Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 2,1908
John S. Bryan and
Mr. Littleton
Drowned m ^ Yadidn.
The SaUsbury Post says that Dr.
John S. Brs^n, a druggist of Speh-
ceraiid son of-ex-Jndge Henry
Bi^aoy of New Berne, and Mr. Xdt-
tleton, of jSalisbory, son of Dr. J.
W. Idttleton, of Albemarle,
drowned in the raj^ds of the Tad'
hiUi jnst belQW the Harrows and
seven miles from at
4 o'clock Sunday fdternoon and at
last aoconntsthmr bodies had not
Bryan mid Littleton and others
were swimhiii^ in the river when
Bryan called for help, Litttcton
went to his aid and ' both' were
drownbd.-T>Ldndinark. ^
Bio — Obituaries — 7/2/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, July 8,1908
Maud Stewart
Biunlsg DBspiaiteiit i Diila Gout)
The Bad newe was leoeived here
last Saturday of the stiioide of
Miss Maad 8'^wart, who resides
at the home of her father, 0, W.
Stewart/ iu Davie oooaty. abont
ten miles fiom Salisbury.*
It is stated that about 8 o'clock
:in the morniog Miss Stewart took
a dose of stryohDioe which caused
her death about and hour later.
1 •
Some months ago a brother of
the young woman ended his life
by poison, and sha had brooded
■over the maiter until it is thcugbt
she bad become unbalanced men
Lee C. Hendrix
Uoebsvllle CoarleF. Joly Snd.
Lee 0. Hendrix, of Mooksville,
Route No. 4, died Saturday night,
June SOtb, 1008, at 8 o'clock, at
his home of typhoid fever. He
was ill only a few daye. Deceased
was about 22 years and had been
married two years. He leases a
wife and one broth-jr besides a
host of other relatives and friends
to mourn bis loss. The funeral
services were held at Jerusalem
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock
conducted by Rev. G. P. Goode,
asBisted by Revs Gashwell and
Westou. A very large concourse
of friends attended the funeral.
A few days prior to her death.
Miss Steward had prepared a let
ter to iier ^ther, which' was io be
given him later, in which she de
tailed her plan of self destruction,
and sai^^e wanted to be with
Ther brother.
The deceased was a member of
1the Baptist church at Jerusalem
and was highly esteemed by her
inauy friends and aoquaintances.The funeral took pjlaoe Sunday,
Rev. I, Weston conducting the
Infant Child McClamrock
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
0. L, Mcblamrock, who lives near
Oak Grove, died Wednesday morn
ing. The cause of the little one's
death was cholera infanturn. Fu
neral services were held this
(Thursday) afternoon and the in
terment was at Oak Grove.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/8/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, July 9,1908
Aurora McGee
SaBtlmy Youdi Kilb
CSaude l£cG«e, aged 15, sbu of
T/E. McGee, of the Gheafcnut Hill
section of BaUabnry, l^eg , hia
half-sister, Aurora, aged 28, early
Saturday moroiog iu a scuffle oira
a shotguu ^hich.thc^ though was
not ioad^. Eo one was -premnt
save the two. - The gun wcjut ofi
acddeatally and the I<]^ tore a
hole dear tbrougli.the
eoteriog between the eyes. *
coroner'a Todict was that die was
killed by her brother who was pro^
Bounoed.guilty of carel^ly and
recklsaaly handling -.the . fireaxip.
The awhil oocjomuiee shocked; the
Maud Stewart
One of the saddest events this
ne^htrarhood'has known for m'any
yeaea, was the death of Miss Maud
Stewart on - last Saturday night.
About 8 o'clock she went to her
room where she ended her own life
by& taking ^tiyohniiie. '^'Sbe was
bnried. in Jerusdem cemetery at
5:80 Sunday evening, Be^- Weston
conducting, the service, lb. the
bereaved ffltber,. mother and broth-
en we extend our sympathy.
W. B. Hunter
Died, , near-Oahat on July i; 1^.!
Mr.'W. B*Himter, ag^ 68 yea^
of heart trouble. The deceased vffll'
be greatly, missed by hia fciends and
nmghhors- He leaves a wife and
fljy f^ildren-tq monm lus • less. "The
extend symiiathy to tfae.be^,
ones. -
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, July 16,1908
B. B. Azmon
B. A^oi^'whose siclm^ 'we
Darted .some time , ago; di^ June
SOtbl' His remmhs. were interred in
the c^etery here . July 1st, Rev.
BoRtns Mnduc^sr 1^9' fimer^^
Mrs. J. K. Cuibertson
Mrs. J. IL Gulbertson, who lives
near Woodleafj died W^nesdfty of
typhoid fever. "
Cleveland Foster
W98 received here Hoin^y
of the^ sixdden desth- ^ ClOTel^d
iV^ster, wiilch occurred .Sunday . at
^eliiiDRe'of.h|aa&^ States^
He:^ ahdiit' y^ ol^
Fdr^: CKur^ j?o weije^ jyiiiable :io
Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, July 23,1908
fflr. Foster's Sodd^ Death.
Kr. Daaiel -Oleyelami Foster
died, suddenly Sunday atternoou at
3 o'elpck at'tlie home of his br^th--
er^indaw, Mr, Fraiik Wiliiams, on
Fifth street. The cause of ;.death
la Dot.kuo^vD.
-Deceased vas nearly 20 years
old. He was a son of Hr. B;. G.
Frater, of Dayie -county, and was
a ^ne^ steady you ng mam. He hud
neyer had any sickness"in his life,
^day be went home from iho
obair factory/ where he had beeu
employed^ and complained of feel
ing badly, but was apparently not
serlonsly sick. He .was oat and
aboht-^tnrday and' Sunday. .A
few miuutea before his- death he
went to the porch for a drink of
water. -After getting this he went
to a Tooffii lay down smd died in a
few minhtes.
Be ia suryiyed by his father,, two
half brothers and two half sisters,
-Messis. Ohas. Foster,, of Statesyille,
and Conner Foster, of Harmony,
a^e hjalf brothers, and Mrs. Frank
Williams, cf Statesvillc, a half-^
sistm*. " n
Funeral services -were condncted
at tbe borne y^terday afternoon
by Bey, J. F. Hitcbfuer and- the
•interment w^ in ^Oakwood ceme'
tery at.0a?clbek.i—StatesviUeXand-
mark, 14th
Eliza Dalton
Death of a WeO Known
Mrs. Eliza Dalton, widow of ther
late Bey. P." H, Dalton^ a well
kuowm Presbyteriaii -diyine, «dl(^
at Gohoord, H. O., July Sth, aged
73 y^rs. Two sous sarWye, viz:
Mr. W.S. Dalton, of Concord, ^d
Mr, B, T. iJaKotfi of Grfeepsboro.
For many years i Bev* and Aprs.
Dalton resld^ at Mocksyill^ Da:-
yie countyi Tbe Teinaius were bnr-
ied ^ High Point.—Union fiepub-
[Mrs.^Dalton had many friends
ih' thikeity and oQuut^ who will be
pained to hear of her death. . 'Ed.J
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 30,1908
Small Child James
A little child of Mr, and Mrs.
Thoa. James, who live on Boute 3,
died Thuisday and was burled
Friday at Fork Church. The Re
cord ejtends sympathy to the be
reaved femfly..
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 6,1908
W. S. Stewart
W. S. Stewart, of Charlotte, was
hR by a train at Salisbury last
w^k an<l■^d.aa.a. reauIlL.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 13,1908
Mrs. Charlie Thompson
Died, at her home at Advance,
ou Thursday, Aug. 6, 1908, Mrs.
Charlie Thompson, after a severe
illness from typhoid fever. Mis.
Thompson was 27 years of and
leaves a hosband and three email
children to moorn their loss, be
sides a host of Mends and rela
tives. Mrs. Thompson was a eon-
sistent member the Baptist
church: Her remains were laid to
rest at Yad bin College graveyard
Satorday morning, in the presence:
of a large conconrse of relatives
and friends. Tbe.Beoord extends
sympathy to tiie bereaved ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 20,1908
Samuel Gartner
Cyrus Williams
CyroaWililains, aged 75, who
lived near Ibrk Church, di^ last
W^ednesday, and was buried at
Fork Church Thursday.
Augustus Lippard
Mr. ^ngustufl Lippard, of Wood-
leaf, died Thursday, Aug, 13, aged
about 55 years. Mr. Lippard wati |
a consistent member of the Metho- j
difit diureh. His remains were:
laid to rest in South Biver grave-;
yard Fri^y afternoon, services be-1
log conducted by bis pastor, Bev.:
Harper. Mr. Lippa^ leaves a
wife and two little children, an
aged father, three brothers and
two sisters and a host of friends, .
Sain oel Gartner, son of Monroe
Gartner, who lives on Boute 1,
died Wednesday evening. He bad
been suffering for several months
with tnberonlosis, and for the past
month or two his death had l^n
expected any moment. He was a
young man, aged about 22, and
faisdpath was ontimdy and a sad
blow'to his parents and relatives.
His remains were laid to rest in
the graveyard at Salem churcb,
there to await the resurrection.
The Becord extends sympathy to
Che bereaved ones in this, their
boor df darbness, and points them
to the only comforter, He <<tbat
doeth all things well.''
Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 27,1908
Young Daughter Walsh
Died, in tbisoity Tbai»f&y, the
little eix-year-old dsogbter of Hr*
and Mrs. T. B. Walsh, who had
been ill with stomaeb tronble for
some time, ^eremalna were in
terred at Rose cemetery Friday,
where they were silently laid away
to await the resnrreoUon mom.
The gEdef striokeo parents have the
sympathy of all in thin sad honr.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/27/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLmA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 2,1908
Emaline Agatha Walsh
Little Emaline Agatha, age eiz
years and six months, died at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. R. Walsh, on Salsbnry street,
Friday afternoon after an illness
of several weeks, Buffering with
meningitis. The remains were
laid to rest in the Rose cemetery
Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock,
Rev. John F, Kirk conducting the
foueral services.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 9,1908
Theodore Stewart
Tbeodo re Stewart, bod of C. W.
Steart, died Sanday, Aog. 80th,
at the_age of 21 years and waa
baried in the cemetery at Jeruea-
lem Monday evening at 5 o'clock.
Funeral services were eonducted
in Jersuslem church by Rev, Wee-
ton, using the 90tb Psalm, assist
ed by Rev, 0. S. Cashwell. Quite
a Bumber of relatives and friends
were present. He waa taken sick
on the drat Sunday in August but
was not confined to his bed until
two weeks before his death when
he grew worse despite the splendid
treatment and efforts of Dr. W. C.
Martin, the typhoid fever deloped
in its worse form and he died
from perforation of the bowels
caused by typhoid fever.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/9/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 17,1908
Elizabeth Cope
OM Mrs. Elizabetb Cope was
buried in Fork oemetery Saturday
Sam Davis
Sam Davis, colored, who lived in
the westeni part of town, died Sun*
day night after a lingerhig illness of
several months.
Bio — Obituaries — 9/17/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, September 22,1908
Mrs. Charlie Walser
Mrs. Louis Carter
Mrs. Louis Carter, of near Pork
Church, died Thursdfo?, after a lin-
gCHDflf i]l]l68B froiB constuiipuoii*
Her remains were laid to rest in ^e
Fork Church cemetery Friday. Mrs.
Carter was a conristent member of
the Baptist church.- She l^ves a
husband and thr^ small cMdrra,
and a host of rdatives ^d friends
to mourn her untimely death.
Mrs. Charlie Walser died of con-
SDDiptioD last Tuesday morning,
September 8th Funeral services
trere conducted by Key. Weston,
after which her remains were laid
to rest in the Jerusalem cemetery.
She leaves behind a husband and
three email children to moorn her
tuss. We ertend our sympathy to
the bereaved husband and child
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, September 29,1908
J. M. Campbell
J. M, Campbell, who lived in fhe
western part of the coon^, died
Wednesday, and was buried at Sod-
etychurd) Thursday. Mrs. Gamp-
bell was 38 years of a^, and leaves
a wife and three childr^. He was
a member of the Baptist church and
leaves many friends to mourn bis
I death.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, October 6,1908
Young Daughter Summers
The little dau^ter of Mr. and
Mrs.T. L. Summers, on Route 3,
died Monday and uras boiied Tues
day at Sndm Grove.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/6/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Tuesday, October 20,1908
Small Son Helton
The little 3>year>old son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Holton died Saturday
of scarlet fever and was buried Sun
day ..at Rose Cemetery. The little
fellow had only« been sick for a few
'days; he sympathy of The. Record
is extended to the bereaved ones in
this, their sad affliction.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/20/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, October 27,1908
E. L Griffin
Sam Binkley
Mr. Sam Binkley, aged 80 years,
died at his home in Advance Sunday, i
Oct. 18th, from old age. His re-|
mains were interred in Bethlehem
sraveyanL i
Plfid In this city Monday morning^out 7:^ o'dpck, Mr. E. L. GriflBn,
after a lingenng Illness of sevei^
we^, with pneutttonia. Mr; Griffin
41 years of age, and leaves a
wife and two children, three sistera,
two brothers and an aged mother to*
mourn hia loss. His ramains n were
mterred at Oak Grove graveyard
this morning. The Record extends
aympathy».to Oie bereavied ones, in
this, th^ hour oi
Bio - Obituaries —10/27/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, November 3,1908
Young Daughter Owens
Eigbt-year-old Boy Shoots little Giil
At Advance, Tuesday aCteroooa
id)oatr5 o'clock, tbe little seven^
>e3Lr-61d dapghtet-^of Mr. ftud-Mrs.
Willis 0\rt^8, was instantly killed
>is a rcsttlt of the accideutal dis
cbarge of a. breech loading shot
gnn by the eight year-old sou ol
Mr, and Mrs, Arch Potts.
The little girl waK at tbe home
of Mr, P<itts when tbe shooting
took place. She wtis silting in the
kitchen eating a .piece of bread
given to ber by Mrs. Potls wnen
the boy walked in with the gun.
The accident wais due to the bict
that lad's laiger brother bad
been out shootibg some wild gee.-e
and. when he came home he care
iessly pnt tbe gnu behind the door
loaded and with the banimcr about
half buck. The child lu'watking.
through the house came across tbe
weapon and picking it up walked
back in the kitchen and when in
about three feet of the girl he
pulled the triggw, the entiic load
taking effect in her side, death
foJlowiug inutautly. Mrs. Pot^
was stauoing by the girl when Ibe
ajcideut happened and the boy
was so near her that the powder
fi-om the guu set lire to her apron.
Mrs. J. A.
The death angel vfmted the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorrent Fri
day morning $t.8 o'clock and took
from their hbine ^e loving iwife and
mother, who has, for many months
suffered from cancer. Mrs. Currmit
bore her suffenngs with Christian
fortitude, and whOe the end was not
unex^cted/yet her death caused
sadness iiiroughoat the dty. Mrs,
Current l^ves a husband, three
daughters, one little son, and a num
ber of sisters and brothers to moum
her loss. She was a consbtent mem
ber. of the Methodist church, and was
held in esteem by all ^o knew
her. Her remains were Imd to rest
in Rose Cemetery Saturday, Rev.
J. F. Eirk conducting tite teeral
services. A good woman is indeed
gone. The Record extends to. the
bereaved husband iand the motherless
children its. heartfelt sympathy in
this, their sad hour of l^reavement,
and points them to Him 'tiiat doetb
all things well, for help and comfort
in this their sad afiliction.
Bio - Obituaries -11/3/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, November 10,1908
Vincent Walker
Katie Creason
Mib. Katie Creason, wbo lived
near Oobleemee Jnoctiou, died
Thursday at the age of 84 years.
Bbe was a coDsisteot member of
the Methodist chiirch. Her re*
mains were laid to rest at Liberfy
graveyard Friday afternoon, Bev.
H. 0. Byrum conducting the
funeral services.
Rev^ Vincent Walker, of Rente
5, an siged minister of the 'gospel,
iiied at his home Saturday evening,
Nov. 'Tth/ and was burled at
Centre Monday morniiig at .7
o'clock. Rev. Walker was one of
the bfil-tfme Methodist 'miiiiBtersj
and.had many friends tbrvughoat
Che country who will be paio^ to
hear.of his death. Tfae/^oord ex
tends to. the bereavpd relativei
sympathy in this, hoprof sadnessi
A father-.ih< Israel has - been - fbken
hencS to hiis bfessed leward.
Bio — Obituaries -11/10/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, November 17,1908
Benjamin Paul Nichols
Did. /
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
P. Ntehols. three miles north td
Mocicsvilte, Nov. 5th; 1908i Btojaroin
Paul,. thdr little son. A loving
diild has. been taken by the a11-w|^
seeing of the Master. Ihough their
hearts, are sad, and'to^pm it seeins,
an nna^unthble loss, yet their coh-
solation is. The Master ddeth all
things wdb end Ihey • can feel as?
sured heaven is richer by one.
A predous'from thm-'is gone,
A voice they loved is still,
A place is vacant in thdr home,
Which never can be Oiled..
God In His wisdom hath recalled,
The boon His love has giv^, .
Although the body moidders here.
The son! is safe in heaven. * n
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, November 24,1908
John Moore
IHed, in ibis city, at 3 o'dock tbia
mominsf after a two weeks illness, of
fever, Mr. Jobn P. Moore, Aged a-
bout 32 years. He leaves one broth"
er and a number of mst^S to niouin
tbeir loss. Jobn, as he was fsmil-
»arIykncvm'by>U his friends^ of
^bicb he bad 'ihany, waa^.a^: good
honest, upright man, and"!^ his un-
timely death brings sadness to the
hearts of all who knew bim. He
was a friend indeed to the. editor,^0 shall always rev^ehis memory,
^ueral and bnriaVAarvie^. will bo,
held probably tomorroWi To" the
bereaved relatives The Record ex-
foods k^rtfei t sympathy,! • ^ '■
Bio - Obituaries —11/24/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Tuesday, December 15,1908
Bettie Crouch Daywalt
Mrs-. Joel Daywalt, nee Miss Bet-
tie Crouch, of near County.. line,
died at the hiune of her father, C.
p. Crouch, Sunday night, Dec'. 6th,
and was buried at Society church.
Tuesday at ll o'clock. 3 he funeral
serviceswereconductedby her pas
tor, Rev. .Virgil Swaim. Mrs. Day-
wait leaves an infant son, ahnsband,'
father mid mother, two brothers and
a sister, and a host of relatives md
friends to mouni h^.untimely ^d.
She had only been married about a
year. A good woman has indeed
goneto her reward. She was a con
sistent member of Society Baptist
church and was loved hy all who
knew her, and her death has cau^
^vm^^ixow .throughout the en
tire commMity in which she lived.
The ediWrof The Record, to whom
,M^ Day wait was a ftrst courin, ex-
t^da. deep and heartfelt' sympatl y
to' the bereaved ones and commends
them to Him who doeth all things
well. To the infant and motherless
babe who survives, we can only-place
It in the keeping of Him who^ while
on earth said, "Suffer little
to come u^to me, and n forbid thmh
not. for of sui^ is the jdng^dom' of
heavan" /
Infant Guffey
I The little six-months old child of
I Richard Guffey, of near Mt Vernon,
I died Thursday and was buried Fri-
Bio - Obituaries -12/15/1908 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY