Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 4,1907
Infant Danner
Mrs. Jordan
—Mrs. Jordan, a very old woman,
died m tlie Nestersection rec^tly.
The infant of Mr» and Mrs.
Eugene Duuuer was buried at this
plara last Saturday afteruoon.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/4/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, July 24,1907
Death ofMrs. Nail, 102 Years Oil
Mn. Barbara Nail, wife of the
late Thomas Nail, died July 10,
1907, at the home cf her grand
son W. F. Nail, with whom she
has lived sinoe her hosband died,
ghe was a kind mother and grand
mother and was loved by all who
knew her. Gran^p^ Nail'^was
born July 8£h, 1005, and died
Jnly 10th, 1007. She was 'Ttom
and raised in this ojunty, at that
time a part of Rowan oonnty, and
never lived ontf of the oonnty.■=—
A Friend in Mocksville Oonrier*
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 1,1907
Young Son Cllngman
—A five-irearmld hoy of Banner
Gfngman was IdUed one evening last
wedc Iqr lig^taiing, up in the north-
part of town.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 8,1907
John H. Walsh
—Mr. John' H. Wal^, father of
Mr. Tracy R. of tiiis place,
died Saturday night, July 28th, at
his home in Rockmgham. Mr, WaW
-was at one time editor of the Head(^
Ug^t, and ^as also supenntendent of
the lUchmond county schools. He
was a highly respected citizen. We
extend our aympattiy to thehereaved
Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, August 28,1907
Jacob Shoaf Brown
Jacob Shoaf Brown, sou of 0. S.
Brown, died Friday moroiog,
Aagnat 16th. Mr. Brown was a
yonng man and had a large circle
of friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 4,1907
JoboWfatt Dead.
The accideut which happened
to John Wyatt at the furniture
factory, an accoant of which was
in last week's Oourier, resulted in
his death lastTbursday at 5 o'clock
a. m., at his father's residence in
West Mooksville. The remains
were laid to rest in the Mooksville
cemetery at 7 o'clock p. m, Thurs
day, with the beautiful and im
pressive rites of the Junior Order,
of which he was a member. Kev.
J, F. Kirk conducted the services.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, September 5,1907
Erastus Poindexter
Drowned in Pond Near Roanoke, Vaj
Mr. Erastus Poiodexter. son
Ml*, and Mrs P. W. Poindexter, of
Shore,Yadkio conhty, was drowned
In a mill pond at Boanoke, Va.,
Snnday, TlierBuiniua arrived at
Boral HaU Mouday and from there
were eeat tbrongh the conutry to
Edod, Yadkin county, where the
intermeut took place. ,
Luther Nicholson
Mr. Lather Bicbolsot), of this
place, died IfiiBt Saturday, and was
bariedat Harmony Sundayi the
25tli ult. He leaves a wife and
one child* l^lay the Lord bless
ihem and oomfort tbem^
Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 19,1907
J. W. Joyner
Conductor's Tragic Death.
"CJonductor J. W. Joyner, was in
stantly killed in an acddent oa the
11th, at Mooresville. He was hit by
a telegraph pole and fell under his
train. It is stated that though' he
had a wife, he was engaged to a
young lady living near Charlotte,
and was to elope to the west with
her, and also ^at he had attempted
to cut his wife's, throat. His end
did not come too soon.
J. W. Nichols
• J. W. NiohnU, foriuerly & po
iiceiaan and later city ta.x eollec
tor of Hickory, di^- ,auddeuiy iu
tbut city on Monday of last week.
Mr. l^ichois ouce l|ved iu ItedelJ
ocmuty, and has mauy frieuda in
that county who will^he paiued to
bear of bis death.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 3,1907
Joseph Caton
Joseph^Catoa and vaa boT'
led ^ tbo Advance oem^eiy last
Hituaaay evoiiQg at 2 o'eloek.
Hettie Saunders
Mrs. Hettie Sanuders who was
earned to the asylopi for insaoe at
J^eigh oa Sept. 16tb, is reported
dead. Gommunity extends deep*
^teympatby to foar orphan boys
left \o monro her losa^
infant Minor
The infant child of Mi\ and Mrs.
John Minor died last Tuesday and
was buried at Fork Church Weddes-
day. The Record extends sympathy
to the h««aved parents.
Bio - Obituaries -10/3/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, October 16,1907
Leiia Jordan
i CUM Dlg$ SiddeDlir.
Lelia JordaD, the 6-year-old
daoghter of U. F. Jordan, fell on
the Btreet Thursday afternoon be
tween 1 and 2 o'clock, while on
her way home from school, She
was picked up and carried into
the home of M. Miller, reetora-
tives were administered and a
physician sent for, but she died
in a very short time. She was a
delicate child and her death was
most likely the resnlt of heart
disease. Her remains were taken
to Mr. Jordan's former home in
Davie county interment Friday.
Bio - Obituaries -10/16/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 17,1907
Marion Booe
We were eony to reo^ve the sad
iotellifiience of the death of Mr.
Marieo Booe. Our pastor was
BiiiDOioiied to preach the funeral
gatui^ay 11 o^docU. Brother
Booe wiaa a member and clerk of
the church at Ijamca ^ Beads. •
J. M. Booe
Died,.irea$ Calahaln, on Fr!3^,'od^^
pneumonia, Mr. J. ~M. Booe.' He
was Buri^ Saturday evening. Rev.
VirgiKSwaim conduding thefuneral
services. Mr. Booe wasagood^noan,
and will be missed by.all who^ knew,
him. The R^idmctendsfiympatlQr
to ^e bereaved ones, in 1^, th^
dark hour of affliction. ' <
Bio — Obituaries - 10/17/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 24,1907
Mrs. Geo Felker
We are sorry tq note the death
of Mrs. Geo. Felker, who was
found dead in her well bonse on
thelGth. Mr. Fdker was unable
to go to church and funeral servi
ces were held at the home. Mrs,
Felkm: was a good woman, a faith
ful member of the Lnthenui church
and "ivna loved by all who knew
tier. She was kiod to.one and all,,
aud will be mis^ ic her hom.e
ind at her church. She leaves au
iged hnabaod and several sisters
ind brothers, also a numler of
mildren to mourn her loss. We
I eztend sympathy,to tlie' her^yc
' relatives and iriends.
Bio - Obituaries -10/24/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, November 20,1907
Mary Wilson Stone
Miss Mary Wilson Stone was
born in the Methodist Parsonage,
in Lexington, Nov. 8th, 1884,
died Nov. 9th, 1907, was therefore,
just 28 years old, the day before
her death.
Bio - Obituaries -11/20/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, November 21,1907
R. P. Reinhardt
invalid Son Cornatzer
The InvaUd sou of 1^. J. G. Cot-
natzer di^ la^t Sunday night.
- B. P. Bdubaidtf postmaster at
Newton, died sadd^y Sunday, the
i7th. *
Bio - Obituaries - 11/21/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, November 27,1907
Mrs. Thos. Jones
Mrs. Thos. Jones, of this place,
died at home one night last week
after an illness of several months.
Her death was nol nnezpected.
Joseph Howard
Howard, Joseph,- died* at his
home near Bixby, Davie connty.^
last Wednesday and the fnneral
was held Tbufiday. His remains
were interred at the family harry
ing gronud. Hr. Howard was one
of the oldest citizens of Davie
county, being 87 years old. He
served through the entire fonr
years of the civil war and was a
brave and faithful Confederate
soldier as he was also a splendid
citizen and consistent Christian.
Mr. Howard leaves two unmarried
daughters and one married, Mrs
Jno. Taylor, of Yadkin College,
and two sons, Samuel Howard,
of Greensboro, and Thomas How
ard, of Salisbnry; also three
brothers, Samuel Howard, of
Alexandria, Indiana; B. S., and
W. M. Howard, of Redland,
Davie county. A peculiarity
about the Howard family is that
of five brothers, three of them
living in the South joined the
forces of the Confederacy, and of
the two who were living, in the
North, one loined the Federal
forces, the other furnishing a sub
Bio — Obituaries —11/27/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, December 5,1907
Mrs. Eli Hartman and
Mrs. Sim Mock
Mrs. Eii HarLinan, whoJoasome
mouUia hafi died
and waa laid to rest io Advance
eemetery Snnday ercniD^. Also
-Mis. 8im Mock, of near Mock.-*6
church, was boiied at that place
,last Monday' evening. 'Our<- sy
pathy is extended to fha -relative
and Mends of each of the above
Mark Furches
Mark Foidiea. colored, a resid^t
d£ this diy, died Sunday, He had
been suffexing for sosne ihjie with
Bright'a disease. Mark was an hon-
est colored man.
Bio - Obituaries -12/5/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 19,1907
W. R. Gwaltney
C. R. Garrison
Mr. C. B. Garrison di^ at liiB
home at Walibnrg l^t veek. He
leaves a wife and eix ohildxen to
mourn their loss. He has been
siek'for some time and his isnffer*
log was intense,.. but be .ix)re it
with patience*. He ws» a geo^
neighbor aSd will be
Wm. Parker
Bev. Wm. Parker, a broth^ of
Mrs. W. Q. P.' Etdiison, committed
suiddeby drowninsr himself in a
canal hear Cktshmi, Indiana, several
jdays ago. Mr. Parker a popu
lar Ghtistian preadier in Indiana,
and we extend onr ^nnpa^es to
the relatives the deoieased.
Dr. W. B. tiwaitneyi wno mea sun-
day ihoinixiff^and was laid to rest ^
Oakwood oenietmy on Monday even-'
ing at two o*elo^ Dr. Gwaltn^r
had hemi paiBtor of the First ]^t!^t
Ghurdiinfiddcoryfor mimy years;
and was-one of the abl^ divines in
the State. He served the Mbcks-
ville Baptist churdi some ^enly-
fiveor-tid^ years ago, aiid haa-
many .fciiaBdB in thisdty who win be
pained to leant of his d^th. No
better man^lms liv^in fhiara^.
Bio - Obituaries —12/19/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY