Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 10,1912
Rufus Spry
P . A ^^ Aociden t . .
I^te'Wed&e^^ sdft^oon
thj^two little sons of BIr. Mi L. Spry
SHU. their goq^ Dewey &ry» a
y^boy^oiitiayeatsold, were
w with a shot gon at the home
(n Mr. Gates Spry, on. Wilkesboro
fltoSH. No one was in. the house biit
ue-three boys. While Dewey had
Ihbj^ he palled the trigger and
the load of wadding was &hot into'
tlm head of little Rofus Spiy, enter:
ihg lust above the left'^e."'^ere
wasjio shot in the gnn. Dr..Pepper
wsahastily summoned and made ah
examination. 'Ho hope was enter>
tamed for the little fdlow,- bnt he
Um through the nigh$, and on
mOTningrhe..!!^ stall alive
ahd Wasable^ take .hdurishment.
He^yas carried hott^ .^nrsday. and
P^,. P^E)er, Bcdwell
op^ted-mi him, x^oving the wad-
djifig-from his hey^. ,^e phyriciatra
and friends.did.all. ih th^ power
^oc^e Uirie sufferer, but. to. no. a-
vafl'..' After lingering for. n^riy
rii^days the iitrie^boy died Saitur-
daj^ ffft^oon, mdfout' haying. re-
gai^ consciousness.. The bcidy was
^d^ to rest. Sundayihoming at
cemetery. .The grief stricken
pa^tshdve 'the sympathy' of th§
eh^'town :in thrir- ^ "a^ctaon;
T^k'sad affair riiould be'- a warning
to jail par^^'tn keep'gium - and pis^'
to^ out of reach of chiT^en, .^ped*
ally thpse that are loaded.
Mrs. Charlie Wilson
Mrs. Charlie ]i7^1son. of Winston,
formeriy of this city, died Frid^r of
typhoid fever. The remux^ Were
carried to Chestnut Grove' chuirch
and laid to rest Sunday. OhThui^
day one of her cbildrmi was Jaid to
reit at Chestnut GroTO, having died
Wednesday of fever, Ihe; family
have the syra^thy of-the cdmmun-
ity in this trying hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/10/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, July 11,1912
Little Rufos ^ry, the I(K
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Spry, died Sattoday
evening from the ^ects of
wounds received frmn a shot
gun in the hands of his first
cousin, Dewey Spxy, the IS-
year-old son of and Mra
Gates Spiy. The affisir yma is
most deplorable on& The
shooting took place at.t^ehfHme
of Mr. Gates Spry, where Rufos
and his little trothoc: Sbmrft^
had gone to play. In the coarse
of the afternoon Oewey picked
up a shotgun and inserted a
shell from which the shot had
been taken, leaving nothing but
the powder and wads. It will
prol^ly never .exactly, be
known how the shdc^g oc;
cured, but the most ajathentic
stoi7isthat 06W6y|i^[ciBd ^e
shell in the gon, ^^ed the
hammer back, and t^. - Rd[h8
to look in the barrdr^^ irhe
would see a raifi>it Rofns
this and Dewey pulled j^e triif-
ger and one of the boys eyes
and some of his brains were
blowed out. The gun wads were
extracted from a place below
the Seat of the bral^
No one in the neighborhood
imard the report of the gun,
and the jlittle fellow laid in a
pool of blood for tiiree-quarters
of an hour. Sherman retumed.
home and b^ian ciying.* His
mother ^^oned him, ai^d he
toldhernothingwas the mat
ter. • After repeated question
ing he told her that Rofus was
lying dead at Dewey's house.
Mr. Spry ran down there and
foui^ bis boy in a pool of blood,
one eye blowed out and his
brains oozing on the floor. Drs.
Pepper and M|^in were hastily
call^ and^ medical skill
could acc<^pliah'ii^ done for
the little fellow, hot to no avail.
The iuneral services were
conducted from the residence
at 9 o'clock Sunday morning by
fiev. Walter £. Wilson. Inter-
i^pt waS^ R^ cemeteiy.
Mrs. Chas. Graves
A telephone message reached
here limtSfatoniay baring the
sad intell%9E«ce that Mrsi Chas.
Graves, of Whu^oD, was dead.
The body.wastB^bttoModo-
vfile, and carried to Ghe^ut
Stomp whereon Sunday the re-
maina were {aid ."to zest Mrs
Graves was a-^iter of Mr. Alex
places .in whose
sad hareavemept thp odtire
jcommonit^e^^ds. symp^y*
Mrs. Charles Graves
Mra Qiarlffl Graves, of Wins-
tbn-Safem,lbrmeH^'f tEm'mty*
died Friday of typhoid fever.
The remaira were carried to
Chestoot Grove church and laid
to rest Sunday. On Thursday
one of her children was buried
at the same place, having died
Wednesday of fever.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/11/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 17,1912
Infant Son Beam
Robert Williams
Robert WOliams, of Near Advance
diedon July 5tb, and was buried at
Fork Church July 7th, Rev..' L. L.
Smith conducting: the funeral set"
vices.^ A wife and one child survives.
The infant son of fifi^.'Beam, who
was bdng: eared for by tir. and S&s.
Frank UeCcbbins, died Saturday and
was buried Sunday'at ^rd Chredc
church. The babe's mother, who
wasMr-McCubbins' rister^ died a
short time ago.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/17/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, July 18,1912
Hearty Verner
Rev. Hearty Verner died at
his home near New Union
church last Saturday nbout 12
o'clock in the 81st, ycai of his
age. The enterment was at
New Union, funeral exercises
conducted by the pastor, Rev.
D. D. Bailey, Rev. Vestal made
a few remarks concerning the
life of the deceased. Mr. Ver
ner had been a great sufferer
for quite a while and death was
not unexpected. He was at.
one time an itinerant preacher
of the M. E. church and was a
man of ability. This removes
one of the oldest men cf the
community. One by one we'll
all be gathered home. He is
survived by a wife and one
Mrs. Oscar Booe
I Mr. Oscar ^oe's wife who
I had been sick all the spring died
Saturday night the 6th, and was
buried at Pino Grove Monday
' the Stb.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 24,1912
J. W. Ba3ey Dead*
many friends of J. W.
throughout the 'town.: and county
will be pained to learn of his death,
which occurred at his homo in this
city at 6 o'clock Satiurday monHw*
Bailey beeni in bad h^^
for the past'two yei^ growingc^
tinually wor^ the end. cai^
He had beeu activdy engaged ih ^e
mercantile bosiiiess-for the past
eral years, being ^e senior member
of the firm of Bailey & ftiartiii. n for
some years-he was salesman for the
firm <]$ WdliamdA'^deison; prior
to that time he., served for teveral
years as.doputy'isfaeriff under Sheriff
V^. A/B^ley. Mr^ Bailey was;60
years of ^age, and wa8> a cotffiisfcent
member of tiie Methodist church
Ihe burial smiees were conducted
by his pastor, Bev. R: E. Atkinson,
on Sunaay morning ai 11 o'clock, apd
the body laid gently to rest in Jop<
pa cemetery to-awMt the final;te^
anrrectloD. 'Mr. Bailey is survived
by his wife and one si^r, Mxs«i J.
T. Parnell, who'have the sympathy
of the entire community inlheir ^
bereavement. ^
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, July 25,1912
-Mh Junios "W, B^ey died
8atdtday mornii^ after a long
illness with tuberculosis. .His
dea^, while not ultexpected,
came as a shock to^hls^ many
fnends here. ^ Mr. ^ley hiul
been -In declinug 6<^|th for
sometim^ thoui^ he'had raUed
considerable in the 'part few
weeks. Most all of the near re
latives were at his bedside
when the end came.
Mr. Bailey has been a resid-
dent of this city for many
years; coming herd- with hte
mother from Virginia when he
w^ quite ja young mto and has
engaged In the mercantile busi
ng for many years; '
The deceased leaves a wife
and one sister, Mz& J. T. Par-
nell, and a number.of' relati^
to mouih their losa. '' Mr. Bail
ey was a constant Inen^r' of
the Methodist church here and
the funeral services ^ere con
ducted by Rev. R. E! Atkinson,
his pastor, and the interment
was in Joppa graveyard. That
Mr. Bailey was held in high
esteem by all who knew him
was attested by the largo at
tendance at bis funeral which
was held Sunday morning at
10 o'clock.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 31,1912
Weldon Foster
WeidoD Foster, of near Bethl^em
church, ^ed last Tu^ay, ased
boutSO vears. Mr. Foster was ft
member of the Methbdlst chufctr*
The funeral and burial service tobk
place W^nesday. Awifemtd sev
eral children survive.
James Allen
J^es Allen, of near Farmington,
about 66 years, died lUesday,
and ^as buried at Smith Grove on
Wednesday. A wife and two dahgh-
tera'suTvive. ,
Bio - Obituaries - 7/31/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, August 1,1912
James Roberts
snootily atfair at Ad?iui$e Sbo^
James Roberts, aged aboac j
48 years, was brought herei
I this morning on a cot from
I Advance vith a serious wound
•indicted in his nght thigh,
I inflicted Sunday morning by
! a shot gun in the bands of old
I negro named Jacob Flynt, age
I Roberts was accompanied
here fay ids physician, Dr.
Watkins, and one or two friends
from Advance;. After arriving
j here he was removed to the
I hospital/where an operation
will probably be performed.
: Roberts has been in the employ
I of Bailey & Bailey at Advance
i for sevetal years, driving their
: mill team. He has a family
Und according to reports is
held in high esteem by his em-
ployens and in fact all who
know him.
According to a statement
made by the wounded man, he
went to the home o£ Fly tit Sun;
day morning to see his wife
about some insurance. She
was absent and Roberts went
in thehouse'and engaged in a
conversation with theold man.
He began joking with him and
Flynt became a^iy at some
thing that was'said and pro
ceeded to get. bta double-barrel
shot guni Roberts claims that
j he had no Idea at iiist that the
'old man was going to shoot him.I The men w^. only a few feet
apart when one barrel was fired.
! The entire lood of shot entered
the thigh, inflicting a Jaige
wound. • i^yni attempted to
shoot again* but Roberts grab-j
:lied theguA "AQd prevented it-
jit from fi^g} j
Flynt was'arrested a short]
time after'theisliooting Und hel
is now in jail at- MoeksviUe
awaiting the outcome of the
wound Inflicted by bis gun.
The old man has been a cripple
for several years and Is unable
to work.. He allege that Rob
erts was choking him when he
shot and that both of them
were on tho bed when the gun
Flynt, acording to* repor^ has
had an unsavoiy reputation for
a number of years.—Winston
Sentinel 29tb.
LATER-The wounded negro
died Tuesday at noon and the
remains were shiplied back to
Advance for interment. Rob
erts claimed before his death
that he was partly the blame
in the affair as he had no busi
ness carrying on with Flynt in
the manner in which he did.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 7,1912
James Roberts
Advaace N^gro n Dead.
James Robert^ eolored»r of Ad
vance, ffho was shot by Jacob Ft^t,
also ^lored, on July 28tb, died- at
the Winston ho^ital last Tuesday,
after underffoina: an operation. 13ie
was shot in the thigh, and it
was at first thought that his would
recover* Flyntis in Jail awaiting
t le fall term ofcourt when he wfi]
be tried for murder^ Hie i negroes
were engaged-in a ifi^t v^hen- the
shooting occurr^:
Small Son Hendren
'6 5-year-old son of Hall
, of Salisbury, died Friday
|,^^hody was brougU here Sal-
laid to rest at Jbfpa
, The relatives have the
y y of The Record in their sad
Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 21,1912
Rev. S. B. Swaim Dead.
StatesvHle, Aug^ ui'-Mr. wid
Mrs. J; S, Leonard today recely^ a.
message aonomicfaig the -deatb oi
their aoh-m^aiv, Eey. S. D. Swiicbi
at his home in Lexington, • jsif,
Swaim had HI wit^ - cancer . of
the stomach for two or tbjtee.mon^
and had bmn at the couit vf d^tb
for. two week^, The body- w
brongbt to Statedllb;^^
. n n Rev. Rwaim. .~pMtpr ^
sonie time, :^L;;[hias^;t^
here to'le^vF
Bio - Obituaries - 8/21/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 28,1912
Id Memoiy little Maiy E. Saflor.
-Little Mairy, daughter of D. F.i
and Bena fi^ey was horn Feb.:
IStb. J905 and died Aug. U 1912. ,
While we r^lize we will never see
her little faee ou eatth. again yet!
we know she is ^fe in the arma ' o(|
jesns. Her sweet loving dlB^sl-
tioD was such that to know her was
to love hsr. -And while we deeply
feel aQd monra her death, we eao
lefer (o her life with joy, and sot^
row Qolr eveu as otbers wbiC^ -haTe
iio boj)e. It is-BO sad to have to
part firoin her, yet **The Lord
gave and the Lord hath taken a-
way." And now. father, mother,
and little brother, grieve not for
little Mary, who is baeking in the
ennligbt of GOds love, but so live
that yon too may be permitted td
strike ha^s with her on that bliss-
fnl shore whdre sorrow add sadness
shall be never more."
One Who Lov£d H£^
Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 11,1912
Small Daughter Wooten
Mr. Jonas 'Wooten's little girPs
clothes cau'gbt firs one day last week
an 1 bnrn^ her so she died next dav.
Thomas Stroud
Thomas Stroud, of Couniar Line,
died Friday and was buried at So-cietj-church Saturday. ^
Mattie Ijamcs
. Miss Mattie Ijames, ofCooleemee.
died last Wednesday of fever, and
was buried at Oak Grove Thursday
evening. . *
Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, September 12,1912
Thomas C. Stroud
The death angel has agaii
visited our community, Frida\
morning the sad intelligenct
reached us that Thomas C
Stroud was dead. He had beei
sick with the fever for three o-
four weeks, but his cojiditioi
was not thought 11 be serious
Late Thuisday-evening he tol>
his friends that ho felt betie
than any time during his sick
ness. |le took worse early Fn
day morning and died befor«
the Doctor got there. Death is
always sad, but when fathoi
ind mother arc both taken a-
way it is doubly so. His wif«
preceded him to the great be
yond a little over two years ag<.
He is survived by si.^ childFc-,
5 girls and one boy, one of th
girls is critically ill with tb
fever. He is also survived !>:
I father, mother, 4 brothers a'd
two sisters. He professed"faiih
m Christ-in early ooyhood .. d
joined the church at Clarksbun
and when the new church vvj-
organized at Pleasant View. lit
iransfered to it. At the tin.e
>f bis death he was Supt. of ihe
Sunday school and a leader ii
his church. It was our i>rivi
!ege to mingle with htni i
church work and we always
found him kind and genial i.
all. The enterment and funeral
exercises took place at Pleasant
View last Saturday at 11 o^ckck
by Revs. D. D. Bailey. J. Q,
Horn and B. F. Rollins Che pai-
tor. Rev- B. F. Rollins preached
an excellent sermon suitable for
tne occasion. A pathetic scene
it was when the Sunday school
viewed the remains first witn
tear dimed eyes. He was near
ly *47 years of. age and his un-
timly death is mourned by a
large circle of friends. His
body was buried beside his wife,
she being first to be buried at
Pleasant View church. Weep
not children for some glad day
we will strike hands with him
onThe fields of never fading
Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 18,1912
Ifrs. G* P* Angdl Daa^ .
Mra. G, P. Angell. of .R. '2, djed
last Tuesday. Sept. 9ft, after a liti-
Kerihg illness of more than nine
months, at the age of 77years. Mrs.
Angell leaves a hushand, four sons
and four daughters. W. B.'and
j Angellof R.2i J.:T. Angell. of this
eitirand Hi F. Reese.of Union Star,
Mo.; Meadaines'W. Iff/Davis and'd*
G. Poster, oFGooleemee; Mrs^
ry Howard, of ^a,.dnd.Mr8. IV'lA.Wagoner'; olnj^Paimmg^m. Mir.jt
Angell beena {insistent meml^ri
bi the.Bap^t^btirch-fo^ ybeir^'
Iq the abr^ce of tferrPastdip, "Rev.
Walter Wiison, l^vl R..E,.Atldhsoii/
of thej.Moftodf^ .chprch j /^nducti^
thebn^^ whi^ o^urjred.at
Row ^me^iy at 2
John A. Stlkeleather
Gapt. John A. Stikeleather, for
years one of the best known-dtizens
of Iredell and a noted Confederate
veteran, died Friday morning about
4 o'clock at his home at Olin. His
condition had been critical for weeks,
•^tatesville Landmark. .
Bio - Obituaries - 9/18/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 25,1912
T. C. Stroud
Death of Mc. Stroud.
StatesviUe Landmark.
Harmony, R. 1, Sept. 9—Mr! T. C.
St^ud died at his home in • Turners-
burg township early Friday morning
of fever, in the 45th year of his age.
He had been sick for three weeks or
longer and was getting along' very
well and stild to a neighbor the even-
ing.before he felt better than he bad
at any time, during his sickness.
Early Friday morning he was taken
worse and dsed before the doctor got
there. He is survived by six- children
five mrls and one boy. A tuaiYied
daughteri Mrs. Padgett, lives* ne»
Tabor church- One of the daugh!
ters is dangerously ill with the fever
and two other8:have just takeii their
beds with the' fever. About; thr^
years ago their uiolher died. - He is
also survived by father, mpther; four
bx>thersaind two sisters. " •
The interment was. at Pleas^t
View Baptist church, of whj[ch he
pertatendtot of the Sunday school at
the time of his d^th.* Theiun^al
exercises were., conducted by; Revs;
B. P.-Rollins, jl. G. Horn ed
^ileyi • In..tx>ki^ of hish^.este^in e
.Tia''v''"lliA Isifft' .r~.
Mr. WiUiam M. Davis Dead.
Mr. W. M. Davi^;, < £ Cooleemee,
died Friday morning at 9' o'clwk,
after a lingering illness with st^-
ach trouble, aged ^out 68 years.
The body was brought to this city
Saturday and laid to rest at ;^se
cemetery at 2 o'clock, "Rev. Chas. H.
Utiey, his pasitor conducting the fi-
neral services at the Baptist church
here. Mr. Davis leaves'a wife and.
eight children, a number of^rothers
and sisters, and many friends and re
latives to mourn bis death* The be
reaved ones have the sympathy of
The Record in this sad hour. .
Mrs. David Perai
.Mrs. David Peral died suddenly Sept
7th, She was 74 years old. and leavesan
aficd hpsband ^d several children. i
Bio — Obituaries - 9/25/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, September 26,1912
W. A. Davis
Mr W. A. Davii formerly a
citizen of this place died at his
home at Cooleemee on Friday,
Sept. 19th. Mr Davis lived a
long time after he got so he
could not eat anything, he lived
on soups and raw eggs for sev-
eial months fi nally getting so
h'! could not eat anything at ail
just perished, he was 58 years
uld and leaves a wife and 8
children to mourn their loss, he
was laid to rest on Saturday
3ept 20 at the Rose Cemetarj
in Mocksville, peace to 'hu-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 2,1912
Ko Memory of Lois Long.
. Oa the night of September 14,1912 ^
the death angel visited the home of |
Mr. and Mrs. Johi} W Lo ig and to^k:
f -om their midst a beloved daughter
Lois. Everything that earthly hands:
c >uld do was done during her brief.
i|lnes8» but God in His wisdom saw!
fit to take her home. Her place here
can never be filled, a voice is stilled
that will never .again bo heard oa
earth. Lois was born and raised in
Davie eouuty, and died in Winston
at the age of axteen. Just oneyear
ago in September 1911 she professed
faith In Christ and joined the Smith
Grove Methodist Church. Last No-
vemoer she moved to Winston with
her parents and while she was here
made scores of friends, who so eanr
^tly watched beside her during
her sickness. May God comfort
the bereaved family and friends.
May He give strength to the only
b other who stood by faer bedside
day and night for three long
weeks, ^d help him so to live that
he may be able to take her by the
hand in the great beyond. May God
cooifort'the dear father and mother
and three sisters and may her going
be but another tie over voiider to
i^d them to the Lamb of-Cod. in
whom all may find rest. /
Mrss Blackwal,
Perrie Anderson
Little Perrie, the 7-year.old daugh
ter of Mr..^d Mrs. Nelson T. An
deraon died of -ap^dicids at' Long's
Sanatoriom in Stetesville on last
Thtirsday. The funeral and burial
took place at Center on Friday'at 12
m. Mi. and Mrs. Anderson have
the sympathy of a large circle' of
Bio - Obituaries - 10/2/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, October 3,1912
Virgil James
The body of .Virgil James of
Farming^n was brought here
and laid to rest in the Cemetery
at the M. El Choreh, Saturday
at 10 A. M. He died Friday at
his home after a lingering ill
ness of several months with
tubercoioais. He was 23 years
of ago. He lived a beautifi/I
life and died a triumphant
Christian death. Virgail bailno
enemies. He made friends of
all with whom he come in con
tact. He taught school in this
county the last three years and
all his pupils dearly loved him.
He leaves behind three brothejrs,
and many relatives and irientte
I to moum their loaa. May they
realiz<i that be has a mansion
in the skies not made with
haud:< but eternal in the heavens
and may they so live as ipj
meet him iht re.
Katie Ward
Miss Katie Ward daughter of
Mr. John Ward of .Jerusalem,
died last Friday at 1^'clock of
fever, she was 18 ye^ of age
just bloohaing into ^manhood
was a fine young lady she was
hurried at Jerosakm Baptist
church on Satord^ evening.
She is gone but n<k forgotton
Rev. C* H. Utiey the
buriel servicea
Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1912
Death of {Hiss Katie .
On Friday morning, 27.1912at II o'idock the dea^ Anirels came
and claimed Miss Katie Ward, age 18
years. She was-converted when she
was fourteen and joined the church
and lived a Christian life: She was
:J .
81^ biJy a iew^^s. ahd allV that
cobld be done was done for her re
covery but the'dear Savior thought
best to take her to. that home that is
prepared for all bis children. Her
funeral was conducted by Rev. C.
H. Utiey; of Gooleemee at 4 o'clock
Saturday evening and then she was
'laid to rest in the cemetery at Jeru>
salem church.- When the messsgd
came to us that she was dead our
hearb were saddened. She leaves a
father, mother and seyer^ brothers
and sisters and many friends who
mourn her death. A loved one has
gone from them. May they look to
the dear Savior who can comfort
, them in all of their trouble and may
^the great source of all comfort jje.
i the rich portioa of each one. •
Bio - Obituaries - 10/9/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, October 10,1912
Milas Campbell
Mathlas Sharpe
Mr. Mathias Sharpe, one of
the oldest men of the communi
ty and possibly of the State
died l^t week. This man was
about ninty-eight years old and
is ^urvived by a numb r of
children and great great grand
Perry Anderson
The little daughter Perry of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Anderson
)f Calahain was burned at
Ounter last Friday. The Lord
comfort the bereaved ones.
Mr. Milas Campell died at his
ItonM near Clarksbury last
Tisesday Jiighc Oct. 1, in the 81
year.o€h^age^ Forthree weeks
:ie most of the
time unconsiBibua.of his s^e.nng
all the children ^re at his bed
side when: the end come. He
Was harried beside his wife in
the churchyard at Clarkebuiy
Wednesday ev^ing .tfiirgewd
condtt^t^;^ Rev. ^ P,' 6
.his tein^a Ti;o.aa onr midst
».he oldest tn^Tn t^e communi-
cy. Mr. Cami^ll was a good
cii^zen and his demise is to be
deploied. -He is survived by
four children three daughtms
and one son.
Young Child York
The youngest child
oard York died last Thttigd^,;
evening in S^teavUIe
burried s(f Clarlcsbaiy Pridfty
syening, Tftey. H. F. Hsvptt,
the- paator"^ Race St.. chm^cb!
'come with the pai^ and con-
I ducted a short scrvice at the'
1 grave-
Bio - Obituaries -10/10/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1912
Infant Caudell
Mrs. Jesse Hill
Oct lOtb. at :her
hdfiid yfa& tbe daodhter.
of Mc& v^diedafewdkys
alOh , Sho Teav^ a hoBband, and serial
BoidQ ddldxi^-K ' •
*^18 ':dt ^ix^. c'elock, • tbe
fi/ptnodtor Mr.' and
ttirp C^^ell died at &eir
hoipe on iWest.Sixth Blrat, after a
f The femaim will
he '£^en'to'Adi^ce tomorrow morn*
iiiff^at 6:SjO)« and the ftme^ will be
h^atFbrkCaiiircb, l^vie ooonty,
tomprrdw.-r-Wihiston S^tinel, Oct.
9th. ' :
Bio - Obituaries - 10/16/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 30,1912
Jobn vPn$oner». Stot
> ^ By .Gwd,,
'Johir.Scqtt,' obe of-tbe piisonerB
recent^ Da^ie
county to wof^ on! tbe^nblio.roads
attempted from Oamp
Vtliis. moiaing: aboat 11
clock and nraasbot'^and killed by
one pi the Holder,
after Spd^ ^d rnn some dis^nee.
^tt was commanded to hsilt by
the gna^, 'it'jB\imi(l, and be refus
ed xo obey when'the goard-fired- at
bim and stro^pk him in tbe bapk,
caueiog'hls death. V
^6:.rem^8'i>ere bronght to
this city, where they were propar-
ed.for^hn^nl' nDd. were ^ken to
the hdrne of bis parents.—>WiiiatpD
Sentin^f'pct; 26th. - -
' n
Bio - Obituaries - 10/30/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 6,1912
Virginia Elizabeth Cope
At 4.80 this morning, little Virgin-,
ia Elizabeth.,the one year-old daugh
ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. T,. Cope,
died.at their home on Mulberry street
after an illness of several weeks. The
remains will be taken rt? Mocksvllle
tomorrow morning at 6.30; and from
there conveyed to" the home of Mr.
Gopb's father imDavie county, where
the funetal.win take place tomorrow
afternoon. 'Mr. Cope is one of the
popular street car conductors and
has many friends; who sympathize
wil^ him and Mrs. Cope in their sor^
roWi—Winston Sentinel. Oct. 30th.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/6/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 13,1912
Wesley Eaton
Mr. Wesley Eaton, of CrarUsvill^,
Qged about 65. died last Monday of
heart disease, and was burled Tuea*
'lay. A wife and several chi dren
survive. The Record extends aym-
rathy t> the bereaved ones.
filrs. ClemcntiQe Strond Dead..
Btateeville Laudmaric.
Mrs. Olementine. Strond, wife of
J. B. Btroud, died'at her .bonie
near Clarksbury last Wednesday,
October 30tb, In the C7th y^r .of
borage. She bad beeti ip, decIiD
ipg health for some time aud .her
death was not iiiiexpeoted.. She-is
survived by huebaud aad. six
obildren. aU of whom were at " her
bpdaide when she passedaway,
^he was bnried at piacksbury
Thursday, fuperal conducted by
Rev. J, B. Davis and Rot. D. t>-
Bailey. ' She prpfcaaed tcligibu ftf
the age of 15, joined .the chu» vh
0iid lived ah eseb'plaTy:'Chr!«tla^^^
Henry Dim<^ Dead.
Henry Dnncan,: a Confederate
veterab of the Big .Iyy Beetionjdied
a few days ago at the agOv of 105 ;
years. The old man was without
relativw,,bat he great many
I riends.' In factj it is said that be
never made an eo^y li.n all his
onglife. The of his death
was heart tionl le^ super-indnced
)y d 'ibklDg coffee. He had drank
coffee all his life, and at: last it
undermiued his heahb, The de
ceased drew a Boiall -peDSion from
the state, on which he Iived"during
bis last few years. ' |]
Mr. puncan was a reiuMbablel
in many respects. . By profession
was a ditcher, and it is said that
be worked at bis business practi
cally every day of his working life,
digging miles and -Miles ot ditches
Specializing on this work'be Boom
became very proficient at it. It is
said be could dig 50.; yaids of or
dinar., drain ditcb perd^y. Goaht
log his working lile' at ioo years,
jast for .evep fignr^, he 'worked
for S6.500 days. Digging 50 yards
per day, be woald have, excavated
1 826,000 .vbrds or 1050* and one
fifth miles of ditching. Taking off
the 50 and one • fifth :mUias;to cqnnt
for Sandaye, we haTe'a.ditchT;OOQ
miles long—-long enough to reach
to Blaosaa City, althongh to be sure
DO one would want a ditch toBLan-
sas City.
Bio — Obituaries - 11/13/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, November 14,1912
Henry A. Clement
Mr. Hei^ A. Ciementr aged
seveni^-seveD yeair^»x
and one day, died a|t' fiis home
Saturday November 9^th. Mr.
Cement had been in very ill
health for something like a
year before the end came. He
loaves five children And a hu.»i
o' friends lo mourn.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1912
J. W. Eaton
The comnximity was pained to-heiv of
the deaOi of J, W. EatoD, whieh ccconed
Nov.Scd.. The body was laid to re«t at
Eaton's cemetery, Sev. C. H.; .UtIey, of
Cooleemee, coodQ.ctiDg'faiieial services.'
Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 27,1912
Wiley Safriet
■Died, at his home on Route 1. hear
Thursday, Nov. 2l8t. Mr.Wil^:Safnet, aged about 70 years.A wife and several children survive.Mr. Safriet was a member .of St.
Matthew • Lutheran church. TheWa to rest at Societycaiurch on Frjday; The Record ex-tends sympathy to the bereaved
ones4 .
Bio - Obituaries -11/27/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1912
Jas. L. Boger
Mrs. W. W. Wilson
Jas. h» Boger, abo'ul; 60, of
soar Holinliii's. died •\^'*>/. 24tti.. and
was. laid'to rei;^ Nov. 25di. A wife
andanu^el* of children survive.
To them* the Bec^ extends Apa
Bio - Obituaries - 12/4/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, December 5,1912
Infant Daughter Aaron
Died lit the age of 2 moniha, j Janfies BOger
"n S'inday afternw^n at 3 p. m . .
y iitile daughter of Mr. an«^ Mr. James Bogor was hirricd
Mr.-. Ed Aar.m.
at Chapel on Tuesday the 26th.
Bio - Obituaries -12/5/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1912
Fred Blackwelder
Mrs. Jacob Crotts
Mrs. Jacob Grotts, of near Smith
Grove, died last Saturday and was
buried Sunday. A husband and s '■
veral children survive, amongr tiiiin
bdnjr Mr. W, M. Crotts, of this city.
The Record extends symimthy to t^e
bereaved ones.
Mrs. James Bowles
J^es Bowles, of R. 5, died
aged about SO and wasfioZ;®J?88dayat Center. Mis,
^^le. n inv^d^^n ; l9nghVe. °®®onaDd daugfater^r
Fred Blackwelder, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H* El. Blackwelder, of .near
Bolman'a. died Fiidry after a thr^
week's illness of ml*' itis,iaged a-
bout IS years. The funeral and bu
rial services were held Saturday and
the body laid to rest at Chestnut
Crove chorch. The Record extends
^^pat^ to the bereaved parents
and relatives. ■
Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, December 12,1912
James Bowies
Mr. James Bowles, of Route
6, died Jast Tuesday age about
80 years. Intcrroent Wedn'ea
day at Center cemetery.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/12/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1912
C^as. Spridde Blewo to Atoms.
. Charles Sprinkle, a Suny connty
'farmer viras blown to atoms by dyna
mite Wednesday of last week. He
was using dynanute to blow up
stamps and one charge failing to go
off; he went to the atnmp to see what
the trouble was. As he approached
the stump with 25 sticks of dynamite
in his arms tb^ explosion occurr^.
One foot and an arin was found 200
ya^from tlmstpmp. Mr.-Sprinkle
was w^l known in this city, having
married the oldest ^ugbter of cor
townsman; Mr. C. S;.Brownl A wife
and 3 children survive. To the. be^
reaved ones ^e Record eirten^deep
sympathy in hour of-
Isaac Shore
IKej Ffomd Stab.
Mr. Issac Shore, a prdmin^t citi
zen of Goortney. Yadkin connty,
was stabh^.in the shoulder on Nov. j
23rd. by two of his brother-imlawV
Gates Shore, and "Boss" Plowmim, i
who are now in jail nt Yadkinville.
pending fnrilher action. Family mat-1
ters was the cause of the diificolty. j
Mr. 3iore thought the wound was
not serious, vbut it'kept'ble^ihg in
ternally,'and h^^slowly bled to death
beforei^iziog it, the end coming
on Suiii^t^ Dec. 3th.
Sophie Crotts
Mrs. SopUe Ckotta. of nearSmith Gioveb
waa hurled'at EibavUle chtncb Sunday,
Dec. 8.
Mrs. L. A. Myers
' Mrs, L. A. Myers, of Indian Terri
tory, a sister of Mr. F. M. Hendrieks,
of near Cana. died while vidtmgher
dau^ter at Hickoiy last week, and
her body was broo^t to this county
lash Monday and laid to rest. Mrs.
Mvers was on her way to vist her
brother when taken ill at Hickory.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1912
Mrs. C. M. Carver
Mtsl C. M. Graver died Dee. 18th and
was buried at Shilo.
Elizabeth Myers
Mrs. Rlizabdtb Myers died of
I aueer and was bnried at the My
ers burninggronnd last Sauday,
George Tatum
of nearCana, died
13th. of pellagra, and .was
^nedon the 15th, . .Rev. Hall..
^urch, conducting bie funeral
C. L. Kistler
C. L. Kistler, of R. l,.died on Dec.
1st, aged about 50 yeiors,', He leaves
one brother, two sisters and a nnno-
ber of nephews and nieces to mourn'
i^r lom. I take this method of
tibnnlnng our neighbors and friends
for their ^dness and help_ daring
his sickness and death.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/25/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE HERALD, Thursday, December 26,1912
Loutissue Myers
I Mr?. Ix'iiJt.-'jue Myei*s who;
•lived in Okialioma was visiting J
relatives in N. C. and got sick I
and died ul Hickory her re-'
mains '.vas brought to the
Hendricks family graveyard
for bunirl iicr daughter who!
was accompaning her ivill spend '
the winter here. I
Lydia Neely
Mis L\ dia was huri ied
'atChiipcl lust Wednesday. KvV.
jV-Mk, of MocKiVilir, hvtd ilj<!
'servicv which was rendt*i\d
most beautifully, h« made
many good impressions and
I endeared himself to the atlcn-:
I tlve congrt gatiuii.
C. L Kistler
C, L. Kistler, of Route 1, died
on December let aged about 60
years. He leaves one brother,
two sisters, and number of !.op-
hews andj;)ieee&, to mourn their
Bio - Obituaries -12/26/1912 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY