1676 - 1849Crawford.
Malcom Crawford of Kilbirnie married Margaret Cunningham,
two sons - Alexander who moved to north Ireland and John.
They had
John, born I6OO in Scotland, came to Jamestown, Va. after the
death of his wife, (name notknown), in 1643, bringing with him his
only son David. John was killed I676 in Bacoh^s rebellion.
DAVID CRAWFORD, only son of John Crawford, immigrated to Virginia
with his father in 1643 •
Born 1625 in Avreshire, Scotland; made his home in Virginia from
1643 until his death in 1710 when he was killed by Pamunky Indians
resided in St. I'eter n s karish in New Kent County, (now Hanover
County, Virginia). Member of the House of Burgesses. Deeds show he
Was an extensive landowner in New Kent, Hanover and James City (owned
land where city of Richmond now stands). Also, had many slaves.
(Seale & Allied Families by Ida C. Seale page 162; Crawford Family
by William H. Clemmens. published 1914 Pa- 9; Records of Rev. Wm.
Crawford, preserved by son. Dr. Nathan Crawford, Louisa County, Va.
and Records of Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt on micrefilm of George
Crawford, Edinburgh Advocates Library, Scotland.
Children, including
Sarah Crawford married after I69I (when she received deed of land
from her father David Crawford) - Hening Statutes 1722-33
THeMAg POINDEXTER born-It/'?, died 1719 (son of George Poindexter,
the immigrant to Williamsburg 1657 -
She married (2) Rev. James Brechin.
Children of Sarah Crawford and Thomas Poindexter (will 1753 Louisa
County, Va. and suit of.Sneed vs. Poindexter 1767 Louisa County)
(Also , St. Peter's Parish Rec.)
Children Include
born 1705 New Kent County, died after 1765 Louisa
Married Sarah Bond Veale or Bondiville)
Children include
CAPTAIN THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1733 near Rappanannock River, Louisa
Cpmnty, Va. Died 1-1-18.07 Surry County^ N.C.
Married (2) Elizabeth Pledge, Feb. 22, I76O in Goochland County, Va.,
who died 2-9-1816 Surry County N.C. They seltled in North Carolina.
Qav^ Co.PubiKLi^ary
^oe^svitie, N. C.
6io*The Teague family of Rowan - Davie Counties.From the Teague Magaaines. ^ Pi>^k T^Tu.^Edward Teague born ca 166O, d&ed March 9» 1^97 ii^ Cecil Coimty, Md»Wife Susan.William Teague , second child of Edward and ^usan, bom in Cecil County,Maryland. Moved to Orange County, Va.(now known as Frederick County}in 1737. Born ca I693, died 1775» ^^^arried Isabella about 171^.Moses Teague, Sr. second son of William and Isabella Teague , bornca 17IB, wil] dated 1786 and proved in 1799. ^^^arried (1) Elizabeth Loftin,daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Loftin, (2) Rachel Taylor, daughter ofSamuel and Rachel ""aylor. In 1756 Moses moved to N.C. from Frederick ICo. Md. In 1762 he moved to Grange Co. N.C. ) a part of which is now !Chatham. In 1772 he sold the rest of his Roy-an County land to his sons.His will was filed in in Chatham County, it was dated March 3I, 1786.Moses Teague, Jr. bom ca 1739 . v-ill dated August 2/4-, 1793- In I76Ihe married Ann ? / He came to Rowan county in 1756 with his parents.Aaron Tergue , son of Moses "eague, Jr. was bom 1770 anf^^ied inlTSSl^in Davidson County, N.C. Will dated June ?6, 18/^4. N^me of wifenot known.Mosps 'epgue born October liJ-, 1791, clied March 15, 1876. Married Martha Evansdaughter of Jomes and Anna Teague, grand-daughter of Marth^LedfordTeague. Martha was born October 19, 1795, died_^y 2^- , l868_j>'-. nSoloman Teague bom June 6, 1829, married May 25, 18^ to JeannetteRo'^'artson. M. (2) Marjr I'atum, widov/ of Samuel J^oc T^tugi.)Richard Quincy Adrms Teague Mar, - Nov..;' 1^.,-'1871''"to Elizabeth J. Ba ton,daughter of fiiixKfeEtx Benjamin Fox Eaton and Lucy Tatum. . She wasborn Nov. 12, 18/^2. ( See "Benjamin Eaton and His Descend* nts)forfo'"* further inform tion re Quincy and Elizabeth. (P.T).) They weremarried Nov. 1/|- 1871, Quincy .brother of Soloman,v.'?s born June 6, 1829.p Co. Public LibraryocksvHIe, N. C.OAV(E CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksvilue. no
I * '
Malcom Crawford of Kilbirnie married Margaret Cunningham. They had
two suns — Alexander who moved to north Ireland and John.
John, born I6OO in Scotland, came to Jamestown, Va. after the
death of his wife, (name notknown), in 1643^ bringing with him his
only son David. John was killed I676.in Bacon^s rebellion.
DAVID CPtAWF058D, only son of John Crawford, immigrated to Virginia
with his father in 1643 • . . . . .e
Born 1625 in Avreshire, Scotland; made his home in Virginia from
1643 until his death in 1710 when he was killed by Pamunky Indians
resided in St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County, (now Hanover
County, Virginia). Member of the House of Burgesses. Deeds show he
Was an extensive landowner in New Kent. Hanover and James City (owned
land where city of Richmond now stands). Also, had many slaves.
(Seale & Allied Families by Ida C. Seale page 162; Crawford Family
by William H. Clemmens. published 1914 Pa. 9; Records of Rev. Wm.
Crawford, preserved by son. Dr. Nathan Crawford, Louisa County,., Va.
and Records of Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt on microfilm of George
Crawford, Edinburgh Advocates Library, Scotland.
Children, including . , . j t j
Sarah Crawford married after I69I (when she received deed of land
from her father David Crawford) ~ Honing Statutes 1722^33 ^
THBMAS POINDEXTER born 16^5^ died 1719 (son of George Poindexter, I
the immigrant to Williamsburg 1657«
She married (2) Rev. James Brechin.
Children of Sa>rah Crawford and Thomas Poindexter (will 1753 Louisa
County, Va. and suit of Sneed vs. Poindexter 1767 Louisa County)
(Also , St. Peter's Parish Rec.)
Children Include ^ -.rr^r t -
THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1705 New Kent County, died after 17o5 Louisa
Married Sarah Bond Veale or Bondiville)
Children include
CAPTAIN THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1733 near Rappanannock River, Louisa
Cpmnty, Va._ Died 1-1-1807 Surry County, N.C. •
Married (2) Elizabeth Pledge, Feb. 22, I76O in Goochland County, ya.,
who died 2-9-l8'l6 Surry County N.C. They settled in North Carolina.
Davis Co. PubJtcliUaof
^odsvltle, 15. C.
mocksville, no .
Malcotn Crawford of Kilbirnie married Margaret Cunningham. They had
two sans - Alexander who moved to north Ireland and John.
John- born I6OO in Scotland, came to Jamestown, Va. after the
death of his wife, (name notknown), in I643, bringing with him his
only son David. John was killed I676 .in BaconJ's rebellion.
DAVID CRAWFO^, only son of John Crawford, immigrated to Virginia
with his father in 1643 • . r. • • 4?
Born 1625 in Avreshire, Scotland; made his home in Vxrginia rrom
1643 until his death in I7IO when he was killed by Pamunky Indians
resided in St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County, (now Hanover
County, Virginia). Member of the House of Burgesses. Deeds show he
was an extensive landowner in New Kent. Hanover and James City (owned
land where city of Richmond now stands). Also, had many slaves.
(Seale & Allied Families by Ida C. Seale page 162; Crawford Family
by William H. Clemmens. published 1914 Pa. 9; Records of Rev. Win.
Crawford, preserved by son. Dr. Nathan Crawford, Louisa County,, Va.
and Records of Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt on micrefilm of George
Crawford, Edinburgh Advocates Library, Scotland.
Children, including . , . . 4- t j
Sarah Crawford married after I69I (when she received deed or land
from her father David Crawford) — Hening Statutes 17^2—33
THbMAS POINDEXTER born 1675^ died 1719 (son of George Poindexter,
the immigrant to Williamsburg 1657*
She married (2) Rev. James Brechin.
Children of Sa*rah Crawford and Thomas Poindexter (will 1753 Louisa
County, Va. and suit of Sneed vs. Poindexter 1767 Louisa County)
(Also , St. Peter's Parish Rec.)
Children IjxcXude . . 1
THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1705 New Kent County, died after 1765 Louisa
Married Sarah Bond Veale or Bondiville)
Children include .
CAPTAIN THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1733 near Rappanannock River, Louisa
Cpmnty, Va._ Died I-I-I8O7 Surry County, N.C.
Married (2) Elizabeth Pledge, Feb. 22, I76O in Goochland County, Va.,
who died 2-9-1816 Surry County N.C. They settled in North Carolina.
mocksville, no i
Crawford. ^
Malcom Crawford of Kilbirnie married Margaret Cunningham. They had
two sans - Alexander who moved to north Ireland and John.
John, born 1600 in Scotland, came to Jamestown, Va. after the
death of his wife, (name notknown), in 1643, bringing with him his
only son David. John was killed 1676 in Baconfs rebellion.
DAVID CRAWFOM), only son of John Crawford, immigrated to Virginia
with his father in 1643•
Born 1625 in Avreshire, Scotland; made his home in Virginia from
1643 until his death in I7IO when he was killed by Pamunky Indians
resided in St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County, (now Hanover
County, Virginia). Member of the House of Burgesses. Deeds show he
Was an extensive landowner in New Kent, Hanover and James City (owned
land where city of Richmond now stands). Also, had many slaves.
(Seale & Allied Families by Ida C. Seale page 162; Crawford Family
by William H. Clemmens. published I914 Pa. 9; Records of Rev. Wm.
Crawford, preserved by son. Dr. Nathan Crawford, Louisa County, Va.
and Records of Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt on microfilm of George
Crawford, Edinburgh Advocates Library, Scotland.
Children, including
Sarah Crawford married after I69I (when she received deed of land
from her father David Crawford) — Hening Statutes 1722—33
THeMAS POINDEXTER born 1675, died 1719 (son of George Poindexter,
the immigrant to Williamsburg 1657*
She married (2) Rev. James Brechin.
Children of Sarah Crawford and Thomas Poindexter (will 1753 Louisa
County, Va. and suit of Sneed vs. Poindexter 1767 Louisa County)
(Also , St. Peter's Parish Rec.)
Children Include
THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1705 New Kent County, died after 1765 Louisa
^ County.
^ Married Sarah Bond Veale or Bondiville)
^ Children include
tii CAPTAIN THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1733 near Rappanannock River, Louisa
% Cpmnty, Va._ Died 1-1-1807 Surry County, N.C.
2 Married (2) Elizabeth Pledge, Feb. 22, I76O in Goochland County, Va.,
^ who died 2-9-1816 Surry County N.C. They settled in North Carolina.
Qavie Co-PubiK library
^ --davie- co. public ub^ry
mocksville, nc
ni5It >3 ^Th.a-^pqfrT]fi family^f Rowan - Davie Counties. i, ifrom the Teague Magazines. hy T^ri^!! nEdv^ard Teague born ca l660,(^^i^d March 9> l697^^in Cecil County, Md.Wife Susan. ^; ;.: nnWilliam Teague , second child of Edward and Susan, born in Cecil County,Maryland. Moved to Orange Coimty, Va.(now knov;n as Frederick CountyJin 1737. Bom ca 169317T57;>^'''a^^igd Isabella about 171^.Moses Tergue, Sr. second son of William and Ipbella Teague , bornca 1718, will dated 1786 and pi-oved in 1799. ^^^arried (1) Elizabeth Loftin,daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Loftin, (2) Rachel Taylor, daughter ofSamuel and Rachel Siylor. In 1756 Moses moved to N.C, fromjrederickCo. Md. In 1762 he moved to ^range Co. N.C. ) a pert of which is nowChatham. In 1772 he sold the rest of his RoWan County land to his sons.His will v.'as filed in in Chatham County, it was dated March 3Ii 17oo, ^ ,Moses Teague. Jr. bom ca 1739 . v.'ill dated August 2^1, 1793- In I76Ihe mr^rried Ann ? / He came to Rowan county in 1756 with his parents,Aaron Tergue , son of Moses ""eague. Jr. was born 1770 g^Cjj-g^ ...InlzIS^in Davidson County, N.C. Will dated June 26. 18^4, Name of wifenot known.Mosps "eppue born October 1791, died March 15, 1876. Married Martha EvanSjT ,dpughter of Jnmes end Anna Teegue, grand-daughter o.f;Mar-t^Teague, Martha w^as born October 19» 1795i died^^ySolomrn Teague born June 6, 1829» married May 25f iS^^i- to Jeannette IRobertson, M, (2) Mary -l-atum, widow of Samuel I. .Richard Quincy Adams Teague LMar,LNov:;.^,l^-,-11871(^ti5 to Elizabeth J. -Eaton,daughter of EiisKbstx Benjamin Fox Eaton and Lucy _atum. . She wasborn Nov. 12, 18^2. ( See "Benjamin Eaton and His Descendmts)forfurther inform-tion re Quincy and Elizabeth. (P.T),) They weremarried Nov. Ih- 1871, Quincy .brother of Soloman.was born June 6, 1029. jt Co. Public LibraryjbcksvHIe, N. C.03W1E CO. PUBLIC UBRAKYmocksviule* no
I,,ii. ^ ^. i-;vi- •''/1i| 'i■It'll-^jp-■-■«li»rThg- TPRp-Tifi fsmily^f Rowan - Davie Counties. i,STom the league Magazines. C^p.sJ iy Pi^<. I;lEdward Teague horn ca l66o,(^^d March 9, l69£^in Cecil County, Md.Wife Susan. ^—r~—William Teaeue » second child of Edward and Susan, born in Cecil County. ,Maryland. Moved to Orange C^ntj^Va. (now known as Frederick County)in 1737. Born ca I77;^>^^^arried Isabella about 171^.Moses Tergue, Sr. second son of William and Isabella Teague , t -p+-*v,cfine! will dated 1786 and proved in 1799. i^^arried l) Elizabeth Loftin. ..daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Loftin, (2) Rachel Taylor, daughter ofSnmnpl pnd Rachel "^avlor. In 1756 Moses moved to N.C. from ^rederickCo. Md. In 1762 he moved to ^range Co. N.C. ) a part of which is nowChatham In 1772 he sold the rest of his RoWan County land toSifwili was filed in in Chatham Ca^unty, it was dated March 31, 1786.Moses Teague, Jr. horn ca 1739 . wUl dated August 2^^, 1793. In 1761hrm-rried Ai^ ? / He came to Rowan county tn 1756 with his parents.Aaron Tergue , son of Moses "^eague, Jr. was horn 1770 gnd^died in l^£r>Kvilsfn ciunty, N.C. Will dated June 2.6, 18kk. Name of wifen_Qt known. . _ - ■ 'Moses 'eague horn Octcher W-, 1791, died March 15, J,8Married Martha Evansj^^daughter of Jsmes end Anna Tergue, grand-deughter ^p.f-Marth^^ ,,Teague. Martha was born October 19, 1795, jSoloman Teague horn June 6, 1829, ma.rried Msy 25, l85i|- to Jeannette |Robertson, M. (2) Marjr latum, widow of Samuel Tatuiji.) jRichard Quincy Adams Teague IMar,; Nov..: l'^.,--1871''i« to Elizabeth J. Eaton,daughter of EiixRhEtx Benjamin Eox Eaton and Lucy atum. . She washorn Nov. 12, 18A2. ( See "Benjamin Eaton His Descend, nts)forfo^-' further inform-tion re Quincy rnd Elizabeth. (P.T},; ?qoqmarried Nov. 1^ 1871, Quincy.brother of Soloman.was born June 6, 1829. ^uX; Co. Public LibraryN, C.OKV\E CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville. no
C)\o-EnSliivl ifThe''^^^uZ^fmai^D>^' - Davie Counties. ■:.iT^m the a?eag\^ Magnzj^es. Cop.'. J hy n-.)'. "T^Tu.^:iEdwsrd Tepgue born oa l660,(^i Mar^TT, l6^1n Cecil County, Md. . ;^Wife Susan. ^fWilliam Teague , second child of Edward and Susan, born in Cecil County, %;S|e|Maryland. Moved to Orange C^untv, Va.(now known as Frederick County) " ■in 1737. Bom ca 1693, ^d-i-ed 177?^"ai-ried Isabella about 171'^•Moses Te7^, ir. sVconT son of William and Isabella Teague , bornca 17IB, will dated 1786 and proved in 1799. '"arried (l) Elizabeth Loftin,daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Loftin, (2) Rachel Taylor,Samuel and Rachel "^aylor. In 1756 Moses moved to N.C. from rederickGn Md In 1762 he moved to Grange Co. NoC. ) a part of which is nowChatham In 1772 he sold the rest of his RoWan Coimty land to his sons.ng^wili wL filed in_ in Cha,tham County, it was dated March 3_1,__ IVH■Moses Teague. Jr. bom ca 1739 . will dated August 2i|-, 1793. In I?6lhrm^rried aAu ? / He came to Rowan county in 1756 with his parents.Aaron Tergue , son of Moses ''eague, Jr. was born p70 anLd^^tiHz^*^trDavi^on County, N.C. Will dated June 26, Name of wifenot known.Moses -eague born October W, 1791, died March 15, Vdaughter of James and Anna Teague, Snand-daughter ,Teo-^e. Martha was horn Octoher 19» 1795.Solcman Teague born June 6, 1829. married May 25, I85i|- to Jeannette !Ro'iiiertson, M. (2) Marjt datum, widow of Samuel te^Ts-tuip.)Richard Quinoy Adams Teague lMan,iHov;i:..l^-,^il871BtH to Elizabeth J. Eaton,daughter of EiixKbBtx Benjamin Fox Eaton and Lucy atum. . She wasborn Nov. 12, 18A2. ( See "Benjamin Eaton and His Descend,nts)forfor Further inform-tLn re Quincy and Elizabeth. (P.T).) They were • ,married Nov. 1^1- 1871, Quincy,brother of Soloman.v/ps horn June 6, 1829.i Co. Public LibraryOtWlE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVlLLEi
..11i/ii.' tiiv • .-iJ4-:^ i'f'I Iill■lfe ■=§ iThe' Tpa^ue... famil^Z^f Rowan - Davie CountieSji ..f^'rorn the Teague Magazines® C^^p^'aJ h^j ji!Edward Teague born ca l660,(^^d MarclTlle^in Cecil County, Md.Wife Susan. ^ ........ fWilliam Teaffue . second child of Edws.rd and Susan, born in Cecil County.Maryland. Moved to Orange ^unt^Va.(nov/ known asin 1737. Born ca 1693,17757>^^^ai"ried Isabella about 171^oI Co. Public I|ocksvHle/N.Moses Tergue, Sr. second son of William and Isabella Teague .ca 1718, will dated 1786 and proved in 1799. ^^arried (l) Elizabeth Loftin,daughter of Thomas, and Eleanor Loftin, (2) Rachel Taylor, daughter ofSamuel and Rachel *^aylor. In 1756 Moses moved to N.C.Go Md. In 1762 he moved to 'Grange Co. NoC. ) a part of which is nowChatham In 1772 he sold the rest of his RoWan County land to his sons.His will was filed in in Chatham CSiunty, it was dated March 3I, 1786."mosbs^Te^gueV"Jr. bom ca 1739 , v-'ill dated August 2^,he married Ann ? / He came Jb^_R(^n c<^;ty ^ ^756 with his pare^Sj, 1Aaron Te-gue , son of Moses "^eague, Jr. was born 1770 an^^di^ed in 178£>trDavidsorciunty, N.C. Will dated June 26. 181.4® of wifenot known.MosPS -ecgue born October 1791, died March 15. Married Martha Evans;daughter of James and Anna Teague, grand-daughter__e.f-l«iBrt-h.a^e^ ,Tes,gue. Martha was born October 19, 1795, died^^^_jfj_j_J:8^C«2',-Soloman Teague born June 6, 1829, married May 25^85^ to deannetteRobertson, M. (2) Marjf latum, widow of Samuel ,^|^Tatui}iJRichard Qulnoy Adams Teague IMar.i Nov..:.l^^,-.". 1.871ftto Elizabeth J. Eaton,daughter of EiixKbstx Benjamin Eox Eaton and Lucy atum. .born Nov. 12, 18^2. ( See ^ Thei^^^for further inform-tion re Quincy pnd Elizabeth. VE-iK; iroqmarried Nov. 14 1871, Quincy .brother of Soloman.v.'ps born June 6, 1829, ■ ^03W*E CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYty/lOCKSVlLL^ I^Qmm
Malcom Crawford of Kilbirnie married Margaret Cunningham. They had
two suns — Alexander who moved to north Ireland and John.
John, born I6OO in Scotland, came to Jamestown, Va. after the
death of his wife^ (name notknown), in 1643^ bringing with him his
only son David. John was killed I676.in Baconjs rebellion.
DAVID CRAWFOM), only son of John Crawford, immigrated to Virginia
with his father in 1643* , . . . „
Born 1625 in Avreshire, Scotland; made his home in Virginia from
1643 until his death in 1710 when he was killed by Pamunky Indians
resided in St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County, (now Hanover
County, Virginia). Member of the House of Burgesses. Deeds show he
Was an extensive landowner in New Kent, Hanover and James City (owned
land where city of Richmond now stands). Also, had many slaves.
(Seale & Allied Families by Ida C. Seale page 162; Crawford Family
by William H. Clemmens. published 1914 Pa. 9; Records of Rev. Wm.
Crawford, preserved by son. Dr. Nathan Crawford, Louisa County,, Va.
and Records of Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt on microfilm of George
Crawford, Edinburgh Advocates Library, Scotland.
Children, including
Sarah Crawford married after I69I (when she received deed of land
from her father David Crawford) — Honing Statutes 1722—33
THDMAS POINDEXTER born I675, died 1719 (son of George Poindexter,
the immigrant to Williamsburg 1657*
She married (2) Rev. James Brechin.
Children of Sa*rah Crawford and Thomas Poindexter (will 1753 Louisa
County, Va. and suit of Sneed vs. Poindexter 1767 Louisa County)
(Also , St. Peter's Parish Rec.)
Children Include ^ i ^ r t •
THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1705 New Kent County, died after 1765 Louisa
n County.
Married Sarah Bond Veale or Bondiville)
Children include
CAPTAIN THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1733 near Rappanannock River, Louisa
Cpmnty, Va. Died 1-1-1807 Surry County, N.C.
Married (2) Elizabeth Pledge, Feb. 22, I76O in Goochland County, Va.,
who died 2-9-1816 Surry County N.C. They settled in North Carolina.
l)avK Co. Public litsraiy
W. C.
- ftio-CN.&JOHN BROCKBorn 1754 died 1809• He was brother of Nathaniel Brock!Cgme from Princess Ann County Virginia to Rowan County (now ^ivie(possibly by way of Currituck Co- N, Ci ) in 18Q9ojHe bought land from Nathan Chaff in north of Peter Epto"' pliice.and owned old Bryant lanes. ;He also bought from Robert Fields.0AVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY 'MOCKSVILLE, NCAbove information given by Richard Joseph Brock, readingfrom the Nathanile Brock history Conpile^. by Mrs B.C.'Boock, Richard's mothjer.Brock families, now 5n U^vie ""ounty, are descended fromNathaniel Brock.
L6\o-0C>\ VVXIKilVtS- \%\^XAJ(T'. QoiArchibald CarterJesse Ca ter Jr. died inDavie Co. Public LiLiaryMocksville, N. 0,Caldwell County, N.C. In [l 815.He had 3 wives!(1) Ann Payne(2> Elizabeth Payne(3) Sarah Brownsister to AnnDAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRAPVMOCKSVIULE. NG-I&r-rhi bald^^arter was the son of ,Archibaio married^ Dr. William C. Brown^.;,^o;;%reftrow;er^r.^rpe^rp!a^nrarioA ".ruutc^ans CeeK at Ho.se ^HoeNeck in Yadkin H^ver.
i n n
Malcom Crawford of Kilbirnie married Margaret Cunningham. They had
two sGuis — Alexander who moved to north Ireland and John.
John- born I6OO in Scotland, came to Jamestown,-Va. after the
death of his wife, (name notknown), in 1643, bringing with him his
only son David. John was killed I676 .in Baconfs rebellion.
DAVID CRAWF0B8D, only son of John Crawford, immigrated to Virginia
with his father in 1643 • . . . . .c
Born 1625 in Avreshire, Scotland; made his home in Virginia from
1643 until his death in 1710 when he was killed by Pamunky Indians
resided in St. Peter's Parish in New Kent County, (now Hanover
County, Virginia). Member of the House of Burgesses. Deeds show he
was an extensive landowner in New Kent, Hanover and James City (owned
land where city of Richmond now stands). Also, had many slaves.
(Seale & Allied Families by Ida C. Seale page 162; Crawford Family
by William H. Clemmens. published 1914 Pa. 9; Records of Rev. Win,
Crawford, preserved by son. Dr. Nathan Crawford, Louisa County,., Va.
and Records of Mrs. Cornelia Vanderbilt on micrefilm of George
Crawford, Edinburgh Advocates Library, Scotland.
Children, including . , . ^ c n j
Sarah Crawford married after I69I (when she received deed of land
from her father David Crawford) - Hening Statutes 1722-33
THOMAS POINDEXTER born I675, died 1719 (son of George Poindexter,
the immigrant to Williamsburg 1657*
She married (2) Rev. James Brechin.
Children of Sa'rah Crawford and Thomas Poindexter (will 1753 Louisa
County, Va. and suit of Sneed vs. Poindexter I767 Louisa County)
(Also , St. Peter's Parish Rec.)
Children Include , t •
THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1705 New Kent County, died after 17o5 Louisa
' County.
Married Sarah Bond Veale or Bondiville)
Children include
CAPTAIN THOMAS POINDEXTER born 1733 near Rappanannock River, Louisa
Cpmnty, Va^ Died 1-1-1807 Surry County^ N.C.
Married (2) Elizabeth Pledge, Feb. 22, I76O in Goochland County, Va.,
who died 2-9-l8'l6 Snrry Countv N.C. They settled in Nortdi_^^olJj[^^
l)avi« Co. Public libraof
iodmille, K €.
births (As recorded in Bible)
homas Coivan was bom January"23rd A.M. VlUZ
— I •' " II. II I I I iTf—I- i-irji .,1. rrr,-»nrrr 1 rinNi
ry Barkly was bom October U A.M. 1755
Thomas Cowan and Mary Barkly married December 30, 177
J'bomas Cowan died December 4t 1^17
ary BaTjkly..0.a.wanu^4ied August 5, 1836
Catherine Cowan, October 1/+, 1774
Mary Cowan, February 25, I776
Margaret Cowan, July 7i 1777
Lydia Cowan, January 3i 1779
Thomas Lincoln, July 8, 1780 ^
Ann Cowan, March 10, 1782
Jane Cowan, February 22, 1784
Elizabeth Cowan, September 24, 1785
James Cov/an, February 2, I788
Able Cowan, October 4i 1789
Agnes Cowan, Decmeber 27, 1792
Abigail Cov;an, September 18, 1794
Hezekiah Cowan, March 29, 179^->
Lavinia Cowan, November 16, 1799
The date of the great frost May 4, 1774.
The above is a correct copy of the family records of Thomas Cowan Sr., and
his wife I'ar;-.
Jane R. Barkly, May 1, 1950 (Signature)
Alben I'J. Barkly, Ma;>' 1, 1950 (Signature)
Davie County Public Library
Mocksville, NO
Doct* Alfred Cook dleji Septegiber 6, 1829> aged 3^1 y^s 8 days*
Above item sent to M.J.H. by Bea Cook of Hampton, Va*
Dr# Cook buried in Cook graveyard, she said*
Cook family graveyard in Clarksville Township near Tom Steelman
house, once the Cook home, I have been inforr?£d* -
^ ai.,
In Bingham's account book ( filed in Davie Co. Library)
C.L. Cook bought supplies of medicine in l850
Davie Co* deed book p* 158 I878 112^ acres from H. Cj^ok and
wife Ann Cook to his son C.L. Cook for I5«00 or to his
surviving wife and children*
Book 8 p. 226 l87i^. Wra* Cross of Iredell Co. to C.L. Cook and
wife Nancy Caroline of Davie Co. 20 acres* Adj* Harrison Cook
Bk* 8 p. i|.31 I88i^. H* Cook and wife Ann for $5*00 to son
C.L. Cook tract lying in Iredell and Dgvie counties* 61 acres.*
and to surviving wife and children*
Will of Harrison Cook:
To wife Ann Cook the home tract of land known aS the "Cook
^ To daughter Mary Blalock
, To son W.H. Cook
2 O Tq son Geo. Bi Cook*
G»^ I Land adjoined Dr. S.W. Little, E.L. Gross, Samuel McDaniel
BOX 604
June 17, i960.
Dear J.K*
I have the following in n^r files that may
be of use to you in connectron with William Cook. It
is my understanding that this is his son:
•» TOP/IBSTONE in family graveyard in N/W comer of
Davie'County, near Dutchman's Creek: /
^ Dr. Alfred Cook, died 9-|6-1829,
age 34- years and 8 days^
Sarah Joj^er, his wife, died 9-11-1^4,
age 49 3rrs 4 mos 11 days.
AT'^ok had two deeds in Rowan; 2, page 214,
53, page 226.
These might be Alfred^ above. Dr. Alfred Cook had
a brother, Lafayette, who was also a doctor and moved to
My information that Dr. Aldred was a son of Wm.
Cook who was bom in Ej^gland and was a preacher and came to
America to avoid persecution.
Best wishes.
vr A
^ ' X/-
. D. Kizziah.
. o
Davie County Public Library
Mocksvills, NC
felO-OfcnuftR-'^- 10 1^9-1 UJ3-0:f< Of ! ! . I , r„Glnck ClickMicholans Glrick born in Baxony, Germany vSept 11, 17i|.8Came to America 1767# married i^ebecca Harmon of Md»July 9, 1771 and died Oct. ??., lfl3?.^ ____ ^ —Lived, died and is burled at erusalemj'^.^^avie CountvNorth Carolina."Copied from notes with Professor "'^odfies'v^vmanuscript history of the family, ' "Hodfe's dntes are earlier and he has it Ellf^abethHarmon instead of ebecca. \^Xarchman Creek Lutherna records has the namesL^'r
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Saturday, April 16,1836
Mrs. Henry Swink
The Itf6l*9ee buJy of Mr®. wtfenf Hen
ry Swiak, waa luuful oq Vyediie4Ml:iy CMroinj
iMt in bed where she otoalljf slepi. She had
beeo inurdered by 8<Mue one by a blowi on the
head and by &.nin|fo:atioo with a curd, fier hue-
bami, Henry bwink,» now in prison to answer
00 a charge of kiUiog her. it would tbeiys^ be
improper to give publicity to nuy of t^e state-
meats we bare hoard eooceioing the matter.
Peter Cauble
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1836 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
births (As recorded in Bible)
homas Cowan was bom January 23rd A.M. YJUo
ry Barkly was bom October 4 A.M. 1755
Thomas Cowan and Mary Barkly married December 30, 1773
Thomas Cnwan Hif^d December 4, 1C17
'ary BarklxJIoJ«£aa.,dlied August 5i IB36
Catherine Cowan, October 14, 1774
Mary Cowan, February 25, 177^
Margaret Cov/an, July 7, 1777
Lydici Cowan, January 3, 1779
Thomas Lincoln, July B, I7BO
Ann Cowan, March 10, 1702
Jane Cowan, February 22, 17B4
Elizabeth Cowan, September 24, 17B5
James Cowan, February 2, I788
Able Cowan, October 4, 17B9
Agnes Cowan, Decmeber 27, 1792
Abigail Cov/an, September IS, 1794
Hesekiah Cowan, March 29, 179^->
Lavinia Cowan, November 16, 1799
The date of the great frost May 4, 1774.
The above is a correct copy of the family records of Thomas Cowan Sr., and
his wife Marry.
Jane R. Barkly, May 1, 1950 (Signature)
Alben N. Barkly, May 1, 1950 (Signature)
o Davie County Public Library
Mod^sville, NO
"Death of Mrs. Lelitia P. Carter, t!ie wife of A. G. Carter, Esquire,
departed this life on Tuesday, t>ie l6th (instant) at The Oaks, in
the Vicinity of Mocksville, Davie County, aged 31 years.
Mrs. Carter has loft an affectionate husband, seven small children,
a fond Mother and many relations and friends to lament her death.
She filled well her place in society, nobly sustained herself in
the relations of life. As a wife, a mother, a daughter, a
neighbor, well informed, effeminate, hospitable and pious.
She was a valuable and beloved Member of Society."
C t'p/ C
J . 1^ 1"? r> La-- S* (LK
Cvi.yi£ CO. PC sue LIBRARY
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 21,1936, Page Three
Amey, Unknown Surname, servant of Thomas Neely
Citizens Or
(By Mnry J. lioitmnn)
Mocksvlllo, coiinty-acnt of
Davlc, was Incorponitod by Act
of the Lejyislafcure In January,
18tJ9, The villngo of Mocksville,
fii-st known as MocVa Old Field,
had existed for many years prior ,
to this dato. Tho War Depnrt;i<
r*ent records In Wnahin^on
npeak of soldlora campliiff near
the "village of Block's Old Field"
in Revolutionary days. In 181C
there was a general store and
postoffice at Mock's Old Field,
as shown by an old store ledger
of A. Ncsbiti & Company. The
bill to form 'Davie County from
Kuwan was passed in Decemfber,
ISJO, and the first County Court
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
was held in February, 1837.
In tho early history of Davie
county there were a number of
citizens whose names appear fre
quently in the county records as
ningi3trutc.s, admlnlntrntors on
estates, gunrdiana of orphans and
in other civic affairs. Fromtn-
unt nmniig these citizens were
Tlionins McNcely, n merchant,
niul Colonel William Frohock
Kelly, a planter. These two men
iiunrt'lcd slaters, the daughters of
iVicholaa Gnlthor, so their faml-
lies were elo.Hcly connocted. Tho-
nr .. VI iU. *
mas BIcNccly lived In tho large
iwi.-slory f»'nmc house, Inter
known as the W. A. Wcant house,
which was torn down several
yciii's ago. Colonel Kelly lived
lor a luinvber. of years on his
largo plantation in Davie, Inter
luirclinsing the rcaidcneo on Sal
isbury street, where his daugh
ter, Bliss Sallie E. Kelly, made
her home until about ten years
The material for this article
has becn-secured-throiigh court-
minutes, church records, tomb
stone inacriptiona, and Informa
tion from the relatives of the
BIcNeely and Kelly families.
Thomas McNecIy was born Bept,
30, 1790, and died June 4, 1806.
He ivas married on March 20,
1820 to Margaret Galther, who
was born in March, 1799, and
(lied Feb. 16, 1877. Bir. and Mrs.
Thomas ."McNcoly are burled in,
the old English Cciiiotcry In Sal
isbury. Tho children of Thom
as .nnd Mnrgurot McNcoly were:
William Caithor McNcoly, who
married, 1st, Louise Marvin, and
2(1(1, BIrs. Bllldrcd Hunt McCoy;
riuliiis Dwight, who married Hon-
riclln Hail; Thomas Chalmers
McNcoly; Lnurn BIcNooly, who
nmrried Archibald Young; Amn-
ndii McN(>(.ly, who married Jose-
lih .luhuHtonc, and moved to Gal-
vvston, Texas; Maria McNcely,
who was the first wife of Tho
mas BI. Young, Sr.; and Frances
M. Young McNeoly, who was
billed while defending the Con-
fcdorotc Arsenal in Salisbury,
during tho War Between tho
Slates.' Most of these sons and
duughloi's lived in Salisbury, nnd
al! of thorn arc now dead,
Culouel William Frohock Kelly
ilio son of John Kelly and
Klixabctli Mumford Frohock Kol-
. ly. nf l>rAva« -County. He -Avas-
autrrisd to Sarah Ainn Gaitiiur uir,
-let. 9, 1827. Colonel Kelly and j
, han wife are burled in Joppn |
' Cemetery, one mile west of Moc1c> n
syillo. The children of William
1^ niid Sarnh A. Kelly were:
"lahn Kelly, who died in the Con
federate Army, Aui'ing the War
Hclweod tlic suites; Nicholas
Young Kelly, .who died when n '
young modicnl student; James i
Addison Kelly, who married Mary I
Ellzaibeth Austin; Ann Maria
(Continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries — 5/1838 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Two Citizens of Old Mocksville (continued)
Kelly, wlio mnrrlGd Robert p.
Johnetonci of Rowan; Sumuol
Abncr Kelly, ivho mnrried Mor-
»!\vot Sin-ln-HS, of Charlolto; Bet-
tie Prohock Kelly, who mnrriotl
Thomas H. Gnither; William Pro-
hock Kelly, who married Lein
Bryant; Albert Calvin Kelly, who
died in 1918; Miss Sarah Emily
Kelly, who survives her broth
ers and Blatera, and now resides
In Elkin; Thomas Lemuel Kelly,
who married, Ist, Mattie Thor-
hurn Sterling, 2nd, Sntic Chat-
.ierton, of Newburgh, New York,
and died in 1026. Some of the
Kelly family lived here, others
made their homes in Charlotte
and Rowan County.
In looking over the old Session
Book of Joppa Presbyterian
Church, -it Is seen that Thomas
McNcely was iClork of tho Ses
sion from 1832 to 1850. Joppa
Church was located a mile west
of Moeksviilo, and tho old grave
yard siill romnius there. Tho
congrcKation moved lo Mocks
ville in 183'1, and in 1840 u com
modious brick church was 'built
on the site of the present edifice,
tiic latter being erected in 1005.
Tho plans for the churcii built in
1840 were drawn by Colonel Kel-
ly, being similar to a church he
had seen in Mississippi.
In the Joppa Session Book is
found this entry: "Oct. 12, 1888.
Tliomas McNccly was appointed
to flit in the Presbytery in Mock-
BviJlc, and John W. Torrontinc,
his nitornatc." The Minutes of
.the Davie County Courts show
that Thomas McNcoly was one of
jthe justices presiding at the
Court of Pleas and Qliartcr Sos-
-sioar.'in the cariy-day5-of"Davi6r
jiln the school election hold in
(August, 1839, among tho seven
supirtntondonts elected wore Wil
liam F Kelly and R. M. Pearson,
the office being somewhat liko a
school board. In tbo Davio Coun
ty minuto Book, page IIG, there
is a colored diagram of tho Town
of Mocksville, drawn by Thomas
Rntledge, surveyor, and' copied
,iby Thomas MoNooly. Mr. Mc-
Nooly's pni'tnov in the movcan-
'.tiic business was Stephen L. Ho-
woii, who lived in the houso inter
known as the 0. C. Sanford
home. Stephen L. Howell was
|nl.Ho a member of .Toppa Churoh,
and moved from Mocksville to
Tayiorsvlllc In 1863. Thomas
McNcely was clmlrman of the
flivst hoard of town commisaion-
•ors of Mocksville, after Its in
corporation in 1889, the other
members of the board being Dr.
Jnmcs F, Martin, magistrate of
police, Ephvnlm Gaithcr, treasur
er, nnrt J. McRorle, secretary.
At the May Term of DavIe
County Court, 1840, the will of
Thomas Ha.vs was probated, one
clause being: "I give and ^ be
queath unto my worthy friend,
Thomas MeNooiy, my ncgi-o boy,
Tonoy, and his mother named
.Ann, having the utmost confid
ence that he will treat them with
TnTiit" kiiutiiis.'j.s* hif.nuuI!.>."■
TR ante-bellum days many of theslaves belonged to tiic whitecongrcgation.s aa tho following
entries in the Jopj)n records
.show: "May. 1858—Died, Amey,
foi'vant of Thomas McNccly, her
last end was that of peace;"
"Sept, 16, 1845—Peter, servant
(Continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1838 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Two Citizens of Old Mocksville (continued)
of Tboniiis McNecly, died, hnving
bcun a member of Joppn Church
for many yeurh, ulthoivirh a ser
vant. let his light 80 shine to do
j 111 the early land transactions
fin Davio County is one between
Charles Fisher, of llowaii, to
WiHlom P. Kelly, the latter pur
chasing the Pearson Mill Tract
iiu 1841; and also deeds from
I Henry Willson to William F.
Kelly fi'op I'operty in the town of
ivlookaville and nlso for "the Gold
Mine Tract adjoining James Pen-
ry and others." At the Novcm-
foor Term of Dnvle Court, 1846,
William F, Kelly qualified' as ad
ministrator on the estate of John
Clement, who had introduced the
bill to form J)avlc County from
Rowan in 1836. In the Davie
Court Minutes, Nov. 29, 1848, is
tho record: "Wm, F. Kelly was
appointed one of the committee
uf Finonce for Davie County, in
place of M. D. Armfield, remov
ed. He came into Court and was
duly qualified."
Returning to the Joppn Scs-
.<ion Book, the following entries
are found: "April 6. 1840—Col.
William F. Kelly, I. A. Wilhor-
spooii and Thomas Brown were
duly elected Tru8tcc.H of Joppn
Church, to whom title is to bo
made." "Dec 31, 184pi, Mrs.
'Kmily Chnilln died, h.aviug lived
'for the cause of Christ, an ar
dent friend or'Sabbntli schools,
and A devoted Christian." Mrs.
Chullln was a daughter of Nich
olas Gaitlicr, and a sister of
Mrs. Thomas McNcoly and Mrs.
William F. Kelly. The famous
teacher, Potcr S. Noy, bctioveU by
many to have been ouo of Nnpo-
loon's officers, wrote a poem for
-Mrs. Chaflin to give to her son.
Franklin Chnfltn, on his birthday,
in 1840. Fctcr S. Key taught in
the vrciimy of Mocksvmc, and
was a visitor in Colonel Kelly's
homo. Ho wrote a letter to Mrs.
KoUy, stating his religious views,
and both tha poem end the let
ter are still in tho possession of
the Kelly family.
In tho Joppn records is this
note entered by Thomos McNccIy,
on Dec, 80, 1848: "Col. William
F. Kelly died, having been for
many years nn orderly member
our church." Tho Dnvic Court
Minutes, page 70, Feb. 27, 1849,
hos this entry: "Administration
upon the esLalu of William F.
Kelly, dee., granted to Stephen
Colonel Kelly's grave nt Joppn
Cemetery i.s marked with a telt
'slab, the opUa])h being: "In mem
ory of Col. William F. Kelly,
who diod Doc, 20, 1848, ngod 52
yenr.s and 11 mos. Colonel Kelly
was of Scotch descent, a gentle
man of the old school, firm to
his purpose, calm, tomporntCi and
conscientious to a remarkable
tlogroc. He was an exemplary
member of the Presbyterian
Church. Ho loved the church of
his forefathers, revered and prac
ticed her Instructions, catechis
ing his family, daily reading the
Scriptures and praying with
Ihcm. He being dead yet ,<fpGnk-
eth for his example uniformly
&ahr; lei us go up io the
house of the Lord.* Reader, Go
and do likewise." His wife out
lived him nearly fifty years, and
is buried 'by his side, her In
scription rending: "Sarah A. Kol-
ly, wife of Col. William F. Kelly,
born January 26, 1807, died Oct.
7,1898, aged 01 years, 8 mos. and
11 days. Precious In tho sight
of the Lord is the death of his
Thomas McNcoiy's last connec
tion with Jpppa Church is re
corded under the date, Jan. 6,
1860: "Mr, Thomas MeNeely and
Mai'garet, his wife, were dismiss
ed by certificate to join the Cen
tral Church of Philadelphia." As
has been already mentioned In
nhja article, Thomas Mcisooiy and
his wife later returned to North
Carolina, and made their home in
Salisbury, where some of their
deseendonts now live.
This brief sketch brings to
mind two early citizens of Mock-
fville, who lived avell in their day
and gonorntion.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1838 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Annon James
Sally. Cornell James
Daughter of Mary Sulivan Cornell 1779—1844 and James "Jim" Cornell 1775—1844.
They had 9 children: *
tortha Matilda James who married Benjamin Howard; after her death Benjamin married her sister
Fhobe James Married William Ha-rH-fng d. Smith
Nmcy Ellen James married Benjamin Howard after Ma-rtha died
William Asbury James married Lydia Dillion Etchison.
Elizabeth James married John Plott *
Mary Ann James married And^son Beanchamp !
Thomas Axmon James was Icxlled in the Civil War
John James married Mary Jane Carter ^
9th child's name not known. Maybe died at birth
✓^Sarah "Sally" Cornell James was bom July 6, 1803. Died March 16 ^ 1902
^ Annon James bom Jan. 15, 1788. ^iei March 12. 1875
Sally as she was always known (or later as "Granny James") was a very strong. Stately and
fine woman. She was noted as being very tough. She had all kinds of "doctor" books and
studied them regularly. She was a "midwife" and matter what kind of weather or anytime
^ night, she would go help deliver a baby. ^^e husband would come to get her on horseback. She would wrap up, get her doctor's satchel, saddle her horse and follow the husband
to their home. Many time^ it would be in the snow.
Her grandaughter Clarrisa Plott Bowden said she loved to visit her anH spend the night;
although when she slept with her, she wouldn't let her move at all in the bed.
She had aJhlack-fiSSk which she thought the world of. Her Tiatnp> was "Big Judv". She stayed
James" until she died. She was buried in the g^^Hieyard on the James land.
Sarah "Sally" Comell James lived to be 99 years old. The family was planning the biggest"*
birthday celebration ever for her 100th birthday. She along with her husband Annon is
buried in Bethleham United (fethodist Church cemetery.
Rowan County Married records show Annon Jeams and Sary Comol, married July 25, 1824;
Andrew Griffin, bondsman; M. Hanes, J. P., witness
^ information from Alice Faye BIT-fg Clontz
^ grandaughter of Clarrisa Plott Bowden
I Clarrisa's parents were Elizabeth James and
^ John Plott
- t
' O
Public Ubrat},^ocksville, NC
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 21,1936, Page Three
Peter, Unknown Surname, servant of Thomas Neely
wii Citiz6ns Of Old
(By Mory J. lioilmnn)
Mocksvillo, coiinty-Rcnt of
Davlc, wuji Jncorjioralotl by Act
of the Legislature in Juiuiary,
IS'.JO. The vlllnge of Mocksvillc,
first known us MocVa Old Field,
had existed for many ycnva prior .
to this date. The War Depart*
riBiit records in Washington
ri;)enk of soldlei's camping near
the "village of Mock's Old Field*'
in Revolutionary days. In 181C
there was a genera) store and
postofficG at Mock's Old Field,
as shown by an old store ledger
of A. Ncsbiti & Company. The
bill to form 'Davie County from
Ivovvan was passed in Docemlber,
1890, and the first County Court
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
was held in February, 1887.
In tho early history of Davle
county there were a number of
citixens whose names appear tre-
cjuently in the county records as
magistrates, administrators on
Gstfttos, guardians of orphans and
in other civic affairs. Fromin*
unt aniniig these citizens wore
Thomas McNcely, a merchant,
and Colonel Williom Frohock j
Kelly, a plnntor. Tliose two men
in.in'icd sisters, the daughters of [
iVicjioins Gnlthcr, so thoir fami* '
llos wore closely eonnoetod. The-
tU. 9 •
ma:s McNcciy lived in the large
l\vi.-Rtory frame house. Inter
kjiuwn as the \V. A. Wcant house,
winch was torn down sovcral
years ago. Cuioiiel Kelly lived
for a luinYbor. of years on his
large plantation in Davic, Inter
purchasing tho rosidcncc on Sal*
isbury street, where his daugh*
tcr. Miss Sallie E. KoIJy, mads
her home until about ten years
The material for this article
has bccn...8ecured-ihrongh court-
minutes, dhurch records, tomb*
stone Inacriptions, and Informa
tion from the relatives of the
McNeely and Kelly families.
Thomas McNecIy was born Sept.
80, 1706, and died June 4, 16G6.
He was married on Morch 20,
1820 to Margaret Gaither, who
was born in March, 1799, and
died Feb. 16,1877. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas ;MeNcoly arc burlftd in,
the old English Coiriotcvy In Sal
isbury. The children of Thom
as and Margaret McNeoly were:
William Caithcr MeNcely, who
married, 1st, Louise Marvin, and
2nd, Mrs. Mildred Hunt McCoy;
,)uliii.q Dwighl, who married Hcn-
riutln Hail; Thomas Chalmers
Mi'Ncoly; Laura McNocIy, who
niiirriod ArchibuUI Young; Amn-
mla McNucly, who married Josc-
ph .lohnatouc, and moved to Gnl-
vcston, Texas; Maria McNeoly,
who was tho firat wife of Tho
mas M. Young, Sr.: and Frances
2>\, Young McNeoly, who was
killed while defending the Con
federate Arsenal in Salisbury,
(itu'lng tho War Between the
Sinios.' Most of these sons and
duughlci-s lived In Salisbury, and
all of thorn arc now dead.
Colonel William Frohock Kelly
'Was lite son of John Kelly and
Klizabctli Mum ford Frohock Kel
ly. af P.ffW»« -County. Ife -was-
i'Mrrlcd to Sarah Ann Giritiier uii*,
Oct. 9, 1827. Colonel Keliy and {
ha.s wife are buried in Joppn i
Cemetery, one mile west of Moclc-
svillo. The children of William
and Sarnh A. Kelly were:
John Kelly, who died in the Gon-
ffidei'ate Army, during the War
iJelwcon the SUKes; Nicholas
Young Koljy, -who died when a n
young medical student; James |
Addison Kelly, who married Mary '
EllzJiibeth Austin; Ann Maria
(Continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1845 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Two Citizens of Old Mocksville (continued)
Kolly, who marriocl RobcrP p!
Johnstono, of Rowan; Sumuol
Abnor Kelly, who mnrrled Mar-
aavot Springs, of CbarloUo; Bet-
tie Prohock Kelly, who mni'ricd
Thomas «. Gnither; Willinm Pro
hock Kelly, who married Loin
Bryant; Albert Calvin Kelly, who
died in 1918; Miss Sarah Emily
Kelly, who survives her broth
el's and sisters, and now resides
In Elkin; Thomas Lemuel Kelly,
who married, Ist, Mnttie Thor-
iburn Sterling, 2nd, Satle Chat-
.terton, of Newbur^h, New York,
and died in 1926. Some of the
Kelly family lived here, others
made their homes in Charlotte
and Kowan County.
In looking over the old Session
Book of Joppa Presbyterian
Church# -it Is seen Ihnt Thomas
McNcely was (Clerk of the Ses
sion from 1832 to 1850. Joppa
Church was located a mile west
of Mocksvillo, and the old grave
yard still rcmntus. there. The
cougrogation moved to Mocks
villo in 133'1, nnd in 1840 a com
modious brick church was built
on the site of tlio present edifice,
tlic latter being erected In 1005.
The plans for the church built in
1840 were drawn by Colonel Kel
ly, being similar to a church ho
had seen In Mississippi.
In the Joppa Session Book is
found this entry; "Oct. 12, 1888.
Thomas McNcely was appointed
to sit in the Presbytery in Mock
svillo, and John W. Torrcntine,
his nltornntc." The Minutes of
jtho Davic County Courts show
that Thomas McNcely was one of
I the justices presiding ot the
Court of Flens and Quarter Ses-
-alonn in the carly-day5-o^•DavlBr
jiin the school election held in
(August, 1839. among the seven
superintendents elected were Wil
liam F Kelly and K. M. Pearson,
the office being somewhat like a
school board. In the Davio Coun
ty Minute Book, page IIG, there
Is a colored diagram of the To>vn
of Mocksville, drawn by Thomas
Rntledge, surveyor, and copied
.(by Thomas McNooly. Mr. Mc-
I Neoly's pni'tnov In the mercnn-
t.tUc business was Stephen L. Ho-
woll, who lived in the house inter
.Uuown ng the C. C. Sanfnrd
home. Stephen L. Howell was
|nl.Ho a momhor of .Toppa Church,
and moved from Mocksville to
Taylorsville In 1863. Thomas
McNcely was chairman of the
first hoard of town commiaaloii-
«ors of MockavlllCi after Its in
corporation in 1889, tha other
members of the board being Dr.
Jnmes F, Mnvtiu, magistrate of
pflUco, Ephralm Galthor, Ireasur- i
or. and J. McRorle, secretary. |
At the May Term of Davic
County Court, 1840, the will of
Thomas Hays was probated, one
clauao being; "I give and ^ bc-
(]i(enth unlo my worthy friend,
Thomas McNcely, my negro boy,
Tonoy, and bis mother named
Ann, having the ulraoat confid
ence that he will treat them withhu.uaiiT^.""
Tn ante-bellum days many of the
slaves bolongcd to the white
congrcgntfon.s, na the following
entries In the Joppa records
.show: "May, 1838—Died, Amey,
forvant of Thomas McNcely, her
last end was that of peace;"
"Sept 16, 1845—Peter, servant
(Continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1845 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Two Citizens of Old Mocksviile (continued)
of TliomiiK McNccly, died, having
bcun a member of Joppa Church
for many yearti, allhoivgh a 8or-
vant. ict his light so shine to do
I ill the early land transactions
!in Davio County is one between
Charles Fisher, of Rowan, to
William F. Kelly, the latter pur
chasing the penrson Mill Tract
Jin 1841; and also deeds from
jUcnry Willson to Willinm P.
Kelly frop roperty in the town of
Mocksviile and also for "the Gold
Mine Tract adjoining James Pen-
ry and others." At the Novcm-
focr Term of Dnvie Court, 1845,
William F, Kelly qualified' as ad
ministrator on Uie estate of John
Clement, who had introduced the
bill to form J)avie County from
Rowan in 1836. In the Davie
Court Minutes, Nov. 29, 1848, is
the record: "Wra, f!. Relly was
appointed one of the committee
of Finance for Dnvie County, in
place of M. D. Armfield, remov
ed. He came into Court and was
duly qualified."
Roturning to the Joppa Ses-
silon Book, the following entries
are found: "April G. 1840—Col.
William F. Kelly, I. A. Wither-
spooii and Thomas Brown were
duly oioclcd Trustees of Joppa
Church, to whom title is to bo
made." "Dec .11, 1841, Mrs.
'Kniily Chailln died, having lived
'for the cause of Christ, an ar
dent friend of Sabbath schools,
and a devoted Christian." Mrs.
Chuilln was a daughter of Nicli-
olas Gaither, and n sister of
Mrs. Thomas McNcaly and Mrs.
William F. Kelly. The famous
teacher, Peter S. Noy, bcHoved by
many to havo been ouo of Napo
leon's officers, wrote n poem for
Mrs. Chnflln to give to her son,
Franklin Chnflln, on his birthday,
^840. Peter S. Key taught in
the vjcinuy of MocHsvillc, and
was a visitor In Colonel Kelly's.
home. Ho wrote a letter to Mrs.
Kelly, stating his religious views,
and both the poem and the let
ter are still in the possessten of
the Kelly family.
In the Joppa records is this
note entered by Thomas McNooiy,
on Dec. SO. 1848: "Col. William
|F. KolJy died, having heen for
many years nn orderly member
our church." The Davie Court
Minutes, page 70. Feb. 27, 1845),
hos this entry: "Ajdaiinistrntion
U'lion the eslulu uf Willinm F.
Kelly, dee., granted to Stephen
L. IIowoll."
Colonel Kelly's grave at Joppa
Comotory is marked with a lull .
'slab, the opltiij)h being: "In mom- j
cry of Col. William F. Kelly,
who died Doc. 20, 1848, aged 52
ycni-a and 11 mos, Cclonol Kelly
was of Scotch descent, a gentle
man of the old school, fim to
his purpose, calm, temperate, and
consclentieua to u remarkable
clogj'oc. He was an exemplary
member of the Presbyterian
Church, lie loved the church of
his forcfathors, revered and prac
ticed her instructions, catechis
ing his family, daily reading the
Scriptures and prayljig with
them. He being dead yet .<penk-
oth for his example uniformly
aahr:'"'tOTvic, lol ua go' up to the
houBG of the Lord.' Reader, Gb
and do likewise." His wife out
lived him nearly fifty yenr.s, and
is buried 'by his side, her in
scription rending: "Sarah A. Kol-
ly, wife of Col, Willinm F, Kelly,
born January 26, 1807, died Oct.
7,1898, aged 91 years, 8 mos. and
11 days. Frocious in the sight
of the Lord is the death of his
Thomas McNcoly's last connec
tion with Jpppft Church la re
corded under the date, Jan. 5,
1850; "Mr. Thomas McNeeiy and
Margaret, his wife, were dismiss
ed by certificate to Join the Cen
tral Church of Phlladolphln." As
has bten already mentioned in
this article, 'A'homas aicKooly and
his wife later returned to North
Carolina, and made their home in
Salisbury, where some of their
descendants now live.
This brief sketch brings to
mind two early citizens of Mock
sviile, who lived well in their day
and generation.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1845 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
SARAH TEMPLE 1805 -1891
Sarah Temple b. 1805 Davidson Co NC(417JjU8^avidson Co NC 86v
Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Davidson C^C;
(In late years she lived in a house west (or back) of the house of her son
Richmond Baxter Gentle);
Bur: Reeds Baptist Church Cemeteiy, near her son Richmond Baxter Gentle;
For genealogical purposes I write her as
Sarah Temple 1805-1891 ===—=—====_
Sarah & Graver's children: known
baiah Temple Craver Lanier b. 1824/25 Davidson Co NC'4 Aug 1856 l^e Co NC(Id.
Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NC d.cal893 David^nCoNC (Yadkin College)
Elizabeth Temple Craver Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NC
- „ , 'CSP3 Pifej^slDavidson Co NC (Lexington)m.30 Jun 1844 Davidson Go NQ
Felix Miller b.l2 Get 1824@S'May T85VA CSA
Sarah Temple Graver 1805fl^I)
m.25 May 1828 Davidson C#^: wt. Jehu Peebles
I Thomas Lanier b.cal800/10 VA d. Perhaps prior to 1846 1
Sarah & Thomas Children: known n
Nancy Ann Lanier b. 1833\^.18^jjavie Go NG
m. 18 Mar 1850 Davie Go
William "Billy" Sidden bh Dec 1823 ^28 Octlis^avie Co NC 63v 10m 19d
Res: Davie Go NG
Bur: Elbaville Meth Gem Go NG
Edward Lafeyette Lanier b. 04 Feb 1840 Davie Go NOfd09Aiig 1902\Davie Go NG
m. 21 Nov 1860 Davidson Go NG
Martha Alice "Ally" WALSER b. 1835/37
Res: Davie Go NG
Bur: Fulton Meth Gh Gem Davie Go NG
Druiy Lanier b.cal842 Davie Co NCSd. 01 Jul 182vA CSA
m. 28 Feb 1864 '
WrilhelminaBERRIERb.14 Sep 1846(gl4^2sl^avid;6n Co NC 69y
Bur: TOhelmina: linwood Meth Ch CemDavidson Co NC
Davk County Public Libfary
^ocksville, NC
Isaac Lovele^ Sr. bom about 1775, Md.,
afid($ed 16 D^£^1847^oqan twp.. Pike Co., In.
He mamSSarah ^axrett, 9 Jan. 1794, St. John's
(Piscataway) Parish, Prince George's Co., Md. She
W21S bom 12 Dec. 1773, Prince George's Co., Md.
Sarah was the daughter of Robert and Sarah
By 1801, the couple and their four children had
moved to Rowan Co., N.C. Sarah Loveless died
by 1810, leaving seven children. They were: 1.
Masse Anne, b. 15 Oct. 1794, Prince George's
Co., Md.: m. Thomas Hartley, 12 Dec. 1816, Row
an Co., N.C, 2. Winnie, b. 12 Feb. 1797, Prince
George's Co., Md.; m. John Blaze, 31 Jul. 1816,
Rowan Co., N.C; d. 7 Apr. 1871, Pike Co., In.
3. Joseph, b. 6 Dec, 1798, Prince George's Co.,
Md.; m. Hizafaeth Beck, 18 Mar. 1824, Pike Co.,
In.; d. 186?, Pike Co., In. 4. Delilah, b, 1800/01,
Prince George's Co., Md.; m. Lewis Beck, 10 Jan.
1822, Pike Co., In.; d. after 1850. 5. John, b. 7
Aug. 1803, Rowan Co., N.C; m. Peggy Beck, 26
Oct. 1825, Pike Co., In.; d. 1836. 6. Isaac, b.
1805/06, Rowan Co., N.C.; m. Phoebe Young,
10 Jan. 1828, Pike Co., In.; d. drca 1900. 7. Wfi-
Uam, b. 1807/08, Rowztn Co., N.C.; m. (1) Susan*
na Lee, 6 Nov. 1828, Pike Co., In. (2) Luanda
Cox, 12 Sept. 1843, Pike Co., In.
Susannah Wfnkler became Isaac Loveless* wife
26 Feb. 1811 (bond dated). Rowan Co., N.C. She
was bom 1787, N.C, and died Apr. 1854, Logan
^P*» * Ihe Co., In. Susannah was the daughter of
Henry and Susannah Winkler. In 1817, the Love- a
less family sold their land in Rowan Co., N.C and V
moved to Pike Co., In. There, Isaac Loveless pur- ^
chased 160 acres of land on 21 Dec. 1819. In
1830, he built the first mill in that part of Madison
twp., that later became Logan twp.
Isaac and Susannah Loveless were the parents
of nine children. They were: 8. Henry, b. 1811/
12, Rowan Co., N.C; m. (1) Susanna Beck, 12
Mar. 1830, Pike Co., In. (2) Hizabeth C, Bames,
Oct. 1839, Pike Co., In. 9. Luke, b. 6 Sept.
1813, Rowan Co., N.C.; m. Christian Winkler, 11
Aug. 1836, Pike Co., In.; d. 9 Dec. 1889 10. Sus
an, b. 1816/17, Rowan Co., N.C.; m. William
Rumble, 3 May 1835, Pike Co., In. 11. Elizabeth,
b. 1820/21, Pike Co., In.; Hezekiah Cox, 28 Sept.
1837, Pike Co., In. 12. Sally Ann, b. 1821/22,
Pike Co., In.; m. Lewis Cline/Cloine, 4 Jun. 1835.
Pike Co., In. 13. Cynthia, b. 1822/23, Pike Co.,
In.; m. Alexander Rumble, 4 Jan. 1838, Pike Co.,*
In. 14. James, b. 1824/25. Pike Co., In.; m. Mar-
garet Kime, 17 Sept. 1848, Pike Co., In. 15. Jac
ob, b. 1827/28, Pike Co., In.; m. Cynthia Ann No-
land, 20 Jun. 1850, Pike Co., In. 16. Elijah, b.
1827/28, Pike Co., In.; Barbara Shoultz, 27 Jul.
1856, Pike Co., In.
Oavie-County Fuuiic
Mocksville. MC
6KellT lands .
. ' - n Dayie Co.Fx'biicuL.jy i
^ok 3,.page 822 Deo. 1856 iVlOCkSyiiie, M C. 1?'^^
John Ke^y to James A. •'^elly of 2nd part and R.P. Johnson and
J.Ae Kelly and ^arah Kelly of 3rde part*
John Kally indebted to Sarah Kelly for #250.00 and to late firm of
James A, Kelly and R.P. Johnson, trading \ander name of Johnson and
John Kelly s 11s to James A, Kelly, Trustee, all his right to
land possessed by the late Col. ^m. F. Kelly on waters of South Yadkin
River, Bear ^reek and Hunting Creek and adjoining land of John Maxwell,
Charles Pisher, and John M. Clement. Containinf ll|.75 acres.
It being the undivided estate lately fallen to John by death of his
late brother N.Y.. Kelly, being entitled to a childls part, or one tenth
of sd. land.
4r *
oo .
From Joppa Graveyard
Col. W.P. Kelly'died Dec. 29",aged 52 years.
Sara A. Kelly, wife of Col. W,p. Kelly Jan. 26, 180?-> Oct. 7,
Dr. N".Y. Kelly, son of V/m. P. and S.A. Kelly D&ed Dec. 21, 1051^^,
aged 23 yra 3^1 mos 12 days. -.n::. --
Anna Maria ■'^elly, wife of R.P. jy^oiatpn and daughre of W.P. andS.A. Kelly Aug. 26, l83i|.- 8,^7111:^^
MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, May 21,1936, Page Three
William Frohock Kelly
wO' Citiz^ns Of Old
(By Mnry J, lioitmnn)
Mockgvlllo, county-acnt oi'
Dsivlc, was incorponilcci by Act
of the Lejfisluture in January,
IBJJD, The villnge of Mocksvillo,
first known ns MocVs Old Field,
had existed for many years prior .
to this date. The War Depart^
Tient records In Waahiti'^on
n])eak of soldiors camping near
the "villnge of Mock's Old Field"
in Revolutionary days. In 181C
there was a general store and
postofficc at Mock's Old Field,
as shown by an old store ledger
of A. Ncsbitt & Company. 'The
bill to form 'Davie County from
Ivuwan was passed in Deccmlber,
l8Jd, and the first County Court
of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
was held in February, 1837.
In the early history of Dnvle
county there were a number of
citizens whose names appear fre
quently in the county records as
magistrates, administrators on
estates, guardians of orphans and
in other civic affairs. Fromln-
eiil aniniig these citizens wore
Tliomas McNccIy, a merchant,
and GoloncI William Frohock (
Kelly, a idantcr. These two men
m.in'lcd sisters, the daughters of
iVicliolns Gnithor, so their fami*
lies were closely connGctcd. Tlio-
nr-VI...*,. lU- \
mas McNociy lived in the large
l\vj.-story frumo house, Inter
known ns the \V. A, Weant house,
which was torn down sevovnl
.vciii-s ago. Colonel Kelly lived
lor a minvber. of years on his
large plantation in Davle, later
IHirehnsing tliu residence on Sal
isbury street, Avhcre his daugh
ter, Miss SoIIie E. Kelly, made
her home until about ten years
The material for this article
has bocn-secured-through cnwrt-
nilnutes, chui*ch records, tomb
stone inscriptions, and informa
tion from the relatives of the'
McNeely and Kelly families.
Thonms McNeely was born Sept.
30, 1798, and died June 4, 1886.
He was married on March 20,
1820 to Margaret Gnither, who
was born in March, 1799, and
died Feb. 16, 1877. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas •McNeely are burled In,
the old English Cemetery in Sal
isbury. The children of Thom
as and Margaret McNeely were:
William Cnithor McNccly, who
married, 1st, Louise Marvin, and
2n(!, Mrs. Mildred Hunt McCoy;
Julius Dwight, who married Hon-
ritilla Hall; Thomas Chalmers
McN'eoly; Laura McNcoly, who
iMiirried Archibald Young; Ama
nda lleNw.ly, who married Josc-
lih .luhnstonu, and moved to Gal-
veston, Texas; Maria McNeely,
who was the first wife of Tho
mas M. Young, Sr.; and Frances
11. Young McNeely, who wos
killed while defending the Con
federate Arsenal in Salisbury,
during the War Between the
Stales.' Most of these sons and
daughloi-s lived in Salisbury, and
all of thorn arc now dead,
Coloael William Frohock Kelly
•was the son of John KoUy and
KIlKabcth Mumford Frohock Kcl-
. ly. nf Rowan -County. He -\vas-
^rricd to Sarah A:nn Giiitiior on',
Oct. 9, 1827. Colonel Kelly and j
has wife are burled in Joppa |
Cemetery, one mile west of Mode. |
svilio. The children of William
t*. niid Sarah A. Kelly were:
John Kelly, who died in the Con
federate Army, during the War
IjoIwccu llic SUitcs; Nicholas
Young Kelly, Avho died when a
young modioal student; James
Addison Kelly, wh.o married Mary
Eliziifbcth Austin; Ann Maria
(Continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries - 12/29/1848 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Two Citizens of Old Mocksville (continued)
IKcIIy, who marrlod Robert P.
Johnsiionc, of Aowan; Sumuol
Abnor Kelly, ivho mnnietl Mar-
aavot Sprlnss, of Churlotto; Bot
tle Frohock Kelly, who mnfried
Thomus H. Goither; William-Fro
hock Kelly, who married Lola
Bryiint; Atbovt Calvin Kelly, >yho
died in 1918; Miss Sarah Emily
Koliy, who survives her broth
ers and sisters, and now resides
in Elkin; Thomas Lemuel Kelly,
who married, Ist, Mnttie Thor-
iburn Sterling, 2nd, Satle Chnt-
.terton, of Newburgh, New York,
uud died In 1020. Some of tho
Kelly family lived here, others |
made their homes In Charlotte *
and Rowan County.
In looking over tho old Session
Book of Joppa Presbyterian
Church, -it is seen that Thomas
McNeely was (Clerk of tho Ses
sion from 1832 to 1850. Joppa
Church was located a mile west
of Mocksville, and the old grave
yard still remains there. Tho
congregation moved to Mocks
ville in 183-1, and in 18-10 a com
modious brick cluircli wns -built
on the site of the present edifice,
the latter being erected in 1905.
The plans for the church built in
18-10 were drawn by Colonel Kel
ly, being similar to a church ho
had seen in Mississippi.
In the Joppa Scasion Book ia
found iiua entry: "Oct. 12, 1888.
Tiiomns McNocty wns appointed
to sit in the Presbytery in Mock
sville, and John W. Torrcntino,
his alternate." The Minutes of
jtho Davio County Courts show
that Thomas McNcely was one of
I the justices presiding ot the
Court of Fleas and Quarter Sos-
-sioar. in the early^ay5-of~DaTler
jiln the schoal election held in
(August, 1889, among tho seven
auptrlntcndonts elected were Wil
liam F Kelly and R. M. Pearson,
the office being somewhat like a
school board. In tho Davio Coun
ty Minuto Book, page IIG, there
Is n colored diagram of the To>vn
of Mocksville, drawn by Thomas
Rntledge, surveyor, and copied
.(by Thomas MeNooly. Mr. Mc-
Nooly's pni'tnov in tho mcrcnn-
jtilc business was Stephen L. Ilo-
woU, who lived in the house Inter
.Uuown ng the O. C. Snnfnrd
home. Stephen L. Howell wna
'niso a member of .Toppa Church,
and moved from Mocksville to
'rnyloravllle In 1803. Thomas
McNoely wns chniimun of the
first hoard of town commlsalon-
<jrs of Mocksville, after its in
corporation in 1889, thti other
members of tho board being Dr.
James F, Martin, magistrate of
police, Ephfalm Galthcr, treasur
er, and J. McRorlo, secretary.
At tho May Term of Davio
County Court, 18-10, the will of
Thomna Hnya wns probated, one
clause being: "I give and bc-
nnentb unto my worthy friend,
Thomas McNeely, my ncgi-o boy,
Tonoy, and hia mother named
Ann, having the utmost confid
ence that he will treat them with
iilrklmtiii:.-..-;' ;?nd— hu.nuiiity."'
Tn unte-bolium days many of the
slaves belonged to the white
congregations, ns the following
entries in the Joppn records
show: "May, 1838—Died, Amey,
fervant of Thomas McNeely, her
last end was that of peace;"
"Sept. 16, 1845—Peter, servant
(Continued on next page)
Bio - Obituaries - 12/29/1848 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Two Citizens of Old Mocksville (continued)
of Tliomas McNcoly, Imving
bcun a member of Jnppn Church
for many years, nllhou'gh n ser
vant. Id his light 80 shine to do
I In the early land transactions
fin Davio County Is one between
Charles Fisher, of llo^vnn, to
William F. Kelly, the latter pur-
ehusing the Pearson Mill Tract
I in 1841; and also deeds from
(Henry Willson to William P.
Kelly frop I'operty in the town of
Ivlooksvillo and also for "the Cold
Mine Tract adjoining Juroes Pen-
ry and others." At the* Novcm-
'bor Term of Davie Court, 1845,
William F. Kelly qualified' as ad
ministrator on the estate of John
Clement, who had introduced the
bill to form dlnvJo County from
Kowan in 1836. In the Davle
Court Minutes, Nov. 29, 1848, is
tho record; "Wm. F. Kelly was
appointed one of the committee
of Finance for Davie County, in
place of M. D. Armfield, remov
ed. He came into Court and was
duly qualified."
Koturning to the Joppa Scs-
.•«lon Book, the following entries
are found: "April G. 1840—Col.
William F. Kelly, T. A. Wilhcr-
spooii and Thomas Drown were
duly olocLcd Trustees of Joppa
Church, to whom title is to bo
made." "Dec 31, 18'I3, Mrs.
'Kniil.v Chnilln died, Imvlug lived
'fur the cause of Christ, an ar
dent friend of Sabbath schools,
and A devoted Christian." Mrs.
Ghullln was a daughter of Nicli-
olfts Gnitlier, and a sister of
Mrs. Thomas McNcely and Mrs.
William F. Kelly. The famous
teacher, Peter S. Noy, believed by
many to have been one of Nnpo-
Icon's officers, wrote n poem for
Mrs. Chafiln to give to her son,
Franklin Chafiln, on his birthday,
in 1840. Peter S. Ney taught in
"tho vieiiuty of Mocksville, and
was a visitor in Colonoi Kelly's ,
home. Ho wrote a letter to Mrs,
Kelly, stating his religious views,
and both tho poem and the tet
ter arc still in tho possession of
the Kelly family.
In tho Joppn records is this
note entered by Thomas McNocIy,
on Dec, SO, 1848: "Col. William
F. Kelly died, having heen for
many years nn orderly member
our church" Tho Davle Court
Minutes, page 75, Feb. 27, 1849,
hos this entry; "Administration
U'lion the osLalc of William F.
Kelly, dec,, granted to Stephen
L. IIowoll."
Colonel Kelly's grave nt Joppn
Coniotcry i.s marked with a tnll .
'slab, the epitaph being: "In mom- \
cry of; Col. William F. Kelly,
who died Dec, 20, 1848, aged 52
ycai-s and 11 mos. Colonoi Kelly
was of Scotch descent, a gentle
man of tho old school, firm to
his purpose, calm, temperate, and
conscientioua to a remarkable
dogrco. He was an exemplary
member of the Presbyterian
Citurch. Ho loved the churcli of
his forefathers, revered and prnc-
Ucod her Instructions, catechis
ing his family, daily reading the
Scriptures and praying with
them. He being dead yet .spenk-
rth for his example uniformly
salXT:Icl us go up to the"!
house of the Lord.' Reader, G?o
end do likewise." His wife oiit-
ilved him nearly fifty yeaiu and
is buried 'by his side, her in-
.scriptlnn reading: "Sarah A. Kel
ly, wife of Col, William F. Kelly,
born January 26, 1807, died Oct.
7,1898, aged 91 years, 8 mos. and
11 days. Precious in tho sight
of tho Lord is the death of his
Thomas McNcoly's last connec.
tion with Jpppft Church is re
corded under the date, Jan. 6,
1850; "Mr. Thomas MoNeeiy and
Margaret, his wife, were dismiss
ed by certificate to join the Cen
tral Church of Philadolphin-" As
has bten already mentioned in
this iirticlB, Thomas fticNcoiy ami
his wife later returned to North
Carolina, and made their home in
Salisbury, where some of their
desceiidonts now live.
This brief sketch brings to
mliul two early citlsens of Mock-
iA'ille, who lived well in their day
and generation.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/29/1848 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY