Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Thursday, January 5,1905 Waiter Clifford Walter Clhford died at the Mor- gantou asyloffl last Fiidav aod bis semuiDS vere brongbt ba^ to Da- vie ^tofday. The bnrial tooki ylace at Batons efaorjb. S. A. Jarvls V - - — I Mr. S. A. Jairisdied at his borne; list Satnrrlay. His retnaios vreret hid to rest. Suoday \ritb 31a&0Biej honois at FurmfagtoQ. Mr. Jar vis j vrasa leading ciHzenof bis com*; munity and ve extend oarsyiupa- tby to the b^eave«l family.i Sim Jarvis We regret to ebrouicle tliedeatb; of 3rr. Sim Jarvia ;rhicb otcarrcd i .last ^turday morning. He "waal :-interyi Snndayat 11 o'clock at tbC :. r Fariniugcon cemetery with Masonic [ I honors. ScftRGSA* | Moses Trexler Mr. 3Ioses Trexler was bnried at | 1 St Peter's on Christmas day. Bio — Obituaries -1/5/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, January 12,1905 IOa W. B. Clement Dead. SuDtls^ monirag at 6:30, Sirs. IT, B. dement* widow of the late ISajoi dement, passed away. Mm. dc^nt two or three weeks ago waastrickeii with paralysis, which eaneed her death. She was 64 years old the day of her death, and left snrviog W one oou, W.i K.Oieiiieot, a sister, Mrs. Jamison and three hrotbei^ Mr. Fhwh MarUa, of Winston and two broth- tin In Virginia. The fnnenil service was conduct* ed at the residence- Monday even iog by Bev. O* S. C^hwell, of Durham,sr.<7. and the remains were laid to at the dement burial ground by the side of her latehus- wind. Mrs. Oletnent was a splen did wemau, and a kind', conaider- nte nei^bOTj and will be greatily missed. We extend to the teceav- cur heart felt symimthy hi this incpanihie loss.' Child Howe!! The 13-year old child of Mr. and Mrs.'l^Tie Howcll, of Faiin- iogtOD, dted Sunday, a. ui. Bio - Obituaries -1/12/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Tuesday, January 17,1905 Sam B. Bailey Bailbt, Sam B., of davio Coun ty, who oaode to Salisbary Bome years ago and accepted a position at the freight depot, but later went to Mobile, Ala., where he has since held a poaitio!i with the Atlantm Coast Line, Mr. Bailey was recently stricken with typhoid fever, from the effects of which he died, in Mobile, Saturday af ternoon. The funeral was held at Mobile Monday. Bio - Obituaries - 1/17/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, January 19,1905 j,avn8 luuso kduusd, | One day last week Bob Willhuns shot and killed Lewis Laird. The fiisfc report of the affair indieated self-defense. At tbe Justice's trial th^waa no evidence introduced showing that Williams did the kill ing and he was discharged. Ihe Justice, in our opinion, erred in not binding Williams over to conrt. The' erifninal law ot onr State shonld be more rigidly enforced. Bio - Obituaries -1/19/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, January 26,1905 Mrs. Tenpa "Granma" Williams Ou the 17tb of Jaoimry Mra. Tonpa Williams, l>ct*^e7kDo\m as Grautna Williams, passed from life .tfoto de\lh. Rho was 91 years, 7 munlbs aud 3days o'tl. i^be leaves o. e SOD, ttvD d'iup;bters and a hirge ii..inl>or of grand aud great grand children to monru her loss. Bless-' etl are the ilcau, foe Uiey shall see God. V Jasper Foote Mr. Jasp^ Fp.otc di^ oo the 3rd insfc., ^fteran illb^ olseveral months. His remains were interr ed here the following day. Mr. Foote left two small dhnghterr. His wile died several years agn. Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 9,1905 Ross Howard ]tj88 Howard, ecu of George How ard. died last llinrsdAy at Coolee- a»e and was boned at Bmith 4Srove. Delia Frost nCrs. Delia Frost, of Felix, died IhBt week. 8he was the wife of onr eld friend, Jas. Frost postiqaster at Felix. Small Child McCombs j The little ebild of Lawsou 1 ! Combe, who has been eiok. quite .awhile was buried last Satnr^y. | fiixss ifiaiSiK wuwusa pisao. IA W«U knowa tttf Popotor Yoeas tM&f I •.puBcmtbta Aftsnuoo* ! Tc<m StatesriUe Landmark, Feb. 3rd After a month's illness,Miss Jes sie Fbwler died Wednesday even- in|: at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. J. O. Irwin, on Davie avenue. Miss Fowhr was first attacked witbi ^ppeand malarial lever and tbx8| dev<^ped into typhoid fever. Her condition had b^a serious for some' time bat there was hope f ir her re- eovery until Monday night, when she wasattacked with ahenioi rhage. TaeBdayand Wedmsiay mm iu^ she was better, but about Doon Wednesday there Wita another hem- jerrhage, and ^en it was known I that Ae end was near. Hiss Fbw- ler was entirely cooscions until the end. Hiss Fo vler was the danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Fowler; of sjuuth 1 iver, Bowan rouuty, and a as 29 years old. When a little child she came to live with her un- cU a d an-it, Mr. ami Mrs Irvin, th 1.1 tter being her mother's sister, iHud Hiice then had her borne wbh t^nu They ha I no children and Islmgrew up in their home as their 'dangbter, loved and cared for as tbrir own. To them the blow is severe and the community sympa- tbizeswitb them and others near aiid dear to her who has gone. j Miss Fowler's mother and father, ; four brothers and three sisters snr- vire. Her mother was with her during her illness, as was also her brothcr,Mr. J.C. Fowler,of Sfeitcs- riile. Her fi ther and another bio^faer. H, B. Fowler, of Char ottc arrived Welncsday oigbD. Mrs. H. B. I owlet came from Cbarloite yesterday ami a married sister of the deceaBed,Mts. Bridgers, of Ihr boro. and eth^ iriatives alBO came yesterday. Mies Fotwier was one of the best koowa well as one of tl e mod; popular young ladies in the oom- mnnity. She was attractive and accomplished. A skilled mnsiciao she bail long been prominent in musical and social ciides in the town. Sbehadbeenforseveral^eais organist at the First Prcsbyteriiui church. Death came in her youth and strength, when (here was every prospect of a leug life und mbch to live lor. She.wUl be missed and sincerely mourned by n large circle of fiienda. The fncenil services will take place from the First Pre3b3-teri»n eburch, of which Miss Fowler was! a member, this aflernoon at S o'dook, and the remains will be interred at Oakwood. Small Son Kerr The remains of the"little son of Mr. and Mis. Gaither Kerr, of High Point, were interred here last Thursday, The pareots have our sy.npatby in this berea%'emenc. 'Jli3 fiiieral precesslou came by way of Peeblc'a Ferry and bad con-' sidera'de diffienlty in crossing the r.ver on account of the ice. Mr, James Hobsou Dead, Died, at his home, in Greens boro, Ala,, about a week ago, Mr. ! James Hobsmi, brother of W. H. Bobsou. of Jerusalem. 3Ir. Hob- son' was born and raised in Davie and moved to .\labaina after the war. He held the office of comity Jndge for a nnniber of years, and was appointed postmaster at Greens- boruby President McKinley. lie was the father of Bi thmomi P.Hob i son, of Merrinmc fame. Oursj-ni- pathy is extended to the iumily. Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 16,1905 Mrs. George Elliott Mrs. Geoxge Elliott, vrhoxrasear- lied to the hospital in Balisbory mott than a month ago, died lasfc Saturday, and her retrains trere Brought in on the oae o'doek train Sunday ami buried at Hiokor}* Oroare. Mrs. Elliott Trdfe the daugh ter of Mr, Geo. RichardBOn, and* sister of Maiion Richardson. To the bereaved relatives xre extend our symjiRt^, Small Son Finny tVe are sorry to report aaotfacr death this week. Sunday night, the 12th iuBt., the 12-year old son of Mr. Obe Finoy died of pneumonia. Twin Babies Tiller Mrs. C. C. Tiller is very eiok with pneomoDia Thj eympathiGS of theoommunity are extended Mr and Mis. Tiller in the death of their twin Imbies, which ocoiiitd last week. Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, February 23,1905 Maji G.4KWOOP. Mrs. Qanrood, pear $tork(}hurdh, F^taroary Uih^.S^ p. m.\ ageil ftO Years, 0 momhaii«d 1 Ofty, Mys. QarwjiCHl had l)eeu abided vUh thfit dit*adcd disease cancer, for if y$ar?. She leaves 4 C-hUdrep to piionrn her Sou, A. iy[. G(ir^roCKl, Mrs. U, A. Heii- dripUp, SJbB. Enoch Cope apd Mrs. f{-. j. Fostpr, a hnshaud, and two chtMrcu her'^r^^thc Sravp. M^. :piaAKK Knar I?ayk nhurch, Monday morn ing at I okjlock. Mrs. Fmob Ratts mascd away after a long iltuess with ilrftp^. ^10 Ipaves a has bond, and ijve .pbildren to uionrn hnr lo^s, ^ nop, AVnlter, who is absent, a ypQinap in U. S. Kavy; Hie four daughters were at hop^e at thp lime of hei' dtrath. Her bus baud, P. p. Bat's is carrier (ui Itn- »il Bpntn Ko. <1, fro?n MocksviUe, and has been at h^r bctl aide for the past Id days. W. ja. Wyjitt. At Coulpciuno pn Slonday niorn- ipg Mr, Wyntt pqsseii gway. He has beep jn p<w he:d!h for some time. Ills rOipnins wcrp bnried at Fork chnrcb Tpesday with Masonic bonoi-s. To the berpnved failles wo ex tend our sypipdhy. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 8,1905 Springs Ebeltoft There was quite a seusalion at Cooleemee SuTKiny when. 3*oiing Spriuga Ebeltt)ft shot liiuiselT. He left no word of explanation concerning his intentions and his friends are unable to account for the rash act. It is said he was in love and had been disappointed As usual, on Sunday mnrning Mr. Ebeltoft went to Sunday schoid, and made an address which is said to have bee.j the last delivered by him. He was 18 years of age and had been employed by J. U. Led- ford Company almost three years. He was a son of Mr. aiid Mrs. T. W, Ebeitoft. of Shelby and a nephew of Mrs. Wade H. Harris and Mrs. Miles P. Pegrani, Jr., <>t Charlotte. His remains were car ried to Charlotte Monday and t funeral was held Tuesaay morn ing. Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 9,1905 T. S. Ebeltoft COObKBaxSIS XTBittS. Onr town wua vory muoh sliod:- c<l and saddened by the snfoide of Mr. T. S. Ebeltoft on Snnday even- Tiig jjj:vWj8frolr^gas^.Bi^ ^ixSinj^tfy lUiin and we are quite snre that be bad an enemy in the place. He was in the employ of the J. K. Ledford Co. as derk, and in his death this firm loses one whose place-will be bard to fill. With all bis business ability and with tliA bright prospects of a sue- eessful career, yet be was a victim of luelaucboly. A short wbnebe* lute tlie act was cominUced, some et bis friends noticed that he acted very stran^ and seemed xmnsnally htul. At half past two o'cloclc the crack of a pistol was beard in the yard of the hotel where he boarded. The bail bod passed through bis brain and be was dead when reach* ed. Tbe remains were sent to bis ic'atlves at Shelby, N. C. on tbe Monday evening train. David White I David White died Saturday of | I pneumonia. Neal Lyons . lostTbur^ay morning,near Ly ons, ft young man living in the neigbborbood Elbarille cbnrcli, breathed bis lost. His remnins were interred in the cemetery at Elbaville chnrcb Friday evening in presence of a large concourse of {frieuds. relativcrt uml sclioulinuies. Neal Lyons Correction Found in 3/16/1905 Davie Record The "intelligent compositor"! made a bull in tbe death paragraph j fa the Advance co. respondeucc; the yonng man wlso died was nam ed "Neal Lyons—The Keoord made it read "near Lyons." Bio - Obituaries - 3/9/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 16,1905 MBS M. J. OLEMEStT DEaB. ati illoess of sev^iU weeks Mre. Itfarsliall Clemeot passe4.away Mooday luurning ot jpoenmoDla. Mrs. Clemeub M'as the Avidow of the late Maishall Glemeiit, aud is sur vived by si;^ children, three sons and three daughters? Mrs. B. L. Gaither, Mrs. H. H. Trundle. Blrs. Julia Ueitinau, Mr. L, H. Olenieut, of Salisbury, Herbert and Walter Clement, of Mockaville. Mrs. Clem ent was 73 years old. FuBer.il ser vices were coudueted by hhr pastor at the Methodist chnrch and her remains were laid to rest Tuesdav evening in the 'Clement burial gnmnd. Our sympathies are ex tended the entire family in thisMd hour. • Bio — Obituaries — 3/16/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 23,1905 Archibald Stewart Mrs. Wellman A Mid. Wellmau vms badly Tmrtted, aod died from the eifects at Gaoleemee last Treek. David Howard Dnde David Howard died ou Sauday the 12tb, at his home near Dalins. He was one of the oldest men in the conntyj be was about 00 yeara of aj^e. Onr synipatby is extended to the family. Mr. Archibald Stewart, an octe-S!DariaD| was boiled at Forkchnrcb unday evening with Masonic hen- ore. Mr. Stewart bad been an in^ valid for forty years, and still be lived to a ripe old age. A wile, four sons and three dangbteie ate left tomonrnhls demise. Tb^ares Messrs Jacob Stewart, of Mocks- ville; Captain, Pleasant and XioUi' er Stewart, ofTennyson; l^.Pleas* ant Faster His. Donisa Foster aad Mrs. Frances Darter, all of Fork chnroh nelghlmrboDd. BIB. BJBHDKBSOSr BTBSVABT DBAD ! Mr. Henderson Stewart, one of the oldest dUzens of. the county, passed away Snnday roorning at his home near Fork chntch, of pnenmonia. Mr. Stewart was nearly 90 years old. He left snrvmng a widow, four sons and three dangh- tms. Mr. Jacob Stewart, of Mocks ville, being the ybnng^t son. Onr sympathy is extended' to the be* reaved family. His lemainawere laid to rest Monday at Fork church with Masonic honors. Bio - Obituaries - 3/23/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, March 30,1905 Frank Foster Mr. Irauk Foster, age fiftr-seven' .irho lived one mile North of Ehrm- ingtooj-uied Saturday morning at 6 o'oIoOk. Daughter Helton The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam HoltOQ} of Dorliam, ^'ho vis- lited her giand parents, fttr. and 'Mrs. M. 16. Cbaffin, several creeks 'ago has died ainee faerretnrs home. jOur aympathy is extended to the I bereaved xelafeiyea. Mr. Hicks VV uuilerstand a young man. Mr. Hicks, who came tj Cross Bomls to go to school from near Tnrners- bnrg, died bf cousaniptioii the past week. ..a - Bio - Obituaries - 3/30/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 6,1905 Graydon Wiiliams Death■lue Aogol has a^tnentered the family of Mr Lee \\ il-liama, anil removed little Oiayilou,the two year old baby. He was asweet, pxelty child and a pet of thefamily connection. Hia remainswere laid to test in the ohnwb yardTuesday evening, March 2Stii^ Mahala Cuthrell Mrs. MahaU CnUireU died Mar. 30th. . . Lemuel Hilton '"°Last Tn^day.^orDing, Maren21 at4 o'clock, sonl of UncleLemnel Hilton passed into the"bonrne whence no traveler everrctnrned." He was eighty-fonr veara obi. and leaves quite a nnm-l>erof children,grand-children,rela- tt ves and friends to mourn hm de-partnre. His wife preceded onn to Mollie Bailey MissMoIlie iJaiiey, daughter of 0. A. Bailey, died l^ist Friday and,ras bniied at Kllmvillo buuday.Ola sympathy is cxieuilod The bereaved family. Mrs. Jem Foster Mrs. Jem Foster week; she leaves n husband -and four chil dren to mourn her loss. •IS . t •»« T0m Bio — Obituaries - 4/6/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 13,1905 Mrs. Amanda White Dead Mrs. Amanda WTiite, wife of Mi*. JoUu Wlxite,tlied at her home, uejir Pino, April 4tli, leaving a hnsbaud ami eight children snrviviog her. Mra. White was an excellent wo- man, and her death is peenlinrly sad, leaving so many small child ren withonc a mother's Ciire. To the behaved family we extend onr sympjitby to this stiicheu ikmily. Leiia Burton Lizzie Williams Mrs. Leiia Burton, wife of James : Burton, was bnried at EorkOhurch < 8nuday evening last. Mia. Bnrton j was che daughter of J. H.- Peebles. MissLiszle Williams, daogbter of Mr. Marion Williams, bf Bixby, w}Ui bnried at the **Hard-SheIP' ciinrcb, nearEork cbnrch last Sat* lu-dav. She dirni of typhoid fever. Mollie Bailey On the evening of March Slst, | Miss Mollie Bailey, the daughter of Mr. and hlis. L. A. Bailey, died of the di:ead disease, conanmption. Mis Bailey was a most excellent yonug womun. She jmssessed a very qniet, unassniniDg personality which is very characteristio of one whose sonl is so gende. so cbiistiau, like as was beis. She was a devot*' ed member of the Elbaville M. P. chuich, and waf never happier than when she sat within the walls of the old church, engaged in God's service. Ouly a short time ago she was one among us; today she qui etly sleeps in her grave; and this reminds as that, '\vhile we may dQarish today, yet tomorrow we may fade, for, indeed, the paths of glory lead but to the grave. We extend condolence to those bereft for her place iu the old home will never again l>e dlled; and it gives ns plciisure t-o have the oppoilunity ofdr*oppiug this gentle flower on her gnive. Bio - Obituaries - 4/13/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 20,1905 Margaret King Mrs. Margnret "KiDg, near Bed- land, died April theOch, afcairad- vaiiced age Bio - Obituaries - 4/20/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, April 27,1905 WUliam H. Wyjitl/ { William Henry Wya^ son of William and Susan Wyatt, was horn near Fork Ohnrch, in Fnlton! township, Davie oounQ^, H. O., on' theSOth of Hay, 1883. In the year 1855 he married Miss Mai^tet Myers, of Davidson oonn« fy,' N. C., Tp this union were boruseypn ehlld^, only two of whom ^ living are* H. O, Wyatt, aprosperoas farmer, of Oklahoma, and Jolios P. Wyatt of Gooleemee. If. 0. Soon after marriage "Xr. Wyatt settled upon a farm near bis old home. After a few years of soc- cessfal farming be enter^ the mer' cantilo bnmness, first at Hoclmville, N. 0., and later in Colnmbia, 8.0. - On retiring from the mercantile business he moved baoktohisoldj home en the Tadkin river in Dayie county, ST. 0. | Tn the early part of the yem: of 1881 his wife died. | In December, 1881. he mamed hDss H^ona £. Brin^r, of {Davie cbanty. To this union, were bom five children, fdni of whom are liv log, one having died in infisncy. The living are Jefferson A.. May, John W., and Gnrtis L. Early in life Mr. Wyatt profeBs> ed faith in Christ and joined the Baptist Ohumh at Pork Chnrch,N. 0., and ever after living a coosis- taot Christian life. He remained a member of the Baptist Church until the year 1897 when he volnn- tatily -withdrew and Joined the Fjiends, or QnakerChnccb, which he remnlnad till bis deaft. Mr. forty yearaafioyal Arch. .Maken;^ and a man of considerable bnsiness ability and experience, and onp Who^ Adylce was higUy vplne^ and oBen 6ot)igbt by mt" qiialotenoes upon varions matt^. As a hn^band and fiitber he wtts always kind and affect^nme and eversolieitions for the welfare of those forandwith whom helaboredl \As a nrighbiw and citizen bo was highly esteemed by all who knew* him. On September 1901 he was (ak^ aiok with typhoid fever, from whtw be never lecovered. And at the mme time being attacked with a Gompliearion of diseases,froin which he was never tVee hotil death re- lievetl him of his pains, which oc curred ou February 20th, 1905. Hw age being 71 years, 8 months ami 20 days. On Febmary 22nd, 1905, his^ morial renialus were laid to rest in' Fork Church graveyard with 3^* sonic honqm. " * " ? Behind itfe |elt % widow,aig ohil* dren, a biptHqr, ^wosjlsters and a host qf JErisnil^ tq luonru bhi vacant riinir* A Eeiexu, Miss nary Clement Dead. Miss Mary Clement, who hasb^n in poor health for some time, died in her chair early Suuday morning, very suddenly. Her remains' were laid to rest Tuesday evening In the Clement bnrial ground. Our sym pathies are extended to the rela tives. Charles Roben Mr. Charles Boben, who lived near Maccedonia, diedtastWednes-' day. He wasagoodraanandteavis^ a widow aud a hose of friends. He was buried atBethletaeni. "Wlllifim H. lioUeylOeail. We chronicle the death of this good mau with genuine sorrow. Bo better man lived in this countj; honest as the days were long, and a man of fine character. Mr. Hol- ley passed away at his home near Lilierty, Jerusalem township on ^tnrday the loth with heart dis ease, leaving a widow and two children to whom we extend onr sympathies, for they have suffered an irreparable loss. "To his child ren he set an example to be emn- lated. If they only foUow^inbis footsteps they will leave a name to be proud of, and a blessing to pos tenty. His remains wAre laid to rest at Liberty Methodist chor.ih Snnday the 16tfa. A good man, and upright citizen has gone; peace to his .ashes Jake Hairston I jaice Hairston, col., died at his 1 home near Bixby, one day the past /week, of pneumonia. Bio - Obituaries - 4/27/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, May 3,1905 Mary Clement t Miss Mary Clement, sister of ^he late John Marshall, Dewitt C.^ William B. and W^ley A. Clem ent, of this place; Mrs. Theo. Bnrke and Mrs. John M, l^ox, of Salisbury, died suddenly of heart disease at an early hour Sunday morning at her residence. The rem|iins were laid to rest Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Clement oemete^y near town. She would have been 76> year^old in May. Hers was a life of ^evo- tion to others. She was firtt at the cradle and last at the j^xave. *'Words, money, all thiuw else, are comparatively easv give away; but when a man o^vromap- makes a gift of hia or tfer daily lite and practice, it is main that the truth, whatever itj^ay be, has taken poBsession of tly™." That was what she gave to/Zothers, her life, her all. She vrlk a Christian that lived rather than talked her religion. Would wjQiod. 'that the world was filled wifn such. Such a life makes all true men lift their hats in reference when they think of it. We all loved "Aunt Mary" and shall miss her greatly. Death has laid a heavy/handon thefam-^ ily during the last year, this being the sixth member to passed away within nine months. This leaves 6nly Mrs, John M. Knox this side of the River. God grant that she mav Ions be spared tocher family and friends. Mary Ann Williams f Williams.—Mrs. Mary Ann Williams died here Thursday morning. She had been sick for several weeks. Her remains were taken to Dayie county f^r inter ment. A number of children sur vive her. Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 4,1905 Infant Son Koontz Mr, and Mra. T, L. Koontr. bn- rieil their infant 'son at Saleni on the 26th. Blessed are the dead that die in the Iiord for they shal* see God. "We extend onr sympa thy to the bcrearetl parents. _ . _ Mrs. Ayius Plott Mary Ann Williams Mre. Mary Ann Williams died in Salisbary last Tnnrsaay. The remains tvere interred in the grare- vaitl at liibeity Friday evening. Asberry Howard Mr. Asberry Howard, who lived near Cariviatzer, died at his honieyesterday (9nnday) morning. Hii remains were interred at Fork Ohnrch. ,. . . Mrs. Plott, abottt wh(^ serlons illness wo made mention in the last issue" of the fieconl, died last Mon day, April 24th, and was bariedat Bethlehem Church the following day. Peace to her ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 5/4/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 11,1905 Abner Steele Old'DDcle Stable, oaoof theoIiVtime negroes, died l«at\?eek. These old eiC'Slavesare ihet p^ing aeray. He.Avas a law^-ahidiog cU- izcn, and lila race coold trell emn< late his example. He was oeaily 80 years of age ab the time of bis death. Bio - Obituaries - 5/11/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 18,1905 Webb Griffith A uamber ol our people atfeodcil the burial of Mr. Webb GriOitii at Somety Sauday. He lived, in this couuty np to a few years ago whoa be moved to River Hill, Iredell county. One da^' last week be weut to StatesviUe with a load of wheat; two and a half miles this side ol town he was stricken with paraly sis. He went on to town and sold b^ wheat and started home. Dr. McLaughlin stopped the wagon .and examined him oad-told the .Xerson that was with him that he V Onld die before .be. oohld get .him' booieaad to take him to the bosh - pital. . He bad one stroke aAer an- other until he was dead. -He leaves n a.wife and a number of children to imouTh 'bis .loss. .Vl e. extend bar 3Syuup.;lh2' (6 the bereaved family. Julia Hairston Julia .Hairolion (ool) died this morning. &be was welLkuowu and { highly respected and we regret to i hear of her death. B. and L. i Bio - Obituaries - 5/18/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, May 25,1905 Or. Cash Dead*' X>r. Leon Gtob, of Smith Grov^ passed away week at hJa home intheOOth year of his age. The Or. had heeu a pracdolDg phj si- ciau for over 50 years." Every one who had partaken of the Doctor's h<^itality will never forget hiiu. He is survived by a wife ,and .teven children, Prof. Lron and Thomas of VI instoo, John^ of Indiaiia, Panl, Bt^ao* Bailie and Mrs; Frank Nay- lor, ol Smith Grove. To itbe be> reared ^mily we extend our syiiir pathy. hlay the sod rest lightly opou (he ashes of our old friend. Bio - Obituaries - 5/25/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 1,1905 Benjamin D. Davis 3£r. Beujaniiti D. Daris, aged S4 ycais, died Monday luorning, 29th Inst. abont 3 o'clock, at the home of his son«iu-la\r, Mr. John VV, Ed wards. Bio - Obituaries - 6/1/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 8,1905 Clouse Swearington Clonse SweQrittgtou, the twcoty-■year oW «ou of Cbas, Sweanngtolct,who lives ia the Bern! sectioo, fourmiles eiat oi FarBiiu^ton. drowned in the Yadkin river Saturday last while fishing. He wa5interred Simday at Yadkin A^alley ehnrcb. mm. Clemeut Dead. Mrs. Ckmeui, the.wife'of Mr.'J.1/. Clement, died Sunday evening about 6 o'clock, lllis. Olemeot hadbeen iu ill health for several monthsand her death was not unexpected.She is anryived by a hnstkind andsix tihildveo. _ .The .-remains weielaid to rest Tuesday morniag at theClement .burial ground.; Bev. J, Kodgers ■ conducted tho.fonetal 'Services. To ihe-beireaved hushed;aii}l,inotherk6a chOdren we'extend <yQp:<gyjnpidhy.- Bio - Obituaries - 6/8/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, June 15,1905 Minnie Foster Tha servick of ICis.Miii-nle Foster" wa^ lield yesterday at Cornatzer by W, M. Cortis. A large number of pe<^Io were pres ents Mrs. David Shuler Mrs. David Sbuler, of near Fork Cburcb, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. CSatoD, at -Gooleemee. Sunday night. Wp extend onr sympathy to onr &iend, l^vid l^nler. Bio - Obituaries - 6/15/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 22,1905 Chas. Mock I .fChasi (drained in the Yi^Kin ilver last! Saturday while in baifching. ^ \ Mrs. Geo M. Hinkel, Infant Ware, and Infant Cass Mrs. G^. M. Hiukel, aged 74 3 ears died here last Wednesday night. We are also sorry to report .tiie deatb of two iofants; one the ehildof .31r.G. F: Ware and the other tbeehild of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph-Oass. Infant Cass The iiifiint child of Mr. and Mrs. Cass, of Oooleeuiee, was buried at J/iberfy Friday morning last. ObHtaary of Mrs, JLhla Shuter | l^iear the dose of the ibiy. on the Sabbath-afternoon of Juno li, 1903, .the augels caioo with sUont tr^d and pre«^ the golden gates ^ar, while th'e Bonl of Mrs. Lnla (>ton Sbnler pas^ through to enter up on her eternal reward. She was the oldebt daughter of Mrs, 3axah CatOD at whose home she 8{mnt.the Inac five weeks of her earthly liiiejp gresd:, bat patient suffering, fo .early life she. made pi-oCsssion of religion and joioed the Methodist chnrcli, of which she vas a loyai afid consistent member nntil h^ death. She was married to David ShTiler,.to which nulou four ohil dren were.born^ only one of whom remaios to shai e with the iatberand busUand this sad hereaveoient.— Also tbat dealii sbnuld claim this beautiful life before it ba<l ^rcely reaubefl its prime—she being only 39 years of age, - "Kow we. look through a glass darkly," bub some sweet (lay we shall understand. Her remains were laid to rest in Concord cemetery in the presence i of a large concourse of sorrowing I g friends: May our Heavenly B^h- j 1) er comfort and sustain the stricken' d loved ones in this bereavement, h " " ' A FRtEND. Bio - Obituaries - 6/22/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 29,1905 Mrs. J. H. Peebles 3Ire. J. H.'Peeble;!/ whose ill ness we noted ine» formej.' .Issue of the Becoid. died last Friday pveo- ingt Her remaiks a'ere laid to in the old foroily bunal grouod near the re^deace of the late N.A. Feeble8--a qaiet spot that over- lookB the rolling waters of .Ihe "Sad- kin. ISfoy everlasting peace be to hei* ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 6/29/1905 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA