07-JulyDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, June 26,1997 Davie Dateline Saturday, June 28 Car Wash & Yinl Sak, Bear Cm k Rap- Ibl Church, 9 ani.-1 p.tn. To help ypiiiU go oiirelreal toCaswvIl BapciM Assemble in bii? July. Saturday, July 12 Breakrasit Smilh Grove Melhodist Chiuxh.U.S.138w«iofM«k!5villc.8am. Religion Sunday, June 29 Outdoor Sen ice, Ealom ttupllst Church. 11 a.ni. Casual ilrvss. Brinj* lawn cluiirs. Sjxx’iiil gijcsis: Carter F;unily. llatiiburgcr/ itot dog atokwii. All vvvIcuiik*. Uixx'k CtTAix unless mncd ailKrwisc. Thursday, June 26 Sr.Ci'nUrHcullh&WdliH'ViCommitlra MctllnR. Rose R(x>ni. \ 1 u,m. Senior Chonu. lyist Rixini. 3 p.m. Friday, June 27 Wood«urkin|; Cla«. Craft Rix^m. 8:3t)- li;.10a.m. Bridge, lusi Rixnii, 2-5 p.m. Monday, June 30 Fil n' Lite, Rose Rwm. 11 am.-i«xm. Ongoing Silver Siridcri. Hnx'k Gym. 6:3l)-9 a m.. I, Cooloenwc School, 6-8 Nton.~rri. Sihtr Sirid a.m. SU>er Slridetx Smith Cmw Gym. 6-Ka.in. YVEDDI Senior Nuintlon lunch, noon M* W. II a.m.Tliuns.&Fri, CliuirFAMtlMs.MWI-,ScniofCcnter,8:30. 9a.iti. R eport D avie D ateline Item s B y N o on M o n day Ilenu for Datle Dateline should be rcponcd by noon Mowby of thc publication week. Call6.‘M-2l20ordropitbyilH:omcc,S.M:iin Sl, acnws from llw counlKXisc. THE DAVIE COU NTY HERITAGE B O O K CO M M IT T EE will meet Monday, June 30 at 6:30 pm at the Western Steer in Mocluville. Members, guests and the public are cordially invited to attend! Senior Cilizms Day flV TUESDAY H /r) ONALL w /%/ O i l m e rc h a n d is e (E xcept Sale & N et Item s) Town & Country H ardw are 642WllteboroSt., Mocksville, NC 704.434-1414 Reunions Sunday, June 29 Annual RldenhourReunion. Ridenhour Arbor in Cooleemee. Covered dish dinner. I p.m. Special Events_____ July2,9&16 l^in‘nt<(Mnniin]tOut, Uixby Presb)teriiui Church. Ailv;ina*. 9:45 a.in.-not)n. i^jr inft» Of to KgiMcr, call Friday, Juiy 4 S>7nphony in Ihe Park & Fireworks fea­ turing ilx* U’instnn-Siilcm i’iedniont Triiid Syn^jthtwy. Rich ftuk. G;«csitpcn irt 6 p,in. Old'fashioiK'd fumity gaiiK's 6:30 p.m. Mu* sic.7:30p.m. Spimstircd by Mix'ksvilleSaV' ings H;uik & tlw Davic Coumy Acts Cixincil. Admission: S.Vadult. Senior citizens - buy one, get one free. Children 12 tt iimler, frvx*. Meetings Saturday, June 28 Davie County Republkun Men's Federu- Ikin, F&F Barbecue, 7:30 am. Ongoing AkohoUo Anonjmous, Sundays. 6 p.m. and Wednesdays. 8 p.m., Stvond Presbyic- rian Chureh ba.semcnt. Pine St. Call 634- 1490 or 634-7786 forinfo. The Artlsl Group, Davic Coumy Library, 7 p.m. last Tues. Fbr info, call Donnie at 998' 5274. Cooteemee Town Board, 3ni Tuesday, Town Hall. 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted. North Cooleemee and Cbri( Road Coun­ cU, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Bap­ tist Fellowship Hall. Duvie Domestic Vk)lence Ser>1ccs. Sup­ port gnxjps for victimsof domestic violence. Sessions free, confidential. Tuesdays, 6 p.m. DDVS Office in Davie County Coun- house.634-3450. Family Vk>lmce Prevmlion Services of Davie County. Free counseling for victims of viokncc and their cWlJren. Expcricnctd professionals, separate groups. Mondays. 6- 7:30 p.m.First United Methodist Church of Mocksvillc. Call 1-800-728-J4I3. Davie Coumy School Bus Driven Asso- dalton, 2ndTliurs., 7 p.m. Davic County Sr. Ccntcr. Brock Bldg. Contented Шкеп AssociiUk)n, Foothills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday, Western Steer, U.S. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Public welcome. Seniors ^ o u n f C k if J n n à J ü ta rn ittf C e n ltrm-ut. к Is accepting Fall E nrollm ent for Twos, Threes and F( g (704)634-7118 Сi l H.C.rnu*iutìatleP SUNSHINE UNE Ansmn to your opta fOvmifflMt цшИом ORTHODONTICS Dr, N .J. Penna • Dmird Eligible » fil.ilo-Of«Tho-Ar !mnpinp Availnble For All Pnlienls Pntlents Visualtze Their Tw.ilmcnt Objectives/Optiorw • Frw lmli.ll CotASuUiition • S.itiir^1ay & Kvenins Hours Av.ilLiblc For Your ConvonloncL» • Childrvn & Adults J WIIUAM SMITH KIRK, D.D.S., P.A NICHOLAS JAMES PENNA. D.D.S., P.A. ★ Ffi'xiNi' FiiMticiiijf For Eivry Fitmily ★ 1819 Brenner Avenue (ne.ir the V. A. hospit.il) S.disbur)’,NC28I44'25I9 Telephone; (TIM) 633-5942 F.ic5imile: (7W) 639-0237 FAMILYFun-Cenler -A- t l I 1380Hwy.601N.Aitmekey MocKsvine,Nc PoolTabls 634-4692 M ini Golf Б Game Room FAMILYfun-Center 'A Family Place ** POPCORN * * DRINKS * Birthday Paitlet $2.00 per chill to NewcAmj: f l r ISHoln etmKtm IS C M * T o k tn v . S f o r t I . O O I BNEmEEGMIEOFSOlH |». ‘Chureh Oroups - SpeeisI Rates ' OPEN: Friday - Saturday at 3:00 pm and Surrdays at 1:30 pm S E A R S r M OCKSVILLE, NC ALL ON SALE! A U H O M E A P P L IA H C E S & H O i E C T R O N IC S Call 634-061 \ for more info. Location is Marie’s Fiorisi V < > 7 6 6 - 4 6 5 1 ÿ E lm o r e ’» ^ |<ìrocery6rServtee| G O IN G O U T O F B U S I N E S S s a l e ! C lo t0 o u t- M M ^ 1 O O Craftsman 155-HP,42-in.'tMinlnGlor ^ with turbo cooled Platinum engine and .6-speed fender shifting. 2S8S2/802 «ad» npulr* torn O w rHKlandO p«ratKlby willow Oak Shopping Ctntor Mon-Frl 9.7« Sat Sun 12-5^ David A C arol POVMII (704)634.S9M VOU CAN COUNT ON lim П(1МЛ«МШ1«М M VOUR MONIV MCK МЮПМТСММТТЕШМ. SMtUi,d«.>M«lrat«RMk«>MlrKluMhnieMhh...................■ itUltiH..................................Sam u.. ----~ __________________________ |гвй№|им.0иМ1т т 1ийМ.Ьмс>«1«и tun le «к cur им мисМ I* №К t(tien - Mm сгМ 1тн «M>l Mw 0% йтпп - ^ ^ DC, МО. Ш- OI997$w»,tat>iUindCe. к>«мЫеМ1гвя^|л ИйМ «dm uMrtWvcn я ' 4 т a n a W ill ri 11 п е л SFRIGIDAIRE “ The atore you know ia now eloae to home! The VlalOf Life M edical Information Program Begins P a g e s The 'Cool' Pool Wlien The Temperature Rises, Area Children Take The Plunge In Town Swimming Pool, P ag e4 D A V IE C O U N T Y 80Ф ENTERPRI/^ECORD USPS 149-160 Thurwfay.Jubr 3.1997 Ashton and Lewis Swicegood have their flags ready to show their patriotism at the Fourth ol July Symphony In the Park celebration Friday night. - Photo by RoMn Fwrgimon Symphony In The Paik - Rrewori(s • Highlight Mocksville 4№ ^Jeum e Houpe ibavie County Enleipiise Record : ■ Most of tliem can't remember when it started, but they are certain it's a tradition tliey warn to continue. >; ;"We try to go eveiy year," said BiU piiniibell,wliosefamilyis among die many Ctavie families attending Symphony in the Paft every July. ■ ■I'lVs the one lime that people in the conununity come together ani seem lo be relaxed. It's nice to be pait of something that's still patriotic," he said. A number of area residents have at­ tended Ihe event since the first year the Winslon-Salem PiedmonlTriadSymphony performedits patriotic conceit al Rich Pailc. "We like the music and seeing the kids match around with Miss Libeity,” said Elizabeth Swicegood, who attends every year with her husband, Kyle, and his par­ ents, Jeny and Judy. This will be the fouith Symphony in the Park for Elizabeth and Kyle’s 3-year-old son Lewis. He heard the music for the first lime when he was just a week okL This year he'll probably be righl behind his 4-year-old sister Ashton in pursuit of Miss Libeity, as she leads the children in marches to the music. Sometimes they take fnends, an^ some­ times Ihey picnic, bul die Swicegoods al­ ways make an effoit to keep up the tradi­ tion. Pat Campbell said her family staited going to the event because they enjoyed die snong American music by composers like Copland, Ciershwin and Sousa. She especially enjoyed the year lhal a community chonisp^onnedwididiesym- phony. "It's a good feeling lo watch the sunset and listen lo dial music. Ii makes you feel like dvre's still hope for die fiiture,” BiU said. Tolmnthepo|iulaiity ofthe event proves diat the communily stiU has good beliefs andmorals. "Ii'sjustalimedialdiecommu- nity comes together to enjoy ftiendship, Pkne See ilm roita - P»|e 4 CoPrindpals Are Named F6rS.Davie C r e n s h a w S c h o o ls ' G e n e ra l S u p e r v is o r / By JeanneHoupe Davie County Enterprise Record The Davie County Board of Education made hisloiy Monday bynamingco-princlpalsalaschool for thc first time. The board voted lo transfer BiU Campbell, who has been principal al Mocksville Middle School for ' 10 years, lo South Davie Middle' School, where he will work be­ side current principal Robert Landiy. The philosophy of co-princi- pals has been acoepled in Nonh Carolina for yean, according lo Superintendent Dr. BiU Steed. "II is ideal when you find two petóle who are extremely com­ patible K^dier," he said. Campbell will bring a number of strengths to Ihe new position, including public relations skills, Ihe ability lo work well with par­ ents and experience wiUi excep­ tional children's programs, Steed said. In most co-principal situations, one principal focuses on adminis- trativedutieswhUedieolherwofks on curriculum, assisting one an­ other in all areas. There wiU be no assistant principal, he explained. Soulh Davie's current assistant principal. Palsy Crenshaw, wUI move to dw C«nmd Office to fill the position of general supervisor vacated by Elaine Strider, who retired Monday. Crenshaw, who has served as assistant principal al Soudi Davie foreighi years, wiU serve as direc­ tor of insmiction for die school system. ReptacingCimpbenat Mocks-. villeMiddleSchoolwiUbeC^ Poplin, who has been an assistaM. principal al Davie High School ' PkwSwPrtodpeb-Piei* Ssiüí;, Town OKs Budget WHhNoTaxlncr«ee • No increase in taxes highlight tMocksviUe's 1997-98 budget ; 11» town board unanimously approved a $4.1 milUon budget : Monday. : After hearing no comments ; 6om the pubUc, Commissioner : f.W. Slate, the board's finance Offim.movedthatdiebaMdadopt : te budget presented by Town • ManagerTeriyBnUey.' 'TIk budget, tn incrtaie of ■.—T ~---^-------------- neariy $800,0(X) over last year’s budget, features $440.000 aUot- tedfbrupgnidiiiiwaterandscwer faculties.11» budget also include an increase in the SeniorCemerl^ get as it takes on the nutrition and home bound meals programs, which are fimded by grams. ‘Dw tax rale for the town wiU lemain at 36 cents perSlOO valu­ ation. ' ' ■ ■- County Denies Fbod Lion Requett; Sign (Mkwnoe RenMins The SMilt County commissionen voted 4-1 laat week to qihokl design standards in the HiUsdale area. terdefinitiantotfaecountyzoning onUnance. Food Uoo, whidi is openinganewstoreaiHwyi 1S8 1^801,askeddiMdicsignaathe, fiott (tf the stem be latger thiMi what u allowed in the oveilw ■»XiicL. 'niM lequest waa denied, ^ all GOOimiaskMers except Hayes vodngtopnaerwtlieaidi-. commissioner Diane FosMr ' said there ate two eatnnoes to te sboppmgcenter,andFi)odUMiV i name will be on • sign « each , cnUanee, 1Ъею ам itais tobuUd other suies o rititau n ittil te fi«atofteshappli«oeolar.wliicli > Muld hide Food U i» 4s i« ia b i maiitr^wkilthe'ite. , i КаадиавкисЬаааяюЬй* aitebKkafte|«qp)y,>Fo(M ( | s a iiL 1 iM *k (d iiiiÍM )« a « < ................................................________. . Т..Г •Tifr Л ' 7 Editorial P a g e Little League Ace Will Make Mark In Seattle It wasn'l a ctiaritable lieart Itiat made me volunteer for Lillle League sign-up day. I was looking for something. A ringer. A secrel weapon. A kid ttiat none of ihe olher coaches would know. It had l)cen a slow day. Few boys had come. Then a mother and her 12- year-old son walked in. Newcomers. They had just moved from Virginia. 1 checked the boy over care­ fully. Broad shoulders. Sttong arms... I walched his mother All out the registration form. "P-e-l-e T-u-n-i-s." „V . Has your son ever played PeteT^iniS baseball? What position? After that conversation, I decided thal Pete's father should be my assistant coach. Without meeting him. Without know­ ing if he could even spell "baseball." Making dad Ihe assistant coach would remove Pete from the Little League draft, securing his place on my leam. I felt Ihe scales of my won-loss record till. I had a ringer. He was always my clean-up batter. Load the ba.ses with Nail, Manning, Sparks. Then Tunis would .score them. Coaching, the job that had looked so hard, suddenly became a piece of cake. Few kids took more imposing at the plate than Pete Tunis. He stands tall. Bat erect. Elbows in. Relaxed. Pitchers feared him. With one swing, he could ruin their day. With one swing, he could reverse a team's fortunes. Pete Tunis could always hil Ihe long ball. At every level he has played, he could clear the fence. He took up wrestling for a distraction during the off­ season. He was named All-Conference last year as a sopho­ more with a 26-8 record. Beyond his swing, he's a good kid, too. He has been like family. He and my son have been buddies. I have fed him countless pizzas. He was on usher at my wedding. Now, he’s leaving. His father has taken another job in Seattle, Wash. Coaches here are in tears. He had planned to play football Ihis year. His wrestling career was only starting. And his potent swing always carried wilh it the ability to win baseball games. Coaches suggested lhat Pete could live wilh us and avoid the move. I like Pete. I don’t like him lhat much. Besides, I can’t help but imagine the reaction of some distant Seattle high school coach when Pete enrolls. He will check him over carefully. Broad shoulders. Strong anns... "Have you ever played baseball?" — Dwight Sparks 2 . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3 ,1W7 P A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD USPS 149-160 171 South Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634-2120 PubUihed weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHINQ CO. ^□«rightSpffito.... ; Robin Fefgusson :MlwBMnhardL.. Вмку Snyder..... .....EdHor/PubHsher ..General Manager ..Managing Editor ...Advertising Manager Devie Recofd 1916-1968 1899-1958 РмЮ Лак Pottegi Päd in MackmM.NC 27028 SubKdptonRtM ShgtoCcpy.SOCmli 120 pw умг in Nofti Ctfoira IKpw yeirouW dtN w lhCw oin* POSnUSTEB Sand id dnM chingM to: I Devie Counly GMMprtM Reconi P.O. Bm 90, M odw le, NC 27028 Joum el 1901-1971 In The Mail Cost Should Not Be Factor In Life Saving To Ihc editor: Michael Tompkins was trying to save a life, and for (hat I commend him 100 percent. I realize Mike went against counly policy. That in itself may be gtounils for dismissal. However, saving a lifeshoulddeflnitcly be an exception to Ihe rules. Vd liVc lo ask Coumy Manager Ken Windley if he had been in Cotton Edwards' place and called Davie Counly 911. would he havc wanted Mike to My. "I'm sorry sir; 1 can't give you that kind of Information over the phone, but 111 havc an EMT call you back and give you advicc, if il’s appropri-. ate." By the lime an EMT could call back, the patient maybcdcad.andKenWindlcycouMbeawidower.Mike Tompkins is definitely thc kind of person who should be answering 911 calls, nol some scrcwball who only got inioenwrgcncymcdlcineto chose an ambulancc. If a similar situation arises in my house. I'd probably be just as well off to call thc Forsyth County Emergency Scrvicc and ask them to meet me at the river bridge. Fortunately, my son-in*law Is an EMT and a certified paramedic, who works outside Davie Counly. In ancmcrgcncy,rdcaU him first. Davic 911 would never enter my mind since its gonna require morc than one phone call lo get any help. I know my son-in-law knows whal to do in an emergency because he was on thc scene when my father was In a life or death situation seven years ago. He saved my dad's life, and I’ll be forever grateful lo hitti. Every person who works for Davic EMS should be a trained EMT. Windley sayslrainingcoutdcosi uptoSIOOOcach. When you're dealing wilh human lives, cost should nol be a factor. Davtc Counly is trying to attract morc people and businesses by advertising such things as lower rates, good schools, ctc. It appears that the sccond class EMS is nol being publici/.cd, apparently we're trying to keep il under wraps until we gel you here and youcall 9 U only lobe (old" Somebody will call you back. I'm nol allowed to give out lhal info." WakcupKcnW'indley. WakeupDavlcCouniy. HMS policy is wrong and needs tube changcd. Do it now before someone sues you and wins for more In s tr u c tio n s C o u ld S a v e : L iv e s To the editor I read with great animosity thc article on the frontpageoftheJunc26 DavieCounly Enteфrise, about the firing of 911 dispatcher Michael Tompkins. I have never met Mr. Tompkins, bul I lhank God for all the caring people like him. You can bet if S.T. Dunn (Davie Communica- lions Dircctof) or whom else may havc been involved in the firing of Mr. Tompkins, had ever been in a situation as Colton Edwards was, ihey would havc been thankful for thal caring, consol­ ing voice on the other end of that 911 call. I was in a situation like this a few years ago when my mom died. Unless you have gone through this kind of an ordeal, you can't Imagine how much lhal voice from thc calm, caring, coo- soIing911 dispatchcrrncais. Thcrc'sthatpossibil- lly the instructions I received from that dispatcher could havc saved my mon& life as thc instructions Edwards teceived could have saved his wife. Davie Counly can spend taxpayers money for every petty thing Imaginable, but can't afford lo pay for the necessary training of something as important os our 911 dispatchera. I think they should give Mr. Tompkins an award, and be thankful lo have people like him serving our counly. Mary Teague Shcffieki than thc cslimalcd S1.000 per person training cost : and increased salary costs. ,. . In the meantime, rccugnizc Mike Tompkins for. ! ajob well done and just hope that you get somc^y ! as knowledgeable as he is if you ever call DqvWs^ I 911. Î Mikc.couldlhavcyourphonenumbcr? I'dfike i lo keep it handy so that If I ever have an emergency ] and my son-in-law isn't home, I can call you.' • • Mona Polls Advancc : I E m e rg e n c y P e rs o n n e l’ R e s p o n s e A p p re c ia te d ; To thc editor ; I want to thank all Ihc fire department members : and the ambulancc scrvicc for their I'ost response tb-1 my 911 call on Monday moming, June 16. Their * support and kindness will always be rcmcmbc^; when wc losl Ken Burgess, a farm employee and j friend of 10 years, to a hcan attack. • Jerry Foster and family and ^ Charles Harney, employee and close ; friend of Ken; Mocksvillc ^ LetteisWeicomeGl Tlie B ue ipriie Reconl welcomes lelten framiu leaden. Hie leBcn maybe oaloplo of local, ^.n aU o iial or inleniationaliiiuei. . An'effott will I» made lo prim all lellcn provided they a n not Ubcloiu, vulgar, 01 in poor unie. Hie edibt leietvet Ihe rijht to edit lenef^lcrgiinuinrandfbrspace. AU\klleri ibould Include the ш м and addreu or Ihc writer, including a (ifnalUR. A ■elephooe number, not lo be puliliihed, ia alao nquowi. Fbaae have lelten in the ncwqaper office Ь у4 ря . Monday of He weektobepibUihed. What Are Your July 4 Plans? . W iU iam T ale W aky Scott . Mockivilc Mockivlle "Nothiaibuthyaraiiiidlhe ’ GotoRkhRHtaiidm lcIi > iwimmiBipQQi.* Ihellnnmirk».' Bêth СашшМу Wiil Generation X Leam Rëwârds Of Haiti Work? When 1 was in seventh grade, 1 made my first D. It was in :whatever Science I was taking at the time, and I vict moitifled. I remember trying every which way to keep il from liy parents, but of course they ended up finding out, and all heck b»ke loose. I promised Ihem and myself that I would do belter, aiid I did. By the end of the year,! had pulled the grade i !up lo a B. How? By working hard, studying more, [paying more attention in class, by sheer, dogged Idetermination. Where has determination gone anyway? We've just completed one of those milestones in our house - tee-ball. I thought the season jwould never end. Todd coached, Sam played, ¡well, I guess you could call it thal. Now being i'thal he is my son, I don't want to make him look jbad, bul the little guy's bean just wasn'l in it. In ;fact, the hearts of many of the players just ,'weren't in il. ' I Ihink 5-year-olds are just too young lo play •an organized sport (but that's just my opinion). ;Half Ihe lime Ihey wouldn’t show up for Ihe game and when they ;did, they stood around talking, playing in {he dirt, just not paying a bit of attention. (In all honesty, I have to say thal Sam was guilty of ^ore of these infractions than any of the other players.) Some of .them had a lot of gel-up-and-go, when they were there. But the ‘fastest mosl of them moved was when il was snack time. And when it was time to collect their trophies. When I was growing up, u^ophies were given for winnhig ¡tournaments. They were metal and plastic reminders that you had given your all, and il was good enough, and you and the others Svho wore the same uniform as you had worked your rears off, and ihal determiiatlon paid off. But Ihen there was a movement about the time I started student- leaching, and it's Ihe reason I didn't become a teacher. I'll never forget hearing a teacher say to me, "Pass him because he really tried.” ' Bull. He hadn't tried. He had come to class high and slept and made^crass remarks and absolutely earned the "F” I gave him. Btil she thought he had given a little effort and deserved a better grade lhan he earned. ' A fellow I know is in summer school, and asked me recently lo look over a paper he was about to turn in. I did. correcting some typok'and misspellings. I asked him about a week later how he did on tiié paper, and he said he gol a B+ because of a spacing error, blit the professor told him if he corrected it and turned it back in, he.would grade him up lo an A. . ,A deserved A? I don't Ihink so. He made the spacing error, he deserved the B+. But he'll gel lhat A anyway. .. Generation X will never know the humiliation of earning a bad grade. Of knowing Ihey goofed off, cul class loo much, didn't pay eiioiigh attention, didn't apply themselves and as a'resull, earned a' baifgrade. -Were is the incentive to do better? Where is the shame of making, of earning, a bad grade? Where is lhal promise lo self to work harder, to earn - earn - a higher grade? Gone, with the misplaced intentions of a generation who I thought that trying, just a little, was good enough._______________ In The Mail. DAVI¿ С 0 1 Л ^ E N T O R N E RECORD, luti 3, i m -J Parents Should Pay Attention To Their Kids ; To Ihe ediloR 1 DearpaicnUofleciugenofHillsdaleorea: Ills time for someone lo speak up for ihe kids "caught in the middle." They ore no longer tnlcresied.in ^mwnies, Boy Scouu and baseball games, bul they WeiiolBduluyel. WhataieyougolngtowllhUiem? I,know we'll buy Ihem a car and insure it for them. ■They can ride to school in Jlylc nnd Inlhc evenings Ihey can ride to the store and hangout in Ihe parking lots.: I Bul where do they go when run off rrom ihe parking lots? The harsh teality of this is thal «on» of Uiem don't make it through their teen-age yen. i don't know all the names of these kids "caught in the middle,"butlguaianteeyouthalldoknow Ihclr faces and Iheir mischievous ways. I have grown lo care a great deal for your kids. But Tm just one penon ttylngtoeamalivingjusilikcthereslofyou. When I go home at night, their faccs go before my face, wondering if Ihey ate safe or are they still out Ihete in Uouble or even ore Ihcy alive. Il is not easy lo read Ihclr obituaries in thc paper. 1 challenge you parents thal love your teens so much, wake up. Comc oul In Ihe evenings. Comc off Ihe golfcouiscs, swimming pools,coumiy club bars, or wherever you may be hiding. Pay allentlon lo where Ihcy are at and what they are doing. Yci, It may be Inconvenient for you, bul you have already Invested 16 or 18 years in Ihclr lives. Don't give up now. Look around you. you have provided yourscl ves >ilh your adult cnlerlainmcnl. Thc younger kids ,have places to go and things lo do, bul Ihc kids •"caughtinlhemiddle"havcnowheipiogo;butthey have a way to get there. • rmtheoneihcycallmomatihcQuikPik. fve Parent Appreciates North Davie School TothccdlloR ' rd like to tell people In the arca how lucky Ihcy are to havc a school like North Davie Middle School. Three yean ago we decided, for thc economic health of our family wc should look for greener pastures, so to speak. Our main concern wasrmdlnganateawithagoodschool. Itisavciy iough call on judging schools ftom the outside, so many facton have to be considered. The school dlsulct wc moved from Is a central school with 600 kids in K-12. so Nonh Davie Is a big school for us. Although I don't like the way Ihc dlsulct Is smiclured and I disagree with so much sute in­ volvement in socialcnglnecring,wccouldnothavc picked a belter school than Nonh Davic Middle School. Mr. Bridgewater and the leachcrs at Nonh Davic are among the best we've ever experienced. They are some of thc most dedicated caring educa- lors a parent could hope for. When you see Ihc effort ond time these people put Inlo doing whal's right for our kids, you know It's more lhan ajob or a career il's iheir life. I don't always agree wilh thc way things are being laughlorwithsomcof the policies, and I havc expressed thal at conferences. But I know they are witling lo listen and they are trying lo give Ihc best possible education for all the kids. As a father and poreni, Til tell you I truly appreciate your hard work and dedication. Vem Berghom Mocksvillc rai^ four tccnagen at thc same time. Three gli(a and one boy. If you are going thitxigh il. jusi know, I already have. Carolyn Rachels Advance Law Officers Care To the editor j In the early moming hours of Friday, June 20j* our security alarm woke us. Thinking only motion could set tiic alarm olT, it was very frightening, to say tbe least, to wake to un olarm. In only a very few minutes wc had two law' enforcement officers at our door. They were very . nice, professional and caring. Wc only got Deputy Parker's name, bul thanks soveiymuchtoyaubothforavcryquick response.', We oppfccialc you. ; Shiriey Webb : Cooleemee ; 'Sam aritan' H elps W o m a n ; To the editor: I IwouldlikctolakelWsoppoitumiyiothanklhe 'Good Samaritan" who assisted me when I fell on I Ihc uneven sidewalk on North Main Suect on I Wednesday, June 18. I would never have made it ' 10 Ihe hospital for treatment of my Injuries without I his help. I Il Is good lo know Ihcre are people in Ihis area | thalarenolafraidoflcndingahelpinghandorgoing ' out of their way to help someone In need. Thank yousirfromthebollomofmyhcait. God bless you. Dolt Whitaker ■ Oak Grove Community. MOCK TIRE MOCKSVILLE 982 YadUnvllle Roed P h o n e 634-6115 O tlX ^n g * ttr u ts StiociM Allgnments Our Prias inetiêdi Mount i»g, Balancing New Wve Sums Л Roution Hours: 7:30-5:30 M-F » 7:30-1:00 Saturday ORTHODONTICS D r.N J.P n u ia »Board Eligible I Sl.ltt*-Of-The-Ai Imaging Available For AU Patient!) Patients Visualize Tbeir Tlreatmenl Objectives/Oplions • Free Initial ConauHatton • Satunlay It Evenlnf Hour« AvaUabte Foe Yout CmsBdmcB • Q iik lm i It Adults J m WILLIAM SMtTH KIRK. D.D.S.. P A NICHOLAS JAMES PENNA, D.D.S.. P A ★ Fiexthii Financing For Every FamiJjf Bud^ ♦ 1819 Brenner Avenue (neutheVAho^Ul) , Saliibufy.NC28!44-2519 Tehrphonei (7M) 633-5Я2 РаоЫ к (704) 63»Ш7 B e tty S to n e h a d “ N o -S titc h , N o -P a tc h ” C a ta ra c t S u rg e ry 5 m in u te s a g o c a n y o u te ll? • • • Because o f a new technique in cataract surgery jierform ei a l Southeastern Eye Center by D r. Epes, patients like Betty Stone are able to return to their norm al activities im m ediately. This procedure takes less than seven m inutes and only eyedrops are used to num b the eye. Betty Stone returned to her ru m u d activities im m ediately after surgery, and she d id n 't even n e ^ to wear a patch. "Afttratrgeryiímaanuatdlcouldsít № cbci:etxryliimg looial higftler." -Bett^SUme Femm VA TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPBUE1|ICE O SouBieastem Eve Certa; ro,¡fWcam e ! ^ )ouiiiviieim ofllieS<m ll>imtem E)eCeiairJocm iH(w<^hctM el:) D e d m u d a Q i M iVtaONCENTER^^». f ' Dr.SlmiiG.UyM%i)|iiMi« l«tQ w ifc»C »»M «e;IC nil>»IIH M II [• Dr.SltvMG.U]mi,Q|iDMia IIM T l Main* НСЯИ«1|К»Мт 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 Principals N am ed Fbr Schoob^ DHS A ^ is ta n t Job Still O p e n ! Continued From Page 1 Гог Iwo year».poplin was one of Ihc first tcachcrs m Davic County lo participate in ihc principal fellows program, taking a leave from her teaching duties nmi rccciving partial pay to attend school followed by a full year as an adminis- tralivc Intern. “She has served well in everything wc have ever given her to do." Sleed said. Barbara T. Owens, who Is serving asaprincipa! in Watauga County, will be principal al Shady Grove Elenum- taiy School, which was vacated by 19%*97 principal of the year Unda Jones. Before moving lo Walauga County seven years ago. Owens had served as a tcacher and assistant principal In Ihc Winslon-Salcm-Forsyth County schools. Sleed suid. With Mary Sine serving as In l^ ‘' principal al William R. Davie Ele^- tary In the absence of Larry JonesCvi^ is lakinga leave while recoveringt^ a stroke. Sine’s regular position sistunlprincipalttlCoolccroeeElcii^. lary and William R. Davie wi^Tbe filled by Maureen Hite. Hite has been servingasprincl^fal St. Leo's Calholic School in FoS^h Couniy. Interview teams were used lol^Ip dctcmjine how to fill these positl^s. Steed said. T;: The bowrd feels good aboul iSbic decisions, according lo Steed. "I think we've assembled a sjr^g group of individuals that have blgj^s lo do." he said. The position of ossistahi priray^l al Davie High lefl vacani by Poi^n remains to be filled and Is beingadt{er* tised. Steed said. 2AnestedFbrCocain| Marijuana Possession! Town Swimming Pool A Popular Spot In Summer COOLEEMEE • As ihe mercury those new diving boards as lempera- Titfany Boger relaxes in the kiddie pool while Josh Link, Carrie Kimmer and Kandi Jones come up for air. rises, area children are experts at beat­ ing ihe heat. Theyjusi head lo Cooleemee Pool. The lown swimming pool opened Memorial Day with newdivingtxwrds purchased wilh funding from Ihc Woodson FoundationandCooleemee's remaining budget from the Mocks- villc-Davle Parks and Recreation, ac­ cording lo Les Steele, pool manager. Slecle, who look on the lask of managing Ihe pool two years ago be­ causc he wanted area children to have a chance to enjoy the pool as he had whenhegrewupinCoolecmee.smilcd as he watched children Une up lo use lures hovered near 100 last week. Tommy Bares. 15. of Cooleemee. said he has been going lo ihe pool as long as he has lived in Ihe town and especially enjoys doing flips fronj the diving board. Twelvc-year-old Nikkie Keeney. 12, of Mocksville, said she rarely misses a day al the pool. The pool will be open until 5 pim. July 4, according to Steele. Regular hours are 12-5 p.m, Mon- diiy. Wednesday and Friday and 12-8 p.m.TuesdayandThursday.Thc pools isopen 11 a.m.-5p.m. on Saturday and I *6 p.m. Sunday. Admission Is $2.50. COOLEEMEE ■ Two Woodleaf residents were airested for drug viola­ tions afier a Cooleemee police search of ilieir Hwy. 801 home lasl week. Scottie Wayne Lanning, 22, and Donna Yountz Godbey. 32. bolh of 625 Hwy. 801 S.. were each charged with felony possession of cocaine, felony mairnaining a dwelling for the purpose of keeping a controlled sub­ stance, nnd wilh possession of mari­ juana. They were placed in Ihc Rowan County Jail in lieu of a $25,000 bond each, pending July 22 firsl-appearance hearings in Rowan District Court. The two were arrested Sunday fol­ lowing a search of iheir house lasl week, said Chief Tim Woolen. Small anwunisof Ihe drugs were found in the house, and il appeared lhal more had Lanning Godbey* 11 been dispo^d of upon the ofTiim arrival. The "consenr search \^a resull of un ongoing invesligalion utlo Ihe illegal drug trade in the Cooteèm^ area. Woolen said. - ; Officers Floyd Baldo, Wis Harrington. JimYoungand Sean Capile took part in the search and arrestiti Boy Found Lost On Gladstone Road COOLEEMEE • Policeore invcsti- gaiingpossiblcchildncglectanerfind- ing o6-year-old boy wanderingaround on Gladstone Road on June 24. Police Chief Tim Woolen said a rcsidcni called police when they found Ihe child, who was lost, al aboul 8:30 p.m. The child had apparently walked away from iheCooIeemce Swimming Pool, and was liying lo find his way home. Woolen said. He lold ofRoen his mother had failed to comc and him up. Officers went lo iwo Resi­ dences looking for the boy’s mol^, and an unclc look custody of lh£My unlll his mother arrived. The molhcrsaidshe had lefl ihel^y with an older friend, who apparently failed to look after Ihe child. Wooten said. "The invesligalion is continuing for possible child ncglecl." he said. • Woodleaf Man Arrested Near North Cooleenwe Dance Hall COOLEEMEE - A Woodlcaf man was arrested early Sunday moming neartheolddance hall on Neely Slreei and Elk Lane in North Cooleemee. Police Chief Ttm Wooten said Ihe department has been gelling "o lol of com- plalnts"fromarea __ residents about JacluoQ people hanging out in the parking lot. onicers were answering one' of Ihose complaints on Sunday monupg when Ihey airested Davie Jackson Jt.. 20. of 6325 Foster Road. Woodlcaf. Jackson was charged with possuMn with intent to sell and deliver crick cocaine and possession of marijiiana. He was placed in the Davie Jail id ii(u of a $20,000 bond, pending a Jut^]0 appearance in Davie District ComiL* Officers Floyd Baldo, Sean and Wes Hairington found six ro^bf crack cocaine and Ihree grams ofnM* Juana in (he suspect's possess^. Woolen said. r •! Cooleemee Pool was packed with people trying to escape the heat last week.- PtralM by Roiiln Fmrgutton Fweworie And Symphony On Tap Friday Night hi Rich Park . CoaUmicd From Fkge 1 : appCKUle our freedom and show re- . ipecl for our counlry,” he said. 1lKCain|ibelUisaidiheyenjaysee- jng Ihe number of elderly people dial . make an effon lo auend os much as : walching Ihe children enjoying die ievent ; ■ Ptople enjoy picnics and hoi dogs '■H Ihe eveni. Bill said. "Food always seem to laslebellerwhen you're outon a picnic, and il wouldn't be Ihe fouith wilhoul hoi dogs." Hie communiiy owes a big thanic youloihesponsoi5,hesaid."We need things such as ttiislo bring the commu­ nity together." And they havenoinlenlionof miss­ ing il as long as the conununity is fotiunau to have something like Sym­ phony in die Part. "We even sat in the rain one year," Pal said. The symphony petfomunce will begin al7;30p.m.July4,at RichPark's Mando FiekL A firewocks display sponsored by Davie County will begin immediately following the concert. Hiose attending are inviied lobring lawn chain and pjcnic baskets. Fbr those who prefer noc lo pack a picnic, the Davie Couniy Ans Council will be serving hoi dogs, popcom, candy, pretzels and soft drinks. Admission is $S. Senior citizens over £S receive a buy one gel one free discount, and children under 12 aie admitted free. Paiking is $2. Sponsois are Mocksville Savings Bank and the Davie Am Council. T U E S D A Y ■ i O N A L L I M E R C H A N D 1 S É (E x c e p t & N e t n e m ^ C « W ift« b ó n S t„ Haithraire 704434-K ^ CAM ECCCM ^ * M l H $e k ty■ *M T a U $ ISticle scf IVIini Golf Б Game Ronm m u M à À È M in ise li И н к С м И ! •ПшООт V i J m e e i m Hnv eoi N.. ИоекмШ*, ГЮ OPBN; РЛкуЗМрт 8 и « и Я |1м | иCHURCH е к с 1 ж « / h o c k s v it U ptcsent i j i' i !.. .'■'■''.vài-' ^ a u c e 0 p u h t t f d o u n c L Í R ì^ F a rk 7:3Öpm s y f i u | t # f f l a A ^ a i r s , a n M e сШдаеп fo r , 'гМ 4th the #ay :|ip^p|ed to Be ci^ebrated! winston-Salem MtTriad ii » . b-,' M i W 'Й A D M IS S IO N : $5 p e r A d u lt • C h ild re n 12 a n d U n d e r F R E E S E N IO R D IS C O U N T (65+); B u y O n e G e t O n e Free P A R K IN G : $2 p e r V eliicle concert. ¿ f S i М С Ш Ш S A V M G S U M , » Mocksville and Hillsdale ‘1Г-Г с - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 Fhjblic Records Sheriffs E)eDartment Ihe following incidents were re­ potted to the Davie County Sheriffs Depanment • Carolyn Rachels of Advance re* ported June 27 that people were loiter* ing at the QuikPik, Hillsdale. •Jan Michael Young ofMocksville reported June 27 the larceny of jew­ elry, tools and money from a residence Arrests on Lakewood Drive. •Thomas Milton Pinnlx of Yadkin­ ville reponed June 29 the larceny of a 1988ChcvrolelCelebrityrromadrive- way on Liberty Church Road. • Brian Hall and Jason Bowyer of Woodleaf reported June 27 they werc assaulted and a vchicle struck ai a residence on Hwy. 801. - Unda Sue Pinkston of Woodleaf reported June 27 the larceny of a min* iatureSchnauserdog from aiesidence on Hwy. 801.-MaelcneTcagueSnyderofMocks- ville reported June 26she was assaulted by her mother*in-law at a residence off Turkeyfoot Road. - Elizabeth Shumale of Mocksville reportedJune26shewashitand kicked by a friend at a residence on Cadillac Lone. • Ralph Keith Leonard of Linwood reported June 25 the attempted larceny ofaCamarofromHwys. ¿land 801 in Fork. - Keith Hege ofMocksville reported June 25 the larceny of tools from a residence on Levity Lane. • April Lynn Holder of Advance reported June 24 someone hit her car with a tire iron off Underside Road. • Roy L Hosch of Mocksville re­ ported June 24 a license tag was stolen from a vehicle at Northwood Apart* ments. • Oramae Miller of Mocksvllle re­ ported June 24 someone threw nxks. breaking Ihe window (o a residence on Lakewood Road. • Peggy Lucille Jones of Mocks* ■u ville reported June 23 an acquaintance refused to leave propeity on Pairfieid t Road. > . Wesley Swaim of Mocksville re- > ported June 24 he was assaulted a( a S residence on Jamestown Road. I: * Jack Lawrence Markle Jr. of x MocksvillereportedJune24 someooQ.^ put sugar into the gas tank of a veh|c)e^^ on Hwy. 64 West. Thtffollowing were arrested by the Davie County Sheriffs Department. - Peggy Lucille Jones, 54. of 139 FairHeld Road, Mocksville. was charged June 23 with second-degree trespassing. Trial date: July 3. • Fred Eugene Fowler. 40. of Hickmy, was charged June 23 with writing a worthless check. Trial date: July 3. • Tommy Alton Taylor. 43, of 884 Cana Road. Mocksville. was charged June 25 with assault on a female and trespassing. Trial dale: July 3. - Kenneth Eugene Osborne, 42, of 137 Morrison Road, was charged June 25 with assault. Trial date: July 3. • Anthony Thomas Andrade, 19, of 235 Deadmon Road. Mocksville, was charged June 25 with failure to heed blue light and carelcss and reckless driving. Trial date: July 16. - Christopher Hugh Johnson. 24. of 430 Gunter Lane, Mocksville. was charged June 25 with writing a worth* less check. Trial dale: July 10. - Sherman Levi Lyons. 29, of 141 Norma Lane, Advance, was charged July 25 with second'degtce trespass* ing.Trial date: July IB. • Bobby Marion Booe Jr., 21, of 120 Etchison St., Mocksville, was charged June 25 with second-degree trespass­ ing. Trial date: July 3. • William Jason Shepherd, 20, of 910 Mr. Hcniy Road, was charged June25withcareless and reckless driv­ ing and failure to stop for stop sign. Trial date: July 16. -Tamara StrainTrivclle, 34, of 116 Flatrock Road, Mocksville, was charged June 26 with violation of a release order. Trial date: July 10. - Ricky Keith Gaither. 37. of 379 Finest.,Mocksville, waschargedJune 26 with failure to appear in court. Trial date: July 17. -Cedric Gabriel Wilson. 18. of 138 Deadmon Road, MocksviTle. was charged June 26 with failure to appear in court. Trial date: July 24. * Sharon Renee Fmk. 23, of 145 Cadillac Lane, Mocksville, was charged June 26 with assault. Trial date: July 10. - Peggy Ann Angell, 41, of 240 BcarCreek Church Road, Mocksville, waschargedJune26withdrivingwhile license revoked, driving after consum­ ing beer, driving left of cenler and failure to secure seal belt. - James Edison Chandler, 25. of Leland, was charged June 28 with a probation violation. * John Lewis Mayfleld Jr.. 26, of 273DukeSl..Coo!eemce.wascharged ; June28wiihfailuretoappearincourt. - Trialdatcs:Julyl4,l7. | *Robin*GeneGoldlnFoster,36jpf ; 4l2PineRidgeRoud,Mocksvitle,was ; charged June 27 with second-degree ; trespassing. Trial date: July 10. ; - Steven Fredrick Peacock, 50. of ! 46 Davie St., Cooleemee, was chaf^ « June 27 with larceny, assault with a ; deadly weapon and ¡njuiy to personal • property. Trial date: July 10. Qvil Lawsuits The following civil lawsuits werc filed with the [Jivie County Cleric of Court. • Wanda Reavis Horne vs. Kevin Donahue Home, child custody and support, alimony, greater lhan equal share of marital property. • Cheril Lynn Cooper vs. Michael Edward Mondy, request defendant nol assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or interfere with plaintiff. • Estate of Lola M. Brown vs. Rebecca Brown Robertson and Jerry Wayne Robertson, fatal auto accident claim, in excess $10,000 judgment: counlerclam, that complaint be dis* missed. * Angela D. Shanks vs. David Redmond, voluntary support agree­ ment. - Deborah P. While vs. James F. While, child support. - Dyson Clark Inc. vs. Hydra-Rib Inc., request judgment, $7,851.35. - Talia Carter vs. James Griffey, voluntaiy support agreement. - PaLsy Ann Ward Shcpheard vs. Roland Dean Shephcard, absolute di­ vorce, resume using maiden nan>e. - .Joseph Martin andNancy I. Fuller vs. Jack A. Ploil, request damages; counterclaim, S12,411 judgment. • Sharon L. Sutterlin vs. George W. Sultcriin, child custody and suppon, alimony, greater lhan equal share of marital property. - Robert Grey Ridings vs. Lillie Mae Steelman. auto accident claim, in excess S10.OOOeach for compensator and punitive damages. • Melba Maxine Simmons vs. John Lee Foster, absolute divorce. • Martha B. Kimbrcll vs. Virgil Lee Kimbrell. child support. •John J. Short vs. Reggie Williams, eviction. - Chesapeake Mortgage Services Inc. vs. Marla Myers, request damages in excess $10.000. - Mitzi B. Shull and Charles Shull vs.WllliamMarionPitts,autoaccident claim, damages for persona) injury and loss of consortium: counterclaim, thal plaintifTs recover nothing. - Central Carolina Bank & Trust vs. Bobby E. Dwiggins, request judgments, S2.953.fr» and $12.323.92. - Central Carolina Bank-Georgia vs. Bobby E. Dwiggins and Linda S. Dwiggins, request judgment, $l,209.iM. * Anthony Renteria vs. Tanya Renteria, divorce from bed and böanl, spousal support, possession of marital homc,thatdcfcndant payoff indebted­ ness; counterclaim, that plaintifí' re­ cover nothing, divorce from bed and board, possession of marital home, equitable distribution of marital prop­ erty. * J.P. Green Milling Co. vs. Ronnie WaLsondoingbusinessasGreen Moun­ tain Hunting & Dog Preserve, request judgment, $2,349.83. * Wade H. Leonard III v.s. Employ* meni Consultants, request recovery, $460. - Melanie Dunlap vs. Roger Dunlap, absolute divorcc. - Robert A. Legg vs. Carol Creeson andJohnStciner,jobdispute, in excess $ 10.000 each compensatory and puni­ tive damages. •JoanGaIeGalIihervs.Colin Gregg Galliher, absolute divorce. • Jones Windows vs. Bobby McDaniels doing business as McDanielsConstructio^, requestjudg- ment, $1,117.62. -Crystal FosterOwensvs. Kenneth j Lee Owens, absolute divorce, resume ! using maiden name. ; s ¡ - Gilbert and Maxine Foster vs. í William C. Bradley and Margaret J. ;V. Bradley and Sam Bailey, request re* covety.$l6.000. • • Barbara Loflin vs. Derrick Thomason, eviction. J; - Mattie C. Parks vs. Dewey A. ■ Parks, absolute divorce. ; - Steven L. Foster vs. Jane C. poj-; -, ter, absolute divorce, equitable d(tftl** % bution of marital property: counter-^';! claim, that plaintiffs complaint-BeV: granted, plus $1,500 per month all- • '/ mony. i Land Transfers ■Pie following land transfers were filed with theDavieCountyRegisterof Deeds. The transactions are listed by pac- ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, wilh $2 repre- sendngSI,000. - Cindy Lou Keeney King and Wil­ liam H. King to Charles Ray Evans, 1.22 acres, aatksvUle,$30. - Hna M. Roop to W. Hunter Roop, 7J8 acres, Mocksville. - Robot L. Kofke and Cathy A. Modisville Police Kofke to Thomas K. Riden and Nancy L. Riden, 45.1 acres. Shady Grove, $1,120. - Robert L. Kofke and Calhy A. Koflce to Nancy L. Riden, 5.99 acres. Shady Grove, $250. * Signlite Services to Chester A. Blackwelder.33lots,Mocksville,$316. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to Forrest C. Cranfill Con* suuction, I lot, Faimington, $138. • Roger K. Kercher to Janis F. Kercher. I lot. Shady Grove. - Luther C. Styers and Susan C. Styers to Chris Stone Building Co., 1 lot, Farmington. $226. *ChrisStoneBuildingCo.toLuther c. Styers and Susan C. Styers. 1 lot, Farmington. $384. * Monte L. Blackwood, Alan Dale Blackwood and Valerie Blackwood. Gary Michael BIxkwood. Ronald Fred Blackwood and Caryn K. Blackwood, heirs of Iva G. Blackwood to Carl E Simmons and Вотш G. Simmons, 6 lots, Jemsalem, $17. - Michael L. Stacy and Frankie J. Stacy lo Bradley Hoke Conrad and Denise D. Conrad. 4.69 acres. Shady Grove, $190. * William Richardson to Richard A. Elam and Imogene L. Elam, 19.92 acres, Fulton, $184. - Bennuda ViUageRetirementCen- ter Limited Partnership to Harvey C. Vogt and Rachacl K. Vogt, I villa. Farmington. $486. - Robert V. Hardin and Yolanda G. Hardin lo Donie 0. Altenberger and Theresa E. Altenberger, 1 lot. Fulton, $60, • William C. Gardiner and Ginger S. Gardiner to Victor W.H. Callaway andShawnaG.Callaway,4Iots,$I80. • Harvey A. Miller to Vivian B. Miller, 2 lots. Shady Grove. -VivianB.MillertoJohnR.Grayson and Jennie J. Grayson, 2 lots, Shady Grove, $364. - Gray A. Potts and Betty W. Potts to LK. Dwiggins and Betty H. Dwig­ gins, 11.8 acrcs. Shady Grove, S830. •Julie Ann Zona to Donald R. Ogle Jr. and Heidi A. Ogle, 1 lol, $239. -JosephM.MorrisonandVivianH. Morrison to Steven L. Sexton and Marcia G. Sexton, I lot, Fannington,! $750. • Nancy Henriette Myers to Cliff! Bradley Myers, 1.26 acres. Famiing*' ton. i • Myrtle Johnson lo Tony Wilson • Johnson, 2.54 acres, Fannington. -fturiciaAmiTaylorloThomasE.; Sipe and Frances B. Sipe,9lots, Jerusa­ lem. $112. - Harold L Rollins and Shiriey J.; Rollins to George Randall Foster and Dana Jones Foster, 8.21 acres, Clarks­ ville. $2. Ihe foltowing incidents were re- poded to MocksviUe Police Depan- ment - Tony Bamey reported June 23, that a white 1966 Chevrolet Bt&cayne vahied at $1,200 had been stolen from MocksviUe Auto Salei -TVacy Shores iepoftedJune24she ' had been awaullcd by someone trying to remove her from her car at her - Diane Waugh repotted May 19, that Viijinia Messicic Myeis of Har- mcoy had signed something ai a law ofBce under false pretense believing it watawill. -MaRosBalaz»Rpc(tedlune26, Hal lonieaae had stolen the speakers and amplifiers, valued at S625, from his 1988 Honda Accord while it was parked at QST. - Alan Dale Latham repotted June 28, that paint had been thmwn on his 1996FotdHuck, on Nsith Main Street. - Animal Control Officer Dean Myers reported June 28, that a si« month old German Shepherd puppy had been stolen fiom the Davie County Animal Shelter. - Ciysul Dawn Winning repotted June 29, lhat she had been assaultedby someone throwing a cheeseburger through the drive duough window at Burger King and striking her. -Brad Allen Langley reportedJune 29,thatsomeonehadgotlenhim drunk, assaulted him and stole S1 ^8 and radio equipment valued al S239 ftom his lesidence at the Scottish Inn. Amsli - Neil Alan Tardell, 49, of 114 Claremont Lane, was arrested June 25, forDWI,openconlanerafterconsum- ing and unsealed liquor in passenger area. Trial date; July 18. - Randy Eugene Benneit, 34, of Pfafftown, was arrested June 23, for speeding to elude arrest, careless and reckless driving and fictitious regisua- tion. Trial dale: July 18. -Christopher MichaelLashmit, 18, of 300 Milling Road, was arrested for assault onafemale.Tiial date: July 10. - John Edward Cover was arrested June 27, for larceny, obstructing and delaying an officer and possession of diugparapheinaUa.Tiial date: July 24. -Jason Dewayne Angell, 18,of240 BearCreek Church Road, was arrested June 28, for disorderly conduct Trial date; August 21. -Christopher Jason Brown, 18,of S92Gladstone Road, was amstedJune 28, for disordetly conduct. Trial date: Aug. 21. - Wade Cariton Beck. 72, of 169 Houston Road, was traveling north on Salisbury Street al 8:4S a.m. June 25, pulUngaNewHoUandhay binder with a 1990Foidpickup when Ihe haybinder jumped the curb and stnick a utility pole, snapping it in half, reported Of­ ficer D.T. Miller. Beck's vehicle continued up the road, striking anoUier utility pole. De­ bris from Ihe first pole fell and stnick a vehicle, driven by Randy Jones. No charges were filed, Miller reponed. - A 1993 Mazda, driven by Jose LuisNoyloaMaitinez,23, of Yadkin­ ville, was malangaleftlum onloMill- ing Road fromNonhridge Court when it was stnick by a 1989 Honda, driven by Tiffany Erin Taylor. 16, of Cool­ eemee, al 11:56 a.m. June 27. reported Officer JJ. Reynolds. Taylor's vehicle ran off the right shoulder of the load and stnickanail- box. She was trying lo regain control when Ihe car crossed Ihe center Ime. striking Martinez's vehicle. Reynolds said. Taylor was charged with driving leli of center. Martinez was taken lo Davie Coumy Hospital for treatment of injury. ; - Rodney Dewayne Simmons. 21. • of 1081 Milling Road, told Officer f D.T.Mauhewsihalheblackedoutjust i - beforeanaccidenlJune28,al2:04a.m. ■ on Fulion Street. i ; Hisl993Focdtanofrthetoadlothe ; left and traveled about 112 feet, strik­ ing a bush and a 1990 Ford, belonging i; to Maetta Lee Kelley of Ortenville. S.C.. which was parked. Simmons' • 'J vehicle continued on striking and mn- 5 ning over sevend landscape limben. : - crossedMillingRoadandslidttiaslop. i Matthews reported. No chaiges were ' ? filed. I > Highway Patral Ite N.C. Highway Pauol investi­ g a i the following accidents in Davie Cointy. Vm Hits Dm - Alison Lambeth Dyson, 33, of Modaville. wai tnveUng north on Oeoqia Road al 9M p.m. June 24, when a deer ton inlo the road colliding wilh her 1990 Chevrolet van, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. DrivtrliUured In Wrack Jennifer Leigh Bastian, l8,of Win- stoo-Salem. was taken to N.C. Baptisl Hospitalfortrealmentofinjuiyaftaan accident on Faimuiglon Road al 9:50 p.m. June 24. Bastian's 1987 Hyund^ had slid off the right shoulder of the nud, over- tuming as it stnick a utility pole and coming to rest right side up in a ditch, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. No charges were filed. Min Chuitd WiUi Hk And RtiB ANewYoric man was chaiged with felony hit and mn. DWI and careless and reckless driving afler he drove a 1993 Dodge pickup bito the tear of a 1993 Toyota, driven by Allison Marie О ю кетее Pobce OOOI.EEMEE-1beroaowingaR Aon Cooleemee Police Department - Officcn ics|»aded Ю the 7600 Hot* of Hwy. 801 lale nighl 0 0 June 24 № t iqpcit o( a б|Ы in pcogreu taM M i 1 М и г aod am. No chattel • к м я р о М |Ьйоа1иаа25. lad Ъгакп IMO a letidetKc on Davie Street in vioU- lion of a domestic violence otder. Charges are pending. - A resident on Marginal Street rcpoited on June 26 thal the night before, someone had ndled Iheir yaid with toilet paper and piKed road signs in the yard. •’namalWvcaaitpoiMdonJtine 27ihai^w ailiavin|pn№ niiw ilh hciex-boylüend. Tte suspect hail left prior to the office» aniving. • Steven Frederick Feacock, 50, of' Ramar Court, was anesled on June 27, forDWIaneranafficslopbyOfficen Wea Harringlan and Chad Cleaiy. He Rgltiereda.23ooanlnlotilyzertett. HewaihddwilbMfrivilt|ta(bond tiniUaaber.llilaldilKftdylg, - -David RednandRpa(1edJune2g thatafenale acquaintance had broken a window to hU tcsidenge on Duke Sheet w|ien he refined to let her into the house. He ia conskleting Issuing a warrant, said Chief Tim Wooten. - On June 28, il was repofted'that a woman and.her son were arguinglnthe firaM yaid of a г»ак1и»а on Duka SOM*. Willis, 19, of King, as Ihey traveled east on 1-40 at 12:23 a.m. June 27. Willis drove to a pay phone to re­ port the accident. acoin^toTYooper C.D. Jones, while the driver of the pk:kup,JeremyD.Reed.23. of Adams, ,N,Y.. fled the scene. Jones bund Reed asleep in his ve­hicle. which was pariied on the emer­ gency ihoukkr about flve miles fnmthe accident icene WUliaandpiasengei^MaikWade Necessary,- 18, and Jenniln Irelene Kennedy.20.bodiofWinalaa-Salein, were laken lo Davie Cbunly Hospital for treatment of ii^uiy. CarOmtvnM : A 1988 Chevrolel, owned by Rumple AMO Sale^ &».. had been nv€lii««MhanUbenyChuidiRaad at an estimaHd 70 n(fe abow 4 ajn. June 29, when Itran off the road onto»'! i grass shoulder ¡where it overtunie«l,'i> strikmgatreeaaitwasairixime. Tte car, which was later reponed I ';' stolen by the person renUng ll, bait j i; come lo final rest on its wheels. Tte b driver left ite scene of Ite accidnt; reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. i'ij No chaijes were filed. ‘ j i ncktipCitckaann William Don Houpe Jr., 60, of !il Statesville, was travelihg east on when te smelled sometMng burnii and noticed smoke Irom tte^en^ companmenloihis 1997Dodgepi^;5 al 7:30 a.m. June 28, reponed Itaoptr is T.S. Kennedy. HoupepuUedtotterightshouUcr, HetoMKennedytesupptesMdtheata'^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 -,7 u N e w s U p d a t e July, 1997 C» SPECIAL DATES AND EUENTS OF INTEREST FOR MOCKSUILLE CITIZENS M flNflGER’S CORNER Are we finally going to see a by-pass around M ocksville? fe e lin g s conceming this issue are taking place in ig list thanks to the good work of our elected officials. Senator Raleigh now. We have made the funding Betsy Cochane, Representative Julia Howard, Salisbury Mayor Margaret Kluttz, our area representative on the State Board of Transportation, and our Davie County and Mocksville Town Boards. ; The project would move traffic from Highway 64 ‘ East around to Highway 601 North near Interstate 40. Several corridors w ill be considered in the process of determining the best possible foute. Public hearings w ill be held on the possible corridors next summer. The latest schedule is as follows: P lanning 1997-1999 Design 2000-2002 Right of Way 2002-2004 Construction 2005 The plans call for a four-lane right of way w ith a future median strip and lim ited access. O nly two lanes would be b uilt initially. This w ill be a six to ten mile new road. We w ill keep you posted. Terry L. BraUeif, Town M anager SVMPHONV IN THE PRRIC < G* FIREUIORKS M ando FieU at R f c lr M / с , O li S t^ H io eksvU k Bring yow b m сЫ г^ bluikcts, pknk btikct» ft the cntlra CRUISE INS 0И Can a Nm МммЬ - a GiMt TtaM № ImyoMl Eviiy • S-9PMariig ГШ oU Ш to diipbv or jait COM to Njor bMtJM Uit0itedointtomll0ctafffli.Mngth0fudril04 cbedioot aO tho gmt can, to shop, to N t, to itnD aad to inatt dd I nm btemb. Emiiooa b «ricoiiri^_ 6:M m • OM fttftioiMÍi Famlljr Сш м 7:3* im : “ ' -------- COMPOST SITE Admission:Senior CItinni (é5f):ihi]r Ом, Get One Free IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS MooknIUi Watar/Smnr ProUamK Hon-M Um-5pm: »S441S» After Booia k Weakaada: 6U «N ‘ • BUUn|/Aecouit QuaaUooa: U4-HSI •Thla Is the buslneas number for Emergency Communloatlona. Please do not call with questions about your bill. P oU ce/F ire/E M S c a lls: 911 cy (nm К am to 12 (im. It «ül,ha«ev<t, te ckMdw lelj S for Firw Noie: Rddnb of liKTm ef МосЫЪ IR DOW iDowd lo waht 1Ы deapitf ret It tk JEEES;Mokh* S3 per scoop 1мГСмфоИ*$3 per scoop M M o( )wd nsU pn Boatt teflown reiide........klowtofnflown reiidenlsoftly) ThKkLowtor^wasU $5 inTrac4oidoflw»*$3 MOCKSUILLE PUBLIC OFFICIRLS Towi Boanl DJ.-Nick" Mando, Mayor Dr. Francii Slate, Mayor Pro-Tcm J.C. “Buster" aeary V;roofl Thompson Steve Walker James Will Hanning Boanl Vena Harris, Chair Lawrence Ray Carter Stevie Dulin Tctiy Johnson John Goolsby Bob Hall Lois Shore S E N IO R SCFNF ' r • I) / s Ч .11II s t M (H I LjnnH.Bynly, Chair Alice Gailhcr RanilyGantaer , Ricluiil Schooler Tommy Tlimer Terry Bralley, Town Manager 634-2259 Sickard Sink, Police Chief DamySmllk, Public Worki Dirtaor 634-2519 liicluelCmer.Recrtaliai Dirtaor 634-3398 ..Bill Wismn Pahi i CrmuU .Kim Shalxf, Senior Cenler Director (34-0611 n s SM tor CM ilw I t p le M d to M M «M M a m R Mri Nom OMm tW Им1 P iiflrM M July 1 ,1M7. «h «Я w f n o M afeMl MnopiMrtiMny to МПЯ iMlm bl «МИ Itn MW ти. WM ем IN «qttel kMlMi аМчеТ A гем«м4 bitonet ии1 сем яМ м М te p raiM h i the keel м пМ м р ем М *.Hreel e e p e n W * el # * »1в|гвм Hem rtfkl liw e Ш Berte Ceèelii Hew Ш ietofмИиа p fW M W eltore< <еО> to Mie iH rW eii еие. 1Й11Я|ИММ I to Мм toek el Mw пиМ М м tito. • И м е е м FIM end и с п в ш л г Mw Seetor Centorlftaie to еН Ne е н м п т ге я м ! М you hetM iMMT eetoM к* И и ИмМНей M e , er 1им«Ч feeen to tar e e wMto, wky M l try H eietoT И yen ere M l e щ Ыег, plie ii ceM Мм <ey ketoro eoeJei to ге м гм your iM ei. The MrtrlMoii Sito to heer to eerw É1L eeetore to Denta Genety; R to M l e woHere progrem or e hendout Sentore who CM ef tani to pey tar Ikeir tanek «to ee. For ihoM on more ItoiHed kudgele, tatgoetod doiurttoM ere iMetod eooertbii to tocoMo. M com e, M Metor WiU ever be turned ewey dM to the toebMty to pe^ Сеем on out A Mjoy bMch with other SMtore aed eiehe eeme M W frtaiide. НеяитЬег Mm new тм Ь ег tar Mm NiilrlHM Sito to Mm е м м M Mm Sorter Centor’e (•34-0D11). We’S eM y M tartonthf Сейм keel Uw beet wttb e greet breehtoet el Mm Sentar Contar. Der Stolto Sentore* ВгееМвйе ere орм to e i etogto wntore - wMewed, dhereed, ee#*etod or never menied. Ib e next breektaet wM be M y ID , el SiSD ей, to the Eeet Heeniof Mn Seetor Centor. We-M ке м greet toed, deer prtaM end n w i griel eetortilennel. SpoM to DndtodtoMNilreHDtolW ir.iaebeyeMrrMW MMeMhyceW ngMNSontorCi ' MGCKSUILLE/DHUIE PARKS & REC. h П S М.НП St • M n( k siiillp , N( • /f ll h VI ,M /'i Molter’s Moming Oul ¡Slarting In Sepltmbtr}Tut Л Thu, 9- Ham • $4 per child per day Patricia Draughn, Uacktr, @ Rec Dept Rec Club ■ Before & After School Care /Slartìng inAu/uU) Btfon School; 6:30 am - Start of School • SlS/week per сЫИ.iVl»/- School; Enio/School. S:4S pm • S25/week per child. ■■ :ill,p mpInlmduction lo Drama July 7-tl, 9am-/2 noon Jaime Howtll, program dirtclor, Q Rec Dept Drama Camp Advanced Thcaltt/Iffir 14.18,9am.l2noon Clim Abiamtir, instniclDr • $35 в Ktc Dept Beginner Gymnastics Auguil 4-S, 9am-ll noon • $25 в Brock Gym Laura WintUey Л Jam! Coltman, Instructors 1%ппЬ Lessons - WeMy Sessions • Call Kec Dtpl for dates Л times. Tennis Camp RUIng 5th-8lh grades №ч<|Ггш1»1<<М|(Няе June 27)July 7-11, S-IOam (5,6) Л IDam.12 noon (7,8)Carol СогвН & Davie High players. Instructors $30 (includes l-shirt) a South Davie Middle School {Must Bring own nuktl) Boy’s Basketball Camp Rlshig 3rd-«h gradesyufir Шй, 9am.ll noon Brent Wall, Instruclor, $35 (hKludes l-shirt) Q Brock Gym Baseball Camp Ages 7-13 Ju/y 7-fl. 9om-I2 noon DHS Coach Jerry Walser, instructor S35 0 Rich Park (Mando FieM) Soccer Grades K-4i Beginning in the FaU $25 (Fonu wlllbcKiilhiiiiKthrMi|hthe school lyitta «bn dana txfbi In KagaL) Pavif Counly Sprelil Qlymgta MuM-Sport Camp a Carolina В1Ые Camp July 28.August 1,9om.Jpm Adults Onlv Mini Workshop« $12 each в Brock Gym (nmthig пюа). A Little Palm WIH Do il - July 10, «:30.9pm, Unda Hope - instructor . Slamphig Cirativity - July 17,6;30.9рт . Dry Em bo^g with Brass Slencib - July 31,6:30.9rm Open Gym Starling in June $1 per person Grades K-5 Mondays, Mpm Grades 6-8 Tuesdays, 6-^pm High School - AduUs Thursdays, 6-9pm Stalor Walkbn Pngnn - Sifw Slridm Mondays through Fridays, *;ЗР.Лт No скаца Й Brock Gym Picnic SbtHen e Rkh Park & МесИч Booma e RccmUM Dept AraliMe Ю rent for patties, meetings, classes, reunlom, etc. SERUICt ÜIRECÍQRV В L H S T F R 0 M T H E P H S T T H R N K v o u F O R R E C Y C L I N G ! ' S - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 Man Rams Mobile Home With Pickup AWmslon*SaIcmmanNvnsarrestc4l early moming on June 25. accused of shooting his hnlfbrothcr’s carand then romming his pickup truck into his mobile home. Lamard Dcfrc Crawford, 33, was arTesicdbyDavicShcrirrsDcputyS.D. Moxicy Гог injury to personal property and communicating ihrcnt-s. He wns placed In the Davie Couniy Jail In llcu ofa $5,000 bond, pending a July 10 appeoronce in Davie District Court. According to a report by Deputy J.S. Parker, Crawford Is accused of going to the residence of Kenneth Tyrone Nails on Stoney Lane at about 1:30 a.m. He fired rifle shots into a 1980 Buick RegaU causing an esll- mated $ 1,500 damage, and then drov his truck Into the mobile home, cau: Ing an estlmuled $3,000 damage. Later that nighl, Parker cl^gc Nails. 27, with possession of stole property. He was placcd in thc Davi County Jail in lieu of a $1.000 bom pending a July 17 appetirunce In Davii 'District Court. Unempioyment Rate Rises in Oavié DavlcCounty’suncmploynicntnite Increased slightly from April to May, according to figures released last week by thc Employment Security Com­ mission of North Carolina. The May rate was listed at 2.4 per* cent, up from 2.0 pcrcent in April. Tlie statewide rate wus4.7 percent for May. May rates for sumiundlng coun-! lies: Yadkin, 2.6 percent; Rowan, 2.C i percent; Iredell. 2.5 percent; Forsytlv; ^ I 2.7 percent; and Davidson, 2.5. Man Arrested, Accused Of Throwing Rocks Gretchen Meyer looks at the sticker which she placed on the door of Eleanor Frye's home to let emergency personnel know she has the vial of life. - Pliotoi by Robin Fargutton Viai Program To Heip Area Residents As soon as they spot thc Vial of Life slicker on the front door or window, emergency mcdical technicians will know where to look for vital mcdical information about those living in Ihe home. Thc Vial of Life program was ere* ated lo provide'personal information for emergency personnel to use in the case ofan emergency. Vita] information is often unavail­ able in an emergency situation as a person may be alone and unable lo communicate,accordingtohealthcdu- cation specialist Wendi Selbe. Bul with Ihe Vlal of life program, once emergency personnel arc alerted by the sticker outside the house, they know to look on the top shelf in the refrigerator for a plastic vial, contain­ ing Information such as name, birth date, doctor’s name, blood type, medi­ cations being lakcn. past illnesses. In­ surance company and policy number, next of kin and who to contact in case of emergency, health education spe­ cialist Gretchen Meyer said. A Vial of Life sticker will be placed onthe vial itself for easy Identificalion, Selbe said. Sponsored by the Heahhy Carolin­ ians of Davie County, Foster-Rauch Drug Company and Ihe Davie County Senior Cenler, Meyer said the program should be especially beneficial to the elderly, families with small children and individuals living alone. But thc program is recommended for every­ one. COOLEEMEE - A Mocksville man suspcctcd of throwing rocks al his girl­ friend the evening of June 23 was later ara'sted after the pickup tmck he w an driving mmmcd into a tree. Jack Allen Ploit. 26. was driving the l9iSS To)vta pickup al an csti- iTiated 65 mph in thc 35 mph zone on Junction Rivtd jusl outside the city limits when it wtnt off the mad to Ihe lefi. up an embankment and hit a tree. rtpi>neil N.C. High\N'.iv l^itron'iwper J.R. AUnM. Ploil u;Li laVen to Davie County Hospital, and iransfemxi to Fors> th Hospilal. where he w;ls treaic»! for injuries. Allrevl ch;uYcd Plott with DWI and careless and reckless driv­ ing. Aboul 30 minutes prior to that acci­ dent. Ci'oleemee policc were dis­ patched lo a residence on Walts Street. r НшогеЧ Q rocery& Service GOING OUT or BUSINESS SALE where Ihey found James Head on liis from porch wilh a shotgun across his lap. Head told policc lhat Plott had been throwing rocks al a female lhal lived nearby, but lhal the rock&wcrt hilling his house and car. IMott left thc scenc bcfore.poiict arrived. ‘ Eleanor Frye puls her vlal ol life In the relrigerator. In the event of an emergency, she said. "You’re never guaranteed there will be another person in the house." Mocksville rcsideni Eleanor Fo'e, who plans to participate in the pro­ gram, said il is nice lo have something like this available. The Vial of Life may be picked up at Foster-Rauch Dmg Company, Davie County Health Department. Davie Couniy Hospital, Davie Couniy Senior Center, Cooleemee Family Practice, Hillsdale Family Practice and Bermuda Village. Selbe said. Meyer and Selbe will be available 10 help residents who may need assis­ tance In filling out the form. Senior Cenler Director Kim Shuskey has also volunteered to provide assistance. For more information about thc Vial of Life, contact Selbe or Meyer at the DavieCountyHealthDepartment(7iM) 634-8700. Clothes, Shoes, etcWMmrnmmmm H l.ocatBd on Elmore Rd. ^ oft Hwy. 601 N., Mocksville i M ARK S. C U llE R A T T O R N E Y A T L A W G E N E R A L P R A C T IC E O F LAVV Iiicludmg Represenlntion Regnrdiiig: ■: Power of Attorney :: Health Care Power of Attorney Living W ills • Last W ill and Testament • Separation Agreements • C hild Custody: C hild Support • Real Estate : Traffic Citations • D riving Privileges ; D riving W hile Im paired • Auto Accidents Personal Injury • Property Damage • Insurance Matters • Crim inal Trials 129 East D epot Street, Suite 102 M o cksville , N orth C arolin a : (704) 634-0101 F A X (704) 634-0866 m Y4>'' CELEBBMON 10-DAVIECOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 Davie People Hillsdale News Mrs. Christopher Michael Supple Pope-Supple Couple United In Marriage Carol Denise Pope andClmsioplicr Miclmcl Supple uf Charlollc were uniicd in marriage at 7:30 p.ni. Salur­ day. May 3 l.nt Philadelphia Ptvsbyle* rian Church of Mint Hill. Dr. John Todd and the Rev. Fred McAlister officiated. Thc bride islhcüaughWrof Mr. and Mrs.. Bruce Pope of Chiulotte. He is a graduateoflndepcndenecHigliSchool and attended Central Piedmont Com­ munity College. She is office manager for Country Side Landscaping. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Supple of Bermuda Run. He is a graduate of Davie High School and thc University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mingle Institute. He Is finance manager al Freedom Homes of Charlotte. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose her sister-in-law. Susan Pope of lluiUcri.ville, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Tracy Hildreth. Emmec Whitesel and Lisa Stanley, -all of Chailoiie. Tlie groom's fatlier was best man. Ushers werc: Tony Pope, brother of lliebrideofHumerivilIe;ShaneSupple, brother of the groom of Winston-Sa- lem; and Jason Supple of Charlotte. After a reception at Idlewild Coun­ try Club, the couple went on a wedding trip lo Sandals Resort at St. Lucia, West Indies. They are at home in Har­ risburg. Mrs. Mil<e Jay Morgan Blevins-Morgan Couple Married In Clemmons Kerry Ann Blevins of Advance and Mike Jay Morgan of Charlotte were united in marriage at noon on Satur­ day, June 28 at Clemmons First Bap­ tist Church. Dr. James Alexander offi­ ciated. The bride is the daughler of Bnice D. Blevins Jr. and Gal) Blevins of ■Williams Road, Advancc. She is a graduale of Davie High School and Is working towards a bachelor's degree ■ In business adminisiration. currently enrolled at Davidson County Commu­ nity College. She had been team leader of conversions and training at Mer­ chant Scrv'tccs USA in Winston-Sa^ ■lem. v ThebridegroomlsthesQnofRoger Morgan and Bonnie Morgan of rTbomasvUle. He is a greduaie of 'Udfionl Hifb School and earned a bachelor’s degree in business adminis­ tration from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is a bank examiner for Ihe Federal Deposit In« surance Corp. (FDIC) in Charloue. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chosc Misty Grimes as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Jennifer D'Avino, Lori Durham, Sharron Penwell, Glenda Hinshaw. Ashley Gardner and Wendy Mabe. Hononiiy attendant was Melissa Herman. The groom's father was best man. Ushers were Eric Beck, MarkMorgan, Jason Blevins, Mark Parker, Rodger Gardner and Kenny Wood. After a reception at Bermuda Run Country Club, Advance^ the couple went on aseven-day cnilse to the Car­ ibbean and lo Disney World. Ihey will be at home in Chiutoae. By Benitu Brandon Wyall Hillsdale Correspondent I iisk that you remember my mother, Willa Bmndon. in the death of her broihcr nnd my uncle. Bill Burehetle, from Roaring River. Uncle Bill has been sick for ihe p;isi several weeks and passed away lasl Friday. Bccause of Bill's sickness, my auni, Zelta Lee Miles is visiting from Michigan. WcalsoncedtoremembcrCharloU Mayhall nnd her family in ihe death of Advance News her aunt from Florida. Charloii's family docs have some good news, however; she and her hus­ band Sainim: excited about an upcom­ ing wedding. Theirdaughter, Sharie. and her boyfriend, Michacl Ray, re­ cently announced thal they will be married in December. Congratula­ tions. Sam and Charioit celebrated their own wedding anniversary over thc weekend. Brenda Hanes relumed Sunday fromsevcrolweeksat the bcach. Dur­ ing her stay various members of her family took lums being wiih her, in­ cluding her husband Ken, son Josh, son Perry and his wife and son. Amber and Dale, and her brother and his family. Wc know they alt had ugreal time, but wc arc glad to havc them all back home becausc wc missed ihem very much. Scott Ross had knee surgery last week to repair damage sustained ai h chureh league sofiball game. W&aii glad lhal he is doing much belter now and is already walking without crutches. HappyBirthdaytoFayePolndext^, Carolyn Hemric, Willa Brandbji, Adam and Chad Comalzer, and Sian Turner. ■ • Havc a happy and safe Fourth of July. ; By Kdith Zimmerman Advancc Correspondent Thc Bible school held at ilic Meih- (xlist church last week was very suc­ cessful. On Sunday morning» prior to thc worship scrvicc. Ihc children gave an impressive program. An avcnige of 35 children attended the Bible school. Mrs. Paulina Bamey celebrated her 99th birthday on June 24. Her five children und their spouses had lunch wilh her on Tuesday, June 24. Four nicccs visited her. Betty Comal/er, Pal Chaffin. Maggie Lou Barney and Mary Lou Wike. During the week many friends and neighbors dropped hy lo visit and bring gifts. It is always a joy lo visit Mrs. Paulina, who is so alert and entertaining. She enjoys singing and reminiscing alniui her old school days, and SIS a icachcr. A group from the chureh visited her on Friday night and she recited for us a long poem, "Great, Wide. Beautiful, Wonderful World", she had learned as a child. Another poem "I Saved My Cakc For Santa Claus” is published in thc book "Christ­ mas in North Caiulina. Leonard and Mary Nell Jones spent several days last week in Indianapolis. Ind., where they attended a Hosta con­ vention. Mollic Tilley was honored with a stork shower Sunday ancmiH)n at the fellowshiphallofthcMclhtxJisichureh. She recclvcd an assortiiKnt of gifts, with a big crowd attending Ihc shower. Janna Wat.si>n and son Alan Mich:icl Walson ofPuricar were Sunday guests of her parents Leonard and M:iry Nell Jones. She also attended church ser­ vices. Hmi ty Kimball of Clemmons was a weekend visitor of her grandparents Naylor and Stella Voglcr and also at­ tended Sunday school and worship scr\’iccs m Ihc Methodist church. Sympalhy is extended to Lillle T. Voglcr in thc death of her sister Erma TaylorKingwlwdiedatMcadowbrook Terrace of Davie. Wilcy Williams underwent heart surgery, valve replacement, at Baptist Hospital lasl week and is still hospital­ ized. Gel well wishes go out to him. Wc are happy to report thal Mrs. Evelyn Holton is Improving slowly. She isstill a piuicnt at FoiTiy th Hospital and h:is been there many weeks. Mrs. Alpha Voglcr is in critical condition at McailowbriHik Manor of Couple Pledge Vows Clemmons. John Fnmk and Helen Holder of Clemmons wcreSundayaHcnioon visi­ tors of Nancy Zimmemian. Several from this comtnunity en­ joyed a Mystery Trip Salurday wilh Connie Singlclon Tour. They went lo Wentworth, Reidsville, Buriington and Snow Camp. Breakfast was at Picd- inontTriadFamis Market Cafe. After- wiutls a tour of the Dan River Art Market and Wrighl Tavcm. Tlic Dan River Art Market features works of 170 local artists and craftsman such as angels, wreaths, baskets, quills, jcw- clry.paintings,wind-chinxs,toys,bird- houses and small furniture. Tlicy vis­ ited Wright Tavern, built in 1816 by William Wright and has an example of adog-nin. It was Ihe ncaresl lodgingto thc Wentworth Courthouse and only tavcm in the village. Near Rcidsvillc Ihc ga>up toured Ihc Chinqua-Pcnn Plantation, built by Thomas Jefferson and completed In 1926. Thc I.OOOacre estate is known for its livestock and agricultural experiments, and also the greenhouses. Lunch was enjoyed at the Down­ town Deli in Rcidsvillc. Tliey shopped Cana News Corina Fay Gourlay of Winston- Salem and Jimmie Gilbert Huff II of Mocksville were united in marriage at 7:30 p.m. June 27 at Chestnut Grove United Methodist Chureh. Thc Rev. Tim Startiuck officiated. Thc bride is the daughter of Ken and Candy Gourlay of Winston-Sa- Icm. She attended South Stokes High School. Tlie bridegroom is a graduate of Davie High School. He is employed by Funder of America Sherry Gouriay sened as thebride's maid of honor, and Randy Miller was thc groom’s best man. After a wedding trip to Nashville, Tenn., Ihe couple will be at home on 112 Cabana Lane, Mocksvillc. Couple Wed In Advance Sidney Crawford and Kloi Irving announce thc marriage of their parents, G. Allen Cniwfordand Sherry Howard Irving. They were united as a family on Friday, June 27 al 4 p.m. at ihcir home in Advancc. Thc wedding was officiated by the Rev. Brian Rummage, pastorofBixby Pn»byterian Chureh. Mrs. Crawford is a graduate of the UnivcrsiiyofNonhCarolinaalChapcI Hill and is employed as a research coordinator by Health Systems Man­ agement and Bowman Gray School of Mcdicinc. Mr.CrawRwd is agraduatc of Nonh Carolina State University and isowncr of Ace Hardware in Winslon-Salcm. Thc bride’s parents arc Sam and Judy HowardofAdvancc. IbcgnDom's parents arc Emory and Martha Crawford of Fannington. Following thc rcccption thc couplc and their parents had dinner at The Colmanl House in Pilot Mountain. New Arrivals LONGWORTH Duane and Buffy Longworth of Fork, Advancc, announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Jamie Lee, at 5:30 a.m. on June 17 at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. She weighed 8 lbs. 2oz. and was 21 inchcs long. Maternal grandparenls arc Tommy and Brcnda Bcck of Fork. Paternal grandparents arc Donald andBonnicLongworthofSmithGrovc. Maternal grcat-grandparcnts ore Lucillc Polts of Fork. Marceli Bcck of Advance, and Ervin Beckof Advance. Palcmal great-grandmother is Mrs. Gmce Longworth of Advance. RATLEDGE Jeny Wayne and Christine Ratledge of Pfafftown announce the birth of their first child, Elizabeth Marie, on June 20,1997. Beth weighed 8 lbs., and was born al Fonyth Memorial Hospital. Maternal grandmother is Carolyn Auman ofLewisville. Paternal grand- parentt are Jeny and Carol Ratledge of Milling Road. Gréal-graodmother is SanA Uvengqod of Mockfville. By John "Cain” Godwin Cana Correspondent Pastor Appreciation Day was great at Eatons, Last Sunday wedressed casual and had the scrvicc under the trees in the frontyardandhadsinging. ThcEalons cooked hot dogs and hamburgers. They can cook. If you werc not there and wanl to taste how good those guys can cook, I will see you nt thc Circle T Ranch Friday or Saturday. The North Davie Ruritans will be hosting the food and I hope you will come out and support our club. Yce haw, ride'that bull. Lasl week we got the yard clcancd up and had a picnic in the back with Walter Etchison and his family. Wouldn't you know Liz Fernandez (Walter’s granddaughter) would see anolher snake. We killed it dead. Make sure you drive through down­ town Cana this week. I will have the display of fiags up again. WEBB Jay and Roxanna Webb of 148 Prison Camp Road, Mocksvillc. an­ nounce thc birth of Ihcir first child, a son. on June 25,1997 at 9:57 p.m. al Columbia Davis Mcdical Center in Statesville. Thc baby weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was named Nicholas Tyler Webb. Maternal grandparents are Sherrill and Nancy Smith of Mocksville. Palcmal grandparcnu arc Jerry and Shirley Webb ofMocksvillc and Jancl Co/ortofMocksville. Maternal great-grandparents arc Rulh Angell of Mocksvilleond thc late Wilcy Angell. Paternal great-grandparents are Mildred Fletchcr of Mocksville and Charlie and Margie Cozart of Mocks­ ville. Sheffieid-Calahain VFD, Inc. A n n u a l M e m b e r s h i p B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s E l e c t i o n M e e t i n g o p e n t o a l l F ir e D is t r ic t r e s id e n t s . Monday July 7th. 1997 7:00 pm at the Fire Station il 'fl Í Í Í 'fl ifl )fl ifl ifl ifl ifl ifl ifl ifl ifl ifl ifl fl if, ifi J VILLAGE TOBACCO Now Open in Clemmons •Premium Cigars •Tobaccos A . ■ . W h*F«rch«of•Gifts and Accessories j JB or more, •Rielax in our Smoking Room Suite 21, Meadowbrook Mall Court aemmons, NC 778.0042 IP in Rcidsvillc and the Downtown ^- ll(|uc Allcv District, antique shops ud fica markets. In Burlington the g i^ visited Dcntzcl Menagerie Carou^I at City Park, where Ihcy saw 45 haiid- carved animals. There is only, 14 Dcntzcl Carousels remaining in: the worid. They enjoyed shopping al (he Outlet Malls In Buriington. Dinner was at the Cutting Board. In Ihc evening, they went to Siww Camp to sec thc ouidoor drama "Swonl ofPcace". Thisisadramaticfhistorical portrayal of the American Revolution, and thc struggle of ihc peaceful Quäk­ en». Ailcwling from this area were: Frank and Margie Markland. iHcir granddaughters, Lindsay and Margie Ann Jackson. Lois Comawcr, Mary Wilma Holder, Dorolhy Carter, Mattie Tucker. ElaincSmilh.JuanilaBlaklcy. Shirley Myers and Wanda Greene. Nancy Zimmemian, her daughter Cammie Walker and children Lauren and Luke Walker spent Tuesday and WcdncsdayalNancy'smountainhomc inHillsvillc.Va. Michacl Zimmerman joined them thc last day, which'he spent fishing in the pond on the prop­ erty and got a good catch. DÄV1E СОШТТГ E N T E R n ^ RECORD, Jûlÿ 3, Ш r ii , Imagine what it would be like lo be without the comfortofaircondilioning on these hoi summer days. . Many senior citizens of Davie Counly know all too well ihc discom­ fort of endless heat in ihcir homes becausc they do nol havcaircondition- ing. and sometimes not even a fan lo help circulate the air. The Davic Couniy Senior Center will be distributing fans to seniors 60 Mark Daniel To Perform Magical sloiytcllcr Mark Daniel, is coming 10 Ihc Davic County Public - Libnuy Ihissummcrto bake upamagi- cal ptugiam of good books and fun '.with Summer Readers, and lo help .celebrate thè statewide Iheme, Gel .C ^ng wilh Books. , > ;’Gical children's books comc tolife 'Ououghstoiyiclling.booklaiking,pup- Barney Completes Navy Basic Training , NavyElcctriciansMalcThirdCIass ; JenreyM.Bamey,sonofMr.andMrs. ; Charlie H. B«mey Jr. of 4231 Hwy. 1601 N„ Mocks-1 ' ville, shipped oul ; lolhcUnilcdSlalei <davy's Rccruil Jjhlning Coin- 'liiand in Oreat "Cilies.ni.onNay. ■-'-At basB liain- ,¡^.Barney served ^ a n educatkmal A y o fflc c r a n d l _____ ^i4iiilaiiKdtheiec- , ■•'"•J' hiihot’academic avenge in hU Od&iiianof75reciuiti. 'ii|Upcacoiiiplelloii of his training al :<lKal Ukes, Barney was sent to Ihe jit^al Nuclear ftnver Training Com- .'llt _ • ' ■___ ' .1 rflawmfirettOeeatlolu SMer*sllofMf«kfvlltoтшЁ ¡KßyLeiCraßs MölCflN fl€STfiUflñNT ■ open 4th July WeeKend! M ariachi Band Saturday, July S 6 -9 p.m. L tt’s Party Amigos! B U Y 1 G E T 2 n d D IN N E R F R E E * S un.- T h urs. D In e - In O n ly C H O O S E F R O M # l-# 30 C o m b in a tio n s N o t V a lid W ith A n y O tiie r S p e cial ; E x p ir e s 7-9-S»7 ^ O f B ju al_^_L | M ser\ ^ueL _ Dlrectloni: From Mocktvllle: MO to Lcwltvllle-Cleimnoni Roid, turn right, 1(2 mil* on right. D IS S O D I 2t30 Lawltvlle-Clemmona Rd. Clefliffloni,NC (»10)778-0300 Mon.-Wed. 11 til 10 Thure.»Fr.11 M ill Sat Noon-11i Sun. Noon-10 I'DIC insured to $100,000 .ffiárV '; Ш Л К Г Г ! I .T M M r a l"........................... ,, г, : i 3-1МГ •,1S%«PT* ШШшт 'Annual Percentage Yield (APYHnterest cannot remain on deposit; penodie payout ol interest b reqiired Earfy may IM tM penrvited. Nan«s ol current issuers an available on reque>t Effective V3I»7. M w m p k f M v 820 South Mnin Street Moekavllle. NC 27028 ^ (704)634-5672 or 1800) 799-2220 Edwardjones Senlng Imlivjdirtt Imntnrt Since 1B71 OrrelL Couple Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary , . Alton and Helen Orrell of Winston-Salem celebrated their 50th wedding aiinlvcrsary Salurday, June 21 with a rcccption in the fellowship hall of Dulln’s Uniicd Melhodisi Church in Mocksville. ' Thehoslswcrethecouplcschildrenandlhcirspouses. EddieandSpringBooe of Winston-Salem, Britt und Terry Orrcll of PfaiTlown, Jan Pitls of Cascwcll : Beach, and Rocky Orrell of Clemmons. Mr.andMrs.Orrcllhavcsixgrondchildrenandonegreat-grandchild. Mr.and ■, Mrs. Oirell’s wedding was thc first church wedding performed in Duiin. The Rev. Foster Loflin was then pastor of the Duiin chureh, and performed the ccrcmony. Mr. and Mrs. Onrll were surprised when the Rev. and Mrs. Foster Loflin now of Denton camc to help them cclcbrate their anniversary. Mr. Ouell is a truck driver for Tar Heel Banana Co. in Advance. Mrs. Orrell Is a homemaker. . . Jhcy are bolh former residents of Davie County. Fans To Be Distributed years and over whose homes arc with- outaircondilloning. Due lo ihc liniiled numberof fans available, only one fan per household can be given. If you need a fan, if you know a senior who needs a fan, of if you would like to donate a new fan lo Ihc program, call thc Davic County Senior Center at 634-0611. Tlic Fan/Hcal Relief Pro­ gram is made possible through conlri- bulions by Duke Power. petty, magic tricks, and audicncc par- licipollon. For Ihc past 12ycais,Daniel, a Mocksvillc native, has traveled throughout the Southcasi with a new show writtenjustfordicSummer Read­ ing Program. He will heal Davic libraiy on Mon­ day, July 14. The program will begin al7p.m. He will heal Ihe Cooleemee Branch al 3 p.m. on the I4lh. mand In Orlando, Fla. There he com­ pleted Ihe lirsl phase In Ihc nuclear Held training pipeline. Nuclear Field "A* School, on June S, Ih ii school allowed him lo advancc to the E-4 paygrade he currently hokls. Ihe lecond phase, Naval Nuclear Power School, will lasl six monthi and include a comprehensive course of study covering ihe theory of and In- stniclion Oil the operation of a nuclear reader. The ihJrd and final phase of ’ indning, F r a to ^ , will be held in Oiarleilon. S.C. and will cover handa- oaptacUceontheopenlionafanuclear reaciar. Uponcooipletiooafthlsichool Bameywia serve iiuheneetfcrroughly four yean 00 boaidanucleir powered veaiel. Bamey isa 1996 graduate of Davie High School. From The Name I’ve Known For Years, A Health Plan I Can Trust For Years To Come For more than a decade, I’ve depended on PARTNERS for my health care. And now that I’m 65,1 need a health plan I can trust for years to come. That’s why my health plan is PARTNERS Medicare Choice. W ith PARTNERS Medicare Choice I get all Ihe benefits of Medicare and more, benefits that include: a $40 monthly plan premium # $15 doctor office visits including lab worl( and x-rays ti 100% approved hospitalization No plan deductibles # Wide choice of physicians a Virtually no claim forms Plus PARTNERS Medicare Choice allows members to choose from the many services available at Forsyth Hospital including The Heart Center and The Regional Cancer Center. Other facilities include Moses Cone Hospital, High Point Regional Medical Center and UNC in Chapel Hill. W ith PARTNERS Medicare Choice. I know I have a health care partner 1 can depend on, today, and for years to come. PARTNERS^ Medicare¿3k ¿ r PARTNERS Medicare Chotee ii oífcml by PARTNERS Ntiional Health PUns of Nonh Caruliiu. Inc. *n HNtO with a McOksrv risk conirKt. You mutt have and keep Mediare Part B to particípale. Now available In Alamance. Davidson. Davie, Kurtyth. Cuilfonl, Ircdcll, Orange. RiKkin^wn. Slolic». Sun> and Yadkin Cuuniie«. To leam more about PARTNERS. Medicare Choice, join us for a no obligation, free informational presentation NAME W e s t e r n S t e e r - M o c k s v i lle 1 5 8 0 Y a d k i n v i U e R o a d W e d n e s ^ y , J u f y 9 1 0 K )0 a . m . If you would like more infomiation but are unable to attend, cajl us or retum the coupon at right to receive a free infonnation kit. 1-800-665-8037 ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP TELEPHONE (a representative m ay call) Do you have Medicare? Part A □ Part B □ Clip Ami MailTo: R i l t r N E ^ M e d k a r e O b n ^ P.O. Box 24907 . Winston-Salem, NC 27114-4907 i a - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, July 3,1997 Mocluville High School Class Of 1934 Meets For 63rd Anniversary’ ' Thc63nlannlvcrsaryorthcMocks* Viltc High School gnidualing class of 1934 was held June 21, at American Cafe. : TItcre were 34 class luenibers al their gnidualing exervise. who walked {wross Ihe stage u> receive their diplo- \\m, and vmi wwk n>ei«ber wl\o re* ceived a delayed certificate. For ihc 1997 reunion, 25 invilalions were mailed. 16 classmates were present, with 11 spouses, kin or friends also attending. Graham R. Madison, their one sur­ viving teacher, was invited hu( unahle 10 allend. Dwighi Grubbs was eiucee. Greetings, a inomeni of sileni prayers for two deceased spouses, Br>'ant Sell andTed Ward, and Ihe invocation werv give«, lùieli one ordered fniiu the menu. Afler the nteal. n^ll was called. An iip-to-daie address Ixwk wiu* given lo each tiicmlxr prcscnl. Tltose present were; Otis T. Foster. Inverness. Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Dwiglii G. Grubbs. Charlotte; Jimmie Adams Gmbbs. Mary Feme Allen Brynnl, Melinda Pale. Kuby Angell and J.D. Purvis.allofNUK’ksville; Malîel Boger llowan.landgnindson.Advanee;Elaine Call Smilh. Eli/alKthlown, wiih sisicr Annie Kuih MacPherson; Lucille Caudell Howard. Ntwksville wiih sis­ ter Mae Caudell Howard; Pauline Daniel and V.G. Prim. Cooleenia'; Grover Nellie Dwiggens and Bill Turner, Salisbur);FnincesFoNterPage. Rowland; Florence Gmves Burge, Rio Rancho. N.M.; with Mr. and Mrs. Shackleford; BIma Hendricks Sell. Wyona Merrell. P.M. Johnson, l:li/a* iKthTura’niine Sain, Sadie Hall Wcx)- drulTTuylor.au of MiKksville. Oilier class iitcmbers not atiending werc J. Edwin Colleiie. Winsion-Sa- letn; Rebecca Binkley Hickman. Maiden; Pauline Camplwll Ward, Myrtle Beach, S.C.; Louise G^*cn Hammer. Yadkinville: Lucille .Leach Flowers, Murfeesboro; Margaret Marklin Jennings, Havçrhill. Mass.; Nola Stanley Richie. Louise Smilh Harlley,and Lucille WagoncrFurches, allorMtK'ksvllle. . Dweased members: Alvin Boles* Robert Plbhl Douthil, Ebert Fairclolh, G. Aubrey Merrell, Lester Richie,, Sanford A. Wo<xlruff. Wilmu Gnivcs;. Sarah Ricc Hanley and Mildred Smith. Single Seribrs Invited To Breakfast : it may be hot outside, hul it’s nol uhi hovfor our Davie Couniy single se- niOR. All single seniors are invited to a Summer Singles Seniors Bre.nkfasi on Wednesday. July I6at 8:30a.m. in ihe Eiist Rtx)in of llie Senior Cenler. Siart yourmomingolTwiihacixil breakfast fare and refreshing eniertainmeni by Erin Carter. Tliis breakfast is open lo all seniors w ho are widowed.divoreed, separated, or never married. Sp.icc is limited to Ihc first SO. Reser\'ations must be in by July 11. To reserve yourseal.call Ihc Senior Center at 634-0611. Senior Club Watches Moc!< Wedding . The Cwileemee Senior Citizens Club met June 23. in thc sanctuary of the First Baptist Church with 33 mem­ bers and one visitor present. the meeting was called lo oixier by the president. Opening prayer was said. Thegroupsang "Oh. How I Love Jesus." Tlie assistant chaplain gave the de­ votions. His lext was from ihe Prov­ erbs 16:17-24 "Tlie Way We Should Go." The roll was called. Tlie sunshine and treasurer's reptms given, and min­ utes read. For the program a film was .shown of "Tlie Mock Wedding" which was presented by agroupofseniorciti/ens. Also on the film was a seventh grade student, Krin Carter. She sang several stings which eveiyone enjoyed. Events taking place at ihe Senior Cenlerand some trips wercannounced. The meciing adjourned wilh llie group singing the club song. • Tlie nexl meeting will be July 14, Añ Competition Planned . The Art Group met at thc D.ivic County Libnuy Tuesday night. Meet­ ings are held the last Tuesday of each month. G r a h a m H o n o r e d Dorothy Graham ofMocksvillc re­ ceived Ihc Souvenir Journal Dedica­ tion Award at ihc 70th annual awards baiiquci of Ihc Fu­ neral Directors and Morticians As&o- cialion of Nonh Carolina. Wednes­ day, June \flauhe Omni Durham Ho- icl in Durham. Graham was one of four nomi­ nees for thc award, given in recogni- Ijon of scrvicc given to thc Funeral Directors and Morticians Association of North Carolina She has been nn active member ofthe organization for tlK past 35 years. .- She and her family own Graham Funeral Home at 635 Wilkesboro St.. N^ksvillc, which opened in April of (his year. Graham Plans werc made for an art compe- lilioninOciol>er(ofvinlagecars). Tlic car club h.is offered lo help wilh judg­ ing and prizes. Members agreed upon Ihc third Monday ofOctober lo have areceplion for the nrtisis and lo giNC out awards. Thc gallery will be closed two weeks prior to the awards reception for hang- ingihecompciilionandjudging. Uwas agreed upon lo publici/e the art com- peiition early and starting in August to run an application in ihc Art Group Newslelier so that artists would have lime to create art work using vintage cars as Ihc ihemc. JancMiccli. acallig- raphy artist, offered todo the names on Ihe awards in calligraphy. The guest speaker last month was Bruce Faninglon. who talked on the use of digital cameras for artisis. He owns acompany that rents digital cam­ eras. He sent new literature to be passed out. Bonnie Williams is Intheprocessof creating a Web page for Davic County children to display their work. Thc cost of the page was discussed and it was voted on lo try and find sponsors. Debbie Maikiand is beginning a business to market art on the Web. S A L E M G L E N J U N I O R C L I N I C J U L Y 2 1 - 2 S AGE GROUPS AGES 7-10 & TIMES 8!30-9;30A.M. AGES 10-13 9:45-10:45 A.M. INSTRUCTIONS WILL INCLUDE: ETIQUETTE, RULES OF GOLF FULL SW ING, CHIPPING, PUTTING PRICES: $35.00 for members children $45.00 for non-members children 1000 G le n D ay D riv e (Ofr Dock Davis Road 9 1 0 - 7 1 2 - 1 0 1 0 ______________To Register_____________ Members of Ihe Mocksville High School Class of 1934 are reunited. Spiritual Resources: Packing For Vacation By LoulM Stroud Since Ihis Is Ihe week leading up lo Independence Day, many people will be going on vacalion. When you start making plans, you try to decide ¡ust what you'll need lo lake wilh you. II you'te going to Ihe tjeach, you'll want to take a beach blanket, suntan lotion, beach towels, bathing suit and cap, dark glasses, sun shade (among other Ihings.) For IhB mountains, sunglasses, insect repellent (il you plan to hike), etc. It occurred to me lhat when we go on vacation there are some other things we need lo lake wilh us. (1) Kindness. Wherever you go you're likely going to encounter people. A smile, a kind word lo a lonely person or someone in distress, can go a long way. The Bible tells us 'Be ye kind one to -another.' 01 course this applies not only to vacations but a vacalion may provide extra opportunities. Sometimes ¡ust a small kindness will mean a great deal to someone. (2) A forgiving spirit. Vflienwe pray the Lord's Prayer wo ask God to (orglve us in exactly the same way we forgive Ihose who offend us. This can apply to trivial Ihings. You've waited for some time for a particular paridng space. Rnally, the car parked there slowly comes oul and before you can blink an eye,acaryouhaven'teverseen,whlpsinlrcmlheolherdlreclionand takes the place you've been waiting for all this lime. Some angry words probably come to mind, bul they wouldn't really help. It takes a special forgiving spirit when the person looks at you wilh lhal smug grinthal says, "I beat you to It." (3) Willingness to minister to someone ■ in need. People now days are so afraid to become involved and I can ■ understand thal. I think it could be very dangerous to try to break up a violent scene, but it seems that one could go the Ihe nearest place: and call lor help. We have Ihe story of Ihe Good Samaritan in the. Bibleloranexampteolonewhowasn'tafraldtobecome involved. (4) Patience (even in trivial things.) You are eating In a crowded, restaurant. You see those who came In later lhan you being sen/ed lirst. Your patience wears thin. We don't always know Ihe reason for. Ihings being the way they are bul we can strive lo develop patience. (5) Take your Christian values with you when you go on vacation.. You know, sometimes I've known good Christian people who vaca- • lion a long way Irom home and somelimes If they go far enough, they think nobody knows them and they do Ihings Ihey wouldn't do at home. Bul-you know God Is there and He sees us wherever we are. (6) The Bible. We need to lake our Bible wilh us on vacation. We- need to study and Iry to follow its teachings as we relax and mingle wilh others who are also trying lo rest from the stress and strain thal everyday living brings to our lives in this day and age. Of course, most hotels, motels and inns' provide Gideon Bibles bul it's nice to have your own so thal you may mark passages thal are especially meaningful to you. Take Christ wilh you and have a good vacation. Support These Local Businesses VOGLER ^ S O N S W . G . W H IT E f t C O . 850 N. Tirad* St WIntton Sll«n,NC 27102 910-723-1669 . -neral H oiiu 2в4еМШ1о Brook Dr. CI«(nmon(,NC 27012 910-766-4714 SPILLMAN'S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. CoolMmM, NC 27014 704-284-2551 SHEFnELOLUMKR «PALLET GO. 165 Tbrkty Foot RoMi Moektvlll«,NC 27026 704-492-5569 liOCKSVIUE lULDEIISSUmy -TogtttMrWoDoKBottw* South Main SlTNt 704-034-5I15 SEARMD и т к н с о и м и у Jtrieho Road Moek*vlll«,NC 27028 704-6344148 DAVK ти к и ftL0G6M6 872 Main Chureh Rd. Moektvill*, NC 27028 704-634-9144 СНЕЗСЕИТВЕПМС P.O. Box 508 Mockavilla, NC 27028 704-634-2136 J. P. SHEEN IIIILUIIGGO.,IIIC. Makara ol DAISY FLOUR WaCuatoffl Bland Depot St, Mockavilla, NC 794-934-2121 EATON FUNEIIALHOM E A Tnuiilion of Caring.... 325 Nonh Main Street Mocksvillc, NC 27028 704-634-2148 FOSIEII-IIAIICH ¡жив COMPANY 495 Vailay Road Mockavilla, NC 27028 704-634-2141 SENTIE MACNINE «TOOL INC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Moekaviiia,NC 27028 910-996-3350 НиЫнИ , R E A L T T HlllidilaPnXNtkimUPailt Highway 1 M « «01, A d v m n —в и ш ш _____ UNNEII COMPANY 182ShMkStrMt Mockaviiia,NC 27028 704-631-2167 FULLEN WELDM6 ftMiNttAIOHS P.O.BOX821 Hwy. 801 S. Mockavilla, NC 27028 764-634-3712 Welcome lo... Believers Soi “A Full Cospel Church" 13SCatMRoa4Mod<eville,NC ЛСЕ. н т ш т ж B4i1H«|MNVA*me*,NC27eN91949ib19i7 M U S a R A V E lUCHMEftlOOL us 801 South Mockavilla, NC 27028 CRAIG CARTER BULDER,INC. 11tHw»M1S,8ullt1Mvann,NC»OOatit m И11 tnl|>.Cm>initafari.C.Ciilg.Victl>o. Attend The Church Of Your Choice }• Obituaries Francis Monroe Froeiich • Francis Monroe "Frank" Froeiich Jr., 49, of Clearwaier, Fla., dleil Wednesday,Jut«! 23, l997,altil5tiome. • A native of Winston-Salem, he wi» an aircraft mechanic in Ihe Navy and a member of AMVETS. Pinellas Park Survivors Include his wife of 26 yean. Diane Froeiich: a son. Francis l^lichIIi:2daughIers,KaliinaAnne ^lichandNalalieChaiyse Froeiich; ipinddaughter, Kayla Froeiich, alt of Cliiwaler, Fla.; a brother, Michael N. f^lMllch of King; 3 sisters, Robin ftotton of Winslon-Salem, Jackic Rimmage of Mooresville and Dawn SJ^henl of Mocksville; a stepsister, IHnllie Sinith of Mocksvillc; his n l^ r. Virginia Motion of Winston- S ii^; and many other friends and reMves. C.;A memorial service will be held al n'lalcrdate. : Memorials may be made lo Hos­ pice ofFlorida, Suncoast Chapter, 3000 EasI Bay Drive, Largo. Fla. 33770- J770. Audrey Douglas i^iudiey Delma Cniikshank Dou­ glas,-76, of367 Shaw Road, Harmony, died Sunday, June 22. 1997, at Au- tunmCane in MocksvilleafleralengihyilllKSS. > She was bom in Wallback, W.Va. Oct. 18,1920. a daughter of the late Bev L. and Maty Walker Moore. She was a retired teacher’s helper at Valley ftrk' Elementary School and a mem­ ber of Valley Ridge United Melhodist diurch In Valley Fork, W.Va. and a member of the West Virginia Retired Teachers Association. ; She is survived by a son, Kermit Quikshank of Homiony; 2 daughters, BtMiy Mullins of Lakeland, Fla. and Phyllis Lambert ofSissonville, W.Va.; a^ brother, Arnold Moore of Long Beach;9grandchildrcn; I6grealgrand- cliildren: and 2 greal great grandchil­ dren. Funeral services were held at 11 a.'m. June 26, at Carl Wilson Funeral l^me in Clay, W.Va. with Ihe Rev. Dprius Arnold officiating. Burial fol- lo^edin Moon: Cemetery in Wallback, W.Va. Blanche Whitlock Vestal Blanche Whitlock Vestal, 74. of Winslon-Sa1em.diedJunc25.1997.at Forsylh Memorial Hospital In Win­ston-Salem. Bom in Forsyth County, (o John and Haley Myers Whitlock May 28. 1923. she was a homemaker and mem­ ber of Oaklawn Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband. Russell Vestal. Surviving are a daughter. Fenny Whitney of Winston-Salem; a son. RQbeitLecDunnofLoulslana;4gmnd- children: 3 great grandchildren; 3 sis­ ters. Ruby Jones of Advance. Helen Hesicr of Winston-Salem and Rulh Davis of Mocksville; a half brother, Stacey Brown of Pinnacle; and a half sister. Dora Sheets of Winston-Salem. A funeral services was held at 3:30 p.m. June 27.alHayworlh-MillerSilas Crcek Chapel by Ihe Dr. Bobby Roberson and Lee Pope. Burial fol­ lowed al Oaklawn Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made (o Hos- picc of Winston-Salem/Forsyih County, llOO-C S. Stnuford Road. Winston-Salem. N.C. 27103. Ibrry Simpson Tltomas Terry Simpson Thomas, 55. of fort Lauderdale, Fla. died Thursday. June 26,1997. at his home. Born June 9. 1942, in Forsyth Coumy to Jack and Violet Simpson Thomas, he was retired from U.S, Air­ lines. Surviving are a son, Jeffrey K.Tho- mas of Clemmons; a granddaughter a sister. Jackie Reavis of Winston-Sa­ lem; and 3 aunts, Thelma Plemmons of Farmington, Kathryn Upchurch of North Myrtle Beach. S.C. and Verlle Autry ofVass. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. at Westlawn Gardens of Memory Mausoleum Chapel by ihe Rev. Larry Jones. MemoriatsmaybemadetoBrenner Children's Hospilal. Medical Cenler Boulevard, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27157. Lillie Hooper Garretson Lillie Hooper Garretson. 94. of Comatzer Road. Advance, died early Friday. June 27,1997, at the home of her son Johnny Garretson иПег being in declining health for the past three years. She was bom in Robbinsville June 25. 1903, to the late A.B. and Ida Campbell Hooperand was homemaker. She was of ihe Pentecosial failh and especially enjoyed crocheting. She was preceded in death by her husband,WilliamF.Gairetson,in 1972; and by 2 sons, Rundell and Sherrill Garretson. She was also preceded in death by 2 bmthers and 2 sisters. Survivors Includcadaughter. Bessie Sexton of Winslon-Salem; 4 sons. Ed Ganelson, Bud Garretson and Amold Garretson, all of Powhatan. Vu., und Johnny Garretson of Advance; 5 step daughters; 3 step sons; 22 grandchil­ dren; 41 great grandchildren; 3 great great grandchildren; a sister, Georgia Bolen of PirieblufT; and several liieces and nephews. Funeral services wereconductei} at 2 p.m. June 29, at Mocksville Church of Cod with Ihe Revs. Larry Hollifield and Herbert Short officiating. Burial followed in Legion Memorial Park in Cooleemee. Clyde'nitterow Clyde Tutterow, 81. of Dusty Hill Road. Mocksville. died early Wednes­ day, June 25.1997, al Forsyth Memo­ rial Hospital In Winston-Salem. He was bom in Davie County March 8. 1916. to the lale Lee and Sallie Cleaiy Tulterow and was a farmer. He was of the Methodist faith. Survivorsincludeasister.Catherine Shugan of Yadkinville; and a brother. Gilbert Tutlerow of Winston-Salem. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. June 27, at Eaton Funeral Chapel with thc Rev. David Talbert ofTtciating. Burial followed in Cenler United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Cemetery FundofCenierUnitedMeth- odist Church, c/o Linda Owings, 728 Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville. N.C. 27028, William A. Burchette William Allen "W.A." Burchette. 75.of Roaring RIver.died Friday, June 27,1997, at Chatham Memorial Hos­ pital. He was the brother of Wllla Miw Bmndon of Advancc. A graveside service was held at 3 p.m. June 29, at Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery by the Rev. Olin Qari;er with military rites by V.F.W. Post 1142 of North Wilkesboro. Rosa Billings Church Rosa Billings Church, 94, of North Wilkesboro. died Saturday, June 28, 1997, ul Wilkes Senior Village. She was the grandmother of David Church of MocksviUe. Funerol scrviccs were conducted at 2p.m.Junc30,ulMiIlerFuncralChapeI with the Rev. Rush Hylton offlciating. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERmSE RECORD, July Э, 1917 - № .'i'- ■ I ■ ' . Fork Club Plays Bingó- By Margaret Polb Club Rcpcxter Fork Fifty Plus Club met June 25 al Fork Civic Cenler with 20 members and four Visitors present. Thc Rev. Ken Evans retunwd thanks before a meal ut 11:30. After lunch, the president callcd thc meeting lo order and Evans had chargc ofthe devotions, reading from Job. He sangscvcral.sclcclion5 with Jenny Vosl on the piano. The secretary read the minules, which were approved. Sis Jarvis gave thc treasurer's report. Maxine Correll gave thc sunshine report. Door prizes werc won by Clara M, FoslcrandBillGo№le, TrevaSpillman brought the coverall bingo prize, won by Margaret Potts. Bob Gusiavson's name was drawn to bring nexl monihs prize. "Happy Birthday" was sunjjrio David Hendrix, Charies HijAlc and Wilma Smilh. Members played flvC games of bingo. Winners were John- Frank Jarvis, Helen Gusiavson/C^il Brannon and Margaret Polls. Members were cnierlalncd by Tom. / Horton's band. ' Fruit • е м Qoodi • QotjffliM ВикМWidd^wFunwiH We Deliver940-6337 L o s e W e i g h t • Lose 2*3 lbs a week. • Individualized counseling. • Grocery store & restaurant food. Mocksvlll« ProfMtlonal CMitmr 854 Valley R0Ml.Sulto 400 (704) 634-1423 ,^F IR S T ê !» G REENSBORO H O M E E Q U ITY LOW RATES > 1st & 2nd Mortgages • Bill Consolidations> Home Improvements • Refinancing • Rates Starting As Low As 8.99% Call for Mortgage Proposal and Pre-Approval. * (N oCostorO bH jafion) ^ (4101 • (SOOl Ь(Г-” "Ч FlratQr*oro Homo Equity, Inc. W » Main StTMt • Nofth WIHtMboro. NC 2M69 ThomasviOe's most pop«^ sofii ready fbr quidc ddiveiy! C«i dw sof* you w uii u a pricc you can afford widi quick (anil lTM)t>p<nil«liv«ty. C*t to Boyl« and Htfldta'iiodayl ThrouihatpcaaltfTanfiffltfit ' with dw factoiy, Thonusviiii'i iwmiy nrni popular loft nyhf art now availabi« for quick dilivtty ai BoylMaiKiHtndticli'i. Com« in todayl ; T he H a m p d m S o fa $ 1 0 4 4 Eight-way. hand-tied lofii with roll arm and drmmaker tUrt in a rich plaid. S u o n M d re ta iliim а » FineFitm\ HioN Point 611 Crnntlnin Road 910/888-8088 M O C K S V IL k I M 0 /l8 1 h m iiw m lU ..910-996.7712 i i i ■74. DAVŒ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 M o cksville M en A rrested F o r A rm ed R ob bery TwoMocksvillcminvvcreamstcd last week forslcalinjo rifle. Tcny Brad Joyner had idcnlilicd the men (hat slolc a SKS rifle from Ms home Juno 18, while holding a pis(ol on him, Russell AlbenMcCWI.mi),2«.aiii)Rufus Dowayne Hunt«. 21, bolh of 2015 U.S, Hwy. 158 Easi. Mocksville, were anesled June 2.'). McClelland was charged whh pos­ session of a firearm by a felon, amicd robbciy and injuiy to personal prop­ erty. He was placed in the Davic Counly iail under a $ 10.000 sccuted bond. Hunlcr was placed in the Davie Coumy Jail under a $7.500 secured bond charged wilh amted robbciy. BothwillfacelhesechargcsinDavic Counly Disiricl Court July 10. Addiiion.ll .uresis are pemling. Fires_____ Davie Counly fire depanmenis re­ sponded to Ihc following calls. June 23: Cooleemee. I0;20 p.ro„ auto accidcnl, Junciion Road, June « ! Smith Crave. 9:20 a.m„ back up for Clemmons at St. Clements Episcopal Churjh. 3600 Harper Road; Smilh Grove, 12:39 p.m., fire alarm.119 Howaniiown Circle; Coraatzer- Dulin assisied; Smilh Grove,4:47 p.m., firc alarm, 119 HowmHawn Cinrte Com;nzer-Dulinassistetl; Faimington,8:53 p.m„ aulo accident, Fatmington Medical Cenlcr, June 25: Mocksville. 8:45 a.m., amo accidcnl. Salisbuiy Street. June 26: William B. Davie, 9:02 p.m., pine tree or power line on fire, June 27: Ccnter, 12:29 a.m„ auto accident. !-W; Faiminsion, 2:38 p.m.. aulo accident, Bobbitt Road, June 28: Center, 7:32 a.m., vehicle ftre,l-40; William R,Davic,7:04p.m.. stnicture fire, Miller Road. June 2»: Smilh Grove, 6:27 p.m., motorcycle on fire, 1-tO. ) H ig h w a y P a tro l Continued From Page 6 - with a fire enlinguishcr until fire de- panraent peisonnel anivcd. Car Strikes Dilch NaialieJme Mom's, l7,ofVadkin- villc, was iraveling west on Bobbitt Road at 2:45 p.m. June 27, when she ran off Ihc right side of Ihc rood in a 1986 Plymouth, lost control of the car, crossing the center line and striking a ditch. The vehicle camc to rest on its right side, reported Tiooper A. A. Jus­tice. Morris was charged with no operator's license and no insurance, reported Justice, Motorcycle Burns On 1-40 Delmer Bevanl Polite, 33, of Win­ slon-Salem, was traveling east on 1-40 at 6:30 p.m, on a 1991 Kawasaki mo­ torcycle when it cauglil on fire, re­ ported Trooper P.T. Hennelly. Polite moved the motorcycle 10 théshoulder where it bumed completely, causing an estimated $5,000 in dam­ age, Hennelly said, Pfecc or Wood Strikes Vu Alice Fowler Hampton of Hickoiy was traveling west on 1-40 at 4:15 p.m. June 29, when a piece of wood slruck thé front of her 1995 Dodge van, re­ poned Trooper l.R, Allred. Hampton was unable lo detenrnae if the wood came from the road or the vetucle she was following. Car Wndis On R « l Road A 1986 Honda, belonging to Mat­ thew James Overstreet of Advance, wasfoundlune 29,where ithad runoff tbe road. - Accoiding to Trooper P.T. Hen- I^ly. the driver had apparently been attempting to make a right turn onto ftosl Road from U.S. 158 bul ran off the road. ■ Oiargw are pending, he said. H .C hm A uK ietì№ m S H I N E U N E A n s m n to ypuroptn g o m n m e n t qutstions ^emrtfi422Q99Lcm DAVIE CÒUNW iFJ^TERPRISE RECORD, Jviy Э; IJf7 - *1 By Brian Pitts Davie County Enteiprise Reconi - Coipediem, That phrase might not have been fioating around Jeffrey Lankford's head after firing a I- under-par 71 Sunday In the 30th Club Pio Championship's final tound nt the Pinehuist Resort & Countiy Club, but he certainly maxi­ mized his moment of opportunity, Lankford, an a.ssi.stant pro atTwin Cedars In Mocksville who played at N.C. Slate in the mid- 1980s, finished in a three-way tie for sev­ enth placc at 286 to qualify forthe PGA Cham­ pionship.- Lankford, 33, is lieaded to Hs first major championship, "I don't think il's really sunk in yet," he said of the trip 10 New Yorit, the site of the PGA major in August Lankford finished at 2-under for the touma- mentdespite aslashed right index finger, which he cut on the metal basketonthebackofhis golf cart during the third round while scunying lo the 16th green. His wife, Angela, dressed the inch-loni gash, whfch requiredfourstitches, and Lankfoid proceeded to drain a 40-foot bildie putt, "1 marked the ball," he said. "I put it back, I putted it. I made it." And he made reservations for New York. Mocksvilie-Davie Blows 50 Lead; Falls Two Games Behind Rowan B yBikuPM s Davie County Enteiprise Record Rowan County's American Legion baseball team apparently felt it was time to put Mocksviile-lSavIe back in itsplace Monday nightatMandoField, Mocksville, which has lost 26 of 35 games to Rowan since 1989, was roll­ ing along with a 5-0 lead through five innings and on Ihe verge of evening their best-of-7, semifinal playoff se­ ries,ButRowansUiggeiedPost 174 with six runs in the sixth and seventh in­ nings to tie the game and Mocksville stood still for the knockout punch, los­ ing 13-8 lofailbehind2-0inthe series. A miffed Mocksviile-Davie Coach George Daywalt wore a mask of dis­ couragement in the aftermath, wan­ dering why his club tasted the business end of a shotgun for Ihe second night in a row. "Wegaveup," said Daywalt, whose club blew a lead in thef ighth inning of iUi2-lloss¡nGamcl."WeIetthefans getto us. They're listening to the fans. "When I played. I was the catcher and Ihe fans wen; righl on lop of me. We've got Ihe play out here and int behind the fences." The coach was mainly refernng lo pitcher Jansen Keene, who earned « no-hitter and 5-0 lead into the sixth, when Rowan began toniltle Keene and eventually pound Ihe righiy inlo sub­ mission, "We'iealate-inningclubbutOheS- 0 deficit) concerned me wilh Jansen pitching," said Rowan coach Jim DeHait.'I like that kid and he got good support, but then Ihe bottom fell out." With Mocksville leading 6-3 and Ihe bases juiced in the sevemh. Buck Hamricklattooedabasc-ciearinglriple, a scorching liner lhal eluded a diving Scott Cornatzer in center field to tie the game al 6-6 and end Keene's evening. Cbaries Miller came on to strike out the nexl Iwo men to end Ihe inning, but all the momentum belongedtoRowan. Mocksville had a golden opportu­ nity intheboltomoftheinning to retain Fkase See MocksvUie - r a ft BC Rogers Suffers'Hard Luck' Loss To Top Team in Series Opener From left, Pat and Larry Cope root for ttieir granddaughter Bailey fiiarrs, a Hfckoiy Hill swimmer, while other tans cheer for their favorite swimmers. -l«hotobyRoblnFHgu»ton Swimmers Make Splash In Eariy Season Losses : HickoiyHill'sswimteamsputtered oul of the gate, falling to Gr^view 541-222 and Willow Run 550-310 to open the year. Ben Allred is in his first year of coaching the Hucricancs, Receiving swimmer-of-the-week awaids(June 16-20) were Neely Alex­ ander in the giris lOand under,leffiey Mighion in the boys 10 and under, Sarah Williams in the giris 11 and older and Brent Gaither in the boys 11 and older. The following are Ihe top finishers in cach event, starting with the meet withOiandview; Mtdley Relay Graham Harmon, James Mighion, Brian Gaither and Dylan Cheek, fiist place 9-10 . .Rebekah Peeler. Jenna Hendricks, jams, Wesley Johnson and Richard '’Broadway, sccond 15-18 ; AmySink,LaurenDavis,DanaCall and Sarah Stein, fiisl Dimmce Fnistyle ■ ■'■l!Bailey Mans and Neely Alexander, second; Nalhan Bames, David Ste'm, Jeffrey Mighion andDannySmith,rusl 11-12 Sarah Williams, Alison Alexander, Jenny Btoadway and Haley Hender­ son, second 13-14 Trevor Andeison, Stephen Will- 7-S Neely Alexander, second; Brian Gailhcr, second 9-10 David Stein, second 11-12 Haley Henderson, first; Taylor Harmon, second 15-18Dana Call, second liulividualMtdlty lOandimder Jeffrey Mighioo, second 11-12 Brent Gaither, second 13-14 Lauren Davis, second; Wesley Johnson, fust 15-18 Taylor Harmon, second Fmstyle 7-8Jenna Hendricks, second; Jm a PkanSc«SpUdi-Fa(eB4 New DHS Bask^ball Coach Brings Pennsylvania Assistant W lmi Jim Young came down from PennsylvanU last spring to inspect the area before becoming Davie High's boys basketball coach, he made il a point to load up Pal Cook for Ihe ride. Young had it aU planned. -. CookvrauUfaUinlovewithDavie : County, a golfing hotbed with mote pleasant wealher than Northeast, Pa.'s 190 inches of snow per year, and pur­ sue a job alongside Young on Davie's bench. And, after Monday morning's school board meeting, Cook was hired as aDavie Higli histoiy teacher. "He really likes it down here," Young said "1 had him come down with me a couple of times to k»k the areaovtrbecawlhaditinthebackof my mind lhat if I coukl convince him, rd like for him 10 come." The Young-Cook fratentlly will leunite. "He was my assistant (in Pennsyl- vania) at one time, then he had a head- coaching job in (Ihe Ncflheast area),' Young said, "and he's going to leave that to be one of my assistants. "He knows my system very, veiy well andheput It In whenhe wasabead ooach,iolkiii>whekni«iibDWIiii«D i f Cantrell Leaving For Coaching, Teaching Jobs At Wèst I r ^ ; AsBrianCantrellctinietnplaledW» ; fiituie, his mends tugged oo one aim : and Bob Blalock pulled oo Ihe other. BtakxkpRvailed; Cantien,DavieWgh'sinterimvar- Idty basketball coach after Danell ISIteki'sresignalkxilastJanuaiy. w«» '.tunied down fot the head jjpb.Now. : iie't ttnini a iwce In hU cateer after meiiteof the FootldUs J-ACoofet- ence, under Blakick, the vanity bas­ ketball coach wboisafoimerguidance eounaekiral Davie. *1 knew Bob wten I first came (to Davie).' CanlieU sakl, "ai^ he's a su- per.CMch. It's leal haid When you |o fiom coaching vanity to IV. tut I knew withlhe(lackof)expeiieoce lhat rve got that it was going to be haid to get (a vanity podtkn). "Solfrmgaingtogoanywheie,ilfs with Bob. This is definitely an all-win The upcoming football season al Davie, one of the most andcipaled ever, nude Canticli's^iskMasticnu- ousone, "Football made it haid.' he iiúL *rm definitely not leaving Davie just becauieIdUn1getthe(baikelbaU)job Mdrrodefliiilelyni4leavii«b(cauM of thè Uds, thè faroky 01 tbe patenls. "Football playedakit (in myiiiiod) because we had a gieal year, and I leally etijoyed woiUng with COadt (Bettiio) Biown, We hai a (icti ttaft and bave a kn of taleitf coioing back Ibis year, tt wiU bcieal hard feaving thowUds.* CantieU, who will sliU Uve in Mocksville, wiU be thè wkle leceiven coach Ibr thè IbolbaH H n . By Brian Pitts Ibvie County Enleфrise Record SAUSBURY - Phillip Rogers of Mocksviile-Davie has been here be­ fore, and he didn't like it шу better Sunday night. Rogers, whosebriiliant pitching was wasted agtunslRowanCountyonJune 1 in a 2-0 defeat, delivered another complete-game gem against Rowan, only to fall flat in a 2-1 loss in Oame 1 of the Southctn Division's best-of-7, semifinal series al Newman Park. ChrisChandler,lheNo. I seed's ace who improvedlo 184) in his American Legxn career, was just a little better, matching Rogen wilh a six-hitter aod striking out 1 S. He walked one. Rogen, who fell to 2-3 despite a 2.84 ERA, is becoming too familiar wilh the hard-luck-loser role. "Phillip is getting the shon end of the slick."saklGeorgeDaywall, whose fifth-seeded clubsweptNofth Wilkes- boro to advance.'He's pitched three or four times teal good for us." Jim DeHart, Rowan's coach, couMn't believe his eyes. He turned to a Mocksville patioo afterward and searched for answers. "How oU is her DeHait said of Rogers. "Where in tbe workl was be lastyear? 'As usual, Rogen pitched a great game. That kkl is somediing. He's got that knucUcHwve, boy.' But DeHan:» (Ot Chandler, wtu levvedMsjetsniidwiytfiiDughtastrilie out seven of eight during one span- 'niecoKbwaBMkedwbeiitheGiifty right-hander wouU letun. "Chandler willpnib^coaiebackinlheaecood aodddid|ine,'DeH«;iaidinjesL lh a l GwvcbaU was wotUt« teal; well and ha was th r o « ^ aooie heat, too.HedUagnatjoht Mocksville, which waoded two nuiM n ia the fint, icnldHdoiMa lun ihdiethMKlakea l-O M caihingia ooaCbandlercmir, After ScaBConMntToUedaleail- . offaio|leiiMoM.ShaM AIinirick- Ы a iwit«ii4 biM IMO aiM iaiV " P h illip is g e ttin g th e s h o rte n d o fth e stic k . H e 's p itc h e d three o r fo u r tim e s re al g o o d fo r u s ." - George Daywalt land, in fioni of home where Cbandkr fieUed and threw wiUly to first for a two-base enor. Then Charles Milkr,thenexlbaner who came up with tunnen at second and thinl and nobody oul, placed a perfectly executed squeeze bunt down Ihe first-base Une for the game's rnsl nin.FintbasemanCnig№wenfiekied die ball but had no play DeHait shook his head "Hwy got two or thiee cheap hta off of him, infiekl variety and sticking die tiai out, but ail of them cnint,* he said. Miller, who jumped Uk gun oo a hit-and-iun steal, was soon shot down tiying to swipe second, helping Chan­ dler escape die jam without M m , damage. From dial point, Mocksvilk only got two fifth-inning bits off Chindbr.' who struckout «even of eight sixth inning tl«ii«h die eighdi and retiiedthefinall2men,lncludiiigBine onstrikes. 1 thought Cbandkr dU w dl aAair about die diiid inning.'; DeHart laidL ' "He started piicbing bis game.* DvwakdiB«Rcd,sgme«tai,wit. marizingdiatChandkf’tefliKtivi i ! Il '/1 had as much to do with MocksvUkV loag-ballilhiakios,caotiafylaHsilHn., game. "Chandkr pitched good b« Гт going to tell you; A сонгк оП км went up thcie wiA hone nm cm M r tnind and dM 101 la away fUm at*. V , giaie,ow<xMgB«'D4l»rilM^^, ■ "■ '■ ■ ¿ W - b iia i'', T В2 - DAVIK COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997 О А У Ш £ О и Ш Е | Ш 1|>1^ (Яшгпга, Дшшга %йЬ l|ts g ra c e o il Щ п ггйЬ ttaòtn g n o b è ttflj b ra tlje rÌjC D Ìii fro m S M to s i|tm n g sm » Allstate Iniuranca Co. 300 South Main St.. MoetoviU« Orubb Professional Building 704-634-0669 Ctos«d Friday. July 4th American Cafe 1UN.MainSt.,MocksvHi6 704-634-007S CtosMf Friday. JuV4(f> American Hornet 952 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville 704-634-1395 Closed Friday, July 4th B&BGIaaa A Mirror 721 Wilkesboro Si.. Mccksvllle 704-634-3966 Closed June Xth through JiOy 6th Ben Franklin Willow Oaks Shopping Cnt.. Mocksville 704-634-5468 Open July 4th. 9AM to 6PM Beverly Hllla Weight Lose 854 valley Rd.. Suite 400. MocksvUle 704-634-1423 Oos0d Friday, July 4th & Saturday. July Sth Bonanza Mobile Hornet 700 Wilkesboro St.. Mocksville 704-634.5959 Closed Friday: July 4th BB&T 119 Qaitber street, Mocksville 704-634-5951 1109 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville 704-634-5956 Closed Friday. July 4th S.W. Brown & Sent Wholetale 473 Depot St.. MocksviUe 704-634-2516 Closed Friday. July 4th Carolina Computer Supply 23 Court Square. Mocksville 704-634-5262 Ck)sedJuly4th Caudell Lumber Co. 162ShMkSl..Mockavit}e 704-634-2167 Closed Ftfd)ty.Joiy 4th Central Carolina Banh 148 WUer Street S q i^ Boone Pltza 704^-6261 Cooteemee Shopping Center 704-284-2542Member FDIC • Cloted Fridty. July 4th CourUldeSporU 1S7N. Main SL. MocksvUle 704-634-4700 Closed July 4th thru Mon. July m Cretcent Electric MemberahipCorp. 317 Sanlont Av9„ Mocksville 704-6342138 ClosKlFrldayJuly4lh Davla Auto Parta 191 Wllkgtt»ra St., Mocksvllla 704-e34-21S1 CKtttd Friday. July 4lh Davla County ChamlMr of Comtnarca 107 N. Salisbuiy St.. Mocksvlllg 704-634-3304 CwjpiraKng For A BelurDatrie Couniy aostd Friday, July 4lh Davie County Enterprlte-Record 171 S. Main St., Mocksville 704-634-2129 Closed Friday. July 4th Davie County Farm Bureau 977 YadUnviDe Rd.. Mocksville 704-634-6207 HiHsdale Office 116Hwy. 801N. «201, Advance 910-096-6521 Closed Friday. July 4th Oavle County Soli A Water Conaervatlon Dlatrlct 180 S. Main St., MocksvUle ' 704-634-5011 Closed Thursday July 3rd and Friday July 4th Davla Discount Drugs CoolMtnM Shopping Center, Codeemee 704-284-2537 Havea HapfiyJuty4lhl Davie Family YMCA - Cemetery St.. MocksviUe 704-634-9622 Closed Friday, July 4th Davie Sanitation 462 Depot St.. MocksvUle 704-634.1585 Heppy^diotJuiyi Davie Supply 1469 N. Main St.. MocksviUe 704-634-2659 Ckmd Friday, July 4lh»SMmlty, July m Eaton'a Funeral Home 32SN.MainSt.,Mock«vU)e 704-634-2148 Hive A Safe « 4th Of Juy Fosta^RauchD ru8 Co. 49SVW«yRll.Mocl((vlM 704-694-2141 Open Friday July 4th • 9enh4pm Foater'e Jewelert 171 N. Main St.. Mocksville 704-634-2737 .1 Closed Friday, July 4lh Furchea Motor Co. 157 Depot St., Mocksville 704-634-5948 -i Ctosed Friday, July 4fi J.P. Green Mining Co. 496 Depot St.. Mocksvple 704-634-2126 Л Closed Friday, July 4lli a Saiurday, July Sth Handl-CuplxMrd #'sil, 2 & 3 Cooleemee A MocksviUe (1) 704-284-4141. (2) 704-284-2828 & (3)704-634-7797 Open July 4th ' Horn’s Convanlanca Store Hwy. 601 A Salisbury St.. Mocksville 704-634-7676 'Hom't Thick Plaza Hwy.601 81-40. Mocksville 704-634-3815 • Open Regular Hours Friday July 4th Ketchle Creek Battery 1061 YaddnviHe Rd.. Mocksvie 704-634-9147 Closed Friday. July 4th^ Larew-Wood-Johnaon, Inc. 135 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville 704-634-6281 i Closed Friday July 4t^.f Little Caesara PHtza Squire Boone Ptaa'i. VidWnv«leHoaO,Mock85l«e 704-634-9424 fe Opm fiegulaf Houra T h u m l^ ^ 4lh L&S Grocarylie78H«v.e01S.,A*^ 910-988-7347 Open ra*yJtiiy4Kl Regu* Houra McDonald'a lOIIYedUnvaieRd.!: Squira Boone Plaza, Modinll. 704-634-1818 . Open neaultr Наил Juiinild Mockaville Autoniòtivo 884-3. Mam SI.. Mocknille 704-634-2944 Closed Friday July 4lha Seturdey July Sth Mockaville BulMer’a Supply 814 8. Main St., Mockaville 704-634-5915 aosedJuly4th Mockaville Savinga Bank 232 s. Main St.. Mocksville 704-634-5936 Hillsdale-at Hwy. 158 & 801 919-940-2420 Closed Friday, July 4th Mock Tire 962 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksviilo 704-634-6115 Cbsed Friday July 4lhS Saiurday July 5Ш Nationwide Insurance Jimmy Kelly. Agent 281 N. Main St.. Mocksville 704-634-2937 Ctosod Friday. Jufy4№ Ttie Ptione Place 121 Depol St.. Mocksville 704-634-2626 Closed Friday July -llh & Saturday July Sth Rorer Ace Hardware Hwy. 158, Hilsdaie 910-998-1987 Open Friday July 4th ввт-4рт Seaford Photography 31 Court Square. MocksviUe Closed July 2nd ttmueh July eih Serendipity Shops 41 Coun Square, Mocksville 704-634ЧВ55 Closed Friday July 4lhi Saiurday July Sin ' Shores Plumbing & Heating ; Nonli Main St.. Mockaville .¡704-634-5653 1- , Cfc^Fiiaay, July 4111 Sister's IlOf Moclcsviile 1039 Yailklnvllle Rd., MocksvUle ' 704-634-1782 ■ Closing Thmsday July 3(d at г щ т and •rDreefenonlUesdeyJulyem Spillman’aLimes FertilizerHiiiy.eoi,Cocleemee 704-284-2551 »284-4354 OpenJuly4lh Call For Sunmar Fuel Oil Ргкяа iww-Mart • Plaza, MocksviUe *634-1388 jlM f^ Ju iy41ft >HeatlngaAC H*y.15ew.,*<fcance 910-998-2121 Have a Fun July 4thl York’a Exxon 184 Salisbuiy St.. MocksviUe 704-834-2220 Open Friday July 4th 188^ This celebration o f Am erica has been brought to you by the above m erchants with their holiday hours noted. Let them know their patriotic message is appreciated. HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY HOLIDAY! ; m b гш ш Ь йг n m f t t t b n m Ш m i h k t x i for gratifeb a ,v.1 В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3 ,1W7 - Photos by Robin FèrguuonCoach Ben Allred and William Joiinson offer pointers to Sara One of the Hum'canes pushes her away across the pool In the freestyle compehtion. Snow and Bailey Marrs. 'Splish Splash': Hickoiy Hill Swimmers Excel In Eariy Season Meets Continued From Page Bl Mighion, first 9-10 Nallian Bamcs, second 1M2 Chris Stein, sccond 13-14 Halcy Henderson, sccond : 15-18 Dana Cal), firsl; Nick Davis, scc­ ond • Backstroke :7-8 Jenna Hendricks, second; Brian • Gaiiher, second 9-10 Danny Smilh, sccond; David Slcin, firsl 1M 2 Sarah WiUiams, sccond; Brcnl Gaither, sccond 13-14 Sarah Stein, second 15-18 Dana Call, sccond; Ryan Bames, second Buuerjlx 7-8 Neely Alexander, second; Brian Gaither, first 9-10 Jeffrey Mighion. second 1M2 Jenny Broadway, sccond 1M4 Wesley Johnson, firsl 15-18 Dana Call, sccond Frt'i'si\h‘ Relay 7-8 James Mighion, Brian Gailhcr, Gra­ ham Han)ion.and Dylan Check, firsl 9-10 Nathan Bames, David Slcin, Jef- frcy Mighion and Danny Smith, sec* ond 1M 2 Alison Alexander, Haley Hender­ son, Jenny Broadway and Sarah WiU­iams. second 13-14 Brill Davis, Brcnl Gaither, Trevor Anderson and Stephen Williams, sec­ ond 1M 8 Ryan Bames, WeslcyJohnson,Nick Davis and Richard Broadway, second Hickory Hill vs. Willow RunSkitles' Relay 9-10 Danny Smith, Nalhan Bames, David Stein and James Mighion, firsl placc 11-12 Alison Alexander, Sarah Williams, Jenny Broadway and Haley Hender­ son, first; Bailey Marrs, Katie Smith, Taylor Harmon and Vicki Angell DavM SMn does the breast stroke for the Hurricanes in the 9- 10 yaw oU division. ir.-. ' " '■ h ' IJ-14 JenniferMoon;, L^urcn Davis, Amy Sink and Samh Slcin, sccond IM 8 Amy Call, Meg Brewer, Dana Call and Aleihca Riddle, sccond; Ryan Bar­ nes, RichanJ Broadway, Trevor Ander­ son and William Johnson, first Distance Freestyle 7-8 Neely Alexander, sccond 9-10 Carly Balsley, first; David Stein, sccond lJ-14 Amy Sink, second 15-U Dana Call, second Itlitividiial Ateilley 9-10 Bailey Marts, second 11-12 Jenny Broadway, second; BrenI Gailhcr, first 15-18 Amy Call, firsl; Wesley Johnson, sccond Freestyle 7-a Rcbecca Riddle, sccond; Neely Al­ exander, firsl; Brian Gaither, second 9-10 Carly Balsley, second; David Stein, first 11-12 Haley Henderson, second; BrenI Gaither, first 13-14 Jenny Broadway, first 15-18 Dana Call, first Backstroke M O David Stein, first 11-12 Surah Williams, second; BrenI Gaither, firsl 13-14 Meg Brewer, second 15-18 AmyCall,second;Wesley Johnson, second Breaststroke 7-8 Neely Alexander, first; James Mighion. second »-10 Carly Balsley, second; Jeffrey Mighion, first 13-14 Latuen Davis, first 15-18 Richard Broadway, second Buttetfly 7-« Neely Alexander, second 9-10 Jeffrey Mighion, fiisi 11-U Jenny Broadway, second; BrenI Gaither, jecond . 15-18 DanaCall,second; Wesley Johnson, first Freestyle Relay M O NaUun Bames,DannySmith, David Sleln and Janies Mighion, first 11-12 leany Btwtwty, Tkyioc Haimoo, Swimmers watch their teammates as parent Salty Smith l<eeps time during a meet. Hurricane swimmer Bailey Marrs does the butteifly in the 9-10 year old division. Sarah Williams and Haley Herulerson,first I , MnW»M0«UIIS»*8S«CIMB,P.Ai Meg Brewer and Ijiuren Davis, sec­ ond 15-18 Amy Call, Amy Sink, Sarah Stein and Dana Call, second; Trevor Ander­ son, Ryan Baines, Wchard Broadway and Wesley Johns«», firsl У с и п , C k ifJr .n J « . m i n f С е п Ы n u ju v c b accepting Fall Enrollment for INvoe. Threes and Fourá^ (704)634-7118 Д VT! Robert M. Rooo, M.D. Jofferoy B. Raub, M.d; "Ш - ' " are pleased to announce the opening of their IMQcinvllle office; авн ош ы ш зшУосЬуЙЬ. jyc2 j m rsgsissai, Dragsters Compete At Fannington DAVIE COUNTY ENTERÍ4USE RECORD^ July 3,1M7 - H Afte thtee vwek» o( vm wci*her inlpfering with the $23,900 FAR!« PDlitb Sefies races, Sunday night's "doubl^poinB'’nt* got In Ihe reconi i . books complete. ; Morelhan230entrieswereonhand ' at the Davie County drag strip, f ■ TaklngHsfiiitTopHlinlnalorwin r.'of'the year was Mike Fuda of t'finninilon. In his -Diesded Duce" J;PhewolelNova. Fuda picked up the ; ■$ I JflO paycheck by defeating Danell ; Collins from Kernersville, in his ' Chevroletpowcred23-TRoodsler.The ; bigwinhasmovedFudafromthefiflh I position inlo the number one spot for 1 Ihe first time In his five years of drag ■ racing 01 Farmington. Collins,aTop8 • winner already from this year, moved ; rromlhenumberl3spoitonnhlnthc ‘ Top Eliminator standings. Tbelr all ; chasinglhatSJ.OOOcashrirsiprizethat ; goestolheI997TopChampion. John ; Bridges (tom Poikville, NC, driving a ; Chevrolet Vega and Lee Sloan In his i Ml. Airy, NC based PDntlacTrans-Am ; both finished Ihird and founh in Top I Eliminator. • Five time Sponsman champion , Donald Thomas ftom Mt. Airy made ; his move back lo the top, wilh his ; "double poinu" win. Thomas, driving , the family's "Mopar Gang” Plymouth, 5coied his fint Sponsman win of die year over Raleigh's Steve Taylor in a Chevrolet Tlie winnercollecledS 1,000 anddieninner-upplckedup$300. Tbe viclwy has pul^lhe former champion H unter Course ^ Tb Be Taught ' A hunter education course will be • taught July 7*9 al the Davie County pfficc Building. / ■ Classes are from 6*9 each evening. The minimum age for certification is f 12. Before getting a current hunting :• .Iwense, you must ¡voduce proof of a ;^pa&t license or be a graduate of the ¿•.j^rse, ’ For more information, call 492- ? .7553. The class is uuight by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. on top of the Sponsittan points stand­ ings for the first time this yeori The ' Spoturaan champion at Farmington will lakehomeacool$2,500cashat Ihe end of the year. Julian Lewis from Greensboro, fn a Chevrolet, and Rob- eit Sawrey from Mocksville, finished third and fouiih respectively. ■ Taking Ihe special Top 8 (quickest 8TopEliminiiorcats)win was Howie Adams from Winston-Salem In his Cellular Plus dragster over Durwood Edwards from Sandy Level, Va. In a drag'sier. Dennis Williams from Afheboro, was Ihe low E.T. qualifier al > 4.99. Mark the "Kid" Jones from Rund Hall In his '95 Oldmoblle, took lop speed honors u 140 mph. RobenPoundfromLexington.S.C. In a Ford Mustang picked up his sec­ ond Classic Gear Jammer win of Uk year, defeating Mike Withers from WyihevilIe,Va.taaChevroletCamaro. RonnieSklnncrfromKenictsvllle, fin­ ished a close UUid in his Chevrolet Nova. матшмюигамт(704)в34-11М I Residential i Commercial CARPET SPECIAL • Aladdin’s Hot Shots 7 ® /sq.yd. mmnante 29-80% Off 3011. Uilnoton Hd.. MadttvHit Hiclcory Hill Hosts Cancer Society Golf Tournament Hickory НЩ hasted the American Cancer Society Golf Championship rewntly, a tournament that featured eight divisions. The following are the lop finishers in each; Mni'sDlvfatonI Fitst place, 57 - Batty Whiluker, Johnny Miller, Randy Thompson and Stanley Randall Second, 58-Robin Benson, Bubba Brown, Keith Stiller and Jason Tut­ terow M m ’iDivfafciall First, 59 - Steve Walker, D.J. Tucker, G.C. Lankford and Donnie Smidi Second, 60-DonnieKelIer,Donnie Goodin, Allan Schlll and Chris Hen­ drix Men's D hblodlll First, 66 - Sieve Laymon, David Bames, Mackey Skenn and Paul Mighion T e s t Y o u r B I B L E K n o w l e d g e ffliE S nO K l Row dod a pcnoo **obev the Gosper (U TlMS. 1:8)7 (Last HWi ^ Answer: True, Pecóle сил know wheiher they are saved or nol. Those who have “оЛо'л/ the Gospel" (II Vies. 1:8) and who are "ивШл^ in the light" (I Johf 1:7) are saved. Are ум?) m n rm jii^ K ic m m e n o fC M m r* m m ^ iw m u T H m A L »Ijocsiieú at the comer of Junction and Jericho Roads u- Charity Team Pennine B IG l o A K R A N C H FHday, July4lh • 4PM *3^^iU lm lssio n Calf Scramble Starts at 4 PM {AH participant» In ealf aeramlOa ar§ from Now Horbona ot Davla A Davla Dav»lopnmtaUyDI$abM Foundation}' Team Penniiu! Starts at 7 PM* $1500Addad Puna** ollMlCoMt ГикКмЙоЮгСо. 11юп’«1ЧитЫпд*Нм11пв--« ЛЛ—t--»------------a.ПЯМ ПВ ЯЮТЛМт* H1v> tlWI ООТШ ГОП1HmUimAAIt PhonalHac« Di*i«SMÍüSon Faw’sQriU ■еоИуОммп Mor Medicai SuDoIlM «мЯМйПппмСо. s is s m b не OAK RANCH; 0É» eiewo ШТ • amm iwsfil WI "tr* Thanks to ouriooi kpotuonfor uupportbtgatrtetemuel NC»l| CaU СагШгйгЦ11МЕЯ\Я' The Mini Dish Satellite Service No EqulpRMnt To Purchiu Prim* Slir SuppIlM a Makit«lni АП Equlpnwm rOUHDAVm COUNTY РНМШаТЛЯОШАМ HI U dItsD ivbloiilI Fust, 62 - Betyl Kizer, Donna Tkach, Missy Smith and Jane Hendrix Ladin Division III First, 71 - Pal Amore, Relha Whlllaker, Jane Whitlock and Connie Kowalske L adin Senior DM skm ll First, 70 - Belly Foster, Gwen Cleary, Precyous Soles and Maithá Randall Men's Scnkir Division I Fmt, 59 - Pete Amore, Harvey Miller, Tom Foster and Gene Kizer Men's Scnkir Dividon II First, 59 - Bob Vandiver, Grady Hutchins, Dave Andetson and Joe McGowan Second, 65 - Ken Sales, Vemon Thompson,MJ. Randall ondJimHeadi • One of the finest shots of the tournament was Robin Benson's double-eagle 2 on the par-5 No. 7. Benson used a four-iton. y W W H W ^ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW MW Fourth of July ОрмМ Ш И п Ш . t a b i m 1 5 % o f f ^ l A ll Merchandise S t o r e w i d e Friday, Ju ly 4th 9 A M to 6 P M O N LY (except framing orders already placed) ; Willow Oak ^ Shopping CenterB en F r a n k lin ■saygssjff WAL-MART ALWAVS LOW PRICES. ALWAYS WAL-MART. mil U a lf Your Pool SPARKLE witit SAVINGSl 4 9 . 9 7 HTH*GRANUIJ^R-25LB. Effecthre chtorination at an economical price. No chkjrine product protect» pool water tMtter than faster dissolving NTH. 4 8 . 9 7 PACE* 3" TABLETS • 15.75 LB. Stabilized. Sk>w dissolving and indtvklualty wrapped. V M M M R T im ^ H o u R s i i ■Л ! ' 'i M . DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3,1997'A Hero Is Born' Patti Saves Game From Mound By Brian ntts Davie County Enterpri« Record An unknown when he arrived al Rich Purk on June 24. Víctor Patti left Mando Reid as the hero of Mocl^ vilte-Davic's 14- 12 win over Wilkes Couniy. With Game 2 of Ihe fírst-round. besi-of*5 scries with Wilkes on Ihe line. Mocksville coach George Daywall jerked Ryan Lambert and sumnx>nedPaitito the hill with Patti Mocksville clinging lo a 12-11 lead, two outs and two runners aboard in ihe top of the fifth inning. Patti.al6'year*oldIen-handerwho had not appeared on the mound all season, threw thn?e pitches, striking out slugger Scooter Harless on a high healer for the first of several critical outs for Patti, who finished the final 4 1/3 with flair. While scattering three hits, Patti stnickout six and walked one. The one run he allowed was unearned. Patti, who has suffered from a sore elbow for most of the year, received Wèightijfling To Begin July 8 Ron Kirk, North Davie’s football coach, announced that weight lilting forali Wildcat athletes will begin July 8. The classes will run each Tuesday and Thursday ci the school from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Physicals Offered Any South Davie athlete who plans to paiticipate in a fall sport can receive a ^ysical on Aug. 19 at tlie school. Physicals will run from 4 to 6 p.m. Camp To Be HeU The Mocksville-Davie Parks and Recreation Department is holding a basketball camp from July I4-I8althe Brock Gym. The camp, ran by Breni Wall, who coached at North Davie last year, will last each day from 9 a.m. to noon for rising thinl to sixth gradere. The deadline lo register is July 7. The fee is $35 and a T-shirt will be given lo each camper. Davie AII^Team WBHopeV№lkertown Travis Allen's pitching and Cody Wright's hitting provided the right for­ mula Гмг Davie's 13-year-old all-star leam.whichrompedpestWalkertown 10*2 in Samrday's first round of the DistrictUToumament at Mando ЯеШ. Allen, who threw four-hil ball over tix innings and only allowed one nm. got the win and Wright blasted three ' hiu in thfte.trips while scoring three runs. Còach Mkhael McDaniel didn't anticipate the walk in the parìe. Tor the caliber of team we played, weplayed really well.” said McDaniel, who cautioned against overlooking anyone. "With eachlevel.itllbealittle more difficult and well have to step up our levelof play. Every game, well have to play better than the last game." McDaniel has an excellent prob­ lem: a roster dotted with big-time positive results from an MRI and Day­ wall discusscd ihe possibility of toss­ ing Paui in the fire wilh his father, Vic. "He had been talking last week that he'd like to pitch." said Daywalt. who shuffled Ihrough starter Desiiy Swaim and Lambert txfore calling Palti. "In­ flammation in his elbow was all it was so I talked with his dud about (pitch­ ing). "You couldn’t ask for anyone lo do any belter. He had good control, really hit the spots and kept the ball down, and he shouldn't have given up ihe run (in the ninth)." Mocksville led the game off wilh four successive hits, leading to a 5-0 cushion, but Wilkes' Jason Howell. crankcdugmnd-siamhomeroffSwaim lo hand his club a 6-S advaniage after an inning and a half. After Wilkes extended the margin lo 8-6. Mocksville exploded for six runs in the fourth to lake ihe lead for good, knocking Howell, Wilkes’ ace who dominoed Mocksville in an 8-Q win on June 14. out of the game. Howell appeared vs ell-oiled lo Day­ wall. but Mocksville's fire was loo hot forthe lef^-hander. "Ourdetermination and desire were Ihe difTerence," Daywall said. "He threw as good as he did up there." McK'ksville, led by Jansen Keene's three hits. b;inged oui 14 hits, with everyone bul the pitcher's spot hilling safely, and eight players delivered RBIs, a reference to Mocksville's assertiveness at Ihe plate. Shane Allen and Charles Miller, right-handers, had hils the opposite way tobcgin the nighl and Andy Ward followed wilh a bunt single, a surge lhal set the game's tone. NoHhWllknboraMocknille North Wilknbora Howell L DareMocksvUleSwaim Lamben Palti W 060 2J0 001 - 12 901 620 00«. 14 IP H R ER BB SO 4 1112 7 2 3 4 3 2 0 3 3 IP H R ER BB SO2 6 6 6 I Ü 2.71 S I 6 4 4.33 10 1 6 Mocksville-Davle's Deslry Swaim waits for ttie ttirow to tiold Rowan's Brett Pfeiffer at first base. -Pliotol>yJiy*onSing(,Sall«buryrott Rowan Steals Game From Mocksville In Eighth Continued From Page BI "We had sonw people guessing on him and wc can'l do dial." Two double plays, a nifty grab by firsl baseman Destry Swai m and aspec- lacular snare of a hot grounder headed forthe Icft-fieldcomerbyMillerhelped Rogers cany a shutout imo the eighth, when Rowan took the game by the throat with two game-deciding runs. AfteruleadoffwalkloJustinWishon and a Michael Lowman single lo left. Powers, Rowan's most feared hitter, laid a bunt down Ihe third-base line, a shocking move that woriced beauti­ fully for Rowan, which then had the bases full and no outs. Rogers* vertebrae snapped on the play. "Thai bunt pretty much broke my Legion Statistics Record: 18-8 (Through June 25) mrriNG AB R H RBI AVO.2В 3B HR Keene 108 34 41 27 .380 11 2 4 Ireland 89 20 33 16 .371 2 0 0 Potts 54 9 19 10 .352 7 0 0 Ward ' 106 24 34 19 .321 5 2 1 Comatzer 63 15 20 10 .317 I I IBurchetle 98 21 31 26 .316 6 2 4 Swaim 45 13 14 14 .311 5 0 0 Allen 88 26 27 10 .307 2 0 0 Miller 100 22 29 15 .290 6 0 0 Patti 52 7 13 9 .250 I 0 0Snow16 5 4 2 .250 0 0 0 Styers 47 7 11 8 .234 1 0 0 Anthony 22 5 5 2 .227 I 0 0 Tomlin 5 I I 1 .200 0 0 0 Ridenhour 43 3 8 5 ,186 3 0 0 Lambert I I 0 \.000 0 0 0 Rogers 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 Pardue 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 Others 18 3 4 6 .222 0 1 1TOTALS 955 216 294 181 .308 51 8 11 PlTCmNG W-L IP H R ER BB SO ERAPalti1-0 4 1/3 3 1 0 1 6 0.00 Lambert 3-1 31 1/3 21 24 IO 37 43 2.88Rogers2-2 30 27 11 to 15 18 3.00 Keene 2-2 3525 37 20 14 14 52 3.53MUIer2-1 91/3 10 9 5 5 8 4.84 Anthony 4-1 51 69 39 29 22 36 5.12 Pardue 3-0 272/3 36 19 17 15 35 552 Tomlin 0-1 11 17 8 8 3 3 6.55Swaim0-0 62АЭ 13 9 9 3 4 12.09Others1-0 162/3 13 Ш 9 15 7 4.85 TOTALS 18-8 2232/3 246 150 109 130 212 4.39 STOLEN BASES; Ireland 9. Ward 9, Comalzer 6, Allen 5, Keene 4, Miller 3, Swaim 3, Anthony 2, Buichette 2, Slyers 2, Paiii. Potis, Snow 8AVES:MUkf2 "We have a lot of lalent,” lie said. 'Ifs a toMgh ainiatiao for me because we have 14 greal ball playen, and il’s lough for me lo find all of Ihem a spot. -A big concem ia chemislqr be­ came we've only had four inclices ■adata game,fautmúnkwelldoital weD when we get some games under ourbek.” 11ieMnianienl,whichiesumedlasl Manhv wilh Davie hosling a second- round game. Is double eliminalioa 1 fi a maucr of who makes fewer mlatakes,’ McDaniel said Tm really excited about il. Ifa just a nuner of us playing iDgedier.'- •Wrighi mopped up in Ihe sevenlh, «iiUi(iMitwoiiiaMiuingofworii. ...KcKMLaddMndOirisSeafoid. who M IWO RBb, both went 2 for 4 Md DoMk VMd waa I fbr 3 wilh : Í Davie Team Beals Randleman 74 In A ll^ Tourney WilhGregBrooksslnigglingonlhe mound,CoachRickAllredofItie Davie Nationals wenI lo his allemalive, Lonnie Bames, who was maslerfulover Ihe final five innings lo lead Davie lo a 7-4 vicloiy over Randleman inUie firsl round cf Ihe doubIe<liminalion all- star toumament Saturday in Randle- ' man. The major team is made up of 11- and 12-year olds. Allied lined Brooks after he al- kwedthreefiisl-inningninsthal shaved Davie's lead to S-3, and Bames hand­ cuffed Randleman the rest of Ihe way, yieklingjudoneiun. 'He pitched gTeat," said Lany HoUifielA an assistant coach. After Ben Allied, who led the club with IWO hits, Biooks and Nick Taylor I Aikg tokcy a big firsl inning lhal saw Davie blow ahead S.O. Randleman charged back bul All­ ied Iripkd in Ihe nm of Iwo tuns in die second, and Biooks followed wilh a SAC fly for all Ihe nms DivIe needed I Diviehouedasecoad-iaundgame Monday al Ihe Davie Youlh Complex. --------------<--------- Guaranteed income fo r life . S o u n d G o o d ? J i i i t c a l l n w f o r a l l t l i e d o t a i l t . te M eiMl fw Itw IM UM, I kM* hM hVirlMl R b M wliw » m il« » ! I w » », im tm • M eMpMMw M m M n iN , M i n a k M «M i» iM t i iM ilM m m M to a hM* MM, ar l i ipm tf w i iw M • iH m lM i toMMi Mr iM rail al (■arMi. la,MrM »to|MMta|VM «nliraMM^ ■il BM M*||| ra «MM IM M b ^ U I i l i 1lMg‘ i M |1>a»iip. ■ a rtM M rtiM с и ,с к к м аы м м а, н о г т ю 7M4S4-7SH The Company You Keep.“ ' IbNVMMIb back," he said. "I couldn't get lo it. He placed it perfecl." Daywall said: "Powers got il by the pi Ichcr, and that's what you've gol to do In that case, I think it's the only time he's bunted all year." The next baiter, cleanup man Adam Horton,sentMocksvilledownlhetubes with a single lo cenler, a rocket up ihe mlddlethaldellccledoffRogers'giove, just by shortstop Allen's outstretched arms und scored two runs. "If 1 would have opened my glove, (1 would have had it)," Rogers said. "If I wouldn't have hit il, il would have hit me In the leelh. I couldn't get my glove up Ihere quick enough." -, Horton relishes the palm-swealing • situations. "1 always want to get up there whh' men on base and drive them in," hei said. "That hit came in a very difficult position. 1 really needed to come through. I finally got a hold of it." . г Mocksville 001 ООО ООО-IRoMin County 000 000 02Я-2 MocksviUe Rogcn L Rowan CouniyChandler W IP H R ER BB SO 8 6 2 2 3 4' IP II R ER BB SO9 6 I 0 I 15. Mocksville Falls 13-8 Continued From Paj{e BI control, butaftcrColinStyersandCor- nalzer moved lo second and third on a pairof no-out hits, reliever and winner Buck Hamrick retired Mocksville's l- 2-3hlttcrsongroundballsiolhe drawn- in infield to escape the jam. "rmdownwlththemtonighl," Day­ wall said. "We had a chance to put them away. ...This was a game wc had lo have and we were in posilion lo win il, but wc let up and didn't put people away." Rowan, on the olher hand, kicked dirtonMocksville'sconinintheeighih, scoring six runs, three on Hamrick's homer over the right-field wall off Miller, who fell lo 2-2. Mocksville is running out of lives. "We’re againsi the wall now." Day­ wall said. "When wc get down, we're in Uouble. We have Ut>uble fighting back. Some of them don't haveenough guts." DeHart said: "1 neverfcel good, not playing Mocksville and not until it's 4- 0." • Rowan's matador defense, five errors for Ihe game, led to Mocksville’s 5-0 lead." Wc were throwing il around like crazy." DeHart said. "My third baseman, shortslop and sccond base­ man all made errors. Bul if you'll no­ tice. after aboul the fifth inning, they settled down and played belter.".... Joe Burchetle, in the sixth, cranked his team-high fifth homer.Ro«aa lb r h blM-D4 2 11 Allen5 112 Miller 4 3 2 1 Ireland 12 11 Keene4 12 6 Paiii SOM Snow5 0 0 0 Burchelte 0 0 0 0 Swaim 5 0 0 0 Sl)crs 5 2 10 RiJcnhour 1110Comaker 4 13 0 WishonLawman HononHamrickBallarJClinePcifltfrHailey Heanl ab г h bi4 110 Sill4 1125 0 10 3 0 10 10 0 0 5 0 123 1114 110 RowanM-D 000 002 461 - 13001 311 002-Я RowanWelch Walker Hamrick WM-DKccne Miller L PanJue IP II R ER BB SO3 5 3 1 6 3 3 4 3 11 I 3 3 2 2 13- IP H R ER BB SO 6.3 4 6 5 6 ? 1.7 5 6 6 I ■ 4 IOIDI I D o d g e R a m T o u g h S a lu to t o A m o r l a n d E a M C o a s t W o rM G h a m p lo n ih lp ] RODEO 1 8th Annual J U L Y 4 & 5 Foatar Road* Woodleaf (oilH w y. e o iN a lB p m ) QataaOpanAtepm j ThelkM lhPwieBiirlUBClub I • Bronco RMbig • Calf Roping • Gk»t lying • • ream Roping • Cow Qlrl Banral Racing •• Wild Brahma Bull RMIng • Trtek Roping •• Funny Clowna • Singing Cowboya • »Calf ScramWfor lOda» Wild Cow MllMna« Soonsondhv: ЛММ ★Fureha* Motor Co, .og.. *М 1 тм 1 '« Now Нолю *PNinlor8irtoinof ' StMMvlBt ★ WMMmSlMrolMoeliavlllo' VadklnvHMMMlMltbury « Dm «» Auto tart* 8Mion«l8y HUM M cPiiM onil RodnAiaodaion ForRodM Inkxmatkm: 704-278-206» НМ м М ОаиРм OAVIE COUNTY ENTERnilSE RECORD, Jii|y Э, 1997 - B7»tl C^om atzer H its G am e W in n e r Щ ■ FMa iCCumy Enleiprise Record NORTH WILKESBORO - Left ; for dead after a humbling loss to last- : place Mooresville In Ihe legular-sea- . son'fiiiale,Mocksville-Davlowasallve anii kicking against Wilkes Coiin^inCame : 1 of Ihe fiist- lound, best-of-5 i Southern Divi­ sion series on June 23. JansM Keene stifled Wilkes on seven hits and II strike outs nnd Scott Coinatzei sraokedaninside-the-paik,garae-win- ning home mn in the top of the eighth inning, scoring two mns to snap a 5-5 tie and propel Mocksviilc lo a 7-S victoiy. Colin Styeis set the table wilh a single and Comatzet, the ninth bailer, torched Wilkes' centei ficldei, who tookonestepin before lealizinghe was Comalzer in the toasler.’40p feel from home. Comalzer,’ whoraisedhisaverage to .317, scored standing up. "He just burned Ihe l»y. really," Coach George Daywall said. "I mean, he hit it hanl. h went to Ihe fence and he came out ofthe box hustling." Keene, who learned he was pitch­ ing shortly before game lime, tossed a coroplele game and Improved to 2-2. Mocksvillecrascda3-l deficitwith a four-mn sixth inning highlighted by Shane Allen'stwo-mn, two-out double down the right-field line. Nathan Ireland also hod a double duringthc rally,driving inone ran, and Coljn Styers had a sacrifice lly. Wilkes tied the score In the bottom of the inning on Scooter Hailess' two- mn homer. Post I74juraped ahead withanin in the first. Charles Miller hit a bloop single, advanced to second on a wild pitch and scored on an infield single by Keene, who hit the ball off the end of the bat and watched ¡1 kick offnisl base and into the hole. Allen,Miller, Keene and Styers had two hits apiece. Legion Sails To 13-11 Win NORTH WILKESBORO - The Mocksville-Davie American Legion baseball team sailed lo a 13-11 victory over Wilkes County June 25 in ihe Soulhem Division playolTs, a first- round, best-of-rteries that ended with Wilkes on the receivingendofabroom. "We really played as a team," siud Jansen Keene, the club’s vocal leader. "We knew we needed to buckle down or it would be one, two, three like last year. "We could have played like this all year but we fooled around. Someof the otder guy s have lo pick us up und get us out otjams. Now, I think the leam wants to win." Trailing 10-9 going into thelop ot the eighth. MocksviUe pieced together a rally with four runs. With Andy Ward and Keene on base after a single and hll by pitch, respectively, lefty pitcher Nick Eller unleashed a throw to first, a plck-off attempt that whistled by inattentive Scootcr Harless, and the .ball sailed into foul territory to move the runners to sccond and third. Swaim drove in the tying run on a fielder’schoice,ScollComalzcrdrilled an RBI single to center and two runs crossed on an envr and wild pitch. Mocksville starter Brian Anthony, who picked up the win to notch his team-high fourth victory in five deci­ sions, aimed for a complete game but Wilkes staggered the right-hander in the ninth. A walk, single and hit batter sent Anthony to Ihe pines in favor of Charles Miller, who posted his sccond save. Ward, who soaredto .321,theclub’s fourth-highest average, paced Mocksvilic’s l7-hil attxk with four singles in six trips. Comalzer was 3 for 5 and Miller. Ireland and Potts had two hits each. Swaim tallied four RBIs despite only one hit, and Miller and Drew Riden­ hour drove in two runs apiece. •Chris Ctundler, Rowan's ace pitcher wlio improved lo 18-0 in his -^career after b^ngiMoclcsvi]Ie-pivie>l in Suii^y'i Oaitie i, .was 'hungry iÍDr strike outs and he left Newmart bloated - puffy with 15 ICsinthebóo|c.'''Ineededson]est^()Utsbecausérye^móieinning¿ pitcliedtlianstrilceauts,"liesaid. "Lately, IVe been aground-bdl pitcher and i told a couple of playeis Ihat I need to gel юте Кк ю I was going fbr them."" : ‘ Chandler admitted th^ à I -0 Mocksville vidpiy enteré his mind as Ihe game aged, a tense battle ihal saw Rowan njly for two mns in Ihe eighth to prevail. "Hial's what I Ihought ( I'-O), but diat would have been . my fault because I really got slack in the thiid inning," said Chandler of his throwing errorlhat led toMocksville’aonlynm."Everylhingwa5just sloppy. I shouldn't have even thrown it." ■ . Chandler was asked if striking out Mocksville's JoeBurchettetoend the game was special, slt^ they exchanged woids earlier in the year? He shnigged. "No, Ihátivasn^anyUiing special," said Chandler, who smickBurchetteouttwice."He'ejustnneasyguylostrikeoul.He'saguy I like messing with every once in a while." - Chandler is scheduled to start Game 6 if Ihe series goes lhal far. The2-1 loss didn't send Mocksville coach George Daywalt over the edge. ' ■ ■ . "Their best (Chandler) beat us," he said. "That boy has never lost a " Are YourAcddenisForffm? " WHHLEYrREAVKINSURANCE D o e s Y o u r In s u r a n c e C a r rie r F o rg iv e Y ou F o r ? • First Time Accidents? (Regardless of Bodily Injury or Property Damage Amounts) • All Accidents After You’ve Been With Them For 15 Years? gameinlegionsowe'vegottteTestoftbeirpitchenloface,sixmdredaya of it. We've got that long to convt back. If we play hanl, I think we can do it. We nutch up with them real good." : ^ i ■ ■ ; Daywalt didn't figure that Mocksville's 1-0 lead Ihrou^ seven innings would hold up. "I knew one tun wasn't going 10 hold them playing hisre (at Newman park)," his tuid "I mean, 1 knew that off the bat. Phillip Rogers ’ (Mocksville's haid-luck loser) did a great job. He pitched real good.” ; Mocksville had two mnners caught stealing on botched hit-and-nm plays, droning Post I74's balteiy in two potential rallies. Scott Cor­ nalzer slipped while taking off for second, and Charles Miller acceler­ ated before Chandler stalled home. "Iheir catcher (Adam Horton) hasn't been towing that well and he made a perfect throw (to get Comalzer)," Daywalt stud. Miller tiiiide a stab at third base, a position he has seldom played, that resembW a Spoitscenter highUght. Miller left his feet; snared an extremely hard shot off the bat of Craig Powers and nairowly beat a miiner to third on a force play. "Thai's what I told you earlier about him,1 Daywalt said. "He's so veisalile. He can play anywhere. I thi^ that's a good position for him. He's got the arm for it." n i^ ' II 1 1 > 1 Do You Qual^? Serving The Piedmont Since 1971 Call Vs! 7 2 Ш 1 5 PnOMDMQ •Boa^RV,CydM •ЧММмИОотрк .ОаптмтМ •Bond •UM^HmMvOrmp •NC НалмВиНт •МоЫМНотмFAX(ei0)76»OeO4 i-eofrwne43 129 FAYETTl STREET, WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 ^M NTACTROY^M jKEOT bu can pick up your Vial of Life"' here, M-F 8:30-8 » Sat 8:30-6 « Sun 1:30-5 Fw ewMitlw ei «»< »tt »t jw lm H liM U t. Г Г Foster-Rauch Drug Co,495 Valley Road • МоскаЖ , ? ,, Our independent car-matching J service lets your heart and head shop tor new wheeis in harmony. Here's a pain reliever: you don't have to run Irom dealer lo dealer. Because we beat you to it. ■ We have inlormation on lens ol thousands ol wagons, (n/cte, and minivans, new and used, . updated on a ]<i^ly basis. And I'.oUr inventory im p s growing. Whether buying \orseliing,cail b rj Iree custom ¿•search and I 'datails on the t^ceswehave io choose Irom. W h y i s i t , w h e n it c o m e s to b u yin g a c a r. y o u r h e a r t a lw a y s p la y s a b ig g e r ro le th a n y o u r h e a d ? We provide inlormation lhal gives you more ivtmledge and confidence when buying an aulomobiie. Call, describe what you want, andwa'ilfax orm ailaiistol vehicles, prices, and options that match. And besuietoaH< h r one of our complirmntaiy brochures. с J: SíMnoAuiis-^ i- a a a A irio ju L - 1 ' .MrSsl: 8-8 ivvwiai/loa/tecom GREAT SAVINGS - GREAT SELECTION! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED - WE PROMISE! 1997 PLYJMOUTH NEON Automotic, Air Conditioning, AM/FM Stereo MlMTOON 1997PLYIVIOUTH VOYAGER V-6 Engin», Driver's Sid* Sliding Door, AM/FM Cost;, Rsor Dsfrost & Moro. 1 '/I.4f I ,4 ÍJ. \ iV B8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 3, IW 'E)istrictG>urt The following eases were dl.sposed of lust week in Duvie Couniy Superior Court wilh Judge Samuel A. Culhey presiding. “ Joseph Nicholas Allen, injury or personal property, niisdenieanor lar­ ceny. dismissed by DA bccause pros­ ecuting witness failed (o appear. -Shannon Michelle Allen, simple assault, communicating thrcats. Injury to personal property, dismissed by DA at request of prosecuting witness. - Joseph Connell Arnold, driving while license revoked. 30 days in jail suspended one year. SlOO fine and court costs, no operation of motor ve­ hicle uniil properiy licensed. -Michael Ellerd Arnold, probation violation. 30 day prison sentence In­ voked. - Michael Ellioit Arnold, driving while license revoked, sentenced lo 30 days in jail; fictitious, cnncclled or revoked regislralion. expired ivgisira- tlon, no liability insurance, dismissed by DA. - Mark Eric Belcher, assault on a female, not guiliy. -Julia N. Boggs.two counts worth­ less check, civil seulemenl. - Raymond Scoll Braddy, driving while license revoked reduccd to no ~opcгalor^sliaмbe.pгayerforJuilgпTchl“ continued. - Lincoln Monnw Bnvk. posses­ sion with Inient lo sell or deliver co­ caine. probable-cause shown: posses­ sion of drug paraphernalia, sentenced 10 30 days in jail. -Tammy Drake Brock, nclitlous. cancelled, revoked registration curd, no liability insurance, $50 fine and court costs. - Christopher Carter, seatbelt vio­ lation, dismissed by DA. - Jennne Liimont Carter, commu­ nication ihreaLs, injury to personal prop­ erty. dismissed by DA because pros­ ecuting witness failed to uppewr. - Lisn Carter, communicating threats, dismissed by DA. - Sherry Call Childress, unautho- rizeduseofamotorvehlcle.clvilsettle- ment. - Eddie i'ranklln Chureh, reckless driving. SIO fine and court costs. -ChariesMelvlnClement, reckless driving reduced to sudden accelera­ tion, court costs. - Jennell Tyress Cockerham, at­ tempted robber)’ with a dangerous weapon, sentenced lo 45 days in jail suspended 18 monlhs, supervised pro­ bation. S2(X) fine and court costs, 15 hours community service. -1 racy M. CiKkeriiam, possession of drug poraphema! la. sentenced lo 45 daysinj;ulsuspcntledl8monilis,S250 fine and court costs, evidence de- strojed; felony possession of ciK’aine, dismissed by DA. r’Kegina'AnneUiTConfirsrsTnipic iLssaull. dismissed at request of pms* ecuiing witness. -Chrisloplier Davis, simple iissaull, dismissed at request of prosecuting witness. - Kenneth Ray Davis, driving while licensc revokeda4lucedlonooperator's Ilccnse, prayer for Judgmenl contin­ ued.- Helen Louise Dishmond. speed­ ing 6B in u 55 zone, dismissed by DA; driving while license revoked reduccd lonooperalor’s license, prayer forjudg- ment continued. - Samuel W. Dressier. DWI, sen­ tenced to one year in prison suspended ihreeyears.supervlsed probation, $5U() fine, no operation of motor vehicle, comply with recommendations of sub­ stance abuse assessment, attend AA meetings, 30 days house arrest; pos­ session of altered, ficlltious or revoked driver’s license, driving while license revoked, failure to slop for slop sign or Hashing red llghi, dismissed by DA. Matthew James Eldred. nonsup­ port of child, dismissed by DA. - Anthony Peter Famiano. operat­ ing a vehicle wiih no insurance, no regislralion, dismissed by DA; driving while license revoked, sentenced lo 30 days in jail suspended one year. $ 100 fme and court costs, no operation of motor vehicle until propei ly licensed. - Franklin Fisher, prokition viola­ tion, tenninate probation. -Cecil Shelton Foushee, speeding 73 In a 55 гопе, reduced lo Improper ■Ч^ТрГпёпГ.’$50'1тё7ти1.^^ Inspection violalion,dlsniissed by DA. - Larry' Alfred Fowler, speeding 87 in n 70 zone reduccd to exceeding a safe speed, prayer for judgmenl con­ tinued. - Derrick Vince Freeman, misde- meanor possession of a schedule VI conlnilleid subsluncx», prayer for judg­ ment continued on condition he re- muin in school. - Michael Bryan Freeman. DWI, 12 monlhs in prison suspendcni Ihree years. $500 fine, court cosls, 14 days in jail, no operation of u motor vehicle, comply wilh assessment. - Carolyn Keaton Hoots, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, SIO fine und court cosls. - William Michael Inscoe, speed­ ing 92 in a 55 zone, two counts misde­ meanor larceny, three counts felony larecny, breaking and entering a motor vehicle, sentenced lo 45 days in jail suspended for two years on intensive prubalion,$200fine,court cosLs,$3.150 restitution, participate in day reporting program; Improper passing, breaking andcnteringamotorvehicle,dismissed by DA. - Janice Carol Ivey, DWI, assault on agoveniment official, 12 monlhs in prison suspended Ihre'e ye;us on super­ vised probaiion. $500 fine, court costs, 20 days In jail, ordered not lo operate a motor vehicle and comply with sub­ stance abuse assessmenl,attomey fees; driving while licensc revoked, civil revocation of driver's license, resisting a public officer, no cfiiidrcsïramt sys­ tem, failure lo bum head lamps, dis­ missed by DA. -Charles D.ivid Jacobs, comniuni- cating threats, assault on a female, dis­ missed al the re’queslofihepn)seculing witness. -Teny Lynn Kimmer Jr., posses- ' sion of alcohol by person under 21. dismissed by DA; unsealed wine of liquor in passenger area, $25 fine and court costs. -Grady Leon Lynch, communicat­ ing threats, dismissed ut request'of prosecuting witness. - Michael B. McClendon, misde- nwaiior utiluwfully obtaining pn>perty with acredllcard, sentenced io45days injailsuspendedoncyearon Intensive probaiion, $150 fine, court cosls, $3(X) reslitullon. - Betty Darlene Meadows, simple assault, communicating threats, not gulliy. - Joe Meadows, communicating lhreals,dlsmlssed by DAbecause pros­ ecuting witness failed to appear, - Lesley Meadows, second degree trespass, dismissed by DA because prosecuting witness failed lo appear. -Darryl DconMyers,speedlng 114 in a 65 zone, reduced lo careless and reckless driving. $100 fine and court cosls; expired registration, dismissed by DA. - Curtis Eugene Newsom, driving while Ilccnse revoked, no liability in­ surance. no regislralion, dismissed by DA. -Cynthia Blake Onan, speeding 72 in a55,expired registration, inspection viol.'iiion. S25 fine and court costs. - Gllda Uikeish Peebles, no child restraint system, no operator's license, no liability Insurance, sentenced to 30 days in jail suspended 12 months. S1 (X) fine, court cosls, not lo operate a mi vehicle or be convicted of sintilar |)l fense. . ^ - Jason Leo Powell, commui^oal Ing threats, simple assault. dismi;ae at request of prosecuting witness: • - Christopher M. Riddle, posses sion of drug puraphemalla. seutehee lo30daysinjailsuspemled l2)upuHi: $150 fine and court cosls. - James Smith. wtJrthless chepl civil seltlement. I -Jason Scott Smilh, spoeilitig 851 a 70 zone. SIO fine and court cjisls! - Joe II. Smith Jr.. nonsuppbrt'o child, dismissed by DA. ’ ‘ ‘ ■ - Suzie Stillwell, simple assaul dismissed at requesl of ptoseculln witness. ; ; -PhllipNealTaylor.speeding78i; a 65 zone, reduced lo 74 in a 6S.’Sli fine nnd court cosls. . - Vickie Ellis Thome, proballo violation, Iwo 45 day sentences In­ voked. - I - James Lewis Tlironeburg, sjHied- Ing 78 in a55 zone, SIO fine and couii cosls. - Brenda Wagner, failure lo rclurr rental property, dismissed by DAT Failed To App«ur - Larry Camel Gaiiher, possession with intent to sellordellvermarijuana -Ccdric I lennan Jones. DWI, driv ing while license revoked. - Teny Flint Snnxjl. two coiuils o Intoxicated and disruptive. - Ronald Dean While, assault on a female. Lk)ns Club Installs New Officers The Mocksvlllc Lions Club in­ stalled officers for 1997-98 on Tlwrs- day, June 19 at the Rotary Hut on Salisbuiy Street. Lion Alan Thompson, fonncr dis- iriclgovcmorandpresldentoftheN.C. Lion's Foundation, was guest spe.'iker and installing officer. He is a member of ihe West Lexingion Lions Club. Tlw Souiids of Faith quartel pn>- vided entertainment. Tlie27-memberclubh;Lsbeenser\’- ing Mivksville since 1954. and is the second Lions Club In Mocksville'shis- lory. Lions raise money forseveral ch;ui- Sports Camp To Be Held COOLEEMEE - Cooleemee's sports summer camp will be held July 7-11. A scheduled of aciiviiies Includes: Monday, lennis; Tuesd.iy, b.'vskeiball; Wednesday, sofiball/baseball; Tliurs­ day, volleyball; and Friday, swimming, weanleroastandgraduaiionceremony. Some of Cooleemee's best alhleles, coaches and tcachcrs will be coaching at these clinics. Including Bubba Coleman. Grimes Parker, Jami Coleman. Todd Baumgarner, Lee Unville, Britt Osborne and Mike Al­ exander. The canips start al the picnic aibor at Ihe rccrcallon center al 8:30 each moming. Campers do not have lo at­ tend every day, but must pre-register. We;u- good shoes, no sandals. A heritage camp will be held July 14-18, with the topics: where Is Cool­ eemee and why was It bom; the source, the shoals of ihe South Yadkin River; wildlife of the river, creative tradi­ tions; and mill work and music. Registration fonns arc available ul Zachary House.CoolcemeeTownHall mid Cooleemee Swimming Pool. ties, most ofwhichrcbletoserving the visually impaired. They also assisi lo- calrcsldenlswhoarc visually impaired or need help providing for things such as eye glasses, hearing aids, or talking watches. Major projects for Ihe Mocksville Lions are the sale of brooms made by the blind. Camp Dogwood raffie lick- els. an auction, the bluegrass festival \s hich is becominga new Davic County tradition. Is having ■ s i " SAU. S**potM:l CaMhmi... SpUw PlMrit... М ит Nrm iM AtHri t Э" H IM : U atrit.. .F K tw a ... AlMVm м^имг*. Assorted fresh herbs or 5" GcrflMi»»i5 “ fust 50( eitchi After School Care A d v a n c e U n ite d M e th o d is t C h u rc h B e g in n in g th is fa ll C a ll fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n (910)998-7240 • (910) 998-7750 ? Greenhouse will be closed July 7 through August 10 in preparation for Fall planting, Wed’FrlB-S »Sate-a * (Bunni-iAaa ^ 6MBaiHyChapHRoid>AdwKt,NC 27006*ppfoiimility3iri>tioMiftolMnraoflHi(y.lO- New Mocksville Lions Club officers are, from left: Biil Fender, Lion tamer; Greg Williams, director;' Ron Gantt, director; Norma Edwards, immediate past president and secretary; John Wallcer, treasurer; Dale Brown, director; Jimmy Myers, president; John Godwin, director. H.R. Hendrix Jr, chaplain; Pete Dwiggins, tail twister; Vemon Thompson, second vice president; and Alan Thompson. Not pictured: Larry Cook, first vice president. B ib l e Baptist Church Independent • Fund Ptittor, Don Jones • 910-766^0351 mmSHemS! SundnSchoel-tOOT WorthipS«vlc«*1lam CiMnfflonaCMcCwtar . 2rom<<d^ooHDf.»CHmmo(w.MC . , (7 (т т ш т : .■ .,M o ck ev atfei!w i< çsW a . -, _• • -v- -- HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELUNG THE TIMBER OFF YOUR PROPERTY? WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR STANDING TIMBERmMBERLAND CALL 704-878-9784 5 OR MORE ACRES Austin Hunt Lumber Co. 2762 Hickory Hwy. Statosviilo,H.C.286n К;1^|>1п|м4 К « Ы ^ Мигу Hwidridu EUnGnibb Мкк1<Мс1)шМ Slww Coden AUctaPirkerNS-ММ m u m “ r a S “" М4-ля т л т т з г п iiu-tm m«oiii IVetK (NO A G tN lS ON VML aUCIA PÜRHER Ü MARY HENDRICKS AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY ■ 634-2222 Г,- HOW ARD 704)r i a i г\ IMOoti[WOdlA-QraJf»nì»>l»ro.On.JD»*._ll^ ПШОЬЫЙ In 19» b« нам (Л«> IM РШ*.). lg. 'S««“ S *________________________l»lAInptlnd»vlyft limiwod Irort «НШ«» Юппй b Ml Ям *« OrtM -Souliwood^^rM. 2 Moiyi 5М. 168a, Hi b«iviL a doiM e«port on 2J6Aa 2 Mn, 2M0 taotnd (tool Wtquip. MUCtan.Q(Mlloca*inI JOOCAUHJorKDI ufo • СтИмАП-Пуаи’га IN SMinyM Lam - ^ S « l № ^ г'ю « T í .СЛ10 ¡ K » « .м в. е д а DUM. S ü w c ía e S w B ™ ' ЛИШмшАОН п й Ж f w i i t i n m tiii ВШшШЫг ЛямШШмк № ы тёгвилчвш М ЬЯ м М ! _____:...11oliNI00MiN«1k-.UWc>OM<MN4,7H HiddMVaMyUM— .1U W I.M W 410 НомМ М _ _ .~ ^ 1 .о И 1 М<70 ..u JL O T S e& L A N D O liriliBCiitil-----------WooM loMI,000т < Ш т т ^С вт т . Ы-ШЩ oiMtchurchM—\ лтлФтщ¡т ш в ы м _______Ш Ф Ш » Hwy. и HWwv H i wM4l2Ae41M0e OMadCMt------IMo-MtMOO .^ и ш л » т т РММНМЯМИ.<cwn«u m m^ Ы Ш EiMN.Md| M t H7JOO|4I,NO cmMMit—^—ш и а1*|«ооо .^O IM N COKTEIIP<ütonj»(m(n4№eRoittitfV.UBRQn OAZZUNQ мНп tt sMundM «N» cate. DR. СОНТШРОМПУmsin. DaFFInLasglgw,ssctyt.GMctesth tpMta« ОЯМ. qmI Hundty. MtfftNOd toyw. OMrtacUngeontM,PirwbreekEiem. po«dsf nn. киом. MMiM гйм. C*ntnlvK.MBETTY POTTS NI-11SB VICM Fl£MNQ вМ-11в7 M V•tsgani tovnhotn« я/мск rJS'-U .ЫICH hM 1SOO 6F «Mwooffl. •ndoM t poк^ IdKlwMnMi aiM. Cidw coui«y tcm <и»»1Г.шр>1,к»Мяси.twangmdttunroom pond.Ganbo.9locaüdiwwFMtFiraOMt. ovwteeâingiiwidieàedpeolBETTY РОТТВ 9М-ПМ CWOY JOHNSON 9М-2ЭМ a s R w r - r r - m « « « «Id btch flPUT FOYER hM mtny — ncM рёП. Ci^ Cod on hMvüy «oodsd loi «Mh «Ыг Ы Im■ -" - - .-' - - ттЛ ь _^ —-- -____.____■. ._м«• ^ JSÍSr-nr-ü» — 4Я В5ЙГ-.аГCONOOMMIUM!• tIPÉCIMu n « е(W» ЗвТОЯУкас*« a s r w - mCCNTEI» RANCH en ЬмиММ «аоМ м. dM « SYLVIA JORDAN NMI27 VOO FIEMMG 9«-ив7 MARYmSc EATON 9М.0П \i w m \ I I I ii'M i \ ■'Л'ДДЯи isU 'iì l m r 4 S - t)l)4 > S Icai—1ШМ ■. iiu B tAm PP, Fr. forem M. ^rae*. Ммм ^ Hm. ‘¿«««ц сш : S iS S ! .#M iNiua—---------luMMНам. b« ЯС. UM. dam MM. PwilK MH M q i» l g tOKâU « •».•r**- ; BIO - D AVIE COUNTY EN TERPM SE RECORD, Ju ly 3,1997 Signups Underway State Agriculture Cosr Share Program In July Checking oul the sites in Washington are, from left, Gene I®**’ to bottom, John Boger, Shawn Black, Adam Crater, Michael Timmons, Shawn Black, Adam Cornatzer and Cornatzer and Michael Timmons point out the name of Davie's John Boger. James Spurgeon Goss' name on the Vietnam War Memorial. Davie Boy Scouts Tour Washington, D.C. I*i\С scinils()t'Trix)p502 (ch;inercd U)ibc.SmithGnivcRuritanCluh)spcnl a ucck tourinj: Washington. DC rc- ccntly. Seouls AJam Comal/cr. GcncCra- 1er. Shawn niack. John По^сг. ami Michacl Timmons am! Scoultnasicr Carter Kokrtson toural the Capilol. llic Lincoln Memorial, several SmiUisonian museums, »he Htireau o\' l:ngraviiiy ami I’riniinii where pa|>cr nuiney and sJamps are mailc. ihc Viet­ nam ami Korean War memorials. Ar- linjiton Naiional Ccnicier>’. Arlington House where Gen. Robert E. l-cc penned his resignations from Ihc Union Army. Foni's Tlica\cT where President Lincoln was shot, and several others places of interest. In addition (o this trip, scouls of this active (r(x>p attended summer camp lasl yeiir and will again this summer, CiH«i>cd 'A toturof’lSy kbuVnighis^ eaniedalx)ul75mcritbadgcs.udvaneed more than 2.*) ranks and produced Tour Puiglc Scouls. Tlic Davic Soil and Water Conscr- vulion District will soon he rccciving its 1998 all(Katiai) of funds lh)m Ihc N.C. Agriculture Cosl Share Program. It will be conducting u signup in July for persons wishing lo apply for assistance under the prngmm. Cost Shnrcfundsurcavailable to assist fann­ ers In iiistallingcunscrvalion practices which decreases Ihc amount of scdi- mcnl, nitrogen, phosphorus,chcmiciils and other pollutants in the surface and ground waters of Ihe slule. Lmdowners nnd operators may apply forcosl share assistance to Inslall conservation practices such as stripcropping, diversions, gnisscd wa­ terways, animal waste monagcmeni sy.stems,IivcsliKkexclusion.s.undoth- crs. Applicalions will Ix: appnwcd on upriority basis, wilh those sites piuvid- ing thc greatest water quality benefits liclng appn)ved first. . ' Persons wishing lo apply for funds can do so during thc signup ihruiigh July 31. For morc infonnation conlaci l|ie Davic Soil and Water Conservalion District, al 180 S. Main St., Counly Olllce Building. Room 313, M(X'ks- ville. NC 27028; 634-5011. Thompson First In His Class Classes To Be Offered At Da vie Campus Bryan Carlton Thompson of 126 RivcrBlufrLanc. Bcniiuda Run, com­ pleted his first year of law school al Campbell University. Tlic Davie Campus of Davidson Counly Conununity College will offer thc following continuing education cUisscs kginmng ibc week v>f July 7. Mentor Sup|H)rt Team Trulning is the i|ualifying training for mentor icaclier status in Non!» Ciuxilina public schix)ls. Tlie training’s purpt)se is to pnwide mentors andothcrsupix)rt team mcmK'rs with knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively with ini­ tially certified persons. Thc pnigrant examines communication skills nec­ cssary to build helping rclaiitinships. c.xplorvsconccpisrelaicdioihc teachcr asan adult learner, and teaches the skill of mentoring. (Mondays and Wcdncs- days,5-8p.m.,July7-30.24houni,S35 fee plus 55 for lexibtwk, TRCs; 2.4) Modult'IV: MicrosoflWorksrur Windows (Usinc Computi'r-(tvner* nted Sprvadshi'i'ts) helps students bccon\c pnvficictM in creating and us­ ing computer-generated spreadslieeis. Students will leam how to edit and interpret existing spn;adslieels, create graphs fniin sprcadsheel data, and in­ sert spreadsheets into word prixrcssing diK’umcnts. (Monday-Tliursday, 9- ll:30a.m..July7.|0,l0liours.S35fcc plus S5 for materials, TRCs: 1.0) Module III: Mlcrosoli Works for Windows (Word Processing/Intro* ductory Desktop Publishing teaches p;irticipanls basic competencies asso­ ciated wilh word pnvessing and inlro- duclory desktop publishing. Students will leam about dix,’ument creation, fonnalling. text editing, page layout, documenlappciuxmcc.iindnxils. (Tues­ day and Thursday, 1 -3:30 p.m., July 8- Cummings Completes Research Semester Cassandra Cummings of Mocks­ ville. a student at DcPauw University in Indiana, recently completed a se­ mester of research in Tlic Turks and Caicos Islands with Tlie Schix)l fi)r Field Studics.an intemational program focused on environmental pniblcm solving. Miller Earns English Degree Allison MaricMillergraduatcd with honors from Appalachian State Uni­ versity with a bachelor's degree in En­ glish and a secondary in teaching. She is a 1993'graduate of Davie High School. Class Reunion To Be Held The Central Davic Class of'67 will holdtheir30ihycarreunionJuly 18.19 and 20, al the Ramada Limited Clem­ mons. The schedule of events include: Friday night, fashion show-presented by Fiorine (Ro) Miller, and talent by -■ rómcdian T. Ray Sanders; Saturday nighl, banquet wilh dance to follow; Sunday moming, 11 a.m. scrvicc al Shiloh Baptist, Depot Street. Mocks­ villc. For ticket infomiation, see Priscilla Williams or Elliott Wilkes. Cummings is thedaughterof Rich­ ard and Lorraine Cummings. She was engaged in research at SFS’s Ccnter for Marine Resources Studies, located in the British West Indies. She plans to retum to DcPauw Uni­ versity lo complete her senior year of study. Tlic ScluHil for Field Studies, based in Beverly. M;iss.. operates six envi­ ronmental researc'hccnters worldwide. Tlie centers arc in Africa, Australia. Canada. Costa Rico, Mcxico, und the British West Indies. Students need not be enrolled In an environmental studies curriculum to p;micipate in the SFS programs. 17,10 hours, $35 fee plus $5 for mate­ rials. TRCs: 1.0) Tliese cla.sscs will mccl nt the Davic Campus Iwated al 1205 Salisbury Road, Mocksville. To pre-register or lo obtain additional infonnation. call Ihc Davie Campus ol (7W) 634-2885. DCCC offers comprehensive edu­ cational opportunilics for all adults in the communily. For infonnaiion about other programs und courses, conlaci thc DCCC Davic Campus Office. 4 Corners News B; Marie While Four Comers Comispondcni Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and Doc Howell attended a relircment party for Joe Uiymon Saturday night at Duke PowerStatc Park al Lake Nomian. Joe Uiymon was a fonner resident of this communily. Mr.andMrs. Joe Whilc,Mrs. Kenny Smilh. Mrs. Zella Gough. Mrs. Grady BeckandMrs.AlbcrtSutphinattendcd a service of ccIebration and prayer Sund;iy aflcmotin al Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. Clyde Murray is on our sick lisi. We are wishing hima speedy recovery. Mrs. Grady Bcck is recupcixiling froiw a dog bite lasl week. TliankG(xIforourcountry. Havca safe July 4. He finished in three classes during theycarund was first in hisclass forthe second semester. He h;is been selected for participation In Law Review as a tvsult of his class rank. He Is a 1993 graduateof Davic High School. He is the son of Judy Ellis —Thomp.ioft andihclatcLarr>-Tlionip*i“ .son and the grandson of Lucillc Ellis and the laic Mary Thompson, all of Advance. Harris Honored For Reading A founh-gmde sludcni at Mocks- villcMiddlcSch(X)l,hasbceninduclcd into thc Accclenilcd Reader Intcma- lional Reading Honor Roll forlhc 1996- 1997 scluxil year. Thc Intemational Reading Honor Roll recogni/cs stu­ dents who arc iheir school's top reader in Ihe Accelerated Reader computer- i/ed rc’ading managemcnl program. Molly Harris.daughtcrofMark and MiiryLynncHanisofMocksvillc.won Induction into thc International Reod- ing Honor Roll by earning 325.2 read- Rose Graduates from NCCU Wyashia Rose graduated from North Carolina Central University on May 10. She received a bachelor'sdegrecin sociology. She is ihcdaughterofMr. and Mrs. William CockcriiamofCool sprines. ing points. Studenls In thc program cam rc*ading points based on the. read­ ing level and difficulty of thc books they've read, und thc number of ques­ tions they answer com;clly oncompul- cri/cd book tests. White Earns Nursing Degree iada Thompson While graduated from Guilford Technical Communily College with an associate degree in nursing. Herpinningeer* eraony was held May 30 al Muirs Chapel in Greens­ boro. She is thc daughterofMr.and Mrs. James Th­ ompson of Cool­ eemee,and thewife of Mark Richard While White of Taylorsville. She is a graduate of Davic High School and is employed by High Point Regional Hospital. • • Mike Warchol presents David Moses a $500 check. Moses Receives SME Scholarship C o r r \ a t z e r N e w s By Dottk Potts Comatzer Com:spondent Our communily extends sympathy to Lindsay Fishel and family in ihe death otliis grandmother. Viola Holder, who passed away June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts and Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Harpeand . boys. Brent and Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hinkle and Lindsay and . Donald Hinkle of Crecdmorc. spent a . weekend In Boone reccmiy. . • Thc Comaizer-Dulin firemen and .. Ladies Auxiliary and families enjoyed . a cookout at Bullard Ball Field Satur* ; day nighl. Reba Frank, Lee Coble, Marie ..Robertson, and Marie Bamey shopped :in Stalcsville Salurday. and had lunch :«K&W Cafeteria Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Winters and ~^klFen and grandchildren spent last ''week at the beach in South Carolina. Dottie Potts visited Margie Boger 'Md Helen Shoaf last Ihunday, ^ ----------V - t - Thc Northern Piedmont Chapter of thc Socicty of Manufacturing Engi­ neers (SME) awartlcil S2.000in schol­ arships to fourstudcnisal ForsythTcch- nical Community College. Each stu­ dent received $500. Two of thc awards w ent lo the stu­ dents in thc Drafting and Design Tech­ nology curriculum who had earned the highest GPA.and two were awarded to the students in the Manufacturing En- gincx'ringTcchnologycurriculumwith the highest GPA. Recipients of thc awards from Drafting and DesignTcch* nology, were Carl Champagne of Kemersville and David Moses of Mocksville. Recipients from Manu­ facturing Engineering Technology were George B. Gilliard and Martin Lemons, bolh of Winslon-Salcm. Each year the Northern Piedmont Chapter of SME sponsors a golf tour­ nament to raise money for the scholar­ ships. This year's tournament will be held at Hickory Hill Golf Club in Mocksvillc on Sept. 20. For more i nfomialion about the toumamenl. con­ tact Mike Warchol at (7W) 634-6581. McDaniel Designated CEBS Sherri A. McDaniel, as.soclatc, de­ fined benefits depanmcni, Aon Con­ sulting, Winston-Salem, has been des­ ignated a certified employee benefit specialist (CEBS) hy the Intemational Golden Age Club To Hold Picnic ■nie Golden Age Senior Citizens Ciuh iiiis somelliing special planned for iu July meeting. Memtcrs are to bring a covered dish for a picnic. The club will meet July 7, at 10 a.ni. at Rich Park Shelter No.2. —-------~i Foundalion of Employee Benefit Plans nnd the Wharton School of the tJniver- sity of Pennsylvania. McClaniel qualifled for thc desig­ nation by passingaseriesof ten college level national examinations on em­ ployee benefit subjects, and by meet­ ing and attesting lo high standards of business and professional conduct. A graduate of Davic High. McDaniel eamed her bachelor's de­ gree in mathematics from Waiie Forest University in 1993. She is the daughter of Mr. Rayfonl McDaniel and the granddaughtcrofMa. C m Beck, both ofMockivillc. A m e r ic a WEEK! 1 MEDIUM PIZZA 1 TOPPING ® Ш е С а в 8ш Р [ ш lun (■Мк1Н *»М П « •S10-712-IIN HOGKSVIIIE IM M H U ft • Ш Ш М Ш 1 7M*t34-M14 1Ш W T M U n littleCaesanr Pizza PUBLIC NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OP DAVIE ; INTHEQENERAICOURTOP JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 97SP63 , IN THE MAHER OF: The.Forectoiure ofa Deed of Trust ' oxecuted by WALTER CHARLES ' HOQUE and wlf0. JANET HOQUE: to SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES. INC.. Trustee recorded In Book 228. at Page 934, Davfe County Registry; lo P. KEVIN QORHAM. SubsUtutd Tmstee. recorded In Book 225. at Page 385, . Davie County Registry. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power ol sale contained Ina certain Deed of Trust exocutodbyWALTERCHARLESHOQUE . andwite.JANETHOQUE.toSOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES, INC.. Tnistee. dated OC­ TOBER 6, IMS. and recorded in Book 228. at Page 934, In the Office of Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina: and under and by vlrUje of the authority vested in the undersigned, as Substitute Trustee, default having been made In the payment ot the Indebtedness thereby se* cured, and the sakl Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to forecknure. and the Hokler of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreck>sure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned SubsHlute Trustee will offer (or sale at p^tic a u c ^ ‘•"Id tne higtiBSf bidder for cash aTm house Door of the Davie County Court­ house, Mocksville, North Carolina, al 11:00 a.m. on the 11th day of July, 1997. an ttie property conveyed in sakJ Deed of Trust, which property as of June 20,1997 was owned by WALTER CHARLES HOGUE ond.wife. JANETHOQUE. and being In Oavie County, North Carolina, and more partlcularty described as follows: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lol No. 368 as shown on a plat entitled *A Subdlvlston for Erwin Mills. Inc.. Cool- oomee, NC by Picfcell, Engineers dated April 1953, and recorded In the Office ot the Registerof Deeds for Davie County, NC, In Plat Book3 at Pages 11,12,13 and 14 to which reference Is hereby made for a more particular description. This property is also known as 12 Hickory Street. Cooleemee. North Caro­ lina. This property Is lo sold subject to any prior encumbrances, any City-County ad valorem taxes and any special assess­ ments thalare a lien against the premises. This SubstituteTmstee, aftersale, shall require the highest bidder immediately lo make a cash deposit of the greater ol 5% ot №• total bU or $750.00. : The Notice ot Sale hereby ghren Is In sat^faction of the requirements ot the afore- nienUorted Deed of Trust and the require- - ments contained In North Carolina Gen­ eral Statute Section 45-21.17 with respect to posting or pObll^ng nottce ot sale. ' DATE: JULY 11.1997 TIME: 11:00 A.M. PLACE: COURTHOUSE DOOR DAVIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA TERMS: CASH This the 3rd day of JULY, 1997. F. KEVIN GORHAM. Substitute Trustee, Attorney at Law OF COUNSEL: MADDOX & GORHAM. P.A. 22p North Eugene Street Greensboro. NC 27401 '*(910) 272-8149 State Bar 1 012412 X 7-3-2tn NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOTICE ‘ Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Minnie W. Pope late of Davie ICounty. thie is to notify al persons having ;clalms against sakJ estate to present ttwm •to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day :of October. 1997. being three monihs from ;ihe first day olpubUcalionofthlsnotteevrtI •be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Aii . :'personc indebted to said estate wW pleatt > ak e Immediate payment to the under- •signed. :• Thia the 3rd day ol July. 1997. :• Eugene Roadman Pope, 1280 Angel • Road. Mocksvie. N.C. 27028, Executorol :the Estate of MinrM W. Pope, deceased. MARTIN. VAN HOY. SMtTH a RAISBECK. LLP :• TenCourtSqotf« >: Mocksvile.NC 27028 7-3-1« SWTE Of NOBTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVI6IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICESUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO­SURE ot. D«d ol TruM Executed by "m ^arr«! Tuttarow Dated October 11.1996andRaconledlnBool<24eat ' Pag* 190 In theDavl. County Public Reglstiy NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the Clerk ol Supertor Court and under and by vlitu» ol the power and authorlly contained In Ihe above-reletenced dead ol tniit and be- cau» ol default In the payment ol the Indebtedneu thereby secured and failure lo catty oul and perform the stlpulallon and agreements therein contained and, pursu­ ant to demand of tha owner at«l boklet ol Ihe Indebtedness secured by said deed ol tnist, the undenigned substitute trustee « expose forsalealpubllcauctlonlothe highest bidderlorcashatthe usual place of sale althecounty courthouse olsaldeounty at11;OOa.m.onJuly14.1997the following descrtbed real estate and any other Im- provementa which may be sltuatedthereon. situated li) Davie County, North Carolina, and being more partlcularty descrtbed as follows; Lying and being In Mocksvllla Town­ ship, Davie Counly. North Carolina, and more partlcularty descrtbed as follows: -----BEINQJjil.Numhei.Fout.(4).ol"Sie-Monls Hendrix property being a portion of llie County Home Property located one (1) mile west of Mocksville, N.C. on tho South side of County Home Road as per survey and plat made by AL Bowtes, Surveyor, Augusiao. 1965. AndsaMplat recorded In Book No.«, Page 25, Register ol Deeds Oflice ot Davie County, N.C. to wtilch rel- erence Is hereby made fora more partk^j- lar description. Sub|ect to restrictive cov­enants recorded In Deed Book 75 at Page 117, Davie County Reglsliy.And Being more commonly known as: 1491 County Home Road, Mocksville, NO 27028 The racord owner of Ihe property, as teftectedontherecordsoftheReglsterof Deeds, Is James Wanen Tutterow.This sale Is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances,andunpaU taxes and assessments for paying, II any. A deposit ofrive|)en;ent(5%) of the amount of the bkl or seven hundred fitly dollara ($750.00), whk:heverlsgreater.ls required and must be tendered In the fomi of eertl- fiedfundsatthetimeofthesaie. Thissale win be heki open ten daya for upset bkla as requlndbylaw. FoUowlngtheexplralionof me atalutory upset period, all remaining amounts are Immediately due and owing. The date ol Itils Notk» Is June 17, 1997. Daniel LFuk» or Elliabelh B. Ells SubstituteTmstee 301 S. McDowell Slreel Sune40S Chariotte, North Carolina 2S204 (704)333-6107 7-3-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYAOWNISTRATRtX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of lha Estate of Margaret Foster Clement, deceased, late ol Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notity all persons having dalms against said estate to present Ihem to tha undersigned on or beloie the 261h day ol September, 1997. being three months from the first day ol public: .lion or Ihls nofice will be pleaded In bar ol their recoveiy. All peraons indebted to sakl estate win please make immedbte pay­ ment to the undersigned. This Ihe 2611) day ol June, 1997. Anita LCIement, 120ExcaliberLane, Mocksville, NC 27028, Admlnlslralrtx ol lha Estate of Margaret Foster Clement, deceased.6-2Mtn Single Family Reliabilitation Program Administrative Request for Proposal The Town of Mocksville is soliciting quaUfled conaultins Arms lo provide administrative services for its Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program. The P r ^ will consist of the expenditure of $ШД100 of SFR funds and 6ДЮ of other funds. The project wUl Include: Rehabilitalion of Eight (8) owner occupied dwellings The selected firm will be responsible fbr insuring compliance with all Federal requirements, ca rrj^ out proper advertising, bidding and contract admlntstraUon on all projects, record keeping, oversight of work by contractors, assistance to the Town with enandal n u u u g e n ^ ^ »11 other lespot^lUUes associated with managing a NCHFA Single Family Housing RehabiliUtlon Program. Minority, small, and female flnhs are.ecouKged to submit a The deadline for sjibmittal of a proposal is 4:00 p.tti., luly 14, 1997. The request for Proposal Package may be obtained by contact!^. T b J S ^ f f i u i e171 S. Clement Street d pcnons d^iiting additional infonnation orHearing^ NOTICE OP SUBSnrUTE TRUSTEE'S POftECLOSURE SALE OP REAL PROPERTY .Under arvi by viitue ol the power and authority contained In that certain Deed of Trust executed and dellvered by Martha M. Ijames, John P. Ijames and JuiiaO. Ijames, dated April 5,1995 and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Davie County. North Can)lina. in Book 222 at Page 420. and because of default having been made In the payment of the indebted­ ness secured by said Deed of Tnjst and failure to do and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand ot the Owner and Holder ot Ihe indebtedness secured by said Deed of Tmst, the undersigned Sub­ stitute TniStee will expose for salealpubllc auction to Ihe highest bidder for cash the property therein described, lo wit: TRACT 1» BEING known and designated as Lot No. 387 as shown on the plat entitfed *A Sub- dvislon for Envin Mills. Inc.. Cooleemee', NC. by Plckeli and Pickell Engineers. April 1953* and recorded In the OfTtce ot the Register of Deeds of Oavie County. North Caroline, In Plal Book 3 at page 11.12,13 and 14 lo which map reference Is hereby made for a more particular descrlplkm. TRACTS: BEGINNING at a stone on Orchard Street and running thence North 52 degs. West atang the line of Lot No. 101.150 feet to a stone; thence In a Northerly direction 50 - fool to astonerlhence tSOfijal Wa stone' on Orchard Street: thence 50 feet on Or­ chard Street TO THE BEGINNING, and being known as Lot No. 102 on plal ot the O.C. Wall property to which reference Is hereby made for a more particular descrip­ tion. See Map Book 1. page 96. Address of Property: 175 Hickory Street ((/K/a 14 Hk:kory Street) and 100 Neely Road. Cooleemee. NC 27014 Present Record Owner(s): Martha M. Ijames. John P. Ijamesand Julia G. Ijames The temis of the sale ore that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold for cash to the highest bidder and thal the undersigned may require the success­ ful bklderallhesaletolmmediately deposit cash or a certified check in an amount equal to the greater of five percent (5%) of thehlghbidor$750.W. The real property hereinabove de­ scribed will be sold subject to any and all superior liens. Including taxes and special assessments. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bUs as by law required. Date and Hour for Sale: July 9.1997 at 11:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Davie County Courthouse Date ot this Nolk:e: June 5.1997 Stephen A. Lamb. Substitute Tmstee e-26-2tn NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY НОЛСЕ TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of George L. Judy, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina. Ihis Is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exNbit them to Ann Landis, с/ 0 G. Emmett McCall, Attorney at Law, 833 W. Fourth Street. Suite 150, Winston-Sa- lem. North Carolina 27101 on or before the 3rd day of October. 1997. or this notk:e will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of July. 1997. Ann Landis Executrix of the Estate ot George L. Judy c/o McCaJI Ooughton & Spaugh PLLC 633 West Fourth Street. Suite 150 Winston-Salem. North Carolina 27101 G. Emmett IHcCall Attorney tor the Estate of George L. Judy McCall Doughton & Spaugh PLLC 633 West Fourth Street. Suite ISO Winston-Salem, North Carolina P7101 7-3-4tp r c 5 A 5 H I PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE , DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 97 CVD 331 DAVIE COUNTY, Plaintiff, vs. PARALEE C. WALKER. aA/a PEARL C. WALKER, a/k/a PEARL LEE CHILDERS, and THE HEIRS OF PARALEE C. WALKER, known and unknown (if deceased). Detendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBUCATION TO: The HeIrt of ParateeC. Walker TAKE NOTICB that a pleading seeking relief ogainst you has been Tiled In the above onlillod action. Tho nature of the relief sought Is the collection and/or fore­ closure of property taxes owing m prop­ erty kxaled In Davie County, North Caro­ lina and being described and designated as follows: BEGINNING at a stone in road and running North 210 feet to the right of way of the Southem Railway Company: thence 146 feel to Lee Hopkins' line; thonce South 210 feet to the comerof J.M. Poplin’s line: thence 146 feet to the BEGINNING. You are requested to make defense lo such pleading no later than the 5th day of August. 1997, sakl date being 40 days from the first publication of this notice: and • upori >T3ur faMura to do'so, ms'party'deeii-" Ing service against you witl apply for the relief sought This the 26th day ol June. 1997. Robert E. Price, Jr. Attorney tor Plaintiff State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL BURNS. PRICE & ARNEKE. L.L.P. Park WesL Suite 101 3600 Country Club Road Winston-Saiem, NC 27104 Telephone; (910)760-1434 6-26-3tn NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of lha Estate of Danny Ray Holsclaw, 135 Peace­ ful Valley Road. Advance. NC 27006. deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, thisistonotify allpersons having claims against sakl estate to present tt>em to the undersigned on or betore the 19th day of September. 1997. being three months from the first day of publication or this notk:e will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate witt please make immediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 19th day of June. 1997. Rhonda A. Holsclaw. 135 Peaceful Valley Road.Advance.NC 27006.Execu- Uix of the Estate of Danny Ray Holsclaw. C a l l a n d w « P II h a v a o u r o p a r a l o r a b r i n e y o u r o a r д и то д ш аг 1 S B 8 AU TO AL 1 A B S O L U T E A U C T IO N T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 1 0 - 9 : 3 0 A . M . Estate of; Fred (deceased) and Doris (living) Lambeth 2135 Union Cross Road, Winston-Salem. NC DIRECTIONS: From Winston-Salem, take i-40 East to Union Cross Road Exit Turn right Qo approximately 3 miles. Auction on left (Watdifor U tr. Dinino Room SuM« Chairs and Hutch, PsUo Table with 4 ehaira. Bedroom Suitea. Okt Church Pew. Marbft-top Washstand & Dresaer, Pie SalM. Oak Chint Cabinet, Walnut Cheat, Tea Cart. Chairs. Sofa. Rectiner, Whiskty Barrel TaUa. What-not stand. Pine Comer Cupbotfd, Round Oak Tabla w/4 Chaira. Bar Sloole, Oak Rocfcara. Tablea, Meal Bin. Chikra Rocker. 6 les Tabi* W/3 leavta, Bool Serapa. Dinner BeH. Iron Pota, Anniversary Ctock. Butter Mokt. Linene. Stampe. Prints. ----- -......... - • - Camaras, Sbavino CI«uma.Crocl(a, RJl Eai^ Baskets, Besco Bottlo. Adv. Playing Cards. Old Records, no Bruah. Kitohan UlensMa. Tom Clark «4 ‘ ~ '___________ШRMoto(cyctoSig^Cafrpëgneutlona.Sc_______________Boiaa, BiMk Mamorabtta, DapreaaJm Glasa, Plates. SAP Shakers, WaMng Canaa. Qantlaman'a Manicure Set. Old Watches. Men'a Jeweliy. Laroe Coin Colaelion.Muakalw/powdarHom.Ramln^BollActton22 Ga..J.C.Hioglna20 Oa.-. Slevana DB 20 Ga., Dtfsy Air RMe. PaM Gun, Antk^ua Hand Tools. Knlvaa. Yard Tools. Fira Extinguiahera. Wood SpNttar. Vica. Saws, SmiNtoa Pot. Air Contpraaaor. Air Tank. CulMng Torch. WakJara and SuppHaa, R m Jacka, Automodva Toole. Com Sheller. Hand Trucln. Bench Grinde^ Tool A Die Ptowa. Grain Auoer, LMmmowers. TV, VCR. Sereo, Buck Stove. Flatware. Atari ■ n. Sew............ ‘ ‘ “Game System, i >. Compactor. Treadmill. Lumber Odda *n' Ends. Cable. Wire and much, much more. , For Information/ Brochure contact:Kenneth G. Ketner NCAL 3 2 6 8 FIrat Choice Auction R O .B o x 3 3 5 L e w l8 V llle ,N C (I10)9|>»4118 (t10)M5-2S01 PUtUCNOnCi There will be a nweUng ot tha Oavie County Zoning Boerd ot Adjuatnient on Ttiutsday, JulytO, 1897al 7:30p.m. In the Commissioners Room of the Devie Counly Administration Bunding, Mocksvllla, N.C. The publlo Is Invited to ettend. Business win be conducted as lollowa: A) Call loonier and welcome B) Review ol minutes C) 0. RIcherd Dobson Bulldera re­ quests a variance ol the ¡5 toot comer elde yan) requirement on Lottstln the Lonebee Section ol Oak Valley. The proiierty Is k)catedat tha Intersection olKlngsmWDrtve and LonelreeDilveand Is hirther descrtbedas being panxl 151 ol Davie County Te* Map E-9. D) Rk;hardSmllhandolhararequesls a vailanca to place an additk>nal mobile home on a nonconlonning lol due to hanl* ship. Tt\e property Is located on the east sldeolYacMnValleyRoad approximately 1000 leet Irom N.C. Hwy. 801 North end Is further descrtbed as being panel 19 of DavIe County Tax Map C-7. E) John David King has submitted a request lor a Special Use Pennlt lor a private recreational lacility to build and operate a golf practk» facility. The prop­ erty Is k)cated on the north skle ol US Hwy 64 East adjacent to the Hickory HIB Coun­ try Club and Is further described aa being parcel 54.14 of Davie Counly Tax Map J4 . F) New or oU business ___OLAdkiumment 6-19-41n NORTHCAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECtrrRIX NOTICE Having qualilled as Executrix of the Estate ol Keith Tenell Snider, deceased, lato ol Davio County. North Cardirai. this Is to notif/all peisons having claims against sakl estate to present them lo the under­ signed on or before the 26th day ol Sep­ tember, 1997, being three months from ths first dayolpubllcatkxi or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted 10 said estate will pleasa make immedlale payment to Ihe under­ signed. This the 26th day ol June, 1997. UVeme H. Srtder, 317 Milling Road, Mocksville, NC 27029. Executrix of the Estate ol Kellh Terrell Snider, deceased.6-26-4IP A sign will be placed on these proper­ ties 10 advertise said pubik: hearing. All panlas and Interestsd cHliens ere Invited lo attend sski hsaring at whfch time Ihey shall have an opportunity lo be heani In favor or In opposition to Ihe loregolng changes. Prior tothe hearing, all persons Interested may obtain any addiUonal Inlor- matkm on a proposal or ask any quesUons Ihey may have by dropping by the Plennkig and Zoning Department on weekdays be­ tween 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele­ phone at 634-3340. John Qalllmora Planning and Zoning 7-3-2tn NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY COiXECUTORSNOnCE Having qualilled aa Co-Executors ot the Estate ol Inez Smith Renegar, de­ ceased, late ol Davie Counly, North Caro­ lina, this Is to notify all persons having daimsagalnstsaklestatato present them to the undersigned on or betore the 19th day ol September, 1997, being Ihree montha Irom the Hist day ol pubtlcatkn ot this notce will be pleaded bi bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to sakl estate will please meke Immedlete pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 19th dey of June. 1997. Altee R. Dwigglns. 199 Ollle Hartley Road. Yadkinville, NC 27055; Brenda R. Martin. 117 Jo-Monni Loop, Statesville. NC 28677; end Latiy Odell Renegar. PO Box 653, Mocksville, NC 27029, Co-Ex­ ecutors ol the Estate ol Inez Smith Renegar, deceased. 6-19-4IP NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY AOMINISTBATRIX NOTICE Having qualifled as Administratrix ol the Estale ol Ruth Whilkx* Stone, de­ ceased. ialeolDavleCounty,NorthCero- iina. this Is to notity aU persons having daimsagainstsaklestaletoprasent them to the undersigned on or belore the 12th day ol September, 1997, being three monthsfromtheflrstdayot publlcalkMi or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All peraons Indebted to sakl eatate wi) pieaw make Imnwtate pay­ meni lo the undereigned. Thia the 12th day Ы June, 1987. Cynthia A Cuthiel, 133 Junctkm Road, Mocksvlle, NC 27028, Admlnlslralrtx d №• Estate ol Ruth Whilkxk Slone, d>- e-12-4ln T I T ^ fìn is h e s ^ a FunUhiM Rettnishing к Rratontioii Custom Woodworking Fine Finishes Rick Miceli (704)492-20«0 ■liuUty crtfitmmshlp L onfuL ontH L ookm o'ê40! S T A N T U Ñ N E R Ш Ч м а У в и , Ш т ш т Ю и Л STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 97 CVD 320 DAVIECOUNTY, Piainilf, vs. The Heirs ol ELBERT VI/iSEMAN, known and unknown, and the heirs ol DELLA WISEMAN, his wife, known and unknown. Defendant. tWTICE OF «RWCg O f PwoetM ■vpuaucATiow TO! AHhelraolEII)eilWle«nan, ^ known and unknosni AdhelraolOeMWIeaman, known and unknown TAKE NOTICE thata pieeding seeking letlel egainsi you has been Hied In the above entitled actk». The nature ol tha leliel sought Is the coHectkxi endior tore- ckisuie ol propeny laxes owing on prop­ erty located In Davla County, North Caro­ lina and being described and designated aslolkiws: Apptoximately 1.6 acies on Campbell Road, Davie County, lax paroel 8040125- 0. You are requested to maka dalense lo suchpleadlngnoiaterthanthe29lhdayol July, 1997, sakl date being 40 deys Irom the llrstpubllcatkxi ol this notk:a: end upon _yout.lailure.lo-do-M, lh» party cooking— senrice against you will apply to the Court lor the reliel sought. This the 19th day ol June, 1997. Robert E. Price, Jr. Attorney lor Plalnllll State Bar No. 9422 OF COUNSEL BURNS. PRICE > ARNEKE, L.L.P. Part! West. Sulla 101 3600 County Club Road WInslon-Salem. NO 27104 Telephone: (910)760-1434 6-19-3tn NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTOm NOTICE Having qualilted as Executor ol the Estete of Ketherine P. Mller, deceend, late ol Oavie County, North Carolina, this Is to noHly all persons having claims a g ^ t sakl estale to present them to the under­ signed on or belore the 26lh dey ol Sep- lember. 1997, being three months Irom the first day olpublicatkyi or Ihlenotkx will be pleaded In ber ol their recovery. All persons Indelited to sakl estate wil please make immediate payment to the under­signed. Thie the 26th day ol June. 1997. Thunnan F. Mller, 360 S t Andrewe Church Road, Woodleal. NC 27054, Ex­ ecutor ol the Estate ol Katherine P. Mller. deceased. 6-26-4IP ipTmv Prinis'^G R O O M IN G S H O P тцш a jm ikoer. xaxnM vaoo»>910-998-5098 u m u mtsnis 2»MahrRead‘ Mecknák,NC (704)284-2826 lAfELOERS Wb are yoir local RRi-UNI W flC w y :a a ? g a g tt!!; a M M M B V s u P K T 2Î73 us w w Mpewk w iw Mn-M. s«u - UM«« а » iMt-topM J She-Hbe3o' 5 Щ Aln'tshe'purdy'? Z «KbnmyMNlMS 9 W e L a v e Y o u l ¡ Z 9 Th*'Bock G oni', I BU- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, íuly 3, m i e L A S S I F I E D e INEXPENSIVE I PROFTIABLE ' FГ Yard S ales 11 Apartments 1 Farm Machinery H Lawn Care 1 Miscellnneoiis Щ Mobile Homes/Salo | 1S9 ROSEWOOD LN, Woodland Dev., Mocksville. July 4th, 6am* 4pm & July 5th 8am-Noon. Household items, misses & teens clothing & many more bargains. Come & seel__________________ BIQ 4 FAMILIES. July 5. Clolhes (several sizes), glassware, lots of housewares, toys, etc. Hwy 601 N. to while doublewide on right (1 mile S. ct Vadkln Co. line). 8am>7 Cheap Pricesl_________________ FAMILY YARD SALE: Fork Blxby Rd., below Bixby Presbyterian Church. Sat., July 5th, 7:30am- 1:30pm._____________________ FAMILY YARD SALE: Fri., July 4th, 1pm*7pm & Sal., July 5th, 7am*2pm. Bill & Shirley Melton's home. (Blxby) 1807 Fork Bixby Rd. Fishing equip., cloth, records, books, curtains, clothes all sizes, lots of dress pants 30*29, shirts 14 1/2 sm. much more stuff. Rain date: Sat..July12._________________ HUGE ONCE A yr., 5 Family Yard Sale. Fri., 4th & Sat. 5th, 7am-2pm. Clothes, baby*adult; furniture, housewares, glassware, ridina lawnmower...1PK,.9old.lewelfy..oldAnew..Iterns. 64 W. to 901, 2nd house on right past Biackweider's Auction. Rain cancels._________________ JULY 4TH « 5TH: huge yard sale. 599 Pine Ridge Rd. Baby items, plus size clothes, furniture & misc.Items._______________________ MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale: Fri. & Sat., Hwy 64 W. 8am-? Clothes, ail sizes; kitchen items, toys, shoes, lots to choose from, odds & ends. YARD^BALEM507 FoTk Bixby Rd., July 4th. 7am-? bargains. By Nadine Miller. Ruth Barney.______ YARD SALE: JULY 4th & 5th, rain or shine. 8am*2pm. 149 Hawthorne Rd., Hickory Hill. Mocksviile. YARD SALE: SAT., 5th. Brown Dr.- off Jericho Rd. Collectibles & crafts. little of everything._____________ YARD SALE: SAT., July 5th, 7am- Noon. Parsonage Dr. off Redland Rd. near Snooks BBQ. Children clothes, household goods & misc. YARD SALE: SAT., July 5th, 6am- 2pm. 681 Will Boone Rd. Cancel if ralrilng.______________________ YARD SALE: SAT., Julv 5th, 8am- 7 Comer of Milling Rd. & Lakeview Dr. Baseball cards, dolls, tools, mens clothes, household items, r)ew A used. Rain or shine._______ YARD SALE: SAT., July 5th, 9am- 2pm, 129 Vale Rd. (off Madison Rd.) 634-3760. Bikes, mini-bike, misc. fumiture (beds, couches, table & chairs), mens & ladies jeans, sneakers & clothing, TV's, radios, stereo & tape combo, auto & truck mirrors, fishing equip. & assorted tools, rear bumper for small tnjck&2tents. $ BABY BILLY goats, 6 wks. old., $80 ea. 5 free kittens. 284-2661. AKC REQ. MINIATURESchnauzers: 2 males & 2 females. Tails docked, ears croraed, womied & shots. 998-2276. mee to qood home. Male Lab, needs room to run. 284-2696. tìTXniiquè'ilìiéb_ i i y V i f v T n o 2BR APT. FOR rent, parliatiy fumlshed In Hillsdale area. 998- 5690.________________________ AFFORDABLE LIVING, country atmosphere. Try Northwood Apts. Studios. 1 & 2 BR's; garbage, waler & sewage included. Come see what we havel 800 Northridge Ct.. Mocksville. 704-634-4141. BEDROOM FOR SOBER, quiel & neat working man. 634-7917. MOCKSVIILE SUNSET TERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished Including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen & bath floors. Located in Mocksviile behind . Hendricks Fumiture on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sal. 10-12. Phone 704-634-0168.________________ NICE FURNISHED, IBR basement apt.. 3 1/2 miles out 158, tum left _.on ..Main..Church-Rd.r-go-1 -mile.-- 634-2967. BUSHOQS $418; SCRAPE Blades $125; Box blades $235; Spreaders; Finish Mowers; TillageTooIs; Carryalls; Boom Poles: Scoop Pans; Plows: Disc; Post Hole Diggers; Gates; Corrals: more. Wright Farm Gates & Equipment. 998-8637. Furniture BIG SCREEN TV for sale: responsible party to take on small mo. pmts. Good credit A Must. Cell 1-800-718-1657. Homes For Rent 3BR, 2BA, laOOsq. ft., close to I- 40, near Farmington Exit. $725/mo.+ dep., pet OK, no tease req. 704- 278-1717.____________________ EXECUTIVE COUNTRY HOME, 4BR, 31/2BA, double garage, large kitchen, satellite & security systems. Belween Mocksville & Statesville. $1250/mo. + dep., pet OK. 704-278-1717._____________ NICE BRICK HOUSE In country, 3 -people limit,-no petSv 284*4712;^—— Appliances URGE CAPACITY WASHER &dryer. $250.492-2282 after 6pm. Homes For Sale ALL SEASONS LAWN CARE. New & existing lawn maintenance. Call 704-284-4277._____________ CAM SERVICES: We provide all types of lawn service, mowing lawns. trimming shnibbery, cleaning lots, 704-634-5798. FREE ESTIMATES. Lost & Found FOUND: TALL. SLIM, male, while w/spols. Call to identity at Holland Fumiture. 990*6144. Lots For Sale 54 ACRE wooded Iracis in Mary Brook Acres, off Hwy 801 In Advance. $6500/acre. 998-5378. Miscellaneous IISWIMMING POOLSliSale 1/2 price on install. 16'X30' CD POOLS complete with Deck. Steps, Filter & Warranty for only -$695r-H£irry“linil!ed-supplyi-Olher" models also. Financing. Neptune Pools Inc. over 11 yrs. in business. 1-800-323-7946. STEEL BLDGS, BUILT for you: 2 car garages, large warehouses, many One-of-a*Kfnd; fastest del. Call 1 •800*638*2864.___________ WILL BUY JUNK cars. 284-2859 or 634-4335.__________________ *77 26FT. GEORGIA Boy motor home. 1 owner, upgraded '92, low mileage. EC. $6500.998-3633. Mobile Homes/Rent 2BR, 2BA ON Parker Rd., large private lot, no HUD, couple preferred. $375/mo. + dep. A rel. 492-7423.____________________ 2BR, CENTRAL AIR, nice neighbortiood, for non-smokers, w/no pets. 492-7462.___________ NICE 2 BR furnished In country, 1 or 2 people, no pets. 284-4712. RENT TO OWN, ready to move in 2 A 3BR mobile homes. 634-1218. TRAILERS FOR RENT. Water turnlshed. Located on TurrenHne Church Rd. Call 940*2395 leave___________________ UND/HOME PACKAGES AVAILABLE. If you pay rent you. can afford to ov»n. 910-744-0668.. LEADER HOME SALES , :New homes, new program, no •,. • money dn. Call today tor details. - 634*0503.__________________ LEE'S MOBILE HOME8«Norw6od. ; NC 800-777-8652. Bargains, closd outs specials. 40 new homes,' 28X52, $27,999; 26X80, $38,999; 28X64. $32,999; 24X56, $25,999; 14X80, $19.999, Incl. 4' hitch. Open 7 days.____________________ MORTGAGE COMPANY HAS*several OWs A SWs set up*№:* acreage) Pay $300 )n fees A move, in! Call 704-6:Allen.4-633-1914, ask for - MUST SELLn '96, 28R, 2BA, • $189/mo., gas furnace, stove A gas • hot water heater. Special order.vinyl siding, shlngte roof, set up, del. A/C. steps, lax ‘ “ ‘ ‘Call Ted 634-0503.lax, title A Insur. JANET DEAN’S ART STUDIOCreates custom sketches or paintings ot people, pels, buildings, A vehicles. For more into, leave message al 704-634-1549 or write: PO Box 984 Mocksville. NC27C^- Beach Properly CAROLINA BEACH CONDO:ocean view, IBR, 1 1/2 BA, steeps 4. W/D. pool. $400/wk. 910-791- 5768. Business Opportunity WANT YOUR OWN Business In Mocksviile? Selling existing Video Store inventory A fixtures in leased bldg. Call Heartland Realty, 910- 679>7288 or after hrs. 910-468- 4607 or 468-4740. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILDCARE:5:30am-1:45am. 1st A 2nd shift or by the hour. Permanent or temporaiy care available for lnfanls-12 yn. - SATURDAY HOURS. Hv ADVANCE, 3BR, 2 1/2BA. brick rancher on 4 il2 acres. Double attached garage, finished basement, new root, AC A more Improvements. 998-7271.________ FOR SALE: 4BR, 2BA house In Mocksville. Located in Historic area. $78,000. Leonard Realty. 634-3650 or 634-3875. Land For Lease PASTURE FOR LEASE w/bam. 1- 2 horses only. 998-4716, ask foi Ted. Land For Sale Ial: . jrary ca . . _lnfanls-12 yrs. old. CALL US FOR . Hwy 6 By-Pass near Ingersoll. 634*7529t 64-601 or 634-1980. Debra Stanley, owner. HAVE OPENINQS IN Daware, ages Infant A up. Wm. R. Davie District. Rel. avail. CPR A First Aid Cert. For more Info, call Paula PoweH at 492-2183.____________ LOVING MOTHER WILL keep your children In her home. Great rates. Call Angie Spillman. 284-4977. 9 9 « C A S H $ $ $ We Buy Scrap Gold, Broken and Unused Gold Jewelry. D A V IE JE W B L ieR S : : Home and Office Cleaning •NoHowtyFee .Excellent Rotes •HeOrenoea • Bonded & Iniured i w m t CNAs Mini-Shifts Д1 Cnini tMcap, Inc., M Sim : A m vU« to tmnM №• Mti ol 'l»miliolouii«ian.Jolnnlnoi« 'd owprtm M U NimAnMiM uiitoni no» м Ш ll M ifm d S iC n M o lF o in tiiiillie O ita «Го1цК.1Кт1оф«1пст1ка|| «oäm lit рмнкм nW««,, 2-4 t a œ e r; 6im-ipmor4:Xpin-10pnL i.adcHontoconipiMvtuiiriMinandbini«i,wiolN№i«Ma^ Юри1му0игш11гк>1П|90111А, im<idiiiMimlnnraiil«)iniigriiy; t I B i 10 ACRES FARMINGTONCommunily, all wooded, $60,000: 15 acres N. 601, $60,000; 31 acres behind Courtney Fire Dept. $3000/acre. Large acre tracts- Davie A surrounding counties. 998- 3805.________________________ 10 ACRES W/SEPTIC. $35,000. 996-2665.____________________ 4.39 ACRES ON Hwy 64E. 2 1/2 miles from Hickory Hill Country Club. $38.000.998*3940.________ FOR SALE: 5 acre tract In Fork area. Mobile home or bldg. site, $25,600.32 acre &te In Davidson Co. possible Commercial Use-Easy access lo Railroad A Interstate. Only $7000 an acre,Looking for room to roan 19«- acre parcel in Davidson Co. Near shopping A schools. $6500 an acre.13^ acre parcel in Davidson Co. Public water. Zoned for mobile home. Near shopping A schools. $6500 an acre.Btdgs. lots in prestigious, est. Winston*Salem neighbortiood. Only 2-$20,000ea.Rlverfork Properties ________704-634-1070________ MINI FARM: BEAUTIFULLYremodeled farm house, huge bam, out bidgs. Approx 6 acres. More land available. Red Foust, Davie Farm A Und Sales. 634-0757. CiMiar 111 iiiih Ktiiiidi liiu 2 ‘93 POLARIS SL 650 Jet Skis. Galvanized trailers A covers. 4 life jackets. $7500. wiil not separate. 634-0363.____________________ A/C, 10,000 BTU, used 1 summer, $300; Alpine Tracker Exerciser, $25. 998*3940.________________ CAMPER TOP FOR full-size, long bed truck. Fair condition, $25. 940-5866.________________________ FOR SALE-K A G Salvage: Bldg. stone $140/pr. pallet 140 sq. ft.; 4'X8'X3/4' TAG’ $15.95/sheet; 3' wide, galv. metal roofing. $.99/tt; on oval glass mahogany doors; Roofing felt, $6.95/rolI; We stock stainless steel in sheets A pipe. Super savings on сафе1 A linoleum as low as $3.95/yd.: 2-bulb fluorescent light fixture, 4', $8.95/ea; Corrugated culvert pipe up to 24* dia.: we stock pumps A accessories lor weils. Formica, $.50sq.ft.:4’X8'X1 1/2'thick faced Insulation, $7.95/ea.; 3000 lb cap warehouse carts, $49/ea. Steel I- Beams for sale.К A G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West Sank of Yadkin River. 910-699-2124. FOR SALE: RAGGEDY Ann/Andy Dolls. 15--36'. $24-$45. Also Tutoring avaiiabie during summer. ABC's A computer classes. Call Jackie Allen 998-2006.__________ FOR SALE: WHITE GE stove w/2 ovens, $75; fireplace insert w/blower. $250. Call 284-6209. FOR SALE: '83 30ft. monitor admiral fifth wheel travel trailer, EC, $7500. 492-5436.______________ SONY 10 DISC CD changer for auto. EC, $200 neg. Call Mike 634- 3614. Mobile Homes/Sale ••LGS HOMES**Slngiewldes A doublewldes. Affordable prices, quality built, dependable service. Factory Direct Since 1937.3995 Patterson Ave. 910-767-7565. Winston-Salem. Ask tor Odie Peridns._______________ **NEW** REPO'SII REPO’SflREPO'Sil 2 A 3BR SWs A DW’s. Easy financing. Oakwood Factory Outlet ol Salisbury. 704*633-1107. ••NO RENT OR HOUSE PMTS.** After 4 yrsll Factory rebuilt mobile homell $599 dn. A 48 monthly, pmts. of $122.76 ea. at 13.5% Call Oakwood Mobile Homes. Salisbury Location oniyil 704*633*1107. *1 ONLY* beautiful new 4 BR mobile home. $215.31/mo. Call 704-633-1107. Oakwood Salisbury Only!________________________ 1ST TIME HOME buyer. No credit req. Choose your own pmt. 910- 744-0688. ABANDONED HOME ALREADYset up In park*no equity. 910-744- 0688.________________________ FACTORY REBATES UP to $600 A your (Ust 2 pmts. Call (or details. Accent Mobile Homes.1-600-593-7814 3656 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, NC We have park spaces available. GOOD JOB? N0credit7l Call Accent Mobile Homes. 1st time buyer program. 1-600-593-7814. 3856 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, NC.We have park spaces available. LAKE HOME: CUSTOM built mobile home. Take over pmts. of $210/mo. w/$971.90 dn. Easy financing. Cail 704-633-1107. ONE ONLYI BEAUTIFUL new:-: Fleetwood. 2BR, $699/dn., only':- $148.56/mo. 1-800-593-7814.* Accent Mobile Homes,-----^eso’N.’Patterson’Ave.'; ^Winston-Salem. NC. USED DOUBLEWIDES Aslngiewldes from $1000-$15,000. Will finance. 910-744-0688. WE PAY TOP dollar $$ for your present mobile home, paid for or nol. Call Ted today. 634-0503. '94 14X72 OAKWOOD. Take over pmts. $249.00/mo. Extremely nicel 940-5946.___________________ '97, 2BR, 2BA, 14X70. front kitchen, w/sliding glass doors, microwave, dishwasher, set up A del., w/A/C, steps, washer A diyer, taxes, title fees A Insur. All for $189/mo. Call 634-0503 todaylt- Ask lor Wanda or Ted. : RepaMngPIANO TUNING^ A Rebuilding Self-players, Sales A Service Wallace Barford 998-2789 PUBUC BALE: MOCKSVILLE.Mini-Storage intends to sell the * contents of the following units tor - unpaid rent A expenses;#54 Dawn ‘ Parsons($180), #61 Ronald - Edward Johnson ($240), #274 ‘ Theresa Hoch ($240). Household * items. No sale if balance Is paid In ! full by July 16, 1997. Sale date: ' July 18, 1997 at 2pm. 817 : Salisbury Rd. 704-634-2483. • ■' ’ LOANS FOR HOMEOWNERSHome Mortgages — Purcha.se or Rchnuncc.Cash fast, regardless of crcdil. , Coll for samc'day approval, a CommonPoint Mortgage a 1-800-968-2221 i 998-9661 /МкГ^СОММиМСММ ;/Пт4яМ 1«1«:и8М 1Ч М | 1 И 1л4ю-(ШюгЯш5 МСаиШат!вюаппд Visto ИМии» д42Гшш||19Ю﹫| Hgctnll..N Notice to Customer* ot CENTRAL TELEPHONE OF NORTH CAROUNA (CENTEL) On June 18.1S97, (Mial Telephone Conyiany ol Nath Canina (CartaO, № issuing cantor In SpiH Local Telephone Convenlie DuW F.C.C. No. 2, M taiW raviekin« In acoddwo» Mh № t 69 of the FadMd ConnunkMlons CMmMar№Rul»T)*taitlltaviiion«.viim tol)toonwell8CllwanJiiy1,19e7,aMlnM*lnltaLATA MHHge TdMomnunlcillGn« Rilas and Spilnl BiakMe SinNLocil1itS«vtoaa. Aocpycf Sprint LoadTaliphonaConvaniatTailiF.C.C. Na 2 to aMMIa tor pubic Impscton at 14111 CM il BculeMvdlWUaFtofeat North CMina,b«l«wMilh»houiio( aoo am and 5M pm, Mondiy Iwough Fildiy. i^Great Clips for halt:' Management, Stylist, and Barirar-Stylist Opportunities Immediate Openings Great Clips is the/aslesl growing hair salon franchise in the U.S. with over 895 salons nationwide. We currently have 13 salons open in the -j GreensboroAVinston-Salem market and will have over 20 by Ihe end of? 1997. -; Applications ate now being accepted for our newest salons at We Offer For More information • B rand New, G reat Looking Salons - G uaranteed Base Pay • Service/productivity Com m ission • Product Sates Conunission • Inconvenient H our incentive - G ood Tips • $8-$12lhr. E arnings P otential • P a id Advanced Training/W orkshops • P a id Vacation a n d H olidays • P a id O ngoing T echnicallM anagem ent Training - Flexible Schedule • Advancement O pportunities L ocally a n d R egionally • M edical Insurance O ptions • Em ployer Pays A ll B ackbar Costs • Im m ediate C lientele Provided • Stylist R eferral Bonus Call JacMe or MeUmle at 659-9000 tor both locaUons. i k G r e a t C i i p s f o r in a ir * ■iW ........ SALE OR lease: 1S00 sq. K. ololllce space behind Shell Station al Hwy 801 & 1-40, Advance fHlllsdale). 998-5378.___________ SALEM CENTER OFFICE Park. Localed near Bennuda Hun & Oak Valley olf 1-40 al Ihe comer ot Hwy SOI i Vadkln Valley Rd. AHotdable office space available from 100 sq. ft. lo 2000 sq. ft. Available for Immediale Occupancy, For details call 910-760-2921 ot 602-584- 4213. DIVORCED, WHITE MALE, 42,unmarried w/children. Looking lor single while lemale 28-45, small- msdlum buM. Children OK, smoker OK. 704-637-9097. ?™ dr'°Siiy'*'49.§5r,^iSi“^a'lonl New hrs.; Mon.-Frl. 0am- 6pm 4 Sal., 0am-1pm.634-1947 101 N. Main SI. pRECK SALE: BUY 1 get 3 free 3. Ralnbowa as *2»;, Bags & belts for all machines. WII repast all makes & models. 101 N. Main SI. 634-1M7 . PAIMTINORemodeling - Home Repairs Large or Small Free Esiimales JAMES MILLER __________998-8340__________ PRESSURE CLEANINQ: All Types siding, clean and waterprool decks, peljM^^rlveways and walkways. RkD PRESSURE Washing Satlslacllon Quaranteed.Free Estimates. 940-5267. VCR CLEANING t Repairs. Vogler's TV Servtee. Advance. Visa & MG accepted. 998-8172. BEAUTICONTROL COSMETICS:- (orproducls-or Cateer'Infor Call" Jewv Tumet, 634-2567.________ CONCRETE FINISHINQDriveways, patios, basements, pool decks. Call Mike al 998-6469. DAGCONSTRUCTtONAdditions, decks, fences, remodeling, new construction, roofing, general home repairs. 12 yrs. exp. Free Estimates. 998-5690. LINK'S SEAMLESS QtmERINQRichard Link-Owner Free Estimates 634-3248 - WHITTAKER PAVINO-Pavlng, Seal Coating, Hauling Qravel Call for Free Estimates 492-7820 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: '81, 185 Yamaha w/2000 miles, $400; '88 Kawasaki 454 Ltd., 2800 miles, $2000 EC. 910-768-9820 exl. 155 or after 5:30pm 910-650-0612. SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Butek- 700 W. Innes SI., S 704-636-1341 JOB DEVEUM>ER/JOB COACH . : F u ll- tim e g r a n t- f u n d e d p o s it io n t o w o r k w ith D a v ie H ig h s t u d e n t s . • Must be a Davie county resident.• 4-year degree preferred and business/industry experience or an equivalent combination.• Salary negotiable : Submit n$uiMloDivl0 Couniy Sehool$, 2 » ChHrySlrttt, SlH£FHO№PLAC£,lNC. Seeking full-tiiiie machanically IncHnad parson to MNtrk In sales and Installation. • EMMtann PntarrMi - WHI Trahi •tMilWMm«• PMMeaUM• PaMMMCraMhwnaet• nHHtlMflaiflHtliiiwtWMi• SalinrlatMlMEiptriMm 4W A riiftr*M iR 1HIPH0MrUCE,MC.121 OtpM Itati ■ IMmNb, MG 27« Ute have moved 965 yadkinville Road • Mocksvllle. NC iteside Farm Bureau le across from Mock Tire) ^ A N T B E M IS SFOXCROFT PERSONNEL RESOURCES IS NOW ACCEPTING APPU^TIONS BOR INDUSTRIAL POSrnONSATlNTERCRAFTCOMPANY. __POSITIONS ARE TOR ALL SHIFTS FOR:. ASSEMBLERS • ORDI» PICKERS . TRUCK UNLOADEBS • FORKLIFr DRIVERS FOSinONS ARE LONG TERM HMP0RARY UNHLTHE END OF'97.AN OPPOKIUNnYFORFUaTIME EMPLOYMENT WrranireRCRAFI applM M a^i^ S rS ^lu 1 IHE BEST MANUTACn«E»'S IN STATSSVltlJlIt W ‘n POHHAC ORANO AM QT, cpw, pm, cnjlse, ABS, NADA $8001 sell for $7200. Call 704-638-3521. '94 HONDA ACCORD EX, lotesi green, auto, power ever) including sunroof. 48K. $14 OBO. 634-1031.________ 'M HONDA CBR 600, yellow & while, laclory ever nelmel Included, 1400 miles, neg. 634-1031. ALWAYS BUYINQ STANDINQtimber. Wlll cul lots, top dollar paid. Call 704-637-9097. BUYINO PINE A hardwood timber, delivered logs & long pulpwood. Shaver Wood Produds, Inc. 704- 278-9291.____________________ WANTED: I AH buying Antiques, fumiture, glassware, tools. Individual Items or entire Estates. No small appliances. Attk; to basemenL 910-961-6454. ALMOST HOME CHILD careseeking child care worker for subslltute a 2nd shift hrs. Must be exp., 18 yrs. or okJer w/dlpkima. 634-7529. AVON $8-$1WHR. No door to door.Easy methodsi Outek cashi Bonuses. 1-800-827-4640 lnd/»l8/rep.____________________ BERMUDA VILLAGE IS accepting applications lor FT housekeepers Í custodian. Apply In person. Hwy 801 S. Advance, orcaf998-6703. SISSP.'SL- HURsiNQASSISTANTS needed lo providehome care services lo homebound lawnipatients In Davie Couniy. 1 yr. ol no«exp. as a nursing assistant & NC Wmaide registry listing req. To obtain —an ap^callon call 1-6fib-737-0604 or write: Director, 108 Wind Chime Ct„ Raleigh. NC 2761S._________ CERTIFIEDAJCENSED THERAPIST TO provide seivlces lo chlklren S families. Exp. req. In child trauma/abuse. Spill lime: ForsylWDavIe Co. MSW or related degree. Resume: Donna Abernathy, Famlllea Senrtees, 610 Coliseum Dr., Wlnslon-Salem, NC 27106. EOE. Employmoiit ‘ATTENTION MOCKSVILLE'Postal positions. Clerks & sorter. No exp. req. Benefits. For exam, salary & testing Info, call 1-800- 547-4787. ext 6640,8am-8pm. ALLIED SECURrrY, INC. has a3rd shift posHlon open In Ihe Mocksvllle area. Applicants must be able lo pass a drug screen & have a clean criminal record. We offer a great hrty. wage, free uniforms, paid holidays, 401K, paid vacation, i great advancement opportunities. For more Info, call Rachel at 634-4797 ext. 165. EOE MF/D/V. CNA'S CHOOSE YOUR shlfti Certmed Nursing Assistants needed lor all shlllsin & near Oavle Couniy. 1 yrs. exp. req. Sign up bonus! Call Bayada Nurses. 723- 1000. CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELreq. Drivers license preferred. Call 284-4369, Mon.-Frl., 10am-2pm for applteatlon. EEO._________ DRIVER EXP. TEAMS: lop pay, top W/C miles, top equip. & home time. Quick app. turnaround. 888- 564-6269._____________ DRIVER LEARN TO drivetractor/lraller w/no cost to your.Guaranteed Job upon (4 wks.) graduation. 800-948-6723. D I E T A R Y D E P T . Long term facility Dietary Dept has opening for full or part time dietary aide 2nd shift (11 am • 7:30 pm). Experience preferred. Excellent benefits and work environment. ^Apply in person to Carol Crawford 8:30-4:00 Mon-Frl or call (704) 634-3535 №u m n c a r eMOCKSVILU 10Ф7 Howard SL Mocksvlllt.NC 27028 (7М)>34-ЗЯ5 C N A ’ S To C over D avie C ounty All Shifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible H ours • M ust B e Certified 910-768-1197 P ie d m o n t H o m e H e a lth , In c . W inston-Salem “Tha hometown ampany, we'll treat you like you'd expecl." Hekman Furniture Company 37 Plckanl Circle • Lexington, NC 27292 (910)249-9136 C all fo r appt. Personnel ext. 117 Flnhh Repair Knowledge of all finish processes and procedures. Must repair scratcbcs, runs, chips, blemishes in finished pieces using bum- in pawdcts. touch up pencils. Cablntt UtUltv Able to perform all jobs in cabinet deparlmenL Good work record. Lift SO lbs. Consistently. Set up and operaie boring machine. High degree of accuracy a musL Set up and operate sanding machines.GreatBentfUs Medical, dlsablltly and life Imuraace. 40Ik . Competitive wages • Incemive Bonus Program 10 Paid Holidays Ediicúticwü Assistance touch, 100% drop & hook, average 4,584 mllesAark. Home 48 hrs on the weekend. Iowa City, IA lo Brown Summit, NC. Don't miss out on Ihls opponunityl Owner Operators weteomel Builders Transport 1-800-762-1819. HAIR DRESSERS WANTED lorent booth space, 2 booths available at Designers Loll, 634- 2318. _____________ LAKE MYERS RV Resort now taking applications for pool staff - IS. Apply In person. 492- UVE-IN CAREGIVER needed. Must be demdable, able to lift, light housekeeping. References checked. Salary neg. PO Box 42. Mocksville, N027029.__________ LOCAL TRACTOR TRAILERdriver needed Immediately. No overnight 25 yrs. or older, 3 yrs. mln. exp. & CDL Class A req. Current ЮТ medteal, dmg, ateoholjicreening. BeneWs___Include:..vacatbn S hdktay. Reply 9am- 5pm, 704-492-5651. PT « FT positions available, 2nd^& 3rd shifts, for Support Staff In grooP' homes lor persons wlln. devetopmental disabilHlet. Apply at: RHA, Í28 E. Kerr SL, Saiisbury-or. 211 Roseman Ln., Cleveland. RELIABLE TANK LINE: accepllra! allons. Complete beneMs- NOW ACCEPTINGAPPLICATraNS lor all posHlons, PT & FT, flexible hrs. Apply in to; KFC, 1231 Yadkinville . . including group Insur., paid; vacation, paid holidays, scheduled days off. Prom Sharing h company.' matched Thrift Fund. Call Danny' SIroud or Ray Clifton al 1-600-672-' 6604 or apply al 1540 Silas Creek Pkwy., Winston-Salem.________]•' STAFF POSmONS ARE open for- all age groups al Imagination. Station chin caie center. For more Info, please call 492-7818 behveen. Ihe hrs. or 4pm > 8pm.________ TEACHER NEEDED FOR Pr^Kindergarten class in Christlan- Chlld Dev. Ctr. In Lexington..' Associate degree or equal exp. & - t_ra[nlnfl^teq. Call 910-248-5857 or. TOP NOTCH LEAD man for esL ■contractor framing crew. Must be. expert in all phases ol custom sitek - &“ Itu8s~ rool construction. Low^.. stress working environment w/o.- hotheads. Quality counIs,.. production In a bonus. Secure year- round work w/partnershlp oplten lor. srson. 910-463-4422 or910-- 2479. NOW HIRING AT K-Mart In Clemmons. PT & FT, llexible hrs. Bm. Iront end Supervisor & exp. Ontee Manager. Please apply any dav trom 9am-9pm._____________ PERSON TO CLEAN private homes, FT, Mon-Fri. Good pay/beneWs. CloveiHeld's. 760- 4161.________________________ RECEPTMNISTWOMMUNITY RELATIONS SPECIAUST to help manage Mocksvllle Counseling WANTED: MAINTENANCE. HELPER lor FT 4 PT work. Apply In person al the Comfort Inn., Mocksvllle. PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Office. Providing services to & families. Resume: Donna^*^mathy, Family children IfKluding 2 3 da]until SenHces, 610 Coliseum Dr.', Winston-Salem, NC 27106. EOE. Mary I/«.,, Clrli/«. ; F u l l / P a r t t i m e L P N ' s 108 bed facility needs LPN’s for 3-11 shift, full and pail time. Great benefits, plus sfiift differential. L Apply In person to Carol Crawford 8:30-4:00 Mon-Fri or call (704) 634-3535 M m i M N C A R E IIW7 Howard SL M«>»vilk.NC 27112aO r IW O CKaVim (7M)«4-3i35 M A I I V T E N A I V C E Long term facility seeks maintenance person for outside: and inside duties full time. Good benefits and competitive salary. Apply In pwrson to Carol CratMford 8:304:00 Mofl-Fri or cali (704) 634-3535 INTHenrdSI.Mecknib,NC]7ni -rf Hanes SARAUE UNDCRWIMt company" STRATFORD ROAD FACILITA Winston-Salem, NC HasOpenli^sJir Experienced Knitters & Knttting M achine Fixers Jiiii Bfptfiti» JotHiheTetmtiM^ChikettheAmuieas fiom Top to Bottom” (910) 519-5918 or (910) 519-5905 ; , «Appljr«ttln N.C, EmploTmtnt SMiaritjr Commisiioa (Ив)ТИ.1Ж I l i h ' ài. J W - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, July 3,1997 ^avie Dateline i p Fund Raisers &furday,July12 Brtakfast, Smith Grove MvthodWt Church. U^. 158 \s esi of Mocksvillc, 8 u.m. Relifeion July 6-10 VBS,GmpelBuplistChuixh.Nt;ilnaiua-|i Rtl.EM„7-8:30p.niThcnic;"l*t\imiscUuiId* CIS lor Jesus" Owkixit July 11,6 p.m. Prxv gniiii following. Sunday, July 13 Hie CrveiH'H in concvrt, Mocks Unllcd MrthtxiUt Chureh, N.C. Kt)l S.. Ail\iUKV. Uvcf ofTcring tl) Iv liiki’n. ‘J I • W8-5518. July 16-17 Chrtuiun Wimivai' Clubs of \Mtislon* SaWni lo nkxi, Bcnnudi Kiii>Counir>Club. Speaker Lisu Hippin of Hn:viinl. Resen-ii* lioas rc»iuiail. Nursciy pn)viik*d. MojxLiy UincheonOub: 1 l:15a.in,S10.15.Calim 57l9.Tucsd«yDmnchClub:9:30a.m.S8.75. Call 468-2015. July 20-24 VBS, Cenier tnlled MelNidlst Church. "Pronu'<BuilJers'‘.SumJay,5:30p.m. Mon* Tliur.,9am.-iKwu. Spedal Events July 9 & 16 hirenLH Momin}{Oui. Hixhy Pa'shyicrian Chua'h. AilvaiKV, 9;45 a.m.-noi)n. Iw info ~w‘ain;gi>reyrcall WS’-4S39;----— - Friday, July 4 Symphony in ihe Purk & Flre>Mirks fea- luiing il)e \\’insti)n-Salem I*iodnH)nl Triad S) mphony. Rich Paik. Gales open al 6 p.m. Olil fashioned family games. 6:.1U p.m. Mu* sic. 7;.^p.m. Sponsoa’d by M<x;ks\illeSav* ings Hank&ilwDiivicCiMintyAnsCoiitKil. Admission; S5/ikIulj. Senior citi/ens - buy one. gel one fax\ Childani 12 & under, fax*. Cani & Board Gunii's, Easi K(N)ni, I ;.^(M p.m. RSVI’StH Inj;' B", RSVP OUkv. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday, July 10 Senior Tnitlen Club. Ccnier Coi;ununiiy Building. 10 an». Senior Chorus Hast Rix)m, i p.m. AUhelnHT’!iSupportGn»up,l-;iMRixMn.7p.m. Stomp Ccillcflor’» Club. Ri^e R.xhh. 7 p.m. Friday. July 11 WcK)d«urki«n Clas.s. Crall Rtxmi. ll:.^Oa.ni. Hri<lne, luist RiH)m. 2*5 p.m. Monday, July 14 Potlliitrlsl Dr. Dunn. Craa Room. 8:.10- ll;.M)a.m. Cookvniiv Club. lltM Hiipiisi IvllowNliip Ila!l, 10a.m. Ettsl Du\ie Club. Hethlclicm Ix-lhnvsltip Hall. la.^Oa ni. Senkir Rh)Umi Bund. Me;Kl»mbntok Ter- mcv. HL'iOa.m. Bingo, liiM RiHnn. l:30-.l;.'<()p,«>. R ep ort D avie D ateline Item s By N oon M onday Items for Duvk: Dali'IInesluHiIdlva'ixtnrtl by ntton Mt)nd.jy of tlw publication w eek. CalI634'2I20orila>pilbyilwolHce.S.Main St. acn*ss fnim the counbi'ustf, Ммн1Ьяш1кМв^В CLEMMONS, NC • (910) 766-0021 Specializing In tht Dtsign, Sales, Installillon end Service of: • Home Theater & Television • BurglarAlarm Syitems • Fire Alarm Systems •Automation Systems • Multl-Room Stereo Systems • Central Vacuum Systems (10% OFF) With Ihis page on your first purchase. FREE M HOME SURVEY ^ v a n $ ô v L i i S m i t h i n ^ GunsI Guns I GunsI S4W M -57.4lmoe.i475« M W M-M .357 mag, «495» U W M-25-2.45 ACP W99” Colt Dlamondbaek .35 $475” D m it Eogl* .357 mag. $795” Modal .22 RItlci »9 9 :32Youltil.22Rltl*i liarle’s Florist ; 5 7 6 6 - 4 6 5 1 ' '• / 11/ All 0 «'( . I>ii >fl Family Fun in A Good, Clean Atmospliere! A R C A D E G A M E S • P O O L TABLES • A /R H O C K E Y • PINBALL • E LE C T R O N IC DARTS • REFRESH M EN TS VIDEO ARCADE HOURS: Mon - Ihurt 3pm - lOpm, Fri & Sat 1pm - midnight, Sun Ipm - *)pnt 2076 Highway 601 S. (.il Iho Ellis Cenier), Mocksville, NC (704) 634-GAME Order anything al wholesale plus 10% & shipping. Located off Peacehavan on Wrights Farm Road. Open Mon-Fri 9’5:30 Call (910) 766 6501 for your firearms needs T. D A N W O M B L E ATTORNEY AT LAW is p le a se d to a n n o u n c e th a t DERRICK M. THARPE h a s jo in e d Ih e fir m as a n A sso ciate . T h e f ir m is e n g a g e d in th e g e n e r a l p r a c tic e o f la w w ith e m p h a s is o n r e a l e s ta te , p e r s o n a l in ju r y c a s e s . a n c L g e n e r a ic iv il litin fitio n - .---- 3780-A Clemmons Road P.O. Box 1698 Clemmons, NC 27012 Phone {910)766-8085 Fax (910) 766-9145 Seniors Call 6344)611 for nm* info. Uvaiion is Brock Cenlcr unless noied oihcrtt'isc. Thursday, Jiuly3 SrnbrChorm. East Room. 3 p.m. Morxiay,July7 Golfcn A p Club, Rich Pa.k SW w 2.10 a.nt Senk»rRh)1hmBand.AutumnCanr. 10:30 am. Tuesday, July 8 Bijiiinliiii Brid|!c. R i« Rcxim, I -t p.m. BHdjee. East Room, l:30-i p.m. RSVP Nursing Home Party, 24 p.m. Wednesday, July 9 Wal-Mail Senior Momlnft. 8* 10 a.m. V«ric«)r Arts. Craft Room. 8:30-11:30 a.ia AAHP. Easi Room, 10:30a.m. Help Wanted IN- HOME HEALTH AIDE 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.' Bermuda Run Must lie experienced and mature with good references, Permanent Position with good salary. Call 940-6616 P a in m a y b e e lim in a te d f o r m illio n s SPECIAL)--Adnig that is excitinE researchers In the treatment of pain hasbeenforaiulaledinloanewprod uct known as "Arthur Kb," and is Kingcalleda"A/ei/fca/A/irac/e”by some, in Ihe treatment of debilitating conditions such as arthritis, bursills rheumatism, painful muscle aches iointaches, simple iBckache, bruises, and mote. Although the mechanism of action is unclear, experiments in­ dicate thatArlhurllh, relieves pain by first selectively attracting, and ihendesttoyingthemessengeiclKmi- cal which carries pain sensations to the brain, thus eliminating pain in the affected area. Af«lmr Itia, is available Immediately wlthouta pre­ scription in an c<iorless, greaseless non-staining cream or new roll-on liquid form. Arthur Iti^ Is guaran­ teed to work or your money back. UWQrtyMdvKM O 1914 Mhr Kdtt PN*Ka iw AVAILABLE AT: Foster-Rauch Drag Co. # S V*)T U . • Mtdmik, NC • <34-2141 Oavie Discount Drugs UlllllgySL'CMkw,NC>2M-2S37 ~ 1 « Е Д Я 8 3 # 9 “Whil« quJMM ил Wi» 47a» с1омо«Мам$80 Super Capacity Plus washervrtth double rollover Dual Action agitator. 2Ш2 ^ i l f l p o o T ^ « 3 4 9^4>sl0»rp»c« Extra-large capacity washer with 5 cycles and 2 water levels. J2412(Mfr. #LBflS232tQ} « 2 9 9S«jn tow (xici Extra-large capacity dryer with 4 cycles. 42412 (Utr.#l(R4Ul[Q) M O C K S V ILLE , NC A LL O N SA LEI ALL HOME APPLIANCES AND HOME ELECTRONICS Thr^№ JuFy & Rrt 399.99 sa^SSO Super Capacity Plus dryer. 10| cycles. 4 temperatures ; and lighted drum, sttb Free factory-installed icemakerl A $100 value! 5 9 9 9 9 Rrt 64099 save $50 18.0 cu. ft.' refrigerator with adjustable spill*proof glass shelves, adjustably gallon door storage. 66M2 S O N Y ^ 7 9 9 9 9 S«in low pric« Sony 8mm “Vision Series" wilh 2.5-in. SwivelScreen. aiJiMt«. *cco-iRv2a 5 9 9 Thnufh July 5 Rfg.¿>a99 » 3 9 8CiCtptaXMl VjIu« 18.0 cu. ft,' rGltigeralor wilU wiic shelves and crisper basket, бш7 E D r V > / F I N A N C E C H A R G E 'H I January '9 8 on all hem* appiiancM ev«r *399 and ail caoMardan, DSS * 32-In. and largar IV» sav«$SO JVC camcorder with color viewfinder, 36x zoom lens and picture stabilizer, ssw (■.№. «cuxcous) J V C Get a free leather waist pouch when jrou buy one of these camcorders! T)irQuihA.ry& PHILIPS j m m 5 9 9 9 9 Thrwfh July S. Rn. 649.99 uvt$50 Magnavox 32-in. TV with SmartSound and SmarlPicture systems. 4ui3(№i.#is32MC> S O N Y -*aoo 1 9 9 * *s is2 Sony DSS. «xo iwi. isissss CRRFni4RN 1 5 4 * *Sc<rt low prict Craftsman 4-HP, 20-in. mower with Eager-1 engine for one-pull starts. Vac edge38TOTO. 1 1 9 9 “n UK. WM 129999 doMout-im $100 Craftsman 15.5-HP, 42-in. lawn tractor with lurbo cooled Platinum engine and 6-speed ffnder shift, w a 8 9 “ uvt$40 I '■ > ■. Gas grill wilh 422-sq. In. total cooking area and folding front table, laeo 2 9 9 “ M o n . F r l 9 - 7 . S . t M . S u n 1 2 . 5 » M M i ! » i r S ^ David « Carol Powall Hi|^iOtN>ridklnvilhR(l>llocki«ii,NC (704)634-5988 ^ ■ И В И И П Я ' ^ 1 ^ ^ Buneom.iiaciiip.nu. 13-drawer pro quality chest and cabinet storage combo. manm_ Crallsman 120-pc, mechanic's sel. 33K0.9M9 Special purclliit; YOU CAN COtIMT ON SIARS IÎS!1L5ÎÏÎJ:SÎ?:.ÎSÂL.*ÏWï Jron S«TltfACTION eUAKANTEEO . Sfun to (U eu um avtSjttto № 2pän wTd5ÍÍ?Í4M^n!Sm¡m адп" J«ly il« p r lc n 3 lb r * M l« « b M y ■ 7 п а W'hirl|Hi ‘*The atore you know ta now etoa* to horneé’ i- ■Г'" It's A Sweep Legion Team Falls To Salisbury PageBI Collision At The [)epoft Train Hits Truck That Crosses ^ intersection In lyiocksville "Page 7 D A V IE C O U N T Y 8 0 « E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D USPS14»-160 M o th e r N a tu re S te a ls U n d e S a m 's J u ly 4 th T h u n d e r By Mike Barnhardt _ Davie County Enterprise RecoS July Fourth was Uncle Sam's day. The (lags waved, the bands played and the backyard bartKcucs were fired. But when it came time for fireworks al night. Mother Nature stole the show. Fierce winds and sharp lightening sent revelers at Farmington Dragway scurry­ ing for cover. The weather forecast had 100 Lbs. Of Pot Seized Two Charged W ith Trafficking Marijuana An estimated 1(X) pounds of nrarijuana was selzedSunday night fromahome in noithwestcm Davic County. Davie Detective Sgt. Chris Shuskey said an anonymous tele­ phone call led to the raid on residence on Children's Home Road, in Ihe WiUiam R. Davie commu­ nity near Yad- Un County. ; Jose Rufo Cabrera, 30, of 189 Childrens Home Road, Mocksville, and Cleto Cuelias Abejo, 23, an illegal Mexican alien wilh a Hwy. 601, Yadkin- ville, address, Abeja :were each charged with trafflck- ■ing marijuana. They were placcd :inIhe Davie CountyJail witii bond :setal$100,000each,pendingjuly 24 first-appearance hearings in ; Davie District Court. ' MembeisoftheDavieSherifTs :Depanment, Yadkin County- SherifTs office and the Iredell CoumySheriirsoirice.alongwilh the SBl are condocUng the inves- ■iigaiion. Shuskey said that mari­ juana was found inside the resi- idenix and in vehicles parked out- : ^iide.,Three vehicles were seized. :|:;"it’s one of the biggest mari- Iju^girestsinDavieCounty that il cah remember, certainly one of :ihe biggest since I've been sher- :iffi" said Davie Sheriff Allen ' ;V№taker. "It tied in with wme : mteUiieiKe we had with a long- wjoing investigation." syo'phony Pete Clodfelter was cleaning his ga- Denny Creason was at his home on had cutiLsprograrnsRorri¥cstoim RitH' the fireworks began. The storm hit especially hard in Cool­ eemee, toppling trees onto cars and homes, narrowly mi-ssing a few people. One elderly woman had ju.st moved from one room to another when a huge tree fell onto her hou.sc, caving in the celling in the room where she had just been. "rage on Toynef Street when the slorffl1ilr~Mnrglniil“Siiïe(rVlsltüts^aw”ihrS(ônln" He went to the hou.se to close windows that had been left open. "He stepped up on the porch, and part of the tree fell on the garage and tore it to pieces," said his mother, Rulh Clodfelter. "He ran in to .shut his windows, and another limb fell on the porch." A neighbor’s shed was blown away, she said. coming and decided to try to get home before it hit. "By Ihe time they sumed out the door, the oalt tree was across the drive," Cneason said. "We Ihought it was a small tornado. It was really tierce winds, tenlble winds, and it came up so fast." In between the ClodfeltersandCrcason was the Zachary House, the historical association headquarters and museum. It T™sn’tspartU "IfsiTclSdthi^^ dows and their frame out of the attic, shot it straight out in the air and onto the ground,” said Lynn Rumley. Fallen irees damaged fences at the town park. Shewasalherhomenearby."ltsounded ^ like a train," Rumley said. "I never saw any warning." Please See Storm-Page 4 Say Cheese ’ Cabrera П The Race Is On: 2 File For IVIixl<sviile Mayor; One Seel<s Job in Cooleemee Mlran(jaMorgan,5,hadplentytosmlleaboutattheDavleFannilyYMCAsummerdaycamp, which Is overflowing with children this year. For more Infonmatlon on the camp, and the day care situation In Davie County, please turn to page BS. - Photo* by Robin FWguwon Six candidates filed for office early Monday moming, with two seeking Ihc Mocksville mayor's job being vacated by DJ. "Nick" Mando. Dusty Wheaton,21, andFrancis W. Slate, 74, wen: early filers for mayorofMocksville. Incumbents JamesWallandSlcveWalkcrfiled for Mocksville town commis- sioner.joined by LceRollins seek­ ing one of Ihc three seals avail­ able. Grady Spry was the firsl to file for Coolccmcc, putting his name down as a candidate for mayor. Two town commission seats will also be elected in Cooleemee in November. Filing is open at the board of elections officc, county court­ house, until noon on Friday, Aug. 1. Filing fee is $5. In addition, two four-year seats on the Bennuda Center Sanitary District will be elected. Wheaton, 21, of Sunny Dale Lane, hopes voters will look past his age and see his abilities and qualifications. A senior studying political sciencc with a minor in philosophy at Vanderbilt Univer­ sity, he said he would take two yearsolTfromhisstudiesifelectcd. He wants to work to make the recreation and community polic­ ing programs strongerandtobuild and promote the downtown area. People are concerned about gro\^, and he thinks the town can experience growth while re­ taining the "small-town atmo­ sphere" people enjoy. Walter Spty Wheaton has been following politics since he was 4, and in morerecentelections,involvedin v working for candidates. "TipO'NeilsaidthatallpoUlics ; is local, and I leally believe that,” the Davie High graduate said. ... FlcaicSwSix-Pai|e4 Brock Bats: By Jeanne Houpe Davie County Enteфrise Record Some Mocksville residents are about to be kicked out of iheir hoiiie. Davie County Public Works Director DavidPlotteslimatestherear«2Sto30bats living in the B.C. Brock Auditorium which is undergoing renovation. The bats have already been run from the attic, and many of them have taken up residence in the boxing around the eaves of the building, according to PlotL Bats like to rest in dark, secluded places such as caves, v o ^ t buildings, church steeples and atticm'accdrding to the N.C.. Cooperative Extension Service. . None of North Carolina's 14 species of bats are active by choice diiring the brighter hours of the day, preferring late afternoon. evening and early moming for feeding flights. Recendy, rnony people have started to change their attitute about bats. While some fear the worid's only flying marn- mals, oth№ have come to appreciate the bat's contribution - going so far as to build bat houses to'attractthe^ According to the mteiision sdvice, bats linay consume up to one half their own weight in insects, including mosquitoes, in ; anevening. "We knew they were up there and had. , bera for some time," he saii T h e ^c waa like a big cave, but nothing was done dxMt' it because oir the anticipMeb renqvalkni. By the time Ite auditorium h u been t conveited to the Btodc Petfocming Am > < ' ' ' '. ■ " , ■ .1 ■■■ ,'^j "-.¿.’т.-Ч - 'fi ■ ut.■ w 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,1997 Editorial F^ade The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 When in thc Coursc of Human Events, it bccomcs nccessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among thc Powers of the Earth, thc separate and equal Station 10 which the Laws of Nature requites that they should declare the causes which impel them to thc Separa­ tion. Wc hold these Truths lo be self-evident, that all men arc created equal, that they are endowed by Ihe Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — -that to secure these Rights, Govemmcnts arc instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from thc Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government bccomes destructive of - thcsc EndSï it-is the Right-of lhc Pcoplc tonltcr or to abolish— it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to these shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and H.appiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should nol be changcd for light and tran­ sient Causes; and accordingly all Experience has shewn, that Mankind arc more disposed lo suffer, while Evils arc sufferable, lhan to right llieniselves by abolishing Ihc Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to rcduce Ihem under absolute Despotism, it is Iheir Righl, il is their Duty to throw off such Government and to provide new Guards for Iheir futurc Security. Such has been the patient Suffcrancc of these Colonies and such is now Ihc Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of thc present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.... In every state of the.sc Oppressions wc have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms; our repealed Peti­ tions have been answered only by repealed Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit lo be Ihc Ruler of a free People ... Wc, therefore, Ihc Representatives of Ihc UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Recti­ tude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of thc good People of these Colonies, Solemnly Publish and Déclaré, Thai these Colonies arc, and of Right ought lo be. Free and Independent Slates; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Con­ nection between them and Ihe State of Great Britain, is an ought to be totally dissolved; and lhat as Free and Indepen­ dent Slates, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent Stales may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with u firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutu­ ally pledge lo each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. D A V IB C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/^ECORD USPS 149-160 171 Soulh Main Street Mocksville, NC 27028 (704) 634-2120 Published weekly by tha DAVIE COUNTY PUBLISHING CO. :Dwight Spaiks..FtoWn Fergusson.. Mike Bamhaidt.... ^Becky Snyder..... ..Editor/Publisher ......General Manager .......Managing Editor ...Advertising Manager MoekivllleEnlMpilM 1916-1958 Davl*—-«nVCOnl 1899-1958 Journal 1901-1971 -err Ptfkxllcalt Postage Pakl In Mocksville, NC 27028 Subscrlplkxi Rales Single Copy, SO Cents $20 per year In Noitti Carolina $25 pw yaar outskle North Carolina POSTMASTEH Send addrau changes lo: Onta County Enlerpflae Record P.O. Bi«9e^Mocksville,NC 27028 " THE REPU BU CA iiS A RE e E T ílH G D E S P E B W e S IN C R IC H B IT W\€ E A R In The Mail God Uses Power To Put On Ultimate July 4 Show opp^muniiy to stttt Gixl's cxan^plc of wwn p^Avcr. Su forihis^ih. lanicoinpcllcd (olhank God for ihe reminder lhal ihc re;»son wc arc ahlc lo cclcbnilt; ourcounlry's tnosl iinpi»rlanl holiday l-s llic kmnvii edge lhal ihc satnc power we saw on ihe forth wjls' wilh us and beside us and wiihin us when wc \vqn our independence so many years ago. M.A. WiltiiHiis Coolccnicc To Ihe editor: Tliercwas some nrally cool siuff planned; Sym* phony in Ihe Park, ilte show in Famiinglon, Ihe rodeo, and ilie lisl goes on. I sluyed around my work place mosi of llte Slh. bul I did venture oul for a quick irip lo ihc store. It only UHik this short irip lu reali/e whal a terrine show wc gol frotJi abtivc, and lo beat il all, wcdidn’l need a liekcl. ll jusl goes lo show that wiih all due rcspccl loT\m AUcn, our quest, m fact, acqui­ sition of more power, will never exceed thc ability of God lo use his power lo pul on Ihc ultimate show. As wilh any big production, some negative things happened. Somcovcrhcai. Somccuiafooi. Some break thc nilcs and incur injury. Thc thing I noticed most during my journey of the 5lh was ihe atiiludeofihecommuniiy. Everyone was working and smiling. Even though some damage was done lo property and al least two dogs and a cat, the moming after was thick wiih neighbor helping neighbor and loved ones loving one another. It was wUhcxuberonec that we went about our day. It was a beautiful thing. Thc pricc of the life of some family pels is expensive, but well worth it for the Hundreds Enjoy Cultural Event To the editor: Our entire conununity owes a debt of deep gratitude lo Mocksville Savings Bank, the Davic Couniy ArtsCouncil.thcMocksville-Davic Recre­ ation Departmenl and all other sponsors and indi­ viduals who made possible the beautiful cveningof music in Rich Park July 4 by the Winsion'Salcm Symphony Orchcstro. This outstanding cultural event is enjoyed by many hundreds of our citizens each year, and wc arc ccrlainly most fortunate to have Ihe sponsors who underwrite the considerable cost of this concert cach year. This is ccrtainly a major reason why this communily is known to Ik* such a great placc it\ which to live. Hugh S. Liircw Mocksvillc Bridge Name Steals History To the editor ThcdcclsionorihcMocksvillcandDavlcCounty commissioners to name thc bridge on US 64 over Hunting Creek afierColoncl Thomas Ferebee will give him recognition no one could want. Recogni­ tion as a thief because Colonel Ferebee had no historical connection wiih this area al ali. To name this bridge afler him is stealing the history of thc Whilakcr family that has lived al this Hunting Crcek crossing for as long as anyone can remem­ ber. Thc Whitaker family and olhcr faitiilies like them across ihe county arc not famous likeColonel Ferebee, bul their ancestors are the people who settled Davie County and gave us our rich and colorful hisloiy. They deserve belter lhan to have lhat history perverted and slolcn by commissioners giving out political favors in an attempt lo suck-up lo and be identincd wilh cctcbrilies. Kelh Hodgson Rocky Knoll Who Makes The Best Burger In Davie County? ToriBoldtn Advance 'F^ysGrilL* Laura Myen Advance "Wendy's" J.B.Unier Fork «КЛ'в» Dwayne Lanier ' FoA "ItB's" DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,19Г7 • 3 y o u T h in k Y o u 'v e G o t P ro b le m s ? d h e c k O u t R ikki JeanneHoupe Letter Contained Errors To the editor: It has Ivcn brought lo my attcnlion lhat parts of mylcticrto theediiorin last week’s paper cotieern- ing Davie ‘J11 and Davie IIMS were erroneous. As I now understand ll. 911 and EMS are lw;o different depanmenls. I)a\’ie Ctiuniy does nol have emergency medi­ cal dis|xitch at this lime. Wc do have state ceiiilled emergency medical service (EMS). 1 profoundly apologize for my nol fully under­ standing the situation as it cun-enlly exists in Djivlc Couniy. Mona Potts: Advance; Letters Welcomed . . The Enterprise Heconi welcomes letters- from its readers. The letters may be on topics of. local, stale, national or international Issues., An effort will be made to prim all letters, provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or,in, poor lasle. Thc editor reserves the right lo letters for grammar and for space. Atl letters should include the name and address of thc writer, including a signature. A telephone number, nol lo be published, is also requested. Please have letters in the newspaper ofiicc by 4 p.m. Monday of the week lo be published. Did you ever wonder where talk show hosts find all those people to share their bizarre stories on national television? Sally Jessie Raphael is talking with Jim Bob's wife Maty Ann and his three girlfriends, Maiy Sue and Mary Lou and Mary Jo, who all live in the same trailer park, while Rikki Lake is offering her best advice to a woman in love wilh two men - one in prison and the other in a mental institution. In the meantime, Montel is referee­ ing a fight between a mother and her 13-year-old daughter, who is determined to marry her 35- year-old boyfriend. And how about Ihe people who decide lo reveal the big sccret they've been unable to share with a loved one. Claudette believes lhal her husband and a studio audience full of strangers and thousands of viewers across the country deserve to know lhat she used to be Claude. It is said thal truth is stranger than fiction, and I believe it. What I fail to understand is why people feel it necessary to share those eerie truths wilh the rest of the worid. A better ques­ tion Is why are so many people fascinated by these freaks. I don't consider myself especially normal and do not mean to sound judgmental. But in 27 years, even with the unique situations I have encountered Ihrough my job, I would be hard pressed to c (^ e u p ^ th ji weckW orll^f^guests to __ "chtcrtaihment to which talk show viewers arc accustomed. ' If I do know more people with bizarre enough stories to hit Ihe talk show circuit, at least they have Ihe good sense lo keep their private lives to themselves. That brings me back lo my original question. Where do they find all Ihose people? What has happened to pride and self- respect? I've heard it's all a big lie. Friends, families and couples spend weeks coming up with the strangest story they can and spend months rehearsing il for a free vacation lo New York or Los Angeles. That explains a percentage of them. Bul what about thc idiots who can be heard calling into thc locaUountry music stations' "Cryin’, Lovin', Laughin' or Leavin'" (or whatever they are called) nighttime call-in programs? ■ Are they faking it, too, or do they rain the theory that it's all a hoax? I am in no way suggesting that everyone who has ever called into a radio station is an idiot. Yet, I have a theory about those programs. While some radio talk shows screen their calls to Times Are Tough... Head For Las Vegas What wilh a new clutch for one car, a new timing belt for the ether, and all this on top of a monthly car insurance payment that bears u remarkable resemblence lo what I used lo pay yearly, I recently found myself in Ihe unpleasant position of sitting at Ihe lirive-in having to rummage through Ihe coin holder in iny car lo find enough pennies lo pay for my Sonic Burger. It was at that moment I made the decision to do what any normal, rational, thinking person would do. I booked a fiighl to Las Vegas. I don't normally think of myself as a lucky person in the sense of winning raffles, sweep­ stakes or lolleries, but having had a recent run of good fortune—a refund instead of a bill from ISeais, a hole-in-one on a 90-yard par three, and incidenlly, a friend with two free airiine tickets lo j______________ ;anywhere in the U.S—the liming seemed highly £,y|)f| Appropriate. So packing our bags with the Ha// Inécéssities—those freshly rolled sleeves of Î25!!---- nickels, dimes and quarters—it was off lo Nevada. Interesting place Las Vegas. Cross Ihe Hoover Dam at night and follow the darkened highway up over a knoll and suddenly Mow you discover the sky has fallen and a million twinkling stars have landed in a long, flat stretch of desert. I don'l know for a fact lhat there ore a million stars, but I'm 98 percent sure, because that's how things come in Las Vegas—in millions. Just read any of the billboards or casino signs. "Million dollar jackpots"—"the loosest slots machines in town"—"98 percent payback on dollar slots"— "single deck Blackjack"—"Crapless Craps" ”1(X) percent payback on video poker”. Apparently you drive to town in your Alamo rental car and drive home in a Brinks Tmck. Sounded like my kind of place. And it must have sounded the same way to eveiyone else in the entire world, as Ihey had all arrived jusl before I did. We left Greensboro at 10:30 in the .moming, flew to Chicago, then to Los Angeles, then to Phoenix, ^where we picked up our rental car and then drove the final five ;houre to Las Vegas. By Ihe time we turned off the highway onto ;Las Vegas Boulevanl (otherwise known as The Strip), it was 17 .hdijts later. However, all of that seemed to have flown by com­ f i t with the time it took us to uravel the Iwo miles down The ;Slrip in order to gel to our hotel. ; • ;We were slaying at Circus Circus, the hotel where daring young ™ п and women perform death-defining stunts on tightropes and 'trapezes several stories above the ground, while those below could 'care jess. Often Ihey aren’t even aware of what's going on right iabove tlieir heads because their eyes ate glued to the spinning reels ofa slot machine. As my fellow slot player on the stool next to mine noted—"if I wanted to see a circus. I'd rent "Dumbo" and W ch from ray LazyBoy. It’s for sure I'm never going lo see three Mvens lined up in a row on my TV set." 'Troth is however, we probably did have aboul as much chance of seeing Ihose sevens qn the family's big screen Zenith as we did on our respective slot machines. Still we continued lo drop those quarters and pull lhal arm Jusi waiting for the sound of ringing J^- th c Bght-aH!iüifains4itftfîr«iéthaHBiHiaimadonc-chMKe- to-ÿlbrfonB in a million. . Ч weed out the psychopaths, I believe these shows screen thclr calls lo ensure lhat a disproportionate number of idiots make il onto the air. Whether Ihey arc genuine idiots or jusl pretenders, Ihey are always there to entertain me while I flip through Ihe dial as I drive home. ' A woman calls in to say she's loving, happy to be getting married tomorrow for the fifth time. Another woman calls to ask the listeners to tell her whether or not she should leave her cheat­ ing husband. A man asks what he should do about the woman he's been "dating" for Ihe past year. She lets him visit her and buy her things but won't kiss him or be seen with him in public. Another man wants lo ask the love of his life to come back lo him - even though it was he who walked out on her. At least he In The Mail... Generation X Judged Unfairly By Writer To the editon J_nm_wrillng-in-cefcrcncc-to the irlic!c,-'Will- Gencration X Leam Rewards of Hard Work?" by Beth Cassidy and found in the July 3 issue of the Davie Couniy Enterprise Rccord. In the article. Generation X was depleted as individuals or slack­ ers "who thought lhat trying, just n little, was good enough." As a membcrof this generation, 1 find ihe whole art icle lo be extremely one sided bccausc not all of us are losers, bul really are hard workers and achievers. Since I am only 21,1, like so many others, am forccd Inlo whal Ms. Cassidy secs as a undctcr- niincd and worthless gencralion. However, 1 have jusl graduated from a four-year collcge in only three years wilh a double major in psychology and religion and with a GPA of 3.826. Wow, all students need to apply to this collcge because the professor just "gave” me my good grades and rewards: I did not deserve them all. Yeah Right. I worked os hard as I could by taking 20-22 hours each semester, while I spenl my time away from studyingby being extremely activc in several orga­ nizations, volunieerexperiences,and an internship. WhileMs.Cassidyspentheriime slamming and degrading all of Ihe members of my generation, 1 feci lhat she did not spend enough time getting her facts straight (as any writer should). In her article, she focuses on a "fellow" she knows and his lime ni summer school. I just also happen to know this fellow. The article explains that she had looked over his paper, alier he had asked her to, and hod madesomecorreciions. Aweeklatersheaskedhim how he did. Her article states, "he said he got a B-f because of a spacing cnt)r, bul the professor told him if hccorrecled it and lumed it back in, he would grade him up to mi A.” Ms. Cassidy acknowledges lhal she feels the "fellow" did not deserve the A. However, Ms. Cassidy did not seem to gel her facts together. Yes, ihe "fellow" did get a B+ because of a spacing eiTor, but the professor never said he would "give“ him an A if he made the convction. Thc professor did say lhal if all of the students would rewrite their papers, then he would re-grade the papers and give all of the students the better of Ihc two grades. The "fellow" did nol beg for a better grade because he had not worked hard, bul he simply did as his professor told him to do; a professor who is a member of Ms. Cassidy's "belter" generation. Is it not thc professor’s job to dccidc how to grade his students' papers? Does Ms. Cassidy even know how many hours ihc "fellow" hod worked on thc paper? Who is she to say that he did nol deserve that A? He must havedone something righl. because his -popcr-rcccived-ibchighcst^'nidcTnllKrflass;----- Anyway, are wc supposed to base our success in life on the grades we receive? I know several individuals who have never made a C or even a B altlhroughoulthcireducaiions. bul these pcoplcdid notjust receive thcsegoodgnidcsonasilvcrplallcr. They worked us hard as they could, and while they learned something, they also received good grades. However, I also know oihers who have worked jusl as hard trying lo gel good grades, bul have not always made the besl on ihcir report caals. Why nol? It was nol because Ihey did nol have dcicnni- nalion or did nol work hard, bul some of the members of my generation have learning dlsjibili- tics, problems al home, children of their own. or part-time and full-time jobs which all inierfctx: with their grades. In all of these sifuations, I see these people as woricing really hard, bul for some reason jusl not making perfect grades. I do have to admit lhal some of my peers do not work lhal hard in school, bul jusl because some choose not to. it does not mean wc all do not work hard. 1 do agree lhat grades are important and are probably the best measure of what we leam, bul they do nol always dclermine who wc arc, how hard we try, or how hard we work. Overall, thc article that 1 read last week which degraded myself and the rest of my peers tmly upsets, hurts, and devastates me. I fully understand lhat It is Ms. Cassidy's job to write her own stories and has every rightloexpress her own beliefs, lam also thankful that I have the freedom to express how I feel about the material I have read. However, I feel that any writer should think aboul those whom she may hurt in the process of getting a story our by deadline. After reading Ms. Cassidy's’ article. I see thal she failed lo even write a brief statement saying that not all of the members of Generation X are unmotivated or lack determination, bul really do work hard. I know that there are enough of us hard working Generation X members around lhat Ms. Cassidy should nol have failed to see us, too. Ms. Cassidy wassimply and unfair, and some of us deserve an apology. h would be lolally unfair of me lo write lhal cvciy single member of my generation works os hard os ihcy can, liccau« ihis slalcmcnl is nol al all Inie. However, Ihis is nol whal I am saying, bccausc lonlysccsomeofusworking honl, white others ore as Ms. Cassidy described. But. has there not l»en unmolivaled and undeleimincd people in all past gcncralions(includingMs.Cassidy’s)andwlllihcrc ‘ t ifl ifilfi ifl ifl ifl ifiilfl ifl Í ifl l{l it )fl ifl ifntlil lilflli fl ifl )fl )fl fl Í ^ VILLAGE TOBACCO Now Open in Clemmons •Premium Cigars p — — ^ •Tobaccos | 1 0 % 0 № I With a purchase of ■ •Gifts and Accessories j $25ormoR. | •Relax in our Smoking Room L,— _ _ _ J Suite 21, Meadowbnwk M idi Court Cleinmoiis,NC 7 7 8 ^ 2 â t in ^ m it b in d GunsI Guns i GunsI StWM-S741mao.t47t«StW M -M .»7fn% i---SftWM-2S-2.4SACr| CollINamandback.MI Citizens Day. TUESDAY P W M ERCH A N D ISE (Except Sale & Net Items) Order anything at wholesale plua 10% a shipping. lociM off fticeMiwi on tiV/iblilf Fimi RoMl OpW) Mon-Fri 9-5.30 CaU (910) 796^1 fofyoufftiMmiin»Hi ccr.i» I ( ,i • <1 was open about leaving and didn't "sneak ofr' this time. I Some of these callers are obviously sincére, and I find myself. , ! feeling sorry for Ihcm - mo.sily because they have nowhere belter to tum lhan to a bunch of strangers in radio land. But I doubt lhat even these people have what It takes to make it ontoTi television talk show. Sq where do those TV talk show guests come from? Another : planet? While I think ihe world would be a better placc without talk . , shows, at least they serve one good purpose for most of us. They remind us lhat no matter how bad wc think our lives may be, there are a lot of people in the world with much bigger prob­ lems lhan ours. not be others in generations to comc? I sec my -gencralion-ftybcinginlxed'wlihih(ii*CiJrus"wj>ti work hard and those of us who do nol. But, Mi Cassidy, by nol ever staling lhal some members of Gencralion X try and woric hard and succeed, wrongly labels all of us as having misplaced inten­ tions and not knowing what hard work Is. I tmly hale thal she has falsely judged us bccausc some members of Generation X, a whole lot of its members, do not deserve this treatmcnl, this judg­ ment, this misundcrsiandingofourown hard work, dclenninaiion. accomplishments, and successes. I will nol. and I hope thc rest of my peers will nol stand for this judgment and treatmcnl. We should not Id this slander go lo heart because I know, anil oihers seem lo know, lhal yes. some members of Gencralion X do work extremely hard, believe il or nol. , . Tonya L. Mauldin Mocksvit]¿ Family Enjoys Hometown News To the editor I enjoy Ihe Davie County Enterprise Reco^' cverywe(;k.WeTe«litnr«-bcfotelhe o il« lo at. paper wc gel. We especially enjoy Ihe Cooleemee news pan. Our hometown is Cooleemee and I have vciy pleasant memories from thereasayoung loan.adull. I slill have lo come back and visit in Davie Couniy. We have moved reccnily from Charlotie id' Kannapolis, Bellie. Jim and Thomas Head I S2y Heather Glen Road Kannapolis. NC 28081 Officers Respond Fast To the editor In the early moming hours of Friday, June 20, our security alarm woke us. Thinking only motiori could set the alarm off, il was very frightening, to say the least, to wake to an alarm. In only a very few minules. we had two law • enforcement ofllcers al our door. They werc veiy - nice, professional and caring. Wc only gol Deputy Parker's name, but thanks so very much to you bc^ for a very quick response.* We appreciate you. Shirley Webb Parker Road, Mocksville U 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,1997 Judge To Make Ruling In Civil Suit Against County For Rezoning In Ea^ Davfe A judge is reviewing the nrgumcnts in a civil lawsuit filed by several east­ ern Davie residents against the Davic Coimiy contmissioncrs and developer Bill Burnette. After hearing the arguments of county attorney Uob Pricc, who made a motion to dismiss all but one claim against Ihe county, and attorney for Ihe plainlilTs Richan! E. Glaze of Win* slon-Salem lasl Wednesday in Davie County Superior Court. Judge Catherine Eagles said she would ren­ der adecision on IVice's motion by the end of Ihe month. Tlie suit, filed Feb. 17, challenges the reawingofapproNijuaitf ly JOOiwres in easlem Davic for a high density commercial and residential develop- mcni. Tlie plaintiffs claim thal the alter­ ation of lol sizes for Ihe development is iUegul aniWioUi\cstl;ecoumy'sovcraU zoning plan. Price argued il is within the righl of the commissioners as the county’s leg­ islative iHxIy 10 alter lot sizes. Tlie law prohibils a property owner from alter* ing lot sizes but not the legislative body. Tlieplaintiffsclaimtheeountycom- missioners juv guihy of spot and con­ tract zoning, and Ihe ivzoning is a violation of equal protection. Price countered that spot zoning re(|uires a small tract specially zoned be surrounded by a larger area lhat is unifoniily zoned.“ Tlial is nol llic case with the 3U() acrcs in question. Btiual proleclion applies in cases where people in similar siluations arc treated differenlly. Tlic plaintiffs only claim thal ihc develo]>er received a unique iK'nefil. Tiiere is no evidence they were deprived in uny way, he argued. Tlie plaintiffs funhcrclaim lhal the rezoning permits illegal uses of Ihe land, thal the notices of the public hearings about Ihe re/oning werc ille­ gal and that the commissioners held Illegal closed meetings to discuss llie project. Price asked lùjgles lo dismiss all but Cooleemee Police Arrest Four In Drug Investigation COOLEEMEE-ACooleemeeman was arrested July 2. for conspiring to sell and deliver cocaine, soliciting to commit a felony and maintain adwcll* ing for a controlled substmice. Oscar Lynn "Charlie Brown" Young, 26. of 119 Elk Uine. was ...plaixd.iD.lhc Davie. CountyJaU.1 aS25.000 secured bond and was sched­ uled lo make his first appearance in Davie County District Court July 10. Young was arrested as the result on anongoinginvestigationofillegaldmg activity luuund the old dance hall in North Ccwleemee, according lo Cool* eenice Police Chief Tim Wiwten. DaveJ.icksonJr..20.of6325 Foster Road, Woodleaf. who was already in jail under a $20,(XX) secured bond on chargesof possession of marijuana and crack cocaine, was charged wiih con­ spiring with Young to sell and deliver cocaine. Kts bond was increased by Jackson is also scheduled loappear inDavicCounty District CourtJuly 10. Three others tumed themselves In after learning there were warrants against them stemming from the same investigation. W(X)ten said. Kristopher James Polls. 26. and MeidiDula Horton. 22.l)olhofMoores- Horton Young Famiano Potts ville, were charged with felony main- l360Counly Home Road, M(Kksville. lainingadwellingforucoutrolledsub- He was charged with felony main- iance,-misdemeanoc-povw;won-oC—uiiningadweMingforacontrolledsul»- marijuana and misdemeanor posses- stance, misdemeanor possession of sion of dmg pamphemalia. Previously of Gmve Street. Cool­ eemee, Potts and I lorton had left afler a dmg search of their residence June 19, Woolen re|H)rted. Also arrested after turning himself in was Anthony Peter Famiano. 22. of marijuana, misdemcanorpossession of dmg paraphernalia and possession of stolen propeny. He was release from Ihe Davie County Jail on a S25.(XX) unsecured bond. All three iuv set to face ihesc charges in Davie Counly District Court Aug. 7. Six Candidates File Early For Town Offices CuntlnutHl From Page I Slate. 74. of North Main Slreel. is mnning for mayor and has ser% ed on the Mocksville Town Bo.ird for 11 years. He said he llled forlhe .scat after il was suggested by Mando. ■'Thelownboardhas.overlheyciu^. worked very well as a team." he said. Slate mentionedaccomplishmenLssuch as housing help in the Ridgemonl and Campbell Road communities, wilh hopes of more similar projects vn \hc next two years. While recognizing lhat the mayor doesn't vole on issues. Slaie .sees the job as a leadership role, making sug­ gestions as to issues ihe board should consider. Stale is a retired surgeon. Wull. 78. of Church Slreel. is seek­ ing election 10 his fourth four-year temi. A retired high school history teacher. Wall wants Mixksville locon- tinue wilh current programs and work to expand a new industrial park, and updatingand increasing capacity al the wasiewaler treatment facility. All should be done without a lax increase, he said. "1 think we've madea lol of progress and \ wou\d \ikc \o continue \obc a part ofU while I’m able." Wall said. "We've got good programs going, recreation... downtown. I think we have a good lown govemnicnl. wilh a good slaff of fine people." Walker. 48. of Kelly Avenue, is seeking his third tenn on Ihe Mocks­ ville board. Welch Begins Army Training Hc‘s also pleased wilh progress the lown has made, luid wiih the coopera­ tion wilh Ihe way projects are handled. He would like to see recreation pm- grams expanded, including seniorcili- zen activities, and to help maintain Ihe downtown area. Walker wants to maintain and im- pmvefacililiesandser\’ices, help work on a highway corridor und manage the growth that is expecled. RoUiits, 30, of Cemetery Street, is a political newcomcr seeking his firsl election to the Mocksville bo:uxl. "Growing up in this communiiy, Ihere have been a lol of people who have done a lol for me... and this is a positive way 1 can give something back to the people," Rollins said. He said water and sewer infrastructure will be big issues in ihe nexl four yeiu>*. Amiy Pvt. Tracy S. Welch has en­ tered biTsie miliiary training at Fort Jackson, Columbia. S.C. During the eight weeks of training, Ihe soldiers will study the Army mis* sion and will receivc insimciion in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map read­ ing, taclics, miliiary councsy, military justice, first aid. Anny history and tra­ ditions, and special training in human relations. Welch is Ihe daughter of Joseph A. Spillman of Junction Raid, Mocks­ ville. Her huslxind, Paul, is the son of Frederick M. and Shirley H. Welch of Old Famt Road. Salisbury. Dull Represents Davie At Senior Tar Heel Legislature Bats Being Driven From Auditorium Continued From Page 1 Ccnler.itwillbefrecofbai.s. "Weare not killing Ihe bats." He contacted bat experts al N.C State University wilh the help of N.C Cooperative Extension Agenl Karen FeireU in the coily stages of ihe Brock project to find out the l^sl way lo deal wilh the bals. An exterminating company was hiredtospray bat repellent, whichdrove iheanimalsfromtheuuic.Thcycleaned up the bat excrement and sealed off access to the attic, Ploit said. The contractor is now starting to repair the oulside boxing. When it has been repaired and sealed,asmall open* ing will be left for the bals to e.scape. The exterminating company will Ihen use ultrasonic equipment lo drive ihe bals out, Plott .said. When Ihey are gone, the hole will be .sealed so the bals can nol get back inside. The county and the contractor have made a lot of effort lo keep from killing the bals. he .said. "I don't know where Ihey will lake up residence, bul I am sure ihey will find another home," he added. Despile the growing popularity of bats,the extensionservice warns people lo be cautious because of the rare oc­ currence of rabies in bats. TlieNorthCarolinaScniorTiu-Hcel Legislature met ni the Jane S. McKimmon Center in Raleigh on Monday and Tuesday June 9 and 10. Attending from Davie Counly was Vemon Dull, delegate. The focus was the a.sscssmenl of the status of the five priority items previ­ ously selected by the body for presen­ tation to the N.C General Assembly. The June session of the Senior Tar Storm Causes Damage CoalimicdnwnP^l Mostof the town was withoulelec- tricily for all of Friday night, andSatur- day until about 6 p.ra All day Satur­ day, neighbors helped each other dean debris from their yards, homes and streets. Thankfully, Rumley said, no one was hurt. And a block party on Davie Street on Saturday night btoughtlown residents closer together. During the storm, several trees were reported as having fallen across roads from Cooleemee to Hwy. 158 a few miks cut of Mocksville. RMkms of North Mocksville wenl w idnn electricity Friday nighl and || mD«clSM>daymoii)ii>|,llv 1^- tal.k to iw k a f bow wide­ spread that problem was. Genesis Cable officials were not answering the tele­ phone on Monday. Buddy Landen of Cornatzer Road said he had called Gcne.sisall weekend and got an answering service, and the woman told him the company had one person working on the problem. “I considerone man workingon the cable problem as hiring one man uying to clean my five acres with a pair of scissors," he said. Landen said he was toldMondaymomingthalGeiiesiswas closed until fiiither notice. 'I think it's ridicukxisandthe counly needs toknow they only have one nun out here to fix the problem. Why wouU the answer- knowr ■' COOLEEMEE - Cooleemee po­ lice are wamingelderlyresidentsof the lown to be carcful. Lucille Benson reported July 3, that a while female had come lo her door asking for money aboul 11 ;30 p.m. In exchange she said she would lell her where shecould find her husband, who had left on an errand. Offtcers located her husband. Charles Benson, in Ihe parking lot at Lakewood Molel where he claimed to be wailing for an unknown block male he had given a ride to the motel, ac* cording to Police Chief Tim Woolen. Police are slill investigating Ihe In­ cident, which is similar to two earlier cases in the town, he said. A cose Is pending against In court against the man who assaulted and robbed Fred and Jessie Pierce oulside their home in Cooleemee. and the in* vcstigation of an attack on Ray Ticxler on New Year's Eve is'continuing, Wooten said. Trexler was assaulted, locked in a ■«foset^-robbed't^'an-indlVidQair who came to hi) door in the middle of the fourthcounl. which claims that the new development violates Davic Cdunly's zoning « plan. Gla/c objeclcd lo Price’s arguments, saying he was attempting lo testify lo mallcrN lhal were not in the plaintifTs* pleadings or Pricc’s wrilten response. He said Ihe county commissioners failed to follow priK'cdures set forth in the county's ordinances nnd stale law. "1 Ihink the thing lhat is important, even though growth is going to hap­ pen. we work hard to keep llie quality of life... so lhal Ihis is slill a commu­ nity," he said. Spry. 68, of Cenler Slreel, is seek­ ing the Cooleemee mayor's post to help the town in which he has lived all of his life. He thinks he can help get things done, by involving more people. "To accomplish anything, you've gol lo get the people involved," Spry .said. "You’ve got to get people work­ ing together." ile said the block party lasl Saturday was a good indicalion of how people can work logether for a positive rc'sull. "You do small things for Ihe com­ munity, und the big things take care of themselves," he said. Police Warn Residents To Beware Of Strangers Offteer Spots DKigs In House, Arrests Two COOLEEMEH - Two people were arrested for dmg charges after officers responded lo 2.50 Duke Si. on a report of a car parked wilh the door o|x.*n. An officer was aiiempiing lo notify Ihe residenis when he saw whal ap­ peared lo he a bag of marijuana on a table llimugh llie window, said C(X)l- eemcePoiiceChiefTim Woolen. Julie Ulcvins, 28. of Ihe residence, was charged wilh felony possession of hal­ lucinogenic mushnioms, misdemeanor |X)ssession of marijuana and maintain­ ing a dwelling for a comwlleil sub­ stance. Mark Dewayne Williams, 29. of 121 Neely Road. Cooleemee. was charged with felony possession of lial- Williams Blevins hicinogenic mushriHims nnd misde­ meanor possession of marijuana. Bolh were placed in the Davie Counly Jail under SIO.OOO unsecured bond. Triitl dates; Aug. 7. * Come Celebrate A Grand Occasion! You’re invited to help mo celebrate the grand opening of my new Edward Jones QiTico. Although we may be new lo Mocksville, we’ve been providing investments for people just like you since 1871. Ibdny our firm includes more than 3,587 oiTices in 50 states...nnd we’re still growing. Please join us for the festivitiesl Ihursday , Ju ly 1 7 ,1 9 9 7 4:00pm - 7:00pm 820 S. M ain Street Member SlPC Brenda BattleH20 South Main Stri'ct Mwksvilli*. NC 27028 (701) (i.'M.r>ü7‘J or (800) 709-2220 Edw ardjones .''«■niii;: iiiilitiiliul lii\i-!-ii)rkSiiK4' 1Ü71 Heel Legislature camc at acrilical lime in the finalization of the budget. The General Assembly will lie taking final action on all five priority items advo­ cated by the senior group. In preparation for the October 1997 meeting of the senior gmup, delegates al the mc'clingal.sosludicd issues which impact the elderly thal might require future action by the General Assem­ bly. the night asking lo use the telephone and claiming his truck had broken down, according lo Woolen. The suwiger asking Mrs. Benson for money while she was afraid some­ thing had happened to her husband is the third time a senior citizen in Cool­ eemee has been challenged for money in recent months. Woolen said. In the event any resident is con­ fronted with u similar situation, he or she should call 911 and report it. Woolen said. ”Do not open the door for people no matter whal they want." he said. If it turns oul to be a false alarm, there's no harm done, he said. If people have a legitimate need, officers will be able to assist them when they arrive. Ibere is some gang activity going on in Davie County, and this soit of behavior is swnetimes part of gang initiation, accofding to Wooten. Law enforcement personnel would rather be called out on a false alaro rtfian’Rave a mideni robbed, huilt or killed because they didn't call, he said. C O M IN G TO MOCKSVILLE Saturday and Sunday _ July 12-13,1997 B e n F r a n k lin Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm Sunday, 1 to 5 pmColor Portrait Package Special 3-8x10’S 3 • 5x7's 12-Wallets » 1 3 « *2 <«i d e p o s it Customer pays $11.00 when pottrails delivered al store appcoumatety one week later. DON'T M iss IT FAMILY GROUPS ALSO NO AGE LIMIT ADULTS TOOl All work Guaranteed by; ТИУЕТТЕ STUDIO B e n F r a n k lin WiijpwÖiTkCiiittr« Moc'lnvill«, NC District Coutt ил Vlb COUNTY ENTKRFRISK RECORD, July 10,1997-5 the following cases were disposed of In District Court July 3. Presiding: Judge James M. Honeycuu. Prosecuting: Alan Martin and Rob Taylor, assistant DAs. —Jerald W. Ayers, 67 mph in a 50 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25 fine, cost. —Randy Barker,lwocounts worth­less checks, scntenccd 45 days, .sus­ pended 1 ycar,cost.rcsliiution;worth- lcsschcckoncloscdaccount,scnlcnccd 45 days, suspended 1 year after previ­ ous sentence expires, cost, rc.sliiution. —Jason A. Barney, 67 mph In a 55 mph zone, reduced to 64 mph in a 55 mph zone, $25 fine, cost; unsafe pass­ ing yellow line, guilty. —Bobby Booe Jr., sccond degree trespassing, dismissed; no operatoi’s liccnse, dismissed. —RochelM.Bryanl,61 mphlna45 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $25 fine, cost; inspection viola* .Itoii, dismissed. ^ i —Craig A. Clouse, communicat- * !ing threats, scntenccd 45 days, sus­ pended 18 months on probaiion, not threaten, hanu.s, assault or prosecuting witness, $100 fine, cost. Day Report* ingevaluationandtreatment.domestic violence counseling. —Chad V. Draper, 88 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd to 74 mph in a 70 mph zone, $20 fine, cost. —Jimmy Gailhcr, assault on a fe­ male, dismissed. —Palsy L. Garcia, resisting public ofnccr,'disniisscd;disordcrlyconduct, dismissed. —Anita Godfrey, failure to return rental property, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year, restitution; 3 counts worthless checks, sentenced 30 days, suspended 1 year, cost, restitution. -Kerry Gray, .simple a.ssault, sen* tcnccd 30 days, suspended 2 years, $50 fine, co.st, nol threaten, harass, or as* saull prosecuting witness. —Ricky L. Hamby, communicai* ing threats, dismissed. —Peggy Jones, sccond degree ires* passing, dismi.sscd. —Rosalind R. Jones, 92 mph in a 70mphzone,reduccdto79mphlna70 mph zone, $50 fine, cost; no child restraint system, dismissed. —Martin w! Kimmcr, second de* gree trespassing, prayer for judgment conlinucd on cost for 1 year, not go aboul .school property without pemiis* sion or enrolled. -Michael Lauff, 83 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd to improper equip­ ment. $50 fine, cost. —Curtis L. Lewis, non-support of illegitimate child, dismissed. —David Mayhew, communicating threats, dismi.s.scd. —Barbara G. McDanicl, driving left of center, $ 10 fine, cost. —Ake K. Niklasson.93 mphina70 mph zone, rcduccd to 79 mph in a 70 mph zone, $50 fine, cost. —James H. Osborne, communicat­ ing threats, sentenced 45 days, sus­ pended 2 years, $100 fíne, cost, noi' threaten, hams, assault prosecuting witness, stay away from properly, no communication or gestures. —Tcfiy F. Smoot, intoxicated and disruptive, scnlcnced 20 d:\ys, sus­ pended 18 monlhs on probaiion, sub­ stance abuse assessment within30days, nol posse.ss controlled subslance, sub- mi t to searches and scrcening.s, rcsliiu- tion; intoxicated and dismplive. dis- mis.scd. —Angela L. Stewart, communicat­ ing thrcals, dismissed. -James W. Swceiman. cxpitwl registration, dismissed; no registration card, dismissed; driving while license revoked, reduced lo no operator's li­ cense, prayer for judgment continued on cost, no liahiliiy insurance, dis­ missed. —Chris L. Vogel, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment continued on cost. —Quincy L. Washington, driving while license revoked nnd driver’s li­ cense violation, .sentenced 30 days, suspended 1 year, not opemte vehicle, $75 fine, cost. —Ahmad Zailoun, 90 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed. $50 fine, cost. Failed To Appear —Sanlos M. Cisnaros, noise ortll- nance violation. —Angela Y. Fowler, failure lo re* lum rental property. -George L. Hamilton Jr., 67 mph in a 55 mph zone. , ' —Rufus D. Hunter, misdemeanor possession of Schedule VI controlled subslance. '' —Russell A. McClelland, driving while licensc revoked, misdemeanor posses.sion of Schedule VI controlled suljslance. -Manuel Penna, noise ordinance ' violation. —Anlhony L. Roddey,9()mphina 70 mph zone. —William M.Sandcrs,81 mph ina 70 mph zone. > —Charlie Williams, two counts of worthless checks. DCCC To Offer Law Enforcement Training Class County Briefs-- -and Rezoned For Rental Business Davic Coumy commissioners last month approved rczoning .68 of an ucrc pn Hwy. 601 South from residential (R-20) to highway business special use. Cletus Miller plans lo rent equipment such us small backhoes and Bobcats from the sile. Il adjoins Miller Sheet Meial, which he also owns. ” A lol of residents are looking for something they can use for one aftemoon, and there's nothing else like that in the county," Miller said. Commissioner Diane Foster suggested landscaping in front of Ihe fenced tuva, to make il morc compatible wilh nearby re.sidences. Commissioners Joe Lung and Lany Hayes said that wasn't necessary, ihe property was rezoned on unvote. ^jve Of Six Subdivision Plats Approved ". Commissioneri approved Tive of six subdivision plats submilted in June. ; Seaford Acres, Section II is u ihree-loi, 7.1 acre subdivision off Seaford Road; W. Wilson Acres is a five-lot 8.4 acre subdivision on Wall Wilson Road; Northbrook, Phase II is a 22-lol. 26.44 acre subdivision off Ijames Church Road;TimberCreek, Section I isa seven-lot,5.9 acre subdivision olTGun Club Road; Timber Creek, Section II is a one-lot 1.4 acre subdivision off Gun Club Road. A decision on Heritage Oaks, Phase I, a 30-lot subdivision ofTHwy. 64 East near Hickory HillCountryClub, was tabled. The developers, Jerry McCullough and Jim Gobble, had left u 35-foot wide, 100-fool long section of land sepamle from any of ihe lots. Commissioners said they had never seen such a move, and saw no reason why it shouldn’t be included in one of the lois. Action on an amended request, if made. Is expected this month. =*rivate Road Names Approved Four private road names were approved lasl month: Herons Lane at 1404 Hwy. 801 N., AdvaiKc; While Dove Way at 2404 Hwy. 601 N., Mocksville; Cranbeny Laneat 141 Chaucer Lane. Mocksville: and Sand Clay Laneal 1936 Hwy.WW., Mocksville. Four Maintenance Contracts OKd Jim Wesl Electric was awarded a two-year coniroct for electrical mainte­ nance work, at a rate of $40 per hour for two workers, $20 for one worker and a 1.5 hour response lime. Olher conlracLs wenl lo: HVAC Technologies forconlrols and sophisticated healing and air systems, al Я 1 per hour, $.40 mileage and materials at cost plus 10 percent; Thermal Technology for tiomial heating and air systems (heal piimps), ul $32 per hour for one person und $50 per hour for two workers, wilh parts at lOpercenl over cost. Fire Extinguisher,. Elevator Bids OKd Carolina Fire Systems was awarded a contract lo inspect arid provide fire extinguishers to county property. Southern Elevator was awarded the elevator inspection contnict at $¿00 per year. Benfield Added To Waste Collectors Benfield Sanitation Services of Slatesvllle was awarded a one-yeur fran­ chise to provide commercial garbage collection services in Davie Counly. The family-owned business has a good rcpulation in other places it works, said Davie Solid Wasie Dircctor Jerry Cahl. Long To Vote At National Conference Commissioner Joe Long was elecied Dovie’s voting representative al ihe National Association of Couniy Commissioners meeting scheduled for later this month in Baltimore, Md. Board, Committee Appointments Made County commissioners last month made the following appointmenu: .Jim Wilson: was re-appointed to the Jury Commission fora two-year term. • Tetri Hamm received a one-year contract as the county's animal cruelty investigator. Carol Foust was appointed to a three-year term and Beth Ann Holcombe a one-year tetm on the Nursing-Adult Care Home and Community Advisory Committee. One slot on that committee is still open. The following were appointed to a committte to look inlo establishing a historic properties commission; Teny Bralley, Richard Poindexter. Lynn Riunley, Polly Gales. Bob Price, Elizabeth Manin, Frances Beck, Hugh Larew aiid Jim Wall (Karen Smith, altemaie). ^1у21 Meeting Cefncelled ; • Because of alack otaivity, the county commissioners have cancelled their Bgiilar second meeting ofthe month for July. Thé next scheduled nuxting will Beil i p.m. Monday, Aug.4. . v , EMT Position Added Tp EMS Staff 7*Anewemergencymedica)technician(EMT)positionhaBbeen added to the о ^ у Ч EMS staff. One ENTT who has been out on a medical leave is not DavidsonCountyCommunilyCoI- Icgc will offer a day class for Basic Law Enforeemcni Training, Monday, 25-Tlmrsdav. Nov. 10жлт1лт-- evening classTucsday, Sept. 2-Tliurs- day.Fcb. 19. These classes arc open to individu­ als already employed by law enforce­ ment agcncies as well as those st4:king employmenl in law enforcement. Participants whosucccssfully com­ plete the BLET program will satisfy the training requirements for certifica­ tion by Ihc N.C. Criminal Justice Slan- dard.s" Cuimrii.ssion'апЧГ' ffie Sheriffs Standards Commission. Graduates of ihc program will cam up to 9 semester hours of credit nnd a certificate of completion from DCCC. For Ihose wishing lo continue lheir education, thc.sc crcdils may 1« ap­ plied toward DCCC's two-year Asso- ciale in Applied Science degree pro- gnim in Criminal Justice. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Tlie eveningclasswillineelfrom6-10p.rn. Monday-Thursday and 8 n.m.-5 p.m. on Saturdays. Tuition and fees are waived for applicants admilled lo Ihe ULIH' pmgram. Applicunls should be 21 years of age by ihe lime Ihe class graduales, and musl have a physical cxaminalion completed wiihin 90duys prior lo Ihc beginning of ihc program. --Interes-ied indi''idual5-mu&t ohtiiin- an applicaiion packet from Ihe Admis­ sions Office no lalcr lhan Friday, Aug. 1. To obtain addilional informalion, coniact ihe admissions olTicc or Larry Kepley ai DCCC, telephone: 910- 249-8186 Ext. 275. Project Child Find Seeks Disabled Children An cH'ort is under way in Ihc Davic County area to identify children and youth ages 0-21 who have disabilities and need speci.'il educalion and other wrvices. The local efforts to identify chil­ drcn and youth are port of a concen­ trated statewide effort lo find childrcn who need spccial help which Ihcy are not currently receiving. Projeei Child Find is also an endeavor lo Inform parcnts and/or guardians of ihcsc chil­ dren of Ihc services available from lheir local ¿chool system and other stale and communiiy agencies. Help is available for childrcn wiih special needs, according lo Lowell Harris, dircclor of the Department of Public Insimclion's Exceptional Chil­ drcn Division. Tliis help is in the fonn ofaaimplete evaluation, an educalion program designed specifically for Ihe child (individualized education pn>- gram). und a rcfcrral lo other agencies which provide spccial services. Projcci Child Find is looking for childrcn and youth who have hccn diagnosed or <vc suspected lo have mcnlal,physical,orcmolionuldisabili- tics and ;irc unable lo benefit from a rcgular school pmgram without spe­ cial assistance. Hamsand Bill Sleed. Iival sujxirin- tendgii of .schools, encouragc anyone who knows a child or youih who may have disabililies and is not in .schcxil or receiving spccial assistance to urge the parent/guardian lo coniaci any of ihe following: supcrinlendeni.cxceplional childrcndirecior,prii\cipal.onhcSt;«c Department's Exceptional Childrcn Division. "We need hclpof all citizens in this effort to find childrcn and youth who could benefit from spccial services," Harris said. "Without ibis help, some child wilhadisahilily may nol he found. The right lo a free, appmpriaie public education is guaiuniecd to every child wilhadisahilily may nol Iw found. Tlie right lo a free, appropriate public edu­ cation is guaranteed tocvcry child with adis;ibilily. ages 3-21." Forc more informalion, call the Davic Cwmiy Schawls al 634-5921; ihc Exceptional Childrcn Division al (919) 715-1596. or piurnts or guard­ ians may call ihc toll-free Information and Referral Servicc/CARE-LINE at 1-800-662-7030 ond ask for the Ex* ccpllonal Childrcn Division; or the ’' Family Support Network al 1-800- TLC.OOi2. tiiM and tempbr^ help, said County Mvi^er Ken W ii^y, If (he cunent employee is rielei^ fiom work by ^to n , thal job vyo^d be eliminated, he sud. T^V^ministrator; MsesOT ' ‘Miuy Nell Richie hu been appointed Davie Ш п 1у lax'arMidstrotor/tiut coUecmyUx assessor foc'tte term July liw through June 1999, witfi Peggy CiinKlzer u assisluit «^nisl^/lax linessot and Rachel Allen was tax 7 б - DAVIE COUNTY ENTEKrKisb . u P u b lic R e c o r d s Mocksville Police The following incidents were re­ potted lo the Mock-svillc Police De- paitmenl. - Phyllis Ann Hunter reported July 7 she had been receiving haras.sing telephone colls.- Frank Paul Dush of Mocksville reported July 4 the larccny of gas from Horn's Convenience Store, Salisbury Strccl. • Stuart Emory Hall of King re­ ported July 3 the larccny of a telephone and FAX from a classroom al Mocks­ viilc Elementary School. - Thomas L Martin of Advancc reported July 4 the larceny of gas from Tlie Pantry, Salisbury Street. - Jerry Wayne Snyder reported July 2 the larceny of cigarcites, skin cream, boxer shorts, ketchup, after shave lo­ tion, b;ubecue sauce, onion powder, seasoning salt and garlic powder, from Wal-Mart on July 2. • Chad Allen Stevesn of Advancc rvportcd June 30 the breaking and en­ tering of Kimite International, North Main Strccl. Arrests - Alex D. Patel. 19, of 1034 Yadk­ inville Hwy., was charged July 6 wih indecent exposure. Trial date: July 24. A Maryland woman rcported early that morning that the suspect had exposed himself in front of her at a motel on Yadkinville Highway. • Andrew Bryant Daniels, 26, of 41^ Park Ave.. Mocksville, was charged July 2 with larceny. Trial date: July 24. - Garileld Nathen Arnold, 30. of 230Davie S t.. Cooleemee, was charged July 2 with driving without a license and possession of stolen goods. Trial date; Sept. II. • Nadine Ccadel Jones. 34. of 115 Jasmine Lane, was charged July 2 with larceny. Trial date: Aug. 7. • David Franklin Dwiggins, 38, of 337 Tot St.. was charged July 2 with communicating threats.Trial date: July 17. TrafHc Accidents - No charges were filed after a two- Highway Patrol Cooleemee tblice The following irafllc accidents in Davie County were investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol. Thref Vehkfci In Wreck An Advance man wascharged wilh failure to reduce speed after a threc- vchicle accidcnl on N.C. 801 in Hills­ dale at 5:55 p.m. Monday. June 30. Darryl Peon Myens, 22. of 130 Family frail, failed to stop the 19% Chevrolet he was driving, causing It to strike the rear of a 1996Toyota driven by Angle Melanie Vaughn. 33, of Clemmons, knocking It Into a 1993 JcepdrivenbyDebraCurryHunsucker, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. No injuries werc reported. Car nils Deer On 61 No charges werc filed after a car staick a deer on Hwy. 64. about 2.2 miles east of Mocksville al 12:20 a.m. July 2. Maezellar Hairs Peebles, 52, of 273 MiLson Drive, Mocksville, was driving the 1996 Ford., reported Trooper P.T. Hennelly. UiLsafe Movement Charged A Mocksville man was chargcd with making an unsafe traffic move­ ment after an accident on Hwy. 601. 4.8 milas north of Mocksville at 5:50 p.m. July 3. Martin Alvin Walker. 83, of 348 make a lefi ium In his 1986 Ford, and tumed into the path of a 1994 Toyota driven in the opposite dircctlon by Janet Rogers Johnson, 34, of Mount Airy, rcported Trooper Terrance Denard Shaw. Vehicle Wrecks In Ruin David Ralph Brown of Fuquay- Varina wjls driving a 1988 Pontiac in heavyrainonMOat 12:20p.m. July I, when thecar skidded off the road to the right, onto an embankment, Inlo a cul- vertand wooded arca.reportcdTrooper T.S. Kennedy. No injuries werc rc­ ported, and no charges were filed. Mocksville Woman Chanted A MiK'ksville woman wascharged wilh driving left of center after an accidcnt on МифЬу Road at 3:45 p.m. July 1. Nellie Johnson Wood. 76. of 157 MuфhyRoad,hadjustdrivcn her 1987 Chrysler fmm Hwy. 601 when it struck a 1987 Ford, which had be<-n..st9pjwd at the intersection by Brenda Smith Rivers. 47, of МифЬу Road, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. Tmclor-Trailer Hydroplanes A Rocky Mount man was Injured when Ihe tractor-trailer he was driving hydroplaned on Hwy. 801 near River\’iewRoadat 12:35 p.m. July I. James Harry Wray, 69, was laken to Davie County Hospital for treal- menl of Injuries. Tlie truck hit sevenil trees after leaving the highway, re­ ported Tnwper C.D. Jones. Vehicle Goes Down Embankment No injuries were reported when a station wagon wcnl off Hwy.64 cast of Mocksville and went down an em­ bankment al 11:55 a.m.July I. Justin Abram Byrd, 16. of States­ ville, was driving the Chevrolet west when II went off the road lo the lefi, went down an embankmeni Into heavy brush. reportcdTnwperT.S. Kennedy. Brick Falls From Truck_________ A brick app:ircntly fell from one vehicic onlo another on Hwy. 158,5.1 miles east ofMocksvillc al 12:50 p.m. June 30. Sheila Renee Green, 30, of Win­ ston-Salem, was driving her 1987 Nissan east on Hwy. 158 when u brick fell from a passing vchlcic, striking her car. reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Tlie other vehicle did not stop. Advancc Man Charged An Advancc man wascharged with exceeding a safe speed after an acci­ dent on Hwy. 801.2.3 miles north of Continued On Page 7 COOLEEMEE - The following are from Ccx)lecmcc Police Department reports. - Officers responded lo a report July 3. thal Mandy O'Neal w;is being threatened and harassed in the parking lot al the ABC Store. The suspects lefi before the officers arrived. - Officers met with James Link of Sheriffs Department The following incidents were re­ ported lo Davie Couniy SherifTs De­ partment. , - Ray Rosarie Mauro of Mocks­ ville reported the larceny of$32 worth of gas from By-Lo In Advance at 2:20 and S26.30 in gas at 4:3 \ p.m. July 2. 'A -RoyHunofMcicksviHerepocted that the wheel cenlcrs valued at S400 hadbecnstolen frema 1967Chevclle, on July 2. -Julie Smilh Gaddy ofMocksvillc reported July 1, that the windows had been broken out ofhcr 1982 Subuiban, causing an estimated $1,500 in dam­ age. - James Ron Marion of Advance reported July 1, that someone had sto­ len a compact disc player, 25 compact discs, iwocompact disecases, a leather basketball and a pair of binoculars from his 1987 Honda Accord. -RogcrDarryl Barney of Advance, reported July 1,lhal someone hadtaken his wallet, which contained cash and several crcdil cards. - Healher Smilh Golds rcported receiving harassing phone calls June 30. Arrests - William Charles Robertson, 37. of Advancc, was arrested June 30, for worthless check. Trial date; July 30. - Tony Ralph Ragan, 26, of Con­ cord, was arrested June 27, for con­ spiracy to sell and deliver a controlled substance. -Jo Anne Roberts Creason, 59, of Cooleemee. was arrested July I, for simple assault. Trial date: July 10. ■'Wall Slrcet,Xoofcimicc^w^ injured in a fight al the Bullholc, at Davic Couniy Hospital in Mocksville July 3. Link said he had been drinking with friends and was talking with a woman when her son bccame angry and a fight erupted. He could not iden­ tify the young man but said he ap- pcimid to know martial arts. Link suf­ fered a hrokenjaw and a lol of hmislng, according to ChiefTim Wooten. - Onicers were callcd to the I landi- Cupboard lo remove a dog that had entered the store and refused to leave Jul}»^. The dog became agitated when they tried to co,t< it out, so they werc finally able to herd it into an unused bathroom unlil the store could be clearcd of customers, .according to Woolen. When the store was empty, they released the dog. which then lefi ihe store on its own. No owner for the dog has been delemiincd. - James Paul Carter of Guinevere Lane reported July 5. ihat he imd his girifriend, Wendy Rycroft, had been assaulted at his residence after a con­ frontation with Tommy Lee Riddle of - Walter Clwrics Hogue, 39, of 168 Hickory St.. was arrested July 2, foe assaull on a female after his cx-wlfe Jancl Hogue reported he had ussauU^ her. He was placed In the DavieCounty Jail under 48 hour mandatory lockups* Trial date: July 17. - After a minor chase of a speeding van on Davie Street, Charles David ■"“Doodle‘^Jucobs727vofI3V3-Junclion- Road, was arrested July 3. for liabllpal DWI and driving while licensc revokpd. Jacobs was apprehended in a wooded arca after fleeing llie vehicic on fool. Trialdale: Aug. I. - Amold Garfield, 30, of230 Davic St., was charged with possession of dmg p.irapliemalia July 2. Trial date; Aug. 7. 149 Cable Lane, Mocksville, and Johnny Lee Bogcrof 162Twin Cedan; GolfClub Road. Mocksville. -TeresaTaylorof Rocky Hill Trail reported July 6. lhal someone had bro­ ken into her house and vehicle, remov­ ing several items including electronic equipment Hcrvehiclehadapparcntiy been used and had been damaged. A suspect has been questioned, and an investigation is conlinuing. ' ' - OfTicers are invesiigaling a report of tampering wilh mall at the 200block of Edgewood Circle, made July 6, by Steven Scoll of Legion Hut Road. ' Arrests -Anthony AntonioCulbertson,2X of Salisbury was arrested July \ , for DWi and no operator’s license. Trial date: July 18. Land Transfers The following land transfers were filed with the Davie Couniy Registerof Deeds. The transactions are listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with S2 reprc- sentingSl,000. - Bobby R. Jones and Pansy M. Jones lo George Randall Foster and Sana Jones Foster, ,12 acre, Clarks- % ,$ !. >' - Gany R. Potts and Ladonna Potts ¿'Joseph Michael Morrison, .98 acre, Stfinington, $32. T; • Vlkram Kumar and Andrea .ijiedrich Kumar lo Debra T. Tolbert, '.45 acre. Mocksville, S160. - Grady Lee McClamrock Sr. and Ptiucy Shafer McClamrock to Lucy ^Buffer McClamrock and Grady Lee McClamrock Sr. as trustees of The . 4 ^ ShaHierMcClamrock Revocable •Thist, 7 tracts. .'Z • Traditional Home Builders to ibndford L Miller Jr. and Bettina E !iUIer.Ilol.$239. - Shelton Constniction to David Bmce Ayres and Carol J. Ayres. 1 lol. Shady Grove, $252. • Gary M. Bowden to Claude R. Horn Jr., 2 lots, Mocksville, $200. - Rojetta G. Birdsong lo Leslie Ray Birdsong, 1 lol. $20. • Marion J. Marshbanks and Catherine T. Marshbanks to Donald J. Markland and Lisa L Markland (half Interest) and Rulh S. Markland (half Interest), 29.24 acres. Shady Grove, SI52. - Hany Scotl Vogler Jr. and Kim Fells Vogler lo John Vaartjes Jr. and Karen Stubbs Vaartjes, I lol, Jenisa­ lem, $107, - Paul Bericeley to Vicki A. Berke­ ley, 28.76 acrcs, Calahain. • Billy Stan Riddle and Cathy C. Riddle to Roland Alfred Nifong and Susan Hendrix Nifong. .48 acre, Jerusa­ lem. - Roland Alfred Nifong and Susan Hendrix Nifong to Harry Scou Vogler Jr. and Kim Felts Vogler. 1.3 acres. Jemsalem,SI70. • Marhsall L. Swaringen and Janie H. Swaringen lo Richard C. Short, I lot, Fannington, $45. • Richard C. Short to Joseph 0. Fulp and Anne J. Fulp, 1 lot, Farmington, $45. - G. Allen Mebane IV Charitable Remainder Unitrust to Jerry W. Eller and Priscilla W. Eller, 2 tracts. Claries- ville, 51,740. - Vicki A. Berkeley to Paul Berke­ ley, 2 tracts, Calahain. - Ruth S. Lewis to Bradley Trent Steele, 1 lot Mocksville. • Colean R. Tise to Marsha Ti.^ Holland and Wayne L. Holland, 11.88 sicres, Mocksville, $28. - Pmdential Residential Services Limited Partnership to Thomas Lynn Nesbit and Nancy Ellen Lanier Nesbil, 24.74acres Calahain (Tumersburg,Ire­dell County), $420. • Betty G. Smilh lo Betty G. Smith and Stacey Alexander Smith, 7,025 square feet, Mocksville. - C. Richard Dobson Builders to Brian S. Lx*e, 1 lot, Farmingion, $336. - C. Richard Dobson Builders lo Jumey Construction, I lol, Farming­ ton, $83. • Randall D. Gnibb and Ellen G. Gnibb. Mark S. Gnibb and Melanie S. Gmbb toTimothy L. Huie and Doris S. Huie, 1 lot, Jerusalem, $196. - Gene R. Kizerand Beryl A. Kizer lo D. Jack Bodenhamer, \ lot, Fullon, $366. • Marvin K. Smilh and Twyla B. Smith to Cletus R. Miller and Mildred A. Miller, 3.59 acrcs. $26. - B. Eugene Bennett and as attomey in fact for Willie Bess Bennett, Delbert E. Bennett and Martha H. Bennett, James E. Nance and Gamette Nance. Fred O. Ellis and Marie Ellis to Stacy M. Laveiy and Brett J. Lavery, I lol, Clarksville. $21. -CmigWilleltandChariolteWillelt to Helen E. Bennett, 1.02 acres. Farm­ ington. • Linda C. Howard and George Howard loJamesLconCartcrandJoan P. Carter, 4.97 acres. Fullon. - James Leon Carter and Joan P. Carter 10 LindaC. Howard and George Howard, 6.4 acres, Fullon. • Linda C. Howard and George Howard lo Angela V. penland and David W. Penland, 6.41 acres. Fullon. - Harold M. Shapiro and Kim C. Shapiro to Keidi Gray Looper and Regeni L. Looper, 18.01 acres, Cala­ hain, $138, • Tricla Renee Shires lo Carolyn T. Welch, I acre, Clarksville, $12. • Chamco Builder?! to Lawson R. Niles and Suzanne H. Niles. 1 lot, Fanninglon, $449. - Robertson & Isenhour Properties lo Stephen M. Taraok and Sherry A. Taniok, 1 lot, Farmington, $825. - Howard Lee Correli Jr. and Teresa Smilh Correli to Gary W. Hankins and Elizabeth V. Hankins, I acre, Cool­ eemee, $270. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to Fnmk R. Stone and Buildiná Pemiits Aloma C. Stone, I lol, Fannlngipn, SS.'i. - Bob Hcmrick Conslniciion.lo Dennis MichacI Triple» and Wendy G. Triplell, I lol, Farmingion, $499. - Joseph t. Johnson and Maiy E. Johnson lo Richard L. Miller and Móni Miller. I lot. Mocksville, $388. - Jimmy Gray Waller and Brenda Waller. Ervin Luther Waller, John William Waller Jr., James Early Waller and Helen Waller. Violet Waller Nay­ lor and Michael Naylor, Ruby Marie Waller Baugus, Bunny Waller Still and Raymond Slill, Vera Waller J ^ s and Gregory Jones lo John William Waller Jr., 5.8 acres. Shady Grove.'. - Dorothy Minor Fanner and Tho­ mas Fatmer lo John William Waller Jr.. 5.8 acres, ShadyCrove, - John R. Mauncy III and Sue A. Mauncy, Margaret M. Boswell and Gary E. Boswell, Celia M. Glasgow and Joseph S. Glasgow id John C. Cady, I parcel, Mocksville, $74. > A total of 64 building permits wilh Ijpcsliinaled constniction valueof $3.1 o^ion were issued in Davic Couniy in :ipe. The permits are listed by owner or «tnctor, location, and size and type ¡^building. S-WilliamEIjames,Hwy,64Wesi, squan-fool house. «-JamesT.WhitUker, lOOWander- & Lane, Mocksviilc, 20- by 20-fool Jiirage building. k!; -OaridgeHomes,Lo(3I3 Wood- ^alOakVaIIey,3,nGOsquiire-fool 55 - Steven Philip Gray Cbnstnictlon, |il285Myen№MocksviUe, 1,008 «■an foot bouse, I;- Bennie Smilk, Jack Booe Road, , 28- by 34-foot Stonge^ctaviUe. ; S-Ridunll^ - Ridunl Bunan Lohr, Winchester |l)id,AdvaiKe, l6-liy32-footslorage 1ЙШп(. ä - ГЫпа« Oben Hentley, Gray b id , Advance, 10-by 20-foM AM iy h iéh Road, Mocksville, 10- by 20-foot modular equipment shed - William and Verla Englert, MarehmontPlantalion, Advance, 2,460 square-foot house. -Keilh and Regina Looper,Godbey Road, Mocksville. 1.514 square foot house. - Don and Wanda Bowles. Noith Main Street, Mocksviilc, 1,008 square foot garage. ■ C. Ricliard Dobson Builders, Uncttee Drive, Oak Valley. 2,197 square foot house. - John and Betty Wateis. 123 Bow­ man Road, Mocksville. 30- by 40-foot tool shed. - Palmer Proveaux. Jamcstowne Drive, Mocksville. 12- by 45-foot ad­ dition to mobile home. -RoccoandUz'nitica,Bin|Ciaby Boulevaid,BennuilaRun,7.500squan foothouse, -Susan Monis, Duke Street, Mockt- ville, remqdding hotise. - Aniu. M Haiding, Fannington Road,MockwilIe. lO-by I l-footaddi-. - Gantt Personnel, Hwy. 601, Mocksville. remodeling building for commercial business. - Shuler Building. North Brook Subdivision. Mocksville. I.3l4square foothouse. - Susan Lagle, Down Yonder Trial, Mocksville, 1,00 square foot house. - Steven Whitaker, Williams Road, Mocksville, 2,223 square foot house. - Beechtree Acc Hardware, Farm­ ington Road, Mocksville, 60- by 56- foot commcreial storage warehouse. - Roy S, Brown Jr., Sanford Av­ enue, Mocksville. 14-by 30-foot addi­tion to gange. -Rick Stanley,Oakmont Drive, Oak Valley, 2,200 square foot house. -David L, Munoz, SomeiKt Court, advance, 1,650 square foot house. - Forrest Cranflll Constniction, Scottsdale Drive, Oak Valley, 2J38 square foot house. • Donnie Seals. Crater i aiw» Mocksville, 26- by 32-foot carpoit - Joe D, Henderun, Chinabetiy 4jMN,THbcbvilI¿-í;íj»iÍ4^^ house. - Tony and Vera Johnson, Haiper Road, Advancc, 1,550 square foot house. - Grubb Constniclion, Mocksville, 1.247 square foot house. - Lany 0. Bowles, Twin Cedais Drive, modular unit wilh garage. • Marit and Jane P. Driscoll, Herons Lane, 2,207 square foot house. - Winfred Sprinkle, Timber Creek. Advance. 1.353 square foot house. - Edward F. Weiss. Sugar Creek Road, MocksviUe. 24- by 40-foot stor­ age building. - Faye S. Tilley, Conutzer Road, Mocksville, 28- by 60-foot modular unit. - Jimmy Ray Caiter, Fulton Street, Mocksville, 384 ^uare foot garage. ■ Luke Baity, Baity Road, Mocks­ ville, 1,540 square foothouse. -C.RichanlDobsonBuilden,White Eagle Court, Oak Valley, 1,86* square foot bouse; White Eagle Court. Oak Valfey, 1.864 square foot houae. .-SteveandI>ni1Vudeau,SMy ^ ■prove LanirUvM W .'i;Biliu«' foothouse. - Jeffery Bush. Rivenlale Road. Mocksville. 552 square foot addlUon. - Hannon W. Stevens. No Creek Road. 30^ by 36-foot garage. - Dean and Monica Hoffner. Hwy. 601 North. Mocksville. 1.650 square foothouse. - Alan M. Bowles. Mr. Henry Road. Mocksville, 30-by 40-foot bam. - David and Thomasene Taylor, Baity Road, 720 square foot with 720 square foot garage. - Glenn Apartments, Milling Road, Mocksville, 20-by 17-footaddilionto oHice. - Rick and Sue Almeter. Hauser Creek Lane. 28- by 24-foot garage. - Hinshaw Lawn and Ganlen. Yad­ kin Valley Road, Advance, 12- by 24- fool ofTice and sales building. - Pkggy L Miller, Becktown Road, Mocksville. 504 square foot addition. • KennethandKnaGaad,Oaknwnt Drive, Advance, fire damage restora­ tion. - Betty Gn»ne Smith. Oak sm*«, T®cfavlUi'niovIii|hooK oosBe.' vchicle accident on Soulh Salisbuiy; Slreel al 7:25 p.m. July 2. , . According to a repon by Officer K.D. Hendrix. KermilBcnjamin Milch-, ell. 74. of Salisbury, had stopped hiS; 1987 pickup truck at the Soulh Main' Sired intersection when it was struck; from Ihe retu- by a 1993 Chevrolet' pickup truck driven by kennelh Aaron Snow Jr.. 22, of 121 Erwin St., Cooi- - John and Lois Green, Junction, Mocksviilc, building. - Jumey Consttuction,Lot 147, Oak Valley, 1,490 square fool house; Lol 200, Oak Valley, 1,655 square foot house. - Joseph Design and Consttuction. McDaniel Road. Advance, 1,188 square foot house. - Joseph Morrison, Kcnnan Krest Road, Mocksville, 1,767 square foot house. - Jeny Wayne Groce, Shamrock Actes, Advance. 1,720 square foot' house. - Aaron G. ODeal, Hwy. 801 anil Loop Street, Cooleemee. 40- b y ^ foot retail shop. - Hiomas J. and Nancy E Kinsey, Brookdole Drive, Advance, ckxe in deck. . - - Edward F. Weiss, Sugar Creek ‘ Road, Mocksville. 1,300 square foot houae. ; - Steven J. Pariier, Woodlee U W , ' Advance, I,lOOsqumfoolhouse. ' -EdPhilllpMV)weURoad.Mocki. ville. l.9lgi.|uawliM>iiioduhihotiy., . .Ь wOUN I'l iCJU'Mlblí IUA.OMU, J«qr \ Davie County To InctéasI Building Inspection Fees' New building inspection fees in DavieCounty will lake effect Sept. I. Although not as high as recom­ mended by building inspector Will­ iam Whaley,Ihe rates will be Increases. They include a $20 fee for a 're- Inspeclion" where the builder didn't meet standards on the firet trip, and $50 for each additional trip. ! Whaleysaidihecountyhasa prob­ lem of builders using inspecuxs to fill out’punch lists'as to what needs to be done, rather than hiring a qmUfled contractor,'The intent Is to ncovcrth* expenses of our department,* he said He estimated the costofa 're-inspec­ tion" at $30-$40. The new fees for nuuiufactund homes willbe$60for single wkle ad $135 for multi-sectional homes. Hie old fee was $30 each. Porches, decks and other accessaries will be extra. Mocksville Police Officer David Miller (uniform) and Detective Ken Hunter Invesgltafe traln-tmck colllston on Depot Street, • Photo by RoMn Ferguuon Train Strilffis Tnick On Depot Street In Moclevllle • ■ A Cooleemee man was slightly in- Duke St.. told Mocksviilc Police Of- There are no barricades or flashing Smoot's 1997 Dodge Inick. knocking il jured when he drove his pickup track ficer David Miller thal he didn't see or lighlsal the intersection, but witnesses inloachainlink fence. Millerreported. intoIhepalhofalrainonDepolSlrcct hear the tmin a.s he approached the said the train's whistle was .sounding. Damage to the truck was estimated ( ( ^ in Mocksviilc. niilroadtracksal 10:51 a.m.Wednes- TTiclrainwastravelingatanestimaled at$3,500. ■Lind,say conrad Smoot, 42, of 257 day, July 2. 32 mph when il stnick the back of No chaiges were fded. • Davie Couniy fire departments re­ sponded to the following calls. . June30;Ccntcr,6:Sl p.m.,reported vchicle fire, 1-40, . Julyl;Jerusalcm,9:50ii.m.,housc rire^ N.C. 801 across from Concord Ignited Mclhodisi Church; Fork and Cooleemee assisted: Fork, 12:38 p.m., auloaccldcnl,N.C.801 ncarRivcrvlcw Rood, trucu^r tmiler jock-knifed: Cen­ ter, 6:39 p.m., standby for County Line, which was assisting with ahouse fire in Iredell Couniy. July 2: Jcmsalem, 7:55 a.m., ve­ hicle fire. N.C. 801 at Will Boone Road; Mocksville, 10:48 a.m., aulo accidcnt, railroad tracks on Depot Street; Mocksville, 1:22 p.m., fire alarm. DavieCouniy Hospital; Jerusa­ lem, 12:54 p.m.. vehicle fire. 655 Bccklown Road. July 3: Cooleemee. 5:25 p.m., car­ bon monoxide alarm, 150 Main Sueet; William R. Davie, 5:37 p.m., auto ac­ cident, U.S. 601 at Liberty Church Road. July 4: Jerusalem, 10:23 a.m., fire alarm, 608 Boxwood Church Road; CooIccmceasslsted;WilliamR.Davi9, 10:58 a.m., aulo accidcnt, 412 Elmore Road: Fork. 4:57 p.m., 192 Thousand TnulsDrive;Coolecmee, structure fire, 125 Nolley Road; Jcmsalem assisted; Fork. 9:36 p.m., siruclure fire, 5996 N.C. Hwy. 801 South; William R. Davie, 9:47 p.m., strticture fire, 173 Bodford Lane: Mocksviiie, 9:59 p.m., fire alann, U.S. 158 at McClamrock Road;Cooleemee, fire alann,268 Duke Street; Jerusalem, 10:24 p.m., tree on mobile home, Gladstone Road at Glenview Lane:Jerusalem, 10:31 p.m., pcrsontrappcdintrailerbehind Dottle's Market:Center, 11:05 p.m., fall in fire. 1988JerichoChurchRoad;Cooleemee, 11:21 p.m., fire, 149 Joyner Slreel; Mocksville, 9:47 p.m., fire alann, U.S. 158 at McClamrock Road. JulyS: Mocksville,8:44a.m., power line down on irailer, U.S. 158 at Coun­ try Lane. July 6: Cc.nier, 9:29 a.m., track on fire. 1-40; Advance, 9:54 a.m., fire alarm, 149 HiddenCreek Drive; Smith Grovc.Tssisted;Mocksvil1e, 11:40a.m., fire alarm, Twlnbrook Group Home; Jerusalem, 3:42 p.m., car fire, U.S. 601 at Becktown Road. O ur birthday parly leatu'rSThe 1997 Naiiohal Event figurine Nina", from the Enesco Cherished Teddies* collection. Nina w ill be available on Ihis day ONLY. • Opportunity lo purchase exclusive 1997 National Event Figurine "Nina"!* •Receive a gift just for attending!* I • Learn aboul the Cherished Teddies Club'"! )oin us for all the funi•Qiuntili« ite limited ..........f..., Date: Time: Highway PatmL Continued From Page 6 Cooleemee at 1:30 a.m. July 6. Philip Craig Branch, 23, of 144 Barrihanlt Lane, was driving his 1979 Ford north on Hwy. 801 in heavy rain County O ffers Support For New Davie Futures Effort In 1987. more than 50 Davie resi­ dents decided whal the fulure of Ihc couniy should be. what residents wanted for the fulure. The Davic Campu.s of-Davidson CounlyCommuniiyCollegc.the Davie Family YMCA, the Uadership Davie Program and the Davic County Foun­ dation were esublished, in part, to that "Davie Futures” effort. ' But times continue to changc. . Lee Rollins asked for and received couniy endoisementfora new project. ■^Davie Futures II.". The goal. Rollins said, is to look at the. original report and see what has been accomplishing, and what needs changing.'; "Ithinkitwouldenhancetheefforts you are facing tonight and face every day.’ said Clyde Scott , The project will begin wilh the se­ lection and meeting of a steering com- Oiittee In October. 1997. Task force membeis will be selected, with mecl- ingstt) begin inJanuaiy,concluding In JuIyRecommendationsfromcachtaslc ioRe wiU be given to Ihe steering committee for approval, with a final reportscheduledfor September. 1999. ,, ,Hie Davie Futures project studied four nuiior issues; economic devekip; m nt; educatkm: infrasuucture: and quality of life.•Our conununity will change with Qf jvitbout our e№rti,* RoUins said. ‘D*vie Futuiei n wiU be a pnwctivc tfgrttomanagedianteforthebcttcr- when il went off the road lo the lell Striking a mailbox. The vehicle skid­ ded out of control, into a wooded area to the left, reported Trooper A.A. Jus­ tice. T^vo I^iured In Wrcck Twopcople were Injured ina wreck on Elmore Road at 11 a.m. July 4. Edward Lee Beck. 63. of 124 Ed­ ward Bcck Road, Mocksville, lumed the 1976 farm tractor he was driving from Elmore Roadontoaprivatedrive. turning Inlo the path of a 1997 Ply­ mouth drivenbyTracyMichelcGunler, 24,ofHamptonvllle,reportedTrooper C.D. Jones. Gunter and a passenger. Christopher Dean Callahan. 30, of Boonville, werc takento DavieCouniy Hospital for treatment of Injuries. Beck was charged with making an unsafe traffic movement. July 12,1997 10:00 A .M .-2:00 P.M. 121 N. Main*Mocksville, NO 634-3418 cm; rnnco Соф.Orm Shmn 019% PriKilU H.llnun. lktn*wCnwioC<>pofM.on A G o o d llR O LoasT C a n B e H a r d T o F in d . S a u s b iii^ U r^ ^ t n № o № At Salisbury Urological Clinic, we realize that finding our new ofifice in the Kiser Medical Office Building at Rowan Regional Medical Center can . be a bit challenging. We apologize ^ any inconvenience, but hope this detailed map will help. After all, where else can you find this level of medical expertise ih the treatment of kidney stones, urinary infections, prostate disorders, impotence ot incontinence! For an appointment (or directions), call 633-9441. If you suffer from urological probleins, our office is quite a find. N ow Accefung New Patients W alK'Ins Weux)me 8Ю0 AM > 11:30 AM, Мш. > FM. OR CAU FOR AN AFIERNOON ATPOINTMENT. ii O rn a BiiiuMNG^ 'Ч ■ ,U'; ■ 1 Н 0 1 0 Ш С -:lhsiic, 911W. Hcndcnofi S ti Saitt lio (704) «3-9441 Ч 8-DAVIECOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,1997 Davie F^ole Stockton-Robertson Couple United In Marriage At Center Ctiurcly Center United Mctluxlist Church provided the setting for the marriage of Jennifer Hall Stockton and Edwin Preston Robertson at A p.m. un Satur­ day. June 14. Tlie Rev. Gary Kling olTieiated ihe ceremony. Л program uf music was presented by Jim Andersun uf MtHrksville. The congregation sang two songs: "Juyful Joyful We Adore Tlicc”, a\ the begin­ ning of Ihe service, and "0 Pcrfect Love” following the lighting of the Unity Candle. Escorted by her father, the bride entered the church to "Jesu. Joy of Mans Desiring" and w ore a white s.'it in gown with an empire waist adorned by seed pearlsand sequins. Tlie illusion of finger tip veil fell from a headpiece that consisted of white silk tloweni. seed pearls, and sequins and the entire veil was outlined with tiny pearls. The veil was u gift to the bride and hand- - made by Larry Rachels of Slalesville. cousin of the grtwm. sityofNorlhCiinilinjiinChurloue. He isemploycd with IhcTliomasvilleCity SchiK)l System. The gnxim is the son of Press and Norma Rol>erlsoii of NUKksville. Grand|xirents of the couple iire Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hill ofWinston-Salcm, Marjorie SKK'kton of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Seaford and Mr. ami Mrs. Press C. Uokrtsou of Mocks­ ville. Also seated with the grandpar­ ents were Pannie GrilTin of WniMou- Salem. siep-gr.mdnu>lhcr of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. George Stivkton of Canada, uncle and aunt of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Hill Seaford of Mocksville, uncle and aunt of (he gnx)jn. Tlie alter llowers were in honor to Grandpa Pete Hill, wlio wiis to ill to attend the wedding and in memory of Gr.indpa George Stockton. Tlie matuMi of honor was Robin Talbert, aunt of the bride. The brides­ maids were Li/. Ualdwin of Winston- ~The bTrde^liose peaM cjurings.T’ gift from her stepmother and a string of pearisbelongingtothegrandini'iherof the groi)in as her jewelry. She also wore a small lapel pin lhat belongs to her mother and a gold bracelet lhal is a family heirloom of her mother’s family nnd worn by the women in the family for Iheir weddings. Tlie bridal bouquet consisted of white roses, gardenias, stephanotis, baby's brcath and Ivy. Tlie bride is the daughler of Dee Stockton and Tom and Susan Stockton ofWinsion-Salein. Sheisagraduateof Reynolds HighSchcx)l and HairSiylisi Acadcmy of Winston-Salem and is employed by EGO Hour Hair Salon on Jonestown Road in Winsion-Salem. Tlie groom is a graduate of Davie High School and Forsyth Technical Com­ munity College with an asscviales de­ gree in draft design engineering. He is furthering his education at the Univer- Four Corners News Salem, ríríñl’litnkonVinsion-Saleni. Heidi Evans of Winston-Salcm, An­ gela Hobbs of Winslon-Salcm, MadalonGlennofWinston-Salcin.and RoslynSlivkton.coiisinofthebrideof Canada. Tlie Howcr girl was Kayla Talbert, cousin of the bride fnnn Win­ ston-Salem. Tlie gnnnn's father served as l>est man. Groomsmen werc Jason Rolvrtson, bmthcr of ihc grixìin, Ken McDaniel ofCh;u-lottc, Nc;tl Comat/cr, Casey James. Dana liancline, I loward Riddle, and Dave Ow ens, cousinof tiie gnHim,allofMiH:ksville. Ringk*;ircr was Scih Gnx)iiis of Mivksville. Presiding al the guest register was U)rie Wetherhold of Charlotte. Tliewcildingwasdirectcdby Nancy Gnxims. aunt of the gaKun, of MiK'ks- ville. Tlie rehearsal dinner and wed­ ding ceremony were video taped by Willie Gnx)ms. uncle of the groom. Rvceplion Pollowing Ihc ceremony, the par­ ents of the bride entertained with n reception in the Center Comnumity Uuilding. Tlie building wasdecoratcd with silk magnolia blmmis and topiary trees made by the bride. The trees were presented lo ihe mothers nnd thegnind- mothers following Ihe reception. Tlieweddingcakeconsisiedofwhitc tiered cakc decorated with silk llowers and draped wilh white scallops and swags lined with pearls and four side cakes all dccoralcd with silk llowers and .swags lined with pearis. The cakc was a gift to the couplc from Grandma Polly Seaford and aunt Nancy Gnx)ins. The cake was hiked by Polly Seaford anddccon«edbyNancyGnxmis.Rclha Gaither and Frances O'Neal, all of Mix'ksville. In addition lo the cake, the fixxl table Wiis umiycd with chicken salad puffs, fruit balls served from a water­ melon basket,chccsestniws, fresh vcg- “eiables \vitlidipTnnnrtbaliMrnd greeh“' punch. The reception was catered by Frances O'Neal, Retha Gaither nnd t Iclen Cninfill, cousins of the groom. The gift table was adorned wilh pictures of the bride. Al the enlmnce lo the building was a Ixiard of pictures tif Ihe couple from infancy thmugh Iheir engagement. Givciii.g al the rvxeplion wereShelia and David Owens ofMiKksville,uncle and aunt of the groom. Bubbles were handed out by Brandon Owens of M(x;ksville, cousin of the gnxiin. Following a cruise lo the Bahamas Ihe couple w ill Ix: al home in Mocks­ ville. Kehi'ursul Dinner On Friday night following the re­ hearsal, the gRximsp;irentsemertained the wedding party, special family, and other friends of the couple with a re­ hearsal dinner in the Ccnicr Commu- niiy Building. The meal consisted of barlKcue and all the trimmings. Tlie groom’s cake was chocolate pound cake made al Ihe request of the gnxini by Grandma Polly Seaford. The dinner was catered by Frances O'Neal and Retha Gaither, cousins of the gnxim. Special Kvents •On April 20. the bride was enter­ tained with n shower in the Center CommumiyBuildiiig,hoslcd by Nancy Gnxims, Pearlinc Seaford, Dollie Sum­ mers, Shelia Owens, and Frances O'Neal. •On May 18, the bride was enler- tained with a bridal shower by Aunt Robin Talbert inPfafftown. Attending werc, Nonna Rokrtson, mother of Ihc groom. Polly Seaford nnd Dorothy Robertson,grandmotlicrsofthcgnx)ni. •The couplc was entertained with » dinner party held by the bride's father and stepmollicr.Tom and Susan Sl(x;k- lon. on Sunday May 25, at the father's home in Winston-Salem. •Tlie bride was entertained with a lingerie shower by friends on Satur­ day. June I as well as a bacbelorette party at this lime. •Tlie gr<x)m W51S honored with a bachclor pany by his friends on Satur­ day. June 6. Bridal Luncheon Tlic bridal party was hosicd wilh a bridal lunchciin at the home of the bride’s mother on Old Town Road in Winslon-Salcm. Tlic meal consistcdoflasagna, HKui- natedsalad,garlic bread, and Imiwnies lopped wilh ice cream, hoi cluv('lale. and w hipped cream. Tlie bride chose this lime to present Ihe gifts to the attendants. Also attending Ihe event w as Nonna Rolicrtson, mother of the gnxJin. Al this lime toasts were made to the bridal couple by all. By Marie While Four Comers Concspondcnl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Smilh Sun­ day afternoon. Several people of this community enjoyed the 4th of July fireworks Fri­ day night al the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Shelton Jr.. presented by Chrisicv pher Shore and Abby Fergerson. Our communiiy was saddened Fri­ day night when the lightning struck und destroyed a shop building owned by Doris Bixlford. Tbankslothequick rcsponseoftlie firedeponmenls. Tliey ccrtainly do a good .service lo every­ one. Clyde Mumiy undcг^venl hc.'insur- gcry last we*ek. Weare wishing him a speedy recovery. Charles Burgess, Peggy Elmorcand Balry Smith are on our .sick list. We arc wishing them all aquick recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White, Mr. and Mrs. Mark White and Je.ssica visited Mrs. BcrticeSmith Sunday afternoon. Corina Fay Gourlay of Winston- Salem and Jimmie Gilbert Huff II of Mocksvillc w ere united in nnirriage at 7:30 p.m. June 27 at Chestnul Grove United Methodist Church near Mocks­ ville. The Rev. Tim Slarbuck offici­ ated. ’Hie bride is the daughter of Ken and Candy Gouriay of Winston-Sa- Icm. She attended South Stokes High School. Tlic bridegroom Is the son of Brenda Huff of Cabana Lane, Mocksville, and the late Jimmie Huff. He is a graduate of Davie High School and isemploycd by Funder America. Sheny Gouriay was ihebride's maid of honor, and Randy Miller served as ihe groom's besl man. After a honeymoon lo Nashville, Tenn.. the couple will be ul home on 112 Cabana Lane, Mocksville. Y a d k in V a lie v N e w s M rs. C hristopherr M ichael S u p p le Pope-Suppie Couple Married In Mint Hiii CaiolDenisePDpeandChrislopher Mictuel Supple of Cliiulotie were uaiud in maniage at 7:30 p,m, Snlur- i^.May31.alFluUdelphiaPresbyte- iWi Chiitcli or Mini Hill. Dr. John Todd and Uie Rev. Fred McAlister pfficialed. f ■ ‘^brideislbedaughterofMr.and Mni. Bfuce FBpe of Ciiailolte. Slie is a liadualeoflndependaiceHigli School ■d adended Central Piedmont Com- ^Collete.Sheisoflicemanager inUySide Landscaping, bridegnxxn is the of Mr. ■R Mfi.. Jeny Supple of Bennuda :i|K № to a graduate of Davie High :Sdn)l and the University of North. lute. He is finance manager al Free­ dom Homes of Charlotte. Given in mnniage by her father, the bride chosc her sister-in-law, Susan Pope of Huntersville, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Tracy Hildreth, Emma Whilesel and Lisa Stanley, all of Charlotte. The groom’s father was besl man. Ushers were: Tony Pope, brolher of ihcbrideofHuntersville-.ShaneSupple, brolher of the groom of Wins(dn-Sa- lem; and Jason Wani of Charlollc. After a reception al Idlcwild Coun­ tiy Club, the couple went on a honey­ moon to Sandals Resort at St. Lucia, .West Indies. They will reside in Har- By Ruby McBride Yadkin Valley Comispondeni Tlicgroupihatvisils Meadowbrook Manor will have a birthday party for Dulcic Hauser celcbraling her lOOlh birthday on July 12 at 7 p.m. She is’ looking forward lo Ihc party. There are several people on vaca­ tion now, pray for everyone a safe irip home. Lois Holman Holmes and her daughler, Carol Jean Christine, from Arizona, visited here lasl week. They went lots of places wilh Gracc Parrish und Lucille Kimel. andon last Wednes­ day. they camc wilh Lucille lo Hazel Riddle’s home. They werc joined by Ruby McBride. Pansy Allen, Palsy Poindexter, Audrey Gilbert and Faye Morgan, who all brought food, and enjoyed supper together, along wilh a good lime offun and fellowship. On Saturday, Ruby McBridc look Lois. Carol, Hazel and Pansy lo the German C o r n a t z e r N e w s restaurant for lunch, and lo the Willow Brook Heallhcarc Center in Yadkin­ ville lo visit iheirunclc.Tumer Hauser. They visited iheold Hauser homeplace on the way back. They left for their home in Arizona this week. Lee Riddle had a cook out for the 4th of July wilh Eric and children, and Nannie Haz^el. Hazel kept Heather Riddle one day this week, and th.'it evening Robin Howard and Chase camc up. They brought watermelon for all to enjoy. Robert, Kaye and Brandon Непх)п and his brolher, Mr. und Mrs. Grady Herron andchlldren from BrysonCity, visited Ruby McBride on July 4. The Ladies Morning Out for June was enjoyed at Old Salem, along wilh shopping, ealing at Pete’s in Clem­ mons and slopping at the candle shop. Pray for Clyde Weatherman, he is not doing good and is lo have surgery soon. By Dottie Potts Comatzer Correspondent Mr. and Mn, James Shoaf spent a few days wilh Iheir daughter, Karen Bishop and children in Chapel Hill. Their grandson, Gcffojy Bishop re­ lumed home wilh them to spend some time, Doiiie and Sharon Potts and Laura Smjihtnivek^wlththepmnicSingle- Mrs. Edwin Preston Robertson D c c I o R C y O U R Independence p R o m H i g h P rIc c s a c S c h c x ) l ! . . Prices Guaranteed Lower - than at School ^ Fastest Delivery Free Liletlme Warranty § Gourlay-IHuff Couple Married Я ) т г % & ‘ T n e ^ e m e l't / ^ 3 n c . ,Nt>VTOWNE SHOPPING CtNltR 76^8S09 CLENLMO.N'S, NC ton Mystery Tour Group to Chinqua- Fienn Plantation and outdoor drama "Sword of Peace" along wilh other places on June 28. Iva Neil Swain was able to attend servicc at Comatzer Baptist Church Sunday night after being out teveral weeks because of sickness. Eva Potu visited Faye Boyles in Mock»yillelasL3telii«lqi.- S A L E M G L E N J U N I O R C L I N I C J U L Y 2 1 - 2 5 AGE GROUPS AGES 7-10 & TIMES 8:30-9:30 A.M. AGES 10-13 9:45-10:45 A.M. INSTRUCTIONS WILL INCLUDE: ETIQUETTE, RULES OF GOLF FULL SWING, CHIPPING, PUTTING PRICES: $35.00 for members children $45.00 for non-members children 1000 G le n D ay D rive (Off Dock Davis Road 9 1 0 - 7 1 2 - 1 0 1 0 T o R e g is t e r I I DAVœ СОШ ТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jiily 10,1997-9 Advance News By Edith Zimmerman Advance Correspondent Tlie Empty Nestcrs Sunday school class of Ihe Methodist church enter­ tained nicmbcrs of the congregation Saturday nighi with a July 4th cook- out. A large crowd nllcndcd and en­ joyed a meal of hamburgers, hoi dogs, baked beans, pasla, chips, chili, slaw, cakes and pie.s nnd an assorted fiavors of homemade ice cream. Advance Melhodist Church is pleased lo welcome Danielle Mooney lo its church staff. She will be serving as director of the uftcrschool care pro­ gram beginning Aug. 20 in the fellow­ ship hall. JacknndDorolhyCartcrcniertained Ihcir p.astor nnd family, the Rev. and Mrs. Ken Evans, Caleb. Josh and Jen­ nifer. of Fork Baptist Church, with a backyardpicnic and pool parlyonTues- day night June 24, at their home on Hwy. 801. Edd and Annalec Myers welcomed Ihcir firel grcat-grandchild, who was bom on their S6lh wedding anniver- .sary. June 21. ShcIs Brook Sierra Myers, daughler of Lee and Joy Myers and gronddaughler of Dale Myers. Edith Zimmerman was a July 4th visitor of Elmer and Sarah Zimmer­ man in the Fork Church communiiy. On Sunday night, she visited Belly Comatzer on Baltimore Road. Harvey Lee (Bud) Spaugh and wife Frances celebrated iheir42nd wedding anniversary on July 9 at campground "End of the Rainbow" in Rowan Couniy. The Spaughs have spcnl the past 10 days at the campground. Symp.ithy is expn»sed to Matthew and Sunni McKnight in the death of. thclr infant daughter, who was buried in the Bixby Prcsbylerion Cemetery Ihis past week. Grandparents are Sue Comatzer Tucker and Joe Tucker. Grcal-grandmolhcr is Mallle Tucker. Sympathy goes out to all. Nancy Zimmermonandall herfam- ily spent the July 4lh weekend In . Hillsvillc. Va. Wiley Williams remains In Baptist Hospital and is nol doing well. Lucille Comaizer, formerly a resi­ dent at Meadowbrook of Davic, has beeninmsferred to Autumn CarcNurs- ing Home in Mocksvillc. Mrs, Evelyn Holton, a patient at Forsyth Hospital, celebrated her 86th birthday on July 5. The community gave hero card shower. We welcomed six new visitors to Ihc Mcthodisl church Sunday. Many of our own congregation, however, werc away on vacation. We arc wish­ ing for them safe travels. Sadie Gross of Pfaft'town was a . Sunday afternoon visitor of her sister Recie Sheets. Sue and Paul Folmar traveled to Asheville last week to pick up Bailey Anne Folmar who accompanied them home for ber firsl annual suinmer visit with the grandparcnls. Bailey vislled withthcFolmars forthe first halfofthe week and then spcnl the sccond half withhcroihcrgrondparcnts.Brackand Judy Bailey,ofCIemmons. OnFridoy, David. Carole and Paul Folmar anived from Knoxville, Tenn., to visil their families for ihc holiday weekend and to take Bailey back home with them. Roberts-Blackwelder Couple Plan Wedding For Aug. 31 Penninger-Hopper Engagement Announced : Kay Burton of Mocksville and Leon Penninger of Cooleemee announce Ihe •¿ngagemenl of iheir daughter. Lisa Michele Penninger of Advance, to James ¡Jeffrey Hopper of Salisbuiy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hopperof Salisbury. • ! • The bridc-elecl is a graduale of Davie High School and Salisbury Business [College. She is employed by Food Lion Headquarters, Salisbury. • The groom-lo-be is a graduate of North Rowan High School. He is employed by Lcxinglon Furniture Inc. of Lexington.The wedding is planned for Aug. 30 at Morion Park Church of God. Club Holds Covered Dish Lunch The Cornatzer Home Extension Club met at the home of Willie Bess Bennett on June 17, and had a covercd dish lunch. Willie Bess gave the devotions and Jackic Winters was program leader on stain removal from fabric. Lucillc Potts won the door prize. Plans werc made for an outing in July and to celebrate a birthday for Lucille Polls. Kits for the domcsiic violence vic­ tims hod been made and tumed into the office. Afier the business session, the members traveled to Yadkin County and toured the HoIdcnUlyFarm,where day lilies werc blooming. Heather Michelle Roberts andJohn ‘Travis'^BIuckWcldcrwiil be mamcd Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m. at Washington .Duke Inn ond Golf Club in Durham. The bride-elect is the daughler of Dr. and Mrs. Randy Roberts of Elllcott Cily, Md. She earned a bachelor's de­ gree in communications from N.C. State University, wherc she was a memberofSigmaKappaSorority.She is employed by TRC Staffing Servicc in Cary as operations coordinator. “ " ’ITic groom ÌÒ be Is'tfic sòn'òf DiTon " Mrs. Harold DwighI Blackwelder of Statesville, and thegrandsonofthc late Tomas A. Blackweldcrond MallieSue BlackweldcrofMocksville.Heeamed u bachelor's degree in animal science from N.C. Slate University, where he plans to receive a master’s of science degree from in August. He is a mem­ berof Della Sigma Phi Fralemily and Gamma Sigma Della Honor Society. Couple Celebrates Anniversary LcMcr and Maiy Daniel Anderson of Mocksvillc celcbraicd Ihcir 50lh wedding anniversary July 5. They were honored withacalcreddinncral Liberty United Mcthodisl Church fellowship hall. The hosts were thcirchililrcn, Nancy Anderson of Winslon-Salcm, Joyce and Michael Whiiakcr of Mocksvillc and llicir grandchildren, Jercmy and Erin Whiiakcr also of Mocksville. The couple were married on July 6,1947 at Ihe Davie Ciicuil Parsonage in Mocksvillc by the laic J.B. Fitzgerald. Tlicy have resided on Hwy. 601 Soulh during Ihcir 50 years of niarriagc. Two From Mocksville In Little Ttieàtre Production Two Mocksville residents will be in the production of Fiddler on the Roof July 18- Aug. 3 at Ihc Little Theatre of Winston-Salem. Van Fogan, a Mocksville Middle School teacher, will play the. role of Shandel. She has appeared with Davie Theatre Company in pro­ ductions of Okla­ homa!, Hello Dolly. Wizard of Oz, Singin* in the Rain, and Anything Goes, and with Fag» Piedmont Ployeis in Camelot and The Sound of Music. Mike Orsillo, associate executive dircctorofthe Central YMCA in Win­ ston-Salem, will appear as the Con­ stable in Fiddler. He has appeared at IheLittleTheatreinEvitaandCamelot, and at the Davie Theauc in produc­ tions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The Wizard of Oz, Anything Ooes and Singin' \n the Rain. Fiddler on ihc Roof, al The Aits CouncilTheatre.ólOCoIiseum Drive, Winston-Salem, opens on Friday. July 18. Additional performances will be heldJuly 19-20,24-27,31 and Aug. 1- 3. Thursday, Friday and Saiurday per- fonnonces are at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees arc at 2 p.m. Tickets are $ 16 for adults. $ 14 for senior citizens, $ 12 for students and $10 for children 12 and under. Group rales are available. Thursday, July 17 at 8 p.m. is the Sneak Preview performance with open seating al $8 for adults and $7 for students and seniors. Call 910-725- 4001 to reserve tickets. Fiddler on the Roof, wilh book by ] oseph Sleln, musk by ] eny Bock and lyrics by Sheldon Homick. is based on Sholem Aleichem’s stories about a dairyman, Tcvye, his wife Golde and their five daughters. Set in Analevka. Russia, around the turn of Ihe century. Fiddler meets Tevyc as he faces his troubles - poverty, a sharp-tongued wife and three daughters of marriage- able age for whom he can provide no dowries • wilh cheerful courage and engaging song. "Wiihourlraditions," hesings, "pur lives would be as shaky as a fiddler on the roof." But traditions, Tevyc soon Icams. must move aside in the face of a new and changing worid. Featuring such songs as "If I Were aRichMan," "M^hmaker," and"S4h- nse, Sunsei", Fiddler on the Roof ^ nine Tony Awards, including ^ t musical, best author, and best corn- poser and lyricist. The Greensboro Folk Dancers will perform at 7:20 p.m. July 18,24 and Aug. 1.The Triad EarlyMusicSociety will perfonn at 7:20 p.m. July 20- ^ Aug. 3. Hillsdale News W e a v e r - T y n e r W e d d in g P l a n n e d : Mr.andMrs.WilliomHemyTynerJr.announcetheweddingoflheirdaujhter, Ms. Usa Annette Weaver of Norfolk, Va., lo Gunnery Sgt. Jimmy L. Bares of Mocksville. The bridcKiiecl is a graduate of Commonwealth College with an aasociates degree in travel and hospiudity management and is employed al die Hngsmlll :BcsoninV/ilUamsburg,Va. Hie groom to be is Uie son of Ms. MiMitd Bares of MocksvUle and thp lale- ,; WallerBaresbfWoodleaf. HeisagradgaleofDavieHighSchooIandisioving wldi tbe United Stales Marine Coip^ statkmed in San Diego, Calif, t^-TlBWidilin*1ft*nigi)lanMdi№4p3ti:wiily-li«Hhe€e»!etG3»iiauiil^- it o li* 1-40 and Hwy. M W .,^ " By Bcnlla Brandon Wyatt Hillsdale Coirespondent SlanTumer’sfamilysurpnsedhim wilh a birthday party last Thursday. Sion was only especling family, not thehostoffriendsdiathis wife, Wendy, secretly inviied to the birthday cook- out. There was also a соокчх» al the homeofGilbcitandWillaBrandonon Saturday. The event was a combina­ tion celebration of the 4lh of July and Willa'sbirthday. Wiila'arelalivesirom three counties were in allendance. HappyBirthdayloSusan and Bryan Markland and Phil Doby. Dave and Judy Dixon are hosting two children from Belarus. The chil­ dren are here for six weeks lo receive medical ireatmenl. Ptease remember die Dixon family as d»y take care of diese chiklren. They are certainly in for a challenge widi Ihe language bar­ riers and die attempted blending with dieir own ehiUien. We all admire them very much for dcaUcation to diiscause. ' Hie men of Hillsdale were treated to a fiih fry on Sunday al Uk home of Stan Turner. Hw pceschoolert will have a kx cream and movie party on Saturday, while die yuuUi wiU go fishing al Uk home of Wall and Annette Minor. The church league softball lounu- GanaNews ment will begin on Thunday, July 10. Hilldale will play at 8 p.m. at Rich Park. The Storehouse for Jesus, which is localcd on Depot Suret in Mocksvillc, has lists of donalion needs which they changc monthly. This monlh their needs include: juicc, dry milk, canned milk, instant coffec and lea, Kool-Aid, andborsoap. Thisisagreatorganiza- tlon for our county and we all need lo support it. Ifyou live In Hillsdalcand you can't get to Mocksville when the Storehouse is open, you can bring your donations to Hillsdale Baptist Churchon Wednesday night Hillsdale Baptist isadn^iTpoim for theStore- house and we will make sure that the needed items get lo Mocksville. Wc all need to be made aware that our voluntcerondchariUibleorganizalions are what mnkc ihi« ccninty great, and we need to support them any way wc can. Weall need to remember Roy Potu. He needs our continued pn^ers, as does his family. Let's alsoremember those that suf­ fered material loescs during the July 4 storm. Manyofourneighbonhada lot of damage.tqdeal with, especially our neighbors in Cooleemee, where the storm seenied to hil the worst. Sometimes God really reminds us of hu power, and I am thankful thal no one seemed to be physically hurt. My friend. Brett Seaford, spent July 4 with me and I was very grateful that she was wilh me when the slonncamc. Not only was I assured of her safely, but 1 had a new liiter of kittens bom on July 4 and they came close to being ftooded out when the storm came. Brett held the fiashlighi for me while I moved them to safety. Brett doesn't even like cats, so U just goes to show you how valuable good friends are. New Arrivals Enola, my mother cal, may noi Have Ihoughl so at Ihe lime, but I did. I also have to be graleful, veiy grateful;:» my dad, Gilben, because he spent№ vacadon building a dog lol for n ^ I helped, of coursc, bul he dug a if^ posi holes and honestly did ail Ihe liM part. Sometimes wc jusl don't reàlbè our family and friends or how impai- lantlhcyrcallyarctous. Weshoulilll lake Urne to teli diem once in a wMli. BAKER Tim and Tammy Baker ofMocks- ville announce Uie binh of UKir son, TimoUiy Grayland Baker, 10 weeks pre-malureat 11:12a.m. May22,1997 al ForsyUi Memorial Hospilal. The baby weighed 3 lbs. 3.8 oz. and was ISand 1/2 inches long 01 birth. He came home Satuiday, July S. al 6 lbs. 3.8 oz. and 19 and 1/2 inches long. Maternal grandpaienis are Marie and Ronnie Royall of Mocksville. Paternal grandparents ate Bonnie Hawkins of Mocksville and die lale Dallas A. Baker of MocksvUk. Rillian Baker of Mocksvilk! is his grral-gmndmoto. MYERS Phillip and Dawn Myers of vance announce die binh of dieir daughter, Sarah EiizabeUi.alS:02a.m, on June S al Lexingion MemoiU Hospilal. Sarah weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and wail 20 inches long. Maternal gnuidparenu are andFriedaDyionofMocksville. ni- lemalgnmdpaiems are Jeny andBeny Myers ofCranile Falls. Paternal gieit grandparents arc David Kale- of GrecnsboiDandGeitieMyersofGiab ite Falls. • '.,v Yeehaw. Thai rodeo was great. Noone was hurt,and Uie lilUeboydial rodediebabycowdidagoodjob. He is bound 10 be a cowboy when he grows up. If you have nevi» been lo. diis rodeo, you should try to go next :yeat...... '. ' yiiginia EaUn’s gladioli are beau- tifiil,'Talie a кюк al diem vyhcn you drive paUdieiT house. ' No aiakea were ipaaed dlls week “гаШЖадЛ'вятй»' leotrTdoiir lhe- thmla-eff-digilniTip-my:' iiinfeiladdcrlliMUll:;,-^ " w - ttxlibente. HKHrtllB;-:" ^ ^ BjrMia'CidB'Godwla duiaCcnespoadenl PiDud lo be an American. All weekend we celebcaled our Ireedom and enjoyed family, Picnks were everywhere. DU you get a chance lo see die ilag display? Wow, Uiat minl- slannblewawayieveiio(rny2l flags. Hial Slam also Mew some of Ihe Un roof off of die Cana Sion and Post OfSce. Terry Staler la coning 10 die Test Your BIBLE Knowledse Л Р>пм-Ctqri Ito С1ЧР.1-|кпч» AMm IV СШ»! if Й> 1ИП i^ltt ЬшЫ iW лгплкИп <fjtna /I С<ж 15:Ы1. A pinoi, ImUmi iMi Ifanv* imп»01щи-тФЫЛг111ттс(т’ 111т.б.]-И. ИМГ n n MMGM CMMCN W M M T •— l-ac*tcil at UwJ«miarjrfauDPin(>.rod-hiricj D tä la u U 1b Reiioring S tw П и ш м т Chrttiim liy DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10, W97 - II i-r- 1Ô - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jiily 10,1997 Greenes To Perform At Mocks Methodist Church Tlic Greenes will perfonn at Mocks United Melhotllsi Church at 7 p.m. Sunday. July 13. TlwchurchisliKatcdiipproximaitfly Ihtve miles from Hwy. 158, off Hwy. 801 South. Tliere is no admission, but a love ofTering will he taken. The Greencs nrst bccanw kirosvn as a group in 1979, although the ministry of Tim. Tony and Kim Ga*ene began singing in church choirs at an early age. Their parents. Everette and Carolyn. arc also singers.Tlie children a*conled tiieir first al­ bum. Gloryland. in 1982. Tiieir nuisic niiniNtr>’ has changed over the years, but it has continued. Tim Greene, an ordained minister, writes music that is God cemered and to the point. Tony Greene specializes in singing. Milena Parks* viwals can reach high levels. Tlie Greenes present single. Jesus' Rocking Cluiir. is rising in popularity. Cooleemee's History To Be Explored At Summer Camp COOLEEMEE • Tliere's no place like home. Davie children will get a chance to leam about this town al a week-long day camp July 14-18. On Monday, campers will lake pan in activilies around the theme "Where Is Cooleemee and Why Was It Bom? They will workwithlopographicmaps. tour the Mill Village Museum and walk around town. • On Tuesday, they will leam about •The Source: Tlie Shoals of the South Yadkin River" with a field trip to the Bullhole. They will see an Indian dis­ play and have a weanie roast. ■•On Wednesday, they will leam about "Wildlife of ihe River” will a field trip to the Junction, and hear talks about nalumi environment, animals and plants around the river. They will fish in the river, and talk about the old depot and trains. On Thursday, ihe "Creative Tradi­ tions" camp will feature art teacher Glenda Beiutl. who will teach a paint­ ing and acrylics class. Students will walktoan historic site and each camper will get to paint this Cooleemee scene. On Friday, the "Mill Work and Music”segment will included a tourof the old mill, picnic, graduation cer­ emony, with old-time string musicians perfomiingandialkingabout music in old Cooleemee before radiosand tele­ vision. Register by Friday. July 11. Forms are available ut the Cooleemec Town Hall,branchlibrary and ihelownswim- ming pool. C o n c e r t P l a n n e d A t C o u r t n e y .There willbeaConteniporaryChris- lianConcertaiCounneyBaptistChureh by GeofKimber on Sunday,July I3at 7 p.m. ■ Kimber is from Australia and min­ isters with wife. Tanya. Tliey have been ministering full lime for three years. He is multi-instrumenlal. He will he playing the keyboard, guitar and trombone. Come out lo worship and enjoy the music. Л love offering will be taken forthe Kimbers. G r e e n M e a d o w s T o H o l d V B S . Green Meadows Baptist Church invites children and adults tojoin 'The WtldaiulWonderfulGoodNcwsSlam- pcdc." ! 'Each evening includes a worship rmy to celebrate the news of Jesus C№st. Each evening will be full of BiUc-Ieaming activities, vittles. music aMcraAs. Every child in the commu­ nity is invited to this Vacation Bible Pino News ^ N o n L iU ia n i PmoConcspondcni > Attendance was spaisc at Wesley rtapel Sunday, but the message, de- Uvend by Pastor Tammy Tal ben was Veey meaningful. Frank and Toby HtWkins placed beautiful gladiolas in thesanctuaiy in honor of Coleen Dull ibthemoiyoniermoihcr,Hlie Howell, wto passed away recently. Suzanne NHlershaied pictures and cipcriences fiom her leccnt mission trip to Ja- itoa. There will be a covered dish luKh next Sunday at 11:30 followed administrative council meeting aitón'. :íhe United Methodist Women at Wjiley Chapel had their monthly nniing Wednesday, July 2. at the hwieof LouUe Dill.' There were six nqitani»doiicguesl,CjraceTalbcit, ly m . Belly WesI pinenied the n if »»y-ef-ate-Uniled-- Methodist Women. Налу and Ellen Rawlings have returned from vacationing in Dcstin, Fla. While there attending a family reunion, they enjoyed deep sea fish­ ing, played in a golf toumaraem, and toured New Orleans, La. Eighty fam­ ily members were present for the re­ union. ^ Christie Genuy of Charlotte was hoine for the weekend visiting her. parents, Pete and Madelyn Gentry. Willie and Nova Fleitiing are here from WichitaFalls. Texas visiting Bob and Louise Dill. AU out ptayeis are wilh Clyde Murray, who is recovering from heait surgery,andhis wife Virginia; Weare glad he had relumed home this quick. His surgery was Monday, June 30. Ilieir son, Dantll, of Hunteisville, spent a few days wilh his nxxher dur­ ing this trying limf. Correli Participates In Evacuation Operation Marine CpI. Mark A. Correli, son of Terri L. Crotts of Deadmon Road. MiKksville, who recently departed on a six-month deployment, is a memlK'r oflhc 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).whif:hrccentlyconducted non- combatant evacuation operations in Sierra Leone. Tlie U.S. numpean Command or­ dered llie evacuation of American citi­ zens from Sierra Leone at the recjuesi of the State Dcpartmenl. Since May 30. more than 2,500 people have been evacuated. Citi/ens from Ihe U.S. and several foreign countries were trans­ ported lo USS Kearsarge for furtlicr transfer lo a follow-on IcK-alion. Tliecvacuationwasconductedwith French, Nigerian and Sierm Leonean surface ships on station, and Marine and Navy helicopters. Conducting air and well deck operations simulta­ neously, USS Kearsarge also kiunchcd one Landing Craft Air Cushion with supporting security force.s from the 22nd MEU aboard to be utilized os necessary. The 22nd MEU remains available In the area loconducl additional evacu­ ations as necessary. The 1992 graduate ofWest David­ son High School of Lexington, joined the Murine Corps in July 1992. Mainers To Perform At Smithsonian Festival Julia Mae Brown invited a young banjo picker to her home in Davic County to play for her father's birth­ day. She ended up m:ur>’ing that banjo picker, and the two are still making music logelher. traveling mostly around Iheir Michigan home. Last April. Wade Mainea*elebrated his 90th birthday and his 62nd year of making records. Bluegrass Unlimited magazine called him a country music pioneer. • "He’s in gwxl heallh with good spirils with no intention of setting aside the traditional mountain style songs and hymns he loves to perfomi." — Inthc 1930.v,MaincraiidhrslTand" were popular on radio shows and at conventions. Tiieir first record was In 1935. Julia Brown Mainer first appeared on a reconi with her husband in 1938. but was a veteran performer. Juiia Mae Brown Mainer, formerly of Davie County, and h‘er husband Wade Mainer will be featured guests at the Smithsonian Folkllfe Festival this summer. "I was broadcasting over WSJS in zine. "As 1 was raised on the fann. my Winston-Salem. I started in the latter dad could take me over there when he partof 1934or'35.'*shetoldthemaga- wouldhavclhetime.Myuncle.Milton Brown, who lived In Winston-Salem, heard me play nnd sing nnd said,'Wclli Julia. I Ihink you're good enough'.'* In 1941. Mainer was invited to per­ form al the Roosevelt White House. They returned lu Nonh Carolina to fann. In 1943, Mainer traveled to New YorkfortheBBCChisolmTrailbroad- cast, where he performed with Burl Ives. Sonny Terry, Woody Guthrie,^ Cisco Houston, the Coon Cn.*ek Girls, Red Rector and Fred Smith. Mainer turned his life to Christ in the early 50s and stopped public enter­ tainment. A minister a.sked him lo go to Flim, Mich., to play at servjces. He did, and the couple stayed. They're still playing music, and are scheduled lo be featured guests at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Wash­ ington. D.C. this summer. Their son. Frank Mainer, lives In the Brown homeplace in DavieCouniy. School event. '’The Wild and Wonderi'ul Good News Stampede" will be held at Green Meadows Baptist Church, 1646 Hwy. 801 Nonh in the Fanninglon commu­ nity, on July 13-18. beginning cach evening, ai 7 p.m. and ending al9 p.m. For more i nformation cal I the church at 998-3022. Spiritual Resources: Don't Face Storms Alone By Hazel Smoot Al (he ocean and seashore recently, I watched as a vionderiul, yet frightful drama unfolded: one minute sun was shining, the next ominous clouds darkened Ihe sky. As my friend and I watched, the turbulent clouds rolled and darkened Ihe sky and she commented that she never before realized how much turbulence is inside a cloud, although both of us were awfare of Ihe strength of a storni and the damage it can do to lives and property. I had Ihe distinct feeling that there was a lesson to be learned from this storm. As the clouds circled and raged, tinally touching down and covering the distance that could be seen between the clouds and the water, it was made very clear to me how powerful the forces of nature are and how helpless we are when confronted by such strong currents and events that ate beyond our control. Life is much Ihe same way. Often we believe our lives are in order and the sun in our lives makes living a joy. Then very suddenly our whole outlook can change and we can be thrust inlo (ear and depression by happenings which occur in our orderly lives. This can bea heallh problem, a job related incident, or a spiritual discourage­ ment. Then as Ihe thunder rolls, the turbulence in the clouds gels stronger, and the lightning Hashes; we realize these are things beyond our control. We can relate the clouds to Ihe setbacks and ' disappointments in our lives. Thunder reminds us ol the evil forces that can cause turmoil and distress; bul then suddenly lightning flashes from the sky (Ihis can be a flash ol light from God) and we : beginloprepareourselvesforanonslaughtofrain. Tocolnafamiliar ■ quote. ■There is light at the end ol Ihe tunnel' (unknown). The sun ■ has never yet failed lo shine after a storm and always somewhere. ■ there is a rainbow. At times, it's hard lo hold on to Ihis final outcome; ■ but it will happen. If we look for the lightning flashes in our lives, we ■ cannot fail to know thal God is always present, even though the flashes are swift and brief. He can turn the tide and give us peace in Ihe midst of the storm. As we approach each day we must make lime for God in our lives and realize lhat we do not have lo lace Ihe storms alone. We cannot control other people or the sorrow they can cause us; but. we can . be prepared lo have inner strength by daily contact with one who is more powerful than man. As the lightning flashes, we know lhal he IS giving us glimpses of light and thal eventually, there will be a rainbow. Seen any rainbows lately? What problems has God helped you solve and given you a sunny ending? Support These Local Businesses W .G . W H IT E & C 0 . 850 N. Trad* St. WIniton Salem, NC 27102 910-723-1669 V O G L E R / { r S O N S Funeral Hoine 2849 Mlddla Brook Dr. Cleinmons, NC 27012 910-766-4714 SPILLM A N 'S OIL & FERTILIZER 7682 Hwy 801 S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 704-284-2551 SHEFFIELD LUMBER «PALLET GO. 165 Turkey Foot Road Mockaville, NC 27028 704-402-5595 MOCKSVILLE ■иНЛЕМ SUPPLY “TogtUwr W* Do It Better" South Main Street 704-634-5915 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY Jericho Road Mocktvllle, N027028 704-634-5149 DAVKUIM9ER ftLgCfilNG 872 Main Church Rd. Mocktvllle, NC 27028 794-934-9144 CRESCENT ELEGHHC P.O.BOXS06 Mocktvllle, NC 27028 794-934-2139 J . P. 6REEN EATON F9STER-RAUCH GENTLE MACHINE MILLING CO., INC. Maker* ot DAISY FLOUR We Cuttom Blend Depot St, Mocktvllle, NC 7SM 34-212S FUNERAL H O M E A Tradiiioii of Caring,,,. 325 Nonh Main Street Mocksvillc, NC 27028 704-634-2148 DRUG COMPANY 485 Valley Road Mocktvllle, NC2702S 704-934-1141 tTOOLNIC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Mocktvllle, NC 27028 910-999-3359 Ш й н п ! REALTY HllltdaleProftttlonalPukHtthwaylMttoi.Ailvuice H M N ^ m CAUDEU LUMBER COMPANY 162 Sheek street Mocktvllle, NC 27028 704-634-2197 FULLER WELOWG ftFARRW AIORS P.0 .B0XS21 Hwy. 601 S. Mocktvllle, NC 27028 794-934-3712 Welcome to... B e lie v e r s ^ S p n s h ip T a b e r n a c le ‘'AFullCospilChuTvh'' J U D E . и м а м ш н ю WilhiyilH« A*nnei,NC270M8ia4ta-ias7 M U SG RA V E G RA IG GARTER HI ^ si;i 1 IM C H IN E ftlO O L B U ILO ER ,IN C .lia Uww Л 4 HOWARD таю т us 601 South Mocktvllle, N027028 704-9344040 iivnwy.voi B» Buna i Advance, NC 27009 910-940-2341BáUtt if QttHtj Cum HmifofmtrX K«n Crii|ACJfitr.PrnidM*H«aC.C«iif.Viccftci 01»: (704) 634^Rss:96»«78fteO«>3631 J l i L Ë . Attend T b eJ^rckC ^Jim tC b o ke- I Obituaries Alpha Magdalene Riddle Alpha Magdalene Riddle, 88, for­ merly of Riddle Circle, Advance, died early Sunday moming, July 6,1997, al Hie Oaks in Winston-Salem where she had been u resident for the past three and a half years. She was bom in Davic County. Nov. 12.1908, to the late Asbury and Hdna LuJean "Gennie" Howard Riddle and kept small children for working parents. She also did farm work in tobacco und cotton. She was an active lifelong member of the Macedonia Moravian Church where she sang In the chureh choir and was a member of church circles. She enjoyed crocheting, tatting, quilling and llower gardening. She was a well known cook nnd especially enjoyed making cookies. She was preceded in death by 4 sisters, Lola Allen, Lillie Allen, Elite Tucker and Carrie Laird; and 3 broth­ ers. Oscar Riddle. Grady Riddle und Rolwrt Riddle. Surviving i\n II sisier. Ester Riddle of the home: and several nieces and nephews. Funeral ser\’ices were held at 11 Ervin C . Wilson Ervin C. Wilson. 91, of Bingham Parks Road. Advance, died at his home Salurday, July 5. 1997. following a period of illness. He wiis bom in Davic County. u son ofthe late Robert and Louisa Campbell Wilson. Retired from Hanes Chair Company in Mocksvillc, he was a fanner and did lawn carc in Winston- Salem. He was a member of Smith Grt)vc AME Zion Church. He Is survived by 3 sons, LcRoy Wilson of Badin, Harold G. Wilson of MocksvilIe,und Bobby WilsonofChi- cago. III.; 2 daughters, Rosetta Will- lamsofClemmonsandSandraHolman of Advance; a brother, Gilbert Wilson ofMocksville; 3 sisiers, Beulah ScoU nnd Ira James, bolh of MiK'ksville, und Alberta FostcrofFarRockaway,N.Y.; 20 grandchildren; 19 greal grandchil­ dren; and 2 great greal grandchildren. Funeral sen’iccs were to be held al 2 p.m. July 9, al Graham Funeral Home Chapel by the Revs. Dairi Scott and Robert Bailey with burial following in Westlawn Gardens of Memory In Clemmons. Memorials may be made lo Davic ■•H>:nv4\me-8,..aV-Maccdonia.MDnwian—GoumHloni(^Heallh;-210-Hospital” Chureh wilh the Rev. Richard Shamel Street, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. officiating. Burial followed in the church graveyard. Memorials were to Iw considered for the Graveyard Fund of Macedonia Moravian Church. 700 N.C. Hwy. 801 North. Advance, N.C. 27006. David Charles James David Charles Janies, 35, of Lex­ ington. died Wednesday, July 2,1997. 1 Ie was bom Dec. 7,1961, in David­ son County to William Franklin and Rulh Mendenhall Janies. He was preceded in dealh by his p;irenis and a sisier, Elsie Janies. ! Sur\’ivingarehiswife,GerriYounlz Jiunes of Ihe home: u daughter, Casey Jiunesofthchome:ason, Dalton Janies of Ihe home; 2 sisters. Audrey J. Sink ofArcndiaandEidnaJ.NelsonofClem- rnons; 6 brothers, Monroe James and BnJce Janies, both ofMocksville, Ken- npth James and Clarence James, both ofClemrnons, Richard James of PfafT- town, and Doyle James of Walker- t(3wn: a number of nieccs and neph­ ews: and several great nieces and greal nephews. ; Funeral services werc to be held al 2-p.m. July 6. at Westlawn Gardens of Memory in Clemmons by the Rev. Roy Hoover. Enlombmenl followed in the n\ausoleuin. M ary Shepherd Propst ♦ MaryShcphcrdPropst,90,ofMcad- owbrook Terrace Nursing of Davie, died Salurday, July 5, 1997, at the nursing center after being declining lieaith for five years. : ¿oni Oct. 13. 1906, in Rowan County to the late Clercy Bame Shep- li’rdandMilton Shepherd, shcatiended the Rowan County schools and was a libniemaker.: ShcwasamemberofTradingFord ^plist Chureh.) She was preceded in death by her husband, Fred Monroe Propst Sr. j Surviving are 2 sons, J.W. Shep­ herd and Fred M. Propst, both of Salis­ bury; 2 daughters, Mary Beal of Ad­ vance and Grace Veach of Silisbury; 2 sisters,RuthPropstandMandyCasper, both of Salisbury; 12 grandchildren; 28 great grandchildren; and a great great grandchild.Funeral services were heidat 3 p.m. JulyB.alLyerly’sFuneralHomeJames C. Lyeriy Chapel by the Rev. Craig Edwards, pastorof New Hope Baptist Church with burial following at Trad­ ing Ford Baptist Church Cemetery. ¿Ulie Joe Mathis : Billie Joe Mathis. 70, of Winston- Salem, died unexpectedly al his home ftiifcy,July4,1997. ' He was the brother of James D. Ma^is of Advance. ' Funeral services were conductcd at I'l 4m. July 8, at Voglei’s Main Street Chapel by Dr. Wayne Fulton and the Rev, Floy^Boles. V irgil O liver Hester ! Virgil Oliver Hester, 86, of Winston-Salem, died Sunday, July 6, t»7, al N.C. Baptist Hospital. ; He was the father of Virgil R. "Kick" Hester of Advance. : Funetal services were conducted al 11 a.m. July 9. al 'Vogler's Clenunons Chapel by Ihe Rev. Daviil Miynud wilh burial following at W HM ft Chapel Church of Christ ___ijBMKttlllChnilBoD.«----— Velma Reavis Broom Velma Reavis Broom, SO.ofSalis- buiy, died Monday, July 7, 1997, al Rowan Regional Medical Center after a serious illness of one week. Bom June 18, 1917, in Yadkin County lo the late Ida Bell Wooten and Giles Reavis, she was educated in the Yadkin Counly schools and was a homemaker. She attended Rowan Chrisllan As­ sembly of god in Graniic Quanry and was a member of the Disabled Ameri­ can Veterans Auxiliary. She was prc*ceded in dealh by her first husband, Edward Boyagcn Wells; and her sccond husband, Karl Albert Broom.She issurvivedby a son, Gary Wells of Faith; and 2 grandchildren. A graveside scrvice was held al 11 a.m. July 9, at Salisbury National Cem­ etery by the Rev. Glynn Dickens. Davie History Teriy De'dmbn sWrnltted W^^ of the Hugh M. Goodman store In Cooleemee, made in about 1929. Gus Dedmon is In ttie car, and the little boy Is Hayden Benson. Old photographs for this section are welcomed. T^ey may be of people, buildings, events or places in Davie County. Bring them by the Enterprise office on South i\/lain Street, iWocksville. Ray W. House Ray W. House, 91, of Cniy, fot- nicrly of Monroe, died Monday, July 7, 1997, at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Bom Dcc. 19,1905,inCooleemce, he was the son of the late James David and Mary Ann Gars'ard House and was a retired tcacher. He was preceded in dealh by his wife, Mabel Andrews House. Surviving are 2 sons. David W. House of Winston-Salem and Don R. House of Advance; a daughter, Martha H, Helms of Cary; 2 sisters. Muriel Benson and Helen Kuhlman, bolh of Columbia, S.C; 12 grandchildren; and 4 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conductcd at 11 a.m. July 9, at Finit Baptist Church of Monroe. Enlombmenl followed in Lakeland Memorial Park In Monroe. A memorial service was to be held at 4 p.m. July 9, at Bermuda VlUaee Rclirement Center in Advance. Memorials may be made to l^rst Baptist Church, 109 Morrow Avenue, Monroe,N.C.28112ortoMabelHouse Scholanihip, c/o Meredith College Advancement Office, 3800 Hillsboro Street, Raleigh, N.C 27607. M iilanlFlavalCarsw eU MillaidFlavalCarswell,69,ofLex- ln8ton,diedThursday,July3,1997,at his home. He was Ihe faiher of Jennifer Carswell Briere of Advance. Funeral seivices were conducted at2p.m.July5,alMidwayBapli.stChun:h by the Revs. Cecil Woriey and Dan Walser. Burial followed in Midway Baptist Chureh Cemetery. W . Wesley Sm ith W. Wesley Smilh, 78, of Burilngton, died Monday, July 7, 1997, alter seven months of failing health and Iwo months of critical illness. He was the father of GaitPage of Advancc. Fuiwral services were lobe held al 2 p.m. July 9, at Shaltowfotd United Church of Christ by the Rev. Leslie Holley with burial follow'ing In AUunance Memorial Parifc______ C o n t r o l S t r e s s Many of us today live fast-paced, busy lives, oftencomplicatcdby stress. According to Dr. Wayne Solilc, "stress is whal happens emotionally nnd physically when you aro faced wilh the necessity of adapting." Sotile suggests lhat there are six areas of life that can be stressful: •Lack of lime due to ovcr-comniit- ment. •Tbe need for personal spacc-atiuict place to escape to regularly. •A noisy environment. •Trying lo live up to others' stan­ dards. •Problems wilh interpersonal rela­ tionships. •Change. Knowing which of these potential stressors affects you, and learning how tocope wilh stress in positive ways will help you gain some control over your life. For many of us. behavior changes arc necessary lo alleviate stress (leam­ ing to say no when you don't have lime for another project, for instance). Al­ lhough these changes can be difficult in themselves, Sotile suggests taking snuill steps toward the bigger goal as way to begin taking control. N e w R e v o lu t io n a r y L iq u id S p r a y R e lie v e s A r t h r it is P a in ! (Spccial) An ¡itnazing all natural liquid spray known as EXTRA RELIEF has been formtiialed to give you fast penetrating relief ot^: * arthritis pain * bursitis * rheumatism * sport.s iiyuries * sprains and strains * backaches and more! Tills unique liquid herbal spray contains over 30 powerful pain relieving heibs. EXTRA RELIEF helps promote circulation, reduce inflamtnalion, soothes sore muscles and joints. EXTRA RELIEF is available in spcciftc strengths for Arthritis and Sports injuries. EXTRA RELIEF challenges you. Try for 30 days. If not completely satisfted, return for a full refund. Available at these fine locations.eainwitlisiuUhfiJuim Just spray it on and Ihe pain is gone. Foster-Rauch Drug Co. Davie Discount Drugs 4W V»lk> to.. Motlmllk, NC. 634-2141 Ut Mirtiail St.. CooliCTiit, NC. iM-2a7 ii IT H E P H O R E PLACE, INC. S E R V I N G DAVIE & SURROUNDING COUNTIES FOR MORE THAN M OTOROLA TELE TAC 2501with cigarette ^lighter adaptor ^ 121 Depot St. M ocksville, NC т м м ш б м г HOURS: Mon-Fri 8un-5pm Sat9am-lpm 7 0 4 - 6 3 4 - 2 6 2 6 “ New line of Mivice with 12 month commitmint and crtdli approval raquinid. Fraa 360 mirtutM can bt uaad whartvar packaoa minute« apply, but must ba uaad within thraa montha ol actfvatkm. Package minutaa mutt ba uaad baforapromoMonil. minutas appv. No refunds or cradits ba ghm for any unusad portion ot tho 360 minutaa. Roarning. long dManoa, and lol I chargaa apfiy. Other restrfcttons apply. OHar anda July 31.1997. ______ щ т л т I-,12 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD; July 10, Ì W A d m in is tr a t iv e C o u r t The following eases werc disposed of In Administrative Court on June 20. Presiding: Magistrate Robert Cook. Prosecuting: David Hall, assistant DA. —Susan L Anders, 64 mph In a 50 mph zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment. $10 fine. cosl. —Joanna E. Dabbilt. expired regis­ tration card, dismissed. —Christie L. Bamhardt. Inspa'tion violation, dismissed, corrected. —Janet K. Beckert, 80 mph in a 70 mph гопе, reduced to improper equip­ ment, S10 fine, cost: expired openitor's licensc, dismissed. —Charles N. Bennett, expired reg­ istration card, dismissed. —Patrick Bledsoe, license not in possession, dismissed. —Christopher Bradford, inspection violation, dismissed. —Clint D. Brown. 70 In a 55 zone, reduced to improper equipn^em. $10 fine, cost. —Julie L. Burger, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to 74 mph In a 70 mph zone. $5 fine. cost. —Jeffrey N. Campbell. 85 in a 70 zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed. —Kenneth J. Capron. 69 mph In a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper -equipment, S10 fine, costr- —Stephen L. Carlson, driving left of center, dismissed, civil settlement. —James S. Caudle. 69 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo 64 in 55. S5 fine, cosl. —CliUvnccA.CIark.exceedingsafe speed, dismissed. —Donald L. Collins. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10 fine. cost. —Allison H. Cook, no operator's license, dismissed. —Jason A. Correll. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10 fine. cost. —Rachelle M. Cox. 68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improperequip- ment. $10 fine. cost. —Joycc C. Cregar. 60 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to 54 mph in a 45 zone. $25 fine, cost; failure to wear seat belt. —Rebecca M. Cregar. 66 mph in a 55 mph zone, guilty; failure to wear seat belt, $25 fine, cost. —Jennifer L. Crows, license not in possession, dismissed. -Atexandra F. Davis, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost. —Christopher J. Davis, failure to wear scat belt, dismissed. —Jimmy Delong, expired registra­ tion card, dismissed, corrected. -Mary M. Dulin. no liability in­ surance. dismissed, corrected. —Bryan P. Edwards. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10 fine. cost. —Gary Ferguson. 69 mph In a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ menl. $10 fine. cost. —Travis W. Freeman. 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine. cost. —Rodney B. Fulk. failure to secure load, dismissed. —Keith V. Gillian. 77 mph In a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10 fine, cosl. —Curtis H. Godbey, failure to re­ duce speed, dismissed. —Christine A. Gunter, 68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10 fine, cost. —Andrew J. Hanschu, 60 mph ina 45 zone, reduced to 54 in a 45 zone. —Janice P. Hartsell. 68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Scou B. Hollenbeck, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, and failure lo wear seal belt $25 fine. cosl. —Glenn S. Howard, 69 mph ina 50 mirfi zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Craig A. Jairetl. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to 74 mph in a 70 mph zone, $5 fine. cost. —Brown L Johnson. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost —Nancy M. Johnson, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equijxnent, $10 fine, cost. —^Nathan S. Joyce, mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine. cost. —William J. Kayder, 80 mph In a 10 mfti zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine. cost. —Alfred L. Kinder, 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improperequip- ment, $10 fine, cost —Bjocn M. Kiser, 83 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10 fine, cost • r-tlamesE. Kivett,failuretofeduce • iMiP.Udue.expiredregislra' tion c]ud, dismissed. —Gaiy D. tail, expired registra­ tion, dismissed. —Robert L Lashmit, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed. —Rita A. Laws, 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost. —Cymhia D. Ledford, 68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipmenl, $10 fine. cost. —Sharon D. Lentz, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to 74 mph In a 70 mph zone, $5 fme, cost; expired operator’s license, dismissed. —Damian T. Lewis, 70 mph in a 55 niph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine. cost. —Jen G. Lin. 80 mph in u 70 mph zone, reduced lo 74 mph in a 70 mph zone. $5 fine, cost. -Katherine J. Lowe, no operator’s license, dismissed. —William J. Lundberg. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to Improper equipment, $10 fine. cost. —Brigete S. Mam. no operator's license, dismissed. —James C. Mauhews, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipment. $10 fine. cosl. ---CharlesR. Maysi SOmphin a 70 • mph /one. reduced to improper equip­ ment. $10 fine, cosl. —James B. McBride, inspecllon violation, dismissed. —Tilomas К. Melton. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipment. $10 fine, cost. —Douglas B. Meihvin. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to 74 mph In a70 mph zone, $5 fine, cosl. —Lisa W. Miller. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improperequip- ment.$10fime. cost. —Natalie J. Morris. 70 mph in a 55 zone, reduced lo 64 in a 55 zone, $5 fine. cosl. —Jennifer L. Myers, unsafe move­ ment, dismissed. —Drew E. Newman, 67 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $tO fine, cost; improper passing, reduced to unsafe movement. —^Thomas E Nicholson, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost. —StephenJ.Pasokarois. SOmphin a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10 fine, cost. —Timothy R. Patterson. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cosl. —Richard R. Peace, 50 mph in a 35 mph zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $10 fine. cost. —Roger W. Pinson, expired operator’s license, dismissed; expired federal inspection on vehicle, dis­ missed. —Michael G. Pope, 83 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced lo improper equip­ menl. $10 fine. cost. —Maria R. Price. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo 64 mph in a 55 mph zone. $5 fine. cost. —Teresa B. Pritchard, 80 mph In a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine, cost —Jose A. Recresa, noise ordinance violation, cosl. —Vetta P. Reese, 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment, $10 fine, cost —Kcmal N. Ressa, expired regls- uation card, dismissed. —William R. Reynolds, 68 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment $10 fine, cost —Roger D. Sain, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine, cost —Tania B. Sales, no operator’s li­ cense, dismissed. —Sara W. Scolt, 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine, cost —Luler Jo Bell Setter, 80 mph in a 70 zone, reduced U) 74 in a 70 zone. —Randy L. Sheets. 50 mph in a 35 mph zone, reduced to 1трторег equip­ ment $10 fine, cost —Donald M. Shortt. 68 mph In a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine, cost -Patricia L. Smilh. 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine. cost -Kenneth G. Stanley, 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to 64 mph In a 55 mph zone, $5 fine, cost. —Christopher L. Staples. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment. $10 fine, cost —Brandi A. Stovall, expired regis­ tration card, dismissed. —Ronnie J. Thompson, 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment $10 fine, cost. —John C. Thomeburg, failure to slop for slop sign, reduced lo improper equipmenl. $10 fine, cost. —Patricia D. Tillery, 69 mph in a 55 mph zone.reduced lo64 mph in a55 mph zone, $5 fine, cost. —Jack R. Trude, 72 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment $10 fine, cost —Bradley A. Tultle. 70 mph In a55 mph zone, reduced to 64 mph in a 55 mph zone. $5 fine, cost. —Ryan S. Vasscy. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equip- •memi$10 fine, cost. —Randy G. Vaughn, 67 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equipment, $10 fine, cost -Beatrice S. Vaughters. no child restraint system, $25 fine. cost. —Pamela D. Vaughters. no operator's license, $25 fine, cosl. —David L. Vemon. 84 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 79 in a 70 zone. —Brenda F. Vick, no operator's license, dismissed. —Edward L. Walker, 80 mph in a 70mph zone, reduced to74 mph in a70 mph zone, $5 fine, cost —Gary L. Warren, inspection vio- lation, dismissed. —Wesley D. Weaver. 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to Improper equipment. $10 fine, cost. —Scot A. Weigand. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine. cost —Rita S. Whitesides. 84 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to 79 mph In a 70 mph zone, $5 fine, cost. —Eliza M. Whitney, failure lo re­ duce speed, dismissed. —Johnny M. Whilt 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to $10 fine, cost. —Jesse L. Wilcox. 69 mph In a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine, cost —^James K. Williams. 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $10 fine. cosl. , —Thomas Williams, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduced to improper equipment $10 fine. cost. . —JohnAllenWood.50mphina45 zone, reduced lo 54 In a 45 zone, $5 fine, cost —Teresa S. York. 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, rcduced to improper equip­ ment $10 fine, cost —Matthew T. Young, 67 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to improper -eqtiipmcntilO fine, cosl.....—....— Triabi Waived The following waived their righl to a court trial and paid fines in advancc. —Danny G. Baugus. inspection violation, no registration card. —Richard L. Davis. 59 mph in a45 mph zone. —Samantha J. Tuule, no child re­ straint system. Failed to Appear Thc following failed lo appear for Iheir scheduled court trial. —Kevin R. Bivens, 80 mph in a70 mph zone. —Matthew M. Britt expired regis- iration card. -Miguel Candela, no operator’s licensc. —Ronald C. Carson, inspection violation, registration violation. —Patricia L. Church, 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. —Luis Cid 11,70 mph in a 55 zone. —Steven C. Clements, fidlure to wear seal bell, no child restraint. —Jose N. Conde, no operator’s li­ cense. —Anh Huy Due Dao. 80 mph In a 70 mph zone. —Julian A. Dejusus, 68 mph in a55 mph zone. —Gregory A. Foxx, 79 mph In a 70 mph zone. —Wesley N. Froeiich, failure to wear seat belt. —^Tommy E. Gray, failure to wear seal belt no child restraint system. —William A. Hammer, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. —Glen K. Hardy, 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. —Michael W. Hensley, 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. —Ricardo C. Hernandez, noise or­ dinance violation. —Tanya M. Hollingsworth, inspec- .. tion violation.....................—...... —Kenneth W. Holmes. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. —Fransisco Javier, no operator’s license, mirror violation. —Phillip D. Johnston, exceeding posted speed. —Jerry A.Jones,DWI,drivingbeer/ wine while driving. —Paul A. Klnser, 69 mph In a 55 mph zone, failure lo wear seat belt —John L. McGhee, 89 mph in a 70 mph zone. -^Willie D. McLaurin. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. —Lopez A. Mejias. 80 mph In a 70 mph zone, —Martin M. Njunge, 80 mph In ti 70 mph zone. —April N. Norwood. 92 mph in a'' 65 mph zone. —Joe G. Passalino, 80 mph in a 70 ^ mph zone. —Vincent S. Pcrrotta, failure to. wear seat belt -David L. Potts, failure to wear scat belt. -James K. Ray, no operator’s 11- ’ cense. —Derek V. Reynolds. nooperalor’S license. -Maurice M. Richardson. 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. —Orestes A. Rios. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone, failure to stop for slop sign. —Jason E. Schmidt, failure to wear seal belt. i —Eari L. Schrock, failure to yield for stop sign. —Cheryl W. Smith. 70 mph in a 55 mph zone. -William E. Smool. inspecllori violation. -Roosevelt B. Stokes, no operator's license. —John F. Stout exceeding posted speed, license nol In possession. .....—Melvin C-.SummcrsetlCiCxpited— registration, inspection violation. —Lisa J. Tyrrell. 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. -Ernest B. Williams, failure to reduce speed. —Alan J. Williamson, inspection violation. —Cedric G. Wilson, possession ofl alcoholic beverage by person under- 21. —Anthony S. Woods, exceeding- safe speed, hit/run failure to stop for property damage.' —Merrisu Wulman, 83 mph in a /0; mph zone. W ith Computer Bankinq, You Can Have All Your Bills Paid in 20 Minutes. And That Includes 15 Minutes Of Putting It Off. ■ v iiw iIQ W A Reaching those iohoneedh^p. T b u c h in g u e a if ь Л в - о п , Now paying your bills is almost as easy as telling someone else to do it for you. Just click the mouse, and voila! Bill is paid. No more stamps. No morc envelopes. Oncc you set up a vendor, paying them is as easy as pressing a button on your keylxnrd. Computer Banking also lets JBU chcck account balaiKCS and liistovies, transfer funds, and reorder checks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can even download information to your personal financial software. With CCB Computer Banking all you’ll need, besides a PC and a modem, is the desire to make your banking a whole lot easier. For a free CCB Computer Banking demonstration and information on our two-month free trial, just stop by one of our offices. Or, call us 7 days a week at 1-800-422-2226. Now, the most difficult part about taking care of your banking and paying your bills will be putting down that remote. . Central Carolina Bank. W e’ll help you find a fray.® Free Demonstration • Two-Month Free Trial DÀVÏÉ CÖÜNTV É N T É R P iu S E ^Ò lw ; ÏO, UW - B l F a st P itc h S e n io rs T ake R rs t T w o T o u m a m e n t By Brian Pitts Davie Couniy Emcrprise Rcconl On a sweltering day, Southwest Forsyth's senior girls melted against Davie American's hoi pitcher, Ashley Sanders, who went all Ihe way in a 9-3 win Friday at the Davic Youlh Complex. ■ - .The victory, the team's sccond in thc all-star DistrictIIToumament,cntnpulledDavleintoa July 8 showdown with East Surry, last year's district chomp. ;. "(Ashlcy)didareallygrealjob,"saidCoach Made WhitIey."Keep in mind thatihe tempera­ ture was at least In the upper 90s with no wind. It was very hot and she jusl stayed right in Ihere." , Sanders, who allowed eight hits, wobbled in the first inning but soon found her groove. "She walked the first iwobatters ofthe game but only four more afier that" Whitley said. "Beyond her good pitching, wc just had great defensiveplay.Everydefensiveplaythat needed to be made was done. We had one error and that mnner didn't .score, so our defensive play was jusl super." Davie jumped Southwest district mnner-up from la.st year, for four rans in the .second, pushed thc lead to 8-0 in Ihe fourth and cruised the rest of the way. "We preity much had control of this one from thc second Inning on," .said Whitley, who got one hil each from Ember Spillman, Stacy Queen and Kim Hilton. "We took advantage of Iheir mistakes. They made four errors and wc made them pay for those." The East Surry-Davie winner moved to Friday's winner's bracket final in Kemersville. "llie winnershould havcarc*al sUDngchance of going on and winning thc district," Whitley said. "I think the leam has high expectations. They expect a lol of themselves and I'm hoping they’ll play to their capabilities. If they will, 1 think wc'll do real well. From here on out the competition Is pretty stifT." Davic 14, King 7 A lO-run third inning paced visiting Davie against King, a traditional power in fast-pitch •softball. ."We drew a lough bracket bul we've already knocked two of them off," Whitley said. Pilchers Shannon Handy, Hillon tmd Jes­ sica Whitley overpowered King, combining to strike out 10 and only allow two hits. Handy, who hammered King for three in* nlngs, exiled after four. Innings, Hilton lasted one and Whitley slammed the door in the sixth ond seventh. "In the first three innings, Shannon was just super," Whitley said. They got to her a little in the fouilh with two hits and we made a couple of errors. Kim did a good Job and Jessica just closed it out She did a great Job. loo." If Ihings go as planned, Whitley’s giris will continue to ride In their pitchers' sidecar. . "We've gol some very strong pitchers." Whitley said. "Wc should be very competitive against anybody wc face. I feel sure lhal our pitching will keep us in about ony gome, be­ cause we've just got strong pitching and a real good defensive team as well." • Amber Hamm, the leadoff bolter, set the tone with a fiht-lnnin^ double lo the fence. "Thai gol everything off and going for us," Whitley said.... Ashley Quinn was 2 for 4, including her first-ever home ran, a three-run . shot in the third over the 2bo-foot fence. "She got a hold of one and sent it out of there," Whitley said.... Hilton was 2 for 4 with four RBIs and two runs scored. •Thcremalnderoftheroslerincludes: Ember Spillman, Amber Carter, Haley Queen, Amy Campbell. Brandi Comatzer, Brooke Ball and Jerri Ann Angell. ... Gene Queen and Jim Sanders are Whitley's assistants, but the help doesn't stop there.'There’sreallyawholegroup of parents who are helping ^ a lot of things to be honest," Whilley said. "We are getting ifreat support from everybody."... The toumament is double-elimination and the age'^are 13'15l Езф'з Char^Ups keep Umpire Cecil Mock calls Mocksvllle-Davie runner Joe Burchette safe as Rowan County first baseman Craig Powers applies the tag. - Photo by Jam es Barringer Davie Sluggers Baffled By Eagle's Pitching By Brian Pitts Davie County Enterprise Record SALISBURY - One after another, Mocksville-Davie American Legion l^ r s walked back to the dugout fol­ lowing empty at-bau against Rowan County's Rocky Eagle. Some rolled their eyes, others shrugged their shoulders. : Mocksville was clueless against Eagle, who retired the first nine men of the game, faced the minimum through five innings and allowed just two run­ ners to reach sccond base, leading Rowan toaS-Ovictocy inGameBofthe Southern Division’s semifinal playoff series July 1 at Newman Park. The win gave Rowan a 3-0 lead in the best-of-7 series. A finesse pitcher. Eagle scattered five singles in a complete-game win. striking out four and walking one. MocksvillecoachGeorge Daywalt who adoresEaglc’sdemeanorand style, ranks the right-hander as Rowan's fore­ most arm. "I’ve said before lhat I think he's a belter pitcher than (Rowan’s Chris) Chandler by far. because he’s a pitcher and ahanl worker.’' said Daywalt. "His attitude is a big plus to him. and you couldn’t ask for anything any better than that." Eagle, a hyperactive craftsman who polished off Mocksville in less than two hours, threw 51 of his first 74 pitches for strikes and only needed 84 to record 27 outs. '’I think people that know about baseball sat here and watched the boy work a really good game." said Day­ walt whose club broke up Eagle’s no­ hit bid In the fourth on Shane Allen's single. "His infield played behind him, he threw strikes and stayed in com­ mand all the time. He hodeverybody in the gome." Fifteen times Mocksville either grounded or popped out in the infield. "I knew we werc going to hit the ball off turn bui he just localed... that's all he was uying to do was make some­ body hit aground boll." Rowancoach Jim DeHart said: "He's our type. Our defense pUys a lol belter behind him. If you’ll notice, 1 don’t think wc made an error and that's typi­ cal of the way we play when he pitches. "They didn’t really get a solid hit. There were some chinkers in the in- fieldand outfield, undthat’spretty good against a good team like Mocksville." Rowan scored single runs in the first.thirdandfounhinningsolTMocks- ville starter Victor Patti, who look the exit ramp when Rowan lugged him for thc game's final two rans in the fifth. "We pecked away, wc took advan­ tage of whal they gave us," DeHart said. Please See Salisbury • P&ge 82 Rocky Eagle of Rowun County boflled Mocksville-Davle's Ameri­ can Legion baseball team with a heavy sinker and effective changeup in a 5-0 win in Game 3 of the Southern Division semifinol playoff series. Eagle threw a fivc-hitter nnd had thc funs home shortly after dark. "He throws sidearm and thc ball sinks and he's got a slider, curve ball and changeup," said Rowan coach Jim DeHart. "A lot ofthe balls were changeups that they werc hitting on the ground. They try to WU that pitch, and they're nol going to be able lo kill il. Thai's been proven over and over." Mocksville coach George Daywalt accepted defeat gracefully, handing Eagle all the credit. "We never really stung the ball," he said. "Wc got a few old chinks here and there, but he never made many mistakes. I told the players: ’He never gave you anything to hit.* "That's whot you coll pitching, because kids gel il in their heads lhal everybody has gol lo throw it by everybody and that's not the way you pitch. Right here is how you pilch." Daywalt wolched the conclusion of Game 4, a 14-0 season-ending loss, from thc grandstands after being ejected by thc plole umpire in the sixth inning. Daywalt became irritable just moments after the National An­ them, when Rowan leadoff man Juslin Wishon was called safe at first base after appearing to run oul of Ihe base line to avoid the tag of first baseman Victor Patti, who fielded Wishon’s drag bunt. The base umpire saw a differenl play. "The first call of ihe ball game, lhal really bothered me when Wishon ran out ofthe base line and Ihey called him safe," Daywalt said. "Then we just couldn't hit thc ball or get anything going." DeHart wasn't amazed by the dominance of Brian Holley, who rode a six-hitter to a 14-0 shutout in thc series-deciding fourth game at Rich Park. "I’ve known Hatley sincc he was this high," he sold, measuring lo his knees. "I know the kid can pitch. He's 0 competitor. He didn't throw but 98 pitches." If anyone presumed that Rowan would coast through Game 4 was badly mistaken. DeHart's bullies brought their brooms. "These guys wanted to end il bccausc we know how dangerous (Mocksville) can be," he said. "If they would have won lhal second gome, this could have been a completely differenl series and I'm a sincere believer in lhal." Mocksville led 5-0 through five innings bul became unhinged like a screen door in a tornado at that point, losing 13-8 and falling for the second night In a row ofter leoding Ihc majority of the way. "They let it get away from Ihem and we werc jusl fortunate." DeHart said. "Sometimes it happens. It can . take everything out of you and then you say, ’My gosh, what kind of lead is good enough.' That starts entering into you mind.” Slats you wouldn't dare ask for Mocksvillc was 7-0 on Saturdays. ... Mocksvillc, which allowed 10 or more rons Just once in its first 22 games, yielded double figures in five of its final eight contests.... Heading into the Rowan series, Mocksville had outscorcd oppo­ nents 41-10 in the first inning, bul Rowan outscorcd Mocksville 3-0 in the opening frame in the semifinals. ... Nathan Ireland, who never led Mocksville in batting throughout the year, ended up as the team's. leading hitter at .369, six points ahead of Jansen Keene, who was only 4 for 16 (.250) against Rowan. Team To Compete For Title Sagging Spirits Drag Mocksville Down 14-0 ^BriuPKtsItavle County Enleiprise Rccord ■ Brian Hatley of Rowan County's A n m i c i m Legion baseball leam look •: iDetocchfromleamraaleRccky Eagle : ipd sm o k e d Mocksvllle-Davie 14-0 ' iuly2alMandoField,complellnga4- 0 sweep In the serainnal series bf Ihe Southern Division playoffs. , •. MocksvillecoachOeorgeDaywall : ¡iiaumedlhalhlsclub,down3-0inUie ■ besl-of-? series coming In, would be a lelHed bunch, an uninspired gioup Hi^nnly niuuged sbt Hinges. : ■; ■ Hiiley,aftey<heekedl5-yearoId : played for Dink SmiUi's Davie AAU team for the last ihice w m MOI ■ attilbuted that to Mocksville's sagging spirits. *I thought we would get up and play," said Daywalt. whose club fin­ ished Ihe year 18-12. "1 thought we had a clutnce to win this one but wc never did gel up. If we would have got some- jusl bunted loward Ihe second base­ man three limes in arowand il woiked.” Ilieniaiginwas7-0bylhelhiidand 12-0 by Ihe sixth, a soft pillow for Hatley 10 lie im. 'He's got a long way to go," Day-thlng staited early, we might have hod. wall said of Hailey, who delivered a a chance.' Top-seeded Rowan look Ihe aur oul ofMocksvillc, Ihe fifth seed, from Ihe oulsel, bunting for Ihree successive hlls and going ahead 2-0 off slaiter Desny Swaim, Ihe fint of four Mocks­ ville pitchers. Jim DcHait, Rowan's coach, de­ tected a seam in Mocksville's infield.' "I'll tell you why we (bunted)," he said. "In Ihe previous games, we've noticed thal the second baseman (Nathan Ireland) was way back so we -------^ shuloul one night afler Eagle's domi­ nating peifoimance. "I mean, I don't Ihinkll was his pitching. IlwasjusI lhal we were fiat. "I know he shut us oul but we were flal.IwalkedbyhomeplaleacoupIeof times and I saw him try 10 throw IWO or three curve balls, and ll looked like Ihey weren't doing anything.” DeHaitsensedafragileMocksvllle leam. "Yes, (Hailey) did impress me ag^nst a good team, bul they were a lilllc down tonight," he said. "I Ihink Ihe two nins in Ihe first Inning really took Ihe wind ouloflheir sails. They're a good ball club, il's just one of Ihose Ihings.... It can happen to anybody." When Ihe end finally came, Day- wallconductediheinevilable postgame huddle, a final chat until next spring. "You cant really say a whole lot; That's il and we don't play anymore,'" he said. "We talked about Ihe good pans ofthe year. ...You can't dwell on . the bad paits. "I'dliketohave seen us win two ball games in Ihe series. Tiiat wodd have made it a whole lot better, which I thought we were capable of doing and. came close lo doing, but we didn't gel > Heaw See A Blowout Tlie Davie American 9-10 year-old all-slarsoftballteam will begin ilsquest for a District II championship against Randleman Friday night al Ihe Davie Youlh Complnal 7 p.m. Coach rtave Mllchell's giris are ca­ pable ofa long waltz ihrough Ihe tour­ nament field. "I dunk we've got a lot of laleni," he said. The real key is just getting them lo play together as a team. I Ihink we'U be veiy strong on defense and so far, U» girts have been hitting veiy vrell in die cage." Summer vacations Ihrew a kink in Mitchell's eariy plans. n n K S K S g A M - r ^ M В2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,1997 V V. « " Р Ш ■ V V ' u - Fans on the “Mocksville Mountain" saw their last action (or 1997 last week as the Mocksville-Davie team lost the final game to Salisbury. -PhotosbyJamesBarrlnger Joe Burchette tries to hold up on a pitch from Salisbury's Brian Hatley. Scott Cornatzer of Mocksville hustles to first, but Is out against Salisbu^ at Mando Field. Salisbury W ins Gam e Three Call Carolina PRIMESfiR' Continued From Page Bl Reliever Brian Anlhony threw shut­ out ball over the (Inal 3 2/3. allowing just four ba.sc runncR and striking oul three. ab r h blRoHun 4 0 1 U Wishon 4 0 0 0 lawman 4 0 0 0 Pottcn 4 0 10 ilomm 3 0 0 0 Hamrick Ridenhour 3 0 0 0 William»Ireland 3 0 10 Hailey The M in i Dish Satellite Service per day M-DAllenMillerWanJKecncDurcheile Swaim Cornatzer 3 0 10 Heard 2 0 10 Cline ab г h bi 4 2 2 0 4 13 13 M 0 4 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 12 0 3 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 1/No Equipment To Purchase Prime Star Supplies & Maintains Atl Equipment YOUR DAVIE COUNTY PRIMESTAR DEALER 91&-998-4809 or 1-800-441-6408 Mocksville-Davie pitcher Destry Swaim fires a pilch toward home In team's final game. MDRowan ООО ООО 000 -0 101 120 OOx-S C a t a w b a S o c c e r C a m p s "Qualiti/ at mt affordable price." M-D IP il R ER BB soI^lti L 4.3 9 5 3 I 0Anihony 3.7 3 0 0 0 3Rowan IP H R ER BB SOEagle W 9 S 0 0 1 4 A Blowout Continued Fn>m Page Bl the job done." ab r h biM-D 3 2 2 1 Allen 6 3 3 1 Miller 6 12 2 Ward 5 2 4 3 Keene4 12 2 Patli Sill Burchellc5 I 1 0 treUiKl 4 2 12 Snow 5 I 2 I PUIS Comalzer Siyera Half Day Camp-' Full Day Camp- Residential--- -$55- .$110- -$295~ —ages 5-8 -ages 8-18 -ages 8-18 RowanWiihonHeardСск'пшPntt-en Honon tianuick Ballard №>ГГег Qline ab r h bl 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 10 4 0 2 0 4 0 10 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 I ООО 1 SIGN UP NOW-LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE I July 14-18 Half Day, Full Day & Residential, ages 5-15 July 21-25 Half Day, Full Day & Residential, ages 5-15 July 28- Aug. 1 Full Day, Residential, Individuals and Senior Teams, ages 14*J8 only. I FOR BOYS AND GIRLS OF ALL AGES Cull for an application todai/l Telephone: 704^7-0561 Fax: 704^7-0952 205 085 020-14 MD ОМООООЮ-0 low u IP Я R ER BB SOHalleyW 9 6 0 0 2 5M-D IP H R E t BB SO-SwaiinL 4 10 7 7 0 3Amhony 2 6 5 5 1 2 ?tofen 2 2 2 2 1 4 HkMttur 1 0 0 0 0 0 : u.c. ftu i Asietìatìan m S H I N E U N E Answtn to youroptn gonmmnt qiuitlons nt- U h tm '•яп«пггга1Ы.<т Saturday Night rA’ ‘ Oates open for practice at 6 p.m. FIRST fU C t AT 8 P.M. BUDW EISER 100 3 ^ LADIES’ NIGHT! ,1 ... I ......................... 100-Uip Modlfi#d R ac* MmMen; AMs, It tnd ettar - AgMe-tt-tl CNHranun*r ________РШЛУОМяи M ar-tio Аем1МГ-М ||М1по1п9:<П«)7ШШ S nS mS« A LL A M E R IC A N FO R D -M E R C U R Y M I S T A K E S C O S T M O N E Y YOU ARB PROBABLY 20 MINUTES OR LESS AWAY FROM THE BEST DEAL ТООСА Н Ш ОМА HEW FORD OR MERCURY! SHOP ALL AMEBICAN FORD AND GET MORE. ★ и т № ш т , т к ш ш ш Е а п ш щ ш т ш п .★ FMCaaiTAMIMKFIUIICIIfiXrTNEKSTRAIEraSSIIU. ★ т9штмжт,штшйшб,п0,»11тш№ат(ят. ★ m e u n a V N IU IIL E ,M n a S U IIE ,M N (N m . .................................,^ ш ш ш т т т ш 1 м т т :ш ш.тшв^.. DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD» July 10,1997 - ВЭ^: Pitts iJqvIe Couniy Enterprise Record six Mocksville-Davie Ameri- 2«;Legion baseball players, (his is l^ir final lap. \ I ^Kurof Mocksville's hardened vet­ erans - Brian Anthony, Jwscn Keene, •PffiDIp Rogers and Destry Swaim, who hay& played at leasi ihree year, .sur- vivSia test that Iransfomicd them from jvide-eycd rookies into veterans who 5«tlhe pace for Ihc rest ofthe team. :*;iolinStyersandDavidPottslatched liCifiahcir final year of eligibility. JattMn Keene • Z 'Did being a member of Surry Com- jjMfl/ty College's team enhance your ^2^ offensively and on llie moutui? '"imalol more relaxed," said Keene. Mixlcsville'sleadinghiltcral .380head­ ing into Ihe second round of the play­ offs. "Lasl year. I was thinking: Tve gol toget a hil, I've gol logel a hil.*This year,;rm thinking: 'If I pop up, I pop ;l^V'rm real relaxed and I go from College experience was really : ^ ^ I wilh me coming back as a Jrpi ': -"J might be iwo to three mphi faster tB^lasiyear," said Keene, who was 2- ^wilh a 3i3 ERA going i nto Monday's jfcntf I pitched righl much al college, iiiidt^m u.sed to pitching to college- )»Mhd batters. I know what to throw and when to ihrow il. and my curveball is working really good." Whal’s ll like to play for Mocks­ ville? "Mocksville is just a great place to play al. I've never had any problems with my teammates, and it's a real fun place lo go. (The coaches) will do anything for us. and lhai's all you can ask for. "We go oul and try to give the faas a good lime, and not lo mention that we play in one of the best parks in the stale." Phillip Rogers Wilh average velocity, how have you managed to be successjul, espe­ cially this year while posting a 7-1 record for Davie High and a 2.84 ERA in legion? "I hook 'em," said Rogers, laugh­ ing. "I don'l throw 75.1 just ihrow a bunch of changeups. I'll ihrow a 3-2 botlom-of-lhe-ninlh curveball, I don't care. I have confidence to Ihrow a curve in any count. I mix ll up and hil spots.". Whal do you like best about legion ? •The compelition." said Rogers, who hMspeM^ around baseball. "It's iht besi around unlit college and il's always exciting. "I've been watching legion games sincc felus - and I’m sure before then. I've always wenl to ihe games, even to Ihc away ones." Dcstiy Swaim Howfrustrating M’o.T the slow start, which H’d! partly caused by an Injured arm? "Firsl of all, I was oulofsh^," said Swaim, a rising sophomore at N.C. Stale. "1 worked myself back but my arm wasjust killing me. When 1 staited wanning up lo pitch against Lexing­ ton, it was throbbing. I wenl to the doctor and he said 1 had a case of lendomtis." All of a sudden, you became of the Ieam'smoslrellablehltters,golng7for 15 during one stretch and attaining a .311 average going into this week. "I've never really beenahilter down here - all I'ye done is pilch - but 1 always hit well (at Starmounl High). Bul here I was jusi used for pitching, so I kind of got pushed into lhal role. "I’m seeing ihe ball well and Coach (George) Daywalt has taught me a lol ofthings." Whal’s the lasl three years been like? "Meeting guys from other schools, thal's always fiin. Bul. basically, jusi the atmosphere (is great). I mean, il's nq^mglite like you're on a different level when you come down to Mocksville and play." Brian Anlhony Haw big of a plus was your experi­ ence from Montreal College, a NAIA HITTING Legion Statistics F i n a l R e c o r d : 1 8 - 1 2 AB R H RBI AVG. 2B 3B HR Ireland 103 21 38 18 .369 3 0 0 . Keene 124 34 45 27 363 11 2 4 ■ ■ Comalzer 75 17 26"10 .347 1 1 1 ■ Holcomb 3 0 1 3 .333 0 1 0 Shoemaker 3 1 1 1 .333 0 0 1 Pom 60 9 19 10 .317 7 0 0 . Ward 114 24 35 19 .307 5 2 1 Burehelle 110 22 32 28 .291 6 2 5 Swaim '55 14 16 15 .291 5 0 0 „104 27 30 10 .288 2 0 0 Miller in 23 32 17 ,274 6 0 O'. , Williard 4 0 1 1 .250 0 0 0 Patti 61 7 15 9 .246 1 0 0 , Anthony 22 5 5 •2 .227 I 0 ■0 Snow 18 5 4 2 ‘.222 0 0., 0 Styers 55 8 12 8 .218 1 0 0 . Crider 5 2 1 1 .200 .0 •0 0 Tomlin 5 1 1 1 .200 0 0 0 Ridenhour 47 4 9 5 .191 3 0 0 A. Rogers 2 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 . ¡Lambert 1 1 0 1 .000 0 0 0 '!|Storie 1 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 ' P. Rogers 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 ':Nail ■0 0 0 0 .ООО 0 0 0 . ■ -Leftwich 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 • '.Smith 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 -■Pardue 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0" ' IDesnoyen 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0, •.TOTALS '^PrrCHING 1089 225 323 188 .297 52 .8 '« ■ . W-L IP H R.ER BB SO ' BRA ,|R№nhour M 1 0 0 0 Ò 0 0.OO V-Lmbert 3-1 311/3 21 24 10 37 43 2.88 ; 'W H I-l ;82Д 12 6 3 2 '.. ■ .6 3.10 ';l^gera 2-3 40 35 15 14 19 ; .26 .3.15 '* ;besnoyen 0-0 5 5 '3- .■ 4 .5 s3.60 •■^xftwich 0 0 S :,'2 . ' 2 2 2 V3M / •aceene 2-2 42 . '41 26 19 20 59 4.07 r3>tdue 3-0 ■ 282Я 36 ' 20 17 16 36 5.33 ' jIAn'l'ooy 4-1 562Д 78 44 34 . , 23 41 '5.40 ;.tomlin 0-1 II 17 8 8 3' 3 ’•'6J5 ■■ .'Crider 0Ю 62/3 S i,5 5r • 9 0 .6.72 .[Miller 2-2 11 15 ‘ 15 11 6 12 ' 9.00 ■.'Swaim 0-1 102/3 23 я•I*16 3 7 '.,,13.46 "/tOTALS 18-12 257 W 291- ,i, 184 139 . 144;240.,• • 4.85 '[STOLENBASES: Ireland 10,Waid9,aniatzere.AlknS,Keene4,MiUer3,Slyen3,Swaim3,Anllx)ny2, «¿iheae 2. Patti, Potts, Snow -ráA'VESi Miller 2 Rogers FMts Kccnc Styers Anlhony Swaim:;; school from the Temiessee-Vlrglna Conference, "We woii<ed a lol on localing and iiilling coracis, trying to iceep liie ball out ofihe middle of llie plate, and a lol on ofTspced pitches," .said Anthony, who was 5-2 with a 2.87 ERA and four saves at Montieat," Whentcame down here, it helped me out a whole lol. My aim gol a whole lol stronger." Is thal why you've been able lo handle 51 innings of worii thus far? "(Al Montreal), I would Ihrow six innings on Saturday and come bacic and throw four or five more on Sun­ day," said Anlhony, who weighs just ly poun^ bw mid-SOs last fail, "i'm pretty used to throwing aboul everyday." Whal have you enjoyed mosi over the lasl ihree yean? "It's more relaxed, you don'l have to woiry aboul doing stuff if you need lo Lei Crafts 1 CHfe» Sft ^atkmWUawbtyollowlyglftilM UUdtog ft RMtpttoa R«y Рккч» iСмИЬм(704)134-П<а I rest one night. You have a lol of fun, meet a lot of people and go lo differenl places. And the playoffs are a lol of fun." David Potts After being cut last year, were there any doubts about trying out one last time? "Coach Daywall told me before the year lhat he thought I would get .some playing lime." said Potts, hitting .352 going into lasl Sunday, the third-best marie on the club. "He wanted mc lo come out and thal's basically why 1 did." ..,.Mi.dyPH,e\:i;rfenlaskeJhatjhts€a-:., son would turn out this bright? ■ "Actually, I thought I was going to play about half the games, and I have ended up playing more than I ihoughl." Ком have become Day)valt's hlt- and-rim specialty. Marie’s Fiorisi 7 6 6 - 4 6 5 1 "1 told Daywalt al Ihe beginning qfi the year (about the hit-and-run). aiK^ we've always talked aboul it because.f* like hilling to the right side. I think IcW)': hit il Ihrough preliy regularly on a lAt£; ond-run. so 1 told him I’d like lodo morc often. I feel confident lhal I canj do il when I have lo." Cr Colin Styers ‘ ■ Why did you come oul for legion? "I played fall ball and I really lik^^ George," saidSiyers.aparl-timcstai^ in right field who was hitting .2^ through last week. "He made mc w ^ lo comc out and play." • ___Hawjioes.itfcel to.be.anMergat,.... part of the club? "It feels great. I love it down here.: , The people are real nice. Coach Day-” * wait has been greal and I rcally enjoy; myself when I come down here (from Yadkinville) and play." Flowers for all OccasioHs Sisters И cfMccksvtlle 8 3 4 - 1 Ш KRMNNIUDNC. Hours - 8 am to 5 pm Monday thru Friday в34-вАЫТ(42вв) 965 yadlúnville Road Mocltsviiie. NC fbeslde Farm Bureau & across from Mocit TireJ Food Lion I Can» Squire Boone Plaza Farm Bureau I - Ш ГLOCATION! MOCK ЛКЕ MOCKSVIUE 9MVadMnvHtoltoMl Phone 634-6115 Our M ca iDcMt MraiMiiv, M M cfw N tw W H S um éK M U lái ----:-HouTir7í30-~S30 м-у-»7;30=1:00амш1 ASimiA AND ALLER6V ASSOCIATES, р. А. Robert М. Rom, M.D. Jttterey В. Raub, M.D. •re piMSMi to announc* tha opaning of thair Mockavllia offlca. £ S i!c S & iSSSlSm ^^ ORTHODONTICS > D r.S J.P u m a • Board Eligible » State-Of-The-Art Dlagmlii: .....Imaging Available Bor AU Pttjenh Patterns Visualize Uteir Ikeatment Otijecttves/Opticro • Free Initial Consultation » Satuiday Evening Hours , I Available Bor Your Convenlalce •ChildRn&Adults J WIUIAM S ia m KMK, D.D1 ., r A NICHOIAS JAMES PI9MA. О Л Л , r JL , *fkdbkFiiwKii«№£Miynpiii^Bii^ . . 18»>пп1кАпт (i«vllayA.laftHI) : ЗаЫш|]^Ж4МП9 lUqihonemeiHilb ftafteP IM )«»«». В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,1997 Carta Balsley, Jacob Snow, Alison Alexander, Blake Klinsiek Top Swimmere Brookwood beat visiling Hickory Hill 548-312. drupping the Hunicutics to 0-3 on the yc;ir. on June 24 in я swim moot. Taking swimmer оГ the week hon> ors (June 23-27) tor Hickory Hill were Curly Bulsley in Ihe girls 10 and under division, Jacob Snow in the boys Ю and under. Alison Alexander in (he giris i I and up and Blake Klinksiek in the boys 11 and up. ’П)0 following is Hurricanes who tlnished in the top two In each event: Medley Relay Wcsion Klinksiek. Brian Gaither, James Mighion and Grant Klinksiek. second placc: Danny Smith. Nathan Bames, Jeffrey Mighion and Robbie Wannenburg. second: Becky Call. Alison Alexander, Haley Henilerson and Jenny Broadway, second; Nancy Vogler, Lauren Davis. Amy Sink and Jennifer Moore, sccond; Sanih Stein, Meg Brewer, Dana Call and Amy Call, second; and Ryan Bames, William Johnson. Wesley Johnson and Nick Davis, second Dlslunce Frecslylc Jenna Hendricks, sccond; Cnrly Balsley. sccond; Haley Henderson, sccond: and Brent Gaither. llrM Individual Medley Alexandm Wannenburg. second; Jeffrey Mighion. first; Brent Gaither, first; Wesley Johnson, first; and Amy Call, first Frecslylc Neely Alexaniler. second; Jenny Broailway, first; Blake Klinksiek, sec* Davie Nationals Slip To South Forsyth Call it dialing long distance. Or going yiu-d. Or playing long-ball. Whalcvcrthe latest slang forahome mn, the Davie Nationals and South Forsythall-slarscombincdto hit seven Saturday night, when South nillied for an I l-8victoryloeliminattf Daviefrom theduuble-elinûnation District llTour- nament. fastball. 'Tliat kid was just blowing smoke wilh that baseball Inthe finitandsixth." said Larry Hollifield. an assistant lo head coach Rick Allred. BenAllrvdwasthestmwihal stirred Davie's offense, mashing home runs in the first and second inning that keyed Davie's quick 8-2 lead. Lonnie Bames homered and Brian Trailing 8*4 in ihe top of ihe sixth. South used a grand-slam homer tograb its first lead sincc the first inning. Tlie blow was brutal for Davie, which never recovered, especially when South conneclcd for a two*nin shot in the sixth to supply closcr Chad Boone a ihree-nm cushion. Boone, nailing thc dix)r shut, over* whelmed Davie wiih an imposing "Hunter*and' Daniel Holirrieid itad doubles in the second, a seven-run explosion that put Davic in command. But South chipped away in the third, scoring tsvice, and went ahead In the fifth on the grand slam. King 14, Duvie 1 Powerful King sent Davie to thc loser's bracket In impressive fashion. "Tliey beat up on us pretty bad," Hollifield said of the third«roimd loss. "It was terrible." DanielHollifield walked and scorcd Davie’s lone run. DuvIe 6, High Poinl NullumiLsS Allred hit a go-ahead single in the sixth inning and eventually stole home forthe deciding run, leading Davic toa second-round victory at the Davic Yiiuth Complex. Davie, which got consecutlvc doubles from Kurt McNabb and Billy Riddle, retook the lead at 4*3 with three mnsinthefifth.BrianHuntcr.Hollifield and Grcg Brooks had singles to help fuel (he rally. Davie, on Nick Taylor's solo home run. sliced High Point’s lead to 2-1 in Ihc sccond. All-Star Team Gives In To Tradition Tradilion can only catiy a team so far, but It went a long way for East Rowan, a 10-4 winner over Davic County's l3-ye;u-*old all-star leam Fri­ day nighl at Kritcs Field in Winston« Salem. "(E'lst Rowan’s mysticjue) had a lol 10 do with il," said Coach Michacl McDanicl, whose club dropped ils firsi game in the double-elimination Dis­ trict II Tournament. "I’m nol taking anythingaway from East Rowan - they havc an excellent ball team - but we could havc played with them and I honestly ihink we could Iwve beaten them." McDaniel, whose team faintly re­ sembled the club lhal won two straight games, sensed trouble. " Wcdidtt'l look Uke aball leam." he said. "We had it in our minds lhat East Rowan was a powerhouse, and I had a feeling that would happen. Bul I was hoping it wouldn’t happen, and now we’ve got to play in thc loser’s bracket." That musl-win game is scheduled forTljursday at 7 p.m. at Krites. The road is long and dark from here on out. "Tlie thing about il is. we’re going to play tough games every time C o - e d S o ftb a ll S ig n u p s U n d e r w a y Co-ed softball registration Is under way al the Mocksville-Davie Parks and Recreation Department. Joe Boyette, the athletics director, announced lhal the deadline forcntrics Is July 25. No more lhan two Class C players arc allowed on a team. Call 634-2325 lo sign up. Softball Coach Has High Hopes Continued From Page B l "It's been difficult to get all thc giris In due to vacation," he said, ’’but 1 feci pretty good about the team." Playing the regular season against a higher level is ihe source of Mitchell's failh. ' ”1 think the way wc havc thc league split, wilh thc 10s competing against the 11 and 12s, puts them in a pretty strong position during the all-slar sea­ son," MltchcIl said. "But il kind of hurts them during the regular .season. They've really had lo face some rcal tough pi tchers dlls year." Mitchell, who Is assisted by James Gentry, was undecidcd on his starting pilcherasof Sunday. He'll choose from adeckorihree:AshlcyComatzer,Kelly Mitchell or Erika Smith. "I'm not rcal sure yet," he said. * 'nwitmainderoftheroslflrincludes: Katie Russell, Jessica Harris, Sarah ^RBkr,SlephanieWendcl,CaiTie№. “ M.qc!il!y,JcÍ!Íillt.-- hTicnicy. out." McDaniel said. "Tlirce or four people or however ntany havc got to step up and play. "It’s like Michael Jordan. He steps up in the fourth quadcr. but I haven’t found that person yet. But I think I will and 1 think we'll win Thursday and keep playing." • Kendall Lankford and David Perkins (2-2,2 RBIs) did their best to keep Davie from thc loser’s bracket, gettinglwohitsapiccc. "Perkins had an e.xccptional ball game," McDaniel said. "He played solid on defense and wtus very imprcssivc."... Travis Allen was the loser, going six Innings before giv­ ing way lo Ricky Bcntly. Diivie 20, North Forsyth 6 Davie romped past North Forsyth in thc second round of the winner’s bracket last week, a near fiavs lcss effort lhat saw every Davic player assume a significant role. "Wc playedasolid ball game." said McDanicl. who got five innings from winner DavePoplinandtwofromChris Seaford. "Everybody contributed and got a hil. We only made one етзг and lhal's whal wins. It was a team effort." North Forsyth fiopped In the field, opening the flood gates for Davie's big innings. "They made a lol of errors," McDaniel said, "but anytime you put the ball in play, you stand a chance for defensive errors. If you strike out, then you can't do that." Players On Vacation Deplete Davie Nationals Tourney Team A depleted Davie Nationalsall-slar baseball team fell 14-4 to North For­ syth In Ihe opening round of ihc 9-10 year-old District II Toumamenl Frid.iy night at Collette Field. Coach Larry Hollifield's club faced King on Tuesday, a survival game In the double-elimination toumey. "We arc having a tough time,'’ said Ron Bivins, an assistant along wilh Lee Reynolds. Guaranteed Income for life. Sound Good? Just call me for all the details. to aa HMrt fw Nm Ttrii Uit, I kawi kow hMpwtairt M h l i piM fw a CMfKtakto raHriMML WNh • M i«h Pmakw RM nM N l AmmNi, yw eaa earn ewepeWlw Irtwest ralw, ani yev kaM OM apHaa l i raeaha payMrt ki a kM* MM, ar l i ipnw l ani On payMaaU aa a guanirtiMl kMaM (ar iha rati al yawMa. la, far kalp ki »laMhiN yaw raUNMairt, eaa M May. ra riwMi yaa why Naw M BrMitonf M vM i Ula la Tka CaMiMV Vm KaaikСШ, ChFC Ю на kf 1M> IM к м п м MMl rCvpm м г1 вгм1ога|Н CU I.CIM MiilaWi.llClTW.The Company You Keep." ond: Sarah Stein, sccond: Wesley Johnson, first; Dana Call, first; and William Johnson, sccond Backstroke Jenna Hendricks, second; Bailey Marrs, second; Danny Smith, second; BeckyCall.firsl;Blake Klinksiek. sec­ ond; Brent Gaither, first; Nancy Vo­ gler. second; and Dana Call, first llreaststroke Neely Alexander, first; Alexandra Wannenburg. first; Nathan Bames, second; Katie Smilh, second; Brent Gaither, second; Lauren Davis, sec­ ond; nnd Trevor Anderson, first Bullcrny Neely Alexander, second; Alexandra Wannenburg. second: Jef­ frey Mighion. second; Haley Hender­ son. first; Jenny Broadway, second: Brcnl Gaither, second; Wesley Johnson, first: and Dana Call, sccond Freestyle Relay James Mighion. Grant Klinksiek. Weston Klinksiek and Brian Gaither. first; Bailey Marrs, Rcbckah Peeler, Carly Balsley and Rebccca Riddle, second: Danny Smith. Nathan Bames, Jeffrey Mighion ond Robbie Wannenburg, firsi; Jenny Broadway, Alexandra Wannenburg, Becky Call and Haley Henderson, sccond: Meg Brewer, Jennifer Moore, Alcthca Riddlcand Nancy Voglcr,second;Amy Call, Amy Sink, Sarah Stein and Dana Call, second; and William Johnson,. Richanl Broadway, Wesley Johnson and Nick Davis, sccond "Wc can’t gel all our team there bccause everybody'son vacation. Two on vocation here and one gone here. We haven't had our best team there yet." Thc roster includes: Cunis Bivins. Dylan Reynolds,AaronHollifield,John McDanicl, Timmy Eib, Zach Vogler, Jeremy Phillips. DavldStein.Rcshawn Parks. Mike PaonI and Evan Hall. I Ш1е Caesars’ С1Ш UM С а йт Eiiler^taM, Im . MOCKSVILLE«имкюокпди YADKMVIIUM. 704-634-9424TME WIT ONLY) CLEMMONS CLHIMONS VIUAGE SHOmNS UST (N«>1 to ly-lo Gracwy) • Hwf. ISa 910-712-8290 TAKE OUT ONLYORDEUVERYI (DUtdeCa^-; ¡(f) Little Caesars! ¡(f)LUtIeCaesars-| MONDAWJdfieSi iiiixia© ® :: i? Q 3 3 ¿ \ ; : 11I , TUESDAY IS MEDIUM WTTH1 TOffMGS1S99 2 PIZZASWITH 1 TOffMGS^9 ■ pun n: > I I I ■ I I I I I ■ I I I ■ I I I ANYTOPPINGSI ; ANY SIZE! ■; ANYPiZZAI ■ «К®•n mt CrafT k«i«t To avoid all the hazards when car " 9 " p ' shopping, turn to the independent car-matching service. Auto Allies.ñ We supply just the right inlor- mation to make you a smarter and more conlident car buyer. (Sif With access to tens ol thousands ol vehicles, new and used, updated daily, why should you look anywhert else? © 0 No sweat. We run Irom dealer to dealer looking lor your new sedan, 4x4, or convertible so you don't have to. It's a breeze. W i t h o u t u s . b u y i n g a c a p i s l i k e d r i v i n g w i t h o u t a s e a t b e l t . In a s n o w s t o r i B l i n d f o l d e d . Along withAa free custom search, we oiler a variety ol other services, whether you're buying or selling, all in one convenient place. We'll lax or mail a list o f'. automobiles,wiih prices and options, that lit your ideal specili- cations. Just drop us a line. I^AUIOAUIES- 1-888AUTOAL-1 i M-SaL fl-8 wv,v.auioallies.corri DAVIE COÜNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,'1997- BS, . . : Happy Camper$ YMCA Summer Camp Grows ' By Jeanne Houpe ■ Davic County Етсфпвс Rccord ^ .Rain or shine they go swimming, malcccrans.playgamesandeatsnacks. Keeping 135 children ages 5*12 occupied all day is a challenge for counselors al the Davie Family VMCA’s summer day camp. It’s become even tougher this year . -with morc stringent mics placcd on thc ; YMCA as a stale licensed day carc 1 ;provider, according lo YMCA dircctor I;J6c Hennigan. • Asoncofthconlystatcliccnscdday • .care providers taking school age chil- ♦.dren, thc YMCA had a wailing list of ' :morc lhan 30children forlhc day camp, vHennigan said. l' Thisisthcfirsiycarthcprogramhas ; ihad a waiting list, he said, and it looks Г'Пкс il will remain full all summer, Mosl parents use the program for I;chlld carc rather than a day camp, he I;cxplained. 1; iliough the day camp ac'tiviiies arc • ;conducted fron»9 a.m.-4 p.m., some of '• ;ihe children arrive as carly as 6:30 a.m. *'and leave as late as 6 p.m. ;; This has people al the YMCA talk- ; :lng about needs forthe future, Hennigan : said. About 60 of the children in Ihe I 'program this summer receive financial ;assistancc from thc Department of So- clal Services, while another 15 lo 20 • leccive scholarships through Ihc • ;YMCA's Partner with Youth program, he said. A bus load of campcrs arc trans­ ported from Pinebrook Elementary lo Ihc YMCA cach moming and rclumcd in the aftcmoon. As thc day camp has grown. Hennigan anticipates growlh of the YMCA’s before nnd after school. To provide servicc lo morc chil­ dren. the YMCA might look at ex­ panding its facility in the next several yCiirs. In the morc Immediate futurc, efforts arc underway to offer before and after school day care at Mocksville and Cooleemee Elementafy Schools. Thc trouble is thc .school buildings at Cooleemee don’l pass state day cjuv licensing requirements, he said. It's ironic lhat the racilillcs meet standanls during the school day bul arc inadequate forlhc aAerschool program, he added. The YMCA has been transporting two van loads of students from Cool­ eemee during thc school year, bui ■■HeimigWsaid'lT would be belter lo provide the servicc al thc school. Tliis transportation becomes a rcal problem when school dismisses eariy for bad weather, he explained. Facilities arc nol the only concern about thc future of day care in D.'vvie County. Slate licensed day care pro­ viders arc rcquired to havc al least one worker per 25 children with a pereenl- age of them over the age of 21. Tliat's not as difficult during Ihe summer as the program attracts col­ lege studcnl.s, especially those inter­ ested in cicmeniary education. During thc school yeari thc YMCA works with the Davic High Inleni and apprentice program but hasnocollegcs from which lo draw older workers, Hennigan said. Prior to Ihc start of summer day camp, counselors had to conipleic al least 20 hours of training, according to Jennifer Cartner, one of the program direclors. '! In addition to leaming CPR. they leam about activities and songs they might wanl lo use during camp. Tlic camp provides a Christian at­ mosphere wilh grace said before every meal and snack, Cartner said. Counselors continue lo have one hour of training cach week, and ihose who havc not completed a firsi aid course are gelling thal irainlng, she said. I I Tlie state n^uires a drug test and criminal record chcck before counse- lors may be hired, Hennigan said. Tlie staic also sets siandaais for the food that can be .ser\'cd, according to Cartner. Eachcampparticipanlbringsalunch with which Ihc day carc program may serve only milk, juicc or water. Tliey have thc same drink choices al snack time, and counselors try to supplement thc le.ss healthy lunches wilh some­ thing healthy like carrot sticks to pro­ vide a more b.ilanccd meal. Tlie kids no longer gel .soft drinks and potato chips, she said. Six-year-old Josh Atkins enjoys coloring at YMCA summer day camp. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Despite tougher standards, thc pro­ gram still attracts go(xl workers, ac­ cording lo Hennigan. He praised Ihis year’s counselors anddlrectors, Patti Hodges andC;irtner. Tliis year the camp has a counselor from Estonia, who is participating in thc YMCA’s Intcnialional Camp Coun­ selor Program. Inaddition loadjustingtulliechange in lempenilure, Maris Schnudt is learn­ ing quickly thal children don't behave the same In all countries. Counselors spend so much time wilh the kids lhat ihcy start lo look up lu them, Hennigan said. Another highlight of camp are weekly field trips to such places as Ihe Hiddenite Emerald Mines. Discovery Zone, Skaleland, Baa-Moo Fami in Olin anil Emerald Poinl Water Park. In addition to the regular day camp, Ihe YMCA started a Teen Adventures prvigram Ihis year forages 13-15, which will include a mentoring program wilh members from Ihe Forsyth Counly Bar Association, he said. Campers line up behind counseior Micheiie McCann, who is an elementary education student for a дате of kici< baii. li (»ficerned about daypare In Çavie County. ■zsmr «éF IR S T âb. GREENSBORO HOME LOW RATES pQUITY • 1st & 2n d M ortgages • BUI C o n so lid a tio n s • H o m e Im p ro v em en ts • R e fin a n c in g____ • R ates S tartin g A s l o w A s 8.99% iCill for Mortgage FtopoMl and Pre-Approval ^ (S^ostorO bllgaH on) '■¿Sed xOM can ж и р our' У "V ia l here, ;_MiF8;30-8« Sat 8:30-6 «Sun 1:30-5 IM eH l^iD higG o.495 Valley Road • MockTIle ..... , Й« - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, July 10,1997 DAVIE COUNTY ENTEIIPRISB RECORD, July 11^ Ю 7- И , " Г ' Homebuilders Help Elderly Residents ‘ •Three elderly residents received some unexpected home improvements recently thanks to the MocksvillC'Davie Homebuilders Association. •' The Davie County Depanment of Social Services located Ihrec elderly people who needed home improve­ ments but couldn’t afibrd them, ac­ cording to Honiebuildcrs Associulion president Brad Dyer. Ая it tumed om. all ihrce needed wheelchair ramps, he said. ■'‘I'm just proud lo have II." said Bessie Osbome. Able lo walk a short distance, she said she needs lo use n whcclchair to gel around in the yard. Before she got the ramp, she had lo use a walker lo gel ‘down Ihe steps where her grandson would be wailing wilh her whcelchair. Her grandson was gone lo ihe beach when the ramp was bnill, she said. "I told him when he gol back Nanny would be out ihcre popping whcelies." She thanked Dyer and ihe Homebuilders Associalion for helping tier. .. Osbome said il was somclhing she needed but had been unable lo afford on a fixed income wilh medical ex- ''pcnSs'... .... It probably w ould have cost Osbome about SI ,000 if she had hired someone lo do Ihe job, which included building a ramp from the porch, ramp on Ihc porch at ihe door and bracing, accord­ ing lo Dyer. . -Project chainnan Tim Smith weni I6each siie ahead of lime lo delermine what was needed. HôrnëbÎjTdërs PresidenÍBrad Dyertalks to Bessie ОзЬогпа аШП^^ at her house. - Photo by Robin Fergusson Msmber&ofth&HomobuiHers-Assoeiatlon- pose with Mrs. Osbom at her new ramp. Eleven members showed up to help June 21. Tliey were divided inlo ihree work leams led by Smilh, Nonnan Carter and Jimmie Caudeil. Eiich vol­ unleer received a T-shirt. Tlie Homebuilders Associalion set up a communily project fund in 1996 wilh money from a special fund raiser. Ils first project was ihe purchase of $500 worth of tools for the carpentry and masonry classcs al Davie High School. "We have nearly 50 members now. We area vibranl and sirong associalion Irying lo make a positive inipacl in our communily," Dyer said. Mocksville-Davie Homebuilders Associalion’s next communily project will be helping wilh the new Habilal for Humanity house lhal is starting in Ridgcmonl. Town Planners To Discuss Rezoning Issues There will be a meeling of Ihe Town of Mocksville Planning Board on Tuesday, July 15 at 7 p.m. at the Mocksville Town Hall. Davie Bnudcosling Inc. (WDSL « Radio) has submitted a request lo re- ; zonc6.25 acres of propertyfromResi- I dentiai Agricultural (R-A) to Indus- I trial (I) for the proposed construction lofnewstudiofacililies. Thisproperty *.is located on the north side of Eaton t Rood approximately 0.85 miles from - Salisbury Roadandisfurtljerdescribed as being Parcel 38 of Davie Couniy TaxMapJ-5. The Town of Mocksville seeks lo rezoneapproximalclySOacresofprop- erty fromResideniial Agriculluraland •Resideniial (R-15) lo Highway Busi­ ness (H-B). This property lies on Ihe East side of Yadkinville Road be­ tween Joppa Cemetery and Colletle Framing: on the West side of Yadkin­ ville Road from Ihe property adjoining Ihe Soulh side of All American Ford lo property adjoining the North side of Kip Millen on the East side of Valley Road from U.S. Highway 64 West to the inlcrseciion widi Yadkinville Road; and on Ihc West side of Valley Road from U.S. Highway 64 W. to Ihe prop­ erty adjoining the Soulh side of All American Ford. These properties are further described as being all or a portion of Parcels 64.02, 64.03, and 64.04 of Davic County Tax Map 1-4; all or a portion of Parcels A-3, A-4, and A-9 of Davic County Tax Map I- 4-3; and all or a portion of parcels A- 21, A-22, A-23, A-24, B-1, B-1.01. B- 1.02, B-2, B-3. B-4.and B-5 of Davic County Tax Map (-4*6. A map indi­ cating Ihe proposed change ¡son file at the Mocksville Town Hall and the Davic Couniy Adminisiralion Build­ ing in the Planning Office. The following is a proposed road name fora private road serving two or more addressable stmctures: Woodbridge Way-located at the end of Mockingbird Lane. Mocks­ ville. НпюгеЧ Ч Orocery&Servteel GOIHGOUTOF BUSINESS SALE Oolhcs, Shoes, elc llM l2 9 % llS I% M n Located on Elmore Rd. ofl Hwy. 601 N.. Mocksville g j B ib le Baptist C hurch __ Jndeptndêni • Fundamental Ptoitor, Don Jones • 910-766-0551 sapiss&.'îîs, pari Groce Earns CPC Personnel Designation ! 'R. Earl Groce.ownerofConfidcn- Ttial Rccraiiers of Advancc, rcccnlly I earned the Certified Personnel Con- iSuliani (CPC) designation from ihe l^Ialional AssocialionofPersonncl Ser- tyices. •^HCrocc has been rccruiiing for Ihc • {ip^l industry sincc 1990. Before • Entering the field of rccmiting, he had > Jerked in management and industrial jtnginccring in Ibe apparel industry for ¡ftbbui 20 years. He slarcd his own ^¿ompany, Confidential Recruilcrs In 1995. aflcr four years as a personnel consullani wilh a large nalional re- cruiiing Hmi. He has dcdicaicd his company lo ihc confidential and eihi- cal rccruilmcni of Apparel Profession­ als nalicnwide and into Ihc C:uibbean. The CPC exam covers a wide range of laws, regulations and business eth­ ics which affect Ihc rccruiiing industry. Several areas of federal law arc also included: civil rights, tmih-in lending, and fair credit reporting. Established in 1965, the CPC is Ihe only profes­ sional designation recognized inlcma- lionally by Ihc human resources indus­ try. "Tlie CPC dcsignalion rcficcls a commitment lo maintain Ihe highest level of ethical standards and profes­ sional practices in ihe personnel busi­ ness," according (o Dianne B. Callis, president of Ihc Nalional Associalion of Personnel Services. "Becausc it saves time and money, a CPC is more likely lo fill an opening more effi- cienlly." In general, employers and candidates ore morc likely lo be as­ sured of confidcniialily when dealing wilh a Certified Personnel Consullani, .she .said. Barbara Bmno, CPC. 1997 chair­ man of the board al NAPS, noted Ihat, "Wilhlhc labor shortagesinihe icchni- cal and professional Helds, anemploycr .should do business wilh a personal servicc firm whose personnel consult­ ant has been icsied on the important areas of employment law and ethical practices." There arc now 7,674 Certified Per- sonnelConsulianisinlhcUnitedSlaies. People of all ages die of heart disease and stroke. Give the g ift Of love. Annerican Heart ^Assockition WE'RE FIGHTING FOR VOUR LIFE Itobin Durham Davie's iNew'Reins'VblunlBer ;|Robin A. Durham from The Allen on Jericho Church Road in Mocksville will answer equine ques­ tions and gather any information for ^ and your horse as Davie's Reins Volunteer. W ' Reins is Regional Equine Informs- liin Network System. The Reins Pro- was developed to assist county Wtensfon agents involved in the edu- «jion and organization of ihe horse industry. Through guidance of a coordinate ing Extension agent, N.C. Slale Uni- versiiy. and the N.C. Horse Council, widiihcsupportofagri-busincss. Reins volunteers will be providing education clinics and newslcltcrs. Ifyouwanito be on the mailing list, call 634-0209 and leave an address. The Extension agent, Phil Rucker, will answer ques­ tions about The Reins Program. PU BLIC N O T IC E The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations will conduct an accreditation survey of Hawthorne Surgical Center on August II and 12, 1997, to fvaluate the organization’s compliance with nationally established Joint Commission standards. Anyone believing that they have pertinent and valid information about quality of care issues and Ihe safety of the environment in which care is provided may request a public, information interview with the Joint Commission's Tield representative at the tíme of the survey. Request for a public information interview must be made in writing to the Joint Commission no later than Tive working da^s before Ihe survey begins, and must indicate Ihe nature of Ihe information to be provided at Ihe interview. ; Such requests should be addressed to: AnbalatoryCanScrvInlkam i - JoM C o u lid M M AccndiUUoo or HeiHkcire Oriuiiitiiws Oii(.](«a«i>aiice Boiibw d Ori(bnok11trrace,aM Ul ' The interviewee will be notified of Ihe dote, time uid place of ! dMmeetiiig. ^ К i \ I I () К S Pepperstone Acres (704) 634-2222 854 Valley Road • Mocksville Professional Ct Mocksville, NC Davie County's Home Solution ~LOT0M МРПМТОМЯ ЛСЯЙШ Эbtdroom. 2 b«ih hem# iMlunt gnat floor pUr>. ргюг u№«g ало conv«Mnt loealioni CaltordMkM Sl07.90a о п т е » trw rr tms charuino э-4 bedroom. 1 1/2 tUoy Aomt hai e'tti potittUiU«». Ocod locaMn, ownar Па« J can aavt. ca lo IM thiaroduead ao you can aav« horn*.mcwl«t7ae00. “ LOTWHPPemnttt Астш otm cemar M to tw аапло lor ffiM naal naw homt wWi a «•dtooma, 2 bat» wd \Z Шк^. СЫкШвШИ StOTMO. МШУ 44 ЙЛ$Т NOT OETTINO OlOCR BUT ВеТТЕП! Country Cotiaga. ipacloua badrooma, Ы0 itvino room A antne room - №■ Ulcfian haa room to praptrt • banquai is acTM. lota ol traM. Som# lantín«. Priead bakm'AlVttw.ttOr.SOOa Forest Brook LOTfr roWiremOK Baauttlul nt«самисьоп homt haa Э badrooma. 3 bat». cMtadral ctang. wood dick on back, 3 car 0^ . M*td ttlvt and la locMtd ki eraat итптю тю ю ас Cowttykvnaalin bttL TN* naw comtfuctfon homt hM u tht atntmeat piua a woodtd lot to iti nt Man* kl Portai Bioefc SubdMDon. t10B.00a ms Kyk m - u u School Briefs YIVICA Property Agreement Tabled ' At iu last meeting Ihe Davie Couniy Board of Education voled to table discussion aboul on agreement wilh Davio Fomiiy YMCA through which the prganizotion would lea.« proiierty between the YMCA facility and Moclcsvlilc plementary Scliool rromtheschool system fora walking track and athletic field. -At that meeting, school boanl uttnmey Wade Leonard said his 1п1еф1^1а|1оп of the law is lhal, as a nDn-govetnmental agency, the YMCA could not lease the jjoperty for more than 10 years unless the county commissioners become lijvolved and it is treated as a sale. : -He said had not yet met with attomey Hank Van Hoy, who dnined the YttCA's proposal, to discuss an agrcemenu SuperimendeM Dr. BUI Sleed suggested the board consider simply approving a 10 year lease. Budget Amendments Approved The board voied to approve nmcndmcnis lo the 1996-97 budget lo more nccumlely reflect how funds werc spent during the last school year. The capital outlay budget Increased by $56,739, lo pay for constniction at Davic High nnd an activity bus, which were budgeled the previous year but not paid for unlil 1996-97, and the equipment for a new air conditioning system at South Davic, which will be paid for in 1997*98, according to Rnance Officer Tammy Naylor. Tlic child nutrition budget increased by $96,551. While this was a big jump in Ihe amount the schools anticipated spending, a lot more money was collected than expected also, Naylor explained. Most of the changes werc transfers between line items ihat clean up the budget which had to be prepared lost spring, she said. Interim Budget Is Approved The boanl approved an interim budget which will allow Ihe school system fo continue operating unlil the 1997-98 budget is adopted. Board Accepts Food Bids The boanl voled lo a general food bid from IFH again in 1997-98 for child flutnlion services. Tliat was ihe only company to bid for Davie Couniy, according to Child Nutrition Director Daughn Parker. Abreadbidof$15,0l9.92 was acceptcdfromFlowers Bakery Company ami a milk bid of $98,267.21 from Flav-o-rich. The boanl approved Mayfield ice cft.pi despile a slightly lower bid from Maola on Parker's recommendaiion. ^ S4iid the sizes of ice cream cups and icc cream sandwiches provided by Mayfield are more appropriate for all age levels in the schools. Workers Compensation Insurance OKd _ Г The boiird voled lo have workers compensation insurance coverage for local/federal employees provided by Surry Insurrjnce Company for 1997-98. Schd()l systems are required lo carry this insurance. In ihe past the Davie Schools haveconlracled wilh iheN.C.SchoolBoaixllnsumnceTcusl.according la^eed.TheeslimaledpreiniurnforI97-98rorNCSBITis$3I,069whileSuny Insurance offers a $18,312 premium for Ihc same coverage. Steed recom- mepdcdlheboardchooseihelowerprcmium. Surry Insurance also provides the Errors and Omissions insurance for the schools. Field Trip To Pennsylvania Approved The board approved a request from Davie High boys basketball coach Jim Yoling for 14 students lo attend basketball comp July 9-13 in North Easl, Pa. New Chaimian, Vlce-Chainnan Elected Mark'jon'es^who served as vice-chtiirman in 19^97, was electixichaiiman of the board for the next year. Luther Potts was selected vice -chairman. Air Conditioning Bids To Be Accepted The board voted lo give Sleed Ihe authority lo accept the lowest bid for the air condilioning project al South Davie Middle School. Bids were re-advertised lasl week. Next Meeting Scheduled For July 21 Tlie boardwillconduct its nexiregularmeelingatlheCeniral Office al7p.m. July 21. Since Ihe board mel June 30, Sleed recommended Ihc July meeting be £0stj)0iiedJm^ ??ш е!п и 5тli «М кич» âiprt t • кттви to M O a L D lb ife GanLnò\ tl10)«M443S IM B *v CMoU RMrt • Admet. NC 2Щ Mocksville A Top RetlreÍTient ^ i l>{.u' 1 Carter Foster F 0 R D H A M MUSIC (910) 778-0604 WCUiHonots 2 From Davie CULLOWHEE-Two Davic Couniy residents werc among students who received academic awanls during the 1996-97 ncadcmic year lU Western Carolina University. James Bucky Carter of5223 Hwy. 801 S., Advancc, received a Cram Scholarship at the annual awards pro­ gram of WCUs College of Arts ond Scicnces. A junior. Carter is majoring in English education. He Is the son of Dean Carter and Gail Call of Advance. C^an Ryan Foster of 2027 Milling Hoail, Mocksville, received Ihe Out­ standing Physics Student Award al the awards program of the College of Arts and Scicnces. Foster is a junior al WCU.-Hc is Ihc-son of Don-and Jane- Foster ofMocksvillc. Alhey Earns Scholarsliip Amanda MariaAlhcy,a 1997gradu­ ate of Davic High School, has been selected lo receive the $300 Jim Tutterow Scholar ship. The scholarship was established In memory of Jim Tutterow, a fonner teacher at Davie High School. Athcy is the daughlcrofMr.and Mrs. Jack Alhey. She will be attend- Atbey ing IhcUnivcRilyofNonh Carolina at Charlotte. Ellyn Johnson On Dean's List Ellyn Victoria Johnson has been named to the I dean's list at the SouthemCollege of Optomeity in Memphis. Tenn. The 1993 graduateofDavie High School and daughter of Bill andJuneJohnson of Becktown Road, Mocks­ ville, she has I completed her first year althcopiom- I eiry school. A new publication, called Relire* mem Lifestyles in North Carolina, lias named ihe town of Mocksville one of ihc 'Top 10 Small Towns lo Retire to in North CaroUna." The four-color tabloid magazine said about Mocksville: "Still largely rural wilh gorgeous pastoral sellings, Davie Couniy is becoming known for ils golf." The article mentions the Arts Alive festival, Davie Craft Comcr and also the value of acllvliicson the Yad­ kin River, "Wilh an cslinialcd 40,000 retirees immigrating to North Carolina cach ycar.thc rctircmcni industry iscomrib- Johnson WEtKEND a r.I N fS UN ГД! L SHAIUIN CUHIN X МДНУ HtNUHWKS />■'ûliaUt t HiWKS Я UAY (i,J4 m H tgnolt Av*. - Mmcanl find tNt much house in M kM of nliood anywhera •Ih in Davit County for so BMe montyi 48d, 25 Ba. woodtd tiis & .'s e L iS s r " ailR i*w oodD rtv«-N awcofistr. 30d. 26a Brk*Mnyt traditianal home, great iocatoi Hardwood flooTB, o«lo(n c^by. IVW. гапмЫап, otina lacis. Qraal dacfc on tMck.H2i.MQ CAU. KIN. Ш mraiMv at - A ioi ol houaa tor your дгоийпо farm^ 4Bd, aa, naw 0M lumac* a canM air. raoanVy ratrlahad harAiiood loon. Сафв1 Mowmg* olatid Ovar 2000sf. tfT.ttffiC /M i JAHfi m Hi.................8kytw(toii)ia«iMa.«lh3Bd.2 baMa in avalant oondWort вйиаЫ on mealy iandsc^ “иГВойГ“ ' naiual gaa syaiam «wih сапМ air, cañaüng. cabinata, aie. Musl6aa-L*aNawl$4M00 CAUPEBSIE. И«м M m, Г baftM I m i - э ш «.___nol.OaodliM«lMm « м м CAU nói ЛНаНтш Лш и IM7M О о я я к К я м Ы м я а Ш OUntniMr JmtWMUoefc SmMa,OH -----------IM M O O M l iSLvMkyiM---HiK Wm liWMiiniMSSmmmmmmk---а м .Щ 0 LOTS&XAND I(MMiCMè~.— ; ИИщМ--— .1..liirtyi»!!,— — . . . OIIWICIiiHtilW.^— MamtGkM.— Î47âwMMII»«i IwkMMiM,-----« М т М -Н«»МНМ|муМам~1ЛЫ>«ММ ^МаМ1аМи.1И|'М|«ГЛ«41ММ' Ой М СМ е-----— 1И»М1МИ 'а м м м .----—Риинмам.:______1Д№-м(и* нициимк.—--- .. ... . .. uting millions оГdolíais lo Ihe stale's cconomy," Dan Owens said, "and Ihis retirement boom Гог our slale appears lobe on the upswing." •Smaller towns can gel a big eco­ nomic boost irthey can attract retirees, Owens added, noting thal Nonh Caro- linaisrankcdashlgh as third nationally in atimcling in-migraling retirees. "Relirement LiFcslylcs Tocuses on the lifcslyle issucs-golf, afTordahility, scenic beauty and outsmadingmedical care-thal lure retirees," Owens said of the colorful 48-page tabloid magazine. "And Ihc magazine is not bashful in inviting potential retirees to comc and share Nonh CaroUna wilh us." Infor- malkin Is piesenled fnm ■ cuntM retiree's perspective. i. i OwensownsSenkirLivln|Aiiaoh; ales, a "maluie irailicl' pubHsMifi direct mail and consulllni buslnen, based in CharkHle. His сощ|Ялу hV; published Senior Uving Resoumi MagazinesinCharkillc.lheNoilhCinrt Una Triad area and Ihe Nonh Cafolinai Triangle area for almost four yemipij Mailed copies aie available for ^ cach prepaid by calling loll free (888) SHARE NC or mailing a check, qf moncyaderlo: SeniorUving Associ­ ates, P,0. Box 11968, Charlolte, NC 28220. Triad Real Estate Rims Announce Meigsr Three Piedmonl Triad real estate firms, two in Winston-Salem and one in High Point/Grecnsboto, arc com­ bining forces to form Ihc region's larg­ est real estate htokcrage firm, princi­ pals announced today. With the merger, clfcctive July I. IhencwfinnofColdwcllBankerTriad. Rcaltore will have morc than 230 sales -associutesund 30 employees ar I Top“' flees acrossthePicdmonlTriadregion, including one in Hillsdale. Merging into Ihc new firm arc the real c.slate brokerage aim of Hubbard Realty in Winston-Salem. Coldwell Banker Uarabe-Young Realtors, also in Winston-Salem, and Coldwell Banker Joyner-Price & Britt of High Point/GreensboTO. The merger strongly positions the finn to manage changes in today's real estate markctplace-spccincaliy, tech­ nology, the types of suppon sales asso­ ciates arc looking for from Ihc finns Ihcy are associated wilh; and most imponantiy, Ihc demand for morc and better scrviccs. saidSleveCulIer.prcsi- dent of Coldwell Banker Triad, Rcal- tois. C O L D U J e L L B A N I^eR □ TRIAD, REALTORS* "We had the unique opportunity lo merge three very successful compa­ nies, each made up of talented and committed professionals who share common values and vision, into one company lhal can provide Ihe support sales associated need while meeling the needs of our buyer and seller cus­ tomers," he said. "Although we will be Ihe rdfgcsfcom^yTii thè Tn®‘№ focus will beon remaining, as we have been in the past, Ihe best in customer satisfaction.” Lewis Hubbard, chairman of the Makmg Stratford Road 91IV725^)S0e Real Estate Davidaon County 910/7644005 ШШ County »lOWMSie isfsm s «И яг ав 85вг"."й „ » » .« - в и аSfUT Foven fateti ot tt/д. dtn twrt дм. la dm TRAOmONAL «лея and ones on n«ln intl. TRAO V and pett 5n MnrlLvMwM^loot FP. КГ portt). dKk U tboi^gnl pooi. dM 325S SF. 24 Ы Mcwfy. Btrmudi Run Ccwtty Cli^ In ОткшШ сотцщу20x24 woiluhop. imal IUM.BETTY porrs oaa-iisa dMH vwoughou. LOCATXMiCMOYORVKMP. aiMil« fOS'TtJrRANCH M CUM. taordMt irtd iptca «ritti On RAMÌH It cuM, tfMtbit wid мам «М On CAK COO rtU Ьма ам te ы м ísís.""r«i иы "ИГ isarw “ü«i — идугга * а«.*— *»«| onditdtnditrttL --- **-- — - --jeNNtfERSTnOUO ш-мтв »îSS'o« _____ _____MNCHonbaaMÍM«aaMki6i НМГГ LYNM 1ДПМ Ш Ш l o i s w I ) I \ \ I ) I \ 1 ) W 11 ( ( II \ n CM* M M . M M . «aayjat - эг «Л ACIKSol a Шт:- Нл MOUFLCHMO ' ÌÌÌMÌM-TTT«CnES|OIMIgnSn'n!!^ . . 1t№ fikww/. ind Ы itrttt toctMa Country itairn inlhtCoiniyCU.24lvMeu>ty^- '6ETTY РОТТ89в».11авIti Ш м ю cacti • HMManii • MmNMit-PCnFECTHOMeuTitobiMyear , cwclom homt. QOTBtoua via« tl gol oouttt. 24 hr - r gggj^^gm^aeetaa.te |-40. aa«ar acetat i , : 8»CYU on SYLVIA M-tt« ; lOT IM ИПММ OKU • HMM* ИМ • .■HM<lHW-OOLPCOUMI«emMlotan v cu«4tei»ttt. BRCC nwi«tr«« noi ia«M..' ^ SYLVIA JOROAN WNie? / W*Wai.|WE.-etAC«H0MESI71lroai ’ l7M7SAOOttehwiiailweflieMlaltfm.>lNn« parlM.ia6giM.ittihGaona.HAM№ rviou ашмама-ивг 4s (MIIs 5 Z 5 y w 5 5 i** ^itnvroTTt»mi й «|Д!!Г *******.......^ЦПУ ш и т ив? n Na Им. 1иМ ia а «м . ----- I. ! new company, said Ihe suppoit avdl-' abk! from Coklwell Banket Real late Coiporalkin equips the nim' Id' setvecusiometsbener. CusMncrpral- uctsandservkxsewlusivetoColdwcl^ Banker Real Eswelhnchlses lhrou|№' out Nonh Ameiica Include Best Seller Services Guarantee, Best Buyer Sy^ lem and CoMwell Banker Online, thi; ' company'sweb sitc;~.................■ ' ' ' "We're excited lo be affllialed wilh one of Ihe most respected fnmchlse oiganizaiions in the industry and feel’ that we've established Ihe strongest real estate team in Ihe mail(ct,"he said.' Donna Pennington Serves As Page! In N.C. House Of Representatives DonnaGwynPeniilnglon,astudenl «lents a chance lo interact wilh Ih* al Davie High School, recenlly served government, and h gives lawmakerna as afage forthe N.C. House of Repre- chance to meet and listen lo some of sentativcs. theirmoslimpoiuniconstituenls,lheir PagesassislmembersofUieHouse She was sponsored by Rep. lulU during committee meetings and Boor Howard and is Ihe daughter of Debbie sessions. Serving as Page gives stu- and Tim Pennington. kt Na ЙМ. ImM ia a «М. iM k aatMlai M à :C a ïw w •. ..УОЯ п м т т ш ш тЁт>ш т »- 1 ап 9 т ш ат ,т Na* я«*аам la MMi M ам» M iM atJ55¡J^J¡¡¡¡«»^- Ь » cm a SSSSASSfc****' **' ***' ^ i —éJ— ; : I ki-» r.'<« В8-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. July 10,1997 Computer Class То | Be Offered At DCCê The Davic Cniiipus of Davidson Couniy Communily College will ofícr the folluwing Conlinuing nducalion class beginning (lie week of July 21. Tills class will meel al ihe Davie Campus located at 1205 Salisbury Road. Mocksvillc. To prc-reglslcr or obtain addiiional infomiation, call ihe Davic Campus al (704) 634-2H85. I Know Nolhing AlxJUl Compulcrs is a beginner's hands-on computer couRic that gives novice computer us­ ers llie opponuniiy lo leam basic com­ puter operations and funclions. Slu- dents will create, prim and save simple dtx'umcnls, manipulate a mouse, and leam Whiduws manipulation. This course ore()uiva!cnl computer cxpen* enee may Ix: aprea’ijuisite forali sort* warc classes. Students need to bring a 3 l/2"highdensiiydisk. (Mondays; I- 3 p.m.. July 2I-Aug. 25.12 hours. S35 • fee plus $5 for tnaierials. TRCs: 1.2) Carolyn Rogers, Almee Barnette, Laura Windiey and Alan English show olf soma o( their souvenirs from their trip to Europe in June. - Photos by Robin Fergusson European Vacation: Students Tour Famous Sites By Jeanne Houpe I_____рау1еСоип!у.Еп|еф0')е. Record - They had their portrails done by sidewalk artists in Paris, swam in (he waters of souihem France and danced ala disco in Madrid. Seventeen Davie High studcnis trav­ eled to Europe June I N20. on the Irip ciTered annually by Spanish teacher Janel Robertson and French leacher Susan Wall. Also accompanying ihe group ihis year were Margaret Foster and Davie High Principal Linda Bosl. On her firsl iriploEuTope. Bos\ said she especially enjoyed louring ihe Lou­ vre where they saw such famous works of art as the Mona Lisa. Venus de Milo and Napolean's Coronation. She commended Robertson and Wall for Iheir organisation of ihe trip and Ihe students on iheir behavior. "They made me very proud." she said. TwograduatesofDavieHigh.Bryan Johnson and Chris Pope returned to go wilh the group on ihe trip. And acouple of the siudenls had enjoyed the Irip so much the first time that they went again Ihis year, according lo Wall. This was a good tour group, accord­ ing to Robertson. None of them com­ plained about being lired. They were always on lime, and ihey were good about trying new foods. One of the highlights for Hilary Hauser was jumping into the water from a 25 foot cliff in souihem France, while several of the tourists said they had the most fun dancing at a disco in Madrid. Dan Faiil actually made money in Barcelona, performing with a mime on the street. Bul he gave all his share of the money to the mime. Shopping was a highlight for many of them. Alan English and Ruby Palel said they bought so many souvenirs lhai they had lo buy extra luggage for the trip home. They began their 10 day adventure with a flight from Raleigh to Detroit (o Amsterdam to Madrid, which was one of the three ciües they visited In Spain. While in Madrid, the group visited El Escorial, a monastery and the burial place for Spanish kings and queens, and the Valley of the Fallen where people who died in the Spanish Civil War áre buried. In Segovia, they saw the palace El Alcazar and the Roman Aquaduct Their third stop in Spain was Barcelona where they visited a park where they saw the works of Antonio Gaudí and the Ingle&ia Sagrada, which' was designed by Guadi. They also vis­ ited the Olympic stadium and Las Ramblas, a wide avenue leading to the Medineranean Sea. Reuniting to talk aboul Iheir a(jventure are from left, first row, Ruby Patel, Carrie Johnson and Aimee Barnette; second row, Unda Bost, Janet Robertson, Monica Duncan, John Ivey, Hilary Hauser and Susan Wall; third row, David Liltle. Laura Windiey, Corrie Robertson, Carolyn Rogers and Alan English. Hello, my nunie Ls Brandi Eliza­ beth Howell. I turned 1 year old on Jun« 30. My dad and mom are Kellyand Jaime Miliiin-Howtll. My dad and mom (•ave me a Winnie ihe Pooh birthday party on June 28. We'had hamburgers and hotdoi;.s wiih all ihe trinimin|>s. I had ti Winnie the Pooh and Tigger cake ihat was specially made at\d deco- raied by niy mommy. IwouUIIIketo iliank all of my friends and family foroll of my wonderful gifu. You mode my party extra special. 1 would like lo give a special ihank you to my grandparents, Harry and Perrie Milam, Doug ond Elaine Howell: my great-grandparents John and Helen Howell of Yadkln- ville; my great-grandmaw Laura Lee Smith; my great aunts Evelyn and Thelma Turner; my uncle and aunt,Chris and JulieMUam-Flli^n oi Kernersville; and my two extra special uncles, Todd ond Randy Howell. I love you all very much. HI, I'm Savatmah Hendrix. June 30, i!W7 1 was iwo years old. My mommy and daddy (Jason and Bridget Heiuli'ix) j^uve me » parly at my home in New York Cily. N|y grandparents came and w e enjoyed strawberry cakeand nianypresents. Tlie neM week w e vislied my North Carolina grandparents in Advance. II is fun being "lerrific two." Aihucc Fiorili« Gift B«sbU Fniil • Caked Goods • Gourmet Baskets Weddings » Fuñarais______ Wc Delivec 940-6337Mon-Frl 9-0. Sot 9-3 T T T F m this SA T U R D A Y 7:00 P M at Wm. R. Davie Fire Dept. 25 % P A Y O U T E A C H G A M E ! On their European Irip participants are from left, front row, Ruby Patel, Carrie Johnson, Aimee Barnette, Carolyn Rogers and David Little; second row, Laura Windiey, Angle Hamm, Margaret Foster, Janet Robertson, Corrie Robertson, Susan Wall, Meredith Clinard; and third row, Alan English, John Ivey, Linda Bost, Bryan Johnson, Chris Pope, Dan Falll, Laura Brown, Monica Duncan and Hilary Hauser. From Spain tlic group traveled lo pianct Hollywood. The cost for the trip was aboul $ 1,800 per student - nol counting one meal n day and souvenirs. Tlie entire school is welcome to sign up. but usually participants are siudenls of Wall or Robertson. Participating this year were Janel Robertson, Susan Wall, Linda Bost, France where they toured a province in southern France when; they saw flow­ ers used in perfumes, wild while horse.s und pink ilamingos. They also visited Carcassonne, a medieval walled city, and llie Pulacc of ihe Popes. In Paris, they went to the lop ofthe EifTel Tower, went on a cmise on the Margarct Foster, Chris Pope, Biyan Johnson. Dan Faiil. Angie Hamm. Meredith Clinard. Laura Brown. Ruby Putel.Cairie Johnson. Aimee Bameite. Carolyn Rogers. David Little. Laura Windiey. Corrie Robertson, Alan En­ glish. John Ivey, Monica Duncan and Hilary Hauser. Ш И Ш ' ' Ж ж : Æ L ^ EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS C ountry Side PO Restaurant fé Complete Breakfast Every Morning j\J Lunch - Short Order PLUS Meat & A Good Selection of Vegetables | DOWN HOME COOKING! Prr-COOKEO BAR-B-Q on amf Sd/imfay» phiK FISH, STEAKS «CHICKEN Regular ¡MttchSpfelaisl Ait PrU Seine River and visited Notre Dame Cathedral and Montmartre. Oiher French tour stops were the SacreCoeurBasilica.ChampsElysees, ArcdeTriumphe. Hard RockCafeand 7C.<vtett . . . a stylist from G. Carlyle Salon and image consultant ftom Matrix, specializing in trend hairstyling & foil highlighting. Call fo r m appointaiehl (704)634-1173 865 Yadkinville Road • M ockiville ApponlmenttmaUabIt Weáiusdasi) 6 Fridays W elkins welcome■fW J AMERICAN OIL & GAS C ttr ls tm a s In J u ly R e d u c tio n S a le INVENTORY ITEMS REDUCED AS LOW AS 50%! (gas logs, heaters, free standing fireplaces, water heaters and grills) '***July 14th through July 28th****** Two Weeks Only !l! Please come by one of our convenient locations: 740 North StMStriM i m North BiMg« M M YadMnvllto,NC270Se nun,NC2M21 cummona Hoad(в10)в7»-7000 ______ CMinmons,NC : 27012 (H0)7M-7012 M e c ic flN R esT flU fiflN T New ^ Sunday Hours: j| 11 a.m. -10 p.m. Specials! I B U Y 1 G E T 2 n d D I N N E R F R E E * S un.- T h u rs. D in e - ln O n ly C H O O S E FROIME #1*#30, C o m b in a tio n s : N o t V a lid W ith A n y O th e r S p ecial - E x plras 7-16-97 Dlrwtloi»: From Mockavlll«: MO . 2«M toL«witvl(l»CI«nmonsRoMl, Cltmmons.NC tum right. V2 mil* on right : (810)778-0300 Mon..W«d.11tll10 _ Thura,»Fr. 11 tllll »at Noon-11; Sun. 11-10 sRd. OBI IÎ PUBLIC NOTICES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF • ■ JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 07SP63 IN THE MATTER OF; The Foreclosure ot a Deed ol Trust exoculod by WALTER CHARLES HOGUE and wife. JANET HOGUE; to SOUTHLAND ASSOCIATES. INC.. Trustee recorded In Book 228, al Page 934, DavIo County Registry: to .F. KEVIN GORHAM, Substitute Trustee, •recorded in Book 225. at Pago 3B5, Davio County Registry. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power ol salo contained In a certain Deed ol Trust iexeculodbyWALTERCHARLES HOGUE •nnd wile. JANET HOGUE,loSOUTHUND ASSOCIATES, INC.. Tfusloe, dated OC­ TOBER 6, 1895, and rocordod in Book 228, al Pago 934, in tho Otiico of Register ol Deods ol Davio County, North Carolina; ;and under and by virtue of tho auUiorlty vosted in tho undersigned, as Sutistitute Trustee, default having been made in the payment of tho indebtedness thereby se­ cured, and tho said Dood ot Trust being by the'.teims thereof subjoct to foreclosure. :aifd tho Holder ol the indebtedness thereby sqcurod having demanded a foreclosure theroof for tho purpose of satisfying said __indebtoctnossi-thcundortlgnedsubsl'tuto- Tmsloo will oiler for salo at public auction to the highest biddor for cash al tho Court- h(iuso Door of the Davie County Court- houso,tv^ocksville,Nor№Caro)lna,ani;00 a.m. on the ttih day ot July, 1997. all the property conveyed in said Deed ol Trust, wliich property as of Juno 20, 1997 was Owrtod by WALTER CHARLES HOGUE and wife. JANET HOGUE, and being In bavie County, North Carolina, and more particularly doscribod as follows; BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as lol No. 368 as shown on a plat entitled 'A Subdivision for Erwin Mills, inc.. Cool­ eemee. NC by Pickell. Engineers datod April 1953, and rocordod in tho Oflice ol the Rogistor of Deods for Davio County, NC, In Plat Book 3 at Pages 11.12.13 and 14 to ' which reference is hereby made lor a moro ' particular description. This property is also known as 12 Hickory Street. Cootoemeo. Nonh Caro­ lina. This proporty is to sold subiect to any prior encumbrances, any City-County ^ valorem taxes and any special assess- rnents thal are a lien against the premises. ThisSubstitutoTrustee.aftorsale,8hali require the highest bidder immediately to make a cash deposit ol the groalor of 5%of tho total bid Of S750.00. Tho Notice of Solo hereby given is in satisfactionotlherequirementsollheafore- mentioned Deed ot Trust and the require­ ments conlainod in North Carolina Gen­ eral Statute Section 45-21.17 with respect to posting or publishing notice ot salo. DATE: JULY 11.1997 TIME: 11:00A.M. PLACE; COURTHOUSE DOOR DAVIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA TERMS: CASH This tho 3rd day ol JULY. 1997. F. KEVIN GORHAM. Substituto Tfusteo. Attorney al Law OF COUNSEL; MADDOX & GORHAM, P.A. 220 North Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 (910) 272-8149 State Bar «012412 7-3-2tnimiiriim««! muMiflKiioia«. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 97 CVD 331 DAVIECOUNTY. Plaintiff. PARALEE C. WALKER, aWa PEARL C, WALKER. afl</a PEARL LEE CHILQERS. and THE HEIRS OF PARALEE C. WALKER, known and unknown (If deceased). Defendants. NOTICE OF SERVICE OP PROCESS BYPUBUCATION TO: TheHelrtofParalMC.Watktr TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature ol the relief sought Is the collection and/or fore­ closure of proporty taxes owing on prop­ erty located in Davie County, North Caro­ lina and being described and designated as follows; BEGINNING at a stone in road and running North 210feet to the rfght of way of the Southern Railway Company; thence 146 feet to Lee Hopkins' line; Ihence South 210 feet to the comer of J.M. Poplin's line; thence 148 feet to the BEGINNING. You are requested to make defense to such pleading no later than the Sih day ot August, 1997, said dale being 40 days ■-7rdmihafifSlljUfllicfifi6nortftrs"n6tlce;ah^^ upon your failure to do so, the party seek­ ing service against you will apply for the relief sought. Thisthe 26th day of June, 1997. Robert E. Price, Jr. Attomey lor Plaintiff State Bar No. 9422OF COUNSEL BURNS, PRICE & ARNEKE, L.LP. ParkWosl. Suite 101 3600 Country Club Road V/lnston-Salom. NC 27104 Tolophono: (910)760-1434 6-26-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Minnie W. Pope late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons having claims againsi said estale to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of October. 1997. being three months from the first day of publication or this notice will be pleaded in bat ol recovety., AU persons Indebted to said esiate wiil piease make immediate payment to the under­ signed. . This the 3rd day ol July, 1997. Eugene Roadman Pope. 1289 Angell Road, Mocksvllle, N.C. 27028, Executor of tho Estato ol Minnie W. Pope, deceased. MARTIN, VAN HOY. SMITHS RAISBECK. LLP Ten Court Square Maksvitio. NC 27028 7-3-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Keith Teaell Snider, deceased, lato of Davio County. North Caiollna. this isto notify alipersons having daimsagainst said estale to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 26th day ol Sep­ tember. 1997, being three months from tho first day of pubiicatton or this notice wiil be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted losald estale will please make immediale payment lo the under­ signed. This the 26th day ot June. 1997. LaVerne H. SnkJer. 317 Milling Road. Mocksville, NC 27026, Executrix of the Estate of Keith Terrell Snider, deceased. 6-26-41P NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYNOnce OF SERVICE or PROCESS SYPUBUCATfON KAW Towrfng and Garafle vs. Alton Nelson TO-. Alton Nelson, addtei »unknown A U C T IO N FANTASTIC SELECTION MAHOGANY FURNITURE - PORCELAIN - CHINA SATURDAY. JULY 12.1997,9:30 A.M. 342 South Salisbury Rd., Mockville, NCFrom MO, take Mociisville Exit (exit #170) onto IJS Hvm. 601 Soutti. /enture 2.4 ntllea. Turn tight at 4th st^llsnt onto South Salisbury Sale at 2nd house on lelt. Take notice that a pleading seeking relief egainsi you has been filed in the above enlltled action. The nature of the reliel sought Is to satisfy o possessory lien for towing, storage, and services to a 1966 Ford pick-up, VIN 1FTCF15Y7QPA05830 by sale ol said vehicle which Is registered in your name. You are required to make defense (o such pleading. Upon (allufe to doso.plaintlflwillappfyfortherelielsought. This the 10th day ol July, 1997. KftW Towing and Oarage 275 Danner Road Mocksville, NC 27026 634-2564 • 7-10<3lnp NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXEcuTOflaNOTice Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth M. Upgren, deceased, late ol Davie County. North Carolina, this isto notifyalipersonshaving claims against said estale to present them lo the under­ signed on or before the 10th day ot Octo­ ber, 1997, being №ree months trom the -firstdayotpubilcaiioiiormisntiiicewiifbe" pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. Ail per­ sons indebted to saki estate wiil piease make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 10th day ot July, 1997. Rrst Union National Bank, P.O. Box 2114-CMQ. Winston-Salem. NC 27102. Executor ol the Estate ol Elizabeth M. Upgren. deceased. 7-10-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Katherine P. Miller, deceased, late of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against saki estate to present them to the under­ signed on or iMfore the 26th day of Sep­ tember, 1997, being three months Irom the Hrst day of publication or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted lo sakJ estale win piease make immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 26th day of June, 1067. Thurman F. MiHer, 360 St Andrews Church Road, Woodleaf. NC 27054. Ex­ ecutor ol the Estate of Katherine P. MUer. deceased.6-26-41P NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the Estale of George L. Judy, deceased, lale ot Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to rwtlfy ail persons, frms and corporaHons having claims against the estate ot said deceased lo exhibit them to Ann Landis, d o G. Emmett McCall, Attomey at Law. 633 W. Fourth SUeet. Suite 150, Winston-Sa­ lem, North Carolina 27101 on or before the 3rd day ot Oclober. 1997,orthIsnotk:ewlil be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. Ail persons, firms and corporations indebted to №e said estate wil piease make Imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of July. 1997. Ann Landis Executrix of the Estate ol George L Judy c/o McCall Ooughton & Spaugh PLLC 633 West Fourth Streei. Suite 150 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 G. Emmett McCal Attomey tor the Estate ot George L. Judy McCall Doughton & Spaugh PaC 633 West Fourth Street, Suite 150 Winston-Salem. North Cardina 27101 7-3-4IP /. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO­ SURE ot a Deed ol Tnjst Executed by James Warren Tutterow Dated Oclober 11.1996 and Recorded in Book 246 at Page 190 In the Davie County Public Registry NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant lo an order of the Clerk of Supertor Court and under and by virtue ot the power and authority contained In the above-ielerenced deed of tmst and be­ cause of -default In the paynwnt ot the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry oul and perform the slipuiatlon and agreements therein contained and, pursu­ ant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by saki deed of tmst, the undersigned substitute tmstee win expose for sale at pubik: auction to the highest bidder lorcash at theusualplaceot sale at Ihe county courthouse ol saklcounty al 11 ;00 a.m. on July 14.1997 the following described real estate and any other Im­ provements which maybe sHualedthereon, situated in Davie County, North Carolina, and being more parttoularfy described as tdksws: L y^ and being in Mocksviile Town- .„^^.Qavte. County.. North Caroilna,' and' more particularty described as follows: BEING Lot Number Four (4) of the ' Morris HendrU property being a portton of the County Home Property k)cated one (1) mile west of Mocksviile, N.C. on the South skis ot County Home Road as per sunrey and plal made by A.L. Bowles. Sun^eyor, August 30.1965. Andsaldpiatrecordedin Book No. 4, Page 25, Register ol Deeds Office of Davie County. N.C. to which ref­ erence is hereby made for a more particu­ lar description. Subject to restrictive cov­ enants recorded In Deed Book 75 at Page 117. Davie County Registry. And Being more commonly known as; 1491 County Home Road. Mocksvllle. NC 27026 The record owner of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register ot Deeds. Is James Warren Tutterow. This sale is made subiect lo ail prior liens and encumbrances, andunpaid taxes and assessments tor paying, il any. A deposit ot live percent (5%) of the amount of the bkl or seven hundred fifty dollars (S750.00).whicheverisgrealer.ls required and must be tendered in me fonn of certi­ fied hjnds at the time ofthe sale. Thissale will be heU open ten days for upset bids as required by law. FoUowkigtheexpirationof the statutory upset perkxl. oH remaining amounts are immedlatety due and owing. The dale of this Notice is June 17. 1997. Daniel LFulco or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Tmstee 301 S. McDowell Slreel Suite 408 Charlotte. North Carolina 28204 (704)333-8107 7-3-2ln Pueuc NOTICE . There wiil be a meeting ol the Davie County Zoning Board of Adiustment on Thursday. July 10.1997 at 7:30 p.m. In Ihe Commissk>nerB Room of the Davie County Administration Buikfing, Mocksviile. N.C. The pubik: is invited lo attend. Business WiH be conducted as follows: A) Call loonier and welcome B) Review of minutes C) C. Richard Dobson Builders re­ quests 0 variance of the 25 fool corner side yard requirementonLot 151 IntheLonetree Sectk>n ot Oak Valley. The property Is k)caledattheintersectionofKingsmiii Drive andLonetreeDrtveandlsfurtherdescribed as being parcel 151 of Davie County Tax Map E-9. D) RkhardSmitnandolhersrequesls a variance to place an additional mobile home on a nonconforming tot due to hard­ ship. The property is localed on the east side of Yadkin Valley Road approximately 1000teelfromN,C.Hwy.601 North and is further described as being parcel 19 of Oavle County Tax Map C-7. E) John David King has submitted a request for a Special Use Pemiit for a private recreational facility to build and operaie a golf praclk;e facility. The prop­ erty is located on the north side ot US Hv^ 64 East adjacent to the Hickory Hill Coun­ try Club and is further described as being • r i NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUStiCE SUPERIOR COURT D iV ia^ BEFORE THE ClifiK 97SP29 THE LAW OFFICES OF GRADY L. *- MCCLAMROCK. JR.. J,D.,P.A. Petittoner - vs. ' CHARLENE O'NEAL MOODY. DONALD RAY MOODY and AMERICAN GEN- ‘ • ERAL FINANCE OF AMERICA. INC. J Raspondents i NOTICE OF SALE BV COMMIS-' SIONER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDINa Under ond by virtue ol on Order ol tho Honoroblo Konnolh D, Boger. Clorli ol Superior Court ol Dovis Counlv. North Corolino. entered on tho 14111 doy ol May. 1997. made In the Speclnl Proceedii^ entitled THE I.AW OFFICES OF GRADY L. McCLAMROCK. JR.. J.D.. P.Ar:V3. CHARLENE O'NEAL MOODY. DONAtID RAY MOODY, ond AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE OF AMERICA, INC.. tho under­ signed. who was by sold Order oppoliilod Commissioner lo sell the londs described In Ihe petition, wlll on tho 1 sl day ol August, 1997. ol la.oo o'tlocli Noon o< the Dwio County Courthouse. 140 SouthMolnStreet, Mocksville. North Carollno, oiler lor solo lo Ihe highest bidder lor cosh, Ihot certain FfNew or old business G) Adjournment A sign wiii be placed on these proper­ ties to advertise sakf public hearing. All parties and Interested citizens are Invited lo attend saU hearing al which time they shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor or in opposition to Ihe foregoing changes. Prior to Ihe hearing, alt persons interested may obtain any additional Infor­ mation on a proposal or ask any questtons they may have by dropping by the Planning and Zoning Department on weekdays be­ tween 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or by tele­ phone at 634-3340. John Gallimore Planning and Zoning 7-3-2tn NOftTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY CO-EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Inez Smith Renegar. de­ ceased. late of Davio County, North Caro­ lina. this is to notify ail persons having claims against said estato lo present them to the undei^gned on or before the I9th day of September. 1997. being three months from the first day ol pubik:alion or this notice WiH be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to saki estale will please make immecfiate pay­ ment to the undersigned. Thisthe 19th day ot June, 1997. Alice R. Dwiggins. 199 Olile Harkey Road, Yadkinville. NC 27055; Brenda R. Martin, 117 Jo-Monni Loop, Statesville. NC 28677; and Larry Odell Renegar, PO Box 653. Mocksville, NC 27028, Co-Ex­ ecutors of Ihe Estate of fnez Smilh Renegar. deceased. 6-19-4tp S t FUfWlTUM: Beautiful dining room suite (Queen Anne type table, omele Ml-t)ed( hulch, IxM . & set ol rib b o o s chairs): rare 40 drawer (with opium compertment) Chlfleee mahogany aoQUwcan chesi; iaroa beveled mirror in mahogany trante: mahogany dmm table with cUm leel: S»enAnoe type aimoire with 2 drawers; firw Victortan chair. Queen Anne neetfepoM stool: S 2S ;i7^o«edtatte:piecn«tpede8W «W c la w -fo o W j;*^ chain ciasste ooW framed mirror; pair ol mahogany d ^ le e l tabtea with (tawers; 4 pc. mahogany:tíaíste odd---------poster bedroom suite; parlor lamp with dassk:claw-footed colfee table WHh renwaUe servino tr^ lop; 3 oval al mahogany tyre tablee with braw ( ^ leet; beeUlMdy»- •fooled love seal; mahogany ctaw-f-*"*------- --- -j«. r/unn«tm-r-looted amchainmaMoany game taUe with b brass daw leet; shelMadc . . several mtfwoany sue chairs; oM floor model RCA Vtotorola (good condWon); brass androne 4 lire screerc handsome open arch top mahogany framed mtrror; figurine lamp (gentleman A ^êô/Y, carved Vtoiorfan chair. ReguMor dock; 8em Ttom MivSae dock; fancy old wt* dock; manoe ckxfc; am« csfrtSQ* dock;iS e d o y o th e r ¿«dodcs; wk*er duyrs; i-sphone table; eewh^ ¡¡¡X ^iS siallordshlre dog lari^ Mverel r ^ « :ifamad mlmw;ninfjairmti Hems; wai table; French shadowAoi pictures: peir of alabester lampe; oval gonh a m e d ^ . tarn pidure ol Henry V at Atfnootft; pair ol macvie •candotiÈras; scorïces; satin lamp (lighted top end bottom) pair ol formel electric candelabm:laroe. fine sdectton ol plcturee a fmmes; iramed riirroie; rnoie m ehow tibW ^ ol lady Püno: f«wy Ivga cradde white 4 goki anUqua mkron cryeM ou « to . or man« » dKigW»;'«¡M Mue. pMi and M vn i ginger IvK btie rnirM n IM M t Art D«a pM (Mia M« m : p« gotMU; №• Jopm ie tea M d iii« i M t tcoim : c<v< a uueofK M CNnV VM coi««n 01 Ita Ikiuot d«»«K Mn glame; Moriahvtah vw K Norlul» cNni m a lL A N K G n u a Illv« ll«tw bound tm antuty CongrMaloiiil rKcnl booki tram SC ------,llHP3aiftCJrld>igl«»nit«»«»;lf<»irrio««cullllylrill«;palli»M;muclimor> ■ABvaMNO PIANO («ran«« con»n. ebony «un «egarttiioiMilleaa. SOU M iviKW DAVO FAUC nO Na-iiaO AJI. ■: EVERYTHINa SOLD AS IS a WHERE IS (NO WABRANTIES EXPRESSED Oh IMPub). >uetiona« i« nol rilfonalila W any dhcraiiaiKlaa or inaeeuiKiM in adwill«i^?r,(oranyaddHlonaordalatfona.4«T RESPONSIBLE IN CASeOFACCIDENT 4 ^ SERVED ON QROUNO« F M D aM O C K ,A u otleiM ar ,. l i _______L - _ TO1 OMH fl Mmi <7 l,» iWa»n<mM?i!W*^ (»tom »3426 NCAL«31 RANDY MLLER &SOIIS 295M BkrlM d^M «knttt»,NC (704)284-2826 NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix ot the EsIateotDannyRayHolscfaw, 135Peace- ful Valley Road, Advance. NC 27006. deceased, late ol Davie County. North Carolina, thisislo notify all persons having cfaims against sakj estale lo present them lo the undersigned on or before Ihe 19th day ol September, 1997, being three months trom tha flrst day of pubilcaiion or this notice wiii be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wUI piease make immediate pay­ ment lo the undersigned. Thisthe 10th day of June, 1997. Rhonda A. Hotsdaw. 135 Peacey Valley Road, Advance, NC 27006. Execu- trb( ol the Estale ol Danny Ray Holsctaw, deceased. 6-19-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix ot tho Estato ot Margaret Foster Clement, deceased, lale ot Davie County. North Carolina, ihisis to notify aii persons having claims againstsaid estale topresent them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of September, 1997, being three months from the first day of publication or this notice wiil be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to saki estale win please make ImmedUite pay­ ment to the undersi;^^. This the 26th day of June, 1997. Anita L. Clement. 120 Excaliber Lane, Mocksville. NC 27026, Administratrix of the Estate of Margaret Foster Ctement. deceased.6-26-4tn p r o g r a m h a e Helped C h ild re n f c r SÛ le n i, W e remember malLliii ^ h e e e w l^ ll m a carO til b e t e a d o f p a s * ^ a . O N e r t s e l s f i a i e . « е е М Ц » ^ Ъ т т т т я а т а ш ш Sincc 1965, we've worked lo make sure all children have the opponuniiy lo Icam valuable l ^ n i during Ihe years when li'» easiest for Ihein to leam. • To'Dnd out iiow you can help, call your local Head Stan. Calahain Township. Davie County, North Carolina and more partlcuiariy described as follows; TRACT ONE; BEGINNING at an existing Icon In the property line of Polly T. (Mrs. Martin) Latham, at the edge of an exisling eosemeni; saki easement' recorded In Deed Book 66 at Page 460 of the Davie Couniy Registry, being the Southwest comer of the paroel; thence North 174.35 feot to a new iron placed nt the edge of said easement; thence Soutt\ 88 deg. East 250.00 feel lo a new iron placed: thence Soulh 174.35 feet to a new iron placed in the property lino of Polly (Mrs. Martin) Utham: Ihence North 88 deg. West 250.00 feeltoanexlsiinglron. the point and place of BEGINNING containing I.OOOacres. Said parcel is bounded on tho North and East by tho prop­ erty of John Frank O'Neal as de­ scribed in Deed Book 76 at Page 395; on the South by the property of John Wayne and Johnna Charlene QNealTaylor.asdescribedlnDeed Book 122 at Page 727; and on the West by the easement described in Deed Book 66 at Page 460. Said parcel is shown on a map prepared by Grady L Tutterow. Registered Land Sunreyor, reflecting a sun/ey done on April 9.1984, by Tutterow Surveying Company. For back title see Deed Book 122 at Page 725. Davio County Registry. TRACT TWO: BEGINNING at an existing iron at the corner of an existing 30 fool easement described in the instm- . moni recorded in Deed Book 66 al page 460 of Ihe Davie County Reg­ istry and the John Wayne and CharteneTaykjr property line; North­ west comer of this parcel; thence South 49 deg. 52 min. 20 sec. East 27.99 feel to a new Iron placed, the Southwest corner of this parcel;. Ihence Soulh 88 deg. 34 min. 27 sec. East 226.52 feel to a new iron placed. Southeast comer of Ihis paroel; thence North 15.00 feel lo a new Iron placed in the property line wilh John Frank O'Neal, the North-, east comer of this paroel; thence North 86 deg, 250.00 feel lo an exisling iron, being the point and place ol BEGINNING, containing 0.089acres. Saki paroel Is bounded on the North by the lands ot John.. Wayne and Charlene Taylor as de^ scribed by the insUument recorded InDeed Book 122 at page725ot the Davie County Registry, on the SouUt by PoUy T. (Mrs. Martin) Uthom, as described in Deed Book 28 at page ' 334 ol the Davie County Rej^try, and touches with its Northwest cor- - ner the easement described above. - This deed was prepared from a map dravm by Grady L Tutterow, Regis­ tered Land Surveyor, pursuant to a ' survey done April 9. 1964, by ' Tutterow Sun/eying Company, copy attached hereto. Also incUided are all of the rights ot ‘ access etong those easements de­ scribed in Deed Book 66. at Page • 460 and Book 104. at Page. 416, Davie County Registry. Said land? are sold subiect to al yens, encumbrances, taxes or detects of recoird ifany. An earnest money deposH equai lo 10% percent ol №e Ngheat bid Ш Ы required from №• higheel bidder at tfmt of aale as evidence of good faltti.TNatia 10*1 day 0) July, ig«7.LoriL 11iaabo«t4m catebnUaStlM irBirdid^ SbovUyMiMOCita« tbM.d»gwllMM»C«U т п и в т SALES ft SBWICE Pails АуаёаЫе Most MtkM SINK IÍ Bfo - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Julv 10, ) 9 ^ . .í. I e L A S S I F I ] E H I N E C T E N B I V E Ш О Т Г Е ^ В Ш Yard Sales 1ST TIME YARD sate: 64W on right. 1 m)les past 1*40 W. Old hoop cheese cutter, old horse hanes Imperial china, just lots of things. Rain cancels._________________ 5 FAMILY YARD sale; Sam*? July 12th, Midway St.. Cooleemee. Infant-plus sizes, baby items, large mens clothes, toys & lots more. If rain postponed to Julv 19. BIQ YARD SALE: Riddle CIr. off Gordon Dr., Advance. Sai., July 12. 7am»? Odds & ends, clothes. BIQ YARD SALE: Sat.. July 12, 7am-2pm. Lois oí children's toys & clothes, household items, furniture, etc. 162 E. Maple Ave.__________ FRI. & SAT., July 11 & 12. 8am*? 3296 Hwy 150. Large wooden desk, youth bed, Jenny Lend babybed, typewriter. 2 wedding gowns, homemade cakes, misc. GARAGE SALE: THURS.. Fri. & Sat., 8am-? 1800 Yadkin Valley Rd. Dorm refrig., AC, exercise bike. Ab roller, baby swing; car seal; 2 love • seals, clothes & much more. LOTS OF GOOD stuff yard salel Sat., July 12. 7am. Antique furniture, kids bikes, large AC, toys, clothes, tools, housewares, stuff & more stuff, well worth the trip! 157 Woodburn PI, just off 801 in Creekwood Dev. Come early, we’ll have coffee!__________________ MULTI FAMILY YARD sale; 697 Fork Bixby Rd., July 12th, 7am* Noon. Clothes, household items, nursing scmbs, books, misc.. Rain dale: July 19._________________ YARD SALE: 1730 Peoples Cr. Rd., Advance, typewriter, doll house, lawn mower, weedealer. household items, glassware, bicycles. Tyco Train set. books, china, lots, more. *52 Ford truck, rough body only. 8am>? Fri.. July 11th, Rain or shine. 940-6799. YARD SALE: 282 Avon St.. July 1M 2._______________________ YARD SALE: EVERY Fri. 8am<? & Sat. 6am-Noon. 601 S. M & S Mobile Home Supplies. Some furniture, sewing supply, craft supplies, clothes ail sizes, household items. Mary Kay Producís._____________________ YARD SALE: FRI. & Sat., 8am. Milling Rd, 1 mile from 158. Precious Moments, etc. YARD SALE: FRI., 7am-5pm & Sat. 7am-2pm, July 11th & 12th. 120 Marconi St, 63Í3995. Yard Sales YARD SALE: FRI., July 11, 7;30am*5pm & Sat., July 12, 8am- Noon. Home of Home Potts on Homer Potts Rd. off Comatzer Rd. Girls jeans. Easy Spirit shoes, large size men bib overalls, new products & lots more. 998-8446. Rain cancels._____________________ YARD SALE: SAT., July 12, 6am- Noon. 1334 N. Main St. Electronics, household items, exercise equip., name brand clothes, childrens clothes.______________________ YARD SALE: SAT., July 12. 8am- 3pm. 601 N.. 5 miles off Liberty Church Rd. Portable crib w/mesn cover, high chair, play den. toys & lots more. YARD SALE: SAT., July 12th. 8am-3pm. 240 Merrells Lake Rd. Hwy 64 E. of Mocksville. clothes, housewares, furniture, books. YARD SALE: SAT., JULY 12ih. 8am-3pm. 64 W., Cenler Shelter. Mens suits, dress shirts, dress & work pants, books, what-nots, -clothe&all sizes. Lotsof good buys... YARD SALE: WITH great bargains; Fri. & Sat., July 11th & 12lh, 7:30am-5:30pm. Housewares, childrens & misc. items. 1141 Country Ln. lust off Hwy 158. YARD/MOVING SALE: FRI.. July 11, tpm-6pm & Sat. 7am-? Tools, clothes, toys, & morel 2509 Hwy 601 N.. 2 miles past 1-40 on left. AKC DALMATION PUPPIES, 14wks. 7-way shots, rabies shots. wormed. $75 ea. 910-463-4675. FOR SALE: PYGMY goats, females & males. 148 Buckingham Ln. Call anytime at 492-7518. RARE, BLACK & white Sheltie needs lovlng.home. Special needs dog. No children, neutered, 3 1/2 yrs. old. $50.634-3469. REASONABLE RATES • fREE ESTIMATES •aEAN AND SEAL DECKS* ( 7 0 4 )4 9 2 - 5 7 3 5мосЬ',.1Ю.нс $ $ $ C A SH $ $$ We Buy Scrap Gold, Broken nnd Unused Gold Jewelry. M V I E JE W E L E R SNt»HoW*1-KhrtM7t)4t 654-3747 ■uy • Sell • Tr«toIrue« llin n rt • 704-9Э4-9Э71 »т ш ш и ш - ш аат ,к ^««геМ— ЦИ— «И j D avie D riv in g School Coùfs?® ï In Teen Oriver's Education . С1ИЮ4-1ДЯ G R O O M IN G S H O P , 910-998-5098 * m P P Y M B T riD A Y DENNY BOOER You’ve just turned Fony and we don't know whal to say - Except your hair is now totally gray. But wc love you anyway! FMULËGM'ThKin Carpirti: и и щ и Ш т Ь И Д111а 1цЧ1» 7 0 4 - 6 3 4 - 3 4 4 2Mocksville. NC lift o o » * * ! ™ “ » « , , ЯГ«(|МГИММГМ1* . .. M h 4 ,lhtfk4 «Meb, lnw ri,ile.),TnelirNM k. н имит ш ь ш т г » . еынктицй ( п ц и м т ( и ц т - и а (и ц Apartments AFFORDABLE LIVINQ, country atmosphere. Try Northwood Apts. Studio's, 1 & 2 BR's; aarbage, water & sewage Included. Comesee whal we have! 600 Northridge Ct.. Mocksville. 704-634-4141. MOCKSVILLE SUNSET TERRACE: All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat ond air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen & bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind Hendricks Furniture on Sunset Dr. oft of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 704-634-0168._________________ NICE FURNISHED, IBR basement apt.. 3 1/2 miles out 158, lum left on Main Church Rd., go 1 mile. 634-2967. Appliances LARGE CAPACITY WASHER &diver. $250.492-2282 aHer 6pm. JANET DEAN’S ART STUDIOCreates custom sketches or ^ & veliiclesi^For mme info, leave message at 704-634-1549 or write: PO 80X984 Mocksville, NC 27028. Beacti Property CAROUNA BEACH CONDO:ocean view, IBR, 1 1/2 BA, sleeps 4. W/D, pool. $400/wk. 910-791- 5788. B u sin e ss Opportunity WANT YOUR OWN Business In Mocksville? Sellina existing Video Store Inventory & fixtures in leased bldo. Call Heartland Realty, 910- 67^7288 or aHer hrs. 910-468- 4607 or 468-4740. Card Of Thanks THE HERBY SMITH Family sends sincere appreciation to everyone who expressed sympathy & love through phone calls, cards, food, (lowers, visits & memorials at his recent passing. Your presence at the services meant so much to all of us. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILDCARE:5:30am-1;45am. 1st & 2nd shifter by the hour. Permanent or temporary care available for infants-12 yrs. old. CALL US FOR SAT. HOURS. Al our new location: -571 S.- Main SI.- 634^7529- or-634- • 1960. Debra Stanley, owner. HAVE OPENINGS IN Daycare, ages Infant & up. Wm. R. Davie District. Ref. avail. CPR & Rrst Aid Cert. For more Info, call Paula Powell at 492-2183. Furniture BERNHARDT DINING ROOM set. drop leaf table & 4 chairs, oak finish. $300.998-0990. H om es For Rent IBR DUPLEX IN Iown, Howard Really. 634-353а.__________ 3BR FAMILY HOME-lolally remodeled. Howard Really. 634- 3538. Hom es For Rent I Lnnd For Sale EXECUTIVE COUNTRY HOME,4BR, 3 1/2BA, double garage, large kitchen, satellite & security systems. Between Mocksville & Statesville. $1250/mo. + dep., pet OK. 704-278-1717. H om es For Sale ADVANCE, 3BR, 2 1/2BA, brick rancher on 4 1/2 acres. Double attached garage. finished basement, new roof, AC & more improvements. 998-7271.________ FOR SALE: 4BR, 2BA house in Mocksville. Located in Hisloric area. $78,000. Leonard Realty. 634-3650 or 634-3875. Land For Sale 1 \ L-002-L 23f'ACRES Yadkin Co.;- very secluded, wobded, siream, • excellent for hunting, $34.900.D-001-W 3 lots, each over 1 acre: *•: mobile or dbl. wide homes. Hangs; Grove Rd., Yadkin Co., $6500/ea. Pineview Farms Land & Dev. Gordon A. Hodges, Broker • ■ ________910-468-6363 MINI FARM: BEAUTIFULLY.remodeled farm house, huge barn,: • out bidgs. Approx 6 acres. More; land available. Red Foust. DaVIe' Farm & Land Sales. 634-0757. Lawn Care ALL SEASONS LAWN CARE..' New & exlsllng lawn \ malnlerta Call704-284-4277. \ 10 ACRES FARMINQTON /MhrdompuMMdOMt /NnoMIvMtÜWUgMhe /ataMMuptol0x2O /УИмСМмпамигйу /NwiioBwimidaCkity SMALL HOUSE IN Mocksville, deal lor couple or single, $385. Leonard Really. "5020.634-365Ó, 634- FREDDY'S ROOFING Com m ercial R esidential FR EE EST IM A T ES 7 0 4 - 4 9 2 - 5 9 2 3 Home and Office Cleaning -No Hourty Fee »Excellent Rales References • Bonded & Insured FrM Estimates 7 6 5 ^ 9 Communiiy, all wooded, $60,000; 15 acres N. 601, $60,000; 31 acres behind Courtney Fire Dept..,$3000/acre..... Large...acte...,tracta-..Davie & surrounding counties. 998- 3805.________________________ 10 ACRES W/SEPTIC. $35,000. 998-2865.____________________ FOR SALE: 5 acre tract In Fork area. Mobile home or bidg. site, $25,600.32 acre site in Davidson Co. possible Commercial Use-Easy access to Railroad & Interstate. Only $7000 an acre,Looldng for room to roan 19-f acre parcel In Davidson Co. Near shopping & schools. $6500 an acre.13-f acre parcel in Davidson Co. Public waler. Zoned for mobile homo. Near shopping & schools. $6500 an acre.Bidgs. lots in prestigious, est. Winston-Salem neighborhood. Only 2*$20,000 ea.Riverfork Properties 704-634-1070 fWhitaker Lawn Cure] wing • Trimming • WMd EtUng i ' You grow It— W t mow III ] (7 0 4 ) 634-9796 с а м SERVICES: We p ovide'all' types ol lawn sen/ice, mowing lawns, trimming shnibbery.: cleaning lots, 704-634-S798. FREE ESTIMATES. . . Lost & Found LOST: BLUE MALTESE cat. male, lost near 601 and Danner Rd.. Please call 492-2436. N99dToPk№e A ClassHted Ad? HirftSoimlMpliil Information For You... Ths flrst 10 worte art $5.00- ••Ch addMontl word is 10s. VM Ssis ads ffiuti b* pM In sdvsncs. DMdtasfordMsMsdsds Is 13:00 noon Tbssdty; Ths Davis (kMinty Eirtsrprise-Recortl in MklMitt. • MickNHt Tt44M-2in GENETREXLERROOFING New & Old Roofs 24 Years Experience Free Estimates704-284-4571 O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES, PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES, OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Uwn Mowing, Mulch & Pine N«dle Spreading. GulKr Clean ini!, SnwII flow er Gardeni ‘nilcd. Plujjing, Rweedini, Fertiliiingofljiw-ni, Fallen 1 imbi ft Qrush Cut Up & Hauled 0(T.QUAUTY WORK • FREf ESTIMATES __________99B-9B85 M.iina, ^jH îfinishes^^ Furniture Refinishing & Restoration Custom Woodworking Fine Finishes F O R S A L E‘S3 Oakwood 14x72 MunMoM-UtoNaw; 2 M ,2 M kt,Uw W lm l«ir, bir,AC,AM/HleM*rilt racordir buttt-in, мШя| fnw, etHing mirror, garden tub, 6Е1ррйапем,Мск.«Юпч|е bMg-iMrkiliopMi2 lai<|e M t (CM stay) $19,900 (7 0 4 )2 8 4 - 6 5 6 7 W ELDERS Wa are your local nU-UNE . I I We Carry aitwwKMMdkiaOM« -¡j5Lm.deuvery- м ж нсгтоаи Having А M Sato TMs SHUNiMrT Put your sale In the classified and let eveiyone know about III Here's some Infonnation you'll need to gel started: nt M10 md) n tut: Hdi adMonl M»d 1« 1^ OMdMiloicliMlMidihlMOiMailMtf H w ia»liC a.ulw )rlii H ow l i n i N l h lM il t ' Stsvs i k f i n e s C a n t C l t a n b i g * Cvp«t&Uph0lst«iv Cleaning* Homes, Businessss A Churches * WaterOwnao*Extraction Senrice* Ovsri 5 Vaars Experience* EBEEEstimalM NC I f O C K 8 V 1 L L B H O U 8 I N O C B N T B R 1033 SalislMuy Rd. (Hwy. 601 Soulh) • Mod^yitle, NC ■704-в34-Д734- PART-TIME INSTRUCTOR Onldno Counly Commuiitly;Clki. Ii ncrepling applkialionj: for a pMt-Ume insmictor to Icach; the followlns coursc al liic Davie Cupw during Ihe 1997 Fali: Seme«cr(8aj-I2/18). WestemCMilnUonl (day) | Salary will be detcmiincd by' education and upcrience. R* moce infotmation about' rtipomibilities, qualilications, and ■ the application process, coniact: ■ ООО D«yid«»ComlyCoiramjnllyCollege •: Р.0.ВМ1Ш :■LMlnglon, Nonh CtoUm 27»3-1287 % TlH4*ooe;(704)249-8l86 |>1>«|ш10Иояи,»;г|иац1и -к D A V IE COUNTV ENTERPMSE RECORD, July 10.19Í7 - i l l eSLASSIEI Э1 I N E X P E N S IV B r P R O F IT A B L E : ^ Lots For Ront MOBILE HOME LOTS lor rent, convenient location in Mocksville, Paved street & driveway. 8 lots available nowl Call Penny at 704- 634f0446. ' Lots For Sale 5-6 ACRE wooded tracts In Mary Brook Acres, ofl Hwy 801 in Advance. $8S00/acre. 998-5378. iiscellaneous Wa i t r e s s N e e d e d Full-Time & Part-Time • 6am - 2pm & 5pm-Юрт Apply in penm... sCountiy Side Restaurant : Hwy. 601 South (at the Ellis Center): Mocksville w w i X m 2BR MOBILE HOME, stove. refrig.,W/D furnished. Ref. & dep. req. $350/mo. 284-2686._________ 2BR, CENTRAL AIR, near Lee Jeans, $325 rent, $325 dep. 492- 5897.__________________ 2BR, CENTRAL AIR, nice neighborhood, for non-smokers, w/no pels. 492-7462.____________ RENT TO OWN. ready to move in 2 & 3BR mobile homes. 634*1218. fISWIMMINQ POOLSItSale 1/2 price on install. 16'X30' OD* POOLS complete with Deck, Steps, Filter & Warranty for only $695. Hurry limited supply! Other models also. Financing. Neptune Pools Inc. over 11 yrs. in business. 1-800-323-7946._______________ 2 '93 POURIS SL 650 Jet Skis. Galvanized trailers & covers. 4 life jackets, $7500. will not separate. 634.-0383.____________________ APPROX. 60 YRDS. of dark brown plush carpet. $75.998-0358. FOR SALE DUE to separation: coffee table, $20; portable TV, $75, OBO; queen wood waterbed, $125; washer & dryer, $300; old wood desk & chair, $100; oriental rug, $75; '87 Mercury $1800, runs great; old barrel, $20, 704-284-2199, ask for Louise. FOR SALE-K & G Salvage; Bidg. stone $140/pr. pallet 140 sq. ft.; 4'X8'X3/4- T & G plywc* $15.95/sheel; 3' wide, 29 gai ^alv. metal roofing, prehung exterior steel doors, $79/ea.; Roofing felt, $6.95/roll; We stock stainless steel in sheets & pipe. Super savings on carpel & lljioleum as low as $3.95/yd.; 2- bulb fluorescent light fixture, 4', $8.95/ea; Corrugated culvert pipe up to 24" dia.; We stock pumps & dccessories for wells. Formica, 3.50 sq.ft.; 4’X8'X1 1/2" thick faced insulation, $7.95/ea.; 3000 tb cap warehouse carts, $49/ea. Stee! I* Beams for sale.K & G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West bank of Yadkin : . River. 910-699*2124. FOR SALE: URGE dog lotw/cover, $145. Call after 6pm 998- 7179.________________________ FOR SALE: MANCO Go-Cart, $350. 998-7775._______________ FOR SALE: TRAMPOLINE. $100; solid wood coffee table, EC, $100. 998-8957. FOR SALE: WHITE GE stove w/2 ovens, $75; fireplace insert w/blower, $250. Call 284-6209. FOR SALE: ‘S3 30ft. monitor admiral fifth wheel travel traiier, EC, $7500.492-5436.______________ SONY 10 DISC CD changer for aulo. EC, $200 neg. Call Mike 634- 3614.________________________ STEEL BLDGS, BUILT for you: 2 car garages, large warehouses, many One-of-a-Kind: fastest del. Call 1-800-638-2864.___________ STEEL BUILDING CLEARANCE!Selling all repossessions and canceled orders. Their loss, your gain. 25x36, 30x44, 50x90. No reasonable offer refused. Easy financing. Call today. 1-800-222- 6335. _____________________ WILL BUY JUNK cars. 284-2859 or 634*4335. TRAILERS FOR RENT. Water furnished. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Call 940-2395 leave message. Mobile Homes/Sale "LQS HOMES"Singlewld^s & doublewides. Affordable prices, quality built, dependable service. Factory Direct Since 1937.3995 Patterson Ave. 910-767-7565. Winston-Salem. Ask for Odie Perkins._______________ -•-•NEWi ...-REPO’SI!— REPO'SII- REPO'Sli 2 & 3BR SWs & DWs. Easy financing. Oakwood Factory Oullel ol Salisbury ■ 704-633-1107. "NO RENT OR HOUSE PMTS."After 4 yrsil Fectory rebuilt mobile Uail Mobile Homes/Snie MORTQAQE COMPANY HASseveral DWs i SWs set up on acteagel Pay $300 In fees & move Ini Cali 704-633-1914, ask for Allen.________________________ MUST SELLI! '96, 2BR, 2BA, $189/mo., gas fumace, stove & gas hot water healer. Special order, vinyl siding, shingle roof, set up, del, A/C, steps, tax, title & insur. Call Ted 634-0503._____________ ONE ONLYI BEAUTIFUL newFleetwood. 2BR, $699/dn., only $148.56/mo. 1-800-593-7814. Accent f^obiie Homes,3856 N. Patterson Ave., Winslon-Salem, tjC. USED DOUBLEWIDES «sinnlewldes Irom $1000-S15,000. ■■■'II finance. 910-744-0688. Ëmploymoiit homell $599 dn. & 48 monthly, pmts. ol $122.76 ea. at 13.5% C„ Oakwood Mobile Homes. Salisbury C N A ’ S To Cover Davie County All Shifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 910-768-1197 P ie d m o n t H o m e H e a lth , In c . Winston-Salem •Vf'hbm thw n Gontfmy, w§'ll treat youOkByoH'dwpecL'' single Will fil WE PAY TOP dollar $$ for your present mobile home, paid for or not. Call Ted today. 634-0503. *07. 2BR, 2BA, 14X70, fronl kitchen, w/sliding glass doors, microwave, dishwasf\er, set up & del., w/A/C, steps, washer & dryer, -laxG5,-tit!o-foos-&-lncur.--AII- for- $189/mo. Call 634-0503 today!! Ask for Wanda or Ted. PIANO TUNING BEAUTICONTROL COSMETICS:for products or Career info. Call Jenny Turner, 634*2567.________ CORNATZER & SONSFor all your outdoor needs: Grading, Hauling (mulch, gravel, etc.). Tractor Work, Bushhogging & More. CallusTodayR 998-8258 998*5223 998-6909 D & G CONSTRUCTIONAdditions, decks, fences, remodeling, now construction, roofing, General home repairs. 12 yrs. exp. Pree Estimates. 998*5690. LINK'S SEAMLESS GUTTERINGRichard Link • Owner Free Estimates __________634-3248__________ PAINTINGRemodeling • Home Repairs Large or Small Free Estimates JAMES MILLER 998-8340 Location only!! 704-633*1107. *1 ONLY* beautiful new 4 BR mobile home. $215.31/mo. Call 704-633-1107. Oakwood Salisbury Only!________________________ 1ST TIME HOME buyer. No credit req. Choose your own pmt 910- 744-0688. Self-players, Sales & Sen/ice Wallace Barford 998-2789 SEAFORD PIANO SERVICETuning & Repair 704-492-2000 or 704-634-0158Jack Seaford PRESSURE CLEANING: Alt Types siding, clean and waterproof decks, patios, driveways anci walkways. -284-4277; --------------- R&DPRESSURE Washing Satisfaction Guaranteed.Free Estimates. 940-5267. VCR CLEANING A Repairs. Vogler’s TV Service. Advance. Visa & MC accepted. 998-8172. WHITTAKER PAVINGPaving. Seal Coating,Hauling Gravel Call for Free Estimates __________492-7820__________ WILL CLEAN HOMES or oHIces. Reasonable rates, fee estimates. 998-2907. BUYING PINE & hardwood timber, delivered logs & long pulpwood. Shaver Wood Products, Inc. 704- 278-9291.______________. WANTED: I AM buying Antiques, fumlture. glassware, tools. Individual Items or entire Estates, No small appliances. Attic lo basement. 910-961-6454. Em ploym ent ALLIED SECURITY, INC. has a3rd shift position open In the Mocksville area. Applicants must be able to pass a drug screen & have a clean criminal record. We offer a great hriy. wage, free uniforms, paid holidays, 401K, paid vacation, & great advancement opportunities. For more Info, call Rachel at 634-4797 ext. 165, EOE МЛ^/D/V._____________________ CERTIFIED NURSINGASSISTANTS needed to provide home care sen/ices lo homebound patients In Davie County. 1 yr. of exp. as a nursing assistant & NC ' ' у listing req. To obtain ion call 1-800-737*0604 .an apor wriiérüireclor.'TOe- Wiri'dXhime' Ct., Raleigh, NC 27615. . CNAS CHOOSE YOUR shift! Certified Nursing Assistants needed for all shifts In & near Davie County. 1 yrs. exp. req. Sign up bonus! Call Bayada Nurses. 723- 1000.________________________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVELreq. Drivers license preleired. Call 264-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm forapplication. EEO.______________ CRESCENT ELECTRIC ABANDONED HOME ALREADYset up in park-no equity. 910-744* 0688._______________________ FACTORY REBATES UP lo $8006 your first 2 pmts. Call for details.Accent Mobile Homes.1*600-593*7814 3856 N. Patterson Ave. Winslon-Salem, NC We have park spaces available. QD0DJ0B?NGcredit7l Call Accent Mobile Homes. 1st time buyerprogram. 1-800^S93-7814. 3856 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, NC.We have pari< spaces available. LAKE HOME: CUSTOM built mobile home. Take over pmts. ol $210/mo. w/$971.90 dn. Easy financing. Call 704-633-1107. LAND/HOME PACKAGESAVAILABLE. If you pay rent you can afford to own. 910-744-0668. LEADER HOME SALESNew homes, new program, no money dn. Call today lor details. 634-0503.____________________ LEE’S MOBILE HOMES-Norwood, NC 800-777-8652. Bargains, dose outs specials. 40 new homes, 28X52, $27,999; 28X80, $38,999; 28X64. $32,999; 24X56, $25,999; 14X80, $19,999, incl. 4' hitch. Open7 days. Help Wanted IN- HOME HEALTH AIDE 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.' Bermuda Run Must l)e experienced and mature with good references, Pennanent Position wilh good salary. Call 940-6616 PUBLIC SALE: MOCKSVILLEMlnl-Storage Intends to sell the contents of the following units for unpaid rent & expenses;#54 Dawn Parsons($180), «61 Ronald Edward Johnson ($240), »274 Theresa Hoch ($240). Household items. No sale if balance is paid In full by July 16, 1997. Sale date:• ............. at 2pm. 817334-2483.July 18, '1997 Salisbury Rd. 704-634-2 Ottice Spaces FOR SALE OR lease: 1500 sq. ft. of office spase behind Shell Station at Hwy 801 & 1-40, Advance (Hillsdale). 998-5378.___________ SALEM CENTER OFFICE Park. Located near Bermuda Run & Oak Valley off 1*40 at the comer of Hwy 801 & Yadkin Valley Rd. Affordable office space available from 100 sq. ft. to 2000 sq. ft. Available foi immediate occupancy. For details call 910-760-2921 or 502-584* 4213. Personals DIVORCED, WHITE MALE, 42,unmarried w/children. Looking tor single white female 26-45, small- medium build. Children OK. smoker OK, 704-637*9097. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: '81, 185 Yamaha w/2000 miles. $400; ‘88 Kawasaki 454 Ltd., 2800 miles. $2000 EC. 910-768-9820 ext. 155 or after 5:30pm 910-650-0612. SALISBURY MOTOR CO.Butek • Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury ________704-636*1341_________ *65 FORD P)CK*up, short bed. 6 cycl., 3 speed, runs & drives great, good body needs paint. $850. 492- ’5509.________________________ 71 JEEPSTER, fair condition. 998* 3636.________________________ 70 CHEVY SILVERADO plck*up, long bed, 42K on 350-V8. auto, dual tanks, new tires $1550. 492* 5509.________________________ ‘88 FORD Escort, 4 sp., runs great, cruise control, AC. $425. 284*4211.____________________ ‘92 PONTIAC GRAND AM GT, pi,pw, pm, cruise, ABS. NADA $8000, sell for $7200. Call 704-638-3521. ALWAYS BUYING STANDINGtimber. Will cut lots, top dollar paid. Call 704-637-9097. 4:30pm. Crew Leader. Mocksville District. 317 Sanford Ave., Mocksville, NC 27028. For further details, contact: Employment Security Commission, 1907 Newton Dr., Statesville, NC 28677 or Employment Security Commission, 1378 Hwy 601 S.. Mocksville, NC 27028. Crescent EMC Is an Equal Opportunity-Afflnnative Action for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age. ciiizeiiship, veteran status or handicap._____________ DRIVER EXP. TEAMS: top pay. top W/C miles, top equip. & home time. Quick app. turnaround. 888- 564-6289.____________________ DRlVER-TEAHSrt)EDICATED $500-$1000 Sign on bonus. Dedicated team runs, 100% no touch, 100% drop & hook, average 4,584 miles/wk. Home 48 hrs on the weekend. Iowa City, IA to Brown Summit, NC. Don't miss oul on this opportunity! Owner Operators weicome!Buiiders Transport 1-800-762-1819. DRIVER; RECENT GRADUATtS.New to driving? Top miles. Top pay. & benefits. All HOOD fleet. Call 800-948-6723.__________^ HAIR DRESSERS WANTED to-rent booth space,' 2 booths available at Designers Loft, 634* 2318._____________________ LAKE MYERS RV Resort now taking applications for poo! staff?o5ltiono. Apply In person. 492* 736. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL POSfTIONSavailable, will train. Must pass doig & background check. Also need exp. molders, routers & Tennoner machine operators. In Mocksville area. ADECCO 910*744*5600. ■ LIVE-IN CAREGIVER needed. Must be dependable, able to lift, light housekeeping. References checked. Salary neg. PO Box 42, Mocksville, NC 27028.________^ NOW ACCEPTINGAPPLICATIONS for all positions, PT & FT, flexible hrs. Apply In ■■-^mson-torKFC;- Т23Г Yadktnvllle' NOW HIRING AT K-Mart in Clemmons. PT & FT, flexible hrs. Exp. front end Suoervisor, Associate w/exp. & 3rd shirt Stocker w/exp. Please apply any day from 9am-9pm. PERSON TO CLEAN private homes, FT, Mon-Fri. Good pay/benefits. Clovertield's. 760* 4161.________________________ PT & FT positions available, 2nd & 3rd shifts, for Support Stafl In group homes for persons wim developmental disabilities. Apply at: RHA, 128 E. Kerr St., Salisbuiy or 211 Roseman Ln., Cleveland. PT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: approx. 20 hrsMk; will have widely-^ varied, responsibilities Including production of quarterly newsletter, assisting with programs and special events, some clerical duties and much more. Must be creative, have outgoing personality and enjoy worKing with senior adults. Must have computer exp. $7/hr. App. may be obtained at Davia Co. Senior Center. 622 N. Main St. Mocksville, NC, or call 704-634-. 0611._______________________ RELIABLE TANK LINE: acceptingapplications. Complete benefits pkg. including group Insur., paid vacation, paid holidays, scheduleddays off. Profit Sharing & company matched Thrift Fund. Call Danny Stroud or Ray Clifton at 1-800-672- 6604 or apply at 1540 Silas Creek Pkwy., Winston-Salem.__________ STAFF POSITIONS ARE open for all age groups at Imagination ; Station chifd care center. For more • info, please call 492*7816 between thehrsHor4pm&8pm. POSmON AVAILABLE M t Смйт it NriU4 и W M M к NTW и t n i m Cm M m ki DM Hm Hi i Q im fitt, siltnr n tit • ttM IM S M II. IW M iK Piilv iraënitoe ftM t fnv ynf M li|i if мАягаМу mMi difne Ml CMieetif tcleecf er piMelef e^wltMi« A cmM M In il í M M IM . FH riM H « М М ippllcittie Mü гммм le Mr. Jil» iiW w iri, iwrti Ciwiy № м*чмгм1»» 1231. M i a , mcfcwMi, м v m * fmrnm We have moved to 9 6 5 V a d k ln v llle R o a d • M o c k s v ille . N C (beside Farm Bureau tc across from MocK TlreJ Hours - 8 am to 5 pm : Monday thru Fiiday J 634-aA N T (426B ) i G antt Hekman Furniture Company 37 Pickanl Circic • Lexington, NC 27292 (910)249-9136 C all fo r appt. Personnel ext. 117 Finish Repair Knowledge of all finish processes and procedures. Must repair scratchcs, runs, chips, blemishes in nnished pieces using bum-_ in powders, touch up pencils. ‘ Cabinet Utility r Able to perform all jobs in cabinet department. Good work - - rccord. Lift SO lbs. Consistently- MKhlnt PtBtJiiring Mgching - Stt Vb QntnHit Set up and operate boring machine. High degree of accuracy a;:; must. Set up and operate sanding machines. GreatBeneJUs Medical, dlsabUlty and life InsurMce:' 401k • Competitive wages • Incentive Bonus Program 10 Paid Holidays Educational Assistance I I B12- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 10,1997 Eteivie Datdine Fund Raisers Saturday, July 12 Breakfast, Smith Grove Methodist Chtirch.U.S. 158wwiofMocksviIle.8am. Ongoing . mn«o,Mocks\1UeMooMLod|te tm rri- days. Doon цх'п al 6. fint game at 7 p.m. Religion___________ Sunday, July 13 The Greenes In concert, Mocks United Methodbt Chunh, N.C. 801 S., Advancc. Lovcroffcring to be lakcn. 91-W8-5518. July 16-17 Christian Womens' Clubs of WiaNton* Salem to meet, BcnHuda RunCountiy Club. Speaker Lisa Flippin of nrcvanl. Rcser>a- lions a4]uia4l. Nursery piuviilcd. Monday Luncbconaub: 1 l:15a.m.SI0.25.CullWO- 5719.TucsdayBmnchaub;9:30a.m.$8.75. Call468.2(M5. July 20-24 VBS, Center United Methodbt Chutrh. "Promise Duildtfis".Sunday,5:30p.m. Mon- 'niur.,9a.m.-noon. July 21-23 Bible School, Epivopol Chuirh of Ihe Ascensk)n at Fork. 7-8:30 p.m. Alt ages. Ailuli class taught by the Rev. Kermit Baitcy Mon. &Tues. Rcv.& Mn. Edwin Oailey will teach Wed. Crafts, rcfrcsluncnLs. fellow ship ...fofcvciyon«>.Tormcniinro.call Kim Putts cr- Bryan Haglc. Sunday, July 27 Annual Sunday School Pknkr, Episcopal Churchorthe Avertsk>n ut Fork. Worship Scr>'ia*&MoIyEuchnst. 11 a.m. Scrvicc to include spccial music & Bible comntencc- ment. Cookout. 12:30 p.m. For пюгс info, call An aloii l\)«Ls. July2e-Aug.1 BiblcSchool.Failh&VkloiyFamUyWor- ship Cenler, 1687 Hw-y. 601 N. 7-9 pm. "Tlw Cirvleof Friends Ranch. Being Friends with Jesus" program. M(xJem western ud- venture featuring fun.crafts, masic and octiN C Bible Icarmng. Ages 3-17. Nurveiy foe chil­ dren under age 3. For more info, call 63-I- 4611. Ongoing Co(rfermeeChurchofGod,SundaySchool 10 a.m. Worship Scr>icc. 11 a.m. Evening Worship, 6 pm Mon. Pmyer Ser\ icc, 7 p.m. Wed. Family Training Hour, 7 p.m. Van scrvicc to and from church avaibbic for Sundaymomingscrvice.Pastof Gary Phillips. 284-1977 or 284-2180. HUbdak Baptist Church: Sunday School, 9:15 ara Worship. 10:30 a.m. Wednesday pD(LuckMc;ü,6:30 p.m. Adull study coursc/ mission friends/CAS, 7 p.m. Pastor R.T. Alderman. 910-94(Ш18. Fttüh and Victory FamUy Worship Cen­ ter, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. Sunday Services, 10 a.m.. 7 p.m. Wednesday. 7 p.m. New BeUesmTP.Church.Sunday School. 10 a.m. Worship Seni«. 11 a.m. Wednes­ day night Bible study. 7 p.m. Pastor Elizabeth Mock. Assoc. Pastor Derrick Mock. Liberty United Methodist Chuirh. U.S. 601 S.Worship:9:45am.SundaySchool: 11 o.m. TuirentineBaptfal Church: Sunday School. 9;45a.m.. Worship. I lam.;NightSejvice,7 p.m. Pastor - Rev. Billy Sloop. Epbcopal Church ofthe Ascenskm. Foric- BixbyRd.,Sun. School, 10am. Wonhip, 11 am. Rev. Edwin T. Bailey. 2844500. Dbl A Story Mbúsliy for ddldren. BiU and IVggy Long of Advancc. 998-7716. Services at the Oaks. Apt. 7A. Milling Road, T p.m., Thuisdays, Bishc^T.R. Ricc. Clement Gro%v Chuirh of Cod. Wednes­ day prayer servicc, 7 p.m. Saturday moming SabbLihSc'hool, 10 am. ' GmnMcadowi Baptist Chuirh Sunday School. 9:45 am. Worship, 11 am., 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study, 7 p.m. Pastor M. Ray Davis, 998-3022, DuettcFaBtcrCbrManSenfa)nClub,4ih ■Hjesday. Oak Grove Methodist. 10 am. PrcKhooVParenU’ Morning Out. Bethle­ hem United Methodist Church. Ages: 2-4, Mon., Tues., Thurs., 9 aia-noon. PMO: Ages 6-23 months, Tues., Thurs.. 9 am.- noon. Call 998-6820 or 998-5083 for info. minute program. För children ogcs 3-5. Mu- sle.rcadaloud.stoiics.films. nursery rhymes. Meetings Saturday, July 26 D.vle County Republican Men's F e* i» tkMi. F&F Barbecue, 7:30 am. Monday, Aug. 4 Davie Couniy Board ofCommisskMier«, 1 p.m. July 21 mceiing cancelled. Ongoing Alcoholics Anonymous, Sundays, 6 pm and WcUnesdiiys, 8 p.m.. Second Prcsb)ic- rian Qmrvh basement, Rnc St. Call 634- 1490 or 634-7786 for info. rhe Artist Group,Davie Couniy Library. 7 p.m. last Tues. For info, call Bonnie al 998- 5274. Cooteemee Towtj Board, 3nl Ttiesday, Town Hall. 7 p.m. unless «hcrwisc noted. N(Hlh Cooleemee and Clark Road Coun­ cil, 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Friendship Bap­ tist F4:ltowsliip Hall. Da>ie Domestic \M n xt Ser>kcs. Sup­ port groups forvictims of domestic violence. Sessions fax’, confi Jentlal.Tiicsdays, 6 p.m. DDVS Ofllce in Davic County Court- lKHisc.634-3450. Family Vk)lence PmmtkNi Services of Davie County. Fan counseling fw victims of violen« and their childrca Experienced professionals, separate groups. Nfondays, 6- 7:30 р.т.Пп,! United Methodist Church of •M(>cksvllk'Cul|-|-.800.728:3413:................. Davie County School Bus Drhvn Ажь ciatbn, 2nd Thurv, 7 p.m. Davic County Sr. Center, Brock Bldg. Concerned Biken Association, Foothills Ckipter. 2nd Wednesday. Western Steer, U.S. 601 at 1-40.7 p.m. Piiblic welcome. Advance Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 am..Mocks UMC, 998-1349. Mocksv iUe Garden Club, IstThur^., Ri4 Baf^ist R'llowship Hall. 7 p.m. Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1st Mon­ day, CoolccnKC Historical Building, 7 pm. MocksviUe Rotaiy Club. Tuesdays, 12:10 p.m., Rouuy HuL Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Bethlehem United MeilKxIl« Church, 6:45 p.m. Thurs. AA and Al-Anon.Thursdays, 8 p.m., Eaton’s Baptist Church. Nar-At)on for families of drug addicts. Sun- da)-s. 6 p.m. Davic Senior Center, Brock Building, Main St., Mocksvillc. 998-2657. DavieCounty VouthFoQlbaU League Dt- a'ctofs, Tues., 7 p.m. Courthouse, Grand Jury Room. William R. Davie Booster Chib, Shelter at Wm. R. Davic School, 3rd Thursday. United Way board of directors, 4th Monday, 5:30 p.m.. Brock Bldg.. Room 208. MocksviUe VFW Post4024, Post Hut, San­ ford Ave., 7p.m.. 2nd Tuesday. Mock.4v1lle-Davie Jayrees. 1st, 3rd Mon­ days. Jayco; oiTicc beside Hom Oil Co., Main St., 7 p.m. Advwates for Gifted ChUdim, 2nd, 4th ThuRdays, l49LakcsidcDrive.634-2194. Narcotks Anonymous Against All Odds Group. Sundays, 6 p.m., Thursdays, 8 p.m.. Room 208, Brock Bldg. Drag Probleffl? Helpline, 910.785-7280. MocksviUe American Legkm Pbst 174, VFW Hut, Sanfonl Ave.. 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m. MocksviUe Civitan Club, 6:30 p.m., 2nd, 4ih Monday, Western Steer. Davie Sertoma Chib, 1st, 3rd Thursday. 6:30 Р.Ш., Captain Steven's. Advancc Merootlal Post 8719 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliaiy, 4th Tucs.,7J0p.m..posihwne, Feed Mill Road. AmerfcanAssociatioaorRctirfdPmoni, Davie Chapter, 2nd Wednesday. 10:30am.. East Room, Brock Bldg., Senrar Center. Recnaation R s ^n io n s Sunday, July 13 H oliun » F m t FainlUn 3Mi Annual RNnion, Wmello aurch, U.S. 601 N. Fellowship 10 begin al II a.m. Politick dinner, 1 p.m. Special Events July 16 ------------------ill Oul. Bixby Ptesbylemn Oaoch, Advance, 9:45 am.-noofL R» info or to register, caU 9984839. Ongoing C n k i ta, H e d m i C m . Downiown Mocbville. cvoy 3nl Monday, M pm. SwcelLovct’sKaver&AmencMiCafeoiien bier those days. ^mnmina m dU e. Health Dept, aduli u d cWU. tveiy Tuesday, 4;30-7 pm Flu and pneumonia vacxines available. Dates to Remember Ongoing ■ •cjd h i Iratk al CaMcr Cbramuiuiy BUg.g-IUm .taSauday. ■•cycliWliiickMl/>lnCI>«tlMethod- iil.«hSw nlay.g.||iun. lK X h | M in lM c h o .R n lta a R u . M SUnlay, 8 Jd-I I Ijn. II amJJavie P p 'liM 'a iiC ir i^ h g n d i.a » mon: infonmlion on these events, call MocksviUe-Davie recrmion, 634-2)M. RecQub Befon: or afler'school and ou of school pn>gnims. Rcgislnition open. Dance Company Preschool-senioTi, tap, ballet, baton, ja a acrobatics. Mondays« Wednesdays. ■ Special Oympics Various activities ongoing. Davie Youth Coundl 9th-12th graders, community involvement, leodei^'p program. 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-8 p.m., Rec. Dept Silveisbidefs Walk Club SenioB, 50 and up, M-F, 6:30-9 a.m. Oym open for walkins, 9 im.-3 p.m. No chaije. Mothers Morning Out Tuesdays and Tlnasdays, 9-11:30 am M per day. YMCA IbenpculK Massage o№red every od e Tuesday. Appoinmenls icquiicd. Onjoine. SunwTwCamp Signups forSummerCampatYMCAunder- way. Before&AAerSctnolCarP RedsindonbegiiininiJuly?. Seniors Call634061l fcrmoieinld.Locitkiiis Brock Cenler unless noted otherwise, . Thuredey.JutylO ваУм* Tnttm СЫ1. Onier ОтгошУ|у BuiUing. lOajn. Ah Iv Chum» Ent Rooiy, 3 {Ш. Ahbeimer's Support Group, East Room.7 p.m. Stamp CoUector's Chib. Rose Room. 7 p.m. Friday. July 11 WoodwotUng Clasi. Crail Room. 8:30- 11:30 am. Bridge, East Room. 2-5 p.m. Monday, July 14 Pbdiatrist Dr. Dunn. Crofl Room. 8:30- 11:30am. Cooleemee Chtb, Fml Baptist Rllowship Hall, 10am. East Davie Chib, Bethlehem Rllowship Hall. 10:30 am. Senbr Rhjthm Band, Meadowbrook Tcr- raro, 10:30 am. Bingo, East Room, l:3i>-3:30p.m. Tuesday, July 15 AdvisoiyCouncURetmU, |0am.-4 p.m. Beginning Brkige. Rose Room. 1 -1 p.m. Brk^, East Room, l:3(M p.m. RSVP Nursing Home p.m. Wednesday, July 16 SingleSenk)nBreakfi»t,EastRocm.8:30- lOam. Variety Arts, Onfl Room. 8:30-11:30 a.m. Card & Board Games, East Room. 1:30- 4:30 p.m. RSVPSevwing ’B’. RSVP Oficc.9 am.-l p.m. Thursday, July 17 ..SfntorChoni$.EastRiK«m.3.p.m.,.............. Friday, July 18 WoodvvocUng Ciasi, CruA Room, 8:30- 11:30 am. Bridge, East Room. 2-5 p.m. Monday, July 21 Advance Club, Baptist Fellowship Hall, 10:30 am. Tuesday, July 22 OakGrov«Chib.United Methodist Hall, tO am. Beginning Bridge, Rose Room M p.m. Bridge, East Room, 1:30-1 p.m. RSVP Nursing Home Party. 2-1 p.m. Ongoing SUver Strlden Brock Gym, 6:30-9 am., Moa-Fri. SUver Strlden, Cooleemee School. 6-8 ' am. SUver Stri(|en. Smith Grove Gym, 6'8am. WEDDl Senior Nutrition lunch, noon M- W. U am. Thurs. & Fri. Chair Eiercises, MWF.ScnlorCcnter,8:30- 9 am. Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday ItcimrarDavfeDalcliiie shouidbe rcponcd by noon Monday of the publication week. Call634-2l20ordropiiby thc ofncc,S.Main Sl across from the counhousc. Sigin up. Paj^nb ad:ivation fee. (VVow, a cellular offer hotter lhan July.) When you sign up for any of our great retail rate plans during July, we’ll waive the activation fee. And you’ll receive 360 minules of bonus airtime over the next three months. Visit your local 360° The Cellular Store for more information. At 360° providing you with affordable cellular service is no sweat at all. 3 6 0 m i n u l e s o f b o n u s a i r t im e o v e r t h e n e x t t h r e e m o n t h s . M o t o r o l a T e l e T A C '" 2 5 0 p h o n e w i t h c ig a r e t t e lig lit e r a d a p t e r lo r $ 1 . R a t e p la n s s ta r t a t $ 1 ч .У 5 a m o n t h . Cellular, paging, long disUince, right down the street" о l997W(^inunic«K>o..N»wlin#of»rvk.with I2.nn.'tr.SîÎîi" S» .....................<« Bwniiw in aiMiiMNiiau^pttluMminuln. tVooKMiondm Ouwf ftiificiion» пцу êffiy. RoMiinf and lonf JiiUnc* clurfrt г>oib соттипмл« crtdii spcrov«! m{uimi i’romMÍon«l minula «quii 1в360 nInuM Го 1997. woi 1312.105 Bridford Pktty.,vjrwvuMJwrui w ii.iu o oriarora t*Kwy., Landmark Crowing Shopping Center. (910) 299-3333 ' High Ppbti 2620 S. Main St.. Suite M6, (910) 299-3333 WiMtoa-SaUmt Pavilllon Shopping Center. 636 Hanes Mail Blvd.. (910) 299-3^33 BiwUiiftMU Blockbuster Pliua; 2476 S. Church St.. (910) 299-3333 Aalitboroi 16I0-A E Dixie Dr.. (910) 299-3333 СгммЬопм 4418 W. Wendover Ave.. (910) 864-8182 WInston-SalM№ 950 Hanei Mall Blvd.. (910) 765-8276 At telected locatioñi. Pulling Up Weed Sheriffs Department Confiscates Pot Plants Black Belt Family Mother, Daughter And Son Complete Tae Kwon Do Requirements Page B1 Page? D A V I E C O U N T Y ENTERPRI/E^ECORD USPS 149-160 24PAGES ManGets ^ ) № a r s F^Rape, Kkinapping By Jeanne Houpe Davie Couniy Enterprise Record A local man was sentenced lo 22-28 yeais in prison Monday in Davic County Superior Court af­ ter pleading guilty to raping and kidnapping tiis ex-wifc Nov. 21, 1995. Michael Shannon Smiley, 26, of Redland Road, pled guilty to flrst degiee rope, flrst degnse kid­ napping, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, com­ municating threats, breaking and entering and larceny and robbery wilh a dangerous weapon. His ex-wife smd that when she come home ftom aclwol Nov. 20, Smiley grab))«! her and, wilh a knife, forced her out of her home and into her car. He had been in a bedroom drinking beer as he waitedforhertogethome,Deputy Millard Shepherd of Ihc Forsyth County Sheriffs Department read from Ihe victim's statement. Smiley drove thc victim lo a fieldoffU.S. IS8 in DavieCounty where he raped her and Ihrealened 10 kill her. They rt;mained there all night, she told Shepherd. She smd she kept asking him to let her call home lo let her mother know where she was so someone would take care'of her daughter. Earlythe nexl mominghe took her to his house where he said she could call and leave a message for hn mother. Shepherd testified.' Whenhermoiheransweredthe phone she told her where she was asked her tohelpher.She said Sniiley grabbed the phone away liom her, took her into the bath- niom, pushed her into the shower and said he was going to kill her, hesmd. She said she got out of the shower, and Smiley pushed her agalnslthe wall and punched her in the face and stomach. He told ter-she had really messed up, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her butsidc, Shephenl continued. ' -When she staited screaming, hepuUedherbackinskleandfciced htr onto tte flocc where te got 00 Cop ofher and started choking ber, ahehadtoMShepten). ' Holding tte knife on ter. she said te earned her to tte car and drove her back to tte field where tetbklhertewasgoingtokUlher. ; She asked him lo stop and hold hn, which te did briefly, slicking the knife in tte ground. He tten : fHcedhCT back into tte car and M u d driving around. Shepherd S M D w k - ^ 4 Hats Off To The Chef Resklential (àaibage Collectkm Fées Up; (^n iy Rehises Delay By Jeanne Houpe Itavie Coumy Enterprise Record Gart)age pickup fees are in­ creasing immediately for coumy residential customers. Countycommissioners voted July 7 lo allow a fee increase of 65 cents per customer per month for Davie Sanitation, raising the monthly fee lo $13.75. RussellandLeeBaibcrofDavie Sanitation made Uiis request after being notifled dial landflll fees “Wetaistyouwiil see how this creates a problem for our А п п .* - R u u t l l Barber hadincieasedby$2 pertonfortte 1997-98 fiscal year. Costs for the company were Please See County - Paae 4 Town Wants Schools To Help Buy Land For Stop Light At Davie High Carrie Hoots, 12, enjoys a cookie during a cooking class she paitk:ipated In last week in Davie County, sponsored by the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service and the Triad Chapter of the American Culinary Federation. For niore pk^res and the stoiy, please seepagelO. ■ Pholo byRobln FCrausson If you don'l want somcdiing on land next lo you, the best option iT to buy il. Thai's what the lownofMocks- ville hopes lo convince the Davie Couniy Board of Educalion about a strip of land across Southwood Drive from Davie High School. When developers announced plans lo build aconvenience store on the site, arguments were dial il would lure sludenls away from classes. Residents of die adjacent Southwood Acres subdivision also argued against die rezoning, which failed. Earlier Uiis month. Town Man- agerTerry Bralley told townboard memters Ihe land is for sale, and die town would te willing lo pitch in enough money lo pul a slop light at tte Soudiwood Drive in- teisecdon - bul die N.C. Depart­ ment of Transportation likely would only allow dial if die traffic from die school's back paridng lot also used die toad. Tte extra land from buying die lot could be usM by die sdKxH fbr parking or whatever purpose school officials saw flt, Bralley said. "It would be a win-win sinia- don for die school and tte neigh- bodiood, and a triple win for pub­ lic safely," Bralley said. "If I were die high school and didn't want a convenience slore diere, die best choice would te to own il." He said te heard posidve com­ ments from die few Soudiwood Acres residents about such a plaa Tte costs could te figured on a per square fool rote so diey could te shared fairiy by die town and die schools, based on who uses how much land, Bralley sakL "nie salewouklincludealwo-footslrip j of land on die Davie High side of I' Soudiwood Drive. An independent appraisal of die property is teing made while , negotiations widi die owners and i die school continue, te said. ^ Nm PkmÎÊ^Zônu^Dtteclor Wants To Arid Fair By Jeanne Houpe Davie Couniy Enterprise Record Davie County's new planning and zoning difector wants lo do die besl job te can for die people of die couniy te has come lo call home. After an extensive search for die best candidate for die job, Couniy Manager Ken Windley announced recendy dial JiAin Gallimote, who served as interim director after die deadi of Jesse Boyce left die pdudon vacant in April, had been selected. Gallimoie, 28, tegan woridng for die county diree years ago to cooidinate die E-911 mapping and address­ ing system. ■' . Stiutingdiatjob die day address notifications were mailed to Davie residents; Gallimore said te had a challenging task Hymglo fix die problems in die • syslem. Through that te was able lo show dte county te - could do a good job. i . ' Assisting Boyce to gadier infonnation fbr his meet­ ings, te had learned aboul ordinances and howto woric . widi die pubUc,te said. Since teing appointed to die position, te has been busy Hying lo do his oM job in addition to perfonning his duties as planning and zoning director. As planning and'zoning director, Callimaie said, "My primaiy goal is to woric widi and for die citizens of Davie County and MocksviUe." He sakl te plans to woric widi odier couniy depart­ ments to achieve his goals for enforcement of 01^- nances. . He wa№ lo operate by die hook, but dial doesn’t mean saying no widMut leasoa, te explained.: "I like to woric widi people not against diem," tesakL ' Yet, peopk have to understand diat te can't always give diem whal diey want. It is his job to te and impaitial,'tesakL Boyce was especially good al doing diat, te said. "I will not pretend to Jesse." ' WhaltewUldoisdiebesljobtecan.. . He plani tote accessible to die people of Davie , County. If te can't answer a questkm on dw spot, te will find out dw answer, tesakL . ''I lUnk dial's whtt kKal goyenuiwm needs--a chance to te ill touch," te sakL One of his goals is to make zoning infonnation more available to dwpubUc. A good oidinance aUows iwm for intenxctadon, te said, bul te wouU like lo add to dw oidinanca to make, dwm easier for people to understand. B < ^ had been woridng on some of dieae chantet. and Oallimore foresees a kwg toad alwad in Moging , dwmdnuL As dw community undeigoes a kit of changes, addidoos will have Ip be made, lie sakL Gallimore has lived in M i^viU e for about five ^ yeaitandplamiostay. ' Raised in Pmnsyhwnla. he said he fiiddwd hu educadon at N.C. State because his pannis, who . originally firom dw Kann^iolis area, moved bade to NordiCaplina.'They now live iaSaliihu^. ' A nwGhMdcal engiiw e^ miyar, he came to Mod»; ville to work for Duke Power and k»cddw«ea,lK . - ii’ 2 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1997 License Spotting Breal<s Monotony Of Triplo Beach There's nothing niccr than being at the bcach. There's nolhing worse lhan getting there. Tiie drive is... boring. Some friends say they can drive to the beach in four hours. It always taices me five. Or more. We spent lost week at the beach. I tallied to one man from Michigan. He drove 18 hours. He really wanted to be there. We hit the Soulh Carolina beaches Ihis year. Iltook even longer to get there. But we did things to make the trip tolerable for four people in the cor, two of them broihers. The books on tape from the library weren't a great hit •this year. That's when I slaned our annual licensc plate- - watch. For the week, we spotted cars from 31 stales and two from Ontario. We spotted all the Southern states and most of the Midwestern slates. We missed many of the New England and Westem slates such as Arizona, New Mexico, Mon- .tana, Idaho and the Dakotas. Besides North Carolina and Soulh Carolina, Ohio seemed to be the most-spotted state. They take the south­ ern pipeline lo the beach. License spotting has become more challenging these days. Some states have several different types of plates. Florida, Virginia, South Carolina and others have several different versions. And then there are the personalized plates lhal have a college or university logo. Added to the challenge are license plate covers that hide part of Ihe plate. We thought we saw two from Cali­ fomia and one from New Mexico, but the slate name was partly covered. We paid careful attention to campers and even tractor trailers in our search. License plates make designer staiemenis Ihese days. Michigan's plale is Ihe basic blue with while letters. Indiana's plate is a multiple-colored picture. One of Florida's plale has a rocket ship on il. Nonh Carolina's plale is rather lame compared lo some of the other states. When I was a boy, we played the cow counting game. That's not easy any more. TTiere are fewer cows. Interstate highways make it harder lo see cows in distant fields. License plate counting has the added geography ' lesson, but you would never tell that to the kids. Which slate has the fastest drivers? I always used lo think il was New York. Based on last week’s trip, the fastest drivers in the nation live in Charlolte. People are in ahunry there. And what about the beach? How many and how big were the fish I caught? No report. Two days I couldn't even summon a breeze strong enough to lift my kite. But Ihe younger son relumed a certified bicycle rider... without training wheels. ^ — Dwight Sparks D A V i a C O U N T Y BNTBRPRI/^BCORO USPS 149-160 171 South Main Sireet Mocksville, NC 27026 (704)634-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNT/PUBUSHINQ CO. ОЦ)М Spaiks..... Robin Fwgusson.. MkeBimhardL.. Btdcy Snyder...... ..Editor/Publisher ..Oeneral Manager ..Managing Editor .Alveitiaing Manager 1916-1968 Dmie■»---«nVCOni 1898-1958 PbMge Paid In Moctavif, NC 27028 Jo im l 1901-1971 SUMcHplionReM Single Copy, 50 Centi 920 per year kl North Сагак» $28 per year ounidi North Cerolna POSTMASTER Sind eddieae change* to: Davie Couniy EnMiprtie Heoord P.O.Bo»aB,Mod(i»ae,NC 27028 A^LIk^OASSVAlEPICTOWI, - im U№,Ti»iN6T0nii»:iM М У Щ VWOW, LIKE, HIHSItOSIi/WOllNK... Ш , Ш , Î WA OUST so TOTALLY OVERTHE HI6HEREDUOnONTHING...I 1Ш ,М ,Ш Ш С М - Ри Н !...шавт! ANYWAY,ти/sr's WHATITWKINMY HEAt>,Y't9WI.' ЬЛЪеМаЛ Players Deserve Respect From Coach To the editor: Tliis is a response to Ihe article in the Davic Enterprise onJuly3.tiilcd"Mocksvillc-DavicBIuws 5-0 Lead: Falls Two Games Behind Rowan." Our "miffed" Mocksville-Davie Coach George Daywalt made some negative unfair "hits’* at some of the players, one inpanicular-the starting pitcher. Coach Daywalt. you have talked about player support alt season and the impact of that support for thcgame. I would make the same recommendation to you thal you made to your playere. Give the pitchers and the town your coaching support when, forinstance.aftcrapitchcrhaspitchcdasix-inning nohif'cragalnsithcconfercncechampionshipteam. and you see lhal he is tired or if he tells you flat out thatheis"oulofgas"-insteadQftellinghimlo"bow your neck" or "Fm not coming out to get you"-why don't you provide "relicf pitching" lo try to win the game. Why don’t you support the starting pitcher and the team's efforts with pitching strategy instead of demoralizing a pitcher/player in the newspaper bccausc he was notable togothe entire nincinnings in 90 degree weather? Instead of becoming angry at the player and saying harsh things in the newspa­ per, why can’t you understand, sincc you were a legion baseball player yourself, that he was doing his besl? Isn't il understandable lhat a starting pitcher, in July's hoi weather, might bccomc tired after pitching veiy hard for six innings, and isn't il possible lhal a conference championship team wc have failed to beat all year and through most years might Icam to hil a piichcr in six innings? Obviously, you were very upsci al the loss-bul so were you players and Ihe fans. Don’t you think Ihc players feel badly enough in front of a large crowd like thal? During tiuny legion games this year, our pitch- crs have been expeclcd to pitch the entire nine innings without relief. For many games wc lost, the loss wouW comc late. И appeared lhal our pitchers would become tired and/or the opposing team learned to hit the pitches. Even w ben our storting . piichcr would begin lo tire and opposing players would begin to hiihim, you would leave the pitcher in. TWs "coaching technique" of yours Is strictly your business-unlil you publicly rip a player who has played legion ball for five years, has proven his loyally many times, and one who you know gives his all cach and every lime he is on Ihc field, wilh leam statistics to support his cITorts^yel you imply he docsn'i care or have the guts-just because he wore oui while holding this Icam for six innings. How dare you? 1 wonder how you would feel if this situation was reversed and your players belittled you in tlie newspaper for making, whal they might consider, dumb coaching decisions when you have given it you all. Bul, Coach Daywalt, even if you lose the game aficr your best coaching slratcgy is offered, please consider and rcspcct your player’s feelings enough to refrain from belittling him publicly in the news­ paper when he has given his all to try to win the game. The question might be rather, did you do your best coaching? You have stated all year whal the players should have done differently during games wc have lost. bul tostaie the obvious. Coach Daywalt. in the playolT game for night 2 against Rowan Coumy, your starting pitcher did his job-he just needed a relief. Nol too many coaches would be this disloyal to his own players and (earn. I can remember a game about four years .ago when a left-handed pitcher held Rowan County scoreless for seven innings in the playoffs, and a relief was brought in and wc eventually lost the game, bul nolhing but ihe besl was said by our coach for the starting pitchers' efforts and the relief pitcher's efforts and the team's eiTorts. But thal was adlfferemcoach. Coach Daywalt-relicf pitching is a preiiy snun thing to do when your starting pitcher holds a championship team scoreless for six Innings and your team is ahead by six runs...you know.,.like they do even in the little league, junior and high school Icams, college leams and the pro leagues? Gail Keene Advance Letters Welcomed The Enterprise Record welcomes leuoi from Ils neadets. Hie letters may be ontopics of local, stale, naiioful or ¡nienuliomi Issues, i An effort will be made to prim aU letter» provided they are not libelous, vulgar, or'In poor laste. The editor reserves the light lo edit letter« for gnunmar and for space. T AU letters sbouM Includc Ihe name anl address of Ihe writer, including a signaniie. 'A lelephone number, DM to be puUithed, U aUo requeued. FleiK have lelten in Ihe newipiper offici by4pjn.Moodayoflheweektobipiibli«heA' What Should Mike Tyson's Punishment Have Been? ModuviUe 'Somebody diouU bite hb MTOft* Nick Hager Advancc *I think he needs lobe sue- poidedpcniiaMiillyfrombox- tog.- Coofecmce 'I think they sbouU never aUowhhntoflghtaaiUn.' / . ' Kevins WhHtoa-Sakm x 'Heibouldhebannedlhiin boxins.T1iew«ylieperibniiiid hai put a bad taite itn eveofaody'fi k ' It's that time of year. Pack your car and head on vacation. ~ * The things some people pack for a week or ; less vacation are amazing. The amount of those •, things is even more amazing, i How aboul an 18-roll pack • of toilet paper? Some say you ;; can never trust a hotel or I rented house to have enough ; of the stuff. Do they realize J l»w many times you would j have to go lo use up 18 packs ;■ :of toilet paper? The thought 'blows my... mind. ■; ■; A case of paper towels : goes wilh the same person. So whal if it lakes two months lo use that much at home. On a - — — > trip, you don't want to wash MIkS :j rags, so you lake plenty of Ihe B am hardt : throw-away kind. On a trip, I ;• don't want to worry about ;; cleaning up a mess, much less what I'm going : to clean it up with. ; And food. Thai's the most ihsane pan of :: these vacation pack rats. They’re going lo be gone for a week, so they take enough food to DAVIE C O l ^ ENraiUW SE REC O IID bJ^ 1 8 Rolllbf Tóiièt l^pel feed twice as many people for a month. You don't want to gel hungry on vacation, Ihey say. I agree, bul who wants to cook - and even worse - wash dishes on vacation. I can handle Ihe cooking, maybe once or twice, but wash dishes? That's a vacation with the devil. Clothes are another hot item to take on a vacation. I've been wilh people on a two-and-a- holf-day trip who lake tons of clothes. One outfit to go to the ballgame (cach day), one to wear out to eat (each day), one lo go "dubbin"' (each night) and one for ted (each night). There's a pair of shoes for each activity, and a pair of socks, as well. There's an extra pair of everything just in case something goes wrong with one of the first 32 outfits. Maybe I'm wrong, but you usually go on vacation somewhere away from home. Why worry when you go out at night if you spilled a little mustard on your shirt at the game? Is Ihere a law saying you can’t go dancing wilh tennis shoes on? And you're on vacation, don't even bother with the .socks. In fact, shoes ' should he optional. A pair of flip-flops should suffice. Of course, there's an extra suitcase lo carry toiletry items, as well as the hair dryer, iron, lint brushes and if you squeeze the lid really light, the bathroom vanity. You pack everything Inlo the car so tight the rear end is so low you'll gel slopped at least 30 s times by highway patrolmen who'll swear i' ’ you've got a couple thousand pounds of drugs ' hidden in some secret compartment. There's barely enough room in the car for people going ; on the trip. They end up having to sit way too ( close and getting on each other's nerves way too often. You drive for five hours or more slopping two zillion limes because everyone has differ­ ent bathroom habits. Each lime you slop, you either have to go into Ihe store lo buy a drink or unpack half the trunk so you can get Ihe cooler lid open. There's no use paying single prices for drinks when you can pack a 78-quart cooler full of cheap ones way in advance. When you finally arrive, you are confronted wilh a car full of hot and irritable people. They're also hungry. No need to waste money going out to eat, letting someone else cook it, someone else bringing il lo your table, someone else asking if you would like a refill on lhat beverage, some­ one else asking if you would like dessen, and best of all, someone: else with Ihe wony of cleaning thè table and washing the diiliès. You brought your own food. But the food box is way up in the trunk. Take put the six v suitcases, two coolers, seven b i^ , 18 rolli of toilet paper and case of paper towels, and yo& gel the food and cooking utensiKYoù c u ; never trust Ihese rented places to have whatjjou really need,) box. ; By Ihe time you get it inlo the house, every­ one is even holler and more irritable; By the.,^ time you get it cooked, ihey're so tired they ; can'l eat. By the lime you get the dishes doni, il's time to start Ihe next meal. \ But by golly, you're on vacation. There's an ocean out Ihere. There's entertainment out . iheie. There's a rocking chair on the porch. There's a reslaurant just up the road. But there's a serious problem. You brought home wilh you. ' ‘ Wouldn't it be refreshing to just jump in the car and'go, and not woiry about making thitigs as comfortable as you have it at home. Chance's are, it could make things much more comfort- • able on your next trip. And it would make going back home a much more anticipated experience. |s It Hot Enough For Ya? BMl CaaaUy Yes, it's hot enough for me. Why is it, when Ihe mercury gets above 85, that about the only thing anyone can think lo say lo you is, "Is it hoi enough for ya?" Are their brains so fried from the heat that they can't think of anything intelligent to say? . I'd like to set the record straight here. A man said to me this morning, "It's getlin' hot out Ihere,” ' I said, "Yes, I noticed. Probably has some­ thing to do with the fact thal il is almost July. You know, summertime and all." Okay, I could have been a little more conver saiional, hut it was a stupid comment. Let's get it su^ght, folks. School is out, you óre mowing your grass every week, the hosta is blooming, the grocery stores moved the lemons to the front of the produce section, people are flocking to the beach, cars ate overheating. It's summer time. It is supposed to he hot. That's the general course of things about this time of year. It gels hot. It's a fact of life, not a üeakof ratun. In our house, Todd is the cold weather guy. He has a coat and boot fetish, so January is really his lime of year. Il's a genetic thing, because his mom hales hot weather too. But me, I come alive in the three most wonderful months of Ihe year - May, June, and July. (I don'l count August. Who could love August? Only August's mother.) The minute the flowers start lo pop out, I feel like I have new breath blown into me. I throw open windows, hang sheets on the clothesline, fill up ihe hummingbird feeder. To me, there is no better smell lhan that of ocean water and Coppertone, unless maybe chlorine water and Hawaiian Tropic. Putting shoes on is a chore and peeling my forehead is a pasttlme. Just think of all the wonders of the summer - watermelon, tomatoes, sand-logged diapers, whistles at poolside, golf under the sun, pink-cheeked children bearing lizards and tree frogs, car washing in bare feet, ice cream that melts before you can eal it. Ahhh, summertime. There have been songs wrillen aboul il, poems written aboul it. Il's a great time of die year, but yes, il is hot. Thai's why someone invented fans and air conditioning and ice. There ate folks who hate summer who defend winter by saying, "You can always put more clothes on, but you can't keep taking them off." Well, why not? My mother had a role in her house that no man ever came to Ihe dinner table without a shirt. (She probably had a no tie, no service rule at one time too but thtt fell by the wayside.) I don't really like looking across the table at hut in someoiù's armpits, but I don't begiudge Ihem their comfort. How invigorating, how freeing it must be to be a man in summer. To mow the grass in only a pair of jhorts (and in my father's case, black socks and wingtips). If ¿yone should complain about the heat, it should be women, who èixiely dictates be clad in modest attire and always, torsally ^ th e d . ^ rm thankful little Katie isn't old enough to be modest. Her Vrthday suit is her favorite outfit. When she gets out of the liidmib, she streaks through the house, shrieking wilh joy at her i%o parents chasing ber wilh a diaper. Thus attired, she is fiee lo m w her belly button to anyone who asks where it is. ■r Maybe adults are missing out on something. I'll bet the last time any of us ran through the bouse in our binhday suits was some­ where bMween strained peti and strained meat. Maybe we should all stop complaining about tbe weather and ^ something about it . . (jet our hair buzzed, buy a iMtipie uf laiik tu^ «Ы bikinis and mow the grass scantily clad. Oh, and dim't forget the'wingtips. CaÜCaràUna PRII^SlC i\ ■ ■ ■ ■■ XI Sal ihMe ,lAIEqulpnMnt ' _ ЩШГАЯОЙМ т т т я ш т т . Th* M in i D b h SatolUte Service < — l i . ■ -- >11' NDEqulpmwil'IbPuidMie Prim eiN e iw llit » MekMta M EqulpnMnt. Y O tm o A v m е о ы н п р п т т ш гАЯ о ш л и т M O C K T IR E M O C K S V IL L E 962 Yadkinville Roed Phone 634-6115 Our Pricti Include Mounlini, Bakuicing SiwWveSlemsARoietlon Hours: 7:30-5:30 M-F « 7:30-1:00 Saturday Teatim e a t Tanglewood! You are cordially invited to enjoy gracious company,'a delightful menu, English Teas and delicate desserts. From 2 • 4 p.m. Manor HouM at Tanglewood $12.00 per person $10.00 per person (if registered for two or more tea parties.) Each month a guest speaker will capth/ate and entertain you with an exciting new topic. August 6 Rubber Stamp DMlgn September 3 Fall Fashion SIkwvs November 5 Holiday Decorating Cali (910)778-6306 for more Infomiation Umited seating. Pre-registratkm is required at tha Welcome Center, Monday-FrWay from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Dr.1£o K .LYoung FanilyFhKtilioner ‘Iw m tm ftig ia tiU lm n à a lm itrt U Mp tkm »»ywtflu»- fhjàctlh.tm ém iaf.iiritf’ M l f ' ■- lÀing a hcaUiy lifatyie is ofen dK bc^ kindafprevtntilivernodiàielcrpaicnB., Il B d» bdicf dm Dr. Leo Young ariws lo icach as he motiviies pxicns IO WM, ‘ tostayhtaldiy. Botn in Hong King and tùed in ' : ■ ' Hcnolulu, Hiwaì, Or. Youttg « « U '' mcdbi sdioci at thè UniwrÉy of Hani SdnolofMoiaM. HcìiBokI B ^ in Family Practice and has a spedai. Interest in goiaiiic pwnn. Di: Young wd hit wife, Con, h>w » inlàntdaughter,Malia. H iih o b ^ ; indudebicyding,VDjkyb«y,gol(ind | piiyingdieodla i AtBownRcgiixdMcdkdCcnicr, ! we're (bw i № afa you tiie auOBadng; dàlicfphy9d»MgeDi:Yau«.He's one of the imity to m we'R ytwc «WR^ fartooihealdicK. RcwanRecxdnalMEOcMLamn ' I в и - 1 «е в » ' «веееа1 ш и аст я и у|; D AVIE ( 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1»7 f EN T ER PR ISE!VJMtyl7,lW7.-5;. ; ']■ p ffffT X v eШеОогQfZatìng, fímúng Continued From Page I * :"Thc people are very good," he s^d. • '.Wilh assistance from Windley and county attorney Bob Price. Gallimore has been learning about (he history of zoning in thc counly and why decisions were made. He has also been learning about Ihe diffeivnt political environments of the county and the town of Mocksville. for which he will also be doing planning and zoning. He has been reviewing files in efforts to get a feel for what's happening and what kind of requests thc department has been getting. So for he has enjoyed the job but admits it gets difficult at times. In neighbor disputes, he said he will enforcc things he can and tiy to explain that ihcre are ihings he can'l. •And he knowsgrcatcaremust.be......... taken when dealing wiUi property lhat is so important lo owners. "Folks havc stated Iheir confi­ dence in me. and I wanl lo try to live up lo it." he said.Davie County's new planning and zoning director John Gallimore plans to live up to the trust people have placed in him. - Photo by Robin Ftrgution Mocksville Briefs l/Vatershed Protection Rules Changed Ibe lown board has made changes in Ihc zoning ordinance to comply widi Watershed Protection Act rules. Required by the state, the changes mostly shouldn't affect what con be done, except that smgle-family residences could be built on lots of rccord where in ihe past, that may or may not have been allowed. Interlocal Agreement With County Town txjardraembersopprovedan agreement with Davie County on stured services, including: tax collections, S3 Л5 lo the county fornoa-inotor vehicle bills and I J percent of other taxes; $14,070 to the county for zoning and planning: radio operations communications, $31,144 to the counly: animal control, ISpercentof Ihe county'sanimal control budget: landfill cha^tothe Ibwn the same as any othercustomer,libraty,$20.000tolbecounty:iecreation, .75 penxolof the lax hue from d » counly 10 the town; and senior services, $i2,ООО from thc coumy to the town. Street To Be Closed For Blast MajnSirtctfromGaiihertoWaierStreetwiUbccIosedfn)m88.m.-llp.m. on Salurday, Aug. 23 forthe Blast ftom the Pa^, an all-day celebration eixling with a street dance. Cleary Would Be ABC Representative BusterCleaiy was re-appoinled by fellow town board memben to the ABC Commission. Although inactive because such sales are illegal, he would sit on tbe board lhat decides who should be issued permits for alcohol sales. Firing Range A Problem For Officers It is becoming more and more difTicuh for town police officen in Mocks­ ville and other places to find a firing range to complete required shooting of dieir weapons, I4ilice Chief Richard Sink said. The ofTicen lecently qualified iri Lexington, bul rumors are that range will beclosed to outskle agencies. Sink said. Town board member Sieve Walker said it would be » good idea foe Cteklson County Community College to go forward widi auch a nnge, providing a much-needed communily seivice. Bleachers Replaced At Ball FieUs : Blcachen were repaired or replaced at de town'i softbiU and Ьм еШ fitidsi according to a written repoit by Bill Wiionaa 10 dK town txMld. A lu: lights were replaced on Ihe Soudi Davie Minis courts; die CeoMr hdi Ъх machine was repaired; and storage slielves wen twill and inalaUed al ^ lecrealion depaitment. i f Town board memberSleve WalkeraskedTownManagerTenyBnlieylo iiwestigale re-surfacing of die tennis courts. ^nlor Center Keeps Busy Calendar ^ l o r citizen ^vitie s continue to be used liy town anil сонму niklenli, iiBluding seven healdi and wellness activiiiet in June,accoiding toaicpoit by t j i e ^ Kim Shiukey. The center also spomond Iwo educational activiliea, 9]ecteational evenu, four social eventi, питепш volunteer opponuoidei. tlfee outreach activities,and financial assistance for four pcogramt. T im an ^rpimer-generatioaalactivities,whereeUeriyandyoun|peapkigcito(rt alii reported. . '' PiitfcipaMs in June activities tolakd 557. up fiom 345 in Jiue, 1996, ■I PwiciaRennixhasbeenhliedfardiebonicliaiiadinealaprDgiainipecii jAailliecenlerpRpareslo take overdienulrillan prognm. DwainCMerwiU ijÌMtosiienianager.BeftGnindfiut,eventioàanlinalar,wiUnifnaltlieeiid when ber fm ily moves to Pennsylvania, , ifire Dept, Answers 13 Jdne Calls IlMocktyille Ib i^ih lm responded lo 13 ^ iii J iiK d ne 1^Ш1|км1сооаШо1и,Г0иг false Property Owner Questions Intentions Of Town Board COGLEEMEE-The town is stand­ ing firm • a property owner board members said violated lown ordinances should havc to pay thc $ 1,195 il cost to clean the property,locatcdat 163 Cross Sl. Attorney Ed Vogler wrote a letter to Town Attorney. Mac Blankenship on behalf of the property owner, Polly Foster, saying thc Improvements en­ hanced Ihe property value of Lynn Rumley, whoowns property next door. Rumley Is a lown commissioner and she and Glenn Comatzer are code en­ forcement officers for die town. Ihc letter also questioned whether thc amount of improvemenis made to Ihe property followed codc rcquirc- ments, thal thc town had a right lo remove what was on Uic property bul not lo plow, seed and add straw. Foster didn’t wanl to go to court, and would settle for less than the original bill, the letter said. Commissioner Bill Gibson called Cooleemee Briefs Fprnner Clerk Honored With Plaque FotmerTown Clerk Janet Wrighu was piesenledaplaque for sovke to die lown''dufiDgadiflkultaine''bylownboanlmenibenlaitnioolli.Wiighlssaid aim cqjoyed woridng for die town and making fiiendi in Codeeroee. Home Improvement Servtees Gets Job Vaac loipiDveffient Sovkes of Mocksville lectived ttetid to do rehabili- Mddn on thne bouses as pan of die town's Cotimiunity Deveioproenl Вккк Onnt fiir die Wckoiy Street and Claic Road neighboriuodi. h^ctCoctdinatorF.EIsenhiiursakldialsewercoatscauUlieaaniuchaa SISIUXO dial originaUy estinated. Behind acbedule. that put of dK gnM dxxdd be bid in July or August, be. sakl Dobbins Audit Contract Approved iTbralraaiimembenlattinbaih^ipcovedacontiactwidiSamlXMinsU iixlll tom reixiidi al a coat not to exceed $ 3 ^ ^ S p i^ Urnlt May Be Lowered № w m ii conskktiiig knming speed iin iu on many town smeen, O iiiiinMy, tbe speed Umilii 35 n^ihacmaadK town. . ' ’Oildng up to 35 is fU on dioie n m w stieels,''iitld lown bond niembei Bill Oib«on.*We feel like 25 is fast enough on dK bacl( »neeti.* irest Your BIBLE Knowledge «JtSnON; Wkat b Ike “(Mdci Rak?* (Lm m:sAmtr. WWn mud ¡^btuphaii, for chMni lo be Cod't Son, Jaia loU Hii tccrnn lo MIeve hicmtcfHUmilllrf-JoliiilO;36-3S) т г т ш т е т ш о г ш т ^ т ш ш т т ш ' . •;L oealM l lit Ow сст м г o f Jim clio n and Jatlclio R oad* J 1 VILLAGE TOBACCO flfow Open in Clemmons r - ~ ~ County Vbtes To Altowl Garbage Fee Increase STAR FU RN ITU RE’S Ihe property a "nit-infested eyesore. 1 think thc action taken was appropri­ ate." Rumlcy said she doesn't own prop­ eny next door, but two properties away, and that action was based on com­ plaints from olher neighbors. “In my opinion, there's no conflict of inlcrest and I'm Insulted by the letter." Rumley said. Thc lot was seeded so dial erosion wouldn't cause further damage, she said. Neighbors have reported ihe lot asunkept again, wilh waist-high weeds and kudzu. She said It's obvious Foster dbesn'i plan to lake care of her prop­ erty. Mayor Jackie Morton questioned thc purchase of IS bales of straw when three werc used and ihe resl rotted. She said it wasn't fair for Foster to be billed for lhat straw. Rumlcy said dmt was dw second load of slmw used on die propeny, and Foster wasn't billed for any of them. Continiwd FVom Pagel prorated tb arrive al die 65 cent per cuslomerincrease,accordingtoRusseil Bartier.He asked Ihe county to delay die $2 increase umil Aug I, to allow Davie Sanilalionlimetoinformils customers without havingtomakeaspecial mail­ ing, which will costihe company aboul $2,500. Paying these fees beginning July I, before customers have been notified and begin paying the additional fee could cosl Davie Sanitation $3,000 lo $3,500, he said.Ifimplemenlalioncouldbe delayed until Aug. I, it would peimil Davie Sanitation lime to noiify Ihe public by inserting the necessaiy infofmalion in regular monthly billings for July and Augusl, he said. Boiber said not allowing his com­ pany lime to notify its customen will also subject Davie Saniution lo undue criticism and some loss of customers. "We tnist lhal you will sec how Ihis creates a problem for our firm," jfe said. Ы County Manager Ken Windley se p a delay would nol be possible becaiOii the commissioners had budgeted monihs of revenue based on the $2 Ж ч ton increase. Davic County is conlracled willi^Z public utilities commission with For;? syth nnd Stokes counties for dispoi&I of waste picked up in Davie County^ Using Ihe landfill in DavieCounjfc; would cosl almost $70 per ton, whiqfe^j would make rates much higherlo indP^^ vidual customcn, according lo WinfPi Icy. ;5 i In the future, since Davie Sanil4*> lion and Ihe county are unable to co^^ liol these loo frequent changes in c o ^ i Barber asked the board to consid^*; allowing DavieSanilalionlob.'uera^>: upon the consumer price index orcoSC;: of living index. Thc company is using Ihis systejC;: with Ihc Town of Mocksville, and has worked well, he said. ш т 1 0 т ш ш в к - ULY 1 7 t h , 1 8 t h , 1 9 t h [)avie Man Pleads Guilty 1b ii Raping, Kidnapping ExWife^ Continued FhHn Page 1 This time her brolher, who was oul looking for her. spotted them and fol­ lowed the car to Smiley's house where Smiley got out of the car and told her brodier he was going to let her go. Her brodier left, and Smiley got back Into die car and drove them around more before Anally reluming lo his house. Shepherd re^ from her statemeni. He took her Into the garage where pulled a shotgun shell from his pocket and put it into a vise. She said she ran from die garage, as Davie Counly Shcrifl's patrol cars pulled up, accord­ ing lo Shepherd. Davie County SherifTs Detective John Stephens said dw victim ran from die garage and grabbed him. crying and asking him to ^ p herr: Oflicers placed Smiley, who was behind her. under arrest, he said. A kitchen knife was found under die seat of the car. and he wore another one on his belt, Stc{^ns said. Smiley said that his ex-wife had Invited him lo her house, so he lel himself in and wailed for her in her daughter's bedroom after walking there from Davie County, Shepherd said. But Stephens said he was able lo find the individual who had given Smiley a nde lo her home in Clem- •Tobaccos •Pipes •Gifts and Accessories j Wilhapirchaieof I $2Sormon. •Relax in our Smoking Room Suite2l, Meadowbrook Mall Court С1гашюш,№ 7784042 ■да mons aboul 4:30 p.m. Smiley said she asked him todriypi^ her lo Ihc field lo talk. When they saTr* there, he said she wanted him to ma)»::« love to her so he did. Shepherd reaÌrj from Smiley's slalemcni. 7.^^* When she callcd about her chik^rj ’she started screaming for help, so took die phone from her, ShephM^** said. He told Shepherd he had takeri ft*:; kitchen knife from her house for pncS^« lection because he did not know she might do. Smiley said he gave her die kn||l» ' • and asked her to kill him because htC' was depressed and using crack calne, Shepherd testified. Smiley said he wu being chargU^ widi ioriietfilng he'didni't do and did no|«^ know why his ex-wlfc was "making aHv; dlls sluff up," according lo Shephci^*^ Defense attorney David FreedmMT^^ ofWinston-Salemoflcrednocvldcn^^; on behalf of his client. •C*t Assistant Dlslricl Attorney StevéìJ Barnhill praised both detectives fK-^I Iheir invcstigalive work. ; Their documcntalion was so googd».*^ he said he uses the case as an cxami^:i^ in criminal juslicc classes. !J- "ll's one of the best I have seen." bèi* said. -..-t S A L E M G L E N J U N I O R C L I N I C J U L Y 2 1 - 2 S AGE GROUPS AQES7-10 & TIMES 8:30-9:30 A.M. AGES 10-13 9:45-10:45 A.M. INSTRUCTIONS WILL INCLUDE: ETIQUETTE. RULES OF GOLF FULL SWING. CHIPPING, PUTTING PRICES: $35.00 for members children $45.00 for non-members cjilldren 1000 Glen Day Drive (OtfDock DavU Road 9 1 0 - 7 1 2 - 1 0 1 0 T b Register т о ш т ш о т ш ш ш о А г о ш ш D O N O T M I S S T H I S I N C R E D I B L E T* u rH O W IT W O R K S; July 17, 18, and 19th at STAR FURNITURE you can select $200 in Sale Merchandise and get $100 in Additional Merchandise at **N0 CHARGE'*. Select $1000 in Sale IMerchandise and get $500 in Additional Merchandise at **N0 CHARGE**. Whatever you select, we will offer 1/2 the Total Amount in Additional Merchandise at “NO CHARGE**. This is an incredible qff&r, D O N O T m s s IT U ^ ^ ‘ " ‘Ä e t v o « J ' ' w Additional ■AKnwchandlMltMibiMloialaandaMllincalaxM. Оом noi apply to prior sales. layaways,ofhoMordirs. Subl«cttoci»<iii«(i|iroval. UmHadollsra5iriw July 19,1997. \'ou Coniti i.ii'1 1 OOO's in •i ' m m FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Л 4 a N o r t h M a m « « г м « , M o e k s v llla . N e 7 0 4 - в Э 4 - В 7 3 а i-i Ч‘г г .*:*..*?лг,'^.-^,'т-'ГЛг-:7 б- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD; July 17, m / Public Reœrds Mcx:ksvillë Police The following Incldcnls were re- ported 10 the Mocksville Police De­ partment. -Virgil Ray Smith reported July 12 the rear window was knocked oul of a Chevrolet Comoro porked on Avon Street. •JuliaSpillmanPaltonrcportedJuly 4J the larccny of a black bicycle with irainlng wheels from a residence on Vilkesboro Street. ( - Mary Ledbetter reported July 11 the driver's side of an Oldsmobile was scratched while parked al Mocksville Fumilure. - Brent Stanley Ward reported July 10 the larceny of Mocksville, U.S. and historical flags from a yard on Holly Lane. • Larry Cox reported July 9 the larccny ofgasoline from B's Mini Mart, Yadkinville Road. - Willard Franklin Burgan reported July 9 the larceny of a vacuum pump and torch set, wilh an estimated value of $500, from a roof ai Crown Wood. • Tim Scott Rled reported July 8 ihe larceny of a Hitachi cam conler, CD player, money and a diamond ring, with a total estimated value of $ 1,362, from a residence on Magnolia Avenue. Arrests- Matthew Augustus Whicker, 16, of Troy, was charged July 11 with felony larceny. Trial date; Aug. 7. . William EliosRuona,27,ofKing. was charged July 10 wilh simple pos­ session of marijuana (16 grams) and possessionofdrugparaphcmalia.Tria] date: Aug. 21. • Curtis Alexander Blevins. 26. of King, was charged July 10 with pos* session of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Trial date: Aug. 21. - BniceClinardIsaacJr.,19.ofl67 Fred Lanier Rood, wascharged July 10 withdrivlngwhile liccnse revoked and DWI. Trial date: Aug. I. • Damien Travcn Lewis, 19,of4II Morse St.. was charged July 9 with second-degree trespassing. Trial dale: Aug. 21. • Walter Lucien Bazor, 19. of Gulfport. Miss., was charged July 9 wilh larceny. Trial date: July 17. - Billy Danell Freeman III, 29. of EmcraldLane.waschargedJuly7wiih driving while liccnse revoked, operat­ ing a vehicle with no insurance and a flctitious tag. Trial date: July 24. Traffic Accidents - No charges were filed after an accident on Wandering Lone near West Church Street at 1:30 p.m. July 1 According to a report by Of J.V. Parseil. Wesley Nissen'I^il 16, of Wilkesboro. was driving a 1! Chevrolet truck too fast in a curve Wandering Lane. The tnick W cnt^j the road to the left, striking a ro^ / column and utility pole. Sheriffs Deoartment _ti'Thc following incidents-were re- |»rted to tiw Davie County Sheriffs D^artment. i 7 - Kent Mothcwson of Advance re­ ported July 3, dut his credit cord had beenstolen after he left itonthccounter at Eckcrd Dmg at BermudoQuoy Shop­ ping Center. • - Tommy Lee Riddle of Mocks­ ville reported the larceny of a iwo- . ,year?oldmaleGcrman pit'bulldog from- his residence July 3. ‘ - Ruby Nell James of Advance Arrests reportedJuly4iduther Social Security check hod been stolen. -John Fogle of Winston-Salem re­ ported July 4, that someone attempted to pry open the door of his vchicle, causing about S200 indomoge. while it was parked on N.C. 801. -Herbert Eugene Dooley of Mocks­ ville reported July 6, that his 1985 Toyota truck had been stolen from his residence. -...- Regina Ellen CnUecreported July. 7. dial seven blank checks had been stolen from her home. - Priscillo Jones of Mooresville re­ ported July 7, diat a 9-year-old child had been assaulted in Davie County when someone head butted her and shook her hard. - Mary Ross Gray of Mocksville reported July 7. lhat a dog attacked her 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass, causing an estimated $ 1.000 in damage. - Lori Lynn Hill reported July 7, that the plastics, wheels, head light. 801 and U.S. 158. -Travis Lynde reported July 7. that his pager had been stolen. - I^m Faye Keaton reported July 7. Uiat someone had taken medication and anenvelopedcontainingcash from die hotne of Inez Dora Troutman. - Estelle Reeves of Hannony re­ ported July 7. dial four gasoline cans had been stolen from her residence. - Deputy Chris Vest reported July ._mirTT)m.and.iunisicnalSuValoed. al a_ 6,.recovering a.l97.9-FQrd,vM!.wh|ch total of $1,650. had been stolen from had been reported stolen by Erasmo her 1995 Suzuki motorcycle at N.C. Hernandez of Harmony. - Ralph Curtis Smith reported July 7, thal die tag has fallen off or been stolen from his 1978 Mercury. The tag was recovered by Deputy W.L. Whitesides July 9. - Erin Eugene Spry reported July 9. lhat someone had stolen a 20 inch gold rope chain widi gold nugget from his home. -TrooperP.T. Hennelly ofthe N.C. Highway Palrol reported July 10. diat jwq cow^were being allowed to roam at large on U.S. 64 near Davie Acad­ emy Road. -Jeny Lee Mann reported July 10. lhat d>e radio onlenna, vent shade and window vents and plastic head light covers had been stolen from his 1992 Chevrolet truck while it was parked at his home in Advance. He reported July 12, that the wheel spinners valued at $240 had also been stolen. -ChipEssicrcportcdJuly lO.ihata check had been stolen from his mail­ box. tL.RpWn Seafo/d. Bajte^ July 13. that someone broke the glass oul of die storm door at her apartmei^. : The following were arrested by the Davie County Sherift's Department. - Jeffery Lawrence Scott, 33. of 420 Morse St. Mocksville, chargcd July 3, for possessing a schedule II controlled subslance. Trial date: July ■|7. - Mary Thornburg Taylor, 38, of 930 Cana Road. Mocksville. was ar­ rested July 3, for simple assault. Trial date: July 24. ■ - Brenda Hutchins Mann, 50, of 204 Woodburo Place, Advance, was arrested July 3, forsimple assault. Trial date: July 24.- - Tracie Pamela Renegar, 29, of Yadkinville, was arrested July 3 at the public access area on Junction Road, for possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, possession of drug para­ phernalia and carrying a concealed weapon. Bond: $5.CÍЮ.Trial dote: July 17. -Lori AnnChase,36,of Lakewood Gvil Lawsuits Motel, Mocksville, was arrested July 3, for possession of cocaine, posses­ sion of a schedule III controlled sub­ stance, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond;$5.000bond.Trialdote:July 17. - Michael Wayne Spaugh, 26, of 1058 Daniels Road, Mocksville, was arrested July 4, fordisorderlyconduct. Trial dote: July 17. - Kenneth Joseph Ward. 37, of 231 Joey Trail, Mocksville. was arrested July 4, for domestic assault. Trial date: Aug. 11. - Kimberiy Wicker Gowforth, 28, of King, was arrested July 4, for DWI and driving left of center. Trial date: July 18. - Robert G. Ridings. 26, of 665 Gladstone Road, Mocksville, was ar­ rested July 5, for injury to personal property. Trial date: July 24. -Tommy Lee Riddle, 21.of 149 Cable Lane, Mocksville. anested July 5, for assault, injury lo personal prop­ erty and second degree trespassing. - Johnny Lee Boger, 24, of 162 Twin Cedars Golf Club Road, Mocks­ ville, was arrested July 5, for assault and sccond degree trespassing. - Валу Derell Williams. 27, of Cheyenne Lane. Mocksville. was ar­ rested July 6. for assault on a female. Trial date: July 24. -EdgarMcndoia,23,ofIjkewood Motel. Mocksville. was am»led July 7, for no operator's license. Trial date: July 17. -Thomas Gordon Landesman, 35. of Salisbury, was arrested July 7. for carrying a concealed weapon. Trial date: Sept. 11. -Chris Holden Anders. 35.181 Joy Trail, Mocksville, anested July 7. for assault with adeadly weapon, commu­ nicating direats. Trial date: July 24. - Barbara Arlene Stewart, 36, of 126 McClamrock Road, Mocksville. was arrested July 7. for second degree trespassing. Trial date: July 17. - Kimberiy Stewart Williams, 24, of 112 Cheyenne Lane, Mocksville, was arrested Jul 7. for simple assault. Trial date: July 24. - Jimmy Van Holland, 37. of Win- ston-Salem. was anested July 7, for failure to comply widi a court order. Trial date: July 16. - Carl Edward Jenkins. 19. of 135 RupaidTrnil, Mocksville. was arrested July8,forcommunicatingdueats.Trial date: July 24. - David Bruce Myers. 36. of 128 Hank Lesser Road, Mocksville. was arrested July 8. for first de^ee bur­ glary, assault on a female, second de­ gree trespassing and injury to real prop­ erty. Trial dale: Sept. 11. - Jerry Edward Robertson, 34, of Winston-Salem, was anested for simple assault July 9. - James Paul Carter. 21. of 121 Guinevere Lane. Cooleemee. was ar­ rested July 9, for larceny ofadog.Trial dale: July 17. -Thomas Jacob-Albert ’TJ." Bow­ man. 16.of 1843 N.C. Hwy.801 South, Advancc, was arrested July 9. for lar­ ceny of a lag, no operator’s liccnse and no insurance. Tri^ date: July 17. - Shalon Manek "Nicky” Ramsue. 20, of Cooleemee. was arrested July 10, for communicating direats. Trial date: July 24. - Shelly Gaye McDonough. 33, of 929YadkinvillcRoad.Mocksville.was arrested July 10, for ccmimunicating ducats. Trial date: July 24. - Michael Adam Wrighi, 18. of Catawba, was arrested July 10, for assault on a female and communicat­ ing direats. Trial date: July 17. -Justin Donald "Deede" Overcash. 16. of 195 Red Bud Lane, mocksville, was arrested July 10. forDWI. posses­ sion of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia Trial date: Aug. ! 21. ; - Angela Simmons White. 27. of ! 760DukeWhitakcrRoad,Mocksville. I was arrested July 10. for simple os- t sault. Trial dale: July 25. • - John W. Hughes, 38. of Chapel * Hill, was arrestedJuly 11.for failure Ip;; appear in court and placed in the Davie-, Counly Jail under no bond. - William Ransom Scott Jordan. 33. of 129 Redwood Drive. Mockáf ville. was arrested July 12. for assault • widi a deadly weapon and assault o(i a female. Trial date: Sept. 11. -ChristopherJamesTomcl. I8.óf| l296BearCreekChurchRood.Mocks- ville. wasorrestedJuly 1 l.forfailureto carry license and no curator's license. Trial date: July 18. ’ -JoeWanenWesl,4I,ofl27Good:’ will Helgltts, Mocksville. was antstedi; July 12. for failure to appear in couii ' Trial date: July 28. The following civil lawsuits were rded with die Davie Clerk of Court. ' - Bennie Dean Smidi vs. Janice Shelton Smidi. absolute divorce. - American General Finance vs. David F. Pfefferkom. request judg­ ment. $1,000. - Davie Social Services, on behalf of: Theresa S. Eizenga vs. Mark Jo­ seph Eizengachild support, reimburse for past public assistance: Denise M. Mock vs. Kennedi Lee Hall, paternity, chiki support. • Marie Sagraves vs. Martha Perry Tapp, request recovery, $5,480, diat ownership of mare horse be tronsfened. • Nationsbank vs. Robin L. Hamm and Tammy C. Hamm, request judg­ ment, $3.315J0. • Robin Whitley Hanes vs. Clifford Green Hanes, request defendant not assault, direaten, ^use, follow, harass or interfere wilh plaintiff. - Carolyn Mehmood vs. Tahir Mehmood, absolute divorce, resume using maiden name. - Wendy Rycroft vs. Bobby Rycroft, divorce from bed and board, child cus* tody and support. - Steven Ray Hilton vs. Virginia Adams Hilton, absolute divorce. - Janice W. Kimmer vs. Tony Dale Kimmcr, requestdefendant not assault, direaten, abuse, follow, harass, or in­ terfere widi plaintiff. - Mary W. Allen vs. Norman Gray Allen, absolute divorce. • Grady Louis Shipman vs. Glinnie F. Shipman, marriage annulment. • Shiriey Dalton Dewall vs. Royd L. Dewalt, request defendant not as- - sault, direaten, abuse, follow, harass or interfere widi plaintiff. • Roger W. Reinsvold and Lesa Reinsvold vs. John Bartlett Stark and Stacey Johnson, also knows as Laurie Connor, child custody. - Harold Wayne Higgins vs. Delores Ann Mauldin May Higgins, divorce. - Laura Jane Livengood vs. Eric WayneUvengood,childcustody,spou- salsupport, divorce frombedandboard. - Kay Ester Waduns vs. Shelly Ray Waduns, requestdefendant not assault, direaten, abuse, follow, harass or inter- fere widi plaintiff. - Donald Robert Bame II vs. Sherry Raper, child custody and support. • Kadiy Trivette Owings vs. John Richard Owings, divorce from bed and board, marital residence and two acres, child and support, alimony. -DavieCounty on bchalfofPalricia L Shoffner vs. Dawn M. Connor, vol­ untary support agreement. - Carolyn L Bames vs. Junnius U Cline, request defendant not assault, direaten, abuse, follow, harass or inter­ fere widi plaindff. - Richard D. Schooler vs. Janice M. Schooler, absolute divorce. • Robert W. Hall vs. Curtis Davis and Cindy Davis, recoveiy, $381.60. - Monleigh Garment Co. vs. Lions Manbfacturing and Smart Style, re- questjudgment, inexcess$ I0,000com-'' pensatory damages. ' • - Jennifer P. Phillips vs. David W. Phillips, child custody and support' - Agnes Rosetta Dulin vs. Kimberly • ■ Rochelle Propst, Rodney Daniel Foote' andMatdiewVaughlers,childcustody * andsupport. ' • ' - Wallace Boyd Benson vs. Reba ^ Lee Benson, child custody and sup-" port, divorce from bed and board, pc^ session of family residence, equitable' • dislribudon of marital property, order ‘ that defendant not destroy marital pro^ crty. Land Transfers V The ToUowing land Iransfen wete fBed with Ihe Davie Counly Regislerof deeds. ; The uaiuaclions are listed by par­ te involved, acreage, township, and d ^ stamps purchased, wilh $2 repre- lenlingSI. - Stephen Anhur Komegay and Raemaiy Lanier Komegay to James IbndaUHoolis and PaltieLynn Hooks, 1301, Ftrminglon, $240. > - Fannie Belle Pope to John Maitin yjgnei and Thomas Dale Ijames, 2 l«i,Jenisaleni,$t8. • - Mocgan Eari Smith and CaU J. sudi lo Harding Dwayne Swisha, facies, Cabhaln. 1- C. Rkhard Dobson Builders to 3lwn M. DeangelU and Nancy T. Qkangelii, 1 lot, Faimingttm, $326. - B. Eugene Bennett and as attccney in fad for Willie Bess Bennett, Deibeit E Bennett and Martha H. Bennett, James E. Nance and Gamette Nance, FiedO. Ellis and Marie Ellis lo leffiny D. Wagoner an Cadiy M. Wagoner. S.91 acres, Calahaln, $53. -Steven Lessard and RitaB.Ussard loTinKlhyLChaseandKimM.Chase, Hot, Shady Grove, $94. - Christopher K. Johnson and Mel­ issa R. Johnson to Sleven P. Lessard and RiuB.Lessaid, 1.27acres,Shady Grove, $156. - Casdegale Consttuctioa of Clem­ mons lo Joseph A. Weber and Bonnie L. Weber, 1 ku. Shady Grove, $242. - George R. Slone and Christine S. Slone loLeoRkhaidSmool,5.05 acres, Fulton, $20. -DamllR. Butch andtammyLynn Burchio Teny Douglas Bameycasde, 1.01 acres, $16. - Vogier's Construclion and J. FianckConstniction to Christopher K. Johnson andMelissaR. Johnson, 1 lol. Shady Gnve, $44. - Sleven Leon Eaton to Susan G. Eaton, 2 lols, Mocksville. -B. Eugene Bennett and asattomey in fact for Delben E Benneit and Mar­ tha H. Bennett, James E Nance and GanieaeNance,EiedO.Ellisand Marie ElUs and Willie Bess Bennett to Rich­ ard C. Slevena and Dianna L Stevens, llol,Claritsville,$44. - John M. Groae and Candy H. Gtow lo Sarah B. Betke, 1.46 acres. Shady Grove, $35. - Bennie L. Fktcher and Nadine E FlelchertaB.L.FlelcherandNadineE Fletcher as co-misteei of The Fletcher Trust, 1 villa, Farmington. - Oak Valley Associates Limited PartnershiploJumeyConstnictionCo., I lol, Farmington, $100. -FeiaK.DavisandBelsyH.DavU 10 Ralph S. Pitts Jr. and Teresa R. Pitts, 1 lot, Faimington, $567. - B. Eugene Bennett and as allomey in fact for Willie Bess Bennett, Delbert E Benneit and Maitha H. Bennett, James E Nance and Garnet Nance, FiedO.EllisandMarieEllisloWeldon A. Yales and Elizabeth N. Yales, I kx. $2S. - John R. Latham and Damell D. Ladiam and Piedmont Deck Installa­ tions, 1 acre, $9. - Mancie Cheek Cook by altoney in fact, Gy wndola C. Shoaf to Stephen Sinmko and Tamara J. Sttomko,. 18 acn,Jenisalem,$39. - Mattie B. McCuUoh lo Margaret M.Spiy,CariD.McCullohandKadiy T.McCulloh,! lot, Jemsalem. - Nora W. Smilh to Steve C. Whilaker andEvendaS.Whilaker.3.07 acres. - Dorothy S. Scantiand lo Bermuda Village Retirement Cenler Limited Paimership, 1 condominium, Farm­ ington, $385. -Beimuda Village RetiiementCen- ler Limited Paitnership to Paul G. Boone and RudiD. Boone, I condo­ minium. Faimington, $385. - Maik S. Alspaugh and Maisha G. Alspaugh to Bmce Eric Fort>es. 1.03 acres. Shady Giove. $150. -B.Eugene Bennett and asattomey in fact for Willie Bess Bennett, Delbeit E Bennett and Maitha H. Bouiett, James E Nance and Gamelle Nanpe,, FredO. Ellis and Marie Ellis lo Salva- dorG. Mendezand RoseP. Mendez.4^ lot. Calahaln. $26. - Lawrence Walker Caitner aiid,,. Belly Kibiinger Caitner to Dougin Eric Caitner and Jennifer Page Carl;,, ner. 10 acres, Calahaln. :, -Willie M.Cope and MarieT.Cojie:, to Sharon C. Boger, Timodiy G. Сош,Г, i David A. Cope and Marie A. Cope, ' acies,$i24. - Lucille Livingston Williams ,io^,' Timodiy Keith Williams, 1.09 aaa, Farmington. - Lucille Livingston Williams lo.- Mkhael L. Williams, 2 tracts, Faitf ington. - Lucille Livingston Williams to RobeflUvingston WUiiams,twotracti,.. - Faimingtoo. I TliefaUowinflnfncaccklenuwen inodgated in Davie County by die N.C. Highway Patrol ^«тТ оУ Ш С Ькам ! f A Mocksville man was chaiged 'MUImtoyieU after an accidental i in 00 Tueidiv, July 8 on 1-40. '•Bobby Joe Brawn Jr.. 18, of 130 klKMiChinhRa«l.«leiiv(edtD ф т Imm OB Ш Ш hb 19(8 Mitsubushi pickup track whenilslnick aa 1990 OldsmobUe driven by Boyce Eugene McClain, 45. of Statesville, reported Trooper A. A. Justice. Car Hits D«r Ralph Hoben Leonard, 51. of Riveidale Road, Mockiville. waa un­ able to avoid a deer that croiied Foric- BixbyRovtintnolorhU l988FMa( 3:55 ajn. July II, icpoMd OfSor . DividR. McCoy. Dan-HilOBjiactiMlRud Tommy ClydeTuner.S3.ofCoun- liy Lane. MockavUle, wai driving a 1994 Jeep stadon wafon on Junctioa Roadal 10;15рл1. July8whenadeer raninto die lideofthevchkle, reponed TYooperCJ>.Jonea. lUtn To IMm SpMi СкмИ ' AnAdvanHunaWHcbiriwith. ^Cdttn to dentonHwy.801alShutlRawlal4:lS. p.m.July8. Jamea Eugene Meeker. 37,of 266 HiddenCieek Drive, failed to stop die 1995 Fndpfckup tnick hewn driving befos il stnick in die lear a 1993 CbevroletdrivenbyBieodaleanPrice, 37. of 288 Shut RoMl, Advance, re­ ported Ttooper CD. Jooea. Frica waa tmiaihtrcirftaHwy.Utoiiiodie IiwrararFaiBli«Chu|ad A Yadkinville man was chaiged widi improper pusing after an acci­ dent on Hwy. 601 al 12:10 p.m. July >1-JuanCUtos Alvaiez-Govea, 19, waa drivinga 1195 Fold pkkup track south onU.S.601eighlmileanoidiorMocks- viUe. attempdng lo pass anodier ve- UcbtothaM.KPtMdlteoparDiyid vchkle. he wenl off 1 road to die left to avoki a head-«i:i/ ' coUiskxi. Hie track strack a paik«d:,i' 1988 Nissan owned by Lisa Wagoor::.!' Brown of Boonviiie. ,V. VihkhaC<iHd«OBB»y.<01 TwovehkleacolUdedonHwy.COh (' Juat north of Mocksville al 8:30 pjo. July?. , bAVID COUNTY KNTEKPIUSE RECORD^ July 17,1997 - f ! Grants Will Hdp Leipd Families Buy f Affordable H (^ig In Rklgemi^ I Ten Davie families could soon gel help buying a new home. , The Rural Initiative Project's Ridgemonl project In Mocksville has been awarded о $50,000 grant to pro­ vide assistance lo families who need il to buy a home. The town boanl eariier this month agreed lo kick in an addi­ tional $5,000 for administrative costs. Julius Suiter, chairperson of Ihc project, told town board Ihc succcss of Ihc fiist Ridgemonl grant and Ihc co- operation with Ihe town are the reasons funding was received in the competi- live process by theSunyCounty Hous­ ing Consortium. "I hope that Ihls will move us to­ ward our goal of iheiwlevclopmeni of the Ridgemonl community." Suiter said. "What it's all aboul is affordable housing," said Town Manager Teny Bralley. Families who will live in the homes arc selected before constnkdan gins. In addition to the $5.000 jnM Ihey can receive toward die puRhn^ diey receive counseling in flnanmi and house upkeep, Suiter saM. The program is designed to assitt' low- to moderate-income famille«.'' We Buy Scrap Gold, Broken' and Unuaed ( Two Face Armed Robbery Charge i Gold Jewelry. D A V IB JB W B L B R e — Two 'more- Mocksville-rcsidents" have been anested foraJune I8urmcd robbery on Williams Slreel. Charged with armed robbery were: Shannon Tijuan Dalton, 21, of 929 Yadkinville Rood, and Travis Jamel Johnson. 23. of 301 Whilney St. -- Dalton was* placcd in the Davie County Jail in lieu of $25.000 bond. Johnson a Sl.OOO bond. The two and others are accused of going armed Into a residence pn Will­ iams Slreel and demanding a rifle from two people there, according to Mocks­ ville Police Department reports. Marie’s Fiorisi v W 6 6 - 4 6 5 1 Flowt'ts h)i All III I 4 ^ áÉ Í Ш Ш- Ш W M r EAT H O M E C O O K E D MEA1.S C o u n ^ c y S i d e Q* Restaurant O Complete Breakfast Every Morning I Lunch - Short Order PLUS Meat 8i A Good Selection of Vegetables DOWN HOME COOKINGI «andj Davie Sheriff Allen Whitaker and Chief Deputy Mark Howell look over the 110 marijuana plants confiscated during aerial search last week. - Photo by Robin FerguHon liOMarijuanaPlantsSpottedlnAerialSearch The DavieCounty ShcrifFs Depart­ ment discovered 1 lOmarijuana plants grovving in the couniy last week during a six hour search by helicopter. .According to Sheriff Allen Whi­ taker, the department tries lo do about iwp searches per month during die growing season when arrangements can i)e made for use of an air craft. Theplantsrangcdinsizefromabout one to seven feet tall, and the SBI estimates a street value of about $264,000 for the plants seized, Whi­ laker said. Five of the plants were found in die Liberty Church Road area. Nine were discoveredinsidedieMocksvillelown limits. The remaining 96 plants were growing just east of tte Fork commu­ nity, he said. Assisting widi this operalion were the NC. Highway Palrol and the N.C. Counierdrug Task Force, he said. A pickup truck obtained dirough Law Enforcement Support Services was used for transporting personnel and die plants which were seized, Whitaker said. LESS provides law enforcement agencies with surplus property as long as il will be used to combat drugs,. No arrests have been mode, bul an investigation is continuing. Highway Patrol Continued I ■ Paget Scoll Patrick Ham, 24, of Hwy. 601, Mocksville, was aiiempiing lo drive a 1996 Chevrolet pickup tnick from Uie left to right lane of travel, strikinga l996tiaclortrailerdrivenby Kennelh Wayne Ward, 33, of Hidden- ile, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. Ham was charged wilh making an unsafe Iraflic movement. CiMtta Ptnding Alter Wrcck Cbiges are pending after a wreck on Hwy. 64 West near 140 al 11:30 pjn.July 12. According to a leport by Tnjoper P.T. Hennelly, Shelton Evan Ramsetir, 21. of Statesville, began to lum righl into a business drive when another vchicle attempted a pass to Ihe right, striking Ramseur's 1990 Chrysler in the left side. Tbc driver of Uie second vehicle left Ihe scene. Cookemec Man Faces 3 Chartea ACooieemee man wascharged wiUi DWI,carelcss and reckless driving and driving while license revoked after an accident on Legion Cemeleiy Street just souUi of Cooleemee al 5:25 p.m. July 13. Michael James Sizemore, 37, of 254LegionCemeteiySt.,was driving a 1984 Toyou pickup track souUi on Uie road when ithitastoppedcar being driven by Stephanie Lynn Haricey, 16, alsoof254Legion Cemetery Sl,Cool- eemee, reported Trooper C.D. Jones. Harkey told Ihe trooper she stopped the 1985 pickup track she wa s driving because she noUced Ihe oUier vehicle going fonn side lo side on ttie road. ThetnickdrivenbySizemore went off Uie road to Ihe right, overtumed in a diuh and came to rest right side up in Uie road SizemoRwaslakenloDavie Counly Hospital for treatment of injuries. Haricey and her passenger, Sheny Crotts Sizemore. 33. also of 254 Le­ gion Cemeteiy St. Cooleemee, were not iiiiuied. Cooleemee Poltoe .1^ following are from Cooleemee Palice Department reports. ' '-OfTiceis responded u> a report of an'iisault in progress July 9. inskle a vehicle on JuncUon Road. When diey aiMVed. diey found Jimmy Wayne Huffman. 24, of Lexingion, and a pas- soiger.Bnndy Thomason. 16,ofJuhc- tkm Road, who told diem dial they w^Just talking and nodiinghappened - Assisting Ihc Davie County SheriSrsDepaitmenl, officers were part ofafoolchasconU.S.601 near Box­ wood Road eariy July 10, when die driver of a car stopped by a sherifl's deputy jumped fiiom die vehkle and fled into die woods, Kccidiiy to Po­ lice Chief Tim Woolen. ' - Responding lo a lepoitcddishir- bance on WaU Street July 11, oflicera found Ronnie Chuich, who said he had adisagreeroem widi Peggy Martia He said Manin had assaulted him in the past. - Rebecca Caudle of Duke Soeel lepofted hansainem Aom a neigbbor u^ng vulgar' botuage. Oflkeit ate inveitlgaling. 4 - ^ 'Davie Qwnly flre departmenu re- spoaded to dKfoUowing calls. ^ JtrijrTiMockavUle. 8:30p.m.. aiito acckku.U.S. 601 in front ofWesteni Steer. Jtdjr I: Cooleemee, 9:05 pm, ille­ gal bumin|,NoUyRo«lbcskk Jockey P l«.’9t WiUiam R. Davki, 11:17 a.tai kigging track on fire, 145 Cadil- lackane: Jeraaalem, 10:25 p.m., grata fin,iDanieUR«Kl. ' Jtriy 11: Faimington, 11:49 a.m., Pudding RUgeOolf Oub; WiUiam R. Ddvieattined. . U: Cooleemee. 10:52 a.m., fiieilann.236ClaikRo«l;'touiikm aiaM ; CDiibenM. 3:26 p.m., (Ml) irifiiit, i7iU|lwOiiwlioiSt.ii->; AMERICAN OIL & GAS Chriatmaa In Ju ly Reduction Sale INVENTORY ITEM S REDUCED A $LO W A S S O % ! ( g a s lo g s , h e a t e r s , f r e e s t a n d i n g f ir e p la c e s , w a t e r h e a t e i ^ ’a h d g r ills ) * * * J u ly 1 4 t h t h r o u g h J u l y 2 8 t h * * * r * T w o W e e k s O n l y in P l e a s e c o m e b y o n e o f b u r c o n v e n i e n t l o c a t i o n s : r40Ncirth«MMrMl UNNortlM detM mdn,NC3Mtiуиккпм м ю гпи РГГ- C O O K E D BphiE FISH.SIEAK8«C BttularlMlicllSpKlQUAaPrlni ю Ш NOW QPtN - UNPM NEW МАНАВЫДИТ â u n $ m it b in 9 GunsI Guns I GunsI № MWM-S7 4lmag.t47S" UWM-M.U7nmt49S» SàWM-2S-2 4SACPÌM9« Cow Dtanondbock M Ì47S» DMWt Eogto .357 mag. Ì79S»2 YMilti MoM .22 RMm MCI Order anything al wholesale plus 10% & shipping. Located olf Paacehaven on Wrigltia Farm Road. Open Mon-Frl 9-5:30 Call(9IO) 766-6501 lor your fireanna needs I ^ • v a r m i u K i m i M i B P Sweet Lover's Haven — Court Squaie, Downtown МоскауШе— OKN EVERT ИИИГ иип. 8Я5 P.M.I Л -L G od's C h ild re n * lllln x llt c ln g ... SHALISA 5.R.P. $45.00 SPECIAL EVENT Shalisa, the A ll God's CMUm 1997 Special Event figurine ia gelling ready for the big day. The smile on Shallsa's face gives promise thal the event will be filled wilh excitement as friends join in the excitement as friends Join in the fun at authorized All Cod's Children's stores across the country. Artist, Martha Rool (Miss Marlha) has given her special sculpting touch to Ihis enchanting touch to Ihis enchanting little lady which gives Shalisa a unique and precious personality all her own. The Special Event figurine will only be available for a Umited Ume. Don't miss out! S a tu r d a y , J u ly 1 9 th l O A M t o l P M ■ I : • i I „ i | i! . 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1997 D a v ie F ^ p le F o u r C o r n e r s N e w s B y M a rie W hite Four Com ers Correspondent Clyde Murray Is at home recover­ ing from heart surgery. He is gelling along nicely and would like (o ihank everyone for iheirprayers, visits, food, flowers and nil the nice things neigh­ bors nnd friends have done for him. M r. and M rs. Joe White, Mr. and M rs. Kenny Smilh. M rs. Grady Bcck. and M rs. Inez Reavis attended thc fu­ neral o f M rs. Annie Lee W elbom at Waughtown Baptist Church Monday in Winston-Salcm. Charles Burgess, Peggy El more, and Batry Sm ith need our continucd prayers. M rs. Charles M cLam b was hon- oa*d by Toni Hill al a stork shower Church To Celebrate 13 Years Union Chapel United Melhodist Church will celcbnue 13 years o f ser­ vice on Sunday, July 20. Homecoming Day schedule is: 10 a.in., Sunday Schix>l; 11 a.m., worship and praise; 12:15 p.m.. covcrc'd dish lunch; 1:30 p.m., afternoon singing. Tlie fcalurc'd groups invited lo sin)! arctheGospel Llghl Quartet from New Union United Melhodist Church In Sheflletd, and thc W allcr'sGrove Bap­ tist Church Choir from Demon. Union Chapel U.M.C. Is one mile north o f 1*40 on Highw ay 601. Anniversary Homecoming Planned Saturday al her home. She received many nicc gifts. Vacalion Bible School will begin July 19 for pre-rcgislralion at 5 p.m. along with family night, с о о к ю т and kick-off. It will be each night July 20- 23,6:30p.m.-8:30p.m. Chlldrenofall agesarcinviiedtocome. Theirw lllbe an adult class each night at 7:30. Man Has 90th Birthday C urtis B eau­ champ of Advancel celebrated his90th| birthdayonJulyl3. He was bom in| Davie County on' July 14.1907. N e w , A r r i v a l s Beauchamp Mrs. Edwin Leo Welch III Grccn Meadows Baptist Church invites all fomicr members, guests and friends In the communily lo join Ihc 30ih anniversary and homccommg Sunday, juiy 20 for a day o f worship, fellowship, and fun. Tlie Burns Trio from Grccnvllle, S.C. will Ix: m usic guests. A covcrc'd dish bmnch begins at 12:30 p.m. In thc fellowship hall. Sunday school will start al9:30a.m., and mom ing services __________-........ Grc'cn M eadows BaplisI Church is located al 1646 Hwy. 801 N. in the Farmington community. Form oreln- fomialion, call thechurchal 998-3022. Club Learns About Stains M c C u llo u g h - W e lc h C o u p le M a m e d In W in s to n -S a le m Courtney Baptist To Host Bible School • Meredith KerrMeCulloughofW ln- slon-Salem and Edwin Leo Welch 111 of MocksviUe were untied in in ^ a g e al 6 p.m. Saturday, July 12 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Winston-Salem. The Rev. Rod Reinckeond Ihe Rev. Canon Joseph Warren ofilcialed. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and M rs. David LeGorde M cCullough of Winston-Salem. She is a graduate of Mt. Tabor H igh School and eamed a bachelor’s degree In biology from Davidson College and a masters in educalion degree for science from W ake Forest University. She is a teacher at Reynolds H igh School. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and M rs. Edw in Leo W elch Jr. of Deadmon Rood, Mocksville. He is a graduate of Davie High School and eamed a bachelor’s degree in biology from Davidson College and a masters in civil engineering degree from N.C. State University. He is employed by I. L Long Constmction Company. The bride chose Elizabeth Swift Jones as her maid of honor. Bridesm aids were: Colby K ing Morris. M olly Lawrence Einstein, Julia Nell Spinnclt. Heather Welch Jeffries. Lee Dobbs Bm mby, Rachcl Claire Cannon,Miriam Leslie W righl,Ashlyp Hope Dannelly, Marjorie Gregor)- Clarke. Shelly Louise Baker. Frances Blair Patterson and M ary Amanda Lesesne. The groom’s falher was best man. Ushers were: David M ills Wang. Jonathan Jeffries. James Johnston McCullough. Jeremy Harold Godwin. Robert Edwin Welch. M ark Hunter Hemby, Alhos Roslan. Jason Franklin Mitchell, Stuart M cDow ell Hardy, RobcrtJoelCrottsandMatthcwFoTTcsl Webb. John Douglas Wright was acolyte. Register allendanls werc Virginia Rhen Otis and Nicole Paige W ilcox, and scripture readers werc Melanie Jackson Jcansonne and Mcredi Ih Am es Warren. Afler a reception al the Old Towne Club, the couple wenl on a wedding trip lo Cancel Bay. U.S. Virgin Is­ lands. They will reside in Winslon- Salem. Vacalion Bible School will have a Western thettw al Counney Baptist Church July 19-23. Callcd the "W ild and Wonderful Good News Stampede," registration will be from 5-8:30 p.m. on Saturday. July 19. The Bible School will con­ tinue from July 20-23 from 6:30-8:30 each night. The opening family night will start oul with games and an old-fashioned horse-drawn hay ride. Vittlcs will in­ cludc roasted wcanies. marshmallows, chips and Pepsi and tea. During thc week, aclivilies for all ages will includc Bible lessons, snacks and more. A nursery will be provided. For more information, contact the church al910-463-2681. Macedonia To Have Bible School Macedonia M oravian Church will have a Sunrise Balloon Adventure Bible school from 6:30-8:45 p.m. July 21-25. The school is for children age 3 Thc Cooleemee Extension Home- m akcR Club met June 23 in ihc Cool­ eemee Library with three members present. The meeting was callcd lo order by the vice prcsidenl. The vice president gave ihc devo­ tions. Her lex; was fiom Isaiah 54; 10. "M y kindness shall nol depart from you." Thc pledge lo the flag was said. Thc roll call topic was: W hen did soiTwone help you when you espe­ cially needed it? TTic minules werc read and thc Ireasurcr's report given. The program was on stain removal: first aids tostain removal, how to iden­ tify stains and classillcailons of stains. The next meeting will be July 28. Thc meeting adjourned with the Extension Homemakers Collcci. Ihrough eighth grade. They do not have to attend Macedonia to go to thc Bible School. For more infonnalion. call the church at 998-4394. 18 LOQ CABIN HOME PACKAGES TO BE SOLD AT.. P U B L I C A U C T I O N r f A H Sfio» CU Л ШП or »rt««} ina mjurM » M и>кпяюЫмав*тс1ШшФётпгипЫи000 л шл or nrMWd КпН ТЫ ште» ыг»п\ лрм nur с* РМ iHtn pmortfcfwct 0г opdl ciaf Дл ммоп- «I cf rw ЙЛАМ РГС» в CÜ* лпиу (SO; Д*» Мч iMbvfy жп m ьшм Ou» U (Mv*ry n eatfi V wwwd tri» Al ргеи If* fOfl “M * AC M" 6* ift«« •гулЫт rt rw асги 11Л tx/^ï pramun w< tw MM W Г¥ 1гтжуе«Д joaor4*U«prTC»-I »nr* tu» UM U( «viy L o c a i G ir l W in s M in ia tu r e M is s N o r th C a r o lin a T itle oCondueledFor- L O Q C A B I N H O M E S L T DfíOí*y Mount. North СлгоМпл ТЛ1 Thursday, July 24,1997 • 7:00 P.M. Holiday Inn Sclect • Winston Salem, NC Kaytlyn Nicolc Shoemaker ot 578 Salisbury Sl.. Moclcsville, was named l997M inialuTcM issNanhCarolinaat Ihe Utile M iss N onh Carolina Slale Scholarship Pageant held at Ixnoir- Rhyne College in Hickory. Kaytlyn is the 3-year-old daughter orSteveandW endy Shoemaker. TlKfourdayeventw aahcldJuly9- 12. MissNoithCarDlina l997.Michelle Warren, crowned the winners from 110 contestants re|iresenting their re­ spective communities across the state. Contestants were required to com­ pete in beauty, private, interview, and talent to vie for the state titles and a prize package o f mere than $14,200 in educational scholarships. Spccial guesu and entertainers also included David Harl)ofHighPoint.as the maMcr o f ceremoiucs, and Ron Newm an as guest entenainer. Choce- o(n|ihen were Karen Brow n Shenill o f M ocltsville and Sonya L. Cantrell o f Denver. S\\iCK(i()()i)§ W AII, 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 4 2 - 7 9 0 6Rogers Raalty S Auction ItK. • Hwy 60t, Mount Airy, North Carolina AUC нгв ■ Lie-NC teas- Е-ШЬ шт,пютпЧ1у.ст O R T H O D O N T IC S J > Board Eligible » State-Of-The-Art DiagnnsHi- Im a gin g Available Fo r A ll Patients Patients V isualize Their Ti^atm ent O bjectives/Options • E i s Initial C onsultation • Siiturday St FvCTiing Hours • Children it Adults WIUIAM SMITH KIRK, O.D.S., P.A NICHOLAS JAMES PENNA, D.D.S., P.A. ★ Flexible Fitmcing For Every Family Budget * 1819 Brenner Avenue (neafehcV.Ah»plUl) Salisbury, NC 28144-2519 Telephone; (7W) 633-5942 Facsimile: (7W)63M237 (704) 634-2222 854 Valley Road • Mocksville Professional CL Mocksville, NC Davie County's Home Solution Pepperstone Acres StadrMflV3bt»lMm« ммтдгмааегр!«. V i ___________________________________________________________...............^ тгт9оитштнвв1Ушьат шлищеттаюооттгыфотл'тIl 1107^AUlMTNfwC The pageant,nowcelebrating its 11th year, is a youth development program promotinj excellence in persona] de­ velopment, scholastic achlcvemenl. and the perfonning aits. to rm ACM» Sur« »r«*ldMI room «Mi tflmtnilent to thli roomy homt with 3 bodreomtandaMM. Call tor daiallil tt07,90a “ Л Г д а . Г Й Г . Ж “ ' i S Ä Ä i S M Ä 'S S R S iS S ä S ä tX C R ä '------ OtmI toeaeon MMn ттим ot ам iT rM a (rom V№wm.8««n. М««у 'artÄlllMOO. ^TllMllíX'lH ( J A a it y C a n e u/eícomes ^ Qojo/itlt! ^ Along with hi hianllghto, i рмюигмсс I w it h h a lr e u ttin g , c o lo r , p o r m s & " ' 1«, a h * o tfa r a m a n ic u r a « f t I c o m p la t * w H h th a r a p a u t ic ir a a a a g * o n h a n d a a n d f a t t . тл-кмткопш or cêHtùr mi appointment (704)492-7210 p iU h illM i H oed »1 W Chu n« n »>»M W o > a « m n iic i% ' lo rw F o e e re w o * с о м у м « « » ii»IMM.Thiinawco(w(rudienhamaiiaa« ' ы ипаяиаа ph» а чоа«и ц te aal »■; / «am to forni »ooh auftAMoiL 11 OUM ' - ‘ Forest Broofc tOTêr ЮЯШШЮОК вамми! na« wMwian hem» haa 3 badnxma. 2 Mha, oaiiadrri eaiMa «ood dadi 0(1 back, a c« 1 // m in i.Hime X MAKY Htnnmcus .waiiAmi :¡ î v 'i î L A N D A U ; i ^ X Dr. Steven Landau and wi fe, Bren^; K ing Landau announce the birthloC ‘ thcirfirslchlld,AudreyBam etLai^;^ onJuly 10.199?,at Forsyth M cm orioii'l Hospital. ' i Audrey weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and ; was 201/2 Inches long. Maternal grandparents arc Benny > K ing and wife, Wando King of Ad- ' vancc. « PalcniulgrandparcnlsareDr.Gcrald. i Landau and wife, Phyllis Landau oC r Potomac, M d. T R E X L E R M r.andM rs.SlaceyTrcxIcrofSal' i isbury announce thc birth of a son. on ’ July 6.1997 at Rowan Regional M edl- ^ cal Cenler. ■/ H cw elghed7Ibs.4 l/2oz.andwas ; 20 1/2 inches long. He has a sister. Kristina, w ho is 5 yean old. GrandparentsarcMr.andMrs.Carl : Buie of Denton, and Mr. and Mrs._ -B ouuy Trcxler o f Mocksvillc. Greal«j T grandparents are M rs. Till Bailey; Advance. T.J. Bulc o f Denton, Beatrice Frye of Mocksvillc. \ M c D A N iE L Robin and Bcveriy M cDaniel an­ nounce the birth o f their first child, a son. Travis Calc, bom Sunday, June ^ 29,1997 at 8;3Q a.m. at Forsylh M e­ morial Hospilal In W inslon-Salem .' • H e weighed 8 lbs. 1 l/2oz.andwa» 22 Inches long. Palcmal grandparcnis arc M r.'a n d ' M rs. Ken Allison o f Mocksville. arid thelalcC.H. McDaniel. Paternal great- grandparents arc C.K. M cDaniel of Mocksvillc. and Mr. and M rs. Johnriy * Taylor o f Statesville. Matemal grandparcnis arc Mr. and * M r5.DonAllenofM ocksvillc. M ate r-' nal great-grandm other is Riith M cDaniel of Cooleemee. - ' * ' i'í'. г. •«'/•г • V ! , ; 4 'v Л '.' Mrs. John Everette Brown LecAnn Kayna Keller and John Evereltc •‘Johnny’* Brow n werc mar­ ried by the Revs. Billy Janctl and Kem tll Shoaf In a 3 p,m. July 12 cer­ em ony at New Union United Method­ ist Church on SheffìcId Road, Har­ mony. The bride islhedaughterofMr.and Mrs. Jeny Lee KcllerofShemcldRoad, Н огпкту. She is a 1997 graduate o f North Iredell High School. The bridegroom isihesonofDclalne CranllllofMocksvllleandSleve Brown ofSolisbury. Helsem ployedbyKooniz Logging, a family owned business. The bride chose friends Michelle Bcck and Am anda Jones as maids of honor. Bridesm aids were M andy Mullls, Angle Pope and M isty Sweel, friends of both the bride and groom, a!nd ElUc Brown, sister of thc groom. Am onda Keller sisicr-in-law o f thc bride, was honorary altcndanl. Samanlha Shenill. a family friend ofthebride. was miniature bride. Jen­ nifer West, cousin o f the groom, was flower girl. The groom chose his brother, Jim __ Brown.ashestman. Groomsmen were.*- Slc[riien and Randall Keller, brothers o f Ihe bride: Josh and Bryan Koontz, cousins o f the groom ; and Jason Swisher, long-time friend ofthe bride and groom. Seth Kcllcr; nephew o f the bride, was miniature groom. Ethan Kcllcr. also nephew of the bride, was ring bearcr. Vocalists were: Chris Keller, sis­ ter-in-law o f thc bride; Nell Dyson, aunt of thc bride; Eddie Lou Kcllcr, molherofihe bride: andJason Swisher. Pianist was Jenay Keaton, friend ofthe bride. The guest register was attended by Julie Dyson, cousin ofthe bride. Sara and Cindy Heath were program alien- danis. Jake and Sherry Koontz. uncle and aunt o f thc groom. Doris Fowler, aunt ofthe bride, and MellssaGam crcousin o f Ihc bride were acolytcs. Tracy Cleary ondCarla Dyson, cous­ ins of Ihe bride, and Am anda Kcllcr, sisler-ln-law of the bride werc recep­ tion servers. Peggy Carlton, aunt o f thc groom, directed the wedding, designed and made all bouquels and assisted In other decorations. Alice Sherrill, grandmother of Samantha, designed and made minia­ ture bride's drcss. Eddie Lou Kcllcr. mother o f the bride, made m aidsof honor and brides- -m aids d.’csscs,----------------------------- Archearsal dinner was hosted at thc church fellowship hail Friday night by the groom’s parents. Thc wedding reception was also In the fellowship hall. Thc couple will makctheirhomeon Cartner Road, Statesville. ATTENTION: MOCKSVILLE RESIDENTS M S W S V N C ‘ т п И т /т ш т Ш т т п т щ Ё Л т л•.МЫтттШтпвщМШтттщШтШттЁЛ.•Ы т впт ёШ Ш Ш т т пт щ Ё Ё т ш я. Ш т Ш т ы Н Ё Ш ш ш Ш т ш -Ш т т ё т ё . Ы Ч И Ш Ц п Ы т Ш т т Ё Ш щ . чШтгШттШтШШттЧтшётпштт « I m 1мМ г «ЯМ1 a ri 1» т М а м m ам а i l !■ М м ь М ш Мт.Пма|1маасМап1*я п ||п М т 11к1 ав1а(1мм L O S E W E I G H T ! SUMMER SPECIAL!' *Loaa2-3lba ★Individualizad counaaling. * Grocery atore & reataurant food. Advance News liy.Edilh Zimmerman /\4vancc Conespondcnt There will be a free car wash for the newcomcrs of our community on Sat­ urday July I9from 9:00 a.m.-1:00p.m. .11 the fellowship hall parking lotspon- sqredbytheEvangclism Com m itlceof live (yiethodist Church. , 'p on and Ann Browder have re­ turned from a vacation al Caswell B co ^ . A nn went down on Monday. ^ j S i n c d her on Thursday and they guests Ihe remainderof the week ol?V .C . and Diane M cG cc o f Clem - s al their beach house on Caswell rh. ;ympalhy is expressed to Tammie iman In thc death o f her father :y Garwood who died at Baptist lital Friday fromaheart condition, ley w asa first cousin o f Edith Zim - n ^ m a n , Ruth Collette and Bess l^ncli.aIsoEvclynH cndrixandM aiy f ^ p of Ihe Fork community, ^ ild r c d Spry and Belly B. Polts hi^e returned from a 9ч1ау vacalion lo t ^ a Scotia. They report a very good enjoyable trip on this bus lour. [:Sympaihy Is expressed lo Kazle S rile y in Ihc dealh of her brother N.L. VfttnmerwhodiedSunday m om ing in oke.Va. M rs. Sm iley is spending days In Virginia with the family. Rcgislratlon is Slill In progress for thc Afler School Care program at the Melhodist church fellowship hall. Daniel M ooney has joined the chureh staff and will be director o f the pro­ gram beginning Aug. 20. M ary Nell Jones flew lo Palm Bay, Fla. July 3 and spenl four days wiih her daughter, son-in-law and grandchil­ dren Anne and Jay W caihcnm n. Jen­ nifer Ann. Hailey Lynn and Shelby Eiizabelh Weathennan. Janna Watson and son Alan Micheál W atson o f Purlear werc Sunday visi­ tors o f her parents LegnanJ and Mary. Nell Jones. Janna and baby attended church services althcMelhodislchurch. Joy Bundy of Murfecsboro is spend- ing this week wilh Janice and Robbie Jackson. Joy and Janice laughl school together at Murfreesboro several years ‘ago. She was among the visitors at church Sunday. Lindsay Jackson is attending A.G. Cam p ot Catawba this week. M elissa Gulledge is spending a few days with Margie A nn Jackson. Mr. and M rs. Brian Howell of Can­ ton Road, Advance werc visitors at church Sunday. Gene and Mahala C. West, Ruth Anotherdaughlcr Joan S. Armsworthy and husband Jeny Arm sworthy and Collelle o f W inston-Salem , Bess BcnncllandEdiihZimmcrman enjoyed having dinner at The Golden Coral In Lexington Saturday evening. Medford and Nancy Shoaf werc Saturday afternoon visitors of Rhea Potts, a rcsideni of the nuraing home in Spencer. Carson Spry o f Anchorage, Alaska is spending 10 days with W s mother Athene Spry. O n Saturday they went to thc home o f thclr daughter and sister Jane M cCulloh on Em ily Drive for a cook-out. Sunday Jane and her family brought lunch lo Athene's home. Don Spry, a son, joined them for the meal. family visited on Sunday. Athene has been quile ill for the past three monihs with a severe back problem and is (icing treated by specialists. Her con­ dition is slightly improved ot present, but she is still in a lot of pain. Get well wishes go oul to her. 8 5 4 V a llt y R O M « .S u t t « 4 0 0 M ockavlll* Profaaalonal Cantar (704)634-1423 Product, lab, mainMnann not Includtd. » • ! » ■ » » if. М Ы ,М Ы 4 м 1 Й Ы м .Ш п у т Ш Л ы ЛтЬлпЬМ кёфЫ .W kthtryM ’c to U M wfctHwfìw’fta n y w«l be умг M nái авумцк.P.S.Whalaculipietur»,huh? Your Uriendi « ÜK CImmom Ш ка TRIAD, REALTORS* M a k in g Stratford Road 910/725^)506 R eal E state Davidson County 910/764-5005 R e d Easy.™ DavieCounty 910/998-8816 ИЙ М М Ш И ВИ lu tS d t t irñ ta ia iiiig tB i£Sr"..„ м s s j s ™ ! a - . . .2 STORY ttacharminenM hon» ««iplekMd Iront RANCH i» locaM И imalporcft tnd doubla gv^a- юш кЛ Ш vm icMolMhopplne. Spacieui «мп ___tocMoTLOwneriwirt BAR8ARAAUEN МЛ-ЖП bonu*fm.2FPS.MOREIVICXI FUMNQ m-Wn JENNIFEROR SYlVlA99e-tt7e COLONIAL Is a deslraM tot. Swnrm ovwtooM pool and goM couiM. ig kJl Or brkht «cm. PMA. »■ tM-- CONOO«№W)^^a0aand w « tt ш м h P M 4M «г в о т 5 5 5Ж 5вино7«л»Г2а. рам а ВМ 90 т . Naaf дм Mwaa.VICKI aEMNQ 9И-И67 iM«iobittpaao.i«^jmi__________ eaatum«ooiao».inb«w.fli7«8f.MivMe.viCMPLairnQ 9а*-11в7 8ALLY&MCeu«e И»-1Ш __ _ 1М9ДМ * tt «/• ACtWtier wiidiwM ani ladi ol « kaaiae. Ma ■awÉiHwâiaf hawa. flwil ааШо паш le VW»»MLCmtoHO. VtCW М МИО W»lllT ! ! ! £ м - 5 Т п 1 я м ! ! ! ч S . 'n S mччгмш» lud < Min hniliiii. o w , М Ч m rvItlSlflMNiINM» - KMCT ношмп » m m S MM hena. QoriaaM «ta» Ы |BN aaim. M Iw • oouNmv ciut aMaapnai*. aaaiMr ма. * Nrtaci M on г л т N al Ыгтш»1шЪЛ а« 1ШМ>аа11ИССаш»а1<»гм11а»*И. а вям.мшид щшгшШ. Cal м м аам Мг''тт.- - я у н о й т ^ ш у '. 9рт\тщ-:Р*т МММ- щ « ---------------------- W •t ЛШ .10- DAVffi COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1997 Ш . H I GROOMING SHOP levlngt»lloelwe»saenmemwws JiwTiide»» —---------- ш г5 5 ЙGENERAL LA — In M y H o m e — Pick up & Deliver .. .I'r RtuonibleRatH—GtMtjblil I (704) 492-2667 »c.iiW«Pji Cooking class participants watch Pam Longyard of Bermuda Run Country Club carve a bird from a canteloupe. They are from lett, seated, Holly Gosnell, Carrie Hoots, Andrew Gosnell, Larry Coble and Robert Clement; standing, Terra Good, Kristen Coble, Chef Al Romano, Jennifer Spillman and Joshua Clement. - Photos by Robin Fergusson Chef Teaches Local Children How To Cook Las;\g,na. Piwa. QucsavliUas. FniU salud. Peanut buitcrcookic.s. A group of Davic childrcn enjoyed a week of hearty meals and snacks recenlly. And ihe besi part was ihey■'ph'pUredlhtí’fOüdmemservcs:------ Ten area youths ages 8-12 werc selected to participate in the program, which was sponsorcd by the N.C. C o­ operative Extension Sen’ice and the Triad Chapter o f the American Culi­ nary Federaiion. Hieclass, which included basic food prep;mitlon skills and nutrition infor­ mation. was taught by A l Romano, ’chefat Bermuda Run Country Club. According to Extension Agent Peggy Nuckolls,cach child fixed his or her own meal and snack cach day. Some o f the panicipanis said they had done some cooking before, but the class was helpful. They learned how to measure for recipes and how to make a master mix — frcmj \s hich tlieycualdiTiake anunibcr of foods by adding different ingredi- enls. she said. Tlie class mel at the Davie County Oftlco Building cach day. O n the final day, the children werc inviled by Romaiio to lour the kitchen nl Ber­ muda Run. Aflera lour Ihat included a walk-in freezer and refrigerator, dish washing area, dining ;irea and storage room, they watched Pam Longyard and Romano m;ikc carvings from fruit. Romano also showed Ihe group large blocks of icc used for ice sculp­ tures. "If il doesn't look appeti/ing, people don't wanl to eal it," he said. Participants were Joshua Clcmeni, Robert Clement. Kristen Coble, Larry Coble. Terra Good, Andrew Gosnell, HollyGosnell.CarricHootsandJenni- fer Spillman. Notico ol Upcoming A U C T I O N S.iUirtlny • jLily 26. 1997 • 10 AM forthe Marshall E. Glasscock - estata {deceased) 750 Shettietd Road Davie County Wal. Cupboard 2 Wal. Chest o f D r a w e r s Wal. Corded Bed P rim itive C hild A rm Chair G lassware ** Farm stead Item s — Sm Next Week’s Paper For Listing — • SAie CONDUCTED BY York Auction and Realty ^PROMOTING,\ND CONDUCTING AUCTIONS SINCE 1935 '' '\S 356 Fox Hunter Rd., Harmony. NC 28634 • 704 *546-26 96 • N C A LI74 P isto n R e c e iv e s A w a rd Nancy W all Piston received Ihc award as the 1997 Secondary Social Studies Teacher of the Year for the state of Missouri. This award is given annually by the M issouri Council for the Social Stud­ ies. She teaches al Hillcrest High School, Springfield. M o. Piston is a graduate of St. Andrews Presbyterian College and received her master’s degree in history from ihe UniversiiyofSouthCarolina. Sheand her husband. Dr. W illiam G. Piston, live in Springfield, M o. where he is a profe.ssor of history al Southwest M is­ souri Slale Universily. She is IheOaughlerof M r. and Mrs. James W all ofMocksvillc. Play To Be Presented The DeCraye Production's "911, Lord Save M y Children" will be pre­ sented at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 20. in Ihc Lexington C ivic Cenler. South M ain Street. Written and directed by Donald Gray, the show is being brought back by popular demand, he said. He began producing the anti-drag messages in Davie County, and still has a following here. "W e have a lot of people from Mocksviilc who attend." he said. Gray said it is easy for people to relate lo the play, bccausc it is based on the real-lifestrugglesoflocal families. Adm ission is $13.50 in advance, S15.50 .nt the door. For more informa­ tion. call 1-800457-4965. S a t u r d a y , July 19.1997 10:00 AM Wfftorworfcs M M m (ktom from SktMand) ■ CtonmonsnbemmSsbrtH»,a3-rear-eUitiimameerki A o M « T M . S A t A a s A a tf a m m r w m n w tf « iN f Jii emmitlyhthelHu^altbrmenmanle/llie othBtw àe Shè Im éIìo ncÈiw Inù ehÈtnoUiÈfMawWHffw wgwe Wffw ew svffwv ■ W W I vfllW wtffWfVflrUf^W wU/fmtrMtments for M f cancer. Die costs ars anormous and this auctkm will hopefully help the family wHh medical expenses. Ita fH B f ffif s u c ttm i! ToHchUmp • Dolls • Toys • Whatnots • Clothes Many more Itoffls too numsrous to mention. Rw intarmatlon, contact: 6«wKraeM*r • (I10)SIS-3311 (NCALSSeS) Ut«fMHilllM4S3-ai2S . CtMrtHKMlOlH40-»153 g Joshua Clement, Holly Gosnell, Jennifer Spillman and Andrew Gosnell cool off In the walk-in refriaerator.. Y a d k i n V a l l e y N e w s B y R u b y M cB ride Yadkin Valley Correspondent W eweregladtohavcourpastorand his wife, Ronnie and Ellic Craddock ondgirisbackancrafcwdays vacation last week. There arc a lol o f people on vaca­ tion. W c pray for everyone a safe trip on the highways. Alm a K in g had surgery on her face laslweekanddidnotfecllikcattending church Iasi Sunday. Ruby M cBride visited Alm a King, and Lorcna West, and Kathleen Black lasl week. Hazel Riddle did not feci good last week. Shewenlioherdoctoron M on­ day. and feels much better. Ruby M cBride and Sarah Dilley enjoyed supper Friday evening to­ gether. Remember Clyde Weathemian. he is lo have surgery on Monday. Pray Ihat this will help him so he will feel .like going places. FI7EDOYS R O O F IN G Comma Chi! Hcsulcnltdl l-RLfc bSflMAfbS 704-492-5923 F M SALE: C ars • I M a C iiM r tts AISim,MG*ariiMi Д 1 S te D ia L ots 704-634-3442Mocksville. NC Statement of Nondiscrimination ç y rescent Electric Mem bership Corporation is the recipient of federal • V - financial assistance from the Rural Utilities Scnice, an agency of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, an ts subject to the provUlon» of Title V I of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 as amended, Section 504 of the; Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the A ge Discrim ination Act of 1975, as am ended, and the rules and regulations of the U. S., Departm ent of Agriculture, w hich provide that no person in the United States on Ihe basis of race, color, national origin, age, or disability, shall be excluded from participation in, adm ission or access • to, denied the benefits of, or olher\vise be subjected lo discrim ination' under any of this organization's program s or activities. The person responsible for coordinating this organization's nondiscrim ination compliance efforts is Sara Wallace, Administrative*. Assistant. A n y individual, or specific class of individuals, w ho feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination m ay obtain further Information about the statutes and regulations listed above from and/or file a written complaint w ith this organization; o r the. Secretary, U. S. Departroem of Agriculture, W ashington, D C 20250; or the Administrator, Rural Utilities Services, Washington, D C 20250., C om plaints m ust be filed w ithin 180 days after the alleged, discrim ination. Confidentiality w ill be m aintained to the extent possible. PHELPSLANDSCAPINGSERVICE PflUNINO*IIULCHINQ MOWMQ • CONSTRUCTION W-tUOINO* GRADINO c o M P iu e o M a LANOtCAPIDCMGN itFKEBESnUATBS*•1Q-NI-8147 Ш т к ж т ,Ж ONTHBSQUARBIN H l.s 'l'o m c D O W N 'I'O W N IM OC'K.SVII.l,!': SponaQied bv Piedm ont C A R S . Aaaoolation • OLD CARS ON DISPLAY! • Ertjoy Music From The 50’s &60’s courtesy of Tatum's Musk: Trea S p e c la ls l гг.; > , ' 'v i B ^ l G E T 2 n d i f R E E f ? . . Wne-In Only , СН<НМПЕ.^19й>М »l-«30 ComblmUoiu Any OttMr SplBdal ^ -jQf Bawd Or;L«M№Wue М п е И е л кГ го тИ о с км И кН О 2 вЭ 0и le Lsislsirtm ClH imion« H otd, (um rigM , 1/2 m il* en rig h t Spend a reUudng evening w ith your M en d s* neigbbon while you eat & stroll thraugh hlatorlo downtown BSookaville. C t a n m o n s ^ (t10)77M 300 M oit-V IM , t it illo Thurs. « F r. 11 U lti S itM e B M i¡S u n .iM O DAVIE СОШТУ ENTERPIUSE RECORD, July 17,1997 • 11 Obituaries H ills d a le N e w s ; Thomas Harding HowcU tliom os Harding Howell Jr., J4, of 1. M illing Road, Mocksville, died Sotur- daj, July 12, 1997, at Davie Couniy *5\Hoipllal. i;;:;H e was born in Forsyih Couniy ¡¡■bic. 24, 1942,10 the late Thomas ;.J fiia in g and Inez M ae Coble Howell • r S r 'H e woriced as an electrician for ■ AssocialedSprinVlerCompanyrornine I years. t He was preceded in death by his ; wife, Virginia Gladys Howell: ostep- ; son. Rex Allen Spencen and 2 broth- : CIS. Jeny Lee and Gene Howell. Survivotsincludehisdaughter.len- ; nifcr Louise Howell оГ Mocksville: 2 : sicpdaughtcre, Rita Hutchens of Ad- : vanceandLynnO aleCookofM ocks- : villc;astcpson;KcnnethDaleSpcncer ; of WlnMon-Salcra; sisters, Victoria 1 Pankau of Ormond Bcach. Fla. and I GcraldineThom psonofMocksville;3 ! brothers. Kenneth Howell of Daytona : Bcach, Fla., Richard Howell o f Clem- munsand Douglas Howell ofConway, ! S.C.:agnmddaughter,CouiineyLcann 1 Howell: a step grandson, Donald Eu­ gene Lail: 8 step gimiddaughters: and 2 step greal granddaughteis. A memorial service was held at 6 uncral.Home _ " 'Chapel with Dr. David Gilbreath offi- ' ciatiiig. Terry Eugene Lash ■ M r.T e n yEu gcn e L ash ,3l,o fT o t Street, Mocksville, died early Satur­ day morning, July 12,1997, in Davic County Hospital. Funcralscrviceswercat I l;30a.m. ■ Monday, July 14, in Eaton Funeral ; Chapel. , Burial withmilitaryritcswcrcinthc : Nalional Cemetery In Salisbury. The fomlly requests memorials be considered for Davic Couniy Hospice, ; P.O. Box 848, Mocksville, N C 27028. Mr. Lash was born in Davie County ; lo Louise Wallace W ebb o f M ocks- ; villc and the late Oval Odell Lash and ; wasascrvicestalionallendanl. During : the Vietnam War, he served in Uk U.S. , Arrny attaining rank of corporal. He : wais a Baptist. ; He was preceded in death by his : father, and also by a brother, J.W. • Ijsh . Surviving, inadditlonlo his moUier, are: 2daughters,TinaLoulscLashand , Joy Eugenia Lash, both ofMocksvillc: ; a son, Steven Eugene Lash o f M ocks- ; ville: a granddaughter. 2 sisteis, Linda :W clch o f Pfafftown and Bobbie Matthews o f Clemmons', a brother, James Lash o f Salisbury: and several nicces, nephews and cousins. Emma Cartner Dudley : M rs. Em m a Cartner Dudley, 85, of : DukeSuiect,Coolecmee,diedlalcTues- : day night, July 8,1997, at her home. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. :Friday in Cooleemee First Baptist . Church wid) Rev. Jeff Pennington and M r. Robert Creason officialing. Burial : was in Rowan Mem orial Paric in Salis­ bury. . № family requests iticmorials be .ctMidered for Cooteemee Fust Bap- Church, 384 Marginal St., Cool- ;h iiie e ,N C 27014. M rs. Dudley was b o n in Davic ’.Cbunty, A u g.2 8,1911 totheU eW U - : ^ Boone and Esther Stniud Caitner -liad was retired with over 41 years of 'M c e a lE r w in M ilk . Shehadbeena M e long member o f Cooleemee First Baptist Church where she served as Siinday school teacher, chairman of ^ benevolent committee and had as- tiited with the Sum m er Bible School. Jii$<nj6yed flower gardening, sew- 'tttiuidcrochcting. ^ was preceded in death by her Jason Ransom Dudley, also '(yadaughterMn.Jalin(Rudi)Chaffin. Uirec sisten. V iola Seagraves. h u U n e HcHatd and Estelle Canner, ' by a bcodier, Robert Cartner. Siovivors include: diieedaughters, l>lrs.O.D.(Judy)SUIIaofCooleem ee, ■tib»;CUffoid (Joyce) Howard of.Ad- Tance. M n . N o m u n (Helen) Beaver D) Mockaville; thfce sons. W aller B. ^ c yo fW o o d le a f,R o b e rtL.D u d le y O lSidiibuiy. Jaion R. Dialley Jr. of B a » Spencer; 19 giandchiklren; 21 i^ giin d ch i№ e n ;th ic e gn a t-gic a l- infalcM U ten, and several nieces and John Edward Mullis John Edward Mullis. SO, of Hamp- tonviile,diedWednesdoy morning, July 9,1997, ot his home. HewasihebrotherofVirglniaJolly of Mocksville. Funeral services were conducted ai 2 p.m. July 11, at Mackie-Centiy Fu­ neral chapel by the Revs. Steve Faw, Clint Branch and Beth Brittain with burial following in Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery. Blake Gilbert Denniston 'B la k e Gilbert Denniston. 71. of Random Road, M ocksville. died Wednesday morning. July 9,1997, at Autumn Care of Mocksville. He was bora in Warren County, Pa. June 13. 1926. to the lale Blake and Hazel Maynard Denniston and was a retired senior buyer with Ingersoll- Rand Corporation with 40 years of service. He was a member of tl le Moose Lodge. He hod resided in M ocbville for Ihe pa&l 28 years and w as a former resident o f Coning. N.Y. In Com ing, he refereed high school basketball foi 26 years. Survivors Include his wife, Shiriey -Sa b in Denniston oftlKsIiome;2Uaugh--' ters, Darla M cIntosh o f Com ing and SueAnnW eberofAtIanla,Ga.;2sons, Michael DennistonofW ilm ingtonand Matthew DennistonofMocksville;and 8 grandchildren. A memorial service was held ut 11 o.m. July 12. at Eaton Funeral Chapel. Mem orials m ay be made to the Alzheimer's Disease Foundation, 836 O ak Street, W inston-Salem , N.C. 2710!. Jessica Ikylor Rutledge Jessica Taylor Rutledge, daughter o f Charles and Ginger Yoric Rutledge, of Creekslde Drive, Mocksville, was dead at birth, Saturday, July 12,1997, at ForsyUi Memorial Hospital in W in­ slon-Salem. Survivors, in addition to her par­ cnts, are half brother. Travis Peacock o f the home; maternal grandmother. Geraldine M cG ee o f Cooleemee: pa­ ternal grandparents. Grace Rutledge nnd Jackie Rutledge o f W lnston-Sa- lem: and paternal great grandmother. Ruby RuUedge of Rural Hall. A funeral service was conducted at 7 p.m. July 14. al Eaton Funeral Home Chapel by the Rev. Darrell Cox. Burial followed at Legion Mem orial Paik. Alpha Magdalene Riddle 1908-1997ADVANCE a David Oiarles James 1961-1997 LEXINGTON •Mary Shepherd Propst 190M 997 DAVIB COUNTY * m io e lM m 1927-1997 WINSTON-SALEM « VirgilOliverHesler 1911-1997 WINSTON-SALEM * Ervin C. Wilson 1906-1997 ADVANCE Velma Reavis Broom 1917-1997 SA U SSU R Y • Ray W. House 190M 997 CAIY • Mildred FlmalCamMlI 192M997 IB O N C T O N W. Wesley Smith 1919-1997 ■ in u iN G T O N ByBcnllaBnuHloaWyaU Hillsdale Correspondent The ladies of Hillsdale will go on a retreat to thcmounlainsJuly I8and 19. W e hope they have a safe and wonder­ ful trip. O ncoftheissucsthey w illbe discussing will be ihc needs o f Ihe orphanages o f Belarus. There are hundredsofchildienfiom B e laru in our area at this time. They have been brought to the United Slates to rcccive mcdical and dental atten­ tion. TTiesc childrcn are suffering side effects from Chernobyl. There is a groupof people from Ihis area that will go to Belarus this fall lo assist in build­ ing a chureh and spending time with Um children. Please remember this groupandthejoblheyarewilllngtodo. Also, please remember allofthcpeople here who have opened their homes to thcsechildren aslhey spend lime In the United Slates. The people in Belanis who have dedicated their life to carc for these children are upagainstmanyobstaclcs. Tliey are unable lo obtain such things as Band-Aids and crayons. These are such things wc take for granted on a dailybasis. Itisamazingthelhingsthal we do not realize lhal olher people in C o rn a tz e r N e w s B y Dottle Potts Comatzer Correspondent RogerBaraey is a patient In Baptist Hospital. H ehad a toe and bone ampu­ tated. W e wish him a quick recovery. Dana and Samantha Frank spent July 4 with their grandparents Mr. and M rs. Harold Frank at Lake Norman. EvaR)tUvisitcdMr.and Mrs. Elmer Zimmerman Saturday anernoon. Reba Frank and G ladys Hayes shopped in Mooresville last Saturday and traveled lo Lake Norman f<x the evening. KarcnBishopofChapelHillvisitcd her parents, M r. and Mrs. James Shoaf and Mr. and M rs. Homer Polls lasl Friday. Bonnie M cDaniel and Laura Smith visited DotiiePottsSatunlayafternoon. olhercountriesllvcwithout. Ofcouisc wc have our own citlzcns that are In need, but even our poor m ay seem rich to the average person In other coun* tries. Som e o f the childrcn In Belarus do not even know how to play or get to gooutskie. becausc there arc not enough adulls around them lo supervise such activities. If anyone is inlcrcstcd in helping these people by supplies or even there is a leftover opening to travel to Belarus, please contact Hillsdale Baptist Church. Hillsdale Baptist Church will have Bible School at Rich Partcon Saturday. Aug. 9. For morc information contaci Annette M inor at 998-7468. W c al I need lo be aware that the new shopping ccnlcr in Hillsdale will be opening and until we arc used to the entrances at the stoplight in Hillsdale, we need to pay special attention to the additional trafllc changes. W c don’t want a lack of awareness caasc unncc- c&saiy accidcntsor the chanccof injur­ ing our neighbors; Моог-ОииоЫЙшё AlrCondUontd < Qtoariing " ViOonWtkxim'. ТНАСТОН SALES ft SERVICE SINK FARM EQUIPMENT с » Ш Ш ! 998-9661 V N m t< tM iliM h ifU fM i)| y u n iiD B ifm M tó M v v : 1986 Foni Ranger XLT4X4Сар.НПе1|Dual Gat Tanks S19950N (910)988-2561 O a k G r o v eUnited Methodbt Chureh Sunday, July 27 Sundi^ School begiiu at 9:45 a,m. Morning Wonhip at 10:15 am. F tm rtd s p fe k tr; Rev, D on Si4 ts In addition to other special guests, a Memorial Service, and other activities we will have spccial music fur our moming worship provided by T h e S o u n d s o f Faith. Join us for a covered>dish luncheon in the fellowship hall аЛег worship. Oak (kov9 UMC aiways wtkomes guati and visitors. Spiritual Resources: Talk Is Cheap B yT o m T o rp y Talk is cheap.' After all, Itow much energy do people expentl when they say a word or two, or even a paragraph or two? Some researchers have estimated that the average person says anywhere Irom 20,000to60,000words per day. (Generally, women tend to use lwk»asmanywordsasmen. IwouUsupposethatmakesmentietter listeners than women, but thafs not what the ladies tell me.) I wonder how many words are exchanged in Davie County alone in an average day. With however lew or many words, you and 1 can say whatever we want to say and not pay a penny to anyone. 1 guess that makes talk cheap-at least on the producing end. But there Is another side to talk, Ihe receiving end. 'Stk;ks and stones can break my bones, but words can... break my heart." WeVe all heard the kind of words that hurt. I don't Imagine any oi us would saythatoffensiveorbelittlingtalkis'cheap*. The wrong kind olwords can anger, wound, or just weaken our souls. We turn oilcertain radio or television shows vihich convey words that attack us or whal we value. Wealsotumollpeoplewhosetalkispainlui. Listening lo such talk costs loo much. There Is another side to the receiving end of talk, it's the encouraging kind of talk; the kind that gives strength and vitality to our spirits. A compassionate word at a time ol loss, an ’atta boy* when we've worked hard and succeeded, and a consoling wort at lima of deleat are words that we would pay for il they could be purchased. But we can't purchase them. We can only give them away because talk is cheap, right? One political appointee said that the best advise he ever received was Ihls. "Son, in this job you will have plenty ol opportunities lo keep yourmouthshut. Takeadvantageolailolthem.' Notbad. Butawlse man long ago had another, perhaps nrare valuable piece ol advise, "A man finds joy in giving an apt reply-and how good is a timely word." (Proverbs 15:23 Support These Local Businesses W . G . W H I T E & C 0. e e O N - I M o S L W in sto n 8a l« ffl,N C 2 7 1 0 2 9 1 0 - 7 2 3 - 1 6 6 9 VCXÎLERÄrSONS ~ Funeral H o m e 2 8 4 9 M M d to B r o o k Dr. C lw n m a m , N C 2 7 0 1 2910-766-4714 SPILLMAN’S OIL & FERTILIZER 7 6 8 2 H w y S O I s . C o o lM fflM , N C 2 7 0 1 4 704-284-2551 MOCKSVNIE ■UUERSSHPPLY *Tl9g M h « r W * D o It B a M t r • о и т м ы п в т м 7Í4-Í34-8Í18 SEAFORO UIMMER COMPANY1- - * - ^ — ___I« м п м ю п о в а M o c k sv tll« , N C 2 7 0 2 * 704434-8148 OAMEtllMBEII ftlOOMNG 8 7 2 M H n C lH ir e llR d . M o e k « v illt ,N p 2 7 0 2 8 784>034-0Ш J.P.6 IIEBI ИиМбСОчМС. I M m o f D A I S V n O U R t W o C u M o m B lM id D t p o l8t , M o c k a v N I* , N Cm w tm E A T O NKUNERAIHOME А ТШШоп o f Caring,... 323 North Main Streel Mocbville. N C 27028 7 0 4 ^ 2 1 « POSIER-RAHCN OINIfi COMPANY 4 9 e V * llo y R o M i H o c k W iH t , N C 2 7 0 2 8 704-034-2141 CA88 B 1 PHUENWHJNNfi■ illlir^lhlB 1ЛМ0Н1 COMPANY ftMORKATORS •Ю ТЮ Т« l * W > 1 | | П М У 1 М « 1 0 1 ,А 4 « 1 П М ■ I M I M I M Ш«1икМгаМ M 0 Q k m W * . N C 2 7 0 2 870Ф434-2107 P . 0 .B 0 X 8 2 1 H w y :8 0 1 8 . M o e t o v M * , N C Z 7 0 2 S 704-034-3712 JUDE.ШШВШАКВИКШ i4 l1 lt a ) L ll| . M M M , N C » INflM M -llir M u sm vE M M M IIIM L GRAI6 CARIER П Я Л О , НЮ.m на» Mit, ИЯ! 1 MMM*,NCtTMt916448-miМ к1Щшк1Сшт11т ,1ттпЯ11шп(М|«.СтМЫ'1Ы.С:СШ;Ук.Пв. ■- us eoi S o u th M o e k m iN *. N 0 2 7 0 2 8 704-0M4040 «PALLET CO. 165 T urkey F oo t Road M o o k tv lllo ,N C 27028 704-482-9586 ttESGBTUtniC P .0 .B 0 X 6 M M a e k tv M t.N C 2702« 7М-834-2Ш SENILE MACNME f t l O O L M C . 3319 u s H w y IM M ock»vH tl,N C 2702« 810-Ì86-3368 Wekxmelo... “AFiúlGtaptlChmdt" 136 C m Ro m M o d w l* , N C I ! AttendThe C h u rc^ Q fY ^ ¡ШШт i' iî u - DAVœ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1997 Xi,'Çonsullaiit Rnds РгоЫепю Ш Mental Health Services, Hdps County Ш Optioni ; Davie County Enleiprise Recoid It's nol going to be easy, but os DavieCounlybeconMsassocialedwilh : idifferenlnienlalhealthagency,counly ■. iesidentsshould see improved services. M aiti Knisiey, a consultant hired : by tlw county to study options as Tri- ; County Menial Health Agency is dis­ solved, said the situation she found in Oavie Counly is as serious as any she's Ken. There arc mandated programs that aren't available here, despite the fact lhat Davie County has pul al least Its share of monies into Tri-County. "Y ou became easily forgotten. You offered up your share o f the local match," she told county commission­ ers last month. Medicaid billings In Davie are Ihe lowest in the stale. Space and infra­ structure are inadequate. There are computers that were never turned on, and there was little conndcntialily. If It weren't for caring and dedi­ cated local employees, ihere would be no crisis program, she said. County commissioners approved Knisley’s repoit, also approved by a county task force, lhat Davie Immedi­ ately begin negotiating with the For- syth/Stoltes mental health program. It will probably take a year or more to Iron oul Ihe details, as well distribute the assets of Tri-County. T h e Issues are very serious. The steps you lake are imponanl to ensure that residents have Ihe same access lo services as your affiliate partner," she said. W hile following dollars is Impor­ tant, it is more Imponanl to follow the people In Ihe programs to be sure they are treated fairiy and receive the treat­ ment they need. The repoit offered suggestions for the county to follow ai the »witch is made, from Immediate lo long-term needs. One ofihe mosl positive aspects o f Davie's Tri-County service is the em ­ ployees. She urged Ihe county lo try to gel the new affiliate to keep cuRent workers. "I find the staff lo be quite engaged with the clients they are serving, and ready and willing lo slay," slie said. Since it will lake apjinnimately a year lo change to Fonyth/Slotes or anolher afniiale, Davie m ay have lo operate as a single county program, meaiiing a board would have lo be appointoiltooveneepn>gnffls,Knlslcy said. Com m issioner Diane Foster,alsoB member of the Tri-County board of direclon, said II was satisfying thal someone from the "outside” validated there were serious problems at Tri- County. DennlsHanington,whoheadedthe county task force lhat recommended Knisley's report, said the future loo^» brighter for mental health se rvlM . "The thing that is mosl encouragiii|0 Is thal through this turmoil, Ihere Is ah opponunily for services for I County people, adequate mental I I services," he said. '.