Jul - DecOk'fu<vf»<p ^ I!D - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 2. 1981Area ObituariesW N ROY V. HELLARDRoy Voice Hellard, 78, of SWatt St., died at BaptistHospital in Winston-SalemThursday night.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Sunday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel inMocksville by the Rev. JohnPindley and the Rev. J. D.Revis. Burial was in LibertyUnited Methodist ChurchCemetery.Bom Oct. 4. 1902. in IredellCounty, Mr. Hellard was theson of the late Mack and LulaDunn Hellard. He was aretired employee ofBurlington Industries.Surviving are his wife.Edith O'Neal Hellard: twosons, Marvin Qay Hellard ofRoute 7, Mocksville. andFloyd Henry Hellard of SanAntonio, Texas; two brothers,Robert and Glenn Hellard,both of Cooleemee.y ■.FRED OSBORNEFred Osbome of Creston,N.C., died at JeffersonHospital Thursday, June 2S,1981.Funeral service was conducted at Ashelawn MemorialChapel Sunday, June 28. 1981.at 3:00 p.m. Burial was inOsbome Family Cemetery.Mr. Osbome was bom inAshe County to Lillard andDidiama Price Osbome onMarch 13, 1912.He is survived by hisbrothers Harold Osbome ofMocksville, Cecil Osbome ofCreston. Ray Osbome ofMyrtle Creek. Oregon. Sistersare Mrs. Emma McCoy ofGrayson, N.C.: Mrs. HattieBerry of Cocoa, Florida: Mrs.Grace Roark of Creston.MRS. DESSIE BROWNMrs. Dessie TempletonBrown. 94. of Route 7 diedFriday morning at DavieCounty Hospital.The funeral was conductedat 4 p.m. Sunday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. Fred Carlton. Burial wasin Liberty United MethodistChurch Cemetery.Mrs. Brown was bom Jan.20.1887. in Wilkes County. Herhusband. Qint Brown, died in1960.Survivors include threedaughters. Mrs. Bessie Yeattsof Danville. Va.. Mrs. AliceGibson of Albemarle and Mrs.Sally Spillman of Route 7,.MocksvUle:Five sons, Luther Brown ofSalisbury, Dodge Dowell ofJersey City. N.J.. James R.Brown of Toledo, Ohio.Thomas Brown of LosAngeles. Calif., and ZennieBrown of Route 7. Mocksville:one brother. LeonardYounger of Winston-Salem;and 22 grandchildren./•MARY BRINDLEMrs. .Mary Belle MclntyreBrindle. 78, of 23 Duke St..Cooleemee. N.C. died atDavie County Hospital inMocksville late last Wednesday night.The funeral was held at 11a.m. Saturday in Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel inMocksville conducted by theRev. L. Lee Whitlock, pastorof the first Baptist Church ofCooleemee and the Rev. J. D.Revis. pastor of CooleemeePresbyterian Church. Burialfollowed in Advance United.Methodist Church cemeteryin Advance.Born April 13. 1903. inIredell County. Mrs. Brindlewas a daughter of the lateRobert L. and Liilie LambertMclntyre. She was a retiredspinner with Burling .on Industries. and was a memberof the First Baptist Church.Survivors include one smi,Charlie Edward Brindle. Jr..with whom she made herhome; three sisters. Mrs. EllaKelly and Mrs. Katie M-cLaurin. both of Concord andMrs. Lu Rooks ofThomasville. and fourgrandchildren.y ESSIE S. CREASON.Mrs. Essie Shoaf Creason,76. of Route 4. was dead onarrival at Davie CountyHospital late Mondayevening.The funeral was held at 4p.m. Wednesday at EdgewoodBaptist Church conducted bythe Rev. Fred Carlton. Buri^followed in Legion MemorialPark Cemetery in cooleemee.Pallbearers were GarryHead, John Newell. DonnieKeller, Chris Brown. DannyWiles, and Percy Creason.Bom April 27. 1905, inRowan County, Mrs. Creasonwas a daughter of the lateJack and Ma^ Craver Shoaf.She was a retired employee ofErwin Cotton Mills in |Cooleemee. Her husband, 'Wilbum J. Creason. precededher in death.Survivors include onedaughter. .Mrs. ModineCreason Head of Route 4,Mocksville: one other son,Dewey D. Creason ofCooleemee: seven grandchildren: and six greatgrandchildren.LIVENGOOD.Mr. John Troy Livengood. 77.of 720 Gales Ave.. died atForsyth Memorial HospiulTuesday. Mr. Livengood wasborn Aug. 13. 1903. in DavieCounty, to George and Annie Deadmon Livengood andspent most of his life in For-svth County. He was a member of Konnoak BaptistChurch. Surviving are hiswife. Ollie Hartman Livengood of the home: threebrothers. Odcll Livengood ofSalisbury. Junie and G. W.Livengo^. both of Rt. 2. Advance. Funeral services willbe conducted at 11:00 a.m.Fridav at Hayworth-MillerSilas Creek Chapel by theRev. Phil Ellington and theRev. Talmadge Wall. Burialwill follow in Oaklawo Memorial Gardens.-^^^ - f j7' 3-MOCKSVILLg. JVCUavie Co. Public LiUiModi.r.'i'ii?. N. C.oiy
!0B - DAVIE COL^'n' ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, JULY 9. 1981ObituariesLAWRENCE C MILLERLawrence Cleiland Miller,"5. of 25 Watt St.. died atRowan Memonal Hospital InSalisbury Thursday morningof an apparent heart attack.The funeral was heldSaturday m the CooieemeePresbyterian Church conducted by the Rev. J.D. Revis,pastor and the Rev. HarveyCrimminger Jr.. pastor ofJerusalem Baptist Church.Burial was ;r, LegionMemonal Park Cemetery.Born March 12, 1916. inDavie County. .Mr .Miller was3 son of the late RichardSwadie and .\da GabardMiller. He was a .-curedemployee oi Fiber Industriesand was a veteran of WorldWar 11. He was also a memberof Cooieemee PresbyterianiThurch. where .-.e >erved asSurvivors ;n aodiuon to hiswife. Frances Carter .Miller,.ncludea daughter, Mrs. AnnSpry. .Midway St.■Jooieemee; two sisters. .Mrs.Ruth Beck- Route 4 and MrsLucy Crotts Lagle. Route 7,both of Mocksville: twobrothers. Jimmy and DavidMiller, both of Route 4.Mocksville: and two grandsons.. JOHN STROUDFuneral services for JohnSlroud. 98. of Wister.Oklahoma, were held Friday.July 3 at the First L'nit^Methodist Church in Wister.Burial followed in the ShadvPoint cemetery.Mr.Strouddied at a Poteau.Oklahoma hospital Wednesday. He was bom in DavieCounty July 18. 1882 and wasthe son of the late A.M. and <S.J. Stroud.Survivors include fourdaughters. 2 sons, 20 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.D.L.. Pauline and CarolStroud of Davie County attended the funeral.'-^■ivie Co. Public Librarydavie county ENTEIU>RISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 16. 1981ObituariesV MRS. MARY NELLCARTER LAWRENCEMrs. .Mary Nell CarterLawrence. 48. of Rt. 3,Mocksville. died Thursdayevening at Baptist Hospital.She was bom June 18. 1933.in Davie County, to the lateZackey Carter and EvaWhitaker Carter.Mrs. Lawrence was aformer employee of Link-Taylor Furniture Co. inLincolnton.Surviving are her husband,George W. Lawrence; twodaughters. .Misses Angela andDonna Lawrence, and oneson. Mark Lawrence, all ofthe home: four sisters. .Mrs.Siirley Cody of Lexington.•Mrs. Peggy Henderson. Mrs.Betty Singleton and .Mrs.Judith Ashley, all ofMocksvLUei her mother, ofMocksville.The funeral was heldSaturday at Eaton FuneralHome Chapel by the Rev.Elmer Day and the Rev.Eugene Goodman. Burial wasCemetery.LUTHER L. ORRELLLuther Lafayette Orrell Sr.,91, of Buena Vista NursingHome. Lexington, died thereThursday afternoon.He had been in declininghealth for several years.Mr. Orrell was bora inDavie County to UriahHarvey and .Mettie GorwoodOrrell. He was a veteran ofWorld War I, a member ofOgburn .Memorial United•Methodist Church, and wasemployed by ChathamManufacturing Co. for anumber of years. He was laterwith the security dept. of R.J.fteynolds Tobacco Co.. fromwhich he retired.Surviving are his wife.Emma Peters Orrell of 1400Drumcliff KO.. Lexington;fwo daughters. Miss MildredA. Orrell of the home and Mrs.George W. lEvelene) Johnsonnf Lcwisvillc: one son, LutherL. Orrell Jr.. of Wnston-Salem; one grandson, Dale L.Orrell; three step-grandchildren: one sister.Mrs. Ralph W. (Viscilla)Ziglar of Winston-Salem.The funeral was heldMonday at Vogier's ReynoldaRoad Chapel by the Rev.Howard Von Cannon. Burialwas in Forsvth MemorialPark..MRS IRENE BirriNG.Mrs. Irene Bitting, 78. ofSpruce Street. Mocksvilledied at 3:06 a.m. Friday at St.James Nursing Home inGreensboro after being indeclining health for severalvears.Bom April 14.1903, in DavieCounty. Sirs. Bitting was thedaughter of the late Henryand Clementine Woodruff.She was educated in DavieCounty public schools and wasZion Church, where she was aformer member of thepastor's aid.Surviving is one daughter..Mrs. Janie Pace of St. Albans,Lxing Island. N.Y.The funeral was held at 3p.m. Wednesday at St. JohnA.M.E. Church in .Mocksville.\VALLACE►-.MOCKSVILLE - Mrs. Adi\lkinson Wallace. 51, of Rl3. died Friday afternoon aiDavie Cuuniy Hospital ir.Mocksvilie alter a long illness. The luneral will be atp.m. Sunday at Ealons Baptist Church by the RevWayne Hill. Bunai will be irthe church cemetery. Thefamily will be at Eaton's Funeral Home in .Mocksvillefrom 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday.Mrs. Wallace was born inKorsyth County to William Jand Era Collctte Atkinson..She was a retired employeeol Crescent Electric Corp.Surviving are her husband,Leonard Gray "Bud"Wallace; two sons, WilliamGray Wiljace and .MichaelDale Wallace, both of Rl. 8.Mocksville; her mother,\Irs. Era C. Latham of Rt 8,-M'Kiksville: three grandchildren; one sister. Mrs.Frances A. Beck of Rt. 8.Mocksville.;,cr a .A « L7- 'S- - OS-t
TR- 1- DAVIE COL^TY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 23. 1981JTcKrKlat wivuiw,Obituaries Of The A*"®®*u.,.«,nr„olovedbvthe AUama, Ga., two daughtersMRSWest He was employed by theAUanta, Ga., two daughtersY MRS. ADA WALLACEMrs. --^da AdkinsonWallace. 51. of Route 8. diedFriday around noon at DavieCounty Hospital following alengthy illness.The funeral was heldSunday at Eaton's BaptistChurch conducted by the Rev.Wayne Hill. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Born June 4. 1930, in DavieCounty. Mrs. Wallace was adaughter of Mrs. Era ColletteLatham of Route 8.Mocksville and the lateWilliam J. .\dkinson.William J.-Adkinson.Sh. PAULINEV mcdaniel cashMrs. Pauline McDanlelCash. 84. died Mondaymorning at her home atSummers Oaks. Mocksville.N.C. She was the widow ofFrank B. Cash.She was bom in Salisbury.North Carolina. March 24.1897 to the late .Albert SpencerMcDaniei and Ida SummersMcDaniel. Most of her Ufewas spent in Winston-Salemand Davie County.She was a member of thefirst United .Methodist Churchof Morganton. N.C.Surviving is one daughter.Mrs. Fred Laurence ofWinston-Salem; 3 sons. PaulS. Cash of Morganton. N.C.,William C. Cash of Marion.;i1-40 rruck Center mStatesvilie and was a member01 Turrentine Baptist Church.He was marri^ to MelanieCarter West who survives.Other survivors include hismother of Mocksville; onebrother. Terry West of Rt. lMocksville.^.DC vtiMiFR HEPLER held Monday ai rorK unurci' .f f R.vTJ68 ^ed Friday afternoon at conducted by the Rev. J.uDavie County Hospital m Revis.Mocksville after being in . chaRLESBUFORDTATUMdeclining health for some Charles Buford Tatum. Sr.,Charles Buford Tatum, Sr..Mrs Debbie Winters ofTampa. Fla.. and Mrs. VickieMills of Route 6. .MocksvUle;two sons. Michael Shedd andRichard Glenn Shedd. both ofTampa. Fla.; two brothers.Hubert Cline of Rome. Ga..and Frank Cline of Atlanta;and nine grandchildren.Graveside services wereheld Monday ai Fork Churchof the .Ascension cemetery,conducted by the Rev. J.D.Revis.nephew, two sisters-in-law >and other relaUves.The funeral was held JuJy iI6th at United Metropolitan iBaptist Church by Dr. J- .Donald BaUard. Bunal with IMasonic rites byLodge 503 was in Cedar CreekBaptist Church cemetery in jFarmington. •time. , ,.The funeral was heldSunday at Cooieemee Churchof God conducted by the Rev.John Findley. the Rev. Mr.Cooper, and the Rev. J.D..?TndVm^S M. cTsHf ^Greensboro; U gr^chU^ ^'"Cn jin 23. 1913. in DavieBorn Jan. 23. 1913. in Davieand 14 great-grandchildren; 1great-great-grandchild.5," I "pi"" pppp"""*re,ues. mat '^vi.ors -lemorvals be sent to: First daughter, Mrs. Lonniemted Methodist Church, 200 Williams oforTh King Street, son. Paul Dean Hepler of,„gaa,.n. N.C.Mocksville and Mrs. Gracie•' WILLIA.M LEE WEST Leonard of Autumn CareWilliam Lee West, 31. of Nursing Home in Mocksville;MocksviUe Rt. 3. died at .me brother.Davie County Hospital of Demon;Sunday after an extended and five great-grandchildren.'''ihe funeral was conducted . MRS. MARGIE SHEDD3t • om. Tuesday at Mrs. Margie Clmeb. Shedd.Turrentine Baptist Church by .51. of Route 6. J"(he Rev. Judge Johnson, the County Hospital Thursday.Rev. Clvde Yates and thcx/ She was born in Rome. ba.Rev Sidney Grimes. ro Jesse Cline and jl/Cie .AnnMr Wesi'was born in Davie .Martin. 'rountvihesonofthelateRoy She is -"'■vived by nerU'e West and Clara Sam husband. S T shedd of^memorials be sent to: First ^ocksville Rt. 3. died atNorth King Street.Morganton. N.C. 2865S.' WILLIAM LEE WESTWilliam Lee West, 31. ofillness-The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday atTurrentine Baptist Church by(he Rev. Judge Johnson, theof 3030 Airport Rd.. Winston-Salem. died July I3th atForsyih Memorial Hospital.Mr. Tatum was a native ofFarmington m Davie Countyand had lived in Winston-Salem for the past 65 years.He was a World War I^ retired em-County. Mrs. Hepler was a Dye 4daughter of ihe late-niomas pj^jghing Co. He was auluytsc u» .Finishing Co. He was ae was a 23 year employe Church, 200of Crescent Electric Com- Street.pany, past officer andmember of / ClarksvilleHomemaker's Club, chartermember and treasurer ofPink Broom Stick.organization, pianist tor Bearorganization, pianist for BearCreek Baptist Church for countv Hospitalseveral years, and a tnemberan extendedof Eaton s Baptist Church. ijjness"Survivors in addition to hermother, include her husband,Leonard Gray 'Bud"Wallace: two sons. WilliamGray and .Michael DaleWallace, both oi Route 8.Mocksville: one sister, Mrs.Francis A. Beck of Route 8,MocksviUe; and 'hreegrandchildren. ,member of UnitedMetropolitan Baptist Church. ;where he served as former ichairman of the TrusteeBoard.Mr. Tatum was a member :of Bivouac Lodge 503, Prince iHail Masons. King Solomon iConsistory 64 and Sethos •Shnne Temple 170.He was a member oiAmerican Legion Post '28 andthe Patterson Ave. YMCASenior Citizens Club.Surviving are one dau^ter.Mrs Catherine T. Leak of thehome: eight grandchildren,Vivian L. Donaldson ofUkehursl. N.J.. Van TyroneTatum. Gilda T. Gains.Cheryl T. Smith. Arlease T.Smith, Kathryn. Karen andDeborah Tatum. all ofDetroit, Mich.; 18 greatgrandchildren: one sister.Mrs, Ethel Adams of 2835Bonair Ave.: two nieces, oneMrtVtfe CO. PUBLIC LltiKAKTMOCKSVlLLEi NO
f<^1-iB- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. JULY 30, 1981Obituaries< MRS. RUBY GARLANDMrs. Ruby Cheek Garland,56, of Route 4, died at DavieCounty Hospital July 22nd.The funeral was heldFriday in the CooleemeeChurch of God conducted bythe Rev. John Findley, theRev. Fred Carlton. and theRev. Harvey Crimminger, Jr.Burial was in JerusalemBaptist Church cemetery.Bom Jan. 7. 192S, in DavieCounty. .Mrs. Garland was adaughter of the late Robertand Selma Louise CookCheek.Survivors include herhusband, Arnold AndrewGarland; four sons, RobertPage and Dennis Page, bothof Route 4, Mocksville,William Page of Lexingtonand Jerry Page of Gold Hill;Six stepchildren, twosisters, Mrs. Lorene Bowmanof Pineola and Mrs. NellWatson of Route 4,.Mocksville; two brothers,Talmadge Cheek of Route 4,Mocksville and Bobby Cheekof Marathon, Fla.; and sevengcandchildren.' MRS. NELIA SHORE BECK.Mrs. Nelia Shore Beck, 76,of Rt. 2, Harmony died at 6a.m. Thursday, July 23rd ather home. She had been indeclining health for 18months. The death wasunexpected.She was bom in IredellCounty Dec. 10,1904, to DanielDavid Shore and AdaSouthard Shore.She was married April 4,1925, to Turner Grant Beckwho survives.Also surviving is one son,Harvey L. Beck ofStokesdale; one daughter,Mrs. Margaret Walters ofWinston-Salem; two brothers,Clinton Shore and Dee Shore,both of .Mtwlfsvillp-spvensisters, Mrs. Verlie Medley,Mrs. Lossie Martin and Mrs.Iva Bamette of Harmony,Mrs. Lucy Chappell of Elkin, 'Mrs. Annie Wilklns ofMocksville, Mrs. LottieBrown of North Wilkesboroand Mrs. Hessie Moore ofYadkinvtlle; six grandchildren, seven greatgrandchildren.She was a member of NewHope Baptist Church.^rvices were held at 11:00a.m. Saturday at SandySprings Baptist Church by the ,Rev. Paul S. Sampson and theRev. Paul E. Moore. Buria9!was in the church cemetery.MRS. MARGARET M.STEELEFuneral services were heldSaturday, July 25. at South iRiver United MethodistChurch for Mrs. Margaret >Murph Steele, 90, of M. I,Woodleaf, N.C. Officiating !minister waas the Rev. .Shirley I. Jones. Burialfollowed In the church ,cemetery. ^Mrs. Steele died Friday, *July 24, at her home, after alengthy illness.aie was born August 28, .1890, to the late Frank Murph .and Annie Thompson Murph.She was marri^ to the lateRobert Lee Steele, who ipreceded her in death,January 24, 1964. She was ahomemaker and a member ofSouth River United MethodistChurch.Survivors include 3daughters, Mrs. James(Thelma) Gartner, Mrs.Josh (Rebecca) Cranford andMrs. Felix (Hazel) Gartner,all of Route 1, Woodleaf, N.C.;2 great-grandchildren and 5great-great-grandchildren.OAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARYmocksville, NC
8B - COLWTY EN?tRPRlSE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 6. 19810°-cT/sOObituariesy •. MRS. JENNIE HOWELLr Mrs. Jennie Hauser Howell,89. of Route 1. died at DavieCounty Hospital Mondaynight.The funeral will be 2 p.m.Thursday in the YadkinValley Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. LeonWood, pastor. Burial will be inthe church cemetery.The family will be atEaton's Fimeral Home inMocksville on Wednesdaynight from 7 to 9 o'clock.Bom March 13, 1892, inDavie County, Mrs. Howellwas a daughter of the lateTommy T. and Mary HendrixHauser. She was a member ofYadkin Valley BaptistChurch. Her husband, WillieG. Howell, died in 1964.Survivors include onesister. Miss Dulcie Hauser ofRoute 1. Advance; and anumber of nieces andnephews.y J. P. BARNEYCASTLEJohn Phillip Bameycastle,83. of Route 3. Mocksville diedMonday morning at N.C.Baptist Hospital."The funeral was held atVogler's Clemmons Chapel at2 p.m. Wednesday with burialin the Smith Grove UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Mr. Bameycastle was bomin Davie County to Thomasand Isabella Foster Bar-neycastle.He lived all his life in DavieCounty in the Dulin Community. He was retired fromErwin Mills in Cooleemee.Surviving is one brother,Charlie H. Bameycastle Sr. ofRt. .1. .Mocksville and anumber of nieces andnephews., T. F. LAGLEThomas FYanklin Lagle, 63,of Route 7, Mocksville, diedSaturday night at DavieCounty Hospital.The fiuieral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday atTurrentine Baptist Church bythe Rev. Judge Johnson andthe Rev. Bill Creason. Burialwas in the church cemetery.Mr. Lagle was bom inDavie Coimty the son of Edand Alice Foster Lagle. Hewas retired empioyee ofBaker Furniture Company.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Juanita James Lagle; sonson. Jerry Franklin Lagle ofRoue 7. Mocksville; one sister.Mrs. Thomas Nance of Route3. Mocksville; two grandchildren and two step-grandchildren./ MRS. ETHEL HAMPTONV Mrs. Ethel Peoples Hampton. 70. of Route 7, died atRowan Memorial Hospital inSaiisbury on Thursday af-temoon following an illness ofone week.The funeral was heldSatiuday in the CooleemeePresbyterian Church conducted by the Rev. J.S Revisand the Rev. Bill Creason.Burial was in RowanMemorial Park cemetery.Bom Jan. 19.1911. in DavieCounty, Mrs. Hampton was adaughter of the late MarvinDuke and Alton BogerPeoples. Her husband.Garence Thurman Hampton,died .May 11. 1976.Survivors include threedaughters, Mrs. GeraldlneHolshouser, Mrs. VirginiaTaylor and Mrs. Judy Webball of Cooleemee; two sons,John R. and Charles LeeHampton, both of Route 7,.Mocksville; two brothers,Arthur N. People of Salisbury,and Floyd Peoples ofCooleemee; eight grandchildren; and one greatgrandchild.MRS. RENA ALLENMrs. Rena Williams Alien,81. of Route 7, died Fridayevening at Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was held .Monday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel. Officiating atthe service were Rev. FredCarlton and Rev. J. D. Reyis.Burial was in Dulin UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Born in Davie County, Feb.21,1900, she was a dau^ter ofthe late John S. and RosaJames Williams. She was amember of Smith GroveUnited Methodist Church. Herhusband was the late BrackAllen.Survivors include threedaughters, Mrs. Bruce Mc-Crary and Mrs. Paul Robbinsof Route 7, Mocksville, and.Mrs. Cyrus Comer of Route 4,Yadkinville; two other sons,Hubert Allen of Route 2.Mocksville. and Clarence"Weasel" Allen of Route 4.Vadkinville; three sisters,Mrs. W. A. Ellis of Route 4and Mrs. E. T. Robertson ofRoute 3, both of Mocksvilleand Mrs. Glenn Comatzer ofRoute 1, Advance; a brother,George Williams of Route 1,Advance; 24 grandchildrenand 30 greatgrandchildren.
^. {%. i<^ Y {- DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13,1981Area ObituariesV HANSPORD L. NICHOLSGraveside services forHansford Lenny Nichols, 57,of 19 Watt St., will be conducted 4 pjn. Wednesday atTurrentine Baptist ChurchCemetery by the Rev. JudgeJohnson..Nlr. Nichols died at hishome Monday night of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.Bom August 11. 1923, inWilkes County, Mr. Nicholswas-a son of the late LennyJoseph and Minnie Nichols.N'ichols. He was a veteran ofWorld War II and formerly anemployee of Burlington Industries.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Lucille Brown Nichols; fourdaughters, Mrs. Kay Koontzof Route 1, Mocksville, Mrs.Jeanette Smith of Route 2,.Mocksville, Ms. Judy Nicholsof Winston-Salem and MissJoyce Gail Nichols ofCooleemee; one son, LennyNichols of Route 8,.Mocksville.Also six sisters, Mrs. HesterCurrin of Irving, Texas: Mrs.Lola Smith of Laurinburg,.Mrs. Viola Moore of Route 1,.Mocksville; Mrs. Eva JeneAvery of Davidson Countyand Mrs. Ellie Lewis and MrsAda McPherson, both ofRandleman: three brothers.Avery Nichols of Salisburyand Howard Nichols ofLynchburg, Va.; and ninegrandchildren.I SCARS OSCOE NICHOLSV Funeral services for SearsOscoe Nichols, 76. of Rt. 1..Advance. .N.C. were heldSunday at 3:30 p.m. atHayworth-Miller Silas CreekChapel by the Rev. DonaldFunderburk. Burial followedin Wilkesboro, N.C.Mr. Nichols was bom inWilkes County to John A. andAnnie Pierce Nichols. Hemoved to Forsyth County in1919 and spent most of his life <in Forsyth and Davie Counties. He was a member ofHanes United MethodistChurch but attendedBethlehem United MethodistChurch where he was aSunday School teacher forseveral years. He was amember of Smith GroveRuritan Club and was Man ofthe Year in 1973. He retiredfrom Hanes Corporation in1970.Surviving are twodaughters, Mrs. Albert Craterof Rt. 4. Claybon Drive, Advance. and Mrs. Jesse Beck of3430 Harper Road, Clem-mons; one son, Charles Billy.Nichols of 1580 Teague Lane;five grandchildren; one greatgrandchild; three sisters,Mrs. Frances Saylor of 1715 S.Hawthorne Road, Mrs. L.M.Maines of 311 Harvey Street,and Mrs. W.A. Pickens of 218Strickland Avenue.MAMIE WHITAKERMrs. Mamie Laura BakerWhitaker, 57, of Route 2, diedat Davie County Hospital lateSunday night, August 9. Thefuneral will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel conducted bythe Rev. Norman Frye. Buridwill be in Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Bom in Davie County, Jan.16,1924, Mrs. Whitaker was adaughter of the late Art andMamie Evans Baker.Survivors include herhusband, William CharlieWhitaker; two daughters,Mrs. Ella Grace Nichols,Route 2. and Mrs. Shirley AnnJones. Route 4, both of.Mocksville; one son, WilliamCharlie Whitaker Jr. of Advance.Four sisters, Mrs. RubyCouch of Urbana, Ohio, Mrs.Lucy Whitaker of Route 2,Mocksville, Mrs. Minnie Ellisof San Francisco, Calif, andMrs. Shirley Wall of Route 4,Mocksville; two brothers,Luther and Jake Baker, bothof Route 2, Mocksville; andsix grandchildren.GROSEYADKINVILLE - JerryLee Grose, 21. of Rt. 4.Yadkinville. died Monday 1evening at N. C. Baptist |Hospital. The funeral will be |at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at theMackie-Gentry FuneralHome Chapel by the Rev.Phil Beavers and the Rev.Ron Rvan. Burial will followin the South Oak Ridge Bap- Ilist Church Cemetery. Mr.Grose was born in Davie Co.,the son of Gilbert and Eva =Shinaull Grose. He* was a >farmer. Surviving are his iparents of Rt. 4.Yadkinville; one sister. Mrs. !Arnold i Nancy • Pilcher of •Rt. 4. Yadkinville: his 1grandmothers. .Mrs. BerthaGrose of .Mocksville andMrs. Flora Shinault of Rt. 4.Yadkinville. The body is at.Mackie-Genlry FuneralHome where the family willreceive friends from 7 to 9 np.m. Wednesday.mviB ca PUBUC ubraryMOCKSVILLB. NC
7'79?4C - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1981Area ObituariesBAILEY LEE GAITHER^ Bailey Lee Gaither. of Rt. 3.Mocksville. died Fridayevening at Rowan Memori^Hospital in Salisburyfollowing a two-week illness.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at CedarGrove Baptist Church inDa vie County by Dr. K.O.P.Goodwin. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Gaither was a lifelongresident of Davie County, aretired employee of DixieFumitiffe Company, and amember of Corinthian LodgeNo. 17 Prince Hall Masons,Order of the Eastern StarRose DeMoll Chapter No. S31.He was also a member ofCedar Grove Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Alice W. Gaither of the home;one daughter. Mrs. RozellerBrown of Mocksville; one son.William M. Gaither of thehome: four grandchildren andseven great-grandchildren., ETTA h7 beckV Mrs. Etta Hartley Beck. 89.of Route 1. Myers Crossroadscommunity, died at RowanManor Nursing CenterSunday morning after beingin declining health for threeyears and seriously ill for oneweek.The funeral was heldTuesday in Jerusalem BaptistChurch. Highway 601. conducted by the Rev. HarveyCrimminger Jr.. pastor andthe Rev. T.E. Robinett. pastorof Enon Baptist Church.Burial was in the churchcemetery.Born January 4. 1892. inDavidson County. .Mrs. Beckwas a daughter of the lateThomas and Eliza YoungHartley. S he was a memberof Jerusalem Baptist Church.Her husband. David E. Beck,died in 1966.Survivors include twodaughters. Mrs. Ethel B. Hallof Route 1. Salisbury, andMrs. Elma B. Swicegood ofCooleemee; three sisters.Mrs. Zula Hamilton and Mrs.Flossie Lamb, both of Route 4.Mocksville and Mrs. LilaSheeks of Qemmons: fivegrandchildren: and 10 greatgrandchildren.^ GERALD CLAYTONGerald Clayton. 62. of Route1. Ehrhardt. South Carolinadied Sunday afternoon atOrangeburg RegionalHospital in Orangeburg.South Carolina after a longillness.Mr. Clayton was bom inBamberg County. SouthCarolina on December 15.1918to the late Joseph M. andAnnie Elizabeth RentzGayton. He was a retiredemployee of the SavannahRiver Plant, and was aveteran of World War 11.Surviving are his wife, theformer Miss Evelyn Joyner:four sons. Gerald M. Gay tonof Bumet. Texas: Dale andBen Clayton of Ehrhardt.S.C.: Jimmy Clayton ofLouisville. Kentucky: twodaughters. Mrs. Pansy Folkof Bamberg. S.C.: and Mrs.Martha Oglesby of Allendale,S. C; a sister. Mrs. Dorothy C.Loadholdt of Fairfax. S.C.:and seven grandchildren.F uneral services were heldon Tuesday. August 11 at 3p.m. at Ehrhardt MemorialLutheran Church. Burial wasin the Ehrhardt cemeterywith Masonic rites.HARTMANMr. Enoch (Bill) MiltonHartman, 65, of 175 Stanleyville Ave.. Rural Hall, diedMonday. Funeral serviceswill be at Vogler's MainStreet Chapel at 2 p.m.Wednesday with burial inAdvant:e United MethodistChurch Cemetery. Mr. Hart-man was bom in Davie Co. toEnoch M. and Clara OrrellHartman. He had worked forDuplan Inc. for 27 Years andwas of the Methodist faith.Surviving are his wife.Mvrtie Loraine Marsh Hartman of the home; twodaughters, Mrs. Donna Curry and Mrs. Lana Merritt.both of King; two stepsons.Ronnie Watson of Winston-Salem and Larry Watson ofKing: two grandchildren andtwo step-grandchildren, sixbrothers. Chick. George,Charles Gray, all of Rt. 2.Advance and Avery. Clintonand Virgil Hartman. all ofWinston-Salem. The familywill receive friends Tuesdayfrom 7 to 9 p.m. at Vogler's.Main Street Chapel.IS" Crir*DAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYMOCKSVILLE* NCBYERLVMOCKSVILLE - Mrs.Blanche Sain Byerly, 85.. formerly of S. Main Street.Winston-Salem. died atDavie County Hospital in.Mocksville early Tuesdaymorning. Funeral serviceswill be Thursday at 2 p.m. atEaton's Funeral HomeChapel by the Rev. F.A.. Sumwalt. Burial will followin the Fork Baptist ChurchCemetery. The family will.receive friends at the funeral •home Wednesday from 7 to 9 |p.m. Mrs. Byerly was bora inDavie Co. to the late Williamand SalHe Masom Sain. Shewas a retired departmentstore clerk and a member ofPork Baptist Church. Her- husband. Paul Gtenn Byerly.died in 1952. Survivorsinclude a number of niecesand nephews. | ^^ .j ^^, , 4Davie Co.Public LibraryMocKsvHle, N. C.
"d-L <1 -g. p-7. /?f I2D - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1981Area ObituariesDAVIE CO. PUBLIC UBRARYM0CKSV1U.E. NOC. NORRIS RABOLDCharles .N'orris Rabold. 78.of 2001 Yost St.. died 6:50 p.m.Thursday in Rowan MemorialHospital after being indeclining health for the pastyear and seriously ill for twoweeks. Mr. Rabold retired in1967 after 19 years as directorof research and developmentof Erwin .Mills, a division ofBurlington Industries inCooleemee.A memorial service washeld at 3 p.m. Wednesday,.August 26th. in the CooleemeeUnited Methodist Churchconducted by the Rev. J..Alton Fitzgerald, pastor. Thebody was cremat^.Memorial contritutionsmay be made to theCooleemee United MethodistChurch.Born March 18. 1903. inAltoona. Pa.. Mr. Rabold wasa son of the late Jolin Qarkand Cora 0. Norris Rabold.He was educated in AltoonaHigh School, DickinsonCoUege and did post ^aduatework at Pennsylvania State.In college he was a member ofPhi Delta Theta fraternity. Healso belonged to the PoinseltClub of Greenviile. 3.C..Chemists Cluo of .New YorkCity and the SalisburyCountry Club.Mr. Rabold was a memberof the Skull and Key .Masonsand the Shrine Club. He wasscience instructor atHoUidaysburg High School inPennsylvania from 192S-28.was chemist and sectionlaboratory chief of PacificMills. Print Works Division,in Lawrence, .Mass., from1928-33. and was a member ofthe research servicedepartment of Com ProductsRefining Company, .vrgo, Dl..from 1933-38.He was also chief chemistfrom 1936-15 and researchdirector from 1945-48. atUnion Bleachery in Greenville. S.C. He was consultingeditor, bleaching, dyeing,printing and finishing, forTextile World, McGraw-HillPublishing Company in NewYork from 1944 to March of1965.He was vice president, 1948-49. and president, 1950-52, ofthe National AmericanAssociation of TextileChemists and Colorists, andwas a member of theAmerican Chemical Societyand a charter member of theWestern Carolina section.He was a member of aninvestigation team sent toGermany to study textilecoloring by the office of theQuartermaster General..Military Planning Division,for research and development. was an HonoraryFellow of the British Societyof Dyers and Colourists. anOrdinary Member of theBritish Textile Institute, andwas a member of the advisoryboard of the American CottonHandbook, and is the authorof several articles publishedin •Cotton " magazine. TextileWorld. and AmericanDyestuff Reporter.Survivors include his wife.Feme Weiche Rabold. whomhe ir.arried Oct. 2, 1935.v/jOHNNY LEE HENDRIXFuneral services for JohimyLee Hendrix. 35, of 5108Cobble Stone Road, RuralHall. N.C. were conducted.Monday. August 24, at 2 p.m.at Havworth-Miller RuralHall Chapel. Officiating werethe Rev. George Auman andthe Rev. Russell Mann. Burialfollowed in Rural HallMemorial Park cemetery.Mr. Hendrix died Saturday,August -22. 1981, at Forsyth.Memorial Hospital, where hehad tieen a patient for only afew days.He was bom in DavieCounty, December 19, 1945, toOtis and Lois Jones Hendrix.He was a graduate of DavieHigh School; and GardnerWebb CoUege. For the past 15years, he has been associatedwith R. J. Reynolds Foods;and was a member ofMocksville First UnitedMethodist Church.Survivors include his wife,Mrs. Frances Shelton Hendrix; his father and mother,Mr. and .Mrs. Otis Hendrix of.Mocksville; I sister. Ms.Cindv Hendrix of Mocksville;I brother. Mike Hendrix ofCooleemee, .N.C.; hismaternal grandmother. -Mrs.Mattie Jones of Mocksville.The famUy requests thatmemorials be made to theScholarship Fund in care ofthe First United MethodistChurch. Mocksville. N.C.27028.JOE L. ALLENMr. Joe Lofton Allen, 71. ofriemmons. died at his homeon Saturday, August 22. Hewas buried on Monday atYadkin VaUey Baptist ChurchCemetery, following funeralservices at Voglers Clem-inons Chapel..Mr. Allen was bom in DavieCounty to Joseph J. andBertha CuthreU AUen andspent his early life in DavieCounty. He had Uved inGemmons for 25 years. Hischurch membership was atWesley Memorial United.Methodist Church.Surviving are twodaughters. Mrs. CorneliaRidings and Mrs. Bill(Betty)Vogler, both of Gemmons;two grandsons, KennethRidings of Ridgeway, Va. andKeith Vogler of Gemmons;one great grandson, Benjamin Ridings; one sister,.Mrs. Nettie Nail ofCooleemee; four brothers, EdAllen of Courtney, Lloyd andGyde Allen of MocksviUe andElse Allen of Farmington.v-'.MRS. LEONA MAE GROCEMrs. Leona Mae Groce, ofRt. 5. Mocksville. died at 5:40p.m. Thursday at Lula ConradHoots .Memorial Hospital.^e was bom in Yadkin Co..a daughter of Joe and MinnieTysinger Wishon. 9ie was amember of Mt. Olive United.Methodist Church.Surviving are her husband.Miller Groce of the home;three daughters. Mrs. LorinaBoggs, Mrs. Joann Campbell,both of Rt. 5. Mocksville, andMrs. Delia Miller of Rt. 4,Vadkinville; one son, RichardGroce: a sister. Mrs. .MintoraSeats: a brother. WesleyWishon. all of Rt. 5,Mocksville; 17 grandchildren.JACKIE WILLARDJackie Edward Willard, 39,of Route 1. died at 6 a.m.Friday at his home after threemonths of declining healthand two weeks of seriousillness.The funeral was conductedat 4 p.m. Sunday at Sum-mersett .Memonal Chapel inSalisbury by the Rev. JohnnyAbee, pastor of True Gospel'Baptist Church inMooresville. Burial was inDutchman Creek Baptistcemetery in Davie County.Bom May 15. 1942. in Mt.Airy. Mr. Willard was a son ofthe late Edward and StellaChilton Willard. He waseducated in Jamestown-schools and was an employee <of a ^iry farm on Route 1,Harmony. Before that, hciworked for Daniel Construction Co.His wife, Linda ChurchWillard, died June 12. 1979.Surviving are two sons,Michael and Jeffrey Willard, jboth of the home; twodaughters. Donna and LisaWillard. both of the home;and two brothers, Kennethand Charles Willard, both ofRoute 1, Jamestown..MRS. BLANCHE SAINBYERLYMrs. Blanche Sain Byerly,35. formerly of South MainStreet, Winston-Salem, diedat Davie County Hospital,August IBth.The funeral was heldThursday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel conducted bythe Rev. R. A. Sumwalt,Burial was in Fork BaptistChurch Cemetery in Davie^unty.Bom March 6. 1896, inDavie County, Mrs. Byerlywas a daughter of the lateWilliam and Sallie MasonSain. She was a retireddepartment store clerk, and amember of Fork BsptistChurch. Her husband, PaulGlenn Byerly. died in 1952.Survivors include a numberof nieces and nephews.Oavie Co. Public Lji.Mcdtsyilli/ h; c
• V
Area Obituaries
Mrs. llallic 1^ Hunler
Pierce, 76, of Route 6. died at
her tio»ne on Sunday after
iHring in declining health for
some time. ^
Tlie funeral was at 4 p.m.
Tuesday at Union Chapel
United Methodist Church
conducted by the Rev. John
W. Fowler and the Rev.
James R. Reeves. Burial was
in the church cemetery.
Born Jan. 18, 1905, in Davie
County, Mrs. Pierce was a
daughter of the late Oiarlie
Anderson and Sallie
Stonestreet Hunter. She was a
member "of Union Chapel
United Methodist diurch. Her
husband, Paul Pierce, died in
Survivors include two
sisters, Mrs. Meadic Danner
of Route 6, Mocksville and
Mrs. Pauline H. Padgett of
Itoule 2, Olin; and a number
of nieces and nephews.
F.d Warren Dedmon, 60, of
No. 3 Cross St., died unex- ^
pectedly Sunday night in
Rowan Memorial Hospital.
Tlie funeral will be con
ducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday
at Eaton's Funeral Home
Cliapel in Mocksville. Burial
will be in Rowan Memorial
Born April 13,1901, in Davie
l3ounty, he was the son of the
late Jesse C. and Mamie
Trollinger Dedmon. He was
employed at Biwlington Mills
in Cooleemee before his
He was a member of North
Main Street Church of Christ,
Survivors include two
sisters, Mrs. Nettie D.
Wagner of Kannapolis and
Mrs. Alma D. Tutterow of
Salisbury; and one brother,
Elarl T. Dedmon of Route 7,
^ FI.()YI) F HE1J.AR1)
Floyd Franklin Hellard, 70,
of III. 14, lx>xington, died at
his home August 24tli.
lie was born in Davie
County to Joe W. and Emmer
Smith Hellard. He was a
retired employee of R. J.
Reynolds "Tobacco Co. and
was a member of Turntine ^
Baptist Church.
Surviving are his wife,
Charlotte Doby Hellard of the
home; one daughter, Jennie
Stewart of HI. 14, Lexington;
one sou, Bobby It. Hellard of
HI. 2, Clemmons; two
brothers, Reuben Hellard and
Wade Hellard, both of
Mocksville; two grand
children, Renee Hellard and
Stevie Stewart.
The funeral was held
August 27th at the I lay worth-
Miller Silas Creek Ctiapel by
the Rev. Harold Fletcher and
the Rev. J. Paul Hardin.
Interment was in Parklawn
Memorial Gardens.
Mrs. Nettie Cousin Tucker,
82, formerly of Rt. 2, Ad
vance, died August 25th at
Autumn Care Nursing Home
in Mocksville. Mrs. Tucker
was born in Davie Co. to
Tommy and Maggie tUiusin
Robertson. She was a
membi'r of Advance United
Methodist Church and had
lived in the Advance Com
munity for most of her life.
She was a retired employee of
Dixie Furniture Co.
Surviving are three
daughters, Mrs. Junior
lAthene) Spry, Mrs. Austin
(Doris) Cope and Mrs. Jimmy
(Betty) James, all of Ad
vance; two sons, James L.
Tucker of Yadkinville and
Wilbur McMahanof Advance;
seven grandchildren and five
great -grandchildren; three
rothers, Robert L Robertson
and Anderson Robertson, both
of Mocksville and Henry
Robertson of Advance.
11ie funeral was conducted
August 27th at Advance
United Methodist Church.
urial was
in the church
Oavie Co. Public Library
Mocksville, N. C.
v/ JONESVILLE - Mrs. Eula
* I lieavis Kenegar, 81, widow
ol Vassie L. Renegar of 309
Winston Road, Jonesville,
died Thursday at 5 a.m. al
Hugh Chatham Meiiiunal
llo.spital after a long illness.
Funeral services will be
.Saturday at II a.m. at
Jonesville First Baptist
Church by the Rev. Hoy
llainiltun and the Rev. Mat
thew Ripley-Moffitt. Burial
will lollow in Crcslwood Me
morial Garden.s. Mrs. Rene-
gar was born in Davie Co..
May 28. liihO, to Dudley ^nd
l.iila Haikey Reavis and was
a member ol Jonesville F-irst
Ihiptist Chiircli. .Surviving
are three daughters. Mrs.
-Sara R. Foster of Klkin.
Mrs Maig.iret R Ciaig ol
All.iiita. Ga , and Mrs. Hilda
R Notlittol Chapel Hill, two
sisters. Mrs. Nora R. Rcavis
ol Yadkinville and Mrs. Jes
sie R. Whitaker ol Mocks
ville. three brothers. Cam.
Diiard and Donald Reavis.■ill of Mocksville; 9 grand-
cliitdreii and six greal-grand- j
rliililreii. The binly is al Alex-.iiiiler-(?hurch-Kennedy Fu- Ineral Home in ElKin where !
the lamily will receive!
irieiiiis Friday from 7 to 9
p III. Ill lieu oi flowers, the
lamilv suggests that any ine-
iiiorials made to Jones
ville First Baptist Church.
11 H
^8''-*mvrF"CCfUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1981Area Obituaries8. Mocksville and WayneTrivette of Stanleyville; andthree grandchildren.WM. NORMAN CLEMENTWilliam Normnn QementSr., 33, of Raleigh, diedThursday.The funeral was held RALPH LESTER MARTINSaturday at 11 a.m, at Brown- The funeral for RalphWynne Funeral Home in Lester Martin was conductedRaleigh. Burial followed inthe Clement FamilyCemetery in .Mocksville.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Charlotte H, Clement ofRaleigh; a son, W.N. ClementJr. of Wake Forest; threedaughters. Mrs. CharlotteTatulis and Mrs. JaniePeebles, both of Raleigh, andMrs. Linda Ihcks of Orlando,Fla.; two sisters, Mrs.Martha Sheek and Miss LindaGray Clement, both ofMocksville: 11 grandchildren.MRS. MARY SUE POTTSMrs. .Mary Sue TrivettePotts. 48, of Route 8,.Mocksville died Friday nightat NC. Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem following ashort illness.The funeral was held.Monday in Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel conducted bythe Rev. Grady Tutterow.Burial was in Eaton's BaptistChurch cemetery.Bom March 5. 1933.^at 4 p.m. Tuesday in theChapel of Morrison-StudeventFuneral Home by the Rev.Dennis Bishop. Burial was inMt. Pleasant Baptist ChurchCemetery in Jonesville.Surviving are his wife, Mrs..Minnie Lindsay Martin of thehome; two daughters, Mrs.Rosalee Martin of Macon,."*I.Y. and Mrs. Phyllis Ackersof Winston-Salem; two sons.Frankie L. .Martin ofAmityville. N.Y. and Lonnie.Martin of Winston-Salem; onebrother, Frank L. Martin ofColumbus, Ohio; threesisters, Mrs. Pearl lliomas ofJamaica, N.Y. Mrs. CarrieSales of Harrisburg, Pa., and.Miss Annie Belle Martin ofWashington. N.C.; threegrandsons, five granddaughters and one great-granddaughter.Davie County. Mrs. Potts wasa daughter of Burton and.Marcie Cranfill Trivette ofRoute 8, .Mocksville. She wasan employee of Moxville.Manufacturing Company.Survivors, in addition to herparents, include twodaughters. .Mrs. MaxineAdams of Advance and MissDonna Potts of the home;three sisters. Mrs.' BonnieJoyner, Route 5. and Mrs.Faye Boger Route 1, both of.Mocksville. and Mrs. Colene.Mayberry of Clemmons;Three brothers, B.L. andWillis Trivette, both of Route ROBERT JUNIOR NEELEYRobert Junior Neeley ofRoute 7. Mocksville, N. C. wasdead on arrivM at DavieCounty Hospital, earlyTuesday morning.His body is at Morrison-Studevent Funeral Home.Funeral arrangements areincomplete at this time.Survivors include 3brothers, Ernest Neeley ofBaltimore. Maryland: andFred and Henry Grant of.Mocksville: I sister. GeorgiaAnna Neeley of MocksviUe,Mr. Neeley is a native ofDavie County and a World'War II veteran.V JAMES H.COUCH, JR-. i|James H. Couch, Jr., 51, of ':268 Tallman St.. NorthLewisburg, Ohio, died August29 in Union County MemoniQHospital, Marysville, Ohio,He was a welder at John- 'son's Welded Products, Ur-bana, Ohio,He was bom January 30, .1930. to James H. Couch, Sr.and Ruby Baker Couch, bothformerly of Davie County.Survivors include hisparents of Urbana, Ohio; hiswife, Helen Hall Couch; two nsons. Stephen E. of Ft. Sill,Okla., and David Lee of NorthLewisburg: a daughter,Debbie, at home; threegrandchildren; four brothers,Samuel Odell of ChiUicothe,Ohio, Paul of Marysville,Ohio, and Thomas of Mt.Victory, Ohio: and a sister,Mrs. Joyce Murphy of ,Newcomerstown, Ohio. IServices were conducted iSeptember 2 in Freshwater-Ferguson Funeral Home with Ithe Rev. Roger Braim of- •!ficiating. |Burial was in Maple Grove !Cemetery, .North Lewisburg.OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSViaE; NO
UNKNOWN PUBLICATION, September 11,1981
nard Leslie Richards. M.D.,
64, of 'Mocksvilie, Rt. 7, died
Friday at N.C. Baptist Hos
pital in Winston-Salem. He
was a practicing physician in
Davie County for several
years. Funeral services will
be Sunday at'4 p.m. at Eat
on's Funeral Chapel by El
der A. D. Livengood and El
der A. B. Mazat. Burial will
follow in Rose Cemetery.
Dr. Richards was bom in
Stittsville, Mich., a son of
Lewis and Nona Carr Rich
ards. He was a veteran of-
World War II and was a <
member of the ^venth Day
Adventist Church. He re
ceived his B.A. degree from :
Columbia Union College and i
bis medical degree from I
Loma Linda University. He
was a member of Davie-For-
syth Medical Society, the
American Academy of Fam
ily Practitioners and the
Board of Trustees of Davie
County Hospital. He was the
medical examiner for Davie
County and was a former
missionary in Trinidad, Brit
ish West Indies. Surviving
are his wife, Mrs. Aletha
Shook Richards; one daugh
ter, Miss Patty Richards of
XhattanoQga. Tn.; one sis
ter, Ms. Worthie Richards of
Van Nuys, Cat.; three broth
ers, Frances Richards of Lit
tle Rock. Cal., Leonard Rich
ards of Punta Gorda, Fla.,
and Arthur Richards of
Worthinglon, Ohio, fam
ily wifl receive friends Sat
urday from 7 to 9 p.m. at
Eaton's Funeral Home. The
family requests that in lieui
of flowers, memorials be
made to the Seventh Day Ad:
ventisV Church.
Per Ancestry.com: Born 5/2/1917, Deceased 9/11/1981
Bio - Obituaries - 9/11/1981 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
T?- /9.2D - PAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IArea Obituaries/11581OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYWIOCKSYILLE* NO/' H.C. STEELE. JR.Henry Clay Steele. Jr.. 57.of Route 7. was dead onarrival Friday night at DavieCounty Hospital.The funeral was held.Monday at Liberty UnitedMethodist Church where Mr.Steele held his membership.Officiating at the service wasPhillip Cole, and burial was inRowan Memorial Park.Salisbury.Bom July 24.1924, in RowanCounty, hw was the son ofMrs. Sadie Ridenhour Steeleof Route 7. and the late HenryC. Steele. He was operator ofthe U-Stop-In Grill inCooleemee.In addition to his mother,survivors include hhis wife..Mrs. Nellie Munday Steele;two sons. Tony Ray Steele ofNorfolk. Va. and Jimmy ClaySteele of Route 1, Woodleaf; asister. Mrs. Virginia Sides ofChicago, III.; and fivegrandchildren.V DENNIS SMOOTEdward Dennis Smoot. anative of Mocksville, di^Friday at the VA Hospital inSalisbury.The fimeral was conductedat 4 p.m. Tuesday at SecondPresbyterian Church inMocksville by the Rev. F.D.Johnson Jr. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Catherine P. Smoot of Win-ston-Salem; three sons.Thomas E. Smoot of the U.S.Navy. Norfolk. Va., Terry W.Smoot and William N. Smoot.both of Winston-Salem; twostep-children. Kenneth A.Smoot and Leslie R. Smoot.both of Winston-Salem; onesister. Mrs. Mildred S. Brooksof Mocksville.^ CLYDE C. BECKOvde Carlton Beck. 78. ofRoute 4. was dead on arrivalSaturday morning at DavieCounty Hospital.The funeral was heldMonday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel by the Rev.Harvev Crimminger and theRev. Clyde Yates. Burial wasin Jerusalem Baptist Churchcemetery.Memorials may be made tothe Jerusalem Baptist ChurchCemetery Fund.Bom in Davie County October 13. 1902. Mr. Beck wasthe son of the late WilliamHouston and Sarah ElizabethSeeker Beck. He was aretired railroad pipe fitterhelper.Survivors include his wife,Laura Plott Beck of the home,and a number of nieces andnephews.5^ JOHN HENRY CREWSJohn Henry Crews of Ad-'vance. died ^ptember 8th atForsyth Memorial Hospitalafter an extended illness. Hewas a native of Davie County,and a member of Piney GroveUnited Methodist Church inAdvance.He is survived by foursisters. Mrs. Beatrice Ellerbeof Jamaica. N.Y.. Mrs. IreneRicks of Brooklyn. N.Y.. Mrs.Roberta Faulkner ofPhiladelphia. Pa., and Mrs.Mary Peebles of Advance..N.C. One brother. ThomasCrews of New York City. Afoster son. .Melvin Nesbitt ofLexington. N.C.The funeral was held lastSunday at 3:00 p.m. at thePinev Grove LnitedMethodist Church in Advance.The Rev. Buford C. Millerofficiated, and burial followedin the church cemetery.ROBERT J. NEELYThe funeral for Robert J..Neelv. of Route 7. .MocksvUle..N'.C.. was held on last Fridayat 4;<10 p.m. at the SecotidPresbyterian Church inMocksville. The Rev. F. D.Johnson. Jr. officiated, andburial followed in the churchcemetery./ D.G. HILLARDDonald Gray Hillard. 50. of45 Watts St.. died at 7:45 a.m.Tuesday in Davie CoimtyHospital after four weeks ofserious illness.The funeral will be 2 p.m.Thursday in Eaton's FtmeralHome Chapel in Mocksvilleconducted by the Rev. J. D.Revis and Rev Gene Blackburn. Burial will be in Rowan.Memorial Park.The family will be at thefuneral home in MocksvilleWednesday night from 7 to 9o'clock.Born Feb. 20. 1931. in DavieCounty. .Mr. Hillard was a sonof Glenn David and StellaTruelove Hillard ofCooleemee. He was retiiredfrom Ingersol-Rand Companyin .Mocteville.Survivors, in addition to hisoarents. include hfs wife,Peggie .McCulough Hillard;one daughter. .Miss DonnaElizabeth Hillard of thehome; three sons. Lawrence,Gray. David Franklin andJohn Mark Hillard. all of thehome; two sisters. Mrs.Arnold Anderson of Route 1,Mocksville and .Mrs. RobertGrubb of Route 2, .Advance;and one grandson.D.G. Hillardof CooleemeeCOOLEEMEE - DonaldGray Hillard. 50. of 43 Watts St.,died at 7:45 a.m. today in DavieCounty HosptUl after fourweeks of serious illness.The funeral will be 2 pjn.Thutsdsay in Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksville conducted by the Rev. J.D. Revisand Rev. Gene Blackbunt.Burial will be in Rowan Memorial Park.The family will be at thefuneral home in Mocksville onW^nesday night from 7 to 9o'clock.Born Feb. 20. 1931. in DavieCounty. .Mr. Hillard was a son ofGlenn David and Stella TnieloveHillard of Cooleemee. He wasretired from Ingersol-RandCompany in Mocksville.Survivors, in addition to hisparents, include his wife. Peggie.McCulough Hillard; one daughter. Miss Donna Elizabeth Hillard of the home; three sons.Lawrence Gray. David Franklinand John Mark Hillard. all of thehome: two sisters. Mrs. Arnold•Anderson of Route 1. Mocksvilleand Mrs. Robert Grubb of Route2. Advance; and one grandson.JtEe>>oJavie Co. Public Libran
~ Oi>rh}f=H.'fS 9.:)/. /f^llOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE F^CORD, THUMDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1981Area Obituaries/ ' SUE E. SWICEGOODFuneral services for SueEllis Swicegood, 61. of Rt. 5,Tyro Road, Lexington, N.C.were held Saturday at 2 p.m.at Piedmont Funeral HomeChapel, by the Rev. AlfredMullen. Burial followed inSandy Creek cemetery.Mrs. Swicegood diedThursday, September 17 atN.C. Baptist Hospital. She hadbeen in declining health for 2years and seriously ill for twoweeks.She was bom in DavieCounty, August 13,1920, to thelate Lee and Stella CarterEllis.Mrs. Swicegood was a salesclerk for Belks DepartmentStore for 33 years, ^e was amember of St. Luke'sLutheran Church.Surviving is her husband,Ira Dean Swicegood of thehome; 2 brothers, Elgin Ellisof Rt. 3, Mocksvtlle andRobert Ellis, also of Rt. 3; 2sisters, .Mrs. Ralph (Ethel)Jones of Rt. 3, Mocksville,and Mrs. Lawrence (Georgia)C^raatzer of Rt. 1, Advance,N.C.Memorials may be made toSt. Luke's Lutheran Church inLexington, N.C.MICHAEL MILURONSMichael Damon Mlllirons.four-month-old son of MichaelEarl and Terrie ChapellMilllrons. died unexpectedlySun^y evening in the NorthCarolina Baptist Hospital inWinston-Salem.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. Lee Whitlock and theRev. J.D. Revis. Burialfollowed in Legion MemorialPark cemetery in Cooleemee.He was bora April 28,1981 inDavie County.In addition to the parents.survivors include, thematernal grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Marvin Chapell ofCooleemee; and the paternalgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Earl Franklin Millirons ofSalisbury.MRS. LUCILLE CARTER•K LEWISFuneral services for Mrs.Lucille Carter Lewis wereconducted at 3 p.m. September 14 in MinneapolisBaptist (3iurch. Minneapolis, .N.C.Mrs. Lewis was bora inDavie County. She was Imarried to C.B. Lewis whopreceded her in deathFebruary 1978.Survivors include onedaughter, Mrs. John (VaudaJane) Dearman; two sons,Bobby C. and Toby Lewis andsix grandchildren, all of.Minneapolis. Also survivingare four sister. Mrs. OdellMinor. Winston-Salem, Mrs.Olin Barnhardt. Rt. 2. Advance. Mrs. Lelia S.Richardson. Rt. 14. Lexingtonand Mrs. Viola C. Howard.Detroit, Michigan; onebrother. G.F. (Buster)Carter, Winston-Salem.^ LLOYD B. SPILLMANLloyd Baxter "Shorty"Spillman. 64. of 2406 HarvardAvenue. Durham, N.C. diedMonday morning at theVeterans Hospital in Durham.Funeral services wUl beconducted Thursday morningat 11 o'clock at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel. Burial willfollow in Yadkin County atSouth Deep Creek Baptist(Thurch cemetery.He was bora December 18,1916 in Yadkin County to thelate Robert A. and Lucy(:k>ugh Spillman. He was abar^ by profession.Surviving are his wife, ElsieSpillman of the home; 1dau^ter, Mrs. Anne Younts'of Rt. 2, Advance, N.C.; 1 son,Jimmy Spillman of Oem-mons. N.C.; 4 grandchildren;1 sister, Mrs. Sally Shwmer of.Winston-Salem; and 2brothers, Alphonse Spillmanof Cooleemee, N.C. and AllenSpillman of Greensboro, N.C.The family will receivefriends at Eaton's FuneralChapel Wednesday eveningfrom 7 until 9 pjn.QAVIE CO. PUBLICmocksville^ubraryNOSPILLMANMOCKSVILLE — Mr. LloydBaxter (Shorty t Spillman,64. of 2405 Harvard Ave.,Durham, died at theVeterans Hospital inDurham Monday morning.Funeral services will beThursday at IT a.m. atEaton's Funeral HomeChapel. Burial will follow inSouth Deep Creek BaptistChurch Cemetery in YadkinCounty. The family willreceive friends at the funeralhome from 7 to 9 p.mWednesday. Mr. Spillmanwas bora Dec. 18,1916 to thelate Robert A. and LucyGough Spillman, and was abarber. Surviving are hiswife. Mrs. Elsie Spillman ofthe home; one daughter.Mrs. Ann Younts of Rt. 2.Advance; one son. JimmySpillman of Clemmons; fourgrandchildren; one sister..Mrs. Sallv Shermer ofWinston-Salem: twobrothers, Alphonso Spillmanof Cooleemee and AllenSpillman of Greensboro.tn3Oavie Co."ins.
yjf^i «> S/O. / /9^/lOB - DAVIECOUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. IHURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1981Area Obituaries^ * . _ — Hntinrs.honors.J. K. PIERCEJoseph Keene Piew. 93. ofCooleemee. diedLula Conrad Hoots MemorialHospital in YadWnvUle.The funeral was heldSuR^y in Eaton's FunCTalChapel by the Itev. MtonFitzgerald. Burial was mRowan Memorial Park.He was bom Jan. 2.18®®>Mecklenburg County-iate John and Famue WilhelmPicrco*He was retired superintendent of manufactimng forConsolidated Textiles ofLynchburg. Va. He amember of Cooleemee UnitedMethodist Church.He is survived by his wife,Dora CopeCooleemee; one daughter.Mrs. Mary Frances Tillmanof Burlington; six sons. JohnF Pierce of Franconia. va.,Baxter B. $Waynesboro. Va.. nPierce of Springfield. Va..James A. Pierce of Lynchburg. Va.. Fred Pierce ofCooleemee. Edgar F. P'erceof Midlothian. Va.; on^®":sister. Mrs. Cora Wood ofLexington; six grandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren.member of Smith GroveUnited Methodist Church.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Cordie Stewart Howard of thehome; one son. GarlandBryson Howard of Winston-Saiem; two brothers. T. V.Howard of Winston-Salem andLouie P- Howard ofMocksville; eight grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.v< PEARLY H. HOWARDPearly H. Howard. 88. of 400W Midway Street. Salisbury,died Friday at Ho*®"Memorial HospitaL Thefuneral was conducted at zp.m. Monday at Eaton sF^meral Home Chapel by meRev. Wade Wright. Burialwas in Rowan MemorialPsrlc*Mr. Howard was born inDavie County May 11.1W3. tothe late Luther and Nannie- Smith Howard. He was a. retired landscaper and aK HARRY J. GORDY.Mr. Harry John Gordy. 68,of Rt. 6. Allen Road.Mocksville. was dead onarrival at Davie CountyHospital in .MocksvilleThursday morning.The funeral was heldSaturday at 2 p.m. at E^ton sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. Jimmy Martin. Burialwas in Rose Cemetery.Mr. Gordy was bom mRowan County to the late Johnand Arvell Jones Gordy. Hewas a millwright and a welderand was a iriember of BlaiseBaptist Church.Surviving are threedaughters. Mrs. JaniceHolder of Winston-Salem..Miss Amelia and Miss DianaGordy. both of Rt. 6.Mocksville; one son. HarryThomas Gordy of Rt. 6.Mocksville; two grandchildren; two sisters. Mrs.Betty Lewis of San Diego. Cat.and .Mrs. Nora Bamhardt ofGifton Heights. Penn.^_Surviving are his wife,Rrtnf Call Janowski. formerlyfrom Davie County; two sons,Stephen Janowski of Cory andMark Janowski of MountPleasant. S.C.;daughters. Lisa and CathyJanowski. both of the home,and one sister. ToziaJanowski of Nanticake, Pa.The family received friendsfrom 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday atthe fimeral home.^ JOSEPH J. JANOWSKIRetired Sgt. 1st ClassJoseph J. Janowski. 54. diedSeptember 23rd at WomacHospital. Fort Bragg, N-C.Funeral services were held at11 a.m. Friday at Jemigan-Warren Funeral HomeGiapel. Burial was at Ft.Bragg Military PostCemetery with MilitaryCO.mocksville, NC:;j. ru&lic Library■lOCKSi/tiie, N. C.
!!CB - 'J.A \ ih V v^c.Ti c.NItru'KiaH KcCuRO. ihLKSDAY. OCTO&fcR Q.Area Obituaries'<^ 30BBY L. BURTONBobby Lee Burton. 30. ofRoute 2. died at nis homeSeptember 30th.The funeral was conductedat 4 p.m. Saturday at theBixby Church of the LivingGod by the Rev. Joe Long andthe Rev. Bill Shoaf. Burialwas in the church cemetery.Bom May lO. 1931. in DavieCounty, he was the son of thelate Roy Thomas and HattieW. Burton. He was a retiredemployee of Drexel HeritageFurniture Co. and a veteran ofthe Korean War.Survivors include his wife.Kathryn Pope Burton: twodaughters. Mrs. BrendaNorman of Route 2. .Advance,and Miss Virginia Burton ofthe home; three sons. BobbyLee Burton. Jr. of Winston-Salem. Randy G. Burton.Route 2. and Michael WayneBurton. Route 3. both ofAdvance:Five sisters. Mrs.Katherine Williams of Route2. .Mocksville. Mrs. Daisy.Minor and Mrs. Callie Hudson. both of Route 2. Advance..Mrs. Ruby Byrd of Route l.Linwood. and ..Mrs. .MargaretKeaton of Winston-Saiem;three brothers. JohnnyBurton of Route 2. Advance.Henry C. Burton of Route 3.Lexington, and Roy T. Burtonof >Vinston-Salem: sixgrandchildren: and two greatgrandchildren.MRS. PALXINE G. ERNESTFuneral services for Mrs.Pauline iPolly) Gentry Ernest. 63. of 134 West Devonshire Street. Winston-Salem.N.C. were held Sunday. October 4. at 2:30 p.m. atVogler's Main Street Chapel,with the Rev. Dr. AveryChurch, officiating. Burialfollowed in OaklawnMemorial Cemetery.Mrs. Ernest died Thursday.October l. at ForsythMemorial Hospital in Winston-Salem. N.C. after a briefillness.She was born in GuilfordCounty to tne Mrs. DoraGentry, and the late Rev. JoeC. Gentry. She lived most ofher life in Winston-Salem,N.C. where she owned andoperated a beauty shop since1965.Survivors include herhusband. Richard L. (Dick)Ernest of the home: a son.Terry Ernest of Tocca.Georgia. Her mother. Mrs.Dora (Sentry of Mocksville.N.C.; three sisters. Mrs.Grady McClamrock ofMocksville. Mrs. Garrett.Anglin of Brunsville and Mrs.John Carter of KnoxvilJe.Tenn.; two brothers. Hampton and John (Sentry, both of.Miami. Florida.WILLIAM JOHN DUNNWilliam John Dunn. 70, ofAdvance. Rt. 1. died Sundaynight at N.C. Baptist Hospital.The funeral was heldWednesday at 4 p.m. atEaton's Funeral Chapel inMocksville by the Rev. LeonWood. Burial followed inBethlehem United MethodistChurch Cemetery.Mr. Dunn was bom in Davie> County to Isaac W. and TineaHilton Dunn. He was a retiredcarpenter and farmer. Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Fannie Bowers Dunn; oneson. (Sari Dunn of Rt. 1. Advance: one sister, Mrs. LouisaMayhew of Rt. 2. Advance;one brother. Isaac W. Dimn.Jr. of Rt. 1. Advance, onegrandson. Matthew Dunn ofRt. 1. Advance 'DAVIE CO. PUBUC tmRARV''''''® '\/in THELMA BAILEY.Mrs. Thelma Gullett Bailey,71. of 30 Joyner St.. di^Sunday at Davie CountyHospital, Mocksville.The funeral was heldWednesday at 11 a.m. atEaton's Funeral Home(hapel. Officiating at theservice were the Rev. LeeWhitlock and the Rev. J. D.Revis. Burial followed inLegion Memorial Park.Bom in Davie County Nov.22.1909. she was a daughter ofthe late John and LuzennaHoward Gullett. She was amember of the First BaptistChurch here, and was aretired employee ofBurlington Mills.Survivors include herhusband. Odell Bailey; adaughter. Mrs. Pete Wagnerof Route 7, Mocksville; twosons. Lester Bailey of Omaha,Neb. and Jerry Lee Bailey ofCooleemee; two sisters. Mrs.Myrtle Hammett of ChinaGrove and ,Mrs. Connie Rossof Landis; seven grandchildren and one great-grand-child.u'S «J o'iS'S'S^w=« =3 2 a! -P 9-® 2-"5 §2,5 >,ccoacnC~kSoL.2 = a»»,BAILBYMOCKSVILLE - Mr.Claude Odell (Ned) Bailey,79. of Mocksville. Rt. 3. di^Sunday night at DavieCounty Hospital. Funeralservices will be Wednesdayat 2 p.m. at Elaton's Funeral(Hiapel in Mocksville by theRev. Gordon Joyner. Burialwill follow in Fork BaptistChurch Cemetery. Thefamily will receive friendsTuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. atthe funeral home. Mr. Baileywas born in Davie County, ason of John B. and MittieHendrix Baiiey. He was amember of Fork Baptist-Church and was a retiredbuilding contractor.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Ha Aron Bailey: onedaughter. Mrs. BettyStevenson of Winston-Salem;two sons. Bobby Gray Baileyof Rt. 2. .Advance and BillyR. Bailey of Rt. I. Advance:six grandchildren and fourgreat-grandchildren.£2 g,3K «•> S( P .MOCKSVlLm. NC5OoO
/.y - s;2.p. Z'?//'*'''*fOB -"dAVIE county ENTERPR1SE__R£C0RD. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1981>lreo ObituariesaC - ; •T V :W*V' •IK• * fi*MRS. W.F. NAIL SR.Funeral services for Mrs.Mary Call Nail, widow of thelate William F. Nail Sr.. wereheld Tuesday at 2 p.m. at theEaton Funeral Chapel. TheRev. Robert Prentis and theRev. George Auman officiated.Mrs. Nail died Sunday.October 18th. 11:30 p.m.. atthe Autumn Care NursingHome. She was 9S years old.She was bom May S. 1886 inDavie County to Thomas andAlice Riley Call. She was amember of the Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church.Survivors include one son.William F. .Nail Jr. ofMocksville: two daughters.Margaret Murphy ofMocksville and RebeccaLamb of Greensboro; a stepdaughter. Mary Smith otMocksville: three grandchildren. 10 step-grandchildren. and a numberof great grandchildren andgreat step-grandchildren.y MRS. ROSA SMITH SAINMrs. Rosa Smith Sain, 90. ofMocksville. Rt. 3, diedWednesday afternoon atDavie County Hospital.Funeral sendees were heldFriday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel in Mocksvilleby the Rev. Bob Prentice andthe Rev. George Auman.Burial followed in Oak GroveUnited Methodist ChurchCemetery.Mrs. Sain was bora October15. 1890. in Davie County tothe late Carson Blum and IdaSparks Smith. She was amember of Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church. n Herhusband, Albert H. Sain,preceded her in death in 1979.Surviving are fourdaughters. Mrs. MoodyChaffln of Mocksville. Mrs.Alton Foster of Rt. 7.Mocksville. Mrs. DouthitWhitaker of Ft. Lauderdale,Fla. and Mrs. Russell Jordanof Hermosa Beach. Cal.;three sons, Casper, Lonnieand Lester David Sain, all ofRt. 2. .Mocksville; 14 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.Grandsons served aspallbearers./ MRS. .MARY HUDSONJOHNSONMrs. .Mary Fena HudsonJohnson, of Mint Street.Winston-Salem. N.C.. diedOctober 11. 1981 in Forsyth.Memorial Hospital after anextended illness.She was a native of DavieCounty, daughter of the lateThomas and Susie B. Hudson.She is survived by threedaughters. Mrs. Helen Rose ofWinston-Salem; Ms. Janet E.Johnson of Charlotte; Mrs.Cynthia Redmond ofStatesville; three sons. DaleM. Johnson of Mocksville;William C. and Willie C.Johnson both of Winston-Salem. Three sisters. Mrs.Faye Cockerham. Mrs. AnnBritton. and Mrs. SadieHudson all of Mocksville. Onebrother. Donald Hudson ofBridgeport. Cbnn.Funeral services were heldlast Sunday. 5:00 p.m. in thechapel of Morrison-StudeventFuneral Home. Rev. F.D.Johnson. Jr. officiated andburial followed on Monday at n12:30 p.m. in New CalvaryHoliness Church Cemetery.CLAUDE ODELL (NED)BAILEYClaude Odell (Ned) BaUey,79. of Route 3. Mocksville,N.C. died Monday, October 5,at Davie County Hospital.Funeral services were heldWednesday, October 7, at 2p.m. at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel with the Rev.Gordon Joyner officiating.Burial followed in ForkBaptist Church cemetery.He was bora September 11,1902, in Davie County to thelate John B. and MittleHendrix Bailey. He was aretired building contractorand a member of Fork BaptistChurch.Survivors include his wife.Da Aron Bailey of the home; 1daughter. Mrs. BettyStevenson of Winston-Salem.2 sons. Bobbie Gray Bailey ofRt. 2. Advance and Billy R.Bailey of Rt. 1. Advance.N.C.; 6 grandchildren and 4great-grandchildren.NAILMOCKSVILLE - Mrs. MaryElla Call Nail. 95. formerlyof Salisbury Street. Mocksville. died at Autumn CareConvalescent Center ioMocksville Sunday night.Funeral services will be 'Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Baton'sFuneral Chapel by the Rev.Robert Prentice and theRev. George Auman. Burialwill follow in Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church.Mrs. Nail was bpre in DavieCounty. May 5. 1886. to thelate Thomas F. and AliceRiley Call. She was amember of Oak GroveUnited Methodist Church.Her husband. William F.Nail. Sr.. preceded her indeath. Surviving are twodaughters. Mrs. MargaretMurphy of Mocksville andMrs. Rebecca Lamb ofGreensboro; one son.William F. Nail. Jr. ofMocksville; one step-daughter. Mrs. Mary Smith ofMocksville; three grandchildren. ten step-grandchildren. a number of greatgrandchildren and step-great-grandchildren.^ Rosa Sain, 90,Rt. 3, MocksvilleMOCKSVILLE - Mrs. RosaSmith Sain. 90. of Route 3. diedat Davie County HospitalWednesday evening.The funeral will be 2 p.m.Friday in Eaton's Funeral HomeChapel conducted by the Rev.Bob Prentice, pastor of OakGrove United Methodist Church,and the Rev. George Auman.Burial will be In the churchcemetery. Grandchildren willserve as pallbearers.The family will be at thefuneral home tonight from 7 to 9o'clock.Bom Oct. 15. 1890. in DavieCounty. Mrs. Sain was a daughter of the late Carson Blum andIda Sparks Smith. She was amember of Oak Grove UnitedMethodist Church. Her husband.Albert H. Sain, died in 1979.Survivors include four daughters. Mrs. Moody Chaffln andMrs. Alton Foster, both ofMocksville. Mrs. Russell Jordanof Hermosa Beach, (^lif. and.Mrs. Douhlt Whitaker of Ft.Lauderdale. Fla.:Three sons. Casper SmithSain. Lonnie Woodrow Sain andLester David Sain, all of Route2. Mocksville: 14 grandchildren;<9 great-grandchildren.GAVIB ca PUBLIC LIBRARYMCXJKSViLLE* NOrrc• I, LV,- .1•r/
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1981Area ObituariesJ. Frank riirrlics/, J. FRANK FURCHESJ. Frank Furches, 77. of3S33 Clemmons Road, and along time resident of Clemmons, died Sunday. October25, at his home. Funeralservicrs were hold Tuesdayafternoon at Vogler'sClemmons Chapel and burialfollowe<I in Clemmons FirstBaptist Church cemetery.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Edna M. Furches of thehome; three brothers. S. L.Furches of Clemmons. T. J.Furches of Tobaccoville, andD. L Furrhes of SouthernI*ines and one sister, Mrs.Martha F. Mirell of Roper.Mr. Furches was Iwrn inDavie County. January 4.1904, to L. M. and Elizabeth D.Furches, He graduated fromMars Hill Junior College.Wake Forest College, andYMCA Graduate School ofVanderbill University. Hewas active in athletics as aplayer and coach for manyyears. He taught in theForsyth County SchoolSystem and also at Mars HillCollege.He owned and operatedFurches Brothers Hardwareof Clemmons for 20 years. Insemi-retirement he worked atWake Forest University andwas a volunteer at ForsythMemorial Hospital. Mr.Furches compiled "TheFurches Folk" genealogyseveral years ago.He was a member ofClemmons First BaptistChurch and a deacon.^ GEORGE HANCOCKGeorge Hancock. 71. ofRoute 4. died II;15 p.m.Sunday in LexingtonMemorial Hospital afterbeing in declining health for10 years and seriously ill forthree months.Born March 6, 1910, inDanielsville. Ga., Mr. Hancock was a son of the lateRussell and Roda Hancock.He was educated in the publicschools of Danielsville. Ga..was last employed with R. J.Reynolds Tobacco Co. inWinslon-Salem. and was amember of Tabor ChapelAME Zion Church inDanielsville.Survivors include his wife,Mary Moon Hancock; twosons. Alvin George and BruceEdward Hancock, both ofMocksville; two daughters.Mrs. Edith Hazel Hancock ofthe home and Miss LutrcllVivian Hancock of Charlotte;Two brothers, AmbusCarruth of Statesville and LeoCarnith of Royston, Ga.; andeight grandchildren.viF CO. PU6UC UBRAWf
/ uOj ^ ^ ^d). f9^ /^^/5, Joe Dwiggins- of Kannapolis- KANNAPOLIS - Joe Vo Dwiggins. 82. of 1102 Brantley-g Road, died unexpectedly Satur-•g day at Morehead Citv. He hadO been in declining health for anumber of years.The funeral will be 4 p.m.Tuesday at the North Kannapolis United .MethodistChurch conducted by the Rev.Bob Clanton. pastor and theRev. Ed Sides. Burial will be inCarolina Memorial Park.The family will be at Lady'sFuneral Home tonight from 7 to9 o'clock. The bodv will beplaced in the church 30 minutesbefore the service.Bom m Davie County, April •24.1899. .Mr. Dwiggins was a son :of the late Charlie and .MyrtleParker Dwiggins. He was a retired business man. and workedfor Cannon Mills for a number ofyears. He owned and operatedDwiggin s Jewelery Store from1944 until 1964. was owner andoperator of Joe s Original Sandwich Shop from 1949 until 1965.and later owned and operatedthe Colonial Grill in North Kannapolis.Survivors include his wife.Esther Sides Dwiggins: threesons. H.W. "Bob" Dwiggins,Leroy Dwiggins and Jerry Dwiggins. ail of Kannapolis: one sister. .Mrs. Lina Grayson of Kannapolis: one brother. BaxterDwiggins of Faith; and ei^tgrandchildren.>.a■ocosO)_c'co>111>.OAWe CO. PUBUC UBRAfiVMOCKSWUe. NC
lOB - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1981Area Obituaries■< MRS. EDNA HOWARDGENTRYMrs. Edna BlaylockHoward Gentry, 64, of 522Church Street, Mocksville,died unexpectedly October 7that N.C. Baptist Hospital.The funeral was heldSaturday at 11 a.m. atMocksville First UnitedMethodist Church by the Rev.George Auman. Burial was inLiberty United MethodistChurch cemetery.Mrs. Gentry was bom inDavte County to the late Wileyand Lillie iOiowles Blaylock.She was a retired nursingassistant at Davie CountyHospital, having served for 23years.She was a member of FirstUnited Methodist Church ofMocksville.Her first husband, RoyHoward, preceded her indeath in 1969.Surviving are her secondhusband. Wade Gentry of thehome: two daughters, Mrs.Judy Taylor of Tampa, Fla.and Mrs. Bobbie Keller of Rt.3. Denver, N.C.; four grand-chUdren; three sisters, Mrs.Nell Houpe of Rt. 7.Mocksville, Mrs. CatherineMilholen of Richmond, Va.,and Mrs. Jane Swicegood ofGinton, Md.; three brothers.Naylor Blaylock of Hickory,Bill Blaylock of Richmond,Va. and Herbert Blaylock ofHuntington Beach, C^.; twostepdaughters, Mrs. OlenEaster, Jr. of Lexington andMrs. Tony Leatherman ofSalisbury; two stepsons,Frank Gentry and KeimethGentry, both of Charlotte.WILLIAM MARTINNAIL, SR.Services were held Monday,October 5, at 1:00 p.m. forWilliam Martin NaU, Sr. inthe chapel at WilliamsiKmeral Home on Tunnel. Road in Asheville, N.C. Interment was at Forest LawnMemorial Park.He was a retired Sergeantwith the North Carolina Highway Patrol in Asheville wherehe worked for 20 years. Healso worked at the weighstation in Swannanoa for 10years. Bom in Davie Countyto the late William F. Nail, Sr.and Mary Emma Sain Nail in1896. he was a former policechief of Mocksville.Surviving are his wife,Catherine Dimken Nail, a son,Capt. William M. Nail. Jr. ofthe Asheville Police Department. a daughter, HelenCourtney of Charlotte; abrother. William F. Nail, Jr.,of Mocksville; three sisters,Mary Smith and MargaretMurphy of MocksviUe, andRebecca Lamb of Greensboro, the stepmother, Mrs.W. F. Nail of Mocksville, twostepdaughters, Joan Johnsonof Miami, Florida and GailHancannon of Fort Lauder-dale, Florida, two stepsons,Walter Gallagher ofJacksonville, Florida andJames Gallagher ofEdgemont, California, fourgrandchiltfren and two greatgrandchildren.Mr. Naii, 85, died at hisresidence of 105 RichardsonBlvd. in Black Mountain, N.C.early last Saturday morning.V/ ROBERT G. WOOTENRobert Gaither Wooten, 88.died Friday after a briefillness.The funeral was conductedat 3:30p.m. Sunday at LibertyWesleyan Church. Burial wasin the church cemetery.Mr. Wooten was the son ofthe late Ira J. and RachelGaither Wooten.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Arleasia Stroud Wooten of thehome; three sons, Claude S.Wooten of Harmony, ElmerD. Wooten and Ranny G.Wooten, both of Mocksville;two daughters, JtmitiApple of Asheboro and Mrs.Eloise Stevens of Mocksville:one brother. J. James Wootenof Mocksville; seven grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren.K JAMES E. GETERThe funeral for JamesEdward Geter wUl be held at 3p.m. Wennesday at Moore'sChapel AME Zion Church inRowan County conducted bythe Rev. Howard Ervis.■Burial will follow in thechurch cemetery.The body will be placed inthe chiuch one hour tefore theservice.Mr. Geter, 26, of Route 1,Woodleaf, was dead on arrivalSunday morning at Rowan•Memorial Hospital frominjuries sustained in anautomobile accident.»IVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVmockswue, NCJa- ■cooa.-SR.Mri Herbert Fiilmore Cook,Sr.." 75. of Stanleyville, diedKridav morning at Forsylh.Memorial Hospital. He wasbom in Davie County, a son i1)1 John HFllhore Cook andBeulah Brav Cook. He hadlived in Forsyth County mostof Us life, had been an agentWitt Pilot Life InsuranceCo,s and later operated Stan-lev's Grocery in Stanley-viild. He was a member ofFiPtit Baptist Church of Stan-levville. Surviving are hiswife. Mrs. Thelma HarrisCodk of the home: one-daughter. .Mrs. Elouise Alli-'.jon 01 Graham; one son.Herbert F. Cook. Jr. of Stan-lewille: one sister. Mrs.Ari^ Dalton of Greensboro;ontfibrother. Sidney Cook ofSlaBlewille; three grandchildren. Funeral serviceswilkbe Monday at II a.m. atVogier's Reynolda RoadChapel bv the Rev. OscarHartman 'and the Rev. Johnson Gupton. Burial willlollow in Forsyth MemorialPark. The family willrt'i-eive friends at the funeralhome Sunday from 7 to 9p 111.
- DAVIF. rOUMt ocuvjisj..nuvcMBER 5. 1^81Area Obituariesn VENL'S A. REAVISMiss Venus .Annelte Reavis.13. of Rt. 3. .Mocksville. diedW^esday morning after aprolonged illness. Funeralservices were held Friday ai 2p.m. ai Hope BaptistTabernacle by the RevNorman Frye and the Rev. J.C Shore. Interment followedin Eaton's Baptist ChurchCemetery. She was bom inForsyth County, January '28.l%8 to Wavne Martin andKatie Carolyn Cough Reavis.She was a student at NorthDavie Jtinior High School andattended Hope BaptistTabernacle. Surviving are hermother and father; twoyounger sisters. Bridget andLeslie, of the home: herpaternal grandparents. .Mrs..\nne Clair Reavis and thelate Fletcher Reavis of Rt. 2.Mocksville, ner maternalgrandparents. .Mr. and Mrs.Vodie H. Ooughof Winston-Balem.y MRS. NETTIE SEAMONMrs. Nettie Mae Seamon.37, of Advance, was dead onarrival at Davie CountyHospital Friday afternoon.The funeral was heldSunday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Chapel in Mocksvillebv Harding Lowery. Burialwas in St. Matthews LutheranChurch Cemetery.Mrs. Seamon was bora inDavie County. Nov. 10,1943. toCharlie and Daisy BurtonMinor.1 Surviving are her husband,I Raeford Seamon; one son.n Donald Ray Seamon; of thei home: two sisters. .Mrs.I Dorothy Farmer of LexingtonI and Mrs. Mary Waller ofI Advance; six brothers. JackMinor of Rt. 6. Yadkinville,' Frank. William. Grady,George and Calvin Minor, allof .Advance./ JOHN C. SMOOT' John Oarance Smoot. 63. of324 Depot St.. died at 2:30 a.m.Saturday at ForsythAfemorial Hospital in Win-bton-Salem after a seriousillness of nine days.The funeral was heldTuesday at the SecondPresbyterian Church, conducted by the Rev. F.D.Johnson. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.Bora in Davie County June23, 1918. he was a son of thelate John A. and EstellaWoodruff Smoot. He waseducated in the Davie Countyschools, and was a retiredemployee of Heritage DrexelFurniture Co.Mr. Smoot was a member ofthe Second PresbyterianChurch where he was amember iif the board oftrustees, president of theMen's Council, and formermember of the choir-Survivors include his wife.Mrs. Edith Mock Smoot:three sons, Richard Mock ofI-exington, Melvin Mock andBillv E. Smoot. both ofMocksville; a daughter. Mrs.Johnnie M. Dunn ofMocksville; three brothers.Robert W. and Junious Smoot.both of Washington. D.C.. andBaxter Smoot of Charlotte; 15grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren: and a sister.Mrs. Sarah Thrower of EastSpencer. N.C.KNOX H POWELLKnox Henry Powell. 63. of3214Martin Ave.. Greensboro,and a former resident ofDavie County, was dead onarrival at a local hospital inGreensboro Sunday mghl.The funeral will be 2 p.m.Wednesday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel. Burialwill be in Rock SpringsBaptist Church cemeterv'.Born Dec. 18.1918. in IredellCounty. Mr. Powell was a sonof the'late Frank and MaudeHayes Powell. He w-as aconstruction worker.Survivors include twodaughters, Mrs. Wilma JeanCrocker of Desloge. Mo. and\trs. Nancy Keriine Mahaffeyof Greensboro; one son.Jimmy Harold Powell ofGreensboro: three sisters.Mrs Lucille Robertson ofAlbemarie. Mrs. BrownieWilliams of Route 7,Mocksville and Mrs. HazelThoraburg of Greensboro.Six brothers. Gilmer Powellof Greensboro. Hayes Powellof Cherry Hill. S. C.. '-Vadeand Herman Powell, both ofWoodleaf. Kenneth Powell ofSalisbury. BeWin Powell ofMocksville. and six grandchildren.Janip Myers of Rt- 6i Mocksville and Mrs. SherryMcDaniel of Route I.n MocksviUe: grandparents,: ' Mr. and Mrs. Edd Lambert ofRt. 1, Harmony and Mr. andMrs. Stanley Gunter of Rt. I,Mocksville.Memorials may be made toSociety Baptist ChurchCemetery Fund.Oavie Co. Public Librar)MocksvHIe, N. C.DANNY WAYNE LAMBERTFuneral services for DannyWayne Lambert. 28. were'held Saturday. October 31. afU a.m- at Society BaptistChurch in Davie County.Officiating were the Rev.Sidiie\ R. Grimes and theRev. R.C. Redmond. Jr.Burial followed in the churchcemetery.Mr. Lambert died unexpectedly Wednesday. October38, m Nit- Olive. N.C. at theoffice of Dr. M.M. Lownes. Jr.He was bora October 21,1953. in Iredell County toWilev Buford Lambert andHazel Jarvis Lambert. Hewas a graduate of Davie HighSchool. Brevard College andCatawba College. He wasemployed by Macks VarietyFashion Store m .Mt. Olive.N.C. 3S manager.Survivors include his wife.Peggy Kooniz Lambert of theiiome: two sons. Darnel and'.viiam Lambert of the home;ills parents; two sisters. .Mrs.SEAMONADVANCE - Mrs. Nettie IMae Seamon. 37, of Atlvance,was dead on a arrival atDavie County Hospital Friday afternoot^. Funeral services will be Sunday at 2p.m. at Eaton's Funeral1 Chapel in Mocksville byHarding Lowery. Burial w#lfollow in St. .MatthewsLutheran Church Cemetery.Mrs. Seamon was bora inDavie County. Nov. 10.1943.to Charlie and Daisy BurtonMinor. Surviving are herhusband. Raeford Seamon;one son, Donald Ray Seamonof the home; two sisters.Mrs. Dorothy Farmer ofLexington and Mrs. MaryWaller of Advance; sixbrothers. Jack Minor of Rt.6, Yadkinville, Frank,William, Grady. George andCalvin Minor, all ofAdvance. The family willreceive friends Saturday ifrom 7 to 9 p.m. at th^j funeral home. -,Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem, NSaturday^QrtoberJlj,OAVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NC
Cr~aOGRAFHY8B_- DAV|E COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1981Area Obituariesy" MRS. VIOLET A. ROBINSONMrs. Violet AllisonRobinson of Charlotte, diedNovember 4. 1981 at the HillHaven Nursing Home inTroutman. N.C. She was aformer resident of Mocksvilleand a tearlier in the localschools.Mrs. Robinson was bomFebruary 22. 1905. in York,SC.. daughter of the lateRobert Rufus and Eliza JaneScoggins Allison.She was a graduate ofWinthrop College, Rock Hill.SC.She was a teacher in theMwksvillc Schools and aretired manager for the WorldBook Encyclopedia.She was the widow ofWaller Fulton Robinson, whowas a former superintendentof the Davie County SchoolSv-slem.The Robinsons werere.sidcnts of Mocksville until1989 at which time she and herhusband moved to Charlotte.She was a former memberof the First PresbyterianChurch of Mocksville and atthe time of death was amember of thfe SardisPresbyterian Church ofCharlotte.The funeral was heldNovember 5th at the Harry&Bryant Chapel in the Oaksconducted by Dr. I.,ee Stoffel,minister of the SardisPresbyterian Church. Interment was in SharonMemorial Park.Mrs. Robinson Is survivedby one daughter, Mrs.Malcolm (Jane ) Clark ofCharlotte; two sisters, Mrs.Margaret Allen of Rock Hill,S.C. and Mrs Martha JeaiiTUrbyfUl of Charlotte; fourgrandchildren, Betsy Clark,Kathy Clark, Mike Clark andRobbie Clark, all of Charlotte.I1^— Iz'MISS GEORGIA POWELLMiss Georgia Lula Powell,76. of Rt. I. Mocksville, wasdead on arrival at DavieCounty Hospital Saturdaynight.A graveside memorialservice was held TXjcsday atIt a.m. at Center UnitedMethodi.st Church Cemeterywith the Rev. Wilson Ne.sbiltofficiating.Miss Powell was bom inDavie Ck>unty, November 18,I9(M. to the late R. S. and LulaPenry Powell. She was amember of Center UnitedMethodist Church..Sjirviving are three sisters,Mrs. T. P. Dwiggins and Mrs.Bernice Elkins, both ofMocksville. and Mrs. W. F.Anderson of Raleigh; onebrother. Harold Powell of Rt.t. Mocksville; and a numl>cr•»f nieces and nephews.MRS. NANCY MILLERMrs. Nancy MatthewsMiller, died Monday at 10a.m. at Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was heldWednesday at Hope BaptistTabernacle by the Rev.Norman Frye and the Rev.Herman Sprinkle. Burial wasin the church cemetery.Mrs. Miller was bom inVadkin County to the lateFred L. and Lottie PardueMatthews. She was a memberof Hope Baptist Tabernacle.Surviyjng are her husband,Herbert Miller; one daughter.Miss Sandra Miller; threesons, Larry, Gary andTimothy, all of the home;three sisters, Mrs. Lula MaeWooten of Rt. 1, East Bend,Mrs. Sue M. Cates ofTobaccoville and Judy AnnSimcox of Hamptonville; hermother of Elast Bend, Rt. I./MRS. BESSIE CORNATZERMrs. Bessie Holcomb NicksCornalzcr, 89, of Pellcare diedSunday morning at ForsythMemorial Hospital.She was born January 14,1892 in Vadkin County toThomas Franklin and ElsieJane Hulchins Holcomb.She had spent most of herlife in Forsyth County andwas employed at IlanesHosiery Mill for 42 yearsbefore retirement. She was amember of Mount ViewBaptist Church in VadkinCounty, but had attendedGospel Light Baptist Church.Surviving are one son,Lester Grant Nicks of OgburnAve.; five grandchildren andfour great-grandchildren; onesister, Mrs. Dennis H.(Margaret) Cooke of HighPoint; one brother, Glenn W.Holcomb of S. Main St.; threestep-daughters, Mrs. W. L.(Pansy) Ward of Advance,Mrs. Paul (Julia) Kenncrlyand Mrs. Margaret David,both of Thomasville.The funeral was heldTuesday at 2:30 p.m. at Mt.View Baptist Church inVadkin County with burial inthe church cemetery.Davie Co. Public LibraryMocksville, N. C,■reavisMOCKSVILLE - MissVenus Annette Reavis. 1.1. ofRt 2. Mocksville. diedWednesday morning after aprolonged illness. Funeralservices will be Fridav at 2p.m. at Hope Ra'ptistTabernacle by the Rev.Norman Frye and the Rev.J. C. Shore. Interment willfollow In Eaton's BaptistChurch Cemitery. The bodywill lie in state from 1:30 to 2p.m. at the church. She wasborn in Forsyth Coimtv.January 28, 1968, to WavneMartin and Katie CarolynGouph Reavis. She was a' student at North Davie JuniorHigh School and attendedHope Baptist Tabernacle.Surviving are her motherand father: two youngersisters. Bridget and Leslie,of the home; her paternalgrandparents. Mrs AnneClair Reavis and the lateFletcher Reavis of HI 2,Mocksville: her maternalgrandparents. Mr. and Mrs.Vodie H. Cough of Win^ton-Salem. The family willreceive friends from 7 to 9p.m. Thunsday at Vogler'sClemmons Chapel.■S'c/e-n. O^-u-Vv-to • i? l'!Si. ^oOAVIE CO. (HJBUC UBRARYmocksviue. no/X!)
lOB- DAVlEroDNTYENTEKi|RlSh^lKCOHD^THURSDAY^I^^Area ObituariesC.H. (HUB) BARNEYC.H. (Hub) Barney. Sr.. 75.of Rt. 3. .Mocksville, diedNovember lUh at ForsythMemorial Hospital.The funeral was heldFriday at 2 p.m. at HopeBaptist Tabernacle.Burial was in the churchcemetery.Mr. Barney was bom inDavie County to Thomas F.and Isabella Foster Barney.He was a member of DullnUnited Methodist Church andhad lived in the Dulin Com-munity all his life.He was a retired carpenter.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Ruth Cole Barney of thehome; six daughters. .Mrs.Robert (Jean) Bailey of Rt.12. Advance. Mrs. GeorgeiMarjle) Boger of Rt. 1.Advance. Mrs. FrancesStroud of .Mocksville. MissNadlne Barney of the home,and Mrs. Johnny (Joyce)Butcher of Rt. 2. Advance;five sons. Roger Barney of Rt.3. .Mocksville, David Barneyof Rt. 2, Advance. Charlie H.Barney, both of Rt. 3,Mocksville and Denny Barneyof the home: 21 grandchildrenand one great grandchild./ - CHARLES M. DAVISV Charles .McKlnley Davis.Sr.. 81. of Rt. 7. Mocksville.died shortly after reachingDavie County Hospital earlySunday morning.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. Judge Johnson. Burialwas in Turrentlne BaptistChurch Cemetery.Mr. David was bom inCaldwell County to the lateLandrine L. and Nancy ReeceDavis. He was an owner andoperator of a cabinet shop andwas a member of OlswaltBaptist Church in Troutman.Surviving are his wife, theformer Bethana Owen of thehome: two daughters. Mrs..Max Johnston of Rt. 7Mocksville and Mrs. WilliamPhillippe of Route 4,Mocksville; one one, CharlesMcKlnley Davis, Jr. of Rt. 7Mocksville; seven grandchildren; five greatgrandchildren: one sister.Mrs. Marie Hill of Hickory.4H.J. HAYNESlurlie Jackson Haynes, 73.died Thursday. Nov. 12, 1981,in Davis Hospital after alengthy illness.He was born in YadklnCounty, a son of the late S.Clarence and EmmaSteelman Haynes.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Ina Renegar Haynes; threesons. J.P.. Billy and GroverHaynes. all of Harmony, Rt.2; one sister. Mrs. VelmaCozart of Mocksville; tengrandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.The funeral was heldSaturday at 2:30 p.m. atSandy Springs BaptistChurch.. MARY WILLIAMSK HUDSPETHMrs. Mary CaldwellWilliams Hudspeth,. 72, ofWinston-Salem. N.C. diedSunday, November 8 at a localhospital. Death was unexpected.She was bom in July 1909, inDavidson County to the lateWilliam Franklin WiUlamsand Mary Hill WiUlams. Shewas active as a churchhostess for Ardmore UnitedMethodist Church for 21years; and a member ofArdmore Moravian Church.She was self-employed.Funeral services were heldTuesday, November 10 atVoglers Main Street Chapel.Wlnston-Salem. Burialfollowed in God's Acre in OldSalem.Survivors include a son,Bob Hudspeth of SouthwoodAcres, Mocksville; twograndchUdren, Robbie andDavid Hudspeth ofMocksville; a daughter, Mrs.Carolyn Stevenson of Bermuda Run; a step-daughter,Mrs. MUdred Shutt of LaurelFork, Va.; and a sister, Mrs.Perry Hester of Wlnston-Salem.ARTHUR V. FOSTER SR.Arthur Vestal Foster Sr., 86,of 3230 Marae Ave. Norfolk,Va., the husband of Mrs. EdnaHewitt Foster and a native ofMocksville, N.C., die(lMonday in a hospital.He was a retired barber anda member of Fork BaptistChurch, Mocksville.Other survivors include ason, A. V. (Sonny) Foster Jr.of Norfolk; a sister, Mrs. SueRobbins of Lexington. N.C.; abrother, Gllmer Foster ofMocksville; and threegrandchildren.Funeral services were heldat 2 p.m. Wednesday in Smith& WUIlams Funeral Home,Norfolk Chapel, by the Rev.Robert J. Amory. Burial wasin Forest Lawn Cemeterywith Loving & Gay FuneralHome, (Thurchland Chapel incharge.CWVIE CO. PUBLIC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NOOavie Co. Public LibraryMocksville. C
DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1981Area ObituariesLEOSHEEKBOWDEN.SR.Leo Sheek Bowden. Sr.. 83.3f 100 Meroney St.. died earlyThursday at his home. .Mr.Bowden was a former sheriffof Davie County and operatedthe Ford tractor dealership inMocksville for 30 years.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Saturday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. George Auman. Burialwas in Rose Cemetery.Born March 21, 1898, inDavie County, he was the sonof the late Columbus L. andMartha Jane Sheek Bowden.He was also a dairy farmer, amember of Mocksville FirstUnited Methodist Church, wasa veteran of World War I, andwas a member of the.Mocksville Masonic Lodge134.Survivors include his wife.Pearl Hartman Bowden: onedaughter. Mrs. Bennie Naylorof .Mocksville; two sons,Sheek Bowden Jr. of.Mocksville and Ralph H.Bowden of Greensboro; onesister. Mrs. Bertha Smith of•Mocksville; 11 grandchildren; and seven greatgrandchildren./ MRS. MA21E HOWELLMrs. Mazie VirginiaHowell, of 319 Forest HillAvenue. Winston-Salem diedThursday at N.C. BaptistHospital.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at PhilipChapel Baptist Church inForsyth County.Mrs. Howell was a native ofDavie County, the daughter of;he late Samuel Howell andEthel Foote Howell. She wasformerly employed byWinston-Salem ConvalescentCenter and Paul MyersCatering Service.Surviving are her mother.Mrs. Ethel Howell ofMocksville; five daughters.Mrs Betty Dean. Mrs. EthelSamuels and Ms. ShirleyHowell. all of Winston-Salem,Yvette and Cynthia Howell. ofthe home; five sons. James.Alonzo. William and MichaelHowell. all of Winston-Salemand Jeffrey Howell ofSalisbury; 13 grandchildren,three great-grandchildren;two sons-in-law: twodaughters-in-law; two sisters.Mrs. Emma Barker ofWinston-Salem and Ms. RuthHowell of Mocksville; sevenbrothers. Turner. Lonnie,Louie. Charlie. Otis, andGilbert Howell ail of Winston-Salem and Noah Howell ofOldtown; one foster son. FredGraham of Charlotte ; severalnieces, nephews and friends.• MRS. GLENDA COOK.Mrs. Glenda Ann MyrickCook. 41. of Route 2.Mocksville died Friday at.North Carolina^ BaptistHospital in Winston-Salem.The funeral was heldSunday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel. Burial was inthe Farmington CommunityCemetery.She was the daughter ofRaymond and Clara MaeMatthews Myrick.In addition to her parents,she is survived by herhusband. Edward CliftonCook; a daughter. Mrs.Debroah Seats of Route 2.Mocksville; a son. DennisCook of the home; two sisters..Mrs. Judith Marie Holifield ofLaurel Miss., and Miss Susan.Myrickof Gay Sprinp. .Miss.;two brothers. Dennis Myrickof West Point. Miss., andJerry Myrick of Bay Springs.CLYDE SIDDENClyde Sidden. 83. of floute 2.died Saturday night at the.Autumn Care ConvalescentCenter. .Mocksville.The funeral was heldMonday at Elbaville UnitedMethodist Church, conductedby the Rev. Tony Jor^n.Burial was In the churchcemetery.Born in Davie County Sept.4. 1898. he was the son of ^elate George and FrancesCarter Sidden. He was aretired farmer and wasmarried to the late EmmaWaller Sidden.Survivors include a* daughter. Mrs. Lillian Hoffman of Route 8. Lexington;one son. Gray Sidden of ^ute2. Advance; two sisters. Mrs.Eva Miller of Linwood andMrs. Annie Hendrix of Route2. Advance; seven grandchildren. seven greatgrandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.< MRS. ELLEN HELLARDThe funeral for .Mrs. EllenRidenhour Hellard. 82. washeld at 2 p.m. .Monday atSummersett Funeral HomeMemorial Chapel inSalisbury.Officiating at the servicewas the Rev. William 0.Gark. pastor of Gays ChapelUnited .Methodist Church.Burial was in Rowan.Memorial Park.A resident of Route 1.Woodleaf Road. Mrs. Hellarddied at 9-13 a.m. Saturday atRowan .Memorial Hospital.She had been in declininghealth six months, andseriously ill one week.Born Jan. 1. 1899. in DavieCounty, she was a daughter ofihe lute John and LouiseFoster Ridenhour. She waseducated in Ihe Davie Countyschools, and was a member ofGays Chapel United.Methodist Church.Survivors include herhusband, whom she marriedDec. 20. 1922; three sons,James C. Hellard of Route 1.Salisbury. Raymond Hellardof Route 1. Woodleaf and J.D.Hellard of Fort Lauderdale,Fla.; a daughter. .Mrs. GeneBrackens of Route 1.Salisbury; two brothers,Baxter Ridenhour of Durhamand Lester Ridenhour ofBurlington; four sisters. Mrs.Sadie Steele and Mrs. DoraBell Dedmond. both of Route4. Mocksville; .Mrs. ThelmaRitchie of Charlotte and Mrs.Ethel Tiller of Lynchburg,Va.; 12 grandchildren and 12grea t -grandchildren.CHARLES M. DAVISCharles McKinley Davis.Sr.. 81. of Rt. 7. .Mocksville,died shortly after reachingDavie County Hospital earlySunday morning, November13. 1981.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. Judge Johnson. Burialwas in Turrentlne BaptistChurch Cemetery.Mr. Davis was bom inCaldwell County to the lateLandrine L. and Nancy ReeceDavis. He was an owner andoperator of a cabinet shop andwas a member of OlswaitBaptist Church in Troutman.Surviving are his wife, theformer Queen Owen of thehome: two daughters, Mrs.Max Johnston of Rt. 7..Mocksville and Mrs. WilliamPhillippe of Route 4.Mocksville; one son. CharlesMcKinley Davis. Jr. of Rt. 7..Mocksville; seven grandchildren ; five great-grandchildren; one sister. Mrs.Marie Hill of Hickory.QUINTON ATKINSMr. Quinton Atkins, 77, of IRt. 2. Mocksville, died IThursday morning at Forsyth iMemori^ Hospit^.He was bora June 16,1904 InSurry County, to William H.anc. Mary Ida Tyrple Atkins.,He spent most of his life iniForsyth County and moved to iDavie County in 1972.He was a member of theiChurch of Jesus Christ ofLatter Day Saints. He was aretired carpenter and farmer.Surviving are his wife, Mary'Seal Atkins of the home; threedaughters. Mfs. Guy Miller ofEbert St.. Mrs. Jeanette Cookof Rt. 3. Mocksville and Mrs.Edna Long of Carmel Dr.;four sons, Harold E. Atkins ofEbert St., A. Ray Atkins ofLewisville. David W. Atkins ofAdvance and Danny Atkins of'Fraternity Church Rd.; 16-grandchildren and 8 greatgrandchildren; two steters,.Mrs. Frank (Nina) Phillips of °Fairhope. Ala. and Mrs. ZellaWelch of Winston-Salem; twobrothers. Troy P. Atkins andUlus G. Atkins, both ofWinston-Salem.The funeral was heldSaturday at 11 a.m. atHayworth-Miller Silas CreekChapel with burial inOavie Co. Public Library"-■"■■'a. N. C.
WestlawnMemory.Gardens of»/ .MRS. FLORA RATLEDGEMrs. Flora Davis Ratledge,87. of Route 5. died Wednesday in Davie CountyHospital.The funeral was conducted2 p.m. Friday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel by theRev. Kenneth Pittman andthe Rev. Jim Martin. Burialwas in Courtney Baptistcemetery in Yadkin County.Bom Feb. 20,1894, in DavieCounty, she was a daughter ofthe late Reid and LulaWilliams Davis and was amember of Courtney BaptistChurch.Survivors include herhusband, Arthur CainRatledge; three daughters,Mrs. Alvonia Roger and MissEdna Mac Ratine, both ofWinston-Salem and Mrs.Emma Lou Cole of Geor^;three sons, Douglas and A.C.Jr. Ratledge, both ofMocksville and WilliamRatledge of Winston-Salem;eight grandchildren and fivegreat-grandchildren./ W. L. ROGERWilliam Lawrence Boger,32. of 276 Brookside Drive,Lewisville, was dead onarrival at Forsyth MemorialHospital November l8th.The funeral was heldiFriday at 2 p.m. at FirstPentecostal Holiness Churchiin Winston-Salem by the Rev.Austin Robertson, the Rev.Don S. Whitfield and the Rev.L. H. Atkins. Intermentfollowed in Longtown Pentecostal Holiness ChurchCemetery in Yadkin County. n.Mr. Boger was bornDecember 23, 1929 in DavieCounty to William Grady andMary Ploti Boger.He attended the DavieCounty schools and was agraduate of A. & T. Universityin Greensboro, with a B.S.degree in EngineeringTechnology.He was a member of FirstPentecostal Holiness Church,the .American WeldingSociety, and was chairman ofthe Welding Department atForsyth Technical Institute.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Anne Caudle Boger of thehome, one daughter. Mart!Boger of the home; one son,Mark A. Boger of King; foursisters, Mrs. Ruth Gamer andMrs. Hazel Daywalt, both of.Mocksville, Mrs. BonnieThomas of Winston-Salemand Mrs. Ella Mae Capes of-Greensboro; two brothers,George R. Boger and JamesS. Boger. both of Mocksville.•pi-19^1OAV.E OT. PUBUC ObraRVmocksville, nc
"Nc2D - DAVin COUNTY I NTF.RPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1981Area ObituariesSHERMAN C. JONESSherman Cash Jones, 66, of659 South Main Street,Mocksvtlle died at his homeNovember 251 h after alengthy illness.The funeral was heldFriday at 2 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel inMocksville by the Rev. LclandRichardson. Burial was inRose Cemetery.Mr. Jones was born inDavie County to the late JohnCash and Betty Beck Jonesand was a retir^ truck driverfor Holly Farms Poultry.Surviving are his wife, theformer Florence Owens: twodaughters. Mrs. Paul (Joan)Bolin of 521 Avon Street,Mocksville and Miss JackieJones of the home, two sons,Donald S. Jones of .Rl. 4,Mocksville and JuniorWilliams of Duke Street,Mocksville; five grandchildren, Paula and GlcnnaBolin. both of Avon St.,Mocksville, Wendy Jones,Donna Jones and DonaldJones, Jr. , all of Rt. 4,Mocksville; four sisters, Mrs.Annie Mock, Mrs. FlorenceBooe and Mrs. GoldenCranfield, all of Rt. 6,Mocksville and Mrs. KateCranfield of Oak St..Mocksville; one brother. Tom.lones of East Bend.v< HERMAN BOGERHerman Boger. 66, of 3813Grayson Drive died at For-sylh Memorial HospitalThursday morning.He was born October 16,1913 In Davie County to G.S.and Florence Beck Boger.He lived for a number ofyears in Baltimore and movedback to Winston-Snlcm leayears ago.He is survived by twodaughters, Mrs. Pauline Sappand Mrs. Nancy Fulchcr, bothof WInston-Salem; two sons.Nelson Bogct and DonaldBoger. both of Winston-Salem; several grandchildren; three sisters. MrsEdna Teague of F icidcicstRoad. Mrs. Lodena Dunn oflx;wisvillc. and Mrs. JoyceOwens of Country Club Road;two brothers, John Boger ofBelews Creek Road and BudBoger of Rurkmill Road.The funeral was heldSaturday at Hayworth MillerSilas Creek Chapel by TheRev. |{nl)ert Motsinger withburial at Parklawn memorialGardens.' J.F.RAKER/ John Franklin Raker, Sr.,age 83 of 7 Vance Street,Lexington died Tuesday,November 24 at 12:2t p.m. inthe North Carolina BaptistHospital after an illness of twoweeks.Mr. Raker was born inDavidson County December23,1897 to the late John Danielaiid Mary Hanelin Raker. Hiswife Mallei Bernice WardRaker died March 22, 1981.Mr. Raker had been amember of the First Reformed United Church of Christsince age 11. He had served asElder & Deacon and wasElder Emeritus for life. Heworked with Fred ThompsonCompany approximatelytwenty years and Trexler,Curry, Raker Company forapproximately twenty years.He owned and operated theRoyal Purple Cleaners for 34years and 6 months.Mr. Raker was a member ofthe Central Carolina CivitanClub, Memorial Lodge 696,Uyal Order of the Red Men,Oasis Shrine, a Scottish RiteMason and a member ofJunior Order Home. He issurvived by: One so , JohnFranklin Raker, Jr. 3125Eastwood Dr. Charlotte; onedaughter. Mrs. Mary BerniceLittle, Michael Road,Lexington; seven grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren.The funeral was conductedat 11:00 a.m. Friday at thePiedmont Funerat HomeChapel. Rev. Lee Jes.sup andDr. Paul V. Helm, Jr. officiated. Interment was in theForest Hill Memorial Parkwith a Masonic Grave SideService conducted byMemorial l/odge 696.uavie Co.PuoiicMocksvilie, N. C.V9^ %@AVIi COr PUBLIC UBRARyMOCKSViUE, NO
' /O.'O . 19^1:D - DAVIE COUNTV^NiFCRPRISE RECORD, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1981IArea Obituaries•'S;, 3 E. G. POTTSEugene George Potts. 77, ofRoute 4, died at his homeFriday after being indeclining health for several.months.The funeral was heldSunday itwEaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksvilleconducted by Elder EugeneBennett and the Rev. LeonWood. Burial was in AdvanceUnited Methodist Church •cemetery.Born Sept. 4. 1904, in DavieCounty. Mr. Potts was a son ofChe late Archie and ElizabethJane Hilton Potts. He was aretired farmer and was amember of Advance United.Methodist Church.Survivors include his wife,lla Virginia Plott Potts: threedaughters, Mrs. James Fryeof .'\dvance, Mrs. RubyGulledge of Kannapolis and■Mrs. Mary Sue Triplette ofCanada; two sons, EdwardPotts of Winston-Salem and•Archie Lee Potts of Ken-napoiis:One sister, .Mrs. RosieSprye of Advance; twobrothers. Lonnie Potts of.Mocksville and Sol Potts of.Advance; and eight grandchildren./ FINCH AVETTEarl Finch Avett, 72. formerly of Mocksville, died atVirginia Beach, Va., Friday.Mr. Avett ■ was bom inJackson Hill, N.C., on June 15,1910, to the late Rev. E. .M.and lla Smith Avett.'Surviving are two brothers,Frank Avett of Shelby andHarold A. Tucker of BermudaRun; one sister, Mrs. HenryCole Tomlinson of Mocksville.Graveside services wereconducted at 3:30 p.m..Monday at Rose Cemetery bythe Rev. George Auman.V F.O. STANLEYThe funeral for FrederickOscar Stanley of 2004- SunsetDrive was held Thursday,Dec. 2, at Lyerly FuneralHome Chapel in Salisburyconducted by Carl Rothrockand Don Sloan. Burial was inRowan Memorial Park.Mr. Stanley, 44. diedMonday in Rowan MemorialHospital as a result of injuriessustained in a fall at hisEome.Bom July 27,1936, in RowanCounty, Mr. Stanley was a sonof Mrs. Jessie Cooley Stanleyand the late Thomas LutherStanley. He was educated inthe Rowan County schools,and was a veteran of the U.S.Army during the KoreanConflict. He was an equipment operator for J.L. 'BostConstruction Co. atad amember of South RiverChurch of Christ.Survivors in addition to hismother include his wife. Mrs.Iva Jean Moose Stanley, towhom he was married in 1976;four sons, Ricky Dale andBilly Gordon Stanley, both ofMocksville, Freddie DeanStanley of Salisbury andGregory Scott Stanley of thehome; one daughter DebbieDiane Stanley of Moc''sviile;four brothers. Joe Stanley ofWoodleaf. Tom Stanley ofHigh Point. Doug Stanley ofWinston-Salem and DavidStanley of Salisbuiy; ninesisters. Mrs. .Mary Sparks andMrs. Lynn Mottsinger. both ofWinston-Salem. Mrs. G.W.Corbett of Spencer. NoraStanley of Lexington. Mrs.Zelma .McCelland ofSalisbury. Mrs. DermontHolmes and Martha Statiley,both of Newport News, Va...Mrs. Dollie Brown of Chaj-lanooga. Tenn., and Mrs.Linda Shores of Mocksville;and two grandchildren; 3 stepchildren. Donnie Robbins,Judy Tilley and Tina Matlock.ROBERT LEE^ BEAUCHAMPRobert Lee Beauchamp, 71,of 1622 Genia Drive, di^ atForsyth Memorial HospitalSimday afternoon.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m.- Tuesday atHayworth-Miller Silas CreekChapel with burial ki BfacbyPresbyterian ChurchCemetery in Davie County.I Mr. Beauchamp was bomMarch 10, 1910, in DavieCounty to Jerry and Lula PotsBeauchamp. He was retiredfrom Bassett-Sack Companyand was a member of FOrsythPark Baptist Church.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Ethel Hilton Beauchamp ofthe home; one daughter, Mrs.Frances B. Alfors of GeniaDrive: two grandchildren,Chris and Torri Plemmons,both of Winston-Salem; threesisters, Mrs. .Nan Keller andMrs. EUie Howard, both ofMocksville. and Mrs.Charlotte Williams of Advance.. MRS. DOROTHY C. 'HOWARD.Mrs. Dorothy CuthrellHoward. 37, died Fridayevening at her home onMarginal Street inCooleemee.The funeral was heldMonday at Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel, Mocksville.Offlciating at the service wasthe Rev. Alton Fitzgerald, andburial was in Liberty UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Bom July 6, 1924, he was ason of the late George and IdaCarter Cuthrell. She was amember of the First UnitedMethodist Church here.Survivors include twodaughters, Mrs. DonaldComatzer of Cooleemee and.Mrs. Grady Rowland ofHickory; two sisters, Mrs.Eunice Foster of Lexingtonand Mrs. Bonnie Pierce ofSalisbury; two brothers,James and Joe Cuthrell ofCooleemee; and four grandchildren.'LELA B.MESIMER.Mrs. Leia BaringerMesimer. 88. of Route 2, died ^early Sunday in the Salisbury .Unit of the .N. C. LutheranHome after being in declining ;health for 10 years.The funeral was- heldTuesday at 2 p.m. in theTrinity Lutheran Chiurch inConcord. It was conducted bythe Rev. Wallace Morton andthe Rev. Robert Yount. Burial. twas in the churcir cemetery. IThe family was at Lady'sFuneral Home in Kannapolis-1.Monday night from 7 to 9 ^o'clock.Born Sept. 12, 1893, inCabarrus County. Mrs.Mesimer was a daughter ofthe late R. .A. and Julie DoveBarringer. She was ahousewife and a member ofTrinity Lutheraii Church. Herhusband. .A. L. Mesimer, diedin August of 1973.Surv'ivors include six sons,Terry D. Everette, V. B. and.Melvin Mesimer, all ofConcord. Coy Mesimer ofDavidson and-Elvin Mesimerof Mocksville; two sisters,-Mrs. .-^na SflflHrand Mrs..Mary "Mesimer. both ofConcord; 22 grandchildren; 35great-grandchildrent and onegreat-great-grandchild;.QAVIE CO. PUBUC UBIUfiV'MOCKSViae. NO
/ Mrs. Nell LashleyShe was active in all phases of com-munity activity. Whenever andwherever there was a worthwhileproject, you would always find herlending a helping hand. In other words,Mrs. Nell Lashley was a premier citizen.y ^ j She was bom in Davie County, thei daughter of C.A. and Maggie BrockI Hartman. She graduated from Woman's^ i College in Greenstwro.M For two years she taught school in\ Statesville. then went to Winston-Salemn a" sixteen years during which time she1 IP' . .0 - formed the first school girl patrol.^ . \ After a year of teaching at Mocksville, ./. v :>/ V ^ she returned to Farmington and tau^t.>f i 'h®'® approximately 20 years, retiring •in 1963.Mrs. Lashley was a member of the Farmington United Methodist Churchwhere she tau^t a Sunday School Class, directed the choir, served as historianand steward. She was also an active member of the Farmiogton-Advance Orderof the Eastern Star Chapter No. 323. ' ,In 1969 she received the award of the Pino-Farmington Community as thei"Woman of the Year."Mrs. Nell Lashley touched many lives in the Farmington Community in addition to leaving her mark on the school, church and various comnutnity activities. Constant activity in doinggood. and endeavoring to make othen-haw,,will always be remembered by those fortunate enough to have kiuwn N^.Hartman Lashley.DAVIE CO. PUBUC LIBRARYMOCKSVILLE, NOLASHLEYFARMINGTON - Mrs. iMary Nell Hartman Lashley,87. of Mocksville, Rt. 2, dirfFriday at Forsyih MemorialHospital after an extendedillness. Funeral services willj be Sunday at 2 p.m. at Far-I mington United Methodist! Church by the Rev. Ray Sur-rait, the Rev. Fred Shoai andthe Rev. Benny Bearden.Burial will follow in the Far-1 mington Community Ceme-I tcry. The body will tw placed' in the church thirty minutesbefore the service. Mrs.Lashley was born in DavieCounty, the daughter of C. A.and Maggie Brock Hartman.She was a retired schoolteacher and was a memberof Farmington United Methodist Chuch. She was a graduate of the Women's Collegeof Greensboro, and was amember of the Farmington jAdvance Order of the Elast- iem Sur 323. She was the wid- 'ow of Floyd .M. Lashley.Surviving are one son,Charles Lashley of Mocksville. Rt. 2; one sister, Mrs.Marjorie Scboltes of Win-ston-Salem; one brother.George Hartman of Mocksville: three grandchildren.Charles C. Lashley of the US.Army. Bamburg, Germany.Miss Oebora Joan Lashley ofKnoxville, Tenn. and MissMary Lashley of Rt 2,Mocksville. The family willreceive friends Saturdayfrom 7 to 9 p.m. at Eaton'sFuneral Home In Mocksville.Memonats may be made tothe Farmington United' Methodist Church, or to theFarmington CommunityCemetery.
-D - DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RbCl^RD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1981Area Obituaries^ MONROE M. COPEMonroe Mock Cope. 64. ofCemetery St.. Cooleemee wasdead on arrival at DavieCounty Hospital. December9lh.The funeral was heldFriday in Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel in Mocksville- conducted by the Rev, J.D.Revis. Burial was in LibertyUnited Methodist ChurchCemetery.Born July 18. 1917. in DavieCounty, Mr. Cope was a son ofthe late Junie Monroe andLUa Carter Cope. He was amember of CooleemeePresbyterian Church, wasoperator of a store and service station, and was a retiredpainter.Survivors include his wife.Earlene Hudson Cope; twosons. William Monroe Cope ofLynchburg. Va. and Larry H.Cope of Cooleemee; twosisters. Mrs. .MvTtle Shoaf ofLexington and Mrs. PansyTurlington of Buies Creek;Iwo brothers. Sam Cope ofAdvance and Charlie W, Copeof Route 3. Mocksville; andsix grandchildren./ DANIEL EDGARTONDaniel Turner Edgerton. 19.of Mocksville, formerresident of Goldsboro. diedThursday, Dec, 3, in NorthCarolina Baptist Hospital inWinsion-Salem. He was aministerial student at HolmesBible College in Greenville,.SCFuneral services wereconducted Saturday, Dec, 5.1981. at 4 p.m. from theShumate Funeral HomeChapel with the Dr, KennethBenson, president of HolmesBible College, the Rev. GarryVeaites of Gastonia. and Rev.Byron Bruce officiating.Burial followed in the.N'ahunta Cemetery,He IS survived by his.iioiher, Mrs. Annie DenverEdgerton of Mocksville; twobroihers, Norbert EdgertonJr. of Slalesville and CaperseEdgerton of Goldsboro; ahalf-brother. CharlesEdgerton of Mebane.t/f.J. McGARRAHAMTheodore amesMcGarraham. 74. of Route 3.died December 9th in DavieCounty Hospital following anextended illness.The funeral was heldFriday in Eaton's FuneralHome Chapel conducted bythe Rev. Rex Gibbs and theRev. Eugene Blackburn.Buna) was In Bethel UnitedMethodist Church cemetery.Born April 22, 19(J7. in CookCounty. 111,. Mr,McGarraham was the son ofthe late Charles H. and LizzieHagan McGarraham. He wasa retired employee of theJohnson Outboard MarineCorp. of Illinois.Survivors include twodaughters. Mrs. Barbara E.Foster. Route 3. Mocksvilleand Mrs. Kathleen Caldwell ofSeaverville, Tenn.; two sons. nEugene McGarraham ofSterling, Va. and TheodoreJames McGarraham Jr. ofWest Palm Beach, Fla.; onesister. Mrs. Ruth Stephens ofLantana. Fla.; 10 grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.•"■MRS. NELL LASHLEYMrs. Mary Nell HartmanLashJey. 87. of Mocksville. Rt.2. died Friday at ForsythMemorial Hsopital after anextended illness.The funeral was heldSunday at 2 p.m. at Far-mington United MethodistChurch by the Rev. RaySurratt. the Rev. Fred Shoafand the Rev. Benny Bearden.Buna! was in the FarmingtonCommunity Cemetery.Mrs. Lashley was bom inDavie County, the daughter ofC.A. and .Maggie BrockHartman. She was a retiredschoolteacher and was amember of FarmingtonUnited Methodist Church.She was a graduate of the 'Women's College of Greensboro. and was a member ofthe Farmington AdvanceOrder of the Eastern Star 323.She was the widow of FloydM. Lashley.Surviving are one son,Charles Lashley ofMocksville, Rt. 2; one sister.Mrs. Marjorie Scholtes ofWinston-Salem; one brother,George Hartman ofMocksville: three grandchildren. Charles C. Lashleyof the U.S. Army, Bamburg,Germany. Miss Debora JoanLashley of KnoxviUe, Tenn.and Miss Mary Lashley of Rt.2. Mocksville.oa.ie Co.PubVic UbiarvOAVIE CO, PUBLFC LIBRARYmocksville, no
- oLrfo) ^" .ocn ''4P.B • DAVIE COUNTY ENTERPRISE RECORD. THURSDAY DFCEMBEArea Obituaries- L4v< FRED T. POWELLFred Thomas Powell. 58. ofMocksville. Rt. I. died at hishome Sunday. He had been indeclining health for severalyears.The funeral was conductedat 2 p.m. Tuesday at CenterUnited Methodist Church bythe Rev. Wilson Nesbitt and ^ r..r>tifAor. i? MAMiunurt,h. R... Phillip MoUey ^the churchgrandchildren.The funeral was helBurial was inEdward Fei^nand MandSunday at 2 p.m. at NewUnion United MethodistChurch by the Rev. KermltShoaf and the Rev. MelvinBeeker. Sr. Intermentfollowed in the churchcemetery.cemetery.Mr. Powell was bom inTaylors. S.C.. the son ofJames Thomas and MaudieBurry Powell. He is retiredfrom N.C. Baptist Hospital.Surviving are his wife. Mrs.Dorothy Tutterow Powell;one son. Benny ThomasPowell of Rt. 1. .Mocksville;one sister. Mrs. .Minnie Lewis")f .^heville; two brothers,Paul Powell of Asheville andJames Powell of Moor Park,Calif.Y • MRS. BLANCHE REEVESMrs. Cecil Blanche KellerReeves. 83. of Rt. 1. Harmony,died Friday, December 18.1981. at Rosewood Rest Homein Harmony after five years ofdeclining health.She was the daughter of thelate Smith Keller and AnnaBelle Keller. On December 24.1918. she was married toWillie Lindsey Reeves, whopreceded her in death Feb. 9,I960.Surviving are five sons,-Howard Reeves, and HaroldReeves, both of Mocksville.Hubert Reeves and JohnHenry Reeves, both of Harmony. and Harv'ey Reeves ofStatesville; three daughters,Mrs. Lucille Vernon ofGulfport. Miss.. Mrs. AnnaWright of Harmonv and Mrs.Heien Harris of Statesville;four brothers, five .sisters, 18grandchildren and 11 ^reat-ning, 98. a resident of Autunm !Care Nursing Home, diedthere Saturday night,December" 19.He was bom July 28, 1883, tothe late John F. and IsabelleManning in Huntington, Pa.He was a retired coal miner;and had been a resident of.Mocksville for thirty years.His wife. Alice, preceded himin death.Survivors include two .daughters. Mrs. Quentta(Janet) Smith of Mocksville;-and Mrs. Alex Watson ofPittsburgh, Pa.; 1 son, JdinManning of Long Beach, .Califomia; 10 grandchildrenand three greatgrandchildren.• (S fFred Powell DeathRuled A Suicide'^The deatn of Fred Powell, 58, of Route1. Mocksville has been ruled a suicide by nthe Davie County Sheriffs Department.Detective Mike Smith said Powell diedaround 4:00 p.m. Sunday after shootinghimself three times in the chest with a.22 caliber pistol.His body was discovered approximately 100 yards from the Powdlhome by his son, Benny Powell, whoapparently heard the shots and went toiinvestigate.Smith said according to reports, .PoweU had been in declii^g health forthe past three years. He said the deathhas been ruled a suicide with no otherinvestigation pendii^.Powell was bom in Taylors, S.C., theson of James Thomas and Mandle BbrryPoweU. He is retired from N.C. BaptistHospital.Surviving are his wife,- Mrs. DorothyTutterow Powell; one son, BennyThomas PoweU of Route 1, MocksvUle;one sister. Mrs. Minnie Lewis ofAsheviUe; two brothers, Paul PowellAsheviUe, and James PoweU of MoorPark. CaUfomia.Funeral services were conductetkS^2:00 p.m. Tuesday at Center Unitdd 'Methodist Church. Burial was in thechurch cemetery.DAVIE CO. PUBUC UBRARVMOCKSVILLE, NC;.REDWINE -; Miss Alberta Sophia Red- Ij wtne. 87. died at N.C. BaptistI Home at 6 a.m. Sunday. She4|had been in declining health 1for the past year. Miss Red-wine was bora January 16, I1894. in Davie Countv, thedaughter of D.C. and'M^Tatum Redwina She spenther early life in Davie County and taught elementaryschool for many years inForsyth and Stokes counties.She operated a day nurseryin her home for many years.She was a former member ofJerusalem Baptist Church inOavie County, and had been amember of Mineral SpringsBaptist Church. for manyyears. Surviving is one sistee,Mrs. Jessie Bell Blackburn ofHayes: and a number ofnieces and nephews. Funeralservices wUl be conducted at12:30 pjn. Mondav at V#-gler*s Reynolda Road Chapdby the Rev. Cecil Cave andthe Rev. William Poole.Burial wiU be in JerusalemBaptist Church Cemetery.n Monday. Dgppmh...Oavie Co.P'-oliciiBiai)MocXsvii'.e, N. C.
Cj/P, '^<?lDAvit CO- ^-;:U1IUSE RECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1981■Area ObituariesT. J. SMITH .~Thomas Jefferson Smith, 'Brady Spry. He was employediCooleemee and the late James69. died December 23 at thev.A. Hospital in Clarksburg,W. Va. after a prolong^illness. Mr. Smith was bomApril 6.1912, son of the late J.Marshell and MinnieStikeleather Smith of RowanCounty. He was a US. Navyveteran.He is survived by his wife,the former Helen Grace(SallyI Robinson; one son,James Marshell Smith of•Maryland: three grandchildren: six sisters: Mrs.Loyd R. (Gertha).Combs ofHt*. 3. .Mocksville^ Mrs.Charles (Mary) Sain ofKannapolis: Mrs. IreneLeckie of Salisbury; Mrs.Fred (Reccie) .Miller ofCleveland ;■ Mrs. Elva Price ofAtlanta, Ga.: Mrs. Carl(Ellen) Biggers of Concord:and several nieces andnephews.Mr. Smith's body wasdonated to Virginia StateUniversity of Medicine..Memorial services will beheld at the ClarksburgHospital chapel."PETE-SPRYJames Brady "Pete" SpryJr, 47, Highway 801, diedearly Monday morning at hishome after being in declininghealth for the last two years.Hie funeral was held at 2p.m. Wednesday at Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel inMocksville conducted by theRev. Tom McRae and theRev. J.D. Revis. Burial was inRowan Memorial Park.Memorial contributionsmay be made to Oral RobertsCity of Faith, CancerResearch, Tulsa, Okia. 74171.Bom in Davie County, Jan.28. 1934, he was a son of Mrs.Ester Broadway Spry ofas a receiving clerk atRepublic Foil Company, inSalisbury and was a memberof Comerstone ChristianChurch of Salisbury, where hewas active in all phases ofchurch work.Survivors, in addition to hismother, include his wife,Peggy Allen Spry: onedaughter, Mrs. DebbieShephard of Cooleemee; oneson, Danny Spry ofCooleemee; six sisters, Mn,Rebecca Overman and Mrs,Shirley Church, both ofCooleemee, Mrs, BerthaHarris, Mrs. Shelby Moweryand Mrs. Geraldine Goodman, all of Salisbury and Mrs.Dionne Blackwelder ofMocksville;Four brothers, Floyd andAndrew Spry, both ofCooleemee, M.O. Spry ofS^isbury and David Sp^ ofHickory and two grandchildren.J/ DR. DAVID JAEHNINGDr. David Grover Jaehning,56. of Bermuda Run, Advance, died last Saturday inthe Davie County Hospital inMocksviile. He operated theFamily Practice Clinic inClemmons since 1979.Dr. Jaehning was bom inTwin Valley, Minnesota toHerman and Emma AamothJaehning. He graduated fromBowman Gray School ofMedicine in Winston-Salem in1948 and then served in theU.S. Navy during World WarII and in the U.S. Air Forceduring the Korean Conflict.Prior to moving to Clemmons in 1979, Dr. Jaehningpracticed in family practicemedicine for 27 years in Wah-peton. North D^ota.He is survived by his wife.MattieWilliard Jaehning: onedaughter. Miss CandaceJaehning of Denver,Colorado: two sons,-Mark J.Jaehning of Denver, Colo, andGregg Jaehning of Wahpeton,North Dakota: and threegrandchildren.A memorial service washeld for Dr. Jaehning onMonday afternoon at Clemmons United .MethodistChuirch by the Rev. W. T.Medlin 111 and the Rev. DallasRush.^ ERICA DYSON'Erica Elizabeth Dyson,infant daughter of RickyMason Dyson and SherriDyson, di^ at birth at For-syth Memorial Hospital inWinston-Salem, Mondaymoming.The Rev. Kermit Shoaf willofficiate at the grave sideservices Wednesday at IIa.m. Burial will be held inNew Union United MethodistChurch cemetery.Survivors include herparents of Route 6,Mocksville: paternalgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Marvin Dyson, Jr. of Rt. 6,Mocksville: maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. DonaldHartle of Kemersville, N.C.,great grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Hardy Steelman ofJericho Church Road,Mocksville.Davie County. ' 'He was bom September 13;1909, in Davie County, a son ofthe late Joseph Richmond andEmma Foster Bailey. He waaa farmer and a retired em^ployee of Baker Furniture Co;Surviving are his wive, TitfBailey; three daughters, Mrs;George "Dot" Sowers ofRoute 2. Clemmons, Mrs. Carll"Sallie" Buie of Route V,;Denton, and Mrs. Felixi"Peggy" Rummage of Route15. Lexington: a son, JoelBailey of Route 7, Mocksville; ITwo stepsons. Jack andlGray Carter, both of Ad-Ivance: four sisters, Mrs.)Stella Allman of High Point, jMrs. Mattie Tucker and Mrs,Lula Lanier, both of Route 2, jAdvance, and Mrs. Eliza Cope*of Route 3, Mocksville: threebrothers, Richmond Bailey, |Route 15, and John Bailey,Brenner Drive, both ofLexington and FrankBailey ofPeace Haven Road, Winston-1Salem: 16grandchildren; andlnine great-grandchildren. JOavie Co. Public LibraiyCICERO BAILEYCicero Sidney Bailey, 72, ofRoute 2, died this moming atDavie County Hospital. Hehad been seriously ill for twoweeks.The funeral will be Thursday at 2 p.m. in Eaton'sFuneral Home Chapel inMocksville conducted by theRev. Tony Jordan. Burial willbe in Elbaville Cemetery inwvie CO. PUBuc ubrarv-MOCKSVm.^