Jan - Junr"OCI /-A,■e''iS.9.?V^ . CLEO E. WOODIEaeo EUer Woodie. 85. fonn^'yWilkes County, died Sundaymorning December 23«i. at Autu^Care'Cwivalescent -she had made her home for the pastthree years. u—ih wpd>Graveside rites were heldn««dav at Boiling Sprmgs BaptistChurdi cemetery inwito the Bev. Phillip Cole of-^'*^e°body remained at Eaton'sFuneral Home untU tlmrites. The famUy saw fiends at thehome of a daughter. Mm. WUlard(Willa) Hayes of Rome 7Born June 17. 1899, mCounty, she was a diarterof Boiling Springs BaptimHer husband. James Rossie Woodie.died in 1961. „fhprSurvivors include on®.dauahter, Hazel MartinWilkesboro; fourBlackburn of Wmston-Salem. RubyCox of Florida. Louise Bishop andbroUMTS. "mieferson and Johnson Wootfe ofJefferson; seven grandchildrei^nine great-grandchildren. and threegreat-great-grandchilmen.^ MICHAEL R. HAGIEMichael Richard Hagie, 28. ofRoute 2, Mocksville, died at EmoryUniversity Hospital in Atlanta.Ga.. Christmas Day after being indeclining health for some time.The funeral was held Friday atHayworth-Miller Silas CreekFuneral Home Chapel in Wlnston-Salem. conducted by the Rev. AllenWelbom and the Rev. West Cook.Burial was in Westiawn Gardens ofMemory in Forsyth County.Bom Oct. 20.1956. in Atlanta. Ga.,he was a son of H.L. and DorisKoonts Hagie of Route 2, Advance.He was a graduate of NorthDavidson High School, was employed by Daniel Construction Co..and was a member of WelcomeFirst Bap^ Church. He had spentmost of his life in Winston-Salem.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include his wife, TheresaBrice Hagie; a daughter. AlinaDianelle Hagie of the home; eightsisters, Rosalie Sink of Statesboro.Ga.. Kay Nelson of High Point. FaySmith of Alexander City, Ala.. MaryAnn Stone and Susan Harris both ofCharlotte. Cindy H. Link ofWelcome. Debbie Bynum ofChattanooga. Tenn. and NancyHagie of Advance.Four brothers. Lee Hagie of ..Thomasville. Steve Hagie of •Asheville. and Don and DavidHagie. both of Winston-Salem.V...oawe CO. PUBUC ubrarvmocksvue, nc
I-/^Ss4B-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.THURSDAY.JANUARYS, 1985Area Obituariesy iMARY WALL SEXTONMary Wall Kendrick Sexton of 36Center St., Cooleemee, died at herhome Sunday, December 23.following an extended illness.Mrs. Sexton served as a teacher inthe Davie County school systemfrom 1936 to 1576. the majority ofthese years being spent atCooleemee Elementary S(±ool.A memorial service was held at 11a.m. Thursday in Cooleemee UnitddMethodist Church. A gravesideservice followed in LegionMemorial Cemetery.Bom Nov. 1, 1915, in Charlotte,she was a daughter of the lateThomas W. and Bertha KluppelbergKendrick. She was a member ofCooleemee United MethodistChurch and a charter member ofthe Davie County Chapter of theNorth Carolina Retired ^hoolPersonnel.A lifetime member of the NorthCarolina Association of Educators,she was also a member of theNational Retired Teacher'sAssociation, a charter member ofDavie County of Alpha Delta Kappa(an international honorary societyof women educators), and amember of the Davie CountyChapter of the N.C. Symphony,where she had served on the boardof directors.Survivors include a daughter,Elizabeth Sexton of the home: twosons, Thomas G. Sexton Jr. ofCharlotte and William E. Sexton ofMt. Ulla; a sister, Elizabeth R.Kendrick of Charlotte: and threegrandchildren.DORETHA B. DOBBINSMrs. Doretha Barker Dobbins,formw resident of Mocksville, N.C.died in Clevelcuid, Ohio, Thursday,December 27. 1984, after a briefillness.Funeral services were held inMocksville. Sunday, Decemb^ 30,at St. John AME Zion Church withthe Reverend L.B. Speas officiating.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Survivors include a daughter.Mrs. Martha .Mae Howard; one son,Robert Dunn, Jr. both of Cleveland,Ohio; and one brother, PhillipBaxter of .Mocksville, N.C.ROY SHEPHERDRoy J. Shepherd, 91, of Route 6,died early early Sunday morning atthe Veterans Medical Center.A memorial service was held at 2p.m. Thursday in Eaton's FuneralIfcme Chapel with the Rev. PaulRiggs officiating.He was bora Jan. 9, 1893, inLaurins County, Ky.. a son of thelate Samuel and MoUie Shepherd.He was a retired sup^cierk withthe Veterans Administration andserved in the U.S. Army in WorldWar I.Survivors include his wife, JuliaCampbell shenherd of the home; adaughter, Kathleen Tandy of .Lexington. Ky.; a son, Roy J.Shepherd, of Columbus, Ohio; twosisters. Annie Callahan, of Ohio andRuth Shepherd of Texas; a stepdaughter, Amelia Haynes, ofFlorida; and a stepson, C.E. Penrodof Greensboro; two grandchildren;and six great-grandchildren.CHARLIE P. WOODCharlie Phillip Wood. 87, of Route2. Mocksville. died on Saturday •night at Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev. LeonWood. Burial was in Yadkin ValleyBaptist Church cemetery.Born in Davie Clounty, August 4,1897. he was a son of the late Ernest .Lee and Sally Hanes Wood. He wasa retu^ employee of a sawmillcompany. His wife, Vennie Har- ;mond Wood, died in 1958. /Survivors include a daughter, fShelby Jean McBride of Cooleemee;two sons, Wayne and Armond Wood,both of Mocksville; a stepson,Edward Ray Harmond ofThomasville; a sister, Mary BethPilcher of Mocksville; seven grand-nn -<±ildren; and five great-grand-cHilcfa-en.,.^/'mrs. myrtle walkerK - r . . TAYLOR.Mrs. Myrtle Mae Walker Taylor.97, of 1605 South Hawthorne Road,Winston-Salem. .North Carofina diedMonday night at Forsyth MemorialHospital.Graveside services will be held atFarmington Community Cemetery,Wednesday, January 2. 1985, at 2p.m.. with the Reverend JamesRaines officiating.The family will receive friends atFarmington United MethodistChurch cemetery immediatelyfollowing the graveside service..Mrs. Taylor was bora April 4,1887in Davie County to the late W.F. andEmma Smith Walker. She was amember of Farmington UnitedMethodist Church. Her husband,W.A. Taylor preceded her In death.Survivors include I daughter,Mrs. Cornelia Messick of Winston-Salem, N.C.; 1 son, W.M. Taylor ofWinston-Salem; l sister, Mrs..Mildred Cocke of Winston-Salem; 6grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren, and 18 great, greatgrandchildren..Memorials may be made toFarmington United .MethodistChurch.3 • STELLA P. YORKStella Potts York, 65, of Route 1,Advance, died .Monday night atDavie County Hospital following alengthy illness.The funeral >vill be 2 p.m. onThursday at Yadkin Valley Baptist(Thurch conducted by the Rev. LeonWood. Burial will be in the churchcemetery.The family will be at Eaton'sFuneral Home in Mocteville.- onWednesday night from 7 to 9. Thebody will be placed in the church 30minutes before the service.Bora Aug. 29, 1919, in DavidsonCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Charles F. and Bessie BrownPotts.Survivors include her husband,Travis York; three daughters.Frances Walker of Route 1, Advance, Carolyn .Nail of Route 3,.Mocksville and Dons Anderson ofBurlington; a son, Harold TravisYork of Route 1, Advance; twobrothers Roby Potts of Statesvilleand Junie Potts of Harmony; fivesisters, Delia Johnson of Harmony,and Mary Ireland, Rosa Lee Hen-drix, Annie Bell DeHart and Mrs.James Boger, all of Mocksville; andeight grandcMldren.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE NO
18^y-jn BIRKE INFANTAnthony Ray Birke. 2I-month-oldson of Ray A. Birke and Tammy CoxPerdue of Rout* 4, Advance died;Wednesday in N.C. BaptistHospital, Winston-Salem.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel.Mocksvllle. Burial was in R^eCemetery.The child was bom March 17,1983. in Davie County.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include four brothers, ,Chuck, Billy, Jimmy and StevenPerdue, all of the home: and grandparents. William and PatriciaCoates of Route 4. Advance, andGrady and Ann White, also of Advance.• ROBERT KYLE LANNINGFuneral services for Robert KyleLanning, 61. of Route 4, Lexington,N.C., were held Wednesday,January 2,1985, at Dutchman CreekBaptist Church with the Rev.Thomas Tuggle officiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Mr. Lanning died Monday, .December 31, 1984. at the N.C.Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem,N.C. He was bom in Davidson 1County January 16,1923, to the late ,Thomas and Mary Lanning Lanning. He was employed with DixieFumiture Company, and a member ;of Dutchman Creek Baptist Church.Survivors are his wife, LavadaAngell of the home: three sons,Harold Ray Lanning of Rt. 5,Salisbury, .N.C.: Jesse Gray Lanning and Kyle Jeffrey Lanning, bothof Lexington, N.C.: four stepsons,Joe, Steve, Frank and BUI Crotts,all of Mocksville. .N.C.; fourbrothers, Hugh B. Lanning, GradyLanning, Harold Lanning andGeorge Lanning, ail of Leidngton,N.C.; five sisters, Mrs. Edith ;Lanning, .Mrs. Clarence Burkhdrt,•Mrs. Graham Tetter and Mrs. RayTetter. aU of Lexington, N.C., Mrs.Hammond Kennedy of Soutlmiont,.N.C.: and fourteen grandchildren.^^1• XOAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVlUE, NC
I oa-.U-r/O. Ia8B-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY.jy^UARY 10.1985/WM. STEELiMAN SPILLMANWilliam Steelman Spillman. 87,Rt. 2. Mocksville, died Friday at htehome. He had been seriously lUsince August 1984. - , „Mr. Spillman was bom Jan. 26.1898. in Yadkin County to Alphoi^and Laura Steelman Spillman. Helived all his life in Yadkin and DavieCounties. .Mr. Spillman was a member otHuntsviUe Baptist Church and aformer member of Pino Gra^e.He was preceded in death by onedaughter. Mrs. Charles J. <Lib)Nash. who died Aug. 13, 1984.Spillman was also a member of theJunior Order and attended privateboarding school in East Bend. Hewas a well known farmer.Surviving are his wife, Mm.Nannie Seats Spillman. of thphome: three daughters. Mrs.Gilmer H. (Frances) Ellis. Rt-2.Mrs. Gilmer E. iDeUa) CoUette. Sr..Winston-Salem and .Mrs. H. Ray(Anita) Harding. Rt. 2; one son,William Wilbum Spillman. Rt. 2; 18grandchildren. 27 great-grand-children and two great great-gr^d-children; two sisters. Mrs. Carl(Ora) Hendrix. Qemmons and Mrs.W. M. (Sallie) Taylor. Winston-Salem.The funeral was held Sunday atVogler's Clemmons Chapel. Burialwas in Farmingion Cemetery.^CHARLIE WHITAKERWilliam Charles •'Charlie_Whitaker. Jr.. 40. of Route «.Mocksville died January 2nd atForsyth Memorial Hospital inWinston-Salem of natural causes.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel,conducted by the Rev. NormanFrve. Burial was in Rose Cemetery.June 7. 1944. in ForsythCounty>)ie was a son of w. C.Whitaker.- Sr.. of Route 2.Mocksville. and. the late LauraBaker Whitaker. He was employedby Stroh's Brewery in Winston-Salem and was a Vietnam veteran.His wife. Rita Hutchens Whitaker.preceded him in death.Survivors, in addition to hisfather, include two sons. Eric andJeff Whitaker. both of Route 2.Mocksville: and two sisters. ShirleyAnn Jones of Fort Benning. Ga.. andElla Grace Nichols of Route 2.Mocksville.. MRS. MARGARET DWIGGINSy/ STONESTREETMrs. Margaret DwiggiMStonestreet. 92. formerly of 1709Lomand Street. Winston-Salem.widow of Arthur C. Stonestreet, Sr..died Sunday at Baptist Hospital.She was bom in Davie County toJ. W. and Mary Ratledge Dwiggins.Mrs. Stonestreet was of theMethodist faith.......... Co. Libraryn n ;! nShewas^^preceomin aeatnliy twochildren. Arthur Stonestreet, Jr.and Ashley Stonestreet.Surviving are five daughters,Mrs. Frank (Lucille) Kimball.Winston-Salem. Mrs. Ward(Geneva) Fox. Sinclatrville, N.Y.,Mrs. Betty Sump and Mrs. Lacy(Emily) Lucas, both of Greensboroand Mrs. Marshall (Hilda) Shoaf.Winston-Salem: two sons. Davidand J. Van Stonestreet, both ofWinston-Salem: 13 grandchildrenand six great-grandchildren.The funeral was held Tuesday atVogler's Main Street Chapel by theRev. Burton Wrights. Burial was inForsyth Memorial Park.»<' SABRINA A. CARTERThe funeral for Sabrina AnnetteCarter of Winston-Salem was heldFri^y at Liberty Baptist Church inDavie County, conducted by Dr.John Lawrence, the Rev. FrankWilliams and the Rev. Roger Groce.Burial was in the church cemetery.Miss Carter. 17. of 1901 Angelo St..,was. dead on arrival at Forsyth*Memorial Hospital January 1st as aresult j^.-a choking accident.Thfr--: 17-year-old senior atRe}^lds:l choked to death lateTuesday aft^oon while playingwith friends on the fields in froqt ofReynolda House, said Richard L.Turner of Forsyth CountyEmergency Medical Services.Miss Carter choked while eatingpistachio nuts, he said.Turner said that he answered acall at Reynolda House about 5 p.m.Tues(iay and found Miss Cmerunconscious. Eight to 10 friendswere gathered around her. andsome tried to resuscitate her. hesaid.Turner said that he administeredmouth-to-mouth resuscitation butthat Miss Carter was pronounceddead on arrival at Forsyth 'Memorial Hospital at 3:50 p.m.Dr. Richard Fireman, a county nmedical examiner, confirmed that 'she had choked to death.G. R. Shields of the Winston-Salem Police Department, the investigating officer, said that MissCarter's friends told him that theywere playing touch football andhaving a picnic when .Miss Carterbegan having trouble breathing. Afriend saw that she was strugglingto catch her breath, and he ran toher aid. Shields said.One in the group called the policewhile Miss Carter's friends continued their attempts to save her. hesaid.A school spokeswoman said:yesterday that Miss Carter was'well-liked by students and teachers. I"You would not meet a more 1personable, friendly young lady," |she said. {Miss Carter was president of the iLeo's (Hub, a school group that 1offers services to the community.Bom July 10. 1967. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of Callie.Mae Cooke Carter of the home andthe late Dwight Roy Carter. She wasa senior at R. J. Reynolds HighSchool, where she was an hoiior rollstudent, president of the Leo's Cluband secretary of the InterClubCouncil.She was also a part-time employee of Dr. Barbara Worthingtonand worked for Pocketts SandwichShop.Survivors, in addition to hermother, indude a sister. SonyaCerise Carter of the* home: abrother. Scott Tilton Carter of thehome: and grandparents. .Mr. andMre. Roy Caner of Route 3.Yadkinville.CO. PUBUOMOCKSMU.eri?'^'^
(.fie. n!^BRUNTMrs. J^ie Evans Brunt, 88. of theMoravian Home, died Tuesdaymorning at the Moravian Home.She was born October 18. 1896 inon!f m"® Mattand Nancy Klnnie Evans. She spentmost of her life in Winston-Salemand was a member of the First^*33 a gradu-Academy and attend-riJwTi 'nar-" lOM Brunt, who diedm 1859. Surviving are three daugh-ters. Mrs. Christopher (Jessie)Nichols and Mrs. Strudwick (Anne)Nash. both of Winston-Saiem. MrsDavid W. (Connie) Harris of Charlotte; one son. Dr. Manly YatesBrunt. Jr. of Newtown Square, Pa.-12 grandchildren. William Brunt,'rffir" Conrad. Ml-chaei Conrad. David W. Harris. Jr..John Thomas Harris. DoualasBrunt and Kenneth Brunt, who willoe pail bearers in the serviceDiane Bront. Connie Brunt Harris,S Jli Lombardoniand Mrs. William (Eleanor) Steele;SMndchildren and twosisters, Mrs. Francis 0. (Maraaret)C^tlq'm and Mrs.Curtis (Rebecca) Swaim of HighPoint. Preceding her in death wL2 daughter. .Mrs. Richard (.Nan^orown. Funeral services will be 2ItTeJrT'V «/°8'®rs .MainPo.^«.k M''® 'nierment InForsyth Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 7 to 9p.m. tonight at the funeral home.Memorials may be made to thecharity of the donor's choice. iOAVIE CO. PUBUCMOCKSVIU.^ IVQ
ol'i--DAVIE county enterprise record.THURSDAY. J.VNfARY IT. 1985Area Obituiaries/MRS. THELMA LASHMITMrs. Theltna Sain Lashmit. 80.Rt. 3. Huntsville Community, diedSunday night at Hoots MemorialHospital, Yadkinville.Mrs. Lashmit was bom in DavieCounty, daughter oi Jacob andEmma Allen Sain. She was amember of Huntsville BaptistChurch.She was married to Henry S.(Shorty) Lashmit. who died Nov. 1.I9«7.Mrs. Lashmit is survived by ei^tdaughters, Mrs. Thad (Ruth) Baity.Rt. 2. Yadkinville, Mrs. Hesten(Louise) Groce, Winston-Salem,,-Mrs. Donald (Ella) Laymon/Austin, Texas, Mrs. Norman.(Frances) Allen, Rt. 5, Mocksville,Mrs. Harold (Shirley) Gray,Holsboro, Mrs. James (Dottie)Shore, Rt. 2. Booneville, Mrs.Thurmond (Jean) Phillips, EastBend and Mrs. Alice Pickett,Yadkinville; four sons. William H.Lashmit, Rt.4. Yadkinville, ThomasF. L^hmit, Rt. 3, Mocksville,Robert L. Lashmit,'Mocksville andJ. Harold Lashmit, Winston-Salem:27 grandchildren, 33 greatgrandchildren and two great-greatgrandchildren: one brother. JohnSain, Stanleyville.The funeral was held Wednesdayat Huntsville Baptist (Thurch by theRev. Jack Frye, the Rev. J.C. Shoreand the Rev. Grady Trivette. Burialwas in the church cemetery.HATTIE C. BATESHattie Clement Bates, 55, of 7X3Park .Ave., Salisbury, N.C.. diedunexpectedly at 3 p.m. Sunday inRowan Memorial Hospital.She was born October 6. 1929. inDavie County, a daughter of the lateHerbert and Mary Jane FlintClement. She was educated in DavieCounty schools and was employedby Bemhardt Hardware. She was amember of Fairfield Baptist Churchwhere she served as vice presidentof the Deaconess Board.Survivors include her husband.Ulyses Bates: two sons. .MonroeBlackwell of Salisbury and GraylineBlackwell of the home: twodaughters, Renee Virginia Black-well (^wan and Lethia BlackwellConnor, both of Salisbury: herstepmother, Annie Clement ofMocksville:Three brothers, Vann L. Clementof Mocksville, William McKinneyQement of Salisbury and GeorgeClement of Brooklyn. N.Y.: twosisters, Elizabeth Fowler of.Mocksville and Frances Jones ofSalisbury; and eight grandchildren.The funeral will be held at 3 p.m.Thursday at Fairfield BaptistChurch in Mocksville, conduct^ bythe Rev. Junior Gray and the Rev.F. D. Betts. Burial will be in thechurch cemetery.v/ MRS. ANNE REYNOLDSNORTON CHAMBERSMrs. .Anne Reynolds NortonChambers, 74.widow of Robert L.Chambers, who was Duke Trackcoach and trainer and resident of1500 Duke University Rd.. Apt. D-1-A, died January 9th at her home •^ter a year's illness.A native of Scotland County, she nhad resided in Durham since 1930and was a member of the first classof nurses graduating from the DukeUniversity School of Nursing in1933. She worked with studentnurses from 1965 until herretirement. She had, also, workedwith the Cancer screening programat Duke and prior to her husband sdeath in 1965, she and her husbandowned and directed Camp Talahtwhich was founded in 1953.She was a member of the DukeMemorial United Methodist Church.Funeral services were held nFriday at 3 p.m. m the DukeUniversity Chapel Chaplain WesleyAitken and the Rev. RichardHaverly officiating. Burial followedin Maplewood Cemetery, Annex B.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Pat Bullock of MocksvUle.Mrs. Jo Carpenter of Hillsborough,and Mrs. Judy Hatley of Greensboro: eleven grandchildren: onegreat-gra«ddiUd; and four sisters,Mrs. Elva Pui^ey of Hamlet, Mrs.Ruby Bishop o# Aberdeen. Mrs.Harriet Steed and Mrs. MaryThompson, both of Laurinburg. '• Active pallbearers were BradBullock, Jim Carpenter, TommyHatley, Bradley Bullock, Jr., Thad •Bullock, Bruce Bullock, and Bar-naby Carpenter.The family requests that flowersbe omitted' and contributions bemade to Duke University, c-o DukeUniversity School of Nursing toestablish the Duke School of Nursing Scholarship Fund in memory ofAnne N. Chambers.t»VIE CO. PUBLIC UBR)(RyMO'"'<SVlLLE. NCPRESTON Y. TRENT• Preston Yokley Trent, 69. of.Advance died January 8th at ..Baptist Hospital.He was born in WashingtonCk)imty, Va. to William R. andRebecca Blevins Trent.Mr. Trent was retired from theengineering depanment of BaptistHospital. He was of the Baptistfaith.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.' >Thelma Shuler Trent of the home; -two daughters. .Mrs. Clifforii '(Harriett iBrown of Cooleemee and 'Mrs. Robert t Debbie) Goins ofWinston-Salem: one son, WilliamDavid Trent of .Advance; fivegrandchildren; two greatgrandchildren: one brother. BallardH. Trent of Winston-Salem.The funeral was held Friday atVogler s Clemmons Chapel by theRev. Kenneth Warner and the Rev.Wes Cook. Interment followed inWoodland Cemetery.• PAUL RAY.MOND GUNTERPaul Raymond Gunter, S3. Rt. 8,Mocksville. died Wednesdaymorning at Davie Co. Hospital..Mr. Gunter was bom in StokesC^., the son of Reuben and DoraBennette Gunter. He was a retiredfanner.Mr. Gunter is survived by his 'wife. Mrs. (Jdessia Baity Gunter, ofthe home: two daughters. Mrs. InezG. 'IVoutman and Mrs. Nellie G.Speer. both of Rt. 8, Mocksville;three sons. Lindsey and SamuelGunter. both of Rt.8, Mocksville andCharles Gunter, Hamptonville: 17grandchildren and 37 greatgrandchildren: one sister. Mrs.Wlmar G. Todd. Yadkinville: twobrothers, Jerry Gunter. Courtneyand Howard Gunter, High RockLake, Lexington.The funeral was held Friday atTurners Creek Baptist Church bythe Rev. Michael Stower. the Rev.W.B. Brawley and the Rev. .AllenBarker. Burial was in the churchcemetery.
SAMUEL DEAN PARKS. SR.Funeral services tur Samuel DeanParks. Sr.. 53. of Route 2.Mocksville. N C. were held Wednesday. January 16.1985 at 2 p.m. atWestmoreland Chapel on Bunch-Johnson in Slatesville. Officiatingministers were the Reverend J.C.Parks, the Reverend Lester Carsonand the Reverend RichardWhiteheart- Burial followed in theIredell Memorial Gardens.Mr. Parks died Sunday. January13. 1985. after a one day illness atDavie County Hospital in.Mocksville. He was bom in IredellCounty. July 23. 1931 to the lateBetlie .Mitchell Parks and hisfather. William J- Parks who survives.He was employed by Sheek ToolService in Mocksville for more thantwelve years; and was a KoreanWar veteran. He was a member ofSouthview Baptist Church.Survivors include 1 son. Sam D.Parks. Jr. of Rt. 13. Statesville.N.C.. his father; two brothers, theRev. J.C. Parks and'Vance Parks,both of Statesville. N.C.; 6 sisters..Mrs. Vander i Mozellei Mahaffey ofUnion Grove. N.C.. Mrs. O.C.'Pauline I Gregory of Rt. 2.Statesville. Mrs. Jay iBettyJCampbell of Rt- B. Slatesville. Mrs..Mary Billings of Rt. -l. Slatesville.Mrs.' Sue Davie ol Castleberry.Florida, and Mrs. Jim 'RovenaiEidson ot Rt. 13. Statesville. .N.C.davie CO. PUBUC UBRARYmocksville, NC
^ ^ iribssliie funeral for Frank RobertDoss of Rt. I. Advance, was heldSunday at Liberty Baptist Churchwith the Rev. Roger Groce, the Rev.Jimmy Cartwright and the Rev.William Hutchens officiating.Burial was in Wesilawn Gardens of.Memory. Clemmons.Born .May 23,1966. in Santa Clara.Calif., a son of Franklin D. andLinda Darnell Doss of Route l.Advance, he was a graduate ofDavie County High School and amember of Liberty Baptist Church.Survivors in addition to hisparents, include two sisters.Rhonda and Nicole Doss, both of thehome; a brother. Andy Doss, of thehome: a paternal grandmother.Katie Doss of Walnut Cove; andmaternal grandparents. .Mr. andMrs. Jack Darnell of Route 4. Advance.Dbss. 18. of Route 1. died Thursday night from injuries sustainedin an automobile accident nearFarmington.RUBEN V. MARTINRuben Vestal Martin. 70. of CircleDrive. Cooleemee. died at his homeearly Thursday morning.The funeral was held Saturday inCdgewood Baptist Church, conducted by the Rev. Fred Carlton.the Rev. Wayne Draughn and theRev. Clyde Settle. Burial was inLegion .Memorial Park.Born Nov. 29. 1914. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateJessie and Julie Blaylock Martin.Retired from Baker Furniture Co.in .Mocksville. he was a member ofEdgewood Baptist Church.Survivors include three sisters.Dorothy Draughn of Mocksville.Mamie M. Martin of Cooleemee and.Annie Burgess of Fayetteville: andtwo brothers. William and GrimesMartin, both of Dunn.Area ObituariesJOHN JAMESI JIM) WOOTENJohn James (Jim> Wooten. 96.formerly of Rt. 6. .Mocksville. N.C..died Monday morning at 9:35 at.Autumn Care Nursing Home afteran illness of three years, andcritically ill for one week.He was bom in Davie County tothe late Ira John and RachelGaither Wooten. .November 4. 1888.He was a retired farmer. He servedwith the United States Army inWorid War 1: and was a member ofClarksbury United MethodistChurch. .His wife. Mrs. Bertha E. Wooten.preceded him in death.Surviving is a son. J. ClarenceWooten of Rt. 13. Statesville. N.C.:two daughters. Mrs. DorothyJordan of Route 6. Mocksville. N.C.and Mrs. Peggy Evans of Rt. 4.Statesville. N.C.: 15 grandchildrenand 26 great-grandchildren.The family will receive friends atReavis Funeral Home in Harmony,.N.C. Wednesday evening from 7p.m. until 9 p.m.Funeral services will be held at 11a.m. Thursday. January 24. 1985 atClarksbury United .MethodistChurch. Officiating ministers willbe the Reverend Donald L.Farris.the Reverend Charlotte Grant andthe Reverend Curtis Wood. Burialwill follow in the church cemetery.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRMWMOCKSVILLE. NO. .MRS. LENA DAYWALT.Mrs. Lena Daywalt. 73. 309 AvonStreet. .Mocksville. died Thursdayat Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel byWayne Hendrix and HardingLowery. Bunal was in St. .MatthewsLuthem Church cemetery ..Vlrs. Daywalt was bom in DavieCounty to the late John and EmmaDavis Seamon and was a member ofJericho Church of Christ. Herhusband. Arthur Daywalt. precededh«" in death in 1979. Surviving aretwo daughters. Mrs. .Nettie Groceand Mrs. Ardella Phillips, both ofMocksville: two sons. David andRoy Daywalt. both of MocksvUle;ten grandchildren:.two sisters. Mrs.E?sie Felker. .Mocksville and Mrs.Etltel Phelps; Cleveland: twobrothers. Alyin and WilliamSeamen,V both of Mocksville.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RFCOPJIVlUoiAO V iLLw.I'a.iTHURSDAY. Jj^NUARY 24. 1985-- LOYD H. TAYLORLoyd Houston Taylor. -77. of 8Riverside Drive. Cooleemee. died atDavie County Hospital on Mondayafternoon.The funeral was 2 p.m. Wednesday at .Eaton's Fimeral HomeChapel in Mocksville. conducted bythe Rev. Charles Harrison. Burialwas in Legion Memorial Park.Born Jan. 16. 1908. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateWillis and Emily Taylor Taylor. Hewas retired from Erwin Mills andwas a member of Corinth Church ofChrist.Survivors include his wife. LenaMae Shoaf Taylor: three daughters,Carol Snider of Cleveland. DianeBeaver of China Grove andGeraldine Balfrey of Cooleemee;three sons. Donald Taylor ofSpencer. Charles D. Taylor of.Martinsville. Va.. and Billy Taylorof Southmont: three half brothers,Otis. Jack and James Koontz. all ofWinston-Salem: 26 grandchildren:and 14 greaj-grandchildreh.DAVIE CO. P'JDLl': LIBRARY^ - JILL M. WOODWARDInfant Jill Marie Woodward,daughter of Dr. Joe K. and SherryLynn Pardue Woodward of 110Lillian Court. Winston-Salem. diedJanuary llth at North CarolinaBaptist Hospital.Graveside services were heldMonday. January 14th at I JamesBaptist Church Cemetery. Rev.Kenneth Hyde and Rev. Stan Heiserofflciat^.The child was born Friday,January llth.Survivors include her parents; asister. Jennifer Lyim Woodward,and a brother. Matthew PaulWoodward, both of the home: andgrandparents. Mr. and Mrs. JohnWoodward of Route 6. Mocksville,and Mr. and Mrs. Olin Pardue. ofRoute 7. Mocksville.
« CouvH^r( i ^. OTISHENDRIXOtis Hendrix. 78. Rt. 2. Advance,died at his home Sunday night.The funeral was held Wednesdayat No Creek Primitive BaptistChurch by Elder Eugene Bennett.Burial was in Fulton UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Mr. Hendrix was a retired farmer. He was bom in Davie Countyto the late Junie and ElizabethDeadmon Hendrix.His wife. .Naomi Hege Hendrix.precededhim in death on .NovemberI, 1984.Surviving are two daughters.Mrs. Hallene Walser. Lexington andMrs. Betty Snider. .Mocksville; twosons. Joe Hendrix. Advance andClarence Otis Hendrix. Lexington;one sister. Mrs. Creola Hendrix. Rt.■i. .Mocksville and 11 grandchildren.k^ETHEL GAITHER SHOREEthel Jane Gaither Shore. "9. ofDanville. Virginia died .Mondaymorning at her home there.She was t»m in Davie County tothe late Thomas .A. Gaither andCrawley Wilkerson Gaither.She w'as retired fropi the Virginia-Carolina Veneer Company ofDanville; and was a member ofForest Lawn Baptist Church.Surviving are three daughters, allof Danville. Virginia: Mrs. BemiceRoss. Mrs. Wilma Dodson and Mrs.Mildred Hall; two sisters. Mrs.Clara Wilkerson of Washington N.C.and Mrs. Tuney Meador ofLexington. NC.; fifteen grandchildren and tw'enty-six greatgrandchildren.Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. atSwicegood Funeral Home Chapel inDanville. Va,. by the ReverendHomer Bowman and the ReverendGilmer Seiliff. Burial will follow inthe Danville .Memorial Gardens.The family will receive friends atthe funeral home Wednesdayevening from 7 p.m until 9 p.m.—Joe FosterJoe Foster was born in the SmithGrove community on September 26.1908. the son of John Henry andSallie Miller Foster. He attendedschool in that community and at theage of 16 went to work on a farm andlater at a lumber |)lant. Then for tenvears he worked for the CooleemeeLaundry.On April 13. 1929 he married EvaMcClamrock of Farmington. Thefamily continued to live in SmithGrove community but soon after hewent to w'ork for ihe SalisburyLaundry he moved his family toMocksville.During World War 11 he commenced hauling milk for CobleDairy and continued to do so for 15years. When the dairy industryphased out milk cans. Joe phasedinto police work.Joe Fosterdavie CO. PUBLIC UB^RVMOCKSVILLe, NCOn January 1.1959. Joe became a member of the Mocksville PoliceForce, being sworn in by Mayor John E. Durham. For the next threemonths he attended police school in Winston-Salem. On April I. 1959.he was appointed chief. At that time the force consisted of fourmembers, including Chief Foster-: They worked in four hour shifts.During the 15 years that Joe Foster was Chief of Police he saw theworkload and duties increase over iW^raent. At the time he becamechief. theMocksviUe Police Departmefithadone car, no radio system,no radar unit, no riot and special equipment and no fingerprint kits..As chief of police Joe Foster not only enforced the laws of the town,but came to the aid of many peoide in need, over and above the call ofdutv. When he retired in December of 1973. he looked back on his daysas a policeman with nostalgia, recalling friendships, acquaintancesand incidents of the IS years.Fallowing his retirement, he served as building inspector for theTown of Mocksville for many years. He enjoyed hunting and fishing,and was a licensed pilot.The dictionary defines the word police as "an official dvU force ordepartment organized to maintain order, prevent and delect crimeand enforce law," Joe Foster was most dedicated to these principlesduring his IS years of service to the people of MocksviiJe.. JOSEPH (JOE) WILLIAMFOSTERJoseph I Joe) William Foster. 76,of 124 Hemlock Street. .Mocksville.N.C. died early Tuesday morning atDavie County Hospital.Funeral services will beheld at II ia.m. Thursday. January 24. 198S. atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocksville. by the Reverend LeiandRichardson and the Reverend AltonFitzgerald. Burial will follow inRose cemetery.The family requests that 'memorials be made to the FirstPresbyterian Church or to rOavieCounty Hospice Program, P.O. Box66.5, .Mocksville. .N.C. 27028.He was born in Davie County.September 26. 1908 to the lateJoseph Henry and Sally .MillerFoster, He was a retired Chief ofPolice of .Mocksville; and a memberof (he First Presbyterian Church.Surviving is his wife, .Mrs. Eva.McClamrock Foster of the home; 2daughters. .Mrs. Lou Foster Phillipsand .Mrs. Betty Jo Foster Lakey.both of Mocksville. N.C.; 2 sons,•Mack Foster and Tex Foster, bothof .Mocksville. a grandchildren. 8great grandchildren and 2 sisters..Mrs. Evelyn Howard of Clemmons,N.C. and .Mrs. .Nina Monday ofRoute 3. .Mocksville.The family will receive friendsand relatives at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel. Wednesday eveningfrom 7 until 9.w'HViC '.yj. .'i'liUCiV iLLll, nO
Samuel Morris Howard—.SaiiiiU'l Mc.rn;. HoWiiiil, 72.SinilliwiKid AiTfs, Mcicksvillt', diedKiiday at l)a\ie Ciiuiiiy liobpilal.Mr. I law ai d was Uirii in Davie( nuiiiy (<i liie la|e \V U. and DaisyParker Howard.tic was a inenibtr of First BaptistFiiurdi <)l Mocksvilic and was avcleian ol World War H.Mr. Howarii was retired fromWard till Co.Snrvivmn ine Ins wile, Mrs.I.neille Caiidell Howard; oneduuyliiei', Mr.s Jane Howard.Colniiibia Mil , (joe sister. Mrs.Kli/.alieili .Slieppard, CtHileeniee,orietinillier. t:d Howard. Moeksvilleand several nieces and nephews.riic funeral was held Sunday atI'Uiton's Fnneral lloine Chapel liyIhe Hev I'aol itiuns Burial was inI'dik llaptiM Ciinrch eenieiery.SAM HDWAHDA vei. iuii ut World War IJ. Sam Howard was a member of the firstaii borne class and the 1st Airborne Division which began trainingduring World War 11 in Camp Blanding, Fla. After Camp Blanding, helook advanced training at Fort Benning, Georgia,A iiiemlA^r of a military band, he was slated to go with the band toGermany, However, he was pulled out of tliat trip because he wascolor bliml,Sam was theiultansferred to 5401 Airborne and went overseas withthis outfit earlj^^ l'J45, He was with the IJth Airborne in thePliiliipincs untd the Japanese surrender He then went to Okinawauntil peace Utcihs .were settled.During days as a pai'atroo|>er, he made twenty jumps from C-46sand C 47sSam reliiiil alter 21 years of military and National Guard servicecombined He had 18 years service in Ifie National Guard when hesuffered three heart attacks. The National Guard let him stay in Jongenough lu retire He was the first man to retire from the MoeksvilleunitSam was a Irumhonist and during must of his military service healso played in a i>andLast May Sam presented his eollection of World War 11 mementoesto the National Guard. These will be displayed in the Art Museum inRaleigh after it is renovated.
/DALTON BOGERDalton Boger, 89. of Route 6. diedat his home Wednesday, January23rd.The funeral was held Friday atRock Spring Baptist Church inIredell County, conducted by theRev. Albert Bracken and the Rev.Hubert Middleton. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Born .March 22. 1893. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateLewis and Elizabeth SeagravesBoger. He was a retired farmer anda Baptist. His wife. .Martha Anderson Boger. died June 28. 1982.Survivors include a daughter.Lois Renegar of Route 2. Harmony:three sons. William Spencer. Robert^ger and Ralph Hoover Boger. allof Route 6. .Mocksville: 24 grandchildren: and 23 greatgrandchildren.y, . MRS. DAISY SEAFORDMrs. Daisy Taylor Seaford. 96. Rt.3. Mocksville. died Friday eveningat the Golden Age .Nursing Facility,Lexington after an illness of threeyears.Mrs. Seaford was bom May 16.1888 in Davidson County to the lateAlbert and Minnie Owens Taylor.She was a homemaker and amember of Fork Baptist Church inDavie County.Her husband. Luther Seaford.preceded her in death. Feb. 4. 1938.Surviving are one son. Robert LeeSeaford. Rt. 3; three brothers,Charlie. Zack and Joe Taylor, all ofLexington; one sister. .Mrs. FrankieSharpe. High Point: three grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.The funeral was held Sunday atFork Baptist Church by the Rev.Gordon Joyner and the Rev. YatesWilkerson. Burial was in the churchcemeterv..MRS. EDNA T. AUMANMrs. Edna T. Auman. 82. diedFriday, January 25. 1985. at Randolph Hospital in Asheboro.Mrs. Auman was a native ofMoore County and was retired fromStefan .Manufacturing Co. Shewas a member of Seagrove United.Methodist Church.Surviving are two sons. W.C.Auman. Jr. and Lacy Auman. bothof Seagrove: one daughter. Mrs.Martha A. Ridenhour. Mocksville:four grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren: five sisters. Mrs.W.K. (Maggie) Hurley. Star. Mrs.Ralph (Allene) Whatley. Mrs.Ralph < Edith) Shaw and Mre. Ralph(Florence) Wilson, all of Asheboroand .Mrs. Murdock < Mattie)Prevost. Carthage: five brothers.Cecil. Neal. Ivan. Seth and PaulTrogdon. all of Ahseboro.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Sunday at Seagrove UnitedMethodist Qiurch. Burial followedin the church cemetery.^ JERRY LYNN BERRIERJerry Lynn Berrier. 44. Rt. 7.Mocksville. died Friday at DavieCounty Hospital.Mr. Berrier was bora July 12.1940in Davie County to Felix * Buck) andMar>- Frances Martin Berrier. Hewas a member of Concord United.Methodist Church and was agraduate of the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill..Mr. Berrier was employed as adesign engineer in Atlanta. Ga.Surviving are his parents of Rt. 7.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. PhiUip Cole. Burial was inConcord United Methodist Churchcemetery.^ WILLIAM LOUIS WESTFuneral services for WilliamLouis West. 56. of Goldsboro. N.C.were held .Monday, January 28,1985. at St. Mary's Catholic Churchin Goldsboro. with Celebrants,Fathers Micfiael Jordan and JohnHarper.Mr. West died at Wayne MemorialHospital. January 25. 1985.He was bora in Davie County.North Carolina. October 13. 1928, tothe late Mr and Mrs. Alonzo R.West. The early years of his lifewere spent in Davie County wherehe attended elementary school andhigh school. After a four year tour inthe U.S. .Air Force, he attendedShaw University where he receiveda BS degree.He taught science andmathematics in the Wayne CountySchool System for 11 years; and waslater employed at 0"Berry Center inGoldsboro. as Director ofEducation. At his death he was aretired Deptity. Director of O'BerryCenter. \ •Surviving wife. Olivia of'the home: a sttfpsorxJiiny Ramos ofNew York: thref daughters.Kathrvn and Victoria West ofChapel Hill. N.C. and Lisa West ofthe home, seven brothers. Alonzoand John West of Winston-Salem.Hubert West of Mocksville. GlennWest of Spring Lake. N.C.. Joe C.West of Columbus. Ohio. BenjaminWest of .Avon Park. Florida, andEdwin L. West of .Newark. .N.J.; anda host of other relatives.auae co. pubuc ubraryMOCKSViaE, NCDA\Q^COUmY,.El^RPRi"SE RECORD.THUR.SDAV, JANUARY 31.1985-9 • .^ "^IRS. .NADEANE NORMANMrs. .Nadeane Hendrix Norman,38. Rt. 2. Advance died Saturday atForsyth Memorial Hospital.Mrs. Norman was bora in DavieCounty to the late Dalton and AdieKimmer Hendrix.She was a member of ForkBaptist Church and an employee ofHenry Link Corp.. Lexington.Surviving are her husband.George Junior Norman: twodaughters. Mrs. Betty Keeton. Rt. 2and Mrs. Diane Finney. Fort WalttmBeach. Fla.: three sons, JimmyNorman. Rt. 2. Joe .Norman,Mocksville and Isaac Norman.Advance: six grandchildren: twobrothers. David and Homer Hendrix. both of Mocksville.The funeral was held Tuesday at'Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Ralph Byrd and the Rev..Norman Frye. Burial was in Fork nBaptist Church cemetery.CAVIE CO, LiBS.f^JOCKS'WLLE, HC
\0 ^u I ^ 'L3. 9. i9fBO-yr.rc_ J Fe I'r^fvt-A, 1, /fSi13V^•• WALTER LEE CULLERWalter Lee Culler. 65. of Route 2Advance. .N.C. died Tuesdaymorning at his home.Funeral services will be conducted Thursday. February 7 at 2p.m. at Hope Baptist Tabernacle bythe Reverend .\orman Frye andHarold Tuttle. Burial will follow inthe church cemetery.The family will receive friends at y/Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel from7 until 9 p.m.•Mr. Culler was born November 23.1919 in Forsyth County to the lateCharlie and .Margaret GeorgeCuller He was retired from R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Industries inWinston-Salem. He was a memberof Hope Baptist Tabernacle: and aWorld War II veteran.ERNEST .M. GREENEErnest Morris Greene. 75. of 2303Granada Drive. Advance was deadon arrival late Thursday afternoonat Davie County Hospital.The body was moved fromEaton's Funeral Home. .Mocksvilleto J. .Markiewicz and Sons FuneralHome. .New Haven. Conn., forservices.Burial was m Beaver DaleCemetery there.Born October 1. 1909. in WestHaven. Conn., he was a veteran ofWorld War II and was retired fromthe U.S. Postal Service. His wife.Amelia Rakiec Greene, died in 1983,Survivors include two daughters.•Arlene Affinito of East Haven!Conn., and Linda Cass of Advance-one sister. Viola DeErick ofFlorida; one brother. GeorgeSpr^gg of West Haven. Conn.; sevengrandchildren; and onegrandchild.great-^ WILMER LEE PLOTTWilmer Lee (Red) Plott. 68.125 S.Green Street. Winston-Salem diedSaturday at Davie County Hospitalafter several years of declininghealth.He was the son of the late Johnand Lula Wood Plott and wasretired from Tanglewood Park after20 years of service.Surviving are three daughters..Mrs. Linda Wayne. De Land. Fla..Mrs. Cecelia Voss. Winston-Salemand .Mrs. Debbie Mendenhall..Atlanta. Fa.; one son. Tommy Plott.Winston-Salem; seven grandchildren; two sisters. Mrs..Margaret Bowles. Winston-Salemand .Mrs. Laura Beck. Mocksville.The funeral was held Tuesday atHayworth-Miller Silas Creek Cha{»lby the Rev. Jack Johnson. Burialfollowed in Bethlehem United.Methodist Church cemetery. DavieCounty.MRS. .vrn'"^'""<AIL.MUKPHV•Mrs. .Margaret .Naii .Murphy. 75.1123 Yadkinville Road. .Mocksville.died Saturday at her home..A graveside service was held.Monday at Center United .Methodist^ Church cemetery by the Rev. DonDavis.The family requests thatmemorials be made to the CancerFund or to a charity of the donor'schoice.Mrs. .Murphy was bom in DavieCounty to the late William and Mary-Call .Nail and for 40 years she wasco-manager of United VarietyStore.She was a member of MocksvilleFirst United Methodist Chiu-ch.Mrs. .Murphy was the widow ofErnest E. Murphy who was DavieCounty's Maintenance Supervisorwho prededed her in death October4. 1972.Surviving are one son. Joe.Murphy. 157 Greenwood Ave.; twograndsons. Steven Murphy. Caryand Lt. .Michael .Murphy. Columbus.Mo.; one lister. ".Mrs. EarlRebecca) Lamb. Greensboro; onebrother. William .Nail. .Mocksvilleand one half-sister. .Mrs. .MarvSmith. .Mocksville.LUCY FOOTEvf 1,'^^ of Route 8Mocksville died Friday morning in^^a^e County Hospital after a shortThe funeral was held Sunday at 2r„Zion Cht^chEev. L. B^as in thetnurch cemeterv.., . Davie Countv to the late■Alex and Julia Dulin.Survivors include a daughterJosephine Foote; a son. William'grmfdPtf»n - a hr^r" 8''®®t-grand-»n. a brother. Leroy DuJin of■ locksville; three sisters. Annie\anEaton. Nannie B. Howell. bothof .Mocksville. and Rosa Harper ofIVinston-Salem. "-rper oi. MK. MAGGIE SHEERv-idC®' Sheek. 94. of• bheek. died Januarv 29th at' ,. Tll® was held Thursday atihf was tilthe church cemetery.Mrs. Sheek was 'born in DavieVadkm \ alley Baptist ChurchM daughters• Irs. Lillian Sheek Hauser of Advance and .Mrs. .Mary Jane SheekBarefoot ol Castle Havne. N C •lour grandchildren; nine greabgrandchildren and five great-greatgrandchildren. great% daisy TAYLORSEAFORDFweral services for .Mrs. Daisyof Route 3..■Mocksville. N C . w ere held SundayJanuary 27. 1985. at 2 p.m. at Forkin Davie CountyOfficiating were the Rev. Yat«Wilkerson ol High Point. N.C.. andBurial followed m the church*cemetery.Mrs. Seaford died Fridaywf"■■■ u^' -I Colden Age■Nursing Home in Lexington. .N.Cafter an illness of three vears.She was born in Davidson County.it " '"®'' ^^"Shter of theTo I Owenstto*!! ® member of ForkBaptist Church. .She was the widow of Luther P.;Seaford who died February 4 193^ ]is a .son. Robert Lee'Seaford ot Route 3. .Mocksville.■N.L.. .1 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren; three brothersJoe w Taylor, all of Lexington.)nd one sister. .Mrs. Frankie.Sh•' High Point. .N.C.' , °ELLA .VI. .McDANIELDelia Elizabeth .M. .McDaniel 95Se at herQo?"® was held .Monday atSalem United Methodist Church inDavie Coimty conducted by the RevClaudia Harrelson and the Rev.Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.1T ^ to SalemMethodist Church. Route l.1 locksville or to the charitv of thedonor s choice. *Bom Nov. 14. 1889. in Davielatriobn"?® "'n of thelate Johnson Claybum and Jennie/\'®Deniel. She was a-MethodistChurch. Her husband. JessieMonroe McDaniel. died in 1971. and?97?"' McDaniel. died inm (ni§(7Q (S*& 2&9 09T 33Q Q.3 eeAVIi CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVILLg, NO
oU-f-uf<w I e ^/9fSDAVIF COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. H.URL ARV "■ IWaArea Obituaries• ENOCH CLYDE JARVISEnoch Clyde Jarvis. W. Kt. ^MocHsville died Sunday at his homtThe funeral was held T^u«sday aFarminaton Baptist Church by tbRev. Kenneth Barker, the Rev. J.CShore and the Rev, Oeorg'Bowman. Burial was in FarmingloiCommunity Cemetery.Seven grandsons scrveo a.pallbearers and includedJarvis. Michael Jarvis. Waym ,Jarvis. Gary Jarvis Jerry RogerDavid M. Jarvis and Barry AllenThe family requests thaimemorials be made to FarmingtonBaptist Church.Mr. Jarvis was born in YadkmCountv to the late Enoch Luckeitand Helena Tulbert Jarvis. He wasempioved with the FarmmgtonRoller'Mill m the l920's later joining•he N.C. Highway Commissionwhere he worked as a graderoperator and office clerk. Jarvisretired in 1959 after 35 years servicewith the departmen'Jarvis and his- wifer MaryLeagans Jarvis have made theFarmington community their homesince their marriage in 1921. Jarvisand his familv moved to a farm onCedar Creek m 1950. making it theirhome for 27 vears. Jarvis and hiswife moved to north Farmington in^^Mr- Jarvis was a veteran of WorldWar I and a member of FarmingtonBaptist Church.He was preceded in death oy a(laughter. Camilla Jarvis .Allen.Surviving in addition to his wifeare one daughter. .Mrs. LesterHelenai Boger. Mocksville: livesons. Lester C. Jarvis. Covmgton.Va. Thomas T. and Paul F. Jarvis.both of Winston-Saiem. James E.Jarvis. Burlington and David Z.Jarvis. Rt. 2'. 21 grandchildren and19 great-grandchildren: one mete.Mrs J.C. Shore. Vadkinville.LANGWARD TENORLangward Tenor. 90. of R®"'®Mocksville died at 4:15 p.m. Fridayin Rowan Memorial Hospital alterbeing in declining health for twovears. ,• Born Sept. 3. H>24. IredejlCountv. a son of the late -^omasand Haitie Norman Tenor, he waseducated in the Davie CountySchools and was lormerly employedbv Chase-Brass and Copper Co..tVaterburv, Conn., and IsenhourBrick and Tile Co..Survivors include his wife.Barbara Tenor of Waterbury.Conn.; seven daughters. Anita USeidon, Donna J. JKieliv. and Daisy, Allison andTonya Tenor, alt of Waterbury.Conn, and Sp-4 Cheryl Ann Johnson01 the U S. .Army;A brother, Charlie Tenor ofCooleemee: seven sisi®". Jos^Tabor. Acizona Tinsley. Martha LeeRoss and OHie Bell Scott, all ofSalisburv. Nellie Davidsoti andNaomi Reid, both of Mocksville. andCarrie Ruth Graham of BrooklynN v., and eight grandchildren.The luneral was held at 2 p.m.Thursday in the Noble and Kelseymemorial Chapel in Salisbury bythe Rev. J-E. Chambers and theRev. J.L. Stowe Burial was inBoxwood Church cemetery.• jasper T. CONNERJasper 'T. J T.) Conner. -I.Farmington Road, Rt- -•Mocksville. died Saturday afternoon m the emergency room atDavie Co. Hospital. Mocksville.The luneral was held Monday atVogler's Clemmons Chapel by theRev James Raines. Entombrnwlfollowed in Westlawn Gardens ofSory Mausoleum Clemm^Mr Conner was born in IredellCo.. to Joseph H. and MaryChiidress Conner. His earlchildhood life was spent m IredellCo undhehadmadehishomein heFarmington Community for thepast 27 years.r-v/jr '"'CM I/LlU LIBRaRYiCMr Conner was a memoer ofFaim.ngro" United MethodistChurch and was aFarmington u' "_beralso a fireman and board memberof Farmington Fire Depl-Mr Conner was Farmington sMan of the Year in ^Surviving are his wife.^ TVir..Dorothy Lennieof the home; three daughters. Mrs^Tennvson Shirley) Anderson andMrs. Everette * Brendai Glasscock.both of Rt- 1. Mocksville and Mrs.Wade iMildredi King, Rt- -Mocksville; eight grandchildren;lour sisters. Mrs. Virgie .Myers. Rt.I. Harmony. -Mrs. Ivey Henderson.Statesville. Mrs. Siacv Reece. HighPoint and Mrs. Eula Harbin..Mocksville; one brother. CalvmConner, Lincolnlon. Memorials maybe made to the charity of the donor sdioice.SHERIDAN BAITYSheridan Baity. 93, Rt. 4,Vadkinville. died Thursday atDavie County Hospital.Mr. Baity was bom in VadkinCounty to Pleasenl and Tina ShoreBaity.He was a member of TurnersCreek Baptist Church and a retiredfarmer.Surviving are his wife. .Mrs..Myrtle Plowman Baity; twodaughters. .Mrs. Denny (Dorothy)Rollins. .Mocksville and Mrs. BettyPardue. Rt. 2; one son. Curtis Baity.Mocksville; seven grandchildrenand one great-grandchild; twosisters. Mrs. Maitie Melton. Rt. 4!• and Mrs. Daisy Gunier. Vadkin-t ville.e The funeral was held Sunday atTurners Creek Baptist Church by3 the Rev. .Allen Barker, the Rev.1 Eugene Gentry and the Rev. JackJohnson. Burial was in the churchi cemetery^VIE CO. PUBLrc LFBRARYMOCKSViUE, NO
(^1 tcptfA^ —^LH'i/<vri^Enoch Clyde Jams-/9^^® Jarvis. 89. of Far-« h?!°h' Sunday. February 3at his home m North Farmin^n.Co^iv'^c"!® ^ YadkinSS^ EnSh T^iT "• ">6jate Enoch Luckett Jarvis andHelena Tuibert Jarvis.%«i2V/SnrX's?^®Fiiif ® machinist in theM'l tat°iir— ''""ng thethe N.C. Highwayworked^as amiring riTs?5i"ce their ma^riag?iIfMrH?r^^ Farmington communityCreekfor 27 years then movingto North FaSngioS/niOT.®'®^"'"^^KennethBi1cer\1lev^j!c.'shoreM Church Tuesday by Rev.in Farmington Community Cemete^. ^ George Bowman. Burial wasOAWE CO. PUBUC UBRARVMOCKSVILL^, no
OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARyMocKswae. ncVArea Obituaries-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14,1985MRS. FANNIE H. SPARGOMrs. Fannie Hancock Sparge. 94,of Charlotte. .N.C. died Mondaymorning at her home.Funeral services were heldWednesday, February 13,1985. at 11a.m. at Wilmont Baptist Church inCharlotte, .\.C. Burial followed inHollywood Cemetery in Gastonia,N.C.Mrs. Spargo was bom in YorkCounty, South Carolina. She was ahomemaker, a member of WilmontBaptist Church and the SpargoSunshine Club.Survivors include a son. Dr. JohnSpargo of Cooleemee, N.C.; twodaughter. Mrs. Clairee Mullen ofCharlotte; and Mrs. Carolyns-Weaver of Wilmington, N.C.: 18grandchildren and 20 greatgrandchildren.Memorials can be made to:Spargo Sunshine Club, c-o WilmontBaptist Church, 2669 Wilmont Road,Charlotte, N.C. 28208.^' BRUCE ALEXANDER McDANIELBruce Alexander .McDaniel, 51, ofRt. 1, Woodleaf died Saturdaymorning at Forsyth MemorialHo^ital. Funeral services wereheld at 2 p.m. Monday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by the Rev.Ted Miller. Burial followed inNeedmore Baptist Churchcemetery..Mr. .McDaniel was bom in RowanCounty to the late William Joe andEli^beth Sain McDaniel. He was aretired employee of CrowderConstruction Co. and was a veteranof the Korean War. He was amember ol Needmore BaptistChurch.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. MaryKatlvyn Itowles McDaniel, of thehome; two daughters. Mrs. Mark(Velna) Parchment. Rt. 7,Mocksville and .Miss Kathryn AnneMcDaniel. of the home; onegrandson. James .Matthew Parchment; one sister. .Mrs. C.R.(Bonnie) McGee. Lexiiigton; sixbrothers. Jack McDaniel. ChinaGrove. Joe Pernell McDaniel.Salisbury, Otis and Wilbum .McDaniel, both of Rt. 1, Woodleaf.Edward McDaniel. Durham andCecil McDaniel, Kissimee,Fla,Memorials may be made to theBruce McDaniel 4-H Club PublicSpewing Scnolarship Fund, c-oIwwan Co. 4-H Club. Salisbury, N.C.28144 or to Needmore BaptistChurch. Rt. I. Woodleaf, N.C. 27054.VANCE E. HAIREVance Eugene Haire. 81, ofujoleemee, N.C., died Sunciay at thehome of a niece, .Nettie Spillman of a.Marginal Street, with whom hemade his home."^e funeral was at 2 p.m. Tuesdayat Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocltsville. conducted by the Rev.wrry G. Allen, pastor of CooleemeeFirst Baptist Church. Burial was in;^w Salem United MethodistChurch cemetery in Iredell CountyBorn August 29. 1903. in IredeliCounty, he was a son of the latestokes and Mattie Haire. He was aretired employee of BurlingtonIndustries and a member of Newsalem United Methodist Church.Survivors include a number ofother nieces and nephews.FLOYD RAY McBRIDEFloyd Ray McBride, 72, Rt. 5.Mocksville died Friday at HootsMemorial Hospital. He was bom inYadkin County to Branch and OlaKigor McBride.Mr. McBride was a member ofHuntsville Baptist Chiu'ch.Surviving is his wife. .Mrs. SarahMoore McBride. of the home.Funeral services were held at 1p.m. Sunday at Huntsville BaptistChurch by the Rev. Hack Frye.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.WALTER LEE CULLERWalter Lee Culler. 65. of Route 2,Advance. .N.C.. died Tuesdaymorning at his home.Funeral services were conductedThursday, February 7. 1985, at 2p.m. at Hope Baptist Tabernacle bythe Rev. .Norman Frye and HaroldTuttle. Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Mr. CiUier was born November 23.1919. in Forsyth County to the late. -.Charlie and Margaret George\ Culler; He was retired from R. J.j^'ll^olds Tobacco Industries in^* Winslon-Salem. He was a memberof Hope Baptist Tabernacle; and aWorld War II veteran.Surviving are his • wife. EthelSharpe Culler of the home; twodaughters. .Mrs. Marylyn C.Peacock of Rt. 1, Shelby, N.C.. andMrs. Faye C. ITiomas of Walker-town. N.C.; a son. Bobby Lee Cullerof Myrtle Beach. S.C.; 12 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; a sister. Mrs. MargaretBrown of Summerfield, Florida an<three brothers, William MonroCuller of Advance, N.C., the RevRufus Culler and Joe Culler, both oWinston-Salem, N.C." BAXTER HOWARDBaxter Howard, 84, of HardiniTOm Apartments, Mocksville. N.CJed TMesday at Forsyth MemoriiHospital m Winston-Salem, N.C.He was bom in Davie County tthe late Samuel and Adelia BaileHoward.Mr. Howard was a retireimechanic with American MotorsInc.. Detroit. Michigan.Eatons Funeral Home is in charg(of arrangements. Memorial Services wUl be held at a later date.Surviving is a sister.Mrs. MamiiWalton of Winston-Salem, N.C.; twibrothers. Charlie Howard and TonHoward, both of Route 2, AdvanceN.C.; and a number of nieces ancnephews.Oavie Co. PubfeLjUreryMocksville, K. C. ^
R ATLEDGE^^^^^ " / )
Harding Ratledge, 66, Rt. 4. died ;
Tuesday night at Yadkin Nurs^g ,
Center. He was bom m Davie Co.,i-> Cain and-Flora Davis Ratledge
Ml Ratledge was a ^em^r «Deep Creek Baptist Church wherehe serv'Hj as a Deacon and a Sun
day SchoM Teacher 3® years.
He was a VvHeran of World B
and was retired from the pMUl
service. Surviving are his wife
Mrs. Irene Cody ^^l^dge, of t^
home; one daughter, Mrs. Linda R.SpUlriian, Vadlunville, two gra^^^^
chUdren. Patrick and Patricia
Jones; his father, of Rt. |
ville- three sisters, Mrs. Alvoun B(^ger, Miss Edna Mae ^fc. Emma Lou Coe; two broto^
A C. Ratledge, Jr. and WilUa^Ratledge. Funeral services will be
10 a.m. Friday at Mackie-OentryFuneral Home Chapel by the Rev^Vernon Hucks and the Rev. D^
Stanley. Burial with military hon
ors will be 3 p.m. Friday in Mars
Hill N.C. Mackie-Gentry Funer^Home in Yadkinvilie is tn charge rfarrangements. The family will re
ceive friends at the home.
Bio - Obituaries -2/19/1985 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
o .
W -0
C oj
«a Beauchamp.w, Ri. 4 Advance, died Thursday atVienna Village Rest Home. Pfaff-
town.She was born in Davie County totiw late (;harles H. and Ada Et-wison Smith- Mrs. Beauchamp wasIhe widow of Sam Beauchamp
I Bethlehemuiuted Methodist Church.Surviving are one dau^ter, Mrs.
^"PR'y: one son,timer Beauchamp, Rt. 4, Advance-oiie brother. Otis H. Smith, Rt. l!Advance; six grandchildren and ten
great-grandchildren.The funeral wa.s held Saturday atEaton s Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Donald Funderburke and
®n' Loflin. Burial wasm the Bethlehem United Methodist
Liiurch cemetery.
* McBRlDEIV^s. Vera Viola McBride, 57, Rt^ IMocksville, died Friday at her
„?"[V'ving are her husband,Charles Ray McBride; two sons
Dn'e Brock'fe iriH- r ^ughters, Mrs.Patncia Gail Thomas. Gastonia andMiss Janice Meactows, Beckley WVa.; one sister, Mrs. Marie ^len'
Winston-Salem. 'pie funeral was held Monday at
Cha^f HomeUiapcl. Burial was in GastonMemorial Park, Gastonia.
'*y hassie wadeMrs. Hassie Joyner Wade, 87formerly of Black Mountain, diedFriday at Autumn Care Con-val^cent Center where she was a
resident.A grav^^ide service was heldMoiwtain View Memorial
EdS^FelSl. "IVfrs. Wade was born July 14,1897in Cabarrus Cbunty to the lateDavid and Mattie Owens Joyner andwas a retired dietician. Herhushand, Harry Wade, preceded herm death in 1977.
®'"®JJ1'® 'daughter, Mrs.Harry (Mary Ella) Murray, Ber-muda Run; one son. Jack Wade,Miami, Fla.; two grandchildren and
one great-grandchild.
^MISS BESSIE LEE FOSTERMiss Bessie Lee Foster, 97, ofAdyanw died Sunday at KnollwoodHall, Wmston-Salem where she hadhved for the past 11 years.The funeral was held Tuesday atEatm's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Gortton Joyner. Burial was in ForkBaptist Qiurch cemetery.Miss Foster was bom December6, 1887, in Davie County to the lateHfegsant and Sarah ElizabethShe was a memb^of Fork Baptist Church....^■Biyviving are one sister, Mrs.h>ed (Daisy) Trivette, Winston-
i»alem and a number of nieces and
nephews. i.
' ^IRS. ROSSIE F. BAILEYMrs. Rossie Foster Bailey, 89, ofRoute 3, Reeds Community,Lexington, N.C. died Sunday,hebruary 17, at LexingtonMemorial Hospital after tieing indeclining health for six years and
seriously ill for six weekk.She was born in Davie CountyNovember 6,1895 to the late ZebulonVance and Molly Sidden Tucker.She was a homemaker and amemter of Reeds Baptist Church.Her first husband, Stephen L.Foster died in 1932, and her secondhusband, Glenn Bailey also
preceded her in death., S">*viv®rs include two sons,Robert T. Foster of Winston-Salem;and Bruce L. Foster of Rt. 3Lexington; 2 daughters, Mrs.Harold (Sarah) Beeker and Mrs.B.L. (Deane) Kodntz, both ofLexin^gtop; 6grandchildren; 7 greatgrandchildren and a sister, Mrs.Josie Merrell of Mocksville.Fun®ral services were conductedruKday at ll a.m. at the Voglers-pectoont Funeral Home Chapel,Lexington. The Reverend JohnPace and the Reverend WadeWriglu conducted the service In-twment followed in Fork BaptistChurch cemetery in Davie county.
j MAUDE P. NICHOLSMaude Phelps /fichols, 89 ofIfoute 1, Woodleaf died Sunday
- £11'""^®??' '^^® Tuesday atMethodist Chirch,nJlsaii 5®^' Shirley Jones of-n •? j Burial was in LibertyChurch cemSl?/Bom Feb. 15, 1896, in D^fe® "^"ghter of the late A.W.
p ®y Phelps, she wasmir^ from Erwin Mills. She was a
i„Hw8husband. A.M. Nichols, died
Survivors include two other^ughters, Ruth Rich of Wall, N. J?and of Port Oiester,
, • a »n, McKmely Nichols of
pella McQamrock, Grace Wooten
Two brothers, Raymond and LeePhelps, both of Route 4, Mocksville;20 grandchildren; 29 greatgrandchildren; and four great-
zfrj j
■<iA i ^/.MRS. LOTTIE CARSONFuneral services for Mrs. Lottie |Mae Rose Carson, 48. of Route 1. iHamptonville. N.C. were heldiTuesday, February 19, 1385, at 2:301p.m. at Pleasant Hill Baptist •Church in Hamptonville, with theiReverend .Alphonzo Harvey of- •ficiating. Burial followed in the church icemetery. _ jMrs. Carson died Saturday at >N.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-1Salem. N.C. after a short illness, tShe was born in Davie County to the Ilate Will t Bud) Rose and Mrs. WillieL. Turner Rose. ^ jShe is survived by her husband, IThad Carson, Sr. of the home: twoisons. Thad Carson Jr. and TyroneShane Carson, both of the home: ,her mother, Mrs. Willie L. Turner)Rose of Mocksville; a sister, Mrs. iRufus (Kopelia) Frost of Rt. l, iMocksville; four brothers. MartiniLuther and Elmore Rose, l»th of)Harmony, Charlie and Artis LeejRose, both of Winston-Salem: and!three grandchildren.^ EDGAR CLARENCE BOGER ^Edgar Clarence Boger, 90, diw iThursday at N.C. Baptist Home. He (was bom in Cana, N.C., to Franklin iand Mary Markland Boger.Mr. Boger spent his early life and iwas educated in Davie County. He !was an Estate Planner for iMetropolitan Life Insurance Co. jretiring in 1963 after 37 years of jsGrviC6*Mr Boger was a member oilCollege Park BapUst Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. •Augusta Matilda Brown Boger, of iN.C. Baptist Home; one daughter, iMrs. Frieda Boger Lane, New York iCity; one son, Harold C. Boger,Columbia, S.C.; four grandchildrenand four great-grandchildren.The funeral was held Saturday atVo^ct's Reynolds Road Chapel byDr. Charles Edwards and the Rev.Foy Martin. Burial was in ForsyihMemorial Park.r» c -esOK^4"'••• >7pUBUC
f 6/ . DORIS WALL HANELINEDoris Wall Haneline. 48. of 119Overbrook Drive, Greer. SouthCarolina, died Wednesday,February 20,1985, after an extendedillness.She was a licensed practical nurseat Mary Black Memorial Hospital inSpartanburg, S.C.. and a member ofFairview Baptist Church.Surviving are her husband,Eugene "Gene" Haneline of thehome; her mother, Mrs. Eula YowWall of Mocksville, N.C.: adaughter, Linda Hines of Lyman,S.C.: a son, Lynn Haneline of thehome; two sisters, Carolyn andPam Whitaker, both of Mocksville,.M.C.Funeral services were conductedFriday at Fairview Baptist <^urch..Mmorials may be made to theDoris Haneline .Nursing Endowment, University of SouthCarolina at Spartanburg, S.C.; or tothe Chaplains Discretionary Fundat Mary Black Memorial Hospital,Spartanburg, S.C./PEARL M. NAILPearl Morris Nail, 93, formerly ofMarginal Street, Cooleemee, died atthe Autumn Care ConvalescentCenter in Mocksville Saturdaynight.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocksville, conducted by the Rev.Alton Fitzgerald. Burial was in CityMemorial Park in Salisbury.Born July 7, 1891, in RowanCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Maxwell and Melinda Morris.Her husband, Barney E. Nail, diedAug. 11, 1943.Survivors include a daughter,Lucille N. Benson of Cooleemee; ason, Charles E, Nail of Olney, Md.;and a brother, James L. "Bud"Morris of Gastonia.-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAFEBRUARY 28,1985^ JOHNSON723 Boea- Sf Johnson, 83, ofand the Rpv 7 ^ "'chardsonSu55"coZv 'I" »»». inSurvivors include his wife Miifio'■•fcaiido^ ^nrlieMocksvifle Weslev w"' r®"Pi.^'^STGN JARVIS MYERS, Funeral services li,-Jarvis Myers 9o nf J? « ®^'°nSalisbury, N C were c P*'®'-VA 5??'"'' A' lireand .Mrs. Linda ^ Salisbury,mony, N C • 2 ®Rachels of bkJaho^"'''w",®y'»nRachels of Stat«vnio- ilchildren, lo steSSndrhnwgreai-grandchuTfSd ?s "grandchildren. step-great-OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVlLLEa NCUavie Co. Public LibraryMocksviHe, N. C.
-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.OAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYmocksville. nc3 J.ASON WILLIAM BRIGHTJason William Bright. 12. Rt. 4.Advance, died February 27th.He was born September 18, 1972.in Forsyth County to WilliamFranklin and Cathy BeauchampBri^t. He lived aU of his life inDavie County. He was a student at.N. Davie Jr. High School and amember of Sunday Class at RedlandPentecostal Holiness Church.Surviving are his mother andfather, of the home; paternalgrandmother. Mrs. Oris Bright. Rt.4. Advance; maternal grandfather.Roy Beauchamp, Jr.. Rt. 4. Advance; maternal great-grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. RoyBeauchamp, Sr.. Rt. 4. Advance andpaternal great-grandmother. .Mrs.Emma Bright. Greer. S.C.The family requests memorialsb»; n.ade to Redland PentecostalHoliness Church A.F.C.The funeral was held Saturday atRedland Pentecostal HolinessChurch with burial in the churchcemetery.• BARBARA BOHANNONBarbara Ann Dulin Bohannon, 36.of Route 2. Mocksville was dead onarrival at Davie County Hospital onFebruary 27th. Death was unexpected.The funeral was held Sunday at.Mount Zion Holiness Church,conducted by the Rev. JamesIjames. Burial was in the churchi.-emeteryBorn Dec. 24. 1948. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of AnnieDulin VanEaton of .Mocksville.Employed at Fiber Industries, shewas a member of .Mount ZionHoliness Church.Survivors, in addition to hermother, include her husband.William Bohannon: two daughters.Pamela Denane and .Anita GailBohannon. both of the home; twobrothers, .lohn W. Dulin of.Mocksville and .Nathaniel C. Dulinof Salisbury: and two sisters. Ola.Mae I james and Thelma VanEaton.both of Mocksville.MARY G. S.MITH-Mary .Nail Garwood Smith. 34.formerly of 123 .Mumford Drive..Mocksville died Wednesday afternoon at .Autumn Care Convalescent Center after being indeclining health for several years.She had been a resident of thecenter for the past nine weeks.The funeral was held Saturday inEaton's Funeral Home Chapel,conducted by the Rev Jim Weeklyand the Rev. Fred Shoaf. Burial wasin Advance United MethodistChurch cemetery in Advance.Memorials may be made to OakGrove United .Methodist Church,.Mocksville. or to the cemetery fundof Advance United .MethodistChimch.Born April 27. 1900. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate William Franklin and .MaryEmma Sain .Nail. She was amember of Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church. Her firsthusband. Charlie Garwood. and her nsecond husband. Harold Smith, bothpreceded her in death.Survivors include two daughters.Lucille Ellis of Route 3. Mocksville,and Helen Hege of Charlotte; sixsons. Lonnie H. Smith, of OceanSprings. Miss.. W. L. Smith of Yigo.Guam, R.B. Smith of {^e Zuri^,111., F. Gene Smith.-^ Bouth 4,Mocksville and James ahd.'UohnFrank Garwood. both of ^ute 7..Mocksville;A half brother. W. F. .Nail of•Mocksville; a half sister. RebeccaLamb of Greensboro: 19 grandchildren; and 20 great-grandchildren.THURSDAY. MARCH 7.1985n B.L. KOONTZB.L. Koontz. 64. of Route 4.Lexington, .N.C. died Saturday..March 2. 1985. at Lexington•Memorial Hospital.He was bom June 19, 1920 inDavidson county to the late Bertyand Louetta Orrell Koontz. He wasemployed by Lexington MemorialHospital; and a member of friendship United .Methodist Church andReeds American Legion Post . Healso served in the U.S. Army duringWorld War II.Funeral services were heldSunday, March 3. at Voglers-Piedmont Funeral Home Chapel inLexington, .N.C. with the ReverendWade Wright officiating. Burial wasin Friendship United MethodistChurch cemetery.Survivors are his wife. DeaneFoster Koontz of the home; a sonSteve L. Koontz of Lexington; adaughter. Mrs. Dianne Wagnor ofWilkesboro. .N.C.; two brothers,Thurman and Orrell Koontz. both ofLexington; and 3 sisters, Ate..Alfred Williams of Churchland,.Mrs. Paul Gobble and .\Irs. CliffTussey. both of Lexington. .N.C..Memorials may be made to thecharity of the donor's choice.Go.PubiicLibfafyG'-c.ksvitle, N. C.
Raymond Wesley Johnson
itajiiiumi Wesley Joluibtni. 83, of
733 Uoyer Sireef. died February 23
al Duvie (-ouiiiy Hospilal.
Services were held at 4 p.m.
Monday, Feliruary 25 at baton's
Funeral Home Chapel with the Uev.
l-elaiid Kichai'dson and the Hcv.
l.indsey Walters presiding. Uurial..
(ulluwed in the Juppa Ceineti^.-''.
Johnson was born Septeniljcr-l3,
I'Jt)!, in Surry (^)unty, a soh bf the
late (liarlie and Ueity
A retired furniture worker,
.folinson derived much pleasure
from his nursery udjaceiil to his
Boger Street home. While the
vejilure first began as a hubby.
Jolmsun soon liegan to devote more
and more time to growing trees and
His love of plants was evident as
he spent countless hours nurturing
new growths with what seemed to
Ix! his (K-rpetual green Lhumli,
Johnson's handiwork can be
I \'iewed across the county with
I azaleas, and shrubs from his
[greenhouse accenting the outdoor
garden at Davie County Hospital,
Eaton's Funeral Home and
numerous lawns across the county.
He also planted a row of walnut
trees wiiich still flourishes along
U.S. 158 near the Yadkin Kiver.
>!(e continued his greenhouse work
as long as his health permitted,
always sharing his love of nature
with others.
Survivors include Ins wife, Mitlie
Coc Johnson; four daughters, Mrs.
Aider (Odessa I Taylor of
Mocksville. Mrs, Leonard (Beulah)
Honeeycutt of Ixicusl, Mrs. Julius
(Jeraldine) Gossof laincaster, S,C.,
and Mrs, Vanee (Elslei Hartley,of
Advanee; five sons, Paul, Charlie
and Landon Johnson, alt of
Moeksvilie,Wesley Junior Johnson
of High Point and the Kev Jack B,
Johnson of Koute 4.
A sister. Ixitlie White ul Oobsoii;
three brotliers, Dillard Johnson of
Dobsun, Brady Johnson of Rural
Hall and Floyd Johnson of High
Point; 21 grandchildren; and 23
O uJ
£ ^
\ 6 I -
0 r' n r n P i>n 7'
Raymond Wesley Johnson
' Riymond Woley Jc^nMn, O. of
TB li(Ji|«T SroCT. died Febfuary 23
at Uavie County Hospital.
Sarvicn oere held at 4 p.m.
Monday, rrbrtiary 2$ at Kalon's
FimeraJ Home Chapel with the Kev.
Lctand Kiehardson and the Kev.
Unbey WaJten prcsidinc> Bunal
lollowed in the Joppa Cemetery.
Jshiuon was bom Septcmhef 13.
IMI, in Surry County, a son of the
late Charlie and Belly Simpson
A retired fumilure worker,
Johnson derived much pleastB;c
garden al Davie Couniy Hospital,
klaton's Funeral Home and
nomerote lawns across the county.
He aim planted a row of walnut
trees which still flourishes along
U.S. IM near the YadSin River.
Heconlinucd his greenhouse work
as king as his hesllh permitted,
always sharing his love of nature
with others.
Survivors include his wife. Millie
Coe Johnson; four daughters. Mrs.
Alden (Odeisoi Taylor of
Mocksville. Mrs. Leonard 'Beulahi
HoneeyciRt ol Locust. .Mrs. Julius
GiimerJ.**Slick" Hartley
months of declining health.
The funeral was held Monday at
Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel In
Mocksville. with the Rev. Paul
Riggs and the Rev. I.eland
Richardson ofticialing. Burial was
in the Center Unllra Methodist
Church cemetery.
•Memorials may be made to First
Baptst Church of Mocksvilte or
Born tVi. 30. ISI2. in Davidson
Couniy, he was a son of the late O il.
and Iva Potts Hartley. He was
retired (mm Ingersoll Rand Co. and
was formerly with Ward Oil Co.
Hartley was a member of First
Baptist (.hurch In Mocksville and a
charter memtier of the Mocksville
Lions dull. He also served on the
.Mockivillclown board for 14 wars.
Survivors include his wife, laurise
Smith Hsriley; a daughter, IJnds
Keeder of Magnolia Avenue.
i.iimer James "Sliek" Hartley. -Mocksville, iwosislers, .Mrs. Buddy
72 of M'est Church Street. Alexander and Mrs. Henry Shoai.
Mocksville died Saturday in Davie bmli n( Cooleemoe; and one grand-
Countv Hospital (ollnwinu three ion.
He was a quiet man. The type that wait about his business In the
most subtle of ways. One who needed no fanfare or brass bands to
herald service to olheti. If it hadnT been for leaving his footprints in
the proverbial sands of lime, he might have gotten by unnoticed.
However, "Slick" Harticy did too many good deeds not to be noticed.
Hegave too much time of service to go unrecogniied.
For example: In April of 196t there was an elderly couple trying to
live m an old mobile home in the Maine community. Both were almost
blind. "Slick" Hartley was the president of the Mocksville Lions Club
at that time and led the club into extending a helping hand to the
couple. A septic lank was built so that the couple could have inside
loUet facilities. Sturdy steps were constructed to the doer of their
trailer. Other handica|S w ere erased as "Slick" and his fellow Lions
put in manyhoursofrepairiiiglbefaciUlies. making life ftr the couple
more comfortable.
Many may have fwgoitcn the 14 years "Slick" served as a member
of the .Mocksville Town Board. However, those that served with him
have not forgotten. It is also more than a coincidence that the period
from ttt»-1973 was one of great progress and dewlopmenl for the
Town of Mocksville.
In 1959 Gilmer Hartley was elected to the town board getung 173 out
of 175 voles cast. The board was unopposed, but even so. losing only
two voles out of 175 cast has to be a record. This was the first term of
Mayor D.J. Mando. Other members cf that board irKluded the late
Sheek Bowden, the late Carroll F. Amdt, Roy W. Collelle and Dr.
avde W. Young.
The same board was reelected in I9C1. with the cvctHsxi it Hmdcn
In IK3, it was again Mayor Mando. Hartley, Collette. Young and
Gene Seals. Seals had bwn named to replace Anidi who had moved
away from Mocksvilte.
The year 19S51
Sells.who hadm
fht only one replaccmeni - O.K. Pope (or Gene
out of the town limits.
The 1967 year re-elected the veterans of Mayor Mando. Slick Har
tley. Roy Ciriletle ami O.K. Pope. Clyde GUscock and Sam W. Howell
replBcedEdLattaandDr. Clyde W. Young on the board.
In 1969. Hartley was the veteran member of the board comprtse
M.H. Murray, Harold Odom. Howell and Clascock. This board wai
elected in 1971 and served until 1973.
MTial happened in Mocksville Oiring the period 1959-1973? Let us
think back.
-Masland Duraleather bull and opened a new plant here (now the
site ol Ingersoll-Rsndi.
-The telephone toll charge between Mocksville and Cooleemee was
-The new- county library was construclrd in Mocksville.
-The Davie Kcapilal was enlarged to 59 beds.
-Conitnirtlon began on Interstate 40.
-Bank of Davie built new faeililies on Cailher Street and later
merged with Branch Banking and Trust Co.
-CentralCarolina Bank built a new bank t» Waters Street.
-Baker Furniture bulh a new plant here.
-Belk located a store here.
-Hickory Hill Golf 4 Country Club was developed.
-Rich Park was renovated, Uking on a new look.
-First Federal opened a brandi here.
-A large Sationil Guard Armory was constructed.
And. of course, there were many other pfogrcsslve moves, new
butlnesin. etc..loonumrrnus1nmmllnn fheluwn board during this
perkxl laced and sulvrd many problema denllng with water. lewer.
uses, and other gruwlh puini During ihme 14 ynars. "Slick" Hartley
was a memtier ol the board that guided the town Ihrough this
^ropeastve period.
The famous English statesman William Cecil once observed:
"The grandest operations, both in nature and grace, are the moat
silent and imperceptiblt. —The shallow brook babbies on its passage
and )S heard by everyone: but the coming tf the seasouit ^lenland
unseen.—The storm ragea and alarms, but its fury b soon extausted.
and Us effects are but partial and are soon remedied; tut the dew.
Ihough gentle and unheard, is Immenselnquantity. and is the very U/e
of large portions of the earth."
This could also be be observed as (he life of Gilmer J. "Slick"
»jOT*CE Country Florist
The Stamp Album
avlf County Hospice. P.O. Box
663. Mocksville. N.C. 271)26.
Dv Robert L. Wendi
The L'SPS sent oui wwd on a new
19-cent stamp v.hich will fealurv
George Washingion and the
Washington Monument. Date of
release is yet to lie decided, bul it
continues s long line of Washlnglai
issues, the person most depicted on
US stamps. The announcement of
this new stamp was made on
February 21 al the tooth an
niversary ol the deidieation of (he
Monument in the nation's capital. In
case you wonder about the I8<cenl
valuation ol the stamp...(hat Ks the
cost of (he presort first class
mail...most of my presort mall Is
TTie Postal Service has also an
nounced that the ETying Cloud
I'ostal Card was released February
27 InSaleni. Massavliusetls. The 25-
cent card reflects the new in
ternational surface rate mail. The
Flying '"loud was a "Yankee"
Clipper h,»p onil between 1B45 anit
IR99 almosl 51X1 clipper ships sallixl
from American shipyards. The
Flying Cloud was launched at
Itnslon on April 15. 1051. and was
one of the rare hrert of "extreme
clippers. " easily recugnired by
Itieir knife-Uke, ixmcave tiows and
their narrowness of tieam In
proportion lo length. Believe it or
not. bul they often reached a spe^
ol 20 knnis or more with ease In
January iglAihal's all we averaged
in our return from the Panlii
Theairc in a -Navy APA wlih twin
screws Send your pre-purchasc
cards to: Customer-Provided
Staiionery. Pos'masler. Salem.
-Massachusetts 0)970.9991 (or lirsi
day servicing.
Here is Uie uiird on first day
cancellations I'lr the Black Hcniage
siaitip honiiring Mary McLeod
IMhunv whnh was released March
5 m Washingion. U C". Send your
SASK to: ("usiomer-Alfixed En-
sx'lopesi. Mary McLeod Bethune
Stamp. Postmaster. W'adnngton.
I).C*. Jiijdn.ywi. The United Natiotis
Postal Administration will issue a
set of lour stamps on March 15 to
commemnrale • United .Nations
University • Kt-searcli. Training,
Knowledge." In 1969, U Thant. thw
St-ireiary-General of the U.N"
proposed the niablishment of a
university that would be truly m-
(rrnational and devoted to' Hie
Cliarter objectives ol peace and
progress. Japan pledged a hundrtvf
million dollars and provided
headiiuarlers facdnies in Tokyo
llie UNU IS a unuersity wiihoul
campus, bul with a glolial network
of knowledge and learning, a
university wnhout lormal degrees,
involving xiialan throughout the
world in Ihe searih lor solutions to
Ihe proWmis which plague all
mankind, a university uiihuut
student sm Ihe usual sense, bul with
U-tlows uIki an- undergoing ad
vanced training at key sites
throughout this glubu! network. We
don't olteii liear ahnui these func
tions of the L'niled Nations.
On March 1.5 ("anadj will release
ackmwiedgeC'jnadians in Space H
yuu rival!, the L'liiiisl .Stales invmsj
and included a Canadian asironaui
ixi tin- Shiinl" Fbyhi ai-i: who-i,
(ixik place last Octotier.
March l.'i will also Ix- the cir-
culaiMui (late ol a stamp troiii
Austria whuli will Ix- issuixl in
<oiiimt-mor.li ton ol the Kxnh year of
the beginning ol rrgistrreij mail
rn-eipis in ihal nation The stamp
shows a registered mad rect-ipt.
Those of you who have a special
inlv-rest in Ihe history of the
(k-velopment of postal syxems wiij
want to add Bus stani[i lo your
tvillivt Ion.
Denmark will release a stamp in
conjunction with the celehruiion ol
l)ie InternalHMial Vouth Year as
designaledby the Unitixl Naliuivs Ii
fealunni two young pcsijge. Ttie
purjiose of the L'niivd .Nations' el-
Ion In establishing the Intemaiionai
I'ouih Year is to rmpIiasKe (tie fact
that war has btxm the scourge ol
youth. A very gwid (wim. wnulilii'l
vou say? Thai stamp will be issutxl
Slareh 14. Also on tliat date die
Danish Post and Telegraph ilffive
will IVMM- a miiiialuri- slivxx vs>ii-
sisiiiig ol Iiiur vsindnntsl stamps
which w'lli have a survhargt- for the
ls*nelit ol the Wnrlil ibiitolelie
Kshdmiixi 1IAKMA 117 to lx< lielil in
t'o|K-iUmgeo 10 iictotH-r luii7.
Wii h so many people crying abou
the nv-w U.SA l^ve stamp design, let
me pass on to you a suggestion...
send you letlers to Ireland and have
Irelanifs new love stamp placed on
your ciirn-tponilence. One leatures
a bonijunof nowcrs 'shaped as
heansi wlih a ribbon and note, the
ngi-says "love X " in script. That's
• 2)ip slamp. The other, for 22p.
fealures sky wriling with the
li-1li r« I. V and K in while smoke
anit ttic "O" position is Idled with a
red balloon tiean. They were bolh
designed by young ladies and the
ollicial firsl day cachet depicts a
Iviy and girls leaning loward each
(klier and kissing Just a suggestion.
Hull 's all. I believe thai I 'll like the
new US Ixivc stamp
N'g much data,) oo ihe new Black
Heritage stamp which features
Mary SicLeod Bethune except that
II will be releasvxi .March 5 m
WuiJiinRlon DC It will Ix- a 22 i • n
Tla- new iU-ci-nt, ;t9nvii and 4'
tent airmail items have alreau
tiei-n circulated )ml word atxiul their
lirst clay servicing has just come.
Verille. featurcsl on the 3J-eenl
aimiad oftiviog was an early
dc-sigm-r and this stamp has a
blucprmi type drawing ol an early
aircrali he di-signcd. the (amoib R<3
Army Racer which set a world's
record in 1924 of 215 miles per liour.
FIX' liin he had liy sen'lmg your
SA.SK lo: UustomiT-AKixed En-
vvlojx-s. Po.-vlmasicT. (Jardt-n I'dy.
NV ll.'arl-!»j(41
Tlx-Ji-cenl Ijwri-nre and Elmer
Npcrry airmail stamp was released
(MI Ihe same day rFr)i I3< at Ihe
same ciiy and vou may cilgain your
lirsi day covers in ilir same man
ner I 'Miiiiimation covers will also he
serviced. Ilcvuuse ol Ihe late an-
(iciunceiuc-nf. an aU'lituinal thirty
days will tx-allow id for Ihis stTvice.
Sjn-rrys are knciwn for their
gvriiviimpas. and early aircraft
ibi Feb. 15 the I SP.*! released a
Transparific .Airmail -gamp and a
China Ulipper Postal Card Both
I'Mies honor Ihe soini- aircraft, the
laiiU'Us transpacdic Oiin-i '.'Upper.
Iirst down in I92S. At thai time no
one dared to think thai a land based
aircratt would ever lie sale fcir a
transpacific flight Glenn L -Martin
t'i.m|uny budi the first flipper and
these- planc-s had cnmpanments and
a lounge. h<1tws in the cotn-
Ihinmcxiis imuld tx- vonverled into
hunks The fhina ''lipix-r's most
celeliratcd tlight liegiin on
\iivciiilx-r Zl. Itui. in Alameda,
falifomia. lui years to the day alter
the first clipprr ship had sailed into
San Francises, harlwr. Every leg of
Itos lirst flight was completed on
schc-dule. Stu[e- wen- made in
llaw.iii. Guam. Midway and IVske
Islands, and .'rj hours and 4tl loinutirs
alicT take-ufl it iirrivcxl in Manila
Kir,4 Day covers may tx- olxained
by ».viilingy(iu-S.\SK lo- t.'ustoraer-
Allixt-cl Eiivelopi-s. franpat'ific
Airmail Stamp I'estmastrr. San
Fr.nKlM.o. UA tMIIBitAit*!
11x> results ol Ihe annual lartn's
S|aiii|iDiTl'y an- m ,nid tlie lavoriU-
cloigii was Ihe .American Dents set
III Icxir laamps As cvpectcxl. the
i'aiiuly Unity si.imp < I likcxi it' The
Best Ih-sigi'i lor cU-linilivcs wixii to
tin- Tc iiniaii stamp a> welt as tx-iiig
aw.iidivl the Most liu|i>rtaru ol die
I hie Ml the Ix-sl ideas lor a Ic-pical
vaiiu-to iiiv allenlUni w tide reading
my Lcicsi rojiv of l.l.NN S STAMP
NEMS It suggixvxl that one inuld
make- up i|uiti- an extensive
udlivt'im III llc.ird on Sliiiiipn. I
Whiidcr il any naliint h.cs placenta
lurikvlladv oiiaiiy ot ihinrslampc..
ixw.ili.il vvnulil Ix-aiieal addilion to
visliilhc-mv The American Tomcat
.Isxuci.ilXMi i,\TA> IS nllcTing Mrs.
I_iurenlla Garabranl s article.
"Prcixirmg Your First 1'opccal
feJj.sli.ai" for a siaro|H-d 22-c\-fll
(nvcIiMH-. Send vou rvviuc-sl In: ATA.
P it. bos ilki. jutiiistixi. PA IStxir.
'Die fii-putilicol ITona -Taiwan' has
aiiTumrK-vxl the relc-asc of thvxr
INoUagv Stamp falalug lur Itc64.
•Hie English versinn Is 93 ix- in-
elwliiig jiistage or 94«' for aimi.iil
service Address rc-c)uc-s| to:
ITiilali^lcc Dept.. Dircclurate
General of Posts. Taipei KW.
Taiwan. ItCK'
MnrkSVlLLE — Mr. Luther Allen
Davie County Hospital Friday
night following a lengthy
Funeral services will be 4 p.m.
day at Eaton's Funeral Chapelthe Rev. Jim Gryder. Burial will be j
in Calvary Baptist CburcJ
tery in Mocksville. Mr. Ashley wasE sTptember 2. 1927 in i^he
County to the late A. M. and Addie
Duvall Ashley. He was a veteran of
World War II and a mer^r of
' Weslyn Methodist Church. He wasSired employee of Emergency
^Medical Service in Davie County
^and was active in Davie Coimty
Rescue Squad. He a StateEvaluator for North Carolina E. M.T. and E.M.S. Programs He a ^
charter member ei E- i
gram in Davie County and ^e^
survivor of the original inembers
of E. M. S. Program
ty. He is survived by his wife, M^.
Uura Jane Speaks
- home; one daughter,(Sue) Massey, Rt. 2, Advance, tw
sons, Bob Ashley. 955 Hardison St.
and Luther Allen Ashley, Clem
mons; one sister, Mrs. PhillipDoyle, Princess Anne, Md, and five
, grandchildren. .
Bio ~ Obituaries - 3/8/1985 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
/ O- Uh'/ n i ■'S - I ^j VSDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY..MARCH 14.1985-9BV DAISY LEE W. REDMONDFuneral services for Mrs. DaisyLee Woody Redmond. 79. of Yadkin.Nursing Home Center in Yadkin-ville. N.C. were held Sunday. March10 at 2 p.m. at Bunch-JohnsonFuneral Home tThapel in Statesville.N.C. with the Reverend .AllieWalker and the Reverend DwightDowell officiating. Burial followedin New Prospect Baptist ChurchCGmGtcrv.-Mrs. Redmond died Thursday.March 7. 1985.She was born June 30. 1905 inIredell County. N.C. to the lateWilliam Carter Woody and LouvellaRupard Woody.# She was ahomemaker. Her husband. ConradEarnest Redmond preceded her indeath. February 7. 1970.Survivors include 2 sons. DeweyRedmond of Mocksville. and GilmerRedmond of Winston-Salem*. 2daughters. Miss Hansel VeraRedmond of Statesville. and Mrs.Helen Bernice Groppenbach ofHuntsxille. .Alabama: 4 sisters..Mrs. Creola Williams. Mrs.Elizabeth Moore and Mrs. LuraySerino. all of Statesville: and Mrs.Ethel .Mae Sloan oi Harmony: 8grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren.yMRS. WILLIE MAE WOODMrs. Willie Mae Williams Wood.•M. Rt. 4. .Advance died at DavieCounty Hospital in Mocksville lateThui^ay afternoon.The fiineral was held Sunday atDavie Baptist Church by the Rev.Ronald Looney. the Rev. Howard.Moffitt and the Rev. Jerry Bracken.Burial was in the tdiurch cemetery.Mrs. Wood was born in DavieCounty to .Martha Lou IrelandWilliams of Mocksville and the lateSpencer Franklin Williams. She wasa member of Davie Baptist Church.Surviving, in addition to hermother, are her husband. Mr.Edward ' Bill > Wood, of the home,si.x daughters. -Mrs. Peggy Ebright.Mrs. Opel Brown. .Mrs. Sue Hicksand Ms. Linda Wood, all of.Mocksville. Mrs. Patsy Laird.Clemmons and Mrs. Kathey York..Advance: one son. Eddie Hill, of thehome. 17 grandchildren, four great-grandchil^en, four sisters. Mrs.Virginia Beauchamp. .Advance..Mrs. (Eileen Vestal. .Arcadia. Mrs..Marv Hilton. Winston-Salem and.Mrs.' .Alice James. Lexington andseven brothers. Elgin V. andJohnnie Williams, both of Advance.George F . Walter G.. Dallas R. andNathan W. Williams, all ofLexington and Gurney S. Williams..Mocksville.THO.MAS JA.MES .MYERS _Thomas James .Myers. 72.Welcome-.Arcadia Road, diedThursday. .March 7. 1985. at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital following aserious liiness oi three weeks..Mr. .Myers was born Feb. 11.1913.in Davie County to John andCarolyn summers Myers. He was aretired employee ot the .Maintenance Depi oi Davidson CountyOAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE. NOCommunity College. Mr. Myers wasa member of Ebert Street Church ofChrist in Winston-Salem and hadserved in the U.S. Navy duringWorld War II. Surviving are hiswife. Mrs. .Mary Thomason Myers,of the home: one son. DelbertMyers. Welcome: one daughter..Mrs. Archie (Dixie) Hill. Mi^ay;two sisters. Miss Sarah Myers and•Miss .Alma .Myers, both of-Mocksville: two grandchildren andtwo great-grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Saturday. March 10. 1985. atDavidson Funeral Home Oiapel byDr. Herman Jent and the Rev.Harold Jent. Burial followed inReedy Creek Church of Christcemetery.• GEORGE LEE PHELPSGwrge Ue Phelps. 77. Rt. 4Mocksville died at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville Thursdaynight. 'The funeral was held Saturday atEatim's Funeral Home Chapel bvnf 3"'' the Rev.r f LibertyLwted Methodist Church Cemetery.^h®'Ps ^'35 bom August 9.uf ■ County to the late A.. and Sarah Safley Phelps and wasreured from Burlington Mills.He was a member of ConcordLmted .Methodist Church.His first Wife. .Mrs. Adaswittgood Phelps. preceded him indeath in 1942.Surviving are his second wife,-Mrs. .Mae Foster Phelps. of thehome: five daughters. Mrs. Colleen-Miller and .Mrs. .Mary AliceFlanagan, both of Rt. 4. .Mrs. SvlvaReavis. Rt. i. .Mrs. Dorothy Tarl'ton.Hillsboro and .Mrs. Geraldinethree sons.Bud Tom. and J. W. Phelps. all ofj grandchildren. 24 great-grandchildren: three sisters. Mrs.Ruth Burton and Mrs. GraceWooten. both of Rt. 4 and Mrs. StellaMcClamrock. Concord and onetL ^.^'niond Phelps. Rt. 4.the family requests thatmemonals be made to: ArtluiUsFoundation. P.O. Box^JsosDurham. .N.C. 27703. "Davie Co. Public LibraiyMocKsvlBe,«. C.
Gladys Naylor Groce \Gladys Naylor^^rc^^lll^to J.21, 1915 Gladys Naylor Groce |Always harboring strong ties for her Davie County home, Mrs. •Groce and her husband moved back to the site of her birth 42 y^^-,ago refurbishing the house which dates back to the mid 1800 s. They •made their home here untU the 1950's when they built a bnck house;just vflrds 3W3yMrs Groce is described by many as old fashioned, the type ofjwoman which put church and famUy before anything or anyone else..After returning to Davie County, she remained a supporbve ^e andmother, who gained happiness from quiet actions and kind d^. .She was a devoted member of the Smith Grove Umted MethMistChurch which stood within sight of her home on U.S. 158. And as longas her health permitted she attended services there whenever toe,church doors were opened. She was also an active member of toe •,church's Women's Society of Christian Service. . -Mrs. Groce was always supportive of her Imsband s endeavorswhich included prestigious seats on the Davie County B^d ofCommissioners, the Davie County Library Board and the Smith GroveUnited Methodist Church Building Committee. However, shepreferred to shun the limelight of public life, seeking to express herconcerrBforherfellowmaninhersmall.softspokenways.After her husband's death in 1968, Mrs. Groce Uyed alone until aboutfive years ago when her health began to fail. At this time, she moved inwith her daughter Geri and husband, Jack, who had once againrefurbished toe Groce homeplace where she was bom.She remained active until toe past few months, deriving a gr^t,pleasure from her friends in the Mocksville Golden Age Club, and the ^Farmington-Advahce Order of the Eastern Star.Mrs. Groce died at her homeplace last we^ in the very room m •which she was born. ^Surviving in addition to her daughter are three grandchildren, Mra.Darrell (Cathy Jean) Deaton of Ramseur, and Jack D. Paige and JeffPaige, both of Mocksville, Rt. 2; four children; and a number of mecw";and nephews. . -a.Though her footsteps through the sands of time were soft, Mrs.-.,Groce has left behind a profound impact.One philosopher observed; "The greatest things ever done ot earth^|~hava been done by little* and-httle-Utae^agents-,:Httle:;p^ns,4jhWe^thin^, by everyone doing his own work, filling his own sphere, holding" ;his own post and sajdng, 'Lord, what wilt thou have me do? '-■' -Gladys Naylor Groce was such a person.-- ■ '' ' Katoy Tomlihsqn.
lA-yDAVIL COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.. MRS. CAROLYN A. DAMSMrs. Carol>'n34. 6 Erwin Street.N.C. died Sunday. March 1<. W8o at.Forsyth Memorial Hosptial.Funeral services ^^we hddm 2. m Tuesdav at Eaton s«/ CpTby ttie Rbv. U^-Burial followed in Bear CreeKBaptist Church cem^O'Mrs. Davis was mCounty to OdeU andAnderson. She was an employee oiCelanese Corp. h„ehandSurviving are her husoana.jSe Davis, of the home; oneSghter. Sonya Davis and one »nEric Davis, both of the home, hernarents, Cooleemee and oneE?Jther. Howard Anderson.Cooleemee.DOUGLAS LEEfowler ,„ .Douglas Lee Fowler, M.R died at 9 p.m. l^ednesdaj atForsyth memorial Hospital aftwbeing seriously ill *.'® T?ro'The funeral was held at 2 p.ro_Monday at New Jerusalm HolmesChurch, conducted by mshopFowler of Mocksx-dle. He wmeducated in the Davie Coimt>schools and DavidsonCollege. He was a mmber of NeJerusalem Holiness^urch-Survivors, in addition to hisparents, includesJames E.Fowler Jr.. of Moc/isvilJe.MARY S. GAITHERmidnight Friday•"irStewardess Board No. 2B and theChap." ,01Zeta Chapter of the Zeta fnia?.?M.SSlt:™o".oe6r»0.childMRS. GLADYS NAYLORM. G,,OvfSGroce. who died in 1^- ^The funeral a) Home^ flSTollowed in Smith®S MetboOiol CharchCemtery ronuests thatSSr UniS Ml5.^o"f"chSfb•Cemetery Fund.Mrs. Groce wa^^j. ^■County to the late j y,asMary Camilla pfh ^l^^jj^^^Grovea tnem^r of th gUnited Methodist Ch^ch^sn^^^^a member of theISTS.? 1" "> ">•JohnMUWGrocaJr.Qiirvivine in addition to herpS,«°lro thr« grand^ff.?;Mrc Darrell (Cathy Jean) ueatonof Ramseur. and •'f ^t.iJeff Paige, both of Moctevill .r; ™arMl.Erandcli.lilren. g.0 anumber of nieces and nephews., MRS. agnk core^Amns^,Mrs. Agnes ^pe Ja|\d^ance.■®^''TSia?he F Jarvis. Sr.. died.wife of Charlie r . Forsyth•Thursdav mgW .Memorial ' Jav at Yadkin. "^^'^f.rB^Srist cSffch BurialValley Baptist Memorialfollowed at OaKiawnGardens cemetery mSalem. , ho_ Davie''^^rn^ohTandLelia MyersCounty to Jacob ^ ^ _f yadkinroni. She was a member oi i a, Vallev Baptist Church and the MaryT. Hendrix Sunday school class atthe church. Mrs. Jarvis had madeher home in Winston-Salem formanv vears and for the past 18years in Davie County. Survivingare her husband of the home; fourdaughters. Mrs. Alvin (Shelby)Foster ol Rt. 1. Advance. Mrs. C. E.(Jo Ann) Ziglar of Rl. 13. Lexington.Mrs. Eugene (Gail) Bowman andMrs. Perry (Ruby) Brendle. both ofWinston-Salem: one son, Charlie F.Jarvis. Jr. of Rt. 9. Winston-Salem;seven grandchildren and three stepgrandchilc^en; one sister. Mrs.Charlie (Ruth) Boger of Rt. l.Advance; two brothers. ErnestCope of Rt. 1. Mocksville and WalterCkipe of Rt. 2. Advance.THT'RSDAY. MARCH 21,1985-» MRS. INEZ B. JORDANMrs. Inez Boger Jordan. 86, ofRoute 6. Mocksville. N.C.. diedTuesday, March 5. 1985. at NorthCarolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. N.C.Funeral services for Mrs. Jordanwere hdd Thursday. March 7. 1985.at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapelwith the Rev. James Webb, the Rev.Donald Funderburk and the Rev.James Reeves officiating. Burialfollowed in Union Chapel United•Methodist Chur<± .She was bom October 14.1898. tnDavie County to the late DeWitt andSara Jane Bowles Boger. She was amember of Union Chapel UnitedMethodist Church. .. w,, „She was preceded in death d> ason. William C. Jordan. ^ ^ .Survivors are her husband.William D. Jordan of the home: fivedaughters. Mrs. Elmer G.^len.Mrs. Charles Ballard. both of Route6. Mocksville; Mrs. Joseph Dye ofMartinsbm^. W'. Va.. Mrs. James C.Howard of Route 1. Advance, andMarv Jordan of the home; 12 grandchildren. 13 great-grandchildrenand one great-great-grandchild.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVIU-E, nc
j C% /"hf <■ ^3. :iHospual. bhe clarence andH.nririx Hendriclcs. Mrs.Matlie "endrix P^rstMiller was a "J®"" f Mocksville.Methodisi Church ofHer husband^ She^ re one\ March l'- nvson Forest^ daiighter, Mrs. ^^rol D^^"- j.ji^,_ParK. Ga.-, -i'S Miller,Kissimmee. Fla- and ^ andAdvance: eight ^,s^er.one gr®®^'f''t"JMocltsvme; twoMrs. Elma >'o^ Hen-in Rose Cemetery.. PAULTUTTEROWPaul Tulterow, '5. otBeatiy ^*''.Sj°''Thui5j'a» nie"'rert^n^nSpiritSndia«j''"y IMifSS. 'S5r,^-B-rrrr «'^r..?7aSCounty, he ® Rebecca GodbyAustm Hall and Rej«c^^Tuuerow. -■^n retired from^ Mms Co Plant t, No. 6SrSe"room. n grs^agaai^chof (Sd.Crotts Tuttero- a jn,^ A.R ^Saghters J^net Helms^an^cSSee': 10 grandchildren; andihree great-grandchildren.)01 rv c ^ ^'FLOYD H. PEOPLES „Floyd HemanPwPSSing 'at^Bowan Memorial"°S^ Euneral was ''®JJg®^'*HomeSunday with RobertChapel. £Sg Burial followedCreason oflioatins.^SiS/oTaS^andnepdews., HENRY T. POPLINHenry T. Poplin. 71. of 234Wilkesboro Street. Mocteville iedMonday night at N. L. BaptistHospital. Winston-Sale.n.The funeral will be 2 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel with the Rev. Pad Riggsand Dr. Bill Angell officiating.Burial will be in ParklawnMemorial Gardens. Winston-Salem-The family will be at the funeralhome from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.Born January 31.Point, a son of the late MaUhewHenry and Eliiabelh Jane WhitePoplin, he had retired from CaudeliLumber Co. He was a mem^r ofMocksville First Baptist Church.Survivors include his wife. OpalLivingston Poplin; a daughter. Mrs.James H.(Gail) Brewer of Winston-Salem; a son. Matthew EugenePoplin of Salisbury; three sister^Frances Comer of Wmston-^lemand Ethel Haneline and WinonaBaity, both ol Mocksville; twobrothers. Woodrow Poplin ofDanville. Va.. and James PopUn ofWinston-Salem; and three grandchildren.DAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYmocksville, NC
DAVTE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,if ^ F, BAITYMary Frances Baity. 74. of RouteFor^5^ \V Thursday ata' II a.m•._aturday at Eaton's Funerai Homeflowed in CourtneyCoSt?. «metery in YadkinBom May 8. 1910. in YadkinH'^""and Ihe late DavidH . and Virginia Hoots Baity. SheSurvivors include three sisierc<"■ Route 8 andUeta Baity, both of .MocksvilJe andnumber of nieces and nephews.\/ MRS. LOLA CARTERCRAWFORDfnrml' porter Crawford. 89.formerly of I6 Ruffin stw f pnnvalescent Center in-locksville Wednesday afternoon''ere held 3:30Funeral'^locksville by theRev. Alton Fitzgerald. Burial^llowed in Rowan Memorial ParkCemetery in SalisburvMemorials may be made toCooleemee Cniled MethodistMrs. Crawford was bom in RowanS Can^%h'®V est Carter. She was a member ofCWnh'"®!. Methodiswhere she had taught^so a member of MocksviileChapter of the Eastern Star Herhusband. .John Grier Crawfordpreened her in death in 1975"Surviving are four daughtersM.nola Crawford. CoolSS, .Mi'sVT uVirginia Beach. VaOhio y ^"airview ParkOhio and Mrs. Edna HardingJr.. Falls Church. Va1^7 •'^srgaret Cope.pii/o' LouisePa 5 and 1 iI7' 'irothers.M' ctoSle''''MRS, MAE WHITLEY EVANSHaJdIngHarding Horn Apartmentsa Saturday morningat Forsyth Memorial HospitalFuneral services were held at 2 p m'bl R Eaton's Funeral Chapel"R»H 1 f n^'"' Richardson•• S R Cemetery.' Firef P Yf"® a member offr^/i Church and wasaretired employee of B. C. Moore &She i.s .survived by four daughters]lrrv mSerry Sue Evans, both ofJ Mrs. Charles -MarthafSaw- BillEdnai Cope. Lynchburg. Va - two^ons. James William Evansiummerville. S.C,. and Harold R.'Cooleemee- 19 ^ ofMr^ grubs9 ■jr-Jhomas Glenn Grubb eo RtLdn7 d' h^pSjthe^^R Rome Cha[il byam hie ^ SurvivingGrubb of Th? h VVhitakefluoo. ot the home; two si<t»M-eVn Gooleemee andTHURSDAY, MARCH 28,1985-. SNOW INFANTSJames Stephen and James DanielSno\^ infant twin sons of James Aand Elaine Kooniz Snow of Route 1Mocksviile died shortly after birth^ursday morning. .March 21 atl-orsyth Memorial Hospital. Win-ston-Salem.Graveside rites were held at IIa.m. Saturday at Jericho Church ofChri^st cemetery with WayneHendrix officiating.Sun-ivors. in addition to theirparents, include the maternalgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. OscarKoontz of Route 1; and the paternal^andmother. Wllma Snow Hanes ofRoute 6.' •Jl'fe LibraryOAVIE CO. PUBCIC UBRARYmocksviue. nq
Mary Cornelia Hendricks
lli-iiili u'k>i,
wub 2 pui.
Saliirilay ill Mucksvilk- r-'iisit Uiiiled "-
M('tti<)<li.sU'liiirch will) iIh> l((-\DonOiivi.soirii'jiiliiig. liuriiil r<illijwcd in l I^HR
\k-inoriiils may Ix-niuik to Davie
Born Sept. 20,' 1920, in Davie ' ' f
("ouiity, a daughter of Novia
Summer Hendricks, with who she k. *' I
made her home, and the late l \ ,' •
William Paul Hendricks, she was J \ v 1
reliredafteraoyearsasaieJJerwith d \ . rjiU /
Brunch Bank and Trust Co. She was . ' \ '< I'■■ a member of Mocksville First \United Methodist Church. She V \ .^301 *v
served a.s treasurer of the Davie .
(.'ounly Cancer Fund for J5 years. ^
A brother. Bill Hendricks, \
preceded her in dealli
Survivors. addition to her
mother, include one sister. Wanda -
of lioute
Charles W. Hen-dricks, all of Mocksville. Mary Cornelia Hendricks
One bright September morhing in 1926 a little girl reported to MissMargaret Bell, leacter of the first grade of the Mocksville ElementarySchool. Slie iminedi^ly became one of the top scholars in her classremaining at the ^ for each of her eleven years in school. Graduatingwith the MocksYilto High School Class of 1937, Mary Cornelia Hemdricks was the valedictQrian.Following graduation from high school, Cornelia Hendricks workedat several posiUons in and around Mocksville Including a hosiery millthat operated on the second floor of the Sanford Motor Company. Shealso assisted Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fowler in the operation of thePrincess Theatre, selling tickets at the box office.On January 15,1947, she went to work at the Bank of Davie. For thenext thirty years it was her familiar, cheerful face that greetedcustomers at the teller's window. In December of 1957, the Bank ofDavie merged with Branch Banking and Trust Company. QjrnelJacontinued on with that institution for the next eleven years retlrlne in
April of 1978, *AcUve in community, civic and religious acUviUes, Cornelia served^ treasurer of tlie Davie County unit of the American Cancer Societyfrom the time of its orpnization until recent years. She was also )active in the local American Legion Auxiliary and other civic Iorganizations. An active member of the First United MethodistChurch of Mocksville, she served as Sunday School secretary and
many other capacities.A devoted family member, she gave of much time and substance inhelping to maintain the home and caring for her loved ones.Cornelia Hendricks could be best described us a most devotedperson throughout her life and in all her undertakings. In her ownquiet way, she gave much to so many.
Someone once observed:"Solid devotions resemble the rivers which run under the earthThey steal from the eyes of the world to seek the eyes of God; and itoften happens that those of whom we speak least on earth are bestknown In hea^n." by Gordon Tomlinson
I Mrs. Laura Elizabeth Pennington
' Neary, 59, 1110 Magnolia St., died
at Forsyth Memorial Hospital Fri
day morning. She was born July 24,
1925 in Davie County to James R.
and Ruth Beck Pennington. Mr^.
Neary was employed by Indera
. , Mills for over 20 years and was a
• member of Sharon United Method-
, - ist Church. Surviving are her hus-
; ■; band. Walter J. Neary, of the home;L ' one daughter, Mrs. Patricia N.Kel-e'ily, Charlotte; two grandsons.I- James and Patrick Kelly, both ofI- 1 Charlotte; her mother, Lewisville1- I and two brothers, Samuel L. (Bud)I- Pennington and Harley L. (Bill)a- Pennington, both of Lewisville. Fu-7, neral services will be 3:30 p.m.II- today at Hayworth-Miller Silas30 Creek Chapel by the Rev. Jasper1st Boyd and the Rev. Bobby Jeune.it- Burial will follow in Parklawn Me- ^•cb borial Gardens. Memorials mayate be made to Winston-Salem or Lewrrhe Bvilie Rescue Squad.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1985 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
I \/•^THOMAS CLETUS BARBERThomas Cletus Barber. 86, formerly of 822 Shoreland Rd.. Win-ston-Salem. died Friday evening,March 22, at Wilkes GeneralHospital.Mr. Barber wtis bom in RowanCounty, July 25, 1898 to JohnThomas and Cornelia ReevesBarber. He was a member ofBurkhead United Methodist Church,a member of Brotherhood ofRailroad Trainmen and had beenvery active in Senior Citizensgroups within Winston-Salem. Hehad worked for Southern Railwayand retired during his SOth year ofservice. He had l^n conductor onSouthern Railway Passenger ITainfrom Winston-Salem to Asheville formany years.He was preceded in deatn by hiswife, Evelyn Henley Barber, whodied in 1983. He is survived by oneson, John Thomas Barber, Lyn-woode, N. Wilkesboro; one grandson, Richard Adams Barber,Wa^ington: one granddaughter,Mrs. William E. (Anne) McCarthy,Advance and three greatgrandchildren.Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Monday at Vogler's ReynoldaRoad Chapel by Dr. Kenneth M.Johnson and the Rev. Alec Alvord.Burial followed in Forsyth.Memorial Park.Memorials may be made toBurkhead United Methodist Church.5250 Silas Creek Parkway, Winston-Salem.IW.R. LATHAMWilliam Robert Latham, 75. 3842Leo St.. Winston-Salem. died Fridaynight at Baptist Hospital.He was bom May 16.1909 in DavieCounty to Burgess G. and DeliaIjames Latham. Mr. Latham spentmost of his adult life in ForsythCoiuity and was retired from HanesHoisery after 38 years of service.He was a member of ObguraMemorial United Methodist ChurchHe was a veteran of World War II.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Frances Holden Latham of thehome; two daughters, Mrs. MelbaForbis, Lewisville and Ms. FayeScott, Winston-Salem; two grandsons, Bryan and Aaron, both ofWinston-Salem and two sisters,Mrs. Blanche Ward and Mrs. MattieBoger, both of Davie County.The funeral was held Monday atOgbum Memorial United MethodistChurch by the Rev. .Mark Lewis.Interment was in Forsyth MemorialPark.0AV(E CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSViaE. NOCOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. APEUL 4,1985^ - JAMES W. DICKERSONJames Wiley Dickerson, 93, ofSouthern Pines, formerly ofMocksville, died at PinehurstManor C^e, Pinehurst, on Sundaymorning.A graveside service was heid atRose Cemetery with the Rev. DonDavis officiating.Bom Nov. 10. 1891, in YadkinCounty, a son of the late Abrahamand Rachael Armstrong Dickerson.he had retired as a salesman forWilson and Co. Meat Packers. Aveteran of World War I , he was aBaptist.His wife. Clarice RodwellDickerson, ^ed in 1978.Survivors include a daughter,Clarice McClureof Buffalo, N.Y.; ason, James Wiley Dickerson Jr. ofColumbia, S.C".; a sister, .MittyJohnson of Jonesville; and fourgrandchildren.^ DOROTHY S. HORNEDorothy' Scott Home, 44,' diedFriday at St. James NursingCenter. Greensboro, after a shortillness.The funeral was held Monday atClement GrtovetJhurch of God withthe Rev. Ivaa Ijames officiating.Burial was in Pjpey Grove AMEZion Church ^^^etsry in Iredellr*/iiintv f.'*'/County.Bom Feb. 21. 1941, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Oscar and Gmeva StudeyentSmtt.Survivors include one daughter,Barbara Louise Home ofMocksville; and an uncle, ClydeStudevent Sr. of Mocksville.Davie Co.PiiDlicLitJiai)Mociisviile, H. C.X .. SUDIE C. KOONTZK Sudie Campbell Koontz, 89, ofRoute 1, Mocksville, N.C., died atRowan Manor Nursing Center,Salisbury, early Tuesday morning.The funeral will be held at 2 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's Fimeral HomeChapel with Wayne Hendrix officiating. Burial will be in SalemUnited Methodist Church cemetery.The family will be at the funeralhome from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.Born December 11, 1893, in DavieCounty, a daughter of the late DavidThomas and Dorothy AmeliaGibson Campbell, she was amember of Jericho Church ofChrist.Her husband, Adren DorseKoontz. died October 29, 1955.Survivors include two daughters,Kathleen Daniel and FrancesMcGarity, both of Route 1,Salisbury: a son, Oscar Koontz ofRoute 1, .Mocksville; five grandchildren: and three great-grand-children.F.D. JOHNSON, JR.The Rev. Franklin D. Johnson Jr.of Pine Street was dead on arrival atDavie County Hospital Saturday,March 30. 1985.The funeral will be held at 11 a.m.Wednesday at MemorialPresbyterian Church on Beatty'sFord Road. Charlotte, conducted bythe Rev. Joseph Spears. Burial willbe in York .Memorial Park, also inCharlotte.The body will be taken from GreerFuneral Home in Charlotte to MountVemon Presbyterian Church inRowan County on Tuesday and willremain there from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30p.m.. with a memorial service at 7p.m.Johnson served as pastor ofMount Vemon Presbyterian Churchin Rowan County, CameronPresbyterian in Iredell County andSecond Presbyterian of Mocksville.Survivors include his wife,Hamett Johnson: and a daughter,Winona .McCullough of Charlotte.
1' ^(. >—/J. ilJJAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. APRIL 11,1985-IV/ MRS. SUDIE CAMPBELLKOONTZMrs. Sudie Campbell Koontz. 89.Rt. 1. died at Rowan Manor NursingCenter in Salisbury early Tuesdaymorning. Funeral services wereheld at 2 p.m. Thursday at EatonsFuneral Chapel by Mr. WayneHendrtx. Burial followed in SalemUnited Methodist Church cemetery..Mrs. Koontz was born in DavieCounty to the late David Thomasand Dorothy .Amelia GibsonCampbell, and was a member ofJericho Church of Christ. Herhusband. Adren Dorse Koontz.preceded her in death October 29.1955. Surviving are two daughters..Mrs. Kathleen Daniel and Mrs.Frances .MacGarity, both of Rt. 1.Salisbury; one son. Oscar Koontz.Rt. 1. Mocksville: five grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.V WILLIA.M WILSONWATERSWilliam Wilson Waters. 54. ofCooleemee. died at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-Salem early Friday.A graveside service was held at 4p.m. Sunday at Rose Cemetery inMocksville. conducted by the Rev.Dwight Durham.Bom Nov. 17. 1930. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateMilton and Katherine Wall Waters.He was a painter and a veteran ofthe U.S. Army.Survivors include two brothers.John Waters of Clearwater. Wash.,and Bobby Waters of SouthCarolina.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARyMOCKSVlLLEi NCv/.'. CLIFFORD FRANKLIN TODDMr. Clifford Franklin Todd. 65.Rt. 2. Baltimore Rd.. died Tuesdaymorning at Forsyth .MemorialHospital. Funeral services wereheld at 2 p.m. Thursday at Vogler sClemmons Chapel by the Rev.Norman Frye. Bunal followed inHope Baptist Tabernacle Churchcemetery. Mr. Todd was bom inForsyth County to Rufus F. andNora Spaugh Todd. He was a retiredcarpenter and was of the Methodistfaith. He had made his home inDavie Coimty for the past IT years.He was a veteran of the UnitedStates -Army serving in theEuropean Theatre diunng WorldWar II where he was awarded thePiirple Heart. Surviving are onedaugtitw. Mrs. Frances Todd Ellis.Advance; three sons. WilliamWayn&Toddi Lewisville and GaryLee amllkftts Cliffton Todd. both ofthe home;'five grandchildren;seven sisters. Mrs. Hazel ScottWagoner. Mrs. Florence Leagans.Mrs. V'irginia Scott and .Mrs. HelenGrubbs. all of Wlnston-Salem. Mrs.Mary Forrest. Morehead City. Mrs.Cora .Moody. Kernersville and Mrs.Wilma Lanning. .Alexandria. Va..MARGRET WOODRUTFMiss Margret Woodruff, daughterof the late Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Woodruff died Sunday, April 7.1985,after an extended illness at herhome in Mocksville.She was a life-long resident of ..Mocksville. .N.C.. and a member ofSecond Presbyterian Church sincechildhood.•Margret is survived by onebrother. Andrew Woodruff. Sr...Mocksville: three nephews and twonieces; Mr. and Mrs. .AndrewWoodruff. Jr.. Winston-Salem. Mr.and Mrs. Ronald J. Woodruff,Mocksville, and .Aaron Woodruff..New York. N.V.: two cousins. Miss.Alma Frost. .New London. Ct. andMrs. Catherine Kydd. Redding,-Mass.; seven great nieces andnephews.The family will receive friendsWednesday evening, April 10th at7:00 p.m. at the home.Services will be held Thurstiay,.April Ilth, 1985. at 2:00 p.m. atSecond Presbyterian Church.The family requests that anymemorials be made to the BuildingFund of .Mocksville SecondPresbyterian Church in lieu offlowers.Oavie Co. Public Libraryiiflocksvilie, N. C.
/ MARY ETHEL s. - /Omoorefield ^ /^ / r" vl ^ ^hcioC-cnfFuneral services for Mary Ethel vJDcrvc^'*-*! i-—yiN-V^T^Tulbert Moorefield, 80, of Rt. 2, It/Harmony, N.C.. were held Monday, \ ^April 1. 1985. at Friendship Baptist il , ^ YChurch in Harmony, N.C., with toe ^ \ 'Reverend Vemon F. Ball and the ghy^ V 1Reverend Carl E. Parks officiating. (JBurial followed in the churchcemetery. . ^ „ j .Mrs. Moorefield died Saturday mStatesville. N.C. at Davis CommuityHospital. .She was bom Septeirtier 10.1905. inSurry County to toe late EdwardTulbert and Anne Windsor Tulbert.She was married in 1928 to RobertHunter Moorefield, who survive.She was a member of FriendshipBaptist Church.Other survivors include 4 sons,Harold Moorefield of Winston-Salem. Ralph Moorefield ofHamptonville. John K. Moorefield ,of Statesville and Jerry Moorefieldof Hamptonville. John K.Moorefield of Statesville and JerryMoorefield of Cleveland; 2 . ^ ^daughters. Mrs. Barbara Graves, of A.Rt, 7. Mocksville. N.C., and Mrs.Rachel Mabe of Rt. i. Harap- • 'tonville. N.C.; 3 brothers. PaulTulbert and Clyde Tulbert. both ofUnion Grove, and Jessie Tidbert iof Hamptonville: and I foster sister,Mrs. Maxine Cranfill of Statesville. 'Davie Co. Public Libraryi^ocksville, N. C. oavie co. pubuc ubrar^mocksvu-le* nc
ocju yci-n e ^li- nDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. APRIL 18,1985-y ADELAIDE SMOOT ELLISThe funeral for Adelaide SmootEllis was held at 2 p.m. Friday atMocksville Second PresbyterianChurch. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Ellis, 85. of 113 Foster St..died Tuesday at Davie CountyHospital. She was the aunt of SarahThrower of East Spencer andPauline Morton of Salisbury.v/ . DEWEY "CHICK" FOWLERMr. Dewey (Chick) Fowler. 72.Jerusalem Ave.. Cooleemee, diedTuesday at his home. Funeralservices were held at 2 p.m. Sundayat Noble and Kelsey MemorialChapel by the Rev. WilliamJackson. Burial followed in NewBethel Baptist Church cemetery inMocksville.Mr. Fowler was bom October 12.1912. in Davie County to the lateAnthony Fowler and Liza HoskinsFowler Payne. He was educated inDavie County Public Schools andwas a retir^ employee of ErwinMills. Mr. Fowler was of the Baptistfaith.Surviving are three nephews.James D. and William H. Crawford,both of Winston-Salem and NelsonJ. Crawford, Lynn, Mass.; fivenieces, Mrs. Emma C. Sims, Mrs.Ruby C. Hinson and Mrs. DorisCrawford, all of Winston-Salem.\Irs. Louise Carter. Cooleemee andMrs. Deborah Cuthbertson.Cleveland; 20 grandnieces; onesister-in-law. Mrs. Liza Fowler.Woodleaf./ROLAND H. STANLEYRoland Hugh Stanley. 68. of.Mocksville. died at the Salisbury VAMedical Center Wednesdayevening.A graveside service was held at 11a.m. Friday at the .NationalCemetery in Salisbury, withmilitary rites conducted by theRowan County Veterans Council.Born in Davie County. July 17,1916, he was a son of the late Julius.A. and Bessie Parker Stanley. Aretired security guard, he was aU.S. Army veteran of World War II.Siuwivors include his wife, Linda,Larrison Stanley; a stepdaughter,Mellisa Kay Stanley of the home;and a brother. Will Stanley of Route8. Mocksville.JOSEPH A. HELSABECKJoseph Augustas Helsabeck.' 59.Rt. 4. Advance died Thursday at hishome following an extended illness.He was bom in Rural Hall to thelate Julius Augustas and FannieElizabeth Kiger Helsabeck. He wasa member of Bethlehem United.Methodist Church and a member ofSmith Grove Ruritan Club. He wasretired from .AT&T after 37 years ofservice. Mr. Helsabeck was aveteran of World War II.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Bonnie McCullough Helsabeck; twodaughters. .Ms. Caroljm LankfordFoster. Mocksville and Mrs. Bill(Paulette) Burton. Rt. 4. Advance;one son. G.C. Lankford. Mocksville:four sisters. .Mrs. Jack (.Martha)Jones and Mrs. Paul (Dorothy)Blackbum. both of Rural Hall. Mrs.Arthur (Betty) Edwards and .Mrs.Robert (Mary) Southern, both ofTobaccoville; three brothers. RogerHelsabeck. Rural Hall. BillyHelsabeck. Tobaccoville and EdwinHelsabeck. King;Also four grandchildren. .Mrs.Michael (Debbie) Singleton. JeffreyLankford. Ronald Foster andDejhise Burton and one greatgrandchild. Dawn Singleton.Fungal services were held at 2p.m. S^^icM^'-at Bethlehem UnitedMethodiSb X3uirch by the Rev.Donald Fund^burk and the Rev.Dwight Mashbum. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Memorials may be made toBethlehem United .Methodist(Tiurch Building Fund.y MR. R. BAITY LOWERYMr. R. Baity Lowery, 68. Rt. 5,died at 9:50 a.m. Tuesday, April 9,at his home. Mr. Lowery was theson of Lee and Lucinda BaityLowery. He was a member ofCourtney Baptist (Hiurch and was aretired furniture worker. Survivingare his wife, Irene Peele Lowery ofthe home; one daughter, Mrs. JoanBurton, Winston-S^em; two sons,Jimmy Dean and J.B. Lowery. bothof Mocksville; five sisters. Miss LeeMay Lowery, Elkin, Mrs.Marguerite Church, Ronda, Mrs.Phobee Murray, Winston-Salem.Mrs. Rhodesia Garris, Shallotte.and Mrs. Deon Transoue, Elkin; onebrother, A.V. Lowery, Mooresville;and four grandchildren. Funeralservices were at2;30 p.m. Thursdayat Courtney Baptist Church by theRev. Kenneth Pittman. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.O^VIE CO. POBIX^/lOCKSVltLE, NCOavie Co. Public Lftjiaryi^ocksviHe, N. C.
Mrs. Willie Mae Bean, SO, of Rt. 3,
Mocksville died Tuesday, April 23,
at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. She
had been in declining health for six
.She was the wife of Neal Kay
Bean and she was employed by
Hancs Corporation.
Funeral service.s will l)e held
Thursday at II a.m. at Eaton's
Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Gordon
Joyner. Burial will be in Fork
Baptist Church cemetery. The
family will receive friends Wed
nesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the
funeral home.
Mrs. Bean was born in Davidson
County, November 19, 1934, to the
late Willie Clay and Ollie Shoaf
Surviving are her husband; two
daughters, Mrs. Tonia Moore, Rt. 2.
Advance and Cindi Wilkcrson, Rt. 3,
Mocksville; one sister. Madgalene
Rivelin. I..exington; two brothers,
Jesse and Jack Conner of
Lexington; and three grand
James Lawrence Brown, 44, of
Midway Street, Cooleemee died in
the emergency room at Davie
(^unty Hospital Sunday.
The funeral was held at 2 p.m.
Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel in Mocksville, conducted by
^ Robert Creason and Stan Riddle.
Burial followed in Liberty United
Methodist Church Cemetery, Route
4, Mocksville.
Born February 19,1941, in Rowan
County, he was a son of Robert
Brown of Salisl'ury and Uie late
Thelma Griffin Brown. He was a
self-employed brick mason.
Survivors, in addition to his
father, include his wTife, Mamie
Beatrice Belk Brown; three
daughters, Annette, Kathy and
Tammy Brown, ail of (he home; a
brother. Junior Brown of Hamlet;
and a half brother, Wayne Brown of
Miss Susan May Green, 95, 944
Watson Ave., Winston-Salem, Aed
Friday at her home. She was bom
November 20,1889, in Davie Coumy
to Peter and l,aura Clifford
Mi^ Green attended Davie County
Sdioois and Boonville Academy in
Boonville. She was a graduate
of N.C. State Normal and Ind^trial
College in Greensboro which is now
UNC-G. While attending and
wak assistant lo the College
Rfeislrar. She was later associated
tvilh the fumilure firm Cantrell &
Crim in Winslon-Salem and became
and oner at or of Crim, Brunt
and Green until retirement in 1952.
Miss Green was a member of First
Baptist Church having taught Adult
l.,adies Sunday School Class for 55
years. Her interest in education and
missionary support was wide
spread. On one occasion, she was
honored in a special way by the
Pilot Mt. Baptist Association as the
most exemplary Baptist Woman of V
First Baptist Church- a unanimous
selection by the Women's Council.
Surviving are two nephews. William
n Green Eaton, Winchester. Ky. and
John Charles Eaton, Winston-
Salem; two great-nephews, John C.
Eaton, Jr.. Winston-Salem and
Robert S. Eaton, Metlakatia,
Alaska and one great-niece, Mrs.
Jack Supplee, Jr., Lexington, Ky.
Funeral services were held at 2
p.m. Monday at First Baptist
Church by Dr. Paul Craven and the
Rev. Ronald E. Rice. Burial
followed in Eaton Baptist Church
cemetery in Davie County.
The family requests memorials
be made to May Green Fund or
Mission Memory Fiuid at First
Baptist Church, 501 W. Fifth St.,
Winston-Salem 27101.
William Carl Nettles, 79, of Route
7, Mocksville, died of natural causes
at Davie County Hospital April 13.
A graveside service was held at 2
p.m. Monday at Rowan Memorial
Park. Wayne Hendrix, minister of
the Church of Christ, officiated.
Nettles was born Jan. 1, 1906, a
son of Wade and Luia Cutler Net
tles. He was retired from Ford
.Motor Co. in Melrose Park. Ill
V Survivors include two sons, .loe
Earl and Edward Nettles, both of
Mocksville; five sisters, Lillian
Nettles of Chicago. Margie Murry of
Melrose Park, III., Opal Harbin of
Ridgely, Tcnn., Edna Duncan of
Tampa, Fla., and Irene Carpenter
of Peoria, HI.; three brothers.
Travis Nettles of Chicago, Braxton
Nettles of Providence. Ky.. Marvin
Nettles of Tiptonville, Tenn.
GO ^
< C=
CO 00
Funeral services for William
Ernest Gaither, 69, of 720 Baker
Street, Statesville, were held
Saturday, April 20,1985 at 2 p.m. at
Westmoreland Chapel of Bunch-
Johnson in Statesville. Burial
followed in Iredcll Memorial
Mr. Gaither known as "Boy",
died Thursday, April IB, 198.5. at
Iredell Memorial Hospital,
following a lengthy illness.
He was a retired employee of
Kewaunee Tech. Equipment
Company, and a member of the
Methodist faith.
He was born April 22, 1915 in
Iredell County to the late Luico
Gaither and Edna Strond Gaither.
He was married in 1937 to Elizabeth
CIcary Gaither, who survives.
Other survivors include four sons.
Wade Gaither and Mickey Gaither,
both of Statesville; Butch Gaither of
Mocksville; Louie Gailher of
Statesville; 1 daughter. Mrs. Judy
G. i^aws of Statesville; 4 brother.s.
Lester Gaither of Mooresville; l..eo
Gaither of Greensboro. (May
Gaither of Winston-Salem. and
Kelly Gailher of Mocksville; 1
sister, Mrs. Lucille G. Morrison of
Galax, Virginia; 7 great-
granchildren atid 1 great-great
Funeral services for (Myde
Tennyson Walker, 78. of 6205 West
Friendly Avenue. Greensboro, N.(?..
were held Friday, April 19, 1985, at
Guilford College United I^elliodi.st
Church, where he was a memlicr.
Burial followed in New Gnrilen
Friends Cemetery.
Mr. Walker died Wednesday.
April 17, 1985, at Wesley l.«ing
Community Hospital.
He was a native of Mocksville,
N.C.. a memlx*r of Exxon Annuity
Club and a retire<l agent for Exxon
Surviving are wife, Mrs. Octa
Greene Walker; daughter. Mrs
Linda Hanks ot Winston-Salem;
sister, Mrs. Margaret Caudle of
: Mount Airy; brothers. Fred Walker
of High Point, Lawrence Walker of
Statesville; and one grandchild.
Memorials may be made to
Guilford United Methodi.st Church
1205 Fleming Road. Grecnslxiro
N.C. 27410.
c -
"N ■*
tollman ''ST"MoakWn'«'?ilS in 'l-n l'"""l"e'»n'^'^Mrs^'^Spillman died ®VMemorial Hospital Friday aftern^" She was the widow ofWillam Steelman SpilUnan. andwas a member ofUnited Methodist Church. She hadlived all her life in the FarmmgtonComiuy and had allend^.dFarmington High School. Shehorn in Davie County to the lateS H and Delia Hauser Seats.■'°Mra Spmmnn waa pracrt^ "death by a dai^tar. IJ":j (Lib) Nash of Silver Spnngs. Md.who died in August of 9M. Surviving are three daughler. MrsGilmer H. ^I^'an^s) Bllis o^Mocksvillc. Mrs. Gilmer EJJdla)t:ollclte of Winsl^n-Sa em and Mrs.H Ray (Anita) ".a"^" ,f,'Mocksville; one son, William W.Spillman. Sr. of Mocksville 18grandchildren; 27 Sreatgrandchildren and 2 great-great-'^'SSS'ir ntay he ntad. •»Farmington United Methodi.sl(^urch., MRS. VIRGINIAIJAMES WALKERMrs. Virginia Clayton IjamesWalker, 83, of 707 Oakview Rd.,High Point, died at 10:13 a.m.Tuesday, April 16, 1985, in HighPoint Memorial Hospital. She hadbeen in declining health for 2 yearsand critically 111 for 6 days.She was born June 14, 1901, inDavie County, a daughter of Frankand Amy Cartner Ijames. Aresident of High Point since 1921,she was a Charter Member of WordStreet United Methodist Church andthe Elizabeth Albright SundaySchool.Class. On November 24,1920,she was married to Fred McLarenWalker who survives of the home.Also surviving are one son, BobbyStewart Walker of 3409 GrcenhillDrive; three sisters, Mrs. ThcoTutterow of King, Mrs. Zeb(Ruby)Rush of 118 Kinview Streetin Archdale, and Mrs. KalherineMcVey of Greensboro; one granddaughter and two great-grandchildren.Funeral services were held at11:00 a.m. Thursday at Ward StreetUnited Methodist Church by theRev. Gary Kling and the Rev. TimAlbert. Burial followed in CenterUnited Methodist Church Cemeterynear Mocksville.The family requests thatmemorials be made to the organfund at Center United MethodistChurch. Rt. 1. Mocksville. N.C.27028.HAL R. YORKHal Redman York, 68, of SloanMill Road, Route 1, Olln. died atN.C. Baptist Hospital at 10 p.m.Wednesday following an illness of 4months.He was born in Iredell CountyApril 1. 1917, and was a son of thelate J. Gaston York and IvahRedman York. He was a retiredfarmer.Mr. York was a member of TaylorSprings Baptist Church, where hewas chairman of the board ofdeacons, and a.ssistant SundaySchool teacher for the adult men'sBible class. He was past Master ofWilson Masonic Ixjdge 226 of Olin.and the Scottish Rite of Winslon-Salem.y' He graduated from Union GroveHigh School and attended Ap> palachian Slate University.On October 25, 1952, he wasmarried to the former Ineze Brown,who survives.Also surviving are one brother.James R. York of Mocksville. andonfe sister. Mrs. Frank Turner ofStatcsville.Funeral services were conductedat 4 p.m. Friday at Taylor SpringsBaptist Church with Rev. J. C.Gwaltney and Rev. Wayne Levanofficiating. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Honorary pallbearers weremembers of the adult men's Bibleclass of the church.Full Masonic rites were accordedat the graveside by members ofWilson Masonic Lodge and John G.York, Master of Farmington Lodgein Davie County.The family received friends from7:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday night atBunch-Johnson funeral home,i Memorials may be made to theTaylor Springs Sunday Schoolclassrooms, or to the Fellowship' Hall Building fund In care of TaylorSprings Baptist Church. Route 2.Statesville. N.C. 28677.o.0tQtn\'r\DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBuhKIMOCKSVILLE NCnO
C} I0I , cybi'i'O '7r ^4B-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 2.1985Area ObituariesMRS. HATTIE SMITHCOPEMrs. Hattie Smith Cope, 87, Rt. 4,Box 117, Advance, widow of WalterL. Cope, died Monday morning atForsyth Memorial Hospital. Funeralservices were at 11 a.m. Wednesdayat Macedonia Moravian Church.Burial followed in the churchgraveyard. Mrs. Cope w^ bom inDayie County to John and SallieFaircloth Smith. She wasamemtserof Macedonia Moravian Church.She is survived by six dau^ters,Mrs. Arlene Douthit.Clemmons,Mrs. Hazel Smith,MocltsviIle, Mrs.John P. (Elizabeth) Hendrix, Olin,Mrs. Roy (Mary) Hendrix, Mrs.Ausbon (Dorothy) Ellis and Mrs..Mack (Betty) Doss, all of Advance;twoMns. W.L. Cktpe, Clemmons andWillie Cope, Advance; 31 grandchildren; 45 great-grandchildren; 5great-great-grandchildren; twosisters, Mrs. Fannie Fry. Advanceand Mrs. Lillian Hockaday,Clemmons and five brothers, Mr.Clarence Smith, Advance andBryant, Elmer, Rennie and LesterSmith, ah of Qemmons./ .MRS. SHARON DARLENEWAGNER LIVENGOODMrs. Sharon Darlene WagnerLivengood, 26, Rt. 7, Mocksville,Aed Friday at Forsyth MemorialHospital. Funeral services wereS Baton sFuneral Home Chapel by the Rev.Avis Hill the Rev. Judd Durhamfir 1 Gryder. Burialfollowed in Rose Cemetery..Mrs. Livengood was bom in Elkinto Mack M. and Lorraine MotesWa^er. She was employed in theFini^ing Department at CrownWood. Mrs. Livengood was amember of the Church of God inFinnacle. Surviving are herhusband, Michael W. Livengood, ofthe home; her parents, Rt. 7; onesister. .Mrs. Cheryl Stanley, Rt. 7-two brothers. Ray Wagner, Harmony and Joel Wagner, Mocksville-her maternal grandmother, Mrs'.pta Motes and several nieces andnephews.^ .MRS. DORA SiMITH.Mrs. Dora Smith. 84, of Route l,Dudley, N.C. died Sunday in Wayne.Memorial Hospital in Goldsboro,N.C. She was a native of Davie^unty, and the daughter of the lateFrancis Smith and Elma FrancisSmith.Funeral services were held^esday at 4 p.m. at WoodlandFriends Meeting, with burialallowing in Wayne Memorial Parkm Goldsboro. The Rev. Ed. H.Meyerhoeffer ofHciated.Survivors include 5 sons, Stacy Q.Smith of Newport, Jesse GraySmith and Harold Edwards Smith ofRt. 1, Dudley, Joe Smith of^ngton, BUly Wayne Smith ofApex; 3 daughters. Ruth Taylor ofGary, Betty Louise Fabiano of StoneMountain, Georgia and Helen SueWilson of Augusta, Texas; 18grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren.CAVIE CO. PUBLIC LiSMKyMOCKSVILIJE, i-WJDAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE. NOHATTIE VICTORIARANSOM CORNATZERHattie Victoria Ransom Cor-natzer, 75, of Route 2, Advance, diedearly Tuesday in Forsyth MemorialHospital, Winston-Salem, afterbeing seriously ill for one month.Funeral arrangements wereincomplete as of press time. Eaton'sis in (Aarge of arrangements.Bom May 25, 1909, in Forsyth(Oounty, a daughter of the lateJames William and Flora MaeHendricks Ransom, she was amember of Bixby Presbyterian<%urch.Survivors include her husband,Lonnie Comatzer; three daughters,Betty Craddock of Route 2, MaryAnn Smith and Margie Riddle, bothof Route 1; tow sons, William an-derson (Comatzer and Donald LeeWilliams, both of Route 2; twosisters, Viola Beal of Route 2 andLorene Foster of Route 1; sevengrandchildren; and one greatgrandchild.MISS TERESA LU ANN GROCEMiss Teresa Lu Ann (Lou) Groce,27,: 309 Autumn View Drive,/ Clemmons, died Friday at herhome. She was bora in ForsythCounty to Elmer and Lillian AllenGroce. Miss Groce was a member ofMt. Olive United Methodikt Churchand was employed by R. J.Reynolds Tobacco Company,Whitaker Park. Surviving are herfather and mother, Rt. 5,Mocksville; one brother, TimothyWayne Groce, Rt. 5; her grandmother, Mrs. Evelyn C. Groce, Rt.5; her grandfather. Else G. Men,Rt. 5.Funeral services were held at 3p.m. Sunday at Mt. Olive UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev. JimRaines. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.
sMOjrO CJ»CJlaaQ.•<3<U'5oq>-1OOWtE CO. PUBUC l^RARymocksviue. NC< MADGALENE CODYMadgalene WUson Cody, 57. of 269Montview Drive, died Mondaymorning at the N.C. BaptistHospital in Wlnston-Salem after anillness of a week.•The funeral will be helda^ p.m.Thursday at Shiloh Baptistconducted by the ,McClain. Burial followed m thechurch cemetery.The family will be at Morrison-Studevent Funeral HomeMocksville on Jfefrom 7 to 8 and ^etime at the home. The Moywill be placed in the church one hourMan!"928. in DavieCounty, she was a daughtCT of ^*10^Wilson Sr. of Hickory and the lateMary Hairston Wilson. She was ahomemaker. .Survivors, in addition to herfather, include her husband. BrokerT Cody, four daughters, BridaWilkins and Deanna, pei""®'Mary Ann Cody. aU of the home,seven sons. Elmen Van Eaton. JohnCody. Booker Stanley Cody, SamrolJ. Cody. WiUlam Cody. Edwin Codyand Floyd Cody ; one bother. JohnObieWilson; twl sisters. Mrs. SarahWilson and Mrs. Edna Wilson; fowhalf-brothers. Roimie Gleim. Bemyand Floyd Wilson. Jr.; two half-sisters. Caroiyn Ramseur andBertha Neli Wiison; 12 grandchildren.^ WILLIAM C. TRIVETTEWilliam Cass Trivette. 80. ofSloans Mill Road. Olin. died at 11a.m. Sunday at his residence afterbeing in declining health for 10months. ]The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Tuesday at Winthrop FriendsMeeting with the Rev. Waiter E.O'Neal, the Rev. Howard B. Yowand the Rev. James H. Gryderofficiating. Burial was in the churchcemetery. , ^ „• Born October 6. 1904. in IredellCounty, a son of the late Levi andHarriet Cass Trivette. he was anappraiser and retired owner andoperator of a sawmill and lumbercompany. „He was a member of Zion BaptistChurch in Union Grove, the Men'sBible Class of Winthrop FrienosMeeting and the Piedmont Chapterof the Model A restorers Qub.His wife. Irma Cleo Huie Trivette.died December 10. 1980. A son.William Paul Trivette. diedDecember 12. 1981.Survivors include a daughtCT.Marie Trivette of Route 1. Olin.formerly of Salisbury; two sisters.Tabitha York of Route 5..Mocksville. and Irene Trivette ofRoute 1. Harmony: and one granddaughter.ENTERPRISE RECORDrTHURSDAY. MAY 9.1985ROM WEATHERMANRomulus T. Weatherman. 60.former city editor of the Journaland the first director of the office ofinformation at the Bowman GraySchool of .Medicine, died at 3 a.m.vesterday at NIartha JeffersonHospital in Char lot tesville. Va.He was married to the formerClara Bell LeGrand of Mocksville.N.C. and they had three children..•\ native of Statesville and a 1930graduate of Wake Forest University, he joined the Journal onNovember 14. 1951. serving in avariety of assignments. He tecamecity ^tor in December 1957.In August of 1958. he was chosento set up the office of information atBowman Gray.A memorial service wdl be held ^2 p.m. Saturday at Robert E.Memorial Episcopal Church inLexington._^^MRS. BLANCHE^ CARTNER SMITHMrs. Blanche Inez Cartner Smith.77 of Rt. 4. Mocksville. diedTuesday. April 30. 1985. at BaptistHospital in Winston-Salem.Surviving are her husband.Raymond Smith, of the home: twobrothers and one sister. J^ro®®Cartner. Felix Cartner and .Mrs.Marie Padgett, all of Rt. i.Woodleaf. . u 1.1 af oFuneral services were held at 2p.m. May 2. at Cooleemee UnitedMethodist Church. Bunch-JohnsonFuneral Home in Statesville was inciiarge of arrangements.LILLIE MAE SMITHLillie Mae Smith. 51. of Route 1.died at Davie County HospitalSunday afternoon.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel in 'Mocksville. conducted bytWifeRev." Donald Funderburke."bupI^'followed in BethlehemUnitrf Methodist Church cemetery.Born April 19. 1934. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate William Duke and SaiJie BettSmith. She was a sales.clerk atAndy's Exxon.Survivors include a daughter.Ginger S. Kimrey of Route 1. Advance: two sisters, Mrs. Frank(EdnaI Livengood of Route 7.Moksviile. and .Mrs. Chick (Irene)Hart man of Route I. Advance: twobrother^William D. Smith of Route1. and T. Odell Smith of Routq 2.both of Advance: and three grandchildren.CLAUDE SHUFFORD DRIVERClaude Shufford Driver, Rt. 2.Middleton. Ind.. age 88. died Friday.April 26th at Muncie Ind. MemorialHospital.He had been in declining healthfor a number of years, and seriouslyill for several weeks.Mr. Driver was bom Jan. 28.1897.in Davie County, to James T. andBetty Latham Driver. He served inWorld War I. After the war wasover, he moved to Indiana, where hemet and married Mary Swaggart in1929.Surviving are his wife of thehome; one daughter. Mrs. Henry(Barbara) Swift of Middleton. Ind.;one sister. Mrs. Mamie Reavis. ofRt. 8. Mocksville: one brother,Lonnie Driver of Rt. 8, Mocksville.and several neices and nephews inDavie County.Funeral services were heldMonday at 10:30 a.m. Burialfollowed in Rose Cemetery. NewCastle. Ind.MRS. SARAH FREEDLEMrs. Sarah June Smith Freedle.51. Rt. 1. Advance, died Thursday atBaptist Hospital."The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Chapel. Burialwas in Yadkin Valley BaptistChurch cemetery.She was bora in Davie County tothe late Raymond and Pearl MaeKing Smith and was a nursingassistant at Meadowbrook Manor.Mrs. Freedle was a member ofYadkin Valley Baptist Church.Her husband, Robert LeroyFreedle. preceded her in death in1974.Surviving are two daughters.Miss Deborah Lee Freedle and Mrs.Tamara Wise, both of Rt. 1; onegranddaughter. Suzanne Wise; twosisters. Mrs. Cleo Mae Carter.Mocksville and Mrs. Evelyn Clark.Martinsville. Va.; six brothers.Edward. Richard, Jimmy and OdellSmith, all of Rt. I. Virgil Smith.Mocsville and Felix Smith. RockHill. S.C.
L>u ^1y..THOMAS D. KNOTTn The funeral, for Thomas DuaneKnott was held at 4 p.m. Tuesday atNeill Funeral Home Chapel mMooresville. conducted by the Rfiv.Jack Mansfield, pastor of SouthsideBaptist Church. Mooresville. Burialwas in Old Williamson Chapel-United Methodist Church cemetery.Knott. 33. of Route I. .Mt. Ula.died as the result of a truck acciMntearly Sunday morning on HallRoad. . , j ItBorn November 3.1951. in IredellCounty, he was a son of Darrell andWillie Mae Carver Knott ofMdoresviile. He was owner andoperator of Knott's Cleaning Service, Mooresville.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include two sons. JMonThomas and Ryne Knott. both of thehome: a daughter. Crista Knott ofthe home; two brothers, Dairell UeKnott of Kernersville and BarryKnott of Mooresville; and twosisters. Sharron Plott of Mocksyilleand Carol Compton of Mooresville./■'' MRS. I. JEAN MacKAYMrs. I. Jean MacKay. 60. 3WBermuda Run Dr. S.. Advance, di^SSy. May 3. 1985. at Forsydi.Memorial HospitalSalem. She was the daughter of thelate Violat and Harold Hosier of St.SL Cambs. England. She wm asister of Sybil P.to Alison j. Furmss and Heather J.late John Stuart .u^I,1968) and beloved wife of WilliamSfcKay. A memorial ser^ce wmbe held Friday. May 10. ^noon at First Presbyterian Church.Winston-Salem.CbO AJ9.O)JJOAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSViLLE. NG
o <? 5^,/6. ^irw4i.:-- -\-MR. EARLIE GRAY SPEERMr. Earlie Gray Speer. 84. Rt. 6,Mocksville died Saturday at DavieCounty Hospital.He was born in Vadkin County tothe late Louis and \ancv HobsonSpeer and was a retired farmer. Mr.Speer was a member of TurnersCreek Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife. .Mrs. LottieLeona Hunt Speer, oi the home;three daughters. Lucy .\'. Speer,Bethesda, .Md.. Bonnie B, Speer.Denver. Colo, and Delphia .N'avlor.Mocksville; three sons, .James ESpeer, .Mocksville. Roldan Speer.Statesville and William W. Speer,Sunnyvale, Ca , 15 erandchildrenand one great-grandchild; threeSisters, .Anna Smith. Union Cross.■Sufornia Livengood. Wmston-Salemand .Millie Farmer. Pfatftown.^ uneral .services were at J p.m.•Monday at Eaton's Funeral Homechapel by ihe Rev, .Alton Renegarand the Rev Paul Riggs, BuriaJlollowed in Hose Ceneterv,EVETTE TEN'OREwite Tvnor. 20, ,if Route 4,.Mock.sville, died at t;2U p.m./h/9-/<v/Saturday at Lexington MemorialHospital from injuries received inan automobile accident on U.S. 64East.Born Aug. 25. 1964. in DavieCounty, she was the daughter ofPercy Reid and .Marv Ann GregoryTenor. A graduate of Davie CountyHigh School, she was employed byLeggett and Platt in Lexington andwas a member of .\'ew BethelBaptist Church in .Mocksville.Survivors, in addition to herparents, include a brother. RodneyTenor of the home; and two sisters.Virginia Allen of Mocksville and■Matilda Ann Tenor of the home.Funeral services were heldWednesday at 1 p.m. at New BethelBaptist Church in Mocksville.Burial followed in the churchcemetery,V"' • WILLIAM CASS TRIVETTEFuneral services for WllJlam'Will) Cass Trivette. 80. of Rt. I.Olin. N.C,. were held at 2 p.m.Tuesday. May 7, at WinthropFriends .Meeting House with theRev, Walter O'.VeaJ. the Rev,Howard B. Vow and the Rev^ JamesH. Gryder officiating, Bortalfollowed in the Winthrop FriendsCemetery, sMr. Trivette died at hisSunday, May 3. 1985. after a ten-' )month illness.He was a member of Zlon BaptistCnurch and a member of WinthropiTiends .Meeting House. He was aretired sawmill owner and operator,lumber dealer, and appraiser•Survivors include a daughter•Miss Mane Frivetteof Rt. i, oiin* agranddaughter. .Mrs. Lynn Paula\Ir« "u 2 sisters.-Mrs Tubitha Vork ol Route 5.Mocksville, .\.C.. and .Miss IreneTru-etteof Route l, Harmonv, N C •^na a number of niec^ andnephews. His w,te, Irma Cleo Hu"errivette preceded him m deathDecember lii, lyao.' TURNER GRANT BECKTurner Grant Beck, 82. of Route 2Harmony. N.C. died Thursdav, May •9. 1985, at Davie County Hospital,following an illness of six months.He was bom in Davie County,March 30, 1902, to the late PinkneyBeck and Lela Harris. He was aretired farmer and a member of•New Hope Baptist Church.His wife, .Veha Shores Beckpreceded him in death. July 23.1981.Surviving is a son. Harvey Beck ofRoute 2. Harmony, .N.C.; adaughter. Mrs. .Margaret Walters ofthe home; 3 brothers, Lee and.Asbury Beck, both of .Mocksvilleand Roland Beck of Rt. i.Mocksville: 3 sisters. .Mrs. Susie^bble. .Mrs. Magic Lamer, and-Mrs Ruby Mayberry. all of Route 1.•Mocksville; 7 grandchildren and 4great grandchildren-Funeral services were heldSaturday, .May ii. at 2 p.m. atSandy Springs Baptist Church.Burial followed in the churchcemetery..MR. GURNEY M. JOYNERMr. Gumey M. Joyner, 71. Rt. 3.Yadkinvilie. died late Wednesdayafternoon at Hoots Hospital.He was born May 13. 1913. inYadkin County to William andJenny Russell Joyner. .Mr. Joynerwas a retired farmer and a memberof Sandy Springs Baptist Church.He was active in the Lonfe HickoryRecreational Center and was amember of the Retired SeniorCitizens Volunteer Program.UAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBKAKVmocksville, NC
2 / ^ 1 ftxAx-1 sArea ObituaripcHe was married to Mary KenegarJoyner. who survives of the home.Also surviving are a daughter. Mrs.Mary Jane. Smith. 209 S. ToriaDrive. Statesville; a son. ThomasM. Joyner. 2307 Lord Ashley Drive.Sanford; four grandchildren,Michelle and Kevin Smith, both ofStatesville. Greg Joyner, Sanfordand Chris Joyner. Kinston and threebrothers. Berlin Joyner, Rt. 3. ElvinJoyner, Mocksville and CurtisJoyner. Hamptonville,Funeral services were at •! p.m.Friday in the Sandy Springs BaptistChurdi by the Rev. Paul Simpson.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.• MRS. ESTHER LONGMrs. Esther Graves Hodge Long,89. widow of the late Bennie Long,formerly of Rt. 6, Mocksville. diedSunday morning at Autumn CareConvalescent Center.Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Tuesday at Batons FuneralChapel. Burial followed in UnionChapel United Methodist Churchcemetery.Mrs. Long was born in DavieCount V to the late Charlie andEmily O'Neal Graves. She hada resident of .Autumn Care Convalescent Center for the past threevearsSurviving are tour daughters,Mrs Woodrow' Summers. Rt. 6.Mrs. Jake Baker. Rt. 2. Mrs. OzellHinkle. Winston-Salem. and Mrs..lere Mullican. Nashville. Tenn.;two sons. George Hodge. Rt. 6. andBenny Gray Long. Thomasville; 14itranilchildren. H great grandchildren; three great-greatgrandchildren. and one sister. Mrs.Emilv Pegram. Winston-Saiem.,/ WILLIAM A- MARTINWilliam .Alexander Martin. 61. ofMocksville. died at Davie CountyHospital Tuesday. May 14. 1983.•A graveside service will be held atII a.m. Thursday at -RoseCemeteryThe family will be at Baton sFuneral Home on Wednesday nightfrom 7 to 9.Born June 25. 19Z3. in RowanCounty, he was a son of the lateJesse M. and Julia Blalock Martin.A retired railway employee, he wasa World War 11 Navy veteran.Survivors include a daughter.Faye Parnsh of Durham, threesisters. Anne Burgess oi Fayet-teville. Dorothy Draughn ofMocksville and Mamie Martin ofCooieemee: and a brother. Grimes.Martin of Dunn.MRS ANNIE L. NEWTON.Mrs. Annie Leaeans Newton. 76.widow 0! E.J. NewTon «i Foley,.Alabama. :ormeriy ot Fort WalionBeach. Florida, died ai her homeMondav, .May ifHS.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE. NCFuneral services were held at theWesolynan Church at it a.m. inFoley. Alabama. Burial followed inFolgy Community Cemetery.She was born ui Cana in DavieCounty to the late Granville E. and.Mary Camillia Collette Leagans.Mrs. Newton had made her home inAlabama for twenty-five years.Survivors are three daughters.Mrs. Eleanor Noms of Foley. Mrs.Camillia .Ann Norris of Blounton.Florida and .Mrs. Jimmy Angel ofClarksville. Texas; I fosterdaughter. Mrs. Olga Mulloy ofFoley; four sisters. Mrs. E.M..Mae I Jones of Thomasville. N.C...Mrs L.C. 'Jovcei Coley of Rockwell". N.C.. Mrs" E.G. > Maryi Jarvisi)f Rt. 2. Mocksville. and Mrs.Richard ' Dorothy i Marx of LaCrosse. Va.: 3 brothers. J. PaulLeagans of Raleigh. Charlie S.Leagans of Hiilsville. Va,. and CecilE. Leagans of Rt. 5. Mocksville; 21grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren.•DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.THL'RSDAY. MAY 16. 1985DAY!": CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYI 'OCaSVlLLE. m
Ol'jro>^i,ks^52.3.DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAYMRS. FRANCES MELCHORMILLERMrs. Frances Melchor Miller.Bermuda Village, died Thursday atForsyth .Memorial Hospital. Shewas bom November 19. 1907 inForsyth County to Van B. and ZellaJ. Melchor. Mrs. Miller waseducated in the local schools andattended Lenoir Rhyne College.Shewas marrie to Henry A. Miller inJuly 1931. .Mrs. Miller was an activemember of Augsburg LutheranChurch and was a member of theGarden Club. She is survived by ason. Henry Van Miller, Salmon.Idaho: three grandchildren,Vanessa Miller. Pocatello. Idaho,•Mrs. Dick Jensen. Boise. Idaho, andMrs. Kevin Baird. Salmon Idaho;her mother. Mrs. Van B. Melchor.Lynwood Ave.; a sister. Mrs. HerbThomas. Turnberry Ct.: threenieces and a nephew. Gravesideser\ices were at 11 a.m. Monday.May 20. 198S. at Forsyth MemorialPark by Dr. C. Ross Ritchie. Jr.. theRev. Timothy H. Glenham and theRev. Joe Griffin.MARY RUTH PEEBLESMary Ruth Jarels Peebles. 64. ofRoute 4. Advance, died Wednesdaynight in Forsyth .Memorial Hospitalin Winston-Salem.The funeral held at 1:30 p.m.Sunday at Redland Church ofChrist, conducted by .MagellanStevenson. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Born May 2, 1921. in Commerce,Ga.. she was a daughter of the lateSandy and- Lillie Evans Jarels.Employed by the Gordon family ofWinston-Salem. she was a memberof Redland Church of Christ.Survivors include her husband.John Harold Peebles: two brothers.John B. Jarels of Route 10.Lexington, and Joe Henry Jarels ofFort Worth. Texas: and a sister.Ruby Rucker of Winston-Salem./JAMES RAY BEANThe funeral for James Ray Beanof Woodleaf was held at 2 p.m.Friday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapd. .Mocksville. with the Rev.Larry .Allen officiating. Burialfollowed in Rose Cemetery.Bom February ll. 1937. in DavieCounty, a son of Blanche BrownBean of Route 1. and the late C. T.Bean, he was a job coordinator forIngersol-Rand (^rp. A member ofEdgewood Baptist Church, he was aU.S. Army veteran.Survivors, in addition to hisnfother. include his wife. Billie JeanH^mon Bean; one daughter. KarlaL. Bean of the home: one son.Kenneth R. Bean, of the home; twohalf sisters. Ola Canupp ofCooleemee and Pearl Gandara ofHouston. Texas; and three halfbrothers. Colla and Carl Keaton.both of Conway. S.C.. and DennyKeaton of Charlotte.Bean. 48. died Tuesday night atRowan Memorial Hospital sdter ashort illness.y BENJAMIN FRANKLINBOWLES.Mr. Benjamin Franklin Bowles.71. Rt. 4. .Mocksville. died Saturdayat Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Funeral services were at 11a.m. Tuesday in Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Fred Shoaf andthe Rev. Jim Gryder. Burialfollowed in Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Mr. Bowles was bom in UavieCounty to the late Masten and JuliaSummers Bowles. He was a veteranof World War II and was retiredfrom Wonderknit Cor. He waspreceded in death by his wife. SarahYork Bowles, who died in 1984.Surviving are three sisters. Mrs.Alverta Baker. Statesville. Mrs.Lillace Eaton. .Mocksville and Mrs.Sadie Evans. Rt. 6. Mocksville andtwo brothers. Thomas M. Bowles.Rt. 1. .Mocksville and ThurmanBowles. Cooleemee.^ KENNETH S. CARTERKenneth S. Carter. 69. of Route 8,.Mocksville died Thursday night atthe Durham VA Medical Centerafter being in declining health fortwo months.The funeral was held at 6 p.m.Sunday at St. John's AME ZionChurch, conducted by the Rev. L. B.Speas. Burial was Tuesday in theNational Cemetery of Salisbury.'Born August 7. 1913. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateChester and Jessie WoodruffCartw. A disabled veteran of World® member ol St.John s AME,3ion .Church.his wife.EmmaCartw of Bronx. f^Y.: an adopteddaughter. Robin Caner of Bronx-and five brothers. .Norman. Ralph!Hugh and Wilham Carter, all ofKx "Davie Co p-•"tn/•p, • .I,..may 23,1985-n CARRIE ELIZABETH ALLENThe funeral for Carrie Elizab^Allen of Mocksville was held at 11a.m. Friday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel with the Rev. ElmerDay officiating. Burial followed inFork Baptist ^urch cemetery.Bom May 11. 1887. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate James A. and Minerva HouserAllen.Survivors include a number ofnieces and nephews.Miss Allen, 98, a former residentof Autumn Care ConvalescenceCenter, died at Davie CountyHospital late Tuesday afternoon.FANNIE B. BAILEYFannie Belle Baity Bailey. 56, ofRoute 2. Advance died at DavieCounty Hospital, Mocksville. lateWednesday afternoon after alingering illness.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.Friday at Fork Baptist Church withthe Rev. Gordon Joyner. the Rev.Yates Wilkinson and the Rev.Teague Groce officiating. Burialfollowed in the chiu*ch cemetery.Bom October 6. 1928. in DavieCounty, a daughter of the late Flakeand Blanche Burgess Baity, she wasa member of Fork Baptist Church.Survivors include her husband,Dewitt Marshall Bailey. Jr.; onedaughter. Marsha Groce of Winston-Salem; one son. Larry Baileyof Route 3; four sisters. FrancesWarner. Lydia Shore. Betty Yorkand Gay Lawrence, all of Route 5.Mocksville; three brothers. JamesBaity and Bill Baity, both of Route5. and Ed Baity of Route 2. all of.Mocksville; and five grandchildren.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARyMOCKSVILLE. NO
. >3j/ WILEY EDWARD LAMBERTFuneral services for Wiley Edward Lambert. 69. of Route 1, Olin,.North Carolina were held Saturday,May 18. 1985. at Sweet Home BaptistChurch, with the Rev. R. C. Redmond. Jr. officiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery..Mr. Lambert died Thursday, May16. at his home. He had b^ indeclining health for two years, butdeath was unexpected.He was bom in Iredell CountyJune 22, 1915. to the late CeliaLambert. He was retired by DixieSeating Company as a band sawoperator: and was a member ofSweet Home Baptist Church.Surviving is his wife MericaElizabeth Ham Lambert of thehome: and 2 sons, Wiley BuefordLambert of Rt. 1. Mocksville, and >Don A. Lambert of Route 1, Harmony.
a.)Lcj ^I"? f r1 1 <hi^ "^o,/Co<^av Q I/9/• SAM EDWARD FRANKS- ° Sam Edward Franks, who servedin the Navy for 26 years, diedSaturday, May U, at his home inLong Beach. He was 77.He was bom in Columbus, Miss.,and enlisted in the Navy when hewas 15. He served aboard 18 shipsand was stationed aboard thecruiser Augusta for seven years.Franks rose to the rank of chiefboatswain's mate, retired from theNavy in 1949 and then worked for 20years at the Seal Beach NavalWeapons Station as a chief of police.Franks, who had lived in (^inafor five years, became the basis ofone of author Richard McKenna'scharacters in the book "SandPebbles." The two men had servedtogether briefly in the Navy. Whenthe novel was made into a movie,the studio arranged to photographFranks so that the makeup for actorBarney Phillips, who played thatrole, could be closely modeled on hisappearance.Franks was a member of FleetReserve Association Branch 43, a32nd degree Mason and a memberof the Masonic Queen Beach Lodge,El Bekal Shrine and Long BeachScottish Rite.Franks is survived by his wife.Ruby: brother, Charles Franks:^d sister, Lona Miller.Services were held at Dilday-Motteil's Chapel. 1250 Pacific Ave.,Long Beach.Mr. Franks' wife is the formerRuby Bowles of .Mocksville andDavie County.Yn BETTY N. CRANFILLBetty Nell Cranfill. 48, of Route 8,at Forsyth Memorial Hospital,Winston-Salem, Wednesday night.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.&turday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel with the Rev. Jack Johnsonand the Rev. Steve Hedgecock of-ficiating. Burial followed in Eaton'sBaptist Church cemetery.Born July 21, 1936, in Davie .County, she was a dau^ter of thelate Andrew and Dora JordanCranfill.Survivors, in addition to her ^sister, include a son, DwightCranfill of Route 1: and one grandchild.• MR. JAMES RAY GRAHAMMr. James Ray Graham. 72.Farmington, died Sunday night atBaptist Hospital in Winston-Salemafter a brief illness.Funeral services were held at 11a.m. Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Richard Eskewand the Rev. J. C. Shore. Burialfollowed in Farmington CommunityCemetery.Mr. Graham was born in Farmington to the late GaleanousHowell and Jettie Ray JamesGraham. He was a member ofFarmington Baptist Church andwas owner of Gray-Mac IrrigationCompany. ^Surviving are two sons, PhillipRay Graham and James LeeGraham, both of Yadkinville: adaughter, Myra Lynn Graham,Yadkinville: a sister, Elizabeth G.Williard, Farmington: four grandchildren, David Arthur Graham.Jason Ray Graham, Tammy LynnGraham, Heather Lee Graham anda nephew, John Graham Williard.MR. FELIX McMAHAN.Mr. Felix McMahan, 1017 Naaremont Ave., Winston-Salem,-Tuesday at Baptist Hospitalfollowing an extended Illness. Hewas a native of Davie Count'y,having lived here for 30 years. MrMcMahan was a member of CedarCreek Baptist Church in Far- imington. He was a former employee 1of Newsome Roofing Company and-iHoward-Robinson Funeral Home. 'Surviving are his wife, Mrs. .MarySmith McMahan: four sons,Michael C. Smith, Randy 0. Davis,Waymon L. Smith and TobiasMcMahan; a daughter. Ms. FeliceMcMahan: his mother, Mrs. MamieMcMahan. .Mocksville: threesisters, .Mrs. Louise .Mock, .Ms.Annette McMahan and Ms. LillianMcMahan: a brother, Hubert Glenn.McMahan; a devoted niece, BettyAnn Smith: a uncle. Robert McMahan: four grandchildren: twodau^ters-in-law: other relativesand friends. Funeral services wereat 3 p.m. .Monday at Cedar CreekBaptist Church by Dr. Wamie C.Hay. Burial followed in the familyplot in the church cemetery.ORVILLE C. .MILLEROiwille C. Miller. 69. Rt. 5. ,.Mocksville. died at 8 a.m. Wed- 1nesday at his home. He was bom in ■"!Kanawha County. W. Va. to Lemand .Merlie Wolf .Miller. .Mr. .Millerwas a member and active deacon ofCourtney Baptist Church. He wasw w r"™ ^'arbide Ind. ofw. Va. after 39 years of service. HeHe is survived by his wite, Mrs.Mildred Winfred Miller, of thehome; a daughter, Ms. Shirley AnnMiller, Clearwater, Fla.; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Shirley Cottle,Mocksville and Mrs. Sharon Boner,Enkview, W. Va.: a step son, RobertW. Ritz, Orlando, Fla.; two sisters,- Mrs. Gay Jones and Mrs. Irene.Carpenter, both of Charleston, W.Va.; a brother, die Miller, Dunbar,W. Va. and six grandchildren.Funeral services were held at 7:30p.m. on Thursday, May 23, atMackie-Gentry Funeral (^pel bythe Rev. W.B. Brawley and this Rev.Judy Pittman.Graveside service was held at 2p.m. Friday at Fairplains Cemeteryin Ripley, W. Va.Memorials may be made toHospice of Yadkin County or to theCoumey Baptist Church BuildingFund.i^avie Co. Public Library,H.C.OWIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY(^OCKSVlLLEa NC
>C|ot:+DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. MAY 30^9^._^RUTH H. ALLENRulh Mae Henley Allen. 74, ofRoute 7. Hardison Church Road,Mocksville died Sunday at ForsythMemorial Hospital.The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel, with the Rev. Alton Fit-; t^erald officiating- The body will besent to Higgins Funeral Home, New-York City, N.Y., for later services.Burial will be in Kensico Cemetery.: Vahalla, N.Y.Born Nov. 10, 1910. in GuilfordCounty, she was a daughter of thelater Grover and Mary BishopHenley. She was a retired nurse anda member of Hardison UnitedMethodist Church.Survivors include her husband,Walter D. Allen; two sons, TomAllen of New York City, N.Y.. andBob Allen of Evans. Ga.. a sister.Edna Peek of Greensboro: abrother. Murrell Henley ofGreensboro; 14 grandchildren: andeight great-grandchildren.0am Co.Pubiic LiDrar)'VlocksviHe, N. C.OSSIE WILSONOssie Wilson, 80. of Cooleemee.died at 9 a.m. Saturday at theRowan Manor Nursing Home afterseveral years of declining healthand three months of serious illness.Born June 28. 1904, in Mocksville.she was a daughter of the late Kurtand Mollie Holman. She waseducated in Davie County schoolsand was a retired domestic worker.She was a member of FriendshipBaptist Church and the .MissionaryCircle of Cooleemee.Survivors include two daughters.Willie Mae Fowler of the home andEvelyn Hardin of Brooklyn. .N-V.; abrother. Fred Holman cfMocksville; 13 grandchildren; 33great-grandchildren; and 13 great-great-grandchildren..NETTIE E. FENTERS ^Nettie Ella Fenters. 85. of Route 5..Mocksville. died at Pel-CareNursing Home, Hickory, earlyMonday morning.A graveside service will be held at4 p.m. Wednesday at Gum BranchBaptist Church cemetery nearMcBee. S.C.. with the Rev RobertWinbum officiating.The family will be at Eaton'sFuneral Home this evening.Born Sept. 30. 1899. inGeorgetown, S.C., she was adaughter of the late Jim and LinnieGibson Fenters and had been aresident of Pel-Care for 12 years.Survivors include a sister, BessieSanders of Route 3, .Mocksville; anda number of nieces and nephews.• ALONZO L. PEOPLES-Alonzo Lee Peoples. 81. of Route 1.died at Davie County HospitalSunday afternoon.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.'Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel with the Rev. A.E.Gentry officiating. Burial was irIjames Baptitst Church CemeteryBorn Sept. 5. 1903. in ForsytlCounty, he had retired from RE/^Constructon Co. He was a membeiof Ijames Baptist Church.Surviors Include his wife, TatliiLamer Peoples; two daughtersFrances Farmer of Route 1 ancRuby Stevens ol Winsion-Salem; ason. Joe Peoples of Mocksville; abrother. John S. Peoples of Route I,-MocksvUle: -six grandchildren; anclive aieat-uramjchilJrcn.' .MRS. JOH.NSIE MILLER SHEDD;Johnsie .Miller Shedd formerly oRoute 4, Mocksville. .NC.. diecWednesday unexpectedly at a StPetersburg Hospital in FloridaBurial will be in Jesup. Ga.Born November 22. 1904. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate J. A. and Lillie T. -Miller. Shewas formerly a student in theMocksville schools, and a memberof Cherry Hilt Lutheran Church.Her husband Joel P. Shedd. Jr.(lied January 1982.Survivors include two daughters,Paula Miller Kaut'fan of Denves.Colo.: Margret -Ann .Amley ol St.Petersburg. Fla.; one son. Joel P.Shedd III of Colo.; four sisters..Mary Hermon of Greensboro. .N.C..Virginia Galvin ol Monte Serena.Calif.: ElcyAlfordol Roanoke, Va..and Catherine iMiller ol Salisbury,N.C..MRS. LILLIE CALAHAN CLONTZ.Mrs. Lillie Calahan Clontz. 82. TotSt., died Wednesday night at DavieCounty Hospital. Funeral serviceswere at II a.m Saturday atBethlehem United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Donald Fun-derburke. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Clontz was bom in SurryCounty to the late John H. andFlorence Clifton Calahan. Herhusband. Ernest Clontz. precededher in death in 1964. She is survivedby two daughters. Mrs. CharleneWilliams, Hickory and .Mrs. GypsyClifton. .Asheboro: three sons.Ernest Clontz. Jr. and J. C. Clontz.both of Rt. 8 and Broadus Clontz. Rt.I. Advance: 2! grandchildren: 23great-grandchildren; three sisters,Mrs. Annie Creed. Mt. Airy, Mrs.Viola Norman. High Point and Mrs.Pansy Renegar. Charlotte and threebrothers. Oscar and CharlieCalahan. both of Charlotte and ArlisCalahan. Greenville, S.C.DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC
DAVIli COUNTY LiNTI:l«'UISi- HECOHD, THURSDAY. JUNt fi. mS-\3■fJ ^Sj"William Luckey MooreMr. Uuckcy i Bill) Moore,Jr.. 1)7, &II N. MainSunday al Qapli&i Hospital. Mr.Moore wa.s born ^utic :iu, 1U17> in F(rcdcll County to the laic WIlHatn JLuoHcy and Daisy Jetinhigs Moore, j &Sr. Huu'asu member of MoclisvilloFirst United Methodist Cliurcti. ^i^.Moore was employed as a ruralletter carrier in Mocksvlllc onfteuLcs -4 and 1 for 3U ycors, Heserved on the U55 Rald^i and the B^H9E^USS Davis prior to and duringWorldSurviving are his wife, Mrs. IlubyMartin Moore, of the home; onedaugliter, LTJG Janic 15. Aloorc, A jUSNR New|)or(, III.: one son, 2 ,William L. Moore, HI. Cnry; two \granddaughters, Nancy and \Virginia Moore; two sisters, Mrs. B v\G€rtrudeGcorge,Mt. AtryaiidAIfs. V \\MurlciWcAtiicrs. Illalcuh, Fla. and ■one brother, Raymond J. Mooro. H vB \at Z p.m.Wednesday at E^aion's Fuheral **£, lun | tam i tifKiiivHomoQiapol by the Ucv. Don Davisand the Rev. Wjllmm Farmer, «BILL) Hugitti, Jit.Burial rollovvcd in Hose Cemetery,Jovialt Kindly: Frlendlyi ...Plus many other sudi adjectives could beused to describe William Luckey Moiwe, Jr.My firel association with Bill Meorc dates back to Mocksville High Schooldays when lie was playing a guardon tlic rooUiall team around 1934<33.Gradualingfromtbe Mocksville High SchooJ, Bill joined the United StatesNavy and served aboard the USS RALEIGK prior to World War It andaboard the USS DAVIS during World War ILJust prior to World W.ir H, Bill married his high school sweetheart, RubyMartin. Settling down in Macksvitte. Ruby became a school teacher andfollowing World War 11, Bill Joined the U.S. PostalScrvlcc in hH9. During hisyears as a rural mail carrier he served routes t and 4. Route 1 includedpatrons in the Shelfiold and Calahaln commumlics; Route 4 served patronsalong US sot South toCootecmec. Wherever he went, BUI established a greatmany frlcndstiips and a whole sale of memories.From lOs? until retirement in 1977, BUI ate his lunch every work day atCarincr's Service Center on US 64 at County Line.Redrcment brought him more leisure time lor hobbies, wcrir around thehouse, and his family. Ho was a familiar sight to many passing by 704 N.Main Street to see him reading from a comfcrtablc chair on the spaciousfront porch of his home.BUI Moore-was always interested in people. Ke was active in Boy Scouts asa youngster and carried this interest on as an adult serving themovament in many leadership roles. He was a loyal, active member cd" theFirst United Methodist Church of Mocksville,Bill Moore was a jovial end kind individual. Ho wasoneol which could besaid:"Life is mede up. not of great .^acrlficos or duties, but of little things, inwhich smiles and kindnesses, and small obligations, given habiiuajly, arewhat win and preserve Uielicariand secure comfort."Bill Moore also typified the meet agreeable of all companions-a simple,frank man without any hugh pretensions to an oppr&slve greatness; onewho loved life, and understood the use of it; obliging, a like, at all hours;above all of a golden temper, and steadfast as an anchor^As one great iphilosopher once observed 1"For such an one we gladly cKchango (he greatest genius, the mostbnlhant wit, the profoundcsl thinker."Titus to mo was Bill Moora.by Gordon Totnllnson
cliss"SSI" O2 CO ODiDEWITT MARSHALLBAILEY, JR.Mr. Dewitt Marshall Bailey. Jr.,66, Rt. 2, died Thursday at DavieCounty Hospital following a lengthyillness.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Saturday at Fork BaptistChurch by the Rev. Vates Wilkinson, the Rev. Gordon Joyner and theRev. Teague Groce.Burial followed in the ciiurchcemetery.V Mr. Bailey was born in DavieCounty to the late Mae Livengoodand Dewitt Marshall Bailey, Sr. Hewas a retired employee of DixieFurniture Co.Bailey was a. member of ForkBaptist Church and served in theU.S. Amy during World War II. Hiswife, Mrs. Pannie Bell Baity Bailey,preceded him in death May 15,1985.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Marsha Groce, Winston-Salem, oneson, Larry Bailey, Rt. 3; Hvegrandchildren, Amy and ChrissyGroce and Brian, Kyle and AdamBailey; two sisters, Mrs. J.A.Beese, Thomasville and Mrs. Archie Michael, Lexington; threebrothers. Bill B., Rad and Wilbum(Burr) Bailey, all of Rt. 2.- ERNEST CLII'TON HENDRIXMr. Ernest Cliffon Hendrix. 91,Rt. 3, Milling Rd., died at his homeSaturday, morning.Funeral services were at 2 p.m.Monday at Dulin United Methodist^ Church by the Rev. J.C. Lane.Burial followed in the churchcemetery. .Mr. Hendrix was born in Davie(bounty to the last Archie J. andMargaret Robertson Hendrix. Hewas a retired farmer and was aninfantryman during World War I.Mr. Hendrix was a member of DulinUnited Methodist Church, where heserved for 35 years as thesuperintendent of the SundaySchool.! He was preceded in death by a^n, Clyde Hendrix.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Fannie Ellis Hendrix, of the home;a daughter, Mrs. Edith Lapish, Rt.3;. two sons, Elmer C. Hendrix, Rt.i, Advance and Lester Hendrix, Rt.2; 10 grandchildren; 26 greatgrandchildren; a brother, Mr.S^bron Hendrix, Mocksville and anumber of nieces and nephews.; • RAYMOND G. HQLCOMBMr. Raymond G. Holcomb, 81,401N. Main St., Mocksville, was deadOh arrival Tucaday morning, June4; at Hoots Memorial Hospital frominjuries received in an automobileaccident. Mr. Holcomb was born inYadkin County to Green and FloraDay Holcomb. He was retired fromHeritage-Furniture in Mocksville.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lula- Reid Holcomb, of the home; twodaughters, Mrs. Shirley Miller, Rt.4, Yadkinville and Miss PatriciaAnn Holcomb, Thomasville; foursons, Graham (Mickey) andClayton D. Holcomb, both of Winston-Salem, R.D. Holcomb,Charleston, W. Va. and PhillipEdward Holcomb, Roanoke, Va.; asister, Mrs. Pernie H. Holcomb,Mocksville; a brother, ClemHolcomb, Hamptonville; 15grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.Funeral services were held atMackie Gentry Funeral Home inYadkinville, Thursday, June 6, at 11a.m. by the Reverend JuniorRoyall. Burial followed in Mountain; View Baptist Church cemetery.MISS JULIAELIZABETH SOFLEYMiss Julia Elizabeth Sofley, 78,Rt. 1, Advance, died at her homeWednesday , morning after alingering illness. Funeral serviceswere at 4 p.m. Friday at Bt^hlehemUnited Methodist Church by theRev. Donald Funderburke .Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Miss Sofley was born in Davie(bounty to the late Tliomas W. andBarbara Ann Allen Sofley. She wasa member of Bethlehem UnitedMethodist Church.Survivors include four sisters.Miss Juanita Sofley, of the home,Mrs. Nannie Smith, Rt. 1, Mrs.Clyde (Pauline) Allen, Rt. 7,Mocksville and Mrs. Esther Allen,Rt. 2, Mocksville and a number ofnieces and nephews.qA)%\davie CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville, NC
4,. |3./y/rufus n. spillman^5lS HomeKSpef Stei bySffi Burial followed m Deepa tractor accident. ^Bom in Davie Ray and®$Slivors , inparente, include a 2,^ise Richar^n of ^uie .Spillman o^.S Jones,KnTSdBic?"Henbrtx.Hou«2, both of Mocksville../ MRS. MARTHA E. WILLIAMS .Mrs. Martha E. WilliamsFuneral for Mrs. Martha E.Williams, 64, ofNorth, Bessemer, f5®J;W^^sday. Jimes,1 p.m. Monday. First Bapti^Church of Carver., burialin Highland Memorial Gardens,Davenport-HarrisShe was a . member of r irsiBaptist church ®f ^aiwer.Survivors; husband. Rev. utisJames Williams; eigWMrs. Mary Robinson. Th^"^WlUiams, both ®">®'j|y"*^ ' 5£sEthel Scott, Mocksville. N^., M«sLeola Ezell. Mrs. B^da Williains.Miss Sandra Williams.Bassemer. Mrs. An^M Smrth^^-. Gainda Doctor, both Charleston,SC." three sons. Ixirenza. Jerome^ Se OlfeBessemer; four sister, Mrs. RuthHarris Bessemer, Mrs. maryCraig, Mrs. Evelyn WMker.Niagara Falls. N.Y.. CeliaHoward Far Rockway. N.Y.Coovnlttj\Ci?^OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVIU.E, NC
t ouA/iSSARAH W. ALLISONSarah Wilson Allison, 64, of Route7, Mocksville was dead on arrival atDavie County Hospital early Fridaymorning of an apparent heart attack.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Tuesday at Shiloh Baptist Churchwith the Rev. Magellan Stevensonand the Rev. Michael McClain officiating. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Bom July 13, 1920, in DavieCounty, a daughter of Floyd Wilsonof Hickory and the late MaryHarriston Wilson, she was a cook forthe American Cafe.Survivors, * in addition to herfatho:, include her husband, Edward Allison; one brother, JohnObie Wilson of Mocksville; onesister. Edna Wilson of Mocksville;four half-brothers, Ronnie, Glenn.Benny and Floyd Junior Wilson, allof Hickory; and two half-sisters.Carolyn Ramseur of Hickory andBertha Wilson of Washington. D.C.Area Obituariesdavie COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORaTHUBSD^JUNE 20.1985LILLIAN M. HELLARDLillian McClannon Hellard, 79, of26 Duke Street, Cooleemee, diedMonday, June 17, 1985 at RowanMemorial Hospital.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, Mocksville, with theRev. Steve Short officiating. Burialfollowed in Rowan Memorial Park,Salisbury.Bom Aug. 10, 1905, in DavieCounty, a daughter of the late JohnW. and Martha Jackson McClannon,she had retired from Burlington.Mills Co.Survivors include her husband,Monroe Hellard, five sons, JamesN. EUenburg of Rt. 4, Mocksville,Lester EUenburg of Salisbury. BUlyJ. EUenburg of Rt. 3. Statesville,Bobby EUenburg of Rt. 1,Cleveland, and Donald EUenburg ofNew Jersey; 13 grandchildren; and11 great-grandchUdren..MRS. HAZEL HARTMAN HARTMrs. Charles E. t Hazel Hartman)Hart, Decatur, Georgia, died June14. A graveside service was heldSaturday afternoon at three o'clockat Floral HUls Memory Gardenswith Rev. Norman Manning officiating.Mre. Hart was a native ofMhsbury, N.C. She was associatedfor many years with Bobby DSherrer, Certified Public Accountants in Decatur, Georgia. Shewas a member of Belvedere Unit^Methodist Chureh in Decatur, Ga.Survivingjs her husband, CharlesEd Hart, Decatur, Geoi^a, a son,Bruce Gordon Hart, Roswell,Georgia; a daughter, Mrs. RobertAckerman, Fredericksburg, Va •two brothers, R. L. Hartman!^isbury, N.C.. Reid K. Hartman.Durham, N.C.; and a sister, Mrs.Vance McGugan, MocksviUe., EDDIE N. HENDRIXEddie Nathaniel Hendrix, 93, ofRoute ^ died at Davie CountyHospital Tuesday, June li.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Thimday at Fork Baptist Churchranducted by the Rev. GordonJoyner. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Bom July 20, 1891, in DavieComty. he was a son of the lateNathaniel and Mary Jane GarwoodHendrix. A retired farmer, he was amember of Fork Baptist Church anda veteran of World War 1.Si^vors include his wife, Annie 'bidden Hendrix: eight daughters,Frances and Vemie Hendrix,wth of the home. Mrs. J.B. (Lucy):;;CartCT, Mrs. Robert (Sarah) Smiti^;and 1^. Jimmy (Joyce) Barney,fiJ . ^*>n8fon, Mrs. WUbum i^vf'ynJ^shei of Clemmons, Mrs. •!^'!i of StatesviUeand Mrs. R.C. (Annie Ruth)Everhart of Route 2. Advance.VanceHendrix. both of Route 2, Advance;grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. ^OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NCDAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville, iC
y"MR. EVERETTE GRAY SHEERMr. Everette Gray Sheek, 74. Rt.I. Littlejohn Drive, died Mondayafternoon at Davie County Hospital,.Mocksvilie. Funeral services wereheld on Wednesday, June 26, atMacedonia Moravian Church by theRev. Hampton Morgan. Burial wasin the church graveyard.Mr. Sheek was bom in DavieCounty to the late Frank and SallyPurdon Smith Sheek. He was aretired employee of R.J. ReynoldsTobacco Co. and was a member of.Macedonia Moravian Church. Hisfirst wife, Thelma Mae SimmonsSheek, preceded him in death in1979. Surviving are his second wife,Clara Michael Sheek of the home;four daughters, Mrs. Edith Ammon,Greensboro, Mrs. Gail Johnstone,Lewisville, Mrs. Kathy Srarks,Winston^alem, and Mrs. D-borahLeonard, .Mooresville; three sons,Richard E. Sheek, Clemmons,Arthur Eugune Sheek. Pel , S.C.,and Douglas Franklin Sheek,Oneco, Fla.; 13 grandchildren, andfour great grandchildren.BOBBY GRAY SWEAT.Mr. Bobby Gray Sweat, 32,Baltimore Road, died Friday atForsyth .Memorial Hospital frominjuries sustained in a motorcycleaccident.He was bom in Forsyth County toBilly Ray and Mary Ann BeesonSweat. Sr. Mr. Sweat was a member -of Hanes Baptist Church and was atruck driver for Anchor MotorFreight Company.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. RitaCarpenter Sweat, of the home; twosons, Bobby Gray Sweat, Jr. andJames (Jaime) Andrew Sweat, bothof the homer, his mother and father,Winston-Salem: three brothers,Billy Ray Sweat, Jr. and Ralph.Andrew Sweat, both of Winston-Salem and Jack Kelly Sweat,Kemersville; his patemal ^and-mother, Mrs. Helen Sweat, Winston-Salem.Funeral services were held at 4p.m. Sunday at Hanes BaptistChurch. Burial followed inWestlawn Garden of MemoryCemetery in Clemmons.davie county enterprise record. THURSDAY. JUNE 27,1985-K ODELL SMITHOdell Smith, 54. of Rt. 1, Advance,died unexpectedly early Saturdaymorning at Myrtle Beach GeneralHospital, Myrtle Beach, S.C.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Monday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel, Mocksvilie, with the Rev.Leon Wood officiating. Burialfollowed in Yadkin Valley BaptistChurch Cemetery.Bora March 6. 1931, in Davie(bounty, a son of the late Richmondand Pearl M. King Smith, he was afurniture worker.Survivors include his wife. RubyStyers Smith: a daughter, RobinSue Amos of .Martinsville, Va.; twosons, Timmy Lee Smith of Martinsville, Va., and Terry Odell Smithof Advance: two sisters, EvelynClark of Martinsville, Va., and CleoCarter of Mocksvilie: Fivebrothers. Richard, Edward andJimmy R. Smith, all of Rt. 1, FelixSmith of Rock Hill, S.C., and VirgilR. Smith of .Mocksvilie; and fourgrandchildren.• ■)""QWte CO. POBU®MOCKSVtaE. NC*- fijuuio L.iut.nr\fMOCKSVILIi, NQ