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JANUARY 1.1983S/i/ '? '/3 o* ). (c.^Wfe. ^eux.^ £>l^^^^c«-.^(^,v</ :7^^^r>^Yy ».THOMAS V. HOWARDThomas Vestal Howard. Sr.. 9i, of2111 Cole Road. Clemmons. .v'.C.died Friday at his home after anillness of ?ne week..Mr. Howard wj.s bom October 3.1891. in Da vie County, the son ofLuther ar.J Ann Massey Howard.He hau lived most of his life inClemmons and the past six years athis present homeplace. He was amember of Clemmons BaptistChurch and a retired plasterer.Surviving are his wife. .Mrs. MaryYoung Howard of the home: threedaughters. .Mrs. Frances HowardHicks and-;.Mrs. Hazel HowardBinkley. both of Cole Road and MrsGladys Ijoward Kirkman ofCharlotte; one son. Dr. Thom V.Howard. Jr. of St. Petersburg Fla.;13 grandchildren of Winston-Salcni.High Point. Kernersville. Charlotte,East Bend, Greensboro,'Jacksonville, Fla.. and DallasTexas: 23 great grandchildren: twogreat-great-grandchildren: manynieces and nephews; and onebrother. Louie Howard ofMocksville.The funeral was conducted atVogler's .Main Street Chapel at lla.m. Monday by the Rev. JamesPetree. Burial was in ParklawnMemorial Gardens.^MARILYN MOORE LEEMarilyn Moore Lee, thirty-five, ofPrmce George. Va. was killed in anautomobile accident which oc-oi)^ in Charles City, Va. on Dec.am. Her two daughters were alsoinjured m the accident. MlcheUe hasbear released from the hospital, butH^tha-, who sustained severe headmjimes, is in Intensive Care in aRichmond hospital.In additiai to her daughters, sheIS survived by her husband. Edward •j®?, home, her parents Mr.wd Mrs. Raymond Moore andJay. of Southern Shores,wtty Hawk, NC., and one sister,Memory of Gaither-sburg, Md.held inthe chapel at Fort Lee, Va. BurialWM in rte COTetery of Merchant'sHope Church.granddaughter2 t ® W.L. Mooreof Mocksville.ravIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVmocksville. no '' oI - ^- daVIE county enterprise^CO|||ggUR^AY^>ijuARY 13,1983-Area ObituariesMRS. ARTHUR SHUTTMrs. Carrie Hartman Shutt. 77.Underpass Road, died January Sthat Meadowbrook Manor NursingHome. Clemmons.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Friday at Advance UnitedMethodist Church. Burial followedin the church cemetery.Mrs. Shutt was bom in OavieCounty to John H. and Mary-Bowden Hartman.She was a member of AdvanceUnited Methodist Church, where-she was a member of Sally SuePeebles Sunday school class.She had lived in the Advancecommunity all her life.Surviving are her husband, Arthur L. Shutt of the home; onedaughter. Mrs. Leonard (MaryNell) Jones, two granddaughters.Misses Anne and Janna Jones, twograndsons, Gary and Alien Jonesand one brother. R. Gray Hartman,all of Advance.The family requests that in lieu offlowers memorials be made tocemetery trust fund, AdvanceUnited Methodist Church. Advance27006.<< GENEVA CHAMP DANIELGeneva Mae Champ Daniel. 61, ofRoute 7. died 2; 10 p.m. Sunday, Jan.9. at the N.C. Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem after being indeclining health for seven monthsand seriously ill for three weeks.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Wednesday in the SummersettMemorial Chapel in Salisbury bythe Rev. Buddy Frye. Burialfollowed in Liberty UnitedMethodist Church cemete^.Bora March 26. 1921, in DavieCounty, Mrs. Daniel was educatedin the Davie County schools and hadworked with the senior citizens atthe B. C. Brock Building.Her husband, Clyde AndersonDaniel, died Feb. 1, 1957.Survivors include a son, JohnClyde Daniel of Hudson Falls. N.Y.;six daughters, Mary Storey andHenrietta Leffler, both of Atlanta,Ga.. Irmajean Stoneman and Mrs.Clydie Athey, both of Syracuse,N.Y.. Shirley Shipton of Rockwell,and Rachel Cousino, Route 4 andGeneva Hanes, both of Mocksville;A brother. John Henry Champ ofRoute 7. Mocksville; a sister, Mrs.Pat Taylor of Statesville; 33 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren..■ v.0.r»JuiiC L.bioi•n. u N. C. AreaObituaries. MISS BRYTE REBECCAREEDERMiss Bryte Rebecca Reeder, 87;died a I Rowan Manor NursingHome in Salisbury Sunday morning.Mrs. Reeder had made her homefor the past (en years with anephew, James H. Atwood, Sr. ofMocksville, Rt. 2.Mrs. Reeder was born in Monroeto the late James H. and Ida AnnCrowell Reeder. She was retiredfrom Cannon Mills in Kannapolis.Surviving are one granddaughter,Mrs. Becky Raphael of Springfield,Va.; one daughter-in-law, Mrs.Blanten Smith of Isle of Palms,S.C.; several nieces and nephews.The funeral was held Tuesday atEaton's FunderUChapel by the Rev.Fred Shoaf. Busfal was in OakGrove United Methodist ChurchCemetery.EVA SEAFORD DWGGINSEva Seaford Dwiggins, 92, ofRoute 7, Mocksville, died at herhome Sunday night, Jan. 16, 19S2.The funeral was 3;30 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel by the Rev. Alton Fitzgerald. Burial followed in HardisonUnited Methodist Church cemetery.Born Feb. 10, 1890, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Charlie W. and MargarolDwiggins Seaford. She was amember of Hardison UnitedMethodist Church. Her hilkband,Samuel M. Dwiggins, died Feb. 9,1977.Surivors include two daughters,' Mrs. Fred Barney and MarieDwiggins, both of Mocksville; a son,Paul L. Dwiggins of Mocksville; onegranddaughter; and two great-granddaughters.RONALD DAVID BOWLESRonald David Bowles, 35, ofAdvance, Rt. 1, died Sunday atBaptist Hospital of self-inflictedwounds.Mr. Bowles was born in DavieCwinty February 8,1947 to John Leeand Pauline McCullough Bowles.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Barbara Beck Bowles; one son,David Michael Bowles, both of 29SBuchanan Street, Winston-Salem;his parents of Rt. 6, Mocksville; onesister, Mrs. Judy Cohen of Rt. 1.Advance; paternal grandmother,Mrs. Frank Bowles of Rt. 2,Mocksville;The funeral was held Wednesdayat 2 p.m. at Eaton's Funeral Chapelby the Rev. Fred Shoaf. Burial wasin Oak Grove United Methodistfchurch Cemetery.i/ MARK OSCAR LAURENEMark Oscar Laurene, 27, Rt. 5,was dead on arrival January 11th atDavie County Hospital.He was born in Peoria, Illinois toAndrew H. and .lane SmithLaurene.Surviving are his father andmother of the home; one brother,Arne Laurene, Saint Louis, MLssouriand maternal grandmother, Mrs.Lillian Smith, Troy, New York.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home chapel bythe Rev. Ray Surratt. Burialfollowed in Westlawn MemorialPark, Clemmons.tj I'BAKERMOCKSVILLE Mr.Mack Raymond Baker. 87,839 Hardison Street, diedWednesday morning atBaptist Hospital after a serious illness of one week.Funeral services will be3:30 p.m. Friday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel byElder Archer Llvengoodand At MozaL Burial willfollow in Rose Cemetery.The family will receivefriends from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the funeral home.Mr. Baker was bom in Alexander County to Robertand Nancy Hcndren Baker.He was a retired farmer.He was a member of Seventh Day Adventist Churchand was.a veteran of WorldWar L Surviving are hiswife, Mrs. Lillian NicholsBaker of the home; onedaughter, Mrs. Carolyn Sci-re, Howell, New Jersey;two sons, Dallas andDwight Baker, both ofMocl^ille; seven grandchildren; one great-grandchild; one stepgrandchild;two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Rollins, Rt 6, Mocksville andMrs. Ruth Flynt, Winston-Salem and two brothers,John Baker, Rt. 6, Mocksville and Sleigh Baker.Wood Haven, New York.Opc21 ^3-roWE CO. PUBUC DBRKBV"^hk-rvilie, no1pa DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, January 20,1983, 11BNell HolthouserSiK "".'fMISS NELL HOLTHOUSERMiss Nellie Rccsc llnilliouscr, 77,156PincSlrccl, died Thursday morningat Daptisl llospilal,The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Uornc chapel bytlic Rev. Leiand Richardson. Burialwas in liosc Cemetery. MissHolthouser wos born in DavicCounty to Milas J. and Addle ToddHolthouser.6ho was a roUrod niir«r hnvlncworked for Dr. W. M. Long.She is a member of MocksviileFirst Presbyterian Church and hadserved in the WACs in World War 11.burviving arc two sisters, MissDaisy Holthouser. Mocksviile andMrs. Annie Marshall, Winston-Salcm: one brother, ErnestHolthouser, Charlotte and severalnieces and nephews."Dedicated and totally unafraid of u-ork. She was my asslstant-^andno one could hope to ever Find one any belter."Thus Dr. William M. Long described Nell Holthouser—his nursingassistant for almost 50 years.Dr. Long came to Mocksviile In 1934, opcidng offices for the generalpractice of medicitte on the second floor of the Sanford building, overwhat Is now The Fashion Shop. Shortly thereafter he was jtrfncd by ayoung lady of 29 years, Nell Holthouser. She had no formal training Inmedical work or prior experience as a nurse. However, showing anIntense interest in her work, she learned rapidly under the tutelage ofDr. Long."Those were the days of home calls. From the beginning Nell accompanied me and we went to aii sections fo Davic County-delivering bablcsand treating the sick," rccaiiedDr. Long."Together we wore out car after car. At limes when roads wer<impassable, fanners would meet us with mules, horses, tractors, etc.which we would ride to the home. However, nothing ever upset NcU—she never complained," said Dr. Long.Then along came World War II. Dr. Long gave ttp his medicalpractice to enter military service. Nell followed, Joining the WAC's(Women's Auxiliary Corps) in 1943. She underwent aii the training andwas ready for overseas duly In 1944 when her father, M.J. Holthouser,became critically 111 and died. Neil took leave from the WAC's toreturn home to live with hcriMdowcd mother and dstcr.Following the wid of World War 11, Dr. Long returned to Davle andreopened & office. Nell rejoined him as nursing assistant. Also'Joining (his medical team about this time were Margaret Blackwood, anurse and a niece of Nell's, and Hilda Markham, in charge of the office.Early in 1951 Dr. Long and team moved from the Southern Bonkbuilding into the present quarter on the comer of South Main andWater Street, it was out of thlsofdce that Nell devoted the remaining32 years of her life."She was a most remarkable per8on...never complalalog about longhours or hardships. She osslsicd in every phase Of my medicalpractice, lean conservatively say lhalshc assisted me in the deliveryd mere than B.nno hahies—most of which were home deliveries." saidDr. Long. "Many of our leading citizens of Davle today had the helpinghands of Nell when they were born," said Dr. Long.Approximately nine months ago Nell became 111 with cancer. Evenwhile undergoing treatment she held on to the life she loved. Her workwas heriife. Growing weaker all the time as the illness tocdr i ts toll, shewould return to work when she could, (lUing in wherever nwdeU,wherever abe could help.Of Neil Hollhouser it can be said:"In her life she had few days misspent—and she probably had nohour without some deed of iovii^ kindness to others."Bio - Obituaries - 1/20/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Area ObituariesMACK R. BAKERMack Rntiu'ti Baker, 87, B39Hnrdison Street, died Janunrj' 19lhat Baptist llnspilat after a .seriousillness of one week.The funeral was held Friday atEalon'.s Funeral Home Chapel byElder Archer Livengood and AlMozat. Burial was in RoseCemetery.Mr. Baker was born in AlexanderCounty to Robert and NancyIlcndren Raker.Re was a retired farmer.He was a member of Seventh DayAdventisI Church and was a veteranof World War I.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Lillian Nichols Baker of the home;one daughter. Mrs. Carolyn Scire,Howell, New Jersey; two sons,Dallas and Dwight Baker, both ofMocksvillc; seven grandchildren;one great-grandchild; onesicpgrandchild; two sisters. Mrs.Pearl Rollins, Rt. 6. Mocksville andMrs. Ruth Flynt, WInslon-Salemand two brothers, John Baker, of Rl.6 Mocksville and Raleigh Baker,Wood Haven, New York.i. WADE H. LEONARD .SR.Wade Harrison Leonard Sr., 71, ofRoute 3. died in Davie CountyHospital January 19. following a twoweek illness.The funeral was held Friday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel byth'c Rev. Cordon Joyner. Burial wasIn Fork Baptist Church Cctnclery.Born .luiie 24. 1911, in DavidsonCountv, he was a son of the lateJessie Lee and l^na Pack Leonard.He was a retired attorney, havingpracticed law in Roscvlllc, Ga. andwas a graduate of Catawha Collegeand the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga Law School.Survivors include his wife, AnnaRuth Kmmtz Leonard; a son, WadeH. Leonard. Jr. of Mocksville; asister, [,ucy Walscr of I.exingtnn;Iwo l>rothers, Paul l-eonard ofWinslon-Salem and Adam Leonardof Lexington; and two grand-I'hildren./ LOLA E. .SHOAFLola Ellis Shoaf, 92, of Route 5,Tyro rommunity in DavidsonCounty, died I0:3n p.m. Sunday inthe Golden Age Nursing Centerfollowing an illness of throe years.The funeral was held 2 p.m.Wednesday at St. Luke's LutheranChurch by the Rev. Alfred Mullen.Burial was in Sandy Creekcemetery.Born in Davie County, Jan. 23,1891, she was a daughter of the laleThomas J. and Amanda RobertsonEllis. She was a homemakcr and amember of St. Luke's LutheranChurch. Her husband, Ira GuyShoaf, died in 1946., Survivors include Iwo sons, EllisS. Shoaf of Charleston, S.C. andWayne H. Shoaf of Route 5.Lexington; a daughter, Charlotte S.I.ylc of Route 5. Lexington; abrother. William J. Ellis of Advance; a sister. Mildred Hege ofAdvnnre; and four grandchildren.Oavie Co. Public LibraryCmE CO. PUBLIC UBMOCKSVILLE, Nl? CNCN-N.-■CoI(r^/1/ vI(Xs- CLYDE M. BARBERClyde Melviii Barber, 43, of 33Center St., Coolcemee, died 6:30a.m. Monday at Rowan MemorialHospital following an Ulness of two^ys.• The funeral was held 2 p.m.We^esday at the Episcopal Church(rf the Go^ Shepherd by the Rev.Willis Rosenthal, pastor, and theRev. Claude A. Collins, paster ofChrist Episcopal ' Church,Cleveland. Burial was in ChristEpiscopal Church cemetery.- Born in Rowan County, Aug. 10,*1939, he was a son of the late ElmerM. and Bessie Gardner Barber. Hewas a member of the EpiscopalChurch of the Good Shepherd andpwned and operated his owngrocery store.! Survivors include his wife. PatsyYork Barber; two sons, Carey S.iBarber of the home and Marlon R.Barber of Mocksville; a stepson,Barry G. York of Lake Norman; adau^ter, Mdissa L. Barber-of theLome; a brother, James E. Barberof Columbia, S.C.; and a grand-'ehild.; >/ JUDY C. BROADWAY• Judy Carter Broadway, 40, ofTloute 7, died in Davie County'Hospital Friday morning after twojnonths of illness.' The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel by!the Rev. J.B. Revis. Burial was in.Liberty United Methodist ChurchGeinetery.! Pallbearers were Clay West, ClayPetty, Terry Carter, RichardSpillman, Jimmie White and Donny.TLoinason.Born Feb. 21, 1942, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of MaryJones Carter and the late JamesPaul Carter.^ She was a teacher's aide in theDavie County Schools.' Her husband, John RichardBroadway, died June 2, 1981.: Survivors include one daughter,Miss Paula Broadway of the home;three sons, Richard, John and GaryBroadway, all of the home; oneifoster son, David Bailey of thehome; her mother, Mrs. J.P. Carterof Concord; one sister, Doris Safleyof Route 7, Mocksville; twobrothers, Freddie Carter of Route 6,Mocksville and James Carter ofXpxington.CLYDE H. DAVIDSONClyde Hiram Davidson, 83, formerly of Route 4, Mocksville, died9:55 p.m. Monday in RowanMemorial Hospital after being indeclining health for two years andseriously ill for onerecently made his home with a son,Hugh Davidson of 1410 ColonialDrive, Salisbury.The body is at Noble and KelseyFuneral Home, pending completionof funeral arrangements at press-time.Born Feb. 22, 1899, in Troutman,he was a son of the late Augustusand Annette Byers Davidson. Hewas educated in Troutman schools,was retired as a farmer and alsowas retired from Erwin Mills,Cooleemee. He was a member ofRock Hill Church of Christ,Cleveland.Survivors include his wife, NellieTenor Davidson, of the home inMocksville; four other sons, ClydeBaxter Davidson of Linwood andFred Hiram, Harvey Lee andJames Douglas Davidson, all ofSalisbury five daughters. AlbertaArchie of East Spencer, GloriaWhittaker of Mattapan, Mass.,Hattie Williams of Mocksville,Annette Wilkens of Salisbury andMae Nell Tatum of Greensboro; abrother, Frank Davidson ofMocksville; a foster brother, JamesScott of Cleveland; a sister, FannieCovington of Salisbury; 39 grandchildren; and 37 greatgrandchildren.. I MARSHALL R. VICKERS; Marshall Ray Vickers, 66, of 4001Windy Brow Drive, Portsmouth,Va., died Friday morning at tlie VAMedlcul Center in llamploii, Va./The funeral was held Sunday atthe Snelling Funeral Home InPortsmouth. The body was broughtto Eaton's Funeral Home here for aservice in Eaton's Chapel at 2 p.m.Tuesday. Burial was -in SocietyBaptist Church cemctary in IredeUCounty.Born in Davie County, he was ason of the late Quincy and DobieCreasoii Vickers. He was a retiredpharmacist with the VA Hospital inPortsmouth.Surviving are three sisters,Fannie Koontz of Lexington,Pauline Proctor of Higii Point andMrs. Frank Godbey of Route 1;three brothers, Floyd Vickers ofKemeisville, Robert Vickers ofSeagrove and Grady' Vickers ofMocresville.onviE 1X7. puBiJcMOCKSViaE. NC UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, January 27, 1983Bertha Bowden Smith" SMITH —MOCKSVILLE — Mrs. Bertha Bowden SMith, 98, 93,Yadkinville Road, widow oJ. Marvin Smith, died »Autumn Care ConvalesceoiCenter, Mocksville,Wednesday morning. Funeral services will be 2 p mFriday at Smith GroveUnited Methodist Churchby the Rev. J. c. Lain andthe Rev. Donald Funder-burke. Burial will follow inBethlehem United Methodist Church cemetery. Thebody will ifc in state 30minutes before servicesi.I The family will receive. friends from 7 to 9 p.m. to-•j mght at Eaton's Funeral. Home. Memorials may be* made to Smith Grove Unit-'ed Methodist Church, c/o' Kermit Smith. She wasborn in Davie County to Co-» lumbus L. and Martha JaneSheek Bowden. She was aI member of Smith GroveUnited Methodist Church.Her husband preceded herin death in 1951. Surviving» are six daughters. Mrs. Ella 'J^Gray Brewer. Park Avenue, Mocksville. Mrs. EdithAnderson, Rt. I, MocksvilleMrs. Mary Merrell, Rt 3'Mocksville. Mrs. MattieSue Blackwelder, Rt 8^cksville, Mrs. Louise •Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3 1983-Area Obituaries/ MAUDE STONESTREETMaude Petree Stonestreet, 91. of135 Adrian Drive. San Antonio.Texas, died there Friday. She was aformer resident of Mocksville.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel byMr. Harding Lowry, minister ofJericho Church of Christ. Burialwas in the Jericho Church of Christcemetery.Bom June 29, 1891. in StokesCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Riley and Adelaide BloomPetree. She was a member ofJericho Church of Christ. Herhusband, James Frank Stonestreet,died July 10. 1956.Survivors are two sons, James(Jim) Stonestreet of San Antonio,Texas, and Phillip Stonestreet ofFrederick, Md.; two sisters, RuthPetree of Germantown and Elma P.Westmoreland of Pfafftown; and-tteee grandchildren.^ . MISS IRENE SMOOTMiss Irene Elizabeth Smoot, 635Gill Street, Winston-Salem died•Thursday morning at ForsythMemorial Hospital.She was a Davie County nativeand resided in Winston-Salem formany years.She was a member of Mt. CarmelBaptist Church, choir, missionary. circle and was an honorary memberof the senior usher board. She wasco-sponsor of junior ushers and a'member of Sunday school.• She was a member of Happy Hill: Garden Senior Citizens Club.Surviving are one sister, Mrs.CYussie S. Burl and several niecesand nephews.The funeral was held Sunday atMt. Carmel Baptist Church by Dr.H. L. Moore with burial following inEvergreen Cemetery in Winston-Salem./MARIE STELLA GALLOWAYRetired Lt. Col. Marie Stella G.Galloway, 82, died Tuesday morning at Rosewood Home for SeniorCitizens in Harmony, where she hadbeen a resident since 1974. She wasformerly of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.The funeral was held Thursday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Willis Rosenthal, pastor ofthe Episcopal (Church of the GoodShepherd, Cooleemee. Burial wasThursday, Feb. 3, in ArlingtonNational Cemet^ in Virginia withmilitary graveside rites.Bom April 2, 1900, in Ponteland,England, she was a daughter of thelate Archibald and MargaretRickleton Galloway. She wasretired from the U.S. Army andserved for 33 years as niursing administrator. She was stationedthroughout Asia and the Pacificduring and after World War II.Her husband. James Galloway,preceded her in death.Survivors include a number ofcousins, inclut^g Mrs. Henry C.Barker ofl5 Church St., Cooleemee.^ . MRS. MARY McEWENMrs. Mary Lena TrivetteMcEwen, 83, Rt. 8. died Mondayafternoon at Autumn Care,Mocksville.The funeral was held Wednesdayat Liberty Baptist Church withburial in the church cemetery.Mrs. McEwen was bom in YadtoCounty to John and Mary AliceHyim M^wen.She was a member of LibertyBaptist Church.She was widowed of StanleySteelman McEwen, Jan. 20, 1975.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Harold (Sherlie) Renegar,Mrs. Alton (Mattie) Renegar andMrs. John (Mary Faye) Hobson,all of Mocksville; four sons. J.C.Russell and Jesse McEwen, all ofRt. 8. Mocksville and PriceMcEwen, Salisbury; two sisters,Mrs. Vera Campbell, Statesvilleand Mrs Ewa Reich, Harmony;two brothers, Isaac Trivette,Yadkinville and Wade Trivette,Winston-Salem; 14 grmdchildren^and^wj^geatjgandchildrwK^^^^^OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVMOCKSVaiE, NC/ TROYHUTCHENTroy Martin Hutchen, 94, of :Mocksville, Rt. 2, died Simday at =Forsyth Memorial Hospital after aone ^y serious illness.Mr. Hutchen was bora in DavieCounty December 30, 1888, to thelate Andrew Jackson and Ada CallHutchen. He was a retired farmerand was a member of Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Fred Shoaf.Burial was in Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Flossie Irvin Hutchen; twodaughters, Mrs. Edith Allen andMrs. Nelda WaU, both of Rt. 2,Mocksville; two sons, EdwardHutchen of Rt. 6, Mocksville andErvin Hutchen of Mocksville, Rt. 2;one sister, Mrs. Sadie Seats ofMocksville, Rt. 2; seven grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.'■? Co. Public Librgn J). ,6 . f'^fZDAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 19831-Area Obituaries/, JOHN THOMAS (J.T.) TUCKERJohn Thomas Tucker, 65, of fflBlystone Court, Brea, Californiadied there Saturday February 5. Hewas a former resident of Advance,N.C. ^ ^The funeral was held there.Bom March 18,1917 in Advance,N.C. He was a son of the late Georgeand Bettie Charles Tucker.He graduated at Shady GroveHigh School May 17, 1934. He attended State College and was anairplane pilot in World War II.Survivors include his wife, Soraueof the home; three sisters Mrs.Susanah Jones of Winston-Salem,Mrs. Ann Page of Statesville, Mrs.Kate Allmond of Thomasville and anumber of nieces and nephews.OHVIB CXJ, PUBUC DBRARYmocksville;, nc, > ELVA SHEEK HEDRICKMrs. Elva Sheek Hedrick. 82, diedWednesday afternoon. Feb. 21 atAutumn Care Nursing Home.The funeral was held at 2 p.m.Thursday at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. Charles Bullock.Entombment was in NationalMemorial Park, Fails Church,Virginia. .She was bom Nov. 15. 1900 inDavie Coimty to the late Milton andLola Foster Sheek.She was educated at Davenportand Greensboro College and taughtat Louisburg College.She was the widow of Edward a.Hedrick. .Surviving are a number of niecesand nephews. Memorial may bemade to Forsyth Humane Society.1 KCHARLES ERNESTGROCECharles Ernest Groce. 64, Rt. 5,died Friday afternoon at Hoots.Memorial HospiUi. Yadkinville.The funeral was held Sunday atSouth Oak Ridge Baptist Church bythe pastor, the Rev. Phil Beavers.Burial was in the church cemetery.Mr. Groce was bora in IredellCounty to Carl and Bertha WallaceGroce. He was a member of SouthOak Ridge Baptist Church.He was retired from Coca-ColaCompany and a World War IIveteran.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Percie Comer Groce; one daughter,Mrs. Kenneth (Jo) White. Rt.. 4Yadkinville; his mother.Mocksville; seven brothers. Herbert and Harold Groce. both ofStatesville. Elmer and Olin Groce,both of Union Grove. Doyle (}roce,Mocksville. Odeil and GilbertGroce, both of Yadkinville and twograndchildren.l/ REV. CHARLES BURCHETTERev. Charles P. Burchette. Jr., 70,of 2045 Craige Street, Winston-Salem, died Monday at his home.He was bora in Wilkes County toC.P. and Daisy Dobbins Burchette,Sr. He was a graduate of the Winston-Salem public schools. WakeForest CoUeige and the SouthernBaptist Theological Seminary.He was a retired Baptist Ministwwho had served churches inBladenboro, Kernersville, andCooleemee. He had also served asdirector of missions of Tar RiverAssociation.Mr. Burchette was a member ofArdmore Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Mariam Early Burchette; adau^ter, Mary Kay Burchette ofGreensboro; a son, John C. Burchette of Winston-Salem; twogranddaughters, Susie and BethBurchette; two sisters, Mrs.C.J.(Lucy) May of Charlotte, Mrs.L.A. (Kathryn) Bennett ofGreensboro; two brothers, JamesD. and William E. Burchette, bothof Winston-Salem.Memorial services were heldWednesday at Ardmore BaptistQiurch by Dr. J.L. Wilson.javie 'jO. Puciic Liorar^'MocKSVille, N. C.n MRS. CLEO C. RENEGARMrs. Qeo Cozart Renegar, 87, Rt.3, died Feb. 1 at Cardinal CareNursing Crater in Yadkinville.The funeral was held Thursday atSandy Springs Baptist Church bythe Rev. Howard Wagoner, the Rev.Ralph Hi^an and the Rev. PaulSimpson. Burial was in the churchcemetery.She was bora in Yadkin County toCharlie A. and Anna HolcombCozart. She was a member of SandySprings Baptist Church.She was preceded in death by herhusband, Elgy M. Renegar, Aug. 4,19S9.Surviving are four daughters,Mrs. Ruben (Marie) Dickerson, Rt.1, Hamptonville, Mrs. Wade(Lottie) Groce, Rt. 5, Mocksville,Mra. James S. (Doris) Reavis, Rt. 4,Yadkinville and Mrs. William D.(Colleen) Moon, Raleigh; two sons,Low^ 0. Renegar, Vir^nia Beach,Virginia and Johnnie C. Renegar,Rt. 3, Yadkinville; one sister, Mrs.BveUa Salmons, Winston-Salem;two brothers, Fassett W. Cozart,Mocksville and Dawson Cozart,Winston-Salem; 16 grandchildrenBad 22 great-grandchildrra. UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, February 11,1983Fairley Wallace VestalVESTALMrs. Fairley Wallace Ves'tal, 91, 102 Fir Drive, diedThursday morning at For-syth Memorial Hospital.She was bom Apr. 24, 1891in Iredell County to Thomas and Rose Arnold Wallace. She spent most of herlife in Forsyth County. Shewas a member of AntiochBaptist Church. She was thewidower of Isaac TaylorVestal who died in 1977Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Conrad,Pfafftown, Mrs. Mary Mor-elli, Weisner Street andMrs. Alberta Holcomb, FirDrive; 10 grandchildren; 16great-grandchildren; sixgreat-great-grandchildren;four sasters, Mrs. BerthaGroce, MocksvJlle, Mrs. OlaCook, Harmony, Mrs. lacyPegram, Clemmons andMerlie Wilkie, WestEnd, N.C.; four brothers,George, and Binkley Wallace, both of Harmony, Luther Wallace, Farmingtonand Sidney Wallace, Advance. Funeral serviceswill be 2 p.m. Saturday atAntioch Baptist Church bythe Rev. Stephen L. Wel-born and the Rev. Roy Hoc-ver. The family will receivefriends from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at Hayworth-MillerSilas Creek Chapel. ^Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA • ^ MRS. DORA B. CARTERMrs. Dora Barnes Carler B5 RfFork coinmuniJyuiod at Baptist rtospilal ThursdayI' I'll, to after a srrinij.t; illness of oneweek.She was born March 25. 1897 inDavidson County to the late DavidWorth Barnes and Ellen (JrubbBarnes.She was the widow of Ernest Ravtarter who died in 197.1,She was a memher of ForkRapti.s| Church and a hnmcmaker.Surviving are several nieces andnephews.The funeral was held Saturday atFork Baptist Church. Davie Countyby the Rev, Gordan .Inyner withinlerineni in Forest Hill MemorialBark. Lexington,>/ MRS. a.YDE JONESMrs. Bessie Marie Barnhardl"f Clyde Jonesdied Thursday morning. Feb. to atForsyth Memorial HospitalThe funeral was held Saturday atFork Baptist Church bv (he Itevl.ordan Joyner. Burial was in thechurch cemetery,born in Davie County tor/ h Hendrixp c o She was a member ofFork Baptist Church,Siirviying, in addition to herhusband, are one daughter. MrsMaricnc J. Howell. Statesville foursons. Leonard Jones, Advance andDallas. Nelson and David Jones allI w'" grandchildren; Bve sisters. Mrs. PaulineCarler Shank and Mrs. Anniei nf nt. 2. Advance Mrsf h,!lu^r '^'rs. Mabel Allenf olh of Hi, 1. Mocksville and Mrs'frT ^ ^■■'kcsb;?o7nd'«C. brothers. Mr. Jainos Bar".'ardt.Rt, 3. Mocksville and Mr^'•■•'rhe Ranihardl.Ri.2, Adv'ancly WAI.TER RAY CAt/DELLFririVv'^p Caudcll. fifi. diedf riday, k cbruary 4. al the VeteransHo-spilal in Saiisburv, N.r after anextended illno.ss. ••'"<ran'hi into Thomas 1. Caudcll andJessie Hendrix Caudellnliti '''s home inCharlotte. N.C. for over 60 yearsHn, "^5 3,^'"ember and life limeJChnrl II .f'"'"f Charlotte, He was a U.S Armvveteran of World War L Mr. Caudcilwas a retired employee of StandardOil Company (Rxxon). where hehad worked for over forty years•'J.irviv-mg are hi., wife. MrsJiicille (Joiirley Caiideil of thehome; two daughters. Mrs. Dcnrel■hario?re ^""h "feSnS u '"'' g""<'sons. onegranddaughter and two grealgrandsons; one brother. ThomasJefferson Caudell; and two sistersMrs. Bill Howard and Mrs Sam'"ownrd. all of Mocksville.Finieral .services were heldMonday. February 6, at noon atMcEwcn Funeral Home Chapel inh®"'"''''' in/ MRS. SAVANNAH Rl'TLAND <Mrs. Savannah Olglctree Rivers •Hulland, 59. of Route 5. MocksvilleN (. died Saturday, February .5. at ^Rowan Memorial Hospital " In ^•Sahsbury.She was born June 17, 192.1, to the hlate John w and Mamie Fashee ^DIgletree She was a native of Richmond County, Georgia: and hadmade her home in North Carolina ^for the past seven years, BShe was retired from Cone Mills S'of Salisbury. N.C. AFuneral services were held at 2 hep.m. on Tuesday, February 8 atRosey's Funeral Home in Ung'iey. 'S " ., with the Rpverand Charleshoimtain officiating. Burialfollowed in Suasel Mcmorv Gardens, SC.Survivors include four sons; PaulE. (Gene) Rivers of Ri sMocksville, N.C.. John W. Rivers ofMocksville, Edward Rivers ofs. Augusta, Ga., and James Rivers of1. Clearwaler. S.C.; a sister. Evelyn5. Hamilton of .Salisbury. N.C • andd 'wo brother-s. Allen Olglotree andCiiKrs Cadden, both of Augusta.L.-,; 12 grandrhildren and fi greatgrandclilldien.V< MRS. BLANCHE K. BAILEYi Mrs. Blanche Keller Bailey. 65 of? Hardison Street, died Sunday1 morning at Davie County HospitalThe funeral was conducted al 2. p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's FuneralCha^j by the Rev. Charles Bullockthe Rev, Steve Hedgecork. Burialwas in Rowan Memorial Park.Mrs, Bailey was born in IredellCounty, the Daughter of William Fand Gertrude Stroud Keller and wasa member of First Baptist Church ofMocksville.Surviving are her husband, JudiiBailey; one daughler. Mrs. Audral-aney of Ft Mjn.s g f-.'rollmr.s. William V. iliuck.Raymond, and Lester Keller, all ofMocksville, l.eonard Keller ofarmony, and Clay fjoyd Keller ofUnion (,nivc; two grandchildren.Anne and Matthew Curtiss of FtMills. S.C.7 CHAHI.FS T. HUPPCharles (Charlie) T Hupp.Sr., 81of Route .1, No Creek Church Rd.!died Monday morning at AutumnC-ire Nursing Home in Mocksville.Graveside services were holdTuesday al the Oakridge Cemeterv.^oulli Boston. Virginia.Mr. Hupp was born in HalifaxCounty. Va. to Phillip T. and Hosa-Shapard Hupp.Me was of the Methodist Faith anda member of the MorksvilteMasonic LodgeMe retired In 1970 as a miller. Hehad operated mills in MocksvilJe.Roonville. East Hcnd and Ml, Ulla!Surviving are his wife. Mrs. MaryRail?. Hupp of (he home; two .sonsCharles T. Hupp. .!r. of Mocksville!Robert s. Hupp of Lexington; threegrandchildren; three sisters. MissAnne Hupp and Mrs. Irene Finkboth of Salisbury, Mrs. W. 0. BryantofWrlmmglon,N.C.;onebrother P•I Hupp of East RendMocksviiie, N. C,DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVIUE, NC DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, Thursday, February 17,1983 - IIBHugh Andrew LagleHugh Andrew Lagle, 88, of }6aPino Slreet, died at Autumn CaroConvaleaeent Center Saturdayni^tThe funeral was conducted at 4p.m. Tuesday at Eaton's chapel bythe Rev, Leland Richardson. Burialwas In Rose Ccsmetary. Mr. Laglewas retired water and streetsuperintendent for Mocksviile, amember of First PresbyterianChurch, and a veteran of World WarI,His wife, the former JessieHolthouser preceeded him in death.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Arnold Lingle of Rt. *3,Salisbury, Mrs. Wade Hendricks ofShelby, and Miss Shirley Lagle ofMocksvUto; one son, Andrew Lagleof Mocksviile; two sisters, M«.Ernest Jarvis of Virginia Beach,Va., and Mrs. J,B. Harrison ofSalisbury; two brothers, ErnestLagle of Modtsville and Tom Lagleof Rl. 7, Mocksviile; six gr-andehiidren; nine greatgrandchildren.fSt-iki1HUGH A. LAGLEHugh Andrew Lagle was bom in 1895, one mile east of Mocksviile, sonof and Emma I^gle. He was one of 6 diOdren.He attended Miss Mattie Eaton's Sdiool for one year, 19ll, then went tothe public school in Mocksviile.In 1916 he Joined the army and was a member of a group loiown as the'Tredell Blues", He went overseas and saw action in a number of WorldWar I campaigns, including the Meuse-Argonne offensive.Following service with the army, he worked with Southern Railway inthe track maintenance department. Later he was employed by the StateHighway Commission as repairman for a section of highway nearYadkinvilie.He then went to work at die Mocksviile Ice Plant It was while workinghere in 1929 that the late John C. Sanford, representing the MocksviileTown Board of CommissiiMiers, offered him a Job vnth the town.EVom 1929 to 1961 be was Superintendent of the Water Department andStreet Maintenance. In 1961, he semi-rellred but continued to work part-time assisting his son, Andrew, in his position as General Soperintendfflitof ^blic Works for the Town of Mockaville.On June 30,1969, Hugh A. Lagle retired after 40-years of service to theTown of Mocksviile."I've been In maintenance all my life. I always liked my work.Sometimes it wu rouidi but I always liked it," he was quoted as sayingat the time of hla retirement.Always a modest person, Hugh Lagle seldom talked about String thedays of the deprsssim when he kept the water pumps of Mocksviile goingto supply the town vdth water, working nieht and day with baling wireand oUier makeshift equ]pnient....and going without pay until the towncould collect necessary funds.And, for SO of Us 40 years with the town, he served as assistant fireefalef.During his 40 years of service to the Town of MocksvQle, Hugh Laglecontribat^ much. Not only did he serve with loyalty and devotion, but his■Mit and know-how provided the groundwork for the modem and extensive water system today. In addtdon he trained Ms successar. his sonAndi^, who took over as the town's Superintendent of Public Wturks in•1961."I raised Andrew on the J(d)...whilc I was operating the road machinepulling ditdies behind the tni^ little Andrew, who was only s to lOyearaofaL drove the truck. He had to stretch to see out the windshield," Hughonce said and ad<^ "Andrew's smarter than me. I taught himevay thing 1 know, plus what he learned since on his own."Hugh married the former Jessie Holshouser, who preceded him in(feattln January 1974. They had three daughters: Mrs. Djffls (^«d)yinriw of Rl. 3, Salisbury; Mrs. Carolyn (Wade) Hendncks of Shelby:MlssShirley La^e of Mocksviile; and one s«i, Hugh Andrew Lagle Jr. ofModksville.Hugh Lagle always gave hill atl^iance to his work, no matter what hewas doing. This Is reftected in his service to the 'Town of Mocksviileduring those 40 years. He was as constant as the Northern star, of whosetme-mced and resting quality has no parallri. And, as someone oncejbserved:"Constant is the complement of all oiher human vllur es."Bio - Obituaries - 2/17/1983DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA D>/Vie. Qot^H^ ^^H^q-osff -THOMAS HOUCK/ OSCAR L. BOWLESOscar Lendon Bowles, 72, of 116Brevard Street, Winston-Salemdied at 3:10 a.m. Saturday atForsyth Memorial Hospital.Mr. Bowles was bom October 15.1910, in Davie County, the son ofWalter and Lela How^ Bowles. Hespent his early life in Davie County,had lived in Forsyth County since1939, and was a retired farmer.He was a member of Gospel LightBaptist Church. Surviving are hiswife, Mrs. Onnie Jewel CorriagerBowles of the home; four daughters,Mrs. Joe (Betty) Parker of MyrtleBeach S.C., Dorothy Powell ofKemersville. Mrs. Ronnie (Sue)Darby of LewisviUe, Mrs. MichaelBRYANTThomas Houck Bryant, 86, diedSunday at his home in Darlington,South Carolina, following an illness.Funeral services were conductedTuesday at li a.m. at the FirstChurch of God of Prophecy. Burialfollowed in Lake Baptist Churchcemetery.He was born in DarlingtonCounty, son of the late Otha andNettie Wiggins Bryant. He was aretired farmer.Survivors include l son; 6daughters including Mrs. Sanford(Wanda) Barneycastle ofCooleemee, N.C.; l sister. 21grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.OiKUIE CO. PUBUC UBRAP^MOCKSVILUE, NC -Area ObituariesCLAUDE M. RATLEDGEMr. Claude Morrison Ratiedge,63. of Rt. 1. MocksvUle. died atBaptist Hospital. Mr. Ratiedge wasa retired mechanic and the son ofthe late Jay and Ila Rives Ratiedge.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Josephine Rogers Ratiedge; twosons. Jerry Ratiedge of Rt. 1.Mocksville and Ray Ratiedge of Rt.6, Mocksville; iw'o daughters, Mrs.Ed Allen of Rt. 1. Mocksville andMrs. John Waugh, Jr. of Statesville;three brothers. Dennis iHam)Ratiedge. Kenneth Ratiedge, andJames L. Ratiedge. all of Rt. 1.Mocksville; three sisters. Mrs. CarlRogers of Rt. l. Mocksville. Mrs.Bill Beiton of Winston-Salem. andMrs. Gary Bodenheimer of HighPoint; seven grandchildren.Funeral services were conducted at11 a.m. Tuesday at WestmorelandChapel of Bunch-Johnson FuneralHome in Statesville by the Rev.Hermit Shoai and the Rev. KennethHyde. Burial was in Zion ChapelUnited .Methodist Church Cemetery.•Shirieyi Styers of Walkertown:seven sons. Henry LesterCorriager of Winston-Salem. OscarEugene Bowles of Papillion,.Nebraska, Billy W, Bowles ofPfafftown, Woodrow .M. Bowles ofKemersviile. James E. Bowles ofConcord. Richard G. Bowles ofMoore, S.C. and Sgt. Charlie V.Bowles of Ft. Knox. Kentucky: 21grandchildren; nine greatgrandchildren; three sisters. .Mrs.Mozelle Melton of Yadkinville, Mrs.Camilla Elam of Winston-Salem.and .Mrs. Sally Riddle of Advance:two brothers, Charlie Bowles of.Mocksville and Wilson Bowles ofHuntsviile.The funeral was conducted at Ua.m. Monday at Vogler's ReynoldaRoad Chapel by the Rev. BobbyRoberson. Burial was in Gardens ofMemory.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSViLLE. MCLARRY LAWRENCEFOSTERLarry Lawrence Foster, 38. ofWaxhaw, N,C., a Davie Countynative, died February 13th at UnionMemorial Hospital after a longillness.The funeral was held Thursday atGordon Funeral Home Chapel.Burial was at Concord UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery inDavie County.Bom July 4. 1944. he was a son ofBoone C. and Lydia Frye Foster ofRoute 7. Mocksville. He was abuilding contractor in Charlotte.Also surviving are his wife, CindyDavis Foster; two daughters..Angela Foster of Brevard andKathy Foster of Charlotte; a son..Michael Foster of Waxhaw; threesisters, Mrs. Virgil Earnhardt ofSalisbury. Mrs. Bruce Pratt ofMocksville and .Mrs. DannyChildress of Clemmons; threebrothers. George Foster of EmeraldIsle, and Richard and RonnieFoster, both of Mocksville.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 1383y MRS. ADA CHAPUNMrs. Ada Rose Phelps Chaplin, 83,Rt. 3, died at Forsyth MemorialHospital where she had been apatient for three weeks.She was the widow of W.W.Chaplin who died in 1966.The funeral was held Friday atCornatzer Baptist Church by theRev. Elmer Day and the Rev. B.A.Carroll, Burial followed in thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Chaplin was born in ForsythCounty to the late John S. and OlliePope Phelps. She was a member ofCornatzer Baptist Church.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Inez Howard and Mrs. MaxineLong, both of Rt. 3. MocksvUle andMrs. Iva Nell Swain. Rt. 4,MocksvUle; three sons. Arnold,Frank and Samuel Q. Chaplin, all ofRt. 3. Mocksville; one sister, Mrs.Oscar Hartman. Winston-Salem; llgrandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren.V- . SOLOMON F. POTTSSolomon Franklin Potts. 98. of Rt.4. Advance, died Saturday morningat Forsyth Memorial Hospital.Mr. Potts was bom July 4.1884. inDavie County to George and JanePotts.The funeral was conducted at 3:30p.m. Monday at Hayworth-MUIerSilas Creek Chapel by Dr. Samuel L.Greeson, Burial was in AdvanceBaptist Church Cemetery.Surviving are four sons, George.Paul, Robert, and Vestal Potts, allof Advance; six daughters. Mrs.Eula Ledlord, Mrs. Atlea Cornatzer, and Mrs. Ruby Ledford, allof Advance. Mrs. Eodeil Hunt andMrs. Madeline Joyner, both of EastBend, and .Mrs. Lizzie Frye ofWinston-Salem; one sister. .Mrs.Rosie Frye of Advance: onebrother. Lonnier Potts ofMocksvUle: 34 grandchildren; 37great-grandchildren.^ JULIA ELIZABETH' STROUD-Miss Julia Elizabeth Slroud. 86,Rt. 1. died unexpectedly Mondaymorning at Davie County Hospital.She was the daughter of the lateWilliam P. and Sallie GodbeyStroud.Surviving are one brother. L.M.iBill) Stroud, Mocksville: foursisters. Mrs. Gladys Seamon,Mocksville, Mrs. Lavora Harreisonand Mrs. Lucille Pratt, both of HighPoint and Mrs. Mae Cartner,Statesville and several nieces andnephews.The funeral was held Wednesdayat Salem United Methodist Churcbby the Rev. M. Wilson Nesbit withburial in Society Baptist Churchcemetery.< .MRS. CORA JONES JOLLYMrs. Cora Jones JoUy. 80, of Rt. 3.Mocksville. died at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital in Winston-Salem Sunday morning after a shortillness. Funeral services wereconducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. J. c. Lane. Burial followedin the Jones Family Cemetery, Mrs.Jolly was bom in Davie County tothe late William and Celia HowardJones and was a member of DulinL nited Methodist Church. Survivingare three daughters, Mrs. DorothyHellard of Rt. 2. MocksvUle. Mrs. nPeggy Seaford of Rt. 2. Advance,and Mrs. Gelene McDaniel of Rt. 4,Mocksville; six grandchildren;seven great-grandchildren.Co. Public Library',iocu5viile. N. C C'Kfli'-j - C>\air1~ui^, >4 ■§, 5.-Area Obituaries\/ MR. JACK McCUISTONMr. Jack H. McCuiston, 61,Yadkin Vall^ Rd, Advance, di«lFeb. 22 at his home. Funeral services were held Feb. 24 at Gem-m<Mis Moravian Church and burialfollowed in the church cemetary.Mr. McCuiston was born inForsyth County to Rubin H. andTfeva Kirkman McCuiston. He wasa member of Clemmons MoravianChurch, the Edwin T. ClemmimsBible Gass, an usher and a memberof the board of trustees of thechurch.Mr. McCuiston had worked atDavie Tractor Company inMocksville and owned and operatedMcCuiston's Nursery, Advance.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Esther Glasscoe McCuiston of htehome; two daughters, Mrs. Stanley(Treva Kay) FuHe»* of Winston-Salem and Miss Jackie McCuisttm,Advance; one son, Ronnie McCuiston (d Advance; three granddaughters. Ronda, Lori, and CheriMcCuiston; two grandsons. Bryanand Edward Fuller; one great-grandson. Jamie McCuiston; onebrother. Bill McCuiston, Advanceand five stepgrandchildren. Ones(Hi. Richard McCuiston, died inAugust. 1969 in Vietnam.ESSIE E. KERLEYEssie Elizabeth Kerley. 78 ofCooleemee died at Autumn CareNursing Home in Mocksville Fridayabout II p.m. after a long illness.Funeral was held Monday atEaton's Funeral Chapel in•Mocksville by the Rev. LeeWhitlock. Burial was in RoseCemetery in Mocksville.Bom May 18. 1904. in DavieCounty, Mrs. Kerley was employedby Erwin Mills of Cooleemee untilshe retired in 1960. She was amember of First Baptist Church ofCooleemee.Her husband, l.S. Kerley. died in1968. Survivors are three daughters,Katheryne Young of Mocksville,Janie Vogler of Cooleemee. andPeggie Hill of Winston-Salem; twosons, Leroy Kerley of Salisbury andJerry Kerley of Albemarle; 17grandchildren: and 17great - grandchildren.DA^ COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD,THURSDAY, MARCH 3.1983Oavie Co. Public LibraryMocksville, N. C. it s.tO ^y MRS. JANIE KELLERfreeman Keller, 54,wiw.? Avenue. Mocksville,died March 2nd at a WInston-Salemhospital.The funeral was held Friday atrhirr ® ^''apel by the Rev.Charles Bullock with burial inKowan Memorial Park.Mrs. Keller was bom in DavieCourily to Edward L. and Lulafreeman. She was aChurch,r'li® ^ member of officeStaff of Drexel Heritage FurnitureSurviving are her husband,^ymond Keller: one son. Raysisters,Flosie Harns, Rt. 4. Mrs.Kathryn Rushing, Spencer and Mrs.Marie Wanstall. Wilmington,Delaware; one brother, .MadisonFreeman, Rt. 7 and one grandson.MELVIN T. DAYWALTMelvin Theodore 'Teddy"Daywalt, 71. of Route 1, died at 7p.m. Wednesday in Iredell.Memorial Hospital. Statesville,after a brief illness.The funeral was held 2:.30 pm^Jday at Salem United MethodistChurch. Burial followed in thechurch cemetary.Memorials may be made to SalemUnited Methodist Church. .Born in Davie County, Jan. 12,1912, he was a son of the late A .Mand Emily Smoot Daywalt. He wasa retired farmer and furnitureworker and was a member ofSalem United Methodist Chiu-ch.Su^iving are his wife, ViolaSmith Daywalt. whom he marriedDec. 22. 1932: a son. George Dewaltof Route 1: a daughter, .\ancywgram of Statesville; a brotherSamuel Daywalt of Route 1: twosisters, .Mary Johnson and .MrsOren Bost of Stateville: and fourgrandchildren..MRS. ELIZABETH POTTSMrs. Elizabeth Myers Potts, 64, ofRt. 2. widow of William Mat'tinPotts who died April 14, 1968. diedSaturday morning shortly afterreaching Davie County HospitalEmergency Room.The funeral was conductedTuesday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel by the Rev. FredShoaf. Burial was in Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church Cemetery..Mrs. Potts was bom in DavieCounty to the late Jefferson F. andLela Mae Garwood Myers.Surviving are one daughter. Mrs.Beverly Potts Lee of Lawton, Okla.:two sons, .Martin Keith Potts ofFayetteville and William AnthonyPotts of the home: four grand-children: four step-grandchU<^en:one brother. Franl^ B. Myers ofGaffney.S.C.: an aunt, Mrs. ValeriaWyatt of Rt. 3, Mocksville; and anuncle. Ernest Myers of Mocksville.CHARLIE A. OWENSCharlie A. Owens, 68. diedSaturday evening at his home. 9Watts St., from a sudden heartattack.The funeral was held Monday, atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel,Mocksville, by the Rev. J.D. Revis.Burial was in Rowan MemorialPark. Salsibury.He was born in Rowan CountyMarch 10,1914. He was a member ofJerusalem Baptist Church.Survivors include his wife, LucilleSoots Owens: two sons, CharlesOwens of Route 6, Salisbury, andWilliam .Michael Owens of IS DukeSt.: two sisters. Mabel Alexander ofBringie Ferry Road. Salssbury^ aridGrace Eller of Shallow Ford Road.Rowan County: and a brother,William Owens of Yadkin Street.JOHN F. LONG, SR.John F Long. Sr. of Elmwood,N.c. died at his home Tuesdaymoming after a brief illness.Funeral services will. be heldiWednesday at 2 p.m. at the FirstPresbyterian Church in Statesville,N.C.Survivors include two daughters,Mrs. Alyson Hughes of the home,and Mrs. Paul (Mary) Gilbert ofStatesville, N.C.: a son, Jo.hn F.Long, Jr. of Cary, N.C.: threebrothers. Dr. William Long ofMocksville, Dr. Bob Long ofStatesville, and Thornton Long;three sisters, Mrs. Gaither Sanfordof Myrtle Beach, S.C. .Mrs. VirginiaHowell of Atlanta. Ga., and Miss.Mary Anna Long of Durham, N.C.;and eight grandchildren.LAURA TEAGUE KELLERFuneral services for Laura JaneTeague Keller. 86, of Harmony,Route 1, will be held at 2 o'clockThursday afternoon at PleasantView Baptist Church in IredellCounty. Burial will follow in thechurch cemetery.Mrs. Keller died Tuesday morning at Davis Hospital inStatesville, N.C. She had been indeclining health for a number ofyears, but only seriously ill for aweek.Survivors included two sons, J.Lee Keller of Harmony, N.C., andRex A. Keller of Mocksville; threedaughters, .Mrs. Villard Beck ofHarmony, N.C., Mrs. Orene Peeblesof Mocksville, and Miss MildredKeller of Harmony: 17 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildrenand one great-great-grandchild.<•QCOa£:as:a..asujf-Z>-h"zcCJu>>1<a„r. PIIBUCV Public Librafy.,.i!le. iN. C. ^ </ - bl^rhoi^< -'f3- nf9i'S^^ GEORGE WASHINGTONHAWKSGMrge Washington Hawks, 77.wL.. P-™- Thtirsday atHoots Memorial Hospital. FuneralMrvices were held Sunday atMackie-Gentry Funeral Chapel by"ewey Parrish ai^ theRev.JumorRoyall. Burial followedm Branan Friends ChufchVirginia, to Newelland Juhe Marion Hawks. He was amember of Branan Friends Churchand a reti^ farmer. He was twicemamej first to Mrs Lillie Maudei^o April 13,^"'^'nng are his wife, Mrs.Nettie Cook Hawks; three^ughtere, Mrs. Margie HardyJonesyille, Mrs. Myrtte Jenkins,®ii Turner,YaMinville: four sons, Marvin E.and Howard Hawks, both of^''nster Hawks,Hawks,MocksvUle; two sisters. Mrs. EsterCtan^w and Mrs. Clara Snow; bothof Vadkinvtlle; one brother, Walter^nwks. Yadkinville; 23 gcand-children and 33 greatgrandchildren./. MRS. GRACE S. POTEATMrs. Grace Senn Poteat, 78, ofiVAta. oeiui fuwai, /o, uiS^tanburg, S.C. died Friday atFinewood Nursing Care. She hadbeen in declining health forsometime; and was a native ofGreenville, S.C.She was a retired practical nurse.Survivors include a grandson.Michael Poteat of Country Lane,MocksvUle, whom she raised; 2brotiiers, 2 sisters and I greatgrandchild.Funeral services were heldSunday at 3 p.m. at Floyds Mortuary Chapd. Interment was inSunset Memorial Gardens.MRS. NORA CALL NELSONMrs. Nora CaU Nelson. 70, ofRoute 4, MocksvUle, N.C. diedT^iesday at 12:15 p.m. at DavieCounty Hospital. She had beenin declining health for severalweeks and seriously ill for threeweeks.Funeral services wUl be held at 2p.m. Thursday at Eatons FuneralChapel with the ReverendPhillip Cole and the Rev. J.C. Laneofficiating. Burial wUl foUow in OakGrove United Methodist Churchcemetery.She was bom October 30, 1912 inDayie County to Uie late Morganand Ida Belle Call. She was aJS! Liberty UnitedMeUiodist Church; and a retiredemployee of Erwin- Mills ofCooleemee.®"e sister. MissEUa CaU, two nephews, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Catherine Call of Rt. 4.MocksvUle. MRS. ELIZABETH ANN WYATTMrs. Elizabeth Ann Harris Wyatt,36. of 145 Center St.. Moeksville,died at her home early Tuesdaymorning.She was bom April 15, 1946 inIredell County to Troy and AnnaWyatt Howard Harris.Surviving are a daughter. MissVonda Uigh Wyatt; and a son. BUILee Wyatt. both of Uie home; herparents of MocksvUle; a sister, Mrs.Carolyn Thompson of MocksvUle;two brothers, Bobby Lynn Harris ofCalifornia and Charles Harris ofHickory, N.C.Funeral services wUl be heldSaturday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theReverend Roger Groce and UieReverend Dock Hobson.The family will receive friendsand relatives at the Funeral HomeFriday evening from 7 p.m. until 9p.m.^ LOWELL 0. RENEGARFuneral services for theReverend LoweU OdeU Renegar. 67V ® native ofYadkinville, N.C., were hdd at 2p.m. Sunday, March 6, at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home. TidewaterDrive Chapel. Burial foUowed inForest Lawn cemetery.Mr. Renegar died Friday. He wasa graduate of Piedmont BibleCollege in Winston-Salem. N.C., andMd retired as a Baptist minister.He was an Army veteran of WorldWar II. At one time he was a pastorof Farmington Baptist Church inDavie County.Siuwivors include his wife, NancyEdith Gough Renegar; a daughter,wnme Joan Lucy of Virginia^ach; two sons, Stephen LoweURenegar of Norfolk and Bradley G.Renegar of Elizabeth City, N.C.-four sisters. Doris Reavis ofYadkmviUe, Marie Dickerson ofIfamntonviUe. N.C., CoUeen Moonof Rdeigh, N.C.. and LotUe Groce ofMocksvUle, N.C.; a broUier, John C.Itenegar of YadkinvUle; 10 grand-'bree great grand-chUdren.GERALD W. LONGMr. Gerald W. Long, 801 RosylnRoad, Winston-Salera, died at hishome Thursday night. .Mr. Longwas bom in Dallas, Texas, to Mr.and Mrs. R. G. Long. He was agraduate of Woodrow Wilson HighSchool, Dallas, Tx., and Texas A &.M College. He was a World War IIveteran and moved .Jto Winston-Salem in 1942 as a U.S. ArmyLieutenant and an engineer withSmith-Reynolds Airport. He thenserved 22 months in Africa, rising to.Major in Corps of Engineers. Hereturned to Winston-Salem after thewar and in 1947 at a specialceremony in Washington, D.C., waspresented French government'shighest award. Legion of HonorMedal wiUi rank of Knight. He wasForsyUi County engineer for threeyears and became a manufacuter'srepresentative for Cronell IronWorks whom he was with for 25years. Mr. Long was a Shriner anda member of ReynoldaPresbyterian Church where he wasa deacon and on building committeefor present church. Surviving arehis wife Mrs. Katherine Long; onedaughter, Mfs. Kay Long Teeter.Bermuda Run; one son, Gerald W.Long, Jr., Greenbriar Estates andone brother, Carl Long, Palestine,Tx. A memorial service was held at11:00 a.m. Saturday at ReynoldaPresbyterian Church.THURSDAY, .march 17. 1983"MWE CO. ,CHRISTOPHER LEE'' ALLENChristopher Lee Allen, 12, of 2060Meadow^en Lane, Winston-Salemdied at Forsyth Memorial HospitalWednesday evening as a result of anauto accident. He was bornFebruary 2, 1971 in Davie County.He lived most of his life in DavieCotmty and had lived in DavidsonCounty for the past several years.He was a student at NorthwestElementary in Davidson County andla member of Broadbay BaptistChurch. Surviving are his motheiand father, Ann Griffin Wright antWeldon Wright and one sister, Leigl.Ann. all of the home and his grandmothers, Mrs. Addle Wood. Winsion-Salem and Mrs. EstelUWright, Pittsboro. Funeral serviceswere held Friday at Hayworth-.Miller Silas Creek Chapel by theRev. John Sherman with biuial inForsyth Memorial Park.^ REV. WILSON HARRIS HINES5. P.O. Box 133, Farmington, diedSaturday March 12. at his home. Hewas a native of Florence, SouthCarolina, and had lived in Farmington for the past 20 years.He was a member of AntiochBaptist Church and a retired employee of Heritage FurnitureCompany.Surviving are his wife, Mrs. MaeLaurence Hines of the home; sevensons, Louis, Ernest. Gifton, MurrayLee. Oscar and Willie Hines andTommie Wilson; two daughters,.Mrs. Shirley Gaither and .Mrs.Hattie Lane; one sister, Mrs. LethaAdams; 50 grandchildren and 15great-grandchildren.Funeral services will be 4:30 p.m..Wednesday at Antioch BaptistChurch.• . MRS. EULA MARTIN'LAIRDMrs. Eula Martin Laird. 51,Cornatzer Rd., Davie County, andthe widow of William L. Laird, died.Monday afternoon at the DavieCounty Hospital, .MocksvUle.Mrs. Laird was born in JohnsonCounty, Tennessee, to Thomas andNancy Wallace Martin. She wasretired from Heritage FurnitureCompany.Surviving are three grandchildren; Michael Laird of thehome; Tina and Michele Laird, bothof East Bend; her mother. Nancy.Martin of ZionsviUe; three sisters,.Mrs. Ola Barney and Mrs. RoseLeach, t)oth of MocksvUle and Mrs.EUa Wilson of ZionsvUle and threebrothers, Roy and Asa Martin, bothof ZionsvUle and Luther Martin ofKimberiy, West Virginia. nv/>ixoee<<aViccXXH"Qa:ooArea Obituaries&zXoulU><Q/ ' MRS. ANNIE P. CREWSWrs. Annie Plod Crews. 84, of Rl.4, widow of John L. Crews, diedSunday nif>hl a( Forsylh Memorialnospilfll.She was born in Davie Cdunly toJohn M. and Alice BarneycasllePloil.She had lived in Advance all of herlife and was a member of AdvanceBaplisI Church. Surviving are threedaughters, Mrs. Virginia Siimpson,l.ewisville, Mrs. Paul tl.nui.se)Cornatzer, Advance and Mrs. T.D.< Marilyn) Tut tie, Clemmons; twosons. John Milton Crews, Advanceand |{ol)crt E. Crews, Goshcn,I'lah; 13 grandchildren; 18 greatgrandchildren and four great-greatgrandchildren; one sister, Mrs.I.una Robertson, Clemmons.The funeral was held at 2;.30 p.m.Wednesday at Vogler's ClemmonsChapel. Burial followed in AdvanceI'nited Methodist Church Cemetery.MRS. EVA SCOTT DWIGOINSy Kiineral services for Mrs. Eva< Scott Dwiggins, 2241 Glenn Avenuewere held at Mainville A.M.E. ZionChurch March 17 by the Rev. Hill.Interment followed in the familyplot of the church cemetery./ • ANGELA CHATTINAngela Michelle Chatlin, 10, of 427N. Yadkin Ave., Spencer, diedMonday at N.C. Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem after a brief Illness.Death was attributed to non-contagious meningitis, according tothe Rowan County Health Department.The funeral will be at 4 p.m.Wednesday at Eaton's PuneraiHome Chapel, Mocksville, by theRev. Ronnie Robertson and the Rev.Shelby llarboiir. Burial will be iiiLegion Memorial Park cemetery inCooleemee.Born Feb. t, 1973, in Davie Countyto Ronald Keith and cynlhia JordanChattin, she was a fourth gradestudent at North Rowan PrimarySchool.Survivors in addition to herparents include her stepmother,Teresa Chattin of Conleemecmaternal grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Charlie Jordan of Route 13,Orchard Hills; and paternalgrandmother, Mazie Chattin ofCmileemee.HAROLD H. HARTLEYHarold Harvey Hartley, 64, of 2021Robin Road, Salisbury, N.C. diedTuesday of last week in RowanMemorial Hospital, after a .seriousIllness of six and one-half weeks.He was born September t7, 1918 inDavidson County to the late O Hand Iva Potts Hartley. He waseducated in the Davie Countyschools, attended Wake ForestUniversity, and was branchmanager for Quality Oil Company.He was also a niemb«'r of the FirstBaptist Church, where he served onthe board of trustees and alsoserved as a deacon, was a menil>erof the Lions Club for .30 years.Naltonal Oil Jobbers Associotion,and served as treasurer for theLittle League Association. He was aveteran of World War H. havingserved with the U.S. Army AifCorps. His wife, Pauline Bri.ssonHartley died October 3, 1982Survivors include a brotherGilmer Hartley of Mocksville; twosisters, Mrs. Henry (Edna) Shoaf ofRt. 4. Mocksville and Mrs. Buddy(Elizabeth) Alexander ofCooleemee, N.C.Funeral services were held at Ita.m. last Thursday in First Baptisti.^urch by the Rev. FentonMoorhead, pastor and the Rev. TomRoberts. Burial followed in RowanMemorial Park.ROLAND LAKEY 11Roland Winfrey Lakey H, .28, ofRoute 2, Mocksville. died Mondaynight at N.C. Baidist Hospital inWinston-Salem after an illness.The funeral will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's Funeral Homeehapcl by the Rev. George Bowmanand the Rev. Tom Collins.^ Burial will be in FarmingtonCommunity Cemetery.Born Jan. 19. tg,")."). in DavieCounty to Bobby G. and l.,ou JeanRiddle Lakey, he was a computerprogrammer with NCNB inJacksonville, N.C.Survivors include his parents ofRoute 2; one sister, Lou Tollison ofAnderson, S.C.; and paternalgrandmother, Bernice I,akey ofRoute 2. " jThe family requests thatmemorials be made to FarmingtonBaptist Church; or to BrookwoodBaptist Church, 903 HendersonDrive. Jacksonville. N.C.Oavie Co. Public Lihizry.:itjjMUfi.tii•>3<r^<5CO. POBIXMOCKSVIUE, NC C3^/vloOV^ Pauline W. Bowles, MOt'KSVILLE — Pauline WagnerBowles. 69. of 249 Cherry St., diedMonday niglit atForsyth Memorial Hospital inWinston-Salem.The funeralwill be 4 p.m.Wednesday atEaton's FuneralHome Cliapcl bythe Hcv. GeorgeAuman. Burialwill be in RoseCemetery.Born Jan. 15.1914, in Daviet^ounty,she was a daughter of the late LewisAlexander and Cora RidenhourWagner. She was retired from DavieCounty Hospital, was a member of theFirst Dnit^ Methodist Church ofMoeksville, and was a member ofdiaper 75 of the DAVA.*Mrs Bowles was also a member ofthe Moeksville Uolden Age Club, amember of the Cooleemee SeniorCitizens Club, and the DemocraticWoman's Club She had worked withthe Democratic Party in Davie Countyfor 47 years.Survivors include her husband,James R. Bowles; a brother, RussellRidenhour of Grove Street,Cooleemee: and a number of niecesand nephews.J . MISS I.INDA GRAY CLEMENTMiss Linda Gray Clement, 82, 728N. Main Street, Moeksville, N.C.died al Davie County HospitalMarch 22nd. A graveside servicewas held Thursday at ClementCemetery by the Rev. GeorgeAuman.She was born in Davie County toJesse Lee and Let tie LindsayClement and was a member ofMoeksville First United MethodistChurch.Surviving arc one sister, Mrs.Martha (;. Sheek, N. Main Streetand a number of nieces andnephews.It. DUKE TUTTEROWRobert Duke Tulterow Sr., G4, ofRoute 1, was dead on arrivalSiilurday morning at Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was held Monday atCmiter United Methodist Church byDr. Wilson Neshitt. Burial was inthe church cemetery.Horn Dec. :i, 1918 in Davie County,he was a son of the late LutherMartin aand Nancy Ellen AndersonTulterow. He was a retired ruralmail carrier, and al the lime ofdeath was Veterans Service Officerfor Davie County.lie was a veteran of World War 11,was a member of the China-Burma-India Veterans Association and theVeterans of Foreign Wars. He was amember of Center United MethodistChurch and the Moeksville MasonicMdge. He was a member of theNational Rural la>lter CarriersAs-siK-ialion, and for several yearswas a member of the NorthwestN.C. Development Association. Hewas also a member of the board ofdirectors of the Center VolunteerFire Department.Survivors are -his wife, LouiseCartner Tulterow; two sons, RobertD. Tulterow Jr. of Route I, andVestal Tulterow of Alexandria, Va.;and two brothers, Floyd Tulterow ofSlalesville and Clay Tulterow ofRoute 1., ISAAC WATSlW DUNN, JR.Isaac Watson Dunn, Jr., 63, ofRoute 4, Advance, N.C. died-Tuesday morning at Veteran'sAdministration Hospital inSalisbury, N.C.Funeral services will be heldThursday at ll a.m. by the Rev.James Frazier. Burial will follow inthe National cemetery in Salisbury.He was born in Davie CountyDecetnber 19,1919, to the late IsaacWatson Dunn, Sr. and Tiena HiltonDunn. He was self-employed as apainter ; and was a veteran of WorldWar 11.Survivors include one sister, Mrs.Louise Mayhew of Route 2, Advance, N.C.; and a number of niecesand nephews.uavie Co. Public Liliiai)Moeksville, N. C.V'. JAMES HUBERT CLEARYJame.-: Hubi'rt Cleary,69, of Route1, Moeksville, N C. died Sunday,March 27, at 5:15 a.m. at IredellMemorial Hospital in Statesville,after a Icngthly illness.' He was a retired farjuer.He was born in i)avi»County June' 12,1914, son of the late James F. andBo^ie Smith Cleary. September ofI 1961. he married the former l.ena! Cleary, who survives.[ Other survivors include a brother,j Clyde Cleary of Route 5,Moeksville: and one sister, Mrs.Mamie White, Rt. 1, Mwksville.Funeral services were held at 2p.m. Tuesday at Reavis FuneralHume Chapel in Harmony, N.C.Burial followed in Ijames BaptistChurch cemetery in Davie County. 'Jerry White, Don White, MackWhile, Wayne White and Odell andThomas D. Cleary. nephc.vs. all ofMiK-ksville, served as pall bearers.J. ROBERT L. SHEEKRobert L. Sheek, 70, 8050 PeakRoad, Clemmons, died Thursdaymorning at his home.He was burn in Davie County toBertha Lowder and Charles L.Sheek. He was a retired farmer.Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. LoisTucker Sheek of the home; one son,, Steve L. Sheek and two grandchildren, Cynthia and Susan Sheek,all of Charlotte; one sister, Mrs. Bill(Mildi;ed) Ellington, Clemmons and: one brother, Sherrill Sheek, OldVineyard Road.The funeral was held Saturday alHay worth-Miller Silas Creek Chapelby the Rev. Howard Wagoner withinterment following in WesllawnGardens of Memory.7,apa rAYi,oR BensonZada Taylor Benson, 73, of RouteI FTanklin community, died atDavis Hospital in Statesville,Sunday afternoon.The funeral will be 2 p.m. Wed-msday al Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel in Moeksville by the Rev.J.D. Revis, pastor of CooleemeePresbyterian Church. Burial will bein Rowan Memorial Park.Born June 3, 1909, in RowanCounty,-she was a daughter of thelate Leroy and Julia Evand Taylor.She was retired from Erwin Mills InCooleemee, 'Survivors include her husband,Hubert Benson; two sisters, LolaSpry of Cooleemee and Elssie Stackof Statesville; and a number ofnieces and nephews.HXCsD><>X■<mZ 'ra "davie COv public libraryWQCKSVILLE, NOI' >/,7.DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, APRIL 7.1983Area Obituariesw ' MRS. GLADYS A. WAGNERMrs. Gladys Alexander Wagner,Rt. 7, died at N.C. Baptist HospitalFYiday afternoon.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Giapel by the Rev.Alan Barnes. Burial followed inTurrentine Baptist ChurchCemetery.Mrs. Wagner was born in WilkesCounty to the late J. T. and MaudeHarris Alexander and was amember of Turrentine BaptistChurch.Surviving are her husband.Buddie Wagner of the home; onefoster daughter, Mrs. RichardBovender, 5540 Murray Road,Winston-Salem; one foster son,Michael James, Rt. 7; six sisters,Mrs. Lola Foster and Mrs. LexieBaUey, both of Rt. 2, Advance andMrs. Ruby Alexander, Mrs. ThelmaPhelps, Mrs. Dorcas Birogdon andMrs. Elsie Kimmer, all of Rt. 4, andtwo brothers, Clyde Alexander,Wilkesboro and Fred Alexander,Gainesville, Georgia.^ WILLIAM L. MULLISWilliam "Bill" Lewis Mullis, 64,of Route .3. Mocksville, died lateThursday night at ForsythMemorial Hospital:The funeral was held Saturday atEatons' Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. J.C. Lane. Burial followedin Smith Grove United MethodistChurch Cemetery.Mr. .Mullis was bom in IredellCounty to the late Robert andMyrtle Lewis Mullis and was aretired truck driver. He was aveteran of World War II.Surviving are four sonSi WilliamLewis Mullis, Jr. of Route 8,Mocksville, Jimmy Mullis of Route2. Mocksville, Terry MulHs of Route4. Advance and Tony Mullis ofRoute 4. Mocksville: eight grandchildren: three brothers, E.L.Mullis and Jack Mullis, both ofHickory, Fred Mullis of Atlanta,Ga.; two half sisters and four halfbrothers. ••tWVlB CO. PUBUC UBRAIWMOCKSVlUB, NC03VI8 Co. Public LlbrsryMocksville, N. C. a ^^"7|/l.DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPiUSETlECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1983Area ObituariesMRS. BESSIE LEEV Mrs. Bessie Faircloth Lee. 96. ofVadkin Valley Road. Rt. 1. widow ofRobert S. Lee. died at her homeSaturday evening.The funeral was conducted at .3p.m. Monday at MacedoniaMoravian Church. Burial was in thechurch graveyard.Mrs. Lee had lived all of her life inthe Vadkin Valley community andwas a lifelong member ofMacedonia Moravian Church.Surviving are one daughter. .Mrs.Nannie Smith of Clemmons: foursons. Alvis. Efird. and Eugene Lee.all of Advance, and Robert Lee ofClemmons: six grandchildren:seven great-grandchildren: twogreat-great grandchildren: and anumber of nieces and nephews.3 MRS. BESSIE M. STARNESFuneral services for Mrs. BessieMcCaim Stames. 78. of Route 2.Waxaw. N.C. were held at 4 p.m.Tuesday. April 12. at BethlehemUnited Methodist Church. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Mrs. Starnes died Sunday at herhome.Survivors include her husband.Hoyt B. Starnes of the home: 3daughters. Mrs. Grace Tyson andMrs. Luticia Fowler of Waxaw. N.C.and Mrs. Mary Jane Holshouser ofMonroe. .N.C.; 6 sons. Ezell Starnesand Hoyt B. Starnes. Jr. of Waxaw..N.C.: Henry M. Starnes and BundyStarnes of Rock Hill. S.C.. JohnStarnes of Charlotte. .N.C.; andMcRae Starnes of Spartanburg.SC.: and 1 sister. Mrs. EssieThomas of Waxaw. N.C.y/MRS. FLOSSIE HENDRIX.Mrs. Flossie Canter Hendrix, 39.of Rt. 2. Mocksville. died at BaptistHospital in Winston-Salem Saturdaymorning.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m. .Monday at Smith Grove UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev. J.C.Lane. Burial was in the churchcemetery.Mrs. Hendrix was bom December31.1923. in Davie County to the lateWilliam F. and Jeannie McDanielCanter.She was a member of SmithGrove United Methodist Church andretired from Autumn Care Convalescent Center-in Mocksville.Surviving are her husband. NoahN. (Buck) Hendrix of the home:four daughters, Mrs. Shirley Brooksand Mrs. .Mary Doby. both ofWinston-Salem. Mrs. LouiseSpiHman of Mocksville. and Mrs.Vickie Blackwelder of Advance:three sons. Junior and GeorgeHendrix. both of Winston-Salem.and Gene Hendrix of Chesapeake.Va.: four sisters. Mrs. Rebecca HoltMyers. Mrs. Ella Mae Smith. Mrs.Katherine (Polly) Hendrix, aU of.Advance, and Mrs. Gladys Hampton of Cooleemee; one brother, SamCanter of Florida; 12 grandchildren: one great-grandchild.navie Oo.F'jfclic Librarv/ . MRS. EVELYN FORREST-* Evelyn Modell Williams Forrest.82. of Route 15. died Wednesdaymorning in N. C. Baptist Hospital,Winston-Salem.The funeral was held Friday at NoCreek Primitive Baptist Church,Davie County, by elders EugeneBennett and J.A. Rogers. Burialwas in the church cemetery.Bora July 21. 1900. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Marion and Irene DeadmonWilliams. She was a member of NoCreek Primitive Baptist Church.Her husband,«P. H. Forrest, died''Jan. 30. 1982.Survivors include two daughters.Mrs. Paul Koontz of Lexington andMrs. Robert Yarborough ofWaynesville: four sons. HoseyForrest and Billy Forrest, both ofRoute 15. Lexington. Phillip Forrestof Rt. 2. Advance and Frank Forrestof Route l,_Waxhaw: a sister. StellaSwicegood of Route 1. Woodleaf;eight grandchildren: and threegreat-grandchildren.• MARY LOUISE HICKSMary Louise Martin Hicks. 82. ofRoute' 1. Advance, died early.Monday at Davie County Hospital.The funeral will be at 2 p.m.Wednesday at Redland PentecostalHoliness Church by the Rev. PaulLedbeiter. Burial will be in thechurch cemetery.Born Nov. 18. 1900. in OrangeCountV. she was a daughter of thelate Rev. J.B. and Sally NevelsMartin. She was a member ofRedland Pentecostal Church. Herhusband. Henry C. Hicks, died in1973.Survivors include three sons,John Hicks of Route l. Advance.George Hicks of Winston-Salem andHarold Hicks of Lexington: abrother. Tom Martin of Lexington:five grandchildren: and one greatgrandchild...Norman RummageTakes Own LifeThe shooting death of a 64-year-old Davie County man Friday afternoon has been ruled a suicide bythe Davie County Sheriffs iDepartment.According to reports. Roy Nor- !man Rummage of Route 6. ,-Mwksville was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at ap- nproximately 2:20 p.m. Friday af- ilernoon. Authorities said Rum- image's body was discovered in the Ibathroom of his home on Highway cMl north by his wife upon returning 1from the grocery store. iThe report said Rummage was •found sealedjn the bathtub, with hisright hand resting on a .30.06 rifle.Death was attributed to a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the headThe funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Charles Bullock. Burial was inEaton s Baptist Church cemeterywith Masonic rites.Born Feb. i7. I9i9. in DavieCounty, he was a son of Toffietoilette Rummage of MocksVilleand the late Roy W. Rummage;' Hewas a nurseryman for BogerNursery. He was a member of FirstBaptist Church, of the MocksvilleMasonic Lodge and of the ScottishRife.In addition to his mother, survivors include Edith Brown BogerRummage: three sisters. NannieBoger of Route l. .Nina Arnold ofRoute 6 and .Marietta Langston ofRoute 5: and a brother. JohnnyRummage of Route 5."""IS- UBR«yMOCKSWUEi NO 'yyUyO sM. <3 (av\aE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD THURSDAY. APRIL 21. 1983Area Obituaries/MRS. FRANCES FEIMSTERMrs. Frances Sue HolmesFeimstcr. 62. 549 Wtlkesboro Street,died at N.C. Baptist Hospital Fridaymorning.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Chapel by Dr.Wilson Nesbitt. Burial was in CenterUnited Methodist Church Cemetery..Mrs. Feimster was born in IredellCounty to the late Nathaniel GreeneHolmes and Sue Fraiey Holmes.She was a retired sales clerk forBelks Department Store and amembr of Center United MethodistChurch.Her.husband. Ralph W. Feimsterpreceded her in death in 1975.Surviving are two daughters. Mrs.Vicky Ralchford. Greensboro and.Mrs. Kay Allen, Mocksviile; hermother. Mocksviile; two grandsons: one step granddaughter:three sisters. Mrs. Lola Adams.Staiesviile and .Mrs. Dee HayesVanstory and Mrs. Edith Holland,both of Olin and one brother.Clarence Fraiey Holmes.Mocksviile./ MARTIN F. POTTS.Martin Franklin Potts. 76. Rt. 1.Mocksviile. died Thursday morningat Davie County Hospital.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel byDr. Wilson Nesbitt. Burial followedin Center United Methodist Churchcemetery.Mr. Potts was born in DavieCounty to the late William Thomasand Mary Elizabeth Summers Pottsand was a retired employee ofErwin Cotton Mills. His wife. Mrs..Ada Tayes Potts preceded him indeath in 1981.Surviving are one daughter. Mrs.Edith Potts Reid. 318 AuburndaleStreet. Winston-Salem: four grandchildren: four great-grandchildrenand one sister. .Mrs. Ella .MaeBoger. Rt. 4. Mocksviile.by the Rev. Ed Sheridan. A Masonicgraveside service followed inOaklawn Memorial Gardens.The family requests memorialsbe made to Forsyth Cancer Serviceor to Hospice of Winston-Salem-Forsyih County Inc.NORMAN E. COOKNorman Eugene Cook. Sr.. 36. Rt.1. Advance, died at ForsythMemorial Hospital April I2th.The funeral was held Thursday atBethlehem United MethodistChurch by the Rev. Donald Fun-derburke. Entombment was in thechurch mausoleum.Mr. Cook was bom in DavieCounty to the late Clyde and RosaWalker Cook and was a mechanic.He was a veteran of World War IIand a member of Bethlehen UnitedMethodist Church.His wife, Mrs. Nora Smith Cook,preceded him in death in 1977.Surviving are two sons. NormanEugene Cook Jr.. Rt; 4. Advanceand Terry Cook. Winston-Salem:one granddaughter, four sisters..Mrs. Peggy Carter, Mrs. CarolynCornelius and Miss Doris Cook, allof Rt. 1. Advance and Mrs. Ola MaeBoger. Rt. 3. Mocksviile and fourbrothers, J.C. Cook and Elbert"Buster" Cook, both of Rt. 1. Advance. Lester Cook. Rt. 2,Mocksviile and Tom Cook. Rt. 7..Mocksviile.JOSEPH BUTZBACH"Joseph Butzbach, 81. 2320Westover Drive, Winston-Salemmed April 13 at his home. He wasbom in New York City and retired'from Western Electric in 1965 asAssistant Manager in Manufacturing.He was a member of Our Lady ofMercy Catholic Church, a pastmaster of Gavel Lodge No. 273 inUnion. New Jersey, a member ofPioneer Lodge No. 685 in Winston-Salem and a member of Board ofDirectors of Masonic Temple.Winston-Salem Consistory of theScottish Rite.He was a member of Board ofErectors of Family Services Inc., alife member of Telephone Pioneersof America, a past member of U.S.Small Business Administration"SCORE" Committee and amember of Ardmore NeighborhoodAssociation.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Dorothy Butzbach of the home; onedaughter. Mrs. Arline Qulnton,Winston-Salem: two sons, Joseph J.Burzbach. Mocksviile and Harold J.Butzbach, Gold Beach. Oregon; twograndchildren, Jeffrey and NancyQulnton, Winston-Salem and onestep grandchild. Kirk Leonard, EastBend.A Mass of Resurrection wascelebrated at 3:30 p.m. Friday atHayworth-MiUer Silas Creek Chapel•"•v® Go. i'-vHie. H. C.'C, STCWART CAPE6of /hoH ^ 73. of Route 4. U.SWl. died at 9:25 a.m. Saturday at&lem Winston--rhiT""® ^1weeks.The funeral was held Mondav atudines M Gryder and the RovMichael McOaniel. Burial was inthe church cemetery.Ga.. March IRussell anfMa^rVi^LmmlnKterial work (or ihSJUws'coTjk'I.f2 1927- fSr« "^*'°'",he married May"v • 'wo sons. W. Wade Caiv. nfGranite Falls and Rov L^ rfSf 5Gastonia: two broS^«gPf Of .MocUnelS pS^ „MRS. NANCY COVINGTON-N'ancy Jane MeltonCovington. 73. Rt. 3. MocksviileSSpltalThe funeral was held Friday atBrown Mountain Baptist Church inSurry County. Burial followed In thechurch cemetery.10^"' March 3.ifjf'aTk ."o ^ Virginia, to thee Albert S. and Lucy Jane AyersMelton and was of the Baptist faith.Her husband. R. jvi. Covingtonpreceded her in death in 1965.o"® ''auShter. Mrs.£.1^ '■'• Mocksviile;four grandchildren: one sister. MrsSusie Lawson. Winston-Salem andiwo brothers. Arnold Melton. Fancy, and Sherman Melton, Rt3. Trinitv.DAVIE C0« PUBLIC UBRARVMOCKSVlLLEi, NO 6\o- OSiTaftftveS'DAViECOUNTy I-NTERPRISE pCORD, THURSI>AY, APRIL 28,198J - 3DObituariesMRS. EMMA C. DAVISMrs. Emma Cuthrell Davis of soaMill Sircci, Mocttsvlllc, diedThursday nlgbl al PorsylhMcmorloi HospUal following a shorlIllness.Tltc funeral was conducted at. un.m. Tuesday in the Chapel ofMorrlson'SlutlcvcRl Funeral HomeIn Mocksvlllc by Dr. W.C. Hoy.Burial was In National Comotory InSoIlsbuiY.Mrs. Davis Is survived by herhusband. Willie Davis of the home;her daughter, Mrs. Emma Bush ofMochsvfllc; one brother, RobertCuihroll of Ml. Gilcad: two sisiors,Mrs. Elvu Lee Davis of Slateavlileand Mrs. Mary Anderson of Win*slomSalem; four graRdchildrcn;four grcahgrandchllarcn. J-, r.Cc>ux^ ^ 'S, BURLEY A. BOGERBurley Alvin Boger. 84. Rl. 6,Mocksville. died at Da vie CountyHospila) earJy Friday morning.The funeral was held Sunday atUnion Chapel United MethodistChurch by the Rev. John Fowler.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Mr. Boger was born in DavieJ County to toe late James Walter andJane Stonestreet Boger and was aretired farmer.He was a member of UnionChapel United Methodist Church.'His wife, Mrs. Louise Potts Bogerpreceded him in death in 1976.Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Vada Beck, Rt. 6, Mocksville,/and Mrs. Libby Leonard.-Rt. 13,Lexington: two sons, Edwin andRay G. Boger, both of Rt. 6.Mocksville: eight grandchildren:flve great-grandchildren and onesister, Mrs. Mae McClamrock. Rt.2, Mocksville.ROBERT R. EATONRobert Roosevelt Eaton, 1411 N.Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, died^ril 26to at Forsyto MemorialHospital.He was a native of Davie Countybut had lived in Winston-Saleromost of his life.Surviving are two sisters, Mrs.Rosalie Miller and Mrs. RubyBrown and two brothers, Mr. HenryEaton and Mr. William Eaton, all ofWinstoi-Salem; one brother-in-law,Harvey L. Miller and two sisters-in-law. Mrs. Helen Eaton and Mrs.Ndlie Eaton, all of Winston-Salemand a host of nieces, nqihews, other .relatives and friends and a devotedfriend, Ms. Thelma Hairstwi.The funeral was held Friday atForsyto Funeral Home Chapel IjDr. W. E;^. Brannon. Burial was in° Evergreen Cemetery.Joseph Walter Hege- Joseph Walter "Joe" Hege, 72. ofRoute 1, U.S. 601, died. Monday afternoon at RowanMemorial Hospitalfollowing an illnessof three weeks.The funeral willbe 2 p.m. Thursdayin toe Summerset!Memorial Chapelby Dr. Daniel N.Sansbury, pastor of•'■■Franklin Presby-[ ':terian Church.• ' Burial will be inHEGE Rowan MemorialPark.The family will be at the funeralhome on Wednesday night from 7 to 9.Bom March' 20, 1911, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late JakeB. and Annie Robertson Hege. He waseducated in the Davie County schools,was employed by Southern Railwayfor a number of years and later self-employed as a carpenter, and was amember of FYankiin PresbyterianChurch.Survivors include, his wife, EmmaB^uchamp Hege. whom he marriedin November of 1938; a son. GrantHege of Route l;.a daughter, JackieThomason of Richmond, Va.;' twobrothers, John Hege of Charlotte andMorgan Hege of Florida;Three-^ters, Sally Foster ofMocksville, Grace Peacock ofWinston-Salem and Nomie Hendrix ofAdvance; and three giandchUdren.- MRS. CLAUDIA NORTONMrs. Claudia Viola Ellis Nu'ton,80, 122 Bell Street, Spruce Pines,died at Forsyto Memcrial HospitalWednesday morning.She was bom Jan. 15, 1903, inMitchell County to Robert N. and^ Augusta Willis Ellis. She spent mostof her life in Spruce Pines ai\dretired from Elmer Cline HosieryMiU.Surviving are two dau^ters,Mrs. Mary Norton Hollifield,Lincolnton and Mrs. FrancesNoton Painter, Voglers Street; twosons, John N. Norton, Mocksvilleand Jack N. Norton, Americus,Getngia; two sisters, Mrs. GladysAllison and Mrs. Kate Mae Biiri,both of Marion: 18 grandchildrenand 18 great-grandchildren. Agraveside service was heldThursday at Oak Grove Cemeterynear MarionMRS. EVA W. CARTERMrs. Eva Whitaker Carter, 69, Rt.•2, Mocksville, died Thursdayafternoon at Davie County Hospit^^ after one day of serious illness.She was b^ August 26, 1913 inDavidson County to Marvin andMary Smith Whitaker. She wasmarried to Zackey Carter, who diedin 1976. Surviving are fourdaughters, Mrs. Shirley Cody,Lexington and Mrs. PeggyHoiderson, Mrs. Betty Poole andMrs. Judy Ashley, all of Mocksville;one son, Roy (Munk) Carter,Mocksville: six grandchildren;CO. public ubrarvMOCKSVIU^ NC three great-grandchildren and onesister, Miss Ethel Whitaker and twobrothers, Jim and Tom Whitaker,all of MocksvilJe.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's funeral Chapel. Burial wasin DuJin United Methodist ChurchCemetery by the Rev. J, C, Laneand the Rev, Eugene Goodman.. LEE O. SHEPHERUI.ee Olen Shepherd, W, of N.Coolei'iiiee, died lalu Salurdayalternooii at the VA Medical Centerin Diirhain.The funeral was conducted at IIa.m. Tuesday at Eaton's FuneralChapel in Mocksviile by the Rev.Lee Whillock, pastor of CooleemeeI" irsl Baptist Church where Mr.Shepherd was a member. Burialwas in Legion Memorial Park.The family requests that allmemorials be made to either theCancer Fund or to First BaptistChurch of Cooleemec.Mr. Shepherd was born May 21lyiB. in Fayetie, Ala., to the lateKoscoe and Viola WallaceShepherd.He was a retired employee olliigcrsqJ-Rand Corporation olMocksviile. He was a veteran ofWorld War II. having served in theU.S. Army.Surviving are his wife, MrsMargaret Jordan Shepherd of thehome; two daughters, Mrs. JimtKatliie) Brown of Cooleeuiec andMrs. Larry (Gail) Spencer of Rt iMocksviile; one son, Lee j!Shepherd of Cooleemce, one sisterMrs. Pauline Rolctle of La FayeltciCa.; Iwo brothers, Lloyd Shepherdof Rockingham and Luird Shepherdof Kodak, Tenn.; five grandchildren.. MRS. ETTA SHHRMERSTAI.EVMrs. Etta Shenner Staley, 80,WiiisionSalcni'^onvalcscenlCenter, widow of Dewey WilliamStaley, died early Monday morningafter Iwo months of declininghealth.She was born Dec. 4, Ji)U2 in DavieCounty (0 Boyd and Delia MarklandShenner. She lived all of her adultlife in Winslon-Saiem and was amember of Northwest BaptistChurch.Mrs. Staley was employed by R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Company forapproximately 25 years, retiring inI9G5.Mr. Staley died in I94:i.Surviving are Iwo daughters,Mrs. I.F. iJoann) Brown, 4240Thnniasville Rood and Mrs. D.O.iBetty) Mallock, 0970 KcnbridgeDrive, Clenimoiis; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren;three sisters. Miss Lucille Shermerand Mrs. Claude (Nancy Sue)Hulcomb. both of Winston-SalemJind Mrs. Robie (Frances) Jarvis,Mocksviile and Iwo brothers, W.T.(Jerry) Shermer. Winslon-Salemand W.H. iHob) Shermer, Orlando,Florida.Clrave.sidc services were heldWednesday at Oukluwii MemorialGardens by the Rev. Russell L.Wimmer.' LESTER H. CRAVENFuneral services for l^sler H.Craven. 01, of Charlulle were heldTuesday al 2 p.m. Burial was inSharron Memorial Park inCharlotte.Mr. Craven died Salurday inCharlotte Memorial Hospilal.Survivors include one son, David,of Salisbury, N.C.; a daughter, Mrs.Linda Krelic of Phoenix, Arizona-two sisters, Mrs. Frank (Martha)Short of Mocksviile and Mrs.Carolyn Thompson of Palmdale.Calif ; five brothers, G.C Craven ofCamdun, S.C., W.G. and F.E.Craven of Salisbury and C.C. andC.E. Craven of Mocksviile.Davie Co. Public Libri^fifMocksviile, \i Q- fl; roi NTY f-:\TERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 12.1983ObituariesKELLY LIVENGOODKelly Dawn Livengood, 24. ofRoufe 1. Lawsonville, formerly ofMocteville. died Friday night at'Forsylh' Memorial Hospital. Win-;ston-Salenr^from injuries sustained jin an automobile accident twoiweeks ago.The funeral was held Monday atFork Baptist Church by the Rev.Gordon Joyner and the Rev. ClydeAkers. Burial was in the churaicemetery.Bom May 23. 1958. in Davidstsk-County, she was a daughter of Mrs.Gilda Foster Howai^ and W.A.Livengood Jr. of Lexington. Miss nLivengood was a costomology instructor at North Stokes HighSchool and was a member of ForkBaptist Church.In addition to her mother andfather, survivors are a brother.Ricky Livengood of Lexington; ahalf-sister. Vanessa Livengood ofLexington: her grandparents. Mr.and Mrs. Gilmer Foster of Route 3;and Mrs. Lessie Livengood.of Route5. Lexington..MRS. .MARY BELLGRIFFITHMrs. Mary Bell DeVere Griffith,45;Mocksville, Rt. 1, died Sunday atBaptist Hospital after an extendedillness.The funeral was conducted at 4p.m. Tuesday at Society BaptistChurch by the Rev. Sidney Grimesand the Rev. Wilson Nesbitt. Burialwas in the church cemetery.Mrs. Griffith was the wife ofDaniel Webster Griffith and wasemployed by Drexel HeritageFurniture Company.She was bom in Lugoff, S. C. andwas the daughter of the late Allie W.Hammond and Charlotte HawkinsHammond.Surviving in addition to - herhusband are her mother ofSalisbury, one daughter. Mrs.Crystal Griffith Dyson. Rt. 1. Advance; two sons. Danny andMichael Griffith, both of the home;two sisters. Mrs. Vida Barbee. Rt. l,Woodleaf. Mrs. Carol Kolb.Columbia. S. C.: three brothers. EdHammond, Spencer. Jerry Hammond. Rockwell, and BobbyHammond. Lexington.•'^MRS. ROSA BELL AMOSMrs. Rosa Bell Amos of Ger-manton. died Thursday at her homeafter an extended illness.She was a native of Henry County.Va. and a member of Redland iChurch of Christ in Davie CountyrSurviving are four daughters.Millie Rhynehard and Gracie A.?lhynehard. both of Mocksville.N'annie A. Sims and Margaret A.Damon, both of Winston-Salem; twosons, Joe Thomas and James Henryuf Germanton: one granddaughter.Claudette Douglas of Freemont.Ca.; four sons-in-law; 11 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren;three great-great-grandchildren; ahost of nieces, nephews, cousins andfriends.The funeral was conductedMonday at II a.m. at RedlandChurch of Christ in Davie County byBrother .Magellian Stevenson withburial in the .Mayo Baptist ChurchCemetery in Henry County.Oavie Co. Public LibranMocksvHie, N: G. 1^. i1?3•/ WALTER WILSON LATHAMThe funeral for Walter WiisorLatham. 67. of Rt. 8 Mocksville wa5held Sunday afternoon at theEaton's Baptist Church. The Rev.W.E. Pet tie officiated. Burial was inthe church cemetery.Mr. Latham died' Friday at hishome of a self-inflicted wound.He was born in Davie County onJuly 23. 1915 to the late Frank andMaggie Boger Latham. He was aretired farmer and a member ofEaton's Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife. OllieGaither Latham, of the home; onedaughter. Mrs. Wayne Chamberlain. of Yadkin County; twosons. Harold and James Latham,both of Rt. 8; three sisters. MissBessie Latham, of Winston-^lem,Mrs. Alberta Latham White, of Rt.8, and Mrs. Margaret Gaither, ofCooleemee; six brothers. Martinand Albert Latham, of Rt. i.Everett. Millard and OscarLatham, of ilt. 8 and TommyLatham, of Lexington; sevengrandchildren.MRS. JENNIE CORNATZERMrs. Jennie Mvers Ctmiatzer. 78.formerly of Rt. 2. died at DavieCounty Hospital in Mocksville lateSaturday night.She had been a resident ofAutumn Care Convalescent Centerin Mocksville for one year and wasthe widow of Walter Cornatzer whopreceded her in death in 1959.The funeral was held Tuesday atAdvance United Methodist Chtirch'by the Rev. Marion Fulk and theRev. Gordan Joyner. Burial was inthe church cemetery.Mrs. Cornatzer was born in DavieCounty to the late Jess and CoraWilson Myers.Surviving are six daughters. Mrs.G. F. (Helen) Snipes and Mrs.William A. (Bettie) Shore, both ofWinston-Salem. Mrs. J.W.(Mildred) Carter. Rt. 3. Mocksville.Mrs. Billy (Jean) Livengood, Advance, and Mrs. Loyd (Jane)Sanders, Fort Worth, Tx.: four sons.Thurmond, Seabon and ConnieCornatzer, all of Advance and .loeCornatzer. of Lewisville; 17grandchildren; is greatgrandchildren and five step-grandchildren.MRS. PEARL WOOTENMrs. Pearl Altce SteelmanWooten. 72. Rt. 2. (Lone HickoryCommunity), died Saturday at herresidence.The funeral was held Tuesday atSandy Springs Baptist Church bythe Rev. Paul S. Simpson and theRev. Paul E. Moore. Burial was inthe church cemetery.Mrs. Wooten was bom in IredellCounty to George Lee and CarrieBelle Haynes Steelman.■Surviving are one son. Harold D.Wooten. Rt. 2; one granddaughter.Miss Ginger Wooten: one brother.W. Harding Steelman. Mocksville;three sisters, Mrs. Reva Combs,Mount Airy, Mrs. Maggie Wallace.Harmony and Mrs. Manie Cobbs.Kannapolis.. MRS. FLOSSIE 0. WRIGHTMt-s. Flossie Octavia Wright, 85,of Oak Ridge Nursing Home, Richmond, Indiana, died there Monday,May 16. 1983.A graveside service will be held at10a.m. Friday at New Union UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery by theRev. Wade Wright.Mrs. Wright was bom April ll.1898, in Davie County to the lateThomas and Julian Boyd Wright.She was a seamstress and had livedin Richmond, Indiana for 60 years.Sur\'ivors include a daughter,Mrs. Mary Jelly of Richmond.Indiana. 4 grandchildren and 7great-grandchildren; 2 brothers.John Wright of Mocks\'ille; andJack Wright of Winston-Salem. N.C.The family will receive friends atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel.Thursday evening from 7 until 9.I 0^(NVt5-s.,-hor(T-V.J . HAZEL J. KIMMERHazel Jones Kimmer, 64, of Route4, Mocksviile died at Davie CountyHospital late Thursday afternoon.The funeral was held Saturday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Phillip Cole, the Rev. RexL. Gibbs, and the Rev. DerryBarnhardt. Burial was in LibertyUnited Methodist Church cemetery.Born Feb. 23, 1919 in DavIeCounty, she was a daughter of thelate John D. and Omie McDanielJones. She was a member of Cor-natzer United Methodist Church.Survivors include her husband,James Kimmer; a sister, HannahJones of Route 3, Mocksviile; andtwo brothers, italph and William C.Jones, both of Route 3, Mocksviile./ • MABEL H. HIITCHENS* Mabel Hauser Hutchens, 89, diedat Davie County Hospital earlyMonday.The funeral will be at tl a.m.Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHume Chapel by the Rev. CharlesBullock. Burial will be in UnionBaptist t'hurch cemetery.Burn July 23, 1893, in FursythC'ounty, she was a daughter of thelate J. William and Dora MartinHauser. Her husband, John A.Hutchens, preceded her in death.Survivors include four daughters,Adeline H. James of Akron, Ohio,Margaret Masters of Miamisburg,Ohio, and Martha Irvin and WllmaWalker, both of Mocksviile; twosuns, David Itutctiens of Lake Bay,Washington and Bub Hutchens ofRichmond, Va.;Three sisters, Dora Harper ofMaxsville, Kan., and Sarah Scottand Gypsy Kauffman, both ofBenkelman, Neb; two brothers,William Hauser of New Bedford, Ind.and George Hauser of Benkelman,Neb.; 26 grandchildren; 42 greatgrandchildren; and seven great-great-grandchildren.^DANIEL (Sll)» PRATHERDaniel Sidney (Sid) Prather, 71,Route 1, Mocksviile, N.C. diedSaturday, May 14, at Davie CountyHospital after a lengthy illness. Hewas a native of Davie County.He was born September 6, 1911,son of the late B. F. and NeelySafriet Prather. He was a retired <foreman of Drexel-Heritage Furniture Company.Mr. Prather was a member ofPleasant View Baptist Church, pastchairman of the Board of Deacons,Sunday school teacher andsuperintondent, and choir director.Survivors include his wife, BeulahCartner Prather, whom he marriedDecember 9,1933, of the home; twodaughters. Mrs. Bobby Lewis andMiss Marie Prather of Rt. l, Harmony, N.C.; three grandchildren; 3sisters, Mrs. Pearl Stroud and Mrs.Lois Cartner of Statesvilie, N.C.,and Mrs. Beatrice Cashion of Ar-chdale. N.C ; and twobrothers, J«ihn P. Prather andHerman Prather, both of HighPoint, N.C.Funeral services were conductedat 2 p.m. Monday, May 16, atPleasant View Baptist Church bythe Rev. E.M. James and the Itev.Wade Wright. Burial followed in theehurcii cemetery./ ' WILLIAM (JEFF) IJAMES/ Funeral services for WilliamJeffrey Ijanies of Rt. 8, Mocksviile,were held Sunday, May 15, at 3 p.m.at Clement Grove Church of God,with Elder Sweet officiating. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Pallbearers were Steven Ijames,Frank Quiett, Mark Williams,Ignacia (judina. Brad Bullock andJohnny Ijanies.Mr. Ijames was born May 1, 1956,in Greenfield, Indiana to Calvin andVerlie Ijames. He moved with hisparents to Davie County, NorthCarolina in 1958 and resided in theCenter Community until his deathMay 14, 1983.Mr. Ijames was educated in theDavie County Schools, andgraduated from Davie High Schoolwith honors in 1974. He attendedCatawba College and MitchellCollege.He was married to the formerIsabel Godina from Saganaw,Michigan June 27, 1976. To thisunion two daughters and one sonwere born.He was a former employee of theSalisbury Police Department ofSalisbury, N.C., Ingcrsoll-Rand ofMocksviile, N.C., and FairchildIndustries of Winston-Salem, N.C.Mr. Ijames joined the Church ofG^ 7th Day in 1973 and served Godfaithfully in that organization untilhis death.Survivors include his wife, Isabel,daughters Victoria Lynn andRebecca, and son William Matthewall of the home at Mocksviile, Route8; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CalvinIjames, a brother, Steven Ijames,and a sister, Marjolene Ijames alsoof Mocksviile, Route 8, and grandparents, Eld. and Mrs. Ivan Ijamesof Mocksviile, Route 1.The family requests thatmemorials be made to; Center FireDepartment of Mocksviile, N.C.; orto; Little Coulters Church of God,P.O. Box 2722, Newton, N.C. 28658.CC-%IfSgCD Zj^ soooolu>§•Javie Co. Public LikatyMocksviile, N. C. V'^"V.10t-Si?■ GURflEY M. MELTONGurncy Martin Mellon, 69, ofRoute 3. was dead on arrivalSaturday nncrnonn at Oavie rounlyllospilnl.The funeral was held at OulinUnited Methodist Church hy theRev. J.C. Lane. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Born July 27, 1913, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late WillE. and Minnie McDaniel Melton. Hewas a farmer and carpenter, andwas a member of Dulin MethodistChurch.Survivors are his wife, MazieFoster Melton; a daughter, RuthBuchanan of Chesapeake, Va.; foursons, Billy and Gene Melton ofRoute 2, Wayne Melton of Route 3and Jimmy Rad Mellon of Route 1,all of Advance, and Gurney ClydeMelton of Route 4, Yadkinville;three sisters, OIlie Mae Cornalzer ofCooleemee, Lucille Foster of Route3, and IrleneMerritt of Statesvillc;two brothers. Bill Mellon of Route 2.and Rad Mellon of Route 6; and fivegrandchildren.J ' ; TIIEO PRUnT* Then .llairston Pruitt, 50, ofGladstone Road, Cooleemee, died at2 p.m. 1 Friday at N.C. BaptistHospital after an illness of threemonths.She was born March 30, 1933, inDavie County, to the late Ralph I,,and Winnie Click llairston. She waseducated in the Davie CouiilySchools, and was last employed atthe Heritage Furniture Company.She was a member of the LibertvA.M.E. Zion Church.Other survivors include thehusband, Cleo Pruitt, of the home; ason, Robert Loe Stokes of Salisbury;a^ brother, Walter James ofUoolecmce, and four grandchildren.The funeral for Theo HairstonPruitt was held at 2 p.m. Wed-nraday in Liberty AME ZionChurch with the Rev. Don C.Copeland, pastor, officiating.Burial was in the churchcemelary.ROBERT L. ELLISRobert l.ec Ellis, «», of Route 3died Friday night at N.C. Baplisiiln.spilal in Winston-Saleni.Services were held Sunday inEaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. Elmer Dayand the Rev. B.A. Caijroll. Burialwas in the Cornatzer Baptist Churchcemetery.Born May 4, 1918, in DavieCounty, he was a son of the lateWillie L. and Stella Carter Ellis. Hewas a farmer.Survivors include his wife, LuellleGarwood Ellis of Route 3; threedaughters, Mrs. Shermer .larvis ofRoute 2. Advance, Mrs. ThomasGraham of Mocksville and Mrs.Larry Thompson of Advance; a son,Robbie Ellis of Route 4, Advance;two sisters, Mrs. Ralph Jones ofRoute 3 and Mrs. Lawrence Cornatzer of Route 4, Advance; abrother, Elgin Ellis of Route 3.. RERTIIAMcDANIEL HOWARDy The funeral for Bertha MrDanielHoward wilj lie held at 2 p.m.Thursdav in the Summer.seltMemorial Chapel conducted by theRev. Thomas Tuggle, pastor ofDutchman Creek Baptist Church,and the Rev. J. C. Swaim, formerpastor of Gay's Chapel UnitedMethodist Church. Burial will be inFork Baptist Church cemetery inDavie County.The body will be brought toSalisbury on Wednesday. Thefamily will be at the funeral homeon Wednesday night from 7 to 8 andthe rest of the time at the home ofMrs. Roy (Frances) Livengoixl onMajolica Road.Born Sept. 9, 1901, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Robert Lee and Angcline FasterMcDaniel. She was educated in theDavie County schools; and was amember of Dutchman CreekBaptist Church in Davie County.Her husband, George Howard, (liedin December, 1966.Survivors include three sons. Bob,Bill and Jim Howard, all of WhiteSalmon, Wash.; two brothers, AlexMcDaniel of Cornelius and RobertMcDaniel of Lexington; a half-brother, Clarence McDaniel ofStatesvillc;Two sisters, Mrs. Jack (ZonalLivengo(xi of Route 9, MajolicaRoad and Mrs. John (Rose) Sheetsof Salisbury; a half-sister, Mrs.Ralph (Frances) Fisher ofSalisbury; seven grandchildren;and a number of great-grandchildren.Mrs. Howard, 81, of WhiteSalmon, Wash., died Saturday atSkyline Hospital in White Salmonfollowing an illness of severalmonths.J CAROLYN MILLER SHERRILLCarolyn Miller Sherrill, 90, aformer resident of Mooresvillc, diedat 7 p.m. on Monday in the OnksNursing Home in Huntersvillefollowing a period of declininghealth.The funeral will be at 2 pmWednesday in the E. C. CavinFuneral Home Memorial Chapelwith the Rev. S. Edwin Lewis andDr. Fred A. Coates officiating.Burial will be in Back CreekPresbyterian Church cemetery inRowan County.Born Dec. 28, 1892, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Mr. and Mrs. William Miller,pe was a retired school teacherhaving attended Women's College inGreensboro, and taught in theMooresville School System and wasa substitute teacher until she was inher 80's. She was also a member ofthe First Presbyterian Church. Herhusband. Price Elias Sherrill Srdied in 1953.Survivors include a .son. Price E.Sherrill, Jr. of Ga.stnnia; and onegrandchild./ ' JOHN LEWIS CORRELLJohn Lewis Correll, 52, of Route 7,Mocksville, N.C. was dead onarrival at Rowan MemorialHospital Tuesday morning.He was born in Davie County tothe late George C. Correll, Sr., andMrs. Ethel Daniel Correll of Ri 4.Mocksville, who survives.Funeral services will be eon-ducted Thursday at 4 p.m. atEaton's Funeral Home Chapel bythe Rev. Philip Ccic and (he Rev. J.D. Revis. Burial will follow inRowan Memorial Park.Survivors include a daughter,Mrs. Vickie Correll Miller of Richmond, Va.; 3sons, Robert L. CorrellOf Mocksville, RI. 4; Bill G. Correllof Cooleemee; and .lohnny R.Correll of Rt. 7, Mocksville; 6grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. I.4iuraDurham of Mocksville, and 4 jbrothers, Edwin W. Correll and !Fred I). Correll of Rt. 4, Mocksville;Kenneth E. Correll also of Rt. 4,Mocksville; and George C; Correllof Route 2, Advance, N.C.The family will receive friends atEaton's Funeral Home ChapelWednesday evening from 7 p.m.until 9 p.m.Oivie Co. Public Library-^ MotksvHIe, N. t^0 ft<r^NJ ^ -S/ 9'/>3da VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 2.198:' MARTHA BARNEYCASTLEMartha Anderson Barneycastle.97, of Route 1, died at Davie CountyHospital Sunday night.The funeral will be at 4 p.m.Wednesday conducted by Dr.Wilson Nesbitt at Center UnitedMethodist Church. Burial will be inthe church cemetery.Memorials may be made to TheCemetery Fund. Center UnitedMethodist Church, in care of JudyAnderson. Route 1. Mocksville.Bom Nov. 23. 1885 in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Bragg and Annie .AndersonAnderson. She was a member ofCenter United Methodist Church..Her husband, Vince Barneycastle.died in 1912.Survivors include a number ofnieces and nephews.WALTER T. BECK. SR.Walter Thomas-Beck Sr.. 80. ofRoute 1. died unexpectedlySaturday May 28 at Rowan.Memorial Hospital.The funeral was held at 4 p.m.Tuesday at No Creek PrimitiveBaptist Church in Davie Countyconducted by Elder Eugene Bennettand Elder Bill Barnhardt. Burialfollowed in the church cemetery.Bom Nov. 28. 1902, in DavidsonCounty, he was a son of the lateShirley Burton and Alice LenoraSnider Beck. He was retired fromBurlington Mills at Cooleemee, andwas a member of iNo CreekPrimitive Baptist Church.Survivors invlude his wife. BettieSnider Beck, whom he married Oct.3. 1925; two sons. Snider Beck ofIndianapolis. Ind. and Joe Beck ofCleveland; three daughters. Mrs. J.C. (Edith) Jones of Clevand. TroniaJordan of Cooleemee and BettyJean Comnelly of Mt. Ulla; twobrothers. Aubrey Beck of Clevelandand Herman Beck of Woodleaf; twosisters. Jenny Parker of Greensboroand Mae Allen of Cleveland; 19grandchildren: and 10 greatgrandchildren.• ^ JOHNSIE E. FOSTERJohnsie E. Foster. 79. of WilliamsStreet. Mocksville. aiedar3:40^|tTr.Sunday in Davie County Hospitalafter being in declining health forseveral years and seriously ill forfour days.Funeral services will be held at 3p.m. on Friday at St. John's AMEZion Church conducted by the Rev.L.B. Speas. Burial will be in thechurch cemetery.The family will be at the churchon 'Thursdav night from 7 to 8 p.m.Born March 14. 1904. in DavieCounty, she was a dau^ter of thelate Robert and .-\nnie CuthrellFoster. She was educated in theDavie County schools andLivingstone College and had lived inWinston-Salem for over 30 years,just recently moving back toMocksville.She was a member of St. John'sAME Zion Church and was a formermember of Color Memorial AMEZion Church in Winston-Salem.Survivors include a son. HaroldFoster of Washington. D.C.; abrother. Avery Foster ofMocluville; and five grandchildren.' R.L. PEOPLESR.L. Peoples. 86. Rt. 5.Mocksville. died at the DavieCounty Hospital at 7:10 p.m.Monday.The funeral was held at 11 a.m.Wednesday at Chestnut GroveUnited Methodist Church by theRev. John Fowler. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.He was bom in Davie County toThomas M. and Louisa .MundyPeoples. He was a retired ownerand operator of Peoples Groceryand was a cattleman.His wife. Dollie Belle McBridePeoples, died December i9. 1982.Surviving are three daughters.Mrs. Violet Sharpe. Mrs. Ruth P.Walker, both of .Mocksville and Mrs.Myrle P. Lowdermilk. Durham: 11grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren. Memorials may bemade lo the Chestnut Grove United.Methodist Church.^ " LOUIE BEAL. SR.Louie Beal Sr.. 71. Rt. 2. Advance,died at his home early Saturdaymorning.The funeral was held Monday atEaton's Chapel by the Rev. HowardMoffitt and the Rev. David Barney.Burial was in Bixby Church of theLiving God cemetery..Mr; Beal was born in DavieCounty to the late Jacob and NannyLee Culler Beal and was a retiredcarpenter.Surviving are his wife. ViolaRansom Beal of the home; onedaughter. .Mrs. Edith Melton. Rt. 2..Advance: four sons. Edward Beal.Rt. 2. Advance. Alton Beal. Rt. 5..Mocksville. Louie iPeewee) BealJr.. Rt. 1. Mocksville and Jerry Bealof the home: 16 grandchildren; 11great-grandchildren: one sister.Bessie Beal. Cross City, Florida andone brother. Jacob E. Beal.Albermarle.DAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYmocksville;, no.MARY S. LAYMONMary Shelton Laymon. 81. of Rt.6. Mocksville. died early Friday atDavie County Hospital.The funeral was held Sunday atEaton's Funeral Home Chapelconducted by the Rev. John Fowlerand the Rev. Bennv Bearden. Burialwas in Wesley Chapel United.Methodist Church cemetery iDavie County.Bom Jan. 3. 1902. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter of thelate Thomas Hanes and Edna DixonShelton. She was a member ofWesley Chapel United MethodistChurch, where she had served as aSunday School teacher for 40 years.Her husband. George AustinLaymon, died Sept. lO, 1979.Survivors, in addition to her son.include a daughter. Garoettc Nanceof Route 3; two brothers. JoeShelton of Route 5 and Dr. LacyShelton of Winston-Salem: and fourgrandchildren.Davie Co. Public LibraryMocksville, N. C. DAVIECOUNTY ENTERPRtSE RECORU.TMURSDAY, JUNE 9.19R3 - 13BL.AT^.,_MISS KATE BROWNMiss Kale Brown, 03, of thoFarmliiQiDn Cotnmunily, RC 2,Mocksviilc, died Sunday afternoon.Sho was born In Davtc CountyAugust 10,1307 lo Iho lato RlclmrdCltngmaii and Emma Lonisi; BrockSfiewoa a member of FarmlngtonUnilocI IVIothodlfll Churali adcI wasrollrod from Die Internal RevonucService In Waalilnaton, D.C. whereshe linci Nvcd most of her life.Surviving nre one adonlcd son,William F. Johnson of (ha liomo andIhrcc Brsl cousins.Hio funorol was conducted at lln.m. 7'uesdoy ol Furminglon UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev, RaySiirrail. Burial was in FannlnBtonCominunlly comclery,Miss Kate Brawn —1 Kale Brown was born in Farmlngton, August 18.1897 to Richard C.and Emma Brock Brown. She was bom and inter lived out her liie Inthe large wo^en bouso buDl In IMS by her father, located almostdirectly oeross from (he Fnrmlngton Bsptisl Church.Inan interview on Uio event of her 92nd birthday in 3979, Miss Browntold Katt^ Tomllnaon:"1 donR Uke changes," lotting hor mind drift back lo her cliildhoodIn thcFarmlngton community. "I wanted Farmlngton to stay iho wayIt was. When my fnthcr bulU this house, ll ond Ihe site now known osKenncn Krcst wore Ihconly houses thia side of CcdarCrcek.""Lifo was simple In those days. Wo had no way to go anywhereexcept witha bom and buggy. There woa no cleclridly, no runningwater, nnd you used a fire to heat water for the wash. Thoro wasn lmuch monoy either, hut that was all right, People mado their livingfrom the land," she conDnuod In thai IntorvJcw.Aa a young glr) she wanted lo be a nurse, JJowover, her dreams woresoon crushed when her father sternly said thai nursing is not areputable profession for n woman."fn those days women woroJImlted lo the type of work ihcy could doand Btlil keep nn honorohlo roputation. 1 never reolly waniod tobccomo n toachor, but rcallzodlt wcia this ornothlng," abo sold.Her CO rccr ns n icachor lasted nine years, She latight In a Iwo-roomscliool near lllckery,!n Jonuory lOIO, Kola Brown made o chongo in her Ufa and ossum^0 poslDon with tlkc Intoriutl Revenue Scndco in Washington, D.C.Hero, she worked with all ^pos of income ta* returns and held the; poaitlon until rotlrcmcnl In Juno 394B.Un Bovcrai occasions while in Washington she was a gutst in theWhite House, Once she was s guest at a garden too porty hosted 1:^Idrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.WN After roDrcmenl In 1949. Mlas Koto Brown moved bock to For*3, of Iho mIngtontocflrcferhcrmoinerandslsior.HcrrailierdledinlDMi. Rl. 2,afternoon. Her molhor died In 1963 and would hovo celebrated her 102nd blr-tc' County thday had she lived six weeks longer. Her sister Margaret died a few0 RIdiard years later,ilsc BrockBrown lived through two World Wars ond the "QrcaiiMid was Ocprea8Jon."ShQ viewed many changes In ovoryaspoctofJJfc,^^whcrc Roflectitig back on her lire at Uto age of 92 In August 1979, she ob': life. served:pled son,liomo and "My father always sold (hot not one person answered yes to Ihoquestion, >-.woutd you like to relive your life?":ted at 31 'on UnlicdRev. Ray "From Uiot I drow my conclusion that llfo Is Just a one time deal.wmlnBton Just make the most of It. and don't look back." to.DA VIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1983^ . WILLIAM DWIGGINSWiiliam Walker Dvviggins. 75. of324 W. .Maple Ave.. died at Rowan.Memorial Hospital Saturday.The funeral was held Tuesday inEaton's Funeral Chapel by the Rev.Douglas Smith and the Rev. RayThomas. Burial was in CenterUnited Methodist Church cemeitery.He was born .Aug. ISO", inDavie Countv. a son of the late Joeland Delphia' Walker Dwiggins. Heoperated Dwigg s Barbecue in.Mocksville.He is survived by his wife. .MaeDwiggins; his stepmother. .MarthaGordy of Winston-Salem; adaughter. Mary Lou Bost of Kan-napolis; two sons. Don Dwiggins olKannapolis and Thurlo Dwiggins ofTaterbore. S.J.. five stepsons.David Mabe of Route 4. LawrenceMabe of Route 7. Robert .Mabe ofGreensboro. George .Mabe ofBenneiisville. S C.. and .Allen Mabeof Salisbury. ;wo half brothers,.Albert Dwoggins .and JohnDwiggins. both of Winston-Salem;five grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; 19 step-grandchildren; and one step-greatgrandchild., MRS. .MYRTLE B. TOLERMrs. Myrtle Blair Toler. 79. ofFran-Ray Rest Home Mocksville.formerly of Williamson. WestA'irginia.'died Thursday morning atForsyth Memorial Hospital.She was born .March .31. 1904 toWilliam Bill and Betty Evans Blair.Surviving are one son. J.B.Dempsey. Winston-Salem. onesister. Mrs. Beatrice Endicott.Louisa. Kentucky ;' one grandson.Jeff Dempsey. Winston-Salem. oneneice. .Mrs. Helen Hoots. Rural Halland one nephew. R. C. F^ndicott,Lexington. Ky.Graveside services wore conducted 11:00 a.m. Saturday atParklawn .Memorial Gardens.ROLAND HUGH SPRINKLEn Roland Hugh Sprinkle. 57. ofRoute 6. .Mocksville. died Mondayevening. June 6. 1983 in DavieCountv Hosptial. He was bomFebntary 22.1926 in Forsyth County10 Wesley C. and Vertie ReavisSprinkle . .Mr. Sprinkle was of theBaptist faith. He was employed atWestern Electric for more than 14years as an accountant.Surviving are two daughter. Mrs..Malita Johnson, of Winston-Salemand Mrs. Cheryl Tomllnson. of.Mocksville; one son. a1 Sprinkle ofLyons Street. AKinston-Salem; fourgrand-children and one sister, Mrs.Wanda Reavis. of Flat Rock Street.Winston-Salem.- He was preceededin death by his wife. Ella PayneSprinkle. Graveside services wereheld Thursday morning in Oaklawn.Memorial Gardens by Dr. AveryChurch.Burial was in Oak law n MemorialGardens.. d'»;r-HARLES DENNIS CODYTh^ mneral-for Charles DennisIhe c,,ndav in Morrison-Cody was Home ChapelStudeveni Funeral Hotnconducted by the . / j McClain.ir and ihe Rev. .MiciiaeiBurtal was in the Shiloh BaptistChurch cemetary. funerallimes at the j Mocksville.Wednesday afternoon infSSv^pond in Davie County.147ear-0Id *Drowns in PondA l4-year-o!d Davie County boydrowned Wednesday afternoonwhile swimming in a private pondbehind Mocksville Middle S(±ool.Charles Dennis Cody of Rt.8,Mocksville was with a group ofyounger boys when he apfnoentlydecided to go for a svrim in themuddy pond about 3 p.m. The pond,about 12 feet at its deepest point andonly about 50 feet wide, is locatedone-fourth mile behind the school.Witnesses told authorities thatCody had gone swimming and dcg-paddled within six feet of the opposite bank-.wben he cried "I can't vmake it"., ai^ went under.Members of the Davie CotmtyRescue Squad recovered Cody'sbo^-about one hour later. Thecmty coroner, at the scene whenthe body was recovered, ruleddrowning as the cause of death.Cody was a ninth grade student atSouth Davie Junior High SchooLHe was one of twelve children of.Mr. and Mrs. Booker T. Cody ofMocksville.'j.Oavic Co. Public LibfacYDAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC /ObituariesMRS. MODELL POTTS HUNTMrs. Modell Potts Hunt. 58. Rt. 2,East Bend died at Baptist HospitaiThursday morning June 16, 1983.She was bom in Davie County toSolomon and Ida Hendrix Potts. Shewas a member of Advance BaptistChurch.Surviving are her husband. DavidHunt of the home: three daughters,.Mrs. Kay Hulchens. Rt. i. Boon-ville. .Mrs. Sherry Matthews. Rt. 2.East Bend and .Mrs. TammyMauser. Clemmons; two sons. TerryHunt. Rt. 2. East Bend and DwainHunt of the home: five sisters. Mrs.Euia Ledford. Mrs. Atlea Comatzerand Mrs. Ruby Ledford. ail ofAdvance. Mrs. Madeline Joyner.East Bend and Mrs. Lizzie Frye.Winston-Salem: four brothers.George. Paul. Robert and. VestelPotts, all of Advance and sii^grand-children. Funeral services wereheld at 3 p.m. Saturday ab HuffFuneral Home Chapel by theiJlev.Glenn Smitherman. Burial followedin East Bend Friends Cemetery.Oi^VIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYAJQCKSViLLC^ WQ urvTi ^■%a,l'7f3DAVIE rni1»n:Y''gfgK^PgfeEB£C0RD. TtftjRSPAY JUf^gaorigSggAreaObituaries^ MRS. OTIS R. DIXONMrs. Otis' RaUedge Dixon, 72. Rt., 3, Mocksv^. died at ForsythHospital Monday morning.The ■ funeral will be 2 p.m.•Tfiursday at Wesley Chapel UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev.James Raines, the Rev. Leon Woodand the Rev. Curman Sprinkle.Burial will be in the churchcemetery. The body will be placedin the church 30 minutes prior toservice.Mrs. Dixon was bom May 29, 1911in Da vie County to the late John andJulia Hunter Ratledge. She was amember of Wesley Chapel UnitedMethodist Church.Surviving are her husband. RoyDixon, of the home: two sons.O'Brien Dixon. 1321 Heather Lane.Winston-Salem and Lamar Dixon.Rt. 5. Mocksville; one sister. Mrs.Lelia Graves. Francis Street,Winston-Salem and four grandchildren. Kathy Dixon. N.Y. City.Tammy Dixon. Greenville, N.Cw--Chuck Dixon. State Road andMickey Dixon. Rt. 5. Mocksville.;.The family will receive friends atEton's Funeral Home Wednesdayfrom 7 to 9 p.m.ALTON I. JONESAlton Ivey Jones. 59. of Route 1.was dead on arrival at Da vie CountyHospital early Monday.The funeral was conducted at 2p.m. on Wednesday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel conducted bythe Rev. Sidney Grimes. Burial wasin Union Chapel United MethodistChurch cemetery.Bom March 2. 1924. in DavieCounty, he was a son of the late Willand Ola Mae Taylor Jones. He wasemployed by Barnhardt FurnitureCompany.Survivors include his wife.Madeline Williams Jones: threedaughters. Peggy Sue Jones ofStatesville. Linda J. Connelly ofHiddenite and Margaret J. Osborneof Mocksville: a son. Gene Jones ofStatesville: a sister. Mary J. Fryeof Advance: three brothers. JohnFrank and Casey Jones, both ofAdvance and William B. Jones ofCuoleemee: and five grandchildren.MRS/tpRRAINE REDDENMrs. L^aine Bowden Redden,67. died Monday morning at N.C.Lutheran'Home in Hickory.The funeral was held at 4 p.m., Wednes^y at Eaton's FuneralChapel by the Rev. J.C. Lane.Burial was in Macddonia Moraviancemetery.Mrs. Redden was the widow of thelate R. Roy Redden. Sr. and was amember . of Smith Grove UnitedMethodist Church.She made her home in Mocksvilleand Salisbury.She- was a former homeeconomics home extension agentfor Rowan County and a teacher inForsyth. Davie and Rowan Countyschools for 22 years.She was born in Davie County tothe late- Henry Fries and MattieButner Bowden.Surviving are three daughters,Mrs. Jane.: Maddocks, Asheboro,.Mrs. Kay-Cope, Tampa, Fla. and.Mrs. Judy R. Basinger. Salisbury;three sons, Robert Redden.Durham, Thomas Redden,Columbia, S.C. and Dr. JohnRedden. Mooresville; two sisters,Mrs. Evelyn Petway, Winston-Salem and Mrs. Adelaide Seats,Mocksville and 13 grandchildren.Co." •?flocKsvHie. N.OAVIE CO, public UBRARVmocksville, IMC