£ ?{} A. transition team appointed t ik gotlate with Fbrsylh/Stokes in ' ' Counly M anager Ken Windleyj nance Director lim Stockert, A t t d M Bob Price, Foster, H arrin gto iiiii Karen Smllh, Davie Social Serif^' director. I)istrid: Court The following coses were disposed of in District Court July 10. Presiding: Judge Jack Klass. Pros­ ecuting: AlanM artin andRob Taylor, assistant DAs. ' '— B e n jiL Barker, 66 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $10 fíne. cosl. . — Thomas A. Bender, use of for* eign license while driving while li* cense revoked, reduccd lo no operator’s -license,Í2 5 fine, cost.-------- — Jerry D. Bobbitt, driving while license revoked, und exceeding safe speed, S200 fine, cost. — Bobby M . Booe Sr., expired reg* istra(ion.drivingwhilelicen.se revoked, permitlingoperationofvchiclewiihno insurance, dismissed. . — Kevin N. Brewer, D W I, dis­ missed by court; driving after consum­ ing alcohol by person under 21, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended I year, not operate motor vehicle until licensed, 24hours community service,substance abuse assessment, SlOO fine, cosl. — Bobby L. Caddell, 85 mph in a70 zone, reduced toexceeding soie speed, prayer fc^judgment continued on cosl. — Isabel A. Castro, driving while license revoked, reduced to no operator's license, $200 fine, cosl. — Cuitis R. Cates, expired registra­ tion, dis^nissed. — Jason R. Correll, misdemeanor larceny, prayer for judgment conlin- ued on cost and not go around Wal- Mart. — Joanne R. Creason. simple as­ sault, dismissed. — Janice L Curtiss, 73 mph in a55 mph zone, reduced to 64 mph in a 55 mph zone, $10 fine, cost. — Rodney Reids, assaull on a fe­ male, ivduccd lo .simple assaull, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended 2 years, not go around, threaten, harass, or assault - pfo.seculing w ltncisr*” — ■ — Cecil S. Foushce, resisting pub­ lic ofílccr, dismissed-per officer. — Shannon Fundeiturk, assault on a female, sentenced to 75 days. — Javon D. Gaither, 69 mph in a 55 mph zone, dismissed; open container after consuming alcohol, prayer for judgment continued on cost. -W illia m R. Gales, 76m ph ina55 mph zone, rcduccd to 64 m jÁ in a 55 mph zone. $10 fine, cost. — W illiam P. GauntI, 105 mph in a 70 mph zone, rcduccd lo careles«; and reckless driving, prayer forjudgment continued on cost. — Curtis L. Gray, 59 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to 54 mph in a 45 mph zone, $10 fine. cost. — Terrance M . Hamby, 86 mph in a 70 zone, reduced to 74 in 70 zone, prayer forjudgment continued on cost. — Anthony S. Howard, driving while license revoked, reduced to no operator's license, prayer for judment Signups Undenvay For Cost Share Fund Program Thc Davie Soil and Water Conser­ vation District will soon be rccciving its 1998 allocation of funds from the N.C. Agriculture Cost Share Program. It will be conducting a signup during July for persons w ishing to apply for assistance under the program. Cost Share funds ore available to assist farmers in installing conserva­ tion practices which decrease the amount of sediment, nitrogen, f ^ s - phonis, chemicals and other pollutants in the surface and ground waters of the state. Landowners and operaton may apply forcostshare assistance toinstall Guarantsed Income fwlHe. Sound Good? JM I call IM tar aH tho dotalls. M aiM IV iM IM INI, I kMW kM kiWHtMl R k ii H i iilirtH li I rtrwia. mm t «¡uh M r t i i i ................................. i m w i « t M n M n M ra m , M i I N t a * M ih w l i m a n p q M M a ■i a ■■m M tMMM 1» Im iM if |1 к 1 к 1 м |г Ы m M М » n « и м y « i « H I M “S Ä “ U M M l i h t 71»The Сопфму You Кеер.Т continued on cosl; registration viola­ tion, dismissed; no liability Insurance, dismissed. — Norris E Hudson, felony break­ ing and/or entening, reduced lo misde­ meanor breaking and/or entering, sen­ tenced 120 days; felony larceny after breaking and/or entering, reduced lo misdemeanor larceny after breaking and/orenlering, senienced 120 at expi­ ration of first sentence. - - = J b h n N-.licIaiid; 7 Í mpHTn a 55 mph zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment. $50 fme, cost; failure to wear .seal bell, guilly. — Christopher Johnson, two counts wonhless checks, dismissed. — Lance V. King, 85 mph in a 70 mph zone, $50 line. — Kendall L. Kissce, 63 mph in a 45 mph zone, reduced to Improper equipment. S50 fme, cost. — Timothy E. Liao, 85 raph In a 70 mph zone, reduced to 74 mph In a 70 m ph zone, Sl 5 fíne, cost. — Elvis R. Luna, resisting public officer, dismissed; registration viola­ tion. dismissed; driving while license revoked, $200 fine, cost; posse.sslon of invalid drivers license, dismissed. — Daniel M . Meacham, 75 mph in a 45 zone, reduced to 54 in a 45 zone; license not in possession, dismissed. — Michael W.Moore.felonybreak- ing and/or entering.'reduced lo misde­ meanor breaking and/or enlering, sen- tenced 30 days, suspended 2 years on probation, 24 hours community ser­ vice, $50 fine, cost; reslinilion; misde­ meanor larceny, senienced 30 days al expiration of first senlence. — Nicholas W . M orris, driving while license revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended 2 years, nol operate vehicle until lic e n s^ $200 fine, cost. — Lisa M . Nalley, 88 m ph in a 70 mpjuione, r^ iK e d to mph Jn a.70. mph zone.SIO fine, cost — Jason T. Neely, assaull on a fe­ male, .sentenced 50 days, suspended 2 years, attend Day Reporting Cenler for dnig testing, not assaull, Uumten, or harass prosecuting wiiness, subsunce abuse treatment; ctuelty to animals, Iw o counts assault by pointing a gun, dismissed. — Linda F. Packett, failure to file/ pay sales tax, prayer forjudgment con­ tinued on keep laxes paid; worthless check, d is m ls ^ civil settlement. — Roger R. Parker, 73 m ph In a 55 mph zone, reduced lo improper equip­ ment, $50 fine, cost. — Jennifer M . Paria, no operator’s license, $50 fine, cosl; expired regis­ tration, dismissed. — Thomas C. Poplin, 84 m ph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $10 fine, cost. — A m y Michelle Porter. 59 mph in a 35 mph zone, reduced lo44 mph in a 35 mph zone. $10 fine. cost. — Randy D. PDweil. expired regis­ tration. dismissed. — Dionlsio G. Ramirez, driving while license revoked, nol operate ve­ hicle until licensed, prayer for Judg­ ment continued on cosl. — Peter Reesa, 78 mph in a55m ph zone, reduced to 64 m ph in a 55 mph zone, $10 fine, cost; license not in possession, dismissed. ___— Javier .V^Romenv-assfluIt on n..^ female, teduced to simple assault, sen­ tenced 30 days, suspended 2 years on probation, sutelance abuse assessment, attend D ay Reporting, $200 fine, cosl. — D avid M . Sim m ons, m isde­ meanor larceny, sentenced 45 days. -D e w itt C. Stroud, injury to per­ sonal property, burning o f personal propeny, larceny o f a fireatm, dis­ missed. — George R. Sulecki, 56 mph In a 45 mph zone, open container after con­ suming alcohol, dismissed; D W I, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended 1 year, 24 hours community service within 30 days, substance abuse assessment and treatment; driving after consunnng by person under2l, dismissed. — Karen M .Sviles, 91 m p h in a70 zone, reducedto exceeding safespeed, prayerforjudgmentcontinued on cost. — M icky L. Swaim, 69 mph in a55 mph zone, reduced to 64 m ph in a 55 mph zone, $50 fine, cost. — Leroy Tilley, possession o f sto­ len goods, dismissed. .1 — Roney W . Walser. 84 mph in a 7d mph zone, reduced lo 74 mph in a 76 mph zone. $10 fine, cost. ; — Bryan D. Whaley. 83 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equip; ment, $50 fine, cost. — CedricG. Wilson, felony larceny^ dismissed; possessionof alcoholic bevi erageby peison under2I,sentenced 301 .days.iuipended2yeart,$25fine,cc5C- — M arcus D . W ilsoii. 66 m ph in a> 5 0 mph zone, reduced to Improjxii equipment, $25 fine, cost. . • — W anda K . W ilson, misdemeanor possession o f Schedule V I conlrollett substance, senienced 15 days, sus-: pended 1 yearonpn)bation,altendDay; Reporting Center, cost. J — Matthew J. W ood. 99m phina70. mph zone, guilly. $99 fine, cost. ' ' ^ — Anthony T. Younger, open con­ tainer after consuming alcohol, prayer forjudgment continued on cosl. Failed To Appear The following failed to appear for their scheduled court trial. -K a trin a D . Bunoughs, sell/give alcoholic beverage lo person under 21. -A b ra h a m Patricio, DW I,driving whilelicensercvoked,regislralion vio­ lation, driving left o f center. — AarooCStephens, misdemeanor larceny, possession o f marijuana up lo 1/20Z. , . conservalion practices such as slripcropplng, diversions, grassed wa­ terways, animal waste raanagcmcnl systems, llvestockcxcluslons,andoth- crs. Applicalions will be approved on apriorilybasis,wilhthoscsitesprovld- Ing die greatest water quality benefits being approved first. Persons wishing to apply for funds can do so during thc sign up being conducted through July 31. Form ore information, contact thc Davic Soil and Water Conservation District lo­ cated al ISO S. M ain St.,CountyOfficc Building, Room 313, Mocksville, N C 27028; phone 634-5011. О A n В Я П f t B B® © сз S ig n u p . P a y n o a c t iv a t io n f e e . ( W o w , a c e llu la r o f f e r h o t t e r t h a n J u ly .) W h e n y o u sig n u p fo r a n y o f o u r g re a t re ta il ra te p lan s d u rin g J u ly , w e ’ll w a iv e th e a c tiv a tio n fee. A n d y o u ’ll re ce ive 3 60 m inutes o f bonus a irtim e o ve r th e n e x t th re e m onths. V is it y o u r lo ca l 360 ° T h e C e llu la r S to re fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n . A t 360° p ro v id in g y o u w ith a ffo rd a b le c e llu la r se rvice is n o sw eat a t a ll. 360 minutes of bomi.s airtime t)ver the next three months. AVotorola Telel'AC" 250 phone \ ith (.¡»ixrette lighter atla{)ter lor $1. Rate plans start at $N.95 a month. Cellular, paging, long dbtanct. rightdown th t straaC rt montht in «(Uition to «ЛУ |>mL ^ minulM. PrBimiiMl « -------л 1312-lOS Bridford Plroy.. U n d n u rk C ro u in g Shopping Сеякг, (910) 299-3333 - H l(h Polnti 2620 S. M ain St.. Suite M S, (910) 299-3333 W iilttoa.5ilbm i Paviilion Shopping Center, 636 H uie, M all Blvd.. (910) 299-3333 B u iU v o o i Blockbuiter Plaia, 2476 S. Church St. (910) 299-3333 Aabeboroi ISIO -A B. D ixie Dr., (910) 3994333 M 4418 W. W endovtr Ave., (910) 8И -8182M I laHHMaw« ni»» ttvuuwv«! nVV.i W lM toA ^SolM u 930 HaiMa Ш 1 Blvd., (910) 7654276 At Mlcctèd locAtions. ■j— ; DAVœC0pTVENTERPMSEREC(HU>,Jn^l7,l»»r>M . ^ ‘ ■ ' IV" . ; I t o s e l i ; H ic k D iy H ill N a m e s F ò u r S w im m e rs O f T h e W e e k Eietty Marklin and daughter Melissa Cartner demonstrate their Tae Kwon Do martial arts skills. - ПюКм by Robin nrguaton KiYap Mother, Daughter Get Black Belts Together ByMikiBatnhardl ' Davie County Enterprise Recoid ' You're alone, walking across adaric parking lol. A man jum ps put to attack. ■ W h atd oyou d o ? First, you think. Then, you put him down. Then you nm. Betty M aikiin and her daughler, M elissa Conner, are confident they can protect diemselves if needed now that Uiey've completed requirements for the black bell in the Korean martial arts fonn o f Tae K w on Do. Notonly have they benefited fromlcaming self-defense techniques, they are more confident, fiexible and strong. 'T hinking before acting, that's die school motto," M arklin said. Tliat's important even if you need 10 protect yourself." Bodi of the M ocksville women like die philosophy o f Grarid Master Seung G yoo Dong, who cenifieddiemasbIackbells.AChristian, he insists Uiat young people who take his classes also moke good grades. "There is a lot o f self defense taught," Cartner said. "H e's quick to tell the children this is not for die playground. Self defense is knowing where to hil Uiem, and Uien get oul o f die way." O f course, Uiere's Uk yell Uiat goes along w idi each maneuver, called a "K iY a p ."II can scare yout adversaiy,anditgives you more power,Cartner said. Please See T ae K m m D o - P a te B 2 H iclio iy H lllsw lro m e n o f^ w w k in iM ets against Ctemmons;№est and She rw ood were; A lexand ra Wannenburg and Brian^GaiUier, age 10 and under, and Jenny Broadway and Stephen Williams/age 11 and up. T o p finishers for H ickory H ill •JainslCleinirons W est w ere;, M M h j r lM m R r s t places: Danny Sm ith. Jam e s/ M lgh lon . Jeffrey M ighion and Brian GaiUier; and Vicki Angell, Lauren Davis. A m y Sink ^ Jennifer M oore. Second places: Rebecca Riddle. Neely Alexander. Jenna Hendricks and M egan Grey: Rebekah Peeler. Alexandra Wannenburg, Bailey M arrs and Cariy Balsley; Becky Call, Sarah Williams, Jenny Broadway and Taylor Ham wn: AleUiea Riddle, M e g Brewer, A m y Call and Dana Call; Britt Davis, Rich- aid Broadway, Siephen.Williams and - B riilb avii. D f a M n fVicatyle. First places: Carly Balsley. Taylor Haim on and A m y Call: second places, Neely Alex­ ander, Alison AIexander,BrentGaiUier and Dana Call. In d M d u a l M cd h y. First places: Aiexandm Wannenburg. A m y Call. Secondplaces: Jeffrey Mighion. Becky Call, and Brent Gaither. Frteslyk. First places: A m y Call, 'C aily Babley andBrianOalther.Sec- o n l p it o ; Weston Klinksiek, Taylor Harmon, Jenflifer Moore, Stephen W illiam s and Dana CalL Backatroke. Fust place: Becky call. Second places: Jenna Hendricks. Bailey M ans, Brian GaiUier, Brent GaidKr, Britt Davis and Dana CalL ■ t m it Stroke. Fiisl places: Neely Alexander. Alexandra Wannenburg. Jeffitey NV|hk)n. and Lauren Davis. . Se t««! pUcCK lam es M ighion. Sarah W illiam s. Patrick Utde.Stephen W il­ liam s and W illiam Johnson. BiiH(il()r.Firslplace:JennyBroad- way and Alexandra Wannenburg.Sec- ond places: lenna Hendricks. Jeffrey M ighion and Taylor Harmon. FM i<yli]tctiy.FirstpIace: Sarah W iUiami,Tayloc Hannon, Becky Call and Jenny Broadway. Second places: Reb ekah Peeler, B a ile y M arrs, Alexandra W annenburg and Carl'a B alsley; B rian G aiiher. W eston Klinksiek. Jeffrey M ighion and Danny SmiUi;BrentGaiUier.Biake Klinksiek, Patrick Lluie and Grant Klinksiek; Jennifer M oore. A m y Sink. M e g Brewer and Lauren Davis; Alison A l­ exander. Sara Snow. V icki Angell and AleUiea Riddle; Stephen W illiam s, W illiam Johnson, Richard Broadway and W esley Johnson. Topfinishersinahom e meet against Sherwood on July 2 were: M c d k y R e h y. Fusts: Becky Call, Sarah W illiam s, Jenny Broadway and Haley Henderson. Seconds: Weston K linksiek, Brian Gaither, Jam es M ighion and Graham Harmon; Jenna Hendricks, Bailey M a m , Alexandra Wannenburg ond Cariy Balsley; Jen­ nifer Moore, LaurenDavis; A m y Siiik" and AleUiea Riddle. Disiaiice №eslyle, FirsU: A m y Call, Alexandra Wannenburg. Sec­ onds; Brian GoiUier, Holey Hender­ son, W illiam Johnson. Indlvklual Medley, First: Becky Call. Seconds; Bailey Marrs, Jenny Broadway, Brent GoiUier, A m y Call, W illiam Johnson. Freestyle, First: Dana Coll. Sec­ onds: Cariy Balsley, W illiam Johnson. Backstroke. Firsts; Alexandra Wonnenburg. Becky Coll. Seconds: Weston Klinksiek. M eg Brewer, Am y Coll. Breaststroke. First: Bailey Morrs, Seconds: Brian Gaither. Jeffrey M ighion, Lauren Davis. Butterfly. Firsts: Alexandra Wannenburg. Jenny Broadway. Sec­ onds: Jam esMlghion.Taylor Harmon. Frecslylc Relay. Firsts: Dylan Cheek, R y a n D a v is, Ro bbie Wannenburg and W eston Klinksiek; Bailey Marrs, Jenna Hendricks, Carly Balsley and Alexandra Wannenburg; Saroh Williams, Becky Coll, Jenny Broadw ay and H aley Henderson; AleUiea Riddle, Lauren Davis, A m y Sink and M e g Brewer. Second: James M ighion, G n h am Hannon, Nadian Bam es and Brian GaiUKr. The mother and daughter show off their black belts. Football'MinK^amp'July 21-24 A Davie H igh School foolball mini-camp is scheduled for July 21-24 al die school for rising freshmen Uuough seniors. Tlie camp begins al 5 p.m. each day. For m oie infonnaUon. coil die school at 634-3181. Soccer Tiy Outs Begin Aug. 4 ’ T^-oulsrorU ieD avieH ighSchoolsoccerteam fcryoungm eningrades9- IZ wiU begin Aug. 4, from 9-11 a.m. Physicals shoukl be completed befon the flntpiactice. For m e n information, call Coach Pete Guslafion at 998-3562. L e g io n B a s e b a ll P r o g r a m T h a n k fu l F ö r V é té r a n s , H o p e fu l F b r U p s ta r ts Цагш! Keeæ Leads Ust With Four And AHalf Years ByBriaoPMts Davie County Enteiprise Recocd W henRowanCountyburiedMocksviUe-Davic'sAmeri- can Legion baseball team in dwsem iflnalsof the So uttnn Diviskxi phtyoffs. sunset settled over die careen o f s u players. Jansen Keene's career dales back four and half years; PhUIip Rogers. Brian Andiony and Desuy Sw aim closed ihe book on Uieir durd year, and D avkl Polls and C olin Styeis were fust-year members. W hen Uie g o o c H ^ topic arose. DaywaW s vo k « faded. "I kept Uiem oul Uiere (on die fleU) and talked with them," he sakL * W e are going to miss Uieni.... Thai's the hard pan aboul coaching, seeing guys leave like Jansen, Pesny. Andw ny and Phillip. You hale lo see Uiem leave." • Keene punctuated his excessive careaw iUi an excla- rnation nm k. leading die club in al-baU (I24X m m (34), M ts(4S).doubles(U )andttiples(2). : If diafa not enough credenUals, Keene waa second in R B Ia (27) and baltiog avenge (.363). A nd on die mound, dierigb(yw aafiislinatrikeouls(59)aiidaecandininiiin(i pttciied(42). : "H eandlhavelalkedaW overU eyean," D ay w ah u k l o f the Su n y Com m unity CoUegs product "Janien woriia teal hard. H e gets down on hioiielf somedmea. but he wants to get beoer so he can play farther in ooUege. • Ikh ilrealgaad andim inivedh ishitdnilO O percenl o w l« t yew. H e made contact beoer and bad a em pie S »4e M iip p iich in (. He was o i> leader all year Ь к ш а е h ik irfa (a if« in c e a g d h e w iiile d lo w iitE v a y lln e lie « ■ < a *id d d iis .b e w a < d ie a n tw h o d id te la lk iii| .' FkiHpRetcn Rogers,apitoherw hohadam em onble7-lhlgh-sdiool season, waa bunted by lack o f nm support during a 2-3 legion campaign. Rogen. w in only received four nm s in 30 i m ^ widi die excepdon o f an 11-6 w in over Lexington, attained a respectable 3.15 E R A over 40 innings. "H an l luck is what rd call him," sakl Daywalt, who grimaced while Rogers suffered 2-0 and 2-1 ¿il-w icnch- ing losses lo Rowan. "H e dklnt give up bttt four nm s in dnee games and k M two o f diein. "H e was one w ho hadagood curve ball, but he was j u % smart enough to get people out H ia i w as his No. I Uting. Hecouklreallydiinkouldneandknew w haihehadtoda" B tkn A M ko iy W hen A u h o o y went lo do a job, he took a bag lunch. In five starts and Uvee relief appeannoes, AM booy, a right-hander w ho la a rising sophomote on Mooticat CoUege's baaebaU team, n cked up 56 2 fl in n in p while coni|Hlingaleam-be3l4- I record. Hismoatnotalile showing waa an ll-iu iisg . conplele- gam e w in al Concord. ’№ hadtiieniH ieranii.IfecoukliiitchaU ni|hlaiddie nn td ay la o ,''D ay w aU sakL ’№ (M hilaoiiielin itabu llie always had hia bright span. H e came fai, b an d dow n and got people.ai« when he needed ta. ^ y o u c o u M a 'l ask for m a n (ki m e w in over C o n m d ).' AAerani|hli niAl» him fiom die lineup, Sw aim ned boaebairs d a k cavea tn nolshasa.29lhinerandposaiblybeconedielM«ua'abea« ddèndvafifMbaaeniao. 12 Players Are EligbleTo Retum For 1996 Season «yBriaaMis Davie County Enterprise Record Pour regular-season games slipped dvough Mocks- ville-DnieLetk»bM ctaUttam 'sfla|en,fDRiii|ad«e widi die top-seeded Rowan Counly. Rowanswepldie№.Sseed44)indieseniifinabafdie Soudiem Divi¿on playoffit "We couU have played heder d ia whal we d U ,'säd Coach George Daywalt, who haa a two-yeat leoeid o f a l­ z i.'nVe k « probably four leafue (H ia d iM «e ahadd havewaa(Caaooid7-6.W itaCoM ly»4,SlaM vila5- 4andMoónavilie 11-9). "You take lour m an w in aad took when wc w oild have been ia die lew is. W e'n 14-4 a>l ibal w t ^ hava woo die kague. but dial's water over dK dam." Mocksville discuaaed ita shcrtcoahiti at tba dkiMr takle,anenM -lhe-ycatm ealalW esM lSM rM 1bn- day. "I talked to some of diem and sakk’Nov; * yt'O aaa . whydaiegulif-anHatüncs«BoinipoMaliwiiiptace- ment.kidieplayaa'a,''saUOagíwab. ' HiewsywekMaidkidieaacindroiád.atolafAam, icaUadthatlfaate|ulaíataBü>iaacMh4aMliaii'tÍBÍí dmqfclttwM. ' . . , ' Ita ,« talking lo dicffläboi«ital(diii*W **)f«rX a i dieydkhi'lB ecœ loundenindkiM a*iiklntM A «m out Now, diay ase dM « M a p iç lM ''' HoUk« «ta ansai widi a gIIéìm lò feni a Лвт* imaaefbrl99«anl2pl4m«hoâsali|MéK>NMik "A kx of Aem ai kdenalsd M fccmri to a n ri4b a * . ''D a y w * a i i l 'l W t \ H M y M ’V e | a lto *K , (sfiM w a d .’ ' ; ■ ' v ThaiDlkm^iiakakal ■d,a« CtarinMaar Miller, a .274 hitter who played five paaidcna but’ primarily right fleU. was Mocbville's utility man. a пЦ* dial's vital on any club. "Hepbvcdaboutfourcrrtveposidcns.andifycudony< have aomdiody like dial, you're k s t" Daywalt said. dkhil see dial il affected him. He seemed to handle it w e ll;' SeettC antatw Conalier,anavctagehitterduringhighscbool.emer|e4' againatRowanCounty(6-l2) and finished dikdoa die ск«: widia J47aven|e. He's ao ghd he came oul and I can understand why,’ < Daywall8aU.'Hegolsomuchheller,becausehedkki1hil - b«m aoaedikiginhighachool." •:TmjSmm Saowonlyhad 18at-baiainwhalaniounledlaaleanih«: year, ; "ToaydkM ielloplaym uch.buiwlieaheplayed.ht: gmyoMevciydiinghehadandwasalwayatcady.’ n iyw rii: ■аЛ . ; . ■■■ nw hoplayedagoodpanofdia ' .1 II w ,I''I I yeatanatknp y right leg. finished w idiafkxaiahioclaim ' М в Й 1| | к Ь п в п1п Ш | « ( З в9)а а1ак|1епЪ ака(10).Н а « la a n o M lw idi3 8 hits. ' ,;V .’1M a n ia | o h 4togiveyouaU h e'agot"D ayw A aakl. % "H i(layadkk«w idiahu rtleg.hekduaiusialeab aacsari: haw aM atodBkM er.H ew oikahatdandyauaeverhavne^— ^ : iayatydii4» i*n .H e 'a ju a t g o t a it o | iv e y a u e v ^ .................................. flU. М м м м М о о М т я Ы м Ш : '- - iiü y g « c a w itm in w ii. a ip a if\ Ш - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORO, July 17,1997 Betty Marklin and daughter Melissa Cartner practice Tae Kwon Do at home In Mocksville. • Photo by Robin Fergusson Tae Kwon Do: Mocksville Women Say If s More Than Self Defense Continued From Page B l The family got stoned in Tae Kwon D o (W ill Marklin. son and brother, is also a black bell) when Gartner's hus­ band, Brad, began looking for ways to relieve stress from his job. He dccided onattcndingclossesthrcetimesaweck. "I said. I’m never going lo see you," . СаЛпег said. T m going to do it with you." Her husband was skcpUcal. But she did attend classes, wilh plans only lo attend a few. She got hooked. And she talked the instructor, John Gurgler of Salisbury, to teach a class in Mocksvillc. She talked her mother into attending. She got hooked, too. In the meantime. Brad dropped out, after attaining his brown belt. Melissa held back in her iraining so she could get the black belt with her mother. They didjusi that last spring In Richmond. Part ofthe test included breaking a one-inch thick board. "Y ou cun kick it or break il with your palm or elbow." Marklin said. “Some would run and jump and kick. I didn't do that. 1 had dreams at nighi of hitting m y board and not breaking il.” Both passed the test with flying colors. Tiieir instructor treated Ihem and three other students who passed the test todinner at a Korean restaurant lhat night. W orking up 10 the black bell, there was a lot of memory work as well os the physical aspects o f the training. "It really teaches discipline,” Marklin said. "Y o u have lo re-learn how to breathe, how to concentratc," Cartner said. The women would recommend the martial arts form lo anyone. "Tae Kw on D o is an action philoso­ phy that when seriously committed lo. willenhanceevery aspect ofyour daily WATER PROBLEMS? Call A Pro! Are you concerned with the quality of your drinking, CQoicing or bathing water? Are you concerned with lead or bacteria in your tap water? Does your tap water have a bad smell or taste? Have you noticed any stains on your bathroom fixtures? We carry a full line of water treatment systems and supplies. Mem ber o f Better Business Bureau ______ WOA Certified W ater Specialist All it takes is one phone call describing Ihe car or truck you want Then, in a matter of minutes, we'll lax or mail you a list of veWctes In your area with prices and options that match. It's that easy. I» i VI »"in The local women pose with Grand Master Seung Dyoo Dong. Melissa Cartner breaks board with elbow earning black belt. life," according lo D ong's handbook. "Developmenlofcharacterandaslrong mindthatwillstondupunderadvcrsity comes from putting Ihe Tae Kw on D o philosophy into action." Tae means kick or strike with foot, Kw on means flsl or strike with hand, and D o means discipline or an. According lo Canner, "Their inter­ est in school is uniting and mastering your mind and body." "Each bell represents a purposeful goal. Striving for goals builds patience and hope. The challenge of goals in­ spires motivation und diligence," ac­ cording to Dong. "Setting and achiev­ ing goals builds confidence in ones self.*' And il can make for pretty good bragging rights. "Once a black belt, always a black bell," M arklin wid. "I lold mom, some day her gmnd- children will say, 'M y grandma is a black belt'." Wes Pierce Qualifieiir Fbr GolfTDumey W es Pierce o f Erwin has qualTtJed forlheNutionalCollegiulePlaycrs^lf Tournament Aug. I)> !4 In Eples. Texas, Pierce, Ihe grandson of FredJwd Jessie Pierccof Cooleemee and fohjjcr standout at Triton H igh School, iljhe son of Mr. and M rs. Roger Pierce. H e is u member of the golf team at k c . Slate University. He qualified for the national c ^ n t by shooting 72-75-72 for a 219 to ti to Tinish sixth in a weekend tournament at Lakeland. Fla. At Triton, Pierce won all confer­ ence honors three times, and was Tri- Six 4 A Player of the Year on three occasions, shoring Ihe award once. (^FORDHAM MUSIC (910) 778-0604 C o m e Ck‘le b ra te A (ir a n d O c c a s io n ! Y o u ’re in vite d to h elp m e celebrate th e g ra n d o p e n in g o f m y new E d w a rd J o n e s ofTice. A lth o u g h w e m a y bo n e w to M o c ksville , w o’ve been p ro v id in g in ve stm e n ts fo r people ju s t lik e y o u sin c e 1871. T b d a y o u r firm in clu d e s m o re t h a n 3 ,58 7 offices in 6 0 states...and w e’re still g ro w in g. P le a se join u s for th e festivitiesl Hiindv,Jiily17,1N7 Marklin and Cartner show techniques of Tae Kwon Do. 8 2 0 S .M a b lS liM l 820 South Main Slrcct Mockeville.NC 27028 (704) 63-1.6672 or (flOO) 799-2220 Edwardjones St'niot; Individual InvrtturaSinmRyi New Revolutionary Liquid Spray Relieves Arthritis Pain! (S p e c ia l) A n a m a z in g all natura l liq u id sp ra y k n o w n a s E X T R A R E L I E F h a s been fo rm u la te d (o g iv e y o u fast p e n e tratin g re lie f o f: * a r t h r it is p a in * b u r s ills* rheumatism * s p o r is ii\ju rie s * s p r a in s a n d s t r a in s * b a c lu c h e s a n d m o re ! T h is u n iq u e liq u id herbal sp ra y c o n ta in s o v e r 3 0 p o w e rfu l p a in re lie v in g herbs. E X T R A R E L I E F h e lp s p ro m o te c irc u la tio n , re d u c e in fla m m a tio n , so o th e s so re m u sc le s a n d joints. p a in w it h o u t th e h u m . Just spray it on and Ihe pain is gone. E X T R A R E L I E F is a v a ila b le in sp e c ific stre n g th s fo r A rt h ritis a n d S p o rts injuries. E X T R A R E L I E F c h a lle n g e s y o u . T r y fo r 3 0 d a y s. I f n o l c o m p le te ly sa tisfie d , re tu rn f o r a fu ll re fu n d . A v a ila b le at these H n e lo ca tio n s. Foster-Rauch Drug Co. 495 VlUc? M . ■ Moclmlllt. NC • t34-2l4l Davie Discount Drugs 141 MiftlMl a. • CodIhw. nc < ÍH-2S37 Д Я 5 W e’ll fin d t h e e x a c t c a r y o u ’r e lo o k in g fo r a b s o lu t e ly f r e e . 1-800-370 LIST With access to tens ol ' thousands of vehicles, new and used, updated' dally, there's no easier ,' or faster way to find ' what you're looking for.: Best of all. It's Iree. - ftÍM ire ju iin rV IH IC L I L IST IN G SV ST IM * ' 1*e00>370*UST(M7e) M-SaLM шкщ«ов1м4от '/ V'Invi DAVK CÒÙNÌY ENTERniiSE "record , July 17,1Я7 - ib J^rick Forbes and Ashley Bowden teach camp participants, Ashley Comatzer, Katy Russell, Megan Jordan and Ashley • W/hittock how to sewe. _ _ • -ptwto* by Robin Nrguiaon Davie Kids Leam Tennis SIdllsAtCamp Four-year-oldKaylaComatzerhod gone to the M ocksville-Davie Recre­ ation Deportmcnl/Davie H igh School tennis comp to watch herolder sisters. Before it was over, Kayla was get­ ting personal instniction from Carol Cozart, camp director and Davic High School tennis coach. Twenty-five Davie young people age 9-14 took part in the camp last week at the Soulh Davie courts. In addition lo Cozart, players from the high school team volunteered to help the younger players. T h e goal is to let these kids leam something about tennis, whether it's to have fun... or do develop skills toplay at the middle or h i ^ school or ever further." Cozart said. "There has been good interest. It's good for the campers and it's good for the high school kids. W hen you teach something, you leam. TTiey're work­ ing on their basic skills, too." She likes the cooperation between the recreation department and the high school in putting on sports comps. "This is not leam all you need lo know about lennis," she said. "This is to leam some of Ihe basics to help them help their game. It's fun os a teacher. Y ou can see them starting to think obout why I did this, or w hy I did that." She called the $30 price for the week-Iongcampabargain. "We'rejust liying to cover our costs," Cozart said. li ■Vi';' ‘ «•'K '( ' ' ’ "»w r Camp director Carol Cozart offers tips to 4-year-old Kayla Comatzer, who had come to watch her older sisters. Austin Powell and Luke Koontz, 12, practtee their skills during the camp. Legion Baseball Veterans To Be Missed Contim icd Fro m Page B l "I’m going to say Destiy was the best defensive first baseman in the league," Daywalt said. "If we ihrew It in the dirt, he caught it. You didn't have to worry about it. If the infield got it over there, he got It. "A nd he ended up hitting the ball good for us. I just wish he could have pitched morc (than 10 2/3 innings) for us." C olin Styers W aiting in the w ings for hischance. Styers was a player that Daywalt fre­ quently called upon lo fill a void in the outfield. " He started aboul half the time, but he was always in t ^ ball game (men­ tally)," said Daywalt, w ho called Sly- ers' number in all but four games. "Y ou could always hear him on the bench ond he gave you all he hod. ’‘He’san awful nice boy. Hethanked me for giving him the opportunity to comc und play and lhat makes you feel good." D avkiP b lts After contemplating whether to come out for the team, Potts surpris­ ingly was M ocksville's fourth best hit­ ter (.317), TTic catcher also showed some pop al the plate, connecting for seven doubles, second on the club be­ hind Keene's II. "I went and talked lo David about coming out ond he told me he was rcally glad he did, so lhat makes you feel good," Daywalt said. C o a c h D a y w a lt Is R e a d y F o r T e a m T o T a k e T h a t N e x t S te p F o n r a r d Tweive-year-okl Ashley Prevette goes after the ball. CootiniicdFVom №gc B l Innings, but he snuggled near Ihe end lo close OUI wilh a Í .33 E R A . "H e had some ups and downs bul al limes, he was rcal efTeciive," Daywali sakL "vnw n Allan's go) his control, and when he can hillhe comers, he can get people out and Ihat's what he's got to work on. He's a real good kid and gels along wilh Ihe other players real good." Shane AUtn Allen, a reliable shortstop w ho hil ,288 fiom Ihe leadofTspol, led Iheduh with 19 walks. H e made a smooth uansilion from second base. "W henlm oved Shane toshom iop, thal pul more pressure on him and he handled il teal well," Daywalt sakL 'H e woriied real hard and toward Ihe end o f Ihe season, he made him self a better shoitslop. 'H e jusl gives il all he's goi, and he showed his ability lo play and do Ihe job." . A M y W a r d Ward, a J 0 7 sdck w ho w as second wilh nine stolen bases, hilover.300fbr the second consecutive year and was a m ainsuy at Ihird base until orienlalioo al East Carolina forced him 10 m iss two Rowangames. 'A n d y can jusl do it all,' Daywalt sakl.'Andy'shillingw asaliltleoff-lw dUn't hil aa many extr».base hits rd like lo see him hil-buihisdefensew ai g R № H e is pnteiU y one of the better baaerunnetiin Ihe league. He'sgreatat reading Ihe pilchen and I pul h in 00 to o tu * ^ , IT fiir f M w b m r ' lofucy caused RUrahour,'.‘a 15- caicher,.to lake hU h io p aadnw№* valuable experience lhal could pay off big over the nexlUuee years. "Drew and Joe Tom lin were our kids,'Dayw allsaid."Drewcaughlsev- eral ball games, Uirew out several run­ ners (Ihree in one game) and had some extra-base hits. 'H e saw a lot o f curve balls lhal he hasn't seen before, and he needs to work on his hilling (.191). I can see where his catching has im proved He really got belter al throwing quicker, and he might have lo do some relief pitching (next year).’ Victor FUti Patti, who has two years left, se­ cured a spot despile m issing Ihe high­ school season and fmished wilh a 1-1 recoid in eight-plus Innings, Including a v iu l w in againsi W ilkes Couniy in the playoCfs. . Fatti,asoUdgk)vealftrstbasewln hit .246, ia cut ftom Ihe same ckxh as hiscoach. 'H e 's a good contact man and I'm a person who likes contact,' Daywalt s a k L 'If V k to r w oks, he can be a real good hitler. He'a a pceay good defen­ sive flrst baseman, and if M a ann gets completely w elL he w ill do well pilch- in *.' ■RjaaLMdwt Lambert, a lanky k fly w ho po(- sesses a deadly array o f pilches,. straggled Ihroughout Ihe s o w » de­ spite a 3-lrecocd and team-best 2.88 E R A . • Lam be« slH Kk out 43 and walked 37 over 31 iimings, w lid n ^ lh a lc o a - linuouilyhidhim w alkiogalighlnii». 'H iekx)laarelhete.'H ejuitbast(> : .worit OB M a coittal,’ Daywalt laid ., 'H e jn ta b ly has aa good o f itufr aa a.nybody yo u ll s w If he just (ttt to ..« b e n h e c a o c o M ia tit' West Forsyth senior, but Ihere's pot­ holes that need repaving for Burehette 10 live up to his billing, acconling lo Daywalt. Despllealale-seasanskU,BurcheHe led Ihe club in Ю Ь (28) and homers (S) and tied for ihe lead in triples (2). He dipped lo .291 at Ihe plate, how­ ever. 'H e learned a whole lot about what American Legkmbaseball is all aboul,' Daywalt said, 'Joe just needs lo work h a i^ . He's got all die ability in Ihe worid, bul his woric habiu need lo get belter. 'IfhefiiialIyfiguiesihatout,he jusl doesn't know how good he coukl b e -a n d that's a fact.’ J w T o o d h i • Tomlin, wilh his steady worii habits and positive anitude, should be pro- moled from leseive to legulat in 1998. Tomlin, w hojusttum edli, left diis weekfarAustialialoenhancehisskills. 'Id id n tuse him m uch d 1 innings). Ididnlw anlhim togelhilhanlandkMe hia confidence, because diis is such a big step for him being soyoung,'D ay- walt said.'FaU ball w m beabenem io him, and he has already learned just fio m siu in g.. 'It waa a good leaning experieiKe foe him. H e's a real good kid and is alwaysllilening and wanting 10 team.* W orid^W U iLinrdM a MlkeLpvelace,whocam pletedhU ■еосаЦ ^ on Dtyw all's staff, evi­ dently wciked h u d Ihls summer. . ; , Lovelicc, w ho iwcalad Ihrew bit- ting pncdco each day, n p o ^ last w eekthathehadlott lOpouada; . ''Iw aai(alpleuedw ithM ike,'’.Nid D a y m h o f Ыв 24-ycac4iU ikU d ck. T » w oik h id o « w kh ibe piKM m , fitHi «147 л-ЬШ inde hia Ц iИм iky ia Aiilkii to Ш| ri^ infiddwMdm wiAikilòrdHST O n e O F T H E M O S T R E S P E C T E D C A T A R A C T S U R G E O N S I N T H E W O R L D . C. Richard Epes,M.D„ is one of the most widely respected cataract surgeons in Ihe world. Individuals from 48 stales and 18 foreign countries have trusted Dr. Epes for Iheir cataract surgery. Dr. Epes has performed over SOflOO cafarocf suigerics including the new “No-Stitch, No-Patch" technique. During this procedure, only eye drops are used to numb the eye and you can return to your normal aclivities , im^iatety after surgery. For unmatched experience and local cori-^^^ vemence, call Souiheastm Eye Center to^.], TRUST YOUR EYES TO EXPERIENCE. . О S o i l i e a s i i C T E X e G e t t a i For your ránm 'iná yni ÌMV ж Satlhmltm Eyi Cnier Лк1т In m r фяш ta iM al; ____ICENTER В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECORD, July 17, Ш All-Star Team Drops Two In Tourney ' O nvie's 9-10 year old girls ull*star pilch softball team dropped ihelr two games in the district toumamcni, bill their spirits should remain high. t'l've been real tickled with the way lh^ giris played." said Coach Dave Mitchcll.nnera25*91ossioRamllcman al the Davie Youth Complex on Friday night and a I6<6 loss at Kenicrsville Ntonday evening. The loss to Kernersville was espe­ cially tough, becausc Davie could have won the game. Mitchcll said. "A ll the girls hit the ball hard, they just happened to be line drives right al somebody." he said. Hecredited Kena Gentry with good hits to the field, and Katy Russell and Erika Smith wilh hilling the ball hard. Smith worked hard behind ihe plale. Pitclwrs Carrie Sain and Kelly M itch­ cll also sufTered bad luck, and pitched a good game, he said. In the loss to Randleman. Mitchell said the team played well derensively. und stayed in the game. "They’re a better team lhan the score reflected." He took the blame fornot preparing his pitching staff. "I'm proud of all the giris in what Ihey did and the way they played. They're u bunch of talented young ladies, good athletes." Mitchell said. Racers Compete For $10,000 Purse F A R M IN G T O N - A big blast of drag racing action WiLs had on July 4 and 5 down al ihe F A R M (Fannington Dragway). More than 250 racers competed for the two day record $ I ().(X)0 cash purse at the DavIe Couniy I/8lh mile dmg facilily. A pjiir o f fomicr T O P niiminalor champions. M ike Wesiiiioreland and M ike Hawks, squared off in the "W ar of Ihe Drag C ars" division Hnals Fri* ...day,, ..July...4........K erncrsville's. Westtnoreland. in his M J Printing & Graphics. Bird Racing Engines backed R.nce Ta-h built dragster UH)k his first Fannington win o f Ihe year. He ran a 5.27 E.T. al 133 mph to defeat the pnxluce man from Yadkinville. Hawks, in his nd Quay built "R w k y Hollow Farms Express" small blix:k powered dragster. The victory by "I'o o Tall" Westmoreland was wonh S2,5l)0 for ihe special 32-car (\ualiried field of open and full bodied entries. Ray W illiams of Yadkinville injiis. Ed Huilspeih Nlolorsports Buick and M ark "Pork" Jones from Easi Bend, in h is M atthew s A uto ReH n lshin g Dragster llnished Ihird and fourth In Ihe war. Janies Akers from M ax Meadows, Va. in his '57 Chevrolet defeated Gil Carty from Wyiheville. Va. in his *64 Chevy Nova W agon for the Classic Gear Jaiiimers division win. In iheS23.900FA RM PointsSeries -itclion .Salurday -nighl.-current T O P - Eliminator points leader M ike Fuda und new Spimsmanpoints leaderBrian Williainsadded points to iheirchanipi* onship hopes. Taking the S 1,500T O P niiminalor division win was James Overcash from Statesville, over Scoll Briggs from Clemmons. Ovcrcash in his"O versO ldsm0bile"rana6.88E.T. at I02'm ph to slop ihe Briggs Family racing Chevrolet,Camaro. This was the sccond victory o f ihc year al Farm ington by Overcash and has North Davie Boosters Meet July 24 : ilie Nonh Davie Middle School Booster Club will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 24 anhe school. Topics will include planning events forthe upcoming year, including a kickoff event. Physk:als Available Aug. 19 At South Davie A n y Soulh Davie athlete w ho plans to participate in a fall sport can receive a physical Aug. 19 at the school from 4*6 p.m. Weightlifting Open To North Davie Athletes Ron Kiric. North Davie's foolball coach, announced ihat weighl lifting for W ildcat aihleles are being held each Tuesday and Thursday al ihe school from 6-7:30 p.m. ( ^ d S oM I Registration Under Way 'Co-ed softball regisiraiion is under way at the Mocksville-Davie ftirks and Recreation Department. Joe Boyciie. the alhleilcs dirccior, announced lhal Ihe deadline for entries is July 25. No more lhan tw oClass C players arc allowed on a leam. Call 634-2325. jiioved him back lo ihe T O P " 10" of ihe point standings. M ike Fuda from Fannington. the points leader, came in third in his "Dreaded Duce”Nova. He has a commanding points lead for ihe $5,000 championship prize. SecondgcncrationraccrBrian"BB’* W illiam s o f Kemersville .scored an all important Sportsman division win Sat­ urday nighl. Williams, a rccenl high schoolgraduale from Glenn High, look his Goofin' Around Nova lo theS 1,000 win over M l. Airy V D o u g Smith.' The Yadkin Valley Chcvrolel-GEO. M J Printing. Foster's racing and F a rm ingion M achine sponsored Chevrolel turned a 7.89 E T al 90 raph lo pick up his firsl Fannington win of the year. He has also lakcn over the points lead in the Sponsm an division for Ihe first lime in his young three yean? o f racing al Fannington. G il Carty is his "Boot Scoot and Boogie" Chevy Nova W agon ogain came up sccond bcsl in the Classic Gear Jammer Division on Saturday night to Bryon Luiher from Norwood. M ike Boyles from King, in his "Good Ole Charlie Brown" '57 Chevy Wagon was Ihe third place (Inishcr. B ib l e B a p t is t C h u r c h fbitor, Don JOIM* • 910>766>0э51 ClwnmonsCMeCwlsr ----- Dr.«CHnimons,NC V ÍD E O A R C A D E ■ ARCADE CAMCS • PO O l TABUS • AIRHO CKiY- n N B A ll • ElCCmONICDARTS -RtfRESHMtNTS • Fdinily Fun In A Good. Clean A tm osphere! HOUU: Mon - tlwn ]pm - lOpni, Fri k Sal 1pm - mMnliht Sm 1pm - 9| ! 2076 Highway 601 S. (al ihe Ellis Center), Mocksville, NC(704) 6344ÌAME w.c. fttss A o o d a tlo n SUNSHINE UNE Answers to y our o p tn gwommont quostfons 919-US-3933 MMrtfn2229eef*com ; 5 t 'iimmer Clearance ale Starts July 17.1997 at 9:30 am. Senk«'citizens Daymr gyf TUESDAY^ w o n a l l/%/ O il merchandise (Except Sale & Net Items) Town & CountiyHardware «42 wilkesboro St.,Mocksville, NC 704434-1414 Cltmmoni, NC • (910) 7664021 Speclillzing In the Design, Sites, Installation anil Service ot: •H om e Theater 4 Television •B u rgla r Alarm Systems •F ire Alarm Systems •A utom ation Systems •M ulti-R oom Stereo Systems W W illilipigionyouffintpgrthiM. • Central Vacuum Systems------------------------------- -..............— (10% OFF) Ketchie Creek Bakery i is rtow ; seruing ice cream: desserts!/: Stop in today for the р я е е ш HOME SURVEY S a t u r d a y N ig h t Gales open for practice at 6 p.m. FIRST RACE AT • P.M. \P E R F O R M A N C Ê I n v n S a V b W N IG H T O F D E S T R U C T IO N ! Test “ sutidaes. shakes and splits in tom. What better way to cool the summer ■ heat/ HE C reek MONSTER TRUCK CAR-CRUSHING DEMOLITION DERBY!Uodlfled and Sportsman “Madhouse Scramble" double features, plus Street Stock and Stadium Stock racesl BudwelMi AdmrtWnrWulW. tewxloWw-ltO *9.1 t2-t7 - И Аомв-tl—It ChihUtn under e FA£E wilt) adutl eKort OF FREE PAAKINÛ BUSiCH' Inloinution aboul flidluni racing: (910)73М2в7 .«.f»»..™ « Fri7lm^pm SttTim-Spm eat.n.t вгосегуСг Service I G O I N G O U T O F B U S I N E S S S A L E I aolhes. Shoes, ete. I■m m m im iíim m I Ц ^ ЮсаМопВтепНИ. B l ollH»y.eoiN.,Moclavfc i f l Д . Д . ¥ . Ц . Т . ¥ . Т . Т Д . Т Д . Т Ж Т , Т 1 ALL AMERICAN Ш> FORD-MERCURY D R IV E A L IT T L E , S A V E A L O T ! GET OUR VERY BEST DEAL DURIHB OUR SnOALSALB- ШГ17,18,19 ЕУШ NW УЕИШ WGUIOED IN ТИВ SPEGIilL SALE- WCUIMNeF150l.F250t.F3S0l.EXPUlNEIIS.^EgED^ 4r:5iЦ";- C om o uln— lafg§s§laclloaotcar$,tnck$,nuand шроПиШШп.0т200Рпдпт¥ЁЫе1»$аю11шЫ§. ¡A Ü A M E R IC A N FO RD-M ERCURY 7 IM - « 3 4 - 2 ie i • i-M 0 -2 B 4 -« 2 2 1 ^ - ' .......... PUBLIC NOTICES DAVIE c o w ry EiVTERnÚSEÍ^ Jul|y 17, Щ - ш ш в т з в HGb t h c m w u n a DAVIECOUNTY INTHEQENEFWLCOURTOF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIViaiOH 97 CVD 34 SHARON ELAINE BOWMAN, J. BARRY BOWMAN and SUSAN D. BOWMAN. ; Plawm Vt. MICHAEL SEAN SIMONSON. Dtfendant NOTICe OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BYPUBUCATION TO; MICHAEL SEAN SIMONSON - TAKENOTICEthatapleadingMekIng r«lM against you hu ^ filed in the abov»<apQon«d maltar. The nature of the relief belr^eouoht is as followB: tennina« lion ol parental rights. You are required lo make defense lo such pleading no Шег lhan September 1, 1697. and upon'your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you win ap­ ply to the Court tor the relef sought. This the t7№ day ot‘July. 1997. JUUE A. PARKER Attomey for Plaintiff 854 Vatiey Road. Suite 200 MocksvlBe.NG 27028 (704)634^1890 7-17-31П STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF OAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 98 CVD 248 Davie County, Ptalntitl, va. LaOulnta Corporation and R. Lewis Alexander. Trustee. Defendants. HOTiceoFResALe Under and by virtue ol an order ol the Davie County District Court.Davie County, . Nonh Carolina, made and entered in tt>e above referweed matter, the undersigned commissioner wiS on ttw 29th day of July, 1997. offer for resale and resell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auc­ tion, at ttte courthouse door in Davie County. North Carolina. In the town of ModtsviHe at 12:00 noon, the interest ol the LaOulnta Corporation and R. Lewis Alexander In the following described property: Shady Qrove Township. Davie County and more particuiarty de- scribed as Lot F-20 UQuinla Tax Parcel Q-7-4-A-8 (See Plat Book 4. Page 128) and Lot t-9 LaOuinta, Tax Parcel Q-7-4-A.54 (See Plat Book 4, Page 128) This ia a resale of the above-deecribed prpperty. aprtvloua sale havingbeen t^eld onthe29thdayol May. 1997. underand by virtue of an order Ы the District Court ol North Carolina of Davie County. North Carolina, made and enteréd in the above reiereneed action, and an Increased bid having been duly ftied within the time al- lowedbyiaw. Bidd№gwinstartat$1.205.00 which is Ihe amount ol the increased bid. A deposit of twenty percent (20%) ol the successful bki will be required. The sale WiU be made subject to all outstanding city and couniy taxes and aii looel improvement assessments against thé above^iescribed propeity not included injhe Judgment in the above referenced cauée. :t Ms ttw 17th day ot July. 1997. Robert E. Price. Jr. Commissioner Of COUNSEL BURNS. PRICE ft ARNEKE, L.LP. Р И West, Suite 101 38DO Country Club Road WMêton-Saiem, NC 27104 Telephone: (910)760-1434 r : 7-17-21П CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY AOMMBTRATMX NOTICI iMvlrtg quilM ae AdminMrilrto of thi ' EelM ol Margaret Foeler demerit, dfMtied. Ше ol Oavle County, Not« Cgeir». We la 10 nolfyal persene having tolte underelgned on or belore 2«) deÿ ol eepiember. 1997. being three n«ntw from tie flret day ol publcattan or MMwNce ivi be pleaded m ber of their m çütct. A* pereone Indebted to saw e M «M pleaM make Immedtote pay- riMttotfwixtderslgned. >-jNeihe2e№dayof June, 1997.: AMi L Oemenl, 120 ExaNber Lane. |y^âevlle,NC 27088. Administratrtx of ol Margaret Foeter Clement. PUBUCNOnCt There will be a meeling of the Davie County Zoning Board of Adfustmenl on Monday. July 21.1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the Comrrdssioners Roomo(theDavieCout\ty Administration Building. Mocltsville. N.C. The publlc'is Invited to attend. Business wUI be conducted as follows: A) Can to order and welcome B) Review ofthe minutes C)C.RichArd Dobson Buiklers requests a variance ot the twenty-five (25) foot cor­ ner side yard setback requirement on Lot 151 In Ihe Lonetree Section of Oak Valley. The property is located at the intersectton of Kingsmlll Drive and Lonetree Drive and is further described as being parcel 151 of Davie County tax Map E-9. D) Richard Smith and others requests a variance to the yard requirements tor a principle dwelling. The property Is k)caled on tt\e east side ot Yadldn VaHey Road approximately 1000 feet from NC Hwy. 801 North and Is further described aa be­ ing parcel 19 of Davie County Tax Map C- 7. E) Old or new business G) Adjournment All parties and interested citizens are Invited tqattend said hearing al which time they shall have an opportunity lo be heard In favor of. or In opposltton to. Ihe foregoing .. changes. Prior to the hearing, all porscns- Interested may obtain any addHlonal infor­ mation on a proposal or ask any questions they may have by visiting the Planning and Zoning Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone al (704) 634-3340. 7-t7-1tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY . EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estale of Minnie W. Pope late of Davie County, this is to no% an perwM^s having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of October. 1997, being three months from tha first day ol publication or this notice wUl be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al persons indebted to sahJ estate will please make lmme<fiate payment to the under­ signed. This the 3rd day of July. 1997. Eugene Roadman Pope. 1289 AngeB Road, Mocksville. N.C. 27028,Executorol the Estate of Minnie W. Pope, deceased. MARTIN. VAN HOY. SMITH A RAISBECK. LLP Ten Court Square MockSviHe. NC 27028 7-3-4tn NORTH CAROLINA., . . DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having quaMed as Executrix of the Estate of Keith Terrell SnWer, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this istonotify alt persons havtogdaimsagalnst said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 26lh day of Sep­ tember, 1997. being three (T>on№s from the first day of pubilcatton or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar ol Iheir recovery. All persons Indebted to sakJ estate will piease make Immediate payment to the under­ signed. This the 26th dey of June, 1997, LaVeme H. Snkter, 317 Miling Road, Mocksville, NC 27028, Executrix of the Estate ol Keith TerrM SnMer. deceased. 6-26-4tp noAthcarounaDAVKCOUNTY ____Ю Т М OF ÌIIIVI6B OF mOCIBB 'U ' ВУШВиСАТЮН . KftSif towing MKi о м е * v ìi' ABanN NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYNOTICE TO CREOITORB Having qualified as Executrix of the Estato of QeorgeLJudy.deceased. late of Davie County, North Carolina, thie ia to notify all persons, fkme and corporattone having claims against the eetato of aakl deceased to exNbn them to Ann Undto. С/0 Q. Emmett МсСай. Attomey at Law. 633 W. Fourth Street. Sutte 150. Wlnslon-Sa- lem, North Carolna 27101 onorbefore«>e 3rddayolOctober.l997.orthienotfcewi be pleaded in bar ol««lr recovery. Al persons, firme and corporatfone indebtod to the saM estate w i please make imme- dtaie payment to thè undersigned. TMstheSnlday of July. 1997,Ann Landis Executrix of the Estate of George L Judy c/o McCall Doughton & Spaugh PUC 633 Weet Fourth Street, Sulle 150 Wtoeton-Salem. North CeroNna 27101 Q. Emmett McCelAttortiey lor the Estato of George L Judy McCal Doughton A Spaugh р а с e33WeetFourth Street. Suite 150 Wneton-Salem, North Caroline 27101 ; 7-3-4IP: NORTHCAROUNADAVIECOUNTY___________, iXtCUTORB NOnCi . Having quaMed ae Executor of the EHaieolEllMbelhM.Upgren.dBoeeeed. Me of DMie Couniy, North Carolna, Me ietonoHfyalpereonehMlrtgclalmeaoalnet aald eetate to preeent №èm to the under-. elgned en or belore the Ш day of Odo* ber, 1997. beino three month« from the lirai day of риЫоаёеп or Ihie notioe wH be pleaded in bar ol Iheir recovery. Alpe^ eone ihdeMad to aaid eatato w i piaa«- t&m payment to the undar^ ; NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTYExecuTORBNonce Having qualified u Executor of the Eetato of Ketierlne P. Miller, deceeeed. late of Davie County. North Carolina, this istonotify an pereons havingdaimsagektst said estste to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 26th day of Sep­ tember. 1997, being three monttvs trom the first day of pubOcatkxi or this notfce win be pleaded in bar of their recover. All persons Indebted to saM estale wiH please maka immediate payment to the under­ signed. • This the 26th doy of June. 1997. Thurman F. Miner. 360 SL Andrews Church Road, Woodleaf. NC 27054. Ex­ ecutor ot the Estato of Katherine P. Miner, deceased. 6-26-4tp NORTHCAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISK)N BEFORE THE CLERK 97SP29 THE LAW OFFICES OF GRADY L McCU^MROCK.JR.,J.D., P.A. Pettttoner vs. CHARLENE O'NEAL MOODY, DONALD RAY MOODY and AMERICAN GEN- ..... ERAL FINANCE OF AMERICA. INC. Respondenta NOTICE OF BALE BY COMM»- 8K)NER IN SPECIAL PROCEEDINO Under and by virtue ol an Order of Ihe Honorable Kenneth D. Boger, Clerk of Superior Court of Davie Couniy, North Carolina, entered on the 14th day of May, 1997. made in the Special Pnxeedlng entitled THE U W OFFICES OF GRADY L McCLAMROCK. JR., J.D., P.A. VS. CHARLENE O'NEAL MOODY, DONALD RAYMOODY,andAMERICANGENERAL FINANCE OF AMERICA, INC., the under­ signed. who was by saki Order appointed Commissioner to sell the lands described in the petitk>n. will on Ihe 1 sl day of August, 1997. at 12:00 o'ckxk Noon at tha Davie County Courthouse.140 South Mak) Street, Mocksvlle, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bkktor for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Calahain Township, Davie County, North Carolina and more particularty described asfoltows: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at an existing iron In the property line of Polly T. (Mrs. Martin) Latham, at the edge of an existing easement; sakf easement recorded in Deed Book 88 at Page 460 of the Davie County Registiy. being tha Southwest comer of the parcel: thence North 174.35 feet to anewlronpiaeedattheedgeoteakl easement; thence South 68 deg. East 250.00 feet to a new Iron placed: thence South 174.35feet lo a new iron placed in the property line of Polly (Mrs. Martin) Latham: thence North 88 deg. West 250.00 feet to an exisling Iron, the point and place ol BEGINNING containing I.OOOacres. SaMparcelis bounded on the North and East by the prop­ erty of John Frank O'Neal as de­ scribed In Deed Book 76 at Page 395; on me Southbythe property ol John Wayne and Johnna Chartene QNealTaytor.asdescribedlnDeed Book 122 at Page 727; and on Ihe West by the easement described In Deed Book 66 el Page 460. Saki parcel is shown on a map prepared by Grady L Tutterow. Registered Land Sunreyor, reflecting a aunrey done on April 9.1984. by Tuttorow Surveying Company. For back title see Deed Bookl22 at Page 725. Davie County Registry. TRACT TWO:BEGINNING at an existing iron al the comer of an existing 30 foot easement deecribed in the toetni- ment reconled in Deed Book 66 at page 460of the Davto County Reg­istry and the John Wayne and CharteneTaytorproperty Ine: North­west comer ol thie paréel; thence South 49 deg. 52 mln. 20 eeo. Eeat 27.99feet to a new Iron pieced, the Southweet comer of thie parcel; thence South 88 deg. 34 mk>. 27 eec. East 228.52 feet to i new iron placed. Southeast comer of thie percel; thence North 15.00 toettoa new Iron placed the property Ine with John Frank ONeel, the North- eest comer of thie percel; thence North 88 deg. 250.00 feet to an exiattog iron, bektg the point and place of BEGINNING, contolntog a068acrM. Sekf^lebounded on №e North by éM ianda ofJohn WayneMdChvteneTaylorMde- < ecitoeid by the Inatriimenl recorded In Deed Book122alpege725ofthe Davto Couniy Regietiy. on the Souti by Poly T. (Mre. Martin) Lalham, ea deeci»edlnDeedBMlt2lalp^ 334 of «M Davto Couniy Regielrf, - .................................weetcor- IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROUNA . SUPERIOR COURT DIVI8K)N DAVIECOUNTY 97SP70 Before the Clerk IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO­ SURE of a Deed of Trust Executed by . Rtehard H. PmW and Carolyn V. Piuttt Dated June 6,1996 end Recorded In Book 240 et Page 542 In the Davie Couniy Pubik: Registiy. NOTICE OF BALE Pursuant to an order ol Ihe Clert( of Superior Court and under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of tmst and be­ cause of default in the peyment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and falure lo carry out and perform the stipuletlon and agreemento therein conteined and. pursu­ ant to demand ot the owner and hoktor of the Indebtedness secured by saki deed of tmst, the undersigned substitute tmstee win expose for sale at pubik: auctton to the highest bkjdet tor cash at theusualplaceol seto at the couniy cowthouse of sakf county at 11:00a.m.onJuiy25.1997thefolk)wing described real estate and any other Im- proven>entswhichmey be situstod thereon, situated in Davie County. North Carolna. and being more particul^ described as •fOlld^:................................................ TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at a stone, Ganvood’s comer and mns North with saki line 124 feet to a stone In Hendrix's line; thence with Hendrix's line 127 feet to e stone, Hendrix's comer; Ihenceaboul South 106 leet lo a stone in Wagoner's line; Ihence about 120 feet to the BEGINNING, GatviKXxfa comer, and containing two- thirds (2/3) acre, more or less. TRACTTWO: BEGINNING at a stone Walter Clements comer and mnning with Wagoner's line 55 feet to a stone. Henderson Paricers comer; Ihence about North wilhPart^ei's line 106 leet toastone Partters comen thence about West 55 feet to a stone WalterClements comer; thence about South wRh Clements line 106 feet to the BEGINNING. And Being more commonly known as: 128 Clark Road. Cooleemee. NC 27014 The record owner of the property, es reflected on the records of the Reglstor (rf Deeds, are The Estato of Richard H. PrultL This sato la made subject to eU prior iiensand encumbrancee. and unpekl taxee end assessments for paying, if any. A deposit ot five percent (5%) ot №e amount of the bkt or seven hundred fifty doNare ($750.00). whkihever Is greater, le required end must be tendered In the fomt of certl- nedfundeatthetimeoltheeato. TNeeato wil be heM open ten deys for upeet bkto u required by law. Folowtogtheexpirattonof the stahitory upset pertod, al remeining amounts Me inunediat^ due and owing. The dato ol this NotkM is July 17,1997. Daniel LFulco or Elizabeth B. EHs SubstitutoTmstoe 301 S. McDoweU street suito4oe Chariotte. North CaroUna 28204 (704)333-8107 7-17-2tn NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISKW 97 CVD 403 LYNN READ TOBiN, ■’ Y \ i r l S , t l i ’ s t FAIM.Y YARD Sato; 4S9Farmington Rd. Sal. July t9. 8 a.m.-noon. FumHura, conula slarao, clolha«, and much mitc. Э FAMILY O A M Q l Sal«. Sal. 7/19, 8 - ?, lis t wnilams Road. Advanca,_______________________ 1 FAMILY YARD Sato, Sat. July 18№, 7 a.m.-l p.m. 1648 County Un* Rd. Chlldran, man, & woman cMNng. Baby car aaat & baaalnat. couch & chair & mlacaHanaous Hams.__________________________ 8 FAMILY YARD aato, Sal. July 19 (7-12) wintar matamlty dothaa (large-16) cratt malariala, new shoaa, axarclsa aqulpmant, baby Kama, car, van, tractor, lota of odda & anda. Prladta'a Hair Faahkm, 4854 Hwy. 84 Waat. 548-2121. ВЮ YARD 8 A U : 424 RlvardatoRoad: U.S. 801 South, country тИа paat Oraaza Comara; Laka on ■ • WWla house black ehutlare. I aoM baton 8 a.m. right; Wh NottHnai n o YARD SALI: Fri; & М New Ireezer, wood stove, racing go-cart, k>ts ol Items. 601 North z\h mitos paat William R. Davia School, past Dutchman’s Creek, tralkir on right. Watch for акта._________________ ВЮ YARD SALI: July 18-19 Hwy 801 North 1 mito past Macedonia Moravian Church 8-unlll. Bova clolhea up to 2T. Girls clothea man a » d goods glassware. 71 Ford truck. ___ja up IHigh chair, walker, man & women ciothes, household va. JAY QOROON TOBIN,Ddandwit NOTKI OF in v ic i OF PROCIM ■Y FUMIGATION TO:JAYQOflDONTOeiN TAKE NOTICEthatapleadkigseeUng rsiel agalnal you has been Mad In №e abot^cMonedniallar. Thenetufsdlhe raMbahgaoughllsasloaows: AteoMe nmee. You ate isquirsd lo make defanae u such ptoedhg no Шаг Ihen SepMmbat 1, 19S7, and upon your Mure to do ao, Ihe paity aeakhg aenice agalnat you «Я ap­ ply to Ihe Court Ibr Ihe raM aougM.ThIa №« 17lh day ol July. iae7. JUUE A. PARKER Attomey lor PMMH SMVatey Roed. Sulto 200 Mocksvlle, NC 27028 (704)634-1690 7-17-ЭШ u p m m b r l i n i y o u r o a r iliM n o A lia rV IH IC ll IIITINO tVITIM ВЮ YARD SALCt July 16№ & 19lh oil Milling Rd. Take Morse SI. then Whlttney SI. Tum ОЛЮ Mountvtow Dr. Fourth houae on lelt. 7:00 -until. CARPORT S A U : N IW & us«) arttotoa loo numeroua to mantton. Sal. 19th, 7:30 to 2:00,178 Pine St. ESTATE FURNmiRE. TON« 0( material lor seemstraiaee. Ctothee, at sizes. Misc. Everything must go. 8 a.m.-unlH. Next two Saturdaya. Tot Street. No Eariyblrdal Watch Tor skins.__________________________ FIRST TIME YARD sato Sat. July 19 8 a.m.-12. 801 North to Ubeity Church Road, ton on Liberty Church Road, go 2 mitoa. Sato on toll. Watch lor A n . Rain canceto. YARD SALE: SAT. 7.00 a.m. unW. Baltimore Rd. acroea from R.J.R. mens a women ctolhing, househok) Items, baby Hams. 1ST TIME YARD sato: 64W on righl, 1 mito past 1-40 W. CM hoop cheese cutter, old horaa hanes. Imperial china, diamond rings, |usl lots ol things. Rain cancels._______ YARD BALE: QARDEN Valtoy, 270 Beecinraod Sal. 18lh, 8:00 a.m. Clothea: Baby, giria & woman, small, mad., some XL, men small- XXL. Bedspreads, forato, M mat & springs, good vartoly. Anlk)ua melar denial cabinet. New Nonlto liir t Pro A Rider, Body by Jake, JVC-vktoo camera, KawaaU molorcycto, John Daera puah mower, (TWe Entfa Up hH badroom aulto, new matt.) altor 6:00 p.m. 834-6074. YARD lALE : MOVMO fumlhir*, ale. Ehito ptotoa. 112« BMUChaim Rd. SaLJuly19 7 a m -5 p.m. MULTI FAMILY YARD Sato; Sat'^8-2 July 19. Rain cancan.. Womana. mens, > iia cM na.. housahoM llama. 3 » HHon Rd.- (oH Redland Rd.) Last house art- right. __________________________ YARD S A U FRI. 7/18, Sat 7/19. 730 Salisbury Siraat, 8:00-2:00. Fumllura, anilquaa, bika carrlarr^ bike, dothaa, kik:h«nwar«, M a- more._________________________ YARD S A U SAT. 560 Qtodstona Rd. Lola ol good shiff-chaap. H orn olDudra« David McQuaan. YARD S A U THURSDAY July 27,6 a.m.-9 p.m. Gun Club Rd. off Hvw. 158. Body By Jake Firm Fl««, 191» Ford Muatang, Fartii« a««d, spreader, aerator (W» naw), ty p e ^ r , ctothee, booka, Kiya « lots morel_______________________ YARD SALE; 2 lamiltoa off No Creak Road, 64 East 8 a.m.-12:00p.m.____________________________ YARD SALE; FOSTER HairStyling, Dulin Road, Fri. 18,7 a.m.- 1 p.m. Sat 19, 7 a.m. -12 moti, gliWitolhaa, nawandua«dll««ia. , YARD S A U ; FRI. & Sat. 8 HI 2. Hems to numeroua to irwnlton. Priced 10 sell. Angell Rd. off 801 North. _____________________ YARD S A U ; FRI. • SaL July IB- 19. 3298 Hwy. 1S8 • 8 a.m.-unHI. Mtorowava, typ«writ«r, homebakad pi«a a cakes, youth b«d w/mattress, 1 waddhig gown, bouquet, & accassoriee, wooden desk a much more.______________ YARD S A U ; FRI.. A SaL 8-7 2lamlly. 392 Junctkxi Rd. Great buy*. '/MO S A U : U T . 7/19 8-1. ChWran ctolhae, toy* and houaahoM Hama, baby fumltun, etc. 84 E. toll on Салмш г R d.. r i g h ^ M ^ H I II on right. 2«8 YARD (A U : SAT. July 19. « a.m.- 3 РЛ1. 293 Ralph Rattodga Rd. Dorm ra(., 3 man pack lanL atop vac. manual twawllar, TV. <■- try, pane, ctolhaa a la i ' mora. LâBBias Laying-Sandng-FlnMing FREE ESTIMATES ¡ и п у Н М п м у 129 (jkaMOd Oliva • 7 0 4 -6 3 4 -1 7 2 1 ! p a.m.1. and YARD S A U : YOUTH yard aato. a.m.-l p.m. Cancatod » raining. a 1в'М1МЛ0~ас1мЛгёт11п1№ grave Ik« dept on I M CMhaa, lUnNUB t s m Ж Ш Ь г Ш 'М а с М Ц И С(704)284-2826 AKC DALMATIONwka. 7-way shots, r womtod. $100 «a. 91»4«3-4«76. ! QIVE YOUR DOO a braak kom summer heat. Ask Davto Fam Sanrice 634-6021 about Happy Jack Parackto Shampoo. KM Itoaa a tk la on contact. Chacka doggy. odor.ContatoaNOpanitolhrinal у и к с REO. RED Bona Hounda. 8wka. oM. $125. Alao. unreglslerad black femato lab puppy. $10aCa« 284-2742. AFFORDABU UVNMI, countiy atmosphara. Tiy Northwood Apia. Studtfa, 1 a 2 BR’r. gaitasa. water a sawaga includad Coma sa« what w« havel 800 Northiklga Ct..Mocksvtito. 704-834-4141. NICE FURNISHED, IBR baaanwnt apt, 3 1/2 mitoa out 168, tum to« on Main Chun;h Rd., go 1 mito. e34-29«7. : /I : .11 drawnbyOiadyLTullaraw.Ratlt. torad land Suivayar, pusuanl to a suney done April t, 1964, by гаМГао^М you has bean Mad In №e abawanMedadloa TheneMeol«» ra « aouÿil la to aaWy a роаааааму Ian le,|iiM.s«inoe.endaenloeeMaiaee FM«plok4p.VIN1FTCF16y76PAOe(X byhtoolaehlvahk^whkhtoreglatorsd In& nsm e. Youaierequlradtomake di&nseleiuohpto«*4 ..Upantoiuialo i;. TNaihe lOIVdavotJuly..1N7., ;j,; ■: ' FkH Union NatOMl Ber*.'P.O. Ben,!l 2114«MQ, WMonaatom, NC' Z7109, > ' becutor ol tie Esleto Ы ОаШ\ И. Upgren, dsosesid, /7-l(Mai, i a Alao Includad an al ol the ligMaot ' aócéasiléng Ihose eeseihsnto'da. > settled In Oaed Book 66, al P^a 4W: and DMd Book 104, at Page ! .4l6,Oa«toCoun^Rsglsiiy, Beld tonda an eoU aubM to ai tans, htoaaaacdaMsolieooid ¥6M4884 ;immC:. // Í n v w ; <any. : : .An 10» . oHatoaanMsnMdeoodtoi TNaftolOtidayotJuiy.1 « money dsposll equal to ' oliw NghselNdwBbe- ne - UAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1997 e L A S S I F I E D S INbiXHiiNStVE PROFITABLE Apartments MOCKSVILLE SUNSET 'H!RRACIE: All brick energy . efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, ' pool, basketball court & swings. Kitctien appliances fumished including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides Lnwn Cnre ■ Mobile HoiTtes/Sale cable TV & phones. Insulated .windows & doors. No wax kitchen & bath floors. Located In Mocksville behind Hendricks Fumiture on .Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M-F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 704-634-0168. JANET DEAN’S ART STUDIO Creates custom sketches or paintings of peopie, pets, buildings, & vehicles. For more info, leave message al 704-634*1549 or write: PO Box 984 Mocksville, NC 27026. ALL SEASONS LAWN CARE. New & existing lawn maintenance. Call 704-264-4277.________________ C & M SERVICES: We provide all types of lawn service, mowing lawns, trimming shmbbew, cleaning lots. 704-634-5798. FREE ESTIMATES. Lots For Rent MOBILE HOME LOTS for rent, convenient location in Mocksville. Paved street & driveway. 6 lots available nowl Call Penny at 704* 634-0446. Lots For Sale 54 ACRE wooded tracts In Mary Brook Acres, off Hwy 801 in Advance. $8500/acre. 998-5378. Miscellaneous Beach Property CAROLINA BEACH CONDO: ocean view. IBR, 1 1/2 BA. sleeps 4. W/D. pool. $400/wk. 910-791- 5788. Business Opportunity WANT YOUR OWN Business In Mocksville? Sellina existing Video Store inventory & fixtures in leased -bldg. Call Heartland Realty. 910- 67^7268 or after hrs. 910-466- 4607 or 468-4740. Child Care ALMOST HOME CHILDCARE: 5:30am-1:45am. 1st & 2nd shift or by the hour. Permanent or -t«fTipora7 care available for Infants-12 yrs. old. CALL US FOR SAT. HOURS. At our new location: 571 S. Main St. 634-7529 or 634- 1960. Debra Stanley, owner. HAVE OPENINGS IN •ges Inlant & up. Wm. R. №tr)ct. Ret. avail _________ ■ C0rt. For more Info, call Paula Powell at 492-2183. IISWIMMINQ POOLSII Sale 1/2 price on install. 16'X30' OD POOLS complete with Deck. Steps, Filter & Warranty for only $695. Hurry limited supplyl Olher models also. Financing. Nepi Pools Inc. over 11 yrs. fn busin1-eoa-323-7946. iitune ness. Daycare, up. Wm. R. Davie ivai CPR & First Aid ^R N ITU R E FOR SALE: Solid Oak wall unit desk, matching file cabinet desk and chair, side chairs, bar stools, electric lawn mower, Persian area njq. 998-1737. FURNITURE: OAK FINISH roll-top desk. GO. $200.634-2442. QUEEN MATTRESS & frame, twin beds, mattresses & frames; washer/dryer, almond. All in GC. 010-774-0941. Homes For Rent .19R DUPLEX IN town. Howard Reaity. 634-3538_________________ 3BR FAMILY HOME-totaliy remodeled. Howard Realty. 634- 3538 FOR SALE 18,000 BTU Hot point ac. 220 amp. $375.704-634-1509. FOR SALE '09 coachman motor home, air, generator, fully self- contained. $21.500. 910-998-7239. FOR SALE '92 R.V. trailer. 26.5 ft. Coact\men Catallno, roar bathroom, bed room, front kitchen. 704-492-5361.____________________ FOR SALE-K & G Salvage: Bldg. stone $140/pr. pallet 140 sq. ft.; 4'X8'X3/4* T & G plywood, $15.95/sheet; 3' wide. 29 gauge, galv. metal roofing, $.99/ft; prehung exterior steel doors, $79/ea.; Roofing felt. $6.95/roll; We stock stainless steel in sheets & pipe. Super savings on carpet & linoleum as tow as $3.95/yd.; 2- bulb fluorescent light fixture. 4‘. $B.95/ea; Cojruoated culvert pipe up to 24* dia.; We stock pumps & accessories for wells. Formica, $.50 sq. ft.; 4'X8'X1 1/2* thick faced insulation, $7.95/ea.; 3000 lb cap warehouse carts. $49/ea. Steel I- Beams for sale. K & G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on West bank of Yadkin River. 910-699-2124. FOR SALE: CLARINET. Like new. $250. Call 998-9549 before 3 p.m. or leave messaqe.________________ FOR SALE: U R G E dog lot w/cover. $145. Call after 6pm 998- 7179.____________________ FOR SALE: LAWN Tractor 11 H.P. Briggs. 36" cut, good mower. $325.00. 704-634-2213.___________ FOR SALE: RUDOLPH Wurlitzer piano, A-1 condition, like new. $2500.00 634-2700._________ FOR SALE: TRAMPOLINE, $100; solid wood coffee table. EC. $100. 998-8957. **LGS HOMES** Singlewldes & doublewldes. Affordable prices, quality built, dependable senrlce. Factory Direct Since 1937.3995 Patterson Ave. 910-767-7565. Winston-Salem. Ask lor Odie PetMns.__________________ ••NEW REPO’SII REPO’StI REPO'SIl 2 & 3BR SW s & DW's. Easy financing. Oakwood Factory Outlet of Salisbury. 704-633-1107. ••NO RENT OR HOUSE PMTS.** After 4 yrsll Factory rebuilt mobile homell $599 dn. & 48 monthly, pmts. of $122.76 ea. al 13.5% Call Oakwood Mobile Homes. Salisbury Location onlyl! 704-633-1107. *1 ONLY* beautiful new 4 BR mobile home. $215.31/mo. Call 704-633-1107. Oakwood Salisbury Onlyl_____________________________ 1984 FLEETWOOD 14X72 2 br. 1 1/2 bath, washing machine, dryer, ref. stove, central a/c. electric heat. GC. After 5 p.m. 998-0927. ■ TST TIME HOME^buyerV’'Nd credir “ req. Choose your own pmt. 910- 744-0688.________________________ 3BR REPO ON large country lot 1 mile from Oavie County. Assume pmls of $253.1-888-203-6128. 69 FORESTBROOK BY Skyline 2 BR. 2 BA. VGC. 998-7468. 96 REDMAN, 14X70. 3 BR 2 BA. Central air. W/D. 492-7829. A DOLLAR & a deed is all you need. 1-888-203-6128.____________ ABANDONED HOME ALREADY set up in park-no equity. 910-744- 0688.____________________________ FACTORY REBATES UP to $800 & your firsl 2 pmts. Call for details. Accent Mobile Homes.1.800-593-7814 3856 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem. NC We have park spaces available. FOR SALE: 1965 14x60 Mobile home, extra clean, new Inside. 2 decks, window AC. washer/dryer, stove, ref. 2 ceiling fans. $8,500. Call after 9 p.m. (704) 492-5335. FOR SALE: 79' 14'x70' mobile home. $5,000.463-5883.__________ QOOD JOB? NO credit?! Call Accent Mobile Homes. 1st time buyer program. 1-800-593-7814. 3856 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, NC. We have park spaces available. LAKE HOME: CUSTOM built mobile home. Take over pmts. of $210/mo. w/$971.90 dn. Easy financinq. Call 704-633-1107. FOR SALE: WHIRLPOOL ref. EXECUnve COUNTRY 4BR. 3 1/2BA. double Mlch«n, satellite & secunty tystenw. Between Mocksville & SUtetvWe. $1250/mo. + dap., pet OK. 704-276-1717._______________. SMALL HOUSE IN Mocksville. Ideal for couple or single. $ ^5 . Ltortard Realty. 634-;^S0. 634- 5020. H o m o s F o r S a lo AOVANCI, W R , 2 1/2BA, brick rtnchw on 4 1/2 acres. Double alUclMd garage, finished baamwnt, new roof, AC & more Improvenwils. 998-7271._________ FOR S A U : 4BR, 2BA house In M o cknlt. LocatKt In Historic •ГМ. *78,000. Leonard Realty. 834-3680 or 834-3875. slde-by-slde, water/lce dispenser, HOME, $400.284-63eS. 10 16 д с га а FMMWIOTONI, all wocdwl, $80,000; 1.801. *80,000; 31 асгм — - Couimey Flre Depl. ÜOOOfaa». U ig * acre tracta- 0«vl* a euíroundng countoa. 9S8- 3808.___________________________ 10 A C R U W /IW nC . *35,000. 986-2888.______________________ L4xn-L 2Э«- A C R U Yadkki Со., vo y awkided. woodad, atraam, axcMwil tor hunting, *34,900. D401-W 3 Ma, aadiovar 1 acra, mobito or 8Ы. «Ma honiee. Nanea Qrav* Rd., YaiUn Со., *8800/aa. PInovIaw Faima U nd A Dav.- - .eonMnA.Hoilaaa.Bi 01048043Ú M R , C IN TH AL naighbortiood, for wSSpala.4»2-7482. .. M A u r m tivI heúaa, fmga bam. NOTICE: TO WHOM II May Concem: Patricia Gordon (Trish) is free, while, single, and over 21.1 do not answer to my family or ex in­ laws for anything. Any harassment in my private or work life is mohibiled and Is a ciiminal offense. Back off. Stay off my back permanently. This means you Wendy, especially you. This Is your last warning. No exceptions allowed. Anyone wishing to obtain Information concerning me will talk directly to me o' it is none of your business. I just may tell you so. 998-4679. Office Spaces FOR SALE OR lease: 1500 sq. II. ol office space behind Shell Station al Hwy 801 & I-4C, Advance (Hillsdale). 996-5375.______________ SALEM CENTER OFFICE Park. Located near Bermuda Run & Oak -ValleyoH l-4a.a|.lhe.comer-ot Hwy. 801 & Yadkin Valley Rd. Affordable office space available from 100 sq. ft. lo aoOD sq. ft. Available foi Immediate occupancy. For details call 910-760-2921 or 5D2-5B4- 4213. Personals DIVORCED, WHITE MALE, 42, unmarried w/children. Looking for single white female 26-45, small- medium build. Children OK, smoker OK. 704-637-9097. BEAUTICONTROL COSMETICS: for products or Career info. Call Jenny Turner, 634-2567._________ REPAIR; and holes LAND/HOME AVAILABLE. I . can alford to own. PACKAGES you pay rent you 1.910-744-0688, FOR SALE: WHITE GE stove w/2 ovens, $75: fireplace insert w/bkiwer, $250. Call 284-6209. FOR SALE: ‘83 30tt. monitor admiral fifth wheel travel trailer, EC, $7500. 492-5438._________________ LOG CABIN GIFTS Jewelry, yard ornaments, hand crafted gifts. Entrance lo . Lake ti^ersW Resort, Hwy 64V«. Open Daily. Closed on Tues. SONY 10 DISC CD changer for auto. EC, $200 neg. Call Mike 634- 3814.___________________________ STEEL BLOOS, BUILT lor you: 2 car garages, large warehouses, many One-of-a-Klnd; fastest del. Call 1-800-638-2884.______________ S T U L BUILDtNa CLEARANCEI Selling alt reposaawlom and canceled ontera. Their loss, your gain. 25x38, 30x44, 50x90. No reasonable offer refused. Easy financing. Call today. 1-800-222- 8335. ___________[____________ W IU BUY JUNK cars. 284-2859 or 834-4335. M o tjile H (;m e s /H L M it 2 BR, M OBILI home (or mA. Bull Hole area. 996-9614.______________ 2ВЯ, CIN TIUU. AIR. n « r Lee Jean», $325 tent. $326 dtp. 492- 6897. _____ LEADER HOME SALES New homes, new program, no money dn. Cali today for details. 634-0503.________________________ LEE'S MOBILE HOMES-Norwood. NC 800-777-8652. Bargains, close outs specials. 40 new homes, 28X52, $27,999; 28X80, $38,999; 28X64. $32,999; 24X56, $25,999; 14X80, $19,999, incl. 4’ hitch. Open 7 days. MORTQAQE COMPANY ^A S several DW’s & SWs set up on acreage! Pay $300 in fees & move in! Call 704-633-1914, ask for Allen.____________________________ MUST SELL1! ‘96. 2BR. 2BA, $189/mo., gas fumace, stove & gas hot water heater. Special order, vinyl siding, shingle roof, set up. del, A/C. steps, tax. title & Insur. Call Ted 634-0503.________________ ONE ONLY! BEAUTIFUL new Fleetwood. 2BR. $699/dn., only $14e.56/mo. 1-800-593-7814. Accent Mobile Homes, 3856 N. Patterson Ave.. Winston-Salem, NC. CARPET RESTRETCHES ...u repaired at low prices, most jobs done same day. Call 634-1232. CORNATZER & SONS For all your outdoor needs: Grading, Hauling (mulch, gravel, etc.). Tractor Work, Biishhogging & More. CallusTodaytl 998-8258 998-5223 996-8909 D & Q CONSTRUCTION Additions, decks, fences, remodeling, new construction, roofing, general home repairs. 12 yrs. exp. Pree Estimates. 998-5690. DAVIE VACUUM A Paging. 101 N. Main St. Pagers w/1 year service. $169.95. Tons of used vacuums in stock. We service all makes & models. 634-1947.________________ LINK’S SEAMLESS GUTTERING Richard Link • Owner Free Estimates ____________634-3248____________ PAINTINQ Remodeling • Home Repairs Large or Small Free Estimates JAMES MILLER 998-8340 USED singiewidei Willfinanc< DOUBLEWIDES * JS from $1000-$15,000. finance. 910-744-0666. w e PAY TOP dollar $$ for your present mobile home, paid for or not. Call Ted today. 634-0503. *94 BRKUDIER, 2 BR, 2 BA. on private lot. Great condHton. $19.900.996-1691._______________ *97, 2BR, 2BA, 14X70, front Mtchen, w/sllding glass doon, microwave, dishwasher, set up & dd., w/A/C. i t ^ , washar & dryer. taxM. title feet & Inaur. AN for $169/niK). Galt - 634^3503 todayl! Aak for Wanda or Ted. . PRESSURE CLEANING: All Types siding, clean and waterproof decks, patios, driveways and walkways. 264-4277.________________________ R A D PRESSURE Washing Satisfaction Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 940-5267. TRANSMISSIONS. ENQINES, TUNE-ups. oil changes etc. Quality work done by ase master auto technician. Call for appointment or estimate. Kevin Wright 492-7660. VCR CLEANINQ A Repairs. Vogier's TV Servk:e. Advance. Visa & MC accepted. 998-6172. WHITTAKER PAVING Paving, Seal Coating, Hauling Gravel Cali for Free Estimates ____________492-7620____________ WILL CLEAN HOMES or offices. Reasonable rates, fee estimates. 996-2907. ________________ WILL SIT FOR eklerty. MocksvUle area. 634-0166. Good ref. TRAVEL: BAILEY A Toura. July 26. 1 day B u rlir)^, $15.00; Au^. 9, Howard AM. nice non-amolwra, PIANOTUNINQRepairiraAR^iklinfl , 8 Ы м ^^\!!св ' Wallace Barfoid 996-2789 R B IfrTO O W № re»lyto m o vein . 2 A 3BR moMehomea. 634-1218. nUULBNB FOR RENT. Water fumlahed.- Loealed on Turrentlne Chiircti Rd. C ll 9|P'2396 iMve ------------------- Theater, lunch at Martha W a s h ir ^ Inn (included), $52.00; Aug. 2d; JubHM Junction, dinner A entertainment, $30.00: Oct. 17-19, Nashville, TN.. $316.00, (4 seats eft); Oct. 31. Nov. 2, Lancaater. PA., Henhay, Amiah Tour (4 meala Ind.) Readbw, PA.. Shopdr». D- $160.00; T4149.00; ^ $ . 0 0 : FWng 2nd Bua! Nov. 15th, Annual A""*yoi!h!’ bac?6^^&yrtle Beech', . ¿hrtatmM ahowa, Carolina Opiv. L e o a ^ , 2 meala Indudad. .D-$130.00: Dm . 14, BHtmore Houar Qardane, W ln ^ , 1 meal, . Deer Park Inn Reataurant, 164.00. FOR SALE: *90 Chevrolet Stationwagon, 94+K. w/mobile phone. Caudel! Lumber Co. 634- 5666.____________________________ MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE: ‘81, 165 Yamaha w/2000 miles, $400; '88 Kawasaki 454 Ltd., 2800 miles. $2000 EC. 910-768-9820 ext. 155 or after 5:30pm 910-650-0612. SAUSBURY MOTOR CO. BuIck - Dodge 700 W. Innes St., Salisbury __________704-636-1341__________ VEHICLE FOR SALE: 88 Ford Festiva, $600, AC, AM/FM. 940- 5073.____________________________ '71 JEEPSTER, fair condition. 996- 3636.___________________• '62 EL CAMINO, V-8 aulo, $1500 obo 634-7903.____________________ '66 FORD Escort. 4 sp., runs great, cruise control. AC. $350. 284-4211.________________________ '69 b l a z e r ; $6500 910-998-7239. " ALWAYS BUYINQ STANDING timber. Will cut lots, top dollar paid. Call 704-637-9097.________________ BUYINQ PINE A hardwood timber, delivered logs & long pulpwood. Shaver Wood Products, inc. 704- 278-9291.________________________ WANTED: I AM buying Antiques, fumilure, glassware, tools, individual items or entire Estates. No small appliances. Attic to basement. 910-961-6454. Employment ALLIED SECURITY, INC. has a 3rd shift position open in the Mocksville area. Applicants musl be able to pass a omg screen & have a clean criminal record. We offer a great hrty. wage, free uniforms, paid holidays. 401K, paid vacation, & great advancement opportunities. Por more info, call Rachel at 634-4797 ext. 165. EOE M/F/D/V._________________________ ATTENTION! APPLICATIONS WILL be taken on Sal. July 19th 9 a.m .-12 noon & on Tues. July 22nd 6 p.m.-9 p.m. lor full and part time employment. Experienced cooks, wailresses & disn washers will be needed for new family style restaurant opening In Sept. in Mocksville. Apply in person al Potman's Restaurant, 678 Wilkesboro St. Mocksville. N.C. Sile of Ihe old Hardee’s Building._______ CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS needed to provide home care servtees lo homebound patients in Davie County. 1 yr. of exp. as a nursing assistant & NC aide registry listing req. To obtain an application call 1-800-737-0604 or write: Director. 108 Wind Chime Ct.. Raleigh. NC 27615. CNA'S CHOOSE YOUR shift! Certified Nursing Assistants needed for all shifts in A near Davie County. 1 yra. exp. req. Sign up bonusi Call Bayada Nurses. 723- 1000.__________________________ CONCRETE HELPER, TRAVEL req. Drivers license preferred. Call 264-4369. Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm for аррШ оп. EEO. Ei^ployment CRESCENT ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP Corporation currently has Ihe following position available. Applications will be accepted by the Employmeht Security Commission ot North Carolina through Tuesday, July 22, 1997,4:30 p.m. Cost Accounting Clerk, Slatesvllle Headquarters, 567 MocksviUe Highway, Slatesvllle, NC 26687 ■ For further delails, contact: Employment Security Commission. 1907 Newton Drive, Statesville, NC 28677; Employment Security Commission, 1376 Highway 601 South, Mocksville, NC 27026. : Crescent EMC Is an equal opportunity atflrmative aclion employer It is Ihe company's policy to afford equal opportunity to. all qualified employees and applicants for employment without regard lo race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age ciilzenship, veteran status, or handicap._______________ DENTAL ASSISTANT II: We need an enthusiastic, motivated and ..certified.asslstant.to join our.team._ In a qualily oriented family practice. Plus le call 704-284-2595. DRIVER EXP. TEAMS: top pay, top W/C miles, lop equip. & home time. Quick app. turnaround. 688- 564-6289.________________________ DRIVER; RECENT GRADUATES. New lo driving? Top miles. Top pay, & benefits. All HOOD ileet. Call 600-946-6723.________________ ELECTRICIAN NEEDED: Osborne Electric. 634-3396. appt. only. HAIR DRESSERS WANTED to tent booth space, 2 booths available al Designers Loft, 634- 2318._________________________^ HOUSEKEEPERS NEEDED PT & FT. Apply In person: Comfort Inn, 1500 Yadkinville Rd.___________^ LIGHT INDUSTRIAL P O S m O M S available, will train. & background check. Also ____ exp. molders, routers & Tennoher area. hine opera I. ADECCO 910-744-5600. • REASONABLE RATES • FREEESTIMATES^ • CLEAN AND SEAL DECKS • - (7B4) ШЛЛПЛ Mocksville, NC-' BROW N SERVICESUwn Mowine, Mulch к Pine Nmlle SpreadiAg, Guttfr Ckanine. Stiull Почег Qatdnu 'П!Ы.' Pluaine.RM«dini. Fertilulngof LíSTii. Fallen UmtM&DnuhCutUpatUultdOff. - QUAUlYWOIiK.FKIESflMAIB ! 998-9aW • ^ fin is h e s ^ ^Fumilure Reflnlshing & Reslonlion Custom WoodworkingRickMiceli (704)492-2060 quaiity craftsmanship for 30 yean. O A S H PAID FOR ANTIQUES. PARTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAU TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE DAVIE СОШТУ еШ шШ Е RECORD, JHly 17, M 7 ^17 e i i A S S I F I E D S I N E X H iiN a V E FROFTEABLÆii ЖШН01Р1А($,Е. Seeking full-time mechanteally incHned person to work In sates and installation. • ExpwlMM PrriBrrari • wm lyahi•9PaMNoHd4«•nUdVMaUon• NMBhwCronlmtniiM • Proffl M aring/H iH ramaHt PUn• Salary iMttf M ExptriMM IKTHE PHONE ПАСЕ, MC.121 DapetSlnet ■ lllockwM8,IIC 27021 BISeuiTVILLE HAS A NEW JOB FOR YOU! C A S H m t * H S C IIIT M A K IIIS W R A P P E IIt . COOKS Apply At BIscultvllle In Clemmons Mon. - Sat. 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. or Sun. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Norma Vogler 919-766-7768 •Good starling Pay .Free Meals •Paid Vacation «Insurance Plan •Bonus Plans •Never Work NIgtils •Uniforms Provided «Full Or Part Time ■il I Steve ÿ rn ie s iarpet ClMning ^ 7 0 4 2 4 № а в 4 ^ * Carpet & Upholstery Cleening ■* Homes, Businesses aChurches * WaterOamage Extraction Sewice * Over 15 Years Experience* EBEEEstimatos lleefcsvlMe,NC HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT SELUNG THE TIMBER OFF YOUR PROPERTY? WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR STANDING TIMBERmMBERLANO CALL 704-878-9784 5 OR MORE ACRES Ê M inltaitLum lierCo. 1712 Hickory Hwy. iMa.N.C.28ei Employment neg. PO Box 42, LIVE-IN CAREGIVER needed. Must be dependable, eble to lift, light housekeeping. References checked. Salar ' Mocksvllle, NC____________________ NOW HIRING A T K-Mart In Clemmons. PT & FT, flexible hrs. Exp. front end Supenilsor, Associate w/exp. & 3rd shift slocker w/exp. Please apply any day Irom 9am-9pm.________________________ OAK VALLEY GOLF Club Grill seasonal help needed, 1-2 days, weekends only. Call Joan 940-2000 or apply al Grill. PART TIME weekends, very light work. 704-492-2430. HELP, mostly .................;. Call D A V IE F A M IL Y WowtefciM lHiHcàtkm tiir PERSON TO CLEAN private homes, FT, Mon-Fri. Good ^ ^a^Aeneflts. Cloverfleld's. 760- PT a F T positions available, 2nd i ■ 3rd shlftsi for Support Staff In group - homes lor persons with developmental disabilities. Apply al: RHA. 128 E. Kerr St., SalliSuTy or 211 Roseman Ln., Cleveland. PT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: .approx. 20 hrsMk; will have widely veried tesponsibllltles Including production of quarterly newsletter, assisting wHh programs and special events, some clerical duties and much more. Must be creative, have outgoing personality and enjoy wo№ g with senior adults. Must have computer exp. $7/hr. App. may be obtained at Oavie Co. Senior Center. 622 N. Main St., Mocksville, NC. or call 704-634- 0611,_____________________________ STAFF POSITIONS ARE open for all age groups at Imagination Station child care center. For more Inlo, please call 492-7818 between the hrs. or 4pm 8,8pm. POSITION AVAILABLE M t СмИу li Мккч и М М М Ь IM 88 tllim Св81«и 1» l l tk i п а м й ч l i p i r t u t M a ry га я и - I t f O M - llM I t 0 м *8 Я М М и M N lt M a n M l M M Ik •lllN C iM ly ^ih intlf i a tiltl l t Ш вт шШйШп в и t i иЩ ц, м >«М ||ц щ • 8l» trM t» a tiiil|M i yr tlH ir i M I f M i 8 M | n r e i 0 i p t r H M * > H l» « 8 p w 1я »«H pirtw u ) t M i i r ptaM km « ttk м Г a iM la a M . A ai m O M M . N M M II trini M ■ррИваМ ia< Г8ММ* It Mr. Мм М М п , Ои1§ СмМу Ркмкч MrtMr, m t. 1Мя II, ¡M m M í, W n o n. M ü a w w w m j Wa it r e s s N e e d ó ) (iill-Time & Part-Time 6am • 2pm & 5pm ■ 10pm!; - Apply tntjenon... V, I C o u n ^ S i d e 1' R e s t a u r a n t Hwy. 601 South (at the Ellis Centi^) Mocksville MAINTENANCE HELPER/VAN DRIVER MUST HAVE CLEAN DRIVING RECORD. GOOD BENEFITS. COMPETITVE PAY. ApplylnpinontoCKOICnwlonl MoihFrior call (704)634-3535 tor mon Inhmmtlon /iUTUMNCARE ^OFMOCKSVlLiE i HomeMax''. a subsidiary of Zan'rig National Corporation (NASOAQ:ZHOI^i has an opening for a Viilage Control!^: for its model home village in Modcsvilli. North Carolina. Responsibilities Include processing all viilage account receivables/payables. and cash deposits, preparing monthly closing and pavroll reports, maintaining the general ledger, and performing administrative support as needed. -Cu:-iific3iions for this position include t ■ an accounting degree or related T* baciiground, two year's experience with computerized aaounting systems, and. strong PC spreadsheet siiills. Please send or fax resume with cover • letter stating salary and position desired to; •; IMr. Tommy Ueyd DlrwtorelHunwllwoweee : M IO & tM M nfM K R aM fK N C iM Fax: ltl.M1.M0eHilfwtaiif/em (CX P O S ITIO N A V AILAB LE D a v ie C o u n ty is s e e k in g a n in d iv id u a l to s e rv e a s B u ild in g C o d e s In s p e c to r. H ir in g R a n g e - $24,934-$28,865 S u c c e ssfu l a p p lic a n t p e rfo rm s w o r k in the e n fo rce m e n t o f state a n d loca l cod es. C o n s id e ra b le tact a n d firm n e ss re q u ire d . A p p lic a t io n s m u s l b e se n t lo: W . O . W h a le y , D ire c to r o f In sp e c tio n s 123 S o u th M a in Street M o c k s v ille , N C 2 70 28 (7 0 4 )6 3 4 -2 7 9 1 S P o sitio n o p e n u n til filled. tDavie County is an equal opporUmily employer. & D I E T A R Y D E P X . Long term facility Dietary Dept, haa opaning for part time dietary aide 2nd ehlft (11 am • 7:30 pm). Alto part time relief cook for 1st shift (5:30 am • 2:00 pm). Experience preferred. Excellent benefits and tMork environment 4ppiy Al penon to Cirof CrawIM 9:0IM.-00 lloihFrt or call (704) 934-3535 C N A ’ s To Cover Davie County AllShifts Part-Time & Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certified 910-768-1197 Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. Winston-Salem ‘771* homlomi company, m'tl Inti you Wit you'dexptct.' JTUMNCAREMOCKSVILLE iM THew M ia. UocknUlt,NC 17121 (7«4) 13445» B A L I C O M P A N Y THE BAU COMPANY IN 8TATE8VILLE, N.O., A LEAOiNO MANUFACTURER OF WOMEN'8 INTIMATE APPAREL. HA8 TH I FOLLOWMM POamONa AVAILABLE ON SECOND AND THIRD 8 H I I ^ • IIOUW« OPERATORS • M0LDCHANGER8 • MATERIAL SPREADERS BAU COMPANY OFFERS COMPITITIVE PAY RATI8 AND AN IXC ILLIN T BOHFITB PACKAOE.INCLUDINQ: • IMIeal/Dmtalh»uiinee • CoMpMyMdlMlnaMninaii• FneUtelmwanei »MlClonin• FneMaMWylnsuitnea • FMEmptoyie Stock GtnMnMp •TPaMHoHdaya •PraDMwiInt• PaMVieaUon • EntployitDlaeounlSiM• CradH Union TO APPLY FOR ONE 0FTHE8E P08ITK)N& PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION. m - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 17,1997 Davie Dateline R e l i g i o n Sunday, July 20 li MMon D«y, C«br Citck Mb- Лвш у Biptkl Chuith. 3 p.m. Sister Edna Allen will be guest speaker. Public invited Jiiy20-24 VBS, Center United MethodM Church, ■TVomlse Buildcn",Sumlay.5:30p.m. Ntort* ‘n»ur..9a.m.-noon. Monday. July 21 SliigksMcctin8.Gre«nMc«lo»3 B4)tbt Cbttith, 7 p m Christian fun & fcDow-ship Шй'*л by bowling. Call Ш (Л и for ii> tails. July 21-23 В1Ые School, Epbeopal Church оГ the AscffHion al FoHc, 7*8:30 p.m. All ages. Adult class taughi by the Rev. Kennit Bailey Mon. dklbes. Rev. & Mrs. Edwin Bailey will teach Wed. CraAs, refitshmenLs, fellowship foreN-eowe. For more info.call Kim Pons or Bryan Eagle July 21-25 M m donltM om ^SunrteB alloonA d- «mturc. Ages 3*8ih grade. 6:30-8:45 p.m. Call99843W forinfa Saturday, July 26 VBS,HM4lbonl}nltcdMdho(UslChurch. 9 a.m.-4 p.ra Ages 2-9ih grade. Come join the adventure. Sunday, July 27 Annual Sunday School Р Ы с , Epbcopd • -Churth ofthe AscenUonat Fork. Wotihip- Ser% ice & Holy Euchrist. 11 a.m. Scrvicc to includc spccial masic & Bible commence- mcnL Cookout. 12:30 p.m. For mote info, call Awlon Pons. July27-Aug,1 VBS, Satiffl Utited Mrthodfal C hunh, "Celebrate Jesus", 7-9 p.nt Ages 2-adulL July28-Aug.1 BibleSchool,Failh&VktofyFamilyWor. .ship Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. 7-9 p m ' Tbe Citcleof Friends Ranch. Being Friends M a riju a n a F o u n d A t A c c e s s A r e a A Charlotte man was arrested on cIiugchargeslastweckinDavieCounty. GaithAlanBishop.25,wascharged with possession of marijuana, posses­ sion with intent to sell and deliver marijuana and possessionof drugpara- phemalia. ■ According lo Dclective N.L. Tur- renUne o f the Davie County Sheriffs Depanment, Bishop was arrested at the wildlife access area on N.C. 801 aher he was discovered to have 6.5 ounces of marijuana. Bishop was placed in the Davie Coum y Jail under a $10.000 secured bond. He will face these charges in Davie Coum y Districl Court Sept. II. Man Charged With Shooting In Trailer A Davie Coum y man was oiresied for assaulting liis girlfriend by siiool- ing a gun inside their mobile home on N .C SO llastw eeli. George Otis "Fuzz" Jacobs, 5 1, was charged widi assault wilh a deadly weaponandplacedinflieDavieCounly Jail under a S2.S00 unsecured bond, acconling to Davie County SherifTs Deputy R.E. Boger. .WhenofrK*tsanived,hisgirifriend, Judi Shephenl Crepps, 3S, had run ttom Ibe trailer unharmed with the .22 lifle he used, accoiding to Cooleemee Police Chief Tim Woolen. Theie was a bullet hole through the trailer, which appeared to have been made lin n Oieinside, Woolen reported - .Jacobs had b a n drinlting prior lo the Incident, accoiding to Boger. H e is scheduled to appear in Davie County District C oun Aug. 14. —-----■- »»■----------B A M w iMC w o n w w o i r a n n a p o n s H o u w W M S U i n h D m i « A California woman reported last week that a house she ow ns in Davie Counly had been stolen. Evelyn Ruth TifHn, 63, o f Long Bcach, Calif, repotted lo the Davie C am ty SherifTs Depaitmenlthalatwo bedroom k>g cabin left to her in her i n o ^ s will had been removed from the site w hen it had been located off GteenhiU Road for about 200 yean. ' A c co rd in g to Deputy W .L. Wliilesides,acousincalledloieUrifrui Ibalhehadgooetolookatlbecabinand found only the chimney remaining. Tifdncalledaneighbortaseeifshe imewaiiythiit|rtMUtthecabUi'sdisap- pcanoce and w as told a cousin from K in i had slopped to ask the neighbor ior « K d flag lo attach to the k)ga as he d n w iw u y . : ,m M d n .w to | iv e a a e siim a le d i i M l * r f l A 0a O iv lh e lJ X lO si)u a n f e i U M k « U n i v « l i p d a a U c a ii - with Jeit№" prognun. Modem westem ad- vcnnur reanuing fun, cralb, music and nctivv Bible learning. Ages 3-17. Nuneiy for cWt- dien under age 3. For more info, call 634* 4611. R e u n i o n s > Sunday, July 20 A nnual M cC ullough Reunion, McCullough Atbor, Deadmon Rd., noon. Bring picnic basket. C ani a Gamta, East Room. 1:30- 4:30 p,m.RSVPSe«l4"*'.KVP0roce,9n.m.-l p.m.-Thjrsday,July24 Senior Chonu, East Room, 3 p.m. Friday, July 25 W oodm ridai C lM , Cnft Room. 8:30- 11:30a.m. Brld|t, East Room, 2-5 p.m. Monday, July 28 CoohnnceClub. Finrt Baptl« CTurch ftl- lowshipHall, 10a.m. Dot Dayl of Summer Covfred D U i № - nk. Jaicho.Haidison Rurilon Qub, S p.m. Ongoing SBvcr Striden. Brock Gym. 6:30>9 B.m.. Mon.~Fri. SiKvr Stridcn. Cooleemee School. 6-8 AdvMice Rotili t Gift Bakefa!f^?easr (tiO)MO-«337 _ _ Я в Ш 1 Л В Ш - Flowiiifor att Oeeasioiu: S H t e r * s ü cfM ccksvllte •34-1Ш M e e t i n t f 3 Saturday, July 26 Diyie County Republkan Men's Fcdcr»- tkm. F&F Botbecue. 7:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 4 Davie County Board of Commlakmen, 1 p.m.,July21 meeting cancelled. â s n j Q B . Call 634-0611 for more info. Location is Brock Center unless noted otherwise. Thursday, Jiiy 17 Senkr Chonis, East Room. 3 p m. Friday, July 18 W oodw w Ui« C tai. Craft Room, 8:30* 11:30 a.m. Brklfr. East Room, 2-S pra Monday, July 21 Advance Club, Baplist ftlloiwhip Hall. ,.)0:30,o..m.__________......................... Tuesday, July 22 OakGm tCKlb.Uailed№ ll»di«Hall.lO ara Beginning BrUge. Rose Room 1-4 pm. B rk ^ , Ea.st Room, 1:304 p.m. R SV P NunbtgHome Party. 2-4 p.tn. Wednesday, July 23 Variety Arts. Craft Room. 8:30-11:30am. Fork Chib, Fork Civic Center. 11:30 am. ^FIRSTâb. G R E E N S B O R O H O M E L O W R A T E S Е О Ш Т У • l8l te 2nd Mortgages • Bill Consolidations• Home Imptoviments • Refinancings, ,• Rates Starting As Low As 8,99% '•> Call for M ortgaie F ro p o u l and Pre-Approval ^(NoCoitorObHgallon) (4101 hb7ô77() • (SOO) (i(i7ô774 First Q r t t n t t m Н о т Equity, Inc. 0 Ю M ain S trw t « North W llkfb tK O , N C 2B689 Еят-а^и MOCKSVIUE SAVING BANK,. a n d aiT pleased l o Z u iic e ^ Ihist and Investment Services Lee Rollins, our Licensed Investment Specialist with Stone Street Financial Services, Inc., is prepared to assist Individual, as well as business clients with their investment strategies. With the myriad of investments available in today’s marketplace, it helps to know lhal an expert is helping you make the right chokes. To obtain hirther information, call 910-940-2420. Stocks Bonds Life Insurance Mutual Funds — Annuities---- 401 (K)s IRAs&SEPs Estste Planning lyusts ■Financial Planniiig" С Ш - iN O G K S v a x i u v m s s iA IK iM О Л6«cuftttM vt by and invtilm*nl csniultinU t>t with UVEST Invetlmtot StrvtcM. £ M«nb«r NASD. SIPC. UVEST it Mwnòtnl ol «ny ЬпыкМ tniMutHsn. SccunbM »re noi t««!» r dKKMrtt: (3) ut iiW MurM 0» guvintMd by tht FDIC or m otMf eovtnvrwrt 0) if# not t o3i5ttonsot.wguâfifltHdtnf.anyhriificislif»6n«*3n;ândWlrt*okeinv«tmertnsks,eickx»n9lhe - pc*iitiiltefauctuiboB»lnlnvt«wi«nif>h)rnindiBtpo<<<iMllo»io»pnnop»l._________________ iS fiA H S l MOCKSVILLE, NG A L L O N S A i f ! It's tiie last 3 days of our Semi-Annual Sale and all home appliances & home electronics are on sale! Plus...look (or the red tags throughout pur store for special savings on even more items! №699 _____T L — I ---------: 5 8 8CxtpUomlVWut21.0 cu. ft.’ refrigerator with adjustable shelves, gallon door storage, meat drawer and twin crispers. Jim 1 9 9ThnucnJu>y 26. Rc«. 229199 lowtti prict flvtr! im$30 Hoover Steam Vac Deluxe cleans carpets, bare floors and upholstery. Self-contained... includes cleaning solution and attachments. WMtarftdiyerpileM«lMtat|u<l$U9Meh 'шт !;V iwa SSO RCA 32-In. TV with color pichire-in-picture and iS S S sS iig'J broadcast stereo. MasterTouch unlveisal remote. ____ O M » . « ! » » » . » « - - - - ' - « - - « - - « « « A t a l t ^ t i ’steieowltliWisc n «* t2 0 RCA 32-ln. TV without ^ ^ ra -l^ p lc tu i«. CD changer and lull logic dual ---------M M 9 Sears low price cassette deck, t o « » iiBJiso) a i u i a 2 9 9 * * PN IU PSI 1 7 9 * * Magnavox hl-li VCR with multi-brand remote and VCR PIU5+ programming, ¡»»(».»viiofai) C r c r f H m a n : A m e r i c a ' s b r a n d ! 1 7 9 * * Craftsman 5-HP, 22-In, hl-wheel mowtf with Ea(ar-I engine and vK edge deck. 14-in. rear wheels pn»ld« added maneuveiabillty over rough and hilly terrain, awn ' 1 1 9 9 “ 5ЙУВГ'- Ciiltsmin 1&5-HP, 42-In, lawn tiactar, Tuibo cooM Platinum engine,.6-WMd fender shtft. 9 9 * * a . Ybur chok»: ae-voK cordless drill with battery pKk and case or 16-gal. wet/dry vac with S ptak HP motor, nu. m и и са и е о и и н и ш а а и а ц ш як ш ш м ш т шюш о и ш ю ш а м к ipi an. • M7 tiM. (Мик M Ci. M Ê Ê f lJ Х н м | | Г м у 1* "ТАс Bton ÿoN know ià nov close to home” : Stolen Goods Found I ; iTTiree Teens Arrested After Early Friday Spree Page? ' Softt)all Summer Victory, Village Cue Winners In Mocksviile-Davie Recreation Leagues Page 81 D A V IE C O U N T Y 8 0 « E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R D U S P S 1 4 W 6 0 T h u rsd a y , J u ly 2 4 .1 9 9 7 'Old Cherry Hiir Historic Davie Begins To Restore Old Church Once more iiv are sathered togallwr, And O how it make our hearts thrill, To meet wilh im rfrieniis ami our ioveti ones. Again an the O ld Cherry H ill. We played here logelher as children. Gathered in sunshine o r rain. This /lOHit'coraiiig day w e'll l)c happy and gay, and renew old aaiiiainlance again. By Mike Barnhardt b a v ie C o u n ly Enierprise R ccord : "T h e O ld C h c rty H ill" w ill not be forgoUen. Pearl B a sk in s nnd A n h u r R u lh w rote Ihe so n g in 1954, nearly 3 0 years after C h e rry H ill Lutheran C hurch, o r the Reform ation C h u rc h as II w as kn o w n w hen built in 1873. B u t Ihe church b uild in g still .stands In southern D a v ie C ounty, w here C h e n y H ill a nd Point roads meet. A n d e very year, descen­ dants o f original m em bers gather lo celcbraic their heritage, to renew o ld acquaintances, to w o rsh ip at the "o ld cherry hill," Se rvice s b egin S u n d a y at 1 1, w ilh a m essage b y the R ev. K a rl ■ Parlt, m ire d Lutheran m inister and arcliives coordinator for Ihc N .C . Lutheran S y n o d , A covered-di.sh lunch w ill follow . T h e annual h o m ecom in g this year w ill lake o n a special m ean­ ing. H istoric D a v ic h as taken on the o ld church a s a restoration projcct, w ilh hopes o f b rin gin g it to its original luster, o f gelling Please See O ld C h e n y H ill-P a g e 4 The steeple will require extensive renovation. Sharon Eamhardt, Terry Deadmon, TIppi Miller, Julia Patton and Andy Beauchamp stand Inside old Cheny Hill Lutheran Church, discussing restoration possibilities. -P hdotliy Robin FMguMon Town Considering For Business Uses N e arly 5 0 acres o f land o n V a l­ ley D riv e and Y a d kin viU e R o a d from H w y. 64 W e st to Squire B o o n e Plaza could be rezoned for h igh w a y b usiness next m onth. M o c k s v ille T o w n P la n n in g B o a n l m em bers u nanim ou sly ap­ proved a plan b y the tow n lo re­ zone Ihe land, from Y a d kinviU e R o a d to V a lle y D rive, and on V a lle y D riv e from H w y. 6 4 to Squire B o o n e Plaza. T h e final decision is expected b y the tow n board at its m eeting at 7 p.m, Tue sday, A u g . 5 al tow n hall. T h e area already conuiins se v­ eral businesses, and there htivc been requests in recent m o n lh s for m ore busin ess rezonings in Ihc area, said planning and zon in g d ire ctor Jo h n G a liim o re . T h e m ixe d zon in g classifications cur­ rently Includc business, residen- lial-agricullural and h igh-den sily residential. 'T h e in te n t... is to provide a m ore uniform zon in g classifica­ tion fo r developm ent in that area,"Please See Planning - Paie 4 Ed Kelly Files For Seat On Mocksvlile Board W ith the deadline to file just o ve r a w eek aw ay, a fouith candi­ date has filed fo rase a to n th e M o c k s v i l l e T o w n B o a rd and Ihe fust tw o candidatcsftlcd fo r Ih e B e r ­ m u d a C e n te r S a n ita ry D is - Uicl.EdKelly,35, of ChurchStteet Extension, joins newcomer Lee Rollins and incumbentsJames Wall and Steve Walkerin Ihe race for seals on the Mocksville Town Board. Three seoU will be filled by town voters in November.Two candidates have filed for mayor of Mocksville, Francis W. Slate and Dusty Wheaton.CradySpiywastheonlycandi- doteformayorofCooleemeeasof Monday, and no candidates had filed tor eidier of the two seals on die Cooleemee Town Board.The fiist two candidates to file forthe tw o. four-year seals on the B erm ud a C cn ter Sanitary D isu ic t w ere W ill'a m H am pton G reen, 53, o f P cm b rooke Ridge, and Judy C , Em m in izcr, 48, o f H am ilton Court. F ilin g fo r all offices is open until noo n o n Friday, A u g . 1 at Ihe D a v ie B o a rd o f E lections in the c o u n ly com thouse. F ilin g fee is $5. K e lly, a correctional officer at Ihe D av ie C oncctionalC enler.soid he w ants to help M o c k sv ille con- lin u e to g ro w ."This is a great town to raise a family. It has a lot of good things lo offer," he said, "I would like to be patt of il going into the year 2000,”Keliyhasbeenavolunteerwith the Mocksville Fire Depaitnient since 1981 and has been a Red Cross volunteer for five years. He isagraduateofDavieHighSchool andRowan-CabaiTusConununity College, "I believe dtis is uuly die best place to live and woric," he sakL iFrom Democrat To Republican To Ubertatian... And He Hœnt Changed ¡ayMikcBwiiliutilI Davie County Enterprise Recoid I ' Howell Woltz was a ^ and bred I Siniy CotintyDefflocraL In fact, die wonls "Siinry CiDunty" and "Demociat" wen iredtincjim.; In 1976, things changed. He had just die tenets of die Communist Puty, ;^when Shirley Chisbolmgaveaspeech ; lit die Democratic Convention, he recog- inbed dMse tenets. Not only were they ■UdiiiEallowhaihe had read, diey were in ^ ' T ^ M t t i^ . h e d ia n g e d h is ie g is t r a - io Republican. H e becam e heavily involved in die Republican Party, finan­cially and politically.Last year, he changed again, after lis­tening to the Presidential debates, "Clinton wanted us to grow into bank- niptcy at a rate of 6 percent per annum... and dwse radical Republicans wanted lo slash and bum and take us into bank- mptcy at a rate of 4 peicent per annum."On lop of dial, Woliz found a report fhxn die state auditor about $2.8 mUUon going to private organizations, which is pnihibiledbydieN,C,Constitutioo.There < were tens of diousands of dollars going forastudy oil how Sri Lankan women get pregnai^evenmoiegoingtoput-of-state. Democrats want your money, and theRepul}»- canswant your rights.** •HowBWoltti day care centers. Nnriy a million dollars went to Frei^ner Coip. in OKgon. ■Hiex weie gnhts, niit loans, and fliere were hundreds more.He points it out to Republican offi­ciais, and diey toM him lo keep quiet, lie said. "They told me. diat'show we buy our way inlo office, just like die Democrats do," , :Now. Woliz is a Libertarian.: ^asamemba-ofdiestatelibertar-' ian executive committee, he has a goal of establishing an active branch of die party in each of die state's 100 counties, ¿ven ' people attended an ocganizadonal meet-. ing last yveek in Kteksvtlk. .widi die group's first meeting at 6p.m. Aug. 19« i the Westm.SMer on Hwy. 601.^^ JTfeBaaBiaa» want yow and die Republicans, want your rights,".: Woltzsaid."rvecaughtsomei»e»iyheavy ; tlacic (ftom dw Itepublican Par^), but diisy'ie wrong.".WhUehispany afliUa^ht«diaii|ed.Woltz says his views have reniiioed steady. IndKMrty 197(k.itwasOKlobe conaetvitfvemltDemi^biiheieeQa, Republicw had yet to kmio uw dK people for pditisal gains aa die Deroii-' cr«BhMldaoe.‘v- ; ''IV e w a tiM d b a th p ^ b ^ rv* GhMiei^ngy cnii«e НЬ," he,' i . / V " 4 - Ш ] - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1997 E d ito ria l F^ade C o n t r o llin g S ig n s : It T a k e s B a c k b o n e T o E n f o r c e R u l e s "It 's the sig n s, stu p id ." T h n t's the o p in io n o f B ert B a h n so n , the m a n in all the w o rld w h o c o u ld ju stly add the p hra se, " I lo ld y o u so ." M a y b e it is the sig n s. I f a c o m m u n it y d o e sn 't c o n tro l il's sig n s, w ill c h a o s re ig n su p re m e in its e c o n o m ic d e v e lo p m e n t? T h a t's B a h n s o n 's argu m e n t, an d it is c o m p e llin g . C le m m o n s a n d e aste m D a v ie C o u n t y face a c onstan t battle o v e r s ig n s. C o m m is s io n e rs a n d c o u n c ilm e n stra g g le w ith their d e sire to p ro m o te c o m m e rc ia l g ro w th a n d Ih c c o m m u n it y 's d e sire to ke e p their streets fro m b e c o m in g a ^ I little L a s V e g a s . C le m m o n s fa ced that p ro b le m w h e n C ra c k e r B a rre l's -T c p rc se n la tiv c 's to m p e d o u t-o f a m eeting.- T iie c o u n c il------------- re fu se d lo let the re slau ra n t h av e a s ig n a s tall a s Ih e clou d s. D o z e n s o f p e o p le h a d c ro w d e d in lo Ihe m e e tin g lo de m an d the rig h t to eat C ra c k e r B a rre l's b isc u its a n d g ra v y . T h e repre.senlative sw o re thal the c o m p a n y w o u ld n 't b u ild Ihcrc. It w a s o n e o f the p ro u d e st m o m e n ts fo r C le m m o n s g o v e m m e n t. A w e e k later, the c o m p a n y m e e k ly agre ed lo c o m p ly w ith the rules. D a v ie C o u n iy c o m m iss io n e rs sh o w e d o n ly a lillle w eakne.ss o f re.solve re ce n tly w h e n F o o d L io n a sk e d fo r w a iv e r lo p u l a b ig g e r s ig n o n its n e w store. T h e c o m m is­ sio n e rs vo te d 4-1 to sta y w ith its rules. In this case, Ihere w a s n o threat. T h e store w a s built. T h e g ra n d o p e n in g w a s o n ly w e e k s a w a y. P o litic ia n s are in c lin e d lo w affle. T h a i's w h a t turns Ihe best p la n s in lo sh am b le s. T h a i's w h a l tu rn s a n ice c o m m u n ity in to an eye sore. F o o d L io n w anted to p u t a b ig g e r s ig n o n its n e w g ro c e ry store in H illsd a le . T h e store Is 7 0 0 feet fro m the street. F r o m that d istance, it’s h a rd to se e the sig n . S h o u ld the ra le s b e c h a n g e d b e cau se the b u ild e rs d id n 't p u t Ih e store c lo se r to the street? C le m m o n s is fa c in g an o th e r c ris is o v e r w h a l to d o w ith U .S . 158. B u ild e rs a n d d e v e lo p e rs w a n t il lo b c c o m c a no th er five -la n e nigh tm are . P la n n e rs h a v e d e v ise d a c o m p le x set o f g u id e lin e s lo ke e p Ih c street's atm osp here. B u ild e rs w o u ld be fo rce d to put p a rk in g b e h in d n e w b u ild ­ in gs. S ig n s w o u ld be sm all. V illa g e m a n a g e r D a v id S m ith w o rk e d h ard o n the project a n d su d d e n ly b ecam e the target o f lan d o w n e rs. H e re sig n e d last w e e k w ilh a thre e -m on th se ve ra n c e pay. It realty is the sig n s. C o n t ro l the s ig n s, c o n tro l the traffic flo w , c o n tro l the p a rk in g , a n d y o u m a y be able lo c o n tro l the helte r-ske lter g ro w th that h a s m a n y lim e s c o m e b a c k lo h a u n t us. „ B u l It takes p o litic ia n s w ith b a c kb o n e . It ta ke s the a b ility lo lo o k s lic k d e v e lo p e rs in the e y e a n d in v ite them to fo llo w o u r r a l e s ... o r b u ild elsew here. D e v e lo p e rs hate restrictions. B i g sto re s lik e b ig sig n s. A n d e d g y p o litic ia n s — to o u r a m a ze m e n t — a lw a y s fea r n o o th e r restau ranl w ill w a n t to b u ild here. V o te rs h a v e b e g g e d fo r c o n tro ls. P o litic ia n s sa y they b e lie ve in Ihem . E n fo rc e m e n t is p a in fu l. — D w ig h t S p a rk s In The Mail County Commissioners Catering To Select Few T o Ihe editor In explaining his rcrusal to atlcnil (he constitu- lional convention of 1787, ihm Picrcc advócale of individual liberties. Patrick Henry, staled that he "smell arat." Well, if Mr. Henry were loattend one o f those commissioner meetings, he would surely have to wenrn clothespin on his nose. Over the past year, county ofllcials have made iwomajorrczoningdecisions. Evcnthoughelectcd officials ore supposed to represent the people, our cuncnl ofTtctols are primarily calcring lo a fcAr selected businessmen and ignoring the peoples' wishes. Except for the spccial interests, there was almost no support forthe Hillsdale rezoning and only limited support for the Unifl location. In both cases, county offícials and (heir cronies went behind the peoples’ back and long before any meetings were scheduled or papers signed, nol only agreed lo rezone (he properties in question, but basically agreed lo give the wheeler-dealers in­ volved the keys to (he couniy (ax coffers, tax deferments, county paid sewer and water lines, they're going lo pay for it, but it turns out we're going to give them their money back. Thai is nothing morc than a scam on (he people. And why should senior cidzens living on meager incomes be' asked to subsidize wealthy developers and multi­ millionaire fw iory owners? In the Unifl hearings, residents usked numerous questions concerning utilities. County representa- lives played dumb und claimed not lo have the answers. A few weeks later, a sewer map appeared in Ihe Davie County Enterprise. Couniy ofTicials had already hired some high-priced engineers to Reader Thankful For Local Coverage _...TpjbQ.editon_— - I enjoy the Davic County Enterprise Rccord each week. I look forward to Thursdays ut which time m y copy o f (he D E R arrives and I sit down ipimcdiaiely und devour cach and every word. M y extraordinary loving, and very rem.'irkable sons andlhcirfam ilics,Jocl.Gregg,Tom mcyandMany M cEw en still reside in DavieCounty. so this Is my way of keeping abreast of the happenings in my former home county. I love the school news. I ' fi^ucntly scic ihc names'bf'the mos't wonderful grandchildren in the world. Sammy, Rachel, Kaylu andCoiy. I love m y family and 1 thank Ihe D E R for the wonderful coverage of all Ihc local news. I reside In Valdese. in Burke Couniy. God bless m y family and friends in Davie Couniy. M aggie M cEw en Stephens Former wife of the late Russell M cEw en Valdese draw upnsewermapofeastem Davie. That money might as well have been poured down the drain. ThomasJcffersonwam cdlhar’Govemmcnlwastes the lubopi of the people under Ihe pretext of taking carc o f them." Recently on N B C 's Meet Ihe Press, columnist David Broder made the following statement. "The grculesi and most Imporlunt Ihing thnt any public official cun do is to keep Ihe public trust. Whether he/she occupies the highest oflice in the lund or some local office, he should never do anything lhal even gives Ihe uppeurance of violating that trust." I nsk county honchos if agreeing to this or thal behind the scenes und then scheduling public meet­ ings that are little more than frauds und hoaxes on the people, is that the way to keep the public trust? It is clear thal wc have put the foxes In churge of Ihe hen house. It is no longera question o f whether Ihere will be ony chickens left, but will there be a house? if llie founding faihcri'’wcrc lVwnncS'*iii^^^ shenanigans of today's {x>liliciuns, I uni surc Ihey would ask is this w hy wc risked il all? O r maybe M r. Franklin would jusl lum to M r. Madison and say, it's been a long lime. I was 81 years old, sick with the gout, nnd had to be curricd inlo that convention hall, bul am I confused, or did we give Ihe country back to K ing George? W illiam Plowman M ocksville Davie Needs Manager Who Cares About Saving Lives T o the Editor Being a taxpayer for over 20 years in Davie Couniy, I was shocked and astounded when I rcluned home this week lo rcad in the Е п1сфп$е about Ihc firing of the 911 dispatcher. M ichacl Thom pkins.Ican nolcom prchendhowihiscounty could have such a policy. 1 was completely un­ aware ot such a policy, os arc a lot o f oiher Davic citizens. I am so angry and ashamed o f Ihis policy. I do nol know Michael Thom pkins. bul 1 com ­ mend him for what he did. If i had been him. 1 would have done the same thing. I thank G od for caring people like M r. Thom pkins who pul lives before money. He should be awarded a medal. I called Ken W indley this morning and lold him how 1 fcU abotxK the situation. I read the articlc at a place o f business, so I went loday to purchase a copy of the Enleфrise. so I could rc-rcud it. and I told Mr. W indley I was going to. He usked me if I wanted to hear the true story? I had already lold him thal I was going to write a Ictler to the editor o f the Enleфrisc. I say Ihis with nodisrespect toCotton Edwards. 1 sincerely send to him m y sympathy in losing his wife. I know some o f this conversation wilh Mr. W indley m ay nol seem appropriate al Ihis lime, but I feel in m y heart lhal I have to say it. 1 told M r. W indley how I felt, I lold him that "if I was Colton Edwards. I'd sue the pants off D avi? Couniy". H is rcply lo me was "Colton Edwards doesn't stand a chance." I listened to whal "he" (Mr.W indlcy)s{udwas"thctruestQry".Hcquoted to me that "his (Cotton's) wife was already dead when the E M T got therc". I asked him if "he" (M r. W indley) was there? He said. "no". He said, "they" said she was. I asked him "w ho arc they"? H e replied "the E M T ". 1 toldhim thal was hearsay. D on'l deny this, M r. W indley. because I told you lhal I was going lo write this letter. The other end o f the line got quiet. I asked him "if he was .still Ihcrc?" H e said "yes". I said. "W ell, is lhal all o f your side o f the 'irue' story?" He slated thal " I had alrcady made up m y mind," so I said "Thank you" and hung up. Davie taxpayers, we need lo get this man out of ofTice as county manager of Davie and gel some­ one in Ihcrc w ho thinks m ore o f saving lives, than money. I certainly hope Cotlon Edwards sues, bul lhai's up to M r. &lwards. I personally know and Ihink the world o f Mr. S.T. Dunn. He had lo do what he had lo do. M y feelings toward him will never change, due to this situation lhal he was put in. But lam so deeply hurt lhat a great man like S.T. Dunn was put in this situation, I jusl wonder how he feels aboul ihis policy. A ch ild could call9l I us 1 have always lold m y grandson to do in the case o f an emergency like Ihis. He could be put in the same situation as Cotton Edwards. W c need a "Michael Thom pkins" to console and talk the child through the emer­ gency situation and tell Ihem what lo do until qualiftcd E M T s gel on the scene to lake over. W c desperately been morc Michael Thom pkins' in Davic county, no mailer whal the cost is to re­ spond to 9 1 1 calls. It's done almost everywhere else and so many lives have been saved. It's a proven fact. A s far as the E M T s, they're not as qualified as some people Ihink. I know from experience, as they were called to m y home for m e on one occasion. They and some olher people herc at m y home Ihoughl I might be have a heart aiiock. I was having severe chest pain and pain tunning down m y left arm. I hod alreody laken three "nllros" as prescribed by m y doctor, before I called them. The pain pcnisted, so i did what I was lold to do by m y codiologisl; if the pain persisted get to a doctor. M y cardiologist is in Charlotte. Since Davie Hospital didn't have a cardiologist, I was laken to R R M H in Salisbury. The E M T s could nol start an I.V. They did try. I didn't gel iheir names, hut by nol being able to start an IV . I could have had a m assive heart attack and died. The first responders were herc In seconds after the call. I really appreciate what they did for me. 1 don not know their names either. I was hurting so bad in m y chest lhat 1 really didn't cure who these "gixxI samuritans" werc. But 1 do lhank G od for them, and I lhank Them from the boiiom o f my- heart. So, Wilke up Davie Couniy. Let's gel the ball rolling and get some qualified E M T s and a new county manager, before Ihis unfortunate Ihing happens again. Hal’s off to M ona Polls and M ary Teague for their letters. They said a lot o f things lhat I would have added lo m y letter und they did a greal job on speaking as they did. P.M . Gregory M ocksvillc Letters Wekx)med The Eiuerpriie Kecord welcomes letten bom iu leaden. Ihe letlen may be on topics of local, state. oc Intematiwial issues. An elioit w ill lie made to print all letten provided they are nol libeloui, vulgar, or in pooc taue. Ttw edit« loeivM Ihe rijh t to nlit leden for gnnunar and for space. AU letien should include the name and iddRU of the writer, indudiDg a signaUn. A leleptinie number, not to be publiihed, is also. Fleaaehave letteti inthe newqupcroRice by4pjB.Moalayofllieweektob«piibllslied. D A V IB C O U N T Y E N T E R P R I / ^ E C O R O USPS 149-160 171 South Main Streel Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634-2120 Published weekly by the DAVIE COUNTY PUBUSHIN6 CO. ' Dwight Sparks............. Robin Feiguseon.......... Mika Bamhardt...........Beefcy Snyder.............. ..Editor/Publisher irai Manager .........Managing Editor ..Adveitising Manager Davla Reeont 1916-19SB 189S-1958 P e ilo d i^ Portage Paid In Modiavlle.NC 27028 Subeciiptkxi Rata* Single Copy, SO Cants $20 per yearin Noith Caralln* $ » per year cuHide Nonh CanHina POSTMASTER Sand addreu diangae to: Devie Couniy Enlsiprise Recoid P .g Bai W, Moctovie, NC 27028 Joumtl 1901-1971 Should We Be Exploring On Mars? D uid Baxter MecluvHk rR c Ô r New York ’Yes. To ace if ibeic aic ВШНопш Mocksville *Yes. We need to know what's there.' DAVIE CÓ lJN 'ÍYE^Rm SE RECORD/Jttly 24, Ш т 3 PU Horan Mocksville *1 thfaik we riMuU study | M a n .W e m i|n < lb m « rn in f^ : thloglhatwHhdppeople.* ; M e n ' s W o r k ? W o m e n ' s W o r k ? It 's E v e r y b o d y 's W o r k love lo kn ow the ratio o f m en to w om en w ho reach adulthood w ilh no Idea h ow to iron a shirt o r scram ble an egg. A n d I've often w ondered how m any teenage g irls have had Iheir lives threatened b y a date'.s father as Ihey prepare to g o on a first date. _ F o r .someone with absolutely no experience rearing children, I have developed som e preity strong positions for w hen Ihc tim e finally com cs. I'v e gained a few o f those ideas from w atching I friends w ith their yo u n g children, but m ost o f m y I notions have com e from the adults 1 kn ow and i what I w ish their parents had laught ihem . From Ihc m en In m y life, I have grow n dclcr- iliined to icach any boys ihut iniglit have the m isfortune to be born Inlo m y liouscliold lo pick up after them selves and how lo do their sharc o f the housew ork. .' F in d in g a father for liiose children, w h o w ill agree w ilh m y rather llberaled view.s, m ay nol be so easy. Il w ill be hard to leach children lo do their part If It lakes a callie prod lo rouse Iheir father from h is com fortable seal in front o f the television. ( once knew a yo u n g m an w h o had been livin g on h is ow n for yeare.but w ould drive lliree h o u is hom e to visit h is p.ircnls on w eekends ju sl lo have his m other d o h is laundry for him . ■. F o r years w ell-m eaning m others have pickcd dirty clothes o ff the lloor. laundered them and pul them back w here Ih cy belonged to give Iheir children m ore lim e for things like hom ew ork; football J e a n n e H o u p e L y n n H a ll pracllce’and dance lessons. Som ew here along the w ay m ost o f them realize Ihey need to leach their daughters how lo d o this im portant chore, and Ihose w ith greal foresight even teach Iheir sons. I w ond er if som e o f those m others w ould have done things differently if they had kn ow n lhal som eday Iheir so ns w ould be liv in g on their o w n - w ith dirty clothes strew n from one end o f Iheir apartm ent lo the other hop ing Ihe laundiy fairy w ill visit. W o rse still arc Ihose searching for a w ife to d o It for Ihem . I've been hon-ined lo discover ju sl h ow m any m em bers o f m y generation - m ale and fem ale - have the antiquated view lhal there is such a thing as m en's w ork and w om en's w ork. T hat's nonsense, and a ny c hild o f m ine w ill leam Ihat's w hal it Is. B y the tim e they arc adults, 1 w ant m y children to kn o w how to take care o f them - selve.s. A s Ihere should be n o double standards w hen It com es lo h ouse­ w ork, the boys and girls o f the household sh ould be treated equally in eveiy way. If I have a .son, w h o Is perm itted lo have a go-cart o r m oloreycle, Ihen m y daughter should have one. too, if she w ants one. A n d if m y so n w ants to lake dance lessons or be on Ihe checrleading squad, then he sh ould d o just lhat. T a k in g into consideration things like age differences and trust­ w orthiness. o f course, curfcw s sh ould be equal a s well. I figure If In The Mail... it's O K for m y soil to stay out until m idnight w hen he's 16, then m y “' daughter sh ould have the sam e privilege at that age. D espite disagreeing philosophically. Ihere's one area w here I doubt I'll be able lo create m ore fairness for m y children. ^ If I have a son,; I m ay w arn him w hal lo expect as he leaves the * house fo r h is nrst'date, but 1 w ill be unable to spare h im the wrath o f the g irl's father. A n d I probably w on't even try to stop m y husband from terrifying every yo u n g m an thal com es lo o u r d oo r to; pick up ou r daughler. t M y boyfriend sa ys fathers act this w ay because they kn o w w hal ' teenage b o y s arc thinking. W hatever Iheir reason, I think it m akes them feel go o d to shelter their little giris. ' ' T he rc w ere plenty o f nights I w anted lo craw l under a ro ck ; before m y dale ever got started. W h ile m ost fathers ju.sl put the death grip inlo Ihcir hand shake o r happen lo be cleaning their g u n s i w hen a yo u n g m an arrives, I had G randpa, w h o w as never one fo r , Ihe ordinary, to see us lo the door. M y all-tim e favorile w as the p ick in g o f his nose before extend- ■' ing his hand lo m y dale. If I m arry a m an w ho can top that, I w ill truly have found m y so ul m ale. I’ll offer m y daughler a few sym p a­ thetic w ords, but I w on't d eny her father h is m om ent o f glory. I have high hopes for a happy fam ily life, but I w ond er h o w m y philosophies w ill have changed In 27 m ore years. An Attack Of Terror in The Early Morning I swear il was an unprovoked attack. ..Tlierc I was In m y room, m inding m y own business. In fact 1 was asleep. H ow uny more non-threatening can you get? B y the time the animal control officers arrived. I had regained a little o f m y coinposurc. and while the paramedics allcinpicd to stem the now o f blood and bandage m y wounds. 1 tried to explain what had happened. ’*It was a nightmare. I've never been so frighl- cned in m y life." "Y e s ma'am," the one younger officer suid. .sitting down next to ihe col in the ambulance and taking out u note pad. The other officer excused him self lo go and make a thorough search inside the house lo see if m y attacker was still on the pre- •mises. "W hal exactly happened?" the remuining officer, whose name was Joe, asked. . • "I hardly know. There 1 was one minute usieep und the next this wild unimal suddenly pouncing un me." I shuddered ul the memory, m y spincstlll lingling. . • ^ . "I know this isn't easy, ma'am." the nice young officer syinpaihized. "Out would you be ubie to describe this anim al?" I shuddered. "D o Ihave to?" Joe patted m y hand. "It would really help if we'rc going to find this beast before it does the same lo unyone else. A nd 1 know you wouldn't want lhat to happen." 1 shook my head feebly. "N o. 1 wouldn't." I glanced down at luy injured arm. the claw marks, the teeth wounds, the lorn fiesh. I cringed lo think o f anyone else having to go through Ihe same ordeal. "W hal do you need lo know ?" > H e smiled. ”W hen did you firsl reulize there was a wild animal in the house?" I closed my eyes and tried to picture the scene. "I was upslairs in bed. Since It was Saturday morning. 1 was sleeping in. I guess I wus sound asleep, because I never heard anything prior to this...this thing pouncing on me." "S o ihat's the first you were aware o f It? W hen it actually aitacked?" I nodded. "Y ou'd ihink from Ihe looks o f me and the size this thing must have been, I'd have heard something. The door being smashed in, the sound o f its tail slapping against the furniture us il moved lowurd Ihe bed. But no. I heurd nolhing." "About how big would you .say this creature was'?" Joe asked, pencil posed above his notepad. i "Huge. Il had lo have been huge." I shuddered once more. "Iim u si have sprung from the Roor to the bed. landing on m y back, penning me ; to the bed. I remember feeling shurp puins us claws dug into m y flesh. I'm surc I must have screamed. The surprise o f it u lU n d the puin." *’ H e gazed ut me kindly, his expression one o f deep sympathy. "G o on." "Il all happened so quickly, it's difficult to remember exuclly. Bul as I recull, I the initial puin cuused me to jerk lo the left, in an attempt to dislodge whatever hud hold o f me." "A n d werc you successful?" "N ot rcally. It did let go o f m y buck and Hing itself onto m y arm, ^wrapping Ihese incredible strong lim bs around me. claws once more lin k in g inlo my lender flesh ns if It would hold on for dear life." r ' -"Could you tell what color il w as?" "•Z'-'X don't...! just don'l...lt's jusl all so painful...so fresh in m y mind..." ’!I understand," he said softly. "Y ou've been through a terrible tiir^al. Here in the safety o f your ow n home. The lust place one would u ^ c t 10 fear an unprovoked and bnitul uttuck by a w ild animal." ^^^His culm demeanor and sympathetic lone gave me the courage to ^bniinue. ^ v ‘"l'm nol really sure whal color il was. In the blur o f iKe pain and & , I only saw streaks o f black and gray." ' K > H e leaned forward, and took m y hand genlly./'l rcally appreciate cooperative und brave you've been, und I hule lo puj you through but I have one more question. D o you have uny idea whut sort of creature it was that attacked yo u?" ' I shook m y head. "Som ething big and powerful. Something with claws or lalons like razors. Something from out o f a nightmare," m y yolce quivered as 1 closed m y eyes against Ihc hon’ific memories. * 'A t that moment Joe's partner reappeared outside the door o f the jtmbulonce. For some strange reason he appeared to be grinning. ‘ - .'¡I believe I've found the culprit," he said chuckling.; Joe looked confused. 1 shrank back against the w aif as the officer movedcloser. ' .vV J^e held out \u» hand and curled up in the palm w as m y daughter’s ‘ ¿^^.tw ^pound kitten rescued the day before from the Humane . Soliety! rscreamed and fainted. Victim, Family Thankful For Help They Received T o ihe editor:1 um wriling in reference to ihcNickel's case ihut w:is in litigation In the Superior Court session in Duvie County on Tucsduy, July 15. Firsl and foremost I would like lo thank Detec­ tive John Stephens o f the Davie C ouniy Sherifl's Dcpanmcnl. H is excellent investigation inlo the cuseresullcdinjusiiceinourcriminol court system. M y child was the viclim in this case. W c went to ihe Duvic Couniy Dcpartmenl of Social Scrviccs In July 11)95 and I reported the incident. M y 13 year old child and I sought help in tears nnd fear. Social Scrvice case worker Traci Riddle told us she would talk to her supcr\'isor Murchcttu W illiam s and sec what procedure to follow. Traci Riddle camc toour home und lold us her supervisor MarclKtta felt it would he "Ridiculous to try to track him (the abuser) by inlcrstate." I asked her three limes lo repeal exactly what shetold me and shedid. I never heard anything else but that although I inquired. M y daughter was lH)spiializcd in November of 1^95 ul Charier Hospilal in W insion-Salcm afier u suicide aliempi. The incident was finally reported lo Child Proieclive Services. I believe in Raleigh, by Lydia, a health professional nt Churter Hospilal in November of 1995. She usked me why il hud nol l)cen rciwrtcd as required by law months ago. I repeated lo her the answer given lo me by the Davic Couniy Department ofSocial Scrviccs. This man was in Ihe United Slates Navy stationed in Norfolk. Vu. during this lime. 1 can nol understand w hy it should Ix: "ridiculous lo try to track him by inler- siale" when m y daughler was hospitalized and going through severe trauma. Nol lo mention the fact he could be uhusing someone else during this time. In Dccembcr of 1995. when m y daughter was still hospitalized, and 1 wus very exhausted and terrified, Dr. M ike Dixon instructed me to go lo the DavicCountyShcrifrsDcpartmeniandielludetcc- live exuctly whal I told him. i wus lucky enough lo huve John Slcplicns uvuilable, end nol only did he listen, he actually lifted m y heart und hope and restored some of m y sanity. H is integrity and kindness to my daughler and I during this difficult period In our lives kept us going. He proceeded lo liuve the defendant jailed and charged with four felonies. During this lime my daughter wus in and out o f Ihe hospital, getting therapy and working hurd lo recover and rcguin ihe ability to want lo live aguin. Her childhood had been lost forcver. She suffered severe emotional und physical pain. I would like to know the proper procedures for reporting child sexual abuse, and all of the whal's. when's, where’s, and how's one should go aboul doing toensurc action necessary to begin reporting this and being the road lo recovery. Pcrpemuors thrive on the shame and fear o f the children and siuiisiics show 90-95 percent of these cases go unreponed. Thcsiatisilcsalsoshow 99outof 100 are repeal offenders, which means the longer they go unstopped, the longer ihey arcon the streets with your kids. If victims arc reluctant to report lo begin with, what happens when they gel the couragc and arc ignored or not believed? I know first hand. Id o not want anyone's child or family lo have experi­ ence ihe horrible experiences we have been through over the past years. W e would now like to thunk Gwenda Priest. Lisa Gwaliney and all the district attorneys who worked on this tuse and K ay M iller (now Mrs. Robert Lindry) who spcnl many hours o f time and a lot o f energy coun.sellng m y daughter on the days she could nol attend classcs. Thanks lo Mrs. Lynn Cook and her help, between these two they \s erc my daughter's guardian ungcls. Thanks to Dr. Robert Lundry und all the other teachers und school per­ sonnel at South Davie M iddle School. A spccial thanks lo JcfT Albcrty und Mrs. Billings in their ■ wonderful expertise in dealing with the chuos this situut ion created at Cooleemee School, long before we knew what was happening. A wish of happiness for Dr. John Levis and medical personnel on Fannington Rood. Thanks lo Dr. Carlton. Lydia. M ury Beth, and Katie Suck and the professionals at Charter Hospital in Winston-Salem. W e would like to thank Dr. Art Kelly, dircclor o f the child psychlulric unil at Baptist Hospilal-Brenner Children’s Hospilal, and his fantastic stuff: Gina Abshcr.Su/anne.Judy.Kuyandalltheothcrsofthc unil. W e arc still in therapy wilh and would like to thank witnian w ho litenilv saved inydauuhtcri life and kept our family togcihcrgivlng us strength through this unthinkable painful ordcul: M s. Deborah Nunn, u therapist with Fumily Services in Winston-Salem. Deborah, if Iherc's anything wc can ever do for you just ask. You are no longerjust a therapist, you are a friend und we will always cherish you. Tlie Davie Coum y Hospital em er;; gency staff, Cindy Durham R.N. and the Davie. County Sheriffs Dcpanmcnl wereall very support­ ive. W e wish 10 thank Eddie and Phyllis Smith, Rick ■ and Debbie M iller, and our preacher and his wife M r. und M rs. Diirrell Cox. and the Trinity Baptist. Church congregation for Ihe prayers, understand­ ing, and hospital visits. ■ W e lhank all ofour friends who stood by us (and believe me you find out real quick who they are ш ; Del. John Stephens warned me) Kim beriy C lu A Smith. Tum m y Perdue. Hester King, and Teresa Bryun. A special ihanks loChristy Fayneand M isti M cDaniel Nickels who supponed us and helped - tremendously from the very start. Last, bul first, our extended family who were caught in the middle o f this terrible tragedy ar>d screamed, cried, laughed, cussed, and prayed wilh us. They werc every much as much a viclim in all this as us. I am vcrysorryforlhis. but very grateful' for all their understanding while we had lo do ih e . h^estlhingw e'vceverhadiodoinourlives. W e love you all. \ This is an ending o f years o f ncr\ ous days and ' sleepless nights und a beginning lo the new life wc have found through humanity and the strength and faith from our Lord. Betty Sue Nickels Frogge and daughter - Hillsciale Appreciates Flower Bed Totheediton O n behalf of our civic association. Hillsdale Tomorrow, congratulations is extended lo B y Lo Food Market's civic endeavor o f developing the attractive flower bed in front of the business. W e trust Ihis will serve us an incentive for many others to demonstrate sim ilar pride in Hillsdale and. ils property as you have done. Kent Mathewson Hillsdale Legion Team Commended For Its Outstanding Sportmanship Totheediton Forthe last several years, 1 have been witness to some o f the most oulsianding displays of sports­ manship from our M ocksville-D avie(M D) Am eri­ can Legion Baseball leam. Each year I read in the paper the comments fn>m olher leams. and it sad­ dens me. These comments talk about what 1 have done, how I played wilh this guy, how 1 have tried ' to mess with their minds, and olher silly commenLs. W inning a ball game does nol always make a winner. Life is filled with ups and downs, bul w hat is penistent is the fact that any lime you could meet the very person on your way down lhat you have stepped on while traveling up. In other words, be carefu)w hatyoudishoul.youm ayhavcioeatil. 1 know lhave lots of limes, and ihe taste is not sweet. iw asproudtobeasupportcrofM D. They were very talented, although sometimes the breaks dkl not go their way. Ib e y probably could have w on ; morc games wilh a few good breaks, but to me. the > Ihing lhat makes them the true winners is the w ay ; they carried themselves in defeat. I dkl not see the same display portrayed by some o f the "winners." W crclheypctfcctincvcrygam c?No. Didtheygel discouraged? Yes. Nevertheless, in the miuority of gantes they shined; not only in their skills, but most iri4X)rtantlyintheirdlsplayofspoftsmanship.lsaw men...rcal men, wiih Ihc kind o f "siu lT thal will carry them through life. Guys. I am proud o f all oT you. your di^)lay of sportsmanship made you all winners. CreoURogcm : Mocksville : GaryDuU Registered Lanisc^ Contractor Custom Landscape Designs Irrigation InstaUed Yearly Maintenance 21 r«»s Strvic* in Oavle Co«M|y. For additional informatioii, call (7 M )4 « -5 3 1 7 ani Neu4ort>CleiiiiMm,NC«((1«)nM011 8цсШШ/1ШЛ11ц Suvkieli •HoMlkMHrllWMMM •В н ч И гМ м а вуМ т •HnNMityMm •АикеиНивуМт •OiiWWeiwlii«»» . ' Ш ' 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPMSE RECO№, July 24,1997 S h a r o n E a rn h a rd t, J u lie P atton , T Ip p I M iller, A n d y B e a u c h a m p a n d T e rry D e d m o n d is c u s s p la n s to re n o va te o ld C h e rry H ill L u th e ra n C h u rc h building. O ld C h e rry H ill L u th e ra n C h u rc h R e s to ra tio n H is to ric D a v ie P ro je c t Conihua'd Fmin 1 communily voluniecfs organized lo pul u stop lo llie vamhilism ItuU has plugucd Ihe old building for years. Tlie news was like an answered prayer forTlppi Miller. Her husband s greal-grandfallier gave tlie land for Uie church. "W e’re jusi so exciled aboul ya'II doing Ihis." she said lasl week, a few days before ihe annual prc-honiecoming cleaning projecl. .Hisioric Davie bo:\n\ member Julie Paiton brought up the idea of restoring the cliurch. slill owned hy thc Lutheran Synod. She was louring old cemeteries in the counly and iminediaiely noticed the old church, still standing on ivcks it had been pjaced on In the 1870s. TTiere was graffiti on Ihe walls, und weeds surrounded ihe building. ; "I said. ’Oh. ihis is such a shame'," Patton said. "I callcd thc Lutheran Synixl and saiti she (Miller) needs help. W c need help.” : Historic Davie is counting on area residents to pilch in lo help preser\e Ihe old church, which could be piaced on Ihe National Register of Historie Places. Paiton said. Гог its age and lack of use for 50 years, il is in remarkably gtxxl shape, said Andy Heaucluunp. a builder and Historie Davic pivsident. 11ie must work, and money, will likely be spent restoring the steeple. It features hand-hewn logs, original pine tioors and pews. Volunleers hope someone has taken the original shutters, as well as the oblong, double gate pot-bellied wood stoves for sale keeping, because they're no longer in thc church building. "I Just hale lo see il in the shape ils in." neauchamp said. "Hopefully, if people can see what w e’ve got hen;, they will be willing to help. Tliis was a country church, you won't have any c,4travagant woods or features." llic thouglii o f replacing original cedar shake shingles docs seem a bit imposing, he admitted. Paiton said if restored, the chureh could 1)C a f(K'nl poinl of lours of Davie Counly. It could k * used for old-timey. countrj' weddings, or maybe for a Gemían Christmas celebnitions. She hopes arca civic gm ups will become active in the restoration, and use o f the church. "1 Ihink Ihere are a lot of people hero in the community w ho have ties to this church and don’t even realize it.'* she said. ’'W e’ve had great interest already." Ten y Dedmon was one c f the first lo lend his support. "If morc things aren’t saved, they'll be losl forever," Dedmon said. "Individuals are doing ihings (to pn;ser\e history), but things like this need groups of people. "I’m just one of iliose people like Julie and Andy who think letting something like this go would Ы* a disaster." Dedm on envisions looking at the chureh from the cemetery. Unlike many old churehes. Cherry Hill is slill in a niral area. ’’You can kx)k at this place frt)m Ihe cenicler)'. You can imagine horses and buggies, maybe a Civil W ar scene. Tliis is an old rural chureh slill in a rural setting." ClicrT)' Hill Lutheran Chureh was built on the site of a large cherry orehanl. wilh ihe land and lum\>cr donated hy Mathias Miller. It was C h e rry Hill L u th e ra n C h u r c h still s t a n d s o n o rigin a l ro c k fo u n d a tio n off C h e rry Hill a n d P o in t r o a d s in s o u t h e m D a v ie C o u n ty . - P h o t o s b y R o b in F e r g u s s o n biiill in 1873 and slill sits on four large rocks as ils foundation. Dales painted onto the front o f the church indicate years il vvus painted. For morc lhan 70 years, it has rarcly been used for morc than ihe homecoming, a once-a-year pilgrim­ age for descendants of iDcmbcrs. Decause of that use, thc Lutheran Synod has retained ownership. Anyone interested in making u contribution, lime or money, should contact Hisioric Davie's Cherry Hill Resloralion projecl, 107 N. Salisbury St.. MtK-ksville, N C 27028. or call f,M-4533. Tippi M iller and thc other people who havc lies wilh the chureh will appreciate the effort. "Just lo keep it ... was like a prayer being answered," she s;iid. Country/Southern Rock Band LIVE Performance By DESTINATION UNKNOWN BAND Sat., July 2 6,8 -1 2pm fake 64 West to Sheffield Road. Approx. 4 miles to the OlfLSheffleltl Gaauf- A d m l u i o n : S 3 . 0 0 For M a rt M o , CaU (7 0 4 )4 t2 '2 0 0 1 o r (>10) 724-7231 en?м Я Г й й й й # S й The Libertarians: Advance Man Spreading The Message Continued From Pape 1 * I;Tlie beliefs of members of thc Lib- tttorian Parly are simple. ;Z**The Libertarian Party believes in ^ United Slates Constitution and Bill of'.Righls as written. Individuals de- 5^ ’c a right lo follow their own des- with liltic interference from die ^ycm m enl.’’ t»;He canies a copy of the Bill.of ftighls with him, and is quick lo point the dozens of ways it has been |uC>verted over Ihc years. J ^ rih e re isn’t one they haven't 0«hipled upon." W ollz said. t^lH egave the example of the right lo Dm t arms. Then: are 300 laws which limit and prevent lhal, he said. Woltz said he agrees wilh the ihrce "ftiunding fathers" who rcfuscd lo sign Ihe Bill of Rights. Although many of these subver­ sions appear to l>e good idcxs, they're nol so good when the government is involved. "W hen you put them in the hands o f government officials, they'll be misused." Woltz thinks the time is right forthe Libertarian Рапу to grow. More lhan 60 percent of Americans favor the for- mationofalhirdpiuty. Even morc lhan thal arc fed up wilh ihccurrcnt political system. The Libertarian Party is the fastest growing party on college campuses. "Young peopledon’llrustcilherparty." Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Bm w n won Internet polls dur­ ing the lasl election. W oltz sees it as positive thal the young and thc edu­ cated see the Libertarian Party as posi­ tive for the futurc. And he thinks lhat when niainstrcam America learns that Libertarians believe in Ihe Constitu- lionand Bill of Rights as written, they'll join, aswelL "W e’ve got a lot of momentum." he .said. "U’s lime lo do .something." In l902.WoUz.saidontheaverage. 8% o f an American’s income went lo pay federal, slate and local taxes. In 1944, il had increased lo 47 percent. "After the lax hike Ihe Democrats and Republicans passed, lhat will be 50.2 percent," W oltz said. "A nd after you die, they take two thirds." "It's time. Since neither party seems lo be willing to gel back to our found­ ing beliefs, the Libertarian Party will grow on it’s own." W oltz realizes that growth will nol happen overnight. There ore 6.200reg­ istered Libertarians statewide. There arc only active branches o f the party in a handful of counties. Over the next three years, he hopes to start a chapter in each county. "Once that is done. I think you can field a candidate and win." he said. SMnsored by the Blue Ridge Village Resort M m llk S m it U la n i Discover the Highli $39.’ biscover the Highlands of Western N. Coralina , 9 5 * ' p/ur/or totaJfor two adults Tftree days di two nights hotel accommodations wilh use o f Jacuzzis, pools, ttnnis courts, stocked troia pond.... i Call Mon-FrI 9anh7pm or Sun Wam'4pm 4 1 4 m m 4 7 9 iK L 128 *SJOiurcfurgiweebmiiAolherrtilrictkwifpfy Ask how you can rrceive a/ree rommtie dim trfor twol LOintDTIkiEOFFEi Efetnct Court DAVIE COUNTY ENTfXPRISE КЕСОКД 34, Ш - |ul« Power Working With Town On Disaster Plan 1 ^ Jeanne Houpe ft v ie County Enterprise Record g -C O G L E E M E E -T h e sto rm o n Ju Iy ^ h it Cooleemee hard with streets ^ k e d by trees and power outages l^i^ughout the town, according to T ^ n Commissioner Bill Gibson. •^iCooleemee Fire Department was dispatchcd to four calls within IS min­ utes and worked until about 3:30 a.m. July 5. clearing thc streets, he .said. Generators were taken lo those who needed cleclricily to operate mcdical equipment in theirhomes.Gibsons;ud. Power was restored to all residents by that evening. If it had not been, the local Red C ross chapter was standing jflanning Board Recommends lezoning Of Mocksville Land iC ^tin u cd n w n P a ie l ^ lim o F C said. The move would be in & with the town's ctm idor study, he K P e g g y Jones, who owns property A would be affected, asked whether )l4'ou kl make a di nerence in property ^ualionfortaxes.G allim ore said thal is taxed based on tue, not ,cla55ificaU oo.tfltepropcigi^ used as a residence, it would be taxed based on that use. he said. Jones said she agreed wilh the plans lo rezone the land to highway business. "It seems logical to me that it be rezoned,” said planning board mem­ ber Bob Hall. The motion to recom­ mend the change was made by Teny Johnson, with tbe second by John O o o U b y ._________ by lo set up ashcltcrat the V F W hut, he said. Gibson told the board he had spo­ ken with Duke Powerdistrict manager Randy Britton about developing a di­ saster rccovcry plan for the future in Cooleemee. Workers from other towns had lo be called to help wilh the July 4 damage because the usual numbcrofarca work­ ers werc unavailable due to the holi­ day. Britton said. A tornado touched down in Cool­ eemee, causing a lot of damage. Tw o different circuits deliver power to thc town, and bolh were damaged, he said. 'T m not making excuses." Britton said. "W e werc unable to respond as quickly as we wanted to." It took at least an hour just to clear the road on Duke Street to make it safe formen to work, he said. Somct i mes It takes longer than origi­ nally estimated, but in most cases once a situation has been assessed, Duke Powercan estimate of how long it will take to get the power back on. Britton said. He invited town leaders lo contact him in such a situation so they will know what steps should be taken and havc an answer for residents. Britton said, incases like the Febni- ary 1996icestorm.peoplemaynotlike wlua Ihey hear, but he will be honest with them. This service will give people an idea of whether or not they should stay at home or seek shelter where there is power, he explained. M ayor Jackie Morton said it makes her feel good to know there is someone she can call to help her know what to tell residents. F h w ê n F a r л и О ест Ы м skfer*sH cfMMksvmejs à m ^ G u a r a n t e e d in c o m e f o r l i f e . Sound Good? Just call mo for all tho details. M M a iM r t f i r N m V N fc U l i , I k M w h M i k ^ M r t a a l N i t . H p lM t w r ■ n i w l i r t r t l i i i i l i i M u L m t rmMmrnnmrnta tm емчиИИм Mmmi Ш и, Md IN к м Н и ^ И Н я к п е М я п т М к и . км« « « . tr к чим« M l «N peiMMli. M igM rM toM llM M M lw flM rM tef V IM T lll. U itir lii» li p lM ilii yiM rm iiW M l. м а м м ц . п * м 1 1 м м к у 1 1 м ( . MBoMvdw YM Uh to Ли См«му VM Ito4hCLU, C h K l«rtlraitoni,m G U I . G I I K M M k r a l l t o , l i C 2 7 i n 7 М - Ю 4 - 7 Э 1 1 The Company You Keep.“ M l« * IH M >,•1 awkaiM .« |«»МЦ|П M ii' ■ __________IIP-Krtp The following c a sa were disposed o f in DistrictCouit July 10. Presiding was Judge Jack Klasj. ' Prosecuting was AlanMartin andRob Taylor, assistant D As. — Fredericl(L.AIIen,failurelostop for slop sign, reduced to improper equipment,$IOfine.cost. ^ h a n n o n M . Allen,misdemeanor Ian^y,senlenced30yean, suspended 2 years, restitution, 24 houre conunu­ nity service, $50 tine, cost; felony breaking and/or entering, reduced to misdemeanor breaking and/or enter­ ing and larceny, senienced 30 days, suspended 2 years at eipinillon of cur­ rent senlence. — Donna J. Anderson, nooperatoi's license, senienced 30 days, suspended 2 yean, not operate vehicle unless li­ censed and registered, $50 fine, cost. — KennethD. Bames, no operator's license, dismissed — Frederick F. Bennett, communi­ cating threats, senienced 45 days, sus- : pended 3 yean on conditions of not : being seen alter Satuiday at 7 p.m. in :bavleCoun^. "> r - ^ o n iU d F . Billings, misdemeanor ■ probation violation oul of counly, le- j yoked, senienced 90 days. ; G r e g o r y D. Bohannon, registra- 'tion violation, dismissed. ; ?-Frankle D. Bolen Jr., reckless :drivlng lo endanger, guilty of careless and reckless driving, senienced 30 days, suspended2yeai5,$50flne, cosl, Mtilution, pay within 30 days; hil and ninfailuretoslopfor piopetty damage, reduced to injury lo personal propeny. — KenishaC. Bum s, 88 mph in a70 zone, reduced lo 79 mph in a 70 zone, prayerforjudgmentcontinued on cost — EllonLCam pbell, breakingand/ or entering, simple assault, dismissed. — DarieneCobum, resisting public offrcer, sentenced 30 days, suspended 2 years, cosl. ^Jeffrey W . Correll, no liability ' insurance, dismissed. — Frederick E. Cothren, second degree trespassing, dismissed. — Michael T. Dalton, driving while license revoked, reduced to no operator's license, prayer forjudgment continued on cost. — Thelma Danley, fraudulent dis- posalof mortgage propeity,dlsmlssed — Kenneth R. Dewalt, D W I, sen­ tenced 2 yean, su.spended 2 years, not operate vehicle, 14 days in jail, sub­ stance abuse assessment and tieatment; driving while license revoked, reduced ID no operator's license, 30 days active - concurrent, attorney fees. — Teity W . Dillard, breaking and/ or entering, reduced lo misdemeanor larceny, sentenced 45 days, suspended 2 years, substance abuse assessment and treatment, restitution; larceny after breaking and/or enlering, dismissed: possession of stolen goods, dismissed. — Michael W . Doup, driving while license revoked, guilty o f nooperatoi's license, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year, not operate vehicle; failure lo wear seat belt, guilty. — C iv li A. Dummil, 84 mph in a 70 ...mph zone, reduced toimproperequlp-_. ment, $50 fine, cosl. — M arks. Ellis, second degree tres­ passing, prayer forjudgment contin­ ued on cosl. — Ricky J. Fender, D W I, sentenced I year, suspended 2 yean on probation at expiration o f present senlence. not operate vehicle; driving while license revoked, rcduced to no operaloi's li­ cense, senienced 45 days, suspended 2 yean on probation at end of D W I sen­ tence, not operate vehicle. — Jeny W . Godbey, assault inflict­ ing serious injury, dismissed. — PauiciaH.Gordon.driving while license revoked, reduced lo no operator’s license, prayer forjudgment continued 00 cosl — BillyR. Greer, possession of drug paraphernalia, sentenced to 30 days, suspended 2 yean, SlOO fíne, cost; no liability insurance, guilly; no registra- lion card, registration violation, dis­ missed. — Lori I. Hamilton, 74 mph In a 55 zone, reduced to improperequlpment. — Charle,s E Haney, driving while license revoked, senienced 120 days, suspended 2 yean, not operate vehicle until licensed, $200 fíne, cost. — Andrew D. Ham s, misdemeanor probalionviolalion, revoked, sentenced 12 months. — Richard C. Hemian, 87 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced lo exceeding safe speed, $10 fine, cost. — Lori M ae Hutchens, felony forg­ ery of endorsement, reduced to misde­ meanor forgery, senienced 2 yean, cost, restinition. — Lalasha D. Imes, inspection vio- lation,noliabililyinsurancedismissed; driving while license revoked, prayer forjudgment continued on cost; regis­ tration violation (expired lag), $100 fine, cost. — Kevin D. Jones, 88 mph in a 70 mph zone, $10 fine, cost. — Douglas G. Kim el II, reduced to improper equipment,$IOfine, cosl; no operaloi's license. di,smissed.............. — Jeffrey A. Klar, 85 mph in a 70 zone,reducedlo74m phina70zone. — MatUiew E. Langsdorf, felony malnlaining place for controlled sutv stance, reduced to misdemeanor main- Uiining place for controlled substance, substance abuse assessment, submit lo drug testing, cosl; felony sell or deliver marijuana, reduced lo misdemeanor possession marijuana. — Christopher M . Lashmit, burn­ ing personal property, reduced to in­ jury 10 personal property, sentenced45 days, suspended 2 yean, 6 monihs intensive probation, restitution, $100 fíne, cosl; injuiy to penonal property, restltulion; misdemeanor laiceny, dis­ missed. — ^Teny W . Leonard, possession alcohol by peison under 21, guilly, prayer forjudgmentconlinued on cost — Jose L. Marquez, 86 mph In a 70 mph zone, reduced to 79 in a 70; in­ spection violation, dismissed, open container afterconsumingolcohol,$25 fine, cost. — John L. Mayfield, resisting pub­ lic officer, dismissed; assaultona gov­ emment official, senienced 150 days. — Angela U McDaniel. 74 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to 64 mph in a 55 mph zone, $ 10 fine, cosl. — James A. McGianahan, D W I, senienced 60 days, suspended I year, not operate vehicle, 24 houis commu­ nity service, .substance abuse assess­ ment, $IOOfine,cost;assaultonachild under 12, senienced 50days,suspended 2 yean, nol assault prosecuting wit­ ness, attend D ay Reporting Cenler, at­ tend D M V prognmi, $50 fine, cosl, lestitution. ^-Charles R. Meniti Jr., D W I, sen­ tenced I year, felony laiceny, reduced to unaultwrized use, senienced 120 days. — Ronnie L. Morgan, misdemeanor littering gameland/access area, $50 fine, COSI. — W illiam M . Moser, 82 mph in a .. 7 0 mph^zone, reduced to improper. equipment, $25 fine, cosl. — John E. M yen, discharging fire- ann in the city, guilly; driving while license revoked, reduced lo no operator’s license, $25 fine, cost. — Dwayne E. Pay ton.recklessdriv- ingtoendange^cost. — Michael R. Pemberton, 81 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced to improper equipment, $25 fine, cost — Ann M . Pennycoff, driving while licen!« revoked, sentenced 30 days, suspended 2 yeais, not operate vehicle until license^ $200 fine, cost; failure 10 slop for slop sign, dism issed — Garth T. Regan, unsealed wine/ liquor in passenger area, dismissed. — Jeny Robenson, simple assault, dismissed. — Gregory B. Sm yen, expired reg­ istration card, registration violation, dismissed; driving while license re- voked, sentenced4Sdayi, suspended2 yean, notoperatevehfcle until licensed, $200 fine, cost — Susan S. Speis, 82 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced lo Improper equip­ ment $25 fine, cost — Michael A. Spillman, 75 mph In a 50 mph zone, dismissed; D W I, sen­ tenced 60 days, suspended I year, 24 houn community service, $100 fine, cost not operate vehicle. -P a trick K. Stout 90 mph in a SS mph zone, reduced tocareless and reck­ less driving, $2S fine, cost; driving while license revoked,'reduced to no operator’s license, prayerforjudgimnt continued on cost - D a v id C. Trexler, 76 mph in a 55 mph zone, reduced to 64 mph in a 55 zone, $10 fine, cosl; no motoreycle endorsement prayer forjudgment con­ tinued on cosl; failure to bum motor­ cycle headlamp, guilty; reckless driv­ ing to endanger, resisting public of­ ficer, failure to heed light and siren, no liability insurance, dismissed; iaspec- tion violation, $2S fine, cost: no regis­ tration card, guilty. „ . Joe P. Tucker. D W I, .wntenced 60days, suspended I year, not operate vehicle, 24 houn community service, substance abuse assessment — ChrislinaTum er,9l m phina70 mph zone, reduced to exceeding safe speed, $25 fine, cost — C o iy J. Turner, fint degree bur­ glary, dism issed; com m unicating threats, sentenced 120days,suspended 3 yean on probation, 6 monihs inten­ sive probation, substance abuse testing at any time, substance abuse assess­ m ent attend Day Reporting Cenler. no conluct widi prosecuting wiiness, $ 100 fine, cost resiiiullon; assault on a gov­ emment official, senienced ISO days. — Donald R. Tutterow, no regisu» tioncaid,senlenced30days,suspcnded 2 yean, not operate vehicle wiUiout proper registration, $50 fine, cost; no liability insurance, dism issed — Michael J. Waduns, 82 mph in a 70 mph zone, reduced Ю im p n iK r equlpmem, $25 fint, COM. г Г-TenyTertU W«ti, 8< mph ill«; 70 mph lone. $10 fine, co(L . -RobeitL.W hile.leashlaw viol».;, tion, dismissed. > — Scariel B. Withcrspoan, drivin g while I kense revoked, pnyer for Jud|-| ment continued on cost; no child г к , stiaint system, dismlised-per pie»; ex-i; piredregistratkin,dismissed-conected.V -M ic h a e l A. W right com m u if eating direats, and assaull on t female,', sentenced 75 days, suspended 2 yean'.; on probation, attend D ay Repaitiiig:^ Cbiler, no contact widi piaaccutinf:' witness, $50 fine, cost - O w e H. Zahel, driving w W k li­ cense revoked, reducedtonoopenloc’»;:: license, $50 fine, cost; misdemeanor'; probation violation oul o f county,con-.. Ilnue30days;failurelowearsealbell. : $25 fine. F a lk d T o A p p c M ' The following failed to appear for Iheir scheduled court trial. — Tim oUiy A. Boone, foijery of ..endorsement.......----------------------------- — Ken E Byen, improper passing. — Dorodiy C. Holmes, registntkxi violation, no liability insurance, no operaton license, driving/allowing vehicle not registered/tilled, no chihl restraint system, vehicle inspection violation. — Lany F. Ivey, two counts fint degree trapassing, Iwo counts misde­ meanor larceny. — Pamela J. Jonlan, two counts, aiding and abetting driving while li­ cense revoked, aiding and abetting impaired driving. — BobbyG. M yen, fishing wiUMul a license. — Kennetti T. Nails, possession of stolen goods. -G r e g A. Whitner, 86 mph in «70 mph zone, D W I, driving whUe license revoked, open container after consum­ ing aknhol. Man Anested Fbr I Looieeinee DieaK-in C O O L E E M E E - Police anested a man for July 14, for breaking into a home and stealing an automobile from a residence on Rocky Hill Trail. John Randall Campbell, 40, who gives no permanent address, was charged wilh felonious breaking and entering and larceny and larceny of an aulomobile. According lo Policc Chief Tim Woolen, most o f Uie household items stolen from Teresa Toylor have been recovered. A n investigation revealed earlier dial Campbell was Uk prime suspect in die case, but he had committed himself forpsychiatricevaluationthedayTay- lor reported die robbeiy. Wooten said. Additional charges o f fraud are pendingthe investigation of die sale of oneofihestolenitemstoJudyW ebbof Cooleemee, who was unaware dieitem was stolen, he added. A tto r n e y E x p la in s S ta tu s O f L a w s u it C O O L E E M E E - N o progress has been made in the lawsuit filed against die Cooleemee Tow n Boanl and duce lown com missionen by M ayor Jackie Morton, according to Tow n Attorney M a kolm Blankenship. - In die lawsuit M otion claims dial commisslooenhekltwoiUegal "emer- -gency* meeUngs March 24 and April ’:24lodiacussarecall amendment to d K ^lownchaiter. Atdienrslmeeting,conim bsionen .Lyon Rumley, Bill Gibson and Jim i.Wishoo, die diree com m issioners iinamed in die suit voled to ask Rep. julia Howard 10 introduce a recall bilL A t die second meeling, die boaid con­ sidered changes to die biU. ; M o to n contends dial die meedngs .for die bill, which failed to pass die ;N.C. General Assembly, dkl nol meet itale nquiianenU for an emergency. Blankenship said he il I M taking :iidea in die sullbul represents die town .asanendty. > Heicpresenttdw boàrdasaw hole . and die din e com mlsskm en named in rail w diey acted in dieir official :èaptdty, he explained- ;i' A a a n e m ily .d iv B eenU dedtoa defenie by Ihe town aium ey. bui 41 IndivlduaU d » y are leapooflble for ^tiring dieir own attomeyi. he laid.. : i. « M k a ^ iild io fttln liM p B » REWARD CASH REWARD for Inform ation le a d in g to the a r r e s t s conviction of p e rso n o r p e rso n s re sp on sllM e for recent thefts & v a n d a lism a t Tw in L a k e s A lip o it Contact: I Davie Co. SherilTs Dept. " (704) 634-6238 or Rick Holland (910) 99&8101 ■ o U a i i y c A n n ’ s 9 P a m lC i) 9 :1 0 11 1 С а л е u /e ic o w ie s O n ?Гатт(| Qojo/itfi! ^ A l o n g w i t h h a l r c u t t i n g , c o l o r , p e r m s & g n l i g h t s , s h e o f f e r s m a n i c u r e s & I c u r e s c o m p l e t e w i t h t h e r a p e u t i c m a s s a g e o n h a n d s a n d f e e t . W a lk -In » w e lc o m e o r c a ll fo r a n a p p o in tm e n t.. (704)492-7210 ‘ J W 8h » tH > ld R o « d » 1 8 9 C h » r ll« R — v » » R o m » H a r m o n y O a k Orowe United Methodist Chureh IK I.Y I i :< €>Л1 I x c . S u n d a y , J u l y 2 7 S uitdv School bttjha at 9:4S nm. Mombig V/oahlf m 10: tS asm. Featured speaker: Rev. Don Sid£s In addition lo odier special guests, a Memorial Service, and odier activities we will have s ^ a l music for our moming woiship provided by T h e Sounds o f Failh. Join us for a tH YBahliih b m llta i In lllC fcllimilllll lull after worship. O at G m w (/ M C a M )» »<<n)iiin f M s a I A G o o d U r o l o g i s t C a n B e H a r d T o F i n d . ГнкиГмЮчОкк СШ/ENTKANCE ЕХГТ/ЕМтлМСЕ noottipc At Salisbury Urologtcal Clinic, we realize lhat finding our new office in the Kiser Medical Office Building at Rowan Regional Medical Center can be a bit challenging. We apologize for any inconvenience, but hope this detailed map will help. After all, where else can you find this level of medical expertise in the treatment of kidney stones, urinary infections, prostate disorders, impotence or incontinence? For an appointment (or directions), call 633-9441. If you suffer from urological problems, our office is quite a find. N o w A c c e p h n o N e w Pa t i e n t s W a u C 'In s W e l c o m e S.’O O A M > 1 1 : 3 0 A M . M o n . > F M . 'o r C A U F O R A N A F IB IN O O N A P F O D m S N i: 6 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTKKl'KisMu.cun./, F hjb lic R e c o rd s Mocksville Police ! The following incldenu were re­ potted to (he Mocksville Police De- paitmenl. • *• A drink miichine was lumed over at Family Dollar. Wilkesboro Street. o№ July2i. ; - Officer D.R. Smith rcported July 2(tsomeone had pcyed open the from ddorlolhe empiy Food Llonln W illow Oaks Shopping Centcr. * • Joyce Ann Klopp reported July 18 h^fam ily had received harassing tele­ phone calls. • M elissa H ill rcported July 18 the larccny o f gas from Home’s Conve* ntence Siorc, Salisbury Street. - M ary W illiam s Cowdcn of W ash* ington. Pa., rvportcd July 17 the break­ ing and entering o f a residence on Avon Strccl. -JerT>'Snyder reported July 17 ihc larceny of a pack of Scripto lighters from W al-Mart. Squlrc Boone Plaza. - Donna T. Jones reported July 16 the larceny o f gas from The Pantry. Salisbuiy Streel. • Robert Lee W hile reportedJuly 15 the larceny o f a wallet from Wilco, Wilkesboro Street. • Stan Henson of W inston*Sulcm reportedJuly 13 the larceny of 40 mo­ bile home lircs and 20 trailer axles, with a total estimated value of $2.300. fnmt American Homes. Mocksville. Arrest!« -M arkStephenEllis.44.of 1281 N. M ain St.. was charged with assault on July 20. Trial date: Aug. 8. He Is oc- cuscd of assaulting Richard Wayne Jonesof Winston-Salem in the parking lot of The Glenn Apartments. - Roger Dale Campbell, 40, of Har­ mony, was charged July 18 with pos­ session of marijuana, possession of drngparaphemaliaandutlcringaforged endorsement. Trial date: Aug. 7. • Roger Lee Mitzel, 33, of Har­ mony. was charged July 18 with pos- session marijuana, forging an endorse­ ment and uttering a forged endorse­ ment. Trial date: Aug. 7. - Vickie Darlene "Sissy" Lewis, 31, of Rupart Trailer Park, was charged July 18 with larccny, forging an en- dorsemetit and uitering a forged ei\^ dorsemenl. Trial date: Aug. 1. • Faniq Peterson, 25. o f 138 Dead- mon Road, was chargcd July 16 with operating a vchicle with no insurance. Trial dale: Aug. 28. Traffic Accidenta • N o charges were Rled after an accident at Soulh M ain Street oitd Ù x - Ington Rood al 10:05 p.m. Sunday. ' ' According to a report by Officer ‘ J.D. Hartman, both drivers - Andrew'^ W ayne Davis, 18, o f Harmorty» a n i ‘ Felicia Katherine Lawson, 17, o f 156' FairileldRoad,clalmedtohaveagreen light before colliding at the intersec­ tion. Marriaáss .The following were issued mar­ riage licenses by the Davic County Register of Deeds. -D a vid Owen Mock. 22.o fW in - slon-Salem. and Rebecca Nell Cope. 22. of 1128 W illiam s Road. Advance. • Burr Baxter Myers, 21, and Chris­ tina Lynn Linville, 21, of 174 Joe M yers Road. Advance. • parreri .L?e..H agar,. 26,. of_, Mboresville, and Frances Stephanie Sellle. 25. of Cleveland. N.C. - Ricky Alystne Young. 43. and Judith Lynn Whittaker. 46. of 1060 Cana Road. Mocksville. •Preston Junior McRae. 29, and Tonya Louise Allison, 22, of High Poim. • Sean Carson Strickland. 19. and Traci Heather Biow n, 20, o f 202 Lakeview Road.. Mocksville. -Christopher Brian Holshouser.24. o f Salisbury, and Laum Lorrain Sides. 18, o f Salisbury. - Dwight Gilbert Ross Jr.. 23, of M ocksville and Heather Michelle Casey. 19, of 197 Casabella Drive. Advancc. • Tony W esley Mellon. 35, of 2143 Com alzer Road. Advance, and M arga­ ret Elizabeth Sw’aim. 36. of 2 184 Cor- natzer Road, Advance. .....r .Steven, Utmonih. Giuiber^29. oC.. 3622 Hwy. W W.. Mocksville and Wanda Delois Wallace, 35. of 357 County Line Road, Harmony. - Eric Taylor Eaton, 26. o f 1574 Hwy. 801 s., Advance, and Connie Celeste Fischer, 22, of Columbus. - Clinton Lloyd Junker. 24, and Katy Kollcen Healy. 25. of 360 Blaise Church Road, Mocksville. . Jeny W ayne Roels Jr., 20, of 5iM Redland Road, Advance, and Christy Dawn Beauchamp. 19,of365 Bailey's Chapel Road. Advance. - Edw in Preston Robertson, 23. of 2(M8 Hwy. 64 W.. Mocksville and Jennifer Hall Stockton, 22. of 1349 Hwy. 64 W.. Mocksville. - Charles Neil Vestal. 31. of Yadk­ inville and Robin Denise Luper, 35, of 900 Hwy. 801 N., Advance. - James Leon Settle Ul. 43. and Sharon Denise Gaither. 42. o f399 Ful- - ton Su.M ixiksville......................... - Ronnie Alan Bean. 27, and Pam­ ela Ann Carter. 25. of 225 Granada Drive. Advance. - Vincent EdwanI Taylor. 27. and Donna Madriaga Vargas, 27, of 130 Ellis Lane, Advance, -M yron SeithNelson,40.ofMocks- ville, and M arilyn Kay M cDaniel, 39. o f2 l2 Oakland Ave.. Mocksville. - Eric Lynn Prcsnell, 24. of 276 Tunrenllne Church Roiid, Mocksville. iuid Tanya Lynne Sherrill. 21, o f 216 Brock Drive. Mocksville. - Robert Eiul Chatmon, 30, o f 334 W . M aple Ave., M ocksville. and Rachelle Denise Dillani, 24. of 2027 Hwy.. 158, Mocksviilc. -Timothy Gregg Plott, 27, of Reedy Creek, and K im Renee Wright. 34. of Clemmons. -Chad NellLcnarE, 25,and Melissa JeanHaney.26,of 121 Lakeview Ave.. Mocksvilk...,________________________ - Douglas Heldcn Seaford, 59, of 116 Hank Lesser Road, Mocksville, and Elizabeth Jean Innocenzi. 59. of Slalesville. • Jimmy Lee Carter, 26, and Donna MariePhilllps.30.of323NollcyRoad, Mocksville. - Lany Vaughn Rathbum, 49. of W oodleaf and Laura Perez, 38. of Mooresville. -Jeny.ScottGenlry, l9,andSabrina Rose Skipper. 18, of 189 Grey St.. Mocksville. • Anthony Bryan Burner, 37, and Deborah Lynn Moran, 34, o f293 Jesse King Road, Advancc. ' Donald M ax Beaver Jr.. 32, and Janet Rene Beal, 39,of2300 Hwy.601 S.. Mocksville. -Jimmie Gilbert HuffH, 23. o f ll2 Cabana Lane, Mocksville, and Corina FayCourlay, 18. of Winston-Salem. ....î.Gllmcr.AIIen.Crawford..34,and.. Sheny Howard Irving, 34. o f265 Hid­ den Creek Drive, Advance. > Dam on Leon Reece, 19, and Stephanie Marena Oliver, 19, o f 137 Draughn Lone, MocksviUe. « James Michael Galliher, 24, and JenniferReneeSmith.25,of 1728 Hwy. M E., Mocksville. • Hoyle Franklin Williams, 69, of 518 Speaks Road. Advance, andGlenda Mae Fulp, 55, of Stokesdale. - David Lee Sullivan. 3 1, and Patri­ cia Ann Michaels, 37, o f Woodleaf. - Bobby M ichael Spiltmim, 27, and Daw nMichelleClark.22.of I2 4 D a vle . St., Cooleemee. - Jose Emelerio Gonzalez, 25, of Yadklnvllle,and Becky AlleneNorris,^ 2),ori26SunsetD riveN o.41,M ockv* ville. J. - K enn«^ Ray W hitaker Jr., 27,of„ 200 M ain Church Road, Mocksvjlle, ... and.-ChriMle..Annettc-Upton.- 23< of— Lexington. -JohnEveretteBrown,20,orStal^-' ville and LeeAnn Kayna Keller, l8,'of 887 Sheflicld Road. Hannony. ’ . - Keith Jackson Alien, 23, imd Michelle U Ig h Gregory, 22, o f 321.. W illiam s Road, Mocksville. - Jimm y Lew is Bares, 30, o f '60 W righi Lane, Mocksville, and LLsa Annelte Weaver, 30, of Norfolk. Va. - Michael Ray Shore, 22, of Yadk; inville und Melanie Gaye Redding, 22. of Yadkinville. Highway Patrol 'ТЪе following trafllc accidents in Davie County were investigated by the N.C. Highway Patrol. M u C harfed W ith H ll A n d R u n ALexIngton man wascharged with hit and m n and careless and reckless driving after he lost control of his car onHw y.801 thrtemilesnorthofCool- eemee «13:15 p.m. July 20. Marion Rene Barber. 38, wasdriv- inga 1990G M Cpickuplnick north on 801 when il went off the road to the right II skidded back onto the road, and skidded olT to the left, striking a fence in a yard before skidding back onto the road. Batter left the scene after being lold officers were on the way, reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. D ccr C ro ss C a r's Path CarlaSuzanne Smith. 23. of States­ ville, w s driving her 1991 Toyota on R P 1317 when a deer ran into the side of Ihe car al 4 am . July 20, reported Trooper J.R. Allred. F iU u r« T o Reduce Speed Charged A n Advance lecn was charged with failure to reduce speed after an acci­ dent at 3:30 p.m. July 19 on Hwy. 801 near Hwy. 158. According to a report by Tnwper T.S. Kennedy. Annie Hampton Brown. 71. of Winston-Salem, was slowing her 1991 Buick because of heavy traf­ fic when it was struck from the rear by a 1990 Toyota driven by Elizabeth Ann Williams. 16. o f 199 In und Out Lane, Advance. V an H its Boat Trailer A Lexington man wascharged wilh failure lo reduce speed after the van he was driving struck about trailer al 3:10 p.m. July 19 on Hwy. 64. aboul five miles east o f Mocksville. Kim Beauchamp Comatzer. 3 1, of Lexington, was pulling Ihc boat trailer in his 1996 Nissan pickup tmck and attempting a turn into a private drive when it was strack from the rear by the van. driven by Salvador Vital Cuanas, 32. reported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. No Charges Filed N o charges were filed after an acci­ dent at 10:10am . July 19 on H w y.6 0 1 about 2.8 miles south of Mocksviite. According to a report by Trooper J.R. Allred, Karen Sim mons Shelton, 48, of Kannapolis, began lo slow her 1994 Chevrolel van for traffic ahead when it was .stnick from the rear by a 1983 Mercury driven by Eloise Chaf­ fin Stephens, 74,o f386 Hartley Road, Mocksville. Fo ur Vehicles In W reck O n 158 Four vehicles werc involved In an accident on Hwy. 158 ut Hillsdale at 3:35 p.m. July 18. Atx'ording to a report by Trooper T.S. Kennedy. M aria D e-La-Luz GariboCortez, 22. of Winslon-Salem. had slopped her 1985 Honda because of traffic that had stopped aliead of her. Bonifacio Gonzalez Padilla. 19. of Winston-Salem, fulled lostop the 1987 Mercury he was driving, and It stnjck the rear of a 1991 Toyota driven by Stephanie Debierre Carter. 19. of Mocksville. knocking il into a 1983 ToyotadrivenbyJesusChegueGrocia. 22, of Winston-Salem, knocking It Into the rear of the Cortez vehicic. Padilla was charged with failure to reduce speed. W reck Reporled 17 H o u rs Later Trooper T.S. Kennedy reported he was unable to detemilne what hap­ pened after an accident was reported at IOp.m.July 17.арртох1та1е1у l7houi5 after the mishap at 4:45 am . on Hwy. 601 and Ijames Church Road. Christine Hoots Brown. 34, of 780 Cana Road. Mocksville, lold Kennedy that as she was driving soulh on Hwy. 601, a black car went through the stop sign at Ijames Church Road. She told Ihc trooper she had swerved the 1985 Toyota pickup truck into a ditch to avoid a collision, and continued to wori< before reporting the incidenl. Turkey F lk s Into C a r A turkey flew Into the pathofa 1992 Honda being driven on W illiam s Road byEulasShancLaws, l9,of I82Baileys Chapel Road. Advance, at 11 am . July 15,reportedTrooper David R. M cCoy. Faihire T o Y le M Charged AM ocksvlllem an wascharged wilh failure lo yield after an accident at 4:40 p.m. July 15 on Hwy. 801. aboul 2.3 miles north o f Cooleemee. Clarence Henry Brogdon, 78,drovc his 1996 Ford station wagon from a private drive onto Hwy. 801. Inlo Ihe path of a 1967 Ford driven by Loretta Barbee Myers. 35, o f 5754 Hwy. 801 S., Mocksville. reported Trooper P T . Hennelly. D W I. C & R Charged A Clemmons man was seriously Injured after being thrown from the vehicic he lost control of on Hwy. 8 01 in Advance at 6 p.m. July 11. Dale Lyndon Marvin, 37, was driv­ ing a 1986 Buick south on Hwy. 801 when it went o ^ ihe road to ihe right, Sheriffs Deoartment .TTie Tollowing inddenls were re­ poned lo the Davie County Sheriffs Depaitiwm. . -Deputy W.LW hitesidcsreported July 14. that a stolen 1975 Fbnl M us­ tang had been recovered. Michael Louis Boger reponed July 14,thal the door lock ofhis 1993 Ckeviolel van had been danugetl by Arrests someone using vicc grips while il was parlted at his residence. - Mauricio Leal M aninez reponed July 14, that stereo equipment valued at more than$^00had beenstolcnftom his home. -RebeccaShaverreponedJuly 15, that someone hadentered the residence o f Maynard Lincoln and took a medi­ cal syringe. - Валу Keith Shelton of Slalesville reponedjuly 15, the embezzlement of $200 by someone washing tnicks and failing to tum in money earned. - Robert Shaver reponed July 15, that a briefca.se and color television had been stolen from Arthur Shaver's home. -B e lly Head repcnedJuly 17,thal an American flag valued al S200 had been stolen from Lee Jeans. - Tim othy W hiBington reponed July 17, thal someone broke into his mobile home and stole a computer, color monitor,printer,stereo,iwovideo cassette recorders, a porcelain collector's edition 50th anniversaiy Baibie doll, jewelry, computer soft­ ware, computer scanner, reconl player and a dual cassclie deck with a total value o f about $4.000. - Roby Lee Luffman reponed July 17, thal someone had obtained prop- eny by false pretense when thal person convinced him lo let him borrow $50. -J e n y Lee M ann leponed July 18, thal someone had called and Ihreal- ened him. - Pamela J. Hall reponed July 20, thal someone had ordered six plates of food lo go from Horn's Track Slop. After eating part o f Ihe food valued al $1950, Ihey left without paying. - Adrian Pacheco, Leobaido D iaz and Leonardo M aninez reponed July 19, lhal someone had shot agun toward a trailer and bystanders at that InUleral' Johnson’s Trailer Park on U.S. 158. . sThe following anests were made by iM D avie Couniy SheriffsDepanment. John Roben Younce III, 18, of £ 0 Bccklown Road, Mocksville, was anesled July 13, for forging an en- dohemenl and uttering a forged en- dotsemenL He was placed in the Davie C iw ily JaU under a $10,000 bond. Tiial date: Sept. 18. - V Charles Lee Kluttz, 50, o f Char- kitt, was anesled July 14, for viola- lioii o f a coun order lhal he stay away from his wife's residence. Trial dale; July 15. - Cedric Hetman Jones, 28, of 139 Fairfield Road, Mocksville, was ar­ rested July 14, for failure lo appear in coun for D W I and driving while li­ cense revoked. Trial date: Aug. 7. - David Lee Johnson, 29, o f 80S Calahain Road, Mocksville, was ar­ rested July 14, for failure to appear in court. He was placed in the Davie Couniy Jail u n ^ r a $10.000 bond. Trial date: July 15, - Karenia E Cnibb, 24, of N .C 801,Mocksville, wasanestedJuly 14, for an employment security law vioU- lion. Trial date; Aug. 7. - L any Chrislopher Jones, 31, of 190 Casabella Drive, Advance, was arre,sted July 14, for driving.while li- censerevoked and damage to property. Trial date: Aug. I. - Michael Dale Daliymple, 24, of Enleiprise, Ala., was anested July 15, for domestic criminal trespass. Trial dale: Aug. 7. - Anthony Howard Hutchens, 21, of65fi6N.C.Hwy.80IS.,Mocksvilk^ was anesled July 16, for failure lo appear in court for a probalion viola- lion. Trial dale: July 24. - Jamie Darren Wagoner, 27, of 263 RalphRalledge Road, wasanesled July 17, for failure to com ply wilh a court onfer. Trial date: Aug. 20. - Jimm y Lew is Gaither, 36, of Woodleaf, w as arrested July 18, for D W I, driving while license suspended a i^ no insurance, after Deputy J.G. W illiam s attempted to slop his car on MaiginalSlreet. Gaither refusedto stop until arriving al his residence on Geler Road. - DonakJ Gaston Allen Jr., 36, o f 359 Howanhown Road, Mocksville. w asanestedJuly 18, for contempt of court > -A n ge U Y ve lle Fowler, l7,of255 Rres Davie Couniy flre departmenls re- d o id e d 10 the fblknving calls.P 14: im ilh Grove, 1:19 p.m.. A m rire. Harper Road. M y 15: Couniy Une. 6:54 a.m., I- r. Sm ith Grave, 11:53 a.m.. vehicle . 197 Speaki R o «l; Cboleeroee, 9 pjn., junk yatd Gr , L e ^ Hut I; Jehm lem auislcd; Jenisalem. I p.m.. mm accklem. N.C. 801; r, 5:24 p.m.. dictor traikr, 1-40; I Grave, 6:23 p.m.. (a t spiU, L _ W ood.- Cooieemee Police Land Transfers July 16: Sm ilh Grove. 11:52 a.m., woods fire, Redland Road;Cenler,3:42 p.m., aulo acchlent, 1-40; Advance, 6 p.m., auto accident, N.C. 801 al Sam Cope Road. July 17: Farmington, 2:01 p.m., reponed vehklerire,FamiingtoaRoad. ¡v i) W . Fannington, 10:50 a.m., tractor fire, 715 Pinebrook School Road; Sm iUi Grove assisted; Center, 1:11 p.m., aulo accklent, 1.40; M ocks­ ville, 5:02 p.m., stnKture Tire. Crow n H ie followingare taken from Cool­ eemee P o li^ Department repons. -LesSleele,managerorCooleemee Pool, reponed July 13, that someone had broken inlo a storage room at Ihe swimming pool and stole sevend boxes o fio A drinks and snacks. - OiTiceis responded lo a reported assaull on Elk Lane at 1:28 a.m. July 15, where Ihey spoke with Oaifiekl Arnold, who compUined lhal, while around die old dance hall, he had been -.w aM lM dtytwa Bal;^,-— ■■■— :— According lo Woolen, Am okL who was Inloitealed, had injuries lo his mouth and nose andaknot on his head. Arnold said he wishes lo press charges. A n invesligalion is continu­ ing. - O fficen responded to a reported trespassing byam anw iihagun at 116 Flatrock Road at 12:30 a.m. July 16. Tamara Trivette said her ex-boy­ friend, araied wilh a handgun, was , banging on tha door, 7 -— The following land Iraisfen were filed with Ihe Davie Couniy Registerof Deeds. The transactkms are listed by par­ lies involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purehased, with $2 repre­ senting $1,000. - Т епу R. Foust and Virginia T. Foust ( 2 5 * ¡merest) lo W illiam L. Foust and Rebecca B. Foust, 19.2* acres. Calahahi. Struck a ditch and trees. The vehicle nipped onlo ils right side and slid Into' a parked car, com ing to rest on Its left side, reported Trooper P.T. Hennelly. Mar%'in was taken to Baptist Hospital- for treatment o f Injuries. He wa^- chargcd with D W I and careless and reckless driving. Deer H its M d o rc y c k Michael Aaron Childress, 25, of. 705 Pineville Road, was driving h is . 1986 Harley Davidson on R P 1430 at 10:35p.m. July l6whenadeerraninio the side of the motorcycle, reported Тпюрег P T . Hennelly. Childress was slightly Injured. Exceeding Safe Speed Charged An Asheboro man wascharged with exceeding a safe speed after an acci­ dent on 1-40 at 2:45 p.m. July 16. According to a report by Trooper T.S. Kennedy. Donald Ray Bennett, 63, was changing lanes In a traclor trailer when the track skidded, jack- knifed and struck several trees. DA> IE. COUN'I,V ЫМ аЫи luat, a% I» /': ■/# , 'Huee Davie teens were anested FriSay. accused of an overnight steal­ ing spiee across Davie Couniy, from Ephesus to Hidden Criek. '■ Arrested were; . Johnathan Kyle Tutterow, 16. o f 1491 Couniy Home Road, Mocksville, chatged by the DavieCouniy Sheriffs Departmenl with felony breaking and cnteringofavehicleandmisdcmeanor lareeny;ond by Mocksville Police wilh feiohy breaking and entering of a m o­ tor vehicle and felony larceny. . Jonathan Glenn Greene. 17. of 759 Junction Road. Mocksville, was charged by the sheriffs department with felony breaking and entering and misdemeanor larceny; and by M ocks­ ville police with felony breaking and entering a motor vehicle and misde­ meanor larccny. •JosephEdwanlW esoloski, n ,o f 249Deadm on Road, wascharged wilh felony breaking and entering .and m is­ demeanor lirceny. EachwaspliKedinlheDavieCounty Jail in lieu of a $25,000 bond each, pending Aug;2l first-a^eanUKchear- ings in Davie Districi Coun. Oflicer D.R. Sm ilh responded to Iheinitial call al2.40a.m.Friday, when a neighbor of 244 H olly Court, in the Ganlen Valley subdivision, reponed a small silver buck had jusi left the resi­ dence next door. Several flags had been stolen from thal re.sldence in the past. Sm ilh saidl Sm ilh hod communications to put, out a description of the track. Later, the sheriffs depaitment re­ ceived a call of vandalism at a resi- • dence in Creekwood, with boys ran- ning from the track thal matched the description o f the one in Garden Val- ley. Sheriffs Deputy G ary W illiam s spotted a track iM tching the descrip­ tion on Hwy. 801 liear Meadowbiook Tctnce, and stopped il near Ihe Hwy. 158 ¡nieneclion. H e fotind Ihe Ihite suspects inside, and numerous items in the track, in­ cluding: two bicycles, a U N C flag, a cooler, speaker, cassette tapes, four vehicle C D disc players, Iwo camenu, a rille, three radar detectors; knifes, hats, eight cellular telephones, llash- lighu, jeweliy and a m oney box. Larceny reports, mostly from ve­ hicles, were taken fm m Fairfield Ro.nd soulh of Mocksville, Sheffield Road west of Mocksville, two in Garden Valley.oneonCenter Strccl in M ocks­ ville. Eight reports o f larccny were laken from the Creekwood Subdivision, and two from the Hidden Creek subdivi- •sion, accoiding lo the sheriffs depart­ ment. Davie Sheriffs Deputies Mitch Btown and Gaiy Williams ii early Friday moming. S u p e r i o r C o u r t Neely Street, Cooleemee. was arrest^ July 18, for failure to appear in court tm Ihe charge o f failure to return rental, property. She was placed In the Daviie CouniyJallundera$2008ecuredbdnd." Trial date: Aug. 28. - Fredrick F. Bennett, 32. formerly ‘ o f Youngstown, Ohk>, an inmate at tfie'' N .C . Departm ent o f Correction's M ocb ville unit w as anested July ' forassaulio nago venunen tem p)^; ^ Trial date: Aug. 7. tha H. Bennett, W illie Bess Bennett, and James E. Nance and Gam ehe' Nonce, and Fred 0. Ellis and Ellis lo David A. Prim Jr. and Melinda M cKnighi, 2 lou. Clarksville. $52.;';’ • Lucy Shaffer M c a a m ro c k ' tcr Dustin Shane Allen and Teresa A lk n Bailey, 3.57 acres, Jerusalem. 'J;'; - David Fnm klin Jones, executor oir estate o f Roland F. Jones to Roger Richardson andToesa D. Rkhaidiipiv^ i ....3tracttfMoskwffler$tfSr> TTie following cases werejlisposed "ot'iaii weeV iii Oavie C Court. ^ Bobby Marion Booe, probation violation, 60 doy sentence Invoked, $50 attomey fee. ■'-'Jam es Edison Chandler, proba­ tion violation, 45 day sentence Invoked, S5p attomey fee. -C harles Gilbert Dalton, probation violation, six month and 120 day sen­ tences invoked, work release recom­ mended, $200 attomey fee. Cornelius Daniel Ford, driving while license revoked, sentenced to 90 days in jail, S200 attorney fee. - Shannon M ichacI Funderburk, probation violation, two year sentence iavpked. . - Joshua Milton Hardin, probation violation, D W I, sentenced to twoyears infrison; felony possessionofcocalne. sentenced lo six to eight months in prison suspended ihree years with su­ pervised probation to Include no use or possession of any illegal controlled substance, submission to searches._ coinpiiancc'with’substa^^ scssmeni, $250 fine, court costs. - M axle Edwunl Hcarld Jr.. D W I, remanded to District Court judgment. -D a w n Renee Hcrinings, lOcounts forgery ofcndorsement.fourcountsof uttering u forged endorsement; sen­ tenced to 24 lo 32 monlhs in prison suspended three years on supervised probalion lo Include submission to searches, compliance with dm g abuse assessment and no use or possessionof any Illegal controlled substance. $494 restitution and$350altomey fee; three countsormtcring forgedcndorsement. dismissed by D A. - Anthony Howard Hutchens, pro­ viding drugs to inmate, sentenced lo eight lo 10 monlhs in prison suspended three years with supervised probation lo include no use or possession of any illegal controlled substance, submis­ sion lo searches and drug lest s, comple­ tion of all recommended mental health treatment and taking mediation pre- scrilxd byTritCounly Mental Hfiallh.....rciliiced.lo.aiding.-and-abetting no -Couitjudgm enir“......................... $250rme,S142courtcosis,possession operator’s license, prayer forjudgment -ChoriesDennisTum erlll.break- continued on payment o f costs. - W illiam Lynn Lopcr, probalion violation, remanded to District Court judgment. - Derrick Jerome Luckuy, posses­ sion wilh intent to sell or deliver co­ caine, manurucluringc(x:aine,trafTick- ing In cocaine, conspiring to trafile in cocaine, prayer fur judgment contin­ ued from term to temi. - John Lewis Mayfield Jr., proba­ lion violation, 20 to 24 month sen- of a schedule V I controlled substance, dismissed by D A. - Sandy M . Hulchlns, providing drags to inmate, possession of mari­ juana up to 1/2 ounce, possession of drag paraphernalia, remanded lo D is­ trict Court judgment. - David Lee Johnson, D W I, re­ manded to District Court judgment. -C icero Jones, probation violation, 10 to 12 month sentence invoked. - Larry Christopher Jones, proba­ lion violation, 75daysentenceinvoked; communicating threats, assault on a female, sentenced to 30 days In jail. - Sanford Brent Jone.s, probalion violation, probationary sentence modi­ fied. - Qiurles Edward Lawson, assaull with a deadly weapon innicting seri­ ous injury, sentenced lo 75 days In jail, $350 attorney fee. -Shelia Evans Leonard, aiding and abettingdrivingwhilelicensercvoked. ing or entering, misdemeanor larceny, common law robbery, attempted com­ mon law robbery, sentenced lo 15 to 18 monlhs In prison; simple assault, dis- mis.sed by D A. - Larry Eugene White, possession o f drag paraphernalia, sentenced to six to eight months in prison suspended five years, $250 fine, $207 court costs, $200 attomey fee; misdemeanor pos- se.ssion of a schedule V I controlled substance, maintaining a place for a controlled substance, possession of a schedule U controlled substance, dis­ m issed by DA.— -...................... .... - Sylvia Ann White, forgery a n ^ uttering, dismissed by D A after co№ ’ ferring wilh Cooleemee P o lk * Chief Tim Wooten and C C B officials. - W anda K. W ilson, pfobation vkK t lation, 6 010 80 month prison sentence invoked. »r; Faikd T o Appear .M - M ichael Allen Miller, probation violation. - Robert Grey Ridings, d rivinti while license revoked. - Shaw n Dannette Smoot, three i counts of fcwgery o f Instrument, three counts of uttering a forged instrument icnccsinvoked. - Russell Albert McClelland, pos­ session o f slolen goods, 45 days in jail, $250 fine, $157 court costs. ^ . . . . . • . » . .. Ì - Jeffrey Lawrence Scotl, proba- Q^tS lllltia O K FO T N fiW S tU d k T tion violation, probation temiinaled. r w i -R u d y BryanSizemore,lwo counts o f assauh on a govemment ofncial, remanded lo DislriclCourtjudgemenl, sentenced to 150 days in prison. -M eriinToddSm ilh,driving while license revoked, remanded lo District Cooleemee Police C o n ^ u c d Fro m Fage 6 OfTicers located Barry Leonard of Advance and found a weapon In his uw k. They removed him from Ihe prt>pcrty bul did not charge him at Trivette’s request. - Officers have a suspect In a re­ ported fraudcaseat Cooteemee Super- Davie Broadcasting has received Initial approval to build a new studio for W D S L radio. M ocksville Planning Board mem­ bers lasl week recommended opproval of the rezoning of 6.25 acres on Eaton Road from residential-agricultural lo Industrial. Il Is surrounded by land zoned agricultural, industrial and a flood plain, said planning and zoning market July 17, in which a customer cashed a check on a closed account, which was reported as lost or stolen. - Responding to a report o f an in* toxicated person in the road al the intersection of N.C. 801 and U.S. 601 July 19,ofricenfoundaHispanicman, who did not speak English. He was taken to the Dovie County Jail until an Intcrpreler could be con- luclcd lo find out where Ihe man lived. - A n Invesligalion is conlinuing in the reported larceny ofacockcrspaniel from Serena Roscman on Riverside Drive July 19. - Officers invc.sligutcd a hung-up 9 1 1 call made from the Cooleemee .swimming pool where some children were playing on the phone July 19. - OfTicers are investigating a re­ ported fight involving juveniles lhal started at theswiniming pool nndended upat the playgroundon Marginal Street July 18, Woolen s.'ild. C h a r g e s D is m is s e d A g a in s t M a n A c c u s e d O f B r e a k in g In R e s ta u r a n t I .and Transfers CoDUnucdFromPaget - Linda H. Jonlan and W illiam K. Jordan lo Donna L. Jordan, 2 lols, Mocksville, $120. •• M a rio n J. M arsh b an k s nnd Catherine T. Marshbanks to Hertxn F. Reichand Arlene T.Reich,2.l9acres. Shady Grove, $10. -M aiy A. Crews to Tim Hendrix and Denise Crews Hendrix, 1.7 acres, Clari(svillc.$2. - T. Holt Haywood and Nancy A. Haywood 10 W illiam L. W ard and Pansy C. W an). 1.52 acres. Fullon. r Riley Gray Bowm an and Carolyn H. Bow m an to Annelte Christine Bowles. 1.75 acres. Fanninglon.$230. . - B illy Gene Allen and U n a H. XilenloM .M artinFlchartyandBriana Fleharty. 7.76 acres. Fanninglon. $82. W illie W hile Jr.andBiriieLousie W hi№ to Nancy C. Campbell. 31.050 square feet. - O ak Valley Associates Limited Paitnenhipto Shannon HaUConslnic- liln. I lot. Farmington. $118. Margaret S. U w is and Cari J. Lfw is to Federal N alknal Mcttgage Cp^.. I inct. Shady Grove. $80. - F e ^ I National Mortgage lo Roger È M u sg n ve and Judy F. M u s­ grave. 1 tract. Sh id y Grove. $54. -BenPoweUandMa!ieR,PoweUlo Edfocd Dallas FhilUps Jr. and Patricia Am FhUlipa. 1 lot, Calahain. $25. ..- R oy L. M t t and Diane № Fotti to R Ìg e r E M u sg n ve and Judy F. M ust grave, .84 acre. Shady Orove, $S4. : -R o y L P o ltt and Diane H. Potts 10 RògCT E M u sg n ve and Judy F. M u s­ grave, I lol, Jenisalem, $2. h o y L. Pubi and Diane H. Polli 10 R Ì ^ E M u sg n ve and Judy F. M u i- ¡fu n , I n e t. M ockivlile, $60. ' '- 'PM ti Real Eitale to E N|u^v«M dJiii|yF.;M uignye, 1,11 ^ - ‘n » M a & P a w n in | i& ,in iJ iM ^ Bonds Downing, and Phyllis June FcrgusonandCharlcsMarvinFi;rguson to James Curtis Colbert, I lol. Shady Grove, $1. - Josie J. Smith lo Margaret S. Simmeison, Harvey MichaelSm ilh and W illiam Rufus Sm ith,^ lols. - Burr C. Brock Jr., John T. Brack and M aiy M . Brock, James M . Brock and Rachel S. Brock, Richanll. Brock, William L. Brock and Jane Y. Brock, Rufus L.BrockandM aigarelH.Brock, John T. Brock executor o f Margarel Brock eslale, ond Frances B. Tucker and Basil M . Tucker lb Rufus L. Brock andMargarelH,Brock,.94acre,Fann- ington. - Scony Ralls 10 Barbara R. Smith. llract.Jeni,salem. ■ R. Heath LarytoBennuda Village RetiiemeniCenteiLimitedPartneisWp. I condominium. Fatminglon. $410. -Berm uda Village Retirement Cen­ ter Limited Pannetship loTbom as M . Wheeler and и « Ц > K . Wheeler, one condominium, Farmington, $410. -Rodney Dwayne MillerandNancy Prater M iller lo Teiry M . Anderson, 1.95 acres. Shady Grove. $259. J - John M . Clement to Edw anl C. Bamhardl and Doris W . Bamhanil. 3.03 acrcs. Mocksville, $40. - J.C. Faw lo Addison Properties,' 5.99 acres, MocksviUe. - L an y W . M cClellan and Beverly H. McCfeUan 10 A nuiy R. Riddle and Paula B. Riddle, 5.17 acres. Shady Orove,$77. - Anderson & Assoctaln Conlrac- lonloB rigitle Johnson, 1 io(.M ocks- vU Ie .$l2 6.,' .. . , ,, - Anderson ^ A sm iiU e s Contrac- lonlaBcnhaL.Kim bnughandShanla S.K lm licau ^llol.M acksville.$I26. ' - R. O y d e O laKO ck and L o ii C. , OlaKOck. lu a ja .'n ille ra w .a n d E M ilto n Tuitcrow , M a n h a ll E. GlaiicaGkJr.andBfM daC.GIaiicddi. Allen, Thom as F. G lasscock and ConstanceW .GIassock.MoiyO. Spill­ man and W illiam W ilburn Spillman Sr. and Dorothy 0 . Taylor to Thomas F. G lasscock and Constance W . Glasscock, 6 lols, Calahain. -R. Clyde Glascock and Lois C. Glascock, Jane G. Tutterow and E M ilto n Tutterow , M arsh all E. GlasscockJr.andBrendaG.GIasscock, Everette Gray Allen and Lisa King Allen, Thom as F. G lascock and conslanceW .GIasscock,MaiyG.Spill- man and W illiam W ilburn Spillman Sr. and Doroihy G. Taylor lo R. Clyde Glascock and Lois C. Glascock, 6 lots, Calahain. - R. Clyde Glascock and Lols C. Glascock, Jane G. Tutlerow and E M ilto n Tutterow , M arsh all E. Glasscocklr.andBrendaC.Glasscock, Everette Gray Allen and Lisa King Allen, Thom as F. Glasscock and Constance W . Glasscock, M ary G. Spilhnan and W illiam W ilburn Spill­ man Sr., and Doroihy 0 . Taylor to MaryG.Spiibnan and William W iibum Spillm an Sr., 6 kus, Calahain. - R. Clyde Glascock and Lois C. Glascock, Jane G. Tuuerow and E M ilto n Tutlerow , M arsh all E. GlasscockJr.andBrendaC.GIasscock, Everette Gray Allen and Lisa King Allen. .Thomas F. G la sM ock and Conslance W . Glasscock,' M a iy 0. Spillman and W illiam W ilburn Spill­ man Sr., and Doroihy 0 . Taylor lo Everette Gray Allen and U s a K ing Allen, 6 lots, Calahain. - R. Clyde Glascock and Lois C. Glascock, Jane G. Tutterow and E. M ilto n Tutterow , M arsh a ll E. GlasscockJr.andBrendaC.GIasscock, Everette Gray Allen and U sa K ing Allen, T h o m u F. G lasscock and ConsUnceiW . Glasscock, M a iy 0. Spillm an and W illiam W iibum Spill­ man Sr.. and D cm hyO .TaykirloJane g ,T u tte ra w a n d E M illo n 'I\iK n w,6 - R. Clyde Glascock and Lois C. Glascock, lane G . Tutlerow and li. M ilto n Tutterow , M arsh all E. GlasscockJr.andBrendaC.GIasscock, Everette G ray Allen and Lisa King Allen, Thom as F. Glasscock and Conslance W . Glasscock, M ary O. Spillman and W illiam W iibum Spill­ man Sr., and Dorothy G. Taylor to Dorothy G. Taylor, 6 lots, Calahain. - R. Clyde Ghiscock and Lois C. Glascock, Jane G. Tutterow and e. M illó n Tullerow , M a rsh a ll E. GlasscockJr.andBrendaCGIasscock, Everette Gray Allen and Lisa K ing Allen, Thom as F. G lasscock and Constance W . Glasscock, M a iy G. Spillman and W illiam W iibum Spill­ man Sr. and Dorothy G. Taylor to Maishall E Glasscock Jr. and Brenda C. Glasscock, 6 lots, Calahain. - Debra L. Albeny Hedrick and Matthew Hedrick lo M ark A . Martin, I tract. Shady Grove, $152. - Susan E. Pleasant lo Jeff D. W illiam son and V eraM . Williamson, I lot, Fannington, $540. - K en Capron Buikling lo Shugan Enterprises, I lot, Fannington, $184. - Ken Capron Building to Shugan Enleiprises, I kH, Fannington, $590. - James R. M arion and Sandra S. Marion to Richanl C. Price and Patri­ cia P. Price, I lot, Faimington, $796. - Edw anl M cO a in Parker and Pa­ tricia Barton Pariier to Belinda Suitts, I lot, Calahahi, $127! ,-W h ip O -W iil Land and Cattle to RonaIdC.M ongerandKarenT.M on- ger,21ots,ClaiksvUle,$220. - M yron Nelson and Kay Nelson to Geneva McChunrock, 2 kits, Cala- haln,$144. - T honus E Phelpi and Jean S. Phelpa 10 M yn in Seilh Nelson and M arilyn K ay Nelson, 6.36 acnes, Jenuakm ,$342; • Did| Andenon O m tn K tio n to U n m a iE F h e liia a n d J tM S n M lp ,' T t i « r n i n a v w r S 2s r Charges were dismissed against n M ocksville rcsident charged whh breaking into Western Steer on Hwy. 601 on Jan. 13. Randall Lee Smith, 19, was ar­ rested soon after Uie incident at 3 a.m. Jan. l3.The charges weredismissedin Davie Superior Court last week for insufficient evidence. Ofliceis found Sm iUi walking up Grand Jury Issues Indiclmenbt A Davie Couniy Grand Juiy issued the following indicunents hut week. - M a iy Ferguson Beamer, posses­ sion o f a conholled substance. - Eddie Lew is Fn»l. two counts of possession with intent to sell or deliver acontrolled substance, possession ofa controlled substance, sale of a con- irolled subsiancc. mainlainingadwell- ing for a conlrolled substance. -C u rtis Lamonie Gray, possession o f a controlled substance, conspiracy. - Joshua Hanlin. possession of a controlled substanc'C. -R a nd y LeonanLhabitual impaired driving.driving while Ikxnse revoked. - M elvin M ock, possession with uvent lo tell or deliva substance, sale ofccnlrolledsubstance. - Tim othy Ray Folk, possesskm wilh inlent to sell or deliver a con- troUed substance. I I (Urector John Gallimore. -r. W D S L 's Johnny Tilley sakl havingc Ihe sludio and Iransmission tower ai> the same site would improve the station's signal. . "W e ll pul a race straclure there," ' Tilley said. "W e won't let you dowaTc, Thetownboardisexpeciedloniakai', a final decision al ils meeling at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5. ¿lu an exit ramp from 1-40 toward Hwy,, 601 that night, and he wasn't dressed; for the cold wealher. A tracking dog also followed a scent fiom Ihe restaur rant 10 where Sm ilh was found, Daviei Sheriffs Detective Robert Troaer said, alter the incklent. ,..7 Sm ilh loMlheofTiceiiallhe lime Iwi had walked on 1-40 from South Angell Road. P* - Juslin Fraflitt, bnaUng and lering and larceny. - Shawn Smoot, d im couMs o( foigety and uttering. >4 -Robot While,iaaukwiihadeadV' weapon intlkling serious injury, pc» sesskn ofa firearm by a fekm. -Roy Workman, fim degree sta» ’ lory rape, twocounts firn degree Italy- unytex offense. i SdMol i t C h i l d G M W t ,K S /B « (g ra a n d M « iP & h o a lX = Iedsubstance. if C o o lH n M M ^ D M # * a ra M M M r t f i ^Pflnrtnltrt Coiv С1мж ItflIniÉifl Ih ) 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1997 D a v ie P e o p le Beal-Beaver Couple Wed In Cooleemee Mrs. Dele Edward Priilaman S e lle r s - P r illa m a n C o u p le M a r r ie d In S n e a d s F e r r y Jennifer Leigh Sellers o f Sneads Ferry and Dale Edward Priilaman of Chariottewere united inmarriage at 11 a.m .M ay31 at Salem Baptist Church in Sneads Feny. Tlw Rev. RvisseU Padgett officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and ; M rs. Jesse Sellers and M s. Johny ’ WatsonofSneadsFeriy.Sheisagradu- ' ateofDixonHighSchoolandeameda bachelor’s degree in nursing in 1997 ‘ from lheUniversityofNonhCarolina : al Chape! Hill, where she was a mem- ’ ber of Sigm a Theta Tau, a nursing honorsociety. She Isa registered nurse al University Hospital in Charlotte. The bridegroom Is the son of Dr. and M rs. Gary Priilaman o f M ocks­ villc. H e is a graduate ofDavie H igh School and earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the Pino News B y N o ra U lh a m И п о Correspondent Clyde Murray is home from the hmpital after having open heart sur­ gery. He is doing well. He and V ir­ ginia would like lo lhank everyone for all the prayers, cards, food, telephone cailsand visits they received during his tlhwss. ■ Janic and O'Brien Dixon recently honored her mother and faiher. Mr. ^ d M rs. Josh White on their birth- diys. Several family members joined them in the celebration. ..Harm on and Nora Latham spent .1 ^ week in Mantco. Ib e y werc the 'guests o f Nora's sister and brother-in- .law. Ervin and Peggy Angell. W hile there, they also visited her niecc and hustemd, Sheny and John Wcscott, 'andtheirchiUren,AngelIandBrcnnen. Elbaville News Rcrcc' H. Beal and Donald M ax Beaver Jr. were unhed in maniage by the Rev. Jeff Pennington on June 29 al 2 p.m. al Fust Baptist Cliureti In Cool­ eemee. The bride, given In mairiage by her son. Rodney Crotls, wore a fonnal gown of white satin. The gown fea­ tured Sehiffi lacc covering Ihc bodicc wilh elusten of seed pearls and se­ quins. The gown was designed wilh long Victorian sleeves, a sweethcan neckline, and a princess bodice. H ie sicin was cncirclcd with Schlfli loco and swept to a cathedral train. The ballerina-length veil o f white illusion w as attached to a headband of satin which was covered with floral applique and pearl sprays. Donald Beaver Sr., father o f the groom, was bcsl man. Rhonda Poitcr.daughlcroflhe bride, was matron o f honor. Katelynn Porter, granddaughter of thcbride^wasnowcrgirl................ AicxBeai,sonofthcbride,wa.sring bearer. Gina Burton, sister o f the groom, was maid of honor. Bridciimaids werc, Krysllc Beal, daughter o f Ihc bride, Ashlee Bunon, O n Salurdfiy the four of them went to Newport News, Va. lo visit Hannon and Nora's oldest son, Jim, and his family, Chincra, Audra and Kendra. On Sunday, July 16. Bob and Kathy Ellis hosted a cook-out for the softball team from WcsleyChapclChureh. Tliis was the fiist year the church had a ball team and Uie first year Ihe boys played together, but Ihey won three games during the season. Nexl year will be muchbclter. Thoscattcndingthccook- out werc Ihc coach, Pete Gentry, and his wife, M adelyn, Rev. Tam m y Talbcn, Ihe pastor at W esley Chapel, and her husband. Rev. David Talbert, their baby Grace. Robert Ellis, Bar­ bara, Albert and Josh Grcer, Eihan Boger, Chad Trivflte, Shane Tiivctic, Tim m y Shoffner, Jason Lanier, Leah Anderson, and John Kennedy. ■jrMurUlliuZiuocnnan ' ElbtvilleContipaiidcnl . WewekomepMocSuunHubbaid : btck to our chufch for Ihc year 1997- '98. Four youth fiom Elbaville church : wem to church camp al Camp McCall b it week. Those attending were April ::Livenicod,B.G.Minar.Mandy Caner ^ Brid(et Rutntaoo. EhineSmlthhadabinhdaypartyai tehancrorhermotlierMabel Howard ; on July 13. Her ndghlnn and their : ' (^Mlditn were invited for cake and ice ,-9eain. . Thee of our youth are attending .GjdScoutCmipiMiwcek. llicyacc V Mirie. Biidiel M d Raw Robcition. ^ DKEwM aritlaidUilck,uwMelo ^aMenichuRli. Wewithheraapecdy ';m ovay. ^ B ia M h (Ub) M ym Iwd hyk. ¿ M M m iyim U kllnM llilli . r 1 i l She is at home doing good. Athene Spry is having back prob­ lems and is unable lo attend church. W c miss her al church, senior citizens club and United Methodist Women. Ray Purdy, a member o f Elbaville Senior Citizen Club is home from the hospital. W ehopehe will be back with ussoon. Ourclubwillbe meeting Aug. 5 in the church fellowship hall at 10 a.m. W c welcome anyone locome and join. W e do have a good lime. Sunday nighl we had tm ice crcam paity at church with lots o f different kindsofhomemadeicecream. M olly McBride, a senior at H igh Püinl C ol­ lege was there aqd she gave her testi­ m ony o f becoming a Christian at age 14. Shetokluiaboiaonesem estershe Mr. arid Mrs. Doriald M ax Beaver Jr. nicccofihcgroom .andCindi Hendrix, cousin ofthe groom. Ushers were Chris Hendnx. cousin University ofNorthCiirolina at Chapel Hill in 1996. He is in the master’s of business administration program at UNC-Charlotle. He Is employed by Firsl Union of Chailouc. Given in marriage by her faiher. ihe bride choscTraci Powell as hermatron of honor. Bridesmaids were: Tamela McDowell,Shannon McDowell.Laura Priilaman and Jill Priilaman. Honor­ ary bridesmaid was Nicole Bennett. The groom's father was bcsl roan. Ushers werc: Toby Kennedy. Lany Bui, Neil Reecc and Jim McClean. Honorai)- usher was Richard Powell. Flower giri was Micayla Powell, and Daniel Powell was ring bearer. After a reception in the church fel­ lowship hall, the couple went on a wedding trip to Key West, Fla. They arc at home in Concord. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott Nixon Couple Pledge Vows At West Yadkin Church Rachel Hope Macemorc and Rich­ ard Scoll Nixon were united in mar­ riage on Saturday. June 7 at 7 p.m. at W est Y a d kin Baptist C hurch in Ham ptonvillc by the Rev. Kenny Pardue. The bride is ihc daughter of Ronnie and C on n ie M acem orc o f Hamptonvillc. She is a graduate of Starmount H igh School atul Forsyth Technical Com m uniiy College, where she rcceived her L P N degree. Sh e is employed al Yadkin Nursing Ccnter in YadkinviUe. The groom is the s(h i o f Frank and Marie Absher Nixon of 601 North. Mocksville. He is a graduate of Surry Central High School and Mitchell Com ­ munity Collegc. where he received his degree in basic lawenforcement. He is employed as a deputy and part-time dispatcher with the Yadkin Counly Sheriffs Department. BridesmaidsweicPaulaMacemorc ofMocksville, Melissa Gamer, Brooke G regory, L iz Gillenwater, Daw n Gilliam, and Maria H ow cllof Yadkin- ville. Ushers werc, David, Daniel, and AoronMacemore.brothcrsofihcbridc o f Hamptonvillc, Bill Com er of Yad- kinvilleandEricW ilkins.cousinofthe groom ofMocksville. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held in the fellowship hall. Afterahoneymooninthemouniainsof North Carolina and Tennessee, the couple are residing at their home In Hamptonvillc. Four Corners News B y M u k W hile Four Com ers Coirespondent Mr. and Mrs. K rany Sm idi have returned homeafterspcndinglasl week al Carolina Beach. M r. and Mrs. Leonard Shelton and Abby Fergeison have rciumed home after spending several days at Myrtle Bcach. Clyde Murrayisgeuingalong nicely The Coolccm cc Senior Citizens Club mel July H inlhefclkiw ihiphall ofFirst Baptist Church with 22 mem­ ben and one visitor pnscni. The meeting was callcd 10 order by Ihcpraident. Folknving pnyer, the group lang 'm ia e b A Nam e I U v e T o Hear.’ Tlie chaplain gave the devoikma, using Proveita I7:22..'A m cuy heait spent in Spain and what a wonderfid opcriencc il waa. Hertalk was very ■‘“ yW ld ifcA tfeb oiica. She read« ina|)iring.e4)cciauy 10 our youth. in « ^ < r f i» y i« * i lilW 'T fo u r allpla------------------^------Щ— ^--------ibowing^ of the groom, Scoll Porter, son-in-law of Ihc bride. Clay Campbell, cousin o f the groom, and Dean Groce, cousin of C e ra m ic s S tu d e n ts W in P riz e s A t C o m p e titio n Students from M ad Ceramics have done well at acompeliiion in CharlMie last weekend. Competing for the flrst time. Tim Sink of Mocksvillc. won a flrst and best of category for a mallard duck stein, which was the firsl piccc he has ever wOTked on. Jo Allen of M ocksvillc. won fint for her watercolor glazed plate; and Susan Dunivanlof Harmony, won scc­ ond placc for her vase done in under- glaze crayons. Veteran competitors, Francis Lentz of Clemmons, won first for her West­ ern Santa and a third for her Rcntus- sancc Santa. Judy Keaton o f M ocks­ villc won first for her stained, glazed, ond overglazed clephanl and Carroll Ellis o f M ocksvillc won two seconds for her chalked portrait o f her dog "Sam " and a duck. In the professional category, Tricia Hardy o f Mocksville. owner of M A D . won two firsts, two seconds, and three ihird placc ribbons. Hardy has just had her lOih articlc accepted for publica­ tion in cither o f two world wide maga­ zines, three o f Ihc 10 have been pub­ lished since this pasi November. the groom. Standing al the register werc Linda Grocc and Martha Pr^tor, auntsof Ihc groom. Scrolls and birdseed favors were handed out by Alisha Burton, neicc of the groom. The wedding was directed by Regina Miller. si.ster of the bride. Candle Milter played the piano and Rcbccca Hursey sung. The bride is the daughter of Jean Hamilton and the latcL.B. Hamilton of Mocksvillc. The groom is the son of Mr. and M rs.DonaldM axBcaverSr.ofM ocks- ville. The couple will make ihcir home in Mocksville, Reception The receplion was held immedi­ ately alter the wedding in the fellow- shlphall. A thrcc-liered wedding cake was served along wilh punch. Servers werc Kanita Carter and "V fckicHcndrix:--------------------------- Bridal Shower O n Saturday, June 10. a miscella­ neous household shower was given by aunts of the groom at ihc home of Jimmy Campbell ofMocksville. ^L A D I E S ', K I D S ', & HANDBAGS 2 OFF OUR , LOWEST PRICE „ J SHOE SHOW CaU Carolina PRIMESHÌR' A The M ini Disli SateiUte Service par day N o Equlpmtnt To P urchtM Prlim sur Sup pIlM ft M tm uktt AH Equlpinw l Y o u H О ЛУШ CO UHTY Р я т т а т А н о ш л и н•И-Ш -4Ш tr 1-ММ41.Ш1 »• Sfé after heart surgciy itccnlly. Balry Sm idi is undergoing treat- mcnis and wc are praying he will have a complete recovery. Peggy Elmore and ChariesBuijess are on oursick list and need our contin­ ued prayers. Happy Binhday to Kenny Smith. Christopher ShoreaiidBalrySm ith. S e n io r s L e a m F ir e S a fe ty The minutea were ivad, the sun­ shine and Ireasurer'a repoita given. Shaw Davia gaveaprognun on Are safety, fire cscapc plans, and the loca­ tion and kinds o f fire safety dcvlccs, Evenu taking place al the Senior Ccnter were announced. H ie nexl meetinf will be July 28 at the Ridenhour Artior. Thegroupw ill play bingo. EvciyoaelatobringsonK- Ihing to be given aa « pd2c. The tneeling will ckiae with prayer afier w h kh the sang the club L O S E W E I G H T ! S U M M E R S P E C I A L ! ! ^LoM2-3lba A u m a Ic «IndIviduallzMl counMllng. * Grocery stor« ftrMtaunnt Mod. М 4 У М ИУ Hoad. «Ы1» 400 MooktvMlA P ie ftM lO M l C tn lw(704)634-1433 B a llin s - D a v is E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Cindy and Sieve Bullins of Lone Hickory Road, YadkinviUe. announce Ihe engagement of iheir daughter. Jeremiunn Rebecca Bullins lo Christopher Scott Davis, the son of M ary and Henry Davis o f West M ain Slreet, YadkinviUe. The bride-elect is a gmduaie o f Forbush High School. She is employed by Sjilem Kidney Ccnter in Winslon-Salem. r;The groom-to-be is a graduuie of Forbush High School. H e ls employed by Alidio Unlimited in Jonesville. . The wedding is planned for Aug. 9 al Sandy Springs Baptist Church. DAVIE СОШТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD; M r 24,1997 - » Davie Dance Students Compete In New York Útj^ Seven sludents reprcscnting Davic Dance Acadcmy ntlcndcdlhc National level of "1 LovcDancc" competition in New Yorit C ity July 6-8, at the M ar­ quis M aniotl on Broadway, ovcriook- ing Times Squnic. W ith more than 2,(XX)dancc students attending at over 308 donee pcrfonnances, Ihe follow­ ing students received these awards: CatiKrinc Boyles, 9-11 yr»„ solo, elcmciitary Icvcl/ballcl; 2nd placc. Catherine and Am anda Boyles, 9- 11 yrs. ogc colegory. elementary level/ tap: 3nl place. Khristen Langdon, 12-14 yrs, age calcgory, solo, senior Icvcl/lyrlcal bal­ let: 4th place. M onica Duncan, l3-l7yRi.agccal- egory, solo, junior level/tap; 1st place. M onica Duncan, Caitic Arnold, Khristen Langdon, IS-17 y n age cat- cgony, senior levcl/up: 3nl place. M onica Duncan and Khristen Langdon, IS-17 yn. age category, se­ nior level/lap: 3nl placc. M onica Duncan, Callle Arnold. Anya Williams, and Khristen Langdon, 13-17 yrs. age calcgory. senior level/ variety arts; 3rd placc. In addition, these students particl- • Г » . paled In 'M a ste r' w o r k s h ^ ; dancé instructors and perfonwr» ^ the JolTrey School o f Ballet, tl FnuKlscoBallel.choreogniphent U nivcnal Sludkn and DIsi video producers from M T V , | Rivcrdance, The Irish produclitjl^r Rivcnlancewasrcprncnledbylns|kfe- tor/danccr Stephen M cAteer w h S& K held the National Irish Dance C hajS^- onship for two consccutive y c a r s g : s tí- S e n io r T r o tte r s S h a r e R e p o r ts O n Im p o r ta n t P e o p le | The Senior Trotlers met for Ihelr regular meeling July 10 ai the Ccnter Com m uniiy Building. There were 14 members and one visitor present. Bill Seaford, vicc president, callcd the meeling loorder. He had devotions and read a poem aboul freedom. Minutes o f the June meeting were read and appmved and Ihc treasury report given. It was reported Edith Bamhardl had by-pass heart surgery lasi week and is doing fine. She will probable be home in Ihc next few days. Jeanic Broadw ay, health and wellness_coordinalor for the Senior ’’CcnVeV,*gave infoniration o^^^ Ihc Senior Ccnier. She told the group about Ihc "Vial of Life". The vial is kept in Ihe refrigerator wilh important information а1юи1еасЬ mciDber ofthe family including their medication, blood type and family physician. Il is also good to have this inlbnnalion in H A P P Y H O U S E M I N I A T U R E S D O L L H O U SE S A N D A C C E S S O R IE S 135 N. M ala S In t I > MwksvUlc, N C 17DM (7IM) 0 4 -1 4 ^ T h u . , F r i., S a t. (July 2 4 - 2 « 10AM,'to5PM ^KctMuMiiU • Awirtcd IlcmsoiiSak Dcmoiialnrtloiu • Show ft Tril'Lota or New Iteiu In StockStirpriaeBoiGlvc(wayB«IVarloua.11iiMa__AnidvtnuyCakeonSalurdw ^_____yM2PM-Dnwi4fornnbMDoUHou«(» tw* W jw< >MU‘McM Si Me ter H/im 2 any cars or vehicles the family or per­ son own. A sticker on the door o f the home and on the rearview m lnorofUie car lets emergency people know the Information Is avalliible. Several in Ihe group had a name of an Importani person lo report on. Bill SaOey told us about President Dwight Eisenhower and lhat he was a gcncnd and commander o f the troops in Eu­ rope during W orld W ar IL Novella Salley gave a rcport on the Wright Brothers who were the firsl lo fly an aiiplanc and Ihis was first accomplished al Kitty Hawk. ........Ma^'HclcnFbiTOipi'ciiSh^^ important person and had Ihe group guess who it was after telling a little bit about the person. It was RuthTultcrow. one o f the members o f the club. Paul Forrest gove 0 rcport on George W ash­ ington Carver and how he started out with little and did grcal things. Bill Seafonl gave a brief account of a visit made rccenlly lo Washington, D.C. M ary Ellen W alker won the door priM. Each member brought Iheir lunch in a.box, bag or basket thal had been decorated to be Judged. Pcarlinc Seaford was first prize winner with her bag decorated wilh a blnl house and fiowers. Rulh Tutterow won sccond placc with her boxdccoralcdasaH day gin. Everyone rcceived a c 4 _ . foriheireffort. There were some tfiily neat decorations. The group had A i r lunch and fellowship f o llo w ln j ^ business and program. '-J The next meeting w ill be A ug.'^4. Each member shouW bring so m e t^ g ftom Iheirgardcn.crafts or baked i ^ s to be auctioned. The money will j^ ln the club treasury. Plans are to e a ^ t . I2ih C k iit p e l, M u a lc A u g . 1 - 2 % 'n M l2 lh in iu tilia in e a n riii|№ rih « tt]tiie l|iiittp O iM e w (y « ^^ I'heid iV ih y wld Silutdqr. A uf, 1-2 M the F a n iib ^ Ctam m uii^ ' C e iM ra B |M n g iM l(o « L n m w iU b e n o a tln iin ia ii, ■ 'Ite iDuiic M att M 7 p m IW diy fe a u i^ G M ^ y . E riii Carter o f ; ^lodltviUe.’ S ia cd H N rt oTSMeivUI«. Him o f F w in ii^ , SMHiriMrtirStaMrilk'wi'Icttnflein aI .. ; SiiMnl|/t mmic iM i« 4 pm wMi OMlnray. 'Ihe BnMU'ilDr .WillaGe, H» Bndh^i ol WkMon-Sdem. Hie Moiii Funity «r ; a m r,‘TM Hall HMiUy orOmdiiie. OUo n d '№ CMhiiM'dr AMioro. • , ; • . : :llMibwmlMda|i.diipiwldrinia«tfillb«ivailiblebadidqtt,' ;'wMi a bartiCiM c h i^ dim« betfaniiii f S p^nl. Salufday. B i^ ' ; .lawa diakij The canisit « ip (iM o u i ^ aid be moved ink> ' avdiHdtim if U la in . I t e n U a ftiin d 'p liiy g io ii^ (or cM U № : iV)rm aniiifcm aliaa.ciU'9M -]0M B la ir - L in th ic u r r i ' E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Z Stanley and Janet Blair o f Statesville, formerly ofM ocksville. announce the ;engagemenlofthcirdaughter, Elizabeth MacDonald BlairofDurham to Anthony Todd Linthicum o f Duriiam. ihe son of H. Edward Linthicum and the late Iris Unlhicum of Durham. , . : The bride-elect is a graduate of Davie High School and a&med a bachelor's degireinpolilical science from DavidsonCollegc. She iscmployed by BlucCross Blue Shield o f N onh CaroUna. I Thegroom -lo-bcisagraduaieofSoulhem HighSchoolandeamedabachelor's degree in economics from the University o f North Carolina Chapel Hill. He is employed by M oore Document Solutions. • A n August wedding is planned in Chapel Hill. C o u p le T o C e le b r a te 5 0 th W e d d in g A n n iv e r s a r y Ruth C okcn and Paul W ilson Kennedy w ill cdcbtale ihcir 50th wcddini anniversary on Saturday. July 26. They v»ete m ankd oa July 27.1947. in Pennsylvania, and will renew dieir vowi at 2 p.m. widi a nceptkn at Lamkiivk Church of God. Statesville. Hoats will be Iheir chiUren and dieirspouaes: Nancy and Roy Parsons. Tom and Paula Kennedy and Paul Kennedy, all ofHaim ooy; and David Kennedy o f Claymonl. Del. They have 11 giandchikben: RonaU and Colleen Panooa o f Haim ooy; Lonrainc FickcuCave o f Nashville. Tenn.; Scott Kennedy o f Michigan; Rachael Kennedy of New York; David Jr.. Jennifer and Janet Kennedy of Н м по оу. and Abigail. Victoria and Cheric Kennedy of Harmony. Mr. Kennedy workedfordiePhiladelphiaElectricCo. in PhiladelphiaiP». in the real estale division as a conveyoncer for 44 yeara. They moved from Lcoope. West Chester. Pa. to Ham w ny at rctiremenL |7/ie ^esi^ner s £op wefccme.4 B r a n d y H a r r i s o n formerly o f Shear Pltasure o f WiiutoH-Salem. T o t a l H a i r C a r e F o r W o m e n , M e n & C h i l d r e n 201 Hom Street • /^ksville, NC634-2318 Appointments o r Walk-Ins VILLAGE TOBACCO * Now Open in Clemmons rio’% oirl •Premium Cigars •Tobaccos •Pipes •Gifts and Accessories •Relax in our Smolung Room Suite 21, Meado T eatim e a t T an g le w o o d ! You are cordially invited to enjoy gracious company, a delightful mmu, English Teas and delicate desserts. From 2 -4 p.m. at Tanglewood $12.00 per person $10.00 per person (if re g is te r for two or more tea parties.) Each month a guest speaker will captivate and entertain you with an exciting new topic.Auguste Rubbtr Stamp DMlgn SeptMnbor 3 Fall Fashion Shows November 6 Holiday Decorating Call (910) 77S430e tar more Infomieilon UmHed seating. Pre^egiMralion is requirad al the WMoome Center, Mond^riday kom 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • a “ ¡ Wlihapwchaieof ! I $}5oraiin. I k M a llc IiIr t' т л ш MGOCRN flCSTRUVWr kM il|l«ieail*«iri|h L - г I# - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPUSE RECORD, July 24.1W7 i^ u n t e e r s M a k e P ro g re s s O n H a b ita t H o u s e ^ W ilh the rising of ihc sun on Saiur* : ^ y , July 12. came Julius Suilcr, wiih t hammer in hand to begin a day of t'VoIunlecring on ihc Habiial for Hu- t.nunily home of Marcciia Dulin. C harles M arkland and N ancy “Dom inick joined Suiicr for most of the ;;day. Other volunteers from the school system werc Shirley Cottle. Palsy Crenshaw, M ary Sine. andCandy Po[>- tin. Vickie Potts coordinated lunch. The July 4th weekend was a holiday weekend for most volunteers. Bob Deeding, Dew ey Hunt Jr.. Bruce Hancock, and David Crolts comtnicicd the 'T s “ and ’’headers" and later in the week David CaMts. Bob Bceding, and Clyde Hendricksprep;ircd ihe worksite for volunteers. Marcella Dulin(fuiun; homeowner) and David Hardin (first Habitat for Humanity homeowner) wotkcd along with olhcr volunteers Brucc and Lib Bcck, Frances Bcck. James Justice, Cindy Shay, Chris Atwoixl, thc Rev. DavidTalbcrt,BobBccding,Christina Brown,RichardandMichelleSpillman. M iscellc Vancc, Shannon Fields, Forrest Whitaker. Dewey Hunt Jr.. John Cottle. Joe and Taylor Adams. Diane andDavtdCrotts.^naLyons.Gcncva McClam rock. and Stan Carter to con- sinici the outside walls of tiK home. Hammers werc heard along wilh (he sigbsof tired but excited volunteers OS the last outside wall was hoisted intoBrock Descendants To Have Reunion "I can sec it n little clearer as each ; A reunion will beheld Aug. 2-3 for )he descendants and friends o f Nathaniel Brock. •; Brock, wilh his family, migrated from Princess Ann Couniy, Va.. to What is now (he Fannington commu­ nity ofDavie County in (hecariy 1800s. . He lived less lhan 20 years aficr coming (0 Fannington. bul 1сП a large family. M any of his descendanls arc still in Davie County and many have scatieredfarandwide. Som e have been localed as far away as Alaska. M any o f Ihc descendants have nol been localed primarily because o f the lackofccnualizcd genealogical rccords and unknown addresses. Nevenhclcss. alldcsccndams and friends arc invited. B nxkhad I2children by two wives, most of whom marriedand raised fami­ lies in thc Faniiington area. H is chil­ dren and spouses were: Frances mar­ ried John McDonald. Enoch married San»h Etheridge. A m y married W ill- iani Taylor, Polly married P. Sainer, Joshua. Caleb manied M.F. Jones. M oses. Benjam in m arried R .V . Holloway To Perform At Cedar Grove Michelle "Shelly" Brown and Ce­ dar Grove Baptist Church will present Harold Holloway & Co. o f A(lan(a, Ca., in concert at 7 p.m. Saturday. July 26. Holloway will perform songs from his debut album, "Reading the Letter." on Adore Thee Records. The church is Iwated al 287 Cedar Grove Church Road in the Fork com ­ munity. off Hwy. 64 east of M ocks­ ville. Fo r m ore information, coniaci Brown at 940-5632 or 998-7602. Kim bre. W illiam Britton married Frances Chaffin. Elizal>elh manicd Liven W ard Jr., Nm h.and Penny mar­ ried T. Snux)i. A reunion banquet will l>e held Aug. 2 at the Smith Grove Ruritan Building which will afford the opportunity for meeting and visiiing w hh relatives. For reservations contact Jim Brock al 919/998-3574. A ll who atlend an; invited to attend Sun d ay w orship servicc a( (he Fannington Methodist Church on Aug. 3. followed by dinner on the church gnjunds. Attcnders ivc encouraged to bringmementoes.piclurcs.docunients or olhcr items relating lo p;Lsl gcneni- ..lintKlhatJ])ay.h!.!J\aa*ilwithGlhcrsal- llie rcninion. thing is pul in place." says Marcella Dulin, futurc homeowner. She and her boys took lum s standing In (he rooms as their outline was chalked on the subfioor. Volunteer Forrest Whitaker guides Marcella Dulln and Calvin Dulln as they hammeron thelrfuture home. Thelrcousin, Russell Sellers, also lends a hand. Julius Suiter, Marcella Dulin, Shannon Fields, Stan Carter, Charles Markland, .Mischelle - , _VancB, Christina Brown, David Hardin, Joe Taylor, Patsy Crenshaw; Bob Bee'ding and Shirley' Cottle hoist wall into place. F a n n in g t o n C t iu r c h P la n s V B S . Faritrington Baptist Church will conduc( its annual Vacadon Bible School July 28-Aug. I. Children ages (hrec ihrough sixth grade are invited to participate in songs, crafts, m ission and Bible siudies9a.m.-noonat "Thc W ild and Wonderful Good New s Stampede". A graduation service followed by a cookout and pelting zoo will be held A u g. 1, at 6:30 p.m. for participants and their families. For more informalion. call 940- 2(W0. Oak Grove To Host Homecoming O ak G rove United M elhodist Church, 1994 U S Hwy. 158. will host its annualbomecomingserviceonSun- day, July 27. The church will begin the cclebm- lion with Sunday School assembly at 9:45. Afterabricfclass session, morn­ ing worship will begin at 10:15 a.m. Thc day will conclude wi(h a covercd- dish luncheon in the fellowship hall. Special music forthe moming wor­ ship service will be provided by ihc Sounds o f Failh. Tlie .sennon will l)c dellvercd by the Rev. Don Sides. Then; will also be oiher spccial guesls, a memorial service, and other activities. Oak Gmvewelcomesguesis and visitors. B e a r C r e e k B a p t is t T o H o ld A n n u a l H o m e c o m in g A u g . 3 BearCreekBapiistChurchwillhave its homecoming on Sunday. Aug. 3. The Rev. Jerry L. Cloninger Jr., a fonner pastor, will speak at thc wor­ ship service at 11 a.m. Cloninger is a graduate ofGardner-Webb University and Southern Theological Seminaiy and is a candidate for doctor of m inis­ try degree at Em ory University. He is pasIorofWestmorclandBaptisl Church in Chariotte. He and his wife, the fonner DeAnna Cozail of Mocksville, live in Belmont. A ground-breaking ceremony for a new 8,000 square fool fellowship/cdu- caiion building will be held immedi­ ately after worship Sunday moming. The homecoming meal will be ser\ed after the ground-breaking ceremony. Revival services will begin Sundiiy nighl, Aug. 3. and go through Wednes­ day nighl. Aug. 6. Cloninger will also be speaking al these service. Theyouth group Witness will be concert at Jerusalem Baptist on ^ 2 8 . ^rusalem B^tist To Host Youth Concert > 1 1 * youlh group "W ilness" will pÉwntanighlorsangandlesUm anyal 7:p:m. July 28 at Jmisalem B aj^sl O urch. "Wtneuiscamprisedofsevenguys lia l four gills fram across Ihe stale, liikcted based CO their singing lalem sfwitual miturily, to tnvel across ; CiiMeduriiiglhesuiiinKfpnclaini- ‘ iii|ifei|oodnewiorie<uidiibt,said É ( Ibv. J in q r Lancatter, Jciusalem The style o f music will vaiy, from southern gospel favorites to upbeat contemporaiy ptaise songs. There will be a love offering ac­ cepted at the conclusion of the seivice; as well as a table wilh W ilness topes, C D s andt-shins. Ifyou need directions or directions, call the church at 704- 284-2328 orlhe parsonage at704-284- 6363. Areachurchcs,especiallytheyouth groups, are invited, Lancaster said. Spiritual Resources: Don't Pick Up The Snake B y the R ev. R ic h a rd E s k e w T h a Am erican Indian actor. Iron E y e s C ody, h a s played m any roles In m ovies a s a n Indian-w arrior, m edicine m an, and chief. H e w a so n T V a sth e in d ia n d rillin g a lo n e in a canoe, se eing the polluted water, with a tear rolling dow n h is cheei(. H e tells m any stories he heard in h is youlh. O n e tells ol a le sso n all m usl leam : M a n y years ago, Indian braves w ould g o aw ay In solitude to prepare lor m anhood. O n e hilted Inlo a beautiful valley, green with Irees, bright with flowers. There, a s he looited up at the surrounding m ountains, he noticed o ne n igge d peali, capped w ilh dazzling snow. 1 will lest m yself against that m ountain, he thought. H e put on his buffalo hide shirt, Ihrew his blanket over his sh oulders and set off to climb Ihe pinnacle. W h e n h e reached Ihe lop, h e stood on Ihe rim ol the worid. H e could se e forever, and h is heart sw elled wilh pride. T h e n he heard aru slle a lh isfe e t. Looking dow n he sa w a snake. Before he could m ove, the sn ake spoke. 'I'm about to die,' said the snake. 'It is too cold for m e up here, an d Ihere is no food. Put m e under your shirt and take m e dow n lo the valley.' ’N o ,' said the youth. 'I know your kind. Y o u are a rattlesnake. If I pick you up you will bile m e and your bile will kill m e.' "N ot s o ,' said the snake. 'I will treat you dilferently. If you d o this for me, I will not harm y o u.' T he youth resisted awhile, but this w a s a very persuasive snake. At last Ihe youlh tucked the sn a ke under his shirt and carried It down lo Ihe valley. There he laid It dow n gently. Sud denly the sn ake coiled, rattled, and leaped, biting him on the leg. 'B u ly o u p ro m ise d ,'' cried Ihe youlh. 'Y o u knew w hal 1 w a s w hen you picked m e u p ,' s a id ' the sn a ke a s it slithered aw ay. M a n y youlh and adults a s well are tem pted by drugs, greed, lust and power. W e sh ould be ever careful for 'w e know what these Ih in gs are before w e pick Ihem up.* Strange that in eariy p a g e s ol Ihe Bible, Ihe writer tells of a like counter with A dam an d E v e and the snake. N o l strange that w e encounter Ihe sa m e struggle eveiyday, jusl a s the Indian brave a n d A d a m and E v e did long ago. W hen thp children of Israel rebelled against M o s e s in the desert G o d sent sn a k e s am on g them a s punishm ent. M o s e s prayed and G o d relented, and M o s e s m ade a bronze sn a ke lor them to look upon and be healed the sn a k e s bites. J e su s tells N icodem us of the sa m e account, "Just a s M o s e s lifted up the sn a ke in the wilderness, s o the S o n of M a n m ust tie lifted up, that everyone w ho believes in him m ayhave etem allife .' (John3:14-15) W e are not like the Indian boy, in that the sn a k e s w e pick up do not need to have the fatal ve no m o us bile. J e su s w a s sent Inlo the world to sa ve u s from o ur • daily stnjggle wilh sin. 1 su p p o se the Indian w ould tell u s not to pick up the snake. G o d tells u sth is also, but know ing w e are like A d a m and Eve, H e provides u s J e su s to look upon a n d be redeem ed. S u p p o r t T h e s e L o c a l B u s in e s s e s W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 850 N. Trade SL Winston Salem, NC 27102 910-723-1669 VOGLERA-SONS Funeral Home 2849 Middle Brook Or. Clemmont, NC 27012 9 1 0 - 7 6 6 - 4 7 1 4 SPILLMAN'S OIL ft FERTILIZER 7вв2Н«»ув018. СоЫеплм, NC 27014 704-284-2551 SNEFFIELO LUMBER ftMLLETCO. ies Tkirkey Foot Roid Mooktvllle, NC 27028 704-412-5966 MOCKSVILLE BINLDERS SUPPLY "Together We Do К Better" South Main Street 704-634-5915 SEAFORD LUMBER COMPANY JerlelioRoad Mocktvllle,NC 27028 704-634-9148 DAVK LUMBER AL06GIIK 872 Main Church Rd. Hoclnvlllt,NC 2702S 704-634-014« СНЕЗСШВЕШС P.O.BoxSOe Mockavllle, NC 27028 704-634-2136 J. P. BREEN MNJJN6C0.,INC. Makeriol DAISY FLOUR We Custom Blend Depot SL, Mockavllle, NC 704-934-212« EATONFUNERAL HOME A Tradiiion o f Caring..,, 325 Nonh M ainSircci Mocksvillc. N C 27028704-634-2148 FOSIER-RAUCN ONUS COMPANY 4ts Valley Road Mockavllle, NC 27028 704-634-2141 SENILE MJtCRME AlOOLmC. 3319 us Hwy 158 Moekavllle, NC 27028 010-098-3396 Н п Ы Ш R в A L T T H U IsdtleProteulonalPiik Highway 158 ft M l, Advance _______И и В Ь Ш 1_______ LUM9ER COMPANY 182 Sheek street Mockavllle, N027028704-034-2107 FULLER WBJNNfi AFABRKATORi P.0.BOX821 Hwy. 801 S. Moekavllle, N027028 704-034-3712 Welcome to ... B elievers Sonship T abernacle “A F ull Gospel Church " 135 Cana Road, Mockaville, NC I I M N 4 T 4 Í <4CE. m a f t U N H K 541tH«yi1H> Advma,NC270N М М М -1Ш m S ÍK f t m US801 South Mockavllle, NO 27028704434-4040 CRAIG CARTER BUHOERriNC.110Hwy;001i.iiillt1 AdMAet.NO >7000 Шг1(0ф,й1тШт1ктгХ)Ггм 0Аж(704)6ЭМвЭ6ш т т Attend ТЪе Church O f Your Choice DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Jufy 24,1997 • 1Г Advance News Q b i t U a r i e S B y Edith Zlmmemitii ^dvanceConrcspondenl . ; K im Hom er and son Harrison of Stamrord. Conn. spent the post ten (lays with her parents Dave and Frances Ward. Steve and M oil ieTilley are (he proud parents of a son. C ofty Jackson Tilley, bom Sunday.JuIy20atForsythHospi- tal. The baby weighed 8 lbs. 9oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. Matemnl grand-, parents arc M r. and Mrs. John Dwight JaeksonofMoeksville. Patemalgrand- porents are Harold Tilley and Brenda S. Button. M avis Rogers, her daughter, son- in*iaw and grandchildren Kaye and Kent Dunn; Erie, Haley and Rachel Dunn have relumed from a two week trip OUI west. They llew into Denver. Colo, where they rented a van and drovcoverthestateofW yoming.They attended an outdoor country music show In Jackson Hole, W yo. They enjoyed going down Snake River in a raft. In the Great Tetons they stayed In a mountain lodgeenjoying horse-back ridingduringtheday. . Brenda Zimmerman ofGlen Cove, Long Island, N.Y. and her friend Jane Sim im o f Lynchburg, Va. spenl Sun­ day afternoon with Brenda's mother. EdithZimmerman. Theyenjoycd lunch nl Dockside, Clemmons. During the nftemoon they went to the open-house forTheSlorehouse For Jesus inM ocks- ville, and visited Eugene and Bess Bennett in thc Comatzer area. Am ong the visitors at the Methodist church Sunday were, Joan and Doug Robinson of Clemmons. W iley W illiam s ishome from Bap­ tist Hospital after four weeks of hospi­ talization for hean surgery. Get well wishes go out to him. L ib Carter underwent hip replace­ ment surgery at Forsyth Hospilal on Friday. She came Ihrough thc surgery all right. A speedy recovery is wished for her. "Johnnie" Bennett Potts has been transferred from Davic Hospilal to Meadowbrook of Davic on Hwy. 801. Best wishes go out to her. Evelyn Holton retumed home this week after many weeks in Forsylh Hospital. W e wish her well. She has 24-hour care al this lime. M i t t i e S m i t h M itlle Pearl Jones Sm ith was bom in Ihe Beech Mountalncommunilynear Beech Mountain Baptlsl Church Aug. II, 1903, to Charlie and Caroline McGuire Jones and lived in the Fall Creek communily for 90 years beforc lllheallhforcedherandhushandHerby to move to Mocksville lo be near a daughter. She remained there until her death July 19.1997. Her husband of almost 69 years preceded her In death by only a tttonth . und three days. She is survived hy 2 sons. M ux Smith of Icard and Frank and John Charles Smith o f Boone and Fruitland Park, Fla.; 4 daughters, Anna M oorcof FaquayVarina.HelenFosterofMocks- ville and W eavers Ford. Faynlla Brannan of Advancc and Edith Taylor of Dallas; 11 grandchildren; 2 step- grondchildren; 12 great-grandchiidren; 5 step-great-grandchildren; a step- grcat-great-gnindchild.2sislcrs'in-law. Texie Fields of Gray. Tenn. and Edith JonesofAiken,S.C.;andhostofnieccs, nei^ews. cousins, friends, and church family. ......She was preceded in death by all I - o f her brothers andsisters and a son-in- law, Glenn Moore, who died in 1994. Thc funeral was held al 8 p.m. July 2l.atFallCreekBaptislChun:h. Burial was at 11 o.m. July 22. In Fall Crcek Baptist Church Cemetery in Elk Pork. Mem orials m ay be made to Fall Crcek Baptist Church or to Liberty United MeihodistChurch, Mocksville, N C 27028. M a r y G . S t e e l m a n M rs. M ary Bell Gentle Steelman. 75, o f Asheboro, died Tuesday, July 22,1997, al her home. Survivors includc two sisters and u brother of Mocksville, M rs. Daisy Medley, M rs. Rosalene Hall and Fred Gentle. ShewasanativeofYadkinCouniy, a member o f W esi Asheboro Church o f G od and was retired from Acme- M cCrary Coip. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Thursday at West Asheboro Churchof G od by the Rev. Thurman Jenkins Jr., Burial was in Randolph Mem orial Park. You're never too old to play horse­ shoes. A ll senior horseshoe players are challenged to get your ann ready Гога couple rounds of horseshoes at the Davie County Senior Center’s "D o g D ays of Sum m er C oveitd D ish Pic­ nic," on Monday, July 28 beginning at 5 p.m. nt the Jericho^Haidison Ruritan Hillsdale News By ВсЫ|аВпШ1к|а W yatt Hillsdale Conespondent : Weccflainlyhadawonderfulweck- oidal HiUsdale. Saturday night Валу ^ Angie Dodson petfotmed.at the Kfosten Loft and Валу was nice enxigh to aik me to sing a few song» ito . Bii<wuatiirooutwehad,many peopk (iram HUlidale сапн out to m ppoituiudliilenloiusing. Iltnily rneanlakXtoBaiiy.Angieand myself to kiokoul in the audicnce and see our "fandly*. My parenu, W ilU and OU- bitil, wete diere at well as my cousin and hit wife. Sherrill and Debbie Burchette, from Elkin. ' Sunday moming came aivd we welcomed four new memben Ю our сЦ сЬ. Actually, we already conald- •n d HMD to be memben In hean and jM >,b«taowweliav»lli»inlbr«»fc C a r i " M a c " M c C u l l o h Cart "M a c " Lee M cCulloh, 77, o f , Winston-Salem, died Sunday, July 20, 1997 at his home. H cw asbom M uy28.l920,inDavic Couniy to Elder and Sarah W illiam s McCulloh. Hcwasrelircdfrom AT&T, amemberofthcTelephonc Pionoersof America and served in ihe U.S. A m iy during W W II. He was of the Baptist faith. He is survived by his wife, Bernice HiUonMcCuMohofthchomc',ndaugh- ter, Kaye M . M oorc of W inston-Sa- lem; a son Lee M cCulloh of M ocks­ ville; 4 gron din s; 2 brothers, Lonnie M cC ulloh o f M ocksville and Hal M cCulloh o f Clemmons. A graveside service was held al 11 a.m. July 22, at Oak Grove United Methixlist Church Cemetery by thc Rev. Glenn Sellers with military hon­ ors by Districl 11 Memorial Honor Guard Veterans o f Foreign Wars. Mem orials may be made to H os­ pice o f W inston-Salem /Forsyth Couniy. I IOO-CS.StratfordRd..W in- sion-Salem, N.C. V e s t e r T i l l e y Vestër tiiiey. 63i o f Aiitum'n Care Nursing Home in Mocksville, formerly o f Lexington, died Wednesday. July 16,1997, at Davie County Hospital. He was bom in Rockingham County M a y 2 l, 1934 to Tyler Madison Tilley and Margie Taylor Tilley. He was u saw mill opemtor and was formerly employed with J.W. Hedrick Sawmill. He was ofthe Baptist failh. Surviving are a son, Keilh Tilley of Lexington; a daughter, Cynthia Tilley ofLexlngton;6grandchildren;8broth- ers.Tom Tilley and Paul Tilley, both of Lexin gto n, W arren T ille y o f Vancouver, Wash., G uy Tilley and Charles Tilley, bolh of Thomasville, Jimmy Tilley orMidway,LesterTilley of Mocksville, and Junior Tilley of Buies Creek; and 3 sisters, Thelma Everhart and Elsie M ae Cagle, both of Lexington, and Barbara Jean Tilley, bothofStokesdale. Funeral services werc conducled al 11 a.m. July 19. al Davidson Funeral Home Chapel by the Re v. Clyde Akers. Burial followed in LexingtonCily Cem ­ etery. r r C h .il i f i i t ' a L . / s \ u ly Jeanne Broadway, Davie senior health and wellness coordina­ tor, watches Betty Prevetle's form during a close game of horseshoes with Ub Sain and Margaret Myers. S e n io r s P la n D o g D a y s P ic n ic Club. Bring your favorite picnic dish lo share and Uie Senior Cenler will pro­ vide the drinks und pupergoods. Ihere wiU be croquet and oUier acUviUes as well as fellowship. - Call the Davie County Senior Cen­ ter al 634-0611 for mote infonnation. Welcome to Craig and Emily Robenson and Walt and Annette M i­ nor. Sunday night we had an old-fash­ ioned baptismal service at Uw Yadkin River. Bob and Mickey Minor were nice enough to let us oU trod around Uieir com fiekb io Ihe river bank. Baptismal servlci» ate always some- Uiing special, but you cant beat beuig baptizedinthegoodoleYadkinRlver. After Uie servke, we fellowshlpped around Uie picnic table for a while. It was quile a weekend. Happy BirUiday to Charise Nanu, Robert Jackson and to dur pasior, Reg AMemun. VacaUoaBiMe School wiUbehekI on Aug. 9 at Rkh Park from 8 a.m.-2 pjn. ; For'any infotmalioa contact A naM M Iaaral»8-74f8. John Edward M ullís 1947-1997 HAMPrONVILlE tt Blake C. Dem isión 1926-1997MOCKSVIUE • Jessica T. Rutledge 1997 MOCKSVIUE t t TerryEt^eneLeh 1944-1997 ADVANCE tt Thomas Harding Howell 1955-1997 MOCKSVIUE tt E lm Cartner Dudley A l p h a S h e r m e r V o g l e r Alpha Shermer Vogler, 89, died July 21. 1997, al M eadow brook Manor. She was bom July 1, 1908, In Advance, to Tandy M erony and M innie Caton Sherm er and was retired from F o rsylh M em orial Hospital. She was a member of Advance United Methodist Church and gave her lime lo help in the community. She was preceded in death by her husband, John L. Vogler. Surviving arc a son, E. Eugene VoglerorAdvance;2grandchildren. John C. Vogler and Jane S. Vogler, both o f A dvance; 2 greal grandchildren; and a sister, Julia S. Patton o f Advancc. A graveside servicc washeld at 11 a.m. July 23, by the Rev. Lannie Atkins at Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery. H e r m a n B e l lu c c i Hemmn Bellucci, 76, of 200 Box­ wood Church Road, Mocksville, died M onday aftemoon, July 21,1997, at Forsyth M em oriarHospiial Iñ'W ín- ston-Salem. Bom M arch 4,1921, in M l. Union. Pa., he was n retired A rm y sergeant major, serving during W orld W ar II and the Korean Conllict. He was a veteran o f ihe Battle ofthe Bulge. He was preceded in death by his wife, Eleanor Bellucci. Survivors include a son. Frank Bellucci; a daughter, Pamela Melton: 4 granddaughters, Elizabeth and Am y Bellucci, Beverly M . Hilarides and Judy M . Lombardo; 4 great grandchil- 'lren;asister,Nancy Bellucci Bubelof Pittsburgh. Pa.; and a brother, Em il Belucci o f Pittsburgh. Pa. A memorial service was to be held at 3 p.m. by the Rev. Jimm y Lancaster, 'fhe family will receivc friends at Ihc home o f the deceased. ,...c Mem orials may be made to Jerusa­ lem Baptist Church Shutter Fund, 49S Pleasant Acre Drive, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. E v e l y n S t e w a r t H o w e l l Mrs.EvelynSlew artHow ell.T7.of PuddingRidgeRoad.Moeksville.died M onday nighl, July 21,1997, at N .C Baptist Hospital. Funeral services were at 11 a.m. Thursday. July 24, in Blaise Baptist Church wilh the Revs. Glenn Sellers, E.W . M eM urray and Calvin Bailey officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family was lo be al Eaton F u­ neral Hom e Wednesday nighl from 7- 9. They request memorials be consid­ ered for Ihe Davie County Hospice. P.O. Box 848. Mocksville. N C or lo Ihe land fund of Blaise Baptist church. 134 Blaise Church Road. Mocksville. N C 27028. M rs. Howell was bom in W ashing­ ton County. Va., Sept. 2 9 .19l9tolhe late P.E. and Alice Stewart and was a relircd elementary school leacher in Virginia and North Carolina. She was an active member o f Blaise Baptist Church, and a member o f the Home Demonstration Club. Survivors include: her husband, W oodrow Howell, o f the home: a daugliler,Can)l Am broseof Apalathln. ' N.V.: 2 sons. Stewart Howell and Charies Howell, both of Mocksville; 6 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildrcn; 3 sisters. Edilh Beard ofTampa. Fla., Ruth Bailey o f Knoxville, Tenn.. and Helen Bumelte of Bristol, Va.; 3 brolh- ers.CariSlewartofTampa Fla., Phipps StewartofMaryville,Tenn..and Albeit Stewart of Newport. Tenn. Bible B aptist C hurch Ind*p9nd*nt • Fufiiifliiwnfaf Аиюг. DonJofm • 9I0.766>0SS1 Ketchie Creek Bakery is now serving ice cream desserts!! K E T o iiE C r e e k 4 Valley Row) •MoctavlM,NC 70W»9147 Hon-VujnTinHpni IT H E PHONE PLACE, INC. S E R V I N G D A V IE & S U R R O U N D IN G C O U N T IE S FOR MORE THAN Y e a r s TELE TAC 2501with cigarette ^Ihter adaptor й M O T O R O L A YOUR LO CAL AuthoriMd Cellular D m I w 1 2 1 D e p o t S t . M o c k s v i l l e , N C H O U R S : • M on-№ 8m -5pa S>t9wii-lpm704-634-2626 ■■New tra ol senlet «Wi 12 monh eennamenl and end* im u M . Fi m M O n inum cai ba uaad «И мвмг padoge niinulia aiiply, b u rnuM ba uaad « M n «m a monta ol ае1М1о п . М ш m M a a n iM ba u n d IM im ( п я м м n*«ilae apply. No ralunda 01 eiM M « а b* givw tor aiM unuaad porten el Ih â w п м н . n oM h g , kng M n o a , M W ii» gaaa p i» O lh »rraa lH clon aaH »O aa ta^ Ji»» 1,1W . ' ,ч . ^ ^ tí I. г. t' I . ;U - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1997 Davie Welœmes New Arts Council Director By Mike Bamhardt ^ v i e County Enicrprisc Record : ih c new executive dircclor forthe Davic County Arts Council came in with a bang. Liieralty. Nancy A. Norton began work on July l.andherdrstbigjobw ascoordi- naling the Sym phony in the Park cel- ebrulion the night of July 4. She knew what was supposed to happen, but didn‘l know several of the people heliv ¡ng. She mcl several o f ihem as they showed up lo do what ihey were sup­ posed lo do. She goi word lhal the wealher was going lo be a problem late In ihe show, and the symphony program was cut short, and the fireworks begun early, just as Mother Nature began a show of her own. In her own words. It was a dramatic entrance. But Norton learned something about Davie County. "Il worked oui great because of ihc communiiy," she said. T h e commu­ nity realty pulls together... belter than . ..I’vc.seen in oiherplaces."................ Norton had been program director for Ihe Stokes Coum y Arts Council. She hopes to move lo ihe M ocksville area soon. A native o f a small lown in Iowa, she has been markelingdircctorforthc Houston Gnind Open), and worked in marketingforanartisi’sgallcryinSpain. She is also a regular volunteer in com­ munity theaters and groups. While in Stokes County for six momhs.No[tonproduced Ihe play "Bus Slop," and job she fell in love wilh. There's no wonder. Norton moved to Nonh Carolina because o f the N.C. School of Ihe Arts. She’s a writer, and has worked wilh playwrighls in the past. She looks forward tobringing qual­ ity eniertainment to the newly-reno­ vated Brock Auditorium, which should be completed this winter. She wants to showcase local talenl os well as bring In others for local residents to enjoy. She's already been in conlact wilh MOCK ЛВЕ MOCKSVILLE 9e2VMlMnvillfRo«d Phone 634-6115 Our Prices tnelud! Mounting, Balancing New Kilve Stems i Rotation H ours: 7;30-5:30 M-F ■ 7:30-1:00 Saturd ay S a t u r d a y N ig h t Otttt open for practtc« at 6 p.m.rm r RAct AT a pm. N a n c y N o rto n sta rte d h e r n e w jo b w ith th e D a v ie C o u n t y A r t s C o u n c il w ith a b a n g at S y m ­ p h o n y in th e P a rk J u ly 4. - Photo by Robin Ftrgutton school officials and arts council mem­ bers as lo what programs lo bring in for chitdren. A s well as the big bang entrance for the Fourth of July celebration. Norton will usher in a new twist to the annual Arts Alive festival. This year, the name and location will be differcnt. 'The fes­ tival will be held in downtown M ocks­ ville and called Festival on the Square. Local musicians arc welcome lo par­ ticipate, and interested individuals or groups should send demo tapes lo Norton at her oflice. in ihc recrcation departmentinlheBrockGym.offNonh M a ,„ s .« „ „ M o c k sv ,„ c r j ^ ^ ^ & C o u i i t r y H a r d w E r e Ш Wilkesboro Street • Mocbville. NC • (704)634.1414 WiNSTOi-SALEM J ournal Centennial 1 0 0 " o !S ^ Plus C L A SSIC CA R RACE F u lh tin , hcpp»d-up nplktaB o t 1932-34 m oM o - tho km -Blung e la u lcB o l to e * ear racing Amortewml. AI«o Sportwmn, 8tocl( and Stadium Stoch «¥«nt«l L A D I E S ’ N I G H T ! $1,000 JOURNAL SWEEPSTAKES I. I I M ehlM -110 A9m tM7 - te n racing: (910) 7234M7 BUSCH. Selling brooms in front of Wal-Mart recently are Morma Edwards, Mike Kimel and Gwyn Cieary. Broom Sale Underway The Annual U on'sClub Broom S a k в in progress wilh Clyde Hendrix and Vetnon'Ihom psonasaM hairpeisons. Broom sales ate the primary way for raising money for the M ocksvilk Lions Club, and these m onks are used to help the hearing and visually im ­ paired o f Davie County. "Broom s are made by the visually impaired and у ош purchase will help Uieseindividualske^theirjobs,thisin nini is a help to society," Thompson said. . "Evoyon e’s help is needed in o n k r for tlieclub to meet the needsright here uhom e. Thishelpcanonlycom efrom . our good citizens o f D a v k County." - Recently, Lio n Club members, N o tm a Edw ards, G W yn Cleary, ■ ц ш ж Ю ш к е , and M ike Kim eldu- Ikpri ad aold brooms in front of h t h e near futшe, o d ia Raymond Builce displays a Lion's Club broom. members will be making door-to-door coritacts or will be located al shopping centen for additional broom u k s. ShouM you need a broom or jusl wish to make a contribution 10 help Ihe visually or hearing Impaired, contact H io iiy o n a l6 3 4 -5 6 8 ft Ж a n » В В П в в н о® о Sign up. Pay no activation fee. (Wow, a cellular offer hotter than July.) When you sign up for any of our great retail rate plans during July, we'll waive the activation fee. And you'll receive 360 minutes of bonus airtime over the next three months. Visit your local 360“ The Cellular Store for more information. At 360° providing you with affordable cellular service is no sweat at all. .)()() m iiu ilc 's o l l)o m i.s a i r l i m t ' ( ) \ o r llic- i i f M ih i4 4 ' m o n t h s . • M o t o r o l a Ic‘lc‘ I A C ' 2 ;)0 p h o n e \ i i h l i g a r e t u - l i j i l m - r a d a p lc - r l o r S l . lia li- p l a n s s i a r i a l a m o n t h . Cellular, paging, long distance, right down the street” tIm monilM in aJdiinn lo«r\y |iKÌuf« minuits. PrliiMofKrvicflttiih I3*m-mimtiMnl aid CNilIl rtquirsd. PrDmMioMl minutes t4wl Io360 «inuiM Гог , M r n - r . i iu i. > > i. . , ^ GiMiuboro> 1312-105 Bridford Pk»y., I.Mdm>rk Crouing Shopping CenUr, (910) 299-3333 Hi()i Polmi 2620 S. Main St., Suite M5, (910) 299-3333 Wltutoa-Sakm Pavillion Shopping Center. 536 Huiei IVUll Blvd.. (910) 299-3333 Bnrlliiitoai Blockbuiter Ptu., 2476 S. Church St., (910) 299-3333 AilwbonH 1610-A E. Dixie Dr.. (910) 299-3333 —.......... . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I O GfMMboroi 4418 W. Wendover Ave.. (910) 854.8182 WlaMoiifSiJMBt 930 Hanei Mdl Blvd.. (910) 765^276 At selected loc«ltoni. ■>7 By Brian PHts Davic Couniy Enterprise Rccord Davie's boys basketball team, a flailing program lhat has rarely made so much as a ripple In the Central Piedmont Conference waters over the last nine years, made big waves at a leam camp at Mercyhurst College In North Easl, Pa., recently. The W ar Eagles anived as regular faces in the crowd and left wilh a stunning 9-0 rccord, their first action in game situations under new couch Jim Young, who directed the camp thnt has been rated In the lop five in the east. This wasn't cupcake competition. "W e were very pleased becausc there werc some good teams here,” said Young, whose 12-member leam played nine games in two and a half days. T h is (varsity) camp has some of Ihc belter leams in New Y o rk and Canada.” The dominating performance boosted the WarEagles'conddenccconsiikrablyandshould send them flying high when practicc opens In November. "Il had lo show them lhal our stuff works, nnd that'sa key," said Young. "(N ow ) they have lo believe In whal we're doing. I know our coaching staff knows, but il's important lhat the kids believe In it. "After whal ihey did here, il's got to help them believe In whal we'rc doing." The W ar Eagles, who have compiled a S-41 rccord since .1995, have regularly collapsed In the waning minutes of close games In recent seasons, bul they remarkably seized command during crunch lime. "W e had a couple of close ones where wc came from behind and won, which pleased me," said Young. "Thai's a good sign becausc I was afraid If we goi behind, we might revert back to some of the stulT(from past years). ''But they dida nice job of conllnuing lom n our stuff even ihough we were behind, nnd lhat quite often (won'l) happen. (Somelimes) you revert back to what you're familiar with (In Davie Couniy)." The W ar Eagles also had their shareof rouLs, which gave Young time to fine-tune his lineup. "I would say three of (the nine w ins) were blowouts," he said. "W e scored 80 or 90 points to their 40 or 50, and the fourof the games werc won by a fairly easy margin; we'd pull ahead and win by 12 or 14 points. "It gave me a chance lo find oui where they fllin oursysiem -w hether Ihey're aoneortwo, three or four or whether they can-play two positions - and that's really what we were looking for." For the mosi paii, the scoring was shared. W henahol hand cooled,anolherwilUng shooter stepped forward. "Il was nice to sec. Every game somebody would step up," Young said. "W hen one kid was down, somebody else stepped up. They all did well. I was really pleased with the progress o f all of them. "A ll (12 players) played," Young said. "W c were much more successful lhan I expected us to be this early." •Theplaycrs lhat mode the lripwere:senk)n Jamie and Jason Neese, Ray Spain, Derick Faulkner, Malt James, B J . Johnson, C edrk Wl|lte, Charles M iller and Brian Lane; juniors Jesse Marion and Greg Lanier, and sophomore L an y Umbcrger. • Faulkner, who recovered nicely from an. ankle Injury, and ihe Neese twins stood out in Young'sm cm orybank."Derickgolhurtonthe firstdayandmis.sedacoupleofgames,"lwsald. "and when he came back lale Saturday night, I thought he played very well. The Neeses did a great job on the boards for us." • Jason Neese, a 6-6 center, had a feathery touch at the line, where he won a foul-shooling contest against a field of 200. J a s o n M c C r a y o f V ic t o iy b a re ly b o a ts a tn ro w to N e w U n io n 's s e c o n d b a s e m a n S c o n W h ita K e r a s u m p ire M a r c u s W ils o n d a n c e s t o g e t o u t o f th e w a y . - P h o t o b y Jam^Birringfr i ! Church Claims'Victoiy In League Championship By Brian Pilts Davie County Enterprise Record Jason M cC ray threw the Jabs and Britl Osborne delivered the knockout punchasVictory'schurchsoftballteam finally decked stubborn New Union 11-10 In the Mocksville-Davie Parks and Recreation Department tournament . final Thursday al Rich Park. W hen New Union's Scott Whitaker Hew out lo left-center with two outs ;and Ihc tying run al third base in the bottom of the scvcnih inning. Victory owned its sccond conscculivc champi­ onship. : The juicc of Victory's club was McCray, who poured in four hits In four trips to the plate and scored four times, llie feisty leadofT man sent two rockcts passed New Union pitcher Clark Gobble, w ho was drilled in the leg on M cCray's fourth single, a liner that ricocheted to the right-side grass. The only time thal New Union re­ tired Osbome, who was 3 for 4 with two home runs and five RB Is, was when the husky left-hander launchcda pitch over the righl-field fence In the seventhinnlngwlthlworunnersaboard. But the latest blast was an out because ofthe tworhomer limit. Osbom e hauled his buddies on his back forthree lnnings.cranklnga three- rvn homer in the first Inning and a two- run shot in the third for a 5-2 lead. Bul lhai's when Victory pitcher Andy Everhardt lust all control, walk­ ing five o f six batters in the bottom of Bar^Oue House Captures Title iB y B r iu P W s ; Davie Couniy Enterprise Rcconl ; U w Bar-B-Que House's softball ;team resembled a W eeble toy, wob- ; bling inThursday's tournament final at ; Rich Park but never falling down. ; B y maintaining its poise after a 9-6 ; kMS to Village Cue and Pub in Ihe first Icham pkm ship game of the double- ;eliminalioatouiiunKnl, Ihe Bar-B-Que I House, IS - ll winners in the finale, I caned off ils third straight crown to : loUdify ils chim as a dynasty in the : M o c k iv ille -D a v ie P ark s and I Recreation's men's open league. The trophy was in the Bar-B-Que i House’i comer following an eight-run \ fdurth Inning, an explosion that erased ! à M hole and put the favorites on top ’ for good al 12-6. : . ThereweretwoouubeforetheBar- ; B-Q iie H ouie went to work. Frank DoUon, Jeff Beane, Jack .'Fowler and TTacy A m o M had con- : Hcutivetw^oulsinglesberoreTyrDne : Martin, ooe orihe most feared sluggers in the league, hit a towering, opposite- ■ fieU home nm to tight ! . T w o b M e n later, Jesse Dalton, I M in in 'i brother, jabbed Vilhige Cue f ^ a tw o -n in h o m e ra n d Shane Dyson ' ’ c iilo ia ile d tb e iu v w iih a n in -sc a r- ■ iiidoubleaffthefeiiceinright-center Village Cue.whichgolanRBlsingle from W illiam Arm sworthy and a S A C Hy from Tim McCuIloh, crept closer with two m ns inthe fifth but the Bar-B- (Jue House retaliated wjth lhrce in Ihe sixth to build an insumiountable 15-8 lead. ! ' . The damage came in the form of extia-base hits. Fowler - who paced his companions by going 4 for 4 with two runs, two triples and Iw o R B Is - led off with a bloop triple to right center,Arnold scocchedadouUepasscd third baseman Jonathan M anin and Brad Lawrence one-hopp^ Ihe left- field fence for adouble. M ixed in was a Martin single. ■ V illa g e C u e 's M ve n th -in n ih g miracle rally fiziled afterTony Rene- giit(nnir).BrcnlWall,(lriple)andBrian Simpson(double)rea^hedwithnoouts. The 10th and llth men were then retired, and after A nm w onh y kept his conuades on life suppon with a triple lo right, M cCullah bounced to dw mound for Ihe fuial out. A n m w o n h y 's fin l o f two lri|dei to lead off Ihe g ^ led td a i -(> M butthieeBar.B-Quenmsinthebotlam. ofthe inninghandedtlwrcignlngkings a 3-1 advantage. Tw o e n o n goi the Bar-B-Q ue'sw heeUchuia|M aulDal- lon and Lawrence d e liv e M R B b hiu. Fowlei's H c o n d -im ^ to t e lcft<entcr gap pushed the lead lo 4-1. Village Cue regained the lead at 6- 4 virtue o f a five-iun fourth, an inning highlighted by W all's two-run. inside- dK-parii homer. • The Bar-B-Que House, which earned the lop seed by whipping Caro­ lina Prrcision in a one-game playoff, staned ils three-peat quest by beating No. 8 Musgrave Machinery, No. 5 T & V Specialties and No. 2 Carolina. •VillageCue. Ihe third seed,dumped No. 6 M oose Lodge before falling to Carolina in Ihe second m ind. Victo­ ries over Musgrave, T & V ond C № lina sent Village Cue on a triu m p l^l journey through the loser'sbrackei and onto the championship sUige. V iii^ C i^ Cooks Bw .B<}iK Behind J.C. Hendrix's slu ip ganw. Vilhige Cue chopped the Bor-B-Que House in the first game of'iiiiursday's championship feasi. Hendrix's fitU-binin|hanier,alwo- nm shot thal.neariy lopped the left- neU lights, tied the contest «12-2 and his leadoffhonw nm in Ihe bottom of Itw sixth snapped a 64S lie and ig n il^ a three-nm inning thal forced a second game.- 'V ; v'- . Renegiit’s double an) Wall's SAC fly added insunnce nms for VilUge heading inlothesevndi. ; r h M Sw the fourth 10 fuel New Union's resur­ gence. Bul the one hitler wliodidn't receive a free ride to first, Terry Dyson, grounded into iin unassisted double phiytoshortslopSievcnPurkcr.aback- brcaker thal kept New Union on Ihe comeback trail. Later on - wilh the bases full, two outs and New Union down 5 - 4 - Jerry M cDaniel of New Union had achance fora breakthrough hil, but hisgtounder in Ihe hole was gobbled up by Ifarker, who threw off balanced lo second for the last out. Tw o critical eirors by New Union in Ihe fifth paved Ihe road for Victoiy, which scored four runs to increase iu lead to 9-4. The most fatal error was a Please Sec V kto i;-F a |e B 3 Davie Boys Basketball Tern Sweeps Across Pennsylvania In 90 Romp T h e D avie boys basketball team 's shocking rom p through a leam cam p al M ercyhurst College in N orth Easl, Pa., floored L e o Brunclli, an assistant w ho drove one o f tw o vans on Ihe nine-hour expedition. M ik e D in kin s m anned the olher wheel. "(G o in g 9-0) has to m ake believers out o f evcty one o f Ihem , atxl w e were playing som e o f the tougher schools in Pennsylvania," said Brunelli, a Pennsylvania native w ho noticed several fam iliar faces. , "B e in g from there originally, I recognized a lol o f the names, and w e pretty m uch dom inated som e leam s b y 20-som e points lhal haven't lost by 20 points in years." B m nelli w oiked alongside Y o u n g for the firsl time during Ihe flve- day cam p, and left as a firm believer in the direction o f the ptogram . "I'm a m ie believer in his system , especially being from thol area and know ing the competition,” said Bninelli, w h o became a business teacher al D av ie lasl O ctober w hen h is w ife transferred Jobs. " I mean, w e handled som e teams from N e w Y o rk ond Canada thal hadn't lost a gam e until Ihey played us. Il w as incredible lo see. E very Ih in g that (Y o u n g ) has p ul in w as w oridng, and Ihey really believe in it now . "Il's been such a learning experience. I can understand w h y (Y o u n g) is so successful, because those kid s have jusl really adjusted. (Y o u n g 's) outstanding." W ilh Y o u n g 's up-lem po slyle o f play, Ihe W a r Eagles lit u p Ihe scoreboard - without Ihe aid o f full-courl pressure and w hile playing 28-m inute gam es, four less than under norm al circum stances. "W e scored 8 9 points playing half-couit defense, noUting full court al all," said Bm nelli. "It w as exciting." Y o u n g said; "1 w ould say w e averaged w ell over 6 0 points a game. W ith regular eight-m inute quarters, w e are talking about being in Ihe 7 0 s and 80s and that's w here w e w ould like lo be. N o ne o f ou r fiill- court defenses are in y c L " ^ D av ie also excelled o ff Ihe floor, leaving sB o n g im pressions on the northern faces. "I w as im pressed w ith ou r behavior, both o n and o ff Ihe court," Y o u n g said. "W ith us b eing in and I'm w ell kn ow n here, o ur kid s were under scratiny a little bit. People w erc saying: 'W h a t's C oach Y o im g going 10 h a v e ? A n d I can'l begin to lell you h ow m any coaches com plem ented the talenl o f the kids, their behavior and their spoits- m anship.” D av ie w ill reflect back and stare ahead after the Y o u n g fam ily m oves inlo dieir hew hom e on A u g. 1. "W e w ill have a baifaecue o r a picnic so w e can talk about our schedule for Ihe rest o f the sum m er," he ^ d . "W e are in hopes o f having a couple o f sessions before they get into football and cross counuy." '(WGeoöSlfl M a n C a tc h e s C a r p S e c o n d T im e r 3 4 . y e ^ 'L ^ i I A fellow can get a cramp in his leg It Ihe <MM ' keplbi«aUiiglwli|wJ.- ' ^' i''oftunes. ' 1 . I • /; Ulu when he's abiiul 10 biaUy gel. ! : ^ : ' : ! '; lje«ge'; ti),tl^ banks of 1^^ Ir-'-В2 - DÂViÉ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24, W I 'DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24, ХШ -Ш League Champions T h e M a r in e r s o f Ih e N o rth D a v ie M a c h in e P itc h Little L e a g u e w o n th o le a g u e c h a m p io n s h ip g a m e 1 0 -2 o n J u n e 2 0 . T e a m m e m lw r s in c lu d e , fro m left: fro n t- S a m m y T u c k e r, W h it M e n ifie ld , C o llin H a rlo w , J a r e d N e lm s a n d A s s is t a n t C o a c h J o h n N e lm s ; m id d le ro w - J o s h S p rin k le , T re n t B ro o k s , N ic h o la s S c h a m b a c h , N ic h o la s Pfeiffer, D a n ie l P e e le , J o e y P o w e ll: b a c k ro w - H e a d C o a c h B ill M e rrifie ld a n d A s s is t a n t C o a c h T r e y S p rin k le . N o t p ictu re d : G r a n t M iller. The Noitli Davie Middle School DoosterQubwillmeetiU7p.m.Thurs* day, July 24 at the school Topics will include planningcvents for the upcoming year. Including a kickoff event. D H S S o c c e r T r y o u t s B e g in A u g . 4 T iyo uu for the Davie High School Physicals should be compleled befoce sqcceHeam fofyoungineningrades9- the fiisl practice. 12 w ill begin Aug. 4, from 9-11 a.ni. For more infonnalion, call Coach Pete Gustafson al 998-3S62. Co-ed Softball Signup Deadline Friday C o e d softball registration is under way at the Mocksville-Davie Parks and Recreation Depaiunent. ioe Boyette, the athletics director. Miller Captures Top Flight Of Hickory Hill Match-Play Finals : B y bealing Pele A m oic 1-up alter 20 Johnny M iller captured the chunpionhip flighl o f the Hickory HiUMalch-PtayCham pioiuhips. . : There w e n champions in s u other niitas: ; KenTlHiiiesbealBobVandiver 1- u|i in Ihe fim (U(hl; Haivey Milter tdfpsd iin Hesih 1-up in the second; n — riw r downed loeMcOowan 1- u ^ ;i« v 19 bobs in the third; Ted ■ f * n l H H I > y K c a S il e s 3 iin Davie Team 'Almost' Survives In Tournameni By Brian Pitts Davic Couniy Enterprise Rccord ’’Alm ost" was a big word for the Davie American 13*15 giris fast-pilch softball leam after nonowly falling twice, 11-10 to East Surry and 4-3 lo Southwest Forsyth, in the District II All-Star Tournament at Kernersville. Trying lo survive the brutal loser's bracket against Southwest, Davic en­ tered the final inning trailing 4-2 and dosed within a run. Bui Southwest prevailed,spoiling Davic’sdream sofa district title. Sluggish starts haunted Coach M aik Whitley’s girls once more. "W e came oul flat and didn't play well early." said Whitley, whose club spotted East Surry an 11 -4 lead. Southwest jumped Davie for a 4-2 lead through two innings and held on for dear life against Davie reliever Jes- sica Whitley, who camc on ulier the second. "Jessica shut them out the rest of the way," said her father. "She pitched great for nve innings. " W c didn’t hit well and thitl hurt us, but it was a well-played game. Unfor- tunately, wc allowed three runs in the first inning and ball games can be lost that way." The undressing was tough to chokc down, bul Whitley insisted that fast- pitch is on the rise in Davic Couniy. "Tw o one-run losses (were tough) bul wc played hard," Whitley said. "This is a great group.... If ihey slick togelher, Ihere's going lo be some great fasl-pilch sofiball in Ihis couniy for years lo come." East Surry proceeded to capture Ihe district crown.convincing W hitley that Davie was on the doorstep of great­ ness. C a m p b e l l P i c k e d F o r À l l - S t a r t e a m A Spirited Group S o u t h D a v ie c h e e r ie a d e r s c o a c h e d b y D o n n a H e n d e r s o n re c e n tly a tte n d e d U C A c h e e rie a d in g c a m p a t A p p a la c h ia n S t a t e U n iv e rsity . T h e g ir ls w e re a w a n le d a t ro p h y fo r "M o s t S p irite d ,“ a lo n g w it h a b id fo rt h e C it r u s B o w l. T h e y w o n 1 0 b lu e r ib b o n s fo r s u p e r io r c h e e rs. T e a m m e m b e r s a tte n d in g w e re ; H e a t h e r B a rn e y , J e n n y B ro a d w a y , T i C a in , A n d r e a G a m e r. E r in G re y , A s h le y H ari<ey, C h r is t y H a u lb ro o k , T a y lo r H a rm o n , H a le y H e n d e r s o n , T iffa n y H e n d ric k s, A s h le y L e e , L in d s a y M c D a n ie l, K ristin R a y n o r, H o llle R o b e rt s, A m b e r T h o m p s o n a n d A n g e lin a Z a m o ra .________________________________________________ P h y s ic a ls O f f e r e d A t S o u t h D a v ie A n y South Davie athlete who plans a physical on Aug. 19 at the school tb participate in a fall sport can receive from 4-6 p.m. Weight Lifting Set For Wildcat Athletes Ron Kirk, North Davie's football day and Thursday at the school from 6 couch, armounced that weight lifting -7;30 p.m. for all Wildcat athletes areexhTues- North Davie Boosters To Hold Meeting announced that the deadline forenlries is July 25. N o more than two Class C players are allowed on a team. Call 634-2325 to sign up. By Brian Pitts Davic Couniy Enterprise Record When the Dig League baseball coach fromtheWinston-Salem Nationals vis­ ited the Davie YouthCompIcx recently, he left with a lasting impression of Davie’sBrianCam p- bell. The images re­ mained colorfully clearthatnight.when the coach chose Cam pbell to be a m em ber o f the Am erican League All-Star leam. Campbeli’scoun- terparts fell 2-1 in a Campbell best-of-three series againsi the National League but Campbell made an impact, going 3 for 5 in spot duty, including a two-run single. ’T h e coaches that chose the leam were very high on Brian and excited to get him on ihelr team," said Jerry Walser, Davie’s coach. "W e played the Winslon-Salem Nationals in the last game, they got lo sec Brian play and they were very excited lo gel him." Campbell's versatility - ability lo catch or roam the outfíeld - ultimately landed him a spot. "One of Ihe Ihings lhal helped Brian was he's been real versatile all year long," Walser said. "In high school, he played outfíeld and all year (in Big League) he played catcher. Brian’s a good athlete who runs real well and swings the bat." W alser is anticipating big things from the rising senior in 1998. "Brian will be pan of our double- secret rocket plans, bul 1 don't know whal they are right now," said Walser, laughing. "He’tl fígure in ihere some­ where." So Davie can utilize his speed and because of the speed-up rule which is urged in high school, Campbell will probably remain in the grass. "Brian’s a greal catcher, but some­ lhing that we lose when Brian catches is his speed on Ihe bases-because of ÚK speed-up rule,” W alser said. "That hurts us. W e are going tohave to utilize his speed. "It’s a problem in some ways and some ways it's a luxury, so I’m looking forward to seeing what all wc can do." Switch HMUai Not (Miiy is Campbell versatile, he's reversible. W hile experimenting during a 10- I I B ig League season. W alser discov­ ered that Campbell, a natural right- Marie’s 1 loiisl V 7766-4651 M/nvf7s h tf A ll Ü( i JSÍIJÍIS the fouith; A l Tkach nipped Dave Anderson l-upafter20intlienfUi;and Donnie Goodin edged outMJ.Randail 2-1 in the sixth. There'sstill plenty of spring in Dave Springer, an 86-year-old golfer who shot three strokes inside his age while playing with G.B. Smith recently. ‘That's quite an accomplishment.'' said H ick o^ Hill pro Greg Benion. refeningtoSpfingei's ll-over-psr83. ------------------------------i------^----------— N.C. PrmMttdedÊK SUNSHINE UNE hander, can hit from the left side. "W e've experimented with him switch hitting, and ll's been very suc­ cessful I think." Walser said. "Y ou know how I like to bunt, so we figured os fast as Brian is that il'll get him one step clo-ser to first ba.sc. W e started wilh that thought in mind." ThclrialendedwithCampbellsIash- ing hits through the middle, instead of predominately bunting. "Anytimeyou’redealingwithagood athlete like Brian, they can about do anything they want." W alser said. "H e hit the ball very well." Then W alser lectured. "I’ve goia theory on Ihat: yoursiron- ger from your natural side, so you have a tendency lo lake shortcuts (from the right side in Campbell's case). I guar­ antee you if you lum anybody over lo the other side, then they'll have to do everything mechanically conrct lo be as successful as they are from Iheir natural side. "I would like lo take Brian's left- handed swing and move it to ihe right side. Ihen we would be cooking wilh propane." it seems that Campbell is cooking on both sides. CorterandAm yCam pbell.whotr^jit' j had one hil each. Ì East Su rry I I. Diivie 10 East staggered Davie with I ìiin à ’ ' in the first Ihn^c frames and weather^ ^ a furious rally ai the end lo drop payic. • from Ihe winner’s brucket. ' "W e didn't play particularly welf, • wc were a little sloppy," said Whiliey, who Inserted daughter Jessica lo.ihe hill when his giris fell behind for thè ; first time in ihree games. Whitley quieted the East offense and Davic came charging hard in the. seventh, scoring five times lo make it I l-IO and pulling the tying run oii second with Ashley Sanders al the plale. Sanders drilled a pitch deep to right for an apparent game-winning homcrj'. butiherightfieldermadeaheroiccaich on the fence. W hiliey shrugged. . • : •Two feet and the ball’s over." he' said. "It’s a lough way to lose, bul we showed how much heart we’ve gol^ W e ! just fell down too much early. W e outh)tthem....ltwasahordonetolose,. but I'm proud of the way we came ing to walk just three and not allowing back." -.....a runner to reach third baser................-. . W hiliey (2-3) and Q uinn (2-5) led ■ "W e played a flawless ball game," Davie's attack. W hiliey said. "Defensively, we were super, h was a great game." A six-run second pul Davie in the driver's seal. Ashley Quinn, Slacy Queen and Am ber Hamm, who ripped a line-drive homer for her first-ever dinger, had two hits apiece and Am ber "W e were right there, no doubt." he said. "W cjustdidn’l play well (eariyon againsi East on July 8). W e probably outplayed Ihcm afler the third. It’s hard to win a loumament from Ihe loser's brack«, but this leam was capable of doing that. "M ost o f Ihem will be back nexl season, so look for some real good softball, i'm proud lo have coachcd them." •Southwest, a 9-3 loser to Davic in the first round, found redemption In the rematch.....W hiliey sang praise to catcherStacy(5uecn,arisingslar."Shc's one name that didn't come up a lol. but she had a great loumament behind Ihe plate." he said. "She was the only 13- year-old on the team." Davie 12, Northwest Forsyth 0 Behind a combined one-hit shutout from Kim Hilton, Shannon Handy und Whitley, Davie rolled over Northwest In a loser’s bracket contest on July 9, one day after the bitter loss to East Surry. Hilton dominated Ihc Northwest hitters for four innings and Handy and Whitley ihrew one inning each, team- Advancc Florist & Gift Baskets — W eDtllver— ( 9 1 0 ) 9 4 0 - 6 3 3 7 ORTHODONTICS • Board Eligible ‘ SlatfcQ i-rhe-A rl P ingno slic lu u g lD g A v a lla b le F o r A ll Patients Patients V isualize T he ir Treatment O bjccH ves/O pH ons • E t i Initial Consultation • Sjtuiday&Emiiiig Hours • C hildren & A d u lts Or. KJ. Pinna s a s s r WIUIAM SMITH KHW, D.D.S., P.A NICHOIAS JAMES PENNA, D.D.S., P.A. ★ Flexible Fimndttg For Every Familif Budget itJ1819 Brenner Avenue (near the VA, hospital) Salisbury,NC 28144-2519 _ Telephon« (7W) 633-5W2 Facsimile: (7W) 639Ю237 A L L A M E R I C A N F O R D - M E R C U R Y IV s T o o T o H a g g le l eH 0irS egteiae§0iilP rie$0aim ]f1S S 7ltQ dillaS loelf- Вту¥ЁЫс1§ П т Мв Ц т 11Ч я р Ш 1ш М ет1П$»1111ая 1 * ш щ ш ш и и л т C iw iili-irm H niil>lilfcH M *)M iiw i|ritii памтмигтоо. SPECIAL SALE ON USED VEHICLES flmaimj'tiba?iiKi*tWÄäeeui6Me«iuitisaM-8s$stuzüt«#tt'Wje8i » » Ä a ONE ÜF A KINO Ì^J9I M ubliim i liJ. ve. Autu. B u ijlil Blue w, Silvvi h im . H i.iy tìuckcl Sc.i AC. A M /F M /i\is s - Only I IK U iiqm .tl Onv 0),vnt4 M iivs $ 1 /4 0 0 ABIERICAN FORD-MERCURY M »y. i » m . KmH m “ОвгСшШ “ " ßV Ч mm • •; , ’ 1 1 0 ' ^^ '1 Vidons Seizes 11-10 Win v ic t o ry 's Britt O s b o m e re c e iv e s a h ig h five after s lu g g in g the ilr s fo ft w o h o m e r u n s . Conlinued From Paie B l dropped fly in Ihe ouindd wilh two J outs, leading to anolher Victory nm I . that proved lo be monumental in Ihe final frame. But New Union refused lo die, T en y Allen, after singles by Randy Howell and Whitaker and a walk to Dyson, hil a sacrifice (ly and Noah D iye drove home two with a single lo Icfi-ccnicr, closing Ihe gup lo 9-7 and selling the stage Ibr an eventful sev­ enth. V lc t o iy 's A n d y E v e rh a rd t Is o u t a s T e rry D y s o n o f N e w U n io n h a u ls in a th ro w to first b a se . T ’ Tw o powerful hitlers for Victory, Michael M cDaniel and Everhardt, fi­ nally found Iheir stroke with two run­ ners on In the lop o f the seventh. B y singling in one rtin each, they picked up their firsl hits o f the evening and padded Victory's lead ( 11-7). The drama heightened when New Union's Jesse D yson walked and Gobble, Robert Edwards and Howell singled, alasl-minulc rally thal brought New Union wilhin a run with two outs and a runner al firsl. A circus scene kept New Union's hopes olive. W ilh Howell on first, Dyson grounded deep to finit baseman Tim Smith, who hurried a toss to Osbome covering first. Bul Osbome, white tiying to find the bag and the handle on the ball simultaneously, dropped the ball to leave ninnerson the comers for Whitaker, who flew deep to Jason Harbour. • Victory, the seventh seed, began its march through ihe loumament field wilh w ins over No. 10 Concord, No. 2 Blaise and No. 3 Turrentine. New Union. Ihe fifth seed, ousted No. 12 Jerusalem. No. 4 Green M eadows and No. 8 First Methodist....The regular- seasonchamp. Redland, was dispatched byFirstMelhodistinthecpeningrouml.. Vklory lb r h blN.Unioa ab r h bi McCray 4 4 4 0 Gt>bble 4 12 0 PaikcT 3 1 t I D.Whitaket 30 11 Osbome 4 3 3 5 Keller 4 111McDanlcl 4 111 Fulwanl« 3 3 2 0 nvciliarJl 4 0 11 Howell 3 2 3 0 R. Taylor 3 0 2 1 Dywn 3 10 0 Hatbour 3 0 0 0 S.Whiiaker 3 110 J.Taylor 30 lOT.Allen 1012 Itamm 3 0 1 0 Doe 2 0 13 Smilh 3 0 0 0 McDanicI 3 0 0 0 Angus 3 110 Dyson 2 10 0 Victory 302 040 2-11 N. Union 020 203 3-to fiar-B-Que House Claims Trophy For Third Straight Year T T ^ o n e H/lartln o f B a r - B - Q u e H o u s e w a s fo u r fo r s e v e n w h ile le a d in g h is c lu b to t h e title. Continued From Page B l The long ball kept the Bar-B-Que House, which didn't scratch over the firial four frames, incontenlion. A two- run homer by Martin and a thire-run blast by Whisenhunt accounted for all but one o f the Bar-B-CJue’s runs. G in K l House lb r h ЫУШчс tb r h ЫFowler 4 0 2 0 W.Armiw 3 2 2 0 AireHd 4 2 2 0 McCuHah 3 110 Manin 3 2 2 2 Hendrix 3 2 2 3 Whisenhunt 3 I 2 3 M.Annsw 3 12 1 Dalton 3 0 0 0 Jackson 3 0 0 0 O'Neal 3 0 10 Pmiih 3 110 Lawrvnce 3 1 1 0 Renegar 3 2 3 1 Dyson 2 0 11 Wall 2 0 11 Griffey 3 0 10 Simpson 3 0 12 Beane 3 0 10 Manin 2 0 0 0 Dotion 3 0 0 0 Gould 2 0 10 House Ш ООО 0-6 VUl4c 212 103Ж-9 •b r h biUotue tb r h bi V 4 2 3 2 Fowler 4 2 4 2 ^3112 Arnold 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 0 Manin 4 3 2 3 V 3 I 1 1 Whisenhunl4 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 Dalton 4 2 3 3 3 12 0 Uwrence 4 13 2 2 10 1 Dyion 3 0 11 3 2 2 3 OrìlTey 3 0 0 0 3 110 aNeal 3 110 3 12 0 Ddson 3 110 3 0 0 0 Beane 3 110 iM S 2 e 3 - i i 31# МЭ 1-15V U h v N e w U n io n 's C la ri( G o b b le d e liv e rs a pitch. T e s t Y o u r B I B L E K n o w l e d g e ___ (T or F) It is possible for someone to do many works in the name o f Jesus and still be rejected bv Him ; (Last UVe/t’i Answer: False. The "GolJen Rule" simply stated Is, "Do unlo others as you would have them do unto you. '’Ref. Matt. 7:12) I f you would like to Im prov* your Bible k a o w M ie , enroll la • FRBE S-LESSON HOME BIBLE CORRESPONDENCIyour rwiirt to Bible Coyfii.Raia«ECOim SE. m ir TNI jniCNO CHUIICH OF CMflST • NON-OfNOIMMnOmi« L o c a te d ut th e c o m e r o f J u n c tio n a n d J e ric h o R o a d s ______Dedicated To Hestorlnu New Testament Christianity eht-24-iw Ж ^ F IR S T ib c G R E E N S B O R O H O M E ^ Q U I T Y 1st & 2nd Mortgages • Bill Consolidations• Home Improvements • Refinancing___ • Rales Starting As Low As 8.99% yi ' “yXl'i Call for M ortgage PropoM l and Pre-Approval (No Cost or Obligation) L O W R A T E S lO e iM n S liM t* i.N C 2tM » ri<g¿d\ffllageCuciunnerDal«Patri»h. Ibstet-Raudi Drug Go 49S Valley Rowl i Mocktvilltm m .I t , В4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1997 OAVIE COUNTY ENTEMWSEREÇmft Jii|y 34, Local School Social Worker Honored For Service To NCAB Jeunne Houpe ivie Coum y Бп(сфп$с Rccord Davic Coum y scliool sociiil worker Robert Hnnscli has cducaliun in his ¡hlood. ** He had worked with the Dep;»rt- 4tiem of Social Services, menial heullh vocational rehabililulion organ!» siuions before taking a job teaching jibcial work a( Catawba College. He •Vvorkeii Гог five years until Ihe program ^deii. Tluit's when he decidcd lo go back 40 school for a leaching cenlficate. In *1У87. he came to Davic County lo ;work as a leacher assislant. Tliai was how Davie Couniy's firsl 'school social worker gol his fool in Ihc |door. He has been doing social work ■for Ihe school sysiem sincc 1988. • i Hansel! said he was always inlcr- ;cslcd ill Ihc profession. A s u child he jcntemlwrs his mother and five aunls, ^ilUeachers.ialkiugabouttheircaivcrs. .^A’hen he grow up. he niarrieil a scluxil Iteachcr. His wife. Duane, a leacher at >U Kksville Middle Schixil, has laught io r I9yeare.1- ram iliar with the problems con* - -3‘ronting cducators.-he--had soon .bc^.. )П)те involved in Ihc local chapter of T^CAElNorthCarolinaAssociationof £ducalors). In 1992. he was elected local president, seiving for two years. ^ During his second year, he was inicouraged lo run fora position on the l^ C A E Uo;irdofDin;ctors forlhe state. Ije was honored rcccntly for his ser- Tvicc lo education and ihe leaching pro* I?ssion as n member of thal board :I,994-97. t: I lartsell said he was glad to have the 5jj)portunily to оПег inpul al ihe state l?vel. "Tlien; is so much going on ¡n edu- l*^lion Ihai I feel Raleigh doesn't under- «land." he said. % During his ihrec yesu^i on ihe board, Jjartscll is especially proud that educa­ tors received a raise in pay every year. Through N C A K he has helped nght ^enatc Bill 5, which would do away ^ ilh the election of state superinlen' ^ n l. A l least as an elected оГПс1а1, the '»(ipcrinlendent Is accountable to the Hortscll sees is ihe stale legislature setlingunugcndaforcvcryoncinvolvcd in education. "Education Is not going to get any­ where til you gel Ihc politics oul of it.” he said. Though his scrvicc on N C A E 's board o f directors has ended as1)is wife's term as president o f tho fn^ l chapter Is over. Harlsell said they {d&n to remain active in the organizatioQl The Hartsclls have three sonsjR’^ . en, Ben and Boger. i D a v ie C o u n t y 's first sc h b o i so c ia l W r k e r R o b e rt H a rt s e irie c e n tiy state b o a rd o f d ire cto rs o f N C A E . - Photo by Robin Ferguuon people and nol lo an individual or po­ litical party, he said. N C A E is made up o f leachers. leachcr assistants, bus drivers, ofllcc pcrionnel, cafeteria workers, princi- p;ils, teaching students, relired school |K*rsonnel and anyone in the education priifcssion who wants lo join. U has about 70,(XX) m em k'rs across Ihe stale. Hartsell said. He believes Ihc N C A E has been insuumcnlal in making Ihings better foreducalors. In 1964, he said leachers werc p;ud S30() per month for nine monlhs whether ihey had laught for one year or 25yeius. W hen his motlwr was local N C A E presideni wherc he grew up, concerns among educators were no paid vaca­ tion, insurance or benenis. N C A E would like to sec class sizes rcduccd inelementary grades. Ingnides K-3. clas4*s have 25 students wilh a teachcr and a leacher assistant, bul in fourth and fiflhgnidesonc leacher has 2610.10 siudents. "W hen kids need you. they need you now." he said. A s a sctuH)! social wmkur. »long with Lynn Yokley and BiubaniOlstein, he's had a chance to work with a lol of siudents who need special atlenlion. A s a social worker for the schools. Haitsell said he would nol allow him­ self Ul become just a imancy оШсег, ihough he works a lol with children who miss scIk k iI frequently trying lo Tmd out why they ;uen*t coming lo school. Tliough he works wilh potenlial dropouts ut the high school level, Himsell said that’s often too lafc. The problem needs to be »Hacked in el- emenlary school. A ny student lhal has repeated iwo years of public school has a 95 percenl chance of dropping out. he said. If a .student misses school, he or she not only misses lessons bul loses ihe sense of being a part of school, he added. He feels like leachers know he is an advocate for Ihem as school social worker us well as through N C A E , he said. Tlie local N C A E chapter iries to work closely wilh Ihe superinlendenl and Board of Educalion. he said. h's bard to get anywhere if groups arc always fighting und disagreeing, Hartsell said." W c ore all advocates for children and education." One o f the most frustrating things 240Z. Power Ade* Sports Drink Sd* piioM good WKt., July 23 «ireugh Sun., July 27, 1997 at ytiur K M avta, NC W kM m locMlon only. 2 Drawer Rle Cabinet 47- C an V iu B e lie v e T M sP There is an air conditioning and beating company in tliis county that you can trust. CaU пЕншлсмииахию. atZM -2iai. We service all brands and install Luxaire. reg. 4 9 - ‘ I THANK YOU for supporting your local Mocksvflle Wal-Mart. We a iH ire c ia te your Imsiness a n d lo o k fo rw a rd taservhg jn w lt a r m a n y Y e a rs t a m a i Rival* 4qt Electric Icé Сгммп FiM iar 5qLCaalrol*Gm( ИМогСМ W lUJOURFaa lUrtieWax* Pasta or UquM * 2 " FniM oftlw lM m * Ladisa’Sociis ePHrPidc $ 4 7 t 10ib.Bag iOngslonrciMraoiri 1*9. Ч »* 2 " i i - OAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1997 . ^ a n S e n te n c e d T o 4 0 Y e a rs In P ris o n F o r R a p e W "I feci like I should lake responsi­ bility for whal I have done." a fonwor Davie County man told ihe jud^e in DavleCounty Superior Coun lasl week pfter pleading guilty to raping his cousin. ! SlevenChristopherNichois.25.ptcd Jpjilty 10 iwo counts of sccond degree crimes againsl nature and second d^ree sexual offense and faa*d a maxi­ mum possible sentence of 130 years in pnson. r The victim said the incidents had baurredoverafouryeiir period begin­ ning in 1989. She was 12 ye;u>i old when Nichols had last molested her. according to Davie County Sheriffs Detective John Stephens. Nichols, who was about 10 years olderthanlhevictim.toldhernoltolell anyone what he had done and lhat no one would believe her if she did. Stephens said. The victim has been hospitalized and is undergoing counseling because of (his abuse, he said. Nichols had admitted lo touching ihegirl but denied raping her. Stephens said. The defendant claimed he had also been molested as n child, he said. Nichols' actions were probably the result of the abuse he underwent and the use of drugs and alcohol, said his altomey Michael Paricer. The threats he made lo the vicllm were the result of his own situation. W hen he was being molested, no one would believe him or help him. Parker said. Something happened to Nichols in 1994. He decided to lake charge o f his life and joined the Navy. He has been promoted four limes, and his com­ manders think he is an outstanding young man. he said. Porker said his client has been un­ dergoing counseling and has made a marked improvement. "H e understands whal the victim is going Ihrough because he has been through it himself," he said. Nichols is married and has u child due in October. Parker said. This plea will allow him .some time out to spend with his family. Judge Howard R. Grceson sen* tenced Nichols to 40 years in prison nnd ordered him lo pay an attorney fee of$850. Jury Finds Davie lUlan Not Guilty Of Larceny A jury found a Davie Counly man not guilty of breaking into a vehicle andslealing more lhan $5,000 worth of items from lhat vehicle last week in Superior Court. * GregoryLoneHutchinswascharged with breaking or entering a motor ve- blcle and felony loreeny, accused of -stealing aceilular phone,-four-speak­ ers, three amplifiers. 225 compact discs. • C D player, a shotgun, a gearshift knob and olher stereo equipment. Michael Marklin testified thal he hud caught Hutchins breaking into the m ick while delivering materials to a dentist’s ofilce after midnight. HesaidHutchinsoneredlosellhim some of the stolen items at a good price. When he saw him later at a video store, Marklin said Hutchins threat- - ened that he would lum the iablts bn” Marklin if he tried to implicate him in thecrime and thal witnesses overheard this conversation. But Hutchins' girlfriend and par­ ents testified lhal he wasat home in bed when the crime was supposed to have happened. Hutchins also contended in his de­ fense lhat he could not have committed Ihe crime using his car because It was at M ocksville Shell where it had been towed receiving a newjim ing ЫИ.__ M ike Johnson o f Mocksville Shell did nol have the receipt for the woric he did on Hutchins' car when he appeared in court July 16. but said he searched for it later lhal day and presented il July 17, Defense attorney Ed Vogler argued to the jury that Marklin's testimony was full o f reasonable doubt. Bul Assistant D A Gwenda Priest said that Marklin knew too many de- J a ils not to have been there. She suggested that rathefihan'fihd" ing the receipt for work on Hutchins' car thal Johnson had written a receipt just to help his friend. Davie Man Convicted Of Selling Cocaine : A man was sentenced to 11 to 14 ¡months in prison last week in Davie County Superior Court after pleading guilty to selling cocaine. ; Eddie Lew is Frost, 46. ple.aded |uilly to selling or delivering cocaine, possession wllh inientto seller deUver Cocaine, felony possession of cocaine. possession wilh intent losellordeliver marijuana, misdenwanor possession of stolen goods, twocounts of possession of drug paraphernalia and maintaining a place to keep a controlled substance. Frost sold five rocks of crack co­ caine to an informant and two bags containing crack cocaine to an under­ cover detective March 5. The rocks Callison Accepts Position ST A T E SV IL L E -J . W ilbur Cabe, ^ id e n t of Kedm ont Farm Credit. aiBnounces the hiring of Chris Callison d a loan ofTicer in ibe Statesville firanch Ofllcc. ^ C alU son. a Mpcksville native,is son o f Jerry and |це C allison. ^ l is o n graduated Catawba Col- if^w ithabacbeloi's iji hilddle education With a concentration ik math and scicncc. C a lliso n l№ or to accepting this position he has tken an eighth grade math teachcr al äq n h Davic M iddle School Гог the ^ flve years. He was voted Teachcr of>hc Year 1996-97. и ,'Callison is married to the former ^ Cartner and they have a young 4ibgh(er. The C alliso n 's attend 9ethkbem Uniled Melhodist Church. Hew illjointhepresentstafrinthe 9uiesvllle Branch ОШ се which in­ cudes Craig Pugh, ЫапсН manager; Com eliiu, senior loan ofticcr; |>BUseaine,loanofncer,JohnJacol», (M noffkcT.LoiiiK Galliher, retail loan jfa n lu ra lo r, Cynlhia HeinU, senior m io fn e r service reprcsentative'.Caiol C o n n o r E a r n s M a s t e r 's D e g r e e I;; Kimberiy Aao Connor, the daugh- w o f PaUor Thotnu and Kathleen t;t«icS c.ofl9]U iiiK ljne,M ock»- •iille, U a itceni I m k M c o f N.C. I ^TStaleU nlvcr- ■j^inGreenbom. < 1lKl990Davie W thSchoolinlii- ile eanied a mas- ^ o f science de-1 M completed her I ■M er of ana ce- ■MtonenttliirEn- |U i.a a w c a S keniii«tincda4i) |M epainliven(ethn»(hhcrcoine :l ShetaibKanntdedifuIlschol- by te UiivetiUy o f Arizona at Ikacon kl Mudy « Ihe doctonllevel. [|itwUlb*waUi|oahcri1U>.inthe ^ o f ll iH| i ,rw dli^andciihtite, «Mb coM M M iow in itadinj aad |h |# h fc« iiii« *i< h iW *# e . Shela Reid, customer scrvicc representative and Vicki Stewart, customer scrvicc reiMrscntative. The Statesville Branch OfUce of Piedmont Farm Credit serves 855 customers in Iredell County with over $54.8 million in loans outstand­ ing. Piedmonl Farm Credit, a fanner- owned coopcnjiive, makes long-term farmand country home loans,iniemic- diaie-tcrm lojins formachincry, equip­ ment andbuildings and short-term pro­ duction loans. Olher financial scr\’ices available through Piedm onl Farm Credit arc credit life insurance, crop insurance, appraisal services and leas­ ing programs. Piedmont Farm Credit has approxi­ mately $305 million of loans outstand­ ing 10 over 4.300 members scr\’cd by 13branchofficcs. Local directors from Ihe Statesville area are W illard Blackwelder. Carroll Goodman and Dennis Leamon. F 0 R D H A M MUSIC (910) 778-0604 C o m p a r e O u i ( ' l ) K a t ( > s Bank-issued, FDIC- insured to $100,000 5 .9 5 « were sent lo the S B I lab and deter­ mined to be 2.1 grams o f cocaine, according to assistant District Allor* ney Gwenda Priest. Investigating a reported shooting on Dalton Road, officers from the Davie Counly Sherifrs Department asked Frost forpermissiontosearchhishome. During lhat search, they discovered 21 grams of marijuana and one rock of crock cocaine, she told Judge Howard R. Grceson. Frost was charged wilh possession of stolen goods because he had been ordered to return a mobile telephone or pay $300 to its owner In 1996 and has not yet relumed the phone, she said. Frost was having some financial problems at the time these ofTenses were committed but has tried to make noexcusesforhisaclions.accordingto his altomey M ark Culler. He described his client os a pleas­ ant. Ukubleperson.lackinglhestrength and fortitude lo do well in prison and asked Grceson lo be lenient. In addition to Ihe 11 to 14 prison sentence imposed in the case,Greeson sentenced Frost lo eight lo 10 monlhs in prison bul suspended lhat sentence for five years, placing Frost on super­ vised probation. He recommended work release for Frost upon completion of ihe D A R T program and ordered him lo pay $300 resiiiulion, a 5250 fine and $300 in attorney fees. Frost is to report to ihe Day Report­ ing Center within 48 hours after his release from prison. During probaiion he is to receive a substance abuse as­ sessment and com ply with recom­ mended treatmenl and submil lo drug tests and searches. Officers Investigate Report Of Cross Burning In Yard TheDavieCountySherifTsDepart- mentandCooIeemeepoliceresponded lo a call of shots fired and a cross burning al 132 Cable Lane onJuly 14. Speaking wilh resident. JamesTho- mas Cloer, they discovered he had ignited a cross about eight feet tall in his front yard, apparently angry aboul housing or his neighbors. He had also painted the side o f his garage protest­ ing H U D and blaming ihe organization for propeny devaluation, according to Cooleemee Police Chief Tim Wooten. Cloer and guesls at his home were drinking. W oolen said. Officers responded lo two addilional callstoCloer’sresidence for disturbing the peace, he said. County Briefs H e r i t a g e O a k s S u b d i v i s i o n A p p r o v e d ; . p , County com m issionen voted to approve phase one o f I^ t a g e O a kil a 23.75 acre 30 lol subdivision developed by Jeny McCullottgh and Jim Gobble on U.S. 64 adjoining H ickoiy Hill Countiy Club. This item was ubiedjune 16, when it was discovered thatastripoflandw u leri in the subdivision but was not pan ofa lol. The necessaiy changes have made, nccoixling to Planning and Zoning Director John Gailimore. M a i n t e n a n c e A g r e e m e n t A p p r o v e d The commissioners voted unanimously to accept a bid from M ickey S h M for boiler mninienance for Ihe counly. H is bid is $32.50 per hour for one m ièi and $42.50 per hour if two men arc required. B o a r d O p t s F o r R e t i r e e I n s u r a n c e P l a n A county employee who letires wilh 30 yean o f service will receive health Insurance until reachingage 65. Employees retiring after25yeaisof service will have 75 pem nt paid for health insuiimce by the coumy, and employees age 60 retiring with 20 yean of service will be able lo get 50 percent, according to the plan adopted by the boanl. ^ ; Employees must meet requirements for benents o f the local Üoveniinenç Employees Retirement System. A n y difference in cost between Individual coverage must be paid by the individual. Coverage ceases ol age 65 when the retiri» w ill be eligible for Medicare. Esllmatedcostsforl997-98are$14,328andupto$30,427bytheyear2001 2002, butthese figures are based on the worst case scenario. It probably will not cost that much, according to County Manager Ken Windley. N o n n a L a n e T o B e A d d e d T o S y s t e m The board voted lo allow Norm a Lane to be added lo Ihe N.C. Depanroeni ofT ran5portallon's.sccondaiy road syslcm.-Tho addition o f thIe road in tW W oodlcc subdivision has been approved by D O T. ' ' H a y e s A p p o i n t e d V o t i n g D e l e g a t e Commissioner Larry Hayes was elected as the board's votin^delegate to the N.C. AssociationofCounty Commissioners AnnualConfereiwelnGreensboro Aug. 14-17. O a k V a l l e y S e w e r A g r e e m e n t A p p r o v e d The board unanimously voted lo approve an agreement with the O ak Valjey Associates for sewer service. Preliminary terms o f the ogreemenl include financial support forconstniction and putting In the Sm ith Creek pump station from O ak Valley. Estimated cost for O ak Valley is $225,000. Windley told the commissioners a final agreement will be presented at the Aug. 4 meeting for their vote. C o m m e r c i a l S a n i t a t i o n F r a n c h i s e I s s u e d The board voted lo issue aone year contract franchise to Benfield Sanitation Services o f Statesville for commercial and induslrial customers. Tile board inllially approved this franchise at ib June 16 meeting, but a second readingand vote was required, accordingloCounty Altom ey Bob Price. S e c o n d R e g u l a r J u l y M e e t i n g C a n c e l l e d The July 21 meeting ofthe board of commlsslonera has been cancelled. The next regular boanl meeting will be Aug. 4, at 1 p.m. in Ihe boaid room ofthe Coum y Administration Building. . ; B o a r d C o n c e r n e d A b p u t V o t e C p u n t i n g In the 1997-98 budget, the board voted to set aside ^ , 0 0 0 for voUn{ machines in the future, but nothing was set aside for vote counters for the next election, according to Hayes. Som e precincts have experienced difficulty keeping countera and could ron into problems in the upcoming election, he said. Commissioner Diane Foster asked about the possibility o f having ballote that arc marked manually and ran through a counting machine as some people would rather mark ihe ballot than punch their votes into a machine. She asked if counters could be pulled from oulside a voling precinct to count votes in the upcoming election. ' ‘ Hayes suggested lhat the counly manager meet with the Board of Elections to discuss these concerns. ; : Щ L e i C r a f t s ? ? Л 1 Л 1 1 Ш Ы Ц Л O a í 6 ” D k í U t Ç a rJ tiu e i M N M U f S\M( IXiOOD'l W A l . l , ( 7 0 4 ) 6 3 4 - 2 2 2 2 854 V alley Road • MocksviUe Frofessioiud CL M ocksville, N C \< \ \ I Absolutely Lot *3 Pudding RUge breiihtaking iruide and gaiheritiE room with rock flreplace, hudwood tloors. Deauiifui wallpaper coverings and Ixeaihtaklng view of surrouodlng counuyside. J u s t I m a g in e , , . L iv in g A t P u d d in g R id g e Comwailis Drive out. Large Beauiifiit3 bedroom, 2 bidi brick home overk>okiB| " • • focicouscouniiyiUe of Pudding Rl<to.StunniB| hardwood fkxn, ceramic Uie k i i ^ toplace wiiS . view from dining aad living roomi. GOLFCLUB 0( in lM illi r«|uM. ElMliM 7A2«7. sao S oalhlbln S trait ModuvUI*. N037088 (704) 6844678 or (800) 780-283O wirw,adwar4om*-eem DAVtt COtffrry ЕШаиЯМЗЕ RECOMK JMt H ОП- Man Pleads Guilty To Indecent Exposure \ k Mocksville man decided to ichangehlspleatogulltyafterajuryhad I been seated to hear his case July 15 in i tJiivie Counly Superior Court. \ Charged with taking indecent liber- ¡ties with a child, M ark Lyons, 24, ; pleaded guilty to the lesser offense of tindccem exposure. : ■ According to Assistant District At- 1 lomey Gwenda Priest. Lyons had ex- '• posed his private pans in the presence •of girl in the breezeway at Cedar Ridge Apartments. Judge H ow anl R . Greeson sen­ tenced Lyoiis to 45 days In Jail but suspended lhat sentence two yean, placing him on supervised probation. Lyons is to receive a mental heallh evaluation and have no coniact wilh the victim during that time, Greeson said. The judge fined Lyons $250 and ordered hlni to pay coun costs o f $332 nnd $600 in altomey fees. Cooleemee Briefs T o w n B o a r d L e a m s y ^ b o u t P V P S Fam ily Violence Prevention Services Director David Maupin addressed the town board about the services provided by his organization lo Davie Counly realdents. The unique thing about F V P S is thal it offers treatmem for the entire family rether than jusi the victim or batterer, he said. "W e have found over the yean the success rate is better if we can woric with entire families," M aupin said.'ti's a serious problem, Iwl it need not be tragic." Tbe F V P S prognim can usually save the family and stop the violence. P o l i c e C a r T o B e P u f c h a i ^ The board unanimously approved a motion to purchase, a new Crown Victoria police car for $1 W O O for the Cooleemee M ic e Department. ' AcconUngtoPDUceChiefTim W oolen,lhlscarischeaperthanonethatwas being considered for $19 JOO and would have needed a paini Job. H o u s e s I m p r o v e d T h r o u g h C D B G W ork has been completed on three houses in the Community Development B lix k G n u l program, and woric is being done on othen, acconling loCom m is- sioner Jack Jerome. Additional applications are being held until costs for the sewer line have been detennined. That w ill be close lo $550,000, Jerome said. B o a r d A p p r o v e s M o w i n g O f L o t At ihe request o f Com m issioner Lynn Rumley, code enforcement officer, the board voted to have a lot al O ld 14 Cross St. bush hogged by, W ayne Beck for $30 lo be billed to the property owner. The weeds are at least hip high, and ttie kudui is com ing back, according to Rum ley. B u d g e t A m e n d m e n t s A p p r o v e d The boanl approveda$40 addition to the PBwell B ill fundforai in June and an addition o f $ I68 in the law enforcem ent401Kplan in the 1996- 97budget The board also opproved the addition o f $1,000 for copital outlay for the Cooleemee swim m ing pool. According to Tow n C M Dolly Campbell, the $1,000 was donated specifically for the swim m ing ^1 but was not spent in 1996-97 and needed 10 be put in the c u m m yeai's budget 0 : P o l i c e O f f l c e r F . W . B a l d o R i a s i g n s ' Com m issioner Bill G ibson read a letter from Officer F.W . Baldó aniiounc- inghisresignation to takeajobwilh the Davidson County SherifTs Department. M ayor Jackie М оПоп told Baldo she had heard good things аЫ ж1 him and was Sony to see him leave. ' W e s H a n i n g t o n R e c e i v e s P r o m o t i o n •The board voted unanimously to accept ihc recommendation o f Gibson for Officer W es Hanington to be promoted to a supervisory role within the police department. For serving as an assistant to Q iie f Woolen. H a^ngton will receive a $500 increase in salary. ^ Wooten told the board this will not deplete the patrol division but ensure that someone is available to supervise the ofllcers if he is sick, injured or wants to take a vocation. N e w P o l i c e O f f i c e r - M a c P a r k e r - H i r e d>4 АПег an executive session to discuss Ihe hiring o f a new police ofiicer, the board voted to hire E d "M ac" Parker. Parker has aboul eight у е ш experience inlaw enforcement as a fomwr deputy for the Davie County Sh m iT s Pepan- ment. "W e look forward to utilizing his experience and feel he will be an asset lo iu r small dcpanmenl," W oolen said. Welcome To CooleiBmee Residents ol Cooleemee gather around as lown commissioner Lynn Rumley prepares to do the honors at a ribbon cutting .^ ceremoney for a new sign welcoming peopie to their town. Among those in the crowd were commissioners Bill Qibson and.,, Jaclt Jerome. The sign was paid for by the town and erected by Bob Thompson with bricit work done by Davie High masoniy:. students. - Photo by RoMn PargnMen Jenay Keaton On^Dean'sLlst Jenay Lonelte Keaton, asenior biol­ ogy major, has been named to the dean's list at M ars Hill College. 'nwdaughterof Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Keaton, she attained a minimum 3 JS grade point average. K a r le k S e r v e s A s H o u s e P a g e Bethany Ann Karick, a studcnl at Davic High School, rcccntly served as aPageforthcN.C.HouseofRcprcsen- lalivcs. Pages assist m em ben o f the House during commitlee meetings and fioor sessions. Serving as Page gives stu­ dents a chance to inlenict wilh Iheir govcmmenl, and il gives iawm akcn a chancc to meet and listen lo some of thcirmoslimponantconstilucnts, their schoolchildren. She was sponsored by Rep. Julia Howanl and IslhcdaughlcrofKris and M arkKarick. Town Advertises Job C O O L E E M E E - The Cooleemee Tow n Board of Commissioners Is ad­ vertising for cleaning services at the lown hall. The board voted ut its last rcgular meeting July 15. to accept bids for the position for 15 days and voting on a bid at its Aug. 19 meeting. Not This Donna Gkxibey The Donna Younts "Sue" Godbey ofHw y. 801, Rowan County, listedas being arrested by Cooleemee police ondrugcharges is not the Donna G od­ bey of Riverside Drive, Cooleemee. Ш1ё» Шл. Rtrnod m rmkwmr nm HP», MCurtjr 1^ tana on A 1Л dM « М е . Э Ul Bft. mM. BR doMti, ОхглгШ LoeHno tor mdUMt Hem on 7Ak «#0Мк on bidt ot tut Und ol fllttod шумЫг* m ш т Л Ё Am . -U n d m ^ чюоШ ОтШ ш ,1ш о 1.| а п к1в ttlM M C am , «E. im 4 •>41»». ^ , 2 ЬМъ har* [Й ц o m lo s a s s a a . r ~ ^ ^ J. M i l l M l - a a d . a i . N MСопМгисвоа •iMlnDMtoCounNtorMi «d. 2Л an, tMod.. tot Smirt bum ..лослртП VWtoy tot UpdMd 3Bd. 2Bl Цвёупл 8 овм kl dMoM ЬмипгпмграМА ■ e u taa lA ' ' m l i r m ■ атм n ищцр»t.n w p ü n ie w i» w iiä S £ S & iiS & 7 M M illM e -8 B d .1 8 i.En«wBUMlHonw-100% ^ S V S i3 S S ? £ S l or п*«мп1 home w/ IMO «V HÉdMOd toon,«Of» ш м г Мпй «№ «MM M « g ilA d w .lÉ .d a f№ ......« M » n Alicia Parker 2844*010 Eilen Grubb 998-7699 S W IC E G O O D m W A L LR E A L T O R S'< 704-634-2222 We Need Your Help! W e h a v e m o r e b u y e r s t h a n h o u s e s t o s e l l . W e w i l l c o m e . . . F R E E O F C H A R G E . . . a n d g i v e y o u a n o p i i u o n o f v a l u e . Y o u m a y b e s u r p r i s e d a t w h a t y o u r h o m e i s w o r t h . W e w o u l d l o v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o w o r k f o r y o u ! C a l l u s t o d a y ! TRIAD, REALTORS* M aking Real Estate Real Easy.TM StraUordRoMi »1V72S46NDnMionCounty 911У7в4400вOwl* County г в м м т H N iy D r im п а г а н я ю Х Т П и - ю р | п 1 « MTRAO «^iMCtMuUi gol e M S i 5 a r " . i . « а . iS S S T im аааа. . . . . ВАШ COLONIAL Km « dnIrtM tot Summ ovwlooki COUNTRY FRENCH tan» tm МЯ....nm«ircfi*nynr.ti»niMmi.*AdOM(ll»t.p%rm. pool and qoM count. Ig ы «ЛМ Hr ЫкМ wm. мМмМ. и* tm FP Ь«ММП iwir MItafi. il I•........... --l.boou»ftn.aFPS.MOfi£l ГмМШ»)0г«.(«аа^.МиСНиОПЕ1 1JENNIFER OR SYIVU Ов»-117в VICW FlfMMO I ^ s u ’ t V 't S S t i U S " W " » J r t r i S S » uFRENCH PROVENCIAL I* ■•onMrM coty Mmol BRCK RANCH h« «M M tnd iMIm*. MBCM RANCH iii^iiMII pm amm wMm H M M * I 4n»»8F.IMnlMBn«MBfwgHtooFP.gMleg pend «Madu Me ^ Mtfad Mm, 9 cai tf hoodW qf. m m. panf m m/fHn H t | •MiYUOMtVLVM nmcttwiioMfr vo o im Мпму. Cfrf cl «m i iMMen. оммп «мм kl •» CoiMy et*. M fv• . K m Р0ттам>1111 w r t u M M а ш 1* ш и м н 1* м м • H M M -K R F iC T H O IiafniiM llW cMMt 1ШМ. 0И9МИ ЙМГ «I e>M ««»M M hr ш т К ш м о1*‘‘ан м А m w w U l M М М М ■ » a c t « • M M • M H ioouNTm ctut mniiMii. gm.PMtoct ы «I ftirm M Ы t w « * RM ттястмвттшФ4нтттттш f S S W Ä S Ä S M Ä M N i Rm. M i Ir • «tot I M «■ •m ШШ. МП - шт» fw «а IM « ш 1 ш т т т ш ь т ш т т т г — « м м я ж м ш т - - ♦.‘-'iHTtuii.t Щ - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1W7 ri 'ILoca/ Scouts Visit New Mexico Ranch B yJctnM Houpe Davic Counly Enlciprisc Record ' Fbr cvciy step rorwanl. they slid back half a step. They had trouble gening their breath al the high ahitude and were careful lo uvoid thc raUlC' snakes they passed on (heir tuck. Il was the sort of adventure thal few ‘ have achanceloexpcrience.but antong those few were three Davie teens. Spencer Pharr, Naihan Sm ilh and Alex Vonsiatsky were among ISm cm - bers of B oy ScouiTroop 731 of Clem* mons Uniicd Methodist Church who traveled lo Philinonl Scout Ranch In Cimarron, New M exico in June. They started planning thc iripabout a year and a half ago working to find frequent flyer tickets for thc flighl. Eachscouiwasresponsiblcforconv ing up wilh his own money for the inp. but they were able toget enough dona­ tions of frequent flyer tickets to pro­ vide the scouts and six adult leaders with a free flight lo and from Denver. Colo., according to Smith. Thc group traveled from Denver to Colorado Springs A ir Forcc Acadcmy ' ' WhCiO they loun^J tlie facility andstaycd in scout huts. The next day they took the clog rail up 14.00U feet to the top of Pike’s Peek. That was the end of Iheir free time, as they headed lo Phllmont to begin their 10 day adventure in the wilder­ ness. The scout ranch offers a number of programs. Including horseback riding, hiking and backpacking. Smith ^id. His iroop chose a backpacking pro­ gram. Tbe groupof 24 was divided inlo two smaller groups for the trek and assigned rangers. Smith praised his group's ranger, Brian Holmes, as a skilled ranger with a sense of humor. Other adults hiking wilh lhal group of scouls were Scout­ master Denny Boyce, Gary Anderson and Steve Pharr. Along Ihe 50 mile trek, the scouls enjoyed activities at some of the stops, including rock climbing and burro rac­ ing. For a small strctch of the trip, they got to pack a buiro with their supplies, Bul lhal slowed iheir speed more lhan carrying thelrown packs, whichiunged fit)m 30 to 45 pounds. Smith said. One adult made the trip with a 61 {»und backpack, he added. H is mother Kalhy Sm ilh said she was glad her son had this experience of a lifetime. It was hard to gel up early to con­ tinue the trek, Sm ilh said. Thcuipwasachallcnge from which they leamed to work well as a team, he said. "W e were able to get every thing we wanted to done, and we leamed quite well that we need to all slay together even though some were faster than others," he said."1 can't imagine a better experience for a young man. I hope m y other son will get the same opportunity," M r . Sm ilh said. РАУШ COUNTV ENTERPMSE KECOM)¿J«hr 24; !W7 -В» i Nath'ari’Srriith' trace's his froop's^^^ a 10 day backpacking trip at Philmonf Scout Ranch In Cimarron, New Mexico. - Photo by Miko Btmhirdt Smith takes a look around from a mountalntop during the backpacking Irek In New Mexico. The scouts from Oavie County were part of this expedition. Participants are from left, front, Alex Vonsiatsky, Reece Dorrier, AndrewBoyce, rangerBrlan Holmes, Spencer Pharr, Drew Parker and Nathan Smith; back, scoutmaster Denny Boyce, B. J. Green, Gary Anderson, Matt Anderson, Steve Pharr and Mark Marske. She and husbnnd Dill missed Ihcir son but were nol worried during the 15 days he was gone, she said. K'causc they knew he was with trustworthy people. In preparalion for the event, the troop had hiked Raccoon Mountain at Raven's Knob. Almost straight up, it is not an easy hike. Sm iih said. Thelighiweightcampingcquipmenl available today makes a hike like this one easier and safer, M rs. Smith said. Thai made the irip no less challeng­ ing, os Ihcy learned lo apprcclatc dehy­ drated meal, canned frail and crackers. especially as ihey protected againsi the camp Invading chipmunks they en­ countered. according to Smilh. TI;eUckofhum idity made thc heat more bearable, but they had to adapt lo breathing al the high altitudes where they hiked, he said. Smith’s favorite portion of thc jour­ ney was the hike up Baldy. M aking their way up the mountain of solid rock, this was where they lost half a step for every step forward. Bul il was worth II. W hen they reached the top at 12,000 feel, they could sec Inlo Texas, he said. He also enjoyed seeing animals, including deer and elk. "The animals aren't afraid o f anything. They have no need lo be," Sm ilh said. A scout since he joined Ihe cub scouts in first or sccond grade, Sm ilh is a life scout working toward his eagle. The rising Davie H igh freshman saidhewouIdlovetoretumtoPhilmonl. Participating ihis year were scouts ages 14-16. Members ofthe troop were able to make Ihe Irip Ihree years ago, and they hope lo havc another gn)up visiting Phllmont in the year 2000. he said. Smith puts on the backpack he carried on the 10-day hike with members of his scout troop.-Photo by Hike Bmhardi Scout Days S u m m e r B u s y F o r L o c a l T r o o p Rk:hard and Elaine Williams of Advance visit with the U.S. Ambassador in Nassau, Bahamas. C o u p le V is its A m b a s s a d o r Mixinjlwsinesswilhplcasurewtiilc ■pendiiig five days in Nassau, Baha- raai, Richud and Elaine Williams of Advance, akmg wilh dieir ion, Rich- anHr.andlwofamilyrrienda.adcnded a Founh of July baiqiict at Ihc U.S. Anibauadot’i icsMcnce. Richanl and wife, Elaine, visiled Ihe U.S. Embauy July 3 and mcl with V.S-Aihbinador Sidney Wllllanu to dbcuu woik being done in the Em- bauy and other related iuues. Only July 4, Ihe WiUianu group «Mdedlheienilfonnalbanquclalihe A ibM idoi'aR iidean: | Itic Colon (flags) and Ihe Nalionul AnthemofihcBahamasandtheUnilcd Slates were sung,Ihe Ambassadorread alclierfioinPiesidenlCllnlon inhonor ofUic Fouith ofJuly. Following Ihis brief ceremony, a bufTclslyledlnnerwasscrved. During Ihisiime the Williams met manypeople including Ihe U.S. Ambassadoi's wife, CongretiwomanWalen fiom Califor­ nia. with whom Richanl and Elaine had I convenallon aboul es|»ning products 10 and South America. Aflerwaid*. the Williams group re-MtaMdof'sRiideaM. I lumedlotheQyslalPidacewherBtheyT АЙК te ил M>iaci pmenled woe Maying, for a fliAvoiks display. CubScoulPack574hadanc*citlng ruslmonlhofsununer. On June I,over 100 Cubs,parents, and olhets attended the Pack's Bridging Ceremony in Tanglewood Paric, and watched asovcr 30 Cub scouts bridged from one level of cub scouting lo another. In addition lo Ihe Cubs who were advancing, there were several newCubs 10 be Introduced to the pack. Aftcrthe ceremony, a hot dog and fried chicken dinner was served. Cubs bridging fiom ligen (having completed rust grade) lo W olf Cubs were; Brian Gaither, Jeff Nuckols, Dylan Cheek, Graham Harmon, Michacl DomanskI, Alex Appell,Tyier Grant, Mark Eizenga 11, Michael HasUngs, Adam Hellard, John Paricer, Tatum Crews, W ill Byeriy, Tommy Campbell, Caleb Creason and IVIer Maready. Cubs bridging from W olf Cubs (having compleied lecond grade) lo BearCubswere: Taykir Autry, Justin Baricer, Christopher Brogden, Sam Everest, Russell Hancock, Chuck Mells,Camen<iWiliaii,iyfcrWcolett, Andy Rahubolham, Tucker Ren.’ Travis Williams, DavldMonsecs. Alan Underwood, and Christopher Romero. CubsbridgingitDmBcatCubs(hav- ing completed third grade) to Webekis were: W illiam Allen. Michacl Lawrence, Chad Reaser.AdamSuoud, Justin Smith. Naihan Bames, Mau Hauser. Matthew Austin, Clayton Ed­ wards, Russ Hilton, Nkholas Sexton, Dustin Ftye, Kyle Wooten, Daniel Baxter, Zach Sykes, JJ Byerly, Nicho­ las Davis, DavU Eades П, Josh FleUs, Gatrell Farits, Victor Ramirez, Adam Ressa, Chriilopher Davis, Jason Bowles, Joseph Cox. The folkiwing Sunday, Ihe Cubi and odKi* attended "Scout Day" al the Winston-Salem Warlhogs baseball games. Friday, June 13 was observed by attendance al "Scl-Worits," Ihe Wln- tton-Salem nature science ccnter. The beea wen busy, bul they hcM nothing on the activities'of the Cubs, They explofedeverythingfiomtheFixicaull p ^u lu m , to the Electric Spacc Ex- hibii and the Planeurium (how. Ihis (dsll wai timely comkieiini Ihe Man _||»l|ln« riM|WdfcrlM lY .o ^ Paul's Chapel Chureh o f Chrisi in Lexington waa ihe aile of the annual CubScoutDnyCan«, PickS74ynB well iqxeaentcd with Cuba ^ aihih volunteers. IheCubsexpkmdlndiM Lore and learned new skills in n h e iy among other things. Pack 374 has aboul one-lhird o f the paiticipanu at this District wide event, as well ai many of the youth and adult volun- leers. Ihe month ended wilh a trip lo Town Creek Indian Mound in Ml Gilead. ApersonallourwasprovMed by the ranger. Indivkkud demomtra- lionsorbowandarrow,ipear,dait|un,: andadallwugiVMlathebc^aswell aa disctisskm o f the pngtoskM o( hunting implement devekipnicnt Af­ ter the Indian Mound tour proper, Ihe Cubs and hardy adulu expknd the nature walk akmg the river bluffs. Mote adventures and activilia a i planned for July andAugust. Omiact any Den Leader or C liff Edwanta, CubniMler.ftrdelailaandinfinnMkia a bo M jo inin ilfyiM t^ia fln li Farm er Z P ro m n te d ByViHachovia Two Davie County residents have iweived promotions from Wachovia. Loan Kim Vu of Mocksville has been elected assistant vice presidentof Wachovia Openukmal Services Cor­ poration in Winston-Salem. Site is a lead analyst/programmer in the Infor­ mation Services Group. Alida M. Farmer of Advance has beenelecledbanUngofricerofWacho-’ via Bank, N.A., In WInston-Salem. She Is training coordinator in the Con­ sumer Financial Services Support Otoup. . PU BU C N O TICES I ::'№3nTH CAROLINA 1 '.OAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE : DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 97 CVO 34 SHARON ELAINE BOWMAN. J. BARRY BOWMAN and SUSAN D. BOWMAN. PtainllH vs. MICHAEL SEAN SIMONSON. Delendam NOTICE OP SERVICE OP PROCESS BY PUBUCATION TO: MICHAEL SEAN SIMONSON *. .TAKE NOTICE lhal a pleading seeking against you has been tiled In ths I \ above*captionedmalter. Thenalureoflhe I rallel being sought Is as follows: tormina- ; • tion or parental rights. • You are required to make defense lo such pleading no later than September 1. r* :1997. and upon your failure to do so, the I >* patty seeking service against you will ap- ., ply lo the Court for the relief sought. I Thisthe 17lh day OfJuly. 1997. JULIE A. PARKER Attorney tor Plaintiff B54 Valley Road, Suite 200 ; Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634*1890 7-17-3tn ; STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA ¡•COUNTY OF DAVIE » IN THE GENERAL COURT OF ........................ JOStlCE' : : DISTRICT COURT DIVISION : 96 CVD 248 ; Davie Counly, Plalnlilf. ' LaOuinla Corporation and R. Lewis Alexander, Trustee, Defendants. NOTICE OP RESALE Under and by virtue of an order of Ihe Davie County District Court, Davie Counly, North Carolina, made and entered in Ihe ; above tolerenccd matter. Ihe undersigned V corpmissloner will on Ihe 29th day of July, ; 1997, olfpr tor resale and resell for cash, lo ; the last and highest bidder al public auc- tion,atthecountrausedoorinDavieCounty, : Nortti Carolina, inthe town of Mocksville a\ ^ 12:00 noon, tho Interest of the LaOuinta ■ -Corporation and R. Lewis Alexander in tho > following described property; Shady Grove Township. Davie Coun^ and more partknjlarly do* ■ scribed as Lot P-20 LaOuinla Tax : . Parcel G-7-4-A-8 (See Plat Book 4, Page 12C) and Lot l'9 LaQuinta. : Tax Parcel G-7-4-A'54 (See Plat : ■ .iBook4.Pago 128) •' This is a resale of Ihe above-deschbed r property, a previous sale having been held ; onlhe29lhdayofMay.1997.underandby ( virtue of an order of tho Distttct Court ol : North Carolina of Oavie County, Nonh • Carolina, made and entered in the above : referenced action, and an Increased bid ^ having been duly filed wilhin the time at- ; towedbytaw. Biddingw«lstartntS1.205.00 ■; whichisiheamounloflheincreasedbid. A 1 deposit ol twenty percent (20%) ol Ihe r successful bid wilt be required, • The sale will be made subject lo all • outstanding city and county laxes and all V k)cal Improvement assessments against the above-described propeny nol included ^(nlhe judgmeni in Ihe above referenced ‘!cause.'> ‘ This Ihe 17th day of July. 1997. : Robert E. Price. Jr. • 1* Commissioner >0F COUNSEL : QURNS, PRICE & ARNEKE. LLP. 'tParkWest, Suite 101 ; aeoo country Club Road -•W‘nslon-Salem,NC 27104 Telephone: (910)760-1434 •;: 7-17-2tn PUBLIC NOTICE There will be a meeting of Ihe Daivle County Zoning Board ot Adjustment on Monday. AugusU, 1997 al7:00p,m. in the Commissioners Roomof Ihe Davie County Administration Building, Mocksville. N.C. The public is Invited lo attend. Business will be conducted as foltows; A) Call to order and welcome B) Review of the minutes C) John David King has submitted a request for a Special Use Pennll for a private recreational facility lo build and operate a goll practice facility. The prop* erty is located on tho north side of US Hwy , 64 East adjacent lo Hickory Hill Country Club and Is further described as being parcel 54.14 of Davie County Tax Mop J-6. D) Old or new business E) Adjournment A sign will be placed on Ihe property lo advortiso said public heating. Att parties and inleresled cillzonsare invitedloatlend said hearing at which lime Ihey shall have an oppoitunity to be heard In favor ot. or in opposition to. Ihe loregolngchanges. Prior to Ihe hearing, all persons interested may obtain any addiiional inlormallon on a pro­ posal or ask any questions they may have by visiling the Planning and Zoning De­ partment on weekdays between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone ol (704) 634-3340. 7-24-2tn NORTH CAROLINA -DAVIECOUNTY-. EXECUTORS NOTICEHaving qualified as Executor of tho Estate of Minnie W. Pope lale of Davio County, this Is to notify all porsons having claims against said estale to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 3rd day of October, 1997. boing Ihree months from the first day of publication or Ihis notice will be ploadod in bat of their tecovety. All porsons indebted to said estate will pleaso make immediato paymoni lo the under­ signed. This the 3rd dayof July, 1997. Eugene Roadman Pope, 1269 Angel) Road, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. Executor of tho Estale of Minnie W. Pope, deceased. MARTIN, VAN HOY. SMITH & RAISBECK. LLP Ton Court Square Mocksville, NC 27028 7-2 4m NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualilled as Adminisiratrix of the Estale of Mary Edilh Wilkins Absher. deceased, lale of Davie County, North Carolina, this Is to notity all persons having claims against said estate to present them to Ihe undersigned on or before the 24lh day of October. 1997.beingthree months Itom the 1it»1 day ot puWicaUon or notice will breaded In bar ol their recov­ ery. All perswslndebledtoMkfestale will ploase make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24lh day of Juty, 1997. Mane A. Nuon. 5060 Hwy. 601 N., Mocksville, NC 27028, Administratrix ol the Estate ol Mary Edith Wilkins Absher. deceased. 7-24-4ln rrwWieJonM(70«)4е*ЧШ7 Lordy.Lordy Audr£Vis4GI HAPPY BIimiDAY ^ WCAlLlOVeYOU. A U C T IO N tFERSONAL PROPERTY - FARM MACHINERY TOOLS-FURNITURE - GUNS SATURDAY, JULY 26,1997,9:30 A.M. RAIN OR SHINE (in case of rain, sale will be held under tent). Estate of EBkkelt Poindexter (deceased);. CO-Executon: Patricia P. Grant A Janet P. Hutcheos LOCATION: 4820 Old U. S. Hwy. 421. fn m YadUavBle. travel East oa Old U. S. Hwy. 421 for approxlMtely 9 lalks. Sale oa ri|bl Juit bckm Forbaih Votuatcer Flrt WbutoihSdcai. |o 1-40 Wtit lo US Hwy. 421 NoMb. CiMi YadUi Rl«r tt take MtlMort Rd. ftiL Itoi left A veotnrc to laterMctk». Iten riglit oato OM U. I.Hwy.421.Sy«at2Bdbaiwoo ‘ FAMMMACHINEMYA TOOLS: Nice 8N Ford red belly iractor. 3-poL...................tocludlnt Btuh Hot. 20-dUk Trtylor-Way Harrow. cuKivaior. boom pole; John Hal-bouom aluminum boat: 3.S HP boat motor. 4 HP 22 cal. Craftsman air compmsor. CT-1848 amomalic Wockhone rUini lawn mower. Howfi 401 jrouiy Ulfcr. Y art^ tiller. ~ ~ r. pusn lawn tix)^ra: lou pfgankn tools: Slihl 031 AV chairEarth Bird rotary tiller, p...................... .............lawn mowen; lou of sankn tools; Stihl 031.. .......... .1967 Intomukmal truck; lOOt of hand toolv. 9-dnwcr meul «Aeu; tools-. Ivfe vlir............................................. ill; mcul work-beech;hand tools.,bench irinder, aluminum exienskm ladder, log chain; gu grill; loolboses: C-clampi ; small mlkr. large auoftmenl of mechanical hai _ _ jtomatic .12 ga. shotgun; 7430 Sprinifield shotgun; Remington ^bodmasler Model 742 пПе wiih scopr. J8 Speclaf detecUve-spte. pistol with 30-06holsterGUNS: Automatic Woodmasler Mod ' '(pennit required). HOVSEHOLD ITEMSi Older crank phonograph; rare old w^ker w^l shaving tuaA bedroom suiir. slow chum; 2 color tekvlskna; cedar chest; electric ^Ing machine; desk chest or dnwcfs; dresser. 2 entertainment cwteri; Boston rocker, pfcnws * old wood stove with fan (biOlt to be laseiied In fireplace): m^,povceUn bed; video camera A VCR; magazine ta^ lamps; taU comw whatnot stwfc cteit wlot^^ seat; ain* illver letnntllemi: ftm 209 rad * iwl; odw fUiIni equlpiiieMi DicUnus toys A tames; buffet; flllnf cabinet; much more.CASH OB AmOVEO CHECK (00 ool-or-Mt elMcfcB). EV»V1WNGSOLDASI8*WHERE18. Aoctknm b not RtpmiMe for vy dlicnpwKkt or Inactwack« in a^itln g er for «y ■ddhloM^lnloai. • NOTRBSroNSIBLBINCASBOFACCIDeNr • POGO SERVCO ON GROUNDS This aucUon offer» an abundance of tesoiirces for achieving your 5721E. OM U. S. Hwy. 421, BM t Bm d; NC 270» N C A L til I mBUCNOnCE, NOTKB Of PUBUC HEARMa BEPORE THC BOARD OF TOWN COMMUIONCRS FOR THI RNXOW- MQ ZOMNO AMENDMENTS N0nCEIBHEREBV0IVEN,nm8U- ANT TO THE REOUmEMENTB ol Chap­ ter 160A. Artk:la 19, Section 160-A-364 ol IheGeneral Slatutesof North CaroUna and pursuant to Aiticia 10. Section S, of the MocksviSeZonIngOrd№anc«.thatlh«Town Board of Commlsstoners will hoM a public hearing al the Town Hall. Mocksville. N.C. al 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5,1097. A) Davie Broadcasting Inc. (WDSL Radio) has submitted a request lo rezone 6.2S acres of property from ResklenUal Agricultural (R-A) to Industrial (I) lor tha proposed constmclion of new studio facili- lies. This property is located on the North skle ot Eaton Road approximately 0.85 miles Irom Salisbury Road ar«l b hirthar descrtbed as being Paroel 36 ol Davie County Tax Map J-5. B) Warren Scoit AngeU has submitted a request to rezone 4.64 acres of fand on me northwest comer ol Evans Road and Madison Road, from Reskienlial Agrlcul- tural(R-A)tolndustrial(l)forlhe expansion of an industrial business. The property Is further described as being Parcel 100 of DavIe Counly Tax Map H-4. C) The Town ot Mocksville seeks to rezone approximately 35 acres of property from ResUenlial Agricultural (R-A) and Residential (R-1S) to Highway Business (H-0);-This property lies orvthoEasI skte- - of Yadkinville Road between Joppa Cem­ etery and Collette Framing; on the West side of Yadkinville Road from Valley Road to \t^e property atoning tt>e North side of Kip Millor. on the East side of Valley Road from U.S. Highway 64 West to the Intersec­ tion wilh Yadkinville Road. These proper­ ties are further described as being al or a portion ol Paroel 64,04 ol Davie County Tax Map M; all or a portfcin of Parcels A-3. A-4. and A-9 of Davie Counly Tex Map M- 3: and all or a portkm of parcels A-21. A-22. A-23. B-1. B-1.01, B-1,02. B-2. B-3. and B- 5 of Davie County Tax Map M-6. A map Indicating Ihe proposed change Ison file at the Mocksville Town Hall and the Davie Counly Administration Buildinglnthe Plan­ ning Otftee. D) The foltowing is a proposed road name for a private road senring two or more addressable stmctures: Woo(R>rWga Way-k>cated at the end ol Mockingbird lane. Mocksvlle. A sign will be posted at these locatkxM to advertise sakl Public Hearing. All parties and Interested citizens are invited to attend sakj Pi4>lie Hearing at whldi time they shafl have an opportuntty to be heard in favor ol or In opposHton to the foregoing changes. Priorlothehearlng.all persons interested may obtain any addl- tk)nal Information on the proposals whkti is In lha possession ol the Davie County Planning Office In the Davie County Ad- mlnlstralk>n Buikling, Mocksville, NC on weekdays between the hours ol 8:30 a.m.' 5:00 p.m. or by telephone al 634-3340. John S. Gallimore Planning and Zoning 7-24-2tn NORTHCAROUNA DAVIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator ol Ihe Estaleol Judith L Edwards,deceased, lale of Davie Counly, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons havingdaims againsi said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 24th day ol Octo­ ber. 1997, being Ihree months from the first day of publicalion or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All per­ sons indebted to said estale will pleasa make immediate payment to Uie under­ signed. This the 24th day ol July. 1997. Gary W.Edwards, 179Edwards Road. Harmony.NC 26634. Administrator ofthe Estate of Judith L. Edwards, deceased. MARTIN, VAN HOY. SMITH A RAISBECK. LLP Ten Court Squara Mocksvile.NC 27028 (704)634-2171 7-24-4tn IN THE GENERAL COURT OP JUSTICE OP NORTH CAROLINA , SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DAVIECOUNTY 978P70 Before tha Clerk IN THE MATTER OP THE FORECLO­ SURE of a Daed of Trust Exacutad by Rldiard H. Pniltl and Carolyn V. PnM Dated June 6.1996 and Recorded In Book 240 al Pagt 642 m tha Davla County PubHo Registry. NOTICE OP SALE Pursuant to an onter of Ihe Clerk of Superior Court and under and by vlrtua of the power and authority contained In the above-reterenced deed ot tnjst and ba- causa ot default In tha payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and falura to carry out and perform the stipUatkm and agreements therein contained And. pimu- ant to demand of tha owner and holdef of the indebtednesa secured by aakJ dead of Injst, Ihe undersigned substitute trustee wM expoea for sale at pubNc auctkm to the highest bkfcterforcash at the usual piece of sale at the county courthouee of saU counly at 1 l:00a.m.on July25. t997thefollowhig described real esute and any other kn- NORTH CAROUNA - OAVIECOUNTY W THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVIStON BEFORE THE CLERK e7SP20 THE LAW OFFICES OF ORADY L McCLAMR0CK.JR..J,0.. P.A. vt. CHARLENE QTHEAL MOODY, DONALD RAY MOODY and AMERICAN GEN­ ERAL FINANCE OP AMERICA. MC. Raspo pm ireon. LOANS FOR HOMEOWNERS Hom e Mortgages — Purchase or Rennance. Cash fast, regardless of credit. C all for same-day approval. CommonPoiiit Mortgaf* l-8 0 0 o 9 W -2 2 a i A U C T I O N S . i l u i c j . i y • J i i i y - b I 'i M / • ID ЛГ.1 torn» Merehell E. 01«мсоск - — I f (cteceeaed) 7S0 SlwlfMcl Ro«d *** Dmto Counw NfcmMt. NC. IM» Hivyk M WMI liNl pMl CMlw ЯмlroiiiMofllnvWa.NC.- . . . Sheffield Rd I I Э01, lhan 1 ft 1/1 RUM« to «М M l » Chiiräi Pm ■■ Dw. En DiMW " C «lv М м З в Ь ^ 8^ TW i •• Iron •• Sq. Ihn* •• Ptlmlllve ОНИ» Al* СИЛ Wraw •• АрИе N * ” iuW Piw " РюеЫ w iw lb * " Kliehw Www " CMwww Many Other Item* Limcfc АваОвЫе »* Kotn а» FOK HUMM М.. Нмтоп^ HC аж4 • NCALf74 ' situated In Davie County. North Carolina, and being more particularty deecribed as follows: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at a stone. Ganvood’e comer and nms North with atfd »ne 124 feel to a stone in Hendrb^a Nne; thenM' with'Hendrbt'e'lirw 127 feet to a stone. Hendrix's comer; thence about South 106 feet to a stone In Wagoner's Une; thence about 120 feet lo Ihe BEGINNING, Ganvood'e comer, and containing two- thirde (2/3) acre, more or less. TRACT TWO; BEGINNING at a stone Walter Clements comer and njnning with Wagoner's line SS feet lo a stone, Henderson Paritere comen thance about Northwlth Parker^ Nne toe feet loaslone Parttera comen thence about West 55 feet to a stone Waller Clements comen thence about South wtth Ciementa (toa 106 feet to Ihe BEGINNING. And Being more commonly known aa: 126 Clark Road, Cooleemee. NC 27014 The reconj owner of the property, as reflected on the records of the Regbter 0} Deeds, are The Estate of Rkrhard H. Proitt. This sale is made subject to аУ prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaM taxes and assessments for paying, if any. A deposit (rf flve percent (5S) of the amount of the bU or seven hundred fifty dolars (S7S0.00),whfeheverlsgreater.lerequired and must be tendered in the fomt ot certl- fiedfundsatlhatkneofthesale. Thissale wn be heki open ten days for upeet bUe u required by law. Folowinothe expiration of the staUrtory upset period, al rematoing amounts are immediately due and owing. ThedateolthlsNQttoaitJulylT.loe?. Daniel LFuk» or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Tmstee 301 S. McDowell street Suite 40e Chariotte. North Carolna 28204 (704)333-6107 7-17-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY NOTICE TO CREOfTORS Having quaSiHed as Executibt'of the EstateofGeorgeLJudy.deceased.lateof Davie County, North CaroBna. thia Is to notify all persons, firms and corporaliona having claims agakut the estate of sakl deceased to eid)toit №em to Ann Landb. С/ 0 G. Emmett McCaU, Attorney at Law. 633 W. Fourth Street. SuHe ISO. Winston-Sa­ lem. North CaroBna 27101 on or before tho 3rd day of October. 1997, or ihb notice w l be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al persons, firms and corporations indebled to the sakl estale w i pleaae maka M m - diate payntent to the undersigned. Thb the 3nl day ol July. 1M7.AnnLandto Execubix of tha Estate of George L Judy c/o McCeN Doughton ft Spaugh PUC 633 Weet Fowti Steel. SuHe 1 SO Winston-8elem,N0(t>Carelina 27101 Q. Emmett McCal Attorney for the Estate of George L Judy McCall Ooughton ft Spaugh р а с 633 Weet Fourth Street. SuMe 150 Winston-Saiem, North Caraikia 27101 7 4 ^ . NOTICE OP SALE BY < SIGNER IN SPECIAL PROCEEOMQ Under and by virtue of an Order of the Honorable Kenneth 0. Boger. Clerk of Superior Court of Davie County. North Carolina, entered on the 14th day of May. 1997. made In the Special Proceadk^g entitled THE LAW OFFICES OF GRADY L MCCLAMROCK, JR.. J.D.. P.A. vs. CHARLENE CXNEAL MOODY, DONALO RAYMOODY.andAMERICANGENERAL FINANCE OP AMERICA. INC.. the under­ signed, who was by sakl Onjer appokitod Commbstoner to sel the lands described {nthepetttk>n,wMonthetstdayofAugust. 1997. at 12:00 o'ctock Noon at the Davie CountyCourthouse. 140SouthMainStreet. Mocksvlle, North Carolina, offer for salato the highest bidder for cash, thal certaki tract or parcel of lyk)g and bek)g to Calahaln Township. Oavie County, North -Carolina and more particularly described- aatolows; TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at an exbting Iron in the property tine ot PoHy T. (Mra. Martto) Ulham. at the edge ol an recorded to Deed Book 66 at Page 460 of the Davb County Regbtry. being the Southwest comer of the paroel: thence North 174.35 feet to a new iron placed at the edge of sakl easement: thence South 88 deg. East 250.00 feet to a new iron placed; thence South 174.35 feet to a new Iron placed In the property line of Poly (Mrs. Martto) Utham; thence North 68 deg. West 250.00 feettoan exbting iron.thepotot and place of BEGINNING contatotog I.OOOacrea. Saklparcelbbounded on the North and East by the prop­ erty of John Frank ONeal as de­ scribed to Deed Book 78 al Page 395; on the South by the property ol John Wayne and Johnna Charlene OTMTaytor.aadeecribedtoDeed Book 122 at Pagt 727; and on tha Westby the easement deecribedto Deed Book 68 at Page 480. Sakl parcel b shown on a map prepared by Grady L. Tuttorow. Regbtered Land Surveyor, reflecttng a survey done on April 9.1984. by Tuttorow Sunreying Company. For back titb see Deed Bookl22 at Page 725, Davie County Regbtry. TRACT TWO: BEGINNING at an exbting iron at the comer of an exbting 30 foot easement described to the instnj- ment recorded to Deed Book 66 at page 460 ot the Davie County Reg­ istry and the John Wayne and CharieneTaytor property line; North­ west comer of thb paroel; thence South 49 deg. 52 mto. 20 sec. East -27.99 feet 10 a new iron placed, thè Southwest comer of thb parcel; ihence South 88 deg. 34 mto. 27 sac. East 228.52 feet to a new iron piaced. Southeast comer of thb paroel; thence North 15.00 leet to a new Iron piaced to the property Ine with John Frank Otieal. the North­ east comer ot thb parcel: thence North 88 deg. 250.00 feet to an exbttog Iron, being the point and piace of BEGINNING, contatotog 0.08Qacrea. Saklparceibbounded on tha North by the landa of John Wayne and Chariana Taylor as de­ ecribed by tha toetrument recorded toOaedBook122atpagB725oftha DavieCounly Regblnr.onthe South by Poly T. (Mrf. MMto) Latham, aa daacfibadtoDMdBoeli2Salpaoe 334 of tha Oavie Counly Ragbiiy, and touchee with Ha Northweat cor­ ner the easementdeecribedabove. ThbdidrawnbyGradyL.Tuttorow.Ragb- larad Land Suráayor. punuam to a . survey dona A ^ 9. 1084. by TuttorowSunwytogCompany.copy NORTHCAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY iXiCUTOIIS NOTICI Havk>0 quaMM aa Executor of tha Estato of Eltabeth M. Upgran. deceaaed. latoof Oavto County. North CaroHna, №b btonoUfyal persons havingdakmagalnat sakj astato to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 10th dey of Octo­ber, 1987. batog three months from the first dey of publcetton or thb notica w i be ptoadedin b «e l their recovery. Alper- sons indebtod to sakl astato w i ptoasa make Immediato payment to the under­ signed. ThbthelOthdayofJuly.1997. r First Unton Naltona) Bank, P.O. Box 2114-CMG.Wtoslon-Salem.NC 27102. Executor of the Estoto of Elizabeth M. Upgren, deceased. 7-10-4tn NORTHCAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OP JUSTCE DISTRICT COURT DIVISKSN 97 CVO 403 LYNN READ TOBIN. PlatotHf vs. JAY GORDON TOBIN, Defendant NOTICB OP SIRVICS OP PROCESS BYPUiUCATION TO: JAY GORDON TOBIN — TAKE NOTICEihatapbMinasdeking'" reibf agatost you haa been filed b> the ebove-capttoned matter. The natora ofthe nrtefbetog sought baa folows: Abeohito Divorca. You are required to maka defensa to such pbadtog no bter than September 1. 1997. and upon your faHura to do eo. the party seektog Mnrice agatost you w i ap­ ply to the Court for №e reibf sought. -- Thb the 17th day of Juty 1997. JUUE A. PARKER AnomeyforPtototitt 854 Valey Road. Suito 200 Mocksvie. NC 27028 (704)834-1890 7-l7-3tn NORTHCAROLINA OAVIECOUNTY NOTICE OP SERVICE OP PROCESS BYPUiUCATION KftWTowtog and Garage vt. AltonNebon TO: Alton Nebon. address unknown Take nottoe that a ptoadtog saektog reibf agatost you has been fitod to the above enUttod action. The natura of the ralbf sought b to setbfy a poeaeeeory Ian for towtog. Storage, and sanricea to a 1988 Fordptek-up. VIN1PTCF15Y7GPA06S30 by sato of sakl vehbto which b regbtorad toyournama. You are requked to maka detonse to such ptoadtog. Uponfaikirato do so,platotWwiapply forthe relef sought. ThbthelOthdayofJuly. 1997. ' KftWTowtog and Garage 275 Danner Road Mocksvie. NC 27028 834-2584 7-10-3tnp NORTH CARaiNA OAVIECOUNTY EXECUTRIX NOTICE Havtog quaWed aa Executrix of the EMato ot LaatbAH. Roae, décaasad*. Me of Davto Counly, North Carolina, thb b to notify al persona havtog datob agak«t sakl estoto to preeent them to the under­ signed on or before the 24ih day of Octo­ ber. 1907, being thraa montha from the firstdeyofpublcaitonorthbnoltoewiba ptoeded to bar of their recovery. Al par­ sons todsbtod to saU astato w i ptoasa maka tovnadtoto payment » the under­ signed. Thb the 24lh day OfJuly. 1987. Cam« Johneon. PO Box 983. CtoRb mone.NC 27012, ExacutriiofthaE^ of Leatha H.Roee.decaaaad. 7 -2 4 ^ NORTHCAROUNA DAVIE COUNIY BXBCUTOIWMOTCt Мю Indudad an tf m tha tlgMa ol accaaa along ttineaaaaam anta da- iCiilMd In Datd Воск ee. at Page 4<0 and I>»d Bock 104. at Page 4te,0nia County Ragiaay. Said land! ara aoM aitlaci e al Itola, aneuitnneaa, tana or deMa el laeoid Many. An aamaat money dipoall aqual Is 104 paicaM ol M N jM I M «11 b*' 0« aala aa avtdmea o( good Ml.TNa ill 10*1 day otJiiy.iMr. 1л11. Estala olAtiliaM.Mdiia.d ol Dante Cornili, Noi«i Can*«« nollly alpanonah» aald ваша la praaanl iNm ta «W u algnad on v beta* tha a«li day al 0„ bar. ia»7. baino *«M montile IranM IHldayolpubicallonorthisnelloaiiltS plaadedin bar ol mail laooiwy. M '(£ aena todabM № ааИ aalaia <И1 ptaadi make InmadtM payman la Ma undar^ INa the 24th day dJuly, 1ИГ. Donald R.MUa.ie>RadCadarWay;: 27«M.E>aatlorolth» MaolA»haM.Rid*,daoaaaad. ; NORTHCMOUM J.о и т о о л т iи а ш то с я ш п м - f i ишншиа Я 1М * В и < >1Ь М к к №(704)284-2826 A«ma,NCt7l GENERAtUI н с к я г а м н я г вапш т al the Ealala Ч Robert A Sdiugam.daoeaae«ialaalOaiiiaCÌMnly. Weycwolnfc^ ^ lonoiliytlpata^ thamaiihaundanlanedonarbetortth». M i day d OcHber. 1И7. bakig thiM. m ^tam thaM d^foleiM M Ienoi iMa nodoa «■ ba M a d bi bar al iMr—waiy. Al paraena MMad ta mH7b*í'¡SSSIí ^mathaMlidmrlMy. iter. aanS(liiiflBm.l4HMbMMtaA а е а ш д и к ВЦ:-DAVIECOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. July M, 1997 e L A S E O E I E D S IN Iia a P E N S IV E FROFTEABLE Y n r c ) S n i e s 2 F A M IL Y Y A R D sale: Sat., July 26. 193 Scenic Dr. 1st road on left past Rescue Squad Bldg.__________ 2 F A M IL Y Y A R D sale: Sot.. July 26, 8am -? Underpass Rd. off 801 S. Rain or shine.___________________ 5 FA M IL Y G A R A G E sale: children's clothes, home furnishings, toys. misc. 126 Bradford PI. Sat. 7am*tpm. Rain or s h i n e .______________________ B IO 1ST T IM E yard sale: Sat. 1/2 mile on Turrenlino Church Rd. Look for signs. Little bit ol everything, plus ice cold drinks. G A R A G E SA L E : FRI. & Sat. 590 Fred Lanier Rd. 64W right on Sheffield Rd. left on Fred Lanier Rd. Lots of qood stuff. CheapI H U G E Y A R D S A L E : Sat.. 7am- 2pm. Jericho Church Rd. to Sunset CIr. Follow signs. Games, toys, bOQkSv leweiry. housewares. clothing & much more._____________ Y A R D S A L E : 595 Duke Whitaker и к с REQ . R E D Bone Hounds, 8 wks. old. $125. Also, unregistered black female lab puppy. $100. Call 284-2742. A p a r t m e n t s A F F O R D A B L E LIVING, country atmosphere. Try Northwood Apts. StudloV 1 & 2 BR's; aatbage, water & sewage Included. Com o see what we havel 600 Northridge Ct.. iMocksville. 704-634-4141. M O C K SV IL L E S U N SE T T E R R A C E : All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances furnished including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides cenlrai heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen & bath floors. Located in Mocksville behind Hendricks Furniture on Sunset Dr. oH ol Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M -F & Sat. 10-12. Phone 704-634-0168. C a r d O f T h a n k s M A Y B E, IT W A S a card, or word ol encouragement, a food basket, or the assistance you gave In whal ever way, It could have been your coniforting word or prayers, donallons, flowers & visitations. The family of the late En/in C. Wilson expresses our sincere thanks to our many friends of churches, organizations & medical staff. C hild Care A L M O S T H O M E C H ILD C A R E: 5;30am-1:45am. 1st A 2nd shift or by the hour. Permanent or temporary care available (or lnfants-12 yrs. old. C A LL U S FO R SAT. H O U RS. At our new location: 571 S. Main St. 634-7529 or 634- 1980. Debra Stanley, owner. H A V E O P E N IN G S IN Daycare, ages infant & up. Wm. R. Davie District. 1st & 2nd shifts. Before & After school. Ref. avail. C P R & First Aid Cert. For more Info, call Paula Powell at 492-2183. H o m e s F o r R e n t L a n d F o r S a l e 10 A C R E S FA R M IN G T O N Community, all wooded. $60,000; 15 acres N. 601, $60.000; 31 acres behind Courtney Flio Dept. 33000/acre. Large acre tracts- Davie & surrounding counties. 998* 3805._______________________________ 10 A C R E S L A N D in Fork area, great secluded home site, septic tank In place, $47,500. 5 acres in Fork area, great view, good homesite. zoned for mobile homes, $25,000. RIverfork Properties 300 S. Main St. 704-634-1070. Q O O D H U N TING LA N D . Alleghany County. Call 910-372-4533 after 5:30pm.____________________________ L-002-L 23+- A C R E S Yadkin Co., very secluded, wooded, stream, excellent (or hunting, $34,900. D-001-W 3 lots, each over 1 acre, mobile or dbl. wide homes, Hanes Grove Rd., Yadkin Co., $6500/ea. Pineview Farm s Land & Dev. Gordon A. Hodges, Broker 910-488-l363 M i s c e l l a n e o u s IISW IM M IN Q P O O L Sil Sale 1/2 price on install. 16'X30* O D P O O L S complete with Deck. Steps, Filter & Warranty tor only $695. Hurry limited suppiyl Other models also. Financing.' Neptune Pools Inc. over 11 yrs. in business. 1 ■800-323-7946.___________________ 4H P C R A F T S M A N E A G E R 1 w/rear bagger & side discharge, 2 2 ' cut, runs good. $100.998-5566. A TT EN TIO N W O O D W O R K E R S : A P P R O X . 500 bd. ft. of 5 yr. dried inside lumber, sawmill run. 8 0 % red oak, 2 0 % maple. 634-4882 after 5:30pm & before 10:30pm. Price firmi D O G P E N P A N E L S 10ftX6ft. $200 lirm.1942. F O R S A L E 18,000 BTU Hot point ac, 220 amp, $375.704-634-1509. ige: Bid S E A S O N S on Main Church Rd., go 1 mile. 634-2967. 634-9533. L a w n C a r e F O R S A L E -K & G Saivi stone $140/pr. pallet 14i 4'X e‘X3/4’‘ T & Q $15.95/sheet; 3‘ wide. 2! galv. metal roofing. . . . . .. exterl_qr „steel doors, M i s c e l l a n e o u s S O N Y 10 D IS C C D changer for auto. EC, $200 neg. Call Mike 634- 3614.____________________________ S T E E L B L D G S, B U ILT (or you: *2' car garages, large warehouses, many One-of-a-Kind; fastest del; C a lli-800-638-2664.___________^ W ILL B U Y JU N K cars. 284-2659 or 634-4335._____________________ '6 6 K A W A S A K I J E T ski X2 w/àll accessories. $1200.634-1393. • ‘86 S T A R C R A F T F O LD down camping trailer. Sleeps 6, EC . $2000. 998-4929. M o b i l e H o m e s / R e n t 14X70. 3BR , 2BA, central heat/air. Includes appliances, front & rear decks, plus use of storage bldg. Limit 2. $400/mo., lease & sec. dep. Ref. req. Located in nice park, 634-0539. 2 B R. M O B IL E home for rent. Bull Hole area. S98-9814. somethinq (or eveivone.$500 sec., re(. Y A R D SA L E: FRI., 8am-Noon, Turrentine Church Rd. Black & white TV. microwave, rabbits, & much more._______________________ Y A R D SA L E : SAT.. July 26, 127 Ivy Ln. 7:30am-Noon. Rain or shine. Books.. clothes, contemporary desk & chair, tapes, C D ’s, movies & more.______________ Y A R D S A L E : SAT.. July 26. 8am-7 601 N.40 Angel Rd. 8/10 mile to Hobby Horse Ln. Lots o( baby-4 clothes & more.____________________ Y A R D S A L E : SAT., July 26. Milling Rd & Lakeview Dr. Rain or shine. . U W N C A R E. New & existing lawn maintenance. •4277. SAT,, July 26th. fai ■ ■ Y A R D SA LE: 7am*7 Rain or shine. 2 families. 150 Shady Brook Dr.. Hickory Hill Oev. 2 waterbeds. golf clubs, girl's, wom en's & men’s clothes, household items & baby items. A K C D A LM A T IO N P U P P IES. 14 wks. 7-way shots, rabies shots. wormed. %<25 ea. 910-463-4675. G IV E Y O U R D O G a break from summer heat. A sk Davie Farm Sen^lce 634-5021 about Happy Jack Paracide Shampoo. Kills fleas & tk:k8 on contact. C hecks doggy odor. Contains N O permethrinsl A r t y A r t l s t JA N E T D E A N 'S A R T ST U D IO Creates custom sketches or paintings of people, pets, buildings. & vehicles. For more info, leave m essage at 704-634-1549 or write: P O Box 984 Mocksville. N C 27028. B e a c h P r o p e r t y C A R O L IN A B E A C H C O N DO : ocean view, IB R , 1 1/2 BA, sleeps 4. W ® . pool. $400/wk. 910-791- 5786. B u s m e s s O p p o r t u n i t y B U S IN E S S F O R S A L E ; Floyd's Qrocoiy which Is Gunler »2 now. If inlereslod coniaci me at homo 704- 492-2789 or work & ask for Annlo al 704-634-1552. M ake an olfer because I am movinq out ot state. S M A L L H O U SE IN Mocksville, ideal (or coupie or single, $385. Leonard Realty. 634-3650, 634- 5020. H o m e s F o r S a l e Call 704-284-4;_____________________ C & M S E R V IC E S : W e provide al) types of lawn service, mowing lawns, trimming shrubbe^. cleaning lots, 704-634-5798. F R E E EST IM A TES. — $79/9a4^w(ln94oitr$6;95?follfAA/Q— 2BRr2BA-ON-privdte-fc)lrW i stock stainless sleel in sheets & dryer, porches, storage bldg. pipe. Super savings on carpet & $350/mo. + dep. 634-2532.linoleum a s low as $3.95/yd.; 2- ---------------------------------------------------- bulb fluorescent light fixture. 4’. $8.95/ea; Corrugated culvert pipe up to 24" dia.; w e slock pumps & accessories (or wells. Formica, $.50 sq. ft.; 4'X8’X1 1/2' thick faced R E N T TO O W N, ready to move In 2 & 3 B R mobile homes. 634-1218. L o t s F o r R e n t A D V A N C E, 3BR, 2 1/2BA, brick rancher on 4 1/2 acres. Double attached garage, finished basement, new roof. A C & more Improvements. 998-7271.__________ B R IC K R A N C H W /B A SEM EN T remodeled on 1 acre, 421 Hillcrest in Advance. $124.900. Prudential Carolinas Realty. 910-748-2029. D U K E ST. H O M E for sale, recent updates. $25,000. Hom es (or sale: Duke St., Cooleemee, 2 story, good starter or •, lerty, $25,000. Riverrork Properties, 300 S. Main St. 704-634-1070. F O R S A L E : 4BR, 2B A house In Mocksville. Located in Historic area. $76,000. Leonard Realty. 634-3650 or 634-3875. %C n t i q u i & i j f b BROWN SERVICES Lawn klowin«. Mukh A Pine Nfcdle Spreading. Cutler CteanlnK, Small Flo« tr Garden* ‘HUfd. Pluoinf, RfMtding, rertiluin^orUM-nf, Fallen Umbi k Dnuh Cut Up & Itauled OT. QUAUTV WORK • FRIE ESTIMATES 9 98 -9885 M-tlnOp ip ’Pm v PritO s'i^GROOMING SHOPSwing thaMocMtftOi Jm i Teyler * J«rl Hoody. «ipwltncad groomr c-H^oc 9 1 0 - 9 9 8 - 5 0 9 8 M O B IL E H O M E L O T S for rent, convenient location In Mocksville. Paved street & driveway. 8 lots available nowl Call Penny at 704- 634-0446. L o t s F o r S a l e 5-6 A C R E wooded tracts in Mary Brook Acres, off Hwy 801 in Advance. $8500/acre. 998-5378. M i s c e l l a n e o u s F O R S A L E '9 2 R.V. trailer, 26.5 ft. Coachm en Catalino, rear bathroom, bed room, front kitchen. 704-492-5361. Davie Driving School ^ In Teen Orim's läucalion 1 Insulation, $7.95/ea.; 3000 lb cap warehouse carts, $49/ea. Sleel I- Beam s for sale. K & Q Salvage (Reynoida Rd.) 1st bustness on W est bank ot Yadkin River. 910-699-2124. F O R S A L E : R U D O LP H Wurlitzer piano, A-1 condition, like new, $2500.00 634-2700.__________ F O R S A L E : W H IR L P O O L ref. $400. by-side, water/ice dispenser, ). 284-6365. F O R S A L E : W H ITE G E stove w/2 ovens, $75; fireplace insert w/blower, $250. Call 284-6209. L O G C A B IN G IFT S Jewelry, yard ornaments, hand crafted gifts. Entrance to Lake M yers H V Resort, Hwy 64W. O pen Frl., Sat., & Sun. 10am-5pm. T R A IL E R S F O R REN T. Water furnished. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Call 940-2395 leave message. M o b i l e H o m e s / S a l e **L Q S H O M E S** Singlewldes & doubiewldes. Affordable prices, quality built, dependable sen/ice. Factory Direct Since 1937.3995 Patterson A v e .' 910-767-7565. Winston-Satem. A sk (or Odie Perkins.___________________ • • N E W R E P O 'S II R E P O 'S II R E P O ’SII 2 & 3 B R S W 's & D W s. Easy (inanclng. Oakwood Factory Outlet of Salisbury. 704-633-1107. - 7M>t94-«371 ш ш м м • O A S HPAID FOR ANTIQUES. PAHTIAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COLLECTABLES. OLD METAL TOYS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE - YARD SALE Ш . , Л Ш Г 2 1 , а Д М - 2 М ■ И ч п м Ц к м И м ’ t— ürtiiiim aln u i, liiM rtiM lliW , H liolir >lilii,liiiitoi»m iiii,aiM l ; ■ M U M f l . W > ■ MRrahM. GENETREXLERROOFING Ndw& Old Roots 24 Years Experience Free Estimates704-2S4-4571 W I S E C A R U E R M1NI-8TORAGE n e e d s , ^ ; h o o s e u s f C o m e b y t o i n q u i r e a b o u t f r e e r e n t a l . 2 9 7 5 H w y . 6 4 E i n F o r k C a M io d a a i _ (910) 998-8810 Perfom ianc» R u s GasolineD A V Il R V SUPPLY ■ i M i l H l l n . H M f e l M t22?3USHwyie4W.Mocktva».NC270Se Орм e AM Ii IMniQhl Monday - SatunMy T a rtie e l^ ^ l a w n c a r e Rcaldenttal & Commtrclal Complete tiïwn Maintenance Pressure Washing Ruing ¡шипа» Fret Ustimota Chadwick Гспшмкх в » ^ i ü f f i n i s h e s á ^ !Fumiture Refinishing & Restoration Custom Woodworking RickMiceli (704)492-2060 quality craftsmanship for 30 years. 99S»9661 / 2 4 h r C o M | w t N ln d a il / F M M t d w W ia 4 h r U 9 M k it / v i ^ 'C i w i M to c w N if. : / N K lio lt r a w d t C k m r : $$$ CASH W c B u y S c ra p G o ld , B ro k e n a n d U n u se d G o ld Jew elry. DAVIE JEW ELERStinX to Wri-M>rt * Ш Л т FOR SALE >93 Oakwood 14x72 M uMMoiM-UkeNm v * Carpet A Upholstery Cieanioo * Homes, Businesses & Ctiurches * Water Damage ExtracUon Sendee * Over IS Yeara Experience * EB EE Estimates MoekevHli.NC l i m é ] Ы о«-(М ос11Ш МСспШаш! em riníì/ииж^ ш-1_—.уаю ягош упе M2Ftfmlngionnoad.ModaWN.NC « 1 0 4 4 0 4 S 5 2 iFMSALfcCart^---Д- ■ ш р м к AUbüiMfiriMii M ito k l M l 704-634-3442 ^ J M o d w v l l j j j N ^ LARPY$ WXÍOIUFLOOR SEBVICE Laying. SaiKing. FInlaMng FREE ESTIMATES 0 « и м п и п у М с а и м у 12gLaiim«oodD(ive . 7 0 4 -6 3 4 -1 7 2 1 2 Ю , г ш ^ Ш т Ч Ш т ,kir,AC,AM/mcatMttt häallft-W МйШжм f l Q in H r М Я П *111| 1М11111| пМ 9|оеШа| Mimr, laniM tul), B E а и р И а и и , M l , s H r m kU| - «мЫмр Ml г taiat' Ms (ем tny) SIM M ( 7 0 4 ) 2 8 4 - 6 5 6 7 Itavhii A M Salt Ihls SHMMrT PM your salt/Л №* class/AM and l0l»niym know aboul HI Htn't some infomalkn you'll nMd/ogttslarOd’ O h M * hr t iM lM iilii I M M M М Ц 1 ne M i 6» M M |riN «N nl l a • H i M ijT lllK iH ll FREODYS ROOFING I H f c í t S I I M A I t s 704-492-5923 IRACnm SALES & SERVKE Parte Available Moet Makee S I N K к м и Е Ц н г а ш Lnm gtom N O i 4 0 0 - 2 S M m ........ ( . Happy Birthday toPaula Qay ¥№atberman Fw m anokifiiend H u p n m ttM - F lftt S u e . ] I know this loolu a lot Ute Alexis.- I can only hope she grows up l o ; bejust like her Nanny. ^F IN A N C E C O m iPAN Y\\ EMPLOYEES! ^ : Tired of Collections? Looking lot a career? Com e join us In the (ast-paced, lucrative, mortgager industryl M ake your finance com pany experience payoH tor youl Call: (910)7S9-366S l()ra(ip., or lax resúmelo: (910)739-7873. All Inquiries strictly coniidenlial. VRIMC L.A NorthCn« . '"лпт coW D A V I E C O U i m E N T E R P R I S E Ы Г О Ю , J u ly 2 4 . 1 » W - e L A S S I E l E D S IN E X H K N S IV E PROFITABLE M o b i l o h l o m e s / S a l o '■N O R E N T o n H O U S E PM T8.“ Alter 4 yrsil Factory relxiill mobiie homeil K M dn. S 48 monthly, pmta. ol $122.7« «a. at 13.6% Call Oakwood Mobile Homes. Salisbury Location onlyil 704-633-i 107, ‘1 O N L Y * beautiful new 4 B R mobile home. $215.31/mo. Call 704-633-1107. Oakwood Salisbury OnivI __________________________ 1 ST T IM E H O M E buyer. N o credit jC toose your own pmt. 910- Ï т [ ) 1 о у и ^ ‘'' п P IA N O T U M N Q Repairing »Rebuilding 2 M O B IL E H O M E S for sale. 998-8639 between 8am-9pm.Call 3 B R B E P O O N large country lol 1 m w from D avit County. Assum e pmts ol $253.1-688-203-6128. W F O R E S T B R O O K B V Skyline 2 BR, 2 BA, V G C. 998-7468. 9« R E D M A N , 14X70, 3 B R 2 BA, Centrai air, W/D. 492-7629. A D O L L A R t a deed is ail you need. 1-868-203-6128. Sales & Seivtee W allace Barford 996-2769 O f f i c e S p n c o s F O R S A U O R lease: 1500 sq. ft. ol office space behind SheH Station at Hwy 601 & 1-40, Advance (Hliisdale).998-5378.______________ S A L E M C E N T E R O F F IC E Park. Located near Bennuda Run & O ak Valley oil 1-40 al the com er of Hwy 601 i Yadkin Valley Rd. Affordable offk:e space avaiiabie from 100 aq. ft. to 2000 sq. 11. Available lor Immediate occupancy. For details call 910-760-2fel or 502-684- 4213. W H IT T A K E R P A V IN O Paving, Seal Coaling, Hauling Gravel Call lot Free Estimates _____________492-7820_____________ W IL L C L E A N H O M E S or oHIces. Reasonable rates, fee estimates. 998-2907,__________________________ W IL L S IT F O R eMeity, Mocksville area. 634-0186. Qood rel. F O R S A L E : 'M Chevrolel Staltonwagon, 94+K, w/mobUe ghone. Caudell Lumber Co. 634- F O R S A L E : M Chevy Camaro, 910-463-4665. C all Jack alter A S S O C IA T E M A N A O ER , R E T A IL sales, dim lay & cleaning. Serendipity Shops. Antiques, gilts acralls.7D 4-6M -0S5S. C E R T IF IE D N U R SIN G A S S IS T A N T S needed to provide hom e care senrtees to homebound patients in Davie Couniy. 1 yr. of em . a s a nursing assistant i N C aide registry listing req. To obtain -T applfcallon call 1-630-------------- ■ wriie: Director, 108 Wli •737-0604 Wind ChimeCt.. Raleigh, N C 27615.____________ C N A 'S C H O O S E Y O U R shlfti CertHled Nurskig Assistanta needed for ail shifts m & near Davie 1000. Call Bayada Nurses! 6pm. - ----------- _ Howard Tour*. July 26, 1 day shopping, Buriington, $15.00; Aug. 9, W rie r Theater, lunch at Martha W a s h M o n Inn (included), $52.00:____ S A U S B U R Y M O T O R C O, B utek-D odge 700 W. innes St., Salisbury ___________704-636-1341 •73 C H E V Y IM P A L A , 1 owner, 0^ shape, new tires, $1500.998- C O N C R E T E H EL P ER , T R A V E L req. Drivers license preferred. Call 264-4369, Mon.-Fri., 10am-2pm lor appitealion. EEO .__________________ D A V IE C O U N T Y H O M E Health Agency, Chore Woriier Position, FT date: Mon., J_uly 14,1997. D R W E R -T E A M S M D IC A T E D $ s00-$10 00sign o n bonus. Dedteated team m ns, 1 0 0 % no touch, 100 % drop a hook, average 4,564 miies/wk. Hom e 48 hrs on the weekend. Iowa City, IA to Brown Summit, NC. Don't m iss out on Ihis opporiunllyl Owner Operators w eknmel Builders Transport 1-e00-762-18l0. D R IV E R ; R E C E N T G R A D U A T E S . New to driving? Top miles. Top pay, & benefiis. Ail H O O D fie«! Call 600-948-6723. D R IV E R S; F L A T B E D T R A C T O R trailer, 5-8 day dispatch, home most weekends, all conventionals, 1st day medteal, dental coverage, must have clean M VR, good worit & 0 ° E ‘g|'.“' EXP. P U N T M A N A G E R needed lor local mig. plant. M usi be mature, responsible & have good mgml. skills. Send resume i, salary IM M E D IA T E O P EN IN Q t;; M EC H A N IC , M E C H A N IC 'S helper, millwright, electrical & hydraulk:, technician, log loader operator. 1st shut + overtime. Shaver W ood, Products. Inc. Hwy 70, Cleveland;- N C 704-276-9291. : N O W H IRIN G A T K -M art, in' Clemmons. PT a FT, flexible hrs. ; Exp. front end Supervitoi,. Associate w/exp. a 3rd shin stockerr w/exp. Please apply any day ftom 9am-9pm.________________________ N O W H IRIN G F T warehouse^ position, possible overtime. Starting, pay $6.M . Benefits start alter M days. Apply between 10am-3pm. vtnfiiams Medical Textiles al .the- Inlersectton ol 601 a 64 In Forte : : O A K V A L L E Y G O L F Ciub Qriih pTion of Worit; Provide hom e N C personal care sen/tees lo h lgoijH K P O B ox 6 K , CWmmons, F A C T O R Y R E B A T E S U P to $800 a your flrst 2 pmts. Call lor details. Accent Mobiie Homes. 1-600-593-7814 3856 N. Patterson Ave. W Inslon-Saiem, N C W e have parii spaces avaiiabie. G O O D J O B ? N O credit?l Call Accent Mobiie Homes. 1st time buyer program. 1-600-593-7614. 3Ss6N. Patterson Ave. .Winston-Salem, NC. W e have pari< spaces avaiiabie. L A K E H O M E: C U ST O M built mobile home. Take over pmts. ol $210/mo. w/$971.90 dn. Easy llnanclnq. Call 704-633-1107. L A N D M O M E P A C K A G E S A V A IL A B LE . If you pay rent vou can afford to own. 910-744-0686. L E E 'S M O B IL E H O M ES-N om ood, N C 600-777-6652. Bargains, ck»e outs specials. 40 i» w homes, 26X52, $27,999; 26X80, $38,999; 28X64. $32,999; 24X56, $25.999; 14X60, $19,999, ind. 4 ' hitch. Open 7 days._____________________________ M O R T G A G E C O M P A N Y H A S several D W a a S W s set up on acreagei Pay $300 In fees a move Ini Call 764-633-1914, ask lot Allen.______________________________ O N E O N L Y I B E A U T IF U L new : Fleetwood. 2BR, $699/dn., only $146.66/mo. 1-600-593-7814. Accent Mobile Homes, 3856 N. Patterson Ave., Winston-Salem, NC. U S E D D O U B L E W ID E S • sInglewkles .Irom $1000-$15,000. Will finance. 910-744-0686. '• 4 B R K IA D IE R , 2 B R , 2 BA, on lol. Great condition, $19,900.998-1691. Nashville, TN., $315.00, (4 seats eft); Oct. 31, Nov. 2, Lancaster, PA., Hershey, Am ish Tour (4 meals Incl.) Reading, PA., Shopping, D- $160.00; T-$149.00; O -il3 V 0 0 ; Filing 2nd Busl Nov. 15lh, Annual shopping Irip, Pigeon Forge, TN. Christmas shopping a lights, $35.00; Dec. S t , Myrtle Beach, S.C. Christmas shows, Carolina Opry, Legends, 2 meala Included, D-$130.0i; Dec. 1<\, Biltmore House, Gardens, Winery, 1 meal, Deer Parit Inn Restaurant, $M .00. iHa due when slgnlnb.) Helen C A R P E T R E S T R E T C H E S private $19,900____________________________ ■•4, 14X70 FLEET W O O D , W/D, central heal/air, already set up In mobile hom e parii. $13,000 огЪ ке over pmta. at $158.65.492-2094 or 704-М в-7670. SEAFORD PUNO SERVICE 704-492-2S«íórroS«^16e Jack Seaford '§ 7 D O D G E R A M van, 250/6 cyl., 61,000 original miles, $2500. 2 6 ^ 4942. ‘8» F-150, 4X4, $5500. 634-1656. good shape. B E A U n C O N T R O L C O S M E T IC S; lor products or Career Inlo. Call Jennv Tumer, 634-2567. R E P A IR : and holesrepaired at low pricea, most jobs done sam e day. Call 634-1232. C O R N A T Z E R » S O N S For all your outdoor needa: Grading, Hauling (muk:h, gravel, etc.). Tractor Worii, Bushhogging a More. Call u s T o " * 996-6258 996-5223_____________ D « G C O N S T R U C T K )N Additions, decks, fences, remodeling, new constniction, roofing, general hom e repairs. 12 yrs. exp. Free Estimates. 998-5690. L IN K 'S S E A M L E S S G U TT ERIN G Rtehard Link • Owner Free Estimates _____________634-3248_____________ PA IN TIN G Remodeling - Hom e Repaira Large or Small _ Free Estimates J A M E S M ILLER _____________998-6340_____________ P R E S S U R E C LE A N IN G : All Types skiing, clean and waterproof decka, p ^ to ^ ^ rive w a ys and walkways. R t D P R E S S U R E W ashing Satisfaction Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 940-5297. T R A N S M IS S n N S , EN G IN ES, TU NEtipe, oil changes etc. Quality worti done by ase master auto technk:ian. C a t lor appoM m enI or estimate. Kevin Wright 492-7860. V C R C L E A N M G « Repairs. Voglet's T V Senlce. Advance. V isa a M C accepted. 9«fr8172. . ‘M H O N D A C IV IC H A T C H B A C K , red. 4 spd., AC, 96K, Pioneer stereo, EC, $3500 neg. 704-636- 8902 alter 5pm.____________________ '9 t N IS S A N 300 ZX, all extras, EC, 47K, $17,500.998-9662.___________ ‘96 H O N D A SH A D O W motorcycle. Like new, only 1500 miles. $6000. 998-9662. A L W A Y S B U Y IN G ST A N D IN G timber. Will cut kits, top dollar paid. Call 704-637-9097.____________ B U Y IN G P W E a hardwood timber, delivered logs a kHig pulpwood. Shaver W ood Products, inc. 704- 278-9291. W A N T E D : I A M buying Antiques, hjmiture, glassware, tools. Individual items or enUre Estates. No small appliances. Attte lo basement. 910-961-6454. E m p l o y i n e i i l $378 W E E K L Y P R O C E S S IN G mail. $100 signing bonus. Work own hrs. Genuine opportunity. Call refundable. 972-e88-1195._________ C E D A R C R E E K B O A R D IN G Kennel Is looking (or P T help. Must lable & en' " ‘ ! 8 % 4 'd S S b M . '3 e n i ^ ^ .... -a re -e n a b lcd -lo -ro m a ln --ln -th yr— homes. Hom e mgml. duties include Designers Loft, 634- grocery shopping, meal preparation, house cleaning, a essential transportation for client. Personal care duties include leeding, grooming, assisting w/meal pianrilng a basic First Aid. Ouaiilkiations: Valid N C Driver's License a meet necessary training guidelines within 6 mos. of employment. Preler Nurse Aide I 2318.______________________________ H A IR S T Y L IS T S G U A R A N T E E D H O U R L Y wage, no clientele needed. Your stylist itoense is a license lo a better Income. W e will hire 7 FT a P T st^lsls this week for our brand new state of the art salon. Please call to hear more aboul a last paced career with a fun upbeat co. offering; paid vacation a holidays, paid special.J . - vacation a holidays, paid special, K F r e :3 § a T » V lii? ; S s ‘ be dependable i caring lor dogs a с 940-2552. iloy woridng a Please call days m ay be req. Selection Process; Applicallons will be reviewed a most qualified applteanis will be Interviewed. Submit state application forni (PD- 107) lo Dennis E. HarrinMon, Health Dir., Davie County Health ' . 2 1 0 Hospital St., P O Box I, Mocksville, N C 27028. Resum es m ay be submitted, but m ay nor replace completed stale eppitealion fonn. EO E._____________ D E N T A L A S S IS T A N T II: W e need an enthuslastk;, motivated end certified assistant to join out team in a quality oriented family practk». Please call 704-284-2595. D E N T A L RECEPTK >N IST: M A T U R E, personable, self-starter, lo worit In a progressive, caring dental practice. W e offer a challenging career opportunity In a team oriented environment. Out employees are tnjiy appreciated for their personal involvement a talent. Derilal Assislants welcome to epply. Send resume to: P O Box 99, Mocksville, N 0 27028._____________ D IS H W A SH E R N E ED ED . A P P L Y In person lo; Millers Reslaurant. D R IV E R EXP, T E A M S : lop pay, lop W/C miles, top equip, a home time.' Quick app. turnaround. 688- 564-6269. -------- _ prodL,. ____ commissions, $50 referral bonuses, benefiis a much, much more. Call 765-9642 or 778-0250 today. H E L P W A N T E D : O sbom e Electric. 634-3398, appt. only._______________ H O U S E K E E P E R S N E E D E D P T & FT. Apply in person; Comfort inn. 1500 Yadkinville Rd._______________ U V E -IN C A R E G IV E R needed. M ust be dependable, able to lilt, li^ht ^Jw uM keeping. References P O Box 42, L O C A L T R A C T O R T R A IL E R driver needed Immediately lor local hauls. N o ovemjght. C la ss A C D L req. Current D O T medteal. D nig a alcohol screening req. 25 yrs. or older w/3 yrs. min. tractor trailer exp. Clean driving record. Health insur., vacation i holiday pay. Send name, address a phone • to; Personnel, P O Box 994, Mocksville, N C 27028 or call 704- 492-5651, 9am-5pm., Mon.-Sal. a leave m essage for appitealion. seasonal help needed, 1-2 days,' weekends onb. Call Joan 940-2()00 or apply al Grill.________________' P E R S O N T O C L E A N private' homes, R , Mon-Fri. Good- ^ a ^ ^ e n is . Cioverfield'a. 760- 'P T “*-rT-poBltk)nïBVfiilsDl*,'2rtd a ' - 3rd shills, fcr Support Staff In groupé hom es for persons wIlR developmental disabilities. Apply al; RHA, 128 E. Kerr St., Salisbury or 2t 1 Rosem an Ln., Cleveland. . , PT A D M IN IST R A T IV E A SS IST A N T : approx. 20 hrsMk; will have widely varied responsibilities including production ' ol quarterly newsletter, assisting wilh program s and special events, som e clerical duties and m uch: more. Must be creative, have outgoing personsiily and enjoy working wiih senior adults. № s t have computer exp. $7/hr. App.: m ay be obtained at Davie Co. ■ Senior Cenier, 622 N. Main St., ' Mocksville, NC. or call 704-634- 0611.___________________________ PT H E A LT H a W ellness Coord.' Approx. 20 hrsVwk. Will teach, senior exercise classes, help plan a coordinate olher health a wellness programs a special ' evenla. Looking for a •people".. person who will enjoy helping seniors ol all fitness levels Improve their health. Prevloua Illness Inslniction exp. preferred, but nM-Z. train the right person. $6.5aA!r>' App. m ay be obtained at Davie C a ^ Senior (Jenter, 622 N. Main St.,, Mocksville, N C or call 634-0611.- . ' W A N TED : H K IH LY EXP. person for managing a fitting pur ‘ ' beef herd. Duties Include op farni equipment a mainlal property. Housing Contact: ■■ ■ -Jimbo Shaver, Shaver- Products, Hwy 70, -----------------.92ál. ■ W ood Cleveland, N C 704-278-92! I W earsa ra le a U M lsi E x m S c a t e s . M ta iM tlM M M k i l l U M PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES M O B IL E H O M E S Skyline Corporation has an Immediate need for production employees In ail phases of manufactured home building. We offer an exceilet starting pay and fringe benefits package. If you tiave 1 year ol experience or the equivalent skills required, apply In person to; S K Y U N E C O R P O R A T IO N i B ethel C hurch R oad • M ocksville, N C 27028 ^ _________________£qu»l Opportunity Empksyer | . .. . P J E s a M . . . . , W O O D W O R K E R S ; $7.98 T O start w/increases & benefits. Exp. a tel.; in Clemmons, next .to- lexter. Apply Mon.-Fri. (7-6),:; Topsider Homes,- 7050 Idles ■ Rd. - 766-9300.______________________ Y A D K IN V IL L E $7/HR. P A Y M E N T I teller, PT. Performance b a ^ ' Incentives. Requires strong cash, balancing skills, 10 key, custom er:: senitee exp. Fax resume to 9 1 » ''.' 759-6873 or mall to; Griffin M g ^ Corp., 6011 North Point Blvd., . ■ * ■ N C 27106. No • ' Winslon-Saiem. phone calls. .M A IN T E N A N C E HELPER/VA-N D R I\’E R MUST HAVE CLEAN DRIVING RECORD. GOOD BENEFITS. COMPETITVE PAY. A p p ly ln p in o n io C tn lC a m M M o n -F rio r e ta (704) 934-3535 fo r m o n Infom uO on т и я м л а . I Msctavgb,NC»l2l ^ (7 M )O M 5 3 5 P O S I T I O N A V A I L A B L E D a v i e C o u n t y i s s e e k i n g a n i n d i v i d u a l t o s e r v e a s B u i l d i n g C o d e s In s p e c t o r .Hiring Range - $24,934-$28,865 Successful applicant performs work in the enforcement of state and local codes. Considerable tact and firmness required.Applications must be sent lo:W. O. Whaley, CNrector of Inspections 123 №uth Main Street Mocltsville, NC 27028(704)634-2791 iPosition open until filled. ' Dmie Count;/is an eijual opportunity employer. P R O G R A M D I R E C T O R DAVIE COUNTY SCH OLARS PROG RAM The Steering Committee of the Davie County Crosby Scholars Prognun is seeking an interim part*time Program Director (o organize, develop, coordinate and implement the scholars program in Davie Couniy. Initially, this one year interim position as Program Director would be employed on a contract basis at a sflloiy of $12,000, for an estimated 20-25 houn per week. Q M lU lcatloM la c M t t Has obtained a Bachelor’s Degree, with experience in budgeting, planning, marketing, public relations, excellent communications «pd PC skills, ability to inieract wilh school administration, parents, students and thé', communiiy. willingness to work flexible hours including evenings, knowledge in writing flnanciol grants and the ability to have a positive influence oo the persona] development of program participants. If you Bie interested, ptease send in strict confidence bv July 31.1997. a cover lelter outlining your credentials and achievements and a resume lo; A a in w W U lc .C l» k iM a P M O f llc « lo x ll9 ]*M « lu v il» ,N C 2 7 l2 S . D I E T A R Y D E P X . Long twm tacilKy Oialary DtpL has opanlns tor pwt tbm dM w yald*2ndsM ft(11un- 7:30pm). Alto ptrt Um nlW cook tor let tMtt (6:30 m • 2:00 pm). L X p W i t n C S p r o it iîl O « ExM llM l bMMfltt and work MwlronmML Aflpiy Aiptnon to Cvo(CnirM»:OM:O0 Ш е п - Р П а г а Л ( П 4 ) П * ^ т л п я ы % i MickirikkNCmil I Л /р1у1ярч Я шШ тB S S ^ CNA’S To Cover Davie County AllShitts PartTTime& Full Time Flexible Hours • Must Be Certifiad 910-768-1197 Piedmont HomeHeahh, Inc. Winston-Salem - y e u rn y e iM m im l’ iii^ DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 24,1997 D s /ie D a te lin e Religion ¿atuiday,July26 VBS,Hwdfaon United MrthodbtChuixh. 9 a.nv4 pm Ages 2*9ih gmdc. Comc join . the ndvemure. HanU HoUoway & Co. of Allania, Ga. In concert. Cedar Grow Baptist Church. 7 p.in. For info ca]|, Shelly Omwn at 910*940- 5632OT998.7602. Sunday, July 27 Annual Sunday School Picnk, Ephcopal Churchorthe Ascctuion Bt Forie Wonhip Scn icc & Holy Guclirisi. 11 a.m. Scn ice lo inclikJc special masic & Dibic conimciKc* nvnt. Cc^Dui, 12:30 p.m. R)r ntorc info, call Avalon PoJts. J u ly 2 7 -A u g .1 VBS, Salem Unlltd Mrthiidist CllUlt^ "Cclcbnite Jesus". 7-9 p.iil. Ages 3.ailull. M o n d a y , J u ly 2 8 Wiine» in Concert, Jentsalem fiaplbt Chuirh.7p.m.Lo\-cufferingiakcn.NurM:0' provideJ. Iw info, call 2W-2328. July28-Aug.1 BibleSchool.Falih&Victoi7FainiIyWor- shlp Center, 1687 Hwy. 601 N. 7-9 p.m. "TTic Circle of rricnds R ^h. Being Friends wilh Jesus" progTuni. Modem western ad- «nturcfcaturingfun,crafls.masicandactivc Bible leaming. Ages 3-17. Nuruiy forchil* dnrn under age 3. R>r more info, call 634* -i6H r Na^Anon Гог romiliesof dnig addicLs. Sun­ days. 6 p.m. Davic Senior Cemer. Brock Building. Main Si.. Mocksvillc. 998-2657. Davie Counly Youth FootbaU League Di- rcctocH. 1\ks., 7 p.m. Counhousc, Grand Juiy Room. William R. Davie BoofAvr Club, Shelter at Wm. R. Davie School. 3nl ^ипЛау. United Way boanlordiavtors.4ih Monday. 5:30 p.m.. Bixx-k Bidg., Rwmi 208. Mocksville VF>V Pinl 402-1. I\ki Hut. San- Aug. 1&2 ................. 12th Annual llonwcoming, Farmington Communiiy Center. Singing & Гс11о\\лЬ1р. Free admission. Friday, 7 p.m. Saliixday. 4 p.m. Han]bufgerii. hot dogs, chips.drills ^ h d:iys. Barivcue chickcn. Sat.. 5 p.m. R*nced in playground. In case of rain, inside audito­ rium. Bring lav.nchairs..CaU9lO-998-2068 for info. R e u n i o n s M e e t i n g s fml Ave., 7p.m., 2nd Tuesday. MocksvUle-Davie Jajrccei, 1st, 3id Mon­ days, Jaycce oflicc beside Hom Oil Co., Main St.. 7 p.m. Advocates for Gifted Chttdmi. 2nd, 4th Tbuixlays. 149 Lakeside Drive. 634-2194. ModuviBe Civitan Chib, 6:30 p.ra, 2nd, 4th Monday. Western Steer. S e n i o r s Call 634-0611 for mofc info. Location is Brock Ccntcr unless noted othenvise. Thureday, July 24 Senk)T Chom. East Room, 3 p.m. Friday, JUy 25 Woodmridi« ClMi. Cratt Room. 8:30- 11:30 am. Bridge. East Room. 2-5 p.m. Monday, July 28 Cooleemec Chib, First BaptiM Church Fel­ lowship Hall, 10am. Dog Days of Summer Covered Dlih Pk* nk, Jcricho-Hanlison Ruritan Chib.5 p.m. Tuesday, Jiiy 29 Beginning Bridge, Rose Room, 1-4 p.m. BHdr. East Room, 1:304 p.iTt RSVP Nunlag Home FlHly, 24 p.m. Wednesday, July 30 Variety Arts, Croft Room, 8:30-11:30 am. Card « Board Games, East Room. 1:30- 4:30 pm RSVP Sewing ”B”,RSVP0mce,9am.-l pm. Tbursday.Julyai Senior Center Hcdlh & WeOness Com­ mittee Mtirtlog. Rose Room, 11 am. Senior Chofus, East Room, 3 p.m. • Report Davie Dateline Items By Noon Monday Items Гог DiivieDalcline shpukl be rcptxted by twon Monday of the puUication week. Call634-2l»)ordropilbytheofncc.S.Ma]n St. ocross from Ihe counlKXLsc. ■ S E A A S r M O C K S V I L L E , N C I Sunday, Aug. 3 Reynolds Reunion, Rich Park Shelter 2. Dinner. I p.m. S p e c i a l E v e n t s ___________ Banning in September BoatingEducatkmCour se,NationalGuard Armory, Winsion-Salcm. 1-800-876-0995. Ongoing Crubc Itt, Pfedmont Can. Dov>-ntown Mocksvillc. every 3rd Monday, 6-9 p.m. Sweet Lovei's Hasen & American Cafe c^'n later Ihosc days. ImmunicatkNt clink. Health Dept., adult and child, cseiy Tuesday. 4:30-7 p.m. Flu and pneumonia vaccines available. D a t e s t o R e m e m b e r Saturday, Aug. 30 RcdCrm Blood Drivv,Fori(BapüstChmdi. U.S. Hwy. 64 East, 9 am.-1:30 p.m. Ongoing RccycUng truck at Ce\)ter Community Bldg^S-ll am. IstSatmday. Rec)clingtnickat UnkmChapel Method­ ist, 4th Saturday. 8-11 am.. Recy cling truck at jerich^Hardison Ru­ ritan bidg., 3rd Salurday, 8:30-11 am. Fmchool stoQtime. Tues., 11 am.Davie County Library and Cooleemee branch. 30- nünuie program. For children uges 3-5. Mu­ sic, read aloud, stories, films,nursery rhymes. T a k e % O F F A ll hom e ap p lian ce s and hom e electronics w hen you use your Se ars Card... even sa le prices! A p p ly fo r a S e a rs C a rd a n d y o u a l s o g e t 1 0 % o l f ! S o le g o o d J u ly 2 4 t h r o u g h J u ly 2 6 . E x c lu d e s B o s e p ro d u c ts. Saturday, July 26 DavieCounty Republkan Men'sFedera- tion. F&F Barbecue. 7:30 am. Monday, Aug. 4 DavkCouniy BoanlorCommWooen,l pm July 21 meeting cancelled O n g t ^ AkoMics Anonymous. Sundays, 6 p.ta and Wednesdays, 8 p.nt. Second Presbyte­ rian Church basement. Pine St. C ^ 634- 1490 or 634-7786 for info. Hk AitistGroup, Davie County Uxaiy,7 pm. last Tues. Fbr info, call Bonnie al 998- 5274. Cookcmc* Town Board, 3rd Tuesday. Town Hall, 7 p.ra unless otherwise noted. NntbCookcmecMdChrk Road Coun- dL 2nd Wednesday. 7 p.m. Friendship Bap­ tist FeUowship Hall. Davk Domei<k ^^oknce Setviccs. Sup­ port groups for vktims of domestic violence. Sesskms free, confidentiaL,Tuesdays, 6 pm. DDVS OfTice in Davie County Coun- bouse.634-3450. / Family Vloknce PftmUkm Scr\kcs «f D a ^ Counly. Free counseling for vktims of violence and Ihcir chikbcn. Experienced proTesskxials, separate groups. Mondays, 6- 7:30 p.m.Fust Uniled Methodist Church oT Mocksvilk. Coll 1-800-728-3413. Davk County SdMol Bua Dcim t Am - cialk«! 2nd71nirs., 7 p.m. Davk County Sr. Center. Brock Bklg. C oK om l BHMn AaocMaa, Foodtills Chapter, 2nd Wednesday. Westem Steer, UJ. 601 at 140 7 p.m. PubUc welcome. Aivaact Garden Club, 1st Tues., 9 ;ua>1ocbUMC.998'2111. : Mackivfli GM teClub, Itt'[tiuTL. Fust Baf)tistFeUowshipHal].7pm < 8 n i of C o a M m t V cknm , 1st Moft- - di9, Codktmet №storkal Bmiding. 7 p.m. IMBduvOiRolaryCliib,l\ie^ .pm , Rotaiy Hul . IM w Off fmA ScttlUy, Bethkhem IMsdMetliodistauiceh. 6:45 pm. Ihuri ' AA«IAI-AM*nundays,8pjnnEalan'f ra^MdMdi. 5 WSBBA, Super capacity washer, шг Reg. 349.99, sale32a99 With extra 10% savings; Ultra Wash' dishwasher. № Was 479.99, 399l88 while qiMnWlMlMt With extra 10% savings; 30-In. electric range with self- cleaning oven. 93№i.Was 559.99, 449L88whil«qu«ntl«t«lait With extra 10% savings; 22 cu. ft.' I door storage, «a Was 849.99, 749188 whllt qwintHin list With extra 10% savings; 2 9 6 * 9 359” 4 0 4 ” 674*’ I_____§ 1 » L 1.2 cu. ft. microwave. 900 watts, eooo Was 159.99, 12%88 wtill* quanWi« last With extra 10% savings; 116” PHILIPS B B Magnavox hi-fi VCR. ¡6937 wit. »VRUMUn Sears low price 199.99 With 10% savings; 179” ■pgni.-TOia r 1 Zenith 32-ln. TV with color picture-ln-picture. 4шм.#2згш1№ Reg. 749.99, M it 699.99 With extra 10% savings; 6 2 9 I $ 1 2 0 9 9 S O N Y - . Sony 8mm “Vision Series" . camcorder. Color LCD nKMiltor. Stl9(Hli.*Ca)-Tin22) Sears low price 799199 With 10% savings: 719** r $80 I S u m m e r v a l u e s f o r H i e y a r d & s h o p ! Winew0ill8h0pplnec«llw Mon-m»-7 >8M94«8tin1M ОшуИ « Carol Powell (704) •Э44И1 Ж Ш Е Ш VOM CM COUNT О П К Ш 1маыи*кавм1;«1мя>1ммам im iM a n n n a M i UMtaLM». R M •—lifa m n il ш ш и м т о »ock ot a*ttrtlMd llimt. «У or itiatfaioii noi induM In MiWy p*. o R vo u m o N ivM C N dSSp^MoÄto Iht»чтШт,'• Mi«Hli»boníilim«tlioidNrttidpK*lt»oilm prict. Ron к not lirpr ttom OutM йот MoroliidwtdCKUidbwoinwtiltuiChvpiBM. Thit ItMcfttck (kirwW cidudn kmttd cflin, iptcttf aónmam»Miuw0femUmüfuUmPm. om7tttn.fMuck«^Co. fc r n o W llir l|) t> o l S O N Y K itc H e n A lrf8 “The atore you knov) is now cloee to home” 50 Years Of Golf Bob B en^, Twin Cedars Founder, Celebrating Lending A Helping Hand His 50th Consecutive Year Of Playing Go« National Guard Builds Day Cares In Ecuador Page 10 PageBI D A V I E C O U N T Y 80^ USPS 149-160 24 PAGES 15 Year Old Dies In Wreclq He Wanted Everyone To Have A Friend By Mike BarnhardtDavie Counly Ешефп5е Reconi crashed into trees off Main Church Road near Mocksville.----------------- William Pcacock was a .special young man.He .said "yes, ma'am" and "yes, sir" and "thank you" and "may I."He loved his family members. He loved children, and he couldn't stand for some­one not to have a friend.On Thursday, July 24, William Pea­cock died at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. He neverrecovered from injuries received the night before when the pickup truck he was a passenger in — "Ha lovcd pcoplc-and hc loved chil­dren." said Maria Knight, his foster mother. "He tried to be considerate of other people's feelings."Peacock lived with Maria and Lany Knight for more than a year as a foster child, and hasspentalotoftimewith them since that lime.The teen lived with his grandmother. Dot Peacock and mother, Lynette Pea­cock, on Railroad Slreet in Mocksville. He had just completed his freshman year at Davie High School, where he was a member cf JROTC. underdog, I think because of the situationinAVrighlrhis-foster^iandmother;—hirwiKlirhimselfrWe tned to teach him Knight said she callcd V;illiain-"one\)fthe--nn(St;'’-Hcr~thallfwUsimportahTto love oUMr'iKopier family accepted him as one of their own. not because of whal they had, but because"We accepted him as a grandchild and he loved us like he was bom to Larry and Maria. We're going to miss him. He was a fine young man. He had good manneis. UwaspleascandthankyouandmayLjust good manners," she said.Maria said William loved to spend time with their 5-year-old daughter, Sharee. And she relished the time she had widi William."He would always take up for the they had emotions."Heneverlikedto.seeachildthatdidn'l have a friend. He would try to be their friend," she said,Ann Wrightsmd the families are tiying to cope with the loss the best they can."Il's hard to understand, but our family is Christian and we know it was his time," Wright said. "He was a wonderful person and he loved people. He loved to make new friends." Color Me Happy couldn't_exEre55jho.W-1 much she loved Will­iam. "We enjoyed spending time to­gether," .she said. "Il was a mother/son re- lationship.Ineverhad tospendalotof money onhim,ilwasjusttime spent together. Hewould always accept ________myconectingaslov- WUUam Pcacock ing guidance. He knew I really wanted Fkaae See Peacock - Page 4 Un'ifi Plans OaHokt By MikeBamhanlt[hivie County Enterprise Record When Unifi announced plans to build on 162 acres il purchased along 140 late last year, local eco­nomic developers saw high-pay­ing jobs. Counly officials saw ah incneased lax base wiUi a good coiporate citizen.Unifi asked the land be re­zoned, and county commission­ers obliged. No company officials attendedpublicmeetings,butsent word Ihaltheplanshere were sepa- rale ftom any others. Reskients asked questions aboul the plans, and go« veiy few answen.Counly commissioners and Mocksville town board memben held a joint meeting, beginning a plan to extend sewer lin^ lo the site,andexpandMocksville'stieat-: ment plant. Those sewer lines woukI also serve Pinebrook,El-.! emenlaiy School and open the ‘ F l t a K S e e U i i a - P V 4 il-' •1 Ч « ^ I* г I1 ; Tommy Campbell, Samantha Browrt and Megan Dyer dothelrbestCiayon art attheMoctevillfrDavieRecr«ationDepaftmenfRecClub* daycare iflrogram virtilch seroes nearly 75 Davie children daHy. For a aloty and more photographs, please turn to page BS.________________-H io to b y H o M n ftrg u tto n ChaiKller, Rumley Fik For Seats On Cooleemee Town Boaid Twocondidateshavefiledfora seat on the Cooleemee Town Board, and a dtird candidate will be onihe ballot for a seal on the BermudaCenterSanitaiy District Board of Directors.. John Chandler and Lynn Rumley each filed forone of two seats open on the Cooleemee board. Onecandidale,GradySpiy, hasfiledformayorof Cooleeniee.Willi«mA."Bill"Bume«e,5'7, of James Way, became the third candidale to seek one of two seals available on the Bermuda CMIer Sanitary District boatd, joining William HamptonOnenaodJudy 0, P-fnfnMigff on the t>alk)t.In Mocksville, Fiancis Slate and Dusly Wheaton have filed for mayor, and Steve Walker, James WalLLeeRoUinsandEdKeUyaU seek election to one of the duee seals to be elected to the Mocks­ville Town Boatd in November.Candidates have until noon Friday to file fior one of Ihese local oflkxs. Filing fix is $S at Ihe Davie Boatd of Elections, first floor, county couithouse.Cbwidkr. 44. of Marginal Slieet. said he was encouiaged to runandthinkshewiUbeaUetodo . agoodjob."By living here44yean,Iknow most of the people, andlcaie very ' much aboiu the community.'! he said. "I warn tobe involved where IcanhelpkeepCooteemeeawon- detful place to live."Chandler is office manager at ShefReU Lumber Co.Knadey, 48, of Cross Sueet. wants to finish some of the woric with housing and expansion of recreation ptognimsstanedby the current board. She iscomplelinga two-year term. ■Rumley sakl a k)t needs to be doneinCooleemee,and,ifeleGied, she wUIaskpeopletoget involved inhelDinythetown. •,v 'f- ”1 want lo see a icnewal ia lahL-- V ' • ’ •л чл •;! ^sглe#'U•Л^»,v 2 - DAVŒ COUNTY ЕЭТЕМШ8Ё1(ЕС01и)ГДи1у 30, Е А о г Ы Р ^ а й г J V Has Unifi Used Us Again? Big Plans Fizzle We have been hnd,., again.Quietly and not so gently, Unin Inc. has told Davie County ofTicials that it won't tic coming. Not now. Not this year. Not next. Not anytime... soon.It won't be building ils corporate headquarters here.Il won't be building its distribution center here.It won't be building factories and storage.We won't be needing new ramps to Interstate 40 at Rainbow Road. Company towers won't interfere with the airplanes in the area. The county won't need to build water and sewer lines lo Unifi.Our ship has not come in.We've apparently been played for a pawn in another corporate shakedown.It was the strangest courtship. Unin asked for zoning -changcs-for-ils-300-aerrtract-borilering"InlErsiatc'!t0rThe-companybouglittlienot--s№prinie property for'S3;OOOTiT acre from Richard Childress. It's plans were hush-hush. There were only whispers about what Unifi wanted to do, A distribution center, at minimum. The new company head­quarters, potentially. Big, big, big. Jobs, jobs, jobs.The county commissioners, naturally, fell over them­selves to make the company welcome. Good jobs were coming. This was the biggest thing since Ingersoll-Rand.The Economic Development Council helped map plans for a long-distance sewer line.The county commissioners approved zoning changes wilh few questions.Negotiations wete so sensitive nobody knew anything. At its meeting with the planning board, Unifl sent only a coipoiate video to do all its talking. Planners dutifully watched the movie and approved the request for industrial zoning. They couldn't ask the movie for more details.If it felt like we were being shoehomed, we were."We did eveiything bul walk to the altar," said Mocksville town manager Тепу Bralley, who handled much of Ihe negotiation between the company and the economic development council."They still have plans lo do something at the site, bul Ihey have cooled off," he said. 'Their energy level dropped considerably."There's no longer any rush lo build a sewer line. "That issue, right now, is on the shelf," Bralley said.Meanwhile, Unifl last week announced it was building a $40 million plant in Madison. Last month, Unifi an­nounced the s^e of ils spun yam division to Parkdale Mills.. Did Unifi bluff that it was building in Davie County lo force Ihe deal with Parkdale Mills? Will it build in Madison what il considered building here?If it was all a giant hoax, il won't be the firsl time Unifl has used Davie County for leverage. Five years ago, Unifi hinted broadly that it would build on Baltimore Road when il had trouble negotiating with Yadkin County on an expan­sion.The company sent surveyors here and talked loudly about building where it was welcomed.Yadkin officials quickly fell in line, and Unifl went ahead wilh ils original plans.We were used then. Now, it has happened again.— Dwight Sparics D A V I B C O U N T Y BNTERPRI/^BCORD USPS14H60 171 South Main StTMt P.O.Box9g Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634-2120 PubHihedweridybythe DAVIE COUNTY PUBUSHINQ CO. Dwight Spark*..... Robin FerguMon.. M li a B a in h w d l.... BMkySnydtr...... ..EdHor/Pubüsher .....General Marager ......Managing Editor .Advwtlaing Manager 191в>19бв DwitReeeid 1899-1958 Journal 1901-1971 P M id fclli Po m o * P*k>inMoctavM.NC 2702« SubiCflptlanRMM SkigliCopy.SOCwili «ZOpwyM rinNailhCwolInt tZSpw уме oulM * North Cwotn* POSTMASTER Smd addnu changM to; U n it Couniy EnlwpriM RMonl P.O. Bo« W^Mm IhiiI . N0 27020 Husband Can Play Golf; But Can He Give Birth? G olf. A strange anim al, to be sure. M y husband has taken up Ihe gam e and seem s to be d oing well. (I could add Ihis lo h is list o f hobbies Ihat lake him aw ay from hom e, but d oin g so w ill m ake m y blood pressure g o up.) H e 's a natural athlete, though. H e played baseball in D avie C o u n ty alm ost as so on as he could hold Ihe bat. and I'm told he w as a m ighty fine legion player. H e also p layed som e in college and w as on a sem i-pro leam For a sum m er o r Iw o. In college, he w as one o f Ihe besi tennis players around, bul I couldn't get h im to try out for it bccausc it w as played at the sam e lim e o f year as baseball. I kn o w he could w hack Ihe heck out o f the ball, becausc I w as a speclalor a l one o f h is m atchcs ond 'w us sitting w a y al the edge o f the coun. up against the fence. H e served, and I don't kn ow w hal happened to h is aim , o r m aybe it •; w as one o f those Freudian things, because next thing I knew . I . 'i w as laying over on the cement. That ball hud hit m e square , belween.lhe eyes. T o o k m e several m inutes lo realize lhal Ihere : ^ weren't Ihree o f him . H e ck o f a strong om i, but h is a im needed a , bit o f fine-tuning. . ' < H e played g o lf years o go w ith m y brolher-in-law . w h o live s ot. a g o ir course, lilerally. W h e n they got hom e, brother-in-law said ; lo me, "T o d d is a natural." W a sn 't the first tim e 1 had heard thal, b ccausc years earlier .•: som eone had said Ihe sam e thing to m e obout h is sn ow sk iin gPlease Set W ife-Pagii ■ ^ ; i In The Mail ‘il Politics Evident In Classroom. On Ballfielcl _TpJhc.cdiiori------------------------------------------------- W h a p h ys Ihc raos\ influcniiai lolc on ihc students of Davic Couniy? It is a perplexing question Ihat haunts the majority or parents in this couniy. M ore than not, the answer is politics. PoliticsafTects students from kindergarten through- outhighschool. It isintheciassroom and especially on the ballficlds. The political system o f a small town can be quite remarkable and ils roois grow deep. It must he noted, the inient o f this letter is not to desccratc small-town Amcrica. The small town airangement of our country is wonderful. It Is left almost unaffcctcd by corporate Am cricaandis slill the placc where a person cant rent a video wilh a membership card or other forms o f idemification. However, politics in Davic County is too evidcnl, especiallyiniheschoolsystemand on the ballficlds. The public school system is a dinosaur that apparently placed itself on life support several years ago. Tbc tupayers o f this couniy and this country spend far loo much every year, whclher in laxcs or in donations, for a system that continues lo lower its standards to give an outward image of success. For the syslcm to rebound il must view ilsclf as a business, one thal produces minds, not as an untouchable institution that cannot evolve when necessary. A n y business person knows lhal to remain in operation Ihe company must producc or evolve lo remain profitable. The school sysicm is not producing or evolving, it remains stagnant year after year. Therefore, changc m usi occur or the future of ~ щ г couiiiry^in'bc7n]copardy as il is continually pasted. There is no need to lower the standards for Ihc students. For the most pari, Ihcy arc us intclli- gcnlascvcrandanycducalorwhoarguesthat needs to he removed from Ihc syslcm, tenure or not. The sysiem needs visionaries who possess helpful ideas thal will bring about Ihe necessary changcs. Luck­ ily. there arc individuals possessing these charac­ teristics in the syslcm. Unfortunately, they arc not heard from inthe name o f politics. Thcirdownfull is the simple fact thal ihey pose too much o f a challenge lo the ways things arc left unfinished. Rcccnlly, I was informed thal Davic County will ncvcrhaveanoihcrlcgitimaicbascballcoach. There is no shock factor on me in this stalcmcni. N o sensible person will ever coach in a poliiica) sys­ tem. Coach Bcck showed me lhal when he rctircd and I understood it well before lhal. (This couniy needs people like Coach Bcck in the school syslcm. H is integrity alone is a huge upgrade.) Like Bcck. for years Coach Hunl'sbascball program was feared. Now, heandhischampionships have moved on and the reins o f the high school and legion baseball programs have been handed to new individuals. DavieCounty wasconlinuallybeaicn by intelligent coaches with less talent. It would be very interest­ ing to sec what a shrewd coaching staff could do with Ihe talcnl lhal this communily produces. W c saw whal good coaching did in football this year and the wrestling program Is constantly one o f the best. Itjusl shows you there arc good coaches in DavieCounty, bul not inevcryposition and politics plays too major of a rule behind that fact. R e s i d e n t H a s T r o u b l e L e a v i n g D a v i e , H o p e s I t W ill K e e p 'H o m e t o w n F e e l i n g ' T o the editon A s I prepare to pock up and move to Pennsylva­ nia, I cannot leave Davie Couniy without o few seniimenial thoughts. Mocksville has been our home sincc 1993. During these post four years. 1 have become involved with several organizations, and 1 have mcl some truly remarkable people. I have experienced the contagious enthusiasm in the classrooms of Leadership Davie County as well as in ihehallsofSoulh Davie M iddle School. Ihavc been rewarded by working wilh the dedicated vol­ unteers of the Humane Society o f Davie Coum y, and I have especially been blessed by the many seniors I have had the pleasure lo meet at the Davie County Senior Center. A s Fve scurried around (own doing various errands, I've enjoyed the comfortable feeling of knowing people everywhere-lhe gas stations, the library, the convenience stores, the grocery, the dry cleaners, the "Y ", the county and town olTiccs, downlowntHisinesses. the dedicated walkcrsstroll- ing down M ain Street. O f all the wonderful people Fve encountered, however.itwillbe the most diniculito leave behind m y employer. K im Shuskey. direclorof the Senior Center. Davie County has been a wonderful placc to live. It is m y hope and m y prayer that as the couniy grows, h will continue lo keep ihia "home­ town feeling" that makes it so special. Take care, everyone. And thanks for everylhUig. BethGrundfast M ocksville The political system is interesting forthe yicwc[ on Ihcnulsidc looking in. However, it is painful on Ihc person on the inside trying logel out. Poliiics о J any level makes ft>r n perplexing education syslcm andforpoor.sportsmansliip.Fortunaiely,lhegradut ating senior class can distance thcnxsclvcs from th^ ways in which the sysiem failed ihcm. However, there arc still too many sludcnlx that poliiics will affect in the future. Sadly, this vcp^ syslcm cstabi lished ilsclf 10 teach students, helping ihem gro\^ inlo odullhood, not lo advance adults in the system) Oncc again we need lo make the sludents the; priority o f the cducaiion sysiem, they arc the nexj generation of a great communily. The mistake^ made today will be rcmembcrcd tomorrow and any historian will tell you history will continue Id repeat itself as long as society remains tolerant. ! W e live in imcrcsiing tiitics as ihc rare gcnerai lion lhal straddles millenniums. A s the end o f this millennium approaches and Ihe nexiplaccsiiselfoii the horizon we bccome reflective and begin lo sco how wc arc progressing inlo the future. In the next millennium. 1 hope we can eliminate the role o i politics on our society, hul umil then wc must fig h n againsi ilond the ways it affects the ones around u s F Matthew E Draughrr M o c k sv ili4 ' C o n c e r t W a s F a m i l y Toiheedilor: *::• I would like lo extend my appreciation lo tho^* who attended and supported the country m u ^ concert o f'T h e Destination Unknown Barid" at iNb* Old ShelHcld Garage in ЗЬеШ еЫ communily. ;lt* was good, clean, farnily furi and ! think cveryonec. enjoyed it. Thank you again. M anha Sm tA : S h e fT » ^ Letters Weicomed The Enurprise Rtcord welcomes le tta ^ fnxn its rMden. Uic letter» may be CO loploo^ local, state, nalional or Inlenwlonallnuei. An e№ n w ill he nude 10 prim >U lettert* (fovided Ihey «1» not libekwt, vulgar, or Ui poor lane. The editor m ervct Ihe to ediK fcUenforgnnunarandforspica' A ll lellen ibould includis the name n di; iddieu of the writer, bKluding a ligraMire. A l lelqihaae number, not to be published, if i Im |i le q u c M ^ I Fleaw have lellen in die newqapcr office by4p.m. Monday of the weekioheiiubllihed.-: Whafs The Most Fun Thing You've Done This Sunfimer?« f AmyGniblM A d v m c e ’Bidcmyliikc.'' MMihewFMto Advance « R id c b ik H . * AniuGrubbe Advancc »GoiwimmiiiB.* AdMnNayior Mockivffle 'Goiiig iwimmiiig at, l i Wife Two Births Up On ScorecattI CpnltniMdFhimPaiea abimies. In foci, Ihe only iwo things I know for ofdci Todd can't do ' are play the guitar and give birth. . B u t he w asn't ready lo lake up golf. Sa id it w as loo tim e-consum ing, loo expen­ sive, and w ould lake him aw ay from hunting. :•; Must hove had o change of heart, though, (because I know we aren't any wealthier) because he tries to sneak out of the house al least once a week lo play. ; He s even gol me interested. ■ . B u l it seem s a liiile lo o com plicated for me. ^ B e n d forw ard slightly, p ul yo u r left hand like Ih is and y o u r right hand like this, hold yo u r orm s this w ay. stick y o u r rear oui like Ihis. keep y o u r head like Ihis. lift this w ay, sw in g this w ay, d o yo u r head this w ay, and o n and on and on. B y Ihe tim e I w as ready lo hit the ball, m y head w as sp inn ing and I'd gotten kind o f sleepy. -------------------------- (iog w’thT""*''* '* ° ' M ay b e I should g ive up. . I know I can'l ploy Ihe guitar either, but m y scorecard sh o w s lhal I am tw o births up on him . Beth C aeeldy FAT BUSTERS! 100 % Natural Herbal W eight Loss System. B o o su and stabilizes metabolism naturally Choose a program to fit your ' Monitored progress w ilh .excellent customer support. Tracy’s Specialties (910) 766-9646H fy'L CaU Carolina PRIMBSH\r' The Mini Disli Satellite Service ptrdiy No Equipment To PurchiM Primi Star Suppllea & Maintains All EqulpnMnI YOUH DAVIM C O U N TY РЯШ Ш аТАП O M L C R W O - m - W O t o r 1 - M M 4 1 - Ì 4 W Fdii Registration CallNow 712-1025 Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Aero, Cheerleading, Clogging (New!), Musical Theater & Voice Training Ages 3 -Adult Beginning - Competitive Levels COMPETITIVE TEAM AUDITIONS August 3'"' - 4:00pm Fall Classes Begin Aug. 19* OPESHOVSE Weditesday, Aug. 6* 4:00.7:00pm T* Location In KernersvUle 244È Lewbvttle-aemmons Kd 712-I02S Gena Bennett Owner/Dance Director Kernenvllle Locailan IStTVnhnCroaKA 993-7766 Sara Bava Omner/Sttutto Director C a n V ra B e U e w T lrisP There ia an air oondltioning and heating ооофапу in this oounty that you can trust. CaU at2M >HI1. We service all brands and install Luzaire. U B o m taa DA\rec6uNireEC TE^ 1М7-Э F o r y o u r i n f o r m a t i o n . . . Clinic Davs & Hours W a lk - in c lin ic f o r a c u te c a r e S A M - 9 A M ^ R ^ u la y io u r s ^ M o n . - T h u : 8 A M - 1 2 N o o n • 1 P M - 7 P M F r i d a y : 8 A M - 1 2 N o o n • 1 P M - 5 P M Joel L. Edwards, MD Monday • Tuesday Wednesday AM • T li^day George D. Kimberly, MD Monday AM • Tuesday AM Wednesday AM • Thursday AM • Friday AM Afternoon hours - seeing patients in rest homes and nursing homes. Preston H. Edwards, MD Monday • l^iesday Wednesday • Friday William H. Harrison, MD Monday • Ibesday Thursday «Friday William 0. Renfroe, MD \ Monday «Wednesday V Thursday «Friday Eileen Anderson, GNP Monday • Tüesday PM. Wedne^ay «Tiiursday â J Martha Boland, FNP Monday AM lUesday • Wednesday Thursday • FHday 485 VaUey Road « MocksvUle. NC * (70410441006 I : ! I I! " V 'S f í 4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30,1997 Temperatures Go Past 100° A|^ Day Care Cooling System FaiS Continued From Page 1 A nioihcron M onday siiid liercliild w«s "drowned" wilhpcrspir.\lion.*'Shc was hoi and crying and totally miser- wb!c." N o fi«\s were provided ihe ceu- ter. slic said. According lo Duvid IMoU. Davie’s , publicworksdircctor.lheproblcni^ocs riwtherduilulwreiwvulionstolhebuild« Ing and adjacent Bnx-'k Auilitorium. Tl\e system lhal cools ihe building jusl quit on Monday. ■'I u»der\li\nd Iheir (parenls') con- cenis and I fed for them, but uc're doing cvoiylhing humanly possible^" W orkers had ihc syslem working by late Monday, and vowed (o stay (àie imo ibe nighl lo make sure il conlinucd lo work. "W e’re told lhal everyone should lv.ivc «ir ctHidiiioning tomor­ row (Iasi Tuesday)." (’loti said tbe entire building been without air conditioning for four duys, and iherc may have been more when it was working, bul nol cooling as il should. Thcrc have been a few Instances where ihe construcilon has. and will,hinderihcsystemns new duct work is histalled, he said. U nifi C an cels P lan s T o B uild N ew P lan t In D avie C o u n ty V o lu n te e r fire figh te rs a n d E M T s w o rk to h e lp Ih e o c c u p a n t s o f th e tru ck that c ra s h e d Into se v e ra l tre e s o n M a in C h u rc h R o a d J u ly 2 3 . - P h o to s b y R o b in F e rg u sso n Peacock Family, Friends Try To Cope With Loss Continued From Page 1 him lo do good and have gvxni ihings in life." W rigbl apprcciaics ihe Peacw k family forsharing William, llieycould visii with each olhcr whenever they wimled. "I feel very fortunate. \ can't thank the family enough. Since I couldn’t have children on «\y own. they lei me borrow theirs." Tlie pickup tmck was being driven byJasonLecKim ivy. l6.of6l I Glad­ stone Road. Mocksville. reported N.C. I lighway PatrolTrooper P.T. I Icnnclly. He estimated llie iruck was going 65 mph when il crossed the center line lo thè left in a sliarp ciir\'e. bouncing off of several trees. Tlie tnick Hipped onto ils )eil side. Charges arv pending. Continued F ro m Puk« 1 Tanninglon Road/WO/Hwy. 158 area to developtnenl. CanccI those plans. ____Unifi Jsn,’t.buildingJicr»5.-AL.lcasi- nol any lime soon. Teny Bralley,executive directorof the Davie Couniy Council on Eco­ nomic Developmem, received a note lust month saying ihe company will not build a project In Davie County al iliis lime. "W e’re disappointed, bul we'ru cer­ tainly hopeful.'* UniUey said.’’Tlw like* liluHHlofthcprojeclbtfingbuihthenils a lot dimmer than il was. I do think Uniil will use that site In the future." Plans to extend the sewer scrvice have been pul on hold. Without a large customer, il wouldn't be economically i i ^ F O R D H A M MUSIC (910) 778-0604 feasible lo continue plans wilh that extension. Bralleyestimaiedthe county und town may have spenl a couple of thousand dollars on ihe sewer exten­ sion study. — Mocksvillc may gosdieadwithplans- lo upgrade its sewage trcalmtnt plant, but nol nl the accelerated pace, said Bralley, w ho is also the town manager. Unifi ofncials told Bm lley about delaying plans here al thc same time it announced a merger with Porkdale Mills. Bralley said. Tlic Davie Couniy School system is understate mandate tocorrect septic problems al Pinebrook Elementaiy, said Dr. Bill Sieed. superintendent. Although public sewer Is preferred, the ntoncy budgeted for that project is aboul thc same as ll would cosl to tjpgradc thc septic system, he said. ______________ - - L e i C r a f t s Вшкмпкк » C um Sft Dntte- ^ V M W v o llo w ly ild lta M VMdng к Kk (|««i Rnilil Fid C w ln d M IW » « N .C . H ig h w a y P a tro l T ro o p e r P .T . H e n n e lly s u r v e y s the d a m a g e to the truck. T h e tru ck b o u n c e d off se v e ra l tre e s a n d (lip p e d o n to its left s id e after le a v in g the road. County Endorses Welfore Reform Marie’s Fiorisi ©766-4651 Flowers For A ll Occasions ORTHODONTICS • Board Eligible • Sliile-Of:The:Arl Dingnastic Im nfiinti Available Fo r A ll Patients • M\llll-Mc(liil.l?n.-5Cllli1llona To H elp Patients Visualize T he ir Treatm ent Objectives/Options • E i i i Initial Consultation• Sftltirday & Eiaaiins Hours • C hildren & A d u lts D r . N .J . P e n n a J WIUIAM SMITH KIRK, D.D.S., P.A NICHOIAS JAMES PENNA, D.D.S., P.A. ★ Flexible Fiiianms For Every Family 5«% / it 1819 Ba'nncr Avenue (near the V.A. Iiospltal) Salisbury, NC 28144-2519 Telephone: (TIM) 6.'U-S942 F.vslmitc: (TlM) 639^7 B y Jeanne Houpe ^ v ie Couniy Enterprise Record The Davie Board of Com m ission­ ers unanimously passed a resolution Monday endorsing the welfare reform program developed by Ihc N.C. House of Representatives. "W e believe ihere is a lol of fraud and abuse In the welfare program.'' Rep.JuHaHoward(R-Davie)toldcom- mlssioners. The proposed program, which has been Includedin Ihe budget bill, would offer courniesmorencxibility.she said. Rumors thal this Is delaying action on thc budget bill are incorrect. Legis­ lators arc 88 io90 percent in agreement on the contents o f this program, ac­ cording 10 Howard. Thc program would give counties more control and put $262 million more in the hajtds o f couniy com m is­ sioners and managers to work with the unemployed and underemployed indi­ viduals and for child development In their counties, she explained. Under the program, each couniy will be expected to develop, imple­ ment and administer a plan reducing unemployment ondurtdercmployment. Thc county will be expected lo es­ tablish ils ow n goals bosedon its needs, such as educalion and child carc. Ef- - fectivenessisjudgedsolelyonhowihe county meets Its own, preset goals, he said. Counties will have the option of funding al 80 percent o f maintenance of effort, Howard said. ' Maintenance o f effort means that S IM S must spend non-federal funds at no k f s than 80 penxm o f 4 his¿iric spending level. The proposed legisla­ tion requires the state lo maintain 1(Ю percent of the 1996*97 budgeted state funds for W ork First and counties to maintain 80 pereent of the 1996-97 budgeted county funding for lhat pro­ gram to meet federal laws. Tlic remaining 20 pea-ent may be used as the couniy sees fit. For in­ stance. Nonhampion Couniy is con­ sidering using thal money to creatc a sewer system, which would attract in­ dustry lo the area. Howard said. Each county must create and sub­ mit a five part plan lo Ihe Department of Human Resources outlining condi­ tions wiihin the couniy. goalsand plans to achieve those goals plus funding requiremcnus by Feb. I of each even numbered year. If Ihc proposal passes, the couniy will be r^uircd lo give thc general public a chance lo review and com­ ment on thc county plan beforc it is submilted. Changes made be made lo ihe plans once every two years as ncc­ essary. Individuals seeking assistance or food stamps must first reglstcrforajob und participate in a work program, according to thc proposal. The program also calls for a bio­ metric Im aging system with each county receiving at least one station and training for employees for this system paid for by the stoic, Howard said. Taking the individual's thumb print and picture, the system will determine If he or she is eligible foe welfare assistance and make sure that person is not already rcceiying jissistance in an- other county. Some stales have found thal 18lo31 percent ofits recipients are ineligible with such a system, she said. "W e believe there is a lol of fraud and abuse in the welfare program," Howard said. One position fora priignim integ­ rity worker for each couniy with a $25.000-27.000 salary will be funded by Ihe stale, she added. Howard told Ihe board she believes lhat people, including couniy commis­ sioners. Department ofSocial Services, employers, welfare recipients and churches, will comc together to make this plan work and mccl needs wiihin Ihe county. Thc Dcpanment of Human Re- * sources has suggested having one or two piloi programs, and all counties wilh resolutions may be offered the oppoitunily lo be one of Ihesc pilots. Having pilot programs rather lhan gaining approval for thc entire slate is nol the best thing, she said, bul a com- promi se may be necessjiry. Thccurrcnt program across Ihe stale is broken und needs to be fixed, said Commissioner Lairy Hoyes. "W e've gol to try to fix it," he said. "W e've got to start somewhere." " In Davie County, we have the kind of people who can get togethcr and develop a plan," said chairman Cart , Boon. "1 believe Davie County can be a model for oihers," Howard said. Comnüssioner Diane Foster praised Howard and the other representative responsible for developing this plan for having the courege to think in new, different ways. mtkCaesaisr MOCKSVILLE и и м м м н ш Y M K W u i i a .704-634-9424 U U O U T M U I GLEMMOIIS С Ш М М V t U l i М Г Н М u n ( М к ц г и м м г й - а щ ь т•10-712-82t0 Т Ш N T N L T M M a n m i ! ' • I ■ I !( 1 ) Ш ]е С а в в а п г : ¡ ( f ) l i t t l e C a e e B ir¡ 1 U U M Y I S i L ü [ a ® a : : ;; $ 7 9 9 Я пт ия ANYTOmNGSI ANVSIZEIANVPIZZJU OAVIE COUNI'Y ENTERPUSE REGOIO||'M|» t ;:th e following cases w oe disposed o f tn District Court July24.Prtsldlngi Judge George T. Fuller. Prosecudng: Payld H all and R o b Taylor, ossistiuil DAs. Cltris H. Andeis, communicat­ ing threats, assault w ilh a deadly weapon, dismissed. — Johnny(.Boger,possession dmg paraphernalia, sentenced to 3 weeks. ..— Carrie A. Bolin, feloiiy breaking and entering, larceny after breaking/ entering, misdemeanor lam ny, dis­ missed. — Robert A. Bnuton, D W I, sen- tenced6monlhs,suspended 1 yeat,not operale vehicle, $300 fine, cost, 72 hours community service, substance abuse assessment; no license, dls- ^ sse d . — MichaelP.Biown,probatlonvio- laiion, sentenced 120 days. Due lo an increasing number of accidents involvingseniordtizens, the Nonh Carolina Highw ay Palrol is Be-~ ginning n program to educate seniors on how 10 be better drivera. Sgt. M ike Yelton of Davie Couniy said troopers will be giving educa­ tional programstosenlorcltizensclubs here. "W e're concemed about the num ­ ber of senior citizens involved in traf­ fic accidents, ond we want to do some­ thing about that," Yelton said. "W e itraught it would be best to have the local troopere lo give Ihe ptograms." In 1995 in N oidi Carolina, drivers over Ihe age o f 65 were involved in 28,449 accidents', and 135 of those were killed. Som e recommendations from the Highw ay Patrol; FoUowingdisUnct.Reacliontim e grows slower as we age, so seniors should follow no closcr lhan one car lengihforeach 10 mph they are travel­ ing. Enlering ro w h n y i. This is one of > Ihe most dangerous maneuvers in driv- f ing, no matter your age. Yield to all — Jamie E. Cooper, misdemeanor shoplifting, sentenced 10 days, sus­ pended I year on probation, $100 fine, cost, 24 hours community servkx. — Vicky K. Cranfill, inspection vio­ lation, no liabiHty insurance, no operator’s license,expiiedregistration, dismissed. — Kent D. Dunn, 70 mph In a 55 mph zone, reduced to Improper equip­ ment, cost. — Kenneth D. Duriiam, allowing animals to m n at large, cosi. — Ryan L. Everhart, 87 mph In a70 zone, reduced loexceeding safe speed, prayer forjudgmentcontinuedon cost. — Annette T.Fields,92m phina 70 mph zone, reduced to 80 m ph in a 70 mph zone, $10 fine, cosi. — Lashawn D .Fo n ,92m p h ln a7 0 mph zone, guilty of careless and reck­ less driving, $30 fine, cost. oncoming ttaffic. Use Ihe Four Step Rule; looklefl a ^ right, then te and. right again lo be sure the w ay is clear before you proceed. BUnds)»«*. M any accidents occur because drivera fail to see Ihe vehicles immedialely beside them when they rely solely on side and rearview mir­ rors. T o avoid this problem, turn your head and look lo either side before making a maneuver in that direction. T u m si(n a b u id lK iid litlib .D riv- ing wilh your turn signal blinking indi­ cates to othcra that your are aboul to tu m .. but they might tum in front o f you instead. Alw ays chcck to make sun; your lum signals are off when they should be, and be careful lo dim headlights when approachingother can at night. Speed. A ll roads have a maximum speed and somehavea minimum speed. Alw ays attempt to drive as close to the posted speed as possible without going overit.However,you should nol drive faster than your ability lo control the vehicle. If you aie on a muld-lane highway, and notice the tndTlc back- ingupbehindyou,m oveintotheright — Buddy L. Fiogge, m lsdememor ; probatlonvlolaUon,sentenced30days. — Dwayne E. Gaither, felony pos­ session with intent lo sell or deliver marijuana, guilty o f simple possession of less than 1/2 oz. m ^Juana, $100 fine, cosl; 2 counts felony conspiracy sell or deliver Schedule V I controlled substance, felony sell or deliver mari­ juana, dismissed. — Timothy R. Garwood, posses­ sion o f alcoholic beverage by person not 19/20, $25 fine; possession of alco­ holic beverage by person under 21. dismissed. — Carl E. Jenkins, misdemeanor show cause-review. sentenced to 30 days. — Richard D. Johnson, second de­ gree trespassing, dismissed. -A n d re w C . Jones, simple assault, dlsmlssed-iequest of prosecuting wit- hand'lane. O n a two-lane road, you ... may. want to pull over and let others pass when you can do so safely. V U m . If you have diHicuIty see- ing-whetherln daylight or at ni^il-b e especially careful about driving. Be­ forc starting out on a trip, have your vision checked and renew your eye­ glass prescription. Plan a h e ^ so that you reach yourdesilnalion before darit M cd katkM . Consult your doctor or pharmacist aboul all prescriptions. In many cases, you should not drive after laking medication. Follow these instructions to Ihe letter. N orth Carolina’s law on driving while im­ paired is not limited to akohol and illegal d rags... it covets m ediations too. Seal bcKa. Alw ays wear seat belu and shoulder harnesses - and wear them properly. Putting die shoulder strap behindyourback(because it rabs your neck) creates a noose-like loop around your body. In an accident, die belt will give you jusl enough slack to allow you to be bounced aniund the car, but w ill re«nin you enough to cause injury. Safety beta worn under ness. — Richard M . Lawson, misde­ meanor show cause-fallure to peiform community .service, sentenced to 30 days. — Jennifer L. Mclinay, 58 mph In a 35 zone, reduced to 44 mph in a 35 zone, $10 fine, COSI. — Michael L Mock, possession of alcoholic beverage by person not 19/ 20, $25 fine; possession of alcoholic beverage by person under 21, dis- mis,sed. — Lucio M . Moreno, driving afler consuming alcohol by person under 21, sentenced 45 days, suspended I year, $100 fine, cosl. not operale ve­ hicle until properly licensed. — TlmolhyJ.Nlchol.son, two counts misdemeanor probation violation out o f couniy, sentenced 55 days. — Paul M . Potts, reckless driving. reduced to unsafe movernent, prayer for judgment continued oti cost. — Nonnan C. Rfchaidson, hil/mn failure to stop for property damage, dismissed. -R o b e rt O. Ridings, injury lo per- .sonal property, dismissed. — Howard W . Roberts, unsafelires, exceeding safe speed, reduced to im ­ proper eqijipmenl, cost -Je ffe ry L. Scotl, Iwo counts m is­ demeanor probation violation, sen­ tenced 180 days. — L an y Sheets, worthless check, sentenced 45 days, suspended 18 months. $25 fine, cosl, restitution. — Paul R. Sheppaid, driving while license revoked, .sentenced 120 days: no liability insurance, sentenced 60 days at expiration o f cunent semence. — FranklinW.Talum,felony break­ ing and/or entering, reduced lo misde- mranor bfokii^ifeiikHng, ■ I2Ò days, s iu p e iM K 'fflt p r o t e t f k iiK S 2 ] 0 . n m ; « « . ''M i№ nocontactorconim inktlkM w iApM K, ecuiing w llnisi; M a n y iM C a iy .iD k breaking/entering, reduced lo т Ш к meanorlafceny.Mtitenced IID d a y ia ( expiratkxi o f cuncM кМ еясё; 1л1« Ы meanor larceny, d iv n ia ie i. , -R khaR lTeveflpKi|b,pi gtaesikn ofdm gparaptonalitndm lsdem eanir pos.session o f Schedule V I conlroltof subsumce, guilty o f posaeukM o f less lhan l/2oz.marijuana,$IOOflne,coil.^ — Barry D. W illiam s, assault o a f female, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year, $500 fine, cosl, complele D«b' mesiic Violence ftograffl. -K im b e riy S. W illiam s, simpto] assault, sentenced 30 days, suspended I year, $500 fine, cosl, complele D o» mestic Violence Prevention nograiti'. Howard Praises Environmental Bill ;• Rep. Julia C. Howard (R-Davie) ;^plaudcd thc General Asscm bly'spas- ; M gc o f a common sense environmen- ; bill designed to encourage therede- rwlopm cntofabandonedlnduslrialsit«. Ttcross North Caroiina. Г* Redevelopm ent o f these sites, I^ o w n as "brownfields", is compli- Icatcd by Investors* potential liability tfor previous contaminatjon. The bill if^ould provide liability protection for J«. jjlo h n s o n E n t e r s ; |E i8 ic T ir a in in g :i >’Aimy Pfc. Curtis S. Johnson has entered basic infantry tntining at F at ^Bmning, Columbus, Ga. ;Duringlhetraining,hewillrccelve Ijnsiraction In drill andcefemonio,m4> ■jewing, tactics, militaiy customs and ■ popnesics, and fim aid. He w ill de- ] yeiop bask; combat skilU, and expcii- • tnte using various weapons avoiUile lathe infantry sokUer. 'Johnson is tiie son o f Cynthia D. ■Dtvrell of 566 Howaidtown Cirele, :Mocksville. ’ :Hcisal947gradualeorDavlcH igh 'k h o o l. jp la s s e s T o B e b f f e r a d In D a v ie i: И м Davie Campus of Davldaoq ■County Community CoUeje w ill offer jh e fbliowing Continuini Educatfcn 'ita n beginning the weds of A t«. S. : Modulo IV: M kaoioftW oriafcr Windows (DMliaae) 1ек)йа MudeiM' ;to organize, store, and recall datt .ItaoughteuieDfcnnpiicT'ieiierilcd ilatidiaiei. Studenis wlU le m tocreale jlM ite ic ^ entet data, edit u d find :|пГопш1к» and cnaie repom m ini itatk cn>o<l*y> ’nundtyt. I- 3:30p;ni..Aiig.3-I4,I0hoin.$3Sfee jiha$S fiirnaM iak,TIIC i; 1.0) ; niia с1ш w ill nea к the D avit' C ^k c a ^M lJ D S S o lU M ryH o tf blfackivfflt. IbpoiiiiwaraMiia ' Ы«В11(Ю4)<34:2И5. ’. i.:.; ;:.; prospectivedeveloperawMlestillhold- ing past pollulen responsible. Iliis liability protection encourages the clean-upttieredevelopmenlofUieprop- “ ty.......-...............................'........ T h is is a common sense bill sup­ ported by botii business leaders and environmenuilisls. W c arc encourag­ ing tiie clean-up o f diese industrial ghost towns while providing job op­ portunities duough economic devel­ opment," said Howard. InretumfocliabiUtyprotcctkinfrom past conumination. new devekipcn w ouU be letpUred to sign an agree- B attle To H o s t P ro fessio n al E d u catio n P ro g ram A u g . 2 7 Brenda B. Battie, a кка1 Edwanl Jones Investment representative, will host tii^ fourth program in the Profes­ sional Education Nelwork'a 1997 bnadcail scries fbr accounlli^ and kgalpcofesskinals. "Workplace Regu­ lations for SmaU Businesses." u ic satellite broadcast win be heU on Wednesday , Aug. 27, from 2-5 p.m. "I am excited to o№ r a program of this calibaioourhxal attorneys, CPAa andcdieraccauatiiigp«Dfaskiiiabwho worii ckxely widi small businesses and tiieir owners,'Battie said. DIscussk]« topics will inchide; what H tv v m A i С о 1 Ш ^ B b ir id h i^ ^ tiieannarealsodangerous. Am ere 15 . pound,« o f pressure con break ribband - puncture vital organs, and lhal pres­ sure can be caused by your body In a haid-braklngslluation.Theptoperway 10 wear safely belts is witii tiie seat bell lowon your hips and Ihe shoulderstrap worn over tiie .shoulder and across ti» chest. Concentralioii, This may be Ihe most Important tiling, nol just for se­ niors. but for all drivera. Operating a 2,000 pound (or more) car requires I lOpercentconcenUalionalallllmes, and 110 percent in heavy traffic. Keep your mind on what you're doing. Don'l eat or drink while driving, adjust Um radio only when you are not moving, and pull off tiie road and slop before you dial your cellular phone. "These are good tips for all drivera, but our seniors should pay special at­ tention to tiiem," saldCoL E W . Honon, Patrol commander. "W elook up to our senior citizens as role models for die rest o f us, and we want tiiem to enjoy tiie retirement years tiiey'veworiced so bard for.’ f Ornare^ ^ CroeervCrdcnilBel Bible á ^ BAPTIST J l Church JM IM or, O m Jm m ■ ттШШ m,^SSSSSfSSL.m :• GOING OUT OF 1 BUSINESS SALE 1 Gothes, Shoes, etc 1 1 l^cattdonBmoreRd. |f № o(fHwy.eoiN..Mock«v«t i n ' t fl ifl ifl il ifl il ifl ifl ifi ifi ifl I Í ifl ifl Í ifl ifl Í ifl Í il |{| 'fl ifi i i f 1Í ^ ' j» w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w irw w VILLAGE TOBACCO I Now Open in Clemmons •Premium Cigars •"“ “ “ rn•Tobaccos j 10 % Off j •P'P®s I With a purchase of I•Gifts and Accessories I $25 or more. | •Relax in our Smoking Room J Suite 21. MendowbrookMdl Court Ckmmoiis,NC 778-0042 ment to clean up tiie abandoned site. There are an estim ated 1,000 brownlleldsites In NonhCarolina tiiat could potentially be revitalized under tills legislation;............................ T h is is a great example of how tiie economy andlhecnvironmentcanbolh be improved at ti» same time. B y bringing these sites to productive use, new jobs will be created, tiie lax base w ill bo enhanced, and neighborhoods will be reviudized. A t tiie same time, die recycling o f diese industrial sitea will save other naUral areas from fur­ ther devetopment," H ow ard said. siandaids may be uted lo M n, pio- mote, and fire empkiyees;undeislaad- Ing sexual hnssm nu in da woik- placc and how business ow nin can avoid sucblawstdli; whM епркцега must do Ю accosiHiBdate emfloytea witb disabilitica; and tow to dW o- guish between an employee aod an' Ih is program is eligible for tin e СРЁ hours for CPAs and accoualants, Ihe enrottmcM fee is $50, whkh includeaadmittaiicefaroneperaaiiaad all coune malefials. Reaeivatians an required. Form xeinfoiinalioaorlo register cootacl Baltic al 634-5672. M l NC< Ш :ÿK-, i g Ш :'Л’: Л‘х ‘ Ш Ш 1 i .r.'i*.' 1 Ж t e * Sakm Country Club • r _____ G l e n D a y /N ic k la u s D e s ig n SENIOFTS DAY SPECIAL MONDAY, AUG. 4th » 2 2 . n o Green Fees & Golf Cart Included ALSO: 2-MAN BEST BALL S A T U R D i ^ A U G ^ m h M E M B E R C O S T G U E S T C O S T $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 6 0 . 0 ) M iJd H foo4(M niaandpta6«. F o r m m M n n ir io n v lto Ik n a O ak 1 Ш G le n I H iy • C l e n ^ ^ 2 7 0 1 2 ». S: 6 - DAVœ COUNTY ENTERPRISl!: кксики, jui; . P u b lic R e c o rd s 1 ' Mocksville Police • TTic following Incidents were re- .ported to Ihe Mocksville Police De* paninem. , •VersicM om srcportediuly28lhe burglaiy of a 25-Inch G E color TV, wilh an estimated value of $300, from a residence on M orklin Avenue. : - Kenny W alker reported July 28 some(Hiediovea(all vehicle into.dam- agingequlpmentalWalker’sCarWa^h. Sanford Avenue. • Roger Lee Adkins reported July 27 thebreakingandenlering of acarón Sunset Drive. • John Austin Spillman reponed July 27 Ihe breaking and entering of a vchicle on North M ain Street. - Cindy W. BeddarxJ and Vanessa Ijamcs Parker reported July 26 the lar­ ceny of a C D box from W ai Mart. • Annie Hunter Benson reported July 26 the larceny of a Pontiac Trans A m from a residence at 975 M illing Road. • Marie Exie Church reported July 26 the larccny of gt» from Fast Track. Yadkinville Road. • Fred A. Perdue Jr. of Thomasville reported July 25 the larceny of a black labrador dog from the McDonald's parking lot, Yadkinville Road. • Paul Wesley U g le reported July 27 the breaking, entering and larccny o f money, keys, cigarettes and an air gauge from a vchicle parked off Nonh M ain Street. • Jxsper Lee Cwhrcll reported July 27 the larccny of a registratiott plate fromavchicle parked on Depot Street. • Ken Gray Sales reported July 25 the breaking, entering and larceny of a 35 mm Canon camera from a vehicle on H olly Lane. •Grady WcstmorelandreportcdJuly 24 an arrow stmck the windshield of the car he was driving on South M ain near Boger Street. • Jerry W . Snyder reported July 27 the larccny o f Items from W al-Mart. Arrests -Celso^Alasca Barrcp, 20, of 701 SalisburySt..waschargedJuly28with D W I (.19 Breathalyzer), driving alter drinking as a provisional licensee, hit and run, and driving without a license. Trialdate: Aug. 15. • Pamela Jarvis Jordan. 28, oF 57 ^ M ain St.. Cooleemec, charged July 27' withaidingandabettlnglropaireddriV«' | ing and driving while license revoked. Trialdate: Aug. 28. • W esley Nissen Froeiich. 16, of 234 W ilkesboro Sl.. was charged July [ 24 wilh simple possession of m aH-' j juana and possession ofdrag parapher­ nalia. Trial dale; Aug. 28. iffs Department The following incidents were re­ ported to the Davie County SherifTs Department. ' - M ark Edward Hendrix reported July 20, that someone had broken Into his home and stole a radio cassette player, radar detector. C B radio, C D player and four cell mag lights valued at an estimated S985. - Debbie Spillman reported July 21, that someone had broken into a Arrests---- m obile hom e, ow ned by Roger Spillman. - Susie Kaye Cooper reported July 21. that a blue riding lawn mower valued at S2.000 had been stolen from her residence. - Selena M ane Huggins reported July 2 1, that 42 compact discs had been stolen from her 1991 Pontiac Grand A m parked at her home. - Paul Franklin O'Neal reported July 23, that a tire on his 1994 Chevro­ let had been cut with a $Ьаф object while parked al his home. -DennisTrittreportedJuly23.that someone had followed him in a vehicle from .a .store to his residence. - Melissa W augh reported July 23. lhal a 225 voll welder had been stolen from the shop beside her residence. - Gary Ray Hicks reponed July 23. that someone had taken his 1985 M er­ cury without permission.damagingone ofthe tires. - Tonya Dee White reported July 24. that her son had accidentally been .shot in the hand with a B B gun. - Tom Norman reported July 24. that a gold bracelet valued at S 1.000 had been stolen from his home. - Aaron Elwood reported July 24. that two speakers had b ^n stolen from his car parked in the driveway at his house. - G ipsy Shea reported July 25. that $30 damage had been done to the door frame of her home by someone trying to enter her residence. - Chiyles Thomas Poole reported July 25. that a portable air tank, two logging chains and an assortment of hand lools had been stolen from his truck while it was parked In his drive­ way. -J u d y Anderson reported July 25, that a 25 calibre semi-automatic pistol had been stolen from her home. - Kevin Leonard Long reported July 27, Ihat the right passenger window of his 1983 Ford had been broken M Farmington Dragslrip. - Barbara W illis Evans reported July 27. thal a 1988 silver and black Ford Explorer had been stolen from her residence. - Heather Link reported July 28,. thal a V C R , Iwo wedding bands and $89 in cash had been stolen from her home. The following arrests were madeby theDavieCounlySherifrsDcpartment. ' - Darrell W ayne Waller. 28. of Deadnran Road. Mocksville, was ar­ rested July 22. for domestic assault on a female. Trial date: Aug. 7. . - Joseph Alexander Finley. 17, of 217 Pinebrook School Road, was .ir- rested July 23. for forgery and uttering and misdemeanor larceny. Trial date: Sept. 11. ! - Andres Vergam. 21. Winston- Salem, was arrested luly 24. for no operator's license, improper registra­ tion. no Insurance and no Inspection sticker.Trial date: Aug. 21. - Robert Grey "Robbie" Ridings, 25. of 665 Gladstone Road. M ocks­ ville, wasanested July 24. forfailure to appear in court for driving while li­ cense revoked. Trial date: Sept. 8. - Alvin Martin Mayfield Jr.. 26, of 162 Duke St., Mocksville. was iurcsted July 24, for simple assault. Trial date: Aug. 7. - Barney Dale Foster. 46. of 429 Junction Road. Mocksville, was ar- rested July 24. for communicating threats. Trial date: Aug. 7. -Jack Allen Plolt.26. of 1628 Jeri­ cho Church Road, was arrested July 24. for failure to appear in court on a worthlesscheckcharge.Trial date: Aug. I. - Tam m y Marehelle Smoot. 28, of J507 Cherry Hill Road. Mocksville, w.T> arrested July 24, for failure to appear In court on a charge o f simple worthless check. Trial date: Aug. 12. -M ichael Allen Miller, 37, o f2290 II.S.H w y.60I S.,Mocksville.aricsted July25,forfailuretoappearlncourtfor a probation violation. Trial d.nte: Sept. 8. - Michael W ayne Spaugh. 26. of 1058 Daniels Road. Mocksville, was arrested July 25. for assault on a fe­ male. Trial dale; Sept.! I. - Ivan Ernesto Villa, 36, of 135 Rlverview Townhouse, Advance, was arrested July 25, for assault on a fe­ male. Trial date: Sept. II. - Stanley Livingston PnJÍtt, 25, of 280LegionHut Road, Cooleemee. was arrested July 25. for simple assault. Trial date: Aug. 7 and Aug. 21. - James Luther Boettcher, 44, of 366 Davie Academy Road, M ocks­ ville, was arrested July 26, for domes­ tic assault and communicating threats. Trial date: Aug. 21. - Randy Michael Barker. 25, of 357 Bingluim and Parks Road. Mocksville, was arrested July 26, for failure lo appear in court for littering In Guilford County. He was also charged with re­ sisting. obstructing and delaying an officer. Trial dale: Aug. 7. IGvil Lawsuits Ih e following civil lawsuits were •filed with tlw Davic Coum y Clerk of '.Gouit C*- - M ^ t e E Collier vs. Paul E. t^ Iie r^ absolute divorce. • Davie County vs. heirs o f Elbert and Della Wiseman, request •judgment. $49138 in property taxes, •thatcommissioner be appointed lo sell ^property with back taxes and penalties ■paid from sale. - Nationsbank v.s. Kim R. Speerand 'Hwrnas R. Speer, request recovery, $9,791.94. • Davie Social Services on behalf of Charles F. Boger vs. Lisa S. Williams, voluntary support agreement. - Tamm y R. Justice vs. M ark E. Belcher, request defendant not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or Inter­ fere with plaintiff. ' - The Greenwood Trust Co. and ITie DiscoverCard vs. Betsy J.Stree ter, request judgment, $2,948.63. • Branch Banking & Tmst v.s. Rob­ ert D. Tortjush Jr., request recovery, S5.476.2I. • Rojetia Johnson Birdsong vs. Leslie Ray Birdsong, absolutedivoree. - Davie C ouniy vs. Paralee C. W alker and the heirs of Paralee C. Walker, request back taxes, lhal com ­ missioner be appointed to sell property with proceeds going to pay back taxes. - Steven Dale Gunter vs. Earlene Norman Gunter, absolute divoree. • John Thomas Pollard vs. Linda Hutchins Pollard, divoree from bed and board, possession of marital home pending equitable distribution, that court order defendanl not lo contact, hai^is«. Interfere with, threaten or mo­ lest plaintiff. •Linda H. Pollard vs. John Thomas Pollard, request diat court ordersherifTs department to help plaintllT get per­ sonal belongingandchildren's belong­ ings from residence, that plaintiff and children be allowed to live in mobile home,thal defendantntMgoabouthome and not destroy property. - The County of Madera. Calif., on behalfofLauranaRohrigvs.JohnBran- don. child support. - Bobbie Sue France v.s. Bruce Campbell France, absolute divorce. - Auto Finance Group vs. Frank Madison Peebles, request recovery, $6,273.17. - Sherry Bryant Reavis vs. Joe Darren Reavis, absolute divorce, re­ sume using maiden name, recovery $1.600. - Elizabeth Rosser Nornian vs. Jamie Nathaniel Norman, absolute divorce. - Paul W hite vs. Lawrence Dull and Green Acres Nursery, request judg­ ment, S900. - W illiam F. KIm m er vs. Janicc W. Klmmer.volunlarysupportagreemenl. • Rhonda F. Angell vs. W illiam Alex Branch, request defendanl not assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or interfere with plaintiff. -Annie A.Carson.JamesC.Sherrill andLQulscSherrillvs.Oscar Blackwell, request lhal court order defendant to slay away from plaintifl*s land and mobile home, damages. - Davie Social Services vs. David Wyatl. voluntary support agreement. - Davie Social Services, on behalf of: Kim berly J. Hellard vs. Chad W. Sutherland, voluntary support agree- m enuMichelleGray vs. Kevin Bethea, voluntary support agreement; Vickie R. Rivers vs. Hubert B. Fowler, volun­ tary support agreemeijt. - Dana K. Funderburk vs. Shannon M . Funderburk, request defendant assault, threaten, abuse, follow, harass or interfere with plaintlfT. •R.Preston Stocknervs. Tam m y K. Stockner, absolute divoree. ■ • Jam es Edw ard K lm brell vs. Frances Eden Kimbrell, absolute di­ vorce. - V ic k i S. H ancock vs. D o n Hancock, divoree from bed and boanl, child custody and support, support! equitable distribution of marital prop­ erty. Land Traiìsfèrs The following land transfers were filedwith the Davie Register of Deeds. The transactions are listed by par­ ties involved, acreage, township, and deed stamps purchased, with $2 repre­ senting $1,000. - Marguerite B. W oodward and I Rodwell T. W oodward to Traditional l i Hom eBuiIders.Ilot,Mocksville.$34. Marguerite B. W oodward and Rodwell T. Woodward lo Traditional Home Builders. I Iot,MocksvilIe.$3l. • •AnnieM aeMooreandJonM oore, tenes W illiam Carter and Mildred Caiter. Bertha Carter Tucker. Gladys Outer Tysinger and Travis Tysinger, Troy J. Carter and Jane Carter, Lewis CaiDl Carter and Carol Carter. Brenda Cater Prevette and Leonard Prevette ш 1 M khael Carter lo Daisy G. M ed­ ley, 9.04 acres, Farmington. • Fuller Properties to Harold E Fuller and Betty A. Fuller (59% interest), I traci, Mocksville, S139. • James JayDanlel and Diana Sutphin Daniel, James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel, John A. Spillman and Patricia S. Spillman lo James Jeny Daniel and Jean Daniel. Dw ight R. Sam m ons and Jane A. Sammons, 36,915 square feet, Jerusalem. • James Jay Daniel and Diana Sutphin Daniel, James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel and John A. Spillman and t^itriclaS. Spillman to James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel and Dw ighi R. Sam m ons and Jane A. Sammons, 36,635 square feet, Jerusalem. • James Jeny Daniel and Jean Daniel, John A. Spillman and Patricia S. Spillman to James Jerry Daniel and Jean Daniel. Dwight R. Samm ons and Jane A. Sammons, 33,305 squarc feet. Jemsalem. - B. Eugene Bennett and asattomey in fact for W illie Bess Bennett, Delbert E and Martha Bennett, Fred O. and Marie El Iis, James and Gamette Nance to Beverly M . Harty. I tract. $55. • Susan R. Rothrock and Dewey Rothrock to Rodney Dwayne Miller and Nancy Prater Miller. 2 parcels, Shady Grove, $150. - O ak Valley Associates Limited Partnership to Forrest C. Cranfill Con­ stniclion. 3 lots. Farmington, $296. - O ak Valley Associates Limited PartnershptoWestphaliaConstniction. I lot. Farmington, $100. - Oak Valley Associates Limited Partnership lo Westphalia Constnic­ lion, lloi, Farmington, $186. - W illiam Scott Bracken and Karen Wooten Bracken to W illiam Scolt Bracken, .56 acre. Mocksville. - M aty Louise Cwtner by attorney in fact, Margaret Ann Shew to Phillip E Fuller Jr. and DarleneS. Fuller, 14.5 acres, Calahain, $56. - Jerry F. Swlcegood and Judy G. Swlcegood. T. Kyle Swlcegood and Elizabeth S. Swlcegood lo Brenda H. W ells. 16.23 acres, Calahain. $98. - Margaret Elizabeth Swaim M el­ ton and Tony M elton to Sue Browder Folmar. I traci. Shady Grove, $78. • Sally S. Bannon to Bermuda V il­ lage Retirement Center Limited Part­ nership. I villa. Fannington, $600. • Bermuda Village Retirement Cen­ ter Limited Partnership lo Ruth M. Theros, i villa, Farmington. $600. - Albert Denton Boger Sr. andPaisy W . Boger to Albert Denton Boger Jr., 2 tracts, Mocksville. - Albert Denton Boger Sr. and Patsy W . Boger to Cynthia B. Cuthrell and Randall Keith Boger, 2 uacts, M ocks­ ville. • Platinum Constniction lo Laura S. Vemon, I lot, Farmington. $460. • Todd F. Lagle to Todd F. Lagle and Michelle Lagle. 2 acres, M ocks­ ville. • Shugart Enterperise to Robert E Cote and Teresa G. Cote, 1 lot, Farm­ ington, $744. • W illiam J. Ellis and Janet M . Ellis toCharlesA.SpannandJanetP.Spann, L 38 acres. Shady Grove, $17. - Livingstonl^ittandCthel l^ouise Praill to Stanley Livingston Pmitt, 1 lot, Jenisalem. - Sexton Constniction to Billy R. Satterfield. I lot, Farmington, $180. - Glenda Meshelle Grant lo Richanl Donald Carter and Faye C. Carter. \ tract, Mocksville, $30. • John Henry and Cmestine C. Gram to Richanl Donald Carter and Faye C . Carter, 1 tract. Mocksville, $20. - Hazel V . Lukach to Am anda Angeline M ullis, I lot. Shady Grove;. • Russell D. W anl to W illiam R. Balkcum and Teresa C. Balkcum, 10 acres. Shady Grove, $810. ,'« • Shelton Constniction Service» to RonaklKeithTurmanandChan Doreen Tunnan, I lot. Shady Grove. $211. - W aller C. Phipps Jr. and Bunny KingPhippstoJam esE. Lawrence and Cynthia M . Lawrence, 3 acres. Cala^ haln,$l00. - Traditional Hom e Buildersild Darrell Grant Steele and Vicke S: Steele. I lol, $244. Fines Highway Patrol Davie Coum y fue departmenls re­ lo a d e d 10 Ihe following calls. : 21: Faiminglon, 10:37 p.m., dumpsler flre, Farmingion Dragway. :cJa|y22:Mocksville.4:10p.m.,auu> № idetu,CouDliyLaae; Advance,6:54 р ж , vehicle Гие, 374 Brier Creek RoKl;№nl[asslsled;SniilhC!tove,7;27 pm .dectikalinvesligatioa, 15SNoith Q ayb on Drive; Farmingion aisisied; См1ег» 7:35 p.m., aulo accklenl with M oclaviUe, 8.42 p.ro., 123 S g ^ M a in S lr e e t ; - Jiljr U : Sm ith CtDve, 8.29 a.m., S n alaim, R J. Reynolds, Baltimoie в о Ц G m ae e f-D u iin and Advance M iiitrtFam iingtoii, IO:Ma.ni.,auto K dd M Fan n in gla n R o ad n e arF itro- i i | M B iy liil Church; Mocksville, ijlW fin , auto accklent, M ain Church Onive. 8:47 a.m.. aulo accident, Howatdlown Circle; Smith Grove, 9:38 a.m., fire alarm, 1097 Rivetbend Diive; Center, 5:25 p.m.,aulo accident, l-40;Sm ilh Grove, 8.06 p.m., fite alarm, Beimuda Rim Country Club; SmilhOrove, 9:34p.m., direct trafllc for out of service stop ligh talN .C .801and U .S.I38. Ju ly 25: Mocksville, 1:33 a.m., fire alarm. Tw in Brook Group Home, 189 Faimxmt Drive. July 26: Cooleemee, l:49a.m.,auto accident. Junction Road; Cooleemee, 2:51 p.m., car fire, Cooleemee Shop­ ping Center, Fork, 6:17 p.m., brush fire. N o Creek Road at Hickoiy Tree Road; Sm ith Grove, 8:36 p.ni., ud- knowntypeoffiire, 167RaltonEugeiK, Road; Farmington assisted. July 27: W illiam R. Davie, 1:08 p.m., iransfoimer flre, 339 W oodwaid Road. H ie following traflic accidents in Davie County were investigated by Ihe N.C. Highway Patrol. D m t H k O b M a in C hurch iUw d Angelia Howard Swett, 32, of 370 GwynSl., wasdriving herl996Toyota onMainChutchRoadatS:30a.m .July 24 when a deer crossed ils path and was struck, leponedTioopcr A. A. Jus­ tice 111. D river Leaves Scene H ie driver o f a 1990 Fw d pkkup Hed Ihe scene afler an accident found July 23 on Ijames Church Road. Acconling lo a report by Trooper A A . Justice UI, the truck was travel­ ing west on when it went off die road to the right inU) a diuh. The truck was ownedbyLeslieCecilLakeyofFriend- ship Court, Mocksville. . Charges ate pending. B olli D riv e n A re Cited Both driven were cited aAef an accklent a)I0:l3a.m .July23cnFarm - Cooleemee Police The following are from Cooleemee M ic e Department reports. - Tabiiha M ayfieM reported that tw obicycte had been stolen from a front yard on Duke Street July 21. - O fllcen responded to a lepoited assault 00 Center Street. W hen they arrived, Kim beriy H un toU № m that her 13-year-old ion had asiaulled her and fled the Kcne. O ffioen returned later and apprehended die suspect, ac­ cording to Chief Tun.Wooten. - OfHccrs were dispatch^ to an auto accident on Junction Road near the town limits. They.discoveied the vehicle, w hkhhad missedacurve. Ina creek and anested the driver, James Dewey CauM et Jr., 30/of Leaingtan, for D W I and ewecding a safe ipeed. T O ald ale iSe p tS,'’ / .-F « g g y b » < < *M a n in o fl8 8 W a ll St.; was с Ш for driving while Ucense ' revoked, no.ineuoliçe aitd im p ro ^ registratknañcrnipniiigfiom oflkm w henstot^onN ÍM lyStreetandlhcn í renm ing;' ■ ;■ - Oflicen responded to a report of ; shotsnredonIÚvei^Diive.Und)le' ■. > Mlocate«iyai)e,lheyli«Uevetheshali ' r iM y,tav( oorae (nm t e BiiUhole.' - Travis Todd Brooks, 2 3 ,io f Kcraei5Ville,was arrested July 27, for D W I, driving while license revoked, caielcss and reckless driving and rc- j sisling. obslnicling and delaying'an i omccr. Trial dale: Sepl. 11. j - So n ya Leann Jones, 18, of | Kernersville, was anested July 27, for ' tesisiing, obstmcting and delaying an officer. Trial date: Sept. 11. - Slevcn Laraow Clements, 22, of ISO Deadmon Road, Mocksville. was ; arresledJuly27,forfailureiaappearln ' court. Trial date: Aug. 22. . ingUnRoad. According to a report by Trooper A .A . Justice III, Bennett Paul W illianuon, 30. o f 1842 F a m in gK » Road,drovehU I9860Usm obilefram a private drive inlo die path o f a 19S7 Acura being driven by Steven K ekb Dunn, I6,of344Puddin(Rkl(eRoad, Mocksville. -I W illianisonw aschuged withfUI>'j uretoyield.DunnwasciledforfaUu(B ? to wear a seal belL H iey were taken m I Davie C aaty Hotpllal for tteatm M i ofinjurie». M '; C a r O v n t u m iO a lM ia it ia d i •n»drive rofaI987N iuanw aiiibl 5 N u n d after the vehkle ovetutnadon t Dulin Road al 8:25 a.m. July 24, I i Maria ■HaMcUo M irtinw . 3 9 .0 » : 339 H ow arduw n Road. M o c kivlil^ 5 U A . u S C U O N T Y i i N l l S l U 'K l S t ; K E L U K U , JU Q r 1 9 f 7 . - 7 o A h m M y ia n /^ im fitw U ln o tiia lU rw h a lm y bank accoimi wai, Ihe sort of house I Iim l In. or ¡he car I . ^d im e ... Buihemrlimaybedigerenlbecimselwas^ Importani In the life o/a child . B y M llc B u n d a n ll Dayle County Entetptise Record Don't be surprised if you hear a plea from Susan B . Scott in com ing weeks. .:Asptogram supervlsorforDislrict22'sguardianadlitem prognun. she need help protecting area children. niierearechildren whose arms have been broken.. who live in homes filled with alcohol abuse, drug abuse and violence. There are children who have beensexually abused and are told nol to tell.’ "Som ebody needs lo be a voice for Ihesc children." ■- W hen decisions are made regarding ihe future of Ihese children, whospeaksforlhem ? How doesajudge determine wheUier a home is the best place? How does Ihe court determine what the child wants, or needs? That's where Ihe guardian ad litem program steps in. • Scott and a team of volunteers (More are needed.) study each case, and make recommendations. Tliey only consider whal is best for the child, she said. Judges began lo realize in die 1960s Ihat decisions were being made aboul children's fiitures without Input from Ihose children. The guardian ad litem program was a result. "O flen times, that child's voice gets lost,’ Scott said. ■What does diis child need? What are tfie best interests o f Highway Patrol M schlld7W hatw lll protect dilschlld from being abused or neglected? W e are a guanllan for duu child." T w o weeks ago, Scou Ш 12 active cases in Davie County. Last year, ihere wetê 143 Invesdgatiohs o f abuse and neglect, 54 o f which were substantiated. A ll appoinl- m enu are made by a judge. She currently has children from less than a mondi old to age 16. "I tty lo nuke contacts widi eveiy one o f m y children at least twice a month. I also have contact w ilh the family, grandparents, extended family, healdi officials, school offi­ cials. W e talk to people who are knowledgeable about that child." Her jvrillen reports are considered by die court. "That judge has had an opportunity to hear from the guardian ad litem's perspective, form thechild's perspective. The voice o f the child will not be lost. "1 look at what does thatchildneedandhowcanl protect diat child." Scott said more volunteers are needed. They can woric cases, have office skills, public relations skills, any skills. "I would love to have a volunteer assigned to each o f diese cases," she said. "W e have excelleni training for volunteen." Volunteers haveto be approved, and they mustcom pkte die 20-hour training session, die next o f w hkh is scheduled for eariy September. Scolt is beglnnlngapublkrelationscampaigndilsmondi, trying to get die word outam ongchurchesandcivkgroups. She is available for talks to any group in die county.not only seeking volunteers, but to explain die problem to people. , . - t i Susan B. Scott has folder after (older about abused and neglected children In Davie County ori'' her desk in the Brock building. -Photo by Mik* BMnhantt;! Aldiough she's been on die job here for juSl a couple of a private school principal and as a church youdi minister. ‘‘ mondis, Scott has more dian 12 years experience dealing Form oreinform aUonondieguaidianadlilem pioirani, widi abused and neglected children. She h u also woriced as conlact Scott at 634-0177 or 704-878-4208. a C o n lln iK d F ro m Page 6 was driving diecareast when il went o f Uic road lo Ihe righl. skidded out of control across the road onto Ihc lefl shoulder before ovenuming, reported Trooper A .A. Justice HI. Exceedhig Safe Speed Charged . A Pffaflown woman was chargcd wilh exceeding a safe speed after an accident at 7:45 p.m. July 22 on 1-40. Kum iko Koyam a Sloop. 49. was driving a 1995 Ford east when il spun out o f control, struck a guardrail lo Ihe righl and traveled across the east bound lanes into die median, where It struck a car and careened intolhewestbound lane, reportedTrooperT.D. Shaw. •'4hedriveroflhecarinlhem cdian. Alfred PatinHowardJr..54.of Marion, was standingal his vehicle when it was struck, Shaw reported. Bodi were laken lo Davie County Hospital for treatment of injuries. M oeksvUle Tccn C harged A M o c k sv ille teen-ager w as charged with failure to reduce speed after an accident at 4:35 p.m. July 21 onHwy.64,abouiam ilecastofMocks- ville. W illiam Matthew Jones, 19, of 481 Duke W hitaker Road, failed lo stop the 1987 M a id a he was driving before itslrackinlhereara 1987 Foid driven by Glenda Sm ith Lawrence, 53, of 2303 M illing Road, Mocksville. re­ ported Trooper David R. M cCoy. Bodi vehicles were following a pi- ktvehicle dirough aconslruction zone, M cC o y reponed. CarW itckiOnI-40 HenrielteHowanl.43,ofChariotle, was driving a 1989 Chevrokt west on 1-40 east of M ocksville al 8:30 p.m. July 20 in heavy rain when It spun out of-control into a ditch to the right, reponed Trooper T.D. Shaw. C i r Sw erves T o A void Another AW inston-Salem m answervedoff Hw y. 801 to avoid anodier vehkle coining onto die road during heavy rain al 7:30 p.m. July 24. According lo a report by Trooper T.D. Shaw, Jay Eric Shifrin, 38, of Ckm m ons,drov«hisl995Dodgefrom Ihe Meadowbrook Teitace drive onto Hw y. 801. M aahew 1 л ZoUkoffer, 26, was driving his 1987 Chrysler on H w y.8 0 I andsw eivedinloadilchio avoid hitting Shifrin's car. Shi№ n toU the trooper he had a diflkuU Ц пк seeing oncom ing ttaffic because of heavy rain. C a r H k a D eer O a > P 1321 , J }a n n y Lee. Boger, 32, o f M ocks­ ville, was driving a 1996 Ford on Ben Andenon R oad al 3:05 a.m..July 25 when a deer crossed its path, reponed TM oiierT.S. Kennedy. H w t O a C o u M iy L * M ..T h e driver and a passenger were iqiuredinanaixklentaaCounliyLane «:tp jn .J u ly2 2 . ..MarihcIRonefD,23,orStalesville, w asdrivlnga 1989Nissaneaslwhenil wcm off the road to Ihe righl. The driver lost control of die car, and it skidded across the road lo the left, striking a utility pole. Romcroandapassenger were laken to Davie Coum y Hospital for treat­ ment o f Injuries. T ru c k W reeks N e ar M ocksvllle The driver ofa 1996 Dodge pickup truck was not injured when the truck hit a mailbox and ditch al 9:45 pm. July 26 on Foster Dairy Road. Daniel Travis Edwards, 18, was driving the truck soudi when il went off Ihe road lo Ihe left and sm ick a mailbox and fence before slopping In a field, reponed Trooper A.A. Justice. H igh F b ln lW o n u u i In W reck Yvonne Iris Hawes, 20, of H igh Point, was driving her 1994 Honda on 140during heavy tain at 1:55a.m. July 26 when die car hydroplaned off die road into atree, teportedTcooperC.D. Jones. C a r W recks AIG reenh lU , 64 The driver o f a 1979 Oldsmobile said she was blinded by headlights from another vehicle at 5:40 a.m. July 26. Mattie H eaur Reynolds, 78, was turning Ihe car from Greenhill Road ontoHw y.64w henit wem off the road to the right, striking a road sign before becoming lodged in a large hole, re­ ported Trooper T.S. Kennedy. V a n M ils G uardraU The driver of a 1991 Chevrolel van, Lany WcndallW right,41,ofConover, lost control ofthe vehicle whenapass- ing tractor trailer sprayed water al 7:15 p.m. July 24. The van slid into a guardrail to die righl on 1-40, reponed Trooper P.T. Hennelly. lln a h M o v t m a il C h arte d A Boonville man was charged widi making an unsafe tnffic nuvem enl after an accident al 5:20 p.m. July 24 on 1-40 east o f Mocksville. Robert A lk n Saxton Jr., 38, was (kivinga 1990station wagonandtumcd to die left lane to pass a 1991 Pontiac driven b y Peter Harrison, 73, o f Archdale, reponed Trooper P.T. Hennelly. Saxton saw anolher car in d » left lane, and swetved b w k 10 die right, hiding Harrison's car in die rear. (fanison w as taken to Fo nyd i M e ­ morial Hospittd fcr trealmeni o f li^u- rie.s. M u if b c a iU c a M V io W io a A M ocksville man was charged widi driving widioul a license after an accUent on H w y. 64, a l ^ 7.3 m ib eastofMocksvilleal2:ISp.m .July23. Raul M an in Patricio, 33, of, 309 Nonhridge Court, was driving a 1987 PonUac wetl when he swetved 10 die left lo avoid coU iskn w idi a 1992 M iuublshi pickup track, w hkh had jusl been driven from a private drive onto.die highway by RusieU Calvin : Tallenl,3%ofCricketLara^Advance, reported IVooper D avkl R. M cCoy. Tree Falls On Farm Equipment During Storm Hurricane Danny didn't cause the damage and Hooding in Davie County that it brought lo other parts o f the country,buiiimadeilspresenceknovm here last week with thunderstorms and heavy rain. Thursday m orning 75-year-old Frank Koontz tried to clean up in the aflennath where a water oak he esti­ mated al aboul 100 feet tall had fallen across much o f his farm equipment. "It was an awful pretty tree," Koontz said. ”1 guess it was about 200 years old." He moved to his home in 1936, and it was a big tree then, be said. T w o sections had already broken from the tree, but he had been afraid it would fal I into the road if he tried to cut it down, be said. One plow was hil hard, he said, but il appears thal none o f the equipmenl was damaged. A nd he plans lo give the wood away. Thearea needed the rain. It's a shame this had to happen to get thal roin. he said. "But m y wife has taught m e ycM've gol to take the good with the bad." i l i • The morning after the storm Frank Koontz works to remove the tree that (ell on his (aim equipment. - P h c to a b y R o b in F C r g u u a n L^la/tu conn’s 'Bfalit. Cane ^ u ^ c ic o m e s y L T a m m t j Q o ^ c n t lv i J Along wKh haircutting, color, perms a hignllghts, tho offers mmlcurM a pM icurM cofflpMe wHh tlw npM ite m uaag* on hands and fast WalMimwtleoimareaUtOranappoMmma.. (704)492-7210 * JW8heWtldRoid»lWCh< Koontz talwt a bfiak from his e((òrts. L O S E W E IG H T ! SUMMER SPECIAL!! * Losa 2-3 ibs '' • w a a k . ' ; AlndhrtdualiMd counaaHng. *Qraeary atora âiaalüurant food. Test Your BIBLE Knowledge Mapfrm aáiM Kywcédetfiiwoás^áÉim eofJtM QHdtíiUhnjickd IL a MíM¡¡SAm»K ТЫ. ll U possible fi in. iie e ii, a i i W i « » и ■.'Г-: i-;;.; '---.-л ' 8 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30,1997 D a v ie P e o p le Elbaville News B y M a ry Lillian Zim m erniun Elbaville Corrcspondcnl Sunday was a very busy day m t-Elbaville. Praycrmcciingai9:30a.m.. i ^ ;^nd ay school al 10 a.m. and worship I: jserviccal 11. MusicwaslK'auiirul. W c i^.iarc proud of our choir and Jimmie IZ Blakley who is our organist. He plays * J beauilful music on both organ and pi* I ото. Jancl Minorplaysaclarinct wilh Jimmie nnd ihcy, along wilh ourchoir, make bcauiirul music. VisilorsalchurchSundayvwrcCrcg and Kelly Peel and iheir childrcn M or­ gan and Auslin. Tliey live on Markland Road. Sunday afternoon our youth were Inviled to Dol and Jack Carter's for a pool party. Twcnly-two youlh and II parcnls were there. Tlicy had refresh- mems and Dot and Jack had water­ melon for them. C Ico Bertine. Sue Lynch und Billie Warren rcport that ihey hud n good time in New Jersey last weekend. Connie Singleton had all o f her family for Sunday dinner (o celebrate her son Tom m y Singleton's binhday. Dow and M ona Pmts o f Markland Road went lo Atlanta. Ga. (o a glass show this past weekend. ■ Angela und Larry Bailey and ihcir ihrcc boys, who live on People’s Crcek Road arc back from a week spent In Hawaii. Marion. Dene and David Piits went toAtlanlie Beach on Monday forvaca- tion. ijVadkin Valley News B y R u by M cB ride ; Yadkin Valley ComrsponUcm : Yadkin ValleyBaptistChurch’sold- :' esi member. Dulcie Hauser had a birth­ day cake and party to celebrate her 100th birthday on July 28. Sheaciive ;and remembers things very well. She would enjoy a visiu and a card. She is al 249 Meadowbnx)k Manor. Clem ­ mons, 27012. Pnty for the building of our new fellowship hall at Yadkin Valley Bap­ tist Church as our work has begun Ihis week. You are welcome lo attend meet­ ings our church has ai nursing houws. K o o n tz - M c D a r is E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d , John and Peggy Koontz o f M ocksville announce the engagement of their ■daughter, Melanie Caroline Koontz to Kevin Kllc M cDaris, sonof Harry and Sara •McDaris of Hunisville, Ala. .Thebride<lectgradualcdrrom DavieHighSchoolinl983andhasabachelor’8 degreefrom the Unlversliy of Chapci H ill and a master’s in business adminlstra- .'tion, mariceang concentrallon, from A A M U . She is employed wilh Teledyne ’Engineering in nuiketing for Imperium Products. > The groom to be graduated from Huntsville H igh School in 1979 and has a ‘bachelor'sdegree from Davidson College,amasler’sdegreefromHolllnsColl'ege,' ■'щА did his doctoral work in ¡ndusirial/organizatk>nal psychology al the Unlver* l^iily o f Akron in Ohio. H e is the prcsident/ownerofManaging People and Change ;ЬСн а U n e penon management consulting Hrm based in Hunuvllle. <\ Ttacoupiew U lberoanicdinA thens,G rceceonSepinatth eA crapollt. Meadowbrook M anor ihe second Sat­ urday evening a\ 7; Meadowbrook Tcirace nl 7 p.m.; and Davie Village the fourth Saturday at 7 p.m. - RubyM cBrideenjoyedIhew cekof July 12-19 at Sunset Beach wilh Jim and Lorraine Dilley nnd childrcn. Pulsy Poindexter enjoyed breakfasi Cornatzer News wilh Ruby M cBride on Salurday. and Ihen we enjoyed a yard sale together. Rcmemberall ihe sick and shul-ins. Sallie Riddlein AulumnCare inMocks- ville. and M ildred Boles. Dulelc Hauser, Vada Riddle. Jim Sm ilh. Tilm an Dull, and Charlie Boger. B y D oliie Potis Com ai/er Correspondent O ur con\muniiy expresses sympa­ thy to Slewarl Howell and family in the death o f his moiher Evelyn Stewart Howell lasl week. M r. and M rs. Eugene Bennett vis­ ited his sister. Drucellu. (Johnnie) Bennett Potis lasl w eek ul M cadowbnxikofDavicHom eonHwy. 801. M axine Long visiicd her lasl Friday. Mr. and M rs. Sam Bailey nnd sons, along wilh M r. and M rs. Larry Bailey and sons vacationed In California and Hawaii for the past two weeks. M r. and M rs. Hom er Polls and Sharon were rcceni visitors of Mr. and M rs. David Swain. Am ong those vacationing al the coast last week were Mr. and Mrs. W iuren D ay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chad Correll and childrcn. Mr. and M rs. Danny Winters and children. Mr. and M rs. Richard Kisllcr and boys, Mr. and M rs. Dcrck Harpe and boys. Dotiie Polls was scheduled for sur­ gery at Forsyih Hospital on July 29. Eva Polls visiicd Faye Boyles in M iKksville Monday. Lena W all visited her sister. Leona Bowens Salurday evening. Mrs. Brian Wayne Hal! Johnson-Hall Couple Married In Statesville F o s te r - J o r d a n E n g a g e m e n t A n n o u n c e d Kathy Ann Foster and Steven M iller Jordan will be married Aug. 10 al First Baptist Church, Mocksville. The bride-elect is the daughter o f Barbara D. Foster and James and Libby . Foster of Mocksviilc. She camcd a degree in human service education from Mitchell College, where she wos induclcd inlo Phi Thela Kappa Intemalional Honor Society and Alpha Delta Omega Honor Socieiy. She is continuing her ; studies al Lcnior-Rhyne College in pursuit o f a degree in human and community I services. She is employed in the Inflight Services Departmenl of USAirways. j The groom to be is the son of Ruby M . Jordan and the lale Jimmy Jordan of • Cooleemee. He earned a degree in music education from Appalachian State University. Jordan is employed as a computer programmer by People Source IncorporaletV Four Corners News B y M arie W hile Four Com ers Correspondent M rs. Terry Hamm, Angie and A m ­ ber Ham m werc Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and M rs. Kenny Smilh. M r. and M rs. Grady Bcck visited M rs. W ill Beck Salurday. . Clyde M urray is conlinuing to im- Hillsdale News prove after heart surgery recently. Congratulations lo Mr. and M rs. U S. Shelton Jr. on their 47lh wedding anniversary. O ur 4th one-of-a-kind Four Cor­ ners reunion will be held again this yearonAug. I6al4p.m . Moredetails next week. B y Benita B randon W yatt Hillsdale Coirespondent A special thanks to Trooper Pal Hennelly for visiting our preschoolers lasl Wednesday night. Pal shared with Ihc children aboul automobile safely and the importance of knowing law cnforccihcnt officers as their friends, as well OS answering many o f their various questions. After the discus- New A rrivals T IL L E Y Mr. and Mrs. StevcTllley announce the binh o f their son, Corey Jackson Tilley on July 20.1997 at 6:29 a.m.al Forsyth Mem orial Hospital in W in- slon-Salem. He weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 1/2 Inches long. Matemai grandparents arc Mr. and M rs. Dwight Jackson of Mocksville. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and M rs. Ken Burton o f Advancc and Mr. and M rs. Harold Tillcy of W inston- Salem. Malcmalgrcal-grandmotherlsMrs. C .E Jackson of Mount Airy. B O G E R M ickey Boger and Nila Gregory announce the binh of their son. Levi Charles Mitchell Boger. on July 16 at 3:03 p.m. at Iredell Memorial Hospi- lal. Lcviweighcd61bs.6oz.andwas20 1/2 Inches tall. H is grandparents are M ickey and Faye Boger o f M ocb ville and Jane Jenkins o f Hamptonville. M A N S F IE L D Doug and Shern Caudle Mansileld o f3071 ForestLlne Drive. Clemmons, announce the bifthofthelrsecondchlld. a daughter, Kayla Celeste, on Friday, July 18, 1997, at Fbfsyth Mennorial Hospital. KaylaCclcslcw elghcdSlbs. l3oz. Matemai grandparents are M r. and M rs. Lee Caudle o f 1789 Jonestown Road. Winston-Salem. Paternal grandparents are M r. and M rs. Lee Mansflekl o f Monroe. Materaalgitai-gnuidmotherisMrs. Ro y E W iiliama o f the Sm ith Grove community in MocksvUle. sion in class, they went outside to sec Pat's patrol car. Several of us went lo Carowinds on Friday for Baptist Day. After a day of riding rides we were treated to a con­ cert at Ihe Paladium. Jay Slrack spoke after the concert and I understand thal ' around 4.000 young pcbplc'responded totheinvitaiion. The performers al the concert werc Witness. Evangel, and Geoff M oore and the Disiancc. Gilbert and W illa Brandon spent the weekend In Pigeon Forge where ihcy attended the wedding of W illa’s grcalncphew, AaronPardue. W ew ish Aaronandhisneww ifcAm andam uch happiness In their new life together. H ap p y Birthd ay to C o n n o r Bodenhamer. Please continue to remember the Belarussian children w ho are in tl^s arca for medical and dental uratmeni and also those from the Piedmont area who are preparing to go to Belarus this fall. Connie Lynn Johnson and Brian W ayne Hall were united in marriage al 6 p.m. June 28 at Rose Chapel United Methodist Church. Slalesville, wilh the Rev. Cowles Bristol III officiating. The bride is the daughter of Gary Kenneth Johnson and Palsy Flouton Johnson of Union Grove. She is a graduate of North Iredell High School und earned a diploma in medical as­ sisting from W ilkes Com m unily Col­ lege. She is certified by ihe American Associationof Medicoi AssUtants and is employed by Piedmont Health Care. She is a member of the Ladies Auxil­ iary o f the Iredell County Rescue Squad. The bridegroom Is the son of Dr. W ayne Thom pson Hall and Patricia KellerHall ofStatesville. He isagradu­ ate of North Iredell High School and is enrolled in Mitchell Com m unily Col­ lege. He is employed by A S C Trim of Statesville and is on E M T wilh the. IredellCounty Rescue Squadand mem­ ber o f the Harmony Volunteer Fire Department. The bride wore a Sweetheart gown wilh a satin and loce design featuring embroidered lace over satin princess bodice adorned wilh simulated pearl clusters and sequins. The neckline fea­ tured a wide band of simulated pearis. A satin cummerbund and rosettes ac­ centuated the dropped waist. The full satin skirt featured a semi-cathcdral train with lace appliques and scalloped lace hem. She w(xe pearl earrings. The pouf finger-tip veil featured a wreath headpiece adcwned with simu­ lated pearls and fabric flowers. HIllfDMC riMIKY PRAOTICf r r a a M I * I. Talbert. MD — announces extended hours —* T o b e tte r a c c o m m o d a te th e n e e d s o f o u r p a tie n ts, s ta rtin g W ednesday, A u g u s t 13, o u r o ffic e h o u rs w ill b e e x te n d e d fro m a h a lf d a y to a fu ll day, w ith s e rv ic e p ro v id e d b y Dr. J a m e s F in k. fMON-TUE 8-12 • 1-5 Dr. Frank Tolbert^WED 8-12 • 1-5 Dr. James FinkTHU- FRI 8-12 •1-5 Dr. Frank Tolbert ÍM IIY M IO T IO I • N D IITM O I • С1Ю«ТОЮ«У 1 м т м « 0 М а / Л М И0)940-2290 ! or 940-2884 . А Ш Н о и п т Ш М Ш и т Ш I (910) 940-2290 м а д м ю м я ш в м м м г и е ш й ж м ! » . ± ; She curried a cascading bouquet wiihdeep purple lilies, white roses and' ostromaries accented wilh mini-white' and purple carnations. Ivy and while babies breath. She chose Jamie Shore, a friend, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were: Theresa Julian and Tina Johnson, sis­ ters o f the bride: Krista Hall, sister of the groom; and Cindy Roberts and Jennifer W ilcox, friends of the bride. The groom 's father was best man. Ushers were: Kim Meyer, Steve Meyer, Trent Cronnil, Kent Green and Matt Clendenin. friends of the groom. Aco­ lytes were Alan Feeny and Dan Smith, friends ofthe groom. R ow er girl was Brittany Mellon, the groom's cousin. The dried rose petals she dropped were given lo the bride by Ihe groom while they werc dating. Christopher Keller, cousin of the . groom, was ring bearer. M usic was provided by: Carolyn Black, organist and cousin o f the groom; M ary Ann Sloan, pianist and aunt of the groom; and Sandi Green, soloist. Jamie Sparks, friend of the bride, kept the guest register and Janet Boseman, cousin of the groom, ^ reeled the wedding. A reception followed in the church fellowship hall, given by the bride's parents. A rehearsal dinner on Friday nighl, June 27 in the fellowship hall was given by the groom’s parents.. ; The couple went on a w e d d in g.^ to Myrtle Beach, S.C. They are at home in Statesville./ - : r Couple Celebrates 50th Anniversaiy Ruth C olw n and Paul W ilson Kennedy celebrated Iheir SOlh wedding anniver­ saiy on Satunlay, July 26. They were married on July 27,1947, in Pennsylvania and renewed Iheir vows at 2 p.m. with a reception al Landmark Church o f Ood, Statesville. Hosts were their childrenand spouses: Nancy and Ro y Parsons,Tom and Paula Kennedy, and Paul Kennedy, all of Hannony: and David Kennedy o f aayraoot, DeI.Theyhave 11 grandchildren: RonaldParsonsandColleenCaveofHannoay: Lorraine Fickett o f Nashville, Tenii.; Scou Kennedy o f Michigan; Rachael Kennedy o f New Jeney.Davidlr., Jennifer andJanet Kennedy o f Pennsylvania; and Abigail, Victoria w d Cherie Kennedy o f Harmony. M r. Kennedy worked for Ihe PhiladelfMa Electric Co. in Philadelphia, Pa., In the real estate division os a conveyancer for 44 years. They m oved ftora Lenape, West Chester, Pa., to Harm ony for letlratienL Senior Fitness Class Offered Looking for a great way lo slay in shape? - The Davie Couniy Senior Cenler andlheDavie Family YM CAannounce another seuion o f the Senior Fitness pfograniforsenk)r>60andokler. The Fall session nuuftom Sept. 9-Dec. 18. The class meets Tuesdays and Thurs- days.9-11:30a.m. WaleraerobteswiU be offered 9-9:4Sa.m. The remainder of Ihe session can be used for walking, . iising Ihe sauna, weigh) room, or any ; i)ihef equipment the Y M C A olfers. The session is funded Ihrough a ; : chiam ydiait die fattoi spicKling ; lexually ttansmilled diaeae.■ ; Il is thè nxM comrooo sexually : IransiiUlleddlteaiefatindiiitheUnilcd : Slales affecllng an esllmaied four mll- ■ IknAmeiicanteachyear. Eighlyper- ; ;cem o f women «nd 15 pereen» of men ; infectcd are noi awan Ih« Ihey bave ; ihedUeaie. iraaedaesnotbuwdicy : liave Ihe diaeaae, Ihey cao coólimie la I damate Ihdi body Iv noi « y prevenldive or utaum il meituRs : further spnadlng d» d i s ^ taU ; yrcadi Selbe, boM i éducalka >i:ialitt w № ;Hedlby.CaiolW «i or i DavieCoiìniy. v; InNoithCaiDlÌM ,lhehighalnle ;lDf cWamydii U fbuad In fonile* bo- :W a llie > |e ia n 3 a a d l9 .cUaniyiUb||iilcfi>a|>niantlal ! cand<i^ihticiiradiKtive<x|iM 'a( ;')ioUiniénandwcaien. :j S i g n a i n d v i q M w i M ^ H -::- . pAVnC0UNTYENTEmiSESEC(»D,M y3I^U»T Locai Red Crbss Ctiapter To Sponsor Classe ^ T he Nocthwesl North Carolln« Chaiileraf the Atnerican R e d e ro s is ■ponsoflni a Cohim unlly C P R chas, S ilu id v , Aug. 9,8 •lm.-2:30 p.m., at the new Davie C ouniy Branch Offfce, 65 Court Square, Mdcksvllle. The cowae leaches the essential skills needed lo handle fint aU emer­ gencies unlilpiDfiesskmdnmUcal eve arrives. T h e people on whom you are most likely to pofatro C P R or lifesaving skills ate family and IHends. Il Is Impoitani to know thal In a llfe-thrcal- ening emergency you must help al once; because seconds may nudte a diirenncebetweenlifeanddealh.'saM RIc W ood, direcur o f health services. The coal of the com e is $33,(iii-' eludes materials). n t-iciisln d cá a l' iheAmericanRedCmasOmieC^iy Branch Office, is requlicíl; theófllee ' hours are 8:30 am.-noon, Monday- Friday. Call 704-63f1347 Ibr more infoimalkin. Five Generations Five Generations Joseph Rhett Hellard, age 2 years 8 months, Is being held Five generations of the Barney family recently photo- by his great-great-grandmother, Qrandma (Pauline) Allen, graphed include: Kristian Nicole Barney with her greitt-grail* Pictured from left are: his great-grandmother, Manna (Jane) grandmother, PauHnqAHemandfromleft, great-grandmother, Sammons;hlsgrandmother,Mamaw(Shella)Reynolds;and JoAnnBamey;grandiather,TonyBameyJr.;andfather,Tdiiy his mother. Carrie Leeanna Hellard. Barney III. _____ grant nude available to Ihe Senior Cenler, and Ihere will be no charge to thepaitkipanu. Registnlion for new people who have iwvet before panic^aled in the Y M C A program b e ^ J u ly 2 I. Previ­ ous paiticipanis may sign up begin­ ning Aug. 26 to fill any available skM . Regislralioas will be laken on a flrsl- come, flisl-serve basis. Call Ihe DavieCouniy Senior Cen­ ler at 6344611 foe more details cr 10 register. Warning Signs Of STD «Bleedinglimmthevaginabetween perkxis. •Burning or pain when urinating. 4>aininlheabdanen. ' Maa •Discharge fiom the penia. •Burning wheauriaaliiig. 4>ain and swelling o f the teuicies. .UcUag and burning around die opening o f the pmia. Tlieae infecliooa can cause pelvic InflammtaiydlaetHewMdicaiicaite ptrmaneM dani^tolheivniducliye o rg m a id in ^e vn ca u ie siErilliy^, / O da n yd iiM ct^lyb e m iie d b y •nanlm ediqtiaii. Y ovniyM lliive anysignsotsynpwmofachlmydial ' intKUan, T h e o ilyim w a yto kiiiw i ifyauhavechlinydiiislDbelesledby your docw or kcal clinic.. r TIieDiVltCauMy litilih D v M - . D M oflbfi Ihe M liiii a d ,for le a ii^ WiMBiitnd.dl y ^ , If. ' ■ "iC o itW 'ite n m io ' at 634- Ш ( ш 1 Н 1№ B im ld n q , \ Í N i C m Н ш A I № É s Ш in 2 0 M in u te s . A n d T t o In d iid e s 13 M in u te s O f Ih it t ín g I t O ff. Now paying your bills is almost as easy as telling somcpne else to do it for you. Just clicic the mouse, and voila! BUI is paid. No more stamps. No more envelopes. Once you set up a vendor, paying tiicm is as easy as pressing a button on your keyboard. Computer Banking also lets you ciieck account balances and histories, transfer funds, and reorder checks 24 hours a day, . 7 days a week. You can even download information to your personal financial software. With CCB Computer Banldng all you’ll need, be»des a PC and a modem, is the desire to make your banking a whole lot easier. For a free CCB Computer Banking demonstration and information on our two-month free trial, just stop tiy one of our offices. Or, call us 7 days a week at 1-800-422-2226. Now, the most difficult part abdut taking care of your bmUng and paying your bills will be putting c -i. ■ i s C c C ( r a l . ‘ C a r o t j n a , B a a f c w ; c ’ H h e l p > o a w • > F « » Р ^ и и г е й в » . r k o M m a k ln i I V W ___________________i и м V .......ù, f Тгтг 11- r N a tio n a l G u a r d M e m b e r s ¿ u M S c h o o l In E c u a d o r iii-bAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30.1997 Sure, it's been hoi around here lately. But If you want lo talk about real I heat • and real huniiclity • talk to the I members o f M ocksville's National Guard unit. They*\’C been to Ecuador, enduring 115 degree temperatures and 95 per­ cent humidity while helping to build a school and day care centers. "Il rained every day we were there," said StafT Sgt. Jimmie Combs. "The guys worked hard. They did over 120 percenloftheirmission.Workingcon* ditlons were rough, but they buckled up and did it." A total of 47 Guard members went on Ihe mission, including 26 from E)etachmenl2.CompanyCofihe505ih EngineetingBaltalion.basedinMocks* ville. They are members of Ihc 30th Engineering Brigade based in Char­ lotte. The Irip lo the village near Ihc C o­ lombian border gave (he Guardsmen a glimpse of what they would see. There was only one road lo a nearby city, and it was constructed last year. Tliey crossed on two ferries, and had a two and a half hour boat ride to gel lo the village called Lata. Com bs said Ihe villagers were friendly, but living conditions were horrible. Raw sewage ran down the streets into the river. Homes were shacks. "The people don'l have any­ thing." Tw o religions are practiced - Ca- tholicismand voodoo. Theonlyschools in the area were private, not open to к : much ofthe population. Tlie schotils and day carc centers being conslrucled by theGuard will be public. Local members laid Ihe block on a latrine, and did ttie pad work and sepiic tanks forlhe school and day care centers. _ . . _____________ ________"11 gives you a good feeling lo help Staff Sgts. Jimmie Combs, John Taylor and Russell Tucker In Specialists Jonathan Mattlelto and Darren Crotts In the crowded somebody, makes you feel good about Ecuador. quarters*. whal you have at home." Com bs said. 1 1 ChildrenenjoyedmeetingtheGuardsmenfromNorthCarollna. Dilapidated homes line the streets In remote areas of Ecuador. n w river was filthy with raw sewage from nearby villages. M in is te r s A tte n d B r e a k fa s t : Graham Funeral Hom e o f 635 W ilkesboro SI.. Mocksville. hosied a b ^ f o s t July 15 al llie funeral liome for area ministers. .' Following breakfast, liie group ex­ changed ideas and suggestions which can improve funeral services for be­ reaved families. Fouitecn ministers attended. Church Celebrates 138 Years '•.Union Chapel United Methodist Chiirch celebrated 138 years of service « ! Sunday, July 20. llie congregation celebrated wilh worship service, a covered-dish lunch and singing in the aftemoon. Union Chapel United Methodist Church is locat^ a mile north o f 1-40 on Hwy.601. turrentine^ To Celebrate Anniversary .' ITurrcnIine Baptist Chureh. 613 Tjimntine Chuich Roal, invites all tgcmbers, gucsu and friends on Sun- (^y. Aug. 3 to celebrate the 84th anni- V a iiy. Services will begin with Sunday Siiliool al 9:45 a.m. and worship at 11. A covered dish meal will follow in Ihe fellowship hail. M usic will be providedbythechurch choir and Pasior B illy Sloop will bring the hotnecoming sermon. For more informalion. call the chuich ai 998-2366. • " S S S Î S ' Ü B S f ’ * '“ Spiritual Resources: Enduring Love B y the R e v . D a v id G lllire M hJohnandJanemetintheirchtJrch youth group, began dating, and lell In love. Three years later, they celebrated lheir love In a well- attendeiJ church v^edding. Within Iwo years John and Jane had separated. The divorce was finalized just a year later. Henty and Sally met on a blind dale, lell In love, and were married six monlhs atter that lirst date. Their marriage ol thirty years has produced three children and a host of memories. Why did one marriage succeed and the olher fall?I am convinced lhat both couples were very much 'In love.' The love felt during the dating period Is bonding love. This love Is Identllled by ils exclusive, passionate desire lor one another. Bond­ing love offers little room lor others outside the relationship. Indeed, this 'In love' leeling Is necessaiy to draw persons Inlo exclusive relationships.Unloitunately, some couples believe that this love Is the highest love to t)e found in a relationship. When the pressures of living take their Inevitable loll on such feelings ol passion, many Iwgin to question their love for the other. Without a more enduring love, couples lind themselves like John and Jane.The feelings of being In love will come and go In every relationship, but the only love that endures when tough times come Is described by Paul as 'patient and kind...not jealous or boastful...not arrogant or rude...not demanding Its own way...not Irritable or resentful...not celebraHng at wrong, but rejoicing In the righl...bears all things, believes all Ihings, hopes all Ihings, endures all things.' (I Cor. 13)It Is the love Paul described that allows couples to endure life's sometimes ugly transitions and still lind theniselvesexperiencingthe more passionate 'In love' feelings. Heniy and Sally have become tiuly one during the process of loving one another with the higher love Pauldesoribed.Theytreatono another wilh respect and tenderness; and thal enables them lo experience thal 'In love' passion from time to time. That's how God Intended It lo be. Support These Local Businesses W.G. WHITE & C 0 . 8 S 0 N . Tirade St. W In a to n S a le m , N C 271 02 910-723-1669 Vo g l e r Funeral H o in e 2849 MMdie Brook Dr. Clemmone, NC 27012 910-7в& 471Д SPILLMAN’S OIL ft FERTILIZER7M2Hwye01S. Cooleemee, NC 27014 704-284-2551 в и о т ш ш т п Е н А М 1 Ш С 0 . íes Turkey Foot Road Mookavllle,NC2702e 70«-4l2-5SW ■ииЕМ SUPPLY “Together We Do It Better’ South Main Street 704-в34^15 SEAFORO и м т с о и м и т iM nCflQ N Q M .Mockaville, N027038 704-634-5148 D A V K Ш и в а 872 Main Church Rd. . Mockavine, NC 27028 704-834-0Ш CHESCBR EUCIMC Р.О.ВОЖ608 Mockaville, NC 27026 704-834-213Í J.P.6IIEEII IMJJIIG CO., MC. Макета of DAISV FLOUR VtoCuatom Blend Depot St, Mockaville, NC П4-вЗ«-2т EATONFUNERAL HOME A Tradition of Caring.... 32S North Main Street Mocksville, N C 27028 704>634-2148 FOfTER-IIAIICM DRUfi COMPANY 49» Valley Road Mockaville, NC 27028 70M3«-2141 6 ENIIENACMNE AlOOLMC. 3319 us Hwy 188 MockavUle, NC 27028 i1A48t-3380 RBALTT H IIM a le P r o lM ile iM in K liHigh»ny1UkW1,AdvMC* ilCE. М Ш Ш М М Е i4i1H «nii1H >/U «am ,N C 27N IММП-1П7 Д М 1 1 1 И 1 HUERWaOWfi 1 Weteometo. R e l l m » :UNHEilGONMIIY «MiMCATOM SonsM í ™ Id 1 8 2 8 1 )м к 8 1 г м 1 P .O .B O X 8 2 1 H iw y .8 0 1 8 .T a b e r n a c l e M o e k « v H I*,N C 2 7 0 2 8 M e c l» V iH t ,N C 2 7 0 2 8 "A FuU Gospel Chunch" 1 3 5 C a M R M d , M ^ ^ 'N C704-034-2107 704-034-3712 MUSeRAVEM M NM Eim u e «01 S o u th M o e k a v lllé ,N C 2 7 0 2 8 CRAIG GARTER lin MM г ^ 1 BUHJIER,INC. « A m e *, н е m o tИМ41-1141 I n r a v A n n l i ^ k. т И М т Р 01|ж(п«)ем«ае Ite ttM IT t н а к и м ю V 70Ф*0344040 tm« ■ и « « . Attend The Ouavh O f Your Choice V WiUiam Blake Рбасоск ¿W illia m B la k c Peacock. IS.ofRail- toflâ Street, Mocksville. died Thurs- jfi/. Juiy 24, 1997, at N.C. Baptisl HoSplial in W inston-Salem from Inju­ riés sustained in an ( ^utb accident. He was bom in CÎuirlülte M arch 19.' 1983, to Lynn Dlake Boger and Lynnette Denise P{ucockandwasa student at Davie Cpunty H ig h School where he was о member of Jiliiior RO TC . He was a member of the Tanglewood W ard of the Church of Jc.sus Christ o f Latter Day Saints in Clemmons. . Survivo rs include his mother, Lynnelte Peacock o f the home; his grandmother. Dorothy "D ot" Lapish Peacock o f the home; his grandfather. Iferman M yers Peacock o f M ocks- viMe; his aunt. JuunUa Peacock of Cleveland; and uncle. Grady Louis "Óusier” Shipm an o f Salisbury; sev­ eral cousins; foster parents, L a n y and Maria W. Knlghtof Mocksville; foster gmndparents, Wade andAnnie Wright, Bdbby and Margaret Knight.-all of Hùmiony; fosiersisters.Sharee Knight of. Mocksville and Vonda Wyatt of Salisbury; and several foster aunls, uncles and cousins. Funeral services were conducted ut 4p.m.July27,at Eaton FuneralChapel with Bishop StaiT Eckhold and the Rev. Darrell C ox officiating. Burial followedatUnionChapel UnitedMeth- odist Church Cemetety. Mai7 B. Woodward M ary Blackwelder Woodward. 68. of Woodward Road. Mocksville. died Thursday, July 24,1997. at N.C. Bap­ tist Hospital in Winston-Salem. She was bom in Davie County Dec. 8. l928.toEstelleChairmBlackwelder of M ocksville and the late Charlie Blackwelder. She was retired from Ingersoll-Rand Com pany and was a member of Ijames Crossroads Baptisl Church. She was preceded in death by 2 grandchildren. Jill and Jennifer Woodward. Surviving ore her husband, John W. "Jack" W oodward o f the home; 2 daughters. Lynn Carter and Lou Ann Cothran of Mocksville; 2 sons. John W oodward of Fuquay-Varina and Joe W oodward of Mocksville; 5 grand­ children; a great grandchild; 4 broih- ers. Lester, Leslie, Harding and Lloyd Blackwelder, and a sister, Colleen Brown. ; Funeral services wen: heldat 2 p.m. July 27» at Eaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Glenn Sellers officiating. Burial followed al Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church Cemetery. Thomas Kenneth Bryant '. Thom as Kenneth Bryant, 80, of Mocksville,dledFriday,July25,1997, at Forsyth M enurial Hospital In W in- aon-Salcm. : Bom Nov. 23, 1916. in W inston- Salem to Thom as Franklin and Viola Simpson Bryant, he was a lifctinie liiember o f Christ Moravian Church and was leUred from R J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. : He is survived by his wife. Aileen ix w is Bryant of the hoinc', and a nephew,John Henry BryantJr.ofW in- Ш -Salcm. Funeral services were conducted July 27, al 2:30 p.m. al Vogler & Sons M ainSiicctCha{Kl by the Rev. Wallace G. Elliott. Burial followed in U k Moravian Graveyard, i Mem orials m ay be made 10 Christ I ^ v i a n Church Organ Fund, 919 West Academ y Street. W insion-Sa- lçm ,N.C. 27101. FeUx Jackson Anderson • Felix Jackson Anderson. 83, of Calahaln Road, M ocksviiic. died Wednesday July 23, l» 7 , al Aulunm Gate ofMocksville. ' He was botn in Davic Couniy June 22,1914, the «on o f Ihe iMe Richanl ^amuel and Jennie Call Anderson. A ф|1гк1 lobecco fanner, he was a meni- tier of Zloo Chapel Uniled M elhodi« Chuich. ; H e U survived by a brother. Rev. yilliara Andenoo ofMocksville. ; He w as preceded in death by a l|o(her, Richard Andenon. and a sls- tir, Frances Anderson. : O nvcikkm vka w e reh ckla tll *m.M>24.i»CcmetUiaiodMethod- là C lM rtM m ^w iih th e R e v.B illy Л п м o A d aria f. Kermit Edward РгШапшп Col. Kermit Edward Prillaman, 73, died July 25,1997. In M ocksvllle. H e was the son of the lale S.M . and M ary Easter Prillaman o f Callaway, V a.Avctenm ofW oridW arlI,hew as ' wounded in action al the Battle ofthe Bulge. W hile a member o f the 26th Infantiy Division, he was assigned to duty with Supreme Headquarters A l­ lied ExpedltionmyCommandantofthe 3285 U.S. Arniy Reserve School in Charlotte. He retired from the U.S. Arniy after 34 years o f service. H e was manager for order control and marketing reporting for Hoechsl Celonese in Chariotte and retired In 1985. After graduating from Fenum College, he earned aMaster’s degree in economicsfromUniversityofVirginia. HcwasamembcrofProvidenceUnited Methodist Church in Notth Carolina and W oodland U niled M ethodisi Church in Viiginla. Survivors include his wife, Virginia M oore Prillaman; 2 sons. Dr. O aiy E Prillaman of M ocksville and Marie E. Prillaman of Sacramento. Calif.: 2 grandsons; 3 granddaughters; 2 sistere. Beatrice W ickham and Anne Johnson, both o f Roanoke. Va.; and a brother. Randolph E. Prillaman of Roanoke. Va. PunenJ services were conducted al 10 a.m. July 28. at Flora Chapel in Rocky Mount, Va.wllhDr. Joe LIndsoe officiating. B u rial follow ed in Sherwood Memorial Park in Salem. Va. Emma D. Bowles Em m a D . B ow les, 88. o f Williamsburg, Va., died Saturday, July 26,1997. She was bom in Forsyth County M ay 4, 1909, the daughter o f Elisha and Sally Dull. Foster parents were Jessie and M ary Marshall o f Lewis­ ville. She wasam emberofMessiah Luth­ eran Church of W ilmington where she I ived for 54 years. During that time, she worked for the Tol Shop for 27 years and Tiny W orld for three yean. She is survived by a daughter. Ann Fichter of William sburg; 2 gtandchll- dren; 2 great grandchildren; a half brother, M ayo Dull of Lewisville; and a half sister, Helen Dull of Lewisville. Graveside services wen: to be con­ ducted at I p.m. July 30. at Jericho Church of Christ Cemetery in M ocks­ ville. GeraldWayneRkhardson Gerald Wayne Richardson. 52, of New London, died Thursday. July 24. 1997, at Forsyth Mem orial Hospital in Winston-Salem. H e was the stepfather o f Zachary W illiam s of Advance; and step grand­ father of Jessica and Christy W illiam s of Advance. The funeral service was held at 2 p.m. July 27, Ql Hayw onh-M iller Silas Creek Chapel. Burial followed at Oaklawn М е п м ^ Gardens. Stepbone Gregory Stephone Gregory, 35, o f 148 Gregory Lane. M ocksville, died Monday, July 28.1997, al his home after a serious illness o f two weeks. B om Feb. II. 1962, in Davie C ounty,hcw asasonofFloraCollins Gregory and the late J.B. Gregory. A graduate o f D avie C ounly H igh Schoo l, he w as a student al M ocksville School o f Com puter Training, in the proccss o f finishing electrician training. H e w as owner o f San's Cleaning Service and w as a fonner niem beroNew BelhelBaplisl Chuich. ü u rvivo rs include h is w ife, C assan d ra Yvette G re go ry ; 3 brothers, lam es Bcnard Gregory of Salisbury, M ila s Lee Gregory of Lexington and W illiam Matthew Gregory o f W oodleaf; and 6 sisters, D ovie Ijames and Lávem e Bartier, bolhofCleveIand,AghesJacksonof W oodleaf, Pearline L ila k e r o f Salisbury and M ary A n n Tenor and G ertrude G re go ry , b o lh o f Mocksville. Noble and Kelsey Funeral Hom e in Sa lisb u ry is in charge o f arrangements. Donald Bodenheimer ' DonaldG niy Bodenheimer.63.of U.S. Hwy. 601 Soulh. M ocksville. died Sunday. July 27, 1997, at his residence. Bom ' in Forsyih County, Aug. 30, 1933. to the lale Robuh and Annie Fletcher Bodenheimer. he w as a retired owner o f B & R Motors. H e was preceded .In death by a son. R icky Glenn Bodenheimer. In 1987. Surviving are his wife. Peggy Bradley Bodenheimer of the home; 2 daughters. Rosalind Ridings and Lisa Daniel o f M ocksville; 4 sisters. LuclllcTilleyofMocksville.Dorothy Sm llhcnuan o f Yadkinville, Pauline Ligon and Margaret Lambert, both of W inston-Solem ; 3 grandchildren. Robed Gray Ridings, M elissa O'Neal and Logan Bradley Daniel; several nieccs and nephews. A graveside service was to be held July 30. at 1 p.m. at Parklaw n Mem orial Gardens In Winston-Salem wilh Dr. Sherman Warner officiating. Mem orials may be madeto Cancer Services of Oavie County, 622 North M ain Slreel, Mocksville, N.C. 27028. Mary Yarboro Kiser M a ry Y arboro K iser. 67, o f Crestview Drive, Mocksville. died M onday morning, July 28,1997, at her home after a short illness. Shew asbom inClevelandCounty Sept. 26,1929. lo the late O lin and Lala Allen Yarboro ond was a retired as school secretary wilh Davie H igh School after 24 years of service. She w as county treasurer o f the N.C. Sym phony and was a member of the State O rganizatio n o f Sch oo l Secretaries. She was also a member o f M ocksville Firsl Baptisl Church. Survivors include her husband of 46 years, A .M . Kiser of the home; 2 sons, Ted Kiser and D ick Kiser, bolh o f M ocksville; 5 grandchildren, Bjom .Trum an.Charity, Andrew and M ary A nn Kiser, all ofM ocksville; 3 sisters, Ruth Spuriing o f Charlotte. Margaret Bow enof Shelby adCerelda Brady ofShelby;andabrother. Allen Yarboro o f Waco. Funeral services were conducted at 11 a.m. July 30. at Eaton Funeral Hom e by Dr. Larry H ovis and the Rev. Paul Riggs, Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. Mem orials may be made to Davie C ounly Hospice, P.O. B o x 848, M ocksville, N.C. 27028. Phyllis Byrd Mkhael Phyllis B ynl Michael, 44, o f Le»- ington, died Sunday, July 27,1997, at her home. Bom March 3. 1953. in Fonyth County, she was a daughter to W illard Harold and Sarah Ruth W oodward Byrd o f Advance. A n employee of U.S. Airways, she was a member o f Gelhscmane Baplisl Church. Surviving are her husband, the Rev. L a n y Michael; a son, Christopher Shane Bnnvn of Ihe home; 2 daugh­ ters, Tam m y Denise Brow n o f Salis­ bury and T raci H eather B row n Strickland of H igh Point; a brother, Ronnie B ynl o f Advance; 4 sisters, Linda Com bs o f Falalka, Fla., Diana Cushing of Thomasville, AnitaJordan ofSalisbury and Beveriy Shoaf ofNew Zealand. Funeral services were conducted at 4 p.m. July 29, al Eaton Fiinenil Hom e Chapel by the Rev. Tom m y Combs. Burial followed in Cocnabtr Baptist ChurfhCemeteiy. Metnqfials may be made to die Am erican Cancer Society, 1900 S. Hawdiom e Street. W inston-Salem, N.C. 27103. Thomas Lee Pardon Thomas Lee Pardon, 79, o f Dulin Road. Mocksville, died Wednesday evening, July 23. 1997. at Forsyih Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. July 26, at Euion Funeral Chapel wilh the Rev. Lanny Atkins ofilclallng. Burial with military honors followed • in W esllawn Gardens o f M em ory In Clemmons. The Ilih District M em o­ rial Honor Guard conducted the mili­ tary rites. Mem orials may be considered for Cancer Services, 623 North M ain Street, Mocksville. N.C. 27028. He was bom in Guilford Countyj M arch 31, 1918, to the latcClarencc Lee and Ethel Crutchfleld Pardon and was a retired scrvicc station attendant. HewasaresidenlofForsythCounty before moving to Davie Counly. He wasam embcroflheMocksvilleMoose and enjoyed hunting, fishing and gar­ dening. H e w as a m em ber o f Haneslown Baptist Church. During W W II, he served In the U.S. Marines. Survivors include his wife, V em a Jones Pardonofihehome:2daughters, Gail Lundgren of Winston-Salem and Sherree Button o f Mocksville; a son, Allen Pardon of Yadkinville; and 5 other childrcn from n previous mar­ riage; numerous grandchildren, nieces and nephews; 3 sisters, Bertha Woolen o f Clemmons, Hazel Clark o f W in­ ston-Salem and JuanitaStewariofLex- ington; and 3 brolhers. Ralph Pardon o f Advance. Fred Pardon and John Pardon, both of Winston-Salem. William McBride W illiam Marshall M cBride. 72. of W inston-Salem died ^ Forsyth M e­ morial Hospital July 22.1997. He was the godfather of Brant Yandell o f Advance. A memorial service was conducted at 7 p.m. July 25. al Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel with Dr. Ray Hamilton olTiciating. Dolores Allen Powers Dolores Allen Powers, 64, o f St. Pauls, died Saturday, July 26.1997, ut Forsyih M em orial Hospital In W inston-Salem. Funeral services were held at 3:30 p.m. July 29, at First Pentecostal Holiness Church with the Rev. n iillip Bland ofriciuting. Burial followed at the Garden o f Faith Cemetery. John Nelson Ibcker JohnNclsonTiicke'rSr..73.ofW ln- ston-Salcm, died Wednesday m om ­ ing. July 23,1997, at his home. He was bora in Davic Counly, M ay 2 1 ,1924,todKlalcJunicZ.andMaitha A.M ycrs. AmemberofBoilcy'sChapei in Advonce. he had retired from Hanes Hosiery in 1983 after 38 years servicc. He was preceded in dcaUi by a bnxhcr, Avery Tucker. Surviving are his wife, Estelle Johnson Tuckcr o f d K home; a son, John N. Tuckcr Jr. of Winston-Salem; a daughter. Robin Shoaf ot Winston- Salem; a granddaughter. Knstj Shoaf; 3 brothers. M a v is T u cke r o f K ernersville. D elano T u c kc r of Pfafftown, and Garry Tucker o f W in- slon-Salcm ;4sislers Velm a Dannls of M ocksville, Pansy Long o f Pfafftown, L o n x n W alser and Linda C ox bodi of W inston-Salem ; several nephews, nieccs, friends snd neighbors. A funeral scrvice was hekl al 12:30 p.m.Iuly26,1997,at Haywonh-Miller Silas Creek Chapel by Ihe Rev. Cunis Whaley. Burial followed in Paridand Mem orial Gardens. Mem orials may be made to H os­ pice o f W in ston-Salem /Forsylh County, 1 IC & C S. Stralfoid R d , W in- sion-Saicm ,NC 27103, ortodiechar- ily ofthe donor's choice. , Pate, S tu d e v e n t, C le m S h f F a m ilie s H o ld R e u n io n DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD; July 30.19*7 - M The Pate/Studevent Clement fam­ ily reunion was held July 18-20 at the Hathaway Park and the Holiday Inn, W insion-Salem . Fam ily members came from Washington, Maryland, and Indiana lojoin the North Carolina fam­ ily members. A l a reception at the Holiday Inn on Friday, t-shirts bearing the family coat of arms emblem and names were dis­ tributed. Saturday, apicnic wilh food, games und family reminiscence was held. A banquet was held at the Holiday Inn on Satunlay evening with Q yde Studevent Jr. presiding as master of ceremony. Special entertainment, a tribuie to the clans, was by G ina C oU lins and folklore artist, Lorenzo Meachum, professor, Winston-Salem State University. Tamm yCIem entand the Rev. Steve Dalton provided the music for the evening. O nSundaym om ing.aprayerbr^; fast climaxed the reunion activities. Edna Allen gave the invocation, Clyde SludevcntJr.chargedtheyouth present lo carry on this clan celebration. Perry Studevent asked for a moment o f si- lenccforlhedeceasedmembers. W illie Marie Studevent gave the closing re­ marks.. • The families voted lo hold the nexl reunion In Indiana. Mocks Church To Conduct V B S M ocks United Methodist Church in Advancc, located off Hwy. 801 S. at M ocks Chuivh and BcauchampRoads. will host Vacation Bible School on Saturday, Aug. 2, from IOa.m.-3 p.m. with a theme o f "Circle o f Fricnds- Bcing Friends W ith Jesus." A ll chil­ dren ages 3 to 12 are welcomc. Thechildren. inage specillc groups, will leam as they explore and visit sccncs such as a trading post, listen to Pino News stories around a campilre, eat al the cookhouse, hang out on Ihe range trail, or kick bock with friends at the lodge- -allinoneaction-fllledday. The chil­ dren willdiscoversomethingnew about Jesus and their friends al each sight. Com e on down to M ocks Church and visit the T Irc le o f Friends Ranch", with crafts, games and lunch included. For further informalion call the church 01(910)998-5518. B y N o ra Latham Pino Correspondent The family of the lale John and FIoraLathamheldtheirfamily reunion Sunday at the home of Dennis and Fran Crnver in Areadia. Am ong dwse at­ tending were the two surviving chil­ dren H annon Latham and Louise Latham Dill. The reunion is on the last Sunday in July because lhat Isalsonear Louise's i»rthday. Other fanuly mem­ bers, also attending, were Harmon's wife Nora; Louise's husband Bob; Helen Latham of Monroe, wife of the late Elm e r Latham ; H elen Jane M cCaskillofW ashington,DC;Johnny and Judy Latham of Monroe; Lom a PriceofShalotle; Boband KaUiy Ellis; Dale and Martha Latham .allofMocks- ville; Bob, Brenda. John and Jason Dill o f Courtney; Jason's friend Ashley; and Dennis and Fran's children. M at­ thew and Megan. Guests attending were M ary W illiam s of Monroe, M aiy FinchcrofJacksonville.Fla.,and W illie and Nova Flem ing o f Wichita Foils, Texas. W c were happy to have Clyde M urray back in chureh Sunday. He had open heart surgeiyjust three weeks ago and is doing remarkably well. James and Lelia Essie recently re-; turned home from the Eastem shore.: After reluming home, they spent three! days al Lees M cR ac College attending; Leila's class reunion. O n Monday,; their daughter, Ann. her husband,; Brooks Bam es and their children. E ^ ; ward and El izabeth. came lo visit. The y; ■ relumed home on Sunday. ; Bob and KathyEllisspentlasl week-; end in Roanoke, Va. with Bob's mother; i^ h a e l. W illie and N ova Fleming retum qi * home to W ichita Falls. Texas. spending .several days with Bob af0 Louise Dill. S tt (5)f(emomm The Cana Homemakers Club memben wont to pay tribute to Mrs. Minnie Pope, a 1935 charter menvber. On June I. 1997. God saw fit lo call her to her eternal resL We wish to thank Him for this life that was spent among 'us. We admired the qualities she exemplified as wife, mother and gnndnwther. Her love for fanüly, church, school. Homemakers Club and community were among her outstanding characleristk». She received the first 50*year membership award in our Club and held all leadership o R lm in our Homemaken Club. In her q v ^ , friendly, Und. consklmte and gracious ways she enriched Ihe lives of all she touched. She always gave a warm greeting to those w in whom she came In contact. One of her outstanding contributions was the support and assistance give to her late husband, M . Duke ftpe. in the operatkm of their dairy fvm . We. die members Homemaken Club. of Cana ihekM sofadistinfuiBh^ valuable and tnie friend; a member whose presence will be greatly missed. We extend to the bereaved family our sincere sympathy as they adjust ^to their low aad soirow. f wy-aMin« MOCKSVILLE * Mary G. Steelman 1922-1997 ASHEBORO m Carl "Mac" McCulIoh 1920-1997 WINSTON-SALEM * 1934-1997 LEXINGTON * Alpha Shermer Vogler 190S-1997 ADVANCE % Herman Belluci ■ 192M 997 MOCKSVIUE I Evelyn Steivart Howell 1920-1997 M O C K S V IL U Ц - DAVIE'COIINTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30,1997 More Charges Filed In Drug Trafficking Case ThcDavitíCoum ySherifTsDcpaii* ment nicd additional charges last week against two men charged wilh traffîck* ing marijuana. Jose R u fo Cabrera. 30. 189 Children’s Home Ro.id, MiKksville, was chargcd with possession whh in­ tent 10 sell or deliver marijuana and maintaining a dwelling for keeping a controlled substance. CletoCuebas Abeja,23.ofYadkin- V illc, waschargcd possession with intent (o sell or deliver marijuana and maintaining a vehicle for keeping a controlled substance. A n anonymous led to the arrest of Abeja and Cabrera, who were caught with 60 pounds of marijuana. Doth w ere being held under S75.0ÜÜ cash bonds at the time of thesecharges. Those bonds were later reduced. Variance Granted To Developer In Oai( Valley Tlie DavieCounty Boardof Adjust­ ment issued a variance lo an Oak Val­ ley developer July 21. Dobson Builders requested an ad­ ditional three feel on one comer and two feel on another. Due lo the nature of the home being built, no olher lot would work and this \'ariance wjls needed, according lo Davic Counly Planning and Zoning Director John Galiimore. B o Davis, an Oak Valley devel­ oper, said Oak Valley has no obja*tion lo such a variance. Fmding the variance to be within the zoning ordinance and lhal il caused no threat lo the health or safely of olhcr residents, the bo.ird voted toapprove it. Another request for a variance was tabled by the board until questions about ownership of the parcel o f land could be resolved, Galiimore said. Richard Sm ilh had asked for per­ mission to place an additional mobile home on a piece of property which he owns partially as one of ihe heirs. They're Officers, Too M ike Kim el and M ary Carter werc left oul o f a list of M ocksvillc Lions Club onicers recently printed. Kim el Is third vice president, and Carter is assistant secretary. Company Withdraws Offer To Buy Crown Drug HQ C. Vincent Shorti, president of Shorn Stories Teleproduciions Inc., the Advimce based television produc­ tion company.has announced the with­ drawal o f his company's offer to pur­ chase the former Davie Counly head­ quarters of the Citjwn Dm g Store chai n. Inaprcparcdsialement,Shorttsaid: "After an exhaustive analysis of ihe suitability o f the building os a broad­ cast production facility, we have con­ cluded thal although il is an excellent bwlding,il»ssimplynoicosi-effeclive for our company lo i n vest ihe ti me and m oney needed to adapt the bui Idi ng to the exact acoustical and olher techni­ cal stondardsofbroadcasttelevislon at this time." Shortt said his plans to locate a new headquarters building inDavieCounty have been temporarily shelved in or­ der for S S T V to meet ils current pro­ duction schedule for new programs. "O ur enthusiasm for the commu­ nity we call home, and the encourage­ ment olhcrs have shown our company and our programs in this region, have combined lo make us more convinced than ever that this is the place where we would like to eventually locate our new corporate headquaiters", Shortt concluded. In a related development, Shortt Stories T V announced the start of prin­ cipal photography on its ninth net­ work television series. "Keepers of Ughl...HousesofUfe''lsa52episode public television ondcable series based on Ute history o f liÿithouses and the people who devoted their lives to op­ erating Ihcm. A R FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Friday, August 1,1997 • 9 am to 7 pm I?’ I ' CLEARAN CE It’s inventory time at Star Furniture. In order to reduce Inventory and make way for new styles, we have reduced everything In the store 30% to 70%. Hurry In — this sale Is for ONLY! CLEARANCE SAL>I \ !■ «MTEMTN М Ш АССШ 1,1АСК,П01Д11Ш Rocker Redlner $299Enloy Berklino qualityand comfort with touch motion roclinor. Rocks as well as reclines. Durable long lasting velvet cover FRIDAY,/ AUGUST 1 9AM-7 PM O N Eb/nr ONLY! » 1 9 9 * 5 Charming Colonial Pedestal Table & 4 Chairs Warm Pine Finish Sleep well on a new im rttreu from Jamison. iU l marked at 1/2 off. o íiú rw e « frwzerEnergy Efficient. Great Buyl «349 UGHTED CURIO САВМЕГ Wtth glass shelves and minoted back MBS 704-634>S739 ■ T " - ; -..... S T A R FURNITURE Л А Р Р Ш Ж В $ 1 4 S N o r th M a in S tr e e t M o o k s v ille , - f - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE REC<MO;Jttbr ЗОЦЩ - IIV . ^ --- ■ m 't- 50 Yeats Of Golf. .. J ■ Bob B enson Still Playing G am e H e Brought To D avie B y M ik e Barnhardt Davie Coum y Entcфrisc Record ,л' Golf. Davie County. B ob Benson. W ilh five golf courses open in Davie County, the area has become a hot-spot for enthusiasts o f the game. None has meant more to the sport here than B ob Benson. This year marks the 50th consecutive that Benson has been playing golf. A nd he's partly responsible for getting other county residents hooked on the sport. Benson was one o f the founding partners of the county’s first golfcourse. Twin Cedars. He helped the golf teams at Davie H igh School, and his son Robin was a member of the first team, and his daughter Bobbie was the first female high school golfer in Ihc conference, maybe in the state. Another son, Greg, also played on the high school team and is now the рто at Hickory Hill. Benson was driving a mail route in Asheville in 1947 when he played his first round of golf. He finished that route each day al 2. 'I didn'l have anything lo do. I had hit a few range balls, bul a friend I had played golf.'’ He bought a full set o f clubs with a big leather bag from the Firestone store in Waynesville for SI69. H e paid $10 down, $10 a week. Bob Benson started playing golf. And he played just about every day the wealher allowed. O n week­ ends. he would play \\\o or three rounds a day. "1 started oul (scoring) in the 100s, like everybody else," he said. Il was good exercise. There weren’t any electric carts. There weren't any gasoline carts. Y ou could hire а с Ш у , "but that wa.s for rich folks." "I carried them golf clubs up and down those hills," Benson said. W iihin six months, his scores were in the 70s. Benson didn'l stay in the mountains long. H e moved home to Cool­ eemee. He still played golf, bul not as ofien. In the late SOs, he started playing more often, usually with his brother- in-law, Rober Allen, and D on Marklin. They played al M cAnless and Corbin H ills in Salisbury. Benson started lo think. '’I fell like there was a need for a golf facility in Davie County," he said. He was working as an electrician, wiring Eaton Funeral Home. W oodrow M abe was helping, and E.M . James was laying the brick. James had a 76-acre farm w ilh an old house three miles soulh of Mocksvillc, which Benson and M abe bought. In !962, U»ey opened a lighted driving range. A nine-hole par three coursc, also lighted, followed. "People really played that thing lo death,'* Benson said. It was called 'T he Ponderosa,'’ owned by B ob "H oss" Benson, W oodrow "Liule Joe" M abe and Rober "Adam " Allen. The name was changed from The Ponderosa to Tw in Cedars G olf Coursc, and construction began in 1965 on a nine-hole regulation course. Il opened on June 3,1967. They bought more land in 1970 and the "back nine" opened in 1971, Davie County’s first public course, designed by Benson, an 18‘hole par 71 at 6,623 yards. Benson smiles when mentions grading for that golfcourse. They found numerous arrowheads and Indian artifacts, the mosl inieresting of which - was a round ball, somewhere between the size of a golf ball and a baseball. It was identified as an "Indian gaming ball" and is included in the Davie Counly H istoiy book. 'T he Indians may have been playing golf at Tw in Cedars a long lime before we got here," he said. Benson was i\ major supporter o f Davie H igh's early golf team, helping to organize the first in 1968. H is son, Robin, was a member. They still play golf together, and have only missed one or two of Ihe Carolinas G olf Association's Faiher/Son tournament in Pinehurst, now in its 31st year. H is daughter, Bobbie Lynn, was the fint female golfer on a male team. Now Bobbie MuUis, she manages Tw in Cedars for the new owner, Tom m y Price. H is son, Greg, played golf and football at Davie High, and was named a high school all-American. "I never won an Augusta green Jacket, but Ihe next best award was when one year, the high school golf leam presented me with a jacket lhat they had Mildred James to make for me," he said. Davie High not only had a golf team, they had one of the best, winning confen;nce championship after c<Miference champirmship. going to the state and westem finals for years on end. Benson doesn’t regret the 15-hour days be worked while building Tw in Cedars and making il a succe^. H e didn't realize how many friends he had made until recently. "G olf has been a real blessing to m e and m y family," he swd. " I will Pfeve See Bob BcttND - h r ВЭ AiTticipaftkNi; ByBitanPkti Davie County EntttpriwRiconl ^ Last week's persistent min couldn't moisted the lively s|)iril'an)uiid Davie football, which began woridng towaid the 1997 season with a mini-camp. When you'» coming off a historical season, an 8-S year in which Ihe War ^ le s won Iheir Tint playoff game, prognmii lead to became impcnetnble. An average between 70-7S playen showed up forthe f b u t ^ camp, a swelling turnout considering il wasnl mandatoiy. "Wehadfiveorl0playeradulweieno(therebecauseoffunilyvai»lioii,'‘8aid Benjie Blown, who is beginning his second seiMa ai coach. T m hoping lo picic up five or lObetween now and(Iuly30X so rm ioping to gel somewhere araind 80 to 8S players, which is a good woridng nuitter. "We'd iilie to have moK but sometimes you can run inlo proUema having loo many people. We deflmtely don't warn 10 have lest th u (8045)." ’ Blown, though, would have piefened mote fieihuien. >We'vegol20-2S-rdUlietohave30-33-bulfooaMU'snotforeveiybady,'' a id Blown, whose piayen itnpped on ihoulder p«k and helnM> fot the noa- «oiM ctdriUi.''W e'vego(nxwifcra{nvm Q (eiflheywM loplv.'' ' I t e pifRcd the schedule over Ihe cainp'i fio il d ne days, CMoini Btowa'a for iHtpot piMM. M Bob Benson stands on the No. 1 tee atTwin Cedars,acouise he designed. He's holding some of the first clubs he bought In 1947. -Photo by Robin FtrguM on A goffing lamiiy: Robin, Bob, Nell, Bobbie and Oreg played a round together on Fathei's Day. G(x^ Sportsmanship { Gk)arOf New State Rules ByBrieri’FMs Davie County Enteiprise Record W(|h sportsmanship on a down­ ward slide, Ihc N onh Carolina High School Alhlelic A v i a t io n has light­ ened its grip on coaches and playen, relying on heavy suspensions to clean up Ihe mess. The N C H S A A ’s new disciplinary policy, which will move inlo affect al Ihe Sian ofthe 1997-98 year, concerns ejections lhat lesuU bccause of poor behavior or conduct. The N C H S A A decided lhat exces­ sive juvenile petulance w ill trigger an ejection from die contest and the next two games in every spon bul football. A n ejected football player musi sit oul Ihe renminderofthat game and Ihe nexl contest. Banishment will occur for fighting, which is not limited 10 combative acts', taunting and/or baiting; profanity, di­ rected toward an ollicial or opponent; obscene gestures, including gesturing in such a manner as lo intimidate; and disrespectfully addressing or contact­ ing an ofTicial. Here are Ihe consequences; • Playen m eivin g Iw o ejections for unacceptable behavior will be sus­ pended from all sports for Ihe remain­ der of thal spon season. Receiving a third ejection in a school year will result in suspension from athletics for acalenderyear(365 days from Ihe date of the Ihiid ejection). « A team whose players and/or coaches accumulate six or more indi­ vidual ejections during die regular sea­ son, or a team whose playen receive more than Uiree individual ejections for fighting during the regular season will not be allowed lo play in Ihe play­ offs. For instance, if a situation occun where six playen on one team are ejected during one fighting incident, Ihosesixindividualejections will cause Ihem 10 lose tiieir playoff privileges. This action look place while Dr. B ill Sleed, the superinlendentof Davie Counly Schools, was president o f Uie “ We don't have a lot of good ex amplesIn professional athletes.*» -Dr,BUISlftd N C H S A A . Sleed, whose tenn ended in June, is past-president. T h e board o f direclon becarhe concerned aboul Ihe incidents we've hadandtbenumberofejecliaflS,"Steed said. 'W e started having discussions wilh people around tiie state on how we could do a belter job o f promoting . sportsmonshipand those are Ihe things lhal passed Ihe board, tiie veiy steps, lhat we are going 10 be taking." The sweeping action might deci­ mate a team's playoff hopes, but tiul's lough. "Ilnolonlyaffectsindividualsbutit has long-lemi effects on teams," Steed said. "A team witii more tiian six ejec­ tions in a year could m iss a playoff opportunity. "For example, it's tile last game of tile season, I'm in fiisl place in Ihe conference and we have a bench-clear- ingincidenl witii more tiiansixejected, tiien tiial could hurt." Buddy Lxiweiy, Davie's atiilelics ditector, is certain Uiat suspensions win inhibit violent and immature be­ havior. U not, the vacation will cer­ tainly open violators' eyes. "Oh, it's going to worit or you're going to be sitting outalongtinve," he said. "W e are going lo have to empha­ size (spottsnunship) a whole lot more, doing tilings tiie rigiil way and know­ ing where you b eing. It could hun you.” The degree o f ^violation doesn't matter, a situation tiM was evident in last yeai's M ia m i-N W Yorii N B A playoff series. M iam i'sPJ.Brow n body slammed N ew Yorit's Chariie W ard, provoking a w ild brawl, and several n tM e S ceK u k-r« |eB 2 Sinopoli Returns To Davie High After Year In Florida ByBrtenFMs Davie Counly Enteiprise flecord Maik Sinopoli stayed in Florida one year, one year too many. Fuzzy warmtii from the home folks, who were friendlier than an old fiat brotiier when SinopoU visited Davie's 1997 graduation, lured SinopoU bwk to Davie County.. He's even reluming to hit old home in Advance, a boomenuik episode duu has overjoyed and refreshkl Sinopoli, who will assist cross country coach Caiy Powen and varsity girls basket­ ball coach Carol C o ^ "Florida isn'l Ihe p iM fot me, ifi too hot and too flat," sakl Slnop(4i, who taught at a K-12 №vale Prep School in R xt Myen. "And I guess I missed all die home cooking b kk up here. \ "Thecommunity,whenIcameback fbr graduatfcm, was veiy wekoming. When the chance came up to come back 101}avie,Iwenl ahead and lookil. It's a lot better here dian Florida." Sinopoli expanded his baskednll and nuuiing knowledge inFoitMyets, 14 houn and 800 miles away. "IcoechednUddle-schoolgirisbas-. kediaU, I w tt an assistant lo 11« boyt: varsity beskedMllandlranakK of roed races 10 keep in shape, so cross couniiy won't be aptoMem." \ Nor shouU working with Cozan, his mentor fnxn their Nath Davie days. "Icoeched seventh-gradegirls bat- ketbali at North Davie when Carol wai the eighdi-grade coach, and man o f' whal I know I learned from her," te sakL "Weget along pretty w e llio tte i were no piolileros (here.* ^K)verall, I would say it was a pretty successful nfiini-cannp arni a good kfckoff to our season.» - Coach BanliaBmim: Special teams, a phase of die game dial Brown stresses heavily, tufliefed due to die messy conditions. "We didn't gel lo do aa much wilh die kkking game at I woidd have liked and we didn't dirow die ball as much as I wouU have liked, bul a kx of dial had to do widi Uie fact tlut we were in dM gym," he said. ■ "Hie flcU was wel and nasty but the kUs cooccnlraled and woiked bm l mentally dmugh aU die bad weadier and we got.some good stuff oul of it’ Camp week w u n i die prelliesi picture, b u die d u o were subcetdiiUy -ooBipleiad^.'■ - "k was * picay good ii«aiuctiao M whM « • an W HIiai M ito « • ym" B n R m ia ii'^ r O v H ilj.Iw a u k li^ U w ie a p M ly n c o ^ ^ fe lli?::;, W M v t n \ W W O T > lia n > b l i В2 - ÔÀVIE COUNTY ENTÌERPRISE RECORD, July 30,19»7 . . -v.i IHunicanes Celebrate Achievement Present Awards At Banquet! ' A n awards banquet closed the book on Ben Allred's flrst year as Hickoiy HiU's swim coach on July 20. Allred's Hurricanes, with only 54 members, overachieved despite a w inleu season, he "W ith the numbers that we had. we were really successful." he sold. "I ^ n k in the next couple of yean, we ore really going to grow a lot. "I really enjoyed it. It was a fun summer.” A m y Call and Brent Gaither were honored with the Ron Brow n Sw im ­ mer o f the Year awards. A long with being the team leader, Call was Allred's assistant and the as« sistant manager of the pool. "She pulled twr weight most of the timc.-saidAlliedofCall.whoisheoded to thc University of North Carolina. "Besides (helping coach), she was a phenomenal swimmer." This isjust the beginningfor Gaither, a standout at age 12. "H e's just a very hard worker and excellent swimmer," said Allred. "H e hasagreatattitude.alo(orskilandhe's going to get better and better, and he's averygoodrolemodelforhisbrothen (Brian and Bradley)." The David Sanford Spirit Award was given lo Becky Call, another reli* able leader. "This was not given to Becky be­ cause she yelled and screamed. It was more because she had an all-around good attitude," Allred said. "S h e w as alw ays helping the younger sw im m en and supporting people. She has a good personality, and she expressed that throughout the season." Four most Improved awards were issued, wUh Jenna Hendricks taking thegiris lOand under,Jeffrey M ighion the boys lOand under, Jennifer Moore thegiris 11 andupandRyanBam esthe boys 11 and up. Allred watched all four grow enor­ mously as the year aged. "Jeffrey is agood kid. one that would tiy, try ond try," he said. "H e gave his all and Improved immensely over the summer. Jenniferis a first-year swim ­ mer who gave a lot o f hard woric. She really improved a lot. "Jenna started oul - not weak - locking confidence, but by the end she had better times ami a lot o f confi­ dence. Ryan was one of m y (Davie J V soccer players), I asked him to come out andhedideverythingl asked. Lack o f ever doing this before made him have nowhere to go but up, and h^ ended up being a good swImmCT." • H ickory H ill competed agalnsj sevencIubslntheCreaterForsythS^ League Championships on J u ly ;lf^ O ld Town Pool in W inston-Sal^Di^U The Hurricanes had three m edalist - Robbie W anneA^(^r| (freestyle), Alexandra W a n n e n i^ (freestyle) and Neely Alexander stroke) - and W esley J o h n s o n ^ ^ tured two bronze medals, t a k in ^ t ^ place in the freestyle and buttery; ■ • Rule Places New Emphasis On Sportsmanship Fbr High School Athletes CootiaiMd From Page B l Knicks shuffled to the floor as peace- keepen. But that was grounds for au­ tomatic suspensions. Patrick Ew ing of New York only dawdled around midcoun and team­ mate L any Johnson only tried to sepa­ rate the combatants and tower Alonzo Mourning’s temperature to a rolling boil. Regardless of their Intentions. Ewing and Johnson, among others, were fcKced to sit the next game. High'school athletes should brace themselves because all violators must pay. "I'd hate for it to be one of those things where you're an innocent by­ stander. where you jusl got stuck," Lowery said, 'llia t would be kind of tough." TheNCH SAAisspreadingthegos- pet. but the deciding factor may hinge on cach coach and program. "W ecan't legislate this kindofthing from theaihletic association's office in Chapel Hill," Steed said. "Y o u ap­ proach it by putting quality people with our athletes. If they won't tolerate (poor conduct) and let their players know up front thal this will nol be tolerated, then this will uike care of itself." Steed deeply feels that it's his obli­ gation to help restore civility in sports, and the movement tocivilize the sport­ ing jungle must start somewhere. "A s an adult and as an administra­ tor with the school system. I've got a responsibility to all these students." he said. "If we're promoting less than Physicals To Be Offered To South Oavie Athletes A n y South Davie athlete who plans aphysicalAug. 19altheschoolfrom 4 to participate in a fall sport can receive to 6 p.m. DHS Cross Country Practice To Begin Aug. 4 CoachCaiyPowersannouncedlhat gins Aug. 4 at Ihe school sym . Conioci Davie High cross countty practlcc be- Powers al ihc school (634-5905). Weight Utting Available ToNorth Davie Athletes Ron Kiric, N o nh Davie's fooiball dayandThLrsdayaithcschcclfrom 6- coach, announced thal weight lifting 7:30 p.m. for aU W ildcat alhlelcj are eachTues- Davte High Volleyball Practice To Begin Aug. 4 Davie H igh volleyball practice be- 2 to 4 p.m. Contaci Coach Tammy gins Aug.4.withfreshm engoingfrom Reavis at 910463-2608. noonto2p.m.andupperclassmenfTom DHS GMs Tennis Practk» To Begin Aug. 4 Davie gliU tennis piacUce begins should bring two cans of new balls, Aug. 4 al South Davie, staning at 8:30 their physical form, water boltle and a and ending al 11:30 a.m. towel. CbachCaiDlCozansaideach player Devle High Soccer Dryouts To Be HM Aug. 4 Tiyouts foe the Davie H igh School Physicals should be completed befon: soccetteam foiyoungnicningn«lcs9- the fiist practice. 12w iIlbeginAug.4,from 9-lla.m .al For more information, call Coach Ihe M ocksville M iddle School fleld. Pete Gustafson at 998-3562. FbN Baseball League Signups Set Fbr Aug. 9 Ih e M ockiville-Davie Fall Base­ ball League, which is sponsored by Mocksville-Davie Youth Baseball, will get under way on Aug.9at2p.m .,aday for sign-ups, team meeting and prac­ tice. The league is for players 17 and under and the registration fee is SIS. For more infotmation. call 492-7630 or 492-7431. Junkir Golf Classk: Winners Announced H ieroU ow inganrinal results from the FuddliigiUdgeJuniar Classic G olf T o u m n m i, which was held July 22. A|H 15-17 Ftm place; Ttavis Lelhco. 73 Second: F h illip fc n M i, 76 13-14 Firsc A ndy Boger, 80 Second: Jusdn Bowman, 82 1 1 -U First: Matt Renegar. 74 Second: Ashley Knoll. 90 lO in d u n d c r Fust; Johnathan Loos, S4 (nine holes) Second: Ben Boger, 59 Hidœry Hill Golf Announces Club Champs, Toumament Winners K en Thofnes became Ihe 1997 W c k o y H U I Sa d a r Club Champion whea he K o n d ■ 144 in Ihe gross diviiiaa, w im lng c u ily over ninner- up lim W U tta k n (1S4) and B o b V aadiverdJS). In d ie iM d iv iiio n .B o b W illis'130 lock fim ptace, nlpping M J . Randdl and H ank Scbwaiti, w iw ded for lec- cnd at 131. In • playoir, Randall pre- v id M la cla im H c o o d . : DieJaneCani|ibeU M anariaiaair and J in k » C lub Chvnpion- ship have also taken place recently. Donna H u K h won the M enurial with agiDss score of 78 and net o f 62, and Paulette Hendrix flnished sccond w ith«66net. In die Junior D u b 's 14-and-under division, Greg Brooks triumphed with an 89. flve strokes ahead of 'nw m as Landin and Kellen Miller. M iller w m a playoff hole for second. H ienw aialigh lnceindielS-and- over fieU, as Shawn B n w k s'83 edged oul Lanny Collette's 86 and ScoU Gregory's 87. A M FCAChapler IMeets Aug. 4 Ite F e O o w C te S ÌH r « 7 p j » . good sportsmanship, then I don't think wc arc doing the right thing." T u m O ffT h e T V Steed sympathized with today's teens,blaminglfilcvisionandunfavor- ablc role models on thc professional and college ranks for much of today's troubles. "W e don'l have a lot of good ex­ amples in front of us, in T V media and professional athletes." said Steed, who cringes at the thought o f Dennis Rod­ man. an N B A player who has become famous for being ejected regularly. "W hen a situation happens, be it pro or college, they show the Tight time and time again, and that's not the message wc need to be sending. "Basically, (TV ) just promotes the kindofthingspeople like. Dennis Rod­ man gets all the alt ention. W h y does he do what he does? For the attention." Steed holds hope forthe future, that exposed athletes will straighten their peevish ways. "Several years ago. thc A C C repu­ tation on some of these ihings was nol very good,and(former commissioner) (jcneCotrigangoltheADsandcoaches together and said this will improve. And il has," he said. "If the pro and collcge ranks pull together. I really have high hopes thal il w ill take core of itself." H igh M a rk s F o r Davie Bolh Steed and Lowery gave Davie Couniy high marks on the behavior scale. In fact, Low eiy predicts that the state'sejeclion winds willnotswiri Ihis way. "I don'l think it's going to affect us that much," he said, "W e don't have lhal many ejections. W e've got young men lhal know how lo act, and I don't look for it to be a big problem for us." Davie only had five players or coaches cjcctcd in 1996-97, with Ihrcc com ing in men's soccer and one cach in men’s baskclball and wom en'ssoc-; ccr. Bul the soccer suspensions are ceiving because some could have beeiv; ejected for a rule’s violation and iK>i; due to temperamental b e h a v i(^ ^ .' uneven playing field lhat has boen restructured. ' "For the most part, Davie County has not had serious problems wi^^ sportsmanshipissues,"Steed said 1 ^ 0 had flve ejeclions last year, but ifyou look at it in comparison, one schopp had six in one spon. So I feel prM ^ good aboul that. Ourcoachesare doii^ a good job with lhat." - II Athldet* adull chapter w iU meet Aug. 4 at W estem Q e a r a n c e Dodge Caravan Up To 4,000Cash Back- Big cash savings on America’s most popular minivan. Select Dodge Dakotas Y o u C a n C h o o s e A M a g n u m !^ V -6 A n d Save ^500" The latest surprise from the truck that’s full of surprises. Dodge Neon Get ^1,000 Cash Back Say hello to big cash savings on Neon. Dodge Intrepid Up To ^lySOO Cash Back^ M It’s never been easier to get into this Intrepid. ■ IM d M M U a O m uqes anyow InleteMed to attend, not Juat сокЬс) PThe New Dodge See The Carolina Dodge Dealer Near \bu. ^ 1 ^ Official Cars And Thicks Of The Catdina Pandjers 1»1.000-«t.800 caih bad^ d M « * « on modd. tivwii iuB«aa laat at partle^ialirg cSolkia Dodg* ddalm. il'sl ( l l i \ i .III\ n e w I. II (И ll lu к .111(1 l;i I .1 l i i i i i U d c d i l i u I ’.III 11 ll I s I )( isj M ,11 rsi ll 111 I I \ I 14 I The three founders of Twin Cedars, Rober Allen, Bob Benson and Woodrow Mabe. MBenson:50 Years Of Golf Änd Still Playing Contlntied FVom Place B l never be able to thank all die people and golfers who stood by and suppoited me and Nell (M s wife) when she had die aneurysm four and a half yean ago." In his 50th year of playing golf, Benson had ariother treat on Father's Day. H is wife and children Joined him for a round of golf, a spon he slill loves. "I practice or play a litde every day." Benson said. "111 go down m osi evenings and play six holes, wm ething like thaL" . H is best score is 72. H is handicap is 15. 'V m hoping I can shoot m y age some day." he said. "Fm 69 now, but I m ay be ICO befcie I teach d u L " ' Benson SIU) hat some of dwse . fust clubs he bought in 1947. M ore importandy, he has die satisfaction of knowing he helped hundreds, maybe thousands of Davie resldenu 10 leam a new sport... a sport they" could enjoy their entire life. _ . _ Golf. Davie Couniy. B ob Benson. Bob Benson: 1 practice O f play a little every day." The duee just gotogedKt. Bob and Nell Benson go over the scrapbooks ol [}avie and Twin Cedars hlstoty. Benson I»: holding a glove and note his son Robin received from Arnold Palnfier. •: That's RobinBensonswlnglngthedub tor Davie Hlgh'sflrstgoHteam,surrounded by teammates. Bobbie Benson, Joe Hants, Wayne Qullett, Darrell Jones and Sammy Cozart and Coach Bob Henrylnbaek. , ' Bob and RoUn Benson play In the Carolina's Father/Son tournament each year. ШЮСКШЕ MOCKSVILLE М2 Yadklnvlll« ROM Phone 634-6115 Our Print fiK tiub Meimifug, Belmtlng N n W n S tn u A R o u iK mHours: 7:30-5;30 M-F « 7:30-t:00 Saturday m s s , ,ALL AMERICAN FORD-MERCURY S U M I I E I I S I l l L E R S ЙШ DEALS - WhttUN A COOL PLACE 10 SHOP p . : » Я ; \ : Satunlay HIght Е Ш П Ш П М Е П И И В Я Б Ш М ~'B4 - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPWSFRECORDTJúljr^OriWr Davie's offensive linemen work on their bioclting during a mini-camp preparing tor the 1997 tootball season. Runner Cedric White ines lo eiude Ronnie Blackburn.- Photos by Robin Fergusson Expect New Faces At Running Back, Quartert)ack For *97 War Eagles When 75 players gallicred for llie Davic football (cam's mini-camp Ixst week, ono manchild was mis'.ing from llie crowd. David Dayc. a waicrl'uu tailback wliogained nearly l.SOOyards on the ground last year. Dayc is long gone and .so arc his • near-.VOOO carccr mshing yanls, "One of our biggest concerns (go­ ing into camp) was replacing D;\yc,” said Coach Benjie Brown, whohandcd Dayc's chores to brothers Ccdric and Ricky While and Melvin Williams. "AHlhrccdidagoodjob. Righlnow our phuis arc to give all ihree a lol of playing time. I’m looking to use them in different spots when they are not playing tailback." Davic’sdcfensc in l‘J97could forge a stiffer road block than last year’s unit, a horrifying possibility since Davic • held opponents lo under 12 points a game in 1996. the best mark sincc 1965. ■ Early indications till lhal way. "Our defense looked really good." Brown said of the camp performance. "We are going to be a little quicker up fTOnllhanlaslycar.andourdcfcnschas a chance to be a little better if every­ thing w’orks out. Hopefully ii will," Tliroughout camp. Brown shuffled ccrtain players to new homes. All the moves were essentially made for Ihe .«me rv.xson: to add depth. ; "Weexperimenledwithafewihings on defense and offense, and we'll ilo a few more of those things until we find put whal wc can do good and whal we can't do." Brown said. • DrcwRidcnhour.asopliuinore.took' every snap at quarterback while last year’sQB. Charles Miller, ran receiver routes. That was mainly to gel Charles trainedforreceivcr work,"Brown said. "We jmiicipate using both at quarter­ back,allowing Charlesioplay receiver w hen he's not iiuarterback. Cluirlesnins very gwxl routes, he's got gixxl hands and he's a team player, so I think il will work out." Nathan Joyce also ventured inlo new territory, moving from linebacker tn end. "We slid Nalhan to nish end for righl now." Brown said. "Sincc he can jump in thereat linebacker. It makes us a litiltf better bccause wccnd up play­ ing with three lineb.ickcrs on the Held instead of two." I f injunes puncture Ihc defense, then Daviewill be better equipped to m.irch on. "If one of our linebackers get hurt. Nathan can play linebacker like he did lasl year," Brown said. "If one of our defensiveendsgelhurt,we'vcgol some­ body to slide in there. "We are trying lo build sonwdeplh by Idling some guys leam other spots, and lhal will work out good before it’s over." Players and coaches virtually held handsas they tiptoed tlirough laslye.Tr’s camp. Brown's first ascoach, but tnxjps were turned loose lasl week. "We gave them a broad picture, which was differcnt from did last year when we took one thing and tried to gel gixxj al it." Drown said. "This ye;u-. we tried to expose the kids to a lot of things and give them an overview of what's going on. Tlien, when wc come back (July 30). wc'll start trimmhignhings down, lake oUr lime and be more lechniquc-orienlcd." The real deal began Wednesday. Ihc firM day of practices lhat will last from 5:30 p.m. until sundown. Shoulder pads and helmets will be worn the firsl two days, ihen they'll shed the shoulder pads lemporrcrily "because of the slate rules on conili- lioning," Bmwn said. Two-a-day woi k- outs will start the sccond week of Au­ gust. Practices will predominately con­ sist of "thud work." wrapping up backs without smashing them to the turf, prcCinutionaiy procedure to prevent in­ juries. "Wc probably won't even lei our guys loose completely at full speed untilourfirstscrimmagc(onAug. 15)." Brown said. "We might have an intcr)>quad .scrimmage at some point. But we want to keep our kids healthy and prepare them mentally and physi­ cally to play, bul nol l(K)sc completely until it's time lodo that." Brown isn't skeptical of Ihe prob­ able scorching August tcmpemures. Instead, he welcomes the heat. "We want lo u.se the heal to our advantage and get in shape." he said. "We provide our kids with a lol of water, we are not going lo abuse kids. "Bcingatwo-pIat(X)nleam.wedon’t have to be in quite as gmxl of shape than if we were going bolh ways, so therefore, we don'l ilo a lol of condi­ tioning work." Brown relies on constant activity to compensate for constant sprints. "We spend a great deal of lime on the field, and by having constant move­ ment going on, the kids get In shape," ■ he said. "It's nol a rigtirous type of thing where you run 100 sprints. "We haven't had a problem with kids being out of shape in lUe past, and I don'l anticipate it this year." ■ Devore Holman helps the linemen to develop their skills. ) a lesson to his defensive players. Head coach Benjie Brown gives instmctions during mini-camp, AT BELL & HOWARD CHEV.-OLDS-CADILLAC/ DIXIE JEEP-EAGLE-CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WE HOLD THE WINNING liAND WITH "JUST A N N O U N C E D " REBATES! NEW PRIZMS & BLAZERS NEW CAVALIER COUPES & 4 DRS. REBATE ■ ■ ■ REBATE N E W C A M A R O S & S -10 TRUCKS ___________r e b a t e : iSbMifüii r a S ! MWliaainBSVILLB • 87S.90MI1-77. «14« Hramnt ai Nom s PAVIE COUNTY BOTEWWgg lUECOlft^j §weét S l l v e r Q » ^ H ILL TOP O R C B A ID 70MK-7246 * CMfOrOriMri 0*tM«oti№ Fnm MoctivHto HWiM» « 1 Norih. UR on IjMiN ChuKh Raid ■ FofeK Mini. Jaime Howell; "We are a parent and temily friendly program.“ Counselois Sardh Whitaker and Timmy Gilbreath work-with -PtMtoabyRoMnFarguaaon young chiMran at summer day care program. The Rec Club Daycare Program A ttad s 120 Children To Recreation Department .,T lie befóte- and after-school daycare program operated by llic Mbcksville-Davie Recreation Depan- ment h u been a success, and that is spilling over to Ihe summer all^lay p ^ ra m . ■ Nearly IZOchlldrenhaveregistered. ^W eareapaienlandfamilyfriendly program,"saidJaimeHowell,daycare director. "W e only ask the parents to pay for Ihc day the child Is here. We're 0 rcal out-going daycare cenier." . In addition to daily programs that include spons. arts and crails and stud­ ies, Ihe studenis have been on field ' W p s to Emerald Point walerpaik, laser tog, and weekly swim ming trips to the ^ Cooleemee Pool, ' ' They have an "adoptive grandpor- em " program, wherc the children visit e№ rly in rest homes. They've had "theme" weeks with topics such as preventing drag and alcohol abuse. M ocksvnie FdHc c O fncer V .S. FicM s brought her K -9 panner "K ilo " for the children to meet. "W e're real big on self-esteem," Howell said. "W e have a new thought eveiy day. Today it was unique. W e ^taughtthem lhaleachofthem issp e- r cial." ' ‘ ■ -The children are divided into Ihree groups: rising kinderganners through fiist graders, second and third graders and grades founh and up. Se ve n ih '^ d e i^ cori become'^teen volunleers,"aprognimlhal has worked well. '"They help the counsekxs out, and Ihey're a big relief to us," Howell said. "They do a leitific job with the kids." Those volunleen help organize snack lime, help Ihe older chiUien wilh spons activities. "If Ihey want funher employment here al Ihe rec depanmeni, diis helps Ihem ouL" M egan D w iggins and Brittany W alker enjoy Ihe teen volunteer pio-' gram. "You get to do fun things wilh the kkis and you just have fim," M eg» sakL Brittany hopes 10 be a regular em- ployecatlherecdepanmenlianveday. “Y ou leam a lol from Ihe kids and yo leam a lot for your funire. Y ou can become a counselor when you gel older," she said. Howell called Ihis year’s group "en­ thusiastic." The older children held a car wash, donating Ihe proceeds to die Ronald M cDonald House. The day­ long "recreation club" averages about 70-75 children per day, and Uiere are 13counselon,mosllycoIlegestudents. It operates from 6;15 a.ra.-5;45 p.ra. Monday-Friday, and the cost Is U O a week or $13 a day or S7 a halfday. The before-school program costs S IS and Ihe alter-school program $2S per week, wilh a SS discount for a second child. A ll classes meet at Ihe Brock Gym , off North M ain Sireet in Mocksville. Vans willbe used to trans- pon the students to and from school if there are enough panicipanu from dial school, Howell said. 1 I - ’.'i Brittany Walker. Megan Dwiggins Uke being teen volunteers. Roc Ckib members, ch)ckwlae, from left; Karmen Hohnan, DuraNe HaN, Tyler Medlnger, Amson Hall,MeganFavra,KlahHobnao,B(lanBlackwell,Tony Staal*,Sam Everest andCaseyOrHfllh. M e a c m RcsrnuRaNT IMtritìMdlDiii№ 486 VW tay R e M l* llQ d w ^ ^ L l M l Itarlaehl Band Saiurday August 9 8to9RM. Com Join In tha funi WriHoiisiWw» v io ..................I Ml Bring Home “The Perfect Family Film’ 1 1 « 1 ‘ ■ '^ î& à à B É e *« 3 D ^ 2 J i l 9 N i Вб -РАУИЕ СОШТУ ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30,1997 South Davie Scheduiés Avàilabill South Davte M iddle School will have sch^ules available on Aug. 7-8 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Inslnicllonal supply fee U S IO and physlcnl education Tees Гог seventh and elgh lhgriK kn ls$5. . 'u / A n open house foroll gt'odes wlll be held on Aug. M from 7-8:30 p.m. Schedulci m ay olso W p this time. Í picked lip M /■Tim Parrish To Begin PA Prograrr^ Tim Parrish, ai medical science ma­ jor at High Point University, is en* - rolled in the physician assistant pro« gram ut the Bowm an-Gray School of Mcdlcine o f W ake Forest University. Oriemadon is Aug. 25-29. Classes begin on Sept. 2. Upon completion of the B G S M Physician Assistant Program, Parish cxpccts to reccivc bachelor’s degrees in medical scicncc Trom High Point University and a physician assistant ccrtiilcuie for B G SM . Tlicy Ihen will be eligible to sit for the National Certi­ fying Examination for Primary Carc Physician Assistants. Parrish, o f 810 Sanford Ave., Mocksville. tmnsferred from David­ son County Community College to High Point. He is married totheformer Participants in the Mocl<sville-Davie Pari<s and Recreation summer day camp lool< at the flower bed they tended all summer until someone pulled up the flowers last week. They are from left, on the box, Charlie Colbert and Kirsten Hatley; first row, Jamise Arnold, Elizabeth Colbert, Courtney Daniels, Jonathan Dwiggins, William Jordan, Ben Hardin and Christopher Jordan; second row, Lulte Hatley, Nicholas Saxton, Tonya Correll, Amelia Hardin, Joey Jackson and Michael Hepler; third row, counselor Chris Peoples, Jamon Jefferies, counselor Barbara Stewart, Anne Sperlazza with son Michael Sperlazza, Darren Hepler, Justin Shaver and Scott Sperlazza. - photo by Robin Fergusson Work Of Summer Campers Destroyed B y Jeanne Houpe Davie Couniy Enterprise Record Every time she was in Mocksville. Tamm y Colbert's daughters, Elizabeth and Charlie, insisted that she drive through Rich Park to look at the flow­ ers they had planted. A s participants In the Mocksville- D av ie Parks and Recreation Depaitment'ssummerdiiy camp,Eliza­ beth and Charlie helped water those flowers three days a week. Bul, when they arrived at camp Wednesday, they were disappointed lo find their hours of hard work had been destroyed. Their flowers were gone. ' A ll Ihe flowers had been pulled up and thrown in the road. A lol o f them been placed on the speed bump In front o f the shelter where they would run over, accordi ng to camp counse­ lor Barbara Stewart, who drove through ihc park Tuesday moming lo check on Ihe flowers. The cluldren, ages 4-12, utlending Ihe camp on Monday. Wednesday and Friday each week 8:30a.m.-l 2:30 p.m. madea cleaning up the shelter a spccial project. Stewart said she thought it was a good idea to give Ihem some responsi­ bility in addition lo fun activities like games, swimming and snack time. The children were all excited aboul the chance to beautify the shelter. One of the children suggested they plant flowers. Using their snack money (50 cents a day), they purchased and planted 26 flowers in a flower bed crealedbytheMocksville Public Worics Depaiimeni, Siewart said. Each child got to plant a flower and care for il. Every day atcamp they have cleaned up at the shelter, watered their flowers, pulled weeds, talked about how much the flowers had grown and admired the blooms on the plants, she said. The childrcnhad been watcUinglhe flowers grow for the past five weeks. "W e came and watered them every day. I was proud of them," said Eli/a- hclh Colbetl. 10. She said she thinks iVs cnicl thal someone would destroy all Iheir hard work. "W e worked really hard all sum ­ mer," said 9-year-old Justin Shaver. He added lhal whoever pulled the flowetsupshould have toreplace them. If that's nol guing to happen, he said he'swillingtospendsomeofihe money he has saved at home for more flowers. Four-year-old Courtney Daniels said she had enjoyed planting the flow­ ers and is sad Ihat Ihey are gone. W illiam Jordan. 8, believes the cul- pritsshouldbeashamedofthemselves. The flowers didn't belong lo them, Ihey belonged lo the park, he said. Ten-year-old Jonathan Dw iggins said he would like to see whoever did Ihis punished. "W hoever did it wanted to nu\ke us mad." said Ben Hardin, 10. But he refuses to be discouraged. Next year, he said, the children will save up their snack money to plant more flowers. H H in lB H B iE h d M iE L K CItmmons, NC • (910) 76C-0021 Speelallzlngln№ eD ulgn,Silt$,lnttillillonindSenic»of: - •Home Theater & Television •Burglar Alarm Systems •Fire Alarm Systems •Automation Systems •Multi-Room Stereo Systems WnhtMpigaanyoucnntpwchm •Central Vacuum Systems (10% OFF) FREE IH HOME SURVBY Nar-Anon Family Group Formed In Davie If there is a drug problem in your home, the Nar-Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve it. Nar-Anon helps the family of the user attain serenity and a more normal home life, regardless o f whether or not he/she has slopped using drugs. If you arc Ihe relative or friend of a user, the Nar-Anon Family Group will help solve your side of the problem. A Nar-Anon chapter was recently formed in Davie County. The group meets onSundaysat6p.m.attheDavle County Senior Center. For more information, call Regina at 998-2657. N.iy. I <M ,il I-1 V U lU l DM ' 1 ------------ Bd - 2M WoodvM DriM - 3 Ш C « Im Am. - -om 2 0 Нщпок An. - ibuftatm kS lM ol-^S B l. lndroocTi, 2 tuft log home trom ll ir « I gtt H INs cml №d Ms mudi 1иша ki И ». I* .«»■ .Д у " ? " ¡«IW on 11.S3 KIH. 1« iie « 0 . 2200. w 4 Ha Mnd ol ntiood >iy»tin й К й ггсы гг ss& asriA ir* m м н м и Ш .шакярвЗ « о о М t e l ' “ bt I M d ЭвА 2Ва m * о«м h тП.тяртЛ'вфщт. ' ^ !im SS2í1SS t 1 t lM « o o d O rN » -N MСОМЙГ. эм. гее. 0г(екЛНпу1 tradlonai homt. grMi toctfion. Htrdwoed floon, cuttom i r Т Ш т Ш O t M . -mu (inn - («need WM ior harm oowt, Me. Ib*«oixtv 2 bètC tem rím i» dtilnMry. D/W, range/ovtn, oHigrtwrtahop «id ‘ т а г а « ш в ш г . « 1Ч Д 1 I M turMydM LaiM -Unl«M 3BÜ. 2Bt. Miv hom m Twirtiraok. LiVBi IJtohen w№ Ш tho I«»!««*»,-соШло Itnt. outtxiildinoivtt floors, now rod. r ' m О т ш П Ш ~ IM tU tH w ik lO IN O ftti- W M M eM rhoM onl« Ш m M iM Wek homt Л Ш а В я м л и Ш S £ £ CO LDIU eLL B A N K j^ R □ TRIAD, REALTORS* Making Real Estate Real Easy.TM -Л П 1пйиМ9Ш1у gfflirt in< 6ЯГ1 Stratford Road Davldton County DavieCounty HMlyMvt _Ш■.Г01С0М..11ВШ 910/72S0S0e 910/764-5005 910тв4в16v91W76(M)300 Й ------------- i..iE .i.f.e oi««to TRAO w/tp*cucutv goV саигмЛак* vwwt! Bühaxd 5 Й Я 5 “ ^ Й " „ М " “ “. Я « «CaONtAL on .9 ttcrt M In ■ ргепмг nbhd - Tlw WILUAMSeURQ ovtrtooU Uto. Hemy customHighUntfs. Al.ot №• ileganca ^ fnigM «iped te. (n»«wk tO П artd.« Й («ho«*. MBR on imin. nalprtMriiinthi«inaon^ic*oihofne. 0UturrVcooUop.llnbtmi.5Ue8P.24lwMeVICKI REMINO OW-lier DlANAHOHtMN 74»-S300 S t í S i r r f i r . * S * Ì * TRADITIONAL custom М homt, En^uisM шАюгк. Uxvy (kftrwsmg. шипе U« in кА>Ъип. SMur.iy tyttw), MOflEI VICXI FLEMING 0М-11в7 Ü W - T J “ “ — M S В И К " , «_ _ u u " ■ " • i aI^CONIAL with • touch o( Old 8Mm. mUtg eU RANCH ««MMd p«b tmm Wtim tn T ^»ortd chvm Wmodtm convwwne«, ongintl ton» hoodrt QrtL RMrt U M*. p«1y rm FP m bMChubMnu(XkM«iim.C,Goa-tsnnit EXPANSIVE VIEWV MORE.SHEYUOnSYLVU 9M-1164 8HEYLA OR SYLVIA m -uU ; Г 11^ й ! я г ~ ? а “ « « “ П К i r j 3 f f - ? r “ ? iuTOWN^SElMiMt«otlnlutW«tiitettewidott CONTEMPORARY «leganl to»nh«m* w/Mck я г я г я гFARMSTYLE m hM«4 DIANAHOHMAN74e-S300 SHeX v GREEN |»11в4 j j ^ ij U H IP ^ M U FARUSTYLEN/BTMi» plan,lormi___________ CINDYJOHNSON BAHeARAAOEN ШХЛЗ tntt, RANCH ll locMMt In smtf t Ш . K is s r^ rm . . » « Bi hNf моей нош « ml ol и м «W мм-----------Ioindi«iiolp«ep*t>i.lADONNAOABAMAAA MMIIO I) W I I (O IN M lots WI) I v\|) fM ,M t - Omy I fnr tot! M h prtsttglou» nbhd BemwOt Rm Counry Club tn«n«Mhto mdUM. 34 V)CKIFlEMIN09Mi1l67 M T M M v n K M N f w . ttm m t mm - MM • IIM tt - WOOOEO M owtoouno nt 6ti FtlTMy Imi MHnQ ter IM pwtKi tom« tt bt LAOONNA P0TT9M»>t1M- W M C M T IV IM . M M . IH .IM 2.4ACRE CORW W m wpw f*M. Count» wMf «MB, cl0Hln«id«icJi»lv*.LA8TLOTlEFTI •BETTY POTTBWmil M htipwWnMsrtartoo«. LADONNA P0TTt M>11M m «• m um wu. u • M m . iu,tò .COUNTRY ClUB »ETTmO f« IWBt «aoM M. , lAOCNNA p o m tlB-IIIB -1.06 ACRE prMtconw IDI ^ •ICMM ter honee and рме« of itMйимем», МГУ tmMtii. |гдши«BCTTY P0TT8M»-I1U ; MBM «M i. MM-GOLF COURBE LOTB | ,r- У Ь Щ .♦Mj»- J »r«if 1М Р М В11М.71ЯЯ g » ü iS ii ' " i......"■*-' •'’ "•'■¡1 M ellndaSpeerorMocksvlIleandisIHe son o f M r. and M is. Hewey J. Punish orKemenivllle. ' • '' Toenterthe physician osslstanlpiD- gram, im Individual must complete 72 semester hours or 108 quarter hours In general biology, general chem ls^, anatomyand physiology,andmlcrobi- . ology at a college or unlversity.ap- proved for the program. Thepi».||d. mission clinical experience Includes direct patient care and must be. six months o f Tull-time employment or 1000 hours o f honUs-on, health<are experience. Examples o f clinical ex- perience are employment as a ceniried nurse assistant, emergency medical technician orinother allied health piDt fessions. ,,' Lytle ^ytle Earns scholarship . S A L IS B U R Y — Jam es Lytle, a graduate of Davie H igh School, has won a Food Lion Scholanhlp. Every year Food Lion Inc. awards 4Q students each a $30b scholarship. These students ore either Food Lion enlployces o r a relatlveofsomeone who works for Ihc company. П ю cri­ terio used to select winners are aca­ dem ic perfor­ mance and partici­ pation In extracur­ ricular activities. Lytle w asa m emberof the National Honor Society and the honor roll. He served on a model United Nations and received an academic letter. He Is a student o f karate and heavily Involved In his church youth group. He will be altending N onh Carolina State Uni- veisity and plans to major In electrical engineering. He works at the Food Lion store on Hwy. 601 Soulh In ^ocksvllle. . J iUluliis Earns kcu Degree Г. ;'T e rry Dean M ullís II graduated East Carolina University on M ay 10.wilh a bachelor's degree in indus- Inal technology. С He is the son ofTerryondJudy L ukachM ulliso f Advance. H is ma- jeroal grandpar­ ent! are Hazel Lukach o f A d ­ vance, and the late Joe LuksKh. H is paternal grand- p ^ n l s are the lúe Annie Belle M u llís in d Bill M ullis. H is sister of Am anda ^Angie'* M ullis o f Atlanta, Ga. handle Niamed |o Dean's List V ErinAdalrRandlehosbecnnam ed (0 the dean's list for the Spring 1997 M m ester at C onverse C ollege, ^(jahanburg.S.C. T o achieve this dis­ tinction, upperclassmen must main- (iun 'a grtide point average of al least 3l6. O nly full-time students are еИт ц Ы е .' > A sophomore majoring in interna- tibiial business, Randle Is the daughter ^J.D.andJayneWolkerofGainesville, and o f Jan and Karen Randle of Mocksville. Randle is a recipient of Á e M a iy EUzabeth D . A ble Scholar- DAVffiCOuim ENTEWiUSE R E C O R D ,vm} Champion Steers Brandon and Dillon Maurer, sons of Matt and Teni Maurer and grandsons ol Mr. and Mrs. Ttiurmond Dull, recently exhibited commercial Angus steers In the Miller County Youth Fair, Eldon, Mo. Brandon, 13, showed a ste^ weighing 1,205 lbs., which won the Grand Champion Sleeraward and soldfor$1.70 perlb. Dillon, 9, showed a steer weighing 1,180 lbs., which won Ihe ReserveQrandChampion award, selling for$1.45 perlb. The Maurersare former residents ot Davie County. They reside in Iberia, Mo. Educators Tour Local Industries Thlny-slxcducatofs from the Davie County School System weni 'back lo business" Iasi week. Through a coopcralivc venture in­ volving Ihe Chamber o f Commerce, the Davie County School System, and three local industries, educators had an opponunllytoseerirst-handwhalworte- ing al T hom p son-C row n W ood, Ingcrsoll-Rand, and Q uick Scrvice Textiles (Q ST ) is all aboul. The objective ofthe three, onc-half day touts, was lo leam aboul Ihe prod­ ucts, processes, technology, hiring prac­ tices, and educational pre-requisites of Ihese three major employers. "W c wanted to give teachers a feel for some o f Ihe jobs here in Davie County," said Clyde Scolt, chamber president and one o f die lour organir.- cis. "N o l all o f our graduates leave Davie County. M any o f them slay here, and we need to make sure they arc prepared for Ihc local job market." Tour paniclpants Included teachers from Iheelemenlaiyandmkklle schools as well as the high school. "Career awareness and decision­ making Is nol jusl a high K hoo l Issue," according to Neal Essie, vocational director forthe Davie Couniy Schools. "Students fonn their attitudes aboul jobs, aboul work, and aboul education mucheariicr.andmoslsludentswould tell you lhal Ihey do not get neariy enough asslsUmce in school with ca- Casey Simpson Makes Dean's List Casey Leah Simpson, a student at DeKalb College in Dunwoody, Ga. has made Ihe dean's 11st for the previous four quarters. She plans to study nursing. She is Ihe daughter of Lynn Rum ley o f C ool­ eemee and is a gr^uote of Davie High School. recr decision-making. Consequently, manysliMlents graduate withoutaclear sense of direction relative lo their ca­ reer plans and goals.” One o f the requirements for tour participants was iodevek)p lesson plans utilizing the information gained from the tours. Using these lesson plans, teachers will share Iheir new insights with studcnis and help them belter un­ derstand Ihe worid of wtxk in Davie Couniy. "I plan to stress the importance o f malh and communication skills in the woritplace," said elementary teacher Carolyn Tuckcr. SylviaSm lthplansto "use the information in social studies class locover how people in our region make a living." Belinda Gam er plans to "stress inlerpersonalskills^tneasure- ment, and job ethics" with her math and science students. M elody Morton plans "lo discuss Jobs, wages, and the necessary skills needed and expected” with her middle school students. . DukePowerCom panysponsoreda luncheon at an area resiaumni follow­ ing the lours on the final day. Afier Ihe meal, participants shared ihcir ideas and helped evaluate the activity. "Everyone fell that the lours were most worthwhile and they expressed appreciation to Ingersoll-Rand, Q ST. and Crown W ood for opening their doors lo Ihem," Essie said. Hunter Educatkm Course To Be Taught Here A hunter educotlm course will be taught at the Davie County Office Building fr(»n 6-9 p.m. Aug. 4-6. Before hunting, you must produce apast hunting licensewbe certified by havingcomplctedthccourse.Theimni- m um age for certification is 12 years old. Pre-registration is required. Call 492-7553. Bowser and deserving students. Il was estab­ lished by George and Brook Martin (the former Brook White). H olly Elizabeth Ram sey is the daughter o f Tim and Terri Ram sey of W est Renee Drive. Advance. I WAI.г W *-------------I I I (704) 63 4 -2 2 2 2 854 Valley Road • Mocksville Fnfessional Ct Mocksville, NC The Davie County H o m e Solution, S S S ^'JS rS X S K S i’Sà . s a s a f t i s i s s a r ’ '- “ iwB* iMMM b$tnm wm тт-)я вмм Sign Up Now for Fall Classeii at DCCC's Davie Campus! r Continuing Education Courses ' Art: Beginnen to Advanced in Watercolors Know Nothlni Aboul Computen Know Nothini Aboul Computen Know Nothing Aboul Computen Know Nothing Aboul Computen Know Noticing Aboul Computen KeyboanJing A Form&iting; Beginnii Omce 97: Introduciion PC Maintenance: Level I PCMia!incnance:Levetll Windows 3.1: Introduction Windows 93; Introduction Windows 93: Introduction Wndows 93: Introduction Ш ш(AMA)Communicalior)Siii1lsfor Manager« Basic Arc Welding EfTective Teacher Thiining for Teachen.' Auitlanu A Substitutes Emergency Medical Technician Fundamentals of Real Estale General Contractor's Ucensing Preparation Notary Public Education Nursing Assistani ¡Training Real Estate Math Test Reai Estate Math (PrrrtquUiie for Fumbmcntali of Rea) Eitue or p Spanish for Business: Beginning Spanish for Business: Intermediate TFAS: Teacher Performance Appraisal System Tu Conscious Estate Planning Telephone Professionalism fitti.Ditti Ш шM9/8-12Л 6:30-8:30 PM; M 9/8-9/:9 1:30-4:30 PM' M 9Л>10/13 5:30.7:30 PM^ Th wn-iwi6 5:30.7:30 PM' M IO/27-12/I 5:30.7:30 PM Tb 1000>12/11 5:30.7:30 PM w 9/10.Ц/12 5:30.7:30 PM Th 9/1М1ПЗ 5:30.8:30 PM M 9/8.КУ20 5:I5.7:I5PM. M S:1S.7:ISPM T 9/9.11/lt 5:30-7:30 PMT 9/9-M/lI 5:30.7:30 PM' T 9/9. iim 7:45-9:45 PMw9/10.11/12 1:00-3:00 PM T l(V7.|2/9 6:00-8:30 PM TATh 9/23.|(V23 6:00.9:00 PM M.T.TTi 9/8-9/29 4:00.7:00 PM M&W IO/I3.3/II 6:30.9:30 PMM4.W I0/6.I2/I0 6:30-9:30 PM T 9/З.Ц/18 6:30.10:00 PM TàTh I0/2|.KVU 7:00-9:00 PM TATh 9/2.Ц/18 6:30-9:30 PMSal7;OOAM.3:OOPM M 8/28 6:00-7:00 PM TATh 9/2-9/30 6:30.9:30 PM RealEiiate Math Testi M 9/8.11/iO 5:30-7:30 Pfcl •П1. 9/Ц.11/13 6:00-8:00 PM M.T.W 10/13-10/28 4:00.7:00 PM TATh 10/I4-KVI6 6:30.8:30 PMTTi10/23 5:30.8:30 PM New curriculum ceriificate programs are coming soon at the Davie Campus, Watch for information! M v t d n n ro in e infon itor(or*gUter for ContimdAS Cdttcatlon con U ct Davie Cam pus 1205 SalUbury Road Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 Telephone: 634-2885 3 Earn White№tin Scholarships R a m s e y Tifanni Bowser is die daughler of Tahnya Bowser of Camellia Lane, Mocksville. Brantley Angell is Ihe son o f W. Scott and LuAnn Angell o f Madison Road, Mocksville. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND (see below for details) Sunbelt Homes On Site Construction On Your Lot Our Plans Or Yours Saturday, August 2,10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sunday, August 3,1:00 PM • 5:00 PMDirecUont;Froffl th* SiatMvlll« area, taka 1-77 south to axH 42 (Hwy. 21,. naai Troutman).' Qo south on Hwy. 21 (tonwim MooratviHa) apprax. 21/10 mllaa and tum |an onto Fiaaw. , Croaakig Dr. Tilia an ifflinadMa M onto Cadaicraal Or. Tha' I . .. В8-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. July 30,1997 Bobby Knight shows off some of his favorite canes. He looks for straight wood, spirals and unique shapes to use for his canes. - Photo by Robin Ferguiion Retiree Keeps Busy 'Cane Making' Bobby Knight saw an articlc in Uie newspaper aboul a man who made walking slicks Ггот limbs and trees he round in the woods. Rcccmly retired from Ingersoll- Rand. Knight sawcndlesspossibitiiics around his home on Rock Springs Church Road. • So far. he's made 200 sticks and a staff. Thai’s after one year wilh ihe hobby, and he's yel lo sell a cane. "The search for ihe proper walking stick or cane con be a wonderful chal­ lenge, walking and looking al trees and limbs lhal have a spccial character lo form the product you desire, looking for unusual and usable sticks lhal can be molded into a perfect cane without m odifying the nalural stale of ihe wood," he said. He looks for "L's," siraighl wood, spirals, and special shapes thal will make animals, birds, ilsh. snakes, ducks and globes. .. . . Knight hasexperimented wilh dead and live wood. "Leaving a product in ihe nalural slate represents the characlerof differ­ ent wood. Hickory bark lhat is stripped olT by hand leaves wood grains or ripples. Another example is leaving ■ lim bsorknotsio form spccial effects,” he said. Knight spends several hours roam­ ing the woods lookingforusable wood. He spends as much as 16 hours niold- ing each cane, usually working on several al a lime. "Cane m aking lakes several hours of searching, finishing and wailing for the cane to cure." he said. He's found lhal bark is easier lo remove when il's green. Tlie wood needs lo cure outside for a couple of weeks for a smooth finish. Also, green material will noi lake varnish or paint. "Looking al the finished product is rewarding." he said, "the memories of where you found il. and the good limes of walking in nature. Tlie most unique REWARD CASH REWARD for Infomiation leading to the arrest & conviction of person or persons responsible for recent thefts & vandalism at Twin Lakes Airport Contact: Davio Co. Sheriffs Dept. (704)634^3Bor Rick HoKand (910) 99BS101 and mystifying thing lhal 1 have been overcome by is lhat all of m y spiral cancs spiral to the left. "Looking for canes is another great way lo spend lime wilh your grand­ children. 1 look m y grandchildren with me to gel them out in nature and teach them first-hand all Ihe hidden beauties lhal nature has to offer. "There's more lo nature lhan what meets the eye," Knight said. Knight spends several hours on each cane. U«m Mowinc. Mulch ft Pine Nndk SHMding. GutUr aeaning. Soull Flower Ganleni 1\Ued. Plu«ing.R«eedir. “ ‘ ‘ "liatM ft Bnuh Cut Up ft Hauled OK QUAUTYWOM • FKEESnMAIES V a u g h n T o A d d re s s S e n io r^ T Ik Davic Counly Senior Ccnier rcsum csilsLunciiit Leam program on; Tliursday, Aug. 7 wilii a session atioul. "Leisure Learning" performed by Caivin Vaugiin and TIk Independence ViiiagcTliealrc. Tiiini! you're too oid lo team sorae- liiing new? Think again, and Tmd out wily witii liiis iiiiarious medley ofsisils al»ul iearaingduringllKprim cofyour iifc. A ii Davic County senior eilizros arc invited 10 Luncii & Leant al )Ae WesternSlecralnoon. Youdon'lKiYC 10 iKlong Ion senior ciub lo participate, und liicrc is no "mcmbcrsliip rcc" for tiie ScniorCenlcr. Every scniorcitizcn is wcicome lo join in aii activities. Don't forget your coupon for a free drinit at llie door. For more infonna- llon.caiithc Davie Counly ScniorCen­ lcr at 634-0611. B a b y s ittin g C o u rs e O ffe re d The Northwest North Carolina Chapter o f the American Red Cross wilt conduct ab’abysillingcourse from 9 a.m.-noon Thursday, Aug. 30, at the new Davie County Branch Office, 65 Court Square, Mocksville. The babysilting coursc is S20 per person and is open to anyone 11 years o f age and older. The coursc is de­ signed to educate participants on su­ pervising children safely, handling cnKrgcncics.fecding,baihing,andhow lo diaper Infants. ■ "Babysilting is a great way lo cam extra money. Dyinkingthchabysitlers class students leam how to become great and responsible babysiliers." s;iid Corinne Martin, associate director o f heallh servicc. Participants arc nskcd lo bring a doll or a teddy bear to the class. Pre-registration is required, call 704-634-1347 for more information. T w e lv e A tte n d C o n fe re n c e The North Carolina School Food Servicc Association held it's 1997 A n ­ nual Conference at the Holiday Inn FourSeasons/KouryConvenlionCen- ler in Greensboro, June 23-27. Ap- pmximaiely 1,800 members attended. The theme for this years confer­ ence, "It's a W ide. W ide W orld." was pickcd up from the 1997-98 National School Lunch W eekThemc, "A Worid ofToste." Keynote speakers were: EdWalker, C o n ife r Concepts; Dr. Zachary Clements, InnerMonagement, Inc.; and Dr. M illie Cooper, Cooper Inslilute. Each day was filled wilh seminars, general sessions, culinary art shows, educational sessions, food service fron­ tiers expo and enlcnainmcni. Tbe spccial intercst educational ses­ sions included M ake il Take It; You Can Be A Dynam ic Manager by Ed Walker, Laugh More. Live Longer by RulhMcSwain;FoodProductionTcch- nlques/Gamishes; Improving Quality in Institutional Sellings by Bob Pasarelli, executive chef. Governor's mansion; and others. Attending parts o f the conferencc from Davie County were; Daughn Parker,TrishDingman,Betty Laymon. Bonnie Pendergrass, Brenda Nonnan, Peggy Hendrix, Donna Whisenhunl, Karen Sain. Flora Phillips, W anda Newton, and Pricilla Dw iggins and Linda W alsh. Attending the entire conference from Davic were: Joelta Snow, Linda Richic, Yvonne Ijames, LouSm iihand Georgia Smith. The N C S F S A was founded in 1949 and supports the implcmenialion of nutritionally sound, financially ac- couniablechild nutritious programsihat promote the heallh nutrition and edu­ cational o f all students. B a ile y E n te r ta in s F o r k C lu b B y M urgarcl Pütts Club Reporter Fork Fifty Plus Club met July 23 at the Civic Center wilh 17 members and two visitors present. Bill Merrill rciumed lhanks before a meal at 11:30. W yona Merrill, vicc president, had charge since the ^president Kem p Barnhardt, was absent. She called the meeting to order and the secretary checked the roll and read minutes of the last meeting. John Frank J ;^ is had devotions and prayer, using Rcvelations;3-20. Maxine Coirell gave the sunshine rc- Wngb FOR SALE 10 or 15 Year Lease on Oid Established Business Nursery Stock DebtFrw Very Long Lease Auto Water Contact Roy Denton at 704-284-4697 ТттеапЬвштпдк! JAN MARK AZALEA : andNURSERY.„.,^ Gary Dull Registered Landscape Contractor Custom Landscape Designs Irrigation Installed Yearly Maintenance 21 Yean StrvictlHDavii County. For additional information, call (704)492-5317 ~1S E A R S \ “ O w n y o u r o w n S e a n « t o r e Forget the rest...own the besM Sears Dealer Stores-one of America's fastest growing retail chains w№ moie ttran 480 stores r^atlonwlde- Is now looking for an exceptional Individual to own and opefcrte o new ^ r e In MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA * America's top brand names In appliances, electronics, tiardware and lawn & garden equipment • Top-noteh proles^onal training • Extensive market and adverttsing support •Outstanding income potential - For additional Intofmatlon. •- interested parties stwuld call toll free ' 1 inieivlewiwllllMhtldln ' th»n»ortutui» Pain may bë eliminated for millions(SPECIAL)-Adrugtitat is excitini researchers In the treatment of patt liaslxen fonnuiated intoa new prod­uct itnown as "Arthur Ilb^" and U being called a "Medical MiradHVi some, in the treatment ofdebiiitatinj conditions such as arthritis, bursitg rheumatism, painful muscle ache; iointaches, simple bacicache, bruisel; and more. Ahhough tlie mechanis* of action is unclear, experiments iit dicalethatArtkirllis, relieves pain by first selectively attracting, àni thendestroylngthemessengerchemÉ cal which carries pain sensation; i the brain, thus eliminating pain iti thé affected area. Arthur Ills.; iil availableimmediateiywithoutaprii scription in an odorless, greaseiesii non-staining cream or new roll^ Ikjuid foim. Arthur Itl^ is guar^ teed to worli or your money back.t UMomyHdracMd- . •l*№.SMtaltaÉkr»èû7i<^ n t iB H U tia iM u ft Î411 VMIw Rom • MoékivW», Nd (704)684-2141 “ IMVaDNCOliNTIWU^' 141llMshnltfCeoto«M«.№ ( 7 0 4 ) 2 8 4 - ^ ^ port. Sis Jarvis gave ihe treasurer's report. Happy Binhday was sung to Dill Gobble and Tona Stewart. lX » r prizes werc won by Jessie Gobble and Bill Gobble. Charles Hinkle's name was drawn lo bring nexl monlhs coverall bingo pri/.e. The club sent Frances Jarvis and apron to the rest home. Barbara Thornton from the Senior Cenlcr talked to us about upcoming events. Bcm ice Hinkle won the coverall bingo game. Members played five games o f regular bingo with wlnn^n being Cecil Brannon, W yona Johnson, Rulh Barney (2 games), and Margaret Potts. :*;V I Jim Bailey sang and played guitk.' He displayed several o fhis carvingi?: ' DAVœ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, My ■» PUBLIC NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 97CVD34 SHARON ELAINE BOWMAN. J. BARRY BOWMAN and SUSAN D. BOWMAN, PWnlltf V8. MICHAEL SEAN SIMONSON. Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: MICHAEL SEAN SIMONSON TAKE NOTICE lhat a pteading seeking reliet against you has been tiled In Ihe at>ove-caplloned nutter. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: tennlna- lion ot parental righls. ■ - You-are required to m«ke defense to such pleading no taler itian September 1, 1997, and upon your laliure to do so, Itte party seelting senrice against you wUt ap­ ply to the Court lor Ihe relief sougttt. This the 17lhdayot’July. 1997. JULIE A. PARKER Atlomey for Plalniltf S54 Valley Road. Suite 200 Mocksville. NC 27026 (704) 634-1990 7-17-3tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 97CVD403 LYNN READ TOBIN. Plalntifl vs. JAY GORDON TOBIN. Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: JAY GORDON TOBIN TAKE NOTICE lhat a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above-caplloned matter. The nature of the relief being sought Is as foltows: Absolute Divorce. You are required to make defense to such pleading no later lhan September 1, 1997. and upon your failure to do so. the party seeking service against you will ap­ ply to №e Court for the relief sought. . This the 17th day of July, 1997. JUUE A. PARKER Attomey for Plaintiff 654 Valley Road, Suite 200 Mocksville, NC 27028 (704)634-1890 7-17-3tn TRACTOR SALES f t SERVICE SINK FARM ЕОШРМЕИТ М М т » М 1 М М . i -Sm S m Î c m s •ГТ М -П Т - S IM E№ p u a u o N o n e i There wil be a meeting of the Davie Counly Zoning Board of Adjustment on Monday,August4,1997 ■I7:00p.ffl.ln the Commlsstoners Room of tbe Davie County Administration BuikMng, MoeksvMe, N.C. The pubHe Is Invited to attend. Business wHI be conducted as follows: A) Calf to order and welcome B) Review of the minutes C) John Davkl King has submitted a request for a Special Use Permit for a private reerealional facility lo build and operate a golf practice facility. The prop­ erty is located on the north skto of US Hwy 64 East adjacent to Htokory Hill Country Club and is further described as being parcel 54.14 of Davio County Tax Map J-6. D)Okl or new business E) Adjournment A sign wiil.be placed on ihe property to advertise saki publie heating. Alt parties and interested citizens are Invited lo attend sakl hearing at which time they shall have an opportunity to be heard in favor of, or in opposition to, the foregoing changes. Prior to the hearing, all persons interested may obtain any additional Infofmattoo on a pro­ posal or ask any questions they may have by visiting the Planning and Zoning De­ partment on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p,m. Monday through Friday, or by telephone at (704) 634-3340. 7-24-2tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTY EXECUTORS NOnce Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Alpha M. Rkkta, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this Is to notify ail persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under­ signed on or before the 24lh day ot Octo­ ber. 1997, being three months from the first day of pubik»tk)n or this notice wil be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All per­ sons indebted to sakl estate wifl please make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Tbis the 24th day of July. 1997. DonaM R. Riddle, 162 Red CedarWay, Mocksville. NC 27028, Executor of the Estate ot Alpha M. Riddle, deceased. 7-24-4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIECOUNTYAOIMNISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Mary Edtth Wilkins Absher, deceased, late of Davie County. North Carolina, this is to notify aN persons having claims against sakl estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day ot October. 1997, being ttvee monlhs from the first day ol pubicatton or ttiie notice w i be pleaded in bar ot their reeov- ery; AH persons Indebtedtosaktestatewiil please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 24th day of July, 1997. Marie A. Nixon. 5060 Hwy. 601 N.. Mocksville. NC 27028. Adn^tratrix of the Estate of Mary Edith Wilkins Absher, deceafed. 7-24-4tn n iM J C N o n e t N o n ci OF PUMJC HfAMNa N F O M TH t •CARO OF TOWN COWmSIONlltS FO* THE FOLLOW- MOZOMNaAMCNOMENTt N O n C lltH Ifin iY a iV E N .P U M U - ANT TO TH I REQUmElliNTt o( Chap­ ter 160A, Article 10, Sectton 160-A-304 of the General Statutes of North CaroNna and pursuant to Article 10, Section 8. o( the MoclttvieZoninoOrdkttnoe.thatthaTown Board of CommisskNters win hoU a publie hearing at the Town Han, Mocksville, N.C. at 7:00 p m. on Tuesday. August 5.1997. A) Davis Broadeastmg Inc. (WDSL Radk>) has submitted a request to rezone 6,25 acres ot property from Resklenliat Agricultural (R-A) to Industrial (I) for the proposed eonstniction of new studio facul­ ties. This property Is tocated on Itw North skle of Eaton Road approximately 0.85 miles from Salisbuiy Road and is hirther described as bek>g Parcel 38 of Davia County Tax Map J-5. B) Warren Scott Angel husLtmitted a request to rezone 4.64 acres of land on the northwest comer of Evans Road and Madison Road, from ResUential Agricul­ tural (R-A) to Industrial (1) for the expansk>n of an industrial business. The property is further described as being Psrcsl 100 of Dsvis County Tax Map H^. C) The Town of MocksvlHa seeks to rszons approximatsly 35 acrss of property from Residential Agricultural (R-A) and ResMentlal (R-15) to Highway Business (H-B). This property lies on the East sue of YadUnvile Road between Joppa Cem­ etery and CoNetls Framing: on the West skis of Yadkktvie Road from Valley Road to the property adlolning the North skle of Kip Mien on the East skto of Valey Road fromU.S.Highway 64 West to the Intersec- tkm with Yadklnvile Road. These proper­ ties are further described as being al or a portkm of Parcel 64.04 of Davie County Tax Map M ; an or a portion of Parcels A-3. A*4, and A-9 ol Davie County Tax Map t-4- 3; and ail oraportton of parcels A-21,A-22, A-23, B-1, B-1.01, B-1.02, B-2, BO, and B- 5 Of Davie County Tax Map M-6. A map lndicatk)g the proposed change Is on fie at the Mocksvie Town Hali and the Davie CountyAdmlnistratlonBuikflng in the Plan­ ning Office. D) The foUowk>g is a proposed road name for a private road s e r ^ two or more address^ stnictures: Weodbrldgs Way-4ocatsd at the and of Mockin0bird Lana, Mocksvie. A sign wM be posted al these locations to advertise saM Pubik: Hearing. AH parties and interested dtUsns are invited to attend saU Pubite Hearing at which tkne they shal have an opportuntty tobe heard In favor otormopposHion to the foregolngchanges. Prior to ths hssring,al persons kusrssled msy obtain wiy addi- tkxMl infonnalton on the proposals which Is ki ths possssslon of ths Davie Cmmty Planning Office In the Davia County Ad­ ministration Buiktng. Mocksville. NC on weekdays between the houra of 8:30 am.- 5:00 p.m. or by telephone at 634-3340. JohnS.GaWmore Planning and Zoning 7-24.2tn STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF DAVIE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISKW DAVIE COUNTY HOSPITAL. i l ( Г 7 Г '’" Т Ж l A V W 31 O A S H ,PAID F0HAKTIQUE8, PARTtAL OR WHOLE ESTATES. COU^CTAeifS, OU] kKTAL TOYS, ANTIOUE FURNtTURE HAVE YOU EVER THOUGm^ ABOUT SELUNQ THE TIMBER OFF YOUR PROPERTY? WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR STANDINQ TIMBERmMBERLAND CALL 704-878-9784 5 OR MORE ACRES AiüÀinHunlLiiiiilMrCo. 2782 Mckory Hwy. italasvllls.ILC.28Bn Я н M enw ..,u¥ ÏÏi$otsoÿ. ' 'tp m o n to k vs. JUANITA ARRIAGA (97CVD361) GARYR. BLACKWELL (96CVD613) GINA WATSON BOYTER (97CVD362) CUFFORDJ. CLEMENT (97CVD409) TRACY LAVERNE CLEMENT (97CVD409) GARY W. CLINE (96CVD619) VICKI CLINE (96CVD608) BETTY TUGGLE CROSS (97CVD410) SHERRY CUMMINGS (97CVD363) GLENDA E. DALE (96CVD618) PEGGY A. TROUTMAN DAVIS (97CVD364) LARRY STEPHEN DAVIS SR. (97CVD364) KELVIN DEWALT (97CVD365) GLORIA JEAN EATON (97CVD413) BRENDA EMORY ESTEP (96CVD607) ALEX FREY (96CVD626) PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN (96CVD62S) MISTY APRIL GRIMARD (96CVD608) BRANDI LEE GUZMAN (97CVD415) VICKI GWYN (96CVD624) GARY DAVID HAMILTON (96CVD609) ANTHONY LEE HOLMAN (96CVD623) CHRISTOPHER HUTCHERSON (96CVD614) VICKIE HUTCHERSON (96CVD614) KERRI F. IRELAND (96CVD622) JERRY RAY JONES (97CVD366) JEFFERY LUPSCOMB (97CVD 610) CHRISTIE J. UPSCOMB (96CVD610) WILLIAM LYNN LOPER (96CVD621) WILMA J. LOWERY (96CVD620) ROBERT BRUCE LUCAS (96CVD615) TAHIR MEHMOOD (96CVD612) JIMMY WAYNE MELTON (97CVD414) CAROL ANNETTE MOORE (97CVD367) RICKY LEWIS NEELY (96CVD616) CHARLEE LAWAN PEEBLES (97CVD368) JAMES F. PEEBLES (97CVD360) UTRANCE DEVON PEEBLES (97CVD360) TRACY DENEAL PETTIFORD (96CVD617) JENNIFER E.POKORNY (97CVD416) DANIEL SCOTT POKORNY (97CVD416) STANLEY L PRUITT (97CVD412) THERESA R. SAMPLE (97CV0389) JAMES P. SHEPHERD (06CVD611) TRACEY LEMLY SHORES (07CVD370) MARK STERUNG SMITH (07CVD371) TAMMY ANNETTE SPAUGH (07CVD372) CYNTHIA LSTEELMAN (97 CVD373) RUSSEU ALAN TISSUE (07CVD374) DENNIS LWALVOEN (07CVD375) DIANE KATHERINE WELCH (07CVD376) SYLVIA W. REDMOND WHITE, (97CVD411) NORTH CAROUNA , DAVIECOUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERK>R COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 97SP29 THE LAW OFFICES OF GRADY L McCLAMROCK,JR..J.D., P.A. vs. CHARLEI^E O'NEAL MOODY, DONALD RAY MOODY and AMERICAN GEN­ ERAL FINANCE OF AMERICA. INC. Respondents NOTICE OF SALE BY COMM»- SK>NER IN SPECIAL PROCEEPWO Under and by virtue of an ORler ot the Honorable Kenneth D. Boger, Clerit of Superior Court of Davie County, North Carolina, entered on the 14th day of May. 1997, made in the Special Pnxeed№g entilled THE LAW OFFICES OF GRADY L McCLAMROCK. JR.. J.D.. P.A. vs. CHARLENE O'NEAL MOODY. DONALD RAYMOODY.andAMERICANGENERAL FINANCE OF AMERICA. INC.. the under­ signed. who was by sakl Order appointed Commissk>ner to sell Ihe lands described in the peUtk>n. win on the 1 st day of August. 1997, at 12:00 o'ctock Noon at the Davie County Courthouse, 140 South Main Straet, Mocksville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bklder for cash, that certain tract or parcel ot land lying and being In Calahain Township. Davie County, North Carolina and more particulariy described as follows: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at an existing iron in the property line ol Potty T. (Mrs. Martin) Latham, at the edge of an existing easement; sakl easement recorded in Deed Book 66 at Page 460 Of the Davie County Registry, being the Southwest comer of the parcel; thence North 174.35 feet to a new Iron placed al the edge of saM easement: thence South 88 deg. East 250.00 feet to a new iron placed; thence South 174.35 feetto a new Iron placed in the property line ol Polly (Mrs. Martin) Ulham; thence North 88 deg. West 250.00 feet lo an existing iron, the po№t and place of BEGINNING containing I.OOOacres. SakJ parcel is bounded on the North and East by the prop­ erty ot John Frank O'Neal as de­ scribed in Deed Book 76 at Page 395; on the South by the property of John Wayne and Johnna Chartene O’NealTaykK.as described in Deed Book 122 at Page 727; and on the West by the easement described in Deed Book 66 at Page 460. Sakl parcel is shown on a map prepared by Grady L. Tuttenm, Registered Land Surveyor, reflecting a sun^ done on April 9.1964, by Tutterow Surveying Company. For back title see Deed Book 122 at Page 725. Davie County Registiy. TRACT TWO: BEGINNING at an existing iron at the conwr of an existing 30 foot easement described in the inslm- ment recorded In Deed Book 66 at page 460 of the Davie County Reg­ istry and Ihe John Wayne and CharteneTaytor property lne;f4orth- west comer of this parcel; thence South 49 deg. 52 min. 20 see. East 27.99 feel lo a new iron placed, the Southwest comer of this parcel; Ihence South 86 deg. 34 min. 27 sec. East 228.52 feet to a new iron placed, Southeast comer of this parcel; thence North 15.00 feet toa new iron placed In the property line with John Frank Ot4eal. the North­ east comer of this parcel: thence North 86 deg. 250.00 fast to sn existktg iron, being the point and place of BEGINNING, contakiing O.OSOacres. Saklparcelisboundsd on the North by the lands of John Wayne and Chartene Taylor as ds-- — —■ I t e . »- -.- -- - -■-------1- -■ecnoea oy me nsaumeni reoonieo hiDeedBook122atpsos725o«№s Davia County Registry, ontha South by PoRyT. (Mn. Martin) UMham. as described in Dsed Book 28 at page 334 of the Devie Counly Rsgistfy. and touches wHh Its Northwest cor­ ner the sasarnsm dsecribed above. drawn by Grady L TutMrow, HsQls- tersd Land Suivsyoc, pursusnt 10 a sunray done April 9, 1984, by Tutisrew Smvsying Compsny, copy anacniu necsio. Also inchjdsd sre sit of ths righls ol accsss along titoss eassmsnts ds* acribsd in Dssd Book 66, «1 PiOS 460 and DMd Booh 104, al Page 418, Davis County nsgisby. Sd d t m k w t « * ! K A lM l 10 M I m •n a n tin n cM ,lU M 0 rd ilM li0 ltM 0 R l Uany. An M m M m m y d^xiM tman ti10% p m n i d th* N g h M bM » ■ t e ' NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COtJNTY ( u ie u T O M N O T ic i i Having qutWM ai ЕхмиЮг o< tht E tm ol ElubMh M. UpgrKi, lala d Davla Counly, Noiffi Carolina,'INè litonollfyallpmonsliavlngclilmiigainil said ntato to pmant tlwn to Ih* undtt^ ■Igntd on or btfbn tha 10th day o( Odo^ bar, t997, baing ihm monthi Irom th* nnt day ol pubHcatlon w thli note* «на b* plaad«llnbafOllMrncov«y. Alp*,; KOI lndrt>t«l 10 said *М1* wM plHM make ImmtdlaM paynwil Ю th* undw slgnad. Tills ttw tOth day olJuly, 1997. Rist Union National Bank. P.O. Bon 21t4-CMQ,W№ston-Salwn,NC 27102, Eiscutor ol ttw Esuta ol Ellzabath M. Upgran, decaasad. 7-10-41П NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY ‘ n o tic e TO CRtoiTomHaving quannsd as Panonal Rapr*- »•ntallve ol tha Estate ol Roban A. Sehu^,d.eeaaad.lalaolDavlaCounly, North Carollna,lhlslslonotllyall panona bavbigclaims against said atlalaiopraaanl «Ж1Ч0II» und*fslgn«i on Of balof* m*24lh day ol Oetobar, 1997, baing thia* months Irom th* nm day of pubiculon « this notic* wil ba plaadad h bar ol thair ™eova7 . Alt parsons Indsbtad to said aslata » « plaas* maka Immadtat* p*y- manttothaundaislgnad. Thia ih*24ih day olJuly, 1997. Bl«>Schugam,1403Ba№notaRo«), A*anca,NC 27006, PatsonalR4»s«i; btlva ol tha Esiaia ol Robait A. Scbugam. deceased. 7-24:4m NORTH CAROUNA DAVIE COUNTi CXECimin NOTICE Having qualMad aa Exacutibi Ы the Esiala ol Leatha H. Rosa. dMwuad. lata ol Oavla Counly, North Carolina, this la to noWy al pafsons having dakna against sakl estate to present Dwm lo the under- slgnad on or belora tha 24№ day ol Oclo­ber, 1997, being ihraa monttw Irom Ihe nrst day ol pubicalkin or this nobc* «Й b* pleaded In ber ol their recovwy. Al per­ sons Indebted lo said aetata »M pleas* maka Immediate peyment lo lha undar- slgnad. This the 24th day OlJuly, 1997. CanolJohnson, PO Box 953, Clem­ mons,NC 27012, ExacutitaolthaEslal* ollMlhaH. Rosa, deceased. 7-24-41П NORTH CAROUNA DAVIECOUNTY ADW M THATOWHOnCt Having quaWied as AdmMstraUr ol the EstattolJudllliLEdwaTds, deceased, lata ol Oavla Counly, North Carolina, this Istonotilyallpencra having dalmeagakisl sakl estate to present them to the under* slgrMd on or before the 24th day of Octo­ ber, 1997, being three monlhs from the first day of pubUcation or this notice wU be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al per­ sons indebted to sakl estate w i please make immediate payment to tha under­ signed. This the 24th day of July. 1997. Gary W. Edwards. 179Edwards Road, Hannony.NC 28634.Administralorofthe Esuie ol Judith L Edwards, deceased. MARTIN, VAN HOY. SMITH A RAISBECK, LLP Ten Court SqMSie Mocksvie, NC 27088 (704)634-2171 7-24-4M ' ¡tío- р л т COUNTY ENTERPMSE l№COro, july*30.19j>7 G L A S S I E I ] l N E a f l F E N S a [ V E PROFITABLE Yard Sales г F A M IL Y Y A R D sale: Sat., 8am- 2pm. Junction Rd. Girls clothes 2T- 5. boys clothes 10-12, m ens XL & women med. sizes, all seasons. Household items, exercise equip., lots of toys & games. Rain cancels. Э FA M IL Y Q IQ A N T IC yard sale: Aug. 1st & 2nd, eam-3pm. Fumiture, microwave, light fixtures, bedspreads, curtains, clothes & misc. items. 249 Spring St.. Mocksville._________________________ Э F A M IL Y Y A R D sale; Sat., Aug. 2. 8am -? Joe Rd olf 64. Clothes, play pen, TV, V C R ’s, household items & more.______________________________ 3 F A M ILY Y A R D sale: Thurs., 1pm-6pm, Fri. 1pm '6pm & Sat. 8am-1pm. Riding iawnmower, electric drop'in range, infant clothes, pageant wear (western, spoilswear, fifty's west & formal wear, new & used sz 0-4T. Crafts, ladles clothing, odds & ends. 331 Seaford Rd. fa k e 64 E to 801 S., 1st Rd on left off 801, then Seaford Rd. Follow siqns. • F A M IL Y Y A R D sale; Fri. & Sat., 8am-7 Hwy 158 between Sain Rd. & Oal< Grove Church. Hallmark ornaments & dotls, H H Mattel doll, boys, girls & adult clothes, books, . a. .. . . . mis Yard Sales M U LTI-FA M ILY Y A R D sale; Fri. & Sat.. Aug 1 & 2, 8am -? 256 Bfenlwood Dr. oH Hwy 801 N Ctookwood. Lols of slult toys; glassware, jewelry, lots ■ancei if raininq. 752 R E D L A N D RD.: Fri., 1st & Sat., 2nd. 8am. Men. women & children clothes, household items. B IO Y A R D S A L E : Fri. & Sat.. 8am- 4pm. 601 N. to Liberty Church Rd. to Lat Whitaker Rd._________________ BIQ Y A R D S A L E : Fri. & Sat.. Aug. 1st & 2nd. 7am -? 1593 County Home Rd. Lols of good stuff from fumiture to clothes of all sizes. camper, radios & TV._______________ C H IL D R E N 'S C LO T H IN Q S A L E : all sizes, all seasons. Adult clothes, household items, toys, etc. Sat., Aug. 2nd, 7am*Noon. Rain or shine. 137 Bradford.PI., Hwy 158 turn onto Sain Rd. 7/10 miles on right._______________________________ Q A R A Q E M O V IN Q S A L E : living room suite, king size water bedroom suite, Ceram ic wood stove, 25" floor model color TV. much more. Sat. 8am-7pm. 3368 Hwy 158. 1 mile E. of Farmington exit.________________________________ Y A R D S A L E : AU G . 1st & 2nd. Fri. 7am-4pm & Sat. 7am-11am. Old Mill Rd. oH Undeф ass Rd., Advance. Old fumiture, dishes, silverware, wheelchair, books, bikes, clothes & much more. Rain cancels. м у • M l • T M t ■ m i n i T A M S A LI Ш .,«М .2,7ш -1ря M T B t a i M M . S jæ sirÆ »- “й х гл а г“ Ш ш а и к и . и й щ и ш в ш 704-634-3442Moctovllte. NC tVISECARUER M lN I-tT O IIA G E :For all your storage : needs, choose us! Come by to inquire : alMHit free rentaL 2975H«y.64EinForl( C a C i t o d a a l' ; (910) 998-8810 801 N. In & bargains. Y A R D S A L E : 1 day onlyl 8am- 5pm. Fri., Aug 1st. 172 l^ain St.. Cooleemee. Household items, old records, toys, books, som e clothes & U ee kittens.______________________ Y A R D S A L E : 253 Milling Rd. Sat.. Aug. 2 . 7am-2pm. Furniture, Home Interiors, bar stools, wooden items & m any more goodies. Y A R D S A L E : AUG . 2, 197 Elm St. (Woodland). Toys, infant accessories, children & adult clothes, housewares, computer, desk & much more.________________ Y A R D S A L E : FRI., Aug. 1, Sam- 5pm & Sat., Aug. 2 ,8am-Noon. 114 Greenhiil Rd. (at 64)._______________ Y A R D S A L E : SAT., Aug. 2, Bam- 2pm. Everything must gol 169 Gun Club Rd. off Hwy 158,1st house on left________________________________ Y A R D SA L E : SAT., Aug. 2, 8am- 2pm. Rainbow Rd off Hwy 158. Y A R D S A L E : SAT., Aug. 2. Com er ot Milling Rd. & Lake View Dr. Rain or shine.___________________________ Y A R D S A L E : YO U all come! Fri. & Sat., Aug. 1st & 2nd. 8am-1pm. Lots of goodies, winter & summer clothing. End of pavement on Hilton YARD/M O VING S A L E : SAT., Aug. 2, 7om -? 1-40 to 801 S., 1 mile to Hidden Cr.. #231. W agn-TailsDog Grooming i All Breeds Г (910) 998-3652 ‘ П ш Ь г м к School Rd. AteZ Apartments A F F O R D A B L E U V IN O . country atmosphere. Try Northwood Apts. Studious, 1 & 2 B R 's: garbage, water & sewage included. Com e see what we have! 800 Northridge Ct., Mocksville. 704-634-4141. M O C K S V IL L E S U N SE T T E R R A C E : All brick energy efficient apartment. 1 & 2 bedroom, pool, basketball court & swings. Kitchen appliances fumished including dishwasher. 1.5 baths, washer/dryer connections. High energy efficient heat pump provides central heat and air. Prewired for cable TV & phones. Insulated windows & doors. No wax kitchen & ba№((oors. Located In Mocksviite behind Hendricks Fumiture on Sunset Dr. off of Hwy. 158. Office hours 1-6 M -F & Sal. 10-12. Phone 704-634-0168. Appliances G E SID E-BY-side. almond, 23.5 cu. ft. Fridge w/ice & water dispenser. W ould like lo trade for white, similar but smaller. 634- 1108. J A N E T D E A N 'S A R T ST U D IO Creates custom sketches or paintings of people, pets, buildings, & vehicles. For more info, leave m essage at 704-634-1549 or write: PO Box 984 Mocksville. N C 27028. Beach Property F R E E P U P P IE S A free kittens to good home. Cali 998-6113 & leave m essage._____________________ F R E E TO G O O D home: Reg. Blonde female Cocker Spaniel. Good w/chlldren. 704-546-2990. G IV E Y O U R D O G a break from summer heat. A sk Oavie Farm Service 634-5021 aboul Happy Jack Paracide Shampoo. Kills fleas & ticks on contact. C hecks doggy odor. Contains N O permethrinsl G R E G S H O R SE S H O E IN G _____________546-2782_____________ H A P P Y J A C K S K IN balm: checks scratching, receives hot spots & Irritated skin without steroids. Promotes healing & hair growth on dogs & cats! Available O iC Davie Farm Ser. 634-5021. Apartments IB R D U P LE X FU R N ISH ED , limit 2 people, no pels. In Rowan Co. 998- Card Of Thanks T H E M A T T IE SM IT H Family sends sincere appreciation to everyone who expressed sympathy & love through phone calls, cards, food, flowers, visits & memorials at her recent passing. Your presence al the sen/ices meant so much to all of us. Child Care TES. fREE ESTIMATES i ♦O IAW AND SEAL DICKS- У J 7 M ) 4 M 7 9 i Mocksville, NC ’ Cúmplele Cuurse In leen Oliver s Eiiucjtion XOANS FOR HOMEOWNERS ■ H o m e M o r u a s e s — Ih irch ase o r Riennance. ' C a sh fast, regardless o f credit. C a ll fo r sa m c -d a y opproval. C o m m o n P o In t M o r t B a g e 1 .8 0 0 -9 6 8 -3 2 2 1 Homos For Rent IB R D U PLE X, Realty. 634-3538. Howard 2BR , 1 B A IN town, Howard Realty, 634-3538. 3BR , 1BA, LIVIN Q room, family heat 4room, dining room, water. In cily. $500 4 " 634-9533. } sec., ref. Farm Machinery B U 8 H 0 0 S $415; S C R A P E Blades $125; Box blades $235; Spreaders: Flnlsti Mowers; TlllagB W s ; Carryalls; Boom Poles; Scoop Pans; Plows; Disc; Post Hole Diggers; Gales; Corrals; more. Wtlgni Farm G ates ^ Equipment. 996-6637. Homes For Sale C A R O L IN A B E A C H C O N DO : ocean view, IB R , 1 1/2 BA. sleeps 4. W/D, pool. $400/wk. 910-791- 5788. Performance R u e Gasoine D A V IIR V SUPPLY n a i i i i M i ' N M i i i i M k 2273 US 64 W. MDdevite, NC 27020 0(мп e AM H MhMgM Monliy - 8ИипИу П М Ш - И М , , . ^ IO- 1§V nUay. August 8th SAOpm - ЭЛОрш Satunby, August 9th 9Л0Ш - Шрш'. iSUnttay, August lOUi I:00poi - 4.-00pniSmWi Orav* СопитшНу Gym H «yi1M EM lslM ocl<s«ls ABSabiCeAOnlii Lots For Rent M O B IL E H O M E L O T S for rent, convenient location In Mocksville. Paved street & driveway. 8 lols . available nowl Call Penny at 704- 634-0446. Miscellaneous DSW IM M tN Q P O O LStI Sale 1/2 price on install. 16’X30' O D P O O L S complete virith Deck. Steps, Filter & Warranty for only $695. Hurry limited supply! Other m odels also. Financing. Neptune Pools Inc. over 11 yrs. in business. 1-800-323-7946.___________________ 1.5 T O N G M C A/C unit w/IOkw electric fumace, like new, $500. 634-9114.__________________________ 2.5 TO N H E IL heat pump system, rs. old. GC, $600. Call 634- B R IC K R A N C H W /B A SEM 6N T remodeled on 1 acre, 421 Hiltorest in Advance. $124,900. Prudential Carolinas Realty. 910-748-2029. D U K E ST. H O M E for sale, recent A L M O S T H O M E C H ILO C A R E: 5:30am-1:45am. 1st & 2nd shift or by the hour. Permanent or temporary care available for iniants-12 yrs. old. C A LL U S FO R SAT. H O U RS. At our new location: 571 S. Main St. 634-7529 or 634- 1980. Debra Stanley, owner. H A V E O P E N IN G S IN Day( ages infant & up. Wm. R. I District. 1st & 2nd shifts. Before & After school. Ref. avail. C P R & First Aid Cert. For more info, call Paula Powell at 492-2183. M O T H E R O F 3 will babysit in her home. Wm. R. Davie Sch.. District. 492-5126.__________________________ RE G . IN *H O M E Daycare has immediate openings for 1st & 2nd shift & bus riders for upcoming school year. Located close to 1-40 In Wm. R. Davie areat Ca» 492- 7851 for more Info. Davic D riviiij; School ОГМЛ Jeep Ora loading dog in I alMcOonard's. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ i School Î {Child Caro>I/BeforeandAfterSchool Î J/EorlH Relea» Dc^a J J/NofchoolDcw ★ ★ NewAOkiRoof» 7e«-114^WT1 î * * s w w * * î FREDDY S ROOFING C iH iiiin 'n ijl / и *>/{/<'////, Í/ t H I I l-S lir.lA II 704-492-5923 ^— fin is h e s ^ a H H i FumihiK ReflniiMng It RMlontion Custom Woodwoiking R ic k M k tli (704)492-Z0«0 6 yrs. 9114. D O O P E N P A N E L S 10ftX6H. $200 firm.I I. 6 ea. 942. lomes lot sale: Duke St., Cooleemee, 2 stoiy, good starter or rental property, $ 2 S ,m . Rivenork Properties, 300 S. Main St. 704-634-1070. FO R S A L E : 4BR , 2 B A house In Mocksville. Located In Historic area. $78,000. Leonard Realty. 634-3650 or 634-3875._____________ N IC E 2 B R PRIVA TE. 284-6010. Land For Sale 10 A C R E S FA R M IN G TO N Community, ail wooded, $60,000; 15 acres l4.601, $60,000; 31 acres betilnd Courtney Fire Dept. $3000/acre. Large acre tracts- Davie & surrounding counties. 998- 3805.______________________________ 10 A C R E S U N D In Fork area, great secluded hom e site, septic lank In place. $47,500. 5 acres in Fork area, great view, good homesite, zoned tor mobile homes, $25,000. Rhierfotk Properties 300 S. f^aln St. 704-634-1070. L-002-L 83+- A C R E S Yadkin Co., very secluded, wooded, stream, excellent for hunting, $34,900. D-001-W 3 lots, each over 1 acre, mobile or dbl. wide homes, Hanes Grove Rd., Yadkin Co., $6500/ea. Pinevlew Fam is Land & Dev. Gordon A. Hodges, Broker FO R S A L E '« 2 R.V. trailer, 26.5 ft. Coachm en Catalino, tear bathroom, bed room, front kitchen. 704-492-5361._____________________ F O R S A L E -K & G Salvage: Bldg. stone $140/pr. pallet 140 sq. ft.; 4'X6'X3/4" T » G plywood, $15.95/sheet; 3 ' wide, 29 gauge, galv. metal rooting, $.99/ft; prehung exterior steel doors, $79/ea.; Roofing fell, $6.95/roll; W e stock stainless sleet In sheets & pipe. Super savings on carpel & linoleum as low as $3.95/^.; 2- bultj ttuoiescent tlgtil tlxture, 4', $6.95/ea; Comjgated culvert pipe up lo 2 4 ' dia.; W e stock pum ps & accessories for wells. Fonnlca, $.50 sq. ft.; 4'X6'X1 I « " thick faced insulation, $7.95/ea.; 3000 lb cap warehouse carts, $49/ea. Steel I- Beam s for sale. K & G Salvage (Reynolda Rd.) 1st business on W e st bank ol Yadkin River. 910-699-2124. F O R S A L E ; M A N C O Go-Cart, $360 a Trampoline $25.998-7775. Lawn Care A L L S E A S O N S L A W N C A RE. New & existing lawn maintenance. Call 704-284-4277._________________ C A M SE R V IC E S: W e provide all types of lawn service, mowing lawns, trimming shaibbery. cleaning lots, 704-634-5798. F R E E EST IM A T ES. _ost & Forincl L O S T O R ST O L EN ; from M cD onakfs parking tot on Hw y 601 N. at ^ u lr * Boone Plaza around 9am, Fri., July 25. Answ ers to Sm okey. If found please call Fred Perdue, Jr. collect at 910-476- 6672, Rewardi or call collect at 910-973-5710 or 940-5925. Pleaa* k e « dog until Perdue Family Is coniactM. Bk>nde hairad lady In I Jeep Grand Cherokee seen - " ’n back of her vehicle 910 -48 34319 LABBX!S W O O D F L O O R ] SEBSÛGE Laying • Sondkig • FM ohMg F R E E EST IM A TES Ownar Larry McClenney 129 Litow ood Drive 704-634-1721 LO G C A B IN G IFT S Jewelry, yard ornaments, hand crafted gifts. Entrance to Lake M yers hV Resort. H v ^ 64W. Open Fri.. Sat., & Sun. 10am-5pm. N O R D IC T R A C K * Soloflex w/all attachments, both In GC. $500. O B O lorboth. 634-3017. W ILL B U Y JU N K cars. 284-2859 or 634-4335._______________________ 'M K A W A S A K I J E T sk) X 2 w/aH accessories. $1200.634-1393. Mobile Homes/Rent R E N T T O OW N, ready lo move in 2 & 3B H mobile homes. 634-1216. '96. 3BR , 2 B A -on private lot. $500/mo.& dep. 492-2143. nBMONTIMDEiECnilC Uemtdälnnind м ш о л а ш п п ш а Mobile Homes/Rent 14X 7 0,3BR , 2BA, central heat/aIr; Includes appliances, tront & rear decks, plus use of storage bldg. Limit 2. $400/mo„ lease & sec; dep. Ref. req. Located in nice park. 634-0539. T R A IL E R S F O R REN T. Waler lumlshed. Located on Turrentine Church Rd. Call 940-2395 leave, m essaae. . • Mobile Homes/Sale **L G 8 H O M E S '* Singlewides & doublewides. Affo^able prices, quality built, dependable sen/k:e. Factory Direct Since 1937.3995 Patterson Ave. 910-767-7565. W inston-Salem. A sk for Odie Perkins.___________________ • • N E W R E P O S II R E P O ’S » R E P O ’SII 2 & 3B R S W s & OW's.,- A s low a s $499 dn. E asy financing.: Oakwood Factory Outlet Salisbury;. • 704-633-1722._____________________ ••NO R E N T O R H O U SE PMTS.*^ After 4 yrsll Factory rebuilt mobile., homell $599 dn. & 48 monthly. : . pmts. ol $122.76 ea. at 13.5% Call Oakwood Mobile Homes. Salisbury. Location oniyll 704-633-1107. •1 O N LY * beautiful new 4 BR mobile home. $215.31/mo. Call 704-633-1107. Oakwood Salisbury Onlyl_______________________________ 1964 FL EET W O O D 14X72 2 b r;i- 1/2 balh, washing machine, dryer,' ref. stove, central a/c, electric heat, GC. After 5 p.m. 998-0927. 1ST T IM E H O M E buyer. No credit req. C hoose your own pmt. 910- 744-0688._______________________ 2 M O B IL E H O M E S for sale. Call 998-8839 between 8am-9pm. 3 B R R E P O O N large country lot 1 mile from Davie County, / ^ u m e pmts of$253.1-668-203-6128. 89 F O R E S T B R O O K B Y Skyline 2 BR. 2 BA, VG C. 998-7468. A D O L U R A a deed is all you need. 1-888-203-6128._____________ A B A N D O N E D H O M E A L R E A D Y set up in park-no equity. 910-744- 0688. L A N D M O M E P A C K A G E S A V A IU B L E . If you pay rent you can afford to own. 910-744-0688. L E E '8 M O B IL E HO MES-Nonvood, N C 800-777-8652. Bargains, close outs specials. 40 new homes, 28X52. $27,999; 26X80, $38,999; 28X64. $32.999; 24X56, $25,999; 14X80, $19,999, Incl. 4 ' hitch. Open 7 days._____________________________ M O R T G A G E C O M P A N Y H A Sseveral D W s & S W s set up on! acreagel Pay $300 in fees & move- ini Call 704-633-1914, ask for: Allen. ' i i ' l CASH i i i W e B uy Scrap G old, Broken and Unused G old Jewelry. DAVIE lEWELERS GENERALLAUNDRY — In M y H om e— P ic k u p к D e liv e r RtiMiuble Rain-Great lobi (704)492-2667 »с.||.л„4,м F O R S A L E * е э 0 ^ 0 * 0 0 4 1 4 x 7 2 ^ М ю И м М - U t o N M ■ И Н 1||М 1 1 , | | а ц | 1 и ц 1 М | - « ж ы н » м > 1 м а в М « ( е м 1 | | ц ) | 1 М И (704)2M-Mt7 Experienced CMA or LPN Experienced CMA or LPN for local medical practice needed Immadlataly. This is a full tim e position with excellent pay and benefits package. Must have recent experience and must possess •trong clinical eldlls. Send resume to Ms. Binder 1503 East Broad Street Statesville, NC 28677 or FAX (704) 871-1105 ' № DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30, IfW - »Ц, e L A S S I F I E l l S m ' - INEXPENSIVE! PROFITABLE Mobile Homes/Salo U B C O D O U B LEIW ID ES • singlewides from $1000-$15.000. Wilt »nance. 910-744-0666. ‘77 SU M M IT , 1 2 X M , 2BR, 1BA, 3 IW « n lra l air. Day 634-5959, night 996-6266. „ C O N C R E T E R N ISH IN O Dr^Mwaya, patios, basements, pool decks. Call M ike at 998-6469. P R E S S U R E C LE A N IN Q ; All Types ______________________________ siding, clean and waterproof decks, ■94, 14X70 FLEET W O O D , W/D, central heat/air, already set up In ------------------------------------- • “ P H e S S U R E W ashing 2094 or 704-546-7670. Satlstactlon Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 940-5267. T H E C LE A N IN Q U D Y I'll do the woh( while you take the credit. M y reputation Is m lle sa . Have room In m y schedule for small to mid-sized homas. 492-7093 or 492-7096. T R A N SM IS SIO N S, EN Q IN ES, TUNE-ups, oil changes etc. Quality woric done by ase master auto technteian. Call for appointment or estimate. Kevin Wright 492-7680. V C R C LE A N IN Q ft Repaire. Vogler'a T V Senrice. Advance. Visa ft M C accepted. 998-8172. W H m rA K E R P A V IN Q Paving, Seal Coating, Hauling Gravel Call for Free Estimates _____________492-7820_____________ tWILL C L E A N H O M E S or ofttees. Reasonable rates, fee estlmatea. 998-2907.__________________________ W IL L S IT F O R ekieriy, Mocksviiie area. 634-0188. Good ref. F O R S A L E : L O W E R Y Organ w/tenct). EC. Call 998-2784. gded*be^>!US!S.9g P IA N O TU NIN G Repairing & Rebuilding ■ S a W f e W allace Barford P U B U C S A L E ; M O C K S V IL L E Mini-Slorage Intends to sell the foihiwing unKs for unpaki rent & expenses: #72(Jennlfer Partis, $155); •127(Keilh Wise, $165) & •1S6(Tim Green, $145). Household «епи. Sale dale: Aug. 16, 1997 al .....................1 paid I n ........... io personal c h e ck s_____ accounts. 704-634-2483. 2pm. No sale if | 1Э, No personal checks for overdue Salisbury Rd. iTn full by Aug. 817 B E A U T IC O N T R O L C O S M E T IC S: for products or Career info. Call Jenny Tumer, 634-2567.___________ C A R P E T R E P A IR : R E S T R E T C H E S and holes repaired at low pttees, most lobs done sam e day. Call 634-1232. C O R N A T Z E R ft S O N S ' For all your outdoor needs: Grading, Hauling (muteh, gravel, etc.). Tractor Worti, Bushhogging & 9 9 8 -6 2 » ' 996 -S °_______________ O ftQ C O N S T R U C T K > N Additkins, decks, fences, remodeling, new construction, roofing, general hom e repaire. 12 yrs. exp. Free Estlmales. 9 № 5 690. U N K 't S I A H L I S S O U T T ER IN Q Rtehard Link - Owner Free Estimates __________634-3248_____________ PAIN TIN G , Rem odeling - Hom e Repalra Large or Small Free Estimates J A M E S M ILLER 996-6340 '8 7 O O D Q E R A M van, 25016 < 81,000 original miles, $2500. 2 4942. J^MFH01PUC£,INC. Seeking full-tbiie mediaiilcally IncHned person to wiork in sales and Installation. •■MllhMiii • г т и и н г щ д и и и т и м • S r i v y l M d M b p v l M o a t m U ß m m U m п а п й м п м ъ н с . I l l • И м к а Я Ц К П Ю ишш bìNEI(G\ ''F in n aeeki repmentative Btnn an individual or orxaniiation who « h a m our same commitment to customer letvtce, value, and quality. A faeckgnund In r a ^ n t la l constniction cr teal istata i< hslplU. However, attitude, enthuiiann, and tntegritx wiU be given strong consideration. Selected individual or ofganiiation will be supported with • a complete, proven and tested tales end mortgage p ngnun that couple 't o enhance succeea. Advertising, manegsment support, and oil Die * itn n gtlu that come firom an estabtished company will be provided. If v ^ U e n c e motivatee you, tnmendoua opportunity awaita you. t; M a ilte su m e o rle tte ro rin tro d u c tio n to ; : PeraonneI,PO B<«24«,S»lisbuiy.NC281«. DAVIE f u m “Htlping РшорЬ R tech V iH r Cod-aivm P otêM U alÆ ^ iM S tH rtkA lU ulA M d B o d ÿ.' В » ■ ■ M i m t . i i H k N a i . M i i i « ' >г - 'И М П , 4X4, good shape, $5600.634-1656. A L W A Y S B U Y IN O ,8TA N D IN Q timber. Will cut tots, top dollar pakl. Cali 704-637-9097. B U Y IN Q P IN E ft hardwood timber, delivered logs ft long pu^wood. ---------------- Products, Inc. 704-Shaver W ood 278-9291. F O R S A L E : '( • Volkswagon Quantum, G C. $4500.998-7775. F O R S A L E : ‘90 Chevrolet Stalkinwagon. 94+K, w/moblie phone. Ceudell Lumber Co. 634- S A U S B U R Y M O T O R C O. Buick-D odge 700 W .innea St., Salisbury __________704-636-1341___________ ‘77 F O R D F-100, PS, PB, soikt body, 360 engine w/crecked head. $750 Includes good entfne. 876- 2979._______________________________ ‘•1 C H E V Y C H iV E T fE . runs good, $200.634-4506._____________ ‘M C A D IL U C - GC,' low miles, 492-2444.__________________________ ‘M P LY M O U T H V O V A O E n Van, tilt, air, cniiae, extra clean. 492- 7549. R E S P O N S IB L E M A L E LO O K IN G for Inexpensive room/housing/aptyetc. to rent from mkl-Aug.-De&Jan. near Mocksviiie, Call Stanley 540-961-7720. W A N TE D : I A M buying Antiques, furniture, glassware, tools, IniM duat Items or entire Estates. No small appliances. Attk; to basement. 91l?-961-6454.__________ W A N TED : L A N D F O R lease,acreage for hunting ducks, doves & deer. Call 9ia-76S-0660 or 910- 768-S464. Employment A S S O C IA T E M A N A Q E R , R E T A IL sales, display ft cleaning. Serendiplly Shops, /\nlkiues, gifts ft crafts. 704-63^0555.____________ C E D A R C R E E K B O A R D IN Q Kennel Is looking for P T help. Must be dependabie & enjoy woridng & ' p^^r dogs & cats. Please call C R E S C E N T E U C T R IC M E M B E R S H IP Corp. currently has the following position available. Appilcalions will» accrated by the Employment Security Com m ission of N C through Tues., Aug 5, 1997, 4:30pm. Director of Customer Services, Statesville Headuarters, 567 Mocksville Hwy, Stslesvlile, N C 26667. For further details, contact: Emptoyment Security Com m ission, 1907 Newton Dr., Statesville. N C 28677 or Em ploymenl Security Commlsston, 1378 Hwy 601 S., Mocksville, N C 27028. Crescent E M C Is an Equal Q p ^ u n it y -A ffi^ tiy e , Actton Eli E m (5 lo ym i'n l C N A 'S C H O O S E Y O U R shmt Certitied Nuraing Assistants needed lor all shifts In ft near Davie County. 1 yra. exp. req. Sign up .bonus! Call Bayada Nurses. 723- 1000.__________[___________________ C O N C R E T E H ELPER , T R A V E L req. Drivera Iteense preferred. Call 264-4369, Mon.-Frt., 10am-2pm for aopltealion. EEC .__________________ D E N T A L A S S IS T A N T II: W e need an enthusiastic, motivated and certified assistant to join our team In a quality oriented family practtea. Please call 704-284-2595. D EN T A L R E C E P T K >M ST : M A T U R E, peraonable, self-starter, to woric In a progressive, caring dental practtoe. W e offer a challenging career opportunity In a team oriented environment. O ur emotoyees ers tmiy appreciated for their peraonal Involvement ft talenL DetMsI Assistants welconw to apply. Send resume to: P O Bo« 99, ffiicksvliie,NC 27028._____________ D R IV E R O W N ER/FLEET O P E R A T O R a com pany drivera. Einpteyer. It is the com pany's poltoy io atford equal opportunity to all qualified em ployees ft epplteants for employment without regard lo race, cotor, rellgton, sex, national origin,,.age, citizenship, veteran status or handteap. PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES M O B IL E H O M E SSkyline Corporation has an Immediate need for production ennployees In all phases ol manufactured home building. We offer an excellet slatting pay and fringe benefits package. II you have 1 year ol experience or tlie equivalent skills required, apply In person to; . S K Y L I N E C O R P O R A T I O N f B e t h e l C liu r c h R o a d • M o c k s v iiie , N O 2 7 0 2 8 ! _________________ £ q u a l O pportunity E m p lo ye r j W IR E E D M S P E C IA U S T PRECISION CONCEPTS. INC. has Immediate opening for w m E D M SEEQIMJSI Operates wire edm machine. Experience In programming Edm. Mitsuahl Trained Preferred. Fax resume to (910) 761-6575 or mail to; Precision Concepts, Inc. 2701 Boulder Park Court • Winston-Salem, N0 27101EEO/M]^ ER7Jt.ll IFHM,!NC MANUFACTURING — Employment — W« manuractura prafit window trim rrom Pond^roa^ Pina Mouldlnga. Work Includaa a variaty of dutlaa In out' manuraeturing procaaa. A ganaral knowladga of wood working aqulpmant would ba halpful. ExcallafltPay ; and Banallta.^Paid Vacatton Paid Holidaya RatlramantPlan Haalth Inauranca EXCEUENT STARTING RATE OF PAY APPLY IN PERSON TRIM, INC. B a l h e l C l i M r e h R o a d : M o e k a v M a . N C exp. teams ft solo, W. C. mlles>max miles ft max pay. Com prehensive support programs. Qutck spp. processing. вЮ -564- 6269._______________________________ D R tV ER -T EA M S/D ED IC A T E D $s00-$1000 Sign on bonus. Dedteated team runs, 1 00 % no touch, 100 % drop ft hook, average 4,584 mUesMk. Hom e 48 hra on the weekend. Iowa City, IA to Brown Summit, N C. D on t m iss out on this opportunity! Owner Operatora welcomel Buildera Transport 1-800-762-1819. D R IV E R S ft OtW NER Ops.. Singles start $.27/ml. Team s $.34/ml. Condo to all teams. Assigned Conv. Rider poltoy, 1 yr. O T R exp. No N E I C D L -A Call Al at R O C O R todayl 1-600-626-1643.____________ D R IV E R S: F L A T B E D T R A C T O R trailer, 5-6 day dispatch, hom e most weekends, sa conventlonals, 1st day medteal, dental coverage, m ust have clean M VR, good wortc history. Coastal Transport, 800- 835-9770 E O E.____________________ E X P C N A W IL L provkie dally In- home or live-in ceregiving for ekieriy client. Cell 634-5 6pm Onlyl F m p lo y m r n t EXP. P L A N T M A N A O iR needed tor local mfg. plenL M ust be mature, responsible ft have good . mgmt. skills. Send resume ft salary history to? P O Box 632, Ctommons, N 027012._________________________ H A IR D R E S S E R S W A N T E D to rent booth space, 2 booths available at Designera Lolt, 634- 2316.______________________________ H A IR S T Y L IST S G U A R A N T E E D H O U R LY w age,, no' clientele needed. Your aiyllst iteense Is a Iteense to a better income. W e will hire 7 FT ft P T stylists this week for our brand new state ol the art saton. Please cell to hear more about a fast paced career with a fun upbeat co. offering: paid vacatton ft hoiidays, paid special, trend ft mgmt. training, productivity bonus ft product sales commlsstons, $50 referrsi bonuses, benefits ft much, much more. Cell 765-9642 or 778-0280 today. H E L P W A N TED : Osborne Electric. 634-3396, appt. only._______________ H E L P W A N TED ! T E A C H E R Asslstsnt needed, Mon.-Fri., 3pm- 6pm. C sll 910-766-6979.___________ H O U S E K E E P E R S N E E D E D PT ft FT. Apply in person: Comfort Inn, 1500YsdW nvl»eRd._______________ IM M E D IA T E O PE W N O S: M EC H A N IC , M E C H A N IC 'S helper, millwright, electrical ft h^raulte technidsn, log loader operator. 1st shift * overtime. Shaver W ood Products, Inc. H m 70, Cleveland, N0704-278-9291._________________ LIVE-IN C A R E Q W E R needed. eble to lift. References PO Box 42, Mocksville, N C f ________________ L O C A L T R A C T O R T R A IL E R driver needed immediately for tocal hauls. N o overnight, a a s s A C D L teq. Current D O T medteal. Dnig ft eknhol screening req. 25 yra. or oklef w/3 yn . min. tractor treiiet exp. Clean driving record. Health insur., vacatton ft hoitoay U V C H n V A n B U IV B M ust be dependable, IM it housekeeping, checked. Salary neg. HomeMa»'. a subsidiaiy ol Zarii National Cwpmalim INASDAQ: ZhoM), has ал opining lor a land/Home Sils improvement Coordinator for its Mocksville. Noiiti Carolina operation. Tlie land/Home Site Improvement Coordinator will coodinaie all aciiviiies lor sileimpjovemems. setup, installation of options, and warrantv ol mamilacuited tames in «la Mocksville, Nonh Carolina area. The requitements lor this position include: The ability to wortc elfectrvelv with subcontractors and homeowners Strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks A woridng knowledge of Windows based operating systems ■ Colley degree and/or constniction expenenceaplus Please send or fax resume will) cover letter stating salary jsaiaiy must bo included to be considered) and position desired to: M r.Tm nyU>ydПге1Н.о1Нш ме11н«пи M M 8 . IM M im S t IW è Ü lN C ln M Г П С Ш И Г И М insur., vacatton & h o n a y pay. Send neme, address ft phone • to: Personnel, P O Box 994, Mocksville, N C 27028 or celi 704- 492-S8S1, 9am-Spm., Mon.-Sal. ft leave m essaqe for appllcatton. P E R S O N TO C L E A N private honiee, FT, Mon-Fri. Good pe^*enetlts. CtoverilekI's. 760- N O W H IR M à A T K-M oil in Clemmons. P T ft FT, IW xIile hra. Exp. front end Supervisor,: Associate w/exp. ft 3rd shift stocker, w/exp. Please epply any day from' 9am-9pm.________________________ O A K V A L L E Y 0 0 L F Club GrilT seasonal help needed, 1-2 daVSj' weekends only. Call Joan 9 4 0 -2 « » or apply al Grill.__________________ P E R S O N A L C A R E A ID E wanted.' Davie Piace Residential C are > seeking a hard woridng compasstonate Personal C are A M * for the 3-11 shift. Exp. preferred, but not req. Call 634-2175. P R E S C H O O L T E A C H IR a N E E D E D , PT, Sepl.-May; Bethtohem Anoels Preschool. 9 9 i^ 6620or996-5063.______________^ P T A D M N M S T R A T IV I A SS IST A N T : approx. 20 hra/wk; will have wMety verted nsponsibltW e* including producUoA ol querterty newsletter, easisting with program s and special evento, som e clertcal duties and much more. M ust be crestlve, have outgoing personality end enjoy woridng wilh senior adults. № s t have computer exp. $7/hr. App. mey be obtained el Oavie Co: Sentor Center, 622 N. Mein St., Mocksviiie, NC, cr call 704-634-’ 0611.____________________________^ P T H E A L T H ft W ellness C ocM .' Approx. 20 hraVwk. WUi teach senior exercise classes, help plan ft coordinate other hee№ ft wellness program s ft specialevents. ----------- ■ ------------ peraon sentora ol ail fitness leveie Improve Iheir health. Previous fm ess instniction exp. preferred, but will train the right person. $6.50/hr. App. m ay be obtained at Davie Co.'^ Sentor Center, 622 N. Mein St;, ' Mocksville, N C or c a l 634-0611.' W A N TED : H M H L Y EX P . peraon lor m anaging ft fitting pure^m d. beet herd. Duties Include operating^ Ism i equipment ft maintaining farm property. Housing avaliable;. Contaci: JImbo Shaver, Shaver- W ood Products, H m 70, Cleveland. N C 70 4-278 -9M 1. ■ W E E K E N D ST A F F N E E D IO (b ! woril In group hom es Im . devetopmentol disabled 1st ft 2nd sh K s. M ust have good ref., v e lk l. drivera Iteenee, High 8 < ^ . ^ dlptoma or G ED . riia HeaWi Ser., 278-9681.__________________________ W E LD E R : F T (W ILL conskier PT) must be efftelent with a Teague Wekler. Group health Insur. lumlshed- after 90 days. Pay acconling lo your Teague efttelency. Call behrnen 3 ft $ m onlyl Mike 463-4133.__________ ' W O O D W O R K E R S : $ 7 M T O stati : w/increases ft benefits. Exp. ft ref. - req. In Clemmons, next to : Poindexter. Apply Mon.-Fri. (7-6), ; Topslder Homes, 7050 idles Rd. - 766-9300.__________________________i “S E P T E M B E R 2 N 0 ” P R O P O S E D opening dale lor new lemUy s M : restaurant In Mocksville. W e n M d i PT ft F T cooks, waüera ft’ dishwsshera. ApplteatkHis now accepted on elle on Sa t, Aug. 2nd, ! 9am-2pm ft Tues., Aug. 5th ■ 5:30pm-9pm. Site ol oM Hardees j i. Looking tor s "psopls* ArtyouiMtmUdlmmakbtg$30fi00to$S0,mptrytar? Do you have... tending/mofttaie/nnance company experience? Oneorik«' triad's kodiof Mongaie B aokiif■ (inns is kn kin t foe two loaa'. * offkefs. Ccnplctelrsiningiit* coofanninf/oon-coaroimliii: j lending ftom pmchaie mooey to hoiiK «luily Uoes... come |IDW wilh list RiIlyaulam aledHciUkMac lender. CaNhra (9 1 0 ) 7 5 9 - З Ш Ът 759-7^' C N A ’S To Cover Davie County Ail Shifts Part-Time & Full TIine Fiexiisle Hours • Must Be Certified s i o ^ e ^ iw Piedmont HomeHealth, Inc. Wir«ton-Salem *nw temMMHi ooiqpiiqt M l kM y w l a y w ’d M v M - ' I ' 1 B12- DAVIE COUNTV ENTERPRISE RECORD, July 30J^ 1997 D a v ie I> a lid in e Eiind, Raisers Rjttay, Aug. 1 IM Calmdar for sak - notes fiK mcnwri- ali.blnhdaysandannivcRaric$utCix)l«mctt Shopping Ccmcr. Ongoing Blnjp), MocksviUe l949.Fri* days. Dix>rs open al 6. firM gaiiw ul 7 p.m. Cookbouk.t Fnr Sale. Bcthkheni Unili'd MrthodisI Church. Pnvceds for new play- ground. Call chua-h ofUce at WS-5(XH3 or Mclimla York;« 6M-M50. SI2 mh. miltK Mfding, Rose Room. 11 am. Senior Chimis, Easi Room. 3 pm.Friday, Aug. 1 BrU*c, liiU Room. 2-i p.m. Monday, Aug. 4 Podiulrisl. Dr. Dutm. Craft Room. 8:30- l);30a.m. Golden Age Glib, Bast Room. 10 a.m. SenlorRhylhmBand. AtiiumnCiire. 10:30 R e lig io n Aug. 1&2 12lh Annuul II<>nH<c(milnK. FumilnKton Communil) Center. SIngiiii'& fellowship. Free adnuNsion. rriday, 7 p.m. Saturday. 4 p.m. }iajiiburgm.]K)t dogs,chips, drinsN)tl) days. Bailwue chicken. Sal., 5 p.m. Penced in playgnuind. In cav: of rain, iiisido audiuv riunt. Bring law n chairs.. Call 910-W8-206S for info.Saturday. Aug. 2 VBS. MiKks Uniled .MdhodlM Church. Bc.m’h;unp Rd., Advance. 10 a.m.'3 p.m. Children ages 302. 'HKm*: "Tlx: Cln:ie of Friends Ranch". Mu\ic, crafts, fellowship.Aug. 10-15 Annual Revival Senici% Cedar Crwk MLvslonury Rapllst Church. Ttie Rev. Melvin Kessler of New Sltepherd Baptist Outa'h in Cooleemee lo speak Sumlay. Ser­ vices nighily Mon.-Fri., 7:30 p.m. with Uie Rev. I^ull Lowe of Shiloh Baptist Cliurvh of Winston-Salem. R e u n io n s Sunday, Aug. 3 Rtjnolds Rtunliin. Rich P;i.k Slicllcr 2. Dinner, I p.m.Kimmer Reunion. I-orkCivicCentcr. U.S. Hwy. 6-1 East.Thursday, Aug. 14 Duvie HiKh School Class of 1958 40th Year Reunion. Davie Couniy Librar)', 7 p.m. S p e c ic ü E v e n ts __________ Saturday, Aug. 6 ”Musk in (he I^rk", last in summer series. Coolccnwc Picwc Aibof, Church Sl, 7:30 p.m. Featuring Calvary way Gospel Singers & Farmington Bluegrass Band. Free. Hot dogs, drinks, walcnjwl«!.. D a te s to R e n n e m b e rSaturday, Aug. 2 Davit County Youth FootbaU Ptljilcab, Grades 3-Í. Brock Gym. P«r info, call 492- 2M7.Saturday, Aug. 9 Standard Flr^ Aid, Red Cross Office, 65 Court Stiuare beside Mocksvillc Fumitun; and Sweet Lover's Haven, 8 am.*3:30p.nu Meetingg Monday, Aug. 4 Dusie Couniy Board ofCommlvkioi er*,I p.m. July 21 meeting caiK-elled.Tuesday, Aug. 19 Davk Republican Party, Davie County Gnmhousc. 7:30 p.m.Saturday, Aug. 23 Davie County RepubUcan men's Federa­ tion, F&F Barbcctw. 7:30 a.m. S e n io r s ____________________ Call 6340611 for mofc info. Location is Brock Center unless noted otherwise.Thursday, July 31 Senbr C«mcr Hcakb & WeUoess Com- Y ' ' Г n.in.Tuesday, Aug. 5 , Parks & Rec. Trip, Mount Airy SreiH’y Lunch. Dcp;ut, 7 am. Brid{(e. luLst Room, 1:3(M p.m. RSVPNunIng Home Party. 2-1 p.m.Wednesday, Aug. 6 Wai-Nlart Sr. MominR. »-I» am. Cunl & Board Games, Ea.st Room. 1:3(M p.m. (7 0 4 ) 6 3 4 - 5 4 1 7 RSVi* Sevsii^ “ B '. RS VI* Onke. 9 an\.- \ p.m.Thursday, Aug. 7 Lunch & l^am, Western Steer, noon-1 p.m. Senkir Chorus lùiNi Room, 3 p.m. * Stamp CoIRvIor’» Club, Rose Rixiin, 7 p.m.Friday, Aug. 8 Wood>«orklns Class, Craft Room, 8:30- ll-.30am. BrMgc, East Room, 2-5 p.m.Monday, Aug. 11 CookemeeClut), First Baptist Fellowship Hall.lOam. East Davie Club, Beihlchem Fellowship Hall, 10:30 u.m. Senkir Rh)1hm Band, Meadowbmok Ter- raa*. 10:30 u.m. Bir^jo, Eiist Room. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12 c- Bridge. Eo\t Room, 1:30-4 p.m. RSVP Nulling Home Party. 24 p.m. ;; Report Davie Dateline Hems By Noon Monday IletmriirDuvfcDaltlliKslKJUldliercpiHtiy by mx>n Mwmby of ihc publicirtUm week. Coll6.%).2l20orilropilbyllKomcc.'S.NIalo St. across from thc ctninliouse. p k i p f ^ . N o S h o ts . i \ o S c h o o l Learn How To Maximize Your Sewing Time At This Fun and Informal Sewing Seminar! • iBomNwiio crcaui cnooi oVind gifts• Oiscftcr ways to odd personal touches to your homo • Seo Bdtr^ Lock's compuerced sewng moclwio, tiio Esonto’ • Exammothopotmaal of Bat7yU>ck'a embroidery mochino.tN}Esprco • E*pencnce the ease ol ‘Instant Jet AirThrcDdiig* in the Bob/ Lock Ecbpso sctqct • Exf^oro the tcdvvjlogcalod/anccs that sewing has rnodo• A Baby Lock Nawfwl Education Consuiuw»vvJrtNealprofcssiorwl sewing techniques • Bo'sew insprtxr • And much, much moreAitcnd tho ScN Spcctocular seminar ond youi be sew onvuod Qi hoM CQSi^, ond q^kly spectacular rcstAs can bo accomplished. Thh VahKbIt Sminar Will Off In W Your Bming For Ym n To Comf! Tun, August 5 at Ш Р.М . ft Wed. August 6 at 9:30 A.M. FREE REFRESHMENTS AND DOOR PRIZESI rrtMltt^lF N atiM iH i R K tiiiit« Н к а Н м C i H i K i i t l r M h a h V l O C i l I f Faya Graham MOCKSVILLE, NC G R E A T B U Y S F O R T H E Y A R D A N D S H O P ! 1248**Whil« oMnlitw* Ull. Wu 1399.99 closeout- save*151 Craftsman 15-HP, 42-in. lawn tractor with Kohler Command engine. 2S8S4 2 9 8 “ Whtif qutntititt Uit. WM 34399 ctoseout- save*Sl Craftsman 6.5-HP. 22-in. power piopelled hi-wheel rear bag mower. 37727/92? 9 9 * *W(U«MtUnlLRci.l»99 save *30 Kenmore gas grill with ^ 422-sq. in. total cooking area, wood side shelves, folding front table. 1&360 S E A B S r K E N M O R E America's *1 brand of home appliances! ta < lM ||- lu la lU 4 save‘150 3 9 9 - Throu#iAi«nl9iRt«. 479199 save *80 Super Cap«l^ Pilis vvasher, 2 -s p ^ motor'^ and 11 cycles. 28812 ' • ' ' №the pair! ( 3 2 9 ^ T1vou|nA««Kt9.Rw.99U9 save *70 Super Capacity Plus ; dijér «ЙШ lO'eycle and ' ' 4 Innperatures. Í6712 W a s h a r a a d d ry a r p ric e « ( t a r t a t '1 9 9 $ 3 B ia ila lla lle a ra b a ta a a a ll b a lH -ia а м Н " " « a v e r la e e 1 3 9 -SfMdalpurduu i Craftsman 14.4-vol( cordless drill/driver \jth 24-position adjustable torque clutch and keyless chuck. Includes 2 battel7 packs, charger and case. 2/494 OtlH good »lUi nuil'in ctitifMlt Ihrouch Aufint г S«tr» рго(га«п«1 ImUiUlion only. OHtt nol av4>Ubti in outM aom. 3 9 9 -Throu|hAucuUaRe|. 44959 save *50 New! Ultra Wash' dishwasher with 3-level wash and Quiet Guard' Plus insulation and delay start option. 157SS 1Ыуцг И1Яг RtsiiiRijf ipeyiiMifiva« S H A R P . 1 5 9 -Thm«nAufusl2.Rrc. 17999 save *20 Sharp tabletop stereo with 3-disc:CD changer, full logic dual cassette deck. 90616 (Mfr. #CD-C2610) TTvoufh AucuU 2. R*|. 319i99 save *60 12-amp upright vac. Micron filtration and on-board tools. ЗШ *S 8 8 EKeptiocul Vilu« 21 cu. it.’ reirigeralor with adjustable shelves, gallon door storage, meat drawer and two ctisper drawers. 7/132 Refriferater ■ rite s s ta r t • t $ 3 9 8 Thnxiih Aufutl 2. Rr(. 34999 save*50 12-amp Whispertone canister vac with Power- Mate Jr.-a $50 value'. 26Й2 IIG II 3 2 9 -Thnu|hAutuU2.R(«-349S9 save *20 RCA27-ln.TVwllh XS sleieo, Colorttak chassis system and digital remote control. «3n»IWr.#F2?2<200 S «l« p ricM good July 31 flhfW Vfh A w f«sl 2 O w nad a n d O p arata d b y willow Oak Shappina Cantar Mon-Frl».7 .8 « W S u n 12-5 David A Carol Powell H«yil01N*YadldmliRd*HoeMikNC (704)«34*5988 YOU CAN COUNT ON UAM RM МтГАСТКЖ GUAiUNTIIhs Kht!trt(>r*nl псЫп inttt, iRUtoHorn. Guild itom CKhKM. Cflvuonnwfi. /4m ana Whi гИми»' ED OR VOUR MONIV SACK 'I, jpecul (wctiKM «nd ittm Ii 0U« (vtf)^ Ion pnct. Retra at nnl Urier wchirtncilra. 01997Se^Rottua№dCo. Some тф( «piiUwc« ind tlKlrcnlcs впШМ by «меШ 0(4« only In т Ш Лат. ApplUnce prim in tor «Me. Colon, conntctort. rtfripntof ictm^wr hookui ind dWHMihtr IntUMtan «dn. OH том dtytn p rM hl^. TV urmtlmmeiuriddUioniiV.rKnitlenilmulitid.'Total opKty. . nC /1 Я1Ч11 “The itore you know U now cloM to fiome” Head-On Collision Three Hurt In Three-Vehicle Wreck Page? Practicirig Rjr The PGA Jeffrey Lankford Playing In One Of F^rofessional Golfs Major Tourneys This Week PageBI D A V I E C O U N T Y 80Ф • I . Bring Your Appetites: Annual Masonic Picnic Next Week Country haiti biscuits. Fried chicken. Tomato sandwiches. Potato salad. Canta­loupe. Watermelon. Pecan pie.Hungry yet?Mounds of all the above and more will beonhandforvisitors tothe 117th annual Masonic Picnic on Thursday, Aug. 14, at the picnic aibor in Clement Grove, off North Main Street in Mocksville.The picnic highlights a week-long car­nival, with proceeds eachdaygoingtothe Masonic Orphanage in Oxford.Member! of the Mocksville, Advance and Fannington Masonic lodges sponsor the event, just as they have since 1878.The carnival opens at 6 each nighl, with coupons available for $2 off on ride tickets for family nights, Monday, Tues­day and Wednesday.From 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, all children age 4 and under with written proof of an up-to-date immunization record can ride 1 Ithe carnival rides for free. Entenainment will include the First itniled Methodist Church choir at 7:30 Tjiesday, and The Harvesteis al 7:30 Friday.. On Thui^y, the morning program begins at 10 a.m. wilh performance by the Davie High School l»nd, followed by children from the Masbnic Home and senior citizens from tlie Masonic and Eastern Star Home. ;Smilh Patterson will speak just before lunch at noon. The Gospel Voices will perform al 7 thal nighl.Coming to the picnic will be a home­coming of sorts for Patterson, who spent some ofhls younger years growing up in Ihe Farmington communily. He’s now news editor and morning anchor of the Waking Crew on WSJS radio 600 in Winslon-Salem."I think it's great. You don't see that kind of tradition any more," Patterson said. "It's very unique."Patterson said he plans to speak about the impoilance of small communities.He got his start in radio at WDSL in Mocksville, playing rock and roll records as moming discjockey in 1970."I had known since I was lOyearaold I wanted lo be in radio,” Patterson said. "In 1970 whenlgot oulofservice,lwent to WDSL and Johnny Roberts hired me." Please See Masoiu - Pag^ 4 Shenys Story Sherry Roberts combined sensible eating with exercise and lost 105 pounds. She’8 teaching blhers how to do the same through a class at the YMCA now. - Photo bV RoWn ftrguMon A H ealthier U festyie Is P < ^ lb le By Jeanne HoupeDavie Couniy Enterprise Recoid There's no stopping Sheny Roberts once she sets her mind on something.Since deciding in October lo lose weight and improve her heallh, she has shed 105 pounds and dropped from a size 24 lo a size 10.■ Fbr years she had been embarrassed by her size and felt inlimidated by other women and even fe^ her children were ashamed of her, she said,"Putting jeans and a bell on was just a dream lo me," she said.' Nol only unhappy wilh the way she looked, Roberts feared heart disease would strike her as it had her parents and grandpar­ents.She had grown up eating homemade cobblers topped with ice cream and cakes m^ with real butler and eggs. Ii is thal life­style thal Roberts blames for the death of three of her four grand- , parents before she was 19.' Her father was 64 when he died in 1996, alter undergoing heart sw»Hy. "One of his dying wishes was that I ^ouM change my eadng habits and break out of the cycle of hean disease thal seemed lo control my family," she said. |Her mother, who nearly died after sdfTering a heart attack in 1995, had aheady begun to cook health|er, fat-free foods and exercise. As her heallh improved, she went ftom a size 18 to a size 12.Roberts wanted to nuke these change iii her life but was afraid of failing, she said. u 'Organizing a reunion of all past Davie High dance team members in honor of "dancing bools" coach Susan Wall, Roberts was embarrassed when she had to orde^ a double extra large shirt for the perfoimance of the reunited dancers during half-time of a Davie High football game in September As the event organizer, she appeared*on local television for several nights. |"When I saw myself on T.V., 1 just \Janted lo die," Roberts said. .Alter seeing herself on T.V., Robert« vowed she wasn't going to look like that anynxxG, and that's aU it took, WaU said. ______________ r h a iM S e e W U Ip iM K r - F a f lia Bodies Identified As lUlissing Hispanic Nien Large Amounts Of Drugs, Money Also Confiscated From Their HomeTwo bodies found a wooded area in Ihe Lone Hickory commu­nity May 30 were identified last week as Jesus and Rodolfo Caibajal-Anselmo, who had dis­appeared about four months ear­lier.Through DNA testing using blood givenbytheviclims'brolher, Dr. Patrick Lantz of N.C. Baptist Ho'spiial proved what authorities had suspected since Ihc bodies were discovered.Jesus Carbajol-Anselmo, 28, who was using the name Miguel Murillo Lopez, had come to the United States from Mexico on a worit visa. He had been living in a mobile home off Belhesda Lane in northern DavieCounty near Ihe Yadkin Couniy line with his brother Rodolfo Carbajal- Anselmo,23.whowasinthecoun- iry illegally and went by Ihenamis Cesar PraAiSifuette.A car registered lo Sifuerte was discovered Jan. 30 al Ihe Yadkin River access area off Courtney-^ Huntsville Road in Yadkin Cdunty.Thc registration plate had been removed fromthecar.andillooked like someone had tired lo remove the VIN (vehicle identificalion number), according lo Davie Sheriffs' Ll. Detective Jimmy Phipps.A lealher jacket found in the trunk had what appeared to be bullet holes and fresh bkxx). The inside of Ihe car had been "wiped, down", Phipps said.When officers wenl to ihe mo­bile home Sifuerte had rented in П еан See iB vcH iH lon - h f> 4 Mnton Seeks R»£lecllon; DaywaK, Hicks FHe For Spots On Town Boaids Mayor Jackie Moiton filed for re- election, and a third candidate filed for a seal on the Cool­ eemee Town Board in thelast week. InaddilMa,a fifth candidate Morton filed for a seat on the Mocksville TownBoard. Moiton will face political new­ comer Orady Spry in November, while Tommy Daywalt joim the three penon race for two seats on №e Cooleemee town board, wilh incumbentLynnRumleyandlohn Chandler. . ln ModEsvUle.LyiuieHiGk> ; DaywaK Hkki, added her name to the five-penon race for duie wan, joining Ed KeUy, Lee Rollins. Steve Walker and James Wall. Fotmayar,F.W. Slate and Dusty Wheattm WiU be on the baUoi in November. Martaik 70, of Ruffin SticM, saidibeieU''iiniinisbedbuiin : тттЛтСтШ Лт -Ч-■- w s r ' i '' '