Jul - DecMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 1,1954 Page 5 I). A. Martin Funeral services for U. A. Mar tin. r.'J. rclircfl farincr and juer- chanl hf YndUlnvillc. Til. 3, wore hoid PmKijiy at Iho Soiillt Oiilc ni(l|*p TTaplisl Cliuroh. Tlov. A. C. r'lir.<»hlio and Rov. M. F. Ronvi/i nVfUdntod. nurihl was in thn ohurr'.i coinolory. Mr. Martin died .Tiino 2!t at a ^rocl{sville mirsinn homo. lie lind houii In dot'lininn. huallh for five yerrs atnl K'rUni.sly ill for fonr days. V ' ITo.was hni-n In Vinlkin Conioy, Au^'. lit). 11571, sofi.af William and 'V«tl,v fJrooeMavtin. lie spent hi.s lite in the coininunily' of £>oiillt Oalc llldno I'.aplist Chnrtin"'of which •he wn.s a momlior. llj.s wife, tlic formPr l''.incrlino. Martin, died ID years uito. Survivins are three soii$, Rehy and Dewcy Maidin o'l' MnclhsdlUc and ,Fllon M.arlin^ of YadUinville, .ilt. IhMWo dayRl'uers. Mrs.-Cal- vU^ Wilhcns. aiKl M'rs. M. .1. Brown'of Yadl:iiu'ifle. Rl. 3; I'wd slop.son.s.'f.. \Z: Ilcnvis'and W. I.. ,IU'avi.'> of VatiUi/udllo, 111. 3; a .sieiulauulilor;. Mr.s. John llansor !of Vndiunviilo, 111..'3; a hcdlhrr, .lolm -Mnrrm of nihnpr, 'Povan: loittld nrat'dyh.ildron: nlpo. r-i f"'''- Rrandchildron and two j;roiU- tircal-firandchildrrn. fl frs. M. K.*/inpn, 4.9 Funeral .sorvlco.s for Mrs. F.tta Allen, wife of M. K. Allen of Ad vance. Ut. I, were held Sunday at the nolhlohcm Mcthndi.st Church. Rev. Oeorno Smith nod the Rev. Ornl'Rc nruncr offirlnl- od. nurial wan In the church |crmolnry. ' | Mrs. Allen, who lind been in| <leclinihn health for several | luonlh.s, was. found dead ,lu ,n rhicUcn house l-^ridny rtmrnlnj'. The l)(Kly wa.s hauifiuK hy the neck Vroux a rope which -had been tied to a rafter above the second floor of the huiUlinp. Or. W. M. LcmR arllMf: coroner.■pionminced It .sui- ci<lo by hanjdnii. * . , Mrs. Allen was horn Dec. 13, IflO-t the•douiihlor of John and Nancy Riddle, in Daylc*.Count.\\ and had .spent her "whole life as a ip.sidfnl .pl" tl>c county; Surviving arc^lhc -husband: four daughters. Mrs. O.scai- ni.fh-•op and Mrs. ,1.'. L. SteehUan of Winst.on-Snlcni. Mis.;; .Ttdia Allen and Miss Louise Allen of the hoinc:" the nmther. Mrs. Nancy Riddle of Advance. Rt. I, ami two urandchildrUn. Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 7, 1954 - Page 3 Weldon Long Boger YottUCDrowned Weldon Loikg Boger, 16; of chc Sheffield communltv<- o f Davie County dtbwncd June 27i seconds after he dived Into, a swimming hole below the £agle Mlltdam on hunting Creek, near Houstonville In lredell;Councv. Swimming > companions said Bog^ went down in 10 feet of water about four feet from tf\c shore. Thev said he called for help and was thrashing bard at the water, but fought off efforts of another boy to pull him to safety. He was pulled from the water ateut 15 minutes later. His com panions immediatelv began giving him artificial respiration. .Boger was bom in Davie Coun ty, a son of Dalton and iManha Ahdetibn ,Bogv* He had been farming wt^ his brother, Robert -in Iredell County, hear Harmony. He is survived by hU parents; three broffiers. and a sitter. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p. m., Tuesday at Rocky Springs Baptist Church-by Rev.E.* K. Woocen* Rev. Clinton Shores and Rev. Albert Bracken* burial wiU be in the church cemetery. UifilUam A Byerly William A. Byerty, 85, died Wednesday at nhe' home o f a daughter, 'Mrs. C.. Ratledge, MocksviUe, Route 4« after a seri*. ous Illness of two weeks. He wasborn in Davldsen Coun ty. He moved to Davie'Countv when he Was 15 years old and had lived in the Davie Academy cbih- munltv since that time.. ' He was a member, of Bvetly's Chapel Methodist Church and a retired farmer. Surviving are his dai^tef, three grandchildren and tour great grandchildren. His wife, the form er Elizabeth' Koontz, died two years ago at the age of 98. Funeral services were conduct ed at 3:30. p. m., Thursday at Byerlv's Chapel MetbbdistChurth by Rev, H. D. Jessup and Rev. G« W. Fink. Burial was in the church ccmetc«v._ • • . . r. L, Swice^odd: T&os. L Swlcogood. 77. of Coolrem^ dkd St State Hd»piial. Morgatuoa. Tbun day olibt. fotlowias a loag iloats.s HU wife died three reate ago. Fttoetal serricea were held at Catta' Funeral Home at S;SS p. m. Sstordey. etK the bodr- Isld to reat io the City Memoric Par', to SMlUbury. Rer, Haiufd Auatl' WM tbe offlclatiiis mlnUter. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 8,1954 Page 2 WVMnm A. Ilyerly, 85 Funcrol services for Willium A. Bycrly. 05, of Mocksville, Rl. 4. were held ThursUjiy ol Bycrly's Chnpcl Methodist Church. Rev. H. D. Jessup nnd Rev. O. W. Fink officinlod. Burial was In the chureJi coinolery. ^ Mr., Bycrly died Juno 30 nl the home of a dauuhler, Mrs. D.' C. RailcdRO. MocksvlUo. Route 4,' nftcr a serious Ulnes.s of tvs'o! weeks. I lie was born Davidson Coun-^ ly, May 30, 1009, sott of Isaac and Mary Sowers Byerly. He moved tt) Davio County wlicn he was 15 Ho was a member o'l Bycrly's Chapel Mctlmdist Church nnd a former director of the Farn>oj*s Mutual Fire Insurance Assocla* lion of Slnlcsvlllc. He was a re tired farmer. Surviving * arc his .daughter, three grnndchildrsiy and four^ great - grandchildren. His wife the foianer Elizabeth Koonlz, died two years ago at the age of 00. T. L. Swiccgood, 7i Funeral services for Thojnas L.' Swiccgood, 77. retired cotton mill worker of Coolccmcc, wore held Satudoy afternoon at the Eaton Funurul home. Rev.'Hjirold* Aiis- Hn officiated. Burial was'.ih tJte City Memorial Park In Sails- bury. Mr. Swiccgood died July I In a Morganlon hospital 'iollowing a decline in" ilteallh of several years. Mr..Swiccgood was Iwrri May 4,' 1877, in Dnvlc County, n son of Hiram and Fannio Ellen Myers SwJccgood.' .Hcyvns mnrrlcd in 1950 to Miss Gertrude Duln who died June 23, 1951. • Mr. Swiccgood represented the Life Insurance Company of Vir ginia for several years, later be coming employed with Erwin Cot-, ton Mills as a toxlilc worker In Coolccmcc. He made his home In Coolcc mcc practically all his life. Bio - Obituaries - 7/8/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 14, 1954 - Page 3 Thomas B. Austin j Thomaa B., Austin;- 63, son of jthc late Mr,larld Mrs. O. b. Aus-; Itin. ond a native, of Mocksyillc,' wais found dead in bed at his hbmci llh Statesvillc early last Tuesday' morning. SuWivors arc five child ren and one brother and ari aunt,. Mlss^Cara Austin, of this city,! funeral and burial services took! place at Scatcsville Tliursday. * | Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 15,1954 Page 2 TItoinns n. Austin Thomns tintson Austin, fi.1. ro- tlrcd rurnittiro finisher, rtlod in^ hls 'slbep July h nt his homo In ' Slotcavllle,. lie iuul been In clo- cllhlnR hcnlth sinpp his votito- ment two ycnvs .apo. . SurvlyliiR nrc Yivc chiUlron, WIHinhr C. Austin, Mrs. D. C. SitcrriU nntl Miss Mnrnarpl Aus tin. nil of Stntcsvillc: Mrs. Jnim II. Kloino of PUtshurnh. Pa., niul Mrs. Paylnonil Stone oi' Payolle- vine: Mr. Austin \v.-\s a uephow of; M1.SS Cora Austin of MocUsvillo. Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1954 - Page 2 Mrs. W. H. Renegar Mn. Rebecca Bovd Renegar» 81i )fae widow of William Henrv H^enegar of Moclnville, Route 2, <f*cd at 8t30 a. m., July 18 at her She had been in dedln> ' inft heaich for severat montht and critiaillv 111 for three week. . She was bom Feb. 11, I673» a , doubter of John H. and Sally Beck Boyd. Her huiband died June 28,1942. Survivors include five daughters Mrs. L. M. Dwigglns of Mocks viOe^ Mrs. T. W. Anderson and •.Mrs. J. M. Cdrrenc of Wiotton> Salem. Mrs L. R. Tutcerow and Mrs. David Koontz of Mocksvl le. Route 2; seven 'grandchildren; five greatferaiidchlldren. two sisters, Mrs. J. C. White of Mccktvilfe, Route 2, and Mrs. Willie Brackens of Hanes, and two brothers* W. S. I^d of Mocksville, Route 1, and John Bovd of Lexington. Futtftral sdrvices were conduct* .^d Vc 3 p. m., Thursday at Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church b y Rev. W. C Berkley. Burial was In the church cemetery. Neph< - ews were pallbearers. HfHliam £ Cope WUHstn C. Oope. IS qt eesr Adviiist. glHstLvnn Haven Kantni Koos la taUHtt frktar (r^f^|pe. He had heen i0)4eclinleg heslib fur revfrnl reeis. He cpaot lile iniire life In Ps^lr Otuiiir. fturvMog ofc (vo dattibttn. Mrs. J. £, MeOenlel. of Rouic I. und Mrs. W. R.ftM * gk. Advance, Rente I: • son. of Ooawsy. MJcte ttro ttrp*dittgliivrs, Mfs. Jtir sitcl* flieo, OtirliAm. ami Mrs. Cirde fircs. Un- ifoatt: rsven grnatkbUdreo and six great, grwdemidiso .. fearr-il services «*m held 8ai>dsy nt ) A A, a( CdfAsita MstbalbtCbaiubwUh lUV.-raol Maftto-enS R«v. W. C. Heodvr. SOU cflcuuloe. and the Imilv I li i m $t$t muisdwidiwstsry. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1954 - Page 3 Urs. John Rarpe Mis^ JobB C. Haipt. 74. died Wedues day Dlghs at bet lunsa on tfoehsvUla. R. 2. ro<lowiiig an eztasdsd Utneaa She wm bMO In Davie County, a daughter of Kn •od Mis. Joseph CoQette- ei^ spent fasr entire fife in the owMy. Sutyiylng are five looa. H OL and J. & Harpa, Wiaatoo SalefD: Tyiusactd Joe li Hiffpe, Route 2: Elbeit U. Hotpe. -Moeka vllieto dtttthler, Mrs. Nonolo Bargee^ Route 2; two eUteta, Mit. Betty Harpr, Route 2, and Mra. Cteo Davie, VfotMog Ion. D. C tone bcctbsr. J. D CoOetie, R.1. Cane; 19 grandebB^m and'seven great- ^ndehltdteo. Eufitfil tervloea were held at 4 p. m. Friday nt Catoa^ Baptist Ghmoh. with Rev. Wade Rotchens. Rev. W, C. Buliley and Rev, jhooda Qfoce olBotatlog. a^ the body laid to rest to ibe Owtilney Ca> meterv. Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA IVIOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday , July 22, 1954 Page 6 IMi'S- John C. Iliirpc, To Services for Mrs. Jolin C. Hnrpc of ^Eocksvi^o, HI. 2. were hoild TritUiy oL Eaton's Eap- tisl Cliurch. ncv. It. W. Hulciiins, lU'v. W. C. I.'.arkloy and Rev. litniny Cirocc oMicialcd. liurial wa.s In (he Courtney Cemetery Ijc-'idc her iuisband who died on June 17, 1037. I'allbenrcrs wore John E. Harpc, Jr.,-Allen Ilarpc, Charles Bur- «o.s>, JJomer L. Adams, Willis Bodrord, and Willis H. Hstjc. Mrs. Horpo died July 13 at her home on MocUsvillo, Rl. 2. She had Ixjcn in declining health for .several muntlis and >scriuu:dy ill Icr.bne wcck. She was bor(i In Davic Coun ty on July 2(i, U!7(l, dauKhlcr oV Joseph and Betty E. CoUoKc. Slic .S|H*ni her entire life in Davic County SurvJvinp urc five .sons. 11. CUl- }nn llarpe and John E. Ilarpc, Sr.. )V Wjn.sion Sa'-cm: Tyrus E. K.'irpc and Joe E. Ilarpc of Mocks- S'illo, Hi. 2: Elbcrt H. Ilarpc ol Mocksvillo. A' riauahlcr. Mrs. Nannie 11. Qurftcss of Mocksvillo. Ul. 2; two sisters, Mrs. Belly C. llartJU oV Mocksvlllc,- Rt. 2 and Mrs. CIco C. DavLs of Washing- lun. D. C.; one brolhw, J. D. Col- lelLe ol Cajvi, Rl, 1; 10 grand children and seven grcal-grnnd children. Milllani Iv. Cape. 83 Tuncral scrvicc.s for. Wjlliajn E. Goijc. n.'t. retired former oV Ad vance, lU. J, were held Sunday a I I h 0 Cornal/cr Methodlsl Church. Rev. Paul Mariln and Rev. W. C. Anderson olffcialocl. Burial was In ihc church ceme tery. Mr. Cope died al Ihc local nurs ing home on July lU. He had been in <lcc)jnlng health for" sovcral ycnr.s. lie wi»s born March 2. 11171, the .Sjin <»V Frederick andlMary Mac- IDanii'.l Cope, He wa.«i. a resident of Davic County all his life. Ills home wa.s in the Bi.\l)y Conunun by. SiiYvivir.g arc "two dahgltlci.s. Mrs. J. "E. MacDanicl of Mocks- vilie, Route 3, and Mrs. W. R. Riiid.'c of Advance, Route 1 a sjjn, Sam Cope of Anaway, Mich.; '.wo .step dauKhlcrs. Mrs. Clyde Bee kof Linwood and Mrs. Joe tjtcclman ,ol' -Durham; seven grandchilftrcij and six grcal- gfiiiKk'hilclrcn. ,« Mrs. \V. 11. Uviicgar, 81 Funeral rcrvices for Mrs. Re becca Jiiifc Boyd Rcncgar, Ul, nV Mocksvillo. Ut. 2. wore licld Thursday afl'".i'noon nl the Ijaino.s Cross Roads Baptist Church. Rev. W. C. Ilarltlcy and Rev. E. W. Turnci ofllcialcd. Uuriul waa in tlie church ccmclcry, Nephews wore |Xil!bonr?'rs. Mrs, RonORar, widow-of Will iam Henry Renogar o'f Mocksvillc, Rl. 2. passed away al licr home on .luiy Rl. She had l)ocn 'in de clining health lor several years and critically ill for throe wcck.s. Si>o was burn fob. 11, iiiTa, a ilaviphior of John II. and Sallic neck Biiyd. Her husband died Juno 20. HH2. She was a member o'i Ijamcs Cross Roads Baptist Church. Sur\'l\'or.s iticlude Hvo daugh ters. 8rr.s. L. M. Dwlggina of MucU.'jvllli:; Mrs. T. W. Andorcon and Mr.s. J: M. CurruiU of Win stun . Salcm; Mrs. L, II. Tullcr- ow and Mrs. David Koonlx oV MorU,.vHlo. Rl. 2; scvsn gvand- ihlldron; live gfoal - yrundclhl- drcn; two yi.sicr.s, Mrs. J. C. White ..f Muck.villo, Rl. "J and Mrs. WiilM! lirackcn of llano;,; luu loolht-rs. W. S. Ihiyfl oY Mocks villo, lU. 1 and John BoyU ol Lcx« ingtun. Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, July 28, 1954 Gideon Brown *:«. Oldeoo Brown, a well kbow| colored citizen, died at bis borae i| South Mocfesvllle Saturday evew inc:, foliowlnE: a stroke of paralyslj which he saff<5red on Wednesdays Bio - Obituaries -7/28/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, July 29, 1954 Page 2 Mis. J. 41. Dypvly Sr. Piinernl s«'rvii;os for Mrs. Ueallhman Byerly, Sr.,' Ti-U'-cl Cooleonjer, will bP held Tlniv.":- day ai <1 p.nu, in tho CoolecmpR Mpihodi'-.t Cluirch. Rev. TTarolcl Aiislin, liPV. Welcloii 'Klein and file riO\'. ATr. Su^iiin will offirijiie. Rurial will ))0 In tlip Bnwnn Mo- innvipl Coinofory in Snlir.hury. Mrs. Hyorly diod at hor liomo in Cnolooinoo on duly ?.7. Sho had hon In doolinlnn hoallh for .«;ov- ornl uionlh.'i and rorinusly ill for Iwo wop):;;. Sho w.n«i horn Api'il 13, 1300, in Davio County, a dnuehtPr of Al- frod W: and Sarah done Saflpy Pholp.s. Surviving nro lior Imshnnd. damon II. Ryurly; a son, doinos II. Pyorly, dr., MooIcRvillo, llnulo '1; :i tUuichtol". ^Irs. I'ocro Thnin-' a.aou of ll.'illiinnro^ Md.; llirccl/♦raiulthndrcn; h«)r mnthor, Mr.s.l A. W. PhPlp;5 of MnpUsvUlp; Vive .airdera, Mr.t. Taylor. Call, Mv.s. T. P. nnrlon .and Mr.i. Slnlla Mc- C'l.anirhdc of Moclt.svillc. PI. *1, Mr.f. Mnudo Nichols of Waodlenf and Mrs, d. G,.' Woolen of Van-' ceyvlUe; 'four hrolhers. I..00 Phelpn and Payinnnd Pliolp.s of MochsyHlo, Rt. <1, Avlhur Pholps of Clevolnnd,' N. C., and G. M, Phclp.'; of Statesville. Mrs. diihn C, Ohnrle.s, R3 Fiinorni jirrvirc.s for Mrs. Salllc Crump Charles, 03. wife of John' C. Chnrlp.s oV Moelc.svillp, Rotile ■1, will be held Tlunsdny nl 11 a. in. at the homo, nmlnl will )io In Ihc dorusolpm Cemelpry. ' ' Mm. Charlo.s died Tuesdny nf- lernoon nl hor home. .She had bcpn In decllninfi djenUi for rp\^? ernl yoarr. and crillcally ill five mnntits. Mr.s. Charles was liorn In Ha- Vic County ami nUended the Da- Vic County sehnnls. Surviving jiro.lhc hushnntl: a .son, damc.s W. Charlc.s of tho Imme; six dafifhtiM'.s Mr.s. Mary Pox. Mr.'J.. MarRiuTl Sanford. Mis. I.nuisc CamphcU, , T^lrs.. Sarah Woodruff and Mr.s. Ifclcn Carter, all of Davin County, arid ^^^R. T.aura danc Rnrrincpr of Clranltc Quarry: .seven (jrahdchildrcn and two nrPat-crniuldldldrcn. Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4, 1954 - Page 2 Mrs. John Charles Mrt. Sallic Crump Charlefl« 93^ wife ot T* C. Charica, died at her home near Jeruialem on Vuly 27* following a long illne$8« She wat born inSDavie County and apent her entire life here. | Surviving are the huaband, a| fon, James W. Charles* of Route! 4i six daughters* Mrs. Mary Fox, * Mrs. Margaret Sanford* Mrs. Lou-1 lee Campbell* Mrs. Tom Bailev ^ Woodruff and Mrs. Hubert Cari. Cer* all of Davic County, and Mrs.' Laura lane Barringer, of Granite | Quarry* seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 11 a. m. Thursday at the home, and burial was In Jerusalem Cemetefy. h. L Greene Funeral services for Hobart L. Greene* 57* who died at his home at Yadkln College, on July 24'h, were held on Monday o f last week at the Methodist Church at Yadkln College* with Rev. Ctcgg Avert and Dr. C. Excelle Rozxelle officiating and the body laid to rest in the local ccmetey. Mr. Greene was a brother of Dr. Gar land V. Greene* of Fork. Mrs. J. H. Byeriy Mrs. J* H. Bverly, 54* died ac|| her home In Cooleemee last Tues'1 day, following an extended illness. She was born in Davie County* a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Phclns* of Route 4. } Surviving are her husband* J. H. Byerlv; a son. I. H. Byetlv* Jr., * Mocksville I^ute 4; a daughter*, Mbs. Reece Thomason* Baltimore*' Md.j her mother* Mrs. Alfred W.' Phelps* Mocksville; five sisters, Mrs. Taylor Coll* Mrs. T. R. Bur ton and Mrs. Stella McClamroclc* Mocksville. Route 4* Mrs. Maude, Nichols, Woodleaf* and Mrs. J.G. Wooreh* Yanceyville; four broth ers* Lee and Raymond Phelps, of Route 4; Arthur Phelps, of C eve-' land, and G. M. Phelps, StatesvUle. '• Funeral services were conducted at 4 p. m. Thursday at Cooleemee Methodist Church with Rev. Har old Austin, Rev. Wcldon Klein*' and Rev. Mr. Swalm officiating* and the body laid to rest in Row an Memorial Cemetery* near Sal isbury. i Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 11, 1954-Page 2 Ray Parks Rav Packs, 57, a native of Davie County* was found dead In a ho* tei at Old Fort Thurtdav* He Had been Injured in an auto accident some montht ago. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Parks. Surviving arc a son, Chas. Parks, of Greens boro; two grandchildren; two bro thers, W. C. Parks, of near Shef field, and Edward Parka, Salisbury. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Saturday at Eaton FuneralI Home, in this city, with Rev. W. C. Anderson and Rev. Thurmond Bowers officiating* and the bodv laid to rest In Fork Cemetery. Joe Garwo d j Joe B. Garwood, 58, Route 4,j died Wednesday at a Salisbun^ hospital of injuries received in a fall Monday afternoon. Mr. Garwood was painting the roof of his uam when he tell, suf* feting injuries to his heard and foot* Mr. Garwood was born in Davie County, son of John Frank and Bessie Carter Garwood. He hadj been employed at the Erwin Mills at Cooleemee for 54 years. ! Surviving are the widow, thev former Miss Bessie Benson,' Cooleemee; two nieces and two nephews. Funeral services were held ar 4 p. m., Friday at Concord Mctlio- dlst Church. Rev. B. C. Adams^ and Rev. Fletcher Howard officiat-l ed. Burial wai in^LibcityCfaurchj. cemetery. Bio-Obituaries-8/11/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 12, 1954 Page 6 tart R. Parks, 57 lAincnil services for Earl Ray Parks. T)?, of Dayic County were licKi Siilitrday at the Eaton Fun eral I!i}nie. Itov. W. C. Anclersoti and thp iij^v. 'I'hunmmd Rowlm-s nfrieitil.'d. ISnrial wjis in the Fork Cl>iireh Cemclcr.v. Mr. Parks wa.s foutui dead Aug. R in a liolcl at Old Fort. He had .surfcred injuries in a South Car olina auto accident scycral inonll>s ago. The MacDowcll County cor oner .-{aid "Ihal he liad probably died soinctlmc Aug. A. Mr. Parks was born In Davic Counly, May 23, IU07, a son of ,C. F. and l.nu l5Ua Slewarl Park-s cll was n trnvellng salesman Vor many years. Surviving arc a .son, Charles Parks of Criccnsboro two grand children and two brnlhcrs, Wil- llnin C. Parks of Mocksvlllc. Rt. J, and Edward Par]<s of Salis bury. Head Inf.ant I The Infant son of James Edgar itind Koxarna Mead of Coolccmcc died Avig. f) at a Salisbury hos pital. The child was born Aug. A. Gravc.sido services were held j Friday morning at the North Cool- n cince Cemetery. Joe U. Garwiind, .18 >. Funcro I services for Joe B. Gnr- wood. 58. of Mocksvlllc, Rt. -l, wore held Friday at llw Concord Methodist Church. The Rev. B. C. Adams and Rev. Fletcher How ard officiated. Gavwood died nl 8:-IO a.in., Aug. -J at n Salisbury liospilnl of Injuric.s received in a Yall Monday afternoon. Mr. Garwood - was painting lltcVoof of his barn when he fell suffering injuric.s to his head and spine. Mr. Garwood was born in Da\'ic Counly April 111, lOOG, son of John Frank and Bessie Carter Garwood. Mc had been employed at the Krwin Mills at Coolocmce for 34 years. .Surviving aVe the willow, the former Mi5< Bessie" Benson of Coulcomcc;* two nieces and Iwo ncplicws. ' Thomas ^ n ivilford Knunelt Tliomns died in a Wilson hospital \Vcdne.sday afternoon at 3 o'clock, lie had bccJJ ill for several months. Mr. 'i'luimn.s was horn in .Stales- villc on March 3, 1805.'Mc came to Wil.son 20 years ago and was superintendent of the Wilson Ve neer Company. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon ill 4 o'clock in .lovnJr'ii Fuhci-yl Home, concluel- eil'by Ihc Ilov. BiH Morton. Pros- bytcriiin miniBlcr. liurlul was h« Miiplcwood ccmclary. Surviving nrc hi.s wife, Mry. Hester Holden Thoinus three sons, Leroy and Kenneth Thonms nf the homo, Alfred Thomns of Rich mond ,Vo.; hisJ fulhor. Jo^oph I. Thomus ol StHtefivlllu; lour brolher.s. Wull Thomas of MneUs- eillc, llcnryi Thonms of Stoleiivine and two sis- ters; Mrs. Sully Boovey onU Mrs. JoUn Dobson ol I Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAMR RECORD, Wedncstlay, August 18, 1954 - Page 2 Mrs, D, J, Bo^er Mrs- Delia Blfckwood Boger, 77. of Wintcon-Salcm, died in a hoi* pital in that citv Fr'dav. She was bom in Davie County and moved to Winston-Salem in 1924* She driii a member of Mocksvitle Me* thodiit Church. Among the su^ vivon arc two brothers. Mollowav BlackwnoJ, Winiton-Salem, and Hoyt Blackw'ooJ* Guiliord Col* Funeral services were held AC 2:30 p. m-, Sitndav at Wall Pu* '•-'Oer.d Home. \Vinsi6it»Sa em, and VrVUid io rest in Rose Cemetery, f^Mbd^Ulc. -.y/, DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 18, 1954 - Page 3 John W. Graham Mr, and Mn. T. 0. Graham and family attended the funeral Sun* day of Mr. Graham's father, John W. Graham*, 80, of near Salisbury, who died Thursday at Rowan Me* morlal Hospital. Mr. Graham waa formertv of Cleveland, where ,ht* neral services were held in (he Me* thodUt Church at 4 o'clock Sun day afternoon, \ . Surviving are hve sons and three daughters, 'Sympathy is extended to Mr. Graham and family in the loss of his father. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 19, 1954 Page 4 n;uil«l v.. CurliM'; Hfl Fiinural sorvlcM for Dnnlel R, Corlci' nV Acl\'fmcc were Ijcld iil l)»c liomc ntul ihc Sluidy Grove Molh'iflisl Clnii'ch. Mojuiny. Rev. W. K. Fi(z);ei';il(l oHifjjilCil. Burial \vo;s in llu- eluiich cinnclcry. Mr. Cnricr, year old farmer, ilird Salurdiiy at his home In Advance aftir a .serious Illness of one week. Mr. Carlei' was born in Oavie Coiinly, Sept. IHH7, lie was a tfon of Oliver Columbu.s and Na.icy Orrcll Caller, lie .spent ins early life in Da* vie. lived in Koisylh U year.s and Ihen rclurned to Bavie alxml 30 yoar'.s ajjo. He wa.s a nn-mbcr f»r Stiady Gros'o Mclhodi.sl Cblireli and lltc Palrlolie Order Son.s of America. Mr. Carler wa.s flr.st married lo Miss .Sarah Jnno Farley (m March 17, l!)07. She tlicd Feb. 23. !f)14. He married Mrs. Mary Worrell April ii. 11)1(1. .91ie .survive.s. Olher .survivors include a son,' .1. R. Carter of Baton Itfjuye, l.a.;| a d.Tiieliler, Mrs. Helen fsowcr.s of) Advance; six firamlchiidreir. a stepson. .1. \V. WkohHI of Win- .st()n-Salcm: two step pruiulehil- dren; lil.s slepmull^er, Mrs. Sallie Carter oV Hane.s; a biulhor, O. C. Carter of Hinh I'oini; a sister, Mr. Fallie Owyn of Winston.Sa- Icm: and a half-siMer, Nhs. Jo- .sio Bryant of Hane.s. Mrs. 1). .L. Iti»ser. 77 Funer.nl services for Mrs. Delia Blaekwood BorcI", 77, of Wiin-slon- Salom were held Sunday at Wall FunornI Home in thai city. Rev. C. .1. Alspaugh, Jr., officiated. Bur ial was in Rose Cemetery in Mocksville. M,rs. Boger, widow of D. J. Bo- f'.ur. ilicd in a Winslon-Salem ho$. phal Friday. She* had been ser- iou.sly ill for one week. •She was born in Dnvic Coun ty, Feb., IB, H177, a daughter of Spl ice and Mary Anderson Black- wood. ^Shc was twice married. Mcr first marriage was to Jacob Fos ter of D.Tvie County. He died in l!)04. I In H)2'l, .she moved lo Winslon- Salem iinct nulrrlcd D. J. Boger. Ife^ died several years ago. Mrs. Hogcr was n member of MoeU.svlllc Methodist Church. She is .survived by two sons. Norman K. Foster and Wiley A. Fo.sler, both of Winslon-Salem; two slep.son.s, Jerry Boger and Henry Boger, both of Winslon- Salein; two grandchildren; and two Ijrolber.s W. H. Blaekwood of WinstonrSnlem and H. L. Blaekwood of Guilford College. .h>hn >Vilhnn Graham, 81 Funeral services for John Wil son Graham, IH, of Sall.sbury, Ut, Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1954 fi were held Sunday at the Cleve land Methodist Church. Burial was In the Cleveland cemetery. Crnndf.ons rcrvcd as pnllbcnrers. Mr. Cralwiin died Thuifidny i nighl at a SalLshury liosplinj following II serious iilnos of two weeks, He had lived at Clct-eland, N. C.. for abmit 40 years before mov ing lu Sulislmry, Rt. 0, six years ago He was born Juno II. 11)73, a Son of Kerr and Amanda Jtitchie Gra- h.un, He mairicd Mi.ss Hula Ar thurs. who died in H)48. Surviving aic lliiee dauglitcrs. Mrs. J. T. Ervin, Mrs. E. L. Zim merman and Mrs. W. ].. Watson of Salisbury: five soixs, L. E. and J 0. Graham of Snlislniry, T. Com er Graham of Mock.sville. J. C. Gi'aluun of Cleveland and 0. H. Graham of Danville, \'a.: one brother, 'rhomas G-iaham of Har- km, Ky.: 41 grandchildren and 35 great-grundclillclren. DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, VVetlnesday, August 25, 1954 - Page 2 Mrs, J, F. Poteat Mrs. James F. Poccat, 82. of near Oak Forest, died at Iredelt Memorial Hospital^ Stateaville, at 1:00 o'clock Ihursdav morning following a critical illness of three weeks. Funeral services were held at Fifth Creek Presbvterian Church, of which she was a member, at 11 o'clock Friday morning, with Rev. J. T. McCutcheon and Rev* James M. Mann officiating, and the body Lid to rest in the church cemetery. There are no near re* latives. , Mrs. Potcat was bom in Mocks* ville, a daughter of the lace Mr, and Mrs. Andy Holmnn. She w.<s first married ro loh.i Jones, who died about 40 yea. R ago. Her » cecond husband was h F- Poteat, whom she married 12 years ago, and who pass.daway sev,*rrt years •go. She spent most (tf her life . i - this'ci'y, and her many friends here were saddened by her death. Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 26, 1954 Page 7 Thomas H. Redmon Funeral srrviPOsVnr ThnniKs II. IJrdnion, IJO, of Witv:l(in-S.-i)pi«. wpi'o cnnilurtod nl *1:^0 Sitiidny aflrrnnnn nl CVnIcnnry Chiiri'li hy Df. Marl; llppp and llin llov. C. Amnan. •J'lin burial .fallmvod in tlip Farndnnttin CnnotiTy. 'I'ho j'rnvP- side fiPivlcPji vvoi'C cnn.'liicJP<l l>y Kv. n. CI. Crnhain and Rov. .T. W. Voslnl. The pallhrnror.s wcro niPinhLas •of tba Jaini'R A. CJray Dihlo. Class^ CcntiMKiry Mclhndisi cliiirrh iif whi«*h Mr. llcdinnn \va.«! a nn-m- h<'»r. NPr. Rpdimin died al hl.s Immo Salurday. Aii«. 21 artcv bciin; rrlllndly ill for a mnnlh. Hp wis onRa[(Ctl in l)ic flnui' and fcod Inisitio.':;], sPi'vlnR Fird- miint Nnrlb Carolina for fid yeais. His parly life was spent in Oa- vip County and iip. livod for a )>uinl>LM' o'f years in FanninRion. He vva.s nuiiried in lOfM lo Miss Mablp Kills wiio .siirvivc.s, OHiar survivors inrliidc a son. '1'. A. •Rpdnion of KlUin, two diuip.ldcrs. Mr.s. Franci'S 11. Martin of A.slu;. villp and Win.sion . Salcm, and Mr.s, Flora U. Rapor of Winston- Salnm: a brolher, U'. F lU'dmon or Crocnvillo. R. C.; and ibron si.slcvs. Mrs. C. R Cravo.s of Win- slon-Salcm. Mr.s. J. H..S5winu of MneU.svillo. lU. 2. and Mrs. .1. S. WHlord of Cum, III .1, nn«I five pr.nndcluldren.' ' Mrs. IMnllip I'otPnt, RIl A Fiinprn) .sarvir.'.s for Mrs. M(i|li.-» ^^Mpnl. fl2, of Rlntp.svillp, Rt. 'l, Nvcrp ijold Friday al the Flflh Crpol; PrPshylJM'ian Chnrpli in Irpd.^n Connly. Thp Rrv. ,1. T. Mr- C'lilchin nntl Rrv. Jainp.s S. Mann orflolalcd. Hurial was in Ihr «'lntrch pPiiuMpry. Mrs. Poloat widow (d Jainp.s ri'Jinb'lin Pofnl. diivl Ann. Rb 'd a .Stnlp.svlllp hn.sfillal. RliP laid l-.,^rii in declining hoalllt .spvpral nKiiuIi.s and erIilccdJy I!) Ihrcp wpolc.s. Mr.s, Polral was born in Oavlr fovinty, f?ppl. 7. 11571, daui'.ldPl' of Andrpw and Kntr Hpj^Ip.v Hoi- man. She .sprnt most of hfr liVo In and near Mocltsvillc, nmvlnR lo StalP.svHlr, Til. I, 12 ypnrs" niTo. Rln? War. inarrlfd Iwire. firsl lo .lobn W. .lonp.s. Aficr bi.s death she niai'rird .Tnine.s Franldin Po- Ipal, who died IhiTo year.s apo. She has no .survlvor.s. *Mr.s. K'/.ra C. MacUlc,. 85 Funeral servico.s Vnr Ma'S. An- niee MacUie, 155, widow of K/ra C. Macltic. -were hold Tuesday at |P|o New Gordon Frioncls Mccding ll<tn.«;e, in CJniiroi'd.^Rov. Charles Thonia.s officialed. Burial was in the Culiford Memorial Cemetery. Mrs. Mi.eUie died AiiRusl 22 nl a Creen-siioro Ho.spllaK; Slit had booOj seriously ilb lour day.s." Mrs. Maclcip was horn in Yad- Uln County Oct. t.'lilflfl. (Inuith- tcr of John and Sallle Moslcy Hiivsbaw. She had hoi-n maUinU her home at Oullford Colleyc lor ;i!l years. Slie wa.s a member of New Cardon Frlcnd.s Moolinji al Ciullford Cotlei'e. • Surviving are ihiTc .snn.s, Er- ne.st 1., MacUle of Ohapcl Hill. 'I'had H. MaeUie of Florence; Ab.. and Carl Nhu-kic oY.Gullf()r<l Coll- eije; two daujthiers, Mr.s.' Ctcnc- va Perry «>! Guilfovd Cohere and Ml.s.s Florence Mackiu of Mocks- viile; live yrandcbildven; two prcal - grandchildren; and one .sister, Mrs. Bottic Casslovcns of ■Y'.Mdkim'ilIc, Route I. Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA o.n *<AcnL/\T>PPC-CaCiPr?7;omc>3c>:i>n-3>?:>yporr'33p>—(r>7=>5_of-'<r-r"oPcr>Pu^,_o-tc>• c:33ciir^ET'Pr• cpX355DrCr-rL/'r"3c?PoioOi_nP<r-n*r>c>pZ.-c DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 1, 1954 - Page 2 Annice Mackie Mrs. Mackie Passes Mlw Florence Miclde attended the funeral Tueidav, Aug. 24th, of her mother. Mrtl Annice Madde, 85, of Guilford College, who died on Sunday at a Greenaboro hoe* pita! after an lllnetc of four dava. Mr*. MacJcle waa a native of Yad> kin County but had made her home at Guilford College for the pail 39 year*. Funeral lervleee were held at New Garden Friendi Meeting, at Guilford College, and burial 1 n Guilford Memorial Cemetery. Sympathy la extend* ed to Mlia Mackie in the loia of bet mother. Lewis Armsworthy Lexvis Armsworthy. 78, died at his home near Redland Thursday evening, loltowlng a long lllneia. Surviving are the widow, two aons. G. W. and B. R. Armiwor thy. Advance, Route J; $ mnd* children ond one great-grandchild. Funeral aervicca were held a' 3 p. m. Saturdav at Bethlehem Me- ^thodiit Church with Rev. George Smith and Rev. George Bruner officiating, and the body laid to teat in the church cemetery. Lincoln Ellis LiQcoln Ellla, 91. wall knowo letltad farmar. died Erldav momlog at Ibe bona of a dauloter. Mra. C. C. Haadria, oo R. 9. Surviving are the wifa. two aaoa, fiva daugbtara. 9S grandchildren atMl gdgraat graodoblldrM. Fuiraral aervleaa warn coodacifd at 4 p. m Sunday at Advance MeibodiM Gbureb. with Rav. W. E. Fiiggaraid. Rev. G. £■ Sralih and Rav J, U. Grooa oflUia* ting, and iha bodv laid to real In tba oburcb cemetery. Grady Carter Grady Csrirr. S4, of near Comalxar. died friday mernlng. following an asteo. ded ill.<e(a- SorvWioa eta tba wifa. ana ann. hta motbar, fi ve brmbara. two aUcera and • half aitter. FoiiernI i*«!tvicea ware held at l:SO p. ■* Sundvy Pt the bnme and at 2 p. in. atSmith Grove Methodist Cbur^ with Raa Gnorga Smith and Rev. Potter Loflin of- and tba body laid to reat In the catnatery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA IMOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 2, 1954 Page 6 l<. M. Armsworlhy, 78 Flincnil services for Lewis M. Annsworlhy, 7U, of Aclvjincc, Rt. I, u'cro 'held Sjiturdoy iil the Bclhlehcin Mclhodist Church. Kcv. Gcorfc Sinilh iuul Ilcv. Gcortic Bruncr offichilcd. Burhil wjis in tlic cluirch eoinclcry. Nfr. Annswovthy died fit Id.s home or. Advnncc, lU. I, Aug. 20, nflcr (I long illness. Mr. Arnvsworlhy wii.s born in Dnvic Covmly Scpl. 1(5, 11570, sun of nubcrl nnd Mary Ann Foster Annsworll^y. He was a Yarnicr In the lialtlinorc section. He was married to Miss Kmma Florence Cnnler Doc. 22. 1608. Surviving arc the widow; two sons, G. \V. and, U! R, Anns- worthy of Atlvancc,' Route 1: ciglil . grandchildreii and one ercal-grandeltlld. C. C. Carter, .7G Funeral .services for Grady Cleerp Carter, 5G, of Ihe.Ccrrnnt- y.cr conniuinity, MocU.svillo, lU. 3. were held Sunday at .Hk; home and the Smith Grove •Methodist Church. Rev. Gcorec, E. Smith and Rev. Foster Loflin orficialcd. Cuiial was in the cluivch ceme- tcvy. Mr. Carlcr died Friday »nornlng after un illness of six months. The son of D. L .and Alice Howard Carter, he was born Feb. 1, 1898, in Davlc County. Ho. spent his entire life in the Corn-| nlzcr eoninninily. ] Me was a member of Dullns Mclhodist C]>ureh. j On May I, 10.~)0 he married Miss! Laura nobijin.«\-^he survives. Otlior survivor.^ arc a son, Grady Lcc Carter; Ills inother, five brothers, Zaudiary, Howard and George C. Carter of Mochs- vlllc, Rt. 3. S. C. Carter oV Ad* vanec, Rl. 2, and P. L. Carter of Salisbury; two sisters, Mrs. Dalla McDanicI and Mrs. Stella Kills of MoehsvlUc, Rl. 3; and a half sister, Mrs. T. M. Polls of Moclc.s- villc. Rt. 3. A. L. Fills, 91 Funeral services for A. Lincoln Ellis, 01, retired fanner "of Mociw- villc Rl. 3, were conducted Sun day at the Advance MclhodlRl Cltvirch. Rev. \V. E. Fitzgerald, Rev. G. E. Smith and Rev. J. M. Groeo otflcinccd. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Ellis died Aug. 27. at 'his home of a daughter, Mrs. E. C. Ucndii.N, of Mocksvillc, Rl. 3. He h.'ul been in declining health for five years and serious ly ill Vor one week, j He "was born Sept. S.*). U1C2. a ' son of .hmah and Fannlc Irel.and Ellis of Davlc County. Mo was married three times, I first to Sirnnna Fo.st?r, then to nelle Hanclinc and then to Carrie I Carter, who survives. Other survivors, all from his ' first marriage, arc: two sons, W. A. Ellis of Coolcemoc and W. L. ' Ellis of MoeUsvillo. Route 3; live I claughlcis, Mr.-;. J. D. Dnvi.s of Sal- Isbury.'RouJc 3, Mr;. J. W. Will-^ I iiims of Advance, Route 2. inul I Mrs. F., C. Hcndrlx. Mi'S. R. E. | ; Williams and Mi-s. L. G. Hcndrlx, ;of MoeUsvillo, Route 3; S.l grand- : cinidren nud 36 grcal-grandchil- ,drcn. Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 8, 1954 - Page 2 Mrs, Chas, Vfooten Mn. Chu. L. Wooten. 84» died at a Friendtwood. T.xai, lioapltal Aug. 31tt. foliowing a tongtUncM. The body waa brought to her na* clve coutitv of Yadkin, where fun eral and burial letvlcea were held at Forburh Frlenda Church ui 2 p. m. Saturday. I Mn. Woo ten and her huibaod* Rev. Chat. L. Woo ten. Iiv.:d near MockivlUe many veara ago. but moved to Oklahoma, where they lerved for many veara at mlatlon- ariea to the Indiana. They have been living in Texea for the natt 20 vean. Surviving am the hue* band, who it a half-brother of T. A' VanZant. of near MocktviJIe: a fetter ton. Charlie Wcotca, of Tcxati andinumbcrofnieceaand nephewa. A noble. Chriatian lady h^tj been called to her reward. To i the aged hutband and relattvet. wccateodourdccptysipathv. * Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 15, 1954 - Page 2 ^oah Grimes Noah Grimes. 9t. of Cana. R. I, died at a Boone nursing home last Tuesday. He was bom in Davle County, but had lived in Yadkin County, near Courtney, for the past 50 years. Surviving are two nephews and one neice* all of Cooleemee. Funeral services were held Wed* nesday at 2 p. m.« at Mackie-Hin* shaw Funeral Home with Rev. W. T. Baiiett officiating and the body laid to rest in Courtney Bap tist Church cemetery. Qainton Holton QulntonC. Hulton, 64. died at HnrveVt Rh on Sept. lit. Funeral Bcrvic B were held at Duke Mem- orlai Methodist church, Durham, on Sept. Sih. Mr. Helton was a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Chaffin, of this city. He was prin cipal of the Cooiiremee cchouU many years ago. Surviving are two brothers. Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 16, 1954 Page 5 0. W. rvprlinriK, SI Fimorul snrvirpfl for Crnrno Wjjshinf.ton F.vcHinrdJ, ni, oY Pi. 'I. Moclcsville. iTlirt^d rnrnipi* nnri ;s:uvmill nunrnUM'. worn lifUl :U llip l.lhcrly Mi'thodisl Cliiirrh. Rpv, P.. C. Ad.niti.'^. Rev. O. \V. PinU iincl Hov. U. D. .Trss- U!) nfiiriiued. nurinl \v;is In the church ccnu'icry. Mr. ilicil SnniUiy .-h tlu? home nr .n ilmifihlcr, Mrs. Pnlph nu'ij'.i'Jns. OlU \V':ilnul Hi., in Winshm-Salcin. I'vPrlinrdl. wlio lia.l hrnn in drcliiiinf. lici.llh for hvft innoUc;.; wns Uiiam r.i-rionsly ill wliilc vis-j Ilii^C Ins flaii/rlilrr. tlo W'jw l»nrn in Oru-ic Connly, April l», ir.Tfi, and .^iK'nl hi.s en- lire Utc Ihcrn. lip was a nwnv her of l.ihrrly MTthodi.sl chuvcli and a inntnhcr nl' the hoard of slcwnrds foi- more llian -ip yonr.s. Ill* had Imii'hl Ihn Men's iti1>lc Class foi- -10 ycaKs. lie wa.s ninrrird lo Miss Solly Chirlcr Hoc. 2f.. II'DT. She died .hdy 1!!, IHl). .Snrvivitp.', arc"two danfddcr.s. "Mr.s. nwhiidns and Mis. W. M. SroVord of Moch.SN'illc, 111. I: Ihrcc r.ons, \V\ l"). I'lvcrhordl nf Monr<?s. villr, N, V. I'.vcrhavdl (if Char- hdlc nn<l II. Tl. Fvcrhardl. of Cooh ccinop; I'J r.vandchihlrcn; li'ii fp-cnl • grandchildren: one one •i^?r. Mr.s. C. h. Kimmcr of III. •WR>rncl;sville. -Mrs. I.ntta Clause Ca.sli. fM runi-ral .scrvicc.s for Mrs. I.nhn Cloii.sc C.a.sh. "•!, of \Vin';lon-S:i- l."in were coiuhiclod W'cdno.schjy al V«»Rlcr',s Chapel in Wln.stnn-Siu Inn and nt Iho Smith Crave Meth- ndisl CInii'ch. Ilov. .1. l-'. Younl/ ami the llcv. Ccordci IC. Sinillt of- riciidcd. linrud'wn.s in the Smith firovo Cemetery, Mr.s. Cash, widow of Francis Paul Ca.sh. dlPfl al her home In V.'in.':lfin-.S/dem, Mond.ay. She had ln-en in' (If'ellninK he.'dth tor a nnndier of .voais. Slic wni; horn in Davio'Ccninly, Oct. 111(10. a dannhlcr of l.o- ander and Ann Na.vlor Clloii.se. .•^>{>0 made her Immc at Rmitt» Crovc ill Davie Connly hclore inoviiiff to Whi'don-S.'deio hit years af'.o. She was a memhor of .Smith Crnvo Midhodisi Churcli. • .I-'" . .Sho and Mr. Cn.sh-.ivoiicjnaiT- led l/lflO. Ho died in llMli. Snrvivov.s Include;'lour' .son.'i. IfiUth P .Cash fd Allanla, Co., ^nnU n. Cash, of Colnmlna. S. WArmitle It. Chish of Ch.aVle.s Town, W. Va.. and Henry H. Ca.sh of Win.sloo-S.'dcm: two daniih.! .ston-Snlem: and a miinhcr of tcr.s. Mcb. n. Aylon .hieUsun and j jp-.Tadchlkhen .-uul ffmil-KiaiKl- Mj-.s, Aleander lludpin.s of Win-1 children. Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 16, 1954 Page 5 I'lnk a. nicKniKliI, in Fiiuornl SPi'vU'Ps rnv PInU Co- hiniluii: MpKnh?bt. TH. ol Art* vanro. lit. " 1, 'wn-c cnmUicIocl Tiirsday nl Iho YiulUiii Vnlley Pop* llsl Clujreh. Alvi.s Chpr.hlrp and I ho lie v. Coovge Pninar of- t'iciatrd. * hfr. McKnlght, a farnuT, died Monday evening nl a Moelc.svillo Nnrslng llnnio. Up had hei?n elil- Ically ill for a week. Ho was horn Sept. 10 IttP.O. In l''or«iyth CAnnily ,a j:nn of Fmory and lairy nodlord Mc-KnlRhl. Ho was inarriod In Miss NeWn Mar. lin. Foi). M. 1001. She died Aug. 28, H)r>3. Survivors inclndu a soil, Erncsl C. McKni/jhl of Advance,, noulc I; lvvc» grandohWdron: two liroih- ors. Wie.sloy McKnigUl nV Adr. vancp, III. Ii and Sainnoi Me- Knighl of Chapel Hill; nnd n si.s- lor. Mrs. P. 11. I.oyd of Chapel Hill. Bio - Obituaries — 9/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22, 1954 - Page 2 Mrs. Paul Cash Mn. Luna CtouM Ouh, 84i of WJnttoh Salem, widow of Frances I^ul Cash, died at her home at 5i50 p. m.* Sept. 13th. She had been In declining health for a number of veara. She wsi bom in "Davie County, Oct. 2,1669. a daughter of Lean> der and Ann Naylor Oouse. She made her home at Smith Grove In Dayic County before moving to Winacon-Salem 38 years ago. She was a member of Smith Grove, Methodist Church. ' Survivors Include four sons, two daughters, and a number of grandchildren and greatgrand children. Funeral services were conduct ed at 10 a. m-, Wednesday at Vo* g1er*s Chape! and at 11:30 a. m., at Smith Grove Methodist Qturch by Rev. J. E. Yountz and Rev. George E. Smith. Burial was In the church Pink McKni^ht Funeral services for Pink Co lumbus McKnighc 73, of Advance. Route 1, was condticred at the home at 1:30 p. m.. Sept. 14th and at Yadkin Vatlev Baptiat Church at 2:30 p. m., by Rev. Alvls Che shire and Rev. Oeorge Bruner. Burial was in the church cemetery. He had been cretically ill for a week. Survivnrs include a son. two grandchildren; two btathert,and a sister. cemetery. Charlie Collette Charlie M. Collette, 62, who had been in the mercantile buiiness on Wilkesboro street since April, 1952. died suddenly of a heart at tack at 5 a. m. Friday morning. Surviving are the widow, one brother. J. C. Collette, both of this .Itv; (WO sons, one d.-uighter and four sisrers Func at Kcrvices were held at Eaton's Baptist Church at 3 p. m., Sunday, with Rev- Wade Hutch* ens oRictuilns nnd the hodv laid to rest In the church cemetery. Mr. Collette's death was a se* vere shock to the town and com* munitv, . ' Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 23, 1954 Page 2 Cl.ilidc J. Claw.son, fif) Fiinoral services for Claude J. Chnvsuu. Ci), of Coolcoincc, were held Muiuloy aflcriiuon :>l the Ciiolecince Prcshyleriou Cliunrh. lU'v. Kennelh PollncU and Rev. J. W. Klein nlVicinlcd. Durial'vvas in the cluu-eh ecinoicry. Mr. Claw.son, a retired icxtilo vV'jrlifT. tiled Saturday ni.ulil in a Slalc.svillo hnspltal. lie liad been .vcrinu-sly lit for throe months. He Nvas born June 2. 11)155, in Wataunu Coimty .a son of Gooi'jte and A'iii'O M'orpl/ Claw.Sun. lie was a n-lirott toNlilo wttHsor. hav ing been tonployed liy Krwin Mills at Cooleeinee ftir 47 yeais. Snrvlvln;( arc his wife: five .'iniv, Rny, Kdvvard and Kennelli Claw.?<»n of Cooleomoo. Claude Clawsnn of the Air Force .sla- tloneil- at Crconville, S. C., and ^T:^r>.■haU Cl.-ivvsnn of the Air l-Yrtv .stationed in Germany; four daup,liters, Wr.s. Oli.s Howard of Wln.ston-Salcm. Mr.s. Rrody War- livU o'r Mactm, Ma., Mrs. Homer I.:iy,le of Moch.sville, lU. 4. and NTrs. G. .S. I.ealhormnn ol Cool- oomec; nine grniulehihlrcn and two j{reat-KrandehiUlron. Mrs. J. II. Dwlintins. 7(1 Funoral .sorvicos for MV.S. John Henry Dwifinln.s. ,7d. wcro held Wednesday nl the Cenlcr Melho- tlisl Chnreh. Rev.s. H. D. Jc.ssup. G. W. Pink and Robert MeCiiis- Itoy officinlcd. Hvirial wn.s in the clmreh comolery. Mrs, Dwiddin:^ died 'ruosday nl the home nf n dimtflhcr, Mrs. Mae Mahe. nf Iho. Center com- muniiy. Mneksvillc. Rl. I. She luni hoen In deelinloR hoiiUh Vor Hcvorid months. She was Iwirri AnU- 20 10711, id Oavie County, the (liuiBhter «»r Jdhn V. fiml MnrRarei Faster Tuticrnw. Sho- sponl lior entire life in the Center community. Survivini; are ope . ilauRhtfr, Mis. Mal)e; lliroo Rtcpsons. T. P.llwlRRins of MocU.svUlo, Daniel Dwlub'lns of Florida and lltjfus PwiRRin.s of Harmony; four.stopduuRhtcr.s, Mrs. Elhr Smilh of HlRh Point, Mr.s. Afno.s Vick- or.s «>f Mocksville, lU. 1. Mrs. 15tiru Messick of Coolccmeo and Mis. Grace WijIIpi's of Chiiin Crfove; one sister, Mr.s. J. R. Fo.sicr of Creeasboro; ami 'iive Rr.mdrhlldren. Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 23,1954 Page 2 C. M, 055 Fiinnrol srrviroa Air Chnrliu M> CoUetIp, 02, opernlop of iho "'Pr;ulin(j Post" on Wnitc.sboro SIrrpl in MocUsvIlIor were"hold Snndny nriornnnn al Eaton's nap. list Church. Rev. If, W. irulchons orficlnlcrt. ' llurinl \vn,s in I he cluirch coniclcry. Mr. CnllcKo dicfl unoypcclcrtly of n lie.H't altacU around 0 a.m. on .Sept. )7 at his home on (he Vadla'nvijle hiidnvay.. Mr. CNilletle was horn .Sepl. in. 1002. In Havie County, a .Mttn t»f nnbcrt and Mamie Foole Col- lelle. lie lived ii Win.sion-Salom for a numher of years, returniofj lo MdoliKviilc three ycar.s affo lo opera 10 (lip 'rradluK Po.st a.s a <lealer in Gulf producl.s .anliqiie.s and poftory. lie Is survived hy his wife, two son.s, Cluu'lic M. Collet to, Jr., of Woek.sville and Edward Colletie i»r CharlpsUon, S. C., a daugh ter, Mr.s. ,1. Tl. MyCrady.Jif Camp Camiiboll, Ky: ti) (^randehltdron; a hrolher,C. Collcllo of MooU.s- ville .and four sislor.s, Mr.s. I.. D. no^er, Mr.s. Iita lluichcti.s and Mrs. n. W. llummaRe, all oT Rt. 2. ^'toeU.svllIe and Mrs. 1.. 11. fshel* t<»n of WlfwInn-.Sai'lm. Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 29, 1954 - Page 2 Stevie hohnan Matter Stevte. Itttlc S-vtar-old ton of Mr. and Met. Clyde Kol- maot died at hit hoiat on Church titcet a t I:t5 a. m., Thut^av morning following a leveral weekt Ulnesa wldi leukemia. All that human hands ceulddo to save the little life wat to no avalL Surviving are the parents and one sister* Linda, and the grand* parents, Mr. and Mrt. Clarence James with whom he lived. Funeral servlcei wen held at 4 p. ID. Friday at the First Me* chodlst Chur^, with Rev, W. Q, Grigg and Rev. Paul Richards of* delating, and the body laid to rest In Rose Cemetery. The Rcord excel J« dsep lym* pathy to the bereaved family In their hour of sorrow, and com* | mends them to Him who said nearly two thousand years ago, ''Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven" ' B^rt. J. H. Dwiggins Mtt, John Henry Dvytggins, 76. died at 3 a. i&H Sept. Zilst, at the home of a daughter, Mn. Mae Mabe, Mocksvllle, Route I. She had been In declining health for several tnonths. She was bom Aug. 20, 1878, In Davle County, the daughter o 1 John V. and Margaret Foster Tut* terow. She spent her. entire life in the Center. Community. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Mahe; three stepsons, T. P. Dwlagini of Mocksvllle. Daniel Dwiggins of Florida and Rufui Dwigglni of Harmony, four step* daughte/1, Mrs. Ella Smith o f High Point, Mrs. Agnes Vlckers of Mocksvllle, Route 1, Mrs. Dora Mesilck of Cooleeroee and Mrs. Grace Walten of China Grove; one sister, .Mrs. J. R. Foster of Greeosbcro; and five grandchild* ren. Funeral services were conduct* ed at 3 p. m., Wednesday at Cent* ei Methodist Church by Revs. H. D. Tciiup, G. W. Fink and Robert McCluskey. Burial was in the church cemeteiV. Bio - Obituaries -9/29/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 29, 1954 - Page 2 Mrs, Mamie Foster QMrs. Mamie Foster, 67* irlfe of Samtsel L; Poster, died at ber borne oit. Route 5 at 6:30 a. in. Sitardav ntortiioff. iollowlog an exieedcd illnesi.' 8be «as 0 native of Da vie Counjty atid spent brr entire life bere. She was before marriage j Mi'«8 Mamie Driver. Snrviviog are tbe hnsbaod, two gone, Elmo and Alton Foster, all of Roote3. and four Rraodcblldren. Funeral services were held at 11 e» m Mondav at Bethel Metbodisi Cbnrch, with her pastor. Rev. W. C Al?der^oli offidating, asslKted by Rev. B W Tnfoer; and tbe body laid 10 rest In the rburch cemetery. To the bereaved bttshand and foiia; Tbe^ Record extends diep eVtiipaiby 1b this darb batir» Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 30,1954 Page 1 J. F. Ha^dcins Dies At Home Jatncs Frederick Hnu-kiits, 74, died suddenly at .his homo on North Main Street, Mucksville, around S a.m.. Monday. Ife had been In declining honlth for the past several years tvilh liis con dition becoming more serious as of last Friday. Death was unex pected. Funeral service^ ,\vcrc held ut the home at 4 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. J. P. Davis and Rev. H. C. Sprinkle ofl'tcialod. Burial -was in tile family plot in Rose Cemetery. ktr. Hawkins was born Feb. 20, I8B0, in Qurlinglon, son oV the Inlc F, W. and Jane James Haw kins. He had boon a resident of ^rocksvillc for Ihe past 31 years. He was married to Mrs. Esther Horit Crliz on Feb. 3, 192.3. Mr. Hawkins was actively as sociated with .tome phase of lite mnvspapor industry until hi.t re tirement a few year.s ago. He travelled for the Wilson Paper Company of Rlchntond, the Lud- low Comp.'in}' of Chicago and the George H. Morrill Ink Company ol New York from wlilch lie re tired several ycur.s ago. Survivors include the wife: two sisters, Mr.s, Anne Cllrl o'l nivcrclak'., ^hl.. and Mr.s. Homer Clnylan of Durham. PallbL'arcr.s were W. \S^ Smill), L. C. Sanford, Dr. W. M. Hong. J. P. DeOrand. E, C. Morris, and Knox Johnstonc. MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, September 30, 1954 Page 5 . Mr?;. S. 11. Ihtsler. (H I Funevnl .servh-o.s for ^fr.s. R. Fnslcr, 97, uT Mucic.sville. Ul. 3. wiMo held Monday morning ni the Ihlln-l Mr?thinli.sl C'Imi'ch. rifV. W. C. .'\iulcrs«m and Ui'v. K, \\\ Tnrnrr nfficleated Utn-lal was lit the ehiirrh e.''nt(trr.\'. Mr.K Foslrr died Sept. 2.3 at her hnine on MiK-ksvilli', 111. .3. Sht- li.'id hcon in deelln'mg hi*allh for sovrral n»i>nth.s and seriiMisiy ill fto' (hr4'0 weeks. She was lairn in Davie Conntv. April II. U:{J7. a diiUllhler ttf C^d- vin Mtid Carolin.'i Gaither Driver, .She ;:penl her entire lite in Da- vie. She Is -sttrvivetl liy lu-r lie.s-' t»antl, two sitn.s, I'llino FnsU'r and Alton V-'o.ster, and fntir jir.and-l rliildren, all of Moek.svilli', 111. 3.| Steplu-ii Malinan | l-'unei-al .seevlee.s for Stephen j l'.iir.em» ll<»lman. rive-ye:ir-i»l(I i ••i>n of Clyde and Mar.v Nell •tiimr's lliilman, W4-ro lu-ld Friilay all.TnfKin at llio i\loeksville Melli- (idi;.| Chnreh. Ih v. W. Q. Cirlpi: and Rev. Paul liiohartis oflieial- iii. nnri;d w.-i.s- in Rose Ceme tery .S}«'|ilien dii-<! .'it llu? home «)r Ids gi-andparcht.s. Mr. ami Mi"}'.. Clarem-e It. .lanles. Chnreh St., M"i)ck.':ville. oit S4;pt. 23. lie had been .seriously ill 150 day.s. .Surviving are the parents; one l.iitda Noll Holman; and llu? graudparenls," Mr. and Mis. .T.amc.s and Guy llulntan tii lU. 2. Mnck.svilh'. Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 6,1954 - Page 2 H'. 5. Boyd WDlIam Samual Bovdi 73, of ljamc« Croseroadft Communicv* died Wcdnesdav afternoon at a Stacesvil'e hospital* Hehadb^n In decling health one vear and crificallv 111 since Sunday. Mr. Boyd was bom in Davle county, son of lohn Henry and Sailv Young Boyd. He was mar ried to Miss Laura' Agnes Rich ardson. Surviving are the widow; two^ daughters, Mrs. Norah Richard son of Mocksvilte and Mrs. D. S. Tutterow of Mocksvill^ Route 1; one son, Willie Boyd of Mocks- vlUc, Route 1; 20 grandchildren;, 24 greaC-g<andchildren; one broth* er, J. W. Bowd ot Lexington; and two sisters, Mrs. 'Agatha Bracken of Hanes and Mrs. Lucietia White of Mocksville, Route 2. I Funeia! services were held at 3 p. m., Friday at Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church. Rev. W. C* Bark- ley officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. James F. HawJdns Tames Fr^ricka Hawklnit 74» ol North Main Street, died at 6^0 a. m., last Tuesday unexpcctecL He was bom 1 n Alemancc County, a son of F. W. and- lane Jamea ^yykins. He had lived In Mocksville for 31 years and was ai retired salesman. Mr, Hawkins b survived by hU -wife, the former Esther Horn; and two sbters, Mrs. Homer Clayton of Durhum and Mra. Anne Curl I of Reverdale, Md. I Funeral services were conducted at at 4 p. m., Wednesday at the ho t.c ^ Rev. I. p. DavU and Dr. H. C. Sprinkle. Burial was In Rose Cemetery. Mr. Hawkins made many friends during hte long ftbldence in this cicv. His sudden' deadi was a shock to the entire town. Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 7,1954 Page 5 Jiihn A Wn«iil I*mssc'.s Mrs. Cora Kitnmcr, Mr.s. Agnes FnioUK, Wiloy Polls ihkI N«'istmi Swin nlicnded Ihc fununil oY John A. Wood, Monday nflcrnnon who dk'd »l Moiintiiin Homo, Tonn., whoi'e he was n resiilenl for ciyhl yenrs. Ho wn.s n vcionin I of World War 1 and wns huried with niiUUiry honors. Siirvivint; iiro his wife, iho I rorniL-r Mildred Viin Raton; two hrotliers, Tom and Bill.Wood, of 1 .t'viiuiinn; and one sister, Mrs. Delia Snider of noiite 3. I.cxlnijt ion. Mr. Wond wn.s Q native nl Fork community, hnvlng suYfereU o stroke 12 yoors ago. Bio - Obituaries - 10/7/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 14, 1954 Page 5 n. W. Ilirhnnlson. CO Funenl sorvicc.s for Roljcrl Wcsk'V (Bob) nicliavdson, 00, u'ero hold Tuesday al ihe Ijamcs Cmss Boads napUsl Cluuch. Bcv. W .C. Bm-Ulcy and Ihc Rev, U. W, lUilchihs,' oTficiatcd.• Burial \vn.s In Iho church ccmolciy. M.r. Richardson died early Sun day al Die hoiiio of n dauylilor, Mrs. I. \V. nu.shy, In Mnok.svllle. A rcDrcd ranncr aiid blacUsinilh, had Ijccn in declining' health for .several year.s. Hp was borii In Davic County, Au«, 20, ICilll, a .son of Tlioinas J .and Darciis Dy.son Riehnrdsun. He niniTicd Miss LoUlo Boyd in lOia. Sl»c survive.s. OUicr survivors include clclU fioivs, Clyde Richardson nl" Nobles- vlllo, Ind„ RInier' Richard.^on of Monroe, Alvin and Willlnin Richardson of Indianapolis, Ind.. Slilr.ley Richardson of Ihe U. S. Army in KcniucUy, and Bobby and Donald Hichard.son of the lome; five dautililor.s, Mrs. I. W. Busby nV Moclcsviile, M'r.s. Louise Swishcr of Moclcsviilo, Route 1, M:rs. Harley Smith of Clemmons. Route 1. Mv.s, Annie ScliMlcr of NorfolU, Va., and Miss Elizabelli Richardson of Now York City; 13 grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. W. S. Boycl and Mr.-;. J. R, Smith of Mncksville. Route I. Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 14, 1954 Page 6 Ro))url iVl:ison Passes Ilubui't Masoii. 56, died nt Tlo- u'un Meinorliil llbspilal Wednes day at 3:30 p.in. afle^ nn illness of iwo days. Me was born Mnreli 14, 181)8, in Davie Counly, son of Uobcrl and M«p«ie Fowlur Mason. FuncrnI services were conduct- cd by Ihe Kolsey Funeral Home at Sliljol) Htiplisl Church Sunday at 3 p.m. nev. G. W, Cantbell lUv. L. S. Iluwell and Rev. T. S. llolman ofricialod. Survivors Include the wife. So- rii.sa .Ivriilon Mn.sun; one i^on, llol)en Mason, Jr., o( tlic M, S. Army ,sialioned in Germany: two (hmxhters, Mrs. Ell/aheth Julin- im and Miss Eleanor Mason of Uic htime; five filsicr.s, Mrs. 13ca- uice Mason of Ctmrlotie, Mcs- riamcs Minnie Stcele, Catherine Chaplin, Uc.ssie Davis and Ji-s.sie Parlt.s of Winston • Salcm; and five brulhcr.s: Mrtu'.sl, Charlie, and •tames, of Uavie Counly and Oilel) and KUwurd i»f WlnKlon- Satem. Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20, 1954 - Page 2 Oewey }^a^oner Dewev H. Wagoner, 55, a form er resident of Davie Countvi died at his home in Kannapolis, on Oct. Ihh. Mr. Wagoner moved to Kannapolis 35 years, ago. Surviving are the wife, three eonf, Wavnc and Kenneth in the army and Jerry at the ho.ae; . four brothers, A. A. Wagoner, o f Mocksville; .1. A. Wagoner, High Point; J, R^Wagoner»of Winston** Salem, and Carl Wagoner o f Statesvillc; three sisters Mrs. C. V* Milter, of this city; Mrs. *0. P. Maseev, oi Bixbv, Mrs. E. L* Grif fin, Winston-Salem. Funeral services were held at 3 p. m., Wednesday at North Kan* napolis Methodist Church, o f which he was a member with Rev. Frank Hcffner officiating, and the body laid to rest in Carolina Memorial Park Cemetery. R, Vf, Richardson^ Robert Wesley ^Richardson, 66,^ died early Oct. 10. at the home of a daughcor, Mrs. J. W. Busby, in MocksviDe. Mr. Richardson, a retired farmer and biacksinich, had been In de clining health for several months. He married Miss Lettie Boyd in 1913. She survives. Survivors include the wife, eight tons, five daughters 13 grandchild^ ten; two sisters* Funeral services we.e conduct ed at 3 p. ni., Tuesday at Ijames Crossroads Baptist Church by Rev, W. C. Barklcv and Rev. H» W. Hutchcns. Burial was in the church cemetery. i|f(5s Ao/a Bowles Miss Nola Jane Bitwles, 18. died in a Kinston hospital earlv Friday \ morning iollowiug a short illnet.. She was a daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowles, of Cana. • ' Surviving are the parents, two aUters. Mary and Joan, and one brother, Cletns, of the home. | Funeral services were held at 4 p, ID'Saturday at Eaton's Baptist. • Church, with Rev. H. W. Hutch- eos and Rw, W. R. Weaver of- liciating, and the body laid to rest In che church cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 21, 1954 Page 6 Cnlvin Sv iMnssey, '5 Punpral services for Calvin SanVorci Masscy, 75, of Advance, ni. 2, a rollrod rallrond bnityaRC ciierU, were iield Wcclnesfliiy nl the Bixby Presbylofian Church. iKK'. Paul nicluirds, nev, William /Vndcrson iind Rev. Toiptny Fylnn nfficlalcd. Hurial was in the Melhodl.st Church ccmolcry. Mr. Masscy ri lc^ Oct. 18 nl a Winston . Snicin Imspilal. Me had LiLen .serlou.-ly 111 lor two weeks. lie worlccd lor many years for ll)u Sniitlii»i*n Hiiihvny Cninpnny at Hocktvllle and Win.ston-Snlcm. Ifc was Uvicc married, firsl to Cora Flls Poplin and second In Leonn Wayoner, who survives. Surviving by his flrsi mnrr- iaRe are a son and n dauRhlcr, Mrs. Lconu Sanders arid C. L. Massey, bolh oV Mocksville, Rl. II; surviving by his .second mart'- iat'c are two dnURhlci-s, Mr.s. Thomas Branch of Wlnslon-Snl- cm nnl Mrs. Tliomas Latham of Mueksvillc anr a sun, Lestci' Mass* cy of Advance, Rt. 2 ,nnd three Ifi'andchildrcn. Other survivors Include two brother, Pin kan'd J, C. Masscy, both of Advance, Rl, 1; and a sister, Mrs. Martha Ann Spry of Advance, Rl. 1. . 5II.SS -Nolu Howies-, 18 Funeral services for Miss Nola Jane Bowles, 18, daughter of Thomas and Vclna Naylor Bowles of Mocksville, Ht. 2, were held Saturday at the Eaton's Baptist Church. Rev, W, H. Mutcliens and Rev, M. M. Weaver olYiclntcd. Burial was in ll)c church ceme tery. Miss ^Bowles died Oct. 15 nl 'n Kinstoh hospital after an Illness of .savcral years. She wqs born in Davie County Jan. 1, 1930. Survivlnii are her parents; two sisters, Mary knihcrine and Jo Ann Bowles, and a brother, Clc- Iti.s Bowles, all of tlic home and the paternal Rrandmolhcr, Mrs. Maslen Bowles of Mocksville. Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RFXORD, Wednesday, October 27, 1954 - Page 2 Calvin S. Massey Calvin Sanford Massev 75; of Advance, Route 2, died Oct 18th* at a Winaton Salem hoapitah He had been scrioualv ill for two weeks. He was twice married, first to Cora Ellis Poplin and second to keona Wagoner, who survives, Survivingbv his first marrigeare a son and daughter, Mrs. Leona Sanders and E. L. Massey, both of Mocksvillc, Route 3; surviving by his second marriage are two daughter, Mrs. Thomas Branch of Winston^Salem and Mrs. Thomas Latham of Mocksvllle and a son, Lester Massey of Advance, Route 2» and three grandchildren. Other survivors include two brothers, and a sister. Funeral services were conduct ed at 3 p. m„ Wednesday at Bix- bv Presbyterian Church bv Paul Richards, Rev. Willia.n Anderson and Rev. Tommy Flvnn. Burial was held in the Bethel Methodist Church cemetery. C. H. Grimes It is witb iidneia that we cbron- iclc the death of our old friend of Dearly 50 -vesrs. Cbartes Heory Grimes, 72, who died at bis borne io Kortb Cooleemteearly Thursday mornitig, following ao tlloesa of aome lima. . Mr. Grimes was a native of Da- vie County and beid a posiuou with Erwiu Milln for 47 years, until bis retiieoieot five yeats ago. Survivlug are bis wife, the for luer Miss Amy Lyon, two broth- era and two sisters. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p w, Saturday at Ccolecmee Me thodist Church, w*th Rev. Harold Aust'ii offi iatinK, at d fhe budy laid 10 rc»t in City Memorial Park, SalUbury, ^ In the death of Ur. Grioirs the county has lost a fi ne citisen—% high loucd Christian geutleman. wbnae.place will Ire bard 10 fiM. peace to bra asbea. Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 28, 1954 Page 2 ncv. .iacfiii b. KlrU. FutriT.il sorvli'Ps f«ii' llov. Jticnb I.. Kirl;. 7i'i. i\ liupltsi niinislcr f(M' tnrii'i'* tli.'in fio yr.-irs lii'Toro IjIs rcllrcmful. wTrp coudiu'lotl :tl i p.fM. MntuUiv III Sliililnprt NTpinor- l-.it P.npibl Chiuvh lit Sjilislniry. Thp Uov. O. I"). Mimro :m<l llto llov. C. A. Uhyno uVllfinlfd. P.tif- itii Wa.t ill ChrsdilK Hill L'omio- tffV. Ml'. Kli'U fliOil Sallu'tlity ariiT- iiotin III Iliiiviiii Mointirial Un.<;. pllal. llii luul hiH'U ill .shu'f friiv.t' (lay. i-rillval sinro Woilno.sday. Ho r.t'|(aiil/(Nl Hii' I'^l'Sl P-apltht Cliinrh la KaiiiiapuliK and bad ari'votl I'buii'lios at China Ci'ovo and Wi'.st Curinlh in Ibiwan Cnniily antl .sm-ofal fhiiri'lu'.s in • Davlo, 11c iwicc was pastor of Sialllnj's Mi'inorial lliiptl.st Church. Ho was born in Howan County, April IH. ir.TH. a son of Mimilovd Monroe ami Jnli-y Siisanno Sha\'- cr Klrli. Ha aUomU-d Mars Hill Colloi;o. \V*;iko Foro.sl CollORo and tbo .SouHiorn Haptbt .Sonilnary. Survivors Incbido his wilo, Mr.s. Connie Filwards Kirk; two snn.s, J. .Sidney Kirk of llnlclnb nnd I'blllip M. Kirk of Morristown, M. ,).: two (Uuif'.btor.s. kFrs. .1. L. W'aril. .)r.. of 'riuinia.sville. and Mrs. .laini's A. (Irabnin of Win* .slnn-Sali'm; tbrco hrotbcr:. .Hil- iu.s K. Kirk of .Sali.sljin)*, ibc HfV. •loncK M. Kirl; of Piilinrrvlllo and J. Hinton Kirk of China Clrovc; and nine jjramli'lilldren. (!. 11, fh lnn'K. in I Funeral .serv'lci'.s lor Clliai'lii- Henry Giime.s, Til, of Cotib-eniei- were held at the Ctioloonu e Mctlo tuHsl Church. Hev. HaroUl .Austin orHrialicl. Uurlal w:i.^ in Itu- Cify Menun'lal 1'arU in Salisbury. Mr. Crhnc.s dii-tl al hi.s lumie Oct. Ul, He bad been in ill lieabh for several inonlh.s, bid death W.a.s unexpected. Mr. Griiue.s was born .Tan. 15, ir.n2. In Havle Counly, the .son nfl William 11 .and Vir/flnia Swln/ij He bad livinl In Conleeinee for 5:1 yeav.s and bad been employed al Krwlfi Mills fur 17 years be- 'lOre n-iirini'. five year.s ^fpu. He is .ur.rvlv'od by bi.-^ wife, tbo fi rnv.'-r .Amy l.ini l.yun: twt» iii'ulh. eiR, .luliM F. Chimes of Coolin*- ' inee and No;di Clrlmi'}; of Piueyj drove; and Iwu sisters. Mr.s. W.l I H, Ih'own of MiirUsvilte, Hi. •!,' .'uul Mls.s Kmma di jiue.s of I'^l.nid City. Ma. 1 Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, October 28, 1954 Page 4 Willie Gaither Hendricks Davie Man Kills Self With Gun W'illic Gnllhcr MoncUieks, GO of Mofksvlllo, ru. 5, tiled nl 0:30 n.in. Sunday al his hiiinu of a gunshot u'tniiui In the heart. Dr. G. V. Greene, Davie County eoronev, sold Mr. llcjulrkks fired a single blast from a 12'gauge vholgun Into his chest as he was standing In his front yard. M;r. Hendricks u.sc<l a forked stick Id pull Ihe trigger, the coi-o- ncr said.. Ills act was attributed lu dc* cllning l^calllu He had been ill for the past month, Mr. Hendricks was born In Da. vie Colinly, a son of Jesse Adams and Mary Ann Anderson Hen- drlclts. Hs is survived by 'ilve sons, Lester Uendvicks of Norfolk, Vn., Paul Gray Hendricks of Mocks- villc, nt. 5, F.arl Hendricks of Columbia; S. C., James Hendricks of Creeniboro and L., D. Hen- drieUs of Moeksvllle, fit. *1; tour dauglUcrs, Miss Grace Hendricks nr Whuston . Salam, Ml.<.s Ituih Hetulricks of the home, Mrs. J. C. ChaVfin of Moeksvllle. lU. 1, and Mrs. Phil Hudd of Greens- horn'; a brother, Hubert Hen- dricks of Mocksvillc, Rt. 1; five sisters, Miss Hessic Hendricks of Moeksvllle, Mrs. Elmer Tuticr- o\v of Gullford. Rt. I, Mrs. Glenn Shaw of Harmony, Rt. 2, Mrs. 13., li. While arid Miss -Mary • Kalhcrlne Hendricks, botli .ol I Hickoiy, and three grauUchll- ' drcn. Funeral servlctJ.s wci c conduct' ed at 11 a.m. Tuesdaj'.al Unioiv Clinpcl Methodist Church by ilie Rev. W. C. Anderson and the Rev. Wade Hutchcns. Burial was in the churcli cem etery. Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3, 1954 - Page 2 G, hendricks Funml tervket for WUIIc G. Hendrkko, 60, of Route 5, who died Oct. 24th from a icU inflkt' ed gun shot wounds were held at 11 a. ro.i lait Tuetday at Union Chapel MethodUc Church, Rev. W. C. Andenon and Rev. H. W. ' Hutcbena officiating and the body laid to rest in the chu.ch ccme- tety. Surviving arc live aona, four daughter*, one brother, and five flittera. Mr. Hendrkks had been ill for die paat month. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 3, 1954 - Page 3 Rev. J. L. Kirk, 76. a former re- aident of this city, but who had been living in Salbbury for many yeatf, died at Rowan Memorial Hoaplial on Oct. !23td. Mr. Kitk had been a Bapttot mlnlvter for more than 57 yean. Funeral aer- vices were held at Stalling! Mem orial Baptist church on Monday of last week and the body laid to rest in Chesmut Hill cemetery. Suzviving are die wife, two sona and two dau^ters. i Mri. Spencer Foster I Mrs. Spencer Boater. 5S, died at her home oii Route *3 late last Tu^ay evening, following an ex tended illness. Surviving are the husband, three daughters, Mrs. Ernie Foster, of this dty; Mrs, David Eisic and Mrs. Charles Call of Route 3: three brothers, Oiarlie Foster, of Route 3; W. R Foster, Winston- Salem, andP. K. Foster, Hanes; two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Ca^er» of this city, Mrs. W. A, Wvatt. Winston-Salem; arid four grand children. • Funeral aervices were held at Bethel Methodist Church at 2 p. m., Thursday, with Rev. W. C. Andersen and Rev. A. M. Klser officiating and the body laid to rest in the church cemetery. Mn. Roster was a member of Fork Bap* jtlst Church. The death of Mrs. Fo^ter has cast a gloom over the entiie com munity where she spent a long and u leful life. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, November 4, 1954 Page 4 I •IMiir.sliall N. Turner, 7(1 i Funenil services for Marshall M". Turner, 70, or MocUsvUlc, Rt. 1, were held Monday nt the S»' lein NTelhodlsl Church, Hev. E. M. Avetl and Rev. RobciT Oak ley orriulalcil. Durlnl w(i.-i in tlie church ceniclery. Mr. Turner died Oct. 31 al a Salisbury hosphal. He had been In doclinlnu health for several tnonllis. Mr. Turner, n Davie County Yarmor, was born Sept. 5„ 188-1, in Rowan County, son of Will- lam and .Mary Nichols Turner, l-fc married Ml.is,Rutf) Sn>ool. Surviving arc the \v|<low, of the liomc llu'ce sons, Brtice Turner of Mocltsvlllc, nt. 1, W. S. Tur- net' of Salisbury atul John Frank Turner of Jocksonvlllo,, Fla. sev en grandehildron; brother, John \V. Turner, and two sisters, Miss ElolSc Turner and Miss Jennie j LtiutTurncr, all oY Clevclnml, Rl. I 2. Mrs, Mnudc Faster ^ Funeral services for Mrs. Maude Poster of the Bethel Church com munity were' held, Oct. 28 nt the Dcthcl Churcli. Rev. W. C. An derson .snd the Rov. A. M". iKlsor Officiated, Durlnl was In the church cemetery. Mrs. Foster tiled Oct. 20. She She had been In til health 'lor two years. She was born In lUDO. daugh ter of Jacob P. and Salllc Wlll- inms Foster. She was married on May 20, 1018, to Spencer J. Pos ter. SurvIvoi'sS Include (he husband, throe daiightors, Mrs. F.unlcc Fos- 1 ter of Mocksvlllc, Mrs. David Es- Isc.v of MocksvjJle. RL. 3; Mrs. 1 Charles Ctdl of Mocksvllle, Rl. ' 3; Diroe brolhcrs. Charlie Fos- I ter oY Mocksvllle, Rl. 3, Will Fos- ! ler of Winston-Snlcm, F. K. Fos- 1 tor of Mnncs and two slaters, Mrs. I Pearl Conner of Mocksvllic and : Mrs. W. A. Wyatt of WlnstOn-Sa- loin; Your eraiulchlldrcn. llcnry Clay Biilitcr, 00 Funeral servlce.s Xor Henry Clay Biilncr. GO, of Advance. Rl. 1. were held Wednesday al Vog- Icr's Chapel In Wlnston-Salcm. Rev. C. E. Brnwcr and the Rev. Norman Dyerly officiated. Burial was in the Macedonia Cluirch cemetery. Mr. Dvilncr died Monday at his home. Death was unc.V|icclcd. He wn.i born June 11. 1000, in Dtivie County, a son of W. L. and Addle Lee Bulncr. He was a member of Mncedonin Monivhin Church and was married Dec. 17, toil,,to Miss Nannie Shcck. Surviving arc his wife; a daughter, Mrs. J. C. Avcry of Wlnslon-Salom: Hircc grandchil dren; three, sisters, Mi.<« Sophie Butncr and Mis. J. A. Hnrlmnn both yf Advance, Route 1, and! Mrs. Maltic Bowdcn of Mocks-1 vlllc; and a brother, E. C. Bul-| n ncr of Advance, Roulc J. ' Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10, 1954 - Page 2 I A. C^ Btttner H. C* Butn^t 66, ^Icd tt hto home on Ad^MCtti -Route 1$ on Nov. Survivllik ere the wife otie (Uughcer;ir^l^' el«(en» omong them Mrs. ii'^ttle Bowdm* of thle dcvi ■nif^one brother. Funeral- were held HVogler'i' Ch^^^. Wineton*Sdemiat 11 a. m-. W^nctdav* with Rev, B. £. Brewer and Rev* Maaon Bv*erlv officlatiog and^the bodv iakl to reac to Maccdbnla Moravion Church cmeterr* M, M, Turner Funeral servlcca for Marahatl M Tumen IX of Rout^h who died Oct. 3lat at Rowan memorial Hot* pltal, were' neld at Salem Metho- dlttChuich on Monday of latr week with Rev. E. M. Avett and Rev. Robert Oakley odieiaring and the body Utd to rettln the church cemetery. Surviving are the wife, three tons, one brother and two ritteri. DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10, 1954 - Page 3 ; Joseph Cope \ Joseph R-Cope, 74, died at hie home in Charlotte Oct.^Oto. Mr.j Cope waa a native of Davlc Coun ty, and WM for mftn^. years aI Southern Railway engirtMr. Fun- era! lervicto were held Oet.'31it (n Charlotte and at Concord Metho dist Church, In Davle County, and the body laid to rest to the church cemetery. ■ ^ Surviving are fo ur aiscere, Mr«. Mrs. 1. C. Berrier, of Route 4; F. K. Foater, of Hanee,^ Mrs. W. H. Foiter.. of Wlneton-Salecn, 'and Mrs. Fred Foster, of Alexan dria, Va. • • Mrs, Emma Allen * • • 11 .» Funeral eervfcea for Mrs. £1- 'canah AUen, 66, Who died at her home near Comacrer on Oct. Z9th, were held a t ComatxerMethodist Church on Oct. 3^st, with Rev. W. C Anderson and Rev. Tommy Flynn officiating, the body laid to rest to chechurch cemetery. Surviving art four daughters^ three sons; 39 i^ndchlldren, 35 grcat-graildchildren and a sister. Bio - Obituaries - 11/10/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24, 1954 - Page 2 Carl B, Strottd Carl B. Stroud, 7. died at his home in Lexington on Nov. 13th, following an illness of teven years. Mr. Stroud was a native of lre« dell county* He lived in Mock's* villc for several years before mov. log to Lexington about 35 .years ago. He was a member of Sheets Memorial Baptists Church. Surviving are the wife, one son, Tolberc 1. Stroud, of Lexing.on, two brothers, Raymond Siroud»of High Point and Arch Stroud of Mocksville. Route 4. ^ ne sister, Mrs. Dora Sugden. Winston'Sab em. Route 5, and four grandchild* I en. Funeral services were held at the home on Nov. 15th, at 3 p.m., with Rev, Walter Warford and Rev. L T. Davis ofliciating and the body laid to rest in Forest Hill Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs* Stroud. have many relatives in Davie County, who were saddened bv Mr. Stroud's death. • Mrs. Stroud was before marriage Miss Elizabvrh Ijames of Davie Ceuntv. a daugh* ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Mar ion Ijames* Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE KI'XORD, Wednesday, November 24, 1954 - Page 3 Mrs, G, C, Hendrix Mrs... Nannie Hendrlici 80, widow of G. C. Hcndriz. died a( 3 p. m., at her home in Smith ^Grove. .She had been in declin* iniE hea th for several months but death was unexpected I Her husband was killed In an automobile accident several vean aso. Surviving are three sonsvGeofse, James and Robert Hendrix, of jMocksville, Route 3, one sister, (Mrs. Bessie Penrv of Mocksville, ^Route 3:,14.gcandchildien and six grcat«grandchildfen« ] Funeral services were conductedI at 2 p. m., Friday at Smith Grove 'Methodist Church by Rev.GeorBe (Smith. Burial was In the church 'cemetery* Mrs. W. B Wad, 92, widow of the late Rev. W. B. Waff, who was pastor of Mocksville Baptist I Church for 10 foars, died at .the j home of a daushter at Muiffoes- bord. N. C. Thursdav. - Funer^ and burial setyices were held Sun* dav at Revnoldson Ba irist Church. | 'Surviving are four daughters and n nu'nber of| granddilldrcn. Rev. Mr. Waff'and familv left Mocks- .viUe some 23 years ago. ' Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 2, 1954 Page 2 Avrry CIcinritl, Sr. Puiici'O] .•iurvicc.'? for Avcry C. Clonicnt. Sr.. of the Oak Grove comimuULy. Mock.svltlc, Uoulo 2. well! liirUl Tuc.schty at the homo, llrv. IlohcM t 0:ik!n.r n»ul the Uev. M. 11. .Ic.cKiiii nillcliU(!(l. nui'tal NViis in the Oak Ciove Mi'Lhndi.st (;hiireh ci'inolery. Mr. CI« nn-nt died nl nnon Sun- dny at hl.s home, lie liiul .sulfi:!'- L-d u hejirt attiick Satiirday nliiht. lie was horn In Oavle County, the .'ipn or Dahner A.' unci Minnie Suiuinrr.s Clcnjoui; \^a.s a hmner mid ir.sUrtVrmU luur-jfrVy- lee .station operulor, Me spent Ids entire life In the Oak Gn>vc com- nninlty. Rurvlvlni* are Ids wife. Mrs. Molly Wldtukcr Clement: .Ids mritlu'i". Mrs. Minnie Summers C;k'miMit or Moeksvllle. noute 2: a son. A. C. Clement. Jr.. of Mocksvilk!. Route 2; two dnudh- ter.s. Mrs. G. K. Ikirnhardt niul Mrs. i.<inn1e MeCullmudi. iJOth of Moeksvllle. Route 2; a .sl.sier. Mi'-i. Carl Uiiker of Muck.sv.iHe. Uoule 2: a brother. L.ee Clement of Ra- Icluh: and 10 krondchlldron. Bio - Obituaries - 12/2/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8, 1954 - Page 2 Avery Clement Averv Ctetnenc» of the Oak Grove commutiltV' died on Nov. 26, at his home* He had suffered a heart attack. He was born in Davie CountVi the eon of Dabner A. and Minnie Summers Clement. He was a fan tier and restaurant and service station operator. He spent his entire life in the Oak Grove com- munlcv. Surviving are his wife, Mrs, Mollie Whttaker Clement; his mother, Mrs. Minnie Summers . Clement of Mocksvilic, Route 2; a son. A. C Clement Jr.. of MocIm- I ville, Route 2; two daughters,! daucbteri, Mrs. G* £. Bambardtl and Mrs. Lonnle McCutlough> both of Mocksville. Route 2, a- brother, Lee Clement of Raleigh;' and 10 grandchilJren. ' i I Funeral services were conduct-j ed at II a. m., Tuesday at the| home bv Rev. Robert Oyklcv and ' Rev. H. D. Jessup. Burial was in ^ Oak Grove ^Methodist Church ' ccme.ery. I Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 9 < 5K O- . o ■a t »fr;-'<Sa^^ ^«"'iitaS^/ ''^^^,««»Xlig''Si-T <" > .^?a?land <^fh?^-Calvin jtf jf^as bora CodbejT fj 'is?/-5!!i! i« «• eoSHo^'-tefen daugiter« I »uu Joe fi - ine l-ctat ' and JUjg » .* JoJm/Statesvilie, jjre n. ^ Porter ofl^uford York anrf ®troud, JUrc ' / ^frs. Marvin T jo5,„? '^. and hf ai)ciS^?e''fe ^iters, Mrs. SalliA: ^ sis-'ji^tta Walker and Mra ^Ij and Mrs^. RoutJ/Sf^a^and. Route ?' of JRev. w, D ;tbe7 Qk^m mam there ^i to W^Jurch io, ReXteS^^^alf|tes prior to O ci CP m d & r O I o CP lihijiqsfvYiison atlhe 1949 picnicI Attoided]\^,:2jfaines, 92||-y . "atsville:I; '''^.'f?-. ', 'y'SPMl*! (o'ih* Jonrn.lrS to. attend all | He se<■);="= to- /.pA He HiJ been in'deilin/rig health / b*"'r aSior SPVPPal mnnfU.. -_J _ _ . . . -p- It. aatgc jmu oeen in aeciin ng health / B p a\g|r,t,T" t ' ■ ® son offe.AIthbugh Mn IjamL.Ww ^'«d in 1919. ■rAlihbJ^HMrijamL^asnot i- died In .191^"fj^hiMime:happy thaV h^Whs 'able to keep an unbroketu^end-ance record. . ..s •ri born irf'Daviefi a son offj^ooj^he attended'each picnic Lr by one daugh-B?idi starting with the firSt at- ^ ^^^shall. ■Cir haar Cooleemee,'ia 18^ HiiTh n i Howard'ljames offe'^eoiitinued ^when-rthe'VS y?"®.firahdson; andi^ad\/siiiftk^to -ciertPhr fwo sisters. Mrsi-W. C. Wilson'^ract fiehind^'Mocks^ W ^ rrT' ^'"*°d;Mrs.{^ViJIe High Schoo!.\Thb only Vear ir i Salisbury, . r'.flfo m|M'ed''waaVla 1935 whOh the dnnt '.^"i i'®vP^P"i6 calfed;off beeai.fi^ MocksVjUo- Methoflist.-•.Tills appearance at-the'Dicnir & tr ^ h,"s6S and the4r^^r ?-®°meWhat'abbreviate li?*In' i^.'.vA'^^Ioever one'*.he' '^l!! ■•?> » 2y,fo 2;30ifoiirnal reporter, then'' It T*k.>tl,don't feel like staying tor' -^^Phews wigy^ paU..-w ,<2 ^ / 1- It - 19''Q D'T-M ! "■WlNSTON-Si^EM, JOURN^' / MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 16, 1954 Page 1 L. (]. Dies As Train Sirikes Aiilo At Crossing F.LLISLINCOLNCAlllEU Davic Soldier Was Home On Weekend Pass ljlnci)1n Cni'U'r EIU». ;::i-yc(vr- oUl n<»n of Mr. nnd Mrs. \V. Lee l-'.Uls iif Conmlzcr. wns Instantly kilh-d urtiniul iMn. Snturdny nlkhl when his cnr wns struck by II iiiis-tcnucr train near his home. Mi: was dead when Irninnien ivrtohod lilni. He wiiH en route homo on n week end iias.s from Camp Oor- d«»n. Ca.. where he was hinlloncd with the Army. He had arrived In MocKsvillc around an liuur before the ncci« iient. He was met at the bus sta- llon by hi.s broiliei-ln-law. Ralph Jones, who took him to hi.s home (or sUlbu'r. Mr. Jones loaned ids car to the yomm soUiier to use durtni; the wi*ek end and Pvt. LIUh head ed towards ids home to see Ids parenls. Witnesses said the car wa.s movlni! across ih.e tracks at about ir> ndle.s iht hour when the train suiick It, The accident hnpi)- ened al the Cornai^cr crossing on the Mud Mill Road. The ear was pu.slied about U-IO y.M'ds by (lie fctonihrrn hallway paJ'senaiT Iraln. 'I'lu- yoinu: .m»1-' iller'.-t head wa.>< eru.shed in the crasli. ami Ids left. le« wim brok en. He had been In the Army fur nbutil fourmonths and was hoiuc to siMUid t.he week rnri.on a pass. ' lie was born in Davlc County. AuKdst l» I0:it. Ho was cradualed from the Advance Hlith .School nnd Just this pusV tpprmii from High Point CoUcKc where he was president of tiic student body during hta sen ior year. He entered the Army in Auitust with a contlnccul from Davlc County. I He Is survived by his parents: two brothers. Robert and Elgin Ellis, both of MocksvlUe. Rt. 3: and ilucc sisters, Mrs. Ralph .hiiu's of Mock.svllle. Ut. 3: Mrs. Ira Swleepood of Tyro and Mrs. Lawrence Cornal/er of Advance. Route I. Puneral hcrvlecH wci* held Tues day nfleruoon al the Cornat^cr Rapiist Church. Rev. Jimmy Qroce and Rev. B. A. Carroll ofliclated. Burial was In the church ceme tery. Full military rites were conduct ed by leprcsentntlvcs of Camp Gordon, Oa.. where he was sta- ttuned Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 16, 1954 Page 2 Sirs. Turn Duvls. |J3 T'Htncral si-ivirrs rm- Mrs. Coni n:jvK Jill, nf Mi»i;k.svillL' Rt. 4. U'lfi' (»f .hihii il. LJni'l-s. lu'ld rikthiy III ihr !.llK<i(y Mrtiiudtst 'riu' IJi'v. n. c?, Adams ami Rev. (J. \V. FlnU orriclalnl. Mrs. I\»vIh tarly 'I'laiisday ill II Halistimy ha.^iiital aru'V n Ion I Illtu-i'S. fihi* was lioiii .'-tcpt IM. inoi. In l);ivl«' ('i)iMily, Ihr dmii'hlrr <»f •I. amt .MiL-i* SiiUiai Danieli:. Suivivlnji lUi' luM' liu.shaiid: six sniis. Jiisi'pii Mavl.s of the lionu'. Irvln ami KwivU Dnvl.s. bolh of Coolrcinn'. I'ehcrl. tiiul .loluioy Hiivl.i bnth oi Mo('U;;vllle. and Miirvlii Oav}:; of China Orovi*: Uvo (laiii'.hhM's. Mis. Uiiilt Speaks nf f.'leniimins and Mrs. IhiIs Brown of Morksvllli'. Ilonlo -1: oni' hrolh- rr. 'rhnmn.s D.anlels of Mocksvllle. lloiite 4: lAvo .slslors. Mrs. Ue-ssle WInd.Mir m Arllm-lon. Va.. and Mrs. Clnn'in.' Correll of Mocksvllle. Hnnli' 4: iind'nine rirandchlUlren. Aitide II. Cialtlier. 71 Pimeral .si-rvjee.s for Aiinio n. CaiUier. 71. of Oroi-nshnio wore lu'UI Friday at the New UiiUm Metlindtsl. Church. Ihtrial wns in the church cemetery. Mr.s. Ctallher dle<l Dec. lUh In n luirslnit home in Orceiishoro. She liad lieeii an Invalid for tlirue yetus ami in .serious coiulltlon for two weeks. Until she moved In Greensboro 17 year.s iipo. she lived In the Khefflrld Comimuiily of Pavlo Coimly. .Se Is survived by two sons. Paid and Thunnond Ouilher of Greeii'iboro; seven urundctdldren: five iireat. n iirandcldldren: one lirolluT. J. A. OidtlH r of llnr- luonv: and a sister. Miss. Ili'tl.v Galllier of Harmony. ,M.irth> I., fholb.v. 7:1 Funrral services fur Martin Ir. Codbey 715. of the Cuunly Line coinmiinll.v. were lirld Snnday.ut the Saleni Metliodl.'a Church. Rev. \V. D. Ihilclu-na. thu Rev. .1. S. Cook, and the Rev. Robert Oak ley. offlulntcd. Bnvlid wns hi the chnroli cemetery. Mr. Oodbey. a retired farmer nnd mervlmnt. died at his home j Friday after two weeks of critical lilm-ss. Utr. Godbey liad been In poor health for about 10 years. Prior lu Ifmt time he had bei-n a pvoml- nent flfrure in eommunlly life nnd liir mimy years oi>ernte<l a iieii- eral store In llic nrea. A son of the lale Calvin M. and Elvira Oallher Cndb»-y. he was l>oru Jan. i:t. Uurj In the Coiml.v l.lne couimimlty and spent his i-ii- lire life Iheii*. . He was u memliev of the Society llaptlsi. Chin-eh. His, widow, tlic former May Riitletlp.e wlimn lie iiiarrled Murcli •S.\. If04. survives. Other survivors Includi' 2 .sons. W. '1'. Oodliey of tlio linme mul .loe R. Oodbey of Norlli WIlkR- liorii: seven Uaimhlers. Mrs. Norils M. niackwelder. Mrs. John T. Gill nnd Mrs. Feb Porter of Htali'svllle. Mr.s. Giiy Stroud. Mrs. Dufoid York and Mrs. Carl Camp- b<ll of Harmony. Rt. 1. nnd Mr.s. Marvin T. Johnson of Mooie.s- vllle; one brolher.C. F. Oodbey id Mocksvllle. Rt. I: three sisters. Mrs. Snille Stroud nnd Mrs. Ella Walker of Muok.svihe. Rt. I: and Mr.s. J. R. CnniM'll of Cleveland. Rt. 1: n innntlchlldieii nnd tlirco lueal-Kfanilchlldrcn Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 16, 1954 Page 4 -5" ;:-■ ■-v ■ X\::a > r- - "r ' • '••■ • ~V.\i..-.-VJV,---.'-?.V ••-• i JOHN N. IJAMES nnd J. F. StoicRtrcct nrc shown nt one of the recent Miisonic Picnic. John N. I j nines Passes An ay al 92 Years of Age Last Living Poison To Have Allcndcd All The IVIasonic Picnics Funcrni services for Johji N. l.lunirs. Oil, were lield Siilurdity nl I it c MociisvDIc Mvlhodl.st Church, ncv. \V. Q. Orl^'i; nnd Rev. H. .C. Sprinkie ofdclntcd. Burlnl wns In Rose Ccnieiery. Mr. l.litin-''.H died nt lite locni nur.<ln!J l\onje Frldny nlirl^t. He hnd been In declinlnit henlth for ifcvciul inonth.s nnd seriously lU for 30 duy.s. AUhouch Mr. Ijnine.s wns not n Mason, he nucndcd each picnic heid Ktnrilnc with the flr.-tl ntSlionls. ncnr Coolceinee. in 1818, | He contlmied when the nffnlr wnsishifted to Clciuem Grove, a ftvc| acre trnrt behind Mocksvllle Hli;U!Sciiool. The onl^ ycnr he missed' Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 16,1954 Page 4 I was 111 1035 u'hcii thclTlcnlc wait , cnltcd off because of u PoUo cp- . Ideinic. His apiiearcnce nt the picnic In I033- was somewhnl abhravintcd. "I've never mimed one." ho told n news reporter then, "but I dun*t feel like staying for dinner this time. Just wanted to come." He seemed happy that he was able to keep an unbroken record. Mr. IJnmcs was born In Davic County Jan. 15. 1803. a son of B. R. and Jnnc Coon Unmes. Hcj nmrrlcd Miss Moggie Howard, who* died in 1010. * He Is survived by one daughter. Mrs. A. C. Lnnv of Marshall, Vp.: one sun. Howard IJnmcs of High Point; one grandsair: and two sisters. Mrs. W. C. WILson of MocksviUc. Route 1. and Mrs. W. O. Click of 3allsbury. Bio - Obituaries - 12/16/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22, 1954 - Page 2 1 Mitt JtBoie McDaiicl MIm Jenolc McDantd, 7^ dtod Dec. t4th» la-a ^Mofs^htoa ho^p(* UK whete lhl» been a padciit for seven] vuri. *A tiad^^ Ijiavic County* Misa McDanieliarts a daui^ier of Mr, and Mrs;'H«nif T. mcI^IcK Survivors indude two brothtts and three, sbm. It U McDanld, of O. Mdt>aniel of Huntihscofi w; Va.* Mn. O. S. RudiiU '.of Sallibofy, Mrs, Sam A, Jones and Mtsi Mlimte West of Davie County. Funeral servieea were held at 3 p. m.» Wedesdav at Salem Metho* dlst Church, of which Miss M^ Daniel was a !ife*looiC inember. Burial was In the church cerdetery. G, Z. Myers Funeral services for George Z. M.'ers, Advance, Route 1, was! conducted at the home at 2 p. m«| Dec. IZth, and at Mock's Method'' itt Church at 3 p m. Burial was j in church cemetery. j Mr. Myers died In a Winston'j Salem hospital Dec. Ilch- after a ' critical illness of eight days' dura* tlon. Mr. Mvers was a farmer and a liferiire resident of Davie County. | He w.ts a member of Mock's Meih' i odist Church and of the F. C. S. of A Survivors include three dsu^vV- cer«. eight sons, a sister, fivebroih* ers. and nine granddilldren.. L C. EUis Funeral services for L. C. Ellis of Cornatter, Zl-veaf'Old, soldier who was killed Dec. Ilth,.whet» his car was hit by a train was con* ducted at 2 p. m., Tuesday at Cor* natzer Baptist Church bv Rev. Jimmy Groce and Rev. B. A. Cor* roll. Burial was In the church cemetery. Full milltarv rites were conduct* ed by representatives ot Camp Gordon, Ga, where the young soldier was stationed. He was en route home In his brother-in'Iaw's car when a South* eru Railway passenger train struck the vehicle at a c ossing about 200 yards from his house. He had arrived in Mocksvillebv bus about an hour before the ac' cident. He war met at the sta tion by his brother-lndaw, Ralph Jone'i, who cook him to his hotne for supper. Mr. Jones loaned his car to the young soldier to use during the week-end. Witnesses said the car was moving across the tracks at about 15 m let per hour when the train struck It. Pvt. Ellis was student body pre' sident at High Point College dur* Ing his senior year. He was gra« duated last suring and entered the Armv during the summer. Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MOCKSVILLE ENTERPRISE, Thursday, December 23, 1954 Page 1 Mrs. D. A. Tliuinpson Dies In CoulecnicK* l-'tincnil siTvic'-'s for Mis. D. A. , 04. of Coolccmec. were held Suiuhiy iiftvniuon nl llie^ Eplw-'opjil Clmrch nf Ccolccnu'e.j Dui'inI wns In the Chestnut Hill CcinctiMy in Saltsbm-v. Mis, Thoiii)).scin died Into Friday nl thu home of her son. J. M. Thoini>soii. Mrs. Thompson hnd been n res ident of Coolecinec for t'J ycnrs. She wns born Sept. 2. Ifl07 hi Ca- barrus County, the dnURhlcr ofi Chm tlc nnd Cynthin Guldte Mtisc. Survivors include five sons. J. M. Thuiniison of Coolccnu'c, W. D. nnd H. L. Thompson of Chiir- lutto. T. A. Thompson of HllLs- boro nnd R. J. Thompson of Cnl> Ifornla: n dauuhtcr. Miss Euln 'Thompson of Snllsbury:t\vo broth- cr.s. P. C. Muse of Johnson City. Tcnn.. and James Mase of Ashc- ville: 24 svnndchildvcn and 20] grcat-nrnndchlldren. Services Arc Held Fer Mrs. Nuney Suflcy Funeral srivlccB for Mr«. Nnncy Alice Cirnvcfi Eaflcy. Bll, of Sallii- burv. Route I. wi-iv held Monday nt llic Liberty MclhodM CInireh. Rev. B. C. Adams. Rev. O. W. Fink nnd thu Rev. J. C. Swnlin ofTlc- Intcd. niirln) was In the church ccinclcry. Mrs. Safley illcd Saturday at the Lynn Haven Niiraini; Home In Mock.svllle. Mr.s. Saflcy had made her home with a son. MnrUn Saflcy of Salisbury, Rl- I. and entered the nur.sini: home Friday. She had been 111 for some time. She wn.s a member of Cays i Chapel Methodist Church. I Survivors Include three scn-s, I Martin Saflcy. Frank Snflcy of Salisbury and Robert Snllcy of Si^Ji-sbury. Rl. 6: n daughter. Mrs. Joe Spry of MocksvlUc. Rt. 4: 21 grandchildren nnd 21 great-grand- children. COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 23, 1954 ,VSr.s, 'iliosiijiison Taken by 0eatli II. 'I llMMIli.-'lr!!, I,;' < 'lutl. l llirl'. 'lil "I lilltl' l'"l i- ihi-. ;il Ull' ImHIIi' 'if 1).T .1 ,\1, 'I'liiiiii|>-i.'ti .'ifN'i ,-iii ill- .•II :i-l <ll' lij'U J.'il lll'llltll^, Mr,^ »v;n Ihi- il.iii!.:lii.'j- <p1' ll;o li-U; CliuiHr 'rnl Cyiidi;.'! tinlilli;. Mit/c i.f I mIi.iI I';!:' f'tlll.tv. olli' IVli-; ' hi ll Si-j-lrirlnT 11. SI ■' IjjiI livn! ii. <'iui|i<i<ivi>'<< I'lir Hk' 1:1 v-.J.i-'. I li-i' liii il-iiiKi, I). A. 'i'lii.riij'i- • iM tllt'il i.. ll'llj. .^llC j I .-,11 j-. vi\. ' li.v ,;ii!i-i. \V. ll, niiij II. J.. 'I'lii.iii:>-i''n iT ('hiii'l'/l 11'. •I. .M 'riiMiii|i.iii'i I'f I ''loti'i'm-'-.'. i, 'I'lmni'-iMfi "f lli[|.,l,i.n., :i i;'i )• I. 'I'lt'iiiii-'li Cii li- ri,j ii;:i : '■ it.iiu'lil it, i'lllili "I'h,,! |l..,IIIl I'l' S:lli;:|(|(|'V : I Umi li|'i'?ni-i 1'. Miii:i' 111* -l'iilli :'i|i I'jlv. 'rvni!., '.ini'.J Mil-..' I.r V;;|n'i.il|,--. -Jl !■ I'ilii;;'I'iMi ii , ..i;-! 'i'l I'lVi'.l- L' r:ui:^i');ilili «<n. i''i;r!i;'i'i!l -iitvii i' '.vck' chI!. iliji'ti il Kii ii(ii,y .ll i,\'hyrl. ;il llli' K|li:;i'i.|i;il < i; IJ j-,' Ij of Miii'Iju iVii..; iii )];o I Ik'-.' 'l:l* Hill Tc IU-T(T\'. .Ml.;. .Ah.' Ci.r.- S:.l ;.-y, ilini ,il I |i ii . r il l ihi V III I .yiiii [j ;i . I n I I I / 1 III!,', ill I, j Ji . Ml Sii ri, y In i| ll ,, 111.' i l l InTiji' wil li ;i -nil . ,'cl.ii i.ti - i ' !■ ■>• nl' Siili .-liiii > . Hi i I . I , I inl <*lltiTi',[ I ill- || I r -i •! ;| -111 •; I ■ Ti iilin-, t...,.|, iM r I nniM' liin... Ml .. Sl.li.n MM- I.M,;, .',1.1 . JSilr,, I II -111 llflyillT Ml" l.'l l ',- ;|.!,[ M.I - I'.IIM-I Sill I lu; I ,1-1,', I--. S.'IC |.\.|-; ;| im-riilcT nj" /I;,, '■.'|.;|>.'I .Mlii--Mli I rhiinli .'•■III \ i'. nr- i.M 'i .?.• ' >1 1 I •^'•11.1, ,Mm Ul l Siii i,.,-. | -r.,,||, ■ III" Sul; -hill .,, ;-,„j l; "I ! S.-i'li \ 'i-- ;|, I I , i;;, 'i; ;i ilii iijriin- , M<r|.,vM;|.. II.I I.U. I ; •.'-•lu-rl. !i lji|i..( 11, ,| :,M I I ,.,: •.:i 'Onli-.yi jiln.) J''ii;ii-nij -n-i-k A-,..; |„ 111 i'l I'. Ml , M -imI-i .- I ' ,MHl;.Mli,.| .'iMinl inK-'lvin < 'I'lil.l I, ii;, ' '] i;,.,. f: I • •A'l.iii : 1 1 V, 1' • ' U-'.. I. IIi'ii-i;i] w.ia 1,1 i ll, I,,.,., |, ■ ih-'Im i-,-. Sum.I r .Snrfnil-'liMii i-iii-ly U'.'.fnM.nlny r ill.:, -iiiff.-i in: .1 hi .iir -■-Iii t n iii'r- ic. liiili- Iun' St.;, iMi'.-i, 'J'.iiV! J';i;;m :ni,| IMIii-i .^•'•<.11 Ml" I'.-n.loMriM , l""""l:iT. -1. I. Sim amiiii>l;'-lii'.iU-,..|-<, r],-,.|.,||.,. '-;ii i^ III" f'<in!i'.:'t:in' aini ( .MmmIi-K uf ISmHm m ••liiM, l''ui;Mi-;v| ,.,Ml'viiM> M-i I'mimIiIi-Cmi! |'riil;|-.- ,i| .S| |.MIm. ^1- - .ATi-.-, nJll I -.v.I .Mm-- • ll 'I! II ' n,-l;.;-l I I l..'l-lltl'-:-! Bio - Obituaries - 12/23/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA COOLEEMEE JOURNAL, Thursday, December 23,1954 •I'llm <'J;iiii| TiiU'm iif rin?i. Ihivf. S;ili/<lj;iry, ••tltlilrlily Mii|ii},'iy ;i??orni>i>n ftl ;(l Ill's ht>rno. ffi- Kii.s a nnii'n! aift'iil f<n' I Ik- liili- tiisiiriiitro Cnmpaiv,' Vij-jfiMJ.-i. ■nil' son i.f iJa- J;. .j. .iiiil f<ij: n. Maloii Tatum of finvfo fdiiiil.v, hc! v.'.'is cdtiriiiorl ifi I III' Darin SrliooL^ mul atr:i2ii|il<o]| Ciijlepo al Ruji'V I'l-i-rk Mi-. Taliim was rai aiRvr!iiicniimr ol' ihr U:s|i1J^ilClllll-i J| whoiv ho I; . . ri I p . •• • ■ ;tV. la!"-! - I*')'!'!- '' '■ "1 I'l'V til l'II' •'.■.'I;-:. ■ I '! •;ii nil . a 'a.inihfT '>•' ■ I I i.i h hoi-.i. ''' ■•■. ill'. Mi" I'O; MM' '['|,i| I"'" <i;:iM-. .il'i. il i.i '.lar. I. :mi. |'.i |7, H,. j.; • O". |,y -rtli lil'l-lhlT... Dc, R• ■ r. Till .nil nf illo..'.I'litit'ii I.. 'lalillii iif lrrl;i.|l:i; .I'lil sis fvud!.. T. I"i!i'l;aiit i.t laiivhi'i liir,, Mr::. J."'' V. .Mi i'ii- of Washlnjit'iii. I'. I'-. Mi:"- i;i>.::i 'I'aimn of Sa)l::liiiry. Mi -i. Crai'i' T. r'lii-It •'I Kiiciii. Mr::. i.av.Ti'iif'o P. Z.irliary nf Ta.vKin^vHIi', ami .Mis.i PiiiJ: r-!lialjL*(!i Tfilum of M'ii.Kliiiiploii. D. C. Kiiiii>i-a| .scrviroii wcro liolil !i1 I III.' rosidoi'.i'i.' on WVitn■.*!:- ilay iiKii'nMiir at II o'clock. Ri'V. H, h ])i'iii>i'ii, jnislop rt f Dif rir.sf riii]itj:;( nhnirJi of- fcinlml, lUirhil fnlmml in tlin Taliiai m.ni.'iolinitii at IJio City Mi'moriai Pmk Ccinetory. Piillbc'iiicc:' ivDro Raxk'i" .fojilaii, .foliii .Xotdc;:, 15. I' AlitT Jr., Uiihi'il Kf.n>r, J, A I.i'svi;:, and CInfiir.co iMrtv fk'id. Hies Suddenly .MiU'iii K ■ Mill I 'I'.iyli'r. .I'liI ' lli.-.tiy Cnrj i r" <!:ir- .i|nii::iII. ..11 jfi-vi il a hr'.ii'l III- Siiiiilay and <sli'ii a .-.Imrij 'ilr.i- l.'ilrr.il Uo'iVur. M<'mi»'i:il In ;ri S.iM-.ljiiry. Iln -iva: liiini .laiiMaiy D', h"'"!. Ill*' soil nf Iln- hilo An- liinv.' :i:'*-;:;oti ami Kli'aj llarrj : 'r.ivlnj'. III! hiid iipcriitiid a I'lir.'inn al tlinasy t.'<irii''r'' i ;:-.'! i-f I siu3*'0ltll'l', llui I'.'l.sl l'> ■.lai'::. Ill' ii'Mi n riicnilii'i' nf •III' iJi il .Men iii'ilcr. llo wa:* iiiarrli'il I'l f'i.irali .lane flroml ill MM I. Kl;i' iiroccodcd liini in death laul .-Viii'll l<h 111.11. Ill' j:: S I? I'vi'.'<•(! }>>' tliriM' sotiH. .Millo I riini Dli.-i Taylor I'f IP. ■}. M •!-!:ivilli*, iiiii) Willi::!' A. Taylor of Uic S. .•\lr Kiu'ci, slaliiHUMl al St. .Inhii': liasi', .Vir.vf'iniiiljan'l; I'Mi >l,'iui:liti . Mis. [ r V 1 ij Cliainlh'i' I'f I ii.-sImii'ii; I wo licil hci'::, Jriliii Taylui" of !<ali.i|iiir.v and Frank Taylor nf Ul. I, Miiciairlli'; atiil iinc i-i^ii-r, .Mi.s. M.'iry Ilowoi'ton lit" f'l-.ili'rinc#. Funeral a'l'vicu.s ui-re held :.l the [.ihei'ly MelUndi.st < Jnirrli al -'l |>. in. \Vi!i|iii'::day Iti'V. h. C. Adams, Un* jia.iUir, ciindnete<i I hi' M*rrloo.N', aii<l Was a.'.'ii:'!I'd li.V licv, Cl, 5V rink. lii'V. .Jiiiiin.v CrniJ.q, iiinl Ruv. Fi.ireiii i' I''.'ikill::. Mi'iii- l'i>) s I'f li.e Ih'd Mi'ii Dj ih'i .-iivi'd as ji.illhL'.iii'i;;. Miiriul fitlliovi il ill H"' rlnivrh le- lilell'iy. Bio — Obituaries — 12/23/1954 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA