1880 - 1885oo
>7ln,Mockflvi]le,.N. P; Januaty 6th, 1881, attheres-
u: idehise of hiB.danghter, ^b. Adams, Mr.. THOMAS
i SBOWNv'jn^e 74th year of his age. '
±; _The..decea8edLWeirfW5l]M0iy;jiyeaw.ajpreatAufferer,
hut bore the chastening, rod of his, Heavenly Father
^thontct^S^l^. fSmeScd^l^lai^ 'his lips he
cheerfullr with dhaualmed submission to the
divineyriJl'...,V'.'. _Bis conne'ctibh with the .liocksville Presbyterian
church!'extended'over.a'p&riod .of':flfty'years. And
during, all .that'timje he*^ "vm a faithful witness for
Jesus <^^e was indeed "a' fivihgepistle of the truth,"
ezhibiting.in.his daily .life; the beauty, power and
blessedness of-the-raligiohof-Jesus. . ' - .
For twelvoyeaxB he served 4he chundr in the .office
of deaconv and discharged the duties of that office
faithfully and.well,-and most acceptably to the con-
««|Mtioiu"^'- ^ • •. r ; • - n -
I(B wsB'btdaltted and inst^ed ruling elder of this
ohurch.'n^ly twen^>eight-years ago, and no one
who kneWlilffi has ever questioned hmflddity to the
trust committed io him. In the darkest days of the
church'Silustoiy,,he continued: to .bope on, and ever
to labor am^ray'for its success and prosperity. And
his work qf^th^'ahd labor bf-ilovei'and- patience of
hope in bur.iLord'Jesus Christ were-not in vain.. For
God not only blessed the-church, but blessed him in
his own soul and in lusfamily; -He-lived to see all
his children brought into thlk'.hhurch- by a credible
profession of- their faith in Christ. He cUed without
a. struggle,„ It was not dying to him—it was only
going home. ^ ,
"Sure the last end of the good man is peace!
How calm his exit!
Night dews fall'not :mbre gently to the ground,
Norw^^^ywnin/out minds, expire so soft.
Andthiiis gaihi- yes, to die is gain." A. L. C.
'SEBSlbN;' n n
Whebbas, It has pleased God, in His wise and
holy providence, to call frbm the church militant to
the church' triumphant, our beloved and venerated
brother in Christ. THOMAS BROWN, the oldest
member of this session; therefore, be it
Resolved 1. That in the death of Brother Brown the
chorch of Mocksville has lost one of her most faith
ful and efficient officers, and thin session one of its
wisest and safest counselors.
jSesolved.2:-That while we bow submissiyely to the
will of our Heavenly Father, We will ever cherish in
memory the beautiful illustration of the power and
unobtrusive piety shining in the quiet walk of his
Christian life, and bless God for his long aud useful
lif^ for-the Chrutian submission and fo^tude -with
which he bore his last palnfol and'protracted sick
ness, for the grace that enabled him to enter the dark
valley with the tread of a conqueror, knowing whom
he had believed, and j being persuaded that he was
able to keep that which he had committed to him,
for his firm and comforting trust in the Redeemer,
making it Christ for him to live and gain for him to
die. - •
JResolved^. That we tender our heartfelt sympa
thies to those bereaved by his death, with the fervent
petition that their bleeding hearts may find a healing
balm in tne comfortable refiectlon that he fought the
good fight and kept the faith.and now wears the
crown of 4ife.
Retoloed, 4 That these resolntions be spread upon
the minutes of session, and the clerk directed to send
copy.'Of .the ^me to the .family of our deceased
brother;.' - Bichabd Btbhuno, Clerk of Bession.
AI cL / ? 8" ^
m o
-J 2
=5 >
a. CO
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f 5
DAVIE TIMES, Thursday, February 10,1881
Jacob Eaton
Jacob' Eaton, (reaiding* near
j MoCkeville.) wuddied oo the Isi inst.,
j was lipni«and raided in the nci^f^hor-
jhooid of Fannin^toii. ib thii* county,
and, waa edueatod mainly under tl^e tti-
^ition of Rev. Ba.xtcr CIcgg. in Mocks-
I ville He was kpown iii. his youth for.
n his exemplary cliaraeter, morality nn<l
t integrity. Ahotit thirty-five years ago
t he connected himf*t lf with the Metli
(list church of which he ha? since lived
a consistent T|icmher: lahoririg at all
tiniea^'till stricken with paialysis and
rheutnatism J w.or l:iyears ago.) fur the
:idvaiM>mieiit of fho interest of christi
auiiy, c.spceially uf the church of hi.*'
clioiec. j
.. I . ' f
In early Hf«i ho hecame a teacher of
the cenimou schools of the county,which
.system of education was then now in
North Candinit; iiml afterwards sm*
«e(?dcd Hev, Mr. iClcgg as prtneipal of
.^lo|•k.syillo academy, and many of tin-
iiii<ldlc Hired and viiuin: men of this
I ' i '
and ,surroiiii'liiij[r ;eonnii(r.s, .as well u>
I • - • '
iiinnv who have Idft the i5vaio, are in-! - ,1 { n ^
dehted to him for their oioral and in
tellectual training^
He married at tin? age of *22, Mary,
the daughter of Jt^st! A. Clemcrt Ks«j.,
of ijlil.s jduce, whofstill siiryives. They
reared a fuiuily ofi seven children, one
of which, a d<'W|?liter, died ahonk fi ve
rears ago, in the ihiooni of vouth and
IjegiiJiiing of a ust<^iil life as a teacher.
He has auotjicr daughter who is now.
and has hccn for sl)me .six years, prin
cipal (if the Fcmate> iVcadeiny in this
place, doing a grcjit deal fur tlic train-
!iing of the j-i^uiig jof the yiciiiiy: also
atiothef teaching bow in the couDtrv,CT I
and two others wlib would do tTcelil tt»
almost aiiy m-ighhprhot. l. He has ltd't
[ two sons, both good and energetic
young men. wlit> ihavu managed the
farming and other l»u>iiie.»:s of their
father during his atHiet on; not neg-'
locling their.lucntpl nHpnvemont dur
ing tliu lime.
OuiYig to his pious traljiing he lived
ta fi cic every nienihi'r of his family eoii-
neeted wilU. ilie church to which lie
hclohged.| They arc not only .(iiialificd
to live for ihcmselye.^, hnt to contrih-
uto greatly to tlie hencfit of thc'com-
invin.ity in which they' live.
Trillv, '-a greijt and got-d man lias
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, February 10,1881
Martha J. Wail and Sallie Safret
i Xj.ir ihi- | Tijui V
Mr-. Martiiu J. Wall, air.- about lifly
y.-.-.vF. .
! u I'jillaluin tlti> roiinty, !
tli'' Miiu 'lay. k^nfrvt. ujr '
< i;.'li'.y-t\V7'.-.ii -. j
Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Thursday, March 10,1881
Wesley Cannon
A little boy nbout two years old,
>1)0 of Wesley Cauuon, iiroa badly
tbe-monrifig of ibvMr itnt/
uuoutll^le ololock, by the turning ova
rf a pot of boiling Water. The Httb
fellow suffered terribly Hill some time
ill the evening, whcti he became mor«
•piict and died early next ninming.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, March 31,1881
WMIborn Foster
Go Tharsday morning 24th of Pnen-
monia, WUlbom Foster of Jcmsalcm
township this connty, in his 55 year.
W. D. Foster
On Wednesday morning March 80th
in Jcmsalcm towlShip in connty
of Consumption, W. D. Foster; abont
25 years of age.
Died of Coo8amptloD,llareb aSrd., at the
re»ldf nee of her node, J. R. Wlllfanis, Ksq.
Miss Uotlie J. Call, afted 15 years and 8
months and 24 days. She was ait orphan
without brother or sister. She pos^ssed
uncomtnon wiamnK qoa1itie«-^o mocb so
that DO one knew her but to It^e her She
had heen a member of the BIgb Schopl at
Pork Chorcb ever since its establishment,
was a favorit of all the sindenia. and had
mkde fine projrress In her siudipp.. She had
aJiij;h ambition to bej>rAdnaied al,ThoiR*
itsviile Female Uolleye. Herjoflneoee was
•I'ost sataiary oo those with whom she es-
sftciated. and onr hopes wp/o raise biyb
that ste would ere lonsr be one ot.the jew.
els of society* She mad||B a.,proreMioo of
rolgion last lall here at a proirACted meet
ing and wa« baptised into. the^(elli|wsbj*i of
Porkdjapust Chorch. Bow eoob the Lsrd
saw fit to lake her to himself! Now her
immortal spirit batks in the .beams of an
e'enial day. her voice is tuned lo the meU
otlies of heavenly choiriaters, her feet tread
the golden Streets of the l^ew Jerusaiem^
while her body sleens quietly la the sdent
*umb free irom all infferiog and pain.
But ere long the trnmp of God will make
mat in the likeness of her blessed ^Savior
wbqin she loved, and then we shall See her
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Thursday, April 14,1881
Elizabeth Williams
Infant and Small Child Perry
Small Child Hammond
Jame^ Per^ of Fanninfftoii,
met jwitli the gad misfbrtiiDe to looae
two of hjs fihtldrei; with Diptheria, one
died;on,faturday momipg tl^ second
fhtf (ftli6r|diea on Sunday followtLg.
Theff agee wb one and hafr and thre6
y®^ , Wo l^m Aat BIr, Hamtnopdwhp, live? in the saipe place lost one
ttleo; last week. '
Id Fulton township,
Arpil Tih 18S1\ Mrs.
wife of J- Jl. William
yea/. Her death wa
tially by crvsipelas.
in October '53 and liv
tc the end. She
in' the existanee of an
and teachings of the
looked forward to
be obtained than wa
short existence. As
and a devoted wife,
equals, and '*none k
love; none named hei
Truth was her pride
dbd:{iQ. Ip her dcat
loses one of its bright
berievcd husband and »
sympathy in their
B e
>avie county.
^!i«abelb. ib<
in her pdnd
caused par-
was iLarri'-
a happy jifi
firm believer
I wise Creator
ripturcs. She
hing bevtei to
sblioted to thi.«
a|loviDg mother
bad bpt few
her but to
but to prise,
hipocricy her
I jewels. Her
mily hayc oiir
I w
4 I
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Thursday, May 5,1881
Harvey Sparks
In this county on the Ist inst., Har
vey Sparks, at the residence of his
brother Charles M. Sparks. Aged
•about 45 years.
Sallie E. Glbbs Jones Manes
In-Fulton, Davie county, April 28th
1881, Mrs Sallie E. Hancs, wife of W
P. Ilaiies, Esqr , and daughter of the
late Eii.sha Gibbs, of this county. Mrs
(laiues wag bom Sept. ,15th., 1830,
was twice married—^her first husband
was Col. Joseph B. Jones. She was a
model wife hnd mother, n pure Chris
tian and bore her sufferings a.s only a
Christian can; she was confined to her
bed three months. She left five chil
Bio — Obituaries - 5/5/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, June 23,1881
Margaret E. Myers Wyatt
John Nail
—John ICail, vrho lived at Jertisa-
loiii, was found dead in Ui^ b(^d last
ednesday momiDg week. Ile| eate a
hearty ^aunpcr on Tuesday evening
and retired and not coming down next
tuoming be^was called but did not an
swer whereupon his room was entered
when hb was«foand cold in death.
In Fulton township, Margaret fi.
wife of W. H. TV^tt, of this county,
and dandier of CfoL, John and Jane
Myers of Daridson county, after a pro
tract^ illness of nearly four months,
she departed this life in fdl triumph of
eternal bbss on I6th day of June, in
her 4Sd, year. 'She leaves a husband
and two children a number of relatives
and friends to monrn her loss.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Thursday, July 28,1881
John Mines
Mrs. M. £. Rose, ii
At the resideDce cif his daughter,
this place on the
22Qd inst., John nfcfES. Aged So.
Jasper Lee Fiddler
Wednesday cT^i^g, July 27tb.,
Jaspfr Lee. sou of finicl F. Fiddler.
Aged 20 niontbs.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, November 17,1881
Pheneas Madison Parnell
On Saturday the 12th iust., Pheneas
Madison, infant son of J. T. and F. K.
PamelL Aged 5 weeks
Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Thursday, December 1,1881
T. A. Coon
Deatb with its. «old hand visitad otir
oommuhitj last Tuesday and
took from our mid^t all tliat Was mor*
tal of the mtich beloved pastor of the
Methodist church,Rev. T. A. Coon. For
somcLtiine his death has been expected
bttt did not \come withoat casting
a shadojif over tkd heark of those who
knew him. He sleeps well, fo^ no nob
ler or more Christian heart tha^ his ever
beat. All that r^pmind of the deceas
ed wasf consigned to the grave on
Thursday evening. The solemn ser
vices were held in the Methodist Church
I . ^
and from thence the monriiing cortege
wcndediits way to ^he lonely cemetery
at Libetty, the last home of our es
teemed dead.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/1/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, December 8,1881
Albert T. Saine
In Davle counlj, Fridaj, Dee. 2d, 1881.
Albert T. Saine. Aged 86 yean, 6 mootbe
tnd 18 days.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1881 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, January 5,1882
Walter B. Moss
Luia Sparks
tn this ploee, on Siuiday,' December
1881, LiiU Bparlu, grand-
dadgbtqr of Mr. H. B. Howard. Age
17 years. . .
In Mbckaville, on TaesdaV tile 8rd
day J^nary, Mr. Walters. Moaa,
aged .22 years.; The deoeae^^ woa just
starting in business and notwltbstod-.
ing bis ill bealtb, c'xbibitcd more than
oraindry energy, baying given orders
to bis clerk 'to send for goods to in
crease bis stock just tbo day before bis
death. He was the only son of a wid
owed mother, bis father having died
abbut a year ago. l?ruly this has been
an afflicted family. The father two
daughters and; one sen all gone in a
few years, leaving mother an only
dangbter. We extend to the berieved
famUy our 8ym|patby in their afflctiob;
Bio — Obituaries -1/5/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, February 24,1882
? Gibson
Cherry Anderson
CinTrv Ainivrson nn old darkev resid-
• ¨
lii^ ill (\ilu)i(iu iownslifp, near County
l.iiir. who was said to bo 101 years old
•ill d a few davs sincv.
near County Line, in Ircdcll
ctnjnty, on Tuesday, tbc 2l8t inat.,
Mr. Gibson, son of T. Iflf. Gib
son. i>coea&ed was a deaf muto irbo
had been educated in Balei^b, and
was a young man of more than ordina
ry tajents
Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, March 10,1882
John M. Nail
Ki:soLiTioss or Bcsrcnr*
Whereas, it has pleased the Great
Jreator in his infinite wbdom to rc-
IIore from an carthlj existence to a
itale of eternal duratioD, nnr esteemed ,
riend and brother, JdiiN M. Nali., who
Ifparteil tliis life on the 1st day of
March. A. 1)., In^o^ thereby se^'Orat* |
no him forever from rccipmcal and •
friendly intercourse with mir brnther- *
»ond. Ami ^whereas his remains were :
hi? day removed by his friends fnau I
NV.rth Capdina to the Slate of New i
\ ork for interno'iit. Therefore be it |
lU soi.VKD. that in his death thi? i
Lodoo ba^ .^u^taiiMMl Ujc of ooe • [ ;
its faithful ami worthy tiicmbere. ami j
!iis faiiiily an afTt-eliomite and tU voied
hu^i.ami. r-oii and brother. I
that in this iii<»>t sudden'
iM reaveiin-iit. we have a striking tv:-
Jenee of ibc unecrtainty of death.
liFtoLVKO, that we UUider his widow
in her distant home, and to his family,
our hearU*.-U sympathy U this, th.-ir
hour of sad bereavement and afir^etiuti
I Kksulvfo,'that wc devote a page of
our record to the memory of out dcc'd
hrother, and that these resolutions be
"pread upon our minutes.
lti:soL\cii, that in token ojf obr re
spect and esteem for the memory of our
•U-ceased hrother, we wear the usual
badge of mourning for thirty days.
IIksulvkd. that the Secretary fHiniisli
I copy of tbcho resolution to the widow
• »f the deceased, and that a copy be
<vM to the Da VIE Tihes with u rcjuest
to publish.
d. M. Ci.EJCB.vr, Y
11. B. llowABti. > Committee.
S. A. WooDni'FF, 3
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, March 24,1882
Mary M. Willson
—Dii'd m :ir thin 2Uh
of typhoid fevrr. Mrs. M;try M.
wife of \\\ W. Will.W.
Frances Harris
"arris, eousiirt of'
! Il-.rri;.. was honi .lontmry Hthi {
th I'srkiT County. Va.. and died i
MureJi I'^th in Ilavidson county^ i
wo*- hurru 'J at I^liady iiros'c church in j
Da-.i.- c 'Uiity N. C. Her hush&ntl waf •
the Urst pcrsiin buried in the Uravj
Yaid-t «his rUcc. iu Iho je?r 1S44[
'^l.i <t3s a member of the churcb and
iivi'i a ehri^iian life and died in fjiU
faith cf a fJi.irerest. Her fcnerrl wais
|ir»T.*ditd by the IU't. Mr. raw, ^oiL
Mcb l> ch.'iptor. 27th au^d 2"iJ» Ter*efi.
ud trr: h?jc!y afended.
A. G, Carter
Died it) |hi5 place after a brief ill-
iiefis, Mr. A. 0. Carter, on Sunday
iiionuiig. the 19lh of March, 18S2, at
2.20 a. 111., iu his 81st year. Mr. Cur-
tyr was horn in Caswcll county, Marcli
29tb, IHOl; graduated at the Universi
ty of North Carolina in 1820. in the
class with Judge Battle, Ilonomble
Bat. Moore and other distinguished
North Caiioliniaiis, and was, at the
time of his death, the only eurvivinp
member ufj that class, lie moved to
this county, then a part of Kowau, and
conuncncctil the practice of law, shottly
after he married a Miss Wilson and
reared a large family. He served, as
Cbali-man of the County Court of l)a-
vie for nearly thirty years Til his
younger day.'* be was one among the
niost energetic and cnte!T)rl8iDg men of
the county. He was a fine busincs>
uinn and devoted his time to the af
fairs and saved much money by his ju
dicious management. No man was tru-
••r to the conviction of right, and car-
no.«tly deviled to whatever-effected the
welfare of the county. Thus another
of the old landmarks have passed away.
Bio - Obituaries -3/24/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, April 7,1882
Israel Clement
—^Isnel Glemem eolord, who was
well l^owD to the citi&ens of this place
died id Winston on Stuiday last. He
^was one of the town Commisaiona of
that place, and the LBAOEa'saya, was
highl; t^pcoted by all classes.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, May 5,1882
Julia Williamson
DIED.—Mrs. Julia Willtamsoo.
daagbter of John and Susan Hasting,
and wife of James A. Williamson, Esq.,
in Mocksvillo Davie county Wednes
day, April 17, 1882, aged about 84
years. Sbo was bom and raised in
this conntvj and was brongbt to this
place and buried in the MeUiodist cem
etery by the side of b^r mother at her
own request. The burial services were
! condoctcd tiy Rev. G. L. Right of die
I Moravian Church. l*all bearers: Prof.
! J. B Ray, Dr« R. J. Sapp, Elder L. R.
I Bondcnbaroer, Julia Hanuond, Thco^
dore Kerncr and L. K. Griffith. She
I leaves a husband and sis little children
i to qioura her loss. It was very sad to
I see the husband and children take the
j last look at wife and .mother and bear
! the children cry out as the pallbearers
started with the corpse, "do n&t tako j
mother from us." Mrb. Williamson was {
an excellent woman. Nature did much'
for her and she did much for herself. |
She was educated at Kerncrsvillc High |
School The qualities of her heart i
and mind were of a high order and she
cultivated them with great dilligcncc.
She was intelligent, cultivated and re
fined and stood in the front rank of her
sex ip thiscoounuhity. Gentle, nindoM
and retiring in her manners. S!ie com
mntided the respect and e.<f«*ciii of nil
who knew her. Her aniabilify found
its way to general favor and i^lie lived
in the confidence and affection of
largo circle of friendti, while tihc re
mained with us and we understand
that ill Moebsville she.was e«|ually
appreciated. She sought no notoriety
and made DO display, but made hei
impression on the society in which she
lived and on the life and character of
her little children who will rise np. and
rail her blessed. They canmu, althougl
youtig. forget her beautiful and serene
life, or fAl to remember her many vir
tues. The duties of life were performcf
with great fidelity and to the profit am
plcmiure of all As wife, mother, friend
her memory is precious. She was
' consistent member of the Baptis
Church and lived in daily communio4
with God.
Her piety was not an accidental
! thing. But wk the rule of 'her life,
• she was faithful to her church and to
^ all her religious obligations. She
was ready to go to a better world, and
^ desired to remain here only to assot
i! her husband in rabing and educating
their ebildren. To a friend she said
only a few days before she left for
MocksvlUe that her only desire was lb
raise her children in good seciety and
give them a good practical education;
and that abe was willing to make any
11 sacrifice to aeeomplish it. She b now
I gone fWun hnshand nnd childrai. but
i fives in heavoi, anband angel of light.
21 She awaits them in the home of the
I happy and will be raidy to. wekome
^ i them to immortal joys. May they ill
meet there.
J. S. R.
Is KsssBBsnLLX Km.
Bio — Obituaries - 5/5/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, May 26,1882
Infant Davis
Mr. Hub l)avi«,ofJcnii»alewawoko ]
I Mondav momiog and found his child ^
(deadin bed with him, ^Vc learu that ,
I the child wa« well on Sunday night i i
j and It Nt up in bed an played before i ;
! the par^to retired. The inother wphc .
1 dtudng the night to uutne it, as it was j i
I her practie to do so once during the,
i the night, but as U waa ijuiet abe did
' ' not diMurb it. WbdB sbe woke in the '
*! morning it was still very quiet and sbe ^
1 , put her band upon it and found it void,
' j abe told Mr. Darte to gel up and make |
? ia ^ the baby was cold. He did so,
J I and oaroe t> and -fotrod that it'
wtm cold in deacb. The cf -the
bead was swollen, and blood waa
ning from it's nose.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, September 22,1882
Ellanor M. Jones
In Ladlov. Kj, 8c^ ^ Sr»
Sksor 21< Jeseaw aged TB jcnnu
Mm. loaa mi % jtngktor ef Rev.
&aii«l Aoftla, VIS l^eetau
in Davie Ca.N«C • mdisnvnd to tHus
in ICttl. 8Im) ma n ntsM dirisito
voatcn in^ died fai pem*
Te her bdcvid dan^btea tbo rcle-
fim btm otad lbc& deqast
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, September 29,1882
Mollie Moss
Ib fhiff oa y
^^lih cjwftftuitiijillnTif Ifiw SEcS*
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1882 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, January 5,1883
Philip Meroney
Died near the place on Friday the,
22d of December, last, after intense j
sufiTerin^ for more than three months,,
3Ir. Philip Jkleroney. The deceased i
was one of the old landmarks of this
place, having moved here about the
time of the formation of the county
for the purpose of peratiing his chos
en vocation, tailoring. He was a
quiet man, a good citizen md po^ess-
ed the esteem of the entire commu-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1883 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, May 4,1883
Richard Ward
Near Farmington on Wedneaday, the 2d.,
Richard, son of Mrs Jane >Vard. Aged 17
Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1883 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, May 17,1883
William Payne
Payne a former citizen
of this place, liied in Danville Va., on
Mrs. Henderson Gatton
A ur an illness of two years, near Conn,
ty Line, on .Monday ni^ht. M Gatton. wife
0- Bond- rsoQ Gatton, Esq. Aged abont 73
Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1883 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, June 8,1883
Lydia Morgan and Squire Boone
We find in the old Joppa grave yard
the names of two .that is older. Lydia
^Morgan died 1742 aged 46- Squire
Boon, father of Daniel, died 1765 aged
^69 years. . .
Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1883 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
■ifc 10 fi tting tli.ifc wp =1 17 * S ■
"'" ''■"tl'y lUcinory for n denarfc KTICHLINO-At th« of hi' r««h»'.
H'o.grcnl .1" -1 a-R."'
larJ- KriCHLINO-Atth«;».iii«or8of hi'r««h»f,\^- t'.o grcnl pcn.Inl.n,, of timrincl
/ etcrnft[ |ifp .i. , . or no lo/ '■ ofM.n t'io'mgua^e '/ ii/ IC- 7 fl 'ioty ,18 tJioso «-e love •■ Mp , A' '
IC- enco lie has entered uuni, „,. i , "') • ito can doobt who Iroew his^encrru? fl 'rt. eracoue o„tnre. that to hi.n th/ro ' ^ '
p o licrpi, ,,, j
" self fo ,rT o/ "',' ^
"f?- ■■" hie In.mhle and I >nt °'o, eet way to maho the world better I
I ^'1 not soon fade away. Solon.' a; 1 " i
7 r '■"Pcct. and arc gnid : ' " i
in « l'cra.ct inanihicss, and teachin.J ^ ^ |■t- ^o-rds a pore citizenship i,. the ? ',d State, ... pn„„„uity. raniilv-: ;' [ !
; 7;'J";''tl-.nn,nory. fresh as th.: I|l3 tlic golden glories of gathering an. o" ! 'jr. ti n.., i
ar. gentle,na... As the rnild Oelober sin.l ?[c8 « »nt.ng Us warm a„d meliowin.'' ' ' Jp, boamsnpontho lovely earth it gcni' I I 0
I I the T[a 7" »"ll-lopa. and easting over thi ; «jo. Icj Its departing rays, lighting ( yfi- 1" '''^7 the turning lea i ,T' it" fir^h ' i'ihut the air ' '''Pt aSJe r rcn.a.ncd fi lled with radl «'■
. b.„es. b.,a bcc,
I ,:.. r o
"•7pied;v: ;\'
'• fc la Mockf.liU, n^vl* CpupI/. North (;«» 88. r°0f I'l AuBOit 10,81 19 Slard - ^ BIjoJ n »niU8 . . ■ ' • ,T! af. I f®, IS MRMoriiAM—nonsaT noirnos eTBRLiso. ^
tcr, U •■lltohfrlllowisonHlcrH.iR.HqmrUdUiiB• ;. 1 lire Bl Ihc aec of tvrcnly-one-ynrs. l«0L- moetl.B'an.T ei);I..rcn .iftrP. Cl.rot.io Uch-[Cil • broiirliilir, lhrdi«fft«r, Icriiiinnling fnlnlly r
tlicfsij I-1."'*'' occasioned ^ great
t\o ' snircriec ror"";i;Bn"7lonK 'ani "t®° ''"o j nnii^^ "■'""V"'- Utnifr his j.rolrBctrii j|
^ Sf • ;i"7 ', S on the iThole.a verv rare •!lid j ''"«"? o'ral.ence- • Forihis he h'od pre- n<i: A I'A""'®" tlTOiigli ll>r processes of Chris- !a_A: j I liAi) culnire. llis religions life began at ^•" ! • the early _«g, of Un years. At s,
®', A ! ''"9 1'9 Uame sensible '«• ■ ' 7 ^I'gAbons of higher ordcrlhna f
'• Li I ''"."'"'"ed •piirposr, he ,ook his5' ' i f "n T.' ' «"■' li'M.ly in tl.ej.. i Of »"c gospel of Cl.ripl. and in very •
' P-.t '. consecration lo the work of a *6-}. ; r eoo<l life, llftYuig takra his purpose he
r .1 ' Ti pT® P "•'' "'e ro.nmnnlonof I• . { Norlh Urohtia, the rcshlc.ce of liis I
1 I i Ami tlin home of his youlll 1• t ;.| i 7® '"""'y of eBrelleul 'I . t chnraclrr. nn.l reputable forllieir gpurr-< ^ 0''""J"M'Alhy for all About then. , Urvns ', A.iiO'ue of imiufltnous work, intellicmce f
'^^ '^hAfever belongs lo'aiiy of the walks ■'• •[• ?77u77' ^n"Al'r of AI.CCCFS; """"'AlBnlmd.nloll.ciror.linarynn.l |
' / I'p'r, '''" 0'^" f'oc li.c '" I ' V'Aclcr he rcflecleJ the eneteriio 're P intelligence and (nie manliness which 'a. J ""0 constant illn.tralionfl of the fame of •^1 1 Insimrenis Such character ho learned ir. to vRiininte highly. Mis friends who '1 know most inlin,al.-ly. knew beet1 bow leuacious he wasofhis (un.i)y honor[ 5"^ ''0," carnh.lly ho adhered lo what he •^ , deemed lo bo riplit.I, i lle madchis homo in Kvansville will,, r ,of <, 1 h.spareaU sjuco his foiirleenlh yvnrol ', , age. under whoso ptolcclioo and fiienij- ,I gro" up into bis niajorilT '
' Z'L ^llliongh po young Id's ,, 'A'"A.-no and hearing in ?dsfrirnd-flh^^^ •
ere .far beyond, the .cx|icc{nliou of hip '1 yenrn.
f to value '] 'gfi'/fi" tfiry were led In esteem the j,I ' "ere leii I') esteem thell graces of cha
d- ArW/- \
racter coming out intothe repplcndent virtues of a beautiful life
of olbera IhaD
o' A""i7 inIbe Uigh School of Ihiacily wit), marked ,! success coalesliug the price of rcholar- !I abip will, the beet of his class, and in
penerotia coiiipctilion bo was excelled by fI none. • ' . -
I r" r'"'®'"'""' the employ of ,I ^-. t^-ootf. grocer, on First Street, hvansville, unlil'fiirkncsR caused hisI e<""R from the city lor the purpose of
recupmlitignnd. nnrilally succcsilul in
I rX',""^i 1 I'"»cnllvI 'Alurued and went into the cmpluv of. Messrs. John I>. I'reslon A Co., whosoconfutcnco he gaire,I and held fi rmly „n-J 111 he was compelled ntain lo de-isl (mm ', service hecmiae of failing health, llis '. muployers greatly regretted lo part with ': I uii, fl ince tl.cy had lenrnrd toreir on his
1 Air-'-t mlegrily Oucoflhe fi rm says: ', Vl^henever llobert was about everything .j wnfl ^ ®
) ,.7"''"ft?"® ""In Abort and vcrv bright ,c lltnr- "J""'". "'c youug msn is 1"'"V, "collcclhiue, as his I^ ow nhorLci.reer was lirilliaul, with the
i lutluea which nro the aJorniiigs of youth
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, August 24,1883
Wilson C. Graves
C. Graves who is well
g to everj one who attend court
^ place, as furnishing most ezcel-
arbecue, died at his home near
^8, on Thursday 16th, Aged
James S. Holman
lames S, Holraan, died at his
hflA Clarkaviire township on Thurs-
the 16th. Aged 50 years,
health at dinner and
b^off oVIook that night he was
Bio - Obituaries - 8/24/1883 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, October 5,1883
Richard Sterling
In Mocksville, October 3d, 1883,
Prof- Richard Sterling, in the 71 year
of his age. Prof. Sterling was widely
known and highly respected through
out this and other Slates as one of the
leading educators of bis day. lie was
at one time president of Edgeworth
Female College, Greensboro, N, 0.
He taught school of high grade in
Tennessee, Indiana and other States,
and was at the time of his death Coun
ty Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion for Davie county. Prof. Sterling
had been in feeble health for a long
time. He waa atriokea with pan>1yBia
abont 4 o'clock Tuesday morning and
died at 11 o'clock A. M., Wednesday.
Thus has passed away one of our best
and most highly esteemed citizens.
Bio - Obituaries -10/5/1883 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, January 16,1884
Nelly Gaither
^11 I ^ I
Mrs. Nelly OalMier, relic of the late
llaxil Oalthcr, died on Saturday cvc-
iilng last, aged alxiut 72 years. She
had been an invalid for three or four
years, and only survived iier husband
throe weeks to a dav.
Bio - Obituaries -1/16/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, January 30,1884
Mrs. Dave Turner and Child
Nath Haneline
If. Nstli HfttieUne, ss Aged cfti-
[OT tbiA cojon^ died At bit borne
Folk Clnirob, on VWednsday
Date Turner, colored, living near
Kappi. tbie county, awoke one morn
ing last week and Toond bis wife and
one of bis children dead in bed with
him. We have been unable to learn the
cause of tbelr deaths.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/30/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, February 13,1884
Children Young
One night last week Preston Vonng ]
and wife, colored, near PnUon. pat;
their two yonngect children to bed, i
locked the doora ted went to a neigh
bor's bnnse %*islting. Next momittg
the bones of those two children could
scarcely be fonnd among the rains.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, November 7,1884
Elizabeth Hudson
Died at tbe resident of Mr. Jdlui
A. Lefler, on Sunday night, Mrs. EHx-
ahcth Hudson; aged 91 ycare 8 months
and 21 days.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, November 28,1884
Phillip Nail
Mr. Phillip Xail died at his bomc |
near this place, on Ratarday last, aged
about 45 years.
Bio - Obituaries -11/28/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, December 19,1884
Rufus Painter
Died near this plaie on Tuesday
erenloj;, at 4 * o'clook, of pneumonia,
Bttfufl fainter, iogcd. U years.
Henry Guffy
Lucindy Queen
hfr. Henry Goffy, one ofourmost
highly respected citiscos, died at bis
home, near Kappa, on Monday, aged
80 years.
The oldest person in this county.
Mrs. Lncindy Qacen, died in the poor
house OD Monday, aged about 110
Peter Jones
A little negro boy reported to the
citizens of this place early Wednes*
day morning that he tind found Peter
Jones, colored, lying dead in the
back of Mr. Kpb Galther*fi garden.
Upon investigation the report was
verified. In a path running through
the garden lay Peter as though he had
fallen asleep with his bands folded
across bis breast and as staigbt as if
carefully laid out. Beside him lay a
bag of com, in the ear. and some ten
feet above him sat another bag of
com against a tree.
^ It ia evident he had been on a corn
expedition to Mr. Gaither*a crib and
overloaded himself, necessitating two
trips, and was stricken.down as he
quietly moved homeward, having Just
passed his first turn. No sign of
struggle or foulplay could be found
and as he was known to be afiHicted
witli heart disease, it is supposed the
fatal attack was received as above
stated. No inquest was held over
him as the necessary affidavit was
not made. The body was removed
to a bouse where it was examined,
but no trace of violence could be
Bio — Obituaries - 12/19/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, December 26,1884
Bazil Gaither
Mr. Ilazil (jnitlxT, nno of our oldest i
and br*t know fumieris, who we report
ed a pliorl tini»' ago us being very Mifk,
diod la.st Sunday evening. Aged about
7(5 years.
Bio - Obituaries -12/26/1884 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Dentil lias it^aili vifiUdl our tdwii
niel r".s!i'il u|)oii llie lii'ow iirutiriuos^.
Iii^lily cKieeiiHMl yiHiiig litilies, Mise/
Mary Iv MetJiiire, llie unly'ilnti^lilorj.-
or Dr. .luiiifs Me.Ciiirt!. She liiul bccif/-
III ]>oiir liiuillli for Koiiic Uinu n:ul licij
tieulli wuH mil uiiejciiuclcd bul tvns i|
severe slioek to licr many frlcn(li(
wlioiii she liail emieaml liLTSvlf to by
that iiiohI beniiLiriil I rait in wuiiuui—,
Hcnile (li^uilietl meekness, (^niet am)
reserved hi bcr iimnncrs, yel lovinj^
am) l>im). her iminedintc circle iil'
Iriemis am) .school imUo.s Ireasiired
Die. {^ems that ernwnet) licr nature,
in tier suireriii;' tlic eoiiiiuunily was
.syiiitiallielie am) in ileatli al) liearls'
an* loue.hed with sorrow, am) full of'
eum)oietice. for a sLielteu falllCr ail().
. lirotlier whose existence bcciuci) to bc^.
i eiMilerei) In the only llowcr llmt blouin*',
jcd in their household.'' .
•• t.
Bio - Obituaries -1885 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, April 10,1885
Lydia Jane Booe
Mrs Lydia Jane Hooo, wife of W.
K. llooe, died at her reidcnce near
this place, Monday inorning. Aged
40 yearn.
We regret to have to chronicle the'
death of Mrs. W. T. Carter, which oc*
cured in this city* on Thursday March'
26th. The deceased leaves a devoted
husband to whom wc extend our
heart-felt s^'mpathies.
Mattie Knott
Mattie Knott, a little girl, in Salem.
wlio was recently severely burned,
by her clothing catching on fire, died
from the effects lost week.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, May 1,1885
John W. Hunter
R. S. Gaines
Mr. R. S. Gaines, formerly a citi
zen of this place, died very suddenly
la Stateaville, Sunday rooming of
beart disease.
Mr John W. Hunter, died at
borne near Cana. on Monday inorn-
USi about 50 years, lie wi^ se
verely wounded during the war, which
left hitn a cripple, besides, he was a
great enfferer ffrom rheubiatism.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, June 12, 1885
Austin Parker
In flemoriikm.
There were many tears ''
and sympathy shed, whenl^^B^
lips told that Austin Parker^^l^P^
He was endeared to a laree
frienda, who loved him
knew him better.
Austin Parker was a true
was honest, and conscientio^B^^
possessed a power of selfgove^B,, ,
that commanded respect and
tion. Ho was a man of alzao^B^^
domitable wi'l, which combirteJ^B^i
discretion, good judgment, an^^K^'
a! cUaroctcristiaa, gave
mo8t successful man and uaefnMfj | Saviour, and na^fa.^ ™ "
zen. There was in his nature a'dH^ r«iHy. The flush ofoffeeUng whioh allowed bot-feS«i int^ the ^wn oTw
m!? He left t«a„ assurance of his trust injMa. ... £•
Bio ~ Obituaries - 6/12/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, August 7,1885
Bertha Round
Infant Daughter Green
An infont daughter of Mr. J. J*
Green, of Smith Grove, died on Mon
day morning; aged 10 months.
Little Bertha, infant daughter ofG. F. Md UulM Painter Uoundj
•Wed on Monday last at Rockfotd
a^connty. Her remain, ««in!
t«ed at Uberty on Tneaday last!
•neChorchyardlurtbandaddedstonelAnd Heaven an angel more: i
Bio - Obituaries - 8/7/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE TIMES, Friday, September 4,1885
Sarah E. Deadman
MUs sarab E.. danghtei of HaHey
sno hlizabeth Deadman of this coon-
on Monday the«thnlto;agedl!5 years. She had
boon Biek for a year or more, and
^ttoHlekory with hopes of restoring
Wtoalth.botshedldnot JiTO bnt^ day, after leaving home. Many
Mendswgret her unUmely death.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/4/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, November 6,1885
Thomas Gray
Mr. Tbomaii Gray, an ased ci.izen
of JerupaleiD lownslii;», died at his
home ^iunday evening.
Davidson Home
Mr. DavUlsim Home died at bis
liome, near County Line, Monday
night of congestive chill; age about
60 years.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/6/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Friday, November 27,1885
Alex Shoaf
Mr. Alex.Shoaf, who^eniarriagcirad
annoonced iu the fFuft'hmun of the 5th
lost and which occurred on the 29th o
October, died last week.\
Bio - Obituaries - 11/27/1885 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY