Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Thursday, January 11,1906 Lewis Furches Mr. Lewis burcnes. of PanninR*> too towDsbip. died last FHdasr. aged; 73 years. He was a gallant Con .. federate soldier. He leaves threet sons, Sam. Luke and Kimbrougb.i and three daughters. Hrs. Cbas.^ Sheek, 3Irs. Cbas. Thompson, andi Mw. S. M. Smi^l The body" was' laid to -natr lih Eatoos gravevard t Bio — Obituaries — 1/11/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, January 25,1906 Sarah Griffith ' Mrs. Sai-ab Grillitih, of tkispUcc died at her home Jan. 4th. 1906, aud was bnried at Maeedouia.— Mrs. Griflitli whs a good lueighbiir and was held iu high esteem by all who knew hca-. We esiteud onr sympathy to the bereaved family and frieuds. A.&L. A. B. Willis people will regret to hear of | ^ppkth of A. B. Willis, of Lex- j ^fcton. Mr. Willis ran a drug store 1 Breat one time and married Missi ndaggie" Oakes. Our symiiathy tO| \tlie widow and orphans. ' • A. R. Sheek ! We i*egi'et very much to hear of^ ! the death of Mr. A. R. Sheek in the Bend neighborhood, Mr. Slieek was a good citizen, just in the prime of life. We extend our sympatliy to the widow and children. s Bio — Obituaries - 1/25/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 1,1906 Miss ? Gratton I Mr. Rufe Hod^u was in to, see 1 us Tuesday, and informed ns tliat a; I Miss Gratton di^ suddenly' near I County Line Satui'day. l Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 14,1906 David Ratledge David Ratledgei of GalahaU|died at his residence Wednesday morning March 7th aged 72 years. Mr. Ratledge was a good citizen and a thrifty farmer. His re mains were laid to rest at Hickory Grove Church today. Mrs. W. A. Boger Mrs. W. A. Roger of Smith Grove died Monday at her resi dence* She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss. Bio — Obituaries - 3/14/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, March 15,1906 David Ratledge 1 QMr. David Ratledgo whose iH- j ness wo have uolice<l from time to I time, c]ie«i la:l Tuesday night, and I wuK biitirU at Jiickory Grove on !_rhiinsday. To the bereaved cues I we cxteud our siueere i^iupathy. Mrs. W. A. Boger Mrs. W. A. Boger, wife of W. A. Bo^f, who lives near Smith Grove, and whose Ulnera was mentioned in a recent issue of the Record, died last week, survived by a husband and six children. She was a daugh ter of D. H. Dwiggins. Our sym pathy is extmtded to the bereav^ family. Mr. Geo. Hendrix Dotid. - Mr. Geoige Henc'rix died Tuesday morning of pneumonia, after abont a week's sidmess. In the death of Mr. Hendrix Dav- ie loses one of its best citizens. He was an honest, upright citizen, and one of the best farmers of the coun ty. He leaves a widow and two sons, to whom we extend- our ^nn- athy. Bio - Obituaries - 3/15/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 29,1906 Lillie Jones Mra. LilHe Jones, wife of Fmok Jones, cllcil Saturday morniug at C o'clock with that dreaded 'diseaeo oonscmipiioii. 'i'be remains u'ere laid to rest at Mocks chnrch at 3 o'clock p. in.. Sunday. Bhcl^yes A'liosbaud and 3 or ismull} child ren and a host of friends to uionrn her death. Bio - Obituaries - 3/29/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, April 4,1906 Mrs. O. P. Stroud Mrs. O. P. Stroad died laet Thanday at her reBideDce near Gopnty Line aftf^r a protracted .illness at an advanced, age. Johnn Fry Johhn Fry died 'fdesday night at his residence in Calahain town ship, in his 58rd year, after a short illness, the remains were interred in Winston today. Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 5,1906 Mr* E. H* Pass, Dead* Last Thursday morning at 7 ''clock Mr. E. H. Pass died, he had een in poor health for a long while. !e was one of Dane's oldest ci li ens. He left a widow and three lildren, two sons and a daughter, 'Mrs. Adams, of McGall, S. 0. His remains were laid to rest at old Jop- pa Saturd^ morning wiUi Masonic honors. To the family we extehd our sympathy. Bio - Obituaries - 4/5/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, April 11,1906 E. H. Pass After U long illness, £. H. Pass died at his residence 8 miles West of town, last Tnesday morning in the 79 year of his age. The re mains were laid to rest Saturday with masonic honors at J6ppa cemetery, which is the borial place of some of onr most noted people, among them being the father of Daniel Boone the great pioneer. M. Pass was a wonder- fol man in many respects. He was born in Danville Va., in 1827. Bio — Obituaries - 4/11/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 19,1906 Step-Daughter West fK diatreesitigaccideul: happened m the liUle step-dniigbter of Mr. iLuther West one day last week. ' The little girl was out in the field wheie her father was burn- ii g some corn stalks and her cloth- log cangtat fire and was entirely bnrnfciroiu her body. She died fivDi the ettects that evening. The family have the profound synripa- thy of the entire community. T. M. Gibson (Mr. T. M. Gibson died at his bonup near County lane last Ftiday, after a long illness, caused by a stroke of paralysis last August. Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 3,1906 Mrs. M. J. Lasiter Mj-8. M. j. Lasiter, wife of Mr. Ephrieui Lasiter, of Bixby, died of poetiuionia Thursday oigbt thO' 26th of April. She^ouly lived aboat four houi-a after she was taken. She leaves a husband, 4 ilaughters and two sons aud many ftleiids &u<l neighbors to mooru her death. She was laid to rest at the M. E. Ohurch cemetery at Ad vance Friday eveuiug at 3 p. m. * Bio — Obituaries - 5/3/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, May 9,1906 Horace Frost Hora ce Frosty of Felix, died at his home early Saturday morniDR, at 5:80,. aged 29. Mr. Frost leaves a father, two broth ers and two sisters to moyfu his death. He was laid to rest Sun day at Bear Greek. Funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev. T.« A. Oaudle. Bio - Obituaries — 5/9/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 10,1906 James Eaton ^ Mr. James Eaton, of Gana, died last week. He was quite an old :nan. He leaves several children, ihe of whom is Mrs. John Green, oi docksville. To the beieaved £^]> yve ext^d oui' sympathy. ^ Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 7,1906 Alex Brown Alex Brown^ colored, was killed at Spencer last Saturday while coup ling cats. Alex was raised at Mocks- ville, and was a son of Gid Brown. His remains were brought back Sunday and buried. Alex was a quiet, inoffensive boy, well thought of by both, white and colored. Gid has our sympathy in the loss of his son. Bio — Obituaries — 6/7/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 21,1906 Mrs. H. C. Eccles Mr. H. C. Ecdes, formerly of Ihis county, died in Qmrlotte last week. Her husband, Henry C." Bcele^, at one time lived at County line. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1906 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA