Jul - Dec19^'//RALPH MOODY"Die funeral for RalfA Moody washeld at 2 p.m. Tuesday in theWestmoreland Chapel of Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home mStatesviile .conducted by theDennie Page and the Rev. J. D.Revis. Burial was in LegionMemorial Cemetery.Bom July 11. 1927. in Seguatchie.Tenn . he was a son of the late JohnWilliam and Gertha Gunter Moody.He was a veteran of World War II,having served in the U.S. Navy.Moody, 56, of 27 Watts St., thedSaturday at Davie County Hospitalin Mocksville after Leing indeclining health since Jantary. as nwife, Mary Frances O'Neal Moody,is his only survivor.1/NEAL BOOENeal Booe, 83, Campbell Road,Mocksville, <Ued June 27th at DavieCounty Hospital, after a shortillness.The funeral was held Saturday, atSt. Johns A.M.E. Zion Church.Mocksville. The Rev. L.B. Speas,officiated. Burial was in the churchcemetery.Mr. Booe was born on Oct. 11,1900, in Mocksville, N.C. to the lateJohn Alexander and Betty DulinBooe. j . .Mr. Booe was educated m thepublic school of Davie County andwas self employed as a dry cleaneroperator.He was a member of St. JohnA.M.E. Zion Church, Mocksvillewhere he was very active.Survivors are one daughter, Mrs.Betty Booe March, of the home; onegrandchild and two great grand-chil^en.•f.Area ObituariesDAVIE COUN iY I MI KI'KISI. REtuKi' I Hi K.Ni> \Y, JULY 5. 198y.MRS. MARY W. BAGGERLYMrs. .Mary Wooten Baggerly, 91,Rt. 3. .Mocksville, died Thursdaymorning at Lexington MemorialHospital.She was born in Yadkin County toRichard E. and Nettie BaityWooten.Mrs. Baggerly was the oldest:member of Courtney Baptist iChurch.-9ie was married to Carl A.Baggerly. who died Feb. 2. 1963.Surviving are two sisters, Mrs..Neva W. .McMahon, Durham, andMrs. Loyce Pendry, Asheboro; twonieces and two nephews. Saturday,the funeral was held at CourtneyBaptist Church by the Rev. KennethPittman. Burial was in the churchcemetery.y WILLIE DAVISWillie Davis. 73. of Route 4,Mocksville was dead on arrival atDavie County Hospital June 27th.He had been in declining health forseveral years.The funeral was held Thursday at7:30 in the Morrison-StudeventFuneral Home conducted by theRev. Victoria Fowler. Burial wasFriday at 2:30 p.m. in the NationalCemetery of Siisbury.Born ^pt. 2. 1910. in Lynchburg,S.C.. he was a son of the late Jamesand Mary Chandler Davis. He wasretired from the Le.xington ChairCo. His wife. Emma Cuthrell Davis,died April 26. 1983.Survivors include a daughter,Emma Louise Bush of the home; abrother. Ray Junior Davis ofWinston-Salem: a sister. AnnieBlackman of .Mooresviile; fourgrandchildren: and one greatgrandchild./, WARREN EBEN WARNERThe funeral for Warren EbenWarner was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel withthe Rev. Kenneth Pittman officiating. Burial was in CourtneyBaptist Church cemetery.Warner. 21. of Route 5. was deadon arriv^ at Davie County Hospitalearly Firday morning of an apparent drowning.Born .Nov. 13. 1962, in ForsythCounty, a son of Jackie Francis andFrances Baity Warner of Route 5,he was a nailer with the SheffieldLumber and Pallet Co. He was a jmember of Courtney Baptist jOiurch.Survivors, in addition to his iparents, include a sister, Mrs. iTommy (Pamela) Keaton of Route8; two brothers. Rex Lee Warner ofthe home and Jeffrey Alan Warnerof Route 8: and his grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Warner of •Winston-Salem.K WILLIAM SHANKS■."William Shanks, Jr.. 53, ofCqoleemee. died at 11:45 a.m.Sunds^ in Rowan MemorialHospital" following a serious illnessof two weeks.The body is at Noble and KelseyFuneral Home in Salisbury pendingcompletion of funeralarrangements.Born Sept. 1. 1930. in DavieCounty, he was a son of Annie MaeIjames Shanks of the home andWilliam Angelo Shanks. He waseducated in the Davie Countyschools and was last employed atIngersol-Rand of Mocksville. Hewas a member of Liberty AME ZionChurch.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARTMOCKSVILLE. NOburvivors, in addition to hisparents, include five sons, Williamand Wayne Shanks, both ofWashlngtiHi, D.C., Garry Shanks ofMocksville, Kenneth Shanks ofCooleemee and William CharlesHogue of Salisbury; threedaughters, Jo Ann Shanks Jones of.Salisbtiry, Rochdla Shanks of thehome and Kathy Clement ofCooleemee; and 12 grandchildren.bavie Co. Public Lit*di,Modisville, N. C.
y Barbara Daniel Johnson! "Is dealli the last Sleep? Nu. it istJie last and final awakeningWalter Scott.Barbara Daniel Johnson. 2tl, ofJlOSlilen Hollow Road, Greensboro,died Wednesday in Zion. HI., after' being seriously ill for severalmonths.TTie funeral was held Kriday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel withDr. Alvis Carpenter officiating.Burial was in Rose Cemetery.Born Feb. 26, 1955, in Daviei County, she was a daughter ofWilliam and Eleanor Caudell Danielof Mocksvillc and was employed asmarketing director for Brady TruneService in Greensboro. A graduateof Davie County High School andCatawba College, she received amaster's degree in business administration in 1981 from WakeForest University. She was amember of Mocksville First BaptistChurch.Survivors, in addition to herparents, include her husband,ilenry Wayne Jolutson; a sister,Margaret Harris of Winston SaJem;a brother-in-law, Ted Harris; andher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs JeffCaudell of Mocksville.^h's. Barbara D. JoliiisoiiBarbara worked very hard for her education. At Catawba Collegeshe was in Wlio's Who forWp yoars, served on the student governmentcouncil, and was on The l^oneer newspaper staff of the college.Slic tackled college in'tlie same fashion as high school. At Davie shewas in the Fep Club, a Junior Civitan, a member of Dancing Boots, onthe journalism staff, and co-editor of the higliachool newspaper.In July of 1982 Barbara was diagnosed as a cancer victim, threeweeks before her marriage to Wayne Johnson. She fought for her lifealong with family and friends, and never gave up.Barbara's life was short lived in age. but a life tiiat was full of lovefrom birth to death."We can't wish Barbaia back here wiiJi us—she's not sufferinganymore," said one that wasvery close to her.For in the words of Arthur Willis Col ton, American poet and writer:"Deatlt is the liberator of him who freedom cannot release; the(rfiysician of him whom medicine cannot cure; the comforter of himNVhom time cannot console."Mocksville, N. c.
AY' ^ ^MRS. SARAH BLN'GHAMMrs. Sarah Catherine SmithArea Obituaries-DAVIE COUNTY ENTHRPRtSE REd'Rl/ lilt RSDA-jBingham. 55. of Route I. Advance,died Tuesday at Autumn CareConveiescent Center.Born September 23. 1928 inMocksvilieio Robert Lee and GraceElizabeth Smith, she attendedHigh Point College and worked atWestern Electric for seven years,marrying Donald William Binghamin 1949.A noted pianist and organist sheserved for a number of years in thatcapacity with Mocksville FirstBaptist Church and with BethlehemUnited .Methodist Church, in Advance. Mrs. Bingham was alsoappointed as Grand Organist for the1974 Statewide Convention of theOrder of the Eastern Star.•As the wife of a former stateRepresentative and Senator, sheassisted her husband in hislegislative duties in Raleigh between 1965 and 1971. and was electedto a 6 year term on the Davie CountyBoard of Education in 1977.The mother of three daughters.Deborah Bingham Pullen ofClemmons; and Betsy and TommiBingham of Advance. She was alsoa proud Grandmother of Justin andSarah Catherine Pullen of Clemmons; and was the sister of AltonSmith of Greensboro.The funeral will be held Thursday:at 2:00 p.m. at the family's homeichurch Bethlehem United .vlethodistChurch in Advance. The family willreceive friends Wetlnesday nightfrom 7-9 p.m. at Eaions FuneralHome, in .Mocksville. .Memorials!may be made to Bethlehem UnitedMnhodist Church. The Rev. Donald!Funderburke will officiate at thejservices. .J/ PAUL TANISH DAVIDSONPaul Tanish Davidson, 64, ofraute 7, Mocksville. died at DavieCojmty Hospital Friday afternoon.The funeral was held Monday atEaton Funeral Home Chapel withthe Rev. J.D, Revls. pastor off^leemee Presbyterian Church,officiating. Burial was in theNational cemetery in SalisburyBom July 26. I9i9. in Detroit.Wch.. a son of the late James andKatherine Silkworth Davidson, hewas a design draftsman withmgersoU Rand Corp. A member ofCooleemee Presbyterian Church hewas a World War II veteranSalvorsindudehis wife. ReginaHicks Davidson: a daughter. SherylAnn DePalma of Cooleemee; twosiMis. Bruce F. Davidson of Route 7^ James P. Davidson of FlorenceKy.; and seven grandchildren.'3. 19H4' E.P. EVANSEllard Pierce -Fuzzy" EvansJf'. 72. 630 Wilkeshoro St•Mocksville, died early Sundavmorning at Forsyth HospitalThe funeral was held Tuesday atCenter United .Methodist Church bvthe Rev^ Claudia Harrellson. Dr.5J! -^"bitt. the Rev. GilbertMiller and the Rev. Rollin GibbsBunal was in (he church cemeterv.. Ir Evans was bom in ForsvthCountyto the late Ellard P. and IdaMae Jones Evans. Sr. He was amanufacturer s representative forConcrete Block MachineryAt an early age he moved toDavid^n County and graduatedfrom Arcadia High School. He wasal» a graduate of RutherfordtonCollege. Rutherfordton. .N.C.a member ofCmter United Methodist ChurchSdie?® also a Sunday SchoolSurviving are his wife, MrsVirginia Hutchins Evans, of thehome; two daughters, Mrs. UuraE. .MarkJand, Winston-Salem andMrs. Nancy Hill Hodges. .Norfolk.Va.: four grandchildren. James andRobert Hodges, both ofMocksville and Scott and Crvstal. Marklin. both of Winston-Salem;four great grandchildren: twobrothers. Odeil J. Evans. Winston-Salem and .Neil c. Evans.Lexington. .N.C. and a number ofnieces and nephews..Memorials may be made toCenter United Methodist Church.. AMY S. VARBROUGHAmy Spry Varbrnugh. 78. fomeriy of Cooleemee. died iCatawaba Memorial Hospital iHickory, July 3rd.The funeral was held Thursdaine lunerai was held Thursday iEaton's Funeral Home Chapef iMocksville conducted bv the Re'J.D. Revis. Burial will be in RowaMemorial Park.Born in Davie Countv. she wasdaughter of (he late'Frank anMarv Foster Sprv. She wasmember of Cooleemee PresbyteriaChurch. Her iirst husbaffdf' JobLawrence McCuJlough. di^ Jan.1963, and her second husbanWilliam Woodrow Varbrough. diiMarch 20. 1979.Survivors include thr«daughters, Mrs. Glenn BolickMorganton. Lucille Fisher iHickorv and Peggy HillardMocksville; a son, Johnnv MCullough of Mocksville; a b'rotheGranville Spry of Cooleemee; oistepdaughter, II grandchildrerana seven great-grandchildren.MRS. BEATRICE S.RO.ACHMrs. Beatrice Sullivan Roach. 8Rt. 3, Mocksville. died Friday alernoon at Autumn Care 'Coivalescent Center.The funeral was held Sunday ;Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel bthe Rev. Gordon Joyner. Burial wjin Fork Baptist Church cemeterMrs. Roai^ was born in WickliffiKy. to .Mr. and .Mrs. RicharSullivan. She was a member of ForBaptist Church.Surviving are her husbancRichard Roach, of the home; onson. David Roach. Rl. 3. MocksvilRand five grandchildren.Oavil Co.pjbfcLih^'OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NOCo-P-jOtUbranMocksville. N r
7 '[1"mm fannie cranfillRt 5 Yadicinville. died Sundaymorning a> Hoots Man.or.al"^2 was bom in Vadkin County toElaclt and Lillia Ba«a CbapgShe was a member of *S!;r» .B«ty, L»a^ry Belle Wooten of Rt. 3.YadkinvUle; two sons. J^am^ AllenReid and Harold Edward Reid of Rt.3. Hamptonville: one sister. Mre.OIlie Driver of Rt. 3. Yadkinville:three brothers. Walter Ball of.Mocksville. Ed Ball of Rt. -•Yadkinville and Worth Ball of Rt. ■».Yadkinville; 10 grandchildren and10 great grandchildren.The funeral was held Tuesday atMackie-Gentry Funeral Chapel bythe Rev. James Williams and theRev. Donald Balf. Burial was inLong Town Cemetery.IFea Obituaries I\tpc patuipbinf r i.TABMRSDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD^IHURSD/YoJii^/^ /ORA BELL BOGEROra Bell Blackwood Boger. 89. ofRoute 1. Mocksville. died July lUhat Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Thursday inthe Westmoreland Chapel of Bunch-Johnson Funeral Home inStatesville. Burial w^ in RowanMemorial Park in Salisbury.Bom Sept. 2. 1894. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Davie Ollie and Mary MalonaCartnfeT" Bladkwood. Sne wdS aretired textile employee and private ihousekeeper and a member of BearCreek Baptist Church in pavie'County. Her husband. Walton iBoger, died October 21. 1973.Survivors includedaughters. Mrs. Kenneth (Pauline)Holt of Cooleemee. Mrs. Hoyle.Kathleen) Eller of Statesville and•Mrs. Travis l Beulah) Thomason ofSalisbury; U grandchildren; ^great-grandchildren; and eightgreat-great-grandchildr.en.kiic CO PUBUC UBkWf. CATHERINE C. IJAMESMrs. Catherine Coulter Ijames of.Newton. N.C. died Wednesday. July11 in Catawba Memorial" Hospitalafter a lengthy illness.Funeral services were heldSunday. June 13 at 3 p.m. at .Geme'nt Grove Church in DavieCounty. Eld. I.W. Ijames officiated.Burial followed in ihe'clmrchcemetery.Survivors are her husband. ElmerIjames of the home: daughter. Mrs.torbara Finger and son-in-law,James Finger both of Millville,N.J.; two grandchildren. Renee and.NLchaei Finger; pareits, Mr. andMrs. .Alex Coulter; brother. RobertCoulter; sister Evelyn E31is ofNewton. N.C.; sister Vada Tatum ofCharlotte. N.C.; and a host ofnieces, nejrtiews. other relatives andfriends.RAY N. V'ESTALftay .Nelson Vestal. 39. 706Westchester Drive. High Point, diedWednesday at Forsyth MemorialHospital.He was bom June 29. 1925 in, Vadkin County to Thurman and'.Daisey Vestal. He was a retired^lUmi^ore salesman.'' • .A graveside service will be held at11" a.m. Wednesday, ForsythMemorial Park by the Rev. B.A.Carrol.Surviving are two daughters..Mrs. Debbie Spillman and Mrs.Tonya Wesley, both of Mocksville;one son. Steve Vestal. Mocksville;five grandchildren.^ , ROY JOSEPH "FORRESTRoy Joseph Forrest. 70. Route 3.Tyro Road. Davidson County, diedat .N.C. Baptist Hospital. Monday.He was a native of DavidsonCounty..Mr. Forrest was retired from .N.C.Finishing Co. and was a member of.No Creek Primitive Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife. .Mrs..Melrose Swicegood Forrest of thehome; one son. Carlton <Punkin)Forrest. Circle Drive. Arcadia; twodaughters. .Mrs. Odell Nancy iSmith. Fritts Road. Lexington andMrs. Wallace iBrenda) Slaydon.James Road. Lexington; sevengrandchildren; one great granddaughter; two half brothers. GeorgeFoster. Salisbury and Jim Foster, jLexington; three half sisters. .Mrs.Sam "Grace) Green. .Mrs. .Nick" .Margaret) Conte both of Lexingtonand Mrs Betty Swicegood. Tyro.The funeral was held Wednesday.Voglers Piedmont Funeral HomeChapel. Lexington by the Rev. ChrisThore.Burial followed in .No CreekPrimitive Baptist Church Cemeteryin Davie Co..N. C
Mrs. Edna Lanier VS^ite, 78, 4520
Camelia Lane, Walkertown, died
Sunday morning at her home. She
was born April 6,1906 in Davidson
County to Fred and Mary Jane
Grubbs Lanier. Mrs. White spent
most of her early life in Davie
County, before moving to Forsyth
County in the late 1920's. She was a
member of Mineral Springs Bap
tist Church. Surviving are her hus
band, William Carmon White, of
the home; two daughters, Mrs.
James T. (Jenny) Lynch, 1275 Uni
versity Parkway and Mrs. W. S.
(Louise) Thomas, 4565 Crews Lane;
six grandchildren, Sho^r, Mi
chael, Shelia and David Thomas,
Sharon T. Hoyle and Pattl L. Jones
and two great-grandchildren. Me
morial services will be 11 a.m.-
Tuesday at Vogler's Reynolda Rd.
Chapel by Dr. Cecil Cave. Burial
will be in Garden's of Memory. The
family will receive friends at their
home. The family request that me
morials be made to Alzheimer's
Disease Fund, c/o Duke University
Medical Center in Durham, N.C.
27710 or to Mineral Springs Baptist
Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
;?4. zf//-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 26,1984/. JAMES WALTER CLIMEJames Walter Cline, Sr., 65, Rt. 3.Mocksville, died July 18th at BaptistH)spital. .He was bom June 2, 1919 inTorsyth County to Charlie E. andEva Wagoner Cline. He spent mostoI his life in Yadkin and DavieCounties and was retired fromDrexel Heritage Furniture Co.Mr. Cline was a member of HopeBaptist Tabernacle.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Beulah Smith Cline, of the home;three sons. Kevin Cline, of thehome, Gary Wayne and James w.Cline, both of Rt. I. Mocksville;Ithree grandchildren; five sistere.l^is Witt of Winston-Salem.mS: HKel Shell® »J ir'TiMrs Ruby Maste) ,...Schens'both »t''"JSrai SGledyj Atom »'Cline ut^^^e"f1l!ieral was held Fritoy athIII. Baolist Tabernacle by theg2^S®Frye»ilh burial"the church cemetery.Area Obituaries I/ • .MRS. FRANKIE BOWLESFrankie Wall Bowles. 70. ofEdgewood Circle. Cooleemee diedSunday night at Davie Countytlospital.The funeral was held Wednesdayat Eaton 's Funeral Home Chapel in.Mocksville. conducted by the Rev.Fred Shoaf and the Rev. Phil Gibbs.Burial was in Oak Grove United.Methodist Church cemetery inMocksville.Born April 20. 1914. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of LulaLanier Wall of Route 7. .Mocksville,and the late C. L. Wall. She was amember of Oak Grove United.Methodist Church.Survivors, in addition to hermother, include her husband,Thurman Bowles; four daughters.Ruby Whisenant of Roanoke, Va.,Laverne Holder of Route 9.Salisbury, Sue Wilson of Stonewall..Miss., and Joyce Tolbert of.Mocksville; two sons. Earl NormanBowles of Rockingham and ArnoldBowles of Cooleemee;Two sisters, Evelyn Boger of.Mocksville and Frances .Mc-Clamrock of Route 7, .Mocksville:five brothers, Fred and Roy Wall,Route 7. Clarence Wall. I^ute 6.Tom Wall, Route 2. and Lee Wall.Route 4, all of Mocksville; and ninegrandchildren.MI.NNIE HUTCHINSMinnie Griffin Hutchins, 80. ofRoute 8. died at Hoots MemorialHospital in Yadkinville earlyFriday.The funeral was at 2 p.m. Sundayat Eaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. AlbertBracken. Burial followed in JoppaCemetery.Born June 28. 1904, in DavieCounty, she was a dau^ter of thelate Daniel and Lula Lloyd Griffin.Survivors include a daughter.Mrs. Howard Hutchins of Route 3,.Lexington; a son, George Hutchinsof Route 8, Mocksville; a sister,Mary Call of Danville, Va.;. oiiegrandchild; and two great-grandchildren.• .MRS. SARAH YORK BOWLESMrs. Sarah York Bowles, 64, Rt. 7,died early Thursday morning atForsyth Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Fred Shoaf and the Rev.Jim Gryder. Burial was in OakGrove United Methodist Churchcemetery.Mrs. Bowles was bom Aug. 20.1919, in Iredell County to the lateHerbert and Mary Heath York. Shewas a retired employee of WonderKnit Corp.Surviving are her husband. BenBowles, of the home; one sister.Mrs. Mary Lee Danner. Gastoniaand two brothers. Paul York..Mocksville and Rex York. LasVegas. .Nev..MRS. ISABELL NICHOLS.Mrs. Isabell Dillard Nichols,Campbell Rd., Mocksville died July18th after an extended illness.The funeral was held Saturday atSt. John A.M.E. Zion Church by theRev. L. B. Steas. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Surviving are a number of niecesand nephews, one of whom Mrs.Nichols made her home. Mrs. AliceLee Dillard Patterson.Davie Oi. Public LitxaryMocksvitie, N. C.tWVIE CO. POBDC CIBRARVMOCKSVIlie, NC
I/Ik?«cr'M L. MULLISMarshall L. Mullis, 79. Kl. 2,Advance died July 25th at Da vieCounty Hospital in Mocksville.The funeral was held Saturday atAdvance Baptist Church. Burialwas in the church cemetery withMasonic graveside rites by AdvanceLodge Number 710 AF&AM.Mr. Mullis was born in UnionCounty to Marshall andClementineBraswell Mullis.He was a member of AdvanceBaptist Church, where he was adeacon and a member of the SeniorAdult Class.Mr. Mullis was the retiredmanager of the Advance Branch ofDuke Power Company.He was a member of AdvanceMasonic Lodge Number 710AF&AM, of which he was the firstMaster.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. LoisBrown Mullis, of the home; onedaughter, Betty Marshall MullisWelch; one grandson, JeffreyMarshall Welch, both of Winston-Salem; one brother, Clayton L.Mullis, Charlotte and a number ofnieces and nephews. Memorialsmay be made to Advance-BaptistChurch or to the'.^chatrity of thedonor's choice.MRS. MINTOiifV JANE SEATSMrs. Mintora Jan'e Seats, 69, Rt. 5,died Saturday morning at HootsMemorial Hospital.The funeral was held Monday atthe Mackie-Gentry Funeral HomeQiapel by the Rev. Ben Stowe andthe Rev. Eugene Goodman. Burialwas in the« Farmington UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Mrs. Seats was born in YadkinCounty to Joseph and MinnieTysinger Wishon. Her husband,Richard Howard Seats, died May 91961. ' 'Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.^ura Lee Seats Campbell, Rt. 5,Mocksville: a son, William Howard&ats, Rt.5, Mocksville; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Mary Robertson,Winston-Salem, a stepson, RichardJ. Seats, Virginia Beach, Va.; onetoother, Wesley Wishon. Rt. 5,Mocksville; 14 grandchildren and 11great-grandchildren./ WILLIAM J. McSWAINWilliam J. (Bill) McSwain ofirving, Texas, a native ofCooleeniee, died Wednesday, July25, at Irving Community Hospital.He was 64.A rosary was said at 7:30 p.m.Friday at Donnelly's ColonialFuneral Home Chapel. The funeralmass was held Saturday at St.Luke's Catholic Church, withFather Daniel Clayton, ascelebrant.He was an Irving resident for 33years and was employed with themaintenance division of theEastman-Kodak Co. in Dallas,Texas for 30 years prior to hisretirement in August 1982.A U.S. Navy veteran of PearlHarbor, he was also a member ofthe John F. Kennedy GeneralAssembly Knights of Columbus No.5243 of Irving. He was also amember of St. Luke's CatholicChurch.He is survived by his wife,Genevieve, of Irving; a son, BrunoMcSwain of Irving; his mother,Gertrude McSwain of Cooieemee;three brothers, John W & James of^leumee, and Floyd McSwain ofSalisbury and two grandchildren.MRS. ADDIE I. WHALEYMrs. Addie Isabell Whaley. 81 of .8000 Ray Road. Raleigh iedbunday. The funeral was held at 2 'p.m. Tuesday at Mount Vernon ,Baptist Church. Burial followed InRaleigh Memorial Park.Mrs. Whaley is the grandmother?« Whaley of Route 6Mocksville.Other survivors include her^u^ler, Mrs. Evelyn Skinner ofRaleigh; five sons, Walter W.WiaJcv of Salisbury and TroyLee Whaley. Charlie Whaley Jr.,Harold Whaley and G.T. Whaley, allot Raleigh; a sister, Mrs. MaeDawson Dixon of Snow Hill; 27grandchildren and 27 greatgrandchildren.Copper DepositsGreenish stains on porcelain arecaused by copper deposits. TVywashing them away with soapsudscontaining ammonia.0^V3CO. POBDC DBRARYmocksville, no
n Graham James, 62, 15 Mocksvilla I
Apts.. died Tuesday afternoon at
Forsyth Memorial Hospital. Fu
neral services will be 2 p.m. Thurs-
) day at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel by the Rev. James Raines,
[. Rev. Sammy Shoaf and Rev. Jack
Nance. Burial will be in Farming-
ton Community Cemetery. The
family will receive friends 7 to 9
• p.m. tonight at the funeral home.
Mr. James was born in Davie
. County, to the late Clyde and Ber
tha Mae Lashmit James. He was a
f supervisor with Gray-Mac Dist.
Co., Mocksville and was a veteran n
of World War II. Surviving are five
daughters, Mrs. Brenda J. Gandee,
Rt. 2, Cleveland, Mrs. Sharon Nor-
ris, AsheviUe, Mrs. Janie Asbury,
Tobaccoville, Miss Jackie James,
and Miss Judy James, both of
Mocksville; one son. Craig James,
■Tobaccoville; three grandchildren;
one sister, Mre. Helen Howell, Win-
Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
/STEPHEN GRAY SAINMr. Stephen Gray Sain. 26. 960Hardison St. .Mocluviile. died atJohn Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore,Md. after a lengthy illness.He was bom .April 10.. 1958. inDavie County, to Everett Gray andSarah Diane Daniels Sain..Mr. Sain was a graduate of theUniversity of .N.C.. Asheville and anemployee of Winston .Mills,Swannanoa.Surviving are his mother andfather; one sister. Latica Sain, ofthe home; one brother. .MichaelSain. Rt. 7, .Mocksville; his grandparents. Mrs. Elizabeth Sain. Rt. 7..Mocksville, and .Mr. and .Mrs.Raymond Daniels. Rt. 7..Mocksville; one nephew. .Michael D.Sain Jr.Funeral services will be held atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel at 3p.m. Wednesday, with the ReverendFred Shoaf and the Rev. .NormanFrye officiating. Burial will followin 0^ Grove Cemetery.K EVA RATLEDGEMrs. Eva Blake Ratledge. 78. 2029•Monroe St.. Wilmington, formerlyof Woodleaf, died at HanoverMemorial Hospital. .Monday.Graveside services were heldWednesday, in Farmington Com-munitv Cemetery by the Rev.n DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 9,1984-5DArea ObituariesDAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVILLE. NCClarence shore.Mrs. Ratledge was bom .March 15.1906. in Davie County, to the lateHenry L. and Junie Griffin Blake.Her husband. George Ratledge.preceded her in death in 1955.Surviving are two daughters.Mrs. Betty Godbey. Wilmington andMrs. Connie Weaks. Cary; onesister. .Mrs. Laura Lee Fones..Mocksville; four brothers Charles0.. James V.. and B. Frank Blake,all of Greensboro and J.M. Blake.Salisbury ; iwo step daughters. Mrs.Paul Stroud. .Mocksville and Mrs.Gary Weant. Salisbury; one stepson. Ward Ratledge. Woodleaf; fourgrandchildren; one great grandchild and a number of nieces andnephews.^. WILLIAM BLENN BROWNWilliam Blenn Brown. 72. of Route1. .Mt. Ulla. North Carolina died at8:20 a.m. Thursday. August 2. 1984.at his home. .He was born August 23. 1911;; jn..Iredell county to the late MarvinOsbome Brown, and -Mrs. Dolliir^Orren Brown, who survives. He wa^-i ^retired owner of Rowan Milling nCorporation of Cleveland. N.C.Survivors other than his motherinclude his wife. .Mrs. HelenKarriker of the home, a son. Dr.Farrell Brown of Clemson. S.C.; 2daughters. Mrs. Judith McBride of.Mocksville. .N.C. and Mrs. FayeSmith of Rt.l. .Mt. LTla. N.C.; 8grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.Funeral services were heldSaturday. August 4. 1984. at St.Lukes Lutheran Church at BearPoplar with the Reverend LawrenceBollinger officiating. Burialfollow^ in the church cemetery.Memorials may be made to St.Lukes Lutheran Church.W.F. STRICKLliNWilliam Fred Stricklin, 92, of 612Wilkesboro St., died Saturday atAutumn Care Convalescent Center.The body was taken from Eaton'sFuneral Home to Diuguid FuneralService in Lynchburg, Va.. where agravp^'d" "jr^'ice was held Tuesdayat Lort Hill Cemetery in Lynchburg.conducted by the Rev. LelandRi^ardson.Memorials may be made to theMocksville First PresbyterianChurch.Born June 12. 1892. in RichmondCounty, he was a retired boiler-maker and a member of theMocksville First PresbyterianChurch. His wife. Susie WrayStricklin. died in 1975.Survivors include two sons,Roland Stricklin of Magnolia Street.Mocksville. and Steve Stricklin ofHughes Springs, Texas; 13 grandchildren; and 24 greatgrandchildrenJavie CaPuWic LibraryMocAsvitle, N. C.
/i_(^- olI^f ^ S n^v^-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, TWHSDAY, AUGUST 16.1984iOftSnE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVIUE, NCI ObituariesMRS. PEGGY HILLARDPeggy McCullough Hillard, 49, ofRoute 6, died unexpectedly at DavieCounty Hospital August 8th.Bom March 20. 1935. in RowanCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Lawrence and Amy SpryMcCullough. She was an employee ofREA Services. Her husband,Donald Gray Hillard. died in 1981.Survivors include a daughter.Donna Shore of Route 6, Mocksville;three sons, Lawrence Gray Hillard,^ute 10, and David F. and JohnMark Hillard, all of Salisbury ;Two sisters, Mrs. Glenn Bolick ofMorganton and Lucille Fisher ofHickory; a brother, Johnny Mc-Cullou^ of Route 6, Mocksville;and one grandchild.The funeral was held Saturday inthe Mackie-Gentry Funeral HomeChapel in Yadkinville, conducted bythe Rev. J. D. Revis, pastor ofCooleemee Presbyterian Church.Burial was in Rowan MemorialPark, Salisbury.LILLIAN H. FOSTERLillian Eva Howard Foster, 74, aDavie County native, now of 3095Plantation Road, Winston-Salem,died Thursday at Forsyth MemorimHospital following an extendedillness.TTie funeral was held Saturday atVoder s Main Street Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev. GaryStyers" and the Rev. Robert McCarthy. Burial was in Gardens ofMemory.Co.Fuel: : . . .1Secksviile, C.Born Marcn n. 1910, in DavieCounty, ^e was a dau^ter of thelate John Lindsay and Cora AnnSummers Howard. She was ahousewife and a member of LibertyBaptist Church in Walkertown.Survivors include her husband.Spencer Monroe Foster; two sons, iTravis Lindsay Foster of Winston- 'Salem and Norman Spencer Foster ,ofMarion; adauditer, Mrs. Daniel ;(Faye) Dowell of King; two sisters, ji.iiriiiP Cook of Advance and EthelEverhardt of Mooresville; ll'grandchildren; ' four great- •grandchildren; and 20 great-great- 'grandchildren.LESTER M. BLAKE 1Lester Miller Blake, Sr., 70, of 5731 iNylon Dr., Winston-Salem, diedThursday evening at his home.He was bom June 10. 1914, in >Davie County, to William Alexanderand Elizabeth Frye Blake. He wasof the Baptist faith and had workedfor 37 years with Sheets BarbecueRestaurant in Clemmons as Icuig ashealth permitted.Mr. Blake had lived in the»Stanleyville Community for the past11 years. •The funeral was held Sunday atHayworth-ft^cr Rural Hail Chapelby the Rev^'MlchMLedbetter withinterment in • the Gardens ofMemory Cemetery'.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Frances Cline Blake of the home;one daughter, Mrs. Shirley BlakeStilley of Lexington; two sons,Roger L. Blake of Lewisville andLester M. Blake. Jr. of King; 12grandchildren and twogranddiildren; one sister, Mrs.Louise Blake Teague of Qemmons;two brothers, John H. Blake ofQemmons and Hubert A. Blake ofAdvance.MRS. MAGDALENERIDENHOURGraveside Funeral Services forMrs. Magdalene Ridenhour wereheld at 2 p.m. on Monday, August 6at the Davis Cemetery, Davis,Califomia. She died Friday, August'3 at Sierra Health Care Convalescent Hospital in Davis, Ca.Bom in ft. Paul, Virginia she was 58years of age. A homemaker all ofher adult life she has lived in Davis,Califomia since June of 1962.She is survived by her husband iJames A. Ridenhour of Davis, .California. Four sons: James DeanMcConnell of Woodland, Ca.;Robert Bryant McConnell of Davis,Ca',; Roger Lee McConnell of .Knights Landing, Ca.; and MitchellWayne Ridenhour of Davis, Ca., anda stepson: James Ridenhour, Jr. ofNewport News, Virginia. Threesisters: Margaret Johnson ofOdenton, Maryland; Mary JaneHarris of Glen Bimey, Marylandand Marie Kinley of Newalla,Oklahoma. Also survived by sevengrandchildren.The family prefers thatremembrances be in the form ofMemorial Contributions to theAmerican Cancer Society.U:w^LrtaryN.C.
WtDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.THURSDAY, AUGUST 23.198s^Area ObituariesWILLIAM A. BECKWilliam Andrew Beck, 78, olRoute 8. died Saturday mommg mDavie County Hospital.The funeral was held Monday inthe Eaton's Funeral Home Chapelwith the Rev. Jack Johnson and theRev. W.C. Barkley officiating.Burial was in the Bear CreekBaptist Church Cemetery.Born March 31, 1906. in DavieCounty, to the late J.W. and MaryEdda Baity Beck, he was returedfrom Heritage Furniture Com^^-Survivors include his wife, .MaryBell Lalham Beck; a daughter.Edith Hicks of MocksvUle; ttoeesons Grady L. Beck of MocksvUle.William Bob' Beck of WiiBton-Salem and BiUy Ray B^ ofWinsten-Salem ; three sisters,Bessie Latham of Mocksville, BuelaLewis of Walkertown and IdaMartin of Yadkinville; threebrothers, John Beck of MocksvillePink C. Beck of Yadkinville andRobert Beck of MocksvUle: sevengrandchUdren; and three great-grandchUdren.v^MRS BETTY EATON DWIGGINSMrs. Betty Eaton Dw'ggms.249 Meroney Street,died August I5th at Baptistfuneral was held Fri^y atFirst United Methodist Church,.Mocksville by the Rev. Don Davis.Burial was in Rose Cemeterj^Mrs. Dwiggins was bom Oct. a,1930. in Davie County, to LucilleGobble Eaton and the late Hubert R.Mrel Dwiggins was a jetir^bookkeeper and a member of firstUnited Methodist Church,Mocksville. „ w , nHer husband. Robert p.Dwiggins, Sr., preceded her indeath in 1973. nSurviving are her nio^er, o98Wilkesboro Street; one daughter.Sandy Dwiggins, Wilmington; Jr.,Ntocksvilleiid David E.Apex. N.C.; twoRobert Ashley Dwiggins and RachelLea Dwiggins; one sistCT, Janet E.Mauney. Eden.EUZABETH SPILLMAN MASKElizabeth SpUlman Nash, 60, ofSilver Springs, Maryland, diedSaturday, August 11,1984 at herhome.Funeral services were held at 10a. m. Tuesday, August 14, 1984, atHi^es Methodist ^urch in SilverSprings, Md. Intermnent followed atGate of Heaven cemetery.Survivors include her husband,Charles J. Nash; a son, Charles J.Nash, Jr.; a dai^ter, Nancy NashSmonet; her mother and father,Mr. and Mrs. Steelman Spillman of.^ute 2, ModsvUle; three sisters,■Anita Harding, Frances EUis of Rt.2, Mocksville, Mrs. DeUa CoUette ofWinston-Salem, N. C.; and abrotho', Wtlbum Spillman of Rt. 1.Mocksville.Sympathy may be expressed bysending memorials to the AmencanCancer Fund; or to the FarmintonUnited Methodist Church air c(hi-ditioning fund.LEWIE P. HOWARDIlewie Pinkston Howard, 95, Rt. 3,died Saturday at Pell Care NursingHome.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. J.C. Lane. Burial followedin Dulin United Methodist ChurchConetery.He was bom in Davie County, sonof the late Luther and Annie BaileyIbwar.d.Mr. Howard was a retiredplasterer.He was married to the formerBetty Bowens Howard, who died in1972.Surviving is one daughter, Mrs.Thelma Laird, Winston-Salem;three sons. Hobart Howard, Rt. 3,Mocksville, Alvin Howard, Advanceand W'lllard Howard, Walnut Cove;16 grandchildren and 22 greatgrandchildren.UavifiMoskwile, I. C.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRAH*mocksville. no
^ /h^''jo5T cP5, (^S^
. v»
The funeral for Dalla Stonestrcet
Robb was held Sunday at 2 p.m. at
Woodleaf United Methodist Church
with the Rev. Shirley Jones of
ficiating. Burial was in the church
Mrs. Robb. 92, of Route 1,
Woodleaf, died Thursday afternoon
at Rowan Manor Nursing Center
where she had been a resident for
the past two years.
Born in Davie County, August 8,
1892, she was a daughter of the late
John A. and Jane Penry
Stonestrect. She was a retired
coordinator in the school cafeterias
and was a member of Woodleaf
United Methodist Church. Her
husband, Charles Robb, preceded
her in death.
Survivors include a daughter,
Mary Campbell of Sun City,
Arizona; and one grandchild. The
only local survivor is a son-in-law,
Avery Griffin of Route I, Woodleaf.
Harold Knox Whitaher, 57, of Rt.
2, Advance died Saturday night.
The funeral was held Tuesday at
Redland Pentecostal Holiness
Church by the Rev. Don Sigmon.
Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Whitaker was bom in Davie
County, to Maggie Smith Whitaker
and the late Lee Whitaker. He was a
veteran of World War If. He was an
employee of Tri-County Mental
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elsie
Beauchamp Whitaker; three
daughters, Mrs. Janis Rogers, Rt. 3,
Mocksville, Mrs. Vickie Foster,
Mrs. Cindy Fishel, both of Rt. 2,
Advance; one son, Danny Whitaker,
Rt. 2, Advance; eight grand
children; his mother, of Clemmons;
one sister, Mrs. Blanche Boger, Rt.
2, Mocksville and one brother, R. L.
Whitaker, Rt. 2, Mocksville.
Infant Wesley Samuel Koontz, 2
month old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Arthur Koontz, died August
21. Surviving in addition to his
parents are one sister, JaCinda
Leigh Koontz, of the home; his
maternal grandparents and his
paternal grandmother.
The funeral was held at 2:30 p.m.
Friday at Salem United Methodist
Church. Burial was in the church
Memorials may be made to the
Wesley Samuel Koontz Memorial
Fund, Salem United Methodist
Church, c-o Cecil Cartner, Rt. I,
Mocksville, N.C. 27028.
Effie Whitaker Welch, 81, of
Route 1, Harmony, died Saturday at
Forsyth Memorial Hospital after an
extended illness.
liie funeral was held Monday at 2
p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Cha|»l
with burial in Zion United Methodist
Church cemetery following.
She was bom in Davie County on
June 8, .1893, daughter of the late
Jessie and Sally Hendrix Whitaker.
Her husband, Hobart Welch, died
in 1969.
Survivors include two dau^ters,
Helen Barneycastle of Winston-
Salcm and Evelyn Powell of Ker-
nersville; a sister. Maude Ratledge
of Mocksville; a brother, Arthur
Whitaker of Mocksville; five
grandchildren;eight great
grandchildren; and one great-great
javie to.Pifl)licLlt)rary
Mocksville. N. C.
Thf Hev. Melvin Thomas Gaits,
«>2, of '^0 Erwin Si., Cooltemee, ditti
at Davie County Hospital late
Tiiursday evening.
The funeral was held Saturday at
the First Baptist Church in
Mocksville, with Dr. Alvia Carpen
ler, the Rev. Charles Bullock, the
Rev. David Gales and the Rev.
Shelljy Harlxmr oflitiating. Burial
was in Carolina Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the
Davie County Hospice, in care of
Davie County Health Department.
P.O. Box 665. Mocksville, N.C.
27028. •
Born August 27, 1921, in Rowio
County, a son of Turner B. "^d
Lillian Bivins Gales, he attended the
Cleveland School, Wingate College
and graduated from Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft.
Worth, Texas. He had pastured
diurches in N.C, S.C., Alabama,
Texas and Georgia prior to
retirement in 1981 due to ill health.
He is a member of the'Mocksville
First Baptist Church. His first wife,
Martha Bame Gales, preceded him
in death in 1951. A son also preceded
him in death.
Survivors include his second wile,
Nellie Owens Gales; a daughter,
Mrs Brady iMartha) Wimberly of
Pratlvillc, Ala., a son, Thomas O.
■■Jake" Gales of Lawndale, N.C.; asister, Mrs. C. R. Pluinmer ofKannapolis; two brothers, AllenGales of Kannapolis and the Rev.Foley Gales of Lancaster, S C.; and
one grandson.
V' GERTIE KELLER BECKGertie Keller Beck, 89, of 4 For;d
St., Cooleemee, died at Davie
County Hospital Friday afternoon.
The funeral was held Sunday at
Eaton Funeral Home Chapel with
the Rev. Shelby Harbour officiating.
Burial was in Legion Memorial
Born November 10, 1894. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of the
late Alex and Leiia Bowles Keller.Her husband, Nathan M. Beck,
preceded her in death in 1975.
Survivors include a daughter,
Helen Poole of Franfort. Ind.; three
sons, Wayne and Hayden Beck, both
of Cooleemee and Louis Beck of
Walnut Cove; two brothers. Oscar
Keller of Mocksville and WalterKeller of High Point; 11 grand
children; and nine great-grand
/• TYRUS EDWARD HARPETyrus Edward Harpe, 74, Ri 8,
died at Davie County Hospital
Sunday evening.
The funeral was held Tuesday, atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel by
the Rev. Jack Johnson.Burial was
in Courtney Baptist Church
Mr. Harpe was born Aug. 2U, 1910,
ill Davie County to the late JohnCornclison and Dora Collette Harpe.
He was a retired farmer and a
member of Eatons Baptist Church.
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
Edger (Nannie) Burgess, Hi.5,
Mocksville; two brothers, John Earl
Harpe, Sr., 2825 Maplewood
Avenue. Winsion-Sulem and Joseph
H Harpe, iU. 8. Mocksville; 18
nieces and nephews. Memorialsmay be made to Courtney Baptist
Church Cemetery Fund, c-o Mrs.
Batry Smith, Ht. 5, Mocksville, N.C.
Sidney P. Kearns, a resident of St
Petersburg, Florida, and a formerresident of High Point, died August
21 in the High Point Memorial
Hospital following a heart attack.Mr. keams was born in Randolph
County on December 12, 1902, the
son of June and Rosa PlummcrK^ms. He worked in area hosiery
mills and in 1927 was married to
Ruth Pierce Sowers. In 1947, he
moved to St. Petersburg where he
was employed with Bell Bakery for
20 years. Mr. Kearns was of the
Methodist faith.
Surviving are his wile, Ruth S.'.earns, of St. Petersburg. Florida;a sister, Miss Buimy Kearns of High
Point; and several cousins in
cluding Margaret M Beck and
Janice E. Hunter of Mocksville.Carolyn E. Grigg of Belmont, ,Benny S. Moore of St. Petersburg,Fla., and B. C, Moore of Anniston,
Funeral services were held
August 24 )n the Harold C. DavisFuneral Chapel, High Point, by the
Rev. Joe Johnson. Burial followedin Floral Garden Park Cemetery
Memorials may be directed to theChrist United Methodist Church,High Point, N.C., or the Heart Fund
DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, August 30,1984 - Page 9B
Joseph Cecil Little
Joseph Cecil Little, 70. Salisbury
Street, died Sunday at Davie County
The funeral was held Monday
evening at Eaton's Funeral Home
Chapel by Dr. Alvis Carpenter. The
family received friends im
mediately after the services.
Graveside services were held at 10
a.m. IXiesday in Rose Cemetery,
with Masonic Rites.
Mr. Little was a member of First
Baptist Qiurch and a member of
Mocksville Masonic Lodge.
He was former owner of Little s
jewelry and a retired employee of
Holly Farms. , ^
He was born in Catawba County, n
son of the late Joseph and Monie
Leab Little.
Surviving are his wife. Ruby
Hamilton Little; one son, Joe Little.
Mocksville; three granddaughters,
Mary D. Little, Martha Little and
Amanda Little, all of Mocksville,
two sisters, Mrs. Lois Cook and
Mrs. Aliene Griggs, both of
Statesville; three brothers, Bill,
Mack and Clarence Little, all of
"What sweet delict a quiet life affords." once observed WUUara
Drummond (1585-1649), a Scotch-born English poet.
And, such was the life of J. Cecil little.
The Cecil Litfle famUy came from Stalesvme in the
Little's Jewelry.
Bio — Obituaries — 8/30/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
L ^5^. /?///EATON 'Mr. John Henry Eaton, 71, of 2SS8Oakalina Ave., died Saturdaymorning at Forsyth Memorial Hospital. He was a native of DavieCounty but bad lived in Winston-Salem most of his life. He attendedSt. Home United Methodist Churchand was a retired employee ofHanes Knitwear, Davie CentralPlant, where he bad worked for 40years. After retirement he was employed at the YWCA for two years.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. HelenW. Eaton of the home; two sisters,Mrs. RosaUe Miller and Mrs. RubyBrown, both of Winston-Salem; onebrother, William Elaton of Winston-&lem; six brothers-in-law; eightsisters-in-iaw and other relativesairt friends. Funeral services willp.m. today at St Home UnitedMBtnodist Church by the Rev. Arthur Robinson assisted by Dr. War-nled Hey. Interment will follow inEvergreen Cemetery.^•Salem Journal. Winston..«;;.ia», MrWednesday, September 5,1984Co. Public LibraryMocksville. N. COAVIE CO. PUBUC LfBRARVmocksville. no
SWING .3^^ i'
Mrs. Naomi Mitchell Swing, 76, of |
1230 Winfield Drive, died Wednes
day Funeral services will be 1 p.m.
Sunday at Vogler's Main Street ,
Chapel by the Rev. B. A. Carrol
with burial in Oaklawn Memonal
Gardens. She was born in Iredell
County to Lum C. and Betty Rene-
ear Mitchell. She spent most of her
life in Winston-Salem and was a
member of Pleasant View Baptist
Church. Surviving are one son,
Richard L. Swing of Jackson,
Mich.; one sister, Mrs. Lelia Ball of
Winston-Salem and one brotter,
Floyd Mitchell of Mocksville. The
family will receive friends from 7
to 9 p.m. tonight at the funeral
Bio - Obituaries -9/5/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
VIOLA W. CARTERViola Wagoner Carter. 81 of^ute 4 Mocksville died at DavieCo^ty Hospital Fridav nightT^e funeral was held Sunday at? ""f"® Chapelconducted by the Rev, GorA)nJoyner. Burial was m Fork BaptistChurch cemetery.Born March 2. 1903. in Davie^"Sband. Victor£,?hl ^^''^'^sville; andaOrother. Clarence Brogden of Route4. Mocksville.r CHARLES BYNUM DAVISCharles Bynum Davis. 83, 1100Meirose Street. Winston-Salem,died at Forsyth Memorial HospitalMonday afternoon.He was bom March 20. 1901. inDavie County to John Elmo andCora Hendricks Davis.Mr. Davis was a member of theFirst Presbyterian Church and theretired Railroad Group. He hadworked 44 years for .Norfolk &Western Railroad prior to hisretirement.His wife. Frances S. Davis,preceded him in death. .Aug. 4. 1983.Surviving are one daughter. Mrs.Nancy D. Gatlin, 107 LamplighterCircle; three grandchildren. .Mr.Robin Johnson. .Mrs. LeeCarrickhoff and .Mr. Kyle Johnson,all of Winston-Salem: one brother,I. Robert Davis, .Mocksville: onesister. Mrs. Mattye Lou Hodgins.Hobe Sound. Fla.The funeral was conducted lla.m. Wednesday by Dr. David Burrat the Columbarium of the FirstPresbyterian Church.-DAVIE COUNTY ENTtRFkiSi-. Kl.CGRD. THURSDAY, SEPXEWBER 6.Area Obituariesthom;s lee ridenhour. srThomas Lee Ridenhour, Sr.. 38. of44 Duke itreet, Cooleemee, .NorthCarolina, died at his home Tesdayaftemoun.Funeral services will be heldThursday, September 6. 1984. at 4p.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapei. with the Rev. .Alton Fitzgerald officiating. Burial willfollow in Rowan Memorial Parkcemetery.The family will receive friends atEaton's Funeral Home Wednesdayevening from T p.m. until 8:30 p.m.Mr. Ridenhour was born October13. 1925. in Davie County to Mrs.Grace Isley Ridenhour and the lateMonroe H. Ridenhour. He was aretired school teacher, havingtaught in the Davie County Schoolsfor thirty years. He received hisBachelor's degree from High PointCollege and his .Master's degreefrom L'NC-Greensboro. N.C. He wasa veteran of World War II.Surviving <iic ma iiiyiiici'. onedaughter. .Mrs. Candy Woody ofRockwell. N.C.: one son. Thomas L.Ridenhour. Jr. of Charlotte, N.C.:two sisters. Mrs. .Nancy Boone ofStone Mountain. Ga., and Mrs. AnnBoger of Mocksville. N.C.; twobrothers. M. H. Ridenhour ofCharlotte. N.C.. and Norman G.Ridenhour of Greensboro. N.C,; twogranddaughters. Patty and DarleneWoody of Rockwell. N.C.RONALD GLENN WENSILRonald Glenn Wensil. 42. ofSalisbury, died Friday night from ,injuries sustained in an automobile jaccident. He was the husband of ;Frances Peeler Wensil. a frenchteacher at Davie County HighSchool.The funeral was held Monday atSt Matthews Episcopal Churchwith the Rev. Royal F. Dedrickofficiating. Burial followed inRowan Memorial Park.Born Jan. 17, 1942, he was the sonof the late Harry A. and JosieBarger Wensil. Educated in theBpwan County Schools he was self-einployed as a plumber. He had'worked earlier in his life at GeneralElectric and at Pope Plumbing andKeating Co.He was a member of the SecondPresbyterian Church and an Armyveteran of the Viemam War.In addition to his wife, he is'survived by a daughter, SusanElizabeth Wensil of the home; abrother. James L. <Bud) Wensil ofBeaufort, S.C. and a sister, Mrs.Elizabeth W. Beaver of Route l.Cleveland.MARTHA NELL SUTZERMiss Martha Nell Sutzer. formerly of Route 5. Mocksville, diedMonday. September 3. 1984. in St.James Nursing Center in Greensboro after an extended illness.She was a native of Davie County,and a member of Cedar CreekBaptist Church. Miss Sutzer was apublic school teacher, and was' lastemployed by Tennessee StateCollege in Morristown, Tennessee,from which she retired in 1972.Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.Lucy Tatum of Route 5. Mocksville.and Miss Katie Sutzer of Route 7.Mocksville. Many'nieces andnephews.Funeral services will be held at3:00 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 6, 1984; atC^ar Creek Baptist Church. Dr. W.C. Hay will officiate and burial willfollow in the church cemetery. Thebody will lie in state at the churchone hour prior to funeral time.The family will meet with friendsin the chapel of Morrison-StudeveniFuneral Home Wednesday eveningfrom 8-9 p.m.Javie Co. PuWic LibraryMoc.ffsvifle. V r6DAVIE CO. PUBUC LfBRARVMOCKSVILLE, NC
Cj,^ . J L l\"b/lAAe^ touvtt^, f.se- Kc^ccvii>/. RAYMOND S. BUTTERWICKMemorial services for Rfy^o^JSilas Butterwick will be heldSaturday. September 29. at 2.30pm at Rose Cemetery m^Mr.^Butterwick died Wednesday.September 12. at his home at Route2. Advance. N.C.*/ ■•LAURA" HARRISLoretta "Laura" Baylor Harris.101. of Route 4. Mocksville. died atJo Lene's Nursing Home inSalisbury early Saturday.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Chapel with burialin Rowan Memorial Park.Mrs. Harris was born Aug. 25.1883. in Berkeley. S.C.. to the lateJohn and Katherine Bunch Baylor.She was a member of the BeaWJJChristian Assembly in SouthCarolina. . , ,,Her husband. Frank Jefferson iHarris, died in 1968. „Survivors include two daughters. iGladys Winham of St. Stephens.S.C.. and Mary Harris Lee of NewJersev. two sons. .Adam Harris ofSt. Stephens. S.C.. and MaritraHarris of Route 4; 24 grandchildren: 54 great-grandchildren. .24 great-great-grandchildren, andseveral great-great-great-grandchildren.MRS. BESSIE L. SHOAFMrs Bessie Golden LeonardShoaf. 87. died Saturday morning,September 22. 1984. in Lexington.N.C. at the Golden Age .NursingHome there. She had been indeclining health for several years.Funeral services were heldMonday, September 24. 1984. at St.Lutheran Church by the ReverendAlfred Mullen. Burial followed mSandy Creek Cemetery.She was born September 18. 1897in Davidson County; and was ahomemaker and a member of St.Luke Lutheran Church. ^Her husband. Fred Casey Shoaf.Obituaries jSr. preceded her in death May 17,,1978. Survivors Include 8 sons.Tommy W., James E.. Billy W..Charles H.. Donald R. Shoaf. all ofTyro Road. Lexington. N.C.. TeloShoaf and Bud Shoaf of Rt. 7.Lexington, and Casey Shoaf.Jr. ofHelmstetler Rd.. Lexington: 5daughters, Mrs. Louise Simmerson •of Lexington. .Mrs. Lawrence(Kathleen > Grubb of Rt. 5.- Boone.N.C.. .Mrs. Dalmon (Mabel) Koontz |of Kannapolis. .N.C.. Mrs. RussellI Tina) .May of Manassas. Virginiaand Mrs. Buddy (Maine) Richardson of Mocksville: 23 grandchildrenand 14 great-grandchildren.In lieu of flowers, memorials maybe made to the St. Luke LutheranChurch in Lexington. N.C.irt ■ . , ■^ " r■J . .;^..v _,uidry>^SV!ii6, ,'i c.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NO\/. A.E. HEAFNER, SR..Arvel Elon Heafner. Sr.. 86. ofRoute 3. .Mocksville. died at DavieCounty Hospital late Sunday night.The funeral was held We^esdayat Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel,conducted by the Rev. LelandRichardson. Burial was in RoseCemetery.Bom May 7, 1898. in LincolnCounty, he was a son of the late"Wesley and Nancy Weaver Heafner.Retured as a commercial artist forLeder 's Dept. Store in Whiteville. hewas a member of Mocksville FirstPresbyterian Church and a veteranof World War I.Survivors include his wife. BelvaEller Heafner: four sons. Arvel E.Heafner. Jr. of Wilmington. HarryHeafner of Raleigh. Horace Heafnerof Fairfax. Va.. and David Heafnerof .Mocksville: to grandchildren;and six great-grandchildren.BERTHA M. BEANBertha Messick Bean. 86. of 118Sunset Drive. Cooleemee. died onTuesday night at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel in.Mocksville conducted by the Rev.Larry Allen, the Rev. ShelbyHarbour and the Rev. W.P. Lip-pard. Burial was in UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Bom Sept. 24. 1897. in WilkesCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Oliver and Fanny Copley.Messick. She was a retired employee of Erwin Mills and was amember of Cooleemee First BaptistChurch. Her husband. W.J. Bean,died in 1965.Survivors include two daughters.Helen Adams of Hamptonville and.Mrs. Edker Hendrix of Mocksville:a sister. Jettie Jordan ofCooleemee; four grandchildren:eight great-grandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandchild.
O e S9. I"2..^ ' J. E. 'RED' CASSIDYJames Emmit "Red" Cassidy. 67,of Route 3. Mocksville died at the'N.C. Baptist Hospital in WinstomSalem Thursday night.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. Fred Shoaf.Burial was in Oak Grove United.Methodist Church cemetery.Born Sept. 19.1916, in ChesterfieldCounty, S.C.. he was a son of the lateAndy B. and Effie Bowles Cassidy.He was the owner of CenterviewGrocery.Survivors include his wife,Margaret McClamrock Cassidy; adaughter, Ann Cassidy Peele ofHickory: three sons, Kenneth E.,James H. and Dwight D. Cassidy,all of Route 2, Mocksville;A sister. Ruby C. Greene ofKannapolis; two brothers. ThomasBlue Cassidy of Lexington and J. C.Cassidy of Route 2. Mocksville; andseven grandchildren.y/ GEORGE B. SAYNEGeorge Brown Sayne, 72, of Route7, died at his home late Sundayevening.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Turrentine BaptistChurch, conducted by the Rev.Judge Johnson and the Rev. CharlesCook. Burial was in the churchcemetery.Bom May 27, 1912, in Da vieCounty, he was a son of the late JohnW. and Mary Saunders Sayne. Hewas a retired constructionmechanic and was a member ofTurrentine Baptist Church. His firstwife. Susie Loyd Sayne, precededhim in death.Survivors include his second wife,Creola Forrest Sayne; a daughter,Katherine S. Sandy of StephensCity, Va.; a son, George K. Sayne of.Manassas, Va.; a sister LauraFermoscia of Staten Island, .V.Y.;and four grandchildren.miOAVIE^O^TY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 19Area Obituaries. / CHARLES RAY GAITHERCharles Ray Gaither, 45, Rt. 1.County Line Road, Harmony, diedWednesday at Wilkes GeneralHospital following a six monthserious illness.Mr. Gaither was bora Feb. 17,1939, in Davie County to Eula JaneNichols Gaither and the late JamesBird Gaither. He was a member of'Clarksbury United Methodist-Church.Surviving in addition to his;mother, Rt. 1, are four brothers, J.Claude Gaither, Rt. 1, Jack D.'Gaither, Mocksville, Bobby L.Gaither, Winston-Salem and BillGaither, Gemmons; three sisters.Mrs. Pauline Lurye, Phoenix, Arix.,Mrs. Lucille Elliott, Jacksonville,Fla. and Mrs. Dan (Virginia) Doby,Winston-Salem.Graveside services were heldSaturday at Society Baptist Church >cemetery by the Rev. Donald L..Farris and the Rev. Wade E. iWright. Pall bearers were nephews. 1Memorials may be made to theiSociety Baptist Church Cemetery 1Fund, c-o Mark Thom, Treasurer,;Rt. 1, Box 325, Mocksville 27028.URSULA TUTTEROWUrsula Callahan Tutterow, 75, ofRoute 1. Advance died at AutumnCare Convalescent Center intMocksville Friday morning.A graveside service was heldMonday at St. Michael's Cemetery -in Springfield, Mass.Born Oct. 21, 1907, in Springfield,Mass., she was a daughter of thelate Michael and Delia McCarthyCallahan.Survivors include her husband,Everette Tutterow.^ .MRS. NANNIE HENDRIXLEEPERMrs. .Nannie Rhea HendrixLeeper, 69, of Cramerton.N.C. diedTuesday, September 4, 1984 at herhome. She was owner and operatorof Nank's Beauty Shop.Funeral services were heldThursday at 4 p.m. at the FirstBaptist Church. Burial followed inGaston Memorial Park cemetery.Survivors include her husband,Rankin Leeper; a daughter, .MissBetty Leeper; mother, Mrs. .NannieHendrix of Clemmons. .N.C. ;brother. Henry Hendrix of Clemmons, N.C.; and sisters. Mrs.Lillian Nash and Mrs. Nell Wyatt ofMocksville, N.C., Mrs. RaciePenninger of Rockwell, N.C., MissGladys Hendrix of Greensboro,N.C., Mrs. Biddle Dilworth ofWinston-Salem, N.C., and Mrs.Hazel Myers of Clemmons. N.C.Javie Co. Public LiDiji,Mccisvil'e, N. C.DOROTHEA W. RANEYDorotheaWalkerRaney, 79, of 241-A Tot Street. Mocksville died at herhome Saturday morning.A memorial service was heldMonday at 1 p.m. in Fork Church ofthe Ascension. Cannon Cristoi^erNichols offlciated.She was bora April 3, 1905, inGeveland, Ohio, to the late RobertH. and Sara Ellen Bartley Walker.Survivors include two daughters,Deborah D. Furches of Route 1,Mocksville, and Janice D. Brewsterof Shelton, Conn.; a son, BartleyReed Davis of Altamonte Springs,Fla.; a brother, Robert T. Walker ofBurtonsville, Md.; 11 grandchildrenand four great-grandchildren.Memorials may be made to theDavie County Hospice Associationin care of the Davie County HealthDepartment.• NEWMAN DALTONNewman Lee Preston Dalton, 65,of Route 7, .Mocksville died Fridayat Forsyth Hospital after a longillness.The funeral was held Monday at 3p.m. at Pleasant Hill BaptistChurch with the Rev. Alf^onsoHarvey officiating. Burial was inMt. Calvary Holiness Churchcemetery in Davie County.Dalton was bora in Iredell Countyto the late Nick and LiUie CarsonDalton. He was a member ofPleasant Hill Baptist Church andwas r^ired from Baker FurnitureCo. in Mocksville.Survivors include his wife,Elizabeth Foote Dalton of the home;a son, Newman L. Dalton, Jr., ofDayton, Ohio; a daughter,Elizabeth Darnell Dalton ofGreensboro; two sisters, LillianDoulin and Ruby Howell, both ofMocksville; four brothers, N.C.,Odell, H.M. and Nathaniel Dalton,all of Mocksville, and three grandchildren.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC
ol'tibrvfi e ^Of,DAVIE COUNTY SNTERPRISE RECORD.THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20.1984-'. .MISS MARY HOPKINSMiss Mary Leiia Hopkins,daughter of the late B.L. and AliceMartin Hopkins died Thursdayevening at the home of her cousins.Miss Janie Martin and Mr. and Mrs.W.L. Moore. Jr.. 641 N. .Main Street.Mocksviile. with whom she hadmade her home for the past sixmonths..Miss Hopkins had been indeclining health for the past I'zyears and critically ill sinceJanuary.She was a retired office worker.Her working career began in theeariy 20's. She first worked inColorado and later jobs took her toKansas. Florida. .North Carolinaand Virginia.At the time of her retirement inthe eariy 60's she was working forPrudential Insurance Co..Jacksonville. Fla. Since retiringMiss Hopkins had made her home inWinston-Salem.She was a life long member of theBethel United Methodist Church inOavie County.Surviving are two sisters. Mrs.A.C. (Ellen) Penry. Dayton, Ohio,and Erwin. Tenn.. and .Mrs. S.J.I Genie) Foster. .Mocksviile; severalnieces and a nephew and a host ofcousins.The funerai was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Home by the Rev.William Farmer, pastor of BethelUnited Methodist Church. Interment followed in Bethelcemetery. .Memorials may be madeto the Cemetery Fund of BethelUnited .Methodist Church.JAMES L. CASEJames Lawrence Cabe. 56, Rt. 7,Mocksviile died Thursday morningat Baptist Hospital.The funeral was held 2 p.m.Saturday at Eaton's Funeral Chapelby the Rev. Steve Hedgecock.^ Burial was in Carolina MemorialPark. Kannapolis.Mr. Cabe was bom in BartowCounty. Ga. to the late Jack andMinnie Chatman Cabe and wja aretired driver from Spector FreightLines.He attended Green Hill BaptistChurch and was a veteran of WwldWar II.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Grace Cook Cabe, of the home; onestep-son, Don Ru^ra, Simi Valley,Ca.; one grandchild; two sisters,Mrs. Idella Lee, Cartersville, Ga.and Mrs. Ann Powell, Forest Park,Ga.; two brothers Hubert Cabe,Emerson. Ga. and Odell Cabe,Cartersville. Ga.WILLIAM W. WRIGHTThe funeral for William WadeWri^t was held at 11 a.m. Saturdayin Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocksviile. Burial was in New/Union United Methodist Churchcemetery.Wright, 44. of Route 1, Harmtmy,was found dead September 12th.Born Nov. 9, 1939, in Columbus,.Ohio, he was a son of the lateWilliam Hampton and Ruth WilkieWright. He was owner and operatorof the Other Way Cafe in MocksviUeand a member of New Union UnitedMethodist Church.Survivors include two sisters,Dorothy Knight of Columbus. Ohio,and Ttielma Meade of Ohio: and abrother. Raymond Wilkie. also ofColumbus.^ DANIEL WELSY TATUMDaniel Wesly Tatum. 67. formerlyof Davie County, died Saturday.September 15. 1984. in Baltimore.Maryland.Funeral services for Mr. Tatumwill be held Thursday. September20. 1984. at Cedar Creek BaptistChurch. Burial will follow in thechurch cemetery.The family will receive friendsand relatives Wednesday evening atBrown Funeral Home in Winston-Salem.Survivors are his wife. Mrs. SarahTatum of Baltimore. Md.; one son.Herbert Lester Tatum ofMocksviile. N.C.; two sisters. Mrs.Iretha T. Gaither and Mrs. Essie T.Kimbrough. both of Baltimore.Md.; and one uncle. James Tatumof Philadelphia. Pa.JACK NORMANJack Norman, 73, Eagle MillsComm., Hamptonville, Rt. 1, died :September 1st at his home after anextended Qlness.V Mr. N(»7nan was bom Sept. 8,1911 in fi«dell County to the lateHenry Lloydfahd Nancy ElizabethCummings Nomian. He was atobacco farmer. ,He was married Feb. 29. 1932 tothe former Lizzie Mae Gaitherwho died Jan. 25, 1982.Surviving are four sons, WilliamD. (Bill) Norman, Boonville, BotoyL„Joe R., and Eugene Norman, allof Rt. 1; four daughters. Mrs. Roger..(Ann) Ireland. Union Grove, Mrs.Sylvia Sheek and Mrs. Glenn(Doris) Crews, Rt. 1, Mrs. Steve i(Earlene) Gueter. Mocksviile; onebrother. Van Norman, Rt. 1; twosisters, Mrs. Anna Lee Bazaco andMrs. Sallie Bet Powell, both enMocksviile; 24 grandchildren and 11great-grandchildren.The funeral was held Saturday atthe West Yadkin Assembly of God 1Church by the Rev. J.B. Boyter, the 'Rev. Woodrow Wishon, and the Rev. nGlenn E. Crews. Burnl was in thechurch cemetery.MRS. FLOSSIE HUTCHINSMrs. Flossie Irvin Hutchins. 88. .Rt. 2. .Mocksviile. FarmingtonRoad, died September 12th atForsyth .Memorial Hospital.The funeral was held Friday at ;Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel by ithe Rev. Fred Shoaf. Burial was in iOak Grove United Methodist(Thurch Cemetery..Mrs. Hutchins was bom in IredellCounty to the late Thomas S. andCornelia Joyner Irvin. She was amember of Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church.Her husband. Troy Martin Hutchins. preceded her in death. Jan.30. 1983.Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Edith Allen and Mrs. NeldaWall, both of Rt. 2. Mocksviile; twosons, Edward Hutchins, Rt. 6. .Mocksviile and Ervin Hutchins. Rt.2 .Mocksviile: seven grandchildroiand 13 great-grandchildren: threesisters. .Mrs. Irene Hutchens. Advance. .Mrs. .Mattie Tumer.Fayetteville. and Mrs. MaeLaughter. Greenville, and onebrother. S. Ray Irvin. Winston-Salem.yaw■^^egiiswite, H. C.OWVIE CO. P0B13C UBRARVMOCKSVIUe. NO
