Jul - DecCAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, July 11,1906
Thos. A. Mitchell
Thoa. A. Mitobell, of Farmiog-
tou. died suddeoly at bis borne
Satiday morniDg of apoplexy.
Th'o3, Mitobell was a good citizen,
a Maaon iu good stauding and
above all he waa an honest man iu
ita falleat aenae. Hia commauity
will miaa bim.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/11/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, August 1,1906
Gaston Orrender
We regret' to anDounoe the
death of Gaston Orrender, of Cool-
eemee, whioh sad eveiit ocoarred
at the residence of his parents,
Monday eveQing.
Sallie Taylor
Sal lie, wife of Will Taylor, and
only daughter rf Rev. and Mrs.
A. K. Murchison, died ac her
home in Farc^ington recently, af
ter a brief illness.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 2,1906
Gaston Orrender
The-remains of fasten Orrenderj
of Oooleemee, were brought here
Adams conducting the funer
al services. Our sympathy goes
out to this family in thdr sad be-
Delphia Myers
' We are sorry to note the death
of old Aunt Delphia Hyeie, who
hsB been quite ili for (Several
inouQiGU Her remains were.laid
to rest in the Advance cemetery
Tuesday. To the bereaved friends
and relatiyes we extend our deep*
est sympathies*
Mrs. C. Ed. Smith
We are sorry to note the death
of Mr. G. Ed. Smithes wife, which
occurred recently* Mr* Smith has
a large £iiiiily of small children,
and we believe he deserves the
eymittthy and respect^ of all well
intentioned people.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 9,1906
Cftpt: Aimer Kelljr Dead.
Gapt. Abner KeOy died at his home
in (Smdotte last Thursday. He had
been in ill health for quite a vhile.
About 20. years ago he moved from
this place to Charlotte. Gapt Kdly
WAA a brother of Mr. T. L* Kelly and
Miss Sallie Kelly of this plabe.
He leaves a widow and tiiree chil
dren to mourh their losa. ffis re
mains were laid to rest in Klmwopd
cemetery Friday. ^
Odr sympathies are extended to
the bereaved family.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 30,1906
Harvey Lyerly
Mr*. Moore Dead.
, Mrs. dementine Moore mother of
Reg, of Deeds J. F. Moore died last
Thursday cveniog after much suffer^
ing from cancer.
Mrs. Moore was 66 years oldv Her
remains were laid to rest pSiday
evening at Chestnut Stump, the
funeral services were conducted by
Rev. 0. S, CashwelJ,
HarvQT Lyerly, who was thought
to be convalescing at our last
writing, was buried at Christianai
on the 19th, inst in the pr^ence of
the laigest concourse of people tiiat
ever assembled at that place ou a
fune^ occasion. Harv^ was one
of our young men, and only about
17 years of age. - We sympathise
very much with the bereaved f^ily
and many friends. We should'not
^eve when a friend goes to h^ven.
Jane Stewart
Mrs.! Jane Steward widow of the
late Steward, died on the 21
inst. and was laid to rest in the Fork
Ghiirclf cemetery .Thursday morn
ing in the presence of a large crowd
of relatives and Mends.
Mrs. Jas. Martin
Mrs. Jas. Martin of Smith G^ove
died Monday evening, to the be>
rerved family we extend oiir sympa
Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 6,1906
little Berry EtdiMon Dead.
We regret to announce the death \
of Harry Lee, the .infant sqn of'
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Etchison, who}
went Friday morning to be with the I
Angels. He. wa$ but a fn^le .flower!
and the Father saw-fit to transplant-
him to the garden above, ' i
Kim Galther
—Kim. Gaither, colored, an em
ploye of Ihe'O. L.' WUliams v^ere
plant, fell In a boiling hot tank of
water, and died from the effects of
the scald. Kim. was a good negro
>@nd hand, and his death is deplored.
MkB. Hofanaa Dead.
Mrs. Holman,-the wife of 'E.'P.
Holman, of this place,. died last
Thursday of consumplaon. She leaves
a husband and two small children.
The trains were Imd to rest in the
town eemetery Friday evening. Our
sympatlues are. extended to the be
reaved family.
Martha Etta May Martin
Mrs. Martha Etta May
daughter of Jonathan and &iii
Smith, and wife of James L. Marti
died at her home in Smith Grofre
Tuesday morning, Aug. 27th.
aged 88 years, 3 months and 26 dam
Besides two brothers, Daniel an^'
Wiley Smith, and one rister, Mrs.
WUeySain, is survived by ber
husband and two little sprls, the
V youngest being only five weeks old.
^""While quite young she joined the
Methodist church and lived a consist
ent member of the same to the day
of her death. She wasagnodnagh-
bor, a faithful wife and a conse
crated Christian woman. Her loss
the family and commninty is a severe
one, but the influence of her exem^
lary Christian diaracter wilt bef^t
for many years to come.
Though stricken by an incurablV
disea^, shq was and pati^^
knowing it was the.Lord^s will; ^d
daily .comfort^ .those gathered
around her be^de ^lh apin^riate
passages of sdripture and the assor?
ance that all was well and that riie
was content to do His will.
It is not given to manj^ME^'live sudi
a Godly life and to die so.'h^umiihant
death. The many virtues^hat adorn
ed her daily life and the great faith
she riiowed in death'Will be a bene-
djctii^toher relatives and friends
'miring'all the future years.
Wednesday afternoon she was
quietly laid to rest beside her father
and mother, by her pastoY, Rev. L.
L. Smith, of the Fannington circuit.
Despite the inclement weather a
*Jarge concourse of sorrowing rda-
tivesand friends attended the last
sad rites.
"He giveth His beloved sleep."
Jacob Brown
Mr. Jacob Brown who was born
in, and lived near the old biatortc
stone house, and a cousin oi Bev.
B. L. Brown, died cu the Slst and
was bniied at Christiana. Brigbts
disease was the cause.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
John Hanes
H Joho Hanes. colored, was found
■dead in bed last Thursday morn-Itng. He bad been workiug on T.in Min"^ [m
This article about John Hanes was probably published in a February, 1907 issue of the DAVIE
RECORD. Unfortunately, none of the February, 1907 issues are available. There is a record of
John Hanes in the Saint John's AME Zion Church Cemetery Records indicating he passed on
February 8,1907. The 1906 notation next to the article is incorrect.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 1,1907
Annie Hutchens
Mis9 Aoste HuicbcBS, of* Ciofl*
died Sandav momioK nod waa
buried at Pica ^0Dda7i She was
one o{ Caaa'a brightest yenug
ladlesi -tfit»1-1- ^ ^
Bio - Obituaries - 2/1/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 8,1907
James Granger
Mr. lames Granger died suddenly
last Monday at bis home in Coolee-
mee. His remains were laid to rest
in Liberty graveyard Tuesday. He
was 67 years of age, and a Coi]fed<*
erate soldier. Two brothers, W.
B. and D. W. Granger, survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/8/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1907
Infant Miller
The little cbiid'of Mr. and Mrs.
Hartin Muler died and was buried
at Bethlebem church Sunday.
Bio — Obituaries — 3/21/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
The following obituary was found in tattered pages in the April, 1907 Davie Record file. The
pages do not have banners noting the date.
Chas. G. McCulloh
A Geed Cilizeii Gone.
Capt. Chas. G. McCulloh,-old
and highly esteemed citizen, died at
lis home in Greenbrier township
Tuesday about midni^t, at the age
of 74 years. Deceased came to this
county from his native State, North
Carolina, some fifty years ago, es-
tablishing his home in Greenbrier
township, where he has lived ever
Capt. McCulloh was a man who
enterUined the Ughest' s^ise of
honor, and no dishon^t act ever
characterized his dealings with his
f dlow man. He was a kind and ac*
commodating ndghbor, a devoted
husband and kind &fher. He was a
charter member of N^Ix>dge,A.
F. & A. M. and was a strong believ
er in the principles of that order.
He seired through the late war on
the Confederate ride and was admir
ed by his comrades for his bravery
and patriotism. ^
He leaves a wife and six children
who have the ^cere sympathy of
the public in their sad bereavement,
ffis remains were laid to rest in the
Alderbrook cemet^, near De^
Thuraday at noon, in the presence of
a large number of friend and r^-
rives. The funeral ceremonies x^re
conducted by Neill B^tsotuc lod^*
Capt Ckaa. G. MeCulioh Dead.
E3aewhere will be found an ac
count of the death of Capt Chas. G.
McCulloh, taken from a Missouri
paper. Mr. McCuUoh was a native
of Davie, and settled in Missouri
over 50 years ago. He was a broth
er of the late Jas. McCulloh, of this
county, and an uncle of Messrs. Qias.
Goshen and D. P, McCulloh. ofl
Davie. We extend our sympathy to:
these rriatives. Peace to his ariies; '
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 11,1907
H. G. Pack
Fuaeral senriee* for H. C. ?aek,
of Jerasalem;-were betd si Coocord
cborch Saadsy. He bad to
bod bcalib for several >TOan(
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 25,1907
John Caudell
A litfge concooise of people at*
teoded the hurial of Mr. John
Oandell here Sunday,- Mr, Gandell,
^as a native of our communify^
and had hosts of friends here who
were saddened by his death. Oar
sincere sympathies are extended to
his relatives.
Mr. Jolm CwdcP Dead.
Mr. John Gandell, a m^cdbant at
Gooleemee, died la^ Satnrdi^ momi-*
ioff of pneumonia. His rmnains
were laid to rest at Fork Church
grave yard Sunday afternoon. * To
hisrdativesVe extend our ajwph*-
Bio — Obituaries — 4/25/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, May 1,1907
Mrs. J. A. McCubbins
MoOuBBDifl, Mma. J. A.—^The
deceased wa:^ a aiafeer^indaw of J.
Samael MoGnbbiDs. of this eity.'
She died laafe 'Thoraday at heb
borne io Davie couDty'. The in-^
termant took place at Thyatim
cboroh, Beve. Walah^aod R. E.
Neighbor coDdnctiDg the foneral.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 9,1907
Robena Steele
—Robraa Stiede, tiie wife of Minor
Steele, died recaitiy of opnaimiption
of wfaidi disease she had Buffered fpr
scnnetmie. M!ra>r Steeled one of
Mock8ville's-<mo8t highly rapeeted^
n^^roee, and oar people* ^^pathise
with Mm in Ms bn^vemeiit.
Small Child Bailey
The Uttle child Mr, Sain* At
^ley died, and waa btiried at
ISToe Creek chdrdi,' near -Fork
Chorob, iSaturday.
Bio — Obituaries — 5/9/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Thomas B. Parnell
- 'iFTTiEItXpOX^^
t»icd al the 5>vln-City Hosftitni Yes.
tmlny lit XoTin FolIo\rln;; a Liii-
gerj^ Illjiess of Typhoid Fevcr^
The. §uryivijig Kelotlves. . 'i;
sir. ..Thomas B, Parnell, whose
crlUcal illness was not>?d' in . The.
.Toiixhal yesterday morning,' died at^
the Tsyin-Clty Hospital at nooni
yesterdaj"..' The remains were car-'
rieii to the resldenco, GC2 Holly av-''
enue, where the funeral service '
^•tjl be held this afternoon at ;
O'clock, .wnduetfcd by Bishop Rond
thaler. . Rev. Dr, H. A. Brown.t
pastor of the First Baptist church, i
now in-Richmond. Va., atendlag the'
Southern Baptist Convention, -.ti-iu;
assin the Bi^dp if he arrives' home:
In time.—The." interment wlir.be inj
'hn Salem •C'emeterv.'.* ?
The- hail*' been "ill for !
reyeral weeksjwith (yphold fever and'-fove.T-.. For a day \or two it wasl
operation, this being necessary »bv!
oomplications which arose fromWr-vcr. For ^ day or; two"it was!
. known the end was., near.' 'at-
hand and his relatiyW and 'f'rteb^j-i;
prepared for the "worst. ' \
Mr. Parnell was hel^ln the higfe^.
es: esteem by a!! or his .acqulda-?
t.nnres. He had been' In thp" .em-f
! :o:.- of the, ^Uthem Railway for]
aome years, running as conductor .bei
' •• sen tbi^ city and Ch^lotte, I HeJ
was SO years old, -."'.-t
A young wife llttlerson, ronlyj
t'o weeks old.-isuhdve" 'hJm.- ^'ai.r-j.*
'■Vho Is 1 n ed*;States : irmj'f
narontj:.- Afr. .rth'/l "t .-♦m"'". U"
Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 23,1907
Wedfieaday'A^hj^^ aft^-
iof Snuth Grdy^- pasi^ away in the'
WiUil^ about 28 years
Waa badly hurt in a jcuiai^ Bt
Batisbury; ym thro^£^(^ hu-^u^
gy imd iniudtt at that time
I whidr the dpctom thought brousd^t
dtout the (»>inplications wtei ren
sdtedinh^d^ailu He'was'apiomr
iaent <ntizen ef the eouhly; and.yras
for four yeareahe^ of the bounty.
Be left a will in which he provided
for his \ndbw. brpthei^ sistei^
n^ews aM nieces. To Mrs. Wil-
Uams and his h^hew, Roy Williems,
he left the bulk of his estate estiinat-
ed.td be; worth ^,000 to .?30,000.
To Mrs, Wmiam^ the^dow. he left
the home place and eight thousand
doUais'in cash; the balance' of lua
real estate, toi^ether with ^ht thou*
sand dollars, he left to hism^ew.
Roy Wiilh^; to each of his broth-
msahd.'sistmrs $1,000'ea^, and to
ttu^ of his niei^ and one-Jiephew,
$1,000 each, and to Kelly Spiy $100,
the balance of his estate, aft^ pay
ing ah debte and erectihg. ton^
stones to Ids'father and mother's
grOTe,iB to be equally divided he*
twemi his widow and' 'nephew, Roy;
WiUiams. Joseph W. Kimbrongh
and J. L..Sbeek were namied as the
execntois of his test wUl. ^
mains were laid to rest at Smith
Grove. ..
. To his deyo^ wife who has so
long nursed ^ nunistered to him
in his 8u£F<^ring, and the tei^ nuni-
her of we extend our syn^
Peace to his ashes. Eternal
[•. Dr. A* W, WuttBU bead .
. / Dr. A. W. .Wisonan died Mond^
OTcning, Silay iSt^at.hte hpme in
Jehiaalem, at the ^vanoed a^of
years and 8 months; . ThS dbe^t
n.waB bom in Davidson, county»>bnt
had Kved the nibst.of his lifew this
county, at Jerusalem,
has known him 8im» early
he . was tibe pKy
yesOT, Jn ^th as lon^ as
roDBained on the old
wdshsdl always tblhk .pl
him. ^
'He vras a remvjb^te man; had
one-.df memolries^ any
* -ocah^e ever knew. >He was^S :safe'
and ioinstaldng pliy^cum, and.,^
joyod the confidence of the
of the entire section'in whimj he
PA Wisonan belonged to" the old
school, and whmi called in to see a
patient,'was slow to. tiy any mcperi-
meht^m other wiwrds if he-oouM
not help you. you could dep^ upo^
bis doing you ho harm.
His rtinaihs'were laid to resbat
Jerusalem. To the widow and danj^<
ter we ertend ourdeepestsytopa^.
A good r^, a us^l citiaeni,u faith
ful hnsbahd and father has gone to
his reward. Peace to his ashes:
Infant Daughter Minor
Mack Langston
^-^Mr, Mack Langston, one of
Davie's best dtizens, in the Nestor
neigbiborhood, died Sunday ifigfaity
He leaves a wife and sev^alsmaK
^ildred, to whom we «ctend ow
Empathy. {
—The infant daufihter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Minor died Sunday morn
ing. The funmial services were eon-
ducted at the' residence Monday
Tppming by Rov. C. S. Gadiwdi, and
the remains w^ laid to rest at Fork
Church Monday evening. Our em
pathies are exte^ed to the bej^ved
A fatiCmr and mother.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 23, 1907
Doadi nf Mf* Th/OtoaM B.
Thomas S. Parn^ died at
' noon today at &e Twin-CSty Hos^
pitai, where he underwent an opera*
-tion last Tuesday momins. Mr.Par-
ncdi had about two wedcs
with typhoid fever and the opera^
wasnecesaaiy owmg to oomplications
resulting from the fever.
Mr. Pamdl's r^tives aid friends
were hopeful <hi8. recovery until
last eveidiig, wh^ his condition un
derwent an unfavorable diabge...
The deceased Is survived by a wife
and little the. latter just two
weekspid; four brotiiers; Messrs. W.
H. Pamell, of ^ pity; Charl^ and
Dorse, of MockBviUe.andHu^, who
is in the United States army; a ^
ter.Mis Mary Paniell, and hisj^
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Paindl, of
The remains were eonveyPd to the
read^oce at -662 Holly aveiiue
afternoon, from wbi^ place 1^
funeral will be conducted tomoROW
afternoon by Bt^op.^ndtfaaler and
Dir. H« A. Brown, provided thelat^,
who is in ]^chmond,' reach the
dty. in time. intoment will be
in the Salem cemetery. ' .
Mr. Parhell had hdd a ikxdtimi ^
with the Southern Railway for iour
yo^, having for some time b^
oondu^r betwe^ Ihti <hty and
(harloiie. He wasluniversaily'held
in. high este^ by. railroad mep on
his diyision' and by- alt who knew-
him, hu. genial, freehearted, gdod-
ni^ui^ diapoffltioii'maidng a warm
Of • every one with whom he
contact. *
r, Pamdl was' united ^
last year to Miss Loui^/Vraes,
hndto the bereaved yo^Vwifptte
/j empathy of theTentire commhrniy
gh» out in Ihis.^e oif ^rrow.
- 1%eupe'of thedeceas^wastl^^
y mohtha and three-de^.
(». B!. ParaeU. was a Mo^avffla
„ wb^liehad:.a fa^of f^ends.^
f d^th' is 8ad* v.-^e' ^
known him for year^ ah^ioimd'h^-
.ed'y6iiii^iD^,;;3|o bi8:i^h^;.mb|^
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 30,1907
4 Key.^^BUdy. died
Satciii^ ^enioff,, h^t
ia^tire^: 'nn ''• •' •/•■"'"••!'■•••'Sa^yiwas one of the eld .i^qol
n^nroe^ cdnrtepw a^^^ polite as he
well cdald 'b&-. He a Methiddist
minlte.bat a. hard woi%er he
aves. 'A few years back ho' one in
Mocksville could do more work thanS^dy. We re^;ret to h^ of his
d^th.-for.when the lilce of Sandy
are placed under the sod - the last
link,, which for so' lonf; :1^ h^d &eold siaye-holders. their .children wdthe ex-daves ^dpsely together^ will
have b^ broken. The 'youngergeneratien don-t uiiderst^d thefeel-hig df''kindh^'and good will thatexisted between the/^o: 'Peace to
his ashes.
f Bir. B. A. iGiflot De^
' 1&. B..A.Enox died suddeidy Sun
day evening at his* home at Qeve-
land. Ss condition bad so 'much
improved ^t his daughter, J.
B. Johnstone, was not withUm when
he died. He had been in bad-health
fori^e time, but light recenliy had
Improved to sndi an extent that his
recovery seemed almost assured,
death comes as a shock to his
friends, ^ohistwodaushteis,'J. B. Johi^ne and hHss Jim-
ox, weextend oursympaBiies.
. Bb; Hbiuj. Beck bead.;
muy Be^ among the 1^ of thep^er dttieiia- of :,.jefuie^em> tdv^^piphs^ away.lt^oi^iay^inpri^.fc^ 27|h.J: About ayveek' he he^ a6f -paraly^ '^^.whkh'te heve^:^,C(we^ - jlSr./Bei^w^'^ ye^A good; dtiz^,' a hard; wdrUng,
divide. - To bis widow ; attd ^ children
" iezn-.boD^ grpixnda. / 44
Bio — Obituaries - 5/30/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, June 5,1907
Henry Beck
Bbok, Hbnby, of Jerusalem,'
Davie couoty, age 76, cue of the
beat of Davie's citizens, died Mon*
day morniog. May 17tb, and the
fuoeral sud intermeot took place
at Jerusalem, Tuesday^'May 28tb.
Mr. Beck was a subBtautial- farm-
er, scrupulously honest and: was
held in high esteem by a large
circle of friends* ^He raised a
family often children and*'his
was the first death in the family.
He ^as a descendant of-^he same
family as the Miss Gathrine Beck
who supplied George Washington
with a breakfast, at the old Beck
homestead near Tyro, after he
left Salisbury in 1792, just aa
Miss Priscilla Brandon did just
before the GeneraPs arriyal here.
Miss Beck was thee 18 years of
Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 6,1907
David Stroud
' Hr, David Stroud died last^
Thursday, after a brief iUnesa;
He was 77 . years old and leaves a
wife and three sons. His remain^
were laid to rest Friday, Slst, as
Saleui^ We extend our sympathy^
,to ttfe bereaved family.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Married Cornell F. James
Born 9/24/1856
Died 6/9/1907
Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 13,1907
Frank Graves
James Taylor
Jame' /ylor, of SmiA'
Grove, died / week, and wps
btuied* Sataiuay with Masonic hcin-
—The remains of •-Mf, Frank
Graves were brought from States-
ville Tuesday, and buried by the
masons at Smith Grove. Mr.' Graves
was raised in Davie, but had bemi
living in Statesville with his son,
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 20,1907
Mn. Jamet Korlees Dead.
Mrs. Kurfees, wife of James Kur-
fees, near Holman, died last wedc.
To the bereaved husband and chil
dren we extend our sympathy.
Infant Gartner
—<We extend our aympaibies to
Mr. and Mrs. John Gartner on the
death of their infant child last week.
Infant Click
The iofimt child of Mr. and fl^rs.
Will Click metfTast Wednesday,
and was buried at Center Thors-
Bio — Obituaries - 6/20/1907 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY