Jul - Dec-17. /7/3.. HOWARD FRED CARTERHoward Fred Carter Sr.. 79,HowardiownRd.. Box 600. Smith• Grove Community. Ri. .3,Mocksville. died Saturday morningat Davie County Hospital inMocksville.The funeral was held Mondav atDulin United Methodist Church.Burial was in the church cemeterv.Mr. Carter was bom in Davie. County 10 Burt L. and Alice HowardCarter and had lived all his life inDavie County in the Smith GroveCommunity.He retired from Heritage Furniture Co. in 1968 after 16 years ofservice.He had worked at the Hanes plantat Bixby for 13 years and was amember of Dulin United MethodistChurch.Surviving are his wife. MrsDema Bowles Carter of the home;two daughters. Miss Patsv S. Carterof the home and Mrs. Philip (Janet)Hunolt. Rt. 3. Mocksville: two sonsHoward F. Carter Jr. and Randy C.Carter, both of the home: two• granddaughters. Miss Iris DawnCarter and Miss Monica AnneHunolt and one sister, Mrs. G.C.(Delia) McDaniel.' OLA MAE ESSICKrfiS M®®„E8s»ck. 86, of Route 7.n ^2?. z Manor NursingOmter in Salisbury Monday niSitwS® ^ at 3 PniFuneralconducted by the RevEtooald Denning. Burial will followw Victory Baptist Churchoraentary in Davidson Coiui??cJSS Sfj- "96. in Stokes®''® a daughter (rf the■?!?!?'»»«« s?pptited in 1956.Surviwre include two stepsonsEtaw Essick of Lexingto) and FoyiNm Whitt of RL 7, Mocksville,^^dsweral other nieces and1),'(fvv I e. EDWARD FRANKLIN POTTSEdward Franklin Potts, 50. of 5941Old Rural Hall Road, Winston-MJem, N.C. was dead on arrival atN.C. Baptist Hospital, Sunday, July3. He had been in declining healthfor 4'^. years.He was bora in Advance, N.C tothe late Eugene Potts: and Mrs. 11aVirginia Plott Potts, who survives.Mr. Potts was an emplovee ofHanes Hosiery Mills for 2.3>.. yearsIn recent years he was self employed. He was a member of Advance United Methodist ChurchSurviving other than his motherare; a daughter. Mrs. Debbie JanePotts Hege of Advance, N.C.: abrother, Archie Lee Potts of Kan-napoli^ N.C.: three sisters. Mrs.Stella Potts Frye of Advance. MrsRuby Potts Gulledge of Kannapolisand Mrs. Mary Sue Barrier ofCanada.Funeral services will be held atH!®,i Memorv ChapelWalkertown: Thursday at 3 pmEntombment will foUow in themausoleum.The family will receive friends atVogler s Funeral Home. ReynoldsRoad. Winston-Salem, N CWednesday evening from 7 until 9'OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYmocksville, nc • CHRISTINA E, SANDERS Graveside services for tnfanl Chnslina Elizabeih Sanders were held Wednesday. June 29. al Sr.io p.m. al Clarksbury Unilcd Methodisi Church cemclery in pnvio Cnimly, with the ReveVend Don Harris officialing. The baby was born Tuesday. June 27. al Forsylh Memorial Hospital in Winston-Saiem, N.C. to Christine Woolen Sanders and Henry Mack Sanders Jr of 6l>7 Sanford Avenue Mocksvillc. Aso surviving are paternal grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Ilenrv M Sanders, Sr., Mrs. Bessie San ders and Mrs. Daisy Sanders all of ID. f). Morksvilic; malornal giandparenl.s. Mr.s. Agnus Woolen and Mrs. Annie K Woolen, both of Rl. I. narinony. N C CHARLES r. POTTS Charles Franklin Polls, 92 Rl |Mocksville. died al his home ."Sun day. July .1. iflar Funeral services were conduclcd M 2 p.m. Tuesday al Ealon's r iinerai Hf)mc in Mocksville by the Rev. Jack Johnson and the Rev Harold T Reeves Burial followed in Rear Creek Baptist Church cemetery. Grandsons were pallbearers. Mr. Polls was born in Davic County to the late Pies Jackson and Eliza Ann Shcels Polls. He was a retired farmer and carpenter. Mis wife. Bessie Brown Polls, prceeeded him in death oti Si-plcnibcr 27, l!)7!i Surviving are si.* daughlers. Mrs Siclla York. Rl. i. Advance. Mrs Delia Johnson. Rl |, Harmony, Mrs. Rosa Lee Hendricks. Mrs Annie Bell DrMarl. Mrs. Jane! Roger and Mrs. Mary Ireland, all of Rl. li. Mocksville; two sons. Junle * F Polls. Rl. 2, Harmony and Rohic A. Polls, Slalesville. 29 grandchildren; ;ii) great grand children and two brolhers, Jesse M. Polls, Mocksville and Tom Polls Harinony. • MILS, MATTIE BARNEY •Mrs. Mallie Hcndrix Barnrv, an of Mocksville. Route dirj aVhcr home early last Thursday morning. .Junr' .10. She was prec<'ded in death by her husband of r>4 years. (Icorge Andi'fson Barnev. on December •>i l!)li2. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. .Saturday aflernof)ti at Cor" naizer Baptist Church. The Rev Elmer Dnv, the Rev. Eugene " Goodman and Eider Paigenc Benneti officialcd. Hymns were sung hy the Rev. and Mr.s, B. A, CatToll and iheHev. and Mrs David Maynard (Mrs. Mavtiar<l is a pramldaupluer of Mfs Barnevi. Iiiiennenl was in Ihc Cornalzer Bapiisl Church ceriielery. Mrs. Barney was Iwirn in Davie Crniniv lo (ho laic Lewis S. and Ava Jane Foster Hendri.x and was a meniher i)f Cornalzer Baptist Church. Surviving are five (laughters. Mis. Brady R. Barnev ami Mrs. Norinaii Sinilli, hoih iif Rrntle :i Mock.sville; Mrs. Rill Shoaf. Route It. Mocksville; Mi.s.s Clara Baraey aiiil Miss Ava Barney, both of the home; two sons: Paid R. Barney, Route I. Advance, and Calvin S Barney, Rnule X Mocksville; i.ne hfoiher RIson Hentlri.* of Mm ksv ille. .Surviving are eleven grand children- Michael Barney, Stephen Rarnev, Marcia B. Pcriman Lanelie I.agtc. Tena Barney, Dwayiie Smith, Shanda Jeffries • Vanessa Carter, Taran Smith" Berila Maynard and Farren Shoaf. Surviving are eight great-grand children: Kami I.ynn Periman; Ryan, Shawn and Tracy Barney; Brad and Kendra Lagle; Clayton and Nathan Maynard. Bp^RlS A. DAY Funeral services for Burris A.pay, 79. (if Biaekstone Va, and formerly of Mocksville were held at •L2i» p.m. .June 29 al Temple Hill Mcihoilisi Church in Ronda N.C. by die Rev, Creg Fi cemnn. Bin lal was m die church ccnielerv. Mr. Day died June 2r, at Medical 1 nllegeuf \Yrginia Hospital in Rich- I'toMd. \'a. after a long il|„css. He ua.s born in Wilkes Cnimlv Augiisi 20, i!nn r„ victor and Etta •olemari Day. Ho was a former 'erHlier and fanner. He retired ^ li oni public work at Hie age of ?• as ;"-ar(Kmier He was a member of D-niple Hill MrHiodisl Church He u'lended Duke I'niversiiv and Aiipalachran Tcaclicrs t 'oMcge. j .^itrvii im; are daughlers. Ami D Sinner 111 (•iMi lotie and Rrcnda D. larpcnf Mncksvillc; a son. Billv R. Day of Frcdericksburg, Va - sisicrs. Valera Roberts and Bernlce Luffman. both of Elkin NC- brolhers V.M. Day and Cnptnin C Day, both of Ronda and Palmer Dav' 'If Blaekshurg. Va.. and fonV grandeliildren. ' ETHYL D, CORRELL Ethyl Daniel Correll. 80. of Route 4. Mocksville, died in her hoirW" Monday night. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. in Liberty United Methodist Church, with the Rev. 1' Phillip Cole officiating. Burial wlli be in ghe church cemetery. The family will receive friends Wednesday night frnm 7 to 9 at Eaton's Funeral Home. She was born Sept. 8, 1902. In Davie County, to the late Chastin i and Alice Sutton Dariiel. She was - a member of Liberty United ~ Methodist Church. Her husband - George Cnrrell Sr , died Fob 24 - 1975. n ^ She is survived by one daughter. -< Rebecca Louise Durham, of Route r- 4^; four sons. Ed Correll. Gene 2 Correll and Fred Correll. all of rr Route 4; and George Correll of 2 Route 2. Advance; one sister, Betsy ^ Windsor of Arlington Va • 21 '-o grandchildren. 28 great-children. and three great-great- ? grandchildren. •i,.U t.(0. I t 'lilii.- i H'c.r- Mocksvlile, N, C, oavie CO. public ubrary mocksville, NC !0B - DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD THURSDAY. JULY 14 1983Area Obituaries. ' MARY H. GRAVES l/Mary Hunt Graves. 96. died at.\utumn Care Convalescent Centerin Mocksville last Wednesday. July.■\ graveside service «as held at 4p.m. last Thursday in Rose'enietery at .Mocksville conducted ^hv the Rev. George-Auman. pasjor ■itf First United MetRotiisl Church..Mocksville.Born Sept. 16. 1887. in Davie*-~Couj»ty. sh£..was a daughter of ]helate Ernest E. and Alice Rose Hiint.She was a member of the FirstUnited Methodist Church of.Mocksville. Her husband. Harley P.Graves Sr.. died in 1966.Survivors include a son. Harley P.Graves Jr. of Clemmohs: a sister..Alverta Lasley formerly ofLewisville,now of Greensboro: and--'rtJS granddaughters:. * * .HARVEY CAPEFuneral services for Harvey Capeof Rt. 4 .Mocksville. N C. were heldSunday at 4 p.m. at Pleasant ViewBaptist Church in Ircdell County.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Mr. Cape died Friday, July 8, at..Autumn Care .Nursing • Home inMocksville, N.C.He was Dom iift^akton. Georgia.April 2, 1890 to the late Jon'n'MSSellCape and .Mary Bryant Cape. Hew^jis a retired farmer.Mr. Cape was ifTaMTdfl lb lite lateEssie Manley - Cape, whoproceeded him in death in I97S.Survivors include a son. &edCape of Statesville. N.(V; adaughter. Mrs. Callie Goforth of Rt.7. .Mocksville: a stepson. FrankBrown of Rt. 1. .Mocksville: and abrother. Parker Caoft, of Rt. 1_Statesville. N.C. ^P'jblic LtofvOftVlE CO. PUBUC OBRAR'^y/lOCKSVlU-Ej >0B - DAVi£ COUNTY CNTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY :i. 1983V • WILLIA.M jr. DIVJNSWilliam liubcrl Bivms T6 ofCo^eemec died Saturday morningat Ills home on Midway StreetThe funeral was held Monday atEaions Funeral Home Chapel..MtxksvilJc. rondueicd bv ihe Rev.Phillip Cole. Burial was'in LibertyI nijcd bfcihodist Church cemeteryBorn Jan. k. i907. in RowanCuMly. he was the son of the iaiew.H. and Sarah Etlsaboih SafiilBivifts. He was retired from Deliainread Company, and was aveteran of World War II.Siirvtving arc a number of niecesand a iicphcnv.Obituaries•V^IISS RlTIl IRENE WROTENMiss Ruth Irene Wrolen. ai. of 249Wilkcsboro Street. .Mocksville. N.C,■lied Tuesday morning at MediraiPark Hospital in Winston^lem..\C.Sill- had been in declining healthfur twelve years..'Survivors include four sisters,Mrs Hilda Hmtz of Mncksville:Mrs. Edgar .Melzer of Baltimore..Md-. .Mrs Luuise West of Salisbury.Maryland and Mrs. Dorothy Hemp"f Kissimee. Florida; I brother.Philip Wrolen of Dallas. Te.ias.The family is receiving fritiids al-he home of Mrs. Hilda Rinlj at TOttiarnw Sircci. .Mocksvillc.(iruvesidc services wilt be held atIII a.m. Frldoy. July 22. at SunnyRidge .Memorial Park In Crisfield...Maryland.Hayworlh .Miller ofWinslon-Salem:» in charge of -he arrangements.UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, July 21,1983John Lloyd RichardsonRICHARDSON^fHARMONY ~ Mr. JohnMoyd Richarilson, 5>2, Sheffield Rd., died Thursday athis home. He was bom July17,1931 In Iredell County toThomas Munsey and Naomi Reeves Richardson. Hewas an employee of Veter-' aiis Grease and Tallow Co^Surviving are one brother^ Vance Richardson, Ralclgf■^and five sisters. Mrs. JacID. (Lorene) Barker. States■- vilte. Mrs. Janet Poole' Greensboro. Mrs. Bill (Helen) BuUa. Charlotte, Mrsi' Alvin (Wanda) SulphinWinston-Salem and Mre? Jimmy (Grances) MattoxJacksonville. Fla. Funera' services will be 11 a.m. to*1' day at New Union Unitet1 Methodist Church will1 burial in the church cemetcrv. Memorials may btmade to New Union Unitec^ V Methodist Church.Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA t oMK to. WMf I?®®'MOCKSVIU-E. noObituaries/ ^ H. WADE HUTCHENSReverend Howard Wade Hul-chens. 81. Rt. 8. Angell Road,Mocksville died at his homeThursday afternoon.The funerai was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel byihe Rev. W.E. Pettit and the Rev.Donald Funderburke. Burial was inEaton's Baptist Church cemetery.Reverend Hutchens was born inDavie County to the late Boone andMary Beck Hutchens. He was aretired Baptist minister and hadpastured several churches in theDavie County area.He was a member of Eaton'sBaptist Church.Surviving are his wife. IreneBaity Hutchens of the home; oneson. Howard W. Hutchens. Rt. 4..Mocksville: one stepson. HoltHowell. Rt. 2. Advance: threegrandchildren; two sisters. Mrs.Mae Wallace. Rt. 6. Mocksville andMrs. Annie Baity. Rt. 8. .Mocksvilleand two brothers. Jesse Hutchens.Rt. 8, .Mocksville and Burton Hutchens. Yadkinville.K ROY RICHARD BECKRoy Richard Beck. 79. of 418 E.Fisher St. Salisbury, died at 6:45a.m. Thursday at his home. He hadbeen in declining health for the pastlive years, but death was unexpected.Tlie funeral was held Saturday inthe Summerseti Memorial Chapelconducted by the Rev. TomRoberts, associate pastor of theFirst Baptist Church of Salisbury.Burial was in Rowan ^^morialPark. ^Born Sept. 18. 1903. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late JohnWesley and Annie Ridenhour Beck.He was educated in the RowanCounty schools, and, before hisretirement in 1969. was associatedfor 38 years with the transportationdepartment of the Postal Service.He was also a member of the FirstBaptist Church.Survivors include four sisters.Bessie Hartman. 601 Faith Road,Mattie R. Beck and Pearl B. Eury.both of ihe home, and AmandaVickers of Route 4. Mocksville.{/ BOBBY C. SHELLBobby Carroll Shell. 45. CentralTelephone group supervisor fornetwork and switching in theMocksville area, was killed in anautomobile accident shortly afternoon Saturday.Shell was traveling on U.S. 64-70.about two miles east of Hickory,when he lost control of his vehicleand skidded into two trees. He wasiransported to Catawba MemorialHospital where he died of massivehead injuries.Shell, a resident of CatawbaCounty, was employed by Centel for26 years. The funeral was held at2:00 p.m. Tuesday at the RedeemedLutheran Church in Catawba.Burial was in the Catawba UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Survivors include his wife. Pat: ason. Johnny Carroll: a daughter.Mrs. Jeff (CindyI Higgins ofHawaii: and his father. GarlandBudd Shell of Hickory.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.THURSDAY. JULY 28. W83 -iMe. ^c\ll DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE, Thursday, August 4,1983 - 9BMRS. DORA GENTRYMrs. Dora Eslellc White ticniry,80, Raymond Street, died nt AuluninCare Convalescent Center Mondaynighi.Funeral services will be held at 2p.m., Thursday at Eaton's Funeralliumc Chapel by Dr. Julian Lind>say. Burial will follow in Mt. TaborUnited Methodist Church Ccraelcry,Rockingham County.Mrs. Gentry was born SeptemberII, 1893, in Rockingham County tothe late Jolin J. and Sallic JenningsWhite, llcr husband, the Rev. J. C.Gentry preceded her in death in1079.Mrs. Genii? wa.<; a member nfCentenary United Methodist Churchin Winston-Salcm.Surviving arc three daughters,Mrs. Grady McClamrock, Sr., 111. G,Mocksvlllc, Mrs. GarrcR Anglin,nrunvillc, N.C. and Mrs. JohnCarter, Knoxville, Tcnn.; two sons,II. W. Gentry and John W. Gentry,both of Miami, Fia.; two sisters,Mrs. Gladys Hulchcrson, Winston-Salcm and Mrs. Bessie Adams, NewPort News. Va.: II grandchildrenand 13 grcat-grnndchildren.The mmily requests memorialsmade to the Rev. J. C. GentryScholarship Fund, c-o Mrs. GradyMcClamrock, Sr., Rl. 6, Mocksvillc.L-UAhTHOnSl^e "Dao" Potia, 83, formerlyl^te 3, ftied lale .hily 28tb atCoavalesceoi Oeoterin UocksviUe. where he had been aresitotsfoceim He had been indcwnliH health for several yeaisand Berioualy 111 for live weetaThe funeral washdd Thureday ai&tim^ Fluteral Home Chapel in.Moduvllle with Elder Bruceand the Rev. Marloi Fhlk"'^^^..Burlal was in Adveneeunit^ Methodist Chureb centeleryBomF^. 11,1900,in the Advaswoonwunlly, be was a son of the lateArclue Andrew and Ellaabeib JaneWltonPoUs. BehadUved^en^iUe la (he Advance communi^ end^ a member of Advance Unitedh^hodist Church. He was a sawmill worker and a retired farmer.Sbrvivets Include a stsler, ReateJane P. Spiy of Advance; and anumber of nieces and n^hews. ^WALTER B. WII,SON ^Walter Bybum Wilson, so. Route7, died Friday evening in the DavieCtimly Hos^al. He had beenserioisly 10 for three weeks.The funeral was held Sunday atI4berty United Methodist Churchwith the Rev. J. C. Unc and theRev. David Hyde offidalins. Burialwas in the ch^h cemct^.Son of the late Robert L. and IdaDctmls Wllsan, he was bom April 3,WM. to Forsylh Counly. He was aretired catdoet maker and wassuperintendent of the LibertyUnited Methodist Church SundayScfxMb for mony years.Survtoors Include his wife, EllaMargaret Gobard Wlbon of thehoine;.rotu- daughters, Ruby Piperand Erfcne Roberts, both of Route 7,Nellie Angel} of Route 6 and EthelPdand of Lake Ontorio, Hid).: asister, Ethel Bringie of Spar-tanbur8,S.C.: lOgrandchildtenaml |four grcat-grandcfaUdrea. !llltADY NORMAN McDANlEL'Memorial services for BradyNorman McDanlel, 42. of 13Ctoverdale Road, N Cwere held Saturday. J^lo, at 2p.ni. at llalllag HetgiiJa ^ptistauirch to Leatogton. The Rev.Wayne Sechrest was oflldailnamtolsler.Mr. McDanlef died Tinusday,Ally 28 at Ledngton MemorialHo8|)itQl after an illness of ma year.He was born In Davto CountyAugust 7, 1940, to the late Ctarei^Jackson McDanid; and MSdie^Howard McDanlel oif Advance,N.C., who survives.He was ero^o^ as a simervisorfor Baker FhnUtare fiMnpany ofMocksvlllc, N.C.; and was aQnipch, v^ere be saved w adeacon and church treasurerSurviving are his wlfe^Uutchtos McOonid of the bcme:two daughters, Mrs. 'D^rabMcDanlel Cooper of rl 14,^ngton, N.C.. and Mrs. CathyMc^lel of 413 WcGt Tih AvS,LesinglOD, na:.In lieu of (lowers, memorials maybe made to the Rolling HdffhtsBaptist Churd), I^^dngton, NX!.JAMES STEPHEN OWENS •Funeral services (or JamesStephen Owens, 82, of Route 3,Lmdngtoo, N.C. were held at 4 p.ro.Tluirmlay at Voglers-Piedmontftmeral Home ftoapel by theReverend Everett Plffl. Burial(oUowed In Cherry Hm LutheranChtircb cemetery In HocksvUte.Ito died Ttiesday, July 88,1983, atLexington Mmnmlal Ifoapllal.He was a MethMhst; and a reliree(ran Hoover Chair Cmnpaay ofLexingtoai, N.C.Hewas been June29,1901 to DavIeCounly.He was maided to Sadie CorrcllOwens, who preceded Idm to death101974.Survivors are three sons, CharlieA. Owens and James "Sam" Owens,both of Rt S. Lexington, N.C. andMarvin C. Owens,- of RL SiLexington: a daughter, Mrs. Vlr^Leonard a RL IB, Lexington; twobrothers. Robert Owens and SamOwens, bofl) of RL 8, Lexington; endiliree sistors. Hie. UlUan Wagonerof RL S, Lexington; Mrs. PoOySnider of ^lencer, N.C.; and Bin.Bertha Banes of RL l, Ltowood,N.C.MARYL.B0tSONMary Luna Benson, 74, of Route I,Clevetond, died at 10:30 a.m. Fridayat Rowan Manorial Hosidtal, wheres^had ben a patient three weeks.The funeral was held Sunday atthe Lyerly Funeral Home ChaMi toSaUsbury with the Rev. S. T. JoneseWh'tiiMfig, Burial was in the ThirdCreek Presbyterian Churchcemelery.Bon Aug. 5, 1908, in DavIeOnmty, die was a dau^ter of thelate JdmV^ and Mary JoseitotoeSaunitors Sato. Sbo was retiredfrom a Salisbury bakery and amember of MocksvUIe BaptistChurdi.Survivors, to addiUon to the son,iroltuto iter husband, Barney A.Benson of the home; three oOmsons, Charlie B^ison of ChinaGrove, Dtmnio Benson of Route Iand Larry Benson of Salisbury; adaii^ter, Mrs. Uovd llartxog of SLGec^e, S.C.: a brother, GeorgeSato of MocksvUIe; two sisters,■Mrs. D. C. Safril of StalesvHle aidMrs. M- C. Fiermosca of Statcm,bland, N.Y.; nine grandchildren'and 10 great-ffandchUdren.Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA g/Bob FosterNCy /9/5Robert Lee 'Bob) Foster. 73. of763 VadkinviUe Road, died Tuesdaymorning at the Davie CountyHospital following a long illness.The funeral will be conductedThursday at 11 a.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel. Burial will be inTurrentine Baptist Churchcemetery. The family will be at thefuneral home Wednesday from 7 to 9p.m.He was born in the Farmingtonsection on June 15. 1910, son ofJames-Robert and Carrie BassettFoster. He was owner of FosterShell Service of the YadkinvilleRoad, a member of the FarmingtonUnited Methodist Church, thei Veterans of Foreign Wars. He was aI veteran of World War II section: action in the South Pacific.His first wife. Sue DeadmonFoster died July 3, 1970. Survivorsinclude his second wife. BeulahBoger Foster; a son. Dr. Bob .M.Foster of MocksviUe; a sister. .MaePhelps of Rt. 4. Mocksville; abrother, John Frank Foster ofHomestead. Fla.; and three grandchildren.JOB FOSTERHe was a man in love with his work. He feit an enthusiasm for it,which in the words of William Dean Howeils—"enthusiasm-for whichnothing but the work we can do well inspires in us."For 35 years Robert Lee Foster, known to his many friends as Bob.operated a Shell oil dealership combined with a grocery store next tohis home on the Yadkinville Highway. During these years he not onlygave top personal care and service "to ail vehicles entrusted to him—but. as one person observed upon hearing of his death Tuesday morning:"Bob Foster was a man that would go out of his way to be a friend—togivetheshirtoff his back. He put more groceries on tables of peoplein need than you could write a book about—and he did it without asecond thought about whether or not he would ever receive any pay—and probably in meet cases didn't."A veteran of World War II (1943-1946) he participated in theliberatim of New Guinea, the Phillipines, and other areas of the SouthPacific. He was the recipient of three Bronze Stars, the VictoryMedal, and the Good Conduct Medal.He returned home in 1946 to his wife, the former Sue ElizabethDeadmon, and a teenage son in his final years of high school.He buUt his place of business beside his home and put in long, hardhours SIX days each week. Working after school and on Saturdays, hisson made it a joint effort.Bob and Sue Elizabeth Deadmon. who were married on ChristmasEve in 1931. had only one child. This son wanted to become a doctor.The devoted parents were determined he would have the chance. Hedid—receiving his medical degree from the Bowman Gray School ofMedicine with the highest grade average ever recorded at that schoolat that lime.There was a closeness in this family that many such parentalrelationships do not experience. Following the death of the mother onJuly 3.1970. the close affinity continued between father and son.On October 16, 1971 Bob Foster, with his son's blessing marriedBeuJah Boger who became not only a wife, but a constant companitmin his business operations.In 1960 Bob Foster built a greenhouse and started raising plants andflowers as a hobby. By 1965 this had become a business sideline andBob Foster became known as the man with a "green thumb." Hisyard was always a showplace, well manicured with an abundance ofpretty flowers.Count Bismarck once observeo:"A really good man is known by three signs—generosity in design,humanity in execudm, moderation In success."And Wordsworth once said:"The best portions cf a good man's life is his little nameless, andoften unremembered acts of kindness and love."This was Bob Foster.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NO ' ^0| f/ ELIZABETH ANNE FOSTER'The funeral for Elizabeth AnneFoster of "246 Warrior Trail. Indianapolis. Ind. will be held at lla.m. Thursday in Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksville with theRev. Phillip Cole officiating. Burialwill be in Concord United MethodistChurch cemetery in Da vie County.The family will be at the funeralhome on Wednesday night from 7 to9.Memorials may be made to'Concord United .Methodist ChurchCemetery Fund, in care of JaneCrotts. Route 4. Mocksville. N.C.27028.Born April 12, 1951. in RowanCounty, she was a daughter ofMinnie Daniel Foster of 34 DavieSt.. Cooleemee. and the late Henry"Bud" Foster. She was a landscapedesigner for the Eagle Creek.Nursery in Indianapolis. Ind.. and 'was a member of Cooleemee FirstBaptist Church. She had lived inIndianapolis for the past nine years.'Her mother was the only immediate survivor.•Miss Foster. 32. died of naturalcauses Sunday at St. Vincent'sHospital in Indianapolis.RALPH T. OWENS •Ralph Theodore Owens. 76, formerly of Route 4. di^ early'Tuesday morning at the Yadkin-Nursing Center in Yadkinville.The funeral will be at 2 p.m.vThursday in Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel by the Rev. J. D. Revis.Burial will be in Rowan MemorialPark cemetery.The family will be at the funeral •home Wednesday night from 7 to 9.Born Oct. 4. 1906. in DavidsonCounty, he was a son of the late.Walter Lee and Lula Mae Owens.He was a retired textile employee.His wife. Leota Campbell Owens,died February 4. 1979.Survivors include a son. Mason B.Owens of Route 4. .Mocksville; asister. Wilma Owens of Spencer; abrother. Delmer Owens ofCooleemee; and one grandson.QAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARyMOCKSViae. NOenterprise record. THURSDAY. AUGUST 11.1983 3CArea Obituaries^ O ATHEY>!• ?■ T 'Tom) Athev. 61, 48Iwrne '"' ' 3rd'at hisThe funeral was held Saturday atEaton s Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. J^D. Revis. Mr. Jaifira Hi <>eason.MemorialPark Cemetery in Salisbury.Mr. .\ihey was born in Davieounty to .Mollie Creason Athey andthe late Hoy Athey.in^M BurlingtonIndustries for 44 years and was aveteran of World War II havingserved in the U.S. Army.Surviving, in addition to hisinoiher of Cooleemee, are threesisters. .Mrs. Earlene Page and MrsUazel Stiller, both of Cooleemee andMrs. Jean Phelps. Salisburv; three^™''|®" BinA!hey.Rt..3. AdvanSand Jack and Robert Athey. both ofCooleemee.V.S. CARTER SR.Vamer Sidney Carter. Sr.. 77. ofWatt Street, died Sunday nightat Hillhaven Sunnybrook Convalescent Home in Raleigh.The funeral will be ll a.m.Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksville with theRev. J.D. Revis officiating. Burialwill be in Legion Memorial Park.Memorials may be made to thebuilding fund at CooleemeePresbyterian Church.Bom Aug. 25. 1905, in RowanCounty, he was a son of the lateCharles T. and Dorcas LyerlyCarter. He was retired fromBurlington Mills and was a veteranof World War 11. His wife, GenevaJosey Carter, died April 1, 1981.Survivors include a son. V. SidneyCarter Jr. of Raleigh; and a sister,Lillian Goodman of CooleemeeBALPH HOLTONdied Sunday Augi?,^'Sriss::Methodist Church. ^ SpringsHe is survived bv his wif- ,k • iformer Grace Wa^rU ®'John W. Holton of 'daughters v!« °V'^ors^nton; twochildren ~ ^^nd-O.Sfs'ervTiS'ffJ'W'iW.Pni. Tuesday 'Home Chaoel in Funeral :followed in^urlfP Burial 'For those Who ® J o""""""U'oy be made • ,"'®'PorialsSprings. Connelly-V,^ DOCK ROUSSEAUWilliam "Dock" Jacabmas.Rousseau. 71. of 2715 .Murdoch^Road, Statesville, NC, died at 7:55 ip.m. Sunday at his home after being-jin declining health for seven monthsand seriously iU for three weeks.Bom Sept. 18. 1911. in RowanCounty, he was a son of the late iHenry and Julia Ann MontgomeryRousseau. He was educated in theRowan County schools, was retiredfrom Bamhardt Fumiture Company of Statesville Church of Christ.Survivors include five sons.James Rousseau of New Brunswick,•NJ. Walter Rousseau of Statesville, 'William Rousseau of Mocksville.Amuel Rousseau of Burnsville and •Bobby Dale Rousseau of Woodleaf;five daughters, Viola R. Shanks of.Cooleemee, Veola Rousseau ofSalisbury, Shirley Rousseau of New |Brunswick, NJ, Julia Neal Kendall tof Greensboro and Georgia Ann 'Rousseau of Woodleaf.Four brothers, Pressley Rousseau iof Roanoke, VA, Richard Rousseau ;of Washington, DC, ClarenceRousseau of Washington , DC,Clarence Rousseau of .New York,NY, and William "Bill" Rousseau ofSalisbury; four sisters. EdithIjames of Cooleemee. Rosa LeeBrown of Washington . DC, MaryWhilaker of Greensboro, and Pearl •Chambers of Salisbury; 13 grandchildren; and seven greatgrandchildren.Funeral services will be held at 4p.m. Thursday, August 11. at Nobleand Kelsey Funeral Home Chapel.The family will receive friendsWednesday evening from 7 p.m.until 9 p.m. at the funeral homechapel. The remainder of the time,the family will be at the home of adaughter. Viola Shanks ofCooleemee. .\'C. UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, August 12, 1983Charlie E. ReeceREECE 72^3YADKINVILLE - Mr.Charlie E. Reece, 86, Rt. 1,died Friday afternoon atForsyth Memorial Hospital. Funeral services willbe 2:30 p.m. Sunday at theMackie-Gentry Funeral iHome Chapel by the Rev.jHarold Smisor and the Re\^Guy Warden, Burial willin Deep Creek Friends,VChurch cemetery. Mr.^Reece was bom in Surry^County to James and Ra-^chel Murphy Reece. He was ^a member of the American SLegion, a veteran of World'5War I and a retired farmer.^/Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Toy Willard Reece of the 3home; one daughter. Mrs"!^Patsy Branch, Mocksville: ^six sons. Jack Reece. Kan-^napolis. Fred J. and Bill iReece, both of Yadkinville, \JJames C. Reece, Advance ^and David and Donald^Reece. both of Boonville; Iflftzgrandchildren and sevengreat-grandchildren. Th€<>.body is at the Mackie-Gentry Funeral Home wherS^the family will receive afriends from 7 to 9 p.m. toi?night.Bio — Obituaries - 8/12/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OlV/VJixx-mA A.A8 Greensboro Daily Newt, Wed., Aug. 17, 1983ObituariesTOLBERT STROUD JR.Toibert 1. Stroud Jr., 36. of 1916 PeaieTerrace died Tuesday at his home.Funerd will be 2 p.m. Thursday atHanes-Luieberry Vanstory Street Funeral Home. Bunal will be with militaryhonors in Holly Hill Cemetery in Thom-asville.He was a native of Lexington and amortician with Hanes-Lineberiy Funeral Home. He was a first sergeant andwas retired fi^m the L'.S. Army. Heserved in World War II. and the Koreanand Viettuun wars. He was a member ofImmanuel Baptist Church. Revolution^dge No. 532 AF and AM and the Smt-tish Rite Bodies, a charter member ofthe Col. John Sloan Camp No. 12M &nsof Confederate Veterans and a 1949graduate of Eckels College of MortuaryScience in Philadelphia.Surviving are wife. Mrs. Ramona HillStroud; daughter. Mrs. Glen A. (Patricia) England of Fort Campbell. Ky.;sons. James N. Hill, Ronald Y. and Donald T. Stroud of Thomasville; mother,Mrs. Lucille A. Stroud of Richmond,Va.; sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Barnesof Rie^ond; brother, Jacob A. Stroudof Arlington, Texas; six grandchildren.The bmily will be at the funeral home7-9 p.m. today.Memorials may be made to the church.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYM.OCKSVILLEs. ncL»avie U).mnc uyiaf)Mo^itle, N. C. / 0°l'T)L. ®i'g./g. /')2^DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 18.^ OVERT BOWERSWinfield Bowers. 80. of iChurch S(.. Cooleemee. died Fridayaiternoonat ihe VA Medical Centerm Salisbury after an e.xtendedIllness.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton s Funeral Chapel ' inMwksville with the Rev. J.D. Reyisofficiating. Burial was in Rowan.Memorial Park.Bom .May 6.190.1. in Surrv CountyBowers was a son of the late Johnn. and Caroline Roberts Bowers,ife was a retired employee ofBurlington Industries in Cooleemeea veteran of World War I and amember of the First Baptist Churchin Cooleemee.Survivors include his wife. AliceTurrentme Bowers of the home-five daughters; .N'ancy Daniels andbandra Sammons. both ofCooleemee. Janet Snyder of RouteI. Cleveland: .Mary A. Weaver ofrwno Eddings ofChina Grove: three sons. Vernon EBowers of Winston-Salem. HaydenBowers of Route 2, Mocksville andAorman W. Bowers of Route 9- onesister. Essie .McDaniel ofCooleemee: two brothers. Olin andCooleemee:-0 grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren.Area ObituariesMARY FOSTER 'Mary Snyder Foster. 66. of Route4 Mocksville. died at RowanMemorial Hospital Friday nightfollowing a lenthy illness. "The funeral was held Mondav atEaton's Funeral Chapel with'theRev. J.D. Revis and Phillip Coleofficiating. Burial was in ConcordL nited Methodist Church CemeteryBorn .March 22. 1917, in DavieCounty. .Mrs. Foster was a daughterof the late John and Tommie LeeRattz Snyder.Survivors include her husband.John Henry Foster of the home: twodaughters, .\ancy F. Sheek of Route^•Lexington, and Brenda F. Jessupof Winston-Salem: a son, T.sgt. JohnE. Foster of USAF Goldsboro; twosisters. Edna Foster of Route 4.•Mocksville. and Fairy Lee Foster ofRoute 7. .Mocksville: five brothers.J.vy. Snider. John Snider and WalterSnider, all of Cooleemee. PaulSnider and \orman Snider, both ofRoute 4. .Mocksville: and sixgrandchildren.Memorial may be sent to thecemetery funds of Concord UnitedMethodist Church or No CreekPrimitive Baptist Church..MRS. KATE LEAPTROPE -•Mrs.Katherine Kate* SpencerLeaplrope. 8.5. of :10.5 Oakwood St..High Point died at 7 45 p.m.Thursday at Wesley Long Hospitalin Greensboro. She had been indeclining health for three years. Shewas a resident of The EvergreensInc. until her hospitalization twoweeks ago.She was born .May 29. 1898. inRandolph County, a daughter ofL.A. and Lucy Kivett Spencer. Shehad lived in High Point most of herlife and was a member of HavworthMemorial Wesleyan Church Shemarried Paul C. Leaptrope. whodied Dec. 2. 1961.Surviving are two daughters.-Mrs. Ramey iEmily) Kemp of.Mocksville and .Mrs. Don S.vlvia)Briggs of Petersburg. ; one brother.Allen Jay Spencer of .Norfolk.Va.; two sisters. Mrs. Vera Hawk of:50.5 Oakwood St.: five grandchildren: and eight greatgrandchildren.The funeral was held at CumbyChestnut Drive Chapel by the Rev.Wayne Preusz and the Rev TimWilkerson. Burial was in .MarlboroFriends .Meeting Cemetery.O^VIE CO. PUBUC UBRMC'I^/IOCKSVIUL^ NQ' ''0. h 'DiM1983 •^WILLIAM H. ROBERTSON ^Mr. William Henry Robertson, 72Rt .1. Peeples Creek Rd., Advance,N.C.. dt^ shortly after reachingDavie Hospital early Wednesdaymorning, August lo. 198,3.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Friday at Advance BaptistChurch by the Rev. KennethWarner. Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.-Mr. Robertson was born in DavieCounty to the late Tommv andMaggie Cozzens Robertson and wasa retired employee of WesternElectnc. He was a carpenter and amember of Advance BaptistChurch.Mrs. EthelWaller Robertson, of the home: fourdaughters, Mrs. Edera Childress.Winston-Salem. Mrs. LillianMatthews, Mocksville. Mrs. NannieSue Berrier, Rt. i. Linwood andMrs. Csrol Carter, Rt. 4, Advance*five sons. George Henry Robertson',^xington. William H. Robertson.Jr., Winston-Salem: Jerry WayneRobertson, King, Jimmy EugeneRobertson. Rt. 8. Mocksville andGeorge Michael Robertson.Clemmons: 25 grandchildren: 17greatgrandchildren and twobrothers. Anderson and Robert LeeRobertson, both of Rt. 3, Mocksville.^ SARAH ELIZABETHELLISSarah Elizabeth Ellis, infantdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamF. Ellis of Mooresville. died Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ellis isassistant principal at William RDavie School.A memorial service was heldFriday at Tabernacle AssociateReformed Presbyterian Church inMooresville.In addition to her parents, she issurvived by her paternal grandparents. .Mr. and Mrs. Tully G. Ellisof Charlotte: and her maternalpandmother. Rosalind Morton ofLancaster. Pa.-Memorials may be sent to theAmerican Heart Association, 1300Baxter St.. Charlotte 28204 or to theMarch of Dimes. 1616 Central AveCharlotte 28205. LUTHER PEACOCK *Lulher Embers Peacock, 81, of110 Avondale Ave., Winston-Salemdies Friday morning at PorsythMemorial Hospital.He was born September 20, l90l.111 Davie County to Ad and DeliaPeacock.He spent most of his life in For-syth County, was a self employedcontractor and owned and operateda restaurant in Mocksville forseveral years.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Grace Hege Peacock of the home;one son, Baxter 0. Peacock of fhehome; four sisters, Mrs. AnnI.M:klear, Mrs. Rose Reich, Mrs.Katheline Seamon and Mrs. DotPeacock, all of Winston-Salem; fivegrandchildren and six greatgrandchildren.The funeral was held Sunday atI layworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapelwith burial in Concord UnitedMethodist Church cemetery./ EULAH McLEMOREEulah Mae Latham McLemore, 79of Route 2, Mocksville, died August16th at 6:28 p.m. in LexingtonMemorial Hospital in Lexingtonafter being in declining health forseveral years.The funeral was held at Voglers-Piedmont Funeral Home Chapel inLexington conducted by ElderEugene Bennett. Burial was inForest Hill Memorial Park inl^xington.Born May 8, 1905, in RandolphCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Joe and Qrbulah BooneLatham. She was retired fromCannon Mills in Kannapolis and wasa member of Dutchman CreekBaptist Church in Oavie County.Survivors include her husband,Claude Gilbert McLemore of HilltopNursing Home, Lexington; threesons, Joe "Buck" and ErnestMcLemore both of Lexington, andBobby Lewis McLemore ofCharlotte;Six daughters, Mrs. Lawrence(OUie Mae) Bowles of Mocksville,Carrie Lee Nunn of New Bern, Mrs.Allen (Velmer) Daniels of Denton,Claudia Young of West Virginia,Mrs. Otis (Shirley) Kiger and Mrs.Eugene (Betty Lou) Fowler, both ofL,exington; 38 grandchildren; and 30O'eat-grandchildren.JOHN HENRY WRIGHT •John Henry Wright, 81, Rt. 6,Sheffield Community, died Sundayafternoon at his home after anextended illness.The funeral was held Tuesday atNew Union United MethodistChurch by ^e Rev. Hermit Shoaf.Burial was in the church cemetery.Mr. Wright was bom in IredellCounty to Thomas and Julia BoydWright. He was a member of NewUnion United Methodist Church.He was retired from the N. C.Highway Commission.He was married to Minnie HaLunsford, who survives of the home.Also surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Estelle W. Reeves, Harmonyand Mrs. Julia W. Wooten, Rl. 6,Mocksville; one son, the Rev. WadeWright, Lexington; one brother.Jack Wright, Winston-Salem; 13grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.PAUL JAMES HAYESPaul Jaines Hayes, 66, Ri. iAdvance, died Friday morning atnis home after several years ofdeclining health.He was born in Surry County tothe late William Jesse and ZetaVenable Hayes.D® I'ctired employee of theH. Hanes Company and was aWesleyan Churchon Old Salisbury Rd.Monday atFiret Wesleyan Church by the RevDale Johnston, the Rev. BobbyAllred and the Rev. R. oMcAlphine. Interment was inForsyth Memorial Park.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Leona Marion Hayes of the home-two daughters, Mrs. Larry (Unda)McGee, Winston-Salem and Mrs.William (Gaynelle) Collins!Hamptonville; three sons, LarryHayes, Clemmons, Gray Hayes,Advance and Roger Hayes. EastBend; I6 grandchildren; twosisters. Mrs. Mazie Eason andMrs. Maude Lunsford, both ofWinston-Salem and two brothersLacy Hayes, Winston-Salem andHassell Hayes, Clemmons. Abrother, Otis Bob Hayes, precededhim In death.KMRS. LETHiA POTTS idied Monday at Forsyth Hospital.at ^ I'®*'' Wednesdayat Eaton s Funeral Chapel by theRev. R®x Gibbs and the Rev. W. Cwas in AdvanceUnit^ Methodist Church cemetery.Mrs. Potts was the widow of the lateJames Vestal Potts.Surviving are two daughtersEl -Vr"® Kt. 7Mocksville and Mrs. Lilly PottsGaither, Winston-Salem- threesor^. Paul Potts and vSl Po[£®of Rt. 6, Mocksville and EarlyLw Potts, Kernersville; one sisterU- if « ■- • brother, Joe Bundvand I<1 orU' * S^andchildrenand H great-grandchildren.di""-R"by Booe Jarvisf « rT 8''®''' WednesdayRof j A r""®!!®' 'he11 . Dracken and the Rev£ist Ch" ^'hertyJan.is wasbo'JnSeSS?8 Wl6MocitsvH?/- !!^ Barney, Rt. gJa?^is i,'sis.:SlEs.®Eva"SaiVRf?Sin^fii^ Wooten, both of^andsons, Jeff and P. j. fiarneT(/>><mnocm70moo70PHXcso• >_■<>co0^\Vu.uvio Co. Public Lit^faryN. C. 9- A /9^S-ObituariesDAVIE COLN-n ENTERPRISE RECORD. THI RSOAV SEPTEMBER 1,S.G, WALLACE" The funeral for Sidney GastonWallace. 80. Rt, 4. Advance was heldTuesday afternoon at V'ogler'sClemmons Chapel. Masonicgraveside rites followed at theSandy Springs Baptist ChurchCemetery in Iredell County.Mr. Wallace died Saturday nightat the N C. Jewish Home inQemmons.He was bom January 31. 1903 inIredell County to Thomas Gastonand Rosa Lee Arnold Wallace.He graduated from the HarmonyHigh School where he won a medalas the champion debater of IredellCounty. He attended Wake ForestCollege receiving a B.S. degree andwas president of the EuzelianLiterary Society. He received aMaster of Education degree fromthe University of North Carolina inGreensboro.From 1924 to 1929 he taught schoolin Iredell County, he then taught forone year 11929-30) at the CastaliaHigh School in Nash County, From1930 to 1934 he taught in YadkinCounty: 1935-36 he was at Harmony1937-1941 taught at Lewisville inForsyth County and 1942-43 wasprincipal of the Vienna School inForsyth. From 1944-1947 he wasprincipal of the Old RichmondSchool in Forsyth: 1940-1950 wasprincipal of Mineral Springs. In 1951he became principal of the Far-mington School in Davie County,moving to Shady Grove in 1938 asprincipal there. He retired July 1.1968.In his early life he was a memberof the Sandy Springs Baptist Churchand most recently was a member ofthe Clemmons First Baptist Church.He was a former member of theWest Bend Masonic Lodge inLewisville. He was an activemember of the Advance MasonicLodge and the Farmingion-AdvanceEastern Star. He was also a formermember of the Farminglon BaptistChurch where he taught a SundaySchool class.In 1933 he married BlancheBeatrice Jones of Iredell County.There were no children.In addition to his wife, he issurvived by four sisters: Mrs.Bertha Gross of Mocksville; Mrs.Ola Cook of Harmony; Mrs. LacvPegram. Clemmons:' Mrs. Merli'eWilkie of West End. Threebrothers: George and BinkleyWallace, both of Harmony; andLuther Wallace of Rl. fi,.Mocksville.DAVID REAVI9-David Junior Reavis. 57, ofEdgewood Circle Cooleemee wasdead on arrival at Davie CountyHospital early Saturday morning.The funeral was held Monday at 2p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapelwith the Rev. J.D. Revis officiating.Burial was in Rowan MemorialPark.Mr. Reavis was bom Oct. 7. 1927.in Yadkin County to the late DavidM. and Daisy Lindley Reavis. Hewas employ^ at IngersoU-Randand was a Korean War veteran. Hewas a member of Hanes GroveUnited Methodist Church.His wife. Vermel Creason Reavis.preceeded him m death.Survivors include two brothers.Jerry Reavis of Harmony and BillyReavis of Woodleaf: six sisters..Maude Gunierof Route l. Woodleaf.Elizabeth Rushing, of Route 3..Mocksville. Louise Steeiman andBetty Sue Thies. both of Route 7.Mocksville. Martha Lee Page ofRoute 4. Mocksville and BobbieCranl'ord of Cooleemee.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSWUE, ncMRS. BLANCH HUTCHENS •Mrs. Blanch Ireland Hutchens. 63,Rl. 6. .Mocksville. died Thursdayevening at Dane County Hospital inMocksville.The funeral was held Sunday atLiberty Baptist Church by the Rev.Randy Jester and the Rev. .AlbertBracken. Burial was in the churchcemetery..Mrs. Hutchens was bom in SurryCounty to Josephus and MettaEvans Shinault. She was a memberof the Church of God at Yadkinvilleand was a retired hairdresser.Surviving are her husband. EdgarB. Hutchens of the home; onedaughter, .Mrs. Betty Jo Prevate.Lexington: two sons. Robert LeeIreland. .Mocksville and W. G.Ireland. Oobson: six stepchildren,Mrs. Shirley Carter. Yadkinville.Mrs. Linda Taylor. East Bend.Eddie Richard and Steve Hutchens,all of Yadkinville and Roger Hutchens. Mocksville; five sisters. Mrs.Stella Greene. Mocksville. .Mrs.Opal Murphy, .Mrs. Ruth Cuzzenand .Mrs. Mary .Snow, ail ofVadkinviiie and .Mrs. DorothyMTiite. High Point; one half sister.Mrs. Bonnie Lawson, Mount Airy:four brothers, Esker WilliamShinault. Winston-Salem. BillShinault. Mount Airy. GlennShinault. King and Harold Shinault,Arizona: one half brother. BobbyShinault. Mount Airy; 10 stepbrothers and sisters and 22 grandchildren. 01 A ^/9fSDAVIE county enterprise record, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1983" - UBR. H. BAILEYRichmond Herbert Bailey, age 71,of Route 14. Rowe Road. Lexingtonwho passed away Tuesday, August30, 1983, at 4:20 p.m. in theLexington Memorial Hospital afterbeing seriously ill for four months.He was bom in Davie County July3,1912 to the late Joel Richmond andEmma Foster Bailey.Mr. Bailey was retired from DixieFurniture Company and was amember of Shiloh United MethodistChurch. He served in the UnitedStates Army during World War II.His wife. Margaret Athey Baileydied in 1978.He is survived by: one daughter:Mrs. Roger <Darlene) Norman,Route 4. New Highway 64 W,Lexington; two brothers: John H.Bailey, Bremen Drive, Lexington.Frank W. Bailey, Peace HavenRoad, Winston-Salem. N.C.; foursisters: Mrs. Mattie Tucker. Mrs.Lula Mae Lanier. both of Advance,N.C.. Mrs. Stella Auman. HighPoint. N.C.; Mrs. Eliza Cope.Mocksville, N.C.; two grandchildren.The funeral was conducted at 2:00p.m. Thursday at the Vogler'sPiedmont Funeral Home Chapelwith the Rev. James T. Ingramofficiating. Interment was in theForest-Hill Memorial Park.Area ObituariesWILLIAM E. FINKWilliam Edgar Fink, 59. of Route2, Cherryville, N.C.. died August2kh after being in declining healthfor some time.The funeral was held last Thursday at Clay-Barnette FuneralHome Chapel in Shelby. A gravesideservice followed in Liberty UnitedMethodist Church cemetery inDavie County.Bom in Iredell County, he was ason of the late Rev. G.W. andKathryn Deal Fink. He was construction supervisor of the BonitzInsulation Company in Columbia.S.C.. retiring in 1973. and was amember of the DAV and VFW Post641 of Columbia. . S.C. He was agraduate of the Mocksville HighSchool and Catawba College.He was a veteran of World War II.having served in the U.S. Army inihe European theater, and was ahi, »lt^.Kathryn E. Lane Fink: a son. JotaG. Fink of the home; a 'laughter.Deborah .AbuZahra of An"Mich ; a sister. Virginia Fink ofVadkinville; two brothe'-s °avidW Fink of Mocksville and James T.Fink of West Columbia. S.C.; anaone grandchild.p^uiia CO. PUBUC UBRARYliJQCKSViaB. NOr MRS. ELLA GRAY BREWER •Mrs. Ella Gray Smith Brewer, 69.757 Park Ave.. died unexpectemy ather home Saturday morning, Sept.' She was the widow of GilmCTBrewer who preceded her in deathAugust 21. 1978.Funeral services were held at 2 p. m.Monday at Baton s Funeral HwneChape! bv the Rev. Charles Bullock.Burial followed inBaptist Church cemetery. Thefamily requests that meraonals bemade to First Baptist Church ofMocksville where Mrs. Brewer wasa member. . r,Mrs. Brewer was bora in DavieCounty to the late Marvin andBertha Bowden Smith. She was aformer dietician for the Mocksvilleschools. ^ ^ _Surviving are two daughters.Mrs Mitzi B. Richardson, HighPoiiit and Mrs. Sue Couch. Rt. 7.Mocksville; three grandchildren.Tammie Sue Couch, Rodney I^Couch and Dwan Richardson; fivesisters Mrs. Edith Anderson, Rt. 1..Mocksville. .Mrs. .Mattie Sue Black-welder. Rt. 8. Mocksville. Mrs.Louise Biackwelder. Rt. 6..Mocksville. .Mrs. Mary MerreU, Rt.3. Mocksville and Mrs. PeggyVogler, Rt. 4. Advance and onebrother. Joseph L. Smith of Route 3-REV. JAMES A. .ALLEN 'The Rev. James A. Allen, a former pastor of First UnitedMethodist Church of .MocksvUle,died Saturday, September 3. inMemphis, Tenn., after a iingeringillness.Memorial services were heldSunday in Memphis. Tenn.Funeral services and burial willtake place Tuesday in Alabama.Survivors include his wife, Mrs.Minnie A. Allen of the home; a son,daughter, and three grandchildren.Memorials may be sent in care ofMrs. Minnie C. Allen. 4019Lacewood. Memphis, Tenn. 38115.^ MRS. NANNIE ELLIS .Mrs. Nannie McBride Ellis. 86, ofRoute 1, Advance, widow of WilliamAlbert EUis. died August 31st atForsyth Memorial Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday at \Macedonia Moravian Church by the ,Rev. Hampton Morgan, the Rw. iDave Robots and the Rev. Jolm ;Kapp. Mrs. Ellis was bora in DavieCounty to William G. and EmmaTucker McBride. She lived most ofher life in Davie County and madeher home with her daughters inYadkin County since 1978. She was amember of Macedonia Moravian :Mrs. Ellis was preceded m death ibv one daughter, Mrs. D. R.Louise) Bennett, who died in 1978.Surviving are four daughters,Mrs. Jason (Ruth) Sheek and Mrs.George (Betty) Frye. both of RouteI. Advance, Mrs. N. H. (Nancy)Dinkins of Route 4. Yadkinville,Mrs. Richard (Pat) Sheets of Route8. Mocksville; seven sons. Ben C.,Luther G. and Ausbon Ellis, all ofRoute 1. Advance, Gilmer H. and F.R. (Shortie) Ellis, both of Route 2.Mocksville. Eugene Ellis of Route 5,Mocksville. W. .A. Ellis of.Mocksville, N.C.; 23 grandchildren;23 great-grandchilclren and onesister. Mrs. Grace Smith of Route 1,.Advance. fcio-Ofcauftaves- ()[]UAVIU luuntv l-NTIiKPRlSli UliCOHIX THURSDAY. SUI'TIiMimR JJi. 1W3in' C.A.'IIOO" CARTNI'RClydu Alexander iDhoj Cartncr.7«. III. 4. V.PoInl Cominunliy ofIredcll C«umy tiled Thursday atIrcdcU Aletnorial Hospital.He was born In Iredcll CountvFebruary 17. toia to llio laic ArlbiirAlonm and Mary Cera SiruiidCnrtncr. and was a member ofClarksbury United MethodistChurch and an active member oftlio V'Polnl Community Centerwhich he helped organize and build.Ho was twit'O married, first onOctober ». 19.13 to BlanchelUchardson who died Soplombcr 3.1071. Ills second marriage was onSeptember 31, 1972 to TInceyMarlowe Harbin who survives of thehomo.Other survivors include one son,G, Herman Cortncr. Mocksvfllo,two dauglttors. Mrs. James M.iJeancllo) Turner. WInsioii-Soleroand Mrs. Gilbert L. (Colcen)Poacock. Rt. 4. Slatcsvilte; twostepsons. Larry W. Harbin. UtAMocksvitlc and Thomas C. Harbin,Moeksvltlc; one grandson; fourstepgrandchildron; one brother.Hugh M. Cnrtncr. lU. >l. Stnlesvlltcand one sister. Mrs. Ocio Pos, Rt.12. Slatcsvilte. irunemi serviceswas II ojh. Saturday atClarksbury United MethodistCimrch by the Rev. Don Parris andthe Rev. Wade E. Wright, In*torment will lollow in IredcllMemorial Gardons.CLAUDE RAY WII,SON.Claude Ray Wilson, of Route 4,died Friday evening at N. C, DopllstHospital. WInslon'Satcm.The funeral was lield Monday at 2p.m. at Eaioa's Funeral HomoChapel, Mocksvlllo, with the Rev. ,1.C. Lane officiating. Burial was inBrim's Grove Baptist Churchcemetery.County March 7,''o,was a son of the loloWilliam J. and Dell Unvlllo Wilson,retired carpenter.'•'s wife, Lois Spr7^ fS?' ® daughter, Wanda Harris" son» W. J.Jim Vfitson of Route 4; twoslsfers, Georgia Shepherd of PilotMountain and Mrs. Frank Sams ofKemersville; a brother. Ja^ T.Wilson of California; and twograndcliildren.W. C. WALKER; William Calvin Walker, 78, of 233Menliicu Ave., High Point, died atDIS a.m. SeptcmW Sth at Highl^olat Memorial Hospital.. He was born In Mooksvllle, April27, 1905, .a son of Wlliiaro JoelSanTord and Maggie Gowan Walker.Re had lived In High Point CO years.Before his retirement in 1979, howas employed by Vnnn YorkPontlac and worked in the servicedepartment. He was 0 member ofWesley Mcroerlal United MethodistChurdi. On June so, 1927, homarried (he former Viigio Soylonwtio survives of (he home.' ^ Surviving in addition 10 his wife,arc one daughter, Mrs. Vlrgiiita AnnWalker of Annapolis, Md.; one son,William Cttlvin Walker, Jr., of 2417Williams St.; one dslcr, Mrs.Margaret Caudle of Mount Airy;three brothers, Fred M. Walker ofOakvicw Road. Clyde T. Walker ofFriendly Road, Gullford College,and Lowrenec C. Walker ofStalcsvlUe; and three grand>clilldrcn.A graycsldo service and burialwas held Saturday at Floral GardenPark Cemoiory by (ho Rev. R.Dclbert Byrum..WILLIAM THURMAN KEMPWll lam Thurraan Kemp. 12.1Mayvlow Avenue, High Point, N.C,.brother of Dr. Ramey P. Kemp, ofMocksvllle, died Friday, Septemberf. lom. In High Point MemorialHospital in Hlgti Point, N.C. Mr.Kemp had been in declining healthfor several years.Mr. Kemp was a retired pet»breeder and pet shop owner. He wasa member of High Point FriendsChurch. Ho wos born inHigh Point on February 19, IDii. Heis survived, by his wife. Jo AllenKemp: a daughter, Barbara KempWade; (lirco grandaughlers; twofif'crs. Bertha Kemp McLood ofHigh Pclnl, Wllma Kemp Felt ofXempc, Arizona; and two brotlicrs.C. Edward Kemp of High Point andDr. Rorooy F. Kemp.Funeral services were bold 01 theDavis Morltiary in High Point.Interment followed at PlorolGarden Park Cemetery In HighPOifll*MRS. LUCY T. COULSONMrs. Lucy Texas Coulson, 83, ofEdgcwood, Md. died Soturday,August "27: at Citizens NursingHome there.Site was born in Patrick County,Virginia; ond was.tlic douglilcr ofthe Into John and Martha ^locklcyHarris.Funcrol services were conductedtroro the Howard K. McComas 111Ftmcral Home. P.A., Ahiitgdon.\Vcdnc{{day, August ,1|, at H a.m.with Dr. Jerry W. Dixon ufficlaltng.Interment was In Bel Air MemorialGardens.Serving as patlbcarors were thegrandchildren. Mark Coulson.Leslie Coulson, Ronald Bullock,Terry Carter, Larry Utt andMichael Carter.Mrs. Coulson Is .survived by a son,Held Coulson of Edgewood. Md.;five dnughgcrs, Alcnc Carter ofMocksvllle. N.C., Evelyn Bullock ofEdgcwood. Aid., Juatdia Bogcr ofGrccnsiiero, N.C., Bloria Carter andHelen Glllcsple. both of Edgewood,Md.; Ihreo brothers, Sidney Harrisof Switchback, W. Va., Alien Harrisof lliltsvlito, Vn., and Hurley Harrisof Great Falls, Montana; twosisters. Callie Wootcn ond VcldaUli. both of Hillsvillo, Va.: IIgrandchlldron. 23 groni-grand,children' and three great.great.graudchitdren.MRS. PEGGY M. DAVISFuneral services for Mrs. PeggyMichael Davis. 54. of 1410 BrooksidcDrive, Lexington. N.C. were held at2 pan. Wednesday, at Utc Vogtcrs-Piedmont Funeral Home. Dr.James Helvey cenduclcd the ser*vice. Interment was In the ForestHIU Memorial Pork in Lexington.Mrs. Davie died Sunday, afterthree years of declining health.She was barn In Davidson county,June 3, 1929 to William ArthurAliohael and Eugenia HedrlckMichael. She whs formerly em*ployed by Porkdate Mills.Survivors Include her husband.Billy Gray Davis of Winsion-Splem:one son, Teny Lynn Bailey of thehome; one grondson; 2 brothers,Edgar (Buck) Miciiael and GeraldE. Michael, both of Lexington; 5sisters, Mrs. Press (Dot) Robertsonof Route 3, Mocksvllle; Mrs. Bobby(Shirley) Walacr, Mrs. Charles(Arlcno) Leonard, Airs. AnnieAlcCrary, and Mrs. Richard(Alinnie) Oakley, all of Lexington,N.c;PHILLIP JAY WALSERFuneral services for Phillip JayWnlscr, to. of Route 4. Loxinglon,N.C. were held Frldoy, September9, 1983, at 11 a.m. at DavidsonFuneral Home Chapel. BurialroUowcd in Friendship UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.I to died Tuesday at his home froma self indicted gunshot wound.He was employed by ShoafCoitcrctc Company of Mocksvillc,N.C,Survivors include his parents,Edward Eugene Walscr ond Car»matecn Shoaf Wolscr of (ho home; 0brother. Mark Watser of Route 4.Lexington, N.C. and a sister, JaneWalsor ef Route 2, Advance, N.C.;grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. HenryJ, Shoaf of Route 4, Lexington, N.C.... . /9f2/county enterprise record, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1983^Area ObituariesERNEST T. KOONTZErnest Theodore Koontz, Sr.. 74.Rt. 7. Mocksville. died Sunday atDa vie County Hospital.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Chapel with burialin Salem United Methodist Churchcemetery.Mr. Koontz was born in DavieCounty to Thomas L. and MinnieAlice Mosley Koontz. He was retiredfrom Martin Brothers and was afarmer.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. HelenMarie Jones Koontz of the home:two daughters, Mrs. Gail Ijamesand Mrs. Janie Sells, both ofMocksville; one son. ErnestI Sonny) Koontz. Jr.. Thomasville:two sisters. Mrs. Ola Cartner. Rt. 1.Mocksville and Mrs. Minnie Smoot,Mocksville; one brother. Rufus G.Koontz. Old Saybrook. Conn, andeight grandchildren./ RALPH WOODRalph Wood. 59. of Route 4. Advance. died September I3lh atForsyth Memorial Hospital.The funeral was held atMacedonia Moravian Church.Burial was in the church cemetery.Mr. Wood was bom in DavieCounty to Edward and Sennie FryeWood. He lived all his life in the Advance community and was amember of Macedonia MoravianChitfch.He retired from R.J. ReynoldsTobacco Co.. March 1, 1983. after 35years of service.Surviving are his wife. Mrs..Mabel Stoltz Wood of the home; twosisters. Mrs. Nancy Smith of Portsmouth. Va.. Mrs. Pansy Smith ofRoute 3. Advance; three brothers.Mr. Clyde Wood of Columbus. S.C..Mr. Clausell Wood of Route 4. Advance. Mr. Sherman Wood of Route:i. .Mocksville.L.R. LIENLlewellyn Ray Lien. 56, Rt. 3,Fork Community, was dead onarrival at Davie County Hospitalearly Thursday morning.A graveside service was heldSaturday at Fork Baptist Churchn cemetery by the Rev. GordonJoyner.Mr. Lien was bom in Wallburg,N.D. to the late Garence and EstineWagle Lien and was a former designengineer for Gravely Corp.He was a carrier for the Winston-Salem Joumal and Sentinel and aveteran of the Korean Conflict.Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Lynn■Loomis Lien of the home; twodaughters. Mrs. Cynthia Butler,Geveland. Tenn. and Miss JenniferL. Lien, Atlanta. Ga.; two sons,David J. Lien. Madison. Wis. andRobert L. Lien. Rt. 3. Mocksville;one granddaughter. .Melissa Lynn' Butler and two sisters. Mrs.Dwane Hanson, Redder. N.D. andMrs. Norence Laavason. ParkRiver. N.D.OAVIE CO. PUBUC{AOCKSVHJLBi noWADE W. MOTLEY ^Memorial services for Wade W..Motley, 74. of Hampton. Va. will beheld Sunday. September 25. at 2p.m. in the chapel at the VAHospital in Salisbt^, N.C. with full,military honorary services. Chaplin'David Morrow and the ReverendMichael Motley, cousin of thedeceased, will conduct the service..Mr. Motley died recently atHampton General Hospital. Deathwas attributed to lung cancer.He was a native of Davie Countyand the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.G.H. Motley.His body was donated by his wife,Alvis Hubard Motley of GrenadaHills. California; and his oldestdaughter. Mrs. Barbara M. Gark ofNorth Hollywood. Califomia. toMedical Science, the AeronauticalAnatomical Board and will be interred in the Crematorium atArlington National Cemetery.Other children surviving include:Yutava .M. Grosenick of Mesa,.Arizona. Mrs. Susan M. Mosher andson. Walter Godwin Motley, both ofGrenada Hills. California; twostepdaughters. Mrs. Murriel Reimanof Svlmer, California and Mrs. JeanPage of Charlotte. North Carolina;twenty-one grandchildren and ninegreat grandchildren; one brother,William C. Motley of Huntsville,Alabama; three sisters, Mrs.Thelma Mauldin of Route 4,Mocksville, Mrs. Alma Anderson ofRt. 1. Mocksville, and Mrs. WilmaSmith of Mocksville.Mr. Motley served 12 years inactive service with the UnitedStates Army, including World War11 in the Phillipine Islands; and 30years as a civilian employee withthe U.S. Army. In his later years,before his health failed, he wasemployed in the RehabilitationDepartment at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Hampton,Va..Memorials may be made to theAmerican Cancer Society or to thedonor's choice.^inrksvHIe. N. 0 Cf, 59. /fSs/CLINTON BLAKEGinton L. Blake. 66. Rainbow Rd..died at Davie County Hospital inMocksville September 20th.The funeral was held Thursday atEaton's Chapel by the Rev. FrankWUson. Burial followed in Far-mington Community Cemetery.Mr. Blake was born in DavieCounty to the late Henry and JunieGriffin Blake and was a retiredfarmer and member of FarmingtonBaptist Church.Surviving are his wife. ErmaWalker Blake, of the home: one son,Norman Blake. Rt. l. Advance: twograndchildren. William Blake. Rt.!. Advance and Teresa Koonts.Lexington and one great-granddaughter, Kendra Koonts,Lexington; two sisters, Mrs. EvaRatledge, Wilmington, Mrs. LauraLee Fones, Farmington and fourbrothers, Charlie, James and FrankBlake, all of Greensboro, Joe Blake,Salisbury.y ROMIE CHARLES GREGORY *Romie Charles Gregory. 81, of No.7 Center St., died at Baptist Hospitalin Winston-Salem early Fridaymorning, Sept. 23. 1983.Funeral services were held at 4p.m. Sunday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Shelby Harbourand the Rev. Adrain Harris withburial in Legion .Memorial Park.Mr. Gregory was born in WilkesCounty to the late George A. andMyra Messick Gregory and was aretired employee of Duke Power Co.He was a member of VictoryBaptist Church.Surviving are his wife. ThelmaIjames Gregory of the home: threesons, R. C. Gregory, Goldsboro.Douglas Gregory. Emerald Isle and.Marion (Sonny) Gregory. Greensboro: seven grandchildren: sevengreat-grandchildren and one sister.•Mrs. Gus Deadmon, Rt. 4.Mocksville.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1983- 5DArea Obituaries\/ REBA B. DAYWALTReba Naomi Byerly Daywalt, 71,^ Davie Street, Cooleemee, died atN.C. Baptist Hospital in Winston-saiem on Wednesday afternoonafter bemg in declining health andseriously ill for seven weeks.The funeral was held in Eaton'sFuiteral Home Chapel in Mocksvilleconducted by the Rev. Alton Fit-herald and the Rev. J.D. Revisfo'Jowed in St. .Matthew'sLutheran Church cemeteryBom June 27. 1912, in DavieCtounty, she was a daughter of thelate Cic^ Harvey and Delia MaeKoontz Byerly. She was formerly^ployed by Erwin Textile Mill inCooleemee.include her husband,^fr^ Wilbur Daywalt: a daughter.Sue Rupon of Key West, Fla.: a sonTommy Daywalt of Cooleemee;Two sisters, Ruth Smitlr of Route1, MocksviUe, and Chlois Wyrick ofCooeemee: four brothers,Heatoerman and Gyde Byerly. both« Cooleemee, Jack Byerly ofCity, Ml., and JohnnyByerly of Kannapolis: and sevengrandchildren.Oavie Co. Public UbrarvModisvffle, H. C. 't/ .MRS. HAZEL S. FOSTER.Mrs. Hazel Summers Foster. 72,6043 Stadium Dr.. of Clemmons,N.C. died at Forsyth MemorialHospital early Friday morning,Sept. 23. 1983. following a shortillness.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Sunday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksville by theRev. Rex Gibbs with burial inBethel United Methodist Churchcemetery.Mrs. Foster was born in IredeUCounty to the late J. A. and MaggiePrice Summers.Surviving are her husband, JakeG. Foster. Sr.: one daughter, Mrs.Peggy F. Burke. Lewisville: oneson, Jake G. Foster, Jr..Mocksville: three grandchildrenand three sisters. .Mrs. Rose Harris.Harmony. Mrs. Emma Wagner,Mocksville and .Mrs. Jennie Baker,Statesville.JEAN D. FRAZIER 'Jean DeWeese Frazier, 55. of 3020Devonshire Drive. Raleigh, a former resident of Cooleemee, died ather home Saturday after being indeclining health for some time.The funeral was held Monday atMitchell Funeral Home in Raleighwith burial in Mountlawn MemorialPark, also in Raleigh.Born in Davie County, she was adaughter of Lala Ferabee DeWeeseof Raleigh and the late ClarenceSloan DeWeese.Survivors, in addition to hermother, include her husband, E.Henry "Hank" Frazier: a son,Stephen Frazier of Raleigh: adaughter. Kim Frazier Hendersonof Raleigh: and a brother, SloanDeWeese of Virginia Beach, Va.BERTIE CORNATZERMrs. Bertie,Lois Tucker Cor-natzer. M. Rt. 2. Advance, died inDa^e Cowty Hospital Mondaymorning after two years decliningar^fvK Wednesdayno ^ Presbyterian Church in?rfrrt« TonyJordon. Interment followed in thechurch cemetery..\Irs. Comatzer was the daughter® member of BixbyGuy JohnsonComatzer of the home: threeP? Tucker. Advanceand .Mrs. Hilar>- Wilson, AdvaSS?one son. Guy Johnson CoLtzer.Jr., Advance: three grandchildren:one sister. Mrs. Jean Cope, Ad-brothers. Qint, Josephand Thurman Tucker, ail of Advance.MRS LUCILLE G. CAUDELL >V'^oille Gourley Caudell, 87of Charlotte, N.C. died September25th at the home of her daughter.She was bom to Robert PGourley and Lizzie J. Gourley; andwas the widow of Walter R. Caudellwho died Feb. 4. 1982.She was a member of FirstBaptist Church in Charlotte.Surviving are two daughters.1^. Denzel Coins and Mrs. J.K.Weber, both of Charlotte: fourgrandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.Funeral services were held atM^wen Funeral Home. Charlotte.N.C. at 11 o'clock Thursday. Burialfollowed in Fork Baptist Churchcemetery at 2 p.m.QUIIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVIU.E. NCQavi# cn 0"h!icLilwryC. I)h/To /q SDA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, CX^TOBER 6, 1983Area Obituaries^ HENRY THOMAS MASSEYHenry Thomas Massey, Jr., 60,Rt. 2, was dead on arrival at DavieCounty Hospital Sunday morning.The funeral was held Tuesday atFulton United Methodist Church bythe Rev. Tony Jordan, the Rev.Yates Wilkinson and the Rev.Harvey Crimminger. Burial was inRowan Memorial Park in Salisbury.Mr. Massey was born in RowanCounty to the late Henry Thomas,Sr. and Sadie Cope Massey and wasthe retired owner of D & MRecapping in Lexington.He was World War II Armyveteran and a member of ReedsBaptist Church.Survivors include his wife, OnedaHamilton Massey; two daughters,Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Vines and Mrs.Bonnie Sue Lanier, both of Rt. 2,Advance; one son, Thomas RichardMassey, Rt. 2, Advance; six grandchildren; his step-mother, Mrs. IdaMassey, Rt. 3, Lexington; onesister, Mrs. Rachel Giles, Rt. 13,Lexington and two brothers, BoydMassey, Rt. 4, Lexington and HarryMassey, Rt. 7, Mocksville.^ MRS. OLLIE P. DOBYMrs.Ollie Parker Doby, 80, ofRoute 1, Harmony, N.C. diedMonday morning at Davis Community Hospital in Statesville, N.C.,vioUowing a brief illness.7]3)ie>was born in Surry County July14. 1903 to the late J.W. and BettyCreed Parker. She was a member ofClarksbury United MethodistChurch. Her husband, Walter HenryDoby, died August 11, 1965.Surviving are four sons, Dan andJ.D. Doby, both of Winston-Salem,Perry Doby, Rt. 6, Mocksville andGarnet Doby, Cleveland, N.C.; fivedaughters, Mrs. Carolyn Cobb,Winston-Salem, Mrs. MarieElmore, Mrs. Dorothy Crowson,Mrs. Shirley Chapman and Mrs.Caroline Taylor, all of Statesville;four brothers, Leonard, Elmer,Henry, and Clarence Parker, all ofMt. Airy; one sister, Mrs. HazelByrd, Savannah, Ga.; 19 grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Wednesday at ClarksburyUnited Methodist Church by theRev. Donald L. Farris and the Rev.Paul A. Simpson. Intermentfollowed in New Home Church ofChrist cemetery in Dobson. Agraveside service was held at 4 p.m.Wednesday. Eleven grandsonsserved as active and honorarypallbearers.In lieu of flowers, memorials maybe made to New Home Church ofChrist Cemetery Fund, Rt. 2,Dobson. N.C.davie CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC^vie Go.i'ubiicllbranfMocksvHte. N. C.^ MRS. ELLA WILSONMrs. Ella Margaret GabardWilson, 91, Rt. 7, Walt Wilson Rd.,died in Davie County Hospital inMocksville September 27th. She wasthe widow of the late Walter B.Wilson who preceded her in deathJuly 29, 1983.The funeral was held Friday atLiberty United Methodist Church bythe Rev. Phillip Cole and the Rev.David Hyde. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Wilson was born in DavieCounty to the late Henry and BettyGraves Gabard and was a memberof Turrentine Baptist Church.Surviving are four dau^ters,Mrs. Ruby Piper and Mrs. ErleneRoberts, both of Rt. 7, Mocksville,Mrs. Nellie Angell, Rt. 6, Mocksvilleand Mrs. Ethel Poland, Lake Orion,Mich.; 10 grandchildren and fourgreat-grandchildren.NATHAN G. BAILEYNathan G. Bailey, 69, Advance,died September 28th at BaptistHospital.He was born March 10, 1914, toMr. and Mrs. Braxton R. Bailey inDavie County. He was a member ofAdvance United Methodist Churchand was a farmer in Davie Countyfor many years.He retir^ from Fiber Industriesin Salisbury.. Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Elizabeth Peebles, of the home; onedaughter, Sallie Bailey Barney,Advance; one brother, Hayden C.Bailey, Henderson, N.C.; two^anddaughters, Mrs. Ann B. Anderson, Mocksville and Mrs. SusanB. Huffman, Advance; two greatgrandchildren, Michael and JeffreyAnderson, Mocksville.The funeral was held Friday at»^Advance United Methodist Church.Officiating was the .Rev. MarionFulk. UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, October 8,1983H. Burton HutchensHUTCHENS ^YADKINVILLE - Mr. H.'Burton Hutchens. 74, Rt. 4,, died Saturday afternoon atHoots Memohai Hospital.Funeral services will be2:30 p.m. Monday atMackie-Genlry FuneralHome Chapel by the Rev.^ Dock Hobson. Burial will^ follow in Northwood Bap-list Church cemetery. Mr.Hutchens was born in Davie\ County to Boone and Mary^ Beck Hutchens. He was aretired employee of thetown of Yadkinville. Sur-viving are hi.s wife, Blanche_ Howcll Hutchens; two sisters, Mrs. Mae Wallace andMrs. Annie Baity, both ofMocksville and one brother,VJesse Hutchens. Mocksville. The body is atMackie-Gentry FuneralHome where the familywill-receive friends from 7to 9 p.m. tonightBio - Obituaries - 10/8/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 4 X- S P SB S co fe S 70 *«*»mi*r I ^ I.INSKY J. lAJI'EU Liiibcy J. Luper, 91. of Roulu 2, Advance, died Saturday at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Home. The Rev. Gordon Joyner officiated. Burial was in the Fork Baptist Church cemetery. Born Dec. la, 1891, in Forsyth County, he was a son of the late Thomas and Catherine Conrad Luper. He was a retired farmer and memlier of Fork Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Cora Member of Fork Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Cora Mae Carter Luper; two daughters, Edna Shelton of Rural Hall and Annie Ruth Howard of Route 2; two sons, Melvin J. Luper of Route 7, Mocksviile, and Frank E. Luper of Route 2; four sisters, Ruth Luper of '^t. Airy, Julia Wood and Sudie Shields of Pfafftown and Addie Boose of Winston-Salem; two brothers, Fred H. and Ttiomas Luper of Pfafftown; eight- grandchildren and two great grandchildren. \/ KELLY C. WALLER Kelly Cicero Waller, 85, of Route 7, died at Autumn Care (-'oii- valescent Center early Wednesday. The funeral was held at 2 p.m. Friday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. Shirley Jones. Burial followed in Rose Cemetery. Born Aug. 19, 1898, in Davie County, he was a sun of the late John and Martha Whisenhunt Waller. He was retired from Erwin Mills and from farming and was a member of Woodleaf United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Ruth Waller; a son, Herman Waller of Route 7, Mocksviile; a daughter, Louise W. York of Route 7, Mocksviile; a brother, Nathaniel Waller of Salisbury; nine grand children; 13 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. 3 CONLEY E. BOWMAN » Conley E. Bowman of Highway 158 near Mocksviile, di^ Friday morning at Baptist Hospital. Mr. Bowman was a native of Davie County and a member ni First Baptist Church on Highland Avenue. Surviving are two brothers, Mr. John Bowman of Coliimbus, Ohio, Mr. Leonard Bowman (A Port smouth, Va.; several nieces, nephews, and cousins including a ^voted niece. Miss Marcelette L. Williams of Winston-Salem. The funeral was held Tuesday at Clai^ S; Brown and Sons Funeral Home in Winston-Salem by Dr. David R. Hedgley. Interment was in Smith Grove AME Zion Churoh cemetery in Davie County. DR. W. M. LONt; Dr. William Matthews l.4)ng. 75, of 471 Salisbury St. died Saturday morning at Davie County Hospital. The funeral was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Leiand Richardson Burial was in the Joppa Cemetery with Masonic riles. Born Nov. 28. 1907, in Ircdcll County, he was the sun of the late Dr. Henry , Fletcher and Carrie Allison Oong. He practiced medicine in Davie County since 1934. He was past master of Mocksviile Masonic Lodge, and member of the Scottish Rite and the York Rite Masonic bodies. He served in the Army medical corps during World Was II with the rank of major. He started the National Guard in Mocksviile and was commander of that unit. The Mocksviile com munity-honored him by sponsoring a Dff'W.M. Long Day. He was a graduate of Davidson College and received his medical degree from Tulane University. He was past president of the Rowan- Davie Medical Society and the N.C. Academy of Family Practitioners. He was named the N.C. Family Physician of the Year in 198U. Long was a charter member of the Mocksviile Civitan Club and member of the First Presbyterian Church of Mocksviile. He is survived by his wife, Ed- wina Youngs Long; a daughter, Edwina Long Davies of Mercer Island, Wash.; a son, Luther Youngs Long of High Point; three sisters, Marianna l^ong of Durham, Mrs. William Howell of Atlanta and Mrs. Gather Sanford of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; three brothers, Thornton Long of Roxboro, Locke C. Long of Salisbury and Dr. Robert Long of Statesville; eight grand children; and two great grandchildren. Memorials should be contributed to the Masonic Orphanage, the Retarded Children's Home Association, the Boys Home of Lake Waccamaw, tlie Civitan Cottage and Uic Girls Home of Hunterville. CD D> (a C5- U) a> A (/> O i« " c ./9/^CLINARD HOWARDClinard Phonso Howard. 78. Rl- 3.died Ociober 12th at ForsylhMemorial Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Elmer Day and the Rev. LelandRichardson. Burial followed m.Rowan .Memorial Park . Pahbearers were James H. Arthur,Clement Jones. Dennis Boger.Vemon Leonard. Gary Bailey andDennis Barney.Mr Howard was born March 23,1905 in Davie County to the lateDewit Clinton and Cora RouseHoward. , .He was a retired self-employedilazier and a member of FirstII enterprise record. 1HL.RSDA\. OCTOBER 20.Ar6d 0DitU3ri6S . saluejrobbins/ SALLIE J. ROBBINSBaptist Church of Mocksvuie.^Surviving are his wife. Nan NesbitHoward of the home; threedaughters. Mrs. Clara Rogers.Green Cove Springs, Fla. Mrs_Martha Moser. Rt. 3, Advance andMrs Linda Dunn. Rt. 6. Mocksville;one son, Jack Howard. Rt. 3,.Mocksville; three sisters. Mrs.Thelma Franck. Lake Worth. Fla.,.Mrs. Thirza List. Winston-Salemand Mrs. Dorothy McComb, New'Tork N.Y.; one brother. CarrollHoward. Skaneateles, N.'V.; 10grandchildren and one greatgrandchild.l/ ROSIE P. SPRYRosie Jane Potts Spry, 87. ofRoute 2. died on Thursday at DavieCounty Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel in^Mocksville conducted by the Rev;'Tony Jordan. Burial was m Advance United Methodist Church.Born Aug. 10. 1896. in DamCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Archie A. and Elizabeth JaneHilton Potts. She was a member ofAdvance United Methodist Church.Her husband. George W. Spry Sr..died Dec. 6. 1964.Survivors include two sons, G.w.•Son" Sprv Jr. and Garland G.Spry, both of Route 2. Advance; 10grandchildren; and eight greatgrandchildren.EDRIE A. WILSONMiss Edrie .Alberta Wilson. 78. Rt-7 died Friday evening at DavieCommunity Hospital in Statesvilleafter a lingering illness.The funeral was held at JerichoChurch of Christ by HardingLowerv and Charles Isenberg.Burial was in the church cemetery .Miss Wilson was oorn in DavieCountv to the late W. C. andJosephine Ijames Wilson. She was amember of Jericho Church ofChrist.Surviving are one sister. -Mrs.Vetra Brown. Rt. 7. .Mocksville; onebrother. Clint Wilson. Rt. 7.Mocksville and several nieces andnephews.CLAUDE W. SHEPHERDClaude WellonsShepherd. 84. of 4S,-,.Main St.. Cooleemee died' Friday-1afternoon at Rowan Memorial-iHospital.The funeral was held Monday atjCooleemee United Methodist^'Church, with the Rev. Alton Fit-'zgerald officiating. Burial was in-Liberty United Methodist Churcbcemetery.The family requests memorialsbe made to the C. W. ShepherdMemorial Fund of CooleemeeMethodist Church.Born Jan. 10. 1899. in .AJamanceCounty he was a son of the late JoelR. and .Nannie Brown Shepherd.He was a retired supervisor withBurlington Industries. He was amember of Cooleemee United.Methodist Church, was a teacher for i50 years of the C. W. ShepberdiSunday School Class, and a lay.Methodist speaker. .Afterretirement, he completed thepatient assistant course at Davidson 'Community College, and worked for 'many years as a patient assistant at iDavie County Hospital. His firstwife was ihe late .Molissa DimontShepherd.Surviving are his second wife.Eiiabeth Howard Shepherd; threeiaughters. .Mrs. R. W. 'Dorothy)Harvey of Kilmamock. Va.. Mary.Shepherd of Wilmington and .Mrs.D. W. iRobertai Stutts of Winston-Salem; a son, Paul W, Shepherd ofOregon City. Ore,: a brother, Dr.David W. Shepherd of Wake Forest;It grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren.'.lOSaDle Mae Julian Robbins. 81. ofRoute 7. was dead on arrival atDavie County Hospital on Sunday,morning.The funeral was held Tuesday atChurch of God of Prophecy conducted by the Rev. Virgil Sykes and Ithe Rev. Blain Possinger. Burial Jwill be in the church cemetery.Born in Davie County. July 27, .i1902. she was a daughter of the late \Edward and Lucy Mclntyre Julian. •,Her husband. Parks Robbins, died :in 1978, -ISurvivors include seven 1daughters. Madeline Blackwood, '''Mildred O'Neal, and Coleen Tise, jRoute 7, Louise Dillard and Judy "■]Tilley, Route 4. and Clementine, ."iMatlock, all of Mocksville, and jBemice Stanley of Statesville:Three sons, Bobby Gene, Paul iEdward, and Donnie Gene Robbins, 'ail of Route 7. .Mocksville; two 'sisters, Hazel Seamon and Bessie ,Reynolds, both of Lexington; a..-.ibrother, Hubert Julian of -Cooleemee; 28 grandchildren;great-grandchildren; andonegreat-great-grandchild.WILLIE NORRIS CAMPBELL jWUlieNorrisCampbeJl, 7B. of314 iMorse Street, .Mocksville. .N.C. diedOctober 12 in Forsylh Memorial •Hospital after an extended illness.He was born in Iredell County,and had lived the majority of his life ■in Davie County, He was a retiredemployee of the W. W. SmithFamily and Autumn Care NursingHome.Funeral services were heldSunday, Ociober 16th at 2:00 p.m. atNew Jerusalem Holiness Church,with burial in the church cemetery.Mr. Campbell is survived by hiswife, Mrs. Katherlne RedmonCampbell of the home; two grandsons and one great-granddaughter.Three sisters, Mrs. Vennie Conradand Mrs. Ethel Darty both ofWinston-Salem. and Mrs. NaomiWilliams of Lexington, N.C.DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE^ UO OMipo.)9/3'^/9v\e^ CoiM-i-^ ~ ^Cgc^cL (btinb^^ ^cjC.W. ShepherdBy Marlene BensonA sot'i-spoken. and mild-mannered man was CAV. Shepherdof Cooleemee.A devoted husband and father, hewas also very devoted to his church,the Cooleemee United MethodistChurch. He was a Sunday Schoolteacher for 50 years, and a churchLay Leader.Shepherd was honored by hischurch about a year ago for hisservice and devotion to the church.They even had a special "C.W.Shepherd Day."Shepherd became associated witha goc^ many people in the areaduring his years before hisretirement from Burlington Industries. Following his retirement.Shepherd was not one to sit backand do nothing. Having been activeall his life, the "do-nothing" approach had no appeal to himwhatsoever. He feit it necessary toconnect with some activity ororganization in which he would beneeded, accepted and he happy.He became interested in theDavie County Hospital and thepossibility of finding fulfillmentthere. So he enrolled in coursessponsored by Davidson CommunityCollege and in due time had earneddiplomas or certificates in threedistinct areas of need; Home Carefor the Aged, .Nursing Assistance,and Stroke Patient Care. He thenfound a place of fullment andhappiness in the Davie Hospitalwhere he worked third shift. Whilehere, he suffered a massive heartattack, but bounced back and felteven stronger ties with the hospitalstaff, whom he often referred to as"one big family".He was very concerned abouthelping others, not only those in thehospital, but anywhere there was aneed. He always took the time tovisit the sick and anytime there wasa way he could be helpful, he did -not only for others • but because itcontributed to his own peace ofmind.C. W. ShepherdOSWE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC DAVIE COUNTY ENTE RPRISE _^CORp, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27.1^3-Area Obituaries|/ . JAMES CALVIN SHOREJames Calvin Shore, 84, Rt. 4,died Saturday evening at ForsythMemorial Hospital after a seriousillness of four months.He was born in Yadkin CountyMarch 4. 1899 to the late Williamand Elizabeth Ann Henson Shore.He was a retired textile worker.He was married to Mamie WhiteShore who died in 1975.Surviving are four dau^ters,Mrs. Nivan (Frances) Milligan,Sunset Beach. Mrs. Ethel Campbell,Orangeburg, S.C., Mrs. Mason(Florence) Owens, Rt. 4, Mocksvilleand Mrs. Dickie (Sue) Groce,Mocksville; three sons, James OdeilShore, Rt. 3, Mocksville, Otis G.Shore, Rt. 2, Lexington and ElmerShore. Spring Lake; 12 grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's Fimeral Chapel. Burial wasin Legion Memorial Park at(}ooleemee. The Rev. Dennis Pageand the Rev. Lindsay Walters officiated.i/' REP. A. PAUL KITCHINFormer congressman Aivin PaulKitchin of Wadesboro, diedSaturday at the age of 75.Kitchin represented the 8thdistrict (included Davie) from 1957 |to 1963,* when he was defeated by >Rep. Charles R. Jonas when bothmen tried for re-election after theirdistricts were combined because ofreapportionment.Kitchin was an FBI agent from1933 to 1945. A native of ScotlandNeck, he was the nephew of twoformer congressmen, W.W. Kitchinand Claude Kitchin. W.W. Kitchinalso was governor.Alvin Paul Kitchin served as chiefcounsel to a Senate Judiciary Isubcommittee after he wasdefeated. in CLARENCE L. PARDONClarence L. Pardon, 91, diedOctober 19th at Davie CountyHospital in Mocksville.A graveside service was heldFriday at Westlawn Gardens ofMemory in Clemmons.Mr. Pardon was bom in Indiana toThomas Lee and Anna JaneRightenberry Pardon.He spent most of his life inGreensboro and Winston-Salem andwas a member of Hanes BaptistChurch.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. EthelCrutchfield Pardon of DavieCounty; four sons, Thomas Lee,^Iph Edward and John VemonPardon, all of Davie Coiuity, Fred S.Pardon of Winston-Salem; threedaughters, Mrs. Juanita P. Stewartof Rt. 5, Winston-Salem, Mrs. HazelP. Clark and Mrs. Bertha Wooten,both of Winston-Salem; 27 ^and-children; 40 great-grandchildrenand six great-great-grandchildren.JONATHAN ROYALInfant Jonathan Travis Royal, 23-day-old son of Gary P. and LynetteAnders Royal of Advance diedOctober 13th at Baptist Hospital.A graveside service was heldFriday at Bethel United MethodistChurch Cemetery.Surviving are his parents of thehome; his maternal grandparents,Leonard and Doris Bowers Andersof Mocksviile: his paternal grandparents, Earl P. and Bessie JonesRoyal of Sparta: his paternal great-grandparents; Floyd C. and OssieJones of Lenoir.rawiB ca PUBLIC UBRARYBlOCKSVlliE, NO UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, October 28,1983Lamar Vincent DixonWXON.MOCKSVILLE - Mr SOixon, 46 Rl2 I®*! morning atBapUsl Hospital after a Un-.gfrmg Illness. Funeral ser-,lUvtftwiist cTJurufl oy me fRev. Leon Wood and tfie "Rev. Curmen Sprinkle. :Burial will follow in thechurch cemetery. The tam%\\y will receive Mends aCEaton's Ftiheral Homefrom 7 to 9 p.m. tonight.The body will be placed in ^the church 30 minutes priorto the service. Mr. Dixonwas born in Davie Countyto Roy V. Dixon and the lateOtis Hatledge Dixon. Hewas employed by J. A.McKnight & Sons and formerly with Scaltest Dairiesfor 18 years. He was amember of Wesley ChapelUnited Methodist Church. 'Surviving arc two sons,Mickey W. Dixon. Rt. 5,Mocksvillc and Chuck Dix-op, Rt. 1. State Road; hisfather of Rt. 5, Mocksvilleand one brother, O'BrienDixon, Heather Lane, Win-ston-Salem. ;Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER S. 1983Area ObituariesBEATRICE CHAPELLBeatrice Brown Chapell. 59, diedSaturday night at her home onRoute 4, Pine Ridge Road.Born January 22, 1924. in IredellCounty, she was a daughter of the 'late Graham and Pearl Cranford ^Brown. She was retired fromBurlington Industries and was a 1member of Cooleemee First BaptistChurch.Surviving are her husband.Marvin. E. Chapell; two daughters,Linda Jordan of Cooleemee andTerri Chapell of the home; twosisters, Mary Foster of Cooleemeeand Helen Luper of Clemmons;three brothers, Walter and CliffordBrown of Cooleemee and WillisBrown of Route 1, Woodleaf; andthree grandchildren.The funeral for Beatrice BrownChapell was held at U a.m. Tuesdayin Eaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. Guthi^ nColvard and the Rev. J. D. Revis.Burial was in Rowan MemorialPark in Rowan County. .j. WALTER RALPH HOYLE tWalter Ralph Hoyie. 79. Rt. 3,. IMocksville died at his homeThursday afternoon after an ex- |tended illness.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Robert E. Rattz. Burial was m iFork Baptist Church cemetery.Mr. Hoyle was bom in DayieCounty to James Ellis and NinaRattz Hoyle. He was a retiredfarmer and a member of the (Episcopal Church of the Ascension. .Surviving is one sister. Mrs.Virginia H. DeParle. • Rl- 3, ,Mocksville. IADDIE BETH SHORE' Addie Beth Shore, infant daughter tof Kenneth and Donna Burton jShore. Rt. 2. was dead at birth early •Tuesday morning at ForsvthHospital. A graveside service was iheld at U a.m. Wednesday. Oct^r26 at Mocks United MethodistChurch cemetery in Davie Countybv the Rev. Marion Fulk. Survivorsinclude her parents: one sister.Brandy Lee Shore, of the home; hermaternal grandparents. Ronald andNell Burton, Rt. 2. Advance and herpaternal grandfather, Tom Shore; ICooleemee.EDWARD L. PARKINSONEdward Leopold Parkinson (5. ofRt 3 Mocksville. died Fridaymorning at Forsyth Memor.aHospital after a serious illness otthree weeks. .He was born in Loudonville. OhioJuly 19. 1908 to the late Thomas H.Parkinson and Maggie LeoP°[°Parkinson. He was a retiredlerior Designer.For several years he ownM adecorating firm in Asheviile. N.C^and for the past eighteen yearsresided at Rt. 3, Mocksville.No family members survive, butmanv devoted friends.He willed his body to the BowmanGrav School of Medicine.\[ his request, a pr'vatememorial service will be held at alater dale.14-Year-Old IsKilled By Truck- .Michael <Mickey) ReynoldsAtkinson. 14. of 501 Salisbury St.,Mocksville was killed Friday whenhe was struck by a pickup truck onUS 64. about 3 miles east of.Mocksville.State Highway Patrolman RonKnight said Atkinson waspronounced dead at the scene.Trooper Knight said that Atkinsonran in front of a pickup truck drivenby James Lewis Ledbetter. 51, ofRt. 4. Yadkinville. Ledbetter wastraveling west on US 64 at 55 milesper hour. Knight said.No charges were filed in the accident that happened at 5:30 p.m.Bom June 25. 1969 in Durham, hewas the son of Meade R. Atkinson.Jr.. and Pat Reynolds Atkinson. Hewas an 8th grader at South DavieJunior High School and a member ofthe First Presbyterian Church.Also surviving are a sister. AnneCharlton Atkinson of Richmond,'Va.; two brothers, Meade R.Atkinson III and Marty R. Atkinson,both of the home; three grandparents. Melva C. Reynolds of Star,and Dr. and Mrs. Meade R.Atkinson. Sr. of McKinney, Va.A graveside service was heldSunday afternoon • at RoseCemetery, The Rev. LelandRichardson officiated.This was the second highwayfatality in Davie for 1983.Mickev Atkinaoni;v. u ».• 7■»» UDAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCK$Via^ NCDAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE. NC 0| 03 NOVEMBER 1983 THURSDAY DAVIE COUNr Area Obituaries ANNIE McDonald Annie Foster McDonald, 87, of 1529 N. Ellis St.. Salisbury, died Thursday night at Davie County Hospital, Mocksville. The funeral was held Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, Mocksville, with the Rev. Phillip Cole officiating. Burial was at Rowan Memorial Park. Mrs. McDonald was born March IS, 1896, in Cabarrus County, a daughter uf the late John and Delia Foster Foster. Her husband, William McDonald, preceded her in death. Surviving are three daughters, Mary Lowder of Kannapolis, Bernice Corroll of Concord and Myrtle West of Mocksville; four sons, Frank and Luther McDonald, both of Concord, Johnny McDonald of Severna Park, Md., and Kenneth McDonald of Glenbumie, Md.: 27 grandchildren; 56 great-grand children and five great-great grandchildren. EVA RODDEN PADGETT Eva Rodden Padgett, 66, of Route 4, Mocksville, died Friday at the Davie County Hospital after a lengthy illness. Graveside services were held Sunday at Rowan Memorial Park, Salisbury. Born Sept. 28, 1917, in Rowan County, she was daughter of the late Pleasant F. and Elizabeth B. Rodden. She was a member of Corinth Church of Christ. Her husband, Mott H. Padgett, died March 2, 1979. Survivors include three brother, Paul Rodden of High Point, Thomas Rodden of Concord and William Rodden of Woodleaf; four sisters, Hazel Campbell of Salisbury, Elsie Carter of Woodleaf, Naomi Safley of Elkin and Mary Morgan of Rock well. Bunch-Johnson Funeral of Statesville handled the funeral arrangements. BEATRICE CHAPELL Beatrice Brown Chapell, 59, died Saturday night at her home on Route 4, Pine Ridge Road. Born January 22, 1924, in Iredell County, she was a daughter of the late Graham and Pearl Cranford Brown. She was retired from Burlington Industries and was a member of Cooleemee First Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband, Marvin E. Chapell; two daughters, Linda Jordan of Cooleemee and Terri Chapell of the home; two sisters, Mary Poster of Cooleemee and Helen Luper of Clemmons; three brothers, Walter and Clifford Brown of Cooleemee and Willis Brown of Route 1, Woodleaf; and three grandchildren. The funeral for Beatrice Brown Chapell was held at ll a.m. Tuesday in Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel conducted by the Rev. Gutl^e Colvard and the Rev. J. D. Revis, Burial was in Rowan Memorial Park in Rowan County. WALTER RALPH HOYLE Walter Ralph Hoyle, 79. Rt. 3, Mocksville died at his home Thursday afternoon after an ex tended illness. The funeral was held Saturday at Rnlnn'c fTiinoral PVian^l hv tha Pav EDWARD L. PARKINSON Edward Leopold Parkinson. 75. of R(. 3, Mocksville. died Friday morning at Forsyth. Memorial Hospital after a serious illness of three weeks. He was born in Loudonville, Ohio July 19, 1908 to the late Thomas H. Parkinson and Maggie Leopold Parkinson. He was a retired In terior Designer. For several years he owned a decorating firm in AshevIHe, N.C.; and for the past eighteen years resided at Rt. 3, Mocksville. No family members survive, but many devoted friends. He willed his body to the Bowman, Gray School of M^icine. At his request, a private memorial service will be held at a later date. MRS. DOROTHY W. ROUSE Mrs. Dorothy W. Rouse, 67, 517 Hagy Street, Abingdon,- West Virginia died Thursday morning, October 27, at St. Luke's Hospital in Bluefield, West Virginia, She was a native of Greendale, Virginia and had spent most of her life in Abingdon. She was a member of Greendale United Methodist Church and was the widow of Charles Robert Rouse. Survivors include (wo daughters, Mrs. Martha Owens and Mrs. Linda E.Ritchie, both of Bluefield, W. Va.; two sons, Robert L. Rouse of Abingdon, Va., and John F. Rouse of Mocksville, N.C.; a sister, Mrs. Blanche Denning of Baltimore, Md.; and ten grandchildren. The body was cremated. MRS. REBECCA SELLS Mrs. Rebecca L. Sells. 29, 307 Brentwooa Dr., Advance, died Monday evening at the residence of her parents in Johnson City, Tenn. She was born in Johnson City and was a graduate of University High School and East Tennessee State University. She was employed as a dental hygienist and was a member of Clemmons Moravian Church. Surviving are her husband, Rick Sells, of die home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks Lowe, Johnson City, Tenn.; one sister, Mrs. Cathy Lawson, Johnson City, Tenn.; her grandmother, Mrs. Ivah Goforth, Erwin. Tenn.; one nephew and several aunts and uncles. Funeral services were held Thursday at Morris-Baker Chapel by Dr. Burton Richard Rights and Dr. Frank Settle. Burial was in Monte Vista Memorial Park. ADDIE BETH SHORE Addie Beth Shore, infant daughter of Kenneth and Donna Burton Shore, Rt. 2, was dead at birth early Tuesday morning at Forsyth Hospital. A graveside service was held at il a.m. Wednesday. October 26 at Mocks United Methodist Church cemetery in Davie County by the Rev. Marion Fulk. Survivors include her parents; one sister. Brandy Lee Shore, of the home; her maternal grandparents, Ronald and Nell Burton, Rt. 2, Advance and her paternal grandfather. Tom Shore, Cooleemee. N.C. Astronaut Accepts Post North Carolina astronaut Dr. Wiltram Thornton has agreed to serve as Honorary Chairman for the North Carolina Museum of History this year, according to Mrs. ^tty Sheek, Davie County Chairman for the Museum's statewide support group, the Museum of History Associates. Pictured with Thornton is Eve Williamson, Executive Director of the Museum's support group. Soils- A Natural Resource A natural resource often have moderate to very high shrink- overlooked and abused are our soils, swell potential. Cracked foun- Many attempts have been made to dations, failed spepUc systems, and define soils. Definitions vary ac- large clods on surface if improperly cording to the individual you talk plowed are common problems with. For example, agronomists unless steps are taken to overcome may define soil as a growth media. these problems. Geologist may refer to soil as the The Davie County Soil Survey weathered portion of the earth's began in July. 1982, to map various crust. Engineers might look at soils soils in the county. It will take ap- as the unconsolidated material proximateiy four years to complete above bedrock. A planner might the field work. Following corn- describe soil as a natural resource pletion of the field work, the sou with various uses and potentials. maps with a manuscript describing Soil is the product of the combined the soils will be published. Soil in- efforts of plants and animals, formation can be obtained iti the i climate, topography, time and meantime by conmcling the So^ parent material. These factors Conservation Service. The Dayig determine the unique cbarac- County Soil Survey is a coopwatiy^ teristics of the natural soil bodies. program supported by the County^ Organic matter accumulation, Commissioners, Soil Conservaboiv' nutrient cycling and structural Services, and the' Division of Soib stability are made possible by the and Water in the Department of; presence of plants and animals, For Natural Resources & Communitis example, nitrogen is added to the Development. A natural resource often overlooked and abused are our soils. Many attempts have been made to define soils. Definitions vary ac cording to the individual you talk with. For example, agronomists may define soil as a growth media. Geologist may refer to soil as the weathered portion of the earth's crust. Engineers might look at soils as the unconsolidated material above bedrock. A planner might describe soil as a natural resource with various uses and potentials. Soil is the product of the combined efforts of plants and animals, climate, topography, time and parent material. These factors determine the unique charac teristics of the natural soil bodies. Organic matter accumulation, nutrient cycling and structural stability are made possible by the presence of plants and animals. For example, nitrogen is added to the soil system by micro-organisms aione or in association with plants. Vegetative cover helps reduce erosion thereby slowing down the rate of surface removal. Climate is perhaps the most in fluential factor. Temperature and precipitation have profound in- huences on the chemical and physical processes. Climatic in- huences are often expressed through or in combination with other factors. In humid areas plentiful rain is favorable for the growth of trees while grasslands are the dominant vegetation in scmiarid areas. The influence of topography is the formation of soils in seen most often by interacting with other factors. The rolling topography in some areas encourages natural erosion and may eliminate the possibility of a deep soil. In areas, where it is flat and water is not readily removed, climatic influences may become relatively ineffective in regulating soil development. The lime that materials are subject to weathering plays a sienificanl role in soil formation. Animal Protection ^ Society To Meet The Davie County Animal; Protection Society will hold it« regular monthly meeting, Tuesdayr November 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the Davie County Courthouse. Reports will include a financial report, a final report on the Horse Show, and a report on the Animal Shelter. Plans for the annual Christmas party will also be made. This is a very important meeting and all members and friends are urged to attend. iltfili Fears Prove Correct; Son Is Killed In Beirut Till.' "Aaii is over fur a Uayic " County family ft-aring Ihu worst for their sou on duly in Beirut. Lebanon is Sunday, October it. . Marine officials con irmed a Wednesdav lluil C|>1. t.iailes Oennis Cook, 21, of 21V I laybon Drive in Davic (lardcii.s near Kanmngloo. was annmg nioi c Hwn 201) Mann.'S killed when a Unck 1; carrying thousands ot pounds of explosives crashed into Marine headiuiaiteis , II was Wedne.sday. lleloher 2i. ^ lhal his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlfs K. Cook, learned of their son's fate. His body was lound hours earlier beneath the rubble of the iformer Marine head(|uarlers site in | Lebanon. ^ a a n That morning the most dieaaea sight of Charles K. Cook's, a retired Marine Sgl. Major, became a reality. At B:15 a.m. October 2b, three Marines in crisp, forest green uniforms and highly polished shoes visited the family at their home on Claybon Drive. They learned it is believed their son was on duly al the time of the explosion occurred and died instantly in the blast. Denms was a radio operator. The com munications radios were on the ground floor. Dennis had been in Lebanon since April. He was to return to the United States November 15. He would have been 22 years old on November 22.■i knew that was it." Cook saidWednesday when he saw the carI bearing the Marine emblem pullinto his driveway. "But you alwayshope," he said, his voice cracking.Grief stricken. Cook made littlecomment about his feelings on U.S.Marines on duty in Beirut. "I "o'bitter towards the Marine Corp, he said "But as far as I'm concernedmy son is worUi more than any of1 those people in Lebanon. But that s1 not the issue, he added. "The issue1 is oil and who controls the oil fields " ,Cpl Cook's sibler, Libby, said she is biiier but not about why herbrother died. "The only bitterness 1feel is that the people who did it were cowards," siie said,Al present, fiiiierai airangenienlsarc incomplete. Cpl, Cook's body isexpected to arrive In Dover,Delaware from Cormaiiy this week.The body will then be flown intoGreeiislwru air|virt wilh interment to follow ill West Lawn MemorialGardens in Cleiiimons. Vogler sCliapel in Cleinmons is in charge of funeral aiTangcmenls.Cpl. Cook is described as a happy,outgoing person.... a man who knewno strangers and cherished bringinglaughter to others. He was athletic and lettered in cross-country atDavie High School. He had a senseof duly and was proud to be a Marine.He joined the Marines as areserve in 197U and following highschool graduation in 1979 he went onactive duly. Prior to going on activeduty he attended Com Center School at 29 Palms, California. In 1982 he received a com- ! mendalion for outstanding per-, formaiice as a communicator withthe 34lh Marine Amphibious Unit on. his first overseas duty while servingi with the 2nd Marine Division.His three-year stint in theMarines would have ended next i September.f Dennis was born in Beaufort, S.L.II loSgt.Maj. Ret. U.S. Marine Corpss Charles F. Cook and" Mary Alice, Burchfield Cook. He had attendede school in Hawaii, Camp Lejeune,5. and one year at Davidson County Community College. He is survived by his mother and■d father of the home; one sister, Missof Elizabeth Ann (Libby) Cook of the•s home; and his maternal steppe grandmother, Mrs. John L. Bur-)il chfield of Westel, Tenn. C|)l. Charles Dennis Conk OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY mocksville, nc <oS'P ®Co§g5y' » MRS. ADDIE ANDERSONMrs. Addie Mitchell Anderson, 87,died at 2 p.m. Monday at the Fran-Ray Rest Home. Formerly ofStatesvUle, she made her home withher son Claywell M. Anderson ofFork, prior to entering Fran-Ray.She was bom October 23, 1896, inIredeil County, daughter of the lateThomas P. and Lillie Smith Mitchell. She was a member of theBaptist Church and a retired textileemployee of the Abernathy Mills ofStatesville. She attended the RockySprings Academy.Graveside services were heldWednesday morning at the Oak-wood Cemetery in Statesville. JohnR. Melton, pastor of the AbileneChurch of Christ officiated.She is survived by one son,Claywell M. Anderson of Fork; twogranddaughters, Mrs. PamelaKerns of Brooklyn Heights, N.Y.,and Lisa Anderson of Rt. 2, Advance.It is requested that memorials bemade to the Davie CountyAssociation of Retarded Children, incare of Claywell M. Anderson, Box389, Rt. 2, Advance, N.C./ OLIN BOWERSOlin Hyde Bowers, 73, of 43 DukeStreet, Cooleemee, N.C. diedFriday, November 4, 1983, at theMedical Center in Salisbury, N.C.Funeral services were heldSunday evening at four o'clock atBaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Reverend J.D. Revis. Burialfollowed in Legion Park cemetery.He was born February 7, 1910 inSurry county to the late John W. andCaroline Roberts Bowers. He was aretired cook from U-Stop-N Grill ofCooleemee, N.C.; and a member ofCooleemee Baptist Church. Mr.Bowers served in World War II as amember of the U.S. Army.Survivors include a daughter,Mrs. Jane Bowers Durham, of Rt.15, Lexington, N.C.; 4 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren; 1sister, Mrs. Essie McDaniel ofCooleemee, N.C.; and 1 brother.Mack Bowers also of Cooleemee,N.C.MRS. MINNIE TAYLORPOTTSMrs. Minnie Taylor Potts, 88, ofRt. 1, Harmony, N.C. died Tuesdaymorning at her home. Death wasunexpected.Funeral services will be conduct^ Thursday at 2 p.m. atElaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Reverend Gene Blackburn.The family will receive friends atthe funeral home chapel Wednesdayevening from 7 until 9.Mrs. Potts was born March 3,1895.She is survived by her husband,Thomas Noah Potts of the home; 2stepdaughters, Mrs. Edith P. Julianand Mrs. Carolyn Potts, both of Rt.1, Harmony, N.C.; 7 step grandchildren; and 1 step son, ThomasGreen Potts of Rt. 1, Harmony, N.C.' R. B. COOKRichmond Bryan Cook, 87, diedSunday night at Forsyth Hospital.The funeral will be held at 2:Mp.m. Thursday at MacedoniaMoravian Church. Burial will followin the church graveyard.Mr. Cook was born in DavieCounty to Daniel J. and SarahSparks Cook. He was a member ofMacedonia Moravian Church.He owned and operated Cook'sGrove Citrus Farm in Homestead,Fla.Mr. Cook maintained a home inHomestead, Fia. and a home andfarm in the Yadkin Valley community in Davie Comty.He was preceded in death by hisfirst wife, Mrs. Minnie EthelDickerson, who died in 1950.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. MaryWelborn Cook, of the home; fourdaughters, Mrs. Homer (Virginia)Morrow, Miami, Fia., Mrs. RubyMorris, Winston-Salem, Mrs.Gladys Nichols, Advance and Mrs.Ralph (Grace) Overby, Fayet-teville, N.C.; seven grandchildren;12 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren and one sister,Mrs. N. D. (Rea) Ragsdale, Winston-Salem.• HARVEY BAXTER ASHBURNHarvey Baxter Ashbum, 63, ofRoute 1, Cameron community,Sanford, N.C. died Wednesday at hishome.A graveside service was heldSaturday, November 5, at 11 a.m. atClarksbury United Methodist(%urch cemetery in Iredeil county,by the Reverend Don Forrest.He was a retired lumberman.Survivors include his wife, HelenLewis Ashburn of the home; threesons, Harvey Ashburn and Joe Ashburn, Main Church Road,Mocksville, and Richard Ashbum ofSanford, N.C.; three stepsons, onestepdaughter, 18 grandchildren, 9great grandchildren; and one sister,Mrs. Marie Baraeycastle of HighPoint, N.C.uCDCD<S</>o<mSCDmcf ^ LEXIE A. BAILEY Lexic Alexander Bailey, 61, of Route 2, Advance, died Saturday morning at Oavie County Hospital following a long illness. A memorial service was held Sunday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel, Mocksville. Officiating at the service was the Rev. Gordan Joyner. - Born Sept.9, 1922, in Wilkes County, Mrs. Bailey was a daughter 0 or- 1 MliS. EMMA HAE Sl'KY Mrs. Emma Kae Foster Spry 78. uf Coolccmce, died at Da vie County tluspilal early Sunday Mor- ning.Meinorial services will he 2 p.m. Sunday. Novemher 20 at Edgewoud Baptist Church in Couleemee by the Hev. Fred Carlton. The family request that all iiieinorials be made to Kdgcwood Baptist ('llburcli. Mrs. Spry was burn in Wilkes (■'iiunty to the late Richard P. and Venia Dockery Foster and was a retired textile mill worker. She was a charter member uf Edgewood Baptist Church and was tlie church clerk for 36 years and was also a former Sunday school teacher. She had also been a nursing assistant at the Da vie County Hospital in Mocksville. She is survived by the husband, l.ee Sherman Spry; two suns, Harry Spry, Babb, Mont, and Kenneth Spryi llarrisburg, N.C.; five grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs Helen Blalock, Winston-Salem. ^ STELLA B. THOMAS Stella Boyd Thomas, 73, uf 36 Watt Street, died at Davie County Hospital on Sunday. The funeral was held Tuesday at Eaton's Funeral Home Chapel in Mocksville conducted by the Rev. J. D. Revis, pastor of Cooleemee First Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Legion Memorial Park. Born September 9, 1911, in Buchanan County, Va., she was adaughter of the late Floyd and Causby Deal Boyd. Her husband,Lonnie Victor Thomas, preceded her in death. ' Survivors include four stepsons, Donald Stueitner of Route 14,Lexington, and Rickey, Terry and Allen Thomas, all of the home; a sister, Edith Church of Route 7,Mocksville; a brother, George Boydof Virginia; and two grandchildren. of the laic Jesse Tlioiuas and Maude Harris Alexander.Surviving are her husband, Hugh Wilburn "Burr" Bailey; two sons, Tom and Doug Bailey of Route 2,Mm-ksville; five sisters, Thelma 1'helps, Huby Alexander, DorcasBrigdon and Elsie Kimmer, all of Route 4, Mocksville, and Billie Foster of Route 2, Advance; two brothers, lUyde Alexander of WiikesCounty and Fred Alexander ofFranklin, Ga.; and 23 nieces and nephews.Memorials may be made to the Association of Retarded Citizens Group Homes,DrawerO, Lexington, N.C. 27292. u/ MARY DARNELL ^ MCCLAMROCK Mary Darnell McClamrock, 84, uf IB3-23rd Street, Hickory. N.C., died I'uesday, November 8, in an area hospital, following a period of declining helath. She was born January 26, 1899 in Kanaugh County, West Virginia. Survivors include a son, William K. McClamrock uf Hickory; a brother, Arthur Darnell of Silver Springs, Florida, three grand children and one great grandchild. Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, November 10, in Hickory, N.C. CD OJ CD (/> "^/^vwe. Co urv^^^(2jery<l7fov/ (Brn^K^o/Li9/sW.CONRAD YORKWilliam Conrad Yoiff, 73, ofFuguay-Varina, N.C., a retiredadministrator of North CarolinaState Savings and Loan Association,appointed by the late Waldo Cheek,insurance commissioner at thattime, died Thursday, November 17,1983, in Raleigh. N.C.He was the brotluf of James Yorkof MocksviUe, N.&,^Mr. York retired from his job asadministrator of the Savings andLoan division of the State Department of Commerce in 1975 at age 65.He began working with the divisionas field auditor in 1946.He was a member of Grassy KnobLodge Number 471 in Union Grove;and was current master of MastersLodge Number 754, Raleigh;member of the Raleigh York RiteBodies, member of Raleigh ScottishRite Bodies, member of SudanTemple, New Bern. N.C.; memberof Amran Temple, past sovereignmaster of Bannockbum CouncilNumber 125. Allied .Masonicdegrees, Raleigh.He was a member of TaylorSprings Baptist Church.A graveside service with fullMasonic rites was held Saturday at2 p.m. at Greenlawn MemorialGardens.Survivors other than his brotherinclude his wife. .Andrewetta BalardYork of the home: a sister. Mrs.Frank Turner of Statesville., N.C..and another brother. Hal York ofOiin. N.C.in lieu of flowers, contributionsmay be made to Masters Lodge No.754. to be used for Knights TempleEye Foundations, the OxfordMasonic Orphanage or the EasternStar Home.^ JAMES H. COUCH, SR.James H. Couch, Sr., 75, of 322 W.Church Street, Urbana, Ohio, diedTuesday, November 15th at MercyMedical Center in Springfield, Ohio.He had been in declining health fornearly 2 years and critically ill two iwggIcs*He was bom in Davie County cmJuly 7, 1908. He was the son of thelate Thomas and Jessie Deadmoo :Couch.Survivors include his wife. RubyBaktf Couch, a daughter, JoyceMurphy of Newcomerstown, Ohio.;four sons, Lawrence, of Springfield, 'Sam of Chillicothe, Thomas A. ofMount Victory, and Paul ofMarysville; 25 grandchildren; and 8great-grandchildren. A sister,Catherine Spry of MocksviUe; threebrothers, Dewey of MocksvUle; Otisof Virginia Beach, Va.. and Marshall d Parker Dam, Calif.Services were held on November17 at 1.30 p.m. in the chapel «rfWalter Funeral Home.The Rev. Ronald Robbins officiated with burial in the Oak DaleCemetery in Urbana, Ohio.PUBUC UBRARYmocksville, NC »<REV. C. E. CRAWFORDThe Rev. Charles EvansCrawford, Sr.. 84, Rt. 4, Advance,died at Fran-Ray Rest Home inMocksville Saturday morning.The funeral was held Tuesday atAdvance Baptist Church. The Rev.Kenneth Warner and the Rev. TdnyJordan officiated. Burial was inWestlawn Gardens of Memory inQemmons with Masonic rites at thegraveside. Rev. Crawford was bomJune 23,1899, in Cleveland County tothe late John and Freedlove WileyCrawford.He was a retired minister andserved for many years as theminister of Farmington Baptist andAdvance Baptist Churches in DavieCounty.He was a member of AdvanceBaptist Church. His wife, EugeniaRollins Crawford, preceded him indeath August 27, 1980.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Lynda Wentz, AshevUle; two sons,Charles Evans Crawford. Jr.. Rt. 3,Advance and John RollinsCrawford, Lubbock, Tex.; onebrother, Veraon Crawford, Earl,•N.C. and seven grandchildren.The family requests memorialsbe made to Advance Baptist ChurchBus Fund.Area ObituariesDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THLRSD^NOVEMBER 24.> MISS MINNIE MAE SMITHMiss Minnie Mae Smith, 66,of Sheffield Road, Rt. 1, Mocksville,died Wednesday night at DavisConununity Hospital in Statesville.She had been in declining health oneand a half years and seriously illfor one and a half mcmths.She was bora in Davie CountyMarch 13, 1917, to the late JamesAgustus and Bessie Viola Smith-She was employed for 25 yearswith Clinard's Flora Co. then withBlackwelder Manufacturing Co. inMocksville until her retirement.Surviving are six sisters, Mrs.Zelma Smith and Mrs. LouiseHarris, toth of Rt. 1, Mocksville,Mrs. Grace Goforth and Miss MaryAnn Smith, both of Rt. 1, Harmony,Mrs. Olga Boger, Rt. 6, Mocksvilleand Mrs. Belle Harris, Statesville;seven nephews; 10 nieces and 22great-nephews and nieces. Abrother, William J. Smith, diedJune 28, 1978. Mrs. Theo Cllnard, aformer employer, has lived in AeSmith home for the past 10 years.The funeral was hdd Saturday atNew Union United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Kermit E.Shoaf, Dr. J.B. Parker, Jr. and theRev. Graham Wooten. Burial was inthe church cemetery.NORA M. CUTHRELLNora McCrary Cuthrell, 83, of 40Main St., Cooleemee, died Thursdayafternoon at JoLene's NursingHome in Salisbury, where she hadbeen a resident for six months.The funeral was held Saturday atSecond Street Church of God inSalisbury conducted by the Rev. J.D. Collins and the Rev. J. D. Revis.Burial was in Legion MemorialPark in Cooleemee.Bora May 31, 1900. in WilkesCounty, she was a daughter of thetote Acia and .Mary Ann McCrary.Her first husband. George HilleryJohnson, and her second husband,George Cuthrell. both preceded herin death.Survivors include threedaughters. Kathleen McBride of 38Main St.. Cooleemee. Etta Myers ofMt. Airy and Susie Sheets of Route9, Salisbury: two sons. Herman L.Johnson of Route l, Woodleaf, andHillery G. Johnson of Route 6Salisbury: 16 grandchildren; andseven great-grandchildren.WILLIAM C. WILSONThe funeral for WilliamChristopher Wilson was held^turday at New Bethel BaptistChurch in Davie County conductedby the Rev. F. D. Johnson, Jr.Burial was in the church cemeteryWilson, 32. of Route 7, diedTuesday in Raleigh.Bora March 21, 1951. in DavieCounty, he was a son of Gilbert and iBertha Pulliam Wilson of the home.He was a member of New Bethel 'Baptist Church, a veteran of the IU.S. Navy and a 1969 graduate ofDavie County High School.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include a son. William C.Gregory of Mocksville; a brotherJames Gilbert Wilson of the home'and two sisters. Ruby Peterson of -Mocksville and Ruth .Mayfield ofWoodleaf.» EMMA RAE FOSTER SPRYA Memorial Service was heldSunday, November 20, at EdgewoodBaptist Church in Cooleemee by theRev. Fred Carlton. honoring the lateEmma Rae Foster Spry, who died inDavie County Hospital November13.Mrs. Spry was a.charter memberof Edgewood Church, served aschurch clerk for 36 years, a formerSunday School teacher andYWA.leader.Well known throughout thecommunity for her thoughtfulne^and caring for others, Mrs. Spry'sthoughts were of others even afterdeath. She willed her eyes to theN.C. Eye and Human Tissue Bank,Inc. and donated her body to theBowman Gray School of M^cine inWinston-Salem.She was retired from BurlingtonIndustries in Cooleemee and servedas a representative with AvonCompany many years until herdeath. She had also worked as anursing assistant at Davie CountyHospital.She had also worked as a nursingassistant at Davie County Hospital.During this special tribute to Mrs.Spry, Rev. Carlton read some of herfavorite Bible scriptures andsoloist, Mrs. Violet Livengood sanga couple of her favorite hymns.Special guests attencling theservice were her two sons and nfamilies, Harry Spry of Babb,Montana and Norman Kenneth Spryof Harrisburg and her nieces and*nephews and other relatives.OAVIE CO. PUBUO EIBRARYM0CKSVlLL5a NO /p. /.Area Obituaries'Jif,DAVIE county enterprise record. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1, +9!OAvre CO. public ubrarvmocksviub. ncMRS. AMA N DA BOWLES LINKMrs. Amanda Bowles Link, 80. ofRoute 3. Mocksvilie. died earlyThursday morning at ForsythMemorial Hospital. She had been indeclining health, but death wasunexpected.The. funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Gordon Joyner and the Rev. YatesWilkerson. Burial was in ForkBaptist Church cemetery.Mrs. Link was bom in DavieCounty to the late Masten and JuliaSummers Bowles. She was a retiredemployee of Burlington Mills and amember of Fork Baptist Church.Her first husband. Dewitt Danner.preened her in death in 1930.Surviving are her secondhusband, Lawrence Link; twodaughters. Mrs. Nellie Bailey, Rt. 3,Mocksvilie and Mrs. Helen Bailey,Rt. 2. Advance: one son. HowardDanner. Gastonia: six grandchildren: 13 great-grandchildren:one great-great-grandchild: threesisters. Mrs. Alverta Baker.Statesville. Mrs. Lillace Eaton.Mocksvilie and Mrs. Sadie Evans,Rt. 6. Mocksvilie: three brothers.Thomas M. Bowles. Rt. 1.Mocksvilie. Thurman Bowles.Cooleemee and Ben Bowles. Rt. 4.Mocksvilie.' CORA NICHOLS PAGECora Nichols Page, 89. of Route 4.died Saturday at Rowan ManorNursing Center. Salisbury.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel.Officiating at the service were theRev. Guthrie Coldard and the Rev.J. S. Re vis. Burial was in RowanMemorial Park. Salisbury.Born in Wilkes County June 6.1894. she was a daughter of the lateJohn T. and Ida Jane Bumgar^erNichols. She was retired fromErwin Mills and was a member ofFirst Baptist Church. Cooleemee.Her husband. R. C. Page, died m1963.Surviving are two daugnters.Margie Milholen of Cooleemee and.Mrs. Kinsey Harding of ColonialBeach. Va.: five sons. Robert Pageof Amosville. Va.. W. T. Page ofCooleemee. Judson Page of Route 4.Garland Page of Williamsburg. Va..and David Page of Chariotte; twosisters. Alda McClannon and Mrs.Dewery (Angell) Call of Route 4; 15grandchildren, 24 great-grand-children and three great-greatgrandchildren.v^MRS. MARGARET PERSONFuneral services for Mrs."Margaret Person. 80. of Fayet-teville. North Carolina, were heldSunday. November 27, at Rogersand Breece Funeral Home Chapelthere. Burial followed in LafayetteMemorial Park cemetery.Survivors include three sisters,all of Fayetteville. N.C.. Mrs.Vennie Nunnery. Mrs. DashiaSwanson and Mrs. Florrie Griffith:and several nieces and nephews ofMocksvilie. N.C.Mrs. Person died Friday,November 25. at Cape Fear ValleyMedical Center in Feyetteville. N.C.REV. G. LELAND ROYSTERThe Rev. G. Leland Royster. 71. of118 Old N. C. Highway 10. Black.Mountain, died Tuesday, November22. 1983. at his home.Bom in Cleveland County, he wasthe soi) of Flora Royster of the homeand the late Henry Royster. He wasa graduate of Gardner WebbCollege, received a B.S. degreefrom Furman University and hdd aTh.M. degree from Southern BaptistTheological Seminary.He served as pastor of churchesfor more than 50 years, includingHominy Baptist Church in Candlerand First Baptist Church inCooleemee. He also was a formerassociate pastor and music directorof Forest City Baptist Church. Hehad served 19 vears as director ofmissions for the Graham andHaywood Baptist Association.He retired in 1977 to BlackMountain, where he was a teacherin the men's fellowship class atBlack Mountain First BaptistChurch. He also served as interimpastor for nine churches.Surviving, in addition to hismother, are his wife. MargaretWofford Royster: two daughters.Becky Perry of Statesville andSusan Wail of Mocksvilie: and twograndchildren.Services were held at 11 a.m.Thursday, .November 25, 1983. inBlack Mountain First BaptistChurch, of which he was a member.The Revs. Edgar Ferrell. JohnHicks and Claude Conard officiated.A second service was held at 3 p.m.in Double Shoals Baptist Church inCleveland County. Burial followedin Double Shoais Baptist Churchcemetery..Memorials may be made to BlackMountain First Baptist Church or to•Mountain Hospice. P.O. Box 16,.Asheville. 28802.K TIMOTHY LYNNE HAUSERTimothy Lynne Hauser, 20. Advance. died Sunday night. He wasbom in Forsyth County and wasemployed with Phibbs ConstructionCompany.Surv'iving are his wife, Mrs.Kathy Holder Hauser. of the home;his father. Harold M. Hauser. King:his mother and stepfather. Mr. andMrs. Ronnie Harrison, 2400 AtwoodRd.. Winston-Salem. one sister.Miss Deena Hauser. 2400 AtwoodRd.: one stepbrother, ClintHarrison. Winston-Salem and hisgrandparents. .Mr. and Mrs. OscarF. Hauser. King and Mrs. SailieWebber, Winston-Salem.Funeral services were heldWednesday at Hay worth-MillerSilas Creek Chapel by the Rev.Gerry Befus. Burial followed inWestlawn Gardens of .Memory.K RAYMOND J. YORKRaymond John York. 75. of Route2. Harmony, died Monday morningat his home following a lengthvillness.The funeral will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Winthrop FriendsMeeting conducted by the Rev.Walter O'Neal" and the Rev. TerryKersey. Burial will be in themeeting cemetery.Bom in Iredell County, March 1.1908, he was a son of the late Simand Pearlie Mae Templeton York.He was owner of Iredell DryCleaners before his retirement andwas a member of Winthrop FriendsMeeting.Survivors inciude his wife.Martha Johnson York: a foster son.John Moose of the home: twostepsons. Gary Eller of Mt. UUa andJ.C.EUer of Keraersville; a stepdaughter. Barbara Cass of Mt.UUa:two brothers. Stamey York ofHamptonviUe and Colin York of.MocksviUe: four sisters. EvelynWallace of Harmony. Bessie Heathof Winston-Salem. and Eula Bowei"sand Ruth Griffith, both of Kan-hapolis: and six grandchildren.ovij, .,, , J UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, December 4,1983 ' i-9.Year-bl(l Man S l^oiuul Dead in Car » ; - . jourMl SU" ^ '1 PXlNGTON — A 19-ycar» ih oidmfn was found ^ ^ tprdav in a car in UnviooQ,^miles southwMt of U|Wgtoo^ 'J^lhe Davidson County Sherili s 4 P'CsrfWiDepartmentfs saw tSl Huffman s body has been sent to the sUU medical examiner s office in Chapel Hill. Bio - Obituaries — 12/4/1983 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, December 7,1983 MILLER YADKINVIIXE — Mrs. Georgie Mae Baity Miller, 79, Rt. 4, died Wednesday night at Hoots Memorial Hospital. She was bom in Yadkin County to David H. and Virginia Hoots Baity. She was a member of Courtyey fopti^ Church. Surviving sm her.husbmid, James Anderson Millori Sr.;tiu^ daughters, Mrs. Vir- Miller, botii of Rt .4, Ya/ « kinville and Mis. Margaret C* Bates, Rt S, YadkinviUe; -. two sons, James A. (Bud) i \ Miller, Jr. and David L. ^ Miller, both of Rt 4, Yad- ^kinville; four sisters, Mrs. "^Cleta" Baity, Miss Frances Baity andMrs; Arlette Rat- ledge, all of Davie County and Mrs. Josephine Wells, Rt 4, YadkinviUe; 15 grand- chfldren and nine great grandchildren. PimCTal ar rangements are incom plete. The body is at Mackie-Gentry Funeral Home. The family wiU be at the home of her son, David L. Miller, tonight Bio - Obituaries - 12/7/1983 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPUISE RECORD,TIIURSDAV.DIiCIIMDKR «. 1983-70JOHN M. CHEEKJohn Maxlc Check, 69, of 28 ErwlnSt., (lied (It U :3Q a.m. <m Thuraday,Daccmbcr 1, 1S83 al RowanMemorial following anllinuas of Hvo wiMiks,The funeral waa held a( 2 p.m.SoUjrdoy at Unity PresbyterianChurch in Woodlonf conducted byDr. David L. Honry, paator. Burialfollowed In the chiirch cemetery,FaUbcorers were Donald Cheek,hhix Cheek, Vf. Brian Kiutz, Jr.,w:S. (Dl») VVetraorOi Jr.. J.R,(Bob) Wetmoro, &•. and Eubert T.Coirell.Bom Aug. 15,1614, In Belton, 5.C.,he wao a son o( the lot« Marvin R.and Mary Gertrude Drexler Check.Hi; was educated in the schools ofSpartanburg, S.C., Catowba Collegear(d the University of NorthCarolina at Chopcl HiU. Ho taughtschool in Rowan County for flvoyaars and at Jodtson TrainingjSchool for 22 years.•;He wn« a member of Unity. Freebyterion Church where be was(ui elder, and also had served as adeacon and Sunday School teacherih other churches. He was ainombcsr of Mockavlllo MasonicIlpdgo 134, and served In the U,&.' hlarlne Corps for 24 years, beingolachorgcd In iSfli.^iSurvivors Include his wife, Mary(Beth) Ncsbitt Cheek: two sons,Robert Lewis Check of Richmond,y^'i and John Micliael Chock of^lisburys four hroihers, Mlllard H.6hd Morahnil L. Cliosk, boUi ofI&nnopolis, Malcolm M. Check ofConcord and Dr. Lewie M. Chech ofprcenwood, S.C. imO go P7s"XJ< Cr- 00o?X-<^ • JACK C. DANIELJack ('oolidgc Daniel. 5a. 5H S.Main Si., Mucksville. died earlySimday morning at Davie CountyHospital.'Hie funeral was held I'uesday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Alton Fitzgerald. Burial was inilardison United Methodist Churchcemetery.Mr. Daniel was born in DavieCounty to the late John S., Sr. andIliursa McCullough Daniel and wasemployed by PIcasants HardwareCo. of Winston-Salem.He was a member of IlardisonUnited Methodist Cliurch and was aveteran of World War II.Survivitig are his wife. Mrs.Lucille Walker Daniel of the home;one son, Conley Daniel. Kt. t,Mocksville; one grandson. JasonDaniel: three sisters. Mrs. Helen D.Eaton. Mocksville. Mrs. MargaretD. Caldwell. Winnsboro. S C. andMrs. Hetty Jean Kiddle. Rt. 2,Mocksville: six brothers, T. HaroldDaniel and Dr. Frank Daniel, tethof Winston-Salem, John S. Danieland William C. Daniel, both ofMocksville, Fred C. Daniel,Mooresville and Douglas C. Daniel.Augusta.Ga.,ROBERT L. HILLAKDRobert Lee Hillard. 78, No. 4Center St.. Cooleemee, died atRowan Manor Nursing Center inSalisbury December 7th. He hadbeen a resident there for threemonthsThe funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. J. D. Revis and the Rev.Guthrie Colvard. Burial was inLegion Memorial Park InCooleemee.Mr. Hillard was born in DavieCounty to the lute Mack T. and LulaAnn Dunn Hillard. He was a retiredmeat cutter and had served for 12years as a Davie Coimty DeputySheriff.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Lessie Gregory tlillard. of thehome: three daughters, Mrs.Emma Jean Poplin. Durham, Mrs.Rilla Mae Munday, Cooleemee andMrs. PatriciaStecic, Bear, Del.; sixgrandchildren and one brother,Glenn Hillard, Cooleemee.<'MRS. J. D. SHELTONMrs. Sadie Walser EverhartShelton, 83, of 1815 Teague Lane,Kernersville, widow of J. D.Shelton, died Thursday night atPorsyth Memorial Hospital.She was bom in Davidson Countyto Charlie and Isabella LanierWalser. She was retired fromQiatham Manufacturing Companyin Elkin.Mrs. Shelton was a member ofWesley Methodist Chapel in thePino Community in Davie County.Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.Marion Bodenheimer of Kernersville; two sais, William 0.Everhart of Winston-Salem andHeniy D. Everhart of Kernersville;three step children, Mrs. CorneliaSmith of Mocksville, John HughShelton of Mocksville, TommyShelton of Danville, Va.; thn»sisters, Mrs. Anna l^singer, Mrs.EKie Swicegood and Mrs. RuthMcBride, all of Lexington; ninegrandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren.The funeral was held Sunday atLain Funeral Home Chapel inKernersville with burial inWoodland Cemetery in Winstm-Salem.1^ LEE PHILLIP PRUITTThe funeral for Lee Phillip Pruittwas held at 2 p.m. Friday at Cor-nalzer Baptist Church conducted bythe Rev. Elmer Day. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Pruitt, 18, of Route 3, was dead onarrival at Davie County Hospitalearly Wednesday of injuriessustained in an autombile accidentin Davie County.Born, Jan 31, 1965, in DavieCounty, he was the son of TalmadgeUe and Lena Billings Pruitt of thehome. He was a student al PorsythTechnical Institue in Winston-Salemwas employed at Kentuckyr ried Chicken in Mocksville.Survivors in addition to hisparents, include two sisters. CrystalMaynard of Kernersville and NenaJames of Route 3, Mocksville; twobrothers, Stanley Pruitt of Route 3,Mocksville, and Bradley Pruitt ofthe home; and his maternalgrandmother, Beatrice Billings ofTraphill.VERNON IJED SCOTTFuneral service for Mr. Vernonl.eo Scott of Rt. 6, Mocksville, N.C.will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday atthe Mainville AME Church in DavieCounty. ITie Rev. W.L. Bailey andRev. P.D. Johnson, Jr., will officiate. Burial will follow in thechurch cemetery.Mr. Scott is survived by hismother, Mrs. Beulah Wilson Scott ofthe home; five brother, James Neal,Clyde Ervin, JohnC., Dwight A. andRobert Lester Scott, all ofMocksville; two sisters, Mrs.Shirley A. Steele of Mocksville andMrs. Helen Warren of Winston-Salem.^ MARY LOUISE^ LYNCHA graveside service for MaryLouise Chaff in Lynch was held at 11a.m. Wednesday December 14,1983in Rose Cemetery in Mocksvillewith the Rev. George Auman officiating.Born in Davie County, May 7,1912, she was a daughter of the lateThomas N. and Ida Belts Chaffin.She was a retired dental receptionist and attended First UnitedMethodist Church of Salisbury. Sh«had served as a WAC during WorldWar II. 'Survivors include two daughters,Mrs. Stephen Keith (Jane)Fortune of Salisbury and Mrs.Dennis Livingston of Frankfort, W.Germany; two sisters, HattieHumphries of Raleigh and BettyNosan of Charlotte; two brothers,William Chaffin of Swansboro andHolland Chaffin of Mociuville; andthree grandchildren.Mrs. Lynch, 71, of 517 Grove Stdied unexpectedly Monday morningat Rowan Memorial Hospital.ALAN ALBERTTAYLORAlan Albert Taylor of Cooleemeedied unexpectedly Wednesdaynight.Bom July 18, 1914 in Findlay,Ohio, he lived on Grand Island NewYork 27 years before moving toGladstone Road in Davie County.He moved to Cooleemee seven yearsago, and is described by friends as aman filled with love and compassionfor everyone.He was a devoted member of theFirst Baptist Qiurch of Cooleemeewhere no job was too great or toosmall for him to undertake, Whetherthe job be janitoral work or teachinga Sunday School Class or serving asa deacon, bis willingness to serveremained the same.CDQ>CD(/>omnmSU3m7>CcAH■<mXJOJOmnoJODt—Da>•< Alan "ftiylor died suddenly, in the church he loved, Wednesday night, December 7. His presence will be missed here just as much as his many deeds. He was a past Master of Grand Island Masonic Lodge No. 1138, Grand Island Fireman (15 years)! and was a retired electrician for General Motors Corp. for 34 years Survivors include his wife, Madelyn Bennett Taylor of the home, a daughter Mrs. Bonnie L Ford; a sister. Olive Birkby, one brother, Ralph Taylor, and three grandsons.Lit was Alan Taylor's wishes that his body be donated to Ihe N.C. Baptist Hospital School of Medicine. UJ nfzDAVIE COUNTY fcNTERPRISE RECORD.Obituaries..^cv t t;* ^• A'nrcMRS. LUCILLE YATESMrs. Lucille Allen Yates. T2r^t. 6.Mocksville. died Friday at DavieCounty Hospital. .A memorial service was heldSunday in Union ChapelMethodist Church. The Rev. HaroldReeves officiated. ,Mrs. Yates was bom May ^ I9ii.in Davie County to the late C. F. anaDo^e Kurfees AUen. She was aretired practical nurse and amember of Union Chapel UnitedMethodist Church.Surviving are her husband. H.~">iiaines Yates of the home; oneii^Igh»«»r. Mrs. Ida Belle Potts, ofSan Antonio. Tx; two Brand-children. Charles Gorden Potts. Rt.2. Mocksville and Deborah PeytonPotts of San Antonio. Tx.^ . ZELMA S. SMITH _'zelma Myrtle Smith Smith. ot-Route I. Statesville Highway, aiedat 10:30 p.m. Wednesday at DavisCommunity Hospital after bemg mdeclining health for one year andseriously ill for two days.The tuneral was held Saturday atZion Chapel United .MethodistChurch. Sheffield community,conducted by the Rev. KermiiShoaf. pastor. Burial was in thechurch cemeteryBorn m Davie County.1906. she was a daughter ot the jaieJames Augustusan^essi^^olaSmith Smith. Shehomemaker. Her husband. RotertCleveland Smith, whom shemarried Dec. 26. 1»28. di^1966 and a son. Dorsette Lee Smith,died'Feb. 13. 1952.Survivors include a son. James k.••Jack" Smith of , 'Mocksville; aBarbara G. Barney of Route 1.^^Fivrsisters. Mary Ann Smith andGrace Goforth. both ot Route l.Harmony. Belle Harris ofStatesville. and Olga Boger. Rwte6. and Louise Harris. Route l. bothof MocksviUe; a granddaughter,and a foster grandson.HELEN ASHBURNHelen Lewis Ashbum. 65. ofRoute6 died Friday ni^t at Davie CountyHospital after a lengthy ain^.The funeral was held Sun^y wEaton's Funeral Chapel wth theRev. Don Ferris and the Rev.Norman FryeBurial was in Oarksbury UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery.She was bom June 1. 1^8.Forsyth County to the late SidneyThomas and Amanda TnplettLewis. Her husband. Harvey Ashbum. died Nov. 2. 1983.She is survived ''V ®Mrs. Shirley Poston of Fort Mills.S.C.; six sons. Harvey Ashbum andJoe Ashbum. both of Route 6;Richard Ashbum of .Cameron;Donald Lewis of Charlotte; WayneLewis of Atlanta; and CliffordLewis of El Paso. Texas; a sistCT,Mrs. Louise Bare of Mocksville;three brothers. Bobby Lewis andJames Lewis, both of Harmony, andHarold Lewis of Winstoi-Salem; 18grandchildren; and nine greatgrandchildren.GEORGE MYERSGeorge Hardin Myers. M. of Rl. i.Advance, died at Davie CountyHospital on Saturday aftemooi.The funeral was held at EaumFuneral Home Chapel in MoAsvdteMonday al2 p.m.. conducted by tteRev. Donald Funderburk. Bumlwas in Bethelem United MehodistChurch cemetery.Bom July 13. 1920 tn D®«eCounty, Myers was a son of trte lateGeorge A. and Faille Phel^ My^.He was a member of BethelemUnited Methodist Church.Survivors include his witCeMargaret Smith Myers; oneJoe Myers of the home; tl^sisters. Mary Potts and Virgi^Jones of Rt. 2. and Ruth Davis ctf Rt.1- six brothers. John. Robert MdBilly Myers, all of RL 1. HaydfflMyers of Rt. 2. Hemian My^ ofRL 4 and Jimmy Myers of Qem-mons.DAYIE CO. PUBLICMOCKSVtLLEl,;U8J?ARYNOLUCILLE A. YATESA graveside Committal servicewas bdd for Mrs. Lucille AllenYates, Route 6, Modtsville N.C. at 2p.m. Saturday, December 17, at theUnion Cbapei United MethodistChurch. The ^verend HaroldReeves officiated at the service..Mrs. Yates died unexpecte^y ather hone Friday, December 16, atthe age of 72. She was the wife ofHaines Yates; and the mother of IdaBelle Potts of San Antonio, Texas.The family requests thatmemorials be made to Union ChapelUnited Methodist Church, c-o J.C.Howell, Rt. 6, Mocksville, N.C. rtxjy^, e s.JO~~^)^]<z Gdiac^ B-rt^^r.\^^/^'^'^"2^Q H< i?-VSTELLA CALLMrs. Stella Haneline Call. 94,formerly of Hardison St.™«^y>lle, widow of the late WalterU Call, died December 21st atAutumn Care Convalescent Centerm Moclcsville where she was aresident.The funeral was held Friday atEaton s Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. George Auman. Burial»ISi. UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.The family requests thatmemorials be made to FirstMethodist Church of Mocksville.Mrs. Call was bom in Yadidnto the late Mitchell andMartha Arniswortliy Haneline. Shewas a retired seamstress with C.C.Sanford Department Store inMocksvUle.a member of FirstMetho^t Church of Mocksville.Su^ving are a number of niecesand nephews.^ JAMES A. SANDERSGraveside services for JamesAlbert Sanders, 48, of Route 6,Mocksville, who died early Fridaymorning when a Sre swept hishome on Highway 601 North ofMocksville, were conducted at 11a.m. Satunlay at Eaton BaptistChurch Cemet^ in Davie Countyby the Rev. Conlqy Matlock.Sanders was bom Nov. 14,1935, inDarlington, S.C. to Susan E. Fentersand the late J.T. Sanders. He was apainter.Survivors are his wife, CarolynMixon Sanders of Hartsville, S.C.:two sons, Carroll and RichardSanders, both of Hartsville; hismother of Route 5, Mocksville; andthree brothers, Henry Sanders ofRoute 5, Mocksville, Archie Sandersof Route 6, Mocks>^e, and JamesSanders of Spencer.inUo..bvi,je, M. 1^OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRftRYMOCKSVIUE. no /5/3QAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVU-LE, NOIr.i . .•',• •i''HARVEY SIDDENThe funeral torHarveySidden washeld ai 2 p.m. on Friday. December16. 1983 in the SummersettMemorial Chapel conducted by theRev. Kelley Jones, pastor of theSalisbury First United MethodistChruch and the Rev.Tony Jordan,pastor of Fulton Umied MethodistChurch in Davie County. Burial wasin Fulton church cemetery. Barbers were seated in a group for theservice.Bom Dec. 23. 1931. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateHenry Clarence and Mary EllenStewart Bidden, He was educated inthe Davie County schools andWinston-Salem Barber School, andhad been associated with the WestInnes Barber Shop for several yearsand had been a barber in Salisburyfor 25 years.He was a member of FultonUnited Methodist Church and anaffiliated member of the FMrstUnited Methodist Church ofSalisbury, He was a member ofUnited Commercial Travelers,where he served as secretary ando^asurer, and was a member of theWoodmen of the World and the VF-W, He served in the U.S, .Armyduring the Korean war.Survivors incide his wife, LoisAnne Kilgore Sidden; a stepson.CR - Chip" Pennybacker ofDayton. Ohio; one other stepdaughter, Mrs. Jackie (Terrie)Bebber of Rt. 7, Cromer Road,Salisbury; Two brothers. H.C.Sidden Jr. and WiUiam Roy Sidd«m.both of Lexington; two sisters, Mrs.Claude iVerlie) Sink of Lexingtonand Mrs. Oscar (Sue) Jenkins rtBaltimore, Md.; and six grandchildren.Sidden. 51. of Rt. 12. RidgecrestRd., died Wednesday, Dec, 14. 1983in Rowan Memorial Hospitalfollowing a lengthy illness.LONNIE W. SAINLonnie Woodrow Sain, 67, ofRoute 2. Mocksville died at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-Salem December l8th.The funeral was held December20th at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev. FredShoaf Burial followed in Oak GroveUnited Methodist Cnurch cemetery.Bom July 28. 1916, m DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateAlbert H. and Rosa Smidi Sain. Ifewas a retired employee of theGravely Tractor Co. in Clemnaonaand a member of Oak Grove UmtedMethodist Church. , , . 'Survivors include his wife, LonneMcDaniel Sain; two daughters,Mrs W A. Brenda) Beck, Route 6,and Mrs. Roy (Dianne) Whisenhuntrt Route 2, both of Mocksville; twosons, Donald Woodrow Sain rtAdvance and Gary Dean Sam rtRoute 6. Staiesville;Four sister, Mrs. Moody (OraMae) Chaffin and Mrs. Alton(Geneva) Foster, both oMocksville, Mrs. O.K. (Sarah)Whlttaker of Fort Lauderdale, Fla..and Mrs. Russell (Helen) Jordan ofHermosa Beach. Calif.; twobrothers. Casper H, and L^ier D.Sain, both rt Route 2. Mocksville:and six grandchildren.G.H. CORNATZERGiles Hayden Cornatzer, 58, rtRoute 2, Baltimore Road. Advance,died at Davie County HospitalDecember 17th.The funeral was held December20th at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel in Mocksville with the Rev.Tony Jordan officiating. Burial wasin F^ton United Methodist Churchcemetery in Davie County.Bom June 18, 1925 in DavieCounty, he was a son of DeliaBarney Comatzer of Route 2. Advance, and the late Rom Comatzer.He was a retired employee of R.J.Reynolds Industries.Survivors, in addition to hismother, include his wife.JeanGobble Comatzer; a son. DannyComatzer of the home; two sisters.Pat Chaffin and Betty Comatzer.both of Route 2, .Advance; and threebrothers, Guy, .Albert and SeabonComatzer. all of Route 2, Advance.^ MRS. WINCE S. FOSTERMrs. Wtncie Sedberry Fosta-. 85,of Mocksville. N.C. died at DavieCounty Hospital late Monday night.Funeral services will be held at IIa.m. Thursday at Eaton's Funa-alHixne Chapel with the ReverendJudge Johnson officiating. Burialwill follow in Turrentine BaptistChurch cemetery.The family will receive friends atEaton's Funeral Home from 7 p.m.until 9 p.m. Wecinesday.She was bom October 20, 1898, inDAVTE COINTY ENTERPRISE RECORD.rHURSDAV. DECEMBER :9. 1983Concord, N.C. to the late Georgeand Margaret Morris Sedberr./. Shewas a member of TurrtrntineBaptist Church.Her husband, Gerner Fosterpreceded her in death in 1934.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Robert (Mabel) Lanier, Mrs.Robert I Helen) Hendricks. andMrs. Harold (Delores) Poplin; 2sons, M.G. Foster. Jr. ofCooleemee. N.C. and George Fosterrt Rt, 7, Mocksville; 13 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildrenand 2 great, great grandchildren; 3sisters, Mrs. Elsie Carter, Mrs.Irene Hellard and Mrs. Jenny Galesall of Cooleemee. N.C.The family requests thatmemorials be made to TurrentineBaptist church in lieu of flowers./ JERRY CARTERCharles F. (Jerry) Carter, 36. ofBeauchamp Rd., Rt. 2. Advance,died Wednesday, December 21st atForsyth Memorial Hospital.*^6 fuperal was held Saturday at2 p.m. at Mocksville UnitedMethodist Church with burial in thechurch cemetery.Mr. Carter was bom in Davie Co.to Walter A. (Pete) and FlorenceBeauchamp Carter. He lived ail hislife in the Advance community andwas a member of Mocks UnitedMethodist Church.He was a graduate of DavieCounty High School and ForsythTechnical Institute.Mr. Carter was a veteran of theViet Nam Conflict, serving in theU.S. Army.He was employed by WinstonPrinting Co. for 12 years beforeretiring in 1980 for health reasons.Surviving are his mother of thehome; a twin sister. .Ms. PatsyCarter Kiger of Advance: one niece.Miss Andra Kiger and one nephew,Todd Kiger, both of Advance.