Enoch Washington SmithOAV/eKXOCH W SMITHEnoch Washington Smith. 97. ofHoute f>. .Mncksvilie. died at hishome late Friday afternoon.The tuneral was held Sunday atEaton Funeral Home Chapel- Burialwas m Chestnut Grove United■Methodist Church cemetery,Born Jan, -l. IHH7. iri DavieCounty, a son of the late LeviWashington and Sarah JamesSmith, he was a retired farmer.Survivors include his wife, .Marv-Starr Smith: three daughters. Eva-Mae Troutman of Ralei^. JettieCarter and Dorothy Green, both of.Mocksville; two sons, Grant LeeSmith and George Smith, both of•Mocksville:^ a sister. PaulineGregory of Greensboro: a brother.Jasper Smith of Greensboro; 12grandchildren: and 22 ereat-grand-chiidren. He was also the father ofthe late William Clarence (BudiSmith.To paraphrase an observation once m^de by Amos Bronson Aicottan American educator and author of the early 19th century:old, ma^r wS ""th» and Elizabeth James Smith, he wash o®®' f»^'?ht children. At the age of 2S. his job with theVirginia. Stricken withwMderiuSv, he ana several compamons went west to Chicago, and-h^ Dakota where he picked and huskedcorn m .he wintertime and threshed it in the summer.MVIE county enterprise RHCORD. THURSDAV. SEI>r.».PP .,84Returning to Davie County in 1916. he married Mary Starr of theWest Shady Grove community. He was 29 and she was 19 They had sixchiidren: Sheriff George Everette Smith. Grant Lee Smith. Eva MaeTroutman. Jetti Mae Carter. Dorothy Rae Green and WiiJiamClaroice Smith.Tra veling Uiroughout the nation, working his farm and garden, andjust plain living kept Enoch Washington Smith,from realiSng that hesurpassed the Bible's alloted life span of 3 score and 10 years 27 yearsago.Some people attribute their long lives to eating or not eating certainfoods. Some warn not to smoke cigarettes. whUe others smoke two ormore packs a day. Eight years ago, at the age of almost 90, EnochWashington Smith was still most active, doing his own gardening. Atthat time he was quoted in an article in this newspaper as "not surewhy I have lived so long, but I am sure of one thing. If someone hadn'tpulled me out of an icy pond many years ago. I wouldn't be here todayI thought I was gone. I was walking out <m the pond and the ice aaveaway,"During his 97 years Mr. Smith saw many changes take place in theworld: the coming of the automobile, the airplane, the radio,television, computers—and the value of money. In 1903. he and PinkFoster worked at the Cooieemee Mlllfw -l-cents an hour, sweeping theweave room. Today some wage employees earn more in one hour thanthose two did in an entire week.As the writer of the article about Mr. Smith observed in 1976:"Aicott did not have E.W. Smith in mind when he prais^ the youth inold p€ople~butfor90 years of his life, Mr. Smith was living testimonythat there is some truth m the fact.'-'
CO. poBi,- ,iqIf MUS. JAMIE HARRIS BAUGUESSMrs. Jamie Denice HarrisBauguess, 22, of Stroud Road,Route4. Statesville, N.C., died Saturday&ptember 29, 1984, at IredellMemorial Hospital there.She was born in Davie County toJames Lewis Harris, Sr. of Rt 10Statesville, N.C.; and Brenda JoyceRogers Ellison of Statesville.She was employed as a clerk atCounty Line 64 - 76 Service Stationand Grocery; and was a member ofBethany Presbyterian Church.Survivors in addition to parentsare her husband. Waller WayneBauguess of Statesville; 1 son, BillyBauguess; 2dsiughters, Brandy andBeth Bauguess, all of the home;paternal grandparents. Mr. andMrs. Vander Harris of Route l,Harmony, N.C.; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. AlbertRogers of Jonesville; brother,James L. Harris of Rt 4*Statesville; 2 sisters. Mrs. TeresaShepherd and Mrs. Angle Johnson,wlh of Statesville; stepfather. KenEllison, stepmother, Mrs. NancyHarris; 2 setpbrothers, RandallNancy of Statesville, and ReaganNance of Rt. 10, Statesville.Funeral services were conductedTuesday at 11 a.m. at BethanyPresbyterian Church. Burialfollowed in Iredell MemorialGardens. Pallbearers were thedeceased's cousins.J\ MR. MARVIN MYERSMr. Marvin Myers, 75. of Box 326,Rt. 4, Advance, died Wednesdaynight at his home. He was born inDavie County to Jim and BettyBracken Myers. He had lived allhis life in Davie County and was amember of Mock's UnitedMethodist Church. Mr. Myers was'aretired employee of RoadwayTVucking Co. Surviving are his wife,Mrs. Helen Grrell Myers of thehome; three daughters, Mrs. JeanDzeskewicz of Winston-Salem, Mrs.Richard (Betty) Horn of Advance,Mrs. David (Pat) Crews of Clem-mons; three sons, Jimmy LeeMyers and Kermit Myers, both ofAdvance and Donald Myers ofSalisbury; 10 grhndchildren and sixgreat grandchildren; one sisterMrs. Martha Tucker of Winston-Salem; one brother, Mr. SherrillMyers of Advance. Funeral serviceswere held at 2 p.m. Saturday atVogler's Clemmons Chapel. Burialfollowed at Mock's UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery.y RICHARD SAMUEL ANDERSONRichard Samuel Anderson, 78, Rl.12, Statesville, retired supervisor ofHetrick Manufacturing Co., diedWednesday at Davie CountyHospital, Mocksville alter an extended illness. Surviving are hiswife. Mrs. l.azora Hunter Anderson,of the home; one son, Lloyd Anderson, Statesville; two brothers,The Rev. William Anderson andFelix Anderson. Iwth of Rt. 1,Mocksville; one sister. MissFrances Anderson, Mocksville;three grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Graveside serviceswere held Friday a( 4 p.m. at ZionChapel United Methodist Churchcemetery.terry garland ANDERSONTerry Garland Anderson, 22, oiRoute Mocksville, N.C. dietTuesday, morning from injuriei^fpred in an automobile accident:'fmneral services will be conducted Thursday, October 4,1984, at2-p.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeCliapel in Mocksville, with theReverend Shelby Harbour officialing. Burial followed in LibertyUnited Methodist Churtdi cemetery.^ He was born May 12,1962 in DavieCounty to Garland P.. and EthelLanier Anderson, who survive.He was an employee of J.HCraver and Son, Inc.Survivors other than his parentsare two sisters, Mrs. Lisa Williams,Rt. 4, Mocksville, N.C. and MrsJudy Robbins of Rt. 1, Mocksville,N.C.; three brothers, David andMi^ael Anderson of Mocksville,N.C. and Randy Anderson of Advance, N.C.; grandparents, Mrs.Grace H. Lanier of Mocksville, andMrs. Beulah Anderson ofCooleemee, N.C./ JOHN CLEO MOULTREYJohn Cleo Moultrey, age 57, of^ute 5, Mocksville, died at hishome last Wednesday eveningunexpectly. Death was from naturalcauses.He was born in Forsyth County tothe late John and Etta CainMoultrey; and was a member ofSmith Grove AME Zion Church HeHandleShip in Yadkmville, N.C.services were heldMonday, Sept. 24, at 2:00 p.m. in thechapel of Morrison-StudeventFuneral Home. The Rev. JamesConrad officiated, and burialfollowed in the family plot of SmithGrove AME Zion Cemetery.He is surviv^ by one sister, Mrs.Mary Alexander of Advance; twobrothers, William NathanielMoultrey of Route 5, Mocksville,and John Benny Moultrey of Winston-Salem, N.C. >y MRS. SADIE SPRY KELLERMrs. Sadie Spry Keller, 73, 155Center Street, Mocksville, diedI'hursday at Forsyth MemorialHospital. Mrs. Keller was born inDavie County to the late Williamand Bessie McCullough Spry andwas a member of Hardison UnitedMethodist Church. Surviving areher husband, Oscar Keller; onedaughter, Mrs. Carolyn Vickers,Harrisburg, N.C.; one granddaughter; four sisters, Mrs. LoisLookabill, Mocksville, Mrs. HazeWoodruff, Claymonl, Del., Mrspla Kimmer and Mrs. Onitawger, bolh of Rt. 4, MocksvilleFuneral services were held attalon's Funeral Chapel by the RevAlton Fitzgerald. Burial followed inCenter United Methodist Churchcemetery.Q)flaw CaPuWic libraryWodisville, W. C
t O/«.//.~4);^Uia (?o"iV^., S-€^/^ccyJ, '''3 G. PAIGE ANDERSONGarland Paige Anderson. Sr., 80, ,624 Goldfloss Street. Winston- iSaiem. died Sunday after several !years of illness.Mr. Anderson was bom Sept. 12, ,1904. in Davie County to Henry E.and Sarah Penry Anderron.He spent most of his life in Wm-ston-Salem and was employed by R.J. Reynolds for 46 years and wasHead Mechanic for the company ,upon retiring in 1969. ^Mr. Anderson was a member of iPinedale Church of Christ and amember of the Sun-Waugh CmcQub. DSurviving are his wife. Mrs. Ruth i• Lynch Anderson, of the home; one .daughter. Mrs. Dorothy Wilson,Waco. Tex.; two sons. Garland P.Anderson. Jr.. 1412 E. Sprague,Street and Don Anderson. Davidson iCounty; nine grandchildren andeight great-grandchildren; three isisters. Mrs. Viola Tomlinson,Mocksville. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor,Germanton and Mrs. Anme Anderson, Winston-Salem.The funeral was held Tuesday atVoter's Main Street Chapel byGary Templeton and EvanBolejack. Interment was inOaklawn Memorial Gardens.>/•hemmern lonnisKOONTZFuneral services for HemmemiLonnis Koontz, 83, were held)Thur^lay, October 11. 1984, at 4;p.m. at Fork Baptist Church by the iReverend Gordon Joyner. Burial ifollowed in the church cemetery.Mr. Koontz died Wednesdaymorning at Davie County Hospit^ iafter a short illness. He was bom inDavidson County to the late T.Frank Koontz, Sr. and Nina Bailey iKmntz. He was a retired employee nof N.C. Finishing Co.; and a imember of Fork Baptist Church.His wife, Lula Crotts Koontz ]preceded him in death in 1956.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. |Melbae K. Abel of Brandenton, Fla.,one son, M.L. Koontz of Cheraw,S.C.; two grandchildren; twosisters, Mrs. Annie Ruth Leonard iand Mrs. Betty Jane Williams, both ^of Route 3, Mocksville: and onebrother. T.F. Koontz. Jr. ofLexington.The family requests thatmemorials be made to Fork BaptistChurch Building Fund. Rt. 3,MMksville, N.C. 27028.• ¨> I.Oavie Ca Public Librar'iMocksville, N. C.UO
aOAris/ WILBERT ODELL HENDRIXWilbert Odell (Bob) Hendrix, 62,of Route 1. Advance, N.C. ^ed earlyTuesday morniqg at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-Salem, N.C.Funeral services will be heldThursday, October 11,1984 at 2 p.m.at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church inDavie County. The body will lie instate, thirty minutes prior to theservice. Officiating will be Dr. MarkCorts. Dr. Gary Chapman and theRev. Leon Wood. Burial will followin the church cemetery.Mr. Hendrix was bom April 4,1922, in Davie County to the lateJohn C. and Mary Marklin Hendrix.He was a member of CalvaryBaptist Church in Wlnston-Salem:and operated Drapery Showcase fora number of years.Siuwiving is one daughter, Mrs.Juanita Crews of Walkertown, N.C.;four grandchildren, Tim Crews,Denise Floyd, Harold Crews andSusan Crews, all of Walkertown: adear friend, Milton McCormick ofRt. 1, Advance, N.C.; and severalnieces and nephews.The family will receive familyand friends at Eatons FuneralHome Chapel Wednesday eveningfrom 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.. JAMES BILLYBARNHARDTJames Billy Bamhardt, 61, Rt. 2.died October 3rd at the VeteransHospital. Salisbury.The funeral was held Friday at NoCreek Baptist Church by ElderEugene Bennett and Elder JamesH. Frye. Burial was in the churchcemetery. Mrs. Bamhardt was bomin Davie County, to the late Georgeand Dellie Hendrix Bamhardt. Hewas a farmer.Mr. Bamhardt was a member ofNo Creek Baptist Church and was aveteran of World War II.Surviving are his wife, AnnWilson Bamhardt, of the home;three daughters. Mrs. VickieLanier, Rt. 2. Advance, Mrs.Melissia Smith Dunn and MissKristy Bamhardt of the home; twosons. Andy and Matt Bamhardtboth of the home; one granddaughter; two sisters, Miss DareBamhardt. Rt. 2, Advance and.Mrs. Veigh Shoaf. Rt. 18,Lexington; four brothers, OlinBamhardt and Eudell Barnhardtboth of Rt. 2. Advance.. HermanBamhardt and Edward Bamhardt,both of Rt. 2. .Mocksville.OAVIE CO. PUBOC UBROKMOCKSVaUE. NO 'I P'^'^gCOt.'NTYENTERPRISF.BFrnnr. Thursday.MRS. LUCILLE BENSON.Mrs. Lucille Smith Benson, 65,564Lexington Road. Mocksville. diedOctober 3rd at Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel.Burial was in Rose Cemetery. Mrs.Benson was bom in Davie County,daughter of the late J.L. and R^eRobertson Smith.She was a member of FirstBaptist Church, Mocksville.Surviving are her husband, JohnGreen Benson, of the home; one son,Mark Benson, Rt. 6, Mocksville,'two grandchildren; three sisters,.Mrs. C.P. Shaver. Rt. 1. Salisbury,Mrs. L.A. Grubb and Mrs. D.D..Miller, both of Rt. 4. .Mocksville;three brothers, Ray C. Smith,Cboleemee, C.W. Smith and J.L.Smith, both of Rt. 4. .Mocksville.Memorials may be made to FirstBaptist Church. Mocksville.OCTOBER 11,1984Granger. Ind.; two brothers. JamesFortner. Davidson, and GeneFortner. Chimney Rock; fivegrandchildren and four greatgrandchildren..Memorials may be made to theFirst United Methodist Chiu-ch..Mocksville or Davidson UnitedMethodist (Thurch. Davidson, N.C.^ MRS. RUBY BROWNMrs. 'Ruby Fortner Brown. 644Sanford Avenue, Mocksville. diedSunday motsnjng at Davie CountyHospital, ff- fThe funerarw&i iiiBld Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Don Davis. Burial was in.Mimosa Cemetery, Davidson, N.C. 'Mrs. Brown was born iriMecklenburg County, to the lateSam and Laura Wilson Fortner.Her husband, Roy S. Brown. Sr.,preceded her in death in 1953.Surviving are one dau^ter, Mrs.Billie Sue Hollard, Lexington; twosons. Roy Brown. Jr.. .Mocksvilleand Kenneth Brown. Denver. N.C.:one sister. Mrs. Julia Cloninger.• HARRY LEE FISHERHarry Lee Fisher. Sr., 83. Route 4..Mocksville died at 6:05 p.m.Saturday at Britt-Haven NiU'singHome in Wilkesboro. He had been indeclining health for a year andseriously ill several days.The funeral was held Tuesday atSummersett Memorial Chapel withthe Rev. Don R. Safrit. pastor ofChristiana Lutheran Church, officiating. Burial was in ChestnutHill Cemetery, Salisbury.Born August 25, 1901, in RowanCounty, he was the son of the lateHenry .M.C. and Esther Bamhar^Fisher. A retired painting andwallpaper contractor, he was amember of the Lutheran Church.His wife. Helen Davidson Fisher,died in January 1967.Survivors are a son. Henry L.Fisher. Jr.. of Millington. Tenn.;three daughters. Mrs. Donald' Helen) Jacobs of Mocksville. Mrs.Robert E. (Ann) Hartley ofSalisbury and Mrs. Paul (Irma)Kluttz of Salisbury:A brother. Aubrey W. Fisher ofSalisbury; a sister. Mrs. Jesse Reitzof .Norfolk. Va.; 10 grandchildren;and 12 great grandchildren.
/</ GEORGE B. RIDDLEGeorge Benjamin Riddle. 76, ofRoute 1. Advance, died earlySaturday in Davie County Hospital,Mocksviiie.The funeral was held Monday atSalon's Funeral Home Chapel,Mocksviiie. with the Rev. DonSigmon officiating. Burial was inRedland Penticostal HolinessChurch cemetery.Born Feb. i, 1908. in DavieCounty, a son of the late John L. and• .Martha Ann Howard Riddle, he wasretired from Heritage Furniture Co.Survivors include his wife, DollyLovelace Riddle; a daughter,Martha Anthony of Hamptonville; a>on, Kenneth Lee Riddle of ^ute I,.\dvance: five grandchildren; and'.wo great-grandchildren."■DAVIE COUNTY BjTEW'RlSE_ RECORD, THURSDAY. OCTOBERJ8,Area ObituariesJOHN HENRY RICHIEJohn Henry Richie, 74, Rt. 4,.Mocksviiie, died at his home.Monday.He was born January 22, 1910, inUavie County to T. D. and FloraWhite Richie.He spent most of his life in DavieCoimty and was a retired dairyfarmer.Mr. Richie was a member ofBixby Presbyterian Church.Surviving are his wife, LeonaMcBride Richie, of the home; his•nother, of Mocksviiie; onedaughter, Mrs. Nancy Richie Hdt,Winston-Salem; one son, ThomasRichie, Advance; four grandchildren, two great-grandchildrenand five step grandchildren; onesister, Mrs. Bessie Graves,Mocksviiie.The funeral will be 3:30 p.m.Wednesday at Bixby PresbyterianChurch by the Rev. R. Shane Owensand the Rev. Jim Grider. Burial willbe in the church cemetery./ ALLEN SOFLEYAllen Sofley, 73, of 141 ShamrockBlvd., Elkin, N.C., died Monday,October 15,1984, at Hugh Chatham'Memorial Hospital there.He was bom in Davie County, toThomas W. and Barbara Ann AllaiSofley. Mr. Sofley was retired fromChatham Manufacturing Co. andwas a member of Maple Springs)United Methodist Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs..Maomi Rodden Sofley, of the home;three daughters, Mrs. Albert'(Barbara) Howell, Mrs. Bobby(Patsy) Pardue and Mrs. BrendaLong, all of ElUn; five sisters, Mrs.Nannie Smith, Miss Julia Sofley,Mrs. Ester Allen, Mrs. Pauline.\llen and Miss Juanita Sofley, all of.Advance; seven grandchildren andfour great-grandchildren.Graveside services were held at 11a.m. Wednesday at Maple SjffingsUnited Methodist Church cemeterywith the Rev. Joe Fulk, Jr., officiating.Memorials may be made to Mafde.Springs United Methodist Church,P.O. Box 3, Ronda, N.C. 28676..MILLARD LANKFORDMillard Granville Lankford, J^j7, of 45 Duke St., Cooleemee, died ■Friday morning at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-.Salem after a short illness.The funeral was held Sunday atihe Eaton Funeral Home Chapel,Mocksviiie, with the Rev. DennisPage and Robert Creason of-liciating. Burial was in LegionMemorial Park, Cooleemee.Born June 2. 1927. in, Wilk»■'ountv, a son of the late Millard G.and Sallie Wadell Lankford, he was'imployed by Celanese Fibersoperations (formerly nber In-■lustryi and attended the Church ofGod.Survivors include his wife, MillieGoode Lankford: a daughter, Judy.Brewer of Cooleemee; three sisters,.Lucille Phelps of Route 4,iMocksviiie, Delia Phelps ofSalisbury and Cora Jane Wail ofCooleemee: a brother, James Lankford of Cooleemee; a grandchild;and two step-grandchildren./ BRUCE HARVEY CLEARYBruce Harvey Cleary, 64, ofStatesville, N.C. died Saturday,October 13, 1984 at Davie CounfyHospital. Death was unexpected.He was bora in Davie County,February 25, 1920 to the lateDolphus Ray Qeary and BeatriceReavis Cleary. He was a machineoperator in the furnittu'e industry.Graveside services were heldMixiday, October 15, 1984, at Rock.Springs Baptist Church cemeterywith tha*' Reverend Donald L.Haynes conducting the service.Surviving Is one daughter, Mrs.Helen BlackwUder of Mowesville,N.C.; 7 brother, EJttyd Cleary ofSparta, N.C., Fred Cleary ofStatesville,N.C., Geofge and AlfredGeary of Yadkinville, N.C., DwightCleary of Boonville, N.C., JohnCleary of Statesville and DtdlieCleary of Yadkinville; 3 sisters,Mrs. Irene Jtmes of Yadkinville,N.C.; Mrs. Alma Wyatt of EUdn,N.C., and Mrs. Mary Anderson <dLexington, N.C.; two grand- •daughters, Miss Paula Blackwelder /and MUss Susan Blackwelder, both tof Mooresville, N.C. ,OAWE CO. PUBUC LISRARVMOCKSVILLE, NC\/ • RICHARD L. WINDENERRichard Lee Windener, Sr., 37,Bledsoe Creek, Sparta, diedSaturday at Wilkes GeneralHospital.Mr. Windener was bora September 12, 1947, in Forsyth Countyto Ervin N. and Margaret Burns'Windener, Sr. He was employed bySides Nursery and was a member irfMt. Carmel Church of the Living. God.Mr. Windener was married to theformer Miss Gail Spriggs.Surviving are his father, Winstm-Salem; one daughter. Miss ViddWindener, Advance; one sonRichard Lee Windener, Jr., Advance; one sister, Mrs. Linda SueNuniey, Winston-Salem; twobrothers, Danny Carl Windener,Sparta and Ervin N. Windener, Jr.,Arizona.The funeral service was heldTuesday at Mt Carmel Church ofthe Living God by Bishop AlbertPerry and Bishop Bobby CranfilLBurial was in Woodland Cemetery.MRS. OLA LEE T. SMITHFuneral services for Mrs. Ola LeeTroutman Smith of Route 6,Mocksviiie, N.C. were held Sunday,October 14, 1984, at 2:30 p.m. atBear Creek Baptist Church in DavieCounty. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery. Officiatingministers were the Reverend JackR. Johnson, Rev. Michael A. Stonerand the Rev. J. Albert Bracken.Mrs. Smith died Friday, October12, 1984 at Davie County Hospital.She was a retired employee of(Tooleemee Cotton Mills; and amember of Bear Creek Baptist(^urch.She was married Jiuie 18,1932 toWiley Loften Smith, who precededher in death, February 24, 1974.Surviving is one daughter, Mrs.Billy (Ruby) Shoffner of Route 6,.Mocksviiie; 8 grandchildren and 14great grandchildren.
Area ObituariesDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY^ PAULINE C. HOLLETTPauline Casey HoUett, 83, formerly of Spring Street and nw ofAutumn Care Convalescent Home,died Thursday at Davie CountyHospital. . ,.A graveside service was heldSaturday at Rose Cemetery with theRev Don Davis, pastor ofMocksville First PresbyterianChurch officiating. .Born April 20. 1901, m DavieCounty, a daughter of the late OscarLee and Stella Leckie Casey, shewas a retired registered nurae. Herhusband, Arthur Russell Hollett.preceded her in death.Survivors include a sister, SteUaMarie Vance erf Femdale, Mich.;and Qjie niepe.. MRS. PHIL W.^ (EDNA) RUDDMrs. Edna Hendricks Rudd, 61. ofRwte 5, Greensboro, N.C. diedSaturday at Moses Cone MemorialHospital.Funeral services were held at 2pm. Monday at Lee's ChapelUnited Methodist Church. She wasemployed by Sears Department 155.Mrs. Rudd was born in DavieCounty to the late Willie G. andSusie Hunter Hendricks. She was amember of Lee^s Chapel UnitedMethodist Church where she waspresident of the United MethodistWomen's Club.Surviving are husband, Phii W.Rudd: daughter, Kathy Perry ofGreensboro; son, Kenneth E. Ruddof Greensboro; brothers Lester andJames Hendricks of Greensboro.L D and Paul Gray Hendricks ofMocksville. Earl Hendricks ofGreenwood. S.C.; sisters MissesGrace and Ruth Hendricks and Mrs.WUmaChaffin of Mocksville; fivegrandchildren.Memorials may be made to Lee sChapel United Methodist Church.Greensboro, N.C.ROBERT H. CHUNNRobert Henderson Chunn, 65,• ofRoute 4, Mocksviile. N.C.. died at4:45 p.m. Thursday, October 18.1984in Rowan Memorial Hospital afterbeing in declinmg health for sevenyears.The funeral was "held at. 3 p.m.Sunday at New - Bethel BaptistChurch, with the R£v. Zatvious Prattand the Rev. W.M.!" Adams officiating. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Born Jan. 3. 1919. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late JohnCicero and Notie Smith Chunn.Educated in the Davie Countyschools, he was retired fromCelanese Fibers Operations (formerly Fiber Industries) and was amember of New Bethel BaptistChurch, where he served on theboard of deacons and the usherboard. He was a World War IIveteran of the U.S. Army.Survivors include nis wife, GladysYoung Chunn; five sons, Charles.Chunn of Charlotte,- Robert LeeChunn of the home and Pfanklin,Cliester and Lester Chunn all ofMocksville;Five brothers, Herbert Chunn ofMocksville, John Chunn erf Chicago,111.. Paul Chunn of Salisbury, ErvinChunn of Springfield Gardens, N.Y.,and Thomas Chunn of Hempstead,N.Y.: three sisters. Mary-Carstmand Catherine Brawley, both ofMocksville. and Henrietta Black-well of Salisbury; and 13 grandchildren. —JVie Co. Fuaiic LiDrarv-ooiisviiio. N. C.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYmocksville. NC
9 3yObituaries'■♦DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THUglSDAY?NbmiBER 1.1984».1^ ALEX CARL JAMESAlex Carl James, 83, of Route 4^ed early Saturday morning atDavie County Hospital.The funeral was held Monday atTurrentine Baptist Church, conducted by the Rev. Judge Johnsonand toe Rev. Bill Creason. Burialwas in the church cemetery.Memorials may be made to theT^rentine Baptist Church BuildingFund.Born Aug. 27, 1901, in Wadesboro,he was a son of the late Enos M. andRebecca Ellis James. He was aretired masonry contractor and amember of Turrentine BaptistChurch.His wife, Emily Spry James,preceded him in death Nov. 9,1971.Survivors include two brothers!Frank and E.R. **Dink" James,^wth of Route 4, Mocksville; two^^ughters, Mrs. Tommy (Juanita)''Mglfi of Route 7, Mocksville, andMrs. Clyde (Shirley) Seats of Route^ Mocksville; four sons, the Rev.E.M. James, Carl, Jesse imd (SeneJames, all of Route 7, Mocksville-22 grandchildi-ea;. and 17 great-grandcttodren. ^ r.TryOKVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYMOCKSViaE, NO
Alex Carl JamesV>:2:ALEX CARL JAMESAugusl 27. 1901-Oclober 27.198483 years 2 months 0 daysWhen Christ shall come withshout of acclamation and tak^e mehome, what joy shall fill my hear 1Then I shall bow m humbleadoration and there proclaim-myGod How Great Thou Art.Carl's heart was filled with joy asGod claimed his soul on October 27,I9B4. His progressively vvorsenmgphysical condition left him moreand more dependent on oxygen ashe waited for God to take him home.The life we commemorated beretoday is Carl, the son of Enos M. andRebecca Ellis James born Augusl27.1901 in Wadesboro. N .C. Cari wasthe fourth child of five and one offour boys. Enos died 1915 and leftRebecca with the farm and fivechildren-Charlie. Bessie.Carl and Dink. Frank and Dinkreside on Route 4 and remem^rCarl by saying; We had a good life-worked hard on the farm. Beckywas the boss with Papa gone and wewere a close family. Carl was a hardworking. Christian family man.On December 10, 1921, Carl andEmily Spry were united mmarriage. God gave them morethan 49 years of closeness andhappiness together. Their familyconsisted of ten children-Juanita,William Monroe. Enos Mwroe(E.M.). Harold, Kathleen. Gene.Charles. Carol, Jessie, and Shirley.Carl buried four of his children,William. Kathleen. Harold, andCharles as well as his wife Emily;however, this only proved tostrengthen his faith. _Carl is known for being amasonary contractor and a goodman Carl was in the masonarybusiness with Hubert Carter formany years until his boys got oldenough to lay brick. Hubert says:"All those years in businesstogether and we never had a crossword. We didn't allow any badlanguage on Ihe job-I loved him-newas like a brother to me and I mgoing to miss him."Turrenline Church was bricked m1949 by Hubert, Carl and theJames boys." Carlwhen Turrentine was rebuilt in 19robut "his boys" helped to lay thebrick once again. Carl was an act vemember of the church and expectedthe same from his family. He servedas deacon and taught the Men.Ribic Class for years.Carl's "brickwork" is well knownin the area since he has built manyhomes and churches in Davie andsurrounding counUes. He nevertaught Juanita and Shirley lo laybrick; however, he got s?grandsons involved as po^ible. Jlewas a man that passed his vnUicsand trade on to his tamily.He kept close watch on his familvand because of love was very strictby most standards. Daughters-in-lawsare the first to tellonly discussed things with theirhusbands but also checked with Mr. jJames for his opinion.Many friends, familyand neighbors gathered October Mand 29 to pay their last respects toCarl n There was a lot of concern andSTlarA'SuM'Smemories; warm. :,ilovlng...industrious...strong.r;^^-fca""IBChristian...ason...a neighbor who livedpeaceably among yo»-'®^®;?.K^nell neighbors...he 'o;'"'eat...ShaUey Springs...Bar-B-Q...had a sense of ^ „h locars and roomy trucks...listened to5jl?fn."gave his"T.V. "away indisgust of daytime programmjiig^..proud of all his children-22 grand-Ehildren and 19 greatgrandchildren.will go down as alandmark of Davie Counly...arepublican...a survivor...Pawpaw...loved children...gaveaway Juicy Fruit chewing gu"™- nSed nid M«n and Juic, Fmltogether...was always at churchunless he was sick...a teacher ..aroie model...a tuff act to follow...aman of his word...beautiful pray®":And with monents of genllenessand of joy and of personal happiness, until finally only the bestmemories will remain.Memoir by the FamilyPaid Advertiscnicnl
L^ 11- ^*9//Goum*^/^c^dRICHARD CLAY CARSON, SR.Mr. Richard Clay (Louie) CarsonSr., of Routes .Mocksvilie was deadon arrival at Davie County HospitalSunday evening, following an extended illness.He was born in Iredell County tothe-late Bud and Dorthy MitchellCarson; and was a retired saw millworker.He is survived by one son,Richard Clay Carson Jr., of thehome, one daughter-in-law, Mrs.Annie Alexander Carson, fivegrandchildren and one greatgrandchild.Funeral services will be held onWednesday, at 2:00 p.m. ofMorrison-Studevent Funeral Home.The Rev. James Ijames will officiate. Burial will follow in the St.John AME Zion Church Cemetery.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRABSf.mocksvuie. no
Ol'to//.LONNIE BANNERLbnnie Gene Banner, age 88 ofRoute 1, Advance. N.C. died atOavie County Hospital last Thursday following an extended illness.He was a native of ForsythCounty, and had lived in Advancesince 1963. He was a retired employee of Modem Chevrolet Co., anda member of Redland Church ofChrist.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Of-flenarch Wheeler Banner of thehome; four daughters, Mrs. MaryRhynehardt and Mrs. MarthaBowman both of Columbus, Ohio.Mrs. Dora Anthony of Tobaccoville,N.C. and Miss Louise Pitts ofWinston-Salem, N.C.; four sons,John Banner of Clemmons. N.C.;George, Frank and J.T. Banner aUof Winston-Salem, N.C.; onebrother, Lorenzo Banner ofChicago, 111. Twenty-two grandchildren and 26 greatgrandchildren; two step-sons,Bernard Kelly of Durham, N.C. andA1 Benjamin Kelly of Winston-Salem, N.C.Funeral services were held at 1:30pjn. Sunday from the RedlandChurch of Christ. Minister Magell^Stevenson officiated, and burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Obituaries. MRS. NOMIE HENDRIXMrs. Nomie Hege Hendrix, 75, Rt.2, Advance died Thursday at DavieCounty Hospital.The funer^ was held Saturday atFulton United Methodist Church bythe Rev. Tony Jordon. Burial was inthe church cemetery.Mrs. Hendrix was bom in DavieCounty to the late Bud and AnmeRobertson Hege and was a memberof Fulton United Methodist Church.Surviving are her husband, OtisHendrix, of the home; twodaughters, Mrs. Hallene Wa^,LexingUm and Mrs. Betty Smder,Mocksville; two sons, Joe Hendrw,Advance and Otis Hendrix,Lexington; 11 grandchildren andtwo great-grandchildren; twosisters, Mrs. Sally Foster,Mocksville and Mrs. GracePeacock, Winston-Salem; twobrothers, John Hege. Charlotte andMorgan Hege, Cooleeme^.enterprise THURSDAY. NQVEMBEBjPAVIE COUNTYLEE JEFFERSON DAIOS-Ir. -v#Lee Jefferson Davis, 94. ofCharlotte. North Carolina diedMonday at Mercy Hospital.He was bom April 17, 1893, inDavie County, son of the lateWilliam M. and Sophia Angel Davis.He was a member of the FirstBaptist Church in Charlotte, N.C.,and was a retired Textile Supervisor.He is survived by one son, WilliamC. Davis of Charlotte; one (laughter, nMrs. Paul Boger of Charlotte, N.C.;one brother, Sanford Davis ofAlbemarie, N.C.; two sisters, Mrs.Etta Felvey of Dallas, Texas, andMrs. Ora Cauble of Lumberton,N.C.; and two grandchildren.Funeral services were heldWednesday at 2 p.m. at McEwenFuneral in Charlotte, N.C. Burialwill follow in Sharon MemorialPark.Memorials may be made to: FirstBaptist Church, P.O. Box 31046,Charlotte. N.C. 28231, or to thedonor's choice.• HARRIET LASICKIHarriet Michalski Lasicki, 86, ofRoute 3. Mocksville died at uj?lome of her son, Richard J. Lasicki,»arly Sunday morning.The body was taken from Eaton sFuneral Home Monday morning toj. F. Jurek Funeral Home inBrooklyn. N.Y. A service is pl^edtor Thursday at Our ^dy ofCzestechowa Roman CatholicChurch, with burial in St. John sCemetery, Middle Village, inQueen's, N.Y. .Bom in Poland, April 20, 1898, shecame to this country when she wasabout 3. . , . >,Her husband, Joseph Lasicki,died in 1953.Survivors include one other son,Walter F. Lasicki of Brooklyn,where the famUy wiU be theremainder of the time; four grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
1 -e-s/I/ISADIE M. MCCULLOUGHSadie Mae McCuUough. T8, ofRoute 7. Mocksville, died at herhome Sunday evening after a longdlness. ^The funeral was held Wednesdayat Eaton Funeral Home Chapel withthe Rev. PhiUip Cole officiating.Burial was in the McCuUoughfamily cemetery.Born May 15. 1906. m DayieCounty, daughter of the late Charlesand Emma Leonard McCuUough,she was a member of Liberty UnitedMethodist Church. She ted retiredfrom Davie County High Schoolcafeteria. . __Survivors include two sisters,Annie and Eva McCuUough. both ofRoute 7; and a number of nieces andneohews.OTiS E. POPlIN' ntis Earl Poplin, 62, of Route ,died November 6th ei Davie oun y"?&eral wee beldTh^^i,"!,"1he''RSr1imFSSwas in the ebureh cemet^-BefS°[iSih"^S5ist cnmenin WiUtas Connty. Aug.^^1922, he was a son o?Sam'?opUm He was retiredfrom Dacouh MUlsSurvivors include his .SuSrs PopUn; his stepmoth^^Ada ° Jeffrey Matthewsandate TimS'Sj^ a£of Route 7;BrX r ^Bon'nre%eS"a^^fyS pardue. both of Lexington,Sb?otee«. LawrencePoplin of Austin, and Clyae anaIvan Poplin of Jonesville; 10 granachUdren; and one great-grandchUd.Area Obituaries-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAYROBERT F. sMYERSRobert F. Myers. 57. toinbowRoad, died Sunday at his hoine.Mr. Myers was born in Dav eCounty to George Z. and Sallie^^Heted^K^ed in Davie County allhis life and was a niember oBethlehem United MethodistChurch. . p ,Mr. Myers retired from R-J-Reynolds Tobacco Co. in 19<9 after31 vears of service. , rv »Surviving are his wife. Mrs. FayeSmith Myers, of the home; onedau^ter. Miss Nancy .Myers, of theteme; three sons. Roger andBradley Myers, both of Advanceand Dean Myers. Wir»ton-^lm,two grandchildren. .Miss DeWiUMyers and Vincent Myers, threeSS. Mrs. Mary Potts. Mrs^Virginia Jones and Mrs. RuthDavis, all of Advanw; fivebrothers. Herman A.. JohnE.. and Billy E. Myers all of Advance and Jimmy T.ston-Salem and a devoted daughter-in-law. Becky Myers. Advance.A graveside service was heldTuesday at Bethlehem UnitedMethodist Church cemetery by theRev. Donald Funderburk.. BEULAH ARLEDGEFuneral services for .Mrs. BeulahArledge of 212 Gatewood Avenue,High Point. N.C.. were held Wednesday. November 14. 1984. at 11a.m. at Sechrest Funeral HomeChapel. A grave side servicefollowed at 1:30 p.m. at PleasantView Baptist Church in Harmony,N.C.. by the Rev. Archie Jones. Sr.Mrs. Arledge died at her homeearly Monday morning.Surviving are five brothers. RoyStroud. Wade Stroud. both ofHarmony. N.C.; Stamie Stroud ofHigh Point. Garl Stroud ofStatesville. and Gilbert Stroud ofTroutman; five sisters. Mrs. VerlieRichardson of Elkin. .N.C.. .Mrs.Grace Lagle of Mocksville. .Mrs.Bemice WiUiams of Randleman,N.C., Mrs. Julia York and .Mrs.Ruth Jones, both of Mocksville. N.C.1-^ HAYES POWELLHayes Powell of Rock Hill, SouthCarolina, a former Davie Countyresident, died November 6, 1984, at■, Charlotte Memorial Hospital In^^rjotte. N.C.. after an ei^t week''lilness-He was born in Davie County tothe late Thomas Frank and MaudeHayes Powell.Survivors include his wife, theformer Claytie Nichols of DavieCounty; three sisters, .Mrs. BrownieWilliams of Rt. 7. Mocksville. .Mrs.Hazel Thomburg of Greensboro,Mrs. Lucille Roberson ofAlbemarle; four brothers. HermanPowell. Route 1. Cleveland, N.C.,Belvin Powell of Rt. 7. Mocksville,Gilmer Powell of Greensboro, andKenneth Powell of Salisbury., NOVEMBER 15,1984■ JUHN EAKl^ nAtiraJohn Earl Harpe. Sr.. 84. 2825Maplewood Avenue. Winston-Salemdied Thursday at Forsyth MemorialHospital.Mr. Harpe was bom Jan. 14, 1900in Davie County to John Corneliusand Dora Collette Harpe. He went toWinston-Salem in 1928.Mr. Harpe retired from GeneralBuilders Supply in 1968.He was an avid sportsman and amember of Woodman of the World.Mr. Harpe was a memtier of NewPhiladelphia Moravian Church. OnJan. 22. 1922, he was married toStella Jane White who preceded himin death on March 2. 1964.In 1965 he married Adria E. Fulpwho survives of the home.Surviving in addition to his wifeare, one daughter. .Mrs. Cecil'Patsy) Miller. Winston-Salem; onestep-daughter. Mrs. Malinda Fishel,King; two sons, John E. Harpe,Winston-Salem and Leroy F. Harpe,Clemmons; five grandchildren,Keith G. Harpe. Greenville, LisaMatlock. Winston-Salem, Dale.Dana, and Terri Fishel. King; onesister. .Mrs. Nannie Burgess.Mocksville and one brother. JosephHarpe. Mocksville.The funeral was held Saturday atHay worth-Miller Silas Creek Chapelby the Rev. Henry May. Burial wasin New Philadelphia MoravianChiirch graveyard.>--VOAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVUXE. NC
t ^ ^H.^^. I"/f/TW^e CdCG->Iw "v l^f /v/ALBERT G. LATHAM*Albert Greene Latham, 74. ofRoute 1, Mocksville died at OavieCoiuity Hospital November l4th.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Fimerai Home Chapel,conducted by the Rev. ClaudiaHarrelson and Or. Wilson Nesbitt.Burial was in Center UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Born November 23. 1909. in OavieCounty, he was a son of the lateFrank and Margaret BogerLatham. He was a retired employeeof Orexel Heritage Furniture Co.and was a member of Center UnitedMethodist Church.Survivors include his wife,Margaret Evans Latham: adau^ter. Ann Stiller of Mocksville;three sisters. Alberta White ofRoute 8. Mocksville. MargaretGaither of Cooleemee. and BessieLatham of Winston-Salem:Five brothers. Tommy Latham ofLexington. Oscar. .Millard andEverette Latham. Route 8. and.Martin Latham. Route 1. all ofMocksville: and two grandchildren.MARTIN LATHAMJames Martin Latham. 78, Rt. 1,Mocksville died Saturday at DavieCounty Hospital.Mr. Latham was bom in Oaviey/' County to the late Frank andMargaret Boger Latham.He was retired from FravelyTractor Co. and was formerly withErwin Mills where he worked for 28years.He was a member of CenterUnited Methodist Church where heserved on the AdministrativeBoard.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. PollyTutterow Latham, of the home: onedaughter. Mrs. Bob (Carolyn)Lyerly. Mocksville: three sisters.Miss Bessie Latham. Winston-Salon. Mrs. Margaret Gaither.Cooleemee and Mrs. Alberta White.Mocksville: four brothers. MUlardLatham, Rt. 8. Tommy Latham.Lexington, and Oscar and EveretteLatham, both of Rt. 8: severalnieces and nephews.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Keith Tutterow and theRev. Claudia Harrelson. Burial wasin Center United Methodist Churchcemetery.CHARLES D. DENNINGThe Rev. Charles Donald Denning. 71, of Route 1. Mocksville, diedSaturday at Davie County Hospital.A memorial service was held at 4p.m. Tuesday at Hardison United^ Methodist Church, with the Rev.Alton Fitzgerald, presiding.Born in Delanco. N.J. to the lateCharles and Lillyan ParsonsDenning, he was a member ofHardison United Methodist Churchand was a retired Methodist pastor.Mr. Denning's call to pastoralministry came in 1961 following acareer in business. He pastoredMethodist churches in Millville andBurlington. New Jersey. Ministrytook on a new dimension in 1967 asRev. Denning accepted the positionof Administrator of the OceanGrove Methodist Home for theAged.Again, 1971 marked anotherexciting change in ministry as hefollowed a call from the Board ofGlobal Ministries to administrate a.Methodist Hospital In Nome.Alaska.The Rev. Denning returned toNew Jersey in 1974 rejoining theMethodist Homes system as administrator of Collingswood .Manoruntil retiring in 1980.Moving to Mocksville in 1981. hisministry continued as he activelyparticipated in the lay ministry ofHardison United Methodist Churchuntil his death.Survivors include his wife.Dorthea Kumpel Denning of thehome: two daughters. Judith Mc-Curdy of Columbus. Ind. and NancyE. Cook of South River. N.J.: Ason. Robert Denning of Lewisville;and nine grandchildren.IVILA S. ELLERIvila Schuitz Eller. 74. of 21 Erwin iSt. Cooleemee. died in Rowan IMemorial Hospital early Friday imorning. 'The funeral was held Sunday at• Funeral Home Chapelo PenneU and^ Rev. Shelby Hartxiur officiating- Entombment was in RowaiiMemorial Park.Memorials may be made to theVictory Baptist Church building •fund. Cooleemee. N.C. 27014Born July 7, 1910. in HubbardIowa, a daughter of the lateNathaniel A. and Bessie Bovender^ultz. she was retired fromBurlington Mills Corp. She was a".member of Deep Creek Friends ,Meeting. Her husband. Hugh Ellerpreceded her in death in 1937.Survivors include a daughter, IvaGrey Blackwood of Cooleemee: sixgrandchildren; and seven greatgrandchildren.VERNE O. ELLERVeme Osbome Eller. 79. of Route .7. Mocksville. died in DavieCounty Hospital early today.The funeral was held onday atEatons Funeral Home Chapel withme Rev. Judge Johnson officiating..Bmal was in Turrentine BapUst iChurch cemetery.Born Oct. 25.1905. in Ashe County 'a dau^ter of the late Robie S. and 1Floy Roark Osbome. she was a >S^ch*^ Turrentine Baptist <Survivors include her husbandJames G. Eller; three sisters.'Grace Gobble of Route 3. LexingtonOnva Jones of Route 7 and DossaBeck of Autumn Care Convalescentcenter of .Mocksville; and a brother.Wayne Osbome of Route 5Lexington.CO. PlffiUC LIBRARYIHOCKSVBJUE, m
:.oq^ -£>A ' ^-: (■? §y//.. IROy WESTON CALLRoy Westun Call. Sr. 75. ofYadkinvjlle Road. Mocksvilie, N.C.died at his home Thursday mormngafter an extended* illness.He was born in Da vie CountyJanuary 26. 1909 to the late Willis L.Jnd .Mollie Foster Call.He served in the U.S. Army from1942-45 in the Atlantic Theatre from.Africa thru Italy. His entire life wasspent in the shoe business, havingworked as a salesman for C.C.Sanford Sons Company inV .Mocksviile; and for Jones andGentry. Inc. in Winston-Salem. laterbuying this store and operating itunder the name. West & Call ShoeStore until he retired in 1971.Survivors include his wife. RubyCall of the home; one son. Roy W.Call. Jr. of Gastonia. N.C. and fivegrandchildren; one sister. Mrs.Essie Call Adcock of Cumnock.N.C.; and a brother, the ReverendLon Ray Call ofWashington.He was a life long member of theFirst Baptist Church of Mocksviile.Funeral services were conductedby the Reverend Paul Riggs.Saturday. .November 17. at li a.m.at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel. Burial followed in RoseCemetery..Memorials may be made to theRidgecrest Fund. First BaptistChurch. 390 .North .Main Street-Mocksviile. .N.C..MILLARD HARMONMillard Harmon. 78.401 SalisburyStreet. .Mocksviile. died Friday atBaptist Hospital.Mr. Harmon was born in IredellCounty to the late B.F. and LauraThompson Harmon.He was retired wuh 27 years ofservice from the U.S. .Army. He wasa veteran lit World War II and of theKorean Contiict.<■ Sur\-ivir.g are his wife. .Mrs. EllaSumers Harmon, of the home; oneDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY;NOVEMBER 22,.1984'daughter. .Mrs. Ray iBillie Jean)Bean. Woodieaf; two grandchildren. Kenneth and Karla Bean .both of Woodieaf; two sisters. .Mrs.Jack Baer and .Mrs. .Mack Harder,both of Statesviile; one brother.David A. Harmon, Troutman.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Don Davis. Burial, withmilitary graveside rites, was heldin Rose Cemetery.: EDWORTH BARNARD HILLFuneral services for EdworthBarnard Hill. 81. of Route l. Harmony, N.C. were held Monday at 2p.m. at Reavis Funeral HomeChapel of Harmony. .N.C. Bunalioliowed in Bear Creek BaptistChurch cemetery.-Mr. Hill died Friday. November 9.1984. at Iredell .Memorial Hospital inStatesviile. .N.C.SMffic ^ tbe late Wilev' V^W. Hill and Josephine Ritchie Hiii.He was a retired worker in the glueclamp department of StatesviileChair Company, and a formersawmill employee.His wife .Anner Bell Cleary Hiirpreceded him in death Julv 14. 1973Surviving are three sons!Raymond C. Hill and Clarence F.Hill, both of Statesviile. .N.C.. and.John L. Hill of Rt. 5. .Mocksviile:and one daughter. Mrs. Henrv1 Mary Bell) Johnson of Greensboro.-N.C.; one brother. Wesley Hill ofGreensboro. .N.C.; and six grandsons who served as pall bearers-Steve Hill. Buck Hill. Ted Johnson.Brian Johnson and David Saunders:6 other grandchildren and 4 greatgrandchildren suiwive.JOHN HENRY .MYERSJohn Henry .Myers. 77. of Route 4.Mocksvilie died at Davie CountyHospital November 14th.The funeral was neld Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel,conducted by the Rev. Phillip Coleand the Rev. J. C. Lane. Burial wasin Oak Grove United .MethodistChurch cemetery..Memorials may be made to thecemetery fund at Oak Grove United•Methodist Church. .Mocksviile.Born Feoruary 20. 1907. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late JohnU. and Hannah Summers .Myers. Hewas a retired employee ofBurlington Industries.Survivors include two sisters.Alma and Sarah .Myers, both ofRoute 4. .Mocksviile; and a brother.Thomas James .Myers of Welcome.WILLIAM 0. .NEELYWilliam Odell .Neeiy, 74, of 1128Oak St.. Cooleemee. N.C.. died at10:28 a.m. Sunday in Davie CountyHospital after being in declimnghealth for eight months andseriously ill for six davs."The body will remain at .Noble andKeisey Funeral Home pendingcompletion of funeralarrangements.Born Aug. 29. 1910. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateGeorge and Mary .Ann IjamesNeely. Educated in the DavieCounty schools, he was a retiredhyster operator with Burlingtonir i « P®" ''"le for theu.S, Post Office m Cooleemee . Hewas a member of FriendshipBaptist Church.Survivors include his wifeFunchec nf «••' TommeFrrnr""®?""/. C»,ee„«Thomasvilie; 29 grandchildren •* and■» great-grandchildren..MARY PAYNE.Mary Johnsie Trivette Pavne. 79« '' '"*'^oc'«ville. ied athospital earlvSaturday morning.Born Oct. 21. 1905. in Davieinvette. She was a member of theFiret Baptist Church in Mocksvilieand was married to C.C. Payne whodied in 1975. wnoSu^ivors include two daughtersS^em® if Winston-Viofif '^"'■O'fty Bell Peacock ofUDisrT'Rcapish of Route 1 and CharieeImpish of Crum-Lvnn Pa.- onesister Mrs. Elmer Turner S?Ig'jS'?' ^ ^""'lehildren; and19 great-grandchildren.Oavie Co. Public LibraryMnciisville, N. C.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC
Area Obituaries' MRS. MABEL LOYDMrs. Mabel ShiffletteLoyd. 84.613Wilkesboro St., Mocksville. diedSaturday afternoon at ForsythHospital.A graveside service was heldMonday at Union Chapel UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery withthe Rev. Jack Jackson officiating.Mrs. Loyd was born in Chariot-tesviile, Va.. to Mr. and Mrs. AdamShifflette and for 50 years she wasthe owner and operator of the DavieFlorist and Nursery until herretirement.She was of the Baptist faith.Her first husband. H. WilsonBrown, preceded her in death in1955. Her second marriage was toRichard Loyd.Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Claude(Carlene) Foster. Rt. 5.Mocksville and Mrs. Norman(Edith) Rummage. Rt. 6,Mocksville; one son. Theodore(Dock) Brown of .Mocksville: eightgrandchildren, six great-grandchildren and two great-great •grandchildren: one brother. DickShifflette, Charlottesville. Va.: alsoa number of nieces and nephews.^ MRS. EMMA .MYERSMrs. EmmaPhelps .Myers, 81, Rt.2, Advance, widow of Earl Myers,died Sunday at Baptist Hospital.Mrs. .Myers was bom in DavieCounty to John T. and Jane DavisPhelps. She had lived all her life inDavie County and was a member ofMocks United Methodist Church.Surviving are three sons, .AldenMyers, Winsion-Salem. WayneMyers. Yadkinville and FrankMyers, Advance: six grandchildrenand two sisters. Mrs. Mattie P.Jones and Mrs. Eva P. Jones, tx>thof Advance.The funeral was held Tuesday atMocks United Methodist Church bythe Rev. Thomas C. .McLean. Burialwas in the church cemetery.3 . JOHN P. CACCHIOJohn P. Cacchio. "4, SpillmanRoad. Mocksville, died Friday atBaptist Hospital..Mr. Cacchio was born in Men-dham, .N.J.. to Angeio andJosephine Cacchio. He was retiredfrom Beach Electric Co. and was amember of the Catholic Church.Survivlngarehis wife. .Mrs. HelenGrish Cacchio, of the home: twodaughters. .Mrs. Ruth (Joss. Mon-mouth Beach. N.J., and Mrs. BettyStefanoski. Tobyhanna. Pa.: twosons. Jack Cacchio. Glenwood, .N.J.,and Bill Cacchio. Strasburg, Pa.; 11grandchildren: three sisters and sixbrothers.A rosary was held Saturday nightat Vogler's Clemmons Chapel. Thefuneral was held Sunday at Vogler'sClemmons Chapel. Burial was inFarmington Cemetery. DavieCounty.CARRIE BULAH TREXLER.MISENHEIMERThe funeral for Carrie BulahTrexler Mlsenheimer was held at 3p.m. .Monday at St. Matthew'sLutheran Church, with the Rev. RonShipman officiating. Burial was inthe church cemetery. "Born June 18. 1900. in RowanCounty, a daughter of the lateAdison Gale and Sarah Ann FileTre.xler. she was educated in theRowan County schools. A lifelongmember of St. Matthew's LutheranChurch, she was active in theLitierty Volunteer Fire Departmentand was a member of the LibertyHome Demonstration Club.She and her husband have servedas foster parents, raising two fosterchildren from infants to adultho^.For more than 30 years, she didvolunteer work in the occupationaltherapy department at theSalisbury VA .Medical Center, accumulating more than 31,000 hoursof volunteer work and receivingnumerouj,-awards for her efforts.SurvivufB jridude her husband.Francis Delmer^Misenheimer: foursons, W. W. ■"Bill" .Misenheimer ofRoutes, D. L, "Sam" .Misenheimerof Route 1, Gold Hill. Leo.Misenheimer of Myrtle Beach. S.C..and Sayne Lee Bowman of Route 5:Two daughters, Phoebe M. Lakeyof Route 1. MocksviiJe, and SharonDenise Bowman of Salisbury; asister. Elma Agner of Route 5; 16grandchildren: and 15 great-grand-children..Mrs. -Misenheimer. 84. of Route 5,St. Matthew's Church Road, died at9:02 a.m. Saturday. November 24,1984. in Rowan .Memorial Hospitalafter an illness oi three days.-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORC), THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1984JOHN W. WALLERJohn William Waller Sr.. 78. ofRoute 2, died early .Monday at DavieCounty Hospital following an extended illness.The funeral was held Wednesdayat Bixby Church of the Living (Jod.conducted by the Rev. Jim .Myersand the Rev, John Stephenson.Burial was in the church cemetery.Born in Davie County .May 14.1906, he was a son of the late Lee and.Mattie Salyers Waller. He was aretired farmer and a memhter of theBixby Church of the Living God.Survivors include his wife. .MaryElizabeth Minor Waller: fourdaughters. Violet Everhart ofLexington. Ruby Baugus and VeraJones, both of Winston-Salem. andBunny Still of Kemersville; sevensons. James. Erwin, Jimmy and ■,John Jr. Waller, all of Advance,William Waller of Winston-Salem.Wayne Waller of Lexington andCalvin Waller of .Mount Clement.Mich.A sister, Thelma Hege ofLexington: four brothers, LutherWaller of Brevard. LawrenceWaller of Greensboro, and Robertand Lee Waller, both of Winston-Salem: 23 grandchildren: and fivegreat-grandchildren.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, N§
( 6//, 9^.1>^v/e C^^S^r.^^r'/CVrdrd >/DAVID CLAYTONSANDERSGraveside services for infantDavid Clayton Sanders were heldFriday November 23. 1984. atCl^rksbury United .MethodistSnS The ReverendDonald L. Farris was officiatingmimster.The infant died Thursday mor-wng, November 22. 1984 at NCBaptist Hospital in Winston-Salemiparents. Mr.and Mrs. Henry Mack Sanders. Jr •matCTnal grandmother, Mrs. AgnesWooten of Rt. i, Harmony. N.C.-mat^l great-grandmother. Mrs!Annie Keller Wooten of Harmony:^ternai grandparents. .Mr. andMrs. Henry M. Sanders ofnt. 5, Mocksville; and paternalgreat-grandmothers. .Mrs. BessiehfH ^aisy Sanders,both of Rt. 5. .Mocksville.The infant's mother is theformer Christine Wooten.^ ®arnie nelson barkerFuneral services for BarnieNel»n Barker. 61. of Rt. 9Uxington. N.C.. were held Monday!November 26. 1984. at 2 p.m. atVoglers-Piedmont Funeral Home inMxington. N.C. Burial followed inForest Hill Memorial Park.Mr. Barker died Saturday.November 24. 1984. at N.C. BaptistHospital in Winston-Salem. N.C..after an illness of two and a halfyeare. He was seriously ill for fourW6€KSt .He was an independent trucker.Surviving is his wife. Mrs. DaisyMusgrave Barker of the home; 4JJiu^ters. Mrs. Jerry (Virginia!^ite of Route 1. Mocksville. Mrs •John (Daisy) Uttle of Rt. 9Lexington. »N.C.. Mrs. Steve (Helen)^nard of Lexington, and Dr.Paula Barker of Indianapolis, Indiana; 7 grandchildren and twogreat-grandchildren: half-sisters5" Chesnee. S.C..and Mrs. Iva Vickers of Spar-tanburg. S.C.MAE REAVISRm!!. poster Reavis, 62, ofw®"'® .2; Howardtown RoadMocksville died at her homeNovember 20th.Thursday atDulms Umted Methodist ChiutdiSdS iS. nh "k"®" '"''y®-« .® ^'""■ch cemetery.^ 'o theM tfc Dulin's UnitedMethodist Church. u»"ieaBom October li, 1922, in Davi^T ® "^"^hter of the® Leppard and EUaBarney Foster. She was a retiredOTployee of Hanes Knitting Co^and was a memberof Dulin's United Methodist Church..include her husband.W42* she married inSs Sf riS* ^®'«wavis Of ClenflBbns and RonaldFoster Reavis of Winston-Saiem-™"«,sist®rs. Mazie Melton. GladysMcNeil and Colleen Forrest, all ofRoute 3. Blanche Lagle of Route 7l^ura Lee Sparks, Route 2, all ofGertrude Robertson of =17 .? Advance. Helen Orrell and^ipm of Winston-Salem, and Hazel Thomas ofLiemmons; a brother, GeorgeFoster of Route 3. Mocksville; andoae grandson.DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE. fiO
„ ) ol'.'f'vrVX)'/S./. BOBBY C. BRANDONBobby Cline Brandon, 48, Rt. 8.Mocksville, died unexpectedly at hishome. . j, •Mr. Brandon was bom m YadmCounty to Pearl and Eula HutchinsBrandon Hutchins. He was of theBaptist faith.Mr. Brandon was employed byStroh's Can Co. of Winston-Saleni.Surviving are his mother; hiswife, Mrs. Carol Wishon Brandon;one son, Bobby Dean Brandon,^-'adkinville; one daughter. Missvuta C. Brandon, YadkinviUe; foursisters, Mrs. Jessie Hutchins,Winston-Salem, Mrs. MarieWilliams, YadkinviUe. Mrs.Margaret Brown, Mocksville andMrs. Eula Mae Hutchins,YadkinviUe; two brothers, WUliam(BUI) Brandon and Johnny WayneHutchins, both of YadkinviUe; onegrandchild.The funeral was held 11 a.m.Tuesday at Mt. Zion Baptist Church.Burial was in the church cemetery.y/ > MRS. LAURA COXMrs. Laura Fay Hicks Cox, 67, Rt.8, Robinhood Rd., Winston-Salem,died Thursday at Forsyth MemorialHospital.Mrs. Cox was bora in DavieCounty to EUbert Burse and LissieJeffrey Hicks.Surviving are her husband,WiUiam R. Cox. of the home: threesisters, Mrs. Peal Needham,Pfafftown, Mrs. Frances Isgett,Winston-Salem, and Mrs. RomoniaDoub, MocksviUe; one brother,William H. Hicks, Germanton; shewas predeceased by one sister, Mrs.Mabel Isgett and one brother, J.L.Hicks.The funeral was held Saturday atHayworth-MUler Silas Creek Chapelby the Rev. Roland Barnhardt.Burial was in Brookstown United.Methodist (^urch cemetery.16B-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD;THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6,1984y/. ZELMA FOSTERZelma Glass Brooks Fo^er, 72. of2831 W. Innes Street, Salisbury,N.C., died at 5:M p.m. Monday mRowan Memorial Hospital afterbeing in declining health for twoyears and seriously ill for twoW06ks*The funeral was at 2 p.m. W^-nesday in Summersett MemorialChapel with the Rev. Shelby Harbour, Jr., of Victory Baptist Churchin Cooleemee and the Rev. GaryHoffman of Franklin BaptistChurch officiating. Burial was inRowan Memorial Park.Born January 22, 1912, in Jefferson County, Ala., she was adaughter of the late Samuel Robertand Alice Gamer Glass. She waseducated in the Alabama schoolsand was formerly employed withBurlington Industries in Cooleemee.She was later employed with ConeMills in Salisbury until herretirement in 1977.A member of the MoravianChurch in Winston-Salem, she attended No Creek Baptist Church.Her first husband. Clyde H.Brooks, preceded her in death.Survivors include her secondhusband, George WiUard Foster;two sons, Robert James Brooks ofCooleemee and Billy Gray Brooks ofGladstone Road, Mocksville; abrother, Bobby Glass of Route 4,Mocksville;Five sisters, Mae Fink ofLexington, Juanita Ratliff of Faithand Willie Smith. Dot Smith andPeggy Seamon. ail of Route 4,Mocksville; four grandchildren;and three great-grandchildren.^ MRS. EMMA HOWELL BARKERFuneral services for Mrs. EmmaHowell Barker of Sunrise Towers,1201 Ninth Street, Winston-Salem,N.C.. were held Sunday, December2, 1984, at Gilmore's Funeral HomeChapel there, at 2 p.m. Officiatingwas the Rev. E. L. Clark. Sr.Mrs. Barker died Tuesday,November 27. 1984. at N.C. BaptistHospital in Winston-Salem. after anextended illness. She was bora inDavie County to the late Samuel B.and ^chel Eaton Howell. and w^a former member of (ChinquapinGrove' Baptist (Church. She movedfrom Mocksville to Winston-Salemforty years ago; and was a retiredemployee of Fat Man's Lounge.Survivors include a son. Mr.Nathaniel Howell of Mocksville,N.(C.: a brother, Mr. Noah Howell ofPfafftown, N.C.; an aunt. Mrs.Annie Hayes of Statesville, N.C.; astep-mother. Mrs. Ethel FooteHowell; a half sister, Ms. RuthHowell; six half brothers. Mr.TMrner Howell. Mr. Lonnie Howell,Mr. Charlie Howell, Mr. LouieHowell ^1 of Mocksville, N.C., Mr.Otis Vinston-Salem. N.C.,and Mr. Gilbert Howell of Boonville,N.C.; two ^anddaughters. Ms.Mary Emma Howell and Ms.Shirley Jean Blackweil, both ofWinston-Salem, N.C.; a devoted andloving friend. Mr. Rodweli Foote ofMartinsville, Virginia: severalnieces, nephews, cousins, otherien^., MRS. MINNIE ALLENMrs. Minnie Livengood Allen, 81.Gladstone Road, Cooleemee, diedFriday at JoLene's Nursing Home,Salisbury. . ,.Graveside services were hewSunday at Liberty United Methodist(Church cemetery by the Rev.Phillip (Cole.Mrs. Allen was bora in RowanCounty to the late William Oscarand Bertha Link Livengood and wasa rttired florist of AUen's FlowerShop, (Cooleemee.She was a member of LibertyUnited Methodist Church.Ha- husband, Qarence Allen,preceded her in death August 5,1982.Surviving are three sisters, Mrs.Bessie Weir, Winston-Salem, Mrs.Sadie Howard, Salisbury and Mrs.Lola Cope, Cooleemee and anumber of nieces and nejrftews.UbranOAVIB CO. PUBUC LIBRARYmocksville, NC
l7>./Obituaries IMRS. CLARA MAE ALLENMrs. aara Mae Parks Richardson ^len, 69. Rt. 6. Mocksville died^day at the home of her daughter,D j '^.1? Timlin, •'aso ReidsviUeRoad. winston-Salem.The funeral was held Wednesday« New Union United .MethodistChitf^ by the Rev. Kermit Shoafand the Rev. Donald FunderburkepS' Gardens. HighMrs. Allen was bom in Davie^unty to the late WUliam C. andBradie Wooten Parks and was ammber of New Union UnitedMethodist Church.Surviwng are her husband, M.K.^en, of the home; one daughter,Mrs. Ann Gimlin; Winston-Salem-^0 SMS, Paul Henry Richardson,High Point and David G. Richard-^n. High Point and David G.Richardson, Connecticut; sevengrandchildren and four great-^andchildren; four step-daughtersBishop and Mrs.'Elizabeth Steelman. both ofUemmons. Mrs. Julia Howell.^ksville and Mrs. Uuise Fulp.Rmg; 14 step-grandchildren and sixstep-great-grandchildren; onesister, Mrs. Edna Dyson. Rt. 6 andShLlot^"'""'-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13,1984GEORGE G. HENDRIXGeorge Green Hendrix, 81, formerly of Route 2, Mocksville diedDecember 5th at the Autumn CareConvalescent Center, where he hadbeen a resident.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel,conducted by the Rev. J. C. Lane.Burial was in Smith Grove UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Memorials may be made to thecemttery fund of Smith GroveUnited Methodist Church, Route 2,Mocksville, N.C. 27028.Bom March 16, 1903, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateCrawford and Nannie GreenHendrix. He was a retired sawmilloperator.Survivors include his wife, BeulahCash Hendrix of the home; adaughter, Ann Boger of Route 2,MocksviUe; a son, William G.Hendrix of Route 2, Mocksville; asister, Elizabeth Messick of Winston-Salem; four grandchildren;and three great-grandchildren.■Q "51 'SiljASllOO!^Oavie Co. Public Librarv
-DAflE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20,1984AreaObituariesCORA MAE PEEBLESCora Mae Peebles, 43, of Route 2.Advance, died Wednesday eveningat her home after a lengthy illness.The funeral was held Sunday atMount Sinai AME Zion Church, withDr. A.M. Spaulding officiating.Burial was in the church cemetery.Born Oct. 3, 1941, in DavidsonCounty, a daughter of MargaretHarriston Peoples of Advance andthe late Millard Peoples Sr., she wasemployed by Ingersol Rand. Shewas a member of the Rose Dee MollChapter No. 531 of the Eastern Starand Mount Sinai AME Zion Church.Survivors, in addition to hermother, include her husband,James E. Peebles Jr., twodaughters, Anita Peebles of LosAngeles, Calif, and Angela Peeblesof the home; two sons, Darren andKeith Peebles, both of the home;two brothers, Wilburd and RodgerDale Peoples, both of Advance: anda granddaughter, Antigone NicolePeebles, of the home.JAMIE GENE REAVISInfant Jamie Gene Reavis, 21mtmth old son of Barry and KimWaldie Reavis of 3301 7th Street,Park City, 111. formerly ofMocksville, died at Children's^spital, Chicago, 111. after a briefillness. The funeral was heldTuesday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel. Burial was in ReavisFamily Cemetery, ,Yadkin County.Surviving in addition to hismother and father are his grand-.. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe I^vis,Rt. 2 and Mr. and Mrs. James-Waldie, Sparta.'me Co. Public LibraryNiocksviile, N. 0.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRAW>1or,KSVILLE, Nr