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Jan - Jun
DAVIE COUNTYOAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE. NCECQRD. THURSDAY. JANUARY S. 1984 iAreaObituariesWILLIAM R. HEPLERWilliam Roy Hepler. 82, of ISYadkin St.. Cooleemee, died atAutumn Care Convalescent Centerin Mocksville December 28th.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapd inMocksville conducted by the Rev. J.D. Revls and the Rev. Dennis Page.Burial was in Union Grove UnitedMethodist Church cemetery inIredell County.Bom June 28, 1901, in IredellCounty, he was a son of the lateJacob H. and Rachel Cass Hepler.He was a retired employee ofBurlington Industries.Survivors include his wife,Margie Speaks Hepler; sixdau^ters, Christine Livengood ofRoute 6. Salisbury, Pauline Danftrdcf High Point. Cleo Slkes ofWoodleaf. Ann Davis of Mt. UUa,Helen Oakley of Greensboro andGeraldlne O'Neal of Cooleemee;Two sons, J. D. Hepler <rfGreensbcnro and Moody Hepler ofSalisbury; two sisters. Valtle Mc>Daniel of High Point and ElsieWinner of Carolina Beach; twobrothers. Hall Hepler (rf High Pointand retired Col. Guy Hepler ofTampa. Fla.: 14 grandchildren; andfive great-grandchildren.CorrectionJames .Albert Sanders. 48, ofRoute 6. .Mocksville was killedDecember 23 when his mobile homelocated in Buster Phillips' TrailerPark was gutted with flames.The December 29 issue of theEnterprise Record incorrectlylisted the victim as Henry MackSanders in one paragraph of thestory. We regret the error.Oavie Co. Public Librarv'.'nn' wi'lfi. M P' UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, January 10,1984 ma WaU Jones, 70, Rt a. died at Baptist Hospital early Tuesday «»?rninB. Funeral services wW w 11 jLm. Thursdav af Funeral Chapei Bur^ yml follow ill Union United Methodfet Oiui^cemetery. The family will receive friends from 7 to » pjn. tonight at the funerrf home. Mrs. Jones was born January 3. IJM S County to the late MdBessie Parl^ WaU. Si^v- -infi ai^ her husband, John Frank Johes, of one Oau^ter. VJr^^a ^ ol Reavis, Rt ?, five sons, Roger . Pwk Jones and CharlwJon^botbofRt3,Mocks- vUle, Johb Thomas Jones, Thbina^e .William Mar tin Jones, Lextagton Rov Taylor, linwood; wgriidciitt^ one gi^t-graridcWldandtwosiste^ hto. HaieV Barbee, Sali^ bury and M^s.^LoUMcCiamrock, Rt 2, Moc^ vUlel • - Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA "■"'-p';'- '-'■KI.-.L im!K.SI)A\,JA\L,\K^ IJ.ohi: A4rs. Lovene Huf chinsMrs. Ellii Lorene KceverHutchins. 5y. Ki. c. died latebaturday nighi ai Davis Hospital inStatesvilie.The (uneral was held Tuesday atLaton s Funeral Chapel by the RevJack Johnson and the Rev. Charles^ok. Burial was in Bear CreekBaptist Church cemetery in DavieI County. Mrs. Hutchins was born inAlexander County to the late Parksand Cora Lee Wike Keever.She was a retired school teacherand a member oi Bear CreekBaptist Church.Surviving are her husband. DallasB. Hutchins. of the home; twosisters. Mrs. Uuise Murphree.^kerw-awn. Miss, and Mrs. RuthReid. laylorsville: three brothers.Jerry Keever. Tayiorsville and Ravand Clyde Keever. both ofStatesvilie: her step-mother, Mrs.Dertie Logan Keever, Tayiorsvilleone step-sister. Mrs. Ruth James,laylorsville and one step-brother.David Logan, Hickory.MRS. LORENE HUTCHINSAlexander County, she accepted the call- -uld herWith China s communist takeover in the 1940's.hefl'ilftn she directedShe lau^t one year in Alexander County and in September iqs?married Dallas Hutchins. The couple move^™en?hre'" commt^ty^SSaturday. January 7 following a lengthyirf^fnv County, she touched the livesthr^fJh h ® ® teacher, but alsoSw? ""mense determination to share the Word of God withChildren were a bright spot in Mrs. Hutchins' life. And eventhough she never bore a child of her own. she gave meaning andpurpose to the lives of the many children she came in contact with.As a kindergarten and first grade teacher at CourtneyElementary School in Iredell CounD" for 25 years, she offeredstudents more than a foundation for a sound education. Mrs.Hutchins strived to share the principles of a meaningful life...a truelove of God and a respect and true concern for others.Mrs. Hutchins joined Bear Creek Baptist Church soon aftermoving to the area in 1954. Through the years she remained anactive member, serving as a Sunday School teacher, VacationBible School Superintendent, and an active member of theWomen's Missionary Union.Mrs. Hutchins' faith in God was an ever present inspiration toothers and during thr final days, this belief never faltered, as shebravely hidphysicalpain with a smile. She did not fear death, for indeath is life.A quQte from N. Macleod says it best...."We picture death as coming to destroy; let us rather pictureChrist as coming to save. We think of death as ending; let us ratherthink of life'as beginning, and thai more abundantly. We think oflosing; let us think of gaining. We think of parting, let us think ofmeeting. We think of going away; let us think of arriving. And asthe voice of death whispers "You must go from earth," let us hearthe voice of Christ saying "You are but coming to Me!"by Kathy TomhnsonL'ri.'"- F'r, I.."'I [i-^r'^rv>C' w. - . . • ^1-• .'-.'.z. w. kj., f/iVuGKsvim MRS. LULA BOGERMrs. Lula Ritchie Boger, 76. Rt. 2,died Friday morning at ForsythHospital.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Donald Funderburke.Burial was in Eaton's BainistChurch cemetery. Mrs. Boger wasbom in Davie County to Flora WhiteRitchie. Mocksville and the lateTom Ritchie. She was a member ofGreen Meadows Baptist Church.Surviving in addition to hermother are her husband, ClydeBoger of the home: two daughters,Geraldine Shaver. Mocksville andMrs. Faye Finwall. Lenoir; threesons. Gilbert Lee Boger, Rt. 2,Mocksville, Henry and BennyBoger. both of Rt. 1, Advance; 18grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; four step-great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. BessieGraves. Rt. 7, Mocksville and onebrother. Henry Ritchie. Rt. 4..Mocksville.. MRS. PAULINE llVENGOODr Mrs. Pauline Seaford Livengood,69, Rt. 2. Advance, died at her homeSunday afternoon.She was the wife of JunieLivengood.Mrs. Livengood was a member ofFork Baptist Church.Funeral services were heldTuesday at Fork Baptist Church bythe Rev. Gordon Joyner. Burial wasin the church cemetery.Surviving are her husband; twosons. Billy and Gene AltonLivengood. both of Rt. 2. Advance;five sisters. Jeanette Beane, Rt. 3,Mocksville. Lavema Gaither. Rt. 1,Harmony, and Venice Livengood,Bemice Hinkle and Maxine Correll,all of Rt. 2. .Advance; threebrothers. Reginald. Lee and BillSeaford, all of Rt. 2. .Advance; twograndchildren and four greatgrandchildren.•DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE _RECORD,THURSDAY.JANUARYArea Obituariesw2J® be 2 pmWedn^ay at Eaton's FunwTiHome Chapel conducted by the RevFrye. Burial vWll brrnSurvivors include threedaughters. .Mary Bverlv /.fwand'Mocksville^d Margaret Beane of Route is'son W^ter Branch ofnouce 7. -Mocksville- ss» Wea.._ FRED LEE OVERCASHFred Ue Overcash. 76. of 743^erry St., Mocksville, died atbeld Sunday atEaton s Funeral Home ChapelanH '''® Carltonand the Rev. Clyde Settle. Burialwas m St. James Episcopal Churchcemetery in fredeU CountyBom Nov. 7. 1907. in iredell-n ® employeeof Mocksville Ice and Fuel Plantand was a member of EdgewoodBaptist Church.Survivors include his wife. MinnieOvercash Overcash; fiveMusters. Viola Safriet and MrsIra Overcash. both of StatesvilleiCatherine Fleming and NancyEaster, both of Mocksville, andLinda Overcash of the home;Six sons. Billy Overcash of thehome. Richard Overcash of Route 2,Cleveland, Paul Overcash of Route3. Statesville, Larry Overcash ofRoute 7, Mocksville, CharlesOvercash of Fairfax, Va., and JerryOvercash of Alexandria, Va.; threesisters, Margaret Lipe of ChinaGrove, and Bonnie Eamhart andEtta Readling, both of Statesville; abrother, David Overcash ofTroutman; 14 grandcHUdren; andthree great-grandchUdren.Oa-iic- Co.QAVIE CO. PU.BUC UBRARYMOCKSVlLLEa NOROBEKT W. WISHON "Robert W. (Bob) Wishon, 78, Rt. 6,Mocksville, died January 4th atDavie County Hospital.The funeral was held Friday atMackie-Gentry Funeral HomeChapel by the Rev. J.P. Sizemoreand the Rev. E.M. James. Burialwas in Longtown United MethodistChurch cemetery.Mr. Wishon was bom in YadkinCounty to Pearlie Wishon. He wasthe grandson of the late MonroeWishon.He was a member of GospelChapel Church and a retiredfarmer.Surviving are his wife, MattiePeele Wishon; three daughters,Mrs. Katie Stokes, Rt. 3,Mocksville. Mrs. Paul G. (Louise)•Martin, HamptonvUle and Mrs.David (Lucille) Holbrook, Jr.,Yadkinville, six sons, El^n W.Wishon, Rt. 8, Mocksville, Fred J.Wishon, Rt. 1, Harmony, Howard E.Wishon, Sr., Rt. 6, Mocluville, R.C.Wishon, Jonesville, Basiel M.Wishon, Rt. 4, Yadkinville andShorty Wishon, Mocksville; onesister, Mrs. Sallie Peele,Yadkinville; 20 grandchildren and Ifive great-grandchildren.COL. MILTON GODFREYColonel Milton Godfrey, 78, diedSaturday, January 7, at the V.A.Hospital in Salisbury, NorthCarolina, after a long Illness.Funeral was held Tuesday inGreenville. N.C. where he had madehis home. Burial took placeWednesday at the ArlingtonCemetery in Washington, D.C.Survivors include his wife, Mrs.Louise Foster Ckidfrey of the home;a daughter, Mrs. Sue Monroe ofFlorence, S.C.; a son, Edward sGodfrey of Louisville, Kentucky; 2 cstepdaughters, Mrs. John Meng of.Norfolk. Virginia, and Mrs. Karen I• Upton of Tarboro. N.C. \ ^Harold Clausell Gregory-^I iHarold Clausell Gregory. "6. Rt 1.GREGORY/^ADVANCE - Mr. HaroldClausell Gregory. 76, Rt. i.Advance died at Forsyth HospitalMonday evening after a briefillness. „The funeral will be held at 3:30p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. DonaldFunderburke. Burial will be inBethlehem United MethodistChurch cemetery.Mr. Gsegory was a self-employedcontractor.Surviving are his wife. LillianJames Gregory; one daughter, Mrs.J. Roy (Mitzi) Foster. Rt. I..Advance; two sons. James HaroldGregory, Rt. l. Advance andLeonard F. Gregory, Rt. 2,Mocksville; one sister, HelenTollon, Elkin; one brother, ElwoodGregory, Spokane. Wash.; fivegrandchildren and one greatgrandchild. GregoryB.C. Gregory, known as Clausell to most, was bom in northeastern Davie County near the community of Farmington ra 18September, 1907. His early years were spent in and around Far-mington and he was educated in the schools of the period."jf*.The Farmington area figured prominently in his life. It wasthere that he met the girl that would become his wife, and in thatarea he would spend the rest of his life. -Qausell Gregory learned the carpentry trade from his father-in-law, Jdm C. James and became a master carpenter. Through thistrade and throu^ farming, he began raising a family in the hardest times his country had ever seen.H.C. Gregory held a life-long interest in the affairs of his community. He was a member of the Bethlehem Methodist ChurtA, aRuritan, and was instrumental in the organization of the pr-mington Volunteer Fire Department; one of the first suA unite mthe county. Always a student of politics ami gWCTiMnfil. Gregoitysmred several years on the Davie County Board of Elections. Hismain avocation, other than his family, was horsw. He was quiteproud of his team of Arabians and the several antique buggies and .,wagons he had restored.He died Monday, 9 January, 1984.Much is written about those rich or famous while the ordln^good citizen is often taken for granted-iCIausell Gr^o^ was nmway beyond the material sense and he was famous in that he, liMso many others before him, typified the man that is the so^aUedbackbone of this country: good citizen, good husband, good father,good friend. He set a fine exampie for all who knew him... i-GARRY FOSTERdied at Forsyth HospiulMonday evening after abrief illness. Funeral Mr-vices will be 3:30 p.m. todayat Eaton's Funeral Chapelby the Rev. Donald Funderburke. Burial will be mBethlehem United Method- .ist Church cemetery. Mr.Gregory was a self-em-oloyed contractor. He attended Bethlehem United jMethodist Church. He was a Icharter member of SmithGrove Ruritan Club andhelped organize the Fam-ington Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Gregory wman active member of meRepublican Party. Heserved on the Davie CountyBoard of Elections for nineyears and was honored bythe N.C. Board of Electionsand Davie County Board ofElections upon his retir^menl. Surviving are hiswife. Lillian James Greg-orv; one daughter. Mire. J.Rov iMitzil Foster. Rt. LAdvance; two sons. JamteHarold Gregory. Rt. 1. Advance andGregory. Rt. i. Mocksvilteone sister. Helen Tolten. Elkin; one brother.Gregory. Spokane, Wash.,five grandchildren and onegreat-grandchild.QAVIB COa PUBUC U0RAKYNO / o1/^ JACK BURTONWilson «Jack) Holloway Burton.70. 1010 Howard St.. Mocksville,died at Davie County HospitalJanuary Uth. „ .jThe funeral was held Friday atJericho Church of Christ by Mr.Harding Lowery. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Mr. Burton was bom February 6.1913 in Rowan County to the late W.H. and Annie Wyatt Burton. He wasa retired salesman forInternational-Duplex. , , . .He was a member of JenchoChurch of Christ.His first wife. Bemice ReidBurton, preceded him in death in1936- , jSurviving are his second wife.Jackie Beck Burton, of the home:three sons. Wilson Holloway Burton.Jr.. Concord. Windel Avery Burton.Mt. Juliet. Tenn. and J. RandalBurton. Rockingham; one sister.Mrs. Linda Young. Cleveland. N.C.;one brother. Paul Burton.Accokeek. Md. and seven grandchildren. The family requestsmemorials be made to JenchoChurch of Christ EducationalDevelopment Fund.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 19,1984Area Obituaries^ LEONARD MARKLINLeonard Ward Marklin. 62. 384West Maple Ave.. died Fridaymorning at his home.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Charles Bullock. Burial was in RoseCemetery..Mr. Marklin was bom in DavieCounty to the late William M. andRena Ward Marklin. He was theowner of Len's Sales.Surviving are his wife* Mrs.Margaret Burke Marklin. of thehome; one daughter. Mrs. LavemeCohen. Rt. 5. Mocksville; two sons.Don and Phillip Marklin, both of.Mocksville; four grandchildren;three sisters. Mrs. Carl Jennings,Haverhill. -Mass.. Mrs. WayneEaton. Mocksville and Mrs. SaraLatham. Durham and one brother.Johnson Marklin. Mocksville.BftVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARyMOCKSVnXE. NOMRS. MINNIE C. HOWARD >Mrs. Minnie Carter Howard. 69.Rt. 1. Advance, died Friday atForsyth Hospital. She was thewidow of the late Allen B. Howardwho preceded her in death. Sept. 18.1975..Mrs. Howard was bom in DavieCounty to the late Philmore andLelia Smith Carter.She was a retired employee ofMonleigh Garment Co. and was amember of Mocks United MethodistChurch.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Joe (Nancy) Brewer. Rt. 2,.Mocksville: one son. James (Jim)Howard. Winston-Salem; fourgrandchildren; three step-grandchildren and two step-greatgrandchildren; three sisters.Mrs.Ann C. Lanning, Winston-Salem,Mrs. Vida C. AUra. Rt. 2. Mocksvilleand Mrs.. Ruth C. Hockaday,.Advance; three brothers. .Milton.Ross and Charles Carter, all ofAdvance.The funeral was held Sunday atMocksville United .MethodistChurch by the Rev. Marion Mulk.Btuial was in the church cemetery.^ JOHN I. RHOADESJohn Ira Rhoades, 95. formerly of'927 Hardison St., Mocksville. died at.Meadowbrook Manor NursingHome in (^lemmons January Uth.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by Dr. A1Carpenter. Burial was in ForsythMemorial Park Cemetery. Mr.Rhoades was bom April 13. 1889 inWilkes County to the late James andNancy Adams Rhoades.He was a retired employee ofTurner-White Casket Co. He was amember of Gospel Chapel inWinston-Salem.His wife. Mrs. Tate HandyRhoades, preceded him .in deathJune 3. 1953.Surviving are two daughters, Mrs.Peggy Grose and Mrs. Betty Bakerof Mocksville; one son, JohnRhoades, Jr., Winston-Salem;seven grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.i|» 0* Area ObituariesDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY,PEARL K. SMITH ^Pearl King Smith. 78, of Route 1,Advance, died at Pell Care Nursingitome in Winston-Salem on Sundaymorning.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocksville conducted by the Rev.Leon Wood. Buriai was in YadkinValley Baptist Church cemetery'.Bom May 18. 1905. in StokesCounty, she was a dau^to* of the'ate Rufus and Susie Fulp King Herhusband. Richmond Smith,preceded her in death.Survivors include threedaughters. Evelyn Clark of•Martinsville. Va.. Sarah Freedle ofl^ute 1. Advance, and Cleo MaeCarter of Mocksville; six sons.Richard. Jimmy. Odell and EdwardSmith, all of Route 1, Advance,Felix Smith of Rock Hill. S.C., andVirgil Smith of Mocksville;Four sisters. Joe Piney Hall,Carrie Venable and Maggie King,all of Germanton, and Rose Ellis ofRoute 1. Advance; three brothers,Arthur King of Germanton. KentKing of Walnul Cove and JohtuiyKing of Madison; 22 grandchildren:and 17 great-grandchildren.OAWE TO. PUBUC UBRARrMOCKSVIU^ ncJANUARY1984 - 9B IX PEARL L. TAYLOR rMrs. Pearl Light Taylor, 93, of Rt.i. Advance, died Thursday night atDavie County Hospital.The funeral was held Sunday at-ledland Pentecostal HolinessChurch with burial in the churchgraveyard.She was bom in Floyd County,'•'a. to Joseph G. and NannieJcNeil Light.She was a member of Redlandl^entecostal Holiness Church.Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.Blondee Plunkett of the home; threegranddaughters, Mrs. Richardirogan of Winston-Salem, Mre.David Venn of Cantonmont, Fla.,Miss Cindy Taylor of Melbourne,ITa.; four grandsons, 0. William• lanner of Pilot Mountain, Z. FrankManner of Columbus, Ga., DickTaylor of Melboume, Fla., Kim T.Manner of the home and one greatgrandson Zachary Hanner of PilotMountain.JOHN HENRY HUDSON 'John Henry Hudson, 69. Rt. 2,Advance, died at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville late Fridaynight.rhe funeral was held Monday atBixby Church of the Living God by .• he Rev. John Stephens and the Rev.•iim Myers. Burial followed in the thurch cem^ery.-Mr. Hudson was bom April 11,!9I4 in Davie County. He was aretired employee of BurlingtonHouse Fumiture.He was a member_of BixbyN/Church of the Living God. where heserved as superintendent of theSunday School.Surviving are his wife, CallieBurton Hudson; two daughters.Mrs. Helm Lee, Rt. 2, Advance and.Mrs. Nell J^es, Rt. 3. Mocksville;12 grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.CORA BERTHA HARTMAN"Miss Cora Bertha Hartman, 94,Rt. 3. Advance, died Sundaymoming at Davie County Hospitalm Mocteville. 'The funeral was held Tuesday atAdvance United Methodist Churchby the Rev. Marion Fulk. Burialwas in the church cemetery. MissHartman was bom in Davie Countyto George and Delilah ComatzerHartman. She had lived in Advanceall of her life and at the time of herdmth was the oldest living membercd Advance United MethodistChurch.Surviving are a number of niecesand nephews. Memorials may bemade to Advance United MethodistChurch Building Fund.ViOCl.SViiiS. li. C. r>Avib COUNTY enterprise Rt-CORD. TIIUIISDAY, FUDRUARY 2.1084 OU z»- Oo ci ri \r> u> d> >- MRS. RBNA D. DAVIDSON Mrs. Reno Burns Davidson, Rl. 2, Box 28, Moeksvlllo, died Ftlday at Mcdlcel Parh Hosplial. Sho was a nollvo of Forsyth County and a member of Carver Road Churcli of Cbrlet. Mrs. Dnvldson was an employee of Owens of lUUiola. Survlvlnji are her husband, WlUle Davidson, of the home, three doughters, Mrs. Barbara Brown, Afrs. Joan Spurgon ond Kay Francis Evans, aU of Winston* Solemt two sisters, Mrs. Hattit May Bums, New York and Mrs.' Lticllle Burton, Wlnaton'Solem; two aunts; IB flnmdchUdron; throe eons'lmlaw nne a devoted friend, Mrs, Kailo Peel. Ihe funeral was held Tuesday at Carver Road Church of Christ, Burial was In Evergreen Cemetery (Hooper). I - I MRS. VlRGINfA JONES Mrs. Virginia Dare Gaither Jones, ?0, retired owner and onerator of Jones Grocery store of Hormony, iQed January 24ih, °''® ®®''« ParhsMIItpnJones.Rt.4,Slalesvtlle! fourhrctbcrs, John, Ralph, Itoy and James Gaither, ntl of Rl. I, Harmony; two sisters, ATrs. Esther CompbcU, Rt. 1, Harmony end Mrs. Louise Cartner, Rt. I, Afockavllle and Hve grsiulcUUdren, The funeral was held Thtvaday at aorhaborry United Methodist-. Churc^ by the Rev. Don Parris. Burial wos In the church cemetery. WOj'? \hO • pCO^ 2 9/L.H. DOWNEYL. H. Downey. 72. Rt. 5. Box527. died Tuesday night at DavieCounty Hospital. Funeral serviceswere held Friday at Vogler'sClcmmons Chapel by the Rev. W. E.Pettit. the Rev. Johnny Walker andDr. Wayne Hill. Burial followed inEaton's' Baptist Church cemetery..Mr. Downey was bom in Memphis.Tenn. to Patrick Lewis and NoraWilson Downey. He was a memberof Eaton's Baptist Church, where hewas a member of the Active DeaconBoard and had served as Sundayschool director. He retired in 1982from K. W. Goodwin Transfer Co.after 26 years of service. He was amember of N. Davie Ruritan Club.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Harriett Hunter Downey, of thehome; one daughter. Mrs. Frank< Beverly) Wilson. King; one son.Lewis H. Downey, of the home; foursisters. Mrs. Robert Brack.-Somerville. Tenn., .Mrs. Leon Dun,Westport. .Miss.. Mrs. JohnnyHarvey. N^iteville. Tenn. and Mrs.Glenn Peeples. Memphis. Tenn. andtwo brothers. Aubrey Downey,Somerville. 'Tenn. and JamesDowney. .Memphis. Tenn.Area ObituariesJOE CASWELL SHELTONMr Joe(^^swcl! Sheiton. 78. Rt. 5..Mocksville. died Friday aJ'temoon atDivie Count\ Hospital. Funeral servicewere held 4 p.m. Sunday at Eaton sFuneral Chapel by the Rev. JimRaines. Burial followed in WesleyChapel United Methodist ChurtAcemetery. Mr. Sheiton was born inDavie County to the late H.L. andEdna Dixon Sheiton. He was aretired automobile salesman. Hewas a member of Wesley ChapelUnited Methodist Church. Survivingare his wife. Mrs. Johnsie TuckerSheiton. of the home; two sons. VonSheiton. Rt. 4. .Mocksvlle and BobbySheiton. Rt. 1, Mocksville. onebrother. Dr. L.R. Sheiton. 2323Country Club Rd. Winston-Salem;six grandchildren and one greatgrandchild.^ LESTER MARTIN CLEARY.Mr. Lester .Martin Cleary, 59, Rt.6. Mocksville. died at WilkesGeneral Hospital in Wilkeboro earlySaturday morning. Funeralservices were held at 2 p.m. Mondayat Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Jeff Collins, the Rev.Kermit Shoaf and the Rev. MelvinBeeker. Burial followed in LibertyWesleyan Church cemetery. Mr.Cleary was bom in Davie County tothe late W. A. "Jule" and AgnesRatledge Cleary. He was anemployee of Holly Farms Poultry.Surviving are his wife. Lois JordanClearv. of the home; two daughters..Mrs. 'Rubv Bailey. Rt. 1. MocksviUeand Mrs.* Jo Ann Walker. Rt. 11.Statesville; one son. Charlie M.Cleary. Rt. 1.Mocksville; fourvtrandchildren; one sister. Mrs.Ernest Gaither. Statesville; fourbrothers Jack Cleary. Concord.Harding Cleary. High Point. RayClearv. Rt. 6. .Mocksville andDameil Cleary. Rt. i. .Mocksville;one half sister. Mrs. JohnnyWelborn, Hickory and one halfbrother. Norman Cleary.f'rreensboro."JBRARymocksvili^ ncERNEST FLOYD HAYESErnest Floyd Hayes. 69. of KingsMountain. N.C. died suddenly at hishome Sunday. February 5. 1984.He was the son of the late OliverThomas and Ruth Eaker Hayes ofKings Mountain. N.C.Survivors include his wife, Mrs.Agnes Comwell Hayes of the home;2 daughters. Mrs Ed (Patricia)Latta of Mocksville. N.C.. Mrs.Rebecca Hein of Charleston. S.C.;one brother. Ned Hayes ofBurlington. N.C.; four sisters. Mrs.Betty Moss and Miss DorothyHayes, both of Kings Mountain.N.C.. Mrs. JoAnn Harrison ofHollywood. S.C. and Mrs. NellTeeter of Oakboro. N.C.; 5grandchildren, and 1 greatgrandchild.Funeral services were heldTuesday, February 8. at 2 p.m. atMasters Funeral Home Chapel inKings Mountain. N.C. Burialfollowed in Mountain RestCemetery.K. DANIEL RUSSELL STOKESMr. Chniel Russell Stokes. 82. Rt. 4,Mocksville died Saturday atForsyth Hospital. Funeral serviceswere held 4 p.m. Monday at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel by the Rev. DavidRoberts. Burial followed in GreenMeadows Baptist Churchcemetery. Mr. Stokes was born inYadkin County to Luther andAmerica Shore Stokes. He wasretired from Thomasville Furniture(}o. He was a member of GreenMeadows Baptist Church. Survivingare his wife. Mrs. Grace CheekStokes; one daughter, Mrs. Jake(Belva) Foster. Rt. 1. Mocksville;three sons Hubert Stokes, Advance.Bobby G. Stokes. Rt. 4. Advance andOlen L. Stokes. Winston-Salem; twosisters. Mrs. Gusty Dishman andMrs. Hailing Billings, both ofStatesville; one brother. ClydeStokes. Cycle: 12 grandchildren and13 great-grandchildren.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORTHURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9,1984^ TED KINGAnderson Roosevelt "Ted" King.80. formerly of Route 1. Mocksville.died early Friday at YadkinNursing Care in Yadkinville. wherehe had been a resident for ninemonths.The funeral was held Sunday at 2p.m. at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel, Mocksville, with the Rev.Leon Wood officiating. Burialfollowed at Yadkin Valley BaptistChurch cemetery in Davie County.He was bom Dec. 2.1903. in DavieCounty, a son of the late JamesMonroe and Mary Ellen Smith King.He was a retired farmer.Surviving are a sister. AcOieMartin of Marshalltown. Iowa, andtwo brothers. Jesse King ofAdvance and Alvis King ofStatesville.uavie • jj.fwoci'isi/ijle, i,. u. 7. o i>H^ IL. /9/^SAMUEL LEE REAVISThe funeral for Samuel LmReavis. 45. of Route 3, was held.Monday at Eaton s Funeral ^ag.Burial was in Liberty BaptistChurch cemetery. atReavis was dead on .5,,Forsyth Memorial Hospital Entoynight after being struck by a vehicleat the intersection ofSouth Main Streets in Winston-Feb. 27.County. Reavis was a son oi E"sn®Watson Forrest ofvance. and the late Silas ErvmReavis He was employed atrSid Industries in Winston-Surviving. in ad^tionmother, are hisRcavis of tho home* ®daughter. Mrs. Rex. (Susan) SmithTftoute 1. Mocksville; a wn.Ronald Lee Reavis of '^5sisters. Sally^SueBooe of Salisb^Street. Mocksville. Mrs. RalpniDorea) Johnson of Route 2, Har-nmny Mrs. Billie G^e (Shirley)Melton of R®"'® 2. Advance ^Lavon (Pearl) Grubb of ItouteLexington, and Mrs. WUliam(Louise) Jones of 23 Chapel Dr'^'Uxington; three broth®" GleimErvin Reavis of Route 8,Mocksville. Edward Reacts ofRoute 2. Advance, and DavidReavis of Lexington.AreaObituariesUti..LDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,Mocksviile, ii. C.THURSDAY .FEBRUARY 16,1984^ MRS. GRACE MILLER' Mrs. Grace Lindley Miller. 84. Rt.4, Advance, (vidow of Hal Miller,died Monday afternoon at St. JamesNursing Home in Greensboro. Shewas bom in Yadkin County to JohnLindley and Minnie Lindley Martin.She was a member of Hanes GroveUnited Methodist Church inYadkin Ojunty.She had lived in the HanesGrove Community in Yadkin Countyfor most of her life and had madeher home in Advance for the past 20y®ars.Surviving are three daughters.Mrs. Wendell (Stella Mae) Hayes.Elkin. Mrs. Robert (Grace)Foreman. Monticello, Ga.and Mrs.E. G. (Ruth) Morrison. Plymouth.111.; three sons. Henry Miller.Advance. Claude Miller. Morgantonand Bobby .Miller. Fayetteville; 11grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren. Funeralarrangements are incomplete.^ WILEY "BUCK" COPE. JR.Wiley Baxter (Buck) Cope. Jr..58, Rt. 3. died early Sunday monungat Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Tuesday atBatons Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Tony Jordan. Burial was in FultonUnited Methodist Churchcemetery. „Mr. (3ope was bom Feb. 12,1926 mDavie County to the late WUeyBaxter C^pe. Sr. and Effie Hendnx^He was an employee of P.W. Blumand Sons in Winston-Salem and wasa member of Fork Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. ElizaBailey Cope, of the home; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Betty Glass, Rt. 3,Mocksville: one-step-son, BillyBailey, Concord; five sisters. Mrs.Mozelle Gilliam. Banner Elk andMiss Vasta Cope. Mrs. EdnaHendrix. .Mrs. Sadie Burton andMrs. Jessie Gobble, all of Rt. 3.Mocksville; six step-grandchildrenand eight step-great-grandchildren. .6 fvt-MRS. SARA (LIZZIE) FORRESTMrs. Sarah Elizabeth "Lizzie"Forrest, age 90, died Tu^dayFebruary 14, 1984. She had livedwith her daughter Ms. Harry "Lib"Massey for 2S years. She was theoldest member of the No CreekPrimitive Church.She was tKm in Davidson County,Churchland ccmmunity to JohnAlexander Barnes and t-jga JaneHellard. August 28. 1893. She wasmarried to George FranklinForrest, who died in 1958.She is survived by her children:Mr. and Mrs. James A. Forrest,1185 Lewisville-Vienna Rd..Lewisviile. N.C.: Mr. and Mrs."Pete" Forrest. Rt. 1 Box 421.Mocksville, N.C.: Abram A. "Abe"Forrest. 807 W 4th Ave. Lexington,N.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Tom "Ann"Evans. Rt. l Box 41. Mocksville.N.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Lib"Massey. Rt. I Box 385. Mo^sville,N.C.; sixteen (18) grandchOdren;thir^-six (36) great-grandchildren;1 brother. Gray Barnes, 1M4Spainhour Ave.. Lenior. N.C.; lsister. Etta Grubb. 6599 Holder Rd.,Gemmons. .N.C.; l sister-in-law,Ezora Barnes. Box 432, Newell,N.C.;Funs-al services were held at 4p.m.. Friday, at No Creek PrimitiveChurch by Elder Eugene Bennettand Elder Bill Bamhardt. Burialfollowed in the church cemetary.Paulbearers were Saunders M-cAllister. Bob Hooven, Phillip"John" Forrest, Wayne Norman,Ashbum Williams and Jimmy Frye- members of No Creek and PinePrimitive Baptist Church.HENRY W. BOOE3Henry Wade Booe. 78. of 56 DukeSt.. Cooleemee. died February 14 inRowan Memorial Hospital inSalisbury.The funeral was held Thursday atEaton'.s Funeral Home Chapel inMocksville conducted by the Rev.J.D. Revis. pastor of CooleemeePresbyterian Church, and the Rev.Alton Fitzgerald, pastor ofCooleemee United MethodistChurch. Burial was in LibertyUnited Methodist Chuch cemetery.Bom Dec. 22. 1905. in DavieCounty, he was son of the late Oscarand Mary Beitie Lakey Booe. Hewas retired from Burlington Mills.Survivors include his wife, i.iiiianHellard Booe; three sisters. IveyHoneycutt of Spencer. DorothyPierce of Cooleemee and MargarrtBost of Salisbury; and a brother.Paul Booe of Cooleemee., ' L. B. HAMILTONL.B. Hflmilton* 31. of Route 4,Jerusalem community, died atpavie County Hospiul late Mondaynight. 'The funeral will be'4 p.m. onWednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel conducted by the Revmrvey Crimminger Jr.. pastor ofJerusalan Baptist Church, and theRev. Fred CarltMi. Burial will be inJerusalem Baptist ChurchCemetery.Bora July 25. 1932. in DavieGi^ty. he was a son of the late^er and Zula Hartley Hamilton.« retired as a pipe fitter with B.FSiaw Company because of poorhealth.Survivors include his wife, JeanCottingham Hamilton; two^ghters. Regina Miller and Renee 'Crotts. both of Route 4. Mocksville-thrw sons. Ronald. Ricky, andI^ky Hamilton, all of Route 4Mocksville:Seven sisters. Thelma Grubb ofRoute 1. Salisbury, Bertha Correlland Bobbie Daniel. Route 4 Helen^rreli, Route 7. all of MocksvilleOneda Massey and Hettie Correll,roUi of Route 2. Advance, andJhldred Turner of High Point; abrother. Harold Hamilton of RouteI. Salisbury; and nine grandchildren.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LfBRARymocksville no (OLdtf ^<?3.SPENCER JONES FOSTERSpencer Jones Foster. 91. of Route3. Mocksville, N.C., died earlyMonday at Davle County Hospitalfollowing an illness of two weeks.The funeral will be at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Bethel UnitedMethodist Church conducted by theRev. Rex Gibbs and the Rev. JackLuther. Burial will be in the churchcemetery.Bom in Davie County on June 30.1892, he was a son of the lateObadiah and Kate Davis Foster. Hewas a retired farmer and a memberof Bethel United Methodist Church.His first wife. Maude Foster Foster,died in 1934.Survivors include his wife. GenieHopkins Foster: three dau^ters.Mrs. Emie Foster. Mrs. DavidEssex and Mrs. Charles Call, all ofMocksville: four grandchildren;and five great-grandchildren.The family requests memorialsbe made to the cemetery fund atBethel United Methodist Church, c-oJames W. Essex. Rt. 7. Box 16.Mocksville. N.C. 27028./ CECIL LEONARDCecil Letxiard, 87, Rt. 2, diedSunday morning in Davie CountyHospital after having been indeclining health for several years.He was bom April 7,1896 in whatwas then the Oklahoma Territory.Mr. I^nard lived his adult life inN.C. working for Cannon Mills formore than 20 years. After hisretirement, he was a farmer in theOak Grove Community.Surviving are his wife, of 60 years,Mrs. Mary Harbin Leonard; twodaughters, Miss Dora Leonard, Rt.2, Mocksville and Mrs. Thomas (EllaMae) Phillips, Naperville. 01.; twosons, J.C. Leonard, Salisbury andBrandy Leonard. Winston-Salemand seven grandchildren.The funeral was held Tuesday atEatons Funeral Home Chapel by theRev. Fred Shoaf and the Rev.Norman Frye. Burial was inOakgrove United Methodist (Thurchcemetery.Area ObituariesNORMAN H. PINKSTONNorman H. Pinkston. 39, formerlyof Cooleemee. now of Hen-dersonville. died in an AsheviJJehospital on Saturday, Feb. 18, 1984He had been in declining health, butdeath was unexpected.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.Tuesday at Eaton s Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the RevRaymond Guice and the RevHarold Venable. Burial followed inLegion Memorial Park.The son of the late Ray T. andLottie Wood Pinkston. he was a self-onployed building contractor and aveteran of World War II.Survivors include his wifePattline Pinkston: three sons. RayPinkston of Mt. Holly, and G^e andLraig Pinkston. both of Salisbury-^ee brothers. Wilford Pinkston ofGrwnvilJe. and Kenneth and SidneyPinlcson. both of SalisburyFour sista-s, Dorothy Johnson ofWoodleaf, .Mamie Livengood of^lisbui7. Shirley Livengood ofRockwell and Betty Powell ofVirgmia: 11 grandchildren: andthree great-grandchildren.MRS. RUBY .MABEMre. Ruby Smith Mabe. 76.Gladstone Rd.. died February I4that Davie County Hospital.She made her home with MrsLeoia Edwards in Cooieemee.She was born in McDowellCounty. W.Va. to the late Groverand Roxie .Mills Smith. Herhus^nd. Lemmie Mabe, died JuneSurviving are one aunt, one uncleand several cousins. The familywill receive frimds from 2 to 4 p.m.today at Eaton's Funeral Home inMocksville.The funeral was held Thursday at^x Funeral Home Chapel in PilotMt. by Elder Clyde Kaiser. Burialwas in Snow Creek PrimitiveBaptist Church cemeterv.DAVTE COUNTY TN'TERPRISE RFCOROthi;k,si).\^ i i BRU.-vRY^ MRS. EDNA H. COOPERMrs. Edna H. Cooper. 81 3131Bonhurst Dr., died Thursday atWinston-Salem ConvalescentCenter. She was the widow of CarlosT. Cooper.She was bom in Mocksville toL.G. and Emma Wilson Horn. MreCooper attended Mars Hill andMeredith CollegesShespent all <5 her married life inthe Clemmons area and was afornier member of ClemmonsBaptist Church. She was a member nof Joseph Wiston Chapter of D. A. Rand First Baptist Church in Winston-Salem.Surviving are aie daughter, Mrs.Ellen C. Singleton, Glendora, Calif •two s«is. Dr. Carlos T. Cooper,Winston-Salem and Dr. James HCooper. Atlanta, Ga.; ten grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.The funeral was held Saturday atVogler's Main Street Chapel byPaul J. Cravei, Jr. and the Rev.Claxton Hall. Burial was inClemmons Baptist Churchcemetery.MAGGIE SELL TREXLERMaggie Sell Trexler, 92, of 8Grove St., Cooleemee, N.C., diedSunday at Forsyth MemorialHospital.The funeral was held at 3 p.mTMeday at the First Baptist Churchof Cooleemee conducted by the Rev.Guthrie (2oIvard and the Revaelby Harbor. Burial followed inCity Memorial Park in Salisbury.Born in Stanjy County on June IS1891, she was a daughter of the lateJ. C, and Caroline Morris Sell. Shewas a member of the First Baptist^urch. Her husband. AdamThomas Trexler. died in 1972.Survivors include threedaughters, Hazel Melton andPauline Scott, both of Cooleemee.and Angeline Beam of Greenville,^c.; four sons, A. T., Ray and QayTrexler, all of Cooleemee. andGlenn Trexler of Thomasville:Two sisters. Velma Grant ofWoodleaf, and Sadie Travis ofBelmont: two brothers. Jasper Sellof New London. Wis,. and Bryan Sellof Mocksville: a half brother, J. C.Sell. Jr. of Cooleemee: 13 grand- ichildren: 25 great-grandchildren:andnuie great-great-grandchildren. >/•f' MRS. MINNIE GREENWAYMrs. Minnie Spry Greenway, 71.Rt.3, was dead on arrival at Oavie iCounty Hospital Thursday morning.The funeral was held Satur^y atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Jack Luther. Burial was in RowanMemorial Park Cemetery inSalisbury.Mrs. Greenway was bom in OavieCounty to the late Will and BessieMcCullough Spry. She was amember of Bethel United MethodistChurch.Her husband, Lloyd Greenway,preceded her in death May 10,1978.Surviving are five sisters, Mre.Lois Lookabill and .Mrs. SadieKeller, both of .Mocksville, Mrs.Eula Kimmer and Mrs. OnetaBoger, both of Rt. 4. Mocksville andMrs. Hazel'^ Woodruff, Claymont,Del. and a number of nieces andnephews. \j CHARLES EDl^RD SHORE■* Charles Edward (Charlie) Shore,70, died Wednesday, February 22,. ina (Charlotte hospital.He had made his home in HeathSprings, S.C., and was a retiredcabinetmaker.Survivors include his wife.Celesta, of the home: 3 sons,Charlie, Jr. Shore of Felton, Pa.,James and William Shore, both ofRock Hill, S.C.: 2 sisters, Mrs. MaryWagner of Route 7. Mocksville,N.C., and Veneta Shore ofSalisbury, N.C.: one brother,Marvin Shore of Nevada.Funeral services were heldSaturday, February 25. in York,S.C. Burial follow^ in LakeviewMemorial Gardens.I Obituariesy MISS MARY ELIZABETH/• MARTINMiss Mary Elizabeth Martin, of3700 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte,N.C., died Thursday, February 23,1984, in Wesley Nursing Center. Shewas bom in Mocksville, N.C.,daughter of the late Thomas L. andElizabeth Ratledge Martin.Miss Martin completed hereducation at Queen's (College andKing's Business College inCharlotte. She was a retired employee of McLean Trucking Company, Winston-Salero, N.C., and amember of Providence UnitedMethodist Church.Graveside services, which w&reheld at 11 a.m. Saturday in RoseCemetery, M<x:ksviile, ,N.C., wereconducted by her nephew CaptainRobert M. Weeks, USN of NewBm, N.C.Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.Pauline M. Weeks of Columbia,S.C., and Mrs, Notie .M. Ard ofCharlotte; a nephew. CaptainRobert M. Weeks, USN and a ^eat-.niece. Miss Kristi Lynn Weeks, bothof New Bem, N.C. Several cousinsalso survive including .Miss JanieMartin and Mrs. W. L. Moore, Jr. ofMocksville.OAVIE do. PUBUC UBRABRMOCKSVILLE. NODA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MARCH I, 1984/ .UHACE MCCULLOUGH ANGELLMrs. Grace McCullough Angell, 75of Rt. 8, Mocksville died f^dayevening at Davie County Hospit^following an extended illness.Funeral services will be held at 2Sm. Thursday at the First Baptistlurch of Mocksville by Dr. AlvisCarpenter and Rev. CharlesBullock. Burial will follow in Jo{^Cemetery. Memorials may be madeto the Intensive Care Unit of DavieOiunty Hospital..Mrs. Angell was a member of theFirst Baptist Church of Mocksville,the Order of the Eastem Star, theN.C. State Grange and the Mid- •Davie Grange.I Bom in Davie County, she was thedaughter of of the late Goshen and iFrances Gobble McCullough.Surviving are her husband, BradyAngell', three sons, Burrell Dean '•Angell of Petersburg, Va, Donald G.Angell of Ashevilie, ^chard L.Angell of Mocksville; two sisters,Mrs. Beatrice .Martin of Hen-^ dersonville, N.C., Mrs. Laura Vei^Curry of Lexington; 11 grand-1chilifren and 7 great grandchildrm.:av:^ i. :.r.;;iic Library^ :ili0. iN. S. 5"'12 iar iiiMONTGOMERYMrs. Mary Lewis fUm- •brough Montgomery, diedSaturday night-at Flow Me- ,morial Hospital in Denton, .Texas. Mrs. Montgomery |was the widow of A. Dave 'Montgomery of Reidsville. ;She was bom in OavieCounty to A. M. Kimbrough •and Mamie Horn Kim-:brough. She was a graduate.of R. J. Reynolds High iSchool and City Memorial iHospital. Surviving are two jdaughters. Anna Parish,iDcntoo. Texas and MaryLou Oliver. Batesville.Ark:; three grandchildren; a-n brother. A. .M. KimbrougluiJr.. Dallas. TexaS'and a sis-:ter. Louise K. Qsbbme. 4181Malheth Cl.. Winston-Sa-lem. The body will bebrought back to Reidsvillefor burial. Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Tues- iday. .AVinston-Salem Journal. Winston-Salenu NXL i<« 1(TiJ uMondayPaeK. March s. 1984vU. r uiyliC Ll&fir)Mocksvifle, N. GLOAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRRRVMOCKSVaiE. NO 13.-RALPH F. GRAVES .Ralph Peezor Graves. Sr.. 79. Rt.7. dira Sunday at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville.He was born in Davie County,May 28. 1904, to the late JohnFranklin and Sarah ElizabethWilliams Graves.Mr. Graves was a dairy farmerand a member of Jerusalem BaptistChurch.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. MaryGoodwin Graves, of the home; twosons, Ralph F. Graves. Jr.. Rt. 7,Mocksville and Franklin HaywoodGraves, Linwood: two brothers.Ray Graves, Kemersville and H. D.Graves, Rt. 7. Mocksville and sixgrandchildren.The funeral was held Monday at.Jerusalem Baptist Church nearMocksville by the Rev. HarveyCriminger, Jr. and the Rev. RalphBlair. Burial was in the churchcemetery. Memorials may be madeto Jerusalem Baptist ChurchBuilding Fund.y WILUAM H. LAPISH -William Hendrix Lapish. 82, of 406Seaman St., Winston-Salem, diedFebruary 28th at Forsyth Hospital.He was bom March 29, 1901 inDavie County to Ernest and IreneLench Lapish. He lived in Winston-Salem for the past 20 years.Mr. Lapish was retired fromFranklin Schockey Furniture Co.Surviving are his wife, .Mrs.Emma Tutterow Lapish of thehome; two sons. William (Major)Lapish of Davie County and SamLapish of Winston-Salem; fivedau^ters. Mrs. Ida Mae Edwardsof Charlotte. Mrs. Annie Bell(Peggy) Hayes of Lexington. Mrs.Ruby C. Schnider. Mrs. Partica L.Edwards and Mrs. Edna L. Laird,all of Winston-Salem: 14 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren;one great-great-grandchild; sixstep:«andchildren: one brother,JohnD. Lapish of Lexington and onesister, Mrs. Mary Boger of DavieCounty.The funeral was held Friday atHanes Baptist Church wUh bunal mCenter United Methodist Churchcemetery in Davie County.MRS. LELAR C. LAWRENCE iMrs. Lelar Cuthrell Lawrace ofRt 5. died Feb. 27th at PellcareNursing Home. She was a nauve ofDavie County from the Farmmgtoncommunity. ^ -Surviving are two ^ns; J.i-Lawrence, Jr., Terry T.Sr. and one d^ghter,^. MaeHines. all of Rt. 3, Mocksville; sagrandchildren; twograndchUdren and three sis^.Mrs. Harriett Richman Mrs-Madeline Eaton, bothMocksville and Mrs. Mildred Lyonsof Winston-Salem.The funeral was helil Friday atRedland Church of Christ in DaweCounty by Minister MegallaoStevenson with burial in the churchcemetery./ . SADIE MILLER SraOUDSadie Miller Stroud.84. of Route 7,Gladstone Road, died wrlySaturday in Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Sunday atElaton Funeral Chapel with the Rev.Gutherie Colvart and the Rev. ClydeMcQain officiating. Burial wm mLiberty United-Methodist cattery.Bom April 22. 1899. in DavidMnCounty, she was a dau^ter of thelate Richard G. and Barb^Miller and was a mem^ of theFirst Baptist Church, CooleemM.Her husband. Arch R. Stroud,died in 1962.Survivors include a daughter,Joan Humble of Route 7; and anumber of nieces and nephews.-Jdavie county enterprise record]THURSDAY. MARCH 8,1984!MINNIE T. BRYSONMinnie Talbert Bryson. 87, died atiher home late Monclay night in.Advance, N.C.The funeral will be 2 p.m. Wed-<nesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel,!Mocksville, conducted by the Rev.:Marion Fulk. Burial will follow inithe Advance Baptist Churchjcemetery. jMemorials may be made to theiAdvance United Methodist Churchlor to a charity of the donor's clK>ice.iBom Aug. 6, 1896, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate (jannon and Rebecca MinorTalbert. She was a retired managerof the Shady Grove School cafeteriaiand a member of Advance United*Methodist Church. Her husb^d,iWilliam Jennings Bryson, preceded'her in death.Survivors include two daughters,Sarah Brown of Charlotte and iRebekah Wasson of Topeka, ^Kansas; a sister, Rebekah Talbert iof Advance; three brothers, Tomand Joe Talbert, both of Advance,and Dennis Talbert of Lexington;four grandchildren; and four greatgrandchildren.n ^ DEWEY/F. WILLIAMS.Mr. Dewey Fi-anklin Williams, 76, i33 Watt St.. Cooleemee died Friday nevening at Rowan Memorial,^pital in Salisbury. He had been iin declining health and seriously ill;for two days. >The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.J. D. Revis and the Rev. DennisPage. Burial was in Legion•Memorial Park in Cooleemee.Mr. Williams was bom in Davie(^unty and was a retired employeeof Burlington Mills. He was a :member of Cooleemee First BaptistChurch.Simriving are his wife, Gladys |Williams Williams, of the home; ifive daughters. .Mrs. Peggy Potts,Mrs. Margie Allen and Mrs. Ann ,Lagle, all of Mocksville, Mrs. DorisTiM. Cooleemee and Mrs. Alice nCrider. Statesville; three sons,Robert and Marvin Williams, both !of Cooleemee and Jimmy Williams. !Salisbury: 16 grandchildren; 16 igreat-grandchildren and one sister, ]Mrs.. Bertha Foster. Salisbury.' DEVORE SULLIVAN iDevore Sullivan. Rt. S,Mocksville. died Friday at ForsythI^pitsl. He was a retired employeeof the Davie County School System.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. RuthB. .Sullivan, of the home; threedaughters, Mrs. Geneva Spease, Rt.S.Mocksville. Mrs. Dorothy Gaither,MocAsvilleand Mrs.Kathy Transou,m. 5. Mocksville; two sons, Marvin •Sullivan, Winston-Salem and iRichard Sullivan. Mocksville; 12 'grandchildren: two great-1^andchildren and three brothers,John D. Sullivan, Honea Path, S.C.,Odell Sullivan, Fla. and SamuelOliver, Detroit, Mich.The funeral will be held 3:30 p.m.Wednesday at Gilmore Memori^Chapel by the Rev. L.B. Speas.Interment will be in Bethany^M.E. Zion Church conetory inFarmington.ingtim. The family will receive friends from 7:30 to8:30 p,m. tonight at GilmoreFuneral Home. AR-RANGEMENTS EN-TRUSTED TO GILMORE'SOWnE CO. PUBUC UBRAIWti/IOCKSVlLLE* NO Area Obituaries• M. ODELL WILLIAMSMarvin Odell Williams. 36. ofRome 1. .Mocksville. died-shortlybefore 1;00 p.m. Saturday at theDavie County Hospital after anextended illness.Funeral services with a gravesideburial were held Monday at C«iterUnited Methodist Church near.Mocksville bv Dr. Wilson Nesbitt.the Rev.Claudia Harrelson and Rev.William .Anderson.He was born in Rowan County on.April 22. 1927 to the late JolmFrancis and Beatrice EllisWilliams. .Mr. Williams retired with22 years service as a rural mailcarrier with the U.S. Postal SCTvice.previously being a dairy fanner. Hewas a Boy Scout leader for severalyears in the Center Community, acharter member of the CenterVolunteer Fire Depanment and anactive member of the Center Softball League since its beginning. Heattended Center United MethodistChurch.Survivors include his wife.Dorothy McAllister Williams, of thehome; two daughters. .Mrs. ElaineW. Williams of Route 2. Advance;Mrs. Regina W. DuCheminof RouteI. Mocksville; three sons. CharlesO. Williams. John A. Williams andMark E. Williams, all of Route l,Mocksville; four grandchildren.Tina. Richard. Jr.. Candy andWendy Williams, all of Route 2..Advance; one sister. Eva .Mae W.McAllister, of Route 1. Mocksville;and one brother. Edward Williamsof Route 2. Advance.Memorials may be made to acharity of the donor's choice.n MINNIE W. COOKMinnie Ola Wallace Cook. 82, ofRoute 2. Harmony. Sandy Springscommunity, died Thursday atJourney's Rest Home following alengthy illness.The funeral was held Saturday inSandy Springs Baptist Churchconducted by the Rev. Paul Simpson. pastor, the Rev. R. HowardWagoner and the Rev. Paul Moore.Bunat was in the church cemetery.Memorials may be made to TheBuilding Fund. Sandy SpringsBaptist Church, Rt. 2. Harmony, orthe church or charity of the donor'schoice.Born July 27, 1901, in IredellCounty, she was a daughter of thelate T. G. and Rosa Lee ArnoldWallace. She was a homemaker anda member of Sandy Springs BaptistChurch.Survivors include her husband.Wash L. Cook, whom she marriedNov. 6. 1920; three sons. Leon Cookof Eagle Spring, and Lawrence andWendell Cook, both of StatesviJle;two daughters. Ruby Joymer ofBethel and Dwen Smith ofCleveland;Three brothers. George andBinkley Wallace, both of Harmony,and Luther Wallace of Mocksville;three sisters. .Meriie WUkie of WestEnd. Lacie Pegram of Lewisvilleand Bertha Grose of Mocksville; 13grandchildren; and 18 great-grandchildren.WILLIE A. DEARMONWillie Pearl Alexander Dearmon,84, of Route 7, .Mt. Hope ChurchRoad in Rowan County, died at 11:20a.m. Sunday m Rowan MemorialHospital after being in declininghealth for four years and seriouslyMocKsviile, N. G.davie county enterprise record.THURSDAY. MARCH 15.1984ill for 10 days.The funeral was held Tuesday atVVhltley s Funeral Home Chapel inKannapoiis conducted by the Rev.Jesse Rushing. Burial was inCarolina Memorial Park.Born Nov. 14. 1899. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate James Ramsey and SarahElizabeth Swing Harbin. She was ahousewife and was formerly employed at Cannon Mills. Plant One.She' was a member of Rock GroveUnited Methodist Church.She had lived in Kannapoiisbefore moving to the Faith community in 1955. Her first husband,^y Newton Alexander, died in 1932.and her second husband. W. 0.Dearmon. died in 1971. .Survivors include a son, MillardAlexander of Charlotte; a daughter.Mrs. Bill (Wilma; Sells of Landis;one other stepson. Howard Dearmon of New London;Two stepdaughters. Mrs. FordI Mary) Walker or Raleieh and MrsHorace (Betty> .Muller nfCharlotte; a sister. Mary Leonaraof Mocksville; eight grandchildren;and nine great-grandchildren.CORA M. GRUBBCora .Anna Merrill Grubb, 86.formerly of Rt. 3. Mocksville. diedat the Winston-Saiem ConvalescentCenter early Monday.-.The funeral will be 2 p.m. Wed-.nesday. March I4th, at Eaton'sfuneral Home Chapel conducted by-fhe.Rev. Gordon Joyner. Burial willbe • in, No Creek Baptist Churchcemetery.Born Feb. 5. 1898, . in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Wilson and Sara E. Van EatonMerrill. She was a member of ForkBaptist Church. Her husband. JakeGrubb. whom she married Dec. 24.1916, died May 17. 1958.Survivors include a brother.George Merrill of Route 3.Mocksville; and several nieces andnephews.CHARLOTTE F. PEEBLESMiss Charlotte F. Peebles, Rt. 3.Advance, died Thursday at BaptistHospital. She was a native of Advance and a member of Mt. Sinai•A.M.E. Zion Church.Surviving are two sisters. Mrs.Ruth P. Dulin. of the home and Mrs.Pat Carson. Mocksville; onebrother, J. C. Peebles, of the home;one uncle. Madison Peebles; anaunt. Mrs. Ola Peebles and severalnieces and nephews.The funeral was held Sunday atMt. Sinai A.M.E. Zion Church by theRev. R. Q. Allen. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.EVA WETMORE KOONTZEva Mae Wetmore Koonlz. 83. of622 W. Franklin Street. Salisbury,died at 12:20 p.m. on Monday March5 in Rowan Memorial HospitalHospital of an apparent heart attack.The funeral will be 3 p.m. Wednesday. March 7 at UnityPresbjrterlan Church in Woodleafconducted by Dr. David L. Henrypastor and the Rev. Kelley R. Jones'^stor of the First United MethodistChurch. Burial will be in the churchcemetery.Memorials may be made to thechairty of the donor's choice.Born October 28, 1900. inWoodleaf. she was a daughter of thelate Samuel Hinsdale and Mary D.Hart Wetmore. She was educated inthe Rowan County schools and wasa member of the First UnitedMethodist Church, where she was amember of the Susanna WesleyBible Class and Circle No. 2. Shewas also an active member of theD.A.f^ Her husbands. EdwardBrinctf eld. James Dickens and G.Freci«oontz. all preceded her indeatn.Survivors include a brother. C.Heber Wetmore of Woodleaf: twosisters. Mrs. Troy W, GUlian ofPlacid Apartments. Spencer andSallie W. Moore of the MethodistHome. Charlotte; two step-OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRflBf'^tOCKSVILLE, NO is,grandchildren; and three step-greatgrandchildren- and a number ofnieces and nephews including Mrs.Clinard Howard of MocksviUe andMrs. Maxie Cheek of Cookeemee.Pall bearers were Edward Nesbit,Guy Etheridge, Spence Wetmore.William Wetmore. SammuelWetmore and Charles Wetmore.MRS. MABEL WITHERINGTON /Mrs. .Mabel HutchinsWitherington, 73, 2054 E. SpragueSt., Winston-Salem. N.C. diedSunday at her home after a shortIllness of six months. She was thewidow of William (Mack) McKenzieWitherington.She was bom October 10. 1908. inForsyth County to Charles A. andRuth Palmer Hutchins.Mrs. Witherington lived most ofher life in Winston-Salem an(l wasan active member of CrestwoodBaptist Church, where she was aSunday school teacher.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Larry (Martha) Rhodes, WestJefferson. Mrs. Jim (Frances)Warren. Albany. Ga. and Mrs. Joe(Evelyn) Mando. MocksviUe; twosisters. Mrs. J. Q. Arant and A^.George Cox. both of Winston-Salem;three brothers. Gray Hutchins,Rockford, N. Sam Hutchins and(Charlie Hutchins, both of Winston-Salem; a stepmother. .Mrs. C. A.Hutchins. High Point and fivegrandchildren.Funeral services were conductedat 3 p.m. Tuesday at CrestwoodBaptist Church by the Rev. MarionRector and the Rev. William Cone.Burial followed in ForsythMemorial Park. The familyrequests that in lieu of flowers,memorials be made to CrestwoodBaptist Church.[j'iii.-i Li. ;■ uijilL u.oiUiyfflocksvtile, N. (XDAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVIUE. NO Area Obituaries' VIOLA SCHAAD MILLERViola Schaad Miller. 74. of 301East Lake Drive. Mocksville. diedin Forsyth Memorial HospitalMarch l4th.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Chapel conductedby the Rev. George Auman.The body was sent to RupellFuneral Home in Phillipsburg, N.J.,for lato- services and interment inNorth Hampton Memorial Shrine inEaston. Pa.Memorials may be made to theMocksville First United MethodistChurch.Born Jan. 26. 1910, in Phillipsburg. N.J.. she was a daughter ofthe late Julius and Katherine SmithSchaad. She was a member of theMocksville First United MethodistChurch. Her husband. Frank J.Miller, preceded her in death in1973.Survivors include a son. Glenn E.Miller of Mocksville: two brothers.Walter Schaad of Phillipsburg, N.J..and Kenneth Buesing of MartinsCreek, Pa.; her stepfather. GeorgeBuesing of Hellertown, Pa.; and twograndchildren./ CHARLES V. HOWELLCarles Vemon Howell. Sr.. 81,3019 Cambridge Rd.. Winston-Salem, died March 13th at ForsvthHospital.The funeral was held Thursday atVogler s Main Street Chapel. Burialwas in Forsyth Memorial Park.Mr. Howell was bom in DavieCounty, August 4. 1902, to John T.and Amanda Baity Howell. He livedmost of his life in Winston-Salem.He was a member of CentenaryUnited Methodist Chuch.He retired as a lieutenant fromthe Winston-Salem Fire Department after 44 years of service.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Evelyn Foster Howell. of the home:two daughters. Mrs. Betty Arnold.Asheville and Mrs. John H.(GeraldineJ Thompson. Mauldin.S.C.; one son. Charles V. Howell.Jr.. Winston-Salem: seven grandchildren and one brother, Baitry D.' Howell. Farmington.Oavie Co.PuLuoMocksville, N, C.DAVIE COUNTY I^NTERPRISE RECOR.D. THURSDAY, MARCH 22.198^Sheek Millerk..ALTON SHEEK MILLER.Alton Sheek .Miller. 67. 1012Yadkinville Road. Mocksville, diedat 11:08 a.m. Saturday in DavieCounty Hospital._ The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Chapel wtlh theRev. George Auman ofHciating.Bunal was in Rose Cemetery..Memorials may be made to theFirst United .Methodist Church.Mocksville.Born August 16. 1916. in DavieCounty, he was a son of Che lateChaw V, and Ida Markiin Miller. Hewas the operator of Miller's Dinerprior to his retirement and amember of First United MethodistChurch. He was also a member ofthe Mocksville Masonic Lodge.Survivors include his wife, LouiseHendricks Miller: a daughter. CarolDyson of Forest Park, Ga.; twosons, Jimmy Miller of Kissimmee,Fla., and Kip Miller of Route 1,.AdvJTce;Three sisters, Ozell Boger andLomse Whitaker. both of Route 2,Mocksville. and Geraldine Sheek ofCharlotte; two brothers. William M."Buck" and Bob Miller, both ofMocksville: a half sister. RubyWhite of Mocksville: six grand-chil^en: and one great-grandchild.MemoriesBy Gordon TomlinsonI^was around 50 years ago. December of 1934.1 think. I was a slim,gangling kid of 14 and had just b«ome a part of Che Mocksville HighSchool varsity baskeibail ^uad.Just before the Christmas holidays we were playing the R. J.Reynolds High School team of Winston-Salem. The game was veryclose as the final minutes approached. Gray Hendricks fouled out andCoach G. 0. Boose sent me in as a replacement.One of the stars of the team was a smooth forward by the name ofSheek Miller. As the game came to a dose, Sheek Miller got the balland drove towards (he foul lane. 1 was on the right side of the basketand moved in to rebound should Sheek miss. Sheek left the floor, butinstead of shooting passed the ball off to me and I put it in for my firsthigh school field go^ and for the winning points that defeated the RJRteam.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVmocksville. no XKfAllI^^I went on to play matiy hundreds of basketball games, enjoyed manyvictonous moments but none any greater than that goal I scoredagainst RJR on that pass from Sheek Miller.Sheek Miller was a person with many friends. He enjoyed life andnad a unigi« sense of humor. Being a restain-ateur brought him inf^^ ^ people, but he nevo- had an enemy, justMiller got his family in the restaurant^taas in 1937 opemng a barbecue place on US 158 at theof theFarmingtonRoad This was destroyed by fire July 4,194i.fl Miller, the eldest son, opened a place knownM Sot^end (now the site of FaUie's Drycleaning) 8 years beforeoutlM-eak of Wwld War II, Buck closed downthe restaurant and went to work in the ship yards.Sheek Miller went into the army.US iSl ™ ^ rebuild and t^en Buck's Barbecue onbought out "Pop" at Southend Later Sheetchisn^K^ta- ®P®''®'®'^Southend for several years and then builthis own building across the street, his present locado^Miller, and other members of his familyoperated what bwame one of Mocksville's most popular eatine Dlacra'businessmen toT2£ aSd®d&problems of the day over ciq»s of coffee.n Miller Diner-Hesauran. w«, ^ ,ofamous Milter name. contmued u operate it under the iCommentingonthesaleatthattimeSheekMillersaid: {^ "'"® to give it up. This restaurant has 1bcCT good to me, and I ai^reciate the sumort of local oeooie inmakmgitasuccess.TherearealotofmemoriShere." i"WVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARvmocksville, ncuuv.e Co,Public Libraryiviocksvrtle, »N. C, 1.n^'f-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1984-5 D— - /JULIUS CLINARD SMOOTJunious Clinard Smoot ofWashington, DC., died in that cityMarch. 23, 1984 following a shortillness. He was n native of DavieCounty, son of the late John A. andEstella Woodruff Smoot.He is survived by his wife, Mrs.Etheleen Smoot, two daughters andone son all of Washington, DC. Twobrothers, Robert Smoot ofWashington, DC and Baxter Smootof CSiarlotte, NC. One sister, Mrs.Sarah Thrower of East Spencer,NC.Funeral service will be held onThursday at 3:00 p.m. at theMocksville Second PresbyterianChurch. The Rev. F.D. Johnson, Jr.will offlciate. Burial will follow inthe family plot in the churchcemetery.The family will meet with fnendsat the church Wednesday eveningfrom 7 p.m. to 8 pjn.Momson-Studevent FuneralDirectors of Mocksville are incharge of local service and^angements.- LESSIE G. HILLARDLessie Gregory Hillard, 74, of 4Center St., Cooleemee, diedThurs^y night at Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was held Sunday atFirst Baptist Church of Cooleemeewith the Rev. Guthrie Colvard andthe Rev. J.D. Reavis, offldatii^.Burial was in Legion MemorialPark.Bom March 23, 1909, in Davie'County, she was a daughter of thelate John E. and Geneva CampbellGregory. She was a member of theFirst Baptist Church of Cooleemee.Her husband, Robert Lee Hillard,died Dec. 7, 1983.Survivors include threedaughters, Emma Jean Poplin ofDurham, Rilla Mae Munaay ofCooleemee and Patricia Steel ofBear, Del.; two sisters, MildredBunch of Route 7, Mocksville, andSusie Fields of Cooleemee; twobrothers, Raymond Gregory ofRoute 7, Mocksville, and IvaGregory of Key West, Fla.; and sixgrandchildren.QWIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville. NCSHERRELLLEEMAULDEN, SR.Sherrell Lee Maulden, Sr., 76, ofRoute 4, Point Road, died unexpectedly at 12:50p.m. Wednesday atRowan Memorial Hospital of anapparent heart attack.The funeral was held at 3 p.m.Ftiday in the Summersett (^apd inSalisbury conducted by the Rev.Harvey Criminger, pastor ofJerusalem Baptist Chur^, and the ^Rev. Gary Hoffman, pastor ofFranklin Baptist Church. En-tombment followed in Rowan :Memorial Park. !Bom Jan. l, 1908, in Rowan jCounty, he was a son of the late John jWesley and Ida Jane Beaver •Maulden. He was educated in the iRowan County schools and for 14years was employed with SouthernRailway Co., Spmcer Shops, as a "machinist helper. He later was >employed with the city of Salisburyfor 12 years as a mechanic in thedty garage. He was a member ofJerusalem Baptist Church. .Survivors include his idfe Helen^Clawson Maulden, "wtidin; hemairried in 1931; a son,4nirley LeeMaulden, Jr. of Davie CoUntyj-five *daughters, Mrs. Johnhyv G. .(Mildred) Miller, Mrs. Billy (Judy) jHood, both'of Rowan Cowan ciounty, iMrs. Samuel T. (Peggy) Cable ofDavie County, Katie Maulden ofCatawba County; and Mrs. James(Martha) Taylor of Salisbury;A brother, -Fred Maulden ofWinston-Saiem; two sisters, Mrs.Theodore (Virginia) Greene ofAlberta, Canada, and Mrs. Bill(Frances) Godby of Davie County:23 grandchildren; and 26 greatgrandchildren. A daughter, Barbara Aim Moore, died Aug. 10,1961.Ic^' EDNA B. EVERHARDTEdna Bowles Everhirndt, 84, ofRoute 3, died at Davie (bountyI Hospital late Thursday afternoon.! The funeral was 2 p.m. Saturc^yj at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel :I conducted by the Rev. GordonI Joyner, the Rev. Yates Wilkersonand the Rev. Howard Moffitt.Burial followed in Fork Baptist |Church cemetery.I Bom April 22, 1899, in Davie nCViunty, she was a dau^ter of the >late Columbus and Sallie Burton 'Bowles. She was a member of IJericho Church of CHirist.Survivors include her husband, iBob Everhardt; five daughters, <hb-s. Elmer Zimmerman of Route 3,Mocksville, Mrs. James Sawrey of 'Kissimmee, Fla., Mrs. (CharlesPharr of Greensboro, Mrs. Gray 'Carter of Route 2. Advance, andBarbara Leonard of Winston-Salem; two sons, Henry Everhardt 'of Columbia, S.C., and DavidEverhardt of Route 3, Mocksville: nTiffee sisters. Mrs. Hicks Carter •of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Sam Franksof Long Beach, Calif., and GraceWebb of Alexandria, Va.; 19grandchildren; and 22 ^eat-grand- .children.CARL EUGENE WHITEMr. Carl Eugene White, 29, South-mont in Davidson County, died athis home Tuesday. Funeral serviceswere held at 2 p.m. Friday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Kenneth Hyde. Burial followed inIjames Baptist Church cemetery.Mr. White was bom in Davie(^unty to Alberta Latham White,Rt. 8, Mocksville and the lateLemuel L. White. He was a self-employed logger. He was of the'Baptist faith. •Surviving in addition to hismother are his wife, Nancy Crouse .White; one daughter. Miss AmandaWhite, Covington, La.; one son. LeeWhite, Covington, La.; one stepson,Larry Crouse, of the home; threesisters, Mrs. Edith Keaton, Rt. 5,Mocksville, Mrs. Betty Sue Smith,Rt. 8, Mocksville, and Mrs. Jane(^er, Rt. 3, Advance and threebrothers, Leon and John FrankWhite, both of Rt. 8, Mocksville andGrady White, Rt. 3, Clemmons. " OL4.(-DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. APRIL 5.1984Obituaries I|/ MRS. MARY W. ALLENMrs. Mary Winters Allen. 84. Rt.3. Mocksville died Mon<^y atAutumn Care Convalescent Center.The funeral was held W^nesdayat Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. William Anderson andElder Eugene Bennett. Bwial wasin Cornatzer United MethodistChurch cemetary.Mrs. Allen was bom m TadkinCounty to William and SadieLivengood Winters. Her husbandJoe Allen, died in 1971.Surviving are six daughters, ^s.Marie Shoaf. Mocksville. Mrs.Nellie Nail. Rt. 3. Mocksville. Mm.W. 0. (Edria) McCleary, Rockwell.Mrs. Magaret Beck. Lexington.Mrs. Hazel Estes. Salisbury andMrs. Tommy Honeycutt. Hamp-tonville; six sons. Paul andHathan Allen, both of Rt. 3.Mocksville. Roy Allen. Rt. 4.Mocksville. James Allen. Gastoma,the Rev. Daniel Allen. Icard andJerry Allen. Spencer; threebrothers, Solomon Winters, Landis.Sampson Winters. Salisbury andJohn Winters. Advance; 38 grandchildren and 36 greatgrandchildren.Oavie Co. Public Library"I rOftVIE CO. PUBUC UBRMWI^OCKSVIUE* NCFELIX SMITHFelix Smith. 61. of 2326 Cline St.,Winston-Salem. died unexpectedlyFriday morning at Central CarolinaHospital in Sanfdrd.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel inMocksville by the Rev. DonaldFunderburke. Burial was in theOaklawn Memorial Gardens inWinston^alem.Born .May 4. 1922. in DavieCounty, he was a son of Grace.McBride Smith of Route 1, Advance,and the late McKinley Smith.. Hewas a retired employee of ReynoldsTobacco Co.. a veteran of WorldWar II and a member of DisabledAmerican Veterans. He wasawarded the Purple Heart.His wife. Faye Murphy Smith,preceded him in death in July 1977.Survivors, in addition to hismother, include a sister, MargaretRonman of Chapel Hill, and abrother. Bill T. Smith of Route 1.Advance.MRS. HATTIE CAUDLE.Mrs. Hauie Adams Caudle. 81. Rt.1. Advance died Friday at DavieCounty Hospital after an extendedillness.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Leon Wood, the Rev. L. D. Hobsonand the Rev. Norman Frye. Burial.was in Yadkin Valley BaptistChurch cemetery.Mrs. Caudle was bora in YadkinCounty to the late Julius andMiranda Sizemore Adams. She wasa member of Northwood BaptistChurch.Surviving are her husband. DocCaudle, of the home; one daughter,Mrs. Lucille Broadway, Mocksville;three sons. Carl Caudle. Rt. 1.Advance and L. R. and J. C. Caudle,both of Rt. 2. Mocksville; fourgrandphildren and one great-grand-child. UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, April 6,1984 SK^KsVILLE — Mrs. Ber* Vjth^Hae Lashmil James, 87, — . formerly oI 15 Forrest ""Xane, died early Friday Bio - Obituaries - 4/6/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA - CP•L-fOiVlCi-/WILLIAM S. GALESWilliam Scott "Bill" Gales, 80, of11 Grove St., Cooleemee di»i onMonday morning at Fran Ray RestHome in Mocks^^e where he was aresident. He was a formerma^strate and deputy sheriff inDavie County.The funeral will be 2 p.m. onWednesday at Baton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksville conducted by the Rev. J. D. Revis,pastor of First Presbyterian Churchof Cooleemee. Burial will be inLegion Memorial Park.Bom in Rowan County, Oct. 14,1903, he was a son of the lateItichard and Mary Eva HillardGales. He was a retired employee ofDacotah Mills in Lexington and wasa member of the First nesbyterianChurch. His fu^ wife, Laura BellCarter Gales, died in 1963.Survivors include his seomd wife,Jennie Sedberry Gales of the homeon Grove Street; three dau^ters.Mrs. Bernard (Mary Louise)Penley of Route 1, Salisbury, andFrances Miller and OorcasMesimer, both of Cooleemee; asister. Ruby Broadway of Route 7,Mocksville; 12 grandchUdren; and12 great-grandchildren.ObituariesENDS BURTON HARPEEnos Burton Harpe. 78.2617 WestPolo Rd., Winston-Salem. diedThursday morning at ForsythHospital. He had b^ in declininghealth for several years.He was bom July 17,1905 in Davie(^unty to Enos W. and Bettie(!k>llette Harpe.Mr. Harpe spent his early life inDavie County. He lived in Indianafor a short time and had live inWinston-Salem since 1928.Mr. Harpe was employed byHanes Hosiery Mills for 42 years,retiring in 1970.He was a member of Beck'sBaptist Church, where he waspresident of the Fellowship BibleClass for a number of years.Mr. Harpe and his son owned andoperated Harpe's Produce Farm onWest Polo Rd.He was married in 1933 to EthelGentry Harpe, who survives of thehome. Also surviving are onedaughter, Mrs. Mary H. Boaz, 3925G. Vailey Ct.: one son, Je^ B.Harpe, of the home: five sisters,Mrs. Roy 0. (Leona) Keiger, Mrs.W.O. (Lillian 1 Hampton and Mrs.R.B. (Minnie) Hicks, all of Winston-Salem, Mrs. P.E. (Miriam) Milster,Florissant, Mo. and Mrs. C.L.(Leveda) Wertz, Fort Lauderdale,Fla. and two brothers, Wilson C.Harpe, Winston-Salem and Joe C.Harpe, Mocksville.The funeral was held Saturday atBeck's Baptist (Thurch by the Rev.Paul Wonders, Jr. and the son,Jerry B. Harpe."*J2^2iiS!2J^Jj^PRjS^R£CORDjTHURSDAY^PRICOPELEXINGTON - Mr. TravisOdell Cope, Sr.. 77, Rt 3,Lions Den Rd., diedWednesday at LexingtonMemorial Hospital. Funeral services will be 2 p.m.Friday at Eaton's FuneralChapei in Mocksville by theRev. Ralph Ferguson. Thefamily will receive friends1^ from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight atthe funeral home. Graveside services will be 11 a.m.Monday at National Cemetery in Salisbury. Mr. Copewas bom in Davie Countyto the late Nathaniel Jasperand Mary Jarvis Cope. Hewas a retired employee ofHanes Knitwear. He was aveteran of World War ILhaving served in the Navy.Surviving are his wife, Beu-lah Munday Cope; onedaughter, Mrs. Joel B. (Lucille) New, 1113 Pilot ViewDr., King; one son, TravisCope, Jr., Rt 3, Lions DenRd., Lexington; five grandchildren, Mitchell T. Cope,Joel C. New, Thomas RNew, Jennifer New andRosemary N. Southern;three great-grandchildren;one sister, Mrs. W. R Davis,Rt 7, Mocksville and fourbrothers, W. F. Cope, Sr.,High Point Rd., Kemers-ville, Mitchell R. Cope,Danville, Va., J. Foy Cope,Rt 7, Mocksville and JohnG. Cope, Rt 1, Linwood.• MRS. AUDREY BRENEGAR •POOLAudrey Allen Brenegar Pool,Moravian Home, died April 4th.She was bom March 15, 1906 inDavie County to Ranier and Bessie. Lee Rich Brenegar.She had been m declining healthsince November, 1983.She lived most of her life inn n Forsyth County. She as a graduate^ UNC-G and King^mith School inWashington, D.C. She attendedMahoney School of Fine Arts inWashington, D.C.She WM preceded in death by herhusband. Dr. Glmn Pool, who diedNovember 28, 1974.Surviving are one daughter,Au^y PmI KeUy, wife of James A.Kelly, Honolulu, Hawaii; onegrandson, James A. Kelly, Jr. andone gTMddau^ter, Audrey ArcherKelly, both of Honolulu, Hawaii andone brother, Edwin R. Brenegar.1. graveside services wereheld &turday in Forsyth MemorialPark by the Rev. Harvey Johnson.ir* <davie CO. PUB!mOCKSVluu:, IW.OAVIE CO. PUBUG LIBRARYmocksville nc 0 ^Dudley Collins/dc<sc/ /Jp'DUDLEY COLLINSHorace Dudley Collins, 900 N.Main St., Mocksville, died Thursdayafternoon.The funeral was held Saturdayafternoon at Eaton's FuneralChapel by Dr. Alvis Carpenter andthe Rev. Charles Bullock. Burialwas in Rose Cemetery.Memorials may be made to FirstBaptist Church of Mocksville or tothe Heart Fund.Mr. Collins was born inShelbyviile, Ky. to the late Dr.Lester and Mary Brown Collins. Hewas a member of First BaptistOiurch.He was a retired salesrepresentative for Endicott-Johnson Shoe Corp. serving thiscompany for 30 years.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Catherine Cook Collins, of thehome; one daughter, Mrs. Sherry%eek, Greensboro: two grandsons,James K. Sheek. IV and MichaelDudley Sheek. both of Greensboro;one sister, Mrs. Martha Sparrow,Mount Eden, Ky. and four brothers.Dr. S.F. Collins, Wilmington, Edward Collins, ^elbyville, I^. andHarry Lee and John Todd Collins,both of Mount Eden, Ky.OaVIE CO. PUBUC UBRMWIrtOCKSVlUB. NO/j,A wise man once observed:"The most agreeable of all companions is a simple, frai^ man,withoutany high pretensions to an oRwessiwe grratness; rae who Iweslife and un^rstands the use of it; obliging, alike, at all hoin; aboveall <rf a golden temper, and steadfast as an anchor. For such a po^we gladly exchange the greatest genius, the most brilliant wit, theprofoundest thinker."And such a person was Dudley Collins.He was genuine—never hypocritical; always sincere.He was always thoughtful—attentive to others and their problems;full of thought; considerate.He was understanding—always having comprehension of asituation and good sense.He was a caring person—one who had a feeling, interest andfmdness for others.He was always cheerful and a tease—one who was joyous, livdyand in good spirits—one whoenjoyed prodding others into not takingthemselves or life too seriously..\nd, he possessed that rare quality of empathy—the abUity soscarce today having the ai^rehension of anothv's coaditioo or stateof mind.And, to me and so many others, this made him a true friend—achum,' a pal, and intimate companion.A great philosopher Jeremy Taylor once defined friendship:"By friendship you mean the greatest love the gr^test usefulness,the most open communication, the noblest suffering, thetruth, the heartiest counsel, and the {^atest unica of minds of whichbrave men and women are capable."This was Dudley Collins. And, it was someone like Dudley that H.W.Beecher wrote years ago:"To be full of goodness, full <rf cheerfulness, full of sympathy, full ofhelpful hope, causes a man to carry blessings of which he himself isas unconcious as a lamp of its own shining. Such a man moves onhuman life, as stars move on dark seas, to bewUdercd mariners; asI the sun wheels, bringing all the season with him from the south/ ^I Sydney Smith (1771-18451, an English writer and Anglicanclergyman, who gained ctmsiderable reputation in Londm as apreacher and lecturer on moral pMlsophy, once observed:"Life is to be fortiHed by many friendships—to love and be loved isthe greatest happiness of existence."With this in mind, I and many others can truly say;"Thank you Dudley Collins for what you, and memories of you—Gordon Tomlinscm - Ol'rfiUbuof^i'p ^H-. n-'I . LOUISE CALLISONLouise Gardner Callison. of 202Magnolia Avenue. Mocksvifle. diedat Forsyth Memorial HospitalFriday night after a short illness.A memorial service was held at 3p.m. Sunday at the First UnitedMethodist Church with the Rev.George Auman officiating.•Memorials may be made to theAmerican Cancer Society or theFirst United .Methodist Church ofMocksville.Bom June 2. 1921. in Charleston.W. Va.. a daughter of the lateHerbert E. and .Mary McRa Gardner she was a teacher with the WestVirginia school systems. She lived'in East Bank, W, Va.. beforemoving to Mocksville.She was a member of the FirstUnited .Methodist Church of.Mocksville.Survivors include her husband. F.B. Callison: two daughters. Barbara Basham of Milton. W. Va.. andJanet Callison of Hagerstown, Md.:a son. Jerry Callison of Mocksville;a sister. .Norma Jean GardnerMitchell of Dayton. Ohio: and fivegrandchildren.WILLIAM F. DeHARTWilliam Fred DeHart. 52. of Route6. Mocksville died Saturday atDavie County Hospital after anextended illness.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Chapel, conductedby the Rev. Jack Johmson and theRev. W. C. Barkley. Burial was inBear Creek Baptist Churchcemetery.He was bom in Macon County onJan. 27. 1932, son of Edan DeHart ofWinston-Salem and the late BryanDeHart. He was a member of BearCreek Baptist Church and a retiredstate employee.Survivors, in addition to hismother, include his wife, AnnieBelle DeHart: two sisters. Oma LeeDeHart of Winston-Salem andNancy .McCall of Stockton Bridge.Ga., tour brothers. Robert and JakeDeHart. both of Winston-Salem,John DeHart of Clemmons and TroyDeHart of Wisconsin; and severalnieces and nephews.tWVlE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVlLLe. NCDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISh Ktt ORD. I'HLR.SD.AY. \PRII. 1". I')S4EDWARD S. GODBEY 1Edward Shernll Godbey, 62. dielFriday morning at Hoots Memori^Hospital.He was bora in Davie County ttJames and Minnie DwigginsGodbey.Mr. Godbey was a member olSugartown Baptist Church. He wasretired from Thomasville Industry. Surviving are his wife..Mrs. Linda Renegar Godbey. of thehome: one daughter, Mrs. JoanneGodbey. .Mich.; one son. RogerGodbey. Mich.: six step daughters..Mrs. Iveriue Baits. .Mrs. Nellie-Spear and Mrs. Fannie Doss, all ofVadkinville. Mrs. Ethel Turner,Hamptonville. .Mrs. Barbara Effird,Wilson and Mrs. Brenda Oxidine.Winston-Salem: four step sons.Luther and Radford Renegar. bothof Vadkinville. Franklin Renegar.Hamptonville and .Alvin Renegar.Boonville: two sisters. .Mrs.•Margaret Foster. Mocksville and.Mrs. Mamie Hart. Calif.; threebrothers, John. Lewis and MillGodbey, all of Mocksville; 31grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.The funeral was held Sunday at•Mackie-Gentry Funeral Chapel bythe Rev. Randy Jester and the Rev.Roy Nixon. Burial was in SugartownBaptist Church cemetery.< MRS. JUANITA FOSTER.Mrs. Juanita <Skeet) .MonaHendrix Foster. 71. 433 SunsetDrive. SW. Winston-Salem diedFriday morning at Autumn CareNursing Home in Mocksville afterseveral months of declining health.She was born in Davie County toWilliam Anderson and Rosa JaneCornatzer Hendrix.Mrs. Foster was a member ofAdvance Baptist Church and retir^from Forsyth .Memorial Hospital,where she was an operating roomtechnician.Surviving are her husband. Anderson Ellis Foster, of the home;one daughter. .Mrs. .Mona Potts, Rt.2. Advance; one granddaughter.Mrs. Leesa Howell, Rt. 2. Advance;one great-granddaughter. .MissStephanie Howell. Rt. 2. Advance:three sisters, .Mrs, Joe (Bill) Foster.Advance. Mrs. Glenn (ThelmaJHendhcks. Lexington and .Mrs.Curtis (Council!) Alexander.Jacksonville. Fla. and two brothers.W. A. (Dub) Hendrix. Advance andBemie Hendrix. New York.The funeral was held Sunday atHayworth-MIUer Silas Creek (^apelwith burial in Oaklawn MemorialGardens.^ • HAZEL A. ALLENHazel Anderson Allen. 63. of 13Watt St.. Cooleemee. died at DavieCounty Hospital, Mocksville earlyFriday.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Chapel.Mocksville. with the Rev. J. D.Revis and the Rev. GutherieColvard oMciating. Burial was inthe Liberty United MethodistChurch cemetery..Born Nov. 6, 1920. in Cooleemee.she. was a daughter of BeuJahCreason Anderson of Cooleemeeand the late Hugh Anderson. Shewas an employee of, Cannon Millsand a member of the First Baptist(Jhurch. Cooleemee. Her husband.Luther Allen, died in 1974.Survivors. in addition to hermother, include four daughters.Paulette Stanley of Lexington.Peggy Peacock of Cooleemee. PamFink of Salisbury an(i Patty Davis ofWoodleaf: a son. Jerry W. Loftin ofthe home; two sisters. PaulineKerley of Cooleemee and InellMcClamrock of Mocksville; twobrothers. Garland Anderson ofMocksville and Harvey Anderson ofRandleman; and nine grandchildren.• WILLIAM HOWARDWilliam Howard, 80. Rt. 2. Advance. died late Thursday ni^t atDavie County Hospital inMocksville.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.David Barney. Burial was in BaileyCemetery.Mr. Howard was born Dec. 31.1903 in Davie County to the lateSamuel H. and .Adeiia FrancesBailey Howard. Surviving are onesister. .Mrs. .Mamie Lucille Walton.Kernersville; three brothers. Tomand Charlie Howard, both of Rt. 2.Advance and Baxter Howard.Mocksville and a number of niecesand nephews.' • WILLIAM ALBERTGALLI.MOREWilliam Albert Gailimore. 60, of1512 ^uth Main Street. Lexington.N.C.. died suddenly in the LexingtonMemorial Hospital. Thursday, April12. 1984.He was a former resident of Ohio.He was born in Davidson County,October 14, 1923. to the late CharlieEdgar and Mary .Minnie HillGailimore. He was retired from theMerchant Marines and was Owner-Operator of Bee Gee's OriginalRwk and Gift Shop.Survivors included his wife.Gladys Gailimore of the home; andone sister, .Mrs. Clyde iMaryFrances) Brewer. Jr. of Mocksville.N.C.Funeral services were conductedSaturday at 11 a.m. at Vogiers-Piedmont Funeral Home inLexington. N.C. Interment tookplace in the Royal Oaks MemorialGardens in Brookviile. Ohio. ^9^ ytV)Sbiography^ wlRNOLDH^ONY - Miss Delia»•-wU Arnold, 98, died Thurs-^day at Hill Haven NursingJlome in Statesville following an extended illness. Sher.was bom Aug. l, 1885 in;^;Yadkln County to William,.S|fnith and Martha Evans• -Arnold. Miss Arnold was a^ -Retired school teacher, hav-—ing taught school for 55^ears in the Yadkin, Wilkes,- -Davidson and Iredeil County schools. She was a member of Harmony BaptistChurch and a former Sun-. day school teacher. Surviv-;ing are one brother, HilaryW. Arnold, Mocksville andI several nieces and nephews. Funeral services willbe 3:30 p.m. today at Harmony Baptist Church by theRev. Donald Haynes. Burialwill be in Flatrock Baptistn Church cemetery. The body.will lie in state 30 minutes- prior to the funeral service.,;(Reavis of Harmony is incharge)P/. /■?//.<O.i aiiiiCLlOlalJViocksvHIe, N. C. > i) Ci I M / ' ALBERT 0. REAVIS Albert Orlando Reavis, 70, Sheffleld Community, Rt. 6, died April 18th at his home following a lengthy Ulness. He was bom in Iredell County, July 9, 1913. He was owner and operator of Sheffield Lumber & I^llet Co. until his retirement in 1977. He was a member of New Union United Methodist Church, Sheffield- Calahaln Ruritan Club and Shef- field-Calahaln Fire Dept. On March 21, 1936, he married Lela Bessie Doteon, who died January 1, 1983. Surviving are three sons, A. Jerry Reavis, Rt. 1, Mocksvilie, Daniel A. Reavis, Rt. 1, Harmony and Joe E. Reavis, Burlington; four daughters, Mrs. Ann Carolyn Beck, Destin, Fla., Mrs. Patsy Cartner and Mrs. Marv Howard, both of Rt. 1, Mocksvilie and Mrs. Judy Tutterow, Rt. 6, Mocksvilie; one brother, Roger Reavis, Lexington; one sister, Mrs. Dorothy Burkhart, Lexington; 13 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. The funeral was held Friday at Reavis Funeral Home Chapel in Harmony by the Rev. Kermit E. Shoaf, the Rev. Cameron Dodsun. Burial was in Holly Springs Baptist Church cemetery. > MISS DELLA ARNOLD Miss Delia Bell Arnold, 98, died Thursday at Hill Haven Nursing Home in Statesvilie following an extended illness. She was born August 1, 1885 in Yadikin County to William Smith and Martha Evans Arnold. Miss Arnold was a retired school teacher, having taught school for 55 years in the Yadkin, Wilkes, DavidMn and Iredell Gaunty schools. She was a member of Harmony Baptist Church and a former Sunday school teacher. Surviving are one brother, Hilary W. Arnold, Qilocksville and several nieces and nephews. Funeral ser vices were held Saturday at Har mony Baptist church by the Rev. Donald Haynes. Burial was> in Flatrock Baptist Church cemetery. V y, "TOMMIE G. DANIELS Tommie Gr^ Daniels, 62, of 16 Yadkin St., Oaoleemec, died at Davie County Hospital in Mocksvilie late Monday night. < The funeral will be 2 p.m. Wed nesday at Eaton's Funeral Home • Chapel in Mocksvilie. Officiating ministers will be the Rev. Shelby Harbor and the Rev. Brenda Geter. ^ BornOct. 1,1921, in Davie County, ;he was a son of the late Robert •Edward and Eva Graves Daniels. :He was an employee of Celanese •Fibers Operation and a member of .Ithe Church of Quist. He was a .•v^eran of World .War II, having Isotyed both in the U.S. Army and •the U,S. Navy. I $urvivorsincIude his wife, Nancy 'Bowers Danids; a son. /Tony vOaniels of k^ksvUle; and a kister, ^Dorothy Rodden of Route i. SAMUEL WATKINS Samuel Watkins, 65, of 1122 Clark Road, Cooleemee was dead on arrival at 4 a.m. April 18th in Davie County Hospital. Bom Oct. 7, 1918, in Macon County, Ga., he was a son of the late William Harris and Georgia Holbrook Watkins. He was educated in the Macon County schools and was a retired employee of Fiber and a retired' brickmason. He was a member of Ervin Temple CME ^urch, where he served on the steward board and was a class leader and a Sunday school teacher. Survivors include his wife, Geraldine Anderson Watkins; a son, the Rev. Arthur L. Watkins of Norwood; three daughters, Jacqueline W. Cook and the Rev. Brenda W. Geter, both of Cooleemee, and Barbara W. Bosey of Fort Knox, Ky.; Two brothe.'^, Willie Watkins of Woodleaf and Boyd Watkins of Cooleemee; three sisters, Annie Crosley of Louisville, Ky., Corene Crawford of Washington, D.C., and Claudcne Hosch of Cooleemee; 11 grandchildren; and 11 great-grand children. iVfWHS VENICE L. LIVENGODD Mrs. Venice liong Livengood, 93, formerly of Route 2, Mocksvilie, N.C. died Tuesday morning at Autumn Care Nursing Home. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 26, at Smith Grove United Methodist Church with the Reverend Leonard Von- Cannon and the Reverend J.C. Lane officiating. The body will be placed in the chiprch thirty minutes prior to the service. '.fhtfiai will be in the church cemetary. ''.Memorials may be made to the church in lieu of flowers. Mrs, Livengood was born in Davie County, May 17,1890 to the late John Wesley and Mary Lou Fulford Long. She was theoldest member of Smith Grove Methodist Church. Her husband, the late John Elmer Livengood preceded her in death in 1959. Survivors are four daughters; Mrs. Henry Poplin of Mocksvilie: Mrs. Lois Cornatzer of Winston- Saiem, N.C.; Mrs. Robert Williams of Rt. 2, Mocksvilie, N.C.; and Mrs. Herman Vogier of Ad vance, N.C.; 1 sister, Mrs. Viona Hutdiins of Winston-Salem, N.C.; 7 grandchildren and 4 great grand- childi'en. The family will receive friends at Eatons Funeral Home Chapel We^esday evening from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. At other times they will be together at the home of a dau^ter, Mrs. Lucille Williams, Route 2, Mocksvilie, N.C. MAMIE ELLIS DAVIS The funeral for Mamie Ellis Davis will beheld at 11 a.m. Wednesday at &uthside Baptist Church Salisbury N.C., conducted by the Rev. Sam J^ley. Burial will be in Rowan Memorial Park. Born July 19, i«9o, in Davie Uunly, slie was a daughter of the late Abraham Lincoln and Florence Fostw Ellis. She was a member of Southside Baptist Church. Her husband, Issac C. "Bud" Davis preceded her in death. Swvivors include two sons, John L. Davis of Salisbury and William H. Davis of Florida; two daughters, Elizabeth M. DeWitt of Charleston Dora Myers ofD Brien, Fla.; a brother, W.A. Ellis of Mocksvilie; Three sisters, Stella Hendrix f.,?.?."'® Hendrix and LovieWilliams, all of Mocksvilie; 10 grandchildren; 19 great grandchildren; and four stepgrandchildren. Mrs. Davis, 93, of 3963 ,ChristMherSt.. Charleston Heights, died Sunday at 7 p.m. in i^arlraton Hospital after being in declining health for several years. f «• 5-? zs cz CD 5- OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARY MQCKSVILLE. NC UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, April 27,1984 COLLETTE * MOCKSVILLE - Mr. Roy Wilson (Bill) Collette, Jr. 44, 391 Park Ave., died ear ly Friday morning at Bap tist Hospital. Funeral ser vices will be 3 p.m. Sunday at Eatons Funeral Chapel by Dr. Alvis Carpenter and the Rev. Charles Bullock Burial will be in Rose Cemetery with masonic grave side rites. The family wiU receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the funeral " home. The family request ^lat memorials be made to T)3vie County Hospice Pro-gram in c/o The Davie O^'County Health Dept.. P.O. V Box 665. Mocksville. N.C. I; p028. Mr. Collette was K born in Latta. S.C. to Roy • n Wilson, Sr. and Ruth Hen- • ^ dricks Collette. He was a pharmacist at <5 Wi kins Drugs of Mocks-^ville for 18 years. Mr. Col- f^^lette was the owner of sports World of Mocksville. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Mocks ville and a member of Mocksville Mason Lodge. ' Mr. Collette was a graduate : of the University of NC Surviving are his wife, Mrs. iJudy Laird Collette, who he Jan Collette, of the home; .two sons, Roy W. Collette, III, Mocksville and Perry Collette. Chapel Hill; his parents, Salisbury St., Mocksville and one sister, Mrs. Susie Barton, Hickory. The Little League Ball Field at Mocksville Ele mentary School will be named Collette Field dur ing ceremonies at 12:30 p.m. today honoring Mr. Collette. Mr. Bill Sell of Mocksville stated "the ded ication honors an individual Iwho has recognized the im- 1 portance of youth and striven diligently through recreation to provide for the physical and moral de velopment of our youth and betterment of our commu nity." A bronze plaque bearing this inscription will be placed at the field in honor of Mr. Collette's ef forts. The public is invited to attend the dedication ceremony. Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA I (JK LESTER H. ANGELL 'Lester Huey Angell, 77.Bitting Rd" Winston-Saletn died IFriday morning at his home. jHe was bom Oct. 1.1906in Yadicm <County to Emary S. and Anms jNichols Angell. v rMr. Angell graduated from N. uState College in I93l. He taught 1school at MocksviUe High until ^ icame to Winston-Salem and opened ithe Strup and Angell Paper Co. and •later joined Salem Paper Co. as a i^:I^^Angell was a member ofCalvary Baptist Church, where hewas the only life time deacon; healso taught Sunday School and sangin the church choir.He was very active m the BoyScouts, having received the SilverBeaver Award.Mr. Angell was a member of theWinston-Salem Civitan Club.He was twice married, first toMabel Minnish, who died m 1963 andhis second wife, Mrs. Ruby ^Wooten, who survives of the home-also surviving are one son, David.Angell, Winston-Salem; two stepsons, John Wooten, Raleigh andDouglas Wooten. Charlotte; onestep daughter, Mrs. Cathy Baucoin,Winston-Salem; four gratid-children; two sisters. Mrs. MaxieDoub and Mrs. Vera Davis, bom ofPfafftown and one brother, VivanAngell, East Bend. _ ^ .The funeral was held Sunday atCalvary Baptist Church by Dr.Mark Corts. Graveside serviceswGrc held 3t 11 3-in. MondsyForsyth Memorial Park.0bitu3rtes 1 county enterprise record, THURSDAY, may 3,198, JOHN DAVID POTTSJohn David Potts. 89. formerly of ^Route 3. died at U a.m. Monday. ;April 30. 1984 in Davie CountyHoroital. He had been a resident ofFran-Ray Rest Home in MocksviUefor me past seven yeare,A grsvesidG SGrvice will be held dt4 p.m. Wednesday in Fork BaptistChurch conduct^ by me Rev.Leland Richardson.Bom in Davie County on Nov. 23,1894. he was a son of me late JohnEmmsey and Emily McDanielPotts. He was a retired furnitureemployee. His wife, ima McDanielPotts, died in 1980. •Survivors include a number ofnieces and nephews.OAVIE CO. POBOC DBRXRTMOCKSVILLE, NOUavie Co. Public Librar^Modtsvlfle. N. C Obituaries]/ MATHAWYER J. FROSTMathawyer J. Frost. 66. diedThursday, April 26, 1984, at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem. N.C.He was the son of the late MitchellPhilmore and Hattie Powell Frost:and was bom in Davie Countywhere he lived all his life.He was a member of ChinquapinGrove Baptist Church where heserved as a member of the Board ofDeacons and treasurer until hisdeath.He was a retired employee ofDrexel Heritage Furnishing, Inc. ofMocksville.He is survived by his wife. Mrs..Naomi F. Frost of the home; threedaughters. Mrs. Nannie PearlGreene of Hempstead Long Island.N.Y.. Mrs. Naomi LaVeme Donnellof Virginia Beach, Va., and Mrs.Janet L'Tonya McMahan ofBrooklyn. N.Y.; a son. Bruce Jefferson Frost of Wheatley HeightsLong Island. N.Y.; four brothers.Abraham C. Frost of .Nashville.Tenn.. Arthur W. Frost of Salisbury.•N.C.. Rufus Mitchell Frost ofMocksville, N.C. and Roscoe JuniorFrost of Winston-Salem. N.C.; five-grandchildren and several niecesand nephews.Funeral services were heldTuesday, May 1. at 3 p.m. atChinquapin Grove Baptist ChurchTBurial followed in the churchcemetery.CO PUBtw UBRWDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THUR.SDA'i. MaV 10. IW4/MRS. PERCIEFOOTE NAYLOR *Funeral services for Mrs. Perd©F(»te Naylor, 90, of Greensboro^N.C. was held Monday at 4 p.m. atfShtloh Baptist Chruch with the^verend F.D. Johnson, Jr. officiating. Burial foUowed in thefamily plot of Chinquapin GroveBaptist Church cemetery in YadkidCounty.She was bom in Oavie County^tember 7, 1893 to the late LewiaCam and Addie Foote. ~- „ She died May3,1984 at St. James Nursing Centerm Greensboro, N.C.She is survived by five sons: John^wis and William Henry Naylortwth of Baltimore, MD. RudlopfaValentino. Donald Lee, and EarlEugene Naylor aU of MocksvUle,NC. A niece, Doris W. Clark of)Winston-Salem, NC. Eighteen (grandchildren, and twenty-four Igreat-grandchildren. iT 0 I ^, i3,»/'CLINGMAN \ '^'_ yadkinville —- Marie Sofley Clin^an, 76.n Rt. 5, MocksviUe, diM Sat-.n urday morning at For^th ,Hospital. Funeral services_will be 2 p.m. Monday at -.Mackie-Oentry Funeral >' Home Chapel byJim Ranies.n in Huntsville United Meth-^' odist Church cemetery. A' Mrs. Cllingraen was bom mDavie County to John a.vand Mary Martin ^^®y-^She was a nt®™®®^. j.^Huntsville United Method-■- ist Church. She was a r^■ tired schoolteacher, ha^g■ taught for 38 years in Yad-kin County. She w®® "J®'"".. ried to Harry L.t who died June I. S"*® viving are one daughter.Mrs. David (Anne) Whit^ ^Jr Rt. 5. MocksviUe. two \r grandchildren. 15 Jarralt White, both of the I\ home and one sister. Mrs.5 Ethel Cook, Rt. I. Advance. •The body will remain at ,Mackie-Oentry Funeral i^ Home, where the |®"^yC will receive friend from 7 •,- to 9 p.m. tonight Th®ily request memorials bemade to the American Cancer Society.■*7 ■!Davit CaPubHc LibraryHlociisviite. N: C.CO. /n- /92f/ MRS. LILIANWILLIAMSMrs. Lillian Gaither WiUvams, 68.1212 Hilcrest Dr., Mocksyille^, di^Sunday morning at Davie CountyHospital after a serious illness offOUf W6€kSThe funeral was held Wednesdayat I p.nTat St. John s A.M.E. ZionChurch in Mocksviile by the Rev. L.B. Speas. Interment was m thechurch cemetery. , „ii <>7Mrs. Williams was bom April 27.1916 in Davie County to die mteHodge and Julia Camatzea Gaither.She attended Davie County PublicSchools and A&T University mGreensboro. ..Mrs. Williams was a retir^employee of the Davie ComtySchool System and servt^Service Manager of MocksviUeMiddle school for 29 years. ,She was a member of St. John sA M E. Zion Church, where she wasSecretary of the Trustee ^ard anda member of the Senior Choir.Surviving are her husband,Booker T. Williams, of the home;OOOIWei I. w. •••- •—two daughters, Mrs. Julia W.Banks. Greensboro and Mrs.Brenda W. White, Charlotte; threesons Booker N. Wi! lams.Mocksviile, the Rev. Dr. NIdton A.Williams. Mobile, Ala. and Ferny l -WiUiams. Greensboro; oneWilliams, ^J^ecIlsl.>ulu,son, Eugene Gaither. Mocksyme,two br^hers» Thomas A. Gaither.two DroinerS» inoiuaa ra. va—Mocksviile; Winston-Salem andCharlie C. Gaither. Mocksviile. tengrandchildren and one greatgrandchild.K" ERMAN G. HARDINGErman G. (Jack) HarAng ofTakoma Park. Maryland died onSunday April 29, 19M at TheWashington Adventist jHFuneral services wwe heldWednesday, May 2 at 11:00 a.m. atTakoma Funeral Home. Int^entwas at Fort Lincoln Cemetery.Mr. Harding wasformer"ry Jeanette (Nettie)Burton, a relative of the B^on sand Bowles here in Davie County.He is survived by nieces andnephews.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. .MAY 17.1984[^reaWtuariesHUBERT BOLESHubert Boles. "5. Rt. 6.Mocksviile. died Friday morning atDavie County Hospital. „ ,The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Ret. Jack Johnson and the Key.W.C. Barkley. Burial was mChestnut Grove United MethodistChurch cemetery. .Mr Boles was bom m uavieCounty to the late WUliam andMamie Bracken Boles. He was aretired Grocery and Service andwas also a farmer. . „Mr. Boles was bom in Davie(^unty to the late William andMamie Bracken Boles. He was aretired operator of Boles Groceryand Service and was also a farmer.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Elizabeth Jackson Boles, of thehome; five daughters. Mrs, QoyceWallace and Mrs. Barbara Culler,both of Rt. 6. Mocksviile, Mrs. MaryNorman. Winston-Salem. Mrs.Shirley Sirnpson. Charleston. S.C.and Mrs. Patty Spillman. Clem-mons; four sons, Bob and DonnieBoles, both of Rt. 6, Mocksviile, JimBoles, Rt. I. YadkinviUe and BillBoles, Statesville; 19 grandchildren; four great grandchilwen;two sisters. Mrs. Dora Leach. Rt. 6, •Mocksviile and Mrs. Annie Ottman,Greensboro and one brother.Wilford Boies, Rt. 3, Mocksviile.DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NO^ RAYMOND GIBSON SR.Raymond Hall Gibson Sr.. 69. ofRoute 4. Moi^ville. (lied at hishome last Tuesday.The funeral was held Thursday atEaton's Funeral Chapel with theRev Fred Carlton officiating.Burial was in Center UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Bom Feb. 18, 1913. in DavieCounw. a son of the late George E.and Elizabeth Granger Gibson, hewas retired from Celanese Fibers(^Iperations. His first wife, LillianAlexander Gibson, died Dec. 7,1973.His second wife, Mildred JumeyGibson, died April 21. 1982.Survivors include a daughter,Linda Miller of Winston-Salem; twosons, Joe Gibson of Cooleemee andRaymond Gibson Jr. of Jamestown;three sisters, Dorothy Overcash andMagaret Gartner, both ofCtwieemee. and Pauline Thome ofRoute 1. Mocksviile; and threegrandchildren.^ MRS. RUTH MILLER BUTNER.Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth MillerButner. 88. of Rt. 4. Advance, diedSunday night. May 13 at her home.Funeral services were held Tuesdayafternoon at Vogler's ClemmonsQiapel by the Rev. Donald Fun-n derburk and the Rev. Hampton'"Morgan. Burial was in MacedoniaMoravian Church cemetery.Mrs. Butner was bom in DavieCounty to Charlie M. and Luia WestMiUer. She was a member ofBethlehem United MethodistChurch in Davie County.Surviving are three daughters.Mrs. James R. (Josephin^e) Ellis..Advance, .Mrs. Cecil (Dorothy)Phillips, YadkinviUe and Mrs. EarlB. (Eva Lee) Steelman, Winston-Salem; one son, Kenneth M. Burner.Sr.. Advance; seven grandchildren;eight great-grandchildren: twosisters, Mrs. Magdalene James,Advance and Mrs. Frances Lash-mil. Winston-Salem and onebrother. Guy W. MiUer. YadkinviUe.GLORIA MARIE ECKLES.Mrs. Gloria Marie JohnsonEckles. 31. of 10323 Zion Drive,Fairfax. Va., died Wednesday May2., in Fairfax Countv Hospital aftera lengthy illness.Born in Rowan County on May 5,1952. .Mrs. Eckles was the daughterof Ben and Marjorie Mayfield.Johnson. She was married to JamesEdward Eckles who survives.,Mrs. Eckles made her home in-Mocksviile until 1979. She was amember of Shiloh Baptist (Thurch.Following her move to Virginia, shebecame a member of Greater LittleZion Church in Fairfax. She wasemployed by the public schoolsystem in Fairfax County.Surviving in addition to herhusband and parents, are two sons,Brandon Eckles and DeShawnEckles. both of the home; onedaughter. Jessica Eckles of thehome: three brothers. BennyJohnson. Joseph Johnson andJames Johnson, all of Mocksviile;three sisters. Misses GladysJohnson. Joyce Johnson and MonicaJohnson, ail of Mocksviile; hergrandmother, Mrs. Aziila Baker ofl^Iocksviile; and her grandfather,Henry Mayfield of .Martin.Ga.The funeral service was heldSunday. .May 6. at 3 p.m. at ShilohBaptist Church in Mocksviile by theRev. .Michael McClain. t otc.-5:R? rOR^Hl-H?cr>^ M^y 24. 1984 |v^CLEOLA M. CLEMENTGeoia Maxwell Clement. 83, of 12Hickory St.. Cooleemee diedSaturday at7:lSa.m. at the home ofher dauwter, Queen Elsther Ijames.She hadoeen in declining health forfive months and seriously ill forthree weeks.The funeral will be held at 2 p.m.Wednesday at New Bethel BaptistChurch conducted by the Rev.Zavious Pratt and the Rev. W. M.Adams. Burial will be in the churchcemetery.Bom July u. tsuu. in UavieCounty, she was the daughter of thelate John and Augusta HudsonMaxwell. Educated in the DavieCounty schools, she was a memberof New Bethel Baptist Church whereshe was a member of themissionary circle and SundaySchool. She was president of theSenior Citizens Club and theHomemaker Gub.Survivors, in addition to herdaughter, include a son, JamesOdell "Ham" Clement of GladstoneRoad; another daughter, Mrs.James (Norma Ruth) Culthbertson;eight grandchildren; 17 greatgrandchildren;. and 19 great-greatgrandchildren.VMRS. H. D. DULL .Mrs. Flora Harper Dull. 88. Rt. 2.widow of H. Dewey Dull, diedMonday afternoon at Silas CreekManor Nursing Home.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Wedne^ay at Vogler's ClemmonsChapel by the Rev. Tony Jordan.Burial was in Lewisville BaptistChurch cemetery.Mrs. Dull was bom in ForsythCounty to William H. and ElizabethDull Harper. , „ .She was a member of Bailey sChapel United Methodist Church.She had m%d® h—" TTArea ObituariesNELLIE M. GILL 'Nellie Laura Martin Gill. 67. ofRoute 3. Hickory HUl. died unexpectedly at her home .Monday nightafter a period of declining nealth.The family will be at the Eaton'sFuneral Ch^el from 7 to 9 p.m.Wednesday. The funeral will be at 8&m. in the chapel with the Rev.eorge Auman officiating.Memorials may be madeto the Davie County HospiceProgram in care of the DavieCounty Health Department. P.O.Box 663. .Mocksville. .N.C. 27028.The body will be moved fromEaton's Funeral Home to Boyd-Horrox Funeral Home. Norristown.Pa., for a service Friday aftemoonwith burial in Riverside Cemeteryin Norristown.Bom Sept. 14.1916. in Indian HeadMd.. she was a daughter of the lateCharles and Frances Robey Martinand was retired office manager forthe Jedco Co. in .Norristown. Shewas a member of the FirstMethodist Church. .Mocksville. anda member of the Eastem Star. Herhusband. Howard Gill, preened herin death in 1977.Survivors include a duaghter,Mrs. Perce (Mary Lou) Musselmanof Route 3, Hickory Hill.Mocksville; two sister. .Mae Nippesof Gainesville. Fla. and ElaineScanltHi of Bethany Beach. Del.; abrother. Charles .M. Martin ofUniversity Park .Md.; and threegrandsons. Alan. Erik and KentMusselman of the home.coptistteNcWOCKSMn""^Oivie Co. Public LibraryMocksvHie. N. C.syth County tor 30 years ana in.Advance for the past 18 years.Surviving are two daughters.•Mrs. C. G. < Kathleen) Barr.Clemmons and .Mrs. Billy (Betty 1Myers. Advance; three sons. DallasH. Dull. Clemmons. Hobart G. Dull.Lewisville and Jack W. Dull.Winston-Salem; ten grandchildren;seven great-grandchildren and onesister. Mrs. Nellie Molivas. Winston-Salem..MADISON J. PEEBLES *.Madison J. Peebles. Rt. 3. Advance, died at Forsyth HospitalSaturday afternoon. May 19. 1984.He was born August 22. 1894. inAdvance to the late Jim andCharlotte Peebles.He was a member of Mt. SinaiA.M.E. Zion Church and served onthe Trustee Board, was a ClassLeader and a member of the SundaySchool Dept.Surviving are his wife. OlarGarbom Peebles, of the home; foursons. Edward W. Peebles. Advance.James M. Peebles. Sr.. Mocksville,Duff D. and Joe Jasper Peebles,both of Advance; one daughter;Ruoy, M. Berry, of the home; two •brothers-in-law. Garence and OdellGarbom. both of Pittsbur^. Pa.;six grandsons: Frank M. Peebles.James^. Peebles. Jr.. Billy LouisPeebles. William Forrest Peebles.Fredrick Robert Brown. Jr.. of thehome and Richard Terrai^cePeebles; eight granddaughters.Mary P. Peeoles. Christine DeniseCowan. Betty Jo Goolsby, Janice C.Thompson. Vanessa Williams.Pamela F. Peebles. Richelle P.Burts. Morlene Peebles and a hostof nieces, nephews, greatgrandchildren. great-greatgrandchildren and other relatives.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Wednesday at .Mt. Sinai A.M.E. ZionChurch in Advance.CHARLIE S. BAILEYC^rlie Selma Bailey, 99. Rt. 1.,med at Davie ^unty Hospital inMocksville Monday morning.The funeral will be 4 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Chapelly the Rev. Steve Hedgecock andRfV; Alton Fitzgerald. Burialwill follow in Center UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Mr. Bailey was bom in Dalton,G^ He was a r«ired farmer.He was erected in death by hisfirst wife, Mattie E. Stevenson, and •his second wife. Annie Murphyoaile^'..Surviving are three daughters.Mrs. Wilene Keller. Mrs. GmevaAnda^n and Mrs. Louise Seamon.1 •'^^ocltsville; one son,JuM Mocksville; 13 grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildrenand two sisters. Mrs. Ethelwooslw, Binghamton. N.V. andMrs. Will Bair Dalton. Ga.CAflL E. SHELLMemorial services for Carl E.Shell, 83. of St. Augustine. Floridawas held there Sunday, May 20. atWildwood Baptist Church at 4 p.m.Mr. Shell died Saturday in a St.Augustine General Hospital. Her^ir^ in 1966. and was a former •^rict Health Sanitarian in DavieCounty and Mocksville.He was a native of Jonas Ridge, ,N.C. and a memtier of ShoresBaptist Church of St. Augustine,Florida.Survivors include: 4 daughters,Dorothy Aycock of Black Mountain.N.C.. Mrs. Edith Lesslie ofSalisbury, N.C., Shirley Har^gton :of Asheboro. N.C., and Gloria Tudorof Winston-Salem, N.C.; one sister,Mre. Grace Rose of Jonas Ridge,N.C.; 4 brothers. Lester Shell ofJonas Ridge, N.C., Lennie SheU ofManoa, N.C., Mumey Shell of^rganton, N.C., and Pickney ofLakeland, Florida; and 7 grandchildren.The family requests thatmemorials be sent to: St. AugustineShores Baptist Church. 51 AndoraStreet, St. Augustine. Florida 32086. qKVIE CO. PUBUC tJBRAB^mocksville^ N©F^«ATiETT COZARTThe funeral for Favsett W. Cozart.83, of Mocksville was held at 2 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev.George .Auman and' Dr. AlvisCarpenter. Burial was in RoseCemetery.Bom in Yadkin County, he was ason of the late Charles H. and AnnaHawmmb Cozan. He was a self-employed building contractor.Survivors include his wife. VelmaHaynes Cozart oi the home: threedaughters. .\irs. Frank Jarvis andMrs. Waiter Craver. both of Win-slon-Salem. and Mrs. Guy Hartmanof Charlotte; three sons. Lester andSamuel Leo Cozart. both ofMocksville. and C H. Cozart ofOrlando. Fla.; one sister. EvellaSalmons of Winston-Salem; onebrother. Dawson Cozart of Winston-Salem; 17 grandchildren; and 17great-grandchildren.Oiiphant. Mooresville and MissWeeta Zimmerman. SouthdaieAve.; two sons. Oren Daniel(Butch) Zimmerman, Goister Dr.;ten grandchildren; one sister. Mm.Mildred Sowers. Lexington and fourbrothers. Elmer Zimmerman,Mocksville. Harvey and Bill Zimmerman. both of Advance and JimZimmerman. Farmington.The funeral was held Saturday atHayworth-MiUer Silas Creek Chapel >by the Rev. Buddy Tuttle, the Rev.Ernest Parks and the Rav. WileyBrooks with burial in ParklawnMemorial Gardens.Oavie Go. Pubiic UtxaryMocksville, N. Gtn yiRDIE CORNATZERVirdie Oliver Comatzer. 72. of 33Davie St.. Cooleemee. died earJyFriday at Autumn Care Convalescent Center in Mocksville.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home ChapelMocksville. with the Rev. AltonFitzgerald officiating. Burial wasm Comatzer United MethodistCnurch Cemetery.Born July 13. i9ii. DavieCounty, he was a son of the late Boband Jessie McCuilough Comatzer.He was retired from Ingersol-RandCorporation.Survivors include his wife. Ollie-Melton Comatzer; a daughter.P®8gy Ann Clawson of Clemmons'wur sons. Eugene and Donald^matzer. both of Cooleemee. andGlenn and Jack Comatzer. both ofMocksville;Two sisters. Ara Talbert ofWinston-Salem and Ursuie Beck of^isviile; a brother. LawrenceComatzer of Advance; 12 grandchildren; and four greatgrandchildren.0. D. ZIMMERMANOren Daniel Zimmerman. Sr., 69.4425 5. Main St., Winston-SaJem,died Thursday afternoon at ForsythHospital.He was bom in Davie County toOttie and Julia Sprinkle Zimmerman.Mr. Zimmerman was a retiredowner and operator of ZimmermanConcrete Co. He was a veteran ofWorld War II and member ofHUlcrest Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Donreath Harvey Zimmerman, ofthe home: five daughters. MissMarie Zimmerman, and .MissShirley Zimmerman, both of thehome. Mrs. John (Kathy) Davis,Lexington. Mrs. Joel (Sharon) UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, May 31,1984 JAR VIS MOCKSVILLE - Mr. ward Lee Jarvis, 37, F. was dead on arrival at Hoots Memorial Hospital in Yadkinville Friday. Funer al services will be 4 p.m. today at Liberty Baptist Church by the Rev. J. A. Bracken and the Rev. Jack Johnson. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mr. Jarvis was born July 18, 1946 in Davie County to Roy Jarvis and the late Ruby Booe Jarvis. He was a member of Liberty Baptist Church and was a loan offi cer for Mocksville Savings & Loan. He was also trea surer for the N. Davie Ruri- tan Club and a member of the Advisory Committee at Crescent Electric and the Davie County Transporta tion Efficiency Council. Surviving are bis wife, Vickie Bracken Jarvis, of the home; one daughter, Miss Bracken Jarvis, of the home; his father, Roy Jar vis. Rt. 8, Mocksville; one sister, Mrs. Dorothy Bar ney, Rt. 8, Mocksville and two nephews. Memorials may be made to a charity of the donor's choice. Bio — Obituaries - 5/31/1984 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA -e 07^'V(,.0. /9//v/SPENCER WADE HAMPTONSpencer Wade Hampton. 32, diedin Harrisburg, Pa. last Thursday,May 31, 1984. He was a native ofDavie County, and a 1971 graduateof Davie Hi^ School-Funeral services for Mr. Hampton will be at 2:00 p.m. Thursday,June?, 1984, at the Redland Churchof Christ. Minister MagellanStevenson will officiate and burialwill follow in the church cemetery.The body will be placed in state atthe chur^ at 12:00 noon Thursday,June 7, 1984.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Antoinette Hampton of the home inHairisburg, Pa.; two sons, Andreand Marques Hampton, both of thehome; his mother, Mrs. Annie WadeAnderson, and step-father ofJamaica, New York; and a largenumber of other relatives.The family may be contacted, andthe procession will assemble andleave from the home of Mr. andMrs. Perry Studevent of Route l.Advance.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE Kt ( Ml: K>.Ua> . IIMArea ObituariesEDWARD LEE JAKVISEdward Lee Jarvis. 37. of Route B.was dead on arrival Friday at theHoots Memorial Hospital inYadkinville.The funeral was held Sunday at 4p.m. in the Liberty Baptist Churchconducted by the Rev. J..A. Brackenand the Rev. Jack Johnson. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Born July 18. 1946. in DavieCounty, he was the son of RoyJarvis and the late Ruby BooeJarvis. He was a member of theLiberty Baptist Church and wasemployed as a loan officer forMocksville Savings and Loan.He was treasurer of the .NorthDavie Ruritan Club, a member ofthe advisory committee of CrescentElectric and a member of the DavieCounty Transportation EfficiencyCouncil.In addition to his father, he issurvived by his wife. VickieBracken Jarvis; a daughter.Bracken Jarvis of the home: asister. Dorothy Barney of Route 8..Mocksville: and two nephews.y ^ ROBERT WRIGHT SUGGRobert Wright Sugg, 40. of Far-mington, died Tuesday, .May 29 atForsyth Memorial Hospital..Mr. Sugg was employed by Artesian Pools of Winston-Salem. Hewas a captain in the U.S. ArmyReserve. He had been a Den Leaderin Davie Cub Scouts Pack 315 andhad done volunteer work at Centenary United Methodist Church inWinston-Salem.He is survived by his father. W.Archie Sugg of Winston-Salem: two 'brothers, William Sugg of Winston-Salem and Martin Sugg of Greensboro; and two daughters. Anne andSusan Johnson of Bethabara.MOCKSWUE, NCDAVID 0. SHULERDavid Owen Shuler. 93, formerlyof Rt. 3. died at Autumn CareConvalescent Center. .May 29th.He had been a resident there forthree weeks.The funeral was held Thursday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Gordon Joyner. Burial was in ForkBaptist Church cemetery..Mr. Shuler was born in DavieCounty to the late David and SarahMiller Shuler. He was a retiredfarmer and a member of ForkBaptist Church.Surviving are his wife. .MittieFoster Shuler. of the home: threedaughter. Mrs. Lucille Daniels,Gladstone Rd.. .Mocksville. Mrs.Doris Foster. Greenst)oro and Mrs.Helen Hemphill. Lexington; twosons. Luther Owen Shuler, Rt. 3,.Mocksville and Thopias GarlandShuler. Winston-Salem; tengrandchildren: n li greatgrandchildren: three great-great-grandchildren: four half sisters andthree half brothers.hairstonJohn Frank Hairston of Route lS Jda; nSht''1u?e t SIWa! ^® County.tWrti Ohio lorhe had retirSTire and RubberAd?aTe^Nc' resumed toluvance, iv.c. three years aeoFuneral services for Mr Hair"•ihe church cemetery. nk u he placed in state ati2:00noonFriSfy.in k y **^ih friendsFiitt?IT ®jBrrison-StudeventMrs. Sylvia IW^K«f e ^^hon. both ofwitts of R^wwatts of Brooklyn, .New York.Oavie Co. PublicWocksvKle, /v. c. Wade Gerry Dull, 35, erf 637Salisbury Street, .Mocksville, diedearly Friday morning. June 8.1984,Mr, Dull was born on June 12,1948. in Rowan County to MabelMoser Dull and Wade Sanford Dull..A 1966 Davie County High Schoolgraduate. Mr. Dull also received an.Associate degree in Applied Sciencefrom Rowan Technical School inBusiness Administration in 1968,Serving six years in the U.S. ArmyReserve, he became an accomplished marksman, receivingmedks for riflery and outstandingphysical achievements. He receivedan Honorable Discharge on September 6. 1974.On September 3, 1971. Mr, Dullmarried the former Lynda Sanders,They have two children. Wade.Matthew, age 9. and JenniferElizabeth, age 3.Mr. Dull was an active member ofthe DavieCounty Hospital Auxiliaryfor the past three years and had.received a pin for 100 hours service•in February of this year. Amongother church and civic duties, hismost loved volunteer work was as alittle league coach..Mr. Dull was a member of FirstBaptist Church. MocksviUe. forover 20 years. He was presentlyemployed by Ingersoll-Rand foreleven years prior to his declininghealth.Funeral services were held atFirst Baptist Church. Dr. AlvisCarpenterand Rev. Charles Bullockofficiated, at 2:00 p.m. Sunday,June 10. Burial services were atRose Cemetery. Pallbearers wereDr. Joel Edwards, Jerry Seager.Bob Goins. Steve Lakey. ChuckRamsey, and Al Boger.Surviving is his wife Lynda S. Dulland their children. .Matthew andJennifer, all of the home. In additionto his immediate family are hissister, Mrs. Jackie Dull Holshouser.Heritage Circle. Statesville. and hisbrother Ronald Sanford Dull,Salisbury Street. .MocksviUe. Hisparents were the late Wade andMabel Dull of MocksviUe.Mr. Dull is also survived by fournephews and four nieces.WADE GERRY DULLMRS. .MARY R. S.MYREMrs. .Mary Redmon Smyre, ofRoute 6, .MocksviUe died June ^1984. at Forsyth Memorial Hospiwafter a short illness.She was a native of IredellCounty, and a member of -Mt.Carmel Holiness Church.Funeral services were heldSaturday, June 9. at 2:00 p.m. atNew Jerusalem Holiness Church in.MocksviUe. Pastor Jessie Leachofficiated, and burial followed in thechurch cemetery.She is surviv^ by her husband.John Smyre of Harmony: fourdaughters. .Mrs. .Mary Lois Imes ofStatesville: .Mrs. Elouise Ijames ofRt. 14, Statesville: .Miss LindaSmyre of Statesville. and Mrs. CoraSpeakmon of Charlotte. .N.C. Oneson. Donnie R. Smyre of Statesville:three brothers. Willie. Turner, andRaymond Redmon. all ofYadkinvilie; two sisters. Mrs. EthelCarson of Hamptonviile. and Mrs.Katherine Campbell of MocksviUe.A*CotnUavie Co. Public LibraryMocksviUe, N. C."braryMOCKSVIUE. NO T-^V.'e Gd'''_ ~^Z~m n - n I - •i i- • ^ ^ tf"/ •; j' «^"AMRS. CORA SEATS• Mrs. Cora Baity Seats, 62. Rt. 5,died Thursday morning at BaptistHospital.The funeral was held Saturday atHuntsviile Baptist Church by theRev. J.C. Shore. Burial was in thechurch cemetery-Mrs. Seats was bom in Huntsviilein Yadkin County to Isaac Henryand Emma Russell Bait^. She was ahomemaker and a member ofHuntsviile Baptist Church-She was owner and operator ofLog Cabin -Antiques-Surviving are her husband.Claude C- iDick) Seats; one son,Howell P. Seats. Rt. 5. Mocksville;her mother. Rt. 5. Mocksville: onesister- Mrs. Polly Smith. Rt. 5.-Mocksville; five brothers. ThomasBoone Baity. Rt. 2 Yadkinville. I.W.'BilD Baity. Yadkinvillle. CharlieLee Baity- Winston-Salem. Fred G-and Henry H, (Bud) Baity, both ofRt. 5. Mocksville and two grandchildren. Phillip and Cathy Seats.CUSS DEADMONCuss Henry Deadmon. 80. ofRoute 4. died at Broughton StateHospital in Morganton on Sunday.The funeral was held Tuesday at 3p.m. at Liberty United MethodistChurch with the Rev. Phillip Coleofficiating- Burial was in the churchcemetery.Memorials may be made to theLiberty United Methodist ChurchCemetery Fund or to the charity ofthe donor's choice-Bom Jan. 20. 1904. in DavieCounty, a son of the late Luke C. andVaxie Wofford Deadmon. he was amember of Liberty UnitedMethodist Church and a retiredemployee of Southern Railway Co.Survivors include his wife. SarahGregory Deadmon; a sister, TheoRiceofRoute4; anda brother. L CDeadmon. Jr. of Emerald Islerea Obituariesj■/'; PAUL A- BLACKWELDERPaul Albert Blackweider. 61. 133. Church St- died at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville Thursdaymoming-The funeral was held Saturday at• Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.; Charles Bullock and Dr. Alvis. Carpenter. Burial was in Rose• Gemetery.Mr. Blackweider was bom inAlexander County to the late Vinceand Texie Meadows Blackweider,He was Plant Manager of Blackweider Manufacturing.He was a member of Mocksville-" First Baptist Church and a veteran' of World War IISurviving are his wife. ElizabethJames Blackweider- of the home;two daughters. Mrs. Debbie Smith.Taybrsville and Miss AnnetteBlackweider. Tallahassee. Fla,;.one son. James Blackweider. of the'home; one granddaughter- twosisters .Mrs- Hester Childress andMrs. fanny Kerley. both of Kan-napolis and four brothers. HallB ackwelder, Taylorsville. HowardB ackwelder. Granite Falls. ClvdeB ackwelder. Kannapolis and RovdBlackweider. Charlotte.^ BATRA D. HOWELLBatra Dillard Howell. 88. AdvanceRest Home, formerly of Rt. 2.Mocksville, died at Davie CountyHospital Monday afternocm- Thefuneral was held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel by the Rev. Leon Wood andthe Rev. Donald Funderburke.Burial was in Yadkin Valley Baptist(^urch cemetery.-Mr. Howell was bom September3. 1895 in Davie County to the lateJohn Thomas and Amanda BaityHowell- He was a retired farmerand a member of Yadkin ValleyBaptist Church.Surviving are one son. HoltHowell, Rt. 2. Advance; twograndchildren. Ronald GeneHowell. Rt. 2. Advance and Kathy-Miller. Rt. 8. Mocksville and twogreat-grandchildren. SuzanneMiller and Stephanie Howell.MILLER B. CLEMEiNT-Miller B. Clement of Route 4.Mocksville. N.C.. died Friday. June.8.1984. at 9; 10 a.m. at Davie CoilntyHospital, after being in decliningHealth tor two months.Funeral services were heldMonday. June n. 1984. at FairfieldBaptist Church, w-ith the Rev.Junior Gray otficiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Born November 2. 1916. in DavieCounty, he was the son of the lateLula Miller Clement and WilliamClement. For a great number ofyears he was employed by Davie'-■U. J"Mocksvilti, M. Q| -County fiospitai. He retirea withIngersoll Rand Co. in 1978. He was amember of Fairfield BaptistChurch, a deacon, and adult Sunday(school teacher.Survivors include his wife,-Margaret Foster Clement whom hemamed on April 1, 1941; one son.Charles Clement of Rt- 4.Mocksville. two daughters. .Miss-Anita Clement of the city. .Mrs.-Millie Fulton of Rt. 7. .Mocksville;one bon-in-law. Carl Fulton of Rt. 7.-Mocksville: eight grandchildren.Chuckie. Linda. Laura. Lena andSarah Clement. Mike. Floyd andStacey Arnold and five great-grandchildren.THEODORE R. PATTERSONTheodore R. Patterson ol Route 5.-Mocksville, died June 6. 1984. atForsyth -Memorial HospTfal after ashort illness.He was a native of Davie County,and a Veteran ol the Korean Con-tlict.Funeral services were heldSunday, June 10. in the chapel ofMomson-Studevent Funeral Home,conducted by the Rev. J. B.-Morrison. Burial followed on 'Monday at 1:00 p.m. in .Nationalcemetery in Salisbury.He is survived by his mother.-Mrs. Madeline C. Eaton and steplather William Eaton of Route 5.Mocksville; his lather and stepmother. .Mr, and .Mrs. ErnestPatterson of Detroit. Mich.; threesisters. -Mrs. Beverly Chenault.-Miss.. Faye Patterson, and .MissJudy Patterson, all of Detroit.Mich-, three aunts. .Mrs. HarrietRichman and .Mrs. Thelma Cain,both 01 Rl. 5. Mocksville; .Mrs.Mildred Lyons of Winston-Salem.and an uncle. Shirley Patterson ofWinston-Salem.davie CO. PUBUC LIBRAItYmocksville, no DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. rHURSPAYJUNE 21. I>>84-<?B I WtLLfBO. CARTBR Wlllfe Gray Carter, 60, or Hickory ^eet,Ci»lwinee, d^Ttioraday In the Swibu^ VA Medlcat Center alter en eidended llbitts. The ftueral will be 3 Sunday at Uber^ AMB Zlon Churdi con* ducted by the Rev. Don Oopeland. Burial wU be in the churdi cemetery. The family will be at Morrison^ Studevent Funeral Home in MoCkaviiteonSaturdoy night from B toBandtho remainder of Uto time at the home of a son, Melvin Carter of lEchory Street. Bom Nov. 36, 1923, in Davie County, he waaa eon of Ethel White Carter ol Cooleemee and die late WUlIe B. Carter. Ha was-formerly employedatN.C.FlidBh!ngCo.. was a veteran of World War-D. and was a member of Liberty AMB Zlon Church. Survivors, in addition to hia mother, Indute his wife, Cora Loulao Carter ,of Clark R.oad, Cooleemeei a daughlar, Rosa Allen of Woodleaf! one other son, WUUe Jdrome Carter of Oooleemee; a brother, Charles Carter; two dsters, Ylrglnla hiaek of Saltebtury and Loutse Payne of Cooleemae; and nine grandchildren. RAYMOND THOMASHOW^D lUromond Thomas Howard, 50, SKHBlflkeney Cl., Qemmons. N.C., died Thursday evening at Bandst Hospital from Inimjes received In . an automobile acci^t.The funenU was held Si^y at Voder's Clemmons Chapd ^ the Rev. Donald Ftwderbork. Burial was in Bethlehem United Melhoust Church comotery. . , ^ Mr. Howard was horn in Fbtsyth County to William T. and Qara James Howard. Me . was a gradate of Davic County High School and attended Forsytb Tochnlcd Instltuto. Ho was a member of BetluenemUnited MeUsodlst Church. He was employed by Prince Gardner Co. ns n ades represcn- *^SuSivittg aro^Wa wife, Kristin Idarklond Howard, of the homo: his mother, Rt. 1, ono slater, Mrs. Ray F. (pot) i Sparks, Rt. 1, Advance} Ihrw1 Mers, Hohert Howard, pirldlh. Bihar, India, WiUlam C. Howard. Wlnsion-Salom and JawM C. Howard, Advance and a numter of 1 nieces and nephews. Memorial i bemsite to Children, c-o Mrs. 1 J,C. Wood, Box 6381, Rit^mond Va. vS > d. j- O I o oO ANNIE M. DVN16AN Annie McCarter Dtmigan, 76, of Harlsoe Ttaller Parts, High Point, died Sunday at High Point Memorial Ho^tlel. ^e funeral was hdd Tuesday at Mitchell's Grove United Methi^l Qiurch with the Rev. Brvln Houser end the Rev. Dan Abematby of> fleeting. Burial was lii the Floral Gardens Pork Cemetery. Bom July !6, 1867, in Davie county, a dau^ter of William and Beidah EUla McCarter, she was a retired employee cfHaltom Hosiery Miil. A member M MitchOIl's Grove United Methodist Church, she wag a member of the WSCS Society and the Ladies Bible Class. Her husband, Oarles Walter Dunlgan, ded in 1671. Survivors, in addition to her son, includo six daughters, Bevtlah Stanley, Evelyn Caehatt, Geraldlne Bingham and Lmia Vestal, alt of Point. Vl^ Yates of Granite ^tfttryAfltsBfittarciItaycf THniiyj four sisten, Viola CMahan of High Folnl,EvaLee Loitry and Ludlle GOmer. both of Aithdale, end Katherine Speaks of ClemmoosL two bmthen Ernest MeCerter of GreendMro and Roy MeCkrttt of Hi^ ENtlnt; 16 gnuidchildren} and seven great-granddtildren. Q^^vio COUl"!' ;' } V": "'xGV , p, ] 'hixrv I 8AM W. LAiniAM Samuel Wilson Latlmro, 57, a Davie County native and a graduate of Catawba College, now Of Vlcksvbug Lane, Durham, died "Thursday afternoon nt Duke Hospital after being in d«jllnlng hoaUh for some lime. The tuneral wUi bo 1 p.m. on Saturday at • dements Funeral Home Chapm In Durham conducted by the Rev. ^he¥am]f§'vrfU be at the funeral home from? to 9, Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Bom Jon. 17, 1927, in Davie Cminiy, he was a sen of Bessie Bew Latham of Salisbury Street, MocksviUe, and the late S.R. Latham. He was plant superin tendent of Athol Manufacturing Co. in Burner. , ^ , Survivors, In addition to his moAer, Include bis w^lfe, June Morhlln Latham, a daughter, Terri. Gunter of Durham; a son, David W. Latham RoldBh} two slslcra. EthOl Shore of Mocksvlllo and Nancy Benson of Chortelte;. Two brothers, Jamee Latham oi Poyeltcvlllo and Robert Latham of Doyton, Ohio; and one grandchild. C.ObituariesMRS. LILLY BARNESMrs. Lilly Mclntyre Barnes. 84.Number 12 Cross St.. Cooleemee.died Saturday at Rowan MemorialHospital in Salisbury.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Chapel inMocksvilleby the Rev. Qyde Settle.Burial was in Legion MemorialPars.Mrs. Barnes was born in Rowan.County to the late Sandy andMaggie Walton .Mclntyre. Herhusband. John Barnes, precededher in death in 196!>Surviving are six daughters. Mrs.-Maggie Carter, Mrs. MargieLowery and Mrs. Anne Cranfill. allof Mocksville. Mrs. FlorenceTrexler, and Mrs. Louise Black-wood. both of Cooleemee and Mi^Irene Eubanks. Kannapolis; »grandchildren; 22 great grandchildren; two great great grmd-chUdren and two half sisters.Esther Peacock and Mrs. EvaBurris. both of SUtesville.f MRS. BLONOEE PLUNKETTMrs. Blondee Taylor Plunkett. 59,Rt.4, Advance, widow of Henry CoyPlunkett. died Saturday morning atOavie Counoy/" Hospital in.Mocksville. „ jThe funeral was held at RedlandPentecostal Holiness Church by theRev. Don Sigmon. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVILLE, NODAVIE COU^ ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSpAY.'JUNE 28;^984Mrs. Plunkett was bom in Floyd,Va. to Zachariah- and Pearl LightTaylor.ae had worked 13 years for R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Co. Mrs.Plunkett was later employed by>Western Electric, retiring in 1980^with 25 years of service.ae was a member of RedlandPentecostal Holiness Churdi.Surviving are three nieces, Mrs.Richard Grogan, Winston-Salem,Mrs. David Venn. Cantonment, Fla.and Miss Cindy Taylor. Melbourne,Fla. and four nephews. Kim Hannerof the home. William Hanner. PilotMountain, Frank Hanner,Columbus, Ga. and-Dick Taylor,"^Melbourne, Fla.^ ROBERT E. GRIFFEY'.Robert E. Griffey, 63. diedWednesday in the Baptist Hospitpl. „Winston-Salen>. .N'.CSurvivors inciude: his wife. Mrs. fMinnie Hayden Griffe}. wf.Rtr'4;fMocksville; three sonJ Har jy'ti.Griffey and Thomas E. Gri^ey; t-both of Mocksville. and Patri/f R.Griffey. Rural Retreat. Va.; one'ridpughter, Mrs. Polly Bunker,''Mocksville; three brothers. Jay .Griffey, Bel Air, Md.. John HenryGriffey, Marion, Va.. and James-.iGriffey. Delta. Pa.; three sistecsv«iMrs. .N'anoie.< Belle'Fouse, Bel,iMi:;:-(Md.. .Mrsji^artha Roark. SaKville, jand Mrs.'Blla^ Farmer,.. Glade-jSpring, Va.; liinegrmdchildren andthree great-grandchildren. ■_Henderson Funeral Home was in 'charge and the burial was at Mt.Pleasant Cemetery in Saltville, Va..OavwCaPuMctftrary^orksvilie. v r