c o m Buy A m erican... Buy Ford... “Buy ALL AM ERICAN FORD” Just off 1-40 Exit 170, Hwy. 601 • Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-216 1 * Plus Tax & Fees. Dealer rotalns all rebates, '“Excludos dioso! engines. Soe doaler tor doiails. Н 4 - D A V I K C O U N I ' Y E N T ì C R P K I S K R K C O R D , r i u i r s d i i . v , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 ( 1 3 FOOIBALL CONTEST C O N T E S T R U L E S Лпуопо .can enlcf except erriployeos ol Ihe Davie Counly Enierpfiso Record .incJ their tamilies Only one entry allowed per person pef weeK. Al! enUtes musl be on original newsprtnt or (лх to 336-75l-§760. 2. Garnes in ttAis week's contest are listed m eacfi advertisement on Ihese two pages Fill m the contest blank and subrrnl or mail IHe entry to the EntGtpfisQ RecoKt, P.O. Bo* 99. Mocksville, NC 27028. 3. The lirst ont?an1 correctly predicting (he outcome ol all games in a week will receive a bonus ol S2500 Weekly prizes are S25 A Cap tor tifst place and S5 lor second place, 4. In case ol lies, Ihe enlrani wno came closest lo Ihe total f>urnber ot points in the lie breaker wins. II a tie sMI exists, awards will be divided equally among the winners 5. Er^tries must be deltveted lo ttie EnlefprisQ Record before 5 pm Friday each week. The oflice Is located at 171 S. Main SI., Mocksvllio, NC. 6. Winners will bo nnnounccd lollowing each conlosl. Decisions ol ludges wJI be tnal. A now conlosi will'be iinnounced ciich weel(. GO W AR EAGLES! Daniel Furniture & Electric Co., Inc. ______________1. Ml, Tabor V. W. Charlotio_______________ Courteous, Dependable Service for over 60 Years Johnny Maridin • hMssa Rollins • Will Marklin 848 Soulh Main Street • Mocksviile, .NC 336-751-2492 • 336-751-3975 A m w w C C B Centra! (imilina Bank 17, Miami V, Pittsburgh - DAVIK COUN I'Y KOCA'I IONS - l-(S W. WiitiT St.. Miicksvillc • SSI) Yadkinvillf Kil.. Mock.sville • 7.SI-626I CiHila'inec .Shopping Center, Cdoleeniee • 28.I-2.S-I2 .“i.lf)! U.S Ilwy. :5S,/\i.lviincc*4-10-2.12(1 SO M ETHINGDIFFERENT Small (16 oz,) M i l k s h a k e only 99^ with any food purchases. Mlnnosota V, St, Louis 5286 Hwy. 158 • Advance • 940-2438 S p i l l m a n ’s L a n d & H o m e S a l e s 14. Clovolond V, Sonttio • 'á l ÍT ií',1 Д Hwy. 801, Cooleemee, NC • (336) 284-2551 C L E M M O N S D I S C O U N T S A L E S 21, Vn,Toch V, Virginia Great Savings Throughout The Store 1533 Lewisville-Clemmons Road, Ciemmons Hours: Mon-Fri. D-7; SnI. 9-5 766-4449 www.c/ommonsdiscountsalos.com rUlMBER,rrgw ятш ff** ~п 7лшП/а£и£. НОМЕ CENTER AND BUIIDING SUPPLIES 162 SHEEK STREET ^751-2167 MOCKSVILLE'S COMPLETE BUILDER'S SUPPLY A comploto lumber yard tor tho past 70 yoars. V^horo your granddad was a satisfied customorl 2. N.C, A&T V, WoHord Mention This Ad S Got A Froo Koy CLEMMONS CARPET 271IIx'wisville-Ciemmon.sRci„Cicmmon.s ^ 'M Veal s l-Apci ieiK'e 7 6 6 - 8 1 1 0 or 7 6 6 - 0 1 6 6 i 20, Maryland v, Wako Forest ShownMtm Open Mon-Fri Ншп-Spm^Sai H:3l)am -12:1)0 T h o m a s L . N e s b i t A t t o r n e y a t L a w 0 65 Court Square, Downtown Mocksville 1 (336) 751-2125 vi.sit our w ebsite nt \v\v\v,iu'.4bit law.com тесна Your Echo dealer in Mocksville 7. Now Orlonns V. Washinglon A U T O M O T I V E M ocksville (336) 751-2944 EATO N FU N ERAL SERVICE SINCE 1951 325 North Miiiii Stieel Mocksvillc, NC 751-2148 12. Now England v. Indianapolis Davie Medical Equipment CDproviding all of your a home health care needs | iVccrvdUullmi CommKsluti fur ilnmr Слгг, Inr. 959 Salisbury Road fi MocksvlllB, NC 2702B g (336) 751-4288 • (880)797-1044 g Fax (336)751-4688 ä T o p s T r a v e l Tqps on P rofession al Service Your Uml Full Service Tmvel Agency 336-766-7303 32. Rico V. La. Toch vmw.topstravel.com ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 5 ^ _ e w is v fe C le ^ ^ B e t h ’ s Hallm ark New Towne Shopping Center, Clemmons 766-656723, So, Miss. V. ECU ^ A B L E S T STAFFING SERVICES Fo r (ill your .stajjinf> neeci.'i, liirc ii.\ a call. 6. Philadelphia v. Carolina Kiilliy Whitman, St»l'lin)> Siipurvi.sor 336-751-4414 • Mocksville A R E Y O U U P T O T H E C H A L L E N G E ? ^2500 BONUS PRIZE For 1st Porfoct Entry ^25 1st Prize & Gap *5 2nd Prize P h ilC a r A utom otive №1(1' Full Scrricr Vcliivh’ M(iiiili‘ii(nic(> Cinilcr Towing Service Now Available • 749*0475 FOREIQN & DOMESTIC AIR CONDITIONINQ WORK CV AXLES • BRAKES TIMINQ BELTS • GENERAL MAINTENANCE IB, Notro Damo v. Slanlord 1(528 H w y. (501 S. • 751-1800 l)('si(lv l.{iliv)p()o<l Mittoi • M ocksvillo G A S T H A U S on the S Q U A R E Rcslauranl.Gucsthousc & morel III] Nomii Mai.n .Sthi:i;t • Mocksmi.i.k, NC 27(12« CALL For Dinner Specials & Fri. & Sat, Reservations I’lloNi:: .Vii-75l-7yil(l .Wri-7.y-09«l Artur llclch Oitncr/,\liinu|{cr 13. Son Francisco v. Baltlmoro WE HAVE MANUFACTURED ,>s^HOMESTO FITYOUR BUDGET SEE JACE Ol-STEVE TODAYl 4. Buffalo V. NY Giants B o n a n z a M o M Ie H o m e s 700 Wllkosboro St. • Mocksvllio, NC Inlof. Hwys. 601 & 64 N.336-751-5959 Owncil ¿1 Ojicnileil hy Jack Mornun I t a l i a n F a m i l y R e s t a u r a n t 11. Cincinnati V. Pittsburgh Tnn(>lt'woo(l SiuippiiiK Center • Hillsd»le 940-6787 BODY SHOP DIRECT REPAIR for many major Insurance companies. Lifetime warranty on all body & finish repairs 10. Atlanta V. Houston Cali Tracy Pardue at 704-633-9016 HD Jerry A. Hauser, DDS, PA Adam T. Dorsett, DDS Hiiisdaie Dental 9. Tnmpn Bay v. Jooksonvllle Family and Cosmetic General Dentistry 336-090-2427 • Fax 336-990-1088 w w w .h m s d a lo d o n ta l.c o m 135 Motíictil Drivo. Suito 201 Advanco, Norlh Cnrolinn 27006 Your ^^Home-Town” Drug Store Foster Drug Co. 3. (NFL) Arizona v. Chicago 495 Valley Road • Mocksville, NC 336-751-2141 I'Vir urtili InlVirnuitldn (III driiKS & limillli pr<)l)lcni.s. K» (0 www.loslcrtlriiKco.cii D A V IE C O U N T Y enterpri/evrecord FULL COVERAGE O N NEWS & ADVERTISING RO. Box 99 171 Soutfi Main St.,Mocl<5vilie,NC 27028 pliono;(336) 751 -2129 fax: (336) 751-9760 24. Nebraska v. Colorado DAVlIi COUNTY EN TKKPRISIi KECOKD, riiursda.v. Nov. 27,20(»3 - Bi Impressive Scoring By Venable, Ivey Ends In Disappointing Defeat Davie'.s JV boys basketbull team had last week's season opener at Lake Norman iti its pocket. The War Eagles led virtually all the way and were up by 10 in the fourth i|uiirter. Milehell Ivey was nailing long shots and slic­ ing Ihrough Ihe lane, und 6-5 ccn­ tcr Devon Venable was making life miserable for Lake Norman in the puint. Then Ihings went bad. Davic took an ill-advi.scd three-poinler widi a two-point lead and 40 sec­ onds (eft. und Lake Norman's only outside threat buried a go- ahead tlucc wilh si,\ seconds lo go and left Davic hurting 5S-51. "During (lie timeout, I suid; Lake Norman Handles JV Girls Lake Norman spoiled T.J. Boggs' coaching debut by holding off (lie Duvie JV girls busketball teum 33-30 in last week's season opener. The host Wildcats led 18- . I.'i at halftime, 26-20 after three ■ (|uartcrs and were never threatened , down the stretch. “We haven't scrimmaged a lot : In praclice, and I Ihink lhat had a : lot to do with it," Boggs suid, "We ; only have two post players, but ; we're bringing some up from the ' freshman team." Grace Didenko's eight points kept Duvie close in the first half. She didn't scratch in the .second half, and unfortunately for Davie, she slill wound up leading her team in scoring, Slianika Brown hud six points and Evony 'I'uckcr banged two lale tliree-pointcrs for si.x poinis. "We deniiltely know wliat we need to work on," Boggs said. “We don't really have five standout players, and that's a big positive bccausc wc can sub and it doesn't hurt us." Boggs is from West Virginia. She went lo IVIarshall University, finished college lust spring and u job opening ut the high scliool lured her to Mocksville. Davic plays nonconfcrence home games against Mooresville Dec. 2 und Norlh Iredell Dec. 4, l.,nkc Norniun 33, Dnvle 31) - Grace Didenko 8. Shanika Brown 6. Evony Tuekcr 6, Jenny Munn 4, Morgan Owens 3. Rebecca Riddle .3. 'Do not leuve a three-pointer open,'" suid Terry Milchell, who watchcd his JV-coaching debut ruined by a late collapse. "We left open Ihe only guy tha( hud hit a three, und niy best defender did it. I lold tliem a two-pointer is overtime." After leading 28-23 at half- (inie, Davic took u 41 -34 leud into Ihe fourth i)uarter. Its primary weapons were Venable, who low- eird over Lake Norman's helpless inleriordcfcn.se for 18 points,and Ivey, who canned three three- pointers nnd put up 16 points. Michuel Bingham had seven points, and JoniUhan Mayfield und Hen Kuhn udded six eucli, "Ivey played the best game he'scvcrhad for me." said Mitcii- cll, who coached Ivey on lasl year's (Vcslmiun teum. "I was very proud of llim." The War liaglcs pushed Ihe fourth-i|uarter margin to It) de­ spite missing 11 of 19 free throws. Then things came apart. Afler a Davie player jacked up a missed three with u .‘i.‘i-53 lead, Lake Norman made Iwo lying free throws with 2,'i seconds remain­ ing. Ivey answered to regain a .57- 5.5 lead, taking the inbounds pass, pushing the ball across lialfcourt. making a pre((y bchind-lhe-back move and laying it in with 15 scc­ onds left. Then Davie losl Lake Norman's three-point specialist with si.x .seconds left. Whit Mer­ rifield pushed the liall to niidcourt, und Miwhell callcd time with 2.9 scconds on Ihe clock. Davie's inboinuls pass lo Mayfield ut (he key wus knocked uwuy, sealing u disappointing finish lo wiial hud been a solid effort. "I saw a lot ofgood (hings on offense, but we had a lot of first- game mistakes, shot 42 percent u( the frce-throw line and that sealed our doom." Mitchell said. "Our defense hud several mental lapses In practice my first prcmi.se on defense is see mun und ball, and there were people with their back tothe ball on 10-15 occasions. "I wanl a winning rccord and tliis was one wc sliould huve hud. Now we've gol to steui one in a game we're not supposed lo win,” Nole.s: Mayfield's points came on two three-pointers, „, Davie plays nonconference home games against Mooresville on Dec. 2 and North Iredell on Dee. 4. t.ukc Norman 58, Dnvle 57 - Devon Venable 18, Milchell Ivey 16. Michuel Bingham 7. Jonathan Mayfield 6. Ben Kuhn 6, Dillon Muii.ship 3,\Vhi( Merrifield I. C O N G R H T U U m O N S T o l a s t w e e l c ' s w i n n e r s i n o u r F o o t b a l l C o n t e s t First Place = $25 to Conrad Chappell Second Place = $5 to Tracey Arnold irfSa BfaA Saul fi« Sm A, G m d & JCeiuUeeÿe ИШеткЛ» 'Since 1927' Sond Qfovol Mulch Bnrk Nuggets Sßnd Rock Brick Nuggets Mon.-Fri. 7:3aS:30 Sat. 8:00-3:00 MC/VISA/AMEX 788-6411 Compost Topsoll Kid Cushion White Pebbles Brown РеЬЫоэ Pine NoQdloa Red Designer Mulch Dirt Mark& Cindy Shoaf Owners 19. Tennossoo v. Kentucky 745 W. Clemmonsville Road Winsfon-Salem. NC 27127 H andi C upboard 1& 2 2 Locations To Serve Your Needs! /t/i-irs Hwy 801 S. ’ Woodleaf • 284-4141 Open Sun.-Thurs. ‘til Midnight & Fri. & Sat. nighls 'til 2:00 a.m. #2-7682 Hwy. 801 S. - Cooleemee * 284-2828 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE MARTI Owned & Operated by Mardico, Inc. 1S. Kansas City v. San Diego VOGLER &SONS 30. UNLV V. Wyoming Srn ing the ишшшшгу /oroifr J'^S )Var.t. Funeral H om e■ттттштштттш^^ж Clemmons Cliapel ♦ 2849 Middlebrool< Dr. • IC M IH For insurwwc cnil B R A D R O M I N E s t a t e f a r m INSURANCIi 31. South Fla. V. Memphis 3 7 7 0 C lv n im o iv s R o s u l • C lc > m n 1 o n .s • 7 6 6 - 3 2 4 5 .ST/\TI; I'ARM INSirKANCi;C(),MI',\Nli:S» llO.MhOM K’li.S: ni.OOMINCi KlN. ll.l.. Conrad Chappell missetd just 5 gam es tliis w eek to claim our first place prize. Tracey Arnol(d was close behind with only 6 missed gam es to pocket the second piace prize. The contest will be ending in a few w eeks so don’t miss your chance to enter! ALL CONTEST ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE A FULL MAILING ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. WE WILL NOW BE MAILING ALL CHECKS TO THE WINNERS. THANKS! E N T R Y B L A N K A P V E R T tS E R 1, V i C C a a e ^ Ы C o m n v 29, Syr M o r t g a g e s 2255-D LewisvUle-Bill Brown 33( Business Manager M o r t g a g e tr c U ä 9 R u U te n U a lacuse V. Rutgers f o r t h e 2 1 ^ c e n t i u y ! Clemmons Road, Clemmons Í-766-8700 Operations Manager You Know Us... We Know Real Estate Prudential Carolinas Realty 27. Tompio V. West Virginia “S ervin g Lew isvitle, C lem m ons & D a vie C o un ty" 4156 Clemmons Road • Clommons • 336-714-4400 Г - - 25. Texas v. Texas A&M f i h Come see us and do your Chrislinas Shopping Early! The Oaks Shopping Center • Lewisville . 336-945-2566 • Hours: IVIon-Fri 10-7; Sal 10-6 T h e L o w P r ic e C ig ià re tte L e a d e r HOURS; M-F 9:30-« Sat. »-5 33. Toxns Chrislian V. So. Melhodlsl TÄRHEElDBfOCO Wß Accept Viêa, UC, DiMcovßf, CheckM ‘A Tobacco Friendly Store!" \ •ЪКБОП *10^* Cherokee •Таюс Ч (Г 'FmoUgtitor Witli Carton Puichiiso 6311 Stadium D r, Clemmons • 778-1144 Clem m ons Village Chiropractic 22. Georgia v. Go. Toch Dr. Michael Riccoboni 2235-B Lewisville-Clemmons Road Localoü on №o CDifiei Dl VoiNmillQCtemmons Roaa fc P«aMhaio(i Road I» №0 Clommons »llaao Pfolosslonal Ccnlsi SPECIALIZING IN; Headaches, • Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel, ArmA.eg Pain, Aulo & Work Injuries, M ost M ajor M edical P lans A ccepted 7 6 6 - 6 9 3 5 ¡тш Realty Consultants 2 B, Iowa si,v, Missouri D an R ath How may I serve you? Ollice: (336) 726-2135 , , „ „^ ^ indoputiilonlly OwnodEmail: danralh®remax,nel nndOi>orniuu www.danrath.com 2150 Countty Club, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27104 1Ш1 MLS PAT’S BODY SHOP TOWINQAVAIUBU COMPUTE INTERIOR REPAIR & REPIACEMENT CONVERTIBLE TOPS DETAILIHO AND CLEAN UP • COLLISION REPAIR• AUTHORIZED REPAIR SHOP FOR MOST INSURANCE COIMPANIES• COMPUTERIZED FRAME STRAIOHTENINO• EXPERT COLOR MATCHINO 26, Grambling v. Southern Family Owned & Operated Since im • Owner Smdra Chanoy 5720 Counliy Club Rd„ Winslon-Satem 336-945-3767 INSURANCE CLAIMS WELCOME A t t o r n e y s & C o i i n s e l o r s A t L a w W a r r e n E . K a s p e r J i l l F r a n k e l K y l a J . S i p p i e U 34. UAB V. Houston P.O. Box 687 • 3626 Clemmons Road Clemmons, N C 27012 • 336-766-9660 DANIEL FURNITURE ______________ 2. CAUDELL LUMBER ____________________ 3. FOSTER DRUG _____________________ 4. BONANZA HOMES _____________________ 5. DAIRY QUEEN _____________________ 6. ABLEST _____________________ 7. MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE _____________________ 8. DAVIE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT _____________________ 9. HILLSDALE DENTAL _____________________ 10. CLONINGER _____________________ 11. VENEZIA _____________________ 12. EATON’S FUNERAL SERVICE _____________________ 13. GASTHAUS _____________________ 14 SPILLMAN'S HOME S LAND SALES _____________________ 15. HANDI CUPBOARD 1 &2 _____________________ 16. THOMAS L.NESBIT/ATTORNEY _____________________ 17. CCB _____________________ 18. PHILCAR _____________________ 19. BLACK SAND _____________________ 20. CLEMMONS CARPET _____________________ 21. CLEMMONS DISCOUNT _____________________ 22. CLEMMONS VILLAGE CHIROPRACITIC _____________________ 23. BETH'S HALLMARK _____________________ 24. ENTERPRISE RECORD _____________________ 25. PARTNER'S TACK «.WESTERN _____________________ 26. PATS BODY SHOP _____________________ 27. PRUDENTIAL REALTY _____________________ 28. REMAX REALTY _____________________ 29. VILLAGE MORTGAGE _____________________ 30. VOGLER S SONS ____________________ 31. STATE FARM • ROMINE _____________________ 32. TOPS TRAVEL _____________________ 33. TARHEEL TOBACCO _____________________ 34. WARREN KASPER _____________________ TiuUrcakerI’lvUici iIk total scoro in tlic ^¡inic. In cmscs oitiivs, tho liohicakcf will he uscU lo Uctcunlnv: Ihc svinncrs. Total F l a S t . V. F l o r i d a Scored________ NAME:I I ADDRESS: I IDAY PHONE :_NIGHT:_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IEntries IVlust Be Recelvod Before 5 pm Friday j i f . - D A V I I ' : C O U N T V E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 . 1 щ т h : . . - ' ReShaun Parks (23), Matt Markland (51), Cooler Arnold (2) and Billy Riddle (43) run onlo the field before kickoK. Dustin Morgan, who later separated his shoulder, yanks down Craig Amos. Devore Holman (left) calls a defensive play, with Coach Davie's loyal fans packed its side of the Tabor stadium, forcing many Davie followers to sit on the home side. Doug llling by his side. ■Justin Norsworthy, who had an awesome senior year at LG and LB, makes a tackle. This time Justin Norsworthy brings down Jamar Wiley. - Photos by James Barringer ig in a i-$2 . 5 0 CRYSTAL GLEANERS 3608 Clemmons Road, Clemmons 7 1 2 -3 1 5 5 N igh t D ro p & D rive-Th ru M -F 7 AM-7PIVI • SAT. 8 AM -5 PM Same Day Service Weel<days: In by 11 a.m. ; Saturday In by 10 am. EVERYDAY SPECIAL: MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS 9 9 0 each mjfWTXifTi 5 (tüíns • COMl’UlTiRIZEO TO ACCURATOLY KEEP TRACK OF VOUR ORDER •I.EA1UER AND SUEDE • DRAPES • COMEORTERS ;VNY SIZE $10 • IX5WN COMPORl-ERS $25. •WEDDING(¡OWNS f IlEAWCOATS $6.00, REG. $&50 W E NOW DO E X P R E S S ALTERATIONSSyÊ.ooPAN TS STA RT A T Advance’s Perry Back In Heisman Hunt • Chris I’erry оГ Micliigiin nislicil lor I.S4 yards ¡mil iwii touclulowiis on .11 carrics ns llic No. 5 VViilvcriiKs Incut No. 4 Ohio Stnte .^.S-21 hcl'orc ¡i NCAA-rccoiilcrowilofll2.llS ill Ann Arbor. Tho senior tailbiick IVom Ail- vancc was scnsatiomil, inakinj; live calclics for 20У total yards, registering his eighth 10(l-y»rtl i;aiiic against ilie nation's stin- giesl rush ild'cnsc aiul leading iVlichigaii to its -(1st Uig Ten title. In Ihc pmccss. I’crry rejoined the I Icisinan Trophy race. One li.Sl’N analyst lankcd him No. 2 in the scranihlc I'or collcgc I'oolhall’s liiggcsl indivichial prize. On the year I’erry has 1.5S‘) rushing yarils iiml 17 TDs. • David Wooldridge (Davic High 2002) conlimicd his amaz­ ing rreshman season by averag­ ing 44.6 yards on live piint.s in a .10-22 loss to Duke. Me cven ran 24 yards utt a I'akc punt. Wooldridge'.s season ptinling average is 4.5.1, a mark lhal would rank him .second in the ACC - behind Wake I'orcst’s Uyan I’liickcniciei', who averages 4.“).8 - if he had enough at­ tempts. Wooldridge, who didn’l start unlil midscason, ha.s 27 punts. • N.C. State rrcshniiin line­ backer Patrick Lowery (Davie 2002) made two tackles in a 26- 24 loss lo Maryland. Lowery has 20 tackles in 10 appear­ ances. He’s played in all but Iwo games. Pants, Skirts, Blouses, Sweaters, | Vests, Shorts, Ties, Blazers | each Silks $1.00 extra Dresses, Robes, Short Coats, I Jump Suits I $ 3 3 0 each Minimum 3 items. Silks $2.00 extra I COUPON M UST BE PRESENTED WITH INCOMING ORDER on your Auto Insurance CALL US BEFORE YOU RENEW and COMPARE RATES C heck out th sse D iscounts! - Safe D river - M ulti-Policy - Age S S & O ver )/lllstate. Yoii'iu in Qond hniuls. Call Mari< Jones or Steve Ridenhour (336) 751-0669 Don’t Let Your Heat Go South R eplacem ent W indow s by G reat Lakes W indow s... Engineered Fo r Energ y E fflcien cy A n d Low M aintenace.—----- / GMTLAKEQ gEtvtOOeUNO. i i O ’ 5/ЛИ 1380 Mvirnce, N.C. 9 9 8 -2 1 4 0 D A V I E C O U N ' I ' V E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r . s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 ■ B 7 lilin g C o u ld n ’t B e H a p p ie r W ith R u n T o Q u a r t e r f in a ls Continued From Page III gel on them and .stay on blocks." Had Davie scltlcil down sooner and not spotted Tabor Ihc early 14-0 lead, Ihe outcome may ’;'tve been differenl, Riddle barely mis.sed returning the opening kiekoff all the way step­ ping oul of bounds at Ihe Davic 49 ns he raced inlo a sea of green grass. Al Ihc Tnbor 42, Davie failed twice to gain a yard for a fir.sl down when n .sustained drive could hitvc turned the tide, "We Iried to do our thing nnd they outplayed us," senior left tackle Znch Jnkob snid. “Thai 14- 0 wns very big. Wc like lo get up on people, nnd wc didn’t do that tonight." With Ihe War Eagles desper­ ately needing to do sotnething quick after halftiitie, they gol back in the game when their rub- berband defense forccd a threc- and-out and Arnold broke a 46- yard touchdown. Arnold wenl left wilh Ihc shotgun snap, got a big block from fullback Jamar Bratcher and wenl untouched lo Ihe end zone. The extra-point snap wn.s loo high to handle, but it was still n one-possession gnmcnt 14-6. "Al hnlflimc we settled the kids down and got them e.secut- ing like we’re capable." IHing said. "1 could smell a slale cham­ pionship, but they just kept on playing," Jnkob .said. “We were out llierc doing our besl." Any momentum Davie built up was dashed on the ensuing kiekoff. Craig Amos look Kevin Winters'pooch kick and rambled D a v i e F o o t b a l l S t a t i s t i c s Record: 9-5 Alexander Central W 29-7 at W. Rowan W 28-7 at Lake Norman W 52-0 Mooresville W10-7 Statesville L 34-27 at Freedom L 37-13 North Forsylh L 24-22 at West Forsyth L14-6 South Rowan W 21-13 at Reynolds W22-19 N. Davidson W 23-20 Charlotte Harding W 33-14 at Page W 34-14 al Mount Tabor L 27-12 Arnold Brown Bratcher Parks Cornatzer Rice Corriher Winters McClannon Davie PASSING ^ McClannon Arnold Winters Davie Opponents Young Parks Randolph Collins Arnold O'Brien Brown Bratcher Davie Opponents Arnold Brown Winters Randolph Bratcher Collins Parks Pane Rice Young Corriher Davie Opponents Delense Riddle Rice Cornatzer Pane O'Brien Morgan Buchanan Collins Goode Wilson McNeil Blakley Norsworthy Car.Gain Avg. Long 288 1921 6.7 77 199 1058 5.3 52 79 466 5.9 50 5 23 4.6 9 2 13 ^6:5 11 4 11 2.8 4 2 0 0.0 0 2 •5 0.0 21 11 -26 0.0 0 593 3450 5.8 77 542 2398 4.4 88 Comp Att Int Pet Yds TD Lng 39 86 7 .453 515 3 73 20 57 3 .351 328 4 39 0 1 1 .000 0 0 0 59 145 11 .407 843 7 73 68 168 121 ,405 1035 4 58 Rec Yds Avg.TD Long 19 203 10.7 0 26 14 166 11.9 2 39 10 173 17.3 2 40 8 170 21,3 2 52 3 98 32,7 1 73 2 17 8.5 0 11 2 14 7.0 0 14 1 2 2.0 0 2 59 843 14.3 7 73 68 1035 15.2 4 58 TD Conv.Kick FG PtS 26 1 0 0 158 11 1 0 0 68 0 0 26 5 41 2 1 0 0 14 2 0 >0 0 12 2 0 0 0 12 2 0 0 0 12 1 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 47 4 27 5 332 34 0 28 1 237 Tackles For Loss Sacks BrUp FF 157 5 0 8 3 120 15 2 1 1 70 6 1 3 0 69 11 8 0 0 67 4 1 0 1 63 11 1 2 2 60 2 0 0 0 55 8 4 2 3 52 5 0 1 1 47 9 6 0 1 44 0 0 0 0 25 1 1 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 through 13 games. INTERCEPTIONS Arnold 5, Riddle 4, McNeil. Pane, Phillips FUMBLE RECOVERIES Pane 5, Morgan 2, Bratcher, Buchanan, Collins, Goode, Morgan, Randolph, Rice Kicking PAT FG Winters 26-35 5-9 Corriher 1-1 0-0 PUNTING Att Yds Winters 43 1522 Lg 44 0 20-29 1-1 0-0 30-39 40-49 2-2 2-5 0-0 0-0 Avg. 35.4 Long In 20 58 9 42 yarils to the Davie 40. Wiley ran Ihrough two more huge holes to Ihe 14. and Wardlow hil a wide-open Vcrceii at the 7 to sel up Wiley's 1-yard plunge. Dew­ ayne Collins blockcd the extra poinl lo keep Davic wilhin 14 (20-6). "Running backs, receivers. i|uarlerback - tlicy're all really good," senior nose guard Hran- dott Pane said. "They answered right back, and thal look the wind right back oul of us." llling said. "That is a tough scheme. You try to show it in praclice, bul il's a hard scheme lo show fullspccd be­ cau.se you don't have lhal kind of personnel. They practice il everyday with kids lhal run 4..^ and 4.4, and il lakes some lime lo adjust to it. Wc .selllctl tiown. but we were down 14-0." Davie's courageous del'en.se - it held Tabor to Ihrce sc<ires de­ spite injuries to starters Logan Buchanan, Terrell Wilson, Dns­ tin Morgan and Ted Kandolpli - kept Davie within siriking dis­ lance by forcing two punts with the score 20-6. But Davic couldn'l slop the onslaught of Tabor's relentic.ss defense. McClannon came off the bench nnd I'irctl to Dewnync Collins, who slipped ns he cul lownrd the midillc. The ball vycnl over a fallen Collins and right to Amos, who zipped down the right sideline and weaved 66 yards lo put the game away. 27- 6. Arnolil made his second bril­ liant run, 48 yards, to sel up a Brown TD. bul the deal was scaled on Amos' interceplion with y;I.T to play. “Their offense outc,\ccuicd our offen.se," llling said. "We couldn’t get anything going to help onr del'en.se. The last .sev­ eral weeks we've been feeding offcach other, hut DS ( Tripii Kus- sell) up front gave us fits. .“iO Riddle .lakob Nor.swurtliy Pane Cornatzer (Alonzo Dent) gave us fils and of coursc .10 (Nicholson) was everywhere." If only Davie could have u.sed a mulligan in Ihe firsl ifuarter. Over the final .16 minutes, the outputs favored Ihc War Eagles, who regrouped for .seven firsl downs and 230 yards from the second i|uarter on. In the same span, Tabor had nine first downs and 121 yards. Wiley had 7.1 yards on his first nine carrics, bul only .“!7 on his final 2.Я. Wardlow had .10 yards on his firsl two car­ ries, bul only 10 on his final seven. Take away four sacks, and Arnold had 1 .‘i.'i yards on 18 run­ ning pliiys. Hul ifyou lake away runs of 19, 46 and 48 yards, he only had 42 on I .S running plays. “Wc needed lo play very well." llling said. "We couldn't have any lurnovers, we needed to create turnovers and we needed lo get some I'irsl downs carly to keep lhciroffen.se off the field. They answered our physi- ealncss up front. It was pretty even (al'ler the first (|uarter), bul Ihey got the best of us carly." The End What a ride it's been. riiotigh the War Hagles exiled a lillle earlier than Ihcy wanled, Ihcy walked off wilh mentories lhat are about as special as any­ thing in Davie lore. They cer­ tainly didn't lose this game as much as Tabor won it. “It's been awesome," said the imniorlal Riddle, who buried Ills head in his father’s arms and cried his eyes out. "I poured my heart into il for four yeats, and il’s whal I’ve done every day of my life. Every day I lifted weights and worked on my speed to play for Davie County.” “To work so hard iind come up a little bit short of our goals is a litlle disappointing," Nor- sworlhy said. "Bul nexl year they'll be back. I don'l feel bad leaving this program where it’s at." "Il's a brotherhood. Wc al­ ways preached lhal," Cornatzer ■said. "Every single one of these players is a brother lo me." "It was amazing," Jakob said. "I'll remember it forever, and ( wouldn’t have it any other way." Notes: Siipp improved lo 8-0 againsi Davie. Everyone knows he’s a great coach, but having a staggering array of talented alh- letcs has something lo do with his Davic stranglehold. The com­ bination has given Sapp eight conference titles (live in the CPC between 1992-98 and ihrce straight in the Metro Confer­ encc). Sapp left Tabor for two years, but sincc returning in 2001, his Spartans arc 15-0 in the Metro. ... Davie's quc.st for Ihe semifinals was stopped 27-0 at Crest in 1997 and 42-0 nl A.C. Reynolds lasl year.... Arnold set Ihree single-scason records (26 Great Govemge Slarlswilh Blue TDs, LSB points, 1921 rushing yards). Me set Iwo carcer records wilh a year lo go (.37 TDs, 228 points). Duvic Ml. I'utMir 6- 12 ■7-27 First Qiinrtcr ,M - Crowell Vi pass from Wardlow (Jiilluy kick), 6:56. Sccond Quarter M - Witcy I run (Jolley kick), 11 ;35. Ttilrd Qunrler D - Aniold 46 tun (tmi fall on bad simp), R:27. M - Wiley I run (kick blockcd), 6:21. ■''iiiirtli Quurtcr M ■ Amos 66 INT retuni (Jolley kick).9;n. D - llrown 5 run (run fall), i;44. riCAM S I A riS l'ICS First downs Kuslics-yards Passing Comp-All-lnt Punts Pumbles-Lost I'cnaliies-yards .Ird conversions INDIVIDUAL STA TISTICS Dnvic «USI UNO - Arnold 22- 14i, Brown n-.S|,Ilratclier2-2 PASSINO - Arnold 2-6-0-18, Mc- Climnon2-.‘i-l-m RtiCElVlNO - Parks 3-.10, O'Brien 1-6 Ml.Tiibiir RUSHING - Wiley .12-1.11), Ward- low 9-40, Samuels 3-22, Amos 3-16, Nlcliolson 1-3, Vcreen 2-(-l) PASSINO - Wardlow 3-8-0-68 RtiCElVlNO - Crowell 1-37, Vcreen 1 • 1 it, Taylor 1-13 D M 7 16 37-1%50-210 36 68 4-11-1 3-8-0 .V32 .■i.28 1-0 t-0 4-3.5 10-90 3/12 3/10 • ISlaeAilvantnge'Pkms • N0R*rraJHM0,PI’0,inil POS Group I'lans • .Small Group Coverage Johnson Insurance Services, Inc.John Wood(336) 751-6281 • Long H'rm Carc • MctUcare Supplement Insurance • Dental Coverage for Individuáis and Groups • Blue Rxlras* Discount Programs BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Глг14^1 jfK' «»iihflnjeW U>K* Ck>u «nd tlk.4 Sh>«kt el North Ct'o'n« «^1 fo' смп w«d <faU<4 «( <гМ41Г('(, ucJu^o/^t 4rdi«rniiu>vl«r м^>(hФapA/ су Ал (гмли« of tfit There’S no hot air in this special offer! 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Olher reSlrii;lions may apply J29 95 wJI inclodo onV l conveitc' • eiMS 12-3103 :Adelphia I I íW lE COUNTY ENTERPRISK RECORD. Thursdii.v, Nuv, 27. 2(10.1 D n v ie ( J o iin t .v IC n t c r p r i.s c U c c n r d . r iiu i's d ii.v . N d v e t iih i'i- 2 7 . 2 0 (M — К У tephens’ New-Look Team Makes Quite A Showing In Opener C(mtimi(!tl I''rum I’hko HI " I'hcy all rciili/.c Scliiil'cr is the main fiiciis. hm llicy know they’ve got lo lake sonic pres­ sure olT her in order for Ms to be gooil,” Stephens said. "Wc lold them ihey’ve gol the green lighl lo sliool when Ihey’re open." "We’re going lo surprise a lol of people." Bowden said. "We’re dediealed and wc’rc jnsl slepping up. We're laking on Ihc roles lhal were lefl." "Nobody Ihoughi we’d be able lo do lhal bccausc Dawn and all iheni have Icfi." Maready said. "Me, Carly and Erin (Whi­ iaker) arc the big people, Schii- Icr is always going lo slcp up and everybody else is .stepping up. Coach Stephens was like: 'No­ body thinks wc'rc going to dn anything.'Aly.sc. Dwiggins and Schafer knew they had lo step up as .seniors. Over Ihe summer me. Heather (McDaniel) and Dawn worked together and they told me I’d hnve lo step up." Schafer and Davie came out cold (."i-of-K) in the first quar­ ter) as Lake Nomian seized и 16- 10 lead. Bul center Maready kepi Davie close with three sur­ prising mid-range buckets, and Bowden's Ifi-lbotergave Davio the lend for keeps, with 1:12 lefl in the half. "1 was always a little nervous playing off Dnwn and them," Bowden said. "Bul I'm more re- laNcd bccause Ihis is rny senior year. Bnmn (Maremly) worked liard in Ihe offseason and has re­ ally improved. She’s going to be a good player." The direclion of Ihc year un­ deniably lies wilh Scliafer, and .she overcame llic sluggi.sh start to hil a ihrce-pointer for a 38-34 lead and finish wilh six assists, five steals and seven rebounils. Uach lime the War Kagles pul some di.stance between them­ selves nnd Lake Norman, Ihe Wildcals would claw' back in it. Walker and Bowden finally put Ihe gnme awny in a sircich lhal bridged the Inte ihird and first si,\ minutes of Ihe fourih. Walkerdishcd lo Maready for a Ihree-poini piny. Then Wnlker, who wns rehiclani lo fire in Ihe firsl half, nailed a 17-fooler for a 49-42 lend. Bowden drnined a l.S-footcr before scoring off a mi.s.sed shot for a ,'i.‘)-48 lend. Wnlker look over again after Lake Nonnan cul the margin lo She took a pa.ss from Schafer and mnde n long two. Wnlkcr's Iwo free throws pushed the difference to 59-?() wiih 2:34 lefl. Bowden and Walker both converted half Iheir llckl-goal nt- tenipts nnd Ihey wenl 8-of-y from Ihc line. Schnfcr mnde 7- of-10 free throws. Maready went 5-of-9 from the Iloor, and Booth w'cnt 4-ol'-6 from the floor and .■i-or-7 from Ihc line. "1 d id n ’l Ih in k w e ’d struggle," n confident. W alker said. "1 thought w e’d dellnilely hold our own. After I got used lo il, I sinrled plnying my gnme." Sclinl'cr. Bowden nnd Wnlker nailed 10 strnight free throws in Ihe final 97 .seconds. "(Perimeter) .scoring wns n concern, nnd laking the poinl pressure off of Wnlker ennbled her 10 do some Ihings outside Ihnt she wnsn't able lo do last year because she had to help cnrry Ihe ball." Stephens said. “Wc kepi Id lin g her to pul it up, and being a .senior Bowden’s conlKlence level hns comc up a slcp. Maready showed a smooih, soft shot. I’m gind lo sec lhat be­ causc Ihm helps us Iremen- dously. She hns really come lo a Bowden Walker Maready whole difl'erenl level. "This sliow.s we can rely on other people. When other leams realize lhat, maybe they won’t key on Schafer so much.” Notes:, Despite the strong performance, Stephens is well nware lhat several learning curvcs nwait the War Engles, who faced powerful Easl Rowun on Nov. 24 in a Ihree-day (Nov. 24-26). foiir-tenm tournamenl al North Stanly. They host noncoii- fercnce games wllh Mooresville on Dcc. 2 and North Iredell on Dec. 4.... Sub Ashley Cornalzer played well in her var.sity debut, ■scoring four poinls in less lhan two minules for a 16-16 lie. She added three assists. DavIc 69, Lake Norman 52 - Allison Schafer 15, Carly Booth 13, Alyse Bowden 12, Alyson Wnlker 12, Nicolc Mareudy 11, Ashley Cornatzer 4, Andrea Dwiggins 2, Mashore Makes Big Splash With Doubie-Double Continued Krom I'ngc III The night w as supposed to be the anticipated debut of Aikan, a fi-4 junior who transferred from McMichacI High. Bul he served a one-game suspension for gelling in irouble at school. Mashore, also a 6-4 junior, more lhan made up for Aikan's ab­ sence. "Because of Josh's situation, Michael got more minutes than he e.xpected. nnd he came in and performed," Burns said. "Michael obviously would have played a lot, bul wilh the situation thal happened he had lo start, and he responded just unbelievably," Absher said. Lake Normnn rocked Dnvie wilh a 7-0 burst out of the chute. Bul Dnvie useil an I S-.S run lo take command, and never lost conlrol ai'ler Ryan Price pro­ vided a 25-24 lend on n rebound inp-in wilh 3:17 left in Ihe scc­ ond c|unrler. Burns had Iwo plays for the highlight reel in the second i|tiar- tcr. He had a three-point play off a no-look pas.s from Smilh, who fed Ihc big man again on a fnsl- brenk lo end the first half. Smilh looked right while lobbing il up. Burns wenl up nnd flushed a two-handed dunk over a Wild­ cat fora 34-30 halftime lead. "My teammates did a good job gelling me Ihc ball, and my confidence is higher than Inst year," Burns snid. "Last year's team, il was like: 'Oh, we've gol lo play this team. They’re going lo kill us.’ This year’s leam, \vc believe we can win." Davie dominated the opening minules of the ihird. Smith's threc-poinlcr, Burn.s' buckel from Mashore and n Burns bas­ ket off anolher Sinilh pa.ss gave il a 41-30 lead. Brandon Capwell dished a fastbreak layup lo Duvid Schweil for a 53-37 lead. Davie hil l()-of-l7 shots nnd didn’l comniil a single lurnover in the Ihird, bul Ihe impre.ssive production from Burns, Smith and Mashore almost wasn’t enough. Lnke Norman stayed nlive on Ihe strengih of 10 three- pointers (Davie hit one). "It wns n good first gnme, bul we’ve slill got a lot lo improve on.” Smilh said. The Wildcats pulled wilhin Ihree ivvice in the final two min-- utes, but Dnvie kept them al bay by hitting 34 of 50 free throws. Trnvis Howell hil two foul shots after the Wildcats pulled lo 70- 67, and Smith canned a pair ni­ ter they pulled to 72-69. Howell mnde 5-of-6 free throws. Sophomore Evnn Hnll wenl 2-of-2 from the field nnd added an a.ssist and stenl in lim­ ited time. Davie shol 54 percent and crushed Lnke Nonnan on the boards, 38-23. "Smith did a grent job of run­ ning the offense, nnd he pul pres­ sure on Ihe bull, too,” Absher .snid. "Olf Ihc dribble, there were nol many times when he couldn’t gel inlo the paint or in position where he could scorc or dish it." Noles: Davie played wilhoul a full .squad. Wilh the football team's quarterfinal-plnyoff loss, il w'ill have everybody this week. "We're only going lo gel better," Absher said.... Mashore look his Hums Miisliore Smith rousing debut in stride. "It was pretty good. It was alright," he .said. Assistant coach Mike Din­ kins laughed. "(Mashorc’s) so good he can carry this." he snid, handing him somelhing to haul to the bus. ... The War Eagles play in a I'our-team lourmimeni al North Stanly on Nov. 25-26. They play al 7;30 p.m. on Nov. 25. They play home nonconfcr- ence games with Mooresville on Dcc. 2 nnd North Iredell on Dec. 4. Dnvlc 79, Lake Normnn 69 -Cliff Burns 22, Mall Smith 19, Michael Mnshore II, Trnvis Howell 7. Brandon Cnpwell 6. Ryan Pricc 6, Evan Hall 4, Dnvid Schweil 4, Ф - Coach Devericks Takes South Romp In Stride In Ihc nl'terglow of Tim Dev­ ericks’ biggesi win ns Ihe Ihird- year conch of South Davie’s ,sev- cnlh-grnde boys bnskctball Icam. he thought aboul how nol lo cel- ebrate. Don't celebrate a season- opening win over an inferior opponent, his body language said. It's a long .season nnd bel­ ter competition looms. "I expected n good showing," he snid nfler Ihe visiting Tigers pummcled oulmnnncd North Dnvie 57-.30 lnst week. "Slill. we haven't even approached our potential. We can show a lol more and gel a lol better. 1 don'l w’nni Ihem lo get too high right nwny nnd get overconfident." Despite Devcricks’ calm de- B r o w n , W ild c a t s K n o c k O u t S o u t h In F ir s t Q u a r t e r North Davie’s sevenlh-grade girls baskelball team gave South Dnvie a healing wilh a show lhat even had the winning coach won­ dering where a 43-26 blowout came from. "We did prelty good for the firsl ganie, nnd wilh il being South Dnvie. we did e.xceptlon- ally good. And I didn't have one of iny slarlers," North conch Jnmie Lyerly snid. The Wildcals made quite a .splnsh, especinlly in Ihe first quarter. They streaked lo a stun­ ning 17-1 lead, and Kellie Brown 1 13 poinlsi, Hannah Stroupe (nine) and Carly Pratapas (eight) burned South with 30 points as North forged a 25-8 hnlftime lead and coasted. The No. I reason Ihc game was over at hnlftime was Brown, who .scored 10 first-half points by feasting on the fastbrenk. "She go! a lot of steals and layups, and she's going lo score a lol lhat way nil yenr," Lyerly said, "And Stroupe shot from the oiilside and hil a Ihree-poinlcr." The Soulh team lhat Lyerly expected to sec showed up in the Ihird ([unrter. After doing nolh­ ing right for 12 minutes, the Ti­ gers cranked up Iheir press and whiltleil Ihe margin down lo 11. North, however, had no Iroubic holding on. "South w asn’t plnying de­ fense. I guess Ihey talkeilat half­ lime, and Ihen ull of a sudden we Slarled m a k in g hnd passes,” Lyerly said. Note.s; Lyerly will be sur­ prised if Soulh doesn't bounce bnck und have a good season. "They’ve gol a beller leam lhan Ihey showed," she said. "They just hnd a had day. If (Andrea Oranl and Toneshii Turner) gel going and fired up, they can score some points." ... Gram led Soulh wilh 10 poinls and Turner had five.... Soulh plays al Erwin on Nov. 25 and al home to Wesl Rowan on Dec. 2. North plays al Soulheasl on Nov. 25 and al Er­ win on Dec. 2. South Davio 26 - Andrea Gram 10, Tonesha Turner 5, Rachel Mackintosh 4, Sydney Crawford 3, Jessa Ren 3, Kayla Grubb 1. N orth Davie 43 - Kellie Brown 13, Hannnh Siroupe 9, Carly Pratapas 8, Snrnh Evnns 6, Samaniha Maready 4, Sarah Marlin 2, Carly Cornatzer I. STOCKIN& STUFFERS URGE TO SMAU WE HAVE SOMETHING Tom* THEM AU WE ARE THE PUCE FOR CHRISTMAS JOYS BECAUSE WE CARRV BIG BOY TOYS IIU.N'Tt.S'Ci. 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As ex- pecled. Drew Absher, Jnmes Mayfield ami Perry Janies were in Ihc middle of mosi of the ac­ tion, The explosive trio out- scored Nortli by themselves nnd did whatever they wnnied dur­ ing an eye-popping 15-2 start. Absher came oul smoking, burying two jumpers for eighl firsl-i|uarter points and feeding Mayfield wilh a dazzling wrap- arounil pass, Absher led the way with 13 points, and Mayfield and James added I f and 10 respec­ tively as Soulh rolled to a 33-15 halftime lead. The only issue then was how large Ihe final score would be. "Our size was a big differ­ ence,” Devericks snid, "We've gol some big guys who cnn also run Ihe Hoor and be a factor of­ fensively and defensively," The surprise of the clay was Chris Sponaugle, who repre­ sented South’s fourih double-fig­ ure scorcr wilh 11 points. "Sponaugle really played well. He handled the liall fairly well on Ihe faslbreak after gel­ ling the rebound,” Devericks said, "And Jo.sh Oswell did a hcckuva job off the bench on the bonrds.” Ale.x Mnrion led North wilh 10 poinls. Jncndo Roberlson and Michael Burford added seven nnd six, nnd Cody Sillier scored five. Soulh could gel tested in ils next gnmes, Nov. 25 al Erwin nntl Dcc. 2 againsi visiling We.st Rowan. North pInys al Soulheasl on Nov. 25 and al Erwin on Dec. 2. “For the most part we looked OK,” Devericks said, "I snw some Ihings we slill need to work on.” South 57 - Drew Absher 13, Jnmes M ayfield II, Chris Sponaugle II, Perry James 10, Jess Cartner 2, Josh Oswell 2. Landon Hnrris 2, Shelton Hownrd 2, Brandon Walls 2, Shyteek Brown 2, North 30 - Alex Mnrion 10. Jacado Robertson 7, Michael Burford 6, Cody Suller 5, Vince Cioce 2. B a s s H e l p s D a v i d s o n S w e e p C o n f e r e n c e The Davidson men's soccer team captured the Southern Con­ ference Tournament on Nov. 16, and il got help from Joey Bass, a 2001 Davie High grailunlc. Bass, who didn'l allow a goal while starting all three loiirmi- mcnt games on Ihe back line, pro­ vided the assist in a 1-0 quarter- final win over Wolford. David­ son also won the SC regular sea- .son. Made in the USA Pointer Brand Products point the way to Cooleemee True Value Hardware Cooleemee Shopping Center • Cooleemee Bib Overalls, Coveralls, Carpenter Pants, Jeans,Chore Coats, and More! Denim, Brown Duck, Woodland Print. Lady and Youth Sizes & Styles available also. Call for sizes and prices. 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Well thanks to Security UndenA/riters of Lewisville, those same needs can also be met when you go to purchase insur­ ance, auto, life, health, homeowners, product liability, you name It, and they can deliver what you're looking for. Located on Shallowford Road in Ihe heart of Lewisville, lo- cally-owned and operated Security Undenwriters takes Ihe lime and energy to provide coverage that fits each customer to a tee, "We like to think ol ourselves more as tailor-made rather than ready-to-wear,” laughs John Wells, founder of the com­ pany. With almost 30 years of experience in Ihe insurance busi­ ness, John manages marketing and service of aulo, home­ owner and commercial lines. He started the company and pur­ chased Ihe Jimmie Doub Agency in 1981. “We deal with multiple carriers to give our customers the best coverages and prices out there," John explains. "Providing claims service is the most important thing we do," adds Bill Briggs, who joined Security Undenwriters in 1988. "In fact, we’re available 24 hours a day." , Bill, who also has nearly 30 years of insurance experience j'under his belt, manages the marketing and servicing ol life, ¡health, disability, long-term care and employee benefits for Individuals and businesses. Excellent personal sen/lce and competitive pricing are lust a couple of the business principles Security Undenn/rlters prides themselves on. "Our customers deserve face-to-face contacl with some­ one experienced in the business, someone oommilted to stay­ ing up lo date, and someone who will still be In business as their needs change" John comments. Chances are Security Underwriters can save you money nd also improve your coverages. "No one carrier has the best product for each of our Customer's needs,” explains Bill. “Evaluating insurance carri­ ers and products is a full-time Job that we are very committed to.” And when it comes to time spent working in insurance, John and Bill aren't the only members of Ihe Security Underwiters team with impressive numbers. All stalf members have vast experience and a knowledgeable background of the induslry, "We want our customers to think o( us as Iheir employees,” John adds. So the next lime you're shopping for insurance, slop by and visit Ihe folks at Security Underwriters. Tailor-made ser­ vice and true customer care from a community-based company. That's a great lit for anyone. Security Underwriters is lo­ caled at 6380 Shallowford Road In Lewisville. Business hours are Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.They can be reached at 945-3713 or on the web at insuranoe@securityindeiwiiteis.ocm Uè Hiitìi cenmi/c md stone tik. Faniilv' twwv! Кмл“« 16 WV take j;ivat poJc 111 tHif «1тк anJ ч'пкч'. Ihv t>Pnnlt41пчл\1 PL.UIVIB1NG KIM E. Y oung - o w n e r Your Key To Honost & Dependable Service• ¡0 >K F\p. • Kt'slihilhl/CiHmH'nlil ♦ • f.uKHs * ToiM'i• ¡min'd A lloiuk'tl(336) 751-2061 Mocksvilio NC Lie. « 22229 [iiwi},\in y Hv/Mir I’i Svn It I' •Vh’« DAVIli) OOLI^IK DiscouiVT S roKi': Cooloomoe Shopping Contor Cooloomoo(Bosido Iho Post OHiCQ) M o s t Ite m s J u s t $ 1 ! ! GIFTS * TOYS * PET SUPPLIES PARTY FAVORS • GIFT BAGS CHniSTMAS CARDS & STOCKING STUFPERS and MUCH. MUCH MOREII! IIJI,-» ^ion - Sal 9K)WI'7ltCt’M Sim ?0Cr'.1 - SOH’M(330) 2B4>4020 C e l l a a e O o c i l ^ o n a i r s All Elcctriccil C iioiioi R eiiaiis • Emergency Service • Senior Citizens Discount • 25 Years Experience CABLES^ GARAGE DOOR SERVICES"Mr. Ed"(336) 998-2336 • Farmington, NC your Hometown Printer Р ш й Ф ш о р See Vs ForM Your Printing NeedsiRubber Slamps, Copios, Business Cnrds, Corbonloss Forms, Ofllco Stirtionaiy. Nowstottois, Drodiufos. Booklols, Labols, Continuous rorms, ■ %x)cifi)ly Cards & Envolopos,Book Binding, Mngnolic Signs, Bn/inois (336) 751-0200 150 E. Lexington Rd, (Hwy, 6*1 E.), Downtown, Mocksvilio, NC Bermuda Mini’sS e lf- S to r a g e « IC o 998-9661 / Climate Control / 24 hr Computerized Gate / Fenced with 24 hr lighting ✓ Sizes 5x5 up lo 10x20 / Video Camera Security / Next lo Bermuda Quay 146 Commerce Dr., Advance UGLY ROOF STAINS REMOVED FOR A LIKE NEW LOOKII Nation's Largest & Oldest Roof Stain Removers Roof-Brite^ 785-2030 100 HoviJl Oiik Dr., VVinslon-Siilem, NC 27107 EDWARDSæw^ TIRED OF CLEANING THOSE OLD OR AIRY WINDOWS? CALL US! New Vinyl Top Decking Vinyl Decks & Railing Vinyi Replacement Windows'* Screen Rooms Vinyl Siding Sun Rooms Enclosures Free in tim a te s! A O о с M o b ile P h o n e / D 4 - U P 0 d 978-2299 (^ H u s q v a rn a V iK liM G Owiier.s Лип Michel íiiul '/'ciusii I.upolc 4!'tney Flooring H o u rs; Mon.- Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-2 Carpet & Vinyl Ceramic Tile Hardwood Floors & Refinishing Counter Tops Laminated Floors (336)766-0733 21 Years Dollar Store” ! Dollar й* Dreams &More KS4 Valley Kiiacl, Suile 3(4) MiK-ksville, NC ihcxiilc Kt'h'hk' Civrk llnkcrvi (336) 753-8997(i/ifll Miiii.-Silt. lílíWl.fi¡illl EJOY’Si un&Mooii: riique Boutique i Incense Scenled Candles | & Unique Gilts '< 8527-D Nortii NC 150 | I Clemmons, NO' : 336-775-93? j (Across from Arcadia Nursor^ I 10% OFF wilh Ihls coupoifl [A-1 FIRST IM P R E S S IO N S CARPET & SPECIALTY SERVICES 4 0 3 - 4 2 7 4 4 0 3 - 6 4 4 2 www^Ainretlmpressions.com Carpot Upholstory Rugs Drnporios Flood Exlmction Flooring Inspoclions Carpel Binding Rug Refringing » IICRC Cortiflod Firm Experience NOWOPEN TO THE' PUBUC 5919-C James St. Qiuilily liilirlc ul groiil prices. Complcic line of sewing nWL'hines anti scrgcis. Ailiili iiml ytnill) classes. Service ami repair—all makes anil niixlels. Nniinn.s-Qiiillinii-iV: liinhrimlery .Supplies iVI«n-riiui-.s 10-8 • l'’ri-S a t 111-5 421 & Lcw i.svillo-C lc'inm ons Koiid Lewi: (336) 766-8271 wivw.sewiiiHl.vj’oiii'.s.t'imi Great Coverage Starts with Blue Call luf for liilomiulidii on; Ш 1 S K C U R IT Y U N D E R W R IT E R S 336-945-3713 li)llO>\scniritwnili‘r\\'riU'r.s.aini • l*i:Uls • Mi'ilicmv lns\u;uiLV • IK'iiUil tiluo' ÍÍ»- linlividii'.ils • iHiii' i:\iius Discoiml I’ro^^raius • |.(Н1ЦТГПП(:!1Г1* BlueCross B lueShield o f N orth C aro lina Ь (il II..I tn.jc Cfou it. I Dl.iii Al'.: MAST Woodworks ‘S in c e 1 9 8 9 ' C H E C Kомоинш. S P E C I A L S A ri'o fc la b le P o U a b le B u ild in g s W HY PAY FOR STORAGE? WcCii.sioml/.c lo Y(xir,S|x-cirications! 336-468-1194 Sati.stactit)n Gtianinleai • 1^'inancing Available CallRirDiivclions'No Sunday Calls A 1 • Ti yf i T i'liuivh Kil.A lvin M ast Jr. lliunpumville. NC S t o r a g e B u ild in g s G a r a g e s • W o r k s h o p s Special Offer $24.99^ A $55.00 Value Includes: Uniform, nnd 3 Introductoi'y (3i6)940.6326 www.unlteelTKD.coni S'lOl us HWY 158 Ailvnnco.NC 27006 Call For An Appointment TODAY! E L * 1 / ( о - D A V I K C O l i N T Y I ' N T I C U I ' U I S K R K C O U l ) . T lu ir .s d a . v . N d v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3Davie Schools niivlullltili Varsily Hiiskclball: N.iv, 2ft. iNiirih .Sliinley Tdurnaiiioni (H(i>>): Dl'c. л. Miiiiresville. (lionic) JV HuskcllMill; Dcc. 2. Miuiresvillf, (||11пк')'1:0(). ‘Л1| Cinido Miiskclhiill: Dcc. I. ('lirls. (ircciishiiro Day. (awuy) fi; 1.^. W rcslliiii!: Nov. 2ft. ,S’l. StC|iliens. lawny) 7:00. Sw im m iiii:: Nov. 2(i. N«rll\ Diividsoii. (away) 4:.1(). MccaiJsc of llic Ibolhall (ilayolTs. Ihc .Slalesville liaskclliall game has Iwcn poslpmicd unlil Jan. 7. Varsily al (i ami J V 4 lo he I'laycil al Davie High .School. W illiam K. Dnvie r.lemi'iilnry Cili/en linichcon was lielil Nov. I'). Ihose inviicil: Raynionil llrook. Mciian M ohal, M ichaellyiin Drcimeii. Olivia Milter, Joshua Hill. Precious Kedimuiil, Shelby Hailey, Hohliy Vamliver, Krysial rosier, Daniel Kanisey, Traci I'erielwe. Jareil Griggs, Ciiase I’rim, Diana Harron, Jacoli Hooe, l.evi Roger. Jordan Hearn, Dakoia Kilehie, Courlney Draughn, t^rank Hledsoe, Makala Caudle. Mallhew Keenan, Hecca Perebce, Sebastian .Sliirilivan, Joseph W hiliiker, Jonalhaii l:llinglon,,Sasha I.ockharl, M isly McEwen, Sam Neshii. Hrillany Cranfill, Cody Hoger, Jessie Kaniirez, Leslie Taylor, Hrianna Guevara. Cru/. Keller, Jodi Ciregory, Shelby Masi, Evan Cave, Aulumn Harber, Logaii Brown, Aubrey Apperson, M allhew Maslen, Kry.slal Caudle, Lindsay Sanders, Uramli Allen, Hrandon Medford. Jordan Dreimen, Ke'aira Sniilh, Andrew Olson, Lairinda Tillery. David Myer.s, Auslin Gobble, Casey Feretiee, ami Josh Chunn. Bus and car riders for November were Irealed lo an ice­ cream parly: Tyler Woolen, Abigail Alvarado, Devin Wilson, Karen Diaz, rjyian Waller. i:)oritel Keyes- Barrera, Jonalhaii Chaffin, Heaven Slioffner,Tyler Slioffiier, Ueyanatia Olivia, Sabaslin Slurdivant, Andreu Perrebee, Tyler McLamli, Cheyenne W hile, John Garcia, Cody llodenham er, Jonathan M iller, Sonin Kamirc?., Cole Hlankenshlp, Brittany Curiuer, Nathan I’eurce, K e'aira Sniilh, Hobby Joe • Thompkins, Kachel Mohal. Paul Davenport, Kendall Tifft, Dallon Scherer, Limlsey Custer, Dakota Kitcltie, and Ashley Anderson. Hus and ear riders for the week of Nov. .1-7: Devin Wilson, Karen Diaz, Tyler Shoffner, Deyanara O liva, John Garcia, Cady Bodenbamer. Nalban Pearce, Ke'aira Smilh, Dalton .Scherer, und LiiKlsey Custer. Bus and car riders for Ihe week of Nov.lO-M; Dylan Waller, Dorieel Keycs-Harrera, Sabaslin Slurdivant, Andrea Perrebee, Jonallnm Miller, Sonia Kamirez. Hobby Joe riiompkins. Kachel Mohat. Dakola Kiclhie. ami Ashley Anderson. Kris Donley's third grade class has begun Ihe "long ago" unit. Students are going lo he pioneers Iraveling wesl during Ihe IKDOs. i hey are going lo have lo begin by packing wagons, and trying lo survive Ihe jonrney. They are reading Sarah Plain and Tall and Litlie I liaise on Ihc Prairie lo gel an idea of Ihe life back Ihen. Siudenis sliould arrive in lime lo spend Chrislmas in Ihc new land. They ate learning nuilliplicalion tables and have been counling forwards and backwards lo remember facts. Cursive writing will begin after Thanksgiving break. Studemis will participate in a skit lo show everyone whal lo do if Iheir house catches on lire. ‘That is from the program siudenis conipleteil called Kisk Walch. Students have learned aboul safety at school, al home, and in vehicles. They will lake two field Irips in December - lo the Hrttck lo listen lo the W inslon-Salem Symphony ■ and to see the Nutcracker hallel al the Htock. 'The I'olhiW'ing students reail a minimum of .'2 hooks during Oc­ tober. On Thursday, they met in Ihe lunchroom for a snack and a cel- ebralion. Kolin Andrews. Zachary Haker, Avery Brown, Anna Beth Carter, Allyson pilwards, Kehecca l-erebee, Andrea Perrebee, Daniel Gonzalez. Johnny Tlernandez. Lauren l lobson, Mallhew Keenan. Honesty Knighl. Nathan Lee. Conner Mayo. Kelsi Miller. Brie Kodrlguez, Haileigh Wooten. Chris- liiia Graniiaimm. Emili Guevara. Tyler McLainb. Austin Naylor. Jus- lin Roberson. Lindsay Custer. Taylen Dancy. Paul Davenport, Meghan Donley, Joshna Hill, Tessa Iveslcr, Jake Kitchene, O livia Miller, Shelby Hailey, Summer Bivins. Bryanna Carr. Oliverio Castro Puenles. Krysial poster. Hannah H am ilton. Madison Kitchene. Jordan M cDaniel, Jonathan Miller, Kachel Mohal. Kicardo Mojica, Natalie Moore, Emily Nunley, Adrian Rodrii|uez, Johnna Sale, Zachary Shaver, Tho­ mas Siilton, Bobby Vandiver, Dane W allace, D illon West, Kaly Alexander, Micliaellynn Dreimen. Nicholas Shell, Sydney White, Yoanna Alvarodo. Jordan Beam, Jacob Heauclianip, Spencer Kelly, TaylorO,Neal, Maria Rogers, Jacob .Slewarl, Jared Waller, McKenzie Brookman. Connor Cnrpenler, M akala Caudle, Chrislian Childress, Courlney I3raughn, John Garcia. Trey Lagle, Craig Moore, Colloii I’rltn. Kenneth Tompkins, Jonathan Whilalicr, Devin Wilson, Timolhy Baker, Forrest Barber, Cady Bodeiilumier, Hannah Brown, Auslin Childress, Goldie Killian, Adam Naylor, Christian Rcavis, Casey .Snyder. Brandon Waller, Michaela Boger, Juslice Childress, Travis Chilion, Joniilhim Ellington, Ale.x Gobble, .Sasha Lockhart, Chloe Mabe, Todd McBride, Tay­ lor Mohal, Kristen Ramsey, Duslin Keavis, M allhew Scarlett, SamanlliH Taylor, Krisly Turner, Desirae Vandiver, Josh Wagner, Jo­ seph W hitker, Trini Alvarado, Trevor Anderson, Tanner Call, Brit­ tany Cranfill, Mallhew Crawford, Joshua Gammons, Uoss Hoffner, Kendnll Lanier, Misty McEwen, Maggie Meagher, Samuel Nesbit, and Bobby Joe Tompkins. The lop readers were Ross lloffner in Mrs. Shepherd's elass, Travis Chilton in Mrs. Baugb's elass, Auslin Childress In Mrs. Prince's class, Courlney Draughn and Trey lagle in Mrs. James' class, Yoanna Alvarado in Mrs. Tina Dyson's elass. Michaellyim Drennen, Nicho­ las Shell, and Sydney White In Mrs. Dryc's class. Summer Hivins in Mrs. Ctillins' class, Olivia Miller in Mrs. Spillman's class Christina Cirannaman and Tyler McLamb in Mrs. Baugb's class, and Haileigh Woolen in Mrs. Bagshaw's class, Congratulations to all Ihe readers. Citizens of Ihe Week for Nov. 10-1’I: Michael Lynn Drennen. Pre­ cious Redmond. Krystal Poster, Jared Griggs, Jacob Booe, Dakota Ritchie, Makala Caudle, Sehasiian Stardivanl. Sasha Lockhart. Hrit­ tany Cranfill. Leslie Taylor, Jodi Gregory, Autumn Barker, Mallhew' Maslen. Brandi Allen, Ke'Aira Sm ilh, David Myers, and Josh Chunn. Sluilenis w ho sold producls I'm the Tall PTO sales had a magic show Nov. I-I |iresenled by "Magician Ri­ chard" and sponsored by the PTO. Cnoleemee Klenu'niiir.v 'The citizenship program recog­ nizes Sluilenis of the Week as well as Citizens of Ihe Month. Each week, teachers choose a stmlenl from Iheir classroom that has shown great characler and citizenship lhal week. The characler word Tor iNovcmber is compassion. 'The fol­ lowing students have been chosen as Siudenis of the Weekof Nov. 10- l-l: kimleigarlcn - Jacob Souther. Through Dec. 4 Sponsor A Child Christmas Project North Davie Middle School Jared Hembree, Eric Jaimes, lili.sicia Carler. Cltuce Lagle; Isl grade - D uslin Shields, Pedro Garcia, Destiny Calloway, Ashley Robbins, A.s|K'ii Phillips: 2nd grade • Jared Smitll, Megan Szabocsan, Jaekeline Hernandc/,, Demilrius Graham; .Ird grade - Blair Carson, Karla M oreno. Courlney Honcycull. Tyler Grubb; 4th grade - Hecca Wesl. Becca Clendenin, Bell W atlington; 5lh grade - Roberto Montoya, Jesica Perkins, Diana Rodriguez-Salgado. Siudenis In Mrs. Fleming's fiflh grade class crealed und presented wealher instruments lo complete a a sciencc unil on weather. Slmleiils are busy typing DARE essays and getting ready for DAREgrnduatlon Dec. II. Siudenis an; doing a classroom geography bee to delemiine n win­ ner to compete ut the school level. First grade has been e.xplorlng .so­ cial sludies topics. They learned aboul Ihe leclmology used in every­ day life nnd used Kidspiratlon to share riiidings with parents. They have been sailing llic four oceans and learning Ihc nantc.s of the con-, lincnts. Students' made of- wants and needs as they Inlked nboul Thanksgiving nnd whnt Ihely can give (hanks Гог, Students re­ viewed Ihe rules Ihey live by shar­ ing some of the rules In the com- iminlty, school, and classroom, stu­ dents visited Ihe Starfall website h iip :llw w w .siarfall.cnm to reiid a story about the Silly Turkoy und work on vowel sounds. Scconil graders in Miss Brown's and Mrs. Beck's class Unishcri n unit on government. Students learned how to register to vote nnd held un election. They discussed the roles of the local, stale, and federal gov­ ernment. In math, students are learning to add 2 digit numbers, mnke number lines, and count money. Mrs. Kislner's 4lh grade clnss has been focusing on writing about a Irip Ihey have taken. In social sludies. they are wrapping up Ihe unit on the constnl plain nnd gelling ready for a lest. Mrs, Jones' class has been busy talking aboul conser­ vation and making posters for the Davie Soil and Water Conservation Poster Contest. They nre working in literuiure circles. They are pub­ lishing a class iiewslelter every week. Whillney Corrcll is editor and 1'oby Lowe is assislani editor. The firsl Partners in Print work­ shop, held Nov, 1.Я, was a success wilh more lhan 140 purticipauls in­ cluding families, .staff mcmlK’rs, and other volunleers. Students shared an evening of books, informalion, and laughter. The next Partners in Print workshop will be Jan. LS, 2004. Slindy (irove HlemciUury Mark your calendars for the ne.xl P TA meeting which Tuesday, Dec. y. Third graders w ill presen a Christmas play. The PTA works hard ull year (o help (he siudenis and Ihc school. The kindergarten class of Ms. Surratt and Ms. Conley started nsing lined paper in writing. A Word Wall wns siatteil with new words lo be added eacii week. Chil­ dren are learning aboul sounds, writing letters, rhyming words, counting and days of Ihe week. Kindergarteners in Ms. Ellis and Ms. Booth's class finished the Letterland characters and have sl;irted focusing on wriling skills. 'Tiie children had fun making Pilgrim and Indian coslmnes for Thanksgiving and wore them to lunch. Ms. Rogers und Ms. Tester's firsl grade class started using a new liehavior form so parents can lalk wilh their child on the day Ihe problem occurs. The class reviewed sight words ami short vowel sounds 10 help wilh spelling in everyday wriling. A special Thanksgiving meal was prepared by the parents Tor the siudenis in Iheir classroom on Nov. 2.1. Ms. I lill und Ms. Carter's second gr.iilers wrole stories aboul dogs and worked on slicking to the topic. The children are laking good cure of llieir eggs in Ihe incubator. The cliicks should hatch by Thanks­ giving. The class reud Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket. 'The second grade class of Ms. Kauff and Ms. Boswell read The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, u story nbout a little Indinn boy who wus smaller than Ihe other boys his ago. He was nol able lo do some of the things Ihe larger boys did bul he was spccial twcuuse he used his painting talent. The story is based on Ihe legend of how the Wyoming stale llower. Ihc Indian Paintbrush, gol its name. In social sludies Ihe children learned aboul Native Americans. Tliey sludied the types of homes the Indians lived in and whal resources Ihey used to muke Ihelr clothes and homes. A ll Ihird graders in the PTA Chrislmas program Dec. 9 need lo wenr western atllrc-jeuns. a bundnnn, u cowboy hut, and boots (If possible). Parent volunteers arc needed lo help wilh Ihe set and Ihe building of props, Ms, Hendrix and Ms. Plylcr’s Ihird graders made individual 1,000 books to help them learn more ubout counting to and beyond 1,000, In computer lab, slu- ' denis learned how lo cul/pasic clip art from one program to another and give credit to Ihc clip art site. Ms, Hobson nnd Ms. Cnrtcr’s third grade students are learning uboul pluce value in math. They played u game culled "A-muzIng Functions" which helped with Ihe concept of place value. The third graders in Ms. Ohr imd Ms. Norman's clnss lennied in math nboul comparing, ordering, and roiinding numbers. Students nre cxclted about doing classroom experiments In sciencc on ihennul nnd heat energy, Ms, Redmond’s fourth grude 1 hus finislieil over half of Ihelr Norlh Carolina scrapbooks, Siiideiils need lo remember lo pick topics about Ihc sinte’s cities, connlies, producls. goods, vaculion ureus, symbols, government, or any olher inleresiing facts. Remember the ongoing fund­ raisers. Tlic school earns money for nil the caps collected from gallon and half gallon Harris Teeier or Hunter Farms milk jugs. Collect General Mills box tops und relink Harris Teeter VIC cards to No. 1701. Every Monday al Venezia’s, 10% oT receipts go to the school. The following students huve heen chosen as the .sludenl oT Ihe week: Max Meader, Hersh Hluitl, Bradley Collins. Drew Henson, Danielle Hall. Jeffrey Phillips, Amber Finney, Bnrry Orvin, Cody Hodges, Katharine McGurii, Kevin Clack, Cole Brandon, Kussidy Holt, Ashley Byrd, Katie Barber. Seth Constable, Culob Howurd. nnd Austin Crater. Cenlral Dnvie Developmenlal Day I SliKleni of Ihe Week, Nov. 3-7: Erin Carlner. Stndems have started talking uboul 'I'hanksgiving .the turkey ami whnt a turkey sounds like. They are learn­ ing songs aboul turkeys. 'They deco­ rated Tealhers lo make a turkey on Ihe door. 'The class made hand tur­ key placemnls and made lurkcys with Iheir itaiuls und paper rolls. 'They will start talking aboul Pil­ grims and Native Americans. Developmenlal Day 1 Stuilenl oT Ihe Week. Nov. 10-14; Carmen Cline.'The kids have Iven busy niak- YEAR END salk DRIVE 3.9% APR FOR 60 MONTHS, 4,9% APR FOR 72 MONTHS ON ALL NEW CHRYSLER, DODGE AND JEEP VEHICLES PLUS HUGE DISCOUNTS AND REBATES; THE BEST VALUE IN AM ERICA JU S T G OT BETTER. 2003 DODCE NEON ^9,988 That's Right ^9,988 Jl 14 Ir.V Г.ОМС iMI‘1 I Ml AM.iM/C4Vto(toi<l cmi;« *44*Pt. S M-vnI I);1A, Ix.vl tl А)Г1«жa »гм / )ruaf, /0.«*) Ill \>олч tfiKO MWi.mlt 2004 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 44.588 Automatic 44.588 I.IIS ЯРИ foreo^ < “ '"'“ASS for WflOOmilMJ 41 И I'lV 1ЮМС bUi't,VC, Сихш wii-k,«». AM/iM-CO f'Ijfix.Till. S So.ltiiig.CtiUoni«« PtvlixiiKl (liu, tivtl VjiiMi» Ml AmmK-.i, Fiixj Yuji Ш.000 Шв 1iiui\ WuiM'ly AlKl CM СГиг>0в» 2 0 0 4 D O D C l C A R A V A N Sale Price 45,988 41 OOHC ir>v GUl'l 4 Cfi, 4 (104». 7 nil iiirHlilHinirty. Ih<í aillo- . 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They huve been reuding books about 'Thanksgiving nnd singing tur­ key .songs. They will start talking aboul comucopin und whnt Ihey are lankfui for. The Thanksgiving lunch was Nov. 21. Students ill Developmenlul Day ll class love watching the leaves chnnge colors and Tull from Ihc trees. Mnny urI projecis hnve involved Ihc Icuves. Students hnve been prepar­ ing for Thanksgiving. The children are learning songs and finger plays aboul Ihe upcoming holiday. A whole Hock of turkeys decorates the bulletin board. Made with little brown hundprints, cuch one is em­ bellished dirfercntly. In Ihe upcom­ ing weeks, siudenis look forward lo a Thank.sgiving celebration. The clnss will have a "slviring” lunch, Each student will bring un ingredi- eiil lo add lo soup. The Pre-K class learned uboul Ihc Pilgrims’s voyage on the Miiyllower lo Ihe new coiitnry und how the In­ dians and pilgrims worked together lo cclebrute the Firsl Thunksgiving. Children did aclivilies wilh com and made pilgrims in Iraditional dress. South Duvlc The Eagle Tcmn ninth students experienced the muth curse while studying math vocabulary and com- putnlions. They tmlshed u gcogrn- phy unit by rcseurching world riv­ ers. then writing and pre.senting projects. The class is studying wealher in scicnce. In language arts, students arc studying communicu- tion skills wilh Ihc help of Mrs. Irwin, specch/lnngunge therapist. The career exploration class con­ linues to voUuKeer n( Somerset Court und Slorehouse for Jesns, Job skills such ns following directions, exhib- iling npproprlnte behuvlor nnd get­ ting along wilh others arc emphn- sized. The team continues to provide the Treat Shop for facility and staff on Wednesdays and Fridays dough­ nuts. Eighth grade members of Ihe Eiigle TeuiH have taken on mnny re- sponsibililles to help the olTice stuff. Some of Ihcir duties Includc being responsible for ^illendance sheets, chunging the mari|uee in front of Ihe school and stocking Ihe pencil ma­ chine und counting its money. The Eagle Team recently held its annual Slone Soup Lunchcoir. Stu­ dents planned, prepared and served more than 40 guests. Mocksville Klementury Mrs. Wyalt and Mrs. Fulton's kimlergarlen children learned aboul Ihe Pilgrims, Indians und Ihe firsl Thanksgiving. Each child made a dress or vest, u henddress. n mcdnl- lion neckluce and cuffs in prepara­ tion to lie worn in a scliool'pnrade and least. A coinparison/conlrasi of Thanksgiving Ihen and now was eye opening for students. They realized that in ccrluin wuys our celebrations are similar lo Ihe Tirsl one they've been lenrning nboul. Mrs. Beaver and Mrs. Melton's class read the story, "Snakes.” Mosl of the children snid lliey would like lo huve a snake for ii pet. The teuch- crs said Ihey didn't want a snake Tor a pel. Students look a atrip to the Brock Theater for the performance of "The Lilllc Engine That Could.” Each child also received n copy of tile slory 10 take home. Julie Fletcher and Lynn Zouliek’s sccond graders havc been learning aboul Indian culture. 'The class read " I he Legend of Ihe Indian Paiiil- brush" und "'The Legend of llie Bliie- bonnel."Thc class divided into five Indian tribes Ihroughoul Ihe United Slates. Some of Ihe objectives for cach tribe were lo learn about; clolli- ing, food, utensils, weapons, fooil, crnfls and iransporlulion. Each tribe presented the tribe to Ihe class. Tociiinplclc a unit on Indians Ihe sccond grade participnteil in Indian Day Nov. 2.'i. The students mnde licudbniuls. vests, clay bowls, neck­ laces, had Ihcir lace puinted, go on a buffalo ham, learn an Indian dunce, play Indian games and eal com cakes and cranberries. November is always a busy miinth. Siiulenls hnve been learning ahiial llie sail and Ihe moon. They have been busy studying the first Thanksgiving. Students read histori­ cal text, nonfiction books and have role pinyed. 'They hnve kepi a de­ tailed journal us if they were u Pil­ grim iraveling to the New World and Slarling Plymouth Plantation. In math class, ihey worked will; mea­ suring and finding perimeter. Miilti- pliculion lubles nre an ongoing chal­ lenge. Students look forwnrd to a Chrislmas Around Ihc World unit, as well as holiday novels. Miss Swain's fourlh grade chiss heard Mr. Unger ns ii guest speaker Ihis week to help tliem go a little deeper with understanding North Carolina's role in slavery and the Civil War. • Students In June Johnson’s class completed a unit on inventors und inventions. Tiiey altended an "Inven­ tion Convention" where they had un opportunity lo invent something from a paper bag filled with Items such as rubber bunds, straws, paper clips, cups and paper. Creativity pro­ duced rockets, lelcscopes, household utensils, robots, musical instruments. Students researched Ihe wacky inventions of cnrloonisi Rube Goldberg. He turned simple tasks into a scries of complicaled actions und reactions. Euch student hud un opportunily to develop a Rube Goldberg-slyle contraption. Siudenis explored Ihe contribu­ tions of American inventors. They wrole reports and poems, and crc- ulcd diugrums. time-lines und post­ ers. Joe Hnrris. local inventor, wns a guest s|)cuker who explained the pro­ cess of tuniing an idea Inlo n pnl- entcd und iminiifaclured product. He invited students to an after-scliool activity where Ihey were able to use his inventions. North Diivic Middle The Tsnnumi team lias brought in more than $817 for a conimunily service through Storehouse for Jesus called "Sponsor a Child." For every S.W colleclcd, Iwo students will purchase a Christmas gift for a less I'orlunnlc child whose nnnic has been given to the Storcliouse Cor Jesus, This is nlso u inulli lesson. Students are trying lo rise the necdeil Tunds lo sponsor ns mnny children us possible. They nre spon­ soring Ifi children.'The project wiil end Dcc. 4, PrI me Ti mes lire col led i ng i lems for infants and children up lo .“i years of age lo pul in shoeboxes for Chrislmas gifts. Students nre conducting re­ search In Ihe librury and in (he coni- piiler labs about endungcrcd Afri­ can and Asian animals in language arls. 'They will complete a formal - research paper Ihut is due Dec. 2. Tsunami Siudenis of the Month are M ichael Rowe, Victoria Reveles. Maggie Tupiiy. Cassandra McClannon and Alii Hendrix. Prime Time R& R students are Jake Dunn, Joey Lnrd, Alii Hendrix, Salma Ibrnhum, Joshua Purks and Elizalielh Waller, Oil Dcc. .'i Ihe Tsunami team will take a Irip to the High Point Little 'Thealerto sceTlie Clirislmas Carol. 'The Pioneer 'Tcnm finished a social studies unit on an overview of European history. Students be­ gan a sludy wilh the Greek and Ro­ man civilizations anil havc traveled through Ihc cenUiries lor a brief view of the Middle Ages, Rennis- saitcc. World Wars I and II, Ihe Cold War, and Ihc rise nnd fall of Ihc So­ viet Union, To enhunce a study of the Renaissance, ench core class participated in nn integrated unil of lliis era. On Oct. 29, all sixth grnde classcs irnvelcd lo Huntersville lo visil the NC Renaissance Festival, Students experienced craft demon­ strations. music, dancing, comedy skits, nnd n re-creation of a joust­ ing tournament. Language Arts classes enjoyed a (.lovel, Door in the Wall, which lias a setting during Ihis time period, Siudenis began a study of the regions of Europe. They fo­ cused on Mediierrancnn Europe firsl. On Nov. 10, students traveled to Winsioii Salem, to the Greek Festi­ val, 'There a Greek meal was served. Women of Ihc church per­ formed Greek dances, and a cluircli lay member guve a presentation on Ihc customs and iradilions of this re­ ligion. Science classes finished a unit on space. The Pioneers enjoyed a model rocket lauiieli denionstrntioii. Many projecis and power poiiu pre- sentalions were given. Math siudenis began Acceler- nied Math. In class the unils of number patterns, fractions, and ra­ tios are being sludied. Prime Time classcs begun n unit on respecl. Students are asked lo remember Ihe less fortunate cliil- dren ofthe community by bringing a designated item for n Shoebox Chrislmas Project. Students com­ pleted a checker loarnanicnt and each Prime Time winner will com­ pete in a .school wide contest, Study Island online is available lo those with computer access nl home. This program should helprending nnd nmlh skills. Pioneer leacliers appreciate nil Ihe treats parents have provided . D / W I l i C O U N T Y l i N l ' K R l ' R I S K R I Í C O R D . I ’l u i r s d i i . v , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - » J Letter Land : Pinebrook Elementary Makes Leaming Fun Last month, on Oct. .31, first graders nt Pinebrook Elcincntiiry took a Irip lo Lcttcrlund as purl of tlicir literacy teaching pro- gntin. LcllcrlaiKl is u well estab­ lished and siicccssTuI program thnl tciichcs chiklren lo road and write. Students learn about ilie cliar- acler.s which make up the Lcllcrland alphabet. The chiirac- tcrs help siudenis lo know and understand letter shapes and sounds. There was lots of lalk «bout Annie Apple, Clever Cat, and Hairy Hal Man at the school tlint day. Once sliideiils bccomc famil­ iar with the whole alphabet they are introduced to letter combi­ nations. In ordinary leaching stu­ dents learn that “e" makes one sound and ‘'h" makes anollier bul this does nol lielp them learn lhal “ch" logcther makes a com­ plclcly rliffercnt sound. Letterland explanations iiitikc sense of this by using a story that will slick in a sliidenl's mind. They will learn that whenever Clever Cat sits nexl lo Hairy Hal Man, his hairy hat makes her no.se tickle, so she sneezes with a “ch" sotind. Stories like these engage a stiident's curiosity and capltires tlicir iniagination, so they re- iitcmhcr (he stories. Once s(udcn(s uiidcrsliind how lellers inleracl in words, Ihcy are on the road lo becom­ ing good writers and spellers. The studenis came ilressed as their favorite Letterland charac­ ler lhal day. Activities liegaii af­ ter lunch in Ihe cafeteria. The cliildren shared llieircosittmes in a presenlalion wilh music and songs. Afterwards the students tiiade their way lo various classrooms lo share wilh olhcrsludcnts what Ihey had learned and to partici­ pate in olher LelleHand aclivi­ lies. The day was a Tun-rilled leaming c.xperience Tor students, teaehcrs. parenis. and olhers in atleiidaiice. i ' á ■ --— ......... .1 — Above, the letter G is r^presenleij by the GoWen Girls. “i ' i ■ с ^ Ш а ciean Be quiet In Urie.’ Talk quIetly/lfitH at your qy sea S ' •ffìi a g l e t H is for Hairy Hat men whose costum e were a hit at the Letterianij Day event. a W atch out for those Robber ReiJs - they sang a tune to tell the story of the letter R. ,A .d ' ; . ; Q W , Q is' for th^ Quarrelsom Queens that came wearing their crowns for Letterlanid Day. ,i.i J.) Things heated up when the letter F was representeid by several Firemen Fre(Js. ANNUAL INCORPORATORS MEETING of Smith Grove Volunteer Fire Deparlment. Sunday, Dec. 7,2003 2 p.m. at Smith Grove Fire Dept. HEALTH IXSURAXCE F a m ilie s • In d iv id u a ls G r o u p • S e lf-E m p lo y e d L o w -Co s t C o v e iia g e F r e e Q u o t e s M arlin Sm ith (336) 998-9464 Munching Mil^es sing a song about the letter M.T EN Five Vases of Violets sang their m elody for the letter V. state Rep To Speak To Retired Personnel Slate Rep. Julia Howard will speak lo the Davie Re­ tired School Personnel group on Thursday, Dec. 4 at a noon meeting Bermuda Run Country Club and in­ cludes lunch. Anyone re­ tired IVom a school systein is welcome to attend. Call Lorene Markland or Sadye Two lovely Lucy Lamp Ladies lit up the student’s trip to BiiTger lor I'uriher informa- Letteland. - Photos by Robin Fergusson lion. ' u a . l i t y O i l Local, Family Owned Business Serving Our Community Since 1929 Full Service Fuel Oil, Propane & Kerosene Dealer Gas log Installation & Service 20 Delivery Trucks 15 Service Vans 1,000,000 Gallons of Storage on Site to insure availability 24 Hour Emergency Service Quality on Automatic Keep Fill - Sign Up Today РГЩаШГ” Budget plan for easy monthly payments For the Finest Service Available Call 722-3441 or 998-4620 — After Hours: 722-1381 Se Habla Español ^_________________________www.qualHyolinc.com i C O U N T Y E N T K R P R I S E R I Í C O R I ) , T h u r s d a . v , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 hey Make You Feel Like Dancing Davie High School Students To Present ArtD ances Dec. 4-5 Performing "Fragmentations of Picasso’s Color” are Tomlslia Norris, l\/ladison Owen, Allison W aypa, Catherine Boyles, Tanya Dixon, Jennifer f\/lcGown, and Brandon Goolsby. As a way of saying llianks to tiic community for llieir supporl. thc first semester dance class of Davic High will present "ArlDances” on Dec. 4 and 5 at 7 p.m. at the Brock Performing Arts Cen­ ler. Thc growing dance pro­ gram at Davio High begiin as a leap of failh, originating from Mocksville’s own Su­ san Wall, who passed thc lorch lo Tciri Winchell.This year a new addition to the dancc class, English and Dance teacher Sherri Crenshaw, is helping to fur­ ther inspire and enrich the lives of young dancers in the community. This year’s concert is a culm ination of this semester’s work. The theme “ArtDances" is a tribute to thc work of the visual art stu­ dents in Angela Stauffer’s class. The dancers have se­ lected several pieces of art­ work to inspire and inform their choreographies. Winchell and Crenshaw want thc students to begin lo sec dance nol only as a part of art, but as an integral part of the world. The dancc program pro­ vides a placc fpr the moving and visual learner, male and female, lo find Iheir way, to become educated, and to ob­ tain jobs that can illuminate their lives as well as the lives of Ihe public. Tickets for “ArtDances” can be purchased thc night of the event al the door or from one of the dancers. A $5 do­ nation is being asked per ticket. _ , o , .... ... J T • u M i u . ^ . u Practicing poses from "W ooloom ooloo" are (left to rlgfit) Tanya Dixon, Jennifer Catherine Boyles, Allison Waypa, and Tomisha Norris rehearse student choreogra- McGown Brandon Goolsby. Allison W aypa, Tomisha Norris, Catherine Boyles, M adl- phy for the upcoming two-n.ght concert at the Brock Performing Arts Center. le n d rix. G e t R e a d y F o r T h e H o l i d a y s Lose Up To 10 Lbs. On Us! TWO FREE WEEKS OF WEIGHT LOSS! Lose Fat, Keep M uscle Burn Fat W ith o u t H unger O ne-O n-O ne Support R estaurant & G rocery Store Foods Safe & Effective Call Today For A Free Consultation 336-751-1423 Len A WeUiUss *C5lt lor tlelDiti oi oHtr *Пв<|и1гв(1 Product Not IrtcludeciL'li-iBi г,1/.1Ч1.глт ."'rt ;f«)j Dance teacher Terri W inchell conducts rehearsals wllh members of her advanced dance class at the high school 865 Yadkinville Rd., Suite 102 • Mocksville ядИЗШШШ Improvamoni Velu* Conlor- Start Smart Witti J&J Cyrptt & Floor Coverii CUSTOM DESIGN WIIHOUT THE CUSTOM PRICE The Tesserao Carpet System lels you design Individual living spaces In any raom-easlly and affoidably. CAREFREE CARPET SYSTEM Should damage occur such as stains or excessive wear, you can simply remove Individual panels and replace Ihem wllh new ones In seconds- helping you maintain exceptional beauty tor years to come. CLEAN, MESS-FREE It^STALLATION Tesserae panels are professionally Installed using TractlonBack'“ Glueless Installation, This creates a secure hold throughout Ihe room without messy glues or olher adhesives, ATTACHED FtOOl? PAD Each Tesserae panel has attached residential padding with a moisture barrier built In- assuring a sod, comfortable, quiet teel and added subfloor protection. Hours: Mon. -I'Vi. 8-6 & .Sat. 9-1 2 13 New HigKw.iy 64 W'fsi, Lexington, NC Phone: 249-6672 CARPET & FLO O R IN O C O VERIN G Choreographer Allison W aypa and supporting dancer Catherine Boyles rehearse for ArtDances. The advanced dance class pose for the camera. - Photos by Robin Fergusson f'-; I Davie People O A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - C l Christine Hinkle, Belle Boger, Peggy Tutterow, Mary S. "l\/lary Tom" Carter and Mary Frances Berrier talk about their days in the Mocksville Homemakers Club. - Photos by Robin Fergusson MocksviUe Homemakers Call It Quits After 50 Years Heart to Heart with Kathy Chaffi'n On tliis Tliimksgiving Diiy, niy list ot' blessings is long. At llie lop are niy Iwo brolticr.s imd niece, my pnrenls nnd oilier loved ones in .spirit who I believe continue lo guide me from beyond the grave, my wonderful friends who have stuck by me . Ihrough n lougli couple of yenrs, my fnilh In n loving God ,nnd Ihe privilege of living in u country where noble men and women huve been ond continue to be willing to sacrifice their lives For our freedom. 'The list goes’on, as I’m sure doe.s yours. Bul certainly among mine is n job that allows me to meet the mosl interesting people nnd lo spend timo with them, asking us mnny c|ue.stions us I wunl. They don’t ulwuys unswer them, but 1 get to ask, and sometimes 1 lenm u.s much by what they don’l say us by y what Ihey do. I’ve been blessed to be utilc lo wnlch tlicireycs light up when they talk ubout Ihelr ------------- joys and triumphs, nnd I’ve lenrned to be brave enough lo feel some of their puin when they talk about their iienrluches nnd llie loved ones Ihey Imve losl. Through it alt, I'vo learned so much about Ihis life from Ihe people 1 hnve interviewed for Ihls Hoarl-to-Henrl column. There hnve been limes when the interviewees hnve mnde my henrl sing, made me Inugh, moved me to tears, kept me awake at nighl with their pnin, challenged my thinking, changed my perspectives, and above ull, mnde me renlize just how much I still have lo leam. I am thankful for 'ull the people who’ve been willing to share tlieir stories this past year and for nil of you who hnve written, cniled or stopped me on Ihe street to suy you enjoyed them. It wns rnw grief Ihut led me to return to writing for the Davie County Enterprise Record. My brothers nnd 1 had lost our father, prematurely nnd unnecessarily becnuse of u hospitul error, nnd looking for a way to ease the pnin, I npprouched Publisher Dwight Sparks with some ideas for stories. Among them were Davie Countinns who hnd endured grent tragedies. I wanted to know how ihey made il Ihrough them, how their lives were changed, and most of nil, if life could ever be sweet again. I lenrned, slowly but surely, thnt indeed, it cnn be. and today, it is wilh a grateful and joyful hearl lhal I write about the delightful members of tlie MocksviUe Extension Homemukers Club. They made me laugh, again nnd again, and sharing some of their life lessons with you now, I slill can't help bul smile. • It wns Agricultural Extension Director Oreg Hoover who callcd to tell ^ me aboul the club, and how the members j'had decided lo disband earlier this month after 50 years in existence. And it was .Greg who persuaded live of them to meel .one more timo to share the story of the ,club. "Wccall ourselves ‘Homemakers,’ ” Jsaid Belle Boger, “even though we're not ^ u c li of homemukers anymore, ure we?" Actually, they sturted out being called » ‘Extension Homemakers,” suid ^hrisline Hinkle, bul iheir name has flnce changed lo “Community pmelhing." None of thc others could recall the chib's new nume. “I Ihink Ihul'.s u good renson to ciuit,” snid Peggy Tutterow. “We cun't remember whut our name is." “Speak for yourself." interjected Belle, \^io has been n member of ihe club .since right nfter it sinrted.in ly-S.l. "I'm worn oul." I noticed eurly on that Peggy and Belle were quite comfortable trading insults, even if they were inje.st. but it wnsri’t unlil Inter in the interview thnt 1 renlizcd why. They're sisters, along with member Minnie Foster, who wusn’t able to meet with’us. Whal's more, Mary Franccs Berrier, who’s been a member since the mid ’yOs. is llieir uunt. Al'ler years of trying to get her to join, Mury Frances said Belle ended up paying her dues und snying, “Now you’re a member." Belle had apparently forgotten. “Oh, I did?" she responded. The three sisters and their aunt all attend Concord United Methodist Church on Cherry Hill -------- Roud. And Christine and Mary S. Carter, known to many ns “Mary Tom," nre members of nearby Liberty United Methodist Church off Highway 601 South, which shares a minister with Concord. “We’re alway.s inlking nbout wlint Ihe prencher’.s doing Ihere nnd whut Ihc preuchcr’s doing here." Mnry Frances snid. The olher two members not present .for the interview. Murgie Milholcn und Murgnrel Royster, ure Bnptist, bin the Melhodisl members snid tlicy've never hnd uny conflicts between the denominutions. They were too busy having fun, For one. Ihey learned lo do a lot of crnfis, a pnrt of Iho club's activities Ihnl Belle said she particularly enjoyed. Christine still uses thc wicker sleigh she made ut a caning workshop to decorate at Christmns. "This is whnl I'm most proud of," she snid. Through the yonrs, club members huve made copper-tooled planters and bowls, lamp shades, cross-stitched sayings and artwork, needlepoint, ceramics nnd muny other liundcral'ted items. Every yonr until this yenr, Bello said the club rnised money by selling crafts and baked und canned goods at thc annual extension craft fuir The money they rnised, usually around $300 to $400 a year, according to Christine, was donated to charitics, "We've helped n lot of people." Mary Tom suid, “We really have." The club has made pillows for breast cancer patients and dolls for children of fumilies engaged in domestic violence, filled shoeboxe.s for the Rev. Franklin Graham's Shoebox Ministry for children and contributed money to such charities as the American Red Cross and A Storehouse for Jesus. Belle said members agreed at tlieir lasl meeling to give what money they had left in the club's treasury to Storehouse, The monthly club meetings, held on the firsl Monday aflernoon, featured educational progriuns on such topics us o.state planning and wills, living wills und freezing, cunning und cooking, Thc last areu meeting, I'or cxumple, was on using herbs lo mnke skin oils nnd lotions, nccording to Christine, Once, tiiey even hud u progrnm on Alzheimer's disense, Peggy suid, "Now, we've ull got it," chimed in Mnry Tom, Even wilh the workshops and progrmns, members agreed that thc social aspect ofthe club wns as imporlant ns anything. Members slnrted out meeling in individuni homes, which wus always fun, Belle said, because they got to seo where each other lived. They served food nl the nieetings then, nccording. to Peggy. "We gol out our little crystal plutes." she suid. “nnd we tiiought we were somebody." “We pul on the dog," Belle said. Mary Tom said members didn't know about tlic benefits of pnper plntcs back then. Either Ihnt. or they simply couldn't nfford them, Mnry Friuices ndded. Even nfter the club started meeting at the county extension office on South Main Street, some of the members would go out to ent uftorwurd. And they ulwnys went lo cut oul ut Christmns und excliungcd gifls. Clemmons Kitchen is a favorite restaurant of members, but they niso frequent the K&W. Christine's luisband, Bruce, went with them the last lime ihey went lo the cafeteria. Christine is the only one of the five ^members interviewed whose husband is living. The other four are widows. That's makes the friendship among Ihc members even more important to Mary Frances, the only member without children. Her son, Jorry, died of cancer at age 41. l iaving worked us an antique dealer for 30 years, she said she is used to being around people. “1 can’t do wilhoul people," she .said, “and Ihis has been a real 'social thing for me. You learn about what's going on in each one of these families that you wouldn't hear if we didn't get together" Mnry Tom joked thnt they ulso heur ull nbout oncli olhcrs’ nches nnd pnins The members hnvo lots of funny stories to tell on euch other, some of which can be printed and some of which can’t. Peggy told a funny story on Mnry Tom. Il seems she would nlwnys lenve the meetings enriy, between 2:15 and 2:30, Peggy snid, to avoid thc after- school traffic from Davie High School • on the way to her home on Will Boone Road. “We even put that in tho minutes on one occasion," she said. Being tho youngest member, Peggy was usunlly elcctcd secretary/lreusurer according to Mary Frances, “She kept up with the money," she suid. Christine was the president when the club disbanded, Mury Franccs was in charge of devotions. Though she usually read a devotional from “The Upper Room" and said a prayer .she said she Iried lo select a rending that wns applicable lo what members were going llirough at the time. And Belle wns always encouraging the others to read, even loaning out books on a regular basis. She does the same thing at Concord UMC, according to Mary Frances. Typically, she said Belle brings eight to 10 books every Sunday for distribution to members of the United Methodist Women. “You bring them back the next week," Mary Frances said, “and she keeps a rccord of it. She'll tell you at the end of the yonr how mnny books you’ve read. “Tell her how many books you rond in n yenr" .she suid to her nioco. “About 500." Belle respomlcd. When the club had a contest to see what member could rend thc most books. Belle won, of course. The prize, she said. wus another book. Belle said she enjoys all kinds of books, including Danielle Steele romances and Chrislinn books, “I like love stories," Mary Frances said, “and I like I'or them to end righl, too. I like happy endings." The Mocksville Homemakers snid they're worried thnt none oflhe county's extension clubs will survive if more young people don't get involved. “1 know everybody has to work," Mary Frnnces suid. “That's one of the problems loday." Most of them, however, worked as well when they were younger Several of tliem weren't nble to attend on a regulnr basis until after they retired. Another fnctor is lhat young people today aren’t as interested in crnfis und preserving food us people used to be, nccording lo Belle. “They buy everything," Mary Francos said. Prcsehlly. ull of Duvie's extension clubs hnve older memberships. “And Ihe older people are all going to be in their 80s like wc are one day," , Mary Frances said. , Well, not ull of the members nro in thoir 80s. the younger members pointed out. Christine snid she’s 79. No wnit. she won’t be 79 until Jnnuary. she snid. adding. “I'm 78 righl now." Mnry Tom suid she is "77 and holding." Peggy said she will lurn 73 on Dec. 1. As for Mary France.s. she said she'.S 83, and Belle is 88. “Wo'ro getting old," Mury Tom suid. “Aging out," Christine added. Anyway, Peggy said she doesn’t have any more room in her house for crafis. “We've got enough of lhat junk," she •said. "I don’t need anything else." Mury Frnnces ugreed. “We don't know what else to do with it," she snid, And they’ve all beconic educntcd on extension matters, Mary Tom joined in, “We know how to cook and to cnn nnd to freeze," Mary Frances said. And none of them do it anymore, Christine added. Members said thc quality of the programs have suffered since the slate cut Dnvie’s extension homemaker position from ils budget. "We just don't have as many interesting things as we used to, 1 don’t think," Chrisllno said. “It’s because we’ve done them nil," Belle uddcd. Even though they have plans to get together and go oul lo enl, all of the members agreed thnl they’ll miss seeing each other nt the meetings. "We’ve had a good lime," Peggy said. "I'll miss being here and seeing them and acting crazy,” Mury Tom suid. Belle had nn idea for the group. “We •should all live together" she said. Yes, Mary Frnnces joined in, nnd Mnry Toni and Christine could cook for everybody else. "When you live so long without a man in the liouse," she suid, "you don’t cook." “Oh no,” Mnry Tom snid ofthc iden, "I'm too set in my wnys," "Wouldn't unyone wunt lo stuy up us lute as I do anyway," Belle said. She stays up rending until 2 u,m. Since Thnnksgiving wns only a few dnys uwuy, 1 decided to end the interview by nsking the Indies ubout the blessings in their lives. Mnry Tom suid she wns Ihnnkful for her heailh and her family and the freedom to worsliip ns she pleases. She plans to spend the holiday wilh her daughler, Andrea Cornatzer and the rest of her family, wliich includes two grnndchtklren and iwo great­ grandchildren; both bom this year Her husbnnd, Rnlph, wns killed in a trnctor uccident in 1977. Tlinnksgiving for thc Curler fumily will be “the sume old, same old," she .suid. “You do something different, nnd the fnmily hns u hissy. One yeur 1 didn’l mnke dressing, und boy. did 1 henr nboul il, “ ‘Grundmn, why did you do thut? .Don't over do thut again'." Mary Frances said she is thankful I'or her family, her henlth und for being nble to tnke euro of herself nt uge 83. Even though she lost her son nnd husbnnd Buck lo canccr in 1985 mul 1990, rcspcclively, Mury Frances is still going strong after two cancer surgeries. She snid she’s received three invitnllons to hnve Thnnksgiving with fumily members. “I don’t nlwnys go." .she suid,“l just pick nnd choose to try to m uke^ ■ everybody happy." There's somelhing else Mary Frnnces is grnteful for nnd she told me lo puy uttentlon lfl plunned to write nboul il. It seems she’s the hend of the committee ruising money for a new pnrsonnge for Concord. “1 beg nil the money.” she suid. "und I um so thankful to be nble to have been able to do a.s well as 1 have. I’m proud of everybody who's helped me. and I know that God is on our side and it’s going to be a beautiful home." Belle said slie is thankful to get around us well us she does ut her ago. She still drives und is considering truding her 1989 vehicle in for n new cnr "Not nt your nge, I wouldn’t," Mury Tom chimod in, “How mnny miles does it huve on it?" “Well, nol enough," Belle .snid, "bul 1 wunt something smuller I’ve gol n slulion wngon." I encoiu agcd her lo go ahcud and buy il new vehicle. But Belle didn't seem to lienr me, she wnsn’t through with Mnry Tom. "1 don’t think she should toll me whnl lo do," she snid jokingly. Especiully since she just bought a new one herself, Mary Frances joined in. Mary Tom traded her 1987 Sth Avenue for a new Chrysler last year, but said she liked her old car betier Anywny. bnck to Belle's bjessings. She said she's also thunkful for her family, which includes daughter Marlene Shamel nnd three grundchildren. Belle, whose husbnnd, James, died of u sudden heart attack in 1980, plans to spend thc Thanksgiving holiday with them. As for Christine, she's thankful for the good health shared by her nnd her husbund. She nnd Bruce will celcbrute their 61st wedding unniversnry on Nov. 29. They hnd six children together. Sndly, their daughter, Vera, was killed at age 9 while getting off n school bus. “It's something Ihut 1 think of every time 1 see n school bus," she,suid, Christine suid her five remaining children, eight grundchildren nnd eight gieat-grandchildren are on her list of blessings, “I’m thankful for so many Ihings," she said, “Bruce nnd I, when we gol married, we didn't hnve nnything, and the Lord has blessed us," Peggy, whose husbnnd, Joe, died of cnncer in 1996, suid .she is ihnnkful for her fumily und friends. She hus three sons, five grundchildren und one great- grnndchild on the wny. г/ С 2 - D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 Eberly-Smith Couple Married / Kuykendall Field, Pisgah National Forest, Brevard, was the site of the marriage of Dara Elizabeth Vcronica Eberly and Jason Brian Smith, both of Ce­ dar Mountain, at I p.m ,Oct.25. O fficiating was the Rev. Howard Hanger of Jubilee Church In A,sheville. Guests sat upon hay bales as music was provided by Teresa Eberly of Lufkin. Texas, sister of the bride, nnd Jane Watson Barrett of Fort Raleigh, Kan., cousin of the bride. The bride’s parents are Steve and Barbara Walters Eberly of Cullowhee.The groom’s pwents are Donald H. and Mary Campbell Smith of Mocksvillc. The bride was escorted by her father, Ralph Stephens Eberly, to the song and theme of the wedding "Walk Through This World With Me" by John Duffey. She wore a white strap­ less dress with cathedral train. The veil was the same length as the dress with n secondary veil (worn by her mother-in-law, Mary Smith) to cover the face. She wore a ruby ring handed down to the oldest daughter in her family for the last four gen­ erations, and a heart-shaped necklace from the groom ’s grandmother, Irma Smith of Germanton. Flowers were dark gold, burgundy and purple mums. Maid of honor was the bride's first cousin. Sonja Eberly from Arlington. Va. Bridesm aids were: Teresa Eberly, sister of the bride of Lufkin. Texas; Shanna Riggsbee of Chapel Hill; Meredith Lynn Licht and Charisma Herndon Arbogast of Brevard. Best inan was the groom’s father, Donald H. Smith of Mock.sville. Groomsmen were; brothers of the groom, Erik Smith of Mebane and Dustin Smith of Mocksville; Matthew Dickenson of San Ramone, Ca­ lif.; and James Askins HI of Franklin. A bluegrass band played as the wedding party and guests were served barbecue, chicken and thetrimmings. Adisplayof the bride and groom’s ancestry compiled by the mother of the bride with the help of the groom’s mother was on display. A stroll could be had around the field enjoying the beauty of the season or down by the bubbling creek or even the toss of a foot­ ball, or Frisbee for the young at heart. Teresa Eberiy, sister of the bride, made Ihc wedding cake. Some guests arrived Friday aftenioon and camped out at the site with the bride and groom. Early Saturday morning, the bride and her attendants lefl for a wedding breakfast and the at­ tendants to dress. After the wed­ ding and reception, a number of the guests stayed to camp with them. On Sunday m orning, the bride and groom lefl for Fontana Village, Tenn. A guest from Texas called it "the most enjoyable wedding I’ve ever been to,” The bride, from Sylva, at­ tended Western Carolina Uni­ versity and since graduation has been teaching English and coaching the swim team at Brevard High School. The groom, from M ocks­ villc, is a graduate of Western Carolina University and is em­ ployed by the YMCA Camp of Greenville. S.C. The couple resides in Cedar Mountain. Mrs. óason Brian Smith B i n k l e y - T o d d C o u p l e M a r r i e d A t B a l t i m o r e M e t h o d i s t Jennifer Kay Binkley of East Bend and Derek Alan Todd of Concord were united in marriage at 5; 15 p.m. Salurday. Oct. 25 at Baltimore United Melhodisl Church. Minister Stove John.son officiated. The bride is the daughter of Deborah 0 . Binkley nnd the late Dee L. Binkley of East Bend. She is a graduate of Forbush High School and attends High Point Univer.sity, She is em­ ployed by Novant Health. The groom is the .son of Alan and Bonnie Todd of West End, He is a graduate of N.C. Slale University and is employed by Philip-Moais. Given in marriage by her unclc, Ricky Doub, Ihe bride wore a full-length while, matte satin gown with chapel length train, scoop neckline and shorl sleeves. The waisl and sleeves were adorned with lace. She chose Traci Speer of Charlolte, her friend, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were; Sunni Lynn Davis, Chastity Clodfeller and Christina Gonzalez, all of East Bend, and Tyese Gabriel of Winston-Salem. Best man was the groom’s falher. Ushers were; Joshua Binkley, brother of the bride of East Bend; Brinn Ellington of Henderson; Wesley Todd, brolher of Ihe groom of West End; and Bill Kivett of Raleigh. Acolytes were Brad Higgins of Yadkinville and Wes Snow of Lewisville. Pianist Kate Isbell, organist Gaynell Doub, and trumpeter Г I I I I I^1 Greeting Cards 25-$6.99 50-$13.99 75-$19.99 100-$24.99 [ with Ihls coupon receive an additional $2 olf when order Is placed belore Dec. 5,2003 F o s t e r D r u g C o . I I I L M M M • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 J M o c k s v i l i e 's A u t o S e r v ic e e a d e r S t o m p s t h e C o m p e t i t i o n New Tire Special Four (4) - 175-70R14 Goodyear Integrity Tires S 'l R Q /A II four, Installed, balanced I In clu d es R o a d H a za rd W arranty O O O O /V EA U High tonsllo stoui bolts lor ctrongih, long troadlilo and fuol officloncy Polyoslof radinl plios olfor a smooih and quiot rido Solid contorlino and rib dosign for Improved handling, stooring and Iracklng, ospoclally wol roads Ollsol ohouldor olomonta pfovldo oxcollont Uaction dufing accolofation and broking. Get Buy 4 Oil C h a in s the Next IO raEE! (That’s Right, 101) somo roslrictions apply - ^ * . . . . . . WWW.COWboyrob.COin l.c4n.4i-rio?4(.In Beautiful Downtown Mocksville is? oopot suooi 751-5948 i-e88-46g-378i S p e c i a l o f t h e W e e k L e a d e r C o u g h D ro p s 30 count ea. Limit 4 While Supplies Lust B askets by M a rle n e Now Available Unique gifts for Christmas Marlene will be here in person Monday, Dec. 1 • 8;30ani.-6pm Г01- }>ri'iit int'orm ntion on (lnt}>s & hi-iilth p rohlvm s, to . и « \V.(0Slt44lrUJ>C<I.C(>IU Regular Hours: M-F 8:30-8 • Sat 8:30-4 • Sun 1:30-5 Foster Drug Co. 495 Valley Road • Mocksville • (336) 751-2141 www.fosterdrugco.com Jason Brown provided music with vocalists Joe Doub. Melissa Bruce, Cindy McMurray, Velna Doub, Debbie Speer and Whitney Snow. Guest register nttendanls were Judy Doub and Mnry Jnne Snow, nunts of the bride, nnd program attendants were Lisa Williams and Lori Williamsi cousin of the bride. Linda Adams of Yadkinville directed the wedding. Greetcrs at Ihe reception.at A Catered Affair by Rumac in Win- slon-Snlcm were Snily and Jeff Wilson nnd the announcer at the reception was Dan Adams. Afler n wedding trip to Sl. Thomas, the couplc made their home at 1112 Meadowbrook Lane, Concord. I’re-Nuptlal Evenls • On July 12, Wes and Mnry June Snow und Judy and Ricky Doub hosted a garden engage­ ment party. • On Aug. 31. Debi Binkley, molher of the bride, hosled an engagement lunchcon. • On Sepl. 14, Nancy Will­ iams hosled n mis’cellnneous shower nl the Courlney Fire De­ partment. • On Sept. 21, Traci Speer hosted a lingerie shower, • On Sepl. 28, the couple was honored wilh a household shower at the home of Laura Binkley. • On Oct. 10, the bride was honored by her co-workers al Mr. and Mrs. Derel<Alan Todd Novant Health wilh a liou.sehold shower. • On Ocl. 18, IheVicloria House was the selling for u bridal tea hosted by the bride’s mother, and on this same date, Josh Binkley, brolher of the bride, hosled a tool .«hower for the groom al Hooters. • A Catered Affair by Rumac in Winslon-Salem provided the rehearsal dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs, Alan Todd, parents ol the groom. Our State CHS Selling Magazine Subscriptions COOLEEMEE - You can give a Christmas present to a friend and at the same time - give a gift to the Textile Heritage Cenler at Cooleemee. Through a program titled Community Partners, for every subscription to Our Stale: Down Home III North Canilina maga­ zine sold by the group a portion will be given back to Coolee- nice's pioneering textile history eflbn. Renewals count, loo. Our State has been published since 1933 and is Ihe only North Carolina publication devoted to Tar Heel iravel, hislory, person- nlilies, food, and folklore. From Murphy to Manleo, Our State features charming slories and magnificent photography from all over North Carolina. Ann Ridenhour Cranford, treasurer of the Cooleemee His- Flyers .'Raffle Tickets • Brochures • Programs Labels • Custom Self-Inking Slamps Invitations • PolltJcal & Campaign Needs Signs • Advertising Specialties • Page U yout & Design Vchicle Magnets • Sporis Magnets i / F a s t T u r n - a r o u n d i / Q u a l i t y P r i n t i n g & T y p e s e ttin g S e r v ic e y o u c a n c o u n t o n i / E x p e r ie n c e d P e r s o n n e l‘ Contact; Dan CnmpbciTor Angle Fmncc Simply email, fax or call... actionprinls®yadlcl.net fx 336/ 679.4400 ph. 336/ 679.4447 Yadkinville, NC torical Association which runs the Textile Heritage Cenler, says she's glad the group decidcd lo join Our State's Community Partners program. "It's a great way for us lo raise funds while our supporler.s enjoy a wonder­ ful publication every month," slie said. Make a check for $24.95 payable to "CHA" and send ll to PO Box 667, Cooleemee, NC 27014. For each gift order rcceivcd by Dec. 20, it’s recipient will be sent notice inside a specini Christmas note card, feauiring Cooleeniee's Old Square, de­ molished in 1962. The graphic is a mininture of Jeremy Sams niiirni painted during the town's centennial in 1998. A subscrip­ lion receipt will he sent to sub- .scribers and gifl-givers. Call 284-6040. J The CHRISTMAS COTTAGE Poiaseltias & Gifts Open Nov. 17-Dcc. 23 №ni-7pm, Mon-Sal CAMILLE GARDENS« SIGNS Dirvcrms: fH>m Mocfcsi'ilk llwy (¡01 Nto C/iHrr/i itii UurnatC'sBHQUhen^ , li'fi un Virunnanmn D A V I K C O U N r v E N T E U P R I S H R K C O R D , l l u i r s d n v . N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 .^ - C . l Calvin Ijames will sign tiis book Friday at Bits of Brass in • Mocksville. MocksviUe Author To Sign Christian Journey Booi< Hope. It’s whal grieving people ■ need, and crave. ^ A book proclaiming hope lo • pilgrims traveling through dark ; clouds and recommending di- ; vine strength lo tho.se climbing ; rugged mountains will be avail- ; able aftor Nov. 25. ! The Ihird printing of Mocks- : ville aulhor William Calvin i Ijames’ book Ims a new name - ■ Survival Tools lor Ihe Christian ■Journey. published by ; Brentwood Christian Press. ; Ijames defined his purpose for the 15 chapters and made : gramnialical corrections recom- : mended by Cora Massey and ; Esther Wall, who he called "Godly educators.'’ They are : mentioned “wilh gratitude." ' The first seven chapters in Survival Tools for Ihe Christian -Journey display Ihe path for mankind to establish a posilive relaiionship with Jesus Christ, and the last eight chapters dis­ play the palh godly servants must Iravel lo keep thal divine relationship through major slornis. This “iravel manual" high­ lights guidelines from the divine shepherd for lost sheep, the di­ vine commander for mature .sol­ diers, and Ihe divine navigator for prodigals on ihe wrong course. The author’s hunianilarian service has been recognized witii Ihe follow ing awards; Governor’s Award forOiitstmid- Ing Volunteer Servicc, WBTV's Jefferson Award, Davie Counly’s E.C. Tatum Humani- tariim Award, Catawba Counly’s Distinguished Public Service Award, and the Service To Man- kind Award from Clemmons Serloma Club. He completed the coimseling course. Caring For People God's Way, by the American Associa­ lion of Christian Counseling lo become a memberof AACC. The book will be sold al Bits of Brass on North Main Street in downlown Mocksvillc. Ijames plans to autograph books there from 9;30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. ihere on Friday, Nov. 28. interior Designs, inc. Full Service Design Simu'c lip r«in’ Homv for thv lloHdays Specializes in: Window Treatments Bed Ensembles Accessories We work wllh licensed conlraclors for your remodeling and building needs. Charlene B, Cassidy IDS Associate 3560-C Clemmons Rd, (Next to Cleinmons Ubrary) 766-9918 Please Attend The Church O f Your Choice Gospel Singing Saturday At Pleasant View Baptist There will be a gospel singing Salurday, Nov. 29 al 7 p.m. al Pleasant View Baptist Church, 1263 E. Memorial Hwy. (N.C. 901), I larmony. Special guests will be The JoyUil Hearts from Mooresville. The congicgalion invites everyone. The paslor is Bobby Jones, Holiday Events Planned A t Mocks Methodist A communily Thanksgiving service will he held Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m. at Mocks United Melhodisl Church in Advance. Re­ freshments will be served following Ihe .service. The "Hanging of the Greens", an inspiring and interactice ser­ vice held on the First Sunday in Advent, will be held at 7 p.m. Sun­ day, Nov. 30, followed by refreshments. The cluirch is located al Mocks Church ami Beauchamp roads, 998-.55I8, S t o r e h o u s e N e e d s V o lu n t e e r s T o P r e p a r e D e n t a l C H n i c M e a l A Storehouse for Jesus needs individuals or groups to prepare a light supper for eight lo 10 people with the dental clinic. If inter­ ested, call Jean Young at 940-5532 or 751-1060. No Crook PrImlUvo Baptlsl Church, 222 Aubfoy Merrell Rd., Mocksviiie. 2nd & 4th Sundays, 10:30 n.m. Fourth Saturday worship and conference. 1:30 p.m. Pastor. Richard Kirby. Eaglo Heights Church,10 o.m. Sunday worship, 7 p,m. Tuesday Powertirne. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, BIblo study nndAwanns. Casual dress, contem­ porary music/worship. 5103 U.S. 158, Hillsdale, Mocksvllto Wosloyan Church: Hospital St.. Sunday School. 9:45 n,m. Worship, 11. Wednesday Prayor Meeting. 7 p.m. Rov. George Troyer. 751-5595. Union Chopol Unllod Mothodlst Churchj 2030 U.S. 601 N. Worship. 10 a.m, Sut\day School, tt a.m.. Pastor. Rev. Jim Sanders. Conlor UnHod Molhodlsl Church: U.S, 64 W. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 11. Pastor. Stephen Blair. 751 • 2754. Childcare direclors; Carta Prevette, 492*5735 & Sandra Autry. 940- 3753, Elbavlllo Unitod Mothodlst Church: N.C. 801. Advnnce. Fellowship, 9 a.m. Sunday School. 10, Worship. 11, Kids For Christ (ages 4-11), 1st & 3rd Sun.. 3'4;30 p.m. Teens lor Clulat {ages 12* 18) meet Sun., 5-6:30 p.m, Pastor: Rov. Neville Slorey, Cooioomoo Church ol Qod: Sunday School, 10 n.m. Worship Service and Children's Church, 11 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeling, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Service. 7 p.m. For more inlo. cnll paslor Roberl Hulette at 264-2160 or visit Cornatzor Unllod Mothodlsl Church: 1244 Cornatzer Rd. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship. It a.m.. Rov. Kaye Fryo. pastor.Bothol Unitod Mothodtst Church: Belhel Church Rd. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 10:50 n.m. Rev. Ed Cnrter, pastor. Advance Unitod Mothodlsl Church: Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. Youth. 5 p.m. Rev. Harry D. Sammons.Downiown Advanco. Farminglon Unitod Mothodlsl Church: Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. t939 Farmington Rd. 999-5569. Rev, Tommy Robertson. Oak Qrovo Unitod Mothodlst Church: 1994 U.S. 158. Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 n.m. Worship. 11. Concord Unitod Mothodlst Ctturch, Cherry Hill Rd.. Mocksvillo. Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Pnslor. John Andrews. Hardison Unllod Molhodlsl Church: Worship. 9:45 a.m. Sundny School. 10:45. Wonderlui Wednos-dnys Children's program, 6-7;30. Paslor. Rov, Dennis B. Marshall. Community Baptist Church: Sundny School. 10 a.m. Sundny Worship. 11. Evoning service. 6. Wodnesdny Bible Sludy. 7 p.m. Gladstone Road. Hlllsdalo Unitod Mothodlst Church: 5228 U.S. 15B. Advanco. Conlomporary worship Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday School. 9:35. Casual dross, relroshmonts. Jr. High Youth Sunday night, 5:30. Sr. High Youth Sunday night. 7. Midwoek@Hilladalo prayer service, Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible studios, ministries such as drama, worship, mislons. singles, women’s, men's. Paslor: Jerry Webb. 998-4020. Wosloy Chapol Unllod Molhodlsl Churoh: Worship Service; 10 a.m. Sunday School: 10;45 a.m. Rov. Tommy Robertson. Pino Rd. Rodland Pontocostol Hotlnoss Church: Sunday School: 10 n.m, Worship: 11 n.m. Evening; 6:30. Wednosdny prayer meeting & Bible study, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Joel Boylos. Holy Cross Luthoron Church, 1913US 601 S. Worship: 10:30 n.m. Sundny School: 9:15. Rev. Robert Kasling, 751- 5419. nundspring. co/n/''holycross' Mocksvlllo First Prosbylorian Church, 261 S, Main St. Worship: 11 n.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Sundny evening: Chorlstors (grndofl 1 -5) & Youli> {grados G-12), 5:30 p.m. Pnstor; Neal Carter. 751-2507. Mocks Unllod Mothodlsl Church, off N.C. 601 S. nt Mocks Church/ Beau­ chnmp roads. Advance. Rev. Donnie W.G. WHITE & G 0 . 850 N. Trade St, Winston Salem, NC 27102 336-723-1669 JERRY'S MEAT PROCESSING We Custom Meal Process Beef - Pork - Deer 3 0 y e a rs e xperience 802 Ralph nmiodgo Rd • Mocksvlllo 492-5496 J. p. GREEN MILLING CO., INC. Makers of DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot St,, Mocksville, NC 336-751-2126 CAUDELL LUMBER GOMPANY 162 Sheek Street ' Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2167 VILLAGE HAROWARE 5431 Hwy. 158« Advonce, NC 336-998-1987 Durham. 998-5518. Sunday worship: 8:45 & 11 a.m. Sundny School; 10 n.m, Smilh Grovo Mothodlst Church: 3492 U.S. 158, Mocksville. Pastor; Chris Clomz. Sunday School: 10 a.m., worship. 11, Children's ministry. Before and aller school programs. 940-5296. Hlllsdalo Baptist Church: Sundny Worship and Bible Study 10:30 a.m.. Wednesday Fellowship Meal, 6 p.m. Children’s youlh aclivilies. piayer meeting, 6:30 p.m. Pastor R.T Alderman, 940* 6618. Minister ol Music, Brent Helton. 4815 U.S. 158, Advance. Follh ond Victory Family Worship Conlor, 1687 Hwy. GOl N. Sundny Services. 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Now Boliovors Ministries, 350 Railroad St.. Mocksville. Sunday Schooi. 10 a.m., worship, 11. Wednesday night Bible study. 7, Pnstor Elizabeth Mock, Assoc, pastor. Derrick Mock, 492-5566. Liberty Unitod Mothodlst Church. U.S. 601 S, Worship:9:45 n.m, Sunday School: 11 a,m. FIrsI United Mothodlsl Church of Mocksvlllo. Early Sunday Worship Service, 8:50 n.m. Prnlso singing, cnsual dross, contemporary lormal. Traditional service, 10:55 a.m. 305 N. Main St, 751- 2503. Pastors, Cryslal Alexander nnd Donald W. Routh, Bollovor’s Sonship Tabornacio: Sunday worship, Ю’.ЗО a.m. & 6;30 p.m. Wed. evening, 7. Pastor; Jerry L. Couch. 998- 1324. Cnnn Rd. - Potter's Lnne. Turrontino Boptlst Church: Sundny School. 9:45 n.m.. Worship, 11; Night Service. 6. Pastor; Rev. Joe Smilh, Bolhlohom Unitod Molhodlst Church: Sunday enrly worship, 8:45 a.m.; Sundny School. 10. Worship. 11 n.m. Lighthouse Service, contompornry worship, Thursdays nt 7:30 p.m. 321 Rodland Rd., Advnnce. 998-5083. Fax: 940-5502. E- Mall; kaybeihumc@yadt©l,net Episcopal Church of Iho Asconslon. Fork-Bixby Rd.. Advance. Sun. School, 10 a.m. Worship. 11 n.m. 998-0857. Dial A Slory Ministry for chlldron. Bill and Peggy Long ol Advar\co. 998-7716. Clement Grovo Church ol God, Body of Christ. 159 Parker Rd.. Mocksville. 492-5125. Saturday Servlcos: Sabbath School. 10 a.m,. Worship. 11:45. Wednesday BIblo Study. 7 p.m. Pastor; Elder Ernest Ijamos. Radio Brondcnst: The Bible Is Righl. TvJesdays. 5-5:30 p.m.. WDSL 1520 AM nnd Sundnys, 8- 8:30 n.m., WSTP 1490 AM. Groon Moadows Baptlsl Church Sunday School, 9:45a m. Worship, tl a,m., 7p.m. Wednesday Prayor & Bible Sludy. 7 p,m. Pastor Rov. Michael Waters. 998-3022. LIborly Wosloyan Church. 2106 Shelllold Rd., Harmony, Sunday School10 a.m.. Morn. Worship 11 a.m.. Wed, Bible Advonlure 7 p,m.. Sr. Ministry 2nd Tues. ench month 10 n.m. 492-2963. Pnstor: Ronald Loe.Blxby Prosbylorian Church. 1806 Fork- Bixby Rd,, nonr Cornatzer Rd., Sun, School 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11, Pastor: Peter Pelorson. 998- 6813. Dulln Unitod Mothodlst Church. 897 Dulin Rd,. Mocksville. 998-5409. Pastor; Dnvid Smith. Sun School 10:30 a.m.. Worship 9:30 a.m. Cooioomoo Unitod Mothodlst, Main St., Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship, 11, Kids Kamp Sun. 5-6:30. Pastor; Rev. Perry Bradshaw (284-6135) In Homo BIblo Studios, by Randy Howell. 2B4.4667.Boar Crook Baptist Church, Bear Crook Ch. Rd.. Sun. School 9;45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Bible Study Wod. 7 p.m. Rev. William Lee Cook III. pnstor. Cooioomoo First Boptlst Church, 2B4 Mnrginal St.. Sun. Bible Sludy 9:45 a.m.. Worship 11 a.m., Eve. Worship 7 p.m., Wednesday prayer meeting, 7 p.m. Music mlnlslor. Regina Chandler. Dr. Tommy Register, pastor.Mocksvlllo Socond Prosbylorian, 400Pina Sl, Sunday School, 0;30 n.m. Worship. 9:30. Only African-American Prosbyterinn church In Davio Counly. Rov. Thomns M. Leach.751-1410 St. Francis of Assisi, RC. Masses: Salurday Vigil, 5 p.m. Sunday. 8 and 10:30 a.m., Spanish Mass. 12:30 p.m.; Wodnosday evening Mass. 7. Monday, VOGLER &SONS l-tiuuriii мшпе 2849 Middle Brook Dr. Clemmons, NC 27012 336- 766:4714. LARRY’S WOOD FLOORING SERVICE 2 4 Years E xperience Sanding • Rollnlshing Installation • Old & Now Work Larry McClennoy • Mocksvlllo 336-751-1721 EATON FUNERAL H O M E siNci; i‘j.^1 Niulli Main .Slrccl Mncksville, NC 2703S .Ш-751-2148 AUTO PARTS MOCKSVILLE AUTOMOTIVE 884 S. M ain St. • Mooksville 336-751.2944 PUT THIS SPACE TO WORK FOR YOU CALL 751-2120 Tuesday, Thursday. Friday & Saturday. 7:30 a.m. Masses. Rev. Andrew Draper. TOR. 751-2973. Farmington Baptist Church. Sunday morning Bible study, classes lor all ages, 10, Worship: 11. 1841 Farming-ton Rd., 5 miles Irom 1-40, Pastor: Scott Lyoriy, Church; 998-3826. Home: 998-5372. Blaise Boptlst Church, Biaise Church Road, oil U.S. 601 N. at 1-40. Mocksville. 751-3639. Worship. Sunday, 8:30 & 11 a.m.; Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Sundny evening. 7. Wednesday Bible sludy and mission programs lor nil ages. 7 p.m. Paslor; Glonn Sellers. Assoc, pastor, Ken F urches. »ViVik b/.vs&t.^pt/st. org. Shiloh Baptist Church, 544 E. Depot St., Mocksville. Sunday School: 9:45 n.m, Morning worship: 11 a.m. 751-0597. Fullon Unllod Mothodlst Church, 3895 N.C. 801 S., Advnnce. Worship; 9;45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m. Fulton Youlh In Christ, Sundays. 5-6:30 p.m. Pnstor: Rov. Neville Storey. Hoavon Bound Full Gospol Church.U.S, 64 W.. Mocksvillo. (beside Center Fire Dept.). Sunday Sctiool, 10 a.nv. Worship, 11. Sundny nighl praise/ worship, 6. Wednesday nighl praise/ worship. 7. Pastor. James Ward, 998- 6394. First Baptist Church, 390 N. Main St,. Mocksville. 751-5312. Contemporary early worship service. 8:30 a.m. Sunday School lor all ngos, 9:45 a.m. Traditional worship service, 10:55 a.m. Children's choir. Tuesday. 3 p.m, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.. activities lor children, youlh nnd adults. Fork Baptist Church. 3140 U.S. 64 E.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 9:45. Worship service, 11 a.m.. 6:30 p.m. Wodnesdays, 7 p.m. Awanas. Sunday 6 p.m.998-8306. Cornatzor Baptist Church, 1372 Cornnlzor Rd., Mocksville. Sundny School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11; evening. G;30; Awana's Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. 7:30 p.m. Now Union Mothodlst Church. 1869 Sheflleld Rd.. at Counly Line Rd.. Services: 8:30 a.m., contomporary’ worship wllh casual dross nnd relroshmonts; 9:45 a.m. Sundny School nssembly. 10, Sunday School lor all ages. 11 a.m.. Worship. 492- 5367. Ijamos Baptlsl Church, Shelflold Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m., worship. 11. Sunday evening, 6. Wednesday, 7 p.m. Pastor. Tommy Faust. SI. John AME Zlon Church, 145 Campbell Rd., Mocksville. Sunday School. 9:30. Morning worship. It a.m. Pastor. George C. Banks. Advonco First Boptlst Church. 1938 N.C, 801 S. Sunday School, 9:45 n.m, Worship. 11, Wednesday Bible Study/ mission groups. 7 p,m, Paslor:Martin Kaslner. 998-6302. Church ol Qod ot Prophocy. 2323 U.S. 601 S.. Mocksvillo. Sunday School. 10 a.m,. worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6; Wednesday evening, 7, Pastor: Rov. Bobby Shinault. 719- 6565 or 284-2935. Victory Baptist Church. Midway St., Cooioomoo. Sundny School, 10 n.m., worship 11. Sunday evoning, 6; Wednesday Awana/Youlh, 6:45 p.m., Prayer & Bible Sludy, 7. Rev. Shelby Harbour. 284-2077. Sovonth Ooy Advontlsl Church. Milling Road, Mocksvlllo. Sabbath School, Sniurdny, 9;30-M; Worship, 11-noon. Pastor, Ron Davis. 751*3886. Macedonia Moravlon Church, 700 N.C. 801 N.. Advanco. Sunday School, 9:30-10:45 a.m. Worship, 8;45 and 11 n.m. 998-4394. Pastor: Rev. Grog Little. Yadkin Vailoy Baptlsl Church. 1324V(\dKin Valley Road, Advance. Pastor; Ronnie Craddock. 990-4331. Sundny School, 10 a.m., worship. 11 & 6. Wednesday Night Prayer meeting, 7;30. Live Sundays, WDSL 1520AM, 11-Noon. Mt. Zlon Hollnoss Church of Qod, U.S. 64 E. at Mill Sireel, Mocksvlllo. Sunday School, 10 n.m.. Morning Worship. 11. Pnslor: Bisf>op Jnmes Ijames.Mt. Slnal AME Zlon Church. 408 Pooplos Croek Road. Advance. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m.. worship, 11 a.m,. Wednesday night Biblo study, 7. Or. Olis B, Robinson Sr,, pastor. 998-6231, BUby Church of tho Living Qod. 2121 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-5148 DAVIE LUMBER & LOGGING 872 Main Church Rd. Mocksville, N0 27028 336-751-9144 FOSTER DRUG COMPANY 495 Valley Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-751-2141 GENTLE MACHINE & TOOL INC. 3319 US Hwy 158 Mocksville, NC 27028 336-998-3350 F U L L E R » » Precision Laser Cutting & Metal Fabrication B5Ü Salisbury Ко,id. Mockwille, NC 27028 336-751-3712 Cornatzer Rd,, Advance. Pnstor, Rev, Perry Hawks. 768-1606, Worship. Sunday 10-11 a.ni,. 6 p.m. Salom UnHod Mothodlst Church, Salem Church Road off Davio Academy Rd., 8 miles west of Mocksville. Worship. Sundays at 9,45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45.UMW. socond Wednesday, UMM hiBt Sunday breaklast al 7:30. UMYF Sunday evenings. Rev. Steplien Blair. PInoy Grovo Unitod Molhodlst Church, 376 Underpass Rd.. Advanco. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. Worship. 11. Paslor: Rev. Kendall C. Glovor 998- 7316. Now Jorusalom Apostolic Church. 291 Campbell Rd.. Mocksviiie. Pastor. Nettye Ijames-Bnrbor. 751-0049. Sun. School, 10 a.m.. Worship 11. Wednesday mghi: Bible class. 7:30, Intercessory prayer. 6 p.m. Truo Light Christian Ministry. U.S. 601 N.. Danner Rd. to Cameila Lane. Mocksville. Pastor: Sloven W. Dallon. Sunday School. 10 a.m.. worship. 11. Episcopal Church of tho Qood Shophord, Church & Cross sts., Cooleemee. Worship. 9:30 a.m.. fellowship hour aftor church. Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays after church. Priest; Rov. Noah Howatd. Josus Llfo Mission. Liberty Church Rd.. Mockavtlle, Sunday School, 10a,m.. morning worship, 11, Sunday evening at 6 and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pastor: Hilda Reavis. Mocksvlllo Church of Qod. 862 U.S. 64 E, {besido Armory). 751-0817. Paslor; Larry Hollilield, Sunday Schooi. 10a,m,. worship, 11. Sunday evening, 6. Wodnosday evening. 7, Jorusalom Bapllst Church. 3203 US 601 S., Mocksvillo. 284-2328. Rov. Jimmy Lancaster, Sunday servicer.: 8:15 a.m.. praiso and worship; 9:45. Sunday School lor all agos; 11, morning worship; 7, evoning worship. Wednesday services: 6 p.m.. lamlly followshlp meal; 7 p.m.. TeamKID. Youth 4 Christ. Adult Biblo Sludy Nursory lor inlnnts and toddlers. Followshlp Baptist Church. 1084 Rainbow Rd., Advnnce. 998-6544. Sunday School. 10 a.m., worsliip. 11, Sundays. 6 p.m. Wednesday sorvico. 7 p.m. Thursday visitation, 7 p.m. Pastor, Wayne Swisher, 492-7210. Smith Qrovo AME Zlon Church. 3707 Hwy, 158, Mocksvlllo. Sunday morning worhsip, 11. Sunday School. 10 a.m. Rov, Morgan Glonn, paslor. Eatons Boptlst Church, 495 Ealons Church Rd., Mocksville, Sunday School,10 n,m., worship, 11, Wednosdny prayor meeting. 7:30 p.m. Pastor; Dr. David Giibronth. 998-6149. Abundant Lllo Christian Victory Contor, 117 E. Depot St.. Mocksville. Pastor, Daniel Drown. 753-4453. Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. Morning worship. 11. Llfo Community Church, Sundays. 10 a.m.. Brock Perlorming Arts Contor, North Main Streot. Mocksvillo, Contompornry stylo worship wilh Paslor Kevin Slewarl. 753-LIFE. Hopo Baptist Tabornoclo. 2408 Hwy. 158, Mocksvillo. 998-3616, Worship. 11 n.m., Sundny School, 10 a.m.. 6 p.m. Wednesday, 7 p.m., AWANA childten nnd toons, adults, prayor mooting and Biblo study. East Dovio Boptlst Church. Bermuda Quay Shopping Contor. 5397 U.S. 158, Advanco. Sundnys. 8:15, Bible study ior older adulls: 9:30. morning worship: 10:45, Bible study tor nil ages; 6 p.m. Sunday evening sorvico. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Bible Study nnd Prnyer Sorvico Pnstor, Max T. Furr. 998-5584. Lite Community Church. Dnys Inn, Madison Rond, Mocksville. Services Sunday, 10 a.m. Cnll Kevin Stewart. paS' tor, nbout Wednesday evening lile groups, 753-5433.MalnvUlo AME Zlon Church, 210 Main Church Road, Mocksvillo, Sunday School, 10 n.m,, worship. 11. Biblo Study. Wednesday. 7 p.m. Pastor; Rev. Robert H. Bailey, Balloy's Chopol Unitod Molhodlsl Church. Bailey's Chapol Road. Ad­vance, Sunday School. 10 n.n>.. Worship 11 n.m. Paslor. tho Rev, Ed Cnrter, SHEFFIELD LUMBER & PALLET CO. APALEX COMPANY 165 Turkey Fool Road Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-5565 CRAIG CARTER BUILDER, INC. 119 Hwy. 801 S, Suite 1 Advanco, NC 27006 3 3 G -9 4 0 -2 3 4 1 Crjti'.\ Cj/ti-f, l*ii'>iil;i!l • .\I,iiim (' Calla. \ uc iVo llAYWOKTll-MlLLER FUNI'RAL HOMI; KiNDI-llTON ClIAI'l-l. Loc'ati;!) on I Iwy I5S Ht-vrwiii'N Ci.i:mmuns & Advanci; 3 36-‘M 0-5555 8SS-‘M 0 -íi5 11 C 4 - D A V I E C O U N T Y K N T E R P R I S K R K C O R l ) , T l i i i r s d i i y . N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3Obituaries Mary B. West Mrs. Mnry H.W'L-sI.y.I.DlN.C, SOI North, Ailviiilci.’.died Sunday, Nov. 2.1. 200.1 al Aulumii Care ol' Mocksville. Л funoral .service wa.s held Tiic.sdny, Nov. 2$ at 11 a.m. al Yadkin Valley Baplisl Churcli wilh the Revs. Ronnie Craddock and Л .О . Parker o ffic ialin ii. Burial was In the chinch cemetery. Mrs. Wesi was born l-eb. 9, 1У10 in Davie County lo the lale John Wesley Biiity Jr. and I.ela Hell Leach Baity and was ii luime- maker. She was a member of Yadkin Valley Uiiptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Wilbur Wcsl: a sis­ ler Pansy Baity and a brolher. Flake Baily. Survivors; a sister. Clara .Mae |-oslerol’ C<ioleemce; and a jireal niece. While supp'(03 ijs[ ct i7p;. 7PLY, T304 STHEL, WATERLESS COOKWARE SETv.hiHvio'*-- 75% OFF! To preview call 1 - 8 8 8 - 5 4 4 ^ - 2 3 0 0 F a il Sale 4 0 % Off Suggested Retail on all BorMiolderAmlsh Crafted Furniture and Tom Seely i=uniKure Antique Reproductions Ф- Beeker F U R N I T U R E4889 Old Hwy 64 WestLcximilon • (336)787-5353 . V l г/'/и/ Lindsay E. Gales 1987-20(1.1 MOCKSVII.I.K nil) Mary G. Crawr liil.i - 2(X).1 COURTNKY Steven W Dalton Died: Nov. 14,2WB ADVANCE a John Donald Nicholson Mr. John Oonald Nicholson, 77,оГТо| Slreel, Mocksville.died I'riday, Nov. 21, 200.1 at I'orsylh Medical Center in Winston-Sa­ lem. ■I'he I'uneral servicc was Sun­ day. Nov. 2.1 al 6 p.m. al Pirst United Methodist Church wilh the Rev. Crystal Ale.xander oiriciat- ini!. Burial was Monday, Nov. 24 at 11 a.m. in Rose Cemetery. Memorials: Firsl United Melh­ odisl Church General Fund, .110 N. Main .St.. Mocksville. Mr. Nichol.son was born SepI. ,‘i. 1926 in Blrminj;:ham,Ala.loihe lale James and Chrislena Kelly Nicholson and had been owner/ o|K'ralor of Scars Calaloj! Store I'or 21 years. He served in Ihe US Air Force during World War II. He was a member o f First United Melhodist Church where he .saiii! in the Chancel Choir, was a mem­ ber of Mocksville Ma.sonic Lodye A .1'.Л A .M . 1.14 and was a Shrincr. He attended the University of Ahi- bama. Survivors: his w ife, Jackie Webster Nicholson of the home; 4 children, Diana (Dub) Potts of Mdcksville, John (M ij:) Nichol­ son of Nashville, Tenn., Sandra (Hobby) Bowers, Patricia (Paul) Brisson of Salisbury: У grandchil­ dren; and a sisler, Chrislena Peace of Birmingham, Ala. enteiprisc-recorcLcom Joseph VV. Evcrhardt M r. Joseph W illia m "JW " Bvcrhardl.S2of U.S.fiOl Soulh, M ocksville, died W ednesday, Nov. 19, 200.1 al Meadowbrook 'I'errace of Davie. A funeral ser\ ice was held Sal- urilay, Nov. 22 al 1 p.m. al Eaton Funeral Chapel with Chaplain A .O . Parker officialiui:. Burial was in Liberty United Melhodist Church Ccmelery. Memorials: For.sylh Hospice/ Palliative CareCenler, 1100 C. S. Stratford Road, Winsion-Salcni, 2710.1. Mr. BverhardI wus born Feb. S, 1921 in Davie Couniy lo the late Joseph and F.unice Davis Hver- harilt and was a relired aulo me­ chanic. He was a graduale of Cooleemee High School class of 1938. He helped form Cooleemee V FW Post 1119 in 1986 and was a charter member and heliied build Ihc Cooleemee V FW Building In 1991. He also helped form Jerusa­ lem Fire Department in I9.‘>2 and was Ihe first fire chief. He served In the U.S. Air Force in Ihe Phil­ ippines during World War 11. He was a lifelong member of Liberly United Melhodisl Church. Survivors; his wife, Lena Ball Everluirdtof the home; .1 children, Joe (Mary Jane Harl) Evcrhardl of Clemmons; Dt)nnie Evcrhardl of Ihe home; and Marcie (Kenneth) Bean of Cooleemee; 5 grandchil­ dren; 2 great-grandchildren; and a lirolber, Phillip Evcrhardl of Mocksville. Where , women stand in our church. I ’he Episcopal C hurch o f the Ascension at F e rii 181 Fork-Bi,\by Road • Advance, NC 27(K)6 • .1.16.998.0857 \'isil tis In l>er.s()ii @ II Л М Sim day or Anytim e @ w\v\v.iisti'nsi(m-l()rU,orn .luines Earl Calloway Mr, James Earl Calloway, 70, of Yadkinville died Wedne.sday, Nov. 19, 200.1, al Hoots M em o­ rial Hospilal, Mr, Calloway was born Ocl. I , 191.1, in Boonville lo Rufford and Treva Micheál Calloway. He was a relired m echanic from R .J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. and was a U.S. Army veteran. Mr. Calloway was a cbiirtcr m em ber o f the Yadkin Rescue Sc|Uad and a mem­ ber of Mount Zion Baplisl Chureh. He was preceded in death by his parents; a .son, Richnrd Calloway in 1979; and a brother, Allen Callow ay; and his wife, Katie Cain Calloway in 1994. S urviving: a son, R onnie Calloway of Lewisville; 4 grand­ children; 2 sisters, Dr. Piiuline C allow ay of Buies Creek and Elizabeth Calloway of Dunedin, Fla.; 2 brothers, Charles (Bobby) Calloway of Garner and Richard Calloway o f Mocksville; an aunt; an uncle; and numerous friends who knew him as "Pop." The funeral service was con- duclcd al 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2.1, al Mount Zion Baptist Chureh hy the Rev. Bill Hale and Brolher Joe M cC ollum . Burial followced in the church ccmelery. M em orials: Yadkin Rcscuc S quad, P.O. Bo.x I.I.iS , Y adkinville, 2705.5; or M ount Zion Baplist of Yadkinville. Francc.ss Irene Simmons Mrs. Frances Irene Hairston Simmons. 75, of Cleveland, N .C., died Sundny, Nov, 2.1, 200.1. She was born May 5.1928, in D avie C o u m y , lo the late R aym ond and Irene C lem ent Hairslon. She allcndcd Ihe Davie Couniy Public Schools. She rc­ lired from Hoechsi Celeancc Fi­ ber Operations. Mrs. Sim m ons was a m em ber o f R ock H ill Clnirch of Christ in Cleveland and a meniber o f the Ladies Bible Class. She was prcdeccased by her husband, Thomas Simmons, who died in 1982, Survivors; 3 sons, D onald (W illie Mac) Simmons of Cleve­ land, Ronuld Simmons ofLexing- ton and A lle n "A l" (A n n ) Simmons o f Slalesville; 2 daugh­ ters, Phyllis (Phillip) Hogue and Laura (V elvie) Gray, both of C leveland; 3 sisters, M ary Hairston and Lula Lane, both of Mocksville, and Helen Lyons of New York, N,Y.; II grimdchil- dren; and 6 great-grandchildren. The funeral servicc was at 11:30 a.m, Tuesday, Nov, 25 at Kock H ill Church of Christ in Cleveland, with Brother Anthony Reese, pastor, officialing and Brother Allen Simmons, her son, delivering the eulogy. Burial was in the churcli cemelery. St G'RANITB B R O N Z E • M A R B L E • G R A N IT E V ases • M a rk e rs • M o n u m e n ts M a u so le u m s A u th o riz e d G e o rg ia M a rb le D e a le r 3 3 6 - 9 9 8 - 8 9 1 8 5 5 6 S . M a i n S t . • H w y 6 0 1 (Located beside Welch Funeral Home) Bring this ad and receive: 5% off on Markers & Singles 10% off on Double Monuments 10% off Death Dates & Cleanings Good until March 31, 2004 Martha Hauser Jarvis Mrs, Martha Hauser Jarvis, 74, o f 2529 Farm ington Road, Yadkinville, died Thursday, Nov. 20,2003, al For.sylh Medical Cen­ ter in Win.ston-Salem. Mrs, Jarvis was born June 7, 1929, lo Ihe laic Elccr Eugene and Ruth Augusta Spaugh Hauser, She spcnl her carly life in Pfafftown and attended Vienna and O ld Town schools. She was a gradu­ ate of Draughn's Business School. She was a meniber of Weslsidc DaptisI Church. Formerly she bad been a member of Farminglon, Griffilh and Jonestown Baptist churches, a Sunday school leachcr and a choir member. She loved lo work In flowers and play the pi­ ano. For 35 years, she was em­ ployed by F, W , Woolworlh De­ pnrtmenl Store, working at the dow nlow n and Parkway Plaza stores. She was preceded in death by a son, Thomas Michael Jarvis, in 1992; a brother, Frank Hauser; and a sister, Mary Woosley. Survivors; her husband of 55 years, Thomas Tulbert Jarvis of the home; a daughter and son-in- law, Elaine and Tommy York of Yadkinville; 3 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; a brother, Eiigcne Hauser and wife Shirley of Pfafftown; and a sisler-in-law, Marie Hauser of Winslon-Salem, The funeral servicc was held al 2'p.m . Nov. 22, at Vogler & Sons Reynolda Road Chapel with the Revs. Van Harrell und Arnette Harris officialing. Burial followed al For.sylh Memorial Park, M em orials; A lzheim er's Assoc., 3800 Shamrock Drive, Cliarlolle, 28215-.1220. Kay Ila Leeds Kay Ha Leeds, 68, o f B a lcsv ille , In d ., form erly o f M o ck sville , died W ednesday, Nov, 19,2003, Sho was born on Ocl, 5, 1935 in Victor, Iowa to Dclniar and Ila (G ant) Shultz, She worked for Forethought and Sleep Options and wns a member of Balcsville United M elhodisl Church, She was married lo Leon Dale Leeds on Dec. 2 2 ,1957. He died on Nov. 5,2001. Survivors: her moiher o f Vic­ lor, Iowa; a daughter, Londa Fousl o f D ayton, O hio; a son, Alan Leeds o f A rlin g lo n , Texas; 2 granddaughters; and a sister, Delnia Sclincbbe of Homestead, Iowa, A graveside service was held on Friday, Nov, 21 at 11 a.m. al Viclor Ccmelery, ofnciiited hy the Revs. Larry M arhanka and Charles Flory. George Thomas Williams Mr. George Thomas "Tom” W illiam s,60 ,of Yadkinville, died on Friday Oct. 31,2003 at Forsyth Medical Center., Mr. W illiams was born March 9, 1943 in Forsyth C ounty to George Taft and Mary Kalhleeii Burton, He loved Ihe outdoors, fishing, auction and ynrd sales and working in the yard. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Alice Faye Wood. Surviving; his w ife, Nancy Groce W illiam s of Ihe home; 3 daiighlers, Lisa, Donna and Lori W illiams, all of Yadkinville; 7 sis­ ters, Louise H ooker, Rosie Sutherland, Johnnie Peacock, Carol S m ith, Betty Jo Groce, Vickic Harkey nnd Ann W ilson and a brother, R oy W illiam s; mother-in-law, E dna Groce Lawrence; in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Gary (Barbara) Groce; Mr. and Mrs. Ricky (Judy) Doub; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley (Mary Jane) Snow; Debi Binkley and the late Dee Binkley; several nieces and neph­ ews and spccial friends. The funeral service was held 2 p,m, Monday, Nov, 3 at the Gen­ try Family Funeral Home Chapel by the Revs, Bnd M cDowell, Eric Isbell, and Earl Newton, Burial was in the W yo Community Cem­ etery, M em orials: W yo Cemetery Fund, in carc of, Edna Lawrence, 1002 W yo Road, Mocksville. Helen Whitaker Guth Helen W hilaker G ulh, 96, of Elkin, died Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003, in Advance, follow ing a brief illness and many years ol pain. She was Ihe widow ofthe lale Rev, Walter C , G uth, a former pas­ tor of Elkin Valley Baptist Church In Elkin, The Waller and Helen G u th C hapel o f the H ugh Chatham M em orial Hospital in E lkin is being named in their honor, M rs, G uth was a Bible teacher, com m unity loader and businesswoman having many ar-' tislic and earing (|ualilies while living in Elkin, and until rcccnily, Redlands, Calif, Survivors: a daughter. Dr, Caryl J, G ulh of Advancc and H illsb o ro u g h , C a lif,; a son, W endell L, G u lh o f H olland, Mich,; a grandson; and a grand­ daughter, A memorial servicc was held al 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 13,at the Elkin Valley Baptist Church in Elkin, M em orials: G uth F am ily Fund, Wake Fore.st Univ. Baptist Mcdical Center, Medical Ccnier Blvd., Winston-Salem, 27157, You don't have to pay more to get the very best. Just compare and you'll see. Wliclltcr you’re buying grooerics, replacing a watcr-hcater or planning a wedding, you should always know lhat you are getting tiie best product and scrvice at tiie best price. When planning a I'uneral, we encourage families to compare products and services. It’s important to lool< at all costs bccausc some funeral homes charge more lor their services, while others charge more for their caskets. In order to do a fair comparison, you need to look at the bollom line. Slop by anytime and visit wilh our stafi; wc will provide you with tin exact cost. Winston Salem Kernersville Kmal Hall Clotnmons-Ad vance IIAVVVOKrilMll.I.I'K rUNCKAl. HOMI. D o v i e D a t e l i n e D A V I E C O U N T V E N T E R P R I S E R K C O R l ) , I 'l i u r . s d i i y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - ! Fundraispr.4 Suniday, Dec, 7 1st A nnual H oliday Tour of Homes, presented by Davie Co. Hospilal Auxiliary. Seven historic distrie homes open 2-5 p.m. Tick­ ets; $10, available ul Chamber of Commerce, Regisler of Deeds, ■Town Hall or Hospilal Administra­ tion, Proceeds to auxiliary projects for Davic Co. HospituI. Spedal Ewnts Every Fritday Night Jam Sessions, nl Sheffield Music Hall, cull 492-7417 for info. Saturday, Nov, 29 Spccial Olympic.s Annuui Turkey Trot SK Run & Walk, Mocksville/ Davie Rec. Dept, registration 7 a.m., run/walk 8 a,m„ breukfusl lo follow. $ 10 In advance, $ 15 day of rnce. Info; 751-2325. Thursday, Dec. 11 Dnvle Co. Republican Parly An­ nunI Chrislmas Party, 7 p.m.. al SmilharoveUMC,Tickels$12.Con- luet; Cnrolyn Shouf, 998-32Ф1, Dates to Rememhpr Saturday, Nov, 29 American Red Cross Bluod Drive, 9:30 n.m.-2 p.m., nl Smith Grove Ruritun, 4126 U,S. 158, Advnnce, Meetings Sunday, Dec. 7 Annual Meeling, for Smith Grove Fire Depl, nl the firc depl,, 4 155 U.S, 158, Advnncc. Questions; 998-3484. Ongoing Hum ane Sociely of Davie Co„ monthly meetings 2nd Tues. of each monlli, nt office Yadkinville Rd. be­ hind car wash. 751-5214. Disabled Amcricun Veleruns Post 75 meels on third Monday of ench monlh, 6:30 p.m., nl 1958 Hwy, 601 S, Conlact J, Renfro at 284-4664 for morc Info. Davic Couniy Diabete.s Support Group, last Thurs, ofevcry monlh, 7- 8:30p,m„ ul Duvic Co, I’ubllc Library Small Conference Room. Info: 751- 8700. Davie Ilusine.ss Women’s Assocla- lion, firsl Wed. of euch monlh, 12 Ч noon, nt Mocksville Rolnry Club Hut, ^ For info; 751-2828, DuvlcRepubIlcnnMcnsClub,niecls 4th Satimlny of ench month, 7:30 n.m,, Red Pig BBQ, Davie Co, Bund llooslcrs, meets 2nd Tuesday of month, 7:30 p.m,, Duvie High Band Room. Family Service.s "W hal Every Pur- enlShoutd Know" ,parcntingela.sses to interested parenis of teens in locul arens, every Mon. 6-7:15 p.m., al Mocksville officc Sanford Ave, Cost $15, For more info: 751-4510, Chrlsllan lluslnessmen's Coinmll- tee of Mocksville, Thursdays, 7 »,ra. Mocksville Rotary Hut. Gold W ing Touring Associalion, Red Pig Barbecue, Greasy Comer, N.C, 801 al U,S, 601, 6 p.m. 284- 4799. Duvie County Stamp Club, 2nd Thurs., Davie Senior Center, 7 p,m. 751-0611, , Cooleemee Recreation Association, Zachary House, 1st Tuesday, 7 p,m. Homesehoul 4-H Club, 2nd & 4th Tliursdny. Cnil 998-8925 for more info. Piedmont Triad Ral)bll Kanciers, last Sunday of each month, 2:30 p.m. All rubbll owners welcome. Call 336- 998-9858 or visil www.piedmomtrindrubbii.coni or c- niuil plrt2000@uol.com formore info. Help YourselfSupport Group, Can­ cer Services, Inc,, 2ndTuesday, iioon- 1 ;30p.ni. Duvie Couniy Library. Bring bag lunch if you wish. For more info, call 751-0313 or 760-9983. MOPS (Molhers of Preschoolers), Macedonia Moruviun Church. Fel­ lowship, food, support, und creative uclivities. Children receive excellent care in the guided MOPPETS pro­ gram. Regislrulion fees ure nominal and scholurships ure nvnilnble. Meet­ ings are the 1 sl and 3rd Fridaysof cach monlh beginning Aug. 16, from 9:15- 11:45 a.m. Duvie School Schedule is followed. Queslions call 998-4394. The Artist Group, Duvie Couaty Li­ brary, 7 p.m. lusl Tues. Call Bonnie al 998-5274. Ccnier Community DevelopmenI, 3rd Mon,, 7 p.m. Coniniunily UIdg. Cooleemee Town Hoard, 3rd Tues­ day, Town Hall, 7 p.m. unless other­ wise noted, Cooleemee ЛА, behind Good Shep­ herd Episcopal, Tues. & Fri., 8 p.m. Norih Cooleemee and Clark Rmul Council, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Baptist Fellowship Hull. Mocksvillc AA, Thurs,, 7 p.m. - closed mtng. Sun,, 8 p.m, - open mtng. Call Christine al 998-988.') or Terry 940-5944, Dnvle Domestic Violence Services «nd Rape Crisis Center, Offers weekly support group for domestic violence & sexuul ussuull victims. The groupmcelscvcryTues.cveningfrom 6:30-8:30 p.m. Pleuse cull office for lDcnlion,75l-3450. Family Violence Prevenliun Ser­ vices of Duvic County. Free counsel­ ing for victims of violence and llieir children. Separate groups. Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.ni,Flrsi United Melhodisl Church of Mocksville. Call 1-800- 728-.14I3, Concerned Bikers A.ssociation, Foolhills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Wcslem Steer, U.S, 601 al 1-40.7 p.m. Public wclcomc. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 u.m.,MocksUMC,998-21ll, MoeksvllIeGnrdenCiub,l,slTliurs., Jericho Church of Christ fellow.ship hull, 7 p.m. Visitors welcome. Sons of Conrcderale Veterans, 1st Monday,Cooleemee Hisiorical Build­ ing, 7 p.m. Mocksvilie Rotury Club, Tuesdays, 12; 10 p.m., Rolary Hut, Fnrmington Masonic Lodge No. 265, 2nd Mondny, 7:30 p.m, al the lodge, Davic Conversatluns On Cancer, 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m., Davic Library, for cuncer patienis, friend, family, 1 - 800-228-7421 or 751-0313, Mucksville Lions Club, Isl, 3rd Thur-sdays, 7 p.m., fellowship hnil of Sl, Fruncis of Assisi, Yadkinville Roud, Mocksville, Davic Klwanis Club, 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p,m, al Webb Heat­ ing & Air, 998-2121, Recreation Formore Informnlion on llicsecvents, cull 751-2325, Line Dancing Fumilnglon Community Ccnier, Ev­ ery Tuesdny, Cost; $2, Inslniclors: Sieve & Lindn Hnlley, For more info, cull 751-.1848, Rec Ciub Before ($ 15)or after ($25)school and oul of school programs. Regismilion o|>en. Good Timers Square Dancel Dance Lessons $5 per month. Volun­ teers for different social events. Con­ tact Ethel nt 998-3837. Siiverstriders Wali< Club Seniors, 50 nnd up, M-F, 6;30-9 n.m. No chnrge. Mothers i\/Iorning Out Tuesdnys and Thursdays, $7 per dny. $40 per month. The Dance Company Men,, Tues., Wed., & Sal. Cull Emily Robertson, 998-5163. Friday, Dec, 4 Southern Horse Festival, Raleigh, Stale Fairgrounds, clinics, shoppliig, more. For jnfo & limes call 751 -2325. Saturday, Dec, 5 M l, Airy Tour O f Homes, $25 per person, 8 a,ni,-6 p.m. Lunch on your own, YMCA For morc Infomialion, call 751 -9622 or visit Davic Family YMCA. Water Exercise Class For beginners and the experienced. All ages. Call forclass types & limes. Swim Lessons Choose from 4 wk., Sal. morning or private les.sons. Reg. Iiegins 2 wks. prior to cluss. Call for cluss times. Karate-Carucado Style Tuesdnys, 7-8:45 p.m. Ages 7 & up. Tae l<won Do Age.s 6 Si up. Meet Tues. & Thurs., 6:00,6;45 p,m. Gymnastics Wednesdays 3:30-4;30p.m.Cosl$20 niembers/$30 non-members. Family Night Nov. 21st, 6:30-8:30 p.m. This monlh Turkey Bowling, fnniily wiili highest score receives FREE lurkcy. Cosl $2 per person (5 & under free.) Breai<fast With Santa Dec, 6lli, 9-11 n.m, Fuii for wliole fnmily. Children have oppoiiunity lo make Chrislmas crafis wiih Snnia's helpers und hnve pics mndcwilhSunln ($2/piclure). Cosl is free lo memlKTs/ $2 non-members. Drop-N-Shop Nov, 29ih, 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Drop your children off ul Y und go shop­ ping. Cosl: $25 Iiefore & after school participalionpnnicipanls/SJOnonpar- licipants/$5 second child discounl. Sunshine Club For all older active udults. Fun, fel­ lowship, goo<l news. Wc do mothly pol luck luncheons wilh u speukcr. Cosl$U)memtiers/$20noii-niemlx;i-s. Seniors All Senior Aclivilies take place ut Duvie Couniy Senior Services loculcil in Ihc BriK'k Building on North Mnin Slreel. Mocksville unless otherwise noted. Call 751-Ofill. Ongoing Sr, Lunchbo.x, M,T,W , I l:.1()a.m.. Th.&Fri., 11 a.m., lunch served daily. Silver liealih Kxerclses, Easi Rmmi of Senior.Services, M, W, F, 8:30a.m. Qullllng,cvcry Mondny, 10n.m.,Easl Room. Scrabble,cvery Moiulay, I p.m.,Cml) Room. Bridge, Tuesdays I p.m. & Friduys 2 p.m., Ensl Room. SKIPBO, Wedncsduys. I;.1(l p.m.. Gasi Rooni. Scrnpbouklng. 2iid l'uesduy, 2 p.m. Pninl Class. Wcdiiesdays ul X;30 u.m., Crufi Room. Dr, Dumi, PodIulrIsI.ai Sr. Sei-viccs cvery Ihrec weeks on Moiiduy, X;30- 11:30 u.m. in Ihc Nulrilion Sile. No visil lliis m ollili, D r. D iluii on v m-ii- lioii. l'rec lllood Pressure Checks, once u mollili, nl 10:45 n.ni. in Ihe Nulrilion S \u .'n iis iiio iilli‘s v is ilm is i\o v .ì7 lli. Sr, Chonis,Thursduys, 10 u.m.. Eusl Room. Tal Chi Clnsses, l'uesdnys, 10-11 a.ni.. Nature's Gifis, currenl sc.s.sion (lules; //hv/AV)1'. 2.ì. Cluss size limiled, call Sr. Services al 751-0611 lo pre- register. Every Thursday Crafty Ladies, a new activity ui Sr. Services, I Oa.ni.-12 lumii, in the Craft Room. We will meel each week and work on new Chrislmas Oriiamcnts forllieceiiler.Call 751-0611 formore info. Thurs. & Fri, Nov. 27& 28 Senior Services Closed, ccnier will Ы’ clo.sed IbrTliank.sgivjng on TIuii day and (he Priday ulkrwards. Report Davie Datelim Items By Noon Monda; Kenis for Duvic Outeliiie shouki b reported by noon Monday of'lhe pub licaliou week. Call 75 l-2l20ordro| i( by die oince, al S. Main St. across Irom die C0urdu)use. When you know how our homes are built, The iVlacon Starting at $149,000 You’ll build with Nationwide. The most advanced modular home building environment In the U.S., where over 400 highly skilled craftsmen build homes in a controlled environment with tho finest materials and tools available. Delays due fo theft, weather and unreliable »/orkers are eliminated. Huge cost savings from purchasing materials In bulk from quality building material companies are passed directly to our customers. And with over 70 award-wlnning models, we can build a better quality home on your lot, In far loss time, and for thousands less than other local builders. Now that you’re In the know, atop by our sales oflice or give us a call. All of our homes feature quality Therma-Tru exterior doors and stylish Delta faucets and fixtures. 339 Highway 68 Soulh 'Greensboro, NC 27409 336-812-3098 • 800-688-0818 MATIONWIDF www.nallonwldecustomhomes.com W i s h i n g Y o u A H a p p y & S a f e T h a n k s g i v i n g ! H O W A R D I^ALTY 33 0 s . Salisbury St. MocksviUe ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 3 5 3 8 Hours: Monday-Friday &-6 Salurday 9-12, Sunday By Appl. ★ Featured Property ★246 Ш т Road 103 Raven Road Ш & ! G 9 ! 1085 N. Main St. 1 4 4 H o o s e L a n e Great Price! $119,400 Modular on privalo 1.29 acros.3 BEDROOMS,2 BATHS. Scroonod porch, gas logs ancJ MORE! Call Connie 30a 20Л. 3IG+A ncfos, wilh lOOf/-йСгоз (mm, ЗВП, 2BA. oul- Historiwl60R 2ВЛ, homoon2.76 sUonm Hnd pond $2,970,400. bldgs,, crook. $549,000. ncros, with immncuifllo l.indsc.iping 157 E. DEPOT St,1420 County Line Rd. Г2ШП 275 Madison Road 2 pnrcols with 2 buildings, Ciill Илглюпу ЗВП, 2DA, 29 26 ncios,(3 9,3 acros, 4ВП, ЗВЛ, Inrgo Jnno (or dolails. $320,000. lenced), I nc pond, barn $220,000 slorngobldgg, $219,000. 11428 Bear Creek Ch. Ro. BofmiKJa Run - 3BR, 25ВЛ, ,$4,000 RodocofatingAllowancol $185,900.3BR, ША. in Ha/mony, HUGE 30x50 worksfiop, $175,000.Ounil Hollow, ЗВП, 2.5ÜA, FP. bonus room, 1,04 AC. $146,900. 187 Crestview Drive ГтШ П 198 Sprinqhill Orive Г71П 164 Hickory Drive __________ & Adornblo 3BR, 2.5BA on 3,51 ncfos, bsml, FP $142,500. 429 Georsia Road 4BR. 30A. Call listing agoni lof dolnilsl $139,900. 141 Dakota Lane Twinbrook, 3BR, 2DA, FP, $3,500 Rodocwating Allowance! $134,900. 440 Hospital Stbeet Ext. 2 slory. 2200 sq. II. Iromondous valuol FP. (jnzobo. $134,900.4BR, 2.Г)ВЛ, Soulhwood Acros Sut)., brick Iiropiaco. $132,500. 5 Bodfoorns, 3 Bnths. 3,5 ncros, CouDtrv t-ivingl $124,900. ЗВП. 2BA. 5.5 ncros, posslblo loaso. $109,900. 3Bñ, 2BA, lull bsml, FP. opon lloor plan, conv, localion $109,900,3BR, 2BA. Hisloric Dislricl, 1,5 stories, basomont. $102,900. 411 Ijames Church Rd. \Шк\ 2113 Junction Road ЗВП, 2ВЛ, (oncod back v-ifti. 91 ac.. groal sumcr homo $102,500.Gioal bfick homo, 2 Bodtooms, \ Dall), firoplaco. $99,900.Spacious 3 líodíoom. 2 bath. Ofoat localion. $99,900. 101 Metabreqe Lane Г Л П 2920 West Innes St. Rowan County, minutos from Caiawba Coll«lo,3DB. I.5BA S89,500 3BR, 1.5ВЛ, Cooloomoo. now lieat/AC, now plumb, comp, updatwl. $69,000 fl Salmoni Road..«2 Balmont Road..^erly Chapel Rd.. Cedar RIdge Rd....Sanford Ave........Qear Creek Ch. Rd...Vircaiidell Lane....Tllile Trail...........Hwy. 60 IN.......... Cooloorniio. complololy updated, inQioiiml pool, groat buy! $65,900. Spacious 3HR, IBA. Cooloomoo, updnlud olocl, $64,500. 100x190 lot zonod Town Gir, Call Jano for dolails. $40,000. 2BR, 2BA. 2+/-ПС-, socludod & privato but conv. to Hwy, G4 $35,000. A v a il a b l u L o t s a n d L a n d a n d R e n t a l P r o p u r t ie s .......24 Ac. $140,82510 Ac. S4S.050 2 19 Ac. $25,000...IS.6 ncrei$140,000..I.2S7 aerei $29,000....1.4 aerei $134,000,„40.02 aerei $257.000....2.29ac(et $te,00Q....SOacroi $172.500.....6.5 aerei $46,475 ...t.2acrei $23,000...2.29 acre« $29.500 .Lol $115,000 ...Lol $15.900 ......\ RCfO $18,000....Ilecrei $71.877...7,l8Acroi $49,900.............«25.00С...8W- DCiei $55,00( ......lacre $18,SOC „ . ñENTALPnORERTIES357 Avon Slreel3t?AvonS({eel477 Underpaia Rd.................................618 Riverbend Or...................................Mobile Homo Lol.Danletnoad.................... KIN’ M.|.HAIIS UANDAIL751-Н5Ы 7.М-.ШН с D A V I K C O U N I Y K N I K R I ' R I S K R K C O R I ) , 'I ’ l i u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 H o s p i t a l A u x i l i a r y C h r i s t m a s T o u r O f H o m e s D e c . 7 ! Ili'llo! My mitne is Cliiirivs Ikiiiius llrvwuriind I hnd niy rsl birllidiiy on Octobcr 29. 10.1. I I'l'lehrutud with ii tirly at my lioinv in Salisbury П Novcnibur I. Wv hnd a imh’s Ark ctikc, my Nminy rcwcr’s puamil butler cakv. nd lots or Koodii's, I would ikv lu thunk my I'umily und riunds for the nice ^ifls und for celebratinK my birthday wilh me. My purenls urc Chad and 'I'uru Urewer, und I huve a bi^ sister, Kuyla. (irandparents are Mike and Debbie Green und Churles and Honnic Urewer. Malernal к'‘еи1- )>rundpiirenls ure LuVerne .Snider and Ihe lute Kred Tho- nius .Snider und Murjorie Green und the lute .luy S. (irecn. I’ulernal f>rundpur- ents ure Jay and S'ue Picrce und the lute Clyde und Mury Urewer. Colelirale Ihc holidays in Mticksville. I'he Davie County Hospital Auxiliary will present a iioliilay lour ol' homes on Sumtiiy, Doe, 7 iriiin 2-5 p.m. 'Die sell'-yuicletl. self-paced lour will include some oflhe his­ toric llomes in Mocl<sviile. i'rivale resiilenccs. represent- ini; a lull range of homes, wiil lie open. I’roperlies I'ealured wili in­ clude the I'ormer Bell/llowell home. Ahraliain M. Nail home and Knox Johnstone home on Norlh Main Slreel. liic former Hugh A. Sanford home on Saiisbury Street, and the I'ormer Jesse A. Clement home on Ensl Maple Avenue. in addition. Ihe log iiouse on Wcsl Lexington Road wiii be open for tourists. Historic houses on tiie lour vary in size, architectural styles and periods. Tour participants will receivc a pamphlet containing informa­ tion regarding each liouse as well as a niiirked map of tlie lionies. A C o o le e m e e C h ris tm a s Celebration Dec. 7 At Zachary House COOi.EEMEE - A Cool­ eemce Christmas witli a dra­ matic reading, refresliments and a surprise' will be held Sunday. Dec. 7 al ihe Zuchary House al 2 p.m. 'i'lic day wili feature liic dra­ matic reading by ador. John Benncs. and a fudge contest. To enter the fudge conlesl, call Dot Siioaf or Virginia Tay­ lor (284-2890) before Friday, Nov. 28. Of course. Santa Ciuu.s plans to slop for a visit wilh area chil­ dren. Daughter Born ToAdvarice Couple Lila Larainc Hunter was born on Nov, 3, 2003 al 1:30 a,ni,. weighing 6 ibs. 9.8 oz, and 20 Indies long, Lila is Ihc daughter of Dana Prank and Kick Hunter of Bailey's Cliapel Road. Ad­ vancc. Tlie mother is tiie daugliler of Danny and Larrie Smilh Frank and Ihe groom is Ihc son of Rick and Renee Hunter. Oreat-grand- parenls are Harold and Reba Frank of Cornalzer and Virginia Jones and the late Russell Jones of Winslon-Salem. A wedding is planneil for Ihc first of llic year. a t P r u d e n t i a l C a r o l i n a s R e a l t y w i s h y o u a Ы п m Ь ш M i Carolinas Realty •11.46 Clemmons Road • Clemmons, NC .Ш-7!4-44(Ю www.prudentlalcarolinas.com An Indopondontly Owned and Opornted Member of tho PrudonilAl Пол1 Etlnlo Alfitldloi, tnc. • Equfll Mousing Opporlunily HiKlmy llalley IH'lihk: 1. 4liori,s M;ir>-Iti iidrlc ks UiHsníi IliiriK r ,l«> ‘;iW -liH i .i.«> 9 l0 ro?-’ .^«>Л2 1-2Я п KriMcii llmllord IVccr lltav fii Ix4- ИаНк'Г I i i'i i ll i <(, (,-SS i«i>) em ier C arolina Properties I. W W W .p C p n C .C O n i (g) 336-998-7777 The lour will begin in the Davie County Hospital Lobby where auxiliary members wiil provide holiday lea refreshments. Tourists may pick up the informalional pampheits during this tea begin­ ning at 2 p,m. Because ihc lour is self- guided, tourists may visit homes in any order and nl their own pace. Appropriale, flal-soied walking shoes nre rccotnmended Advance News as Ihcy wiil be more comfortable and less damaging lo historic wood floors. Tickcls mny be purchased nl the hospital adminislrallon office, Ihe chnmber of coinmercc, Ihe register of deeds office or nt Mocksville Town Hall. Tickets nre $10 cash, or ciieck mnde to tile Davie County Hospital Aux­ iliary. The tour is one of the major fund-raising activities of the hos- pitni auxiliary. The purpose is to educate nnd enlertain visitors while generating funds to support and enhance specific needs at the hospital. "Tliese funds, in lum, improve the hospital’s ability to better serve the community," said Lynn Doss, adminstrator. Ity Edith Zhnnicrnuin Advance Correspondeni The Communily Thanksgiving Service will be Wednesday evening al 7 al Mocks UMC. The speaker will be the Rev, Peter Peterson, Bixby Presbyterian pastor. We are asked to bring canned goods which will be collected for llie Storehouse. Also nn offering will be tnken for the Slorehouse. Monn Polls wns ndmilled to Wake Forest Bnplist Medicnl Cen­ ter Fridny for bnck surgery. She is expected to be hospitalized from 3 lo 4 dnys. Oct well wishes go out lo her. Elsie Vogler and Jnckic Livengood Willinms were Taesdny afternoon visitors of Sarnh Bniley. Jackie and husband Bill Williams live in Los Angeles, bul spent sev­ eral weeks here this summer at their home on Fork-Bixby rond. Betty Sanloli of Port Washing­ ton, Long Islnnd, N.Y. was a Wednesay aflernoon visitor of Lib Carter. Betty Is visiting through Thanksgiving wilh her daughler and son-in-law Carol and Joe Frnnck nt Lnke Normnn, nnd has come to this community to see old friends and neighbors whom she knew when she was a resident here. Jennelle Cornalzer and mother Maybelle Orrell visited Lib Carler last week. During Ihc afternoon Jeanette drove the Indies over the community to see the new housing developments. Mnybelle nnd Lib are nmong the shut-ins in Ihe com­ munity. Olivia Talbert wns a Thursday morning visitor of Edith Zimmerman. Medford and Nancy Shoaf nnd dnughter Melany were Sundny night visitors of Virgil nnd Lillie Mne Potts, bolh of whom nre homebound. Edith Zimmerman visited shut- ins lnsl week Penrline Markland, Lillie "Bark" Vogler and Lib Carler. Happy Thanksgiving lo every- County Line News Hy Shirley Thorne Couniy Line Correspondent This Thanksgiving, remember those residents who nre homebound or nre in assisled-living centers, nursing homes, rehabilitation cen­ ters, Join us Ihis week ns we wish residenls nnd former residents Pauline Cartner, Paul and Lois Cartner, Lib Moore. Velica Towell nnd Aileen Siroud specini Thnnks- giving holtdnys. Pleasant View Baplist Church will have a gospel sing Sunday at 7 p.m. wilh fealured singers The Joy­ ful Hearts. A love offering will be taken. The Melhodlsl Women of Clarksbury Church will sponsor a prayer breakfast Sunday morning at 8:15 in Ihe fellowship hall. Kny Holshouser of Statesville will be the fenlured spenker. Monday, Dec. 15 is the last day lo plnce a barbecue order for Christ­ mas from Couniy Line Volunleer Fire Department. Cull Brinn Koontz al 492-5759 or Jack Koonlz al 492- 7116. All of us have fond memories of Thanksgiving, My favorite Thanks­ givings were celebrated growing up here in County Line in the 1950s nnd 60s. Until 1963, Thanksgiving Duy menni lots of relatives and my mother’s sumptuous dinner. My Uncle Raymond und his family and my Grandma and Grandpa Gibson always came to our home for Thanksgiving dinner. Molher fixed a big chicken din­ ner wilh a big pot of hot chocolnie. Bnck then, hot chocolate was made with milk, cocoa, nnd sugar. My Aunt Lillinn fixed the chicken dressing. Of course, the table was always set whh mother’s best china. Whal did the men do? During Ihe morning, my dad, grandpa, uncle nnd cousins always went hunting wilh their dogs for rabbits or squirrels. During those days, there were few, if any, deer in our area. After dinner, the men would retum to hunting. After Thanksgiving Day, we never hnd leftover chicken. Instead, we hnd bnked rnbbil nnd enjoyed il. There wns one Ihing I did not enjoy about those dnys. When Grandpa or Daddy got ready to clean and dress Iheir game, 1 wns nlways the one chosen lo hold the rnbbit's or squirrel's hind legs while Ihey gulled nnd skinned it. I just could never stand far enough away wlien my dad or grandpa pulled that skin over the last leg lo avoid thnt rabbit or squirrel from coming back on me. I Ihink probably many families in rural County Line in Ihe 1950s and 1960s spent Thanksgiving Dny much the same way we did. The men hunted and the women cooked. Thanksgiving Day celebrations have changed for me, as 1 am sure they have for others. Our family circle hns been broken several times, especially the pnst few years. I slill plan to ent Thanksgiving din­ ner wilh my molher. Although she needs more help Ihese days, when it comes to eating, I still love put- ling my feel under mother's table and hearing her ask the blessing. Happy Thanksgiving lo nil and remember, IThcssaloninns 5:18; “In everything give Ihnnks, for Ihis is Ihe will of God in Christ Jesus con­ cerning you.” Ш ТА( lAKS C h a r l e s J o n e s , Ш R e a l t y , I n c . Ц Mfihl. I Utnlll.S sn.s nil......» 4tlS4I illilll t h.lt |MIM s"' ll \| I llmki r.l US. (ö М... ‘.'Л • Great location, convenient to Winslon-Sulem, Mocksville, Salisbury, & Lexinglon • Beuutiful 2/3 acre homesitesTor custom construction • Neighborhood of homes priced from mid $140's to 5250,000 • Close to golf, shopping & schools • Coining Soon Phase II w w w.i'liiirlcsjom-si'call v.i'oin linder construction. »/t»nus loom, 3BR, 2BA, open i spacious, vlld ceiling, recessed lighting, split 8П plan, 2 cat att. jaiags 169 HAKIWOOO • 1700 wAionus rom. ЗВЯ, 149 HAZEUigOD ■ 3 01 4BR. 3BA 159 HJUIIWOOD ■ 4BD. 2.ÌBA IwomainlenarKe Iree Cape «/open plan, slory tame, open & spacious, laioeMBR suile on rain level, covered Irani kiltWamilj room. LR, terrai DR, 2porcfi, 2 cai all, page. t189,900 cat alt, gaiage. $172,P in MBR. clown mol cat all, gauge $1M|! SF rancli operi, S Untier construction. spacious, vlld ceiling in FR, liey ceiling ....... ■■“10.2l.cliainailing.i 31 HUBWOOD ■ 3BR. 2BA Cape Cod «/bonus room over garage, FP in LR. MBR on main level. 2 car an. oaiage. 1900 *;-SF.$1Se,900 Under constructioa 117 HAZEUmOOO - 3 or 48R. brick lioni tame w/splil lojer, vaulled ceiling in FR w/FP, Irey ceiling in MBB, crown molding, chair railing. 2 cat sloe enliv gaiage. Я49,900 ^ington ^Company li I; ,\ I 1 Y W e a r e s in c e r e ly t h a n k f u l t o o u r c lie n t s , c u s t o m e r s a n d f r ie n d s . We wish you a joyful Thanks^ving, a happy heart and a home filled w ith love. T l x t t t k s g i v j m g Bobbji toQCI JinlfMiDlQA’^971.87»? Glin Siinlif Trre»i Sc«rlfil Jicble Conliton 650-SJ72' vm.9H02 7.4-WOO D A V I E C O U N T V K N T K K P R I S K R K C O R D , T l i u r s d n v , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - C 7 li- PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIE COUNTY 03SP242 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE­ CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY MARK A, FOLDS AND CHERYL L, FOLDS DATED SEPTEMBER 13,1999, AND RE­ CORDED IN BOOK 314 AT PAGE 303 IN THE DAVIE COUNTY PUB­ LIC REGISTRY, NORTH CARO­ LINA NOTICE OF SALE Pursuanl lo an order of the Clerk ol Superior Court and under and by virtue o( Ihe power and authority contained In Ihe above-referenced deed of Irusl and because of de­ fault In the payment of the Indebt­ edness thereby secured and lall­ ure lo carry oul and perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of Ihe owner and holder of the In­ debtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at pub­ lic auction to Ihe highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at Ihe county courthouse ol said county at 10:00A,M,on December 4, 2003, Ihe following described real estate and sny of Ihe Improve­ ments which may be situated Ihereon. situated In Davie County, North Carolina, and being more parllcularly described as lollows: LYING AND BEING In Mocks­ ville Township, Davie County, and beginning at a point In the center ol NCSR «1304, said poinl being located Soulh 72 deg. 51 mln, 21 sec. East 24,53 leet Irom a point located In Ihe center ol said road, said point being the Northwest cor­ ner of Christy Trucking Company; Ihence from said beginning point North 13 deg. 42 mln. 47 sec. East 240,00 (eet to an Iron; thence South 76 deg, 57 mln, 38 sec. Easl 179.B0 leel lo a new Iron; Ihence South 13 deg, 42 mln, 47 sec, Wesl 250,00' feel lo a point located In Ihe center of said road; Ihence wllh the cen­ ter of said road North 73 deg. 46 mln, 31 sec. West 179,96 feet to y. the point and place ol Beginning ' and containing 1.011 acres as sur­ veyed byTullerow Surveying Com­ pany on December 30, 1988, and revised on June 19,1990. And Being more commonly known as: 140 Allen Road, Mocks­ ville, NC 27028 The record owners ol the prop­ erty, as rellected on Ihe records of the Register ol Deeds, are Mark A, Folds and Cheryl L, Folds, The properly lo be ollered pur­ suant lo Ihls notice ol sale Is being olfered for sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS," f'lel- ther Ihe Truslee nor Ihe holder ol Ihe note secured by Ihe deed of Irust/securlty agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the olflcers, direclors, attorneys, employees, agenls or authorized representative ol either Truslee or the holder ol Ihe nole make any representation or warranty relating to tho title or any physical, environmental, health or safely conditions existing In, on, at or relaling lo the property being ofiered for sale, and any and all responsibililies or liabilities arising oul ol or In any way relating lb any such condilion expressly are dis­ claimed, This sale Is made subject to all prior Hens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessmenls Including but not limited to any transler tax associated wllh Ihe loreclosure, lor paying, If any, A deposit of five percent (5%) ol Ihe amount ol Ihe bid or seven hundred Illlh dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, Is required and must be tendered In the lorm ol certllied funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days lor upset bids as required by law. Fol­ lowing Ihe expiration ol the statu­ tory upsel period, all remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date ol this Notice Is No­ vember 12,2003, ELIZABETH B, ELLS OR DAVID W. NEILL Substilule Truslee 8520 Cllll Cameron Drive. Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704)333-8107 11-20-2ln C I . K A R Y A U r o S A b K S FOR SALE: Cars • Trucks Utility Buildings Carports; All Sizes, All Galvanized All Size Dog Lots 336-751-3442 Mocl<svllie, NC NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executrix ol the Estate of KENNETH CHARLES BOLIN, deceased, late of Davie County, this Is to notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against Ihe estate to presenl same duly proven lo the undersigned on or belore the 1 Bth day of February, 2004; othsfwlse, Ihls nollce will be plead In bar ol recovery. All per­ sons, firms or corporations In­ debted lo the estale will please make prompt settlement wllh the Executrix, This Ihe 20lh day ol November, 2003, Ethel Marie Bolin Hedrick, Executrix 306 Wesldale Avenue Lexington, NC 27295 Joe E, Blesecker BIESECKER, TRIPP, SINK & FRITTS P,0, Box 743 Lexinglon, NC 27293-0743 11-20-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Execu­ lor ol the Estate ol WALTER E, MARTIN, lale of Davie Couniy, this Is lo notily all persons having claims against said estate to presenl Ihem lo the undersigned on or belore the 6lh day of February, 2004, being Ihree (3) monlhs from Ihe firsl day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment io the undersigned. This 6lh day of November, 2003. Walter E, Martin, Jr. P.O.Box 145 Denmark, SC 29042 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Allorney at Law Ten Court Square. Mocksville, NC 27028 11-6-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to G.S. 153A-241 and a resolution adopled November 17, 2003, declaring the Intent ol the Board of Commissioners to close Second Street In Ihe T.W. Graham Plat (an unopened public road) thal Ihe Board of Commissioners ol Davie County, North Carolina will on Monday. December-IS. 2003. In the Commissioners Room of the Davie County Administration EulMng. 123 Soulh Main Slreet, Mocksville, NC. The purpose ol the Public Hear­ ing Is to receive comments on the proposed road closing ol an un­ opened public slreet. Second Slreet, as currently situated and advertised herein, rUns between Main Church Road (S, R, 1045) and Cana Road (S,R, 1408) and Is bounded on the east by Parcel A-3 01 Davie Couniy Tax Map G-4-8 (ownor: Jelfrey Wayne Call) and bounded on the west by Parcel A- 2 ol Davie County Tax Map G-4-8 (owner: MIckel H, and Alice A, Barnette), Second Slreel Is lurther shown on the T,W, Graham Plat recorded In lha Davie County Reg­ istry In Plat Book 2, Page 72. A sign will be placed at two lo­ cations along Ihe road to advertise the public hearing. The public Is Invited lo attend the hearing at which lime there will be an oppor­ tunity to be heard In favor ol, or in opposition to, road closing. Addi­ tional Inlormallon Is available al Ihe Development Services Department on weekdays between 8:30 a,m, and 5:00 p,m, or by telephone al (336) 751-3340, John Galllmore Planning Direclor 11-27-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Iho Admin­ istrator ol the Estae ol CHARLES VIRGIL NEWMAN, deceased, lale ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notily all persons, firms and corporations having claims againsi the estate ol said deceased to exhibit them to Ihe undersigned al 102 South Cherry Street, Win­ ston-Salem, NC 27101, on or be­ lore February 9, 2004, or Ihls no­ tice will bo pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaso make Imme­ diate payment, ), This the 6th day ol November, 2003, Shirley T Clubb, Administrator The Estate ol Charle^'Vlrgll I Newrhan Stallord R, Peebles, Jr,, Esq. j 102 South Cherry Streel Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 723-7361 11-6-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Administra­ trix of Ihe Eslale ol FAYE ALLISON HOSCH, lale ol Davie CoiJnty, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 13th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) months Irom the llrsl day ol publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This Ihe 13th day ol November, 2003, Cynlhia Laverne Hosch, ADMN P.O, Box 1138 Cooleemee, NC 27014 11-13-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executrix ol Ihe Estate ol LAURA BELLE DULIN, lale of Davie Couniy. Ihls Is lo notily all persons having claims against said estate lo presenl Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 13th day of February, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Ihe llrst day of publication or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of lhair recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 13lh day ol November, 2003. Nora Barker, EXEC . 356 Campbell Road Mocksvilla, NC 27028 11-13-4IP NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executor of the Estate ol CALVIN COOLIDGE GAITHER aka Calvin Coolrldge Gaither, late of Davie County, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or belore the 13th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Ihe llrst day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate paymeni to the undersigned. This Ihe 13th day ol November, 2003, Steve A, Gaither, EXEC 120 Stonburg Road Clemmons, NC 27012 11-13-41П NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as the Co-Ad- minlstralrlx ol the Estate ol KATHLEEN FLINT, lale ot Davie County, Ihls Is tb notily all persons having claims againsi said estate lo presenl Ihem to the undersigned on or belore the 20th day ol Febru­ ary, 2004, being three (3) monlhs Irom the llrst day of publication or this notice will be pleaded In bar oi their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This 20lh day ot November, 2003. Geneva Foote, Co-Adminlstra- trlx P.O. Box 593 Mocksville, NC 27028 Betly Frost, Co-Admlnlslralrix P.O, Box 13 Mocksville, NC 27028 Martin & Van Hoy, LLP Attorney at Law Ten Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 11-20-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executor ol the Estale ol FRANCIS MAXINE LANGSTON CARTER, late ol Davie Couniy, this Is lo notily all persons having claims against said estale to presenl them to the un­ dersigned on or before Ihe 20th day ol February, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Ihe llrst day ol publi­ cation or Ihls nollce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate will please make Immediate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This the 20th day ol November, 2003, Richard L. Carter, EXEC 343 Ivy Lane Mocksville, NC 27028 11-20-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed ol Trust made by Michael Cline and Dianna Cline to Rebecca W, Shala, Truslee(s), dated Ihe 19th day ol January, 2001, and recorded In Book 356, Page S64, Davie County Registry, North Carolina, delault having been made In Ihe payment ol the note thereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hutchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Truslee In said Deed ol Trust by an instrument duly recorded In the Olflce ol the Register ol Deeds ol Davie County, North Carolina and the holder ol the nole evidencing said Indebtedness having directed lhat the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substilule Trustee will oiler (or sale at the Courthouse Door In the City of Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina al 3:00 pm on December 3,2003 and will sell to the highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate situate In the Couniy ol Davie, North Carolina, and being more parllculady de­ scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a railroad spike In Ihe Northwest corner ol the herein described tract and within the right-ol-way margin of S R 1415 (Eaton Church Road), Ihence within Ihe road's right-ol-way mar­ gins South 81 deg 01 mln 50 sec East 149 21 leet to a point being Ihe Northeast corner ol there herein described tract and Ihe Northwest corner ol a 50 It access easement, Ihence with the Western line ol a 50 It access easement. South 06 deg 20 mln 51 sec West passing through an iron at 3017 leet, for a lotal ol 362 68 leel to a Rebar In the Southeast corner ol the herein described tract, thence with a new line lor Kirk W Cleary (Deed Book 208, Page 236) North 89 deg 29 mln 36 sec West 134 98 leet to an Iron In the Southwest corner ol the herein described tract, thence with the Eastern line ol Joseph H Jor­ dan (Deed Book 65, Page 618) North 04 deg 8 mln 24 sec East passing through an Iron In the Southern rlght-ol-way margin ol S R 1415 (Eaton Churoh Road) lor a total ol 383 53 leet to the point and place ol BEGINNING, containing 1 214 acres, more or less, as sur­ veyed by Kenneth L Foster, Proles- slonal Land Surveyor, on Septem­ ber 15, 2000, JOB NUMBER 2420- OOC. Together with Improvemenls located thereon; said property be­ ing located at 1141 Eatons Church Road, Mocksville, North Carolina, Subject lo Ihe right-of-way mar­ gin of S R 1415 (Eaton Church Road) and any other Easements and reslrictions ol record. For back title, see Deed Book 208, Page 236, Deed Book 206, Page 337, Deed Book 122, Page 242, Deed Book 97, Page 634, Deed Book 90, Page 63, Deed Book 83, Page 454, Deed Book 52, Page 528, Davie County Registry See also part ol Tax Map D-3, Par­ cel 55 01 located in Clarksville Township, Davie County, North Carolina, Together with a cerlain manu­ lactured home described as lol­ lows: 1999 mobile home Vehicle Identification number of NCFLX46ABCD0850CN12. Should the property be pur­ chased by a third parly, that per­ son must pay Ihe lax ol Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be ollered pur­ suanl to Ihis notice of sale Is being ollered for sale, transfer and con­ veyance “AS IS, WHERE IS," Nei­ ther Ihe Trustee nor the holder ol Ihe note secured by Ihe deed ol trusl/securlly agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the ollicers, directors, attorneys, employees, agenls or authorized representative ol either Ihe Truslee or the holder ol Ihe note make any representa­ tion or warranty relaling to the title or any physical, environmental, heallh or salety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being ollered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relaling to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property Is being sold subject lo all laxes, spe­ cial assessmenls, and prior Hens or encumbrances ol record and any recorded releases. A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no personal checks) ol live percent (5%) ol the purchase price, or seven hundred lilly dollars ($750,00), whichever Is greater, will be required al Ihe lime ol sale. This 5th day ol November, 2003, H. TERRY HUTCHENS SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE BY: H, Terry Hutchens, EsqulrePresldent H, Terry Hutchens, PA Substitute Truslee RO, Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road. Suite 103 Fayetteville, NC 28302 Case No: 370,69970 11-20-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY BJBLICJLOIICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR­ ING belore the Davie County Board of Adjustment al 7:00 p,m, on Monday, December 1, 2003 In Ihe 2nd Floor Commissioners Bo m ol the Davie County Admin­ istration Building, Mocksville, N.C, The public Is invited lo attend. The lollowing Items are scheduled to be heard: leity_De,dm^on has appealed a decision ol Davie County regard­ ing Ihe zoning classlflcallon on a properly located oil Pine Ridge Road, Mocksville, The property Is located at 383 Pine Rldge Road, Mocksville, and Is lurlher described as Parcel 68 ol Davie Couniy Tax Map N-5. . jtamfiaA-CjBlg has applied to renew Ihe Special Use Permit granted lor Ihe Lake Myers camp­ ground expansion approved on June 7, 1999. The permit was granted lor Ihree years with the blllty to renew lor additional three- year perios. This properly Is located at 150 Fred Lanier Road, Mocks­ ville, and Is lurther described as Parcel 16,03 ol Davie County Tax Map H-2, A sign will be placed on the above listed property lo advertise the Public Hearing, All parties and Interested citi­ zens are Invlled to attend said hear­ ing at which time they shall have an opportunity to present any lads or evidence related to a particular request. Prior to the hearing, all persons Interested may obtain ad­ ditional Inlormatlon on a request by visiting Ihe Development Sen/Ices Department weekdays between 8:30 a,m, and 5:00 p,m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone at (336) 751-3340, John Galllmore Developmenl Services 11-20-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC NOTICE SALE OF TOWN-OWNED PERSONAL PROPERTY BY SILENT AUCTION At the regular meeting of the Cooleemee Town Board of Com­ missioners on October 21, 2003, said Board authorized the sale ol any surplus properly owned by Iho Town according to the Town ol Cooleemee Code ol Ordinances Chapler 35 ‘Town Policies," Sec­ tion 35.03 "Disposal ol Personal Property." The lollowing Is a de­ scription ol the Items: • Miscellaneous maintenance equipmenl • Miscellaneous lurnllure and items All ilems will be sold by means ol a “Silent Auction," All Items In Ihe Silent Auction may be viewed on Salurday, December 6, 2003, be­ ginning at 11:00 a,m, al Ihe auc­ tion site, which Is Ihe Town's melal maintenance building located be­ side ol tho Town swimming pool and just behind Ihe Cook Shack on Church Street In Cooleemee, Bid lorms will be available at Ihe auc­ tion site and all bidders will be re­ quired to complete a bid form. Bids will be accepted Irom 11:00 a,m. until 3:45 p.m, on Saturday, De­ cember 6, 2003, At 4:00 p,m, on Saturday, December 6th, the tally­ ing ol winning bids will begin. Please Note: All winning bidders will be required to pay either by cash or with a money order thal Is made payable lo Ihe Town ol Cool­ eemee, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilled as Executrix ol the Estate of PAUL RICHARD MCDOWELL, SR„ late ol Davie County, this Is to notily all persons having claims against said estate lo presenl them to Ihe undersigned on or belore the 20th day ol Febru­ ary, 2004, being Ihree (3) months Irom the first day ol publication or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estale will please make Im­ mediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 20th day ol November, 2003, Paula McDowell Churoh, EXEC 192 Gladstone Road Mocksville, NC 27028 11-20-4ln NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 03 SP 188 Under and by virtue ol the power ol sale contained In a certain Deed of Trusl made by Belinda J, Hill and Todd A. Barnhardt (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Belinda Jane Hill) to Cherl A, Hill, Trustee(s), dated the 30lh day ol March, 2001, and recorded In Book 3Æ4. Page ai, Davie Couniy Reg­ istry, North Carolina, default hav­ ing been made in the payment ol the note Ihereby secured by the said Deed ol Trust and the under­ signed, H. Terry Hulchens, PA hav­ ing been substituted as Trustee In said Deed ol Trust by an Instrument duly recorded In the Ollice of the Regisler ol Deeds ol Davie Couniy, North Carolina and Ihe holder of Ihe note evidencing said indebtedness having directed thal the Deed ol Trust be loreclosed, the under­ signed Substilule Truslee will olfer lor sale at the Courthouse Door In the City ol Mocksville, Davie Couniy, North Carolina at 3;00prh on December 3, 2003 and will sell lo Ihe highest bidder lor cash the lollowing real estate slluale In Ihe County of DavIe, North Carolina, and being more parllcularly de­ scribed as lollows: BEGINNING al a point, an Iron stake on the LIBERTY CHURCH ROAD, which point Is located South 16 deg. West 450 leel Irom R. Daniel's corner and Ihence running with the said Liberty Church Road South 16 dag. West 100 leel to an iron stake; Thence North 74 deg. West 200 leet to a stake; Thence North 16 deg. East 100 leet to a stake; Thence South 74 deg. East 200 leet lo the Liberty Church Road and the Point of Ihe BEGINNING and being a lot 100 x 22 leet. To­ gether with lmp(ovemenlo located thereon; said property being lo­ cated at 542 Gladstone Road, Mocksville, Norlh Carolina. See Deed from Ella Call (single) to Evelyn B. Daniel and recorded In Book 76, on Pago 257 Davie County Register ol Deeds Olflce. Also see Deed Itom Evelyn B. Daniel and husband Armand T. - Daniel to GOSHEN LANDS. INC. and recorded In the Ollice ol the Regisler ol Deeds for the County of Davie, Slale of N.C. In Book No. 82 on Page No. 106. This lol Is restricted ior residen­ tial purposes and residential pur­ poses only. Should Ihe properly be pur­ chased by a third party, lhal per­ son must pay Ihe lax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1), The property lo be olfered pur­ suant to this nollce of sale Is being ollered lor sale, transler and con­ veyance "AS IS, WHERE IS," Nei­ ther the Truslee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of Irusl/securlty agreement, or both, being loreclosed, nor the officers, ■ directors, allorneys, employees, agenls or authorized representative of either the Truslee or the holder ^ ol the note make any representa­ tion or warranly relating lo Ihe title or any physical, envlronmenlai, health or salety conditions exlsllng . In, on, at or relating lo the property being olfered lor sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities aris­ ing out ol or In any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this properly Is being sold subject to all taxes, spe­ cial assessments, and prior Hens or ' encumbrances oi record and any recorded releases. A cash deposll or cashier's ! check (no personal checks) of five. percent (5%) of the purchase price,, or seven hundred lilty dollars; ($750,00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time ol the sale,. This 5th day ol November,:^ 2003, H, TERRY HUTCHENS, PA i SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE ' BY; H. Terry Hutchens, Esquire • President H. Terry Hutchens, PA Substilule Trustee RO. Box 1028 4200 Morganlon Road, Suite 103. Fayetteville. NC 28302 Case No, 430,68001 11-20-2lri W IS g C O R V S R MINI-STORAGE For all your storage needs, clioose us! Come l)y to inquire aliout tree rental. 2975 H \v y .6 4 E in F o rit CalLtoilaijI (33G) 098-8810 C 8 - D / W I K C O U N I Y K N T K R I ’ U I S I C U I X O K I ) . r i u i r s d i i v , N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3 Г/ P U B L I C N O T I C E S Ф NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING YOUARE HEREBY NOTIFIED lhal on December 15.2003, al 7:00 p.m., or as soon Ihoreallor as Ihe agenda permits, in Iho Davie Counly Adminislralion Buiiding, 123 Soulh Main Slreel, Mocksville, Norlh Carolina, Iho Board ol Com­ missioners lor the County o( Davie, Norlh Carolina, wili hold a public hearing on the proposed execution by Ihe Counly ol Davie, North Caro­ lina (the "County"), ol (i) an Install- ment Purchase ConlracI (Ihe ''Con­ tract") among the County, a bank or linancial inslilulion lo be deter­ mined (the "Bank") and tho Bank as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agonl"), (ii) a security instrument between the Counly and Ihe Bank evidencing a security interest in cerlain properly In lavor ol Iho Bank, and (Hi) olher related docu­ menls pursuant lo which Iho County at Ihe request ol tho Davio Counly Schools will linance certain rehabililalion and repairs lo William R, Davie Elementary School. The ConlracI will bo In Iho amount ol 5602,600 and will bo executed in accordance with Seclion 160A-20 ol Ihe Norlh Carolina General Slat- ules. The ConlracI will nol pledge, eilher directly nor Indirectly, the tax­ ing powor ol Ihe Counly or any other governmental unll lo secure any moneys due under the Con­ lracI, The ConlracI will also consti­ tute a “qualified zono academy bond” wilhin Ihe meaning ol Sec­ lion I397E ol Ihe Internal Revenue Code ol 1986, as amended, and Article 34B ol the North Carolina General Statutes, Any person interested In Ihe proposed execution ol the ConlracI may appear and be heard at the public hearing, and persons wish­ ing lo make written comment re­ garding the proposed linancing may do so to Ihe County, c/o Jamos J, Stockert, Finance Director, Counly ol Davie, 123 South Main Streot, Mocl^svilte, NC 27026, within seven days ol Ihe date ol publication ol this notlco, Inlorma- lion with respect to iho proposed Conltacl, ttio rotated documents and tho proposed linancing Is on .. llte In tho otltco ol \lio County Man­ ager, and Is available to tho public lot Inspection during regular busi­ ness hours. Brenda B. Hunlor Clerk lo Ihe Board Davie Counly Board ol Commissioners 11-27-1 in NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Executrix ol tho Estate ol FERN H. CROUSE, lato ol Davie Counly. Ihis is lo no­ lily all persons having claims against said osiate lo present them to the undersigned on or bolore the 27lh day ol February, 2003, boing three (3) monlhs Irom Ihe lirst day ol publication ol Ihis notice or Ihis notice will bo pleaded in bar ol Iheir rocovory. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme­ diate payment lo Ihe undersigned. This Iho 27th day ol November. 2003. Sandra C. Pickons, EXEC 6021 Stone Blull Drile Clemmons, NO 27012 11-27-<1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualilied as Ihe Execu­ tor ol Iho Estate ol JANIE W. KOONTZ, lale ol Davie Counly, this is to notify all persons having claims against said eslale lo present them to tho undotslgned on or belore Iho 20lh day ol Feb­ ruary, 2004, being three (3) months Irom Iho lirst day ol publication or this notlco will bo pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery All persons indebted to said ostalo will ploaso make im- medialo paymoni lo Ihe under­ signed. This 20lh day ol November, 2003. Judy A. Koonlz, ADMN 276 Ketchie Creek Mocksville, NC 27028 11-6-4ln GENE TREXLER ROOFING Now & Old Rools Small Ropair Jobs Froo Esilmalos 336-284-4571 Oak Havén W ® ^• 7 5 1 - 2 0 5 5 К в а № й (336) 9 0 9 - 2 6 3 8 ornali: lnro@pakliavanreally,com BUYERSI Use an Oak Haven Realty agent to purchase ANY home listed with ANY realtor and receive a free home Wdmnty or help with your closing costsi 100% Financing avaiiabiol FREE Pre-qualifyingl See our homes at these websites & magazines: w w w .O akH avenR ealty.com w w w .R ealE state.com w w w .L istin g B o o k .co m w w w .H o m eA d v lso r.co m wwwHomesAndLand.com www.'V'ahoo.com www.YourRealEstateToday.com www.Realtor.com Davio Roal Estalo Guido, Homos & Land Magazlno, Homospottor SELLERS gel a FREE market analysis of your property' Commission as low as... 2 . 6 L A S S ! D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r a l i i y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - C 9 STATE OF WISCONSIN. CIRCUIT COURT, ONEIDA COUNTY Notlco nnd Order ol Hearing (For Pubtlcotlon) Case No. 03 TP 17 In the interest ol J.A.E.L., born to KK.L. To; Scotty Allon Lundberg Physical Description ol alleged par­ ent; 5'7", 170-180 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, brown board and mustactio, and any unknown parent al un­ known address, Dale ol conception: 08-09-95 through lO-B-95 Place ol conception: Rhinelander, Wisconsin Dale ol birth: 06-06-96 Place ol birth: Rhinelander, Wis­ consin IT IS ORDERED: This notice be published advising you thal a petition lor termination ol your parental rights lo the above named child be heard al Ihe Oneida Counly Courthouse, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, Branch II, One Oneida Avenue, Rhinelander, Wl 54501, on December 19, 2003 al 9:00 a.m. You have Ihe right lo have an allorney present. If you desire to contest Ihe matter and cannol al- lord an allorney, Ihe stale public delender may appoint an attorney to represent you. II you lail lo appear and tho court lerminales your parental rights, ei­ ther a motion lo seek rellel Irom Ihe judgment or a notice ol Intent to pursue rellel Irom Ihe judgment must be filed In Iho trial court wilhin 30 days allor the judgment is en­ tered, In order lo preserve the right lo pursue such relief. If you need help In Ihis mailer because of a disability, please call 715-369-6200. Hon. Mark A. Mangorson Circuit Judge Tt\omas D. Wlensch, Attorney RO. Box 400 Rhinelander, Wl 54501 715-369-6155 11-27-1tn Abortion Alternative DAVIE PREGNANCY CARE Cenler oilers confidential 8 free pregnancy lests, supporl ser­ vices, and relerrals. Mako a healthy choice for your llfel Call 753-HOPE lor appoinlrnenl. Apartments IBR, 1BA, APARTMENT- Mocksville S375/month Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Really 751-9400 2BR APT FOR renl, spacious, S425/monlh, 704-798-3928 LARGE 1BEDR00IVI Apt. Downtown Mocksville. No chil­ dren, pels or HUD. 704-278- 1717._______________________ Appliances AMANA REFRIGERATOR, 18 cu. In., almond color, good con- dlllon, 3140,00,. 751-7199. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILD care has opelngs (or all ages, 0-12 yrs. Full-time, Part-time, Drop-In, Before & Afler School and Out ol School Days, 1st & 2nd slillt. Open 5:30 am. Flexible hours. Spill shills also. Call Debra, 751- PLAY (7529) 571 S Main St., Mocksville, across from Welch's Funeral Home, FORK BAPTIST CHURCH Af­ ler school until 6:00pm $100/ month, Cornalzer School busing zone. Come by or call for appli­ cation. 998-8306 STAY AT HOME mother of one will watch 1 -2 Infants in my home fvt-F. 940-6134.______________ Commercial Property VARIOUS COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Warehouse & Oflice space Janice McDaniel Pennington & Company Realty __________751-9400__________ Employment CAN YOU lUlAKE the cul? Are you an over achiever that's un­ der appreciated? Wd have op­ portunily for best stylist wilh man­ agement potential. Call Christine 253-3789, CATTLE RANCH In Davie Counly needs lull-time mainte­ nance man. Must be experi­ enced wllh farm maintenance and cattle. Starting S8 to $10 per hour. Send leller staling experi­ ence: Farm Mainlenance P. O. Box 99 Mocksville, NC 27028 DRIVERS NEEDED, 2 yrs expe­ rience wilh clean record CDL, perconlage pay, bulk frelghl, hopper bolloms & livo floor trail­ ers. 336-788-3210. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER FOR Iraming crew. ‘lO-ptus hours weekly w/overtlme, Musl be dependable. No drugs, no ,hot-heads, 336-4G7-7061 or 336- 998-7428, C A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS, ANTIQUE FURNITUnE Call Arlliur BoslIcK 336-492-5992 Employment HONEST LADY WILL sit with elderly or disabled, by Ihe week or live in, Mon-Frl, includes per­ sonal care, cooking, lighl house­ keeping, errands and lols of TLC, experienced, references, call 940-2507, leave message will relurn call, NEEDED; A DEPENDABLE, caring adult who loves children, to work In the Advance United Melhodisi Church After School Child Care Program. For more information call 998-7750 SALEM CARRIERS LOCAL drivers needed S700.00 to $800.00 per wk 3rd shill Sunday through Thursday and every olher l^rlday. Drop and Hook Occasional over nighl trips. Requires 2 yrs exp. wilh Class A drivers license. Apply In person 191-Park Plaza Dr, Winston Salem, NC, Or call 1 - 800-709-2536, EOE TEACHER ASSISTANT- NEEDED lor after school pro­ gram al Cornatzer Unlled Meth­ odist, Child care depree or expe­ rience required. Mail resume lo P, O, Box 103, Advance, N0 27006_______________________ Homes For Rent 2 HOUSES FOR renl- (1) 2BR, S450, (2) 1 BR wllh double garage $450. Mobile home S350, Cooleemee, 284-4373 ZBR, 1.5BA, COUNTRY Lane, LIVING ROOM, DEN, NO HUD, REFERENCES REQUIRED. S500/MO. 336-674-9740 3BR, IBA, CANA RD., $525/ monlh & security deposit, refer­ ences required. 998-3906 3BR, 2BA, DW/Acroage-Yadkinville S900/mo 3BR, 2BA-Clommcns-S850/mo 3BR, 1.5BA-Mobllo Homo-S500/mo 2BH, lBA-Mocksvillo-$450/mo h'ennington & Company Realty 751-9400 , CALL CENTURY 21 SWICEGOOD WALL & MCDANIEL 336-751-2222 Mon-Frl 8am-5pm 336-751-5555 ExL213 Nights & Weekends Privacy and country livlngl Nice 3BR, 2BA home off Davie Academy Rd. Amenities Include a wood burning lireplace, laundry room, spacious living room and fenced pasture! $700/ month Rent ReducedI Quaint 2BR, ISA home near Davie High Call today, Ihis home won'l last long! S500/month IBR, IBA apariment for renl near downtown Mocksville No appliances but utilities included in rent price S425/month OHice Space for Renl In downtown Mocksville S300/rnonlh BLASS ROOFING Quality Wori( • Lowest Prices Free Estimate 336-751-5024 C H R IS T M A S S A L E at BILLY’S AUCTION Friday, Nov. 28 & Saturday, Nov, 29 7pm eacii niglit Dance Hail Rd. off Wyo Rd. In Farmington Lots of nice, new Items each night. Tons of gift Items for Christmas, For info call 336-998-3510 or 336-407-3510 God Bless! See You Tttenl Bank-Ordered AUCTIONS 240 F O R E C L O S E D H O M E S Locatoci thru-out NC & SC • Including This Aron Great Broker Program Available! Holiday Inn W inston-Salem • i-40, oxit siias crk Pkwy Tuesday » December 16 » 7:00 pm “ a a r 3BR, IBA, 1200 SPHOME Local Agonl: MIko Zimmerman, Coldwoll Bankor,ггшшп 3BR,2BA, 1837SFHomo Local Agont;Dobbio Síilold» .Romax Realty Consultants ^ ;\УЧ |Д 336-726-2149 OPEN HOUSE: SnI. & Sun., DEC. 6 & 7; 1 lo 3 PM j Vlow List of ALL HOMES .nt; www.hudsonandmarshall.com I.i f !T)©Offerì [ Q Q l E Z Z i D lie. Bü Hr.twi 64? Homes For Rent Land For Sale DOUBLEWIDE 3BR, 2BA, of­ fice, gas heat on private lol near Jockey. Water & dumpster In­ cluded. $650 per-month, $500 deposll. Sorry no pets. 284-4679 BUILDING/MOBILE HOME lots for sale. 998-5816, 284-2653 HISTORIC HOME, large rooms, all appliances, central heat/air, above average. No HUD 751- 1108 HOUSE FOR RENT-2BR,~1BA house In Mocksville. $470, Leonard Realty 751-3650, 751- 5020. LAKEWOOD VILLACSE DEVEL­ OPMENT, 2BR, IBA, outbuilding, single carporl. $500 + deposit, 751-2304,941-7522 NICE, ALMOST NEW 28X80 modular home, 3BR, 2BA, all appliances, end porch & deck, country selling, no pels, 1,5 miles lo 1-40, background and reler­ ences cheeked, $600 monthly with $500 deposit, 492-7668 or 391-2212,___________________ Homes For Sale A COZY LITTl-E home big enough for Iwo, surrounded by beautiful oak trees. Living room, bedroom, kilchen, dining area and bath. A small shed and unique well. It also has 1,26 acres and county water, Localed on 9235 Cenler Grove Church Road, Clemmons, N0 27012, $55,000, 998-4689 FIRST BAPTIST CHIJRCH Mocksville parsonage, 229 Wan­ dering Lane, 9 room, 2 slory, brick, 4BR, 3,5BA, 2760 square feet, unfinished basement wilh FP, 2 car garage, large deck, ,6 acre loL $259,900, 751-5312 FSBO 3BR, 2BaT doublewide, excellent condilion, many exlras, beaulltui, privale, moslly wooded 5,14 acres In Advance, 6 miles to 1-40. Reduced lo sell $113,500 & will negotiate. 940-6850 MOBILES&MObULARS built locally-shop on line BonanzaMoblleHomes.com Call us 1-888-462-7806 Lowest prices In N,C, I'lew Home (No Steel Framos), Crane Set, 7/12 Roof, 3BR, 2BA,$100,00.00 appraised value. On your foundation $54,500,00 Landowners call 336-362-3676 hJEW DOUb LeW d eF oM , big lot, 3BR, 2BA, front porch, rear deck, heat pump, $76,000. re­ duced lo $69,900, 998-5816 or 284-2653, SACRIFICEI NEW Cape Cod (no sleel frames), crane sel. 3BR 2BA approx, 2300 sq.ft. Normal cost $129,000,-on your founda­ tion $81,900, Limiled lime only! Land owners call 1-800-672- 9223, TRUE MODULAR HOUSES (NO STEEL FRAMES) Info call 1 -800- 322-8679. -ABC 123 EASY- New AGP OAC home loans Get approved in 5 mlns. Hotline « 704-883-9997, LAND FOR SALE- 5 acre tracts FSBO. Reslricled, $12,500 pei acre. Call 998-4703.__________ Lawn Care CAMPBELL LAWN CARE " For al! your lawn care needs" Call: 998-1603 ask for Eric LEAF RECOVERY BY Clement Lawn Care. Call 284-2037, SNIDER’S LANDSCAPING & Lawn Services, complele Iawncare, leaf removal, mowing, trimming, seeding, etc. Call 492- 2174________________________ Miscellaneous AGED SPLIT HARDWOOD, moslly oak. Heaped one lon dump bed truck. Delivered/ dumped In Davie. $150, 751- 1893 or 751-2737 FIREWOODI MIXED HARD­ WOOD seasoned and split, $100 per cord, $50 per half-cord. Will deliver and dump. Extra to slack. Call anytime, 753-4982 MEN’S GÓLF CLUBS, sentor S regular flex, 2-SW, graphite, as­ sortment of, woods & putters, re­ palrwork, re-shafting, re-grlping, swing weighting & custom clubs. Call 751-2030 SEASONED FIREWOOD, ALL hardwood, $40.00 per load dellv- ered, 998-3538______________ Mobile Homes/ Rent 14X80 2000 MOBILE home on spacious country lot. $450 de- posll/$450 per month. Available Jan, 1, 2004, References re­ quired, 492-5618 1995 3BR, 2BA iarge porch, near 601/801 $450 monlh $250 de­ posll 704-892-1284. 1995 MOBILE HOME for renllo- caled In the Pines Mobile Home Park, 2BR, 2BA, all electric, air, all appliances. No pels, $400 pei montn/$400 deposit required- 751-7502 READY TO MOVE in: furnished 2BR upstairs apt, everything fur­ nished, $550/monlh, 751M 218, 704-657-5613________________ Mobile Homes/Sale 1992 SINGLEWIDE MOBILE home, 2BR, 2BA, $10,000, 336- 798-3466, 2BR7i BA HOME on gTeat io^lTr Owner linancing avalTable. Call Debbie at Premier Carolina Prop­erties 909-1284, 2BR, IBA ON nice lot! $38,000, Owner financing. Call Debbie al Premier Carolina Properties 909- 1284 LOT MODEL CLEARANCE Ivlusl gel rid of all 2003 model homes Your job time Is your credit Call (704) 878-0147 (or appt. EXPERIENCE LIFE UNDER OUR ROOF D IST RIB U T IO N O PPO RT U N IT IES e x c i t e m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y o w n e r s h i p Now hiiinrj for Weekend Day Shift. Impravliig Homo Improvement' Tlio good life jusl gol because Lowe's offerDt a whole lot better. Thai's --------------Ifers EXCITEMENT, OPPonTUNiTY and owNEnsniP, not to mention a unique culture and a refreshing combination of lienefits that is considered one ol the besl packages in retail. Experience what il's like under our roof witli one of our now weekend shift opportunities: W ORK 3 6 HO U RS GET PAID FOR 4 0 W EEKEND DAY SHIFT Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 5:45an\ lo 6:15pm D ISTR IB U TIO N TEAM M EM BERS Receiving, Building & Shipping Departments Staiting pay is $9,90 per hour whicli includes 11.11% weekend premium. Prior experience with a forklift is pieferir Requirements Include: • the abilily lo lift up to 70 lbs • 18 yoars of ago or older • a st.ntile work histoiy ' Ihe atiility to successfully pass a diug screen and criminal background check For more Informntion about Lowe’s Companies, Inc or to apply on-line for distribution opportunities, go lo www,lowes,co.ii/careBr8. To apply in person, stop tjy anytime Monday tlirough Friday between 9:00nm and 4:00pin Lowe's Distribution Center 711 Tomlin Mill Rd Statesville, NC Lowe's is an Eciual Opportunity Employer committed to Diversity and fnciusion Q t A S S l F J E D S I M E X P K M S i V E F B O F T E A B L E Mobile Homes/Sale NEW FINANCING No one else has! Land/Home packages only!! Call (704) 883-7706 ~ ÑOPAYMÍÑTSuntil July 1st 2004 On conv, Land/Home Pkgs. 704-878-0147 OWNER MUST SELL 3BR, 2BA, beautiful area $500 down assumes payment (704) 928-2066 TAKE OVER PAYMENTS on a 1999 Skyline mobile home- 14X46, Set up In park, 751- 7660, TURNED DOWN ON new Land/Home Pkg 1st time, 2nd lime, 3rd lime's a óharm Home loans/Low down Vl/E MEAN ITI Holline # 704-883-9997 Motorcycles HONDA XR-70 dirt bike, less lhan 1 year old, excellent condi­ tion, $1000 OBO, Get II for ChrlslmasI 998-0197, KTM 65, 2002, works, suspen­ sion, vortec carb, carbon reeds, pro taper handlebars, IMS (oot pegs, 428 chain & sprockets, Grippy soat cover, KTK/I team ■aphics, very fast, $2,400,00 )B0 940-6091. Music LAYAWAY NOW FOR Chrlst- masl Everything on sale. Les­ sons available. Dave’s Music, 751-1934, PIANO TUNING Repair- Rebuild- Regulate Self-players & Reed Organs Wallace Barford 998-2789 Pets AKC BEAGLE PUPS for sale. Call 998-5089, I CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES, FULLr blooded males for sale wllh first ■if, shols- $175 each, $150 no shols. 284-4882 4FREE KITTENS, ALL colors, фЭ2-5713. fPEKE SHU PUPPIES lust In 1 time for Christmas, Call 492- 2846 for details, PURE BRED BLACK lab pup­ pies, 751-2574______________ RV/Motor Home [94 WINNEBAGO VECTRA, Inew tires and batteries, queen Ibed, lully loaded, like new. 492- 7787. 1\?88“с “Н E V E ^li/^E AR^ 32,5", 37K, 6,5 gen,, rear moni­ tor, levelers, sleeps 6, 2 TV’s, VCR, 10 CD player/changer, new tires, 2 roof AC’s, 492-7142, G A L V A L U M i 2 0 Y E A R W A R R A N TY Longest Lasting 3' Coverage / Many Colors Pole Buildings Metal Roofs & Siding |1-888-278-8050 M ID -S rA T E M E fA L S R A N D Y M IL L E R & S O N S MS Miller Koad •Mocksvilli; (3 3 6 ) 2 8 4 -2 8 2 6 • Now Pumping Septic Tanks • Slifd Steer №orf( Trencher Work Hauling Cambridge Creek Apartments 300 Milling Road Mocksville, NC Family Households 1&2 Bedroom Apartments Handicap Accessible Units Available Rental Assistance Available Please Call: 336-751-5128 TDD/TYY# 800-735-2962 T^T liQUAi.iiotisisooi’mnriiNiTy pk Service EXPERIENCED NURSING AS­ SISTANT will help with adull care. Call 284-2902, ask lor Christina, UNK'S~SEAMLESS GUTTER-' ING Richard LInk-Owner Free Estimates 998-1798 OSBORNE ELECTRIC lor ailyour electrical needs. Free Estimates. 751-3398, PERFECT PAWS, CERTIFIED Groomer, Christine Julian, Mocksville, NC, 751-9074 TOMMY’S TOTAL LAWN Care, We offer mowing, trimming, pine needles, mulch, seeding, trim­ ming shrubbery and planting. We also offer tractor work, bush hog­ ging, plowing, scraping drive­ ways, gutters cleaned and storm cleanup. Insured and free esti­ mates, Ollice 492-2330, Cell 336- 682-7006, Vi^ WILL cfEAN your house apariment or business office, monlhly, weekly or dally, Davie Cleaning Team 940-2635 Statewide DIABETIC ON MEDICARE? No more finger sticking with new meters, almost painless. Call Slar Medical Rx 1-800-840-1687 to­ day lor home delivery, DRIVERS-START ATZ34/mlle, Guaranteed home time. Pay on delivery. Dedicated available. Owner Operators Welcome, USA Truck, 800-237-4642, FIREFIGHTER. NO EXPERN ENCE, will train. Full-time job; paid vacation and college assis­ tance eligibility. High School di­ ploma, good physical condition, ages 17-34, Call 1-800-662- 7231, Local Interview available. j^LDEN BEACH NC. Comer lol, nice doublewide, 1150 square (eel, bonus room, brick under­ pinned. One block from water­ way, community pier, quiet neigh­ borhood, $77,000,910-754-9344 or 910-754-5144. LICENSED NC AOMINISTRA- TORS for assisted living avail­ able, Olfering excellent pay and benefits. Sand resume to; HR Manager, P 0 Box 2568, Hickory, N0 28603 NEW 1600 SQUARE foot Log Cabin shell with lake access ana free boat slip on 35,000 acre lake In Tennessee hills. $89,900. Terms 800-704-3154 ext. 539 Sunset Bay, LLC, $6500, 998' attery i-7117. I n d i v i d u a l l y Y o u , I n c , Announcing New Evening Hours ' Mon. 9-3, Tues.-Thurs, 9-7, Fri. 9-5:30, Sat. 9-3 Wall<-lns Welcome ' iSpice Up Your Color for the Holidays!. I i - V REDKEN ! $ T a o o ’ b 7 F ! : any color or highlight ! I with coupon Iexpires 12/31/03 j Latest Trends In Cutting Styling' Color Perms • Pedicures Manicures • Waxing Acrylic Nalls • Facials 6311-G Stadium Drive Clemmons (bosldo K-llAart) 766-4474 766-8047 A U C T I O N 135 Boxwood Circle, Bermuda Run M on., Dec. 1 • 10; Estate Of: M .A. Söderström (Deceased) DIRECTIONS: MOW (o Bermuda Run/Tanglowood Exit (^182). Turn Loft off ramp onto Harper Rd. Travol 3/10 mile, turn Right onlo US’158. Travel 1 mile, turn Loll into Bermuda Run onlo Bemiuda Drivo. Travol 1/10 mile, turn Left onto Riverbend Drivo. Immediate Lofi onto Boxwood Circio, saio on Left. FURNITURE: Btiflol: Woodon Bonch; Thomaavlllo Dosk; Old Phonooroph (RIsholl H,F. Ebofly): Goosonock Rockor; Tlmborlako Quill Rock; Doybod (Custom Mode); Old Crib; Chairs Originally (rom Bermuda Run Counlry Club Nippon; Llmogos: RS Prussia; imporlnl China (W. Dniton Whltnay); MIknsa Couturo Coiloction (44 Plocos); Princess Houso; Jowol Toa; Barblo Collection Borbio Ornaments; Silvor Piatod iloms; Gorham EP Sllvor; Sterling Silvor; Prossod Gloss; Hull; Collector Plales (Including Norman Rockwell); McCoy Bean Pot; Costumo Jowolry; Old Children's Clolhos (Approx 100 yrs old); Old Pitchor & Bowl (Possibly Rosevlllo); Milk Glass; Royal Coploy; Covina Pottery California; Old Books; Old Cash Register; Old Newapapors (Dating back to 1630)MisrPl I ANgQUS; 1093 Chrysler Concordo (145,140 milos - Sold Subject to Confirmation); Bob Timberlako Aroa Rug; Largo Fountain (Signature Pioco, soo picture on wobsite); Old Drafting Tools; Commercial Sowing Machine; Yard Tools; Powor Tools; Hond Tools; Rods and Rools; Chiislmaa Docorallon C o l. K enneth Ci. K.eincr, Pres,» N C A L 3268 F i r s t C h o i c e A u c t i o n & R e a l t y rinn License «7229 • PO Ro.x 335, Lewisville • (336) 945-4118Visit Our Weh Site Mt www.firiteholcciticthn.com • cmil: K'tlniiiiioicv^itiiii iniulrr.ivm ______Travel______ Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Trip Fri-Nlte Dec 5th Sat-Day Dec 13th Atlantic City Nov 27th &28th EH Way Travel Local 998-4732 John & Evelyn Wyatt McAddenvllle-Chrlslmas Lights Dec 2 Ralelgh-Tllanic Exhibit/ Governor’s Mansion Dec 11 MaggleValley/Lake Junaluska Dec 12 & 13 Call T & J Fun Time Tours, (336)945-9391/(336) 924-6461, Vehicles 1981 CADILLAC $2500. 998- 8016 1997 FORD EXS^ORErI^T ; 4x4, green, one owner, 126,000 miles, execent condition, new brakes & battei 2003 FORD EXPLORER Sport Track, 11,000 miles, loaded many extras, must see, $22,850, 336- 492-7685, BUICK LASABRE '00 LTD, fully equlped, low mileage, 768-1441 FOR SALE OR trade, 73 Ford car hauler, $995, 782-0268 GRACE MOTORS Advance 336-817-7482 1997 MERCURY MYSTIQUE102.000 miles, pl, pw, cc, air, am/fm cass, burgandy $3,200. 1996 BONNEVILLE SE 79,000 miles, pw, pl, air, metallic blue. Warranty Available $4,500. 1995 IZUZU RODEO 86.000 miles, pw, pl, cc, air, new tires, 6 cyl, white , sharp, Warranty Available $5,500. 1996 TOYOTA COROLLA 97.000 miles, 4dr, 5 spd, air, green,Warranly Available, $4,199. 1998 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 67,000 miles, 4dr, auto, pl, pw, air, Warranty Available $6,250 Vehicles 1996 HONDA ACCORD LX 71,700 miles, 4dr, auto, pw.pl, CO, air, burgandy Warranty Available, $6,400 1996 FORD ESCORT 96,000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, alloy wheels, extra clean, $3,200 1997 HONDA ACCORD LX 92,000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pl, cc, Warraniy Available, $7,250 1996 TOYOTA CAMRY DX Gold Package, 115,000 miles, 4dr, auto, air, pw, pl. Warranty Available $4,500 1995 FORD CONTOUR 168.000 miles, 4dr, aulo, air, pw, pl, $2,000 1997 OLDS ACHIEVA 103.000 miles, air, pw, pl, cc, alloy wheels, $2,800 1995 FORD ESCORT120.000 miles, ac, auto 2dr, $2,300 1994 FORD RANGER XLT 76,000 miles, 5spd, air, am/fm cass, $3,700 1993 SATURN SL2 79.000 miles, 5spd, air, Iwin cam, very clean, $3,300 1989 BUICK REGAL 60.000 miles, 6 cyl, 4 dr, pw, extra clean, $2,799 Yard Sales Wanted NEEDED: 23 PEOPLE to loose up lo 30 pounds this monlh. All nalural, 100% guaranteed, 888- 285-1630____________________ Yard Sales AVON OPEN HOUSE-Every Monday 6;00pm-9;30pm, Tonie Cope’s home. 336-284-2116 7631 Hwy. 801S, Cooleemee CAROLYN’S COLLECTIBLES (336) 751-6252 Shop early and save on your Christmas list. Sale on all ty products, barbies, porcelain dolls, great selections on items $10.00 and under Christmas layaway available Call or come on by and check us outf COME TO LINDA’S Country Shoppe for my Christmas Open House, Sat,, Deo, 6th, from 9am- 3pm at 173 Woodvale Dr, ofl Godbey Rd. olf 64W, Enjoy hot cider & treats, also regisler for my basket of goodies to be given away the 6th al closing. Vauda Ellis, Linda Harpe and Louise Blackwleder will have their crafts- Come see their new Items and check out my big 50% off lols of ■ Ilems. deF s^a n tiq u es TWO great LOCATlONSni 733 Greenhill Rd, Mocksville, NC 27028 336-492-6450 800-234-1393 and 296 Blaise Church Road Mocksville, NO 27028 336-753-6877 Layaway that special Christmas Gift, A gilt lhat will last a lllellme “A little something for everyone" We buy Estates,,. one Item or all 11 We also buy "your unwanted" items. Just give us a call II All of us at Dee’s wish you A Safe and Blessed Thanksgiving TRADING POST-601/801/ i Greasy Corner, Open Fri, & Sat, I 10-5, Buy, sell, trade, Wili buy ■ whole or partial estates. Call 284- 4302, M I L L E R E Q U I P M E N T R E N T A L FAU is HEBE! Bobcai, aeraiot core plugger amorelorrenilodayl Hwy. 601 S„ 1 B4 n n n a Mocksvillc I33S) fO |-/oU 4' K en Durham Construction Residential or Comnierciat Remodeling & New Consiruciion •/Uliliiions • Vinyl Siding • Koojini; • lltih ca l W ork Call for Free Estimate T H A H E sai'v iiia BILBSSHtQS TO h ll A r e Y o u S m a r t ? Join t(i6 smartest eoMwuMitY in Davie County and take advantage of... “The Best Deal in the ‘Ville” N o r t h w o o d A p a r t m e n t s Qiialilv • Convcnienci’ • Ajjonlahilitv 336-751-4141 Truck Driver Training Total Cost II Less Ttian $ 6 0 0 . s sneClaises «Job Placement Assistance • CDL Training START DATE END DATE January Sth - February 27th UMITED SPACE - CALL NOWI336.249.8186 Extension 781 Pnlntinc - Drywail Wnllcover Inslnlliition DIVERSIFIED DECORATING .SVrV'/lliJ f)íU'íl', /iotVdtl vi iFi'lli'll aiimiifx/or 2(1 vcarx. 7 5 1 - 0 3 8 2 к Ledfotd jJjóuOte R rstP (o fi6 to-U s Love. М(чп. Dad. Holtirii, lliildrv iV: I/oIIy Long Term/Temp to Hire $7.50/hour Mocksviile and Clemmons Locations Machine Operators and Assemblers 1st shift, 2nd, 3rd and 12 hour rotating day and night shifts Positions require clean criminal record, ability to read and understand English, frequent to repetitive lifting of 30+lbs., & standing fore-12 hours. Apply at; MockBVllle Employment Security Commission Thursday, December 4,03 1:30 pm-4;00 pm or Conlact Temporary Resources at below address for additional times, •‘Bring 2 forms of Idenlihcatlon to Interview***SE HADLA ESPAÑOL, LLAME HOY Temporary Resources, Inc. Leadership in Staffing 336-896-1000 7748 North Point Blvd, Winslon-Salem w w w . y o r k a u c t i o i i . c o n i A U C T I O N Saturday, Nov. 29,2003 @ 10amtlw aid luimcfiUu c ofP aul H. S troud - oslaie (deceasod) andAlleen R. Stroud by P.O.A. 4070 U.S. Hwy. 64 W.***Mocksville, NC(annero/Diivic Л lirdfll Cinmty) Dirceiiiin.s: ibciwcon Mocks\'illo, NC aiut SlnlcsviHc, NC') olTl-*)!) exit ll\(>2 (Ilwy. 64 Л Cuoi S|)rings exit), lukc Ilwy. 64 1-nst lownrd Mocksviiic. NC tor 1 \I2 miles lo tho Stroml's homeplncc. ANTIQUES & PERSONAL PROPERTY early Rowan Co. Wai, Corner Cupboard (20 pane, 98" lail), nice 10 pc, Ivlahog. Dlnino Room Sulle, Oak High CliesI (relinished), Oak Dresser w/ mirror (ref.), solid Cherry Chest ol Drawers by Bryn Mawr, early Wai. Table, Posler Rope Bed (rel.), Wai. Vici, East Lai(e Dresser w/mlrror (rei.), 3 pc. Clierry old Parlor Suile (rel.), Mahog. Sola (eagle carved back w/horn ol plenty arms), Wai, 2 drawers Spool Cabinel Table (rel.), Wai, Viet, Rd, Lamp Table circa I960's, Meal Chest, 2 Cedar Blanket Chest, Dep. Era High Chesi, Oak Hal Tree, 2 Parlor Chairs (rel,). Stools, 4 pc. White Oak Bedroom suite, J pc. Bedroom Suile, High Chest by Slyle Mark, Uph, Rockers, Vinyl Sola & Chairs, modern Wooden Breaklasi Suite, Acorn Posler Maple Bed, Maple High Chosl, Singer Sewing Mach, in Wai, Cabinet, Small G.E, Chest Freezer, HolpoinI Dtyer CLOCKS Cherry Grandlather Clock by Herschedo, old Sessions Oak Mantle Clock, Black Forest Cuckoo Clock SMALLS & COLLECTIBLES 2 Indian Baskets, “That Good Gull Gasoline" Pump Globe, Aiaddin Wall Hanging Lamp, mod, 0, 5 gal, Calawba V, Storage Jai (cracked). Pottery, 2 Oak Frames & Mirrors (rel.), straight sided Coca-Cola Bollle (Greensboro, NC), wooden Shaket slyle Bucket, Sq, Trunks, nice Country Quilts, 10 Boopie Waler Glasses (Forest Green), Forest Green Water Pitcher & Ice Creams, 8 pl. Warwick China, Royal Holland Pewter Tea Set, Virginia Rose Pcs., Tea Pitcher (C.FH.), Peach Cookie Jar, Garrett's gal. Jar, Glassware, pr. Small McCoy Rose Planters, pt. Lane & Co. Planters, other Planters, Wooden Rocker & Chairs, Kitchenware, I7ql, Canner Many Other ltems*“Lunch Avallable***Restroom Y O R K A U C r r J O N & R E A U T Y 356 I'ox Hunter Ucl,, Harmony, N,C, 28634 704-546-2696 office or 704-929-9311 cell ncal#74 sincc 1‘AS“; som e- It'S “ . , inswumcnt, btoub life by ^;^f“=^"''‘' of the spoken umciue in the se«c th pet ormancc ep^ce of perfect ^,'ùoìnte .od •>‘'^‘“" | ;;S e ia n s V.Uc Doe n\icc to heat legcn^^O Vivc theatre \%tson or Mike C w « ° „Ц cat! almost Га.пее. With seats so dos > touehthepcrform erb.ll^^^^^^j,.^ .,e, Davie C o i m t y А И § С о ш с П b p o c K P e r f o r m in g A r t s C e n t e r % t W h a t e x a c t l y d o e s t h e A r t s С о и п щ Ш ! o r D a v i e C o n n t v P vvorci,petf»'"'- ;';^,,r,,sttim eo r.^ , shaWmB vo.ee or ^ s T in g ib r l.th in g ^ 2 touehes Н!!ЕаИ--”t f«bnc of o«^ ,,«Co«ncil/.t.s the O'"'-; to expand nna out mission nncl r • ^„^„unity thtough enlighten our cultt ptovide • Since 1975- th . „ ^v in g n n c l i t s « * ' ' ” ” *'’” * ’''“'“ “ , event a Arts Council is truly The Davie Couni) but ginnt in V^cn ; ^ i,ation,'rhe Arts^sat^on-ptofitor^, fQ Council belongs to * c f.^d.ng County nncl to sustnin „ C b o t h l n c U v t d ^ ^ i,, opcrntions « " 2 i , o p i e nnture of to thc generous p strengthen ^,ur community-. NV . ^ , «en entettatnets to county for a few motv^ent an ,vith bring-. ,„ nV ic County A“ s ■Council staff, I'fI ■( Ч I'v'*-■ ' • ,.v ■ ■ ■ 1 I v‘'*i Coming Soon t o t h e B r o c k P e r f o r m in g A r t s C e n t e r ' ' , ' ' r I i ' v i Cm* ' '' V / ■ , ' "VtV i > '■ 't I ’, r* h M l (-'pjfil I 1/ I*’" ì ì \ ì E d u c a tin g o v e r4 5 D O b h ild r e n e v e ry y e a r Tlie 2003 Budget for Arts In Education, 50,000 .. .seeing a student луИо Is reluctant 0 write anything be turned on to poetry... irlccless. U’s not an advertisement. It’s one of the mazing experiences awillable for over 4500 students In le Davie County Schools each year. Tlie Davic Coimty Arts Council provides broad a.sed arts-related programs to the schools on an ngoing basis, supplementing every aspect of students' ves. As the Arts In Education Program Manager, Shanda mitli explains,"We aren’t going Into thc schools tp ave students draw pictures. Our programs reach into lieir literature, science, history classes; as well ¡is deal- /1th issues of peer pressure." Smith meet's regularly with the DCAC programming ommlttec and a group of teachcrs from all grade levels a asse.ss what programs will most beneflt the lesson Ians for tliat grade level. Scheduled professional erformances are seen as an opportunity to tie school urriciilum to art experiences. “Since we have the group here alreiidy, we try to ее what they can do for our students as well, tlirough lasters classes.” Smith said. For example, during the S'inston Salem Symphony’s week of residency, each of tie four enseiTibles (wind, brass, percussion and strings) lade separate visits to every 2'"' and 3rd grade in the end of the week, nil of those students to llie Brock where they were treated to a зу thc entire symphony, .something many lid never experience without the DCAC. illllp Shabazz, provides one of our most 1 programs, at the middle and high school ^'liere is something magical about this non- unal teacher. "Hc really just brings it [the I out of them," said Snilth.Trlna Jackson, a ¡rade teacher at North Davie relies on this am. "Mr. Shabazz’s poetry has becomc an ortant part of my 7th grade hmguagc arts s." A hip-hop dance group,“Fly", came this with a powerful anti-drug message for the ]le schools. Many teachers reported that n. program made more impact than a emester of teacliing from a book, f programs this season include; Lazer tience program exploring energy and lorks, Shakespeare experience for the high '.msactors Improv,a class for advanced Its at DUS, P r o g r a m m in g fe r th e p e o p le “If you build It they will comc.” ■ '„ 'ü ; •' I, ' ¡ I f ‘ . ......:...................s ; - ;............. V o lu n te e r s m a k e it h a p p e n There is no way that the Davie Coumy Arts Council could do all thal It docs without the volunteers that make It all happen. The staff of three is multiplied many times when you consider that we rely on our volunteers to send out mailings, set up and clean up events, usher performances, serve on planning comniittees and take part in community theiitre. Volunteers serve on the board of directors and help raise funds at our major yearly events the gaht and thc fashion show. Currently the DCAC has about 75 loyal volunteers, ranging from retirees to middle school students. No matter how much time you can commit, or what skills you have, the DC/\C can find a way ro help you help the community through thc arts. .Maybe you are a homemaker and want to get out a few hours each week to be with other people, or maybe you are a construction worker and can give some of your time to help build a set. We'll put any talent to work from envelope stuffing to technical theatre and many in between. Our need for volunteers for Oklahoma! Is critical.The entire production is volunteer driven, including costumers, set builders, running crew members, designers and of course the actor.s. To get involved in any a.spect of the arts, please contacl Shanda Smlth,Volunteer Coordinator, at 751-3112 or ssmltiiOdiivieans.org. Tile Davle County Arts Council’s Programming Committee wants to know just exactly who or what you would like to experience at Tiie lirock. From now until January 30th, we are asking folks to e-mail their programming suggestions to lward@davicarts.org. If we use your suggestion, we will send you a Special thank-you gift for your time and great idea. Request workshops; plays for community theatre, music from bluegrass to beach, ballet to blues. We need to he:ir from you. H o w c a n y o u k e e p th e a r ts In D a v ie C o u n ty a liv e Year after year we receive tons of publicity kits. We have CD's and tapes of prospective performers from around the county to book Into The Brock, but we need to know specifically what would make you buy a ticket. Please take time and send us your ideas. Remember that our theatre only holds 483 people. (U’s not like you'll be seeing KISS or Wayne Newton here anytime soon.) Why drive to a bigger city when you can see great talent right in your own town? Please, help us make our 2004-2005 season a smashing success. On Saturday, February 7,2004, The Davie County Arts Council kicks off its annual fund drive with a dazzling evening of music and comedy. SpringerTheatre will be ||eir^{^^liig iqt fiimlly and friends?' l|m hapi^oii would rather work " i scenes building Sets, ' fighting? stop ifj&aiitjlng iibd^^^ it.Heeome a part , p l^ JD avlc County Arts CouijcU:' |fc#^ti!i|i^ty,The«rcl p ffiw ii invite you to fome |lp|)yriiui5 e the energy, ejtcltcmcnt Mnii ,ftm that 1.1 nt the very heart . fjOf comnninity thcatrc.Wc need 'vnumcrous volunteers and actcf ' ■'. lovç to hav« ÿiju'^d .your enthusiasm. C<)ijimiJnlty- ' theati« Is the pçrfe'ct placé 'for \ ftimlllcs to share In spmethlnV '' together thut will ln'si a lifetime,' ' There is .1 paying In the / theatrc;“All wc ijcei| is the heart.” Aiid you are thc'heart|Juii,«s a church irnot only tlie building but ■ also tlie congregation. The same can be said about the,the»tre.The : Drqc|{ iWbrmIng Arts Center b not complete, wltliotit the people . ' thut make it all happen. here with a perfori 66. Feuturing music and 60's, we Invite honey, come as an evening lane. TJ enl' at light and ;e a look ^i nostalgically along ‘America's 30 for wann jips an4,'pflpe!:vii;<?ijii|ii C/iU liacks wlU beT\»e?day, JaniijwVf ^0 from 7 Pijki: 9 PM,•'We j)tefcr : that,you haveja song preparejl , - please bring sheet music fpr, . _ thc «ccorapanist;’TWs Is hot ^ ' iequlretl,but you will be Wlted sing something,' anyone who is lnfetestecl^i>'actliig| i. singing, or dancing^Wn; are 16okin||3 to cast experieJiced dancers V specifically for the Dream Billliet ¿ j ......... Sequence, AU interestetl personaif/^ '^rts Council Goodie llag. Please ' are urged to audition. ‘ ' <'} help keep the arts alive and well in ............................ . . .— ----Davie County Tickets are $20.00 and Include , a public art show and lance. looking for "THE IRISTMAS GlITTHAT FIT ANYONE," make a donation to The Davie County Arts Council In the name of your friends and family. Each contribution of $20.00 or more will purchase a special card with 2 tickets to Molasses Creek and an 622 N. Main Street • www.daviearts.org • 1336) 751-3606 -€, D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - D I S a n t a S h o p s D a v i e J o i n t h e E n t e r p r i s e R e c o r d “ E l v e s ” a s t h e y m a k e t h e i r a n n x i a l j a u n t a r o u n d D a v i e C o u n t y w i t h g o o d o l d S a n t a C l a u s . S a n t a h a d h i s l i s t i n h a n d a s h e v i s i t e d w i t h b u s i n e s s e s a l l a r o u n d t h e c o u n t y a n d h e h a s f o u n d s o m e g r e a t s h o p p i n g i d e a s f o r y o u . S a n ta C la u s s h o p s D a v ie C o u n t y a n d s o s h o u ld y o u ! Ablest Staffing A Child's Wprrd .li ;:v ,: i Advance CHristiVias^Parade All-American Ford Mercury Autumn Cqr^ , ‘ Bank of The Caro inas BB&T Gaither St. BB&T Willow Oak) Bonanza Mobile Homes Buck's Pizza , Carolina Computer Supply Caudell Lumber < ' , CCB^ : \ , Counter Point Musif . ' ‘ - Dar^ief Furliitu^e & Eléètric Co, ' ' L di S Grocery Davie CpuHity' Enterdrise'Record . Mocksville Sh<Davie Cpuhty l^nterdrise'R^cord Davie Family YMCA Davie Medical Equipment Davie Supply Co. EnergyUnited ,' Formac Automotive Foster's Jev^el(^i^s',' < j f Ketchie Creek JSakery L di S Grocery Mocksville Shoe Shop ' Premier Carolina Properties Shores Plumbirig & Heating State Farm Ins.-Darryl Bandy UPS Store ) Wal-Mart , W^stside Dodge • . Williams Furniture Woodworks Gallery r 1 )2 - D A V I l i C O U N 1 Л ’ K N T K R I ’ R I S K U K C O K I ) , N o v . 2 7 . 2 ()()3 D A V I K C O U N T Y K N r K R I ’ R I S K K K C O K I ) , N o v . 2 7 , 2 ( 1 0 3 - D 3 S a n t a S h o p p i n g i n D a v i e C o u n t y J u d y Chimcllei- of the Advance Fire Departnienl Ladies Auxiliary shows Santa sonic of the many stuffed animals to he given away at the ADVANCE CHRISTM AS i’ARADE. Juday am! Santa want every kid attending the parade to have a free stuffed animal to take home. The annual jiarade will take place on Saturday. Deceniiier 13th at l();()() a.m. in downtown Advance. A d v a n c e C h r i s t m a s P a r a d e Saturday, December 13th • 10 am .Si:i(\i.N(i i\I()CKs\'ii.i.i; Л I)AVtn CotJivrv i'ok OvKit SO Уклич m Nordi iVIiiiii Slrcet, Mocksviile, NC • 751-2737 A V hen Sant a slopped in for a visit at Autumn Care il large group came out to greet him. Among them were: Ann Barney, Dorothy Ovcrcash, Margie Rallcdge, Clevie Jones, Annie Murph, Thelma Mauldin, Mary Byerly, Betty Owens, Hana Bare, Lillian Cane, Dara Hewitt, Margarcl Lesser, and .lcssie Howell. Even Ihe Aulumn Carc mascot, Duke, camc oul lo see our jolly elf. Duke is owned by business manager, Ciiitly Turk. A U T U M N C A R E o f M o c k s v iile 1007 How ard Street • Mocksviile, NC (336) 751-3535 CaroCina \ Com puter SuppCy 23 Court Square Downtown M ocksvilie (336) 751-5262 ЫХ’ >anta thanks Mary Wilson for a cup of hot chocolate and II chicken tornado, a perfect snack for a chilly day. Santa and his elves all enjoy Ihe cappochino and latte now available al Horn’s E.xpress //1. H O W A R D R E A L T Y ,'?3() ,S. .Saiisiiui-y .Stfcct Mocksvillc, NC (336) 751-3538 J/C o u n t e r P o in t M u s ic 50 Court Square, Downtown Mocksvilie 336-7 5 1 -9 3 9 0 H o r n ’s E x p r e s s # 1 305 S alisbury St. at Hwy. 601 M ocksviile 751-7676 iJan ta visited wilh BB&T al W illow Oaks Shopping Ccnler to make a deposit to his account, Wilh all the Christmas shopping he’s done lately he wants to be sine his account is well funded. X B B & T You can tell we want your business. W illow Oak Shopping Center, M ocksviile, N C • 751-5956 1 ) 4 - D A V I K C O U N T Y K N T K R P R I S K R K C O R D . N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3 S a n t a S h o p p i n g WAL-MART S q u ire B o o n e P la z a • Y a d k in v ille R d., M o c k s v ille , N C 7 5 1 -1 2 6 6 B a n k o f T h e C a r o l i n a s T w o D a v i e C o u n t y L o c a t i o n s T o S e r v e Y o u 135 Boxwood Villiige Drive. Mocksville • 751-3755 350 NC 1 Iwy. 801 S.. Aclviincc • 998-1003 D A V I K C O U N r v K N T K R I ’ R I S K R K C O R D , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - D f I N D a v i e C o u n t y i00i>%0Ku'<uLim!185 N. Main Street, Mocksvillc (336) 751-1001 T h e U P S S t o r e 8 1 0 V a lle y R o a d • M o c k s v ille , N C (B e h in d K a tc h le C re e k , b e s id e B i-L o ) ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 1 - 9 9 9 0 D f ) - D A \ I M C O U N T Y K N T K R P R I S E R E C O R D , N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3 S a n t a S h o p p i n g f"' S T A B I у * ! . # N o rn iiin Forest of Forniac Automotive ktiows Santa has a busy schedule and can’t be lield up by repairs. So when tiie sleigh needs ii tune-up Santii heads lo l^oniiac, 'I'he A,S.E, Certified technicians get Santa up and running again in no time at all. And if Santa needs some ground transportation tliey ulso offer used cars for sale. FORMAC АиТОМОЛ VE 1484 US Hwy. 64 W est, M ocksviile (336) 751-3372 W l ,hen Santa needs a few extra helpers for his minute chores, he aluays visits Kathy Whitman ii Ablest Slafling Services, Kathy makes sure tlie Jolly Old BIT has the right help when he needs it. She can even place workers at the North Pole, Without Kathy’s help, and the help of her specially chosen eir-hclpers, Christmas would not be the same. jm B L E S l STAFFING SERVICES 93У Yadkinville Roail. Mocksvilie, NC 27028 (336) 751-4414 Ketctie Creek 844 Valley Rd. Mocksviile, NC 751-9147 D a v i e S u p p l y C o . 1469 North Main St., Mocksviile, NC (336) 751-2859 D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 - D 7 I N D a v i e C o u n t y 1 Ljanta dropped by the Davie Family Y M C A to discuss details for his upcoming B R E A K F A S T W IT H S A N TA , The event will be held on Saturday, D cccm bcr 6th, 2003 at the Y M C A between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Children will have breakfast with Santa and will be making a craft with Santa’s elves! These children were lucky to meet the Jolly Old Elf, They can spend even more time with Santa if they join him for the Breakfast, (M inimal fee for Non-Members) D a v i e F a m i l y Y I V I C A 214 C em etery St., M ocksviile 336-751-9622 Ih'Ofilc Rcnch Their God Given Poh'ntinI /» AIimi/ unil lUuh/ 1 _ #•1 Г ‘ p. Ч .' ’ STATE FARM INSURANCE^ State F a r m I n su ran ce Darryl Bandy, Agent 5248 US Hwy, 158 Advance, NC (336) 940-2302 ' hat would Christmas Eve be without a Blizzard”? Santa knows the best placc in Davie County to find a Blizzard* all year ‘round is Dairy Queen in Hillsdale. And if he and the elves are really hungry. Dairy Queen has great sandwiches and salads for lunch and dinner! ^ D a i r i i Q u e e n 5286 US Hwy. 158 Advance, NC (336) 940-2438 m (ittle Kaleb Dodson is the newest addition to the Shores I^lumbing and Heating family. Here Santa meets Kaleb for the lirst time. Although Kaleb is still too young to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas we can trusl Santa’s years of experience lo help him come up wilh the perfect gift. S h o r e s P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Richard Shores - Owner 1485 N orth M ain St,, M ocksvilie • 751-5653 1)8 - DAVIK COUNTY KNTKRPRISK RKCORD, Nov. 27, 2003 ii.vV . , S a n t a S h o p p i n g H o r n ’ s E x p r e s s # 2 Hwy. 601 Soulh, in front of Food Lion • tVlocl<sville 751-5789 D a n ie l F u r n it u r e & E le c tric Co., In c * 84S South Main Sired • Mocksville, NC 336-751-24‘>2 • 336-75 l-3i)75 C o u r t e o u s , D e p e n d a b l e S e r v ic e f o r o v e r 6 0 Y e a r s M ocksville Shoe Shop S h o e , B o o t a n d T a c k R e p a ir s N O W S E L L I N G B O O T S ! 52 Court Sciuare, M(X'ksville, NC (below the Natural Health Shoppe) ( 3 3 6 ) 7 5 3 - 0 9 4 2 L & S G r o c e r y IS78 NC l lwy. 801 South • Advance, NC • (336) 998-7347 H i l l s d a l e D e n t a l F a m il y a n d C o s m e t ic G e n e r a l D e n t is t r y 135 Medical Drive, Advance, NC ph. 998-2427 CCB Central Carolina Bank 4 Davie County Locations to Serve You! 175,000’ '•lil'"'-\'‘5) < I /......ijj H e y look at all the helper.s Santa ha.s this year! All-Amcncan is collecting toys Ibr Kiinl)crlv’.s Kids this year. Unopened, iuiwrapi)ed toys may be dropped olT in their showroom from now 'til December 16th to help underprivileged children in North Carolina. The gang at All-American Ford also tell Santa this new truck would be much better than a sleigh but Santa isn’t sure he’s ready to go with “non-reindeer” power. Santa will be available for special Santa Photos at All- American on Saturday, December 13th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Plan now to bring the kids and Join in this I'un event. MERCURY H w y . 6 0 1 J u s t s o u th o f 1-40 * IV Io cks ville, N C (336) 751-2161 C pu c k ’s P iz z a TM Salisbury Road, Mocksville (beside Movie Gallery across from Lee Jeans) CALL 751-0409 1 )1 (1 - D A N I K C O L I N Г\ ' K N I K R I ' R I S I C R K C O R l ) . N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 S a n t a S h o p p i n g i n D a v i e C o u n t y Íií“t ... D A V I E C O U N T Y K N T K R I ’ R I S K R K C O R D , N o v . 2 7 . 2 0 0 3 - D l l t',1 i JJ ' ^!дал. iPi issoíc»; ш Ш ц te M i I,« . д а ' líi.íií ■ i'- ¿ г ь -‘ г- Г Г ^ ' 1 г;? Д п т ;! is rcílily proiul o l'llif s liilí ¡il Cíuiilcll Liim hcr, liecmisc liicy ¡irc yiviiit: iiway the iiiiucsi Cl)ristm;is Slocking in D;ivie County! A nil remember. Cm iilell has the perfeci g ill I'or Ihe home hiiiKiyman or do- il-yoiirsell'er in yoiu' family. Slop in today to гсд1.ч1сг I'or the G innt Cliri.stiiiii.s Stocking (ilvcm viiy! V, A (■* A he entire “ fam ily" at Davic M cdical Equipment is so pleased that Santa camc to meet young Nathan M cM illan. W hile Nathan is still young and spry, sometimes Santa appreciates the m otorized scootcrs. wheel chairs, walkers, canes and other medical aids available at Davie M edical liquipm ent. - Л ’*''.'’' . ’> hbi.. santa was really tired by the time hc got to W illiam s Furniture so he decided to rest on a new Craftmasler Doro Suede sofa. Santa found some great buys on framed prints while he relaxed, Lay-away now Ibr Christmas at W illiam s fiirn iture . Caudell Lumber and Building Supplies 162 Sheek Street, Mocksville • 751-2167 D a v ie M e d ic a l E q u ip m e n t Hwy. 601 S., M ocksvillc. NC • (336) 751-4288 Williams Furniture 279 North Main Street, Mocksville (336) 751-4893 Open Wed.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. J ■ШЛ У S a n ta has finally found .something faster than his sleigh...and much sportier! George Craven shows Santa Ihe sleek and powerful Chrysler Crossfire at Westside Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep, The Crossfire, and all Ihe CDJ 2004 models are now available at Westside. W hat a Christmas g ift this sports car w ould be! ^ rC H R Y U E R /D D D G E /J E E P ; 157 W. Depot St. Mocl<sville, NC (338) 751-5948 E v e n at the North Pole Santa can Iind out all the news in Davie Counly by going online to www.cm erprise-record.com . It’s 13avie C ounty’s link lo the world. D A V I E C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/i^ECORD 171 South Main St., Mocksville, NC • (336) 751-2129 www.enterprise-record.com D 1 2 . D A V I E C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I S E R E C O R D , T h u r s d a y , N o v . 2 7 , 2 0 ( 1 3 Allstate Insurance Mark Jones & Steve Ridenhour 300 S, Main Slrccl, Mocksviile 336-75I-0069 CloscdTlimtlay & Friàx B B & T ll90Éb(rS№K(,Motiaiiìl)( m s m \ W n9fO*iSli(|fi(yCMa,N№ inc m -m m C hxillm h^Oij C C B )4IWi(otSiNe(,M(Klt»inc m -m m IIOY«MinneRoid,M9clniine m im \ CtnkonK Sbmhu CMtrW 1' 1 HI« P W’in V VT11VV jU6IUSH«y,l)S.A(h«K« 3X-940-2420 MtnberrofC D avie C oonty Eoterprise<R ecoFd mS№iiiSae((,Mod»>illc 336-7JI-2I29 Oatilhaik^Dij D iv leD isco an t D rugs OmlNnmSiOfpi^CeMer CbolNnW^ V V VIIIV V v m - m D avie M edical E quipm ent 9J9Siliilig(;Rl,Mocitflill( J36.73I-4288 CM 7)knbjhii(;a)^ OjpwWliiy E ato n fu n e ra l Service, Inc, 32}N.Mii(iSaw,Mocb\ille m-m m F oster D rag Co, 49}\U)eyRoKl,ModiiTi№ m m m Ofin M 21 lOm-l ¡m, T o o o f t e n i n t h e r u s h o f b u s in e s s w e f a i l t o s a y “ t h a n k y o u ’ ' h u d e n o u ^ f o r a l l t o h e a r , b u t y o u c a n h e s u r e y o u r p a t r o n a g e i s n e v e r t a k e n f o r g n m t e d . W e , t h e b u s i n e s s e s a n d t n d u s t r i e s i n D a v i e C o u n t y , w i s h p e a c e a n d j o y f o r e a c h t a b l e t h i s T h a n k s ^ v i n g D a y W e a r e t h a n k f i d t o b e i n t h i s G o d l y l a n d . . . o u r h o m e . . . D a v i e C o u n t y . G en e’s A uto Sales 2131 us Hwy 60! s., Mocksville 336-284^252 Clostdlhi^gM ngD of G D S/D avie D ivision 131 Industrial Blvd., Mocksvilie 336-75Ì-I58J Office Clostd IkiAsiM ngDay MMol Pick Vps on Rtgular Schedile H o rn ’s E xpress I I 266 S,S«lisbuiyS№ct, Mocksville 336-75I-7676 Open naihglviiig Day H o rn ’s E xpress 12 144! Hwy. 601 s., Mocksvilie 336-751-5789 Open M ag ivln g Day H o rn ’s A u to /Ih ic ic P ta z a 1670 us Hwy 601 N„ Mocksviile 336-75Ì-38I5 OpenTkiAsgtvingDay K etchie C reei(B al(ery 844 \^ieyRd.,Mocksville 336-75Ì-9I47 Closed HmksgMng Day M iller’s R e stau ran t 710 Wilkesboro Sireel, Mocksville 336-75I-262I CloseilTliwisgimgDii)' Mocksville Tire & Automotive 962 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville 336-75I-6115 ChseilJImlisgiivig Day State Farm Insurance Greg Morris 346 S, Salisbury Streel, Mocksvillc 336-751-5908 CloseilTkiiksgimg Day Open Friday, S;S0am-5pm Wal-Mart 336-751-1266 Closed Tliaiiksgimg Day Reopen 6um Friday for a HUGE Sale Pi-KASK T a k k E x t r a C a r e a s y o u T r a v e l T h is T h a n k s (;iv in (;.