Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 10,1918 X P. Ratledge Commits Smdde. Mr. J. F. Ratledge. who has been under treatmqit at the State Hosr pital for several years was brought home about ten days ago. as his con* dltion was thought to be very mneb improved. On Thursday afternoon while sitting on the porch with oth- er members of bis family^ he got got up and after looking around a went in the house. Soon after goinsr into the room a shot was heard; and Mr. Ratledge was found with a self* inflicted mortai wound.. He had found a 22 calibre rifle :with which he shot himself. The funeral and burial services were eondocted Sat urday morning at U o'clock and the bodv was laid to rest at Hickory Grove Methodist churdi. To the' bereaved brothers and fosters. The Record extends' sympathy in this trying hour.. Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 17,1918 Mrs. L. B. Walker Dead. Mrs. L. B. Walker, of near Cen ter. died Wednesday afternoon, fol lowing a long illness, aged about ^ years. The fune^l and burial ser vices were condactied bv Rev. VV. J. S. Walker and T S.-Coble Thursday morning, alter which the body was laid'to rest in Center grave-yard, Mrs. Walker is survived by two sons and one daoghter. She was a coo* sistent member of the Methodist church for many years, and will be dadly missed in her community A good woman has been called to hor reward. Herbert Wilson Herbert Wilson, the ten-months- old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. 111 • cholson, of Farmingion, died Satur day of bronchitis. The burial ser vices- were conducted Sunday by Rev. J. W. Vestal and the body laid to rest In the FftVmingtnn cemetei-y. Ruth Boger I^Ruth, the little IB-mohths-old /daugbt^ of Mr. and Mrs J 0. Bo ger,'-of near Cana. died Friday a^t^ a short iilneas of eOliris.. The fu&er al and burial serrices wer conducted ^at el^en o'clocl^ Saturday .morning • by Kevi^T >%ypoble, ^d- the little t^.body laM, to r;^t at-Uniim- Ghapel. ^'^liie.grief^^icken parents have.- the - Bymftatlby ^ the community intfamr 'low, ilV • - . /■ : Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 24,1918 Manning Taylor Infant Son Watklns I The infiaQt son of Dr. and Mrs. T. T. Watkins, died Saturday of coHlis. Infant Son Watkins The Uttle three>months-o]d sod of Dr. and Mrs. T.-T. Watklns, of Ad vance. died Saturday of Colitis, and was buried Sunday. Mr. Manoinf? Taylor, of Smith Grove, died Thursday mominfr of tuberculosis, aged about 30 years. The burial services took place^iddy morniosr at IX o'clock at Smith Grove. Deceased leaves a mother, two sisters and one brother. Mr ^^lor a member of .the Metho dic church, and was an Odd Fellow and a Mason. Frank Hargrove Frank Hargrove, a prominent ci- Uzen of Lexington, and a kinsman of C. A. and J, JU^ Clement, .of our town, died Saturday morning, foi- lowing a week's illu^. ' Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 31,1918 Koontz Son The little fivo>ycar old Bon of 8fr. Urs. Wilbarn Koonte, of R. .1. dica Sunday, followlnjc u short ill nci^ with (yphoid fever. T3ie little body was laid to rest Monday. The inrents have the- sympathy of all Iheir friends. Jesse C. Nail Jesse C. Noll died Wednesday ev ^ning at his home In Salfebucv, d^tb bmng eaused by cancer of the stomach. He had been serially «l for several weeks. Mr. Naih was 68 years old and .a native of Davie county. He had been carrier on ru ral route No 2 out from Salisbury for a number of years. A widow and roven duldceb survive. CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, July 31,1918 Jesse C. Nail JeeeeC Nail, , aged 58 years, a native of Davie oonnty, bat for a loog time a reaideot of dalisbary died at his home on the Lioeolton road last Wed- ueeday evHoiug from tbeefo feets of cancer 'of the stom-^ avsh of which he had been a snflcrer for some time. A wlfoand seven children sur vive, also a' sister, Mrs J.)hti Mertz and nnmberstrf her relatives. For a unmber of years Mr Nail wu a rnral mail^carrier of Salisbury and was a man with a large ciro cle of .friends. The fnneral Rolmrt Reavis' KiHed. Statesville, Jnlv 28.—Robert Rea- vis. aged 8S. was instantly killed shortly aHer 4 o'clock tbis after noon when the automobile in which he was ridk^ overturned while roundmgacurve, ^bt miles north dfStatraville. His companion was oin^Qred. Mr. R|»vls was a high- .ydung businras. man, and is survived by'a wife and severe al small eldldren. * Fnneral service will probably be conducted Monday. took place from (he redid-tnce Thnrsday afternoon being 'condncted by^R'^v (J B Hel ler. The iiiterinetit wad in Cheatnnt Hill cein-*tery. Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 7,1918 Nicholas Click Centenarian Dead. Nicholas Click, of Jerusalem, died Salurdiiy morning of paral>ats,at the advanced age of 103 years. The body Was laid to rest at Jerusalem grave' yard at 1:30 o'clock Sunday after noon. Rev Richahdson. of Gooleemce. conducted the funeral services. Ue 18 survived by several children and one brother. Robert H. Turner Lieutenant Robert U. Turner, of Statesville, was killed on the baitle- field in France, on July 24th. JAr, Turner was a nephew of Mm.. Jas. Frost, of near town, and a brother j of Attorney Allan Turner, who lived] here for about a y^. ' Mrs. £lisba Jones Dead. Mrs. Elisha G. Jones, of Glarka- viile townsh.ip died Sunday morning at 2 o'clock, after an illne^of sever al mondis, aged about 70 years. The funerl and burial services were conducted by Rev. F. F. McCQllofa. of this town, at Dnion Chapel Mon day morning at II o'clock. Surviv ing is the husband and six sons. A good woman has been called to her reward. Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 14,1918 Miss Nel&e Shepherd Med. It was wiOi much sadness that the peupie of this town learned ta$i Friday of die tragic death of ni-s Nellie Shepherd, which occured ui* Tuesday night. Miss Shephead-wah riding a home near her boine in Wilkes county when tlie animai -be n came fright^ed and threw ;'hei? "to j the ground,, death resultfng in a few hours. ' Misa^Shepherd Caught in the gradhd school here • , yetirs ago, and iiiHoe hundreds of frietel She was.a member ''of the Saptiiit 'church.' ' ' Infant Son Minor I An iufant son of Mr^ and Mrs. George* Minor, died last Sunday, and was laid to I rest in Fork Cemeterv Monday afternoon. Our sympathy Is extended to the bereoy* 'ed parents. Bio - Obituaries - 8/14/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 21,1918 A« m G^oo^ Dead. r A. M. Garwood, who was. well knuwn in newspaper circles through- out the State, di^ at the Rainy Hos pital in Burlington Tuesday room ing, Aug. 18th. after an illness of several roontlis. Mr, Garwood was a native of Davie county,' but left here roany years ago. The editor of The Record was personally acquaint ed with Mr. Garwood. and it is with sadness that we chronicle his death. Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 28,1918 Bob Smoot Bub Smoot, a respected colored: citizen of the town died Wednesday aifterabng illness. Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 4,1918 Mrs. L'M. Wiseman IKes In Farm* kgtcs. vMra. h M. Wi«iaan, widow ol the late Dr. J Wlwinan, died at her home in Farmingtun Monday inorning at 10 o'clock after a linger ingiiiness The deceased was one of the communityVmnnt highly es teemed ladies, and her ditathv ha.*: cast a shadow over a host of friends in this section, Mrs. Wiseman w*a;4 a"aitero«Dr W J-ConraTii^ ston. One oth-ir sister. .\trs r Sryin. of Charlotte, also jsureh The funeral was coa4u»'.«iT' thelatehttme TawJa, nwrajJ'® 10 0 clock Tne remaim riediothe fdiahy buryW sf Lewisvllle, for incerm-nt Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Oc» cr /ISAIAH TEMPIJEOlAVERIj^NIER 1824-1856 i ^cj(s IsaiahTempIeCraverLamerb.l824/25DavidsonCoN<ifd~ Aug 185^avieCoNC ' ^ ^ V ^ OjChar^tte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NC^L1890^Davidson Co NC —■'""Sk,Res: Davie Co NC; Davidson Co NC - Yadkin CoUege area; O ^ ^ O Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist ChCemDavie Co NC 'Isaiah's parents: / M .Craver . t a F' Sarah TEMPLE Craver ' 'Charlotte's parents: . ai/D Jeremiah Potts Ann FOSTER Potts ■ ,01/r Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known 1^3^ Agnes ElizabethLanierb.l846^.16 0ctl91?]^ ' m. , James K. Hartley b.24 Apr 184Qj?04 Ang 1921^Res: Yadkin College Township Both buried: Yadkin Cohege Meth Ch Gem Davidain Tr. Krr Nancy lane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848^!o9SeD ^918^ m. 08 May 1866HiramL. Koontzb.Ol Sep 1845 STo^ SSy 1922^3Res: Yadkin College Township ^Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC Phillip Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850(^0 NbvllSi'm.l® 06 Jan 1869 wt.T.W. Hartley, A.G. Hough JP " Sarah MICHAEL b. 12 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896 AfVl A. « a _ _ _m.2°^ 01 Aug 1897 EUen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 Jun 1860^28 Dec 194( (Sarah & Ellen were cousins) uua...«-—Res. Yadkin College Township; Tyro Township; All buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 4.Andrew Jackson Lanier b.l852(^. 01 Mar liS^ — m. 24 Oct 1872 p- Sarah Jane WILSON b. 13 Jun 185^d. 01 MavJiHl^Res: Yadkin College Township^ Both Buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC u 5 ^ Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanier b. 07 Feb 1854(dl6 May 1892^ — m.1 27 Mar 1873 —' o Maiy WALKER 4 m.2'"'14 Mar 1878Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC : i k t Davie County Public Library jMocksvifle, NC DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 11,1918 James A. Livengood Died—At his home two ^liles north of our village on Monday, Aug 26. 1918, James A. Livengood. aged Sdjears. The body was laid to rest at Fork Cemetery on Tue^ay afternoon in the presence of an immense gatheniig of friends and rela tives, The funeral was conducted by Dr. Jas. H, Bcendall, and Revs. Barrs, and J. F. Carter. A good citi2en has passed to bis'reward. Peace to bis ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 18,1918 Mrs. C. H. Williams The wife of Rev, C. H. Williams,! pastor of the Second Presbyterian^ ehurcb, died Wednesda}* at her borne, on South bSain street after a long illness. The funeral and burial ser* i vices were held Thursday afternoon. D^eased leaves a husband and sev eral children.. She was bdd in bfgb esteem by all the dUzens of the town, both white and. colored, and she'will foe missed greatly. Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 25,1918 R. B. Horn R. B. Horn, formerly, of Winston-.! boc later of Voldosta, Gii;. tiled at bis home in that eily la^i louRday, He is a kinsman pfG.'R ^ L. u. Horn, of tfaia city. " j Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1918 William Lowery Keported Killed. Itisrepdr^d that William Low* ery. fr DaVio boy. was kUled in action in France' on Aumist • 31st. Mr. Lowery is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Lowery. of' f%ksvllie; town ship. S. H. Turrentine News has been received here te)l* inpT' of the death of S. H. Tarrentlne somewhere in France. Mr. Turren* tine is a native of Davie^ but left tbiscoanty several years ago and w<int to Winston-Salem. . Bio - Obituaries -10/2/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1918 Shermer Son The ten*year old sra ..of iMc. and HW.W. G. Sfaermer, of Adv^to, ^as carried to StatesviUe last 'Tues- «ay lo undergo an operation; .Theii^e fellow died a few • houra ' after ^ operation. The Jbody was. l^d torestThursd^. - * , Lee Powell Davle Soldier Dies at ^mp. . Lee Powdl* a son of R. S. PoweHt. of R 5. who was sent to Cainp Jack fiott'dbont five, weeks ago. died there i^t Friday of pnenmonia, following w attack of iofloenzfa. The body was to have b^. brought home Sunday but hhs not arrived Monday Bio - Obituaries -10/9/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1918 George Stewart (flcc/csville Boy Killed in France. . George Stewart, son qC Mr. and Alts. Frank Stewart, of near town, was kiUed in action on (he battle- Geld in Franbeon Sept>80tb. accord ing to a nt^age receivied ',by his father Thnreiiay. Mr. Stewarj^vleft here for the'draining camp last' win- tft. ^d was sent to France sfooje liiobfbs agd. This la the tBi^-yonrg^ man from Davle.that has given his life in defense of his country. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have the sympathy of (he entire commnnity in -the lo/a of :thelr belov.i;d son who died fac-ij ing^emdrderous Hah.i 'May 'the.! flowers alwara bloom on.' h'is grave I i f^-awa}^rance« -- .. .. f| Albert Calvin Kelly Dead. ' Albert Calvin Kelly, son of the late Col William F. itellv and Sat^h Gallher Kelly, died at his home in South Mocksville early Thursday! morning, following an illness of some months wi,h dropsy.- Mr. Kelly was born here Dec<^tnuer 10, 1640, and was well known and higiily respect • ed throughout this entire section.} Surviving are two sisters, Mrs T .H. ' Gbilher, of Montreal; MUsSitllie E. Kelly, of this town, and one brother, Thomas L Kelly, also of Moetmviile. n The funeral services were conducted at the home Friday morning^ by his pastor. Rev. £ P. Bradley, of the' First Presbyterian Church, and lire* body was then carried to ooppa'cem i etery andjatd to rest with Mas -nic j honors. Mr. Kelly will he miss^ in > Mocksville Those who knew him I loved him. Peace to his ashes. j Lee Powell The body of Lee Powell, who died at Camp Jackson, .on Oct 4th of Pawincini.1, arrived here last .Wed- nt^avand was carried" to Center laid to rest that afternoon, luneml and burial servlce^wete ttnductcd by Rev T. S. Coble. Hauser William Harrison Howell ' William Harrison Howeil, colored, who was seat from this county to Camp Lee, Va.. ou* Sept Ist, died there last week, and his body was sent-to his home in piarl^vilie town ship Friday. n ' It is reported' that Dr. • Hauser. formerly of Fork Church, who en: listed in the Army lastyear and atationed at Cainp Ja^aoh," di^ a few days.ago of pneumonia, follow ing an a.tt^ of inflnenzia. Lieut Haus^ had many friends in Davie who will bewriry to hear of his un timely death. ; Bio - Obituaries -10/16/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 21,1936, Page Three Albert Calvin Kelly Citizens Of Old THOMAS McNEEI.Y AND WILLIAM F. KELLY (By Mory J. lloitmnn) Hocksvillo, coiinty-scnt ol Davic, was Incorjioriilcd by Act of the Legislature in Junuary, 18JW. The village of Moeksvillo, first known as Mock's Old Field, had existed for many years prior . no this date. The War Depart^ riBtit records In Washington speak of soldiora camping near the "village of Mock's Old Field" ill Bevolutioiiary days. In 1816 there was n general store and postofficG at Mock's Old Field, as shown by an old store ledger of A. Mesbitt & Company. 'The bill to form 'Davie County from Ivowan was passed in Dccetnfber, 18:36, and the first County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions was hold in Tebruary, 1837. In tho early history of DavIe county there were a number of citizens whose namoa appear fre quently in the county records as magistrates, administratni's on ostntos, guni'dians of orphans and in other civic affairs. Fromln- uiil nnintig these citizens wore Thomas McNccly, n merchant, and Colonel William Frohock [ Kelly, a planter. Those two men iii.irried sisters, the daughters of Nicholas Oaither, so their fami' lies were closely connoeted. Tho- ^ r.. vt ^ mas McNociy livod in the large lw«-slory frame house. Inter known as the W. A. Wcant house, which was torn down several years ago. Colonel Kelly lived lor n iiiinYber. of years on his large plantation in Davle, later luirciinslng tho rcatdoncc on Sal isbury street, where his daugh ter, Miss Sallie E. Kelly, made her home until about ten years ago. The material for this article has boon...8ecured-through conrt- mfnutes, church records, tomb stone Inscriptions, and informa tion from the relatives of tho' McNcely and Kelly families. Thonins McNeely was born Sept SO, 1700, and died June 4, 1S66. He was married on March 20, 1820 to Margaret Gnlther, who was born in -March, 1799, and died Feb. 16,1877. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .McNcoly are burled In, the old English Ceniotoi'y in Sal isbury. Tho children of Thom as and Margaret McNooIy were; William CMithcr McNcoly, who married, 1st, Louise Marvin, and 2nd, Mrs. Mildred Hunt McCoy; Julius Dwighl, who married Hon- nulln Hnil; Thomas Chalmers Mi-Nccly; Lnurn McNcoly, who nuirried Archibald Young; Ama nda McNccly, who married Jose ph .lohnstonc, and moved to Gal- vc.ston, Texas; Maria McNeely, who was the first wife of Tho nins M. Young, Sr.; and Frances Jl. Young McNeely, who was killed while defending the Con federate Arsenal in Salisbury, during tho War Between tho Sinios.- Most of these sons and diiughloi-s lived in Salisbury, and all of them arc now dead. Colonel William Frohock Kelly •was the son of John Kelly and HIiziibctli Mum ford Frohock Kel ly. nf l>ow'a« -County. lie •\vai- i^rriod to Sarah lAnn Goithur uir, 'iet. i), 1827. Colonel Kelly and j ha.s wife are burled in Joppa | CeniGtery, one mile west of Moclo. sviUo. The children of William F. nnd Sarah A. Kelly were: John Kelly, who died in the Con federate Army, during the War iJctwccii the suites; Nicholas Young Kelly, -who died when n young medical student; James Addison Kelly, wh.o ranrrlcd Mary Elizuibeth Austin; Ann Marin (Continued on next page) Bio - Obituaries - 1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Two Citizens of Old Mocksvilie (continued) ! Kclly, who marrlod Robert P. IJohnstoitc, of Aowaii: Sumiiol Abnor Kelly, ivho ninrried Mar- ffrt vot Springs, of Charlolto; Bot tle Prohock Kelly, who mnrriotl Thomas U. Gnither; William Pro hock Kelly, who married Leln Bryunt; Atbert Calvin Kelly, who died in 1918; Miss Sarah Emily Kelly, who survives her broth el's and sisters, and now resides In Elkin; Thomas Lemuel Kelly, who married, let, Mnttie Thor- hurn Sterling, 2nd, Satle Chat-■terton, of Newburgh, New York, and died in 1926. Some of the Kelly family lived here, others made their homes in Charlotte and Kowan County. In looking over the old Session Book of Joppa Presbyterian Church, -it is seen that Thomas McNeely wag Clerk of the Ses sion from 1832 to 1850. Joppa Church was located a mile west of Mocksvilie, and the old grave yard still remains there. The congregation moved to Mocks vilie in 183'], and in 18(10 u com modious brick church was (built on the site of tlic present edifice, the latter being eroded In 1905. The plans for the church built in IS'lO were drawn by Colonel Kel ly, being similar to a church ho had seen In Mississippi. In the Joppa Suasion Book Is found this entry: "Oct. 12, 1888. Thomas McNccIy was appointed to sit in the Presbytery in Mock- eviJlc, and John W. ToiTcntino, his alternate." The Minutes of I the Pavie County Courts show that Thomas McNeely was one ofI the justices presiding at the Court of Fleas and Quarter Sos- -sionr, in the early-day5-o^*DayiBrjiln the school election hold in (August, 1880, among the sevensuperintendents elected wore Wil liam F Kelly and R. M. Pearson, the office being somewhat like a school board. In the- Davlo Coun ty Minute Book, page IIG, there Is ft colored diagrftm of the Town of Mocksvilie, drawn by ThomasRntledge, surveyor, and copied,iby Thomas McNeely. Mr. Mc- ■ Neoly's partner in the mcrcan- I-tile business was Stephen L. IIo-woU, who lived in the house later kunwn ng the C. C. Snnfnrd home. Stephen L. Howell was 'also a member of .Toppn Church, and moved from Mocksvilie toTnylorsville in 1803. Thomas McNeely was chairman of the fir.Ht hoard of town commisalon-ors of Mocksvilie, after its incorporation in 1889, the other members of the bonrd being Dr.James F. Martin, magistrate ofpolice, Ephralm Gaithcr, treasur er, and J. McRorIc, secretary. \At the May Term of DavicCounty Court, 1840. the will of Thomna Hays was probated, one clause being: *T give and bequeath unto my worthy friend,Thomas McNeely, my negro boy, Tonoy, and his mother namedAnn, having the utmost confid ence that he will treat them withhLr.uauf^."" in ante-bellum days many of the slaves belonged to the whitocongrcgntlona, as the following entries in the Joppa records shoAv: "May, 1838^Dlod, Amey, fei'vant of Thomas McNeely, her last end was that of peace;" "Sept. 16, 1845—Peter, servant (Continued on next page) Bio - Obituaries - 1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Two Citizens of Old Mocksville (continued) or Tbonins McNccIy, died, Imviiig been a mcmbci* of Joppn Church for many yeurs, ulthoifgh n sor- vnnt. let his light so ahinc to do ffood." I ]ii the early land transactions :in Davio County is one between Charles Fislior, of llownn, to WilHom P. Kelly, tho latter pur chasing the Pcnrson Mill Trnct in 1841; and also deeds from Henry Willson to Willinm 1«*. Kelly frop I'operty in tho town of Mocksville and also for "tho Gold Mine Trnct adjoining James Pen- ry and others." At the Novem- fccr Term of Davie Courti 1845, William F. Kelly qunliflcd as ad ministrator on the estate of John Clement, who had introduced tho bill to form Davle County from Kowan in 1836. In the Davle Court Minutes, Nov. 29, 1848, is tho record: "Wm, F. Kelly was appointed one of tho committee of Finance for Dnvie County, in place of M. D. Armfield, remov ed. He came into Court and was duly qualified.'' Returning to the Joppa Ses sion Book, the following entries iii'o found: "April G. 1840—Col. William F. Kelly, I. A. Withor- spooii and Thomas Brown were duly oleclcd Trustees of Joppa Church, to whom HUc is to ho made." "Dec 31, 18'$li Mrs. 'Emily Chnilln died, having lived 'fur the cause of Christ, an ar dent friend of Sabbath schools, and A devoted Christian." Mrs. Chullln was a daughter of Nich olas Gaither, and a sister of Mi's. Thomas McNcoIy and Mrs. Willinm F. Kelly. The famous teacher, Peter S. Noy, believed by many to have been one of Napo leon's officers, wrote a poem for -Mrs. Chofiln to give to hor son, Franklin Chnflln, on his birthday, in 1840. Peter S. Ney taught in the Vicinity of MocKsvuic, and was a visitor In Colonel Kelly's home. Ho wrote a letter to Mrs. Kelly, stating his religious views, and both the poem and the let ter are still in the possession of the Kelly family. In the Joppn records is this note entered by Thomas McNoely, on Dec. 80, 1848: "Col. William P. Kolly died, having 'been for many years an orderly member our church." Tho Davle Court Minutes, page 75, Feb. 27, 1849, hos this entry: "Administration upon the CHtatu of William F. Kelly, dec., granted to Stephen Ilowell." Colonel Kelly's grave at Joppn Cemetery I.h marked with a tall 'slab, the epitaph being: "In mom-; ory of Col. William F. Kelly, who dlod Dec. 29, 1848, aged 52 yeai-a and 11 mos. Colonel Kolly was of Scotch descent, a gcntlc- iiinn of tho old school, firm to his purpose, calm, temperate, and conscientious to a remarkable degree. He was an exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church. He loved the church of his forofnthors, revered and prac ticed her instructions, cntochis- Ing his family, dally reading the Scriptures and praying with them. He being dead yet .speak- eth for his example uniformly iuhr; lol us go' up i*i the houso of the Lord.' Reader, and do likowlso." His iwifc out lived him nearly fifty ycar.s, and is burled 'by his side, her in- scrlptinn reading: "Sarah A. Kol ly, wife of Col. Willinm F. Kelly, born January 26, 1807, died Oct. 7,1898, aged 91 years, 8 mos. and 11 days. Precious in tho sight of the Lord Is the death of his saints." Thomas McNcoIy's last connec tion with Jpppa Church is re corded under the date, Jan. 5, 1850: "Mr, Thomas MeNeely and Margaret, his wife, were dismiss ed by corUficntc to join the Cen tral Church of Phllndelphin." As has bten already mentioned in this'article, Jinoinns mcKooiy and his wife later returned to North CtiroUiin, and made their home in Salisbury, whore some of their dcsceiidonts now live. This brief sketch brings to mind two early citizens of Mock- sville, who lived well in their day and gonorntion. Bio - Obituaries - 1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 23,1918 I Charlie Cherry Is Dead. j ^ariie Cherry is dead! Just four voids,' but they carried sadness, and gloom to; inany haatts Monday morning when a I ulogram came annoondng the death ocj [Mr Cherryait'his home'In Philadelphia*I on Sunday, following a shmt Illness ofj ! lofluenzia and pneumtmia.. Mr. CheiTy is I survived hy his wife and five little dangh* ' ters. Mr. Cheny lived here for many years and was held in high esidam by aQ v/ho knew faim. He was a btg-heaited.' generous fellow, and made fJiends every* ( where he went. In bis death the editor! of The Record liaa lpst a warm, .penoDail friend... rFor nearly twenty years we had known'Charlie, and we'..wlU miss his' nle^nt visits to our bfflc& >Mr. (%'erry' io.sot^yed by hid mother.' two slsteic^ahd' one biqtber.'besidea his wife apd Tehlld-t dien.' The My ^ili he b'rou^t herb and . laid to test at Rose cemetery. Mr. Cher* j xy was a member of the Jimor Order and * Masonic l^ge of Mocksvilie, and* these lo^ea wiR. arsis'at the burial.. .Wecquid ieara^ before ^^Ipg ro^pr^. when itbe i bcdy>wbuld.-arrive. i * . CarliCrawfoi'd Dead. j It is wiib wdness that we cbrbD- icte the death o£ Mr. Carl Crawford, who died last Monday night' in a Philadelphia hospital after a short illness of inflaenzia'-and pneumonia*. Dr. B P. Crawford; of Mocksville, Was with Ma brother when the end came* The body, was brought to Marion and taken to the home of his! father, after which it was laid to rest Friday. Gai I had many friends in Mochsyiile .who were saddened by his death. He was a splendid young man, and all who knew him loved him. The Record sympathiases with bis loved ones in this sad hour. Mr. and Mn. S. A. Atwfiod Dpad. Mr. and«Mrs S. A Atwood. form* erly of BfodtavHle. but later of Thomasviile. died at their home in that town last week, death result* log from pneumonia, following infiu* enzla. Mr., Atwood died Tuesday night, and Mrs. Atwood Wednesday morning, ^e bodies were laid ,to rest in the same grave Wednesday afternoon. Five children survive, the oldest about 18 years, and the youngest only about Rve months. Ella Smith Mrs. James Seamon Mis. James SeamoD died Thnrsd^ evening at her home in t>ooleemee Moving a short iUness ofinfluen liaand pneumonia. J.D. Fink J' D. Pink, mail curler oh Cleve-l i??* lor 13 yqara. died.OctoberI following a stroke of paralysis, stricken while making bis - deliveries. ¨ i aft ®'2,Sinith. da?Bbter.of • Wr. S Sinttth. oi RedUad,'^Moiidajratuie Wtt-Cltsrj^iollowinR. a Miort {lines.. bijrW.-wBI;. t#? i;. i Infant Davis An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Davis, of R 2. died Monday of in^ dig^tfon. Mrs. Avery Clawson Mrs. Averv Clawson,o^Cooieemee died Saturday of pneumonia. This, is the second death in- that 'town of pneumonia^ following iuduenza. * It is reported that Gooleemee has had about 150 cases.. Ray Myers ' Ray Myers, a former Moc^ille boy, and a.brother of Mrs. Frank McCabblns. died at his ijome M the Twin-City Suridav.. death^ resulting frbno Phenmonfa; Rav had many . friends in Mocksville. who will be[saddened by his death. Louise Frankiin Miss Louise Fianklin died at her hnmein Winston SaJero Sunday, fol lowing a short illness of pneumonia.Miss FrankMn taught in the graded school here the past year, and en deared herself to a I our people. ^ The news of her death cast a glooin.j over the entire town.. . Bio - Obituaries -10/23/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 30,1918 Mrs. Harmon Carter Tbe body of Mrs. flannon Carter, o< Hanestovirn, was brouAbt bere Thurada) and {nterred in Fork cemetery,' a victim of influeuza followed by pneumonia. A iiusband aoa children, mother, ooe broth er and one sUtersarvlve, D. L Reavis Dead. Mr. D. i. Reavis, a prominent and' welbknoOTD citizen of Courtney. Yadktn county, died last Tuesday, foUowinsr a short illness of heart disease, aged about 66 years. The funeral and burial services were held Thursday morning:. Deceased is survived by his'wife and' several sons and daughterSj together with a host of relatives and friends. Mr. Reavis was a kind*bearted citizen and had many friends in Davie who will be sorry to learn of his death. Liille Dearmon Dearmon. of Harmony, nurse »ho was ministering SifSicted people of Charlotte, ■mbatcityXhursdsiy of pneu- UmQel Keller Dead. Rev. S. J, Beeker Dead.- Rev. S. J. Beeker, of Duke, N. 0., died Tuesday of last week of pneu-monia. aged 4T years. The bodywas brought back to his old home at Jerusalem and laid to rest Wedn«.day. The funeral and burial servi. ces Were conducted by Rev. WalterDodd, Mrs. Beeker Is quite ill in a hospital at Duke. •T. Lemuel Keller, son of Mr, andMrs, R L. Keller, of near Kappa, died at Camp. Hancock. Augusta, Qa . on Wednesday ollast week of pneumonia aged 80 years. Mr.Keller left here for camp on July 24 Deceased leaves afather. moth er. one sister and one brother. The body was brought home and laid to rest at Salem church. The grief- stricken parents have the sympathy of all their friends and neighbors. ' Maxie Godby Dead. I MaxieCodby. a Davie boy. whoI was sent to Camp Jackson on Sept 1st. died there on Oct. 21st. of pneu monia. The body was brought home and laid to rest at Center Friday. Deceased leaves a mother and two brothers, one of them being in France. To the bereaved ones The Record extends sympaihy. Mr. John Ki]rfees.Dead. Mr. John Kurfees, for many years a native of Davie county, died Thursday at his homo near Mt Ver- noD. blood poison being the cause.' His body was brought to Center | Sunday and laid to rest. A wife i three daughters and four sons sur- .rive. Mr. Kurfees was a Confede- rateSoldier, He was a brother of Z C. Kurfees, of near Jericho.' ' Miss Bessie Dixod Dead. Miss Bessie Dixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dixon, of near Wj'o. died Saturday morning of Influepza pneumonia, aged about 20 years. She is survived bv her par ents, two brothers and two sisters. The burial services were held Sun day. The Record extends sympathy to the grief-stricken ones who are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Carl Blackwood and Infant Mother And Child Dead. Mrs. Car) Blackwood, of Coolee- mee. died last Wednesday night of pseuinonia, and wds buried, at Bear Creek church Fridav. A husband and'several children survive. - Theyoungest child, a^ed 5 months, died Saturday and was . buried . Sunday. The father.- and another child are very- ill at this writing. Mrs. John Smith Dead. Mrs. John Smith, of Winston, diedSaturday morning after an illness of some time. Before her marriage she was Miss Rath Foster, daughterof Mr. Ab!- Foster.. of. R. 3. Thebody was brought back .to her for mer home and laid to rest at Bethel Sundayir • Mrs. FleUhep Whitaker Dead. Mrs. Fletcher Whitaker, of nearSheffield, died early Friday morning,aged about 22' years. Her deathwas due to pneumonia and aplication of diseases The burialtook^place at Bear. Creek churchSaturday, mbrning. She is survivedby-Ke;rbusband,.father. mother and •Beverki brothereand ri sters. Young Daughter Tutterow LftDe"Cluld Dies,. • The ^three-yen*** old daughter ofMr and Mrs. D. G. Tutterow.,.,ofWinston,-died lastThursdajmf-pnetf^ Center Friday and laid to rest, the'parents have the syoipafhy of friends in their offfibriPQ- •.. y ^ Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 30,1918 Mrs. Carlwrighl: Dead. Mrs. Thomaa Gartwright, of Mad ison, died Wedifesday morning, aged about 65 years. Mrs. Cartwright'is the mother of Mrs. R. L. Pry, of MocksviUe Mr. and Mrs. Fry at tended the funeral and burial set* vices Thursday. Son Louder Dies At Cooleemee. -A son of Mr. and Mrs. Loader, of Cooleemee, died last week of pneu monia, which was the third death in Cooleemee from tbe epidemicj^r-. Troy Clement Troy f^ement, a colored citizen of the town, died 1^ Tuesday night of paralysis, fie had been in bad health for several years. Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 6,1918 Samuel P. Forest Small Child Cope Litde Dead. > A litUe^ cbnd-.otl.Iklr. and .Mr^-i James. Gope.- of Cdoleemee.'di^jH^t' weak of pneumonm; ffvlfQwiiis ienaau- '• - v ,• . ■: v I L« B. Forest:, of R. 1. received amessafce last Wednesday, statingthat his brother. Samoel P. Forest,was dead in France. No partieolars weresdven; and It is not known whether he died from disease or was killed in action. Mr. Forest was 25years of age, and was sent from, Spencer last fall to the trainingcamp. He had been in Fi^ce sincelast spring, and had been in the front line trenches two or thtee times.The bereaved ones have the empathy of all their friends. John Lineberry IKes'jli Cooleemee* j'^n'*ldnel)J^ry^ of Cooleemee.died Saturday of ra eumonia* aged about'38 years. The fnnerm andbuijal.'services were held Sunday. ' Small Child Blackwood Three.DielB Family. A little child of Carl Blackwood;of Cooleemee, died last we^ ofpneumonia. This was the thirddeath in the family, the mother and an infant dying' just a few days pre> vious. Tlie father and one child are left. Miss Maml Fiy Dead. .Miss Maud Fry* ^o£ Cornatzeri died l^ursday inoming of pneumc-nia, aged about 20 years. The fun eral and buriai services were heldFriday. A brother of the deceased^who-lived at Hanes. died of pneur monia about ten days ago. €rady Ratledge Dead. Grady Ratledge, of ClarksviUetownship, died Sunday of influenza-?neom(mia. aged • about 24 years,he burial took place Monday^ atCbesmut Grove. Deceased l^vesb^des his parents, several brothers and sisters. Bio - Obituaries -11/6/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA t JOE HENRY McDANIEL, white, name added to Davie County Veterans' Memorial on 10 March 2012 Draft Registration: no Honorable Discharge filed with Davie County Register of Deeds: no 1900 US Census: Henry, 6, bom April 1895, living in Shady Grove with parents, Lee and Angalme McDaniel and 5 siblings; she had had 8 children and 6 were living 1910 US Census: 16, living in Shady Grove with James L. and Angelina McDaniel and 8 siblings, working on the family farm; she had had 13 9 children and 10 were living S Forsyth County Cemetery Book: Joe Henry McDaniel, bom JS 23 Febmary 1895, died 8 November 1918, buried at Woodland Cemetery, Indiana Avenue, Winston-Salem; wife, Mary, is not listed, but 5 other McDaniels are buried in this cemetery {Forsyth County, N.C. |H|^B Cemetery Records, Volume V) Online death record: no Service Card: bom in Davie County, living in Winston- Salem, enlisted on 22 Junel916 when 22 MSHIM years old; Co C 1 Inf NC NG; Co E 105 ||B9|H Engrs until death; Pvt 22 June 1916; Pvt 1 cl 19 June 1918; Served overseas from 26 May 1918 to 8 November 1918; died of pneumonia on 8 November 1918; person notified of death: Mrs. Mary McDaniel, wife, of Winston-Salem Online genealogy: bom 23 February 1894, died in France, parents: Robert Lee and Angeline Foster McDaniel Photograph at right at Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial in Winston-Salem Caption on tombstone: Joe Henry McDaniel Co. E.. lOS'"- U.S. Engr. Feb. 23, 1895 Nov. 8,1918 Meet Me in Heaven Notice American Legion marker to the left Photograph by author DAVIE COUNTY IN WORLD WAR ONE PAGE 214 Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 13,1918 W.J.Hill Mrs. Hargett Drops Dead In Cooleemee.. ^ Mrs. Hargett. an aged lady of Cooleemee. dropped dead Salorday on the 8t reet. The body was carried CO Hontsvilie Sundav and laid to rest. . . • Mrs. Charles Boger and Son, Small Child Sheaf Three Deatba. at Cooleemee. I Mrs. Ch'arlea Bnger and a lltde son about 12 years old, died Pridaj at Cooleemee of infiuenza-pneamo> nia. A little child qf Eiigene n Sfaoaf also died the past week at Cooleemee of pneumonia. Killed la Antpmsbile Wreck. . Statesville. Nov. 6—Dr.' W. J. I Hill, of Statesviile, one of the coooh ty's leading'pbysidans, was instantly killed shortly after noon ycSstecdsy hear Cleveland. 10 miles east of here., wheiv the Dodge Roadster he was driving overturned pinning him Un derneath it. Dr. fiili had started to Cleveland Co answer a call and when aboot* a mile this side of . his destination one of the front wheels of the gave away causing the wrecking of the car and resulting in his neck being broken. Dr Hill was 5S years old and is survived by a wife and one son. Prank Artnfieid Hiti. who la in the United States merchant marin^> an aged father also survivbs, . . . Infant Son Lowery The two-months old son of Mr. Mrs. C. W. Lnwery, of Gana, <iied Thursday of influent' and-, 'a complication of. diseases. The bdr- iai cook plsM at Eaton's Friday morning. Small Child Atwood r A little child of* Mr and■k, Atwood died • ^turday at .Ijie 'home of its unclol Jesse Hendlig;>bn. ^ 4." Mr. and Mrs. AtwooA dunl ^ut three weeks ago of inflaen^-pneumonia, at Thomasviiie* •; Bio - Obituaries — 11/13/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1918 Hilary Tucker Another D^me boy has fallen on | N field of battle in France. -Satnr j SC£Suallv liitt'. ^strpipH tViA ' nnmel fau;ery Tucker, of Advadce, son WMr and ftlrs Dan Tucker. Samuel Deadmon ^Samuel Deadmon. of Salisbury-, died Sunday of mfloenza and the body was brought to Jerusalem Monday and laid to rest, ^ Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA "t" WILLIAM LEE SHUTT, white, name added to Davie County Veterans' Memorial on 10 March 2012 Draft Registration: 25, bom 3 September 1891 in Advance, living in Norfolk VA, casket trimmer, working for L. Terwilleger in Norfolk, single Honorable Discharge filed with Davie County Register of DAVIE COCTNTY in WORLD WAR ONE FAOE 2(>4 France; buried at Elbaville; parents: John Edward Belle Shutt and Fiorina Sink Shutt ofAdvance Service Card: living in Advance, inducted at Ft. Thomas KY on 9 May 1918; Co L 54 Inf to death; Pvt; served overseas from 6 July 1918 to death; died of diphtheria tonsiller on 21 November 1918; person notified of death: John E. Shutt, father, of Advance Soldiers ofthe Great War lists William Schutt (sic) as dying of disease in the war. Caption on tombstone: Masonic emblem on top WL Shutt son of J.E.B. & FJ. Shutt bom Sept. 3, 1891 Died in France Nov. 21,1918 Co. L 54'^ Inf8^ Reg Photographs shared by Edith and Brenda Zimmerman DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 27,1918 Ben Ellis Thos. F. Klutz ' Hon. Thos. P. Klutz, one of Sails-j 'borjr's most prominent and well be*' citizens, I ascd 60 years. died laat Tuesday, E. O. Call EL 0, Call, a native of WocksviUe, and a brother of oar townsman S Call, died at his home in Cor^- cana, Texas, on Nov. 16th. He is survived by a wife and several chil dren. In the casualty list last Tuesday appeared the name of Ben Ellis, (u Advance. R 1, who was killed in action in France. Mr. Ellis was sent to camp last year. His father lives near Macedonia Five or Davie bovs have lost their lives in Prance while fiehting for the liberty of the world.' Bio — Obituaries - 11/27/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1918 Giles Stroud Giles Stroud, of County Lino, ^ed j last Monday of dropsy-. The .body was Imd to rest at Sode^ Baptist | 'cnordi on Tuesday.- A wife and! Several sons and daughters survive.; Demls Foster A message was received here Sat- urJay announcing that Demis Fos ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fos ter. of R. 1, was killed fh action in France on Oct. 19tb. Mr, Foster was sent from here to Gamp Jackson in the early spring. He was abont 28 years of age. Funeral And Burial of Sir. Cherry, j The body of Mr. G. G. Gherry.j who died in Philaddphia five weeks' ago. arrived here last Tuesday morn ing and was carried to the Metho dist churdi The funeral services werefadd at 3:30 o'clock that after noon by Rev. p. O, Gole. after which the body was carried to Rose Ceme tery and laid to rest with Masonic and Jonipr Order . honors Mrs. Cherry and five little daughters ac companied tne remains of thdr loved one. Thev will not return North, but will locate in MocksvUle. Bio - Obituaries -12/4/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA t* ROBERT LEE SMITH, white, name added to Davie County Veterans' Memorial on 10 March 2012 (brother to Thomas Luke, below) Draft Registration: 28, bom and living in Advance, farmer, single Honorable Discharge filed with Davie County Register of Deeds: no 1900 US Census: Robert L. Smith, 10, living in Farmington with parents: Thomas A. and "Louease" (Louisa Riddle) Smith and 8 siblings 1910 US Census: Robert L. Smith, 21, living in Farmington with same parents and 7 siblings 1930 US Census: deceased Davie County cemetery book: buried at Macedonia Moravian Church Cemetery, bom 14 August 1888, died 8 December 1918 Online death record: no Service Card: bom in Advance, living at Route 1, Advance, inducted at Mocksville NC on 26 August 1918 when 30 years old; Co H 3 Provisional Regt 156 Dept Brig to 23 September 1918; Btry B 1 Provisional Development Camp Jackson SC to death; Pvt; died of cerbro Spinal Meningitis on 7 December 1918; person notified of death: Tom A. Smith, father DAVIE COUNTY IN WORLD WAR ONE PAGE 274 Caption on tombstone at right: Robert Lee Smith Aug. 14, 1888 Dec. 8, ]918 Age 20 yrs. 8 mos. 24 dys A precious one fivm us has gone A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home ^ich never can be filled DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1918 Young Son McDaniel Mrs. F. W. Charles Mrs. F. W. Cbariee, of Salisbury, [died Monday of last week. A bus Iband and several children survive. Mrs. Charles formerly lived in Davie county. Mrs. Charles Milholland Mrs. Charles Milholland, .died at er borne in Cooleemee on Saturday, Nov. ilOth. A husband and one cbild sarvi ve« The bodv was carried | 0 Salem church. IredcUicounty, and | laid to rest. 1 I Child Bttraed To Death. The six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs* 6. S. McDaniel, of R. was burned to death Wednesd^. The • tittle fellow was standing near the hre when his clothes became iRnited, and before his father could reach . him he was burned beyond recov- ery The funeral and burial services i were held at Smith Grove Friday af- i ternoon. Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1918 Andrew Jackson Foster ^ ^drew Jackson Poster, an ajred dtizen of the Turrentine section, died last Wednesday, ajfed 87 years A wife and three children survive. Tie funeral and burial sevvice.s were held Thursday at Concord Methodist dmrch. A heat of relatives and friends survive. « Mrs. George Smith Mrs. George Smith, of near Red- land, died last Wednesday of influ> enaa-pneumooia A husband and a number of children survive. We understand the entire family have been very ill. A son, Shuford B. Smith, is in an army camp, and was ceJ^raphed for. ^Oeatb Of Little Craig McDaniel. . Lost Wednesday, Dec. 4 .1918. God in; his infinite wisdom paw saw fic to remove: rront this earth to o home on biflh. little • Craig McDaniel, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McDanie], on route 3. Early Wednesday morning as the Slttle boy was st^disig near an open firetdnce his clothing Ignited and before the flames could be eztioguished be 'was so badly burned that death resulted In a few hoors. Craig vms a sweet lovable child and be was loved by all wbo b^ew him. espedaU iy his lUtle playmates. Oar Saviour said. "Suffer little children to come unto one and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" and we can be com forted In knowing that Craig Is safe la the arms of Jesus. { The funeral services were conducted by I Rev. E. 0. Cole at the borne Prlday ^ter | noon and the little body wos laid to rest in tho Smith Groye Cemetery. May God birsa and comfort the gdef- sttickea patenta and loved ones. ' 'J. A. Snitli Die» In Campi' It ia with sadnesa that we are calM sd upon to chronicle the death of J; A-Smith, Better known as "Son" Broilh, who ditfd at Camp Seviei^ Greenville, S C .Thursdav 3f Dncumonin.. Mr. Smith waa- in- luctoSTntTtEe artnv last May, and it the time of his death wps a irem* ber of Co. J., 2nd Prov, Ren't.. 156 Detwt Brigade. The body waa broogbt homo Sunday and laid to rest at Smith Grove Monday wilK Junior Order honora. Mc. Smith is survived by hia parents, severs brothers and sisters, "ion" was good boy and was well liked by al with whom he came in cont^t Thus another of our boya has gi9e bis life while in the service of imu.trv. To the bereaved ones ^ Rect^rd extends heart felt sympathf. Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1918 Qiarlte Jordan* The memorial services at the Cool* reinee Kuptist church Sundav. Dec. ]. in memory of Charlie Jordan was lai'K^ly attended It revealed the fact that the people held Charlie in mind ad a boy that waa worthy of all the honor that the people of Coolee- nice could pay him. He was larfte* iy raised in Cnoleemee and those who knew him best speak in hifch pruisc of him. He was a tiietnber i\( the Baptist church and a live wire in the Sunday school work He always took an active part In all the contests that came up. One time he was Kivcn a Bible by his teacher for not missinfr a Sunday in a year. At another time he was given a Tes tament for bringing the roust new Htndents in a year. The Baraca ctasj marched in a body into the church and sat in a body during the .service T 1 Caudell made a splen- did talk on his early life in Sunday school. He also showed the little Te.stainent that was found in his pocket after be was killed. It show* ed that it had boon wet with the water in the trenches or it might have been with his own life's blood when he fell while fighling the bat* tie that won the war. Then Mrs. A. D. Walters sang "Some Day the Silvery Cord Will Break. A letter was read by Mrs Lucille Caudell from Mrs. Patty Moore, who was Charlie's teacher for a number of years. This was a quiet time as the leterwas read many eyes being made to shed the tear of Rvmpathy. H. E. Barnes, teacher of the Baraca class, spoke in high terms of the deceased. He said that he had known him for several years and that he bad proven him* self to be a boy with a high char acter. The pastor made a short talk in which he said that the heroes of to day are not those man that sit .in our capital and make our laws but the boy or mkn that gives his life to Sive a country like this. They are the heroes of the day. He said that before he left Cooleemee he wanted to see a nice monument standing in Cooleemee in Honor of Charlie Jor* dan and all the boys that died on the firing line. He asked all that would be glad to see it lO hold up their hands and every hand in the large congregation was raised and we do not want a penny from any old slack er. To the father and mother we say weep not. Charlie died that our great country mUht be free. He died like a man and the world will honor him and we will miss him in our homes, church and Sunday school but a few more days of toil here and we will join him in' the better land. W. L BARRS. The following is a copy of a letter rcC'ived from an Australian soldier who sent Charlie's Testament home Faq., France. Dear Sir or Madam: I here enclose a New Testament belonging to the late C. F. Jordan, who fell while advancing on the en emy positions beyond Beliicourt near Garbet Farm. The Bghting was very hard and the American broth crs and we Australians were up ugainst tremendous machine gun hre by which it looked as If the brave soldier was felled. We gained our objectives and inflicted heavy casu alties on the Huns which sre now badly beaten. 1 can't speak too highly for the deceased among our i>rave American brothers in arms. Thev were the gameat and it is my iirm belief that the world will soon he at peace again and the boche well beaten. Wishing you ever res- P ?ct for the future If any of the iclosed girl frietids would like to kfiuw more about the doings over Bio - Obituaries -12/18/1918 iu those parts I will always write and give as interesting a detail as iHii-sibte. 1 am. Yours respectfully, A. EDWARDS. P. S —Soldier Jordan was carried b.ick and buried at Beliicourt. . ^1 a* ^ DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1918 Flora Lee Hammer Ernest McCulloh Friday's casualty list containedI the name nf Ernest McGullohp of R. 4, who was reported killed in action. LeRoy Shelton The body of LeRoy Shelton. who died at the iState Hospital at Mor- ganton last week, arrived here Tues day and was carried -to his home near Pino. Flora Lee. the little four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M Hammer, died Saturday night of menabranoos croup, after being ill but a few hours. The little body (was laid,to rsst at Rose Cemetery i Suidav afternoon at 6 o'clock.. The bereaved parents have the sympathy {of all our people in this hour of sad- Iness. Bio - Obituaries - 12/25/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA