09-SeptemberD A V T C O U N T Y X C I A ll T h e C o u n ty N e w s F o r E v e r y b o d y - $ 4 .0 0 P E R Y E A R — S m g le C o p y , 1 0 c e n ts T hursday, S eptem ber 5, 1968 N o. 19 D a v ie S c h o o l E n r o llm e n t Is 4 ,3 0 5 F o r F ir s t D a y Tl.'j lii'il (liiy enrollment in tlio .Iimiors, 211Ü; Scnini's, 245. Tol.il D;ivic tt'.iKiy school toliillcd 4,305, 1272. ................. D;i\’ic Coiinly School Suppi'inicrt- {leiil, K. Evcridso, said Mint lliis [¡sure »'US expecteii lo in- crca.” by Ihe end of I'lio' wc'ck. A bi’cakdi)«'!! of the enrollment fii.'!ires shew 1272 enrolled ut Ihe ]Ji:vic Comily Hia'h Schocl, anti 3,- O.fS 111 (!;e' 'I'.cmcnlitry schools of the county. ____ A Ijroakclown by sdiools is a.s Mio-ws: ............. nA V rR H IG H ICO OLEK M EE '1st. IKi; 2nd, 102; 3rd, 107; 4tll. 110; 5:h, Й4; fiih, !IB; 7th, U5; «Ü1, ]05. Total «12. FA R M IN G T O V 1ьЧ, 37; 2nd, 3fi; 3rd, 29; 4th, 2!i; 5lh, 26; fil'h, 29; 7th, 27; «th. 35. Total, 247. ............ M O C K SV ILLE E L E M E N T A ItY Is!. 13:i; 2nd, 127; 3rd. 1.3!!; 4th, М2; .i;h, 127; Sp'scial Education, 13. Freshmen, 2Я5; £ophamores, 342; Total .55. M iX 'K SV IL LE M ID D I.E (l !i, 15'.’; 7;ii, ¡1!); flth, 1.50; Spec i;il EAicalian, .'J4. To'lal, 4!»1. SH A D Y G KO V E 60; 2nd. (!(i; 3rd, .50; 4!h, 4fi; 5lli, 5!i; 8Ji, 43; 7lh, 51; fith, 4.'i. Total 420. .. .... SM ITH G RO V E 1st, 41; 2nd. 33; 3rd, 34; 4!h, .30; 5;'i, 39; G '.i, 30; 7lh, 31; tlth, 30. Total 208. W ILLIA M R . D A V IE Ist. 32; 2nd, 25; 3ro, 29; 41h, 31; 51 h, 23. Total 140. Mrs. Ed Latta To Head Girl Scouts Mrs. Ed Latta will serve as Neigh- , borhood Chairman for the Davie County Girl Scouts. Davie is a part of the newly formed Tarheel Triad Girl Scout Council with headquarters in High Point. She replaces Mrs. Jack Sanford »bo has served as Neighborhood Chairman for the past 5 years. Mrs. Sanford will continue as a leader of the Senior Olrl Scout Troop. ‘We feel most fortunate to have such capable leadership.” said local officials. “It Is gratifying to have volunteers to give of their time and talent to help a pr(^ram such as Girl Scouting continyie — and to grow.” iMrs. Robert ‘Hendficks, Troop Ôrgariizër, (Kat ’ ^ e r e ,1s still a T W d '^ Waop Lead- lers ân8*iA&sii)|àftts. if ;9>2y enl would vOT^W to keep siriali children of leadei's, so they could ïneet the Troop,,requirements, this ^ould be a great help. Volunteers may call either . Mrs. IHendricks or Mrs, Latta. ^ j ^ H o s p it a l ,D a y ' A H ospital R ecognition P ro ­ g ra m , «sponsored ¡by tlie IDavie C ounty H ospital A uxiliary is being p lan n ed for S atu rd ay , S ep te m b er ',14th. In th e iM ocks- rille E le m e n ta ry S chool A udi­ to riu m . Ih . C . C ran fo rd , iPubllc R elations D irecto r ot the N o rth C a ro lin a B lue C ro ss land B lue IShleld, w ill sp eak . JWrs. F re d Sm H h, preside/nt \pf th e A uxiliary w ill b e in c h a rg e ot th e n te etin g . Д а т H udson, H os- pltatA dm inisl(rfctor , w ill p re ­ se n t ho sp ital em ptoyees who w ill be te co g n lze d fo r |fheir serv ice. (M rs. A nn ¡Stiller, reg is­ te re d piurse a n d ihead o f <the Camdy S trip e pnigK am , wlU p re se n t p in s to th e igirls jn t^ e p ro g ram . ТЫ я p ro g ra m w ill begin lat 7:30 p .m . 4 ln itae d ^ (eiy .(ollow iiie. g ro u p wMI ed W iW in N a * * ''-'lUMium #6 a B ake ^ale, <a iCakC IW W . B ingo, a n d refreshm |fclit» fo r ,^ l e . T he public b u rg ed T h ere w ill be no ad m issio n c h a rg e to tlie p ro g ram . Dr. Lowery’s Memoirs To Come Out September 23 , I’liblication date for Dr. John years in Germany, to I'etuni to bis nobort ('Bob) Lowery’s new book, IJeloved North Carolina, a specialist ••'Aiemoirs of a Country Doctor,” has in direases of the stomach. Wamily been set for September 23rd. The nostalgic and an intriguing string of book, lo be publi^ed by Carlton comparisons between old and mod- Piess, will be priced al $3,50. ern bedside manners. "Memoirs of Dr. Lowery is a native of Davie a Country Doctor” provides a wise Cmnity and practiced medicine in and witty inti|iate commentary on the western section of this county the momentous passing parade of for many years prior to moving to an ora which should nol — must nol SnliM'jury and many of the inci- — be forgotten, dents repoiled in the book occurred iDr. Lowery was liorn in Davie in this county. County, in iRPil. Educated at pri- A brief review of Ihe book reports: vate schools and the University of North Carolina in the post Civil N. C., he obtained his M.D. al the \V:ir days ... . a young boy with an University of Maryland and later agonizing earache . . . doctors who studied for two years al the Uni- pre.scribed but did nol cure . . . versity of Berlin. After practicing nuinlhs of pain and illness. Such privately for 17 years, he then op- w'ctx! the vivid scenes preceding ened a private general hospital, .)(tlin iHohei'l Lowery’s decision to Marrid for 33 years, be is a member Ix'c o m c a medical doctor. And this of th AIMA, the North Carolina Méd­ is e.vacllv what Dr, Lowery did, ical Assoc, and he is listed in the Irnvi'ling far and wide to increase International Who’s Who of 'Medl- his knowledge, even spending two cine. His home is now Salisbury. Annual Davie E le ctric ü/feeting Is S aturday C a r W r e c k e d O n H w y . 8 0 1 An accident occurred Sunday on 'N. C. 801, 9 miles east of Mocks­ ville, when Donnie Day Tate, 17, of Lexington, N. C., operating a 19i>7 Plymouth, lost control in a curve and ran off the roadway; striking a smalll emtoankmenl and a fence post. The car came to a halt in the yard of C. F, Barnhaixit's. Slate Highway Patrolman R. I-. Beane investigated the accident, and damage to the Plymouth amounted to $850. Tate was charged with exceeding safe speed. .R a in fa ll T he rain fall in M ocksville for 4he m onth of A ugust w as orficially m e asu red ' a t 4,23 in- ' dies'. N a ils S e l f T o « 1 Charles Gavwcod ;and 'Charles Sheek re ceived their God and /Country Award during the morning 'service at the First 'United Methodist Churcli Sunday, Sept. 1. The mothers oi the two boys ar e shown .above presenting the awards lo their sons. The iReverend Miller officiât ed at the service. The program is .design­ ed tu enable the participating boys to grow in the Christian areas of istudy, ex­ perience, and ¡sei’vice. The boys began t heir program in April of '1967. During the year they ¡participated Sn many ac ts of service to the church in addition to the studies !which they had with Rev. M iller. T lie School Bond Vote . . . and Taxes In a statciv.’.'; ! con;erning the County at p;” S;ent levies 15 co';ils L’i'.r.ii’.'i i. iiol linrd e’Dttion to be in H'e tax rale for county civpitnl U'Ui TiK'-iiay. !-;i;i.':iv.rjttr 17. ISlBX needs and 6 & 'i cents for sc'.iool II. R. fiendrix, Jr., Chairman of .capital needs, n lotal capital r.'- the County Board of Commission- serv e levy of 21 & ii ce n ts................ ers, stated that 11« members of the Board have received inquiries iver the past s'jveral weeks rela;- live 'lo Iho erfoct passage of № 2 )ond election by t’,.'; voters will have on county taxes. M r. . Hendrix staled that the Ho said further te t this 2i'ic now being levied is estimated l<i H.': sufficient lo I'cllre the addition­ al bonds if approved by tho voters, assu'Hiing present conditions in the bond market do not chan™.:. S u r v e y ,F o r N e w C o u r s e s T his w ill be th e .last w eek in w liich lo sign un for any ot tiic new ad u lt sp ccial-in terest coui'scs a t the 'D avie County E ducation C enter, A dults in terested in an y of th e co u rscs listed lielow should call (he (E ducation •Center (m - m ed iately (284-2071). C R EA TIV E W RITIN G O IL PA IN TIN G for B E G IN N E R S IN T E R IO R D ECO RATION FLO W ER A RRA N G IN G FIN A N C IA L IN V ESTM EN TS M O D ER N M ATH for P aren ts SC U LPTU R IN G CERA M ICS F IG U R E CONTROL for W om en "b r i c k l a y i n g for H obbies S P E E D B E A D IN G Commissioners Have Meeting . The Davie County Boaril ol County Commissioners mot in an all day session IXiesday of lliis weJt. ................ One of the iinpiirtanl business matters Iransarled was the appro­ val of a p:tition from interested eiUzens to straighten RiUR 1605 to Highway 64. Rufus Brock was re-appoinlcd to the I Norlliwest Economic Devjiop- meiU Commission. Four memrtbers of the Board at- Ijsnded the meeting. iD a v ie H ig h w a y 1 9 6 8 B o x S c o r e N o. o t A eeid en t ......................... 221 N o. of P eo p le In.iured ......... 125 F ata liU es 'D e c la r e d D e lin q u e n t B illy iLee Johnson |lias lieen d eclared d elin q u en t by S elect­ ed Service B o ard N o. 30 and w ill b e o rd ered fo r induction into th e U . B . A rm y lif no t lo­ c a te d a l once. A nyone know ing b is ad d ress o r h is w here ab o u ts, p lease g et ;in touch w ith tlic lo c al bo ard . '. Jerry S w lcegood w ere w orkbig T uesday o n la house th e y w ere building. 'In fa c t, th e y w ere 0» th e b u ilding p u ttb ig o n th e p lates. L e ste r h ad h is <№and /around a iw o toy fo u r an d so m e how drove ia six-penny inail th ro u g h h e ’s kniddle fin g e r. L e ster s a id th a t if (he h a d d ropped h is h a m m e r iie p ro­ bably w ould h av e ibecn “ nail­ ed to th e w a ll y e t" . f. •. b u t he took th e lia tn m e r fatnd vuH ed tile n a il out. T uesday n ig h t he rep o rted a v ery so re a n d throbbing finger. Jordan Anil Wilson ‘WtR ^ o lf- Charlie Jordan and HarO'ld Wilr , J'srry Shore and Gene Smith de- son defeated Bob Соок’з and Jesse 'ieated A. M. Kiser and J. G. James this past weeknd to win the 'Crawford for the first flight con- ohampionship playoff of 1Ьэ four-' solalion. .................. baM tournament at Twin Cedars. ' jr. Truelte and Bruce Stanhy de- In the second flight, Terry Bur- fealed Jim Williams and Bill Bia- ton and Jim Burton defeat'jd Dr. nco for the second flight consola- R. F. Kenrp and Gordon Tomlin- lion. ................................... son to win the play-off. g^^y Johnson and Jimmy Jam- Bill Daniel and Marion Randall Bill Shoaf and Otis defeai'2d Cari Kiker and Barry penniger for the 3rd flight conso- MiBnde for the third ili»,’ht title, .igtion. :n the championsl.ip consolation, Jerry Swicegood and Jack Sea- С. ii. No'iey and Jim Brown й'э- ford defeated CoUus Myers and fealed Kee Kirchin and Rich Wei- Gene Cartner for the 4th flight sler. ....................... consolation. .. .. O v e r 3 0 0 A p p ly F o r H ic k o r y H ill M e m b e rs h ip ^ - - -ви!” 'ing spirit of progressiveness шBill Daniel, Chaiman of the M. Kiset, Jr., George E. о Т Г Й ^ . ; miT'Golf Г п ' * L . витеу also repor0.d th¿ When asked by a reporter to ,3^. Henry C. Sprinkle, president д ■ whal he attributed the unptoceden- ^ (lia о1Л, has already advised ^ ‘f ? w ! f inan шШ ted response .for support of tiie Clarence SUrk. County Supervisor plann)2d recreational facil- loj. the H^epier’g, Horoe Loan Ad-^......... lacilities the residents anK^nt <rf $S9.000 taa aS sL u^ of Daivie County for social affairs, jjeen deposited in accordance with Fawners Admra . golf, swiimning, tennis, fishing, ii3quiren:>en.ts for closing lihe loan Tihe htting Of bids for the actual and boating appealed to everyone.” $280,000, whieh was appi«ved in construction (^ the olub facilities H>3 paid high tribute to the un- Washington some weeks ago, wiH take place just as soon as the selfish and untiring eifforts of the Russell H. Burney, ot Wilming- Washington, membership campaign committee, C., engiiiser for the des- Applications will continue to be ‘‘The committee worked long hours .g^j' construction of Hie Hick- accepted for metrtbership in Uk to see that as many residents of gnj country Club, Hicfcory Hi'U Golf and Counti-y the county, as was humanly pos- notified by telephone Chat Club, according to Charles H. siible, ware conducted. Even so, membership drive had gone Spear, secnatary Hbwever, since we feel that sowi desirable pros- declared, ‘‘TWs is the deadline for charter memtosrs peels have been inadvartantly mis- ^„derfui news, but not unexpeel- is now passed, the initiation f<2e sed, and for this we apologize,” be j j^ad faith that the citizens of will be $250. Tho dues of $15 per said. .............................. Davie County would actively sup- monto payable when flie faciliti3S The mejnbiarship campaign com- port this project. The county has arc ready for use by the morrtb^r- imillee captains were Charlie F. a leputalion for dependability, and ship, remain tbj same for all Barn'hardt, Howard J. ColbJrt, A. tihwe are many signs of a grow- members. .................. R e b e ls A t A lb e m a r le In F o o tb a ll O p e n e r 'I'lic .'inniiiil momljorshi.t) m 'fling ('! llii> D.ivle Elcclrif M'3mbers.hip ('(ir[n ir;i(io n will be held Saturday ;i'lorno(/n, September 7tb, al Ihe M.isonif Picnic Grounds in Mocks­ ville. iii;in;ig<‘r .1. (^. .IdiU'S s:ii(l ni'e evpctiing ;i‘ very laj-go u!- lendnm-i'. nnd we have had ciowds as Inrgi- as 5,000 people." (ivvyn Price, ('huirman of the North L’ai'oliiia Uurul Klectrifien- lion .\utliurily since 1941, will be IIh' lontuivd sivaker. Mr. I'rii.'e is I'linryed with the responsibility ot promoting rural electrification and rural telephony in the state. Since llu' history of ihe state l{ii.\ office predated Mr. l^riie'-s service by only .sj\ years, ni.isl iil IIh' iidi\ily lias been under liis sili>ervision. Hi'piiits ol llu.s vear's opeialiiii; yie now bemj; preiiured by the tli- ¡•(■clors and managers of Ihe coopei'- ntive. Thnse of the 11.000 membt«r- owners who altenri the meeting will ?lect three I’ irectors from the m em beiship to serve .jn the board ot diie:l(irs l'(;r a I'.M’iod i,r three years. The r.uminees lor election lo ll\' board are T. B. Woodruff. Dis­ trict 1, Davie County. J. S. .Dobson, Dii'trict 2, Iredell County; and W . J. Myers. District 4, Rowan County, The Sons of Faith from Taylors- \ille will pre,sent an hour-long pro­ gram ol gospel music beginning al 12:30 p m . Mi'inbers must register by 1:30 p.m. to Ix! eligible for the jver S3.700 in valuable prizes to be awarded. Tile Davie iileclric Membei'ship I’orporaiion serves over 10„500 members in Davie, liedell, .Mexan- (ler, lio»an and Wilkes counlies. Shown above is the Davie County •Rebel” football ¡squad for the 1968 season. They are left to right, 1st row: Ronnie Shoaf, Steve Zim­ merman, Bryant iSmith, Donnie Everhart, Steve Latham, Don Da vis, AUen Barger, Ralph Naylor, Joe Towell, iR. C. Athey, and Hank Ridge. 2nd row: Tonj Seaford, iSteve Hendrix, Frank Short. Ed Jo nes, Handy iHanes, Ed Hendrix, Don Riddle, David Hoyle, iRobert Swing, Steve Beck, Joe Mason, and Tom Chaffin. 3rd row: Three a f the managers, Tom Rldenhour, Andy Andrews, Nelson Tutterow, Doqg Chappell, Steve Blackwelder, Hubert West, Ricky Spry, Mike Dalton, head coach Jim Conger, Burt Barger, assistant «oach, and Bill Peeler, athletic director and backfield cuach. Davie County High School_ will open it’s laes football yjason" Fri­ day night at Alliciparlc in a'non- coiVierence gamf3. This will mark the first apjiear- ance of tlT3 Rebels under their new head coach, Jim Conger. As­ sisi in.g Coach Conger are Bill Р'зЫег, Burt Barger, Bob Henry and Julius Suiter. Reluming Jetlennijn IJiT.inie Everhardl, Joe Towell, Ralph Nay­ lor, Ronnin: Shoaf. Hank Ridge are expected lo provide the писз- Icus for whal many bilieve lo be a leading contender for th<. North Piedmont СопГ'згепсе crown. Towell, Naylor and iiverhardt arc co-captains. The Rcit'3l rosier for l!)li!l is as follows: ENDS; R. C. Athey. K’icve Beck, Donni-3 Everhart, Ed .Jones, and Doug Chappell. TACKLES; Joe Towell, Steve Lalham, Randy Hanes, Rol.vit Swing. David Hoyile, and Steve Blackwelder. ,. .. GUARDS: Ralph Naylor. Ricky Spry, Don Davis, Nelson Tiill'.-row, Handy Riddle, Andy Andrews, and Ed Hendrix. .. .. CE.NTERS: Allen Barger and Don Ridd>3. ............ FULL BACKS: Hank Ridge. .Mi­ ke Dalton, and Tom Chaffin. QUATICR B.'^CKS: Ronnie .Slwaf and Joe Mason. HALFBAC'KS: .Slev<. Zimmerman, Hubert Wes1, Stove Hndrix, Tom Rldertbuur, Bryanl Smith, Tony Seaford, and Frank Short. The mana(?-TS are Steve Swing, Jim Wishon, Cliiude Tutterow, and Ricky WaU. Page Two EHierprUm-Recofd TkurgHay, September 5, 1968 Loss Of 'Hearing Is Discussed (For iRotary . The problems Involved with the loss of hearing were presented to the Mocksville Rotary Club Tuesday Iby Leslie Daniel. Mr. Daniel showed slides which depicted the various causes and problems Involved in the impair­ ment of hearing. President 0. K. Pope presided. Davie Graduates Attend! Rowan Tech A number of Davie County High School graduates ai'3 planning to continue their education this Xall at Rowan Technical Institute ac cording to the Stud'^nt Personnel office at the Institute. Davie County graduates accept ed for admission and the program they are enrolled in are as follows: M A C H IN EST T R A D E ,1 Glenn MciNeal Walioar Jaimes Giibert Wilson Jacic Oonley Daniel ¡Larry EVwood Sherrill B U SIN E S S A D M IN ISTR A TIO N Janvss Howard Walker A IR COND. & IR E FR IG E R A T IO N William David Boger E X E C U T IV E fSECRETA RIA L Janie Carol Howard F IR E & S A F E T Y T E C H . Andrew Steven Spiiy Gary Thomas Vogler Applications are still b^ing ac­ cepted for September, however, some programs ai« rapidly reach­ ing capacity enroMment. Indivi­ duals .wishing to attend Rowan Tedh this fall should contact the Student Parsonnel, Oifice inVmedia- tely. ................... Local Dealer Gets Previevir lOf ¡New Chryslers, iPlymouths On September 5, C^p-ydler-Piy- moulh dealers of Mocksville will B’t their first look at the new lines of 1969 Plymouths, Ohryslerp and Imperials at a preview meet­ ing at Washington. All'sndir.ig from Mocksville-CSiry- slernPlymouth iwUl be Mr. an^ Mrs. Duke Wooten, Ray Draughp and John McDaniel. Th'j showing is one of 21 beinf held in various parts of tbe couo- try for dealers and their sale| staffs. They will inspsct the new models followinig a otosed-cincuit, simultaneously televised businos^ meeting for deaters and salesmen w4iich will originate in New York. Glenn E. White, 03neral mana­ ger of ChrysiIer-iPlynrouth Division, wai head a panel ot e»acutiveBi who will discuss the 1969 automo­ biles and promotional plans to idontinue the salias nwmentun^ w*ich made 1968 a recoPd year for the division. The new models go on sale September 9. Invited to tl»3 preview are sales and ma;nag0men( personnel from Mocksville Chrysler-Plyimouth, Inc. of Mooksviil>3. .. PLAYSKOOL For 4 yr. olds Opens Tuesday, September 17th A t H om e Of Mrs. Charles E. McCoy i' 532 C hurch S tree t M ocksvU le. N . C . Hours: 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday 0iroiigh Friday For Furtber InfonoatUn СаД 6S4-5422 hnЛIWVW^ЛЛЛЛ/W^ЛЛЛЛЛЛ/WWVVVVVVУW>Л/VVVWV!h^WWyyWVV' How specially welcome coffee is when flayor^'fUld lightenpd with Cremora, a iow-oalorle, Btantly soluble iiWiJer that ^ hances tlie flav(>t and color of even the very tMft Ijrcw. A" ’ how it suit* eqgy summerti; llvinv . . . evertr^dy to us( diMolves w$№ JUiit a stir in liquids— colfesi tea Or Sprinkle the aesired ami (for most tastes about one le' teaspoonful) atop the hot erage and stir. Indoors, outdoors, summeç Isr winter, it’s always time for cof­fee, the friendly drink that invites corolality and conversation. When days are hot, iced <№ks zoom In popularity. But coolers are simple to do, too. Jii^t blend thé nondairy tight­ener with the hot tea or ( “ 'ore or after icing. (To mako liquid, the Borden Kitchen Suggests ml.>dng two parts hot water with one part powder, or ii cup hot water to i4 cup Cremora.) Mrs. Calvin Ijames Completes IBM Training Mrs. Vertie Mae Ijames of Mocks»' vllle Rt. 1 is a recent graduate pj[ the IBM Key Punch Course taught; at the North Carolina School Automation in Green^ro, N. C, Mrs. Ijames was awarded certificate of ШМ Key Punch Oper-' ator on August 23rd. Blackwelder Reunion To iBe Held S^day The annual Blaoltwelder Reunion will be held Sunday at the Ohestnilt ' GrovB Methodist C hu^. Picnic dinner wiU bie served on (lie grounds at 1 p. m. The Rev. D. C. Williams Of Mr. Carrnal, Illinois will be presents Mr. Williams, a descendant of the Blackwelder clan, has done ■sxten- sive research on Blaohwl<ter his­ tory and has visited tiie places in Germany from wiiich ttie original Bladiiwelders - ittial aettied^^ «his country enngrated. Su^aQr ht3 will eUmi sflldes and movies of the;^ iplao3s and give the history of tiie Blackwelder olan. SHOP BELK'S IN Mocksville OPEN FRIDAYS ‘TIL Ы WHY You ShouldSHOP At HOME FRIEI4DLY SERVICE r SHOP wit CONFIDENCE Just park once and shop once for A L L your needs. Ev9fytMn$ you seek ¿c likely to he only steps away. Plenty ot free parking space convenient to stores. You can shop more merchandise, compare more values in lest time downtown than anywhere else. Always a wide choice of merchandise ot prices to suit your budget,,, when you shop downtown, • S H O P IN C O M F O R T , , , S H O P A T T H E S E H O M E T O W N S TO R ES . This A d Sponsored B y The Merchante Ustedt Branch Banking and Trust Daniel Furniture & Electric Co. C. G* Sanford Sons Company Bill Msrrell Furnitur« Co. Davie Freezer Locker Two Accidents' > Ave Reported i ' Two accidents oooured a hour apart Tuesday of last Wîek. One on U S 601, 5 miles north of Mooks\ille when Roy Alvin Adams, 16, of Mocksville, operating a 56 Ford, and Charles Olay Turnsr, 66, of St. Petersburg, FI9., operat­ ing a 64 Dodge were trav’Hng south. Driver of vehicle 1 attemiJt- •îd to make a le(ft turn when ve­ hicle 2 started to pull out to pass vhic’e 1. Vehicle 2 saw that ve­ hicle 1 was («n-ning i3{t and ap­ plied brakes. The right rear of vehide, 2 struck the léft side of vehicle 1. Both VJhioles sideswiped. State Highway Patrolman R. L. Beane investigated, ths accident and changed Turnsr with improper passing. Damagîs to the Ford was $200 and 2S0 damage to the Dodge. The other accident occurring was on US 1S8, 2 miles sast of Mocksville when William Alton Blakely, 29. of Rt. 2, MkjCksville, Operating a 53 Ohevrolet and Lon- ie Reid Priddy of King, N. C. op­ erating a 60 GMC truck were traveling west on US 158. Vehicle 2 pulled out to pass vehicle 1. Ve­ hicle 1 turned left into a private drive and the front of vehicle 2 stswk vehicle 1 in the left side causing it to turn over on its right side. ......... Two occupants of the Chevrolet, Mrs. Betty Ann Blakely and Mark ABen Blakely were admitted to Davie County Hospital, checked and released. State .Highway Patrohnan R. L. Bean« investigated the accident, and estimated damages to the Chevrolet to be $200 and $400 to the CMC truck. .. .. lExpresses Thanks M rs. (BM sle S p a rk s n n d h e r d au g h ter, S u sa n iW alker, w ould like to e x p re w M heir tlian k s to (Loiwiie T u ttero w a n d th e R escue S quad fand to IDa­ vie C ounty (H ospital lo r M p in a m :e n t ex p e rien ce th a t th ey h ad . M rs. W alker w as e x p e c t Ing » b ab y (and lia d b ee n n t- (ended b y ii d o cto r In S tates­ ville. O n th e iday sh e th ought sh e .'*v'as ;ln la b o r sh e [(md ^ e r m o th er got v e ry ex c ited k n d w en t to th e E m erg en cy R oom of D avie C ounty H ospiU d. T h ere M rs. W alk er w a s exann- ined « p d itt tw as fe lt (h a t »he could g e t to , h e r d o cto r tn S tatesv ille safely. « o rtC v e r, h e r m o th er w as / too n erv o u s to d r.v e h e r d au g h ter an d she called M r. T u ttero w w ho told h e r no t to w o rry f .that b e w ould com e a fte r fthem W ith th e (R escue S q u ad A m bulance • a n d ta k e h e r to S tatesv ille b e ­ fore h e w en t o n duty in M ocks­ ville (as p o licem an . ;A V urse fro m th e H ospital acco m p an ied them |. T his a ll to o k p la c e 0« A ugust |2Srd'. ¡“W e (are to o st g ratefu l /to tall w ho te lp e d u s ,” sa id M rs. S p a rk s,” an d w e w an ted ev ery o n e to know ab o u t th e fin e w o rk th a l is being done jin th e icoi|nty fo r people In n e e d .’* County Court judgment continued. JVissph Harirave. «scapo, 90 day^ Charles Franblin Mjrers,. no erator’s license, tS6 including cost. WiUlam H. Waller, disposing of moMgagea property, nol pros. RUBBER lSTAI f«0l iinrtH Three Cars In \ W reck lOn (Hy. 158' An accident occurred Mtonday, Septemlber 2, at 6:25 p.m. on High­ way 158 20 feet sast of the ent­ rance to RUiR 1675. State Trooper K. N. Bolick irwestlgated tb3 ac­ cident and gave the following account: ................. A 1964 Plymouth, being operat!3d by Billy Randolph Byers, of Route 1, Pfafftowh, N. C., stopped in the travel lai73 behind another car, which was preparing for a left turn, when a 1961 Chevroet being op’raled by Norman Hawood Kea­ ton, of Route 2, Clemmons, failed to get stopped behind the Plymouiti and skiddad broadside into IJie rear df this car. The left front Of the Ohevrolet crossed th>2 center line and raked down the >aft side of a 1908 PlyimouUi being operated by John Anthony Guglielmi <rf Park Aiv’snue, - Mboksville, which was traveling in the other lane of tlraffic. Damage to the ’64 Hymouth was estinfoted at $500, to the Chevrolet) $800 and to the '68 Ply- iTWUth $1,000. Kiaton was charged with foBow. ing too dose. . Ths regular session of Davie Counby Court was held Tuesday. Judge John T. Brool: presided. Attorney Dsster P. Martin, Jr. prosecuted the docket. Cases dis- pbicd of were as follows; Donald Grey Foster, non-sup' port, nol pros. Walter Nathaniel Dulin, capias, continwsd. .. ............ .Willie Mullis, wortijless check, capias. ................... James Harry McOoy, resisting an officer, nol pros. James Harry McCoy, public dmrikenness, n o l j>ros............................. James Harry McOoy, possession. nol pros. ............... Carol EngDsne'-' Harding, carry­ ing concealed weapon, dismissed. Ray Lamar Wagner, excesding ^ e . speed, $10 asd cost. William Henry DuSf, operating .car intoxicated, judgment absolute on bond. .. . Robert Smith Allen, assault, nisi sc i, fa and capias. Jerry Osborn-j Blackwell, speed' ing, $30 including cost. Gary Cli»ton Sidden, speeding, $30 including cost. Michael J. DeCanlo, q>«oding, $35 including cost. Carol E5i|glebert Harding, reck­ less driving, $50 and cost. ' lAniKbelle DeHart, assault on rninor, continued. Handy Jones, conspiracy, nol pros with leave. Mack Whitaker, conspiracy, nol pros with leave. Willfe HuB, escape, prayer for Carol CSiristirB Potts, failure lo send chiklren to achool, nol pros . ,B. pMuric IBton«; diiiwslng of mor­ tgaged property, nul pros. Jerry Lu3 Dalton, alias capias, continued. .... ’ .. Enterprise - Record Mocksville, N. C. 27028 Published Every Thursday At 124 South Main St. (30RDON TOMLINSON BDrrOR-PUBLISHER SUE SHORT ' ASSOCIATE EDITOR Second-Class postage paid at Mocksville, N. C. Subscription rates: Single COPY 10c $4.00 per year in North Carolintt: $4.50 per year out of state' i r ITS PAYS TO ADVERTISE TEXTILE SHOP S alisb u ry S t.M ocksviU e, N . C. For That Custom-Made Look See Our O f Fall Fabrics Miliken IWoolens • Dan IRlver Femta - Press Suitings • Bales Fall Cottons, ■ (Smock Trim To Match) S u m m e r M ate rial S ale som e u mlKÁ a s Ü p iic c B u tt o c k F a t t e l i ; -7, S h q p llclty P a tte in a —ТГГ’Р--------------- .шШ Ш Ш ! í ♦•ît k. -f ’ • - -f H ie r ^ a lo t o f b e a u ^ in tfa is b u ild in g TUB bunding b Tbe N orth Carolina M useum of A rt. It'a Iooat0d in Raleigh, and it houses an art collection valued at over ten m illion dollars. T his year if the tw entieth anniversary of the official b a n n in g of that collection. It began in 1847 wheD tbe N orth Caroliaa General Assem bly set aside one million dollars for its purchase. With the help of contributors, it grew into one of the finest art collections in the country. If you haven’t seen it, you don't know what you’re missing. Htvrt: 10-& Tutsda/'Siturd»/, 2-6 Sunday »Adrntislon FrM Nortfi CaroUna Museu» of Art 40” Newspaper ad tl^r»d&y, Septembfer 6, 1968 E n le f itir iié ‘R ë ù < ftâ Pftgé Thrté fARMINGTON NEWS Ш iktr. íM Mrt, W. í-. flttxik ahd í!tó!il№h 'vlsltfed Mrs, firódc's (n fiKctii Sunday. %ífs. è. C. Brt>d{. Sr. éWér- #ith a ‘«atjk to Sdwòl” láát WídHesd^ httnorlhig IWr graM daoghlers, Cartllne m patricia Broek. Patrtóia Mt Mi- KittMtti Wété i№ ik (i№6ilBa iti the Léndir Óiímmuiüty doMeéí. Oár- iWli i» «olh* later to »tex- -felty wheífe Éte v^lll be èn­ te títe Unfvérsity df, Ihe OI№r gutots №at áre W . f c C(iB«te this Pall arfe and Ann CliHgman te Chiiitord Odtege;. Othér Wet« Uk ifioutíi Pellòw- iMb Ot tt№ Mettiodist Church, Saft^ Cassldy, David and TBfdtiby moot». guests <tf the La^- ' wiéré Mrs. Vmam (K Winateh-Sateth and ^ h , E!d¿ár SkiHoHes and üti№ii, MAy and Lihda W j^adcwtwiUe, Ñ. Ò. méí Ritto visited Mr. AÜni. AlHn 6№<m itt Mbor- tfvét №e i»«ileeM). im i attendéd tKe Na- WitiÉdttK №>rte Oel«lbratlim 'Ktth. aU of last ihd Is №èi« tMs week. He te «Ídtílpíetlhé ih natítmál c^iii^itfiih. iie will be £Aici\^ng difiCet^ ho№s from the Wekta St^es №re. AKs. bnd Bfr. and Mrs. Dan­ ti^ SknUh are leaving Wednes­ day to fcih Win títere fot ihe 1 ^ four day» «f the- oeietira. Mrs. j>»ll of Pino te ^ «he Weldi children thètr tKli^nts are away. Atid IM^. Orady Stoiith ithe Béaitebamp i«- ;iiÁlÓn ISunday. They répont 'iiipi Igbod «3UdwBhit>, singine, and tflenty (t deilici- tood with a tAg attendance. ‘ W . aad Mi'S. Gary Grade who bibh liviiig at Fall Oliuidi. Siun« Uèeh visiting theh* par- № . aiid Mrs. Joie WlUiams Utr. and j№s. ifaái Grobé . in» itóit wfeWc left iSüíiday fn Itodi^^r, N. Y. \W>ete th^ " ' ' I V nMkidg ihetr hktoté. and (Mrs. Jioe WiHiams ..¿tura , d ílSúattm ■ cottage at ** ' 'Beach. ......... - !№■. and Mi«. Jiohn Grábaiiñ ’K^ait], BMi aüd Orbit of Win- >a|Ni:Mn> were SuMay gnsists . j|tr. WUlatd'à mother, Mrs. vWfliiard; Mr. a«d Mrs. Mott ftawell and son, Rleky, of Wlnston«atem ■v4«H'3d Mrs. Howrtl’s mother, Mrs.' C. D. Jnmes, Sunday. tiast week eilests М Mrs. J. Й. M»rttgo4nëry' were Mr. and Mrs, W. A. HiiRs and daughter, IMrs. ЙШ Uttley « Virginia èëiKih; llitr. flHd Mrs. Sam laaifnDh, Miss 13m«y Clarkson frtJm GreOlëyville, S. С.; Miss lsi№el Motibéontóry frdm Юп8- Sttìi. S. С.; Mí-, artd Mrs. J. T. ®*i«fe*e and children fr«n Hun- tiligton, N. Y. and Mrs. Henry ^adlitg, Sr. of Winstofl-Salem. rOUR CORNERS № . and Mrs. Haiytawnd Bede and am tK Nottfolk, Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Héhiy Vanhoy of Wins- tbn-Salem viMted Mrs. W. L. №bti and Howard Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. D. ÍUdiié of Miiicksviile and Mr. and Mrs. Geor­ ge LayMbn visited Mrs. W. L. Dixon •nwrsday. Mr. and Mrs. Oecfl Ifionard and dtHiSHter, Dora of Oak Gnrvi cdmmtiiiity visited Mr. aiid Mrs, G«orge Laymon ^Uirday. IMr. and Mrs. A. C. Baüedffi, Jr ahd faimiSy visited Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Ratledge Sunday in the Bear Creak arniraunity. ooh Shelton stient the weekend with ken SheUda tn {MookhviUe. .. ILinda №№ietlge, a nurSe at Bap­ tist Hoslpiital and her boy friend Visited in tiie Htmn of № . anji] MS'S. A. C. Ratledge, Sr. Sunday Dthfer visitors were A. C. Hattedge and William Ratledge and son of Deep Ct*sek. (Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck and Gregg attended the LathiBn re­ union Sunday alt the home of Mr. and № s. Will Bede nsar Eaton’s Church. .................... IMr. and Mrs. Bbh May are Spending several days vacattonittg in №»©>&. Va, Ii. S. Shedton, Sr., eutend Fors- ytii Meantoi^<,Hsqpit^^ ^mday for eye Seátnon AÉpintice D a ^ MUr- % Ш dMbted 9 Wetìa of boot .training and ha6 §{ie(it li) dájrs at tibtlh. ite ^ ràturii tx> NoiColk, Va. for dütÿ dn the U. S. G. C. duëroiiiee. ájll^ÍÍ¡iU*tfWAAW<rtWftArtrtrtArt/WWWWWWWWWWVIWWVWWWV Ceâar Creek Ée lënds №e Mnttìine ahd the rain ahd ilhe harvest gotdén gralh. ,Hfe i6 twr fi4ëttd. tlie Lerd. vacfttteh . Urtie Is ov^r end SKihWJl days aré here again, and M is Itót àrWihd the corhbr. It Mie bëJh a beatHtftfl SUMMei*. Mrs. Ыйа iWft «as rôtüriied to Htr htfme айёг ipshdlhg a few dtìys ih the ittmmtâlns. She аь- cWripaniëâ Mrs. Nora and Jean Ëatoh tb tiAirshlp i^mrlces at dhin- <|(iapln Grove baptist c^tUtvh last Hiureday night. The Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Howell are spending a tew days bare at home. Recfent callers of thslr were the Rev. Mtdoud and son-in-law Ы Winston-Salem, Oiorge F^oote of Pour Comers, Mrs. Julia WtìBams df New Ytortc ahd Miss liaiveme fW t ot Motìcsvffle ahd hwo grand- cWBdren oi Mr. Pool«. itelidayxiallërs at ithe home of Mi«. Lucy Tatiim were her daught- i*r. Mis. Icay west and children, 'Dairen, Janitie atid Kelvin of iMocksviHe. ............... Mr. and Mrs. AUen Transou made a business trip to Winston- Sa>3ih Siaturday. .... (Mrs. WiUiain Baton and children Visitëd in Winston-Salem Sunday itid attended a singing pHngram Meld at the 14th Street SchooO. Odeil Éatbn and boys, Daifryl and Kenneth of Rèdlatid calfed Monday at the home of his nmther, Mrs. William iEïabon and sister, J*ian. .............................. Miss Pearl Eaton of Winston- БаЙет tmd her brother, MloC(qr Eaton of New York spent a few days recently at the hooneplace. ¡Robert Wisemian of Rtìhay, N. J., was an overnight guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Nannrs Wisehien. He also caHled at the home of mothsr-in-law, Mrs. William Eaton and Odell Eaton. John West and son, Herman of ■Winston-Salem visited his mother Mrs. Lula Wsst during Labor Day weekend. ...................... GOP CiDmmittee Meets ^ept. 12 i fttie Daivie Couht^ ■Ejietutlve donin#t» Thursday nii^ at the Davi» County Court House At 7:30 p. m. AU lii^mbers oT the executive comlmittse are urged to attend, and all interested Republicans are invited. .... ........ IS, 1Й68 Funerals lOLLtfi: OASTON lALLEN Punerai stsnviies for OHle Gas­ ton Aíléh, B6, 6f MookSvlile, Rt. 3, iveiu héld Monday at 3 p.m. at fiethlehem 'United Methodist Oittitih. Burial was in the rfiurch osmetery. • ............ Mr. Allen died Sahirday trf nat- «raJ causes before arriving at Da­ vie OHinty Hospital. He was bom in Davh County to Charlie and Fannie Smith Alten and was an employe of R. J. Reynolds To­ bacco Co. at Wlnstfln-Salem, N. C. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Viola Carter Ailen; a son, Donald Gaston Allen of Moeltsville; two daughters, Mrs. Lawrencn Ray Carter of MbóksvÜlle and Mrs. Bob Kent of Lendlr; his mother of MOoksvlB’, Rt. 3; three sisters, iMrs. Carl Williams and Mrs. Thnmas Blayildck ot Advance and Mrs. Ráy Phinips (tf Winst»n4Sal- em; and two brothers, Glenn and Gene AHen of Modksvil'te. .JAMBS PAÚL jCARTER Jamies Paul Carter, 51, ot Mocks- Vffle, ffied Saturday from natural causas before arriving at Davle County Hospital. The funerad was held at 4 p. m. Monday at Eaton’s Ohapel. Burial was In Liberty Unit­ ed Methodist Chureh cemetery. He was bom In Sliriy (SWittiy tn Menry and (Myrtle Greenwood Carbsr and was an employe of Daniels Construction Co. Suiiviviiig are hiS wife, Mrs. Many Jon’S Carter; two daughters, Mrs, Doris Saftey and Mrs. Judy Broadway of Mocksville; two sons, Paul Carter, Jr. ot Concord and James Freddie Carter of Mocks­ ville: a brotter, Andrew Carter of\ •Palm Beach, Calif.; and two sis­ ters, Mrs. Lomia Barber ot Pain- esville, Ohio and Mrs. Stella Ma- croriia of A>3xandria, Va. ' IMBS. (SALLY {MERRELL (Funeral services ttor Mrs. Sally Itendrix MerréM, 78, of Route 3, ■w»2re held Friday, August 30, at 2 p. m. at Eaton’s Cbapol by the Rev. Roy B. Young. Burial Was in ■Fork Baptist Church Cemetery. (Mrs. MerroH died last Wednes­ day at her hojM. Bbm Oct. ft, WSSl^ in Davie, ty, she Was the daughter * arid EMza Young Iftndrix. She was a memiber of F o^ Baptist Church ^Inré she had been a teadher for 45 years for the Woonen’s Bible Class. SúíHviivors inahKfe the huslband. George E. Merrell; two sons, Au- U.ey Merrell, Rt. 3, Jiock'svill'’ and Bill Merrdll, Rt. 2, MWcks- ■vlJle, two daughters, Mrs. K. 0. Minor of Wihsti6nHSa>’irt and Mrs. P.M. Johnston of Rt. 3, Mocksville; one sister, Mrs. Geonge Barnhardt, Rt. 2, Advance; 17 grandchildren; Ihi'je great-grandohildren. CA RD O F TH A N K S iAlLEN The family of the late Ollie Gas­ ton Al>2n are deeply grateful for the many expressions of sympathy and comfort dt our frieinds and neighbors. Your kindness wil al­ ways be POTembered. (Mrs. Ollie G. Allen and family .................... 9 5 Itn Ebctenaion Homemakers Club Schedule ' Friday, September «, 8:00 - Clarksville, Mrs. Stacy Bedk and Mrs. Era Latham (Monday, Septentt>’r 9, 8:00 - Fork, Mrs. Tom Hauser Tuesday, September 10, 7:30 - Rrsdtand, Mrs. R<^rt Cornelius ■Wednesday, Septeniber 11, 2:00 - Bailey’s Chapel, Mrs. WiU Mysrs Thursday, September Ifl, 2:00 . Kappa, Mrs. Otis Snow and Mrs. Paul Shew .. A !Ham Supper lA country ham supper will bn held Saturday, September 7, at We Winiam R. Davie School Uintfli- room. Sjrving will begin at S p. m. Pl'oeeeds will go to the William R. Davie Fire Department, Cornatter News several fahillles from ([MrMatMt MeMdea tite carter MdiiMi I3«1M- day at the Civic Club HoU№ ih Portc. ......... Sunday aftomoon visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. itomer Potts Were Mt-. arid Mrs. DonaW Hinkle and Wiys of Raleigh, and Mr. ahd Mrs. it. J. Wiood of SaUsbury. Mr. arid Mrs. Claude Wllllaths vlsti'jd Mrs. Annie l>wlre ih Hie Bethel comimunity Suhday. Mrs. Annie. Ruth Leohard ahd Mrs. Rulby Pierce of Hattnonjr vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Will­ iams Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Shoaf Rymon and Katian toured Hweetsle Rail- road Monday. iMr. and Mrs. James Boger at­ tended his uncle’s funeral, Lewis fierrler in Whiston-StUem. Ttiesday. Oerte Beauchamp is a patletft at It«dell Merhortel Hospital in StatfeSVille. He is still unconscious frttm merles received ih a car WrWk Sunday. Miss Eva Potts and Pearl Frye atl'jnded the Miajor Beauchamp re­ union Sunday, Miss Patricia Dwiggins spent Tuesday night With Mrs. (Llale Cbrhatzer. ................. M 0 I® . MOORE SON Аииоииеток.. WE NOW CARRV a COMPLETE LINE OF ‘ 6 8 Model Close-Out O U R E N T IR E T A G G E D F O R C L E A R A N C E ! FAR-OUT ТШ Е -INS (D S H IR T S a n d S W E A T E R S DEGTON PERMA-IRON SHIRTS fiDft and luxurious dacron/cotton that stays wrinkle free for Um life of tlie shirt. Button<down or regular collars in wUtteB and pasteU. $ 7 . 1 ^ I CLASSIC & FASHION SWEATERS Ph^ the style and fabtic sweater you want and we've got it by ARROW, Mohairs and alpacas in turtle er V'Decks. $ EVERnHING GOES! O nce-A-Year S avings On New M odels u p t o $ 8 0 0 o o s a v in g s on some models FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 26ih WE ARE GIVING 25 GALLONS OF GASOUNE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A NEW 1968 FORD LAST CHANCE FOR A 5-YEAR OR 50,000-MILE WARRANTY D O N ’ T W A IT s a v e n o w o n a ‘ 6 8 ! R E A V I S F O R D , I N C . YADKINVILLE HIGHWAY PHONE ÍS34-2161 DEALER LICENSE NO. UÌ* MOCKSVILLE, N. C. OPEN »TIL 10 P.M.—MONDAY ÍFRÍDAY—UNTIL SEPT. 26th Page Four Жп1ёгрпвё-КёсогЭ Thursday, September 5, 1968 \’ISITOHS I'^HOM GICOIU'.IiA Visiting Mrs. W. F. Nail ami Miss Klla Mac Nail Ihc past weekend at Ihcir Itoinc on Salisbury Street were iMr, and Mrs. Dicklc Nail and sons, Rod and Tod, of Dublin. Georgia. On Sunday, tlicir dinner guests were the Nails and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Laml) and daughter, Dianne of Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miii'iihy and sons, Mike and Steve, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nail and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Murphy. OKF TO sc.uoaL Bill Campl)cll entered Brevard .Junior College last Thursday at Brevard. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. il’rentieo Cainpbcll accompanied him there. HKTOE LiABOIR .WICJ'iKEND iMr. and Mrs. Ramey Kemp ,Ir. and sons. Tracy and Mike of R.nl- cigh, spent the Labor Day weekend here with Mr. Kenip’s pai'ents on Forest Lone. • ViniTS HElRiE FEW DAYS VISHTS FAT>HBR iMrs. Malcolm Clark and children, iFinch Avett of Virginia Beach, iBelsy, Kathy, Mike and Robbie of Va., snent Sunday and Monday here Charlotte, spent a few days last with hts father, the Rev. E. M. wek wilh Mrs. Clark's parents. Mr. Avett on Church Street, and Mrs, W. F. Robinson. VlS'n' IN АЬАВЛМЛ IWOUiE ON LEAA’E iMr. and Mi's. ,). K. Sheek, Miss Col. and Mrs. William G. San- Nancy Sheek and Charles Sheek iford arrived Tue.sday by plane from visited Mr. and Mrs. '.fames K. Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota. They Sheek lH at Redstone Arsenal Mis- will spend a ten-day leave here wilh sile Base last week. En route they Col. Sanford's mother, Mrs. John C. slopped in Atlanta. Georflia for tw4) Sanford al Twin Oaks. days sightsecking. Lt. Sheek. who is in school there, will complete his \V\CATIO'N L\ OJIIO missile course in December. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Quillin and son, Eddie, s|x;nt Labor Day week- WIiWIlAM VIS'FrOiRS end in New Philadelphia, Ohio, vis- iMrs. Eslon Belts arrived last iting relatives and friends Thursday from Durham to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. OPEN Hi!iUSE SATUIRDAY • liâmes on Maple Avenue. Mr. Bolls Mr. and Mrs. Harry A, Osborne and their daughter, .Miss Debb'e and Mrs. A. M. Kimbrough enter- Belts, arrived on Saturday. The lained wilh an open house Saturday family left together Monday after- night al their home on lÆxington noon for their home. Avenue, honoring their houseguesls, Mrs. Mac Kimbrough and Miss. Hel- BTRTIH ANINCONCEMENT en Kimbrough of Richardson, Tex- Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gregory of as. Approximately fifty old friends .Huntsville, Alabama, announce the of the honorees attended. Among birth of a daughter, Andra Michelle. Ihe guests was M. G. Allison of on August 27 at a local hospital. The Wilmington who was visiting his Gregory’s other daughter, Paige, is sisters here. five years old. Andre’s maternal The marriage oi Miss KaHhy Gri- Honor attendants were Mrs. Lyn- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mac mes and James Peter Jami^lli, wood Poller of Raleigh, and Miss B^FIFET SUPPER Overby of Benson and her paternal Jr., look Place Sahmlay, August Su-з Bilyon of Wanamassa, New “ supper was given Sun- grandparents Mr. and Mrs J. P. 31 in St. Gabriel СайюИс Church Jek-ьх-у. They wore -pink chiifon d j in he Recreation Room on the„ , ... '' .... Tr- • u J Allison lawn on Maple Avenue, hon- parents are S(Ir. and Mrs. Charlie “ G..3enville. gowns c-. rr l - ’.n. J ’ж head- Kimbrough and James of Rt. 4. Mrs. Gregory will 'Father Charles Mulholland offi- pieces were of matching illusion Kimbrough of Richard- leave on September 5 by plane tor ialcd at tilie one o’clock сёрэтопу and th>2y carried bouquets oi pink son, Texas and M. G. Allison of a fourteen day visit with her grand- aitended by 1Ьэ immediate famil- carnations. — Wilmington. Hostesses were Miss daughter and parents. Mr. Gregory ies and close friends. Fran Januzelli was his brother’s Ossie Allison, Mrs. W. A. Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dull will Wedding music was pnssented by bride’s brother, and Mrs. Margaret A. LeGrand. go to Alabama the following week the bridegroom’s sister, Miss F‘’anWin Grim'as И ushered. Guests included the honorees and and Mrs. Gregory will return home Following the weddiiig, tihe 'Mrs. A. M. Kimbrough and Mr. and with them. (guests were 'snterta.'ned with a Harry A. Osborne. „лтчт luncheon at the Candlewiok Inn at GRBBNSBOIRO ” 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowland and MRS. JAMES PETER JANUZELLI GRIMES-JANUZELLI COUPLE TO MAKE HOME IN NEW BERN '-д а MRS. LARRY EUGENE BOYER Miss Linda Frances Marshall Weds Larry Eugene Boyer, Saturday Mai7 Januzelli, organist. The brids is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Franblin Grimes, Jr. of Cooleemee. Mr. JanuBslli is Gi'jenville.'iMrs. W. B. Ridenhour ot Greens- twin daughters, Атоу and Emily o£ the son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mrs. Januzelli is a May graduate .^ого, spent Monday here, coming High Point, visited Robert’s mother, JanuKlli ot Norristown, Pa. “ University and is especially to visit with her cousins. Mrs. G«orge Rowland on Maple ThP bririP riupn in тяггЬяр ‘^“chmg al Haverlock High Sdiool. ,Mrs. Mae Kimbrough and Miss Hel- Avenue Sunday afternoon. ■by her fatter w L an e^ D ^ <=" ^^^brough of Richardson. Texas Liih i- with the U. S. Marine Corps and M. G. Allison of Wilmington. HOME FOR WEBKBNOD Л ® "O'" 3 senior at East Car- her uncle. • Joe.,,;»1адар. student at Wingate J imal'chine^ lace mantilla. She car- University. junior Co№3ge and Miss Jane Man- p 3d a bouquet of white carnaUons, Januaslli are mak- GOBSrps LABOR WIBEKCND do who is teaching in Charlestx)n. stephamttis and English Ivy.inig their home in New Bern Ф Ks and Fancies HOME pfeOM GERiMANY •By Л/IARGARET A. LEGRAND MIRS. TtirPTEROW HONORED Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gil- S. C., and Ken Meeks, a senior at lian at their home on Sanford Ave- the Citadel, spent the past week- nue Labor Day weekend were their end here with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. daughters, Mrs. Ray Crawford and Mando on North Main Street, UMrs. W. B. Gray (rf High Point. Also visiting the Gilllans was Mrs. Gillian’s sister. Miss Clara Miller ot Spencer and her niece, Mrs. Mor- A fVipv R n w lP '! ris Newell ot Charlotte. Spending from Friday until Tuesday with the Couple Marry Gilllans were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Monticello, Florida. Miss Sharon R'sbecca Bowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Privato, 1st Class Johnny Sparks Alvin Dyson and RiALlEllGiH VlSirTORS Bowles ot Route 3. and William arrived home Sunday.from Hanau. D.VSon honored Miss Sada iMrs. Bill Murph and son. Bill Jr. Raymond Atihey, son of Mrs. Ray Germany;, where he has been sla- ‘'“•¡L’row Friday night al their home ot Raleigh .spent Labor Day week- д^^еу of Cooleemee and the late tioncd wiiti the U.S. Army. He will “*‘'lhdny anniversa-y. Home- end here with Mis. Era H. Murph jyj,. married on Sat spend a ^day leave with his irnth- cream and birthday cake on Oak Street and Mr. and Mrs. .' . J n’i-lnclc in the eve- er, Mrs. .Bessie Sparks, on Roule 3. sei-ved to; the honoree, Mr. phil Southern on Spring Street. . . ри,,,.рь• and Mrs. Clay Tutterow and son, Fork Bapusi Lnurcn. TO BOOME SUNDAY Tutterow, Mr. and iHOME PROM HOSPITAL Reverend R^y V. Young ^ Mrs. Clyde Dyson and N. B. Dyson, j, s. Haire returned lo his home Performed the сэгтопу and Miss Mr. anH Mrs. Oscar Koontz and all of Route 1, and Mr. and Mrs. at Woodland Sunday after spending Lynn Owens prefsnled the music, duldren jind Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Benny Dyson ot Salisbury. ' Hvc days in progressive care at the Th« W. son spfn Sunday ,n Boone, .40. В winston-Salem. ing especially to hear Kennolh Hy- VISITS IN TEi\NE)S9BE if “f Sanford was a guest of Mr. i’^LOlRlCA VAG.vriON , L " ol-Jericho Chiii’ch 0. Clinsl. ^ewis Savage and Dale uMr. and Mrs. K. F. Nlcliols and Miss Linda Frances Marshall became the bride Of Larry Eu­ gene Boy’r at 4:00 p. m. Satur­ day in Clemmons Baptist Church. Rev. Gene Ryder, Chap­ lain of Forsyth Momorial Hos- . ipital officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Effie T. Marshall of Wins­ ton-Salem and Mr. Fi’2d A. 'Mar^all of Davis Road, Wins- 'ton-Salem. She attended East Carolina University for two years as a music major. This fal! sb» will be entering Hard- bapger Business College in Ral­ eigh. .................... Mr. Boyer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton N. Boj»2r of Advance. He is a student at N. C. Slate University, where hG f)s majoring in engineering. Givon in marriage by her brother Ml-. A. Gray Marshall, the bride wore a gown ot satin Mrs. Ray A. Hartness Mrs. Ray A. Hartness w'ho mar­ ried Dr. Hartness on July 14, was honored wilh a luncheon Saturday at the Country Club in Statesville. 'Hostesses were Mrs. Victor L. An­ drews, Mrs. Bob M. Foster and Mrs. John Johnstone. The honoree was presented a cor­ sage of white carnations upon ar- P3au and lace with a chapel train of tulle and lace. Her veil icM from a cluster of silk or­ ganza petals and paarls. She carried a cascade of white mum- ms, baby’s breath and step- hanotis. ............. Miss Bc\'2rly Annette Tilley ot Lexington was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Jane Barham of Wen^sll, Miss Janice Douthit of Advance and Miss Dana Early ot Winston-Salem. Miss Lisa Dawn Tuttle of Ger- manton was flower girl. Mr. Clinton N. Boyer was his sons’s l;'3sl man. Ushers wore Randy Boyer of Advance, the groom’s brother, Abraham , ■Barefoot ot Castile Haynes, t e - groom’s cousin, and Neal Essie of-'MocksvUle. The newlyw'3ds will be liying in Raleigh after Soplenfter 6. Honored At Luncheon rival. An arrangement of pink snap­ dragons, mums and carnations cen­ tered the luncheon table set for fourteen guests. The menu consisted of cranberi^ slush, tomatoes stuffed wilh chicken salad, asparagus casserole, cheese souffle and peach partali. MRS. ALBERTT THOMAS BRACKEN . . . was June Burgess Photo by Mills Studio COURTNEY BAPTIST CHURCH VOWS UNITE COUPLE IN CEREMONY HERE Miss June Lee Burgess and Al- bsrt "raomas Bracken were mar- iried Saturday, August 31, at 3 p. m. in Courtney Baptist Churoh. The double ring ceremony was pei'forted by the groom’s father, the Rev. Albert Bracken. Mrs. Bracken is tha daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess of Route 5, Mocksville, N. C. She is a graduat'3 ot Davie County High School and is employed at Envin Mills in Cooleemee. Mr. Brack'3n is Uie son of the Rv. and Mrs. James Albert Brack­ en. He is a graduate ot Davie County High School and is Jmploy- ed at Spaugh Transit Mix in Wins­ ton-Salem, N. C. (Wading mufeicSiins . weve Mts. Doris Stokes of RputH. 5, pianist, and Miss Paula Baity ot Route 3, Y'adkinville. soloist. • Given in marriage by her fath- sr, the bride wore a gown of white silk brocade with a detachable train. Her veil fell from a cabbags rose and pearls. Shg carrrad a bouquet of white carnations and an orchid. • ............ uMiss Linda Burgess, tha bride’s sisler, was maid ot honor. Brides­ maids were Miss Diane Bung’ss, the bride’s sister, and Miss Vick- i'j Bracken, the groom’s sislier. ^ f Miss Patsy Burgess, the bride’s sisler, w'as junior bridesmaid, and Rer.’3e Bracken, the groom’s sis­ ter, was flower girl. The attendants wore stpjcl-leng- Ih dressses ot blue brocad'2. The head-dresses w’^i'e short veils with bows of blue brocade. They car­ ried bouquets of while carnations. Sieve Bracken, the bridegroom's brother, was best man. Ushers were Commie Lee Shoffn'ir, Tom ' Whitaker, Randy R'snegar, and Edward Jar\>is. Mrs. Cranfill of Yadkinville dir­ ected the wedding and Miss Aim Burgfass, the bride’s aunt, presided at the leister. . Aft«-.' a iwcddiJ^i, f»(|/ io ’ tho'^ .1 coast,. couple will'.live on Route * 1, Mocksville, N. C. Cake-Culling The bride’s parents enbsrlained with a . cake-cutting in th; Feltov- ship Hall of the church after the rehearsal Friday night. Assisting in .serving and iieceiving wei'3 Miss Patricia Potts, Miss Carolyn Baity, and Miss Jane Craver, fr>3nds of the bride. The guests were served 'linra punch, W'sdding cake, mints, and mils. ' .......................... The bride was given in marriage by her brotb3r-in-law, Howard Carter. ..................... The bride wore a wliite crops gown trimmed with lace, with a a Picnic lunch W.1S spi-vpH -If M,' r, .' .mi. U..U ..i.D. it. i.-. gown irimmeo winn lace, wiin llyder’s home His mother w»s also f*"' City, Tcniios- duughler, Denice, and Mr. and Mrs. si-.oult'sr-lenglh veil. She earned p e en & H e n l ^ wiUo T ' T '^»»nuet of white carnations.1 iiom Mcnaersonvlllu. Saturday ni Mor- ida lor a week. They wcie the „ ................ VISIT IN GREENSBORO Saturday rislown, Tenn. and allended llartmanAVolfe wedding. ■Mr. and Mrs, Kobcrt Hfinlrk'k.s, Miss Vicki Hendricks and M.'U'k llondricki) were supper guesls of Ihe Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Newton last They the guesls ol Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whit- uKur in Fori Lauderdale. While tliere, they visited points ot interest in l'lurida.M (iMllHRiliAYS I lONOIIlCD '.Mr. and .Mrs. Lonnie Dri\'er of 2. entertained with a lunch- VACATION I'N ASHEVILLE Tuesday 4t their home near Greens- Lalwr Day at their home, hon- Air. and uMrs. Knox Johnstone boro. oring the Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Me- spent from Saturday until 'I'uesdJy Mrs. Mamie Dole Bailey of Route 5. Mocksville, sist'3r of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a y.?llow full-length gown and carried a long stem yellow chi-ysant'h'3- n ‘iim. Miss Carol Polk wore a full- length dress ot green and earrrsd a long stem yellow chrysanthemum Murray and daughter, Carolyn of m Ashcyille al llie Grove Park liiii. as brid'ssmaid. Cindy Athey, niece Ihe past;, weekend in 'i'cnnessee', the guesls of .Mr. SPEND WEEKEND IN TENii. Mount. Present for the oc- lionorees, the Rev. OMEaiNIGllT GUESTS Ml. and Mrs. ,Ioo LvercU .spent ¡„id Mrs. Waller Howell and son, Mr. and .Mrs. James While and r George Winfrey, .Mr. chiklren, David, Kns and Scott of and Mrs, Paul Eaton, .Mr, and .Mrs. Cliarloiie, spent last Tuesday nigla paients, Mr. Ward on .Nonh were en route vacation. .Mrs. Gene Kills and children. I.ind- LEA\E FUli SCHOOL sey and Eddie .Merrell and l<ie .Miss- Charles SliceU. sun ol Mr. and es Sara Merrell, Vickie Merrel!, jjis. J. K. hheek of Nunn Mam Alary Jane Pope and Elizabeth ¡jireet, lelt Tuesday lor Lewisbuufi, .......... West Viiamiu wnerc lie enrolled ul dinner ftcre Friday night. .Vliss Hartman , was an allendanl in the Everett's" wedding. .StiI44':i{. (iUESTS The Itév, and Mis, C', B. N.ut<m (if (iieeiifboi'o. него supper giicsi.s Ilf Mr, and .Mrs. liuliei't Hj.uii'icks iiiid family .Monday night. Eaton. \'l!-’l'rs I'.AHK.VrS V iiii'v Slwi't; ten Ueiliiesduv lor ................................ '—в“"' .Miss l.,m Bi'ogden and Miss Nata- ыоепьИого College lo resume her '' "'“^1 e Smith S.K.1U SaUii'day in Durham . ‘ ' l- dies ", Greenljrier .Miliiary liisliluie. -Misi tur of the bridegroom was flower girl. Tom Frye of Route 4, was best man. R. C. Athey of Coo>3cmee ushered. ................ IFollowing a short trip to the mountains, the couple will be at h(fnv3 on Cartner Slreel, Mocks­ ville. ................... Patio Dinner Fetes Faculty iMiss Shirley Thorne entertained .Saturday evening. August 24, al the l! \('l< I'ihO.M ARKANS.AS Mrs. Harry W, Heidelberg and i'liil(ln'i). Lyiidi, Rick and Laurie, li:ive lellinied lo their lioriie on Hilh .Miss Brogdon's parents.aunior .sl'jdies. BREAKS All.M IN FALL Grady N. Ward fell and broke his I'igiit arm last Tuesday. Alter hav- my it set ul Davie Counly llospilul. 'I'O T1':A011 IN EORS\’TH •Mi.ss Natalie Smith has accepted a teacliing po.sltlon with the Win- W.iiclerlnl Lane after s,>endi,,g liie stoii-Salem Forsyth County Schools, ¡;;; ^^le lo go home and is get. summer ,in ,\rkansas, Mrs, lleidf'l- .She is ti'aching the second grade hei'g attended Little Hock tiniver- at Kernersville Elementary School. .sily while there. The family visited ,\Irs. lleiMelberg's paients. Dr, and Wl'.'FKEND GUE.STS Mrs. Lyle in Jacksonville, .\rkaiibas Weekend guests of .Mr. and Mrs. ting along nicely. IN VIET-NAM the Lenoir Rhyne College Mathe­ matics Department, with wboni she workt3d last year. Those attending were Mr. and Mis. Thomas Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold -Hawn and Jerry. Mr. and '.Mrs. Lloyd Snjith, Susan and Stev­ en, Colonel Norman Tipton, all ot iHiekory; the Rev. and Mrs. John Ritchie ot Taylorsville, Mr. and Junior York, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Nantz of Mocksville, the s'lilc llieiv They toured Arkansas, .lack Sanford wcmv their daughter, A, R, York (Shorlyi ot Route 3, is hostess and her parents, Mr. and loimcssee and Alabama by plane Miss I'eggy Sanford of Charlotte now serving wiUi the armed forces Mrs, Mark rhorne. thile away. and her fiance James H. Dilda of in Vietnam. Slides of the Deop South wera Greenville. shown during the evening. A F T E R -U I A REVOLUTION IN SOUND AND STYLE нтшищи S'l’I-Ki'Q CJOXSi)!.!*: "J \vilb 111'' N'îw Hi)i-iikcr ("IiiimluT e S)Ii(I st;itc A M /i'M /l’M • I'll III PI UN I I'or I'i SU *L44t'i'lino r • I»iu S i:; .“^ ргаксг .Suim d • iJriuxi’ Г“г1л! 1 ('!;M¡i;4T S> l; tìi $ 4 4 9 .9 5 CUSTOM COLOR TV —THE PARISIENNE— GRACEFUL FRENCH PROVINCIAL STYLING Model M942ECL • AFC ... Automatic Fine Tuning Control. • Hideaway Control Center. • “Touch-Bar” ONLY $ 0 2 5 0 0 Power Tuning. • INSTA-COLOR 23" diagonal picture; 295 sq. inches). M g r r à l l ’^ FURNITURE F B i l l M e r r e l l FURNITURE ( .Cf li l it .H r Ó I У y i OUTSTANDING HAS UtH МШНЩ) . SlRVUÍOiPARfMíNl^: CO., INC 701 Wilkesboro St.MocksviUe, N. C. Phone 634 5131 Thursday, September 5, 1968 pj03»y-mn4djí99U3i Page FiVtt I'* » Classified FOH RENT: Two bedroom House- trailers, one with washing mach­ ine and or.'j wit'h out. Contact Busier Phillips, tclepliore 492- 5501. .... 9 5 2tp PO'U SALE: 1S62 Cr.imel, four door, radio and heater. Excellent con­ dition. Luther Linebergijr, Wag­ ner Trailer Court, Rt. 4, Mocks- iville. .. 9 5 tfn EXECUTRIX NOTICE NCiRTH CAROLINA Cl.\'VIiE COUNTY Having qualified as Exccutrix of .the estate of Mary Ba. ' y Brown, deceased, late of Da\jj Ccunty, t'lis is to notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on er before I'he 6th day of March 1F69, or t'h’is notice wi'Jl be pleatl- Cd in bar of t'..'3ir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will F‘lea:'3 make irranediate pay­ ment to the undersigned. This the 4th day of Sepfemlber 1963. Mary Sue Brown, Ex'icutrix of the estate of Mary Baifey Brcxwn, deceased. ............ \VIiLI.IAIM E. HALL NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS .BY PUBUCATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE OLERK iNOiRfllH OAROLiINA iDAVlE COUNTY LOUISE WAUXJE LASH, ............. Plaintiff VS OVTAIL ODEUL LiASH, ......... DefendantTO OVAiL ODEIIJL LASH: Take notice that a pteadlnig seek­ ing relief against you has been filed in №3 above entitled action. The nature ai the relief sought is as follows: An absolute diivorca on the gtVHinds of one years se­ paration. .......... You are requii'ad to make defen­ se to such pleading not later than Ootober 4, 1968, and upon such failure to do so iih<3 party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This th'3 3 day of Septoriber, '1968, ............................... LOUiSB M. PArnERSON Cletik Superior Court .............................. 9 5 4tn (. new) olticers, left to iright, IMrs. Roin dletnan, Mrs. Normon 'and 'JVlrs. Holland. -J XT ji • c- J c. 1 Pinion of all classes in the springDavidson, Yadkin, Surry and Stok.New Officers For LP.N. Alumni The graduating dass of the Practical Nursing Class W2re .guests of the Ailumni at a picnic dinner Tuesday at Miller Paric in Winston-Salem. The row Alumni officers were introduced by Mrs. Hattie Thomp­ son, presiderkt of Atea 10 North Carolina Licensad Practical Nui'ses Association. The oifteers are: Mrs. Diane G. Tuttle, presidsnt; Mrs. Edythe Holland, vice presi­ dent; Mrs. Edith Normon, secre­ tary: Mrs. Martha Randleman, treasurer; Mrs. Vira Sealey and iM|rs. Hattie Thompson, co-cJiair- man of the Maragaret B. Holland Scholarship Fund. — Area 10 includes Forsyth, Davie, Smokey Saygt ARE VOU CAREPUL... Ô R JU ST LUCKY ? j I'f HI-WAY 601 DRIVE-IN , 6AUSBURY, N. C. Cranfill Reunion I ;) Is 'Sunday i I The Cranfili reunion will be heild Sunday, Sept. 8, at tlhe Masonic Picnic Grounds in Mtocksvite. All friends and relatives are invited. LuMch will be servjd at 1:00 p.m. IBowIes Reunion ' The annual Bowie? Family Re­ union will be held iSundior. Septam- ber 8thj at^<3Blc^«rove jUoltetf Me­ thodist. Chmieh. OUmoh'■ will be spread at 1S:30. es countMS. ............ Gift certificates were present'sd by the Alumni to tho students with the (highest grades. Miss Sairaji MlcNeill, who had clinical training at N. C. Baptist Hospital, and, Mrs. Betty Anderson, who had idlinicail training at Forsyth M'3- morial Hospital, were Hie winners. Approximately 60 students, tea- cters and Alumni were present for ■the picnic. ....................... Fourteen of .this class were student affiliates of Area 10, N. 0. L.P.N.A. ....................... Miss Lena Thevenln was 1st pl^ce winner in' an Essay Contest sipbnson’d by the Area on "Why I Chose to be a Licensed PraoticaJ Nurse.” Otlier winners ware Mrs. Carol Anderson, 2nd; and, Mrs. Elizabeth Borvender, 3rd. Tb3 Alumni plans to hdld a Re- Keller Reunion The Annual Keliar Reunion will ibe held Sunday, Septembr 8th, at the Daivie Academy Building. Liin- dh will be spread at 1 p.m. Friends and relatives are urged t» attend. VFW Meeting The ViPW and Aiuxiltary will meet Friday, Sspteniber I3th, at 8 p. in. at the Hut on Saniord Avenue. All memfeers of both or;i ganizatiohs are unged to attend this meeting. .. .. of 1970. For fiirlher informaaon write to Alumni, P. 0. Box 5946, Win^on-Salem, N. C., 27108. Ai'3a 10 meets each month on the second Tuesday. Dr. Timothy Pen­ nell has been invited to speak on Tuesday, Septemt'Jr 10, at 7:30 p. m. This meeitdng will be bcfld in ■the Craig Room ot (tie John C. Wiitdker Care Center of Forsyth Memorial Hospital. All officers, directors and associate directors are asked t)o meet at 6 p. m. prior to the regiHar meeting. Nationa.1 Foundation of licensed Pi'aotical Nurses, Inc. will hoW its Annual Convention in Oklahoma City Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 1968. Those ipHanning to attend from Area 10 as delegates are: Mrs. Hattie Tiiompsion, Mrs. Vira Ssaley, Mrs. Sarah Young and Miss Peggy Fer- gerson. ................ Birth Announcements Born at Davie Comity Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Rot'3rtson, Advance, a daughter, Gena Suzan­ ne, August 28, 1968, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Nivens, iRt. 3, Mocksville, a Son, WilHam Thomlas, Jr., Auigust 27, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Wayni3 Snider, Rt. 1, Advance, a son, dhristopher .Wayne, Au(gust 31, 1988. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lee Thwnp- Son, Rt. 4, Statesville, a son, Jim-. lOpK- vTyro02, September 1, 1968. ; irr/lMr. and Mrs. CSiailie F. Myera« Ut. 1, Advance, a son, David Eu-? dell, 03ptember 2, 1968. Attractions Coming Up! Now Open AU Week J-NOW— COLOR WAITDISMOr NEVERA DULL MOMENr end Feature * Fri. I- 3at. qaijr. . M UM im irs SHR0UD’* B « w a r e Sun. rMon. -Tue*. V ^ p t. 8-9-10 { I 'CMVl g u e s s w h o ' s c o m i n g t o d i n n e r r- V «CAOEMVl AWARD WINNEH Katharine HEPBURN M »T * C T « M » ■» w a n T a H o u s e painr G u a R a n r e e D T O c o v e r i n o n e c o a r ? Clinrdi Activities Bear iCTMk BaptMt OfOKk Tiie Baptist Tralnloy irabw Young P eo n’s doss met at tfa« home of Mrs. Stacy Bedk for ice cream and ca!.’3, 'honoring .the memlbers of the class who will be enteriiii icoi;'3ge this fall. Thy are: Miss Paggy Wallace, who will en­ ter nurses training at Forsyth M'3- morifd Hospital; Miss Kathy Peo­ ples and Arnold Harpe, who will enter Appalachian Sta'j3 Univers­ ity, and a visitor Miss Nancy Plott, who will enter the University of INorth Carolina at Gresn^ro. Oth­ ers enjoying the oocasion were Kenneth Haipe, iRoger Ireland, Patty, Susan, Andy and Stxy Beck. ....................... F irs t B a p tist The calendar for the week at tha church is as ibUows; iBeginner Music Activitiy, Tues­ day, 3:00 p. n<. Primary Choir, Tuesday, 3:00 8:00 p. m. .................... Youth Choir, Tuesday, 7:00 p,na. AduU Choir, Wednesd^, 8:00 p. m. ............................ Junior Choir, Thursday, 3:15 p. m. ........................... a » lr EMisfment Week, Septem­ ber 8-15. ................ Family Night wiU be observed at the church Wednesday wening at 6:30. FoUowng supper tha usual scheduled meetings wiD be held. Advance Baptist T o Have (Reunion i A reunion for the Advance Bap­ tist Church wiH be held Sunday, Sipt. 8. The Reverend J. G. All­ good will preside at tihe 11:00 a.m. serrice. A ^ n ic lunch will be spread after the senvice, with singing to follow in the afternoon. IT Pays To AdverTise BuyBonds where youirork^ Hieydo. "Why do cur servicemen Jjuy U.S. Savings Bonds? Their rea­ sons are the same as yours and mine: saving for the future, supporting freedom.: And be­ cause they’re fighting for free­ dom, too, maybe serviceman see the need more clearly than many of VIS. Buy Bonds. In more than one way, it makes you feel good. NOW — ^Higher Rates! Savings Bonds now pay 4.25% whea held to maturity— and Freedom Shares (sold in com* bination with E Bonds) pay a full 5%. The extra interest will be added as a bonus at maturity. And now you can buy the^ Bopd/Freedom Share combina«'* tion any time— no monthly commitment necessary. Get the facts where you woxk ot bank>l US Savmgs BontK'\ .new B«edonri ^Shares TKê V.S. Gotemmenl Soet «o( tutu for thU aíeerittemmt. Tl b prtiUïtêê at • V«Kfjt ê»rvict in coopération wilk tht Xreatutu Dcpartmmt and 7*« AdvtrtUtitt Gtmàtt tfVWWWWVWWWWWWWWtfWWWWWWWWWW^WWWVWSWWWWWWVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWM^i... ... you get it with this new Gold Bond exterior latex house paint. What's more whan you use Exterior Velvet most surfaces don’t even need priming. Simply wash them down and apply — even while the surface Is still damp. This modern latex base paint covers wood, masonry, asbestos shingles and shakes... air in one easy coat. Easy brush and roller cleanup too, simply rinse in warm soapy water. Put Exterior Velvet on your home, its "controlled brushabliity" works for you with every stroke...and Its guaranteed! ^BCrERIO«^ VELVET M o c lc s v iile B u ild e r s S u p p ly ,In c . 721 S. Main Phone 634-5915 Mocluville, N. C. C H E C K T H E S E O U T S T A N D IN G F O O D V A L U E S ! 1 • EGGS ...................4 dozen $1.00 • TOMATOES . * Fresh Green CABBAGE. . 5c a Lb. • ONIONS ...................... 7c a Lb. • CARROTS ,• LETTUCE • SMALL CUKES • GRAPEFRUIT .......................10c • POTATOES ............... 5c Lb.• DOG FOOD • LEMONS ........... 39c a Dozen • BREAD ............Large Loaf 29c • BANANAS ..........___10c Lb. • CALIFORNIA GRAPES......... • U.S. No. 1 POTATOES..........50 Lb. Bag $1.69 • LARG^ COKES . . . in Quarts ..........5 for $1.00 • ALL PORK SAUSAGE .................... 59c a Lb. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS N & J P R O D U C E M A R K E T —Formerly Friendly Food Center— Just Outside of Mocksville on U.S. 601 South / — Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Every Day But Wednesday — - CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY - C O M P L E T E U N E O F G R O C E R IE S A N D F R E S H P R O D U C E ] i ] i Pagre Six Enterpriae-Recarä Thursday, Saptember 5, 1968 c i NOKTH M AIN ST. riM IR ril « I- n in « S T vQJ TMnrlln RohrbniiRli @ SiinilHv Si’lioiil III H. m. «V IVurship Sci-vlfc II a. m. '.V livc'iilnR W orshli) 7 p. III. W i'ilnesda.v S erv ire p. m § ) (§> (¡¡^ T H E K PlSC O l'A t, r m 'K i H Cl'urrli 1)1 Ihc Asfcnsliin ^ Fork. N. C. ©10:01): Church School 11:(HI: M om iii)! I’rn y cr, Serm on '(§) The rh u rc h nf th e Good Shcp- h erd , C ooleem ee, N. C. ^ !•: SO: M orning P ra y e r, S erm on vgJ 10: l.'i: C hurch School E A T O N S « A l'T IS T C I in t C H n e v . W aller L. H owell Snndiiy School: 10:00 A.M . M orning W orship: 11:00 T raining U nion: 7 p.m . @ CLA RK SV ILLE @ PEN TEC O STA L @ H O LIN ESS CH UU CIl ^ M ocksville R t, 5 ^ R E V . FLO V D STE IN B E Y R E V . A L B E R T G E N T L E ^ A ssistant P a sto r ^ S ervices ^ Sunday Scbool 10 a . m . ^ W orship S e n ’Ice 11 a. m . @ W esleyan M ethodist C hurch @ U ospitai St. M ocksville, N . C. ^ R ev. W. R ay T hom as ^ S unday School lOrOO a . m . M orning W orship 11:00 a. m . W E vening W orship 7:30 p. qn. JE R IC H O C IIÜ R C II O F C H R IS T I J e ric h o R o a d . M O C K S V IL L E P E N T E C O S T A L H O L IN E S S C H U R C H C O R N A T Z E R lU E T H O D lS T C H U R C H T U R R E N T IN E B A P T IS T C H U R C H O A K G R O V E M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H C E N T E R U E T H om sT c u r a c H S A L E M M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H H A R D IS O N M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H ZION M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H U B E R T T M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H A D V A N C E M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H A D V A N C E B A P T lS r C H U R C H B E T H E L M E T H O D IS T C H m C H M O C K S M E T H O D IS T c u v a c u B E T H L E H E M M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H F A R M IN G T O N M E T H O D IS T C H U R C n F O R K B A P T IS T C H U R C H JE R U S A L E M B A I'T IS T C H liR C H V A D K IN V A L L E T B A P T IS T C H U R C H IJA M E S C R O S S R O A D S B A P T IS T C H U R C H C O R N A T Z E R B A P T IS T C U l'R C B C H E S T N U T G R O V E M E T U O D IS T C H U R C H B A IL E V S C U A P E L M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H B IX B Y I’K E S B V T E IU A N C H U R C H F IR S T I'K E S B V T E R IA N C IIU R C B C o o leem ee i M A C E D O N IA M O R A V IA N C H U R C H L IB E R T T P IL G R IM H O L IN E S S C liU R C H RICUL.AND PK N 'TK C O S I AL liO M N E S S C III'K C H C lil.'K C II OK C U D C itnlecm ee C l l l 'n c i l O F I H E I.IVINO <:O H liUhf F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R t^ll ('» o le rm e e F A JC M IN G T O N B A P T IS T C H U R C H Ф Ш т Express Ydiir Life. Attend the Church of Your Choice -This Page Sponsored by the following indiv iduals and Business Establishments- C. A. Seaford Lumber Co. Davie County Enterprise-Record Davie Electric Membership Corp. Davie Freezer Locker Martin Hdw. & Gen. Mdse. Mocksville Laundry Pennington Chevrolet Co., Inc. C. Sanford Sons Co. \f Yakin Valley Telephone Membership Corp. 4 1 'v rV T II n ' l i * n V |-V T * « T riibT Vdlili- 4b-iM>nrd Г’Ь»*ггЬ Cri-vfp^ A( 1 lltllPrin rhurch III M u rk sv tlle Saliiiiilli Vrlmol. lOrOO a.m. Church Si»nlci 11:00 ».m iiKFFV .■'IKAIIOW.S BAPTIST rU l Ki II IÌCV. A. Г. rhcfhiic, I’.iMiir Siiiuluy Srhiiul 111 Л1. Wiiri>hlp 11 . A. M. 11. T. I'. i>. M. WiirFhip 7-Я» P.M. Pra.viT Meetinii Wi'diu‘sdii>- 7:Л0 pm. n rMFVT r.FrtXTi rn rR ril OF ООП Kflhhalh Si’bonl )"( «"*• .trrt S eh ird av a t II a.m . 2nil and 4<h S atu rd a y al 10 a m . W nr«hin «crvlce я | n ni. P ra.vcr m eriinff each W ednesday At 8 n.m . P a sto r . W. Ijaities M ttfK S V IM .K C IR C U IT R ev. Ardl.s 1). Р яупо B rth rl M clhodiNl 0:15 ii, ni. C nrnnlzcr II a. m . FIRST I'RESnVTKIIlAV rril'KCII Jimics I'l. niilchlom . ;\1llllslri C h iirc h .S fhool 10:00 Л.М Siind'.iy Servier M:(W A.M MUSI MiOTIIODIST CilllRCn T hr Kov. C llh rrl M iller Paslwr ■illlul.l^ SctllMlI 111:0« A M MorniiiK WoVship 11:0» A.M F.veiiinu Wnrshlii 7:.'tO P.M F IK S 'I H AiTisT c iiim c ii S u n d a y S eliitol 10:00 A .M . M o rn llii; W o rsh ip 11:00 A .M . E v e n in g TV orehi» 7 :3 0 P .M . H O L Y C R O S S L U T H E R A N C H U R C H J . M iirion B oggs, P a sto r iS unday S ch o o l 9 :4 5 A .M . T h e ' S ervio« 1 1:00 A .M . B L A IS ;^ B A P T IS T C H U R C H T w o m ile » n o r th o f ® M o ck sv ille o ff H w y. 601. @ R ev. P a t K elly, P a sto r © Mominr worship 11 ajn. ^ C v en iiv w o rsh ip 7 :4 1 p .in . C A T H O L IC M IS S IO N t s d ü i n v ille' H o<td ■ M o ck sv illc S u n d a y М ака 9 :3 0 a.m. CH U RCH O F GOD O F PR O PH E C Y K ev. A rchie S m ith M o ck sv ille, R o u te 4 [E p h e su s ] N O R T H C O O L E E M E E B A P T IS T C H U R C H L IB E R T Y »1A PT IST C H U R C H D U T C H M A N C K E E K B A P T IS T C IIU K C ll N O C R E E K P R IM IT IV I' B A P T IS T C H U R C H F U L T O N M E T H O D IS T c i i i i i u ; i i S M IT H G R O V E M E T H O D L S T C IIU K C ll C O N C O R D M E T H O IU .S T C H U R C H W E S I.E V C H A P E L M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H , U N IO N C H A P E L M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H D U IJN S .M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H N E W U N IO N M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H E L B A V IL L E M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H B E A R C R E E K B A P T IS T C H U R C H S E C O N D y - •« i;sB V T K H i.\.v C H U IM н S IIII.O H ^ H A P T I.S T C H U R C H Ш A .M .E . Z IO N (§ ) M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H C E D A R C R E E K B A P T IS T C H U R C H C H IN O U A P IN G R O V E B A P T IS T C H U R C H и . 4 DAVIE COUNTYEnterprise-Record Pimi.ISHKI) KVKHY THURSDAY J 1' M()(;KSVIbLK, N. C. GORDON TOMLINSON tditor-Publisher SUE SHORT Associate tdltor Second Class Poelage Paid at Mocksville, N. C. Suhscriiilioi) Pricc: In Uavlc County, $1.00: Out of State, S4.50 C a p it o l C lip b o a r d AM) . . . Thei'o is an all- <nil cjiorl on iJie pari of North C;ii.,lina Dc'macials to isolal'2 tiho parly ill tiK- Stale fi'om the Na­ tion;,! Ucmocratic Party . . . for tho timo L':;ing, at least. They seem to feol that tb2 sins of big lirother are too b^avy a burden to bear. That is why the leaders at tbi Convention in Chic­ ago last weok decidcd not to vole for Nomir.';e Hubert Humphrey. LUCKY? . . . As Itimous Val- |y online, ,Jr., recentily retired N. C. ■ iDcmocrutie Party diairmian, гэ- markcd tli's first time this Slate had evei- taken such a step . . . a Favorite Son. Hew come Dan Mooi'2 was so much mure |юри1аг—if popularity, il wa.s—tlian predecessors like Teny Sanfarci, Lut.'jr Hodges, J. 'M. Broughton, Ciyde 'R. Hoey, 0. Mas Gardner, to name a few? Well, Iv:; is a conservative in a day marred by something often referred to as Libarality, Others have other names for it. And he Is piipular . . . with 1Ьэ various ■factions of the Democratic Party Johnson Goes To School of Arts . GENE JOHNSON Gene W. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Johnsqq, Sr., Rt. 2, Farmington, is among the one hundi'ad and thirty-one stud­ ents who have b3en accepted for the fail term at tho North Car­ olina Sohool of the Arts. He was ac!.':pted lirom auditions held in I’ebi uary and March, Tw o hundred and hirty-twp stud­ ents will be rettirnirvg to the sphool, making a total enrollment qf 363. Six students will be on the junior liigh school level, 124 in high ichool and 233 in college. Those are 175 girls and 188 boys. There are 186 students enrolled in music, 95 in danc'2 and 82 in drama. ............ Students are accepted by audi­ tions held before juriss of profes­ sional artists from each qepart- Jiienl. Final accoptanc’i depends <in academif standing and a satis- t.ic-lory heallih repoi't. All students are i'3(iuired to take academic work as well as classes in their art major, ................ Tho School of the Arts wil] b'sgin iis luurlh year <if o;xirall(in in SvpU'ivjlH'r. N'.*w students wjll ar- liw S í’¡it. :!. Orientntioii w'lll be I'.'hi from Stpt, 5 through », and w ill begin Sept. i). Tl'.L- N.iith Carolina School of llio .Arts was established by an ‘li'i cl lii(i3 legislature. The is ojian lo students through- i;i! Dio nalicii and abroad who fXLt'piional talent in danc*.', ilinma or music. Approximalel.\ of Ibe sluiivnts are from N .ii!;i c:arolina. I'limary cir.;ilia.sis of llie t.Murse.- "I sillily ia Oil a thorough pfofess- I'lKil Iraijiiii^’ in llie art. Arls i r;ii I's are supplemenleil by a I'. ac.'lilemio eurricut- i-ii. Il is llio ini'.-nl of the sohool III |ii::u'ilo oai'h stuilonl with (he I'l I'paraliiin ti)i- a suocesslul cai'.-or ill lino 111 ibo arls anil wilh a I ^ I'l al o,liu’alioii Ibal will ojia))!,' liKii 1(1 lako his placv in sooioly ^1.' ail ailisi and as an iiifurmeo 'l.'ii' ■•■,'!!i;ii1 is liiia iu v d liy a i-oin- •i'll I’-i'iii 'll p iib lif am i pri\ alo l.ii.a.s. .n this Stale. .............. iAii><i, was it sheer luck that the pally t.iis time decided to vote «•ith a favolile sun rather than with Ihe regular Presidential no- mii.'.ic'.’ His name pi-ovided a rally- ii>g giound for those looking with disfavor , . . and this included Moore himself and Governor Can­ didate Bob Scott—on Hubert Hum- plii'Jy. ........................... No, it wasn't luck; and may go down as the smoothest bit of stra­ tegy ever followed by N. C. De­ mocrats. E'jemed odd, however. NO PART . . . Faced with Richard Ni.xon on one hand & Geor­ ge Wallace on the other. Demo­ cratic sl.rategists decided to >.'■1 K’H'H paddle his own canoe in Tar- heclia. Conyansus is that no Presi­ dent since llerbert Hoover has ;,”en as thoroughly disliked at LBj 111 this part of the South. Foi;.^wing thal old igeometric theorem to the efi'ict that "things thal are equal to the same thing are equal to each other”, our Ds- ■macrals see Presid'^nt Johnson and Nominee Humphrey as being "at much alite as two peas in a pod”. So . . .they want no part ol Humphrey. They don't want to be tarred—on the hcsl or olheiwise— with this bmsh. .. .. WHERE GO"? . . . Now former Go»'. Terry Sauford was up to his neci;—still is—in the Humphiuy campaign. In the event the De­ mocrats win nationally this fall, ..'3 is in line for a cabinet posi­ tion . . probably the Health, Education, and Welfare place. Quite an honor for him . . . and for North Carolina. No doubt his foi towers f’^el that he and ^the^ IBJ Tiaye been let downDe­ mocrats in power. Nevtertbsless, Bob Scott & Co. felt they have no choice—und'sr the cii'cumslan- ces—but to look off into the forest as Humphrey walks by. This means one thing: Pain. iPtlJiliicdl pain, ajjjit, but 'Pain just the same. , .... Now what about the Negroes' in North Carolina? They love H'BH. Wbjre will they go on the -State ticket? Republican? Hardly. Jim Gardner offers no haven Bor them. To tal^ this trip would Ьз a frying-pan-into-tihe-fire movement. That's about the Sanfordites and о1Ьзг liberals? Where will they go on the Slate ticket? Wiil they de­ cide, out of bitterasss coming out of Chicago, to vote Republican in Slate offices . . . to take Gai-dirsr over Scoll. Doubtful . . . extrcr mely doubtful. • • • • Ti.'3 ansiNver seems to be that while the State ticket is not Home Sweet Иоп-.’э for the Negro and liiberal vote, it is better . . . so much bet.'-'r . . . than no home at all. ........................ OTHFR DAYS . . . Alas, Ihere was a lime in the not-too-distanl past when North Carolina was in the foi'ifronl of the National De­ mocratic Party. Here are only two axair.'ples of many'. . ll. You heard at tb: Convention .lie oihei' night of the "ew prom- .nence plani.'-'d for the heads of ,he ^■oung Democrat Clubs in the .'ai'iuus slalos. Will, the first \’oung Democratic Club in Ihe nn- .ion was formed right liere in .North Carolina by tl<3 late Tyre I'ayltr, 0. Max Gardner assistant, a few months over 40 years ago. .S'lAv il is naiionwide. 2. T.ie uiipricedenled, unheard- .|Г Tniiii Term had its birth here in .N’oilh Carolina, ll was in the winior of liMU; and FUR, nowlicr.i iiioi'o popular than here, was beg- .lining liio last .war ot his second ■ uiiii as f^residenl. .\s our Jelier- j.in-.laikson U-nnor t;,'.‘aUer thal jtai' И0 bad Sen. Millard Tydings ol .Maryland. He was very oritical <il KIJH, made a.'voral snide re- marks auiml the New Deal. Imiiied to a crisp Democrats like KiIaIii (Ml. ilathuway Cross, .Mux Uaidiv.4', Th;id Eure, W. P. Hor- li.ii. Uov. Clyde R, lloey, Kerr .^Jil, and l.loyd Griliiiii . . Jii.M |::ius and Jiinalhan Daniels. Smiiehody said they were "ligiiun" m a d ". Know whal they did? ...................... T'.ii.s was a firsi, for sure. They had anolher Dinner . . . cal/'d il a sol-the-reeord straight dinner. The sp.'aker was the old curmud­ geon hims"lf, Harold .'ckcs. And, al that dinner—with the Ickcs lisp and all—was launclvid the Third Term. .......................... iNorlh Carolina was a solidly Democratic Slate when most of the roolin-loolin phoos you saw on television—and down on th’3 street —jweren't evn gleams in their par- '3nts' eyes. Those flower children! ■NEW CARS , . . New cars sales in the State ran 20,748 in July as compared with 15,601 for July ot 1967 and 21. Kflfl for June. Chewy -3d Ford, 5,010 to 4,671. Pontiac stold third frcm Plymouiá by 1,- Гу2 lo l,l!39. Fifth was Buick with ;,43Г!. Others: Olds, 1,345; Volks- •vagcn, Я92: Dodge, 9Ii2; Mcrcury, 74Я: Ramhler, 423; Chrysler, 380; Cadillac, 2K6. Miss Virginia ,D. Clement, .left, prepare s to sign her enlistment (papers into the Air Force as Technical iSgt. Carl P. Tho nipson, center, and Staff ISgt. ,Ruth How­ ell, Wom.en in the Air ,Force Recruiter f or /Eastern North /Carolina, look on. (Air Force Photo by MSgt. H. T. Anthony) Library News Tl'3 Davie County Public Library will sponsoi' a fall story hour ses-- :ion beginning September 10, at 10 in the morning. The ons-hour story session is open lo all four and five-yijar-old children in Davi'3 ::ouniy. The sloi-y hour program will include records, films, film­ strips and of course, ll?3 always favorite stories. Mothers, plan for the Tuesday morning story hour sessions. ................ FILMS, FILMS, & iMOBE FH.MS! Tb3..Davie Co.unty Public Lib­ rary hSs thrive néw CSha'dlSn film* available for home viewing plea- sui'3. They áre LET'S GO FISH­ ING IN THE NORTHLAND, which deals wiiih thg pleasures and re­ wards of autumn bass fishing in Northern Ontario; THE iROYAL PROVINCE, which is a look al Nova Scotia’s history—the sxplor- ers, the settlers, the traditions; and DRiBAMlLIAND, an inviting holiday in the Province of A'lherta. These three films are in gorgeous color and ai'3 very well made. The Piiblic Library has a 16mm projector and a screen which can he laken overnight for a minima'] fae ÓÍ $1.00. There is no charge ■for the use of the film. Since these fitans are in thi3 public library at all times, you are urged to reserve a dali3 for a showing in your own home for your family and your friends. ............ V ir g in ia C le m e n t E n lis t s In A ir F o r c e Miss- Virginia D. Ctement, 18, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Clement, ,Ir., of Route 2. Mocks- vilb, has enlisled in the U. S. Air Force for four years. Technical Egt. Carl P. Thomp­ son, Winston-Salem recruiter, said ! «Miss, Clenvsnt enlisted August 291 in Raleigh and departed the same | day for basic militai’y training a t, Lackland Air Force Bay3, Texas. ; Al Davie County High School, | where she graduated in i963, Miss C!emi3iit was vice president of her frc.shman class and the Photo Club and a merribcr of the Pep Club. S!'3 also was voted su|)er-lative as the ‘'most courteous”. Travel ond the chaMenge to do "something d:f.''3renl'' were ^he reasons M:iss Clement gave for joining tihe Air Force. Sb3 hopes to become an X-ray lechnician in llie Air Force. Miss Cl'sment is nol the first member of her family lo serve in a branch of the aimed forcss. Her father was in the Navy during World War a. After completing basic training, Miss Clerr.'3nt will be assigned to a technical school or to one of the many air bases located through- ftit the Uni'.’sd States -for tpainingi oti the job. A W estern T rip ! The Main Library in Mocksville is becoming a science spscimen laboratoi'y. Three hornets nests ai'3 now under consti-uction under the eaves of the building. Drive around t'ho librai-y somelim's and see if you can sixil them. ■A display of the ancient Jap- ar.'3se craft of paperfolding — ori- gamis now set up in the Main Reading Room of the Davie Counly Public Library. This dis­ play was borrowed frim the Marl­ boro Branch of the Princs Geor- gi’j's Coiiiily -.'Memorial Library System of Hyaltsville, .Maryland, for Ihe people of Davie Counly. We ho|K* you will find il interest­ ing: ................. Now that school has started, Ihc libraiy staff is preparing lo help he students. An added service W3 .ire now a!jle lo оИ'зг is the new -I.M Casual Copier. The public lib­ rary can now make copies for ■on c<3)ils a page. If you iiave any copying needs, bring them by the public library. BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE ior |SEI*TEMBEU William R. Davie - Sepl-jmber 4 Farmington — September 5 Smith Grove — Sepl'imber 10 Advance — September 11 Cooleein.-e - September 12 County Line — Sej)tember 18 Bear Ci'jtk — Soi>teinber l‘j Theft Reported In Winston-Salem Silverware and jewelry worth nearly $5,000 wei'3 stolen last week iby thieves who broke into a Buena ■Vista home in Winston-Sa''3m. Mrs. R. Y. Shai'Pe of 981 Arbor Road told police she was staying at her home in MocksviUe Rt. 1, last w'3ek when the break-in occurred. She said she discovered il when she returrod home Friday. Police found a door knob twisted off, but the thieves арраг'зпНу en­ tered the house by prying орэп a steel casemint bedixiom window and knocking out the screen. The housi3 was ransacked and sil­ ver. ladies' rings, bracelets, neck­ laces, diamond broocbas, stick pins and an antique jeweliy chest were earl'sd away. The total value of the stolen articles was listed as $4,915. Report'id missing wore a $1.500 set of Prince Edward pattern silver flatware, a ?з1 of assorted sterling silver pieces including a meat serv'sr, ice tongs, punch ladle and serving spoons. A $1,000 set of sih'2r coated copper items includ­ ing a coffeepot, teapot, sugar and icieam set and a ssrving tray worth about ?l,000 also was taken. Also missing were a set of steak knives, an old Erjilish sih'.T-plated serving set, a silver plated copper dish, a Paul Re\’3re bowl with the name Mrs. R. Y. Sharpe engraved on the bottom, a eultured pearl necklace, gold plated bracelets, y.’voral diani:)nds pins, the rose­ wood chest and se\’eral о1Ьзг ar­ ticles. ........................ Police said .Mrs, Sharpe had 1ю.>п receiving threatening and harassi­ ng tebphone calls for several weeks, Оз1, Sgt, M, M, Goforth is investigating the break-in. It Раул to Advertise P fc . J e r r y 'K o o n tz Is In V ie tn a m Army Private First Class Jerry D, KooiiLz, 24, whose ijarenis, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Draughn, and wife, Paulii».*. live in Mocksville, N, C,, was assigned August 15 as a rii lo­ man in the 11th Infantry Brigade neai- Due Pho, Vietnam, BILL DUNN Bill 'Dunn of Winston-Sa'.'-m, son of iDr. £.nd Mrs. Grady Ounn, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collette of Yadklnville Road, Mocksville, made a trip to the west'3rn states this summer with a gjoup Of yourig ipecple. Bill will b e^ ^ h om lore al Reynolds High School itiis year. Tb3 following is an account of Bill’s trip thal he wrote: This summer I bad the pleasure of touring wesl'3nn 'United Slates. ■We also went into Canada and 'Mexico. ............. The trip lasted five W3eks. We M l June 15 and returned July 20. Th>3 first day we were in Nashville. Tenn. We toured the Hermitage, hort»3 of Andrew Jack­ son which was built in '1819. II is so 'big and beautiful. Thai night we went to the Grand Ole Opry. Vi<2 spent the night at Vanderbilt University. ............. The next day we drove lo St. Louis, Missouri. W'e went up in ith'3 lArchway to the West and after that we took a moonlight ride down the MississipiJi River by boat. We spent tb3 night in St. Louis University. Monday we went lo Lawrence, Kansas. Tlv3re we loured the University of Kansas. After that we were free until around 10'.30. ............ After Lawrence we went to Dodge City. That was a lot of fun. We saw 'Boot Hill cemetery and saw a show in the Long Branth Saloon. We sijent lb3 'night in Dodge City Junior High School gym. Wednesday we went lo Col­ orado Springs, Colorado. W3 stay­ ed in a motel thare for thiw nights. Wliile we ■were there we did many things. First of all wc visited the USAF Academy. That was very inloresling. The next morning we went up Pike’s Peak by cog railway. Pike's Peak is H,- i'lO I'.'ct above sea level. That night We had a chuck wagon feast at the Flying W, Ranch, We also saw the Garden of the Gods, a 370 aci'3 park containing forma­ tions ol vivid red sandstone, Saturday, .June 22, we went lo Grand Junction, Colo. The temi^'ir- aUii'e was 102 degrees F, Sunday we dro\’i lo Salt Ijake City. In Salt Lake City we visited the .Mor- njjn Sijuare wher3 the Tabernacle and Temple of the -.Mormons may be visiled, A guid-s e.xplaiaied a little about the Mormon history. .After that we had the sxperience of swimming in Ihe Great Salt Lake. The lak'3 is 25'.'! salt. After Salt Lake City we went lo Jat'kson, Wyoming, Jackson is the south'-'in entrance txj Ihe Grand Telon .National Park. We attended the ewiiiiiig pjiiformaiic- al Ihe I’ink Gartiei- Theater. We si)ent Itr.' 'night at Juckdoa Hole Ludije. Tuesday, we went lo Yellowstone National Park, in Yellowstone vv3 took a (30 fmile ride down the Snake River via 18 man rafts. Old Faithful -was ri-ghl 'around 1Ьз l::orner of \\''.iere we spent the night. We spent tlv3 might in the park cabins. It was as big as in the pictures. ___ After Yellowstone we wint to Daicy, Montana to the Dude Ranch. That was exciting! W" went trout fishing and rode horses the -whole time. Wl.')i we left Montana we went to Richland, Wa.5hington. We got a chance to water ski. After skiing, we board­ ed a fen-y and went lo British Cclombia. W'3 didn't do anything there. .............. Wc drove into Redding that af­ ternoon. W..'3n we got olf the bu= W'e almost loaked. It was 115 de- gites. It was 1(ю hot to do any- t-iiing that night so W3 went lo see a mtevie. 'the next lhru3 stops w'.'re the highlights of the trip. T:iey were San Francisco, Disney­ land, Las Vegas. In San Francisco iwe got to shop all day. That nigiit -w'3 went to Chinatown for supper, lii iDisneyland all wg did was go 'otiei-' there and iride stuff. But, of courj3, Disneyland is located, in Los Angeles. We got to tour IJni- 'v^ersal Studios and ride through Hollywood. While in Hollywood W'3 saw John Waj^ne's dressing room and Dean Marlin's dressing room. In Las Vegas iWe got to gamble a little bit. I didn't win anything but оп'э boy got a $5,00 jackpot. -After Las Vegas we went to ÜV3 Grand Canyon. We rode mui'3S down to the little Plateau, had lunch, then сатз back up. This look all day. II was 5 miles do vn. From Grand Canyon we went to Albuquercjue, New M'3xico. While driving to New Mexico, we passed lh'3 Painted Desert and Petrified Forest. We stayed in the Univer­ sity of New M'3xico. After Albu­ querque, -we drove о El Paso, Texas. It is th’3 largest city on the Mexican border. We crossed 11.13 Rio Grande into Juarez. We igoi to bargain with the merchants. Wu a'Iso got to attend ;a bull fight. We ate dinr.'3r at Virginio's Rest­ aurant. From El Paso we drove to Foil Stocklon. Tbere w'3 went through Carlsbad Caverns, it is 'belevied to Ьз one of the largest caveas in the world. W''3 are lunch at 1Ьз bottom. .. •. lAfter Fort Stocklon we drove to San Antonio, T.iere we spent Uv3 nig.'it at Triiijly 'L?.iiversity. Wc spent all ol our lime at the Hemis- lair. That was great! Fiom there we went to Houston. W'3 got to see the Houston Astios play the Atlanta Bra\'3S in the Astrodome. The Ast')s won. — When we left Houston we diove to N'3w Orleans. W ate supiier in a French restaurant. After sup|x;r Vie got lo walk around. I have пе\'зг seen so many "strip” shows in my life- The last night was bix;nl in Au'born, Alabama. We had a little parly uniil around 1 a, m. After t!.'.“ party we threw the uhai)eiones intJ the sw'imming pool. Then we jumped in. W'3 had a good lime. We had to leave for hoir.'j lhat morning at 4:00. "In that case,” I said, "I won't go to sleep" And, Г didn't. .So about three-fourths of the gioup did nol go to sic'.'i). Instead we slept on Ihe bus. We drove into Winston- Salm about 3 P. M. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip 1ш1 I was glad lo b.* back 1 wish all teenagers t-uuld lour Ihe weslern part of the U'nitd Slates while in Higli Sohool. ;t is very .‘ducatioiial. Tattle-Talcs This stoi^y couUI bo entitled "what pco| !'-' won't do to beat the ', ar.t'' 'll' sc;Ticthiiig to that effect. And, for reasons, we Ш'з omitting nan-.si . . - i'-ut' ■'¡is lady has been mentioned be­ fore in this cul.tmn. Anyway, hero gncs: ................... As 2vcryone knows the weather Ihis summer has been almost more than a body can bear. It has been '3xtrcmely hot and due to this a certain lady in town was pi'cparing to attend one of the nurT.'3rous weddings that have tak­ en place the hottest days that W3 have had. She look her gird>3 and wrapiied it in waxed paper and put il in her c>3op freeze unit. -Later on, as she sal enjoying the wedding procicdings, she was heard multcring lo hpr grand­ daughter lhat Фз was afraid she was gowg lo take the “colic" which would mean to us thal ter Ггогзп garment was .probably a lot colder than she would have liked for it to be. Wbll, so it goes. The only thing we thought about when we heard this episode was that we hoped lb3 lady got home before the gar- n-.ent started melting. placing her in the situation in which we last i'3ported her! This reaPy did happen in Cool- eemce about a month ago- lA cerlain lady was taking a nap di'jssed only in her unment­ ionables. She must have failed to lock her door because Iba way the story goes she was awakenid by two men in little short white coals standing over her bed ap­ parently ready to transport her to other parts. -■ Both the men and tb3 lady were stri.-Ued when she raised up to ask what was going on. "Oh, “they I'.r/lied, "we thought someone had died here. We came for the body.” When things calm'sd down it was learned that the men should have gone to a hous'3 across the street. Later, the n'iighbors cautioned all around to beware of the "men in tbs little short w'hite coals. They'll get you if they can.” Over the Labor Day weekend Mrs. Roy W. Colhtle caught a lar­ ge bass that just keeps on growing and gt:ow'^<S, aecordlnfe' to her husband. • - - - Roy said that Ruth caught a Bass that weighed 3'i lbs. right after tb3 catch. However, he said a* Ruth and others began to tell about it, the fish started getting ibigger and blg-ffsr. By Tuesday Triorning il had reached 5 lbs ac­ cording to Iheir tales, said Roy Roy Collette was alsh t'slling of an liifiusual occurence with a leak­ ing roof a few years ago. At that tinT3 he owned a house on Forrest Lane ui which Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price lived. One hot, bright sunny afternoom he i'3ceived a call from Mrs. Price who voiced the complaint: "The roof is l'3aking!” "Roof leaking", said Roy as he lri'3d to think whal kind of joke Mrs. Price could be pulling. “How is that. It's not raSiing and don't belie\’e it has rained in the -past two W3eks!" “I don't care”, rejoined Mrs. Price, “You come down here and I'll show you. I’\*3 got a bucket catching it and it’s half full and is still dripping”. Roy said he went down and sure enough there was water dripping fi\»m tbs ceiling. ■He discovered that the roof had leaked during IIt3 last rain but lhat the bea-vy insulation had con­ tained the wat'3r for several weeks until it finally soaked il’s way through. ............ T lic )L u c k y L ic e n s e A n d S t e r e o S c h e m e In recent weeks the Buro.iu has ib.-en oveiwhclmed with calls frnin pco)'’e who have received a let;','r ■throush tl.'3 mail W'hich licgin.s "Wn take great pleasiire that your lucky license numlier has b:eii se­ lected as this week’s lucky ir.rni- b3r in our Lucky Tag Bonanza.” The letter goes on lo explain or Imply that the rccip>3nt of the leMer is to receive a Hi-Fi St>3reo Console with further '3xplanalion that this is an advertising promo­ tion and to help offset some of the cost of fi'3i-ght and advertising, t'he recipient nnist agree lo pur­ chase the squipvalent of one stereo album weekly for 52 weeks, or in olb.T words the recipient must purchase 52 stereo albums. Residents in the Mount Aiiy. K'3rnersville, Elkin, Salisbury, Rcidsville, Mocksville and States­ ville ai<3as, in addition to Winston- Salem havq 'been receiving this tyipj of form loiter from various companies whidi have recently op­ ened up in some of tb3 above named cities. .. .. (Although all of the lett'3rs from the different companies are not ex­ actly the same in wording, tb3y all imply lhat the recipient of the lelit'3r is a winner in some sort of contest and will receive a free stereo. ....................... Hcwcver, if you figure that the recipient must purchase I.'3 52 re­ cord albums at an' approximate 'prire of $4.05 each, you rcailiz'3 lhat you will be paying out approx­ imately $257.40 and then, of cour­ se, if you ha\'3 to finance this arrangement o\'er a periol of 12 months you will be paying a total of $293.92 for a stei'3o which the company in some cases claims to be worth $279.50. The Bureau has not bC3n able lo establish this comparative vaUie but it’ is our judgmen-t that tbs amount paid for the stereo record albimis would rriore than cover th'3 cost of the stereo and the album themsilves and we therefore chall­ enge the approaoh thal the recip­ ient has won anything or is i’3- ceiving anything “free”. One of these compani'3s men­ tions in I'heir form letter that they advertise in Readers Digest, Post, Look and TV Guide magazines and one recipient check'3d with Read­ ers Digest and found thal the com­ pany has r.'iver advertised in Rea­ ders Digest tind perhaps what'the company is really trying lo say is thal the stereo had possibly been advertised in these magazines but tbsy do not give the name of the stereo in the letter. In the final analysis, the Bureau must remind all citizens that very seldofrt do you evar “get some­ thing for nothing" and in the case of the stereos you should compans the value of the stei'3o as sold by other ster'3o dealers in our area with the cos'! of the a'bums you must purchase lo del'3rmine what a “bai'gain" this is, if it is a “bai'gain” at all. .. ., US Bonds Sales January-July U. S. Savings Bonds & Freedom Share sales of i3l),351,399 w'3re Ihe best peace­ time sales for the period in the history of the Bonds Program. This amounted to an inci'3ase of 5 (XT cent over 1967 January-July sales and reprei'3nled 55,7 per cent of the state's 1968 sales goal of $68,8000,000, Combined sai'3s of U. S, Savings Bonds and Freedom Shares for July were $5,852,759, up 5.2 per cant over July a year ago. Sales in Davie County for the month of July amounted lo $24.0?«, Combined Januaiy-Julj’ ' sales amounted to $165.485, which is 53,5 cent of the County's dollar (juola for 1!)U8 of ijl30a,600, accord- ; ing to Knox Johnstone, Counly j Volunteer Ohaijiman, C e n tr a l D a v ie G r a d u a te A tt e n d s K o w a n T e c h El-nisr Vanealeon, a graduate of Central Davie High School, has be»n accepted for admission lo Rowan Tech according lo informa­ tion i’3leased today by the Student Personnel Office at Rowan Tech­ nical Institute. Vanealeon has b'3cn accepted in­ to the Business Admiiiislration pro­ gram. He will begin his studies at Rowan T>3ch September I'lth. Applications are stiH being ac­ cepted for September, how'3ver, some programs are rapidly i'3ach- ing capacity enrollment. iiidi\i- duaU wishing to attend Rowan Tech this fall should contact tho StU£.>3nt Personnel office immediat­ ely. ......................... R o w a n T e c h ' L is ts 'G r a d u a te s Graduation exercises wer'-' iield at Rowan Technical .nslitule al Salisbui'y, Thuisday, August 29, with the following Da\i'3 County students graduating; Larry War­ ren Richie and Barry Lamiint Spiy in Electrical lnslall;ilion and .Maintenance; Kbjrrill Alton Kear­ ns, .Machinist Trade; Robert Lan­ ier Wall, Jr., Business Administra­ tion; and Judy F'3sperman McCon­ nell and Beverly Gail .McDaniel in Medical Secretarial Sci'3nce. T h o s e G r e m lin s! As sumetimeii happens ^TTiiis printing business an error was made last week In the amount uf miles traveled by (be scbuol buses in the eouaty. The eut- Um!s with tbe picture should buvi- lead (hat laii( year huites traveled mure lhau 37»,(NNI miles. Page Two Thursday, September 5, 1968 -Questions & Answer Q uestion an d A nsw er C olun^n N o. 68-56 T his colum n o f iqucstion e n d a n sw ers o n fed eral ta x m a tte rs Is provided by th e local оГПсе of th e V . S. In te rn a l R evenue S erv ice land is published a s a public srv lcc Ui ta x p a y e rs. T he colum n lansw ers q u estions m o st freq u en tly asked Iqr ta x p ay ers. Q V W ill I hove to in c re a se m y n ex t estim ated (ax p ay m en t to taJce c a re of th e n e w 10 p ercen t su rch arg e? A - Y es you m a y . In g en eral te rm s, t e su rch arg e w ill in crease th e ta x paid by individuals on th eir 1968 incom e by 7H p ercent. Al­ though t e su rch arg e ra te is nom - inainy 10 -percent it ap p lies for lonly ih ree q u a rte rs of th'3 y e a r so th a t tihe ra le for th e у эаг is 7^4. E m p lo y ers h av e adjusl'sd th e w llK holding ra te s on w ag es and s a la rie s to ta k e th e su rch arg e into acco u n t. T ax p ay ers w ho file e sti­ m a te d ta x ti'jo laratio n s should m a k e an y n ec essary ad ju stm en ts w lian they p ay th e ir tihird q u a rte r instaM m ent w h id i is due S eptem ­ b e r 16. To J-.'Mp you т й е this adjustlm itjnt, IR S is enclosing a speciail w ork shei3t in its m ailin g of th ird q u a rte r estim ated tax n o tic’s. ................ lAs long a s ta x p ay ers m e et a t le a s t 80 p e rt'2n t of th e ir tax lia­ b ility fo r th e y e a r e ith e r through iwiUhholding o r through 'sstim ated ta x p ay m en ts they w ill no t be sub­ je c t to any pen alty fo r und erp ay ­ m e n t of '3Stim ated tax. Q - C an |lax disp u tes M U e d w ith y o u r A ppellate D ivision be o pened u p » g a in by H tS ? lA - T hey a re not reopened un­ le ss evid'jnce of fraud, m a lfe a sa n ­ ce , <№ ncealm ent, m isrep reM n tatio n of fa c ts o r an im p o rtan t m atlie- m a tic a l m istaike is discoiv'jred. T a x p ay ers reac h in g an ag ree m en t witih Alppellat'a c a n do so w ith the ^assurance th a t asid e froirt th e re a ­ sons m en tio n ed аЛмп'э, th e ag re e ­ m e n t w ill be final. Q >- I ’m leav in g m y sim im er Job in a few iw eeks (o g o baclc to school. Is tiie re a n y w a y I ca n g e t (my ta x re fu n d now o r do I h ave Ц<|Г w a it ЦпШ n e x t y e a r? lA - Y ou w ill hatve to w a it u n til (he en d off th e y e a r bafore you c a n Sile y o u r retiurn. T o ep e jd things up, b e su re to a s k y eu r em p lo y er fo r th e sta te m e n t of w ag es ' p aid an d tax es w ithheld w hen you leav e. It w ill delay your reifund if this 81а1>этеп1, th e W-C. W age a n d T a x S tatem e n t, is not included W ith y o u r re tu rn . Q I w p p o rt n tf lallier-li^lB W an d th e refo re Iclakn h im a» « de­ pendent. IW hat re c o rd s do I > « v e tD sh o w (you to p rove p ’m #iU tl*d to (claim him ? A - T o estab fish y o u r rig h t to claim this »xem ption, you should h»ve tJie re « )rd s to esttfljli^» th a t you p rovided m o re th a n one-half of h is to tal supiport fo r tt e y e a r. Y ou should also b e ab le to show th a t h is fi«)ss in c o m e w as u n d er $600 an d th a t h e did n o t file a jo in t re tu rn w ith h is w iis. I'^odr jfaither-in4aw inotiet b e a citizen o r a resid e n t of th e U ni­ ted S tates, o r a resid e n t of C ana­ d a, M exico, th e C anal Z one e r «be iRepuW ic of P a n a m a , fo r som e­ tim e du rin g th e y e a r you dlalm the exem ption. E lbavilte M r. an d M rs. A lvin C a rte r ol M inneapolis, N . C ., gpent th e W3eend w ith M rs. S allie C arter. T he R ev, an d M rs. C raw ford of A dvance, Bit. i, an d M r. an d № s . S im P h elp s of S d lisb u iy w ere vis­ ito rs of M r. a n d M rs. Lik>yd Miank*’ land la st W3ek. .... M rs. M attie Tuoloer M rs. J . L . S ingleton and cW W ren sp en t la st w eekend in G eorgia. T hey v isited Sbc F la g s an d S tone M oun­ tain . .. Q ill E U is sp en t th e w eekend a t piis rece n tly p u rch ased iKwrre in th e m o u n tain s n e a r HiUaviUe, V a. M rs. A nn ie H all visited h e r chil­ d re n n e a r K em ersv iite S unday af­ ternoon. ................... M rs. M attie T u c k er v la te d M rs. K a th h e n B ailey Sunday night. YADKIN VALLEY win 1% obMTvedoM Yadkto vrflv dliBWh, Ssptamber » . Lun«h w8l 1» on the groundfl following wonhlp MPvk*, and tivoi» . singing In the afternck»). A wCW of revival «rvtoe* wlB b«gbt ^ d ay «Bring a t 7:80 Q u e * b e th e B w . R eno G iw e . i' A o b k te n atovr w as h d d a t h « n t «1 M r. a n d M rs. Jo « M onday n ig h t wMh a n o f 70 enK iyiag th e food an d good faU ow ihip. O arriA l R ic h e r en)oy«d a en d a t C te n ik e e an d Mie ta in s w lft th e J . H . Ptobt Fi-ed B roadw ay is a p atient^ th e B apU st H bspital. H e y o u r p ra y e rs, an d w ould iate ca rd s. M rs. P a n sy A lien an d M r. jM rs. P'rnnifiin S m ith «nrt W ire S unday evening g u ests of an d M rs. H en ry M tB rld e. Y adkin V alley w a s th e aaeoa*^ a b eau tifu l w a d in g S unday n in g o f M iss C h ristin e P ascfesp an d M arty R eeves. C hristine is tl^ d au g h ter of M r. an d M rs. M©lv(p P a ^ h a fll o f A dvance, R t. 1. M iss B essie Pk>tt sp en t th e w eek- ■and a t th e ho m e o f M rs. N an M cB ride. ................ Oaklaiwn B ap tist C hurch w as the scen e of a beautiful w eddinjg F ri- ¿iay "v en in g for F le U ^ r № B rid e an d S an d ra Tsgett. T hey w ill m a k e th e ir hom e a t P t. Jack so n , S. C. .ivhere F is tc h e r is statk>ned w ith th e arm y . ..................... . T H a seeim to be a full w e jk foT w eddings. L a riy B o y er w as w ed to M iss L inda M arsh all a t C&sm- m ons B apU st C hurch. W e w ish all th e new iy w eds th e v ery b est of ik*Hc. ................. M r. and M rs. K<3m ieth P a rk e r w ere sboweired w ith m a n y nice 'gifts a t th e F an m in g to n F eU o w M ji H all of Ok B ap tist C hurch. 40 at> te n d ed th e occasion. IT PAT8 T O ADVIBTI8B I. G oing Away To S chool? Again -this year, the ENTEaiPRISE wants to obtain the names of all Davie Ctotinty students going away to school, or taking Nuraesi Trainin'g, etc. We are asking you^-students or parenta of student»—to fill in the informatkm blank below and bring' or mail to the EiNTEIRPHiBE OFFICE at once, so we may compile early and pubMBh this list ait k later date. STUDENTS NAME .....................................................:............................... PARENTO OR GUARDIANS .1...................................................................... ADDRIESS ................................................................ ; WILL BE IN THE ....................................... .................................... QLASS AT (School or College) .................................................................................... NOTE: We stress again the importance Of gettinjr this informlation to ............ us promptly. ........................ H e re A n d T h e re Oraen Meadows iety iMt at Ibe evening with a State MiMion«. A on tte nissioM in NoHh Cantina was sMomn. Kiirteen mertber» and one visitor attended. Mre. ОШЛГ ¿Лил and M i« BU oiae Ward «if FanaingtM mre viaiton Ы M n. Mrs. TirtiMia Onitta is a patíe# at «he PtograMhn Oare Dsvt. oi Baptiit Hoq;«i«l in WiMtoiWtatani. Mrs. Maiy Qoagb at H<«yiwmd. FUa., arrived Saturday tor a vii<t with her da««Mer, Mrs. J. Kelly SmMb and famBr. M ia Linda MarsHaU, daughter «( Mrs. BBie MarriwB and' Mr. L a rry B oyer, son of M r. an d M rs. N o rris B t?yer w ere u nited in m a r­ ria g e S atu rd a y aftern o o n a t C lem ­ m o n s B ap tist C hurch. liE tw r D a y vislto re of tt e Jo e L a n g sto n s w e re M r. an d M rs. BiU lian g sto n of S tateaviU e, M iss K aye Langston of Hbustai, 'T exas and Mr. a n d Mrs. Hubeit I>raw dy and d au g h te r o f W inston-Salem . iFrad/BRMdwagr u aerioua)y ill at the Baiitist Hovital In Winston. (He U the Iwdband at fo n n e r LucUte CawHe fomatily ei <his comniunity. .. . * IMra. Hanic WiUiams has been on CbenlottooweHliatioratow days. ............... (tarry Ghwgory of №e V. . M. C. is spsitding a leave wiMi Ms par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Ore- tory. ................ lEmeat M c K o i^ cnofined (o h is borne ior rest, but apparently is l>»cu|)eratiing satiafact«^. Ihe dove season opened on Lab­ or Day. Aocording to some hun­ ters, tte do>veB must have beard about th is beforehand. In an area I t P A Y S T O A D V E R T IS E mhei« huMteds had Ьэеп seen, only a M r Miiid be found. *Ik» « М b m browti as the b awing te life again. Sev- that ufl3 to be there into decay. A drive way now shows several and traUer home; and to ЙИ fartiiest point a naw Imrie la being encted by Mr. and Ulrs. rtHflfc W«dbsr and the new borne ef Mr. and Mrs. Crnlg Car­ ter. Jr: is near completion. A (tme) atoiy I heard on L ab o r ,Ooy «61 bring a cfauckde to аоптэ of th e re a d e rs, I tUoic. A ce rtain youog lady wae driving dow n the «trest nf T ro u tm a n recen tly , «4кп a btad( c a i ra n in fro n t of th e car. She stopped, th in k in g th a t if th e e a t w as only in ju red , she w ould g et it to a V ete m aria n . H ow ever sh e found th e c a t dead, flnd no t w an tin g to leav e it tte re , ^ e placed it in a shopping b ag an d w ent in to a sto re to in q u ire alx>ut a p la c3 to leave it. She p laced She b a g on th e floor, and retu rn in g b M m ents la te r sh e fbund th i b a g gone. J u st th en She h e a rd som e co m m o tio n outside an d saw people g ath ered around a colored w o m an in a d sa d fa in t on th e stre e t w ith the b a g an d c a t neaitby. Hartman Chosen I } “'Soldier lof Month” i S p /4 J a m e s E . H artm an , a 1905 g ra d u a te o f D av ie C ounty H igh S diool, W as selected ‘‘B attalion SoQdier of th e M o n th ", fo r 1st. B attalio n , 39th In fan try , fo r the m o n th of A ugust. S p /4 - H a rtm a n is a “T rack C o m m an d er” in a Scout saction in G Isrm any an d is d u e to ro ta te s ta te ^ d e fo r d isch arg e in D 3cem - b er. ................................ IMIIBHATE OranRGS AT FIBER 1RDUSTRIES, IRC, Our F. I. T.^fartily is still growing and you could be part of it; Otir Production Operators enjoy good pay, paid vacations and holidays, retirMnent benefits, and Excellent insurance covcirage. If you’re interested, cpme by our plant oti Highway 70 to apply or e«ll us at ¿36-6000 ami we’ll mail you an applijcaticm* HOURS: Monday - 'i'hmrfday — 8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Fridfty — 8:00 A.M. -4:30 P.M. Saturday— 9:00 A.M. -12:00 Noon F ITI Fiber Industries, I kl • • • li^^siBpsopIs sffe •urnotf NportiotM EQ U A L O PPO RTU NTTY E M P L O Y E E Davie County Enferprise-Rotonl Box 525 MEMO TO COUEGE STUDERTS Be sure to have your HOME NEWSPAPER sent to you while you’re away at college. You’ll be happier if you read all about the happenings b|ick home (better educated, too). We think that by you getting your hometown paper, this is just as important to you as a textbook. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR STUDENTS In Norh Carolina, Only $3.00 For Nine Months (Payable in advance) Use the handy order blank below Enclosed please find $..............for which kindly send me the ENTERPRISE for the college term. Name ..................................... Address --rl-Tí ù, .A i- ^ •• ■■■! ' 4 B B & T S avings C e rtific ates o f D eposit earn 5% in te re s tp a y a b le I b y theJB ethod o f your choice a t th e end of each 3 m onth period: C red it to y o u r'; S A V IN G S A C C O U N T |C re d it to y o u f ^ C H E C K IN G A C C O U N T M ^ ile ^ to y o u B Y C H E C K w D ep o sitf o f $1000 or m ore are accepted In m ultiple! o f $100. T h e bank w ill A U T O M A T IC A L L Y R E N E W your certificate at the en d o f each 3 m onth period, and W IT H D R A W A L S m ay be m ade W IT H O U T N O ­ T IC E w ith in 10 days after th e en d o f any 3 m onth period. V i*it any oat o f ou r 48 conyem ent locations for all o f your banking need». lifefM a m O n a i ОИЖ B r a n c h в A N и I rg (j Л T ÍÍ I » ‘ . t ( . ( ) ГИ f ' A rg Ч Mteib»r Рэро|>} 1птоас9 Cerp«r9)it» i Page Four Enterprise-ReeorU Thursday, September 5, 1968 News Front Macedonia IV (( (i’ k * V , Chureh atOandance was ivery good Sunday. Sevei'al victors m re present for morning wor­ ship 93r\flicle. We Invite them back anytime. Everyone came with ithanWul hearts tor the rain W3 had. l4ie ground was irory dl7 and dusfy ant| itihfs ritin was really needed to. ujater Ihe plants and trees etc. ( Labor Day Weekend seems to -wfaid up the vacation ptjson. ; The, roads were heavily travdl- with peofile t^ing adiran­ t e of a long weekend. iPeo|de )№'3re travelling to the b e ^ to the mountains and some just ‘ylaiting. ............... ;..ÌM'r. and (Mrs. j. H. ' Ptatt, Dftvid and Nancy and Darrel pficher trawled lo Ohenricee and did some sightseeing in the Smòkias over the weekend. ; Mr. Prank ïlork and Bill Han­ es ! attendisd (ba rodeo at Love V a W . .......... ' ; Oharles Smith spent tte week ■ eiid with His parents, is now Marking and living in Green» t^o. ' .;.S .. .. ■ i'H ' • i -' . 1 ^ . HIda Baauctaihip, Amia and 3V>ny . visited with AQss Jane Snyder In Wnston-Saleon Mon- ^ afternoon, ';. Mrs. Betty Todd spsnt the ; W eeki^ with her p»rents, Mr. anid Mrs. Jbhn St»rks. ffltr. Sparks has boen on the sWc H it tor a while. We hope he wjn soon be able to '^tend church again. He and' Mrs. Sitórfcs at« always so teithftil ^ the senvicas and . he is ' certainly being missed. ■Mr. awJ Mrs. Edward R<Jbin- son and family oi Advance vlsit- nd the Kenneth Smith, family Saturd^ night. Oorigratulations to Mr. and Mr& Wayne Snyder on the birth of a 7 lb. 12 oz. baby boy bom Saturday niominig Aug. 31. Mrs. Snyder is the fonmer Judy EUis. W j would like to wekttme Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood into the community. We hope they like their nsw home and attend our church services as (tften as pos­ sible. ............... Mrs. Mary Belh Hendrix re­ turned home from Davie Hos­ pital Monday. She is now c<m- 'valescing at hems. Tommy Uong is undHlpgoinig back treahnent white a patient at FV>rsyth MamoriaJ Hospital. i№s. i%hice Cbpe was sick «witb a bad sore throat last week end. Ws h<4)e it is better soon. Ш Ы Sknith spent last Mon­ day ni^ht with bis Auqt sMly West. ................. Stacy Calloway, sbn of Mrs. Uwrise OUaway. celebrabad his list, birthday Aug. 28th at the Wo»rte of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest CJops. Eleven Uttile cousins and friends enjoyed the birthday сйке and other treats with him. Mr. and Mrs. Richerd Brock ^nd, Joe. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ш В 1» Beauchamp and children ' S m d ^ evening. trie An EntcmirtM W ant Ad РТЮЕ OF Ш OF LAND . TOR TAXES FO R'TEA R 1967 AS PROVIDED BY АСЮ, AND a m e n d m e n t s THERETO: ."r t “ ' tatwrest las ittiUIrtid by 1ю)1^ and opsts. in thepayment of the il part oi the 'm S.li House * Ibot A., Oarther » . a-IiOt Яатю п ..l-l4)t R . R. ...............$10.88 64.» M.30 A m . ‘li-pt’îBiT ;.........................«IISSrnintA л rui.» IKU..1.. ....................... ..................... Ш.Ю....... ет.29 ................... «.36....... ............Ш в ...................... je .» ...............v u ;» ’®-« m hot weather chickens drink more water in order to survive, says l>» Williams, Extension Ag­ ent, Davie County. Research has shown that the ratio Of water to fe>2d may be fûur or five pounds of water to each one .pound of feed when tte temperature olin*s above 90°F. When tihe temp3rature is arwnd 70°F. chickens drink about two pounds of water for each oiïî pound of feed they eat. This shows that the need for water is about 2V4 times greater in hot W3ather than when it is cod. Here are some things poultry produfcers should keep in mind; 1. Or« cause olf low production and pioor growth in chicks may be oversanitizing. Also, birds ma^ not ilike the taste of some sanltisers and this can causs them to drink less water. .......... 2. Observe the birds after the fountains ai'3 cleaned and sanitiz­ ed. They should act like they re- 'lish fre^ water. H ttey give thé appearance that the water is dis- tast'3lfUl, too much saniüzer may be (he problem, or they may not like the sanitiaîr that is being used. ................. 3. Research workers at N.- C. State University 'have found that chickens like the taste of chlorine, if his is the sanitiKr that is used to disinfect the waterers, the birds should drink n*>re water after She fountains are deaned and disinfect­ ed. 4. Make suP2 the fountains have plenty of fresh, cool, dean water throughout the day. 5. Avtoid letting the sun shine on water pipes and drinkers. 6. On read hot days' change wat­ er oft'sn to insure freshness. Williams says, remember if you want your hens to lay at their 'best and young chicks to grow and psnform well, give then plenty of cool fresh water and encourage JWff birds to driirft mor^ water in h«>t weather. 'Bailey’s iChapel 4-« Club The BaEiay's Chapel 4-H Club held Chelr monthly meeting on (August 13, 1068, in the Baifcy’ Chapel Community Building. Old tmsiuess was the discussion on roHerskatlng which wiH be bald on the night oi the 20th at 7;30. iDue to abseno3S we had to ap­ point two new officers. iBonnic Myers was appointed as Vice Presi dent and Sam Barr as Reporter. , Re1*>rter, Sam Barr Mocks 4 « Club The Mocks 4-H duto met August 30, 1989, at 7:30 in the chüPch basement. The meeting was cattsd to order by RJdcy Hockaday in the absence of the president. De­ votions were led by Ginger and Larry Stanley. We than had the. (^d and new business. The program was led by Ths Reverend Vaughn,, who talked on church manners. iRdfrerfmients ware servied by Paula and Ray Vaughn. They were enjoyed by aü. ' , iReptorter. Kick Hockaday .There will be a Oounty Council Meeting and Adult Leaders’ Meet­ ing at the County Qfifice Building Thursday, Septemiber 5, 1968. T a r H e e l l O p e n ' S k e e t i C h a m p i o n s h i p ' The Tar Heel Open Skeet Cham­ pionship wMJ be h>3ld at the Tar Heel Gun Club, Advance Rt. 1, September 14 and 15. Trophres will be presented in several' categoris. .J, Jm m i. Ш ., Houses к Lote................... ‘ ' 70 « Ralph lÿaÿne. Lot, Salisbury St......................... .............« M.... .........S:» "1st/ ......................................77.47Drive ...................................15.57 « • !.............................................90.38 'a ln ^ ; ..........................‘ " ао,и . Jr.',. Set» luи л.-ш- V Lot, я .'flrd, Jam u C., i i t N. tón, uoiise, ft fiot. Sàllshury St. ............ ...... ae ai LjMtlwrtoB R A .............................................ga My. DoniddGrw, дйоим ............................ 58 32line, Wnlard toy. Мш1е Ave. Ext.................................. ш ю »«м е i Lot .;............................. Bai. due 24.56i.yo, «wnil, ....................................................................... 41ggnee. Joseph 'W., l-let........ .................................... e og №. James f ., «buse 4 Lot. R. K. St............................................45’29PSónÌ_Qary Landon, Houst 4 Lot. Hardison St...........................44.234 fhlUÌ.H.,.M ouse R. R. St..................................; эб!»i. Шву % a Jpyce, Anwrican Caie, Bldg.................................98.17it*. Joe P., House & Lot. Salisbury St.......................................47 50 ert, CUrtls ®., House %-Lot. GiWynn St............'.......................вз!-И у. ètabert М .. Ш . Sàlbtoih St. ................. .......................№76n, Ralph, Lot. James Graham ..............................................Ш 93Л , James, l-(Lot Leroy Dulin ............................................. 347on, Mrs. Sercea, House & Lot...................................................49.50 flel4 Clyde Т.. Jr., Lot......................................................... 5.01’fieli 'Mrs. Jéssie, Lot. Hemlock St........................................ 4.39Яапфоск, Charlie, House & Lot Salisbury St.............................37.90Jan«t)ch, Walter S., Avon St....................................................S4.se „ylor, Donald Lee, House & Lot. Neely St...................................62.06 ! Й jSSTiS:.“ « ..“ - SràrviB, Jewell D „ Store, No. Main St............................................. tge.iaRodwell. Mrs. J. IW.. Sr. Est., No. Main St.................................... 56.1I1I ftòdwell, № r y Stone, iHemlock St........................................(iBal.) 78.4ЯSanford, «to. Adelaide, Est., Churoh St........................................' 97.55■anford, C. C. Sons Store, On The Square ....................................898.25Sanford, Gaither, Rufus Bt. Als., Lots...........................................916.60 Sanford. L. G. & 'R. B., Lots ....................................................... 168.37Sanford Motor Co., Garage Lots.................................................■.. 697.83S«Qford. R. B. Est., Loto .......................................................... 398.62SaUtord, R. В. Est. 4 L. G., Lot................................................... 4.28Sanford, » . B. Est. Et. Als., Loti................................................. ».74 Sntilth, Everette E., Sanford Ave. Lot............................................. 59.27Smith. George W. Est., Depot St................................................... 2.S8■ jth, Mr. Mrs. Grant, House 4 Lot. Cherry St............................ 91.84Tj, Mrs. Omte, Lot. SaUsbure St.............................................. S1.63It, STrs. KatBerlne. Lot. ЯПП St.....................................(Bel.) W .Wit, Conrad, Lot. iPine St........................................................... 48.90Edward D. 4 Katherine, Lot Mill St.................................. З.абWalter, 1-Lot Depot St....................................................... 43.79Steele. Abner 4 Jimmie Lou, Lot Campbell Rd............................ S3.M V&ieSaton, IMrs. Lessie, Lot. Lexington Rd..................................... '117.80ДгйЖГг IW. S. Kst., Lot. 60. 'Main a ............................................. в.41 Ж Albert 4 Annte. Lot. L e ^ n Rd............................(Bel.) ¡t.M G. H. C. Shutt Таж OoUector, Town of MocksvUS« IMocknrlUe, N. C. § i§ 4 m Pbone — 634-2230 WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY ■ FRTOAY - SATURDAY V i B R A N T ! U N P R E D I C T A B L E ! ^ ^ . S W I N G S f N R X ^A C T IO N ! In color No. 2 «‘ATTACK ON THE IRON COAST” SUN. - M ON. ■ TUES. ' COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESons Jehv Lewis mТ И О П Р О В •^TtCHHlCOtOR* No. 2 ‘»DANGER ROUTE” Richard JohaMm. Caroly Lyidey Hospital News Patients admitl’ïd to Davie Coufn-,. Rébeoca James ty Hospital during the pertod from August 26 to September 2 includes: Mary Taylor, Rt. 3 Joyce Robertson, Advance Claudia Jones, Rl. 2, Advance Velvet Shelton. Rt. 2, Yadkin­ ville ' .................. iDoris Gaither Minnie Johnson, Rt. 3 Mary Brown ................ Sandra Тгзх1ег, Cooleemee Becky EMer, Statesville Timothy York, Rt. 2, Yadkinville Tamlmy York, Rt. 2, Yadkinville Jossie Brown, Rt. 3 Floyd Peoples, Cooleemee Warren Jones, Rit. 3 Dennis Reynolds, Rt. 5 Маигке Anderson, Rt. 1 Sandra Baitoer, Ов<йеэтее Rbsetta ’Thompson, Rt. 4, States­ ville ............. Edith Julian, Rt. 2. Advance Robert Cook, Rt. 5 Mary Boontz ................ Emma Howell, Rt. 5 Judy Snider, Rt. 1, Advance Patsy MlHer, Rt. 4 William Dunn, Rit. 1. Advance Jto Cooley .......... ,a-a Hartley, Rt. 2, Advano’ Ossie White, Rt. 1 Aaron James, Rt. 2 Robert Ireland, Rt. 5 Maie Swain, Rt. 4 Thralma Myers, Rt. 1, Advance Ollie Reavis, Rt. 1 Harry Rickenbaoker, Rt. 2, CTam- mons ............... Patidnts discharged during the same period ImAuded; Martha Cline, Henry Dulin, Marvin Galli more, Robert Dwiggins. Henry Horn, Ronnie Baity, Ira Hartley, Bessie Hudson, William 'Poplin, Mary Widener, RUby Caudle, Bren da Roberson, R. 0. Kigsr, Mary Carter, Berta Hoots, Mary Taylor, Cora Peebles, Wanda Cope, Kathy Taylor, B'Btsy Beck, Portia Lee, Mary Boger, Malinda Ferebee, Patsy 'Miner, Becky Eltar, E]mma Howell, Joyce Robertson, Glendh, Ludwick, Tommy York, Timothy Ytonk, Addie Smith, Sandra Tnan- ton, Miltoin Haynes, David Koontz, Warren Jones, Doris Allison, Oscar Cook, Paul Weatherman, Jean Srwad, Rossie Harris, Charles Sof- ley, Dora Howard, Doris Gaither, Velvet Shelton, Tom Howard, Fra­ nces Nivens, Vsrsie Prevette, Will­ iam Summers, Mary Hendrix, SiShdra Baiber and Mary Koonta. HOPE FOR HEARTS TOURS LOOK FOR THESE FEATURES AT YOUR LOCAL GROCER V CHEF-BOY-AR DEE Spaghetti & Meat Balls ' Beef Ravioli Beefaroni DIXIE C R YSTA LS SU G A R 5 pounds 10 pounds Щ-f. Distributed by S. W. BROWN & SON Mocksville, N. C. f A U T U M N FOLIAG E T O U R —Includ­ ing colorful and historic New Eng­ land and Niagara Falls — October 4 - October 13. » R O M A N T IC N A SSAU and SUNNY FLOR IDA — December 26 - January 1 . For complete information write or call R. B. M A D ISO N M A D ISO N TOU RS Mocksville, N. C. Statesville, N. C. Mocksville Phone 634*2525 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 at 10 A. M. AT THE HOMEPLACE OF THE LATE 1 i GRIFHTH ; One mile east off 64 and on Davie Academy Road in Davie County f Household and Kitchen Furniture ahd Interesting pieces of A N TIQ U ES Edison record player . . . sewing mach'* ine . . . tables . . . rocking chairs . . . 3 piece dining room suite . . . dressers .. . porch furniture .... walnut wardrobe ... ) meal chest . . .wicker couch . . . Hot ' Point stove . . . walnut table . . . cooking utensils . . . china . . . pressed and cut ' glass . . . carnival glass . . . General El- ^ ectric refrisrerator . . . three corner cup" ’■ board . . . dining room chairs . . . small qciMÎle,..,^|tg^w%re^.^.,.,ir<ÿh ware . . . coffee g«:în|[iérs . . . dough Irays . . . pic­ ture frames . . . wringer washing mach­ ine .. . heaters . . . and other items too numerous to mention. H. B. Yoric, Auctioneer Rt. 1, Harmony, N. ,C. Grace Griffith Meeks, Executrix Here! New%9 CHEVROLET.TRUCKS! Now there are even more reasons why Chevrolet is more truck. QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHY At Reasonable Prices! • AN N IVERSARIES • W E D D IN G S • G R O U P • A L B U M PLAN S Mills Studio and Camera Shop IN BORN-HARDING BUILDING, MOCKSVILLE PHONE 63'4-2870—Thursday Only ALL OTHER DAYS IN MAOf STUDIO IN Y A O K IN V IU A DAY PHONE 679-2232 YADKINVILLE—NIGHT 679-6024 V V W W W W V W W W V W W W W W V W W W W W W W V W W W W W V W M O M STVtE Ham's ihe boM new took In pickups—Chevrolet's handsome new hood pro­file, new aluminum grille, new Interior trim colors! You get a cab and Fleet- side pickup box that are double wall, double strong. America's most popular Is more tfuck thanpickup Is •M r tor ' MORE LENQTH New '69 Fleetslde ptekups provide cargo boxes up to 8M ft. long—ha<il bigger paylojds or king-sized camper bodiesi For work or play, you get the rid­ing smoothness of work-groved Independem Front uspenslon, the econoviy ol Chevy truck poviiM. FkiS easier handlins. M O M сомгоят New, more comfortabte seats are designed wttli molded foam. Thk:k Insu. latlon hushes road nois«. Bump leveling ooll springs at all tour wheels on most models smooth ItM WM. Mow i • New wortoowd A splr* Ked new ЗбО-си.-1й. V8 tostandard In nwdlum-duty V8 models. Order it tor ptokups, tool And Ilwre's big V8 power in heavy­weights. Chevrolet givesHQH of ■ОМУДИГОаТИЕ m onev Lom^cost Chevy-Van de- ihmrs loads of economy with big Sixes or work- whipping V8. Nimble maneuverability In traffic makes light of big loads. Now available with 3- ipeod Turbo Hydra-Matto. M »ear ChMraM dMiar's MMU More ! т ф are Cbevroltts becnte Chevrolet Is more truck! License No. 110 Thursday, September 5, 1968 Enterprise-Record Page Three m r N e w L a u n d r y ‘ L a d y E x e c u t i v e *r . ._____ Something has finally been done for the housewife who likes to toake her own decisions on washday.Hotpoint has introduced a new, and truly automatic washer called the Lady Executive specifically for the housewife who has a mind of her own.This new 16-pound capacity washer lets the homemaker call all the shots to solve her own particular washday problems. Tlie options are almost endless, and once selected, are completely automatic.For diapers or baby clothes, the homemaker can, for example, set the machine to first soak the load, then wash it and rinse it twice. Or for heavily soiled or stained clothinc, she can set the machine for two washes and two rinses. With six wash, rinso and soak combinations, she has complete washing flexibility, regardless of the type of fabric—permanent press, cottons, sya- thetics.or woolen blends.The Lady Executive also permits the homemaker to make linr own decisions on which of five wash/rinse temperatures, three water fill selections and four agitation/spin speeds she wants to use. An automatic bleach fountain, an automatic fabric softener dispenser and a dry detergent dispenser are other features of the machine.Shown with the Lady Executive is a matching electronic Sensi- Dry dryer which automatically “senses” when clothes are dry and turns the machine off. Both come in a choice of White, Avo­cado, Coppertone, and Harvest, a new golden colortone. I I HOTPOINT MODEL RB31S (jMasltr craftimaiuMp and modaiT pifea at» esHM blned In Jhl* Holpoint rang» fo appeal to Ih«; Value-mlnded. Th* oven feafures removabia door «id hinged bake/broU vnits for Miy cltonintr« S159.95 HOTPOINT MODEL RC41S You’ll nitike pe'iect menls evcty ùmn wl*’- $ 40 incli MolpoinI luirjo. It f-ioiuies ioi-.h/ i u- ,.t coiitic!, lemovcible oven <!oor, ' c*’ 1-- .'T S159.00 Exch. SI99.95 Exch. Your Best Buys Are Always Found At Daniel Furniture & Electric Co IN MOCKSVILLE, N. C. w a s h e r t h a t l e t s j n m c h o o s e j w i i r o w n w a y o t w a s t d n g , a n d t h e n d o e s ^ i t a l l a n t o m a t i e a l l y . > T h e n e w -HotpoinJb' ‘L a d y E x e c n t f v e V 'M ake your own decision from 6 ways to w a s h :_________ 1. Wash once and rinse once. 4. Wash twice and rinse twice.2. Wash, once and rinse twice. 5: Soak, wash and rinse once. 3. Wash twice and rinse once. 6. Soak, Wash and rinse twice. The Hotpoint 'Lady Executive' washer will also add'dry detergent, dispense bleach and fabric softeners, and do it all automatically. I PorcalalnnnUh.Imtitemiloutaldt. Protect» agtlnst rutting, seratchlns» .(•bUno. ^■ Sparkling «iiMt«pore*ltIn tub, tqui* insrlr^ftgltf^or. 5 wtth and rinta temperatures. Safety lid aWitch. ■ Permanent preaa dtal with 4-apMá control. Handlea any/ymiiotd ftem' haavy duhr to daHeiM walh 'n «vaar. Washaa 2 tba. to ieib^»»adt. ■ Automatic aoak eydt. Hatvy dutjr 1/2 H.P. motor. W E T R A D E - D E L I V E R & S E R V I C E E A S Y C O N V E N I E N T T E R M S T a b i e T o p C o l o r T V V a l u e Compact cabinet with big rectan« gular screen-large enough forfam» Ily viewing. Powerful 25,000-volt chassis. RCA Super Bright Hl-Llta Color Tube. When you’re first in Color TV, there's gotto be a reason. RCA F IR S T IN C O L O R T V The BROMLEy Model FJ S95 S3*diag., 29S sq. In. pictur* These are not floor sam ples.. .they’re new 1968 models fresh from the factory. V- ■ HOTPOINT M O D a CSF6260 A lupermarfcef tn your homel ThU olonl Hotpoint, No-frott 26.4 as. ft. Food Center combinei a 450-lb. freezer-«rilh a 13.52 on. ft refrigerator . . , 8lide*out thelvei and batkelf and two fuli-width itorago drawen. \¡ A iü h e H t¡ e M â tlo o K t E A R L Y A M E M C A O V S t y l i n g * '^ ■ore People Own »OAVlCTORThM» A«yOth«tTela*Uion. or Colo» Th. NORWICH Sarin Câ-30S IS'tub*(ov«r«ll dltfj 2t2*q. In. picture SUPERBRCAVICTOR M w H std TV PERFORMANCE Invites comparison on any channel! Supér-poweiful 22,SQ0-volt New Vista ' cliassis. New Vista VHF tuner (the most powerful, most sensitive in the TV in- dustiy) plus ultrarsensitlve Solid State UHF tuner pull In pictures with amaz­ ing clarity. For added convenience, there’s one-set VHF fine tuning, stay- set.volume and all-range tone controls. Tinted RCA Pan-O-Ply picture tube re­ duces reflections. THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN EL ECTRONICS HOTPOINT M OOR PH5200 Famlfy-iFxe 19.9-eu, Hofpoinf dieif fraexeri 6 9 7 ^ . eopoclty; 2 handy gliding, lift-out baiketi; convenient od|uitabie temperotura control; interior light; counterbalanced lid; built-in lid lock. 20 Cu. Ft. S224 Daniel Furniture & Electric Company A T O V E R H E A D BRIDGE M OC K SV ILLE, N. C. Thursday, September 5, 1968 EnierDrise»Ret:oir3 Pafife Five »ELP WANTED: Male or female ifor kitcten work. AppHy in per- son at C’a Restaurant. 8 22 tin r^iR SALE: 1964 Ford Piok-4rp, private owner, low mileage. Loca'.'-'d at Baity’s Ciligo Service Station at Farmington. 9 5 2tp NOnCE: I am not responsible for any debts ma<I<3 obiier blian my own. Norntam B. Smith, Sr. KAlWiLEIGH OUSINiEBS AIVAiILr ABLE} . . . Learn iiow otiiers iiiake big profits ysar after year. Write Rawieieh Dept. NOH-aoi- iGMSD, Richmond, Va. 9 5 itp .......... 9 5 3tip BB fenlle be kind, to that expen- atw carpet, clean it with Blue I^atre. Rent electric shampooer |l, Farmers Hdw. & Supply. POJt SAILE: Ford Fenguson Trac­ tor witii a front end loader; turn pilow and a cultivator, all Ifor $900.00. Will trade for small pieos ot land, tf any difference 2 win pay. J. M. Potts, telephone 499-4302. 9 5 Itp dELP WANTED AT M M E R ’S IMNlNiER RiBSfTAURlAiNT: Wai­ tresses, chefs and cashiers needed for alll shifts. Meials {«#<nished, Vi hour meal break, tiro weeks vacation, profit shar­ ing pJan and good pay. Apply in person. Sheek MiMer, ownei. ................ ? 1 tfn SAitlES WOIRK: Interested in earn­ ing $76.00 per week for 20 hours iwork? Write P. O. Box 5692, Winston-Salem, N. C. 27103 ............. 8 29 Itn WANTEID . . . A baby sitter to l i ^ 3 children and to do light iMU^eeping. Second shift. Call 8 29 Un № LP WAINTEID: man and wife , . . to oare for (jage layer op- eration . . .apply in person . . . at FAiRiM! AND OAlRiDGN VaCE, 3NC., 961 Yadkinvilte iRoad, 634^17. 9 S 2tn FOR SAliE: PlAiNOS Used Spinet 1195.00. pdactiice pianos ^.00 end up. Grands $296.00. (Make Ì your » l ^ o n fmm over 300 '' f piaaos. tìSwm County’s largest Plano Deitìer. Kkittz Plano Co., Irte. 7 miles east oi Satósbury on US ai!. Pitone 279-9605, Granite Quawy, N. C. 8 22 8l)p K L l^ Lustre not only rids carpets «( •oil but leaves pile soft and Jpfty. Bent electric shampooer |1 Iboksville Builders Supply. 1907 , IQIG-ZAiG SINGIEIR, repossess­ ed, dams, mends makes button- ^|Mes^ monK^ams, all without NipeichiiKnts. Guaranteed. Can * | ^ ',s ^ and tried out in this area. Pay casth balance of $52.50 or pay 6 paynrents of $iO.Oo each. Write Mr. MoMiIton, P. O.- Box 841, Alsheboro, N. C. 27203. ............. 9 5 tfn Farm for rent, near Bet9ikfiem community. Cäli Donnie Duna, 998-4031. 8 » tfn FOR RENT: house on Howardtown iRoiad . . . wired for electric etovei . . . EMgar Prye Route 3 . . . Mocksville, phone 9984064 ........... 8 29 2tp \ i I SKIN ITCH DON’T SCRATCH IT! IN 15 1MINUTES, ■ Bf not pleased, your 48c back at any drug counter. ITOH-ME-NOT qui^Bts itching in minutes; kills jénme to sp£-3d heading. Fine ftor eciema, insect bites, foot itch, other supfaos rashes. NOW at Wilkins I>ntg Co. 9 5 3tn HOUSE FOR SALE: on Akron Drive, Wtaston-Salem. Thirteen rooms, two baths, Contact Floyd Naylor, Phone 634-2126 (Day) or 6»t-a387 (Ni#lt). 8 19 3tp B ^ r r V ’S ! ICITGO SERVICE FARMINGTON, N. C. # Citgo Gas '28.9 ^gaL # Complete Lubrication • /Wash • /Tires • Groceries i — (W e ¡Give 'S & H Green Stamps '— EXECUTRIX NOTICE, СТА NORTTH C A R O L m DAVUE COUNTY Having qualified as Ebcecutrix, СГА cf the estate ot Jack Owen Moody, deceased, late of Dawe County, this is to notify ^1 per­sons having claims against said estate to preajnt tihem to the un­dersigned on or before tte 266h day of Maith 1969, oi this notice will be pleadsd in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said 'jstate will please m£*e ini* mediate paymant to the under­ signed. ............. --This the 30th day of August, 1968. Marie C. Moody, Executrix, СТА of the estate of Jack Owen Moody, deceased. 9 5 4tn DwelHng For Sale TM« IS a lovely seven room brick ihome located In a community char­ acterized by whdle-someness and congenialUy. This brick home fea­tures 3 bedrooms, Lange IMng ■room, beauUfiil kitchen and dining area, den, utility room and en­ closed carpot, tiled patio in rear of dwelling. --. -•-•You'll just have to see this be­cause we cannot adequately des­ cribe it to you. Call us tor appoint­ment. E. C. Morris, Realtor, Phone 634-2362 8 15 4tn ENJOY COUNrrRY LIVaNG with city convenience . . . in Garden VaJley EJstates . . . spacious 3 or 4 bedroom brick home for sale . . . 2 baths . . . full base­ ment half of which is peeled and heiated . . . P m financed wiSi 514 interest . . . loan tirahs- ferrule . . . owner moving out of state. Call L. W. Mixon, phpne 694-8220. ' 8 16 tfn WAIflED: a settled Jady to baby­ sit in home . . . 3 children now .... 1 after school starts . . . ceneral housekeeping . . . 9 to 5 four days a week. Call 634-5457. ............. 8 15 tfn CLBAN nigs, Uke new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent elec­ tric shampooer $1. at Bill Mer- Furniture. TRAILES SPACE FOR RENT: Apply Shady Acres Trailer Park, located on Bethel Chureh Road. Phone 996-8276 or 998-4Ш. 4 26 cfn VAiNraiD: A couple for farm work at WhipO-WiU Farm. Nice bouse furnished. Apply in per- aofl on Monday through Friday after S p. m. 6 6 Tfn HOME FOR SALE; Lovely 3-bed­ room, 1 bath, % concrete base­ ment, all brick construction, located on 2 acres of land. Off Higbiway 64 on county road 1609. Call Clemmons Village Real Estate, 766-4651, for an appoint­ ment to see this lovely home. ........ Itfn EARN that neaded money “ Hie Av­ on W ay." Call 8734M1 or write; Avon, P. 0 . Bos H0, States\'Ule, N. C. S 1 tte NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VWTUIE Of the POWEJR OF SALE contained in a certain deed of trust executed on te 4lh day of Fetoniary, 1964, and recorded in Book 62, p^ee 389, Dav­ is County Registry, by Lewis Gray Barnhardt and wife, Laiixa I^gle Barnhardt, and assumed ^ Way­ne Franklin Melton and wife, Ber­nice Melton, default hawing been made in the payment Of tije in- debtediness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclo­ sure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in 'Mocksville, Pa- vie County, North Carolina, at noon'on the 28 day of September, 1968, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Davie, State of North Carolina, and more paitifflilarly, described as follows:' at fk iron stake, Robert Robertson’s and James Mayhew’s corner, and running thence North 3 degs. East 26 feet to an iron stake, James May- hew's comer; thence North 81 degs. East to the center of the Bixby Road, 280 feet; thence with said road South 17 degs. East 79 feet to a point in the road, Robert­ son corner; thence North 89 degs. West 300 feet TO THE BEX3JNN- ING, containing .35 of an acre more or less. THE HIGHBSrr BIDDER will be required to deposit in cash at the sale a sum equal to ten 010%) per cent of his bid up to$l,000.00 plus five (5%) per cent of excess of his bid. . .This 2and day of August, 1968. - MAE K. CIL30K.......... Trustee MARTIN AND MARTIN{Attorneys 9 B 4tn. NOTICE NORTH CAROONiA DAVIE COUNTY . UNDER AND BY^V®/fÖE of the POWER OF SAILE contained in that certain deed of trust ex- jcated on the 8th day df November, 1965, by and between ETOWIAIRD AiLEX WOOD and wife, WILUE MAE WOOD, to MiAE K. CLICK, Trustee, and recorded in Mortgage Book 66, page 387, defatrit having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured tihereby, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale to tlte highest bidder for cash at public' auctson at the Courthouse door in Mocksville, Davie County, North Carolina, on Saturday. Sept- omlber 21, 1968, at twelve o’clock, noon, the foikwing described tract Of land: ...............Adjoining lands of J. H. Robert­ son on the North; G. L. Roibertson on the East; Clyde Cornatzer on the South, and F. M. Robertson on the West, and bounded as foll­ows, to^vit: .......... BEOININNG at a stone in middle of Bixby-Fonk Church Public Road; thence in a iSouthern direc- ion with the said road 250 feet to Clyde Cornatzer’s corner; thence in an Eastern dii-ection with Clyde Cornatzei-’s line 350 feet to G. L. Robertson’s line; thence in a Northern direction with G. L. Rdbei-tson’s line lOO feet to J. H. Ri*ertson’s comer in G. iL. Ro- t>ertson's line; thence in a Western direction with J. H. Robertson’s tine 450 feet TO THE BEXmINNING, containing 70,000 square feet, more or less, and being part of a tract of land deeded to J. H. Rcbert&on and wife, Mary T. Robertson, by G. W. MoClamrocic, by deed re­corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Devi County, North Carobna, in Book No. 33, at page 4S3. ,,. . „ The highest bidder will be re­quired to deposit in cash at the sale a sum equal to 10 per cent of the amount of his bid up to one thousand dollars, plus five per cent of the excess cd his bid over one thousand dollars.This 15th day of August, 106в. ......... MAE K. CUCK............. Tnistee MARTIN AND МА1У1Ш iAttorneye t » 4 ^1 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOWTH OAiROLiNA DAVIE COUNTY ............. Under and by virtue of tiie pow­er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by James A. Norvell and wife, Dianne M. Norvell, on the 22nd day of June, 1967, and recorded in D e ^ of Trust Book 69, at Page 5 ^ m the Office on the Register of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolina; and under and by virtue of the author- fty vested in the undersigned as ai*>stiituted trustee by an instru­ment <£ writing dated 'Octo^r 13, 19617, and recorded in the Office ot the RegistCT of Deeds ot Davie County, N ^ h Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness theiby secured and the said deed ot trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holdei* of the indebtedness thereby secured haj ■vlng demanded a foreclosur thereof saSafying said indebted­ness, the untlersi^ned sUbstllMte trustee will offer for sale at pub- iMc auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courhouse door in Davie County, Nortih Carolina, at '12:0(\ o’clock noon on the 23rd day of Septeimber, 1968, the land con­veyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Davie County, North Carolina, and being more particuiariy described as follaws: ......................... A certain lot or tract of land located in Jerusatem Township and being a portion of a arger tract described in Book 71 at page 193, Davie Registry and described as follows; ............. iBesinning at an Iren pipe in the western edge of the Davie Academy Road, James H. Taylor southeast oonier (see Deed. Book 78 at page 135, Davie Registry) and running theaice South 87 de­grees 50 minutes West 3 » feetwith James H. Taytor ^ --- line to an iron pipe; thenc»2 degrees 2i niinutes West 77.70 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes East 340 feet to an iron in the Western eidge oif the Davie AVademy Road; thence North 07 degrees 03 minu­tes West 90 feet to the Point and place of be^nning and being Lot iNiBnber Five (5) acoopfflng to an unrecorded plat or m{q> of the A. R. HoHeman property pr^ar- ed by Joseph PranbUn, R. S., 6-13- 67. ...........The above sale will be made t to taxes and assessments, is the 22 day of August, 1968. WILL3AIM G. PFEFIFIERKORN Substihite Tnistee ....... 8 29 4tn NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY NOTICE X)F RESALE OP REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the a u ^ ority \*«!St6d in the undersis»d commissioner by an ORDER of the Clerk of Superior Court ot Da­vie Co. dated August 22, 1963, and the civil action entitled Davie County vs. Aaron U. James and wife. Ruby James; Milton Janies and wife, (Magdalene James, Odell James and wife, Nell T. James, Sallie James, Clara James How­ard and husband, WUUe Howard, Lillian James Gregory and hus­ band, Clausell Gregory, W. Eugene James and wife, Sallie Ruth Jam­es, and Hubert Baton, Carl Eaton and Wayne Eaton t/a Eatons Fun­eral Home, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Satur­day, S-^tember 14, 1968, at twelve, noon, at the Courthouse door in MkKjksvllle the following described real property located in Davle County, Farmington Township, State of North Carolina, as folkws, to wit:BEGINNING at a stone in the Mocksvillle-Huntsvlll» public road, L. J. Horn’s corner, runs East with his Une 5.09 chs. to a Hickory: thence North 149 chs. to S stone; thence We^ to public iroad; thence South 10 deg. West with said road 1.49 chs. to ihe BSXJINNilNG, CON- TAlINING THElEE-fjOURTHS (%) OF AN ACRE, more or less. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CAVIE COUNTY UNDBR AND BY VSOTUE «f «lie р ент of sate согШ Ш ia that ceitain aacurity iastMraMits dated Octobnr » , 1 ^ , ^ ai. 1967 «к я а М Iby ЕЮ •OnAY У О Ш С in favor Ы pnoDUCnoN ORQDtr TKN, ttie undnrsiened will ofter .fbr aaife at p^bUc auction on №e premises' of Davie Traator and. Equipment Company, at twelve (12:00) o’clock, noon, on FYiday, September 6, 1968: 1 Used Ford Tractor, Model 8N, 1 Serial »N1141143 .... ‘ 1 New Ford Blade, Serial 10987 1 Filed Cain Tillage Tool 1 Ferguson 2^Bottom Plow 1 Ford 28-disc Harrow 1 One-row Cole Planters andOilUvator ............. 1 1960 GMC H Ton Truck, Serial Need RIDE from Farmington Road to Western Electric C3o., Lexing­ ton Road; hours 8 a. m. to 4:45 y. Hl Phone 634-5147. 8 29 2tn O. BOWEN MUSIC CO. Q K A D B PIANOS РРД||ИО?ГО ORGAirS M l W . Bth Ct. — Pk. PA a-TMl F A T O V E R W E IG H T ATallable to you withont a docior’i prescription, our prodnct called Odrinex. Yon must lose ugly tat oi your money back. Odrinex Is a tlnj tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of excess (at and live longer. Odrip ex cost $3.00 and Is sold on thlt guarantee: It not salislled tor anj reason, Just return the package tt your druggist and get yonr full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex Is sold with this guaraniet Wilkins Drug Store — Msck» - Man Orders Fffled The foregoing property is the id­ entical property descrt>ed in a certain deed from G. li. West et ux, to Mrs. J. C. James, also known as Lola Ward James, dated March 12, 1918, and recorded in Book 24, at page 411, Davie County Registry, and said description is set forth as It existed as ot the date ot said deed. Said sale shall remain open ten days tor upset bids and is subject to confirmation by the Court and shall be made subject to all ad- valorem taxes tor years after 1968. This 22nd day ot August, 1968.J O m T. BROCK Commissioner ............. 9 5 2tn This the 21st day of August, 1P68. IDEAL PRODUCTriON CBBDrr ASSOCIATTON By: CUa t'ar.:ue ............. Manager M* . a i OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters Adding Machhief Berrice On All Makea 119 W. Innes 8lre«l OFFICIEARLE’S SUPPLIES Dial ME e-2341 SAUSBURY. N. C. D A IK Y M A N ! Once-miit-iffefime opportunity for an experienced dairyman with family as­ sistance or two or three helpers to take over operation of an ideal factory-type milking operation on modern dairy farm just outside Statesville, N. C. ‘ Right man can expect to earn over $1200 monthly with unlimited opport' unity to increase this earnings. Approxi­ mate 8-hour working day for three men. Retirement plan and other fringe be­ nefits available. Write: N. C. James, Jr., RFD 4, Statesville, N. C., or call Statesville 872^131 daytime, 873-9083 evenings. Electric MoioTM - SALES AND SERVICE! — Repaired - Rewound - Rebuilt Authorized DIstribator O. E. Motors and Contrail Diqrtott and Belt Pulleys Delta Electric Co. lltSl West Innes Street SAUSBURY, N. C. PHONE;Day ME 6-1371: NIte M E 6-18H BARtVr DAVID80M ■ebwlaa Blerel««Traeca Ae«a*te« CABLE BARLEY ПАУШвОМ SM Brookatow»-! BIk. ■. M a n PA 4.4TW 84-itich Well Boring No Water! No Pay! CATAWBA Well Boring Co. Can 634-2628 Shorty York’s Sinclair C. C. BASINGER SINGER BEPRESENTA’nVE From Salisbury WIU Be In MocksvUle Monday & Tuesday Each Week For Sales and Service Phone 634-2407 HsuaaAov ox SAVd xi SMOOT TYPEWRITER CO. lttB.FW ièr М В М Ш в-шввивт, N . C. • BALES • inRTICE • B E N T A U •■ExeblNe DüMIWtac For Safal TypewiUcn SiBea Ш Г* AIR W ELL DRILLING CO. EOUTE 1, ADVANCE. N. C. PbMM М 4 Ш . AdvaiMe, ar N. 0. f — sulbjät'rtiis NOTICE NORTH OAROLiNA iDAIVIE (»UNTTY .......... UNDER AND BY VIROVE OF THE POWiER OF SAXiE contained ta a certain deed of trust executed Ф the 20th day of September, 1960, and rcorded in Book 55, Sage 107, Davie County Registry, у Donaiki L. Naylor and wife, Zelda P. Ney(k>r, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness ' thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof sUbject to foreckis- ure, the undersigned Trustee will OSfer for side at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Mocksville, North Carolina, at noon on the 7th day of' September, 1968, the property conveyed in said deed' of trust, the same lying and being In the highest bidder for cash at the Courmouse door in Mocksville North Carolina, at noon on the 7th day of S^tember, 1968, the property conveyed m said deed of tnist, the same lying and being in tbe County of Davie and State of North' Carolina, and more part- culariy desoribed as follows: IBEiI№ Lot 3 of a Survey made May 17, 1B67 by A. L. Bowses, Registered Surveyor, and BEGIN­NING at the intersectiion of East Thomas St. & and an alley being the Southwest corner of the Tom A. Hudson property, and running hence with the East side of said Thomas Street North 4 degs. E^ast 29 feet to a comer, the Southwest comer of property deed this day to Jay Baiker and wife, and running thence with the South line ol the Barker property South 84 degs. East 108 ft. to a corner; thence South 6 degs. West 90.5 feet to the North edge of tl»e alley, the Southeast comer of Tom A. Hudson property; thence with the North line of the said alley West- wardiv TO THE POINr AND PLACE OF BEGiNNCNG, contain­ing, 1,000 square yards, more or!ess. ............... THE НЮНЕЗЗТ BmnER will be required to deposit in cash at the sale a sum equal to ten (10%) per cent of the amount of his bid op to $1,000.00 tdua five (5%) per cent of tbe exicess of hb bid. Tiris Sth day ef Aueust, 1968. MIAE K. CLICK ................. Tixistee a n d ы л в т шAttcrneys .... 8 16 4ti| —Office Hours—Monday ■ Friday 8:00 A. M . - 5:00 P. M. Ш NOBTH M AIN ST,MOCBSVSU. N. C. Page Six Enterprise-Record SELECTED FRESH TENDER LEAN CENTER CUT Thursday, September 5, 1968 - SELECTED I ltESll TENDER YOl'N’GFRYER QTRS. BREAST Q U A R TER S Lb. LEG Q U A R TER S Lb. HYGRADE BRAND POTTEI MEAT 1 0 ° 3ÍÍ-0Z. CAN BUTTER-ME-NOT CANNED BISCUITS , me* CANS N. C. FA N C Y N E W CROP SW EET RIB IIAI.K LOIN HALF PRAIRIE BELT fi-Ll). CanSA U A G E IN OIL . . $2.55 SUPERFINE 303 Cans Blackeye PEAS 2 for 35c WELCH’S PURE lO Oz. JarG R A PE JELLY 29c WELCH’S PURE 20-Oz. Jar GR APE JELLY 45c WEI CH’S PliRE 2-Lb. JarG R A PE JELLY 59c KRAFT'S AVniPPED PoundP A R K A Y O L E O . 50c HALF SLICED OLD VIRGINIA PURET O M A T O QTR. Si ICED I'LIl' iHlS COUPON - I l ’S WORTH A rtOM'S 100 Free S & H Green Stamps 'with purchase o( S9.95 OR MORE FOOD ORDER ' AND TB!S CwUPON r.OC'0 ONLY AT H EFFM iHS 'IHKOUGH SF;I’T. 7 TROPI-CAL-LOO R A N G E JUICE DRINK 4(i-0Z. CAN IS 4-c;a l, DEC. FINEST PURE V E G E T A B LE SH O R T E N IN G RED B A N D PLAIN O R SELF-RISING CLIP THIS COUPON — IT’S WORTH A BONUS 100 Free S & H Green Stamps WUn Pnri'nai.e of 7-OZ. SIZE JERGENS LOTION ANii T h.- roO>‘*i"GOOD ONLY AT HKPFNER'S THROUGH SEPT. 7 CLIP THIS COUPON — IT’S WORTH A nO 'U S 100 Free S & H Green Stamps WIili ^iirrhasr o' NEW DIAL DEODORANT SPRAY AND iIIlS COUPON GCC'D ONLY .AT HEFFNER'S THROlJGll SEra. 7 CLIP THIS COUPON — IT’S WORTH A BONUS 50 Free S & H Green Stamps’ With Piirrha'p of ONE COLLEGE INN CHICKEN NOODLE AND TH fi COUP<)NGOOD O.NLV AT HEFFNER'S THROUGH SE'PT WITH COUPON AT RIGHT I SA V E 10c ON p g PLAIN OR SELF-RISING FLOUR 5 Lli. Bafi S I Red Band.........39cl ^ With Tills Coupon At Heffner's 5 H U N T ’S PURE T O M A T O Limit One CouDon Per 5-Lb. Ba?. Void .After September 7, 1963. Price Without Coupon 49c 20-0z. Bottle JELL-0 ASSORTEDPUDDING... 10Family Size c ROSEDALE HALVES r e g u l a r o r d r ip GRIND COFFEE I-Lb.Chase & Sanborn . . . 79c PURE VEGETABLE 24-Oz. B(.ttle CRISCO OIL 53c MARCAL FLUFF-OUT 200-Ct. Boxes Facial TISSUE . 2 for 39c AMERIC.A'S FAVORITE '-G al. Jug C L O R O X B LEA C H 39c JFG CREAMY SMOOTH PEANUT SOFT. STRONG PAPER DAYTIME DIAPERSBaby PAM PERS \E\VBORN DIAPERSBaby PAM PERS OVERNITE DIAPERS Baby PAM PERS 30-Í Í. Box $1.69 30-Ct. Box $1.49 12-Ct. Box. . 89c VIVA BUTTER I ! TOWELS C I I :i№l .... M O O Rolls ^ 3-Lb. .TAR PEACHES 3:79 No. 2',j Cans ic SWANSDOWN ASSORTED LAYER CAKE MIX 4 IIVGRADE BRAND VIENNA SAUSAGE 5 2Ü-OZ. Pkgs. jj oo' .")-Oz. Cans '^ 0 0 JFG CREAMY SMOOTH MAYONNAISE CHEF BOY-AR-DEE WITH MEATBALLSSPAGHEHI 1 :»-()/.. iW S LARGE CRISP STA LK IV O R Y SOAP 1-LB. BAG FRESH CRISP Larso Bars (;i.\\T SIZE D O W N Y 79cGIANT SIZE I • IlSiocksville Yadki nville (ilAVT SIZE DREFT 87g I IVOR Y FLAKES I Premium D U Z 37c I s $1.47 к KG. SIZE I BONUS 37cREG. SIZE * Clemmons IV O R Y S N O W ' 37cUKij. SIZK DAVra C O U N T Y Rotary Chooses Ellis A ll T h e C o u n t y JMews F o r Everybody- .... $ 4 .0 0 .P E R Y E A R — Sin gle C o p y , ;10 cents T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 2 , 1 9 6 8 N o . 2 0 . D a v ie V o te s T u e s d a y O n $ 2 ,4 9 5 ,0 0 0 B o n d s F o r S c h o o l B u ild in g s ■ Davie County citizens will vote PROJIiCT I - Tliis project would silo has 2.4 acres and (he Norih Tuosday in n sjiecia! school bond combine th'? present Farmington Main Street sit'3 has 4.8 acres, rcrercndum designed lo improve and Smith Grove Schools into one These two buildings are operaf3d the elementary school system of new school on a new site of appro- as one school which makes it vary ■t'he county. ..•• ximately 30 aci'as to be selected inconvenient to share comnion PoHs will be open at the various by a, committee of citizens from faeiJitios. Proj'ict HI would com precinc»6 from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 two communities. This school ;bine the student bodies of thes'j p.m. ............... vA)uld be built with 18 classrooms two buildings on the pi’asent site ■Registered and qua>lified voters jo tgij; care of 540 students in on North Main Street if enough will voto for or against; grades 1 through B. The supporting additional property can be acquir- “The order finally passed i on facililies - that is, llbrai-y, lunch- 'sd. This project Would include July 15, 19G8, authorizing not ex- facilities, sewage disposal IjuiMing 24 new classrooms for cceding $2,495,000 School Building ,plant, healing sysl’sm and admin- 720 students in grades 1 through Bonds of the County of Da'vie for ¡stfgiive area - would Ix: built to 5. The supponting facilities - that tlie pui-pose 01 proviamg lulldü, wltii (.3,,^ -Qf â capacity of 72!T is, librai‘y,-lañcflrooiiT, office' spaoj any other available funds, for er- siudents. Tis means that by adding and heating system - would be ecting ■ additional school buddings additional olassróoms at a lat- built large enough to support 880 and other school plant facilities, school eventually could slud-’nts by adding 3 additional and acquiring necessary land and ^ ^^0. Th'2 olassiwms at a later date. The I" I cqmpment therefor in ot^er to pro- Education and the Steer- advantage of staying on the pres­ ing Committee , feîl that the ad- 'ant site is that the existing audi- vantage of this consolidation is that torium and gymnasium could be the number of students in this used without duplicating these school will b»2 largq^ enough to sup- iacilities. In the svent that addi- port an improved school program. tiona'I land could not be acquired PROJECT II - At the present to support a school of this size, neo37sm7 ‘tod"s““ to%üt"Íñ^^ 'V““« « «• ^as it would be necessaiy to build a a proposal by the better school ^ «"d I“*» «‘“dents in gra- new school for 720 -stud'ants on a steering commitloe ot the county t'es 1 through 5. About 40% of the new site. The Davie County Board designed to improve the'slementary 'area students in grades 6, 7 and 8 of Education will m rk with local schools of the county. attend Fannington School and ap- officials and the North Carolina proximatiîly 60% attend the State Dapartmest of Public rns- -J3ic_I2ai’ie._County ^ard of Ed-Jijjj.içsvmg School. This di-, trution in making the decision re- ucation and the Steering Commit- ,vision of students creates transiwr- garding the adequacy of the North tee for the wp-eomiiig school bond Nation problems and considerabte Main Street site, election, in their efforts to inform inconvenience to parents by having PROJEOr IV - At the present I t'he citizens of Davie Countji abpuf 2 or 3 i^èi'MtjSohools. Utne Jhe Mocksvillc School It ' : to aÚgvht^ ¿ito&léms -}un^roôm£i;^ii<^_^.ti sôiio61^;_^Sbiiia liké'«to ÊüDnflt ths mentionad ' aiS to è'reate a student classrooms whiclT\are very înade- follôwing info^tipn |úr ttie vot- body large enough to support a quate for feeding .iàpproxiinately .ers’ consideration. sound e'ducatiortSl ptt-ogram, this 500 stud'ants enrolled at the school. ( This bond issue is for eVamen- project includes 8 new classrooms Project IV would solve the prob- lary school construction only, and to tak'3 care of 340 students in lem by building a new lunchroom, is necessary because all of the grades 1 through 8. The existing The buildings eonstfucted in 1924- elementary, school buildings now buillding would be renovated to en- 50 would ba re-wired, being used were built between 1911 largs the size of the classrooms PROJECT V - Project V Includes and 1926, with tba exception of the and to ¡create office space. The building 16 new classr^ms for ^ViJJ¡am R, Davie ScWl which was present lunchroom would lya con- 480 students at the present Shady built during l»39-40. Most of these verted to a library and a new Grove School site: It would also buildings were built for high school 'lunchroom would be built. Addit- include building office space, lib- use some 40 yiaars ago and do not ¡onal land would be purchas’d to rary, sewage disposal system and meet tüe needs of a modiarn bring the present site up to State heating faciliti'as for 729 students. e;';mcRt»ry school. ^ standards. .. This school could house 720 stud- Tiic D avh Coiiny Board of Com- PROJiECT I'll - At the pi'iscnt ents jn the lutufa by adding 8 tni.ssioners have indicated that tho lime approximately l5o fii^t grad- additional'classrooms. It would bo cost of teliring the bonds to 1« crs are housed in what is com- nocos.sary (0 purchase additidnal voted upon can be absorbed within monly knnwn as the Mocksvillc land in order to bring this sil'a up the existing lax rat'a of’4968-69. Prlnvary Building. lApproxim'ately to Sl!ale standards. The advantage A detailed explunatiott^ of what 520 students in gracjgs 2 thi’ough 5 of staying :w;ith the present school construction would be ,dwie al 3ach are .ljpuSGd in. the Ijuilding onrNprth site is that th« present lunchroom school site is listed'lielow: , , The Primary School and gyi^nasium can be utilized. ------------------------------------------PROJECT’ ;V'l -- The major prob- lems a( tho. vide addiilional school facilities in said County lo maintain the six month’s school term as required by Section 3 or Aiitieie IX of tha Cionstitution, and a tax therefor.” If favored by the vol'ars Tuesday, the bond proposal wiH provide the Col. Thomas Ferebee Presented Bronze Star mandcr, citing his servicas with the Guam based wing from April 1 thiough Septtmbov 1, i966. Tlva ecre- i mnny was followed by a parade composed of tho Ramey wing’s per­ sonnel, ............... The coloncl was the 4133rd Bomb Wing deputy commander for main­ tenance and supervised maintenan­ ce on B-52 Slralofortresscs from Tiu-ner AFIB, Ga., and 'Ellsworth AFB S. D, bomb witigs. He was on a six mont'h temporal^ duty lour to Anderson witih the men of the new deactivated 484lh Bomb Wing, Turner AFB, Stratofoi-lresses from the 4133rd Bomb Wing almost daily fly bombing raids against enemy targets in Vietnam, A native of Mocksville, N, C„ the Coloncl Thomasiri^iBeerTSia--'-'Dlunei-dislinguishcd hifnse№-us-4he Bomb Wing deputy commander for bombardier on the B-29 Superfort- mainlenance, has raceived the >'ess, Enola Gay, in Ihe atomic at- Bronze Star for "meritorious ser- tack on Hiroshima, Japan, August vice” with tba 4133rd Bomb Wing 6, 1945,. For this action, he received (provisional!, Anderson AFB, Silver Star. .. Guam. ................................ ! He is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Colonel Ferebee was present- William F, Ferebee, Mocksville, ed the m-adal by Colonel James B, and is married to tlie fonner Ann Vogler, 72nd Bomb Wing vice com- Elizabeth Owin, Oxiwd. H o sp ital D a y ' A Hosu'tol Uccognltlon Pro­ gram, simnsnri'd by the iDavIc County Hospital Auxlliar}' is lii'ing planned for Snturdny, Stiptvmtn’r 14(h, In till' Mocks- v lie Eleinnntary Si-liool audi­ tor lim. 11. C. Crantord, Public Ri-litions .Director or the North Carolina Blue Cro.ss and Blue Shield, will speak. jMrs. Fred Smith, president Vf tl'c Auxiliary will be lin .charge of (he iniccling. Ham Itludson, Has- p'talAdminlslitUor , will iire- scnt hospital employees who will be .recognlzcd for (iheir servlee. IMrs. Ann Stiller, regis­ tered nurse and head «f tlie CiWdy Stripc progi'om, will present pins to the girls in the program. This program will begin lat 7:30 p.m. Immediately following the program, the group will adjourn (o the g}’m- • nasitmi iwhcre—tlierc--wHI—be- a- Fellowship Bake iSale, /a <Cake .Walk, Bingo, and refreshments for sale. The public Is urged to attend. There will be no edmission charge to the program. Adult Education Leaders Meet i ¡Mrs, Bonnie Dorsett, Adult Ed­ ucation 'Director 'from Davidson County Community College met with Davie officials Tuesday eve­ ning al 7:00 P. M. in the Elemen­ tary TScrifrSl Libraiy. The purpose of this meeting, was to,, «wot teach-, ers in Davie County and to ac- cjuaint such^ teachers with new forms and methods that Davidson requires. Mrs. Dorsett emphasized tile needs of adults 1« enroll in such programs that are offered at M'DckiyiMe and Cooleemee. New imaterials were reviewed and dis­ cussed at length. Teachers present were Mrs. Nell Hayes, Mrs. Alice Dyson, Mrs. Martha Flemming, and Supervisor Vernon Thompson, Two classes are now in session al Mocksvillc Elementary School and one at t'ho Davie Education Center in Cooleemee, Should there Ik* fil'tcen (15) other adults interested in starling other class­ es, such classes, ^couid bo started. Any adult interested in enrolling in classes arc encouraged to ca|l 634-2740 or 284-2011 for informatipd. D a v i e E l e c t r i c H o i d ^ Annual Meeting Here School are a library that is loo ‘small in sjje,and very poorly loc- af'ad, and ' . outdated rest rooms; Project VI sets aside $200,- -000,00 to solve .Ihe 'pressing prob­ lems of tiva Cooleemee School, The rest rooms . wwOid be renoyaled and the libraiy problem would i?a sci'iMcd by one of lh<! foHowing methods: (ii i)uilding now primary Conlinued on ‘Page 0 V F W M e e t in g N O T I C E There \vill lie a moeling of tba Supervisors of tba Davie & Soil Water Consem’alion District Sept- eniber 16, 196B, 8:Oo p. m. in the County Office Building. Any one inlerestiad may attend. ,„Davie Electric Membership Cor- led his annual i'.'¡iort, showing a porution’s 30th annual meeting net operating, revenue of $179,(163 l)ri:ii.uiht some 3,01)0 to town.Satur- for the year., day to hear singing, transact bus- Three vacancies on the Iward of iness and lay plans for a bigger directors were filled as fo'llows: yo:n-. ......; T. B. Woodmff, District one. 1'^ IÎ. Cai'ter, chairman of board central Daiic County, o!' (iircctors, called the meeting to J. S. Do!)son, District two, north- (inler iirter, the Suns of Fáith had west Iredei|. ,. ..; Tlio VFW and Auxiliary will presented on hour of old time gos- W. j, Myers, District four, Ro-1 meet Friday,* Saptember I3lh, at ]iel singing. Rev. Carl A. Lain, wan County. ^ . . . . 1 .ft p. m. аГ the Hut on Sanford paslur of Union Chapel Methodist Principal address of the affor-! Avenue. All membare of both’ o,r- Chuixh,- j»pened the meeting with noon was by Gwyn Price, ropres- Í ganlKations are urged to, attend prayer and Secretary R. L. Sea- enting the slate Rural Electrifica- this mealing.^ iljui'g announced a quorum was lion Authority. • • • • lircsent. > ^ ...............' lárice -recalled that back ' when ‘ Jiie Palner, assistant manager, Davie’ ICMC was being organized, read tho annual report of Mana- ils manager said tiie goal would ger J. C. .lones, who was unable ibe ‘41epondail)le, .service • at- til attend because of illness. reasonable rates.” He said that I William R. Davie Volunteer Fi^'e Jones ropni'ieii IJiat the organiza- goal had been. aehioved, but that ' Department will meat Monday, tiim which now ser\es some 10,- "Ihe best is yet to come." September 16 at 7:30 p.m. in tha 5011 custiimors in a six county He then outlined pians that are ' pire Dept, building. area, had boi’ruwed a total of $7,- being de\'eli»ped to expand Ihe RKA ' _ Ilf vvhi(”h 82,11(10.000 in prin- Ikiso and próvido cheaper., sources i eipal- atirf^ «IV interest -had lieen ul' puwer, ’............' N O ft h Dftvic paid, In addition. In- said ítioü.uoo As a el»sing leatuie of the ; P n rita n s M e e t ' 1 liail l)çen inmie ill advanre jiay- |nw thy presiding officer re- iiii'nts and iiiat ^ liquid reserve» casnized political cmididateg pres- The North Davie Ruritan Clui) ' jiniiiuued lo S73Q',0U0. enl lor brief remarks. These in- met Monday, Sept'smber 9, at lie suid that taxes durini,' the eluded, Wiimer Mizeli, of Davidson. William R. Davie School for their year h:ui (otated around líIOO.üflO. Hepul)licaii candidate for Congrecs regular nwitins with 32 memboit —wtefli had -liw»— wilhout -IrmtMlw piith^iistriol; Homei^Tol-H4'«*«>»<^-^V4tii jM-e^ident, -Bill Sliel- raising rales. He added Jhat the liert. Republican, Letter Martin ton presided. .. ,, direciurs had au'huriïvd the le- and •) __ lluskins, Democrats, Folliiwing a briefing on the school V o lu n te er F ire 'Dept. J o M e e t Sep t. 16th, Halt Drug Co. Is Remodeling 1 Tuesday morning of this week was a change-over for Hall Dru ; C'onpany on North Main Street, ,^t this time, the fountains were rq- moved to- make way for. cotii-op- erated vending machines. j This Nj'ill mean self-service oji drinks, Slid ...sandwiches fpr custom- ors, y I ■Robert Hall, president of the com­ pany, stressed that this change oni^ means, that- the .sl^re will no longer be able to make delivery on founjaip spj'vice items, "We will stil! make deliveries on .prescription items,” hé continued. "We feel that this change will make our'prescription deliveries faster and more efficient. In the past, ^ve received a number of calls during the lunch hour for prescrip tion service and wore unable to at ten^d lo these duc to being in a rush with buu fountain service,” he also said. "We invite the public lo continue tlieir patronage of our store and ho|)e that this modern up-to-date self-service will appeal to all.” hia eonclucied. ■ Local Conunpiiit^. I>e.v. To Meet Iti ybrary 'I'he MocksviUe Camnwnity De- velopmeiit Association will have an npsn moeling at the Davig County The regular ,se.ssion of Davie County Court was held "^esday. Judge John T. Brock presided. At­ torney Lester P. Martin, Jr, pro­ secuted the docket. Cases disposed of wei'e as follows: John Arthur Ijames, capias, alias capias, ............... .......... Jerry Lee Dalton, capias, nisi sci fa and alias capias. Willie iMullis, worthless check, capias, continued. H, L, Dulin, bondsman, James Byrd, Jr,i def., sci fa, continued. Robert Lee Crotts. operating car intoxicated, continued. Mickcy W. Plott, wortihlcss check, dismissed. Aiivest9 S. Plott, surety, Mickey W. Plott, defendant, sci fa, dis missod. ........... •bariy Davis,’ ddmpgc to real •jifoyt'rty, "irisi-sc^i fa and capiac, ;Jercy C, Ijames, ^andonment and non-support, 12 rii6n(Jis, Re commend work release program. ВахЧег Hairston, non-support, nisi sci ia and capias, Baxter Hairston, affray, , nisi sci fa and capas, ,• ■, . . . . Teriy. Douglas McDaniel;” dairi' age to personal property, 'prayer for judgment continued. Barry ^§iley,' aiding and dbetting to damaging personail property, prayer for judgment continued,.. Edward „Alloa Martin, speeding and impi'bpe'i’.i piassing, continued.' Carson Lewis, operatiwg car in­ toxicated, cohflnued. Charles Harrison Hooser, operat­ ing car' intoxicated, called and failed, Instaner capias. Charles ЙагНвоп Hooser, public drunk, called and failed. Instaner capias, ............. 'Doneld Paul File, speeding, con­ tinued, ............. Robert Martin Bowman, speed­ ing, continued for waiver. Royce Leo Good, speeding, $30 including cost. .... Samuel Leo Cozart; speeding, $35 including cost, .. .. Clarence Willard Simmons, speeding, $30 including cost. Heniy Lester Pearce' HI. speed* liig, i3ff including- flost,.....—......... Richard Roswell Foster, speed­ ing, prayer lor judgment continued в months. ............. R(4)ert Edward .4nderson, speed- The Fork Civic Club went on rec­ ord last week at (heir regular meet­ ing as endorsing the $2,4£5,000 school building bond proposal lo be voted upon Tuesday, Jn unanimously passing the reso- iulion to endorse the proposal, the membership also included words of ioi" the 'Davie County Board Dâjâ^\jrW“ Bo|rd of Éducation and the '¡. «¡^ife ^chool Steering Committee for tfeir interest and efforts toward better schools in the county. Fork Civic Club Endorses Bond Master Readers At Davie Library Mendoza, Argenlinn was selcclcd as the school Ellis will attend. This selection was based on lihe student’s needs as woll as the requirements of tlie Graduate Fell­ owship program. The Graduate Foilow>ship is aw­ arded for one regular academic year of study, usually about iiint months in duralion. In certain in­ stances, there is a'lso a spccificrl period uf language training: us in this case, EHis will take Spanish, The purpose of this program is lo contribute to internatioiu^I ifri- derslanding through study abroad, and nol to enable participants to obtain degrees. EMls is a graduate of Davie County High School, received a В A degree at Wake Forest Coll­ ege in June, Majored in Spanisli and History, Was a student at the University of the Andos in Bogota, Colombia 1.Ч67-68, Worked during of Mocksville, Rt, 5, was notified tiie summer for Bluemont Inc. and last week that he had been sel- is now attending the Soulbwestcrn ccted by Uie trustees of the Ro- Baptist Theological Seminary in lary Foundation to receive a Grad- Fort Worth, Texas, uate Fellowship for the 1969-70 Was ordained June 2:1, al the academic year. .... evening servicc at Firet Baptist The National Uni\’crsity of Cuyo, Church by the Rev, Fred Barnes, CECIL ELLIS LEAGANS, JR. , I. . granted Fellowship Cecil EUis Leagans, Jr. son of ■Mr, and Mrs, C, E, Leagans, Sr. “ G O O D N E W S ” The New iChrisUan Folk Mus­ ical "Good News" which is sweeping the country will be presented lat the 'T^rst Baptist Church, Saturday, September 14(h lat 8:00 P. (by tile youth choirs fron^ Front Street Bap­ tist iChurch in Statesville land Fürst Baptist Church Moorcs- vllle. ' Th's, prcscjilatlon Is la ipart of Choir Enlistment Week that is going on this «vcek. The Public Is enrdfally in­ vited to attend ithls {Musical Presentation. Pui}iic Librsiy Monday, Septentber 16 at 7:30 p.m. Tills is a ca|l j);i\ini'iii during: I'lfiS of/iiil puiiun's cuniliiluifs lur tile legTsiatureTfon~lJond t)>'^nr^BanoiS7~ihir’ mejnir"meGring— the -president, Jim J, I i Jiiiial iini'sa'd iluiiiig Die ,v*'ur ilu> |ri‘dt>ll-D;nie district; and Don bers \oted to endorse the proposed McBride, for the jmcpose of elec- jiiiil, ui $i,su.uuu. Trcasiiicr J. S. IJiiÌJSC'ii .■juijmiî- (Kii ivn 1)1 ll'.'ndtM'sun, Republican Schoui Bond R'aierendum that js to ting oiticers & planning the year's fandidiiie for lieutenant governor, be Jieid Ihis iall. ' w'ork. ,,,, High honors go lo Patrick Sea- 'Tion and Ivv MciMahan. both nf whom read sixtv books! They are followed by Annette Boger with 5.j liooks, and Barbara Sue Bceding, .vlio read 50 laooks. The remaining MASTER READERS and the tim­ ber of books they read are: .\niia Kay Booe—45: Lisa Smith, Avis .^n- ierson and Martha Brewer—-10. Christopher Holman, Sharon Ander- ion and Jennifer Cody—35; Carole Wall, Debora Ann Peoples, Dottie Trueland and Judy Anderson—:«): Linda Jean Webb and Carla Wil­ iams—25; David Joyner, Mark Dan- el, Aline Osborne, Denise Haynes pnd Jimmy Wall—20; Sammy Nich- ils, Joyce Mabe, Patsy Gail Beed ing, Tammy Wall, Fifly-four elementary school-aged hildrcn, reading from the Main Li­ brary and the Bookmobile, earnedhe 'title of-MASTER BEAi>ER in+I^irepiorsi-Mrs. Ted Harris, a past :hc Davie County Public i/lbrary- ipcmsored MASTI3R'S «'EADER “ROGiBAM. To qualify as a MAS- Tli« RiEiATOR each child had to •cad len books. iHis name was thon •«nlered on tho MASTER Ri:ADER LIST on display in th Public Li­ brary. For every five books read after qualifying as a .MASTER '»iEAIC'FiRi the child earned a big gold star by his name. Rev. Thomason Resigns At Bixby The Rev. Glenn Thomason has resigned as pastor of Bfailby Pnasby- terian Church of Advance, Rt. 2. He has servad the congregation since August, 1984. The Rowan County native came to tliis work from a sludanl ■ summer pastorate at Marion, Va. Thompson will request that the Winston - Salem PreSbyleiy acoapt his resignation when it meats Tues­ day, Sept. 24. at Dollabrook Pi’es- bytiarian Church here. He hopes. to take a ,leav§ of ab- ,ge««i,.j«timdin;g»^ year indeipendant study ^ Union I'iieoio? ' gical Seminary. Thomason saitf " in a telephony inliar\iew that he also might write^ a book. He' said tba idea now in his head is a book on “the hu­ man approach to the survival of man.” ............. He said, something drastic must be done in this oanluiy to comhal such things as air pollution, over ipopulalion, hunger, atomic pow-. er, and war, if civilization is lo survive. ............. WhWa in Richmond, Thomason . said, his wife the former Jae<iuo- Board Mcmiwr wlio now resides in ; „j Salisbury Rt. 1, V o catio n al W o r ljs h p p.»«jjr'.CL, The''’ 'S3a^t*ait(^ Directors of the Rowan County Vocational Work­ shop held their regular bnaakfast meeting in the. Workshop cafeUaria on Thursday, August 29, 1968.' - The resignations of Aubrey At­ kinson and Dr. J, Smith, Board 'M'ambers, w'ere received witli re­ gret and appreciation for past ser­ vice, ............... Certificates of appreciation ware presented by the Workshop to foll­ owing persons: Roterl Loeblein, past President of the Bool'd of Charlotle; the Salisbury City Coun ci'i; The Rowan County Depart­ ment of Public Wolfai'a; and Frank j Dunn who is associated with the Hedrick Sand and Gravel Com­ pany. Additional cerlifical'as will i>e presented al a later date. Gwasts al this meeting include Mrs. Ted Harris of Chariotte; Bob ■iiink; Counselor; R'ihabiiilatiiin Cuunscior; Bob Mc­ Allister, Salisbury Rehabilitation Counselor; ,lim Hinzman, Rehabili­ tation Workshop Counselor; Gaiy Grant, President of U« Jaycec Executive Council; and Jaycee, Bill Shupiiing, .... will be leaching in the Itichmond public schools, •He -is a graduat'a of Davidson College and Union Theological Sem­ inary. He also has sarved as an assistant chaplain at Wesleni State Hospital al Staunton, Va, Robert Nichols, Tony Myers, Ge- leva Franitlin, Chris Woolen, Vickie Rivers. Teresa Kay Myers and Deb­ bie Wallace-‘15; Michael Murptiy, Steven Murphy. Robin Lynne Phil­ lips. Wanda Kay Phillips, Jane ■’hipps. Teresa Chappel, Teiesia jrant, '.Michael Livengood, Sheila Scott, John Frank Scott, Bunnv Lou Waller, John Waller, Ruby Marie Waller, Ervin Waller, Kay Williams, Vestal Tutterow, Perry Owen, Kuy Wooten, Ann Williams and Micliael Arnold—10, Thent children si>ent many hours f George Lentz, (Uncord A t E d u ca tio n C enter if the enrollment is sufficient, Iba following courses will bo offer­ ed in the immediate future at H'o Davie County Education Ojnter. Financial investments Creative' Writing Sculpturing ' Speed Riaading Flower Arrangements Oil Painting for Beginners Int'arior Decorating . Modern Malta for Parents Brick Laying for Hobbies 'fhese are 33->hour courses spon- soi'sd by the Rowan Technical Institule in cooperation with tire Education Center. If, ^ ai'a in­ terested in these couivas please call the Davie County Education Canter, Cooleemee iSB4-207l imme­ diately to ensure yuur enrollnK'nt. G ospel S in g in g Is P la n n e d A t L ib e r ty There will be a Gospel Singing at Liberty Miathodist Church, Satur-' day, September 14, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Featured will be the Violet Waller, SiwoidEmen Quartet of Winston- Salem and the Singing B's from Philadelphia, Pa. This is baing siKjiisored by the Concord-Liberty Change, and the public is invited to attend this special program of song. REBELS MEET NORTH STANLY HERE ON FRIDAY NIGHT oiii'suing the most rewarding of ail ing, ----— James Joseph Kanies, speeding. $33 inc4uding oost. Carole Robertson Foster, too fast for conditions, $25 including cost, j Visit your public library and brini Cootiflued OB Fug« % ] a friend. The Davie - County Rebals will firat tiuarter and uddid more TU s lastlmes—reading. They are devel-1 meet North Stanly Friday night at in llie second to lake a 25 to B TpTnir pofld-Teadimi-habits now. and-^w-ftavi'a-Athleiif Field Kicl<()ff_katLat halftimc. Tba Rebels came Uiey will reap the benefits of this | get for 8 p. m. This wUi lie the back strong in the scond half and practice in the future. Tiie Staff ’ yjorth Piedmont Confenance held the Bulldogs scurei;ss with li the Davie County Public Ubrary for the Rebels, the exception of a 2-point sul'aty in congratulates each M.^STER READ- p,.ijiay night at Alli'amarle, the final period, ER bowed in a non-confer- Hubert WV'st scored on a 3«-yaid summer and hopes to see each one enoountUT li to 27. If was ofien during the school j-cer. BE .^LL VOU CAN BE-READ. run in the second pei'lud and luuk - the second win ol the year for a 50-yard pas* from Quarteiiiack Albemarle. •• •. Ronnie Shoaf to scoi'a jn the third i Albemarle scored twiw in the .period. ................... Л P&fiè Two ЖпЬпргЫв-ИёШ'З Thursday, September 12, 1968 AftOtrtr ¡MORE Bonds Vote cias5tt)onis and using existing dossroortis to convert info a lib­ rary, or (2) buildlnig a now lib- mty. \\’ihich method lo use to solve the lsl)rary problem at tl.'j Oool- eemee School wlH be datermlned aifter further study by a firm of archil'^cts and community leaders. It is felt that this is necessary iieoause whatever ivjw construction is done on tliis school Site Should be planrrtd to tie into any new ODnsl.ruction done In the future. The above Projects I through VI at'3 to be financed by the $2>ii million bond issue to be voted on fiepien^er 17, 1968, and would be M O C K S News The W. S. C. S. held their September meeting Friday evening! In Uie basement at the chutx:h.i Mrs. Martin Sotley gave the pro-; gram. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Steve OrreH. Mrs. A. C.‘ PoweB and Mrs, Wal^ ter Franklin and daughter of Pfalt town were Wednesday dinned guests of Mrs. Roy Cornateer. Cindy and Tim Pifelps spent Fri* day night and Saturday with HielH grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sher-i FUNERALS 8RYAN DeHART (Funeral services for Bryan De­ Hart, 6% of Winston-Salem were conducted Wednesday, September at Tlleco Baptist Church In Prank- lin, N. C. Burial was In the church Hospital. CtitPFORO VOOLER, JR. Puñera} services for Clifford Bm^ cry (iBuddy) Vogiar Jr. « , of Oool- eettiee, were teld at 4 ip. m. tiiursday at Coofeemee First Me* thodlst Churoh. Burial was ta Ro­ wan Memorial Park. Mr. Vogler died of a heSrt at­ tack Wednesday at Davte County cemetery. Mr. DeHart died Monday at For- ■^Ih Memorial Hospital. He had been seriously 111 for two weeks. Surviving are his wife of the home; two daughters, Miss Oma Leo DeHart of the home and Mrs. Wet(‘ dell fttoCall of Stockbrldge, Ga.; five iHe was tom In Davie County to. ai'fford E. and Olara Goodman H^ogler. He was a melm/ber «f 0(»l>iemee Me*Mbdlsl Ohurch and an employe of Burlington Mills. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Dar- cus Casper Vogler; a son. Harry Scott Vogler of Cooleemee; two compl'ited as quickly as sound ’’И' Rupard of Lewisville. sons, William Fred DeiHart of Rt. 5, . Mocksville, Robert DeHart ot the home, John and Jake DeHart Thomas E. V^ler„„A T,.,™ neWnrt hf' of cooleemse: and a sister, Mrs. ««■ Él a t planning and construction could be -carrted-out. It. shniild he-jatttedJlhnt Ihe toal bond issue Is for eh- mentary school construction. iLong Range Plans. The Stcaring Committee and the Davie Oounty Board of Education would Uk'3 to emphasize that the above building pmgraim does ntot solve all of the problsmis of the Davie County Sdhools. However, the .projects outlined will make it much easiisr for the citizens of DaWe County to lake cars of the other problems that sxlst arid other problems and needs that will arise in the futura. The Da‘\«ie Oounty Board of Ed­ ucation and the Davfe County Board of Commissioners and this -ISteeplJiig-CnmmUtee-are . pommitlGd lb .bringing tihe issue of replacing the old buildiiigs at the CooJeemea Elementary Schiool to tte voters of Davie County toy 1973. The Sohotol Planning Cammittee and Wie Davie County Board ot Educa­ tion has done a great deal of long, range planning in order to project how to tak>2 care of a kindergar­ ten program should it become a Stale supported program in the near futuiis. They haive allso stud­ ied the eJfect of studnt population growth and would like to bring to your attention that tha 'stud- eht poipUlation d£ Davie County Schbols has grown 6% or 250 stud­ ents in the past two years. Thepa- iore, we. think it necsssaiy. that the citizens of Davie Oounty con­ sider asking care of the <3lementary students now enrolled' In our schools In order thai .we might better be preip^red to take cS^' of brobletais and needi that will ABOUT MORE ! County Court iRoy Maurice Haney, speeding, $35 indudng cost. iBdigar Warren Schreiher, speed­ ing, $30 including cost. Ardoll C. Mears, speeding, $30 incJuding dost. Charles Olay Turner, improper passing, $30 including cost. Charlie Russell Rudd, q»edlng, $30 indudlng dost. IBolhlby Scott Douthit, no opera­ tor’s license, $35 induding cost. Craig Steyen Dunn, speeding, $30 indhiding cost. Jimmy Arnold, failure to 'reduce ^ e d , $25 induding cost. David Murray Waters, speeding, $30 including cost. Shaiton Irene Jos^, speeding, $30 including cbst, Kobert Alexander Turner, Jr. speeding, $95 Including cost. Charles Wesley Jacobs, Jr., dap- las, paid in fUD. DonaW Edward Gregory, (iper- fltlng car Intoxicated, continued. (EdUiiir’g note . I, f, loflier ca^es docketed were lieard on <Wednes> day imonting too Jate /or (bis ed- Uion. They will lie ireporied at later I • . ttnintfto. iM'lss Claudia Jones has been ai patent at Davie Oounty Hbspitai for the past two weeks. Fred Sunders of Winstlon-Salem spent the weekend with Mr. and' Mrs. Wayne Myers. iMr. and Mrs. Alden Myers and' children of Wlnsl»n-Sa9em speht' Sunday with Mrs. E. A. MyerS, Chinquapin News Here I give my all to thee Friends and 'tíme and earthly store, ......... • t * Soul and body thine to b« ■Wholly Thine for evermore. ВуЛУ. H. McDonald The Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Ijames and Mrs. P. Jiohnson helped to organize a Golden Age CWb in this community last Wednesday. Any­ one fifty years of age or over are Invited to join and to meet with the clulb the first Wednesday eaoh' month, fncrni 11 a. m. 1» p.m . .......... Mrs. Lessie ijames was elected serve as president, and Mrs. Sarah Cain as secretary. E n t e r p r i s e - R e c o r i MocksvUle, N. C. 27028 Publiebed Every Thursday At 124 South Main St. GORDON TOMUNSON SDrrOB-PUBLSHER ----------fiUE.SHOBT____ ASSOCIATE EDnX)B fJeoond<Clads postage paid MocksvUle. N. C. BûBscîlptieirTateerei^tir COPY 10c; (4.00 per year Kor№ Carolina: $4<60 per year out of state. Winston-Salem and Troy DeHart p{ Wisconsin; and eleven grandchil* dren. ROBERT LEE COOK iRot'srt Lee Cook, 84, Of Möck?- viHe, Rit. 1, died Sunday at Davie County Hospital. He was born In Davie Oounty to iGeorga B. and Martha Ijames OOWc. He was a retired school teadier and famjar. surviving are eight daughters, Mrs. Clinton Joyner and Mrs. Cleo Siwliman of Statesville, Mrs. Mary les Adams and Mrs. Bert Osttr- hput of Chanlotte, Mrs. lElrnest iCitoe and Mrs. Max Parker ot Mfldcsville, Mrs. Norman McCas- ictll ot Fairfield, Cönn., and Mrs. l^hny Barnard of HaimptonvlUe; tfe—sonsr James— № — Oook—ot StAtesviHe, WiiUam Edgar C0ok of Cfliarlotte, Rdbert Junior Cook of tilfe Air FV>rce In Charleston, S. C„ lahd Chanles Ftrancis Cook of the Miarlne Corps. .. .. MBS. KOBAH fW. (SMITH Mrs. Bessie I^oulse Harris Smith, 44, of MlOclksvlMe, Rt. 2, wife of Robah W. anlth, died Friday at Dalvie County Hospital after a year’s illness. .. .. (Funeral services were conducted at 4 p. m. Saturday at Eaton’s Funeral Ohapel. Burial was in the J'aricho Churoh of Christ cemetery. She was bom in Davidson Coun­ ty to Henry M. and Eva Harris, ^ e was a fotimer emploiye of the Davie Oounty Hospital and a meim^ bar of North Main Street Ohurch of Christ. Surviving are her husband; two d'atn^^s. Misses Sarah and Tina of the boRR; a son, MaH^n of the home; and two sisters, Mrs. George M. O’Neia of Wheatbn IMd.i and Mrs. A»*rey Gray of Salisbury, Rt. 8, . . . L. F. m ;Hs of Cooleemee; and his mother of Mocksville. ' PAUL M. DAYVAULT Funeral services Itar Paul M. Dayvault. 59, df Statesville, Rt. 1, the Oool Springs community, who diad of a heart attack Friday at ClarksvlUe, Va., were held Satur­ day at Fifth Creek PraSbyterlan Church at Oool Springs. Burial was in the ohurch cemetery. surviving are his wife, Mrs. Eth­ el Hanrion DayVauk; a daughter, Mrs. Bill Browder of Lexington; a brother, EJvenatt© Dayvault of Bal- thnore, Md.; and a sister, Mrs. R. H. Crouch of Statesville. WILLUM M. STEBLEJ Wl'lliam Maulton Steele, 49, of Akion. Ohio, formenly of Ooolee- mee, died Sunday, Saptember i, at Ailflroii. Death was from natural causes. .............. Funeral sarvices w^re conducted at 2 p. m. Friday at Eaton’s Fun- r'al Ohapel. Burial was In the South, River Methlodist Churdh Cemetery. ............... He was bom In Riwan Oounty to Ervin and Nora Miirph Steele. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Virginia Saunders Steele; three daughters, Mrs. Bdbby Spilknan of Coofemee, Mrs. Tony Smith of (MtocksvlHe and Miss Sandra Stede of Akron, Ohio; four sons, BHly, Totrany, Bradley and Eddie Steele of thtf home; his father and stefp- ntother df Cooleemee; and a sister, Mrs. Spencer Foster of Ojoleemea. I J. CONRAD IPHELPS Punaral services for J. Conrad 81,' of Advance, Rt. 2, ■heJd Siihday at 2:30 p.m. at ,BBiaiviI'le Methodist Church in Da- ■^¿ Oounty. Burial was In the ehuroh cemetery. , -'Mr. Ptoalps died Saturday. Ш-WAY 601 DRIVE-IN , SALISBURY, N. C. Attractions Coming Upt Now Open AH Week !-NOW- " T h e T I G E R & t h e P U S S Y C A T S « VinORID 6ASSMAN nROKMMCiHOR FRL - SAT. Sept. 13-14 I m v m m in COIOR Mflsterof D o u M e ^ ; D t M n g t GE(«liC.»aiLyON! HE HAD^IVWOIMEN IMONEY H t O KISS !2JV!5!lb‘AND IMEN TO KILL! KlUER SUNDAY only Sept. 15th I Chubasco f I C b ^ ’ -Ii/lOa,, Tues. Wed. ft'Thurs. i' M o r e B e a u t y , , . M o r e C o m f o r t , , » G r e a t e r E c o n o m y ■ ^ 51 OVErtSttt ' - ••ClRdOlSlAfl6’'PAI« ' , Keeps warm ilr In obn* slant elrouMtldn through* out tha entire house; Provides fegulated draft to the burnèr-batanoing oil and air 16 assure perfect combustion at all fire levels, "MAGIC MIXER" BURNER Actually turna ftiel oil Into w gas. this paldntedTfONOGRAM air mixing feature produces a clean, smoke-free, soot-free, odorless flame at all lire levels to assure maxiniium heat from fuel used. • O l l H E A T E R S Smart decorator-deslgn v^r&l- nut-grained or rich fruitwood vinyi-clad cabinets are hand*, somely highlighted with goid anodized aluminum to blend with the finestlurnishings. iSVtN REVCltSB PLdW^EAT EXCHANGER Heats the air more thoroughly before It moves Into your homexsqueazes maximum warmth Irom every drop of oil. Adds more radiant comfort at the “living level.” Puts more heat on the floor. EXCLUSIVE 3-WAY MEAT CIRCULATIOM DIstrlbute&an abundant blanket of heat over the floors to provide Hoor-to-celling comfort throughout the "living level” of your hCme, Heat you can feel and enjoy—whether you’re standing, sitting or lounging on the floor. A SIZE FOR EVERY HOIVIE FREE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION OUrSfANRINü SfRVICtMAS flFFh Г(í^sfrm(^ in ( SERVKt REPARIMtNT>!)r GENfRM flfCTRIC 701 Wilkesboro St. ВШ Merrell, Owner PhonTf 634-5ÎÏÎ NO FORD DEALER CANBUY A N Y FOR D M O T O R C O M P A N V PR ODU CTS YOU AREiNVITEDTOSEE THE NEW 1969 DODGE There have be<^|| advertisements in jie^rby big city papers implying this, and we want tp set the record straight! YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER BUYS AT THE SAME PRICE AS ANY OTHER FORD DEALER - Large or Small! ON DISPLAY AT OUR SHOWROOMS SEPTEMBER tttli ~ 20th - 2isl • REFRESHMENTS • DOOR PRIZES • FAVORS . . . . N Make Plans Now To See: THE 1969 DART-CORO NET-«HARQER-POLARA MONACO and DODGE TRUCKS! Watch for Full Details Next Week! I FURCIlESMDTDRto: PHON E 634.2161 2 ^ D e ^ Street Moekm Her^-C.-Bboi rU fe P d li» Enterprtae^Reeorìl T b i i r e H a y » S è p i e m b è r 1 2 , 1 д 6 8 Hospital News {»fitiienls admlMed >o Davie Colinly Mpspltal during the period from Seplerelber a to Septwrtber 8 iholudes: ■■ •• Gilenda Owlngs, Fit, 1 .¿clfafay S is te r Paul Taylor .. Prances Plloher, Bt. 5 Glenda He^d ............. pQggy Denton Louise hottg, Rt. 4 je^te Ta^or, Rt. 1, .Oleveland Sdly WaH. Bt. 2 feiie Reayls, Rt. 5 ' Bqone Foster, Rt. 4 .' jcenneth Vestal, Rt. 8, Lexington Alary Taylor, Rt. 3 KenneUi Qrag, Rt, 1, Woodleaf Jlipmy Brown, Oôolèiêtnèe fj’ilian Trexiei', Oooleeoiee ^aî, Rt. 1 baart Shiiin, Rt. 4 imes, Rt. 1 ^ Howard, X3o<deeitne§ (gpaelle Milton, Rt. 3. YadldwviUe “ ‘ ert Preston, Rt. 3 Mûlntyre, Rt. 1, Woodleaf ___ Carson, Rt. 3 Ifvii» .•••• •• Ijfancy Rt. 2, Advance Pelopies, Owleejmee Rt. 2 #¿8, Rt. 1, Adyanpe I jKe^ton, Rt. 1 Bennett, Rt, 3 f aude Weber, Statesville ayne Gultet, Hit. 4 JJje^BéfUçfiiMtip, Rt. 3 ÂüWn Shdth 1 ^ Melton, Rt. 3 .............. p ^ a i^ Walser, Rt. 4, Lexington ll^aBne AMen, Rt. 2 /llbse Janvis, Rt. 2, Advance ; J^l Burton CranfiU, Rt. 3 (^eryli Barker .. .. I ^ e Sumlmers, Rt. ;Ôukis ¡Lee Reavis, Rt. ‘8 , i Patients ¿i«îterBçd .ü» I^ o d i^ludcd: ii^atd r<»d Vj^lpr, Jr., WljUam D ^ , ita' , fra H ^ e y , Irçlpiid> №<>n^ iiewsiey, Snideï, Ri^iyp, Jiteipice — , ■ Gtenda QyifegS, 3?|oyd Kenneib G w , fitçrry J W W i .% ^ . , Pjyije, JOemüs rieth 'Vestal, SdMii Head, f : Reavis,- Katbe^in^'‘ S l ^ , Stephen Plis/ jam ^ 0. Delj^tt jBenç^, Maiy B. B^own, Qs^ie W>ite. ,J e ^ Roy \yi^, !s Kç^tw, Jam , Beavls, EUzabeUi WHson, Milton aijffji^a Ijjirrlson. LTH ANNOimCE»GBNTS at Davie (3ouiilty №>fpltal: and M:rs. iBverette Julian, P9m » àye, Seplwnber S, 196«. r № , and- Jlrs. Ourtis Marshall, C^tw i, • a • 1. Jaroes Wlis^m, Sjgpi^nnbw 4,-1968,. ' and Mrs. Lawrence Reavis, î'i.S, a daughter, Nancy Kllzii- Septeoniber 4, ‘ ; . aÎKi Mre^ P. Head, Afpfdttflviüé, â slon, J^aind Alan, :;^l>teml)er 4, 1068, • î*#»: and Mrjg. W ill^ - D;- ^pcksville, a d^igbter, Anseia Denise, Seiptenober 6, ^968, C>1| 6344624 Pruett Boys Id Europe Ted and Steven Pruett ot 311 Peace Haven Road Clemmons spent tóie past summer In Europe and blight batìk many pleasant njembries of tíielr travels. m A V m S w m t snUDENTS Ted left New York with a grpup of Dubs University stud­ ents. Their ilfst stop was Am­ sterdam, then on to Meunster, Wast Germany, \Aiiere each llv- ed with a dMferent family. Their adopted families, inddontally, ■ spoke' no EnsHifh and after spending six weaks wiih them, all of the students can now speak a little Oìiman. Ted was moré fortunate than some In that he ailready spolos German having had two years study of №e language. ^VIhÚe in Meuns­ ter, Ted studied German arts, history and culture. Some of the other places he visited were >Boi№, Maüu and Rude^elm,. Geiimany. StrasslbojiPji, Prantra, m*bich is ne^r the border; ¿inSbrudc and Salsdbung, Aus­ tria; Hague and Amsterdam, I^Uand. T2d spent ten days in Bedin ana it was here that *e and Steve had tb3ir only meetóng during lUie summrar. ■ They Visited Bast & West Berlin and volo3d flielr siirprise that it is not the police state that most Americans believe it to be. Ted ,hiad three W3eks of free •travel. Diiring «his time lie wsrit to Hanwver .^and London. (He speint a week visiting a friend in Holyschlag U'Sber Oundelwagen, a little town near' Prelbupg. Then there 'were thr§e’ days in Florence, Italy ^ qpHip Paris jtor four days. Prom fihens he flew to New mriyiBg home on Aug­ ust 29. TRAVBtis ALONE 3 ^evje traveled atorea, leaving [ New W it on June 15 haading tor and (hen on to Nureniburg wii^e he stayed with a cou^n. S^ve -hitch hiked through Italy, Swit»nland, Giar- many, Amsterdam !and London, saw inMyJ&. JS. students In . pra^^s donrd^iy - ióving ifor i p d e r i a g e of 20 ape iravelng in the coun­ try. Hiteh Ifil^i^ is «he best mode rf trOTSfportallon acc«rd- ing to- Steve.' says bikes ans wmilplefely out in Europe. While- in LOTdon, Steve at- ten(}e4 a MeGant^y rally. He r ^ t is people- over there are 'avid Mod|i^y supporters. Steve spent ifi|ost oí Ws time with peopte Ms own age wl«> S£i9tee: SffiUai. He found that «he students wens far friendlier than the average psrson on the ^ijeet. ylsdtiiJ art irionu- mentS," histortcal iJlaces, • muse­ ums and th» like. He purchased eonw wood carvings in the Bla^ (Ponsst 9nd visited the Plea Markrat in the Black Forest and in Florence. Hs pur­ chased a crocodie belt for $150 “asea a~cri«i^ $1.50 and an el^hant wallet for $2,50. .................. WUlh hitcb hiking a man gave ^ey<e a ri^ to Bologna and dtwe h ^ af around the dty showing him tti3 churches and historio^ dtes. He found the BrltisJi people to t!e more reserved. Their schools are sttU segregated Into boys and ^rls, about 10 miles apart and Unir scboOl systems are very restric^ve in most places. .... . . . . a |>prtioii of the ,I).and from tfte Presbyterian J|ome in IHigh Point thajl; en­ tertained the Golden A g e Club last week. Is to be commended for her ability P R E S B Y T E R I A N H O M E B A N D , to orgarfze and train senior cltl- P L A Y S F O R G O L D E N A G E C L U B ® entertain- g|Mp> ' ' ment. The fact that those people frbe Modcavl'Ue Golden Age Club ing, the members and guests were were energetic and happy showed met at 10 o’dock Wednesday, entertained by the band from the in their penl^rmance which no momdnig,_ Septeralber 4lh, at the Presbyterian Home in High Point, doubt account for their longevity. Rotaiy Hut. . . . . The group is very unique. In that Their ages ranged from 70 to 94 Latta Ratledge, president, open- all of the musical instruments are years. ........... ed the meeting and welcomed handmade, except the piano. The Following the program a lovely members and guests. The visitors instruments arc made from • such covered dish lunchcon was served were; Rev. J. E. Ratahford, pas- items found around the home as by hostesses Mossa Eaton and tor of the First Presbyterian pieces of lead pipe, bottles, chimes (Mamie Barneycastle. Club mem- Ohurch, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kearns,- from an old pump oigan, wooden bers provided the fOods as wel as Mrs. jOe Slate, Miss Daisy Holt- keg, wash board, pot lids and var- several" attTactive ariafigemenls of Wouser, iMrs. Faye Boyles and ious other things. The group gave a decorative gourds and flowers. Mrs. T. M. Grhnes. Mr. RatcMord Splendid pejriormance which was PoMowtag adiournament it was gave the devotions. flforoughly enjoyed by everyone, -announced that the next meeting Following, a short business meet- Mrs. Barksdale', the band leader, would be held September 18. Activities FIRST METHODIST CMtmC» Circle Meetings Arc Annpunc^; Circle 1, Mrs. Jack Pennington, chairman, iwlll meet (Monday, September 16, at 7:30 p. m. with IMrs. Jack Allison at her Iwme on Maple Avenue, i Circle 3, Mrs, Henry Sprinkle, chairman, will meet Monday, Sept- emT:er 16, at 8 p. m. with Miss (Martha Call at her home on Sails- ' Ibury Street. ........ ! Cincle 4, Mrs, Abe Howard, Jr., chalnman, wiM meet Monday, Sept- ' ember 18, at 8 p, m. with Mrs. Ed 7 ShOTlr and -Miss -Gomelia -Hendri«^.. at Mrs, Short’s home on North Main Street. The Aiftemoon Cfacle \yill meet Monday afternoon at three o’ctock with Mrs. K W. Crow at her home on North Main Streeit; Both Ted and Stave say Ger­ many is highly industrialized and the living standards there are this highest in Western Europe. East Berlin has one ot the thres highest standards of living. .. .. SteMs returned home on Aug­ ust 24. .......... Both young men say they are mudi better persons as a res­ ult of (heir travels, and hav« a better understanding of the p30p!Ie in the vanous countries they visited: They spent quite a b.it of their Ums visiting i^Mdravi(ans, eSpedaHy in Holl- ■^aiSi^nd Genmany. * They are the sons oif Mr. and Mrs. T. Conway Pruett. Their 'father is a well fcmwn Winston- Sa}3im attorney. Ted win be enterijig his jun­ ior year at Norih Carolina Uni­ versity at Chap^ HiU this mon­ th, His plans for the future in­ clude fuKHling his military ob: ligation Immediately following his college graduation. After thiis, .there is the possibility ai ■ pursuing a law ca^er. Double Cheese, Double Fun The W. S.C.S. Tuesday, |September'2, at the dhuich te their regulanly monthly tneetiitg. Mrs. C. C. Chapman gave ^6 program using as her tojrfc, "ihe Missionary Finds a New Identity.’’ She was assisted by Mrs. C. W. Woodruif, Miss Gina Woiodnift and Mrs. Abe Howard, Jr. iRev. Gilbert MiBer vriH gtve tlje -stiidv-f<f .Tohn at the eveiring ser- ivices beginning Sunday, Septem­ ber 15, at 7:30. These services wUl <iontinue throughout Ocitober. ST FRANGB CATHOLIC MISSION OHURCH The meln*ers of «he church enjoyed a picn'ic at the church on the Yadkinville highwiay, Sunday afternoon. Following an afternoon of bad­ minton and slot-car racing a de­ licious supiper w a^ enjoyed. After, supper, movies were sltown. 0,«47.58 9,2Se.SS fWM4CIAL STATBM^IT rOR PERIOD ENDING: December 31, 1M7 I £aton Mutual Association, (nc., MocksvUte, N. C. i i DBtmiBER 81. 1968 t3,20.<I.M jKHPPffl»TS: t<ital assessments coKected .........................$6,722.10 ............. {iynitoer new members 36 @ 25c ................ 9.00 jtnterest on time deposits, stocks, bonds 129.03 ............. PscelliBieous .............................‘,.......... I87.4ii ....... ipotal (liiws 1 to 4 Inc.) ............................................ $0,047.56 :ite(ee^ ................................................... ®otal receipts .......................................... iIi$oellaneQus^ ejipenses ............................. Total .expenses (lines 9 to 11 inc.) .............$ 2S9.18 Death benefits paid No. 32 No. $50. 2 ................... 100.00 Dealh benelfits paid No. 32 No. 100. 21 ................... 2,100.00 Ooalh benefits paid ,No. 32 No. 200. 9 ................... 1,800.00 M«n»bership fees paid agents .................................... 9.00 ■^la 'disajursementy -Mines 12 to is- inc.9 .. 7 j^M m OE TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR .................................... 4,958,37 ASSJBiSi: . i l|ank deposit Buanch Bank & Tiuist Co...................... 2,009.40 JAaa Slock ............................................. 2,948.97 •^t^ a^ts ........................................................................$4,1958.37 |rjtA^U;47^; A#MO,e i^sssisswients .................................................$ 846.10 W e l ü a « > ^ .......................................................................$ 846.10 ß m m $4,412.27 Nunq^r of assessments during yea(r 4 Race W Membership in good standing at dose of Iwoks 3ld6 ............................. I hwaby cerBfy that Ihe jnfonriaWon given in the föri^oing repqrt ,is tiwe and conr^t to (}ie persbnal kritowledge ot _____________&e undersigned. ............... ..................... The Parish , Advisory Board of St. Francis Catholic Mission helc[ a meeting at Ihe -church Monday- night. ............. Final plans were m'ade for the ichuixih audion sale which wlU b9 held Septomiber 28. The next meeting at .f|ie board iriM be Noyetnber .4. -■ y. . fit - Smokey St^st A H E v e u c A o e m ...^ OR JUST tOCKV ^ Barbecues ave best when the food is bountiful and quick tofix—quick enough for a teen-ager to manage when tlie gang gathers. This idea from the Borden Kitdicn fills that bill of fare. Simply choose American cheese slices, ten big flaky biscuits that are popping good in minutes, and hamburgers. Double the fun by crisscrossing quarters of cheose slices atop both burgers and biscuits, then stand back to bask in tlie sunshine • . . and l^e compliments. — , Double Cliecse Cheetobnrgera ] (Makes 8 cheeseburgers) 1 (9-1/2 OZ.) package Big 10 process American clieeso Flaky Biscuits 1 lb, ground chuck ■.8 slices (one 6-oz, package) 1 teaspoon salt Borden pasteurized Dash pepper Place biscuits on a baking sheet. Bake in a moderate (37S"F.) i oven, 10-14 minutes or until tops are a golden brown. Cut cheese' slices into quarters. Top each biscuit with 2 cheese quarters. Re-1 turn to oven until cheese starts to melt. Combine ground chuck with salt and pepper; divide into 8 portions. Shape each into a 2 .x l/2rinch .patty. .Place on charcoal grill. Cook until brown. ......................................................n. T(..................Turn; cook until second side is biwn.~Top each' pat'tie'^th'2' diecse quarters. Cook just until cheese starts to melt. Split bis­cuits in half; place cheeseburgers inside. W e Are Pleased to Announce Judy Paige formerly with Lamberti’s of Winaton’Salem 1« Now Associated With ESTIE’S И Ш Г Ш Р ^ Hwy. 601 North Mocksville, N. C. NigbU by Appointment PH ON E 492.5250 BULK SPREABING Mascot Magnesiuni Limestone GUARANTEED ANALYSIS; 50% Calcium Carbonate . . . 30 % Carbonate ... 9^ % Calcium Carbonate Equivalency. SCREEN SIZE: 50% through 100- mesh screen; 100% through 20>mesh screen. Also contains trace minerals . . . ZINC, COPPER, SULPHUR and IRON. > t, Sold Exclusively in Davie Cóunty by Rowan - Bavie Lime Service^ Paul Hodges, Owner FOR IM M EDIATE DELIVERY - Leavo name and pHone numbed at L ^ e stockpile at the intersection of Highway 64 and 601 in Mocksville or call 9984690 after 7 p.m. Weight tie- kets from Shoaf Coal and Sand Co. upon reciueft. or Armour. Ammonia Nitrate Spread. A S C ORDERS FILLED X I SUBSCMBBD А Ш SWORN TO BEFORE' ME, this 20 day of February, 1968 Ann R. Boger, Notary Public My commissiipn expires 10-21-68 N. WIAYNE BATON Secretary-Treasurer (Mocksville, N. C. Advertise COBLE LIME and B # Spreading Route 4, Phone 284 - 3202 Roliertson’s Fertilizer Purchase Orders Filled Alfred Coble, owner MONARCH “ ™ ™ Polyester Fiberglass Belted premium High Performance Tires Two Fiberglass Belts — Deliver More Mileage — Up To 100% More! Fiberglww Cord i* PeneWW'Peuni^ Stronger Than Steel, tivo Sturdy Belts В«1п1огсе and Btlffen the Tread. Mii|inii|tnji Internal Mistion end Wear. Two bias plie# of polyester cord . . . smooth your ride for extra comforU * W E H A V E ^ W E R 'spo'f IBERGLASS SECON DSr eiZB 77Ш« 1*8.«« ' - eiZB W ÌÌ4 » Ш - «ИВ 8»sM .. .. $М.» Prive ImiludM Federal Та», ШиаШш end Balaitpiii« __________ i-BAmPS^T4RE SERVICE ---- 8. ef M PPBN B’ til e W m M w « —8' tU Noe# Saturdny» Thurâ'day, Seplember 12,1968 Devie Ceunty Enterprîse*]tecor3 page Three - M R S ; T O N ^ M I C H A - E f c b Y E R b Y - P h o t o B v M ills Stu dio First Presbyterian C h u r c h Is S c e n e O f R egen sburg- Ly erly W e d d i n g C e r e m o n y KKTURXS TO WINSTON-SALEM (Miss Elsie Purvis, daughter of Mf. and 'Mrs. .1, .D, Purvis reUirnod last • weekend as a senior student of Nurs­ ing ti) Forsytli iMcmnrial Hospital in Witiston-Salom, Elsio «’as a mar- shall ior the August graduating class, was »resident of hor .Uiniur 1 class and niso served as a student I advisor. Slie was inducted into tho Santa 'Kilnmena 'Honorary Socwty. August '13. This Is the I'rcatest hon­ or that can he Ijcslowed upon a senior of nui'sing, iRcqiiircments in- J elude a high scholastic average and outstanding nursing and leadership qualities. Gl'lCiTS FKC'M VIIIKMNIA t'lmnding Sunday night wilh Mr. and 'Mrs. Lester P. IMartin on North Main Street were Mr. and M"f. Warren Pace of Richmond, Va. Tha Paces brought their daughter, Miss Judy Pace to Wihstim-S'ileni lor enter Salem College. Mrs. Mai'tln and iMrs, 'Pace «'ere roornmales al William and Mary College, Williams­ burg, Virginia. BJRTIH .'VN'NOUNCKMiENT iMr, and 'Mrs. Carroll Pendry ol Route 1, Boonville, announ;’e thi.' birth cf a daughter, .lennifer An­ nette, on Septembr 4. iMi's. Pendry —is tho for)iit>r Hazel Clement, daugh­ ter of iMr. and iMrs. A. C. Clement of (Route 8. BETURN TO iHCLM'E HERR Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bowman re­ turned to their home here on North Main Street Sunday after spending Tnmitln. iii tlioii' Meiwbers of the Woman’s Sunday Schoo 1 class of First Presbyterian Church hon­ ored Mrs. J. J. Larew, shown in the cen ter of the largephoto, and with lier son, Hugh at the corner inset, on Friday afternoon, September 6th, at her home on her 80th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Larew is the oldest living member of the class. Cake, punch, cheese wafers and cookies were served to: Mrs. Charles W. Phillips, Mrs. Margaret McCoy, Mrs. J im Bowman and daughters, Lucy and • Tandy, Mrs. GeiTnaine Wellman, Miss Daisy Holtliouser, Mrs. John D u rh a m , Mrs. Cecil Morris, Mrs. James Essie, Mrs. Clinard toward, Mrs. Ted Junker, Mrs. Roscoe Mabe, Mrs. J. E. Ratchford, Mrs. Walter Graham and Mrs. J. Frank Gillean. Mrs. Graham is teacher of the class and arranged the party. TR summer home al Blowing Rock. A lle n F a m ily R e u n io n .. :y J M _ _ _ S m it h G r o v e P . T . A . T o M e e t T u e s d a y The family of the late Thomas Mss Margaret L. Regensburg of Honor attendants were the brl- Haddonfield, 'New Jersey' and de’s sister, Mrs. WHson L. Mayer- Tony Michael Lyei'ly were mar- berg of Runnemede, N. J., and ried Saturday in the First Pres- 'Miss Cai'o'yn E"n:':e‘h P-mette of Ibytorian Church. The Rev. James Clyde. Miss Sylvia Louise GresJiam E, Ratchford oificJated at ilie 3 »f Colonial Heights, Va,, and Miss p. mi cei'ejnony, .. Margaret Jayne Sanford were Mrs. Lyei-ly's parents are Mr. 'bridesmaids arid Tonimie Darlene and Mrs. Eugene H. Regensburg of bridesmaid. j^,oviE HERE FROM S.C. Haddoniticlld, New Jersey. She at­ tended the University 'of North Car<oHna at Green^oro and is a ■senior at Campbell Collctge, Buies Creek. .......... Tl^iNSPERRBD HERE annual family reunion Sunday, Sep-iMr. and Mrs. Wayne Lons have i-ecently moved here and arc living on Duke Street Ext. Mr. Long i.s in th iLaboratory of the Moeksville Di­ vision of Holly Farms Poultry In- dusti'ies, he was transferred from Wilkesboro. Mrs. Long Is a mu­ sician and plans to teach piano and organ in her home. See her ad in this week’s paper. ТЬэ first meeting of Smith Grove Parent-Tcaoher Association will be Mr. Lyerly, son of Mr. and Mrs. iRiobert William Lyerly, attended UNC at Chapel Hill and-is a sen­ ior’at Cam'pbell College. J yen in marri^e t>y her father, bride wore a gown. of white gfiblr'gette qver satin.. The gown was fashioned with a round neok- llrje and long sleeves with lace appliques edged with seed pearls. Mer shoulder-length veil of illus­ ion was attached lo a triple bow and Martha h. Starr Allen held their , ,, ^ ^ , „„iheld Tuesday, Saplember 17 at 7:30 tember 8th in the Mocksville Rotary P-m. in the school auditorium. All H„t_ iparents are urged lo attend tihis iFamilies present for the occasion mseling. , were: the Dallle Leach family, Tom Allen, Clai’ence Allen, Bud Allen, 'Mary Powell, Lois Bullins, and the Pantha Brown family. Families of the late Mrs. Maggie Boger and harlie Allen and the Sam Allen fam­ ily were also present. Luncheon was served after which a business session was held with viee president Sam Shore presiding. Officers for tho new year wore eleclcd as follows: President, Joe Brown; vice-jires., Grady Flowers: secrtary, Anne Cartner; and treas­ urer, Garnet Shore. 'Visitors present were Frank H. Brown, Tony Driver and Gene Zim- D a v i e A R C Davie County Association For Retardecrctnl{lTOn wffl- meetr Tues-- day, S’plember 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the Davie County office building. Mrs. C. M. Anderson, president, announojs lhal there will be a .guest speaker. If y o u t h i n k y o u h a v e t o p a y t h r o u g h t h e n o s e f o r h u r r ic a n e - r e s i s t a n t s h i n g i e s , y o u ^ r e w r o n g . The revolutionary Bird Wind Seal® *'JET" Shingle Is remarkable. It has withstood hurricane force winds of up to 120 mph. It's a premium shingle. And the Bird Wind Sea! "JET" looks great on any style roof — gives your roof a solid look of char­ acter, wlflTl^rig, clean uncluttered lines. Get the facts on this remarkable new Premium shingle — the Bird Wind Seal “JET.” You'll never have to worry about high winds again.'' IT S P A Y S T O A D V E R T IS E The hbnor attendants wore lime 1^,.. and Mrs.' Glenn Jinglisti and silsuta gowns with yellow lace children, iRobbin, Lisa and Jinmiy, trim. Their headpieces were lar- have moved into the John Nu'ton ge bows of liime and yellow and home on iDuke Street. Mr. English they carried single yellow roses, is employed at Erwin 'Mills, inc. at The 'bridesmaids wore identical Cooleemee. The family moved hero 'gowns of yellow with lime trim and from Cheraw, South Carolina, carried long, stem yellow roses. Stephen Lee EtchiSon ot Clem- VISIT »AW ETEli merson m<ins was best man. Ushers were N. Ward vis- nelson. Wilson L Mäyei*eri-y -Q£ Bunne- VJ>|ir son-in-law and daughter, | > •mede. John Charles L i # ¿f Ral- Mr. aiil'Mrs. Ja"ies W h ^ and c h d ^ righ Teriy W. Johnson and David la^" Tuesday wa^Mrl'Ward’s P a r t y Is G i v e n , ^ t . I,........ sister,%rs. Lonnie Lanier of Hick- t:ii 'T'oi.lnr-'A reception was held m the so- r.Or Jill ia y io r dal room of the church following ' ^ayior, daughter of Mr. and the eerembny. r eC&VT GUfSSTS Mrs. Daxnd Taylor, celebrated her After a short weddmg trip, Mr. ,Recent guests of Misses Mary and j,iriihday anniversary with and she carried white rosebuds on and Mrs. Lyerly will live at Buies jane McGuire al their home, 'Robin ^ morning Sepl- her while prayer book, .. Creek. ............. Hill, were Mrs. 'Hubert Speed and Country Mr. and Mrs. J. 'H. Gwln of -Ma.«;- tun. О ks and fancies »By AAARGARET A. LEGRAND IN TB.NN. TIMS 'WEEK MOVE TO NEW HOME Dudley Collins is in Kno.wille, Bailey and son, Birthday cake, Pepsi Colas and ice cream were sewed to: the honoree, Angie Hendrix, Suz­ anne Hendricks, Teriy Dunn, Lon- da I.(’(ids, Robin Allen, Donna Jo Jordan, Monica and Kimmie Simp­ son, Marie Cohen, Donnie Beaver, P a t G a ith e r, Bride-Elect 0>ay and Tommy Campbell, Eddie Is S h o w e r e d S a tu rd a y AT’TiENDS SESSION Miss Jo Cooley siienl Sunday and 'Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at­ tending a Vander CosmuUc Session. Spillman and John Wood. Tennessee this week attending a '’a''® "''o'’®'’ ^bcir now home• sho8.salas.aTaeiHiii!UiLGr.eul..Allajitic._^_J^®adrnon Itoad, Route 3. They Shoe Company, Inc. lA miscellaneous shower was giv- -j z rt en Salurday night, honoring Miss W h i t a k e r O n Pat Gaither, October bride-elect of T.isf ItJlinei'ly-Mveil-Ton-Wilkesboro iStrcctv--A-ii)ert-Mooi'er T4ic‘ showor-was held--:................. in the Fellowsihip Hall of Faith William T. Whitaker, a stud'jnl Baplisl Church. Route 1, Slates- at Forsyth Technical Inslilute, ...... CM., uvnu UU.V...U.. «... . ,1 r. • ville., Hostesses were Mrs. Anna ■ Winston-Salem, made the Pi'ssi- leave Fridav for Dayton, Ohio and at the Davie County Enter- i^un\plo, .Mrs. Jessie Little and dent’s List for the Summei- quai-.................... ..r.se^R«c.„-d --- William is studying Miss Gaither wore for the occas- the machinist trade, ion a yellow knit dress on «iis,h The president’s list indicates two she pinned the hostesses’ corsage made of tiny kilchen gadgets., Lillie punch, caktf squares, and LEAVE FOIR ОНаО, PA. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bowman will eave Friday for Dayton, Ohio Pennsylvania to visit relatives. LUNOHEON SaNDAV Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howard were hosts al a luncheon Sunday ut tlie FARIOWE'LiL PARTY Edtlie Tomlinson, who held a po- prise^fRecord during the summer months, was honored wilh a fare­ well party last 'I'uesday afternoon. The party was given by Ihc staff members: Gordon Tomlinson, Edi- torJPublisher; Sue Short, Associate ¡'.nels of performance, High Honor Gi.des and Honor Grades. ,, , , , „ Editor; Sarah Campbell, Bookkenp-Bill Howard home on Oak Street, er-Secretary; Mai’gai’et A. LeGrand, J'uls were served to forty guests Covers were laid ' for: the hosts. Society liditor. Duke Sheek, Tvpe w"ho showered her wilh useful gifts, hostesses, Mr, and Mrs. Charles getter; Victor Davy, Linotyoe oper- Isley and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Grimes ator and Danny Haynes. Refresh- n M is s G o b b le , M r . R o g ersCaudell of Charlotte, and Mr, and |,o„„ bi-eak. Eddie entered Ihe fresh- 9nt Vi Mrs. Jeff Caudell. pjagg gj catawba College, Tues- i O . W e u b e p te m b e i 2Ulil MOUNTAIN VACATION f-'d Mrs.' F V. Gobble of„ , . , . Route 1, announce the engagement Spending the past weekend in the NEW ASSlGiNMKNT of theii- daughtei', Creola Jean, to niomUains were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sgt. Gene James who sjient a few iRobert Dwight Rogers, son of Mr. Smith and daughter, April, Mrs. weeks here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Carl M. llogers of Houle I. Cleve Smith and .Miss Barbara Go- and Mrs. Robert James on Pino i\iiss Gobble is a 19<)8 graduate of i'oi'lh of Mocksville, and Mr, and street after sei'ving in Vietnam, jjavie County High School and is iMrs. Thomas Barney of Fork. They left Sunday for a new assignment attending Winston-Salem Busniess visited Rock City, Ruby Falls, Gal- at 'Marine Base in Arlington, Vir­ ginia.linburg, Tenn., and Ciierokee. GUESTS ON SUNDAY Major and -Mrs. Stewart Fisher and two sons of Winston-Salem, vis- iiwi Ml', and .Mrs. .loff Caudell Sun­ day. .Major Siewai'l, who is Mrs, lamily. i.'audell’b nephew, is now retired. VlSri'lNG D.-WGHTER 'Roy Feezor left Sunday fin- Shel­ by to siKind a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Jack College. Mr. Rogers was graduated from Cool Springs High Sehol in and is now employed al Dial Finance Company, Winston-Salem. The wedding will lake place Sep- Elliott, and tember 20th at U p.m. in ijames Ciu!,a UiiaJa Daplist Cljurch, Friends and relatives of the coupte are S c o u t N e w s Cattil Troop 2ÜB will meet Mon- dayr September 16, at 3:15 p. ni. in the Recrcation ivom uf th>3 Firs-t United Melliodist Chureh, North Main Str^t. ,, .. 1 | ( > ш г ш ж * т т т ж :---- TO HIGH POINT SUND.4Y rr .\, .MliSön, 4lTS. Maigai СЛВР OF .Т11ЛМК8 coi’uially invited to attend. ,1 rs. \\7 Л, .^uison, Ml». Maigaiet - - ----— Tommy iteroney returjied lo his A. LeGrand and Miss Ossie Allison Smllli iu.iiu- ЛП South iMain Street lust vigji-ad their cousin, Mrs. Horace B afbC C U C S u u p e r ^ „xjiiess to all our Wednesday afler .sjK4,ding ten days „aworth and husband Sunday after- (CourtlJCy S at. ir.ends and .«Igtibors our daepest A 1югк bai-becut supiier &er\<2d appreciation for the many at'ts ofin Davie Countv Hospital. His sisler. noon ¡n High Point. Mrs. itaipli Waiters uf Siielby visited liim Salurday. h k RE FROai SHELBY ___________________ Mrs. Charles C. Bin'rus anived At’C'EPTS TOSITION from Shelby To~vtsit her slsrerrMiss- iMiss Katiiy Fay Smith, daughter Flossie Marlin on North Main with slaw' and hush puppies will be kindness shown Ui us during the hrjld Salurday, Septen^r 21 from ilhisss and death of our dear wife 5 until !« p.m. al Courtney School and mother, Louise Soiilh. Also we lunchruom. Tbe supiier is sponsored would like to express our biaiHielt by Harmon liodge No. 420 A-F- thanks for the beautiful ftoral offer- and A. M. Boxes to go will also ings and especially to Ih© frietvds R ealism In C olor T V Ji Here It Is ... new big-screen Portable Colorl Big new screen ' size for Portable Color TV. Powerful 21,500-volt Sporiabout chassis W »DIUrANTModel EL.<48¡8’ Öi»g., ¡ÎOsqJn.pisfUfê S ----- Color TV with Automatic Fine Tuning . (A.F.T.) Here's fiddle-free Color TV. A.F.T. locks in the signal eiectronically. M»lelQL-6W . . »’illic.,29Ssq.Ili.Fkliim Realism in S tereo Sound W I T H m m m em Tv when you're first in color, tii^re's got to be a reason From kickoff to final gun, catch all the action with an RCA Victor Color TV. Deluxe features include Super Bright Hi-Lite Color tube for the most vvid color ever. RCA automatic color purifier "cancels" magnetism that may cause picture impurities. You get all thii and more—from RCA Victor. Exciting Value! BOA Stereo ThtOrCRrifcMMedcivLTie The TONSttCRQ Model GJ741 29S iq. (Л. filciuf Th« riTCHBURCMod«IVlT44 Claisleally American..« RCA Stereo 76-watt peak power amplifier drive 6 speakers. The Tim e and The M usic The ARLEN Model FJ-643 }60 tq. 1л* piitur» THE M OST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS PRICES START A T $299.00 Bud9*l'prlced — RCAetoetfrRedto- 1)1 Mr/ and Mj's. Grunt Smith of Slreet. She «ill sjitnd a few days ('twii'}' Sireel. has aweplfd a |)o- in Wuislon-Saluiu «ith he; daugh'.'.-. . . . silion as Ward secretary al Davie Mrs. John l-'clls and Dr. Fells while availal)le. Proceeds will go mio wi» got up the i«igWx)i- wreaUis. Cuunty Huspilal. here. Uie IjuUdius liuid. Jtobah Snwib and f*«niJy. DANIEL Furniture & Electrhrie. At Overhead Bridge MocksviUe, N. C. Thursday, September 12, 1968 NORTH M AW ST. cm m rti nv rtm w tMarlin Rohrbough Rimdny School to a. m, Worship Service 11 a. m. Evening Worship 7 p. m. Wednesdny Service 7!30 p. m ТПЕ KPtSCOPAL СНШ СИ The Church of the AscenBlOB. FoFKTN. C. lOiOO: Church School 11:00: Momlnff Prayer, SemH» The Church ot the Good Shep^ herd, Cooleemee. N. C. 9:30: Morning Prayer, Sermoa 10:45: Church School EA T O N S BAPTIST c m m c H Rev. Walter L. Howell Sunday School: 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship; 11:00 Tralalog Unloni 7 pjn. CLARKSVILLE PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH MocksviUe Rt. 5 REV. FLOYD STEINBEY REV. ALBERT GENTLE Assistant Pastor Services Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship Service 11 a. m. Wesleyan Methodist Churcb Hospital St. MocksvUle, N . C. Rev. W . Ray Th6nuis Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Kvenlng Worship 7:30 p. m. .lERICHO C H U R C H O F C H R IST JerioiiD Road B IOCKSVIIXE PE N TEC OSTA L H O LIN ESS C H U R C H C O R N A T Z E R M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H T U R R EN T IN E B A P T IST CH IIROH O A K G R O V B M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H C E N T E R M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H SA LEM M E X H O D IS T C H U R C H H A R D IS O N M E T H O D IS T C H U R O H aaoN M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H U B E R T T M E T H O D IS T C H U R C B A DV AN CE M E T H O D IS T C H U R O H ADVAN CE B A PT IST C H U R C H B E T H E L M E T H O D IS T C H U R O H M O C K S M E T H O D IS T C H U R O H B E T H L E H E M M E T H O D IS T C H U R O H F A R M IN O T O N M E T H O D IS T СНШ ЕОН ~~ ~ T O R K ------ B A PT IST C H U R C B JER U SA LEM B A PTIST C H U R C H T A D K IN V A LLEY B A PT IST C H U R C H IJAM ES C R O SS R O A D S B A P T IST C B U R O B C O R N A T Z E R B A PT IST C B U R OB C B E S T N U T G R O V E M E T B O D IS T C H U R C H BAILEY'S C B APEL M E T B O D IS T C B U R O B '1 B IX B 7 PR E SB YTER IA N C B U R O B Enierprhe-Recorä ^ i'*! Page Flvé MOCKSVILLE CIRCUIT Rev. I M i toi Wyws fielliel MetlM№t л. m. Cornateci 11 a. m. Faith, the Church of Your Choice This Page Sponsored by the following indiv iduals and Business Establishments- 0. A. Seaford Lnmber Co. Davie County Enterprise-Record Davie Electric Membership Corp. Davie Freezer Locker Martin Hdw. & Gen. Mdse. Mocksville Laundry Pennington Chevrolet Co., Inc. C.C. Sanford Sons Co. ' V - > f ^ ^ ' ' . Yakin Valley Telephone Membership Corp. C!Re f ;v m t a d o w s BAPTIST CHURCH R#v. A. r. Che»Wre. P«stor ^undxy 10 A. M. Worship 11. A. M. B. T P; M. Worship TiSO P.M. pray«r Me»«ng Wednesday 7:30 pm. «BOVIS г т т г я OF ллп unbhath «ri«««' 1«» •'«'■t II a.m. ÌB<» «»d 4№ SehirAiy et IO a ro.Worrtitn «» • P r m r « !»•*'•' •xM’b WedoMdar Al i UPsÉee j, W. m s t mBSBYrefttAN с в ш с ё Jftiiiég ttstehtord. MlalstM Ohureh Seboid 16:00 A M . BniidAjr ServiM 11:00 Ш . r m s T M r m o D t s T с н т а с н The Rev. Gilbert МШег Paster Sunday SobMÌ lOtOO AJ»C. Mom inr W o rÀ I» 11:00 A.M . Evenlnv Worship 7:30 PJO. F IR ST B A P T IST C H U R C H BandkT SOhbol 10:00 A M . Mom lnr Worship 11:00 A.M . EvudDK Worablp 7:30 PJH. H O L Y CR O S S L U T H E R A N C H U R C H 3. Marion Bosgs. Pastor Sunday School 0:45 A J«. The Servtee 11:00 A .M . / I B LA1S3 B A PT IST C H U R C H Two mifes Berth of Mocksville off Hw]T> 601. Rev. Pat Keny, Pastor Momlnr worship 11 ajn. Svenlnir worship 7:41 pan. /• ST. FRANCIS C Ä T H O U O M ISSIO N Yadkinville, Rood MocksvHio Sund»y Maea 0:30 ала. / CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY B««. Ai^hie' Smith j Mocksville, Route 4 [Ephesusl > N O R T H COO LEEM EE B A PTIST C H U R C B f U B E R T Y B A P T IS T ' C H U R C H D U T C H M A N CREE K ' B A PT IST C H U R C H N O C R E E K PR IM IT IV B B APTIST C B C B C B FU LTO N M E T B O D IS T C B U R O B 8 Щ Т Н G R O V E M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H C O N C O R D MW-ypo piRT гнттипи___ W E S L E Y CH APEL M E T B O D IS T C B U R O B D W Ö N O B A PEL M E T B O D IS T C B U R O B D Ü U N S M E T B O D IS T C B U R O B N E W ITNION M E T B O D IS T C B U R O B ELBAVTLLE M E T B O D IS T O B C B O B № A R C R E E K B A PT IST C B D K O B BEOONP PBB8BYTER1AN СВ1ШСВ явш)а BAPTIST CBVBoa А.И.В. ЯЯОН МХТПОМвТ СВГОС8 OiDAR O B E E K BAPTIBT ОШШС» O O M Q U A r ö f O Ì W V B B A P T U T O B T O G B Page Six Enterprtse-Recorcl Thursday, September 12, 1968 -Questions & Answer Qucstioit-and-Awm'M Cnlimin No. 68-S7 Tills colmmi of questions nnti flitswcrs on fcdcMil tax inuUcrs Is providvd hy Iho local office of the U. S. Internal Revenue Scrvtcc and Is puWlslied as a public scrvlco to luxiiuj'crs. The culunin answers (|ues(tiins most frequently asked by tax­ payers. Q • 1 didn’t rccelvc my estimated tax bill fOii' tbe third ipiarter. AVhut should t do? A - You should make y«ui- Ihlitl quarter ostimali3d lax paymonl by Wie flue dale, Monday, .September, 10. even if your iiislallm;iiil notice Jius not ari'ived by then. To mako sure your payment is properly credited, pul your social security num ber on your check or moiroy order and Indicate whal llie pay­ ment covers. .... ' With Ih'l' new lax surcharge in c'ffecl, you may have lo adjust , your IttCB estimate:! Unx. Tlio sur- i charge will inci'aase this year's tax by 7'-i tJficent lor many in- : dividual taxpayers. A woikshecl to : help laxpaysrs make Ibis adjutil-1 m enl is available at local IRS of­ fices and was included with the I №ird quarter estimate la.\ noli«s. | Q ^ I did not hnvi- to file un es- | (Imated (ax declaratlan (bis year i because enough was lakeu ou( of I my paycheck to cover Docs (he new surtax cbangc that I and should I iflle an estimated j doclaratlon jiow? | A - In July employers sta rted ' withholding income taxes at a , • higher i’al'2 lo keep taxpayers on | a current, pay-as-you-go ba.sis. The I additional amounts wil'hlield s:houId approximate the final lax liability for most taxpayers. If you did not file an estimated tax decelaration for I96K becauss withholding was expected to amount lo 80 percent or more of your tax I'abiiify for the year, you w ant lo review your lax situation. Jt is possible thal the lax surohar- ff3, which can -increase your tax iby 7's perccnl, will mako you lia bio III a penally lor m iderpaynisnl' of cilim aled (axes. | UoL'al lUS offici's have copies of ^ c.siinial'.'(l lax forms and work-; ■sbccls laxjia.vcrs cun. Uso lo fisure l!№t! l;\x lia))iUly under the new lax r la«-. I <J . I .joined a country elub this j sunmicr so that I'd have u place i (0 tiiko my customers to piny k«U. ; r«n 1 dudunt my countiy club j expenses as a bnslnes.s expense? | 'A - Some of .vriur connily cliiij ' expenses may I,'.' tlcducli'slc a.«- a ' iiusir.'-iss expen.iie. These would in- : cliide Ihe cosi uf ynur business ; liii’i iics iiiiil ;iHy othjr cnlei'l.'iin- ■ ment expenses you h av<i which qiiafify as a business axpciise. If you use the c-ountry c’lub niore i lliaii nC (iorceiK ol tiie tinv.> f<ir ' bnsine.ss pniposes Ihen you can al­ so deduci that pori ion of your an- | mial dii'js which is directly related ] (0 llie a."lii'e ciituliid of your bu.s-1 ine.ss. Mem'oership or iniliution j (CCS ;);ii(l oiu'j lor menibersbip privileges are gumn'aliy considered ;i ivi((i!;i) ixpcnEe ¿iiici iiiv ¡ml ded- uclible. ....... .. i To slii>\v you ii.'o the club more | Ilian bull' the lime for busine.^s ' /;ui'pi)i"s kof'p a record oi the days | yiiii and yum- family iise the club's j facililies, and indicate wbcllier for | buiiness or |,v*r.son:il purposes, ^’ou | do nol cnuni Ibp da.vs club is not ' isc.inil ricle|-minln^,-\vlk!lU;‘i ii nas-t YADKIN VALLEY Ilomccoming will be observed al the \'iillcy, Sunday. Sepl'.>m- l.'jr I.Ï, T'ne Rev. Dutk Hudson will deliver Ihe II o'clcok ser­ mon. Dinner wi;i be .",'rved at Ihy church on l',ie grounds, and evcryb.Kly is w.'ltome lo allond ami lirir;; a wcii filled basket, Thei'.' «¡11 be sin,^lng in Ihe allern.mn, and sinscrs from all t;uiiL'hes are invited lo conv.’ and take pail. Revival servies «'i;i begin al |), m. with Gioic who is j)iislor of Wood- Gr,:i.'c who is pastor of Wood- l<iii,l (.'¡¡yich a! Winston- Salcni, Services Avili continue ni,ihl!y Ihrou.uh Sunday, Septem­ ber 22. ■ r.‘.T~.” Mrs. Bessie Smith honored her SOM and his wife who is bom':' from Tenn. with a dinnei- al her homo Sumi.iy, Approximale- ly ;io i,'.'uple atlcnded. .Mr. and Mrs. ^'ork and fam­ ily want to thank each and cv- eryiiiie who helped pul in tlv2ir Clop nf lobacco. .A speciM thanks lo Oyde W.'iithcnnan and his mule. Mr, ^■ork's condilion is much improved. l':veiyonc is happy lo know' Ibal I’red Broadway's condition is imiiroving. lb is a patient 111 i;ie Baplist llo.spilal. Mrs, Lila Howard and Mrs. —iJnry__Kil/a West visiled .Vli,-, (ioing Away To School us'.-'ri more than for business. () r Tips ar? a K«o(r part of mv weekly naMiings. Do I have (o keep a record of them for tax purposes? A - Tips are income and musi be rcpiir'.vd on your lax return. They should also be reported lo yai>- employer wh'jii they amount to $-’o or more in a month. Basetl on ll'ose repoils. your employer •will withhold Ihe neccssary In- con.'’ and Social Security (axes from your regular wages. Use Form •1070. Employee's Re­ port on Tips, available al VRS of- fit'is. lo repoi't tip income lo your employer. .. and Mrs. Fred While last wc-'k. Siie is a little improved. Mis. Mami'2 Carter and Mary Lee Soiley of lilikin spent Ihe -week'3|iid with Mrs. Lillian Smith, Mrs. Bessie Smith and Mr. and .Mrs. Leo Smith wei'3 Tues­ day suppei- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hendrix. It Pays To Advertise Last week's issi« of Ibis news­ paper carried a coupon In be filled oil! and i';;uined as lo Wiicre yo'jn,? .leci 'e fiiim the counly will be go- in." away to school, Thu- l„r.i;wina is a list of the na;i':o received by u.s. Il is planned 111 have fai't’.ier lists reported a s ; .ney come in: .. i Kai'jn Meriell. dau,;;htcr ol •Mrs, Wayne MerrtM, a ,lunior at i Fie Her Ci.llei','; Prj,gy WalUice, ■ daughter of Mr. and Mi's. W, L. Wallace. Kt, fi, a Freshman al j Forsyth M.morlal Hntpilal in Win.s- lon-Sa'tm; l-hyilis Maiie .lo'ly, dau.uhler of Mr. and Mrs. l.loyd' -4<>!J.v,-IU^-j,-..a_j:iS£hman. ;d At­ lantic C'lrisiian College; Roj,'.'r 11. Cope, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cope, Ul, .1. a Freshman at Chow-, an Col;i,;ge: .............' Shbley Annetle Young, daughter' cf Mr. and Mrs, Roy V. ^’oung. Rl. 3. a Freshman at Gardner | W'.'jij Co.'lcge: Sieve M. Waiker, son of Mr, ar.d Mrs, Edd S, Walk­ er. Kt. 2. a sludenl ai Glade Valley Schoul: Ronni'^ Riddle, son of Mr. and Mrs, Rc'.'^rl Riddle, Route I,' Advance, a Sophomore at Appala- c'lian Slate University; Brenda K. Smith, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. I.’':liert N. Sniitb, Route 1, Advance, a .lunior at Appalach''an State University; .................... ~ I^anTatosrTkmglTtTr—ef— —awd- Mrs. \Vil¡¡¿^m OiiJcs of Cooleemee. a Fre,-hman al .‘Vppalachian State UnH’er.<;ily; Bill Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs, ,1. D. PM.’nlice Camp­ bell. N'ortb Main Streel, a Freshman at B rc\ard Colle^'j; Eddie Tomlin­ son, of Mr. and Mrs. Cole Tomlin­ son. Spring Street, a Freshman al Catawba Coll'sge; Sarah Ann Whit­ aker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clynton E. Whitaker, Rt. 2. 1st year at Forsyth Technical Institute; Shar­ on Hottcll, daughter of Major and Mrs. S. W. Howell. North Main Street, a Freshman at Pfeiffer Coll- ‘ge; .......................... Larry li. Boyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Boger, Rt. 1, Advance. E x ten sio n H o m e m a k e r s C lu b S ch ed u le Scpf.wber 12 — Kappu, 2;00 p.m.. .Mrs Oils Snow and Mra. Paula S)iew Suplen^er IG — Mackie, 4:3f p.m.. Mrs. Sarah Wisjinan .September 17 — Moc'.iS, 2:111) p. m,. Mrs. Pearl Reed ! ' pti..r';cr 17 — Center. 7:.'№ p. ni,. Mrs, ,leiiy Swi:'e,i>oad !'.p;cn l;er Ui - Ailvaiv.-e 2:01' p.;ii,. .Mrs. Amii'? Il.'ill and .Mrs, a; ;erl Carter ., ., Sc;ilcn’!.er l!l — Cana, 2; (JO p.m., •Mis. E. P. Elchison a Sn;::;(imorc at N, C. Slate Cnivcr- fily; Hardy W.iyne Boyer, son ot Mr. and .Mrs, C, i\, Bovsr. Roulc l,--A;lvi!Ui'e, a Freshman at N. C, Stal-* l'n!vcr;:i!y: Kddie Leagans. inn if Mr, and .Mrs, C. E, Lea- ,v::ms. Rt, ."i, a So;>homore al Ap- paUu'hian Stale University; Ellis Lca,:;ans. son ol Mi', and Mrs. Cecil Le.'io’aMs, Hi, S, a 1st year student at So'jthwestern Baptist Seminary. Finl W jrih, Texas; Classified FOR SALEf 1Ü5» Bel Air Chc^•lx)lcl in good, dean conditon. Call 4!,'2 i):i8 after 5 p. m, « 12 I'P 1'';:R SALE; R C A TDlc\lslon Set, 23" screon, maple console cab- ir,cl. has remote cont№l. Origin­ al cost, S370. Will lake $11.'). Call I ,t!):i-4l57. 9 12 tip: D a v ie A c a d e m y G r o u p T o M e e t Sept. 16th The Davie Acadcmy Community Organization will meet Sept. itllh in th3 Community Building at 7:3n ptn. The meeting will consisi nf a covered dish s-upper piv'ceeding group discussion of various aclivi- tles. All intercs('»d residents arc Dncouraged to come. j FOR SALF.; 4 HP garden tractor with e(|uipmenl; wood lal'he homaid. large wilh motor; 24 in. jig saw; Itil of old plow points. \ari«us makes: large Burroughs aiidin.’ machine, old Anvillc; lar­ ge assortment ol plow points, old cjsl iron water kettle and ri.-llng lawn mower. Can be seen at Ban P. May home, near White's Grocery, Hi. 5 JfocksviHe. ....................... 9 12 Up Ii FA VS TO ADVERTISH Salisbury St. S H O P Mocksvillc, N. C. For That Custom-Made Look See Our Complete New Line Of Fall Fabrics • Miliken W'oolens • Dan River Pcrma • Press Suitings • Bates Fall Cottons (Smock Trim To Match) Short Ends Specials WALKER’S SELF- ^ KuKerick Paiierns — Simplicity Pa((crn,'3 CATALINA Phone — 634-2230 NOW! Drive-In Theatre Mocksville, AUM, AHUtTS $1.(11) nm .D K K N tlNliKK \l I'KI'.K Starts at l)nrk 7IIÎ AU TIME HIT! WIKNER OF 5 AGADE№ AWARDS mCUIDIIII!4î;:^"BE8TPICTÜIlE“ Ä A N D R E W S ¥.'"»'-ori,t:,i P L U M M F .R SUN. -' MON. - TUES. Peter Setters in ••TIIE P-AUTY’’ also - ••FIVE MILLION YEAHS TO EAR1H OPEN 24-HOURS A DAY-7 DAYS A WEEK! Located on Shop-Rite Food Store Parking Lot — Wilkesboro Street, Mocksville, N. C. ' — FEATU R IN G — — • 20 G-E FILTER-FLO W A SH ER S and 10 GAS-OPERATED DRYERS • 2 M IG H T Y B O Y W A SH E R S ior Rugs, Quilts, Heavy Loads, etc. A l l T y p e s o f L a u n d r y D e t e r g e n t s I n C o i n - O p e r a t e d M a c h i n e s R EFR ESH M EN T BAR V EN D IN G M ACH IN ES Be an cificicnt .budget minded bouscwilc . . . relax and enjoy \\ushda,\ . . . let our moilern equipment do your family laundry. .Machines so easy to ojJerale oven a child can helji wilh the wash, in fully automatic, coin-opyraled machines. O W N E D and O P E R A T E D BY M IK E W A L K E R — BAILEY W A L K E R W A S H Y O U R CLOTH ES IN AIR-CONDITIONED C O M FO R T IN THIS N E W BU ILD IN G Do Your Shopping at Walker’s Shop-Rite While Your Clothes Are Washing! ----Also Keep Visiting W A L K E R ’S COIN-OPERATED LA U N DER ETTE on Sanford Avenue ____ — and — WALKE SELF-SERVICELAUNDRY W A L K E R ’S CAR W A S H Sanford Avenue Located on STí0P»RITE F O O D STOR E Parking Lot- Wilkesboro Street W e a p p r e c i a t e y o u r b u s i ' n e a s a n d w i l l c o n t i n u e o u r e n d e a v o r t o s e r v e t h e m a n y p e o p l e o f D a v i e C o u n t y . -Mike Walker —Bailey Walker DAVIE COUNTY E nterprisf -R ecord I'Ülll.rSUKU KVKKY TIIUKSIMV .Í r MOCH.S\’ILI,K, N. C. GORDON TOMLINSON tdilor-Publisher SUE SHORT Associate tüilor Second Class Postage Pwid al MocksviUe, N. С. SubscripDon Price: In Bavle Coiilily, $1.00: Oiil ot State, $4.50 C a p it o l C lip b o a r d F rit’iuls Oî’e of Пю nicest, I ini'.itcnce ,to Mel Bioughton. and mnsi iimisiial. dovelopmcnts in | Only a fool cm)u1c1 iail lo be u slranHe political ysar is tlie ^ tlc'jply gi alerul for sucii political fricmtship anrl meeting оГ minds | integrity: Dan Мооге slowly hut of Guv. Dan K. Moore and Lt. Gov. Bob Seot^ Amazing. This has nol..come 'saslly. In fact, a, year ago young Scott was saying that the office of Lieuten- ant-Go\’3i'nor should' l)e given moro power. Though he himself said lit­ tle about it, somi2 of his friends complained that Lt. Gov. Scott was jioH’ and then >эП out of important соп.Сегепс'Э5 and decisions. Two toig happenings this year have brought Scott and Gov. Moore into thi3 same scheme of things, building and enriching the friendship. — 1. When J. M. Broughton announ surely moved into Lt. Gov. Bob Scott’s circle of fri'jnds. 2. Thu Democratic Convention in Chicago was a catastrophe tor many: a nightrnare for othsrs. Nevertheless, it serv'sd to c’ment further the political friend­ ship of Moore and Scott. Their views suddenly became on'3 scene. Now, as of the middle of 9’ptcm- l)er, Lt. Gov. Bob Scott is moving along the same solid, consei'vatlv’3 paths followed by two other close fri’3nd.s; Former Governor Luthet Hodges and Gov. Moore. This apparently is of little heli> lo t'he Nathanlal Democratic Party, ced for Gov'3rnor, Dan Moore said i Never mind. The feeling h'3i'e is he would play ‘'hands off” in the! it’s the fir.'3st thing that has hap- race. Although close associates oi — tl.'i ao\'criwr ot one time gave. ScoM a hal'd going, Gov. Mooi'e played it cool. He kept his word; and did nol become involv*3d. Effort was made to bring him— in a left-'handed way—into the I’**' campaign. Th>3 fire got pretty hot, l)ut Gov. Moore did not move. No Scott suppoi'tcr has been able to pro\'3—or come up wilh the slight­ est hit of evidence-that the Gov­ ernor |-'3rsonally threw weight or Library News Mot'hers of pre-school children! Hememi’c^sr the library sponsored U «¡»ну hour, .for...four~~and. i}iiiejjj^^r. old children ev'sry Tuesday morn­ ing at 10.00 a. m, AU ehiidren are invited. ....... Have you эзеп the movie Rose­ mary's Baby? This most contro­ versial film was taken from the book of the sum's name. ’The book is one of the most popular wilh adults using the library right now. И you haven’t read it, call tl»2 Ji'br&ry and reserve a copy for yo'.irself. Or b'3tter_yet, drop by the Main Library and bmwse through the shelf of books titled “Read a Mc\ >3”. The books'that your fav- urilc mtvie". Тйо books that your ’fu'vurte movies wei'3 taken from arc all hero, ‘Соп’з With the Wind', "T'.ie Sand Pebbles", “ТЬз Dirty Diizen ”, and many, many more. pended lo N. C. Democracy, which Ul I'ecenllv was baing toi'n apart by internal bickering. And there is r.’3w assurance of conservative approach. .......... SICK . . . Although we have "free” school in Noi'l'h Carolina, education—©V3n in the grammar grades—is becoming more exiwn- sive as each wsw term begins. 'Although virtually all schools are •noW’ open In the State, it is safi 1.0 say that hundreds of parents had to gel "ciedi” for those fees dui'ing tile first few days of op­ eration. ......... There is a osrlain Raleigh couple with six children in school- two in high school and four in coll­ ege this yi’ar. 'Now that they have totaled up what their expenses will be, thf’y are about to come down with a bad case of malnutrition. land of' ’elts a side state?. PljTiioul'h Rock, wston 'Tea Parly, Hyannisport, Paul Revere, and all that? .......... Could b3. Down here in North CaroJiiia we begin biting our nails when our lawmakei's stay in Rateigh for more than five months. Nol so. in ultra-modern Mass. . . . apparent­ ly. ................. But th';y breathed a sigh of re lief this past August 24. It marked the first time in t'hre'3 and one- half years that their Massachusetts L'.'gUlature was nol in session! pany they have more freedom, ar. abb to do business in areas П' opcii to them in the regular bank­ ing laws. N. C. INCOME UP . . . You have not se'3n anything about il in the papers, but North Carolini led the 50 stat'js in tlie percenlagt increase in personal income fron Jun*3 1967 lo June 1968. The periodical's Measure of Per­ sonal Income shows that tba total for lh'3 nation this past .lune was more than five billion dollars ovei June of 1967. "Most sectors of the economy were operating at—or near-—full Ihrottb in June . , . service in­ dustries were strong . . . a high rate 'of eir.iployment . . . cllmbin? pay sca!'3s”, says Business Week ' Personal income for this State went from $953,000.000 for June ol 1967 to $1,102,000,000 this past June. This is a 15 p'2r cent nicrease in total personal income for Tarheels Virginia was up a little over 11 r.'3r cent; Sout'li Carolina, 12.3 per cerit. Average increase for the nation: 10.1 par cent. . DOESN’T KNOW . . . W. Cap­ ers While ot Raleigh, straight as a ramrod and robust, can't figure out how or why he has lived to tte age of 89. He lurned that age last Firiday. Mentally alert, ho is the active head of the N. C. As­ sociation for Wine Control—has been for many ysars. No man hiis •more influential political friends— and contacts—than W. Capers Whit'3. ................ The Old Union Chapel Church Lit 1er lu Editor Davie County Entcrprise-R'3cord 124 South Main Street F a r m B u r e a u M e e t in g Th'3 Board of Directors of the Dayie County Fanm Bureau will meet Monnay, Septembsr 16, 1968, itfU'iSfoo p.m^^at the office ‘oB tlii Square in Mocksville. Each direct­ or is urged to att’snd this meeting. FREEDOM . . . You noted re- centiy how one of the nation's big- i gesi banks—and a North Carolina C;cero, ll.-j Roman « ate^an, ; announced a orator, and writer who lived lOB B. C. to 43 B. C., said it first: "A room without books is as a body without a soul.” People ex'irywhere nre fascinat­ ed by their names. Possibly tta must extraordinary surname in the Kn;!lish langugag'3 is that of SMIIH. There said to be 200,000 separate families of Smith living in England al pi'asent. Of these the oi'L'l'whelming majority taka thoir surname from - their ant<3S- toi's occupation - workers at the smithy. Why this preponderance of S.iilth as a surname over all other tr:i;!ea? The 3xplflnalion is an in- gi'iiif us one. • 'riic! position of Smith covei'id a nrilli'.U'.le of occupations, such as y.; ili'.nlth, arrowsmilh, tinsmith, I'U'. Tlie explanation of its pi'.nal- en.'e as an important name coiit-’s /ri.'.n J'.’I!.:;1U11 history. II t'omos fri>:n lens periods of war wh'tii mn!-'.' up thi history of me- diin-al t';nt;lanu. When the sovere- i.un was lia')'.'.' at any time to c:il! out his t'ubjecis ¡Tor distant Ihe position tf Iho ui.'.imed a great'-M' imjwrt- aiu'i- lhan ever bcfo;'>. The sor- cf i!'j tmilh became Ihc iivislt'i' undertaking in the village. Tl’e kn'^'il or si|iiii'.* reijuired (he .'I : I will) I'il liim out liir Ihe w ars. Jl'.‘ found thi.'- iiuin in llie local sniiih or aiiiiiiiiici- dl' his n aliv f vilhi'je, ;ii'il 111,. I'lall of tl.’,' s.niith re'iiiiiiil- ovl ill tim e lo tlif iiiiliurtani'e yixeii III it,. T.''.‘ siniD i's t'l'.'ifl look on an i)ii;)i)il;im'<. w !iifh is le ilei'ted in till' v ail nunilxM' Ilf thos'.' who lx>ar th e iKiiiie today. I change io name in fooming a one- ] bank holding company. 1 The w^ording seenrsd stilted anc ■ awkward. How come, people wan- i t;d to know. The -\merican Bank- ! er reports that 22 banks, among ■ them Wachoi'ia Bank & Trust Co., have taken this step. Th'3 largest was First National City Bank in New York, third largest in the country . . . in total d3posits. Why? By moving/ from a bank­ ing institution to a holding com- Scaman ¡A p p r entice Darrell F. Murray has completed nine weeli.s oi boot training and has been assigned to the U.S.C.G.C. CHER. OKEE, based at Nor­ folk, Va. recently spent a 10-day leave at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Murray of Mocksville Rt, 5. •MociisvTTTc, Gcnf'jmen: The picture shown on the edit­ orial iiage of the August 22nd issu3 of Ihe Kntorprlsc-Hccord is nol a picture cf tl,'3 Union Chapel Meth- odisi Church. 1 am enolosing a picture of the okl church building at Union Chap­ el. 1 made the enolos)3d picture, while there in 1950, after b3ing' lold of the plans lo build a now church, and that this ..building Hoiild bo lorn down. T'u fnrmpi' Union Chapel Church was a nna-rnnm building, built in the 1800's. This fonmei- church did not have a bell. There just was not any Flag Raising Озгетопу at Union Ohapel Church, The picture you published really looks like a picture of th'3 fornier school house al Holman's Cross Roads. It was formerly a one-room sehoci'l house. Aibout the timis Mrs. Poola says this picture was made, another class room was added to Ihe west side of the building. We Hioi'ght that we wet'3 "getting up in the world" when the second mom was built. W3 had a Flag. Raising Ceremnoy shortly after the new olass room was built. Mr. Charles Eaton and Miss Alpha Ea­ ton w ei’3 the leathers at that time. lAccoi'ding to my records, the Hickory Hill Club Has 322 Members new church at Union uhttpel was completed in July 1952, and d'3- dicated Sunday mornir»g, July 18, 1954. We enjoy reading the Ent'3rprisc- Record. .......... Sincei'ely yours, 'Mrs. C. B. Lagl'3 (nee- Minnie Ruth Cheshire The union Chapel Methodist Church as it (was in 1950. It was built in the 1800’s. iThe picture was made by iMrs. C. B. Lagle -of Tuscon, Arizona 'visiting here that year.' She wa« the funner Minnie Ruth pheshire of Davie County. Mrs. Lagle Idiscusses the chiu’ch and the Holman Cross Roads school Ihouse !in the accompanying article. The Hickory Hill Golf and Coun­ try dub has 323 charier members according to Ihc roster released Dlls week by club officials. Those joining and to bo designated as charter members arc as follows: Dr. Henry C. Sprinkle Charles H. Spsar .... BMward L. Short Ralph F. Voggenlhaler Charlie F. Bahnson George W. Margin Lestsr P. iMarlln, Jr, Davo H. Ward William L. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Helen B. Martin Miss Flossie 'Martin Dr. Francis W. Slate J. Frank Rintz Hugh S. Lai'3w Edwin C. Morris Claude Horn, Jr. Roy W. Collotte Roy W. Collette, Jr. Robert K. Rauch Claude Hicks 'N. Wayn'3 Eaton Bill Dwiggins M. Marshall Southern William Lcc Foster M. 'Harry Murray .. .. John A. Giigiiolmi Broadus Mokon, Jr. Bob R. Michael ............. Edward 'F. Johnson Charws K. Craggs Mr-S_-Tlinmas Hauser_________ - Softball 'G a m e Cornatzer Methodist Church All Stars win play the Davie County Champs in both girls and boys softball f3ams, Saturday, Septem­ ber 14, at 4:3o p.m. The games will be played at Ihe Shady Grovs School ball field al Advance. Refreshments will be for sale. Proc3eds will be used for the Cor­ natzer Methodist Ohurch building fund. ....... ........ C a p t. A r t h u r B a llm a n .. Is A ir F o rce Instructor.. Captain Arthur C. Ballman, Jr., son of Arthur C. Ballman, Sr. of Lakewcod VillaS3, Mocks'Ville, N. C., has completed the Air Uni­ versity (AU) academic instructor court'3 at Maxw'ell AFB, Ala. Captain Bai'lnian was specially selected for the inlensiio six- wf.'k professional training that is conducted as part of tho Au Aca­ demic InEtnictor and Allied Offic­ er S:hcol, t!-.'3 teachers collcgc of the U. S. Air Force. He is an associate professor with an Air Forc3 Reserve Officers Training Corps detachment at N'3W Mexico Stale University. The captain was commissioned in 1962 upon completion of Officer Training School al Lackland AFB, Tex. He lias also competed a tour of duty in Vietnam. A graduate cf Painted Post (N. Y, I High School, he wcelved a B. S. degree in 1961 from the 'State Uni^'srsity of Now York’s College of Education at Cortland. His wife is the former Sal'3na A, Burnett. ............. W o r k s h o p H e ld F o r T e a c h e r A id e s ^A workshop for teacher aicbs was conducted Monday, August 19 at the Davie Oounty Education Cen­ ter. Also lnclud'3d in this workshop were two kindergarten teachers and sel'3Cted teachers from the schools al which the aides work. G r o u p 'Organizes In C o m m u n it y Sixteen clti'i'3ns met al the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Lovi Rivers in iNorth Mocksville Community to or- iganize a group to ¡minrov’s living conditions in their community. The gi'oup set the first and third Tuesday of 'saoh month for their A panel, discussion on the duties I " «’“1 begin' ' promptly at 0 o’clock. Officers ‘3lected to serve for theand responsibilitbs of teacher aid­ es was conducted by Mrs. Pauline Prim, Miss Mariola Crawford and IMrs. Geraldine Jordan. A session was h3ld in the use and operation of sound filmstrip projectors, slide pixijectors and the xfie‘'«f the dry?mountlng--press?with., laminating materials. 'Workshop iparticipanls were Tcaclicrs - Mrs. Pauline Prim Miss Mariola Crawford Mrs. Gi3raidine Jordan Mrs., Genevieve Duncan Miss Uelda Cliunn ....... Mrs. Mildi'ed Brooks Mrs. Nell Day Mrs. Mai7 H. Barnhardt Mrs. Ii'3ne Hutchens K'ndorgarlon tcachers Mrs. Josephone Westbrook Mrs. Ann McCuiluugh Aidca- :Mrs. Rutoy Jordan Mrs. Katherine Crotts Mrs. Margaret Seders Mrs. Nannie S. Harpe Mrs. Jani'3 N. Cozart Mrs. Willis M. Studevent Mrs. Patricia M. Jones Mrs, Sallie Barney ___ Mrs. Gereava HOwell coming year are as follows: Presi­ dent, Isiah Saunders; Vic3 presi­ dent, Willie Johnson; Secretary, 'Mrs, Ha»2l Redmon; Assistant sec- relaiy, Mrs, Bertiha H. Alston. P fc . 'R obert Foster R eceives P r o m o tio n Marine Private First Olass Ro­ bert W. Foster, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Foster, Jr., of Rout'.' 4, Mocksville, N. C., was pri;moted to his present rank while serving with the First Mar­ ine Division in South Viiatnam. His promotion was based on time in service and rank, military apiK'araiwc, and his knowbdge of teleclcd military subjects. .^s a tiK-mber of the division he hel'iis capture or destroy enemy forces. During lai'B3 and . small scale operations he is suijported by tanks, artillery, amphibian trac- lors and 2ngineers. Sp-4. Clinton C ornatzer A s sig n e d In V ie t n a m Army. Specia.li.st Four Clinton B. CornaU'-'i’. 19, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cornatzer, Advance, N. C., A u x ilia ry T o M e e t assigned August 17 lo the -Advance Fire Department Aux-! 524th Quartermaster Company in iliary will m'3et Thursday, Sept-1 Vietnam, as a [«troleum storage em'jer 12, at 7:30 p. m. at the ' specialist. Advance Fire Station for their I H's Bonita, lives al 2909 monthly n»3etir>g. All members are Wesleyan Lar.-3, Winston-Salem, asked to attend. N. C. The Center Fair will be Saturday September H, at Ithe Center Arbor a nd Community Building, shown abov«. Entries will be reeelved from 5:0« to D:00 P, M. Friday September 13, land ifrom 7:45 to 9:00 A. M. on September 14. Anyone who Is a m ldent /of Davie County is eligible t4) enter evhlblis. .Judging of the ',eKhlblts .will bu Saturday AI ornlng. There will be activity on ihe grounds throughout the day. Fishing and games such as «aek races, '3 legged irace/etc. will be In t4i e morning’ under the direction of Carter Payne and Zollie Anderson, •rtns-titt-nt-ininrm iiinii ii lY.iin ThiTi’ will hp H linll gama hv the ‘Llttler Leaguersi of Society Commun Ity and ttie Center t«am, beginning around 8:00 1‘. »I. Pit Cooked a slim voiuiiu' titk d The stury of Barbecue will be on sale all day. There iwln)615”BarQet’ue Küpper~¥^inmng at &:Ut) P. M. At KrOft^i^trttiere ^ '111 ‘be a progyam under üuriiaiiiik ii.v i. c Vine Woiiiiin'i the Arbor under tlie diret^tion of l^o Williams. Everyone is invited to c ome and spend the day and join In the activities. The Davie County }< !i to itad it? It s in tb.‘ candidates for public office will make up the program. Each eandida t« will be given approximat«ly ten minutes to si>eak. Most ali of tJie Barney B. MHler George E. "Bill” Mcrioll, Jr. John K. Johnstone William C. Daniel T. Jeff Caudell Ramey F. Kemp, D, C. Madison C. Frcoman J. Roy Harris Al 'Harrison Honald B. Gantt, O. D. Howard J. Colbert Rufus B. Sanford, Jr. 0. K. Pope Dr. John P. Spargo Robert B. Hall Vernon Thampson Charlie F. Barnhardt V. G. Prim Sam S. iShoi-t, Jr. Wade H. Wyatt Jam'3S N. Andrews HaiTy -A. OSbornc C; -O'Neal Walker Dr. James E.'Andrews Mack C. C'3admoa A, Sheek Mi'ller George W. Schladensky . Boi'j L. Robertson Ai'mond T. Danhl Mr.s. Jack Allison William f’. Nail (i.L-ert G. .S'lheek BoJiby ,h- Shellon Stacy A. Beck Allen 1C. Webb Paul M. Juhiisun Duiu'an R. МсьЛ'зг Dr. W.'.’liam M. Long Dull Wouil Ji)c K. Miii'phy AixMi J. DeVito James D. Boger Leo S. Bowden, Jr, A. 0, Fosl'3r W, b. Ward, Jr, Uuyt S. Whitney l>onaid A. Alcfvcr Dr. Bayne E, Miller •Mrs. Klizabcth J. LoGrand .luhn W. MacMillan Craig Sr.'.-ad .linimy R. James Thurmon E. O’Mara Frank A. Cox Jim H. Bowman Woodrow W. HOwcIl A. .M. Kiser, Jr. Samuel W. Howell Ken Sales Cb3iter A. Blackwelder Hilary M. Arnold Dr. Bub iM. Foster Oren Ilotfner W. N. Hafty Jerome l^unn Joel D, Pat'j Gordon Tomlinson Joe Painer Vancc G. .McGtigan Ejward E. Goodwin JanriS E. Everidge E'mor T. Cashion t'harli'; L. Jordan 'B.:‘j Blaikwood .Maxwell N. Hinsh.-iw, Jr. Earl StoHai't Claries F. Beidler Grier C. Waller Jj!ih L. J'.M'emc Donald G. Cornalier Jimmy C. Steele Harold E. Wilson C. C. Cliapman B. E. Markland Frank M- -Markland Charles L. Hutchens »onald T. Eaton LHaywood^jr ¿шЪИс library.candidaties iutve i>eut word that they will b« 'glad ta take part in tb is program. »Gal Hickory Hill Gotf .... ф а 1'Ы W, Woodruff (iicil Laiiey Liboriy^mconl chnt^go M'ithodlsl Church C/0 Rev. W, R. Ft«sl: Lewis E, Stiller Burlon K. Bnrger C. 0. Craven Charles J, Mock Joe H, Pioples Chcstley J, Hyatt AMiert Q. Wooten Lawrcnce Smith Jack W. Paig3 William A. Ellis Albert P. Daiglo- L. W. West, ÉI-. Eugene K. Faircloth 'Mrs, Marlha A. Ridenhour Samuel G, Nichols Lt’onard J, Boyd Eddie Shore Dr. Isabel Bittinger Jim R. Brown BrtliJiy 0. Molt Henry L. Hollar D. Edward Wagner Boliby M. Hoots Donald W. Bingham Hayden C. My3rs WilliaiTi E. Russ, Jr. Charles R. Crenshaw, Jr. W. H. Hudson Jerry F. Swicogood dscil G. Bcrrhv James Graham Chàr^lic A. Koontz Rev. Bennie Bsarden Johnny Marklin George G. Hartman Charles ,B. Southern Holland H. Chaffin Bobby G. Cook liolan V. H'3drick William L. Brock Mrs. Betty C. Slaughter J. T. Greene, Jr. Charles L. Bunch Henry C, Tomlinson Om'3r W, Hendrix bonn A. GoodAvin Robert J, Hollis E. P. Evans David .Springer George H. C. Shutt Howard 0. Hanes Robert G. Davis FirJit Methodist Church Mocksvil>3, N. C. Attn: Rev. Gilibort Miller Ralph C. Ratledge ' Edwai,W. Long Oscar A. Sniith Grady N. Ward W. H. Mason Frank H. Short Samuel L. Carter, Jr. Donald L. Wall Diiiny Creason Holiort T. Wliilney Von C. Sholloa .Jim.-iry 11. Carler Cgrl.W. Eaton Walter L. Ealon Rev. F. D. .Johnson, Jr. Dassie E. Farthing Frederick E. Smith G. Frank Mock Eugene W. .'•'milili William H. BuHard, Jr. Ralph J. Randirtl Fletcher E. Williard, Jr. Har\oy E. Benfield Roy W. Benfield Vance Harlley Dai'id Fink 2-Gal Hickory Hill Golf ... Hll-.s. .Margaret D.- .McCoy Dr. Clyt>3 W. Young (ilenn HOu’ard - ' Robert B. Dwiggins James A. Foster. Jr. I'Yed B. Smith Archie W. Frank .lohn E. Durham Otis L. Pennliiifir Molvhi R. Martin Marion J. Randall J. C. Cleary J. I). Furche.'i William C. Spi'y Cy E. Cooley, ,Ir. Meryln I). Preston Knox .I(?hiii-'loi»3 K. Gray Hendricks Harold R. f'opln C. T. HolKTlfon .John T, Biiock D. J. Mando B. T. Williams .1. I':dward Latta l(:iy A. Hartness (’, W. Walker Hit'hniiind B. Gage. jr. ! George Woodward William K. Junl-.'.'r To I L. Jui’l er Stacy B. Hail l)u;''4las Collins llc'cn P. Crcnsliuw r.e-ffse C. Hail'.' I), Fofler Wagner Graham R. Madison Robert L. Hendricl:s B. Eugeni; Seats j Paul W. Haynes K. Jo№y Duncan 'fiwmas E. Driver "George H. All6ti—------ Jan>is E. Kelly, Jr. I , Cautiwiiiil ш * Pfttfê Twô Eñiefprisé^Recwtí Thuriday, September 12, 1968 Sgt. and Mr& Ronald Paul Morton are shown here before he left to go ibverseas to serve in Vietnam. ¡Mrs. Morton plans ito leave Septem­ ber 16th to meet lier husband in Hawaii for R & R < (Rest and Recreation) week. Sgt. Morton ds formerly |of Sanfbrd and the son of Mrs. ¡Flora Morton of Route 6, Frazier Drive. He Ss a member of the 101st Airborne Division and js a Oreen Beret. Mrs. Morton is the for- -^«ey-Jdcll Shoro;-------- American Colonists . Chapter Have Meeting trihe Catawba Vflttay Ohapt» Daughters of the Anterlcan Oolort- , Isls held lls fall mBating at lihe i home of Misses Margaret and Prances Talbor in StateavlUe last Wednesday. The ptxjgram featured alWaa de­ picting homes and areas pertlwaat to Cblonlal Days, lihe twslnes» 968* Sion was foiiowsd by a lunohion at the Vance Motor Inn. Attending from this area we^ Mrs. Basil Tuoli'sr of Eden Miss Caroline Brock and Mrs, B. C, Broclt, Sr^ ot Farmington. Taylor Graduates At Rowain Tech i Riolcy Joe Taylor, son ot Mir. and Mrs. Roy W. Taylor of Bt. 2, Mocksville, graduated from Ro- wan Technical Institute at S ^- bury, in ejosrcises at ttiiS school, Thursday, August 29. ‘ Ricity studied Electrlcall InstaH«* tion and Maintenance. (Revival To ®egi|i ,At Blais© Church A revival wUl begin at BlalW Baptist Church Sunday, S^ptemtosj? 15 and will continue Ihrou^ the SEnd. The Rev. Nonman A. Wfceeler of Dunn, will preadi each aivening at 7:30 p.m. Bvaryone Is invited to attend. .......... Here And There Baptismal sarvices were conduct­ ed at the river Sunday afternoon by the Grean Meadows Church for four candidates with tihe Rev. A. C. Oheshira officiating. Willis Riddle is a patient at IFV)rsytih Memorial Hoslpital where, he revived surgery on Saturday for a blood clot of Hie arm. Mr. and Mrs. Lea G. Smith of Lafayette, Tann. returned home Mtonday after spending a week wiUi his molter, Mrs. Bessie Staillh. ...................... Mt. and Mrs. Grady Riddle en­ tertained with a dinner Sunday at .fflieir homa honoring tJieir- son-in- \m, Jerry Howell on his birtibday. GuMts were al tbsir children and families. Visiting in fte afternoon wisre Mr. and Mrs. George Canter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowles and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowles and son attended th'a BowJes family reunion held at Oak Grove Meth- tfdlst Church Sunday. Saywal relatives of Mrs. Bessie Smitih enjoyed a picnic lunch on the lawn Sunday with her and her son and wife Who ware visMng from Tenn. J. C. Bowles and sons, Kenneth and Jimmy enjoyad a fishing trip Friday and Saturday to Carolina Bcach. They report a catdh oi 75 lbs. ................ Mr. and Mrs, Harold Gregory announce the birth of a son last week at Winston-Salem Baptist Jtospitel. ............. The conununHy extends aym- patliy to Robah Smith and family in the passtog of their toved wife and motiher last \veek -foHowing an extended itesa. i - ' Joe Langston was talking to a small girl who was a flower girl in a wedding at Mineral Springs Saturday night. His quesUon to her was, “Wh'are did you get those pretty blue eyes?” She thought a minute, and t-h-an quickly came up wiOi the right answer __ “Jesus gave them to tm ." Davie Academy 4-H Club TOe Davie Academy 4-H Chib nraet Seplwnber 2, 19B8, at the Davie Academy 4-H Community Building at 7:30 p.nj. President, Paula Sihew, colled tha meeting to order. We then ht*W the ptedgM fo tha flags. Jimmy Koont* had dewtlons. Minutes w«re read. New busiii'ass consisted of turn­ ing in the dolls we bad dressed. jouriwd and bad reimbamtB. BespectfuHy шЬв«м. UaViJMWfc ~ Our progiwn wa glx'en by Mr. Cart'ar Payne oa Raising a Beef &0er. Christa Albert and cast (hen gave a play caiied "Grandma .. Wiars a mlnldtirt.” We~ll»ra<rf ***”" “ our hifr A r c h ie J o n e s ....................- Tells O f E c u a d o r ............. Dear Friends Gi'aetings from the middle of the vrorid! We are fine. The cWdren are in tha middle of s e m ^ r ex- mns at the Gtenman School. Ar­ chie and I have just fiinished fiist ssmester in our TheWlogical Ins­ titute, where he serves as diPaotot and prdfessor, and I teacJi E^lsh and Ardheolo^. Tiiere ai« 21 stud­ ents and some, good projects for leadership in the Lord’s work bare. We had our annual • afiteto» ■meeting two weeks ago arid bad the best meetdng ever. Ail nine couples witih our 26 children spant a week at our Baiptiat Oanip in the mountains. White we bad out meetings, the dhiWren bad Vaca­ tion Bible School; dlreteted by Ca. 'tbSr№ i2i4^; a Joum'qm« One aftiamopn the daddi6s play­ ed the sons in a baseball game and lost! Of course Оку had' the /•handicap'' of haiving-to/ bat with their left handi ahd if uj«r hit too hard or too often, they got protests from the mothers. On© mother pfadicts that the boys will win in another twto years without having to put “Handicaps” on the: dtid- dies. Our children are grovring- Two wed« ago, АгсЫв^'ЬЙ 8 funeral of a young man 17 years old who was fcffled by a hit and run driver. Jose was a memtosr oi our church. The large Aureh was packed with family frtends, and classmates. .Afterwards, tte casket was carried, as is custom bare, some 14 blocks to the cemen- tery. Around the grave we sang hymns and had a prayer, !As we were leaving the grave, another group came to buty a ioved one,-but-not witb-bym:)» and prayers, but with crybjg and sct'aaming that echoed through the vast graveyard and the mountain in the background. Our people no­ ticed the contrasting reaction, апй a pastor said, “That is the d^er- ence Christ makes,” Gwenddyn is now a growing "pre-teen” and thinks that loivg, straight hair, the "■Моикеев" Etc. Is raal "neat". She's a gootf stud; ent and won a silver medal in school last year. She enjoys teach ins the Beginners in Training Un­ ion, and is worioie on th» Queen's step in G. A. Archie jr. is growing in every way. He's takinig more interost in school this year. He enjoye Web- Io>3s with the camping out, and 1< learning to tie ail sorts ot knots. Hie other week hra proudly ttow- ed me how to ti9 a baneman'e noose! He enjoye picking out wngs on a harp that Archie bMui^t him from ОЫопШа, David is in Un aeoond grade, and his "new metb" Icinda punlee me sometimes. The oitwr week, as I was trying in vain to ехцШп how to do a problem, he о о ш М me by saying, "Don't w n y . Mother, because I с|п eofiy U from Juanita. He know« how Ui do it real good." Teaching bonaety is difficult in a aociefy wtoi« die- lurosty is considered lionml or «iven ctowr. , Tim» is flying! b a Ш » te» lougb. Writ» u« «vbea you.beve titne, and pray ftir ui weiy dey even if you don't iiiaiw МюЦ Uvvei ^ Julie and AnUé QMK« M ; Aw idwanvlliU» wttew he' wiU be a лифт i»! th« Oaat caralMa uui- mte' ybuiü Mlowsbip ot (hs UttKHd ültHodtiit Chu№h, a few iparents; and' Mends motiwed t» (AustUwtlIëi. Va> wtiwe tt№y vis- ittd' tu» •Stm iRUdy famUÿ. apttved iti tteté tt> atUu^ Ohuwh S«»hMl ia ttta BMtail ttutdtst Okiechi mtes): aang songa ai tite eMH«0 AC w»n: (Ue gmap.' céjwed'i |>: pi»nte «tlhe Jiome; «*«<» at> wtio weuti ou> ttte- tri^. ' WeeM; end’ guests at Mr. a»d №s. Gt. N. 'ÎMer were Mts. Ü^ise- pbrrsgman. oC li«wisvUÎd, №№■, muitnaan Mjartibi and sotl> il ^ , and' Misa lUada Oaishab;, №№• and' №8. Geot«^ «uujl dteiÿiteri Lynni aH ot Wi «vÎD№ li№8; H. h, Ctwdle ot 9 ^ ntotbttf ot Jbhai ff. % is tUe UoiiBe guest ot iC^ Càudla tbis V№tic. ffilEr. and: Bntiert' loi m i„ were №» iMidi gueals ot m , and- OWAiv iCeniKth Taylor. Tfey tett for;, fiimn» Afonday momittg'i Ml^. J. H. MOntgbQierjr Mis. W. A. Hines ot Salem attfanded' the funeral' an auot, Mrs. Furman Ooape|^.' bi Blyttœiwood, S. C. on Satur^.ÿ -dot Capt. and №s. Daivld P. G ^ , son and three dhildreii arr^v^- (Monday from Charlbtte for few days visit with Mrs. Qib^ son’s Mother, Mrs. J. H. Mor^ tgomery, ijiafore they retum ti- their home in Oxen Hitl Md. W. S. C. s. lEtoai' > Miss Brock on Mcrico fWie W. S. C. S. of the United Methodist Church held its Sept^ ember Mieetlnig in the La<Mes. ' (PhPtet ol tbe aWKfb, Thursday idCfentoon with thirteen «wm^ tiers and tHree- v4sltorit pwsent. The Meeting ivas «^ened with a aong, and inspiring dewotionalfr given by Mrs. B. C. Brook Sr. Ole based hep remarks on acrlp* tu№ ftHuid itt> №e WM Psalm, She said Uiat aU mankind has a oommon heritage; She «npbasiz- ed the fact that t№ interpret %>lst to otbacs eacA must know 1 1 ^ £№e ctosedi with- prayer, r i ^ r a bu^ness session the gufest apeaJter, Miss Caroltn® liteock» told of her experience for the past tiwo years as a student In <tba int^ationai University of the Americas la Mexlcio City, Mexico. Sh9 dis- pteyed many articles of Mexi­ can hand work. She also had itsdics recovered from th« earth ' which ranged in age from 7S Do a possible 500 yeiars^ She re- i, odiicted us that! MexiOo City Is ' on. ioatingi laBttc and there byr' is less «ttwtedf by tfe earth (j^nltes tHat oause' inuab' ^mogs in near by areas. MiHUfe in Mtef Id» Miss BIrwIc Itved^ ia the ^ume of a Mextean famHy, and . attend^ a m a B mission iCbutcfa. She WiU' be feavtog soon to resume her studies; Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Kennen and Mrs. W. W. '■ Spillman served ¡Russian tea and cookies to the -OTamijers and giests, Mrs. Stcl- Latham, Miss Brock and ¡Robert Brook. ¡Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nash and children, Nancy and BiUy «f Sliver Springs Md., arrived Sunday for a short visit with IMr. and Mrs; W. S. Spillman. IMiss Nancy Nash is enbarlng Catawba OoBege in SaUSbury. Q&ey returned Wednesday. Ivan W. Ijames i i Vi^ith .Service Center ^ian W. Ijames is working with the Yadkin Valley Economic Dsve- Jopn-.'ant District, Inc. and wIM aflso be working with the Davie County Conununity Service Cenfir. Mr. Ijames and Mrs. Prudence L. Johnson hava organized 2 com­ munity groups since being with the program. They encourage all com- munUbas to organize for better Ibadership, more information, fell­ owship and a closer relationship with each other. .. .. Anyone interested in Adult Ed- ujcatioh, Flower lAirrangement, Speed Reading, Oil ^ Painting for ^glnnars, Interior Decorating, ^IpUiring, Creative Writing, Mo­ dem Math for parents or Briok Laying for hobbles; you may call Ivan Ijamas, Mrs. Johnson or in­ quire at the community meetings. James E. Bally i John K. MeCullougli, Jr. Billie E. McDaniel J. M. Bowdian, Jr. Cecil Cartner ArvlMe L. Stanley S. Leo Coiart I ' ;William J. Wilson Benjamin E, Naydar Donald E. Smith 1 Bobby G. Young Paul Mason Roy S. Brown, Jr..William G. Hendrix Vernon R, Darti WiUiam L. Graves James I. Whitaker Dr. Victor L. Andrews, Jr. Alton P. FuHbright iMalcohn L. Gourlcy Jiason Branch jfljiii Godfrey Donald G. Cook Hiftrry s. Vogliar William J. Clark JiJhh T. Bather William E. Hall Bobby E. McKinnon F. Mac Foster ,Gl^nn C. English W. T. Crawford ,1. Daniel Mobre; Jr. Lt. Col. James H. Rinehart William D. Bowen Grayson B. Smith Alien V. Stout, Sr. ABOUT MOBE Hickory Hill Club Ellis Daivs, Jr. WiUiam B. Shoal Leidie Daniel William D. Marion IV Glenn L. Hanuner Frank Pox AHen V. Snipes Roy H. Cartniar E. Henman Barnard Duke Wooten Fielding Combs, Jr. Clyde L. Reavis ' Peter W. Hairston David E. Tutterow diaries Dunn Kenneth E. Cassidy Richard Beck Hollia M. Batoar George H. Frye Jack S. Ward James E. Essie ! James R. Short C. J. Angell, Jr. CSiarles B. Ahxander BHly 0. Westbrook j Jane E. MflGhiire & Mary M«Gkilre Leo P. WlWams Rufus L. Brock Mrs. Sarah W. Harming Clyde K'indricks ’ Marshall H. Groce William J. Bryan Sell Dudley Collins H. R. Hendrix, Jt ' Larry D. Campbell H. John Hatcher, Jr. Asa W. O'Briian WiHiam H. Lagle Julius E. Suiter Garland E. StUl, Jr. . Clavsnce S. Driiver (D MEMO TO COUEGE STVDENTS Be sure to have your H O M E N EW SPA PER sent to you while you’re away at collesre. You’ll be happier if 3w>u read all about the happenings back home (better educated, too). W e think that by Jrou «retting your hometown paper, this is just as inliportant to you as a textbbdk. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR STUDEN TS ' In Norh Carolina, Only $3.00 For Nine Months (Payable in advance) _________Use the handy order blank below Enclosed please find $ .............for which kindly send me the ENTERPRISE for the college term. Name .............................................. • Address ...................... ........................... ñ Еда ш •liií .Ф ^ fi-ÿ • 0 ■ Ш • .ф i i car on №e íeft was financed •faewhere at 6% The wíf erive the CGB_fínenoed etr 4,669 mies. Whv talu a ‘ n w В А Ш Thursday, September 12,1968 'Enierpriêé^ReeOfà r~f Page Three 'Cornatzer News . The young married peoples daas ot Cornatzer Baptist Church enjoyed SulJper at the (Fish Camp in Mocks- Vilto, Saturday night. № s. Carl Frye was given a sur- pHs6 birthday dinner Sunday at her hotnfe. j,^today afternoon visitors of Mr. I Mrs. Homer Potts were Mr. and Edward Hinkle and Shoila oi B, N. C., and Cathy Hlnkls. ¡Reba Jones is undergoing jflbnent at the Baptist Hospital |’%inston-Salem. jiss iE>ra iPotts and Mrs. Florence t(l^ visited Mrs. Mildred Foster iJj*<tooleemee Saturday night, 'iij^^libert Bennett returned home 'Davie County Hospital Sunday ling. I . and Mrs, James ORimor of er visited Eva Potts Sunday on. ts. Artis Payne’s mother is In ilQcal condition in the hospital.m '’ M a c e d o n i a N e w s I t e m s Attendance al Macedonia was very good Sunday. We had sev­ eral visitors among whom w’sre (Mr. and Mrs. BUI Todd, Mrs. iHubert Todd and her stsler from AUanta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Dall­ as Yontz of Oleunmons. We are always glad to have visitors and invite you back anytime. We would lilv'2 to wekKJimc Mr. and Mrs. Bill Todd into the community. They havg built a nwv home in Davto Gardens. We liope they will enjoy IMng in this community and will attend our church as otl'3n as possible. Mrs. ÏCussell Pearson, Jr. (the former ¡Theresa Foster of IMocksville) (piris the naval wings on her husband, Russell Pearson, Jr., lieutenant ;(J/g.) in recent ex­ ercises at the Naval Air 'Station lat Corpus Christf, Texas. Lt. Pearson has completed flight training 'and has been designated a naval «viator, pvirs. Pearson is the daughter of (Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Foster . of Mocksville Rt. 3. Lt. Pearson is the 3on of |Mr. !and Mrs. (Russell (Pearson of Wilkesboro. Homecoming Sunday Homecoming wilt be held Sun­ day, Septemiber 15 at Society Bap­ tist Church. The Rev. W. B. Rim- Mor of Troutman, a fbimer pas- i»r, will be gir2st speaker at the 11 a. m. service. Dinner will be served at noon and a. song sar- vice held in tihe afternoon. Tte public and all singers are cordially invit'ad to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wiffiam F. Na- hory and sons, Joseph and John of Charlotte spent täte weekisnd with Mrs. Grace Call, Mrs. Eunice Copi3„ Ronnie Smith and Mrs. Charlotte Smith attended the Miusic Workshop Sunday at the Pins Arts Center in Winston-Salem. Please be in prayer for all te sick of our church and com- imunlty. Henry Hockaday is still a patient at Porsyih Momoriaa Hospital. Tomlmy Long is also a ipatient at Forsyth. H^ under- Going Away To School? | Again teis year, the ENTERPRISE wants to obtain the names W ot all Daivie County Students going away to school, or taking Nurses: ^ Trainln'g, etc. ^ We are aj^ng you—students or parents of students—^to fill in Js the information blank below and bring or mail to the ENTERPRISE W OFFICE at once, so we may| compile early and publisai this lisb at b, ® later da)te. © STUDENTS NAME ^ © PARENTS OR GUARDIANS .......................................................................... ®© ADDEIE^ ....................................................................................................... ® WIIX BE IN THE ........................................................................... CLASS ® №or-<0ollege^^' NOTE: We stress aigain the importance of getting this inform'ation to ........... : us promptly. ....................... Davie County Enterprise-Record Box 525 ® I® I® want nao John Sparks is improving and is v’ry appreciative Of the visit­ ors he has had in the past weak. Among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Jams Sysat and b*y, •Ailvis York, Mr. and Mrs, Pinik Hendrix, Rev, Uoilin and Frank ¡Myers. Mr, and Mrs. WiHiam Todd of Wake 'Forest visited •tb2im on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sparks, Jr. al­ so had dinner with them on Sunday. ........ Mr, and Mrs, Albert Comat- zer visited Mr, and Mrs. Emest Cop; Saturday nigbt, Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Gardner visited the Cop* family Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, PMip Beau­ champ, Anna and Tony visited Mr, and Mrs. J, H, Pltott, Jr. Sunday night. donia .^Jl., J»art» a apfcnicj paviiloni back , ot the cWipcli Saturday, Ssplt. 28, at 6:30. There wiU be singing and the showing of some slides after supper. Plan now to attend this occasion. .......... SepO^nter 29th will be Gideion Sunday at Macedonia, We will | have a guest speater from Gid- I eon International ifor the II. o’ctook worship servies. Now why Chevrolet is more truck. MOREtnVLC Here'S ttw boM mm took tn plcKup»~Ch«vrol0t'« hsndspme now hood pro* file, new aluminum arille, new Inlertor trim eolotsi You got a oab and Fleet« aide pickup box that are double watC doable etrora. Ameriea'a most popular ptckugto^ie truok ttaa Mew '99 FleetsMs piekiipi eani'“ ■ ‘ " S!«' ifw vs eatsff^'v(wapef bodleel For MOW VM ШМ TM M M VLow«ost ehevy>Vea de> econoiw with bto Shies or worfc> whipping VS. Nlaibl* New^wajlabia^wlth ». » M d Ttoto Hyrtii MaHa. ■ o r a I r K i s I I « O e v r a l e f t Ь о е ш к е C fm r r o lo l b m o r e tr iK fc l Р м Ь г U e e m M N o . 1 1 0 ADVANCE Nsws Mir. and Mrs.'BiU Ztmmarman spent semail days last week in Panama City, Plorida. They ac- companiijd their deughter, Ad­ rian who has accepted a posi­ tion with the We^are depart­ ment of Panama City as a cas»3- worker and puiblk: assistant. Mir, and Mrs. Dan Lawson were hosts to a group of relat­ ives о\>гг the weekend. Thefe included Mrs. Lawson’s brother and sister*in-law Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jackson of Wins* ton-Sa>2m, a nephew and wife, IMr. and Mrs. James Jackson of Raleigh. The famHy gathering was held to say goo^e to Steve Jackson of Panama Canal Zone who wltl Ibe leaving Thursday for collftga in Oklahoma. Steve, a nephew ot Mrs. Lawson has been visiting for the past three weeks, .......... Mrs. iMatt Poinctexter is spending several weeks in Or- lando, Ptorida visiting her s«n and daugh(rar-ln-law, S/Sgt. (Ret.) and Mrs. George Poind- ester. ............ Mrs, Mary Carter of Hamp- toKvilte spent the weekend at her home here, Mr. and Mirs. iRay Sowers Spent Labor Day wsekend in Pensaola, Fla. <viaiting their daughter and son-in-law, Lt, and Mrs. Shelba Wade. ___Ir, and Mrs. Взппу Епэсоге and son of Winston-Saiem wera recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Water Shutt and Miss Laura Shutt. .......... ■Ira Hartley has returned htmie from Davie Oounty HospitaJ. His condition №mabs serious. Mrs. Rhea Potts is spending everal days in Wyandotte, Michigan visdtlng Mr; and Mrs, Jim Talbert. Mrs. Bill Zimmspman and Miss Janie Zimmenman attend­ ed the wedding and reception of Miss Nancy Lucas and WlMiam Bristol, Wednesday at the Rress- byterian Chunch in Montreal. Mrs, ReclB Sheets was a Sun­ day dinner guest of Mrs, Geor­ gia Poster. Aitemwm visitors of Mirs, Postiar were Mrs, Irene Tudter of MotksviUe, Jfrs. Mae Mariclantf of 'Portc and Mrs. Sue Garwood. Surtday ntght, Mrs. RBde_ SK'ists and Mrs. 0«)Drgla Poster were supper guests df (Miss Blanche Poster, atlrar ^Ich they visited Mrs. Moeelle. Rat- >2dige. .. Mrs. B. T. Browder and Mrs. Clara Bally of Baltimore were Mowclay visitors ot Mrs. Reele Si.<3et8. ............ WHY WAIT? If youVe bee^ th^ing of making a change, why wait any longer? Fiber Industries has immediate openings for Production Operators. F.I.I offers good pay and excellent benefits for you and your family. To apply, còme by bur p|an^ on Highway 70 or call us at 636-6000 and we’ll mail you bn application. •з: V H O U R S: Monday - Thursday — 8:00 A.M . - 5:30 P.M. Friday — 8:00 A .M . - 4:30 P.M. Saturday — 9:00 A.M . -12:00 Noon Fiber Industries, Inc. ... whsra people m our most inÿortant asset AN EQUAL OPPORTUNiry EMPLOYER FOOD VALUES! • E G G S .................4 dozen $1.00 • Fresh Green C A B B A G E . . 5c a Lb. • C A R R O T S .............. 10c a Bunch • SM ALL C U K E S .......10c a Ll^ • P O T A T O E S ..................... 5c Lb. • LEM ON S !.....; . . 39c a Dozen • B A N A N A S ... .............10c Lb. • T O M A T O E S ...................10c Lb. • ONIONS ...................... 7c a Lb. • LETTU CE ................ 20c Head • GR APEFRUIT .................... 10c • D O G F O O D .............3 Cans 25c • BR EAD ............. Large Loaf 29c »* T• C A M F O R N IA GRAPES ......................2 lbs 29c • U.$. No. 1 P O T A T O E S .........50 Lb. Bag $1.69 • LA R G E C O K ES . . . in Quarts.........5 for $1.00 ^ A L L P O R K SA U SA G E ....... .........59c a Lb. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS N & J PRODUCE MARKET —Formerly Friendly Food Center— Phone 634-8905 Jiut Outside of MockfviUe on U»St 601 South / ----9 a.m. to-9^4Mn^E4MryLJhiyLBBt_ W ednetda — ____________ -■rCfcOSED ALL P A Y W EDNES D A Y - COMPLETE UNE OF GROCÌRIES AND FRESH PRODUCE Page Fottr Enìerprhe-Reeory ThursHay, September 12, 1968 About People ■Rovlvnl 93i'vlcc is in progress at the Mocksville A. M. E. Zion Church und will conlinue Ihrotigli Friday. Guest spcak'sr will be the Hcv, Stroud of Troutman, N. C. :Mlss Doris Gaither and Jessie Brown, Jr. who wore patients at Diivif County irosi>ilal have re­ lumed home. (Mrs. Vera P ’arringlon of Oliapcl Hill visited relatives here Sunday. iMrs. Adelaide EHis attended the 67Ui Annual Session of the Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star ai- fillaled wit'h th: Most Worshipful Pritie Hull Grand Lodge Free and accepted Masons of N. C. which was held in the Gymtorium of the Ojoford orphanage in Oxford, N. C. Monday, Sept. 2 through S?pt. 4. Hoviviil service is in progress at the Fai.rTi'sld A. M. E. Zion Church and win continue iihiiough Friday. The Rev. ,j. R. Samuels, Jr. pastor of St. Stevsn Baptist Ohurch at Winston-Salem, wHl conduct, the senvices. ............... ■Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smoot, Mrs. Mildred Brooks and Robert IMason, Jr. visited WUlie Smoot ■who is a patien'l at the North Westarn Hospital in Black Mountain Sunday. ......... Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis and family and Mrs. Maiigaret Stud- cvent and daughter, Muriei, motor­ ed to Upper Marboro, Md. Friday, Sept. 6, Where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Studevent, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brent and Mr. and Mrs. Rogar Davis. They re­ lumed home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Studevent are employed in the Marboro school system. Hubard L. Steward of Brooklyn, N. Y. recently visited his family here. Monday, Sept. 2, Mr. Steward gave a Beauty Cosmetic Parly at lira homo of Mrs. Jessie Carter. The parly was given following the hieeting of the Pastor’s Aid of tihe St. John A. M. E. Zion Church. Mrs. S. J. Burke is president. Mrs. Mary While and Mrs. Eva 'Graham of Miil Street are indis­ posed. ............. OURSOILAOURSTRENOra^ ............ SAMPLE SOILS ............ EAKLV Tins YEAR Fall is I'ho best time to havo your soil tested for next year’s crop according to Mr. Ix» Will­ iams, Couniy Extension Chalnnan. 'rhis is especially liita for tihe WOll- (i!) soil sampling period because of the lar»: volume of samples anti­ cipated by Ihe Soil Testing Divis­ ion in connection with the upcoming linT3 campaign. As .soon as you have decided on next year’s cropping program, soil samples should taken from cach fhld. A soil lesi is your licst guide to lime und fertilizer needs. When 11j3 soil tesl results are returned to you and the soil nutrient levels are known, II is relaliwly easy to de- ivetop a sound fcrlilization pro­ gram for next year’s crop. Early soil sampling offers several advantages. By testing early you can recei\'3 the results quickly and avoid the waiting period that al­ ways occurs from Dacember through March. Receiving your results earty will enable you to apply any lima that is needed well In advancc of planting time. This is very Imixn-tant since lime re- quinas several months lo reaol' with the soil and thus return maximum benefits. Soil testing early will al- -so allo^v you to plan I'^rti1i?.nr. ..purr chases well in advance of planting lime. ............. If you haven’t completiad your farm plans for next year and tak­ en soil samples, do go now urgas Mr. Williams. The soil cartons and Information sheets that you are naquesled to use in order to expedite i'.’q of soil samptes through iJhe Soil Testing Division are avaUaMe at your county agricultural offices. Mr. and Mrs. James Logans and Mrs. Bernice Littte and Mrs. Alice Britton attended the funiiral of lEugerea Johnson in Charlotte Sun­ day. .......... . • . V . V A * . V V . V . W . V . V W . V . * . * . V A SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 1 atIO A.M. I AT THE HOMEPLACE OF I THE LATE J. J. GRIFFITH One mile east off 64 and on Davie Academy Road in Davie County Household, and Kitchen Furniture and Interesting pieces of A N TIQ U ES Edison record player . . . sewing mach­ ine . . . tables . . . rocking chairs . . . 3 piece dining room suite . . . dressers . . . J porch furniture .. . walnut wardrobe . . . meal chest . . .wicker couch . . . Hot J Point stove .. . walnut table . . . cooking utensils . . . china . . . pressed and cut ^ glass . . . carnival glass . . . General El- g ectric refrigerator . . . three corner cup' "J'tioardTT; diniHgTro5ni"^hatri^^ . smafr ■: cradle . . . stone ware . . . iron ware . . . coffee grinders . . . dough trays . . . pic­ ture frames . . . wringer washing mach­ ine . . . heaters . . . and other items too numerous to mention. H. B. York, Auctioneer Rt. 1, Harmony, N. C. 5 Grace Griffith Meeks, Executrix ASCSNews -------FAKMBltS CAUTIONKD------- TO CERTIFY ASC BALLOT-ENVELOPKS Furnwrs arc remlJuicd today of a very important part ol tlie election proccss for Agricultural Stabilizatio"f and Conservation (ASC) coinmunily. commill'aemen. Ballots weie mail­ ed lo all known eligible voters on In Davie Oounty the d'aad- llne for returning ballots is Mon­ day, Seplemfc'ar 18, 1968. J. N. Smoot, Chairman. ASC County Comnilllee, points out that two onvelopas have been inailed with the biillols seni to ¡ill ulialblu v"ot’ars of record in llie couniy of­ fice. One enveloiMj is plain, and the oth'ar has a statement iirintud on tile back which the farmer needs to sign. A witn'assed mark will also qualify as a signature. The ballot should be marked and saaled inside the plain envelope: voters are cautioned not to enclose any ot'her matorial. Also, voters should not write on the plain en­ velope. This assures tba secrecy of the vote. The plain sin’clope should then bo put inside the envelopa wilh the slat'ament on tlie back. 'I'his statement is a certification that the ballot was marked by lira •farmer personally wil'hout undue influence by any parson. The en- -sielspe should then bo mail'ad or Ferebee, Raymond Sh'sllon, Rich­ ard Walker. .... _W K ST li’AH^nMOTONi Jimmy otherwise d'ilivered to the ASCS county office. “Be sure to sign this stalem'ant on the back of the outside ■anve- lupe,” the Chairman urgas. “If it is not signed, the ballot wlH not be considered as a vole.” ■Listed below are tihe nomiiraes for each community. NORTH CALAHAN: Blum Beck, IDal'a Chaffin, T. Leroy Dyson, Charlie L. Reeves, James Rucker, J. W. Smoot, W. L. Smoot. SOUTH CALAHAIA’: Frad Carl- nev, Lawi'once Cai’tnei-, A. D. Day- vvalt, John W. Gaither, John 11. Nicholson, L. Reid Tow’all, Holland G. Williams. CLARKSVILLE: Edward L. Beck, Robert E. Beck, Jack Booe, R. Wad’3 Gough, W. M. Langstpn, Alton Renegar, John Wallace. , NORTH & SOUTH FARMING-^ TON: Roy C. Beauchamp, J. M. Bowden, Jr., J. L'aster Cook, John Во&'зг, Odell A. Boger, 1. B. Bog- er, I. B. Lakey, Hamion H. Lath­ am, C. M, МШоЬап, L. Gene Miller, Williimi W. Spillman, Sr., David While, s FULTON: Johnba W. Burton, Clarence R. Carter. Odell Jiendrix, E. W. Llvengood, Jr., Clyib Jones, Roy Phelps, Roy Sain. JERUSALEM: J. G. Crawf(wd, Homer Crotts, Hubert Foster, Dan B. Miller, W. Roy NoWay, Joe F. Spry, Willie Williams. MOCKSVILLE: R. G. Allen, R. B. Coi'iieiison, Wade Dyson, David Essex, Wallafa Green, S. Clyde Hutchins, .......... SIIADV GROVE: Olin Barn­ hardt, Kenneth Hoots. I. Nelson ■Mock. Madison PeeWas, Sam Tal­ bert, Louie Zimmerman. FOUR CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Von Shellu.'i anri family were Sunday supper miesis of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smith in Mocks.'ille. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. RatlodSi', .Ir. and family attended the Black- welder reunion al Chestnut Grove Church Sunday. iL. b. bhelton, sr.. who underwent eye surgery last week al Forsyth Memorial Hospital returned home Thursday and is improving at home. Visitors in the home Sunday weie Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck and (iregg, Mrs. Bellie Potts, Potiicia and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Batry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. oe White and Mark of Farmlnglon, Mrs. Johnsie Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mur­ ray. Bon May, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langston and Mr. and Mrs. C. S, Dull. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swing of Spen­ cer visited Mr. and Mrs. Dawey Dixon Saturday and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Hoots of yadkinville and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ralledge, Jr. and family visited in Ihe home of Cain Ratledge dui'ing the weekend. m Pays Tq Advertise M l D O M I N G September 19th— 21st THURSBAY - FRIBAY - SATURBAY Our 2nd Annual Jamboree ANB THE PREMIER SHOWING OF The New 1969 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH LINE © • D O O R PRIZES • EN TER TA IN M EN T • F A V O R S • REFRESHM ENTS --------------A n d B y P o p u l a r D e m a n d ---------------- THE BIG SATURBAY NIGHT SQUARE BANCE ___________W A T C H N E X T W E E K F O R FU R TH ER D E T A IL S -------- M ocksville C hrysler P lymouth ,inc . Wilkesboro St. Phone 634-2124 Mocksville, N. C. QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHY At Reasonable Prices! • ANNIVERSARIES • W E D D IN G S • G R OU P • A LB U M PLANS Mills Studio and Camera Sbop | l.\ UORN'li.UlDl.N'U BUILUI.NG, 3J0CKSV1I.LI!: -------P H O N E r 6 34 *28 7 0^T h w s d a jr^n Jjr------ ■TtWrOfHKK JMVS JN’ M.\iS STI’WIO IS VAOKWVIU^ DAY PHONE 679-2232 YADKINVILLE— N IG H T 679-8034 D o es o u r lo n g -h an d led co al shovel carry m u ch w e ig h t w ith s h ip p ers? M o re th an 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to n s a year« * A t savings o f nearly $ 7 .5 m illion. ; Southern Railway introduced the unii-iruin concept to American railroading in January of J960, when it started operating solid trainloads of Southern-designed ••¡blilversides’’ gondolas like these on a regular ’’lurn-around” sched­ ule between coal mine and power plant. Today, Southern operates si\ unit trains that carry coal ut an annual rale of some 8,370,000 delivered ton!>. Aoaual taui of savings to sliippcrs is nearly $7.5 million. One of our “long-handled coal shovels” is pari of still another innovation in coal distribution — rail-to-rail transloading. Coal originating in small shipments at low-volume mines is pooled ut u iransloader for relouding into ihe h^h total tonnages required for economical, efficient unii-trai« mpvemenl. uait train aod raii-to-rail transioading-two am ong m any innovations ut work on Southern Railway, squeezing the waste out of distribution...to the benelit of shippers und consuitiers ulike. innovations and improvements that enable us to squeeze the waste out of distribution benefit all who live in the Southern-served South. By reducing n>i4Jl cost of distribu* lion they help combat today’s trend of steadily rising consumer prices. They attract new indusiirics ioto the South and help industries ah ready located along our lines to grow and expand, providing more and better hometown job oppor* tuniti^ AU of us benein! UKW <M(«0 kOOK M WfV Thursday, September 12,1968 Enier0ffM*lleeor3 Page Five •WOMiEN WA№ ®D for egg рк). cessing. Apiilÿ- Í® poraon at the W'hip-O-Wai Panm&fv 9 12 tfn HELP WAOTED: Male (>^ ramate. Wanted at once^Rawlelgh Б*эа> 1er In Davie Gounly. Wrife Hew- felgh, Dept. NCMOM. Мей-' nttutdi Va. 9 12 itp. Wtli кеед cHUtiben In my home, iSBonday lilMWUgh Friday. Phone 834:8287; » 12 Un НЩхР m m m : Male or female for klteten worlc. Appiy in per- aon at C’a Bestaurant. 8 22 №i r fR SAILjE: 1964 Ford Plek-up, private owner, low mlleege. boca:od at Balty’s CKigo Service Station at Farmington. 9 5 2ф N&PICE; I am not responi^le for ahy debts тайэ other than my own. Ntorm'aim B. Smith, Sr.. .. ....; 9 5 3tp BE gentle be kind, to that expen* sive carpet, clean it with Blue I lAistre. Kent electrfc shampooer ' ' $1. Farmers Hdw. & Supply. FOp, KEOT: Five room house with hot water and bath. Contact if.Lc. Deadmbn, telephone 284- 4 ^ . .. 9 12 tin EEÇ^ÔSSESSED SBVWiNG М АШ - II^. Buttoniioler, pjy off complete balance of ^ ,0 0 cash. For fctails caH 243- тНоб, LexlnSton, N. C. 9 12 3tn iff IFOR SAIE; 1 heaivy Hiereiopd cow ahd calf, 4 years old! Two steer, ykwng teef. See Ivaj; llames. Telephone 492-9103 any day ex-, cejit ^iday ah^ht and Saturday; ............... 9 IB’ lip d B W WANTE3D' AT 'MMJBJH’S ' DIN№St IRiQSaiAilIiRiAm:' -tresses, ohefs and cashiers needed ior alU- sMfts; MeialS' ■ fiijnnisihed, % hour meal break, two weeks vacation, proiH shar­ ing pllan and good pay. Apply in person. Sheek Milter, ownw. ................. a 1 tfn (PDK BENT; 4 room house, 2 bad- •¡rootos, bath, hot and ctalld water. 4% miles rt>rl)h ot MtooksviJle BOl Highway. Call 492-7419. 9 12 Itp WiAiNiriEX) . . . A baby sitter to |r:> ''‘‘ keep 3 children and to ^ U^t housek^ing. Second Eihlft. Call 284^489. 8 29 tfn HELP WiAiNTEID: man and wife . . . to care for cage layer op­ eration . . .lappJy in person . . . at AND QAIRiDBN SEH- W JE, JNC., 961 YadWnvilte (Road, 634-2017. 9 5 2tn iPanm tor №ftt> near Bebhlehem community. CMl Dbnnle Dunn, 998^1. 8 29 tfn ►R RENT: Small house to con- ,^niai couple locatsd on Cana ^ a d one half mile off Highway flOl. Mrs. Mabel McDonald, tel'3- phJHltt 49^8495, 9 12 Itn FOR B B W : Ifwo bedroom House- trai'lers, on>3 with wadilng mach­ ine and one with out. Contact Buster phttlipa, telephoms 492- .*61. .... 9 S 2tp iPOR SALiE: 1962 Comet, four door, radio and' heater. ExosHent con­ dition. Luther Llivsberger, Wag­ ner Trailer Court, Rt. 4, Mocks- ville. .. S 5 Un WANTED: Party aMe to makp $19.25 monthly payments on like new sjrinet piano. Can be seen • in this vicinity. Write Migr. Geo­ rgia Pianos, 1206 McCaill Blvd., iRome, Ga., 30101. 9 12 2tp FOR SALIE: 4 bedroom, 2 stnry frame bouse with doulble carport on a togp comer lot on Salis­ bury Street, inciudlttg a rented garage apartment. Phons, day- ■_BMj93fTO. nnd at nteht. 634^5335. ...... .9 12 4tn' EXECUTRIX NOTICE NORTTH OAROLINA DAVIE courmf I . Having qualified as Executrix of the. estaie oi Miary Ballsy Brown, deceaaad, late of Davie County, aiis is to motiiiy all persons hav­ing daim9 against said estate to pre^nt láem té' the under^gned on 0» belESrei; ttie- 6th day of March 1909; Off this noitfce will be plead­ed in bar of theiff recoveiy. AM persons indebted to said estate •wffl pfease niake: immediate pax- ment to the undersigned. This the 4th day of September 1968; .............(Mary Sue Btfawn, Executrix of the éstate of Miaiy Bailey Brown, debased. .......... W IU jIAIM B. BALL FOR SAOjE: PIANOS Used Spinet iilM.OO. pnacHce pianos $59.00 and up. Grands $295.00. IMake yobr selection from over 300 pianos. Rowan County’s largest Piano Dealer. Kluttz Piano Co., , toe. 7 miles east of Salisbury on US SB. Phone 279-9565, Granite Q u W , N. C. 8 22 8ф В ЬШ Lustre not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Bent electric shampooer |1 Mpcluy^ Builders Supply. 19№ ZIG-ZAG SINGfE®, repossess- dams, mends makes button­ holes, monograms, all without attaoHmsnts. Guaranteed. Can be seen and tried out in this area. Pay caab balance of $52.50 or pay 6 payronts of $10.00 each. •Write Mr, MtaMiillon, P. 0. Box Ml, AshOboro, N. C. 27203, 9 5 tfn B M T F S ¡CITGO SERVICE FARM INGTON, 'N. C . • ^itgo Gas >28.9 gal. • Complete Lubrication • Wash • Tires • Groceries ' — /We jGive S & H Green Stamps — «W N «rcH w m v S K M .r m m 9Ф ]»< я пм тя.i ! $ not pleased, your 48c back at any. dtug (Jounter. iTOH-ME-NOT c]M№» Uiching in minutes: kiUa gendlB to SP&id healing. Fine for M ^ a , insect bites, foot it)ch, olMer sunfocis rashes. ¡NOW at Wiklhs Drug Co. 9 5 3ln HOUSE FOR SALE: on Акго» Di-jve, Winston*Salem. Thirteen rooms, two baths. Contact Floyd Naytor, Phone 634-3126 (Day) of 634^7 (Night), a 29 3tp NOmCE OF RESALEÍ OF REAL PROPERTY NORfflH OAROEINA D'AVBE COUNTY Undor and by virtue of Khe au-. thorlty vested in the udnersigned commissioner by an Order of tll)г Clerk of Superar Court of Davie County dated Sepliamlber 5, 1968, In the civil BcUon entitled Davie NORTH CAROLINA D.AV1E COUNTY NOTICE ,0P RESALE OP REAL PROPBRTY Under and by virtue of the auth­ ority %^i!sted in the undersigned commissioner by an ORDER ot the Clerk of Superior Court of Da- Tie Co. dated August 22. 1863, and the civil action entitled Davie County vs. Aaron U. James ahd wife. Ruby James; Milton James and wife, Magdalene J'ames, Odell J'ames and wife. Neil T. James, Sallie James, Clara James How- & d ^ '’- a“n"a a ilia ^ Ja trG ie g S V ^ ^m.4rr..d, jonn H. iwoweoJ ana clausell Gregory, W. Eugene James and wife, SalUe Ruth Jam­es, and Hubert Eaton, Carl Eaton and Wayne Eaton t/a Eatons Fun­eral Home, 1 will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the hi^iest bidder for cash on Satur­day, Saptember 14, 1963, at twelve, noon, at the Courthouse door in Mtooksville the following described real property located in Davie to wit: , „BEGINiNilNG at a stone in t«e iMocksvillb-Huntsville public road, L. J. Horn's corner, runs East with his line 6.09 chs. to a Hickory; .... .... thence NorOi 149 chs. to a stone; at an iron bar, thence West to public iroad; thence of heirs of W. W. South 10 deg. West with said road , BEGINNING, CON- TAiliNING ТЫВЕЕ-*10Ш«ГШ (%) OF AN АШ Е, more or less. Maiiy B. Riodwell; JacJc D. Rodfeell' and wte, Luoilie G. Rod- weif; John' W. ROdWell and wiPs. Mary S. Rodwell; Louise R. Mer- oney, widow; Ruth R. C^sey and husband, D. W. Casi^; Clarice R.Dickerson and husiband, J. W. Dickerson and (3eonge D. Wood, I will ollJsr for slale ahd sell at .pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder _ _ _ №r cash on Saturday, Septemb^ Counlv Farmineton Townahln. Oanollna, tiie foUowirtg described real rlroperty located in Davis county, MocksvUle Township, State of North Carolina, as follows, to wit; .B E G M W G comer of Lot ilSar on West side of HuntsvEle pufbBc road; thence South 41 degs.West 110 feet to a stone; thfsnce North 47 degs. West 390 fest to a stone; thence North 4il degs. S!ast 110 Saet to a Stone in said ^ffler’s-heins_Jlnp; tliprapp Hmith 47 degs. East to НЕХЯШШО'00¡№HAlNINiG ....... acn»s, mbreor less, and being known as the Lemuri Bingham residenos, and being the identical proparty des­cribed in a deed from Robsrt P. Anderson, et uX, to John W. Rod- well, nacorded in Bobk 20, pagge 222, Davie County Registry. BB(3®WING at. an iron stake which sets in the Huntsvilte Road or street in Dr. J. W. Rodwell’s comer on te Soufliwest side of his lilOioot residence lot; thence Norh 47 dags. 35 nrin. West 300 feet with Rtodwell’s line to an Iron stake; Ihence South 41 degs. Wast 16 feet to, an iron stake, J. T. Baity’s совпег; tíience South 47 dags. 35 ПЧШ East 300 feet to an Iron stake in original Une in edge of road or 'street; fli^nce North 4i degs. Eart Ш eset to the B E G u m m a , й)1|- being; tte identical property described in a» certain d*ed from R. P. Aaiderson etux, to Dr. J. W. Rodiwell, rerórcted in Book 26, at p ^e 443, Davie County Regis- ______^ James, also known aa= Lolia/ Wawf'Tamesrditfei!’ March 12i 19»; and recorded in Book 24, at page 44'li, Daivie County Registry, and; saidi description is set forth as tt existed as of the date of said deedi Said sale shall remain open ten days for upset i>ids and is subject to confirmation by the Court and shall lie made subject to all ad- valorem taxes for years after 1968. This 22nd day of August, 1968. JOHN T. BROCK Commissioner ............. 9 5 2tn A O V i B f t T I S £ M £ N T COUNTY OF DAVIE¡BIDS REQUESTED Fuel Oil • 20.000 Oallong « PiscaJ ■Vsar 1963-(1869''^- county of Davie. | Pursuant to the General StatMtes at North Carolina, as amended, proposals 'sndorsed FHiel OM, 20,0IW gallons • Flscail Year 1968-1SÇ9 , will ibe reeeis-ed by J. K. Smith, O'ierk to tho BoKrd of County Commissioners of Davde County, | North Carolina, until 11:30 A. M. Monday Oetober 7, 1908, at which time they will b’ pubiicatly open- ed and read. . _ ■ • • ■Specifications may be obtained frem and bids submitted to the Clerk of said Board at the oiffloa tit Registdr of Deeds of Davh ' County, Mooksvtlle, North Carolina' Each proposal shall be aocom- panJjd by a deposit equal to five (5% ) per cent of the proposal and this deposit shall consist of cash or a certified ct.’jck on some bank or trust company insured by the i'ederai Dsposlt Insurance Carpor- atlon, or by a United States nioney ordw paydb'le to County ot Davie ' or by a five (5%) per cent bond executed by a corporal's surety lic­ ensed under li.'s laws of Niarlh Carolina to e.'cecute such bnnds. This dsposlt shall be retained by the (3oun1y of TJavJe if the success­ ful bidder fails to ewjcuie the contract within 10 days after the award or lo give satisfactory sure­ ty as I'aqueste^ - by the statute. The Cour.iy réserves the right to rejijct any or all such pro.pDsals. BOARD OF COMIMISSIONBRS OF DÂVHE COUNTY By H. R. Hendrix, Jr., ................... Chairman .........................................9 12 2tn ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROMNA . - DAVIE COUNtTY Having qualified as Admlnisti’a- lAllen, <d'3ceased, late of Davie County, this is to notify all per­sons having claims against said estate to present th'sm to (he un- deirsigned on or befoi'3 the 13 day of March 1968, of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov­ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to tbs undersigned. This the lath day of Sept., 1968. 'Vida Carbsr Allen, Administrat- Irix of the estate of OUie Gaston Allen, deceased. 9 9 4ln NOTICE OP SERVICE OP SUMMONS « Y PUBLICAWON IN THE SUPEMOR СОШТ BEFORE ТИЕ OLBRK NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY . . . . . . LOUEE WAliLACJE LASH,Plalntl« VSOVAL OfDELL LASH,Defendant F A T O V E R W E I G H T АФаПаЫк W siMwlttiout « foetoft tiNieiiWtlOBt Ш produnt e«Ue< OdHiuub yfrn nml lose agly М.») № MDMÿi oC'Hnei-lt-a-Uii)- №t and eùUÿ swallowe«, Oct rie TO OVAL ODELL LASH: Take notice that a pleading ssek- ing relief against j^u has besn filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the nsHef sought is as foilows: An absohile divorce on the grounds ot on« years se­paration. ............ You are required to make deian- Se to such pJaading not later than Oplnber 4, 1968, and upon such failure to do so the parly seeking service against ym will' apply lo Ihe Court for the relief sought. This the 3 day of Seplismber, 1963. .................. LOUISE M. PATTERSON Clerk Superior Court .................. 9 5 4tn guaranteBS B uot» satiitiea tor auj feaiwiii, Jttii Ntuni the package ii your drug^lt and get yonr full money back. No oueatioiit atfiadi Odrines Is sold wiU iliU gnwutw by: Wllktna Dras Stor* ~ iHek» vUIe - Matt Oieer« FIUM h Pavh to Advertisp. JESSE G. BOWEW МШ№' CO. В10Я ая,\о» pcAivos ВЛ ИМ ОКП ORGAire 981 W . B<k Ct. — Ph. PA a-ran OFFICE n m r n tifm s r TÿpeWrHen. Adding ШсЫпм Service On AU Make* Ш W. fnnesi Street EARLE’S OFFICI supplies Dial ME 6-2341 SAUSBUBY. N. C. 'Electric Motor» - SALES AND SERVICE - Renalred • Rewound • Rebuilt Authorized DUtrlbntor O. É. Motors and Controk. Dayton and Belt PuUeya Delta Electric Co. 1031 West Innes Street SALISBURY. N. C. PHONEs Day ME M371: Nlte ME S.U9t C. G. BASINGER IONG$!R. REPRESENTATIVE ' FWim aaitebnrr Will 0|B m Mocksville . ft Tuesday BJ|c1i< Week For ' S'àlés aind Service Phone 634-2407 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE SAttttt«DA VIU SONftu a» eeliwlha ttieteiM CABLE OARLBY DAVIDSON И* BtookMowtt-^i Blk, a. 8еам PA «-4М8 24><nch Well Boring No Water! No Payl' CATAWBA Well Bonng Co. Call 634-2628 Shorty York’s Sinclair SMOOT TYPEVWIItR CO. Uf E. ЛвЪег ME 64151 вл ы ввтт, N. a • SALES • BERVICB • BENTAU "Exclusive Distributor For B^al Tjrpewritera Slaca 1МГ* A IR W E L L DRILLING CO. ROVTB 1. ADVANCE. N. 0. PkoM И М Ш , Advance, er WiBitoibSaleiib N. C. Electricity helps you see the light. EXECUTRIX NOTICE, СТА NORTH O A R O L m d a v u e c o u n t y HaAdng qualified as Exectttrix, СПА of the estate of Jack Owen Moody, deceased, late oi Davie County, this is to notifti ail per- iions having claims aigainst said estate to presant liheon to the un­dersigned on or beitore the 26tti day of March 1969, . Of ibis notice will be pleadsd in bar olf their recovery. All persons indebted to said .estate win please make imr mediate paymtsnt to the- under­ signed. ........ .. • •This the 30lh day of August, 1968. - Marie’ C. Moody, EJxeoutrix, СТА of tile estate of Japk Owen (Moody, deceased. 9 5 4tn Jera»». 1». hereby made to the Will of John W. RodweU recorded in the office of Chrk of Si^rior Cburt of Dawe County in Wili^ IBook 3, page 432. Said sale shall remain open ten days for upset bids and is subject to confirmaltion by the Court and ^all be maite subject to all ad Vaflorem taxes for years after 1968. Startinig bid $6,7118.05. / ,W s sth day of Septenibsr, 1968. : JOHN T. BROCK ComndssiOner ............. 9 12'2tn Electric helpers make the work . electric light. : I^OOiI çqndttlonlng,^ " JishwasheP '^wifereacljctft takeiteasv- • Щ Ш У COUNTRY LIVJNG with city convenience . . . In Garden Villey Estates . . . t^adous 3 or 4 bedroom brick home for sate , , . 2 baths . . . full base­ ment half of which is paneled and heated , . . FHA financed with 5<Л interest . . , loan tirene- ferrable . . . ошег moving out Of state. Call L. W. Mixon, phone 634-Ш), 8 IS tfn ОШЛК rugs, like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre, Rent elec­ tric abampooer >1. at BiU Mer­ rell Furniture, TRAILER SPACE FOR BENT; Apply Shady Acres Traitor Park, located on Bethel Ohunch Road. Piwoe ваш7в or m im . 4 28 c№ НОШ FOR SALE: Lovely S-bed- iwm, 1 batta, Ч concrete base* ownt. all brick «onstruction, located on S acres of land. Off Hlgiiiray M 00 county road te09. Cali Cflenunons Vlllee» Real Estst«, 7664051, (or an appoint- ineirto-aei-tìili4evelj^ borne.___ •...... W » JBA8N Uiat ш Ш am ef *1Ъе Av> •* * M Way-“ CaU STHWl or write: Avea, P, 0. a » Щ вШмкШ». N .a stttb NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VnWUE oi the POWER OP SALE contained in a certain deed ot trust executed on ito 4lh day of Fetoniaiy, 1964, and recorded in Book 62, page 389, Dav­ is County Registry, by Lewis Gray Barnhardt and wife, Laura Lagle Barnhardt. and assumed by Way­ ne Franklin Melton and wife, Ber. nice Melton, default having been made in the payiment of the In- debtedmess thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foredo’ sure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door In Mtocksville, Da­ vie County, North Carolina, at noon on tne 28 day of September 1963, the property convoyed in said deed of trust, tho same lying and being in the County of Davie, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as folkms: RE»3«NlNa at an iron stake. Robert Robertson's and James Mavhew's corner, and ninnliiii thence North 3 degs. East 26 feet to an iron stake. James May- hew's corner; thence North 8) dossi East to the center of the Bixby Road, 2B0 feet; thence wth said road South 17 degs. Bast 79 foet to a point in the road, Robert­ son corner; thence North 89 de«i, W“st '300 feet TO TBE BBGINN> ING, containing .33 of an acre mor« or less.rm momar Bimm wm be iwquiml to deposit In cash at the sale a sum equal to ten (10%) per cent of his bid up toll.OOO OO lus five (S% ) per cent of ewess This 9Dnd day cf Aufiust. tfiflS. iU m K. OUOK.............. TmtteeliARTIN AND МЛЯШ Mttoiwya 9 • 4to ' NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE SALE NORmH dAROUINA DAVp: COIMTY ............. Under and by virtue of the pow­ er of sale oo^tained in a certain deed of executed by James A. Norvelf and wife, Dianne M; Norvell, on ' the 2 ^ day of June, 1967, and rew^pded' In Deey of Trust Book 69,. aC Page SS5, in the 0 № e on the. Regiatieir of Deeds of Davie County, North Carolhta; and under and w the author- ity vested, in th^. 'U|№rsigned as ^stltuted trustee. % an instru­ ment dS wrltu№ .^dwBd' October ]S, 1867, and recc«dM^ the Ofhce ÿ the Register of.ipijds 'of Davie (JOttnty, North Csiroiina, default tiavlng been made in the payment of the indebtedness theriiy secured and the said d ^ o{ trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosurei and the holdec of th« Indebtedness thereby secured ha< v(li\g demanded a forectosiiti“ thereof satlsCylng sdd indebtedj.' ness, the unttersijnod substnM(e trustee will offer for sale at pu|i- )ic auction to the hig)^ bidder tor cash at the courhouse door ip Davie County, NorUh Carolina, at I2;(te o'clock noon on tiie 23rd day of l^tember, 1068, the lattd con­veyed in said deed Of tnjst, the same lying and being in Davie (bounty, North Carolina, and being more partioulariy described as foitows; ............. .... lA certain lot or tract ci land located in Jerusalem TowndiJp and being a portion of a arger tract described in Book 71 at page 193, Davie Registry and describedas follows: ............. Beginniiv at an iron pIm in the western edge Of the Davie Academy Road. James K. Taylor southeast comer (se« Deed Book n at pace las, Davie Registry) and running thance South 87 de­grees SO minutes West 926 feet wlUt James H. Taytor aouthern line to an iron pipe: thence South Z degrees 91 minutes West 77.70 (set to an iron |:dpe; South89 <togrws sr m^tes East 340 sjeet to an ironise in ttie Western at li>e I>avle Academy Road; tiwnoe NoiHi 07 deg(«ec OS minu­ te» West 90Jtot to Die Point and ct and beiÜ№ Lot >r Flvo (5) «0001^ U> an nied plat or map ot the . R. HoUeroao pnofiMly M by Joseph ffranfclin. R, S/.TlS- above sato will niade taxes and aafBaanents. ■' day of ■0. Even while a guy Is relaxing at "the best time of the day,” we at Duke Power are ; working to make It an electric world, - j . . : . Electricity keeps helping to inspire new and better ways to get things done, to give people time to take it easy. It's one of the best values people get. j In fact, today the average Piedmont Carolina family gets about twice as much slectrlclty for a dollar as It did thirty years ago. , , * That's value — particularly when you think about how the price of almost »verythlng else has gone way up. ^ * Duke Power —Office Hoivf—Moadftjr * Friday 81OQ A« M . • 5i00 P* M . ы м и т л и е . i Pftge Six 'Ehterpriae-Record Thursday, September 12, 1968 AJIMOI!« STA« SIRLOIN TIP ROAST lb A R M O U R STAR SIRLOIN TIP MuUtngifeufJOeeoratorJOuHgHii AnniiN I'ARMS S1.ICED AKMOUIl STAR PUI.I-Y COOKED CAN N ED HAMS OLOGNAm m c S a m s o n ite ’ FOLDING TABLE in Beautiful WOODGRAIH HNISH orMtpto) 1- L b . P k g . AUDEN FARMSFRANKS Pkg. 1-Lb. ASSORTED FLAVORS R O Y A L N'ESTl.K S r.UTTERSCOTCII OR G-Oz. Pkg.H OC. M ORSELS 29c N'ESTI.E S 12-0ï . Pkg. CHOC. M ORSELS 57c ASSORTED GKI.ATI\S Siiiafl Pkgs. j ELL- O .......4 for 45c k' HIP TOI’PING MIX 4' i-O/.. Pkg.L R E A M W H IP ....47c ss.TssaHSBK-. J! ..................... NEW CROP DRY BEANS PINTOS NATIONAliy ADVERTISED Genuine Samsonite table fias vinyl film plastic top in attractive new Wood{rain finish! This all-pur­ pose table designed with the decorator accent makes a beautiful addition to any room of the house. Top resists scuffing...stains...sim ply wipes clean with a damp cloth. Steel protective bindings over table edges. Easy, compact folding with exclusive slide-action leg locks. Electrically welded tubular steel legs. Chip-resistant baked enamel finish on all metal parts. Available in two popular Woodgrain finishes. IValnut or Maple witli bronze frame. DOLE PINK PI.VEAPPLE-GRAPEKRUIT DRINK OR Pineapple Juice 4 4fi-OZ. CAN.S OF YOUR CHOICE 1 0 0 5-Lb. B a g R e p . $1.47 KIN G SIZE ORAN GE, GRAPE, OR H U L A DRINKS SIP-IT .SEDALE GREEU v. PEAS 2 CAUTtlN OF »5 PLASTIC BOTTLICS ROSEDALE GREEN G AR DEN :mi ; CANS .Y K E ’S FLA V O R F U L M E A T Y EEFF •ei-oz. 49 9 ' STEW IA \ CLIP rms coLTo.v - IT’S woii iu a i!o\x’s 50 Free S & H Green Stamps WUli i-'iiniiuiil' u( ONE I I II. I'Kt;. lESSE JONES SAl .SAliE AM) iiilS COl'POX 1) ;M V ,\r liKKi-N’Kli'S riilU ll.dH SK]‘T, 11 ( I ii> IIM-; ( II i ll' — ir > witiiiii A HUM’S I C O F r e e S & H C i- ;;cn S t a m p s i Ii l-.ll-cll.-r..... OM, It »1/;. .11 Ktii.Ns iJiiios A.Mi T1U-. l Oi;ui ii lALV VI ni:i ir;t: i'^ai skim'. h I Iil>H . IK ISP .Mll.lt, \ Cl.l ow l.Lb. Bag u m m 1 0 ONIONS 2 15 * Mocksville * Yadkinville * Clemmons SA FE G U A R D 2 1M(;. it.illS .RD I 43c I L A V A SOAP 2 29c M R. CLEAN O X Y D U r T T D T Ol.iXT SUCE 69c RKti. I>KU.37c tilAVT PKU.87c BOLD UEU. I'K«. F r 37c I <;i.vM PK(i.79c. 1 ^ S A L V O PK(i. GIA.ST 81c iVI 1 Л t ?ö I •5 I A I C4 ro ««■ «e eo « Q .E a« Ii/t e ¿«ШВ W ïti -« e О • =■ J iH "• __---------k-— s ____e*___ЭВ-9 T l о« ^ в *** 9JB «> £! e ^“ i____»- ж %л PC ^ «/» § -g Э 8 1 t i ?i 3 a ! I 111! 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Y E A R — S in g le C o p y , 1 0 cents Thursday, September 19, 1968 No. )21 D a v ie V o t e r s A p p r o v e S c h o o l B o n d Is s u e Diivio Counly vDlors in a light vole »pprovcd the $2,495,000 school bond issue by a margin of 23 vot­ es. The final count was 1,079 for uikI 1,036 against. Only four of the county's 12 pre- ciiidls favored the issue, but they did so with enough votes to deter- • ^' niine the outcome. I'he four were East Shady Gro­ ve, witTii 104 votes for t'he issue and 43, against: North Mocksville, 268 ior and 125 against; Cooleemee, 12,4 I'or and 77 agiainst; and, South fiipcksvi'lle, 20b for and 116 against. The vote in ITiaiimington precinct was lied — B8 for and 88 against. VotiiJg against the issue was --^^st glvady Grcvo, 13 for and lOD 122 against; North Catahaln, 30 for nd 72 against; South Catohaln, 18 Гог and 59 against; Jerusalem, 27 for and 64 against; and Oiarksvillc 67 for and 106 against. G. R. Madison, chalnman of the low-key campaign for the referen­ dum, said №at he had honied the issue would carry by a Wgger ma- joriiy but was too delighted that it 'had carried to be concerned by the slim margin. James Everidge, superintendent of Davie County’s schools, said he was “real pleased” with the out­ come. ..................... “Weill got lu work immcdi'ately,” he said, “to sec Uiat we got the ■ most for the dollars.” a^ainsU; Fulton, 53, for and 75 against; Smith Grove, 87 for and The eiomenljai'y schools in the county will be affected by the bond money. Two of the soven schools— Fannington and Smith Grwe— will be replaced by a now school bn a new site. .......... The other five—William R. Dav­ ie, Shady Grovo, Cooleemee, and Mocks\‘iiilIc elementary schools and MtocksviiMe Middle Sdiool (for gra­ des 6, 7 and 8)—win be either add­ ed to or renovated. In May 1967 the county's voters rejected, by aibout 2 to 1, a pro­ posed $3 million bond issue to buI'M thi-ce new elementary schools and allmv consolidation. Davie’s test succcssful school bond vole ft«as in ■ 1960, The voter had rejected a proposed $l.3-aiiill- inn IssiiP Ih/. year before. Mrs. M.D. Brown Celebrates Her prowd a watershed-xiawn version of the same—$875,000—in 1960. M'H Of Funds A^ects 1-40 The freeze of Federal-'aid high- ^qy funds may de'Jay t^^.^paving Vi Intergtaite 40 801 to ^tesvMe according t)o 'an ■an- nsHincememt last week by Joe M. ^nt, Jr., Ohaimian of the Nortih ^roiina Stale Highway Oommis^ do;i. .................. •In objecting to this complete shpldown of Federal aid to higji- \yay constiniction, Mr. Hunt point­ ed out that it would deiay. jfhe construction and right^of-^y ac- . quislUon on highw^ ipro^cl^^witli 11^ a -StfOTiH- ibn dollars -in: Siiatc and, Federal ^ ftinds. Thg^aving irf;, 1-40^'"was ' among the'16 projed'ts listed by ;Mr. Hunt as being involved in itois ii‘eeze. ............... Mr. Hunt’s statomertt concern­ ing the freeze is ^s follows: ' “iNorth Carolina is agiain faced with a freeze of Federal-^aid high­ way funds. This freeze, like all the others whioh have occurred since lilliS, will defer and delay the con­ struction of vitally important high- w^ay projects. I , slrangiy object to this com­ plete síhut-do^vn of Federal aid to ‘ iiighway construction and I am now in tho process of writing to the men'Jbers of our congressional delegation seeking their assistance in getting inimediate restoration of (he funds invoiveti. I fail to see the wisdom in wHh- holdirg these funds. It is my un­ derstanding that there.is sufficient money available in the Highway Trust Fund now to meet the needs of tlie Stiates, and it cer­ tain V appears to me to be poor jmigment to out spending in the vital highway program wiiile ignor. ing some of these so^alled “aiiti; poye^” programs \\4tich are ,con- sideted non-esseirtljal by hiany;’ \ «fmjs: ft»fds is 4t«)^ ceitetoty. »keeping iwith th^ Iri'tept ,;flt..<C*ngress in its' ipas^ageSqf (fie life Hii^hway Act, Tliiat act • specifically directed that t'hero be -no cutit>acks 'and freezes. Neither is it in keeping with tihe spirit of the $6-^Billion doJlar spend­ ing cut directed by Congress in the Revenue and Exipenditure Control Act of 1968. This Federal-aid freeze can ser­ ve no good punpose since it delays highway projijcts at a time when North Carolina’s ihighway needs are giwimg rapidly, and since the funds come from taxes paid by liightt-ay users striotly for highwiy ipurposes, I fed that this is the last place We should look for spending cuts,” said Mr. Hunt. REBELS MEET EAST ROWAN HERE ON FRIDAY NfCHT “.-\not'.icr year has passed and it is again my pleasure to send you my waiTOcst greetings on your 103 birthday. May peace and con- lenanenl be with you in the year ahead, and may you find continued joy m your rich store of memor­ ies.” ..........:. - - The above message from Robert iM., B'ril, Commissioner of Social Sc^riliy, was doUvered to Mrs. M. , D. Brcwn by Joe Ragan, Field : Refiresentiati've for the Salisbury Socir.ll Se:uiily Oifice on the e^'e of her 103 birthday. Indeed, Mrs. Brown does have a rich store of momoraes. She was torn Mcekie Ann Leach on a farm , in the Jcricho section of Da'Vie County only five mcniihs after the ion of President Lincoln. After receiving her education in the schools of Davie Ctounty, sKe m.-irriffd M.lflt n. Brown or Mocksville To Receive $15,576.73 From N.C. Powell Bill Funds L e a r n in g L a b M o v i n g The, Lcw.^ning laboratory at the D«vic County Education Center M’ill iinovc to the Mocks­ villc ElcnAsnlary iSchtfol next week. This laboratoi-y provides ad- ti'Ks iH'ilh llie opportunity 40 gain their Jiigh «chool diphnna. In titc past year approximately e!ghty-five (85) adults have earned lihelr diploma. This i program ' is worked through the Davic Counly Board of Education, ' Rowan Techanical ilnstitule .provides a coordinator and supplies for the program. The «niy cost of the program ,is fa ^.00 testing fee ^iiihat the student pays when he ! S'«! reglsljlBtion is «now In progress. Adults who would like to .earn their r diploma arc asked to register on Tuesday, Wednes­ day and Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 9;0D. Coordinators will explain .details to applicant as tiicy ¡register. Classes «-{11 meet (he week of the il7th thur 19th at Coolee- mee but beginning the 84th the Learning l.aboratary ■will meet in the basement ,of the Mocks- A'ille Elementary School. For more information cull 634-2740 or 284-2611. I ombor 26, im . in 1893 they mm'ed I'D the home on north main street in Mocksville where she siili re­ sides. Her husband, Mack D. Browm passed away on October 15. 1341. .................. The Mocksvillo Baptist Ohurch ; W.1S organized in 1866 and Mrs. Brown has been a mcmiber oT this chv.f-ch since ‘ 1887, foi- oi\»er 81 years. In lalkiiig witih her it is easy to see that sihe has nrany pleasant memories associated with this church. .. .. Down tlhrtm^ the years ^ e has ■lived a quiet h«me4ife while rear­ ing eight dhiJdren to adulthood. Three of these children are still living. These are Misses Clayton and Hathnyn ,Biwvn of the home Mrs. Viola'B. MdMlHtìn.óf -ÈimibèrtBnr'-TmiSc i*ef>cy Brown, Rufus Bliown, Lunji ' Briown Green, Maxie D. pmWa; and Bonnie Bi'owJi Aahe. During her 103 years, Mrs. Brown has spent only one night in a hospitsil. This was about i3 years ago when at age 90 she was advis­ ed by her doctor to spend the night in the hospital as a precautionai-y 'measure for a bleeding nose. This she did and returned to her home the next day. She has never had an illness whioh confined her to bed for any length of time. Mrs. Brown has always loved homo and the rearing of her diil- drcn. E%’cn loday *e loves the noise created by grandchiWren wlhen they come to visit. She still Hie Town of MocksviUc wUl re­ ceive an oUooatiion at $16,£76.73 for Street aid this year under the provisions of the Powell BIM. IMooksville was among the 425 North (3aroUna towns and cities receiving proportional cash allot­ ments amounting in $10,4il5,342.87. Checks will bo mailed from Ral- citih the latter part of September so thht Ui^ wiU read) the muni> cipaHties by October 1. (MocksviUe will reccive $8,439.95 based on population of 2 ,^ and $9,140.63 based on 10.68 certified miles. ............. Fumds equal to Üie amouirt pi'o- duced by oneJhaif cent of the re- ««^.ar sbc-cents per gallon motor fuel (ax levied by the Stat« arc returned annually to pajticipating municipalities In proportional shares based on relative non-stale systeiT> street mileage and on thC^ relative populations of each of the munidpaUties. IViwns and cities qualifying for partcipaiten do so by si^fitting detiailed information each year to the Highway Commission concern­ ing ad vatorem taxes, other sour­ ces of reventie, budget ordinances and local elections. Some legally in- oopporated toWns do not participate in the Powell Bill Prognam simply because they do not penfonm the necessary immiciipal tuncltiojis re­ quired under the law. Chairman Hunt noted that tho $10,415,342.87 being returaied tio tho 425 participating municipaiities this year is more than twice the am­ ount returned to 388 participating town and cities at tho botflnnlng of the piwgram in 19Э1. During ttie W^ear history of the PoweU Bill Pi4>gram, a ijota'l of |Ц28,в7в;1б0.42 has betfn returned to the munlcipaiilics tor use on lo- *Jal streets. ....... Jaycees Sponsor Blooil Program At fl regularly gclicdwicd niect- ing, Sept. 12, tho Mcicks\'iBe Jay- cces voted to sponsor the blood- -mahllp urogram in 1968 as om> of .' > . Mrs. ВГ0ЛУ11 and ,M k Ragan enjoys sitting with her family and fr'iends taiking “git(I tallfl”. She likes to listen to the radio and os- pocially likes politioal speeches and tho news. When asked what recoTOTnendations she would make to someone who wanted to stay yt>ung. She quickly stated “Stay ijusy, bo active, work hard, but take care of yourself.” * A birthday dinnw- was- held in her honor Sunday, September 15. I86B. Helping her to celebnale Her 'birthday were her three datfghters: ■Miss Katbty^; " Brown' an^4 Mils. Brown of ’ Mocicsvroe; a grand^l^ter Mrs. John RaiicKS with her husband John and three children John Jr., Margaret. Neill, and Nancy; a grandson S. .Charles Qreen along with' his wife and three children Charles ffil, Betsy, and David; and a niece Mrs. W. A. Wallin and her husband. Loo’xing back over her life, Mi-a Brown cojisrders herself w«ill-biess- ed by God in mai-iy ways. ASthough a'll years iwe nol been easy ones, they have Ijccn good ones. She has kept herself aljroasl of the oulckly changing worid in which she has lived & still keeps up with the' hap­ penings through the nrany visits paid her by her friends in, Mo^s- ville. CongraluCation and Hajjpy^ Birthday - Mrs. Brown. • ■ ! S u n s h i n e C l u b m r T S IV te e f F r id a y - ■ Fork” Sunshine Oil* will nieet ‘ Friday at 6 p.m. in FVirlc ’Ciii^c dub House. Special music from a visiting group will be presented. A covered dish supper will be held prior to the meeting. Bring " a cov­ ered dish and enjoy the .evening. their community scin-icc projects. Gen Sali» Ascussçd tìie program ■явроН« nnri_thp rhilh rfinwnri Woodruff jlamed To COB Board Tom Bailey Woodruff of Rmiie 5, Mocltisville, has been named to the Mocksville Board of Centnal Carol- ina 'Bank. Announcomcnl of ihe sppojnlimeht came from the board’s . dwirman, M. H. Murray. enthusiani and willwi its support for two yi/sitalions iii J969. Internal ; yico-Rrosident BfU I>wiggins-introduced jbe Bums'to tihe dub. Mr. Bums is presentiy the. 'guidance counselor at Davie High School. He presented a film on .lob opportunitiss in the 1970’s, The 'Club welcomed guest Bob Hudspeth who is a now teacher this year at Mocksh’iUe Middle School. .............. President Ellis Davis presided. Mayor's Prayér Breakfast The iMocksviUc Jaycees will have il ;Mayor’s Prayer Break­ fast al C’s Barbecue, Stinday, September 22, at '7:30 a. m. Guests attending the breakfast nill be Mayor D. J. Mando, The .Town Board, Ministers of our (own, Jim Church, Presi­ dent of North Carolina Jaycees, and Eric Ennis, District Vice' President ) ot North Carolina Jaycees. ' The Mayors Prayer Break­ fast )ipansoircd by The Mocks­ ville Jaycees in apprpciatiort for the outstanding leadership, and contriliutian the Mayor, Town .Board, and n^/inisicrs ha­ ve made to M°eks'villc. , (Davie County Rebels wiii strive to get on Ihe winning trail Friday iiitlit when they meet the East ' Hcii’aii Miisl'iings at he local athlet­ ic field. Game time' is 8^ p.m. ■ ■ ,Tho Rebels Jos't a narrow 6-7 verdict to Noi'tih Stanly High lasl Fricijy night, soorihg in, the final, secuiiiis. Dcnnia Everhardl's kick Cor the extra point was wide.' ^ The game was a biWer defensive struggle between the two North I’icdinoivt teams', A pass Mmception in tiie sec­ ond period 'produced the major |jrc:ik of Uie game as Steve Stain- per timed his defensive move e.v ncl'ly to grab Ronnie Shoai’s inten­ ded puss to Bryant Smith and then ^ bx'amixir 31) yards for tilie lone ' Comet touchdown. Forrest Davis’ bool proved to be decisive. Big 240-pound tuciiic Janies Car- Iienler, anchor of the NorUi Stanly delensive line, time and again sly- iiiied the Rebel olfense slopping their running attack and on Iwo oiTfibioii deflecting Shoaf’s passing yttempls. .......... The tii'Bt half produced little oji- portunily tor either team to score oilier han Samixn's inierc^ptm. Uavie County’s only threiat c#me un the first series of plays after Hkf TP .as they martihed to the North Stanly 1,3. belore beinti stoi»- IWil- ........ ........... The passing duo of Shoaf lo Kiuiih oaid off , in f.ial drive An end run and two pass attempts failed, and Davie gave it up on do\ms. ..... . /Uter the half,, ijufh the ipavie 'ofienie arid ' defeitse fiXmd stT"“ ' Management Changes Made AT Cooleemee • I ^ ' Fund Raising For Walla.ce A fund raising supper ^for the Amisriean Fatly tor W aU ice^.b?, a l f i i e f l ^ l ^ l j c ^ l c a lS e rfa ;' 'Infoiroati^^^ w nemlrig. this, ..occa­ sion ^^ ^i^ p iia in ^ ftx»n Boy J. Sheph«3i at the Wallace headquarters-which is located nextj door to the Western Auto Store. The public is invited to attend. A capacity crowd is expected. 'WtwdTWff I IS a Davie county iui- tiw who recdvcd his education in tho iocail schools. He is mari’ied t»- the- fonmcr &nah (diaries, also of Da'Vie Oounty. ■ For’ tiwenty years associated with the N. C. Wildlife Resources Com­ mission, Mr. Woodruff is also a breeder of Hereford cattle. lie is a memiber of Ihc First Presbytorian Church of Modcsyillo, and a dir- eclOT of the Davie Electric Mem- berahJp OorponatiOn. (Da^e Highway ...-Ne. .i f 'A«riáe«il .......... m No. (Hi 'People Jnjured ....... 126 Patalltlee ..................... 0 Horn Oil Co. Becomes Pure Oil Distributor ;.L(;d. by Rafeh.Naylor,.Sieve Lai "am and ‘ .Jbe Totttll Ihe defense stopped Norlh coid ^ndi pi4)du(^d! a fumble liear .the end Qf the third period t'-.at nearly paid off. ' Center Allen 'Вагдаг recovei;ed that fumti? on the Davie 48 and Shoaf immediately hit Donnie Ev- ; erh'art with an -U j'a.rd pass to ' start tfte drive. ___ Shoaf again found the mai'ic as , the period • ended hitting Keve Beck with an over-the-shouider 35- ,yard pass to (he North Stanly I'l. Davie made -another yard to the 10, then Carpenter blocked ; one pass, another fell incomplete, and Alvin Speight zapped Shoaf on a iourt'h down attempt at the 16 to stop the Rebels. With time waining, Davie started its final drive. A big gamble paid off on fourth and soven as Shoaf hit H. C. Alhey for six-phig as y;irds were added on u pass jnte»'- tcMonce eaii. .... Sieve Zimmerman ripiied off giiua yardage tlirough tfje center of thi- line, and with 1:37 remaining Uie Kebols held it first and on the- Comet six. Tiuee blasts up the middlo add­ ed five yards, and iiank Ridge The Horn Oil . Con^ny of Mocksville has assumed the Pura Oil Distributor^ip of Davie (3oiuity formerly o^raied by Gra­ dy N. Ward. Mr. Ward, \viircon­ tinue lo be associated with the operation of this’ distributorship, maintaining the same offices on Bingham St. AU tho Pure Oil Connpany em- FÌJj'ccs will continue in their pre- I seni capacities. .......... Claude Horn, Jr. announced that the, diflributorship \\-ould operate out .of .t^^'o oCfices: ’The Horn Oil . Company, Office on North Main Street and the Ward Oil Company Office on'Bingham Street. VMr. Horn* also announced thal ef­ fective October 1st, Ihe Smith Esso Btiation on North Main Street will betMime a Pure Oil Station follow­ ing remodeling. This station will be operated by Nomian Smith, Jr. Mr. Horn also announced that the Citgo Stations would also bo- ccmc Pure Oil Stations in this counly. ............... as it cunnecled for 3« yards to , / ihe .\orth 15. BjJt again the>\ were * stymied as Stamiier I'ushed liiuugh to pin Sh;jai ior an 11 >«idJioss buileo onds left for Davie’s single TD- tiieiiharl’e kick failed. CYRUS E- COOLEY Oyrus E. Cooley has been named manager of tbe Cooleemee Plant, Erwin Mills apparel division of Bunlington Industries, it was an­ nounced this week by Donald Bar­ ham, division manager, Mr. Cooley succeeds C. O’Neal Walker, who is retiring from Bur­ lington after 20 years of service. Mr. Walker has served as manager at Cooleemee for tiie past V/» years and previously was manager ol Ihe Company’s Stonewall, Miss., plant. ' • ' >Mr. Qooley moves up to the new IMsitwn iiftor haviitg jerved as director of research and develop­ ment (or the Eiwin apparel divis- Chl- cago, he received his degree in chemisn-y in at Iktemiphis Slat« Univei-siiy. He served' five years C. O'NEAL WALKER with the U. S. Navy. He is a vetemn of 22 years in the toxUle industry. After first ser- ving with Burlington, where he was assistant general manager of tbe Glasgow, Va., plant of Lees Car­ pets, he joined the Georgia Dye Corporation at Calhoun, Ga., and W M vice president and general nianeger of that fliwi before re” turning to Buriington. He was na> med researeh and devdopment dir- ector for Erwin Mills at Oooleeniee in Mai'ch. 1808- - He was a member of the city council in' Buena Vista, Va.\ while serving witii lees; hg j|^a m w ber of thd Mocksville Rolajy Club, is a lay spaker in the Meth* odist Church, and js a metitter oi the American Association of Text« ile Chemisis and Оок)Пб(в and tlie BAY S. SMITH, JR. American Chemical Society. Mrs. Cooley is the former Car­ olyn Jones, a native of Los An­ geles. Calif. •• •• OTHER APPOINTMENTS Mr. Bai-ham also annoui)ced two other appointments al Cooleemee: Jatm 0. iJack) Rothell has been named ' manager of the finishing plant, succeeding Robert ' Stewart wlio has resigned that position: and Ray S. Smith, Jr., succeeds Mr. Cooley as director of research . and deveioipmenl (or the division, with ofiiees at Cooieeinee, iMr. Rothell is a nati\'e of &>!' uda, S. C..'is a graduate of Erskine and Clemson universities and join­ ed Burlington in lUSe ss a trainee ,in i|»B Comnanv’s deeonative fab- rice area. He later served two years with the U. S. Army and g oßlive of Augusta, Ga. JACK ROTHELL for sveral years worked with oth­ er textile firms, returning to Bur­ lington in 1908 at (Cooleemee as technical superintendent of dyeing and finishing. He is active in the Cooleemee •Methodist Church, is married and has two children. Mi's. Rothell is the former Lucille Ciollins, a na- ti\'e of Greenville, S. C. 'Mr. Smith is a native of Pike- viiie, .N. C., and s chemistry gra­ duate of the University of Tenn­ essee. He did graduato work al Dayton University and joined Bur­ lington’s central research depart- ment in Greensixiro in 1»64. He was promoted to manager of dye- infi and fini^ing applications there. He is an Episcopalian, is married and has two children. His wife is the foiMner Wallis Parüng, Davle County Hospital employees were recognized • in a formal pro­ gram Saturday, Sptember 14, at 7:30 p. m. at Ihc Mocksville Ele- menlary School auditorium. The program was sponst(rcd by tho Hospital Auxiliary. 'Mrs. Fred Smith, president of the .'^uxWary gave Jie welcome.. to which' Hamilton Hudson, Hospital Administrator, responded. Mr. Hudson recognized each employee of the hospital individually end by, departments, stating- Ihe number of combined years of serwce given by each department. Deparlmenls included were Administrative, Diet­ ary, Housekeeping. Nursing, X- Ray. Laboi'atory. Maintonance, etc. The medical staff was recognized as well as the hospital Board uf Trustees. ............ Mrs. Ann Stiller, R. N.. explain­ ed the setup of the Oan<^ StiTper volunteer program. Girls uiw wish JO participate receive no pay for their ser\'ices, althou^ their duties are varied and vital to the hospi­ tal. Candy Sriper volunteers re- j ceive a cap ajter they have Work- IS lioun. a icd sliiixi foi tJjeir ■100 hours service. There are it filris eligible to 'receive caps, 21 eligi'tle to receive red slri|Xis i<n' tiieir caps, and 4 eligible to bo aw.I'ded pins for 100 hours of sem'ice. . ............ Mr. Hudson gave a brief talk and summary pf hew our hospital contributes to our community ec­ onomically, financially and seivico -wise with vei7 interesting fgures which he had compiled. After Mr. Hudson’s remarks, «Mrs. Smith presentod a check to him for tbe hospital from the Aux­ iliary amounting to $3,000. This ig to be used as the hospital sees fit in purchasing needed equipment. The group then adjourned to the gym »here varied activities in­ cluding Let’go ihingoi, uake walks and reireshmenU were enjoyed. A B'ake Sale was also in pi'ogress during the evening. The Auxiliary wishes to exprass their apjireciation to all who help­ ed in tills program, and, especially to the niei'chants who dunatod pri. zef (or the l.etgo yames and the ’adíes who bailed cakes and piss sale, and refretáiment stand. c-aps after 50 hours, and a pin for n? Page Two Eñierprtaé-^ReeorH ■Thursday, Sepiember 19,1968 C№P OjKiis Headquartm iar lihis oecaslon, The Davie County Coimly Republican Oh6lnmafl Ga.il'ind Bowens has asked for; each prccJnct lo hold a meeting tciire Oclciber 1, IDflS, The Ddvl« CVun'iy Rc.Fubllcan Executive Oort* „ . fieputolican ,ni:i;iee wIH meet October 3, l9B9i Hcadq-.uriers for 18C3 \v.V.I bo open Rop,;,b,;iean headquarters, at 9 Court Square in Mocksville r” '•'turririy S-oleirltjer 21, 1SB8, at' ^''crth and South MooJ?svlUe. pre- 6:00 a. m. AU Cttizcsis of Davie cincts will hold their meeting on '-'--luy are iBvi'ied to visit the Thursday Sept. 26, at 7:30. p. i«> at haiii^jaHei's. TWe Grand Opening for tihe Head- q'Wlilcrs has been set for Satur­ day September 23, iflBS, at ii;00 < m. It is hoped that air ean- (fl'-'aids fcr oJfices can be present the CjuI It-.ouEe. £m'i;ih G№ve precinct wl41 hoìtì their meeting Monday Sfejjtenitee^ 23, at 7;30-at Ihérvtítíng plaéfei >: New Scout Troop Is Being Organized. A Scout merting wtil be- hclÌ tVlday, S^témbef 20, at 7:80 p.m 61 the Davie ■ Actfdemy Omnfhuiilliif bulldfhg for the puipWe of oPiflh- felrtg a Scout THwp for tJtat vltrtn»' ity under the leadeiihlp oi Jack koonti. ............. iMr. Koontz a^9 that all inter* ested beys between the ages ot li to 10 to attend tihls meetiivg wllli ihdlr fathers. Jack Oopley of Lexij, ittgtbn and JOhh Garwood M6pksvllfe wUl' cohaùct thè mi ing. ........ ■Lhst week’s issoB'of this newspaper cai'rléí a couWfl’ t<J'b#ílltód'k>ut! and returned as to wheré 'young people' f«nm tlhé county will b6 going away- 0 school. TKé'frillowIng Is-allst of thfenames received by us. tt is planned to have further lists reported as they ,qome: llftda Gayé Pótts, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Hawey M. Potts, Rt. ^íiMbclcsvlUe, a freshmflh at Wini ¡té’'College at <Wln|étó, N. C.; ,h№ r Terry. Lynn iPátts, a senior J UN'C, Chapel Hill,‘N. C.j Earl ^foce, son of (\ir.* ai)á';Mrs. Wade' Qroce; Rt. 5, Moeksi4% a Junior at East Carolina Unlvfirstty, Green- !^Ue; N.' c.. Ann’JpW'daugHter of and Mis; Mflrón''Plbtt, Rt. 2, iksvtlle, a Jürtlor at Scarrett iplléít«; NasHVllle, Ténm; Steve An- %on, son of Mr; and Mrs. Jim Anderson; 'MagnoUB' Ave;, Mpck^ Í'a^ so't^tmwré’’ á . K; NafehVM' Tchh.V iBleanor Irifii BVtfekl" daÚBliféf of'Mr' and 1.^ B/C. fiWtkf Ji., 'Rt.'5, MOcky a- junior at' TKe- UilWérélty • ot . ’ ,'icásr Mé3üc6 aly; ‘México. Oáhiér,' soh'iof' Mr. and [l^íJ sidiiey> Gat‘nét‘, Rt'. 3, Mócks- [li; a tóst' year stüdént' at' Salls- iJfy Bííáirtéss Oóllegei Sállsburí, ÍKC.; Márlénfe BSgCf', dáUBhtér o{ (Í! and : Mrs. jámés D. Bbger, Utóad,* Mióoksvllle; a sen» at East Carolina University, (íéOnVlllé; GeOfge' Isom Clln&rd, áyi Ift. 2i Aav&nééí a ft^shtnah at ilatíhlan’St'áté’UnlVersitly.BOonéi itrlcla iHuth' Bíóel ahá Mrs. Bl> C. BW)ckí Jr., Rt. Ji Mácksyillé, a fíeshinan at Lenolr ^uhty Community College, Któstori; . James g ! Groce, son’ of 'Mr." and № ■ Cláyt6A‘‘Groce, Rt. 5, Mocks­ ville, Snd year medical student at Chapel’ Hill; FíédéHck’' B'alU . . son- of Mr, and Mrs. Hubert I lléjf, Rt; 4, Advance, a freshman at:UNe. ChapeMtlll. • j4ÍHe' a ; Harris;- daughitér of Mr. tó’ Mis. ROyi' liatirisj ■ SaJisbury. , ' , Mbeksv'li;e;'/a''5iresbman at #a«e Forest tfrtiversliy; Wlnston- ááiem; Rbkie'Lagle:-"son of, Mr.' apd Mrs. JÁn F; Lóffe Df Mocks. vine, Rt. 3, a F re n a n at Cat- aw^ja CoHojo; Jani'e ffinimepmán, ,áa'-ighter‘ Ol' Mi*.' an'df’" Mrs. W. J.' Zimineitnan, Rt. 2; Aá'íáncé;' a ^Jpnijjr, at; Oáiwíina UnU versiiy, C»'"i.'. i ce, fif, C.; Jéro' Dl.’ jHesidi'ix, son pf,. Mr. and Mfi. Th’ iniia's A.‘ • Hen'ipi.x, Rfi' 2, Ad­ vance, a. .‘^1-'"!'croare • ai -Weistert ^Cargl'na ÜnV/efslly, . C. .T' 'ivhee, ÍÍ. C.; and ' Si-iáiioñ'’ YoUng, daught’ er of Mr. and Mrs.'Roy ydunk, Rt. 3j Mockáy^é, a ” SapflKMWore at ¡wesfémi' dañíiina Uriívórsíniy, Cüll- 0;\vhee, N. C. TwHa Handlin. 'díiüShter of Mr." and ;.Mrs. Robert iíSMinV 'Rt.' 3.' MockViHef a ^etí)i^an'' at‘" ESakt’"parolina Uht veiná^i greenvBle, U á B, ‘ 'Ifeléh ajizaft)c№ SpÁitc|,-i daughter ■:Oí: tór. .and Mni;;lJíífó|F. Sp'arks, ‘ 2, Moeksvi'Bi^ . at üáéM’er CcillcÉg,'^ • ffltlsénhéljner'. ’■M C.: ana:W''j)íBfteí¿ jollín Ed- S(párkk?:aí^*ái№ni^'at‘' N.'' C. I&te'Uiilveráty?; Riálel^, N; C.: ^ ^ ^ ’ Rilchle; dausMer óí-Mr. and- Lester RicMe, .RIt. - 2, Mocks- a“Fres4¿TÍah ‘at Wlngate OoH- WÜigatéS N. C.: Defflbert Éú- Bennett,- son of MP."-and -Mrs. Béñnat; Rt.' 3,' MbeksviBei ih at ' Mitidiell' Ooilége; N. 0.^ N.’ Snfltbl san'of Mr. and Anmond Smlthi' Route 4; a ' at N.’ C. Stete'Ünhrerstty: iJl Matthews, son' o(f Mr. and- Gray Matihé^rs; RÍMite 1, a SeMbr at Oatl^á OolN- chael Seairfop, «en of Mr: and< W Ehiert Ti Soajrtwi,' Hit. 4? 2ita'' Q^ffiiér FVesh- jplin at David ‘ UpMaMf Obllége,^ Nartiyllier Ténn: Oilanná amithi' dáir^r of- M^.‘ anU ^ Mn. F i^ - stnfW; »oule 3j' Aid 'yéar at CbU^éi Stat-’ esi^i .................. EñtSfpR^TfSíSrtf MockffWUe. N. C. 27028 TliitutKfáy A t'lïi SDtitii M àirst: OORDOir TOMCIÑisON Bl^ntoR^Í>UBtSRSÍl' B\m 8HÒIÌT A880ÒIAW BblTOR .MoRd^VatfiMtíÉvt i>aid At dOduvUtoi N» O. . Subwriptlon ritM! 8in|^ 0OP7 lOót $4í.09 W y9U lB At Overhead Bridge MockiiilUe, N. C.MMS' CMsMUür 9 m ptf S b a t 0EITS m NrpREm r Accm//rs \ BUT THEY OS /^CREASE YÒUR CHANCEÓ \ Of A^oimo CRmCAk o r f a ta l fN> \ : JüfZt£>$. / r MAKE& SENSE — BUCKVB \ UP.,. BVEJZY j M i / ' i MasGot Mapesiúni limatone G U A R A N T E E D AN ALYSIS; 30% Calcítitn Garbonate . . . 30% Carbonaté ¡‘ sGftEEN SIZE: 50% thróufeh looi r 1:06^%—through ZO-mcsh | screen. Also contains trace minerals il . . ZING, GOPPER, SU LPH U R and IR ON . t Solid Exclusively in Davie County by Ifowan -Davie Lime Service s hul Hodges, Owner FORv IM M E D IA T E D E L W E R Y Leave name' and phone-number in box fat: LíMé; stbfckjiil^ at thie iijternefctión of pliglmáy; 64^and' 60^^ in-Mbcksvinc or- lequest.' BulË;^ FertiliîSef^'*Stil’eiàdih"gf^V-'Gi or Ártfibur. Ainmoniá Nitrate Spread: A S G G R D EkS FILLED S b lia ^ a is^ M ufiiiftinn№ l№ Rib^ roofiili iH ld s lilliit ;; . TwIn-Rib rooflhB saves you money When compared with’Othei" roofing; It gives yoU . . . < more coverage per square purchased' ; ■ I because you nsriaie fiew« ih'eetr“------ 1(1 fewer laps, tighter roof • buildings up to 15° cooler In summer—warmer In winter -«-eeffrferteblermere- productlveHlvestocK--'--------- - the only roofing sh^et with two big giiei«ntees! l! U> HAIL QU ■U suàrutMd (or.lO ytirt;I. No alhér-dimBS*'HÍ %9v*rád ' i^t of miMrld only. Nol pro- 'AlUinlnuin Twln-ftlb roolim ind.i ! notlo l;«lt;i* « town ol p*riort>T<in!by>" UAdor Ihlt'suaunltét LImTtod lo Mplae.»led. Nol trwiilerMt«.^, > ^ , C M R O S IO N étiÁRANlill .Kaiser Aluminum.róoflpo Mdisiding It'guaranleed not to taak‘frflm>D«r* Ouarar**- — ^ -• ' aimliar metali 4 SOyeart.Umii .yeárk•bï•ìвd^ , be approvi letalt or grodnrf.-1 •nitadlo./eplatf^! Buy now tnd Mve; S ^t a l price as low •s' •/( J k i m B m ■M a M t N a m AVÂILABtiÀr • • f-1 ifi iiii'.' » TiV ■ ii/ ■ >ih. ÍJ1P. p«rsquar*' DimE M i№ ^Mò'cksvillè; I Ni Ci PKoné 634-5021^ [W ......^ - '•! "r ■ « Í 1; . Í •^ 'W in te r a r id - ^ summer you » ‘ ^ 5 S S 9 t!^V can remain comfortable. . . arid the 1 aâvings on fuel and air conditioning i can equal your smairinveistment^ Storm windows and doors mean free* pSSSBSpÇîS dom from nofse, drafts, and insacts. Doors and>^windows are self-storing^ no changlhg with thé seasons. In* serts ara easily removed from însidé '>■for cleaning. Take advantage of our< r;spaeia^offer today« i w H fr a s E ‘ V O M ttO W E ms. Mitili №m 6 3 4 ^ 8 ^ 9 M m Iw i UI« N. C. Thursday, September 19, 1968 Enierpriae^Reeorä h o k s and h a n c ie s By M ARGARET A . LEGRAND IN SANPORO TWO DAYS (Mr. and Mi'S. Rtv Call «pent Saturday and Sunday In Sanford, the • guests of Mr; Cadi’s ’ brother- 1«-law and slstei', Mr. and Mrs, Jeter Adcock and Mrs. Call’s sis- SOCIETY BAPTIST CHimCH' IS SCENE , OF SEAM0N‘DW1GGINS CEREMONY . ---?— vrtilti liii«n : doth,i was ctfiHei'Cd a tifi'Cd vveddi|s oak« iljy burning tapers, ' Pag« Three A’TTKNÜ UNVEILING Mr. nnti Mrs, Lester P, Martin spent Smultiy ivl Boone. They at- tendotl the unveilini: of Dr. W. H, Plenimons’ pui'trait which is to be ptaced in tiho Appalachian Slate Uiiivci’si'ly studenl center, whidi is rtiimed In his honor. Tiie portrait is Iho \vorl< i»r ,Ioe l^ing. a Wins- lon-Siilem ;nli.st who paints under The n am e «f Vinci'uta. Mr. M^artin who is u trustee of ASU's l)oard and Mrs. ATailin also attended the luni’tiooii (111 lihe eampus. ATI’liNU WHUDING Mrs. Riil'us B. Sanford and dau.?hlei', FV'anccs. atitended Iho wedding (ff Mrs. Sanford's cousin, .Jiic'lt Bennett who married Miss Kay Ogljurn I'ccenlily at Ohapel Hill.. ................ B1CC15NT GUEST MÍS.S Loraynne Graff, faculty member .of East Carolina Univers­ ity, spent a recent weel<end hero with Mrs. Rufus B. Sanford and husband on Holly Lane. FOitiMBH CLASSMATE HERE 'Dr. and Mrs. Bin Phillips and sons, Roger and Martin of Eng- lantl. visited Mr. and Mrs. George Martin and liamilv from Saturday until Wednesday. Dr. Phillips will GUESTS FROM HICKORY Mr, and Mrs, Lonnie Lanier of Hiclrory, spenl the weekend heix! wil'h Mr, and Mrs. Grady N. Ward on Norrlih Main Street. VlSmNG SON HERE Mrs. A. Trueland of Magnolia, New .Jersey arrived last 'Tuesday to visit her son and daughter-in- V .. '■ . . Ml'S. Dwiaiitis Will Hve with her Miss PrisolUa Otero Seamon be- and'She carried carnalion.v on her-¿a^ots on/'Route i. Pit. Dwig«ins came the bride pf Pit. . James while prayer book, tei's. Mrs. Adcock, the former Es- Clayton Dwiggins Sunday at Soc- The bride’s aunt, ’ Miss Seamon sie CaU, daughter of Hie late Mr. iety Baptist Church. The Reverend w «s li« only attendant. She wore Sidney Grtnies affielated at . the a light. blue. ei'e^e dress and car- will brvo a lour of duty in Gtjen- land;- and Mrs. W. L. Call, is convales­ cing al hw home there after re­ cent surgery.- BACK PROM GERMAi>lY Sic. poy -Southorn Jr. and chil­ dren who have been stationed in Gennany. spenl the past weekend hero iWth the Sgt’s parents on Gwyn Street. Sfc. Southern will 5 p. m. ceremiony. Mrs. Henry liewls. gololst,'. and M'iss Mai'y Jo Lewis, oi'iganist, presented a pi'ogi'am of wedding music. ....................... ried a ■ single, red rosebud. The ta'ldegroom’s father was best man. .Ushers were Sp-4 Edwin Carter und Sp-4 Steve Brown. After a wedding trip in the west- iMrs. Dwiggins is tihe.I daughter' ern“•'•North' Carolina mountains, of M',‘. and Mrs. J<ay C. Seamon ¡Mrs. Jack Cartner sem’ed the of Route 1. She is a gHaduate of wedding edke and Mrs. H. G. Will- Davie County High School and iams poured'punch, both are aunts law, Mr. land Mrs. Donald K. 1^.3^ ,iext week for an assignment Career Beauty College, Statesville, of the bride. Mi's. Dewey Wike as S m o k e y S a y tt A n e VÛÜ C A Ü ß n J t ..: O R JU ST L ü t K V ^ Tiucland on North Maiir Street. in'A'ibtnam OFF TO ,SCHOOL Barry McCoy entered the senior class at Castile Heights Military Institute, Leij-annon, Tennessee re­ cently. His brothr, Tom McCoy entered the frcshmlan class at North Carolina Stale College at Raleigh. They are sons of Mrs. Charles E. McCoy of Church Street. ........................ RETURNS FROM FLORIDA Mrs. L. G. Sanfoi'd who spent a week at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida with her son and daughter- in-law Capt. and Mrs. L. Gaither Sanford, Jr., returned home Fri­ day. .................... LEAVES FOR COLLEGE Pfe,—Dwiggins,. the son of Mr. and Ml'S. Rufus Dwiggins, is also a Davie County High SohodL; gra­ duate and is now serving in the U. S. Anny. .... The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white sti'eet- length dress of bonded ci'epe. Her headpiece was a short veil of net M a r r ia g e A n n o u n c e d Mrs. Lois Kelly announces the marriage of her daughter, Amy Jo Swicegood lo Delano Hendrix; son of. Mr. and .Mrs. E. j.^Heiidri.\ of Rt. 2, Mocksville, N .'c. The wedding took place Satur­ day, September 14. GUESTS FROM DERTTA „____ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hendricks M r s . H a r v e y H a m r iC K -----------------------<vt JDerila. visited relath’cs here Is S h o w e r H o n o r e e Weekend guests of ur. ana ¡virs, - ~ Mrs. Harvey Hamгh:fcпo^=< Victor L. Andrew's last week at , hrmorprf with a' oink and t r a a r t r i “ T i ; m n m n m . Bobby Dill, son of SMS and Mrs. R. L. Dill of Route 2, entered 'the sophomore class recently at Spok­ ane Community College, Spokane, Washington. His mother accomp­ anied him there and returned af­ ter spending a week with him. by plane on September 1. Mrs. TJiil H e n d r ix - K e lly ■left again on Sept. 16 for Wash­ ington, D. C. to join her husband «flio had sei-ved for a year in the Air Force in Vietnam. S M S Dill’s new assignment will be Shophei-d AFB, Wichita Falls, Tex­ as. He will have a thirty day lea­ ve before leaving for Texas. sisted in serving and M.rSv. Jloy___ West presided at the register. Thirty five guests wei'e present. Cake-Culttng The bride's parents ■ entertained with a cake-cutling Saturday eve­ ning following She wedding rehear­ sal. The bride’s table, ovei'laid with a WEEKEND GUESTS until December. He is on leave from the University of Manches- *>lpr in England. Mr. Martin and Dr. Phillips were classmates at Camibridge. ATTENiD CENTER FAlfl iMi'. and Mrs. Denny Dyson of were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Register and sons, Timmy and Tommy o£ Florence, South Carolina. HOME FROM GEORGIA Miss Vada Johnson has returned to her home in FarmiMglon after Salisbuiy spent'Friday nijit with "the Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dyson. They T r L i T h l wwas there to l>e with her brother, George Johnson wlto has been ser-atlended the Center Fair Saturday und tile barbecue supper at Center. 'Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Slye ot Taccoma Park, Md., left Mon­ day after spending a week here at their home on North Main Street. Mrs. Siye is the fonner Mai-y Nelson Anderson, daughter of the tele Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. Anderson. ........ BMTEiRS liOSPITAL home of Mrs. psoar le .1, Ad\'>ance.. Co-hostess ■ was Mrs. Biill Burton. - .. Pink punch, pink and blue sand­ wiches, cake squares and nuts were served from a while linen covered refreshment -tM)le decor­ ated with English ivy. Twenty five guests attended. Mrs. Homrick is the fornner Ker- mil Ratledge of Advance. TO HAZELWOOiD Miss -Camilla J>ames spent the past weekend in Hazelwood, Uie guest of her brofliors, ,limmic and Duke James and their famlles. W ATLANTA FEW DAYS Lester Bowfles and lously in in South Georgia Meth­ odist Nursing Home. Mr. Johnson is, much improved and has been transiferred to Crestwood Nursing ■Home in Valdosta, Ga. where Ws son, the Rev. Thomas Johnson is Kennelh Bean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bean of Route 1. Wo<od- R e cip e ,Giveri F o r P rize C o r n Mrs. Joe Langston of Mocksville, leaf, entered Davie County Hos­ pital Monday. He undenvent a tonsiJectomy Tuesday morning, Kennelh is Ihe grandson of Mr. IMr. bird Mrs. fiaughter, Kay, spent a few days in 5^ Igst .week wjUi. Id -T3!Dwtf<s^ j.v’; ;>■ I'* Atlan'la, Mr. and JIETUBNS FROM OALIF. Mack Foster returned to her hoime on Route 2, Wednesday irom San Francisco, Caliibmia whBi'e she si>ent a week. She re­ presented the Newrology Depart­ ment of Bmvman Gi^ay School ot Mcdicinc at the 9th annual meet­ ing ot the American Society ot BEG Technologists heJd this week al llie Hilton Mutel in San Fran- cisfo. .. . past«,' of • Park Avenue Methodist and Mrs. Millard Harmon of Sal- Ohurcli. ' ............. isbui'y Street. .... M R S . M . D . B R O W N ’S I p S r d - i B a R T H p A Y A T H E | l ] ^ 0 M E ! h e r e granddaughter, Mrs. John Rancke, Mr. Rancke. John liiancke Jr., and ilOiMiE PROM S. C. Mrs. S. H. Hines re'turned to her home on Monday Jrom Hartsvillc, South Carolina Where siie sjjent the sum- inci- with her sOn-in-Jaw , and daughlei-, the Rev. and Mrs, Ben ____LockHair and family. ______________ WEEKEND GUESTS Mr. and Ml's. Bub W aters of La- Cross, Virginia, visiled Mr. Wat- CTi’ mullier, All's. Marvin Waters Hie past weekend on North Main ' Klrcet, 'I'hey were en route home Irom Tennessee whore tiioy enroll­ ed Iheir sun, Grady, in the Uni­ versity at Kno.vvi!le. Also visiting Air.s. Waters dui'ing the weekend \i;is iier sislcr, .Miss li’ie Nail of JliL'liory. ....................... VlSllOliS HERE SUNDAY 'l lie Hlv. and Mrs. Robert C. Go- 'f<irtli of Hiekoi’y, visited old Irioads hero Sunday. They were en rt)Ule iioinc from Greensboro and a'lcpiml by I'or Ibe morning wor- -rliiS) seiAiee ¡il the Firsl .Methodist Church. The Rev. Mr. Goforth is » u tormer j>astor of the ehurch. I JCTS 'I'O .VASin'ILLE Michael St'anion, son ol .Mr. anfl .Mrs, Krnesl T. Seamon of Route •1, Jell I))' jel Affiiday from dm M - le Aiii)oit for Nashville, 'I'onn. IJe cmolled a.s a second (luarter fresh- inuii at lJ;nid Lipscomb College. VISITI.NG I'.^REN'i'S Ct.irfiu'O Salle.v arrived Friday li.v plane /*1)111 .San Uiego, C'aliiw. jiia III iiK'iiil a iieek HilJi his par- I'jits. ,\lr, aiul Airs, Holjert Salley i:a Norili .Main Street, liI.Tt'll.vS HtOM THIP Mrs. Jciiin F, LeGraiul returiifil fo l:i r iuiiiie on .\orth .Main .Street Ja.-,! 'J'mcrsil;i.v aller visiting relal- ,« <■.!. :: U".',' i;i Harnwell, .S, C. and Auyusia, Georgia. Mrs. Ptank ; I'McM'illan,, Miss Clayton Brown and Miss Kathryn Brown entertained with a dinner Sunday at their home on NortH Main Street, honoring their moth­ er, Mrs. Al. D. Brown, on her 103rd birthday anniversaiy. On the white linen-covered din­ ing table wore tliree decorated bir- tliday cakes mlade in shapes of .1-0-3 and an arrangement of pale pink flowers. Rt. 2, won a Blue Ribbon Saturday, at the Center Comwiunlliy B'air, for her canned corn. There vrere many ladies ' there wanting the 'recipe, .so'’for the benefit of those, who are ■inta-£^^ A^s- Langston »is >shai:.-- iijg^ffie-ji'^^ With the ^dei's of ; i' • ■ 'Canned !Com ' • ' Select tender corn, cut whole gi'ain as nearly as possible. Fill piht,jai's to within oi)e half inch BOYS», M E N ’S SN EAKERS Reg. $2.9» Value $1.98 Quality tested! iHi and low style! Cushion inner-sole, suction sure-grlp soles. While, black, ai-2, 2',a-fi, 6',ii-'12. RINTZ’S 5c to S5.00 Store 125-127 N. Main Mocksville, N. C. DALE EVMS MNIES IS N O W ASSO C IA TED W IT H the Misses Margaret NeHl and top- To each jar. add tap. Nancy Rancke of Lumtierton; ««^r, '/4 tsp. sialt, 2 tsp. drained OHarles Green, the honoree's son- i^rs to one half in-law. Chuck Green, Miss Betsy from top with boiling water. Green and David Gieen of Lake and place in warm City. S. C., and her niece, Mrs, 'Vater to completely cover tops, W. C. Wallin and Mr. Wallin of '’™SS to a boil and boil for thirty iWinston-Salem. ■ V%SV.%S%V.WA*.*.*.V.*AVAW^.>SVSftiVSV.VirJ'A BELTONE HEARING AID § — New Office—r. ' 124 W . Innes St. Salisbury; N. C. Phone 636-6037 aÎKë The First GLep^ow Tô>v:àrd Better Hearing ^~Mail this coupon Today;i- ^^Yes, I’m interested ill discovering how I can hear ! .'•with unbelievable clearness, thanks- to the new Bel- - tone Hearing Aid. (Please check one) □ I’d a FREE Demonstration, without obliga- ! tion, showing what the new .Beltone can do ; .for me,, □ at my home , □ at ,your office ’ □ please rush me, without obligation, the ex­ citing iiew FREE (book that leveals all the amazing hearing facts. □ FREE test of ¡my hearing aid. NAME . ........................................... ................................ ADDRESS .................................................................... TOWN ..... ................. ZONE .... ... STATE ....... Direction's for'drtving''io'5my house .............. ;> . ........■ * Friday - Saturday ; Route 1, Advance Gale has just completed training at N A T IO N A L A C A D E M Y OF B E A U T Y CULTURE in Winston-Salem ^ SPECIALS — TUES. and W E D . $10 P ER M A N EN TS for $7.50 The family sent a quiet day to­ gether. The Rancke family an-ived on Satui'day and the Green family Covers wei'e laid for; Mrs. -wias here on Sunday. Mrs. Brown’s Maple Avenue Brew’n, the hostesses, the honoree’s birthday is September 19th, Hartsvillc, minutes. 'Turn off heat and let jars remain in water until ocol. Airs. Langston thinks this coi'n is much better in flavor and nicer in color than pressure canned corn. She mlso likes it as well as the frozen e»iii. OU TSIDE SPECIALS OU TSIDE SPECIALS ^ - Savfnflg nrokes Vou yoonj st neartl Save for the happy th'iogs - Hkea beat, a fisbino trip, or a new rod and reel. YoufWappy .Money wHI look even happier yoM saw « S6&C PLASTIC W A R E TIIASH CANS, UTILITY TUBS AND DISH PANS 2 for $1.00 GLASS W A R E BOWIJS. VASES, CANDY DISHES PLATTERS $1.27 Each A LU M IN U M W A R E J'OTS, PA.N8, ROAST PANS, ' , SAljT & PEPPEli SHAKERS " ^ ’ . ,, ■ : c / , ! $1.00 . : INSIDE SPECIALS PILLOW S SHREDDED FOAM INSIDE r ; ■’ • r 2 DAYS ONLY-............... . ; ^2 for $3;op; INSIDE SPECIALS K E T T L E C LO T H , PRINTS AND SOLIUS; 3 D^VS ONLY , $1.66 yd. RACK OF Ladies' DRESSES & DUSTERS . . - DARK COTTONS REC. «7.0S SELLERS $4.88 i ‘ ■ ' ' ■ . ....... . . Boy»’ . NO-IRON , I; JEANS $2.77 GUOUI* OK 2 ; i LADIES’ SH OES ^ REG. $(i.»ll SELLERS $2.00 I BANKINO AND TRUST COMPAMtTmmU Hum bmwi mmmxh t We Cash Local Payroll Check» We Cash Local Payroll Checks Page F oui*г E n i ^ t p r i q i t ^ R t e t i n ß T htiM ^ay» 9 ep ten il» eï ^9» l^jB I Fariniligton News These cool nights and chilly mornings remind us that lih^ hot days of Summer are really over and Fall is here with the coW days of winter just around ttie corner. ................ Miss Frances Tabor of Stat­ esville was the Tue^ay guests of her sister, Mrs. fe. C. Btock Sr. .............. Miss Vada Johnson who has ibeen with her brother, Geonge M. Johnson, tor several weeks Walkertown, and Mrs. Tom Xas- son of Lewisville. The E. C. Jarvis home was a scene of good family fellowship Sunday as friend and relatives gathered In with picnic baskets of good flood to join in celobra- iton with Mr. JflPvls his birth­ day anniversat^, and also share with Mrs. Clara Weir a cele- bratipn of her recent blrtJiday anniversary. Of all the children and granddiiWren only tour Book For iSale, Dr. C. Hi iJcwlon, former t>BStor of First United odist Church Df Mocksville.. Itos I written a book entltteA "too iPoems and 2 \praycrs." This book ts being sold by members of the Young AduH CI^ss of tlie local church at^d also lat .Taylor Printing Com- ppny In Mocksvillc. , > Anj'one who would like to buy a copy of this book its ASlted to con­ tact eUhr of the Above, is .he was a putluut lu Urn SwiUi— -jwer.. absent and for a good rea. The late GEORGE ROWLAND '. v at ri ght, and Andrew ,Lagle, then water JPlant Sept., a t /wheel that turned ,on the flow of water th r o u g h Mocksville’s pew water plant in (1947. The late «ol. Jacob Stewart, town attorney, is jshown at left, watching the ¡proceedings. ____________________________ SOFTBALL The AM Stars of Oomatzer Meth­ odist Church were edged out by the 1^1 .Soffihalil tflam. Mrs. Stella Hendrix was the out- Little League The naivie Oounty Lilltle League 'Football A$9odatibn will begin its Davie Oounty High Sdhloiol ^Stadium at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 21. There wdll be two games each Saturday night (tor sfac consecutive weeks, weather peranilttinte. lAdmission each night will be $1.00 fk>r adults and $.50 for stud­ ents. However, the members of the limie League teiaims are now sell- Wg se^adon tickets for all sbc nights lat $5.00 for adults and $2.50 tor ¿Wdents. Mr. Jlohnny Naylor is supeuvising the tiloket sales. The Leiague <*nists of the Far- mtogton Packers coached by Don­ ald iR. ¡Riddle, Mocksville Colts coached by Douglas OoQlins, Moeks- Hedsfcinfi coia<*ed by Kenneth. lft>W©H, and the Shady Grove Pan- thMS ctfadied by Bill Ward. The '.liiamis consist df sixth, seventh, .Jmd dgth graders, I' Beiiving as Preisldent of the As- ’«»pation Is WilUaim E. Hall of 'JIMoioksviile, as ■*«;Mc&iJresidrat, Frank Mlarfdand « ’•JA'dv^e, and as Secretary-Ti-dasurer, James N. Andrews Wf Mocksville. John N. McDaniel is heading up (he Con­ cessions Committee. Everette Blackwood is Chairman of the m ie Chairman ot ihe .Program Com. miltee. The schedule is as follows: 9 21 68 *Farmington Packers vs. Mocksville Redskins; Shady ■Grove Panthei's vs. * Mocksville Colts ............... 9 28 68 iMocksville Redskins vs. i*Shiady Gro\'e Panthers; Farming­ ton Packers vs. *MocksviIle Colts ao 5 68 Shady Grove Panthers vs. * Farmington Packers: Mocksville Colts vs. *MocksviilIe Redskins ao 12 68 *Shady. Grove Panthers vs. MocksviJlle Colts; *MOcksville Redskins vs. Panmington Packers 1)1 19 68 MocksviUe Colts vs. *®Tannin^ton Packers; Shady Gro­ ve Panlliei's vs. ^(Mocksville Red­ skins • ............... ill 26 68 Farmington Packers vs. ★Shady • Grove Panthers Mocksville Redons vs. *iMooksviMe Colts * designates htone team standing AH.Ster of the game. a small margin. Harold Franks Was the most outstanding All-Star of Ihe benefit game. Larry Sink, Missionary To Speak At Advance Larry Sink, missionary to Alge­ ria, wiU speak Sunday, September 22, ät 7 p. m. at Advance Methodist Church. .. .. Mr. Sink is fi^om Midw'ay. He is a graduate of Catawba Colege and went directly to work in Ihe Me­ thodist Cliurch. He spent three years as assistant director of Boy’s Home in the mission Jield and has recenltly complete nurses training in Charlotte. He plans to -return to Algeria Within the next year. . 'Everyone is cordially invit^ to attelid thi.s senvieö. ' ., ........ Its Pays To Adveftise Georgia MethodUt Nursing Home in Amerious, Ga.. return­ ed home last week. Mr. Johnson has hnpiwed so much that he now is staying with his son and family, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson in Valdosta, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. Pet Edwards and daughter of Winston-Salem were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Spiltaian. Mr. and Mrs. George Nisson Tucker celebrated their twenty fffth weddtog anniversary Sat­ urday. Out ot town guests that helped them celebrate the oc­ casion were Dr. and Mrs. Bill S. Peniyman and daughter, Me­ lanie, of Henderson and Mrs. 'Ijouise Perryman of Lewisville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hutchins and children of Latta, S. C., were the weekend guests of Mrs. “Hutcfiln’s” parentST’Mmmd-Mrs.- W. W. Spimman. Refreshments were served to the twenty two guests present. Miss Pat Erode and James Brock t)f Kinston spent the week end at home with their families. With Mrs. Elizabeth Williard at . the piano the group enjoyed (he --^te-.Md-Mrs.-Gnty (rroce—of--steglng-of-^Btoy-famillar-siMigs^ Kodiester, N. Y., arrived last Wednesday f*>r a four day visit with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wade Gnoce and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. They left Sunday. Since U\^ng in New York they are visiting maiiy places ot in­ terest. N ia ^ a Falls, being one. Puddhig Ridge Farm was ot special interest Sunday after­ noon as Mrs. Wade Grpce and three' of her guestis dU‘ dress­ ed in colorful artist dress were' scattered over tte spacious front lawn of the tone painting the tends^pe scenes which lay, beitore them.' Ctae laige dead oak -tree with. leafless branches, standing, in aiitisUc teauty; m'ade an Ideal--modd tor the; arti^,. These liases wre- .^Students in >^theCE\M^ T ^ : , Suests vrere , ; Mrs. FVariic Pdttijohn ot Wins-, tcrn.«alom, Mrs, H. L. Nan»ii, of ': son. Mlch^ael Jiarvls Is stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga.^ Gory“JW-’ vis is In Vietnam. Karyle Jarvis and Jerry Boger are students at the Stale University in Raleigh. Out of town guests were: Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Shore and Mrs. Clara Weir of Yadkim’llle; Jim­ my Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Huffman of Hickory; Mrs. Myrt­ le Taylor of Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Leater Jarvis of Covii^gton, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Leater Boger of Moclksville; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jarvis of Jones­ town Road, Winston-Salem. Miss pheiaibe Eaton was hon­ ored on her birthday anniver­ sary Saturday a^rnoon by Mrs. J. H. Montgomery and Mrs. OdeH James at the Montgomery 'home. Ihe .guests presented Miss -®aten- wifli- many ]os«ly .gifts______ IWN Police and the Sheriff , of Davie- Oounty arrived al the scene. Keali*. Ing the situation the pollc« ¿ntL sheriff actcd calmly and quite ef­ ficiently In removing my cftr frt>m - obstructing the traliic. Therefore, Gentlemn, t would llk0 to commend the act on your poUce officers and the iherlff In assisting my wife and me at this cmbarraM* Ing moment. Their assistance shnU always be remembered. Sincerely < Ffed M. Elmore The folowlng Is a ictler written to Mayor Mando and Town Council from Fred Elmore of Kernersville. that was deemed worthy of print­ ing: Mayor and Town Cou:vU Mocksville, North Carolina GenUen(ien: On Saturday afternoon of Sep­ tember 7,- as my wife and 1 were passing through your town, our car Tîâi^èTiëd to ôvëfhear sfld'-camç-'to , u uu a slop In front of the. drive of Epton al Union Chapel Unlt^ Me№ Funeral Home; ot this moment a odist Church Saturday, Seplembef procession had just started for the at, at 8 ,p.im. .... cemetery. My wife and I ware now I T-’® North State Quartet of Lex- in. the embarrassing situation - of ington and' the Giatfeway Quaret of blocking the westbound Interstate 40 Elkin will be featured, traffic plus the funeral procession. li^’e putiic ts cordliaKy Im'ltcd Shortly thereafter, the Mocks\’llle to attend this program. Singing At Union Chapet There-wiH-be-j p»gcani.ot.:SS[nB'i... Pour the one you're sure of;.» Pet Fresh Milk 'See iThis Beautiful Fiirniture iNow (During O «r-3-IIay ! This week Thursday(Friday Satuirday.- Open Thursday and Friday-Evenings itil* 9. f of LAW AND ' Congressional Candidate ; ] Wilmer “Vinegar Bend” Mizell ENJOYABPBEQUEBIIIHERANB HEAR THESE GREAT AM­ ERICANS SPEAK OUT FOR AST RONG NATION. Strom Thurmond-Mizell Rally . SATURBAY, SEPTEMBER 28-6P.M. . NATIONAL GUARB ARMORY IN LEXINGTON FOR TICKETS CALL: BILL HALL ___f i 3 4 d l 2 3 4 _ ^ _ _ U. S. Senator Strom Thurmond Setfeÿ'^Grôup Inclucling Mqtcjijn^ I End Tables qnd Cocktail tqbleJ Although Light in Weight, Rqtfan is one of the World's Strongest woods; ond with a Minimum of Core, Will Stcind. up Under Years of Rugged Still Retolnlng its Noturol Bequty. Fine Worlcmon-! |lhip> CoiipJed with the DurobQity of Philippine Rotton enobles us to guaroi|t«e qgqlnit ony Mflpiufocturer's Defect for 10 Full Years. Your' iiving Room, rdmily Room, Den or ony Room In your Home, Wili b«i ¿For Richer Looking When Tostefujiy Docoroted with Rqtton.u' Eveiytijung in the Storci iSale Diuring Ша Exciting (Event. ( B0U6LAS ifURNITURE CO. Septetpb^t 1?> 196^Pavie County Еп1еш1й^^г|Page iive "U'vti'atlen!« admitted lo l^vJa hty MospUcl during the pwlod jffi Scc)c.rj'jef 9 to Septemtjer 18 Ikttludes; ■■ , Joioph BJalte, Rt. 2, Advance qo’ene MaDfltilel, Rt. 6, Sail»- ym ........... , 'CJlli Harkey, Rt. 2, Harmony .'Retifts NaU. Hit. 4 Aignow, Whitmire, S. C. ' Tijp^as Ayers, 'pi. 1,' Advat^ ■ 1*11^ Polhdexter, ^t. 5 • ThiHv Speer. Rt. 2 Lk.yd Shoaf, Rt.- 1, Salisbury ' • í'i.u'ljís Blactóvt'M, Rt. 1, ■ Advance Bwyçls. Rt. I, Woodleaf '.' ЬаЦг Yoik ' Rle^.,.._ . Erà Isòu'tljèrn ^ fct%aret ' Beok, Cocdecmee Ralesea' K'jer, Spencer ш . 2 ; ш h . Ш :й : ÏWMty, WJnstpn-Saleiü 9^. '2. DS*son »№ftípri¡íartólh * ^ ■ *^ylor, Rt. 1, 01e4eland l^rx, Ri 2 Buclhahan, Rt. 2 .. Alikina. Ш. 2, Vadkln- MoMahon. Rt. 4, States- brnizao, Brooklyn, Г|. Y. /Йау'зШге, Rt. 4 ' ■Wriofíw WiMiMîis, Rt. S —áo Ann Suddreth, Rt. 2 V;ii'aye Marshall, Rt. 5 berca Eller, Jesse firowh, Eric' Sauthern, GatJand Spry* Mangaret Bick. Vance M'ARihoh, Pifttil Tfiy* ter, ATarle Swain,'DohiM Polndex- ler. Thirties Ayers, Louliè Wng, Ann Sv'i».iiers, Oolmoh'! Canter, Saiiy Wall, Fred ' Siiobr, Qe'ene MdDanlol, Rhyjys B.teiÌWèH, Tim- oV.y Williams, Trudy ,^er,, Dewey ftrf ertson, .TosecU O i W i : déste Ta,v!or, L!«yd and Ruth Lowery. .................... B ^ T MBTH0OBT Circle" !, Mrs. Jfiak Pennington, chairman, met Monday cvcnihg Willi ' Mrs, Jack A(llliion at h « home on Mspte Avenue with ejgnt mèn*ers ipresenl ' (Mrs. Héten Crenshaw gave the progr^, and ^"s. Allison had lihe devotionals; !Rof№£onenU semd* conWed of hèi.ttei>^ade peaA' -I«!». arid pound o^iite. ' - ' i : Oi^le liiò. 2 mét yrfth Mrs, 0. K. Pope at her liwi^e # 1 % ^ Street. Mrs. Mi C.end Miss Jarie MoGuiie-liad'it^rge ot tìiè prograim. They ga^é. làltó arid shcwÈd ' M ; an^ a ^ j l p t '№ ' ina anà Tttailand. f ' pòctiihon showed Slides that Were iiifide 'by her son while he \^th the Ajinned FV«ws. in ;TlWtond.’ - {Refresfhiments ot; Wjltlh whipped cre^,t ^ts, and clcci'er of the Study book which was all Blvut Thailand. ■ Tlie hoiiesses senved chess pio, nuts and cu.iee to eight menXiers .tnrt one visitor. __ The Aftt'***-'»« CicI* Mon* day at 3 p. m. wMi Mrs. B. W. Crav al her home on NorUii Main aireet with five members and two vlsKors, Mrs. Mary diànSl^r ot Alt. lie it Mrs. GiSjert MiMeK Mrs. Jin Tlxampson gave Uie 1st chap'.er of the study book which was on Burmia. She also gave the de tottenals. ........ The ohainman, Mrs. Otiompson ro94 a letter (rotii the Dlstriol (presideht of tl'e W. S. C. S. Intro- djre'ttg thfe now sèi up, since they ^had united with _li’8 E- tJ- R- iRofreshments served consisted cf A Me Sauce Ouke with a tapping, and hot tea. ........ FIRST BAPTIST Circle 1, Mrs. Charles Farthing chalrm'an, met KiV-tìay evening vi ;;h M'l's. George Rowland at her heme on Maple Avemie wilh elgiii tnmbers presnt. Mrs. Oraham MadlsDn gave ihe- progrom • titfed, I Studies lor Sei'vice and Missions. Circle 2, met Monday evenbg at tihe home cf Mrs. Sam tiicMs on North Ma'in Street -wltlh eleven momibersi present. Mrs. Rayimond Keller gave the prógnam on, ‘.‘Mis­ sionary' Sctools in PiaSi'arna ahd RihodjBsia." ............... ■ The hostess served piinch and assorted cookies. - '.James deajty, Rt. 5 Whitaker, Rit. 2 .The^isa Feimster, Rt. 1 ■ EDàtee Sheek, Rt. 3 . ,Arginila: PlIott, 'Rt. 4 ;tl^nnan DraOsto, Rt. 4 nts disdharged during the ^riod included: lilUan , Bdbby Feimster, Martha E^Bi Molntyre, Lucy, Mel- ' ,,lto^e Cozart, Boone Poster, M ’-.janvis, Edward ■'vtòser, ^.?^l’-Barker, Nancy №mes. Cur- iW>Hfia^s, J. G. Owens, Frank Ag- 1^,' i Oolimon Carter, SaUy .'wlaH, ' ■ Iv dwaf, Gdene MdDanJel, Nam, Maiy Taylor, Joseph ' i Bfchart Mftrrts', Ailene .........Àtl^s, F^or^ince Dadél, #11; ■ ■ ' coCfee were senveid' by hostws after a brief bu^in^s meeting. I^ne m^mibers were jirewnt. Circle 3, Mrs. :peiiry; ^fiffleT cbainnan, naelt Morijax 1 Weiling wltii IMarthqher home on Saiisbuiy sireet In ^e aibsenw of ^ ch^n^i^^ls^ OoM presided. Mrs. joim Bitodc: reviw- Group To Meet (G-.inrlotle. N. C.> The Kcynole ASdiess “It’s Up To You” will lie conceri.'!rj3 ti-c er^anded duties of Ihe denial assbtants and wlll te' gV en I'y the dentiit guest speahOr. NCCAiA Monf.eiiiivp Ccmimitteo diaitman, Vivian Bodenheimcr (aarUftilon, N. C.) wM s.'-oak qh (;he “Advantaiges of Matn’jeriCiip;’! drganlict’on O-inrimitteie Chalinmn, Mrs. Riandy dement (Raleigh; N. C.) WiH preacnl "Why Ol^gan' Ve?”, nr.d Education ComnS'.ttefi Chalnmian Miss Edna Zedafkcir (Qhariov.e, N. C.) will discuss ‘‘Tiends in Dental Assistant Ed­ ucation,” ..........;• Local Arnanjements Chairman’ for the So:ond Dlslrict meeting ,,ls M'ss Oarey S'erriil. A hineheoiO w'vl be he'd at 1:00 P. M. r ' 'i ;w V.ie tea l ured panel discuss­ ion with an Bdyj:ai!r.n Pro3ram foiio'.vlrjg the lumf'fion at 2:30 p.m; Oontwioneml snMetles In the s«r ond b(strlict of the North Oarolina Dfntcl Assistants Assoclaition are: Cabarrus Cbunly, Charlotle. David­ son Cainty. Rowan County, Etatcs- ville, and Winston-S6P.em. ^ •I'he schedule Of meetings, sreak- ers, and m’eettng sites are; First DlstriW - September 29 ■ Holid^ Inn, 201 Tunnel Rd., Asheville; Dr. John Girard, speaicer; Second Dis­ trict - as stated above Third Dts-, trict - Ootcher - Wlhispering Pines Motor Lodge, Southern Pines Dr. Guy B. Willis, speaker: Fourth District - Octiolber 13 - Slatler Hil­ ton Inn, 1707 M ^ro w g h St., Ral­ eigh Dr. Williiim H. Oliver; Fifth District - September 15 - Blockade R. B. BaiTdin, speaker. At Davie Hi A ban fire was hcid at Rich Pn k last Thurad'ay nl’iht to kick- cif the first hc'.ne focijball game. 'f;:e R i';b'.3 jjinned in from 7:30 ijnlil 8:30 p. m. os a/1 sorts of cheers, charis, and ya'Jls rang thrav.rh tCe park. ............. Davie №gh has its first- ßrum MajcreWe this j-ear. She Is Miss Patricia Hendrix. Ai:cnlloni Any D3vle graflüate w'o Is Inleres'led in reerii^lng Tl№ Rebel this year may dbtaln a year’s subîcripticn far $1.80, If In'erestcd coiV.acl Mrs, Beaver at sAi-ol or c'-ll her at гМбШ after school hwtrs. ■ .... Now chewleaders hove bgon t( osen fur the ’63-'6Э sihool ye&r. They are Joyce Call, ohicf: lou Ycar.a, Jane Bunch, Carolyn Lnn-'iord;— ^wlia--P-arncvi,— and Решу Wriia:e. ............. D:;v:e sli;i-ler,ts participated in a pe.T naliy Friday aPicrnron ЬеЛге ' ;îie ga;r:e wilh N-íi lh Slanly. The foali'.iCl p’r.ycrs, ct.cerleaders, and m.ijj:elies were inírodiíced. Express Thanks The Center Com/ltt'.w|ty D** yclopmeiti and residents ^ ^ e Cr.ter comn»«'«lty would liite 4® express Ihti' appreclatktn (p cvnry t,<ne ■wUo paHlclpated In ■:Ve iCeriief .Fair and Barbecue Glass pictures w«re made last vyeek for the ’83-’fi9 Clarion. The North Carolina Dental Assis­ tants Association wilK conduct its first memlbershlip campaign at the , tinie of the nueetings of the five -- , . ^ Distrais of the North Carolina ed toe ?tod chapter of the, ..study oewtal Society in the fall. boWc wljicfe was all #*wt Thailand, Second Districts, meeting will be held on Septemiber 22, 1968 at the White House Inn, 237 W / Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. Free­ man Slau^ter, Kannapolis, N. C. will be the spëaker. The registration desk at each meeting w® open at lO;3o A. M. The program w^l begin at 11:00 A. M. and will feature a panel discussion : moderated by North Carolina Dental Assistants Associa­ tion President, Miss Jtoyce Sigipoii w^hm 'rhee hostess served Apple dapple cake and Russifui tea to nine mem­ bers a ^ ty№ visitors, Mra, Qy Coo­ ley and Mrs. Jim ‘nidmp^n. Circle 4, Mrs. Abe Howard, Jr., chalnman, met Monitey evening with Mrs. Ed SWoTit at her home on North Main. Street with Miss. Cornelia Hondrik^.' as co^ibst^s. ¡Mrs. Howard had dii&rge of ': thi program and ^ e , the' secpnd W E C A SH LO C A L P A Y R O L L CH ECKS Business managers for the '63-'69 Claricn were selected Wednesday afternoon. Kenny Mabe is the bus­ iness mlanager with Freddie Wall assisting him as associate busin­ ess manager. Leading the school in cheers this year are Jlanet Hoyle, chief; Patsy /9.dersion and Debbie l^ГclDaniel, Co-chiefs. OShors are Betty Fere- 'bee, Marsha Lakey, Debbie Lank- №—Teresa Cool;, and Annette £okerd. . le-gids-you-will-seeJwirling -on- Ihe footMi field this year will in- o’jude Marty Mason, chief major- dae; Cynthia HeiJfnor, Marcheta D.ull, DtviJene Whitaker, Tina Hoy­ le, and Donna Wagner. to mnke It яге ot the lifest. "To to the ones who enterdd схМЬЧ«, (he ones that have workcl so fdlthful, .aril to .each n~c lirt came ц|Ц iol^i^^. ln 111' nqtlvitl.c An any njay we •r ii- i'ful,” said officials.. V.'e с£?есЩ1у would ДЦе' lo UiRnk the biislness ’ rirms,' 1пт ^'villi' Is and тапцЬцДи1‘^п1 [.om Davie County who jgaVf items and jnoney for tl^ fflp- cs.” • • ' The '«'Inncrs in ,the .drawing were as follows: 1st, Heritage Tabic, <0. K . Pope; 2nd .a la ^ ’s ring, (BUd Wooly, 3rd an 'elect­ ric iron, Melinda Presnell and 4th jsolderlng kit, Carloi^ Will- tams. ( ' ! Cope Reunion The annual Cope reunion will be held ^Sunday, September 22, at the ¡Fork BccreaH(j|ii‘“i?cn^ ter In ‘Davie County. All re­ latives ,and friends are Invited to Attend. Lunch will be ser­ ved at 1 I ' T V a n d I l f « :; the BAIBOA • 24538 Iviedilcrranoan styled ¿onsole In genuine Dark Oak veneers and i^leci hatdwoóà solids ÌZ4538DE), or In genuine Pecan veneers and select hardwood solids (Z4S38PI, b,9«h exclusive of decorative overlay. Cabinet features two simulated drawers and full base with concealed casters.9" Oval ihd 5" x 3" Twjn-Cone Speakers. . as low as | 9 5 Our friend* and neighbors in Forsyth C.ovinty told us that you were going from idoor to dopr RMfout the above campaign literature. How dq you expect those of us in the other »even counties of thisvCongressional District to feel? In effect, |you are saying... ALL I CARE A B OU T IS FORSYTH COUNTY. TH E OTHER SEVEN CAN G O FLY A KITE.’’ A C ongressman is supposed to represent all of the people in his Pistrict.. . not just some of them. SHAHE ON YOU The fine folks wHo Uve in Forsyth County |i.avc> not been taken in by yoiir tricky maneuver. They tell us that they are goinf t0 vote for **V1NEGAR BEND” I^Z E L L for Coi)i|preif« Mizell talks thu «oiiie way in W e think you owe oi^r feven counties an apology. oil eight eountiefi Signed, T . A. Willwrnt, Jr. '«CITIZENS W H O BE- (.lEVE A CONGRESSM AN SH O U LD REPRESENT ALL OF TH E PEOPLE.’* (PQlttlMl M m K W b| i r РИШКЬБ Щb(AG, . 184 «q; in. piçiwe Y O U A R E INVITED T O O U R P A R T Y T H U R S D A Y N IG H T FROM 6;00 T O 9;00 P.M. / ~ TheTUQSON »ZZOU America's first Uue 19- viewable diagonal portable W feVuires an elegant two-tone «ctsngular «ylJd cabinet in Charcoal B Balg, color, or Beige color EN JO Y REFRESHM EN TS W H IL E V IE W IN G Y O U R FAVpjRITE P R O G R A M OR LISTENING T O T H E FINEST IN STEREO MUSIC. C O M E AS Y O U ARE. Г- Thè S K 'r ó 'S S S i «WÍtíl fWTfrf Itfffflflti Bill M e r r e l l FU R N IT U R E C O . » I N C Wilketboro St. Moekfvillei N. C. Phone в34'5131 'Eniërpria-RëcùrS THursHay, September 19, 1968 Barbecue With Mince Meat Pons (Ind tuke to bnckyiird cnokinR? Suggest those spccinl simrcribs sauced wilh all the sjilondor nnd pungcnoy of rcmly- to-use miiicc meat. Here’s liow the Borden Kitchen does it: Mince Mcnt Ilnrliecuc Snuco (Makes 2-1/S cup«) l/'l cup hutter 1 cui) water 1 cuj) cho))ped fresh 1-1/3 cups None .'!uch Kendy-. onions to-Uae iMinceMeat OU 3 /<1 cup ketchup 1/2 cup instant minced 1/2 cup vinegar onions When using instant mhiced onions conihine the onions and water. I.et stand for 5 minutes, or until imions are rehydrated. In !i Uvrco sliillet, melt butter. Add onion. Cook over nieiiiuni heat until gohlen brown. Stir in remaining ingredients. Bring niiNturn lo a boil. Remove from heat. Use sauce to prepare F ather’s isxicciul Spareribs. May also bo used for bai'bccued chicken. I'nilier’s Spccinl Simrcrilis (MnkcHaboiUi servings) 2 ijoundsspnreribs, cut into , JlinceiM eatBarbccuo :)-inch strips Sauce , Place ribs on a rack in a large sliallow roasting pan. Bake in very hot oven (■iri()'“F.) :«i minutes, or \mlil ribs begin to brown. •Spi-cad onn-half of mlnee meat sauce over ribs. Heduco Ileal lo slow oven (aOO”!*’.). Bake, ba.sting evory 15 minutes with remain­ ing saui’c for about 1 hour, or until ribs arc tender, glazed and DAVIE COUNTY LEGIoS aIRES IN 1940 . . . almost two years prior -to the United States’ «ntry into World War II, are ipicture above. The above, picture ,was ¡made in the Davie County Courthouse. .Identit'lcatiou ¡has ,been made as follows: First row, left to right: T. tC. iPegram, E. C. Morris, Thomas F. Meroney, Grady N. Ward, !C. Spurgeon Anderson, Jacob Grubb, Robert ,S. >McNcill, Sr., JRay T. Moore, C. Holt Barneycastle,,LesterjP. (Martin, Sr. Second irow: C. Harmon McMahan, 'Raymond iC. Foster, Hugh A. Lagle, Archie E. Pott^, (not' tidentificd) Walter Shoaf, Herbert Helper, Carl Tatum, (not identified), Garland V. Greene, E. P. Foster, Fred fl. Lea- gans, W. M. Pennington, Rowland W. Lakey, Paul H. Mason, (not identified), Ollie C. ,McQuagc. Third row: J. Avery Sink, William Frost ,L. Sheek Bowden, Sr., E. Clyde Jarvis^ Rufus D. Brown, Hilary M. ,Arnold, Solo­ mon ,Estep, Guy Foster, Roby ,Mayberry,,Ollie Jordan, J. Henry Markham, Shuford Saunders, Ralph Morris, Ilil- ai-y Tucker, John P. LeGrand, Joe Stafford. Fourth Ro w: >(not identified) John R, Smith, Kelly L. Cope, (not identified), (not identified), Ernest R. Carter, S. F. “Eel" Tutterow, Lee Whitaker, Charlie Vogler, Clyde J. Cook, J. E. McDaniel, Rike O. Wilson, Charlie Hall, W. -J. iJohnson, Wilbery Coi-natzer, D. K. McClamrocik, Charles H. Tomlinson, Bill Bean. !;l H J U IM W R S f EARN MONEY — FILLING OUT INCOME TAX KETUKNS Complete home study tax coursc wilh clo"'; begin- 3ng Septomber 26 at the Colonial Room al iFamier's Dairy Bat­ on Stratford Road, adjoining Thruway Shopping Center. Foolproof system taught and explained for filling out income lax returns. Earn $5 td SIO or more per hour working for yoursolf in uncrowderi tax profession, ildeai opportunity for bookkeepers, company account- I i ants, realtors, loan and insurance offices, business school gradu­ ates, retired or others seeking good Income, ^bicreasing wag earners plus computer audits causing thousands, to seek trained lElx preparers. TEIRIMS: $40 dmMi—$40 final payment April 15, l‘J89 after lax season. Write for information or interview. INCOME TAX COURSE, Box 7505, Reynolda Station, liyinston-Salom, N.‘, C, - ■ 'v. ¡c ir U B R A R Y N e w s n L M NIGHT - SEPTEMBER 23 7:30 P. M. - MAIN LIBRARY You arc invited to spend 65 oriin- , ules with us on Film Night ex- I pioring the wonders of Canada via throe films. You will see the plea­ sures and .rewards ot autunm bass fishing in Northern Ontario in LiHn'’S GO PUSHING IN THE N0RTH3,;AND. THE ROYlAL PRO- V1N0I3 will give you a look al the history of Nova Scotia - the ex- pltxrors, the settlors, Uie traditions. DRiEiAMLAND takes you on an in­ viting holiday in the province of Alberta. This talitallzing 65-min­ ute lour of Canada oan be extend:; ed fu(;fliei'L.via, tile regta,”'' —the library has many good books, about Canada. Be sure lo take one home with you. WAIT and COMPARE T H E N E W 1969 FORDS :----Showing---- ______ SEPTEM BER 27th and 28th • DOOR PRIZES STORY 'HOUR had a good atton- (lanco this week as it beg^ a ne\v fMf Mssioii. All foor I'O six year-olds arc wclcome each Tues­ day morning from 10:00 to .11:00 a. im. ai Ihe Main Litaraty in Mocksvillc. — Tlierc’s a snail in Uie loiTaium in the Public library. See if you oan find it. ........ Some samples of new fiction just received are «MANY A GREE3N ISLE, by Agnes Turnbull; MORN- NG, NOON a n d NilOiiir. by James Gould Cozzens; SUMMiBIlTlMlS ISLAND, by. EraWne Caldwell; THE OCCUPYiING POWER, by G^^'yn Griffin; .THE DiAY OF ST. ANTHONY’S PURE, by John G. BXiHor. Non-iiction can be found IjimiHiAT; YOU NEED TO KNOW fUftX j- OUlirV’i;, by ~Gp(3iro^ ______/¡i ORiBAfHrViE WAY TO plAINrr, Tjy David Friend; A -fili)- GiRAiPHY OF THOMIAIS WOLF, by Neal F. Austin. i ATTENTION STUDENTS: We arc not permitted to do your home work for you, but you will fuid much valuable help hi the iibrany- y’ii comc to see us - We arc open until a p.m. Monday nights; from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays, and until 5:00 p.'m. Tuesday liirouigh Friday. W A T A U G A H E R E F O R D B R E E D E R S 2 6 th - A N -N U A L • REFRESHMENTS • FA V O R S REAVIS FORD. Inc. YADKINVILLE H IG H W A Y MOCKSVILLE, N. C. _________________EHONE __________________ J P U R E B R E D S H O W A N D S A L E W m V J'.W V m W . W a ta g u a .Liv e s to c k A r e n a Bèo'ne, N o r th C a ro lin a 5 in ile s east o f B o o n e o n U . S . 4 2 1 S H O W : T u e s d a y , S e p te m b e r 2i, 19 6 8 6 :0 0 P . M . S A L E : W e d n e s d a y, S e p te m b e r 2 5 , 19 6 8 , 1:0 0 P . M . 'AVd'É'.’dWrtVl 15 B u lls •• 2 7 O p e n a n d B re d H e ife rs H o rn e d a n d P o lle d H e re fo rd s A l l C le a n Pedigreeti VWWWVWVWi F o r C a ta lo g \v rite ; L . E . T u c k w ille r , B o x 19 3 , - B o o n e , N . C , 2 8 6 0 7 - SIDEWALK SALE LOOK FOR THESE SIDENAU SrECIAlS! SAVE! FR IDAY - S A T U R D A Y ON LY! W H IL E Q U A N TITIES LAST! LADIES’ KNIT TOPS Famous make knit tops all at one low Belk Price! Lots of ¡Styles to Choose"4 I: »■ Values to $7.95! LADIES’ KNIT DRESSES LADIES’ SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE Shorts — Tops — Pants and Much More! W e’re Clearing Out All Summer Goods! tn MEN^S SPORT SHIRTS A LL SH O R T SLEEVE! Choose From Regular and Button- Down Collars, Broken Sizes and Colors. ' Aetual Values to $5.00! SPECIAL VALUES INSIDE THE STORE! D O W N ST A IR S WOOL SALE Beautiful Group of Wool. Fabrics On Sale at a Big 50% Savings to You! FINAL! SA VE A T B E LK ’S! Yard 2.33 MEN’S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Clean'Up of All Button>Down and Plain Collar Shirts! Good Assortment! Values to $5.00 2 fo r ^ 5 . 0 0 LADIES’ COAT LAY-AWAY SALE Check With Us Before You Buy! Beautiful Selections of Colors ______And Fabrica! SAVgl _____ SHEET SALE Quantities Very Limited! Final Clean>Up of A Group of Seamed Sheets at a Price You Can Afford! ^ ^ CALL FITTED!99 -, li Imagine! You can buy a dress by a famous maker for 99c! You Can’t Be­ lieve This Until You See ,it! Actuals H ■ ■ ■r., Values to $8,00! m '«n It Thupeday, September 19,1668 ’Enierpri»û»Reeor3»Pa«e'SeveH' S tu d e n ts G ra d u a te F r o m F o r s y th T e c h ^ Sixty-elglht students received the ASsodale in Applied Science de­ gree at Reynolds Audtborium, as Porsyfh TochnfCBil Institule held Its atiniinl gt'aduation exercises. one hundred and seven students receiveid •vocational diplomas in nine trade areas. In addlHbn, six- itfeen iitudents .received diiplomas in nine trade areas. In addition, sixteen students received dip5»mas in Supervisory Development Tuain- ■iiig. b t Ernest B. Pany, presid­ ent of the s-fc«l, presided. The graduation address was given by Dr. Gerald B. James, President of -Rwsidnsih'em Ocetsmuni.y--OoUegB _ at Wentworth. Students from' this area wtio gra- dif^'ted August 30, were; Edwin Lynn Walker, Agricultiural Busin­ ess 'Technology; Gary Dean Gob- ible,' Business AimlniStraHon; Carl Wbotjiow Mtoser, jr. and Verrton L. ■ Whitaker, Jr., Blertronics Tedhntology; Edgar R'ay Miabe, !^g. En^neering Technology: Ro­ ger Dale Beck and John Frank Fereibee, Autiomolive Mechanics; $nd Wfflbm: Tiiomas Whitaker, Machinist. .............. Jo h n T , W h ite G o e s T o G e rm a n y Classified ¡NOBmBSllDE MOBTLiE HOME Winston’s Newest & lar- dedler has a fine selection — <3f-;qUaHty, fa<?tlor}r-fi:esh ,— ^ , f honi(3 on leave . E2 John Frank W'hite, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel L. White,. Rt. 2, Mocksville, is spending 30> days witih his family, prior to leaV ving Seplemiber 20, ■ for a tour of. duty in iGertrtany ifor el^teeni months. FUNEITALS Я1ШАА6 n ; №сйд P tea l senvices for Rtdltord Mamlpton Hicks; 02, of Pinnacle, Ш. 2, were held at 2 Pf m. Tues* *day at Cox Funeral Hortte Chapel. Buritt was Jn Shsoftls ' BSptlSl Cfiiurch' Centetcry. ' Mr. Hloks died Sunday nwrnlng at DaVle Oounty Hospital. He was btjrrt in Surl^ oounty; He was a !, retired farmei and а шепЛег of ; Shoals Bairtist Ohurch. 'I Sunvlving abe two sons, Claude ■'HickB of MobksvPJe and MapWij ; HibkB cf Plnitaole, Ril. 2; and a' : hiif-lbrolher, ' Glenn Reid of Plh« j лйо1е~— — —...............— J. iGLENN MARTIN J. Glenii Martin, 82, ot Mocks- viae, Rt. '1, died Saturday at Wes­ tern l^orth Cawlind Sanitarium. at BlacI^ Mountain after a long ill- nfiss. Funeral servlets were con­ ducted at 2:30 p. tn. Monday at Society BaipUst ■ Chimii. Burial was to the church cenjejery. He was bom In’^iiVle; Oounty to ,ij William L. and Aimie M. Marlin. JVjhnny entered the Army,' April^'He was a retired texitile worker fti 'wHde Ш )йе homes for your Inspeibtfons . . . See the beatíttful --•-Sliotey M'merica’s finest) in mo­ dem;; Splanilshi' Mediterrean and 'Early American deöor. Taike 52 I f North to Páüerson Ave. exit. LocáUon at exit. Open Monday Iihi4i Frlöay frlutrt ‘9 to 9, Satur­ day, 9-6; Otosed on Sundays. Phone 7Й-978; 9 19 atn lÉii Its' PàÿsfTo Advertise 26, 1968. After completing eight weeks of basic training at Fort Bragg, N. C. he was, transferred, to Fort Sill, Oklahoma for 8 more- weeks of training. While in Okla- Itoma he was trained on heavy, artl'Eeny. .......... .. Johnny is a 1967 graduate of Daivie Oounty High SdhwM; and ■ was employed for Twin Bniok Dis-"' ■ tritiiitnrs— bfitore___entering ^ thé Аипу. in te n s io n iHom enialcers C lu b S ch e d u le SeptEirJb'er 19 - 9:00 a.m.’ — Ca­ na, Mrs. E. F. Ebdhison fifiiptemlber' 20 - 7:30 pjm. — Oool- eemee,': Mrs, Bob M^ilnnen Sep'telrriber 2 3 7:3o p; m' — Union Ch'apfei, Mrs. Ciay. Allen Septemltier 24 - 2:00 p. m.- iMdtiksvffle, Mrs. Bill Sipenicer & MrS. James Boger September, 25 - 2:30 p. m. — PinpfFta,^;iigton, Ijodraine Lash- ley alt Nell Lasihley 3 № É B W r Iu NWANIeD HAIR ON M C E /A rm s & le g s REMOVED ^ (jOICKLY ana PBR U AN O fW r Now . . the newest,I'most'effecthftf-i W to'rerhove superfluous hair by. i*Registered Electrologist. Jewel Dorsett^ Rt. .3, Box 338" Lcziiieton, N. C. .«-Mile East of Yadkto River. —J -- ENJPr "ftATHEe-TOUCH" COMFOR ! ' ‘ih" ' TEXTILE SHOP “The Fabric Center” Salisbury St. MocksviUe, N. 0, For That Custom-Made Look See Our Complete New Line — ^O f Fall Fabrics .IH/[|li}{en iWoolens • pan (River Pemia • iPress Suitings ' ‘p- (Bates Fall' Cottons ■ \ (Smock Trim To Match) Short Ends Specials Butterick Patterns — бЬлрНсНу Patterns and a memiber of Sbciety Baptist Ohiirch. ............ Surviving are liis wife, Mrs. Blanohe West . Martin; his mother of Mocksville, Rit. 2; a brother, Clyde Martin ot Winston-Salem; and two sisters, Mrs. J, W. Seats ot- Mock^Hle, Rf. 2, and Mrs. Er­ nest Jbhnson ot Mooksvllie; Rt. 1. MBS. ÈLCER JARVIS liSineral senvices' for ■ Mrs. RbSa Fiye Jarvis, 88, of Aovance, m. 2, wife of Elcer Jianvis, were- held 'at 2:30 p. m. Thursdéy,- Sptenfer : ÍÍ2( at AdWnce tfiilted MetlR^rr Church. Burial was in the church cemetery. IMrs. Jarvis died W^hesday of last week at' Daivie Oounty MOs- t^tali' .................. She was' thé s i ^ ot'MíS; Máry' ?Môcihum of JVÜn’stowSâlàri; CARP - OP lAÍ^PRÉCTATION' To Uiè friends of' aU of thè' ,lcli¡uiiohes wife m'ade it their ' chiOice' to do Gods will'I trulihfuUy thank éSach of you; I wish to Uvanlc you yóur prayers, flowers, cards, donations, áñd your senvice. It Is a sawce of . Joy to know what our friends' think'bf us. You bavé made ttie 'iong Üaÿà oí iilhiess Wajÿy ones. .My pl'^èrs shall ever be for aá of ybur Thanlcs tor every thing. Alma Dulin ..............' , i:tp -SÂilSPURY, N. c; AttracUonl ComliigTJp! ' . NeW‘<^»en All Week , ; JiTU, - SAT. I petit;' - REVIVAL September 29 ‘ October 4 Oak Grove United Methodist Church Rev. Donald K, Funderburk Paitor of Conter UoiM MMiodM duircb И-БШ тЕ, NORIK CAROUNA > SBRVICBS WIU. Ш И К БАШ БШ Ю Ю ЛТ 7:90 PAI, ,fyi/q.iyiòlent men violated ona vónpefince ri'cl|'j frotn hell Ш . 9 щ т * ш м ш т . и Ш Е т ш ь г ш » eUN, tbni Ф Н Ш . /‘ Sept. гг > » . I LUCltLEBALL I H6NRY FONDA 'Yours, Mim, Ours' vev HE шит а то «пан Т№ М Ш Ш ШЕ ш т NEW ------------ON MSPUY АТ ОЩ SHOWRKIS - - - - 1969 DODGE CHARGER; - Dodge Charger's the car with a 343% Increase in sales'And yoii. can’t do much to improve on success. But look what we've done. Made. Charger still sharper-looking, frgtit ?nd rear. With'a-rleWgrille aiid' new tailiights. We also added a n6w model!-ACharger Specialj rdlli'on with splashes of genuine leather. ,1969 DODGE DARTPs brand-new edition of America’s favorite compact.; Dodge Dart fdr'1969" 'i Biillt for the youftg and the young at tieart. It doesn’t look, ride, perform or squeez? you like a compact; Then why do we call it a compact? The price. Compact all the way. 1969 DODGE CORONET _ Some people buy Coronet because it’s a good-looking car. Othërs buy it because it’s a nimble, easy-handling car. But CoroAet appeals to more pebple because it’s the car that’s very big for Its price. One look proves it; At the Dodge Boys'. AUTHORIZED OOOOE 0EAUR8 C H R Y S L E RMOTORS CORPORATION Refreshments # Favors -----------Come and Let Us Sho w You The New 1969 - - - - DART - CORONET - CHARGER - POLARA -MONACO AND DODGE TRUCKS! - OPEN 8 A.M . - 9 P.M. 225 Depot^Stñef ^ I ö c l ö v f f l e r l t .- C r ^ H io n e в Ш З и ^ Page Eight ---------Ì ------ Cornatzer News-^ Our eommtinity cxpies.sos syiii }iitlihy lo iiig Hev. and Mrs. Arlis Payne, lihc Coninlxor Molhotlisl ohui'eh pnslor. ill ihc doalli of Mrs. Payne’s mother, Mrs. Hvorhardt i>( Midway. ............. We also expi'css sym()aWi.v lo Atr. and Mrs. Ronald West in thi- deulli of his graiKtfathcr. Abe Tuttle iii WInstoii-Salem.Mr. and Mrs. Preil Rivers ant! Linda of Raleijjli and Mr, uinl Mrs.Ci’eenstwro stxiiit t'he weekend With Mrs. Stella Hndrix. Weekend vi.sif<jrs of Mr. luul Mrs. Homer Polls were Jir, iiiul Mrs. I>onuld lUukle and boys of Kuleigh, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. WiX)cl of Salisbui-y and Jlr. and Mi'.s Floyd,Combs of Norfolk, Va. Mr. and \(rs. Harold I-'ranks and boys were a Sunday liinclieon guest of Mr. and Mrs. GenrBi' Smith in th<; Clui-ksviUe annmu«' ity. .................... Mr. and Mrs. Gar>’ Deal and daughter of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with Mrs. Deal's t'other. Paul Allen and family. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones were Mr. and Mrs Olint He'ge of Noriinn, ,V. C. 'Miss Hannah .lones visited hel sister, Mrs, .James Kimmer Satur ElbavIHeNews E nierpriae-RecorU Thu frlolids and neighlwrs of Mr, and Mrs, Donald Sain gave them a Iwuse wai'ming Saturdn.v nisht, ■ ............ Mrs. Mildred Hcge spent. Vast wcokfiid in VVashingloi), D. C. 'Mr. and Mr.s. Robert .Store.v and ehiidren of Winston-Salem spent the weekend wilh Mr. and Mrs. Bill M.vers, .Sunday afternoon giie.st was Early Blackburn of M O C K S —News__ T'he Kovival ¡services started hero Sunday evening at T:30. The Rev. Bonnie Bearden assisted the pas­ tor. ....................... Mr, nii:l Mrs. Roy Carter visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom I'^oster ul Dulin •Sunday afleiniwn. Air. and .Mrs. Koss Huffman of Wlnsinn-Salcm visited Miss Ethel .loiK's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kvans of Winston-.Saleni visited Mr. and Mrs. O. B D r iv e r C h a rg e d F o r N o S ig n a l ; -Harold Don» .Kvaus^afl_.( -dajv ■ 'Mrs. Reba .J<nies has геГОгШГ home from the Baptist Ho.spila) -»Hd-hcp-condiiiiuub impro\'ed. Hei Sunday visitors weie Eva. vSharoii and Dottie Potts, Mr. and Mr.s George Jones and girls and Mf and Mrs. Claude Williams and Let Jones. ................. 'Mrs. Maiy I.ois Williams has Ijeen' sick at her hume for severa! days. ............. Mrs. Jace Rabon atteiuleíl the funeral of her husband's grand­ mother, in Salisbury, Sunday. Mrs. Nora Smith and Evenila Sue atlentled Ihe Livenguod reunior: at FVirk Recreation Centei' Sunday, 'Mr. and Mrs. Claude William.^ visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wi'Uiams Sunday. ............... Lois Day visited Tammy Allen Fridiay. ..................... Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wyatt visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyatt reeent- •y- .....................W. G. Potts and Delbert Ben­ nett entered .Mitchell College last Monday. They s^ient this past weekend al homo witli tJicir fam­ ilies. ............... IMr. and Mrs. Ronald West visit- jed Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Criswell in Winslon-Salem Sunday. Coleman Carler has returned homo from tihe Davie County Hos- pillal. He spent the weekend with Mrs. Pearl Fr.ve. Teriy Polls returned Wednesdaj- lo Ihe University of N. C. in Chal^ ol Hill to resume his senior studies- Miss Belinda Potts, a student al Wingate College spent the week­ end at homo. Mrs. Odell Minor spent tlie week­ end with Mrs. Sallie Cai'ler. Kenneth Hall who is working in West Virginia s|x?nt the weekend al home. uMrs, Sai'ah Barker of -High Point .vjieni la.<il week with her niecc \fi-s. K. C. Ratledge. Mrs. Lucille Greene of Fork Church and George Cornatzer of Ballimoic load \isitetl Mrs. Annie Hal! Friday alternoon. Mr. and .Mrs. .Joe .Markland of Winston-Salem and Mr. and 'Mrs Cecil .Smith and baby of Fork church were .Sunday afternoon ;>ue,«ts of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Markland, . Mr. and Mrs. BUI Potts ami ?i)ildrcn weie Sunday dinner ^esls ol .Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sparks Jt Cornatzer. Mi.ss Donna Baiiiette of Fork Churcn visited Aiiss jlll tar week. ....... Mr. and Mrs. Robah Patterson )1 Mock.^il!e visiteErMl'. апП-Мт» -Joyd .Markland Sunday aflernoon FOUR CORMERS- IMr. and Mrs, Von Shellon and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Carler ;il- itended t'he Wake Forest and State iootliaU game Saturday in Wins- ton-Snlem. .. .. Several friends and relatives visited in Ihe home of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. D. Shelton .Sunday. 'Mr. and .Mrs. John McOlaimon visited .Mr. and Alr.s. Clarence Ho­ well Sunday e\ejiing in Yadklii- ville. ........................... L. S. Shelton, Sr. is improving iiffei- eyo^surger.v.-Visiiors-in-the- Jiome during the «eek and Sun­ day wei'e .Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Pratt of Courtney, .Mr. and .Mrs. Bon May, Dr. 1„ H. Shelton, Mrs. Km- nia Craft, .Mrs. floberl Craft and Linda of Winslon-Saleni. Mrs. Bet- tie Potts, Patricia and Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck and Gregg, iMr. uiid .Mrs. Joe While and :^lai-k of Farmington, Mr, and Afrs, L. S. Shellon, Jr. and family of Stalcs- viJle, Mr. and Mrs. I^nard Sliel- (01) of Mo.'kgvilie ,ind .Mr. and Mrs. S, Dull and Uc-biji Flnwre. Mrs. .\annie Iiuvi!e>.s. Mr, nnd Mrs. W lliS fjiidf-'ril :uid Tyius ' HarjH! \isite<( Clilion lliirpe Sun-| day in Wins'.un-.'-alciii. ‘ Mr. and .Mrs, (I’ruy l.aymuil :uul Stevie. Mr. and Mi-^. .lames and Webbit' <it ( •rn.-it/.ir ;ni.l Mr iind Mrs. Hugh ul J^iiui visilt'd Mr. and Mrs Gi'.'irg,. Ly.vmon {sunday fveiiiiii;. ___ H o m e A g e n t s A t t e n d A n n u a l Session Home liconcniics E.xlension Ag- nts are off to the mountains this леек to atteiul 1ле annual meet- ng of the North Carolina Assoc- alion of E.\tension Home Econo­ mists. ............. ITio meeting is being neld Thurs- .lay a»d Friday (Sept. HI and 20' at teautiriil Lake Junaliiska. with '.loadquarters at Lambuth Inn and '.he Wesjern Districl Jlome Agents as hostess. Mrs. Ostiiie \V. West will be among the 100 North Car- ,i>iina cour.tics attending. Upon ar­ rival a lour lo Hadley Coiporation in Wea\erviJle awaits the women. Miss .Jean Childers, president of Ihe AssQcialion. will preside at all tjusiness meetings. The keynote .-peaker being featured al a Friday hmt-heon is Miss Mary Kenning- ton. Program Leader of the Iii- dians, wilh tlie Federal Extension Service in Washingtnn. Miss Ken- ninglon will talk on “Indians,- Yes­ terday. Today. And Tomorrow". The topic is all part of a theme entitled ‘’This Is My Country - Unity - Piusress - Freedom." The highlight planned for Thurs­ day alter the lour, legistraction and -diniieii «ill Jie a fashion revue l.ambul'h inn presented by Don­ caster Tanner of Rut-heriordton, •N'orth Carolina. On Friday morning, previous to ihg lunciieon, Ihe ugenls will еп,к>У i Ьйе iK'3(iijfa-in4ramTOr^W53ihei=4?iW:^ a boat ride anti tour of Lake .Juna- lutka. They will also have a choice of -Maggie \'alley gift shfijjs. Ghost Тонн and the World Methodist Council Building to visit while there. Mrs. Ed Mr, and Mrs. Alan Rogers of Lex­ ington and Mrs, Bi>hby Craver of I.exington spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Craver. estei', N. C. was charged wilh failure lo give an audible signal ■jcloie passing when the №86 GMC he was operating struck a car at­ tempting to make a left turn. Slate Highway Patrolman R. L. Beane imesligated the accident that occured Friday, September 13, at !):25 p'. m, on US 04 11 miles we.sl of Mo'ksville. His reiwrt con­ tinued as follows; Viv ian ToUin Jarvis, of Route I, | operating a 1948 Chevrolet, wasoperaimg a 1H4B cnov rotei, was jqics recently----Lttiiug-Avcst-jm_US_64. as was theWagner or Welcome, Its 'P a ys T o A d v e rtis e truck. The jawis car veered left 1 for a left turn just as the truck attempted to pass. The oar was 1 struck in the rear. Damages were estimated at $75 to the Chevrolet and $800 to the truck. IMrs. Alice Evans, a passenger in the tiiick, received injuries. You Are Invited To Atteni Our SriTANNUAL FALL JAMBOREE M l THE $WINR№ OF THE BRAND NEW 1 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH LINE TIUIISIAf - n iM V - Ш П Ш £[ere"s a n offer th a fll curl y o u r h a ir !FAMILY FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT -----Repeated By Popular Demand — gsBEïsaKa^ /* INSTANT KINDNESS “20" Ì3V С Ш ROL t • 2 9 .9 9 su^ested relail price when you buy, a new Vinyl Corlon® floor by ^ f r n s t r ö n g A Clairol Kindness “20” sets hair in minutes .r. with body that stays. No water...no lotion...no ; waiting to dry. And it’s yours free when you Imy an Armstrong Vinyl Corlon floor for any area at least, 10' X 15'. Ciioose from seven popular designs in dozens of bright, bold, deep-glow colors. Bui hurry I Tliis offer expires November 16, 1968. yoi/fi HOME coMes msr" L U M B E R C O . _1236 BINGHAM ST. ’ PHONE: MOCKSVILIF 634-2167 -------Scenes From Big Square Dance Last Year!------ SQUARE DANCING -----------Called By Roy Lee Thompson----------- SAIURDAY NIOHT, 7 P.M. tb 11 f.M. Polkas • Round, Dancing • Square Dancing ' • You Naine It—W e ’ll Call It! TWO BANDS ----For Listening Pleasure and Dancing Enjoyment!----- • Blue Grass Music by John and Curt Shell • Junne Miller — Sandra Key and “T H E HIGH-LITES" playing Your Favorite Country & Western Music. ® Plus — Betty Long, Local Recording Artist в OPENING THE BARREL September 27th & 28th • Featuring Name Bands • Rock 'N Roll — Soul Music, Etc, • ’ Dancing Nightly • Your Favorite Beverage» BUCK GARRISON — BILL SM ITH, Proprietor# Located North of Salisbury off U, S. 601 - % Mile on Your Left S E E W i m i £ R E ~ = - =ÖOOR^*RIZES Come In and Register Thursday, Friday, Saturday! Y O U D O N O T H A V E T O BE PRESENT T O W IN! —Drawing at End of Square Daiice, 10:30 -11:00 P.M. Saturday— • P O R TA B LE T V SET • TAPE RECORDER • B O Y S’ BICYCLE • PLUS M A N Y O T H E R PRIZES — Plus You May Register in National Contest for 4 New Automobiles To Be Given Away by Chrysler Corporation--------Plus 10,600 Other Prizes! —Registration Restricted to Licensed Drivers, 18-Years or Older— iraiasa B A LLO ON S A N D SUCKERS A N D F A V O R S FOR KIDDIES COCA-COLAS A N D D O U G H N U T S FOR ALL 3 DAYSI MOCKSVILLE CHRYS LER-PYLMOUTH, Inc. ______________ Mocksville, N. C. Wilkesboro Street DAVIE COUNTY E nterprise -R ecord rUMblSHKD EVKUY TItUKSUAY Л T MOCKSVILLE, N. C. GORDON TOMLINSON tdltor-Publisher SUE SHORT Associate Editor Second Class Postage Paid al MocksviUe, N. C, Silbsertplion Prlcc: In Davic County, $4.00: Out ot State, S4.50 C a p it o l C lip b o a r d NAMES AND NEWS . . . Tlioy say names make news, l.iist week—at least for a day— lliese names made tliis nows; Tliad ICiire, Ji., son of Sec- I'cliii’y of Slate Thad and an uulsl!«ndinig restaurant opera­ tor, got a building peimil to build a house coasting, said the record, $47,000. It would seem then, oCfhand, thal politics-and-law provides more luxurious housing than pollties-and'food. 13YIBBR0WS , , . There was a sliBht miing of oydbix>ws hereatiouts last Wednesday when it was announced that Willis Smith, local attorney and son of the former U. S. Senator, the >ate Willis Smith, iti’ould be one of the chief advisors o.r GOP Presidential Nominee Richard Nixon. .WeH. it’s »1 le^st no more hazardous than’ flyTng; anT“ Willis has been doing that for three, ifour years now. If the ‘ facts were laid on the table, Senator Willis Smith himself— SOCIALSECURITY A 'person would prepare for re­ tirement ibefore they retire ac­ cording to Mr. Rkiberl Thomas, iDislrict Manager, Social Security Office, Salisbury, iN. C. This in­ cludes preparing to prove your age. Your date of birth affects not only \vlion you may retire but also Iiow much you will receive in Soc- jiBl ^curity ^benefits . so il ana’. there"’BMl5C8S*feat-^if tlifr \ .portaht that your date ot iblrth be established correctly. 'Mr. Thomas pointed out that Soc­ ial Security will asi< you for some record made early in your life (before you were growni to prove your age. If you were born in a stale that recorded children’s births, back when you were iborn, a certified copy of your Jjirlh cer­ tificate if all that you will need. Bui, on the ot!ier hand, if you were born in North Carolina or in South CiUT/lina, ' where records of births were nol made until after 1913, Mr. l!io following steps before you re- 'i'hcinas suggested that you take the fullowing steps before you retire: 1. See if you have a baptismal rot'ord at home — made when you were a child — whioh shows your dale of birth, or your age when luiptised. H' not, contact the church you allended as a child lo see if il has any record of your baptism iinduiling your age at lhal limei Of seme other record of diuivh allentiance made when you were a child. Many of thp churches do hu\’o good old records available. 2, If you cannot find any church or buplismal record that was made wiien you were a child, you should cliet’k lor some olher record made early in yaur life, such as: - an old school record, showing yiiur aye or dale oi birth: - an old family bible record made when you were a child: - an old insurance policy, even if il is iio longer ill foire, etc. If you cannol locale any record MUide early in your life, you may lui'.(. ti'cuble proviirg your liale uf iliMih. If ihi.s is the case, Mr. sliggeslcd considering sen- diii.i; lor a Federal Cennsus record. 'i'!:c l-’ecleriil Census is taken every ten years tin lOUO, 1910, 1920. etc.' aiul prc\eu lo lie a vaiy valuable v'ci.v ill' proving your age — since niiiil of the infornialion ghen to tiu“ lensus taker would have l)oeii .“Ui plied by one ‘>1 J'^iur parents, ill .ill |)i i’l);!ijilily. you can iget a 11 i.-iii record by sending n $4. or money order lo tlie cen- bUi Buivau. along willi a pro|)erly ciii'ipUMi‘11 arplication ionn which tMiUaiiis iili^.iifyiiiii inliirmation aho'jt yuii 'D iieip lot-ate llie re- coiiil (,'i you. Mr. 'I'iionias said he w I'KI I'l' ulad to send a census i.j.M.livatii-n torm lo anyone who « riles and asks fur one. His ad- diess is >Soiial .Serurily Diliie. 10.5 ulone in that voiing booUi— .|K)Ssil>ly tossed in a ballot for a I^epylilican on the national level. ................. After all, his ilfe-Jlike thal of his son—was nol primarily jjolltlcal, but legal. He was presideni of the .coiisen'ative American Bar Association hi t(M(i. A tot of the liberals he just could not stomach. Some people for years have wanted Wil'lis Smith to run for the , Legislature here—on the Democratic licltel, ot course— and his honesty in 'being open­ ly for Nixon will likely knock this in the head. But it’s not necessarily so. And there is no more honorable man in North Carolina than Willis Smith. MAKING UP It looks to make amends ior an insult it dealt to Richard Nixon se- --<veral^^ears-»go.-J!hcy-iiadJbini-_ in line for an honorary de­ gree. It was all fixed—shortly afiller the teinnination of his time as Vice President. Nobody knows what happen­ ed, but he didn’t 'get it. Noibody ever knows in the ins and outs of honorary degrees. Most of the time they seem to serve as foundation stones for a larg­ er fendowment. Anyone, Nixon did not get his’n . . . and there has been bad blood . . . some of it in the Duke faculty . . . ever since. .............. Witli all the cariylngs—on al Cuke 'last spring—they have at 'last stolen tihe headlines from CarWina—they could stand some support of a conservative who, also, happens to be an alumnus. But a 'graduate here Nixon suppoit is as weak-gneed as the effort, to cui’b student reibellion, it won’t amount to much. .................. Nevertheless, it does look as if Duke alumni—panticulaitly those in the business commun­ ity—are 'going dowti the line solidly for Richard Nixon. And a member of the faculty got in a good plug for him on 'NBC’s "Today” show one morning last week. Willis Smith, like his father, is an ardent (except when the students raise a rucusi^ sup- por'ters of Duke University. AT HOME . . . With better 'facilities and improved spirit, the memibers of Nortih Cai\>l- ina's Big Four—‘Duke, Slate, Caiolina, and Wake Forest— are geared up fcr itiura home footiba'll e,Mlerlainment than ever before. ............. Slate opened its now stadium last year. Wake Forest did the same last week. So, if you like college foot­ ball, (his year’s your chance. Of Ihe total of forty games which Ihe Big Four will play, exactly half of them will be home games. Wo haven’t lieen so blessed before. Slale plays S. C., Virginia, Maryland, Clenison, and Flori­ da Slate in Raleigh. UNC has Stale, S. C.. Florida, Va„ and Duke in Kenan Stadium. Wake Forest plays Slate, Olemson, N. C., Maiyland, S. C. in the new Groves Stadium. Duke is host lo Michigan, Va., Ga. Tech, State, and Wake Forest. — ìkllitbury. By .4IIV III üivy yuur name. a;uiicbs, dille uf (jin)i, and piace Ilf liirih, ............... WAR BUSINESS . . . Take Ihe mililaiy sales oul of Vii'- ginia, and il would Ih; a shell uf its loimer sell. War tjusin- e^s has pul Fayctleville and СиигЬегЬ:«! County, in North Carolina, among the lop rungs in the Stale. ............. Hijw (loes Noith Carolina lank in tlie sale uf goods and services to the military? Jn i!Hi7. il was in iwenly-second piisitiun anumg the 5o slates. Tolal income iiom this source: й.'П.иио.иии. .. . Incidentally. Ihe Soulliland-r- il you include Texas—leads tlie naiion in' sales lo the mililary with nearly $Il billion in lWi7. Uf this amount, over four bill- inn went to TeKas-itkHW.---- Ts in ISBO. Vietnam prosperity. The figures used come from the U. S, Department of De­ fense. ................. SAVS SHARPE . . . Few people have watched politics more sharply—mostly from the sidelines in recent year&4han Bin Shai-pe, editor and co-pub­ lisher of The State Magazine. He knows—or ought lo 'know —where of he speaks. That toeing the case, how does he think the mop will flop come Novemljer . . . in this State? Bill says Nixon will probably take Humphrey, wi'tih Wallace -despite all the talk—coming third. "Scott has handled him­ self well and has undercut the consenvative stance of Gardner, who by comparison, nopears imiwature.” VALLEY Homecomiivg was a big suc­ cess Sunday at the Valley with a lange attendance for lunch and all seiA’ices. Eveiyone enjoyed tihe singing of the Freedom Trio of Rural Hall, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Chatham of While Cross ROads Church and the Dunn Trio. ....................... Elmer Hendrix and Henry Mc­ Bride was on the sick list Sun­ day. Lelty Hauser was unable to attend school Monday be­ cause Of sickness. Keith Fnye Had the misfort­ une df tripping over his pet dog and breakiiig a bone jn his foot, 'aiJili ‘^remliineH' hoS^'frfl^" s^lioSf all df last week. The Valley was sorry to hear of the death of Glenn Martin. He had made his home in this community vMhen he was a child. His mother, Mrs. Annie Marlin lives with her daughter, Mrs. Boss Seats of Fanmii>gton. A 'beautiful arrangement of flowers were placed in church Sunday, in momoiy of the older members of the church who had passed awi^y. These were pro­ vided by the ladies class, Davie County gardeners will have to work a little harder to come up to the cucumber that Sim Smith of Marshalltown, Iowa grow. It was 2U inches 'long and weighed seven ibs. This is a new variety of cucumbers that can be eaten by tliose who ordinarily can’t eat cucumbei'. The Third Grade of the (Farmington 'School in 1946 . .. . taught by Mrs. (Buck .Garrison . . , First Row, left to right: Doris Faye ,Hutchins, Carolyn Boger, Betty Ann Smith, Betty Jane Baity, Faye .Phillips, Shirley Ann Blake, Lmda Lowe. Second Row: Gary Groce, Grady Wishon, Jerry Pilcher, Johnny iMcBride, O’Gene Smith, Wilson Sparkf, .Jr., Minnie Seats. Third Row: David Gregory, John Gray Allen, Roy Lee Walker, Miller Blake, Margaret Ann Angel, Way­ ne Wood, Bill Pendry, Virgil Smith. Back Row: Billy Booe and Mrs. Garrison. a n d K a p p a C lu b M e e ts A t C o m m u n ity B ld g . Kappa Homemaker’s Club met Sepleml^er '12 at 2 p. m. at the TiiB~meetiftg- C h u rc h H e re R eceives Special R e c o g n itio n The Church of God of Pi-ophecy located at 'Mocksville received special honor at services 'held Tuesday, Soplorriber 10, at a uni­ que Biblical memorial called "Fields of the Wood” near Mur­ phy. JJorIh Camlina. Pastor Archie H, Smith accepted foi< his coogregalion a 2” x 8" x 12" cngrm'ca manble stone '»vhich was placed on a giant honor roll signifying that a church so honor­ ed has reached certain standards of spiritual growth, 'Eight hundred forly ifi'Ve churches of the oi'ganiz- alion were so honored. The ser­ vice was in conjunction wilh Ihe sixiy-lhird Annual General Assem­ bly of the Church of God of Pro­ phecy which convenes September lO'ilB in Cleveland, Tennessee some sixty miles from the 200-acre me- nfcrial park. .The conclave is ex­ pected lo draw about 13,000 dele­ gates fi'om all fifty states and se­ veral foreign countries. The organization traces its begin­ ning ill this country back to the site of Fields of the Wood when on June IJ, 1903, a group known us Die Holiness Church at Camp ■j Creek effected an organization I which today has a membership ol I more than ioa,uoo. '11% church is ' evangelical in doctrine and em- : phasizes the speaking in tongues I as tlie initial evidence ol' Uie ba(>t- isw with the Holy Ghost. It also stresses llte gathering uf all Chris- ^ians iiiifi- WATER The Soil Consoi'vation Service is now fu'.'ly imphmenling provis­ ions of now pollution and erosion control guidelines for 'Federally-as­ sisted iccnsei'valion projects, ac­ cording (o (diaries W. Bartlett, Soil Conservation Service Stale Conservationist in North Carolina. Construction fles are often the source af serious erosion,, sediment, and chemical damage, 'Bartlett said in announcing the new guide­ lines, The foremost damaging ag­ ent from construction site, he con­ tinued, is sediment, .which has been described by iSeerelaiy of A'gric.ulture Orville Freeman js ‘%irt6rlca’s^ number oHe^'l^lutantt*’ According to U, S. Department of Agriculture estimates, it costs about 3 to 5 cents a ¡oubic yard to keep soil on the land, .but it costs up to $1 a cubic yard to dredge sediment from streambeds and other locations iwhere il has caused damage. The following construction guide­ lines, issued iby D. A. Williams, national administrator of tho Soil Conservation Servicc, apply to wa- .ter‘Jhcd pro,iects and similar coii- slruction being carried oul with SOS technical and financial asssis- tance. ............. 1, Reduce hy tho greatest ex­ tent practicable the area and dur­ ation of exposure of readily eros-' ibie 'soils, 2, iProtecl the soils iby using lom- poraiy vegetation or mulch or by accelerating eslablislimenl of per­ manent-vegetation.------ 3, Mechanically retard the rale of runoff from the consti-uction site and control disposal of ininoff. 4, Trap sediment resulting from construction in temporary or per­ manent debris basins, 5, Sprinkle or apply dus( suppres­ sors, or otherwise keep dust within lolerahie limits on haul roads and al Ihe site, 6, Use temporary bridges or cul­ verts Where fording of streams is objectionable. Avoid plans for bor­ row 'pits where iwllulion from (he operation is ino\itable, 7,' Use temporary measures lo keep erosion under control if con­ struction is suspended for any apprcia!;le length of time. 8, Provide for protection against pollu(an(s such as chemicals, fuel, lubricants, and sewiige. 9, Tmie construction to avoid rainy seasons. 10, Prohibit locating Siiniiary fa­ cilities over or adjacent l^i liw streams, wells, or springs, 11, Prevent grass or bust fires. Burned-over areas usually arc vulneratole lo erosion. Measures to provide adequate pollution and erosion conlrol will be designed into construi'lion pro- ! jwts. In Nortii Carolina, these re- I quiiements will be clearly outlined j in future construction contracts in j which the Soil Conservation Service I furnishes assistance,! ' 'These are just common senise I'ules fur prol4x-ling the contractor, the contracting organization., and said. Community uuiminig. was presided over by Mrs. Oscar Koontz and the group joined -in liiigirig“’'COme to'the 'Fair;=^-- Minutes were read and Mrs. Billy Cartner, health leader gave some characteristics of people with good menial health. Mrs. West announced a tailoring class in the near (future. She had the lesson “A Good House For All Who Care,” showing slides of home improvements, kitehen an’ange- ments and house plans which are availaMe through the 'Extension' Service. .............. The meeting adjourned with club collect; The hostess Mrs. Paul Shew and Mrs. Otis Snow served pound cake, pickle and drinks to 112 members and 1 visitor, Mrs. Bill Pence. ............. M a rtin E q u ip m e n t R e c e ive s A w a r d iReccgnltion, awards, and busin­ ess optimism was the theme of the Sccond Annual All-Producls 'Dealer Meeting conduoled by F'nnt- er Brothers, Inc. of Shelby, North Carolina . . . Distributor Dor Mc- Culloeh Coi'poration (chain saws, otrtfcoard moilors, and other pro­ ducisi McDonough Power Equip­ ment, Inc. (the Snaiiper line ot pcwer lawn mowers i Merry Manu- fiaclurins Coni'pany (iMerry Tiller), G'ant-Vnc CoiTwrallon (power ijlowers and vacuums), plus many c!her manufaelurers of Turf Main­ tenance Equipment and Supplies. The meeting, held recently al Cnarlotle. North Carolina, was highliighled by the presentation of awanls to dealers who had shown outstanding progress in pmduct sales during tho iaB7-B8 sales sea­ son. ............. iMarlin Equipment I Service. Inc., Mocksville, N. C., was the recipient of an award from MC- Culloch Corporation. Dr. 'Herb True, a research psy- dhologist 'from South Bend. India­ na, was the keynote speaker and made everyone aware thal Amer­ ica’s present growth was due to the accomplishment of dealers like those ^at received awards. B o o k s O n E x h ib it A t Ed u c a tio n C e n te r personnel >H—exhibit Center W. S. C. S. Elects Oificers The Center Women's Society ol ühitstian Service met at the- home of Mrs, Darroll Cook with Mrs. James H. Jones as co-hostess. Tne new olnicers for 1968 and 1115!) took over lineir new dtrtlos. tors. Bennie Bearden, President, presided. .............. Plans lor the formation of the charter meeting were discussed, and the group decided to designate October 16, as the day for the meeting to be hold at Center Uni­ ted Methodist,Church. All the 'vo- men of the church are Invited lo attend and become a charier mem- Der of the W. S. C. S. 'Thn tinsfpsms served linie punch and graham cracker desert to members and I new member. 18 M ^'S g t. D o n a ld S tille r O n D u ty In V ie tn a m Master Sergeant Donald R. Still­ er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden C. Stiller of Cooleemee, N. C., is on duty at Cam Ranh Bay B, Vietnam.' ............ Sergeaiit Stiller, a medical tech- nican, is a member of the 'Pacific Air F0№S. 'Before his arrival in Vietnam, he was assigned to the USAF hos­ pital, U. S. Air Force Academy, Colo. ............... The sengeant attended Coolee mee High School. > «is wtfe, Joyce; is the daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mabry />f ni 0 ■Salisliui'v. N. C. Parents and school 'are ill'^ilwl lu attend— of 835 outstanding new library ibooks for boys and girls in the Kindergarten— through— Goade-—12. JyiO Sp W _&U lgm range at the Davie County Educa­ tion Center, Coolemee. Here, in an organized collection, are books of interest tor all age groups, drawn industry-'wide from the lists of 71 publishers. It is open to all interested on Septemtoer 23, 25, 2C, 27. The Education Center will be closed on the 24th due lo a district NOBA meeting. Annotated, curri- culitm-relaled, indexed catalogues of the evhi'bit are available to sc'^iOG'l personnel. This free service lb schools, in every slate, is provided by Books on Exhibit, Mount Kisco, N. Y. - a national exhibiting operation. A t N e w U n io n C h u rc n There will be a gospel singing Sunday, Soplorriber 22, at 7:30 p. m. at New Union United Meth­ odist Church at Shelfield. Partici pants will include The Philomels Quartet and The Skylighters from Stiatesville, Fairview Mens Ohorus from Thomasville and local sing­ ers. .............. ■ The' public is invited to attend. H O P E fo r H E A R T S Mrs. Wade Groce Submits Receipe Mrs. Wad© Oroco of Roul« S submitted her recipe ior ,IAM ОАКБ to TOE OARClitNA HOME­ MAKER magailne and her recipe , appears in the Septcmtocr 1968 ed­ ition of this imaigazine. The following is a copy of Hic article from the magazine : "We have selected a cake re­ cipe tiWs month that will 'be goad ior 'luiich boxes and after-school snacks. Our recipe winner this Month, Mrs. Wade Groce, likes to bake cakes, espetlaHy to sell at the Woman’s Olub ®ake Sale. (Mrs. Groce and her family live in an old colonial home built in 1879 and known as "Pudding Rid- ge 'Farm.' 100 head of daity cattle on tho 24» acre faiTO. Pudding Ridge Fai-m Is located in the Farmington Oim- munity in Davie County. Mrs. Groce says lihey have thoroughly en.ioyed being served by iDavlo Electric Memlbershlp lOopporaUoin. There are three (shUdren in the Grocc 'family - liw*o boys and a girl. Two of them have .graduated from school and the youngest is presently a Soplhomore at East Carolina University. These three must be cake testers 'because 'Mrs. Gi'oce writes that her “Jam Cake" recipe is itpied and proven. JAM CAKE 2 cups 'flour .. .. 1 'cup sugar 1 cup raisins 4 eggs ............ ‘/4 cup butter 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup jam ...,. .. .. Cream ibutler and sugar togeth- Add -ja■mr^raiэiвs—and-Jbeatett- egg yolks. Add .flour, sugar, soda and buttermilk. Fold in Ibeaten egg whites. Place in greased floured pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or untiil done. Use any frosting desired. B a k e S a le 'lilbantqn SoCllball Team will sp- anso'r a baiibecue sandwich and ib'ake, sale, Saturday, Soptemiber 21, at Fulton Churdh Hut. Selling will begin' al 10 a. m. and con­ tinue until an items arc sold. There will also be soft drinljs for sale. .... *...... A nnouncing your next car: It can surround you with a fuselage. A sweeping new design whe^e body and frame are one. Uur State siilil ovt*r iwice as inudi »1иЯ—¿»wds and ser- \ites—to Ihc mililary lust усае return of Ciirist. Pastor Smith is expected tu re­ turn humc vaiiy twxl week. "and Ihe Soil Consen’ation Service recommends them lo all cuaslruc; : lion involving eartlmwving.” Thioo Hundred 2-Peof Hardtop Your next car can be a gently curving line of tempered glass and steel that sweeps qtiletly around you. A molded shell of stressed skin and thousands of miniature welds.Your next car can have a cockpit. Instead of ]ust a seat and a dashboard.Your next car caa provide a controlled environment where man creates his own climate and the perimeter of the cock­pit blots away the murmur of road and wind.Your next car can cater with soft seats fitted lo the contours of your body, and memory systems that complement your driving habits. Your next car is 15 choices, but only one shape. Your next car is one you cani still move up to, Easily, i Your next car is here. The great now Chrysler for 1069. CMRYSU-R S e e It a t y o u r C h r y s le r D e a l e r ’s S e p t . 19th. l/iocksville Chfystef-Plymouth, Inc. WiUwiiwi-g 8U'v«t. MwtoviU». N. Ct Ottaier иш ив So. 37М Page Two ЖпНгрНй9»Лше9гШ Thurtday, September 19, 1968 ■) •'.'"I Farmington News These cool nights and chilly mornings remind us Uiat the hot days of Summer are realiy over and Pfl'H is here wil*h tihe coW days of winter just around the comer. ................ Miss Prances Ttetoor of Stat­ esville was the Tuesday guests of her sister, Mrs. iB. C. Brocic Sr. .................. Miss Vada Jdinson iwho has Jbeen with her bw>ther, Geongo M . Johnson, for several weeics as 'he was a patient in the SoutJi' Geongia Melhwdist . Nursing Home in Americas, Ga.. return­ ed home last week. Mr. Johnson has improved so much that he now is staying with his son and iamiJy, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson in Vaidosta, Oa. Mir. and Mrs. i»et ESdwards 'and daughter of Winston-Salem: were Sunday afterrtoon visitors, of Mr. and Mrs. W . S. Splihnan.; Mr. and Mrs. George NJsson ’Tuolcer celebrated Uie'ir twenty iffth wedding anniversary Sat­ urday. Out of town guests that lielped Biem -celebrate the oc­ casion were Dr. and Mrs. Bill S. Pernjroan and daughter, Me- aanie, of 'Henderson and Mrs. Louise PerrynYan of Lewisville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hutchins and children of Latta, S. C., gyere the weekend gueSts of Mrs. Hutchin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . W . SpHlhtwn. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gary Groce of KoChester, N. Y., arrived last Wednesday for a four day visit with flieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Groce and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. They lellt Sunday. Since living in New Ytork they are visiting many places of in­ terest. Nia^ra PaiUs being one. Pudding Ridge 'Farm was oC speiclal interest Sunday after* noon as Mrs. Wade Groce and' three of her guests aiH dress­ ed in colorful artist dress were scattered over ^ tihe spacious front lawn of the home painting the landscape scenes which lay before them. One lauge dead ~oalc ti'ie ■wtth~teBfle8r1jrand№Sr standing 'in artistic 'beauty made an ideal model for -tho 'busy artists. These ladles were students in the Forsyth Tech- incal Institute. The gueats were Mrs. Frank Pettijohn of WinSr ton-Salem, Mirs. H. L. Narnm pi Walkertown, at^ Mrs. Tom NaSf son of Lewisville. The E. C. Jarvis home was a; scene of iood family fellowfS>ip; Sunday as friend and . relates: gathered in with piicnic baiiketR, of good flood to join .in ceUebna- if ion with Mr. Jarvis, bis b ir ^ day anniiversary, and (dm. slmre with Mrs. Clara Weir a cde- bration of her recent. anniversary. Of all the dhiiWreh' and grartddiildren only _ ftwr. were absent and for a good rea­ son. Michael Jiarvis is stati(Mied' at Ft. Benning, Ga.; Gary Jar­ vis is. in Vietnaim. Kary3e. Jajris and Jeny Boger are students at ■the State University in Raleigh. Out of town guests i^re: Bev7 and Mrs. J. C. Siwre and M^s. Clara Weir of Yad'kiwville; Jim­ my Jiawis, Mir. and Mrs. EJrnie Huffman of Hickory: Mrs. Myrt­ le Tayitor of Winston-Salem ! (Mr. and Mrs. Leater Janvls oi Oovin^n, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Lester fioger of Modksville; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Praftk Jarvis of jone»* town Road, Winston-Salem. iMIss PheUbe Eaton was hon­ ored on her birthday annlver* sary Saturday afternoon by Mrs. J. H. Montgomery and MrS. Odell James at tìie Montgomery 'home. The guests presented MlStf| Saton with many lovely glftsl^ jliTith Mrs. Blii^beth Williard 4 ' piano the group enjoyed thè' g_gL.g)lamLfamiliaf sonnjp. Refreshments were served Ì6\ the twenty two guests present!^ Miss Pat Brock and Jamfif- Brock Uf Kinston spent the w e ^ end at Imme with their familiedv.{ _________________ Airman Breinda Gaith^! Receives Promtttion '* Aitvnan Brejndta D.I'Gaddhrirf; daughter of Mirs. Ruth C. GaSth^;- Rt. 5, Moicksvile and Mr. K ( '" ‘ L. Gaither, has been promoted ti^e United States Air Force to Ai^i man First Class. lAIC GiaBher is a 1867 gradua|ji; of' ©avle County H l^ School. Shf’ entered the Air Force in January^ 19SS, and (xunpleted her basi^ training at Lacldand Air For^; ■Base, Texas, and received specif' ized training in supply at Lowrj» AFB, Colorado. Upon graduaition iivm supply sohool in May, AlC G^alSier was” asS®iia to Bie 375(^ Aif iBase Group at Sheppard AFB, Texas, where she Is presently sta- tìoftèd. ............. Ш © Ш Enclosed please find $.............for which kindly send nae the ENTERPRISE fpr the college term. Name Address . --л.;!- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR S^TUDENTS ' In Norh Carolina, Only $3.00 For Nine Months ible in^a<b •Use thè handy ór^er blank below MEMO TO COUEGE ^UDENn Be sure to have your H O M E N E W SP A P E R sent to you while, you’re away at college. You’ll be happier if you read all about the happenings bacl;; home (better educated, too)^ W e think that by you getting yo^r hoinetown paper, this is just as important tP ypu ft« % t$;?itllQok. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AT FIBER INDUSTRIE INC, Our F.l. T. family is still growing a^^ you could be part of it. Our Production Qp«^ltors enjoy good pay, paid vacations and holi^ayit retirement benefits, and excellent insurance CQverage* If you’re interested, come by our pl^nt on Highway 70 to apply or call us at 636-0(KK) ana we’ll mail you an applicationt ; • г.;■ > fi HOURS: Monday • Thursday — 8t00 A.M . • 5(30 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M . -4:30 P.M. Saturday — 9:00 A.M . -12:00 Noon Fiber Indusfries^ ine. • • • м 1 ж | (MQplt ifV « г м к ц р о ш м м * Jericho-Hardlsoa 4-H News nie Jericho<{lardl8ion M I Club inet Sepitember IQ with Lisa Smith presiding. .. ' A business session was held , and datendar й events was discui- sed. ................ Reereshments were served to the members and leaders by Nancy WlUiams, The dub weldamed one new men*ers Philip Cartner. Bailey’s fChapel 4-H Club News The Baley’s Chapel 4-H Cluib met in the iBailey’s Ohlapel Com- nxmlly Building Sejrtember 10, 1968. ...................... The President, Kathy Bames, called the meeting to order* Donna Barnes, secretaty, read the min­ utes and th^r were approved. There Was no (fid business. New business cUnsisted of nombi- a&)g people the officers of the County Council. The candy that we ordered has arrived. iR^orter, Sam Barr Ш Е LIME and FERTILIZER SERVICE Bulk Spreading Route d , MockswHe- Phone 284 - 3202 Robertson’s Fertilizer Purcliase Orders Filled Alfred Coble, owner It Pays To Advertise QUALITY At Reasonable Prices! • ANNIVERSARIES • W E D D IN G S • A LB U M PLANS Mills Studio and Camera Shop Ш H O R N - H A R D IN G B U IL D IN G , M O C K S V IL Ii E ' PHONE 634-2870—Thursday Only ALL OTHER DAYS IN MAIN STUDtO Ш YAl)KINVlt£I DAY PHONE 679-2282 YADKINVILLE—NIGHT 679-8024 • GRCbUP ITS PAYS TO 1969 DODGE CHARGER Dodge Charger's the car with a 343% Increase in sa'Ies. And yoii can't do much to improve on success. But look what we've done. Made pharger still sharper-looking, front and rear. With a new grille and new taillights. We also added a new model. A Charger Special. Г. Edition with splashes of genuine leather/ 1969 DODGE DART A brand-new edition of America's favorite compact. Dodge Dart for 1969. 6uilt for the young and the young at 4ieart ft doesn't look, ride, perform or squeez^ you like a compact. Then why do we call it a compact? The price. Compact all the way. 1969 DODGE CORONET Some people buy Coronet because it's a good-looking car. Others buy it because it's a nimble, easy-handling car. But Coronet appeals to more people because it's the car that's very big for its price. One look proves it. At the Dodge Boys'. «UTHQRim P000FPMUR8 Нагана AN EQUAL Of»»4>BWNlIV BM FM VBB FURCHES MOTOR Co. 225 Depot Street MocksviUe, N. C.Phone 634^314 ^Ituredfty, Septembei^ 19,1968 f Eliiürpriäe*RecorÜ Paffe Thre^ _____AT® SOIL ШИГЖДТУ f № VIÉ]tì>iLtM№m .. .. k i W R ESf YOUR c t u m m i n'Mavlftg your 9oU tested and then the lime and flftttlUzer ____ 'given for «pBcliic based on the resirlLs dt the “irittie ¡(«¿leal appttoacih In ing fertility as the limiting your crop production pm- ¡North' Carolina Department l^rioulture offers a soil testing Mirtniglh its Soil Testing on. Ohomltial tests are car- out to det^tSrttee the ipJant , leivels lind degree Wt acid- ity in your soH samples. With this knowledge «t the iertJUty level ot the soil and tlie cn $ to be grown, a igkx>d estimate Is tiMfde of the amounts oí lime, niti*ogen, pihos- phorus, and »»tassltmi that are needed per o «e Jn order to ell* mlflate soil fertíUty as the yiéld- limiting factor, líius the stage Is set io aidiieve top ecoiMific yields under « (given tííttatlc ettvittm- ment. It should be em^asiaed that eífeótive ipHograims of weed. Insect, and disease oontnd must also be followed tor this ylcild to bé á<*- leved. I Olimatk: ooildittens cannot be controMed with Mié éJsception of the uttlizatton ot irrigation. But it soil fertility and other factors which can be controlled By sound mana­ gement practices aré removed yieM-ülmiUng category, then f»m top economic yields Can be rediz- ed under the set of cUmatlc condi­ tions pi'evidttng in any given year. Don’t permit soil fertility to be the yield*(ilmlting toctor is your cropping ptt>gram. The services ot the Soli Testing Division are otter­ ed al no change to all residents ot North Carolina. Therefore a trem­ endous amount of IntonmatiiBn can be made available to you with re­ latively little o№rt on your part. Soil testing can be « very valuable tool iw<hen pnoperly used In your crop production program, ilt can lead to the elimination of soil fertility as Che limiting factor in your cropping program, and thus pave the way to langer yields and greater 'profits from your farming operation. Sod samipRlng supplies and 'additionail Intonmatlon are av- allalble at your lOounty Extension Office. ......... IT PA Y S T d A D V SB T ISB (» 6oiiig Away To School? Agtoin tMs year, the ENTERiE^SE wants to obtain the names 'of feU"D&vie Couhty studettta goin'g to school, o~r taking Nurses Tw ^irig, etft, . ........We are asking you-r-«tudents or parents of jstudents—^to fill inthe Information blank below and brlnig; or mail to the ENTTBRPRISE O FtlCE B± ohce, so we may compile eiirly and pubHish. this list at la« latei daite. / « -STUDElira-lJAME _______________________I PARENTO OR GUARDIANS ......................................................................... J ADDRIBS8 ‘\ W ILL BE IN THE ........................................................................ CLASS @ I AT (School or College) NOTE: We stress again the importan'ce of getting this informiation to ® -------- us promptly. ....................... m LIBRARY News FU M jnOHtr ,* SBPTBMBBR 2S '7!S0 P. M. > MAD) LtfiRARY You are Invited to spend 6S <Aiin- utes iwith us on Fitm Niflht ex­ ploring the Wonders of Canada via three films. You will see Wie plea­ sures M rawards at autumn bass fliijlnig in Northern Ontario in LGrr'S GO 'FISHIN'O UN THE: NOWmiiAiND. THE BOYftL ¡PRO- VIiNOE: will gtve you <a look at the history of Nova ScoUa - the ex­ plorers, tSie Settl^, the traditiDns. m m AM jAm ) talces you on an in­ viting hoMdoy in the province of (Alberta. Ifiis italntaUzing 65^min- ute tour ot Canada 'oan be extend­ ed further ivia the realm of booics —the library has many good bootcs elbout Canada. Be sure to taice one home with you. fiTORY H O m had a «ood atti№- dance this week as it began a new feU sesión. All four to ^ year-«Ids ate we)«mie each Tues­ day morning from 10:00 to 11:00 a. m. at the 'Main Library to 6№x<ksville, .... ’Hiere’s a snail in the terraium In àie iPiiilic Library. See if you can find it. ........ Some samlples of new fiction Just received are (MANY A О ВБШ IDSIUB, by Agnes lyimbidl; МОШ- Ж , iNOON AiND NilGMr, by James Oould Cozzens; виАШБНГШв ISL^D , by ErsJdne Caldwell: THE OCOUPYilNIG iPOiWiEJR. by Owyn GrlUfln; iTHE DAY OF ST. ANITHIONY’S БШЕ. by John G. 'Brillar. Nwi-tflcliiDn can be found in WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR JURY DUTY, by GOáfrey Lehman; ORIEWIIVIE WAY TO ¡НАШГ, by 'David PViend; A felOr (JHAPHY OF ■raOMAS WOLF, by Neal F. Austin, AniWiliON STUDENTTS: We •are not permitted to db your home iworic tor you, but you will find much valuable help in the 'library. Y ’ll come to see us • We are open •until 9 p.m. Monday nights; frtrni 10:00 ajn. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday?, and until S;00 pjm. Tuesday ■thi^h- Friday. • EGGS ... ...... 4 dozen $1.00 • Fresh Green C A B B A G E .. Sc a Lb. • CAR R OTS 10c a BuncH • SM ALL CUKES ."TTT^OS a • P O T A T O E S .................... 5c Lb. • LEM O N S ...............39c a Dozen • B A N A N A S .................. . 10c Lb. • T O M A T O E S ...................10c Lb. • ON ION S ....................... 7c a Lb. • LETTU CE ......... . . 20c Head • ii <i jlOc • CELER Y .....................lOc Bunch • APPLES ...................... lOc Lb. • CALIFORNIA G R A P E S .................... 2 lbs 29c • U.S. No. 1 P O T A T O E S .......50 Lb. Bag $1.69 • LA R G E C O K ES . . .in Quarts .........5 for $1.00 • A LL P O R K SA U SA G E ....... WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS N & J PRODUCE MARKET —Formerly Friendly Food Center— Phone 63 4*8905 Juit OuUidt of Moektville on UtS* 601 South ----— Qpctt-^a.m. to-^- pjn. Every 4)ay But Wednetday---- - C LO SE D ALL D A Y W E D N E S D A Y - COMPLETE U m OF GHOCE RlES A m You are Coniyiy Invited To The J S B B I у CH^V R O IE T^ O PEN 'TIL 9 O ’C LO C K A T N IG H T ‘ OPÉN »TIL 9 O ’C LO C K A T N IG H T Septefflbei* 26th “What America Wants... America Getsa A!iofthe1969Chevn^LET cars &truck|s are fabuloiUS and w^l)l^i)leas«Ho the newest of the new to YOU atourd«lership,Sept.26! You Are Invited To Set The Pace In Your Neighborhood By Beingr First To Own One! X Refreshm^its Favors Door Priz»; • FIRST PRIZE $100 • SECON D PRIZE $50 • TH IR D PRIZE $25 / To be used as credit for Parts, Service, Accessories, Cars-Trucks To Be Given 5 Q ’Clock Saturday, Sept. 23rd You Do Not Have To Be Present To Win SUPER SPORT SWEEPSTAKES G R A N D PRIZE isee Corvette Coupe and Ca­mero SS (ReUy Sport Coupe PUS $1.000 cash. 2ND PRIZE Г р а л “ « " “ “'3RD PRIZEtav Chevelle Ualibu S6 Ctoupe ПДЛБ «500 in cadi, 4TH PRIZE tto'wiowr«) Y O U CAN. BE A W IN N ER We're celebrating our unveiling of the all new Chevrolet« at our dealershw . . . and ' prizes, loo! Just look atI we'ra giving sim ^ :■ you can wie! Ve«, Chevrolet J 5TH PRIZE (6.600 Winners)Kodak instamatic Hawkeye R-4 Camera kits. Include film and flesh.. 9Se „1 Introduces 1069! Come in and see “Puttine Vou First . . . Keeps lUs First!" Well be bappy to tee you and ' assUt you in i9Si*t«ring for our 1W9 Super IBUV. . , JUST BE A : - ; U VBARS O P OB OVBB. All priM cars will be equipp- wer Disc Brakes, Power Steering Radht, Tires, Wheel Covers and V^n. yi Roof Covers where avails. “W E TR ADE T O TR ADE AG A IN ” ! Pennington Ohevrolet Co., Inc Page Four Enterpriae-Reeor'S Here And There Л ropi'csiMitivc «Г Ilic^Citaerar Society will lie gucsl speaker at the 11 a. m. wm-ship scrvice nl Green Meadows Church Sunday m'ofning. Tliis Society is well l<nt>wn for tlieir tree dislribulion »t ISibles in hospitals, liotels and mot­ els. TIjf public is invited lo this service. ............ iMr. and Mrs. John Jones have 'gone to Allaiila, Oa., where Mr, Jones plans to alteiid a school for a fcAV irionlhs. Mis, Jones plans to work t'here until the training -^Mi^iod tMuls. - -- Word was received here by re- iluth'es of tbo dcalih of Glonn Martin who li\*ed in the’ Bend eornmunity. Mr. Martin died at Ihe Oteen hospital where he had been a patienl for a long time. The nominating committee along with t'he pastor, Rev. A. C. Chesh­ ire met at Green Meadows Ctvuroh 14tosday evening to select nomi neos for the teadhers and woriiors for tlie - coming church year. __Thc ohiltiren oif Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Manes gathered at the home lo help celobratc the 77th biilihday anniversary of Mrs. Hanes on Sun­ day. Mrs. Hanes has not been well ftu' several montihs but is some­ what improved at this time, Willie niddle is again out of Ihe hospital and in an improved con­ ditioned. ............ iMrs. Gi'ay Matthews and Mrs. •foe f-angsloti atlencled atid enjoyed the Center Community Fair Sat­ urday. They returned home with twenly-t'hree Blue and Hcd rib­ bons on entries of canned and bak­ ed goods, and hand work. The fair <?h()ws a fine spiril ot fellowship and cotnmunity cooperation. Many thanks to all those who woritud hartjl to make it a successful event. All ot those who could not partici­ pate this year should plan now to take part next year in tnis worth­ while event. — Macedonia <¡:ni*virps at. Macedonia AUCTION SALE Saturday, September 28th At 10 a. m. Household, Kitchen Furniture At The homeplace of the late W . T. Dwiggins - 4 miles East of Mocksville on Hghy. 158 at Oak Grove Antiques - 2 marble top dressers - 2 clocks (weights) ’ 1 pie safe - beds - pic­ ture frames - buffet - tables - chairs - rockers - couch - settee ‘ washing ma­ chine - refrigerator - carpenter tools. Other items too numerous to mention LU N C H W ILL BE SERVED H. BUFORD Y O R K , Auctioneer Route 1, Harmony, N. C. This Sale Conducted For M ks. SALLIE SH ORE DW IGGIN S TRY THE NEW VIVA Towel Instead FOR ECONOMY BUY WALDORF Toilet Tissue Looking For Something Sweet! DIXIECRYSTALSUGAR Always Distributed by S IM PPAUIM z CAN . n . Dllviiii IX avil Mocksville, N. C. , V A V . W . - . V . * . W . W . W . W . W . W . - . W . V . V . % W . W . V been well attended «he past fw weeks. We also welcome aW the visitors We have from time to time. A few visitors present al morning worship service Sun­ day wei'e Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sink of Winston-Saleim and Mr. ond Mrs. Earl Smith. Flowers were placed in the chyrch Sunday by Linda, Joan. Zerl and .ferry MJnor in honor of their mother. Mrs. Ella Minor whose birthdr;- was September 11 and in memoi’y of her par­ ents; George and-Lillie Fi^'e. _ Remember the Sunday school and church picnic in the Pavi­ lion oil Saturday. Soptember 28. Supper will be seiwed at 6:30. An interesting program will fol­ low supper. Sunday morning, September 29, we wil'l have Uie opportunity of having a Gideon speaker for the set'vices. Plan to be present and learn more about this won­ derful organization. Please remember the sick in your prayers and with a card to cheer them. Heni-y Hockaday is stiH seriously ill at Forsyth Me­ morial Hospital. Tommy Long is coming along fine after his back surgery last Monday. iHe has returned home and is very happy to be able to sit ill a chair to eat his meals after not being able to for rive months. .. •. Mrs. Sharon Boger surprised her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Cope on their wedding anniver­ sary last Monday With a cake and a flower from the florist. AH the family then enjoyed homemade ice cream and the cake together- Janice Lofiin and Gail Plott wiill 'attend a Junior High Youth Fellowship Workshop Thursday night at the Home Church. , .................... The Sam Austin family were Sunday evening visitors at Ken­ neth Smith’s home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plott, Jr., Gail and David attended a tea ■ Sunday afternoon at U.N.C.G. College at Greensboro. Nancy ■Plott is enrolled as a 'freshman there, ............. , Mr. and .Mrs, John Sparks, -and children traveled to- Statai College at Raleigh Sunday to take Edwin who is enrolling as a freshman. . .. Best wishes to all of our Coll­ ege Students! — The ■choir wil'l have a social in the Fellowsihiu Hall Saturday night. A short business meeting •will also be held. All mem/bers, please attend.- Wo were very rappy to see John Sparks back at church Sunday. He is still havitig a lot of visitors and appreciates his friends remembering him. A few visiting him last week were iMr. and Mrs. A. D. Riohoy of iMccksvillo. Mr. and Mrs. Elm­ er Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- nelh Smith and Ronnie. Mrs. Elizabeth Hendrix, Miss Ida Ellis, Mrs. Grace Call, Mrs. Nora Godbey visited the Rev. G E, Brewer Sunday afternoon at the Kernersville Rest Home. They later visited Mrs. Minnie Isaacs and Miss Lizzie Hodge at Kian-Riiy 'Nursing Home at ■Mocksville. .............. Thursday,. September 19, 1968 Cedar Creek Cedar Cree God does ~do such wonderlul things! ......................... Hwv can wc doubt that He will see us through? ............ -NOTICE!- Effective October 1,1968, the office of I the Smith Fuel Oil Company will be moved to I my home on the Yadkinville Highway. I From this location I will continue to ser- I vice all my fuel oil customers of the county. { - Appreciate Your Business!— I LAWRENCE SMITH COMPANY I 6M-2I9S HKktville, a. e. © Miss Heilon Howell and Mrs. Lu­ la West entertained the ladles al a Tuper Ware parly at the home of Mrs, Lula West recently. Mrs. Esther Allen, saleslady, conducted games with lots oi humor and fun. The hostesses served punch cookies and other tastics. Some members of Cedar Creek Qhurch_ worshiped __last,jwek._.\yith throe dii'ferent churches, Pleasant Grove Baptist, Mainsville A. M. E. Zion and Galilee Baptist during their revival services. Miss Martha Sutzer and Miss Helen Howell left last week for Tenn. where they wiil be working on the school faculty. May the Lord bless them in Uielr endea­ vors. ................ We all say, ‘‘Congratulialions" to Ellis Leagans and may the Lord bless him that he may show men the way to Ohrist In, this war tor- en world of ours. Alta and E. J. Baton recently attended the funeral ot one of their cousins held in First Baptist Church in StatesviUe, who was re­ cently killed in Viel Nam. Our deepest sympathy is extended to their families. IMrs. William Eaton and children worshiped at Shilo Baptist CSiurch Sunday in MocksviUe. 'Mrs. Queen McKnight and Mrs. Ann OampibeH of Winston-Salem and Henry Eaton of Albomarle cailled Saturday at the home of their mother, Mrs. Wffli?!m Eaton. They also called at the litome of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Campbell. (This news was .received ■too lai« to publish in last week’s paper.) Grie'f can take care of itseM but to 'get full value of joy, you must 'have somebody to divide it with. Sunday was a beautiful day and a good attendance in Sunday School and worship sei^vices. Devotionals were Conducted by Brothers Odell Eaton and Hubert West. The Rev. W. C. Hay brought the messaige. Mrs. Lula West and Mrs. Nora Eaton attended the one day District Conference tff the Baptist State Convention ■which was held ¡with the Mt. NSbo -Baptist C»iuk*, ■Harmony, Saturday. The Rev. 0. D. Daniels was host pastor. Mrs. Lula West attended wor­ ship service at the Mainville M. E. Zion church, Mocksville. ■Mrs. Ann Campbell of Winston- Salem spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. William Eaton and sister, Jean. (Miss Helen Howell was overnight guest in the home of Mrs. William Eaton Sunday night. Rov. and Mrs. L. R. Howell ■made a ibusiness trip to North 'Wilkesboro one day last week. ■Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Henry Eaton and ■boys, Ronnie and Pat, of Albe­ marle, called Sunday evening at •tihe h'oiTie of their mother, Mrs. WiHiam Eaton. Gene Scott accompanied his bro­ ther Henry to SaHslbury Sunday evening. Henry is back in school at Livingstone College, 'Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Scott visit­ ed Clifton Cain who \v«as in an auto wreck and in the Forsyth 'Menrorial Hospital in Winston-Sal­ em. Our prayers goes out to Clif­ ton for a speedy recoveiY. George Footed of Four Corners called recently at Hie home of Vora Eaton. ADVANCE — NEWS Homocoming sairvlccs were held at the Methodisl Church. Sunday with a large number ot friends and relatives attondins. ■Lutiher Crouse was honored at a Wrtliday dinner 'given at his home Friday, to celebrate his 86th birthday anniversary. Among the guests were his sis­ ters, Mrs. Mary Angell and Mrs. ■Erma Crouse of Winston-Salem, also Mrs. Floyd Angell and Miss - Laura- Shutt,- Saturday visitors of Mr. Ctvuse were a daughter, Mrs. 'Howard Jordan of Gaston­ ia, grandchildren. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jordan and family of Greensboro and Dr.' and Mrs. Roderick Jordan and family of Salisbuty. Btib Collette, Pam Keeley of Raleieh and Mahala Collette ot Winston-Salem' ■visited their 'grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Shutt Saturday night. Mrs. Conrad Scott of Lewis­ ville visited Mrs. Betty Fairclot*' Sunday afternoon.. Mrs. Recie Sheets, Mrs. Biil Zimmernian and Miss Janie Zimmennan are spending a few days in Panama City, Florida visiting Miss Adrian Zimmer­ man. ............ -. •• Mrs. W. L. Ward, Sr. had the imisfortune to fall in her home and break an aim. FARM MACHINERY Saturday, September 28th - 1 0 a .r a .- ODELL HENDRIX 7'miles east of Mocksville on Hwy. 64 - near Fork Jubilee Ford Tractor (’54 Model) . . . M John Deere Tractor (’53 Model) . . . B John Deere Tractor . . . One-Row John Deere Cultivator with fertilizer attach­ ment . . . 77 new Holland Baler . . . No. 8 John Deere Silage Cutter . . . John Deere Silage Blower . . . Surge Milking Machine . . . 16-inch Flat Bottom Dearborn Plow . . . 14-inch Flat Bottom John Deere Plow . . . Trailer lO'disc Bog Harrow . . . Dearborn Pickup Disc Harrow . . . Electric Welder . . . Stainless Steel Sink —Plus many other items too numerous to mention — T. A. Hauser, Auptioneer é> <D (i/ Ш © IT Pays To AdverTlse It Pays To Advertise A n n o u n c in g t h e 1969 P ly m o u th s . About People Human beings should become fliviilzed. that is, so related to each other that their thinking is a concerted attempt to roach - com­ mon aiiswtirs to commlon pi'Wtj- lems. T h^ should practice a friendliness of the mind. Violence is savagery. Civilization is reason­ ableness. By-.Mexander Meiklejohn 'IMie Uunion of Churches held its regular monitily sem'ices Sunday evening, Septemiber 15, at 7 p.m. at the Second Presbyterian Church. The Rev. G. W, dampbell deliver, ed the message. His subject was, "Put on the Whole Armour." Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson vrfw Is a nurse at the Davie County Ho«»ital has returned home from New York where she spent her vacation with friends and a sister, Jacqueline. Revival services arc in progress at the Shilo Baptist Cliurch and will continue through V'l-iday. Sept> ember 20. Rev. W- B. Brandon pastor of Mt. Carman Baptist Church at Winston-Satem will «in- duet thest. services. EJveryone is in­ vited to att«)uir8nd to help i n № the meeting a success. Mrs. Mozelia Grant and daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'f. E, Coirell, Monday, St^l«mb«r ]il/ on Depot Streeti Sport Fury 2-Ooor Hardtop Road Runjjor 2-Ooor Hardtop *1068 Warner Bros.—Seven Arts. Inc. Barracuda Sports Fastback Sport Suburban Valiant Signet 4-0оог&вбк. FUHY3* BELVEDERES Now there are 64 great new Piymouthe to win you over. Completely restyled Furys. Newest edition of the success car of tiie sixties. Longer, wider, roomier tfian ever. 6 new wagons, too. The beat goes on with Belvedere. Fastest* growing line in the mid'Size market. BARRACUDAS • VAU ANTS Cut loose with Barracuda— pure sport from t>umper to bumper. Eight new Valiants because an honest com­ pact makes a lot of sense to a lot of people. In Ihe past'two years, three-quarters of a million owners of competitive cars have been won over to Plymouth, See for yourself why. Tlym ou U i L o o k w lia t Plym ou th's u p to n o w . At y o u r P ly m o u th Dealer's. Septe m be r 19. M o c k s v il l e C h r y s le r P l y m o u th ,in c . Wilkeeboro St.~Р1Ш(Гб34в2124---Mftekgville, N. C . Thursday, September 19,1968 К||1вгЫ«в«Х1в«огЭ Рг,ГГ5 Г-V't Classified W ^ N T A E )S WOMEN WAAT1E5D for egg pixj- cesslitg. Apply In person at the WhlpJo-WiM Fawns. 9 12 tin HELP WANTED: Male or female for kitcten work. ApiJIy in por­ tion at C’s Restaurant. 8 22 tfn FOR_ SALE: 1959 Bel Air Chevrolet , in good, clej^n condiífó'nT'TOir 482-8218 efter 5 p. m. 9 19 Un NOTICE: I am not responsible for any debts madia other than my own. Norntam B. Smith, Sr. .... 9 5 3tp FOB SALE: Presh Jersey Cow ■ and calf, Jersey heifer sixteen ■ ’ months old. Contact WUliam iPoweH, Rt. 1, MocksvUle. , ;................. 9 19 Itp ■ >0Ш Ш BOYS WANTEID: 2 or 3 nights a week. АиЛу In per­ son at MIiLUEJR’S blNER. НдаАШ Ш ет. 9 19 2tn ' ■iHBlj? WAOTED: Senvlce Station wonk, Conbaict Nonman Sniltta at 4 TIHE TIRE CBNilMl, M18 South 'y Stralt№|n] (Road, Wlns№n-Sailem, (, N; C. 9 191 2tn SALE BY OWNER: SV4 room house with furnace on 2 acres 'land dn (heart y>f i'aranlngton, :' near ichurches end school. Large fenced In back yard and plenty pasture, ailso garden. 2 car gar­ age. <In exccUcnt dondilSon. See or call Ridhavd Brock, 4 ^ 8 4 after 6 p. m. if during the week. .... .. .. 9^19 2tn BE gentle be kind, to tbal: expen­ sive carpet, clean it wifb Blue 'liustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Farmers Hdw. & Supp>ly. FOR SALE: 1982 Comet, four door, radio and heater. ExtteBent eon. dition. Lutiiep Unebenger, Wag- ror TraHer Court, Rt. 4, Mooks- ville. .. Й 5 tfn WANTED: Party aMe to makg $19.25 monthly payments on like new spinet piano. Can be ssen in this vicinity. Write Mgr. Qeo- rgia Pdanos, 1206 McCaill Blvd., Ilome.- <3a.,-3016l.---i-12-2tp FOR SAIiE: 4 bedroom, 2 story frame house with dotible carport on a toga comer lot on Salis­ bury Street, including a rented garage apartment. Phons, day- 834^372, and at night, 634-6335.^ .......... 9 U 4tji P IA N O . and O R G A N LESSONS N Call 634-5624 dBUP WANTED AT 'MHiLEiR’S DINNER BESTAURlAiNT: Wai­ tresses, chefs find cashiers needed ior all shifts, M^ls fU|nnisJied, % hour meal break, two weeks vacation, profit sharr ing and good pay. Apply in . peroon. Sheek Milter, owner. ................. 8 1 t£n W A№ PD . . . A baby . siUer кеф 3 children and U> do light housekeeping. Second shift. Call eaí-зт. a 29 tfn FOR, SALOE: PIANOS Used St>inet $196.00. practice pianos $59.00 end up. Grands $295.00. IMake your selection from over 800 pianos. Rowan County’s lairgest Piano Dealer. Kluttz Piano Co., Inc. 7 miles east of Salisbury on US S2. Phone 279-9555, Granite Quarry, N. C. 8 22 8tp IffiLUE Lustre not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and tofty. Rent electric sb^pooer |l MockBviUe-Builders-SuppJyj____ 1967, ZtG-ZAG SINQER, repossess- dams, mends mafces button­ holes, • monograms, all without attachnnents. Guaranteed. Can be seen and tried out in this area. Pay. cash balance of $52.50 or pay 6 payronts of $lO.Oo each. Write Mr. MtiMillon, P. 0. Box Asheboro, N. C. 27203, ..VV.-V..V - 9 5 tfn ESNJOY COUITORiY LIV2NG with city convienJenoe . . . in Garden Valley Estates . . . spacious 3 or 4 bedroom brick home for sale . . . 3 baihs . . , full base­ ment haik of which is paneled and heiated . . . FHA financed with 5V4 interest . , loan tiranS' ferrtfble . . . oraer moving out 0/ stale. Call h. W. Mixon, phone 634-2220. 8 15 tfn JtEPOfiSESSBD SEWING MiACH- ¡INiE. Buttortholer, zig-zagger, dams, mends, etc. Someona to pay o(i complete balance ol $22.00 cash. For details call 243- 7305, Lexingtion, N. C. 9 12 3tn OLEAN rugi. UKe new, so easy to do wiUi Blue Lustre. Rent elec' tríe áiampooer $1. at Bill Iter* itiJ Forniture, ТВАШЕ» SPACE FOB ВеЗГГ: Apply Shady Acre« Тгайег РаЛ, kwated on Bediel Chundi Road. Pbone 9вв4278 or 99S-4U8. «as tfn 80M S FOR SAiLiB; Lovely S-bed> room, I ba№, % concrete base* nent, all bri(>l( oonstruction, iopatad on i acres ol land. Off HiglMray M 00 oouflty road }609. CaU cnemmoai Village Real Bstttte. TBMaSt. for ao appoijjt- nwot to ам thli юуе1у~ШЯёг EXECUTRIX NOTICE NORITH OAHOLINIA DAVTE COUNTY Having qualified as Executrix ol the estate of Mary Baitey Brown, deceas3d, late of Davie County, this is to notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate to pressnt them to the undersigned on or beiore the 6th-day of March 1S139, or this notijce wiM be pJsad- ed in bar of their recoveiy. All parsons indebted to said estate Will ptease make immediate pay­ ment to the undarsiigned.This the 4th day of September 1068. (Mary Sue Brown, Exeoutrix of the estate of Maiy Bailey Brgwn,. deo28sed. «• • * > *W U IM M E, HALL B M r Y ’S FARMINGTON, N. C.. • Citgo G as '28.9 gal. # Complete Lubrication • W a s h • Tires # Groceries — /W e Give S & H Green Stamps — SKIN rrctt ( DON’T SCRATCH ITI IN 18 iMlNUTfiS, 1 I ' If not pleased, your 48c back at any drug counter. PTOH-M'E-NOT quiets itchi»!g in minutes; kills getims to ^ a d healing. Fine for eczema, insect bites, foot itch, other sunfatia rashes. NOW at Wilkins Drug Co. 9 5 3ln R U B B E R « NOTICE OF RESALB 0F REAL PROPERTY RoRflW OAiRO(LiiNA DAVIE COUNTY Under and by. virtue of the au- orlty_J!i!Sted Jn Jhe udnersiigned cemmissionerijy' an Ofdef Df tte Clerk of Superior Court of Davie Oounty dated Sepbamlber 5, 1968, in the civil action entitled Davie Couhy vs. Bmily R. Cartnell, un- jnarrrad; John H. iRodwell and wife, Mary B. Rodweli; Jack D. Redwell and wife, LuciUe G. Rod- w«l; John W. RWwell and wiite, Mary S. Rodweli; Louise R, Mer­ oney, widow; Rulh R. Casey and husband, D. W. Cas«^; Clarice R. Didterson and husband, J. W. Dickerson and George D. Wood, 1 will oiUar for ¿ale and sell at .pub­lic auction to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, Septemoi^- 21, 1966, at 12:00 o’dock noon at' the Courthousa, Modksville, North Carolina, the following described real rlroperty located in Davie County, Mocksville Township, State of North Camiina, as follows, to wit: .............jBEGINiNillNG at ah iron bar, comer of Lot of heirs of W. W. MiUar on West side of Huntsvilie public road; thence South 41 degs. West 110 feet to a slbne; thence North 47 degs. West 390 feet to a stone; thence Norlh 41 degs. East 110 feel to a ston© in said Miller’s heirs line; thence South 47 degs. East to the BEGINiNINGCOfWPAiBNINIG ....... acres, more or less, and being known as the Lemuri Bingham residenca, and being the identical proparty des­cribed in a deed from Robart P. Aiiderson, et ux, to J(*n W. Rod- well, nacorded in BOtok 20, pagge " I , Daivde Oounty Registry.BBG®*NIINIO at an iron stake which sets in the Huntavillia Road or street in Dr. J. W. Rodwell’s comer on ths Southwest side of his lliKMbot residence lot; thence Norh 47 dags. 35 min. West 300 feet with Rbdwell’s line to an iron stak^; thence South 4il degs. WSast 16 feet to an iron staire, J. T. Baity’s corner; thence South 47 d>ags. -33 min. East 300 feet to an iron stake in originail Une in edge of road or street; thence North 41 degs. lESast 16 £aet to the BEJQINNIIING, 'this being the identical property described in a certain daM from R. P. Anderson etux, to Dr. J. W. RodweiU, recorclad in Book 26, at page 443, Davie County Regis- V II ^ W W P«>t t«nrlt* liiMMbli Mm A I) V ® B, T I S E M EN T OOUNtPY OF DAVIE (BIDS REQUESTED Fuel OH • 20,000 Gallons - Fiscal, Y'aar 1968-11889 - (3ounty of Davie.Pursuant to the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, osals endorsed Fuel OH, 20,000 EXECU’hllX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COXMTY ' ■ ' ' ' Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Edith Ann Daniel, deceased, late of Davie Oounty, this is to notify all personis having claims against said estate to pre­ sent them ‘to the undersigned on or (before the lUth day of March 11969, oif this notice will be pleaded in (bar of their recovery. lAill per­ sons' indebted to said estate will p'jease maike immediate payment to the (undersigned. This the Sth day oif Septemlber, 1868. ..................... Belle Daniel ®>ger, exeoutrix ot the estate of lEdith Ann Daniel, deceased. 9 19 68 I proposals ' gallons - Fiscal Year 1968-1969" will be veceived by J. K. Smith, O’Jerk to tba BoJ<rd of County Commissioners of Daviie Oounty, North Carolina, until 11:30 A. M. Monday October 7, 1963, at which time they will ba putolicalily open­ ed and read. .... I SpceiBicattens may be obtated from and' bid» Submitted to the Clerk of said Board at the off*« of Ragislfltr oi Deeds of, Davie' Counly, MockarfiUe, Nbrlh Carolina" , — Eaclr-proposal--«all -be—accom-^- panirf by a deposit equal to five (5%) per cent of the proposal and this deposit shall consist of cash or a certified Ch'aok on some bank or trust company insured by the. F^eral Cappsit Insurance Corpor-' ation, or by a United States mioney ordiar payable to County of Davie or by a five (5%) per cent bond executed by a corporata surety lic­ ensed under tite laws of Nortii Carolina to execute such bonds. This daposit shaU be retained by (be County of Davle if the succcss-. ful bidder fails to ex’acu’e tihe I contract within 10 days cfier the award or to give sali.'ifactory sure­ ty as mquested by the statute. The Counly reser\’es the right to rojsct any or all such proposals. I BOARD OF CO(MIMISSIOiNlBR5! OF DAVIE OOUNTY, By H. R. Hendrix, Jr.. | ................... Chairman j..................... 9 13 2tn NOnCB OP SERA'ICE OP SUMMONS BY PUBUCA-nON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE 'HIE CLERK NORTH OAROLINADAVIE COUNTY ....... LOUISE WALLACE LASH, Plainliff VS ............... OVAL ODELL LASH. ......... Dercndant TO OVAL ODELL LASH: Take n6tJce that a pleading ing relief against j'inu has be:;n filed in tho above entitled action. The nature of the nalief sought is as follows: An absolute divorce -OnJhe.grounds_oL,.o_rea_years se­paration. ............ You are required to make (Ichn- «e to .such p>aading not later than Octoiber 4, 1968, and upon such failure to do so the party seeking yarvice against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 3 day of Sepbamber,1968. .................. LOUISE M. PATTERSON — Clerk Superior Coiiil ................... 9 5 41n F A T , O V E R W E Available to yon ■nii' fi prescription, our Vi Odrinex. You niu?i i yonr money bccit. '' tablet and casi’y r of excess tat am! '■ ex rest iM, i!itinraii(t'?: if r reason, Ji's* n-<- : ,Yi)lir Ulu'v;;.( m!in?y b;'!;. ; Ortrinp!; is KO''.' l)v: ‘ 'viJIe — Kn:’ . ir O': ■ s. S, h Pav.fi to Adverttsp. ADMINISTRATRIX NCnCE NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE OOUNTY Having qualified as Administra­ trix of the estate of Ollie Gaston Allen, dtjceased, late of Davie Couniy, this is to notify aill per­ sons havilr.ig claims against said estate to present tbam to the un- deirsigned on or befoi'a the 13 day of March 1968, of this notice will (be pleaded in bar of (heir recov­ ery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned.This the lath day of Sept., 1968. Vida CartBr AMen, Administrat- Irix of the estate of Ollie Gaston Allen, deceased. 9 9 4ln JESSE G. ÀOWEN MUSIC CO. ПГОН Gn.iDB PIANOS НЛММ07ГО onOANB 2S1 W. Bth Ct. — Pb. PA S.r«U OFFICE MACHINES Typewriter« Adding MacUnei Service On All Make* 119 W. tones Slre^l OFFICEEARLE’S SUPPLIES Dial MK 6-2341 SALISBURY, N. C. Elec(r:r — SAI.I'K .V Repaired - !: Auibcr:,' G. E. s Orivlon 1= D e lia £.'?■ Id'.”. V ■ ! T SALÌ TV;, Day ЛГК 6-Ki‘. ;; r-i i Г'’.) y.'i .... ' ' Co. : Т .;Л ’з Shitlair y. !■ e K. ' : ■ = O-iMSI i!\ ;ач!У, N, 0, ' КЛ!, & TKNTAU nlp!rib!:iov Far HMS’” С. G. B A SIN G ^: eiNGEU КЕРКЕПЕГ^ТЛ-V, From Soüfli'.irv ’.Viil Be In -h-H-'f O' Mondry & r Each V;.'-'!: ; r Sales ar;i! i.in-.., P h o n e G C U “' V ' , ' : VJEVL ■ :;g с о , . 'v:-7ANCs;, N. c. i, Aliv.'jnce, or У: a IT PAYS TO anvr:-', '-.; F EXECUTBIX NOTICE, СТА NORHH C A B O L m DAVIE COUNTY Having qualifiad as Executrix, СТА of the estate of Jack Oven Moody, deceased, late of Daivie County^ i s is to notify; aH per­sons having -claims-aigainst -saift estate to presant them to the un­ dersigned on or before tma 26th day Of Mardi 1969, of this notice will be plcadiad in bar Of their recovery. All persons indebted to said .3state win please make im­mediate paynYant to 'the under­ signed. ...................This the 30th day of August, 1 ^ .Marie C. Moody, Executrix, СТА of the estate of Jack Owen Moody, deceased. 9 5 4tn Шп SARN thst needed mon«jr ‘H w Av. « wty." cm or write: AvflB. P. 0. SOK an, SUteivlUe. N. c. a Ш NOTICE NORTH OAROLINA DAVIE OOUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of tha POWER OP SAIiE contained in a certain deed of trust executed on tba 41h day of Fdjru'ary, 1964, apd recorded in Book 82, page 389, Dav­ te Oounty Registry, by Lewis Gray Barnhardt and wife, Laura l^le Barnhardt, and assumed \v Way­ne FVanklln Mellon and wife, Ber­ nice Melton, default having »»en made In tlie payment of the in­debtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to /oreo^ sure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash M the Courthouse door in Mocksville, Da­vie County, North Carolina, at noon on the 28 day of Sartariber, 19S8, the property conveyed In said deed of trust, tbe same lying and being in the County of Davie, State of Norti) Carolina, and more partkiulariy described as followsiBGG:NNING at an iron stake, Robert Robertson's and Jam» Maybew*s comer, and nmnirfg thence North S degs. Bast W feet to an iron stake, Jatnet ^)ay• hew's corner! tlwnce North 81 degs. Kast to tbe center of tto Bixby Road, aso feet: theme with said road Souttt }7 degs. Bast 79 feet to a point in the road, Robert­son corner; thenoe North 89 degs. West 300 feet TO TiiE BBCH99N' ING, containing .35 of an acre more or less. THE HlGHfiST B IO D m wiU be required to deposit in cash at the sale a Bum~equal to (on (m%)per cent of his bid up toli,№).00 plus five (S%) per cent at excessЫ bis bid. .......This aktd day of August, 1Ш . MAB K. a u o i............. nusieelU R T W AND MAHTNШ о т т » a I its i rer&nce is hereby made to the WHl of- ^n W. Rodwdil recorded in ‘the oSiee of Ctertc of Superior Cburt o(f Davie County in WiU Bock'Z, page 432. ' Said sale shall remain open ten days for upset bids and is subject to confirmation by the Court and shaU be mada subject to all ad iVaJoreon taxes for years after 1968. Stat'Ung bid $6,718.65. This Sth day of ^ptenibar, 1968. JOHN T. BROCK Commissioner ... .... ■ 9 12 2tn NOTICE) OP FORECLOSURE SALE NORfra OAiROIiJNA DAVIB O O U J ^ .... .... :‘jUi5aer~anarby"VirtUe'<rf-the-poWi^ er ot sale contained'in a certain deed of trust .exeouted by James A. Nopvell and wife, Dianne M, Norvell, m the 22nd day of June. 11967, and recorded in Dectl of liust Book 69, at Page 555, in the Office' on the Register of Deeds of Davie CJounty, North Carolina; and under and w virtue of the author­ ity vested in the undersigned as substituted trustee by an insku- ment dB writing dated Ootober 13, 1967, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds oi Davie County, North Carolina, deifault having been made in the p^jTOOnt ci tbe indeibtedness th«t»y secu^d and the said deed of trust being by .the tern»s thereoi subject to foroclosure, and the holto of the ind^tedness t^i^y secured ha- vHhis demanded a , thereof saitiatyine sdd ness, the undersigned t{4i8tM will (>Ker for sale at liic aixtion to the hle>^t bl for cash at the courhouse door in Davie Oounty, Nortti Carolina, at ШОп o’clock noon on tbe 23rd day of Septeimber, 1969, the land con­veyed in said deed of tnist, the same lying and being in Dayie Cbunty, North OaroUna, and being miore partioulariy described asfojkw»: ..................... A certain lot or tract of land kicated in Jerusalem Town^lp and being a portion of a arger tract described in Book 71 at page 193, Davie Registry and describeda l follows; ............ Befinning at an iron pijie in the western edge « the Davle Acedimoy Road, Jam es H. Tayior southeiast comer (sc^ Deed Book 78 at page 135, Oevie Registry) end running thance South 87 de- give* £9 roinutee West 826 feet with Jam es H. Tayto- eouthern tine to an iron pipe: thence South 8 dm ees 81 m i ^ West Л.70 fleet to Ю1 iron pipe; thence South 89 degraM S7 minutes East 340 feet to M in>n in the Western edge oi the Davie Asedeiny Road: thence North 07 degrees 03 minU' tes West 90 ftet to the Poi« and ntece of begimwe sod being Ш Number Fiv» <S> веоопйпв to an unuBconded Plat or map ot Й» Give them a Better Light Better Sight study lamp. Then they’ll have enough glare- ; free light to see what they're doing. Maybe if they could see, better, they , would understand better. So why not visit your favorite lighting - dealer or Duke Power. And insist on a study lamp with the Better Light Jf the lamp is on, you won't have any trouble spotting it. D u k e P o w e r 1ГТШ1ШЯГТВЧи1у ed tv Mvnub). R.87. ................w Side will I« mede texes eoi M w snenti. a day at AiuuM. MB8. ' 0. m m e u o i f t N ...... t i Mondfty • Friday 8t00 A. M. • 5:00 P. Г a а» 4tB iia tmm ашн ir. . i MOCKSVILLE, Í , C. Page Six Enterpris e-Recorä Thursday, September 19, 1968 V SUGAR \ » . | | ru, V* i“- - ‘ '- :'4t> n« A-^ • ‘^rniU: 5-Lb. B AG 'u m u a ARMOUR STAR S', 0z. CansP O T T E D M E A T ... 2 for 27c ARMOUR STAR V j-Ox. Cans P O T T E D M E A T ___2 for CARNATION ASSORTICD FLAVORS J)!;«-IN STAN T BR EA K FA ST /9c l-M). I'kK.... 49cniKT MARGAHINliFLEISC H M A N N ’S .SOFT MARGARLNEFLEiSCH M AN N ’S INSTANT COFFEE Tom ato SOUP NEW CROP YEM.OW 1-Lb. I’lis;. . 4 7 c (i-Oz. .liii- No. 1 CAN T H E W E SSO N OIL SH OR TEN IN G — PURE V E G E T A B L E M A X W E L L H O U SE . . . $1.01 3-Lb. C a n S P E C IA L LOW PR IC E DONRumua "*0X OOLOMBf*'' . COFFEE D O N M A N U E L 100% Colom bian C o ffee 6 9 c Pop Corn l b . b a g 1 Q c BIRELY’S ORANGE, GRAPE, COLA, OR ROOT BEERDrinks 1/2 g a l . s i z e 2 5 c PURE V EG ETA B LE CRISCO OIL 24-oz. Bottle IN H E A V Y SYR UP ExcUit^NmJkeorttlorSetigtuid S a m s o n ite FOIDIHG TABU tn_Beautiful WOODGRAIN HNISH Stokeiey’s Fruit COCKTAIL -1 303 C a n s WALDORF НАТИК00Л1 TISSUE e 4.R«ll - i Packs Э I ¡.Stokelyj “ V a n C A M P ’S " f R U lT C O C K T A II] KEEHLER’S COOKIES BONNIES . 14-oz. bag 49c HLNT’S PURE TOMATO 24-oz. BoUlcsC A T S U P .........2 for 55c BLACK TEA !i-Ll).Box LIPTON ’S .............. 85c LJPTON FLO-TJJRU ' 48-Cl. Bux lE A BAGS ............. 65c BALLARD. PILLSBURY Cansi_i;>oUlTS .... 4 for 39c STRAINED BABY FOODubKbER'S ... 3 jars 35c L&S FUESU KOSHER ' -Gal. .liiKPICKLES ............... 85c LU C K Y LEAF CHERRY PIE FILLING '-G al. JUG liratMdni TEXIZE LIOriD ILEACH 2 5 o SANITARY NAPKINS K O T E X PLUS 12-Cti Bux ) MAUCAL DINNER ."id-Ct. Гкк. . . 49c NAPKIN S ............... 21c NIBLETS BR AN D W H O L E KFR MEL G O LD GenuTne Samsonffe fabfa has vinyl film pisstte fop in attractive new WoDdcrain finish! This all pur« pose table designed with the decorator accent makes a beautiful addition to any room of the house. Top resists scuff in g .,. stain s... simply wipes clean with a damp cloth. Steel protective bindings over table edges. Easy, compact folding with exclusive slide-action leg Jocks. Electrically welded tubular steel legs. Chip-resistant baked enamel finish on all metal parts. Available in two wpular Woodsraiq finishes. Walnut or Maple with iroiu» frame. DAYTIME BABY B'lX I NEWBORN BABY P A M P E R S ........... $1.69 1 PAM PERS FRESH, TEN DER YELLOW SQUASH N E W CROP NO. 1 RED SWEET POTATOES lb.* Mocksville * Yadki nville * 61ешшоп8 Cola W a t e r S u r f H B r e e je D e t e r g e n t I B lu e S ilv e r 1 A ii(.i: I'Kli.37c lilA M l*KG. te rg e n t I 87c I l .\hi;e PKu. 9Г Dust I 37c j S u n s h in e К.ГОЧ'. SIZE Rineo I 87c I Condensed “"И”F l u f f y “ a ll 3-LB. uu\83c m-oz, UOK 37c I C o l d W a t e r “ a ll EtU.4. biZE 83c I MW.. liurn.t:59c « I DAVI1! C O U N T Y Navy Pilot Has Kin Here V C I A ll T h e C o u n t y N e w s ,For E v e r y b o d y $ 4 .0 0 P E R . Y E A R — Sin gle C o p y , 10 cents Thursday, September 26, 1968 No. 22 -Rand Progressing! Th<! 40,000 sciiiin'« fiMil, ail’ con- ditUinctl uxpansion ci thu Ingoi'soll- Itaiul Plani in Mockaville is* pio- gi’cssins us scljedu'led. John M'aciMillan, 'Manager of MamifacUn-ing, said that the s>ecl wiii'k is aihnost comipletc and Ihe addition to the plant will b« dosed in within the next two months. ‘‘Cunont plans c'ali for occupancy u>'f the now area in Noveitfljer,” ^ MuolWiHan said. Tills is the second expansion ot the plant since IngerSoll^Rand, mo­ ved into Mocksville in November, 1965. The engineering laboratory and a special testing area for sta- t1onui-y ccmprcssors were added lo tlkj plant early in 1968. l’ho expanded area wilt be used primarily for storaae, relieving , •space in Ihe ma^in plant for as- semk'y ot too “air eiids” of tho iportóMe compressors. “Air ends” bad previously been assembled at lihe company’s Prfinted Post, New 0 ywk Plant. .... Inciluded in the expansion are new totally enclosed, air condition- ed shipping docks and'anrt'her im- proved truck dock for the receiv­ ing department. The relocation of the shipping department will prov­ ide for more effective loading and unlbadlng, particularly in incle­ ment weather. Shipping depart- imeirt offices will also be buiilt in the expanded area. ‘'Moving the shipping department to now quar­ ters giivcs us Uie oppoi'tunity to make improvements in the test and plaint area,” MaciMiBan tioled. iMacMi'llan added, “The expans­ ion of the Plant is taking place as pail of the overiall growtli df the Company. The dcoision to expand Ihc Moi’ksville Plant was based on many factors inoluding the loca- tion of imarkets, available labor supply, and good communlt'y at- 'mosphere. Decisions 'for furiher .expansion here or at any other plant in the Company will be based on the same factors.” T h e iSecond S e ctio n This V’ci'k the scvond scctton of this ncwspnncr was printed b.v„what ts iknoMu In the prinU ing businnss as offset, flic ' .first Section is .printed by №0 old JcHcrpi'css iiiclliod. Wo have livffun tlic process nr convertinR the Entcrprlse- Rccord over to this method which .not <in1y produces dear and lictter fpicturcs, but also a more /readaiitc print, llowcvur. It will 'proliably (tike sometime hefnrc wc can completely chan­ gc over the icnllre Issue, G a rd n e r H e re Kupulilican Guiicmutorlal Candidate .lames Gardner will be in MocksWIle ' Tuesday, October 1st. A dutch lunchean will be held at C’s Rarbecue .and the public Is 'invited 'to attend and ineet Mr. (Gardner. ¡State C h a m p io n s h ip The ' North Carolina . State Championships ¡for (Radio 'Con- 'Irol .Model ‘Aircraft will be lield Saturday 'and Sunday, Septem- |»er 38 'land 89 at . tlic Wihstun- Salem ]Radio Control Club Field on Beauchamp Road (formerly ' Mocks 'Church IRoad) in Davie County. Partlciproits <are «x- pected from North Carolina, ^Tennessee. Ccorgia ^ d J'Jorl- =t«a. ^ero-'” battp,‘; 'and '»(ae- iAfii The,!^pe fc^-dnvlted to attend. < ' R e p u b lic a n M e e tin (East Shady Giwe Republicans Wi'M hold a .precinct meeting at Advance Fire Station on' Friday, ¿¿pteniber 27 al 7:30 p.m. G ail K oontz Nam ed L ib ra ria n In D avidson J IflaiiisGn Tours Leaves Oct. 4tii Mocksvillc and. Uavie Counly High Schools and served as young adull librarian al Arlington Counly Pub­ lic Library in ..Virginia. 'Miss Koontz is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Koontz. Roule 4, jiocksvllle, the Davie Academy Cotfiiriiunity. ''she iiow . resides in Rid Cross poard . Honors Lleal Volunteers ■T!ic Aii'.riiin FnliüSe Turn's lo 'Now lOnÿ'aiid nnd Niagara Falls ' condiicled V.y M'nilinm Tours, Inc. will leave Slialesville al 8 a. m. Friday, OLM.i')or 4, and will return SumI.iy, Of.tober 13. 'The trip is made by bus and will iiivlutlo slops at Wasl'.‘:n,4lun. D, Now ^■llrk Cily, ConnecUcut, Ro.Miiii. New England, Canada and Niaünra FaJls. Mr, and Mrs, n, U, Madison of 'Ali "n.svlüe will ac'conïpany the • > iDV.iwiii!,' grmip of j>:issengei's' on lli'.s lour; , .......... l‘'i'iii’k Hall, SiiiiJ .liiiie.s, Mrs. Sarah l.oii Wdllors, .Mrs, Howard ,Imic,s, AIr,s, lloberl P, Clhia iiiul 'Mr,s, .S;mi C, from SI'alus- rillo: ,Mr, and Mrs. nussell 1C, Siß- niiii, liiim Tiflutiiiaii; Miss Hiilh I'!. Evans. Mrs, Edith E, Tucker, '.Mr.s', l):ira C, Nc,4bil and .Miss ■M Noí’.il. Moorevville; Mrs, EirV П, Whiloiicr, Hickory; ,Miss M.ii'V Klborl, Miss Mkie K, ll(№lic, Мгч. .Mai'y II. IliH'fman, Mrs, II. Ii. МГ‘!‘Г, and Mr, II. M, lli'p’cr from Win.-itdn-Kak’in; .Mrs, Minnie |>, , ltei\is and Miss Itosa IVIioe, fr'im fluiiliillc; Mr, and Mrs, Tiiiy It, K'lorl, (Jwii!.i')iiro and Mr. and ,\lis, W, A, Kirk Coiilee- >1101', ............... Little League 'H i,, (ii'.-l iianif ol the Uiltlo l.ea- j;iii‘ Kiiutball seaiun was p’.ayed (ii Davie Hiijh field last Saluiday Jiiybl, ....................... .'•'.i-res (¡1 l!!e two tfamus wtMtv I'liiiiiiiiLiUin Packer.« and Moi-ks- vi::<‘ Hedikiiis j)layed lu a 7-7 lie ill !lic iii'sl ijaiije; .Muiksville I'olls (Iciealfd Ihe ^iiady tiiuve Panthers |jy£iiiIyii^~of~2FT<7Tr (¡ames icheduleil for I,liis ueek iiii'lucle; Packers vs Colls al 7 It / p ni. and. Hed.kins I's Panlhers at tl p. m. .Saturday Suptemlier W, Miss Vera Gail Koontz has been named 'Head Librarian at Davidsiin Counly Community College accord­ ing lo 'Dr. Grady E. Love,, C’ollsgc President, Miss Kountz, a native of Davie C:«inly. went thc'io from Ch'i;iel Hill «here she served as librarian for ths ‘' ■hiiol Di' I.ibrar.v .Science at 1Ьз University of Norlh Carolina. She w kt’d in Ihe Business Admin­ istration and the iHumanlties Li- j liraries tliore. . A graduate of Cool Springs ilii^h . Sfliool neai’ .Statesville, .Miss Koantz | received her education at Milchi'ii i C'ol’ese and Calaw'ni СоИеке, At Mitehell she received the "Presi­ dent’s Medal of Honor’' and was named chicf marshall. She received the National l.aiiguage award. She gradualt'd cum laude fnmi Catawba College, While there she designed and named the college flag. She received her M.S, in Li­ brary Science at the Universily of North Carolina, She has done gradu­ ate work .al George Washington Universily, ' She has held library jiusitioiis at Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast Held A Mayin's I’inyer Urea'.-la.'-l was 'ч‘Ы Similav, Srnl'jmber '¿2. Ш C's lifstamanl wl'.h 22 Jayti-es pressnl, tiii'.'sl f’v.>;'kei's were Mayor Men­ ilo and the .N'orth (''jrolin'j Лаусге president. Jim Church. .Mr, Mando ialked on. "Our Kespcnsibility as Cliii'iMis," ,l:e Muiphv ri4'04nized the guesls. The invocation was given by Ih? 1’..,. pastor of Ihf First Unilvd Methiulisl Church wntTe the gm,;) a'.teiuled th.'.'.c'i The Davie Citunty lied Cross Board meeting was held recently at Miiller’s Diner-Uestauranl in tlic foi'm of a dinner part.y honoring Mrs, .layiie Sanford and Mrs, Mar­ garet McCoy, volunteer workers. Mis. Fred Sniith presided al the ‘meeting ami Hed Cross Hejiressn- I'ativ'c .Mrs, Mai-y Katherine Gtin- n<-i 'vas a special guest. '.Mrs, Sanford «‘as piescnieil a 10 year .senife pin I'or voiiinleer W<ii'k witlL.iht.iiervjcc^Jo f'^imllies as well as many olher hours, Mrs, Sanford resigned hi April "leaving Davie Counly wilh a great loss from a iiersoii who had given of herself freely iieyond the call of duty", said officials. Mrs, MfCiiy was presented n 7 year pin for .Service to Water Safety, Swifliniing inslriiclion and service lu Ihe Salisbury Veterans' Hospital, .^'!'e al.<o has many houN beyond the call ot duly with this program, ............. F o llo w in g T o o 1 C lose ils C h a rg e d Augustus 11. Frye of Georgia, was ciiai'ged w'ith 'following too cliosc wi'on IHfi.i Pontiac lie was op­ erating was involved in an accident Friday, September 20, at 6:10 p.m, on US 158 4 miles east of Mocksville. .......... St'ale HiglMvay Patrolriian H. L. Beane investigated Wie accident. Hlij c6pQi!tjK:ontinued.^as fcrUows: Che\!^et, east on‘ iS8'as was the Frye ve-. hide. Barker slowed for other ti'iaf- fic and Fiyo failed to get slowed down and his car struck ¡(he Ghev- rolet in the rear., Damage to both oars was esli- iivjited at $250 each. C o rre c tio n .The picUire used in the last is- siie showing the I'larmington School students in 1046 tni'ghi by Mrs. Buck Garrison ,^ould haTO read the 1st grade.' A in in ia l Causes N Giar T o W re c k 1' stale Highway Patrolman R. L. Beane investigated an accident' Tiiursday, Septemlber lii, at 8 p.' ni; on RIPR. leijl (Bixby Road). His re­ port' is as- JolKo^« ■ >A4mal ■ Williams, -t^iating a l^ '^ o r d , ’ ■was going north when 'a hog ran out in front of the car. Slie lost control of the car when it struck the hog and Hhe oar ¿truck an embankment. Damage to the car was estimat­ ed at $300. ............ The bog was killed..................... COUNTY CATTLE WIN PRIZES AT FAIR S u p p e r A t B e th e l There will by a Barbecue and Chicliun rie supiier al Bethel MelhodisI Churth Saturday, Sept- tMnljur 2büi, bi.-yiiinii>g al 5 p. 111. Sc'\cr:;l Davie exhibiloi’s won prizes for hogs and beef cat!If al the Rowan County Fair. Ill the beef cattle division, Mr. aiKl Mrs, David Springer of Davie oNl'.iliilcd ll’.e grand dunni>ion short horn and bull. ~Tl','”frT':aIim. also orDinae Cmin- ly, cN-lnbiled the grand champion ikiiil. an An.iius, whidi was also .ad.i'iili;(.'(l t'lie champion <rf all breeds L, C, and Wade Moody ex- hiljile;! llie grand diamjiion An­ gus cow, ............ In the iiork division, Ihe grand diuiiipiiin tioar, a DiU'oc, w.is ex­ hibited by Guy Deal and Son, The grand chanipiini Uuroc gill and sow wei'e exliibiletl by Frank Coli- le, ..................... Tl'e graml champion Poland China boar was exhibited by Henry ShU'ping W'lio also exhibited the grand champion gill, Shuping’s yoi'kshire gilt and sow were also awarded the grand champion liX'phy, Jimmy Shuping exhibited the grand ebampiqii Vorkshiio boar, ........................ Uow'e M'cNeely, .Rowan Counly Exlcnsion Clvaiiiman, said that Ro­ wan producers 'are showing a stea­ dy increase in tihe production of porkers. Mi.'Nccly said that the area ieeiler irig -sitter-wW held inonti’ly al the Ireilcil C<iunty Kaingrounds, started in 11163 \yith only 10 Row.'iii .producers jiarlici- ■pating in the venture. He o.'^^fcrcd the .following figures covering the feeder pig sales; liiBi. i.'KIJI animals sold for $16.120; 11)64, l(i:<!l animals sold for $'24,034,28; liKu, t«i>H animals sold for $27,- 717.21: liKHI, 2!)33 animals sold for $57,771,27: l(l()7, 4535 animals sold for $73,220,51. So far, in 1968 some 50 pivdue- ers have purtieipulcd. The nwln ba>cds exliibiled yes­ terday at Ihe Rowan Counly Fair wore Yorkshire, Duroe and Poland (.'hina. ................ Civil Court Next Week A civil session of Superior CViiirt will convene hei'e Monday with tlie Honorable Walter E. Jbhnson, Jr. of Winston-Salem as tte pres­ iding judge. .. .. Cases dodictcd Cor trial accord­ in'? to Gienn Hammer, Oloi-k of Superior Court, ai'e as follows; CIVIL MOTION Wilim L. Alexander vs Dr.Fran- cis Slate ............. Oliirard P. How'ard, Jr. vs Judy N. HOwai-d Donald Gray Mc.ssiok vs Brenda Gail Hanes;, Vlnginra Suminey & Eai'l M.^^udwney VB Leonard Hanes *' ' . [............. Edward F. Pott'S vs W. B. Et- ohison ................ J'ohnny FranVlin Foster vs Caro­ le Roliertson Foster C m L r UNCONTESTED Betty W. Tutterow vs j. B. Tut- teilow ........ ........ Robert M. Wood vs Ruby Hudson Wond .............. Jlolicrl ,1. M'ason vs Mary Eli- ziabelh L. Mason ___ ■Vtanley IC. Fleming, Jr. vs Ra­ mona Louise FerroII F)|oming Sylvia Ann Hudspeth Bui;gcss vs Roiui'ld Curtis Burgess Hreiida Stitmd Messick vs Don­ ald Gray jMessick Janies Pi'uilt vs Alice Faye riamcs Pruitt nim n a Fred A, Suinnicy vs Alice Wells y----- •••• ... . Paul 11, While vs Ethel Mue G/ While ............. CIVIL - TRM b ' I 'I'Mith Beal Mcltim vs .1, Banks Hanliins ,,,, m m Contimicd on 'Page 2 CHARLES S. SAPP Navy Commander Charles S. Sapp, son of Mrs, Alene Stoncs- treet Ventura of Sailsbury, recen­ tly received his Hill'd high award fur heroism while serving in Viet­ nam. ................ 'Relfltives of his here in Davie (3ounly indude Mi'|. W. F. Ston- eslreol. Miss Fraitees Stonesti'cct and Mrs. J, F. Slonestrecl. Omdr, Sïipi) was aw'ardcd his set'ond DisliiKiuis'hed Flying Cross for heroism iiiid extraordinary achievonieni in aerial fligibt while serving as a pilot and fire learn leader with IHelicopler 'Attack (Li'ght) Squadron Hhroe in Vlel- nam, ...... The Concord natjj'e was awarded this most recent citation in cere- mfin'Æs' in Vietnam sliortily be­ fore returning ■lo the United States July 20. Ho is presently stat ioned with ttic Navy AvaiUon School Command, Pensacola, Flln. The offidal award cites Cmdr. Sapp ifor providing dose air sup­ port for Navy Beeonnaissaiice ground forees that were under heavy attack, allowing them to be e:ilracted. As he made a second run, his aircraft took 12 hits from enemy automatic weapons that se- ’’Vered ifud and hydraulic lines, Skil’lfully maneuvering his badly dam'aged lairerait, C5mdr. Sapp cleared the area 'and through sup­ erior airmanship flew with hy­ draulics out and Ills engine smok­ ing to fTna On where he success­ fully landed his crippled «iroraft. .The Hyer was tajiiredj iij^.Jüi6 ih- »hy^ve^’aisp reéelve^ ' Sapp's firsÊ’ (DFC was awarded Suring a previous tour in Vleln'am in'1965 when he was commander of -i helicopter squadron aboard the Aircraft Carrier Independence. He was cited for a rescue at- tempt of five U. S. Air Force •men who were shot down. He flew his unarmed helicoiilter at low al- liltides for 45 iniimulcs ignoring ihea'X'y smii'M arms fire and anti- aircrall nrtillci’y licfoie giving up the search. He relumed the next day and rescued the 'flyers. In ¡1 second 'mission, he rescued Iw'o crewimcn from a ihclicopler w’hicli had liccii shot down in the rugged mouiilaiii 'area of North Vieliiam. After .jcltisoniiiR all non- Wlal equipment and fuel, Siipp piloted 'his craft with extreme skill and daring, resciiins Kie two sur­ vivors fvom the side of the high mounlsiiii terrain, nSTsume -yfffrr'f^app- 'A-as-dw»«!:- IDavie Highway 1968 Box Score No. of AcelHeiiLs ............... 82« No. ot people Injured ....... WO Patalilics ..................... 8 V. F. W. Seeks Memberships R. Clay Allen, Corrnmandcr of the V. P. W. organization, and Kermit Swllh, Qirartermustcr, ask all pre­ sent and former mcmlbcrs of the T?iomas Ray Duvis V. F. W, Post to .please support tfl'e organiwtion land the principles for wiiich it stands by paying the dues now. The annual dues- arc $7. This oPganiKitlon is the most dedicated group of Americans op­ posing communism in this country today. V. F. W. members have fought and bleed and died 1« make and to keep this country a freedom land. W'e salute all in our Armed forces lotlay. ......: .. •Thomas Ray Dans V. F. W. Post supports the concept of strong national defense, resiiicct for liho U, S. flag and lihc freedom for which it stands. Tlie Veterans of Foreign W’ars is unsurpassed in service to all ser­ vice men and their families as well as others through Hie Americanism programs. .......... R escue S q u a d F is h F r y Is S e t F o r 'O c to b e r 5 The Davie County Rescue Squad and Aujiiiiai'y will hold a Fidi Fiy Saturday, Ootober 5. Serving will begin at'11:30 a. m. and wlH conlinue uiiltl 8:3o p.m. The menu will consist of fresh flounder fiH- et, slaw. Frond) fries, hush pup­ pies, lea or coffee and homemade dessert. The fish fiiy will bo held in the Squad ■building on Oounty Mome Rb&d. If there arc any lad­ es in the county wlio would like о help or to bake a cake, t<Icaso call 634-2145 or contact one of tho Squad members. r.f- " i; cd the Gold Siar in lieu of a sec­ ond DFC for cxtraordiiKiry aohie- vemciil w'h'ic on a siiociiil assign­ ment aiioaril the U-’S Richmond K. Continued on Pago ä Classes in Interior Decoration, Ceramics, Fliowei' Arranging, In­ vestments and Oil Painting wi!’ begin this week at the Davio County Education Center. Oil Painting and Ceramics will meet on Tuesday at 6:30.; Flower Arranging and Interior Decoration will meet on TJiursday at 6:30 p,m,; Inve.slments will also meet on Thursilay but will begin ai 7:00 p, m. ............. Enrolhiient is as follows; .. ,. Iin'cstmeiits 20 Inlcrior Dccoralioil 25 Oil Painting 34 Ceramics .^9 Flower Arraiigiitg 22 Speed Reading, Modern Malh for Parents and SctrhVlure will not be -nffci'cd:—aiiMlliiifnI— pi ill h^ill» taken for classes in Bricklaying for HoMjics, Fig\ire Control for Wi/men and C'reative Wriliiig. Tliose inlei'csted in Ihe «lasses still being call aiolcomee 284-2071, Final Plans Approved For Hickory Hill Ccmplex The projioscd recrealloival com- muiis and Now York Cily. and conslroclioii of Ihe tennis courts, plex for historic Davie becomes located on Roule M approximately 18 hole, golf course, irrlgalion sys- c»)e step closer lo reality with fi\’e miles west of Mocksvillc. lom, swimming iwol, club house apprvvul of Ihc final plans and Over 800 brodiures and invita- with golf and pro sho|>, paved ac- speciiicalions by Ihe Board of Dir- lions describing the faeilities and cess road and parking lot, domes- eclors of Ihe Hickory Hill Golf and terms of mcmborship wci'e mailed lie water well, storage lank an:l Country Club, ¡ncurixjraUitl il was oul lo local area residents. An un- distributions system, and complelo aniiouncfd today by its Vice- precidenled res'ponse in summrt of grassing of (he golf coursc Includ- Presideiil, George W. Martin, Hie planned $330,000 facility real- ing laiidsi'aplng of Uie dub house The recicalional ftidlily, design- iwd over 300 applications for and swimming pool areas are av- ed by Russell T. Burney and As- diarler niomberships. ailable fur distribution, socialcs of Wi'lmingtoii, North last were D'.)iig (''jllins. wiio iiitrci- diU'iHl i1k‘ Mayor: Harold оДот. who inlroduced Ih? -N. C. Jiiycee рг'-'si- lU'iit, and 'J'uinmy Graham, whu had the bv'iicdidiuu. Pnrtipipatinq^ in thA PfflVfi' Brou kfaet Sunday im «i r n i n g fivBrs JaoKBB Church, State Jayc«e J'resident'; Mayor P. J. .’tlando ai Alocksville: and KJiis iDaviis, IH'csitieiU ot‘ tiif» MocfciivUi» Jayctws. The event was sponsored by the AtoeksviUf) Jayvees in appreciation lUf tlw outstanding leadership and contribution local of' i'ieittU have made to the t^'wu. bad- urts: and, large house and pro-shoii, suitable fur all types of recrealional and soc­ ial activities, ............. The faciliti’ derives ils name from that of the old Pleasant Hub- mjje piate, er Hanes plantation, Hickoi^ Hill, where the 200 acre sit« of the club win be uwat«d.' F HA, and Owiiliy Clul^ Inc,, P. 0, Box of the 6. Mockss’ille, Norlh Carolina 27023, ............. , , , Clarence Sink, Davie County Plans and s|iCfifieatioiis, iiii-Iud-Carolina, will incluue such planned ^e s.^-urcd features as a championship 111 hole .^(jn,i„igi,ytiun shorWy cxiiects lo iiy contacting ei'.Iier Utarles Spear, golf course; a oriving range; a ^ Bryan Oliver, act- secretai'y of tlie Hickory Hill Gulf iuraor-siie.,.. olyimiic regulation swimming pool: leiin.s and bad- Tninton couits: and, laige oluli- j;juo,0«0 loan, approved in Wash- or Hiß coiisulling engineers, Rl, T. ins'.on some weeks ago. As soon as Burney and Associates, p. O, Box the approved monies are received 3202. Wilmiiis'on, North CaroliiKi the letting of bids for t':ie actual 2Ü401, The Board ol direclors also cojistr:icllon of tihe faciliies will '^’ish to advisc the >ireu contracturs that duplicate sets of plans and „ J , u specifications will be p'aced on tileT ^ Board o^ Direclors of he Charlotte. Greens- ■uTtr III Ihnknry m il Gnlf nnrl f..^try vnrth (^I'riioa.tins (he same as that of the present Club, Inc., would like to advise ^ ^ Corporation West AJiien Forms property, own- all area contractors that ihe plans q ^¡¡¡1, Houms ed by T. Holt Haywood oi Clem' a»d specifieatkuis oovei^nf the and Page Twò ..!^nÌBrprìeè^Réeord Thursday, September 2в 1969 Rebels Lose To East; At Central Davidson Friday Davie Counly will be seeking their firit victory of the season as they Invade Cenlrai Davidson Friday night. ■Last iFriday, the Rebels came out on the short side of a 7-6 game won by the (Mustangs. This was the «icond straight week the Rebs lost by the onenpoint matigln as North Stanly look them by this counter the previous week. IDavie Is now 0-3 for the year. East iRowan jumped into a 7-0 first-quarter lead when quarterback C. M. Yates capped a 51-yard drive with a fou^yard scoring pass to split end Johnny Yarbrough. Yates thon added the all-important extra point. DavJe countered In the second quarter wilh a 28-yard scoring march, climaxed by a four-yard plunge by fullback Hank iRidge. (The Mustangs scoreS the flrsl time they got their hands on the ball in the first period. Danny Shepherd, who started his first game at half­ back, reeled off a 31-yard run around right end on East's first play from scrimmage, but a 15-yard clip- pipg penalty all but nullified his gain. (Ber;:hardt ripped off a 14-yard, gain for a Mustang first down on the Davie Bayard line. Shepherd then picked u;p six yards in two carries, and Yates swept left end for an eight-yard cain and an East first downi After Shepherd lost a yard up the middle, substitute fullback Donnie Basinger picked up nine yards to the IReibs’ 12. The Mustangs were then saddled with a five-yard motion p^ialty .Uiat wiiped out a touch'dkwn run by Yates and set them back to the 117-yard line. Bernhardt’s flve- ygrd burst carried East back to the la, and a sneak by Yates gave the Mustangs their first down at the 10. 'Aiter a pass fell Incomplete, slot- back Carl Smith swept leit end for a six-yard pickup. Yates then fired a iour-yard scoring pass to Yar­ brough with 4.’.19 left in the first quarter. An intercepted pass by i«|in^Bck.er Johnny Brown In the secqntl period' halted a Davie scoring bid f|t the East 29-yard line, but the covered 4)1ay and resumbfi thetf touchdown drive. Halfback Steve ZImmetliian ^n^ fullback (Hank IRidge teanf 9 to the Rebs to paydirt in ¿Ight Ridge capped the marctt ^ fourryard touchdown run wlft 4ii? left in the first half. Donnie Byer-; hardt's extra point sailed wide |o the right, allowing the Mustangs to retain their lead. Bernhardt picked up 1'12 yards in the second half, as the Mustangs firove to the Davie 22. 27 and Slryflrd lines but could not get in for a scorp. lEast's defense halted Davie’s last scoring threat at its own '^-yard line after the Rebels had. moved 85 yards in seven plays. A K-yardj; ¿•om quartrback Ronnie Shoaf td halfback 'Everhardt and a lO-yard run by Steve Zimmerman gave the Rebs a first down at the Bast 42. . Two key defensive plays by Terry Deal and a stiff pass rush by iWlh lie Lowe brought the Davie drive to a halt .and Bast took possession: A 17-yard burst by Bernhardt Ikushed the Mustangs'to the David ^yard line and gave them a key -rirst down late in the fourth quarter. Bast then ran out the clock as it hgid onto Its one-point advantage. STATISTICS Rowan Davte Coun ^ First Downs Yards (Rushing № Yards (Passing 8^1 Passing 1 ^ Fumbles Lost 2*855 • Punts—Average 10 Penalties INDIVIDUAL RUSHING LEAD] flast Ait. G^Id Loss N( Bernhardt '.......22 107 1 ll Shepherd ......... 14 65 4 Davie Att. Gain Loss Ne|! (Ridge ............... 18 55 0 56 Zitn^ermqn .... U 53 0 §Sj 4-38.6* ABOUT MORE Civil Court (Marjorie Hellaird Oorrell vs Alice Bianche Wfifflace ' . ' let liiVlL Moeklsv’il'.e Feed Mills, Inc. vs I. IL. Clayl'on, Comimlssioner of Rfiivenue of the State Of North Car­ olina ............. • In the Matter of tihe Will of Tfecnrias EJarty WilHams-JOaveat Wiffllam J. “ Biill" iHudspeth vs (MarsihaH L. Angell Linda Spann Willard vs James William Carter ....... Frances R. Daniel vs David Oly- de York ............... AH cases not reached on date calendared wii’Jl be tried at the convenience of the court. MMTIN SALE Saturday, September 28th At 10 a. ni. Household, Kitch#n Furniture At The hpmeplabe of the Late W . T, “Stokes” Dwiggins 4 miles past of Mocksville on Hwy. 1^8 at Oak Grove Antiques - 2| m41r|>le top dressers - 2 clocks (weig^hts) I pie safe - beds - pic­ ture frames - buffet • tables - chairs - server - stoneware 'ironware - glassware rockers - coliche settee * washing ma­ chine - refrigeràtór - carpenter tools. Other items too numerous to mention LU N C H WILjL BE SERVED H. BU FOR D y p R K , Auctioneer Route 1, Hfir^ony, N. C. This Sale Conducted For M RS. S A L U E 3tìpRE DW IG G IN S ‘ .Г'; ■ » - . 'è ■ 3 ABOUT MORE Navy Pilot Turner, a navy destroyer. •The citation conimended Hie na­ vy com'mpnder for ignoring enemy ipissile fire, smiail anm.? and anti- unarmed (helicopter deep imto NorCh Vietnaimese territory to at­ tempt the rescue <>f l<wo downed U. S. naval avl)at(ars. He remained in the area flying at low altitudes f^r 25 minutes until reknctantly forced by low ifuei to retire over | JjlistDe territoi'y to his ‘landing Omdr. Sapp was pramoited to his present rank while serving in Vietriam. During his time there he received his 27th air .mdal, num­ erous oombat medals, and was re- oommended for the silver Star. Sapp was gitadualed fnm Con­ cord High Sohool and lattended Lees-MoRae College and tihe Uni­ versity of North Caroi'jna at Chapel HiJl. He is a gradua'e of the U.S. ¡Naval Posligradu^e School, Mon­ terey, CaUf. .......... •mmmmmmmmmimmtm Enterprise - Renoril Mocksville. N C. 27028 Published Every Thursday At 124 South Main St. OOBDON TOMLINSON BDITCR-PtJBLSHBB SUE SHORT ASSOCIATE EDITOR qeoond<Cla<» postage paid at MocksvUle. N. O. --Siihsflriptlon i-flfaw? 00? Y 10c; $4.00 per year to North OaroUna: per year out of state. TWO OF LÀW & ORDER Congressipnal ' Candidftte U. S. Sfnipi^^^r Strani THrillond -------— Enjoy a Barbecue Dinner and Hear those great Americans speak out for a strong nation.. Thurltaond-Mizell Rally Saturday, September 28 6 p.m. National Guard Armory Lexington, N. C. — For Tickets — Са111Ш1Ы|,ЙШМ NEW YOU ME imATEt TO ICE TIE 1969 FORD PARADE niM Y M l Ш1ММУ ^ YOUR FORD d e a l e r IN MOBkSVILLE Come In and Register No Obligation! • 1,000 Miles of Free Air Tri^v^l Oli 'United Airlines. • Philpp Fprtable T V Set • Philco e^Transistor Radio • Univers|(| “Brigadoon” Picnic Outing Kit. * • Imperial 50-Pc, Stainless for 8. • Philco AM-FM Personal Transistor Radio. • Pony Vac by Shetland with Accessories. • 3Q-Cup Coffeemaker by Wept Bend. • Skil 2-Speed Jig Saw Kit. YOU ARE INVITED . . . to see the greatest linieup qt the great­ est FORDS ever . . . on 4is^lay Friday, Sepr tember 27th in our shbwroom.. Anything 4iiyou want in a fine automobile you can fin(d it in the Ford line for 1969. Come see for yourself and let bur cqurt^Qus sales staff demonstrate these new 196$ models. Lawrence Reavis — Manager — • Refreshments ENTER O U R “G O IN G ’S G R E A T ” SW EEPSTAKES i VòRD LTD Plus $5,000 in American E: Trav-• FIVE GRAND PRIZES . . . elcrs Cheques. • 15 SECOND PRIZES . . . 1969 COBRA Plus $1,000 in American Express Travelers Cheques.' • 25 TlflRD PRIZES . . . MUSTANG MACH I Plus $500 in American Ехргем Travelers Cheques.- • 1.000 FOURTH PRIZES . . . $100 In Travelers Cheques. • 100,000 FIFTH PRIZES . . . Scale Model Thunderbird. —RESTRICTED TO LICENSED DRIVERS 18-YEARS AND OLDER . . . COME IN AND LET US GIVE VOU FURTHER DETAILS. и и и я и № - ^ж ш я н и к ш м м 1Т 1ш д и и н м 111ш тн в и а Е и а и и и и ш а и и и и м и 1969 Mustang SportsRoof ? 1 / ♦'« s Л ’ . fc; . Л.'ЧУ- 1969 LTD by Ford, 2-Door iHardtop We Will De Open Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Come In and View The 1969 FORDS Shown By Our Courteous Sales Staff R E A V IS ^ A U X O S ^ J iC . YmdUnville Road Your Ford Dealer in MocksviUe, N. C.n l^ureday, September 26, 1968 Enterpriae‘RecorH Page Three ho ks^^di-ancies By M ARGARET A . LEG R A N D ««— Suiulny, September 15, at Tar Heel , , Gun Club. His score was i)7 out '^;üpl. Gei'alil Williams \vl«i hiis ¡gg ............. l^cn stationed lit Foit Benning, dtm-.giii, Is six;mllng a 17 ilay t ve willt his ivifc and parents, GUESTS OF PRESTONS • 'Mr. and Mrs. Clair Young and№ulu 4. SKt. W, l.am B. VVrtl am ,<,Kt. nuckcr. Alabama, was the i ^ syesl f..r the past weekend. Cpl .W lhams vvho is married 1« the ^ #m er 'ferry Myers, daughter о ^ Д1)'. and iMrs. Cinrence Myers of фЫеетее, will leave soun for an a^iynmeiit in Vietnam. \fi.SIT IN CHAKLOri-Krii Tile Prestons weii ^visiting in Painted Post, N. Y. Mrs. Young is the PrcEton’s daughter, Gary Pres­ ton and Miss Karen Green of Pain­ ed Posi wiio also visited the Pres- ,liss Ossie Allion and Mrs. Mar- ,„„g Fi-Kiay, Miss Green re }j|ret A. LeGiand visited their („nied to N. Y. Jt Gary left by .#ter, Mrs. Phil J. Johnson at pjg,,;; fo,. Rochester )^slcy‘ Center and Iheir niece. Technology. 'I's. Waller U Hangell and hus- |nd of Clmriotte, Sunday.VrSlT AT HAZELWOOD У AiFI’END WORKSHOP Irs. Birl) Mall will attend the an- Bal Fa'll W'orkshop of the Wo- pn’s Auxiliary of the North Car- jna Pharmaceutical Association lie iicltl Thursday, September , .at Iho Institute of Pharmacy, I'iipcI HiM. A luncheon will follow business sessions. WES FOR UNIV. OF GA. Jwig'ht Blackwelder, son of- Mr-s. - A. Bl'acfcwelder and the late jMr. and Mrs. Clarence .James and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey James and son. Chip, visited in Hazel­ wood tho past weekend. They were the"guests of tho fonmer- James’ sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duke James and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie James and families. ............. LEAVES FOR FLORiUDA Darrell i2d\\'ards,~son oT''Mi\“aifd Octo ber Biijde-Elect , M is s Creola G o b b le F ete d A t S h o w e r Sat. W e d s R o b ert D . R ogers . Blactavelder, Jr. of Route 2,left Tuesday for Sarasota, Flor­ ida. DaiTell is a second year stud-pered thu seocnd year of Veter- nry Medicine recently at the iiversity of Gem,gi'a, Athens. Ga. W E № K SCHOOL enson Wheeler, son of Mr. and B’S. Mii'oholl Wheeler of Route 1. livance, resumed his 'Sopbmbre jidies ;last week at Appa'lachian jite University. Also enrolling at same University last week |is Edward H. Leagans, son of and Mrs. Cecil Leagans of 1 ute 5. ............. tNOAY DINNER GUESTS Wrs. Tom Tuttenow was hostess a dinner Sunday at her home the YadkinviUe Road. Altend- tiie dinner were Mrs. Ben tterow and Mr. and-Mrs. James inry Jbnes. V • ;0BP1’S POSITION rs. Bobbie Keller has recently pn added to tbe staff al Branch liking and Trust Company on the are. She was formerly em^ploy- .nt HoHfner’s Land of Food on rtli M'ain Street. ' ", /NS CMAiMPIONSHlP K'ff Bowden won the Junior ampionship uvcnt in skeet sliout. HERE FOR W1EEKEND Mr. and Mrs. Arlen DeVito left Monday for their home in New York City after spending the weekend here with Mrs. DeVito’s father, the Rev. E. M. Avett on Church Street. TO ARRJVE FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Rom Weatherman and children, John, Bess and Kate will arrive Friday night from Lex­ ington, Virginia to spend the week­ end witli Mrs. Weatheiiman’s moth­ er, IMrs. John P. 'LeGrand on North Main Street. ' VISIT m t iH A ^ 's U N m ^ Guesls of Mr. and Mi’s. Harmon Lath'am Sunday afternoon were iMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dill, Mrs. Flora Uatham, and Mrs. L. A. Holloway of Jacksonville, Florida »nd Mr. and Mrs; E. G. Latham and sons, Roger and David, and • Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Latham of Monroe, 'rhc'ir son, Jim Lathfam was at home for the weekend from Western Carolina University. M I S S C L A I R E W A L L , B R I D E - E L E C T H O N O R E D A T P R E - W E D D I N G P A R T Y Vliss Ciaii'e Wall who will niari'y nies Arthur Grose, Jr., of Forest y on October 20, was honored Ml a pre-wedding party Friday cning. The parly was given at tj i Martin Iiome on Poplar Street. B’S. .lames Hinkle, Mrs. Les-ter 1 .M.'ii'liii und Mrs, Geoi’ge Martin, iriie honorée wore a camel and iiile knit di'ess on which the host- Jscs pinned a corsage of white |rnalions. ., ¡L'onver.satiini and a discussion of {L'ipcs weic enjoyed by the group ! cldsu fi'iends and relatives pres- for Ihe occasion. Sriie guests were directed to Uie Biiivg room tor rcfresliiiients. The furmcu' M uck svillian 'f ;§oiiuicd A t Dinner , I^A rcuniiin ami picnic dinner was lipld .Suniiay at (he lioine nf Mr, , ^pil .Mrs, Cecil Leunard on Houle iionoriii;; Cali Hai-bin oi' Kan- Jàpulis, and .Mrs, Léonard un her •;^iul hirihday. Mr, Harbin is thè liji,'-! memher of thè laniily carrying t)v,- lliii'liin iiaiiic, .Vli's, l.eonurd ii llìe foriner, .Mary Harbin. f jijl'ri'.-iiil iiir (ile aala ovciìs'wn “ 10 liie hust, liosless, hoiioree, >, far! llaibin. Miss Wilma .Al- «liaiiik'r and Howard Oearmon ot iiinapiilis; -Mi-, and .Mrs. W. 0. annan and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. iiiiaid and faiiiily uf Saiisliiiry. rs. Doarmon is tlie lormer, al l Hai bill; Mr. ami Mrs. .Mili- d .Moxaiuier of Charlotte: Mr. ul .Mrs, Biady l-eonard of Wini--- ii-Kaliin: .Miss Dura Leoiiaid of ■J. and Mr. and Mrs. .laines table, covered wit.b__a linen cut- work cloth, was centered with a five branched candelabrum' with epergnettes filled with tiny white rosebuds 'and pale pink baby's breath. Ivy lunners were used ef- nemjs- anen. Ml'S, Fit'ii Jones. .\niu.‘tte mi'5. and .Mr, and .Mrs. biuic .al .Jr., all oi .Mocksville, I liglvted white tajiers in silver hold­ ers east a soil glow over tlie scene. ................ Mrs. Lester .Martin poured puncii and .Mrs. Hinkle senved the 3e- eorated cake squares. Cheese straws, mils and mints were also served. .................. Gifts wt'tv piesented the bride- elect by the hostesses in her chos­ en china pattern. B irth d a y A n n iv e rs a r y Is Celebrated S u n d a y 'I’iiu Grady Riddle home on jldute 1, Advance was tlie scene Sunday of good fellowship when over 150 relatives and friends gathered with liicnic baskets of food to celebrate Mr. liiddle's birthday anniversary. Old friends and relatives enjoy­ ed seeing each other again and cousins gut ac(|uainted with O'll of (lie off-spi'ing that seem to grow up over night. .,,. After tlie luncheon, tlie group was entertained by the country Store Boys who played and sang good music. •• Sm ith-Orrell , Invitation Miss Nina .lean Smith and her fiance, Billy Frank Orelle, invite , their fiieiuis and relatives to at­ tend tlK'ir, wedding «n iiunday. Se|)teinl)er 2», at ti o'clock in the uvMiiiHB— ;u— Ri-thli-lwMii Mf»llmdist Church. Miss Smilh is iIk* daughter oi Mr. and -Mrs, Ua\id E. Sniitll of Route 1, Advuuc«. Miss Pat G«ither, October bride-elect pf Albert Moore, was ■feted . with a mlsccllanwus shower Saturday night given al Davie County Assembly Grounds. Hostess­ es were Mrs. Gene Tutterow, Mrs. Virgil Foster, Miss Joyce Beck, Miss Sandra Foster, Miss Janet G'aither and Mrs. Yvonne Ijames. 'The honoree wore a white car­ nation corsage on her blue dress. Winners in the g^mes and con­ tests were Mrs. Austin Shaw, Mrs, Glenn Beauchamp, Mrs, Jerry Re'avis and Mrs. J. T. Smith, Jr. All received piMzes. The iiefresbmeiit table was coi‘- ered with a lace over yellow cloth. The centerpiece was an ar­ rangement of fall flowers flanked by yellow lighted candles. The fifty guests present wei'e served iced drinks, dccorated cake squares, pickles, nuts and mints. At the conclusion of the party, ■the honoree was showered with gifts. ....................... Miss Creola Joan Gobl)le and Rolierl Dwight Rogers were united in marriage Friday, September 20. at 8 p. m. in tjames Cross Roads Baptist Churoh, Tlie Rev, Franklin Myers performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs, .lames Hudspeth presented a program of wedding music. The bride and gi'oom entered the church together. The bride wore a street-length dress of white envbossed satin and a riirtation white carnations. veil. She carried a bouquet of After a wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will live on Roule_2, Mocksville. ........ Miss Goblile is tihe daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. FeVbc Gobble ot Routfl I.' Mr. Gobble is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rogers, also of Route 1. .......... Miss Carolyn Jeannette Anderson I ' .......A N D E R ^ r ^ D A V I S ;...... .. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Anderson of Cooleemee, an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn Jeanette, to Sp-4 Johnnie Robert Davis, son of Mrs. Blanche H. Davis of Route 1, Mocksville, and Ralph W. Davis of High Point Road. The wedding is being planned for October. Miss‘ Andei’son is a senior at Davie County High School. Mr. Davis, a 1965 graduate of Davie County Hig-h School, is stationed wifch the U. S. Am y in Mainz. Gennany. ........ TEXTILE SHOP “The Fabric Center” Salisbury SI. Mocksvillc, N. C. For That Custom-Made Look See Our Complete New Line Of Fall Fabrics • 'Miliken Woolens • 'Dan River Perma - Press Suitings • Bates Fall Cottons ‘ ■ iSrfiocr Tiwr To Match) ^ Short Ends Specials BuUerlck Patterns — Simplicity Patlerns Its Pays To . Advertise . , E N G A G E M E N T A N N 0 U N C E I 3 Mrs. Alice Dillard Patterson announces the en­ gagement of her daughter, Janice Lucille, to John Franklin Leach, son of Mrs. Baxter Leach of Wood- leaf. No date has been set for the wedding. 'Í S P E C I A L El ON T H IS B!G, COiViPACT C O IU B IN A TIO N ! $ 2 7 8 7 3 Sale price NO- FROST 2- DOOR 14.4 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR- FREeZER AT ONLY OHLY 3 1 IHCHES WIDE AND 65 IH m s HIGH, VfT YOU GET ALL THESE M O O m FOOO-mP.'fIC A m m S E S : o Huge l?.5-pound No-Frost frcezer-tias two iceaU trays and ' iCC StOI,'i,;c (a<k. . 0 Tv/in porcelain erispers-ltoW over 20 pounds. , fi) Four refrigerator shel'/cs-onR pullt out lor easy loaoini: and iinlaadiiis. Orit is arfjiistable lor easy lood arranseiiieiit. Q Three relrigoralor door shelves-plut spftiji butter com. ■ pni Uiienl m Oivji. 0 Sjiacious (rewer door shclf-keeps frortn-lood pack.iges and tans haody. See this tnoneV'Saving K elvinator value n o w ! "у оа л и о м £ CQMes f m r ' m g вЯенАУ ST. ♦ phone = моск5У11ТГбзШБТ A N E W S A V I N G S Q U A R T E R B E G I N S O C T . 1 s t Plan now to open or add to your Savings Account during the of the newday Dividend Period. $15,000 SAVINGS T e r t t f i c ä t e s - ____ш т л о о BONUS SAVINGS CERTIFICATE P A SSB O O K SAVINGS FULL PAID CERTIFICATES !>EI мним РАН QUAITEIU MOCKSVILLE Savings And Loan Association 213 S. M AIN ST. P H O N E 634-2013 M OCKSVILLE, N. C. Page Four '1 ’Enterprise^Rworìi Thursday/September 26 1968 C e n te r C o m m u n i t y D e v . G r o u p M e e t Sep t. ,19 trho CciitL'r ComTnimily Itevc- lopmont itnet Tliursday nighl. ' September in in the Cammuiiity ' Building. Prior lo liho weoting, grilled hambuiigoi-s and Jiot dugs (were enioyed liy the group. The ficholrman, Ciay Tulteiw piesidod. ■ At ithe business session, Uie 'chainmtin expressed his apiireda- ¿.Itton to the mombers who holi>ed ,/tand cooperated in Hie Fair and 'Barbecue. Bcb Lyerly who will be ■ In chinige of the booth at the •IDlxle Classic Pair, revealed plans ' being made for the booth. The timtombcrs -A'Wed. -to do. some worl?, (on the baiibecue pits and to pur- (cfhase additional equipment for the (.Oommunity Buildmg. A Turkey fSh««)t and Baiibecue will be hold /on Saturday, November 22. f iLeo WiUiams, county agetii, showed slides of his trip with the 4-H C3tib to Ida cOunty, Iowa. The slides and Mr. VVHliams comments (’were most Interesting. (' HI-WAY 601DRIVE-IN , SALISBURY, N. C. S t . F ra n c is G u ild M e e t s A t C h u r c h The .St. Francis Women's Guild mol (Monday afterrtonn at the church jn the Yadkinville Highway. The Constitution of the club was approved: the auction sale of tha church set for September 2S was potiponed uni il a later date, and Ciuiid i)egan making plans to hold a bazaar in November. They will •noet Saturday, Oelober 12 at 1 p.m. al the home of Mrs. Mary Pope to begin making Items for the bazaar. The next meeting of the GuiUi 'vill be held October 28. CARD (OF THANKS Ooteman (Sipeedy) Carter wishes lo thank everyone for being so nice to him during his Illness re­ cently al tihe Davie County Hospi­ tal. Also, thanks to the doctors and nurses for their kindness and consideration. C a r W r e c k e d '' ■ ! On RPR 1161 ( / Francis Cmlg Freentan, 19, of Mocl<sviile, ilost oonti'ol of- Mie Chevrolet he was oipeivttlng on RPll itfil Friday, Septemiber 20, ran oif the roadway on the Icit in a curve, stmek a culvert and Ihe car overturned. State Highway Patrolman R. L. Bc.ine investigated tiie accident. rAimages were estirrtated at $160 lo the top and left side of the car. CARD OF THANKS Cornatzer The famijy of the late Rioy Com* etzer wdshes to thank everyone for the kind deeds done during the do.nlii of their husiband and father. They especially wish to thank the Advance Fire Depaitment. Mrs. Cornatzer and family. Itn Bowling Scores Boger's Texlaoo of (Mocksvllte won 6 games in the Piedmont In­ dustrial League bowling at Wood- leai Lanes Monday night of this week. ................. Domfld Tucker had high set of 490. ............................. Total pins (Inoluding bandioaps) was 2841. .................... Blackwelder ¡Family 1 Reunion |Is Held ! J ' The Blaokiwelderj and connecting families met at CSiestnut Grove Metlhodlit Church on Highway 601 recently for 'their aiUHiiail fahiUy reunion. ............... A picnic hmch was served and the Rev. D. C. Wlrnams .Kihmwd tihanks. ...• •••• Fbltowing Ute knch №e famlUes gathered in the cáíutwh and Rev. Williams rfuwed aJidí» of his vfeit to Diwn, Oenrtany and o( ttie lAitlieran dw rdi there where re­ cords of wediooks, baptisms, confir­ mations and deaths at the famity are Hound prior to 1786. He wtes told the town had idhanged very little ^ Aat time. He was very mudh impressed wMi ctiam^ng and wéü ÍMitt iMiees. He told the gttiup that JioMann Swarawmilder (John Bteckwelder) wtas granted a vdáa on March 20, 1738 to bring Ws famUy to Amer- ioa on the sMpt I^'lendditp. They were pennitted to tend In phlla- deipbia or Sept. 20, 1738. From Pennsylvania they moved to what is now MecWerberg OouWy, Vir­ ginia and with thei exception <rf Jiohn, Sr. and wife moved to What is now Oalbarrus County, North CanOlna eiwut 1701. Cadet) ^actewedder, son of M n Btoctowdder, is an ancestor of the Allen Bladcwelder fam^y atvd soon Jrined St. Paul’s LutheSan in Cabarrus Oounty, and miany fa* ndly records are found there. He is buried there as are many dt Ms descendants. He was a stat^di 'American patriot during the fte* vokitton'ary War, as Was his son Isaac who served out severail en­ listments, & second son John win wiBS captured in battle and died'^ ln a British prison in Camden, South Carolina. His grandson Atlen Btadmralder 'Wias-confinmed at. St. Paul’s Ltfth- eran Churdi, his manriiage' and baptismal records cf his children are found there, until be came to Davie County, where he or^nized Wbat is now Ohestitut Gmve Meth- odi^ Churoh, .... Rev, D. C. WiUams is also a deiscendant of Oaleib Bleokwelder, his grandmother was ChrisUna Blackwelder Friesland. His family moved' to Illinois wiien his mlother was six years old. He has compiled the geneology ot “Blaclwelder and Allied Famil­ ies”, and has written histories of other brandies of his family, as w«!ll as bad published five books. He has one ready to >go to press whi«*i contains records of 100 Re­ volutionary War soldiers who have (unmiarked graves. ' Rev. Dewiard Charles Williams was bom in Coifeen, Montgomery Ctounty, minois. He attended John MetcheT College, OSkalopsa, I<^ax Pasadena College, Pasadena, CaSif- ornia; received an A. B. degree, from Southern lilinols University, Cartiondale, Mlinols, attended Nor- thwe^em University at BVanston, Dlinois and Garrett BWictfl Instil- tttO* •**••• •• «e taugMt Greek at Prdends Bib­ le College at Huntingtm 't^k . Cat!- iiomla, taught Latin and muste at Southern Illinois High Sdhools and served as a ntlttister in Souttt- em Illinois Conference lor 32 years, ............... Rev. WiUiams now lives in M t Carmel, lUltnois. Mr. A. Camiiwll CUne from' Con« cbrd. North Catolln» who is also a descendant oi Caleto BlftckweMer and helped iRert'. WiUiams gaHifir tnformiatton for the history was a special guest. •. •..» «A R D O F rmANKS “ " 1 wisS to t i i a i f i o f " rii^ friends and pa^ns fOr Ihelr kin^-' ness and patiente during the of my faither, W. 0. Bi IMrs. Irene Foster. 1 ( i Atiractions Coming Up! , ! I Now Open All Week . ' FRI. I- SAT. Sept. 87-28 “ GAMBiri i Also ion game iProgram i '.“ Tlie Projected. I {! Man” SUN. IMON. TUBS. I • Bcpt. 29-3«-Oct. il ' .“ Family Band” I I ’ 11 ¡Drive-in -Tbeatre ' Д- " ; I ilWocksville, N. C. " ' J ¡Phone 634-2230 : WED Uuu SUN! No. e HEAR THE NASHVILLE SOUND IN i t View WORLD SERIES ON RCA RCA for the monev SP E C M LS i 'Biff-Sereen Color S P E C IA L ! • WARËHOU ■•''»{ !'f! :.-'f IH h o lp ja rliilr 1 6 IB. AUTOMATIC WASHER * S P E C I A L .L IH /IIT E D T IM E C H E S T FR EEZER BIG 6 9 7 L B . O N L Y ! $ W /T Eosy Terms NOW A it PORCELAIN FINISH ^ permanent Press cycle -k single SPEED - 3 CYCLES ★ duAl-lint filter system^; ★ 3 WATER LEVEL SELI^CTIONS E a s y - [Щ- ÍTerm s Rere's proof that qualify Color TV need not be expen­ sive. This, big-screen, space-saving consoiette fea­ tures RCA Super Bright Hi-Lite Color Tube, powerful 25,000-volt color chassis with automatic chroma con­ trol circuitry. Automatic color purifier "cancels" mag­ netism that may cause picture Impurities. FREE AND SERVICE • 19;9 CU. FT.'CAPACnY I • BUlLTrIN UD LOCK f m FRONT DiiROSt DRAIN • COUNTER BALANCED LIP • WARNING LIGHT • INTERIOR LIGHT l 9 5 1 ? 4 ŒFBIGEI1AT0RFREEHR ^ ' c o m p l e t e l y f R p S T - F R E E Щ S P E C IA L f ÇTF2I7]EASY TERMS 4 0 ^ peak powDr в т р п я м ; 8 o M 8 M * Л М М $299»s F-R-E-E 5-PIECE PEN SET T O EVERYONE W H O COM ES IN OUR STORE DURING RCA M O N T H - OCTOBER PACK CONTAINS A WEAREVEB 0A!RTIRIIX5(B PEN TRfDOE IK RfFIliL P W S TWO WEAl------------------------------------------OF I W THREB PENS ARE iRGX). ^ SEPARATE 139 LB. FREEZER ic 24.6 SO. FT. SHELF SPACE★ SLIDE-OUT SHELVES ----if 2 SLIDE-OUT CRISPERS ^ROLLOUTON .. 8 ¡^ WHEELS FOR EASY jCLEANING ^ DEEP DOOR SHELVES★ I«.7 CU. FT.i--------^ CAPACITY J I .V HOTPOINT MODEL RB316 ' Morfer eroff»manihfp and moioii price dr* esmo, : bintd In thif Hetpolnt rang* to appeal te th# valve-minded. The even feolvm removable doer. «nd hinged bake/breil vnlU fer caty cleaning. $16995 WITH TRADE DANIEL F u rn itu re ¿ E le c tric Co. eOHE IN AND GET Y0BB8!At Q varhaad Bridye —_Моск1уП1е. N. С. y> Thursday, September 26, 1968 SnUrprí$9-JÍ0eortf Pag« Five About People • iMlss Berlina pody has returned •'to Bronx, New York after spending .iltree weeks with her nwther, Mrs. MPHorence Cody.- Mrs. William CasMe and eon, yMlHem, Jr., ««nt Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ctorrell .,*t sai Depot Street. Mrs. Castle Js a sister ot Thomas Gorrell. T'iMrs. Unlce Clement Roy and a iWend of New York City, visited i^latives and friends ¡ler^ ■ 8 ™ ^ * ...........* * * * * ' (Mrs. Cvelyn Campbell is a'pat- .ìtìit at ffie ¡BapHst M o i^M in ^Viinstion.Salem. . ............. li^'àlr. and Mrs. L. R. DuUn, Mrs. Laura BeU Dulin and grandson, Charles, and Mrs. Adelaide EHis visited' Richard Dulin, WilUe Smtot and Melrose Wilkes Sunday who are patients at Western North Oaromna Sanatorium at Black 'MBunteln. They are hapipy to re port that (he three ai them are Improving nicely. Mi«s Rose Lee Martin who has resided in New. York ior some hBS returned home to stay with her parenlts, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Martin. ReviviBl services are In progress at Clement Grove Chutidi of Christ and conlinue through Friday, Septeirrtber 27. Elder Robert Ross o[ Nashvjlle, Tennessee wUl direct these services, £)kler I, W. Homes Is host pastor. Everyone is invited to attend, .................. Mrs. Plore Miack underwent sur­ gery Mlond'ay at the Baptist Hospi­ tal, Winston-Salem. P le a s a n t V ie w B a p tis t S in g in g Is 'S ch ed u led There will be a 5th Sunday sing­ ing at Pleasant View Baptist Ohurch Eepitennibfllr 29th at 7:30. Everyone is invited and all sing­ ers pileiasunt View Baptist Chur^i is locate on an. S ntttes east of Harmonyi N. G. H located near Jones Grocery and Parkers Bro­ thers Recapping. If See The World Series And / Other Sports Events In Color! COLOR TV COMPLEMENTS M y o u r D k c o k E/UILY An^RlCAN STYLING IN W E X F O R D • Big screen vîew îng'p]|eçi^jî^ pic ’ " -e size; 29S sq. indbes). • SHiJe R d e Tu n in g .7., ' ........... : • A F G Autoniaticliïne/ninîng-Contfol,^ ;r ^ I N S T A J C Q i m . ‘‘.^rmfc'l^iiit^^^^á'jr^érbaiá^^ Gives; NFL’\jp'àìlnjè8* schedule, history of clubs, pther valYiàbjé information. C O . , I N C 701 Wìlkesbqró St. BUI JWçrrell, P^vner Phone 034-513] If youVe 25 or yoMnger, your man from Nationwide will say/ "Yesr' sjsDuring the first year. J. %. Kelly, Jr. So. 8L MoclovUle, N. C. PboM! MB 44W7 J, B. KMly. Sr. p, 0, Box aos MMtoviUe, N, C. lonwide » l a n i r a B M T t e a i B t e B l l M l M ^ lAmiHfitGb NiitaiiÉltUfttwÑMiChbfitanHAMifiUuBbiiíhOhkk Here And There Rev. Jàmmy Martin, Pastor of Charity Baptist Churoh will be the guesit speaker at Green Meadows Church Next Sunday morning and also on Sunday evening, due to the Pastors Sth Sunday. Weekend awJ ay. A picnic luncheon for all those wishing to attend wiffl be held at Uhe home of Gray Matthews foltow- ing the morning services. Every-j one put a few sandwldhes and a, pie in that ptenic basket and join In tbe fellowship. Six members of Green Meadows WjM.6, attended the Annual Mis-1 ^onary Workshop Meeting held at East Bend Baptist dhurdi last iMSunday night. .......... William G, Smith spent the weekend with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kefly Smith, Sr. he left for Ft. Gordan, Ga. on Monday where he wilt be stationed, Mr, and Mrs. Buford Smith an­ nounce the birth last Thurs. at .Ptirsylh Membrial Hospitial of a son, he has been given the name Craig Howard. iMrs. Bessie Smith and Grace Langston visited Mrs. Jennie Hbw- ell on Sunday afternoon. A host of retetive’s friends and nelghJiors gathered on Sunday at the home ot Grady Riddle to help him Celebrate his birthday anniver­ sary. ............... A recenit visit to see TraWs York who has begn very iB, found him much anpiwed, able to be out some and drive Ws ear. Miss Linda Whitaker was the weekend guest of Miss Honda VfliUiiard. Lester Carter, MitdheU Matthews and Kathy Austin were luncheon guests on Sunday of Miss Pamela Carter. .. .. IMrs. Fred White celetorated her 73 birthday on Saturday althbu^h bedlfast for a long time ^ e says this is the best birthday he 'has had, her day was bri^tened with a Showdr of cards, smlall gifts, and visits trom friends. On Wed­ nesday Sept. 25. Mrs. White along with her husband. Fred White wiU celebrate their 56 wedding anniver- saiy. ................ Its so elasy for those of us w4io are able to work to stay so busy we ke^ putting oit a visit to ’those cpttfined, espedaUy those who have -in- a-"long tjine.^his •is: just a "reminder to I«we some- tong undone and visit Uiese-peo­ ple. yoy’H , never miss №e things ytou didn’t get done. Stop! don’t forget! Rev. Mark ribilts of CaJvaiy Baptist In For^'th w:№ begin in revival at Gren Mea­ dows Baptist Ghtirch on Sunday October 28 through Nov. 2. This will be Bie third revival Mr. Cort.s has conducted . in this area,, and many of you w3U want to hdar him, so plan to visit at Green Meaddiws, Mr. Corts Is an accom­ plished musician as well as an ex­ cellent Preacher. Mrs. Joe ^Langston visited Miss Dutele Hauser one day last week. Mrs. Kenneth Boles and Sylvia Wheder are presently on the sick list; Also the shingles disease seems to be more provalent, Mrs. Charies Hartman is one of the lat- eiit victims. - -IMr^ -Taylor Foster <rf Ocala, visited Earnest M^Kni^t on Sun­ day afternoon, Mr. Foster has been staying in Lexin^n tbr sometime while buMding a house. Lawrence Joyce was due to ar­ rive in Vietnaim on Sunday night, his wife ' is the former VWan MbKnight. YADKIN VALLEY The Rev, Zeno Groce was guest speaker at the Revival last week at Yadkin VaUey, Everjwie enjoy­ ed each sermon along with all the qieslol singing. May it continue to live on in each of our heerts. № . Robert Riddle had the mis> fortune to fall and break an arm. We wish (or her a very speedy re> oovery. .......... Ronnie Riddle was a weekend guest of his parents and attended dwrch Sunday at the VtaUey. Randy Bocer is a treOmbo at N. C. State QoiUege in N. C. He «pent ttw wedmd st home and n’Sf cick tritìi (be flu. Mrs. Grady BUdle was honored Sunday with a BMfaday cbiner wi0) a l a w cru fd attm ding. IMra. Travis Riddle Ut a patieot a t tbe Devie Clauflt»^ № n)ital. I t » Bev. Do(4( Hobson ba« bMO re^leotod to se n ’e as potior et the \M k in VaHey cb u n * lar ttw nm t )fc(Br. ffe iand Ills Amlly tove m eant «hit to tnanbai» at ttie clumib and tn №» oonnautty. We appreciatig the opptirtunity of aeeing rhüny of | you and showing you our line o/ finß lautomobUes. To those who hßVß riot been by, tVß Ißfcteftfd fo yiiu an incitatlan £p do so at your co;nver^iiBnee. é I L D U K E W O O T E N Manager As the result of the everwhefihiiig intreductien of the 1969 models, we are overloaded on good used cars. We must move them! Come by, Look Them Ovf.. . and M A K E u s A N O F F E R ! Qnj J Ê L W E A R E PLEASED T O A N N O U N C E T H A T JOHN PARKER Has iJplned’ Our Sales Department. John invites hif many friends in Davie and surround- ing areas to call pn him and let him show and tell you about our “Action Line for ’69’* Cars. Yes, look what Plymoiith’s up to now. HE WUffi U O n » IM , SanialHi, Wlir Ib M (v s W E NEED T O M O V E THEIVl T O M A K E ROOM ! We Cojiptulate the Following Prize Winners: •★Portable Television Spt won by Mrs. ‘Margaret Beauchamp, Advance, Rt. 1. )k Tape Recorder won by T. L* Lee, Box 394, Cooleemee. ★ Bike won by C. Q. Boger of MocfcHviUe, Rt. 2. ★ Football won by Mrs. Mary Foster, Gwyn Street, Mpcksville. ★ Winners of $10 each in three drawings were: Alvin Potts of Advace, Rt. 2; Thomas L. Ridenhour of MocksviUe, Rt, 4} and Evelyn Steelman of Yadkinville, Rt. 3. Mocksville AUTHORBEO OfAURt l*age Six EnÎerpviêê-RecorS Thursday, September 26 1968 County Court Tim i^pilar session^ of Duvio Ooiinly Coiiil «'iis held IHicscIny. Jildgu John T. Brock prcsidctl. At- tornoy Lester P. Mtii-lhi, Jr. pro­ secuted the dockol. Cases disposed «r wore as follows: BoWjy Hari'ill Mathis, capias, paid. ................ Boyd WlHifim irolcoin'bc, reckless driving, nol pros. Thomias Uuanc Isloy, ojici'atins car ¡nto.vicatod, 12 months sii-spond' ed 2 years, proljatioii 2 years, $150 and cost. ....... H. L. Dulin. bondsnian: Thoiiiab Juanc Islcy. def. sci fa, pay eosl. J. Alan Goirah, capias, continu- -ed----------------------- ...... _____ Bennls Ciais Cartner, speeding, $13 and aist. — Hoberl Lee CroLls, operating car inlo.Niccited, $I2S and cost. Torry Douglas MoDanicl, dam­ age lo personal property, $25 and cost. .................. 'Ban\v rt'ailey, aiding and alx't- ting damage lo ])crsonal piioperly, $16 and’ cost. .. .. Carson Lewis, operating car in­ toxicated, $100 and cost. Appeal. Don'ald Paul File, si>eeding, 3(: days suspended 1 year, $50 and •cost. .................... " 'llivbcrt “ManTn 'Bowmanr speed- in j, $30 including cost. Billy Joe Cales, operallng ear in- iixicated, .judgement absolute on iiond. ..................... ■llerschel Altinzo Il«ynes, reck­ less driving, $50 and cosl. Forest Franklin Parkei-, ojierat- mg car intoxicated, called and lailed. Forfeit bond. ___ Gilmer Grivham Ilblcomb, reck­ less driving, $50 und cost. Hariy Bradford, oi)ei’alii»g car intoxicated, continued. Harry Bradford, drinng after license rcTOked, continued. . Mtirion Shermer .)nne.s,_!iiH!riiUiig .-ar intoxicaled, continued. Frank Frost, .Jr., operatiivg cur inloxicated, 12 months. Frank Frost, Jr., no o|)eralor's license, 3 niontlis lo run con- .•urrcnUy. .................. Dewyy *Friink'in Itecd, oijratint car intoxicated, continued. .lerry William Harris, operating car intoxicated, $125 and cost. Jerry William Harris, public drunkenness, $10 and eosl. WilliiMTi Thomas Call, si)eedinig, iO days suspended, $40 and cost. Mldiaol (iwyn Hulicliins, spcod' iig, $30 includiitg cost. Jaspei- Lawrence MoHalcn, Jr., rtckless driving, $25 and cost. Kenneth Eric \ViiHtoms, speeding, conlinued, ............ Ar.drcw Jackson Hairston, speed­ ing. continued. .... William Bruce Garreli, si>eeding, ionlinued. ............. WiHiam Kelze Wilson, speeding, nol pros. John Wilson Vernon, si)ccding, $,’5 including cost. Hubert Wesley Buck, s|weding, $30 including cosl. Wi)'iiam Fred Owens, ^¡eeding, $30 including cost. K;ilhy Blaine Oarler, sixjeding, $35 including cost. Unveil Davis Brunon, stieeding, $15- and cosl. ............. Ifonier Eugene Hendrix, s|)eed- ing, $;i0 including cost. Warren Cieurge Morion, Eiiuod;i:.;. $30 including cosl. Tlwmas Heni'y Seamon, speed­ ing, conljnued. BUI Raymond Knights, speeding. $25 including cost. Donnie Day Tale, exceeding safe liiecd, $20 and cost. Ja.sper Miisini Wijliams, Jr.. ex- fcdiiig sate s|)ccd, $25 including cost. .................... .Inlin Wesley Bailey, no opera- .or's licciisc, continued. 'Ifarold Dean Bvans, improper ,v;issiiig,' TlO ai'd cosl. Louis Carl Doby, rocktass driv­ ing, $23 and cost. Pelzo Milltìr, no insurance, $13 and cost. ......... Peizo Miller, impi'oper registra­ tion, cost. .......... J. W. Alien, tcmporarj’ larceny, conlinued. ............ Bobby Lee Poyall, inadequate •supiTort, continued. — J. R. Dry, false protense, con­ tinued. .................. J. H. Dry, false pretense, cun- timicd. .................. J. R. Dry, false pretense, con- linuf.l. ........................ •T. tl. Do’. fiilse pretense, con­ ti'uu'd. .................. J. R. Diy, faU'e-prelense,^ con- i.rucd. .................. Kennelh Wiiilaker, iiradequate sripport, continued. ___ .Jerry Gocl’icy, assault on fcinale, ni)l pros witli leiive, pay eo.st. ■John Willjam Caudill, speeding, $.30 including cost. Marcila Virginia Hendrix, faM- urc lo reduce speed, $25 including cost, .................................. Hoiiry Junior Cleveland, speed­ ing, $35 including cost. Robert Charles Naylor, speeding, $30 including C4)sl. "Plffllip Jiihibr BlacWeir, slMjed- ins, $30 including cost. •Robert Lce Cox, speeding, $35 in­ cluding cost. .......... Ctefflcs Raymond WiHiams, specoir.ig and no operator's license, $№ including cost. I... Ikuce W. McDonald, speeding, $35 including cosl. Thcmas Jackson 'J’esterman, speeding, $30 iniluding tx).sl. R.iht'rl Bernard Dendy, £рсч.чИпк, $35 including cosl. Teri-y Wilson, no operator's lic­ ense, $35 including cosl. Belly 1лс Johnson, aJiondonmenl, dismissed on paynienl of cost. 'Ii'ey Gniy Myer.s, iloir-Srij’oflT dismissed on iwyment of cost. .lames Jidian LHniumi, abundan- mcnl and non-si'ipport, PItiMit) E. Per.plcs, inipniper passing, .f;)« including cosl. Augusta H. Frye, following too clo.se, $30 including cost. Hiawatha P. Peoples, escape, 4 months. .............. Cliai'lcs Harrison Hoosor, opera ing car intoxicated, $75 and cosl. Charles Harrison Hooser, reek' less driving, cost. ' TKaifrif’s fible • “tW fl eonllhucfl on Wctfitesdny, morning or thin week due 'to « long calendar. These] eases will be .rc|torlcd ml Inler date.) THE BARREL S k id d in g V c h ic lc S trik e s A n o th e r state Highway PatrolanMn K. N. Bolick investigated an accident Wednesday. Scjrtcmber ill, al 7;.'J0 p. m. on US OOl '/4 mile north of RPR no:). .............. .fohn Thomias I’orker, 21, of CNjot cemee, driving a tiffin p;ymoutli went lntoli"^gWl)iwicrsTa(rskidTir an altcnipl lo slop behind other, traffic and crossed Iho centerline striking a l'Jf)5 !<>n'd boing operal- ctl by Eric Lynn Hudson of Mocks-] \"illc. ............ Damages were cslimaled al $400' lo the Plymouth and $700 to lhc;!_^ Ford. ................j p Presents T H E (ORIGIN AL) DRIFTERS Sept. 26 - 27 - 28 8:00 P.M. UUCK GAKIHSON - BILL SMITH, froiHlctors LOCATED NORTH OH'' SALl.SBURY OFF U.S. (iOl — . ’ruiiN Ru^;iT Ат1ат;ггппт1гс11тсж)ъ - =li IMILE ON Uil'T SEE Y O U TH ER E © w (D © (i> jTHANKS for the terrific re;?^!!?!) you gave the NEW 1969 DODGES AT OUR SHOWING LAST WEEK I W e appreciate the many fine compliments paid these new models. If you have not seen these 1969 models, come by and let us give you a demonstration. The First New 1969 Dodge was purchased from us by Thomas Wayne Lanier of Mocksville, Rt. 1 J. D. Furches is shown above handing the keys to the new 1969 Dodge 440 Hardtop to Thomas Wayne Lan­ ier who purchased the car on the first show day, Sept­ ember 19th. -PRIZE WINNERS WERE AS FOLLOWS- © ® ''CRICKET R O C K ER . . . won by W . M. Broadway @ of Mocksville © ® '^TABLE R A DIO ... won by- Mrs. B. L. Bailey of S Mocksville Rt. 3 ''*‘B A T H R O O M SCALES . . . won by Paul Beck of Mocksville Rt. 1 ^W A L L CLOCK . . . won by Mrs. Ruth G. Foster of Mocksville Rt. 3 Furches Motor Co. 225 D E P O T ST. M OCKSVILLE. N. C. I® Regular 2,00 value! Soft^líéil^dná nulffy .team snug sleeping Beautiful'floráis, stripes and' polka-dot covers. Vibt-ant'- pastel colors . . . sure to catch your eye. Limited supply i . . Better hurry! REGULAR S FOR 1.00 SELLERS ! l a d i e s ' s h e e r n y l o n h o s i e r y in packages of 2 for 68c 3 4 c Guaranteed first quality hosiciy. ¡Smart new seamless mesh styles. Fresh miKlern fashion colors. Com­ plete range of sizes 2 2 ” X 4 2 ”____ 2.77 3 0 ” X 5 4 ” ____ 4.77 66” X 103” — 19.77 Double tubed braided rugs to add a cheerful, decorativo touch to any room. Long wearing nylon blend in brown, green, multi russet and blue/green. Reversible for lohger wear! FOREVER POPULAR STYLES! NEWEST YOUNG FASHIONS g i r l s ' p e r m a n e n t p r e s s d r e s s e s 8 83 Pretty as a picture drcs.scs in fabrics that will never need ironing! Prints and solids in the newest styles. Sizes 7-14. l a d i e s ' B o u c l e ', k n i t s h e l l s / 8 8compare at 3.991 2 A charming complementary garment In wc.nr With suits and siwrlswear. Petite jewel neck bnd mock turlle-neck slyics. In happy new Tashion colors.' sr^es s. M. L. BEAUTIFULLY NEW! l a d i e s ' ^ n y l o n t r i c o t s l e e p w e a r A sleek collcvSP'! of pretty waltz and fiw gowns. Nylon tricol :-i lovely new fashion paf ’.^! shades, in sizes S, M.30 9 FASHION FAVORITE FOR MENI m e n 's n o - i r o n s p o r t s h i r t s 9 9 ^ 9 9 to 3 Plackot front, pksalod back and kwg tails mean quality. Button col­ lars. Tallersaiis, plaids, striptiii itnd solids. In sizes S. M. U BIG SAVINGS! m e n s n o - i r o n B u l w a r k s l a c k s » 6 » . Л tfualHy blend of W't Fortici/io that ne\ cr needs the touch of an U' slay in, wrinkles lull in uliv gold. Sizes гя ■ 42. »>•.(rod on m n. ( 'l lilM-'S navy und Thursday, September 26, 19é8 Ti $ n U r ñ r i t i 4 t é ñ M Page Seven Classified M 'Á H W л о $ WOMEN \\AimS> for egg pro. cessing. Apply In, person at the •WWpJo-Wai Fawns. 9 18 ttn HELiP WANTED: Male or iemale ior kitcten \vork. Apply 1« per­ son at C's Restaurant. 8 22 tin WiAlfr TO К Ш Р . . . 1 or 2 áilWren In my home . . . over i years of age. CaU 634t-584a. .... 9 28 2tn C | ^ FOR SAiUE: Oonltact Eari B «k ne^ar WMllam R. 'Davie 'ol, first house on right on erty Church Road. TeJeiAone » 26 Up 1087. SINGEIR ZIG ZAG sewing ma- ¿hlpe used approximatdy 4 to 5 (nqiin'llis. BuMt in controls to S^Ske buttoni<:(Ies, sew buttons on, blind hem dresses, and make fancy stitches. Need responsible pante' to assume 10 payments of $5.22 per month or'pay $52.20 oasJi. CaU ia2-iliiei ’til 9 p. m. if toll caU collect. 9 26 3tn iElABN BErram than average in­ come ^ '12 hours each WTOk. For Merwiew: call 634- 2 ^ or write: Manager, 1313 lidngview Avenue, SaHslbury, IN. 0. 28144 9 26 Itp a week. Ajiply in per­ son at MELLESl’S DINEii- BiBSDAURANT. 9 19 2ln FOR SALE: 1966 G M C ptekup, heavy duty, custom onto and one half ton. P S and P B, pricod lat $16,000.00. Contact R. fi. Nidt- dison, Rt. 2, Mocksville. Tele­ phone 493-6553. 9 26 lln FOR SyOE: 1962 Comet, four door, radio and heater. Excellent con­ dition. LulJier Lineiberger, Wag- nsr Trailer Court, Rt. 4, Mooks- vHle. 9 6 tfn FOR SALE: General Electric, for­ ty inch electric range with roUs- serie, timer, window in door and used only one year. Call 694- 528B. _____ ,.9Jia.2ln FOR SALE: 4 bedroom, 2 Story frame house with doulble carport on a toga corner lot on Salis­ bury Street, including a rented garage apartment. Phons, day- 6344372, and at night, 834-6338. .......... 9 12 4tn 'BE A FULliE№nniE: Take orders and deliver in your own neigh- Iborihood. Use your spare time to eiarn extra money and help on the fami'liy budget, Of car hcUpM. Age 25 to 65. ^ r in- (fomtatton caM: Mrs. M. S. Wheeler, 998-44il3 or 998-8202. .... ........ 9 26 4tn MBIiP WAIWIED: ■ Senviice Station .wbnk. Contact Noranan Smith at 0)p: TIiRiE: CENTER, 14/18 South Sfralltolt'd Road, Winston-Saaem, W:- C. 9 191 2tn FOpi SASUE BY OW!NQR: SVi room ^ s e with furna^ on 2 acr4s in Iheart of !Panmlngton, . «lurches and hargf ie%edi'*i back yard^iM.- plenty' ^¿bure, also garden. 2 ^ to gar- «|e. lln exic^ent condition. ^ or call lUdhaml Brock, 4934364 ■after 6 p. jn. if during the week. ... 949 2tn BE gonUe be kind, to that expen- «tVe can>et, clean It with Blue iiistre. Rent electric shampooer $i. Fanners Hdw. & Supply. fMiltTBD . . . A baby sitter to keep 3 children and_ to do light housekeeping. Second" shift. Call S84-9№9. 8 29 tfn rOR SALE: PIANOS Used Spinet $195.00. practice pianos $59.00 sod up. Grands $295,00. iMake your selection from over 300 pianos. Rowan County’s largest Piano Dealer. Kluttz Piano Co., Ibc. 7 miiles east of Salisbury OD US 52, Phone 279-1I6S5, Granite 9barry, N. C. 8 22 8tp UiUE Lustre Bot only rids carpets lofty. Rent electric shampooer $l MgcksviUe Builders Supply. VWJ ZIO-ZAG SINGER, repossess­ ed, darns, mends makes button- |wles, monograms, all without f l^^cjumnts. Guaranteed. Can seen and tried out in this Pay cadi balance of $52.50 or pay 6 paym*3nts of $lO.Oo each. Write Mr. MIoMllton, P. 0. Box ziu Aisliebon}, N. C. 27203. ............. 9 B tfn REP06SIESSED SEWING MAOH- INiB. Buttonholer, zig-zagger, dams, mends, etc. Someone to pay off complete balance of $22.00 cash. For d'stails caU 243- 7306, Lexington,..N. a _-8-US-Stn CLEAN rugs, like new, so Mgy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent ^ec. trio sbampooer $1. at BIU M«rr rail Furniture. ■LEFTOVERS - 1967 ZIG ZAG .sew­ ing machines, never used, morto- sews buUoqs, makes but­ tonholes, blind hom dresses, all without attachments. Clearance price onJy $33.10 or pay $3.81 pet month. OaB 782-1161 ’til 9 pjm. M todil call colledt. 9,26 8tn SCUTRIX NOTICE NORTH OAiROLINlA DAW E COUNTY Having qualified as Executrix of the estate , of Mary Baitey; Brown, deceasad, late of Davie County, tliis is to notify all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate to pressnt them to the undersigned on br belfore the 60i day of Mfdtdi 1960, or this notice wiM be ptead- ed in bar of their recovery. AU parsons indeibted to said estate wMl plaase make immediate pay­ ment to the undiarsigned. i This the 4th day of September 1668. ........ iMary Sub Brown, Executrfac of tile estate of Mary Bailey Brown, deoaased. ..........■ WiriJiAME. HALL B A i l T V ’S • B i g o Gas:• Complete Lubrication • Wash • Tirés • Groceties — We Give S & H -Green Stamps — FOR SALE: 12 gauge Brtfwndng laulomatic shotgun . . . $50.00 . . . call 4fla-6676. 9 26 Itp MALE . . . Income too small? Consider full or part-time Raw- leigh home service plan. Many earning $3.00 hourly and up. Opening In DBvIe County. Write RawHeii^ Dept., N. C., NCI-301- 1360, Richmond, Va. 9 26 Itp FOR SAliE: 1966 Ford 4-Door Sed­ an Custom 500 . . . light green with all-vinyl interior . . . V-8 Engine strai^t drive . . . Pow­ er Brakes . . . Privately own­ ed' car . . . OaH Rloy MteClam- rtick, 482-5181 for price and par- Itlculars. 9 26 3tn EXECUTRIX NOTICE NQRfm CAROOINA OAVJE COUNTY Having qualified as executrix of ■Hin of (Edith Ann Daniel, : ' deceased, late of Davie County, Uils ; is to notify all persoHs having I claims against said estate to pre-; sent them to the undersligned on or toefore the Ulh day of March ¡1988, oif this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All per­ sons inddited to said estate will piease make immediate payment to the undersigned. TWs the Sth day ot Septertlbcr, 1963. ..................... Belle Daniel Boger, executrix of the estate of Edith Ann Daniel, deceased. 9 19 68 RUBBER SKIN rrcn ---------- DON’T SCRATCH IT! tN 15 MINUTES, ^ ^H not pleased, your «c b^K at any drug counter. r^-ME-NOT quiets itching in minutes; kiUS germs to spe-id healing. Fine for eczema, insect biles, foot itch, 'other supfacia rashes. NOW at Wilkins Drug Co. 9 5 3tn SPARE TIME ШСОМЕ Refilling and fleeting nioney trtwn NEW ’TVPE hl^h-quality coin -opeiiated dispensers in your area. Nb 'seling. To qualiiy you must ^ave car, references, $600 to $2,- 900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weeWy can net excellent monthly income. More M l time. For per- ^n«l intervieiw wite PENTEX raisrmiiiBUTiiNG compi^y , э ш (A) BTEIMiMONS roEEWAY, DtAliLlAS, TEXiAS 78247. inidude pli'ine number. 9.26 Itp TORT SAIiES: Winston’s Newest & lar­ gest dealer has a fine selection lOf ■ quality, factory £resh , . . 12 ft. wide Miobile homes for yotir inspections . . . See the beautiftil SheSby (America’s finest) in mo­ dem, Sitenish, Mediterreon and (Early American dector. Take 52 iNopth 1» PatterSon Ave.' exit ¡Location at exit. Open Mbnday thru Friday from 9 to 9, Satur­ day, 9<. Closed on Sundays. •Phone 725-978. 9 19 2tn ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOBTM CAROLINA DAVTE COtlNTY 'Having qualified as Administra­ trix- of~the-estate-of Ollie Gaston- Allen, diseased, late of Davie County, this is to notify all per­ sons having claims against said estate to present tham to (he un- derrfgned on or befoi'a the 13 day of March 1963, of this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recov­ ery. All persons indebted to said Mtate wil'l please make immediate phyment to the undersigned.This the 12th day of Sept., 1968. Vida Carter AUen, Adminlstrat- trlx of the estate of Ollie Gaston Allen, deceased. 9 9 4tn N on cB OP smtVkite o f SUMMONS » Y BUBLKATtON Ш THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE TIÜE CLEBK NORTH CAROLINA DAVUE COUNTY ,...., LOUiSlE WlAiLLAiCE LASH, VS OVAli ODiBLL LASH, plalntMf ■ пЩрМВТ W|^WIIW|f fati 1ёгИм _ ItoM M blt M m 9 • Defendant F A T OV ER W EIG H T AvallaU« to ysti wuhout a 4oetw*i unioHptiotti our produet ealIM Odilfle». You must lose ugly fat oi yoHr ffloney baolt. 0C4«6Jt I* a Ito tablet and east^ iwallowed, Get ri« of oxceM -fat and Uve longer. Odrin Mit ^.60 aiid Is sold OB thl» guaranteoi If not aatlitted tor anj roason. Just return the package tt your (trulgtit and tt«t yotir (tdl money back, ............ S m o k e y S a y si ' AOBSKSÜ CAOBFUL. o k JUST L U C K V ^ TO OVAL ODELL LASH: Take notice that a pleading seek- iiig rBllef against you has be«n tiled in the -above entitled actlbn., The nature of the nalief sought is as fdllovi's: An absohite divorce on the grounds ot ona years se­paration. ............ Yioij are required to make deian- Se to such piaadhig not later than Octolber 4, 1088, and upon such faikire to do so the party seeking »a’rvice against you will apply to Hie Court for the relief sought. This the 3 day of Scp'jamher,1968. .................. LOUJHE M. PATTERSON Assistant Cleric Superior Court ................... 9 5 4tn No questioni Qdrinez te-sold «Uh this guaran te«aiked. MfCD FERS Its Pays То Advertise . f t P « v » t o A d v é r t ì s p . JESSE G. BOWEN MUSIC CO. aiGB GR.\DB PIANO! ВАИИОЯГО OROAirf asi W . Stv ct. — Pk. PA S-THt OFFICE MACHINÉS ^ ytiewfUert Adding Machlnet Serrlce On AU Makei 119 W. tone* StnM* EARLE’S OFFICI SUPPLIES Dial ME e-2S41 SALISBURY. N. C. E l é ç t t i c M o t o n - 8А1ЛЯ AND SERVICE - jtepajred - Rewound • BebnUt I DlsMbntor Q. li. Motors and Contnda and Belt Ptilleyi , Q i i l i a E l e c t r i c C o » 1021 WOst Inn eg Street SAUSBURY. N. C. PHONE;Day ME e-im t NIte ME «-18» HAtlt «Y ОАЛЧПЯО» •Ш U» iehwlna «lejnwi Aei«pt«t CABLE BARLEY DAVIDSON MO Brookatow n—1 BIk. S. a c u t PA 4-4»вВ S4>ineh Well Boring NoWaterl No Pay! CATAWBA Well Boring Co. ----t3a U ^S 4^628---- Shorty York’s Sinclair C. G. BASINGER fINGER REPRESENTATIVE From Salisbury Wlll Be In Mocksrille ---Wonday & Tuesday Each Week For 'Sales and Service Phone 634-2407 IT PAYS TO ADVERTTSE SMOOT TYPEWRITER CO. Ш Я. Fisher ME М Ш S.'UJSBURT, N. C. • BAIJBS • SiCftVICS • ItENTAU ‘Hbcclnalve Digtribntor For Royal lypeMtem Since Ш «» A IR w e l l - DRILLÎN€bG< BOUTE 1, ADVANCE, N. С. Phone 998Ч1Ш, Advance, or WInaton-Salem. N. C. M f y V M T J W W V V W V W V V A EXECUTRIX NOTICE, СТА NORfrai OAROL3NA DAVIE COUNTY Having qualified as Execiutrix, CT'A ot the estate of Jack Owen Moody, deceased, late ot Davie County, this is to notify, аИ pc»- ■sons having daims against said estate to presant them to the un- dsragned -on or before the 26m day й March 1969, ot this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said isstate win please make im­mediate paymsnt to 'tJw under-, signed. ........This the 30th day ot August, 1968.Marie C. Moody, Executrix, СТА of the estate ot Jack Owen -■ ’ 9 5 4tn NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the POWER OF SALE contained in a certain deed ot trust executed on th'3 4lh day of February, 19M, and recorded in Book 62, page 889, Dav- h County Registry, by Lewis Gray Barnhardt and wife, Laura Lagle Barnhardt, and assumed by Way­ne Franklin Melton and wife, Ber­ nice Melton, default hi TRAILER вРАШ FOR гШ Т: Apply Shady Acre« Traitor Psrit, located on Bethel Ohurcb fioad. Phone m m s or 99В-4Ш. iS S O o ROME FOR SAIÆ; Lovely 8-bed- txioffl, I batb, concrète base­ ment, all brick oonstructicm, located on 9 acres of land. Off lUeinrey M Ю county road 1809. Call Otemmona Villege Real Eitato, TOMOSi, for en appoint- ment to CM tbli lovely borne. ....... Itfn SABN iitat ooeded юошу “Tbe Av> I. 00 Way." CeU 87»4Ml or write: Avon, p. 0. B«K 1И. Steter’iUe, N. a 11 tto made in the payment of Ihe in­debtedness thereby secqrod and said deed ot trust being by t^ teiTOs thereof subject to toreolo; sure, the undersigned Trustee wil offer for sale at piMIc auction tr the htgbest bidder for caSi at thr GouPtbouse door in Mbcksvllle, Da vie County, North Carolina, a’ noon on the 26 day of September 1968, the property conveyed In saii deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County at Davie, State of North Carolina, and mo|V particulariv described as followt:BC3G3«MNG at an iron «take. Robert Robertson’s and Jsmo; Mayhew’s corner, and running thence North 3 dogs. Eatt 98 feel to an Iron stake, James iiey* how's corner: thence North 8J degs. East to the center ot tnf Bix'by Road. 880 feet; thenoe witb said road South 17 degs. East 79 feet to a point in the road, Robert­ son corner; thenoe North 88 dw!*. West 300 feet TO THE BBGINN’ INQ, containing .35 of an scro more or less. THE HIGHEST BIUK5R wUi be required to deposit in caib st tbe sale a sum equal to ton per cent of his bid up tol),000-00 plug five (s% ) per cent et «scow -at hi« bid P IA N O and O R G A N LESSONS ! Call 634-5624 (STATEMENT OP RESULT of SPECIAL BOND ELECTION held in the COUNTY OF DAVIE (North Xiarottna on September 17, 1968 At a special iibnd election held throughout «he Coiu)t(y of 'Davie, North CaroJlnia, on September 17, 1968, 7439 voters were registered 'and quialified to vioto.At said emotion 1079 votes were East for I/he order authbrizing tiic County of Davie to oontnact a debt land in evidence thereiof to issue not exicec^inig $2,495,000 Schnhd Build- 1:« Bonds *>r ijiie pmpose of prov- Idiwg funds, with lany other avail­ able funds, for erecting additiioqai siibpall bu Mings and other sdioOl ptot facilities, eoquiting nec- iry land and equipment there- fpt« in .order to pnovide addittonal sohotoTifaciilities in the iOttui!^^ pavie to.mlaintain the six months’ teim in said County as re- by S ^ o n 3 of ^ ^ l e IX th^ ConstJtuttte, and eu№orizlng the levy and collection of a 9uf- 'ticlent tax for the paypient of ^ principal of and the inte?«^ <m said bonds, and lOW votes weie 0 ^ against said oiider, that p jrtajority of the qu»HfJed voters of nid County wbb vi9tfll(J thereon at S^id election vot^ In favor of said oraer, and saW opder w^as thereby iapprovfid and is in force and ef­fect:, ............. _ 0 ^ stBleenent is givon by'order (rf the Board of OogHmifisioners for the County of Davie, lihjs J«h day pf September, 1988. li R. Hendrix, Jr. ............... OhiairmanCSiailles E. Alexander Paul H. Stnoud John M. BBlioy...... J. F. Swicegood •• -• Ctenmissioners Hiis sand day of Auout. lOOB. UAK K. ОЬЯЖ............. ñiuteam m v i AVD MARTWAltonwya • f 4(0 TO THE OrriZBNS AND T H A Y E R S OF DAVIE COUNTY No right at action юг defense ■yiunded upon the invalidity of the oileciion mentioned in tbe toree«^ «bail be assei^, nor stall tbe validity of aucb eleo^ be open to quemon in any court № n any snound whatever, except to en action or ргоеве^Шнг«»!- menoed within thin^ days dl&r the ^«Micetion of tbe flir^oing alete- roeiiti J. K. 5МШ,' oiai'. Boen) (tf Owmniasloners............ fyp County of Davie, ....... NbJib Oaivline........... 9 26 Itn -Advertise It Pays To When a clo$et becomei a flameless electric iieafiihig centeç you’ve graduated to modern comfort Eleclrfc furfioc*. "Allowi you le adit In eld Ьотм ond n»w— 3 mllllM Amtrlcon famlllM hov* groduoltd lo flomeliii tlxlrlc hfollng and Ond il rcotonobi* to own end optrolo. ' -. Meny lyilfWI »9 thee»t from. M ake a clean break with the' past. M ake your home truly • modern — old home or new — • with flameletf electric heating. It needs so little space you can tuck a central heating unit inside an ordinary closet. In fact/you can gain spaco , because seme electric heating equipment if «ran mere compact. You'll enjoy a gentle climate thot will enw rap y0 u with cowfort ell winter long. A nd ' your o7r wlll be cleaner. Modernizing on old heme? Thot can be done neatly in usf 0 few days. . . summer oryf nter. Which electric heoting system Is right for you? W e will be 1 happy to snow you even though Duke Power nelmer sells nor Installs the equipment. Phene n e w . . . and graduate to the loyofTofdEIeefrlcUvIng. DukePower^» Hotwelsr •iKtrlc batlM beng* en 0 га1««Ы« ______Jvetti..."(гмНдвгцм«*« toavmiwaieaint.'* ledlenl ctOlngi. ’tlniulolvd wlrei iitddM In cdllngt gtv* room-by-roem Itmptrglvt» (Qnlrel," ' Monday ' Friday 81OO A* M* • 5*00 P. M . >) Ì) V) >) 5) • Í) .il i) ' ■)) 1) 5; .it Йr ■ -) ') У ш м м я ш м n . MOCXfVlUA к ft Page Eight Ehterprtse-Recorä ThursHay, September 26 19в8 AS6S Committeemen Election Results Listed ' 'I'ho followinp are llie results of ^llie conimunily rommltlce elecliims 'in Davie County. The.'c Conimitlpi- I men will tnkc ofricn Octnlwr 1. 1!IR8 und servo a onc-yoar term. : NOliTH CAT.AII.M.N ■ Cliarile Reeves. Chairman: T. Ls'ioy Dyson, Vice-Chaii-man; W. 1.. Smnol. jRoRular Member; Blum Beck, Kirsl Alternate: Dale Cliatlin. Sticond Alternate. CI..VHKSVI1IXIC iHiibert 1C. Berk, (’liaiinian; \V. M. I^nngslon, Vice-Chairman. John Wal­ lace, Rsgulai- Member: .Jack Boot'. “‘First ■A1lernatc: I5d\vard b. Beck, + Second Alternate, I illiitchlns, Vice-Chairman: R. G. Allen, RoBular Mcinlierr H. B. Cor- neli.son, rirst Alternate; David lis- sex. .Set'ond Alternate. •ri'c OIlAlRiMAN, VlCli-rHAlR- MAN and RKf!UU-VR MlCiMBER of .•ai'li committee will servo as dole- ¡>ates to the County Conventiini to be held on Wednesday, September a.i. l!!:i:i at 10;(I0 a.m. In the Auditorium of the County Office Building. Bewny M errill Elected B y Bank i Benny h. Mcrrell of Charlotte was plectofl a .'y.slonis planning officer at North Carolina National Bank here during a director’s meeting today iSept. IT'. He joiiie:! the bank in 1!IB5, ,Merre!l is a lv:ot graduate of Dnvic Cniinty High Seliool In Mocksville 'and attended Pfeiffer CuMe.io in Misenheimrr. NCNB is the third largest bank in the Sdutheast and the nation’s .iOth largest. It has «3 officos in 24 North Carolina communities. WEST F.VRM1.VGT0N 1 L. Gene Miller. Chairman: 1. B. j 1-akoy, Vice-Chairman: David White, j Regular Member; t'. II. McMahan, j First Alternate; Odell A. Boger. .See- j ond Alternate. i JIvRUSAl.KM W. Roy Nolley. Chaiiman: Dan B. Miller, Vice-Chairman: II 0 ni e r Crotts, Regular Member. Hubert ■Foster, First Alternati'; .loe F. Spry, j Second Alleniate. SHADY GR0V15 ! 1. Nelson Mock, Chaii'man; Ken- j ncih Hoots, Vive-Chairman; Olin ! Bnrnhardi, Re.eiilar .Alembcr: boiiio j Zimmerman, First Altei'nate; Sam 1 Talbert, Second Alternate. SOl'TH CAI.'ilAI.N 'L. Reid Towell. aiairmiin; Law­ rence Cartner, Vice-(.'hairman; .lohn W. Gaither, Regular Member: Fred Cartner, First AlternalE. A. U. uay wait. Second Altornate. NCIRTOI & SC'UTH FARMINGTON ■Roy C. Beauchamp, Chairman; John Ferebee, Vice-Chairman; J. M. Boj'den, Jr., Regular Member; Richard Walker, First .«alternate; J. Lester Cook, Second Alternale. FULTOiN Clarcnee R. Carter. Chairman; Clyde Jones, Vice-Chairman; Roy Sain, Regular Member; Odell Hen- dri.v, First Alternate; E. W. Liven- good, Jr., Second Alternate. MOCIvSVHXE Wade Dyson, Chairman. S. Clyde Singing A t Turrentine The public is invited to attend a singing in Faitth Fellowship Hall of Turrentine BaiJtist Ohurch on Route 3. on Saturday, Septeniber 28 at 7:30 p. m. TJie Pathfinders wil'l be guest singers. R . Cornatzer Takes^Own Life Roy lx!C Cornatzer, 70 of .Ad­ vance, Rt. 2, was proninnicod dead ,S'aturday morning at 2:30 by Dr, Francis Slate, Uavic Couniy coro­ ner, of sell-inllii'Icd gunsliot wuund. He had lallen Ills life at his honic. He had been in declining hcaitli fi.T the pa.it five .vears. Born in Davie County Feb. 1!), i;iHS. to George H. and Maggie Mae Charlc.s Cornatzer, he was a mi'iniicr of Mock’s Methodist Church. Ho «as a retired mploye of Duke Power Co, Sur\’iv<jrs include his wife. Mam­ ie Rea Beauchamp Cornatzer: two daughters. Mrs. Allen Hutchins "f. Ciemmons and Mrs. It. F. Starr of Mcmiphis. Tenn.; three sons, 'ehes­ ter McKinley Cornatzer und Roy Lee Cornatzer, ,lr., both of Wins- tmi-Salein and Jern- Wayne Corn- atzer of Clemmons; three sisters. ;Mi-3. W. T. Barney ami Mrs. A. li. Vogler. both of Advance, and Mrs. G. T. Markland of Winston- Sal(Mii; five brothers, ,T. C. Coin- atzer. all of Winston-Sivlem, H. W. Cornatzer of JacksonviHe. Fla., and H. B. Cornatzer of Advance. Funeral services were held Sun­ day at i'le Mocks Methodist Church by the Rew РЬйНр Vaughn. Buried ■was in the ehurcli cemeteny. Extension 'Homemakers Club Schedule Given September 27 - 2:30 p. m. — Jerusoloni, Mrs. Lloyd Grubb September 30 - 4:30 p. m. — Maekie, Sarah Wiseman October 3 - 2:00 pjm. — Balti- more-Bixby, Mrs. 0. R. Hoots Special Events A t Educational Center The Advisory Council of the Supi lomentary Educational Center in Salisbury held a meeting at the ntw center building. 1630 Parkview Circle on Tuesday night, Septem­ ber 17. ............ Special invited guests of the Council were Uavie and Rowan County Sc'liflol Bwird members. Da­ vie and Rowan Couniy commiss­ ioners and the Salisbury City Coun­ cil members. Mrs. Roy Iloffner. Vice Chair­ man of the Advisory Council, pres­ ided. She introduced Mi's. Nancy L. Holshouscr, Director of the Cen­ ter. who welcomed the grouj) and s'ne presented briefly the four pro­ grams ol' history, art, nature stud­ ies anti space offered. Mrs. Hols- huuser individually introduced all t!ie staff memliei's ut the Center. |.t^...KH<.»;.-Ci,Mi1er C<in!inlHii:iL Golf Clinic Is Set ^ t Twin Cedars The Twin Cetlars Golf Course will hold a Fall golf clinic this .vear. Bcb Benson of Twin Cedars an­ nounced that those interested in the clhiic should go by the club house and sign up. The cost of the clinic will Ix! $10 per person and will in- clui.’e lour L'ssons to be held on Tuesday ninhts. An extra charge will be made for range balls. The first lesson will be October- 1st al 7 n.m. at IVin Cedars. Gene Thompson, Pro at the Salis­ bury Country Club, and his-assistanl will conduct the clinic. The class will be limited lo a group of around twenty. Women will compose one group; men one group; and young pla.'.ers in one group. "Signup early so that groups can be formed as there may be a limi­ tation on the numljcr of players." said Mr. Benson. "This is the only time this .vear that the clinic will be l-.eld so if your golf game needs im­ proving. now is the time for it.” H irE c F iis E 1 )Ü T S T Ä iÄ 1 ' I FOOD VALUES! ;• ® EGGS ..................3 dozen $1.00 • Fresh Green C A BB AG E . 7c a Lb. • CAR R O TS ............. 10c a Bunch • SM ALL CUKXS^ Lb. I • P O T A T O E S .................... 5c Lb. • LEM O N S ............... 39c a Dozen • B A N A N A S .................... 10c Lb. * T O M A T O E S .........10c Lb. • ONIONS .............., 7c a Lb. • LETTU CE ........... » ^GRAPEFRUIT : ; t t H O c • C E L E R Y ....................10c Bunch • APPLES . . . $1.50 a bushel and up staled that the reception by the enmmunities of the Center’s pro­ grams has been most gratifying. Bill Suggs, Space Science Siiee- ialist, gave a brief demonstration of the newly installed planetarium c(|uipment, after v/hich the group was invited to tour the faciility and see the various exhibits on di.splay. ............. Open House for the general pub­ lic to inspect the nesv center build- ng and planet'arium was held on Sunday. September 22, 1968 from 3:30 to fi P. M. The art gallery of the Salis>i;ury Supplementary Ed­ ucational Center al 314 North Ellis Street, was open from 2 to 5 PM on Sunday afternoon, September 22, with a sculpture exi'.rhit by 'Luther Sowers. Mr. Sowers was present during the afternoon to meet the visitoi's and discuss his w’ork. ............. Davie Academ y Group Has Regular Meeting The Davie Academy Community oi;panization ¡net Sept. 16, l!)R8, at 7:30 Ibr a covei’ed disii supper. The occasion was enjoyed by the 27 present. — i — Thp~pnrsÍTlcnt, Mrs. Ei'Hcst Koon- tz, presidetl over the business ses- j sion which wa a discussion of ! work lo be done on the community bui'.ciing and grounds. Tile group ad.iuurned with plans for a special program at the next meeting. Oct. 21. Bring your neigh- Ijoi- and remem'ljer the date! Other communities do things. Why can’t We? ' .................. • CALIFORNIA GRAPES ......................2 lbs 29c • U.S. No. 1 P O T A T O E S .........50 Lb. Bag $1.69 • LA R G E C O K ES . . . in Quarts.........5 for $1.00 9 LAR G E JU M B O C A N TA LO P ES . . . . 3 for $1.00 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS N & J PRODUCE MARKET —Formerly Friendly Food Center— Phone 634-8905 Just Outside of Mocksville on U.S. 601 South — Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. E very Day But Wednesday — ^ — CLOSED A LL D A Y W E D N E S D A Y — c o M P 4.^T ^ ¡- ¡n e o f g r o c e r ie s a n d f r e s h P r o d u c e ^ ^ P O N T IA C A N N O U N C E S T H E G R E A T B R E A K A W A Y ! T h is is the year to sgy good-bye to h u m d ru n i driving! 169 W ide-Track P ontiac G ran d P rix . It’ \(Hi \c ntvcr driven ;t car like ihi». before, that’s because tlK're‘>" ncNcr Ы.Ч-П a cur like this I’oniiac Grand Privbefore. Si' nvu, it's ,ciH its own I IS" wheelbase. So new, it’s gol its outi .tu'cr.iti-ivpe interior. \ new steerint ''heel v'ilh a "sot't" inatenal rim. With a Wide-i raek on big tires. With Д new hidden niiii.. antenna we're daring e\er>bod> lo lind. Or ma\be \nu’d like to break away with a brand-new 1-irchird. With typical W'idC'Track handling and a range of av;iilable V-8 choices ihat'll mak? >our head spin (including the fabulous 4110 Ram Air option). Brand-new st>ling. too. Lean, clean, read\ looks. Plus 13 exciting new colors . . . new anti-tlicft isnition, stcerini! and iransmission lock. There's also The Great One. Our CiTO. the one that started it ;ill. Complete with baseball-bat-proof bumper, fully padded instrument panel, distinctixe Redline tires, along with specially designed suspensinn. Plus an assortment of V-K's ihat'll make your break from dull drivini: just about as pleasing as an> you've e'vr made. And don’t forget our luxurious Bonneville. With a standard, 360-hp, 428'cubic-inch V-8, a long, long 125" w heelbase, a new upper-level ventilaiion sysiem. color-keyed energy absorbing bumper al both front and rear, plus the kind of interiors you’d like to install at hoiHc. Bonneville. W uo needs more'.' THb NEW’ 146V CiR.ASD PRIXS. BOKNF-VILl.1 S, BROI GHAM S, EXtCUTlVtS. CATALINAS, G T O ’í, Lt MANS, C USTOM 5, TUMPLSTS .\ND IIKI BIRDS .MIL ,4T VOUR AUTMÜRI/L1) l’ONTL\C ULALER’S NO* « I DAVIE COUNTY E n t e r p r i s e - R e c o r d PUBLItHBb tVBRY THURJOAY *T MOCKSVILLi, NOttTH CAROLINA GORDON TOMLINSON SUE SHORT Edltor-Publliher A»»oeiate Editor Second Class Postage Paid at Mocksville, N. C. SiibfertpUoB Frteei la Davte cenoty, $4.00; Out o( Slate, tUO What a difference one little letter can make. It can change everything and did last week in the article carried about the servings of the hospital auxiliary.To set the record straight what they really baked were cakes and pies...but that is not what the article said. It slipped by several proofreaders but was soon caught once the p^>er was off the press and we have come .in for alot of good natured ribbing by scores throughout the county.But this is not the first time such as this has happened. Something very similar happened recently in one of the daily newspapers reporting a wedding.In the wedding article there was a sentence that was supposed to read: Tattle-Tales By Gordon Tomifnton “On-her way to the altar the lovely bride passed through an archway entwined with ivy.” However, in this case the "i” got into the word “passed” instead of the “a” and caused the bride to blush for many, many days after the wedding. Duke Wooten got all shook up for a minute last week when he called the Enterprise-Record office.Duke dialed the Enterprise number and Duke Sheek answered with:“Enterprise....Duke! “Yes, this is Duke. How did you know I was calling? “That’s what I said, this is Duke’’, replied Duke Sheek. Then they realized that it was Duke talking to Duke....and the conversation returned to normalacy. __And, then, there were the questions about who the un-named 2 gals and 3 gals were that were listed in the membership list of Hickory Hill Golf and Country Club two weeks ago. There was alot of curiosity about this. Some wondered why they were not identified.Well, this again was an error in make-up and proof-reading. These lines were put there only as means of identifying the stoiy. These lines should have been pulled before the article was put in the paper. So, you men can relax. There are no mysterious people who might show up on the golf course. Macedonia News I know everyone is eftjoying the cool nights we have been having. Fall is really here and we now have winter to begin thinking about. The mountains are lovely as ever and the leaves are beginning to turn. In a few weeks the leaves will all be ablaze with their many colors.Mr. and Mrs. P.hilip Beauchamp and children and Mrs. Louise Calloway and children enjoyed a day in the mountains Sunday. They traveled up the Parkway on to Tweetsie Railroad and had a day of fun for the children touring the various sights of Tweetsie.The Macedonia Choir enjoyed a social last Saturday night in the church fellowship hall.Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family attended funeral services Sunday afternoon at Kannapolis for Ken’s uncle, the Rev. Spencer Baker. We are very sorry to hear of his death and extend our sympathy to the family.The Women’s Fellowship met in the FeUowship Hall last Tuesday night for a joint meeting of the circles.Remember our Gideon Service next Sunday morning at 11:00. I’m sure we will hear a very interesting talk from one of the members of the Gideon organization.The Sunday School picnic will be held Saturday evening September 28 at 6:30 in the pavilion. Plan now to bring your family and attend. An interesting program is planned —fei^ftef-suppei;^ TV Reporters As the Republican convention showed, and the Democratic conven­ tion reaffirmed, television reporters (who see themselves as commenta­ tors) seek the sensational and the dissent to such a degree that bal­ anced coverage of political circuses like conventions is impossible. To watch these gatherings on television one gets the idea that the vast majority of delegates comprise a seething caldron of discontent, revolt and bitterness. Yet the ma­ jority mood is often quite different. And because the majority has no reason to protest, revolt or 'attempt to dismpt the schedule (for things are going their way) they do not make the. news. Th^ are not interviewed often by television reporters looking for action. This, then, amounts to a distortion in news coverage which however unintentional proves misleading. It also means, in effect, that every agitator, demonstrator or protestor, knows he can “ use” television to publicize and ftirther his cause. This also explains some—but not all of course-of the incidents between law enforcement officers and demonstra­ tors or rioters in the streets. Remember all the sick in your prayers. Mr. Henry Hocksday is still seriously ill at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Be in prayer for him and his family.The Youth Fellowship meetings will resume the first Sunday night in October. The first meeting will be at 5:45 in the old sanctuary. Bring all your children in the Jr., Jr. High and Senior groups to the meetings. I’m sure they will enjoy the programs and will be blessed from taking part in the worship together. 7th GRADE STUDENTS....at SHADYl GROVE SCHOOL....have just completed a section on Science that involved making posters ^d booklets about Anthropods. Included were insects, arachnids and crustaceans. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Sth place winners of the classes for collections and booklets are pictured. Above, left to right, front row; Becky Vogler, Jane Vogler (1st) and Ann Barney; second row, Janet Boger, Basil Hudson, Doug Bullard and Debbie Bruton; back row, Johnny Vestal, Mrs. Street (teicher) and Richard Young. Pictured here are, front row, left to ri^t: Andy Bamhsrdt, Billy Mock and Dean Foster; 2nd row, Shanda &nith, Jeff Ward and Donna ^aton; back row, Mr. Jones (teacher) and RobbieEIUt(lit). LIBRARY Have you seen the new display on MY FAVORITE THINGS in the vestibule of the Main Library? It is of interest to persons of varied tastes, for it is a fascinating collection of books on all kinds of things-from A Fortune in the Junkpile to UFOs-Identified, and from The Great International Airplane Book to Good Things for Church Groups! Bridges, teddy-bears, roofs, postcards, American glass, model railroads, mobiles, musical instruments- the list is endless. FoUow up your special interests with books from your public library. “The world is so full of a number of things.I’m sure we should all be as happy as Kings.”Much of the non-fiction being published now reads more excitingly than fiction you’ve ever read. And there is so much good non-fiction appearing on • our shelves that you may be cheating yourself if you habitually pick up a “light” novel for entertainment, though many of us do enjoy those, as well.Some of the new titles are Crime, the Law, and You by Farmer; To Lay a Hearth by Scovel, the same author who gave us the popular The Chinese Ginger Jars; Gemini, a Personal Account of Man’s Venture Into Space, by Virgil “Gus” Grissom; Look to This Day, by North Carolina author Wilma Dykeman, and described as one woman’s thou^ts and feelings with the views of three generations of her own family; The Great Radio Heroes, by Harmon, a nostalgic re-creation of the thrilling days of yesteryear and their magic hours lived with radio; Too Strong For Fantasy, the personal record of Marcia Davenport, fascinating, reflective, wide ranging and including New York in the 19 CD’s and (most timely) a description of Czechoslovakia in crisis afer World War 11. Reminders of the Usual FILM NIGHT-September 25-7:30p.m. Main Ubrary Canadian Travel Filnu: LET’S GO FISHING IN THE NORTHLAND THERCYALPIUVINCE DREAMUND STORV HOUR-£ach Tuesday motning'IO'l 1 A. M. for pre-ichool children’4 to 6 yean. Senior Class of 1950 Shady Grove High School are: Mascots; Charles Markland and Mrs. Toi^y Graham (Brenda Ete) First Row; left to riglit, Mrs. J. K. McCuUoh (Leona Myers) Mrs. Claude McNeill (Gladys Foster) Mrs. onald Everhart (Frankie Carter) Mrs. Eudell Barnhardt (Betty Gray Hartman) Atley Allen, Charles T. Hupp, Mrs. Travis oward (LaveU Myera) ^^ Harvey Zimmerman (Nancy Holder) second row; Mrs. J. D. J4ker (teacher) Mrs. Bill Ttempson (Betty Cope) Mr*. ®obby Hayes (Dot Hendrix) Mrs. Larry Carlton (Betty Joe Mock) Avalon Potts, Lee Seaford, Tommy Cornatzer, Mrs. Wilham Moir (Barbara Vogler) Bobby Jo Burton, Mrs. Norman Smith (Ella Barney) and J. D. Parker, Principal. C/ass O f 1950 Shady Grove High School Class Reunion The 1950 Shady Grove High graduating class held its class reunion Saturday night, September 21, at the Fork Recreation Center and a picnic supper followed. Thirteen of the seventeen members were present. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude McNeill (Gladys Foster); Major and Mrs. Larry Carlton (Betty Jo Mock); Mrs. William Moir (Barbara Vogler); Mrs. Harvey Lee Seaford; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burton and Mike Burton; Mr. and Mrs. Avalon Potts, Terri, Sherri, Mark and Kim Potts; Mr. and Mrs. Atley Allen, Jimmy and Jan Allen; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cornatzer, Rickey, Mitzi and Angela Cornatzer. Not Present: Charles T. Hupp, Mrs. Bob Hayes (Dot Hendrix), Mrs. Travis Howard (Lowell Myers), Mrs. Bill Thompson (Betty Cope). They girls of the class would like to thank the boys of the class for planning and carrying out the reunion and for the entertainment which everyone enjoyed. N u i s a n c e C a l l s ■ifL Harassed telephone subscribers can look forward soon to some relief from nuisance callers. Bell' Telephone Laboratories has re­ ceived a patent that will enable an an­ noyed customer to trace calls that will lead to identification of the originating: line, either in the same or another ex­ change. It also will record voice samples which can identify a person in a manner ■«imilar Kto^fingerprints. This comes as welcome news to niany ■ telephone customers, particularly women, who have been harrassed for a number of years by nuisance calls. Just about all that remains to com­ pletely eliminate harassing calls is some method to identify those callers who dial and then remain verbally silent. Only their heavy breathing informs the person called that somebody is on the line. Per­ haps some type of television screen will solve that problem, soon. —Houston Chronicle. f o w l e r m o t o r s , In c. Proudly Announces Their Appointment for the New % J-{■"ii Beautiful Fun Wagon!Bio family room at an economy price I 96 h.p. Overhead Cam Engine I Roomier Cutved Contour Body I Wlndows>Up FreshAIrSyttemlAutomatIc Tranimlsslon (optional). $2 19 6 p.o.e. V, • # • /:• V*; 510 4-Door Sedan $1996 p.o.e.Featur« of $5000 fine cars—Now In №• all new Dation Sedami «6 h.p. Over­head Cam Englnel Independent Reer Suipenslon—Oe«i Coll Ride all 4 wheelil WIndowi-Up Fre«h Air Syiteml Front Oltc Brakail i-Speed Automatic Trani- mlulon (cptlonal extra c«t)l Plui 77 mxoat extrai. Including 4-ply wtiltewall tiret, under-coating, lock gai cap, and carpetlngl New 13S HP, 8 Speeds/ Dattun 2000 duitt off the expeniive (port! cart I Overhead Cam Engine with 13B h.p.l All-iynehro 6 speed I Front dlio brakes I Delivers compltit with radio, hesttr & defroster, • whitewslli— much morel $2998P.O.f.DAraUM/2 PARTS & SERVICE CMtt*T0<Nftl Psylosd or Pfay'Losd-'tns versatile Dstsun Pickup hauls up to 2000 lbs St MP to H ths costi Delivers rssdy to go with 4.spssd all synehromsih trsnsmls* slon, hsstsr, whilswsllsi/ /n m q ...much morsi "Your One-Stop Tronsportqtion Center!" FOWLER MOTORS lie. 145 aod E. loses St. »( Sboppisg Center SALISBURY All new (or I»«l Batiun 1- Ospr. craat rid*, handiin« « ¿ S ' . ' «air ayitani, douni ot - Ctrl 2B-Dav)e County Enterprise-Record, September 26,1968 Fredrick Sundermann, President of National Bank of Westchester, announced the promotion of Melvin L. White to the position of assistant cashier. His present assignment is assistant manager of the Bank’s Mount Vernon office.A native of Mocksville, North Carolina, Mr. White moved to Westchester County following three years of military service in the Army Medical Corp. He joined NBW in June, 1964 as a teller in the Bank’s Tuckahoe office. In August, 1966, he was made control officer of the Main Street branch in New Rochelle, and last August, was made assistant manager of the Mount Vernon office. Mr. White was honored this past spring by the Westchester Chapter of the American Institute of Banking as Valedictorian of his class, achieving the highest average in the Standard Certificate graduate program, Mr. White is currently attending Iona College. He is director of the New Rochelle Jaycees and Financial Secretary of the Community Men’s Club of Mount Vernon. Mr. White lives with his wife, Othelia, at 63 Remington Place, New Rochelle. SCHOOUMY Efficiently executed training programs are very necessary in the development of a food service staff in order for it to rank higli in morale, skill, and achievement. Both employee and employer benefit from sound programs of supervision and training. The employee is given an opportunity to improve skills, acquire informations and -prepare—p^FomoUoiis__Tlie_ employer gains by having well adjusted employees whose efficiency, build desirable relationships, and arouse the interest of workers will often decrease the cost of both labor and food. Davie County School Food Service proudly announces that such a course is now in progress at the Mocksville Elementary School which meets two nights a week. This is a sixty hour course that is offered through Davidson Community College. Mrs. Mary Jane Larabee, Supervisor of the Thoniasville CTty Schools isllie” instructor for the “Overview" course. The purpose of this course is to give an overall picture of the school food service program. Mrs, Larabce’s ultimate goal is the raising of the level of ability of the individual trained. This in turn will arouse interest in the objectives of the program, making employees more thoroughly aware of the requirements for the work, and create a desire to increase their knowledge of food service. Througliout the course there will be many demonstrations that will be extremely valuable.Enrolled lunchroom personnel include the following: Mrs. Louise Boger, Mrs. Marie Carter, Mrs. Tincey TIarbih, Mrs. EtmerWall,-MTK— Polly Latham, Mrs. Maude Dyson, Mrs. Florence Cody, Mrs. Lucille Furches, Mrs. Louise Blackwelder, Mrs. Lillian Williams, Mrs. Jasper Ijames, Mrs. Betty Foster, Mrs. Elizabeth Etchlnson, Mrs. Mary Scott, Mrs. Betty Hendricks, Mrs. Phyllis Laird, Mrs. Edith Lapish, Mrs. Frances Pilcher, Mrs. Laura Lee, Mrs. Helen Keaton, Mrs. Mildred Carter, Mrs. Reba Frank, Mrs. Lois Green, Mrs. Nellie Kimmer, Mrs. Janie Koontz, Mrs. Mary Williams, Mrs. Mae Markland, “MrsrAlhinrSpTy; MisrAnnlrFrye, Mrs. Ida Alby, Mrs. Evelyn Cornatzer, Mrs. Nell Moore, Mrs. Catherine Privette, Mrs. Margaret Jordan, Mrs. Mamie Phifer, Mrs. Hazel Loftin, Mrs. Catherine Wood, Mrs. Marie W. Haynes, Mrs. Reba Shoaf, and Mrs. Perry Angell. QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHY At Reasonable Prices! • ANNIVERSARIES • WEDDINGS • GROUP • ALBUM PLANS Mills Studio and Camera Shop Ш HOBN-HAROING BUILDING. M O O K S im B PHONE в34»2870—Thursday Only A U OTHER DAYS IN МАШ STVOIO IN YADKJNVOLM DAY PHONS в79’Ш 8 Y A D K IN V ILL E -N IO H T 679-8024 C a p it o l C lip b o a r d HARD WAY . . . Nmv pnd №en—as in the cae« of FDR and John P. Kennedy-you see men bom to woaRh tor Presi­ dent. .............. But, as the usual t;hlng, the men seeking tho o'tlce "came irp the hard way”. EliienlWAer. for e^ampte. «’em to West Point -sought an appointment there and got It-lnrgely because he could not aWord the cost of re- «u)ar college. At that, he was ever 20 when he entered. MeiMttle Brouihlon . . . In a talk to about »00 Dem'oeratlc Women gathered here last weei« , re^Mrted h*nv Nixon. Ag- -new,--Humphrey, and M«?kie pulled tJiemselvcs up from hiiin- Me clraimstances. An Interest­ ing .lesson. , ^ .A.” It was a good Dalk Mel Browjfh- Inn made. He said that in each of the families new in tie fore­ front ot American politics there was an iiwalid—somebody re­ quiring s^ectel care and pro- tcdion—as cur ¡leaders were crowing up. Georpo Wdlwe tost his wife this year.And of course evcrv'tvirty knuws whtJt RicJiard NiNon had <0 undergo aiier his Dailey de­ feat in 1360. James Reston. Now ’Yui'k Times colinnnist and no Nixonite, described it recent­ ly as “the greatest comeback since Ivaaarus”. IITÎR injSBAXaS? . . . At. Ihciish a lot of womcn-c5iici-in!- •ly the more hnrsy. varlety-ltke hj tiïlk etout thclr polttioal b* flependence, aibcut 95 per cent of them wte the way thelr hua> tamis do. And a lar?e perecntage of De- jT''Tatlc hustiands tWs tiine vDl go fer—wîien theo>' are a'îcne, in that bcoth—Nixon or Wollnce. •Mrs. notttan Maddrcv. Demo- of the couftlry. This leads жапу to hfllcve liMt. c\-cn new. he Is running for Governor In 1W2. H so, he may ha'-e the chairman of his board of truefens. Rflijcrt Mor­ gan of Lillington, h) contend with—. ■Morgan, young energetic, like- etile, the man who uprooted sturdy old Wade Brulon in the Attorney General’s race Jast fi’Btle Women oC.'Iclal who pres­ ided at last week’s Wg mee*ln?. at on« point said something liUe this; ''We must s»nd hy tho Democratic ticket. Nkv.v all of you here who plan to stipiwr^t the ticket-frcm Ifuliert Hwn- right-on ^ dott-n “to Bob' Swytt-say I WI'LL.” Wrfl, sir, tlie answr came, but it wag thin—about 40 voices —and it was ready and.some- hoxv. hesitating and falsetto; "I we—iiill." Those girls are ha^’teg a hard time with their hus.!¡ands. No doubt About it . . . b'.St It was a voice vote. No standing oi> upifftcd hands. spring, is expected to go saHiivg in on NmwAer 5. And odds are he’s not golns to be content In that office . . . Mel Bwisliton, a ginod loser, maf be up sigain in 1972. Then, too, there is Pat Tay­ lor of -W^rtesboro, -w4io -will - be your next Lletitenanl Goremoif. Uke Mtorgan, he is a conser\'a- live; has much ieSfliJati'Ve expjjr»“ ience, and is young. Each will be this .iide of 50 four years hence. Taylor is from vote- heavy Piedmont East is of/ice- hungry. held the {)l«ce for more than 80 years. ......... n RVlgHt hove be«n different— the career ol Soy Rowe. It was ordained by the Idng— makers that he ithiould bwnme Ueulenmt Governor to» 1952. He w s weM off, weM liked, was 4« (wars old and had-em at that terms In the StatA Senate back of him. A flood man in en'eiy ttiay . . . — But. blai, 11 was nol In the" oards. A nnan who bad no leglslaUv«L experience whato^-er . , . and tifld never run for eilecltive of> fice . , . decided to run against Roy Rowe, H:« najnef LutJier Hodges. H » ” rest is histoty . , , .. Roy Rowe ¿hould make an ex­ cellent 01ei4( of the Senate. Pew men have had more expei-ience there—six terms (pCus one in the House). Vou know «thftt iiappened^- mainJ(y beeause et the under» estimated voice 4 Labor. WiU it happen again? WIH Hubert Humphrey, now nm»ing third fft the pt^llc opinion inolUs, defeat Richai-d Nixon? Iiic Raleigh News & Obsert* ers thinks so-or stiys It does. In an arm-bivg editorial last week headed ••OK-e 'Em Hell, HObert", the Observer opened up w-ith this: “PoBa, pundits and' some timid poUtlcJans here- abuts make K clear that Hub­ ert Humphrey, as September comes to a close to a dose In 1868 is exactly ^^41ere Hany Trumfan was reported t» be at . the^Same tlme.Jn 1948. JHie_ coinoidences are romarkiatCe. And the great prdbablUty 1» that -the outccme win be as remark- i*'!y simlJar, too." So apeake'A the NtcO. What do you think? № X T TIME . . . WTiat Is Leo Jenkins, president of East Car­ olina ITniversUy. up to this time? One tihing for sure: He’s lap fo his straddle in Democra­ tic politics . . . like no ol'her iiniverslly official in this section STRANGE TURNS . . . PeY^ swabJe Roy Rowe of' Bui^aw, •wealthy theatre man, nvotds wvner, etc., is a good example of the strange turns of politics. It now looks as if öie form­ er State Senator (many tenms) win be the new C3erk of the Senate. This is a most import­ ant poslUon. He wiil be succeed­ ing the late Ray Byerly, who P>R0(P!HET? . . . About this time in 1948, №ey M'ere counting out Haro' Ttunman for President. His pbpu':iarity poll-^hou^ not as low as LiBJ’s—was ‘wiay down. ........................... In North CardUna, Lynn Nish- et of the Afternoon New’spapers Association, Was about the only person iwith newe enou^ to predict Truman wiould t^ e 'IhOmas B. Dew^. W E CASH LOCAL PAYROLL CHECKS Fuiy III 24>oor Hardtop A new car that’s all-new. Plymouth Fury. It's been totally restyled for 1969. This million owners of competitive cars. The success car of Is the car that smashed all our old sales records last the sixties. Now more beautiful than ever. Waiting for year. The car that helped win over three-quarters of a you. At your Plymouth Dealer's. Now. Your Plymouth Dealers have it this year. AUTHORIZED DEALÍR6 Mocksville Chrysler Plymouth ,lnc. Will(sboro Street, MocktviUe, N. C. Phone; 634-2124 Dealer Ucente No. 3738 i I Davie County Enteipriw-Record, September 26,1968-3B - Horn Oil Company Proudly Announces That As Of October t, 1968 They Will Be Selling - "-T ' “i "•'■h ' ‘'7» PURE OIL PRODUCTS OFFICES 141 N. IMain St. IVIocksvilie, N.C. 634-2380 Bingiiam St. Mocksville, N. C. 634-2181 not * • 4B-Davie County Enterprise Record, September 26,1968 AlgBon GaiBthor On 7 day Bxercise Army Specialist Four Algeon B. Gaither, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gaither, 146 Hilchrist Drive, Mocksville, N. C., and a battery clerk with the 4th Armored Division, participated in a seven day field training PYP.rriw last week in Members of the Cornatzer Methodist Girls’ Softball team. Champions in the Davie County Girls Church Softball League, are pictured here. They are left to right; Hilda Harpe, Cynthia Hendrix, Gertrude Jolly, Patty Hendrix, Patsy Hendrix, Dot Hayes, Phyllis Nichols, Ethalann Nester, Patricia Dwiggins and Manager Garland Bowens. Players missing when picture was taken include Carol Whitaker, Hilda Bennett, Mary Everest and Martha Foster. The team won four straight games in the play-offs to win the Championship. The team enjoyed a steak supper Saturday night, September 7th at C’s Barbecue Restuarant. Southern Germany.The maneuver, named “Schwarzer Loewe,” or Black Lion, involved West German, French and American soldiers. According to Lt. Gen. Karl Wilhelm Thilo, commander of tlie 11 German Corps, approximately 40,000 men, 1,400 tanks and artillery pieces and 12,000 wheeled vehicles took part in the operation which covered several thousand square miles of Bavaria and Baden Wuerttemburg.Exercise was held September 15-21. ^ e n a h f Sam Ervin WASHINGTON - Congress has recently been considering the problems of military justice and reforms offered to remedy some of Its weaknesses. It may come as a surprise to many Americans, but the separate branches of our Armed Forces have varying rules governing the right to a defense lawyer before Special Courts-Martial, the In­termediate military tribunals. Although a serviceman can suffer dire consequences, even a bad conduct discharge, a non­ lawyer officer may and typically does conduct his defense at most of these proceedings. His right to have a lawyer conduct his defense may turn upon the branch of service he Is In rather than the particular offense he Is charged with. The non-lawyer may do his best for the de­ fendant at the trial, but even so the defendant Is often the loser under the system. To remedy this and other problems of military justice, I Introduced, after many years of study the Constitutional Rights Subcommittee, S. 2009, on June 26, 1967. The measure, called the proposed Military Justice Act, is a product of much pain­ staking work by the Subcom­ mittee. Its five sections would go far toward remedying many of the military justice concerns which have come to the attention of Congress in the last decade. One of the bill’s key provisions would provide defendants with lawyer - counsel at Special Courts-Martial regardless of the penalty Involved.There are Immense diff­ iculties In this field. The primary purpose of the military force is to defend the security and in­ dependence of our Nation. For this reason, the Act seeks to avoid stifling the military with inflexible legislation while still giving servicemen rights com­ parable to those afforded to civilians under applicable state and federal laws. The proposed Act which I have introduced seeks to recognize both of these ob­ligations. Last June, the House of Representatives approved a bill that would at least require a lawyer for the defense In all cases Involving a bad conduct discharge. This House bill Is really not an acceptable sub­ stitute for the reforms sought to be accomplished by my bill, because it does not deal at all with the acutely deficient area of administrative discharge pro­ ceedings and it does not make any changes in the military ap­ pellate structtre. The Senate Armed Services Committee has been considering the House-^proved bill. Since this is the measure under con­ sideration by the Committee, I have submitted a number of a> mendments to it to Incorporate the most pressing reforms of 8. 2009. Two of these amendments would provide for legally qualified defense counsel In all ^cial Courts-Martial tribunals and for apreslding military judge in any tribunal authorised to im­ pose a bad conduct discharge. At present lawyer-counsel and presiding 'law officers* are re­ quired only in General Courts- Martial, the bigiiest military trial courts. Congress dealt with this problem in comprehensive legis­ lation in 1950, and it should do so a^aln to clarify and remedy some of the situation which bave arisen since that time. -NOTICE!- Effective October 1,1968, the office of the Smith Fuel Oil Company will be moved to myliome on the Yadkinville Highway: From this location I will continue to ser­ vice all my fuel oil customers of the county. - Appreciate Your Business!— LAWRENCE SMITH SMITH OIL COMPANY «34-5(nS Mocksville, N. C. ■ííií every man deserves a of famous Hanes underwear ШI Ш Reinforced T-shirt The neck is reinforced to resist sagging. Through wash after wash, the fully combed cotton stays white, keeps its shape. Small, medium, large, extra large. $1,23 ea, 3 for $3.6? Double-Panel Briefs Reinforced seams and a scientific cut give you gentle day long support, perfect comfort. Heat re­ sistant elastic waistband. Sizes 28 to 44. $1.23 ea. 3 for $3.69 Reinforced straps make this Hanes undershirt very durable, yet you pay no more! Highly ab­sorbent combed cotton. Full-cut to stay tucked in. Small, medium, large, extra large, $1.13 «a. 3 for $3,39 Heat-resistant elastic 1юер8 the waistband snug —no shrinking or stretching. Hanes Giv> vies* ere sanforized and blBS4;ut for comfort. Color«, white, stripes.28 to 44. $1.23 «I.3 for $3.69 'п ы а . You are Cordially Invited To The 1969 ^^CHEVROLETy^ SHOW TIME Beginning September 26th “What America Wants... America Gets in a new CHEVROLET All of the 1969 Chevro LET cars & trucks are fahuloiUS and we’ll be pleased to SHOW the newest of the new to YOU at our dealership, SepL 26! You Are Invited To Set The Pace In Your Neighborhood By Being-First To Own One! -FREE- Refreshmenb Favors Boor Prizes • FIRST PRIZE $100 • SECON D PRIZE $50 • TH IR D PRIZE $2$ To be used as eredit for Parts, Service, Accessories, Cars - Trucks To Be Given 5 O ’CIock Saturday, Sept. 28. You Do Not Have To Be Present To Win Super Sport Sweepstakes :oup* PLUS РШ 8 Coup* MtQIHyB»T0Wn»IIHnP8rttbl»C0l0f TV YOU CAN BE A WINNER! We're celebrating our unveiling of the all new Chevrolets at our dealer­ ship . . . and we're giving away prizes, tool Just look at what you can wini Yes. Chevrolet Introduces 19691 Come In and see why "Putting You First.. . Keeps Us FIrstI" We'll be happy to see you and assist you in registering for our 1969 Super Sport Sweepstakes. Nothing to buy . . . just be a licensed driver 18 years of age or over. (VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY UW,) All BUM TRADE T O TRADE AG AIN ” Pennington Chevrolet Co., Inc t И Davie County Enterprise-Record, September 26,1968-SB COMPUTERIZED FEED MIXING-.During a recent two-day seminar at Monsanto Company’s Research Center in St. Louis, Mo., feed mill operators from across the nation were introduced to the firm’s program which enables them to use computers to calculate lowest-cost, equal-nutrition feed recipes. Shown with the computer terminal a mill operator would use arc Mr. James N. Andrews (seated). Holly Farms Poultry Industries, Inc.,Moci<sville , N. C.., and Dr. K. H. Maddy of Monsanto Company. The 11:00 worship service held at the Chinquapin Grove Baptist Church was both inspirational and educational. The sermon was delivered by the pastor. Rev. E. L. Claric. As he spoke about Christian missionary work of today, he expressed our concern for the needy and unhappy people. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Parks were their children and grandchildren.Visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cain Sunday were: Mrs. Nora Eaton, Betty and Donnie; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott and family; Mrs. Millie Zhest and sons of Farmington Community; Mrs. Mable Spicer and Blanch; and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cain and daugliters of Traphill, N. C. There will be a Church Conference held at the Chinquapin Grove Baptist Church Thursday night, September 26th, at 7:30 p.m. All members are asked to be present and on time.The Ministers and Deacons Meeting will be held at the Cedar Creek Baptist Church Sunday, September 29, 1968. eOlLE LIM r lnil FERTILIZER SERVICE Bulk Spreading Route 4, Mocksville Phone 284 - 3202 Robertson’s Fertilizer Purchase Orders Riled Alfred CoUe, owner HOUSE FOR SALE U iA 'W Æ S a .- : ; Г .Й Я ® ü : SLATE REAL ESTAT 1629 W . Firat St. WiiMton’Salem B. С Brock Jr» Phone 723-M88 - 493^733 FOUR CORNERS Visitors Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ratledge, Sr. were Mrs. L L. Taylor and daughter of Mt. Holly.The William Ratledge family of Deep Creek and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ratledge, Jr. and family were also present.Debbie Nance of Cornatzer spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Laymon. Luncheon guests Tn the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Shelton Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shelton of Mocksville, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Shelton, David Speer of Bear Creek, Mrs. Betty Potts, Patricia and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beck and Gregg, V. C. Lowery of Kannapolis, and Wess Lowery of Charlotte. Visitors during the week were: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Richie of Mocksville, J. D. Shelton, and Rev. Gales of Courtney.Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hart of Kemersville visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shelton Sunday.Mr. Lela Graves and daughter Effie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dixon Sunday. Pino The W. S. C. S. will meet Sat. 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Luther Dull.S. M. S. Robert Dill returned from Vietnam last week to spend 30 days with his wife and family.Mrs. Walter Dull visited relatives and friends in this community last week.David and Robert Saylor and Stephanie Hutchins of Winston-Salem spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bullard.Mr. and Mrs. Roland West entertained their Sunday School Class with a ham supper Sat. night at their home. M t : rn ^ M t s ; M+krr- Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dull and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dull and family wore Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dull.Mr. and Mrs. Milo Garner and son of Indiana visited Mr. and Mrs. Astor Shelton and other relatives last week. PROTESTS CRITICIZED Washington - In arccent.Dewi conference. David Eisenhowdr and Julie Nixon expressed thdr disapproval uf the .street de- munstratiurio in Chicago duriiig the Demo, tiitic convention. They said the way the protes­ tors expressed their dissat­ isfaction was neither helpful nor constructive. ('.ZF.CII PHKMIKR RESItiNS Prague "Prague Radio hat; reported that Deputy Premier Ota Sik has resigned. 81k had been in Belgrade, Yugoslavia since before the soviet Inva­ sion of Czechoslovakia August 21st. Sik was known as the father of Czechoslovakia's econofaic pnlicies. CONVENTIONS OHSOI.KTK Boise, IdahO” Senator Prank Church refused to attend the Domocratlc convention because he said they were obsolete The Idaho Democrat said that selecting a Presidential can­didate Is too serious to be transacted in a piilillcal car­ naval like the one at Miami. fiALE EVANS BOWLES IS N O W ASSOCIATED W IT H OOT’S BEAUTY SHOP Route 1, Advance Gale has just completed training at N A TIO N A L A C A D E M Y OF B E A U T Y CULTURE in Winston-Salem SPECIALS — TUES. and W E D . $10 PERM AN EN TS for $7.50 For Appointment — Call 998-8276 BELTONE HEARING AIB CENTER - New Office - 124 W . Ihnes St. Salitbury, N^ C. Phone. 636-6^7 Take The Firs* Stei> Now Tovriird Better Hearing — Mail this coupon iTodacy! — ,fes, I’m interested in discovering how I can near with unbelievable clearness, thanks to the new. iBel* tone Hearing. Aid. (Please check one) □ I’d a F R E E Demonstrationv without obliga* tion, showing what the new Beltone cah do for me, □ at m y home □ at your office b Please rush me, without obligation, .the iex- citing new F R E E ibook that xieveals all the amaring hearing facts. D F R E E test of |my hearing aid.. N A M E A D D R E S S .............................................................. T O W N ............................. Z O N E ....... S T A T E Directions for driving., ta m y house ............ Y o u r n e x t c a r is u n b e a ta b le . A n d ifs h e re to d a y. Announcing your next car: The great new Chrysler for 1969. And one of these 15 fuselage-shaped new Chryslers is right for you. Luxurious New Yorkers with standard power steering, power disc brakes, and a cockpit fitted with quiet paneling and rich upholsteriesr^ Three Hundreds with hidden headlights, hidden wipers, and a not-so-hldden reputation. Town & Country Wagons with inside paneling, outside planking, and a roof-mounted airfoil that helps keep the rear window clean. Newport Customs and Newports with full-size fuselage looks, cockpit interiors, and a price tag that's easy to take. Newport Cutlom 2-Ooor Kardtop ThfM Hundrtd 2-Ooor Hardtop Mocksville Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. Wilksboro Street, MocksviUe, N. C. Phone: 634-2124 Dealer Ucense No. 3738 AUTHORIZED DEALERS CHRYSLERMOTORS CORPORATION The Great N ew Chrysler бВ-Davle County Entorprisc-Record, September 26,1968 Star-Spangled RECIPES “ Madison Caites,” that wonderful recipe of America’s most famous White House hostess, plus 199 more favorite recipes of famous women in America are all included in a new cookbook entitled STAR SPANGLED RECIPES to be released shortly by News Publishing Company, Raleigli, North Carolina. Recipes from Martha Washington to Lady Bird Johnson, from the LBJ Ranch, from the first ladies of New York and California and many, many other favorites will be found in STAR SPANGLED RECIPES. The novel cookbook includes at least one recipe of every first lady the nation has had. In addition, this cookbook includes many recipes of governors’ wives and other prominent women throughout the country. Included are the recipes of Ethel and Jackie Kennedy, Pat Nixon, Muriel Humphrey, Mrs. Spiro Agnew of Maryland, Mrs. Dan Moore of North Carolina, Mrs. Lester Maddox of Georgia, Mrs. Mills Godwin of Virginia and also many favorites of United States Spnatnrc__and__Cnngressmen’s MURIEL HUMPHREY’S BEEF SOUP 1 lbs. stew beef or chuck and soup bone tsp. salttsp. pepper ' let 1 2 bay leaves 4 or 5 medium sized carrots, slicedC. chopped onion C. chopped celery C. chopped cabbage No. 2 can Italian style tomatoesTblsp. Worcestershire sauce beef bouillon cube Pinch of oregano (and any other spice you may prefer) wives throughout the country, from Alaska to Florida, from Maine to Hawaii, are included.The cookbook which will be used for fund-raising projects for civic clubs, high schools and many other nonprofit organizations will be released by the last of September. Included s the now famous Lynda Bird Johnson wedding cake recipe, Mrs. Abraham Lincoln’s scalloped oysters, Pat Nixon’s chicken salad, and Muriel Humphrey’s beef soup. MRS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S SCALLOPED OYSTERS !4 C. butter, melted 2 C. coarse cracker crumbs 2 dozen oysters (drained, save the liquor) 'A tsp. pepper 2 Tblsp.'sherry I tsp. Worcestershire sauce I/3C. cream mixed with oyster liquor Mix butter and cracker crumbs. Butter shallow baking dish and put 1/3 of the mixture on the bottom. Add layer of oysters. “Mix cfeaiiiV oyster liquor, sherry, Worcestershire sauce, and pepper. Cover layer of oysters with half of sauce. Add another 1/3 of the crumbs, place remaining oysters on top, and add remaining sauce. Sprinkle with the remaining 1/3 of the crumbs. Bake in hoi over (425 degrees) for 10 or 15 minutes until crumbs arc lightly browned. Cover meat with cold water in a heavy three quart kettle. Add salt, pepper and bay leaves. Let it come to bubbly stage while preparing the vegetables. Turn heat low and add celery, onions, carrots and cabbage. Simmer at least two and one-half hours, or until .meat is very tender. Remove bone and bay loaves and cut meat into bite sized pieces. Add tomatoes, Worcestershire sauca-and-bouillon cube-.- Simmor- D K Ic Classic F a ir To Fealurc Youth Activities Program , A broad program of youth activities has been planned for next month’s Dixie Classic Fair, including the construction of a Youth Pavilion.The Sounds of'68, a niglitly Battle of the Bands, will be staged in the new building and all young people will be admitted free. The pavilion also will house Election Central, where the students’ balloting for the presidential candidates will be announced each night.A Teen Age Roadeo, the First to be held at the Fair, will be conducted each afternoon, Tuesday through Friday, on the track in the grandstand area. This is open to all North west student drivers who previously have qualified by taking a defensive driving course in their home counties.The Youth Pavilion was built at the suggestion of the Junior Fair Board, which has been responsible for planning this year’s activities for young people. The building is an open-sided structure, measuring 60 by 40 feet, and is locatcd just north of Bolton Boulevard between Memorial Coliseum and the food concession stands. It is equipped with a permanent stage and dressing rooms, a concrete floor, and adequate lighting and electrical outlets for various types of performances. The Battle of the Bands will christen the facility on opening day Tuesday, October 8, at 7 p.m. There will be performances by four area bands or combos that night and four new ones on HOSPITAL NEWS for a half hour longer and serve. Serves 6. LYNDA BIRD WEDDING CAKE JOHNSON’S I lb. powdered sugar I lb. butter I lb. cake flour 12 eggs Flavor with mace and lemon rind Whip butter until light, add sugar and mix for three minutes. Add eggs--two at a time-continue lo mix. Finally, add flour and mix lightly but fully. Bake in paper-liiied pans at 275 degrees for approximately ope hour. PAT NIXON’S SALAD CHICKEN II 1/21/3 1/3 1 1/2 C. diced cooked chicken C. diced celery C. halved, seeded grapes C. roasted almonds, diced cup mayonnaise tsp. lemon juice tsp. grated onion Salt to taste Combine chicken, celery, grapes and almonds. Blend mayonnaise, lemon juice, onion and salt, and mix lightly with chicken mixture. Serve on crisp salad greens. Makes four servings. -«aeh—suGGeeding—Riglit- of--thg- Fair. Winners of the week’s performances will be announced by a judging committee Saturday night. Cash prizes of $100, $75, $50 and $25 will be awarded the top four. Emcees for each night’s shows will be station personalities from WAIR and WTOB in Winston-Salem.Young people in the Northwest area may recommend bands for the week’s shows by writing to the Band Screening Committee, Dixie Classic Fair, Box 7525, Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem 27109. These must be received by Saturday, September 28. The Teen Age Roadeo will begin each day at 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. Each participant will be scored on the basis of his driving and a written test given witfi .a defensive driving course in his home county.Winners in the boys’ and girls’ divisions will receive prizes valued at $650. The Winston-Salem Automobile Dealers Association, co-sponsor of the roadeo, will provide the cars to be driven and $400 of the awards money. Election Central in the Youth Pavilion will be manned by members of the Junior Fair Board each night. Ballots in the mock presidential election will be attached to each student’s ticket to the Fair. After the ballots, have been counted each niglit and the results poste^ a single ticket will be drawn. The student whose name is on the ticket will be awarded $50 and another $50 will be given to his school. Patients admitted to Davie County Hospital during the period from September 16 to September 24 includes; Jane Potts, Rt. I, Advance David Taylor, Rt. 5 Martha Nayder. Rt. 2, Advance Giles Reavis. Rt. 5Linda Trivette, Rt. 5 Tony Swink. Rl. 5, Salisbury William Boger, Rt. SNell Bean, Cooleemee Dorothy Horn Baxter Creason, Cooleemee Margie McDaniel, Cooleemee Junious Meroney Brenda Broadway, Rt. 4 Thomas McClamrock, Rt. 2 Delores Gammons, Rt. 1, Woodleaf Thomas Stewart, Rt. 3 C. B. Boger, Rl. 2 Mary McCullough. Rt. 4 Bobby Cartner, Rt. 1, Woodleaf Rachel Brock, Rt. 5 Brice Garrett, Rl. 1 Delores Gammons, Rt. 1, Woodleaf Ruth Turner, Rt. 4 Mildred Caudle, Rt. I, Hamptonville Rebecca Eller, Spencer Maxine Hodgeson, Rt. 5 Kathleen McCullough, Rt. 4 Judy Foster, Rt. 3 Grace Wooten, Rt. 4 Gertrude Riddle, Rt. 1, Advance Robert Ireland, Rt. 5 Timothy Williams, Rt. 3 Vickie Waller, Rt. 2, Advance Hugli Chaffin, Rt. 1, Woodleaf Margaret Sain, Rt. 3 James Charles, Rt. 4 Inez Troutman, Rt. 1 Millard Peoples, Rt. 2, Advance Virginia Wall, Rt. 2 Lula Wall, Rl. 2 Bobby Blackwood, Cooleemee James Mayhew, Rt. 2, Advancc Debbie Brown ElizabethHoots, Rt. 2 Viola Stonestreet, Rt. 2 Roger Sain, Rt. 3 Bonnie Allen, Rl. 5 Judith Taylor Eldon Bradshaw, Lexington Carl Foster, Cooleemee Mary Foster, Rt. 4 Mazie Trivette, Rt. 5 William Bobbett, Rt. 1, Mount Ulna Betty Johnson, Rt. 5 Lester Allen, Rt. 2 Patients discharged during the same period included; Kay Shore, Ruby Buchanon, Theresa Feimster, Claudia Jones. Jo Ann Howard, James Cleary. Virginia Plott, Kenneth Bean, Faye Marshall, David Taylor, Tony Swink, Delores Gammons, Louie Carson. Vickie Waller, Rachel Brock, Delores Gammons, Giles Reavis. Margaret Marklin, Mary McCullough, Bobby Ca Cartner, Dorothy Horn, Timothy Williams. Thurman Draughn, Bealie WHite., Thomas Stewart, Brenda Broadway, Linda Trivette, Latta Ratledge, Virginia Wall, Marlha Nayder, Bobby Blackwood, Ollie Harkey, Daisy York, Robert Ireland, Sarah Whitaker. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Born al Davie County Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Randle Gammons, Rl. 1, Woodleaf, a daughter, Teresa Ann, September 20,1968. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hodgson, Rl. 5, Mocksville, a daughter, Dianne Hodgson, September 22,1968.Mr. and Mrs. Gary Caudle, Rl. I, Hamptonville, a daughter, Anna Lois, September 22,1968.Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, Ki. 4, Mocksviiie, a uaugiriur, September 24, 1968. I.uoltj’ I’up “ There are direct and indirect taxation. Give me an example of indirect taxation.” "T he dog tax, sir." "How is that?” "T he dog does not have .to pay it.” WHY WAIT? If you’ve been thinking of making a change, why wait any longer? Fiber Industries has immediate openings for Production Operators. FJ.I offers good pay and excellent benefits for you and your family. To apply, come by our plant on Highway 70 or call us at 636-6000 and we’ll mail you an appli^ti HOU R S: Monday - Thursday — 8:00 A.M . - 5:30 P.M. Friday — 8:00 A.M . - 4:30 P.M. Saturday — 9:00 A.M . - 12:00 Noon Fiber Industries, Inc . . . where people are our most important asset. AN tPUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYIR 1969 Mustang SportsRoof THE ’6 9 ra R D S ARE HERE TO D A Y ! Savings makes you young at heart! Save for the happy things — like a boat, a fishing trip, or a new rod and reel. Your Happy iVloney will look even happier if you save regularly at BB&T. ip a n c h BANKING AND TRUST COMPANYМСМВСЯ FMCRÀL DlPSilT INiUKANCI CORKIIATieN ,;V>v Ы . >v -л' 1969 LTD by Ford, 2-Door Hardtop 1969 Mustang. All ntw, all evorl S great medeli. Mer* enginef than ever. Thev'fe like no Mustangs vou've eve' seen before I longer. Wider. Roomier, front and bock. And for, for sportier. Take the new Mustang MocH I. Or lux­ urious Grande. Ci^oose hardtop, sports- roof or convertible. Then dip into о long list of options ond design your Mustang. 1969 Torino. The winner'i back for mere . . . with two hot new Cebrot te beetl Torino for '69 comes on just os hot or os luxurious as you please. Engines range oil the woy up to a 428-cu. in. Cobro Jet Rom-Air V-8. For Torino spirit with extro savings added, choose from eight new '69 Foirlones. See oil 52 of the new '69 Fords todov- 1969 Ford. longer. Wider. Quieter.Ana alone In lu clatf. For 1969, Ford tracks as wide os Cadillac. Smooths your ride with o longer wheel- bose than Chevrolet. Has more front headroom ond legroom than a Chrysler imperial. The '69 Ford LTD is designed to ride even quieter than the ITD thot rode quieter than Rolls-Royce. T h e p l a c e y o u ’v e g o t t o g o t o s e e w h a t ’s g o i n g o n - Y o u r F o r d D e a l e r . к t WvlëCôffiïty EffBîp№-1leOTdrSeptOTbert87l9eeH«h MOCKS Homecoming day was observed here Sunday with a large crowd attending. Rev. Fletcher Andrew, a former pastor, preached at 11:00 a.m. Dinner was served on the ground. Singing was held in the afternoon.Our community extends sympathy to the Cornatzer family in the death of Roy L. Cornatzer.Mrs. M. J. Minor and Mrs. John Roper of Charlotte visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Craver Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Glenn Jones of Redland and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Mock and Leon of Winston and Mrs. Ken Martin of Germantown visited Miss Claudia Jones Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Rupard of Lewisville visited Mr. and Mrs. John Phelps SundayMrs. Steve Beauchamp of Lewisville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones. U N W A i№ !4 1 A №Щ uos :o ГЕЯмдмцту . * .11^ newest, to i ^ JliBwel JDweett кг. i Bta m Leidnftton, N. C. tK-Mlto E a» of ТШ Ь| 1ЦуюГ>:уД| Richards. PisrcB FN Richard E. Pierce, stationed on the U. S. S. Wrangell (AE 12) at Charleston Naral Base, South Carolina ~fbr the past 5 months left for a nine months cruise over seas on September 4th. Before embarking Seaman Pierce and wife, Carole, spent a five day leave visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Pierce of Cooleemee and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Harris of Route 2 Mocksville, and a trip to the mountains.After returning from Charleston Mrs. Pierce will stay with her parents until May. SALE i . m . - AUbFarmOf OPCU HENDRIX 7'miles test df <J^ocksville bn Hwy. 64 - near Fork 4ubilee. Ford Tri|iptof . (’54 Model) . . . M John Deere Tractor ^^53 Mendel) . , • B John Deere Tractor . . . 'Oilejkbw'jpkn Dieere Cultivator \^ith fertilizer attach- . .. Hpil№|qjj.B«lCT . No-8 .John. Deere ‘ d i f e i ifei« Siiaie Blo^lirer\ . . Surge Milking Ma^hin« . . ; Flat Bottom Dearborn Pliiw ^ 14:in6^ John Deere Plow . . . ,' Tr4ileif iO'diic Bpg Harrow .. . Dearborn Pickup Disc '.•I^Цrrbw". i .',EldCjt|ric Wilder . . . Stainless Steel Sink >-^piiis man« bthe^ iteihs: too numerous to mention — T. A . Hauser, Auctioneer V P T O TW ICE TH E M ILEAGE W ITH FIberglast High Performanise Tiret ^ # 0 . 0 « l b — tM i? è r M .W МЙв&)ВГё —' Up Те too % More! n m i h t i e t f n m t k i t •h ft'm m - ial«i lUldkve uM I M « IM I t m M M dldM llRiMiM «bttM TWif of poIyMter co^ •гооо1||.Уо<1Г ride for extra comfort! Ш SECONDS! \ т а л '.«At. ’j m * '''ilw ^ ^hc^iiwTgiiwl т м , MÔ—ttit Wi¿ M w B l H . mm^s TIRE SERVICE TiwT,én 9 . o f M m ík iW n « в 3 4 -2 3 в в O rSN V 1Й •W fM w » - в ’ Ш NeoBSktunUji ADVANCE NEWS Larry Sink, a missionary from Algeria, North AfricaUlll iiw iu i «-»AtAvaoke at theMethodist Church у night. Mr. Sink, a native of Midway, N. C. and a graduate of Catawba College, spent three years in Algeria working with the Arab people and two years as assistant director of the Boys Home in Constantine. After the lecture Mr. Sink showed the various modes of dress, which he modeled. The clothing was hand-made of camels hair, wool and silk. Also hand- made silver jewelry, leather goods and childrens shoes were displayed. Slides were shown of the country of Algeria and of the work Mr. Sink is doing there. After further study and training he hopes to return to Algeria next June.Our community extends deepest sympathy to Mrs. Fallie Vogler in the death of her brother Roy Cornatzer. We welcome home Francis Green from service. He has served the past year in Viet Nam.Mrs. Glenn White, Mrs. Vera Bennett of Winston.^alem and Mrs. Mae Thompson of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Myers and Miss Laura Shutt Tuesday.Mrs. Lena Foultz of Winston-Salem was a dinner guest of Miss Laura Shutt ■ Thursday,. TRANSIT TIGKET-TAKER Msreri Rtimion tlyersheld Sunday, October 29, at the Advance Community building. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited to attend and bring a well filled basket. GKHMANY BUYS BONOS rrankdift. West Qermany* Through reliable soutcea, It ts revealed that the Bundes­ bank bought $12S‘mllUon worth of medium-term United States Treaauiy bonds. The purchase was made under an agreement to help offset the dollar drain caused by t}.S, troops in West Qemiany. tAkypMMtM) m Pour the one you're sure of... Pet Fresh Milk is tested 23 times for quality. PERCHED on an aluminum wheel, this attractive yonnf lad}' is flanked by two aluminum-body commuter train models, rapid transit veliiclcs of tlic future. Light weiglit keys nerformonce. DOG FOOD NOT CEMENT Fergus Falls. Minn.-It was not until the "cement” would not harden that the Fergus and Elbow Lake Ready Mix Con­ crete Company learned they had used dog food Instead of cement. The owner found his cement at a mill In nearby Perham. PUPPY SUCKS PAW? Crestón, Iowa-Snowball might be just a small puppy but she acts just like a baby when she goes to sleep by sucking her paw in the same way a baby sucks his thumb. Snowball Is a cross between a cocker spaniel and a spitz. Mrs. Lula Hughes and daughter Louise of Denton have returned to their home after a two weeks visit with Mrs. Hughes sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Myers. Mrs. Bill Zimmerman, Janie Zimmerman and Mrs. Reece Sheets toured Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Little White House” and museum in Warm Springs, Georgia on Wednesday.Pfc. and Mrs. Wayne Foster of Lexington spent last weekend with his aunt Mrs. Rhea Potts. Pfc. Foster is on a furlough before going to Viet Nam.Miss Ella Shutt of Winston-Salem visited relatives here on Thursday afternoon.Mrs. Lucille Cornatzer has beenijjp^ned, tocher home for several''"days ^ith a throat infection. Miss Pansy Faircloth of Winston-Salem spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. C. E. Faircloth. Mrs. Rhea Potts spent a few days last week with Mrs. Frances Faucette of Greensboro. CoiinabEer Raymond Bennett is undergoing treatment at the Veterans Hospital in Salisbury Lucille Potts is a patient at Baptist Hospital for observation.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Franks and family, Helen Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence WiUiams and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MnDaniel and family, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Bullard and family and Mrs. Ethel McDaniel enjoyed a picnic supper at Tanglewood Park Saturday evening.Mrs. Nora Smith and Evenda Sue visited Linda Burnette Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones visited.JAc.-and Mrs. Claude Williams Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Butch West visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Potts Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones of Lexington, N. C. was a Sunday luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Jones. Friday visitors of Mrs. Roena Clontz were Mrs. Pierce and Mert Ridenhour of Cooleemee. Glenda and Jeff Boger spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Roland Haneline in MocksviUe. Mr. and Mn. Norman Smith attended Mn. Smith's class reunion at Fork Saturday ni^t.Barney Boger visited Jeff Boger Sunday.Mr. end Mn. Floyd Combs of Norfolk, Va. was a Monday luncheon guest of Mn. Mae Carter. In the afternoon they viiited Mn. Leona Bowens. Eve Pottt ww a Sunday luncheon guest of Mr. and Mn. Fred Hwru in MocksviUe. Mn. Maiy Boger spent a few dsyi %ith Hr. and Mrs. Lewis Csrteriast week. Louiie Potts viiited Mn. Annie Mae Moore last Wedneiday. Caprice. Match this, you other 69’sl There is no joy in the land of our competitors today. But let us ask you this.Should we have made Caprice shorter instead of the longest Chevrolet ever built? Or adorned it With flashy nicknacks to make it look less expensive? Just because competition doesn’t, should we not have offered you washers to clean your headlights, new variable-ratio power siyou can apply to your rear wl b f, liquid tire chain at the . touch of a button?Should we have nven you less power, instead of the largest standard V8 in its field? S^ome people think so.> Our competitors. ’69 Caprice Coupe Who nosds to say A n d juBt look bow it aU h s n p together. N o (inger* bread anywhere. W e'v e inproved the interior, too. Quieted the ride. Maito the Astro Ventilation ventUate better. T b e power range is very impreasive. Standard V 6 is 2 ^ b p . 8 8 engines available iip to 826 bp. For added 8 8 appeal: sport striping; powor G o on, you other sportsters. Gnash your gasrs and ^ ¿ f ^ b e T t will help. M ttW yoH firet, kofN JM fim . Ш е а в в Ш Ш 8B-Devie County Enterpriie*Reeord, September 26,19681Ь“ 1Лу1С vOUIliy Dnwrpnw“i\vwru* ocpieiiiuci ли, i^uo ттШ Л Ш Я^ FROSTY MORN TENDER LEAN SMOKED S a m s o n ite FOUMNGTANE w m m m s »»M in OHM It mm» MDI Quality SLICEDBACON tender flavorful Cubed Flank STEAKS Sliced Young 1 9 . м м и м и в Don Manuel 10ft% OOIX>MBII»N COFFEE 89«,b. М,- D . I . OUALITY FRANKS 4ft WY-TOCIEAK " FUSTIC SURfACE CAR N ATION FA M O U S Q U A LITY EVAP. MILK Quart Size No Return Bottles 3 TA LL CANS 49 Quart Bottles No Deposit Detergent with Borax Gt. Fab Scott’s Facial Tissue Scotties ZOO-ct'BOXES FREE FU )W IN G « C « 3«enaMorton Salt 2 25c pnXSBU RY BATTER SO<z Bos"Cake Mixes 41c Peter Pan Smooth or Cnmdiy 12-oz JarP-nut Butter 45c PLAIN OR SELF-RISING FLOUR 5-Ib BagRed Band 63c Reg., Drip, or Electra Pe№ Coltee 2-lb cat)Maxwell House $1.67 Rc*„ Drip, or Electra Perk Cotfoe M b bag Maxwell House 75c KF.LLO«r,’S BUEAKPAST CEREAL Corn Flaltes;’Л-вгBox SUV BET.LE SLICED Pineapple FOR BAKING AND eOOKING CLIP 'I'HIS COUPON - IT’S WORTH A V;0.V«S 100 Free S & H Green Stamps «110 puii:ua!ii: Oi ' $9,91 OR MORE FOOD ORDER- Ai\D «113 XOOPON THIS OFFbH EJCPIRES SEPT. 28,1968 ...................................... Powder Detergent 12-oz Pkgi. Trend 2 39c Deodorant BarSing 2 Depdorant BarSing 2 ROSE LOTION Reg, Bat*27c Bath Bars39c SweetheartSoap 4 SweetheartSoap 4 Cay BouquetSoap 6 BIsquick NO. g.Can TRIALSl№ ¿5 19< Reg, Bara35c Bath Ear»53c NESCAFE PURE INSTANT Ш ё ё М М М М М М М Ё Ш CLIP THIS COUPON — IT’S, WORTH A BONUS 50 Free S & H Green Stamps One S №. Bag RED BLISS ЮТАТ0Е8 and this coupon THIS OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 28.1968 Vel Liquid Giant Size FRISKIES CUBES OR MIX Dog Food 25-1Ъ Bag $1S9 n jp THIS COUPON — ITS WORTH A BONUS 50 Free S & H Green Stamps Wlih I*iu-cltiiM> (K On» 3Ib.IHc». GROUND B M F U d thil OMlptfO TWS OFFER EXPIRES SEPT, 28.1968 Large Crisp Stalks CELERY 10 Garden Fresh CARROTS Lb. BAG APPLE SAUCE 2 Ш CANS 29c M-mallaw CREIE 1 2 ^JAR BAKER’S' SEMI-SWEET Clwcolate CHIPS SOAP PAPSSOS Pads PttllNA Dog Chow PURINA Dog Chow 10<f Pkg..г г / Mb Bag85c 2S-№ Bm$3.29 U-oz Pket. Fems, MIm Deb, Kotex, or 12-et BoxKotex Super 49c LOTION MILD^ Lux Liquid BUNKER’S HILL Beef Stew King Size85c 24-oz can59c Nocksville * Yadkinville йввмн PraÍM Deod. Bar 2 ^ 33c Phase III 2 ^ 39c 2 Phase m BATO BAJtS 49c Lux Soap BARS REC.23c Final Touch RBO. sm t 45c Lux Soap 4 66c Lifebuoj 2 BEO. BAM » W ¥ Lifebaoy ВАШ ВАВ0 82c I I