Jul - DecDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,CAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRAl^mocksvbj-E. NCMRS. MARGARET GENEVAM. HOWARDMrs. Margaret Geneva MyersHoward. 79, Rt- 4, Advance, died ather home Saturday afternoon. Shehad been in declining health sinceMay 17.1985. Mrs. Howard was bomOctobers!. 1905 in DavieCounty, toCharlie A. and Sarah Vaughn.., n .1-She had lived all her life in theParmingtcn Community and was amember of Vadkin VaUey BaptistChurch. She was the widow ofEmuel Sam Howard, who died inSurviving are seven daughters.Pearl Markland. Clemmons, Mrs.James (Pansy) Myers, Winston-Salem. Mrs. Marvin (Thelma)Taylor. Advance, Mrs. Harold(Maudie) Miller. FayetteviUe, Mrs.Hollis J. (Addie) Fine and Mrs.William iRosie) Steelman. both ofLewisville. and Mrs. Mark (Sue)Hacker. Ohio: two sons. Delmer(Spe^y) Howard, Advance, andCharlie (Sam) Howard. Qemmons;24 grandchildren; 20 greatgrandchildren. and a sister. Mrs.Dessie Ladd. Winston-Salem.Funeral services were conductedat 2 p.m. Monday at Yadkin ValleyBaptist Church by the Rev. LeonWood. Burial fouowed in MacedoniaMoravian Cliurch graveyard.• JANICE S. CHAFFINJanice Faye Smith Chaffin. 48. ofRoute 8. di^ Friday afternoon atDavie County Hospital after beingin declining health for severalmonths.The ftmeral was held at 4 p.m.Monday at Ijames CrossroadsBaptist Church with the Rev.Kenneth Hyde and the Rev. GeneGentry ofHciating. Burial followedin the church cemetery.Bora Aug. 28. 1936. in DavieCounty, a dau^ter of CamillaBlalock Smith of Route 1. Harmony,and the late Jay C. Smith, she wasemployed as cafeteria manager atDavie ^High School and was amp' jer of Ijames CrossroadsB .ptist Church.Survivors, in addition to hermother, include her husband. AbnerMorgan (Baffin; one daughter.Kathy Chaffin of Salisbury; twosons, Keith Chaffin of Mocksvilleand Bryan (Thaffin of the home; andtwo sisters, Linda Green ofMocksville and Phoebe Sampson ofHarmony.GLERA COURTNEYGlera Gertrude Bun Courtney, 72.of 310 Rolling Hills Lane.Mocksville. died Thursday afternoon at Forsyth MemorialHospital. Winston-Salem.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Sunday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel with the Rev. BennyBeardon officiating. Burial followedin Rose Cemetery.Born August 2. 1912. in Elmore(^unty. Ala., a daughter of the lateGeorge and Ruth .Anthony Burt.she was a retired nurse.Her husband. George MillardCourtney. Sr.. died in 1972.Suiwivors include two dau^tera.Mrs. Calvin (Laura) Carter, withwhom she made her home, and Mrs.Johnny (Sallie)'Strong of Opelika.Ala.; two sons. Edward.M. Ckiurt-ney of Needles. Calif., and GeorgeM. Courtney of Winston-Salem; andnine grandchildren.• JAMES CLAY TUTTEROWJames Clay Tutterow. 65. Rt. 1.Mocksville. died Monday at hishome.Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Center UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev.Claudia Harrelson and the Rev.Benny Beardon. Burial will follow inthe church cemetery. His body willlie in state in the church for 30minutes prior to the services.Memorials may be made to theJim Tutterow Scholarship Fund; incare of Audrey Freeman. 220Cherry St.. .Mocteville. 27028.Mr. Tutterow was bora in DavieCounty to the late L. M. and NancyAnderson Tutterow. He was retiredfrom Inter^ll-Rand and was aveteran onthe. United States Army,having ser^^di^g World War II.He was aflwnbi^of Center UnitedMethodist C^u'i^h. a chartermember of Center Fire Dept.. acharter, member of Center Com-*munity Development Assoc.. amember of Davie County RescueSquad, and a member of CenterSoftball Recreation Program.He was preceded in death by twosons. George and Jim Tutterow. Heis survived by his wife. Mrs. NancyTutterow Tutterow. of the home; ason. Ray Tutterow. of the home, anda brother. Floyd Tutterow,Statesville.THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1985MR. CONRAD WORTH(C.W.) TUCKERMr. Ckinrad Worth (C.W.) Tucker.57, Rt. 4, died Thursday at RowanMemorial Hospital in Salisbury.Funeral service was held at 2 p.m.Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Homeby the Rev. Larry Allen and theRev. Shelby Harbour. Burialfollowed in Rowan Memorial Parkin Salisbury.Mr. Tucker was born in SmythCounty, Va. to Malissa Sexton Woodand the late Veraie Tucker. He wasa self-employed mobile home salKand serviceman and had served inthe U.S. Air Force during WorldWar II.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Elizabeth Barton Tucker, of thehome; one daughter and one son.Miss Juli Tucker and Rusty Tucker,both of the home; his. mother of(^ilhowie. Va.; two sisters. Mrs.Rose Box and Mrs. Maxine Box.both of Marion. Va.UAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC OjrA^ ]-) UijiWi e sI \.-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,/arlinda m. whiteArlinda Meismer While. 91.formerly of Cooleemee. died atRowan Manor Nursing Center.Salisbury, early Saturday morning.She had been a resident at thecenter for two years.A graveside service was held at 11a.m. Monday at Chestnut HillCemetery. Salisbury, with the Rev.Larry Allen officiating. .She was bom April 29. 18M. mRowan County. Her husband.W.T.C. White, preceded her indeath. . .Survivors include one daughter.Dorothy Wilbur of Rangeley. Ma.,and a son. Bill White, of NorthCooleemee.CHARLES LEROY BYEKLYThe funeral for Charles LeroyByerly. 28. of Lexington was held at4 p.m. Sunday at Reeds BaptistChurch with the Rev. John Paceofficiating. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Bverly. of Route 5. Tyro Road,drowned in the Yadkin River onThursday.Born December 7. 1956. inDavidson County, a son of LeroyJackson and Carrie MorphisBverlv. of Route 4. FriendshipChurch Road, he was a 1975graduate of West Davidson HighSchool and attended WesternCarolina University. He was a self-em ploved carpenter and a memberof Reeds Baptist Church where heserved as an usher.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include two sisters. Mrs.Evan (Carol > Myers of Route 5.Clearview Drive. Winston-Salemand Cathy Byerly of 131 Forest LaneApts.. Mocksville; and his grandfather. John W. Morphus. of Route3.^ REV. JAMES P. DAVISFuneral services for theReverend James P. Davis ofCharlotte, former minister of theFirst Baptist Church of Mocksville.were held Tuesday. July 9. at 3 p.m.at Hickory Grove Baptist Church.Burial followed in CharlotteMemorial Gardens.Mr. Davis died Saturday at hishome in Charlotte, after an extended illness. He was bom June 2.1902. in Granville County to the lateRobert Alexander Davis and AnniePittard Davis. He was a Baptistminister, receiving his educationfrom Wake Forest University andthe Southem Baptist Seminary inLouisville. Kentucky.Survivors include his wife. RubyWinkler Davis of the home;, a son,Jim Davis of Monroe; a daughter.Mrs. Richard M. .Mullis of Cheraw,S.C.; a brother. Thomas Davis ofBullock; 3 sisters. .Mrs. R.C. Pittardof Nelson. Va.. .Mrs. Fred Em-merson of Chapel Hill, and Mrs. EdTaylor of Oxford; and six grandchildren.The family j-equests thatmemorials be. made to: HickoryGrove Church .Media Center. 6050Hickory Grove Road, Charlotte.N.C. 28215.MRS. LOLA LAGLE FOSTERMrs. Lola Lagle Foster. 83. 580 E.Lexington Rd.. died Tuesday nightat Davie County Hospital.Funeral services were held at Ha.m. Friday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Don Davis.Burial followed in the RoseCemetery. .Mrs. Foster was bom in DavieCounty to the late Charlie and LenaMcCulIough Lagle. She was amember of Mocksville First UnitedMethocUst Church.Surviving are her husband, Mr.Craig .4arterson Foster, of thehome;-^-datigliter. Mrs. LouiseSpear Godfrey Greenville; twogranddaughters. Mrs. Karen Upton.Tarboro and Mrs. Gwen Meng,Norfolk. Va.; two greatgrandchildren. Christel and ScottUpton: and a brother. Mr. Clarence• Ted" Lagle. Cooleemee.Co. Pubifc iiLJicny^oeksvitie, N. C.THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1985CHARLIE PAYNE. JR.The funeral for Charlie Payne Jr.was held at 3 p.m. Friday at St. JohnAME Zion Church with the Rev.L.B. Speas officiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Payne 58. of Campbell Road, di^-at I a.m. Wednesday at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital after being indeclining health for a year andseriously ill for four days.WILUE GLASS SMITHThe funeral for Willie Glass Smithwas held at 2 p.m. Friday atSummersett Funeral Home,Salsibury. with the Rev. GaryHoffman, pastor of Franklin BaptistChurch, officiating. Burial followedin Rowan Memorial Park.Bom July 18,1919. in Reidsville. adaughter of the late Samuel Robertand Alice Gamer Glass, she waseducated in the Forsyth Countyschools and was a member ofSouthside Moravian Church,Winston-Salem.Her husband. Eugene 0. Smith,died in July 1976.Survivors include two sons, TonyRay Smith of Route 4, and DonaldSmith of Edgewood Circle,Cooleemee; a brother. Bobby G.Glass ot Cooleemee; four sisters.Mae Fink of Lexington. HazelJuanita Ratliff of Faith and DotSmith and Peggy Seamon. both ofMocksville; and nine grandchildren.Mrs. Smith 65, of Riverdale Road,died at 2 a.m. Wednesday at N.C.Baptist Hospital after a lengthyillness.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRAWrmocksville* no ^ \ i. \'iANNIE M. GARWOODAnnie Messick Garwood, 87. ofRoute 9. and formerly ofCooleemee. died at the AlbemarleUnit of the N.C. Lutheran HomeMonday, morning.The funeral will be at 11 a.m.Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, Mocksville, with theRev. Don Rollins and the Rev. J.C.Swain officiating. Burial will be inFork Baptist Church cemetery.Bom August 22. 1897, in SurryCounty, she was a daughter of theiate Lee and Mary Somers Messick.Her husband. Ray Garwood.preceded her in death.Survivors include several niecesand nephews.K JOHN F. JAMESJohn Frank James. 85, of Route7. Mocksville, died early Tuesdayat Forsyth .Memorial Hospital.Winston-Salem.The funeral will be at 2 p.m.Thursday at Tuirentine BaptistChurch, with the Rev. Bill Creasonand the Rev. Harold Parker officiating. Burial will be in thechurch cemetery.The family will be at Eaton'sFuneral Home Wednesday from 7 to9 p.m.Born .Nov. 6. 1899, in AnsonCounty, a son of the iate EnosMonroe and Rebecca Ellis James,he was a retired storekeeper and amember of Turrentine BaptistChurch.Survivors include one brother.E.R. "Dink" James of Route 4; andseveral nieces'and nephews.l/ HAZEL S. WOODRUFFHazel Spry Woodruff. 69. of 27Balfor Ave.. Claymont. Del., formerly of .Mocksville. died .Mondayin a Philadelphia. Pa. hospital.The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Saturday in Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel, conducted by the Rev.Leiand Richardson. Burial followedin Rose Cemetery.Born August 2. 1915. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Will and Bessie .McCulloughSpry.Survivors include her husband.Sanford Woodruff of the home: twodaughters. Phyliss Winterberg of.Mocksville and Linda .Marchione ofWest Pittsburg, Calif.: a son.Sanford A. Woodruff. Jr.. ofClaymond. Del.: three sisters. EulaKimmer. Oneta Boger and LoisLookabill. ail of Mocksville: fourgrandchildren: and one greatgrandchild.Davie Co.PubMji/ft--'Mocltsville, i'. 'PAV^OUOTT^OTERPRISE record.THURSDAY. JULY 18,1985-OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVUXE. NO pjTT /^/r/v/MR. ROBERTTUCKER FOSTERMr. Robert Tucker Foster. 68.3722 Tech Ave.. Winston-Salem.died Thursday evening.Mr. Foster was bom March 14.1917 in Davie County to Steve andRossie Tucker Foster. He had livedin Winston-Salem for the past 25years and was a member of ForkBaptist Church.Mr. Foster was a veteran of WorldWar II. having served in the UnitedStates Army. He was a retiredcarpenter.He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Ethel Stewart Foster, of the home;one son. Larry Foster. 857 GranviUeDr.; two grandsons. Mike and JeffFoster, both of Winston-Salem; twosisters. Mrs. Sarah Beeker and Mrs.Deane KoontZt both of Lexington;and one brother .'Mr. Bruce Foster.Lexington.A graveside service was held at 3p.m. Sunday at Oaklawn MemorialGardens by the Rev. WilliamJohnston and the Rev. Worth Green.. NANNIE SUE GARWOOD.Nanny Sue Garwood. 87> ofDaytona Beach. Florida, died July16.She was bora September 4.1898 inDavie County. Survivors include asister, Mrs. J.O. Markland ofCheasapeak. Virginia and one son,C.E. Garwood of .Melbourne.Florida.Funeral services were held inFlorida with memorial services alsoheld at Elbaville Church in Advance.^ ^ ,9•K.1W. POBuc UKmrtwocKswue, NT 2-30 om. Wednesday at O^oaieBaotis Church cemetery. Spacer.S3r:"H^i!l^hools and had retired from thevehicle maintenance depactm^tmemb^^S'Pin® Chapel Bapti^3itSchandaU.S. Navy veteran of"^SteSVwife, Dreana LouiseBurton Ridenhour. died June 12.^^Survivors. in additionmother, include his second wife.Maudes. Ridenhour; a son. Haroldk. -Dick- Ridenhour of^AiidKtAr Mrs.fCarolyn) Bowler of Grafton. Va.; asteo^n. Louie E. Hall of Virgjma. afte?Sghter. Barbara Fir^ ofVirainia; three brothers. H. Broceffihour of Salisbury. Thoni^great-grandchildren.DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECTORD,THURSDAY, JULY 25,1985-B» 2^x 113. Advance, diedrS Thomas McUW- B""";S;SS1mmB«ad«a,TructangCo.Pa.,^ B^. «ttwo sons. Edwaru ^sJiffier. 7r.. Winston-Salem;BrueoaKer. NicoleMM'^ss ^a»^Bruebaker ; his. mother and stepfather. Elizabeth and Paf~Coone Winston-Salem; and oneSr.' Mrs. Mattie Hudson. Wm-ston-Salem.D'"<mi :o.o I;vIOL":\o./MRS. JOSEPHINE MMMrs. J««PBlae»a..j«.«IIto.M,7. Greensboro. N.U mro1985 in Spain. Her ofHaire. who survive is a na^e oDavie County, and the sw^nMrs Mary Hawe of Mocks^e.Fiineral services were held J|Jy ^at Our Lady of Grace CatholicChurch in Greeosboro. where sheChurcn m followed mwas a member. Bnnai louoGuilford Memorial ParK.She was a native of theSSo ol Man-tol:leonis Vaessen. Miss auranaVaessen. MissNetherlands; brothers. Josepn,AfwsSrWiillam. Hubert, andGerard of the Nethertoite. and A1Vaessen of Chicago. Illinois., . robeht hunter/ n -(HUB) MOOREFIELDVI Robert Hunter >Hu^MMrefie^. Rt-2. Harmony, di^Sly at Silas Creek Mawr mmmSalern following a lengthy" H^was born in IredeU County.August 19.190^ to the jJ®SalUe Hayes Moorefield HeD^aU o. Frishdshlp MpuMchiirph On December 22. is». ""Sw tory EU.S1 Tulbert. «h.died March 30. 1985- ^nStlooreJSdX'BfiARYRt. 1. StatesviUe. and Jerry W.Moorefield. Rt. 2. Qeveland. N.C.;two daughters. Mrs. Ralph (Barbara) Graves. Rt. 7, Mocksville.and Mrs. Harold (Rachel) Mabe.Rt. 1. Hamptonville; two brothers.Howard L. Moorefield. Dunellon.Fla. and Donald M. Moorefield. Rt.1. Woodleaf; two half brothers.Edward Moorefield, Radcliffe, Ky.and James Moorefield. StatesviUe;two half sisters. Mrs. Betty Myers.StatesviUe, and .Mrs. Margaret.Adams. Stoney Point and 15grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Tuesday at Friendship Baptist(Hiurch by the Rev. Vernon F. Balland the Rev. Car) E. Parks. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.yMR. IRA DENTON OWENMr. Ira Demon "Tab" Owen. 85.the Hayes Road, of Rt. 4.StatesviUe. died July 15 at hisresidence following a serious illnessof seven weeks..Mr. Owen was born November 21..1899. in Davie Cbunty to the lateWilliam Marion and Emma EllisOwen. He was a retired fanner andsawmill employee. On January 26.1935. he married Ruby ArleneOwings. who survives.Also surviving are Five sons. JohnWilliam Owen. Lewtsville. and PaulJurney Owens. Ira Gaither Owen.Clarence Dewey Owen, and FredSpencer Owen, all of Rt. 4,StatesviUe; 10 grandchildren; andtwo great-grandrons.Funeral services were held atReavis Funeral Home Cbapel inHarmony by the Rev. James H."Jim" Gryder. Burial followed inSociety Baptist Church cemetery. L 6'S. I, I'ifS'-S86i'i isfWDHV 'AvasanHx 'aaooaa asraaaaLNa AiNnoo aiAvaI' ROSA H. BROWNRosa Harkey Brown. 79. of Route7, Mocksville, died Saturdaymorning at Rowan MemorialHospital.The funeral was held at 3 p.m.Monday at St. Luke's Lutheran yChurch in Bear Poplar with the Rev.James C. Braswell and the Rev.Terry Hines officiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.She was bom August 5. 1903, inRowan County, daughter of the lateJames and Marj* Horton Harkey.Educated in the Rowan Countyschools, she was a. member of St.Luke's Lutheran Church. She was ahousewife.Her husband, Grover ClevelandBrown, died April 3, 1968.Survivors include seven sons, 'George Brown of China Grove,Grover Brown of Linwood. ItemeBrown of Lexington. Arthur RayBrown of Cooleemee, Bobby LeeBrown of Mocksville, Paul Brown ofMocksville and Clyde Broun of thehome; four daughters. DorothySh^aker of Statesville, KatharinePrivette of Cooleemee. EumaHendrix and Sadie Helton, both ofMocksville; four brothers. Arthur.Ernest and Bill Harkey, all ofStatesville, and Dave Harkey of yMocksville; 23 grandchildren:"and ^15 great-grandchildren. y, BENJAMI.N T. DANIELFtmeral services for Benjamin"Bennie" Tolover Daniel of Rt. 4.Mocksville. were held Friday, July19.1985, at Liberty United MethodistChurch by the Reverend BennieBearden. Burial was in the churchcemetery.Mr. Daniel died July 16, 1985 atDavie County Hospital. Death wasattributed to a heart attack.He was bom March 4, 1930 in. Davie County to Willie CorrellDaniel of Rt. 4, Mocksville, and thelate Tom Daniel. He was a band sawoperator with Baker FurnitureCompany, and was a veteran of theKorean War Conflict. He was a-member of Liberty UnitedMethodist Church.Surviving in addition to hismother are his wife. Mrs. BobbieitemUton Daniel, of the home; 2daughters, Mrs. Carol Smith of Rt.2, Mocksville, and Miss MelissaDaniel, of the home: 1 grandchild;and 2 sisters, Mrs. Virginia Plott ofRt. 4, Mocksville. and Mrs. MaryAnderson, also of Rt. 4.' FAIRY S. FOSTERFairy Lee Sinder Foster. 51, of Rt.7. Mocksville. died at 9:30 p.m.Monday at her home.The funeral will be at 2 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's Funeral HomeQiapel, with the Rev. Fred Currieofficiating. Burial will be inTurrentine Baptist Churchcemetery.n The family will be at the funeralhome Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m.Memorials may be made to Hospiceof Davie County, in care of theDavie County Health Department.P.O. Box 665. Mocksville 27028.• Born Oct. 16. 1933. in DavieCounty, a daughter of the late JohnA. and Tommie Lee Rattz Snider,^e was employed by the DavieCotfflty Tax Supervisor's Office.Survivors include her husband,George W. Foster;one sister. EdnaS. Foster of Rt. 4; and five brothers,Paul J. and Norman A. Snider, bothof Rt. 4. and John A.. Walter H. andJ.W. Snider, all of Cooleemee.' CLARA J. GRUBBS• Miss Clara Josephine Grubbs,died Tuesday. July 23, 1985, atForsyth Memorial Hospital after anillness of one month./ She was a resident of 290 CherrySt., Mocksville.Funeral services were held at 4p.m. Thursday at Eaton's FuneralQiapel by the Rev. Paul Riggs.Burial followed in Eaton's BaptistChurch cemetery.Memorials may be made to HioiBaptist Church of Mocksville, ofwhidi she was a member.Miss Grubbs was bom in DavieCounty to the late Dodson and AnnieHeath Grubbs.Surviving are four sisters, Mrs.Mary Ritchie, China Grove. Mrs.Alma Benton. Newport News, Va.,Mrs. Geneva Bowles. Concord andMrs. Dorothy Hendrix. Mocksville;two brothers. William Grubbs,Atlanta. Ga. and Dwight Grubbs.Charlotte; and several nieces andnephews.'GARLAND CHARLES WILSONFuneral services for GarlandCharles Wilson, 72, of Route 7,Mocksville. were held Friday. July1985, at the WestmorelandChapel of Bunch-Johnson FuneralHome in Statesville. Officiatingwere the Rev. J. C. Cook and theRev. Leath C. Johnson. Burialfollowed in Oakwood cemetery./ Mr. Wilson died Wednesday, July24. at Iredell Memorial Hospital,Statesville. following a three-weekillness.He was bora August 26. 1912, inIredell County to the late TiptonEugene Wilson and Victoria WarrenWilson. He was a retired policeofficer ol Winston-Salem. havingserved in this capacity for thirty-one years: also operated ShatleySprings summer resort.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Ruby-Sink Wilson of the home; adaughter. Mrs. Beatrice W. Doldnerof Fayetteville; two grandchildren.Jeff and Brian Doldner, also ofFayetteville; three sisters. Mrs.Charles (Margaret) Shoemaker,'Mrs. J. C^oite (Mabel) Fox. both ofStatesville, and Mrs. Fred (Cecile)W^ers of Hickory.The . .^mily requests thatmemorials, may be, made to: Ard-more hloravian Church. West. Academy Street. Winston-Salem,N.C. 27103. Mr. Wilson was amember of Ardmore MoravianChurch.C.J-. -■ ;DAVIE CO. PUBUG UBRARYMOCKSVILLE^ NO 1.1,A.<i"sT '/"//. MR. FORNEY RAY HEPLERMr. Forney Ray Hepler. 85. Rt. 2,Yadkinville. died Saturday afternoon at Yadkin Nursing Center.He was bom in Iredell County toJohn C. and Mary Williams Hepler.He was a member of Jehovah'sWitness Church and was a retiredfanner.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. InisAnderson Hepler; two daughters,y Mrs. Luther (Ruth) Owens and Mrs.Helen Watkins. both of Rt. 2,Yadkinville and two sons. James T.Hepler, Mocksville and Donald RayHepler. Rt. 2. YadkinviUe.A daughter, .Mary Lee Hauser,IM'eceded him in death.Also surviving are one sister, '.Mrs. Tom Livengood. Rt. 2,Yadkinville: nine grandchildrenand eight great-grandchildren.' GLENN CHARLES JOYNERGlenn Charles Joyner, 54. of-Rt. 2,Advance, died at Davie CountyHospital. Tuesday, morning at nineo'clock. He had been in declininghealth for 2 years, and seriously iUfor eight days.Funeral services will be held at 4p.m. Thursday at Fulton United/ .Methodist Church by the ReverendMark S. Denton and the Reverend y'Tony J. Jordan. Burial will follow inthe church cemetery.The family will receive friends atEaton's Funeral Home ChapelWednesday evening from 7 to 9 p.m..Memorials may be made to FultonUnited .Methodist Church, Rt. 2. Box446, Advance, or to Davie CountyPublic Library, 371 North MainStreet. .Mocksville.Mr. Joyner was bora June 10,-1931in Davie County to Pansy SmithJoyner of Autumn Care .NursingHome and the late Bob GlennJoyner. He worked for 20 years forthe Carolina Panel Company inLexington: and for 16 years atIngersoll-Rand, Inc. in Mocksville.He was a member of Fulton United.Methodist Church where he was amember of the Adult I Sundayschool class.In addition to his mother, survivors include his wife, Mrs. .MaryRose Frye Joyner. of the home; 2sons. Dean Joyner of Rt. 4,Lexington, and David Joyner. of thehome: two grandchildren, MarleneJoyner and Michael Joyner: andone sister, Mrs. Evelyn Clayton ofRt. 1. Earhardt, .N.C..MRS. OLLIE BROWN SCOTTFuneral services for DavieCounty native Mrs. Ollie BrownScott, 89. were held Sunday at 2 p.m.at Vogler's Reynolda Road Chapel.Burial was at New Bethel BaptistChurch cemetery near Tobaccovi lie..Mrs. Scott died Friday at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital. She had been aresident of WiUow Brook Care inKeraersville.She was bora .March 30. 1896, inDavie County, the daughter of ^Chalmas S. and Lucy Shoaf Brown.She was the widow of Robert LeeScott, Sr.Survivors include a daughter,Rachel S. Whittington of Greenwich. Conn.: two sons, John A. Scottof Greensboro and Leary N. Scott ofWinston-Salem: seven grandchildren: four great-grandchildren.' MRS. LILLIE J. WALLACE3 Funeral services for Mrs. LillieJohnson Wallace.' 90, of Itoute 2,Harmony, were held Sunday, July28, at Holly Springs Baptist Qiurch.Officiating were the ReverendGary F. Morrison, the ReverendRay C. Watts, and the ReverendJoey Tomlin. Burial followed in thechui^ cemetery.Mrs. Wallace died Friday, July26, at ho* home.She was borainWilkes County tothe late H.G. Johnson and ElizabethMoore Johnson, May 1, 1895. Shewas a homemaker and the widow ofLuther Coxie Wallace who diedApril 22, 1955.Surviving are 2 sons, theReverend Irvin L. Wallace ofHarmony, and Theodore H.Wallace, Rt. 1, Union Grove; adaughto*, Mrs. Laverne Williams ofRoute 1, Mocksville: and a brother,Dorsey G. Johnson of Rt. 2, Harmony. A daughter, Lola Mapstead,preced«i her in death, July 1984.Memorials, may be. made to theHolly Springs Baptist ChurchCemetoyFund, Route 2, Hannony,28634.Co.!^iu':C Ubnry'... /,... -i. w.JOYNERADVANCE — Mr. Glenn HarlesJoyner, 54, RL 2, died Tuesdaymorning at Davie County Hospitalafter two years of declining healthand eight days of serious illness.'Funeral services will be 4 p.in.Thursday at Fulton United Methodist Church by the Rev. Mark S.Denton and the Rev. "Tony J. Jordan. Burial will be in the churchcemetery. His body will lie in state-for 30 minutes prior to the services.The family will receive friendsfrom 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at Eton'sFuneral Home and request thatmemorials may be made to FultonUnited Methodist Church, Rt 2,Box 446, Advance, N.C. 27006 or toDavie County Public Library, 371N. Main St, Mocksville, N.C. 27028.Mr. Joyner was born in DavieCounty to Pansy Smith Joyner andthe late Bob Glenn Joyner. He wasemployed for 20 years by CarolinaPanel Co. in Lexington; prior tothat he was employ^ for 16 yearsby Ingersol-Rand Corp. He was amember of Fulton United Methodist Church and the Adult I SundaySchool Class. Surviving, hi additionto his mother of Autumn Care Convalescent Center in Mocksville, arehis wife, Mrs. Mary Rose FryeI Joimer, of the home; two sons, David Joyner, of the home and DeanJoyner, Rt 4, Friendship ChurchCommunity, Lexington; two grandchildren, Marlena and MichaelJoyner, and a sister, Mrs. Evelyn J.Clayton, Rt. 1, Ehrhardt, S.d?'o. I..-J " tvp,.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVIUE, NO MR. PRENTICE CAMPBELL, Mr. Prentice Campbell. 78. 143I Greenwood Ave.. Mocksvilie diedI Friday morning at Davie CountyHospital. Death was attributed to aheart attack.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Sunday at .Mocksvilie FirstUnited Methodist Church bv theRev. Don Davis and the Rev. W wBlanton.Burial followed in RoseCemetery.Mr. Campbell was bom September 2. 1906, in Davie County tothe late .Aaron Flake and DeliaStarrette Campbell. He was aretired auditor with the NorthCarolina State Insurance Dept.,Savings and Loan Division.Mr. Campbell had been a memberof -Mocksvilie First UnitedMethodist Church for 50 years, andhad served in ail capacities of thechurch.He was a former manager of Mocksvilie Savings and Loan, where he had^so serv^ on the board of directors from 1934 to 1957. He had served on theMocksvilie Town Board and had been an accountant with PenningtonCnevroJet.Mr. Campbell was a former member of Rotarv International He was agraduate of Cool Springs High School and of the University of Chicagowhere he graduated as a junior certified public accountant.His first wife. .Mary Koonu Campbell, preceded him in death in 1944Survivors include his second wife. Mrs, Sarah Jones Campbell, whom hemrned m 1946. of the home; two sons, retired .Maj. James T, CampbellStotteville and William Prentice "Bill" Campbell. .Mocksvilie; six grand-chil^en; and two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Lee Safley. Mocksvilie and Mrs.Pauline Ward, .Myrtle Beach, S.C."A gentleman...Individual conscience will rule his social acts. By love ofquality as against quantity he will choose his way through life. He will learntolmow the difference between the curious and the beautiful. Truth will be adivinity to him. As his gentlehood cannot be conferred, so it may not beinherited. This gentlemen of democracy will be found in any honest oc-DAV.E COUNTY ^TERPRISE RECORD. THRUSDAY, AUGUST 8. 1885-1--James David Prentice Campbellcu^fjdon at any level of fortune, loving beauty, doing his best and beingf—Frank Lloyd WrightPrentice Campbell was a true gentleman. He celebrated life with com-feUow'man"^^'^' a generous love and respect for hisrv.formed the foundation of his iife. attributes which were notmerely a reflection of his beliefs, but a window into his vervsouiCampbell was well known and respected by people from all walks of lifeHe was compassionate and kindhearted, but never let his sensitivityovernde his deep convictions that God was to be the one guiding force in his.Never faltering, he walked through life steadfast in character and with ar - yet rare discipline of life.i ' Campbell was the type of person that was always willing to serve inwhatever capacity was needed. He showed his dedication to his church by ;» to Its growth and advancement, holding positions in every :I I phase of Its fellowship including church lay leader, Sunday School teacher\ as a member of its administrative board ' •comtnunity in numerous ways including a term on the ir Board and as a member of.Rotary International.Prentice Campbell A devoted family man. Campbell's daily actions reflected his love for his Iwde. sons and grandchildren. His face beamed with pride at the mention oftheir names a nd his final words were of love and concern for them'ings and Loan, where he had Campbell faced death as he faced life with hum.I to 1957. He had served on the h]eness..,courage...dignity and graciousnessaccountant with Pennington Let us not retiiember him with the sadness of his passing but withamong us, touching our lives" with suchtary International. He was a abundant kindness anc^ compassion.f the University of Chicago, In the words of A«^nder McLeod, -We picture death as coming to^ountant. desteoy; let us rather pictCreChrist as coming to save. We think of S ^1^ him m death til 1944 ^^8= let us rather think of life as beginning, and that more abundanuT5h Jones CampbelJ. whom he We think of losing; let us think of gaining. We think of parting' let us think ^sd-Maj James T.Campbell. ^«f'"8^Weihinkofgo.ngaway;%tus thinkofarriv.S^ Sd^3beii. -Mocksvilie; six grand- "^eath whispers "You must go from earth." let us hear the voice of ChristSafley. Mocksvilie and Mrs. saying, 'You are but coming to mel' ". FathvTomlinsnnOAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYmocksvuxe; wo <5". E."f. MR. DEWEY LEE COUCHMr. Dewey Lee Couch, 71, Rt. 4,Mocksville died- "Aursday night atDavie County Hospital.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Saturday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Dewey Alman,the Rev. E. M. James and the Rev.Otis Canupp. Burial followed in .Legion Memorial Park inCooleemee.Mr. Couch was born in Davie-County to the late Thomas andJessie Deadmon Couch. He was aretired self-employed welder andwas of the Baptist faith.He was a veteran of the UnitedStates Army, having served duringWorld War II.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Gertie Chamberlain Couch, of thehome: one daughter, Mrs. Davie(Elaine) Correli, Rt. 4; one son,Jerry L. Couch, Rt. 7; four grandchildren, Rodney L. and TammySue Couch, and Davia and ChuckyCorreli; one sister, Mrs. CatherineSpry, Rt. 7: and two brothers,Marshall Couch, Calif, and OtisCouch, Virginia Beach, Va.JAMES A. FUNDERBURKJames Alexander Fimderburk, 53,of 2810 3rd Ave. South, Great Falls,Montana; formerly of Cooleemee,died Sunday night in Great Falls.A memorial service will be held at4; 30 p.m. Wednesday at HighlandBaptist Church in Great Falls,Montana.Born .May 2, 1932, in DavieCounty, he was the son of the latePaul and Agnes F. Funderburk. Hewas a retired Staff Sergeant of theU.S. Air Force.Survivors include his wife,Frances Funderburk and adaughter, Brenda, of the home. Adaughter Valda Jean of New York;two sisters. Patty Keller ofMocksville and Sally Jacobs ofCooleemee; three brothers, Lewis,Albert, and Johnny, all of Charlotte,N.C.Area Obituaries-davie county ENTEBPRKEJRECOR^THURSDAY, AUGUST^, 19361^ , LARRY GRAY BAITY^ Mr. Larry Gray Baity. 24, Rt. 5,Yadkinville, was killed in anautomobile accident early Sundaymorning on Hwy. 601 nearMocksville. u m =, ->Funeral services were held at ip.m. Tuesday at .Mackie-GentryFuneral Chapel by the Rev. BudBrawley and the Rev. Lynn Fii^r.Burial followed in YadkinMemorial Gardens with. militaryhonors. .Mr Baity was born m ForsythCounty to G. W. and DorothyStallings Baity. He worked forChesapeake Refinery in Yadkinwlleand was a member of the Coin ClubinOldSalem.He was a member of Detachment1 Company B. 2120th InfantryBattalion of the N.C. NationalGuard. .Surviving are his wife. Mrs. TinaWinters Baity, of the home; hisparents, Rt. 3, Yadkinville; twobrothers, Tex Baity, Rt. l. Boonvilleand Donald Wayne Baity. Rt.Yadkinville and his grandmother.Mrs. (jertrude Baity, Rt. 2, Boonville.l/ R. G. BROWN, SR.The funeral for Robert GrimesBrown, Sr., was held at 4 p.m. "Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Homechapel, conducted by the Rev. JimGryder. Burial followed in CalvaryBaptist Church cemetery.Brown, 68, of Route 4. Mocksvilledied at Davie. County Hospitalbefore midnight Saturday as aresult of injuries'sustained when hestepped into the path of anautomobile.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UtRARVMOCKSVILLE, NCiJorn February 8, 1918, in RowanCoimty. he was a son of the late W.D. and Frozzie Grimes Brown. Aretired painter with CovingtonConstruction Company of Winston-Salem, he was a charter memberand former Sunday school teacherat Calvary Baptist Church. He wasa U.S. Navy veteran of World Warn.His first wife, Margaret SpryBrown, .November 26. 1977.Survivors include his second wife,Ruth Hartley Brown; twodaughters. Norma B. Michael ofChapel Drive, Lexington, and JanetSmith of Lakeland, Fla.; a son,Rotert Brown Jr. of Route 4,Mocksville; two sisters. RubyTutterow and Pete Coble, both ofRoute 4. Mocksville; seven grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.. ROSHANDA CHERRYRoshanda Latrice Cherry, 2-year-old daughter of Dwayne and LauraIjame; Cherry ol 300 Milling Road,Mocksville, Apartment 21, died at 10a.m. Monday in the North CarolinaBaptist Hio^ital, Winston-Salem,after beinilSP <^luuRS health for ayear and a h^/.;.''Funeral arrangements wereincomplete as of presstime. *Born August 17, 1982; illMocksville, she fs survived, inaddition to her parents, by twosisters, Candice Cherry of Salisburyand Latisha Young of Cooleemee;her maternal grandparents,Mildred Ijames Phifer ofMocksville and Jerry C. Ijames ofCooleemee; a paternal grandparent, Johnsie M. Cherry of MountUlla; and maternal great-grandparents, Theodore and QueenIjames of Cooleemee.. MR LEE WRIGHT HARRISMr. Lee Wright Harris, 60. oR^ute 3. .Advance died Tues^yJuly 23. 1985, in Medical PanHospital in Winston-Salem. He haibeen In declining health for 'months. ,.A Memorial service was held a7:30 Monday. July 29 in Jehov^Witness Kingdom Hall, and bunawas in the National Cemetery uSalisburv. Officiating, minister!were Bob Romanchuk and JotMichaels. .Mr. Harris was born inMuskingum County, Ohio. March 8,1925, to Vivian Lee Harris, and the.'ate Pearl Pauline Furbee Harris,lie was a retired Route Carrier withthe U.S. Postal Service. He was alsoa Veteran of WW II. and a memberof Jehovah Witness Kingdom Haii.Survivors include his w'lfe,Beatrice Smyers Harris of thehome; one daughter- Mrs. DiannaLvn It. Ebright. Route 3, Advance,two grandchildren; and onebrother. Carl Harris, ol Florida.DAVIE CO, PUSUC USRARYmocksville, NC V/The^Sv^^ViftoHa Blakeney <4^ OY'"if - J ''/ 'JX, 59, of Route 8, ^-^^0died at 12:10 a.m. Monday, at her ^ (^me after being in declining healthvfAQI*•"'T^rbody Will remain at Noble andXelsey Funeral Home, Sahsbuo,oending completion of funeral1996, in Chesterfield ^County S.C.. she was a daughter ofmeTate Malachi and Rosa BlakeneyFowler. Educated in the Chesterfield County schools, she was ahomemaker and aJerusalem Holiness ,had also served as pastor of Hol>Ta^macle Church of Salisbury andiMount Zion Holiness Church■''1S^rinclude:herlEasbandJames Fowler; one son. Jame.Erwin Fowler of Campfive brothers. George and JimWBlakeney, botb of Washipgton, D.C.,S 4keney of |6«9bury »ndElijah and the Re\. .I Blakeney, both of China Gove. andFo^lsiers, Ethel Hudson oMocksville, Lula Mae Smith of -Washington D.C., Mary Johnson ofys and Alici Sanders of NewYork City. OMB CO. PU.BUC UBRARY1\/10CKSVILLE. NCCg. PL'bfclibrary .. s%./CA. '-^>^ jj"MRS. MATTIE SPAINHOUR^ BODFORDMrs. Mattie Spainhour Bodford,.88, 4486 Vest Mill Road, Winston-Salem, died Monday afternoon atDavie 0)unty Hospital.Mrs. Bodford was bom December28, 1897 in Forsyth County toNathaniel and Augusta ToddSpainhour. She spent, most of herlife in Forsyth County and was amember of Bethel United MethodistChurch.Mrs. Bodford was preceded indeath by her husband, OscarFranklin Bodford, who died in 1979,and by a daughter, Mary Simpson,who died in 1963.She is survived by threedaughters, Mrs. Sam (Ruth) Caudleand Mrs. Betty Whitman, both ofWinston-Salem, and Mrs. MildredMiles, Clemmons; four sons, Mr.Henry Bodford, Winston-Salem, Mr.Lindsey (Tip) Bodford, Clemmons,Mr. Grady Bodford, Mocksville, andMr. Bobby Bodford, Mocksville; 25grandchildren; a number of greatgrandchildren; and several great-great-grandchildren. Funeral;ervices were held at 11 a.m.Wednesday at Bethel UnitedVIethodist Church by the Rev.^bert Bunch and the Rev. Mark L.iVimmer. Burial followed in the:hurch cemetery.Area ObituariesMRS. VIRGINIA LOUISEHUFFMAN BRj^LEYMrs. Virginia Louise HuffmanBradley, 63, Rt. 5, Mocksville, diedat 10 a.m. Monday at ForsythMemorial Hospital.Mrs. Bradley was born inGrayson County. Va., to Frank andIda West Huffman. She was amember of Courtney BaptistChurch, and was retired from UnifiTextile Plant in Yadkinville.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Glenda Pate and Mrs. KeithSpillman, both of Rt. 5, MocksviUeand Mrs. Crystal Wilkins. Boon-ville; one son, Reece CliftonBradley, Lexington, S.C.; fivegrandchildren; three sisters, Mrs.Winnie Rominger, Rt. 2, East Bend,Mrs. Verbena Jones, Rt. 4,Yadkinville, and Mrs. AnnieBowman, Rt. 5, Mocksville; and twobrothers, James Huffman,Lexington, and Blaine Huffman, Rt.5, Mocksville.Funeral services were at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Courtney BaptistChurch by the Rev. Kenneth Pitt-man and the Rev. O.M.Bruckhalter. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.. MR. CLAUDEREVERE HORN, SR.Mr. Claude Revere Horn, Sr., 90,.Leesburg, Fla., formerly ofMocksville, died Friday morning atHaywood County Hospital inWaynesville, N.C. following a briefillness.Funeral services were at 2 p.m.Sunday at Eatons Funeral Chapelby the Rev. Paul Riggs and the Rev.Leland Richardson. Burial followedin Rose Cemetery.Mr. Horn was born in DavieCounty to the late Louis Giles andEmma Wilson Horn. He was amember of First Baptist (Thurch ofMocksville and was founder of HornOil Co. of Mocksville.He was preceded in death by hisfirst wife, Mrs. Louise Cooper Horn,who died in 1956. Surviving are hissecond wife, Mrs. Sara P. Horn,Leesburg, Fla. ; one daughter, Mrs.Marion Ellis, Anderson, S.C.: oneson, Claude R. Horn, Jr.,Mocksville; six grandchildren; andone brother, Dr. Louis G. Horn,Anniston, Ala.MARGARET McNEIL i,Margaret Meroney McNeil, 88 ofGreenbelt Nursing Center, Booie,Md., and formerly of Mocksville,died Sunday at the center.A graveside service will be at 2p.m. Wednesday in JoppaCemetery, with the Rev. LelandRichardson and Peter Hairstonofficiating.Memorials may be made to JoppaCemetery, in care of Hugh Larew,P.O. Box 663. Mocksville, N.C./ 27028.Born Jan. 15, 1897, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of the ^late Charles Flynn and Emmanii,mm Meroney. Her husband,Robert S. McNeil, preceded her indeath.Survivors include one son. BoMcNeil of Booie. Md.; one sister,Helen McBee of High Point; and onebrother, C.F. Meroney ofMocksville; and three grandchildren..MASTER BRANDAN, GRAEME SHELLMaster Brandan Graeme Shell, 4year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert•N. Shell, 107 Charlotte PI. Advance,died Friday afternoon at Baptist'' Hospital.Surviving, in addition to hisparents of the home, are his twobrothers, Robby and Brian Shell,Lynchburg, Va.; his maternalgrandmother. Mrs. CatherineHaynes, Martinsville, Va.; and hispaternal grandparents, Mr. andMrs. E.C. Shell, Jr., Burlington.A funeral service was held at 3:30p.m. Sunday at Vogler's ClemmonsChapel, followed by a privategraveside service.OftVlE CO, PUBUCMOCKSVIUE. NC Davie Enterprise-Record?ubIIsher Tomlinson Dies•Gordon Tomlinson, long-timeeditor and publisher of the DavieCounty Enterprise-Record, diedGordon Tomlinsonearly Wednesday morningfollowing a three-year bout withcancer.Tomlinson died at hisMocksville home. He had been indeclining health in recent months.Funeral services areincomplete.Tomlinson, 65, waged a stiffbattle with the disease. It was acourageous fight. Always big instature, Tomlinson also stood tailin the face of cancer, defyingmedical predictions to the end.He is survived by his wife,Myrtle; a son, Charles GordonTomlinson Jr. of Mocksville; adaughter, Beverly TomlinsonWatts of Winston-Salcin; twograndchildren, Andy Watts andKeAnne Tomlinson; his mother,Mrs. Viola Anderson Tomlinson"of Mocksville; a brother, HenryCole Tomlinson of Mocksville.Tomlinson was born April 22,1920 in Davie County.He worked as a newspapermanin Mocksville before purchasingthe newspaper. In addition to theDavie County Enlefpri.se-Record,Tomlinson and his wife formedThe Courier in Cletnmons in1960. She served as editor andpiibli-sher of that ncw.spaper until her retirement recently.DAVIE COUNTY £WERPRISE-RECORQ. THOrSDAX, AUGUST 22,1985-DAvii[^OGI\SVILLE, mOAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVlLLEi. NC<D O /(To■4rOIcr^GILBERT R. BEAVERGilbert R. Beaver, 82. of 601 E.Liberty St.. died at 5:55 a.m. Tuesday. Aug. 20 at Rowan MemorialHospital. He had been in declininghealth for a month, but death wasunexpected. ^The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Thursday at Park Avenue UnitedMethodist Church, conducted by theRev. Bobby R. Beck, pastor. Burialwill be in Rowan Memorial Park.Born Oct. 13. 1902, in RowanCounty, he was a son of the lateE.G. and Cora Lcazer Beaver.Educated in the Rowan Countyschools, he was a car inspector forSouthern Railway Co. for over 25years before retiring in Columbia,S.C.A member of Park Avenue UnitedMethodist Church, he was active in .all phases of church activities. He*was also a member of the WOW andthe Brotherhood of RailwayCarmen.His first wife. Nellie MorganBeaver, and his second wife, MaudeMorgan Beaver, preceded him indeath.Survivors include a son, EverettcR. Beaver of North Myrtle Beach,S.C.; a daughter, Ruth Ridenhour ofCooleemcc; four brothers, Ernest,W. Howard and Homer Ray "Bill"Beaver, all of Salisbury, and KermitS. Beaver of Spcneer; a si.ster, HallicMorris of Salisbury; six grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren;and five stcp-grcat-grandchildrcn.MR.lAMES MURRAY FIDLER,SR.Mr. James Murray Fidler. Sr..age 76, of Huntersville. NC passedaway Augast 20, 1985, in Na.shville,TN.Funeral services were at 10:00a.m.. Saturday. August 24, at CavinFuneral Home in Huntensvillc, N.C.The Reverend Maurice B. Seaver,Upon'graduation from DavidsonCollege, he taught school and coached in Mocksville, N.C. After leaving teaching, he went to work forLance Inc. in Charlotte.sville,.Va.He was later promoted to BranchManager and transferred to Richmond. Va. and later moved toNashville. Tn.Mr. Fidler was subsequentlytransferred with Lance toGreensboro. N.C. where he retiredafter more than 30 years of service.MRS. WILLIE MAE SAIN*^' FOSTERMrs. Willie fvlae Sain Foster. 82,of 605 Fifth Street. Spencer, NorthCarolina died Tuc.sday morning atRowan Memorial Hospital inSalisbury, after a brief illness.Funeral services will be held Friday. Augast 30. 1985 at 2 p.m. atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel.Burial will follow in Bethel UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.The family will receive friends at iEalons Funeral Home Thursdayfrom 7 p.m. until 8:.30 p.m.Mr^ Fo.ster was horn December30, 1902 in Davie County to the lateMary Ann Craven .Sain and FrankSain Sr. She was a member oi rrini-ty Baptist Church in Spencer, whereshe served as a Siind.ay .schoolteacher.Surviving is her husband. W.L.Fo.stcrofthehome; I daughter. Mrs.James (Dot) Evans of Salisbury,N.C.; 2 sons, Tom Foster o(MocLsville, N.C. and William L.Foster. Jr. of High Point; 4 grandchildren. 7 great grandchildren amia brother, Frank Sain, Jr. ofMock.sville.MR. THOMAS BLAIN GREENMr. Thomas Blain Green, 73, Rt.the Reverend William A. Macaulay mnrnino early Mond.iyand Ihe Reverend Michael Smilh of- K " Uav,e Conniy Hoapnal.f„ii .« Funeral services were 2 p.m.Wednesday at Batons Funeralficiatcd. Interment followed in theMimosa Cemetery in Davidson.Mr. Fidler was bom June 6. 1909in Mecklinhurg County, the son ofOctavia B. Fidler of Davidson andthe late Clarence E. Fidler. He wasa past deacon in the Prc.sbyterianChurch and was a member of GileadChurch.He was a member of the MasonicChapel by the Rev. Albert Brackenand the Rev. Roger GriK'e.Burial followed in Lilwrty Bapti.slChurch ceiiK'tery.Mr. Green was horn in surryCounty to the late Dave and SusanCalahan Green.He was retired from Heritage Furniture Co.Lodge in Richmond. Va. He was a rkAini-graduate of Davidson College and DAVIE CO, PUBLIC LIBRARVwas married to the late Cullie E. KyinAi/oiiii i r- nmStafford in 1932. MOCKSVILLE, NCSurviving are his wife, Mrs. StellaMac Shinault Green, of the home;a daughter, Mary Maglinc Moffitt.Texas; a son, James Green.Mocksville; and six grandchildren.'CALVIN COOLIDGE GROCECalvin Cmilidgc Groce, 62, 216Gwyn Street, Mocksville died Saturday morning, August 2.5, 1985. atDavie County Hospital.He was borh in Yadkin County toCharlie S. and Joyce Brown Groce.He was a member of Gospel LightBaptist Church.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Helen Smith Ghkc, of the home,two sisters. Mrs. Grace Feimstcr,Mocksville and Mrs. RubyFeimster. Winston Salem. and twobrothers, Eugene F. and Graham H.GriKC, both of Winston-.Salcm.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Monday at Mackic-GentryFuneral Chapel in Yadkinville.• GLADYS B. HINTONGladys Becker hiiiton, 84, of theNorth Carolina Baptist Home, 407Palmer St.. died at 5:30 p.m. onMonday. August 19, at the home.The funeral was held at II a.m.Wedne.sday at West Albcmarle Baptist Church conducted by Dr. JerryD. McKinncy, pastor. Burial followed in Stanly Gardens of Memory.Born Aug. 16. 1901. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of Ihelate William A. and Nannie RecceBecker. A registered nurse beforeher marriage, she was a member ofWest Albcmarle Baptist Church. Sheassisted her hu.sband, the Rev.Charles Richard Hinton. who diedAug. 6. 1981, during his ministry.Survivors include a brother.Henry G. Becker of Four Oaks.. DELMAR MI.SF.NHEIMERFrancis Dclmar Miscnheimer. 91,of Route 5. St. Matthew's ChurchRoad, Salisbury, died at 3:12 p.m.Friday, August 23, 1985 at RowanMemorial Hospital after being indeclining health for several years and.seriously ill for three weeks.The funeral was held at 4 p.m..Sunday, at .St. Matthew's LutheranChurch, with the Rev. Ron .Shipmanofficiating. Burial followeil in thechurch cemetery. JBorn Oct. 28, 1893. in RowanCounty, a .son of the late WilliamWesley and Phoebe StarncsMisenhcimcr, he was'educated in theOWflE CO. PUBUC^AOCKSVlLLeJl N§a>Swooc2M2GpiuiO>an 2C CO(A W tw5*3l^nwnn C<»unly schcwls and workedwilh a surveying crew at AI-COAAluminum Co. and operated a sawmill until his retirement in I9.'58. Hewas a liTctime member of St. Matthew's Lutheran Chureh.His wife, the late Carrie BeulahTrcxicr Miscnheimer died Nov. 24.1984.Survivors include four sons,W.M. "Bill" Miscnheimer andSayne Lee Bowman, both of Route5. D.L. ".Sam" Misenhcimer olRoute I. Gold Hill and LeoMiscnheimer of Myrtle Bc.ach. S.C.;n two daughters. Phoebe M. Lakey ofRoute I. M(Kksville and .ShartmDcnise Bowman of Salisbury; 16grandchilddren: and '16great grandchildren.» MR. ROBHRT D. RANNF.YMr. Robert D. Ranncy. 7.1. 176Riverbend Dr.. Bermuda Run. diedMonday morning at Davic CountyHospital in Mocksville.Funeral services were at 2:0(1 p.m.Wednesday at Vogler's ClemmonsChapel by the Rev. William Mcdiin.III.Burial followed in WestlawnGardens of Memory Cemetery inClemmons.Mr. Ranney was born in Minneapolis. Minn, to Carellon andBlanche Slickney Ranncy. He was amember of Clemmons UnitedMethodist Church, had been a resident of-Bermuda Run since 1982.and had retired from the InternalRevenue .Service in Austin, Texas.He is survived by his wife.Delaine Willoughby Ranney. of thehome; one daughter. Mrs. NancyRanney Lofthus, Seattle. Wash.; oneson. James R. Ranney. Fairbanks.Alaska: and four grandchildren.MR. WILLIAM BEVERIDGE„ RENEGARMr. William Beveridge Rencgar,79. Rt. 6. Mocksville. formerly ofLone Hickory Rd., Rt. 2. Harmony,died Saturday at Forsyth hospital.He had been in declining health-for three years and critically ill forseven days.He was born in Ircdcll Coimty.September 2.1. 190.'?. to the lateAvcry Joseph and Julia CookRcncgar. He was, a retired farmer.Mr. Rcncgar was rctiretl fromCarnation Milk Transportation Co.in Slatesvillc after .10 years of .service. He was a member of SandySprings Baptist Chureh. where hehad served on the Cemetery Ct>m-mittec for many years.Davie Electric Membership Corp.and on October 6. 1984 was namedDirector Emeritus of its successor,the Crescent Electric MembershipCorp.He was twice married, first on Oc-t<iber 29, 1929 to Clara ILscottJoyncr. wim died. September 2,1970. On July 17. 1971. he marriedDottie l.cnora Rupard ('line, whosurvives.Also surviving arc two .sons. Nor-ris L. Renegar. Clemmons and JackL. Rcncgar. Winston-Salem; onegrandson, Terry N. Renegar. Clemmons; two stepsons. Marvin S.".Sandy" Cline. Rt. 4. .Statc.svilleand Flake R. Clinc. Rt. 6.Mocksville; three steptlaughlers.Mrs. Herman (Nora Mac) I.alham.Rt. 4. MiK-ksville. Mrs. Ervin(Peggy) Angell, Rt. I. Mocksvilleand Ms. Patsy Klein, Winston-Salem; 12 stepchildren: I2slepgreat-grandchildren; four brothers, Edward B. Renegar, Monroe, JamesD. Renegar, Mountain Home. OtisRencgar and Mack D. Renegar. bothof Rt. 2. Harmony and four si.sjcrs.Mrs. Byron (Mable) Brandon, Mrs.Ina Haynes, Miss Helen Renegarand Miss Odessa Renegar, all of Rt.2. Harmony.Funeral services were 3 p.m.Monday at Sandy Springs BaptistChurch by the Rev. Paul S. Simp-.son, the Rev. Paul E. Moore and theRev. R. Howard Wagoner.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.. MR. LEROY SHEETSMr. Lcroy Sheets, 61, Hwy. 158.Advance, was dead on arrival atDavie County Hospital Wednesdaymorning.Mr. Sheets was born March 12.1924 in Davidson County to Roy P.and Lila Hartley Sheets. He .spentmost of his life in Davidson and Forsyth Counties.Mr. .Sheets was owner andoperator of Sheets Drivc-ln inAdvance.He is survived by two daughters.Mrs. Frankic S. Totld. Pfafftownand Mrs. Patsy Coppino. VirginiaBeach. Va.; one son. David Sheets,Miami. Fla.; five grandchildren; hismother. Clemmons; ahd two sistersFrances Dunn. Orlando, Fla. andMaxineS. Duggins, Winston-.Salem.Funeral services was 11 a.m. Friday at Hayworth-Millcr Silas CreekChapel by Dr. Dallas Rush. Burialfollowed in Clemmons First BaptistChurch cemetery.n MARGARET S. WILSONMargaret Smith Wilson. 65. o!752 Yadkinvillc Road. Mocksvilledied Saturday morning at DavitCounty Hospital.The funeral was held Monday at2 p.m. at .Salcm United MctluKlistChurch in Mtnmt Airy. I he Rev.Steve raincy. the Rev. W.W. Blanton and the' Rev. G.A. t arnwrightwill officiate.Burial followed at S'cylio'Memory Gardens in Moiini Airy.Born Nov. 13. 1919. in .Smr<County, to the late James Atuld'oiand Mora Jai rell Smith, she wa-; tinowner and operator ol Marpaie:Beauty Shop in Mocksville. .former president ol Davie ConnivHairdressers' Ass>>viation. she w:-a member ol Salem Uuitei-Melhwii.st Chinch in M'-nnt Ait v.•Survivors include hei hir-h;ii".lC.J. Wilson of the home; two son-..Mark Wilson of Grcenshoio a i-Monte Wilson of Mount Airy:Mstcr. Imogcnc Yates ".)f ( Icniinoiv.and a brother. Robert Smith •-Mount Airy.MRS. BETTY JANE KOONTZWILLIAMSMrs. Betty Jane Koontz Williams.82, Rl. 3, Mocksville, died earlyWednesday morning at her hotne.v Death was attributed to smoke inhalation from a hou.se fire.Funeral services were at 2 p.m.Friday at Fork Baptist Church by theRev. Gordon Joyncr. Burial followed in the church cemetery.Mrs. Williams was bom in Davidson County to the late Taylor Freeand Nina Bailey Koontz. She was amember of Fork Baptist Church.Her husband, Claude F. Williams,preceded her in death on January 10.1982.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Nora Williams Smith, Rt. 3; oneson. Cecil Williams, Rt. 3; fourgrandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Annie Ruth Leonard, Rt. 3; and onebrother, Taylor koontz. Rl. 14,Lexington.davie CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY1\/10CKSVILLE* NC s.1oi}-5cc«u>£U)'JvuOCASHKINGSPORT. TENN. - Mrs. Virginia Marriott Cash, 60, 1129 Wa-lauga St, died Thursday evening ather home after a iengthy illness.She was horn in Delaware, Ohio tothe late Joy McDoweli Marriottand Helen Waggoner Marriott andwas .1 graduate of Upper AriingtonHigh School in Columbus, Ohio.Mrs. Cash attended Randolph-Ma-con College and received her A.B.degree from Ohio State University.She was a member of St. Paui'sEpiscopal Church. Surviving Mb.Cash are her husband. J. HadieyCash, of the home; a son, JamesHadiey Cash, Jr., High Point, N.C.;and a daughter, Sherri HartseilCash, Atlanta, Ga. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturdayat St Paul's Episcopal Church withthe Rev. Douglas J. Berndt officiating. The family will receive friendsimmediately following the serviceat the church. A graveside servicewill be held later in Winston-Sa-lem, N.C. The family requests thatmemorials may be made to StPaul's Episcopal Church or to Hospice, Inc. of Kingsport Hamlett-Dobson Funeral Home in Kings-port Is handling the arrangements.5fc\xaLt Or- 'OtcE.ASE.fi0voIuI-oMocitsville, NCo•n €■MR. CHARLES GORDONTOMLINSON.SR..Mr. Charles Gordon Tomlinson.Sr.. 65. Haiender Dr.. editor andpublisher oi" the Davie CountyEnterpri.se-Record since 1966. diedjLi his home early Wednesday morning ot" cancer.Funeral services were at 4 p.m.Thursday at Eaions Funeral Chapelby the Rev. Don Davis and Dr.Henry Sprinkle.Surial. with masonic rites, toliow-cd in Rose Cemetery.•Mr. Tomlinson. a graduate ofCatawba College, joined theEnterprise-Record in 1946 as areporter. He assumed duties aseditor in 1965. and was namededitor-publisher following the retirement of .Mr. O.C. .McGuage in1966. During his journalistic tenure,he served as vice-president andmember of the board of directors forihe North Carolina Press.Association.Under his leadership, the DavieCounty Enterprise-Record was recipient of 25 North Carolina Press.Awards tor excellence inphotography, news and featurewriting, and community service..Mr. Tomlinson was winner of the.National Freedom Foundation.Award in 1951. which is given annually for outstanding achievment inbringing a better understanding ofthe .American way of life.He was a member and past president ot the .Vl<H:ksville Rotary Club,j charter member of Hickory HillsGolf and Country Club, and amember of the .Mocksville .MasonicLodae .No. 134.•Mr. Tomlinson was active inpolitics and had served as executivechairman of the Davie CountyDemocratic Party: and actively participated in [Democratic functions ona local, state and national basis, including the Terry Sanford and JohnF. Kennedy campaigns.He was a veteran of World WarII. having served in the United StatesAirforce in the China-Burman-IndiaTheatre, obtaining the rank of mastersergeant.Mr. Tomlin.son was bom April22. 1920 in Davie County to ViolaAnderson Tomlinson of 228Wilkesboro St. and the late CharlesHumphrey Tomlinson.Surviving in addition to hismother, are his wife, Mrs. .Vlyrtle.Mars Tomlinson. of the home: onedaughter. Beverly Jean Watts.Winston-Salem: one son. CharlesGordon Tomlinson. Jr., Rt. 6.Mocksville: two grandchildren.Daniel Andrew Watts and ElizabethKeAnnc Tomlinson: and onebrother. Henry Cole Tomlinson.Spring St.. Mock.sville.-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECGRlTHURSDAY, AUGUST 29,1981davie CO. PUBLIC LIB..° VoCKSVlLLE, NCQAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARSfMOCKSVia^ NO rr'-f. MR. CURTIS SMITHDEALMr. CunisSmilhdeai. 81. 1225 S.Ocean Blvd.. Delray Beach. Fla..fonnerly of High Point, died Sundaymorning at Friends Home inGreensboro.He was bom in Davie County toHenry Tobias and Fannie LouiseCharles Smithdeal. He had been aresident of High Point for 53 years.He was founder and developer ofSmithdeal Realtors in High Point.He was a member of WesleyMemorial United Methodist Church.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Margaret Eaton Smithdeal. of thehome: two daughters. Mrs. Sherard(Peggy S.) Tacum. Jr.. Memphis.Tenn. and Mrs. Hugh (Harriet S.)Bennett. Jr.. High Point and twosisters. Miss Ethel Smithdeal. Advance and Mrs. Irvin Myers. Reeds.Memorial services were held at 2p.m. Tuesday at Wesley MemonalUnited Methodist Church.ARNOLD F. SPRYArnold F. Spry. 51. of Piitsburg.California, died August 27th in a SanFrancisco Hospital.Mr. Spry, son of the late BeulahRidenhour and C. N. (Boss) Sprywas a I'onner resident of Cooleemeeand Cool Springs. He was educatedin the Cooleemee and Cool SpringsSchools. ,Survivors include his wite. Vickieof Pittsbure. California, one son.Urrv Spry" of Texas, two sie^children. Yogi Davis and MikeDavis of California and one sister.Mr.s. .Mmeda Spry Bost ofWoodieaf. .Services and burial were held mCalifornia Friday. August 30.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,CHARLIE WAKE CHURCHCharlie Wake Church. 72. Rt. 1.Wilkesboro. died Saturday evening.August 31. 1985. at his home.He was born in Wilkes County.May 17. 1913. to R. .M. and EllenWatts Church. He was retired fromHolly Farms and was a member ofNew Hope Baptist Church.Funeral services were held at NewHope Baptist Church by the Rev.Hunter Church and the Rev. ScottChurch. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Bertha Vannoy Church, of the home;two daughters. Mrs. .Martha ChurchDancy. Wilkesboro and Mrs. MaryChurch Craven. Charlone; two sons.Dr. Bill Church. Cary and Dr. FrankChurch. .Mocksville; one sister..Mrs. Pauline Miller. N. Wilkesboro;t'lve brothers, the Rev. HunterChurch, the Rev. Clyde Church.Gwyn Church and Russell Church,all of N. Wilkesboro and RayChurch. Elkin and five grandchildren. Tony. David and KaryChurch. Brooke Dancy and LauraFosterThe family request memorials bemade to New Hope Baptist ChurchCemetery Fund or Hospice ofWilkes County.SHER.MAN LEE SPRY 'Sherman Lee Spry. 83. formerlyof Davie County, died Sunday.September !. 1985. in YadkinCounty..Memorial services for Mr. Sprywill be held Sunday. September 8,1985. at Tutrentine Baptist Churchby ihe Rev. Bill Creason.He was bom Novembet49. 1901.in Davie County to the late Lutherand Loula Spry.Surviving are two sons. HarrySpry of Montana; and Nomian Spryof Charlotte. N.C.; a sister. Mrs.Ruth McDaniel of Cooleemee; andtwo brothers. Lester Spry of Clem-mons. and Ray Spry of Cooleemee.O2:5Davie CaPiiWic Librarv"w"-chsvil!3.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NOTHURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5,1985-MRS. EVELYN HUFFMANMELTONMrs. Evelyn Huffman Melton. 65.Rl. 5. Box 94. Mocksville. died Friday morning at Forsyih MemorialHospital.Funeral services were at 2 p.m.Sunday at Vogier's ClemmonsChapel by the Rev. Floyd Boies.Burial followed in WestlawnGardens of Memory Cemetery inClemmons.Mrs. Melton was bom in ForsythCounty to Hosea and Addie CodyHuffman. She was a member ofHome .Moravian Church.Surviving are a daughter. Mrs.Wayne (Gail) Baynes, of the home;a granddaughter. Sherri Baynes, anda grandson, Wayne Baynes, Jr.. bothof the home; and a sister. Mrs.Mabel Sebastian. Winston-Salem..Vlrs. .Melton was preceded in deathby a daughter. Mrs. Chris Melton.Aaron. '"'1?lu-Ho(^-( '<?/fS's-DAVBE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12,1985y JOHN P. HOLMANMr. John P. Holman. 56. Rt. 1.East Bend, died at his home earlySunday morning.He was bom in Davie County toGuy and Mary Ella WeatherspoonHolman. He was a veteran of WorldWar n. serving in the U.S. Navy AirForce.He was a member of East BendEvangelical Methodist Church.Surviving are his wife. MozelleBeane Holman, Rt. 1. East Bend:two daughters. Mrs. DeborahKelsch, Advance and Mrs. DarleneH. Poole. Winston-Salem; onebrother. Clyde Holman. Rt. 1. EastBend and two sisters. Mrs. CamillaShaw, Mocksville and Mrs. HelenKageal. Fla.Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Tuesday at East BendEvangelical Methodist Church bythe Rev. Wayne Reece. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.JOSEPH FRANK NEELY* Funeral services for Mr. JosephFrank Ncely of Cooleemee wereheld at 2 p.m. Sunday at FriendshipBaptist Church with the Rev. J. R.Samuels ofHciating.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Surviving Mr. Neely are his wife.Mrs. Elizabeth Payne Neely of thehome: two .sons. Mr. Clyde EugeneNeely. of the home, and Mr.Dewhitt Neely. Rural Hall; and onebrother. .Mr. Joshua Wayne .Neely.Thomasville.'/MRS. ETHEL SEAMANMrs. Ethel Louise SeamanSeaman. 73. of 917 Hardison Street..Mocksville. died Thursday..September 5. 1985. at Davie County Ho.spital after a three-weekillness.Funeral services were conductedat 4 p.m. Saturday at the JerichoChurch of Christ with Mr. WayneHendrix officiating.She was bom November 26.1911. to the late John Henry and Sally Taylor Seaman.Surviving is her husband. JohnAlvin Seaman of the home; 8daughters. Lorraine and PeggyDarlene Seaman of the home;Margaret Louise Lewis of Rt. 4.Statesville. Ella Mae Poindexter andNovella Minor, both ot Rt. 2. Advance. Betty Snow of Rt. 1. Harmony. Sallie Whitaker of Statesville.Ruth Peacock of Lexingtbii; a son.Alvin Raeford Seaman of Rf^.2-..Ad-vance; 23 grandchildren. iSSf^' sgrandchildren. 1 sister. Mr&sll^^^Honeycutt of Greensboro;brothers. John Wesley Sebman of^Rt. 4. MtKksville. Lewis Seaman ofDcnton. and Robert Seaman ofRockwell./ • JOHN MICHAEL SNYDERThe funeral for John MichaelSnyder Sr.. 28. of 50 Davie Street,Cooleemee. was held at 4 p.m..Monday at Good ShepherdEpiscopal Church with Father WillisRosenthal officiating. Burial followed in No Creek Primitive BaptistChurch cemetery.Snyder was bom July 20. 1957,the son of Joan Swicegood and thelate Glenn Snyder. He was assistantmanager of Crazy Joe's Auto Parts,Salisbury.Survivors include his mother; adaughter. Tiffany Renee Snyder,China Grove; a son. John MichaelSnyder. Jr. of China Grove; a sister.Cathy Hampton of Cooleemee; threebrothers. Glenn Snyder. Jr.. WalterScott Snyder and Charles BrentSnyder. all of Cooleemee; and agrandfather Boyd Swicegood ofCooleemee.Snyder died at 11:51 p.m. Fridayfrom injuries sustained in anautomobile accident in Salisbury.'•:b!!2 libraryOAVIE CO. PUBUC OBRARYMOCKSVIUE, NC* Kj. 9/ i"Area Obituaries>/'• R. GLENN HENDRICKS. SR.R. Glenn Hendricks. Sr., 79.211W. 7ih Avenue. Lexington. N.C.died Friday, September 13. 1985 at7 a.m. after being in declining healthfor several years.He was bom in Davie County tothe late Steven and Mary Jones Hendricks. He was a retired traffic controller for Buck Young Oil Co. Hewas a member of First UnitedMethodist Church. He was also amember of the Jr. O.U.A.M.Survivors include his wife.Thelma Hendrix Hendricks. of thehome; one son, R.G. Hendricks. Jr.of Lexington: two brothers. Sherman Hendricks of Charlotte, and Dr.Frank Hendricks of Waynesville;one sister. Mamie Vanzant ofHouston, Texas; four grandchildren;and one great-grandchild.Funeral services were held Sunday, September 15 at 4 p.m. atDavidson Funeral Home Chapel.Services were conducted by the Rev.Dwight Cartner.Memorials may be made to theAmerican Cancer Society.MRS. EDITH SHARP MICHAEL' Mrs. Edith Sharp Michael, 77, ofLexington. N.C. died Monday,September 16,1985, after an illnessof eight months, at LexingtonMemorial Hospital.She was bom September 19.1907, to the late Garnery Reid andCora Young Sharp. She was aDAVm COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBEl, 19,1985-•member of Beulah United Church otChrist: and a retired school teacher.Surviving is her husband. Vam R.Michael of Mocksville; twodaughters. Mrs. Nick Leonard andMrs. Glenn Talbert of Welcome;seven sisters. Mrs. Etta Feezor ofSalisbury. Mrs. Carl Everhan of Rt..11. Winston-Salem. Mrs. Laura.McBride. Mrs. Willie Ruth Leonardall of Lexington. Mrs. Kenneth |Barnes of Churchland. Mrs. Glen-na Lanier of Dobson; six grand- nchildren and three greatgrandchildren.Funeral services will be heldThursday. SeptembiiN: 19. 1985 atBeulah United Church*of-Christ bythe Reverend Carl Krep9^tfrial;wtllfollow in Forrest Hilt^eii^onalPark.• ROBERT LEE OAKLEY. SR.The Rev. Robert Lee Oakley. Sr.,58. 732 Oak Summit Rd., diedSaturday evening at Baptist Hospital-following four months of seriousillness.He was born in Troutman.September 2. 1927, to the Rev. D.A.and Bessie Spencer Oakley. He waspresently serving as pastor of Oak^Summit United Methodist Church.He had served other pastorates atOld United Methodist Charge inLexington. Davie United MethodistCharge in Davie County. TrinityMemorial United Methodist Churchin Trinity. Bethlehem UnitedMethodist Church in Claremont.Westford United Methodist Churchin Concord and Trinity UnitedMethodist Church in Lexington. Hewas a graduate of High Point College and Asbury TheologicalSeminary in Wilmore. Ky. Rev.Oakley served as a pastor in the :Westem N.C. Conference of theUnited Methodist Church for 35years. He was a member of the .District Council on MinLstries.On June 24. 1950. he was marriedto Miss Dorthine .Motsinger. who.survives of the home. Also surviv-iijg are one son. Robert L. Oakley,Jr.. Lexington. Ky.; two sisters.Miss Rachel Oakley and MissClarice Oakley, both of High Pointand two brothers, the Rev. JohnOakley. Denton and Paul Oakley.Lenoir.'0. Pi'blic UteyOAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARY.id,MOCKSVILLE, NO -C M-Funeral services will be 3 p.m.Tuesday at Oak Summit UnitedMethodist Church by Dr. LawrenceJ. McCleskey, the Rev. H. SamuelCarter, the Rev. Robert W. Combs,,and the Rev. Michael D. Kurtz.Burial followed in Fairview UnitedMethodist Church. Old GreensboroRd., Winston-Salem.Rev. Oakley was pastor of theDavie United Methodist Chargefrom 1954-58. The Charge consistedof Center United Methodist Church.Hardison United Methodist Church.Oak Grove United MethodistChurch. Salem United MethodistChurch, and Zion Chapel UnitedMethodist Church.Center United Medthodist Churchand Oak Grove United MethodistChurch dedicated their new churchbuildings on September 1. 1957.with Bishop Nolan D. Harmonofficiating.The Davie United Methodist Parsonage on Salisbury Street was alsobuilt in 1957.J THOMAS NOAH POTTSFuneral services for Thomas NoahPotts. 78. of Advance. N.C. wereheld Tuesday. September 17. 1985.at Westmoreland Chapel of Bunch- •Johnson in Statesville. with theReverend Darrell Cox otficiating.Burial followed in the AdvanceUnited Methodist Church cemetery.Mr. Potts died Saturday at IredellMemorial Hospital.He was the son of the late PleasJ. Potts and Eliza Sheets Potts, andwas bom in Davie County.He was a retired carpenter, and amember of the Bixby Church of theLiving God.He was mamed twice, tirst to thelate Fallie Bell Spry who died in-1971. and to the late "Minnie Taylorwho died in 1984.Surviving is a son. Thomas GreenPotts of Rt. 1. Harmony; twodaughters. Mrs. Edith Potts Julianand Mrs. Carolyn Potts, both of Rt.1. Harmony; a brother. J.M. Pottsof Rt. 5. Mocksville: seven grandchildren and a number of nieces andnephews./ JAMES R. (BUD) WARDJames R. (Bud) Ward. 59. 7 Vivian St., Thomasville. died Sundayafternoon at his home.He was bom in Thomasville toHammet and Maggie WorkmanWard. He was a self-employedresidential contractor. He was aveteran of World War II.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Sylvia Cagle Ward, of the home; onedaughter. Miss Mary Kay Ward.Winston-Salcm: one son. DannyWard. Thomasville; his mother.Mrs. Maggie Ward. Thomasville;three sisters. Mrs. Virginia Mitchell.High Point. Mrs. Charlotte Murphyand Mrs. Leontine Calhoun. both ofThomasville; one brother. JackWard. Mocksville and threegrandchildren.Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Tuesday at J.C. Green & SonsChapel. Burial will be in Holly HillMemorial Park Cemetery.Memorials may be made to E.Davidson Athletic Boosters Club orthe American Cancer Society.\/ BILLY HARDING CARTERBilly Harding Carter. 52. ofNewport. Tenn. died early tuesdaymorning at the Veterans Administration Medical Center after a longillness.Funeral services will be held atMann's Funeral Home Chapel inNewport. Burial will be in acemetery in Hot Springs. N.C.The family requests thatmemorials be made to the CancerFund.Mr. Carter was bora in Davie ^County October 13. 1933 to the late.Sam and Nizzie Sheets Carter. He;was a farmer and self-employed pro--duce salesman. He served in the:U.S. Navy during the Korean:conflict.Surviving is his wife. WilmaCarter, four daughters. Lisa.of the:home. Diane. Lynn and Rhonda ofEast Bend: 4 granddaughters, asister. Willie Mae Jones ofMocksville; four brothers. AllieCaiW of Southmont. Frank Carterof Lexington. Aaron Carter and Col-eman Mocksville.^ DUSl6i^. HAIRSTONDuska Maria Britton Hairston. 90,of 64 Lexington Ave.. died at 5415p.m. Wednesday. September 11. atDavie County Hospit^ after being indeclining health for 1 */: years andseriously ill for one week.The funeral was held at 3 p.m.Friday at New Jerusalem HolinessChurch with Jessie Leach officiating. Burial was in the churchcemeterv.•''•■"••Oi/l/jQ III f*CLIFFORD D. PRESNELLClifford Dean Presnell. 48. Rt. 3,died Monday atlemoon at RowanMemorial Hospital after an extended illness.Funeral services will be held at 2• p.m. Thursday at .Mt. Carmel UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev. Jimmy Myers and the Rev. John T.Byerly. Burial will follow in thechurch cemetery.The family will receive friendsfrom 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday atBatons Funeral Home in Mocksville.Mr. Presnell was bom in WataugaCounty, a son of the late H.W. andNola Trivette Presnell. He was anemployee of Ingersol-Rand Co. inMocksville. and was a veteran of theKorean Conflict.He is survived by his wife. CarolWaitman Presnell. of the home; onedaughter. Caria LaRae Presnell. ofthe home: two sons. Dean CarrollPresnell and Eric Maurice Presnell.both of the home: three sisters. Ver-tie Reece. Greensboro, and Roxan-na Head and Jean Lankford. both of -Cooleemee; and six brothers. Dan.Earl. J.D. and Ray Presnell. all of •Rt. 4. Mocksville. Forrest Presnell. iState Road, and Henry E. Presnell. ;Lexington.Bora May 30. 1895. in DavieCounty, a daughter of the late Rev.Mili and Victoria Crenshaw Britton, she was educated in the DavieCounty schools and was a retireddomestic worker. She was a memberof New Jerusalem Holiness Church,where she was a Mother of theChurch.Survivors, in addition to her sister,include a son. Herman K. Britton ofMocksville: and two grandchildren.davie (X). PUBUC QBRaroKti^nKSVlLLEiB NQ ^ 5'-/■7 619 /'/ MRS. EDITH JESSUPBARNARDMrs, Edith Jessup Barnard, 70.died early Sunday morning at For-syth Hospital.She was bom in Suiry Countyto Andrew W. and Velna CookJessup. She was a member ofWestfield Friends Meeting.She worked with her husband,E.H. Barnard - who was presidentof the Bank of Yadkin, from 1948until 1969.Surviving are her husband, E.H.B^ard, of the home; two sisters.Miss Erma Jessup, Asheboro andMrs. O.L. Williard, Jr.,Lewisville; two nephews, WilliamE. Hall, Mocksville and David A.Hall, Kyto, Japan and sevennieces, Mrs. Pat Preston, Yadkin-ville, Mrs. Gene Garland, Mt.Airy, Mrs. Roy Doub, East Bend,Mrs. Max Lawson, Charlotte,Mrs. Gordon Rogers, Westfield,Mrs. Harold Nichols, Lowell andMrs. Dewey Martin, Westfield.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Tuesday at Mackie-GentryChapel by the Rev. RichardEsdew. Burial followed in Harmony Grove Friends Churchcemetery.JOE L. GAITHERJoe Louis Gaither. 50, of Route1, Woodleaf died at 7:45 a.m.Wednesday at Rowan MemorialHospital.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Saturday at Rock Hill Church ofChrist, Cleveland, conducted byRobert Lyons. Burial followed inthe church cemetery.Bom May 9. 1935, in RowanCounty, he was a son of SophiaCrawford Gaither of Cleveland andthe late Lucious Gaither. He attended R.A. Clement High Schoolin Cleveland. Employed by LyonShaw Inc., he was a member ofRock Hill Church of Christ.Survivors, in addition to hismother, include his wife. HazelKesler Gaither; a son, JimmyLouis Gaither of Salisbury; adaughter, Hazel G. Simmons ofKnoxville, Tenn.; six brothers,Lonnie Gaither of Philadelphia,Pa., Wilbert Gaither of Statesvilleand John F., Donnie, Harold andAnthony Gaither, all of Cleveland.Three sisters, Lillian Gaither ofMocksville, Vanessa Turner ofStatesville and Janet Lash ofPhiladelphia, Pa.; and onegrandson.I 1. w J •:3:,\RYMOCKSVlu,ilUBom Sept. 26, 1922. in RowanCounty, he was a son of the lateRomus Hsli snd Bessie WyrickNaU. Educated in the Salisbury City schools, he was a salesman forFlav-O-Rich Dairy and was amember of Salem LutheranChurch.A member of the Locke FireDepartment, he was a formermember of the Rowan CountyRescue Squad and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War n having participated in the Battle of theBulge.Survivors include his wife,Rachel Safrit Nail, whom he mar-ned July 11. 1942; a son, CharlesChuck Nail of Mocksville; adaughter, Mrs. Donnie (Janice)Wood of Sylvia: two brothers. JackO. Nail of Salisbury and LonnieNail of Morrow, Ga.; and twosisters. Mrs. G.W. (Mary) Walkerof Salisbury and Mrs. Hilbert(Martha). JBoger of Rockwell.. CHA^^SlW. NAILCharles Wacl&'NaU, 62, of1912 Lincolnton Rdad, died at 4:14a.m. Friday in Rowan MemorialHospital after being in declininghealth for two years and seriouslyill for nine months.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.Saturday in the Lyerly FuneralChapel conducted by the Rev. Carroll L. Robinson, pastor of SalemLutheran Church. Burial followedin Rowan Memorial Park.OAVIB CO. PUBUC QBRAR?mocksville, no/ . GLENN D.Glenn David Hellard, 73, of 30W«t St., died on Friday momingat Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held at 2 p.mSunday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChaj^l, Mocksville. conducted bvJe Rev Fred Currie and the Rev.Robert Creason. Burial foUowed inRowan Memorial Park.Bom Sept. 22, 1911.'in Daviecounty, he was a son of the lateMack and Lula Ann Dunn Hellard.He was a retired carpenter.Survivors include his wife. StellaTurelove Hellard; two daughters,Mickey Grubb of Route 2. Advance and Anna Lou Anderson ofRoute 1. Mocksville; II grandchildren; and threegreat-grandchildren.MR. JAMES HOUSTONHINKLEHouston Hinkle, 60,'ateThursday afternoon at Davie County Hospital following a long illness.Funeral services were held at 4p.m. Saturday at Mocksville FirstBapust Church by the Rev. Paulwggs. Burial followed in RoseCemetery,iqS?"- May 22,j2cf 'ateMaggie HathcockHinlde. He was formerly withBurlington Industries and wasretired from the laboratoryre^rch dept. of Holly Farms.He was a member of MocksvilleFirst Baptist Church, were he wasM ordained deacon and a SundaySchool teacher.Surviving are his wife, MrsJessie Libby Stroud Hinkle, of thehome; one half sister, Mrs. FloraCaudle, Winston-Salem; andseveral nieces and nephews. ^ o, r '■( 7/i). 5. /9ii ^yCLIFTON OLIVER BROWNClifton Oliver Brown, a residentof Autumh Care Nursing Home,died Saturday, September 28, 1985in Forsyth Memorial Hospital.He was bom in Davie Countywhere he had worked at ErwinCotton Mills, and was a cook atAmerican and Davie Cafes formany years.He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Sallie Hudson Brown of AutumnCare Nursing Home; a fosterdaughter, Mrs. Evelyn Campbellof Mocksville, N.C.Funeral services were held Monday, September 30th at 4:00 p.m.at Shiloh Baptist Church inMocksville. The Rev. MichaelMcClain officiated; and burialfollowed in the church cemetery.' MRS. ANNIE MAE BRYANT» Mrs. Annie Mae Bryant, 62,Meadows Apartments, Yadklnvilledied early Saturday morning atDavie County Hospital.She was bom in Yadkin Countyto Lewis and Kate Nicks Potts. Shewas a member of Tumers CreekBaptist Church.Her husband, Monroe Bryant,died in 1968.Surviving are one niece. Mrs.Geraldine Robbins, Rt. 2, Yadkin-ville and one nephew, David Potts,Rt. 3, Advance. A brother,Monroe Potts, preceded Mrs.Bryant in death February 7,1985.Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Monday at Mackie-GentryFuneral Chapel by the Rev. AllenBarker and the Rev. E.M. James.Burial followed in Tumers CreekBaptist Church cemetery.ILA H. PHARIS11a Holbrook Pharis. 81, ofRowan Manor Nursing Center,died at 9:30 p.m. Sunday at thenursing center, after being indeclining health for three years.The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Wednesday in the SummersettMemorial Chapel, conducted byDr. Ronald Coleman, pastor ofNorth Main Baptist Church. Burialwill be in City Memorial Park.Bom Jan. 13, 1904, in UnionCounty, she had been employed atCartex Mills for 41 years beforeher retirement in 1967. She was amember of North Main BaptistChurch.Survivors include two sons,Everette "Jack" Holbrook of Rt.8, Salisbury, Jerry Pharis ofSpencer; two stepsons. J.R. and>Gene Pharis, both of Thomasville;a daughter, Pat Jordan ofCooleemee; a stepdaughter, EssieAdams of Thomasville; five grandchildren; and sevengreat-grandchildren.MR. NATHAN CHRISTYPOTTSMr. Nathan Christy Potts, 90,Rt. 3, Mocksville died at DavieCounty Hospital Thursdayafternoon.Funeral services were 2 p.m.Saturday at Bixby PresbyterianChurch by the Rev. Shane Owens.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Mr. Potts i#as bom May 5,1895in Davidson County to the lateNathan Wesley and AlzeniaLiitengood Potts. He was a retiredfarmer. He was a veteran of WorldWar I and a charter member ofBixby Presbyterian Church.His wife, Treva Stafford Potts,preceded him in death in 1965.Surviving are one daughter. DorisP. Dillon, Rt, 3, Mocksville; oneson, Cletus A. Potts, 3477 BiamletCt.. ■ Clemmons and threegrandchildren.k.c/-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECOFTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 3,1985' WILLIAM HENDRDC JR.William "Dub" Anderson Hen-■ drix Jr., 70, of Route 3, Advancedied Friday morning at the SilasCreek Manor in Winston-Salem.The funeral was conducted at 4p.m. Sunday at Advance UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev.Tom McClain. Burial followed ini the church cemetery with Masonicgraveside rites.Hendrix was bom Oct. 30,1914,in Davie County to the late RosaComatzer and William A. Hendrix:Sf.He was a retired driver for Road-; way Express and a veteran ofWorld War II where he served inthe U.S. Army. He was a chartermember of Advance MasonicLodge No. 710.Survivors include three sisters,Mrs. Glenn Hendricks of Lexington, Mrs. Joe Foster of Route3 and Mrs. Curtiss Alexander ofJacksonville, Fla.; one brother,Bemie Hendrix of Dobbs Ferry,N.Y.; and a number of nieces andnephews.DAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVUXE. NOOAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRAEmocksville nc Olu ] <9 £.J CLYUb K. CUUK 5K.Clyde Robert Cook Sr., S3, of200 Seven Oaks Road, diedWednesday morning at DurhamCounty General Hospital after alengthy illness.Tlie funeral was held Friday at3 p.m. at Rose of Sharon BaptistChurch with the Rev. Charles Ruttofficiating. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Bom Dec. 4, 1931, in DavieCounty, a son of Mancy CheekCook of Salisbury and the lateVirona Cook, he was employed atUzzle Motor Co. of Durham priorto his retirement due to ill h^th.He was a member of the Rose ofSharon Baptist Church and aveteran of the U.S. Army.Survivors, in addition to hismother, include his wife, JoyceWhitlock Cook; two daughters,Michele C. Browning of Durhamand Renee Cook of Richmond,Va.; a son, Robbie Cook ofDurham; a sister, Gwendola Shoafof Salisbury; four brothers, VirgilCook of Cooleemee, Edward Cookof Pesecola, Fla., Ray and DavidCook, both of Salisbury; and threegrandchildren. . . _LONNIE S. DRIVERLonnie Stimpson Driver, 82, ofRoute 8, Mocksville died unexpectedly Wednesday morning at hishome.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Friday at Eaton's Baptist Churchwith the Rev. Johnny Walker andthe Rev. W.E. Pettit officiating.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Bom Oct. 11, 1902, in DavieCounty, a son of the late James T.and Betty Latham Driver, he wasa retired farmer and a member ofEaton's Baptist Church, where heserved on the board of deacons. Hewas a life member of North DavieRuritan Club and had served ascourt caller in Davie County forseveral years.Survivors include his wife,Thelma Collette Driver; a Xdaughter, Nell D. Tyndall of \Winston-Salem; a son, Clarence ^Driver of Route 8, Mocksville; asister, Mamie Reavis of Route 6,Mocksville; four grandchildren andfour great-grandchildren./ HARVEY M. POTTSHarvey McKinley Potts. 80. ofRoute 3. .Mocksville. died Saturday at Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Monday at4 p.m. at Comatzer Baptist Churchwith the Rev. Elmer Day and theRev. Aaron Carter officiating.Bom in Davie County, son of thelate Luther and Lou Telia CarterPotts, he was a retired carpenter.Survivors include his wife.Lucille Bailey Potts; threedaughters. Dorothy Carter andBelinda Potts, both of Route 3. Advance. and Nannie Lou Sparks ofRoute 3. .Mocksville; four sons.Luther. Terry and Douglas Potts,all of Route 3. Mocksville. and Billy Gene Potts of Route 2. Advance;five sisters. Leona E. Owens, PearlFrye and Eva Potts, all of Route3. Mocksville. Mae Laird of Route1. Advance, and Lena Wall of,oute 2. Advance; two brothers,lay and Homer Potts, both of'Route 3. Mocksville; ten grandchildren: and threegreat-grandchildren?OAVIE CO. PUBOC DBRARYMOCKSVILLE. NC UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, October 6,1985 FINWALLdOi- n LENOIR — Miss Chrisiine Dianne Flnwail, 17, 108 Cedar Rock Es tates, died Sunday morning at Frye Regional Medical Center in Hicko ry from injuries sustained in an accident August 24, I9B5. She was bom May 25, 1968 in Winston-Sa- lem to Charlie D. Finwall and Faye Boger Finwall, both of Lehoir. She was a senior at Hibriten 'High School in Lenoir. Surviving, in ad dition to her parents, are three sis ters, Caren, Kelly and Kathey Fin wall, all of Lenoir; her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Boger, Mocksville and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Finwall, Winston-Salem. Funeral services will be 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at First Baptist Church by the Rev. Fred Barnes, the Rev. Don Flowers and the Rev. Rod Kerr. Burial will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Park. The body wijl remain at Pendry's Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 7 to 8 p.m. tonight. Memorials may be made to the Love Fund at First Baptist Church. Bio — Obituaries — 10/6/1985 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ¥BRADLEY JOE ALLENADVANCE - Bradley JoeAllen, infant son of Darrell andPaula Stanley Allen of Route 2.died at birth Tuesday afternoon atForsyth Memorial Hospital'.Wjnston-Salem.A graveside service was held at11 a.m. Friday at Mount OliveUnited Methodist Churchcemetery, with the Rev. DarrellCox officiating.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include a brother, BryanWayne Allen of the home: hisgrandparents, Joe Stanley of Route2. Fay Flynn of Winston-Salemand Mr. and .Mrs. Huben Allen ofRoute 2. Mocksville; great-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. CarlKeaton of Route 5, Mocksville,Claude C. Stanley of Route 8,Mocksville. and Laura Holeman ofCooleemee: and a great-great-grandmother. Nancy Norman ofKemersville.MISS JENNIE MAE BOOHMOCKSVILLE — Miss JennieMae Booe. age 61, of Route 8.died Sunday. October 6. 1985, inSt, James Nursing Center.Greensboro. N.C., following alengthy illness.She was a native of DavicCounty.Graveside services will be heldThursday. October 10, at 3:00p.m. at St. John AME ZionChurch cemetery. Elder JamesJohnson will officiate.Miss Booe is survived by onebrother. Early Booe, Sr. ofMocksville and a si.ster-in-law.Mrs. Nellie Booe of Mocksville.The body will remain atMorrison-Studevent Funeral Homeuntil the service hour.'MRS. JULIA HUDSON LYONSMOCKSVILLE - Mrs. JuliaEmmaline Hudson Lyons, age 80.of Wright Lane, died at her homeSaturday. October 5. 1985. aftera long illness. She was a native ofDavie County and a member ofShiloh Baptist Church.Funeral Services will be conducted at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday atShiloh Baptist Church with theRev. Jesse Lyons. Jr. and the Rev.Michael McClain officiating.Burial will follow in the churchcemetery.Mrs. Lyons is survived by herhusband, Jesse Lyons. Sr.; fivedaughters. Mrs, Evelyn Campbell.Mrs. Ella M. Duiin. Mrs. EmmaL. Howell, and Mrs. VirginiaWilliams, all of Mocksville andMrs. Margaret Transou ofWelcome, N.C.; five sons. AlfredLyons of Winston-Salem; JohnLyons and the Rev. Jesse Lyons,Jr., both of Long Island. N.Y.;Frankie Lee Lyons of Mocksville,and James Lyons of Thomasville.N.C.; 58 grandchildren. 67 greatgrandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren: two sisters, Mrs.Sallie Brown and Mrs. Alice Brit-:on. both of Autumn Care Center;ind a half-sister. Mrs. Prudencelohnson of Cooleemee: N.C./ PAUL B. WILLARD' MOCKSVILLE — Paul Bartholomew Willard, 68. of Route 8.died at Medical Park Hospital inWinston-Salem Saturday morning.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Monday in Eaton's FuneralChapel. The Rev. Fred Shoaf andthe Rev. Luther Crady officiated.Burial followed at Oak GroveUnited Methodist Churchcemetery.Bom March 17. 1917. in DavieCounty to the late Will and SadieWilliams Willard, he was a retiredplumber and a veteran of WorldWar II.His wife. Pauline GodbeyWillard. died in 1978.He is survived by five daughters,Kay Dowell. Doris Bamhardt.Judy Shore and Karen Whitaker,all of Route 6, and BettyWestmoreland of Mocksville: three.sons. Dallas Willard of Route 6,Fatri VViilard Jr. of Route 4. andBusthr Willard of Route 8: twostepstj^ Lpyd and Billy Vanzant,both-%i'0f}wdo, Fla.: a sister.Myrtle BodotHheimer ofPfafftown:a brother. Fred Willard. ofWinston-Salem: 26 grandchildren:and 23 great-grandchildren.davie COUNTY ENTERPRISE- R£C0RD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1985-1 '• ' 'C D'/w/.Vi,— wv. \ --/-I-; i.iunrtniiviCCKSVILLE, NCOAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARTmocksville, no^ .MISS ALMA VIOLA MYERSMOCKSVILLE — Miss AlmaViola Myers. 69. Rt. 4. died Friday afternoon at Davie CountyHospital.Funeral services were held at 4p.m. Sunday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by' the Rev. BennyBearden. Burial followed in OakGrove United Methodist Churchcemeierv..Miss Myers was born in DavieCounty to the late John andCarolina Summers Myers. She wasa member of Liberty UnitedMethodist Church and was retiredon disability from Erwin Mills inCooleemee.Surviving are one sister. MissSarah MyeVs, Rt. 4: and severalnieces and nephews. ("/•Ifo l-c/6/Q.^ fZeo<y^9/ ^■MRS. RENA EAST^WINSTON-SALEM - Mre.Rcna Easter Scales. Nowotxl H^lNursing Home^ortnery of Marcina St., died Thursday.She was a native of Farmingtonand had lived in Winston-Salemmost of her life. gMrs. Scales wM aZion Memorial BapUMFuneral services were a 12 i^nSaturday in the chapel ol HoopMlin^ Home by the Rev . 1^1*JoMS. Burial followed inEvergreen Cemetery. .Survivors include her brot .Mr. Henry P. Easter. Baltimore.Md.. and several cousins./ DANIEL SCOTT STAMPERSPENCER — Daniel ScottStamper of 1104 S. Rowan Ave..infant son of Timothy ScottStamper of MatikaSalisbury, and Sherrie Goforth otthe home, died at 9:40 p.m.Wednesday, one hour after birth,at Rowan Memorial Hospital.A graveside service was held at11 a.m. Friday at Oakdale BaptistChurch, conducted by Dr. LyndellE. Stike Jr., pastor. Burial followed in the church cemetery.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include his grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Goforth ofSpencer and Mr. and Mrs. WilliamL. Edwards of Route 3.Mooresville; andgrandparents. Clyde W. Goforth ofWksville. Mrs. Olin Stamper otMatika Villa. Salisbury, and Mr.and Mrs. John R. Leonard of EastSpencer.harry RICHARD MEADORRICHMOND — Graveside services for Harry Richard Meador.58. of Richmond. Virginia will beneld Thursday, October 10. at 11a m. at Concord United MethodistChurch with the Reverend BennyBearden oficiating. Burial willfollow in the church cemetery.Mr. Meador died in Richmond.Va Sunday. He was a member ofHoly Comforter Episcopal Church,and a retired employee of SearsRoebuck and Company .He is survived by his wife Mre.Josephine Deadmon Meador of mehome; 2 sons. Richard K. Meadorand George E. Meador ^th ofRichmond; 2 sisters, NeU Woniackand Lorraine Pappagollo. both otRichmond; a sister-in-law Mrs.Mary Frances Berrier of Rt. /.Mocksville; a brother. Nelson B.M^aHnr of Richmond.w u:;-. w .i . Imocksville, NCOAVflE CO. PUBUC UBRARTMOCKSViaE, NO ./Olri'.cJ . / 'A /MRS. GERTRUDE PETERSBOEHMADVANCE — Mrs. GertrudePeters Boehm. 64. 5122 BermudaVillage, died Sunday at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital after an extended illness.Mrs. Boehm was bom in JerseyCity. N.J. to Julius and GertrudeLindermann Peters. She was agraduate of Valparaiso Universityin Valparaiso, Ind.Mrs. Boehm had recently moved to Bermuda Village from Summit. N.J.She is survived by her husband,Arthur E. Boehm, of the home, herdaughter. Mrs. Suzanne Dotten,Summit. N.J.; her son, DanielBoehm. .Marietta. Ga. and fourgrandchildren.A memorial service will be heldSunday. October 20, 1985," at 2p.m. in the Fireside Room at Bermuda Village..MRS.DORA CORNELISONMAYNARDYADKINVILLE - Mrs. DoraCornel ison Maynard. 93, formerly of Rt. 2. died at 5:35 p.m.Wednesday at the home of herdaughter. .Mrs. Ruby Garrison.1816 Robin Lane. Statesville.Mrs. Maynard was bom inDavie County to Burgess Bell and•Mary Ann Ritchie Comelison. Shewas a member of Yadkin ValleyBaptist Church in Davie Countv.Mrs. .Vlaynard was married toCharles Wilson Maynard. whopreceded her in death on .March 5.1962.She is survived by twodaughters. Mrs. Frank (Lillian)Wilson, Henderson Rd.,Greensboro, and Mrs. John (Ruby)Garrison. 1816 Robin Lane,Statesville: one son. Robert L.Maynard, Rt. 2. Yadkinville; onestep daughter, Mrs. Mary EllenMathis. Jonestown Rd.. Winston-Salem: six grandchildren; and onegreat-grandchild.Funeral services were at 11 a.m.Saturday at Mackie-Gentry Chai^lby the Rev. J.C. Shore. Burialfollowed in Yadkin Valley BaptistChurch cemetery.MISS EVA 1. McCULLOUGHMOCKSVILLE — Miss Eva I.McCullough, 76, Rt. 7,Mocksville, died Saturday night atDavie County Hospital. Funerdservices were held Tuesday inEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Bennie Beaiden. BtirMfollowed in the McCullough Family Cemetery.Miss McCullough was bomSeptember 20, 1909 in DavieCounty to the late Charles and Emma Leonard McCullough. She ^a retired employee of MonleighGarment Co. and a member ofI/'-davie cowty enterprise reco^Liberty United Methodist Church.She is survived by one sister. MissAnnie McCullough, Mocksville;and a number of nieces andnephews.THURSDAY, rirrnnER 17.1985MISS AMY TERESA WHITEFuneral services for Miss AmyTeresa White. 22. were held Sunday aftemoon in Boonville. MissWhite died Friday evening at FryeRegional Medical Center in.Hickory from injuries sustained inan automobile accident two weeksprior.She was bom in Surry Countyto Bobby Ray and RebeccaWoodmff White; She worked forO.T. Publications Company inVale.Surviving is her mother. Mrs.Becky White of the home; herfather, . Bobby Ray White of•Saiasota, norida: two sisters. Miss^Gantfec'e Elizabeth White and MissDenise White, both of thehmfiff, her grandmother. Mrs.Howard Woodruff of Boonville; anuncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Woodruff of Wilkesboro; andher fiance. Dale Chappell ofJonesvilie.The Whites are former residentsof Mocksville. Miss White was a1981 graduate of Davie CountyHigh School.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVUXE, NCDAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRAR' 1 !•I^ /Of fW.H. BLACKWELDER. SR.* MOCKSVILLE — WUliam Harrison Blackwelder. Sr., 72. ofRoute 1. died at Davie CountyHospital on Sunday night.The funeral will be held at 3:30p.m. Wednesday at IjamesCrossroads Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. W.C. Barkley.the Rev. Kenneth Hyde and theRev. Johnny Swishcr. Burial willbe in the church cemetery.Born Feb. 25. 1913. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateJohn Allen and Lula RatledgeBlackwelder. A retired farmer, hewas a member of IjamesCrossroads Baptist Church.Survivors include his wife. EulaMaie Gilmore Blackwelder; threesons, John Samuel. William Harrison. Jr. and Robert AllenBlackwelder. all of Route I.Mocksville: and fivegrandchildren.MR. FELIX CORNELIUS HEGE^ . CLEMMONS — Mr. Felix Cornelius Hege. 73. 6712 Roll-ingwood Dr.. died unexpectedlyWednesday morning at his home.Mr. Hege was born February18, 1912. in Davie County to FelixW. and Janie Hall Hege.He spent most of his life inClemmons where he was a memberof the first Boy Scout Troop inClemmons, organized in 1924under the leadership of Mr. W.A.Hunter. Sr. It was the first troopin Forsyth County to be organized outside the city limits.Mr. Hege had been active withthe Old Hickory Council of theBoy Scouts for many years, andhad received the Silver BeaverAward. He was a graduate ofClemmons High School andDraughon Business College.Mr. Hege was employed byUnion Pacific Systems for 46years, retiring in 1977 as salesmanager. He was a member of theWinston-Salem Traffic Club, andof Clemmons Moravian Church,where he had been active in allphases of the church life includinghaving taught Sunday School andserved on The church board.He was a member and past president of the Clemmons Civic Club,a member of the ClemmonsMasonic Lodge, and was a 32ndDegree Mason.Mr. Hege served in the ArmedForces during World War II, attaining the rank of major in the Army/Air Forces.Surviving Mr. Hege are hissister and her husband, Mr. and-Mrs. Joseph E. tJane) Douthit,Clemmons: one aunt, Mrs. W.E.Hege. Winston-Salem: and anumber of cousins.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Friday at Clemmons Moravian Church by the Rev. BurtonRights.Interment followed in the churchgraveyard.' ^blic Library•'"''Svi/le, 1^. (1DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDADONALD A. JACKSON' MOCKSVILLEDonald Andrew Jackson, 20, of Route 7. diedat his home in Mocksville earlySaturday morning. Death was attributed to natural causes.The body has been sent fromEaton's Funeral Home inMocksville to Parkway GardensChapel in Forest Park. Ga.. forservices. Burial will be in Griffin,Ga.Jackson was born March 15.1965. in Spaulding County. Ga..to Donald Lee Jackson and GloriaCrane Bray.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include two brothers. SeanBray of Mocksville and ShannonBray of Griffin. Ga.RALPH POTTSMOCKSVILLE - Ralph Potts.69. Rt. 3. died late Wednesdayafternoon at Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Saturday at Dulin United. Methodist Church by the Rev. J.C.\ ^'^ne. Burial follow^ in the churchi|i:6eijictery.'* family requests thatrherriorials may be made to DulinUnited Methodist ChurchCemeterv Fund. Rt. 3, Mocksville.N.C. 27028.Mr. Potts was bom in DavieCounty to the late David J. and Sally Anne Robertson Potts. He wasformerly employed with themaintenance dept. of BurlingtonInds. for 33 years, and retired fromIngersol Rand Corp. alter 10 yearsof service. He was of the Methodistfaith.Surviving are his wife. Kathleen.'etty Bennett Potts; two sons.OCTOBER 24, 198iDavid BennetH'otts^n^^tPvance. and Danny Robertson Potts.Rt. 3. .Mocksville: eight grandchildren: five sisters. MagdaleneMcCullough and Evelyn Stewart,both of Rt. 3. .Mocksville, ElvaHendrix. Rt. 2. Advance. AnnieDavis. Rt. I. Advance, and Milli-cent Tedrow. 1023 Goldfloss St.,Winston-Salem; one brother.Cicero (Bill) Potts. Raleigh; andone nephew. Herman Bennett.Woodleaf.Surviving grandchildren areTerina Lynn Potts. David BennettPotts. Jr.. Mark Hamrick, CariaHamrick. Robbie Potts. AnitaPotts. Carrie Anne Potts, andDwayne Potts.' ALEX W. WALLCOOLEEMEE — Alex WilliamWall. 78. of Circle Drive, died atthe N.C. Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem late Sunday night.The funeral will be 2 p'im.Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, Mocksville. conducted by the Rev. WayneDraughn, the Rev. Clyde Settle andthe Rev. Roger Feimster. Burialwill be in Legion Memorial Park.Born Aug. 12. 1907. in YadkinCounty, he was a .son of the lateJohn and Mary Williams Wall. .Aretired employee of Cone Mills, hewas a member of Edgewood Baptist Church.Survivors include his wife. MaryWilkerson Wall: two daughters.Frances Click and Millie Blalock,both of Cooleemee: two .sons. Billyand Donald Wall of Cooleemee;two sisters. Clara Ridcnhour ofCooleemee and Viola Williams ofStatesville; 10 grandchildren; and14 great-srandchildren .OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARTMOCKSViaE. NC <s^>:J MARY G. EVERHARDTADVANCE — Mary GarwoodEverhardl. 81. of Route 2, diedMonday night at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville.A graveside service will be heldat 2 p.m. Thursday in the ForkBaptist Church cemetery, conducted by the Rev. Gordon Joyner.The family will be at Eaton'sFuneral Home in Mocksville onWedne.sday night from 7 to 9.Memorials may be made toDavie County Hospice, in care ofIhe Davie County Health Department, P.O. Box 665, Mocksville,N.C. 27028 or to Fork BaptistChurch, Route 3. Mocksville.Bom Aug. 5. 1904, in DavieCounty, .she was a daughter of thelate Thomas and Josephine StroudGarwood, She was a member ofFork Baptist Church.Her husband, Ben ErnestEverhardl, died Oct. 31. 1977, anda daughter, Shelby EverhardlBrown, died June 19.Survivors include two sons.Gray and Frank Everhaidt, both ofAdvance; a brother, Roy Garwoodof Route 4, Mock.sville; eightgrandchildren; and fivegreat-grandchildren.>1 ' BELVIN POWELLmocksville - BelvinPowell, 72. of Route 7, died Sunday morning at his temporaryresidence at the Pump Station onthe Yadkin River in RowanCounty.Bom in Iredell County on July7, 1913, he was a son of the lateThomas Franklin and Maude BellHayes Powell. Retired from FordMotor Co. in Detroit, he was aU.S. Air Force veteran of World: War II.Survivors include three brothereHerman Powell of Route 2Cleveland, Gilmer Powell ofGreensboro and Kenneth F. Powelldf Salisbury; and three sistersBrownie Williams of Route 7Mocksville, Hazel Thomburg ofGreensboro and Lucille Robersonof Albemarle.^ ANNIE W. WINDERS~ Annie AaronWilliams Winders, 88, of JoLene's Nursing Home, died at 5:35p.m. Friday at Rowan MemorialHospilal after being in declininghealth for two years and seriouslyill for one week.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Monday at Lyerly Funeral HomeChapel. Burial followed in RowanMemorial Park.Bom Aug. 27, 1897, in DavieCounty, a daughter of the lateWilliam Hill and Mary CatharineBeck Aaron, she was educated inthe Davie County schools. She wasa liccns^ practical nurse at RowanMemorial Hospital and a privateduty nurse until her retirement. Shewas the oldest member of CherryHill Lutheran Church.Her first hu.sband, J. AdamWilliams, and her second husbandScott C. Winders, botji precededher in death.Survivors, in. ^ion to adaughter, Uura T«t8WSali.sbufy,include one js6h. John LeonardWilliams of Route 2, West Winds*another daughter, Kathy Hodge ofWalbridge. Ohio; three grandchildren; four great-grandchildren*and four great-great-grandchildren.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRAKfMOCKSVILLE. NOOavis Co. r ' . n § ro §8 s ^ s oin z o c 00 5 5 ^ GEORGE A. CALL MOCKSVILLE - George William Andcnion Call, 57, of Route 5, died at N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem on Wednesday morning after being in declining health. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Friday at Union Chapel United Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. Jim Webb and the Rev. Ted Hendrix. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Bom in Virgilina, Va., Aug. 28, 1928, he was a son of Mary Grif fin of Danville, Va., and the late John Wesley Call. He was owner of Call Sawmill. Other survivors include his wife, Jnell Broadway Call; a daughter, Joyce Comerford of Lewisville; a son, Jeffrey Wayne Call of Elloree, S.C.: His foster parents, Felix and Frances Anderson of Route I, Mocksville; a sister, Lucille Aher- ron of Norfolk, Va.; four brothers, Nathaniel Call of Roxboro; Henry L. Call of Norfolk, Va.; John R. Call of Danville, Va.; and Carl Call of Longview, Texas; and four grandchildren. n MRS. DORA NANCE CARTER LEXINGTON — Mrs. DoraNance Carter, 1513 Winstoflft^. died Saturday evening at.lQ^mst Hospital after a serious of four and a half weeks. Mrs. Carter was bom in David son County, August 27, 1901, to John Henry and Elizabe.th Grubb Nance. She was a mciiiber of No Creek Primitive Baptist Church. She was retired from Redland Grocery, which she owned and operated. Surviving are two sons, J.B. Carter, 243 W. Sixth St., Lex ington and Ken Carter, 1507 Winston Rd., Lexington; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond (Dolly) Lemly, Rt. 14, Lexington; two grandchildren; one great grandchild; one brother, Thomas Nance, Rt. 3, Mocksville and one sister, Mrs. Ida Nance Barney, Rt. 3, Mocksville. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at No Creek Primitive Baptist Church by Elder Eugene Bennett and Elder John Draper. Interment followed in pulin United Methodist Church cemetery. ^ HARVEY LEE STARR MOCKSVILLE - Harvey Lee Suirr, 59, of Route 3, died at Davie County Hospital Wednesday morning. The ^neral was held at 4 p.m. Friday at Cornatzer Baptist ■Church, conducted by the Rev. Elmer Day and the Rev. E.M. James. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Bom April 26, 1926, in Davie County, he was a son of Florence Allen Starr of Route 3, Mocksville, and the late George Starr. A retired employee of Burlington Mills, hewas a member of Cornatzer Bap tist Church. Other survivors include his wife, Lula Mae Myers Starr; two daughers, Carolyn Atwood and Joyce Fishel, both of Route 3, Mocksville; three sisters, Mary■Murphy of Route 6, Mocksville, and Annie Ruth Frye of Route 3, Mocksville, and Pauline Sidden of Route 3, Advance; and one granddaughter. yMRS. DORCAS SHELDON WHITNEY ADVANCE — Mrs. Dorcas Sheldon Whitney, 71, Box 697, Bermuda Run, died Wednesday, . October 23. She was bom May 31, .-'i914 in Montana and was reared in Idaho and Oregon. Mrs. Whimey worked as a reporter for the Grants Pass Courier in Grants Pass, Oregon prior to serving during Worid War II as a captain in the Women's Ar my Corps, U.S. Army. As a resident of Winston-Salem since 1967, Mrs. Whitney was ac tive in the Vemon Ave. Sewing Club, was a docent at the Reynolda House and SECCA, and was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Mrs. Whitney is survived by her husband. Col. Carl L. Whitney, U.S. Army (Ret.); two daughters, Gretchen Whitney, Ann Arbor, Mich, and Kay E., wife of William W. Fagundus, Jr., Greenville, N.C.; two grandchildren, Bryan and Ashely Fagundus and four sisters who reside in Idaho and Oregon. A memorial service was held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Fri day, October 25, at 2 p.m. Oavia Co. Public Library ^0 i I Pr.01^4.^ li^'l. l9^A"ERNEST FRYEMOCKSVILLE - ErnestWadell Frye, 67, of Route 7. wasdead on arrival late Monday atOavie County Hospital.The funeral will be held at 2p.m. Thursday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel with the Rev. J.C.Lane officiating. Burial will be inUnion Chapel United MethodistChurch cemetery.The family will be at the funeralhome from 7 to 9 p.m.Wednesday.Bom Jan. S, 1918. in YadkinCounty, a son of the late JohnLewis and Rodie Potts Frye. hewas retired from the N.C. Department of Transportation. He was aveteran of World War II. servingin the U.S. Army.Survivors include his wife.Kathleen Peacock Frye. whom hemarried in 1942; one daughter.; Ernestine Steelman of Route 6; onebrother. Lester Frye of Route 7;one sister. Nell Smith of Route 3;ifour grandchildren; and five:great-grandchildren., MRS. INA ARDELL GRAVESJ POTTERMOCKSVILLE - Mrs. InaArdell Graves Potter. 84. formerly of 772 Salisbury St.. died atDavie County Hospital inMocksville Friday moming after ashort illness.Funeral services were held atH.P. Smith & Son Funeral Hon^eGatingy MRS. GLADYS S. KIGERMOCKSVILLE - Mrs. GladysS. Kiger. 71, Rt. 5. FarmingtonCommunity, died at 4:30 p.m.Saturday at her home.Mrs. Kiger was bom in DavieCounty to William and BessieHauser Seats. She was of the Baptist faith, and was the widow ofTom W. Kiger.Surviving Mrs. Kiger are Nickyand Tina Allen, of the home; sixdaughters. Mrs. R.H. (Bessie)Boggs. Yadkinville, and Mrs.Sammy (Ann) DeBusk. Mrs. Jeny(Katherine) Wood. Mrs. BarbaraAllen. Mrs. Jackie (Linda) Harrison. and Mrs. G.W. (Pat) Allen,all of Mocksville; two sons. Henryand Dewayne Kiger, both ofMocksville; a sister. Mrs. MaryJohnson. Rt. 5. Mocksville: 25grandchildren; and 14great-grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Tuesday at Mackie-GentryChapel by the Rev. Earl Newtonf.*-*Co. Public LibraryN. CLtWVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVmocksville, nc fI-®• HENRY ASBURY BECKHenry Asbury Beck, 71, ofYadkinville Road, Mocksville,died Tuesday, October 22, at NorthCarolina Baptist Hospital inWinston-Saleni, following an extended illness.He was born in Davie County tothe late Thomas Pinkney Beck andLclia Bell Harris Beck. He wasretired from Baker Furniture Company and was a veteran of WorldWar II.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Dcco Cozart Beck of the home; adaughter, Mrs. Ann Morrison ofMocksville; 3 .sons, Donald Hurseyof Mocksville, Gary Hursey ofSalisbury, and LinucI Hursey ofCooleeniec; ten grandchildren, fivegreat-grandchildren; 3 sisters,Mrs. Maggie Lanicr and Mrs.Ruby Mayberry, both of Rt. I,Harmony; and Mrs. Sussie Gobble of Rt. I, Mocksville; twobrothers, Roland and Lee Beck,both of Route I, Mocksville.w . EMILY P. DWIGGINSMOCKSVILLE - EmilyPowell Dwiggins, 85, of 263Wilkesboro St., died at RowanMemorial Hospital Sunday nightafter a short illness.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.W^nesday at the Mocksville FirstUnited Methodist Church ct>n- ^ducted by the Rev. Don Dayg^'pastor. Burial followed in CiittterUnited Methodist CHujchcemetery.Born Sept. 8, 1900, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Robinson and Luna PcnryPowell and was a member of theMocksville First United MethodistChurch. 'Her husband, Thomas Pearl*^ "!euins, died March 17. 1964.Survivors include two sisters,Mary P. Anderson of Raleigh andBernice P, Elkins of Mocksville;a brother, Harrell Powell of RoMtc1, Mocksville; and several niecesand nephews.in Canisteo, N.Y. with burial inWood lawn Cemetery.Mrs. Potter was born inAlleghany County, N.Y. to the lateFrank A. and Delia HarringtonGraves. Along with her husband,she was the owner and operator ofa general store in Troppsburg,N.Y. She was educated at theGenesco Normal School and wasa lifelong member of TroupsburgOrder of the Eastern Star.She was a former member ofDavie County Golden Age Cluband had been a teacher at UnionSchool in Troupsburg, N.Y.Mrs. Potter had been a residentof Meadowbrook Terrace in Clem-mons for the past four months.Her husband, the late GeorgeEdward Potter, preceded her indeath January 2, 1971.Survivors include one daughter,Mrs. John (Doris) Carman, 1251N. Main St., Mocksville; twograndchildren, Sharon Carnian,Salisbury and Larry Carman,Winston-Salem; one sister, Mrs.Ora Barney, Whitesville, N.Y. anda number of nieces and nephews.V< MR. J.B. HAMRICKWINSTON-SALEM - Mr.J.B. Hamrick, 59, 2614 LullingtonDr., Winston-Salem died Mondayevening at Forsyth Memorial,..Ffospital._• Mr. Hamrick was born October24, 1925 in Swannanoa to LonzyTillman and Ida Yelton Hamrick.He spent his early life in Swannanoa, and had lived in Winston-Salem since 1947.Mr. Hamrick had served in theUnited States Marine Corps during World War II, and was a self-employed building contractor. Hewas an active member of SouthsideBaptist Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. NeilBodford Hamrick, of the home;two daughters, Mrs. Lisa H.Blevins, Mocksville, and AllisonLeigh Hamrick, Winston-Salem:two sisters, Mrs. Norman Wolfe,Swannanoa, and Mrs. VioletBradley, Black Mountain; and fourbrothers, L.T. Hamrick, Shelby,Troy Hamrick, Winston-Salem,Weldon Hamrick, Kernersville,and Hal Hamrick, Pineville.Funeral services were heldThursday at 12:30 p.m. at Vogler'sMain Street Chapel by the Rev. J.Wilson Harmon.Burial followed in ForsythMemorial Park.and the Rev. Ben Stowe. Burialfollowed in Huntsville BaptistChurch cemetery.MARY M. WOOTENMOCKSVILLE - MaryMcCormick Wooten, 90, ofMocksville, died early Monday atDavie County HospitalThe funeral was held at 11 a.m.Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, conducted by theRev. Paul Riggs. Burial followedin Rose Cemetery.Born in Johnson City, Tenn.,Dec. 29, 1894, she was a daughterof the late Patrick R. and AliceCollins McCormick. She was amember of Milling RoadPentecostal Holiness Church.Her husband, Wesley RaymondWooten, died May 25, 1978.Survivors include two daughters,Pauline Wocnen of Butner and RuthMaynard of Pfafftown; six sons,William "Bill" Wooten and JamesWooten, both of Mocksville, PaulWooten of Hamptonville, JohnWooten of Raleigh, HowardWooten of Richfleld and RichardWooten of Reidsvillc;A sister, Mrs. Luther Williamsof Yadkinville; 26 grandchildren;20 great-grandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandchild./ RAY GRANGER WYATTFAYETTEVILLE - Funeralservices for Ray Granger Wyatt,86, retired merchant, were heldFriday at 2 p.m. at McNeillFuneral Home in St. Pauls, NorthCarolina. Burial was held at I p.m.Monday in Rose Cemetery,Mocksville.Mr. Wyatt, only son of the lateMr. and Mrs. Alec Wyatt, was aformer native of Mocksville, N.C.He died one day following his birthday at his home in Fayetteville.Surviving is a daughter-in-law,Mrs. Elsie Wyatt; two granddaughters and somegreat-grandchildren.T.§n /MRS. ELLA HOLDERLEWISVILLE - Mrs. EllaHolder Holder, 87, 8057 ConcordChurch Rd., widow of C.T.Holder, died at her home Tuesdaymorning.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7 at ConcordUnited Melhodi.st Church by theRev. J. Boyd. Burial followed inthe church cemetery.Mrs. Holder was bom in ForsythCounty to Raymond and KizzieBryant Holder. She was a memberof Concord United Methodi.stChurch.Surviving Mrs. Holder are onedaughter, Mrs. Paul (Marie)Robertson, Rt. 2, Advance: twosons. Hobert Holder, 122 LorraineDr., Winston-Salem, and JoeHolder, of the home; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren;and two brothers, John F. andCullie M. Holder, both ofClemmons.GERTRUDE G. McSWAINCOOLEEMEE — GertrudeGranger McSwain, 93, ofCooleemee, died Saturday night atJo Lene's Nursing Home inSalisbury.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapelin Mocksville, with the Rev. JackJohason officiating. Burial followed in Cherry Hill Lutheran Churchcemetery.Born Dec. 2, 1891, she was adaughter of the late Marion andVictoria Brown Granger. She waspreceded in death by her husband,Floyd G. McSwain, and a son,William J. McSwain, in 1984.Survivors include three .sons, JimMcSwain of Cooleemee, John W.McSwain of Palestine, Texas, andFloyd G. McSwain, of Sali.sbury;16 grandchildren; and IIgreat-grandchildren.y/ ,MRS. HANNAH CARTERMINORWINSTON-SALEM - Mrs.Hannah Carter Minor, 90, formerly of 110 E. Sprague St., diedWednesday affemoon.She was the widow of John A.Minor, who died February 22,1960.Mrs. Minor was bom August 9,1895 in Davie County to GeorgeA. and Notie Foster Carter. Shelived most of her life in Winston-Salem and was a member of HomeMoravian Church.Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Edith Letts, Arlington, Va.,and Mrs. Betty M. Moore, Iva,S.C., two sons, C. LawrenceMinor, Clemmons, and Joe C.Minor, Boone; 12 grandchildren;15 great-grandchildren; threesisters, Mrs. Leiia Richardson,Davidson County, Mrs. ViolaHoward, Detroit, Mich., and Mrs.Edna Barnhart, Advance; and onebrother. Buster Carter,Wln.ston-Salem.\/ WILLIAM NIVENS• / FRANCES NIVENSMOCKSVILLE - WilliamThomas Niveos, Sr., 39, and hiswife, Frances Kay Billings Nivens,37, of Route 6, Mocksville, were.both dead on arrival at Davis Community Hospital early Wednesdaymorning from injuries .sustained inan automobile accident on 1-77 Ju.st .south of Statesville.A memorial service was held forthem at 2 p.m. Sundiiy at the Bix-by Presbyterian Church in DavieCounty, with Rev. Shane Owensofficiating.Mr. Nivens was bom in DavieCounty on Feb. 11,1946, to SallieElizabeth Myers Nivens ofMocksville and the late LeroyWashington' Nivens. He wasemployed in the assembly department of Ingersoll Rand Corp. inDavidson and was a member ofBixby Presbyterian Church. Hewas a veteran of the U.S. Armyduring the Vietnam conflict.He is survived by a sister. Mrs.Frances Watson of King: threebrothers, Leroy 6nd KennethNivens, both of Mocksville, andJerry Nivens of San Antonio,Texas; two nieces and threenephews.Mrs. Nivens was born in TwinFalls, Idaho, on Oct. 12, 1948, toCarl and Phyllis Redenhou.se Billings, and was employed in thequality control division of Ingersoll Rand Corp. in Davidson. Shewas of the Pre.sbyterian faith andwas a veteran of the U.S. Armyduring the Vietnam conflict.Mr. and Mrs. Nivens are bothsurvived by a son, William:Thomas Nivens, Jr. of the home.Mrs. Nivens is survived also byher parents of Pa.sco, Wash.; twobrothers, Jim and David Billings,both of Pasco, Wash.; her maternal grandmother, Mrs. JoanRedenhouse of Pasco, Wash.; andher paternal grandmother, Mrs.Marie Dundurante of Phoenix,Ariz.» th n •• r-rrrn CO<r:> CO3L»3>133cST- "PiOv'fe. C^o^V^ ^ //Wawi^o/I MR. THOMAS MARVINV PARDUEMr. Thomas Marvin Pardue. 72.Rt. 2, Ronda, died Monday morning at Wilkes General Hospitalafter an extended illness.Mr. Pardue was bom in WilkesCounty to Will and Ada CheekPardue. He was retired from HomeChair Co. and had also worked forthe Ronda Clingman School.He was a member of WilkesFaith Temple.Mr. Pardue ^^'as preceded inI death by his wife. Mrs. Mary JaneFord Pardue, who died November26, 1984. and also by a son. J.W.Pardue, who died in 1969.Surviving are two daughters.Mrs. Mary Bruebaker. Advance,and Mrs. Charles fRuby) Dun-nagan, Winston-Salem: one son.Billy Pardue. Rt. 2. Ronda: onesister, Mrs. Ethel Marion. Elkin;four brothers. Colonel Pardue.Lexington, and Paul Pardue.Barney A. Pardue and Albert Par-due. all of Elkin: eight grandchildren: and sixgreat-grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 4p.m. Wednesday at Wilkes FaithTemple by the Rev. Arlene Stoneand the Rev. Jack Cook. Burialfollowed in the church cemeterv.y BLANCHE G. QUERY• KANNAPOLIS - BlancheGoodman Quer>'. 77. of 613 N.Poplar St., died unexpectedly at 4p.m. Sunday at her home.The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Wednesday at Whitley's FuneralHome Chapel, conducted byBishop Vemon Hathcock andBishop Craig B^. Burial followed in Carolina Park.Bora May 7, ^190G;\in Da vieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Joseph Riley and Dolly Griffith Goodman. Retired since 1973from Cannon Mills Co., No. 6weave room, she was'a member ofthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She had lived inKannapolis since 1910.Her husband, Cyrus F. Query,died in 1976.Survivors include five daughters.Mary Cook Lemmond of Har-risburg, Frances Cook Hickman ofConcord, Audrey Cook Bare ofColumbia, S.C.. Colleen CookShuping of Rockwell and SammieQuery Green of Locust:Two brothers. Preston Goodmanof Kannapolis and Joseph R. Goodman of Newpon News. Va.; threesisters, Ethel Goodman. AlmaBrafford and Catherine Bare, all ofConcord; 18 grandchildren; and 30great-grandchildren./ MR. WILLIAM LUTHER^ WALLACEMr. William Luther Wallace.81, of Rt. 6 Mocksville.Clarksville community, died Tuesday afternoon at Forsyth MemorialHospital in Winston-Salem.Funeral arrangements were incomplete as of press time.Born June 14, 1904 in IredellCounty, Mr. Wallace was the sonof the late Thomas Gaston and: Rosa Arnold Wallace. He was aretired farmer and of the Baptistfaith.Survivors include his wife. EthelMae Hutchens Wallace of thehome: three daughter. Mrs. Peggy-Ireland. Mrs. Mary Lee Harris,and Mrs. Louise Webb, all ofMocksville: five sons. Bill, John.' Bud.and Bob Wallace, all ofMocksville: and Roger Wallace ofSalisbury: 21 grandchildren: 1great-grandchild: three sisters:Mrs. Merlie Wilkie of Star. Mrs.Lacy Pegram of Clemmons. Mrs.Bertha Grose of Mocksville; twobrothers, George and BinkleyWallace of Harmony; and anumber of neices of nephews.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVmocksville, IMC VBorn June 14, 1904, in IredellCouniy, he was a son of the lateThomas Gaston and Rosa ArnoldWallace. He was a retired farmerand a Baptist.Survivors include his wife. EthelMae Hutchens Wallace; threedaughters, Peggy Ireland, MaryLeer Harris and Louise Webb, ailof Mocksville; five sons. Bill,John, Bud and Bob Wallace, all ofMocksville and Roger Wallace ofSalisbury; three sisters, Merlie -Wilkie ol Starr, I.ace Pegram ofClemmons and Bertha Grose ofMocksville; two brothers, Georgeand Binkley Wallace, both of Harmony; 21 grandchildren; 31 greatgrandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandchild.y/ Brady I.,. Leonard' Mr. Brady L. l.conard, 53,4451 Bridle Path l,ane, Roll-ingrccn Village, died i-riday,November 15. at ForsyihMemorial Hospiial. Funeral .services were helil on Monday after-mion at Voglers ClemmonsChapel by the Rev. Biiilon Rightsami the Rev. Fred Slmaf. Burialwas in the Wcsllawn Gardens ofMemory cemetery. |Jaumicgraveskle rites werejpmvhyWinston Lodge No. lfi?_A^andAM. 'iiirMr. Leonard was bori'j inDavie Cmmty to Clyde C. andMary Harbin Lconaril. He hadlived all of his life in theMocksville and Winslon-Saleinareas. He was a member ofClemmons Moravian Church andWinston Masonic Lodge No. 167.He was the Lcwisvillepostmaster. He was a veteran ofthe Korean Conilicl, serving inthe U.S. Army. , •Surviving are his wile, MaxriicF.ller Lconaid, of the home; i)nedaughter. Miss Nancy I.ecLeonard, of the home; hismother, Mocksville; two sisters,Miss Dora F. Leonard,Mocksville and Mrs. Ella MaePhillips, Nupcrville, 111. and «»nebrotlair, J.C. tx'onard, Salislnii^.Ouj 2 ' /J>.vi |5OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRAWfMOCKSVILLE. MC riso0gtaCA1uOOb)>CQIPJ3 I MI^.ETHEL BEATRICE ADER2 1^ ^VANCE - Miss Etheld I Bealricc Adcr. 91, Lake Site Dr..^ n Rt. 3, died Tuesday afternoon at3 m Davie County Hospital in^ I Mocksville.: M Funeral services were Thursdayat 11 a.m. at Vogler's ClemmonsChapel by Mr. Roy Dowell.Burial followed in Mt. OlivetUnited Methodi.st Church cemeteryin David.son County.Miss Adcr was born in Davidson County to Sidnc>^H. and AlicePickle Ader. She was a retiredsecretary, and a member ofKingdom Hall of Jehovah, Witncs.ses of Mocksville.She had lived mo.st of her life inDavidson County, and had madeher home in Davie County for thepast 10 years.She is survived by one sister,Mrs. Alice Adcr Hartrnan, Advance; two brothers. Mr. Frank P.Ader, of the home, and Mr. RayAder, Inverness. Fla.; two nieces.Mrs. Linda H. Berrier and Mrs.Edith H. Hall, both of Advance;and one nephew. Richard jS. Hart-man. Courtney./ ^ JESSIE JONES ALBERTYDOBSON — Mrs. Je.ssic JonesAlberty, 73, Rt. 3. widow of FloydAlberty, died Mondiiy aflemoon ather home.Mrs. Alberty was born January10, 1912 in Hamctt County to Mr.and Mrs. Jim George Jones.Funeral services were at 2 p.m.Thursday at Faifview BaptistChurch by the Rev. H.A. Frye.Burial followed in the churchcemetery. Surviving are one son,James B. Alberty, of the home:three grandchildren; three sisters,Mrs. Eunice Crcaslcy, Archdale.Mrs. Margie Albrecht, Advance,and Mrs. Verncll McNeill. Trinity; and two brothers. RudolphJones, High Point, and LutherJones, Maryland.■'I'.IG l.lliKARyfjc/ MAJOR K. BEAUCHAMPV ADVANCE - Mr. MajorKimber Bcauchamp, 89, Rt. 2,died at Davie County Ho.spital inMocksville Monday afternoon.Funeral services will be 2 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's FuneralChapel in Mocksville by the Rev.Donald Funderburke. Burial willfollow in Bethlehem UnitedMethodi,st Church cemetery.The family will receive friendsfrom 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday nightat the funeral home.Mr. Bcauchamp was born inDavie County to the late Joel andMary Sheek Beauchainp. He wasa retired farmer, and was amember of Bethlehem UnitedMethodist Church.Mr. Bcauchamp was preceded indeath by a daughter. GladysBcauchamp Michael, who died July 26, 1977. Survivors include hiswife, Mrs. Ethel BcauchampBcauchamp, of the home; oria <brother, Fordic Beauchamp. Rt..;{, ^Advance; and a number of mefifeJ?and nephews.>/ MRS. ELVA BAITY LUCKYADKINVILLE - Mrs. ElvaBaity Luck. R.-). Rt. 4, died Monday evening at Yadkin NursingCenter. •Mrs. Luck was born in Yadkin"County to George W. and MaryCarver Baity. She was a memberof Courtney Baptist Church.Mrs. Luck was preceded in deathby her husband, the Rev. WilliamS. Luck. Sr.Surviving are. four daughters.Mrs. Maxine Ray. Columbia,S.C., Mrs. Mildred L. Whit.sclland Mrs, Marie L. Hockett. bothof Randlcman, and Mrs. RuthLinker, Concord; four .sons,Charles M. Luck, Myrtle Beach,S.C., Frank L. Luck, Kerncnsville,Ralph Luck, Columbia, S.C., andWilliam S. Luck, Jr., N.Wilke.sboro; three .sisters, Mrs. Ir-ma Allen and Mrs. Nell B. Miller,both of Rt. 4, Yadkinville, andMrs. Odessa Gunter, Rt. 5,Mocksville; 36 grandchildren; and.several great-grandchildren.Funeral services were at 2:30p.m. Thiinsday at Courtney BaptistChurch by the Rev. Kenneth Pitt-man. Burial followed in the churchcemetery.^ DAVID LEE SMITHDavid Lee "Ricky" Smith, 38.of Route 7, Mock.sville diedNovember 13 at N.C. BaptistHo.spital in Winslon-.Salcm.Born February .5. 1947 in For-syth County, he was the .son ofDallas Smith of Low Gap and Annie Craver Smith Rothrock Cov-ington of Winston-Salem.The funeral was held Saturday atVogler's Reynold:! Road Chapel.Mr. .Smith was employed as awelder.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, are his wife, Christy ClincSmith of the home; four children,Billy Stewart. Annie Stewart, Le.iSmith and Nica Smith; his grandmother, Mrs. Ocie Craver ofMocksville, one sister. Mrs. SylviaCrater of Wiiislon-.Sjilein. and abrother. Ronnie Rothrock of■ •- Winston-.Salcm.l/wiLFORD McKINLEY STEELE. VWNDSOR, N.C. - WilfordMcKmley Steele died November12. in his home. Burial wasNovember 13 in Wind.sor. N.C.He was born April 2.5. |9I8 inM.Kk.svillc to Forest McKinlcy :indBlanch Steele.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Una Steele: one daughter. Mrs.Ann Mcbanc of Windsor; one .sonWilford Steele, Jr. of Windsor; amitwo grandchildren. Six sisters.Mrs. Ruth Lewis, Mocksville;Mrs. Mary Thompson, ranipa.Fla.; Mrs. Levon Norwwd. Suitland. Md.; Mrs. Odcllc SearlesMrs. Azalea Carter, and MissSylvia Steele, Washington, D.C • 'four brothers, Abner SteeleMocksville; Quincy Steele,"Redland; Carl Steele, CampSprings, Md.; and Minor SteeleGermany.P'^ILLIAM L. WALLACEI - WilliamLuther Wallace, 81, of Route 6,"I™ Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 12,at Forsyth Memorial Hospital aftera long illne.s.s.The funeral was held at 2 p.mThursday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel with the Rev. Jack Johnsonand the Rev. W.C. Barkley officiating. Burial followed in BearCreek Baptist Church cemetery.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRarvMOCKSWUE. no /MRS. EUI.A MYERS HAYESHARMONY - Mrs. Eul:iMyers Hayes, 88, dI Route 2, Harmony. died Saturday, November23. at 4 a.m. at Iredeil MemorialHo-spita! ill Statcsviiie. She hadbeen in declining health for twoyears and critically ill for threeweeks.Mrs. Hayes was born June 22,1897, in Wilkes County to the lateEdward Dock Myers and MaryAnn Roberts Myers. She was amember of Holly Springs BaptistChurch.Her husband, W.G. Hayespreceded her in death, April 3,19.58.Funeral .services were held Monday. November 25, at HollySprings Baptist Church, conductedby the Rev. (jary MorrLson and theRev. Irvin L. Wallace. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Survivors include two sons, W.Horace Hayes and A.G. Hayes,both of Statcsviiie; a stepson, Victor Hayes of Wyoming, Pa.; fivedaughters, Mrs. Nonna HayesSnow. Mrs. Uleaii Hayes Snow,both of llarmony. Mrs. OleanHayes Ellis of Mo<>resville, Indiana, Mrs. Camilla Hayes Bowlesof Rt. 7. Mocksville, and Mrs.Genna Hayes Taylor.of Statcsviiie;a brother. W. Greeii'Myers of Harmony, II grandchildren and 12great-grandchildren: one grandchild. Rus.sell Taylor preceded herin death in 1983.Memorials may be made to Holly Springs Baptist Church, Route2. Harmtiny, N.C./ • LARRY WAYNE KEYV WINSTON-SALEM - Mr.Lirry Wayne Key, 40, 605 VossSt, died Monday night at BaptistHospital. Mr. Key was born June15^ 1945. in Ft)rsyth County toBiUiitley and Ruth ElizabethFmsler Key. He spent all his lifeinlMirsyih County, and retired inliiim New Wuild Inc. due loill health. He was of the Baptistfaih.Surviving Mr. Key are his wife.Mis. Peggy Cook Key, of thehone; one daughter, Angela KeyStrnherry, Advance; and hisfatter, of the home. Graveside services were held at 2 p.m. Thurs-da,^, Nov. 21 at CrestviewMnnorial Park by the Rev. JimPriest.V NED LOOKABILLMOCKSVILLE - Ned Pruden-tid Lookabill, 81, of 354 W.Miple Avc. died at Rowan Mam»rin Salisbury Sunday night.The funeral will be conducted at2 p.m. Wednesday in Eaton'sFineral Home Chapel by the Rev.Bmny Bearden. Burial will be inLberty United Methodist Churchcanetery.The family will be at the funeralhomo from 7 t») 9 p.m. Tuesday.Born Aug. 13. 1904, in David-s(in County, he was a son of theItie Charles A. and Laura ParksLookabill. He was a retiredenployee of Burlington Industriesaid a member of Liberty UnitedMethodist Church.Survivors include his wife, LoisSfry Lookabill; two daughters,Mildred Smith of Route 2, Advance, and Peggy Coble ol RouteI Salisbury; five sons. Bob, Billaid Ronnie Lookabill, all olMocksville. Jimmy Lookabill ofVoodleaf and Richard Laxikabill ofFiyctteville; a brother, Charles A.UKikabill. Jr. of Charlotte; 12. grandchildren and six} g'eat-grandchildrcn.MARY E. McCOMBSSALISBURY - Mary ElizabethNcCombs, 47, a»f 629 W. Banka., died .Wednesday. Na»v. 20, atlar cesidenee..J^prh Oct. I.L 1938. in:Hocksville. a daughter ol the late■••lOscar and Viola Oglesby Jarrett.sie vvas educated in the Mocksville.schools and was employed byRobert Allen Manufacturing Co.She was a Baptist.Survivors include a son. John L.Cowan of Salisbury; and a brother.Charles E. Jarrett of Salisbury.T) 'M 'sifi/irpojnOJ SfAPfl, JOHN A. SEAMONMOCKSVILLE - John AlvinSeamon. 85. of 917 Hardison St.,died at Davie County HospitalWednesday. Nov. 20.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Friday at Jericho Church of Christ,conducted by Wayne Hendrix.Burial was in the church cemetery.Born Oct. 9. 1900. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateJohn Thomas and Emma DavisSeamon. He was a retired farmer.His wife. Ethel Louise Seamon,died Sept. 5.Survivors include eightdaughters. Lorraine and PeggyDarlene Seamon, both of the home,Margaret Louise Lewis and SallieWhitaker, both of Statcsviiie. EllaMae Poindexter and NovellaMinor, boih of Route 2, Advance,Betty Snow of Route I, Harmony,and Ruth Peacock of Lexington;A .son. Alvin Rayford Seamon ofRi>ute 2. Advance; two sLsters,Essie Felker of Mocksville andEthel Phelps of Salisbury; abrother, William Seamon ofMocksville; 23 grandchildren; and15 great-grandchildren.y' CLAUDE (5. McLEMlORELE.XINGTON — Funeral .services lor Claude GilbertMcLentore, 89, were held Monday. November 18. at 2 p.m. atOak Grove Primitive Church inLexington, with Elder JohnnyGardner officiating. Burial followed in Forest Hill Memorial Park.Mr. McL.emore died Friday,November 15. following a seriousillne.ss of one week.He was born in Scotland County. Augu.st 19. 1896. to the lateWarren Winshiw McLemore andSarah Jane Fields McLemore. Hewas a retired employee of CannonMills in Kunnapolis; and a memberof Dutchman Creek Church inDavie County. His wife, EulahLatham McLemore preceded himin death in August of 1983.Surviving are three .sons. Joe(Huek) McLemore ol 25 Forre.stHill Rd., Bobby L. McLemore ofCharlotte, and Ernest McLemoreof Highway 8, Lexington; sixdaughters, OIlie Mae Bowles ofMocksville. Rt. 2, Carrie LeeNunn of Kannapolis, Velmer J.Daniel »>f Lexington, ClaudiaYoung of St. Alban's, WestVirginia, Shirley Kiger of 221Vance St., Lexington; and BettyLou Fowler of Highway 150, Lexington; 38 grandchildren; 32great-grandchildren., Ic?><Inoczc/snsonoosoPHSca>§anso& / H- ^ /fT)^.t C>«>^ g.^gr.U N.t.nJ,'-'^ MRS. BEULAH C. SHELTONWINSTON-SALEM — Mrs.Beulah (Jewell) Collette Shelton.78. 2323 Country Club Rd..Winston-Salem. died Friday evening at Forsyth HNospital after aserious illness of ten days.She was born May 20, 1907. inDavie County to the late Robert F.and Mayine Foote Collette. Shewas a graduate of Cana HighSchool. She did office work in herearly life, working with her husband in his business. Mrs. Sheltonwas a member of Ardmore UnitedMethodist Churcc h. She workedwith the Cub Scouts. PTA andcommunity projects.Surviving are her husband. Dr.L.R. Shelton. of the home; onedaughter. Mrs. Bonnie DeborahEvans. Winston-Salem; one son,Robert Kinney Shelton. Atlanta,Ga.; one granddaughter, HeideElizabeth Evans. Wiknston-Salem:one sister. Mrs. Ross Rummage.Mocksville: one god child. KenShelton, Mocksville and severalnieces and nephews.Funeral services were 2 p.m.Monday at Ardmore UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev. BillBass and the Rev. Debbie Fox. Interment will follow in WesleyChapel United Methodist Churchin Davie County.The family requests memorialsbe made to Ardmore UnitedMethodist Church. Eaton's Baptist• Church. Wesley Chapel UnitedMethodist Church or Boy ScoutTroop No. 749.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC T^V'« Cgux^i '2>JETTIE S. STINE> MOCKSVILLE - JetlieElizabeth Smith Stine. 67. of 401N. Main St.. died at her home onSunday afternoon, Dec. 1.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel by the Rev. CharlesHensley. Burial was in SmithGrove United Methodist Churchcemetery.Bom July 2). 1918. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Luke Franklin and EllenSanders Smith and was retiredfrom Central Telephone Company.Her husband, Hubert E. Stine.died in 1941.Survivors include a son. HubenFranklin Stine ofMocksville; twosisters, Blanche Jordan ofCooleemee and Katherine Linvilleof Lexington; a brother, FrankSmith of Mocksville; and two(grandchildren.^ ELOISE WARDMOCKSVILLE — Eloise Ward,86. Rt. 8. died at Moses ConeHospital in Greensboro Saturdaymorning, Nov. 30,The ftjneral was conducted at 2p.m. Monday at Wesley ChapelUnited Methodist Church by theRev. Jim Raines. Burial followedin the church cemeter\'.Bom June 17, 1899. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate John Frank and Sarah LouiseMiller Ward and was a member ofWesley Chapel United MethodistChurch.Survivors include a brother.Claudius Taylor Ward of'Kemersville; and several nieces•and nephews.A MemorialIn Loving Memorv of"UNK"(Ernest Waddell Frye) nThey say that time has away of healing the wounds ofthe heart; but the sweetmemories of a loved one, andthe loss we feel within ourhearts, even the jaws of deathcan never destroy.We hold so manymemories of Ernest in ourhearts, the precious timeswe've shared down throughthe years, all the joys andheartaches, and even whentimes were hard. Ernestalways had a cheery smileand a way of saying thingsthat he always brought asmile out of each one he met.Ernest loved his family andhis many friends. He lovedhis country and fought for it.During World War II hewas stationed in Iceland. Heserved his country well aswas his trade-mark in life. Healways wanted things doneright with a sense of honestyand orideCo. PLiblio Libraryii C.IN LOVING MEMORYOF OUR BELOVED FATHERNED P. LOOKABILLNed Lookabili toucned a lot ol people'slives. A man wtio cared and loved hisfamily, and those that knew him willalways remember him as the man witha kind face, always giving a helpinghand to others The Mocksviiie nativedied Nov. 24in. 1965. after a lingeringillness at Rowan Manor. Salisbury, N.C.at the age ol 61 years. Bom in Davidson County his parents are CharlesLookabili & Laura Parks Lookabili. Hisfather was killed when Daddy was 3years old while working for SouthernRailway. His mother was left with sixsmall children • three boys, and tnreegirls. She could not provide tor all otthem so Daddy came to live with JessHendricks and wife Nettle In Mocksville.He spent aii ol nis cnudnood days withthem. He plowed lieids at seven yearsold. He later met and married Lois Spry,they had eight children. Mildred.Richard. Peggy. Bobby. Bill. Freddie(who died in I9d1) Ronnie & JimmyLookabili. Many people remember himas the scrappy young man that lovedsports. He was considered to be one ofthe best second basemen to come outof Davie County. He led his team tomany championships. He owned at onetime hunting dogs. Men would comefrom surrounding cities to participate inthat sport with him • his dogs being thebest in the county. He loved boxing andwould join In with the young men at theCourthouse Souare in Mocksville forboxing matches. He was an avid golfer,playing many weekends with hischildren until the age ol 70. Theyseldom could beat him in this sport. Hewas manager for awhile of theMocksville Miller baseball team sports!He took pride in leading a girl's sottbaliteam along with daughters Mildred &Peggy to many championships. At onetime in their young days, he had his twoOaughters and 5 sons on local softPalland baseball teams. He taught (hem thespoft- His family recalls how ne wouldlei young men o! the community helpin the fields. (He larmed and worked atErwin Mills). Their pay would be a warmmeal. Many ol these men paid theirrespects to him at the funeral and considered him their second Daddy. Hecared lor evedry person he came intouch with. He gave so much of himaell10 help others. Niver asking for anythingin return, He loved his church, and wentoften until he had a leg amputatedseveral years ago. He was a mar - Aloving and caring person IThank You.Peggy Lookabili Cobleand Familyi S S-g 5 & Sgc.£u<u.£0<f is-sSdavie CO, PUBLIC UBRAR^mocksville, NC * STANLEY JAMES BEAMON iWINSTON-SALEM - StanleyJames Beamon, 59, 322 RhyneAve., died Thursday, Nov. 28.Mr. Beamon was born Nov. 26,1926 In Forsyth County to'HoustonLee and Vera McNeil Beamon. Hewas a veteran of the United StatesMarines, having served duringWorld War II, and was employedas a truck driver for McLeanTrucking Co.He is survived by his wife. Mrs.Peggy Thomas Beamon, 549 Arbor Hill Rd., Apt. 40 B,Kemersville; one daughter, Ms.Lori B. Ader, Kemersville; twosons, St^hen W. Beamon, and hiswife, Vickie Beamon, Wallburg,and Dwayne A. Beamon,Greensboro; a grandson, BradleyAder; two sisters, Mrs. OpalCook, Winston-Salem, and Mrs.Lucille Vogler, Mocksville; andone brother, Lawrence Beamon,Lanexa, Va.Funeral services were Sunday atVogler*s Main Street Chapel.Burial followed in OaklawnMemorial Garden. yThe family requests that anymemorials be made to the ForsythCancer Service.f LILLIAN C. GOODMANCOOLEEMEE — Lillian CarterGoodman, 77, of Midway Street,died at Rowan Memorial Hospital,Salisbury, Monday, Dec. 2.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m., Wedne.sday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel,Mocksville, by the Rev. Fred Cur-rie. Burial followed in Amity HillLutheran Church cemetery inIredell County.Memorials may be made to thebuilding fund of CooleemeePresbyterian Church.Bom Oct. 15, 1908, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Charlie and Dorcas LyerlyCarter. A retired employee ofMelpar Electronics in Alexandria,Va., she was a member ofCooleemee Presbyterian Church.Her husband, George S. Goodman, died Oct. 2, 1951.Survivors include two sons,William Goodman of High Pointand Bobby G. Goodman of An-nadale, Va.; and two !grandchildren.'WILLIAM GURNEV HOBSONVADKINVILLE - William• Gurney Hobson, 92, Rt. 2, diedWvember 27, 1985, at Winston-Salem Convalescent Center.I Mr. Hobson was bom in Yadkin' County to William H. andTemperance Roena Williams Hob-j son. He was preceded in death byhis wife, Neta Sizemore Hobson.Surviving are two sons, PaulHobson, Orlando, Fla., and Jimmy Hob.son, Rt. 2, Yadkinville;three .sisters, Mrs. Minnie Royall,Calif., Mrs. Carol Whiteside, FallsChurch, Va., and Mrs, Ro.sa H.Allgood, Rt. 5, Mocksville; onebrother, Leo Hobson, Rt, 2, EastBend; and five grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. 1 Friday at Mackie-GentryChapel with burial following inMt. Zion Baptist Church cemetery., KATHERINE B. McLAMBDUNN — Mrs. Katherine Benson McLamb, 70, died Wednesday, November 27. Funeral services were conducted at 3 p.m.Saturday, November 30, at MountElam Baptist Church. Burialfollowed in Clinton City Cemetery.Surviving: son, Bobby E.McLamb of Route 6, Dunn;daughters, Mrs. Bettie Jane Coreand Mrs. Kaye Frances Hooton,both of Route 5, Dunn, Mrs. Nancy Carroll Jackson of Route 6,Dunn; brothers, John G. Bensonand Harold Benson, both ofMocksville, William H. Benson ofCharlotte; sisters, Mrs. SadieNaylor and Mrs. Dot Keller, bothof Mocksville; seven grandchildren; two great-grandchildren.*' ^^^ARLES O. McMAHANS- 10, Mtolivet aurch Rd.. died Novembe;Hosn ?«f*fi MemorialHospital after an illness of fiveMr. McMahan was bom January10, 1929, in Forsyth County toGlen and Eula Gibson McMahan.He was the owner of McMahanOpticians in Cloverdale ShoppingCenter. He was of the Methodistfaith, and was a member of the Optician's Association.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Bertha Brown McMahan, of thehome; three daughters, NancyFearrington, Winston-Salem,Carolyn Butner, Lexington, andPhyllis Zimmerman, Asheville;four grandchildren; his parents,Davie County;-one brother, Cecil 'McMahan, Winston-Salem; threesisters, Pauline Crews, Madison iHeights, Mich.; Marie Disher,Winston-Salem, and Edna Essex,Davidson County; and one fosterbrother, Kenneth McMahan,Seminole, Fla.Funeral services were held atHayworth-Miller Silas CreekChapel. Interment followed inOaklawn Memorial Gardens. Thefamily requests that memorials bemade to the American HeartAssociation, 2240 CloverdaleAve., Winston-Salem.' JUNE B. SMITHMOCKSVILLE - June BaileySmith, 69, of 401 N. Main St.,died Wednesday mnoming at theSalisbury VA Medical Center.The funeral was held Friday at11 a.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel with the Rev. Don Davisofficiating. Burial was in RoseCemetery.Bom Aug. 13, 1916, in DavieCounty, he was the son of the lateBeal I. and Rosa Meroney Smith.Retired as an electrician, he was aveteran of World War II and amember of the First UnitedMethodist Church In Mocksville.His wife, Annii' Lou FosterSmith, died in 1972.Survivors include threedaughters, June Whitaker ofMocksville, Martha Maxwell ofAdvance and Cynthia Wright ofYadkinville; two sons, John AshleySmith of Salisbury and ThomasBailey Smith of Advance; a sister,Margaret Waters of Mocksville; abrother, Eugene Smith ofMocksville; and sevengrandchildren.C?s.-o.»-in Sk,IJ—I"OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVmocksville, no o -N o y/MRS. HOPE C. EDWARDS WINSTON-SALEM - Mrs. Hope C. Edwards. 2100 E. 23rd _ St.. died at her home Thursday. ' She was a native of Davie County and had Jived in New Cannon, Conn, for 50 years before moving to Winston-Salem 12 years ago. While in Conn., she was employed in the home of Dr. Nathan W. Greene as housekeeper. She was the devoted mother of Ruth L. Harper. Winston-Salem. Ralph Albert Lyons. Brooklyn. N.Y. and Duke Lyons. Jr.. N. Bellmore. N. Y., children of her first marriage to Duke Lyons. Sr.. deceased. She later married Leslie Edwards, deceased. She leaves to cherish her memory, in addition to her children, one sister. Vera Glenn. Stamford. Conn.; five grandsons; four great-grandchildren; one daughter-in-law; one son-in-law and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and fnends. A graveside service will be held al 1 p.n>. Monday at Evergreen Cemetery by Dr. Quincey A. Caldwcll. In lieu of llowers. memorials may be sent to the Heart Association. JOHN WESLEY GAITHER y' PHYLLIS MEADOR MOCKSVILLE - Phyllis Alice Meador of Route 8, died at Davie County Hospital Friday. December 6. The body was taken from Eaton's Funeral Home to Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home. Beckley. W. Va.. where funeral arrangements were made. A sister. Charlotte Short of Route 8. Mocksville, is her only survivor. (.^MRS. ROSA M. RAMBEAU MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Rosa Monsces Rambeau, 80, formerly of 285 Mumford Drive, Mocksville, died November 26, 1985, at the Triad Rehabilitation Center, on North Cherry Street, in Winston-Salem where she was a resident. Funeral services were held at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, November 28, at No Creek Primitive Baptist Church by Elder Eugene Bennett. Burial was in the church cemetery. The family requests that mem- norials be made to the Cemetery Fund of No Creek Primitive Bap tist Church. Mrs. Ramheuu wa's born November 21, 1905, in Danville, Virginia, to the late Jo.seph and ^l^abeth Tilinuin Monsces and jfwas' a member of the No CreekJohn Wesley Gaither, 65, of ^ "Member of the No Creek Route 7. Mocksville. died Sunday • - Biiplist Church. Her hii.s- Decembcr I. 1985. at his home " l.,.rband. Cris Rambeau, preceded her iHe was born in Davie County to the late Betty Ann Gaither; and was a retired farmer. During World War 11. he served with the United States Marine Corps. , Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Cleo Seaman Gaither of the home; 2 sons. Michael Lee Gaither of Rt. 1. Mocksville. and Gerald Gaither of Reseda, California; 2 daughters. Mrs. Linda Sue Mastin of Rt. 1, Mix.'ksville, and Mrs. Shelby Grunt of Rt. I. Statesville; I brother. James C. Gaither of Brevard. N.C. Mr. Gaither was cremat^. The family requests that memorials be made to: N.C. Bap tist Homes. Inc.. P.O. Box 2233. Waynesville, N.C. 28786. DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE NC n'death in 1956. Survivors include two brothers, James Monsces, of Phoenix, Arizona, and Harry Monsces of Mumford Drive. Mocksville. N.C. / MRS. VICKIE H. RUI I- WINSTON-SALEM - Mrs. Vickie Huffman Ruff. 39, 151 Brentwood Ct.. died at Forsyth Hospital Saturday. She was born September 4. 1946. in Fj)rsyih County to Harry E. and Helen Hedrick Huffman. She spent most of her life in Forsyth County. Surviving are her mother, Brent wood Ct.; three daughters, Sybil Ruff, W. Bank St., Suzanne R. Cutrell, Lomond St. and Jennifer Ruff. W. Academy St. and two brothers. Richard R. Huffman, Colonial Village and Henry E. Boone. Davie County. Funeral ser vices were held Tuesday at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel. Burial was in Purkluwn Memorial Gardens. ^MRS. RUTH TU ITEROW Mrs. Mary Ruth Ratledge Tut- terow, 62, of Route I. Mt)cksville, died early Tuesday morning while visiting her daughter in Greensboro. Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at Center United Methodist Church. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The body will be placed In the church thirty minutes prior to the service. The family will receive friends Wednesday evening from 7 until 9 at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville. The family requests that memorials be made to either the Cancer Fund or the Heart Fund. Mrs. Tuiterow was born May 18, 1923, in Davie County to Dewey Shoffner and Mary Lec Burgess Ratledge. She was a member of Center United Methodist Church. Her husband. Lonnie M. Tutterow preceded her in death May 6. 1974. Survivors are three daughters. Shartm Lynn Doss »)f Rt. 5. Mocksville; Laura Gay Tutterow of Greensboro; and Susan Leesa Potts of Route 2, Advance; one granddaughter. Rebecca Ellen Potts and 1 brother. Dewey Wilson Ratledge of Ri. 6, Mocksville. '7 -7 . 'O'/' A'c -f c: ■N n 9 /$. i9.iWILLIAM E. HEGE. JR.LEXINGTON - William Edward Hege, Jr.. 61,6 Chestnut St..died December 7 at BaptistHospital.Funeral services were held Monday at Calvary Moravian Church.Burial followed in the MoravianGraveyard.Mr. Hege was bom Februaty16. 1924. in Winston-Salem toWilliam E. and Essie Agee Hege.He was a self-employed accountant, having practiced for 38 years,and was a member of the ElksClub. Winston-Salem Lodge No.449. for 40 years. He was also amember of Calvary MoravianChurch, where he had served onthe board of trustees.He is survived by his wife. Mrs.Julia Hendrick Hege. of the home;one daughter. Mrs. Judith IreneHege Bailey. Fairfax, Va.: one.^son. William Edward Hege 111.Bermuda Run; one grandson.William Edward Hege IV; one^-granddaughter, Erin Lynn Hege;his mother. Winston-Salem; two,•listers, Mrs. Mary Ann Hege•Thornton, St. Augustine Beach.Fla. anbd Mrs. Sarah Hege Harris. Winston-Salem and onebrother. Frederick P. Hege.■Raleigh.The fanjily requests thatmemorials be made to Hospice ofDavidson County, Inc., P.O. Box1941. Lexington. N.C. 27292.V . MAE CARTER JONESCLEMMONS — Mrs. MaeCarter Jones, 74, Rt. 3, Clem-mons, died Monday, Dec. 9,1985,at Forsyth Memorial Hospital.Mrs. Jones was bom January 14,1911. in Davie County to Harrison'Lee and Bessi&Howard Carter.iShe spent her eaxl^jjtt in Davie'County, lived for^^umber of: years in Riverdale, Md./and moved back to Davidson CounQr about10 years ago.She is survived by two sons,iJRichard S. Jones, Kemersville, and.Melvin L. Bowles, Lanham, Md.;one daughter, Colene Murch, Ft'Eric, Ontario. Canada; two sisters,fMre. Georgia Smith, Durham, andMiss Velma Carter, Davidson.County: and two brothers, SpergonCarter. Durham and MarvinCarter, Lexington.Funeral services were at 7 p.m.Tiiesday evening at Hayworth-iMiller Silas Creek Chapel, with aIgraveside service following at 3:p.m. Wednesday at Ft. LincolnCemetery, Brentwood, Md./ • MARY S. SMITHMOCKSVILLE — Mary StarrSmith, 88, of Route 6, died at herhome Sunday night.The funeral will be held at 2p.m. Wednesday at ChestnutGrove United Methodist Church,conducted by the Rev. Chip Webb,the Rev. Randall Lewis and theRev. Jimmy Holland. Burial willbe in the church cemetery.The body will be placed in the.. .church 30 minutes before theservice.Bom July 16, 1897. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate John Lee and Julia Foster1 Starr. She was a homemaker.Her husband, Enoch WashingtonSmith, died Sept. 21, 1984.Survivors include 2 sons. GrantSmith and George E. Smith, bothof Mocksvillc; three daughters.Eva Mae Troutman of Raleigh, andJettie Carter and Dorothy Green,both of Mocksville; 12 grand-" children: and 24great-grandchildren.Li&iafy-UbrarvfiioCf;£'.;iii£, ij. C.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC LYDIA W. ELLIS MOCKSVILLE - Lydia Williams Ellis, 88. of Rouic 4, died at Rowan Memorial Hospital December 12. The funeral was Saturday at 2 p.m. at Liberty United Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. Benny Bearden, pastor. Burial was in the church cemetery. Born Feb. 21. 1897. in Davie County, she was a daughter of the late John and Rosa James Williams and was a member of Liberty United Methodist Church. A son, W.A." Ellis. Jr.. died June 2, 1982. Survivors include her husband, Wiley A. Ellis, Sr.; two .sisters, Mrs. Tuft Robertson of Mocksville and Mrs. Glenn Cornat/er of Ad vance: and one grandson. JOHN WILLIAM ESSEX ADVANCE - John William Essex, 72, of Route 2, Advance, N.C., was dead on arrival at Davie C(»unty Htrspital Tuesday. He was Ihirn in Davie County June 10. 1913. to the late William Marion and Lucy Ann Shermer; and was a farmer. He was a veteraii of World War 11. Funeral services will be held Ihursday at 2 p.m. at Advance Baptist Church with the Rev. West«aHus, Yiiurtn wan tne Rev. West C Vance, and was a member of the Smith Grove Ruritan Club. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Betty Sowers Gunter. of the home- two sons, John and Keith Gunter, both of the home; his mother, Daisy Gunter, Yadkiiiville; three sisters, Mrs. Junior Allen Mocksville. Mrs. Ray Stanley' Oldtown. and Mrs. Allen Trivetie. Boonville; and one brother, L E* Gunter. Salt Uke City. Utah." Funeral services were held Dec. 15 at Turners Creek Btiptist Church in Yadkin County, ofiiciated by the Rev. Allen Barker, the Rev. R»)n- nie Baity and the Rev. Eugene Goodman. Entombment followed in Wesilawn Gardens ol Memory in CIcmmons. » LEON S. MAINEK MICH. ~ Leon S. Mainer, son of Wade and Julia Mac Brown of 1408 West Hill Road, Flint. Michigan died Mon day. December 9, 1985. in Michigan. He was also the grand- .s«)n ol the late Boweana and Frank Blown ol Rt. 7, Mocksville. Interment took place Wednes day, December 11 at Crestwood Memorial Cemetery in Flint. Michigan. Survivors include his parents, a sister. Polly; and three brothers. Randy, Kelly and Frank Mainer.Randy. Kelly and Frank Mainer ook ofhciaung. Burial will follow \J MRS MATTIF r wai l'i.'din the church cemetery. The body «w^iNSTON «!Ai Vmw.n .« pl.ceUi„,techu.h ,hi„j: iC™'wJike" 79. minutes prior to the service The family requests that memorials be made to the Advance Baptist Church building fund, P.O Box 153. Advance. N.C. Survivors include a si.ster. Miss Mary Essex of Rt. 2. Advance; 2 brothers. T.M. Essex of Rt. 2. Ad vance, and George Essex of Rt. 2. Winston-Salem. y, WILEY 11. GUNTER advance - Wiley Hender son Gunter, 48. Rt. I. Advance died Dec. 13. n <.« December 29 an'" C""Hy to Cliffordn ^and Daisy feity G ^ .Canton Dr.. died Dec. 13 at For- - syth Memorial Hospital. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at North Point Bap tist Church, where she was a member, by the Rev.. Larry Walker and the Rev. B.A. Carroll. Burial followed in Crestview Memorial Park. Mrs. Walker was bc)rn September 30. 1906. in Wilkes County, the daughter of William and Alice Burchette Cleary. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Ban ner Walker, of the home and one sister. Mrs. Flossie Walker. Mocksville..unter. He spent Mocksville. ^ GEORGE TAFf WII LlAMSJw County mocksville jVuimliJ setfor a number of years — • dci-. Mr. Gunter owned and oiieraied Gunter s Country Store in Ad- vices for George laft Williams, u 1 j"' 2, Mocksville, wereheld Sunday. December I. at 2 Uu'ii.i Co. i I i/i i'.i ; .vi!.-: p in. at the Bixby Church of the Living God. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Mr. Williams died unexpected ly at his home November 28. He was burn in Davie County to the late John F. and Rosa James Williams. He was retired from Er- win Cotton Mills. Cooleemee, where he had worked for 28 years, and was a member of Bixby Church ol the Living God. Surviving is his wife, Mary Bur ton Williams ol the home; 8 daughters, Mrs. Alice Faye Wood and Mrs. Louise Hooker, both of Advance; Mrs. Rosie Sutherland, Mrs. Betty Jo Groce. Mrs. John nie Sue PeaciK'k and Mrs. Carolyn Smith, all of Mocksville; Mrs. Vickie Sprinkle of Winston-Salem; i and Mrs. Ann Sprinkle of Fort Mill, S.C.; 2 sons, George T Williams of Mocksville. and Roy Williams of Advance; 22 grand children. 4 step-grandchildren; 3 sisters, Mrs. Sally Cortzman of Advance. Mrs. Nancy Roberl.son ol MtK-ksville. and Mrs. Lydia Ellis of Cooleemee. rt X) OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARY mocksville, nc ii t; UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, December 23,1985 j ' CHARLES F. BRANON I YADKINVILLE — Charles ' Franklin Branon, 71, Rt. 1, died Dec. .23 at Hoots Memorial Hospital, He was bom in Yadkin County to Miles H. and Pearl Viola Nicks ; Branon. He was a member of : Branon Friends Church, and was : n a self-employed heavy equipment > operator. ' * n Surviving are his wife, Mrs. f.^lie Childress Branon, of the •Ihome; three sisters, Mrs. OUie - IHoUeman, Mocksville, Mrs. Hat- ':tie Harris, Elkin, and Mrs. Annie n '-Roberts, Lexington; one brother, '. Garvey Branon, Mocksville; and : one half brother, Rayford Branon, : Lexington. ; Funeral services were held Dec. : 25atMackie-GentryChapelbylhe I * Rev. Hewey Parrish. Burial i • followed in Center United | ' Methodist Church ceraeterv. ^ Bio — Obituaries - 12/23/1985 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ii^MRS. LUCEVDA ELLISTOBACCOVILLE - Mrs.Lucinda Jane Peebles Ellis. 9524Reynolda Rd., Tobaccovillc. diedDec. 17 at Forsyth MemorialHospital.Mrs. Ellis was a native of Advance and had lived in Tobac-coville for seven years. She w^ amember of Mt. Sinai A.M.E. ZionChurch in Advance.Surviving are one daughter,Mrs. Ruby Ellis Sprinkle, of thehome; two sons, Collett Ellis, Jr..■Pfafftown, and John William Ellis,V^ton-Salem; one brother, JohnPeebles, Advance: eight grandchildren; three greatgrandchildren; two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law, three sisters-in-law, one brother-in-law, severalnieces, nephews, other relativesand friends.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Saturday at Mt. Sinai A.M.E.Zion Church in Advance with Dr.A.M. Spaulding officiating. Interment followed in the churchcemetery.JNANCY L. RANEYSALISBURY - Nancy LindsayRaney, 49, of Route 1, New.Mocksville Road, died Friday atRowan Memorial Hospital after anillness of several days.The funeral was held Sunday inBethel Lutheran Church, conducted by the Rev. Chris S.Heavner, pastor. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Bom Sept. 7, 1936, in Rowan"County, she was a daughter ofVirginia Owen McKlnney of Den-ton and the late Thomas O. Lindsay. Educated in the Salisbury City schools and at SalisburyBusiness College, she wasemployed as an assistant librarianat Knox Middle School and was amember of Bethel LutheranChurch.Survivors, in addition to her-mother, include two sons, MikeRaney of Route 2, Salisbury, andTom Raney of Route 6, Salislnuy;three daughters. Sherron Haas ofRoute 3, Salisbury. Kay McDanie^j'of Mocksville, and Anne Raneythe home: a sister, Julia Slimaneof Greensboro: and fivegrandchildren.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRI^'RECORD.THW^DAY; DECEMB;^ 26, 1985-■•raryOKVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARTMOCKSViUE. NC