Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 1,1931
Ella Wagoner
LightfliDg Victim Bnrid
Final rites were held Thursdaj'
afternoon at Tiirreniine Baptist
charch for 3Irs. Ella Wagoner 23,
who was killed by lightning Tues
day while working in a' field near
China Grove, with her husband,
Boone Wagoner.
Mrs. Wogouer was a Miss Paytie
of Forsytli county prior to her
marriage and resided in Da vie coun
ty for .several years, removing to
China Grove about one j'ear ago.
The hmsband and four small chil-
deen remain. Interment was m
the church cemetery with the pastor
Rev. J. L. Kirk, officiating.
Mrs. Etcbison Passes.
Mrs, L. F, Etchison, one of the
county's oldest ladies, died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H.
Smith, near Fannington last Tues-
day night at 11 o'clock, following
an illness of three months, at the
adr'auce age of 90 years. Tne fun
eral services were conducted aij
Eaton's Bapt'sl church Thursday-
morning at 11 o'clock, by the past
or, Rev Y. M. Swaini. of vVlns-
ton Sal^m, and the body laid to
rest In the church graveyard.
Mrs. Etchison j.s .survived by five
daughters. Mrs. J. H. Smith, of
F»rmington; Mrs Harriett Young
of Florida; .Mrs. C. N. Powell ard
Mrs J. D. McClamracK. of Davie;!
Mis. 1 J. Hc.sktus, of Florence.
Arizona. Two brother, F. F.
Ferahee, of Texas, and T. C, Fera-
bee. of Cnna, and one sister, Mrs.
F B. Naylor, of Texa.s, also sur
vive Mrs Etchison was a good
woman and will be sadly missed in
the community in which she spent
so. many years.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 2,1931
Mra;. Louise Fvunccs EtchiBon/
woU-known Dnvlc county wonmn,
died at Lho liomo of her daufflitor;
Mi*3. Katio E. Smith, noniMParm-'-.
lijgtqn on Ju'np
illhesa^bfv ionifepduVatibn.^V
wbll •Forcbco, aiij %\va8
Uow of Cud Etchlflon/ Avhb;-!<]lQ,d^^^^^
60 ycRra' iigo. l'\)r
she had been a mornboi*. of Pavjn-'
InRtbii MQthodIst..',' dhiirch. 'I'iip ;
funeral took pliico;- nt /;Entoi.i'8;
Baptist - church .:oh Th,uyacJay '.
morning, June 5i5th,'" at '; 10:80,
with the pnalor, Rev.-V. M. Swnim
of Wlnalon-Snlom,' of-fleintiuK.
Shu is survived by five dniiKht-
crs: Mrs. S. C. Uunler, of Uuvie, •
Mrs, Harriot E. Ydmip, of Cocoa.
Fin.; Mrs; C. N;. Powell, of Bloom
ing Grove, Tex.; Mrs. D; Mc-
ClnniVbch, pf^DnvIe; Mrg. J, J.
rioskins, of , Plorcnco, Arizona;
and Mrs. Katie E.' Smith, of
iFarinlngton; 25 grnr.dchlldron', "
and 61 gront'Ki'nndohlldron., Two
btoLliurs, F. F. "Furebuu, dX'Vor- .
non. Tex.,.and 1'.-C.'.Fovobee, of"
Cann, aiid one alster, Mr.s. F. B.
Naylor, of Clavendon, Tax., also'
Funova] sprvlcos wbre' held at.j
^Liberty ivietliodlst church' V/c*u' -
ncsday,morning at 11:00 o'clock, •
l>y her paator, Rev. A; G. Loftln. I
The pnllbenrcrs were: W, B. !
Wllaoni . D.' W. Evcrh'ardt, Foy
Cope, Car] Carter, Nelson Ever-
''hur'dt and Brady Blvlns.
Tlio many, bonutiful fiovni dc-
• fliffris wove carried 'by Sadie Mac
JTcCullftiigh.' Sarnh Carter, Paul--
ino .Daniel, Ruby Wilson, *Eva
SIcCullough/ Margaret _ Kimmor,
Parka, Mrs. Ella .-Wilson,
- lllolllc. House and Mary Daniel. •:
Mrs. Boone Wagoner
Our community'.was very much [
shocked when they hoard of the j
I death of Mrs. Boone Wagoner, of i
China Grove, formerly of this.}
place, who was instantly killed
near her homo last Tuesday af-
^riiooii 'by lightening. Funeral .
services Avere held hpro last j
Thursday niorning by Rev. J. .LI
Kirk, of Mocksviile, and Roy.
Durham of llanos. She leaves
to mourn her loss n hufhand, four
elvildrdn, father and .several ala-
tcvs niui 'brothors and a host, of
roihtlves and friends. Ilor .moth
er having died several years ago.
She was loved by all who kimw
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 8,1931
Mrs. Mary Biackwood
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Anderson Biackwood. SO, who pass
ed away Friday mornmg at 2 o'clock
at the home of her daugibter, Mrs.
Dealia Bogtr. Winston Salem Route
7, after an illness of seven weeks,
I was held Saturday morning at 10
o'clock at Che home, and at Center
(Church, Davie county, at 11:30
j o'clock. Rev. J F. Moaer and Rev.
j B C. Goforth conducted the st-
j vices. Burial followed in thechurch
Mrs. Biackwood wasbomlnDavie
county, February 16.1851. She had
resided near Winston Salem for six
years, making her home with her
j daughter. She- was a member of
I Mocksville Methodist Church.
I . Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.
j Boger; three sons, D 0 Biackwood,
of Kannapolis; H L B'a:kwuod of
j Moorft&ville," W. H. Biackwood, of
j Winston - Salem. eighteen grand-
I children; six greatgrandchildren
■and two great-greatgrandchildren.
Mr. James Fry Passes.
Mr. J.nmes Fry died at his bonte
in South Mocksrille ot 5 o'clock
Monday afternoon, following an
extended illues.s, aged 75 years.
Tbe funeral and burial services
will take place at 11 o'clock Wed
nesday morning at. Smith Grovc
rtfeihodist church, with Rev. C. A
Rhyue. of Salisbury, and Rev. A.
G. I/>fiin.'6f Mocksville, oUioiat-,iog. Mr. Fry is survived by his
.widow aud three sons. Rev. F. W.
"Fry, of Laudis; R. L. and Joe C.
.Fry, of Ibis city.
Mr. W. A. Foster Passes.!
Funeral services for Mr. W. A. Fostrr. I
wlio died at Draper. N. C.. Sunday, were
held at Oak Grove Methodist church Mon
(jay aftemcKin. Mi. Foster was a nailve
of Davie county but left this section sev
eral years ago. He was about 57 ycarti
of ago. and is survived by his widow and j
several childied. besides many relatives'
and friend?. To the beraaved ones Ike
Record extends symoalhr. ■
Jane Chaplain
Aunt Jane Cliapiain, wen.Koowiicolored woman, died at the countif
home last Thursday, aged about ^6years. The funeral and bnrlaitook place Friday morning. Jan|was well-Uked by her 'white folkJ
throngbout the town.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/8/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 9,1931
by died MONDAY
ies Alexander Eryi asfod 80i.
he past thirty years a ciiU
f this place, passed .awny at
lonic ill South 'Mdcksyllleloh.
ny evening,. July 6th,. after!
Incss af loiig- duWtion. T&e
i3ed ^vfl8 wdllvlmowh horei
fflll be rauurned by. a'nuni*
if relatives and He
the son of."AsHeley Pry. and
lln Cook Pry,'and was born ;
reared in Davie county. .Ho I
rvlved by his n wife, Mrs,
/ Borncycastie - Pry, ' ^ three
Bufus Ii. Pry'and j..Ci Pry,
Ij ploce, wd Rev,'P,:W.,Fryi
mils, .and ' sbyeral "grand>
Iren. The funeral : serylcos
held at Smith Gvbvo'^Metho-
ibtirch on Wednesday, ihorn-'
.1 o'clock, .wlth.liev. Cr A.
t, pastor of Stailtngs Mem-
church of Salisbury, .offlci'
, assisted by! Rev. -M. C.
t, of Parmirigtoh and Rev.
Loftin of Mbcksvilic, Pall*Irs were L. S. Kurfces,' J.
Compboll, Ruper^ Roger, R. I
hlAllY a.:blackwood
Solthouscr, H; B. Shydcr and [
ReSnin, Wo extend-our cteop j
Rthy to tho heroaycd rola*.
i Mrtry A5hd^rBd.hf.Blaclc^
f rcspocfod -'iJayje:" ijounlty.
In, and widow of*" Spiriis
iwooti, died July 8rd, nt thb
I of hor daughter,-Mrs;'Delta^
jr, In Poi-ayth county, ..after'-
[5 illncas, hgbd-80'.. The db-
•\va.i woU-knowU in'Mooksi
I where she resided, .for . a
'rofyoarH, and Vyaa-a;faith-
jiembcr of the Motbodist.
lb lioro. She-was a gveati{■ni^ti' of- Daniel Bppnb, tlio.p' patriut and pioneer. She[vivcil by one (Ipughter, Mrs.h three sons, D." 0. 'Black-].of Kiinniipollfl, Black-j'Of Moorbayllle.i-'^W," H.IwoimI. of Wihatori^Salehi,. a.ler of grnhdchlldrbn .Tind -
[il gi'ent-grnndc.hildroh. The-
ic-rvlccH' wbrb ■ • Jielu^ "at|r MoihodiHt oburob on 'Snt'-.
tnoriilng,' .July 4th,; '..withp.. C. Qofotthr pastor of thesftd, a8'»|.stod.."by.'Rev, J. 'F.iif BurklieridjchuVch, W!n^^aleni, ofliclriting. Wb-extend.eep sympatliv.; fo '• "tho ■ hb-.'|| fnmllv in-^th'e'lbbs- df this."wl molhor arfd grandihothetr'.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 16,1931
HENRY RATTZ OP ROWAN,|ui«BD AT fork; church
Cr of" Rowtifi ^
nier citizen of Dnvio, dieil ot liia'
homo near Snilabtiry on Shtiir-
dhy, aged 70 y.oars, The decenSf
Qd had bebn In ill health- for"
Bomo lime, -boinff aubjcct to high
,bIood pressijre. He.was horn and
reared In Oayie county, and was
' the son of HiVain Itattz and Eli
zabeth Clement-Rattz. I-Tc waa u
brother of the Into Prank Itattz,
and an uncle of Mra.. M. II.
SliuieKlrdut. Surviving are Iuh
'widow, who was fonncrly Misa
Ellen Foster of this cdunty, and'
five sons and dnughters, one
brathef niid .'one sister. James
|Rnttz and Miss Anno Rattz. of|
I Forsyth cou'nty. The funeral .apr-
vlceft were held' at Fork Bapt'l.st
. church on Sunday afternoon, and
" Uioau aLtoiidlng irojn ' herd were ,
i Mr. and Mrs, M. B. Stoncstrcet, j
I Mrs, S. C. Slonostreot, and .Ml*, i
and Mrs. F. M. Carter
Mr. W. A. FostoV, aged 59
ycai'B. a woU known tnan thrpiigh
out Davio Colinty died Sunday
morning July B, in a Leaksville
hoapltnl, haying been in * poor
health for 'fiovoral months. lie
was the bou of Nathan 'Fostor,
born aild roarod In Uiivle County,
i Tho funeral aorviebs were bold
fat O.'ik Grovo ChurclrMondny nf-
■tcrnoiin at three o'clock, conduct-j ed by the "ptiBtor of tho decoa'acd
from -the Mcthodiat Church" at! Draper-and naslated by Mr.;-A.G. Loftin of Mochavillo.^ -
I -Ho la ft ui'vivod by hia wife,M.vb. Dorcua McClaniri^k .Foatci%
fiyc .daughters, Mildred, Agnes,
Flodn, Ilnzel all of Drapm*, aiTd
Mrs. Dixbn Redman, of 'ICnnna-
polis; throe flOns Thodorc, Travia
i and Albert and n host of friends! niid relatives.
Kirk Holman
. "Mr. Kirk Holman, who hn.been elck for eoveral weeks ajSlast Tuesday^ His death whu
was Qxpected wag ^ shock to:coramunity. He leaves a wifesoVBrol ■ children and. a host otfrlehda to mourn hia lost. p-J
to his ashes. ^
Bio - Obituaries — 7/16/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, Saturday, July 18,1931
"I.mi i» tfiv—iiofft: compjiny did nor
. Mrs. iiow ard Dies
At Clcmmonsi
Mre. Emma Ltt Jolly Howard. 42.
wife of J. B. Howard, of Clommons
i Route 1, paa.scd away at tho homo.'
Mnat night « 1 d'ciock foUOwfnj a
j brief Ulncoa.
j She was born in Tenneaaee. Febru-
Inry. 15. 1889.-a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Jolly, ^e woa married
to Mr. Howard El~yearR ago. She had
rcaided in thin city for a number
yoara, coming here from Knoxviile.
Tcnn. She was a member of Cen-t
Methodist ChuK". "nft^vldanni
couhcy'^ ' -j
gnpviytitu are Thft—fHiehard r'thrco":
daughters, Mra. Mandn Craver and]
Edna and Anna Bella HOwardi ae.v0.n
flOraT.-SaWllOlV Jhch, Kwberk, Thomas.
•Toaeph. Gordofi Loe and an infant
son: her father, Samuel JoHy of Big
Springy Tonn.: five brothers. Snmuel.
Luther, Robert. George and Albert
Jolly, all of Tennessee; five siatarB,
Mrs. Lizzie GOdsey, lira. Sarah Jew-
eU and Mrs. Jennie Maaon. of Ten-
Inesacc; Mlaa Kate Jolly, of CaUforn a.
and Mrs. BaUe^Havris. of GraenviUe,
CaliLi and one-^^^chlld.Anta n .fob—the* 'funaral* ^'ii-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 22,1931
Locke McKenzie
Laura Kelly
Miss Kelly Dies in Ohio.
The remains of Mi^ Laora Kel
ly, who died in a CiodDnati hos
pital Friday, were laid to rest' in
Joppa graveyard, just west of this
dty, Sunday m'ominR at ii o'dock
Miss Kdly was a daughter of the
lAthCoU W^F. Kelly, of Kowaii
county, and is snrvived by her
mother,, one sister and three broth
ers. Pune^l services were bela at
Cievdand at Sunday'morning.
KiHs Rowan SheriH.
Salisbury, July 16.—Scott Win-
ders. a sbeU-sboelced veteran of the
World War. whose threats to
"shoot, up the town" frightened
fats wife into calling for aid, today
shot and killed Sheriff Locke'Mc
Kenzie of Rowan coutity.
Because Comer W. L Tatum,
who became acting sheriff on Mc.
Kenzie's death, feared feeling a-
gainst Windsor if he remained nere
and because the McKenzie family
lives in the county jdl building.
Winders was taken to Charlotte for
safe keeping.
A jury impaneled by Tatum
viewed McKenzie s body and an
inquest was deferred until after the
funeral. Tatum announced Wind
ers would be given a hearing at
Salisbury September 14.
Jos^h C. Swift.
Joseph C. Swift, 72 a resident of
Davie county for a number of years,
died-at City Memorial Hospital in
Wioston-Salem Thursday following
' an operation. The deceased was
I a native of Davidson county, later
. making his home in Davie, near
' Fork Church. He is survived by
bis wife, Mrs. Cora Wilson Swffi.
aod Due sister, Mrs. Pink Hinkle,
of Fork Church. Funeral services
were held Friday afternoon at 3
o'clotk, at Shady Creek Lutheran
churca in Davidson county.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 23,1931
• .v/Ho DIED IN omo; ;
n Joaeph a.'Swift,'agod - va;- fo^, i
n .number of .yerira'- u resident of
Oavlej-dled nt.the-Memorial hda-
pltal in .Winston-Shlofn,'. on' Tlilira ^
idft? afternoon,'July IGthv^olW-v'
ing an! ppbration/'Thd' deceaadd.;
wft8/a; naHvb of DavidBon' cbun-r" •!
ty, • .but'''moyed ^.td- thd-'; Forkr -'
Chucrch cpiranunlty, •apmo.^^
ago; He'ls aurViv'cd by.jila.widow.: '
Mrs.. Cora Wilson Swift," and "ono •.
sister,'MrSf Pipk Hlnkle, of, "
Fork .Cbureb. Tho funeral abr- .
vices .were; condubtoU at , St.
Luke's Lutheran.-phurch/ftt :Tyro. •/
and thd' Interment wap - in ;i.the v
old Sandy.^Creek Lutheran gra.yo- /.
yard, ! lley. -Wi ..M; Rathburn/irbf-f!"
the Advance .circuit^.ofllclatfnb;';.'-
The . pallbbarers ycdre: • Ndaoh: >
Swift) Leater" Fp<^t^rr*;Raymbrid n
Fo.ster, Bpri'st Bfliley, nnd;,Mat'^^^
Leonard. - The. IfIbw.brs :\Ve'ro iiiV'
charge of Mlsads'-Elolse pavla,' ,..
BIddte.: Davis,: Ruby Sparks, H.et-'*"..
tlo Sparks, and Mattle Spryi •
' '.Last Rites wore held at .his
toric bid iopna cemetery on Sun-
tuto, "ahdyHPiOpV ''^-Abylybara.;.'tehi;,j chlhg; 'in' b.bmemlasl,phachbblsi:;!:
.^flrst' •ab.''Vaftht|,>Scho61^
'iriiisville, Gn.',: !nn'u ."for 'the' past.'
17. ycarg hs Bible tcachal^'|n n
,clty miHsioh school in Cincinnhtl.
'Sho is survived by lior moChor,
'who lives In Clovo},nnd,-N. C., ono
jflistor, Misg Knttf Kolly, of tho
jRamo place, and three brothora,-
'W. F. Kelly,"of South Ri-i-er, T.'
}B, Kelly, of Ashevlllb, nnd.-.Roboit
Kfllly, of Loa Angeles, Cnl. Ono
)Avnt, Miss SnHle Kelly, of Mocks-/'
jvllloj- who-is how residing In
'Ell<ln, also auvvivcs. The .deceas
ed Syae 'a . deeply ' eonsbcrated
ChVU'irian .htdy, and spent her lifc^
•In sciVice for "tho, betterment .of,
lothcrs. The funbral norvlcoa'wcro.
I conducted by Rev. K. .L. Ypung,
'of .Cleveland, aaaictcd by .Rev,
iMr." Mciffhol,. •of-I -Clnclnnoti.
! Among ^Hoae, iittending.. the fuh-
terul were M*'®. Lola B, Kelly fliid
:MisR Kj^e. Klelly,.,of. Clcv^and,
Mr. andl'Mrs. W. P." Kelly, .of
So.uth .River, T. B. Kollyj of Aaho-
jVillo, Mri. Mason Llllard,' Miss
. Margaret LHiard, of Elkin, Mtn.
. Jame's Towiiisond'and Miss Mar-
lion •TQwnabnd,.of Rod Springs,
.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kolly, Mor-'
'garet. apd Formt Kelly, of Ra
leigh, Mr. and Mrs. R. .S. Kel
ly, of Erwin, Mr, und Mrs. Henry.
Kelly, Alice, Lou,iflo !and; John "
Kolly, of Taylorsvilio, Miiaes
Mary nnd Elva Kt.lly,',Johh KoIiy
and ;C. H. RohQrtubn.-of Salis
bury, Mr. and hfis. Edwlii Boat,
of Erwin, Mr}i. ;Kary B. Heath-,
man, Mr. and Mrs.'T. L; Swic^-..
good, Mrs. Henrj(-.R|ro and Mr?.'.
C. E.i A!oxahder, ."of' 'Cooloemee,.:
Mrs, ■Lir.'isie AlUson, pi' Cleveland,"aiid n nitmbei' of oliio? Tcinilvea;
and frionda. • . '-Kir.
' .A tDlegram was received hcr«'
I'uoadny evening from Captainfr. Wurchison, of Omaha, Is'ebraj'ka, telling pf the death of hijmother, Mrs. . Mary E. GaitherMurchison. Tho^ remains will.rive hero Friday oh the afternoon*train, and the interment will tnl.:;place- at Wesley's Chapel, nea,_Pino"thB same day. The dcccaj.'cd was the daughter of. Bin-jresj-..GaJth'er and Sarah McMahna Gaj.ther, and was the wiflow of Ucv'Abner K..3iturchison, a Mclhddlsiminister. She wag born In D.aviecounty and spent most of her life
here, whore she was highly'es.teemed. For. the past soveral"years-she hatf made her homg
with'hor son) who is In-the llnU.
ed States Array.
Mrs. Brack Howard
The IttfnerAl of "iilra, Brnok Ho
ward, who died at her home near
Lowiavlllc last Friday afternoon
was conducted here Sunday af
te rnoon by her piustor, Ucv. Sam
Niiedhnm of the Davidson charge.
She Is survived by her husbandan^ 18 chlldroh, the youivgost bo
ing only a few hours old. We
extend our .Hyinpnthy lo tho be
reaved family.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 29,1931
j Mrs. Esther^Smith.
Mrs. Esther Htchifisoo Smith,-59,
wife of J. H. R. Smith, of Mocks
ville route 3, passed cway last Mon
day night at 7:40 o'clock at the
hoiDe following an i]lne.ss of two
years Her condition bad been
I serious for four weeks,
r 'She was born in Davie county.
March ii, 1872, a daughter of t.ie
; late Cade and Louise Ferabee. She
was a member of Eaton Baptist
Church* and bad spent her entire
life in Davie county.
Surviving are tlie busbaiid; two
daughters, Mrs. N. D. Holton of
Mocksville and Mrs:. \V. A. Rnm-
i mage of Advance and two sons. R.
C. and E. 8. Smith of Davie county.
The funeral was be held at Eaton
Baptist Church Wednesday moniv
iug at II' o'clock. Rev. E. L.
Smoak conducting the services.
Burial followed in the church grave-
. Bettie Ciodfetler.
Mrs. Bettie Ciodfetler 79, died
Thutsday evening at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Lakey.
at Nestor. The funeral and burial
I services were held at Center Metho
dist cliurch Saturday uioruing at
11 o'clock. Rev, A. G Loftin, of I
(his city, conducting the services.
Mrs. Ciodfetler is survived by two
: daughter, Mr.s. Tbos. Lakey aud
I Miss Etta Clodfetter. and two sons,
Ijohn Ciodfetler. of Richmond, Va..
and James CIpdfetler. of Asheville.
Mrs. Mary Murchison.
Funeral and burial services for
Mr.s. Mary Elizabeth Murchisbn,
aged 86, who died at the home of
her SOD, Lieut.-Colonel W. G.
Murcbison, at Omaha, Neb., on
July iQth. wete conducted by Rev.
M. Gu Ervin at Wesley Chapel
Methodist church Friday aftei noon
at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Murchison
was the widow of the late Rev. A.
K. Murchison. aud was a restdeut
of Davie county until seven years
ago when she went to Omaha to
make her home with her son, who
is the ouly chvse survivor Mrs,
Murchison ba.l many friends in
Fsniiington township, who^ were
saddened bv the passing of this
mother tu 1st ml Colonel Murchi
son accoiupauied the I)odv of his
motbtr here, arriving in Mocks
ville early Friday inoming.
Mrs. T. M. Wiiliams
Mrs. Francenia WilHama of Ad
varive. Route 1. pas-^ed away yestvr
day morning at 7 55 o'clock at her
home in Farmingion township, fol
lowing an illness of several months
Surviving are the husband; four
diiughrprs, Mrs. John Smith of Ken
luckv; Mrs J id Dunn of Winstor;
Mrs W. H. Wiiliairs and Mrs. Alex
DannrfDa iecoijnt.v; one son. J.
F. in iltiBms.of Cape Henry, Va ; one
sister, Mrs. Sanford Smith of Davie
county; seventeen grandchildren and
three great grandchildren.
- The funeral was held at the home
this after at 2:80 o'clock at Bethl^
hero M E Churob at 8 o'clock, Rev.
M? Irvin and Rev. J. F. Moser con
ducted the services Burial follow
ed in the church graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 30,1931
Leslie Trivette
ono.'and yci7
old soil of " Mr. arid Mrs; Henry -
Trivottd, who died on Friday, \vns.
•buried nt Liberty Bhptlsl; church-.
In Olnrltsvllle tq\^ship,"on Siitur- .j
'day nicornoou lit 4 o'clock, "with
jtho pnetiDir, .Rev. Jim Grose, of-
Iflciftthitf. Pour , young<. - Indies,; n
'Misses Evelln l30De," Awn.a linn-/
irai7~ElvinDttnirer "nntrjessfc "A'tt- -
dorson, acted as palibcamrs, "apd-;
the flowers. were cairied: by v^
Misses Alpha" Daiiner, Mniy An- n
dcrsdn, Hazel, Andcraon *' and.v
I'Louiac Harris." .
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
Elizabeth Gaitiior Murchison, 8G,
tvho died at the homo of her son.
Captain Wllllnm G'. Murchison, in
Omaha, Nob., on Jitly IPth, wore
hold at Wesley's Chapel, near
Pino, on 'Friday afternoon, July
24th.' Tho deceased was .much
beloved, and'n large n number of
relatives and friends gathered to
pay their last tribute of respect
to this'good woman. She Avos the
daughter of Burgess- Oalthcr and
Sariih AlcMalian -uaitner, mra*
was the widow of Rev. Abnor
Murchison,' a Methodist ministor.i
Slit) spoilt most'of hcr llfo near
Parmington, and was, a faithful
momber of Wesley's Chapel, be
ing a teacher In the SunbA^
School for liiany years. 'Qhe idau-
ghter, Mrs.< Snllie V.Mnrchlspn
Taylor, anjd & son, Keiineth*Mur-
chiaoii, .preceded her to the grn^&
She is survived by one son, Gap;
tain W. O. Mur^ipon, of Oronha,"
and several .grandchildren, The
funeral sorvicoa wore In charge
of Rev. M. 0. Ervin, of Farmlndr
Ion, and the pallbearers wore: C.
H. McMnhan,.J.- E. Miller, Fred
Swing, ycrnoh Miller, Hugh La
tham and .Gnilhor Latham. 'Tha
flowers wore, carried hy Mtsaos
Margaret Mllier, Sallio Spillmnn,
Evelyn Leckie, Laura Ward, Mrs.
John Millar and Mira. Lucy Ed-
wnrds-Collotfcr- r—^
Mrs. Blary Elizabeth Clodfolter
coed 79, died at.tlio home'of her
daughter, Mfs. Thomas G. .Lakey,
near Cana, on 'July ZBrd;, after
being in declining health for sov-
on years..She leAvec ttvo daught
ers and two sons to moura her
loss; tl'oy are litrs, Thomas Lak-
cy and Miss Etta Clddfcltcr, of
Cana, John L. Glodfoltor, of Rich-
mohd. Va., and James'F. Clcdfelt-
er, of Asheyllle, The funeral
services wero held. at Center
Mcthodiafc ebuvoh on ^Saturday
mor'nipg. at U" (o'clock, "wlth -Rov.
A: Oi Loftln, pastor of tho do-
coaeed, in charge; The jiaUhear-
ein were Frank ••Clodfolter. Cur
tis and Alton Olbdreltbr, Mncoy
i^hilip and , Roy.. Lcn^ton, all
grnndAojis of Ibc'.dvcoas.ed. ' '
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 6,1931
FriendH throughout the county
were* diatreased to hear ol the
ouddcn death of Mra. Nottle Boa-
tor Carter, :wlfo of George -Car
ter, h£ tho Bork-community, the
I sad event occurring on Ju]y'29th,
'The deceased.\waa the daughter
of Mitchell - Foster and Hannah
Hendricka Foster, and wna belov-r
od by u wide Mrcla of relatives
and friends. Tho funeral Horvlcos
wore hold at Fohk .Dnptiat church
on Friday uflui'nouii, July 81al.
ut two. o'clock, with the p'natdr,-
Rov. E. W. Turner, naaiated by
Rev. J. P. Carter, of .Wipaton-
Salom, -oiTlciating? -The. aong i;and
aaj p^lbenrcrs; - h^d -the ;■ Do>vp^0'wfore'ca'rr^^ by '^iiasoa ivThblihtt'Eoator, Sddle Jar^Is,-. Mory 'Jar-f
.vis, - Mary .NellJphes, Margaret.Gufwood,. Sadiq j.ftfi^hardson, Au-1drey Cartel, MaHe.VCnrtor, Lovo-
iiarFostbr and Carthr. Tho
boroaved - fa^nily ..b.Ohaiala • of .thehusband, aeVeii' daughters,: Mrs.-
John Minor, of Winston-Saiem,Mrs* Green Howard,, of Detroit,
Mich., Mrs. Olln Barnhnrdt and
Mrs. Jim Riehnrdaon, of Fork,
Mlaa Annie Carter, of Mockavlllo,
Missos Lucile and l/el|n Cartor,
of Fork, fivo sons, Albort 'andTravis CartcrJ of Advance, Mlt-
jhell Carter, of High Pbiht, Mor
rison Carter, - of Sanatorium,
Foster Carter^, of Fork, S2 grand
children, one -brother, ColemanFoster, of Cjrewo.-^yal,. and four
.eisteta.. Mrs.,'" Annlq, Fqotp,,of-Crowe, Va.j -Mra. Hiigh' Sheeia,
of Advance, Mrs, Alex Jones, of
Advance and -Mrs. Stone-
street, of Mockaville. "Wo extendouy heartfelt aj^pathy to .the
sorrowing oneh in this great trial.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/6/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 13,1931
Princes Ciarkson Frost
Ifrinees ^larkaon Frost, aged
at his home in Clnrks-
1;; township on August Gth.
|e deceased was the son of
13 F. Frost nnd EHznbcth
,rl3 Frost, of Yndkin county,
ffoa unmarried, and Is survlv-
bv one brother, J. S. Frost, of
Icksvillc Route 1 The funornJ
Jriccs were conducted, at Bear!:5k Baptist church on Friday
rning ot ll o'clock, with tho
•or, Rov. James Groce, In
rge. The tpnilbcnreva were:
a Anderson Henry Harris,
Laymon, Hollo\yfly Harris, W.
Karris and S« A. Anderson.
I liowora wore carriod by Mis-
Carrie Booe, Cleo Crnnfill,
lei Banner, Mollie. Whitoker,
I Whilflker and Mrs. J./ D,
)B W. JONES," 47, DIED
luob \V. Jonc^'died-suddenly
lis h'me in the Fork commun.
|en Aiieiist 7th, aged 47. He
(he sun of the Into Samuel
1^3 nnd Rebecca Miller Jones,
Divic. The deceased was un-
j.'ied, nnd the only near roln-
Ji are ncver.al niccca and nop-
The fimernl Wfts held at
|{ Kaiitist church on Siitur-
' afternoon at 3:30 by the
Iv, Rev. E. W. Turner. The
i-e-iVH, G. A. Jones, A. L. iTonos,
I', Jones, Robert Jones and T.
j.'ancs noted ns ;pnljlbcnrer.«!.
I Howcr-K.lrJs..'.warel...Mi.ssos
h Joiica,;. ,Eut^ i;;;J)onei3,-;-,
I Jonc8,;SiUIld' jobcai'TInhn'rib-
K, ^Ilk^l'■ed^^ J'6n687f Halscl']•;, lucllo jotioa, Clnr'n Baity,jnle Unity, and Mrs. Annie
blENDFUSON WEAVERIlSSED away august 10th
|. Henderson Weaver pnsscd
t at his homo nonr BcUic) onliay morning August' lOtli,
luift lorn in Dnvld.son countyjjptcniber .SOth, 18C4, nnd hadjihls home in Dnvic for nome
He Was unmarried, and his|«l fi urvlvlng relative la oneK Mra. Sarah Jnnc Thomp-jwUh whom he lived. The|ra! services took plnco atjd church on 'Tues'dny morn-fl iO o'clock, with'the pastor,C. B. Forree, "officiating, ns-
; by Rev. J. L. Kirk. The
ritrers were E. ^ C. Laglo,
Spry, G. A.' Barney, G. C.j'Bood, Mclvln Potts, 'Pay|«i end the fl owers were cnr-jby Misses Evic McCulloh and
!• Rebecca -Wilson Hoyle,
* of Rov. Hoyle, prominent
minister, died at the• of her son, Caleb Hoyle, in
•y. on August 4th, aged 85
doceascd lived in Mocksvillc''JVcral yonrs, when hor hua-
was puBtor of the Metbo-
tlmrch, and they both had' fi"icijdg in this place. Rev.lloyie pnascd a\s'ny about|[tyoar.s ago. - The funeral wasBd KIng'fi Mountain on Wed-
B'y mnrning, 'August 5th.
Jacob W. Jones
•Mr. Jacob W. Jones passea
awRy'oarly Friday morning, Aug
ust 7, at the homo op Mr. and
Mr.-!. G. A. Jones, where he had
mado li^.'h-'lniu'ilftr'lsevernl yuurs,having rf»a'(!hs:i' the age of 74_ycaj:8.vHe.\li(|4 LAAi'tfatly.mtssed j
'j.Si|.,lho''liub^A for ihe v.'as a kind nc-igbbor and waa,
loved by all who knew hltn. tWtrfJservice was bold at Pork j.. .Raptfiit church Satunlay afterr'
Turner. Nieces nnd nephews were
pallbearers and (lower girls. Ho
being tbo last member of the
family a number of nieces and
ncpbows survive. '
Bio — Obituaries — 8/13/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 19,1931
Mr. Carson Smith Passes
Carsoa Blum Smith was born
Julv 6. 1851, at VVaugbtowu.
Forsyib county, and passed to bis
eternal resting place Aug. 11, 1931
aged 80 years. He bad been in de
clining bsallh several years but did
not become serious until 11 days be
fore his death, wbeu be suffered a
stroke of paralysis. He bore bis
illness witb^ cheerfulness, aud a
short time l^fore be died he saug,
"Prabe God From "Whom All
Blessiugs Flow
He came to Davie county with
bis parents wheii just a child, aud
had spent the rest of his life tiear
Redlaud. He had been a member
of Bethlehem Hethodist church
since a young man. He was uiar<
ried to Miss Ida Sparks, March 17,
18S3. To this union were bora
three children; J. BI. Smith, Mrs.
Effie Smith and Mrs. Rosa Smith.
He is survived by liis widow and
these three cbtldren aud eighteen
graiidcbildren twolirotbers H. A.
Smith, of M'ooresville aud S: R.
Smith of Davie couuty and two
sisters. Mrs.- Ella Foster aud Mrs.
Mittie Lee, of Davie couuty.
The funeral and burial semces
were held at Bethlehem Wednes-
day ahernoon at 3:30 o'clock, con
duct^ by Rev. BI. J. Ervin, bis
pastori assbted by Rev. A G. Lof-
tiu, of MocksVille. The Record
feels a personal loss in the death of
Mr. Smith, who was a good friend
of the editor. Peace to his ashes.
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 20,1931
Jessie Lee Maxwell
I Wo ni'cr sorry indoe^ to -note
the death oit Mr. Jessie l<ee .Muc-'
'well, who died In >VinBton*S^]em
last week nnd was brought over
.ond buried at Liberty ceinetery«
Bio — Obituaries - 8/20/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 26,1931
Paul Click Dead.
Pnul Click, nged 30 years, died
Friday night at Mhe home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs J. F Click,
ttvo niile.s east ol Mocksvitle. Paul
had been an iuvalid since infancy,
never having been able to walk, j
The funeral services were held at
the home Snndav afternoon at one I
o'cWk, conducted by Rev. G P.
Ferree, and the burial followed in
the Rose cemetery. Surviving are j
the parents, two brothers, Johnand j
Grady Click, of- WiDSton>Sa1em;
three sisters, Mrs. J. H, Ratledge.
of Advance. .Mrs. J. t. Daugbtou,
of Sparta, and Mrs. Cotirad Rver-
i.bardt, of Statesville.
Mr. W. F. Taylor Dead
Mr. William F. Taylor 67,' died
at bis borne near Hardf.son*s Thurs
day evening, death resulting from a
stroke of paralysis which he suf
fered four weeks ago. The funeral
was Conducted at the home Friday
afternoon by Rev. A. G. Loftin,
aud the burial followed in Cegter
graveyard Mr. Taylor is survived
by bis widow and two cbildreu. Al-
bert, who lived at home, and Mrs.
Haire, of Eluiwood. Two broth*
ers, R^llis and Ray, and two sisters,
Mrs. Tom Vickexs and Mrs Hall
Hendren, all of Davie'survive Mr.
Taylor was au honest,^unright citi
zen and leaves many friends to
mourn his death.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 27,1931
'' Doo Ellis Towcll died suddenly
at his ^lome at County Line at
noon on August 21st, aged 71,
The deceased was the son of Wil
liam Towell. of BowAn, and Alice
Clampett TowelJ, -He Ig sui-vived
by his wife, who wag MIsa Ck#
mentine Horn .before marriage,
two alBters, Mrs. Colurabua
Sharpe, of Concord, and Miss 'JL
B. Towell, of (Davle, and a knlf.
brother, Henry Jenkins, of Xin-
nasolia. • Funeral services were
held at Glarksbury Methodist,
dliurch, in IredeU county, on Sat-
Utflay-morning at U' o'clock,-with']
Ih'd'pastori.Rev. D. A.'6akUyf QU
^b-pallbAat^era .• weVej
saniietvHar^Qv teq^^^
Bainf^TCoohlaV- Poster, ;Jdh&-
Hi ''HAidgsoiii:' 'and- t'Maric.' Godb'ey^'
the flower-glrifl were^ Sfisaes'•
Madge'Danner,'MI1d^^ Godbey.
Blknc^''Jones', l^iiia-Bhd'''Feari
5tMl,j^d.jHys.j31aya._.Yorfc. .
I .,.;..;;AWAY AT. AGE OF SO,
'-li *- I'- '• <
•: PaujbClicH.dicd at the home of |
his. parents near town On Friday
night, "August 21at, ngod 8o yoai-,
after, having been an invalid all
of hia.llfo. He was the son of.
Prank Click and Joan Rntledgo^
Click, and is survived'by his par-,
eats, brothui's. John* CDIc'k •
and Grndy-Click, of Winstonrl
Salom, nnd throe sifttara. Mra. Jim
Ratledgo, of-Advance, Mrs. J. L,
Doughton, of Sparta, and Mrs.
Conriid.Evorhardti of Statp-ivlllo.
• The funoi'ftl Horvicoa wore held
at the home on Sunday afternoon
at 1 o'clock, wiisli Rbv, C. B. Per-
reo In chargd, and the intormcnt
took place at Hose Cemetery, C.A.'Foator,'W. L. .Poster, J, F.
Sain, Jr., W. 0. Lagio, Abo Ho-
wiirdi and George rio\itnrd actedaa* pallbearers nnd the flowers
worn cnriicd by Mlsaos Helen and
E<Htli Rvorhnrdt. r,urtIlQ Click,-
Virginia CHck, Cuba Click Clara
violet Click, Elizabeth Click, all
niooofl of tho deceased and Misses
Ruby Miirtln, Vdma Wagmier,
PIv/i Gartner. R"th Howard. Elva
Howard, Anna RallcdgOi-and Mrs.
Ptii'lf Rntlcck'o. We extend our
deoi) sympathy to the boroaved
family. • '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 2,1931
Thomas N. Brock D^d:
Mount Airy, Aor. ss—Thomas'
N. Brock. 71, one of Mount Airy's
pioneer tobacco ine'n and lon^ a
prominent pgure in the city's busi'-
ness life, died early this morning
at his home on N^th Main street.
His death, which followed a stroke
of paralysis two weeks ago, came
after a prolonged period of ill
health that forced him to give np
active business about four years ago.
Mr. Brock was bom on ,Decem
ber f4. i860. In Davie coutity. the
.son of William F. and Martha
Ferebee Brock. Bducatcd in the
public schools of bis native copntv, n
be became connected while a young
rinan with the R. J, Reynold's To-
'bacco company, and continned to!
represent that companv on varionsj
markets untii his health forced him 1
,to retire. f
W. G. Rickardson Dead
William O. Richardson. 81. pro-i
miocDt Fanner, dieil Wednesdav
morning at 9:30 at his home in the
upper oart of the coiinfv, having
been in lit health for three years |
His wife died a rear ago. He was
the son of Columbus and Folly
Rag.<tda1e Richardson |
Surviving are four daughters,'
Mrs. W. A, Renegar. Statesvllle;
Mrs E. E Anderson, Toledo, Ohio;
and Miw" Bes.Me Richardson and
Mrs J. H, Bartte,«, hoth of Wins-'
ton Salem and eight grandchil
dren. Four hrothens. Weslev. Ben
jamin and James Richardson, all of
Davie conntv. and Rev. David R.
Richardson of Morganton.also sur
Funeral services were held Thurs-'
day morning at 10 o'cloclnat Rock.
Sorings Church, in Iredell conntv, Iwith Rev W. B ^Brown in charge, j
j Mrs. Wall Passes.
Funeral and burial services for
Mrs. Amanda Wall were held at
Liberty Methodist church Sunday
afternoon at g'jo o'clock. Rev. A.
G. Lohin officiating. Mrs. Wall,
87. passed away Friday evening at
the home of her danghter-indaw,
Mrs. O. C. Wall, at Thouia.svn]e.
Surviving is one step-son, Henry
Wall, of Florida, Mrs. Q. C- Wall,
dan^nter-in law, two grandchildren
and a half-brother, J. C. Sboaf, of
Co deemee. Mrs. Wall was one of
the best known women in Jemsal-
cro township, having apent practi
cally all of her lite in Davie coun
ty. Hundreds of friends were
present for the funeral.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 3,1931
Mra. SoJlip Beck Hendrix, wife
of the late' Flnkaton Hondrix,
died Monday August 81, 1931_at
11:88 P. M. She was born in
Davidson Gounty on April 22,
18G0, age 71 years, 4 months and
9 days. She was married to Pink-
ston Hendrix on June 28tli, 1878.
She had been in declining health
for about ;fthree years, -but had
been seriously Hi only since .Fri
day of last week. For more than
two ybars she had made her home
with her daughter, Mrs. T.' I.
Caudell, of Mocksville, N. C. She
is survived by a half sister, Mrs.
ly. H..Bo8t of Kannapolls and by
six children, five sons and one
daughter. They ore T. Hendrix of
the'Winston-Salem City Schools,
Winston-Salem, Lillington' Hend.
rix connected with the Brwln
Cotton Mllls^ of vCooleemoo, L. F.-
Hendrix of the Sampson County
consolidate schools, A. E. Hend
rix, Game Warden of Davie and
Yadkin Goontlesi 0; G. Hendrix,
M. D. of Boston Mass, and Mrs.
T. I. Caudell of Mocksville. In
addition to these nhe is also sur
vived by twenty four grandchild-1
rcn and four great grandchildren. \
For Iho greater 'part ol^ lior'
life she has boon an active mem
ber of the Fork Baptist Church.
Bho was faithful to her church,
dbvofed to "Kor fnmilyi a friend to.
, hoi* neighbors, and never failed to
'i'AWi'^^/holPlhg hand to any cause-
j^:th4^^hnildln of hev,
iv.'. ..
William G. Richardson, well-
hiiown farmer of Davie, died-at,
his h'onie In ClarksM^lIo township
On Wednesday, August 26, after
an illness of. several years, aged I
81. He was the son of Columbus
Richardson and Pollle Ragsdale
Richardson, and was born Oct.*
4th, 1850. He was married three
times} first to Miss M. P. Etchl-
soh on Sept 4th, 1870. His socond
marriage was to Miss S. D. Po
well on Dec. 17, 1877. To this un
ion wore bom two children,
B., and 'S. D. Richardson, one of
whom survives. Ihe third marrl-!
ago was to Miss M. T. x»rown on :
June 6th, 1882. Six children were
born to this union, three of ^eso
surviving. He joined -Rock Spring
Baptist church Jn Ircdoll counly,
and was a consistent member,
of years. He is survived by foun-
daughters, Mra. W. A. Renlgar,
of Stateaville, Miss. Bessie Rich
ardson and Mra. J. S. Barnes both
of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. :E1-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1931
mer E. Anderson-, of Toledo,
Ohio. Eight grandchildrsn and
two great grandchildren also
survive, and four brothers^ Wes
ley, Bent and James Richardson,
of Davie, and -Rev. David R. Rich
ardson, of Morganton. The .funer
al services were hold at Rock
Spring*Church on Ihyrsday morn
ing at 11 o'clock, with the pas-
t-.-T, Rev. W. B. Brown, assisted
[by Rev. J. N. Binklcy, officiating.
Pallbearers were: R. D. Smllli,
M.- S. Hnyncs, S. D. JoynoiN Hot-
man Smith, M. L. Lancaster and
G. A. Nnali. The floral tributes I
were carried by Misses Ruth May *
Barnes, Lillian RoiUgnr, Madeline '
Hnyncs, Lucy S-mllli, Heeh .Toy-,
.ucr. Cliira Kigcr, Mcsdnmcs J.
M. Douglas, G. R. Wooslcy, Clara
Ogburn,''John Tnllcy,',.SJd Bator
MrA Amanda Shonf Wall,
highly respected Davie county
woman, and widow of Wllliaw
Wall, died at the home of he
daughter-in-law, Mrs. 0. C. Wall,
In Thbmaavllle, on August 29tli.
She Ai hs'lho daughter of Jesse
Bhoaf [and Ellen Leonard Shoaf,.
and v 'as born February, 1884,
and departed this life August
20th, iosi, aged 87 years and 7
months. In oarly life she was con-
verted^ and joined the Lutheran,
church, later coming to Liberty
Methodist church-with her bus-,
baud, -|7illiam Wall, who she mar
ried :j(t the aka 'of .26. To -this
union Word born twd sohsi George
W. Whll and OHn C; Wall, her
husband and both son's having
preceded her to the grave. She
was devoted -wife nnd mother,
and (i^good friend and neighbor,'
She h|d made he'r home In Davio
cotth^ for many 'years, living
for sqme thne in ^oleemee. For
the past two years she resided in-
rhomasville. The funeral services
were hold at Liber^ church on
Sunday afternoon at 2:80, -with
the pastor, Rev. A.'G. Loftln; 6f-
ficiotlng. assisted- by Rev. E. M.
Avett, of Albomartei a former
oadtor of- tbo deceased.
Pearlie Ijames
j The funeral of Miss Fohiilo
ijdmoa. who died Saturday, Aug.
20tlr, -was conducted Sunday after
noon ;ai 2 Vclock from the home.
Sho; was the daughter of .Mr.
Elisha IJamus and'well thought of -
by" the.' entire".commuttlfyi. Rev.
0| .W.' Montgomery ; prehchod .-the.
furioraj sermdin.' The'docdhsdd is'
survived by her. fath'er,-'Mr.- Eli
sha Ijam'os, one sister, Annie May
and two brothers, John Westley
and. Joseph .Ijnmca. '
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 9,1931
Death Claims Mrs. P.
Henariix. I
, Mrs. Pinkfton Hendrix, 70, pass
ed away Monday uigbt at ii.M5
at tier home at Mocksville. .follow*
htg a .«ierioi:s illness of .several days.
She had resided at Mocksville
for the paat two years, moving
there from Advance where she had
.spent most of her life. Her hus
band passed away five years ago
Sorviving are five sods, T. Heu
drx. of Wiustou-Salcui, Lillington
Hendrix. of Cooleemee; L T. and
A. E. Hendrix, of Advance and
O C. Hendrix. of Boston; one
daughter. Mrs T. I. Caudell, of
Mocksvilie, and one halt sister.
The funcTHl was held Wednes
day atternoon at o'clock at Eotk
Baptist church. Borial followed
in the church graveyard.
Mrs. P. B. Bowles
Fooefcli and burial services for
Mr.s. P. B. Bowles, 19, who died iu
a Statesvilie facsi.ital Thursday,
were held.at Oak Grove Methodist
church Sunday afteru>on at ^
o'clock. Rev. A. G. Loftin cooduct-
jing the services. Mrs. Bowles is
! survived hv her husband, her par-
.eiits Mr. and Mr.s Richard Beam,
I five sisters and fcur brothers. To
} the bereaved relatives The Record
exicuds sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/9/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 10,1931
Joe vcll-knoAvn nnd
popiiliirtnnn Qf . thia plnbo, died
lit hla liio^c in '.thn Onk Orovo
comlDunityi'Voii. V.Tueadny night,
|Scpt. 8tli, lit Ijic'.Ugp of 'iO, nftor
jiin illnnAi) of B'o'vhrnl wcdk.a, his
•denth roBuUing from a compllcn-
\v|i8 iii. ffront bABc^U;: pntliufl^
an A aitehded tfio ' Big .League
OnmeR when- poBBibie, Dudiig'hlH
last i|lnesB ho mndo a. profeaaion
ojf. religion, nnd cxprossod lilm-
Bolf na being prepared for death.
Funeral Borvicos will be hela <i.
Onk Grove MetliodiRt church on
Thursday morning, Sftptembc»'
10th, nt 11 o'clock, conducted by
!the pastor. Rev. A. G. Loftin, na-
jfliflted by Rov^. E, M. Avott, of
lAlbomnrle, nnd. Rev. R. C. Go-
.forth. Ho 1h survived by his wife
jiind three children, Connie Mock.
14; Major nnd Glndyn Helen, .8;
three Jittlo dnu-ghtora dying in In
fancy.. His nved parent, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. H. Long, of Onk Grove,
and one brother. W. K* Long, .of
Konnapol i.'!..-iand-.. a—number —cf
ofher'relatives also aurvlve.. We
extend, our deep sympathy io the
family; in their great •bereave-
im'ent. 1 ' . . « -.y.
Elizabeth Ann White
Elizabeth Ann, infnnt daughter
Jof Mv. nnd Mrs. Charlie H. 3V.hlfce,
of- Cann,-Avho died this wccfk; wRo
burrlod at Mount Ollvo, Yndktn
county, on Tnesday nftci-noon nt
ithras o'nionk, iho" sftrvloea baing
• in charge of. Rev. Jim Grove.
Mrs. White before her marriage
oxnndcr connty.
' Mrs. Ethel May Beam Bowies,
wife of Pmij. Bowloa, woll-lcnowu
young farmer of near Mocknvillo,
died nt Long's . Sainilurlum
Stutcsville, .on Thursday after
noon, Septombsr lird, aged 1!)
years. Tho untimely death of tliis
young .\yehinu ihns cnat a Blinddw
.lived.' SjiiQ^ was the "daughter of
Richard Beam and Ediin Taylor
.Beam, and wae born and reared
in Rowan county..^ Last fall, she
was converted at a revival moot
ing at.' pak;.-GrQye Methodist
.. church,"land nor funeral >vafl held
from'the cliufch "on. Sunday af
ternoon .at throe o'clock. With thu
pas'tAvRcv.rA.-G. Loftin, assisted
by Rev. R. Oi Goforlh, ofnciatlng.
Those n/iting as pal I bearers,wore:
Jack -ClhrCnciQ Bmvlos,
Calvin Bowles nnd Albert Bowles,
'And ike' flowfci's-were carried by
Misses Elizabeth . Turrentine,
linze) 'Beam,- ZAda-Bopaon, Mra.
Jack Bowles and Mrs. Toni Bailey
Woodruff. The- borienvod family
consists of the husband nnd pnr-
jonta,.-five brothers,-Bay, R. E,
Altpn,^. Ken.nath; rtnd.;M^
anil, four afsters,'; 'MiaAcs Hazel
Mabel. VIrginin and Ruby Beam,
all of Rowan.
Little Ellen Fay Bfivd vrns bovu
Doc. 21, 10,S0, died Sept. 2, 1931,,
ago 2 moiikhs, 11 dny.s.
She is survived by her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Efird and
one .sister, Minnie Alice Efird nnd
two little brothers, Lestipr-*'and
Herman Efird. i
Funeral aervlccs. wore hold at
Saleni, Roptomber flrd, at 3 p. m.,
with A. G. Loftin conducting the
Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 10,1931
Albert Ffaiddin Stewart
Murdered Monday Afternoon
Salisbuiy, Sept. 7,—Frntfk
Stbwavti filling stntlon operator,
wna killed al hU place of buslnesa
On Highway 80, one mile west of
here, late today py a hold-up man
who flcoopfid !ii20 out of the cash
rogiater and escaped.
Stowarfc was shot through the
head with either a rlllc or a pistol
olllcor.s aald, Hla nasallant over
looked $40 ho had in his pockot
Bloodhounds, placed on the trail
were unablo to Btrike a definite
floo.nt Sheriff's deputies wore
leading acnrdioi'S working on the
Negroes Sought
Salisbury, Sop't. B.—Twoj <un-
idontifiod negroes, sought in con
nection with the huiraer of Ewjnk
Stewart, 44, operator of/a flUinfi
station on highway No: 80, a mllo
beyond Catnwba collcgo, yester
day afternoon about B :30 .o'cleeK,
are hclievod to have boon seen in
a thickly wooded secUon two'niilea
.beyond Franklin, or aboiif f«ur
'miles from the w.&m of the slay
ing this moming about OtSO o-
clock. . ' ' 3
Sheriff "Cnl MUler and mombcra
of his forcoSi with 'bloodhounds
aiding, and numbers otpMplfi .iv,
searching the woods, fields and
(Continuod on page 4)
One bullet from a .02' calibre
-pistol ontorcd his right tomplo,
and ranged at a slight angle to
wards the ba.sc of tho braim ,It
was romoved from tho ihead Inter
In the evening by Corner'W. L,
Was Native of Davle County
- htr. Stewart was born and rear
ed in ]>avio county and lived aev-
oral years at Cooloemee and was
wd] known here. He wiis a son
of the late William and Julln A.
Stewart. For somo* yours he
drove a bus from Mocksvlllo via
Coolccmeo, to Salisbury. Cater
he operated a cigar counter and
lunchroom in the union bus sta
tion, at Salisbury, and obout t^vo
years ago began business at the
filling station in which ho was
(Continued from page 1)
bush sections cf that part of the
county in an clfort to apprehend
the much wonted strangers seen
loitering about tlio filling station
for several hours ycatefday after
noon before the slaying of
Stewart, and who are'lioljoycd rp;.
sponsibio for- tho"'inrifftP.
Bloodhounds, officers and citi
zens searched aectto^, of Rowan,
county all night,'nhd oarly tmS
morning, lost, thp'trail df the men
nbout a mile from Wihere they'
wore believed aoen'thjs'mprnWfe
Robert H.WalkeH'groco'r bli-Weslf
Innes street, who'owns a 'farm a-
bout two mllos from Prariklln anu
about a mile to the right of high
way No. 80, was in his fields this
morning about 9 o'clock and saw ^
two nogroQs at a distance 'hastily r
flee Into the woods nearby. |
Hot 'IVail Followed'
Mr. Wniker notified ofilcers, and
trey Immediately put tho blood
hounds on tho trail. Two sots of
tracks were seen loading through
cdrnflelds, and slightly open spub-
oa nearby, and for more than a
mile Iho doks followed a hot trail,
only to lose It near the highway
closQ to Deal's crook. Ofilcers
stated that tho traij showed tho
men avoided open spoces or high
elovatlons, and modo ovary offort
to keep themsolvos concealed.
It is bclloved'tho mon, aftor
shooting Stewart, follovvod tho
highway a.sihorc distanoo towards
Grant^s creek, which is about half
a/^nile from'tho scoho, turned to'
the right through a thick corn
field, cut across tho country to
wards'the western-railroad, and
wore then soon nonr Mllford Hills
Bloodhounds followed thoJr trail
to. near Second creeks '^en they
turned back to tho right, and tho
track was lost this morning In a
section to the left of <P^anklln.
Stewart's body was found slum,
pod on tho floor almost directly
in front of the cn^h rcglstor
which was opo'n and about a dol
lar in change was in tho comparL
Funeral Wcdi\esUay
Funeral services for Mr. Stew-
iirt will 'be held at his homo on
tho Mocksvillo-Sailsbury highway
a fow hundrod yards from tho
Horvieo .station In which he was
shot on Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock with tho Rev. C. A. Uhy-
ne pastor of tho Stnliings Mcm-
orfal Baptist church of Salisbury
in charge.' Burial will follow in
the Nofith Codloemeo pomotary.
In addition to the widow who was
fomorly Miss Mnudo Sanderson,
of Coolecmcc, a brother Jethro
Stpwavt, of North 'Cooloomeo,
The murdor of istcwart v/ns ono
of tho most cold blooded and
brutal rccordjcd in this section
in yoars. As oificoi's sought to'
reconstruct tho manner in which
hp met his death, thny dotermln-
o(i that he was probably filling
an order for ^ can of sardines
svliuii the bullet was fired into
his head.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 10,1931
Lph1«o Ellington' bwlgglns wag
born October {Ith, 1837,' iind de
parted this life .September 2nd,
after an.ilJnbaa of about 24 hours
her'age being 93.yeara, lOOTontha
and 27 - days. She .waa born in
Stbkea County, dattghter of James
jond ,Jane Vobb. She was United in
marrluge.to D. H. Dwlggins, Sept.
13th, 1857,-who precOeded her in
death ID years ago. To this union
wore born nine children.'She join
ed the Methodist church when
about 14 years of* ago, and lived
a devoted member until her death
Although totally blinA for the
past 20 years, she waa alwaya in
terested in the welfare of others
and ivag alwaya kind and cheer
ful. Aunt Louian as she was
known by all numbered ho'r Irl-
onda by the score. She .ejicnt moat
of ;her married life in Davie
County and after the death of her
huabnnd, returned to Stokes Coun
,ly and has made her homo witn
.her brother A. S. Voss of Rural
■.ITnll for the past 15 years. It was■ftlwajra hor cloaivc to . bo carried
jbrtek to Center church, of which
she waa n member and laid to
rest beside her husband. She is
Burvivcd by four children: J. i>.
Uwiggins of Moc^svlllc, Mrs. Ly-
dln Poolc, of Mocksvillo, Charles|V. DwiigKlns of Knnnnpolla nnd
Joel S. Dwiggins. of King. Onb
.Hi.itcr, Mrs. SuIUe -Boles, ofStokes, two brothers E. R. Vnss-of Walnut Cove and A. S. Voss, ^
.of Rural Hall, a host of grand-chDdron, igroat grand children, •
great, great' grand children and *
a large number of relatives and
friends. '' Funeral servlcoa wore held at ;
Center church, last.Fj'irlny at 11 •
o'clock, conducted by A, G. T.of-
tln. ' ^ i
Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
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"r''r,-; WpMaii:--Passes;'ti,<'^Sl Sear, Old ,Towp \'.;:Auf-^
hunter;one. of the. oldest and ,'best known,
J-own.- Her. condition-had:) - ".-;f ®®° cntlcal two weeks and dedth) 0 •••:-v^^-not unexpected. ^ .- • • ,, S,.": ^ :j^in Yadkin- county, . JuJy. t.-18^. a daughter of the Jate Thom^
• Luvlt^ -.Vest ArolKoi:°SScounty in. early• herein count?n^P that . time. She
I Protestant. ^ith in early childhood and- for
■ mnr ®- ™«nber ofSob. Methodist Protestant
Christian woman and was activa in
°lb^®health^ed. She read her Bible and va-
'ilTasbi"^ until her eyes failedwnen she was* ninetv years old «;ho
^ / thf ^{ ■', served throughout■ / . died «ixte^^s; SurvMng are four daughters. Mra
■ Wi£ton^ii^^®-T>^- Poiudexter of■ -.^^"ate^alem Route 7, and Mrs J
■ 'iS? f:,, ,sss."°"?_ •. - The fo neral will be held at thpi°®e^^dnesday morning 'at " '^Pie SpriSga IL F
^ ^ Rev. L. W"-rv:-Gerringer,and.'Rev. R. r
"^i conduct; the serv-■ ?^al.-wiU foIicTHr in Bethaha^n-.Church Gtaveyard",,^^^^■ :•:;. Grandsons wiir be-nanhp-^A^t^-^
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 16,1931
Frank Stewart
Large Crowd At Stewart
Perhaps the largest crowd ever
to attend a faneral in Davie coun
ty was present Wednesday after*
noon at Ccoleemee for' the final
rites of Frank Stewart, 44, filling
station operator of near Salisbury,
who was robbed and killed about
5:30 Monday afternoon by un
known parties.
Mr. Stewart was a native of
Davieconuty and spent his life
here and in the community until
bis tragic death. He was very
popular and had a wide acquaint
ance in Davie .and Rowan cottntfps.
The deceased was a the son of
the late William and Julia Stewart,
of Davie and is survived by the
widow, who was prior to her mar
riage, Mlbs Maude Sanders, also of
Davie'conntv. One brother, Jetbro
Stewart, *of this county, also sur
Frank Stewart Skot To
SalUbury, Sept. 1.—Frank Stew
art, filling station operator, was
killed at his place of business on
bigbwap 80. one mite west of here,
late today by a hold up man who
scooped $20 out. of tbe||casb register
and escaped.
Stewart was shot through the
hiad with either'a rifle or a pbtol;
officers said. His assailent over
looked ^40 be bad in bis pocket.
Bloodbdunds placed on the trail
were unable to strike a definite
scent Sheriff's deputies were lead*
iog searchers workiug on the case
III Mr. J. R. Long Passes.
' Mr. Joe R. Long died at bis j
I home three mi'es north of Mocks* | j
I ville Tuesday night at ti o'clock, | j
following an illness of two niombs ; |
aged 40 yeais The funeral ser* •
i vices were conducted by Revs. R. 1
•C. Gofortb and A. O. Loftiu at |
Oak Grove Melliodisf church |
I Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, j
and the body laid to rest in the |
church graveyard. Mr. Long is |
I survived by his aged parents; bis |
[wife and.three'children.'two sons i
and one daughter. One brother |
j William, of Kannapolis, also sttr-ij
vives. Mr. Long held a position j
; for many years preceediug his ill* |
jness. with Allison-lolinhon Co.. of |
jtbisciiv and made many friends j
^ who were saddened by bis death. ||
Mrs. Frank Stewart
Killed In Auto Wreck
Stewart, of
was fatally in-'
I ilrs. Frank
• Winston-Saleiu, — — ,
' jured in an auto wreck which oe-i
i curred near Bixby Thursday after-;
noon about 6 o'clocK.. When the
'wreck occurred Charlie Wood, a
'Miss Wall and Mrs. Stewart were
' in a coupe, and it Is said that Mrs
j Stewart was occupviiig the niiddle
! of the coupe and steering the ma
chine. when it left the roadaud fell
down an erabanknient. -Wood and
the Wall girl were not injured.
Wood left the scene of iJhe ac
cident and had not been located up
to Friday night. Davie officers
were looking for Wood . to answer
charges preferred against him by a
corner's jury summoned by coron
er A. B. Bverly Friday luoruing |o
investigate the death of Mrs. Stew
art. who died a lew minutes after
the wreck. The Wall v/oman was
charged with disorderly conduct
and drunkenness and is now in the
Davie jail where she was placed
j after the hearing.
Mi. and MiS. Stewart moved
from Davie countv to Wiuston-Sa-
! lem about five months ago.
Edna Louise Freeman
Edna Louise Freeman, lo-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Freeman, of near Epbesus, died:
Thursday morning fol'owing an at- j
tack of appendicitis The funeral
and burial services were held at
Liberty Methodist church Friday
aftetnoon at three o'clock. Rev. A. |
O Loftin officiating. Surviving!
the litile girl is the parent.<i. three
brothers and four sisters The be
reaved ones have the sympathy of
a host of frieud.s in the death of
their little daughter.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 17,1931
Grcciiaboi'o, Sept IG. — Uov.
Dwiirhl. W. Brown, <15, pnstor of
pi'oxiiiiUy Methodist church since
jNoVi-'fiilcr, 1927, died suddonjy nt
jO:o') o'clock yesterdJiy niorninff
\rliilr he wna being taken froiji
his homo, 1306 Summit avenue,
(0 St. i.eu's hospital hi a Hanes
atiibnlancc following a heart aj;
lack. During the- lust few days
he had complained several times
c,{ pains In his side. Upon his
return yesterday morning to his
home from several pastprai calls
he Informed airg. BroWn that ho
fdt quUc sick, the ambulance
wflg summoned and hia death cn-
eijcd n fow moments later.
Fiincrnl service will be con<
(iiictcd at Proximity Methodist
church nt. 1 o'clock ithls pftcr-
noon by Rev. W." A. -Newoll, pr^-,
jiding older of the Greensboro
iiistrict. Methodist" Episcopal'
church, south. Immediately after.
Ihc service nt the church the •funernl party-wJM leave for Cen-j'
l?r Molhodlst c'^urch, near Mock- '
Davie county, the place of j'
Mr. waa iorn in Unvlo
county, March 22, 1886. After at'
lending the public achonls he
enlfrcd Weaver college and sub-
scqiicnlly he was a. student nt
Emory uiiivorsity.' Still later ho
look iiost-grndunte work at Duko
In 1912 Mr, Brown entered the
Hctli'Xiisfc mlnl.stry na a moinbpr
of llic; Western North Carolina
conference, then lit annual scs-
jjtHi at High Point. Since that
time lie had served ns pnstor of
a aunibcv of Important charges
these having included Dcllwood
circuit, Woavorylllo hlntion and
Proximity. • ^ -
prior to their' hiaffIngd' OclobeV
27, 192G, was Miss Annie Mao
fuller, of Rnefoyd; his pnronta,
Mr. and Mrs. R. .T; Drown, of
Mockgvillo; n bvothor, W. D.
Drown, of Cbolccmec; four slstci's
Mrs. no.ifilo Emerson, of Mocks-
vilic; Mrs. John F. Evorhardt, of
Coolcemeo; Mrs. J. L, Harper, of
Winstou-Salcm, and bliafl Blanche
Drown, of ModkavHlo.
Ilocognized as an able and cf-
(cctivc preacher and a popular
pa.dor, Mr. Brown had a strong
1 on his congrogntiOn pf Proxi
mity and he wna popular olso-
I'hero In the conference. Ho waa
i member of the board -of Ghrla-
llflji cdncntlon of tho Woatcm
jXorlh Carolljin eonfcroncq and
jhad occnplfid other jmport-an,t„qf-
]Sces in the conference.. Incident*'
idly, he had traveled extensively
jia this countiyand abroad. In
julilition to church affairs he evl-
jieacprt an active Intcwst in com-
jir.Dnlty cntcrprlsca, exercising
Irsai leadership in suverai spharca
hs friends yesterday recalled.
Edn.i Freeman was born Sept.
dth, ID?.! and diod Sept. 10th, age
10 years and 6 days. She is sur
vived by her.father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fi'eemnn and
four sisters and 8 brothers. The
funeral services were held at LI-
lierty Methodist Church by-Rev.
A. G. Loftin, pastor, osslstcd by
Mr. T. I. Gaudell on Scpt. Tl at
3 p. m. Burial was in the Liberty
cemetery. Edna was greatly loved
by, everyone. She was faithful to
attend Sunday School and will bo
miascd very much.
Mrs. Ha Wilson Glasgow, wife
of W. II. Glaacow, died at her
home at Bixby on Tuesday even
ing Sept. 15, ago 34 years. Both,
she ami her husband were nntl^ves
of Ruudolpli county. In addition
to- her husband, sJig jg- survived
by 2 brothers, Curlla and Jrnnea
Wilson, of Blxby and 1 sister,
Mr.s. Boycion Ynung, of High
Point. Funeral services will be
held at the Campboll-Walkcr
Funeral home In this city on
Iliursday morning at 10 o'clock
uiid at Advance Baptist church at
11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. CP.
B. Poroo and Uoy. W, M. Rntli-
Franklin Matthew Markland
Funeral services for F»'anklin
Mattljuw Jlsirklaiiri xvero bold nt
Elbtivlllc Metbodist Church Sun
day evening nt 4 o'clock. Mr.
Markland was born in Advance,
Davlc County. He hater was mav-
ricd and moved to Winston-5nlem
for a number of years, then for
sonic time 'ho had made bis borne
■with his sister, Mrs. H. C. Shutt,
of Lowisville.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 23,1931
Rev. Dwight W. Brown
is Claimed Suddenly.
Rev. Dwight W. Brown.- .15.
pastor o f Proximity Meliiodisi
Oburch since I^ovember. 1937, died
suddenly at'his 10:30 o'clock ]a.«i
Tuesday moroiog while he was be*
ing taken from his home, to St.
Leo's hospital in a Hanes amhu-
jlauce following a heart attack.
During the-last lew days he had
complained several lime of pains in
his side.
Funeral services were conducted
at Proximity Methodist church at
t o'clock Wednesday afternoon by
Rev. W. A. Newell, presiding elder
of the Greensboro district. Metho*
dist Episcopal church, south The
body was brought to Center Met no*
dist church following the funeral
and laid to rest iu the church grave
yard io the presence of hundreds ol
sorryioK friends and relatives.
Mr. Brown was boru in Davie
cotinty, March 22. 18S6. After
attending the public schools be en>
tered Weaver college atid subse
quently be was a student at Emory
university. Still later he look post
graduate work at Dnk.e university.
In 1912 Mr. Blown entered the
Metht^ist ministry as a member of
the Western North Carolina confer
ence, then in annual session at
High Poiot.' Since that time he
had serv^ as pastor or a number of
important charges, these having in
cluded De'tlwood circuit, Weaver-
vllle station and Proximity.
Mr. Brown leaves hts wife, who
prior to tlieit marriage October 27,
1916, was Miss Annie Mae Fuller,
of Racford: bis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Brown, of Mocksvilte; a
brother, W. D. Browt, of Coolee
. J. P. Seaford Dead
Mr. J. P. Seaford, 71. died at bis
home near Hardisoo's Thursday
afternooo at 6 o'clock, following^
an illness of pleupisy. Hts death
was a distinct shock to many-of his
friends throughout this scciioh
The funeral and bnrial services
were held at Center Methodist
church Saturday momtog at 11
o'clock, conducted by Rev. R. C.
Gofbrth. Surviving Mr. Seaford i
is one brother, C. W. Seaford, and|
several netces and nephews Mr. |
Seaford v/as one of Davie county's;
best known men and had htindreds
of friends who were sadden^ by
the news of his death. He will be
missed throughout this commtitiity
where be bad spent his entire life.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 24,1931
Martha Jane Burges and
Infant Son Burges
Mra. Mnrtha Jnno Burges, wife
of Chnrllc Burges, of Courtney,
Yiidkin county, died at the homo
of hor dougihter. Mrs. P.. S. Bat-
lct\gc," on Saturday, Sepft. lOtli,
aged 67. At the snmo hour her
jjrandaon, tho infant son of Mij
'lind Mrs. J. H. Burges, passed
away. Services fpr the infant
iworo hold at. Cross Roads Bap
tist church on Sunday morning
at D o'clock. Mrs. Burges was thedaughter of William Brnndwii
and Nancy Steelman Brandon, of
Yndkih county,. Her funeral was 1
conducted at Cross Roads church
on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
with Rev. D. C, Clnnton ofllclat-
Iivg and tho intormont was In
tho* church comotevy. The paB-
bonrors wcrD: F. W.
B. Cranfill. J. P. Martin,. Arthur
liaymnn, W. P. Essie, and T. D.
Dl.\on. and the flowers woro tnXrgo of Mrs 0, E. Williams,
Mrs. Eulalla Rr.aadon, Mw. Mat-
tic Smoot, Misses Elsio Burges
and Ida May Brandon.
Janica Pinkcy Soaford, well-
known and highly rospectod citi
zen of the Hardlson community
died at. the homo of his •hrother,
0. W. Seaford, on Friday oven- ,
Ing, Sept. 18, at six o'clocfk after.
an illneaa of long duration. He
was the son of Petor Soaford and n
.Mary Tumor Seaford, and .had
'gpent ipost of *hia life in the same
neighborhood. Ho was a- aucceaa-
ful farmer and had a" host of ;
friends. In March. 1910 ho was.
married to MJsa T^ta Tuttorow,
who {passed away in Juno 1980.
TIib surviving family conalsta' of .
ujiQ brulshur, C. W'. Sohioru, uiid ii'.
number, fof nieces and riephows;.
' Punoral sovvicca word held at
Center Methodist church on Sat
urday morning at 11 o'cloclc,
with Rev. R. C. Goforth olhd.at-
ing, in the proscnco of n largo.
crowd of relatives and friends.
Last rites for. Mrs. W. H, Gias-j
cow, of Bixby, who died op Sept.
16th, wore held at .the CampboH-
Walkor Fuhorai H'dnie. on last
Thursday moriiln'g at 10 o'clock, j
followed by services nt the Ad
vance Baptist church at H o-|
clock, tho offlciating minister* be
ing Rev. W. M. Rathbiirn, of the j
Advance circuit. The pallboarera
woro J. E. Lyndon, H. D. Lyndon,
C. C. Lyndon, 0. A, Lyndon, G.
E. Lyndon and R. I. Lanior.
Those carrying the flowers wore |
Missos Poy Robertson, n Josiff
Davis, Susie "Davis. Pimdio Ro-i
bertson, Sarah Myers, Inn Bar
ney, Wllllo Mne Barney and Mo-
nnscc Robertson.
Mrs. Ha Wilson Glascow, wife
of W. H. Glascow, died at her
'home at Bixby on Tuesday oven*'
Ing Sept. 15, age 84 years. Both
she and her husband were natives
of Randolph county. In addition
to her husband, she Is survived
,by 2 brothors, Curtis and James
Wilson, .of Bixby and 1 sister,
Mrs. Boydcn Young, of HIgfh
Point, Punoral services will bo
held at tlic Campbell-Walker
Funeral home in- this city on
Thursday morning at 10 .o'clock
and at Advance Baptist church at
11 o'clock, eoiuluctort by Rov. G'.
B. Pcroo and Rov. W. M. Ralh-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1931 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 24,1931
[oseph Gastbn Peebles, I
prominent Citizen, Dead
Iq passius of Joseph Gaston
eebles, which occumd at his
i>iic milo from |F>uItott on
(Oiwlay evening, Sept. 21at,
ivlc county has lost one of her
fljt li'Khly esteemed and in-
aentiaJ citizens. The deceased
IS the son of Captain-John H.
and Martha Harris Peo-
ij, and was weH connected. He
ij'borii at the ,old home place
Paviu on Oct. 16th, 1860, and
lent ail d his
^js 71st year at the time of his
^atli. lie v/as a descendant of
e Peebles faniiiy of Peebles,
folland, there being a town and
county of this nhme In Scot-
nd. His grandfather, Drury■eblos, was one of the. pioneerUlcis' In this section,* ostab-jhltiK his homo on the'Yadkln^irer in the early dhys, Mr. Pee-1le, married Mifls Dolly Jordan, j
Vadkin CoIlcBe, and she pass-fl Tjiy on October 17th,. 1925.
jr t»»f« past five years he hadin declining health. Two
■othorii and one sister also pre-jcd him to the grAve. Tho^ sur-
vlay relatives are one sister,I). 55. Jordan, of Salisbury,
id ci».'litncn nieces-and rf ophewa.
r. I'ocblea was a. man of high
ami dm racier, and was noted'r ids generosity and kindness,e was greatly beloved and 'hod
witip influence. He was an nr-
•nl Urmocrnt, and labored longfid failhrnlly for the .nrfvanco-fjnl of ills party. For more thanf«lvc years he was chairman'of
le Davie Cpunty Executive'Com-iltlco, and Ida advice always hadifcat wcbitht .\ylthvh|s^fa^^^^^
lyiil fl dhoronts. Mr. Peebles wasfltict:ca.sful farmer, and lookrml interest In' .the church and |idustrial affairs of his com- jwniiy, Ho was ohalpmnn of tho^Dunty roads of Dnvle for. two.
[cnra, filling this position, ns he[id all others, in a sntlafaciory .
lanncr. Fiinoral sdrviccs • willike plaeo at Fulton Mefclioillat.jorcli on Wednesday nrtcrnoon |\\ 3:30. with Rev. J. M. Varner.,
If foncord. A formor pn««tor ofI# deceased. ofHciatiiig. The in-("inncnt will follow in the churchrovc.vnrd bcaitjc 'his wife.avR of Mr. Pdebloa and of hisriffl will not afl^pallbearor^ j
Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 30,1931
Mrs. C. M. Swisher.
Mrs. Delia SwUher, wifa of the late C.
M. SwUsher, died Tborsday evening at 6
o'ciock at her home in Cool Spring cowo-
*^0 fooeial .service was held Saturday
morning at 11 o'clock from the Cool Sprin- a
Baptist church and intesment was in the
cemetery at Society Baptist church. j
Mrs Swiahet was 74 years old. She la
snrvived by one daughter. Miss Nettie'
Swiaber, of Cool Spring: a son. Mr. Eugene
SwUbet. of Haxtun. Colorado, and two
stepsons, M'. Fred N Swesber. also of
Haxtun, Colorado, and Mr. G. 0. Swisher,
of Cool Spring.
Funeral J. G. Peebles*
'Funeral services for J. G Peeo-'
les) who died at his-ljome near Ad'
vahce on Monday night t»f last
week, were held at Fulton Meiho-
dist church Wednesday aftertioon
at 3:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev
J. M. Varner, of Concord, and the
body laid to rest in the church
Mr. Peebles is survived by one
sister, Mrs. U S. Jordan, of Salts
bury, and a number of neices and
nephews. Mr. Peebles was 7^
years of age, and was well known
throughout Dawie coitnty, having
spent his entire life in Fulton town
ship. He was a son of the late
Capt. J. H Peebles.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/30/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 1,1931
John Barnes
This community was shovkud
Iiitc SaLui-uay attcinioon, whvn
newg was. spread that Mr. John
Bainics had been gorod to death
by a bui), Bomctiine between 4:3C
and G o'clock, ilis son-in-law,
George Forrost and family, who
reside witJi Mr. liurucs had at
tended services nt No Creek
Church and came home late. Mrs.
Forres.fc went to the barn to milk
and saw her father's hat and a
basket of corn lying on the
ground fit the rear ot' thp barn,
wbero Mr. Barnes had wont to
jfcad as ho ulwaj^s attended to
[feeding the cattle. Mrs. Forrest
thinking something- had happen
ed went back to the house and
told her husband and brother
neighbors wore called and n
search was made and his body
terrible bruised and mangled
was found about 75 feet from
where his hat-and basket was
lying. A large crowd soon g.ath-
crcd as news spread rapidly over
, lie wflij carried to Klrkmnn's
& Song Fttnorali Parlor at IjOx-
ington and his body prepared ;for
burial. Funorhl gcrvicos wore
held at the homo at 3 p. m. Sun-
•day afternoon by Rev. Roid,-of
Walnut Cove in the prcschce of 'a
l/irge crowd of relatives and frl-
enda and burial, was at Sandy
Creek cemetery be.sldo his wife,
v*hp proceded him in death about
18 months ago. Mr.^Barncs Idnvos.
.H sons and 2 daughters as fol-'
lows; Mrs. Clarence Grubb, of
Churchland, Mrs. Gcorgo Forrost
of the home, tlio suns uve Gray
Bnriios. of Bdlmont, Rev. Luther
[Barnes, of -Mt. IIolly|nnd Wade
;of tho h.omo, 28 grdndehildrcn; 2
brothers, Casper Barnes, ot Lin-
wood nml p. Barnes of this
community, 3,sisters, Mrs. Par-
thiiila Gi'ul»b of Welcome, Mrs.
Cynthia Sharp, of*Loxlnf{ton and
Mrs. J. H. Billiard, of Tyro. Mr.
BavncH was 71 years, 8 months
and 13 daj-g old. We extend sym
pathy to tho grief stricken fam
Bio - Obituaries - 10/1/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 14,1931
Mrs. Ha^on biead..
Mrs. JaliaAnn Hadson, Wife oti
Mr. T. C. Badson, died at beri
home near Cooleemea FHday, ased'
80 years. The funeral seryioes were
held at'Liberty Methodist church
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'doek con-
ducted.by her paatnr, Rey. A. G
Loftln., Mrs Badson. is survived by
her husband and tbr^ children, one
son ITiniliBni. and two daOKhtera.
Misses Mary Eliza and Nancy Maude
a i of near Coole^ee. Mrs. Buds n
was for more than fifty years a con
secrated member of Liberty chorcb*
Her death has brought sadness to a
host of friends in the community in
wbicb she Hved for so many years.
Bio - Obituaries -10/14/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 15,1931
' ; ' ON SUNDAY .i
Fittftl rites wsr6 conductsd At';'
jUhity "church in Rowatt codnV.* !
on Sunday afternoon for Herbcrlf
•H. Davis, 72, wldoly known and. |
highly respected citizen, who
.passed away Saturday morniiig,
.at hla^aaldRnee-just acrnsa the.'
river in "Ro\i^an county after-,ah^.
-illheSB n of • only . li* 'hoUfai^ V' '/J
• The 'deceased whia born'in. Vir-.
.1 ginla""'b*ut.'. idiAe'. to. thte = scdtionj
of tiie stuteSvhori a-'boy.andvapent**
j-his llfe' hero. Ho Avas uftltbd' in'-
•marring 60-years" agd'to Miss .
Alice Clomcnt of Davidson'coun''
ty, who survives him, ' •
' Throe daughters and. two sons
remain as-'fol)(]!ws: Mrs. J. T.
Squires of Tdrbofo, MrA D. L.
Noil of Mooroaville and^Miss Hat^
tie Davis at home, Robert'L, Dav
is of Salisbury and John B. Dav-;
is of Moorcsvillc.'Nineteen grdiid- '
children, and two groat grandr '
chiidron and'ono brother, iTolm .
Davis, of Arizona, also remain to.
mourn the departure of this good'
man.. '
i Mr, Davia .was a professor of
the Mormon faith. Ituv.-J. W> Fos
ter, pastor nf tho''Coolc6ince Pros-,
byteriati church ofn.ciatod at thci
acrvices. . ' .
t Between six and seven hundred
•people were at the funoral to pay
their last reHpeets to this wfrlely
.known man whoso sudden doath.
was a .shock bo the co'mmunt|-v.
Ho. was 0 loading farmer; and bu-..
'aincea man o£]the community and.
had. h .wide-a'cqualntancd in'tDuvlo
and Rowa'n counties,,.• v. . n
Bio - Obituaries -10/15/1931 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 21,1931
was fired. .
Sheriff's deputies arrested S:^oti
at Gleu Alpine.Mrs. Scott IsKiiledAiid
Husband Is In Jail.
. £. li. Scott, yontii; merchant of
Mocksville, was placed in the Davfe
jail Saturday night upon orders of
Solictor Jones. He is charged with
the murder of bis 23 year old wife
in his place of business Thursday
mornlof at 8:40.
He claimed ft was acddentfal or
suicide when qnestloned by a cor
oner's jnry. which was in session
five hours Thnrsday, but told con*
flicting stories, first stating be was
cleaning his gun and it was dts*
charged accidentally, then changed
his statement and claimed Mrs.
Scott picked up the gnu and either
dropped it, causing an accidential-
discharge, or deliberately shot her
self through the heart
He was ordered held for a grand
jury investigation and released on a
£5.000 bond. Additional evidence
has been discovered which ofiicers
claim will show he was quarrelling
with his wife one minute before the
shot was heard and that he bad the
gnu in his hand and was cleaning
or loading it. This witness** will
also testify, officers say, that a
scream was heard before the shot
E. 'B Scott, 25*year old manager
of the United Variety Store, wa.s
ordered held for the grand jury
Thutsday afternoon by a corhner'ti
jury which investigated the fatal
shooting ot his wife in the stoie
Thursday morning.
Taking the stand at the inquest,
Scott testified that his wife picked
up a pistol be bad been cleaning
and shoe herself, either by accident
or inteationally.
Witnesses said he had told them
previously that the fatal shot was
fired acctdeotally while he was
cleaning the weapon shortly after
opening the store.
Mrs. Scott died almost instantly.
The bullet entered her body just
below the heart.
A physician testified at the in*
quest that powder marks indicated
the shot had been fired at close
range. Fifteen witnesses wtre ek-
amined by Coroner A. B. Byerly In
a bearing that consumed five hours
Mrs Ccott was the daughter of
Rev. I,, L. Smith, bf Taylorsville.
She had been married two years
and had no children, but it was
brought out at the inquest that
she was approaching motherhood.-
Scott, a native of- Glen Alpine,
came here with Mrs. Scott about
six weeks ago. Witnesses testified
to domestic discord between them.
Bond for Scott was fixed at ^5,-
000. The coroner's jury recom
mended that he be held but' did not
specify the charge to be lodged , a*
gainst him.
Scott was able to give bond late
Thursday night. The following
gentlemen served on the coroner's
jury: "Walter Carter, J. T. Baity,
G G. Walker, J. L. Holton, G.
A. Sbeek and Barley Graves.
The body of Mrs. Scott was pre
pared for bnnal at the C. C. Young
& Son undertaking parlors Thurs
day and carried to the home of her
parents. Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Smith,
at. Taylorsville, where the body
was laid to rest Friday afternoon at
four o*.ciock.
This is one of the wont tragedies
that has ever ocwurred in Slocks
ville, and much excitement was
caused by the shooting which oc
curred about 8:30 o'clock Thursday
morning in the heart of the town.
James W« Laird
Mr. James W. Laird, 74, died
at his home near Bethlehem church
Saturday morning at 6 o'clock,
death resulting from a complication
of diseases. The funeral services
were held at Smith Grove Method'st
church Sunday, Rev. M. G. Ervio
conducting the funeral and burial
services. Mr. Laird U survived by
his widow and seven children four
sons and three daughters, viz: A.
M Laird, of Mocksville; A. F
l^iird^ of Advance; Arthur acd
Jesse, of Redland: Mrs. Anstiii
McClaiin, of Winston-Saiem; Mrs.
R. C. Foster, of Iredell connty;
Mrs. Hugh Brock, of Farroington. j
One sister, Mrs. Annie Smith, of
near Advance, also survives. (
Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 21,1931
Little Eh'zabeth Green.
'One of the saddest and most
beast-rending deaths that has ever
occurred in this section was that of
little JEIisabeth Green, aged ii
years, which occurred at the home
of her parents, &Ir. and Mrs. J. B.
,Green, three miles west of Mocks-
vtlle, Wednesday afternoon shortly
before two o'clock. Death resulted
from hydrophobia, following a bite
on th^ arm some five weeks ago by
a rabid dog. The little girl was on
her way home from school when
she was attacked by a dog belong
ing to a colored family named
Etchi.son, in South Mocksville.
The dog was later killed', and no
one suspected that it was mad. The
little girl s arm was dressed by a
local doctor, and seemed to have
healed up. The child continued in
school until Saturday preceding her
death. She was taken ill on Sun
day and a physician called. She
gradually grew worse and a num
ber of physicians were called in and
nrononnced her malady to be
hydr^bbbia. Everything possible
was (lone to ease the intense suffer
ing of the little girl, but for nearly
three days she snffe 'ed horriolv be
fore the end cauie. The little body
was-laid to rest in Ceoter grave
yard Thursday afternoon at three
o'clock, la the presence of hundreds
of sorrowing friends and relatives.
Funeral services were conducted
by Rev. A. O. Loftlii. Surviving
Elizabeth is the parents, two broth
era and three sisters. To the be
eaved ones The Record joins their
hundreds of friends in extending
heartfelt sympathy iu this trying
hotir,- and comman^ them to Him,
who. two thousand years ago, said:
"Suffer HtUe children to come uuto
me, and forbid them not, fcr of
such is the kingdom ot heaven. '
E'izabeth is at rest—where there is
no pain, sorrow, nor suffering, but
where all is bright and fair.
J. Lewis Carter.
James Lewis Carter, 53, died sud
denly Sunday nifiht at his home In
Mr. Carter was born in Davie
county, August 18, 1878, and moved
Co Winston-Salem from Mccksi^le
about three months ago.
He 18 survived by four sons, Floyd.
Travis, Uarkland and Hauser,- all of
WinstOD-Salem; three brothers. D.
STtmd Nml Carter, of Davidson, and
Prank Carter, of Mocksville; three
sisters, Mrs. H I>. Walser. of Wins-
aton-Salem; Mrs. Charles Foster and
Miss Nora Carter, of Davie.
Funeral services were condncted
at 3 o'clock, Tuesday aftemcMn at
Fork Baptist church, by Rev. F.
Carter, Rev. G. P. Rogers and Rev.
Mr. Turner, interment followed in
the diurch graveyard. '
Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 22,1931
£. B. Scott
Funeral Held Jh Tiylorsville Last Friday; Hus.
band Held: Without Bond To; Await " Hearing
To Be Hel^H^f5te;J4;P..Her^^^^^ Later Date
" n ^ V"*- ^ nThtt'peopre pf thl^uiuftllsj-quiets ca^prienced
a rntlicr.'fleViBro jBhock .on l-ftHt-l^urfldayv ^ o'clocic
ffhcii a (Ironidful fiTOg'ddx ooeurred';lH thb UmCed Variety Store.
yba crack of, a revolver. In tlib store'room wnB. fbllowed closDiy by
the flight of'Mi> JSr D. Soott^ tho atoro 'mn^^^^ emerging from the
bulWlag .v/liJh hj^ wiib.in'his armB.iand who was hoard to gay aa "ho
tame out, "I hii^fcoceidentnlly ahot my wife."
llo put hpr ih flin automobile <
and rushed hex' to the ofllce of
Pr. I.oateV,i!ldartin;' She was dead
whcfi he, reached'the,-office, the
bulk', which was from'e-82'cala-
bre r-.'volvor having penetrdtod
jicr iieai I. . ' '
Mrs. Scott was 28 years old and
lutil been married for twu yoal's
to Mr. Scott, who Is 30 years -^d.
Thoy cnnio to Moclmville about
two months ago from Tayloravillo |
and had been staying at'the Nail
llou.se %yith Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Ward. Mr. Scott had been In the
meaiillmc the local nmnagcr of
the United Variety Store on North
Main Street.
The body was tnkon to Taylor-
$villc where the funeral was hold
on Friday afternoon-and whore
llip body was Interred.
^A'lioarlng whlch Ipsted for five.
Thursday affernbon before Goro^
ner Dr. A. B. Byorlyl At the
j[CenUuuud uii pagO d)
(Continued from page 1)
Hearing Mr. Scott was one of thJ
witnesses examined and lu> stateil
that Mrs. Scott shot herself. |[|
was placed under a $5,000 ItontI
for his appearance -at the ncxa
term of the criminal aupcrio^
court of Davio County, wlilclf
bond waa promptly given.
Local officers are workiuK on
the case and It is believed that]
thoy have some evidence wjikl)
may Impllonto Scott. So far aii
waa known up to the time of th«
tragedy the family lifo of Mr. nnill
Mrs. Scott had been ngrecnbkl
and It la ligi'd for Mpcksville pcd
pie tb>tbelibvd''l;hnt';M^^ Scott In-I
tentlonally " bVou^Sht' about the|
(loath of his wife, and yet, ncconl.;
ing to roports there arc Romci
things which ho may have trouble]
in explaining.
Later Action Taken
M. V. Clemont and .lohii T.
Harding, daputios aheriff', rcliini'
od front Glen Alpine late Satur
day night with E. S. Scott, mnna-
gcr of the local United Varlctf
Stores, after arresting him en I
charge of the murder of his wife
here last Thursday.
G, L, Graver, local chief of po'
Hoc, has now In his possession,
what is believed sainciont evid
ence to convict Scott for the mur
der of his wife.
The new, warrants wore -siBucd
by Pollcbman "Craven,. upon re
ceipt of n.ew evidenco, and upon
recommendation from Solicitor
John R. Jones, of this district.
With the confinement of Scott
in the local jail, it Is the first
time in the history of Dnvie coiiti-
ty that two men have been coiifin
ed in jail at one time on tw
chargb Af.mHJriieT^^The other prN■iiiiiid'r' bein^ Jp.Hl^.^lfoBfy.^Hnuscr,who la eft'ai^ed *w(t^,,'fhn; npn'tlerof. libs aoH-lti-lmV, Frod'^,tyjfrH lustMay, and -who has bccl^ Vdnicnccdto be olOctrpcufod "pft the 5th dayOf Noveiftber) but 'la-nAvaittiig an
appeal: ;•
Ho will bo given'a 'hcnring be
fore n local justioc'of tlio pence
at an early date.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/22/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October22,193I
George Wililam Harris
George' "Winiam Harris, bIx-
montliH old'son of Mr. and Mrs. ^
J. H. Harris of Dnvlc, died. Oct.
ISlh, and wns buried at Bear
Creek Baptist church WcdncHiUiy
morning at 11 o'clock, with Kcv. '
Jim Groco and Kcv. E. C. Clan-ton !
cllicintlijg. iFour young Indioa,.
Misses iFosIq Ajtdcrson, Mary !
Amlevaoh, AUha panner and Elva ;
Danncr noted as pOllhcnrers, nnd .
the flowprs wore.crrriod by Mrs. '
Delia Ilnrrla and. Mrs. Violet
Danner. " *
• 'Jamca' Carter, well-
known iDflvli? county citizen, died
suddenly. Sunday evening at his-
home, 75 Eurko ulreot, Wlnaton-
jSalcm, whor.. ho hntl resided for
jtho past throe montlis. The do-
jconscd was 58 years of ago, nnd
wns born in Davic county, nnd
was the son of James 0. Cnrtor
nnd Martha Ilendrix Carter. Ue
spent nil of Ilia life In the Fork
Church, eommuiiity until seven
years ago, when ho moved his
family to Mocksvillo. Mr. Carter
Was first inarried to Mlaa Tossle
Sain, .of . David, by whom ho had
tSvo Boijs, 'Floyd FurchoS'Carter
Misa'AnnIo Mnrklnad, .of •.Ad
vance, and to this, union were
-born two,, sons, Mnrkland Carter
and nauser 'iCnrtcr, all of whom
live in WJnaton-Salom. Three bro-
thera, F. M. Carter, of Mocksvillo,
p. S. Carter, of Fork, and N. 0.
Carter, of Linwood; and three sla
ters, ^Ilaa Norn Carter, who lives
at the old homestead two miles
from Fork, Mrs. Cliarlos Foster,
of Fork nnd Mrs. II.L. Walser,
of Wlnaton-Salcm, nlso aurvlvc.
Mr. Carter had many friends all
over Davie w|io will regret to
learn of hls'nbd death. He was a
loyal Dcmocr.at and was very ac-
' tlvo In party poUtlca.
The funeral aervlcea wore hold
at Pork Baptist church on Tuco-
doy afternoon, Oct 2Dth, at t'hreo
o'clock, being conducted by the
pastor, Rev. E. W. Turner, oaslab-
cd by Rev, C. P. Rogera and Rev.
J. F, Carter, of Wlnaton-enlem.
We extend our ddcp sympathy to
,the bereaved widow nnd family.
A'largo crowd of .tolntlvos and
Jriignda^Mtto^^ed tl\p jast Titea,
ai\duhjiiofl^'"wiero;-many n "tonullful
iloral tribute8.:.'VThe phllbcarera
wore: Milton LIvengoodi
Jln^ -^rnhardt, J. M. Horn, C. G.
..LeacH, Dnhnson Bailoy, nnd J. B.
iBmith, thd latter of Wlnaton-
Salem. ■>{
" Flnnl rites w ro held nt Cea-.
Icr Mothodiat church Thursday
nfternoon"nt 8:00 for Fannlo Ell,
znboth Green, 12-yenr-old daught
er of Mr. r,nd Mrs. Biirrla.CA'acn
of henr Moclcsville, who passed
nwny nt tho home of hor parents
on Wcdnoadny with hydropholila
conirnctod from n dog bit about
one month ago as she was return
ing homo from school at Mocka-
Tho dog wns ktllod but Its head
was not oxamlncd to oacortain If
it waa rabid.
The same dog bit a small negro
child a short time Inter nnd after
tho chlld bocniho ill was taken toRaleigh for troatment and physi
cians think hydrophobia may be
nvertoiL . j.
The little Green girl developed
the terrible malady last Sunday
and suffered intenaoly before
death came'as a merciful relief.Surviving relativea Include theparents, two a,mall brothers and
two^sraall alfltera.
One of' tho largest crowds to
ever attend a funornl in tho county was present Thursday for the
final rites of this most unf-ortu-
nnto victim of a vicious dog.
Rev. A. G. Loftln, pastor of
the church, officiated, and intor-
'mont wua in tho church ceme-
J. W. Laird
iVnorat aorvices for Mr. J. -W.
Lnird, who pna.Hcd awny at his
homo early Snturuny morning
were conducted ijoro Sunday af
ternoon nt 3 o'clock by Rev. M.
G. Erwln, hitcrn\ent in tho cemc-
tciy here. Surviving.are hia wife,
four abtia nnd three daughters,
and sevornl grnndchildren. To the
bereaved fnnnJy wo extend sym
Bio — Obituaries - 10/22/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 28,1931
Wit A. Hendrix Passes
Mr. W. A. Htendris, one of Da-
vie comity's oldest and best know
citizens, died at bis home near Pork
Tbnrsday niRbt, aged 79 years.
The Inneral services were held at
Fork Baptist church Saturday af-
teniooD at 3 o'clock, conducted by
his pastor. Rev. E. W. Turner,
and the body laid to rest in the
Fork graveyard. Mr. Hendrix is
survived by three chitdren .one son,
Charles, of Fork; two daughters..
Mrs. Ed Myers, of Rowan, wd
Mts. James Earnhardt, of near
Fork. Mr. Hendrix had been mar
ried twice, but both of his wives
are dead. He vras a native of Da*
ide county and was an honest,. up
right Christian man. His death
has brought sadness to the entire
community in which'he lived for
so mapy years. He was a good
friend of the editor, and we feel a
personal loss in his death. A good
man has been called to eternal re
ward. Peace to his ashes.
Mrs. J. M. Sain
Aged Lady Passes
Mrs. J. M. Sain, 83, died at her
home on R 3. Sunday mominflr at 6
o'clock, after being confined to her
bed for the nast 14 months with a
fraetnred hio.- Funeral services
were conducted by her pastor. Rev.
6. B. Ferree. at the home Monday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the borly
laid to rest in Bethd churchvard
Mrs. Sain is snrvived by her aged
husband, three sons, Charles. Frank
aid G*'ady Sain, and one daughter.
Miss Minnie Sain, together vi h a
Rumbfr of grand and; great grand
children Mrs Sain was a native of
Davie county, and was Miss Millie
ljunes before -marriage. In her
death the community loses one of Its
best women.
Futieral For Mrs. Cantor;
The fnoeral of Mrs. Margaret
Blieu Cantor. 79, who passed away
Wednesday evening st the home
near Bethlehem M. E. Church,
was held' Thursday afternoon at
Bethlehem Methodist Church. Rev.
James B. Hall conducted the ser
vices. Burial followed in th^ church
Mrs. Canter was a native of Davie
county and bad spent berenti'elife'
here She was a member of Mace
donia Moravian Church. Surviv
ing are two daughter, Mrs C. D.
SbackeUord and Mrs> P. M. Keat
ou and two brothers, Henry King
of Coucord, aod Albert King of
W. A. Myers.
Fhneral and burial aarvlcea were
hdd at Advance Methodist church on
Saturday afternoon for UTiley A.
Myers. 69, who passed away at his
home fa the eopimuDity on Friday
Mr. Myers was unmarried and
leaves one brother. C. Myers, and
three sisters, Mre. W. 3 Vaughn, of
V^nston Salem; and Mrs J. W.
Jones and Mrs. Bryant Jarvis, of
Divie connty.-
Interment was fa the church ceme-
'tery with his pastor,' the Rev. W. B.
jKathbun), officiating..
Bio - Obituaries -10/28/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 29,1931
Roger Samuel Smith
Ilo!g«r Samuel . Smith,' Infant
Hon Mr. nnU Mm. Koy U'. Smith,
(lied at thu homo of t'ho parents
nt Cook's Cross Roads, Farming-
ton township, on Wednesday, Oct.
^lat The funornl services wore
hold at Macedonia Moravian
church by the pastor, Rov. Jnmoa
E.-lTnl], on Thursday morning nt
Jl- dj'tnoclc. T;ho parents - and
Krnn^dparonta sur.vivo; Tiioso not
ing vns.rpnllbcarcra- were: .Ilebry
Wood, Waynp .Wdst, "J^uls MlHer
and Elmer Smith, ond the flow
ers were carriod by MisHOBvRuby
'Smith; Emma West, Louiso ITunogI and Lcong Mcprule.
Mils, j.'ivi. sAIN PASSES awaV
I -Mib. Mnry Ijamoa Sain,
rc-spooLud Dnvie county lady, and
' wife of Jamca M. Snin,- died ot!
her homo just outside of the city!
limits of Mocksvlllo o:f Sunday
' morning, Oct. 2Gth, ntsix o'clock;'
Aged 82. She hud boon confined (
I to her room for the past four-
Ucoii montha with a frnctm*ed hip.
Shii was the daug'hter of Bear
'iljnmes and .Clary Locko Ijames
' and was a granddaughter of Ma
jor John Locke. She was born in
JiowAn county, but hnd spent
mo.st of her life In Dnvlo. The sur
viving family •fconsiats of hoV
Aged husband, throe sons, Charlca
• P. Snin, Fra^ 5nln, and W. G.
' Sain, and one daughter. Miss
• Mlnhlc Sain/atll of Mocksvillo
n Koute 3. ^ovcral. grandchildren
' and a wide circle of other rela-
jtivea and friends also mourn her
I loss. Tlic fiUDATJil aorvlcoa wore
; held nt the bomd on Monday afy
jlbrnoon at three o'clock, with
ihor pastor, Itey- iG. B. Forree.^of
' the Methodist Protestant church,
ofllcitttlng, and ,ilho .burinl foIlpv(r.
; ed nt four o'clock at Bethel cctpc:
."tery. A Ini^ge 'ejmvd was in j at
tendance to pay, their , luat tribute
. of respect. The "pallbearers werq:
I Wii L. iFofltev, Abe, Hoi\;hrd,,A]ton
. lipjw.ard, I Gllfioh P-sidio, II.,,, Jr.
Woodruffj and S. i,. .. Hopkins.
The many bleautiful .floral- offcr-
iivga .were carried by Misses Juan-
ita! Dogor, ' Janl« Sutrnncre, Ora
I,ec Summora, Rebecca Sinmners,
Ruby Martin, Janlo Martin, Fran
ces eljames. Mosdnmcs- Lizzie
Stroud, SnlHc Powell W. F- Mar
tin, Will Hutcbens, J. L. Bogor,
Charlie Williams, Rosa Potts,'
George Ijamca, Glenn , Ijamca,
Corn Walls, Will Click, Wood,
Mottle McDxinlcl. .Wo extend our
sympathy to 'tho boroavOd fomily.
William Anderson Hendrix
After nn illness of nearly a
year Mr. Wllllain Andean Hon-
drix passed away at his home,
near horo, last Friday morning,
Oct. 23, in his 78th year. Funoi>
at! service being held Saturday
afternoon at Fork Baptist church
by his pastor, Rev. E. W. Turner.
He hud been a mcljer of tho Bap
tist church for a number of years.
He leaves 1 son, Ohnrlie Hendrix
of. the homo and two daughters,
Mrs. J. C. Bnrnhnrdt, of Fork and
IMra. Edd Myors, of Salisbury and
a number of gnindchiidron. Three
•Histci*s, Mrs. Charlie Restloi', of
jSaliabury, Mrs. John Bailey and
Mrs. Ceo, Evorhnvdt, of Fork, two
Isiatera having passed awny this
'year. We extend sympathy to
tho family.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/29/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 4,1931
I John Thomas Phelps. n
John Thomas Phelos, died at his
I home in the Advance seedon.Tfa'nrs-
day ittorniDfir at 12:40 o'clock, after
an ill of several weeks. He had been
in dedlnjr health for several years.
Mr, Phelps was bom in' Davie
county October 30,1855. He was a
member of Mocks (II. E. Chapel, and
was one of the best known men-in
Davie county.
Beside bis wife, who was formerly
Miss Jean Divis, he is survived by
saven daoghters, Urs, J G.'lAllen
of Mocksville; Mrs. W. G. Allen, Ad*
vance; Mrs. G- E, Myers. Advance;
Mrs. J. S. Deachurop and Mrs 0. P.
Jones. Davie connty; Urs. E. A.
(dyers, Mocksnlle, and Miss Eva
Phelps, Adoance; • one son, W. S.
Fbelps Advance; forty*one grand
children and five great-grand chil
The fooeral servleea was held from
the home at 1:30 o'clock Friday after
noon and from Mock's Chapel at 2
n'elnck. Rev. (V. M. Ratbhorn
had charge of the service. Inter
ment followed in the chnrch grave
Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 5,1931
John T. Phelps
Mr. John T. Pholps phased
away Thursday morning at 12:40
o'clock at hla home here, follow
ing a brief illness of pneumonia.
"Ho was iborn In Dnvle county,
Oct 80, 1852, ho Avns the son of
A'blngton and Nancy lOrrcll
Phelps, Ho waa a f-althful mem
ber, also steward of Mock's M. E.
Church and wag well knodivn In
Davlo county.
Punernl services wore held nt
the homo at 1:80 o'clock and at
the church at 2 o'clock by his
pastor, Kov. W. M. Rathburn.
Burial followed in the church
graveyard. ' . .
Surviving are the widow, fwho
was Mias Jane Davis, prior to
marriage, seven daughters, Mrs.
J. G. Allen, Mrs. E. A. Myers, of
Greenwood, Mrs. W. >0. Allen, of
Fulton, Mrs. 0.' B. Jones, of
Winston-Snlem, Mrs. J. S. Beau-
champ, of Lowiavillc, Mrs. G. 2.
'Myers and Mias Evn Phelps, of
Advance, one son, W. S. Phelps,
of Advance, forty one grand
children amf. five- great grand
children. We extend our sympathy
to the 'bercnvod.
Bio — Obituaries - 11/5/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 11,1931
Edwin Lee Massey
Youth is Victini of Fever I
Edwin Lee Massey, 18 years old,
died Saturday evening shortly after
5 o'clock of scarlet fever at the home
of C. S. Sammers near Bethel. He
13 the son of C. S. Massey, of Wins-
ton-Salem, and the late Cora Poplin
He Is survived by his father; one
sister.jMrs H. M. Saunders. ofWins
ton Salem, and one brother. Leroy
Massey, of Mocksville.
Funeral Services were held at the
Summers home Mondav morning at
11 o'clock and burial followed in
Bethel Cemetery, Rev. G B, Ferree
conducting the services
Bio - Obituaries — 11/11/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 12,1931
K\ki> L. MASSEY.
Lee Maaaoy, aged 18,1,'il tliG hume of ihls uncle,
Stini.iioi'u,^ncar Bethel on
liny aflernounKhis dont)^ rc-
fjoni scnrlct fever. Ho wne
Rm (if €. S. iMaaaey, oT Wlufl-
skm, .and the linto 'Mrs. Coi'iv
n Miisscy, and hnds. mhdii
oniu 'With Mr. Summers for
years. Tlio funeral services
i:c!cl at the liome on Mon-
uuriilnK.^at 11 o'clocT<, witfi i
j. 1',. Ferreo orflchitlng, and
ilermunt toolc pl'aco :at Bethoi '
fury. Ho la survived by hia
r, one slater, Mrs. II. 1^1.!
lers, of Wln8ton-Sftlem,.nnd I
jitithcr, Lbrby .sMnssoy;, 'of'
'he floral ' bffcrlnRfl • wo'vb '
d Ly -Misses Lilian Howard,;
1 IJoger, • Evle McC.uUoh, j
c Hopkins, fliesdnmca H. V/.
cr, W. M. Howard, J. P.:
W. S. AHrod, R. C. Johnson. I
Join TVilHs Aa^ns, native of
.South Carolina, wlk> has resided
here for some time, died at Davia
':ospital in Statesville on Wed
nesday, Nov. 4th, aged 45. Funor-
a! services were held at the homo '
of bls; father-in-law, Mr. Adams,
in North Mocksville, on Thursday
aftcrnbon at 1 o'clock,.by Rev.',
K. C. Goforth, and'the burial tooK'
phco ^t Grcenlawn Cemetery at
Chln.i .G'i'ovo. He was the son of
Asbury Ammons and Rachel Ro.x-
ioy Afpnions, of Marion, South
Carolina, ^hnd is survived by his
wife and three amnll children of
this place, his mother, three dnu.
ghtcrs: by a • former marrjiagc, i
'.even .brolhora and two. aistei's,V,
ilj of whom live in South Cnro- ,
linn. Thb.sc acting as pnll-benrera
were: J. H. Willh-ims, II. II. Lnn- '
lor, A.'-^A, Wagoner, Ilnrvoy-\Vll-
'.iiims, lllnrold .Sinilh and Lnko P
SmltiL-iV . ^ • '!
Charles Alrington Phelps
I Charles Alrington Phoips, 00,
Idled last Thursday night at 9:05
o'clock at his homo on the old
Holland farm, near Winstoh^al-
em. Mr. Phclps had' worked
throirghout tho day and had not
coniplninod of feeling ill. it was
st.nted. n
Ho was born in this county,
June B; 1881, ..a son of the late
James and Mahmln Myers Phelps.
Ho became, a member "of Shady
Grove M. E. Church, .Davie coun
ty, In early lifo. He, spoilt most
of hi.s llfo In this county, until
a fow years ago moving to For-
ayfch county.
Funornirsorvlccs were hojd lat
tho homo Friday afternoon at 2
o'clock'end here at Mock's at 2:30
o'clock. Rev. W. M. Rnthburn con
ducted the service. Burial follow-",
)d In the church graveyard.'PalUi
bcarora wore S..J. Johnson, S. A. I
Drrc/11,; J.,M. Harris, G. B. ^ylor,j
IVil! Shermor and Nat Bailor^ M
Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 18,1931
William R. Craig Dead.
William R. Craiir, of New York
City, dibd in a Salisbury hospital Sat'
urday morning following an illness
of two weeks, aged $1 years. Thej
body was brought to Mr. Craig's
home in Jerusalem township* Satur- i
I day and remained'tbefe until Sunday'
i morning when it was taken on a pri-
n vale car to his old home at Yazoo
I City, Miss., where the funeral and
Ibnrial services were held Monday
I morning Mr *Crsfg is survived by,
'widow, two brothi rsand two sisters. I
tie was a member of the New York I
cotton exchange and had amassed a;
):;rge fortune. Mr. Graig came to
Davie county about 20 years ago and
jturchased the Tatum home place
pnd about 1.000 acres f t land in jeru {
salero township. He spent a part of.
jeach winter at Boxwood Lodge, in I
'Davie. He arrived here several |
v/eeks ago and was taken ill about
two weeks ago and carried to the)
Salisbury hospital. Mr. Craig had
soent thousands of dollars improving*,
his vast estate in Divie since coming{
here years ago. .His death removes
a prominent citizen and althoogh not
a oermanent resident his annual
visits win be missed by those who
learned to know him. He was a
leading member of the PI Frh Avenue
Presbyterian church in New York
Joe Haneline Dead.
Mr. Joe Haneline. 36. died at the home
of his sister, Mrs, Tom Carter, in Sbe-*y
Grave township, Sondpy. death resulting
from tuberculosis. The funeral and burial
services were conducted by Rev. G. B. For-
ree, at Elbaville M. P. cburcfi Monday
attemooD at 3 o'clock- Mr. Haneline is
sufvlvBd by two sisters and six broiheri-
Bio - Obituaries -11/18/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 19,1931
.Mra, Susfiii Ann Fiiiroloth, wUc
or Chnrlcs A» Fnircloih, d^od
her home in Farniington town
ship on Nov. 10th, Aged 03.'She
wda • tho dnuffhteV Willlnm
Hodgo/hnd Bettlc iYoun-g Hodge,
and. wiia o mcniher of*-Macedonia
Moravian church. T^he surviving
family consists of her hiiabnnd,
tAvo rbrobhors, W. B. Hodge, of
Advance, 4ind Henry Hodge, of
ThomqsvJIle, and. due sister,' Miss
Bottle I Hodge,'of Advance.
iFhin^rnl seryicoa wore held at
Macedonia on Wednesday morn-
jirtg nt; 11. o'clock, by the pastor/
-Rev. Jatnoa E.. Hnll, of Winaton<>.
jSnlcm.^ The following acted os
pallbedi'era: JR, W. Hodge, D. W.
Hodge,Ip. H. Hddge. Glenn Hodge
iW. h .pope and- A. J.- Cope. The
flowers:wore in' change of MLaacs
jLillle Botta, Arleno Cope, Harriet
Loii Ilincs, Ida GllISi Mrfl^ L. G,
[Minor ^nd Mrs! G. W. Hodge,
Joe Ii[rnnklin Hanellhc! ngcd 36,
jdied at hia homo near Smith Grove
on 'S.unday afternoon after on extended ; Illness ' of. tuhdrculoalsi
Th'd doc.eased-was the aoh of tho
Into George Hanolino nud Mary
Myers llinnelinc, nnd avaa unmar-
•ried. H<|^ la aurvlved by six bro-
thora, Cthnrle.<, Sidney and Ed
HtliJiollJie, of Wlnston-Snlem, Hen
ry Hniietino, of KannnpoHa,- Will
and George Hnncllne, of Davle ^
■county,' %nd two "sislura, Mrs. P..J. Rpuao, of Kaivnnpolls, nnd Mra, iW. T. Caj'ter, of Advtincci jj
I Punerai aorvlcca. wore held atElbnVi'le Methodist Protoabint |church on Mnndny nftevnoou ntj,
thred o'clock,'-conducted, by Itov.G.-B. 'i^crroo. • l^lio ■ piillbenrors [
chlapn, Wiley-Plott and Sinn Mar-
ah'sli. Those currying flowers
were '.Miaaes Susie. Plott, Sallie
HancHne, Sn'Uie Shoola, Mac Loo
Carter, Mcsdamea'. L. Mnrsholl,..Taft Roicrtson, Charles HaneUnc 'and Dowey' HancIIno, ^ .
W, IL. C^AIG DIES IN . . .
WllUnm Rnbb CnaJg, New York' cotton broker,' who had 'boon aer-;, iottsiy ill at his country ostnto, ^
"Boxwood Lodge," at JeriiSiilcm,.
pnaacd nwny nt tho Salisbury Hoc-'pUol on Saturday morning, wgcd.
60 years. The body was taken toYazoo City, Mlaa,, tho former'
home of the deceased, on Sunday,!
and the interment took placethere on Mondoy. He is survived'by hia wife, who wna formerly'
Mias Mar-gnret Cunningham, of
Ynzoo City, and iseveral brothers'nnd sisters. Mr, Crnlg had bought j■about' ICOO .ncres^of Iniid in. Jerur^^salem township n number of years 'ago, fl jid. had- apeht. b'la yncntlons
nt hia honio there.
— I
John Oarr Smith, 68, .widely |i
known Davio eounty man, died athia home nt Smith Grove Tueadiiy |iaftotnoon at 1120 o'clock. Ho hpd. Ibeen in liia naiinl igobd health un'-
tll 3 o'clock Monday afternoon
when he aulfcrod ft stroke of epo-
I-lcxy,-vvhich roHultod In hia dctathRorn in Davle county Mny 28,
18(18, a Bon of Samuel nnd Mattie
llodgoa Smith, he had spent pra-ctica'lly his entire l-lfo in thiscounty and 'wna one of the heStknown and most hiffhly fegmraod
Wen in tlmt aection,*
Mr. Smith had been a memberof Smith Grove Methodist iChur^for many yoars. In,addition to his-church acttvltiea, he vmp-l^omin-ont in fraternal circles', being a
nioinber of 1, O. p. F,.-Lodge ^o.818 at Smith Grove' and the Mas
onic Ledge at Parmington.,Survivors Include his mother;^the widow, who prior to marriftgo'on Decemfbcr 12, 1889, was Miss |
AurcUn Smith; -two .(brothers,Charlie Smith, o£' Forsyth co.untyand Joseph Smith, of Dhvlu coun
ty; ami one sister';.., Ivlrs, BottleSmith, of'Davio county.
Punerai services will be con
ducted lilt the hoxne Thurodfiymorning at 10:80. o'clock and at
Smith Grove Churoli at 11 o'clockby Rev. A, G. Loftln ancl.Ray. Mr,Evvln. Intcrraont .will he 'u
Smith Grove iiCrhch'gi'aveyaru,with the Odd Pollo;\Y8.rind M^aonain charge of the services nt the
Bio - Obituaries - 11/19/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 25,1931
J. N. Charles
W. L Barnhardt Dead.
' William L Baruhart, 75, died
suddenly early Thursday morofu^
at the home-of bis. bortbcr Tames
Barubardt. iu Davidson county.
Mr. Barnbardt was a native of Jeru
salem ~towo.sbtp and spent most of
bis life in Davie county. He was
a member of Concord Bletbodist
churcb« from-which the funeral
took place 11 o'clock Friday morn-
ir^ Surviving afe two brothers.
Lum Earnhardt, of Davie. and
Jamas' Barnbardt. of Dayidsru
county, and one sister, Mrs. Sam
Garwood. of Fork. Four sons also
survive. Dan Barnhardt. of Davie.
J. H , Chas. and Sam Barnhardt.
of Spencer, and two dangbters.
Mrs. Stokes Voung. of Da^dson,
and Mrs. Chas Potts, of Ean-
Thomas J. Richardson
Aged Davie Man Dead.-
I Thomas J. Richardson, aged 86,
d pd Saturday in Calabain- towra'rip,
at the home bf bis son in-law, W. S,
Boyd. He was well known years a*
ffo as a school teacher and later as a
farmer. ;
Surviving- are bis widow, Mrs j
D trcas Richardson, one brother, Rev. |
Joel Kichardpon. retired minister of;
Connel'.v ^pringpj three sons Charles. 3
D «vid and Robert Richardson; two j
Idoghtpfs. Mesdames "W S Bo^d-
md J P. SmliJi, all of Davie countj; i
ri'O grandchildren and eight great-1
grandchildren \
Funeral services were conducted '
Tonday afternoon at 2 o'chirk a) Zion
Viethudist Church by Rev. A G. Lof :
Aged Veteran Dead.
Mr. J. N. Charlev, 94, a Ccmfeder-'
ate Veteran, and one of the oldest
citizens of Davie county, died at his
home in Jerusalem Sunday morn ng
at five o'clock. The fuiural services
were heli at the Hume M -iiday after
noon at four o'clock. Revs. W. B.
WaS and R, C 0 iforch*. conducting
the services. The body was laid to
rest in the Click graveyard at Jera
solem with Masonic* honors. Surviv
jng Mr. Charles is one daughter.
Miss L- fieb'ecca Charles, of Jerusal
em. two sons, R tbert Charles, of
Portland, Ore., and J C. Charles, of
Jerusalem. Mr. Cnarles .was a na
cive of Davie, having spent practL
cally all his life in the county. His
passing wilt be mourned by many
friends throughout the comnuoity
in which be lived fur so lung He
was a member ..of the-Jerusalem
Baptist church.
Death Claims John Carr
John Carr Sir.ith. 63, widely
kuowu Davie couuly man, died at
Ins home at Smith Grove last Tue.-s-
day afternoon at 1:20 o'clock. He'
had been in his usual good healib
until Monday after.uoon wlieu he
suffered a stroke of apopluKv,
^whlcb resulted iu bis death.
Born iu Davie county Mny 28,
1868, a son ot Samuel, and. Mattie
Hodges Smith, he badspenc pracli
cally his entire life in this county
and was one of the best known
aod most highly regarded men iu
that section.
Mr. Smith bad been a memlier
of Smith Grove Methodist Church
for nian^ years In addition to bisj
church activities, he was prominent j
iu fiatern-al circles, being a niembv-r
of I O. O- F. Lodge 31S at Smith
Grove aud the Masouic Lodge at
Survivors mclude his mother; the
widow, who prior to her marriage on
December 12. 1889. was Miss Ajire-
lia Smith; two brothers., Charlie
Smith, of Forsytb county, 'and
Joseph Smith, of Davie coumy, and
one sister Mrs. Bettie Smith, of
Davie county.
Funeral serxdces ttere conducted
at the home Thursday morning at
10:30 o'clock .and at Smith Grove
ohurcli at it o'clock by Rev. A. O.
L'bftm and Rev. M. 0. lirvin. In !
termeut was in Smith Grove church;
graveyard, with the Odd Fellows;
aud Masons in charge of the ser-|
vices at the graveside, |
In the death of Mr,' Smith the
editor of The Record loses a warm,
personal frieurf. one whom he _li?s
known for many years. Hewasoiie
of the best known uieu in this entire
ouuty. and numbered his friends
by ibe bnudreds. The entire com
munity in which he lived israouru-
ing the death of this good man
who.will be sadly missed. To^-tl.e
bereaved wife, sister, t^rotheis and
other relatives, w-e extend deep
sympathy in t'uis -hour of sadness.
Bio — Obituaries - 11/25/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 25,1931
Jasper Williams
Mr. Jasper wnilaois, 60, died ati
his borne ne^irSocietj^ church Sat-'
urdav iDoroiog, following an illness!
of sereral mouths. The
services were held at the hoiue at
II o'clock Sunday niorntng. con
ducted by A. G Lnftin. and burial
followed in Saleui church grave
yard. Mr. Williams is survived by
his widow, onesoQ ami .two daught
ers Two sister^iaod oue- brother
Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 26,1931
John N. Charles Dies
Suddenly At His Home
John Newloji Chnrloa, ono of
' Dftviu'a best haioSvn and sued cHl-
zons and -Donfedcrnte votornn,
died suddenly at his homo nt
JorusuIem> on Sunday mornlnif
nbout 5 o»flock, in his 9Bth year.
He was the son- of John -P,
Charloa and EHza Oharlcs, and
was bom in v^pril 1887. -In 1801
ho enllatod in the Gonfodorote
ariny«.being a roembor.of Co, G.
I Fourth North Carolina - roglinont,
and .Sieved nil through • the y/ax
•Botwoen the- States. ^ 3^0 >vaa
wounded at'the Buttid of Sovon
Pznca, nnd was' ln -tHo Pennsyl-.
vonid'eampaign. n Mri 'Charles Wim
rooTxIed in January 1871 to Mlaa
Saszdi A. Ceasent, and to this
pnion were horn five ' child^eni
.'three tof whom, Miss L. Rebecca
Charles and John C. Charles, of
MochsvUle Route. 4» and" Robdrt
1 Charles, of Oregon, survive. A
daughter, Mro. Bcaalo iCharloa
Fceaor, and a sOPt Harry Charles,
of Washington, N. 0., died some
I years sfio. A number of grand-
'childreu and several great grnnd-
'childrea aaso sui-vive, Ho was ono
jcf the organizers of the old Jem-
IsaleiD Masonic Iiodgo, No. 815,
and also, took the degrees of Roy
al Arch Mason and Knight Temp
lar at Mockswllo. He was a mem
ber of the Baptist church and also
ono of the <?hoTtor membors of this
Farmors* Grange being the oldest
member In North. Carolina. A
largo crowd of relatlvoa end fri
ends, many from a diatanco, at
tended the funeral aerylcea which'
were held at the home on hton-i
day 'Afternoon at 4 o'clock, by j
Rov. Manki H. Mline, of Salisbury, j
The music was furniflhod. by a j
mixed qunrkot'from the Coolcc-j
meC Baptist chureh, tlic songs
sung being ■"'■'How Firm a Foundation,". "Asleep. In Jesus," and
"Abide -with Mc." The ba.slcet ■wasdraped with bobh thb Amoricim
flag and tho Oonfedcvatc" Stars.
and Hal's, and there were many
beautiful floral tribute^. Tho
Mocksvllle Masonic Lodge had
charge of the services in the near
by Jorusnlora coractei-y, with Rev,
R. C. Gaforlh lending tho imprca-,r1vc, ritual, and Rev. A. C?. Lof-
tin closing the servicea. The quartet softly sang "God Be With
You;" and then as the sun was
setting "Taps" was sounded on
iihft .bii«le. We oxtond our doepoyntpsthy to tho beroaviid family.. Nephewg .acted as pnllbearors
and grniidchildron of tlie dccens-
od caTi'lfid riowero. A largo num
ber of old .friends were honor
ary pallbcarora.
Mattie Gohnor Cherry RodWell
In Georgia Bus Wreck:
Bus Runs Into River jBrid^i^e Near Louisville^: Georgia, Wounding Several Other Passengers;;;
.^Fjuneral Arrangements Not Yet Made. -
.. Enterprise readers will i-end
with .sorrow-the fdllbWing.clippedfrom a .morning'^ he^vspaper:
"Louisville, (jA.VNov.'24.---Mi'a.iM. C. Rod well, of Salisbury, -N.
IC;; dfod here .tonight of injuries[received when the JacksonyillG-i^tjlantn bus. on which aho- 'was
a.passenger, crushed into a brid
ge over.tho:Qgeechee River.
• .The. bus. drivef* blamed' ajpnimcd .ateering gear., for . the.
wreck/ in which several othef 'paa-aongers were cut and bruised. |
Several,panels of the cbnbr'etc.
bridge rail were torn a>v;ay,"
. Mrs,' Rod well, prior to hef mar-;.-rlnge, was Mlss Mattio .' Cohndr;}
Cherry, of this city,-and n-dhugh'.tor of the l_ate\-Chorles.";c. andV
Clyde Sheek "Cherry; • .She was marriodyto^ f'Boy'': Jm -VV. • R6dwol],'Jr., in 1827 ;inhd;.f.s.';'survive.d by her two, three , ycor^
old daughter^ who ; .are makloff '
their home with Mra. Gay Onble^of Snllsbufy. The deceased iva«rabout twonty-ono years old.
No'funeral -lirmngements have "been made aa we go to press, . p
Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 26,1931
Thoniiis Jftspor Rlchnrdaon, ^
dlqd nt the home of hfs flon-lu-1
\V. S;. Boyd, ncni* Cfllnhnln
onj-Snturda'y "nftorhoon, ngoil 6C.
He'was the son of Addiaon Rich-
artUon and Jane Bhilock Rlchnrd-
soiii nnd was a woll-known toa-
ehdr in libij, county n number of
years «eo. The ■surviving familyconsists c'f hla wife, Mrs. Dorcna
. Dyson Richardson, throo sons,
Charles, David -and Robert Rich
ardson, two daughters, Mrs. W.
S. 'Boyd and Ktra. J. R. Smith, allof iho gnmc community. One bro
ther, Rev. Joel Richardson, a re
tired Mothodist minister, of Con
nelly Springs, 20 .grandchildron
and 8 grcat-grnndchildvcn also
survive. The funeral was iheld at
Zion Methodist church on Sun
day;.afternoon at 2 o'clock,, with
Rov'i A. G. Loftln olHciatlng. ThepallljearerB woro R. B. White, A.R. White. P. A. White, L. L.
White, <W. dl, Boyd nnd M,. W.
Bihlih. The flowors wore carried
by 7(Irs. Mac Reeves, Misses Lucy
Richardson, Blmn 'Klchai'dson
and •F^'iiiiccs Smith.
Last rites wor<r heid..for.'liIr8.;,Mollie Swalm Brock'von. T^ursday-;at Vog|er's\Pu'nernj.-Ch'ripqi by .
C. C. Weaver,' in Wlnsfon-Salem.
Mrs. Brock had many rdlhtlvcs.
and friends in this county. .She'
had resided In Winslon^Salcm !
for a number of years, m.*kking-;hor home iu the Belo Honii?;. She^
la .survived by one son, WJHfim .
Brock, of Nashville, Tcnn., and:
one brother, Mr. V. B. Swaim, of
this place, Mr. and Mrs. Swnlm nt
tended the funeral.
Jasper Williams
Mr. .T'sspor Willl.'ims^died nt hig[homo near Davic Academy on
,Saturday morning, after an ex
tended illness. lie la survived, by
his wife, ono son and two daugh
ters, also one Bro. nnd two sis-
Punorali sorvlcos wore held «this home on Sunday morning at
10 o'clock by Rev. A. G. Loftini
Interment took place in Salem
comotcry nt 11 o'clock, where ho'has been n long membqr. A good j
man has gone to his reward.
Much sympathy is folt for the i
W. L. Barnhart
After an Illness of only a few
hours, W. L. Barnhart passed
away at bis ihome hero Thursday
"morning nt 12:45 o'clock a. m.
Uncle Bin as he was known to
his friends born March 14,
18G0, died Nov. 10, 1931, ago 71
years, 8 months, and 5 days! In
June 1888 he was married to
Amanda Marie Foster, of Augus
ta, Dnvie County. To this union
v'cre boi'ii seven children, 5 sons
nnd 8 dnughtei?). The sons are-
Charlie, and'Sam Barnhart, of
Spencer, iDan,.pf Franklin, Henry
of Churchland, Mia. J. S. Young,
of Churcihland and Mrs. Cliavlle
Potts, of ICnnn.'«polia. Ono son died
nt the age of 18 months. 27 grand
children, 3 gvcut-grnnd-children.
One. sister, Jlrs. S. E. Garwpod, of
Pork Chuvc.h< 2 brothers, C. F. .Barnhart, of Augusta, J. P. Barn-' '
hart of near Churchlimd with
whom ho ihns made his home for
the past thicu. yoai'a. 2 brothers
nnd 2 slaters proceeded him In
death. >F^neraI services were held
111 Augu»la Mulliodlsl cliuruli, Friday -rtfternoon by Rev' E. L. Braa-
loy, pastor of ■ Onkdalc Baptist
church nnd hla body <lnld to rest
beside hla wifo mho preceoded
him in death IG years ago. Fnll-
bcarors wore his nephews, Lcb,
Adam, Henry, Goorgo and Bustnco
BnrnlTnVt .and . Stnloy : Sowers.
FJowdr -girls were ^his grnnddnu-^hter.s and nieces: A large crowd,
of rchtlves and frioitds nttcndud
tho funornl which showed the es
teem in which ihc was held.' The
floral offerings wore many and
beautiful. Wo oxtcml nympnthy to
the borenvcd/famlly.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/26/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 2,1931
Denny G>pe Is Killed.
Denny Cope, ly-year-old son of
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cope,
was instantly killed Thursday after
noon while hnnting on the Hairs-
ton plantation in Fulton township
when a {tun iq the hands of Frank
I Jones, was discharged. The entire
{load of shot entered the back-of
Cope's head.
j -The funderal was held at Fork
I Baptist church Friday afiernoou.
Cope was a junior-in Rdd's btgh
A Coroner's investigation was
held but the young Jones boy was
exhonorated from any blame. He
was bringittf? bis gun around to
shoot a rabbit when it fired, blow-
jing the top of the Cope boy's head
joff. The death of this young man
has brought sadness to the entire
ccmniunity in which he lived.
Harmon Laird
Young Man Dies.
Harmon Laird, r3. .son of Mr.
and Mrs Oscar I,aiTd-. of near Cor-
iiaizer, died in a Winst-on-Salem
ho.spitaI Friday, death resulting
from pleurisy and typhoid fever, j
Funeral services were conducted bv i
Rev W. M. Rathbtirn Sunday!
aftemcon at 2 o'clock and the bod yj
liid to rest in Cornatzer graveyard ;
Surviving the parents, font broth-j
ers and one sister.
Mrs. Mary Vernon Dies
Mrs. Mary Vemon, vs. died at her
home on the old Hradricke home
stead, near Cherry Hill church at
12:15 o'clock Monday morning. The
funeral took place Tuesday morning
at 11 o'clock at Cherry Hill church,
conducted by Rev. J. W. Clay, of
Cooieeroee Methodist church, and in-
terment followed in church ceme-
The deceased was the daughter of
the late Joseph A. and Amanda
Hj^ncks, being-a member of one
"thb'bldest and most prominent fami
lies of Davte county, and some mem
ber of the family resid^ on ibis
Hendricks farm since 1765'
Surviviog is one daughter, Mr:*
Julia Appsrson, of Jerusalem; one
sister and two brothers, Mrs. Julia
Thompson, of Salisbury; John A.
Hendricks, of Marshall, and G 'orite
MSHmdricks, of .Jerusalem; aim
three grandchildren, George Jr.,
ISaaqr Louise and AzmaAppersonr* i
Funeral Mrs. Mattie
Connor Rodwell.
Fiiner-i se.'vlce.«» for Mrs Moltie
Connor Rod well, 23. who died Iroin
injuries received in a bus accident
at Louisville. Ga , last Tuesday,
were held at the Methodist church
Friday morning at t r o'clock, con
ducted bv Rev. A. L Stanford,
pastor of the First Methodist
church, of Salisbury, N. C, T.'e
body was laid to rest in Rose
cemetery. Mrs. Rodwell was before
marriage Miss Mattie Connor Cher
ry, daughter ot the late C. C. and
Clyde Sheek Cherry, and speut
mo-st of her life in ibis city before
marriage. Mrs. Rodwell is survived
by her husband, J. W. Rodwell,
Jr., of this city, twin daughters,
Jerry and Cherry, four sisters, Mrs.
Gay Cabell, of Salisbury; Mrs.
Cbas. Hendry, of Marion, Va.. Mrs.
Sberoiau Heudrix, of Charlotte and
Miss Carohn Cherry, cfSalisbury.
Mrs. Rodwell had recently been
I living in Miami, Fla., and was re-
;toniing to Salisbury when the fatal
I accident occured. "She was on a
Jacksonville - Atlanta bus which
I crashed into a bridge over the
Ogeechee. river, caused by a jam
med steering gear. Other p^sseug-
; ers on the bus were injured but not
Bio - Obituaries - 12/2/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 3,1931
Lust rltoB wore hold at tho-
Methodist church hero on Fr/dny
morning at 11 o'clock, for Mi-a.
Mottio Connor dliorry Rod^ycll,
who died Tuesday night in Lou la-
yillo, Gn., from injuries received
in a bus wreck. Rev, A, L. Stan
ford, pastor of tho First Metho
dist church of Salisbury, had
iClmrgo of the services, and the
I interment followed in the Rose
j Cemetery, by the side of her pai*-
jonta, Mr. and Mija iC,' C, Cherry,
,The hymns sung by. the choir
jwcre "Load, Kindly Light," and
{"Asleep in Jesus," and a solo,
,"Fnco to Face," was also 'sung.
The pallbearers . were: Aaron
'James, J,.K Sheek; J, A. Kim-
brough, Jr., E. D. ICimbrongh,
,C, F, Moroncy, Jr., and S«m Wa
ters. The >hGautl£ul floral- designs
.Wore' carried by Misses Duke
Shoek, Allno McCIomroch, Mild-
recY and Sadie Htiill Woodruff,
Daisy and Annie Ho'lthouser, Pat-
sey Clement, Louise Stroud, Lois
Disniel. Martha and. Jnok OoxAvell,
Mrs, Jack Gobbol. This tragic
I death has brought deep sorrow,
Uo a large family circle to whom
• WQ extend sympathy.
I A '
' Davie county suifercd tlic loss
oj* one of *her most widely known
and highly esteemed women on
Monday morning in the death of
Mrs. Mary M. Vcrnon,. 78, who
passed !away at tho.old Hendrlckg
homestead at Cherry, Hill.
•She was .the widow of the late
Buford B. Vernon ri^d the daugh
ter of Mr. and airs. Joseph Hen-
dricka .and a member of one of 'the
most prominent and oldest fam
ilies of Dayio county. Members
of the Hendrlcks family !have <llv-
cdlat this place since prior to the
war with England. .
Surviving relatives include one
daughter, Mrs. George Apperson
of the commuhity, two brothers,
George M, Hendrlcks n of Davie,
and John A. Hendrlcks, of Mar
shal. One slsterj Mrs. Julin
Thompson, of Salibbury and three
grandchildren, George Jr., Mary
liouise and Annie Apperson.
Interment was in. the Qherry
Hill cemetery .with Rev. G. W.
Clay pastor of the Cooleemee Met
hodist church uillciating. ,
A large crowd was present for
the final rites and the gr^at and
beautiful number of f-lorai tribu
tes .were mute testimony of tho
love and respect the community
hold for -this grand old lady.
Herman Lmvla Laird, IS-yenr
old eon of O. L. Inilrd and F. F.
Barney Laird, of Cornatzor, died
at the Baptist hospital in Winston
Snlcm, 'November 27t|i at 10 P* m.
FiiiicrnI service was held Novcm- j
ber 29th jit Comatzer, conducted;
by Rev. G. R. .Forrce and inter-:
m'cht foHowed In tho church eoin-'
etery. The pallbearers were
Willynrd Howard, Luther Trivette
Ralph" Call, Gnidand Ho^vavd,
Roger Howard and Ralph Potts,
Tho flowers were .-carried by Mis
ses Lcona Hondrix, Tholmn How
ard, Annie'Potto, Lgis Jones, Ilel-'
en Jones, Eupy Cb<0, Georgia Mc-
Cuiloh, l^dred' Hendrlx, Ruth'
McDaniel and Mary Nanco.
The surviving relatives arc hia
fafber and" mo^cr, grandmother,
four brothers, Willie, George,!
Raymond and Ellodge-nnd one sle-'
ter, Loie, Q
Denny Cope Acoidently •
-4Qlled-Whi!e Hunting
A sad .death occurred on last
Thiu'sduy .afternoon when Denny
Cope, 17-yGap-oI(l son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wiley B. Cope, of tho Fork
Church community, was accld-
cntinily shot by S^nnk Jones,
while they and several compan
ions were rabbit hunting. Funer
al services wore held Fork
Baptist church on Friday afteis
non at 2 o^clock, with Rev. B.
W. Turner blUclnting. The ecens-
od was a'student of Reed's Hig.h
School in Davidson county.- The
surviving family consists of tho
parents, one brother, Wiley B.
Jr., and five sisters. Misses Moz-
oUo. Lester, Edna, Sacllo and
JoHsio Vny Cope. CiiaHs-mutOH act-
iod AS pullbenrors and flower-
.girls, the pallbearers being Poy
Shouf, Taylor Koontz, James
• Livengood, Ellis Jtobbs, Boyd
|Barnh>Rrdt and Raford Wnitman,
Foy Sink and Pnrke Myers. The
flowers wore carried by blisses j
Mnttio Sue Bailey, Mary L.
Kbdhtzr'Laura May' Fo.stor^ Bea-^ •
I trice Sh»af, Mary Leo Myers,
Louise Hill, Daphlne Myers, Lil
lian Poster, Margaret Garw'ood,
Dorothy- Livengood and Elizabeth
Bio - Obituaries -12/3/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 9,1931
W. R. Bauguess Passes.
North Wilkesljoro. Nov. 30.—
Walter R. Baugueis, 40, of Jeffer*
sou. member of the state Republi
can executive coinmittve aud can
didate for United Stated district at
torney tor the middle district of
North Carolina, died in Wilkes
ho.spital here late tonight.
Mr. Bauguess came here 10 days
ago from bis home in Ashe county
to enter the local hospital for treat
ment. He was suffering from a
kidney disease and high blood pres
Mr. Baugness, widelv known in
Republican circles of North Caro
lina was chaihuan of the Asbe
county Republican execntive com
mittee in addition to the member
ship he held in .the party's state
jUfEeh Hr Orrell Deadj
Utah H. Orrell, 76, filndv Grovel
n farmer, passed away at his home at
I Advance last Tii«sda-7 morning at|morning
II o'clock. DcaUi follotved an ill-]
iiess of font weeks. !
j Mr Orrell horn in Davie
•coumv June 2. 1853. a .son of ihe;
late Mr. aiict .Mrs. j'inie-> R. Ortell.
. He bad -ipent bis entire life in this
Icuiinty and WHS a member of Ad-
j Vance Methodist clusrch. His wife
d:ea seven j ears ag<».
Survivors fnclurie four daughters
. Mrs. E M. Hartuian aud .Miss
Lelia Orrell of Advance; Airs. R.
W Zigiar and Miss Lona Orrell, of
! Winston Saleni; one son L. L Or-
'rell of I..exingtoa; two brothers.
G. VV and J G Orreil. of Ad
vance, and three sisters Mrs .Alice
. Phillips, of Win.ston Salem, Mrs.
3e.nili4b L'lni.ix. of Oavid.son coiin-
jty aud Air.-!. Charlie Beauchanip,
* of .Advance
Fnut ral services were conducted
at the hnu;e Tluir.«dav afternoon at
I ;30 o'clock and at .A Ivnnoe Metb-
jodi'Jt church Ri 2 o'clock by Rev.
j 'V. M. RHihhtrn. Interineiii fol
lowed in ilie church gravevard.
Bio - Obituaries -12/9/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Souact Of
ABBL grAhaki click;
;,^^ln.—Funeral rites, tor;
^^kbam elicit, almost' 74, 4ho^4.
'vMre 'conducleti Friday afternoon,
from the home' by his pastor. Rev.
L. . B. Abcrnethy. Interment, wa^
mt^e in the Ta^Iy plat in Holly-
wohd cemetery. ,
Bustnees and industry of the .tpwn
were ^Iled during the funeral ^wur
as a mdrk of respect to a piraeer
citiun '^nd business and civic leader
who peyl^tis has played a stronger
part in t^d general progress of th^
toiyn for to^arly a half century thafl
any .man living today.
Coming, to n Blkin from his native
home in Iredeil'county to-cast his
loS when "bof;' a young man, Mr.
Click earned the lofty position which
he has held in the hearts of his fel
low citizens, through strict adher-
(ence to the' principles of honesty;
{integrity, and persevering Industry.■the interest, and welfare of tho,town of which be has played sojPjromlBent a part in the building aVways being uppermost in his njino;The arghiteet. i)f his own fortune, his
success has been doe to nativedom, unfaltering industry, keen p'er-
ceptive ppwers and sound business
judgment.' •
Starting his career as a teacher inDavie county at the early age of
eighteen, he dfterward turned hisattention to_ the mercantile businessand in the early years of his reslj
dence ib Blkin, he conducted athriving business of that nature.
Turning in later years to the manufacturing business, he has been of-fl ciaiiy connected for years with theElkin I>\irnituro Company, and instill more recent years -with numerous allied industries. In addition tothe numerous industries with whichha was vitally connected, he ■was
;associate owner.of the HighlandsOrchards, a valuable orchard U-acton the Brushies, four miles out, and
in the last years of his life has de
voted much -attenUod to its cultiva-
ition. " , ."In public affairs of the town, heihas always evinced an intelligent in-{terest and in ,matters of civic im-m^tance his counsel was constantlyBilaight. H,e has iserved. almost con-l^upusly on the-board of town com-tmpgioners, since Elkin was incorpo-F^tpd and in has eveF been a le^erI in/ the town's affairs. Hp was^aand'director of the Bpnktwwkiii ^3 -b andfor many yeatw was a director of the
Elkin. National Bank of which he i^was a nlqneer stockholder. |I Ho 'Was one.pf .fhe stalwart pillars!of , the',Mothodtet Episcopal Church, Ito which he wways gave loyal sup- iport and unfaltering sefvite. '
a m&nber of!the Elkin MasotUc Lodge aiti; was ialso a member of the KniSis of:Pythias durlhg the-yepr^ In ^hichithat lodge was active here. He wasa charter member of the ElkinKiwanis. Club. ■
The solemn' rites conducted fromthe this -afternoon wdre at-
lended;.fey a throng of friends fromof the country, andmhrkpd'.% the simplicity whichwould appjOrd with the wishes of thedeceakod, -who desired no elaboratefloral display at his bier.■ SurviviA are his wife of the second marrm'ge, Mrs. Grace ShugsurtClick, two daughters and two sonsof the flrpt marrjage, Mrs. M. A.Biggs, Dr. Eugene" Click and J.-Harpld'j'I^Ick, of Elkin, and Mrs.Russell Johnson, of Winston-Salem,a small btepson, Dickie Shugarl,'j nine -grandchildren; also one brother aiid three slslers, Henry Click of
■Cherrvville; Mrs. J. w Rh^nina^i orU
Honbra^ pallbearers were H. , Pi
A. Rbyal^i'-Si;-R.^iley. Alex Chatham, " H. P, Gra-hkm. Hf H.JtVoodruff, J. S. Atkln-
W. -Chathrthi;S' Parks, :T.Mj Lillard, M.^ Smith, R. J.Birker, J, a p. Hendrbn. "W. A.Neayro, W. C. Wolfe, C.' O. Arm-fl eld R. L. Church, A. O. Bryan, W.M, Allen. Dr. R. B. Hari-ell, J. H.Bmsm. W. M. Gray, J. R. Poindox-tef, Paul Gwyn. J. G. Abernethy.Geprgc E. Royall, and J. O. Bivins.
S9 O
—I —tCD -J
^ >Q- w
. it:
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 10,1931
: J
iEuneral sorviceg were held
the'Cboteemee Baptist Church last
Wednesday for Mrs. Ghorge Plum-j
mer Osborne, wife of Z, y. Os-»j
borne/'of Duke Street Mrs. Os-(
borne was taken ill on the eighth j
of last June with a cancer of the
breast and on opera ilpn and-sev
eral days hospital treatment fail
ed to effect'.a cure and aheipassed
away at her residence In Coolce-
mee last Tuesday.
Mrs. Oflborno was pripr to her
marriage in 1904, a Miss Plummer
and was reared. In' Grdyson coun
ty, Va„ and spent ajnaJorlty of
her life In Vlrgihla and Tennes
see, coming to North Carollnna
n from Tennessee about three years
Surviving rolatlvjQs Include -the
husband and 11 children as fol
lows : Miss Riith Ostiornc, u train
ed' nurse In the Kings Mountain
Memorial hospital in Bristol, Va.:
Miss Geneva Osborne, a trained
nurse in DuIec uhlvbrsity'hospital
at Durham; Mrs. George'Vogler,^
of China Grove; .Shorley, Marie/
Mntalonc, Mdudie, Mildred, Con
nie Lee, Pau| and Grace Osbornof
at home; two grandchildren; the'
father, S. W. Plummer, of-Ten-j'
noBBce; six brothers: C. 0. Plum
mer, of Salisbury; L. L. Plummet*,
of- Plcmming, .Ky., Roscoo Plum
mer, of Wonvoi'Iy, Iowa; Laiicleii j
Plummer, of Craiidul, -Tonn.; '
Garnet Plummer, of Bristol, Tenii,
Conloy plummer of Indianapolis, r
Ind.; Two sisters, Mrs. Dollle <
I Rodgera of Bristol, Tenn.; and
Mrs. Verdie Fhlpps of Einmctt,
tTenn,, also survive.
^ Interment was . in the Xiberty
" Methodist cemetery with Rev. A.'
* T. Stotidenmlre, pastor • of the
'Cooleomee Baptist church offl'eiat-
^ ing. ; •. • n
Lucy McKnight
Mrs. Lucy McKnight after an
illness of six weeks passed away
'nt the homo of her aoi), J. W.
I McKnight, nt 2:30 n* m. Monday.
I The body -was laid to rest Tlies-1
|<lny nt Bowory Chapel.
Bio - Obituaries -12/10/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 16,1931
H. H, Blackwelder
Mr. H. H. Blackwelder ^about
77, died suddenlv at his'faotoe uear
Hotmao's Sunday morninjc follow-
iuK an illness of seven years. . The
funeral and burial services v^ere
held Monday teeming, at ti o'clock
at Chestnut Grove^ Methodist
church. Rev. Lacy Thompson con
duct ing the services. Mr. Black*
welder is survived by five sons and
two daughters, also two sisters
The Record Is sorry to chronicle
the death ouhis old friend, and
extends sympathy to the bereaved
A. Graham Click
Mr. A. Graham Click, 74, pro
mioent citizen of Blkin, died at bis
home ih that city Thursday night,
following a stroke of paralvsir.
Funeral and burial services were
held Friday afternoon. Mr. Click
is snrvived by his widow, two sons
and two daughters, one brother and
three sisters. Mr. Click had many
friends and relatives in Da^coud*
ty who were saddened by the news
of his death. Mrs. Click is a native
of Oavie cooaty, daughter of the'
late Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tatum, of
Cooleemee. , |
Bio - Obituaries — 12/16/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 17,1931
Mrs. B. B. Cornelius
Airs. K. B. Corneliua pnssod
nwny nt l}cr homo in Formington
township, Doc. 9, 1931, nt the ngo
of 84 yenvs. She wos n chnrtor
member of tho YftdRTn . Vniloy
XJliurch uml wag Hiid to rest in
the chttrch ccmotcry, ' Dec. 11.
sorviccB wore conducted
by iftov. J. H. Gvoco nnd Rov. Joo
Styors. Sho wn.s n beloved siatcr
and,will bo grcntly missed by nil
who knew her.
Bio-Obituaries - 12/17/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 23,1931
Harold Dennis Seamen
At Rest.'
OaDeci^th 1931, the death An^el came
into the home of Brother and Sistw Char
lie SeamoQ. of Cooleetnee and claimed
thdr yottogest child Harold Dennis. He
wasn't Qoite a year old . He was a beou-
itifol and attractive hahy. fine healthy
1 nkfng. but was taken 8<ck and only lived
a ^ort while All that tender hands and
loving hPjarts could do was done, but G<id
eav in him a jewel to pure to itay in this
world 80 took him 10 be with Hmi. We
jboow they miss blin a^d ore lonely sli e>
; his sweet voice is still, yet we 'know our
Josalsbis gain'and that he is now safe
I Iti the ariDH of Jesus. A bud oit catth
! now blooms in heaven, hearts go out
In deepest sympathy to iha fathpr, moth r
and little brother. May God's richest
blessings rest upon them, and may we all
live sd as to maet the little treasure "just
over there." . • A Friend
Bio - Obituaries — 12/23/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 31,1931
Funeral services wore held at
he home near Farmington'nt 10
clock Tuesday morning and bur-
Idl in the Farmington Methodist
tliurch cemetery at ll*o*clock for
jitnin Green Berry Harding,
ii), who passed Uwny at' his rcsU
tenco on Sunday night following
short illness. Captain Harding
I'flS a native of Yndkln county,
he son of Williom .and Jennie
peor Harding, He etime to Davio
n 1900 and spent the reinainder
f his life on the n estate near
'armington Which he purchaMid
nil developed.
At the age of 17 he enlisted In
ompany 1, 28th regiment of.
orth Carolina Infantry and ser-
d with distinction throughout
e four years of the War Bc-
con the States. He was wound-
1 three times, once at the battle
Reams SCatten in Virginia and
•riously at the -battle of Gettys-
irg. At this battle a minnie ball
the shoulder came very near
dng fatal and he carried-It un-
I his death.
One outstanding experience in
is life was a trip to Texas In
!54 with a colony of Hardings,
^oors and Conrads of Yadkin
lunty to take up government
nd. Hie colony settled nearIoney Grove but became dlsan-
ifled and returned to Yadkin
1(1 Dnvie counties after a yonr
the Soutlnvest. Saptnin Hard-
P was 12 years of ago at tho
nd and made moat of the trip
foot with the men and boys of
ifo was a chnrtcr momber of
0 Farmington lodge of Masons
il n past worshipful master.
< was buried with full Masonic
nors, the Farniiiiglon and Mock'
lllo lodges having charge of the
08. . .
Captain mid .Mrs. Harding colo-
i.^d^thpir .golden wedding-iivo
ttrdi'^nho Stoolmaii,. dniighter of'
and Mi-s. Jim Stoolmnn, of
dlcln county. Eleven cliildriiii
ro born to this unibii, ton of
om sttrvlvii along with the
low and 20 grandchUdrcn as
lows: Miss Julia' Harding
uing attorney m Jncksonvlllo,
I.; Mrs. Flora Harding Baton
hinson, ntcmbor of the fncul'
of Mai's Hill Colloge; Mrs.
nrl Carson Blackburn, Smith-
Id; Dr. S. A. Harding, Mocks-
ic, John T. Harding, Farming-
; Mys. Frank Johnson, dcccas-
Dr. Speor Harding, Pilot
iintain; Dr. Grndy Hording,
iiKton-Snlem; Mrs. Johnnie
ings, Hickory; Airs. Rgy Decso,
iiston-Sulcm; lind Mr.H. W. R,
tinhour, Hlckoi'y. <
/'npmiii' Harding hns tiio dis-
etion of sending, eleven chil
li through college. Three are
lors, one u lawyer and tlio
uiindcr have all attniiied dis-
tlon in the field of education
teachers and educators.
)ne other distinction was he
ibiishcd the.first steam saw-
I ill Yadkin county. I
ictive pnllbeAi'eers wore D. A.
rtm'ani". M. J. Ilendrix, B. C.
ck, W. E. Kennen, J. H. White
A.-.Tuylpr, John Soats and
do Purchea.
'hj honorary pallbearers in-
tied R. 0. Brown, L. L, Miller,
C. Ilowell end .Leon Gash. ,
Bio — Obituaries —12/31/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 31,1931
MliS. S. D. LBI3, UELOVEbw ;
I 'Mrs. Snvfth Ann Bailey tW,
, one of Mbcksville's most beloved
- and highly cstcomcd Indies, pnia-
' ed away nt her hbmo . here oh
n Tuesdoy evening, Dec, 29th, after
a aerioiis illness of several weeks,'
aged 90, She nvad the only dau"
ghtor of Brnxton Bailey and Jnno
Johnstone Bailey,- aiid vyaa born
In Mdeksvillo on Oct» 29th,. 1841.
•At the ago of fourteen, while ii
student at' Gracnab'oro Collego,
she was happily .convbrted and
joined. tho Mbthodlst • church/ of-
..which she waa nlwoya a- most:
devoted member. After grnduat-
. ing at Greonshoro College, she-at-
n tended Music Vhlb " Seminary . in
"Cdnnecficut. Oh 'Oct.- =8rd, 1872
she was ihorried Jh Ilov. .W,.-D.
lee, M. .D.y a well-known Metho
dist minister and to, this union;
ware horn one son' and two dau-.
ghtbrs. .JSor hushnhd' died, many
years ago, and her long Widow-.
hood was spent In her girlhood's,
home. Boforo her -ihArrlago she
taught school, and there aro num
bers of her former pupils,, both
'here and elseAVihere, who will al
ways rom'pmber her .with affec
tion. Mr8.''Lbo. possosscd 'a noble
Christian character,- .and that
comblnod with hor. brUIinht Intblr'-
lect gave her groat influence fn'
her homo and In the commuhlty.
Hor interests wore not confined'
o small -flf^Iicrc, for she was
•always generous to mlsaforis, tboth •.
nt homo and abroad; and to the.
last was Intcrostodi In tho affairs .
of the da.y. She ia survived by'her*
Son, .Chief Jiistieo T. Bailey Leo,'
of tho .<tuprpmc Court of Idaho,
rnd her (inugiit-crs, HIssos uortim'
M. Leo inHfl Alice .T. Lee, of this
place. IHvo slop-children, to whom,
r.hc was n real mother, Miss Mary
T-eo "of ploco; and Dr. W. B.
Loo, of Snp Pnulo, Brazil, abb.
oui'vivo.'.'^ n
tlio Sfatps; ahbther, brothaiv
maa-B. Ballcy, a promiiwiit-lrtw-^
yor of Mocksvllle dlbd .n nu.mb'i'r/
of years ngo, and one brother, W.
H. Bailey, survives.'Tho .funoval ;
Sorvieoa wore held at thb honib Oii
Wedneadoy pftornoon. Dec." aotiu '
ai uii'uu o-cioch. by her pastor,'.
Bov. R. C. Goforth, and the Inter
ment Was in Ro.so Cemetery. The
songs sung , by the eholr wore
"How Firm n Ponndotlon," "Ser
vant of Gfod Well Done," and ?
"Ten Thousand Times Ten Thoii- •
sand," while at the cemetery tlies ¨
pastor read "For All the Baints*
Who From Thoir Labors .Host.*"
Tho nctlvo pallbearers-were:. J...
B. Johnatono, J, F. Hnncs, J. P.
Moore, Penrl Curlnor, J. P, Groen,
J. 0. Snnford, John Larew, and"
Joe Carter. Ifondrarv' pnllbonrers^
•wore E; U Galther.'J. L/Clomoiif,.
C. A. Clement, Dr. W. C. Miirtin
and P. J.- JohiKSon. THo passlhg:;
nwny of this beloved lady hna^ •
brought sorrow to her hundreda..;:
of friends. We extend our.'deep n
sympathy to the Ojcreaved rhmily,
Bio - Obituaries -12/31/1931 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY