Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 7,1904 Berry Baily 1^, Berry Baily« an old and re- Bpdieted citizen, died last week near Fork Cbnrch. "Wo exieml our qriiipathy to the family. Bio - Obituaries - 7/7/1904 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 14,1904 Ab. Brinegar Ab. Briufgac died at his bome Dear Gooteeasee, Sunday eTeohig, aad bte remains were laid toreetat Idberty, Sf<^ay evening. Ha ^vesan^e and difldr^ to whom. weLtttend Miss UZZia A* CIBBSBHT, DBAD. Miss TJzde A. Glement, dangbter I of the late Marshall Clement passed away Saturday at the home of her mother. She had been in had health for several months, bat her death came as ashock to h^ friends and relatives. She wasof a' bright, sweet and loveablodispoailion, those who knew her best admired her most. The funeral services were coq* dni^ed at the residence ol her mother, Sunday evening, by llev. W. L. Sherrill, her pastor, and her I remains were laid to rest in the dement bnrial gronnd, Sunday evening, in the piesenoe of a huge oottcoarse of friends and relatives. Tb her aged mother, brewers and sisters, we evteud onr sym pathy in this sad lionr; but there is asilver lining to every eland,and Miss Lhade rests eas>.on the other shore. R. L. Bary We ar&soriy to report the death of Mr. B. I,, "Baiy, who'died July Ist, of Strangnlated Hernia. An operation was perfoimcd a few days before his death; but all proved of no avail. ' He a go^ dtizeh, a consistent member cf the cb'tdiA, and bis death will be a shock tobis many friends. * Berry Bailey Mr, Berry Bailey, one of onr old est and best citisena, passed away at his home, on July 1st. His re mains were interred here the fol lowing day in the presence of a large ncmber of relatives and friends. Mr. Bailey was sixty- ^ven years old. He leaves a wife, seven sons and one d^gliter. All :0f which attended the funeral, ex cept Mr. Hnbbard Bailey who lives in Bockiiigham, N. C., and did not reach here until the follow ing day. Mr. Bailey fought through the Civil War. He was a hartl-workicg, nnassnmlug mao, "A life devoid of fame or pra^, Yet noblv opent." Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries — 7/14/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 21,1904 Infant Twins Wyatt AZIBIJIO POSTSa Mr. Foster had been in bad healtli fur about a year, and his death u-as not uaexpoitcd. He lived near Concord Church, U'as a qtiiel nonssumiMg loau; a ^K}d citi zen has passed away.' rHis lemaias' were laid to at .Forh Church. Monday ev(»nioff.^' Peaw to his ashes. . Our syiu^tby is extende<l to the widow. Hannah Beyer "Aunt** Hannah Boycr,. col., died last Wednesday at on ad ranced age. In tlie little coffin Two little forma lay, ' I'ove. their paths to soften Bid them not to stay. Parents weeping sadly By the silent clay, while the angels gladly Bore their souls away. Ko sorrow'to disturb Their silent repose, No evil thOQ^ts to curb. Which bring strong men woes. From that bright home abOTc, Where all that's lovely came, Where all is peace and love, They have gone again, I have penned the above lines in memory of the twin babies of Mr. J. P. Wyatt, who were bora March 29fch, 1804, and died 13th and lOtb, and were buried together in one cofBuat Fork Church, JonelSch. IIICKOUY KUT. Bio — Obituaries - 7/21/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, July 28,1904 J. B. Holman ~ ' o^— J. B, HolomDj Qt Cool Spring, died last weclc, Bir. U*i\mau was trell-kooWa tomac^ of onr people. HBS. TUOHAS BilHMBSaK, PEAU, BIio. ISinroerson, the wife of Thos. EaunersoD, d^ed last Friday eveoiog and her remidnB were laid to rest at Ceofer Crave Yard, on Saturday evening. A hhstNuad nad several dihdreo snrvive her. To thtm we eztCTd oar cTinpatiby in this 'sad boar. The loss of a wife and mother is irreparable* Mrs. T. S. Emerson Mrs. T. S. Emerson died at this place Friday, 22d. inst, .and W:i8 buried at Center STuiday,Biirroand- . ed by many friends. She leaves a j hns'tend and idz children to monm Choir ioiR. Bio - Obituaries - 7/28/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 4,1904 Mrs. Lemuel Hilton Mis. Lemud Milton died Sun^ day nighfe, and w-as interred in the Cemeteiy of the Methodist church, Monday evening at 4 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 11,1904 A. C. Patterson llie state baa lost a good dtizeii ic the death of A* O. Tattttson. Internal EeTenne Agent* We ex, tend to the family our eympatby in this sad death. £q>ecially tbei widov and hitherlesa children left behind. Small Daughter Orrander And Infant Swink We areeorry to report two deatha with this week^a news. O^e the little nine-year-old girl (ST Mr. and Mrs. W,<^ Orreuider, trhieh oeenr- led, last Saturday night. Theother waetbe ^^^t^-numttoold faaby of Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Swiak. 13ie la^pathy of tlie entlte eonuanaHy 'lara eT^nded to the' •j&mlliea;; - ; : . ; Bio - Obituaries - 8/11/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, August 18,1904 BB8BCKAH r. BATI.B3MZ& Dikd, at her late home iu Lin- oolii toirosiiip, Rice contity, Kan sas, •Thursday afteriMrau, July 28tli, IViyif at 3 o'cleck, aged 77 years, I am in receipt of the nbore an- nounceraent with a request to have the same published in the county papers of Davie county. The old^ dtizcDS of the connty and especial ly of Oiit&haln township, will re member vividly the suhjeot of the above sketch as the widow of the late Gllllam fiatledge. SbOi nt one time, lived on Hunt ing Greek in Qalabaln (own^p, but in the TO's she, with her fam ily, migrated to Bice county, Kan sas, with the tide of emigration tiial bad stmok this State at that time. They lived and prospered in their adopted State until the year 1803, when the htisbnnd and father passed away at an ad vanced ' The deceased was a lif^loi^ Hetliodist, a good ndgbbor. She livtd a devoted Ohriatian life. During a sojourn in that State, in the year 1898, this writer van the recipient of mneh hospitality at her hands. Four children ^d sevsral giandchUdren STirvlvc to mourn their loss. J. H« lt« Aug. 8th, Advance, 2f. 0. Bio - Obituaries - 8/18/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, August 25,1904 DBATB OWl^A. FfEBBEXS. Mr. L. A. Peebles, formerly a citizen of this eoooty, and a son of Mr. John Peebles, of near Fnltqn, died at his home in Salisbnry, lastr week. We regret to hear of hie death , and extend oar sympathy to the family. Mrs. Graves Mrs. Giaves who has been eick for more thaii two months at J, P. Moore^s, with fever, died Satnr- day,' A good woman has passed away. Mrs. Phillip Booe j . Mrs. Philip Booe, of Walker-!•town ^ed la^week. Mrs. 1^' I was the wife of Mr .-.Philip ^oce , formerly of this county. She was ' well-known to many of onr peoide. n Her death is a sad oae and we I tend to the family pur sympathy. O. O^ SlefXAMBOCa. SKAO. Toesday morning on his way to town with his wife. G* O. MoOiam- roch liad a stroke of apoplexy and died in a few minntes. His many friends will hear the sad news with many regrets. Onr sympathy goes to the entire fmnily. * Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, September 1,1904 Maggie Burke SCUt Barko Hibs AtaggieBarkd, of this place, died ia a Saoitarium in iSaHebniy, Satarday nigbt. She is a sister of Mrs. Glenn Herrick, and nras a young lady of accomplishments. Her remains were brought np Mon day morning, and Itud to rest in the. Glemeut bmhil ground. Our sympathy to the bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries - 9/1/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, September 22,1904 John Hudson Johu Hudson died last week and i his remains were laid to rest at- Liberty Grave yard near h^hesus ' Elizabeth Brinegar His. milzabetb Brin^ar died ooi UielQth at the borne of her sou, Mr. Jani^ She was in- terred here ^nUoy evenlt^. Funeral servioes were ebnduct'ed' by Bey. H. Allen, of Moeks- viile. The-deeeascd*]ived to the ripe old aswot 77 years-. She was » member of the Bapt^t ohoroh ^rover^liO yem. Peace to her Jas. Linfield "VVe ure 8orry> to hear of the death of Mr. Jas. Linlield abont a week a{«o, at his home ueiir Fphesits. Mr. Linfield' was an, Buglishmau by birth, bat had been a resident of the U. 8.. for 40 or more years; He was an interest ing talker. lie taid be was lu the Crimean Wnr. Peace to bis ashes and oiir sympathy to bis family. Bio - Obituaries — 9/22/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, September 29,1904 Walter Austin lasl Stabinfay nKtrning at ft O'clock the death angel entered the home of Sir, and filra. O. C. Aus tin and took fttm them their eighteen year old son 'Walter, who was taken sick abont eight mouths ago with pnenmouia add contin ually grew worse. He joined (be Methodist ^uroh wheo be w&a fifteen yean of age and hod lived a diristtsin life and was loved by tdl who knew him. ^The funeral services were eon- dncteil IheM. E. chnrch San- day morning at 11 o^dock by Hev. W. L. Sherrin. . The pnll bearers were as fbllows: —J. J. ISaton, Walter dement, S]^enc^ B. Hanee, J. Artlmr Bamd, 3* 0^ Eorwood and F. A. A. Tate At-hjeheuie-ta ifemsaleia last' Friday morning Hiy. A. A. Tate quietly passed away. He had been in feeble health for several yrarsbntbad been sick only a short while just before his death. He was n^ri^'. 80 -yeais old at the time of bb death and is survived by a widow. Hid remaiDs were laid to rest at Liberty Saturday morning, may he rest easy. Mrs. Z. B. Pyatt "We regret fo aunoance the death of Mrs. 2!, B. Pyatt at her old home in Duplin oounty on the 21(th. Mr. and Mrs.' l^tt lived in Sfocksvjdle over a year and all our:people eympathiae with hlr. Pyatt ifi this ^ ufiiictioQ. J. A. Cuthrell We uro sorry to report the death of Mr. J. A. Cnthrcll which oo- cnrred lust Sunday night, the 25tb inst. Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 6,1904 Horace D. Peck Bip. BoMeai;e<*DeSd* *. >fr. Horace D. Peek of Spencer port . T., who has been in MocksTilie for the past year jor Ilia health- died Monday' evening aboatd o'clock bi consumption. EUa mother was with him and Tncsday morning left with his body for his dd-home. We deep ly sympathise with the family. Mr. Feck.had made friends of all our peopleVho deeply deplore his death. Joseph Cuthrell AVe are sorry to note the death efonr friend Joseph Cntbrril of Cooleemee. The remains were brongbt bore and laid to rest at Mt. Olive cemeteiy. Bio - Obituaries -10/6/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, October 13,1904 Louise Meroney LoalM MMOB«y D«»4. The little daughter of W. B. Meroney*'died at the bvttio of her grand pnreuta Mr and Mrs. P* Meroney Monday Tcomiiig at 11 o'clock. She had lieen nick vuly a ehort- while with fever. She was ra bright, sweet little girl, and her death is pecnliarly sad. The ro oioias were laid to rest Tuesday at eleven o'clock in the town ceme tery. The foneial waB» condncted at the Methodist church by Bev. MT. L. Sherrill. To her father, grand parents and xelati^'es we ex* tend oar deepest sympathy. Nora Wllilams Mrs. ^ora 'Willuuns died on Sept. 26th ftod was buried here the following day. The decesised was a lovely ^*pe of woinau-bood. Aithoagh her health bad been fall ing her twelve months, yet she was never heard to lunmiur or com plain. God saw fit to remove this BW'cet young woman from our mid&t, and we hope that her loved ones may only fee) that a strong tic now bindr Uiem she awaits their coming to the spirit-land above. She l^ves n husband and two little lioye besides father, mother^ brothers and sisters. Bio - Obituaries -10/13/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 20,1904 Frank Richardson Fmnk, ttoo of Williats JKicbsrd- son, of near Sheffleldi tbis obnnty, died Wednesday, Oct. I2tti at the age of 21 years, and vtm bnxied on Til nrsday at Becky ^rlbgs cliurch. Our sympathy isexteadetl to. the bereaved family. Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, October 27,1904 Cleo Howell CIcO HoWGII I Wq (ire ijdrty to note the deetli ' ol oar trieod, iJiss 0\eo Hotpell, dannhtei'of Mr. and Mrs. J. V.Onr 8 !.vmpatby fa esteoded to Mr; and Mrs. J. V. Hoa'eli, of near Ftoo, in the loss ot their daughter, deoi at the age of 15 jeara. Ron-ell. The remaica were laid toI're^t'at Cross Roods ohoroh, the service being coaducted by Bcv, Mr. Siraim. • Bio - Obituaries - 10/27/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, November 3,1904 W. J. Atkinson Ittu ATBIKSOM noAD. . Atki^n ' idirt week, at hKh«>nie,inpar Uia r^aipq.wfceiku^ Jto rest at 8iiiitb Urove. -.iQiirjtgypi' •pathy is exlciided to tiio faniiiy.. Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, November 17,1904 Small Daughter Herrick We extend onr sympathy to Mr. and Mis. Glenu Heri'iok in the death of their little ^rl. It had 'been for some time and had been taken to the hoapKnl in Ohar- lotte,^ where it died ^turday morning* The remainswere brought to Moeksville and boried. "It is well with the child." Bio - Obituaries - 11/17/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, November 24,1904 Mary Barneycastle Mtp. Haty Baroeycastle, an lady n-ho lived near Fork Church, died last Thnnday nW, and vae Bnrittlat FerkChttccn ^tnrday. Clint Wlllson Cliufe M'iUrcn, con- s niption foraliout two yeafk,died a his home near MockeviUe ShlL. day morning. Interment was at Byorl3''s Chapel, Tne&day evening. Thomas J. Hellard We are sorry to report the death of Mr.' Thomas J. Hellard, which oconnred on Saturday eveulr.g, the I9th of November. Mr. Hellard was snpposwlly retovering 'fiorn a very severe attack of feverj apd was apparently doing very wdl, and was visiting a neighbor, when he suddenly sank to the floor and expired. The sympathy of the eu' lire commnni^iswilb the bereaved I family. Lemuel Jones Davis I Mr. Behiuel Jones Davis, onr oMeit Gt'zen. di^ on tbe lilb jiik-t., aged gS, and was boried here ti)o following day. Bio - Obituaries - 11/24/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 1,1904 Lee McDaniel l«e MoDaoiel. who had been snffenng frow fever for six or eiglit weeha past^ (Ued on the 2Gth iust,, aged 17 s'cars. He leaves mother, hither, sister and three brothers, aqd a large namber of- rehuiyes UDd fiieadi, to monni their lo^, for he was a good boy. We are told that he pass^ away satisfied. -We' extend oar symp^hy 'to the be reaved family. Bio - Obituaries -12/1/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 8,1904 Mrs. John I. Woodruff Mrs. John 1. Wo^mfT 19 very eiek at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Ihylor. Mrs. WeodrD(r«bed Wednesday. Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 15,1904 I MRS. WOODKUFP DEAD,' ' Mrs. Ajnelia W'ooaroff, \riaow of the late John I. Wootlruff, died Isist \teQk,&ttheiioiDeof herdfui^li' tor, Dr. A. 55, lUylor of this place. * ilis. ■VVoodrnir was an ex cellent- woman, and leaves snrviv-inpt her one daughter, Mrs. Taylor, and three sons, 8. A* lunl W. T.Wowlniff of this conuty and J. M. Woodniffof Winston-Saleiu. The funeral services were condiicted byRev, H. A. Brown of Winstim, and the reinaias were laid to rest in thetown cemetery. B'e extend to the bereswed relatives our eynipatby in their irreparable loss. Bio - Obituaries -12/15/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 22,1904 Mrs. J. M. Ijames and Infant Michael We are aorry to report* the jieath of Mi«. J. 31. wWclk DC-' eurred Sjitnrday mording, the 17tb inst. The remains were laid to rest id the cenietcry at" -Jlaniea Gro&s Ko^a Monday. She died' of can- aniiiplfou. We are., also sorry to report the deatb.of the infant child of Mr. and Mis. A. L. Michael which oo;' 'ciirreil the same day. The syiup i- ties of the oonimaDity are extended to the hereiived of both faoiilies. Bio - Obituaries -12/22/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA