* \
, ' Mrs. Sheila Collcllc Crissman.
! 34, 2307-B Chariot Dr.,
1 Grcen.sb(>ro. died at her home Dec.
Funeral scrvice.s were held
Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel
by the Rev. Benny Beaiden. Burial
was in Wesley Chapel United
Methodi.st Church Cemetery.
The family requests that any
memorials be made to Wesley
Chapel United Methodist Church.
Mrs. Crissman was bom in High
Point to William S. Collcttc. of
Climax, and Bobbie English ^milJi,
of Trinity. She was an employee
of Custom Graphics and Imprc.s-
sions of Greensboro.
Surviving, in addition to her
; parents, arc one daughter, Kendra
j K. Gmbb, Lexington; one sister,
! Tina M. Dull, Mocksville; two
' brothers. Mitchell and Marshall
Collette, both of Greensboro; her
• paternal grandmother, Mrs. Lucy
! Collette, Greensboro; her foster
• parents, Vcmon and Margaret
Dull, MocLsville; two half sisters,
Wendy Lynn Smith. Trinity, and
! Tracy Carol English, High Point;
i and a stepsister, Mary Katherinc
Wat.son. Charlotte.
Audra Moody Dotson, 86.
Kernersville Living Center North,
died Dec. 28 at the Living Center.
She was born August 20, 1900,
in Wilmont. Jack.son County to
Clarence and Martha Fisher
Graveside .service,s were held
Tuesday in Forsyth Memorial
Mrs. Dotson lived most of her
life in Forsyth County. She was a
member of Mineral Springs Bap
tist Church.
Surviving arc one daughter,
Mrs. Gladys D. Lambert, 6001
Phclps Circle; one son, Clarence
E. Dot.son, Wilmington; one
grandson, Robert E. Dotson,
Farmington; one graiuldaughter.
Miss Debra Leigh Dotson,
Sonoma, Calif, and two si.sters.
Mrs. Bertie Gail, Martinsville, Va.
and Mrs. Fannie Jones Felts,
GOLD HILL - The funeral for
Maurice Edison Eagle was held
Tuesday at Powles Funeral Home
Chapel in Rockwell with the Rev.
Leonard T. Cranford. pastor of
Liberty United Methodist Church,
and the Rev. Bruce Shccks, interim
pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran
Church, officiating. Burial was in
Rowan Memorial Park with
military rites conducted by the
Rowan County Veterans Council.
Eagle, 6.*>. of Route 1. Liberty
Road, died Sunday at his home.
Born Sept. 12, 1921, in Rowan
County, he was a son of Elizabeth
Dixon F!agle of Fran-Ray Rest
Home in Mocksville and the late
Jo.seph Calvin Eagle. Educated in
the Rowan County scfuKiIs. he was
a broom maker, operating Eagle
Broom Co.
A U.S. Army veteran, he was a
member of St. Matthew's Lutheran
Church and Vanhoy-Sells VFW
Po.st 9134 of Rockwell.
Survivors, in addition to his
mother, include his wife, Margaret
Mozelle Price Eagle; two sons,
Maurice E. Eagle Jr. of Route I,
Gold Hill, and Mike Eagle of
Matika Villa, .Salisbury; a brother.
Charlie Eagle of Farmview
development, Salisbury; a sister,
Mtible Fraley of High Point; and
seven grandchildren.
HARMONY - Mrs. May
Joyner Grose, 85, died Dec. 28 as
a result of a heart attack.
She was bom in Iredell County,
May 23. 1901, to J.D. and Emma
Sharpe Joyner.
Surviving are her husband, Roid
C. Grose; three daughters, Mrs.
Elaine G. Mustyan, Statesville,
Mrs. ThcaG. Brown, Mocksville
and Miss Jo Anne Grose,
Kernersville; one brother, Paul W.
Joyner, Harmony; five grand
children and four great
grandchildren. Two daughters,
Mrs. Evelyn G. Adams and Mi.ss
Jean Grose preceded Mrs. Gro.se
in death. n
Graveside services were held
Tuc.sday in RtK'k Spring Bapti.st
Church cemetery by the Rev. C.
Donald Haynes.
Phebe Ashburn Hamlin, 63, 5838
Old Rural Hall Rd., died Dec. 28
at Forsyth Hospital.
She was born April 8, 1923. in
Suiry County to William and Ida
Holcomb Ashburn.
Funeral services were held Tues
day at Vogler's Rcynolda Road
Chapel by the Rev. Ncsd Ellcr. In-
temient followed in Gardens of
Memory Cemetery.
Mrs. Hamlin spent most of her
life in Forsyth County. She was a
member of., «B'cthany Baptist
Church. ^ •
Survivhttj^rc her husband.
Frank Ti-f^tlin, Sr.. of tlic home;
two daughters. Mrs. Helen Jenn
ings and Mrs. Vermalee Richard
son, both ofWinston-Salem: four
.sons, F.T. Hamlin, Jr.. Rt. I. Pin
nacle, Jesse Hamlin, Palm Bay,
Fla., William E. Hamlin, Winston-
Salem and George Hamlin. Ad
vance; 13 grandchildren; one
great-grandchild; her mother. High
Point; two sisters. Miss Ida Mac
Ashburn and Mrs. Royal Brown,
both of High Point and three
brothers. Clifford and William
Ashburn. both of High Point and
Philip Ashburn. Wcsincld.
Creola Cora Hendrix, 74, of
Route 3, Mocksville, died Dec. 22
at Davie County Hospital.
The funeral was held Dec. 24 at
No Creek Primitive Baptist
Church, conducted by Elder
Eugene Bennett. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Bom in Davie County on Aug.
20,1912, she wsis a daughter of the
late Junic and Elizabeth Deadmon
Hendrix. She was a member of No
Creek Primitive Baptist Church.
Survivors include a number of
nieces and nephews.
fl- (O
. sc
o 9
Mrs. Shcilu Collcttc Cri.ssmun,
34, 2307-B Churiut Dr.,
Greciisl)or(), died at her liome Dec.
Funeral services were held
Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel
by the Rev. Benny Bearden. Burial
was in Wesley Chapel 'United
Methodist Church Cemetery.
1'he luiuily requests that any
memorials be made to Wesley
Chapel United MetluKlist Church.'
Mrs. Crissman was burn in High
Point to William S. Cullette. of
Climax, and Bobbie English Smitli,
of Trinity. She was an employee
of Custom Graphics and Impres
sions of Greensboro.
Surviving, in addition to her
parents, are one daughter, Kendra
K. Grubb, Lexington; one sister,
Tina M. Dull, Minrksville; two
brothers, Mitchell and Marshall
Colleiie, both of Grcenslxm); her
paternal grandmother, Mrs. Lucy
Collette, Greensboro; her foster
parents, Vernon and Margaret
Dull, Mocksville; two Indf sisters,
Wendy Lynn Smith, Trinity, and
Tracy Carol English. High Point;
and a stepsister, Mary Katherine
Watson, Charlotte.
Funeral services were held Tues
day at Vogler's Reynolda Road
Chapel by the Rev. Neal Eller. In
terment followed in Gardens of
Memory Cemetery.
Mrs. Hamlin spent most of her
life in Forsyth County. She was a
member of Bethany Baptist
Surviving are her husband.
Frank T. Hamlin, Sr., of the home;
two daughters, Mrs. Helen Jenn
ings and Mrs. Vcrmalee Richard
son, both of Winston-Salem; four
sons, F.T. Hamlin, Jr.. Rt. 1, Pin
nacle, Je.s.se Hamlin, Palm Bay,
Fla., Williatn E. Hamlin, Winston-
Salem and George Hamlin, Ad
vance; 13 grandchildren; one
great-grandchild; her mother. High
Point; two sisters. Miss Ida Mae
Ashburn and Mrs. Royal Brown,
both of High Point and three
brothers. Clifford and William
Ashburn, both of High Point and
Philip Ashburn, Westfield.
Audra Moody Dotson,
Kerner.svillc Living Center Nortji, "
died Dec. 28 at the Living Centtr."
She was b«irii Augti.M 20, 1900,
in Wilmont. Jackson County to
Clarence and Mariha Fisher
Graveside services were held
Tuesday in Forsyth Memorial
Mrs. Dotson lived most of her
life in Forsyth County. She was a
member of Mineral Springs Bap
tist Church.
Surviving arc one daughter,
Mrs. Gladys D. Lambert, 6001
Phelps Circle; one son, Clarence
■E. Dotson, Wilmington; one
grandson, Robert E. Dotson,
Farmington; one granddaughter.
Miss Debra Leigh Dotson,
Sonoma, Calif, and two sisters,
Mrs. Bertie Gail, Martinsville, Va.
and Mrs. Fannie Jones Felts,
Creola Cora Hendrix, 74, of
Route 3, MiK'ksvillc, died Dec. 22
at Davie County Hospital.
The funeral was held Dec. 24 at
No Creek Primitive Baptist
Church, conducted by Elder
Eugene Bennett. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
; Born in Davie County on Aug.
2U, 1912, .she was a daughter of the
late Junie and Bli/.:ibeth Deadmon
Hendrix. She was a member of No
Creek Primitive Baptist Church.
Survivors include a number of
nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Barbara Ann Jones James,
44, Rt. 3, Mocksville, died at her
home Dec. 24 after a lingering
Funeral services were held at 3
p.m. Friday at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel by the Rev. Canon
Christopher Nichols and the Rev.
Egbert Craven. Burial was in
Church of the Ascension
Cemetery, Fork.
Memorials may be made toDavie County Hospice.
Mrs. James was employed by
Baker Furniture Co. in Mocksville.
She was born in Davie County,daughter of the late Johnny Wesley
and Sadie Waller Jones.
She is survived by her husband,
Richard James, of the home; two
daughters. Miss Bessie Ann James
and Miss Linda Faye James, both
t)f the home; four sisters, Omie
Barnes, Mildred Robertson, and
Rt)sa Lee Taylor, all of Rt. 3,
Mocksville, and Lucille Nifong,
Rt. 14, Lexington; and one
brother, John W. (Bud) Jones, Rt.
3, Mocksville.
ADVANCE — Mr. Dewain Lee
Southern, 32, Rt. 2, died at his
home Dec. 25.
He was born May 4, 1954, in
Forsyth County, to Joe Henry and
Marie Worrell Southern.
Funeral .services were held Sun-
iluy at Vogler's Main Street Cliapel
by the Rev. Heniy M. Duggins. In
terment followed in Crestview
Memorial Park.
Mr. Southern spent nearly all his
life in Winston-Salem. He was a
carpenter by trade and was of the
Baptist faith.
Survivors include one daughter.
Miss Sonia D. Southern, Clem-
monsville Rd.; one son, Benjamin
L. Southern, Rock Hill, S.C.; his
mother, of the home; his father, of
1734 Lancelot Ln.; two sisters,
Mrs. Sheila S. Long, Wilmington,
N.C., and Mrs. Renee Harrison,
Mocksville; two brothers, Joe G.
Southern, Wilmington, N.C., and
H.W. Southern, Mocksville; bis
grandmother, Mrs. Edith Worrell,
Laurel Fork, Va.; four nieces and
fi ve nephews.
c,i • J
» * . I
f "
GOLD HII^L — The funeral
Maurice Edison Eagle was held
Tuesday at Powles Funeral Home
Chapel in Rockwell with the Rev.
Leonard Tt Cranford, pastor of
Liberty United Methodist Church,
and the Rev. Bruce Sheeks, interim
pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran
Church, officiating. Burial was in
Rowan Memorial Park with
military rites conducted by the
Rowan County Veterans Council.
Eagle, 65, of Route I, Liberty
Road, died Sunday at his home.
Bom Sept. 12, 1921, in Rowan
County, he wqs a .son of Elizabeth
Dixon Eagle of Fran-Ray Rest
Home in Mocksville and the late
Joseph Calvin Eagle. Educated in
the Rowan County schools, he was
a broom maker, operating Eagle
Broom Co.
A U.S. Army veteran, he was a
member of St. Matthew's Lutheran
Church and Vanhoy-Sclls VFW
Post 9134 of Rockwell.
Survivors, in addition to his
mother, include his wife. Margaret
Mozelle Price Eagle; two sons.
Maurice E. Eagle Jr. of Route I.
Gold Hill, and Mike Eagle of
Matika Villa. Salisbury; a brother.
Charlie Eagle of Farmview
development. Salisbury; a sister,
Mahic Fraley of High Point; and
seven grandchildren.
, MAY J, (;rose
HARMONY - Mrs. May
Joyner Grose, 85. died Dec. 28 as
a rc.sult of a heart .nltack.
She was born in Iredell County.
May 23. 1901. to J.D. and Emma
Sharpe Joyner.
Surviving are her hu.sband. Roid
C. Grose; three daughters, Mrs.
Elaine G. Mustyan, Statcsville.
Mrs. Thea G. Brown. MiKksvillc
and Miss Jo Anne Grose,
Kcmersville; one brother. Paul W.
Joyner. Harmony; five grand
children and four great
grandchildren. Two daughters.
Mrs. Evelyn G. Adams and Miss
Jean Grose preceded Mrs. Grose
in death. n
Graveside .services were held
Tue.sday in Rock Spring Baptist
Church cemetery by the Rev. C.
Donald Haynes.
J SADIE R. STEELESffdie Ridenhour Steele, 85, ofRoute 7. M(K-ksvillc. died Dec. 24while at the home of her daughter,Virginia Sides, in Pickeringlon
Ohio. 'The funeral was held Saturday atLiberty United Methodist Churchwhere Mrs. Steele held hermembership. Officiating at theservice were Rev. Bcnnle Beardcnand Rev. J.C. Swaim. Burial wasat South River Methodist Church
cemetery.^m February 6. 1901, in DavieCounty, she was the daughter ofthe late John F. and Louise Foster
Ridenhour. She was retired fromCannon Mills Co. after 26 years ofservice. Her husband. Henry Clay
Steele, died in 1944.Survivors include a daughter.Virginia Sides of Pickcrington,Ohio; a brother. Baxter Ridenhourof Durham; three sisters, DoraBelle Dedmon of Mockssville. EthelTiller of Lynchburg. Va.. andThelma Richey of Charlotte; sixgrandchildren; 12 greatgrandchildren; and one great-greatgrandchild. Pallbearers were J.C.Hellard. Michael Sides. BobbySteele. Jimmy Steele. Junior
Steele. and Tony Steele.
YADKINVILLE - Mrs.Josephine Baity Wells. 79. Rt. 4,died Dec. 22 at Yadkin Nursing
She was born in Yadkin County. Dec. 29. 1906. the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Dave Baity. Mrs.
Wells was a member of Turners
Creek Baptist Church. Her husband. Alfonzo Wells, precalcd her
in death.
Surviving are two .sons. HerbertWells, Yadkinville, and LarryWells. Hamptonville; two sisters,
Mrs. Arlene Ratledge and Mi.ss
I Cleta Baity, both of Mocksville;
and four grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Dec.24 at Mackie-Gentry CTiapel by the
Rev. Allen Barker and the Rev.
Kcrman Sprinkle. Burial was in
Turner's Creek Baptist Church
WINSTQN-SALEM - Mr.Glen S. (Scotty) Venable, 47.4029Fargo Dr.. died Dec. 22 at ForeythH^pital following a brief illne.ss.He was bom July 6. 1939 jpSurry County, the son of L. Glenand MyrI Scott Venable. He spentmost of his life in Win.ston-Salem.Mr. Venable was employed byR.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. for 27years and was a MaintenanceSupervisor at the Davie CountyPlant at the time of his death. He
was a member of Salem MasonicI^ge No. 289 A.F. & A.M.. and
Winston-Salem Scottish Rite.Surviving are his wife, JackieWorkman Venable, of the home;two sons, Kerry Scott Venable,Win.ston-Salem, and ChristopherGlen Venable, Raleigh; onedaughter. Miss Jill DeannaVenable, of the home; his mother,4755 Gcrniflnton Rd.; and onesister, Mrs. Randy (Judy) Revels
Win.ston-Salem.A Masonic graveside service
was held Dec. 24 at Cre.stviewMemorial Park with the Dr.Dwight Mashbum officiating.
Memorials may be made to thecharity of the donor's choice.
/BARBARA J. JAMES Tobacco Co., and was of the Bap
Bom February 6, 1901, in
Mrs. Barbara Ann Jones Jatnes,
44, Ri. 3, Mocksville, died at her
home Dec. 24 after a lingering
Funeral services were held at 3
p.m. Friday at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel by the Rev. Canon
Christopher Nichols and the Rev.
Egbert Craven. Burial was in
Church of the Ascension
Cemetery, F»)rk.
Memorials may be made to
Davie County Hospice.
Mrs. James was employed by
Bilker Furniture Co. in Mocksville.
She was born in Davie County,
daughter ol the late Johnny Wesley
and Sadie Waller Jones.
She is survived by her husband,
Richard James, of the home; two
daughters. Miss Bessie Ann James
and Miss Linda Fayc James, both
of the home; four sisters, Omie
Barnes, Mildred Robertson, and
Rosa Lee Taylor, all of Rt. 3,
Mocksville, and Lucille Nifong,
Rt. 14, Lexington; and one
brother, John W. (Bud) Jones. Rt.
3, Mocksville.
Frankie Lee "Ape" McCrary,
40, of Route 4, Mocksville, was
dead on arrival at Davie County
Hospital Dec. 25.
The funeral was held Dec. 28 at
Cooleemee Church of God. Burial
was in Legion Memorial Park
Cemetery, Cooleemee.
Born Aug. 2, 1946, in Davie
County, he was a son ^Qehie
Barnes McCrary of CiMiloBhJee and
the late Stanley McCrar^-He was
a construction workeV.'^
Other survivors include his wife,
Rebbecca Faye Whitakcr
McCrary; two daughters, Lorrie
Ann Landry of Salisbuiy and Bren-
da Faye Church of Mocksville; a
son. Randy Dean McCrary of
Three sisters, Margaret Leonard,
Annabelle Conell, and Rebecca
Greer, all of Mocksville; two
brothers, William Joseph and Bob
by Lee McCrary, both of Lex
ington; and three grandchildren.
Henry Royal, 103, formerly of
2020 Bertha St., died Dec. 17 at
Autumn Care Nursing Home in
Mr. Royal was born October 3,
1883, in Yadkin County, to Willie
Royal and Vicie Whitehead Royal.
He was a laborer for RJ. Reynolds
tist faith. He moved to Autumn
Care on Oct. 15. 1981. His adult
life was spent in Winston-Salem.
He celebrated his lOOth birthday
on October 3. 1983, with a celebra
tion given by Autumn Care of
Mocksville. He was inducted into
the North Carolina Century Club
by a representative from former
Gov. James B. Hunt's office. He
received a personal message from
President Ronald Reagan.
Surviving are his step-daughter,
Mrs. Mae Penland, Winston-
Salem; five grandchildren. 14
great-grandchildren and 4
Graveside services were held
Friday at Oaklawn Memorial
Garden with the Rev. Amos
Daniels ofticiuling.
ADVANCE — Mr. Dewain Lee
Southern, 32, Rt. 2, died at his
home Dec. 25.
He was born May 4, 1954, in
Forsyth County, to Joe Henry and
Marie Worrell Southern.
Funeral services were held Sun
day at Vogler's Main Street Chapel
by the Rev. Henry M. Duggins. In
terment followed in Crestview
Memorial Park.
Mr. Southern spent nearly all his
life in Winston-Salem. He was a
carpenter by trade and was of the
Baptist faith.
Survivors include one daughter,'
Miss Sonia D. Southern, Clem-
monsville Rd.; one son, Benjamin
L. Southern, Rock Hill, S.C.; his
mother, of the home; his father, of
1734 Lancelot Ln.; two sisters,
Mrs. Sheila S. Long, Wilmington,
N.C., and Mrs. Renee Harrison,
Mocksville; two brothers, Joe G.
Southern, Wilmington, N.C., and
H.W. Southern, Mocksville; his
grandmother, Mrs. Edith Worrell,
. Laurel Fork, Va.; four nieces and
flve nephews.
Sadie Ridenhour Steele, 85, of
Route 7, Mocksville, died Dec. 24
while at the home of her daughter,
Virginia Sides, in Pickerington,
The funeral was held Saturday at
Liberty United Methixlist Church
where Mrs. Steele held her
membership. Officiating at the
service were Rev. Bennie Bearden
and Rev. J.C. Swaim. Burial was
at South River Methodist Church
County, she was the daughter of
the late John F. and Louise Foster
Ridenhour. She was retired from
Cannon Mills Co. after 26 years of
service. Her husband, Henry Clay
Steele, died in 1944.
Survivors include a daughter,
Virginia Sides of Pickerington,
Ohio; a brother, Baxter Ridenhour
of Durham; three sisters, Dora
Belle Dedmon of Mocksville, Ethel
Tiller of Lynchburg, Va., and
Thelnia Richcy of Charlotte; six
grandehildren; 12 great
grandchildren; and one great-great
grandchild. Pallbearers were J.C.
Hellard, Michael Sides, Bobby
Steele, Jimmy Steele, Junior
Steele. and Tony Steele.
Bertha Grant Sweet, 89, of
Meadowbrook Manor, formerly of
Bloomfield Dr., died Dec. 23 at
Baptist Hospital following an ex
tended illness.
Mrs. Sweet was born April I,
1897, in Swain County, to the late
Wilkie Nathaniel and Mary Mason
Grant. She was a member of the
Salvation Army for over 40 years.
Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. Nellie Sweet Myers, Ad
vance; five grandchildren, Mrs.
Carolyn Pino, Terry Myers, and
Steve Myers, all ot Winston-
Salem, Mrs. Lee Vest, Mocksville,
and Mrs. April Rucker, Advance,
and nine great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted
Friday at Hayworth-Miller Silas
Creek Chapel by the Rev. Timothy
Wolf. Interment followed in
Woodland Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorials
may be made to the Salvation
oftvie CO. PUBUCj^OCKSVlU-E* N®
6 C| ^ ^ y- ^ ^/./. /9^7DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE-RECORD THURSDAY JANUARY1987iJAMES HENRY ROYALWINSTON-SALEM - JamesHenry Royal. 103. formerly of2020'Bertha St.. died Dec. 17 atAutumn Care Nursing Home inMocksville.Mr. Royal was bom October 3.1883. in Yadkin County, to WillieRoyal and Vicie Whitehead Royal.JJe was a laborer for RJ. ReynoldsTobacco Co.. and was of the Baptist faith. He moved to AutumnCare on Oct. 15, 1981. His adultlife was spent in Winston-Salem.He celebrated his IGOth birthdayon October 3. 1983, with a celebration given by Autumn Care ofMocksville. He was inducted intothe North Carolina Century Clubby a representative from formerGov. James B. Hunt's office. Hereceived a personal message fromPresident Ronald Reagan.Surviving are his step-daughter.Mrs. Mae Penland, Winston-Salem; five grandchildren. 14great-grandchildren and 4great-great-grandchildren.Graveside services were heldFriday at Oaklawn .MemorialGarden with the Rev. .AmosDaniels officiating./F.L. McCRARYFrankie Lee "Ape" McCrary.40. of Route 4. Mocksville, wasdead on arrival at Davie CountyHospital Dec. 25.The txineral was held Dec. 28 atCooleemee Church of God. Burialwas in Legion Memorial ParkCemetery. Cooleemee.Bom Aug. 2. 1946. in DavieCounty, he was a son of GertieBames McCrary of Cooleemee andthe late Stanley McCrary. He wasa construction worker.Other survivors include his wife,Rebbecca Faye WhitakerMcCrary; two daughters. Lorrie.Ann Landry of Salisbuiy and Bren-da Faye Church of Mocksville; ason. Randy Dean McCrary ofMocksville;Three sisters. Margaret Leonard,.Annabelle Conell. and RebeccaGreer. all of Mocksville; twobrothers, William Joseph and Bobby Lee McCrary, both of Lexington; and three grandchildren.PHEBE A. HAMLINWINSTON-SALEM - Mrs.Phebe Ashbum Hamlin. 63. 5838Old Rural Hall Rd.. died Dec. 28at Forsyth Hospital.She was bom April 8. 1923. inSurry County to William and IdaHolcomb Ashbum.v^JAMES D. VAUGHTERSDAYTON. OHIO - James D.Vaughters, 69. of Dayton. Ohio,formerly of Woodleaf, died Dec.15 after an illness of three months.He was the son of BerthaVaughters Phifer and the brotherof Addie V. Steelman. both ofRoute 1. Woodleaf.Bom March 16, 1917, in BanksCounty, Ga.. he was also the sonof the late James Luther Vaughters.He had been employed for 30 yearsat the National Cash Register Corp.and for five years at the VAMedical Center in Dayton. A U.S.Army veteran of World War 11. hewas a member of Phillip's TempleCME Church in Dayton.Other survivors include his wife,Lena Smith Vaughters; a daughter.Velma Ann Hinesman of Dayton:his 'kep-grandraother. JanieVaughtert- of New York; threegrandc^jtjren.; and twogreat-giwl8«;hli4ren.yBERTHA G. SWEETWINSTON-SALEM - Mrs.Bertha Grant Sweet, 89, ofMeadowbrook Manor, formerly ofBloomfield Dr., died Dec. 23 atBaptist Hospital following an extended illness.Mrs. Sweet was bom April 1,' Swain County, to the lateWilkie Nathaniel and Mary MasonGrant. She was a member of theSalvation Army for over 40 years.Surviving are one daughter,Mrs. .Nellie Sweet Myers, Advance; five grandchildren. Mrs.Carolyn Pino. Terry Myers, andSteve .Myers, all of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Lee Vest, Mocksville,and Mrs. April Rucker. Advance;and nine great-grandchildren.Funeral services were conductedFriday at Hayworth-Miller SilasCreek Chapel by the Rev. TimothyWolf. Interment followed inWoodland Cemetery.In lieu of flowers, memorialsmay be made to the Salvation.Armv.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC
td/n /• /9 JnOBITUARIES DAVIE ENTERPRISE RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. .1987/JOSEPHINE B. WELLSYADKINVILLE - Mrs.Josephine Baity Wells, 79, Rt. 4.died Dec. 22 at Yadldn NursingCenter.She was bom in Yadkin County, Dec. 29, 1906, the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Dave Baity. Mrs.Wells was a member of TurnersCreek BafHist Church. Her husband, Alfonzo Wells, preceded herin death.Surviving are two sons, HerbertWells, Yadkinville, and LarryWells, Hamptonville; two sisters,Mrs. Arlene Ratledge and MissCleta Baity, both of Mocksville;and four grandchildren.Funeral services were held Dec.24 at Mackie-Gentry Chapel by theRev. Allen Barker and the Rev.Kerman Sprinkle. Burial was inTurner's Creek Baptist ChurchCemetery./ JAMES D. VAUGHTERSDAYTON, OHIO - James D.Vaughters, 69, of Dayton, Ohio,formerly of Woodleaf, died Dec.15 after an illness of three months.He was the son of BerthaVaughters Phifer and the brotherof Addie V. Steelman. both ofRoute 1, Woodleaf.Bora March 16. 1917. in BanksCounty, Ga.. he was also the sonof the late James Luther Vaughters.He had been employed for 30 yearsat the National Cash Register Corp.and for five years at the VAMedical Center in Dayton. A U.S.Army veteran of World War U, hewas a member of Phillip's TempleCME Church in Dayton.v/ GLEN S. VENABLEWINSTON-SALEM - Mr.Glen S. (Sco^) Venable, 47,4029Pargo Dr.. died Dec. 22 at ForsythHospital following a brief illness.He was bora July 6, 1939, inSurry County, the son of L. Glenand Myrl Scott Venable. He spentmost of his life in Winston-Salem.Mr. Venable was employed byR.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. for 27years and was a MaintenanceSupervisor at the Davie CountyPlant at the time of his death. Hewas a member of Salem MasonicLodge No. 289 A.F. & A.M., andWinston-Salem Scottish Rite.Surviving are his wife, JackieWorkman Venable, of the home;two sons, Kerry Scott Venable,Winston-Salem, and ChristopherGlen Venable, Raleigh; onedaughter. Miss Jill DeannaVenable, of the home; his mother,of 4755 Germanton Rd.; and onesister, Mrs. Rant^ Winston-Salem.• *-A Masonic graveside servicewas held Dec. 24 at CrestviewMemorial Park with the Dr.Dwight Mashbura officiating.Memorials may be made to thecharity of the donor's choice.Other survivors include his wife,Lena Smith Vaughters; a daughter,Velma Ann Hinesman of Dayton;his step-grandmother. .-JanieVaughters of New York: threegrandchildren; and t^^- sister, Mrs. Randy (Judy) Revels,great-grandchildren. - —davie CO. PUE'J.C U3RARVMOCKSVlLLt, MC
/ W11.1.I1-: F. HI.ACKMORF
Willie Frunkliii Bluekniorc, born
Feb. 22, 1910 111 William Richard
and Janie San^bnry Blackniure in
Warsaw, died Dec. 30 in Fairfax
Hospital, Fairfax Va.
After aileiuliiii; public scliools of
Dupliii County lie received a B A.
degree from Wake Forest College
and a law degree from Wake Forest
Law ScluKil. He served as lieutenant
commander in the U.S. Navy in the
Pacitic during World War 11. He was
comptroller and legal adviser for
F'owler-Joncs Construction Com
pany for 40 years. He .served as
deacon lor life in First Baptist
Church in Winslon-Salem.
He was a member of the Forsylh
( ounty and North Carolina bars, the
Winston Salem Lions Club, the
Wake Forest Deacon Club, the
Wake Forest Alumni Association
and the F'orsyth County Couniry
Cluli. He was a memlierol St. iohn
Lodge No. 1.1 in Kenaiisville, the
Scottish Rite of Free Masonary of
the Oasis Temple in Charlotte, the
Winston-Salem Shrine Club and was
elevated in the Masonic order lo the
33rd degree. .
He is survived by his ypuif Eleanor
Cain (formerly of QajVic^'ounty).
four daughter. Susan ^Hannah of
Kalama/.uo, Mich., Maitha Alwiiod
of Naperville, 111, Alice Hicks of
New York ,N.Y., Ina Kuhn of
McLean Va. and one son, William
Franklin blackmore Jr., of Takoma
Park Md. and nine grandchildren, a
brother. James 11. Blackmore of
Wake Forst, a sister, Mary Alice
Blackmore of Warsaw.
The funeral was held Jan. 2 at the
First Baptist Church of Winslon-
Salem. Burial was in Forsyth
Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the
Wake Forest Cardiac Rehabilitation
Program, Wake Forst University.
Carter, 77. of Pelicare Nursing
Home in Winston-Salem. died Jan.
3 after being in declining health
several months.
The funeral was held l uesday at
St. John AME Zion Church in
Mocksville. conducted by the Rev.
L.B. Speas, pastor. Burial was in lire
chureh cemetery.
Born April 4. 1909, in Davie
County, he was a son of the late
Chester and Jessie WoixJruff Carter.
Educated in the Davie County
schools, he was a baker. He was a
lormer member of St. John AME
Zion Chureh.
Survivors ineliide four brolliers,
William Carter, Norman Carter and
Hugh Carter, all of Mix;ksville, and
Cileim Carter of Bronx, N.Y.
Mr. "F-dd" David Howard. 75,
.554 Salisbury .St.. Mocksville. died
Dee. 3 at Davie County Hospital.
Funeral services were held Mon
day at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel. Burial I'ollowed in Liberty
United Methodist Chureh cemetery.
The family requests memorials be
made to Mocksville First United
MelhiHlist Church.
Mr. Howard was the retired
owner and operator of Edd's Radio
& TV Sales & Service.
Roy Jarvis. 69. of Route 8,
Mocksville. died Dec. 31 at Forsylh
Memorial Hospital in Winston
.Salem alter being in declining health
for .some time.
1'he funeral was held Saturday at
Bear Creek Baptist Church, con
ducted by (he Rev. Jack Johnson.
Burial was in Liberty Baptist Chureh
Memorials may be made to the
Thomas vilic Orphanage.
Thomasville, N.C. 27360.
Born in Forsylh County on Sept.
14, 1917, he was a son of the late
Kefron and Lillie Tripieit Jarvis. A
retired tobacco farmer, he was a
member of Bear Creek Baptist
Chureh. He served with the U.S.
Army in Germany during World
War 11.
His wife, Ruby Booe Jarvis, died
in 1983, and a son. Edward L. Jar
vis, died in June 1984.
Survivors include a daughter,
Dorothy Barney of Route 5; a sister,
Dorothy J. Jarvis of Winston-.Salcni;
two brothers, Robert L. Jarvis of
Welcome and George Jarvis of
Winslon-Salem; and three
Mtuidarano, 98. died Dec. 24 at
Weslehesier County Medical Center
in Valhalla, New York. He had been
in declining health for several years.
He was born April 24, 1888 in
Naples. Italy to Pasquale and An-
nuziata Maiaiesia Mandarano. He
came lo the United States in 1904
and was a retired textile worker. He
was of the Catholic faith.
His wife, Rosa Polili, died in
1967. A son, Anthony Mandarano,
also preceded him in death.
Survivors include one daughter,
Mary Kaplan ufSlingerlands, New
York; two sons, Patrick Mandrano
of New Rochelle, New York, and
Angelo "Kayo" Mandrano of
Mocksville; and 6 grandchildren.
Mass of Christian Burial was held
Dec. 27 at Holy Name Church. In
terment was in Holy Sepulchre
Cemetery in New Rochctic, New
SALISBURY - Mr. Marshall
Adam Bridgc,s. 7.1. 405 Elm Si.,
died Jan. 6 al Ihc V.A. Medical
Mr. Bridgc.s was retired ownc
and operator of Bridgas' Grocer
Store, was of the United Methodif
faith, and was a U.S. Army vetera
of World War II.
Surviving arc his wife, Ethel Lit
tleton Bridges, of the home; and two
brothers. Frank Bridges, Charlotte,
and Moses Bridges, Jr.. Bermuda
Funeral services were held Friday
at Lyerly Funeral Chapel. Burial
was in Rowan Memorial Park.
Mr. Ernest Transil Hall Sr.. 64,
Bethel Chuivh Rd.. died Monday
ailemoon at Davic County Hospital.
He had been in declining health for
one year and was seriously ill for
four days. Funeral services will be
2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's
Funeral Chapel by the Rev. D.C.
Sullivan. Burial will be in Advance
Baptist Church cemetery.
Mr. Hall was born in Stanley
CtMinty to the late Pleasant Evcrctte
and Delia Loftin Hall. He was
retired from Inger.sol-Rand Corp.
and was of the Baptist faith.
Survivors include his wife, Alice
Hicks Hall, of the home; four
daughters, Barbara Lambeth, and
Shelby Hilton, both of Mocksville.
Judy and Carol Tucker, both of Ad
vance; one .son, Ernest T. Hall Jr.,
Advance; 13 grandchildren; 2 great
grandchildren; one stepdaughter,
Judy Borders, Rt. 4, Mocksville;
one sister, Mary Mahaley, Rich
mond, Va.; and three brothers,
Albert Hall, Newport News, Va.,
Scott Hall, Hampton, Va., and
Everette Hall, Riverside, Fla.
Mr. Edward David "Edd"
Howard. 75. of 554" Salisbury St.,
Mocksville, died Jan. 3 at Davic
County Ho.spiial.
Funeral .services were held Jan. 5
at Eaton's Fumlcral Home. Burial
followed in Liberty United
Methodi.st Church cemetery.
The family has requested
memorials be made to Mocksville
First United Methodist Church.
Mr. Howard was born Feb. 3,
1911 in Davie County to the late
Will and Daisy Parker Howard.
He was a U.Si Army veteran of
World War II and later served in the
National Guard. He was a member
of Mocksville United Methodist
Church and served for 17 years a
member of the Mocksville fire
Mr. Howard was the retired
owner and operator of Edd's Radio
& TV Sales & Service in Downtown
His first wife. Nan Ward Howard,
prccecded him in death. Survivors
include his second wife, Mrs. Ruby
Langston Howard of the home; an
adopted daughter, Rebecca of
Virginia; four stepchildren, Margie
Martin and Roger Foster, both of
Lexington, Millie Seifrct and Jan
Foster, both of Oimond Beach, Ra.;
a sister, Elizabeth Shepherd of
Coolcemee; several step-
grandchildren and several neices.
y COOLEEMEE —The funeral for
Clara Walls Ridcnhour was held Fri
day at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel. Mocksville, with the Rev.
Shelby Harbour officiating. Burial
was In Liberty United Methodist
Church cemetery.
Mrs. Ridenhour. 88, of 11 Erwin
St., died Tuesday night at Autumn
Care Convalescent Center.
Robert Clay Salmons, 78, of the
Sheffield community. Route 6,
Mocksville, died Sunday at Davis
Community Hospital, Statesville.
Mr. Salmons had been in declining
health for a year and critically ill for
two weeks..
He was born )inilredell County
May I, 1908,the late William
Tetas and.M^Mb Elizabeth Camp
bell Salmoitlf!^ retired in 1968 as
a machinist at Gilson Brothers and
also was a farmer.
On Oct. 24. 1928. Mr. Salmons
married Nora Mae Goforth. who
.survives, in addition to a .son, R.D.
Salmons of Route 6, Mwksvillc;
two daughters, Mrs. Rus.sell (Edith)
Methot of North Miami Beach, Fla..
and Mrs. Dorothy King of Route 2,
Hamptonville. Four grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren also
Funeral .services were held Tue.s-
day. Jan. 13, at the Liberty Weslyan
Church by the Revs. A.C. Clemens.
Nathan C. Ridgeway and B.J.
Walker. Burial was in the church
Pallbearers were A.J. Salmons
Jr., Tony Prcvctte, Pat Brown, Dar-
rell Allen. Kenny Reavis and Dan
ny Methot.
i'€ Cc)6k^^ ^fy
¥ V
The funeral for Jackie Eugene
Spry was held at 11 a.m. Wednes
day at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel, conducted by the Rev.
Shelby Harbour. Burial was in
Legion Memorial Park in
Spry, 28, of Route 7, Pineridge
R^, died early Sunday morning of
injuries sustained in a house fire at
Riverside Drive in Cooleemee.
Memorials may be made to the
Cooleemee, County Line or
Jerusalem volunteer fire
Born Feb. 10; 1958, in Davic
County, he was a son of Lewis Ray
Spry of Route 4 and Geialdine Stiller
Gurmon of Cooleemee. He was a
roofer with Skyline Mobile Homes.
Survivors, in addition to his
parents, include his stepfather,
Clarence "Red" Gannon of River
side Drive. Cooleemee; a son, Jackie
Eugene Spiy Jr. of the home; a
maternal grandmother, Hazel Stiller
of Cooleemee; a maternal great-
grandmother, Molly Athey of
His paternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Spry of ^te'?; two
sisters, Vicky Ciidfeftooleemee
and Kim Kimmer Dfwfoclffivllle; two
brothers. Ray Spry of Route 7 and
Joey Spry of Cooleemee; two half
sisters, Elisa and Anita Spry, both
of Mocksville; and a half brother,
Eddie Spry of Mocksville.
SALISBURY — Herman Wells,
58, of Route 10, Stokes Ferty Road,
died Wednesday, Jan. 7, at Rowan
Memorial Hospital from an apparent
heart attack.
The funeral was held Friday at St.
Luke's United Church of Christ with
the Rev. Ingle Cook officiating.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
Born Aug. 21, 1928, in Rowan
County, a sun of the late John Ben
jamin and Surah Jordan Wells, he at
tended Rowan County schools. A
lineman for Floyd S. Pile Electrical
Contractors, he was a member of St.
Luke's United Church of Christ.
Survivors include his wife, Mary
Frances Oddie Wells; three sons,
Herman Wayne and Jeffrey Alan
Wells, both of Salisbury, and Ran
dy Steven Wells of Rockwell; two
daughters, Mrs. Roddy (Debbie)
Ballard of Salisbury and Mrs. Larry
(Lisa) Daniel of Cooleemee; two
brothers, J. Archie Wells of
Salisbury and Charlie Wells of
Georgia; two sisters, Elizabeth Od
die and Catherine Winders, both of
Salisbury; and eight grandchildren.
CLEVELAND - The Rev. Sanih
Cowan Ciilhbcrlson. 67. of Route i.
Woodleaf-Barher Road, died Mon
day at King.*, Mountain Hospital in
Kings Mountain after hcing in
declining health for several years.
She was pastor of Faith Temple
Holiness Church in Cleveland.
Born Aug. 24, 1919, in Rowan
County, she was a daughter of the
late Enoch and Mary Sloan Cowan,
A former employee of Troutman
Sewing Co., she was a member of
Cedar Grove AME Zion Church.
She was a member of the Honor
of Lord Club and Omega Chapter
242, Order of Ea.stem Star.
Survivors include her husband.
Wyatt Cuthbertson; seven .sons.
Wyatt Cuthbertson Jr. of Salisbury
and Arthur, James, John Frank.
William A.. Paul and Jerry
Cuthbertson, all of Cleveland;
Six daughters, Mary C. McCon-
neyhead and Martha Rolland. both
of Brooklyn, N.Y.. Lihby Blackwell
and Maude Jones, both of
Cleveland. Marie Powell of
Charlotte atKl Dcbra A. Cuthbertson
of the home; a brother. Bishop John
Lee Cowan of Troutman; three
sisters. Hattie Cuthbertson of
Cleveland. Eli7.abeth Heaggins of
Ciwlcemee and Mary Liwise Smyre
of Salisbury: 4.1 grandchildren; 27
great-grandchildren; and one
Pearl Hudson Hcmrick. 78,
Meadowbrook Manor formerly of
N. Pleasant St., widow of Carl Jesse
Hcmrick, died Jan. 16 at Forsyth
She was bt»rn in Old Salem on
February 16. 1908. to Wiley J. and
Lclia Romingcr Hudson.
Mrs. Hcmrick spent all of her life
in Winston-Salem and retired from
R.J. Reynolds Industries in 1971
after 28 years of service. She was a
member of Pine Chapel Moravian
She is survived by two sons,
Donald G. Hcmrick, Stickney Avc.
and Charles R. Hcmrick, 1141 Kon-
noak Dr.: two daughters. Mrs. Ed
ward M. (Barbara) Reich. Clcm-
mons and Mrs. Carl S. (Nornia)
Charles. Rt. .*>, Mocksvillc; eight
grandchildren. Norman Charles,
Mrs. Linda H. Giillcdgc. Miss
Karen Hcmrick, Curtis Hcmrick and
Mrs. Janice H. Mceks, all of
Winsion-Salcm. Mrs. Pam H.
Prcvattc. Jaeksonvillc, N.C..
Michael Reich. Mount Airy and
Mrs. Carol C. Taylor. Gaslonia:
eight grcat-grandchildrcn; two
sisters, Mrs. Pauline Carter and
Mrs. Lillic Brown, both of Winslon-
Salcm and a number of nieces and
She was preceded in death hy a
sister, Mrs. Mae Vaughn, and a
brother. Wiley L. Hudson.
Funeral services were hcltf Sunday
at Pine Chapel Moravian Church by
the Rev. Jimmic New.somc and the
Rev, W. Norwood Green. Interment
was in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens.
The family requests that any
memorials be made to Pine Chapel
Moravian Church.
William Guy Herbert, 72. of 500 E.
11th St.. died Friday, Jan. 16. at
Davic County Hospital after being in
declining health for several years and
seriously ill for two weeks.
The funeral was held Sunday at
South China G[ovc Church of Cnxl
coiulucK^ . the Revs, Phillip
Robinsoq«!i'SBtibhy Hancy. Burial
was in Carolina Memorial Park.
Born Jan. 26. 1915, in Franklin
County. Gil., be was a son of the laic
Sloan and Ada Shirley Herbert.
Formerly employed hy Cannon
Mills Co., he also served as a
Church of God minister for 40 years
before his retirement in 1979. He
was a member of South China Grove
Church of God and had lived in the
area since 1944.
Survivors include his wife.
Florence Epps Herbert: three .sons.
Bonnie Herbert of China Grove,
Willie Herbert of Greenville. S.C..
and Donald Herbert of Kannapojis:
three daughters. Carolyn Hooks of
Kannapolis, Frances Holder of
China Grove and Rachel .Spillman of
Three brothers. Hoyt Herbert of
Elk Park and Odcll and Morris
Herbert, both of Kannapolis; two
.sisters. Ruby Farmer of Kannapolis
and Sue Iscnhour of Concord; 18
grandchildren: and 12 great
mocksville, no
Dorothy Allen Kurfees, 67, of
Route 7, Mocksvillc, died Suturduy
ut N.C. Baptist Hospital in
The funeral was held Monday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Wade Childress ofllciating.
Burial was in Hardison United
Methodist Church ceirictery.
Memorials may be made to Har
dison United Methodist Church,
Route 7, Mocksville, N.C. 27028.
She was a daughter of the late
William Watson Allen and Melissa
Smith Allen, and was a member of
Hardison United Methodist Church.
Her husband, Robert O. Kurfees
Sr., died in 1970.
Survivors include two daughters.
Jack R. (Eleanor) Harris of Sum-
merville, S.C., and Mrs. Arthur
(Elizaheth) Drake of Chapel Hill; a
son, Robert O. Kurfees Jr. of
Mocksville; four sisters, Mrs.
George Spaugh of Winston-Salem,
Mrs. Collins Brown of Gallatin,
Tenn., and Mrs. Noah Craver and
Mrs. William Smith, both of
Salisbury; and eight grandchildren.
Mr. Henry Andrew Ix;s.ser. 69. of
Route 7, Btix 414. Mock-svillc, died
Saturday morning ut Forsyth
Memorial Hospital.
A memorial service will be held
Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Holy Cross
Lutheran Church in Mocjcsvijjei
Burial will be later at Acac^;^k
Rest Haven Cemetery iiC^orth
Tonawanda, N.Y.
Mr. Lesser was born in Franklin,
Fa., to Phillip and Lulu Carr Lesser.
He was a retired employee of
Ingersoll-Rand and was a member of
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, the
Mocksville Masonic Lodge No. 134
A.F. and A.M. and the McK'ksville
Lions Club.
Mr. Lesser was a veteran of
World War II serving in the Army
in North Africa and the European
Theater with the I09lh Anli-Aircrah
Gun Battalion.
Surviving are his wife, Margaret
Boltz Lesser of the home; a sister,
Mrs. Clara Vogel of Advance; and
one brother, Harold F. Lesser, of
Tonawanda, N.Y.
Memorials may be made to Holy
Cross Lutheran Church, Route 4,
Box 67-A, Mocksville, or to a chari
ty of the donor's choice.
Mr. Ray McClamrock, 88, R«)ute
6, Mocksville, died J;ui. IS at his
home after an extended illne.ss.
Funeral services were held Satur
day at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the
Rev. Fred Shoaf. Burial was in Oak
Grove United Methodist Church
Memorials may be made to Oak
Grove United Methodist Church
Cemetery Fund.
Mr. McClamrock was born in
Davie County, sun of the late John
R. and Mary Octavia Hcndron
McClamrock. He was a retired
fanner and a member of Oak Grove
United Methodist Church.
Surviving are his wife, Nancy
Jane Beeding McClamrock; one
daughter, Mrs. Melvrec Benson, one
son, Glcnnas McClamrm-k; one
sister, Mrs. Hazel M. Craven, and
one brother, John Tillett
McClamrock, all of Rt. 6,
Mocksville; three granddaughters
and three great-grandsons.
Williams O'Neal, 79, of 13 Duke
St., died Saturday night at Davie
County Hospital in Mtx;ksville after
being in declining healtl) for some
The funeral was held ut 2 p.m.
Tuesday at C«)oleemee Church of
God, conducted by the Rev. Charles
Ledford. Burial was in Legion
Memorial Park.
Born in Davie County on March
20, 1907, she was a daughter of the
late Wesley and Julia Baker
Williams. She was a homemaker and
a member of Cooleemec Church of
Her husband, Lonnie Taylor
O'Neal, died in 1973.
Survivors include three (kiughlers,
Kathcrine McDaniel, Mary Frances
Moody and Burilene Russell, all of
C(M>leeince; three .stins, Evercite
O'Neal of Route I. Salisbury, and
Leon and Arnold O'Neal, both of
Two sisters, Gladys Williams of
Cooleemee and Alice Miller of
Salisbury; 16 grandchildren; six
step-grandchildren; and 10
OLIN - Offie Coit Sloan, 83. of
Route I, Olin Road, died Monday at
Davis Community Hospital in
The funeral was to be Wednesday
at Damascus Baptist Church, con
ducted by the Rev. Irvin L. Wallace,
pastor. Burial was to be in the church
Born Aug. 16, 1903, in Iredell
County, he was a son of the late
Everettc Gaston and Docia Williams
Sloan. He was a retired farmer and
carpenter and a member of
Damascus Baptist Church.
His Ttrsl wife, Margaret Janie
Walters Sloan, whom he married
June 8, 1921, died Sept. 4. 1978.
Survivors include his second wife,
Wilma lotckey Sherrill Sloan, whom
he married Aug. 16, 1980; two sons,
Howard W. Sloan of Route S,
Statesville, and Joe E. Sloan of
Route I; four stepsons. Gray E.
Lackey, Tony M. and J. Craig Sher
rill, all of Statesville, and Keith A.
Sherrill of Ga.stonia; two daughters,
Lucille Shaver of Route 2, Har
mony, and Elizabeth Williams
Foster of CtKileemee;
Two stepdaughters. Sonna Ma.s.scy
of Harmony and Karen Jarvis of
Hildcbrand; two brothers, Arlie L.
Sloan of China Grove and Rex O.
Sloan of Olin; a sister, Ruby Houpe
of Statesville, 13 grandchildren; and
13 great-grandchildren.
Irene Petlil Bolln, 74. ol 70S
Salisbury St., Mocksville, died Jan.
21 at her home.
The funeral was held Saturday at
Shacktown Church of Christ with the
Rev. Kerman Sprinkle and Joe
McCollum ofiiciating. Burial was in
Dinkins Family Cemetery.
Bom March 4, 1912. in Surry
County, a daughter of the late James
C. and Mary Loflin Pettit, she was
a homemaker and a member of
Shacktown Church of Chri.st.
Her husband. Lonnie Gray Bolin.
died in 1963.
Survivors include six daughters.
Mrs. L.D. (Inez) Moon. Mrs.
Clarence (Dorothy) Shore. Mrs.
Alton (Thelma) Smi^ and Judy Dix-
on, all of Mocksville. Mrs. Jerry
(Marie) Hedrick of I.exington and
Mrs. Claude (Dollie) Lingic Jr. of
Route 3, Salisbury;
Five sons. L.G. Bolin Jr. of Har
mony, Lindsay, David Leonard,
Donald and Kenneth Bolin. all of
Mocksville; four sisters. Arebcll
Dinkins of Yadkinville. Thelma
RichofWiaston-Salem, Opal Mathis
of Greenville. S.C., and Lola Mac
Pettit of Clemmons;
Three brothers. Howard Pettit.
James "Bud" Pettit and Paul Haire,
all of Yadkinville; 17 grandchildren;
two step-grandchildren; and .seven
Mr. Jfl.scph Fred Craver Jr., 69,
of 41 N. Main Street, Mocksville.
died Jan. 22.
He was bom in Forsyth County
May 24, I9I7 to the late Joseph S.
Craver Sr. and Nellie Hege Craver.
Funeral services were held Sunday
at Haywoith-Miller, Silas Creek
Parkway, Winston-Salem with burial
in Forsyth Memorial Park.
Mr. Craver was retired from
Brown-Rogers-Dixon. He attended
Redmont Bible College and was a
member of Salem Baptist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Sallic
Lindley Craver, of the home; one
daughter, Mrs. Janie Hanney, of
'Winston-Salem; a brother, Stanley
(Ciaver of Alabama; a sister, Mrs.
j Mildred Hauser of Greensboro and
a grandson.
Mr. William A.shley Seaford. 59.
Rt. 7, Mocksville, was dead on ar
rival at Davie County Hospital Fri
day night.
Funeral services were held Sunday
at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the
Rev. Wade Childcrs. Burial was in
Hardison United Methodist Church
The family rcque.sts UKmorials be
made to Hardison United Methodist
Church Cemetery Fund. Rt. 7.
Mocksville. N.C. 27028.
Mr. Seaford was bom April 28.
1927. in Davie County to the late
Charles H. (Buck) and Amelia
Wilson Seaford. He was a retired
employee of the Town of
Mocksville. He was also an
employee of Davie Auto Parts
Warchou.sc. He was a veteran of
World War II. He was a member of
Hardison United Methodist Church.
Surviving arc his wife. Alice
Hayes Seaford, of the home; two
sons, Dean Seaford, Kemersville,
and Darrell Seaford, Mocksville and
two grandchildren.
John Carlylc "Carl" Sherrill Jr.,
72, of Mt. Ulla, died Monday even
ing, Jan. 26, at Lowrance Ho.spital,
Funeral services will be held at 2
p.m. Thursday at Back Creek
Presbyterian Church, Mt. Ulla.
Burial will follow in the church
cemetery with Masonic rites.
The family will receive friends
Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at
Kavin Funeral Home in
Mr. Sherrill was bom Nov. 20,
1914 in Rowan County, a .son of the
late John Carlyle and Anita Miller
Sherrill. He was owner and operator
of Mt. Ulla Flour Mill. He was a
graduate of CTatawtei College and ran
Shcrrill's Store and was a dairy
He was a U.S. Army World War
II veteran and a member of the
Scotch-Irish Masonic Lodge 154
(Scottish rite). He alsqwas an Oasis
Temple Shriner and »a. member of
Back Creek PresG^rian Church,
where he serv^'S"^ deacon, Sun
day School.; teacher and on the
cemetery committee.
He also .served on the Mt. Ulla
School and West Rowan High
Sch<wl schotd boards. He was chair
man of the Mt. Ulla precinct for the
Democratic Party and was a member
of the Santa Gertrudis Breeders of
the Carolinas. He was a founding
member of Mt. Ulla-Bear Poplar
Volunteer Fire Department.
Survivors include his wife,
Henrietta Morrison Sherrill; a son.
John Carlylc Sherrill III. of Mt.
Ulla; three daughters. Mrs. Anita
Tetter of Mooresvillc, Mrs. Lynn
Justin of Woodleaf, and Mrs. Sarah
Lomax of Sali.sbury; two si.sters,
Mrs. Margaret Sloop of Mt. Ulla
and Mrs. Sarah Dudley of Adclpha.
Md.; five grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Back
Creek Presbyterian Church. Rt. I,
Mt. Ulla.
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COOLEEMEE - Molly Crcason
Alhey, 87, of 48 Wall St., died Jan.
^ 28 at Davie County Hospital after
being in declining health,
t The funeral wa.s held Friday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in
MocLsville, conducted by the Rev.
Shelby Harbour and Robert
Creason. Burial "was in Rowan
Memorial Park.
Bom Sept. 19. 1899, in Davie
County, she was a daughter of the
late Johnnie and Mary Potts
Creason. She was a homemaker and
a member of the Presbyterian
Church of Cboleemee.
Her husband, John Ixroy Athey,
died in 1968.
Survivors include throe daughters,
Earlcne Page and Harel Stiller, both
of Coolccmec and Jean Phelps of
Salisbury; three sons, Robert and
Jack Athey, both of Cooleemee, and
Bill Alhey of Route 3, Mocksville;
a brother. John Creason of
A half brother, Raymond House
of Cooleemee; a half sister, Ellen
Miller of Salisbury; 16 grand
children; 28 great-grandchildren;
and 15 great-great-grandchildren.
COOLEEMEE — David Kenneth
"Bud" Bailey, 54, of Glad.stone
Road, died Monday night at his
home after being in declining health
for some time.
The funeral was to be held at 3:30
p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral
Home Chapel in Mocksville with tlie
Rev. Wa& Childers officiating.
Burial was to be in Rowan Memorial
Park Cemetery with Masonic rites
conducted by Mock-svillc Ma.sonic
Lodge 1,34.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may
be made to Ho.spice of Davie Coun
ty, P.O. Box 665, Mocksville, N.C.
27028, to the Cooleemee Fire
Department or to the Cooleemee
United Methodist Church.
Bom in Davie County on Aug. 16,
1932, he was a son of Lillie Jarvis
Bailey of Cooleemee and the late
Samuel A. Bailey. Em[doycd in the
maintenance department of AT&T
for 32 years, he was a member of
Mock.sville Masonic Lodge 134.
Survivors, in addition to his
mother, include his wife. Johnnie
Doub Bailey; three daughters, Cyn
thia Moore of Route 7, Mocksville,
Gail Lineberry of Pinnacle and John
nie Lynn Bailey of the home; a son,
Sam Bailey of the home;
Two stepdaughters, Linda Bran-
nock of Route 3, Mocksville, and
Diane Mclntyre of Cleveland; two
stepsons, John Moore of Route 7,
and Tony Moore of Route 3, both of
MiK-ksville; a sister. Ruby Cox of
Charle.ston, S.C.: a brother,
Clarence Bailey of Salisbury; four
grandchildren; and seven
KING — Dr. Isaac Anderson
Booc, 83, 225 Dalton Rd., King,
died Jan. 29 at Forsyth Hospital.
He was bom August 7, 1W3, in
Davie County to Robert Lee and
Tabitha Ander.son Booe. He attend
ed Mars Hill Academy and Wake
Forest College.
He was graduated from Emory
University School of Dcnti.stry. Dr.
Booe was a member of King Mora
vian Church, where he taught the
Men's Sunday School Cla.ss for
many years. He was a charter
member of the King Lions Club and
was honored as the Club's Citizen of
the Year.
He served as chairman of the
Stokes County Board of Education
for 12 years. He practiced denti.stry
in King for almost 50 years.
Dr. B(K)e is .survived by his wife,
Mary Ella Moore Booe; three
daughters, Mary Anderson Booe
McNeil, Savannnah, Ga., Elizabeth
Booc Willingham, Kenansville, and
Amy Claire Booc Loughridge,
Winston-Saiem; four grandchildren,
David Anderson Willingham, Mary
Anna Willingham Pultz, John
Anderson McNeil, and Emily
Halsted Loughridge.
Funeral .services were held Sunday
at King Moravian Church by the
Rev. Jimmie L. Newsome, Jr.
Burial followed in King Moravian
The family requests that any
memorials be made to King Mora
vian Church.
Maiy Belle Eller Worrell Carter, 86,
2610 Greencrest Dr., died Monday
at Meadowbrook Manor Nursing
She was bom July 28, 1899, in
Iredell County to George Washing
ton and Virginia Barton Eller.
Funeral services were to-be held
at 11 a.m. Wedne.sday at Vogler's
Reynolda Road Chapel by Dr.
Charles Edwards. Interment was to
follow in Swan Creek Baptist
Church cemetery in Yadkin County.
Mrs. Carter*was member of
Shady Grove Uiu^'' Methodist
Church in Adyaqd^She was first
married to Isaa^j|fj[^Worrell, who
died in 1933:'She later married
Daniel Carter, who died in 1955.
Surviving are one son, Isaac W.
Worrell, Winston-Salem; one
daughter, Mrs. W.A. (Edith) Sim
mons, Winston-Salem; one step-son,
J. Ralph Carter, Prairieville, La.;
one step-daughter, Mrs. Ray (Helen)
Sowers, Advance; five grand
children; eight great-grandchildren;
four step-grandchildren and a
number of nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Emma Danner Ireland, 86,
Rt. 6, Mocksville, died Monday at
Forsyth Hospital.
Funeral services were to be at II
a.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel by the Rev. Grady Tuttcrow.
Burial was to be in Liberty Baptist
Church cemetery.
Bom March 22, I9(X), in Davie
County, a daughter of the late Noah
and Sarah Booe Danner, she was a
Mrs. Ireland was the widow of
Robert Ireland, who died in 1951.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.
Robbie Myers, Winston-Salem; two
sons, Paul Ireland, Mocksville and
James Ireland, Lexington; seven
grandchildren; 11 great
grandchildren and one
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ADVANCE — Mr. Roy L.
Curter, 78, Rt. 2, Box 109. died Jan.
28 at Forsylh Hospital.
Funeral services were held Satur
day at Mocks United Methodist
Church by the Rev. Torn McLean.
Burial followed in the church
Mr. Carter was bom in Davie
County to Ross and Annie Phelps
Carter. He lived all of his life in the
Advance community and was a
member of Mocks United Methodist
Church, where he held many posi
tions and was a lifetime member of
the Administrative Board of the
He worked for Greyhound Bus
Lines for 22 years and retired from
C.J. Miller and Son Painting and
Decorating Co. after 29 years of
service. He was a charter member
of Advance Fire Dept. Mr. Carter
was preceded in death by his first
wife, Lucille Sidden Carter, in I9S6,
and a grandson. Gray Pierce, in
He is survived by his wife, Addie
Mac Foster Carter, of the home; two
daughters, Ms. Irilla Neal, Winston-
Salem, and Mrs. Thomasine Pierce,
Pfafftown; two sons, Hobert Lee
Carter and William (Bill) B. Carter,
both of Advance; 11 grandchildren;
six great-grandchildren; one sister,
Mrs. Nan Minor, Charlotte; and two
brothers, Robert Carter and Jaroes
(Jay) Carter, both of Advance.
Memorials may b«|^tef&'de to
Fellow.ship Building Hujiiidbf Mocks
United Methodist CIptR^. Rt-
Advance. N.C. 2100^.
COOLEEMEE — Clarence
"Red" Garmon, 56, of Riverside
Drive, died Jan. 27 at Davie Coun
ty Hospital, MiKksville.
Garmon, who apparently died of
a heart attack, was injured in a fire
which destroyed his family's home
on Jan. 22. A stepson, Jackie Spry,
died in the fire. Four others were
The funeral was held Friday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in
MocksvUle, conducted by the Rev.
Shelby Haiixiur. Burial was in the
National Cemetery of Salisbury.
Born Sept. 17, 1930, in Calhoun
Coimty, Ala., he was a son of
Elizabeth Cowan Gannon of Ohio
and the late Chester Garmon. He had
retired frmn the U.S. Army as a
master sergeant.
Survivors, in addition to his
mother, include his wife, Geraldine
Stiller Gannon; a daughter, Verlene
Nolan of Alabama; two step
daughters, Kim Kimmer of
Mocksville and Vicky Click of
Cooleemee; two stepsons, Ray Spry
of Route 7, MtKksville, and Joey
Spry of Cooleemee; two sisters,
Sharon Malasko and Evelyn Gar
mon, both of Ohio; a brother, Virgil
Garmon of Alabama; several half
brothers and sisters; and eight
deon 1. (Ike) Hanes, Jr., 63, 836
Wellington Rd., died Monday at his
home after a prolonged illness.
Graveside services were held Tues
day in Foisyth Memorial Park by
Dr. Paul Craven.
Dr. Hanes was born March 18,
1925, in Winston-Salem to Gideon
I. and Mamie Shermer Hanes, Sr.
He lived in Winston-Salem all of his
He graduated from Reynolds High
School, Wake Forest College and
Bowman Gray School of Medicine.
He served his internship and residen
cy at City Hospital and N.C.
Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill.
Dr. Gideon served in World War
11 in the U.S. Army as a surgical
technician. He was a member of
Forsyth and American Medical
Societies. He had an OB-GYN prac
tice for 20 years before his retire
ment. He was a member of First
Baptist Churcb.
Surviving arc his wife, Frances
Crews Hanes, of the home; one son,
David M. Hanes, Rt. I, Advance,
and his mother, Mrs. G.I. Hanes,
Sr., 1608 Academy St.
Memorials may be made to the
Salvation Army or a charity of the
donor's choice.
jYADKlNVlLLE - Mr. Ray
mond J. Kiddoo, 75, Kenyon Lake,
Texas, formerly of Yadkinville, died
Friday in Austin, Texas.
He was a graduate of Yadkinville
High School and Wake Forest Col
lege. Mr. Kiddoo was retired from
the Administration of San Marcos
Baptist Academy. While living in
Yadkinville, he made his home with
the late Mr. and Mrs. Avalon E.
Hall. He was married to Mrs.
Elizabeth Taylor Kiddoo, who sur
vives, of the home.
Also surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Ron Fouts, Garland, Texas,
and Mrs. Don Green, San Dimas,
Calif.; three foster sisters, Mrs. Pat
Preston, Yadkinville, Mrs. Gene
Garland, Mount Airy, and Mrs. Roy
Doub, East Bend; two foster
brothers, William E. Hall,
Mocksville, and David Hall, Japan;
and four grandchildren.
A memorial service was held
Monday at Pennington Funeral
Hume in San Marcos, Texas.
In lieu of flowers, the family re
quests memorials Ix: made to the
American Institute of Cancer
Carrie Hepler Haneline Loman, 80,
of Greenville, S.C. died there Jan.
Services and burial were held in
Greenville with McAfee Funeral
Home in charge of arrangements .
Mrs. Loman was bom in Davie
County July 3, 1906 to the late
Charlie and Mary Helen Sain
Hepler. She was a homemaker and
the widow of the later Fiank Lx)man,
who died in 1983. She was a native
of Davie County and had resided in
Greenville for approximately 40
Survivors include three (faughters,
Mrs. Peggy Branhara of Mocksville,
N.C., Mrs. Barbara McDonald of
Spaitenburg, S.C. and Mrs. Marlene
Maw of Greenville, S.C.; two sons,
J.M. Haneline of Mebane, N.C. ^
(3ene Haneline of Grier, S.C.; nine
grandchildren and nine
MOCKsviae. jvc
STATE ROAD^ Mrs. Pearl
Walters LufTman, Rt. I, died
Jan. 29 at Baptist Hospital.
Funeral services were held Sunday
at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church by i
the Rev. Glenn Byrd. Burial was in '
the church cemetery. i
The body was taken from Eaton's
Funeral Home in Mocksville to
Alexander-Church-Kennedy Funeral
Home in Elkin. where the family
received friends.
'Mrs. LufTman was born May 5,
1913, in Surry County to the late
John W. and Etta Carter Walters.
She was a homemaker and was a
former member of Charity United
Methodiiit Church before moving
her membership to Pleasant Ridge
Baptist Church in 1936. She was
preceded in death by one sister.
Margie Walters.
Survivors include her husband, J.
Clyde Luffman, of the home; one
daughter, Mrs. Danny (Nancy
Louise) Darnell, of the home; two
sons, James Javan (Jim) Luffman,
Greensboro, and Roby Lee Luff
man, Rt. 3, Mocksville; two grand
sons, Randy Van Luffman. Dallas. ,
Texas, and Michael Luffman.
Mocksville; one granddaughter,
Renee LufTman, Mocksville; one
sister, Mrs. Claude (Lexie) Sneed,
State Road; one brother, Robert
(Bob) Walters, Ronda; and several
nieces and nephews.
Grover Stecn. Jr.. .'56. 1440
Whitehall Ct., died Jan. 27 at Moses
Cone Hospital in Grceasboro.
He was bom January 13, 1931, in
Chester County, S.C., to the late
Grover Stecn Sr. and Rmnta GhantI
Mr. Stecn was a planning engineer
with AT&T Technologies and was
a member of Parkway Baptist
Church. He was a graduate of the
University of South Carolina.
Surviving are his wife. Mrs.
Helen Stevenson Sleen. of the home:
one daughter, Robin Eli.se Stedn,
Roanoke. Va.; one son, K. Bryan
Stecn, M(Kk.sville; two .si.stcrs. Ola
Mac McMurray. Ft. Uwn, S.C..
and Anna Bell Jones. Rock Hill.
S.C.; and four hrolliers, Jamc.s
Siccn. New Bern. N.C., Waller M.
Stccn and Vernon L. Steen, both of.
Chester. S.C.. and R". Marion Stcch,
Cay CO, S.C.
Funeral services were held Satur
day at Wright Funeral Home in
Chester. S.C. Burial followed in
Chester Memorial Gardens.
ADVANCE — Floyd Monroe
Munday, 67, of Route 4, died Satur
day evening in Lexington Memorial
The funeral was held Tue.sday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in
Mocksville, conducted by the Rev.
Tom McLean. Burial was in Mocks
United Methodi.st Church cemetery.
Bom Oct. 26. 1919. in Davie
County, he was a .son of the late
William and Mary Beth Hill Mon
day. He was a retired farmer.
Survivors include his wife, Mixiell
Orrell Munday; a daughter, Nancy
Brooks of L^exington; two sons,
Kenneth Munday of Lexington and
Billy Munday of MocLsville; two
sisters, Willie Cartner of Mocksville
and Aimie Clinard of High Point; six
grandchildren; and one
Mr. Winfield (Scott) Stewart, 92,
Rt. 3, MocLsville, died Monday
morning at V.A. Medical Center in
Funeral services were to be held
at 2 p.m. Wedne.sday at Eaton's
Funeral Chapel by the Revs. Bobby
Swain aiid Le.sler Kcaton. Burial was
to be in Dulin United Methodist
Church cemetery.
Mr. Stewart was born in Davie
County to Dick C. and Fannie Hege
Stewart. He was a retired farmer.
Surviving are his wife, Eunice
Shoaf Stewart, of the home; one son
Hubert (Pcic) .Stewart. Rt. 3
MrK'ksviilc: two brothers, Tom
Stewart. Rt. 3. Mocksville and
Johnny (ButI) Stewart. LinwrxKl-
fwo sisters. Cora Stewart.'
Mocksville and Sallie Sain, Rt 3
Mock.svillc; two grandchildren. Dale
Stewart and Crystal Hilton, both of
Rt. 3, Mocksville, and three
ai o
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CLEMMONS — Mr. Emc.sl Dur-
wood Raulerson. 56. .1929 Hampton
Rd., died Monday at For.syth
Hospital after an extended illness.
He was born in Haincs City. Fla.,
to Ernest DurwtKxl and Neila Mae
Mr. Raulerson was a teacher and
coach for the Winston-Salem/For-
syth County school system for 21
years and. most recently, taught at
West Forsyth High .School.
He is .survived by his wife, JoAnn
Raulerson. of the home; one
daughter. Carol R. Brassell.
Philadelphia, Penn.; two sons.
Ronald &ott Raulerson. Mocksvillc,
and Mark Edward Raulerson, of the
home; three sisters. Juanita
Borowski, Buffalo. N.Y.. Joyce
Singer, Brooksville. Fla., and Janet
Hensley, Inverness, Fla.; two
brothers, Charles Ray Raulerson.
Orange Park. Fla., and Kenneth
Wayne Raulerson, We.st Germany;
and three grandchildren, Matthew
Scott Raulerson, Ryann Marie and
Robert Frances Brassell.
Memorial .services were to be held
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Trinity
United Methodist church, 3819
Country Club Rd., by the Rev. Der-
rell Parris.
The family was to receive friends
at the home. Wednesday afternoon
from 2 to 5 p.m. and Wcdnc.sday
evening from 7 to 9 p.m. They were
to also receive friends following the
In lieu of flowers, the family re
quests that any memorials be made
to Trinity United Methixlist Church.
COOLEEMEE — Charles Boyd
"Swicey" Swicegood, 82, died in
Davie County Hospital Feb. 6.
The funeral was Sunday in Good
Shepherd Episcopal Church with
Father Willis Ro.senthitl officiating.
Burial was in St. Andrew's Church
He was born May 23. 1904, in
Rowan County to the late Charlie
and Flora Belle Green Swicegood.
He was a retired rc.staurant cook and
a member of Good Shepherd
Episcopal Church.
Survivors include a daughter, Joan
S. Snyder of Cooleemee; a sister,
Maiy Lee Riggs of Kannapolis; four
grandchildren and six
Donald Eugene Smith, .58. 43.39 .S.
Main St., died Monday morning .it
his home.
He was born in Forsyth County to
the late Marvin Smith and Ina Tilley
Smith. He was a member of V.F. W.
South Main St. Post; he was a
veteran of World War II. U.S.
Navy. He was of the Baptist faith.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jean
Hardison Smith. Winston-Salcm;
three stepdaughters, Crrllccn Fcrrcll.
Advance. Mis.sey Daniel and Robin
Baker, both of Win.ston-Salcm; one
.step.son, Tracy Daniel. Virginia;
three sisters. Mrs. Terry Bowman
and Mrs. Paul Howell. both of
Win.ston-Salem, and Mrs. Benny
Wal.ser. Lexington; two brothers.
Mike Smith. Pfafftown. and Darrell
Smith, M(x:k.sviIIc: his grandmother,
Mrs. Dicic Tilley, Wiaston-Salcm;
and four grandchildren.
Funeral services were to be held
at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at
Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel
by the Rev. Mike Duflleld. Burial
was to follow in Community Baptist
Church Cemetery.
Robert Lester "Bob" Scott, 59, of
Route 8, Mocksville, died Feb. 6 at
Forsyth Memorial Hospital,
Winston-Salem. after being seriously
ill for one month.
The funeral was held Monday at
Mainville AME Zion Church with
the Rev. William Bailey ofilciating.
Burial was Tuesday at the National
Cemetery of Salisbury.
Born Aug. 28, 1927, in Da vie
County, a son of Beulah Wil.sor
Scott of Mocksville. and the late
John A. Scott, he was retired fronr
Hancs Hosiery and a veteran of the
Korean War.
Survivors in addition to hi:
mother, include four brothers. John
Clyde. Ncal and Dwight Scott, all o
Mocksville; two sisters. Helen War
ren of Winston-Salem, and Shirlc;
Steele of Mocksville; and a numbe:
of nieces and nephews.
a ui
Dcwey Pinkney Beck, 65, of
Ratledge Road, Route 8, Mocksvillc
was pronounced dead at Davie
County Hospital Tuesday morning.
He had been in declining health for
eight months but death was
Mr. Beck was. bom in Davie
County Oct. 15, 1921, to the late
Sheridan St. Ledger "Buddy" Beck
and Annie Beatrice Dyson Beck.
He was retired from the U.S.
Postal Service at the Mocksvillc Post
Office as a rural mail carrier with 20
years of service. Prior to that time
he was a substitute carrier and
carpenter for over 20 years.
He attended Liberty Wcsleyan
Church in Sheffield and was a
number of the National Rural Car
riers Association.
Survivors include his wife of 45
years, Grace C. Ratledge; a grand
daughter, Sherri McDaniel of Route
8, Mocksvillc; two brothers, Blume
T. Beck and M. Clivc Beck, both
Route I. Harmony; one sister. Mrs.
Bessie Siroud of Route 6,
Mocksvillc; and a number of nieces
and nephews.
A daughter, Barbara Annette Beck
McDaniel, preceded him in death in
Funeral arrangements were in
complete Tuc.sday afiemoon.
PAYETTEVILLE - Mrs.Madeline Wright Yates, 72, oJ^4
York Rd. died in Sept. of (j98^
Graveside .services were held at
Lumber Bridge Cemetery.
Surviving are three sisters. Mabel
W. Cottrell of Southem Pines,
Elizabeth W. Harper of Altamonte
Springs. Ra., Doris W. Lanius of
Fayettevillc and a brother, Robert
W. Wright of Tempc, Ariz.
Mrs. Yates was the widow of Lt.
Col. John Andrew Yates of N. Main
St., Mocksvillc. Lt. Col. Yates was
the son of Mrs. C.N. Christian
K ANNAPOLIS — Margaret
Louisa Rhyne Bost, 83, of 5724
Turner Drive, died Saturday at
Cabarrus Memorial Hospital. She
had been ill for three months.
The funeral was held Monday at
Midway United Methodist Church,
with the Rev. Roy H. Lockridge of
ficiating. Burial was at Centcrgrove
Lutheran Church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to the
Building Inprovement Fund of Mid
way United Methodist Church.
Bom March 22, 190.3, in Guilford
County, a daughter of the laic
Herbert and Lucy Lynn Rhyne, she
worked in the spinning room of Can
non Mills Plant No. 4 until retire
ment in 1968. She was a member of
Midway United Methodist Church.
Survivors include two .sons. Bill
R. Bost of Concord and Lloyd L.
Bost of San Jose, Calif.; eight
daughters, Lynn Severf of the home,
Beverly Miller and Margaret
Whitaker of Kannapolis, Carolyn
Shores and Jane Perkins of Concord,
Betty Wil.son of Coolecmce, Hilda
Eller of Columbia, S.C., and Sarah
Bost of China Grove;
One si.ster, Euphemia Rainey of
Kannapolis; 19 grandchildren; one
step-grandchild; six great
grandchildren; and two
' /norman m. kuhn
COOLEEMEE - Mr. Nomian
Merle Kuhn, 69, died Feb. 12 at
Rowan Memorial Hospital.
Funeral .services were held Satur
day at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the
Rev. I^rry Allen and the Rev.
Shelby Harbour. Burial was in
Legion Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to First
Baptist Church of Coolecmce.
Mr. Kuhn was a retired employee
of Ciba-Geigy with .18 years of .serv
ice in New York and Grcen.sboro.
He was a member of the Masonic
Lodge of Hudson, N.Y.
Surviving are his wife, Sarah Jor
dan Kuhn; one sister, Dorothy Ham
mond, Odenton, Md.; and one
nephew, Arthur Hammond, Oden
ton, Md.
■•^ANNIE MAE CLEMENTAnnie Mae Clement, 74, of 258Mill St., MocLsville, died Feb. 12
at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in
Winston-Salem.Bom Jan.. I, 1913, in Knoxville,Tenn., she was educated in theschools of Knoxville. Retired as adomestic, .she was a member of Fair-fi eld Bapti.st Church, where she had
served as trea.surer and deaconess.She was a mother of the church.Survivors include three step.sons.Van Clement of Mock.sville,William Clenjent of Salisbury and
George ClementijfPfooklyn, N.Y.;two stepdaughters; tizzie Fowler of
Mocksvillc pttdCAances Jones ofSalisbupr; a.9«fgH Joyce Mack ofKnoxville, Tenn.; and one
' ANNIE H. DULINAnnie Sue Hudson Dulin, 45, of112 Foster St., MocLsville died Sunday at Davie County Hospital afterbeing in declining health for a yearand seriously ill for three days.The body was to remain at Nobleand Kel.scy Funeral Home inSalisbury pending completion of
funeral arrangements.Bom March 4, 1941, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of SadieHudson of Mocksvillc and the lateJohn Henry Campbell. A graduate ofDavie County High School, she waslast employed with Drexel Heritage
Fumiture Co. She was a member ofShiloh Baptist Church.
Survivors, in addition to hermother, include her husband, JohnW. Dulin; a son, Marcus Hudson of
the home; three daughters, LisaDulin and Adrian Hudson, both ofthe home, and Elaine Dulin ofSalisbury; a brother, Anthony G.Hudson of Inglewood. Calif.; and
one grandchild.
5] O
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Mr. James Emory Cough. 62, Rt.
S. Mocksville, died Feb. 12 at Bap
tist Hospital.Funer^ services were held Sunday
at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church by
the Rev. Leon Wood. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
The family requests that any
memorials be made to Yadkin Valley
Baptist Church.
Mr. Cough was bom in Lee Coun
ty, son of the lale James E. and Vic
toria Clark Cough. He was a
member of Yadkin Valley Baptist
Church and was a retired truck
Surviving are his wife, Peggy
Walker Cough; four daughters,Kathy Transou, Rt. 5, Mocksvill^,
Vickie Hendrix and Nancy Crubbs,
both of Mooresville, and Barbara
Creen, Rt. 4, Mocksville; two
sisters, Mrs. Ora Mae Bowles, Rt.
S, Mocksville, and Mrs. Ethel
Joyner, Winston-Salem; one
brother, Tom Cough, Rt. 8,
Mocksville; five grandchildren;
seven stepgrandchildren; and two
Mary Belle Jones Lagle, 81, of
119 Cwyn St., Mocksville, died at
her home Feb. 12.
I'he funeral was held Saturday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chti'pel.Burial was in Jerich9j|Church ofChrist cenjctery. -^v '
Memorials may bt^aiadc to the
Ass(x;iation for Retar&dCiti/.en.s, in
care of C.M. Anderson, Route 2,
Box 389, Advance, N.C. 27006 or
the Davie County Library in
Bom in Davie County on March
I, I90S, she was a daughter of the
late Hampton C. and Ida Jane Shive
Jones. She was a retired nursing
assistant with the Davie County
Hospital and a member of Jericho
Church of Christ.
Survivors include her husband,
Ernest Lagle; a daughter, Ailcne
Potts of Route 2, Advance; a son,
Fred Lagle of the home; four sisters,
Veatrice Towell, Helen Koontz,
Frances Williams and Ben Craves,
all of Mocksville; a brother, Carl
Jones of Route 1; two grandchildren;
and one great-grandchild.
Thomas Franklin McCalliard, 76,
6330 Linda Dr., Lewisville, died
Feb. II at Baptist Hospital, follow
ing a brief illness. He was bom
February 7, 1911, in Marion, the
son of Thomas and Sally Fair
McCalliard. Mr. McCalliard moved
to Forsyth County in 1957 and was
employed by Oak Ridge Textile
Manufacturers in Creensboro, retir
ing in 1977. He was of the Baptist
He was married in 1937 to Bcnha
Ward McCalliard, who survives, of
the home.
Also surviving arc one daughter,
Mrs. Barry (Joyce) Atwood, 2664
Wessex Rd.; three sons, T. Dean
McCalliard, Mocksville, Joe M.
Causby, Winston-Salem, and Frank
Leon Causby, Mocksville; sixgrandchildren; three great
grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs.
Kate Cillispic, Mrs. Dorothy
Wilson, and Mrs. Nora Sisk, all of
Marion, N.C.; and two brothers,
Marshall McCalliard, Marion, and
Edward McCalliard, Munfordville,
Funeral services were held Satur
day at Vogler's Reynolda RoadChapel by the Dr. E. Wilson Wahl.
Interment lollowed in Forsyth
Memorial Park.
Eugene Morefield, 69, Rt. I, died
Feb. 9 at Hoots Memorial Hospital.
He was burn in Surry County toLugene and Lucy ^ma Wall
Morefield. He was a member of
Richmond Hill Baptist Church.
Surviving are one daughter, Judy
Mallow, Rt. 3, Apex; four sons,
Jerry Morefield, Carthage, Cene,
Kenneth, and Larry Morefield, all of
Texas; three sisters, Mrs. Elsie Par-
rish, Mocksville, Mrs. Nonnte Hut-
chens, Boonville, and Mrs. Ethel
Miller, Rt. I, Boonville; and one
brother, Claude Morefield,
Funeral services were held Friday
at Mackie-Centry Funeral Chapel by
the Rev. Daniel Merritt.
Burial was in Richmond Hill Bap
tist Church Cemetery.
'ADVANCE - Mrs. Reba
Howard Myers, 78, Rt. I, Box 401,
widow of Carl H. Myers, died
Saturday morning at Forsyth
Funeral services were held Mon
day at Creen Meadows Baptist
Church by the Rev. Leon Wood and
the Rev. Yates Wilketson. Burial
followed in the churclt cemetery.
Mrs. Myers was born in Davie
County to Tom and Lelia Smith
Howard. She had lived in Davie
County all of her life.
She was a member of Creen
Meadows Baptist Church. She was
a retired employee of Carolina Nar
row Fabric Co.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.
Bobby C. (Nell) Allen, Rt. 5,
Mocksville; two sons, Herbert
Myers, Cilbert, S.C., and C.L.
Myers, Rt. 1, Advance; seven
grandchildren and two
KINSTON - William Neisler
Wilkins, formerly of North
Wilkesboro, died Feb. 13 at Britt-
haven Nursing Home.
Mr. Wilkins was bom in Salisbury
Jan. 9, 1908, to the late Carrie
Neisler and William Robert Wilkins.
He received his education at North
Wilkesboro High School and
Washington and Lee University. He
was a retired pharmacist at Standard
Dmg of Kinston.
Mr. Wilkins was a member of the
Kinston Presbyterian Church. He
was a veteran of World War 11, hav
ing served in the European Theater
and the Aleutians. He was a member
of VFW No. 2771.
He is survived by his sister, Mrs.
James H. Somers of Wilkesboro;
four nieces; 13 great-'nieces and
nephews and three great-great-
nephews. Craveside services were
held Saturday at 3 p.m. at Rose
Cemetery in Mocksville and were
officiated by the Rev. Alec Alvord
of the Wilkesboro United Methodist
Hobson Henderson, 86, Rt. 5, Ty-
; ler St., died at her home Saturday
1 night. She was born in Yadkin
I County, May 7, 1900, to James
: Anderson and Mattie Elizabeth
! Joyner Hobson. She was a member
; of Seventh Day Advcntist Church
I (Mockaville). She was married to
Hubbard 0. Henderson, who died
i January 7,1974. Surviving are two
daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Lament,
Evansviile, Ind. and Miss Jean
Williams, Rt. 5, Yadhinvllle; one
stepdaughter. Miss Catherine
Henderson, Rt. B, Yadkinville; two
sisters, Mrs. Eva Wooten, East
Bend and Mrs. Bessie Stewart,
; BoonviUe; one brother, Jim Hob-
; son, East Bend; two grandchildren
. and four peat-grandchildren. Pu-
; neral services will be 11 a.m. Tues-
L day at Mackie-Gentry Funeral
I Chapel by the Rev. W. Sidney
Mills. Burial will be in Anderson,
Ind. The family will receive friends
from 2 to 8 p.m. today at the ftmer-
al home.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1987 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
y^t%. I^cie Boger Stonestreet, 85,,
f 43 Park Bivd., died at her home!
\ Sunday morning. She was the wid-
1 ow of Wade Franklin Stoneatreet.
Funeral services will be 31 a.m.
Tuesday at Vogler's Reynolda
Road Chapel by Rev. John P.
Spillman, Jr. Burial will be in For-
sjlh Memorial Park. Mrs. Stonea
treet was bom in Davie County to
Calvin and Margaret Boger. She i
had lived most of her life in Win-
ston-Salem. She was a member of
the Eastern Star and the V.F.W. j !
Auxiliary. She was a member of
Central Terrace United Methodist i
Church. Surviving are one daugh- '!
ter, Mrs. Bonnie Sturkey, Char- ;;
lotte; one son, Conrad Stonestreet, ]
Winston-Salem; four grandchil- ^
dren, JoAnne Carpenter, Myrtle 1
Beach, B.C., Connie Kennedy, At- '
lanta, Ga., Beth Sturkey, Char
lotte and Jeff Sturkey, Northfield,
Minn.; two great-grandchildren
and one brother, John Boger,
Mocksville. The family will receive
friends from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at
the funeral home.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/15/1987 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE county enterprise record, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26, I9S7-
' V
WINSTON-SALEM - Mr.Frederic Fric.s Bahn.<ion Jr., 73,940Arbor Rd.. died Feb. 20 at Forsvlh
Hospital.■ He was ^irn Augu.sl 26. 1913. inFbrsytb County to Frederic Fric.sBahbson and Bleeker Reid Bahnson.He spent his early life in ForsythCounty. He was a graduate ofMcCallie Military Academy and theUniversity of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, Class of 1935.Mr. Bahnson was a Forsyth County Commi.s.sioner from 1954 to I960,serving as Chairman from 1956 to1960. He was a member of the Northprolina Legislature from 1962 to1966. He was a trustee at Salem College, East Carolina UniversityUNC-Chapel Hill and Women'sCollege of Greensboro. He was past
president of Winston-SalemKiwanis, N.C. Cattlemen's A.s.socia-tlon and the North American Sheep
dog Society.
Mr. Bahnson was the director oftte N.C. Zoological Society and was
chairman of the Dixie Classic Fair.He was co-owner and operator ofSalem Steel Stamping and Win-Mock Farm. He was a member of
Home Moravian Church.
Surviving are his wife, Loui.scBennett Bahnson. of the home; onedaughter, Mrs. Bleeker LouiseStrand, Advance; two sons. Dr.Frederic Fries Bahnson III, aMedical Missionary in Nigeria andBert Bahnson, Advance; threebrothers, Henry Bahn.son, Pittsburgh, Pa., Alex Bahn.son, De LandFla. and Dr. E. Reid Bahn.son,*
Winston-Salem and six grandchildren, Frederic Fries Bahnson IV,Carsten Marshall Bahason, MaryCaroline Bahnson, Mary LouiseBahnson, Loui.se Bahnson Strandand Laura Elizabeth Strand.Funeral services were held Sundayat Home Moravian Church by Dr.
Robert Sawyer and Dr. Kenneth
Robinson. Burial was in Moravian
Graveyard.Memorials may be made to N.CZoological Soddy, Ashcboro, N.C.
DAVID S. HOSTCHINA GROVE - TTie funeralfor David Stuart Bo.st was held
Saturday at Linn-Honeycutt FuneralHome Chapel in China Grove, conducted by the Rev. Richard Horn.Burial was in West Lawn Cemetery.
Bnst, 26, of 711 S. Franklin .St.died I'cb. 19 at Rownn Memorial
Ho.spiial from injuries sustained onhis job as a welder for St.iclean Dif-fuser Co. in .Salisbury.
Born Aug. 9, I960, in Rowan
County, a son Robert Bost ofSalisbury and Ramona Phillips Bllerof China Grove, he was educated in
the Rowan County schools.
Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include a brother, MichaelBost of China Grove; two sisters,
Tcri Adams of China Grove and
Tina Tatum of Mocksville; hismaternal grandmother, MaryPhillips of China Grove; and his
paternal grandmother, Christine
Bo.st of Ocean Isle.
Willie Munday Cartner, 83, of
Mocksville, died Monday night at
Davie County Hospital.
The funeral will be held at 2 p.m.
Thursday at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Bill
Farmer and the Rev. Dana Ervin.
Burial will be in Bethel United
Methodist Church cemetery.
The family was to be at the funeral
home Wednc.sday night from 7 to 9.
Bom Sept. 15, 1903, in Davie
County, she was a daughter of the
late William M. and Mary Beth Hill
Munday. She was a homemaker and
a member of Fork Baptist Church.
Her husband, Samuel Elijah Cart
ner, died in 1951.
Survivors include two daughters,Louise Michael of Lexington and
Carolyn Boger of Route 4,
Mocksville; a sister, Annie Clinard
of High Point; seven grandchildren:
and five great-grandchildren.
The funeral for Annie .Sue Hud
son Dulin was held Friday at Shilirh
Baptist Church, conducted by Dr.
A.O. Walker, pa.st6r. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Mrs. Dulin, 45, of 112 Foster St.,
Mocksville, died .Sumkiy at DavieCounty Hospital afler being in
declining health for a year andseriously jll /pr three days.
.WINSTON-SALEM — JamesAlbert "Al" Grooms Sr., 64, 3667Oak Hollow Ct., died unexpectedlyFeb. 18 at Baptist Hospital.
A son of William Clarence andAnna L. Grooms, he served 32 years
in the Federal Government, where
he retired as laspector General of the
National Security Agency. He wasa member of Centenary United
Methodist Church and was with thefirm of Petree, Stockton, and Robin
son of Win.ston-SaIem.Surviving arc his wife, Mary C.
Grooms; two children, Carol E.
Livengood, Mocksville, and JamesA. Grooms, Jr., Winston-Salem; .six
grandchildren; one brother, WilliamRalph Grooms, Albuquerque,
N.M.; and his mother, of
Memorial services were con
ducted by Dr. Dallas Rush and theRev. Wesley Dodge at Centenary
United Methodist Church on
Memorials may be made to the
Winston-Salem Chapter of the
American Heart Association.
o. to
d d
OJ ■ '
i <5
LANDIS - J.D. Hellard, 62. of
314 E. Ryder Avc., died Feb. 19 al
Cabarrus Memorial Hospital after
being in declining health for one year
and seriously ill for several months.
The fimeral was Sunday in the
Linn-Honeycutt Funeral Home
Chapel in Landis, conducted by the
Rev. Richard Horn and Bill Biles.
Burial was in Brookhill Memorial
Gardens in Rockwell.
Born Oct. 6, 1924, in Davie
County, he was a son of the late Carl
J. and Ellen Ridcnhour Hellard.
Educated in the Davie County
schools, he was employed as a
.superintendent of Crescent Con
struction Co. in Concord.
He was a member of Emanuel
Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale,
Fla., and was a veteran of World
War II, having served as a sergeant
in the U.S. Army.
Survivors include his wife, Jackie
Hamrick Hellard; a son, Ronald
Hellard of Rockwell; two daughters,
Kathy Lee of Faith and Carlos Keller
of Mocksville;
Four stepdaughters. Patsy Har
rison and Terry Patrick, both of
Granite Quarry, Sheila Beaver of
Landis and Sherry Burris of
Albemarle; two brothers, Raymond'
Hellard of Woodleaf an^jjunes
Hellard of Sali.sbury; a si^gfl^ Dbt-
tie Bracken of Salisbury; fQ grand
children; and two]; great
Stella Phclps McClamrock, 89, of
Big Elm Retirement Center, and
formerly of Route 4, Mocksville,
died Feb. 20 at Presbyterian Hospital
in Charlotte, where she had been a
patient for two months.
The funeral was Saturday at Liber
ty United Methodist Church. Burial
was in the church cemetery.
Born Jan. 29, 1898, in Davie
County, she was retired from Erwin
Mills Co. and was a member of
Liberty United Methodist Church.
Her husband, Arthur "Tete"
McClamrock, died July 30, 1971.
Survivors include a daughter,
Katherine Rushing of Tucson, Ariz.;
two sons, Carl McClamrock of Kan-
napolis and Lester McClamrock of
Woodleaf; a sister, Ruth Burton of
Mocksville; a brother, Raymond
Phclps of Mocksville; eight grand
children; and four great
Blondel Elmo (Bill) Redmond, 69,
917 Rock Spring Dr., died Saturday
evening at Forsyth Hospital.
He was bom October 17, 1917, in
Winston-Salem to the late Edgar
Phillip and Ruby Frazier Redmond.
Mr. Redmond attended Freedom
Baptist Church in Rural Hull. He
was an amateur radio operator with
call letters K41EC. He was the
former Network Manager for
Virginia Phone Net. He was current
ly employed with Hurst Dental Labs.
Surviving are his wife, Mabel
Chapman Redmond, of the home;
one son, Charles E. (Butch) Red
mond, Charlotte; one grand
daughter, Sharon Marie Redmond,
Cooleemee; two sisters, Mrs. Jean
R. Jones, St. Petersburg, Fla. and
Miss Phyllis Louise Redmond, 201
N. Sunset Dr.; and one brother,
Edgar F. Redmond, Winston-Salem.
Funeral services were held Mon
day at Vogler's Main Street Chapel
by the Rev. John T. Byerly. Burial
was in Forsyth Memorial Park.
The family requests that any
memorials be made to the American
Cancer Society.
Pulliam Wilkins, 63, of 2812 Twin
Oaks Drive, sister of Lucille Flem
ing of Salisbury, died unexpectedly
Feb. 17 at her home.
The funeral was held Saturday at
Holsey Memorial CME Church,
conducted by the Rev. H.L. Gilliani,
pastor. Qurial was in Belmont
Bom July 9, 1921, in Bunks Coun
ty, Ga., she was a daughter of the
late William and Sarah Jones
Pulliam. Employed with the Iredell
County Schools, she was a member
of Holsey Memorial CME Church,
where she served as president of the
pastor's aide, treasurer of the Sun
day school department, primary
Sunday school teacher, and was a
member of the trustee board, senior
choir and Voices of Holsey.
Her husband, John David Wilkins,
preceded her in death.
Survivors include six other sisters,
Azzilee P. Clement of Philadelphia,
Pa., Bertha P. Wilson of
Mocksville, Catherine P. Smoot and
Jessie P. Hodg4s, both of Winston-
Salem, and Lila Pulliam and Camilla
Martin, both of Queens, N.Y.; two
brothers, William Pulliam of
Queens, N.Y., and Harvey Pulliam
of Mocksville.
Several nieces and nephews, in
cluding LaTreena Jordan and Glenn
N. Chambers, both of the home, and
Sylvia Morris, Ada Bruce and Ar
chie G. Chambers, all of Statesville,
and Cynthia Rodriguz of Germany,
who Nyere all raised in the home.
eo. puBuc
Mrs. Willie Munday Cartncr, 83,
widow of Samuel Elijah Gartner,
died Feb. 23 at Davic County
' Funeral services were held Feb.
26 at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the
Rev. Bill Farmer and the Rev. Dana
Ervin. Burial was in Bethel United
Methodist Church cemetery.
Mrs. Gartner was born in Davic
County to the late William M. and
Mary Beth Hill Munday. She was a
homcmaker and was a member of
Fork Baptist Church. Her husband
preceded her in death in 1951.
Survivors include two daughters,
Mrs. Louise Michael, 119 William
Lane, Lexington, and Mrs. Carolyn
Boger, Rt. 4, Mocksvillc; seven
grandchildren; five great
grandchildren; one si.stcr, Mrs. An
nie Clinard, High Point; and .several
nieces and nephews.
y ADVANCE - Mrs. Maude
Williams Htwts, 97, died early Feb.
25 at Meadowbrook Manor Nursing
Center in Clemmons.
She was bom in Yadkin County on
Jan. II, 1890, to Millard and
Elizabeth Hutchens Williams. Mrs.
Hoots was a member of Deep Creek
Baptist Church. She was married to
Mr. J.J. Hoots; who died Dec. 14,
Surviving are two sons, Allen F.
Hoots, Clemmons, and Kenneth F.
Hoots, Advance.
Funeral services were held Feb.
26 at Maekie-Gentry Chapel by the
Rev. J.C. Shore. Burial was in Deep
Creek Baptist Church Cemetery Fri
day. The family requests no flowers.
Memorials may be made to the
charity of the donor's choice.
Dustin Wayne Palmer, 4-month-
old infant son of Jimmy and Kathy
Potts Palmer of Route 6,
Mocksville, died early Sunday mor
ning at Davie County Hospital.
A graveside service was held
Tuesday at the Gospel Baptist
Church cemetery, conducted by the
Rev. Lc.ster Kcaton.
Born Oct. 21, 1986, in Fonsyth
County, he is survived, in addition •
to his parents, by a sister, Kristin
Moore of the home; his patental
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Palmer of Vadkiiiville; his maternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Beamon of Mocksville;
His patemal great-grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Palmer of
Yadkinville and Louise Adkins of
Yadkinville; and his maternal great-
grandmother, Ethel Mudderman of
The funeral for Robert "Ringo"
Ring of Mocksville was held Friday
at Trinity Baptist Church in Davie
County with the Rev. Darrell Cox
and the Rev. William Hutchens of-
Ficiating. Burial was in Floral
Garden Park Cemetery in High
Born in Davidson County on Oct.
17, 1931, he was a son of the late
Joe H. and Rosie Edward Ring. An
employee of Air Master Electrical
Inc. of Salisbury, he was a Baptist.
Survivors include his wife, Ida
Griffln Ring; three daughters, Wan
da Shaffner, Debbie Bedford and
Phyllis Bcaty, all of Mocksville; and
seven grandchildren.
Ring, 55, of Route 8, died unex
pectedly Feb. 24 at Davic County
Ho.spital of an apparent heart attack.
SALISBURY — Robert Lancer
Winccoff, 93, of Route I, died Feb.
26 at Jo Lenc's Nursing Home after
being in declining health for three
months and seriously ill for a week.
The funeral was held Sunday at
Gay's Chapel United Methodist
Chqrch. conducted by the Rev. Jack
Luther", pastor, and the Rev. J.C.
former pastor. Burial was in
Itjlichurch cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Gay's
Chapel United Methodi.st Church.
Route 9, Box 467, Salisbury.
Bom April 30, 1893, in Rowan
County, he was a son of the late
Harvey and Sarah Jane l^wtler
Wineeoff. Educated in the Rowan
County schools, he was a retired
farmer and a member of Gay's
Chapel United Methodi.st Church.
His wife, Eva Ghcen Winccoff.
preceded him in death.
Survivors include three sons. Paul
L. Wineeoff of Statesville, Clarence
H. Wineeoff of Route 2, Salisbury,
and Fred E. Wineeoff, also of
Salisbury; two daughters, Mrs.
Lloyd (Maty) Shoaf and Mrs. J.E.
(Dorothy) Archie, both of Route I;
a sister. Pearl Ridenhour of Route 4,
Mocksvillc; 21 grandchildren; and
25 great-grandchildren. _
t.f:, f7c
Thomas Duane Isley Sr., 73, of
Route 7, Mooksville died Saturday
at his home after a period of declin
ing health.
A graveside service was held
Monday at Liberty United Methodist
Church cemetery with the Rev.
Leiand Richardson officiating.
Born Oct. 26, 1913, in Duvie
County, he was a son of the late
Henry B. and Ada Allred l.sley. He
was a retired security guard.
Survivors include a daughter,
Brenda 1. Kelly of Lewisville; a son,
Thomas D. Isley Jr. of Lexington;
a sister. Hazel Wagner of Arlington,
Va.; two half sisters, Rovie
Mayberry of Couleemee and Grace
Ridenhour of Mocksville; and four
Eileen Fishcl Mills, 81, died March
2 in Winston-Salem at The Moravian
Home, where she had resided since
last April.
She was tlie widow of Howard
Cabell Mills, who died in 1941.
In 1925, Mrs. Mills was one of
two females in the first graduating
class of Draughon's Business Col
lege. She studied voice at Salem Col
lege. She was active in the affairs of
the Y.W.C.A. and the Business Pro
fessional Women's Club.
For many years, Mrs. Mills was
dctive member of Home Mora-
.9^ign Church, its Matilda Ward Class
? ^and the Women's Fellowship. In re-
cent years, having returned to live
in "Friedburg, where she was born
and reared, she returned to Fried
burg Moravian Church and became
actively involved titere.
Mrs. Mills was preceded in death
by two sons, Howard Cabell, Jr. and
Allen George Mills, and her brother,
Aubrey C. Fishel.
Surviving are a daughter, Emma,
Mrs. Claiboume Worth Poindexter,
of Greensboro; seven grandchildren;
sister, Mrs. Carl Bowman, of
Winston-Salem; brothers, Mr. Coy
A. Fishel, of The Moravian Home,
and Mr. Robert L. Fishel, Advance.
The Rev. Thomas Shelton, pastor,
and the Rev. Norwood Green were
to officiate at the graveside service
at God's Acre, Friedburg Moravian
Church Wednesday, March 4, at
11:30 a.m.
Memorials may be made to The
Moravian Home, Friedburg Mora
vian Church or any charity of the
(Ipupr's choice.
SALISBURY — Samuel Jerome
Shoaf, 68, of Route 2 died Sunday
at the Salisbury VA Medical Center
after being in declining health for a
number of years and seriously ill for
the past year.
The funeral was held Tuesday in
the Lyerly Funeral Chapel with the
Rev. C.I. Burris and the Rev. Gary
Posey ofliciating. Military graveside
rites will be held at Brookhill
Memorial Gardens, conducted by
the Rowan County Veterans
Born June 12, 1918, in Davie
County, he was a son of Leddia
Creason Shoaf of Davie County and
the late Jerome A. Shoaf. Educated
in the Davie County schools, he was
engaged in textiles during his early
life and later was employed by the
VA Medical Center for 10 years. An
ordained lay minister with Victory
Temple Pentecostal Holiness
Church, he was a U.S. Army World
War II veteran and a member of
DAV Post 52.
Survivors, in addition to his
mother, include his wife, Frances
Newton Shoaf; three sons, Samuel
A. Shoaf of Rockwell, the Rev.
Jerry C. Shoaf of Waynesville and
Gary L. Shoaf of Kannapolis;
Four brothers, Harold L. Shoaf of
Mayodan, the Rev. Bill Shoaf of
Mocksville, the Rev. Kermitt R.
Shoaf of Winston-Salem and James
. A. Shoaf of South Carolina; three
sisters, Sadie Barnhardt and Alene
Jones, both of Mocksville, and Ruby
Motley of Salisbury; 11 grand
children; and five great
. ! [■, ilQ
CLEMMONS - M.K. Allen, 83.
formerly of Route 6, died Friday at
the home orhi.s daughter, Elizabeth
Steclman of 6991 Kembridge Drive,
with whom he made hi.s home.
The funeral was held Sunday at
Bethlehem United Methodist Church
in Advance, conducted by the Rev.
Robert • Peurifoy and the Rev.
Donald Funderburke. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
Bom in Davie County on Dec. 19,
1903, he was a son of the late
William Gaston and Julia Bowden
Allen. Retired from Drexel-Heritage
Furniture Co. in Mocksville, he was
a member of Bethlehem United
Methodist Church.
His first wife, Etta Riddle Allen,
died in 1954, and bis .second wife,
Clara Mac Richardson Allen, rliot! in
Survivors include three other
daughters, Mrs. Oscar (Ruth)
Bi.shop of Clemmons, Mrs. Kenneth
(Julia) Howell of Mocksville and
Mrs. Davis (Louise) Fulp of King;
two sisters, Ethel Soflcy of Hunt-
.sville and Vclma McLclland of
Mainsfield, Pa.; 14 grandchildren;
and seven great-grandchildren.
Lillie Foster Anderson, 90, 2616
Atlantic St., died at her home .Sun
day morning.
Funeral services were held Tues
day at Hay worth-Miller Silas Creek
Chapel by the Rev. Nelson Weller.
Burial was in Oaklawn Memorial
Mrs. Anderson was bom Septem
ber 22, 1896, in Davie County to
Weldon and Camilla Brock Foster.
She spent most of her life in
Winston-Salem. She was a member
of First United Church of Christ.
She was preceded in death by her
hasband, John Q. Anderson, in 1962
and a daughter, Mrs. Mary Dhu
Carter in 1973.
.Surviving arc two daughters, Mrs.
Margaret Chapplle, of the home and
Mrs. Eugene (Ann) Settle, 411
Mclxan Ave.: four grandchildren;
four great-grandchildren; and one
sister, Mrs. Betty Everhart,
The family requests memorials be
made to First United Church of
HARMONY — Mrs. Vannic
Agu.sta White Bolin, 86, of NC 901,
Route I, Harmony, died March 4 at
Ircdcll Memorial Hospital where .she
had been a patient for seven weeks.
Mrs. Bolin was bom in Iredell
County on Sept. 14, 1900, and was
a daughter of the late Sylvanus
Agustus and Margaret Emma
Morefield White.
She was a member of Clark.sbury
United Methodist Church, where she
was a member of the Methodist
Women and a former member of the
Clarksbury Home Demonstration
She was married on Dee. 23,
1917, to Virgin Bolin, who survives.
Also surviving arc three sons,
William Pierce Bolin of Route 12,
Statesville. J. Paul Bolin of
M(x;ksvil)c and Dwight L. Bolin of
Statesville; four daughters, Mrs.
Lucile B. Brown of Route I, Har
mony, Mrs. Lillian B. Warren of
Route 12, State.sville, Mrs. Evelyn
B. Draughn of Route I, Moclcsville,
and Mrs. Mary Lois B. Hollings-
worth of Hendcrsonville; 17 grand
children and 22 great grandchildren.
One daughter, Florence E. Bolin,
preceded her in death.
Funeral services were conducted
at 2 p.m. Friday at Clarksbury
United Methodist Church, with Rev.
Donald L. Farris officiating. Burial
followed in the Union Grove United
Methodist Church cemetery.
Active pallbearers were grand
sons, James Lee Brown, James War
ren, Jr., Bill Warren, Larry
Draughn, Todd Bolin and Scott
Bumgamer, 87, of Route I, died
March 4 at Jo Lenc's Nursing Home
in Sali.sbury after being in declining
health for some time.
Bom April 12, 1899, in Alexander
County, he was a son of the late Zeb
and Minnie Davis Bumgarner. A
retired textile employee of Rowan
Cotton Mills, he was a member of
South River United Methodist
Church and a member of the POS of
A in Coolcemee.
His wife, Claudia Brown
Bumgamer, died in 1974.
Survivors include three sons,
Frank Bumgarner of Spencer,
Harold Bumgarner of Route 2,
Cleveland, and Jim Bumgamer of
Route I, Wo(xllcaf: three daughters,
Lucille Binkley and Muriel Camp-
|)ell, both of Route I, Cleveland, and
^nie Waller of Route I. Woodleaf;
A brother, J.B. Bumgamer of
Statesville; four" sisters. Daphne
' Iscnhour, Melzie Ireland and
Beatrice Lowrance, all of Statesville
and Plezie Putman of Mount Holly;
19 grandchildren; 35 great
grandchildren; and nine
^ ^J|6hn m, cope
L|3fW^T0N - Mr. John Mar-
^all Cope, 64, Rt. 3, Reeds com
munity. died Saturday at Autumn
Care Nursiiig Home in Mocksville
after an illness of several years.
Funeral services were Monday at
Vogler's Piedmont Chapel by the
Dr. Billy Joe Leonard and the Rev.
Clyde Ackres. Interment was in
Reeds Methodi.st Church Cemetery.
Surviving are a brother, Mai
Cope, Lexington; and three sisters.
Mrs. Mary Allen, MocLsville, Mrs.
Betty Wardlaw, Asheboro, and Mrs.
Sadie Murphy, Charlotte.
Jo.seph Francis Fmnck, 75, of
Route 3, Mocksville, died March 5
at Forsyth Memorial Ho.spital in
Born Sept. 5, 1911, in New York,
he was a son of the late John and
Mary Goetz Franck. He was a
retired .storekeeper.
Survivors include his wife.
Jeanette Bretz Franck; a daughter,
Janet Gru.sauskas of Stuart, Fla.; a
son. Joseph F. Franck Jr. of Route
3; six grandchildren: and three
A rosary was said Friday night for
Mr. Franck at Eaton's Funeral
Home Chapel.
The Ixxly was to be sent to Aycwk
Funeral Home in Stuart, Fla., for
services. Burial was to be in Forest
Hills Memorial Park in Palm City.
' n ; VvRY
John Alexander Frost, 61, of 113
Winward Circle, Mocksville, died
March S at l-orsylh Memorial
Hospital in Winston-Salcin alter a
six-week illness.
The funeral was held Mt)nday at
Morrison-Studevenl Funeral Home
in Mocksville, conducted by Elder
l.W. Ijaines. Burial was Tuesday at
10 a.m. in the National Cemetery of
Bom Aug. 25, 1925, in Davidson
County, he was a sttn of Edna A.
Morrison of the home and the late
Grady Frost. He was retired from
Dixie Furniture Co. He was a
veteran of the U.S. Army.
Survivors, in addition to his
mother, include his wife, Virgil
Frost of Lexington; four daughters,
Dorothy Winston and Ann Frost,
both of Lexington, and Edith and
Meritha Frost, both of New York;
A son, Eddie Frost of M(K'k.svll!c;
three brothers, Whitfield, Louie and
Bobby Frost, all of Mocksville; two
sisters, Vivian Bryant and Nancy
People, both of Mocksville; and 17
YADKINVILLE - Mrs. Juanita
Clementine Johnson Haynes, 76,
Winston-Salem, died Saturday in a
Fayetteville hospital.
She was bom in Alexandria Coun
ty to Harlen and Delia Parker
Johnson. She was a member of San
dy Springs Baptist Chuich. Her hus
band, Dudley A. preceded
her in death in 19^.
Survivinfit^fwo daughters, Mrs.
Mary Kamttoe' Reavis, Winston-
Salem and^rs. Bobbie Jean Caudle,
lA.'wisvilfe; two^sons, William David
Haynes, Spring I^ke and Johnny
Harlen Haynes, Lewisville; three
sisters, Mrs. Kate Galliher,
Statesvillc, Mrs. Jennie Vee Foster,
Mocksville and Mrs. Cecil Reavis,
Yadkinville; two brothers. Burl and
Harlen Johnson, both of Statesville;
nine grandchildren and five great
Funeral services were held Mon
day at Sandy Springs Baptist Church
by the Rev. Paul Simpson and the
Rev. Flake Mason. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
SALISBURY — Odessa Cpwan.
Jarrett, 49, of 1015-B Washington
St., High Point, a Rowan County
native, died^arch 4 at her home
after an illness of two weeks.
Bora June 11, 1937, she was a
daughter of Lino Cowan of Salisbuiy
and the late Lavada Neely Cowan.
She attended R.A. Clement High
School and was last employed by
Top-of-the-Mart in High Point. She
was a former member of Boxwood
Baptist Church in Mocksville.
Survivtirs, in addition to her
father, include two sons. Homer Jar
rett Jr. of High Point and James N.
Jarrett of Lexington; two daughters,
Carolyn J. Moore of Kernersville
and Odessa Denice Jarrett of
Two brothers, John and Mornard
Cowan, both of Salisbury; four other
sisters, Helen Beaty and Josephine
Rhodes, both of Salisbury; Ruby
Gaines of Florence, S.C., and Bessie
Wilson of CiH)leemee; and live
^ Rosa Florence Jones, 100,
formerly of Route 3, Mocksville,
died Sunday in Camden, S.C., at the
home of a nephew with whom she
had lived for the past five years.
The fiincral was to be Wednesday
at 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel, conducted by the Rev. E.M.
James. Burial was to be in Fork Bap
tist Church cemetery.
Born July 26, 1886, in Davie
County, she was a daughter of the
late Phillip and Laura Ellis Jones.
She was a homemaker.
Survivors include several nieces
and nephews.
CONCORD — The funeral for
Floyd Eugene Lewis was held Satur
day at Lady's Funeral Home Chapel
in Kannapolis, conducted by the
Rev. Gene GiHKlman. Burial was in
the Kanna|X)lis Cemetery.
Born Nov. II, 1912, in Davie
County, he was a son of the late
Augustus N. and Julia Russell
Lewis. He was retired as a fixer in
the spinning room at Cannon Mills.
Survivors include his wife, Idell
Kerlcy Ixwis; a daughter, Louise
Stokes of 4646 Old Salisbury Con
cord Road; three brothers, Ernest
and Harvey Lewis, both of Kan
napolis, and Lawrence Lewis of
Albemarle; a sister, Enuna Bost of
Badin; five grandchildren; and nine
Lewis, 74. of 558 Widenhou.sc
St., died March 5 at Cabarrus
Memorial Hospital after a .serious ill
ness of nine weeks.
0.smann. Sr., 82, 706 Lake Dr..
died Sunday at For.syth Hospital.
He was born in New York ti) John
and Meta Eggers Osmann. He was
retired from New York Telephone
Co. He was a member of Kerners
ville Friends Meeting. He was also
a member of Kernersville Masonic
Ltxlge No. 669 and Miller Park
Senior Citizens Dance Gi^oup.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mar-
tlia Tarplcy Livingston Osmann, of
the home; one son, Ed Osmann, Jr.,
Greensboro; one stepdaughter, Mrs.
Glenn Potter, Kinston; one stepson,
Conrad Livingston, Winston-Salem;
nine grandchildren and seven
Funeral services were held Tues
day at Hayworth-Miller Cain
Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Myron
Leonhard and the Rev. Curtis
Whaley. Masonic graveside rites
were in Farmington Community
Cemetery in Farmington.
The family requests memorials be
made to Kernersville Friends
The funeral and burial for William
Patrick Perdue will be lield in Wil
mington, Ohio.
Perdue, 11-year-old son of
Charles C. Perdue of Wilmington,
Ohio, and Tamnty Cox Perdue of
Route 2, Mocksville, died Saturday
in an accidental drowning.
Born Nov. 17, 1975, he was a
fifth-grade student at Pinebrook
Survivors, in additum to his
parents, include three brothers.
Chuck and Steven Perdue, both of
the home, and Jimmy Perdue of
Wilmington, Ohio; and his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Coats of Route 4, Advance, and Mr.
and Mrs. James Doak of Wilm
ington, Ohio.
CbOLEEMEE - Dennis t.cc
Quimby Sr., 30. died March 6 cn
route to Charlotte Memorial
Hospital from injuries sustained in
a fall.
The runeral was held at 2 p.m.
Monday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel,
with President Laveme Mccham of
ficiating. Burial was in Legion
Memorial Park.
Born March 29. 1956. in
Skowhegan, Maine, he was the son
of Ralph C. and Ro.semary B. Quim
by. He was employed by Southern
Slates feed mill in Cleveland. N.C.
Quimby is survived by two .sons.
Dennis Lee Quimby Jr. of Hartland.
Maine, and Emmette Odcll Quimby
of C(K)leemee; his parents, of North
Anson, Maine; three si.stcrs. Donna
Mae Whitney of Me.sa. Ariz.. Lin
da Marie DeRixrca of Anson, Maine,
and Sherry E. Quimby of North An-
.son. Maine; six brothers. Daniel C.
Quimby of Cnolecmec. Dana L.
Quitnby of Newport. R.I.. Arthur C.
Quimby of Skowhegan. Maine;
George A. Quimby of Not'
ridgewock. Maine. John 1. Quimby
of California, and Bryan R. Quim
by of Bingham. Maine.
Lee Reavis, 88. Rt. 2. died March
5 at her home.
She was born in Davic County to
William Dudley and Lula Mae
Harkey Reavis. She was a member
of South Oak Ridge Baptist Church.
Her husband. Marion Eugene
Reavis. preceded her in death.
.Surviving is imc daughter. Ms.
Lula Reavis Broome. Columbia.
S.C. A son. Marion Dudley Reavis.
preceded Mrs. Reavis in death in
1980. Also .surviving are six grand
children. Larry Reavis. New CasUc.
Ind.. Sharon R. Ro.se. Vevay. Ind..
Marion Paul Broome. Patricia
Denice Broome. Tina Marie BrcHinic
and John Gary Broome. all of Col
umbia, S.C.; six great-grand
children; one sister, Mrs. Je.ssie
Ruth W. Howell. M(x;ksviltc and
three brothers, William Cain Reavis,
Rt. 8. Mflcksville. John Donald
Reavis. Statc.sville and Robert Duard
Reavis. Rt. 6. Mwksville.
Funeral services were held Sunday
at South Oak Ridge Baptist Church
by the Rev. Phil Beavers and the
Rev. Albert Bracken. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
The family requests memorials be
made to South Oak Ridge Baptist
Church or Yadkin County Hospice
ScKiety,. i
1351 N. Main .St.. Mocksville. died
March 5 at N.C. Bapti.st Hospital
after a short illness.
He was a rativc of Vctiango Coun
ty. Pa.
The .son of the late Delia Dcl^ong
and Millard E. Shaffer, he was a
veteran of World War 11. He was a
medical technician at Davic County
Hospital. He formerly resided at
l.argo. Fla.
Mr. Shaffer is .surs'ived by his
wife, the former Jean Rich; four
daughters. Judith l,cc of Bir
mingham. Ala.. Doris Griffith, of
the home. Mrs. Robert McCay
(Elaine) and Mrs. Uirry Miller
(Melanic). both of Yadkin Co.; one
son. Gale Verne Shaffer Jr. of Lex
ington; eight grandchildren;
Also, two sisters. Mrs. Paul Baker
(Norma) of Culver City. Ca. and
Mrs. JIarvcy Rosier (^rbara) of
Kcy.stone iHeights. Fla.; three
brothcr.s7vE"pcnc Shaffer, of
Titu^jfi^Pa.. William Shaffer.
RaymfffiiT^ Pa., and ByrI Shaffer.
FrSinklin. Pa.
Memorials may be made to the
cancer swiety.
Memorial service was held at Bap
ti.st Hospital Chapel March 7 by the
Rev. A. Carlton Jr.
SALISBURY ~ Daniel Eugene
Webb Sr.. 38, of Route 5. died
Saturday aOcrnoon at his home aDcr
a car he was working on fell on him.
The funeral was hcltl Tuesday at
Edgewood Baptist Church in
Cooleemee. with the Rev. D.C.
.Sullivan officiating.
Webb was born March 26. 1948.
in Cherokee County. S.C., the .son
of the late Grover C. and Agnes
Wiliard Webb. He was a
maintenance worker for Quality
As.surcd of Lexington.
He is survived by his wife. Angela
Everhart Webb; two daughters.
Donna Gail Webb and April Webb
of Green Cove Springs. Fla.; one
.son. Daniel E. Webb Jr.. of the
home; two .step-children, Bonnie
Julij • and Cheryl Julian of the
home; one adopted son. Timothy J.
Webb of the home; four si.stcr.s, Vi
vian Robertson, Beverly Ann
Howard and Madelene Tatc of
Pacolet. S.C.. and Mary Presley of
Hou.ston. Tex.; and one brother,
John Tobcrt Webb of Route I.
L.". n ; : ='r:APv
I ■''( ■, ■ !' I I !Jr
OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRAIWmocksville, no
. %
GEORGE T. i)llfj>
I ADVANCE — Mr. George
Thomas Dull. 76, Rl. I. died Friday
afternoon at Veterans Hospital in
Funeral .services were held Mon
day at Macedonia Moravian Church
by the Rev. Hampton Morgan.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Dull was hini in Davie Coun
ty to Walter B. and Hattie Dixon
Dull. He was a member of Wesley
Chapel United Methodist Church.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Army,
serving in the Philippines during
World War II.
He was prccedetl in death by his
wife. Ruth Potts Dull, in April.
Surviving arc a daughter and her
husband. Patsy and l.;irry Uinier.
Advance: a .s«in and his wife. Eugene
and Anne Dull. Advance: two
grandsons. Chad and Greg Lanier:
his mother. Clemmons; three si.stcrs.
Mrs. Clarence (Sally) Reavis and
Mrs. Calvin (Frances) Reavis. both
of Kannapolis and Mrs. Barney
(Evelyn) Gough. I^xington and two
brothers. Tillman Dull. Mocksville.
and I^iwrence Dull. Advance.
y ; LOUIS G. kibk;er
Louis G. Kibiger. 85. died
Wednc.sd.iy. March 4. in St. Joseph
Medical Center. Fort Wayne. Ind.
He was retired from the Internal
Revenue Service and served with the
Army in World War II.
His wife. Ruth, died in 1673. Mr.
Kibiger was a brother of the late
Louise K. Patterson of Davie
Surviving arc a niece. Patricia
Rcilly of Mocksville. ainl a nephew.
James J. Patterson, of Goldsboro:
and four great-nicces and one
Services were held at Salem
United Church (»f Christ. Fort
Wayne. Burial was in Lindenwo(Hl
Cemetery. Fort Wayne.
, V .lOilN F. McDANIEL
John Fmnk McDaniel. 60. of
Route I. Harmony, died March 12
at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-
Salem. He had been in declining
health for five months and critical for
19 days.
Mr. McDaniel was born in Iredell
County July 27. 1926, to the late
Charlie Baxter and Jettie Mae
Richardson McDaniel.
He retired from Holly Farms in
Harmony with 23 years of .service as
a truck driver. He was a veteran of
World War II.
Services were held March 15 at
New Union United Methodist
Cluirch. where he was a member.
The Revs. S. Ellsworth Noth.stinc,
Wade E. Wright. William L. Wease
and Kermit Shoal olTiciatcd at the
.services. Burial was in the church
Pall bearers were Calvin Gaithcr.
R.D. Gatton. Lane Reavis. Jimmy
Bailey. Claude Wooten. Bob
Tharpc. Livcrn Cohen. .Ictry (^amp-
bell and Gene Cartner.
He was preceded in death by a
son. Gray Frank McDaniel and a
brother. Clyde Elmer McDaniel.
Mr. McDaniel is survived by his
wife. Mary Pauline Taylor: a son.
Jerry D. McDaniel of Route 2, Har
mony; two daughters. Vickie Ann
McDaniel and Mrs. Fred E. (Judy
Ann) Beck, both of Route I. Har
mony; a sister. Mrs. Jtx: (Lcmise)
Allred. Route I. Harmony; and two
grandchildren. Michelle Rcnee and
Jennifer Lynn Beck, both of Route
I. Harmony.
Memorials may be made to a
charity of the donor's clu)ice.
Dottie Rupard Rcnegar. 81. of
Route 6. Mocksville. died at Davie
County Hospital March 10.
The funeral was held March 12 at
; f;'V ;• !..'.;:'.\RY
h':OC'.-.c.VlLLF., NC
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel.
Burial was in Bear Creek Bapti.st
Church cemetery.
Bom Aug. 19. 1905, in Iredell
County, .she was a daughter of the
late Artifus and Mary Pearl
Weatherman Rupard. A home-
maker. .she was a member of .Sandy
Springs Bapti.st Church.
Her first husband. Marvin S.
Cline, died in 1958, and her second
husband. W.B. Rencgar, died in
Survivors include three daughters.
Nora Mae Latham of Route 8. Peggy
C. Angell of Route I and Patsy Cline
of Chapel Hill; two sons. Flake
Rupard Cline or,I^oute 6 and Mar
vin S. Cline Of |(6ute 4, Statesville;
two .stepsb^^ Jack Renegar of
Winston-jSdinn and Norris Rencgar
of Clommons;
Four sisters. Martha Melton.
Flo.ssie Loflin and Mary Luna Fulk,
all of Yadkinville. and Inez Hincs of
Raleigh; four brothers. Shcrrill
Rupard of Clemmons. Gilmcr
Rupard of Thomasvillc. and Robert
and Clarence Rupard. both of
Mocksville; 13 grandchildren; and
13 great-grandchildren.
Maz.ie Cranfill Trivette, 72, of
Route 8. Mcx'ksville, died .Saturday
evening at Davie County Ho.spital.
The funeral was Tuesday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Cliapel. con
ducted by the Rev. Grady 'l uttcrow
and the Rev. L.D. Hobson. Burial
was in Elton's Baptist Church
Bom July 1. 1914. in Davie Coun
ty. she was a daughter of the late An
drew and Mollie Reavis Cranfill.
She was a member of Eaton's Bap
tist Church.
Her husband. Burton Fassettc
Trivette. died in 1982.
Survivors include three daughters.
Faye Roger of Route I. Bonnie
Joyner of Route 5 and Colene
Maybcrry of Clemmons; three sons.
B.L. and Willis Trivette. Iwth of
Route 8, and Wayne Trivette of
Two sisters. Alberta Lash of
Bassctt. Va., and Naomi Smith of
Woodleaf; II grandchildren; and
seven great-grandchildren.
ADVANCE — Mr. Lloyd Hcidcr
Abbott, Jr., 67,194 River Bend Rd.,
Bermuda Run, died March 17 at
Forsyth Hospital.
He was bom January 3. 1920, in
Washington, D.C., to Lloyd and
Marjorie Ann Bartlctt Abbott, Sr.
He was a graduate or the
Washington, D.C., public schools.
Benjamin Franklin University.
Washington, D.C., and North
western University in Chicago, 111.
He .served in the Army Air Corps
during World War II from July 1.
1941. to Fchruary I. 1946, in the
.South Pacific and North Africa; he
was awarded the Air Medal.
Mr. Abbott worked as a U.S. In
ternal Revenue System Agent from
1946 to 1956. He was Forsyth Coun
ty Manager and Accountant from
1956 to 1960. He was employed by
P.H. Hancs family and P.H. Hanes
Knitting Co. from 1960 to 1%8. Mr.
Abbott was a vice-president for
Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. and
Manager of the Facilities Dept. from
1968 to 1985.
He was a member of the Board of
Realtors of Winston-.Salem, Ber
muda Run Country Club, and
Winston-Salem Ma.sonic Lodge 167.
He was a former Senior Warden and
Treasurer of St. Timothy's
Episcopal Church, former director
of Goodwill Industries, charter
member of Stratford Rotary Club,
former director of Winston-Salem
Chamber of Commerce, and former
director of Northwestern Bank.
Mr. Abbott was twice married,
first to Dtrrothy Abbott, who died in
1973; he then married Betty Hale
Abbott in 1976. who .survives, of the
Also surviving are two daughters.
Mrs. Anne Abbott Rawls, Greens
boro, and Mrs. Jo Abbott Taylor,
Nashville, Tcnn.; two step
daughters, Mrs. Debe Hale Roof,
Sherman Oaks, Calif., and Ms. Kim
Hale, Greensboro; three grand
children. Arthur Abbott Taylor,
Zachary Abbott Roof, and
Chri.stopher P. Hale; and one sister,
Mrs. Marjorie Ann Abbott
Fioramonti, Silver Spring, Md.
A memorial service was held
March 19 at St. Timothy's Episcopal
Church by the Rev. Pamela L.
Memorials may be made to N.C.
Lung Association or Forsyth Coun
ty Heart Association.
Jesse Roy Garwood, 75, of Route
7, Mocksville, died Friday evening
at Davie County Hospital.
The funeral was held Sunday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Larry Allen, pastor of First
Bapti.st Church, Cooleemee, of
ficiating. Burial was in Rowan
Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to First
Baptist Church of Cooleemee,
Cooleemee, N.C.
Born Sept. 20, 1911, in Davie
County, a .son of the late William
Thomas and Jo.sephinc Stroud Gar-
wood, he was retired from Cclanc.sc
Fibers Corp. of Salisbury. He was
a member of First Baptist Church of
Cooleemee where he served as a
Survivors include his wife, Kattic
Ma.st)n GarwiHxl; and a number of
nieces and ncpbcws.
Charles Grubbs, 78. 151-10
Dalewofxl Dr., died March 22 at
Forsyth Hospital.
Funeral services were held Tues
day at Calvary Moravian Church by
Bishop J.C. Hughes. Burial was in
Moravian Graveyard.
Mr. Grubbs was bom in Win.ston-
Salem, April 16. 1908, to Charlie P.
and Dai.sy Rothnxrk Grubbs. He was
a graduate of Ixwisvillc High School
and attended Wake Forest Univer
sity. He waspa.st ma.ster of National
Lodge No. 12 in Washington, D.C..
and a member of .Salem l^lge No.
He was past patron of Mocksville
Chapter No. 173. Order of the
Eastern Star, and a member of Twin
City Chapter No. 60, Order of the
Ea.stem Star. Mr. Grubbs was a
member of Calvary Moravian
Church, where he was very active in
all phases of church work. He was
a retired employee of AT&T, retir
ing in 1973.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Evelyn Brown Grubhs, of the home;
one daughter, Mrs. Karol
Schmiegel, Wilmington, Del. and
two sisters, Mrs. EIi7.abeth Thomp
son, Winston-Salem and Mrs. Helen
Jones, Charleston, S.C.
The family requests memorials be
made to Calvary Moravian Church.
Mr. John Frank Harris, 75, 891
Yadkinville Rd.. Mocksville, was
dead on arrival at Davie County
Hospital on March 18.
He was horn in Yadkin County to
William Connie and Minnie Jean
Harris, Mr. Harris was of the Bap
tist faith and was retired from Baker
Furniture Co. of Mocksville.
Surviving are his wife. Sadie
Wiles Harris, of the home; one
daughter, Mrs. Peggy H. Jones,
Wilkesboro St., Mocksville; two
.sons, Lowell D. Harris, Rt. 7,
Mock.syille. and Harry Lcc Harris,
Lexington; joqe brother, George
Harris, T^kinvillc; 12 grand-
childr^^and nine greal-
grandelifforon. Funeral services
were held Friday at Mackie-Gentry
Chapel by the Rev. Paul Moore and
the Rev. L.E. Myers. Burial was in
Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery.
Mr. Lloyd F. (JelT) Tultcrow, 62,
716 Yadkinville Rd., Mocksville,
died March 18 at Davie County
Hospital Emergency Room.
Funeral services were held Friday
at Vogler's Clemmons Chapel hy the
Rev. John Rowe and the Rev.
Leiand Richard.son.
Mr. Tuttcrow was born in Davie
County to Samuel F. (Eeel) and
Zelda Fo.ster Tutterow. He lived all
his life in Davie County and was a
lifetime member of Center United
Methodist Church. He was a
graduate of Davie County High
School, Class of 1941. He owned
and operated a service .station in
Mocksville, where he was the
Greyhound Bus agent for a number
of years.
He is survived by his wife, Lois
Reavis Tutterow, of the home; one
daughter, Mi.ss Lori C. Tutterow,
Winston-Salem; one son, Lloyd
William Tuttcrow, Columbia, S.C.;
and one aunt, Mrs. Ethel Schuler,
Memorials may be made to a
charity of the donor's choice.
TOAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1987-IICPaul H. Stroud, 72,Davie Leader, DiesA former Davie County commissioner died Saturday at Davie County Hospital.Paul H. Stroud, 72. of Route 1,Mocksviile had served four years onthe local board of commissioners.He was also on the board of directors of Crescent Electric Membership Corporation and CentralCarolina Bank of Mocksviile. Hewas a committee member of the localFarmers Home Administration.Bom March 24. 1914, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late J.M.and Daisy Hodgson Stroud. He wasa retired cattle farmer andbusinessman. He sold lumber andwas a dealer for Smith-Douglasfertilizer.graveside service was held.Monday at Society Baptist Church inIredell County, with the Rev. StevenCox officiating.Surviving, in addition to his wife,the former Aileen Ratledge. are twosons. Dick and Bob Stroud. both ofRoute 1; one daughter, JosephineBeam of Salisbury; and fivegrandchildren.The family requests thatmemorials be iriade to Society Baprtist Church cemetery, in care ofMark Thome, Route 1, Mocksviile,SAMPSON WINTERSSALISBURY — Sampson WesleyWinters. 77, of Route 8, died March17 at St. James City. Fla.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's PuiKial Home Chapel inMocksviile. conducted by the Rev.Elmer Day and the Rev. Bennieigearden. Burial was in Comatzeroaptist Church cemetery in DavieCounty.Bom Aug. 19, 1909. in ForsythCounty, he was a son of the late Columbus Franklin and Sadie Liven-good Winters. Retired from DixieFumiture Co., he was a member ofComatzer Baptist Church.His first wife, Minnie OdellBamey Winters, died in 1969.Survivors include his second wife,Eula Ridenhour Winters: a daughter'Betty W. Potts of Advance; twosons, Wiley Wesley Winters ofThomasville and Bobby GreeneWinters of Route 3, Mocksviile;A stepson, John J. Ridenhour ofSalisbuiy; two brothers. Soloman R.Winters of Landis and Johnny C.Winters of Advance; five grandchildren; three step-grandchildren;SIX great-grandchildren; and sixstep-great-grandchildren.>-c;DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVlLLEoi NO
Floyd O. Blackwelder
Blackwelder, 81, of 203 E. 21st St.,
died at 11:50 a.m. Monday at
Cabarrus Memorial Hospital, Con
cord, after being in declining
health for two years and seriously
ill for six weeks.
The funeral will be held at 2
p.m. Wednesday at Rogers Park
Baptist Church with the Rev. Leon
Smith and the Rev. Eddie Jones
officiating. Burial will be in Caro
lina Memorial Park.
The family will be at Whitley's
Funeral Home from 7 to 9 tonight
and at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. Tommy (Virgie) Leebrick of
200 E. 22nd St., the remainder of
the time.
Bom March 29, 1906, in Davie
County, a son of the late Harve and
Irene Blackwelder Blackwelder,
he was employed by Cannon Mills
Co. and the Old Dominion Box Co.
before retiring in 1971. He was a
member of Rogers Park Baptist
Survivors, in addition to a
daughter, include his wife, Ruth
Cannon Blackwelder; a brother,
D.L. Cleary of Yadkinville; two
grandchildren; and one great
Bio — Obituaries - 3/30/1987 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Moggie Swisher Bmncfu
Koren Circles formerly of (he
Bronon Church commuflUy of
Yodkin County, died Maich 26 at
Fot^yth Mospiifl].
m$ bom in Yodkht County to
Fmoois ond NcUle Motlus Swisner.
She was a member Of Bronon
Friends Chun^, Her husbandi
Gl^ Bimion, [HecMided ho* in deadi
on Msich 4, L@76.
Surviving are one son, iamaa W.
Brofiefi, 205 fCarcn St.; two grand-
cbiidren, Mrs. Robin Marabte,
Walkortown, and Jontes Scott
Branon of the homei one sister* Mrs.
Mary Brarton, Mocksvrtie; and two
bfodteirs, Claude and Aivit$v4sher,
both ofWirrston-Solcm.
Funeral services were conducted
Sunday at Bnmon Friends Church by
the Rev. Hewcy Rarlsh and the Rev.
Ronald Exline. Buriol was in the
chinch cemetery.
R.'Grace, 96, Rt. 3, died Monday
at Yedkin Kurstng Cere Center.
He was bom in Yadkio County to
Jdhn Henry and Betty Hoots Gzocc.
He Spent his entire life in the Deep
Creek community. Mr. Groee was
a member of Deep Creek Baptist
Chureh. He was a retired famier and
auiomobiic dealer.
He was married to Lacie Irvin
Grocc, who preceded him in death
on December 18, 1954.
Sur^lrtg are one daughter. Mrs.
Wilma Martin, Ri. 4. YadlciDvilCet
one son, Mb. Wade Crocc, Rt. 5,
Mo^svitle; three grandchildren and
live great-grandchildren.
Ftmcral services will be held at
2:30 p.m. IhuEsday at Deep Crack
Baptist Chur^ by the Rev. Dan
St^ey and the Rev. J.C. Shore.
Burial will be in die church
Tlie family was to reoelve frlecds
from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday al
Mackic-Gcntiy Funeral Home.
The family requests ihoi any
mi^orials mr^r be mode to Dcqp
Creek Baptist Church Cemeieiy
FjetuJ, ch Ralph Todd, Rt. 3,
YadkHiVdrsfri^"27055^'ra W
charily of the donor's choice.
ADaniH Paul Luper, 70, Rt. JO, Box
f 240-D, Lexington, died March 24 at
::Foxsyth Hospital.
: He was bomDcocmber IS, 1916,
tin Ornyson County, Va.. to the leic
: William Icsse and Rosa Shores
•Luper, Mr, Luper wiis a retired
'^driver rorMcLeanTructdng and wis
•a member of Oak Fotrsi United
:Methodist Church. He was a
; member of Winston Mosonte Lodge
;Na. 167 and Odd Fellows Lodge
:No. 36.
I Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hazel
; White Doby Luper, of the home;
- -.four sons, Lu^r and Paul W.
I Luper, Rt. 2, Clemmons, Gary
I Wayne Luper, Lexington, and Teriy
7 Lee Luper, Welcome; four grand-
cl^d^ ti^ stepsons, Oiarics Ed-
;.wBTd Doby, Jr., Advance, Michael
.: Anihony Doby, Btirkc MIQ Rd., and
':K^y Wdson Doby, Payne Rd.;
.•three stepdaughters, Mrs. Joan
Mayhctv and Mrs. Kuthy Long, both
I of Winslon-Salcnt, and Mrs. Betty
rSmtds, Moeksviife; 10 stcpgrand-
children; three brothers, lames and
: Dewey Luper, boili of Vir^nla, and
; Lupcr, Calif.; and six sisters,
Fdye, Lillian, Ruth Paige, and Ada,
'• air of VirglniD, Carrie of Florida,
' and Evelyn, of Michigan.
1 Funeral sorvlcas were held March
: 26 at Hayworth-Mliler l^as Creek
? ^pcl ^ (he Rev. Coil Dunlccr. In-
; termenii with Masonic rites, were
.• W at FarkMwn Memoriid Gardens,
Dtdla Carter McDaniel, 73, of
Route 3, Mocksviile, died at the
, North Carobna Baptist Hospital in
' Wiflstcti-Salem March 25,
The funera] was held Friday at
•'Dulin United Methodist Church,
conducted by the Rev. Bobby
Swalm, pastor, and die Rev, J.C.
I^ne, former pastor. Burial was in
the church cemetciy.
Bom Feb. 27. 1914, in Davfe
County, she was a daughteir of the
lateB.L; and Alice Howaid Carter.
^ She was a mentbcr of Dulin United
Methodisi Church. .
' Survivors Indttde her husband,
George Cecil McDnoicl; two
dm^ters, Mrs. Charles (Alice)
Hendrix and Mrs. Wbflh (Iva Nell)
Dorse, both of Route 2; a son, Don*
nie B. McDaniel of Route 3; three
granddaughters; and two
ADVANCE — Liilie Hepler
Myers, SI, ofRoute 2. died m Davle
County Hospital in Mocksvlile
March 24.
The funeral was held at 2 p.m.
Thursday at Bailey's Chapel United
MdhodisiChurdi, conducted by the
Rev. Mark Elenton, pastor, and the
Rev. Tony Jordan, foimer pastor.
Burial was in the ehufch cemetery.
Bom Feb. 26, l$t06, in Davie
County, she was a dandier of the
late Thomas R. and Btta Sanders
Hepler. She was n ntcmber of
Buiey's Chapel United Methodist
Onirch, where she had taught Sun
day school for a number of ycajs.
Her husband, William Lhneoln
"WRI" Myers, died in 1975.
Survivors ineludc a daughter,
Mrs, Elgin (Maty) Wiiliams of
Rouie 2; a son, WUIIam E. "Billy"
Myers of Route 2; Bve grand
children; and five great
grandchildren. '
Thumian L. "Sherm" Romlnger,
67,6053 Stadimn Dr., Clcmmcms,
died March 28 at BapUsi Haspiiai.
Funeral service were htdd Mon
day at Muddy Creek Church of
Christ by the Rev. proctor Cook.
Burial was In Oaklawn Memorial
Mr. Romingcr was born in For-
syth County March 18.192(11', to Ar
thur L. and Myrtle Burton Rom
ingcr. For most of his life, be was
a sdf-employed masonry contractor.
His last work was with Dancy Con
struction Co. before retiring In 1976.
He vms a member of Muddy Crci^
Church of Christ.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elsie
James Romlnger, of the home; three
dauglners, Mrs. Gail Phclps, Clem-
mans, Mr.s. Jacqueline R. Beau-
champ, Rt. 2, Advance and Mrs.
Phillis R, Fbrresl, Mocksville; two
sons, Clifford F. Romlttger, Clem-
mons and Thurmond E. Romingcr,
Kernersvillc; 16 grandchildren;
eight great-grandehildrcn; one sister,
Mrs. Lona A. Wllkins, Kii^and one
brother, William Q. (Slim) Rom
lnger. aemmons.
Davie Coun^/ Pub'^c Library
MocKsville, NO
WARD fx ^
^ Mr. Claudius (Claude) Taylor
' Ward, 84. Tri Cities Rest Haven in
Keraersville, died Wednesday eve-
p ning at Forsyth Hospital. He was
bom January 8, 1%3 in Davie
County to John Frank and Louwe
Miller Ward. Mr. Ward was owner
and operator of Ward's Grocery on 1
Poplar St. and was a member of I
Centenary United Methodist
Church. He is survived by his wife,
Mary Vermil Howell Ward, of Ker-
nersviUe; one brother-in-law, Mr.
Richard Howell, Jr., Greensboro;
and one niece. Mrs. Margaret Har-
j'is, Winston-Salem. Funeral ser-
•^ices will be 11 a.m. Saturday at
'iHayworth-Miller Silas Creek ,
'Chapel by the Dr. Dallas Rush. |
Interment will follow in Forsyth I
Memorial Park. The family will
receive friends from 7:30 to 8:30
. p.m. tonight at the funeral home.
Deceased Date is April 8,1987 perAncestry.com
Bio — Obituaries - 4/8/1987 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC UBRARY
•: KANNAPOUS - BetUe GulteitBrowSv^Ryi of 8106 SmWi Rcfldt
died Morch 2 at her home.
' The ftmcrolTwas held Saiurday at
WMOey'a Funeral Hwnu Chapel
.^ith the Rev. Atdte Payne pf-
Rehiting^ Buifol was in Carolina
Meroerial Ruk, QffiCOfd^
: Born June 30, WSO, In Daw
Caun^, a dattfiihtcr of the late James
and jy&ConiaizcrGalIctt,fiti&had
in 1959 froiij Cannon Mills
"tjo.. Plant I» No» 1 spinning room.
-I Herhushand, SamudM.Bioad'
•ivay, died April 1,1957*
*\ Survivors include four sons,
^Crinues Bnjodwey of KannapolJs,
iCaither L., Carl C\ and Paul M.
'Br^dway, all of Kaimapoli'sj 18
.grandchlh^en; 48 grcat-grandchil-
drent and 12 great-grcat-grand-
' LEXINGTON — Mary Zachary
Coulter. 77. of483 Spruce St.. died
March 31 at Forsjnh Memorial
•Hc^piUil in WiflstQU'Salem after be-
jng In dedinlng health for some
t TEie fUtteml ivas held April 2 at
First United Methodist Church of |
.L^tegton. conducted by Dr. Tim j
;Fortierinssocieic pastor. A graveside '
service followed in Mount Qtlvaiy
(lemBtery iir ClBmaiDPl.
; ^morials may be made to the
First United Methodist Church,
Idu^ Main Sireei, Lexington, N.C.
2^92 or to Hospice of Winston-
8alem, 3333 Silas Crcdh Parkway,
Wioston-Salem, N.C. 27103.
.1 Bora in Gooleemce, Oct. 21.
1909. ^ was a daughter of the late
pilian AUen and James Walter
' ^chaiy. Agraduaie ofSullins Ccl- ,
fbge,5he also attended Duke Utdver- ;
She was a tedred schoDlteacher
dad a member of the First United
Metiiadtst Church.
: Her hushaod. Oscar Hugh
Coulter, died in March J9S3.
Survivors Include four sisters,
; LSItian 2. Jay and Lotty Z,
i Feamster, both of Salisbury, Sarah
' Z: Hudson of Erwin and Helen Z.
' HoWaid of Maiyville, Tenn.; two
hre^rs, James Walter Zachaiy of
Salisbury and William Arthur
Za^ry-of. Marion; and n iiicee,
^ Linda Wiliaid of Wlnston-Satcm.
^ wi!|| whom she had mode her home
— siiiee'lH^ illness.
DATOjComry inhrpiuse record, ihursdav, april^
•*.Thfi faneral for Robert Kenneth
Bbtilght was held at 3 p.m. Saturday
m Eatan*s Rjneral Home Chapel,
conducted by the Rev. Shelby Har
bour. Burial was in Legion
I^embhai Park CeniOiv^iy ii)
' l^ght. 42, of 126 Sunset Drive,
^ocksville, died last week in
i^vBora June 4, 1944, in Sunbuiy,
Pa., he was a son of Siuntitel Leroy
and Betty Meuior Ebright of Rome
'4i Moeksvihe. Ho was a supervisor
yilh Crown Wood Products of
* Survivors, in addilkm to his
parents, include his wife, Peggy
.Wood EbrighPf twodauglilcrs, Bren-
da Reigie of Shamokin, Pa., and
MolindEMcKifinyofSunbury, Pa.;
fotnr stepdaughters, Cynthia Hut-
chcnsorLewisville, Susan Taytw of
booleemee, and Nattey Smith and
Lynn Ritchie, both of Motdtsvillc;
.1 A sister, C;^tltis Himmclriech of
Y&dklnvlUe; four brothers, Arthur
Ebrfght of RouTo 4, and Dennis
. BterfStt of S, Michael Ebright
of Route 3, Advance, and Timcihy
[ibright of Charlotte.
Mis. Barbara McGariahan Foster,
54, Rt. 3, Mocksville, died at Iher
homelatoSunday nRcmoon after an
extended illness.
Funeral services were to bo at 2
p.m. Wednesday at ^on^s Funeral
Chapel by the Rev. Paul Rlggs and
the Rev. D&rrcll Cox. Burial was to
bo in Bcihei United Methodist
Chun^ cemetery.
Mrs. Foster was bom in Zsoo, Bl.,
to (ho late Theodore and Ethel
Gulbiattson Mc^rrahan, She was a
I irtembef of First Baptist Chur^ of
I Mocksville.
I' Surviving are her husband, Tom
Foster; one daughter, Janice Angus,
Rt, 3, Modk^viQe; one son, Thomas
Lee Foster, West Pitdm Beadi, Fla.;
four gmndchildion: one sister,
Kathleen Cauldwell, Gotfinburg.
Tcnn. and two brothers, Theodore
McGiorr^an, Jr., Sevieiviire, Tcim.
and Eugene McGamdtan, Calabash,
t- f ^
BOONVpLLE ». Mrs. Eula Mag
gie SlzemDre, 82, Rt, 2, died Frtdi^
morning at Hoots Memorial
She was bom in Yadkzn County on
June 29,1904, (o Will and Lauralne
Sixemore Collins. She was a
member of Deep Creek Friends
MeedBg. She was married to Mr.
Samuel Sizemorc, who survives, of
the home.
^ Also surviving me a daughter.
Miss Kale SizEmore, of the home;
four sons, William, Philip, and
OaudoSizuttnm, ailof Rt. 2, Boon-
ville, and Jamt» Sfaemore, Mocks
ville; one sister, Mrs. Hcssle
Sixemore, Rt. 2, Boonville; three
half sisters, Mrs. Mamie Recce and
Mrs. Ethel Parker, bclh of Bcfui-
vlUc, and Mrs. Annie Dobbins,
Winstoit^alem; two Indf brothers.
Junior aiid Gum^ Collins, both of
BoonviUc; 10 grandchildren and 11
great-gmndchildren. '•
A son, Wal!^ Ben Sizemorc,
preceded Mrs. Sizemore in death.
Futtcm! scfvices were held Suncioy
at Mactdc^nity Funeral Chape! by
the Rev, Clarence Seoti and the Rev.
Veraon Brawn. Burial fbllowed in
Deep Creek Friends Meeting
Bei^anilii Pttitmofc Whhe, 97,
fomicily of Route S, Mocksville.
died April I i» Meadowbrook
Manor, Cltunmons,
The fUTieral was held Saturday at
Mount Olive United Mcihodisi
Church in Ysidkin Conniy with the
Rev. Fred Shoafand the Rev. Jc.sse
I Tart offtciailng. Burial was in the
church ccmstery.Born March 18,18SB, tn^ad^n
aitd Betty Dkon White, he was a
retired fuimer. He was n memher of
Mount Olive Untied Methodist
His wife. Addle Pixon White,
died July 29,1976. A son, Robert
White, Bnda daughter, Elizabeth W.
Baity, also preceded him in death,
^rvivors Include two daughters,
Mae OmamofClemmons and Helen
Hutehins ofMo^viile; three sons,
Paul WMte of Mockstdlle, Millard
Filmore White of Lewlsvllle and
Thomas WMte of Comf brings,
Fta.; IS gtanih^iildrcn; 37 great
grandchildren; and fourgreat^rcai-
Lineback Evans, 71, Ml. Carmel
Church Rd., died April 8 at her
home after a brief illness.
Mrs. Evans was a member of
Calvary Moravian Church in
Winston-Salem and was an associate
member of University United Meth
odist Church in Chapel Hill.
A graveside service was held Fri
day at Chapel Hill Memorial
Cemetery with the Rev. Bill Gattis
Mrs. Evans is survived by two
sons, Wayne and Roy Evans, both
of Chapel Hill; three sisters, Mrs.
Kathy H. Brown, Mocksville, Mrs.
Doris L. Brown, Eden, and Mrs.
Jean L. Seawell, Germanton; and
three grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to
University United Methodist Church
in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Marvin
\ R. Evans.
' WINSTON-SALEM — Mr- 1Samuel (Sammy) Levi Gough. 44. ;
-503 Salem Ave., died Apnl 10 at
.Forsyth Hospital.
He was bom in Winston-Salem on
: September 27, 1942, to Vodie Har-
• ding and Blanche CranfiH Gough.
' He had been in declining health for
eight months.
Mr. Gough was a member of
• Salem Baptist Church
He was a member of REACT of
• Forsyth County for a number of
; • years. He was also a member of the
• N.C. Paraplegic Association and
.Abilities Unlimited Club for the
: Physically Handicapped. He had
' served as president of Poke Easy
Club for the Handicapped for a ^
number years. He was a fomer
; member of Triad Citizens Band
; Radio Club.
;; Mr Gough was formerly selectedjIHandicappedCitizenoflheXMrJo' .li Forsyth County and served on the
rl.Mayor's Committee , for the
t' Handicapped. • .• ' _ •
t-' Surviving are his mother and
!; father, of the home; one sister, Mrs.
.''-Katie Carolyn G. Reavis, Davie^
. If County; two brothers, C^vm L.
• Gough, Kemersville and Vergil H.,,:
Gough, Winston-Salem and twp /1> nieces, Bridget anbd Leslie Rmvis. ,
k Fanei^ services were Tuesday at
n ^ Vogler's Main Street Chapel by the t
ll Rev Burland Margessoii and thei
, E Rev. Floyd ,Boles. .Burial^as. mj
X Deep -Creek -Baptist.^,ChurchJ-vii Cemetery in Yad^n Coun^,^, , :
SALISBURY - Dr. Dennis
Bryan Fox, 74, of 202 White Oak
Drive, died Saturday at Rowan
Memorial Hospital.
A memorial service was Tuesday
at Summersett Memorial Chapel,
conducted by the Rev. David Hud
dle. Burial was private.
' Bom in Winterville, he was sonof
the late Junius C. and Mollie Bryan
Fox. He graduated from the Univer
sity of North Carolina and Vander-
bilt University School of Medicine.
During World War n he served with
the Vanderbilt Base Hospital Unit in
Italy for three and a half years and
was discharged at the rank of major.
He practiced general surgery in
Albemarle, Elkin and Mocksville for
several years.
• A fellow of the American College
of Surgeons, he was active in various
medical and surgical groups. He was
a former Rotarian and a Lutheran.
Survivors include his wife, Dora
.' Helen Jones of the home; two sons,
; the Rev. Dennis Bryan Fox Jr. of
: Tiyon and William Shaver Fox of
;! Salisbury; and a granddaughter.
Calvin Franklin Godbey, 85, of
Route 1, Mocksville, died April 11
at Forsyth Memorial Hospital in
The funeral was Monday at Salem
United Methodist Church, con
ducted by the Rev. John Row, the
Rev. Benny Bearden and the Rev.
Claudia Harrellson. Burial followed
in the church cemetery.
Bom Aug. 11, 1901, in Davie
County, he was a son of the late
Calvin Monroe and Elvira Gaither
Godbey. He was a retired dairy
Survivors include his wife, Mag
gie Elizabeth Vickers Godbey of the
home; three daughters, Myrtle Alex
ander of Brandton, Fla., Pauline
Phelps of Qemmons and Louise
Allen of Route 1; three sons, Mar
shall Godbey of Mooresville, and
Ray Godbey and Leonard Godbey,
both of Route 1; a sLsler, Molly
Campbell of Route 1, Cleveland; 14
grandchildren; 13 great-grand
children; and one great-great
Davie County Public Libraiy
Mocksville, NC
1' DAvm cowm- . . n • J.v. ^ i ■•♦•) w'-I,*.^
Mrs. Jerryline Ijamcs McDaniel,58, Rt. I, Salisbury, died April 7 at
her home.
Funeral services were held atEpiscopal Church of the GoodShepherd in Cooleemee by the Rev.Mayo Little. Burial was in Rowan
Memorial Park Cemetery.
The family requests that anymemorials be made to Hospice ofRowan Countyi P.O. fidx 1603,'Salisbury, N.C. 28144.
Mrs. McDaniel was bom in DavieCounty to the late Jerry and PearlKoontz Ijames. She was anemployee of Celanese Corp. She
was educated in the Davie CountySchools and was a member of St.Luke's Episcopal Church in
Salisbury. . j
Survivors include her husband,Edgar Lewis McDaniel, of thehome; one daughter, Mrs. Andy(LuAnn) Myers, Salisbury; onegrandchild; one sister, Mrs.Margaret Alexander, Coolwmee,
and one brother. Glen Ijames,
Lemuel Reid Towell, 86, of Route
1, Mocksville, died at his home
April 11.
The funeral was Monday at 4 p.m.
at Eaton's Funeral Chapel, conducted by Wayne Hendrix. Burial
was in the Jericho Church of Christ
He was retired from Holly Farms
in Mocksville, and had served 30
years with Farm Mutual Insurance '
Co. He was a member of Jericho
Church of Christ.
Survivors include his wife,
Veatrice Jones ToWell; two
daughters, Ann Gary of Charlotte
and Jane Lentz of Blowing Rock;
two sons, John R. Towell of Route
1, Harmony, and Joe H. Towell of
Boone; one brother, Holland Towell
of Seattle; and six grandchildren.
Mr. Don Ray White, 47, Rt. 1,
i/ Mocksville, died April 8 at DavisCommunity Hospital in Statesvilleafter a period of declining health.
Funeral services were held Friday
at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by theRev. Marshall Brantley ^ the Rev.Franklin Myers. Buri^ was in.Ijames Crossroad Baptist ChurchCemetery. The family requests thatany memorials be macje to DavieCounty Hospice, Box 665,
Mocksville* N.C. 27028.
Mr. White was bom in DavieCounty to Joshua and Mamie Cleary
White. He was a machine operatoi
with G.L. Wilson Building Co. inStatesville, and was a member of
Mocksville Pentacostal Holiness
Church.Surviving, in addition to. hisparents, of Rt. 1, Mocksville, are his
wife, Grace Smith White, onedaughter, Melissa Ann White, and
one son, Jamie Richard White, all of
the home; two sisters, Mrs. Geral-dine Dwiggins and Mrs. Janie Dix-
on, both of Winston-Salem; twobrothers, Jerry White and MacWhite, both of Rt. 1, Mocksville and
sever^ nieces and nephews.
Davie CO-
Mr^ Ltilher Filmore Baiter. 70*
Rli 2* Mccksvllio, died Apii] 18
Ote V.Ai Medics] Center in
1. setvicGC were held Mon-
at i^ton's Funomi Oispcl by die
Revt Chip Webb* Burisi was in
ChmdRUt Omvc United Methodist
(^rcH Ccowtexy*
r.Mr* Bolter was bom in Davie
Oiunty* son of the Isic Act M. and
Msjtiie Evans Baker* He was retired
Rom Ocofge W. Sparls Construc
tion Co* and wasa veiersn of World
^Sundving are four sisters, Ruby
B. C^ouehj Urbnno* 03do* MInnte B.
^iSf' E^elflcsi Calif., Lucy B*
Witeker* Mot^viOe. and Sltlrley
'Bl 'Wftll, Rt* 4» MocksvHle; one
brother, Jake Baker, Ru 2,
Mocksvnie; and several nieces and
RonaJHThomBsBrownn, 17,206
Azalea Uiive, Mocksrille, died
April 16 firdni injuries sustained In
an auiomabilc accident ^ U,$. 64*
etl^tof MocksvUle.
' FWieral services were held Saiitr-
d^ at the I^si Uiut^ Methodist
Church by the l^v. Don Davis and
ihie Rev. Dan Martin. Burial was In
Rbse Ccmeteiy.
ToUbeafers were Brent Brewer,
Rodney Latham, Leslie Daniel*
Secti Kollins* Shane Fleming and
Btem Nayim'.
^The family requests that
n^morials be made to the First
.United Methodist Church.
'/ •Mr* Brown was bom in Fort
Biagg to Ronald Thomas and Dianne
. l^endricN Brown. He wasamcmber
;6f l^rst United Mcthodlit Church.
He was a senior at Dnvie County
tHigh School* where he was prcsi-
I dent of die dass. Ho was president
I of ^F^t United Mcthodi^ Church
Und Cbu^ Sub'Disirict Youth.
; ^Surviving are his mother and
^ father; one sister* Carrie Brown, of
itf\B home; one brother, Davin
I Brown, of the home and his grand-
^parents, Mrs. Herbert T. Brown,
IVadldnvilli^ and Mr. and Mrs.
; Clyde Hendricks, MocksvHle.
^ Mr. Wllliam Dillard* Jr., 66* of
^Rdute 8, Mocksvilie* was dead on
-4Biirfval;;Bi(iDavie..Coucay Hospital
^April 18 fbllowij^ a heart attack,
jp He was boro itt Davie County to
tate William aitdl Juanita Fboie
^HDitlord. Ha was a retired employee
!' jofthel.P. Green MUiing Company.
> iFu&eral services were to be
NWednesday, 4 p.tn* in (he chapel of
: '^MorriiSOiii^ifudevent Funem! Home
'.in Moeksvillc. Ruling Elder James
SB;' Ijames was to officiate and burial
-SgastafoHot^In UioStrJehtf^AME-
'^Zion Church Cemetery.
I He is survived by his wife* Mrs*
I slDdro% L^is Dglard of die honic;
Ifour sons, Larry, Elton, Terry, and
Dillard, all of Mocksvilie;
r.!l|^dBtt|ihters, Mrs. Ritficia Red-
: and IVBss Laveme Diliard* both
^^Moeksviile and Geanna Dillard of
t^^i^fnston-Salem; one brother, Robert
j^pillard of Moeksvitte, one foster
;>ihother* Cene Foole; sin sisters*
;^Mrs. Alice Patterson, Mrs. Hazel
jetton* Mrs. Margaret Lewis and
'^Mrs. Carolyn D, Williams, all of
.^Mocksvilie* Mrs. Mary Holmes of
^:Hafinc{iy and Mrs. Lizora WQHams
vof Albemarle; and 10 grandchildren.
advance — Mrs, Rosa Parlce
vKhtg Ellis, 77, Rt* 4, died April I?
Forsyti) Hospital after an exiend-
ted illness.
; She was born in BtOkes County,
iihe dau^ter of Rufus H* and Maiy
^Bttsie Fulp King. Mr& Ellis iived
most officr life In Davie County and
•was of the Medrodlst faith.
• Site was the widow of Jamas I
Douglas BiHs, who passed away in
"*I^6. She was also preceded in
1 death by a son* Ed BHis. in 1974.
Surviving are four daughters,
Mrs. Carrie Stee Smith, Advance*
Mrs. Ella Mae LirvUIb* Mocksvilie,
Mrs. Mildred E. White and Mrs.
Maigaret Bcauehamp* both of Ad
vance; three sons, Jamcs David and
Chqrilu! Van Ellis, both of Advance*
and Clinton Lcroy lllb, Winston-
Salem; 20 grandchildren; two great-
grandehBdren; three sisters, Mrs.
Garrtc Venable, W^t Cove* Mrs.
lo Cox end Miss Maggie King, both
of Quaker Gap; and ihtee brothers*
Author King, Quaker Gap, Kinse
King* Wafnut Cove* and Johnny
King* Madison.
Ftineial services were held Sunday
I atVogiler'sCicmtnoiisChapclbythe
Rev. RobcA Peuriroy and the Rev.
lames Stowe, Interment was In
Bethleheai United Methodisi Church
Mr. ClifilbnIBoydcn Rcming, 70,
Rt. 5* Modksville, died April 17 at ;
the V.A. Medical Center In j
Sniisbuty. I
Funeral services were Monday In
Oouitn^ Baptist Church by tite Rev.
Vincent Yottng. Burial was in the ,
church ocmcicty.
Mr. Ptemiog was bem In China
Grove, son of the late William B. '
and Eva Hylond Flemina. He was a
wire weaver fbr tF.S. I^lcr Co* In
Salisbury, and was a member of
Courtney Baptist Qturcb. He was a
veteran of World War 11.
Surviving are his wife, Betlie
Shclfon Flcmlni: one daughter. Sue
Ann Linn, Springneld, Ohio; one
stepdaughter, Patrica Hamm, Ad
vance; one stepson* Jerry Potts.
Mocksvilie; three brothers, John
Fleming* Ollint Grove* Hail Flem
ing, Mocksvilie* and Howard Flem
ing, Winder, Oa.; two grand-
chiidrco; and four stcp-
County Pm.,,; ,
^ock&viHe, ivc
SALISBURY ^ Pearl Winecoff
Ridenhour, 91, of Elma*s RetK
Home and romierly or Route 4,
Mocksville, died April 18 ai Rowan
Memorial Hospital. Death was
Services were held al 3 p.m. Mon
day al Sommcrseli Memorial
Chapel. The Rev. Don M. Michad,
pastor or Gloria Del Lutheran
Church, pre^d. BuHd followed in
Rowan Memorial Part; ^qtctoty.
Meinoriais may be made to the
Holv Cross Luthemn Church. Route
4, MocksvHle. where she was a
She was bom Oct. 27. 1895. in
Rowan County to the ^ic Harvey
and Sarah Jane Lewder Winccoff.
She was a hontcmaker.
Her husband. Marvin D. Riden
hour, died July 2. 197d.
"".^iir'--t>.Tnrr i^n?1ndff-lhTrr T,,
Frank Ridenhour, Route 17. Sails-
buty. Foy Harvey Ridenhour of
Mechanicsvillc. Va., and Marvin D.
Ridenhour of Route 4, Mocksvllle;
three grandchildren; and three
teXJHGTON - Ralph L.
Walser.72,ofRoute )4.Kenlwood
Lone, died Monday at his residence
bfter being in declining health for a
The funeral was to bo held at 2
p.m. Wednesday at Voglers-
IHedmont Funeral Home Chapel
with Dr. Billy Joe Leontud of-
ftciating. Burial was to be in Forest
Hill Memorial Park.
Bom Oct. 27,1914, in Davidson
County, a aon of the late William
Luther and Danner Wcathman
Watscr, he had retired as a
bricklmrer* He was a veteran-pf the
Army during Wodd War H.
Survivofs include a son, Ralph
Walsert^RcHtted, Mocksv^e; twobrotfaere. Clyde Walser of
Grecnsboio and W.O. Walser cf
Scalllc. Wash.; two sisters, Maiy
Swing and Ula Lanning, both of
Loxingten; and three grandchildrGn.
' COOLEEMEE—Janws Douglas
Batsfifj 74* ofCooleomee* ^ suii'
at Rowan Memorial Hospital
oHier being in deolinine hcnlih for
soversil years*
,' Flineral services will tie held at 3
p.m. Thaisdi^ a| Rtsdlond Church of
Chria in. Advance, conducted by
Magellan Stevenson, pastor. Buri^
wCI be in Oakwood Ccmotory.
• The family was to be at Noble and
Kelscy Funeral Home in Salisbury
. Wednesday night from 7 to 8,
• • Bom Oct* 10, 1912. hi Rowan
County* he was a son of the late
Onpto and Luia Austin Bargcr.
Bducaied in the Rowan County
; achools* ho woe a rmirod employee
of Soudiem RaUwtQr oo. and e
member of the Chun^ of Christ in
Survivors inelttde his wife,
Vjemollc Maxwell Baigcr: a son,
Paul BargcrofSalisbuiy; a stepson*
Lev! Bdrgcr of Oektand, Cblif; a
daughter, Ba Davis of Salisbuiy; a
brothi^.Flcyd Bargcr of Salisbury; :
: four sisters* Ethel Clifton* Mitdren '
' Johnson, Blanche Blotint and Irene
. Coipening*allorSS«^bmy* and four
: ADVANCE - Wiilkm Lcc
' Campbell* d3, of Route 2* died April
22 at Forayth Memorli^ Hospital in
; Wfnstpn-Salcm&HcrbeirtgindccIfn-
• ing health for some itme*
• Funeral services were held at 2
r p,m. Satufday at Tabi»tuiele United
I Church of Christ in Vadkin Oouniy
1 with the Rev. William Vandcrburg
: offioiating . Burial was in the church
j cemeteiy.
: Memorials may be made to the
Davie Couj]^ Cancor Society in care
• of Anne Stayer, IA6 Pine St.*
• Mocfrsville, N.C. 2702S.
J Bom Oct. 29, 1923, to Yadkin
» County, he wae a son of Pearl ;
(Blmer CompbtdlofLewisvUleand j
) the late Lee Atdca Campbclt. ;
Employed by Ingersol-Rand Co. In '!
: MocksvUIe* he was a U.S. Navy '
• World War II veteran. He was a i
member of Tabernacle United •
, Church of Christ in Yadkin CouU'
ty, where he served as a trustee and ^
: deacon.
Survivors, to addition to his •
; mother* include his wife. Connfc '
» Campbell; two sons* Harvey Lee |, Caj^beli of Route4.3nd William
, *Bili" Gan^^l of New York; two '
•: foster daui^tcis, Kethy Johnson >
Brown of Atlama and Peggy Johnson
. of Advance;
• ^ Anficlo !. lohiQon. of Advance; a brother,
. JamesHeniy Campbell of Route 6,
: Moeksville,' a sister, Anna C. Shorn
; of Lewlsvliie: and four grandsons.
Alice Foster Doulin. Vs, or tttl
RflUioad St., Moeksville, died April
21 at Forsyih Memoritd Hospital in
" WinsKm-SaiemaRcr a serious iltness
of i ^ menths,
..,,Fbt«raihsafvieeM\'fTm hplri .1^
p.m. Saturday at Shiloh Baptist
Church, conducted by Dr. A.O.
Walker* pastor. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
n Mcmoriais may be made to shtloh
Baptist Churdi, Mocksviltc,
• Bom June 9* 1908, to Davic
County* she was a daughter of the
late'Alexander and Lala Malone
Fbsicf. Educated in the Davie Coun-^
iy schools, she had been employed
ase pressor for Hinklos Cleaners of
Moeksville. She was a member of
Shiloh Baptist Church and the
deaconess board.
'Survivors include two soni*, John
C. Doulin ofMocksvHleand Walter
M, Doulin of Bronx, N.Y.; two
daughters, Mary D. Holmes ami
Alice b* VereCn, both of i
Moeksville; nine grandchildren; IS
great-grandchildrcn; .and one ;
CONOVER ^ Lcflwood Sciiscr
Canti, 72* of 7 IS 2nd Ave* Place
NE, died April 21 at Catqwba
Memarial HospituL He was born
Feb. 8, 1915, In Cetowb^ County*
(Ite son of (he late Wade H. Cantt
and Mamie Setter Gantt.
He was a rettied salesman for
Ford Motor Company and was a
member olTriniiy United Church of
Christ, where he was on elder and
former Superintendent of Sundry
School. He was also a member of the
Conover Masonic Lodge No. 7d9<
Ho was preceded in death by a
forofocr and a sister.
Surviving ore h b wife* Mary Etta
Morrow Oomt; two sons, Ronald B.
Gunlt of Moeksville and Charles L.
Gantt of Cmtnvier; a dattghter Maty
Lynne Peyton of Myrtle Beach,
S.C.; one brother* Wede H. Gantt
of Conovar; two sisters, Mrs. J.B.
(Ruth) Coulter ofConover and
Oaude (Mscic) Sigmon of Clare-
numt: seven gmnd^ildren and two
The foncrul was oonduetcd by Dr.
Lcs Wicker April 23 at Trinity
United Church of Christ of Conover.
Burial was in Catuwtm Memotml
Memorials may be made to the
MiSK Uiiu Lccann Ready. 18*
Route 6* Moeksville* died SuiKtoy
ancrnoon at her home while playing
GmVeiilde services were to be held
at 11 a.m. Wcdnesthiy at Eaton's
Bj^Isi Otufeh Cemeteiy.
Mis Ready wosbom in AiHdicim,
Calif.* ditugijier of Terry Lee and
Sundra TluMnas Ready. She was a
senior at Davie CUUfliy High School.
Mi^ Rcmdy WOK to be married on Ju
ly 5, 1987, to Archie Sanders, Jr.
' Surviving are one son* Andrew
Lcc SaTidcr,s; her mother and step
father, Mr. and Mrs. Crady Ship-
man, Route 6* Moeksville; her
father* Terry Lcc Ready, Dayton.
Fin,; one sister, Cherlsc GarHson,
Route d. Moeksville; one brother,
Bryan Thoma,«J* Route 6*
Moeksville; two half sisters.
jind Rebecca Shipmnn. both of the
home; bcf grandparents. Ester
Ready* Anaheim. Calif., and Gary i
and Judy GrafT, Lsikdufwi, Fla.;,ana i
her sicpgrandmoiher, Dorothy
Peacock. Moeksville.
Mr. John Wesley "Bunk" Smoot.
<66, of Route I, MccksvilJc, diedApril 14 at DaviC County Hospital" to icr betiig tii ubLiciuhi^ lliritiijl' fjl'* "
three months.
FuEierat ser^ocK were held April
Id at the Shiem United MelliodistChurch by the Rev. John Rowo, the
Rev, Claudia Hafmllsen and the
Rev. Tom Sawney. BuHul was in to e
church ccmaticfy.
Tl»e tomHy revests that all
memorials be made to the cemetery
fund of Shiein United Methodist
Chwreh* Route 1, Moeksville.
Mr. Snuwt was bom in DavfcCounty August 12* 1920 to the lateJ.N. and Eslcr Pwlggins Smoot. He
was a rclixd farmer and was also
retired from Fiber Industries,Dufijig World War U he was a
veteran of the U.S. Navy. He was
u member of SaJcrn United
Methodisi Oiurch.
He was a gradtiaic of Cool Springs
High SehotJl.Mr. Smonl was preceded indcatoby a son, James Gilbert SmoOt. May
17, 1986.
Survivors include his wifo, MaryAnna Koonin Smoot, of the home;
two sisters* Lois Snioot Green,
Route I* Moeksville and Icanette
Smoot Foster* Route 1, Cleveland;
two brothers, Bill and J.C. Smoot,
both of Route 1, Moeksville; also
I several nieces and nephews.
tfAYIB eoiBITV &NIE^g&k^kD,iii^yDAV. AWHt 3^^^^
.■■ - .. •;■■■■-
TOBifHA C. TRIVETTEUNJON QRO VE - ^f^s. mitfiaCampbell TYivette, €6, Ri. 1,Howard Bndge Rd., died Sundayaflentoon aihi» home. She had beenb d6eltnin& healdi for iburyeors sodscHoi^ly lit for ihree months.Mrs. Trivetto was bom in IfcdeJlCounty, Mareb J6^ isci, loihelateparlteand MawHe Mhehell Campbell. She was a homentaW. She was
a member of tlnion Gtove United
Methodist Chureh.
OnJanaaiy2S* E94I,shemorriodWilliam Ounicy Trivetie, who
Surviving, in addition to hw husband, ere four sons, Sidney QilmerTiivctle and David Ray Trivctte,both of Rt. 2, Hampionville* Re*Dewlti Tfivette, Rt-1, Union Gwvoand wmiam<Bill) a lYivcne, Jr.,Laurel HUl; one daughter, Mrs.Clara Dale T. Madison, Ri, 2,Kamptojivllte; two sisters, Mrs.Lucy Doby, Winston^Salcni andMrs. tda<jnx;o, Kampionviliot three
brothers. Jack Comi«>eU. C.A.(Tbby) Campbell and Curtis Campbell, all of Rt. ], Union Orovet 15grandchildren; ihrce stopgrand^children and one 6«fli-ertiiidchnd.
FUnerai servrecs ware held Tuesday at ShUWi Bapiist Chuioh in
Yadlda Ccanty by Rev. Cimt Branchairf Rev. Dwight Dovrell. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.
MARY M. WHEELBRCLEMMONS — Mrs. MaiyMathis Wheeler. 61. 169 StanwcllCourt, wife of C.T. Wheclctr, Jr..cited April 25 at Forsyth Koj^ital.Funeral services were Monday atElkin Presbyterian Church by theRev. Bill Brown, Burial followed in
Hollywood Cemetery in Elkan.Mrs. Wheeler was bom in Wllkcs
Coimiy to hf^nhand Beriha MalbisMathis. She was a nicmbor of Ctem-
mons Ptesbytcrian Church. She had
^vorkcd at TUnglcwoad I^rk. Mra.Wheeler had made her home inCicmmons Ibr the past three years,and was formerly of Weslporl atLake Norman. She had made herhome in Biidn for 50 years.
Surviving are her husband, of thehome; one son. Dnn Rumple,Mocksvillc; three grandsons; hertrtodioi'. Roaring Ri\or; three sisters.
Mrs. Grace Rilmg, Mr,s. jim tucrr-tic) Roberts and Mrs. Henry (Vcr-tie) Andrews, all of Roaring River;two brothers, Jarvie and ArchieMathis. both of Roaring River; one
—^toprlniighrrr, Mrft, WiqEcld.^Wilkhw, Springlicid, Tcrtn. and two
stepsons. Tommy Whccter, Ellcinstnd John Wheeler, Mebnnc.
Memorials may be made to theAtneriean Cancer Society.
oayie cmm
t .T»".
Mw. Rwbct Marfc Dennis Cattce,
• 61. lS$AvonSi.»M(]c{civine»<l(Qd
Monday aftoraoon at Forsyib
FttiiefQ) services were to be held
: 8t2 p.m. Wednesday at First United
, MethcdfSt Cfnireit by tite Rev. Don
; Davis. Boriftt vm to be in Rose
Menuffials may bo made (o First
• UailedMetbodistCbuKhCItildreii^s
: Bultdin^FuadarYoaibFundortbe
: Ameriean Cancer Society. '
Mn>. Carter was bom in CaiifonJ
: Cotinly (0 O.D. and Motcic Run-
; sucker Dennis. She was en^oy^
; by Beits, 1^.
J. ' Surviving »rc her husband, Paul
4- Caitc^ four dautghiers. Faulctte
.. Kendrix, Mncfesvillc. Mis. Buitni
Beaver, Rt. 3, Mocksvilie, Mrs.
: Ksthy Spditbour and Mrs. Joy
; • Hids, both of Rt, 4, Advances two
i • sons, DaieCntcr. Rt. 7, Moeicsvitie
.. and Mike Cuter, Rt. 2, Advance;
; throe slsttis, Mrs. Lillian Pidcaid.
Mrs. Bsmioe Carter and Mrs, Max-
: iac Bowers, aQ of High Point; two
; . brothers, O.D. Dennis, Jr. and
Ronald Dctttifs, both of
: Thomasvillej one. half sister,
Vanessa Perry. Lexington; 14
' grandchildren and roar
•. great-grandehildfOD.
SALISBURY — The foncrat for
AveiyGarfleidGuthntorsS? DavidI' dreio was hdid Tuesday at Lyeriy
Fbncrnl Home Chaiiel widi the Rev.
r Bob Cdlaway. pastor of Dann's
: Monntain Baptist Church and the
; Rev. Ned Chris^, pastor of Eia-
^ rnanuel Baptist Chordi,olBctiiihig.
^ Burial was in the Dunnes Moun-
1 tain Baptist Church Cemetciy.
Born Aug. 5, 1907, in Davte
County, he was a son of the late
•J Jessie O, andFannie House Oulictt.
Educated in the Rowan County
schools, he had retired alter 38 yearn
at Cone Mills. Ho was a member of
Dunnes Mountain Baptist Church
and a veteran of the U.S. Army.
Survives include his wife, the
! fotmer Made Ann Mitkif, whomhe
- martied Dec. 30, 1933; and three
: sisters. Mrs. LE. (Bessie) WHEIoms,
Mrs. G.M. (Sadie) Cloer end Janic
; Gullett, all of Satisbuiy.
; Cull^ 79, died Saiunfay at
• Rowan Memorial Kospilal uficrfae'
vj ing in declinlns health fare number
Tor years.
i A. Jdmsea, 88.3031 Old Sides MiU
' Rd., died Monday at -Forsyib
; Hospital.
Cmveadescrviccs were to be held
1 Wednesday in Wcstlawn Garden of
: Mcmoiy COmcleiy by ibo Rev. Otis
__ ClampltL
wr. jcnnsomgsyiuiii
County to WnUaia H. and Rom
Monroe Johnson. He was a iclliod
. mujdoyeecfPofedcxtcrLumber. He
: atteaded South Fork Baptist Ch^.
Suivivingane two dauglh^. Mis,
Dcwey (JoAnn) Smith, Winston-
Salcm and Mrs. Robert (Dorothy)
Powe, Mocksvilie; two sons, W. A.
(BiH) Johnson, Winston^Iem and
Irvin JOhiison, Jr., Yadkinvltlc; 13
godchildren; 12 srcai-grand-
chftdimi: one grcat-greni-grandi^d
and one sfatcr. Mrs. Ritd (Edith)
Spry, Wfnston-Saicm.
Male C. Johnson, 88, Rt. 3, North
Wilfce^ro. widow of Ed Jchnson.
died April 28 at her home.
She was bora In Wiike&Cbuaty on
Dcecmber25,1898. thodaughter of
Robert Combs and l^iicy AleKonder
Combs. Mrs. Johnson was a
member of Lewis Baptist Church.
Surviving am live sons, Bugene
and Ho waid Johnson, both of Ri. I,
Purleor, Cirlcs Johnson, FU. 3,
North Wilkesboro. Wayne and
Dwight Johnson, Rt. i, Mocksvilie;
three dabghCers, Mrs. Ruth Privcfte
Propcck and Mrs. Haxd Privcitc,
boih of Ri. 3, North Wilkesboro,
and Mrs. Annie Lou Brown, Rt. 4.
North Witiccsboro; 19 grand
children, 21 grcnt-gnindehilibeR.
and rourgffiat-great-grandchildrea.
Funeral smrvToes were Friday ui
Lewis Baptist Church. Entombment
was in the church cetnctery.
ROBERT P. LANIERMr. Robert Porshing ta'er, $7,
541 Depot St.. Mccksvlllc, died
April 29 at Forsyih Kosplt^.
Funeral aervm wore Friday at
Baton's Funeral Chiipd by the Rev.
Paul Riggs. Burial was in Rose
Mr. t^er was the son ofthe bte
Harrison H. and Maty L. Wall
Lanier. He was a member of Rrst
Baptist Church of Mocksvilie and
was a retired engineer for Holly
Farms of Mocksvilie.
Surviving nra bis wife, Mabel
Foster Loolcr, of the home; two
daughters, Mrs. Bobby (Jackie}
inters, Rt 3, Mocksvilie, and
Mrs. Jchwy (Kay) Carter, Rt 2.
Advance; two sons, Rcbcrt P.
Lanier, Rt. 4, Advance, and Oumty
Dale Lanier, Rt. 2, Advance; four
sisters, Mrs. Martha Craver,
Winstcn-Eolem, Mrs. Mary Kay
Draughn, Rt 4, Mocksvilie, Mrs.
Edna Stedman, East Bend, and Mts.
Nndine Kootntt Rt. 2, Mocksvilie;
one brother, Lonnic Lanlor,
Kiekoiy; nine grandchildren and
throe ^oat-grandchildren.
ADVANCE — Miss Mamie E.
"Tony" Potts, 76, formeriy of Rt.
I, died Monday night at
Mcadowbrook Manor Nursing
Home in ClemmoDs. FUneral serv
ices wem Fri^day at Mocks Uuhed
Methodist Churrii by the Rev.
Thomas C. McLean, Burial follow
ed in the church ccmdery.
Miss Potts was bom In Davie
Couf^ to John E. and Sarah Carter
She is survived by two sisters.
Miss Lena Pcits, of the home, nnd
Mrs. Esther Seen, Winston-Salem;
end two brothers, Elmer J. Pens.
I^mpo, Fla., and J. Frank Polls,
Memorials may be made to MocksUnited Methodist Churoh Cemetciy
Fund or Building Fund.
Davie County Public Libraty
Mocksvilie, NC
ADVANCE — Mr. Eaymond
A!ftedS]!cliOD»74, Ri. CdicdSutt'
day morttit^ at Baptist Hftsjntal.
Funeral services wereTitesOay ei
Macedonia Moravian Oiurcli by
Rev. Hampton Morgan and Rev.
Leon Wood. Burial was in the
church sraypyani.
Mr. Sh^dton was bom Sejotcmber
12, 1912, in Stokes County to the
late Ezra and Gladys Shcitoo
Shcltofl. He was a retired rarntcFand
a mmnbcr of Macedonia Moravian
Chufclt. ' ' •
Surviving arc his wife, Ccrtic
Woihcr Shclton, of the hornet three
daughters, Annie Clara Heptcr,
Otenda Ctrtcr and Ruth Smith, atl
Pi t Atlwin^i;»; tfifce StSlgRi.
Rutty Shetton, Ifclen Cantpbeli aud~
lean Lce^ all of Candor^ two
brothcis^ ^bertShclloo, Ashcboro
iUid Hobcn SheltDn, Danbttry and
jlvc gmndchiidrcn.
LY1>1A C. mOAB
Lydia' Cteoson Shoaf, S6, of
MoehsvUle* died at Davle County
Hospital Saturday morning.
The funeral was heid at II &.m.
Moaday at Liberty Unitod Methodist
Qturdt, condueti^ by the Rev. Ben<
hy Beardcn. Burial was Inthechurch
Mtmiorials may be made to the
church ccmetcty fund, Rmitn 4,
Bom Aug. 29. i9C0, in Davic
County to the late James Samuel oud
Temple McDantct Cnmson« she was
a mcmbof of Liberty United
Methodist Church,
Her httshondf Cermotte Anderson
ShoaL died in 1976. A son. Satnuol
Sb^f, died March 1.
SurvlvofU IftdtBla three daughters,
Sadie Bamhardl of Route 4, Attenc
Jones of Route 3 and Ruby Motley
of Granite <^tarry; foorsoi^i Karokt
Shoaf of Madison, the Rev, Bill
Shoaf of Mocksvillc, the Rev. Ker^
isllShoaf ofWalkeftownand James
Shear of Marlon, S.C.
SAL1S6UR V—Almn Jane Ded-
mon 'Hiiierow, 91, of I12 Circle
Drlve^ rarmerly of Rome 7, Noliy
Read. MoeMie, died Monday «
her lUsidcnw.
The fuflfiraj was to be held at i I
J,m. Wcdr^ay at Ealon^s Funeral
Homo Chapel, Mpoksvillc. widi
Lewis ofiiciadhg. Burial wos
to be in Jericho Church of Christ
Cemetery, Mocfesvflte.
Metiiorialsmay be made to Nonh
Mfljii Sired Church of Christ,
Moclfsviile, N.C,
Born April 26, IS96, In Davic
County, she was a daughter of the
l«e Jesse Cicero and Mamie Ada
Troihnger Dcdmon, A bcmamalter,
she was a member of North Main
Slnat Osurcli of Christ.
Herhufibond, LinkTutterow, died
in 1970.
Survivow ijidudc a daushlcr,
Evelyn T. Tucker, with whom she
made her home: a sister, NciHc *
Wagner of Kannapolis; u brother,
Barl Dcdmon of Route 7,
MocksvlUc; iwograndsons; and one
great-granddaughter. [
BeauehanmWalker, 49. Rt. 7. MocksvlIIe, died
at her home April 30.
Fuimral services wercSiuurtlay m
Wilde ChlldfcEs and the Rev, Ben-
CemcrW«'^K»<ll«t Church ccmcrciy.
Mrs, Waiter was born in Davle
Ceuniy to Elmer, and Geneva
Faircloih Bcauchamp, She was a
rticoibef of Hardison United
Mcthodfst Church.
Surviving arc licr hustuuid. Jack
Walker; otrft fbuftinr... ^iadv
WMiicy, Kt. TTiailnSsvrlfer-ter--
mother ami father, Ri. 4, Advance
and two sfelcw, Mrs. Thcolcne
Ctmgh,pcii^onsnndMrs.Fatr!cia ,rbLK. Finnadc. j
James Gilbert "Fly" White, 29,
of 214 Witkcshora St., MoetevilEo,
dbd Friday night In a hil'and'iiin
iraffio necltlem.
Funeral ^rviccs were to be held
Wednesday ai Chestnut Gwvo Bap-
tist church in [rcdbll Ctninty, Rul
ing Elder James Ijames was to of-
lieiatc with burial to follow in the
church oeimiery.
firm Aug. II, J957. in Icedeli
County, he wasa son of Bdiia WMto
and James fjames, both of
Staiesvillo, Educated in the Davle
County schools, he was a disabled
veteran of the U.S. Army,
Survivors, io addition to his
parents. Include his stcpliithcr,
David Halrston of the home; throe
half bmihccs, David Hahrston of
Winstoa-Salem. Cralg Hairetcit of
Lexington and hfareus Hairaton of
the home; a half sister, Tina IJames
ofStaicsvlUe; and his grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Ijamcs of
Davu County Fu'cyc Lib
Avcry Clint«in Barney. 69. of
Ruiile 6. Mocksvillc. ilietl .Siiiulay
night at North Carolina Baptist
Hosptlal in Winston-.Salcm.
The funeral was to be held
Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral
Home Chapel, conducted by the
Rev. Chip Webb and the Rev. Fred
Shoaf. Burial was to Iv in Chestnut
(Srove United Mctlunlist Church
Born Oct. 1 1. 1917. in Davie
C^ninty. he was a son ol the late
Calvin S. and Amanda Hunter
Barney. Retired from Davie Auto
Parts, he was a United States Army
veteran of World War 11.
He is survived by his wife. Jennie
Pierce Baniey.
y/ .
Ambr<)se nnvk. 82. of Cedar
Creek community, died Monday at
4 a.m. at his home. He had been in
declining health for sometime.
Funeral services were to be con
ducted at 3 p.m. Wednesday at
Cedar Creek Baptist Church by Dr.
W.C. Hay r)f Winston-.Salcm. Burial
was to follow in the church
Survivors include his wife. Pearlic
Brock of the home; tw«» .sons.
William Brrxrk and (ieorge Brmk.
both t>f M(K-ksville: two daughters,
Ella B. Horn and Katherine
Hairslon. b<)th of Mocksvillc. 22
grandchildren and 16 great
Virginia Hodgc.s Fishel. 55. 4880
Follansbce Rd.. died at her home
May 6.
She was born July 2. 1931. in
Roanokc. Va. She had lived in For-
syth County for the past 30 years.
She was of the Moravian faith.
Surviving are her huskind. Harry
F. Fishel. of the hiune: two
daughters. Miss Diana Blackwell
ami Miss Cynthia l.<Miise Fishel.
both of the home; three .sons. .Steven
E. Blackwell. Advance. Gary R.
Blackwell. Patterson Ave. and
William Lee Blackwell. Jones Rd.
and two grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Sunday
at Hayworth-Millcr Silas Creek
Chapel. Burial was in Parklawn
Memorial Gardens.
'I he funeral for William Franklin
lleieson wiis to be Wednesday at
'Ejiton's Funeral Home Chapel, con
ducted by a chaplain from Fort
Bragg. Burial was to be in Rose
Cemetery, with military graveside
rites conducted by a military detach
ment from Fort Bragg.
Hcn.son, 50. of Route 4.
SouthwtKKi Acres. Mocksvillc died
May 10 at the home of his mother,
Julia Macey Guffie F.skew of
Bessemer City.
Born June 13. 1936. in Kings
Mountain, he was also the son of
Clyde Calvin Hens«m of Morganton.
He was a technical writer for AT&T
in Winston-Salem and was retired
from the U.S. Army after 20 years
that included service in Korea and
Survivors, in addition to his
parents, include his wife. Brenda
Gail Buchanan Henson; two
daughters, Tcrrica Jane and Angela
Dawn Henson, both of the home; a
.son. Grant Eric Henson of the home;
his stepmother. Geraldine Henson of
Three sisters. Billic Brown of
Bryant Culver. Ark.. Brenda Barzall
<if Glen Burnic, Md.. and Jane Reich
of Winston-.Salem; three half sisters.
Ruth Ann Herman. Mary Lois
Beach and Linda Henson, all of
Morganton; four half brothers, Ran
dy Hutchison of Bes.scmer City,
Danny and Steve Hen.son, both of
Morganton. and Ken Henson of
ADVANCE — Mrs. Annie
Faircloth Hall. 92, formerly of
Route 2, widow of Charles W. Hall,
died May 6 at Kernersville Care
Nursing Home.
Funeral .services were held Friday
at Vogler's Clemmons CKapel by the
Rev. Mark Bcnton and the Rev.
Alvin Latham. Burial followed in
Elbaville United MethmlisI Church
Mrs. Hall was bom in Davie
County to Edward and Cora
McCorkcl Faircloth. She was a
member of Elbaville United
Mcthixlist Cliurch. where she taught
Sunday School for 30 years.
She was preceded in death by a
.son and his wife. Thomas K. and
Hassic M. Hall.
Surviving are one son and his
wife. Samuel E. and Irene Hall, Ad
vance; rive grandchildren and .seven
great - grandch i Idren.
SALISBURY - Kenneth Reid
Hoffman, 53, of Fort Lauderdale,
Fla.. a native of Davie County, died
May 6 in Fort Lauderdale. He was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.
Hoffman of Coolecmee.
The funeral was held Saturday at
Forc.st I.!»wn Funeral Home in F«»rt
Memorials may be made to
Edgewood Baptist Church.
Cooleemee, N.C, 27014.
A grayuiatCipf Cooleentcc High
School, he'atfehSed North Carolina
State U9»*J^ly-
Survi.vfti^ in addition to his
parcnt.s. include his wife. Peggy
Snider Hoffman; a daughter.
Evahlcc Kathleen McCarthy; and
two sons, Kenneth Reid Hoffman Jr.
and Gerald Stephen Hoffman.
Flossie Hartley Lambe, 81. of
Route 4. Mocksville died May 7 at
For.syth Memorial Hospital in
The funeral was held Saturday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, con
ducted by the Rev. Jim Gryder,
• Burial was in Jenisalem Baptist
Church cemetery.
Born Sept. 7. 1905. in Davidson
County, she was a daughter of the
late Tom and Eliza Young Hartley.
A homcmakcr. .she was a member of
Jerusalem Baptist Church.
Her husband. Lee Lambe. died
Oct. 3, 1982.
Survivors include three daughters.
Doris Whisnant of Morganton, Delia
Mae Morgan of Granite Quarry and
Peggy Nail of Mocksvillc; two sons.
Tommy Lambe of Route 4 and Lee
I^mbe Jr. of Richmond, Va.; a
sister. Lila Sheets of Winston-
Salem; 16 grandchildren; and 15
OAVic CO. PUBLIC Library
mocksville, no
William Henry Lumlcy, 75, of
Route I, Mocksville, died May 10
at Davic County Hospital after an
extended illness.
The funeral was Tuesday at
Calalialii Friendship Ba|)ti.st Church,
with the Rev. Graham WiHiten and
the Rev. Robert Weatherspoon of
ficiating. Burial was in the church
Born May 25, 1911. in Durham
County, he was a son of the late
George W. and Mary Frances
filheridge Liimley. He was retired
Irom Drexel Heritage Furniture Co.
Survivors include his wife, Lola
Marie Dyson l.umley; two
daughters, Geraldiiie Piltman of
Raleigh and Dena Lumley of the
home; six sons, Keith Lumley of
Route I, Harvey Lumley of Raleigh,
Larry Lumley of Greens^ro, and
Ernest. Odell and Willard Lumley.
all of Morrisville;
Three sisters, Agatha Hurst and
Mildred Merritt, both of Mor
risville, and Bessie Terry of
Durham; three stepdaugliters, Diane
Duke of Apex, Jane Nowell t)f
Mocksville and Elaine Gillis of
Fuquay-Varina; a stepson, Gary
Combs of Sanford; 18 grand
children; seven step-grandchildren;
and nine great-grandchildren.
Leon Charles Martin, 62, of Route
4, Mocksville, died May 6 at Davtij
Ciiunty Ho.spilal. •
The funeral was held Satur^^ at
Eaton's Funeral Home
Burial was in Clarksburg Dnited
Methodist Church Cemetery in
Iredell County.
Born July 11, 1924, inChilhowie,
Va., a son of the late Robert and An
na Mae Blebin Martin, he was a
retired painter. He was a World War
II veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.
Survivors include his wife, Lillie
B. Albea Martin; three sons, Charles
Leon Martin of Taylorsville, Ken
neth Joseph Martin of Salisbury and
Bruce M. Martin of Bluntville,
Tenn.; three stepsons Sgt. Tony
Latikford of Avon Park, Fla., and
Chris Lee and Jesse Allen Lankford,
both of Mears, Va.;
Three sisters. Ruby Gartland of
Virginia Beach, Va., Shirley Flet
cher of Gainesville, Fla,, and Helen
Storton of Glen Bumie, Md.; a
brother, Robert L. "Jack" Martin
of Marion, Va.; three grandchildren;
and three step-grandchildren.
Mr. Robert Lee Salley, 83, N.
Main St., Mocksville, died May 7 at
Davic County Hospital.
Funeral services were held Satur
day at Eattin's Funeral Chapel, con
ducted by Bill Campbell of
Mocksville and the Rev. Dwight
Cartner. Burial was in Rose
Mr. Salley was born in Rowan
County to the late D.F. and Rohena
Cartner Salley. He was letircd from
Heritage Furniture Co. and was a
member of Mocksville First United
Methodist Church.
Survivors include his wife, Mamie
Lee Campbell Salley; one daughter,
Mrs. Evelyn Ferebec, Rt. 8.
Mocksville; three sons, Clarence
Salley, Bonita, Calif., Roy Salley,
Rt. 1, Harmony, and Carl Salley,
6048 James St., Clemmons; 10
grandchildren; seven great
grandchildren; and one brotyher,
William Salley, Rt. 7, Mocksville.
ADVANCE — Evola Smith
Sheck ,91, ot Route 1, died May 6
at her home.
The funeral was held Friday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in
Mocksville with the Rev. Leon
Wood officiating. Burial was in
Yadkin Valley Baptist Church
. cemetery.
Born June 14, 1895, in Davic !
County, a daughter of the late John
and Noal Ward Smith, she was a
homemaker and a member of
Yadkin Valley Baptist church.
Her husband, Jacob Hall Shcek
died Feb. 19, 1970.
Survivors include two sons. Bob
and Jason Sheek. both of Advance;
two sisters, Margie Hendrix of Ad
vance and Lillian Smith of Clem
mons; one grandchild; and two j
Wilmoth Winters, 49, of 8671
Shallowford Road, died May 4 at
Forsyth Hospital.
She was a first grade teacher at
William R. Davic Elementary
* SchcHil in Davie County until her
• retirement just a month before her
death. She had also taugltl in Forsyth
Mrs. Winters was bom October 5,
1937 to the late Justin R. Wilmoth
and Callie Anderson Wilmoth,
Drakes Branch, Va.
Surviving brothers and sisters are
Jt)hn R. Wilmoth, Drakes Branch,
Va., Abraham Wilmoth, Saxc, Va.,
Mrs. W. Leslie Ford, Kerncrsville
and Elizabeth Wilmoth Price, Cha.se
City, Va.
. Mrs. Winters attended Asheville
Biltmore College in Asheville from
1960 to 1962, and received an
undergraduate and masters degree in
Education, Class of 1966, from
She is also survived by her hus
band, Thomas E. Winters, Sr., one
.son, Thomas E. Winteis, Jr., and
one daughter, Charlotte Ann
Funerid services were held May 7
at the Church of Jesus Christ of
Laiter-Day Saints, Westchestcr
Road. Burial was in Colfax Ward
Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Lalter-Day Saints in Colfax. i
The family requests that all
memorials be made to the American
Cancer Socictv.
^ obituaries
. Durothy Cook Gartner, 63.
Rt. I, Mocksvillc, died May 17 at
Davic County Hospital after an ex
tended illness. .She was the widow
of Jc-ssc Ia'c Carlncr Jr.
Funeral .services were held Tues
day at Baton's Funeral Chapel by
Rev. John Row and Rev. Benny
Dcarden. Burial was in Salem United
McthcKli.sl Church centcicry. of
which she was a member.
Mrs. Carlncr was horn in Davic
County to the laic John and Victoriaj ....MM
. S.C.
Zachary Scth Jackson, six-weck-old
son of Thomas Gordon Jackson Jr.
and Donna Beck Jackson of 414
Shoally Road. .Sparianhurg, South
Carolina, died May 9 in Spartanburg
Regional Medical Center.
Also surviving: paternal grand
father. Gordon Jack.snn of Spartan
burg; paternal grandmother. Carole
Jackson of Florida: maternal grand
parents. Don and Linda Beck of In-
man: pateriud great-grandmother.irwvwffwat ,
Foster Crnik. She was retired from Bonnie JacLson «if Newhcrry; nialcr-
Ingcrsoll-Rand in Mocksvillc. Her nal great-grandmothers, Thclma
hu.sband, Jesse Lee Cartncr. Jr..
preceded her in death in 1966.
Surviving are two sons. Dennis
Craig Carfner and John Clifford
Cartncr. both of Rt. I. Mocksvillc;
two sisters. Mrs. Hazel Vountz and
Mrs. Helen Byerly. both of Clem-
mons; one brolhcr. Johnny Cook.
Hampton. Va.: her .stepmother.
Mrs. Kate Cook. Winston-.Salem
and three grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held
at Edgcwood Baptist Church in
Coolecmec. Sunday, May 24, at 3
p.m. for Kenneth Hoffman. Hoff
man died May 6 in Ft. I^audcrdale,
He was a native of Davic County.
Bom and rai.scd in Cooleeinec. he
was the son of Paul and Emma Hoff
man. He was a 19.^1 graduate of
CtKdecmec High .Sch«*il. He also at
tended North Carolina State
Hoffman is survived by his wife.
Peggy Snydcr Hoffman and three
children. Rccd. .Steve, and Kathe. all
of Ft. Lauderdale.
Dewey Holton. 88, ttf 4608 Gibbon
Road, died May 17 at University
Memorial Hospital.
Bom in Iredell County, he was the
son of the late John L. and Lucy
Blanche Holton. He owned and
operated Shu Fixory in Charlotte for
43 years.
Graveside services were held
Tuesday at Sharon Memorial Park.
Mr. Holton is survived by his
wife. Pauline Shumaker Holton, one
son, William Floyd Holton of
Charlotte, a daughter, Mrs. Ann
Venable of Charlotte, a half brother.
Holland W. Holton of Winston-
Salem. a half si.ster. Mrs. Alice Eid-
son of Winston-Salem, three grand
children and two
Dunn of Spartanburg. Marzelle Beck
of Advance: maternal great
grandfather. Ervin L. Beck of Ad
vance: maternal great-grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. McClam-
nxrk of Mocksvillc, and grcat-grcat-
grandmother, Mrs. Roy Daniels of
Route 4, Mocksvillc.
Graveside .services were held May
11 in Grccniawn Memorial Gardens
by the Rev. J.B. Strange.
In lieu of llcjwcrs. menuirials may
be made to the National S.I.D.S.
Foundation. Two Metro Plaza, Suite
205. 8240 Professional Place. Ijtn-
dovcr. Md. 20785.
3 Cf.VDE M. JONFi?
Mr. Clyde Melvin Jones. 77. Rt.
3. Mock.svillc. died at Davic Coun
ty Ho.spital May 17 after an extend
ed illness.
Funeral services were held Tues
day at Fork Baptist Church by the
Rev. Gordon Joyner. Burial was in
the church cemetery.
The family rcque.sts memorials be
made to Fork Bapti.st Church
Cemetery Fund.
Mr. Jones was bom in Davie
County to the late Alex and Bertha
Foster Jones. He was a member of
Fork Baptist Church. He was a
retired farmer. His first wife, Bessie
Marie Barnhardi Jones, died in
.Surviving arc his second wife,
Mary Lxus Williams Jones; one
daughter, Mrs. Marlenc Howcll.
Staiesville: four sons. Dallas, Nelson
and David Jones, all of Rt. 3.
Mocksvillc and Ixonard Jones, Rt.
3, Advance: one stepson. Dr. Dale
Williams. Greenville. N.C.: four
sisters. Mary Nell Bailey. Alma
Williams, Ada Mae Wal.sher and
Magdalene Stroud, all of Rt. 2. Ad
vance; five brothers. Fred. Bonce.
Wade. Ray and Maynard Jones, all
of Rt. 2. Advance and 15
Mr. Davkl Clyde York. 47. Rt. 5.
Mocksville. died Monday at Forsyth
He was bom in Iredell County on
October 20,^ J^39. to Clyde M. and
Tabiiha Tf^cttc York. Mr. York
was pf.'^&mptist faith.
He. •w'^marricd to Mrs. Judy
Shore York, who survives of the
Also surviving are his mother, of
Route 5, MtKk.sville: three children.
Billy York. Mrs. Ginger Whitaker,
and Mrs. Monica York Reavis. all
of Mocksvillc; six sisters. Mrs. Aril
(Lillian) Rash. Clemmons. Mrs.
Cleo Sharpe. Harmony, Mrs. Aanm
(Nettie) Carter. Mocksville. Mrs.
Kenneth (Doris) Sloan. Olin. Mrs.
Eugene (Mae) Foster aixl Mrs. Jerry
(Sylvia) Eddingcr. both of Winston-
Salem: a brother, Lonnie M. York.
Staiesville: ami three grandchildren.
Mr. York was preceded in death by
a .sister, Mrs. Janie Y. Fesperman.
and a brother. Donnie Ray York.
Fuheral services were to be
Wcdne.sday at Mackie-Gentry
Funeral Chapel. Burial was to follow
in Turner's Creek Bapti.st Church
~ obituaries
: ' HAMPTONVILLE - Mrs. Ethel
I Mae Carson, 76, of Route I, Hamp-
I tonville, died Sunday evening at
I Iredell Memorial Hospital in
I Statesville afler an extended illness.
She was bom in Iredell County, and
was a member of Mt. Carmel
Holiness Church.
She is survived by three .step
daughters, Mrs. Jettie Smyre and
Miss Gladys Carson, both of Hamp-
tonville; Mrs. Cornelius Howell of
Winston-Salem; two step-sons,
William Carson of Mocksville and
Frank Carson of Tennessee. One
sister, Mrs. Kathcrine Campbell of
Mocksville; three brothers, Willie,
Turner, and Raymond Rcdmon, all
of Yadkinvillc; 19 grandchildren, .30
great-grandchildren and seven
Funeral services were to be held
on Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Mt.
Carmel Holiness Church, with
Pa.stor Jessie Leach officiating and
burial was to follow in the Pleasant
Hill Baptist Church Cemetery.
James Bamett "Bamey" Taylor, 69,
1708 Center St., died Saturday.
He was bom August 27, 1917, in
Greenville, S.C., to John P. and
Nancy Boggs Taylor. He worked for
Arista Mills and Hanes Knitting Co.
for 20 years. He earned the Star Pin
from Hanes In 1943. Mr. Taylor
retired from Frank L. Blum Con
struction Co. in July, 1986.
He was married in 1939 to Pauline
Norman (Polly) Taylor, who sur
vives of the home.
Surviving, in addition to his wife,
are three sons, J.D. Taylor and Bil
ly Gray Taylor, both of Winston-
Salem and Jerry Taylor, Daytona
Beach, Fla., and one daughter, Nan
cy Ann Taylor Styers,
Mr. Taylor was preceded in death
by Skeeter Styers, Randy, Ricky and
Sandra Taylor.
Also surviving are 10 grand
children; three great-grandchildren
and a special granddaughter, Pat
Styers Cochran, Mocksville.
Funeral services were held Mon
day at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek
Chapel by Rev. 2^no Groce and
Rev. Harold Tuttle. Burial was in
Gardens of Memory.
The family requests memorials'be
made to the American Cancer Socie
ty, ISIO-B Martin St., Win.ston-
Salcm, N.C. 27103.
Sedberry Gales, 84, of Cooleemee,
died May 22 at For.syth Memorial
Hospital in Winston-Salcm.
The funeral was held Sunday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in
Mocksville, conducted by the Rev.
Fred Currie. Burial was in I.cgion
Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to
Cooleemee Pre.sbyterian Church,
Cooleemee, N.C. 27014.
Bom Oct. 12, 1902, in Cabarrus
County, she was a daughter of the
late George and Sallie Henson
Sedberry. Retired from Burlington
Industries, she was a member of
Cooleemee Pre.sbytcrian Church.
Her hu.sband William S. "Bill"
Gales, died April 9, J984.
Survivors include.' three step
daughters, Mrs. vJB^nard (Mary
Louise) Penl(^./*^jm Route 1,
Salisbury, Fi;ances Miller and Dor
cas Mcsimcr; both of Cooleemee; a
si.ster, Irene Hellard of Cooleemee;
four step-grandchildren; and 12
"i"l inRARY
knight '
Mrs. Mary Ruth Douthit Kmght, ^
50, 2700 High ' Pocket L^e,
Greensboro, died Saturday mght
at Forsyth Hospital. She bad been
ill for over a year and a halt ana
seriously ill for two weeks. Mrs. ^
Knight was bom September 14,
1936 in Davie County to the law
Henry and Mary Pilcher Dothit.
She WM employed by AdacM-Mil-
lis Corp. She was of the Baptist
faith. She was preceded in death
by a daughter. Mm. Nanette
Grady, in 1978. and a brother, Bob
Douthit, in 1980. Surviving are her
husband, David Knight, of the
home; one daughter, Ma. Renae
Cranfill, Kemersville; th^ sia-
ters. Mrs. Howard (Alice) ShernU.
Mocksville. Mrs. Grady
Beaucharop and Mrs. Randy (Ja
nice) Beyer, both pf Advance and
two brothers, Earl Dou^it, Ker-
nersviUe and J. W. Douthit, Ocean
Springs. Miss. Funeral ser^ces
will be 2 p.ro. Tue^Vp?^i
worth'Miller Silaa Creek Clmpel
by ^v. Leon Wood and Rev.
Yatea Wilkinson. Interment mil
follow in Yadkin Valley Baptist
Church cemetery in Davie County.
The family will receive fnen^
from 7 to 9 pjn. tonight at the
^eral home and, at other tunes,
i at tha home of Mrs. Janice Buyer. [
y VydVin Valley Rd., Rt. 6, Advance.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1987 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
ADVANCE — Mrs. Helen
Lincback Ellis. 55, Ri. 4. Box 222.
wife of James David Ellis, died May
27 at Forsyth Hospital.
Funeral services were held Friday
at Vogler's Oemmons Chapel by the
Rev. Yates Wilkinson. Burial
followed in Green Meadows Baptist
Church Cemetery.
Mrs. Ellis was born in Forsyth
County to Emest R. and Pearl Smith
Lineback. and spent her early
childhood in the Seward communi
ty of Fonsyth County. She was a
member of Green Meadows Baptist
Church and was a retired employee
of AT&T Technologies, with .14
years of service.
Surviving are her husband, of the
home; one daughter, Mrs. Kim
Williams, Rt. 1, Mock.sville; one
son, Richard Dale Ellis, of the
home; one sister, Mrs. Mary
Lineback Bodsford. Wiaston-Salem;
and two brothers. Roy Lineback.
Rural Hall, and Robert Lineback.
Elsie Rierson Hill, 76, 250 Harper
St., died May 24 at Forsyth
She was born November 8. 1910,
in Forsyth County to Jim and Ir.ie
Young Rierson. She spent most of
her life in Davidson and Forsyth
Mrs. Hill was a member of We.st
Side Chri.stian Church in Lcwisville.
She is survived by her husband.
Walter D. Hill, of the home; one
daughter, Ms. Dreweena Hill,
Harper St.; one sister, Mrs. Venoa
Neal, MocLsvillc; and a number of
nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were May 27 at
Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel
by Mr. Kent Allen. Burial was in
Parklawn Memorial Gardens.
The family requests that any
memorials be made to West Side
Christian Church in Lewisville or
Forsyth Cancer Service.
SALISBURY — Carrie Lucky
MeConeyhead. 97. formerly of
Cooleemee, died Thursday in a New
York hospital.
The body was to be brought to No
ble and Kelsey Funeral Home,
where funeral arrangements were to
be made.
Bom in 1889 in Rowan County,
she was a daughter of the late Rowan
and Charlotte Fleming Lucky. She
was a member of New Shepherd
Baptist Church in Cooleemee.
Survivors inelude a son. James
Myers of Cooleemee; four
daughters, Mildred Thomas and
Nellie Washington, both of'-
Brooklyn, N.Y., Eva Mae Harris of
Washington. D.C., and Vergie Scott
of Hartford. Conn.; a brother,
Hezekiah Lucky of Salisbury; three
sisters, Mae Lock. Alma Nora and
Christine Marlin, all of Winston-
Salem; and a number of grand
children and great-grandchildren.
Sidney Neal. 70 of 2210 S. Scales
Street died Monday at his home
following a long illness.
He was a native of Ca.swell Coun
ty. He was the son of Mrs. Garrett
Neal and the late Robert Lee Neal
Sr. and had lived in Reidsville most
of his life.
He was a graduate of Appalachian
State University, a veteran of WWII,
serving as a captain in the U.S. Ar
my. He was an employee of Trans-
Contintental Gas Pipeline Corp..
retiring in 1980 after 30 years
He was a member and elder of the
North Scales Street Church of
Surviving arc his wife. Margaret
Burton Neal. of the home; two soas,
A1 A. Neal Jr.. of Stoneville and Ben
L. Neal of Rcid.sville; his mother,
Mrs. Amy Garrett Neal of
Reidsville; two sisters, Mrs.
Elizabeth N. Johnson of Reidsville
and Mrs. James N. Essie of
Mocksville; tour brothers, I. Gar
rett Neal of Eden. Ben J. Neal of
Oxford, Robert L. and David K.
Neal. both of Reid.sville; and two
Funeral .services were to be con
ducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the
North Scales'Street Church of Christ
with Rev. Robert Forrester, of
ficiating. Burial was to be in Thomp-
sonville Baptist Church Cemetery.
Mqnorials may be made to
Hospice of Rockingham County or
the^ North Carolina Cancer .Society.
6^ i^uneral Home is in charge
Hazel Bowdcn Smith, 88. 607 West
St., widow of Alex F. Smith, died
May 25 at For.syth Hospital.
Funeral services were May 27 at
Vogler's Main Street Chapel by
Rev. Donald K. Funderburk and
Rev. Robert Pcurifoy. Burial was in
Parklawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Smith was bom in Davie
County to S.W. and Clara Plott
Bowden. She spent her early life in
Davie County and taught school in
Davie County in her 20s. She had
lived in Win.ston-Salcm since 1948.
She was a member of Bethlehem
United Methodist Church in Davie
Surviving are four daughters.
Clara Tallcy. Avenelle Willard.
Thclma Hyland. and Zclda Burton,
all of Winston-Salem; two .sons.
Warren B. and Fred W. Smith, both
of Winston-Salem; 13 grand
children; six great-grandchildren;
and a .sister. Mrs. Nell Smith,
Bethlehem Church community.
Davie County.
Franklin Waller. 90. of Route 2
Grace Church Road, died Monday
at Rowan Memorial Hospital afterbeing in declining health for several
years and seriously ill tor two
^The funeral was to be at 4 p.m.Wednesday at ^
Church, conducted by the Rev. Geiw
Bost. pastor. Purial was to be in
Rowan Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the
1 : American Heart Association, i^rciKte. Ct»pel Hill or .ho
* American Cancer Society of Rowm
S County. P.O. Box 1264. Salisbury.
2 Bom Aug. 7. 1896. in Davie
1 County, he was a son of the late Jota
2 and Jane Whishunt Waller. A
farmer, he was a veteran of World
" War 1 and a member of Grace
£ Lutheran Church.
E Survivors include his wif^ Ethel
5 White Waller; five sons. J .T.. ^8 c Robot. U. and BiUyE. Waller.
g all of Salisbury, aitd P-
< Waller of Woodleaf; four daughters,
t Mrs. Uuic (Edith) Jackson. Mrs.Tom (Rosa Lee) Pinkston Mrs. Ju^
my (JoAnn) Cauble and Mrs- ^
Roy (Gaynclle) Rcd^««' °r
Salisto«i-»^ grandchiden; fourstepjptJchiMren; H 8«a«-
grarricWldren; and one
Edna Wilson of Milling Road died
May 29 in Forsyth Memorial
Hospital after a long illness.
Born in Davie County, a daughter
of Floyd Wilson of Hickory and the
lute Mary VanEaton Wilson, .she
was employed at J.P. Green Milling
Survivors, in addition to her
father, include a brother. John Obie
Wilson of Mocksville; and four step
brothers. Ronnie, Benny. Glenn,
and Floyd Jr. Wilson, all of
Graveside services were hclu
Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock with
Elder Terry Dalton officiating.
n vll I. I.
t ;
l i.;
HIGH POINT - Mr. G.V. {bS/
Greene, Jr., 56,207 Hampton Di„
died Sunday night at his residence.
He was bom in Fork, N.C., the son
of Dr. G.V. and Lucille Peebles
Greene. He was a graduate of Oak
Ridge Military Academy and High
TSint'CoUeg/. M graduate
work at East Carolina ^nwersay
and attendedCarolina at Chapel HiU. mi.
Greene was a former teacher^d
coach at Glenn High School. HighPo'nt Central High School andHigh Point Andrews High Sch^ .He was a professional baseb^l
scout for Kansas City
a number of years and ve^active in the Little League basebaU
pTOpam in Jamestown^He was a ^
1 (B^bby) Greene, Winston-Salem,Iwuito F. (Billy)Geoffrey P. Greene, both of^, home; three srstere. Mm. ^
"a memS^'service'vSri^hTdlla.m.Wec^esday^^
q^brest Chapel. E. Uxington
Ave by Rev. Mel Anderson. Bunion he in Floral Garden Park^emlry ThrtemUywair^^^^^^^
friends from 7 to 9 p.m.Funeral Home. Memon-
K be made to the charrty of
the donor's choice.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1987 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
ADVANCE — Mrs. Lucy E.
Bridges Ellis, 63. Box 46. Rl. 6.
wife of Luther G. (Sam) Ellis, died
June 3 at Porsyth Hospital.
Puncral services were held Friday
at Green Meadows Baptist Church
by the Rev. Y,ntcs Wilkiason. Burial
Rdlowcd in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Ellis was bom in Porsyth
County to James M. and Maggie
Morton Bridges. She lived in the Ad
vance community for over 40 years,
where she was a member of Green
'Meadows Baptist Church and the
Willing Workers Sunday School
She is survived by her husband, of
the home; a daughter and son-in-
law, Kay and Charles Kilby, Ad
vance; a son and daughter-in-law.
Robert and Lee Ellis, Advance;
three granddaughters, Karen, Karia
and Amy Kilby; a grandson, An
drew C. Ellis; two .sisters, Mrs.
Rachel Tultlc. Gcmianton, and Mrs.
Mary John.son, East Bend; and two
brothers, Mr. Sidney Ray Bridges
and James M. Bridges. Jr., both of
Memorials may be made to Green
Meadows Baptist Church or N.C.
Diabetes As.suciation.
Mrs. Ella Grey Armswnrthy Pur-
chess, 90, of Route 2. Mocksvillc,
died Tuesday at the Wesley Long
Hospital in Greensboro.
She was the widow of the late
Samuel Wade Furchess.
Funeral services will be held at 11
a.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funeral
Chapel by the Rev. J.C. Shore and
Rev. Jesse Tart. Burial will be in
Farmington Cemetery.
The family was to receive friends
at the funeral home from 7-9 p.m.
Wednesday night and at other times
at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
Jean Smith on Route 2, Mocksvillc.
Mrs. Furche.ss was bom April 22,
1897 in Davic County to the late
Levi Branch and Fannie Lee
Thomason Armsworthy and was a
homemaker. She was a member of
the Farmii^on United Methorlist
Survivors include two daughters,
Mrs. Nancy Blaylocjc of Greensboro
and Mrs. Jean Smiijh of Route 2,
MocLsville; two sonsfSamuel Wade
Furchetss Jr. of King bhd Robert G.
Furchess of CIcmmdns; 10 grand
children and two great
grandchildren; one sister, Mrs.
Ruby Maimey of Kannapolis.
OLIN — Mrs. Annie Bell Brown
Shumaker Grant, 67, of Route I,
died June 4 at N.C. Baptist Ho.spital
in Winston-Salcm.
She was bom March 2. 1920 in
Wilkcs County to the late Fred D.
and Pearlie Rash Brown.
She was preceded in death by hci
first husband, Thomas Franklin
Shumaker and by a brother, John
Tumer Brown.
Surviving are her husband,
Vander Lee Grant; two sons, Car
rol Dean Shumaker and Thomas Ed
ward Shumaker, both of Statesville;
three daughters, Mrs. Tommy L.
(Mevalyn) Harper, of Route I, Ad
vance, Mis. Donnie J. (Mildred)
Frye, of din, and Mrs. Wayne
(Sue) Hepler, of Statesville; two
step-daughters, Mrs. James (Veruotwp tvJl9» Jolllvd \Vvll|
Bom Oct. 17, 1934, in Mecklen-*
burg County, she was a daughter of
Jessie Flowers Junker of Wandering
Lane, Mocksville and the late Ted
Junker. She was a member of the
Fir.st Prc.sbyterian Church of
Survivors, in addition to her
mother, include her husband. John
Long; four .sons, John F. Long III
of Stone Mountain, Ga.. Lloyd
Trent and Stewart M. Long, both of
Charlotte and Tyler F. Long of Col
umbia, S.C.; a brother. Bill Junker
of Mocksville; and one grandchild.
ADVANCE — Katharine Cope
Scamon, 48, of Route 2, Markland
Road, died June 5 at Davic County
Hospital in Mocksville.
_ ^lie funeral was held Monday atJ
Lou) Sloan. ofOlin and Mrs. Lester living God
(Hazelene) Souther, of Hamptoib>^.''Stevenson of-
ville; II grandchildren, seven step- "Elating. Burial was in the church
grandchildren and one .step-great- ^®'"'^tery.
Bom July 2grandson; two brothers. Rev. Robert
N. Brown and Fred Wilson Brown,
both of State.svi]|c.
Funeral .services were held June 7
at Gras.sy Knob Baptist Church, con
ducted by the Revs. Ralph J.
Stanley, Paul E. Crater. R. Howard
Wagoner and Dwight N. Somers.
Burial was in New Prospect Bapti.st
Church Cemetery.
The family requests that
memorials be made to New Pro.spcct
Baptist Church Cemetery Fund.
Frankie Junker Long, 52, of 109
Ronaldsby Road, Cary, formerly of
Davie County, died on Saturday
afternoon as the result of a boating
accident in Madison County.
The funeral was held Tuesday at
the First Presbyterian Church in
Mocksville, conducted by the Rev.
Leiand Richaidson. A memorial .ser
vice will beheld at 2 p.m. Thursday
at the First Presbyterian Church of
Raleigh. Burial was in Rose
Cemetery in Mocksvillc.
Memorials may be made to Bible
Study Fellowship in memory of
Frankie Junker Long, 1900 Blancho
Road, San Antonio, Texas, 78258,
or to the Rescue Unit of Madi.son
County, in care of the Sheriffs Of
fice, P.O. Box 445, Marshall, N.C.
, 1938, in I>avie Coun
ty, a daughter of the late Taft and
Mary Forrest Cope, she was retired
from the Williams Medical Textile
Her first hu.sband, Bobby Ixc Bur
ton. preceded her in death in 1981.
Survivors include her second hus
band, Ray ford Seamon; two
daughters, Brenda Norman of Route
2. Advance, and Sandra Virginia
Cranford of Cooleemee; three .sons.
Randy G. and Bobby Lee Burton Jr.,
both of Route 2, and Michael Wayne
Burton of Route 3, all of Advance;
a stepson. Donald Scamon of Route
2, Advance; three sisters. Rosie
Spaugh and Frankie Minor, both of
Route 2, Advance, and Frances
Spaugh of Route 3, Mocksville; a
brother. Kenneth Cope of Lex
ington; and 10 grandchildren.
U-n- J-rs
/' flora b.w. siler
high point - Mrs. Flora
Blanch Welborn Silcr. 72, of 203
Jones Circle died June 3 al High
Poini Regional Hospital, after
several years of declining health and
SIX weeks of critical illness.
Born in Trinity to Ernest Walton
, Welborn and Lenora Roseland
Kanoy Welborn, she had been a resi
dent of Thomasville since 1951, hav
ing moved here from Mocksville.
In 19M, she married James Ray
mond Siler, who died in 1976.
She and her husband owned and
operated Siler Funeral Home and
Florist in Mocksville until moving to
Thomasville to establish Siler
Funeral Home. She retired in 1977,
when Sechrest Funeral Service Inc.
acquired the facility. She was part
owner of Flo-Rue Antiques of
Thomasville and Trinity, a member
of ThomasvUIe Eastern Star Chapter
No. 171 andThoma<:villi>
w. . tawtaMMTuic cct^icm Mdi Unapicr
No. 171 and Thomasville Woman's
Club.She was a member of First Baptist Church and a charter member of
the Crystal Cathedral.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.Donald T. (Mona) Mlkles of the
home; sisters Mrs. T.R. (Eriine)
Hendrix Sr. of Archdale, Mrs.Gufhey (Melissa) Clinard, Mrs.^jf^harlie (Candace) Shore and Mrs.®'vl rtomer (Ruth) Northcott, all of
Route 3, Trinity; bnithers Jeff
■ Welborn of Route I, Jamestown,
and E.W. "Bill" Welborn Jr. of Ar
chdale; three grandchildren and one
The funeral was held Friday in
First Baptist Church, with the Rev.
Michael Vipperman and the Rev. D.
Terrell Watts officiating. Burial was
in Hopewell United Methodist
Church Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Mrs. Siler's
The family has requested that any
memorials be directed to First Bap
tist Church in Thomasville or Trini
ty Baptist Church in Trinity.
y KEITH M. WIIARTONKeith Monroe Wharton, 21. ofRoute I, Mocksville died June 4from injuries suiTercd in a motorcy-
cle accident.Mr. Whanon was a student at For-sylh Technical College. He was a
member of Galilee Missionary Bap
tist Church. .
Surviving are his parents, WilliamT. and Waltine Hampton Wharton ofthe home; four brothers, his twinCalvin. WUIiam T. Wharton Jr.,'Harold Lee Wharton and Joseph L.Hoover, all of the home; two sisters,Patricia Wharton and ElizabethHoover, all of the home; grand-inothers, Mrs. Odessa Wright andMrs. Agnes Hampton of Winston-Salem, a grandfaUier, Walter Hampton and a friend, Elizabeth Cooley.
Funeral services wcie held Monday at Galilee Missionary BaptistChurch. Burial was in Evergreen
WINSTON-SALEM - Mr. CarlThomas Winfrey, 52, 5615 Planta-tion Dr., died June 7 al Forsyth
Hospital.Funeral services wem held Tuesday at Vogler's Reynolda RoadChapel by Rev. Richanl L. Sides.Burial was in Forsyth Memorial
Park.Mr. Winfrey was born in ForsythCounty March 31, 1935. to Thom-nas S. and Lcontice Starbuck Winfrey. He spent most of his life inForsyth Cbunty. He owned and
operated Winfrey Eletlric Co.Surviving are his wife, NancyFisher Winfrey, of the home; threedaughters, Mrs. Connie StewartKernersville, Mr. Cheryl Sorensen'Lewisville and Miss Caila Winfrey;Winston-Salem; two stepchildren'I^ommy Hall. N. Wilkesboro andDawn Hall, of the home; two grandchildren; his mother and father.Winston-Salem; one sister, Mrs.Dorothy W. Matthews, East Bendand two brothers, Troy WinfreyMocksville and F.D. (Jack) Winfrey, Yadkinville.
Memorials may be made to Forsyth Cancer Service.
CO. j-
COOLEEMEE - Funeral ser
1 HIGH POINT — Mrs. Jennie
Lowe Peebles Bean, 68, 203-F
North Point Ave., died Monday at
Wcsleyan Arms Nursing Home.
A native of Davic County, Mrs.
Bean was a retired schoolteacher for
.Guilford County schools. She was a
member of Montiieu United
Methodist Church. She was married
to James William Bean, Jr., who
died August 28. 1965.
Surviving are two sons, James
William (Bill) Bean III, Chicago,
HI., and Clifton P. Bean, High Point;
one sister. Mrs. Eli7.abeth Bailey,
Advance; one brother, Wiley Ellis
Peebles, Advance; and two
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.
Thursday at Montlieu United
Methodist Church with the Rev. Jeff
Patterson and the Rev. Tom McLean
offlciating. Interment will be in Ad
vance United Methodist Church
Cemetery. The family were to
receive friends from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Wedne.sday at Scchrcst Funeral
Memorials may be made to
Fellow.ship Hall in Greensboro.
Walter Henry Browm, 34. of
Route 7, Mocksville, died June 12
at Davie County Hospital after an il
lness of two days.
The funeral was held Monday at
Mocksville Second Presbyterian
Church with the Rev. Ivan Wayne
Lowery officiating. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Bom Aug. 29. 1952, in Davie
County, a son of the late Wheatley
Stecle Brovm, he graduated from
Wyandranch High School in Long
Island, N.Y. and was employed by
the North Carolina Department of
Transportation. He was a member of
Mocksville Second Presbyterian
Survivors include his step-father.
Jcs.sc Brown of Long Island. N.Y.;
two sons, Kevin and Daircll Brown,
both of Long Island. N.Y.; a
daughter, Ericka Brown of Davic
County; three brotherc, Darrell
Stecle and Daniel Brovm, both of
Mocksville and Urry Brown of
I^ng Island. N.Y.; a sister, Dcbra
L. Brown of Mocksville; and step-
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Odcll
n Brown of Mwksville.
vices for James Myers were held
Tuesday at Locke Street Church of
God, officiated by the Rev. Ray
Brook. Burial followed in New
Shepherd Baptist Church Cemetery.
Myers died June 11 at his home.
Bom April 24, 1912, in Winston-
Salem, a son of Carrie Luckey
McConeyhead and Hill Myers, he
was educated in the Davie County
schools. He was retired from
Southem Rmlway after 32 years of
.service and was formerly employed ,
by Ervin Mills for 31 years. He wa^,
a member of the Church of God o^.
Salisbury where he served
deacon and Sunday School teaeJlTO
He was a former member of New
Shepherd Baptist Church of
Survivors include his wife. Emma
Lee Myers of the home; four sisters.
Mildred Thomas and Nellie
Washington, both of Brooklyn.
N.Y., Vergie Scott of Hartford,
Conn, and Eva Mae Harris of
Wa.shington; and two grandchildren.
Margie Enloe Purkey, 78, of
Route 2, Mocksville, died Jiine 12
at Forsyth Hospital in
The funeral was held Sunday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Norman Frye officiating.
Burial was in Hope Baptist Taber
nacle cemetery.
Bom in Lenoir, a daughter of the
late Robert and Alice Enloe. she was
a homemaker.
Survivors include her husband.
Kenneth Purkey; five daughters.
LoisPaescleofSt. Auggstine, Fla..
Mary Wincmiller of Texas, Faye
Colbert of Advance, Phyllis Littc of
Dayton, Ohio, and Susie Prather of
Mocksville; four sons, Kenneth
Purkey Jr. of Maryland. Robert
Purkey of Beaumont. Texas.
William Purkey of Cooleemee, and
David Purkey of Mocksville;
Two sisters, Annie Kirkland of
CiKoa Bcsrch, Fla.. and Bertha
Aycrs of Pennsylvania; four
brothers. Fred and Roy Enloe. both
of Lenoir and Frank and Grover
Enloe, both of Maggie Valley; and
35 grandchildren.
Ralph Jones. 76. of Route 3,
MocLsvillc died June 12 at his home.
The funeral was held Sunday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Elmer Day officiating.
Burial was in Cornatzer Baptist
Church cemetery.
Bora in Davie County, a .son of the
late John David and Omie McDaniel
Jones, he was retired from Dixie
Fumiture Co. in Lexington.
Survivors include his wife. Ethel
Ellis Jones; a sister. Hannah Jones
of Route 3; a brother. William
Clarence Jones of Route 3; and a
number of nieces and nephews.
*'*' "-""eKPRISE i
^ *15®" S?.'.™'.®' maw,dinMrs. W.G. Onic" Mauldin, 81
of Greenville, Texas, a former rcsi-
dem of Davie County, died June 19
at Greenville.
"'® '"Other ofEmit H. Thurlo of Route 8
Mocksville. She lived in Davie
County for a few years.;
Survivors include thrfte grand-
y « myrtle c. riggs
DANBURY - Mrs. MyrtleCarter Riggs, 87. Route I, Sandy
Ridge, widow of Sam J. Riggs, died
Cwter^ Rockingham Nursing
She was bom in Davie County to
Elser and Sally Smith Carter. She
was a member of Wilson Primitive
Baptist Church.
Surviving arc three daughtersMrs. l^ry Griffin. Sandy Ridge.'
Mrs. Thelma Newman and Mrs.
Elsie Cahill, both of Martinsvillc.
va.; five sons. Harvey Riggs
Syracuse, N.V., Fletcher Riggs,
Calvin Riggs and David Riggs, all
of Martiasville. Va. and Wayne
Rips Stoneville; one sister. Mrs.
L.J. Warfoid. Winston^Salem; three
brothers Clarence Carter,
Mwksville, Ray Carter, Advance
and Jimrny Carter. We.st Virginia;
-iV grandchildren and 25 great
Funeral services were held Sunday
at Nelson Rineral Home Chapel byHder Millard Shelton and Elder
Weldon Joyce. Burial was in Wilson
Primitive Baptist Church cemetery.
vV®"<VILLE-LcwhManmVork, 80, Route 2, died earty June
fn vldM'^r' hornin Yadldn County, June 25, 1906 to
Greenberry and Lillie C^udlc York
rr!^ ^"married t<J Mrs. Dorawhoisurvives of the
. ™"nving are two daughters
Md n M 2. East Bendand Mrs. Jane'JS'nflix. Rf. 2
Jul.:r"i"' Charlie
mIS, V Heno'
William ^Thomas Yoric. Rt. 5Mocksi^lle; four sisters, Mrs'
Amelia Dinldns, Mrs. Rosebud Cau-
of Yadkinville and Mrs. Bcttv
Funeral services were Monday at
Hunt.sville Baptist Church by the
Rev David Anderson and the Rev
Hjk Frye. Burial followed in the
cfiurch cemetery.
mocksville. nc