Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Thursday, January 9,1908 Mrs. Jessie Daniel Mrs! pI .V7& bun^'a^ut<^n^ -Dec. 24th.' ^e ii^Wp'oIdest'dkugh^ tef of Mr: ^d-Mi=8. <Hj'^ apd was hdi^ips^ts'^ kt'the time of her drath.'-•"iv >■'; r- ■ • Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, January 16,1908 Sarah C. Baity Good Womai) Gone. Mrs. Sarah G. Baiiy. of Goolee- mee, was bom Nov. 22. 1841, and ^ed Jan. 3,1908. She had passed the sixfy'Sixtb mile pest, on life's joum^. She had been in failing health for several years, but not un til last August did ^e completely give way to her afflictions. From &en unto her death she was a patient suffwer, and fell adeep with out mudi complaining. Mrs. Baity was the mothtar of deven children, eight of whom survive hm: to momn their lo^^ Mrs. W. C. Jones and Mrs. W. A. Hendrix, of this county, Mrs. A. Cocke, of Randolph coun- ty,-|to8.':W. W. Goley, of Dallas, Tex., Mr. J. F, C. Baity, of Greens boro, iand Miiases Katie, Ida ai^ Ar- lenia Baity, of Gooleemee. i^ore maniage, Mrs. Baity was a man, and was bom and partidty reared in a few hundred ymrds of where die died. This was long be fore any one ever thought of rach a thing as a big cotton mill standing here by what was tbra called the dioals. Mrs.6mtyhadbe^ameihr her of the Methodist church in ear lier life, but at her death' held no church relation, but gave great reas ons to. bdieve that she bad. fai^ in God and hope of heaven. Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLBVA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, February 5,1908 Mrs. William Penninger Mxa: William Pennioger died oq the night of^Jannaxy 28,^ at her home on Main street. She leaves a hneband and n eeven children, four girls and three boys^ and many friends to monrn ab- seqM. She was about 48 years old. Her body was oarried.40 Woodleaf, in Bowan .countyt whm she was laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery. The burial Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 6,1908 Mrs. Charlie Anderson Martha Kluttz Martha Elufeta, an aged -white woman, died at the county - home TfaorBd^ wash^iii^ at Obeatnnt ^mp Saturday. Febrnary.l, lOOSv I ',onr community was ' saddened| on.. January 80th' by the death of, Mrs. CbarUe AndersoDvdeleaves' a husband and five sqdb to mouxn' the ibss. Her - remains were inter-' red in the cemeteiy at Bear preeh 'church January Slst. ^Bev. S* 8* I May conducted the funeral. .. Elizabeth Critz ' Mrs.. Eli^beUi Critz di^' of tu- bercolosia the 20th of January, and was interred in the cemetery: at (Tonrtney.on the22nd.' ' Bio - Obituaries - 2/6/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 20,1908 Polly Kurfees Mrs. Polly Koi'fees, of Boale.5, died ^Monday at her home. Age Dearly 93 years. She leayesllye oMldreu to . moaro the loss; 'We extei)4 sympathy to all the friends of the decea^d. She was very widely known n and loved every one who knew her. -'*Blessed be the d^4.that die in the Lord,'' - Martha Jones Miss .Martha Jones, anmvallda^^ ^6 years, died at her home here Sun day ni^t. J^e has always'been an, invalid. Daniel Deadmon n SHr. Daniel beadmoh, who ' liv^ near Epbesus, died last Wednesd^ at the home of his soni^Mr. Charl^ D^m^, after-a week's illness'mth pnenmonia.. The intmrment place at Liberty church on ^uir- day. Mr. Deadmon had a' large number of friends ihroughouK'the county who will Be pain^- to leam of his de^di - The Record extends sympatliy the bereaved relative Charlie Meroney . !^i?i Charlie" M^onje^ ,of th dty, who has sntbrihg ^for ^^re. than .a y^ ^th, .futereul9;p>;^ his hpniie^n Salisbif^ Wedne^ay, ^th,'aud^^ ey^ihg im Bio - Obituaries — 2/20/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, February 27,1908 Mr. James A, Biilier[]De«d* Statesville Landmaik, IStti. Hr.-James A; Butler di^ this moruliiK at his home in north Statesville at 10 minutes past 1 o*clodi; of pneumonia, alter an lib ness oi of about three weehs. His condition had Improved but terday about 2 o'clock he su&red a relapse* Two wedca i^o tonight Mrs, Bdt- i ler died-.. Four small cfaildteu orei left orphans. One of these has 1 BO been ill with pneumonia but is now well. " . * air. Butler was 45 years •^d and was a iwtive of Davie county. He had lived in IredeU for many yearn nod was for ten yeors superintend-, ent of ednoation. He was twiee the Democratio candidate lor the Stateblenate in this district and was a member of the senate of 1899. Wiley Earnhardt Wiley Eambvdt-, a farmer, 71 years old, was strnck by a locomo tive near Bockwell, Rowan connfy, Monday,- and was.&taUy injoied. He was t^en to the sanitarium at Salisbury bat died on his arrival tb^. Barpbardtstepped from the track on the approach of the train but did nst dear the track* Cowan Barber Cowan Barber, a well-known and wdl-to-do farmer of Barber, .Bowan county, died Tnesday afternoon of pnenmojiia, after an illness of nine j days* He was 52 yealra old and is survived by a wife and five chil dren. Julia Galther Mrs. ?nlia Haither, who suffered a broken limb by falling on the ice.at the home of her son, Bi . F, Gaitber, last Wednesd^- moraing, died yesterday^morning faoi^ the effect of iier Injniy.—' totesville l/andmark, iStb. ' Julia Galther Miss Jnlia Uaither, of State^UTe^' died last ^ • 19^ and was biiri^' at Gtirkslmry Thursday.. ^e ..feiU in -time oi the deet Md bWke' oue ipf her .lii^^, frbin the effect of whi<^ ^e^ed. She was a Ohris'^n and i hope she is, ^lie .to rest/-- Mrs. Joseph A. Hendrix Salisbury Saturday.—Mra, Joseph .;A. Hendrix, who had been very ill' ^for BOme^tlore but. bad reeovered, '^ed suddenly iPdb. 6. bhe waa ibid lAi^t fnljherry jftlll-eemete|cy on the .7th.—I extend myjineere thanks to the-klnd hands, that at tended my mother's-buriai and to '^Vhiany. friends.and more espec lajjly to •.Jfjpof J.. D.- -Hodges, who .made a nice talk j oat before taking her to the grave. He knew her, llfoy,she.be reiheinbered. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 4,1908 Martha F. Jones Mib. Mai^ F. Jouet paued away peacefully at her home near, town, Snndaya Fob. 16th. Her , death was not nnezpected. She.' had been an inyalid sinoe birth, never being ab!e to crawl or move aronrd without the aid^ of oome one. DeSeaeed waa 67 yemre old at the time of her death and' leaves many relatives to mourn her loM. . . y Infant Daughter Holman The 18 months old. child of Obarley Holmsn, color^, of Booe town, was burned to deatjh .Toes* day. The little one was left at home with her 12 year old sbter who went oft from the hbiue and left her alone, and while she waa awayrthe child got too near the fire, her dress oatohlng and the oonseqaenoes were she was borned to death before any one. conl^ eave her. Bio — Obituaries — 3/4/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 5,1908 Eliflet Nichols ' Mr, Eliflet I^icholB, a very old man and a good citizea of Iredell eonnty, fell asleep Friday mormng. Was buried Saturday, Feb. 29tb, at Eew Hope church. Bio — Obituaries — 3/5/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 11,1908 Geo. W. Shook Geo. W. Shook, aged 48, died at hia home in this place laat night at 10 o*olook. He bad been in -dh health lor deveTal months, and aboht two n^tha ago he gave |||^tl|^ iitthexev^ge aervioe at Sfdiahnry and datoe home, where he ooi^iniiedto grow worse until the end oame« He held for a number of years differ ent and responfdblo poaitiona in internal revenne service, and prior to that he had for twelve or fif teen years been register of deeds of Davie county. He isy-anrvived by a wife and several children. Cooleemoee Jdurnal, MftiebS. Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, March 12,1908 Mr. Q. W. Shedc Deadii Mr.. G. W. Bhisek quietiy passed' away at his. home Wednesday night, after a prot^ted illiiess. He had been in health for more than-a year, ^d ;hia death! was not unezpeoted. Mr. Sheeh, at the time of his death, was a- boat'55 years of ageHe was for aisteen* years Register of Heeds oi thecoQQ^, and for the- last ten years had^held a position in ;the Bevehae aervioe. r The foneriGd ser were oondaotcd at the real dence TharSday by Rev. J, P; Kirk and'the remuns were car ried to.Smith Grore, his old home, and-laid to rret. To. his widow anid children'we extend onr deep. eat sympathies in the lo^ of has- - band and father. . n n Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 26,1908 Sarah Feimster Mrs. Sarah Fdmster, widow of the late John Feimster, killed by. lightning datiDg tiie severe elec tric :E[tom ^esday night at 8 80 o.'do^, at jQie home of her son-in-law and ^ughter, Mr. and Mrs. 6ns. Strou^., in Tanmrsbnrg township, hear Oad^nxy dinrcb.-—Statesville Landpiark. William L. Brock trp, ir Died—At the hnme ofe Dr. .k.. D: Kimbrongh, at Sihij^Grov^■H^Diam Xk 'Bn>ck,- ag^ ■ 40", ^ sbn^ of Nrah 'M. Brod£,;OC-D^liiigton, titi.9e h^ been a snffei^ jasthmamd nemasthmda for a gflas^ fan came, j^hthing ;^e chaiige of cKmabe vhihW''-^bOTefi^i^.him^^^ much for a fore .hSs "lyij^on.Stthda^\^€ninjg, ijid jwbile-heire ai^- all tj^t ioyibg ■^uld d^ waadphisl^l^fe^^^^^ pie cix Siniih-' 6iwe '-mid Sarah Feimster Lightning sfriH^ Mis« Sarah. Feimster last Taesday night, -^il- higher.. She wasagood religions woman. • ( Milton Ellis Mr. Milton FlUs, of IcedeU, died last Snnday nigh^ the 15th, and was bniied at darsbory on Taes day. He leaves a wife and sSveral ohildreo to moarn his loss. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 16,1908 Mrs. Leonard Dixon dened by. the death of Mra. Leoia- ard pu^h. . _ : • ' JQ[«Eu*t'failure is supposed to be the cauac^of her death, aa she had oobbeen sick, except a coid< Sh^*- ate her dinner and sat on the jporch. She was-knitting. After she had been there mme tim^ her daugh- ter<indaw, with whom she wrs liv ing, notJc^ she had h.er h^d down as if asleep, bot when called she did not answer, and ' open in* veafilgatioD tbey fennd' she was dead. ,.. • Mrs. Dixon has been a consis tent member of the M, E,* ohdrcb for a aumber ofyears. Clarence Nail Little Clarence Nail, son of MK ^dMrs. W. F. Nail, died April 7tb, a^ed 8 montbs and 6 days. He wjBfia bright and s^weet ohiFd. .We can'.tsee'wby he was.taken so young, but God's will most be done, not ours, ^o the lather and mother we extend our - greatest sympathy. She was a good neighbor and. was loved by. aU who knew her. She was a daugh of Mr. Tlioa. Oa^erell, deceased.. Sh.e l^ves 4 sons and one daughter, Mrs. H. Sbelton, to mourii her loss, bemdeS a host of other relatives. Wc have no doubt but what Mrs. i)ixon is at rest. There has l^o nothing in her life to make us thinl^otherwlse. . She' said some time before she dieid that she was ready to.^ at any time, she' was only w^ting for our Fathw^s call. We only wish more people . were like Mrs. Di^n. May God com fort the bereaved ones and prepare them to meet their dear one. Clarence Nail . The little one*year old diild oflMr. and Mrs. Will N^ail, who live out on Dat^man creek, died op Monday ^ht of last wei."".' The. baby" got 8ometlung.ih-it$~.windpipe while eat^^ ing supper, and- it choked to death .b^ore..relief could he procuried. We 'e^nd'.syiu^thy 'to the bereaved parmits. \ r Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 23,1908 Rufus Penry Rufus Penry, of near Farminffton> about 27 years, and son of James B. Pehry, died Friday, and was buried at l^th Grove Saturday. Mr. Penry had b^ teaching school at Soutbsade for some time. ''Be leaves, a wife and many relatives to mourn his lossi ' He was a good man and will be gr^tly missed. ;He was a inen^er of the Jr. 0 U. A. M,, and of the Odd Fdlows. A number of Juniors fropflhis city attended the funeral and burial' services^ - Ihe R^rd extends sympathy to .the reaved ones. . - Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 30,1908 Mary Kurfees Died*-at her. home, four miles, west of this city, on Sunday evening at 9:80 o'clock, Mrr. Mary Kurfees, aged 75 years, widow oT the late J. P. Ejiirfees. • She had been ill for about six months, and her death was notunexpect^. .. Her" remains'were Imd to rest in Center graveyard .Tuesds^ evening, to await ^e resur rection mom.' Sie.. was "a m^ber of the Christian church and was a good woman, who will - be sadly missed. She leaves seven childr^, six^ns and one daughter, and. a host of. rdatives and, friends to moui^herlosS. TheR^ojcd-extends .syinpathy-to the beiw^ ones in ! this hour of affiction.' • Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 7,1908 Infant Swink A nin^tnonths-old ^Id of Mr* Mrs, Philo Swink, of Coplecmoe, waia buried at Sbiloh church last we^.. Mrs. Swink is adausdite>^of Mr. J. C, l^lyler, now of CooleemM.—^tat^ villel^dmark. n .• Rip.-f E* w^ iW. : I = . Blk. S. 'B«s- 'wiiqsei mind' became affected hist faU soon after' the deaXk of hm brother. Mi* John WyaU,.who was latally injui^' at the fdrnitare f^tory in thih city,; ^illeiljiimseif in the State hospit^: last ^e^ay* . He wrapped a towel ai^dnd hisneek.atid in sopie .niaD%> ner banged himself on a'door hinge; i His body was brought to this city Wednesdayeyenlng and carried tdj the home of his parents where it remained nntil Thursday morning at which time the funeral was con ducte^by Reiv. J. F, Kirk, after which his body 'was laid to rest iu the. Rose cemetery, with Junior .Order and Masonic honors, he be ittg a member of both orders* Mri; Wyalt had many friends tliroi^h oatvjUiis seotiou who are pained to learn of>hiB death* jSe leaves an ag^ father a.nd mother, onebroth> er and two sisters,. to whom The Beeoid estenda sympathy . in this sad hour of their flffiiction. Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 14,1908 Haskell Copeland entira oommuDity wm shoelt-' 6d and distressed when the pews went abroad mly Tuesday night- tbat Young Haskell Copelaud, son of Uapt. J: W. Dopelaud, had shot and killed himself. The terrible tragedy oeoorred aboiit 8 o'clock •at the Copeland home dh Walnut street, and while the circumstan ces point to self destruction, the Jamily of the young man say they cannot believe that the killing was anything more than an accident, bronght about .by carclessue^ in handling a pistol. Bio - Obituaries — 5/14/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 21,1908 Jane Current Marlin Infant Son Kurfees Theinfaot' son of Mr. W, Kurfees died Wednesday and. was baried Thursday. Qiod'WomanGostt. After a;n illness . Of liftie more than a week, Mrs. Jaoe:Marlin died at the home of John A. Cur rent, on North Main street. Mrs. HarltQ had f)een lwic« married, her first husband was Andrew J. Guiieut and" after his death she ^ married to The^re Marlin. 8he is survived by* two sons, Mr. G. Correut, of Kowai> county and Mr. John A. CurceDt, of Mockaville. There are living alsoonebroCherandtwosisters. 8le wasGonverted when yonngand join ed South Biver MeibodistGhuioh in Bowau county, where she held hei membsiship at the time of' her death.. She had Just passed hei seventieth birthday, and was loved and respected by all who knew her. The verdict of friends is, she was a good woman. She will be missed in the home from- which she was taken and by the community. Our sympathies go out to the fiimily. Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 28,1908 J. P. MarCn Fottod [li«ad Tlio^llsbnry Po^ says: . ' • "Mr. J.:P .Mfh^lin, of^eydi^a; was found d^ini^he3f^)^a|^ire a half miie west^of. morliiog by acoloi^'oti^yj^hy-1 siclao who wasl^s^oMDOIli^s^^ -be bod probabjy -b^^'^/ii^^la^^ time. .. / - **Mr. Marlio left ^0016.4/1^018^ day oight apiV taad.jQ9t front until tho negro* Jraud-^ his lifeloss bo^iy.]^J^rt<^.;•I)^^-dis- coveryv^be eku^of hia d^th and the reason for'^'bis^, mykigr^tis leave-taking of home ronld not be ascertained. The deceased .waa a^ bout 45 years old, was twice mar ried and a fatally eitrvlvea. When the body was ioUnd the -feet were, id the forks of a bush and the body stretcbeil 00 the grouodv and it is bdieved that Marliu t'fcir in attempting to cross a wire feoce.^ ' Luther B. My^r* D««d. I Mr. Luther'B. Myers, son olRev. T. 0. Myers, of Yadhiuville, j and division agent for. the B. J.| Reynolds Tobacco Company, v^as drowned near Macon, Ga., . Friday while ib swimming in a lake with several eompauloiis; The remains were taken to Yadkioville for b.nr- ial. Mr. Myers held the most im portant teriitory covered by his company, and was 81 years-old. He wasa brother of Messrs, B. -W W. T., and. John H. Myers, >of Winston, and Of Mrs. M. W; Mackie, wife of the. postmastex at Yadkioville.—^D.ispatch. . DmA of kb^ & E. GrsenT . •. ]27edhiesday morning at^4 -o.'dbdk, the death anflM ente^ the home of * ' •. ••. . • •. • • 'i t n /Mr..ai^ T^, 6. K.Greeoj and ^led to zest-ihe wifeJaQd ;inbi&^,-. wjio^ fortmany months had bo^ .edited to her bed wi^ ^e stomach. Vxa^;. Giecm - M .'tfeyer be^ m good-l^di,' but*'' she' j^re her sufferhigs'w^ a ispirit. While her d^fh'iidd b^'^ for several we^,' yef. the he^ cast-p glomn over the town. M^. Gremi was a imtive of KingsvillO; Ontario. buVche had iqade her home hi this city for more thap eight years^. and had madO m^ -frjeods who monni her death. ^ She leaved a hu»' :band, Wq sons, aged l8 and'6 years, and two brothei^ who live in Oii- -tario, Canada, was 2St yearsj old; and was a conasteht memW of the Baptist dinrch. Funeral- scr ees were conducted by Rev. G* S.; GadiweU ^uzeddy evenlnsr at four o'clock, ai^r w^ch the body was. laid to rest .ip R(^ cemetery to await the' resdr^tion mbrn. The Record'eKtrntds^pnimthy tqthe be- reaved-odeS.mthi8'da]&hoar of be reavement, and points 'them to Him "who doeth all things weIl,-'.for> He alone knoweth how 'to cqpifori the mothei^ess and the bereaved. Dorcas Allen Mr. C. L. Mordock recmved; a td- ^sram Tuesday announ^^ihe d^ith of his anot. Mrsl Dorcas' of Mr. Reece-Allmi, 'which oCcidrx^ ^esday morning at ei^t other home at Bixby, Davidcoim^^ M18. Allen bad been ill shioe mas, her couditibn bad been cAti^ for some days and death ,wasnot na^ ®*P€cted. Her sister, Ste. T. A: M^ock, of Qiambe^niy town^ ^ip, had beeir at her bedfi^e for ^verol days prior to b^^€idih.-T-: Landmark, - '"V ! Rebecca Campbell Miss Rebecca Campbell died Sun day at her home near River Hill, Tnmersburg towmsbip, aged 81 years. The remains were interred Monday at New Hope BapUst church, of which Miss Campbell was a member. Rev. V. M. Swaim conduc6ng the funeral services.—Landmark. Bio — Obituaries - 5/28/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, June 3,1908 Samuel Creason Samael Creason, the oldest man in this neighborhood, died at the home of hie son. Thomas, last Thursday night. The old gentle* man was oearing his 94th year. He had lived in Davie county most ail his life and was one' of the most peaoeable citixens of the oonnty. He had been a consist ent member of the Methodist cbui'oh and died triumphant m the faith. Cue very remarkable thing about the old gentleman's oareer is that he had six children and ail are yet living. He never had auy eickuess to anything. He leaves a wife, who is 88 years old. Bio — Obituaries - 6/3/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 4,1908 Obelia Byerly . Mra. bbeiia Byeily died at her home ou the 2Stbt Her remains were laid to rest at'Society Baptist church tlTe 29th. - She letives a hus- baud and three children and a* large number of i'l'leods to mourn her loss. The' children are Miss Maryi Mr. Oscar and Master Hous< ton. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Bev. V. M. Swalm.- The pail .bearera were Messrs. A. M. Sltroud, 0. D. Oroneh E. P. Gaither, J. J. IStarretie, John Kooutzaml Wm .Wilson. v Mrs. John Byerly ... . On Thi]^day;eveQin|; lihjerdeatb, an^el entered;-tbe hoihe'df Mr,-and/ Mrs. Johh; Byerly . and ^^lled fo: ^rest the jsife hM nibther::: Mts; >Byer)y had sdihe^tdiiii^ • -i*"ii ..K-i" in;j with a Christian "Spirit. . VV *^11© her d eath was nolrjiinexpecteil j i et the news cast a gliwm over the neighborhood. .Mrs, JB^erly h^ uiHi y friends why monrn ber death. She leaves a hnsband, two sons and one daughter to mourn, her loss, we extend oup detest sy m pathy to the bereaved teiiiy. Young Daughter Deadmon The little daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Herlmrt -Deadmon .died; last Thursday night and was buried Haturclay at Noe Creek church. The young parents have-our sym pathy in their sad bereavement Mrs. J. W. Byerly Good Woman tlone. "Mi-s. J. W. By§rly, of Kappa, who has Ijeen ill focseveral montbs- wit^ indig^tidn, died Thni stla^v evening at ona o'clock. The fun eral services were couducteil b.» Bev, y. M. Swaiin," -afier wliich the body was interred at fciocielx uhurch. Mrs. Byerly was a con sistent member of Society Baptist cbureh. " She- leav^ a huaband, two sous and one daughter, and m host of relatives and friends to 'mourn ber loss., Tbe Record ex tends sympathy to the bereaved ones. ' • Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 4,1908 :Mh Rolledse Dies of Appenfidtis. Mr. Uuti4*rt who lived- on ::k)ath street, died W^- uesday nVnrrilu^ at 4o*o]ook as a resiill of au attack of appeodicitis. Mr. Riitieiige b^me ill. Friday- and a phyaiciaa >vho was BUinmi n *0 found-tbai he was suffering with appeudi^itis. " Uis. couditiua im proved Friday eyeuing and he was aUle to> w^lk ahoot the houw until Tnesdaj. Mr. Batledge wasa oar- peuier aud'Tuesday nioniiug Jie xvalkj^l ^veral blocks to. where be had been at work. While watch- itig the prrgi ess of the atlTer worU^ men he l e »me ill qnite suddenly iind a physic^D bad to be.' valTed before i^ctinldY^ iO his home.. He gr^aai|y.;jgre worsp and late .Tnead'ay eveni^. he was thken to the BilliDjgsley.. hospital, where he underwent nh operation. His appepdis was in a bac^ cphdi- tipu and. the operation ..failed lo save his life! The.- reraMfas were-i •tiiiireh to Oiarhsbar^'uUnreb; Tnr- j neciBbqrg towiiahip, y^terciay iiioro- j ing^nd after funeral services by, the pastor there, "Rev. J. P; Brant- * !y,' were interred'in Ojarksbnry graveyard. - Mr. Ratledge ww a^ut 33 years old and bad been raariled tei^yeiirs. He is survive^ by his wife -and .a "V^i^e number- of 'relatives. Ho mwed to .i Stalesvillo from tl e Clarksbury rielghborhooU several years ago aud had-bhi'lt a-home on Race street. • . . Mr. Batledge was a kind neigh:, bop and a good, honest .citizen and had many friends in bis neighbor hood who 'mourn his death.—^Tbe Landmark. [ Ihe deceased is a b'rolller of pur towDSinaii, Mr. T. F. Ratledge.] Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 11,1908 Obelia Byerly /-Obitnary^ ' * 1 Sisto Obelia Byerhr>- wifa.of J. W* ^e]^, of MpdcsviU^ Route I, after an illness of several days fell a^eep ^ in Jesus on the '28tb day of 1^/ | 1908.' Sister Byerly had been in delicate health fora number of yeate^ She suffored a without <M>mplaint was ev^, che^ul. In early life she professed teith in dhrist'- and joined Sqaefy Baptist chu^i was'baptized by the Rev J. B..Marsh, ffince that , time she hasUv^ adevot^diryaan'life, al- w^ at-her churdi wbmi able to get there to share the blesan^ of the Lord, and always had a word of en courag^eht for the Christian. I^e was recogmzed by aU who knew hmr to -be a devoted Christaan and she teied to dojihiat ^e cotdd te advance thekhi^om of Christt hidc^ she Ibved figditeoaroessi •j.E^'ftmera] send^ was (Conducted by her pa^r,. Rev. .V. M. Swaim in S<^e^ Baptist <hur^ brfore a Is^ge crowd of lov ing yiid weeping friendsand relatives and there in the city of the dead her mortal remains were laid to restate await the voice that breaks ibe tomb. To"the soxTowii^ hu^i>and now in &e evening of life with whom she spunt 30 years of her life a Ipy^ -and de- vdted companion, bis chu^, bis pastor anda great host of friai^ex- tend beart's-tenderest sympatiiy and pray the . blessings of the . Lord te console and; comfort' him and the mofherlesB children and help th^ to realize that their loss is her ^ni _ . AFbiend. . Judge D* fil Finxbes Dead. The sad news came over the phone early Monday moroiag from Statesville ^at Judge Furch^ had diedtiunday night of heart dis- e^e. . It paiued and shocked^ his many frieudsat this place,'who esteemed him highly. While his health had' been poor for some years, we were nob prepared for the sad end ol this uative -son of Davie, who had gone forth from bis native county and had woo fame and distiuctiou in the iState Ae had served on the Superior ''court beneli, aud in 1896 was eieu ted to the supreme court, aud up ou the death of Chief Justice Fair cluth, became Chief Justice by. up- polntmeni of Tiov. Ru^el). VV«- hbpe later to give a more esteml* *kI hiatoo of biin. x^i\» bis iirolher, vv . F, Furciie»», ol Duvie couutj liis« widow aud other relatives, we •extend onr.sympalhies in this sad hour. Peace to his a!>bes. Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 11,1908 Thos. B. Marlow Dead. Mr. TbodiHb B. Marlow, of Bj&r- m toy, died WbdaesQay at ooou at ibe Lopff ^natoriuin.' The • re nmiua ' were taken to Harmony. Wednesday night ami the Inneral aecviuesandimernxenc toole- place last Thursday. Mr. Mallow was brought to the sauatorinm Monday In a cntieal couditiuu and it was realikei;'that' be could not; live luug. He. bad beeu lil a lung time. He was a son of Mr. tibielda Mat' low, .of the Harmony section, nud was rearyd* iu' that couiiuuuity. He was 25 years old and had been ID the employ of 6ro«e Bros., luer ^ants at Haruiony, for live years. He is survived by his father, -one iTSter, Mr«-. Hmiry atr«»ira, of the TTp-vmopy aecdoD. and four^ orotb- era, Mr. Juhu Marlow, of Winston; -Mr.: William Marlow, of Uarm'ooy; and. Mta^rs.' James . and. Bobert Maiiow, Of Tbomasville. ' 1. ix n Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, June 24,1908 Wiley Taylor Wiley Taylor of near Jeraealem died Taesday night and was bnned yesterday. Deceased had been in declioing health for some time. His death being dne to old age. Mary Tatum Mrs. Mary Tatum, an age.d and esteemed lady of Davie county who was known to quite a number of Statesville people, died Tues day at her home at Farmington. She was about 76 years old and is survived by three children, one of the^e being Rev, Frank Tatum. who is in China as a missionary of the Baptist church. The death of the aged mother is deeply mourned by a large number of relatives and friends in Davie and Iredell. Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 25,1908 Rachel Booe Mrs. lE^hel Booe de^rted thia life at the home of .her aon, Mr. O. W. Booei on 'junia .9th^ 1908. Deceased was seventy-eight years of age.. She leavraD}!^'6008, J; O., O. W., and B. L. Booe, eigh teen grandobildren and' a host of relatives and iiiends to -mourn her loesL Tha funeral servioes were held Wedne^ay, the 10th, in Bear OrMk ohur^, service eon- ducted by Bev. Stanly May, and f^m thence her body was laid to rest in the cemetery, there to await the resnnection morn. While we grieve to know her place among us is forever vaconl^ wendoiee toknow that she has ^ne to be with her Saviour/-whom she loved and trnsted, and tho^ of her loved ones who have- gone before, we eztehd phr hemtfelt sympathy to the bereav^ ones. • Stephen Kirk Mr. Stephen Rirk fell from hiis ^agen and received' such injnries that respited in death in less itban 48 hours after. It Is said that he had on a little too maoh booze. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Mary Tatum Mrs. Bdaxy Tatum, and aged and esteemed lady of'Davie coimty who was -known to quite a number of Statesville people, died last Tuesday at. her home at^Farmington. iShe was about 75 years old and is . sur vived jjisCfhree diOdren, one of these being Bev. fyank Tatdm; who is in CMna as a mismonaiy of the Baptist Church. '.The d^tfa of this aged mother is deeply mourned by a large number of rdatives and friends in Davie and Iredell.—^Landmark . Lee Hendrlcks ; Mr. Lee Hendrcks,^ of Route 4, died Saturday Uiiid burled. at Jerusalon Sunday. Mr. Hendriclm 'was-a young man, having been mar ried only a little more' than a year. He was a consistent member of the Methodist church. He l^vcs a^e [and-one Mther, Thomaa fihd a host d£ other relative imd 'frien^ to moum his untimely dcAth, . He was a son of the late Gep. Hehr dri<^ I%e Recoi^Vexj^ds sym? Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA