Jan - JunJohn HanesJ^ohn Haue5. colored, was found dead in bed last Thursday morn ing. He bad been working on Ti 11 miin-ii fflfni Iff This article about John Hanes was probably published in a February, 1907 issue of the DAVIE RECORD. Unfortunately, none of the February, 1907 issues are available. There is a record of John Hanes in the Saint John's AME Zion Church Cemetery Records indicating he passed on February 8,1907. The 1906 notation next to the article is incorrect. Bio — Obituaries — 2/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1907 Annie Hutchens Miss Aonte Hutcbens, ofCaoaT died Saoday loonilnK ond W8» buried at Piso Monday. She waa OSS of Case's bpghtest youoff ladtesi »i\ a-i- * no. Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1907 James Granger Mr. Tames Granger died suddenly last Monday at bis home in Coolee- mee. His remains were laid to rest in Liberty graveyard Tuesday. He was 67 years of age, and a Confed erate so!dier. Two brothers, W. B. and D. W. Granger, survive. Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1907 Infant Miller The little child'of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Muler died and' was burled at Betblehem cburcb^uuday. Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA The following obituary was found in tattered pages in the April, 1907 Davie Record file. The pages do not have banners noting the date. Chas. G. McCulloh A Good Cilizat Geae. Gapt. Okas. G. Mc(^lloh. an old and highly esteemed dtizen, died at his home in Greenbrier township Tuesday about nudnig^t, at tiie age of 74 years. Deceased came to this county from his native State. North C^rol^ some fifty years ago. $&• tablishing bis home m Greenbri^ township, where he has lived ever since. Gapt. McCulloh was a man who entertained the highest sense of honor, and no dishonest act ever characterized his dealings with his fdlow man. He was a kind and ac- commodatii^ neighbor, a devoted husband andkind father. He was a charter member of Ndlll/xtee, A. F. & A. M , and was a strong believ er in the principles of that order. He served through the late war on the Coi^ederate side and was admir ed by Ids comrades for his bravery and patriotism. He leaves a wife and rix children who have the sincere sympathy of the public in their sad bereavement. remains were laid to rest in the Alderbrook cemetery, near De^, Thumday at noon, in the presence of a large number of friends and r^a- tives. The funeral ceremonies ^re conducted by Neill Masonic lod^. Capt ChftB. G. McCulloh Deed. £3aewhere will be found an ac count of the death of Capt Chas. G. McCulloh, taken from a Missouri paper. Mr. McCulloh was a native of Davie, and settled in Missouri over 50 years ago. He was a broth er of the late Jas. McCulloh, of this county, and an uncle of Messrs. Qias. Gwhen and D. F, McCulloh. of Davie. We extend our gympaiihy to! these relatives. Peace to his ariies; Bio - Obituaries - 4/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 11,1907 H. G. Pack Funeral servieea for H. G. Fade, of Jenisalemrwere bdd at Concord dhnreh Snnday. He bad '6^ io bad bcaltb for iovefal>yearft Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 25,1907 John Caudell A large concourse of people at* tended the burial of Mr. John OandeJl here Sunday. Mr. Gandel), \7as a native of our communi^^ and had hosts of friends here who were saddened by his death. Our sincere sympathiea are extended to his relatives. Mr. Jolm CMideO Dead. Mr. John Oaudell, a merdhant at Gooleemee, died lart Saturday mon^- ing of pneumonia. His rmnains were laid to rest at Fork Church grave yard Sunday afternoon. 'To his rdaiives'we extend our thies.' Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, May 1,1907 Mrs. J. A. McCubbins .MoOiTBBiNe, Mb8. j. A.-~The deceased wae a aietor-indaw of J. Samael MoCabbiD8, of this city.' She died lait 'Tharaday at home in Davie couDty: The in-^ terment took place at Thyatira cbnroh. Revs. Walah^and R. E. Neighbor condnctiDg the funeral. Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 9,1907 Robena Steele —Itobena Stede, the of Minor Steele, died recoil of cpneumption of which disease shehad'sciffdred fpr S(»iietime. liBttor Steeled one of Mocksville's-inost higUir rapeeted n^n^oes, and oar pedple* Sympathise with him in his bernavemeht. Small Child Bailey The UtQe child df Mr, SaiQ» A, ^ley died, and waa buried at Noe Creek chdrdi,' near :Fork Cborcb, Satorday. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL, May 18,1907 Thomas B. Parnell JfllBllllllt. •.-^ -■ /■-'^ ' 'S • ■'Wed ai the l>vin.CSty Ho^"iitai Yes- tenlny at Xoun Folloirin;: a Llii- Illness of Typhoid Fercr^ The. §i^iving Relatives. . Mr. ^Thomas B. ParneJI, whose iciiiical illness was not/M' in . TheJooriial yesterday morning/ died at^the Twin-City Hospital at nopni yesterday-..' The remains were car^'rieii to the residence, GC2 Holly av-^enue, where the funeral service'^wiji be held this afternoon at ^ O'clock, .whdudtfed by Bishop Rond-jthaler. . Rev. Dr, H. A. Btow^^pastor of the First Baptist church Iaow in-Richmond. Va.. .atending the' Soninern Baptist Convcniloa. win;assi:t the Bi^bp if he arrives'home.'in time. - The.*interment wlir.ba inj 'ho Salem • C'emeterv.*" ? The deccM^ had - been "ill for I Jtn cral weeks With typhoid fever and'ifcve.^. For a'dayicr twoit 'wasloperation, this being necessary »by)Komplications which arose fro"m''tiil■^ver. For A day orr two'it was!. known that the end was ) near.* 'at-hand and his reiatiyW and'Vfieb^sL prepared for the worst. ' . '.1.^•Mr. Pafnell was hel^in the highV.es: esteem by a!! of his .acqulda-i^t.^nres. Ho had been'in thp'.em- JV-oy of the, ^tithem Railway for] some years, running as conductor .W'- ' ••'-•ca Lbl^ city and Charlotte. I -Hes/ was 30 years old, - t.A young wife little ■.son -/only j; who Is uarontJ! ■ Xri-;"inTiy»ixr-i- '-. ▼ Bio — Obituaries — 5/18/1907 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 23,1907 w. F. ' Wedfiea^'lughj^ af 1%- .m(^fbBQi,su£fen^,W.F, WOtiam^. .'of Smidi Gr^ aw^inthW ^^ y:ear.<^ hte^ ' Winiams, about28 years 1783badly hurt in -a xtuiawasr st Salisbury; ym ^ gy imd re^v^ miuTitt at that time I which tbe doctora thought brougM idwut the coinpl|catioiffi which re^ suited in hm d^c^ He vmslapiomr iaent ddzen qf <he county; and yms for four yeara sheriff of the bounty. ^ left a in which he provided for his widow, brothers, sisters, n^ewa ai^ nieces. To Mrs. Wil liams and bis nephew, Roy WOliams, he left the bulk of his estate estimat- ed.tobe worth $25,000 to $30,000. To Mrs. WQUams, themdow. he left ^ home place mid eight thou^d doUars'in cash; the bsdance* of ^ real estate, together with dght thou sand dollars, he 1^ to hisrn^ew. Roy Widianis; to each of his broth ers aiid. aiders $1,000'ea^, and to three of his niet^ and one-Jiephew, $1,000 each, and to Kelly 3piy the balance of his estate, aftm pay ing all debte and erectibg. ton^ stones to luS'father and mother's gr^e, is to be equally divided be tween hia widow and' nephew. Roy Wflliams. Joseph W* Kimbrough and J. L..Sbeek were named as the executois of his last will. EQs re mains were laid to rest at' Smiih Grove. . To his devoted wife who has so longhumed ai^ ministered to bim in his suffering, and the large num ber of rehfffV^, we extend our sym- palhyC Peace to his ashes. Sternal p^ne, ,and i^of Ilr.A.W.IK^aeii^Dead. . iDr. A. W. Wissnan died Mond^ mmnlng, Slay tSt^at. his hpme in ^eiusEdem, at th^^vanoed 72 yea» and 8 months; .Thb doetet; n.wBB bom in Davidsbh. coan^i4>°ti had Hved the most of his life^.this i county, at Jerusalein. has known him eariy he.was the fat^ phyi yeWfJn as long as roBiahied on the old ^wd shall always think .pl< him. • ^ n ' 'He was a remmb^'te mam hadbne- ibf tbe^'^est^emo'ries^ any ever knew. ^He waSva :safe ara ^nstaldng pl^ysidm, am^en^. joyed the confidence of the of the entire section in ubich'-^ pracriced. i Ulrl Wiseman belonged ti the old school, and whmi called in to sob a patimit,'was slow io. tiy any expeii- mmirnm other wmds if- he -could not hdp-you, you could depend upon ^ doing you ho harm. = His rmnaihs were laid to resbat Jerusaleni. To (he widow and dau^- tm* we extend omr. deepest eympathy. A good n^, a us^l dtizm, a fallh- ful husband and ft&er has gone to his reward. Peace to his ashes! Infant Daughter Minor Mack Langston -^Mr, Mack ~ Langston, one of Davie's best dtizeais, in the Nestor neighborhood, died Sunday mgfaity He leaves a We and several smau ^dred, te whom we extend ow —The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Minor died Sunday morn ing. The funerd services were eo^ ducted at the' reddmice Monday morning by Rev. C. S. GCshweU, mid the remains were laid to rest at Fork Church Monday evening. Our Em pathies fxe extWed to the bereaved ftlher and mother. Bio — Obituaries — 5/23/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 23, 1907 Deadi of Mr* B. PaindL SentiAelf'Ma^7tfa* !Sr, Thomas S« Pavndl died at noon today at TWin-CSi^ HoSf- pit8d> where he underwent an opo^ •tionlast'Diesdaymoniinff. Mr.Pai^ n^l had fl) about two we^ with typhoid t&r&e and the opmatbn was necessary owms to complications resulting £nom the fever. Mr. Pamdl's relatives ai^ friends were hopeful of <his. recovery until last evening, whei( his condition un derwent an unfavorable diahge. n .; The deceased is survived by a wife and little ran, the. latter just two weeks old; four brother^ Messrs. W. H. Pamell, of this i^ty; Charley and Dorse, of Mock8viUe.andHu^, who is m the United States army; a ^ teir, Mary Pam^, and his^ rents, 2fo. and Mrs. J. T. Pam^» of ModmviUe. The rmnains were eonveysd to the redd^ee at ' 662 Hohy avenue aftemopn, from wbi^ place t^ fhneral will ha conduct^ tomoirdw afternoon by Bishop .ilondthaler and Dir. H. A. Brown, provided thelat^, who is in Bkhmond,' reach the dty in time. The intermmit will he in the Salmn cinnetmy, ' . Mr. Parhell had hdd a pod^n ^ wi|h the Southern Bailway for ionr I ye^: having for some thne b^ oondu^r betwe^ thb city and Ouurlot^ He wasluniversaily'hdd in high esteon by. railroad m^on hte diyidoh' and by- all vdm knew h^, his. gei^, iheediearted, good- ntd^u^ dlspbdtidi'making a warm Of -evocy one with whom he eb contact** " r. Pamell was* imited k.'mafii- last year to Miss Loui^ /Vraes, ^hd to the bereaved yoiing;vdfie Empathy 0^ theTcntire community ghs out in this.^e of de^ ^rtow* age'of the deceased was th^j^e^^n^e months and three-^ys. o& Bii ParaeU a Mhehsvflte : had; spent m^^f: ^ life heh^: whdre^ehad;a h^ of fn^ * is . .pMullarly^ ^, y'.-^e' h imown him for yeai^ ^;|0^'l^- ■ed'yotiiig;niam'/;!^p^b^l^^hrpth^;h^ dstfSw^i^l^; dm Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 30,1907 . OeaiL 4 died ^eninff, h^k f^are^ n '■■•^•' •' ■ • . ■^4;-'-U. "' Sai^yiwas one of the <>ldn^Qe^ eburtepiK and polite ad tie well coidd be^ '. He a Methodist minister but a hard worker lie- sides. A few years back no'one in Mocks^le could do more work than Samdy. We regret to hear of his d^fh.^for when the like of ^dy are placed under the sad the l^tlink, wh^ forso'10ii£ :l^ lidd^ebid ^aye-holders, their .children and the ex-slayes sodpsely together^ willhave b^ broken. l%e younger gmieration don-t iniderstand thefeel- ing df 'ldndn^ and good will lha^ existed between the two.' ^Peace to hisadies. J Bfr. B. A. Kjm Dead. ' Mr. B.. A. Enox diedsnddeidy Sun day evening at his* homb at Cleve land. ffis condition had so 'much improved that his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Johnstone, was not withhim when be died. He had 'bemi in bad-health for E»me tam^ bnt ijght r&iently hadimproved to'sndi an extent that his reeavety seemed ahno^ assured, death comes as a shock to his friends. Ibfaistwodaughtem.-J. B. Jbhi^ne and SDssJiin- [nox, weextend oursympafhies. fiilr,'Ituizj. Becic bbad.; eniy Be^ among the last of theoMot i^tnseha' of:, jiefni^em' -tptm-^p.^phssed av^.liilond^Miiy 27&.'-,.-^ :/ /v >44J: Ahoat aweek had al^kbof paindy^'&cm.w hev^:re^cbyb^' ;Mr.^ei^was'7^ y^^'A good; dtiz^,' a h^; w^Mng,1liK dbstxibusfeute has passed^m^ thedidde. - . To Mow; ahd^chiidi^'' jejBXtd^dio^dy^^ "^bm-.bui^ ^oimda.; 44 Bio — Obituaries - 5/30/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, June 5,1907 Henry Beck Bbok, Hbnbt, of Jerusalem,' Davie couoty, age 76, cue of the beat of Davie's citizens, died Mon* day moruiDg, May 17tb, and the fuoeral and interment took place at Jerusalem, Tueeday^'May 28tfa. Mr. Beck was a substautiaL farm er, scrupulously honest and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. ^He raised a family often children and^his viras the first death in the family. He ^as a descendant of'^he same family as the Miss Cathrine Beck who supplied Oeorge Washington with a breakfast, at the old Beck homestead near Tyro, after he left Salisbury in 1792, just as Miss Priscilla Brandon did just before the deneraPs arrival here. Misa Beck was then 18 years of age. Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 6,1907 David Stroud ' Mr, David Strond died last^ Thursday, after a brief illhesa; He was 77 . years old and leaves a wife and three sons. His remain^ were laid to rest Friday, SXst, as Salem, We extend our sympathy^ ,to tlTe bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA FAMILY BIBLE 6/9/1907 — Married Cornell F. James Born 9/24/1856 Died 6/9/1907 Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 13,1907 Frank Graves James Taylor ^lor, of was ^ . Jame ' Grovft, died * week« and buried* Sataiuay with li^^iiic h<p- ^ i —The remains of —Mf, Frank Graves were brought from Statea- vilie Tuesday, and buried by the masons at Smith Grove. Mr.'Graves was raised in Davie, but had been living in StatesviUe with his son, Charles. Bio - Obituaries — 6/13/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 20,1907 Mn. Janie* Kwrfees Dead. Mrs. Kurfees, wife of James Kur- fees, near Holman, died last week. To the bereaved husband and chil dren we extend our sympathy. Infant Gartner —We extend our sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. John Gartner on the death of their infant child last wedc.^ Infant Click ^The infimt child of Mr. and Will Click die^Tast Wednesday, and was buried at Center Thnia- day. Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA