Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 3,1923
George H. Wrights
f T. »
cord chronicles the deaih of George
H. Wrights, which, occnred at his
home in Winston>Salem on Friday
Dec. 22nd. Mr. Wrights was local
editor of the Union Republican,
and was one of the he^a writers in
this section of the State. Deceased
died of pneuiuouia. aud was 64
years of age. He. was a * .personal
friend of The Record editor and we
shall miss him- Peace to his ashes.
Bio - Obituaries -1/3/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 4,1923
Savannah Eaton
Mr. Savannah Eaton died'at
CooIeemee'Friday. and was buried
at Eaton's church* Sunday; Mr.
Eaton had'. been . in declining
health; for several months. We
extendisympathy to thehereaved
Bio - Obituaries - 1/4/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1923
R. L McDaniel
Eliza Marlin
Mr. Eliza Marlin.died Saturday
at ibc home Frank Dwig*
gins, aged 83 years. The body
was laid to rest at Liberty Suriday
aftenioon, Rev. J. B. Filz^rald
conductiug the burial services.
Mr^. Marliu is' survived by two
sisters and one brother.
Forrest Young
Forrest, the 6-months-olddaugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius- Young,
died Saturday at Durham, follow
ing an illness of only a few hours.
-M s. Jacob Stewart, mother qf
Mrs. YoungrWent to Durham Si>t-
urday to be present at the funerah
which occured Sunday.
•R. L. McDauiel, a well known'
citizen <rf the Kappa section died at
Long's sati.atOTimn, StatteviUe, oh
T'Uursday, aged about , seventy
years. 'Tbe-.fnneral and burial ser-
vice.s tvere held at Saleui. Methodist
church Friday afternoba at two j
o'cli^k: - Mr. Mci?^iel is survived ]
by his wife and*fi^e7chUdren^ four^
soDS wd one daugliter,. The -be-
r^vfd family have the" ^yropatliy
b^hii their neighbors -and fnends.
Bio - Obituaries -1/10/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 11,1923
Eliza Marlin
Liddy Howell
[Aunt Liddy Howell, an agred
Stored woman, died Thursday
id wps buried at Cedar Greek
i-iday. Aunt Liddy has been a
^reat. he?p' to the white peopleJjring her life and she will be
_^i*eatly missed.
The home of Messrs. S. M.
and Frank Dwiggins was sad
dcned last Saturday afternoon
by the death of their aunt, Miss
Eliza Marlin, who was about 81
years of age. She had been sick
for about two weeks with deep
cold supposedly flu which caused
pneumonia. Miss Marlin was a
good Christian woman, she had
been a member of the Me'hodist
church since she was a young
woman and is said to have read
the Bible through several times.
She leaves a brother and two
sisters to mourn her death, name
ly: 'Mr. J. P. Marlin, Mra. R. A.
Dwigains and Mrs.. J. M. C.
Fenninger. The burial was.at
Liberty church Sunday evening.
The services being conducted at
the grave by her pastor Rev. J.
B. •Fitzgerald.
Bio - Obituaries -1/11/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Felix Miller b.l2 Oct 1824(^29 May 1864jGordonville VA CSA
m. 30 Jun 1844.
Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b. 14 1826 Davidson Co NC
d.03 Feb 1925 Da^dson Co NC
Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC
Bur: Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabeth: Friendship Meth Ch Cem;
Felix's parents:
Nicholas MQller
Elizabeth UVENGOOD Miller
Elizabeth's parents:
Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine n
Levi Franklin MiUer b. 10 Nov 1845^'^^06J^ 1904^
Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850(d.02 Jun 1920;i
Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Cou^'NC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Crissy Jane MUer b.28 Dec 1848^4 Mar 193l3
m.l8Jaal877 (6 ch)
David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923
Res: Lex. NC
Bur: Lex. Citv Cem
Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850(^_
m. 16 Mar 1880
Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 gSsX^cJgja)
Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek CommSty David^n County NC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May
m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College To\;^hip (nine ch)
David Washington Shulerb.28 Aug 185€Ld.l7 Jan 19^
Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC;
Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Ellen Frances Miller b.20 Get 1855(^10 Apr 193l3
m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC _
James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858(^.07 May 1930
Res: Greensboro NC
Bur: Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC
Delilah Miller b.l858(d[03May 1891
•n -I--—^iBur:
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1923
Mrs. R. A Stroud Dead.
'TMrs. R. A. Stroud died at her
home near County Line, on Mon
day evening, Jan. 8th, at . lo
o'clock following a long illness.
Mrs. Stroud was about 78 yea*!; of
age, and is survived by her hus
band, one son and one daughter.'
The funeral and burial services
were held Welutsday morning, at
II o'clock, bj' her pastor. Rev. J.
B. Filzgeral, of Mocksville, and the
body laid lo rest at Saleni Metho
dist church. Stroud was u
good ivo'uiau and will be sadly miss
ed by her many friends and uelgh.
Mrs. John Howell
Mts. John Howell, t)f Jamestown
died Sunday night at 12 o'clock.
Funeral and -burial at- Baptist
church Huntsville Tuesday.
Ti M. McColloh
T. M. McCulloh, a former citizen
of Davie county, died at his home
in Asneville last Friday of pneumo
nia, aged about-60 years. Deceas
ed is survived b^ bis wife and three
sous. Mr. McCulIob was familiar
ly known as "Mit" McCuIlob, and
his old friends in Davie 'will be
pained to learn of his death.
William Sofley
•WUliant Soflcy, abigbly respect
ed dtizen of Cooleemee, died Fri-
pay, following a long illnes.*;, aged
81 years. The funeral and bnrial
services-were Aeld at Jerusalem
Baptist chnrch Saturday afteraoou
at 2 o'docfc. Rev. C. S. Cashwell,
of Statesvillb, conducting the
Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 18,1923
P. S. Stewart Dead
Pleasant Spencer Stewart, of
Jerusalem township, after an ilh
ness of about four months died
January 14th, and was hurried in
the cemetery of Jerusaleih Bap
tist Church the 15th inst, Rev.H,
T, Penry conducted the funeral
In 1879 he married Miss Alice
Barrinper of Rowan County, a
daughterof David Barringer who,
for several terms representated
Rowan County in the legislature
and bis wife and three children,
Mrs. Mary Pickler, wife of J.
C. Picklcr, Annie Stewart and
John R. Stewart all ofDavie
County survive him.
He was one of seven children
of A. H. Stewart deceased, of
Pork Church, C. W. andP. L.
Stewart, of Salisbury, and Jacob
Stewart, of Mocksville and Mrs.
S. E. Foster, wife of P. L, Foot
er, and Mrs. L. F, Carter, wife
of W. B. Carter.- Pork Church,
and one sisccr, mrs. u m. r oster
who died about 10 years ago.
He was one of Davie County^s
leading and modt progressive far-
mere and an induential citizens,
had been a Justice of the Peace
about 25 years. Having joined
Fork Baptist Church in early
manhood and moving his mem-
bemhip to Jerusalem Baptist
Church about 20 years ago, he
.was one of hischurch's^'pillows"
leading a consecrated Christian
life and always standing for the
"highest ideals". He was one of
those who believ^ that it was
"better to follow the shadow of
the best, than to remain content
,with the worst" In his death
the state lost one of its best citi
zens, the community an influen
tial member, the churoh a conse
crated member, his wife a devot
ed husband, his children a devot
ed, loving father, "Peace to his
ashes!" "A PWEND"
Infant Daughter Stonestreet
Infant Dead.
! The infant daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. \V. F. Stonestreet died
Tuesday night and was laid to
rest VVednosday afternoon at
R. L. McDanlei
Our connniinity was saddened
01 the evening of Jan. 4tli when
the news wns flashed over tho
telephone wires telling of the
death of Mr, R. L. McDanicl at
Dr. .^ng'a Sonilortum, States-
vill®, where he had been taken
for treatment. He leaves a wife
and four children, three sons and
one daughter, two brothers, sev
eral grandchildren and many'
other relatives and friends to
mourn their loss. -Mr. McDaniel
was.nearly 70 years of age. He
was buried atSalem M. E. church
on Jan. 5th, of which church he
was a devoted and ofRcial mem
bcr, in the presence of a large
and sympithetic audience. Th
funeral was conducted by his
pastor, Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald.
Our sincere sympathy is extend
ed to the bereaved in this snd
hour. '
Bio - Obituaries -1/18/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1923
Infant Daughter Stonestreet
^ An infant daughter and
^^Irs. W. F. Ston^treet died last
^uesday night aud was buried
giVednesday at'Center. - -
Mrs. Thomas Bessent
Mrs Thomas Bessent died at her
home in Jerusalem last Thursday
and uras buried in the Je^salem
cemetery Saturday. Mrs. Bessent
is survived by several diildren.
Joseph Gartner
. Joseph Gartner, a native of Davih
county, but for iscveral years a re-
sidtnt of China Grove, died last
Thursday aged 68 years. The body
was laid to rest at Byerly's .Chapel
on Friday- Mr. Gartner is survi\ e I
by his wife and eight children.
Pleas Stewart
In thf^last issue of The Record
we stated that Mr. F. J. Tbompsouy
of R. 4, wasdead. This uews item
was given us by a friend, but later
we found that it was Mr. Pleas
Stewart who b.ad died. We make
this correction, and are sorry that
we got the name "wroug in the last
Obituary for P. J. Thompson as printed in
The January 17,1923 issue of the Davie Record
P. J. Ybompsou, a well known
dtizen* of Jenisaiem lOWDShip,
died Sunday, following an extend
ed illness. The funeral and burial
services were held at Jerusalem
Monday afternoon. Mr. Thomp
son is survivedhy his wife and three
children, two daughters and one
Mrs. Amanda HowelL -
Wish I had the .words to express
my feelinpB in the great loss we all
sustain; in rhe death of our dear- sis*
ter Mr8.<Ainanda BLowell. She was
a cnnseerated Christian, a faithful
church member^ a devoted wife and
mother, a loving- noble and kind
woman; To know her was to love
her. She died -Jw • 14.1923. leaving
a hnsband and. -iO child ren^all of
wham are 'devoted children. She
had been an iiivalid for some tiffie,
t)ut bore her eulfeHntr with patience.
She was 59 years 6 months and 14
days. 0N&W60 UOVCi)
Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 25, 1923
I Mrs, Sarah Smith Dead
Our community was saddene
Thursday when the news read
ed here of the death of Mrs
Sarah Smith, who died at th
home or her son, Mr. Robei
Smith, at Mooresville. Mh
Smith was well known hore,ha\
ing been a resident of this plac
for several years. And she wa
loved by all who knew her. Th
body was brought here for burial
Rev. Sisk of Broad St. M. E
Church, Mooresville, and Rev
C. D. ICennerly, conducted thi
funeral services. When a youni
woman she was married to Mr
James Hendm. To this unior
one son was born, Mr. G. C.
jondrix, of this place, Aftei
Mr. Hendri.x's death, she was
married to Mr. Luther Smith,
who proceeded her to the grave
several years. To this union three
children were born, Mr. Robert
Snuth, and Mrs, Charlie Glawson
of Mooresville, and Mra, Betele
Eaircloth, of Advance. She is
survived by those children, twe-
ivc Krandchildron, one si'ter,
^rs. JSliznbelh Her.drix, of Smith
Grove and scores of friends and
other relatives.
Joseph Gartner
Mr. Joseph Gartner, a former
citizen ot this community, but
for several years a citizen of
Rowan county, died at his home
in China Grove last Thursday the
18th, and his body was buried at
Byerly's Chapel Friday in the
presence- of-a - large and sympa-
thetic audience. Mr, Gartner is
survived by his widow and eight
children, three brothers, Messrs,
John Gartner* of Center; Wesley
Gartner, of Mocksvillei and T.
W. Gartner, of this community
and one sister, Mrs. R. L, Mc-
Daniel • and ai largo number of
more distant relatives. The fun
eral was conducted by the Rev.
Richardson, of China Grove. A
igood man has gone to his reward.
Peace to his ashes.
Mrs. Bessent Dead
Died at Jerusalem on Jan. 18th
1923 Mrs. Augusta Virginia Bes-
Sfcnt. She was 59 yeai*s 9 months
and 5 days old. She was a mem
ber of the Methodist church and
a cjnsecrated Christian mother
and neighbor. She leaves to
mourn her loss a number of child
ren and a vast number of rela
tives and friends. She was laid
to rest at Jerusalem cemetery on
the 20th. Funeral conducted by
Rev. C, S. Cashwell, assisted by
Rov. H. T, Penry, of Mocksvilie,
• To the bereaved we extend our
sjmpnthy. APuiend,
Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, January 25,1923
Mr. Alvin Earpe Dead
On Tuesday eveninif, January
16, 1923 at 7^30 o'clock, death
claimed one of the ^Ideet citizens
of Winston-Salem, Mr. Alvin
Harpe, he was bora July 23,1836,
age 86 years, 5 months and 2J
! health for some time, bat his
condition was not thought serious
until the last few weeks. Death
was thought to be due to heart
The deceased is survived by
four daughters and two sons.
Miss Bettle Harps, Mrs, C. S.
Lee, Mrs. L. P. Steelman, and
Mrs. 0. F. Zimmerman, all of
Winston-Salem. Mr. J. M. Harpe
of Davie county, and Mr. V. A.
Harpe, of Indianapolis, Ind. A
number of grand children and
great-grand children.
He was a member of Mt. Zion
Methodist church in Iredell coun
ty and a former citizen of Davie,
but for the past 30 years or more
has made his home in Winston-
The funeral service was held
at the home Thursday afternoon
sat8 o*clo:k, conducted by Rev.
V. M. Swaim and Qr. H. A.
Brown. Interment followed In
Salem cemetery.
The Lord giveth and the I.ord
taketh away. Blessed, be the name
of the Lord. * 'A Friend"
Bio - Obituaries -1/25/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 31,1923
David K. Cedl is Dead.
Lexington. Jan. 25.rrDavid K.
Cecil, one of the most widely known
contractors in piedmont Carolina,
died here at 7 o'clock this evening
after a brief illtiess. The funeral
will take place Saturday afternoon
from the First Methodist chuj;ch,
of which the deceased "was chair
man of the board of stewards.
Bio - Obituaries -1/31/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 1,1923
Had Probably Erected More
Cotton Mills Than any One
Man In The Carolinas.
Lexington, Jan. 25,-David It.
Cecil, one of the most widely
known contractors in piedmont
Carolina, died here at 7 o'clock
this evening after a brief illness,
!nged 72. The funeral was held
i Saturday afternoon at the First
'Methodist church, of whichde-
j ceased was chalrn:\ati of the board
of stewards.
Mr. Cocil is said to have pro-
bably erected more cotton mills
in North and South Carolina than
any other contractor, beijidea
scores of churches and other
buildings. From the erection of
churches he is said to have de
rived no profit, especially in view
of his benefactions,'which were
directed to many worthy causes
without respect to race or creed.
Davidson county perhaps had no!
more widely known and beloved
The widow and six children
survive, R. E. Cecil, of Spartan-
burg; Mrs. Fred 0. Sink, Mrs.
Chas. Younf?, David I\., Joaoph
K., and Miss Sadie Cccili all of
Lexington, besides three sisters
and many other relatives^
Mrs. Augusta V.
Bessent Dead.
The community was deeply
saddened by the sudden death,
caused by heart failure, of Mrs.
Augusta V. Bessent, widow of
the late Thomas M. Bessent,
which occured about 10 o'clock
on Thursday night, January 18,
1923, at the old home at Jem-
salem, Davie County. Mrs. Bes
sent had been in declining health
for the past four years but had
been as well as usual until about
two week previous to her death,
ulUiuugh she had noc pcen con
fined to her bed but was up and
interested in her home duties and
visiting in the neighborhood. On
Sunday before her death she had
spent the day with her daughter,
Mrs. George Y. Thomason, near
Salisbury, returning late Sunday
evening. She slept well Sunday
night but had a slight attack
Monday morning from which she
never fully recovered, although
continuing in the home interest
and the coming and going of
friends and relatives who called.
Thursday was an unusually Inter
esting day to her in her home
life. The evening being spent
with her family by her friends
with the usual good spirit, joy
and life which was always hers.
Retiring followed almost immed
iately an attack which was thou
ght at first slight, but which re
sulted in death about thirty min
utes lat^r. Before her marriage
April 5, 1892, she was Miss Aug-
gusta V. Douthit, daughter of
; George and Nancy Douthit, born
at Olemmonsville, April 13. 1853.
She was the second wife of
-Thomas-Mr-Bessent-xnd laaui"^
vivid by three children, Mrs.
George Y. Thomason, R. 1, Salis
bury; Piiul Bessent, Saliahury,
and Russell Bessent, who lives at
the old home, and the following
by Mr. Bessent's first marriage:
T. Byaon Bessent and Mra. Henry
Walkins of Clemmons, Nannie P.
Bessent, Oxford, Ed Bessent
Salisbury, «nd Mrs. S. B. Red-
wine of Charlotte. The funeral
was held from the home on Sat
urday, Jan 20. at 3 o'clock, con
ducted by Rev. 0. S. Cashwell of
Statesvllle, and Rov. 'H. T. Penry
pastor of Jerusalem church. The
unusual large attendance, the
entire -community and- relatives
and friends from a distance, aud
the floral offorings were living
testimony of what this beautiful
life meant to those who knew
her. In early life she joiaed the
Methodist Church and always
lived a conslstant Christian liie.
In the passing of this life this
home and community feel deeply
the sucparabio loss.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1923
Augusta V. Bessent
filn. Aioanda Au&tu^Pead^
Mrs. Amanda Austin,' one ofi
^Qloclbville's oldest ajod most re-i
spected ladies, died at ber home on
WUkesboro subset Thursday Jafter
noon at'five o'clock, foUo^ng an
illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Austin
was 88 yearn of age, audjis survived
by three children. Mr. Q. C. Austin
of Stat^viUe, MlssLiUa Aostin, of
Winstou-Salem, .and ..Miss..Cora
Austin, of this city. The funeral
services were held at the ' re^deuce
at two-thirty o'clock Fri<iay after
noon, conducted by C. A. Swafford,
.after which the body was'laid to
rest in Joppa cemetery. Mrs.
Atistin is survived by a host of re-
Uttves-and friends who will learn
with sadness of her death.
Dealb of A Good Wonaa,
The comfaunity was deeply sadden
ed by the,poddeh death, caused, by
heart failure, of Mrs.' Augusta V.
Bessent. widow of the late Thomas
M. Bessent,'.which occurred about
teD.o'clQck' on Thursday night, Jan
18,1923^ .at the old home at Jeru
salem, Davie county^ Mrs; Bessent
had been in declining health for the
p$t ioar ifsars but bad been u nell
as, usual until about two weeks .pre-
vioasto her death, althoogh shekd
not been condbed to her bgd but was'
up and interested in her home duties
and visiting in the neighborhood.
On Sunday before her death she
spent the day with her daughter.
Mrs. George T.'Thomoson. Kear
Salisbury returning late Sunday
night but had a slight attack Mom
day morning from which she never
fully recovered, although continuing
in the home interests and the coining
and going of friends and relatives
who called, Thursday was an unusu
ally interesting day to her in her
home life, the evening being spent
with her family by the dreside w|th
the Qsual good spirit, joy and. life
which were n always hers retiring,
followed almost immediate an attack
which was thought.' At nrst slight,
but which resulted, in death abou^
thirty minutes later.
""Bafdf^ber marriage. flLpril~67
1832. -she was Mrs. Augusta V.
Doutbit, daughter of George and
•Nancy Doulhit home at Clemmons-
ville,'Fors¥th county, April 18,1853
She was the second wife of Thomiasj
M. Bessent and is survived b.v three
children, Mrs George Y Thomasbn.
R P. D 1. Salishurv, Paul Bessent,
Salisl)Dry and R-isseli Bsssent who
lives at the ohj home, sni the follbw-j
ing by Mr; Bessenta, drst marriage.
L, By{>on Bessent and Mrs. Henry
Walkins of iJietnrnons, Miss Nannip
p. Bessent, of Oxford, E^i Bes^nt, >
of Salisbury, and Mrs. S. B. Rod wine
of Charlotte. {
The funeral was held from the
home'Pn Saturday; Janpary 20,1923
at 3 p. m. Condental by Rev. C. S <
Casbwell. of StatesvHIe, and Rev. H. {
T.. Penry, pastor of • Jerusalem
church. ' • -
The uniisoal large attendance, tho
entire community and relatives and
friends from a distance, and-the pro
fuse floral offerings were living
tbstimony of' what this beautiful
life meant to those who know her.
In early life she joined the. Metho
dist ehutsh and always lived a con-
'sistant Christiab life.
In the passing of this life the home
and comrouhity feel deeply the
irreparable loss '
Victoria Beck
Mrs. Victoria Beck, ofiGooleemee. I
died'Monday, and the body .was
brought and l^id to; rest' at Pork
cemetpry on Tii^jlay Jan 80.
Mrs. S, C. Hunter
n Mrs. S.'C. Hunter died at her'
home in .Clarksville township last'
Tuesday, following a stroke of par
alysis,, aged 62-years. The fuher-|
al and .burial services were held at \
Eaton's BapCist chnr^ Thursday!
moruiog at xi o'clock.. Rev,'V. I
Swaim. of ^nston-Salem, con-1
ducted the services. Mrs. Hunter
is survived by- six children, four,
sons and two daugtiters..
n "Mrs, Saliie Wiseman Dead. j
Mrs. Saliie" Wiseroau died at the!
home of her daughter, Mrs. S. B,*.
Crump,, in Jenisaletn township
early Monday morning, about
80 years. The funeral services
w;iU be held today at i r. o'clock'
and the body laid to " rest in Jeru- j
salem cemetery. Mrs. Wiseman is
the widovy of ,tlie late 'Dr. Alfred
Wiseman, and is sixrirlved by one
daughter, Mrs. Crump. Deceased
leaves many friends who will be
pained to learn of her death. |
Bio - Obituaries - 2/7/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1923
Sirs. Amanda Austin Dead.
|0n Thursday, Feb. 1st, at 5 p.
Mrs. Amanda Austin .passed
ray, after a protra'cted illness
ilch ended with bronchial
jieu'monia. The deceased was
|e widow of the late IRichardM.
jtin, and was -af'daughter bf^
meral Isaac Jones and Mrs.
oily Brown Jones. Mrs. Austin
|as eighty-seven years old and
las a kind and much beloved
Joman. She is survived by two
laughters, Miss LillaAustin, of
/inston-Salerh, and . Miss Cpra
Lustin, of this ..place, and one
>n, 6. C. Austin, of Statesvillei
i?he funeral, services were-con
ducted at home on Friday
ifternoon by Hey. A. C. Swafford,
^nd the interment followed at
foppa cemetery.
Infant Son Dy
Infant Dea
The infant son of Mr.
and Mrs
N. B. Dyson, of near Center,
died Monday night and was hur
ried Wedne^ay at Center.
Mrs. Wiseman Dead.
Mrs. Sarah 6. Wiseman died
Monday morning at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Sam B.
Crump, near Gherryhill, after a
10 days' illness of inlluenza,aged
79, She was the widow of Dr.,
Alfred W. Wiseman,a well known'
physiclaQ of Jerusalem, who died
about 16 years ago. She was. a
native of Iredell county, the
daughter of Greenberry and Ly-
dia Knox Waddell and the last
surviving member of a family of
six children. She was educated
at Mitchell college, Statesville,'
and was probably at hyr death
the oldest living alumnae of that
institution. She joined the Pres
byterian church In early life and
remained a faithful member of
Third Creek church until her
She was a direct descendant of
John and Jean Gracy Knox who
immigrated to America from
Scotland In 1740 and settled in
Rowan county.. She is survived
by one daughter, Mrs. S. B.
Crump, two grandchildren and 10
nieces, Mrs. Charles 6. Fleming,
of Cleveland, and Mrs, Everett
L.Phifer,ofStates vllle. Thebunal
took place at Jerusalem, Wednes
day morning at 11 o'clock. We
extend our sympathy to the
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 8,1923
Robena Etchison Hunter
Our commufiily wag grreatlj
shocked at the sudden death ol
M.rs. Robena JStchlEon Hunterj
which occured Tuesday tnorninf;
Jan. 30, about 10;30 o'clock. She
5V^as as well and cheerful as usual
until late Monday eveninBr, when
she was stricken with paralysis
and was unconclous pnlil the
end. She was born Dec. 4,1860,
age 62 years 1 month and 26 days.
When. a young woman she was
married to Mr. S. C. Hunter,
who proceeded her to the Glory
World a little more than two
years ago, To this union were
born ten children, eight of. whom
survive her, six sons and two
daughters, as follow: Messrs.
Hanks, j^ker, Cad, Raid, Wes-
ley and Homer Huiiter, Mes-
dames Flora Lathani and Kate
Wright. In early girlhood she
was converted and joined the
church and has lived a cons:crat>
ed Ghrlatfan life. This good wo
man was full of good work, and
was loved and respected by all
who knew her, iShe was always
ready and willing to lend a help
ing hand in. time of need or
trouble. Although, she has gone
wsaw aacio ^UUC
out of bur sight and cannot co'mc
back to us, but we can go to her,
it was God's will th^t she should
be taken, not ours, and we know
not at what tinie we shall be call
ed, too, so let us live to meet in
the world beyond, when peace
end joy shall dwell, forever,
where no sorrows will ever be
and we shall li^er part sgain.
Her-body was gently laid to rest
in Eaton's cemetery; Thursday,
Feb. lat, at 11 o'clock in the pre
sence of a large umj sympathetic
audience. The funeral service
was conducted by Rev. V. M.|
Swaim, of Winston-Salem. To'
the relatives and friends 'we ex
tend sympathy and may the.com-
forter soothe the sorrowing
hearte of those who weep. Ben-
est it* is well.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1923
Phillip Smith
•^^Uip Smith,. the it;year-old
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith-,
^^prniington township, died on
^oth, and was buried .at
gran's church on 31st .Rev. S.
conducted, the funeral
^:^y{.ces. . Phillip was a 'studient at
'armingtoD '5011001, .and 'this
the first death in the Fanning
Jchool in four, yedrs.
James M. Perry
' M[r James M. Perry aged 75 years
former resident of Fhrmingtoo was
brought from bis hpme near' Wins
ton for burial at Farmington Satur
day. The faoerai; was conducted by.
Rev. Kennedy of U. E^'Xhufch as
sisted by Etav^ Lee. of WinstOA. n
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 15,1923
James M. Perry
Oh last Saturday Feb 10th tha
body of Mr. James M Peri*y was
brought here for burial from his
home near Winaton<Salem. He
was in his 76th year. A great
many people of our community
will remember him as he was
bom and lived here until he wasi
a middle aged man, ho has somej
relatives living in this commnn-'
ity, and many friends here and I
Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1923
Henry Bailey
Sherrill Summers
- Sherritl, the.tittle. 8-year^ld son
of Mr. and Mrs. ^K^nfield'Stiiniai^,'
^ied At hid hmne. Idst M^dajr .even-
ing Qt heart didpsy. The .funeral
b'unM. seryicies ^re held at Union
Chajtel Weto^^yl'^fte 1
'Mr. Henry Bailey, a .well-known
citizen of the Center section-, diei
Sunday night av the-advanced age
of 8o years. The burial services'
were held, at Center -yesterday
momiug at 11 o'clock. Mi Bailey
is survived by his wife and six
children, four SOBS.and two daugh
ters'. He was a good .citizen and-
will be uiisscd in his comniouity.!
Peace to his ashes. n I
Mrs. S. C. isot^TaDS Dead.
Mrs. |S. C." Gowaus died last
Tuesdgy evening at th^ home of
her daughter, Mrs. W. J. S. '^alk-
er, following a long illness, at the
advanced .age of 84 years. The
fnheral and burial services were
held Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock, and the body laid to rest
in the Center ^ graveyard. Mrs.
Gowaus is survived by her husband
and three daughters. .A good
woman has beeu ^lled to her
.reward. . '
6.Ratledge Dead.
Mr. B. G. RaUedge died at his
home ou Salisbury street Friday
aftemoDD at-ooe o'clock, followiug
a long iiiness of tuberchld^is, aged
34 years. The funeral services was
held Sunday at s o'clock, and the
body laid to rest in Joppa ceme
tery. Mr. Ratledge is survived by
his wife and-^ three small tous, his
parents, three brothers and three
sisters, besides- many relatives and
friend. Ben was a good 'man, a
good citizen and he will bemissed
by the entire town. The braved
wife and fatherless cliildreu have
the sympathy of the citizens of the
town. The funeral services were
conducted by Revs. A. C. Swaffo^j
and W. R. Waif, ahd the body laid j
rest with Junior Order honors J
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, February 22,1923
Sherrill Summers Dead.
Sherrill Summers, 8 yesfr old
•ion ; of" Mr. Winfield Summers,
lied Feb. 12fch,v after, a lingering
illness, and was;laid to te3t-;Feb.
Wtb; at Unjon Chdpel. .
ssrvices' were conducted by Biey.
EJ; *?. Pehry, .of.Mocksvliiev^
' A- vast concourae
and i friendaS ^ came - to. pay 'their
fast i tribute^ of .:-respecti-to -:.the
dariing littlei.boy^ w so palieqt-
|y. bore his hfflictioh until the end
carae,^-: ^ -i •' ... /
. He said he. wanted to see the
dowers bloom again. We think
that:he sees.'them b'loomihg now.
For we .thiiik . he is hasInng the |
realms of. God's Eternal SprihK •
time Suffer little children to;
come unto m'e and forbid them;
not, for of such is the kingdom I
of .heaven. A Friend. !
Henry Bailey
Mr. Henry Bailey died Sunday
night. He was m old confeder
ate soldier.
Mrs. Ray Baird
^ we send in thq news weare
sorry to learn of the death uf
Mrs. Ray Baird which occurred
Sunday morning; Feb. 18. She
leaves a husband- and several
children and other relatives and
to these we extend bur sympathy
fetiliicy A. Gowan.Dead.
.v^il-^iwy A. (^woih,'wife of
^fe6rh#daughitei^& Mrs W.
Feb. ISlh. 1928
^••^)«m Mar/27, 1889, age
itPmbhths and 15 days,
•'il-fehe was the' mVtber of three
and one boy. The eon died
Bio - Obituaries - 2/22/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1923
Mary Keeton
Honibte Afiddeot Hetf
A'hoi^ble accident ooemred
Advance Snndasr morning. Mre.
Idary.^e^toD was standing, near
the fireplace In her home, j^wUen^she
fell into the fire and her dotbing be*
came fgnUed. fler bad>and mid a Mr.
*Potts made a.desperate effort to pat
cat the fire, but Mrs. Keeton was fat*
ally bnmed. The house also caiaght
on fire and was destroy^, together
i^th ah its contents, liie attending
physirian reported Sunday that Mrs
Kepton conld not live through the
day. Mr. Keeton and Mr. Potts
werebadiyborned-whUe'trying Co
mctinguish the (tomes.
^ ffiirs; Henry Bailey Dead,
Mrs. ^ Henry Bailey died at .her
home near C^ter Sunday evening,
following an illness of pneumonia,
aged about 79 years. The funeral
and burial service were held at Cen*
eer Monday afternoon. •. Mre l^ley
is survived by children, four sons
and two.'daughters U^r hbsbahd
died jast one week; b^ore her death,
and was buried last. Tuesday, - l^e
children Jbave the sympathy of ahpst
pf friends'^and neighbors in.this
doable sflUjftion. . ■.
C. F. VanEaton
a well-knowncitieen. dicJ at bis boms on Mocks-
ville 3,. InM Tnesdar. aped a-bout s'e vears. Mr. VanEaton bad
been illsibdut ten days,' The fun-
^ and burial serricos. teere held.^■'Pork Baptist chprcU^yedne.sday
Mr, y^ohr, of Ad-
' 'ath'ices.'
fl urviyed
•dattgbteis. Vrb the death)]^todfTbe Record lo^
Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 1,1923
Mrs. R. Keaton
80 Ui At .wh'en;ah0
a?tiBP^r^She .was-'^^bout^
■%'w ' n >kA -..\1.. l-hAl
G- •F;' ^l^^ll;b^d^l
•• OhV.TuSgdas^^jVJ^e^^
Gbariip';-F^Y'Vai^way atThig^^
vi f t1 /o it'niiCi^o'ffiXivl
Q^Qt AljfifS ••XFa^mVaT^. A WAm'
befc Pi,^Oi; Si^ 6£:A;f- iiio
:leayes.to mou .loraJa •^iiWfe,yrha^as Msa. ^ctorla! bafore ma^ia^^^ fodMaiifiiiifeirs;: Mw.iRul&jriito^ _ of^Bixby 5
• and Aiinie
Opal VanEa^rfi ^dst^cbildren j a mother, Mra^Thbn^
Sh^te,; of iBixbyi aii'd eighti hal f
brothers and , a sifter besides'lihost of otheirrelatiYes.ahd friendh
to mourh bte loas. '/ s" '■ fJe-^as barried atPork Obiiroh
on the IBlst'at',^ o'clock,'' funenlaer^cea being conducted j>y Reyij'Jt Mi^yarner, of AdvancA' Eiyb;[bf liusi VahEaton's hiei^;, acte^^'a^ower .borers, thejrwhjfe^^•s^.iVelina-: . and Gi^ce >Smftv' ofL^ingto'o,V, Hattie; ^ and .' P^'fi'
■Ba'mhardtv of Lihw^nes ffimmer of Pork.' . ". • •. •^HeVwaa- a* good neighbor,a Hind
h'uaband'and fatheri'.and a placb
is vacant in'the-home which'j»>aivbe-fillW^ ;..
He'haa:gone'to Glory.,i^We wili. cliaap him byCdie hanid;He'U-.be abhdirig;;a^j For Ihia Ibvdd bries th'eife hb.'li
Y. ;:wait . Y.;" .V
'Hia;cr(^ wa^ ..
-. vV=Bat.a'gold6n'Ciovimih^
! J
-. J
Bio — Obituaries - 3/1/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 15,1923
W. C. P. Etchison
Bdri; ^ W<; Ci P. -Btehisob', who
Jaaa been ih bad health lor .somo
time'died yesterday morning at
7d'cl<m^' Pdnerpl semcies [ this
afternpoh,at-Rb8e.pemeta^ ;
Alice Wilson
n the^Bad'
.news ?? the 3ea^.
tt fd*ATiy!rl44^*4'liA>'A'^«tWWnA'A>it«AnlTtnW>l*
Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1923
Oscar Polndexter Mrs. W.C. Willson
Teoog Mad Eleetrocoted At Power
: " Plant.
News was received in Mocksville
•Friday evening that Oscar Poindex
ter, -who was employed, at the
pI^C of the SoDthero Power Com
ply, near Advance, vbs electro-
'cpted about s'o'dcck , Mr. Poin-
dexter was deaotng .a machine
when he came in contact with alive
Wire, and about i3,ooo volts of elec'
tricity was shut 'thru, his body,
death being instant. Mr. Poindex--
ter is survived by bis wife and two
or three children, theyoun^t only
one w^ old. Mr. Poindexter is.
a brochei olMra. Joh^^wal^r,
of WiDSton-Salem,.aiu]la^^of Mr.
and Mrs. FrankFojnd^^^ ^f Adp"
vance.;. 30
years of ^e. •i.-V" • ,
.. The hpdy was, imd4o r^t in Ad>'
vance . cemelery'Sunday -afternoon
at >3 o'dock_'witbi Maspm&:honors
Mr. Fbind^ter being-^ memSer of
-Moct^lle Iibdge. •. ^ *
Sirs Thotnas Mock Dies At (dvance
Mrs. Tnoma.s Mock died at her
home at Advance Wednesday, fol
lowing a loDgillnessof cdncer, aged
about 41 years. Mrs, Mock is
survived by her husband and three
children. The funeral-land burial
services were held Thursday, and
the body laid to rest in the Baptist
butting ground at Advance.
Mr». W. C. WlUon and W. C. P. Etchi-
eon Pa» Away.
Mrs. Alice Willson, widow of the
late Rev. W. C. Willwn, di^ at
her home in North Mocksville
Tuesday afternoon' at 5 o'clock,
following a long illness, aged about
79 ye^rs. Mrs. Willson had been
a resident of Mocksville for many
years, and was • belov^ by all who
knew her. - The fuueral aud burial
services were held Thursday after-
nion at the Methodist church, con
ducted by Presiding Elder Newell
an^ Rev. A.. C S\va£Eord and tbe
body laid to rest, besidei her. hus
band in Rose cemetery. In the
d^th of Mr.s. Wilson the townloseSL
one of its best citizens. Mrs.. Will
SOD had been an invalid for many
years, but bore her suffering with
Cbristiau Fortitude. Surviving are
a number of cousins who live "in
Infant Daughter Cook
The little ff Ft teen moiifhs-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' O. I/.
Cook died Tuesday with whooping
cough' and pneumonia,' and was
laid to rest in the Macedonia ceme«
tary. '
W. C. p. Etchison
•W.C. P.Eicliison, one of tlie
town's bes^ known citizens, died at
hisliouie here Wednesday morn
ing at 7 o'clock, following an ill
ness of several months, aged 76
years. The funeral and burial ser
vices were held Thursday afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock at the home by Rev.
W. B. Waff, and the body laid to
rest in Rose cemetery. Mr, Etchi
son is survived by one daughter,
Miss Sallie Etchison, of Mocksville,
and one son, W. P 'Etchison. ad-^
vertising manager of Tbe State,
Columbia, S. C. Mr. Etchison was
cbeif of police of Mocksville for
many years, and was well known
by tie citizens of llie eutire toil
and county. In bis death the town
loses one of its old landmarks-a
man .who always did what be
thought was' light. He was.a
member of the Baptist church.
Lottie Garrett
Louie OiirFeti, wife ' of Pleas
Garrett, colored, died at .her home
in North Mocksville last week and
was buried Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Richard Lagle Dead. •
Mrs. Richard Lagle died fit her
home on Route 4, last Thursday,-
aged about 62.years. The funeral j
and burial services were held Fri-j
day afternoon and' the body'laid to
rest in Turrentine Baptist church- j
yard. Mrs. Langle is survived by,
ber husband and one sou, also
four biothcrs and one sister.
Mrs. Lagle had been ill for some
lime and her death Was not unex
pected The Record extends syin-
p-dthy to the bereaved 1^atives.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1923
Wade Shaw
Little Wade Shaw, only son of T
G Shaw died last Sunday of Memi
rigitis He leaves to mourn his
doath. father, mother, three sisrei7.
The body was laid to rest in the
Bock Springs Baptist Church'ceme-
tery to await the rosurreetion of (he
just llie funeral services were
conducted by the pastor .of the
Methodist church. Rev. Natham
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 22,1923
O. B. Polndexter
Oscar B. Poindexter
eiipicK.l Fi^&y'wlien learned'
^pf the suddenVdea^
a Wejmd '.twdXraj^ a,
qhe'eialer^ Mrl; SiT; V; Polndexter
^d. -MrB; Jphn !.B both of
yyiiiatoh-Satero; ;F^
were hdd ftern the BapyebchiitcH'
hWrq-laaf Suftd^ at three o'clpich.
ReM:,J.\6d,?Varner, |L T, Pehry
and S. W. Hallltdgothe'r iWith the
Masbn^ having charge. To the
bereaved, we. .extend our'most
heartfelt aympathy. •
A Sad
. 7P.^B.<Po1ndeHte^-^at^fldoia ifqwer ;P.lant "Friday,'
March>J Gthj. at' 2':17'dtcldcic vvm
prepared for burial by. undeiitek>^^
er. Frank ydglet' andj-Son and
ahipp^* tp'rhia -home ih^'-^vah^^
SaVu^ay' the n !lL7th. I.A^' p«ll :o^
sadness brooded'^ .. the'.'entira
toM;' and ^ community,"'aa'paro^
waa ioved by all who; kpew >him; j
,a'. hind, congenial .
young > man;ah; ex-seryice. man'
hayici: spent two y^min Ikance/I
Ho. waa a membi^; of the Mais^^
lodge in Moekawlle.v.'.dn.S'u^
March the ^th, .a^ 8 l o-biqc^,: 'at
Advance, Baptist; Church,in the
pr^ence of jralarivoa "don-;
cqur8dpl'hearly;20^^ pebple.fhe
was laid to;ro3tto'await tKafin^^^
call and the resurrec'tipn. mburh;
The seryicealwern conducted
Rev, H.' % Penry,- pastor of . Ad
vance Baptist dhurch assisted'hy
Rev-J;. M. Varheh. paatpr Meth
odist church of Advance and Rev
S. W. • Hall, oie\;"Winaton-Salem.
The .Mocksville, Masonic Lodge
having charge of ihecoihmitmenh
To-the wife, lather and mother
brother and sister wc extend our
deepest sympathy and we bid you
not to weep and contfnue to piiie,
but like Miry at the sepulcher
of .qurJLord",.just;wait, the day Is^
bMakihg on the hills of time:
V7e are etending in the -morning
twlight of the xesurrectibn and it
is growing brighter and brighter
unto a perfect dav. 'We will
know the why ofjbhe^ heartach
es some day. Be~of good cheer.
. The floral tribute was very pro
fuse and very berntlful, - The at
tendance; the floral tribute and
the*' .getjpral solemity of the oc
casion' showed the high esteem in
which n the; deceased - .was held^
Peaee.to his ashes,.
. APbibnd.
Lenora McCulloh Lagle
./Mis.' Lenora MeCulioh- L^gla,-
aged .61 'years, died at'^ her- home
hear here VThursday aftefhobn;
aftor.an .illnesa bfsome.little dur
atioh; She was the dmighter :.bf
Mr/"and .Mra .James.-McC.iillqh.-
In-lSST she was married to Bichr
ard F- LagleV . Their home being
blest with bhe son," E. 'C; L^le,*
who survived her,; also'.her hus
band, -vbne histeri •' Mrs'..Frank
Wagoner, and n four brotheri^-
Godfrey McCulloh,- of Cooleeinee
Goahen,^. Charlie ..'and F: D. Mcr.
Gulloh; of Turrehtine,:{ind sever
a1 grandchildrbii.-';.The'; deceased
was : a member of the Friends
church for mahy years. i Tha fun
eral services;'were-'^faeld Friday
afterhboh af 8:00 b'cloek■^bx .herpastor -. Rev: • .0, R; Johnson and'J;. B.; Fitzgei-ald. Jntefment fol-lowinkinTurtentihe Baptist cem
Fannie Mock
. Mrs. Fannie .Mock*, dted^lgstWednesday after a long illness.She was 42 years old and . leaVes
a husband, two sons. and onedaughter:to mourn her loss.'. OhThursday.' at -; 3 o'clock .she was
laid to iieshih the Methodist cem,-
tery?., , - '
Mrs. F. Eigle De^;
■ liona McCuUpR'Lagle-wbs bo'rn
May:vli;: 1861;;^ died■ nge >,(]iifiyearb,and 4 days. ijS.bej.waaihe daugli-"ter of James; abd dbjarlotte Mc-
GuHoh. She .wm'- .married' • ohMarch -10, 1887 ;te R: FjLaglo;^
This home,was blessed with sqh:22, years .ago'/.rsHe:^ j'dihed-.^^^Friends Church;*: ;She ;.|eBtyes. aImsband and-sqn;"'4
sister; 'arid ;8mpurn her Ibsa.} .;Hep hbalth Had
been bad for a number.;bfryeara;yet she bore .her,sufferingently and \ya"a. willing aii"d ready
to go.V: Funeral/^ and IburiaLwas
held at Turrenrihe's,'^ Friday'af(fermbon at .8 o'clock, -Reyi' pi: ^
Johnson effidating."
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 22, 1923
.'' W. C.- P. Etchiiou Dead
W. G, P. Qfcchison, born Nov.
1,1^6. aged 76 years 4 months
and days, Born in this county
where he .lived all his life with
the exception of about two years
spent in Indiana.- ' • n .
. Between the age of 14 . and 16
he sufrehdered his heart emd lifb
to God, • joining the Bear &eelc,
Baptist Church^ »•.
His education'adv^tag^ were
very liinitetLbut he was always a
great reader.of the Bible—having
read the . Bible, through and
through several times—ahd uhtil
recent years burdened-hfm with
mental and physical infirmates
he greatly enjoyed church work
of all kinds. .
At an early age he voiunte'eied-
aa a soldier in the 22pdHegiinent
of'^c Conferate Army where he
rendered many hardships for the
cause in . which he believed.
: .^His entire life might, tie suin-
med tip by the one eyeri "f^th;.
fol.'.'-" Hisjife t^as spent iir at^
tempting tio mahe the opportuni«
ties of his chUdrenbet^ than
his had bedn and as husbahd'ahd'
father there wee nd sacrifice' • he
.cduid.- .make for his faniiiy that
was not gladly made:
... Inrl^ he moved from .the'up-
our portioa .of the. county -to.
Mccksviile ' in order to give his
children the best possible scbo^'
advantages and for 28 years-r-up
until his physical infirmaties.
came ^ too great 2 yemra ago—he
WM police . officer; , director- of-
street work and. tax collector - for
the toypn of Mocksyille..
-ISls wife, Nancy L.
preceeded. .him* to the grave. 11
years ago.
•He . leaves only two children,
Sallie jifitchison, of this cltyi and
^.P. Etchi8on,o£ 6o!umhia,S. G.
. Oo.Iy';those who are at all times
and under .all condidpns thrown
with another can really know that
person in the fullest and truest
sense.' The two children who are
jeft laying avide all natural sen*
tlment,' love and affection, can
truthfully say "in every possible
way. he measured up to their ideal
of ;a true, loving and "devoted
Christian father n and * husband,
with * every .light and faculty he
The fuueial services were con
ducted from thp residence -by
^v," W. B. Wuff last Thursday
afterniMii at o'clock; and'..'.the
'tody yv aa lu'd lb>q {t f n \tho.' Rose
Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1923
O. B. Poindexter
Mrs. Tbomas^Creasoo Dead.
Mrs. Thomas Creason. of near
Cooleeinee. JuHCtion, died at the
Salisbury hospital Thursday moru'
ingat 6 o'clo^, following a long
iliu^ of cancer, aged abont 58
years. The funeral and burial
;^rvices were heid at Liberty Ffi-
day. Mrs Creason, tefore her
marriage was Miss Lydsa Correll.
She is survived by her husband
and two brothers. Xn the..death of
Mrs. Creason rbe county looses one
of its best Christian wOtnen.
A Sad Death Indeed*
O. ,B. Poindexter electrocuted at
Idols Power Plant Friday, March
leih, at 2;i]f o'clock was prepared
jfor burial by uudertaker Ffank
VogleraudSun aii(liiliip|Kdtoliisi
uontelli Adyauce ilatiirday lytli.
IA pall of sadness -brooded over the.
"eiitire town and cotntnunUy, as'
jOscar was loved by all who knew'
.him; a'kind, congenial and lovable
I youn^ man; an ex-service man hav
ing spent two years.in France. He.
was a member of the Masonic lodge
in Mocksville. On Sunday, March'
tlie 18th, at 3 o'clock at Advance |
iBaptist Church in the presence of!
relatives and a concourse of nearly'
20OO people he was laid to rest to.
await the final call and'the re.sur-
rection morn. The services were!
conducted by Rev. H. T. Peiiry,
pastor- of Advance Baptist church'
assisted by Rev. J. M. Varner,
pastor Methodist church of Ad
vance and Rev. S. W. Hall of Wins-
ton-Saleni. The Moektiyille Ma.soii'
ic Lodge having charge of the!
commitment. .. j
To the wife, father and mother,
brother and sister we ..extend our
deepest sympathy and we bid yon'
not to weep and continue to pine,'
hot like Mary at the sepulcher of ^
onr Lord, just wait, the day u>'
hrea|{ingN>n the hills of lime We'
are standing in the morning twi-1
light of the resunection and it Is
growing brighter unto a perfect-
day. We will know the wh>' of
these heartaches some day. . Be of
good cheer. , i
The Moral tribute was very pro j
fuse^and very beautiful. The at !
tendance, the floral tribit^ aud!
the general solemnity of the occa-
^on showed the high esteem in
, which the deceased was held Peace
to bis ashes. A FRIEND,
Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, March 29,1923
Mrs. C. T. Creason
• rf ™ .•-S vA* i tliwii- ocini■^5lfdi:'Sjii}'iibt»^Sa^
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1923
Thomas Hood
" Old uncle Tboinas Hood died Fri
day eveninsr March 30. of paralasys,
and was laid to rest in the
nia TOinetery Sunday April 1st. lie
had. been Hvin? with his nenhew.
John Beetlnfr. near Smith Grove, tor
some time Peace to his ashes
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25, 1923
Nash Ward
Nasli, the little' i I'tnontbS'Old
son of Mr. and .Mrs. Orady Ward,
died Sunday artemooo, followiuj?
au illness of .several months with
cancer. The little body was laid to
rest at J/>ppa Monday aftenioou.
The grief-strickea parents have the
sympathy of a'host of friends. ~ '
Bio — Obituaries - 4/25/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 2,1923
Roscoe Ratts
Boy's Body Fomid Is Creek.
The decomposed body.- of youug
Roscoe Ratts, i6'year-old sod of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ratts, of
Spencta*, was found by three n^ro
fishermen, caught in some drift
wood, on the banks of Rich Fort
creek, seven miles from I^exiugton,
Tuesday. The boy bad been miss
injg from home 'since Decem
ber 15th, and all ^oKs to locate
him had proved, fntile. The body-
was positively iudeutifietl from
clothing and .other marks. No
evidence of foul. play.
V. J. Dimb Dead.
Mrs W. J. Dhon, ^of Spease, "N."
C., died at the home of-her daugh-
'teri Mrs. Malcus Boger dear Mocks-
ville, Thursday afternooiji- .
Dunn was here on a visit w.h^ the
end came. The fuijeral and bnifial
services were held a.t -N^ew^Hdpe
Baptist church , in Yadkin county
Saturday nioruiug- at 11 o*clock^
i^^rvived by^^wHronmand five
ciihdienl Mr. .attd-$fir,'.Duun were
-former citizens^ of Davie county,'
ha^hg. lived near Union Cbapel be
fore going to Moore county:
Infant Son Richardson
The little infant son of Ur. and
Vdra. Munzv Richardson, died last
:^tard'ay and was laid to rest at^ew
Union'Sunday morning at^eleven
Mrs. C. J. Blnkley
Mrs C. J. Binkley died at the
home of her son S. F. Binkley
near Center at i:4oSaturday morn
ing, aged-76 jears. Tlje funeral
and bnnal sendees were-held Sat
urday aftemoou at 5 o'clock by
Rev. C. A Swafford. and the body
J«PPa cemetery.Mrs. Binkley is survived bv seven
children, three sous and four
daughters. Pneumonia was- the
direct cause of her death".
Bio - Obituaries — 5/2/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Mrs. John Dunn
Mrs. John Dunn, o£ Moore
County, died at her son's, Malf
CUB Boger, of Mockaville,B.2 and
was buried at New Hope church
oear HamptonvlUe^ Saturday,
Apidl 28th, funeral services con«
ducted by Revs, May, Caudle and
Mrs. Jane Binklejr Dead
Mrs. JaneBinkley, age 75, died
Friday afternoon at the home of
her, Mr. Sam Binkley, on Ri5,
and was laid to rest at Joppa
cemetery, Saturday afternoon at
6 o'clock. Funeral and burial
services were conducted by Rev.
A. 0. Swafford.. Mrs. Binkley
is survived by six children, three
sons and three daughters. We
extend our sympathy to the be
reaved ones.
Infant Son Ward
The 11 months old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Grady Ward died Sun
day afternoon, April 22. at the
home of his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. LeeKurfees. The
funeral services was conducted
by Rev. W. L. Reevis, of Win-
ston-Salem, and the little body
was laid to rest at Joppa ceme
tery in the presence of a large
concourse of weeping friends.
We extend our deepest sympathy
I to the bereaved ones.
Infant Son Jordan
The little three weeks old son
of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Jordan,
died Saturday morning and was
buried Sunday at Eaton's;
Infant Son Daywalt
"The infant son of Mr;and
cf atSt. Matthow'i church Sdiiday.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1923
If j. U, Saiool Dead, i
Mrs.]. I'Snioot, lortnerly of
Cooleemes, but later of Danville,
Va., died Tharedav while under
going an operation iu a hospital in
that city. Mrs. Smoot was about
45 years of age, and is survived by
four childreo. one son and three i
daughters. The body was brougl»l|
to her former' Iwme at Cooleemee
Friday afternoon and was carried
to Saiem Methodist church Satur
day afternoon and laid to rest be
side her husband who died several
years ago. Mrs. Smoot was a good
wunn^n and was loved by all who
knew her.
Frances Click
raiiccs. the little daughter, of-
and Mns. John Click, of Win-
i-Salein, died Saturday, and the
e body was laid to rest at Byer-
Chap^ 1 Sunday. Death rcsiilt-
roui whooping cough.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/9/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 10,1923
Wm. E, Reid Dead*
Win. B. Reid bom Sebt. 29,
1838, in Davie County, died May
4,1923, aged 89 years, 7 months
and 6 days.
He was first married to Miss
Susan Bivins, to this union were
born R. Lee and Wm. S. Reid
and Mrs. D. W^ Granger, all of
whom survive.
After the death of his wife in
Oct. 1887 he was married to Miss
Clementine Correll with whom
he lived until her death about
three years ago.
Brother Reid was a member of
Liberty Methodist church though
while living in Alexander county
he attended a Presbyterian
church. V />. 1
He was a veteran of the Civil
War serving almost four years.
Wounded three times, twice sev-
erely. He never entirely recov
ered from the effects of these
TTfter eighteen months of suff-,1
'ering he passed away Friday wi
• the home of his daughter, Mrs.■DW Granger. His body was
* buried in the Liberty cemeteifjJ» by the side of his Tfife. funeral: services were conducted by Rev.*
A. C. Swafford. ' i
Harrison Hanes
Monday April, 30th, Mr. Har
rison Hanes, one of .the oldest
men of- our. community, died at
the home of his daughter. Mrs,Beiiiah : Williams, ' Miv Hanes
was' a veteran of ..the. Civil War,
•also" -a. r-devbte- "GhrisUanr-was-a
meniber of the methddist church, j
having, joined in early manhood.,
He "was about 82 years old, He
is survived. by. four '.daughters,
Mrs'. Mary; Laird and Mrs. JohnWalker, of Bethlehemj; Mrs. 1).
J. Smith arid Mrs. Beulah Wil
liams, .of this place. .-Two sons,John. Hanes,. of pklabbma. and
Ciiiford Hanes, of this place, andseveral ipi^d and great^grand
children. *Mr. Hanes was loved
by all who knbw him. A good
ro an has gone to his' reward.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1923
Harrison Miller
. Mr. and Airs. Andrew AUen went
to VVihston-Salem last Wednesday to I
'ittend the fonerar and burral of.'
Wrs Allen's brother. Mr. Harrison
^liller. Mr Mjller had made many
f ienda here, as he owned a farm
here and he and hit family spent a
part of the"summer here each year.}
tMr and Mrs Fioyd Baily of bkini'
are visliinj M'r. and-.Mrs-" X B.l
Eiailey. {
Mrs. Mary Eaoes Dead.
Mrs. Mary Eanes died at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Tom Call,
iu North Mocksville about 6 o'clock
Thursday' afternoou, following an
illnci's extending over several
nsouths. Paralysis wa.s the imme
diate cause of death. .■ Mrs. Eanes
was about 65 years of age,' and is
survived by three sisters,' besides a,
host of relatives and friends. The
funeral and burial services were
held Friday , afternoon" at 4 o'clock
by Rev. J. B.. Fitzgerald, assisted
by Revs. C. A." Ssrafford and H. T.
Penry, and the body laid to rest io
Oak •Grove graveyard. In the
death of Mrs. Eanes the town and
community mourns the death of.a
good womau—one who Will be
missed by all who knew her. •
Edna Bassett
Edna Bassett, sister of Mrs.
laker, of this city, died at
lie Hospital at Morganton
e.sday of pellegra, aged 69
; Tile body was bronght here
[ued to h'armington Tburs-
d laid to rest.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 17,1923
hotnG 7."Call, iii N6VbK.TOiK{Jinn
Mary KadVbe^Sim^
she weniiialib;^^^
evaala^ •
to as; who
- 4 i-\;;An 'a F. rAlfttivea
of x^e^to-W
laid to:r^.t;inrpa^^
taiT to; jiwait'the:id^
ducted Rev^-; j^riB;;
Ti Pehry^cbfi^Mpc^^^ Tol^e
befeaft mbxteh^^^
idled ihtfib'Sfaite.]^^
A. W. Ellis
j iMri!A^ who has^bee^^^'in.^d|b1inibgii^Seai|;J;died^^^week'Mli,:oJclbck";JWilhv^^Vsi-Ne^^
aniKennerl^^rai Beryice» large;crobt • relatives j; arid*: frie^pr^ent-ix) pay';t^^^ifesjpecfc sThe flow^^
Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1923
David Hellard
«vembg .of last
kiliM?- Bowers shot
or Hellard.
years old,
LiUri ^ ^®'d toE 0" Tqe^ay -after-.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1923
Annie Rose Griffin
Anaie the tt-months-old
daughter of Mr: and Mrs. John
Griffin of Cooleemee, died Friday
and was laid to rest in Chestnut
Grove graveyard Saturday mom-
ing at 11 o'doqk. .Rev. C. R. John
son. of this city conducted the fun
eral and l>ttria1 services. * -
Mrs. Hay Powell Desid.
. Urs Hay Powell died at the home
of her Bun, Jamt^ Powell, neap Cehr
|er. on Saturday, Hg«-d abnuC ^
fveara The funeral and burial .tidr-
vices were held at. Cenrer Sunday
afternoon at 3 o|dork, Rev. Mr, Mi*
Swain, of Iretlali county, enhducfing
the services.' M ra Powell is ru rvi.v^
by four, children, two sons and* two
daqizhtera, via:- Mrs. J F. U{<orV.;
of this jinty,'Mrs .lames Ratled{^,
of Calahaln.and Messrs James atid
Roblnsno Powell, of ^ 5 A good
woman - bas' .boen .called to. lier
Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 31,1923
Emily Powell
Mrs, Emily Powell died Satur
day evening, May 26", at the
home of her son, Mr. J. R.
Powell and was burled at Center
Sunday afternoon at 3, o'clock.
She was 82 years of-.age. A
good woman has gone to her re-
Bio - Obituaries - 5/31/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
b cr
Charles Family
and wife
Children:John A. Charles
Others Unknown
John A. ChariGS - bom May 12,1835; died November 1.1879;
and wife Susannah Bailev - born June 8.1842: died June 1.1923. She
lived on the adjoining property next to Tucker homeplace. She was
known for her fringed two-seated carriage. She was buried in Advance
Methodist Cemetery.
Children: Fannie Charles (Smithdeal)
Notie Charles (Taylor) - no children
Maggie Charles (Cornatzer)
Unknown Son
Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Charles
Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Charles - born December 10, 1867 in
Davie County, North Carolina. She was married on May 24,1887. Her
mother Bailey stayed with them before Kathryn was born. There were ten
children in the house at the time. Betty djed on December 7.1958 and is
buried in the Elbaville Cementary. She was a housewife and a Baptist, but
later joined Elbaville Methodist Church.
and husband George Thomas Tucker - born April 17,1865 in Advance,
North Carolina; died July 12,1929 and is buried in the Elbaville Cemetery.
He was a farmer and a Methodist. The Elbaville Cemetery was located at
the Elbaville Methodist Church. The Elbaville Community name came
from the Ellis and Bailey families who were prominent in the community.
See George Thomas Tucker
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 6,1923
M. C. Richardson
A message was received Snnday
from lQdianap(-l;s, teUing of the
death of Mr. M. C. Ricbardson,;a
former Davie county citizen. The
funeral and burial services weVe
I held Tuesday aft^mbon in India-
' nipoiis. M«.. Rtchard-son is sui-viYtd
by his wife, who was Miss Mand
Essie before marriagei' and. one
child, J. Frank Essie left here
Monday morning to attend .the
funeral and burial services.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 7,1923
Susanna Williams
Lum Richardson
Mr. and Mra. William Richaiii-
son received a telegram Sunday
announcing the death of their
son, Lum, at New Castle, Ind.
Mr. Bichardsoii married . Miss
Maude Essie of Courtney.
Mrs. Susanna Williams, who
died last Friday at her home on
the Fork-Advance i'oad atid who
was burisd Sunday afternoon in
the cemetery at Advance, was
the widow by a second marriage
of the late J; B Williims. Sr., oi
this section. Htr maiden name
was .Bailey and she was a siste
of Sheriff W. A. . BaMey who Ivi.-
|}een dead fdi* eight or nine yfa-r.
Mrs. William's drst husband w: &
a Mr. Charles, father- of a num
ber of children,vail. of.whom are
living:" • Mrs. H."T.:-* Smithdeal,
Mrs; George Tucker, Mrs. Hiram
Cornatzer and Mrs; William Tay*
lor. • .
Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1923
Dick Emmersoa Killed*
Greensboro. Jane 10-j-A i^&tw
in which Ebivey RIoe. Denver Smith.
Richard EmmerBon. C^rl 'Johnsin and
Terrell Womach. all of Bigh Point,
near here, wereridiiur, left the road,
turned over three times.' cr&hed in
so a- bank and was completely wreck
ed late today on-Preeman's mill road
four miles from High P^int.
Richard Emmerson'a! skull was
crashed He died a' fjsw minutes
after the accident while enroute
here to a hosirital. •
Denver Smith received serious in
juries Bets lyinshero mnighcin
a hospital in an onccnddoos state.
Slight hope is entertain^ for his re
covery, it is 8^. * ^
Harvey Rice,, owner of the illfated
&ir, who is said.tp haw been driving
the car at the time of the accident
1ms been t Deed under arrest on a
wararnt charging blin. with man
slaughter and la lield without bail.
Emmeraon who is a naBve ct
Uocksville, b£^ lived here for the
past four year and was employed in
a local factory. He lived at the
home of Ur. apd Ura. Prank Smith
on South Uatn street The body is
bmng prepared for burial at the un
dertaking establiriimrat .'of J.- W.
iSecbrestmtd son The undertakers
tonight are andeaMng to commu*
nieate with'Ihe dead man's father.
F. S. Emmerson, of ^ocksvllle. The
body will probably be shipped to
Mocksrilia today for interment.
The body of yoaog Emroerson was
brought to filocbsviUe Uunday af
ternoon and laid to rest Tne^day
morning at Center. n
Frances M. Hendrix
Mis. Frances M. Hendrix died
at the home of her son Jesse Hen
drix. on R.-I, last Tnuisday, aged
nearly 72 years. The funeral and
burial semces were held at Fork
Baptist church Friday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock, conducted -by R^.
C. S. Cashwell, C. R. -Johnson and
H. T. Penry. Mrs. Hendrix is
survived by three , cbtldren, two
daughiters and one son,
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 14,1923
Fannie Hendrix
- Mrs. Fannie Hendnx, ; relict of
the late Samuel Hendrix/died at
the home of her son, Jesse Hehd-
rix..l^t Thursday, &om a stroke
of.apoplexy. * Hor-'remains were
laid to rest in Fork cemetery Fri-
6ar» Jwe & She 71 years
old. As her immediate decend-
ahts' she leav^ three children:
Mra . Luther Sp^, Cdoleemee;
Jesse ^d Essie Hendrix, 'Moclm-
ville, R 1.
Sichard Emerson Dead.
. ^ia' entire community: was
sadly ' sKoeked early Monday
.-inomlng as the sad news of the
'.death of Richard Emerson was
;'Bpread dyer it. '
.' Mr. Emeraon, . with four boy
{.iM^dd of.HighToint were riding
n in a roadster on th<^ Freeman's
'-.mflt road, new Providence church
• few miles from .High'' Pointt Sun*
afternoon'about diSd o'dock,
i when the ^yer lost control of
ipachlne and itturh^over
. ^u^I'dmes and (unshed into
: &ni^ .^crashihg Mr. Emersbii's
• ' and Ee died in a few min-
•jate% Denver Smith received
,; seHbu8 injures apd is .lying in. a
I hospital in an unconscious condl
: tioxu SUght'hppe Is entertained
• fpir his reeoveibr.
Ihr. Emerson-was the son of
'Mr,' T.* S.'.Emerson, of Mocks*
yflle Route 1; and is well known
here as well as throughout the
'^tire county, • haying lived-in
'.fhia town and coiinty all his life
.until the past fonryeare when he
' -iyent. to-work in High Point. He
' waa a mianber of the Mocksyille
Baseball'Glub last year and made
vmany IHends la alt the games he
'^tay.ed.. Dick was a boy who
;ohe eould not'help butlove,owiDg
•to his kinddessto his fellow man
; tuid made- friends wherever he
went ;
;, The remains were broughthere
'froih-High- Point Monday on
frein' Mo. 21, and was carried.; to
tho'home of his'bibther,
S. Emerson, of -the Haidabn
neighborhood;-where it remained
'until-Tuesday morning, at U
O'dock; when one of the largest
crowds that has ever attended h
funeral in this'county gathered
at Center Church to.pay the last
tribute of respect'to. his young
.man. The funeral services were,
conducted by Rev. W, J.' S.
.Walker, interment took place
immediately after. - Ihe .floral
/bffeidng was most beautifully."
. Hjs.l^ves a father, Mr. T. S. |
Emerson, two brothers, Mr. J. S. j
Emenon, XL 1, and Mr, J, G.
Emerson, of Ada, Okla.; onej
sister, 1^8. Martin Hendrix, of
Charlotte. We wish there was;
something that we could say or|
do that would help the bereaved,
relatives to 'share their burden, <
but wo can only point them to
that one gteat and blessed.way;
in which they may be relieved
and that is to look too and ask
God the Blessed Savior to com
fort thein.
• This community mourns as it
has never mourned before, and!
the .Enterprise joins with the!
entire county in extending our
deepest sympathy to the bereft. *
Bio — Obituaries - 6/14/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1923
Van Lindsay Ijames
Oed Work Traia. .
n Ydk ijn^y. Ijames. colored, of
tWai city, who was employed'on the
Southern work - train n^r Wood--
ieaf,-'was run ov^ThUr5dayrafter»i
noon and both legs were cut off and ^
hislilp broke' io sev^l places,
was rushed to Winstou>Salem on'a
special. train and * ca^ri^," to" the
hospital, but died ' shortly ailter
reaching there Thelnxiy was pre
pared for burial and brought hack
here Friday inoniing.- •' ,
Dk J. M. Cai^ p^A
Dr. jo^ M, Caid',;^i6f Cfark^^
township', di^ at lioug's- ranator-j
inni. nt ^at^ille;
ingi^'tpliowifig a'long illness of
diabet^, aged 74 years. The'hody
was bronght home an^aid to rest
at Bear Crwk Baptist church Fri
day afternodn'at 4 -o*clo^. Dr.
dSn.was one of the b^ known
c'tizeni of ClarkwJie, and waa for
a • number of years ^ a member
, of the boarJ- of. county com-
'missioners. He is survived by two
brothers, and a host of friends who
will be saddened to learn of bis
death. . ' •'
Ed Hunt
p Hunt, a well-known colored
jJlfzta, died at his hoiue in Booe
^ iast Tuesday night,. aged a-
S8 Years. The funeral and
senices were heid Thursday.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 21,1923
Van Lindsay Ijames
Charlie Snider
Charli.^ Snider,,a.younff man-
of C^ieeine^,. 41^*1 andi
wM.y buried'Sat^cday at'^ the
Primitive Baptist .church near
Fork. The deceased was a -eon,
of the laie'William Snider, both'
of whom had lived in this section
add was Y^.ell known here. . •
Ed Hunt
Fd Hunt, well kno^acolpred
^an, died^at bis home' in North
Mocksville" last Tuesday night
;and was buried in the Methodist
irave yar4 Thursday afternoon.
Van Lindsay Ijames, colored,
was run over last Thursday even
ing by the work train on whichhewjss employed.. His. legs were
cut off and his hips broken, ^be
accident occured near Woodleaf
and he was put on the train and
rushed to o-hitepital in Winaton-
Sal'ein, but died-shortly after his
arnVal tliefe.
J. M. Cailt Dead
John M. Cain., son of Patrick
and Jusan-Cheshire Cain, was
bom April 26th, 1849, died June
Uih. 1928/ at Long's Sanatorium,
StateBville,of Diabei^. Dr. Cain,
as everyone called him in latter
years, began his public life as a
rural .schooi teacher, having
taught school for a numbar.bf
yearsJn a little log school house
on his father's place near .wbore
Anderson's school house, now.
stands. Our older p^ple speak
of the school days spent undi^
his care with fond recollections.
. Later he gave up his duties as
a teacher, and turned his. atten*
tlbn. to the study of medicine.
After having completed'his medi-
cai - traing he mtujrned. to the
place of hisibirth wd began the
practice of'his chosen pro fession.
It can be said of Dr. Cain, jfchat
he devoted his entire life to the
service of his boyhood friends
arid their children, yes, even
grand children. . His success as a
physician is • too well known to
an explanation. He also served
as county commissioner of Davie
for a number of years.
Funeral service was conducted'
at Bear Creek Friday evening at I
4 m, by Rev. B. W. Tomer, ofj
Hamptonville, after which the:
body was laid to rest beside that'
of his twin sister, Mrs. Harkey. |
i Surviving are two brothers and i
I a host of nieces and nephews, '
He leff an estate estimated to
i be worth a half million or more,
I but to date no explanation Is
nvailable as to what disposition
will be made of this property.
Infant Son Ferebee
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
j/F; Ferebee was. buried a.t
Eitons' church, .Tuesday, June
12th. ... .
Bio — Obituaries - 6/21/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27,1923
•UienS^onj Killed
^(dfdeath ocrarr^inear Cdiin--;
t^-il^ine/ last Tue^ay afterat^iK
w8eji-:^ien-Strpud the i6-yeai^bWT
fon.'oF ilr. aud Mrs. Virgil Stroud,|
was stiijck . by lightning pndvini
stantly killed. • The young, man.
was coming frbin the field where he n
b£d;beeitt at. work sbockihg
.when^an electric storm crime up. He
Started acrosSrthe field withe attain
cradle bu ills shoulder when a fiasb*
of lightning struck hlin iff the head,
which lesuited in his instah^death.
The fnue^l. and hut ial services'
^ _ were.' conducted -.by .-Jkev. C;* R.-
'"Jobn^n, of this "city, on Wednes^
day'afteraoon at three o'clock, and
th.e:hbdy laid'..to rest in Society
bunaVgrottnd> He is survived by
his parents, three brc|tbers'and.-four
siStbis \ A.large concourse of'rela
tives. and friends a tehdccL^th'e
funeral. ' ' • -
Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, June 28,1923
Infant Deadmon
. little baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Deadmon was burled last
Friday, at the Priinitive Baplist
Church. We extend our sympa
thy to thejjereaved family.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1923 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY