Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Thursday, July 6,1905
May Daywalt
Infant Woodruff
Tlie lofitnt child of Mr. aixd Mrs
Oburlie \Voo<U'aff, died Wednes
day ftt the home of Mis. Wooilniirs
3}areDlrt.Mr.!audMi8.I{aDip McMa^
hon, near Pino.
Mrs. L. E. Rockett
We regret to hear of the death
efMrs. L. K Beckett. She died
at Te.omasviUe Snnday ot typhoid
fever. Mr, and Mrs. Bochetc liv
ed in MockiiVille for more than a
ycMr, and moved to Thomaaville in
the spring.
On the 2$th of June little May
Daywalt, the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T, Daywalt, passed from
life nnto death* She was a little
over two years of age. '^Blessed
are Uie dead that die in the Lord
ferthey shall see. God." Let as
all prepare (o meet this little child
in Heai'eo. She was buried at St.
MatthewaborialgTOQQd. Sbeleaves
father, mot her .and two brothers,
and ahrat of relatives to ihoam her
loss. We extend our sincere qrm*
I»athy to the breavedfamily. Writ-
• ten by a friend. Plow Boy.
Small Child Grimes
Wo are sorry to note the ^eath of
Mr. Henry Grimes' child, which
oocnred Wednesdayj also the ill-
ne88"of Mrs. Grimes^ We extend
our sympathy to the .bereaved fath
er and jnother.
Bio — Obituaries - 7/6/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, July 13,1905
May Daywalt
lEUt9. A. BU.1S OEA0.
Mrs. Ellia, tiifeof A* W. Ellts,
died last Sunday raorniug and iier
leioafss were laid to test Sunday.
IrVe extend our sympathy to the
hereaved family.
Little Slay, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Williain Dijiywalt, fell "asleep
in Jesus on .the .eyeipog .ot Jnue
28th, ^d.3 yeara and 2 months.
Her suffeuing was not .long t\ntil
the. death angel came softly and-
,carried dear .little .May to he .with
Jesus forever. To hoow her wns
to.loye.her. .She .was ^ sweet little
Imto and a .food -pl^ure to her
pureuts. M^e fistj^ud our profonnd
sympathy to liither .and mother,
trieudsand loved ones, and may
God in His .wouder.ftil,love pity aud
comfort tbegrand*pateqts,'aud may
they all, .who.knew.dear Jlctle Miiy
live so os.to.meet her in a home not
made with hands. From one who
loved liUleMay.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/13/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, July 20,1905
Nathan Howard
Mr, ifatban Howard, who becaiuo
demented some four or five years
ago, died at bis borne near Bethle
hem church last Thursday. His
remmns were laid to rest iu the
Bethlehem cemetery Friday eveu-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/20/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 27,1905
Miss Brock
Miss YiokBrofik, danp[bter of Mr.
Mas Brock, of Farnnngton, died at
tbo Dr. Loni; hofipital iu BtatesA-ille.
Miss Brock had been in bad h^lth
for several years and an opcratioo
was the only hope, and ^e died
>000 after it was perforoted. Her
reiuaina were bronght l)aclc to Da-
vie ior burial. Vo the aged faOier
and mother, brothers and sisters
wG eactend our sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries — 7/27/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 3,1905
Phil Coltraine
Fhil Coltraine. -oue uf the old-
time darkies passed away last week.
Fhil was a harmless, inoffensive
darkie of the old,BebooL Peace to ^
bis ashes. •
Bio - Obituaries - 8/3/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 17,1905
George Barber and
Small Child Allred
Vq are sorry to have to report
two deaths at this writing. Mr.
GeorgeBiirber, aged about COyeais,
died last Wedu^'lay; the other a
small child of Mt*. Sam Aliredj^
died Friday.
H. H. Sannders iread,.
Mr. H. H. Sannders, of Smith
Grove, died last Thursday, of can
cer, leaving a wife and several
children. His remaiD>i w.ere laid
torTcst at Smith Grove Friday. He
was a-brother of our towusman,
J. M. Sannders. To his widow,
children and brother we extend our
eympathyv '
j MrM. Austin Dead,
i 3Ira. Wvlra Austin, widow of the
ilalo Oilonel Austin, died SsUurday
j looming'. Mrs. Austin had lieeo
inpoorucutlh for soiuq time and
! several wechsagoHhefell and brohe
'one of her which, with hor
extreme age, cansed her death.—
l^frs. AusUu wa.s the oldest resi
dent of Mochsvillo, being in her
sntb year. She was a member of
the Presbytidn church, a good wo
man and kind neighbor. She is
suivivedby three daughters and one
SOD, to whom we extend onr sym-
pathj. The remains were laid to
rest at Joppa burial ground Qnnday
evening, the fnneral services being
conducted by Eev. F. M. Allen,
pastor of the PrcsbytQi-ian cbnrch.
Infant Myers
— infant^ of Mr. Jcsgq Myein
ibnned at £3bav111e last Friday.
Mrs. LillieGilcrist
• w J. J •
Ufts. Liliie GUcrist, colured.. BtSI
hfro Friday evening. . "
Bio — Obituaries — 8/17/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 24,1905
Mrs. Wiley Felker Cam Turetine
A uauiber of relatives of this
place otteuded the .burial o( Mrs.
Wiley Felker at rro\ideuce, Itowun
couuty, last Friday,
Miss Cam Tnretiae. aged about
23 years, died at her home uear
Oak OroTe Bauday night.
Bio - Obituaries — 8/24/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 31,1905
Infant Allen
A OscarAlien died lastThors^ay. Wees-tend enr sympathy to the bereaved
Littleton W. Beck
Littleton W. Leek fell dead in
Salisbury last Friday, the S^tb.
\Ye have not learned the canse.
Victor C. Brock
. OBlTOAt&Y.
YicUir b. Brock, daxighler of T.
Masa'ell and Beolah Brockj of
Farmloe'ton^ N. 0., wi^bOrn Ang.
23rd,lSd7, and died at the hospital
in 8tatcsville, G.,^bereBheh'ad
goucibr treacm^ut, July 20tb, 1005*
She piofcssed &itb in Ofa'itet and
joined the dinrch at. oid Oliv^
Branch at the age of twelve .years
and lived a devoted and oouseScat
ed Christian until death.
She steered much, for tbepaat
few years, but bore her suffering
patiently and with Christian forB-
Indo. All who knew h.er loved her
and adinir^ her quiet andunsefisb
disposition. She was .an afiTection
ate sister and a loving, helpful
xTust before going to the openxt
ing loom ^e wrote a note to- her
father and mother telling them thai]
whether she lived or died all was
well with her soul and asking them
to try to meet her in heaven if she
never saw them again in this world.
Sbel&ives two sisters, three broth
ers, a father and mother and a h<Kt
of friends to mourn her loss.
3f.ny the God of all gi*ace com
fort and snst^n them in the! r great
grief. L. L.Smxth.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/31/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, September 7,1905
Julia Potts
Miss Jnlia Potts died of typhoid
fererSauduy night and was interr
ed in the Methodist cemetery Mon
day evening. Her home was near
Mochas chni'ch.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/7/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 14,1905
Frank Hoots
Mr. Ecank Hoota. who wepfc.to
Califorqia Rome few-montlisago foi:
the oire of consumption returned
Rome vreekafl^ n) beitei-, but worse.
He died the past week.. Home say
go to Califoroia for consutnptlon,
.but Hoots got worse all the time.
Sallie Markland
Miss Ssdlie kFofkland, about
wbtaeserious illacss Me made men
tion ill a former issne of the ilec-
on), died last Monday uiglit. Her
remains were iutcri^ at EihaviDe
church-late Tucsdnj eveoing, Mr.
E. £. Hunt, of Mocksville being
Bio - Obituaries - 9/14/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 20,1905
Annie Livingood
Livinoood.—The death of Mtb.
Anuie Liviogood took place Mon
day night at 11 o'clook. Mxe. Liv
ingood was a native of Davie coun
ty, coming here abcut seven years
ago from Jerusalem. She has been
making her home with her son, H.,
S. Livingood, 818 South Lee street,
he being her only child. The fu
neral an^^nterment took place
this mori^g at Cherry Hill, Da-
vie county. Rev. W. H. Wilson of
ficiating, Mrs. Livingood was one
of those noble, self-saprificiug wo
men whose death will be bard to
Bio - Obituaries - 9/20/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 21,1905
Mrs. Doe Robertson
The remains of Hrs. Doc Robert
son, of Ailrance, were interred in
the F<»k Chureta ceioetery last
Tbuisdey in the preseoeeof a large
gathering of frlendB and relatives.
Hie deotesed leaves a hnsband and
one tibild, also afhtberand mother,
fonreisteis »nd three brothers to
tttonra for her. Mrs. Robertson
was called in the bloom of life, lie-
ing in her 29th year.
Herman Graves
The remains of Herman Graves
the 11-year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. Graves, was laid to rest in tlie
cbttreh yard here recently. .
Blandenia Bolan
I "Weare aoirj'to note that Rev.
a. iMJohin, thepastorof St. Matth
ew's church,- was called to S O. to
the death lied of his little girl.
Blandenia was a sweet child. We
extend our Hyiupatby to the father.
Bio - Obituaries — 9/21/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 28,1905
Abe Forrest
Last Tuesday eveiilog, Sei t t96b,
Mr. Ahe Forrest died sndi'ealy of
heni-t disease, uearFIbavlile, We
esteud our sympathy to his family,
Small Child Smith
The tu'o year old child of Mr.
and Mrs. liuf Smith, of Sedlaud,
died Friday night.
Small Child Walker
The two-5ear old child of Mr.
aiid Mrs. Crawford Wiilker, James-
town, died IdSt Toesdav night.'
Bio - Obituaries - 9/28/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 5,1905
Tbesiauy frienda of Mr, Price
will be pained to bear of bis death
which occurred lastTbni:S(lay morn-
log at his borne in S^itisbnr^', of
Biigbt's disease. Mr. Price was
for years a resident of Davle conn-
ly, having represen(eJ thocoiioty
in the legislature. He was also
:ibuator for the district, composed
of Diivic and Bowau. AVbile in
the lower houste Mr. Price was
elected Rpeahcr. He was IT. S.
District Attorney during Mr. flur
rison's administration. Mr. Price
was one of ibe ablest lawyers in the
State, and be bas, for yeai's, been
division couuae) for the Soutbieru
Hailroad. Soon after Mr. Price
came to Pavip be maiTied M}ss
.\iiLie Hobson, and assistant Dis<
Uict Attorney Angnstus H. Price
is a sou of this union. He was
born in IS47 In Waryen connty, K.
O., nod though not a college grad
uate be worked his way to the fore
front and became n^eat if hot the
greatest lawyer in the State
The .editor of fbe Record has'
known him since bis bt^'bood, and
it is with sorrow that we write of
his nufjcely death - only 58 years
old—in the ve^ prime of life. To
his SOD and widow we extend onr
heart-felt ay mpathies.
Peace to his ashes and eternal
rest to his eonl.
Bio - Obituaries —10/5/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, October 12 1905
Infant Saunders
The iofantof Mr. and Mrs.-J'.H.
iSannders died last week. We ex-
.^ud onr eympathies to the bereaV-
^ parents.
Bio — Obituaries -10/12/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 19 1905
Infant Forsyth and
Infant Ijames
ij Wearesoriy to have to report
tbefleaUi of ttroinlhtits last week;
one the diild of Mr, and Mrs. H.
J. ForsyUi and the other the child
of Mr. and Hra, John tjani&s.
Bio - Obituaries -10/19/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 26 1905
Mr. Ttomuel Foster Dead.
Mr.Satuuel Foster, one of tbe
oldest men in the oonDty/^meflat
his home, near Ffrk CUuroUlaat
.%VMiiesday, Oct., 18lh, of !»nUy-
ois. Mr..Ftit(ter \raS . over^ yeaii
of afpe« He tesarvived by a widow 1■aod three chitdien, Mrs.-Garwnod* 'Mrs.. Jacob -Hopb Md-•Obedish Foster. His remains were ilaid to rest at Fork Church Thuis-^ay. Beace to hht 4ishe8. OuriByiopathiea are ejtteadttl the he-i
■ seaved family. ' f
Bio - Obituaries - 10/26/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, November 2,1905
Bettie Cuthrell
Mrs. Bettie Cuthrell, wife of Mr.'
Tbotiias Cuthrell, decaised, died
the past week, of cousumption.
We estood uur xyiDputhy to her
aioj. A. A. Uarblii Dend.
The auDonnceiueutof Major Har-
biu's death atMoi^ctou came as a
snrprise to our people. The Major
was a native of this coiiuty and
spent most of his life in Moeksvllle.
ile was, for a uumlies of yojirs,
clerk of the court. The Major has
been greatly wissctl, for he was a
familiar fig^are ou our streets; a
pleasant, geoial gentleraao. His
remains were interred at Morgan-
ton. Peace to his ashes.
Jim Free
The many Dnvie friends of Jim
Free, as he was familiarly called,
will regret to hear of hia death,
which occurred at Spencer Satur
day night. Ho died of pnenmonia
Our sympathies go out to tko wid
ow ttud BiK cbildreu..
MIt KOHT. nO-iE DEAO \n At'tbe homeofbissoh.Mr. Boooj
R<V5C. of Winston he passed away;
at the advanced age of 84 years ,
Mr. Rose had been in poor health
for some time; puralysis and old age
were the cause of his death. Hia
i*cui!iins were brought to JIocUs-
ville Monday evening aud laid to
resiiu iheMoc: aville biirialgrouud.
Our sytnpatliy la eyteuded to the
familv'. Peace to hia ashes.
Bio - Obituaries — 11/2/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, November 8,1905
J. M. Garwood
J, M. Garwood died at his real-
deoce near Fork Oharch, this
ooontj. Monday' night, October
90th, iu the year ''f hie_ag^.
Mr. Garwood had beep ip'^bad
health for boqvb months past. Ue
was a good fdnner and a good cit*
izeD,aud will greatly missed in.
his neighborhoj^.- Hie remains
were buried at Voric Church ceme
tery Wedpesdaif* Jfovepiber let.
Robert Rose
At the advanced age of 84 years
Robert R*>8e died at the home of
his son, Roope Rosoi in Winston,
on Sunday. October §9,1005, from
the effect of a paralyti^etroke that
he suffered some tinte ago. Mr.
Rose was born and raised here and
lived here the greater portion of
nis long life. He was a son of the
late Berry Rose, wha for a long
while was clerk of the court of this
Bio - Obituaries - 11/8/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, November 9,1905
Small Child Palmer
Child ])Md,
The lather Weakens.
Mrs. Palmer Relied on Faith Cure
UotU It Was Too Late. .
Somewhat of aseosatioa bmi heeo
caused by the death of the three-
year-old aoD of Mrs. Xaanie Joaes
Palmer* of FuHoo, said to have
been dtie to the blind faith of the
mother in the effieaoy or tho fiiith
corOi and to her refasal to permit r
medirai aid for the tittle boy before
it was too late»
The child was taken elck Thurs
day, and by Saturday vroa choMpg
with void and gaapiai; for bpoath,
Mrs. Palmer said yesterday that
she gave the boy some aimple rem*
edies, believing that Ibis wonldiiot
violate the teachings of the church.
Members ol the cberch called at
the house and cuopnraged the wo.
man to stand by her faith. This
she did until 8 P. K. Saturday,
wbcu the boy was near death's
door. At this lime she sent for Dr
George Barksdale, who deetared
the case to be dlptheriaand the pu
ticnt beyond hope. Three hoar la
ter the child was dead. Four oth
er Palmer children in the honRe
showed eymptone of the disease,
but when the doctor offered, fjree of
charge to Inoculate them with ap-
tito^jne the mothgr refused, declar
ing that this would be eqoivoient
to a renunciatiou of her faith.—
Vesterday, hou'ever, she bad chang
ed her mind and announced her
consent to the treatment.
pBBacBBa's DiTina asAuao.
Gieat vaguen^ shrouds the
teaehlRga of the church of wbiah
Mrs Palmer Is A mcmbev« It fs
e^trrcilinglf difficult to jnei
what the pe«ip1e believe and whem
they draw the line. The pastor,
the Rev. Jolio AV Dougherty, says
that he preaches divlue healing, us
contained in the Bible, bnt he ex
perts no member of his ehnrch to
follow it unless they wish. That
any person, ti iistuig to divine heal
ing, rthoultl die, he believes is an
Indication of .a lack of foritU on the
part of the patient, aad this prin
ciple be applies to Mrs, Palmer
and her child. Mr. Daugherty
eveu good so far as to say that he
freqnently advises bja parishloneFS
to send for pbysioiaus and to makp
use of medieines.
The caao has At.tyacted much at
tention and may ha made a suldect
of an investigation by the health
antboiitics. Right niouih ago the
husband of Mis. palmer died from
blood poisoning. He loo, would
not fxmeent to the services of a pby-
We are firmly of the opinioo
that this woman and her advisers
should be i^os^uted in the courts
fur criminal ne^igence. Medicines
were pot in the world for ose, and
v.e, 98 ioteUigent beings, should
use every means in our power to
jralleveaafferiag and disease. What
wonld you think of a man in a boat
wlih oars, drifUng down the Kiag-
jra to oertmn destruction were be to
lay down his oais—>get down on his
knees and pray for the Lord toturn
Ihe \mt out of the cnrteulT Would
it not be more sensible to use the
oars with all his physical power,
while he prayed to God for his safe
.delh'erancef The Bible teaches na
t hat God helps those who help them
Charles C. Vowel!
Mr. Charles 0. Voweli. a jonng
m^fHibdntJEy^ara old, died here
{ai(tSatur3^ add-u^s^ned-at*:
Liberty . Snnday. Vowell's
biojiiep; from Fri^, Va.,come Mou- i
d^iKvcning in answer to a telegram'
King to get herein time for the
ioeral, but was too late. Only u
Few month ago Mr. Voweli loat one
^g from gangrene and it Is thought
liiat the effect of the gangieue
iOnally caused his death, He leaves
a yotttig widow. Re was a native
of Apponiattox. Va,
Bio - Obituaries - 11/9/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY