Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, January 12,1909 Eva Chamberlain Eva, tbe 4*year old daughter of Sir. aud Mrs. Lee CbamberlaiD, nrho' live six miltt from Salisbury, was so badly burned Jan. 2, that death result^ the same day. Her drexs caught from an open fire place. Sam Massey Sam'BIassey, colored, convicted in Sidisbury about two months ago of criminally assanlttng Lucy Hau- tier, colored, of Statesville, auo whose death sentence was commn* ted to life imprlsooment - by the Governor, died in the State prison iecentlyt He bad b^n there less than a month, Sir. P. B. Summers Dead, _ Mr. P. B. hammers, a well- known citizen of Gool Spring town ship, died Jan. 4tb, at bis home near Fifth Greek-chnrch. He bad been III a long time and his con dition was critical for some days. Fttoeral services and iutermeut took place at Bethany church last Wcilneaday. Mr. Summers was 59 years old last August. , He* is survived by bis wife and one sou, Mr. William Summers, who lives at home. One brother. Mr. N. 0. Somoiers, of Cool Spring township, and two'sisters, Mrs. J. S.' Foeter, of Statesville, and Mfss Cilia Sum mers. of Mqrganton, also survive. —Statesville Landmark. J.H.Thore J. IL'Thore, of Charlotte, was found dead in his room ford hotel Dec. 29th, death result- iog from a hmnmorrhage of the lungs. Mr. There was 72 years old. and was a 2^ Mason, fle was a native of this city, but left many years ago. F. P. RattZ Died, in this dfy Dec. 29th. after a lingering illness, caused by a stroke of paralysis more than a year ago. Mr. F. P. Rattz,.aged about 53 years; Theremmns were inteired at Fork Church cmnetery Dec. 30. in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends. Mr.. Rattz leaves four daughters and one son, besides abost of relatives and friends to mourn bis loss. Mr. Rattz was a good man, and numbered his friends by the score and his death brought sorrow to many hearts. The Record extmids to his dear ones its heart- felc sympathy in this sad Kour and points them to Him who has prom- ise<l to be a lather to the fatherless, He who doeth all things well. Charles Whitaker Charles Whitaker. who lived two miles north of this city, died Satur day inomingi and was buried Sun day at Oak Grove. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his departure. • Bio - Obituaries - 1/12/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 1^0 36Um PvLLtM PhtLfS r"j5S?T)ffi4lA2iL° i. 'f'''''''' ,""1 k- bon^Npy^jv'!lE.y8®.;'?*"."ft • =• IW* jesus Jjuiuary 15Ui, 1909..., i. .:«v,. ™ir? tri - MiBS Emmamarried 16 • MiBS Emma Bpattchaimp- raepttmber IV IMS, ^ to them was 6om one child who wita ' his moth.er survive him. _ _ j He" was converted during the .year IMS-W joined Methodist churphiridTaice. transferring his memb^-U'. Mtokwhea tha church, was, 01 !jan»ic?a there...n l ip -aaa a apluhdld young m^. and nha88Uining,.aiid those w a,- n nioi, heat could most appreciate hls^ • :H??e^e8'lather, .mother, ttro hrotlj, era* and sbt sisters. . • •••••■■Wfeiteiid to the eseneSt 'sympathy and. ..pray;hle88!n^ ,."P08 the^ ^1 y\^ A-yj ^o— o vjj sT > 7 7 i ,■»^ (Vi 0iv» County Publio l^lfar^ Moct^svillo, NO 0=7 DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, January 19,1909 Mary Josey Rowan Woman Commits Snidde. Salisbury Special to Observer, 11th. Miss Maiy Josey, aged 65 years. 1 was drown^ in a creek a half mile \ from the home of her brother, Mr. Milas Josey, with whom she lived, at 1 Faith, this morning about 8 o'clock. i Miss Josey bad been complaining of being unwell for the past several days, but tm special attention was paid to her complaints. Fbis mom- infiT she arose at the usual hour and some time between 7 and 8 o'clock left the house. After a reasonable time had elapsed and Miss Josey failed to return, her brother and a neighbor, W. C. Parka, instituted a search for her with the result that her lifeless body was found lying in the edge of the credc a half mile from the house. Miss Josey was suhd^t to nervous spcljg and the opinilm in the ndgh- borhood and-of her relatives is that her mind. became unbalanced and she threw herself into the water. BIr* T. m Robeits^Dead. Mr. T. M. BoberfB, of near Nes tor, this conoty, died Wedneiiday afternoon, after a brief illness from pneumonia. Mr. Bobefta was a- bout 20 years of age, and leaves a mother, two brothers and two sis ters Itesides a host of rdativea and friends to moom bis death. He was a good man, a member of the Methodist church, and his death has cast a shadow of gloom over the commnnity in which he lived. His 1 euiaiuB were laid to rest Thnrs- at Pino. The Record extends sym pathy to the'bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, February 2,1909 Spencer Roan ' spencer Roan, an aged colored man was found dead in his bed last Tnes-^ day. He had been sick for several months. Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, February 9,1909 I Miss GiBespie Buroea to Death. StatesvilUe Latndmank. Miss Martha Gillespie, an aged lady who lived with bar nephew and niece,- Mr. and Mrs. Ftanlc Meoois, at their home on the MockeviJle road, thiee miles east of town, was so badly homed SaU. urday about 12 o'clock that she died the sameeveolog at 7 o'clock. Her bnrns were so" severe that death was expected at any moment after the time of the distre^iug oc* oorrence. Hersofferiog .was in tense and death caiue as a swcel relief. While Miss Gil-'espie was' stauCI- ing before ao opeo fire place' her dress caught dre. hfot. Koowing that her garments were buroiug she walked into the yard. When aboat 50 yards from the house a strong blast of wind fiioned the fire into a fierce blaze, and Miss Gil lespie then realized her condition 'With a lond scream of distress she attracted the atteufdon of Mr, Men n ol8, who had jnst returned A'oin towr. and was onbitchiDg his team, and the other membeisoi thefiun ily who were in the house. Fan ned by the strong wind the flames had enveloped the whole body of the woman before Mr. Meunis reached her, bat he made desperate efforts to tear the baruing clothing from her body, his bands being badly burned. The efforts of tmth the peilshiug woman and her res cuer were in vain, however, and by the time Mrs. Mennis and others reached the otffortnnate, Miss Gil lespie bad fallen to the ground, practically all of her clothing and her hair having been burned off. Infant Freeze Found Baby Dead in Bed. An infant cbiUl of Mr. and Mrs. Q. M. Freeze, of the Amity section, dictl very suddeuly yesterday morning. Mr. end Mrs. Freeze left their bed early in order ibal Mr. Fi-eeze might get an eurly start on a trip to Rowan county, the baby being left in the bed appai*^ eutly in its usual health. Shortly afler Mr. Fi^eze had left for Row an Mrs. ^eeze retnroed to the bed for the child and was horrified to find It dead. The child had .uut suffucaied and the eause of its sud df.'U death in nukiiown. The oomner and ootinty pbyai cian were snmmoned but they was no leason to hold an inquest and none was held.—Landmark. Mrs. P. H. Willson Mrs. P. H. Wlllson, of Jemsalem, died Tuesday, after only a few illness iVom pneumonia. Mrs. Will- • son wmi a good woman, a condstant . member of the Baptist church. The I funeral was conducted by her paa- jtor. Re/. J, A/Westdn. and the re- I mains were laid to rest in J^^ein 'graveyiird. Three sons.and three daughters are left to mourn "their loss. Ibe Record extends sympathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries — 2/9/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, February 16,1909 Herry Sharpe The dead body of Mr. Herry Sharpe was found in the woods near his home in Iredell county Thursday. It is thought he committed suicide. Henry Thomas Henry Thomas, of Olin township, Iredell county, died Feb. 5th, aged 75 years. J. L. McClamroch J. L. McClamroch, of Greensboro, died Wednesday, aged 69 years. He leaves a wife, five sons and five daughtei's. Mr. McClamroch form erly lived in thiscity, and is a broth er of L. M. McClamroch, of Route 2. Funeral and burial services took place at Greensboro Thursday Thomas Johnson Thomas Johnson, the 9-year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Johnson, of Stony Point, died Feb. 7th, of pneumonia. Marvin Boger Marvin Boger, son of Wiley Boger, who lives on Route 2, four miles north-west of MocksviUe, died Feb. 8th, of pneumonia, and was buried the 9th, at Union Ghapel. Rev. J. F. Kirk conducting thefuneral services. Everett Poplin Everett, the 14-year-old son of J. M. Poplin, who lives near Bethel church, died suddenly Wednes^y afternoon. He had beoi playing ball and sat down to rest, aiiid died in a few moments. The body was interred at Bethel Thursday after noon. The grief-stricken parents | have the sympathy of the entire communify. In this, the hour of their sad bereavem^t. Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, March 16,1909 Frank McConnell Mr. Frank McConnell. acred 22, died of pneumonia at Gooleemee, Thursday. His remmns were taken to Mooresville for burial. A. Horn Mr. A. Horn, of East Bend, died Mm'chO. He was proprietor of the hotel at that place. Sam Martin Mr. Sam Martin, of Yadkin coun* I ty, was stricken with paralysis and! died Tuesday. Lee Martin Mr. Lee Martin, of HamptonvtUe, j died We^esday and was buried at; Flat Rock church Thm-sday with Ma-, sonic hcnors. i Shirley Lakey Miss :3hirley Lakeyt daughter of: Ex-Sheiiff Lakey, of Yadkin, died | last Mo iday. James Canady Jamei Canady, of near Clevoland, died last Thursday from the effects |of apopt^, aged 60 yeai-s. Hi'ton Helper a S^^e. Washington, March Q,^Hintou ;Rowau iJeliier, a nati^^.'df Davie county, North C^j»Hna, former United Stajes consul general at Bneuos .committed suicide here las ; nigh^E>> He was 80 years old, a roterau of Ihc civil war, and the anther of "The Impending Crisis," a book claimed to have Iweu one of the elements In bring ing on that coDliiet. ' ^ The tragic act was committed in a room at 628 Pennsylvania avenue, northwest, by tying a towel abont bis neck and turning od the gas. The body was discovered abont 10 o'clock this morning lying across the cot, partially dressed, and the Bmergeticy Hospital ambulance was sunimoned. Dr. Sparks, of ibe hosf.ital, pronounced life ex- 11 net. J jaier the coroner examined ihe bod}' and gave a certificate of uulcide l>y asphyxiation. The body was rem Dved to the morgue. jEIelx>€r was last seen alivo late yesterday afternoon. He appear ed despondent, declaring "There isnojnsticin this world," and that he "Wna tired of living, any way." Nothing more was seen of bim nutil the body was found. A nep-bew of the suicide, Daniel Ott Hel;ier, and a niece, Mrs. E. j W. Mooring, live near Mccksville, N. C., the Bite of the old Helper estate. Bio - Obituaries - 3/16/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, March 30,1909 Sallie Hartley irtis. SiilHi? Hartioj died March 39tb, at her Ijoiue uear Yadkiii College. She was the widow of the late T, W. Hartley, who own ed a purist niill on the Yadkiu riv er. and run it up to the time of his death a few yeivrs 8be leaves three tioiis, T. W., of Wiostou and Waller ami J. „ of Yadkin Col lege, and five danghters, Mra. J. F, ByerJy, Mi-s. Flora Dale, Misses jtifdna and Lcuhie, of Yadklo Col lie, uod Mrs. Moggie Satferwbite, of Henderson. She was thegrauil* mother of Mr. T. J. Byerly, Cash- ier of the Bank of DaTie. Albert Picket Mr. AHiert Wet died Mardi: 21st. Hewas ons of the oM; jiicBinllic coBBty, Mra, Peggy Thomas Woosley Mr. TUuium Woosley, diid the 2l9l, aged 77 years. Elizabeth Sherrill M. M. Smith Martha White Mrs. Elizabeth Sherrill, of States- vllle/died March 19th. aged 56 years, after suffering more than thi'ee years j with rheumatism. Mr. M. M. Smith, a pron)in^t> farmer of near MooresvUle, cUed;j j Mondasrand was burled Tuesday af- I noon with Masonic honors. Mrs. Martha White, of Sharps-' burg townsliip, Iredell county, died Mar. 19th, of pneumonia, aged 75, years. t Mrs. Wash Hartley Mrs. Wash Hartley, of Yadkin College, died March 17th, .after be ing in feeble health for some time. A. A. Campbell A. A. Campbell, formerly of Row an, but later a mmnber of the N. B. - Forrest camp jf Veterans at Chat-; tanooga, di^ at that place March 17th, agra about 60 years. Sarah Patterson Miss Sarah Patterson, aged 60, died Wednesday at the home of 6 • i B. White, in Sharpsburg township, j Iredell county. , Frank Linville Frank Linville. of Yadkin county, n died last week, about 76, and j was buried at Gold Hill Tuesday.- He was the father of our townsman. < J. A. Linville. Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, April 13,1909 John F. Ward Child Davis Will Davis, of Advance, loafc a! child Mar. 27th, with dropsy. Mr. John P. Ward, a wealthy and nseiul citUea of Lexington, dieii Satorday night, the result of an attack of acute indigestion. Re Was 47 years old and is survived by his wUo and three children. Addison A. Rimmer Mr. Addison A. Bhnmer, an aged citizen of West Iredell, died April ^ End, aftOT a protracted illness. i Isabella Malone Mrs. Isabella Malone. wife of Mr. A. J. Malone. died at her home at Stony Point April Ist; aged 54 years. Margaret McLain Miss Margaret McLain, aged 75 years, died Wednesday ar her home atMooresville. Wllburn Fish Mr. Wilbnm Fish, of Iredell coun | fy, died April 2. aged ^ years. He j lyi^een seriously ill for some time, j James Bowles / Died, at his home on Route 5, yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mr. James Bowls, an aged and hifid^ly respected dtizen, after a long ill ness. His remmns will be interred at Centre today. Bio - Obituaries —4/13/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, May 11,1909 Anne Wafford A Good Woman Gone. Od Thursday eve, April 29cbf at fi ve o'clock, the dCcith angel claftii- ed Miss Auue Wafford, aged 18 years. She had been .sick more than a year with consumption, but was patient during all her suffer* ing. To mourn her loss, she leaves a mother, one sister, four brothers and many friends. Sad for one so young to be taken away, but our blessed Saviour knows best, and we must humbly submit to his will. May our lives be such here that we may meet with Annie in heaven, where there Is no parting. May Borrowiug ones look through their tears to the Lord, who doeth all things well. Auuie was a mem ber of the Oooleemee Baptist church, and was a good ebiistian girl, loved by all who knew her. She was buried at Liberty eburcb April 30tb, at four o'clock, funeral services being conducted by her pastor. Bev. E. L. Weston. She was buried by the Daughters of Liberty, of which she was a mem* ber, and will be sadly missed in oar Gonucil. The pall-bearers were: J. F. Grimes, A. £. Sain, J. F. Thomson, J. B. Page, Claud Tiller and Wesley Wellman. We ex tend to the bereaved family onr heartfelt sympathy in this sad hour. A place is vacant in that home that cannot be filled. May they, through faith in Jesns, and the life be has given, try to meet dear Annie up yonder, and make the home complete in heaven. Sleep on. dear Annie, and take thy rest, We loved thee well, but God loved thee best One Who Loved Her. J. E. Godby Tbe comunity whs shocked ovei the death of Mr. J. £. Godby, which occurred last Monday uight. We extend sympathy to the leiear* ed ones. John E. Godbey Julia Stone j Mrs. Julia Stone, of Iredell coiiu- ty, dietl May 2ud, after a liuger- iug illuess of several months. I John E. Godbey, of Galahaln, ' (lied May 4, of erysipelas, and was buried the same day at Centre. 3e leaves a wifa and several child ren. A good man is gone. Margaret Boyd Miss Margaret Boyd, of Concord township, Iredell oonnty, died Ia5it Monday, after several months saf* ferlng from cancer. Robert Hartness Mr. Bohert Hartness died at his home five miles north of States* ville Wedneartay. He was a broth er of J. A. Hartness, Clerk of the Court, of Stateavilie. Bio - Obituaries -5/11/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, May 18,1909 Walter Hoover Mr. WaUor Uoovcrj oX' iXtirriu | gci? tov'Q&hip, Ireclell coutdy, died < y uAei- a ilioess, aged: riUy<:aiR. j G. W. Hendrix G. v. He'ulrix^ of thiscUy, who had Ixen iinfTei-iiig frora heart dis- eai^e fo aevenil nioutba, diedThnrs- day. at d wua buried l^riday at Suiltii 3rove. He Jcaves « v/Ife urd erol ubilJrcu. Anderson Craven I Mr. kuacreco Craven, of near' ; Clemui ins, an invalid for years,. died Miy 9th, an^ wtis brought to this coi.uty and buried at Bethle hem chaioli. Sallie Hoots Mrs. Stilli^ Joot':, of Coni'tney,' aged oi: years, died in the Morgan- tonHwpit:l Saturday, and wa8_ brought home /or bniial Sunday. Bio - Obituaries -5/18/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, May 25,1909 Mrs. Sam Becker I-lra. yjiiiJ Becker, of Mill Hownn died May 15, just a reek :iltor the dealh of bcr hns- '»and. Three childreu enrvive. J. W. Mise Mr. J. W, Mise, of Biver Hill, Iredell cntiiiiy, died May Utli, ut- ' cr nn illness of three weeks. Charlotte Darr Mis. <;jiarloite l>.trr, wife of Mr. \. 1j. Dut, died May 1.5lh, niter a •011^ nil ess, at her home tiiree mi led w .et of Trontiiiau. James Scott Mr. .1 imcs Seolt, of SUdcsville, •ij-Gtl ro, aad a CouAuc:ate soldier, dl&«l May Kiih, :;t the ihlliiigslcy lia^intal altCi- a month's iliiiess. H. H. Rogers H. II. Ilo^sK, the Binntliird Oil M.fapilalii-t, died at bis homo in Sfiw Yoj-fc, Wednesday. Infant Son Cuthrell The 2-ye.Hr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Oatlirdl died May jPtb, and was buried at Itilierty !\bnroh the 10th. Infant Foster The it faiit of Mr. ai'.d Mrs. Mhx Euelcr, of near Tennyson, died May 18tb, aud was buried at Je rusalcm the 10 ih. Percy Brock Miss Percy Brook, of W!llinin8,'l Yadkin eonnty, died May lOtli, iged 10 years. • Mrs. J.Z. Gwaltney Mrs. J. Z. Gwallney. ofShariies* Imrg township, Iredell county, died May 18th, of pncumoma. Charles B. Galloway Bishop Charles B. Galloway, n' the .Metapdist Ej^^pai ChiiKb, l^uthy died of pneumonia at his boii];e;in. Jaiffk^n,iMiS8., May 12th. Guy Jones Guy Jones, aged 15 years, of West Bend, Yadkiu conuty, died May lltii, of brights disease. D. W. Kestler Jlay hik^^^ Ifdme in with Mrs. Morris Myers ii: bW - John R. Mock Mr.JohnB.Mock,ofSitli8biiry, was Ibtind dead io bed ii) Atlanta Tuesday morning. Heart fafiare is the alleged cause of deash. Infant Lentz fcTh>.2-A*eatr6id]^^ I ll iTliniil T 'ay eveffilng at the home of his parents east of Statesviilc. John Swicegood I Mr John Swicegood, aged 43, of iTyro, Davinson cqnnty, and a brotbenif our townsman, M. K tiwic^cd, died Friday of pneii* Monla, und was buried Sunday. Green A. Hager Mr. O'rceu A. Hager, of the Maybew section of Iredell county, dieil iu a hospital ut Charlotte Monday night frpm the results of an operation. Mr. Hager was 67 Bio - Obituaries -5/25/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Tuesday, May 25,1909 G. W. Hendricks G. W. Hendrioks died at hia home near the Mooksville form- tore factory last Tharaday eveo* iog of bearfe diaeaBe, and was har ried at Smith Grove Friday. He was aboot dO yearB of age and liv ed at Smith Grove nntil aboot three years ago, when he moved to Mooksville, Snrviving him are three grown bods and hia wife. Bio - Obituaries -5/25/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, June 1,1909 Mattie Layman Mra. Mattie Layjuan died recent ly. She leaves a linsband and fonr children. Infant Swink The infanc uf Mr. J^uas Swink died May 22Dd, and was buried Sunday evening, Hay 23rd. Young Child Beckham A young child of Mr. H. O. Beckhaui, of Stony Point, their first, born, died May 21st. j Barbara Lippard Mrs. Barbara Lippard, of States- ville, died May 22od, after a long, illness, aged 67 years. | Small Daughter The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spiilman, ol Hunts- vUle, died May 21at. Sallie Stone Mrs. Sallie Stjne, of Concord township, Iredell county, died May 23rd, after a protracted illness, aged C4 years. William Cloer William, the ll-mouths old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Cloer, died May 24th; at Statesvilie, and was burled-at Piftfa creek church Tnes- day. • 5)' Lee Daniel Mr. Lee Daniel, son of Jonas Dauiel, of near Augocta, diedj Monday of Brigbl's deeeaae, and' was buried Toesday at the Daniel j graveyard. | Infant Son Beard The 2year-oid son of W. M. Beard, of Goniity Line, died May 23rd, and wasbnrieil at Providence eharcb Tuesday.;^ J. A. Hudson Mr. J. A. Hudson, a citizen of Rowan, aged 68 years, died at bit: home near Sailsbnry May 23rd, after a long illness. Henry Shaw Mr. Henry Shaw, a citizen oi Eagle Mills township, died Thurs* day moruiog at his home beyond Hunting Greek. Mr. Shaw was a- Imiit 00 years old and leaves a wife j :iu<l seven children. Bio — Obituaries -6/1/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, June 8,1909 Mrs. Daniel Hinceman i Mra. Daoiel Hinceman, of Bow^- 'an county, died Toesday, aged 78 years. Sarah Hampton Mrs. Sarah Hampton died Mon day at the home of her son in -latv, Mr. W. A. Moore, in Stateaville. Infant Daughter Cashion The infant danghter of Mr, and Mrs. John B. Cushion, aged aboat 6 months, died May 28th, at their home near Cool Spring. Charlie Thorn Mr. Charlie Thorn, aged about 60 years, died at his home near Socieiy eh arch, Iredell county, Monday and was buried at Salem church, this county, Tuesday. N. J. Hutchlns Mr. N. J. Hutcbius ol this city, died Tuesday evening of dropsy ami was buried at YadkiuviUe Wednesday. Infant Bryans Tuesday the ].0-months-old child of Bev. A. H. Bryans, of Yadkiu College, died after brief Illness. Infant Brady The 20 months old child of Mr. 0. A. Brady, who lives near Brad ford's Cross Roads in Iredell conn- t.y, died May 20tb, ot pneumonia and was buried at New Sterling. Cynthia Douthit Mrs. Gyuthia Dbiithit, a highly esteemed lady, was found dead in bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Strupe, at Glemnions, Toesday morning. Child Smitherman A child of Mr. T. Sniilherman, ofEastBeiid, died Friday, May 20 th, and wasbiuried the next day. Lee sprinkle Mr. Lee Sprinkle, formerly of Yadkin county, died in Winston Toesday. Luther Warren Mr. Luther Warreu, of Y'adkin county, aged 22 years, died May 30tb, of fever. Infant Wilson The 15-mooth9 0ld child of Mr. and 3Irs. Lester Wilson, of Moores- ville, died May 30th. Infant Son Beckham The little !)-months old son of Mrs. Cora Beckham, of Stony Point died May 2Sth. Bio - Obituaries -6/8/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, June 15,1909 Deatii of Rev. Sol. Brown. Hev. Biowu was on his way from DCax IlamptoDviUo to one of his appointments at Yadkin Valley church, Davie county, and on his way he called in to stay ovcAight I with Mr. Isaac Miller, iie^sMt. i Olivet church, Yndlcin connt^ and I while diere in the home of Mr. I Miller, he nomplained of a awtm- 1 ining in his head. Piefore this be : and his wile had played and simg several pieces on the organ. He and i^Ir. Miller went out on the poroh to get some water. After drinking some walcr ami became sick and vomited. He laid down i on the porch floor a little while, I and complaining of being cold, he i was taken into llie honse and laid Ion the bed. Hcsaid he be!kved j he was dying. After he was"pnt 1 in bed, he tnrned over and seemed ! to rest very well, but scored very j hard for awhile, Mr. Miller asked if he felt better, and was answered in the alTinnative. Mr. Miller told I him to sloop a nap and he wonld I feel better. When they carae to I examine him, he was about gone. Rev. Mr. Brown was a good man and a good preacher. The writer has heard him preach at old Gross Roads Church years ago. I would to God that there were more Sol. Browns in our laud and country. It wonld be better off. Peace to bis ashes. May the Lord bless bis i family who are left behind. A FfilRSD. ! [Rev. Brown represented this : di.-Ntrict In the State senate several j years ago. Editor.] Mary J. Hanes Mrs. Mary J. Hanes died Friday | atternooD at her home in this city, | after a lingering illness. Her -re-1 mains were laid to rest at Fnl- ton cemetery Sanity jjiffliaing in the presence of a large concourse ' ol relatives and friends. She leaves i two children, a son and danghter, ; Mr. .T. F. Hanes and Miss Sallie Hanes, and one brother, Mr. John H. Clement. Mrs. Hanes was a Gonsii^teut member of the Metho* I dist church. Foneral services were conducted by hei pastor, Rev. J. |f. Kirk. A good woman is gone. Martha Brooks ftfra. Murtba Brooks, of Kear Statesville, died Jane Cth, after a longiilass. Lavinia Cavin Miss Lavinia 0-avin, an aged lady of Troutjiian, was lonnd dead in bed .Tune 4th. James J. Nicholson Mr. James J. Kicholaou, who lives three miles north of States- ville, died Friday morning, Jnoe 41h. Miss Tom Adderholt Miss Tom Adderholt. of Beth any township, Iredell county, died June Tth, aged 21 years. Una T. Allison Miss Una T. Allison, the 17-year old daughter of Mr. W. R. Allison died at her home at Mooreeville Wednecday idght. Small Daughter Dishman and Infant Child Brown The little danghter of Mr. Joe. Dishman .and the infant child of Mr. Clint Brown, of Iredell connty, died .Tune Tth, and were buried at Taylor's Springs Church Thursday. Bio - Obituaries -6/15/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, June 29,1909 Dr. J. F. Murdock Dead. Tuesday momig at 1 o'clock Dr. Francis J. Murdock. of Salisbury, died in Charleston, S. C., of heart disease, whither he had gone to visit two sisters and to take a rest. Be was a native of Buncombe county. 64 yeares of age. For 87 years he had been rector of St. Lake's Episcopal church at Salisbury and also sei*ved several countiy churches. A fine old gentleman, courtly, scholarly, love- able, his sudden death shocked all who knew him and many today mourn his taking off.—L^ington Dispatch. Mrs. Harry Lyons The wife of Harry Lyons, colored, died Wednesday night and was bm> ied Thursday. SSr. Witherspoon Kills ffimself. Charlotte Observer 23rd. A message was received here this aiteruoon of the auioide of J. Gilmer Witherspoon in St. Louis. 9q was 27 years old and a native of SiatesYillQ. He came here eight years ago and was secretary of the Yarlkiu Valley Fair one year. His IMirejits, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. M. Witherupooa, live here. His broth er, T. Edgar Witherspoon, left for Bfi. Louis tonight to bring the re mains here for burial. Bio - Obituaries -6/29/1909 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA