Jul - DecCAROLINA WATCHMAN, Tuesday, July 6,1909 Claude Livingood Drowned in the Yadkin Riier. Spencer, June 28 —Gland" Liv iugood, aged 80 yeare, of Jeriisa* j lem, Davie coanty, was drowned ! in the Yadkin river, near that place Sunday at uoop while in bathing with a party young frieude. Hn was ewimmitig in 15 'eet of water some dietauce from the hank, when he was noticed to throw tip hie hands and sink His friends made every effort to save him, hut were poworloes, ai d bis body did nvt reappear nutil it wp.B mcnyered frvm the bottom of the river several hours after the tragedy. The cau^eof the drowning is un known, hut it is preeumed M'*. Livingood was seized with a cramp and iost his power of locomc'tion. —Special to the Charlotte Observ er. Bio - Obituaries -7/6/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, July 13,1909 LD. O'Kelley Kate Heilard Kate Hellord, eolored died in this dty Tuesday of nunlnfiiUs. Archibald and George Potts A threshing: machine boiler ex ploded near Advance on the G. A. Allison place, last Monday morning, killing Mr. Archibald Totts instant ly, and inflicting mortal wounds on his son. George Potts, who died Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Potts was about 45 years of age, and his son was about 21. The Record ectends sympathy to the ber^ved ones, in ^is, their sad hour of bereavement. Policemaos Fata] Mistake. Salisbury, July 4.—Mistaking a carbolic acid bottle for one con- tainiug whiskey L. D. O'Kelley, a policemau, drank of the contents of tbe former early Jbia morniog and died,In greatagouy. CKelley arose from his bed about 6 o'clock and complaincd^of feeling nr.well. He rtmarked that be believed that a little whiskey might do him some good, and went searching for tbe stimulant among several bottles up on tbe pantry sbelf. He accident ally tocdc the wroG^ bottle. Mrs. C. C. Sanford A Good Woman Gone. Id the death of Mrs. 0. 0. San ford, which occurred at her homt; in this city last Monday morning, July 5th, Moeksville loses one of her best women, tbe chnrch one of its most faithful memboi'S, the hus band a kind aud loving wife, aud the children tbe best of mothers. Mrs. Sauford bad been ill only a short time, and her death, while uot unexpected, cansed a deep gloom to settle over tbe entire town. Mrs. Sanford was a couais- tent member of the Presbyterian church, an earnest aud faithful worker in the viueyard of the Lord, and her friends were nnro bered by the score. She leaves a bnsbaod, six sons and two daugh- lets to mourn her loss. Tbe bods are Messrs. Will, Frank, Bufus, £Mward, Hugh and John, the two fiist uamed liviug in Chattanooga, Messrs. Hugh and John being li'av eliug men, aud M^rs. Bufus aud Edward living in this city with their parents. The two daughters are Mrs. Robert Faucette, of Dur- bam, aud Mi^Hary Sanford, of this city. Mrs. Sanford was alKtnt 66 years of age. Tbe fnceral ser vices were conducted Tuesday af* ternooQ by her pastor, Bev. E. P. Bradley, after which tbe remains were gently laid to rest in Joppa cemetery to await that glad moru wfacu the dead in Christ shall rise and see Him face to faee, and take up their abode on high, where there is no more sorrow, no more tears, and no more partings. Mrs. Sauford will be missed from the home, from tbe cbuicb, and by her friends who are left behind, but she leaves a lasting InflaeDce which will Lever die, bat live on and on through the ages to come. Much more conid be said concerning this good mother in Israel who has been called to her eternal home beyond this vale of tears, bat what greater tribute could be paid her than to say that she was a Chris tian. All other thingtt fade into nothingness when the death angel visits the home and plucks the choicest flower, aud tbe spirit takes its fli'^'bt. She is not dead, but sloepeth. The great Book of Books says chat ^'Blessed are they which die in tbe Lord." To the aged and bereaved husband, and to the sons aud daoghtera who have lost their mother—tbe dearest and best friend on earth—The Record ex- teuds deepest sympathy and points them to the great Comforter who has promised to be a Father to the orphan, and who has also prom ised to be comfort the sorrowing, to Him who doetb all things well. Bio - Obituaries -7/13/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Tuesday, July 13,1909 Mrs. C. C. Cranford Mrs 0. 0. Cranford, one olMooka ville'a most estimateable womeD| died at her home here Monday mornitig about 4 o'clock of kidney troal)le, after an illifess of about two weekF. She had been in a critical coudition since Tharsday of last week and but little hope for her recovery was entertained from that time. HocksvUIe Courier, July 8tb. A. A. Potts TRA6E0Y IN DAYIE. Faraer Killed Ostrlgtit lod See Uo lailf Woonded b| aa Eiplsslon. A. A. Potte, aged 45, wae killed and his s ^u, George Potts, aged about 21« was mortally woonded by the explosion of a boiler of an engine while operating a thresh ing machine on the Q. A. Allieon place, one-half mile fiom Advance, Davie Gouoty, at 8:80 o'clock this mcrniog. A telephone message to the Sentinel from Advance says the explosion was heard for several miles. 1 A. A. Potts was struck by pieces / of the boiler and knccked several feet< He was badly bruised and was doad when picked up. The SOD was fearfully scalded and bruised and the attending physician says there is practically no hope for bis recovery. The threshing machine outfit is owned by ex-sheriff W. A, Bailey, who resid<fs near Advance. He had Mr. Potts and his son em- ployeA to aid in operating the ma chine. Allowing water to get too low in the boiler is given as the cause of the explosion. A. A. Potts is survived by a widow and several chilriren. He was and industrious farmer, one wbi was held in the highest es teem by all who knew him. A gentleman who came from Advance this morning reoorts that the dome of the boiier was blown about two hundred yards; also that the top part of the skull of A. A Potts was .blown off, A piece of his shirt sleeve was blown away with the dome. The sou was uucjuicious and all eff«.irtB to revive him were unavailing.— Winston Sentinel 5lb. Bio - Obituaries -7/13/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA LEXINGTON DISPATCH, August 23 1909 Jas. McGuire '"Tho-Uoallr.of. Dr; Job.. wblch-oocurrecl last 8:a6'WBB 'no aurprlso, os.uo nnil.Jo^gradaBUylj growing wotbi} 'or.fftvera^ . .11 oaviUoi at-*m. ?^|$lfl8}f'blcQulra; Bio - Obituaries - 8/23/1909 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, September 14,1909 Jane Richardson Mrs. Jane Riehardson died la«t- Mouday and was buried at I?ew XJnioD on Tuesday. ' Margaret Niblock 1 ijittle Margaret, daogbter of Mr. Jand Mrs. G. l^ibloek, died at the I iiome of her grand-parents, Mr. • and Mia. Lippard, near Woodleaf, j lost Thursday luorniog. She had ^eed sic^ Oat a with l^^let'fever. Liitih^Ms^^ret on^ I jy lived ib this world 'l^ofc ai^oot I two years, and it is sad to give her np, bat the loxd knows best. We extend oar heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Mrs. Hill A Mrs. Hill, of near this place, died Friday eveuing. Ralph Lefler On last Saturday evening Ralph Lefler, the flfteea-year-old -^^n of 'Mr. Daniel A. Leder, of Staoly couuty, was killed by the acciden tal discharge of bis gua. He was banting, and set his gon down a- gainst a bush to climb a vine to get some mnscadines. When he came down he picked up bis gun by the mpzzle. The lock stmck something, and the gun went off. Mrs. Frank Coon Bto. Frank Goon, of HoUnan'a, Wered a stroke of paralysis a week or more ago, death resulting Tues day. The burial services were held at Joppa Thursday." A good woman has been taken from among us. Mrs. William Crow Mrs. William Crow, of Monroe, died Tuesday night. She was the mother of B. W. Grow, who married Miss Hanes, of this dty. _ Bio — Obituaries — 9/14/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, October 12,1909 Addle Nail Charlie Hill (Jharlie Hill, colored, who lived near the overhead bridge in South Mocksvillei died Tuesdaj. He leaves a tamily. Misr. Addie of Winston, died of typhoid fever, and was bnrled at Advance 000 day last veek. Bio — Obituaries -10/12/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, October 19,1909 Mrs. Harvey Blackwelder Betsy Easter I • I Mra. Betay was found I dead in bed Oct. lOtb, by her bna- ibaud. the couple lived by themselves aud had no ehlldreo. Co last Tuesday uigbt at eleven o'clock, the death angle visited the home of lifr. Harvey Blaekweldev, and took .from their midst the love* ing wife and mother. She had been in bad health for sevnU years, bnt for the past fanr weeks she had been worse than usual. She was a good wife tiud mother, she leaves a bnsband and two sonsaof^ two daughter to motirii their loss, her remains were taken to Mt Ullu Wednesday for bnria). Synipthy is extended to tbe liereavcd, and may they all meet her in Ucaveu where tliere will be no more good byes. Mrs. Henry Llppard Mrs. V. B. Moore and Mis Lucyj Moore went to Woodleaf Friday lo attend the fnneral of their cgusin, Mi^. Henry Lippard, of Woodle^, who died Tliu^ay and was buried I Friday at Unity church.—Statesville j Landmark, 12th, j Bio - Obituaries -10/19/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, October 26,1909 Hamp Sells j Last week Hamp Sells was shot! I and killed at Boss's camp on ' the. ^utbbuaud by another negro near I Hriugles fery. ! Mrs. Sain ^ A Mrs. Sain, who was atrnck with paralysis last Tnesday, died Friday evening and her remains were carried to Pino for bnrial 19atorday. Infant Williams An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. | Eustioe 'Williams died last Thnrs-' day night and was baried Friday. Ann Clouse Son Finch Mr. Thomas Finchs' son fell off the WinstOTi train near Greensboro Saturday and was killed. He was a fine hoy. Ellen Lippard HibS FJIen Lippard died of pella- ' gra. in Hickory, Orfc. 16th, The deceased was 60 years eld and ctinie to Hickory two years ago from ( Mrs. Ann Clouse, of Smith Grove, died Friday, mrd was buried Satur* day. Mrs. Glouse was 70 years old, a conristent member of the Metho- disd. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. Loftin, of Farming- ton. She leaves three children, one son and two daughters. A good woman has'been takra to her re- -ward. The Record e^ctends sym- ^^athy to the bereaved onej. Bio — Obituaries - 10/26/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, November 16,1909 Noah Danner Wc are sorry to note the of Mr. i Noah Doiiuer, which occimed 'Monday, | Oct. Slsc. Infant Dyson The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pink Dyson died last week and was buried al New Union. Mrs. Thos. Wright ^' hbs. Ilios. Wright died last Wednesday and v/as buried ot New Union Tliursday. E. W. Crews E. W. Crews died near Advance Nov. 8th. and was buried at Advance tlie dUi. W. A. Meroney Mary Summers Mrs. Mary Sonuneis. an aged lady ol near Oak Grove, died eady Friday morn ing, and was buried at Oak Grove Satur day morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Summers leaves many friends and relatives to . mourn her loss. j Mr. W. A Meroney. who left Winston 'Oct. 18th for San Francisco to spend die winter with his daughter, Mrs. Stoddard. died last Thursday, four days after reach ing San Francisco. He was 84 years old but was in good health when he started on the trip. lir. Menm^was a native of Yadkin county, was long time a resi dent of Davie and once riieriif of that county. He was for several sl^ears a mer chant and hotel keeper at Orangeburg, S. 0.. and for the last 20 years had lived in Winston.—StatesviUe Landmark. Mattie Eaton W. T. Woodruff On Saturday, Nov. 13th, Mr. W. T. Woodruff, who had been ill for about two raontlis as a result of a stroke of paralysis, was called to his reward. The funeral and burial ser vices took place Sunday afternoon, and the body was laid to rest in Rose cemetery with Masonic honors. Mr. Woodruff was a member of the Pres byterian church. A good ro^ has been called from earth unto life ev erlasting. On Sunday, Nov. 14th, tlie news of the death of Miss Mattie Eaton, which occurred at 4 o'clock, p. m.,' brought sadness to every home in Mocksville and throughout the whole countv. No better woman has ever lived in Mocksville than Miss Eaton, ttTid her friends were only limited by her acquaintances, for to know her was to love her. She had been suf fering for many months with cancer, having underwent two operations recenSy, but to no avil. In her death, this city and county loses one of Hieir best women, one who will be missed as the years go by. The funeral and burial services took place Monday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing finends and relatives. The body was laid to rest in Clement Cemetery. Miss Eaton was a consistent member of the Methodist church. A good woman has indeed been called to her reward. Bio - Obituaries - 11/16/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, November 16,1909 Mrs. E. Frosty of Da^e. /The Salisdury Post of Wednesday ^ys: Mrs. E. Front, of Cana, Davie 'I ingatl:45o'clod(a&d the remains were taken to Cana this momin^r on tfaewejtbound train. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at2 o'clock.* Mrs. Frost came to Salisbury in curably ill for treatment and has been at the point of death for a week. She was a most n estiinable woman. Deni^ children of her own, took under her care at various thnes dur ing her life six orphans and brought them ^ maturity with all the consid eration that love for the parentless could inspire. A large number of family connec tions, among them Mr. E. Walter Tattum, a nephew, of this city, sur vive. Bio - Obituaries -11/16/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA