Jan - JunNO
Felix MQler b. 12 Oct 1824^^5 May 1864feordonvifle VA CSA
m. 30 Jim 1844 —
Elizabeth 'Betsy' TEMPLE/CRAVER Lanier b.l4 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NO
d.03 Feb 1925 Davidson Co NC
Residence: Yadkin College Township Davidson County NC
Bur: Felix: Gordonville VA; Elizabei: Friendship Meti Ch Cem;
Felix's parents:
Nicholas Miller
Elizabeth LIVENGOOD Miller
Elizabeth's parents:
Felix & Elizabeth's ch: nine
joOLevi Franklin Miller b. 10 Nov 1845m.06 Jan 1904
.1 m Ml n I Mil il
Phoebe Elizabeth WILSON b.Ol Jul 1850(d.02 Jun 1920>
Res: Friendship Church Community Davidson Cou^TNC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
2. I ' ~jr~rr
Crissy Jane Miller b.28 Dec 1848{d.l4 Mar 1931])
m. 18 Jan 1877 (6 ch)
David King Cecil b.20 Feb 1851 d.l2 Jan 1923
Res: Lex. NC
Bur: Lex. City Cem
Isaiah 'Boat' Miller b.20 Jan 1850^^^ Npy 193^
mid Mar 1880
Eliza Jane JAMES b.25 Dec 1848 iOS^Dec 1910:)
Res: Hwy 150 Reedy Creek Community Davi^on County NC
Bur: Friendship Meth Ch Cem
Sarah Ann Miller b.22 May 185^.22 Jul 1890
m. 23 Jul 1874 Davidson Co NC Yadkin College Tow^bip (nine ch)
David Washington Shuler b.28 Aug 185Qjd.l7 Jan 193^)
^ Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC;
Bur: Concord Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
I Ellen Frances Miller b.20 Oct 1855(^10 Apr 1^1^
t m. 18 Nov 1879 Davidson Co NC ^—3; \
James Rankin Caudle b.22 Jan 1858 ^B7 May 1930j
Res: Greensboro NC —^
Bun Greenhill Cem Greensboro NC
DeliMMmerb.l858(d03May 189l}
Bur: —
Davie County Pu!:
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, January 14,1904
John B. Gordon
Ocn, Jobn B. Gordon a noted
ex-lMnfeilerato Geoejfiil passed
away a few (lais ago. He was a
distingosbed officer and a brave
man. Peace to bia aahes.
Bio - Obituaries —1/14/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, January 21,1904
John Bidding
John BiddlDg, colored, died last,
-freek of cousuniptiott. John
good band, a qnlet, peaceabli
negro. He J<Aves a widow.
rirs. Hobson Dead.—Mrs. James
Hobsou mother of Ca;}t. Kicbmoml
P. Hol^n, died a few days ago in
Colorado, where she had gone for
her health. Mrs. Hobson was a
daughter of Judge Fear-co, and
was the wife bl Mr. James Hob-oo
of Greensboro, Ala., formerly of
this county, aud a brather of VV.
H. Holison who lives near Jentsa-
letu. Onr sympathy is extended to
the family of the deceased.
Maiindy Smith
Mrs, Haliiidy Smith, who lived I
near JBedland, died a tew days ago. |
Infant Jones
Tlio infant of Mr. Jake Jones
dIedTnesday and was buried iu
the graveya^ here the fbUowing
Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, January 28,1904
Jas. Crump
3lc, Joa. Ormnp one of the old
landmarks of Jerusalem towtishlp
died at his home last weeh. Vr,
Ch'iimp bud been in poor health
for some a uttmbm' of years and his
death vras not nuevpe^tml. We
extend oni* sympathy to the be
reared widow suid children.
Mrs. John W. Edwards
I We are sorry to note the death
j of Mrs.. John W. Edwards .which
I occored on last Tnesduy night. The
jenddeuca&s.or her desith was n
i very severe shock to her family
land many friends, heart disease
I was the canse of ber death.
Mr. Godfrey
Hr. Godliey, an aged oitize.n
who bad veceuriv aiove<i into our
midst, dieil last Wednesday uigbt.
His rcninius wei'o shipped to Mu-
riou, N. O., bis Conner home, for
Bio - Obituaries — 1/28/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 4,1904
T. C. McClamroch
Mr. T. O. McCtamroph, whose
serious illness wari reported in last
week's issae. died last Friday
moi-Ding at J'i o^olouk. The remains
were bnried at Center Shoday. !Ea
his death oar town loses a most
excellent oiti^^o. Onr sympathy
are estoqded. to the berea?^
Bio - Obituaries - 2/4/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 18,1904
King Lindsey
Terry Hilliard
Terry Hilliarcl, colored, died at
lits home in to\i u doiitlay night.
Terry was ago Jd negro, and we
r^ret to ebrooiele bis death, He
■Icavea a wife and q large ibmily of^hild.eo. He was a blacksmith bytrade, and was highly regard edby
all our people.
Isaac Roberts
bbqnire Isaac Roberts of Kestor
I'lied last Batnrdry morning aged
about 70 years, leaving a widow
land five children. 3Ir. B—at one
time represented Davie in the
Legislature, and was later Deputy
Collector under Olevvlawl. Bo
wiis One of tbo county's best citizens
His remains were hiid to rest at
Pino Monday njorning. To the
bereaved widow and children we
extend our sympathy.
I Miss King Lindsey Dead
It is -witbsnxlness that we ohron-
icte ibe death of Mlos King Lind'
sey. She passed away Bnnday
morning at thebomeof John Lind
sey, her father, ai South Btver,
Rowan county, lier remains were
lai.ltorest ar Jerusalem Monday
evoatng. Miss Lindsey bad b<>en
in ptjor |he:iltb fur seven»l years
and iier death was um. nncxpei-.tetl
Our sympathy Is extended to the
bereaved family. One by one our
fri ends are parsing over I be ri ver
May they fi nd sweet rest under the
shadoof the trees.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, February 25,1904
Small Daughter Richardson
A Child Burned to Death,
The liUif d ystr old (.hia^liter of
Mr> A F liichiirdsuu, vrho tires uc-
ar S te JleM, .v:h3 ve;-y tmUly Imrtctl
rbiiraday evcuiu:; by hec eiutliiugi
catvbiu-x ou lire essii'e was playiugi
before the Ure. idbe lived abutit!
■12 bourw a'fter sue fiurued
and theu quimly passeJ uwa> (o
be with JeKits and tbo ougels. ^Ve
exfeud onr ^yuipatUy to ibe Iw
reiived p.irents. It u so sad to
ttiiuk o'' a little aausbine of tbe
j home, to bave to die sueh i -bur*
lible death,
Bio - Obituaries — 2/25/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, March 10,1904
Roger Green
infant Hendrix
Ao iuilfVDli of Mr. W, A. Hen
drix died JflBi Tlmreday • iDorniug
• and was burieil in itie cemetery of
n the Methodist chnrch Friday even
ing. The Inneral sdrvict^ wens
n coD(I noted by Itev, \V» M. Cartls.
Ro;:or the irttlcjfion of Mr. dud
Mrii. Juliu . Green, died last
Sunday night. He was a swe^t
liiviogchild, but bad iteen an in-
vulid all Ida life, atid bis death
w-:ts not unexpected. The dcvotetl
parenta deeply feel the loss of
ifatir prcfioos babe, bat there is
comlort in the thonght that he m
safe in the arms of Jeans. His
8'ay on earth was very short*, but
he basgoiiA lo .dwell with Qod
and the angels forever.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, March 24,1904
Kimbrough Gullett
Walter McClamroch
Waltev HeClamrocb, soa of G.
€. HcClamroeli of this couaty,
died of typhoid fever In lodisna
last week. He had been out West
about a year.
We vegret very mneli to report
the death of Mr. Kimbrongh'Gul
lett which occurred last Wunilay
moruiug. His death was oaiwed hy
sucking H spliuttt dowa his wind
pipo several mootlis ago. He was
about 10 years old of good babits
and kind pieosaut demeauor We
esteud our ayinpatby to the be
reaved family.
John Creason
Mr. John Oreasou died tiuoday
moruiug at the home bis fiither
iu-law. Dropsy was the cause of
his death, be had been snfferiug
from dropsy about 12 months. He
leaves a wile and three little child
ren to nionru bis loss. To the be
reaved ikmily we extend our deep
est sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/24/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, March 31,1904
Infant Smith
JIhe infant eliiUl of ^Ir. and afrs.
l{. Smith died Sunday mottl
ing, and \ras bnried iu Kose ceine-
teiy Simduy evening. Onr sympa*
thy is ^steaded to the bereaved
Mrs. John H. Swicegood
UtiB. johu H. ".Swicegooci of Ty
I ro Shops, mother of v,. ftl. Swice-
jgoodof Mocbsyillc, died Monday
I morning ai'oat d o*t-lwk.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 7,1904
31r. C. V. Stoiic(l>cad.
0, v. Sterner of the firm of
StouerBroo. ofAshoville, died at
Ihe home of 3Ir. George Feezcr oo
the-^tb, of Mr. Stooei'
had been in poor health for some
filnio. His reumiyis were laid to
lest ia the Hose eemetery. The
•foiieia] Berries were condaeted tjy
Rev. Mr. Vines of Aslicrille. Wo
extend onr sympathy to the berav':
od * j
Bio - Obituaries - 4/7/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 14,1904
Mary F. Denny
Wiley Bailey
WJlfty Bailey who ilvall
near •Fork Obnccb, and has lieen]
sufTedng wilh cbnsamptioa. .for
somo'dine died HloDday niurino^
aod wns laid tn test Tuesday at
ForkChofcli bnnal ground. , n • •
Jerry Wellman
I Mr. Jerri' WeUmao one of the
n oldest men in the- county died last
week and was buried at Oak
Grove church yard Friduy. He
wns one of the cbartei* membei-s of
Mot-ksville lodge, uud was buried
with Masouic honors. Our syiu]^'
thy is extended to the bereaV^
Mrs. IV. A. Grimn*s Motliei*
Bied on April 5th, 1004 at her
late resideuce, 1012 North Carey
Street, Baltimore, Md., Mary F.-
beloved wife of B. 1. A. Denny.
Mis. Denny is siurvived by her
busbatid, t wo sous ami six dangb-
teifi. Auioiig who is here numCil
Mrs. W. A. Griflln, Mocksville,
N. 0,, Mrs* G. fi'. House, Bhiladel-
plila, Pa., and Mrs. Harry D.
Kersbaw, Bensonborst, N. Y.
Mrs. Grilduwas with her mother
I at the tiuie ot her death and- had
j l>eeu for some time. .We extend
I our symphaty to the bereaved
{ones, .
Henry Lakey
1-. We regrei very mneh to report'
j the death of Air. Henry Lakey,
'•whiclroccnrred -on last Wednesday
tttoruiug. Ho leaves a wife and
several ehildruu mourn his
^dentil. He was a native of this■j«dbuty anil tUe new-s of his deathwill bripg fruduuss to .the hearts of j
his many I'riouds in the norttera:
pirt of the t-ounty.. I
Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, April 21,1904
M. G. Markland
Jane Carson
W'efiogrftiio lie^rof th& d&dli'
Auiit Jiiite Cafson 01 Sonth llivor
Slie a vohlo woman, Bbe was
ibu mother of Alts. Jobu Ij'orcl.
\V«oKtoud our ayinpathy to Ibe
Mrs. C. H. Willson
' Mrs. C. IT. Wiiiaon died Thurs-'
I da3'after a few b'eoks ill loss and
Uimluidlo vest at Bmith Grove
Friday evening abe leares a bua-
l>and aud sis^ ebUdrou to monvo
her loss.
.^ir. M. O. Alarklaud,. concern-
iii}f u'buse illuciia ae luve spoken
before, died lust tJaCarday uoim
His FciuHiiis were laid to lesc in
the ./emeieiy of Biktiville obiiruh
oil ouiidny evening in tbe midst of
a large coDiHjiirse of people, lie
sides a lui'go uuuibsr reLithea he
It^ves l?ebind a wifeaud fourcbild-
i ren to moani bis demise.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 5,1904
Henderson Stewart
Mr» and His. H. H. Foster afe-
teuded tbe' ruDeral of yonug Hod-
cleniou Stewart, last week at Jem
salem. Air. Stewart had many
yoQUg irieods and relative here,
who were shock^ to bear of his
anddeo death.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/5/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 12,1904
Cnpt. N. A. Peebles died at his
homo in Davio county yesterday
nooit, after three mnnths illness.
Consumptiou is smd to have caus
ed bis death. Deceased wasabont |
Ori years of age. He is survived i
by five cliildrco: Mrs, Juo, C.j
Uunt aiul Mr. C. D. Peebles, oil
Lcslngton; Mrs, K. If. Hidley, ol^
LaVoUily, Fia.} Mra, Whilaker
of Eufield, aiid Miss Julia Peebles.
2[i*. Peebles vras a brother of Mrs.
C. M. ■ThompaoD', of Lexington,
and is related to the Grimes and
Fenry families.
lie was for several years chair
man of (he Boimi of County Coni-
missionois of Davie county, was a
member of the Board, of Fdacatlou
until a few mouths prior to his
death auil fi lled niauy positions of
honor and public trnst. He' was
one of Davio county's best bitiseus
and was esteemed and r^pected by
all who knew blm, '»
The reniaiiis will be interred lu
the family burying ground on theold hdmc place lu Havie county,
to iQorrou', Tijo 'fnueral- will be
held at 1 o'clock Thursday after-'
n con.—Dav idsou Dispatch.
I Theremaiua were laid to rest
[near his old home Thursday with1 arosonifl honors. Chpt. Peebles was
a good niau, and a gocdcUisen. He
had held several positions of hon
or and (rust in the county and was
at the time of his death u member
of the Board of Bducation. This
makes three members who have
; died since Oapt. Peebles was elec-
ted a few yean ogo. We extend
•to the bereaved wife and children
.syniljatliy in their loss of husband
I and fatbor. .
N. A. Peebles
Capt. N. A. Peebles, wniwrniug
whoso tllncse we bad • spoken in aprevionS'ifiSne, died at his homelast T«cs(?ay evening, Maj 3, He
leaves behiud a wife, and fi ve
children to mourn' his departure.
Mr. PeebleH was only 67 years old
but about 6 niuuttis .ago he coiitnt-^ctc(t (hat must deadly of all diaea-cousuuipdun. of(er which his
demise w its uidy a iuatte.rof tjme.
tll.s remi.iiiB were laid to rest with
Aiiisiiuio htiuors in Ibo familycemetery—a small plat overlopklug
the iHilUng watcis of the placid
Vudkia—there to await the resur-r^tion, < 'Bequiescat in jpaoe."
j axns. ceujtm uowafu> dead, *
j Saturday morning Mrs, Howard
i had a stroke of apoplexy and pass-
I ed away abont 12 o'clock the same: day. She was survived by a son[ William Ho^vurd and a daughter,! Mrs. W. T. Btarrctte, The focer-j al ser\dceK werecondncted by Bev.:S.D. Swaim after which ber re-•maiBa were laid to rest in the
I Meckaville cemetery, To the be-ircavcd .children and relaUvea weJ c.xtend onr sympotiiy, Mrs. How
'ard wasaMiUer before her mar-
i . S,?' of Mr.' P. A, Miller^ofwiuatpu,
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 12,1904
' ]Et£10iLrrl1>S8 dF UBSPKCr,
Adopted bftbm Mt-ekovWe Fr«a MbiobIdoSse V^otfaeBestibef Jttiy vrttUiuao
Whereas it has pleaeed an all
\rise Providenw lo remove from
our midst, our "worthy brother
Jerry "Wellmah who was lK>rh on
the 80th day of June 18^4 and
died CD April tbe 6« 1904.
•Bro. Wellman was the old^t
member of onr I-wlge. For years
be was a regular attendant upon
Its'bdnun.iiiications, and took great
interest in the advaocemcut ^of
tlie Order. He was a bright Ma^
aconslnientious Christian, ft wor-
tliy citizen, and an honest man,
Whatererhis hands fonn^ to do
was well done. We. feel sure that
be is how enjoying thelruitsof a
well 5»ent life, in that.dty of many
mansions that Hoose not made
with hands etmmal in the Havens
Therefore be It resolved:
1. ahat in the death of our bro
ther we as Masons have lost a wor
thy and and .:£ithful brother, tbe
chnreli a valued member, the
connty'a good and. law abiding
2, Ihat we teuderonr sympathy
to bis bereaved jToinily and rela-.
lir^ and tlmVil^® brothers wear
thonsual btidgcof 3Ionrnlpg for
30 dayp....
3. ^flt a'page ' iu oar minbte
book bo devoted to his memory,
npd that a copy of tbeaeresnlotions
be spread upon tbe same.
6. That a copy be sent to each oi
the coQcty papers and. Orphami
Friend for publication.
• 7. That a copy under the seal of
.Ithe Lodge be ^nt to bis family.
W. 0. )
C.S.Sain, * V Coinmitte.
F, M;Joii>'SQ>'. )
Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 19,1904
Child Wlllson
The injalid child ofM^r. Chaa.
WlUsoii dijsd. Suoda^' niornicg. a-
hoat 6 c^clook ami was buried at
i^ith Grove tionday evening.
Robert Bailey
Mr.Sobext Bailey died at his
home near SUbaviUe ohnrch laet
Friday nigbt at the advanced age
of 01 years, 4 mos. and 13 days.
To reap snob a hale <dd age is a
boon which few eidoy. Mr. Bailey
waa horn Jan, let, 1818, and by
taking meiely a slight historical
retrospect, ws note tbat his life*
bistoiy covers a period when the
yonng Beyablio with mighty.effort
throws off the last vestige ot £n-
gliah thialldom; thence follows an
era of peace and hamioty; this
period is folio .red by the gathering
storm-dond, and soon our country
lb plunged into one of the most
terrible wars the* world had. ever
seea; then comes the period of le-
coostroction when unr people with
dieir- characteristic, pn^essive
spirit Ix^an to emerge from the
slough despond—^began .to attune
themselves to the stirring shibole-
thes; '*Foxraxd, maroh!"
From Madison to Foosevelte.
from national irmignificanpe to a
greatness and grandness which al>
tnost completely OTerebadows all
other conatries—all this and more
has transpired within the period of
Mr, Bailey's history.
And there 'have passed of the
stage of action sncdi men as Adam
and Jefferson, Clay and Galhonn,
Monroe and M'ebMer, Jackson and
Lee, liowdl and Tenuyeoa—Uie!
scenes of their life being laid, and |
the accnmplfshment of their life*;
purposes being n ronnded oat in.
these fitfnl 91 years.
His remains were gently laid to'
rest in the cemetery of Blbaville
church Sunday evening, May 15,
in the presence of a large cooconr* j
66 of relatives and frleads. Peace
Bio — Obituaries — 5/19/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, May 26, 1904
tnu aAxtvDdP^
Ua« gt Beat CitlzQiui Hxs Qooe ■!»
NcVvr SatacB—Uia llgta« 2ifl»r
!ilr. Frauk Baity odo of Davio
Gonuty's best (dtize'is passed a^v-ay^tturday evening at liis home nettx
>'eslftr. Mr. Baity was a quietIsviibiding citizen, respected by
ali irho knew him. He left a wi
dow and fi ve children. D. B. Baity
A. P, Baity, J. W. Baity, Dr. H.F. Baity jiud Jlrs. Lanra Lee who
raides ia Wilkea Coanty. •
Mr. B;»ty wjisseventy odd yearsor u^. His reiuaius were laid to
re^t Monday morning at Oross
Reads (tUnrch wita miisonic boii-
ors. Our sympatlty' goes ont tothe bare.ived fauiily* Peace to bis
Mrs. Harvey Stonestreet
Mrs. Harvey. Stonestreet diedI last Thursday .night. She leaves{several childrenamd a husband to
Diourn her loss,
Bio - Obituaries - 5/26/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 2,1904
Mrs. Geo. Dennis
Mrs. Geo. Dennis vi«low of Gfo.
Dennis died last.week atCooleemee
at the home of her 600. Her has*
baud died last year. Mrs. Dennis
was a good woman and we extend
onrsymiiathy to her children. Her
remains were laid to rest at liber-
I3' ^turdry. Peace to her nshes.
Mrs. G. W. Dennis
Mis. G, "W, Dennis died Friday
morniogof pnenmonia. Her remains
were laid to rest in Liberty grave-'
yard Saturday evening, Onr dee
pest sympathy is extended to the
bereaved ones.
Mrs. Dennis
Mrs. Denuis died last Thursday
mot Ding, and the remains weie
laid to lest at Liberty Friday even
ly. Only about a year has passed
since ^the death of her husband.
She leaves to mourn her death 3
sons and three daughters and many
John March
Infant Crotts
We r^ret to announce the death
of the in&Dt child of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Crotts of this place. We ex
tend ear sympathy to Die bereaved
Jane Wood
Mrs. Jaoe Wood, about whose
illness we bad spoken in a previ
ous iseae. died tbis (Monday) mor
ning at 6 o'clock. She was a sep-
taageoarian; tbe place of inter
ment will be the cemetery at Elini-
ville chnrcb.
John March, a leepectable old
colored man, died veiy suddenly
last Wednesday eveuiug ut his
home near Jtedlaad. He had re-
tnmed home after the performance
of a haid day's labor, and having
partaken of supper, bad reclined
himself in a chair pr^nmably to
rest when to the answer of bis
Makers call, he laid his viortai
iKMly to rest forever.
Mrs. Sofley
I AMr&Snjiey died near Fed-
land Saturday.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 9,1904
Uncle Bob Bailey ashe waefomDiap
ly called paaseil away at Ihe home
of hia daughter, Mrs. L. A. Bailey
Dear AdTOUce Saturday morning
May Uth. He waa over ninety
two years of age, and the last^ of
Uie old ones of the Bailey femily.
He had been-in feeble health for a
uumber of years. He was an uncle
of W. A. Bsxley, 0. G. and B. B.
Bailey. He leaves a large number
of relabivea to monm his loss. We
extend to them our sympathy. His
reroaina were laid to rest at Elba'
ville grave yard near the scenes of
his birth. The old landmarkB ,ote
&8t paffdngawayi
ooBy on the other side*
The above notice of Uncle Bob
Btbiley'a deatiii was overloohed by
ear printer. :
Sam Howard
Sam HQW^, eblrt dl^d this
porxiing, p.eh^ been very
d^icatp beaiHi ft Ibng tiip«t
Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 16,1904
Louise Moss
ltXR8* IiOUtSE head.
Mrs. Moss, the vridovr of the late
Cbl. Moss, died in Winston, nnd
her remains were broufihk over
on Tuesday evenings^ triiin and in
terred at Joppa graveyard.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, June 23,1904
Cornelius A. Hall
Mr. Cornelius A.-Hall 'died o
a eoniplicbtitm at hf9 home near
Uei^and Samlay evening at .5
o'elool^.Hr, Rail one of the
^ leaw^lA^ml- (q.
a kind^^
m affeotiookle )hiisbt
neighbor.- He brds
mostbs and^^ daysN....,
laaiii^. be. l^d iib rjat
. c, A. HALr., . J
At hie home in the uortb\veBlipni
parfc of Davie CoontY ,at Hull's
Ferry, 0. A. pasBsed away
last Sumlay evmiijig alter a short
illness of'pnetimoiua and Bright's
disease. Hr, Hall was nearly 6S
years erf age, and is survived by a
wife and three cbUdren, Janle an'd
Oln^ea, wbo Uved. with him, and
llock. vboUveastTorkt Bis
death -oomes as* a shock to bis
friends, for be .*wa8 so recently
among.us,.seeminly In pncb good
h^th. ' ** Heal,'.' as be. wna fami-r
liarly called by bis frliBods will be
tnissied, for^be was a man of many
attractive qnalitiefl. To ns he
a good Mend, for in years -passed
when we were, teaching school, we
boarded with him, and knew him
well, and have always likeil.biiu,
and in n bis death we lose a fnend
wbose familiar greeting'and wbole-
fionled bospitally will be sadly mis
sed, ins remains were laid, lo
Id theUoiaviah ^veyard at,9ate<a
Tnesdayl TobiiwifeandcliUdr^.
ill their great sorrow and in^para-*
ble loss we extend our heartfelt
sympathies. F)eatie to his ashes-
eternal pe^. .■
. jq^EFff .
At hifrl^e n^r Cherry Hill inJeimaaleim idwnshlp'at aripeold ageon Mdnda^ij Joseph Hendrii^toneof'Davie's hidst worthy citlzensj'posfidd -aaiiy leaving a ^fe and
several children to mourn his loss.BIr;Hendri^9 was a quiet,npasnin-
ingcitiaen, devoied to bis family,
and bis form; He was hian ofsterliaghonesty, and has left a name to hisfomily, a rich herifoge. Bis remains were laid p. rest sip Cherry
JOrili, nearby bis old home, sur-
ronnded by. the friends who knew
him bet, and who will miss himoioet. To hla sorfowlbg'fomlly weexteiid our cympotby. We know
he rests easy- on the nnknown
shore, whence no trav^er rethrns.
At Watt's Hospiml in Durhiitiila^ Sunday ereni^i Senneth Mur-
cbismi, of near Kno, Davie county,passed aWay after a short lllnera oimeaslsele^foUwedbyipneunvddla, in-
tbefS2Ayear bf-faieage. He was'aindent at Trinicy College, and wim
taken M - about * eommencehienttime. His death is/inde^. a sadone, in the bloom of a'ybnng, andpromMog manhood, he is cat off;
To bis father imd mo&er, andbrothers and sisletei we extOnd odrs^pntby; His remains were laidto rest at ]hao, near his bld' hom'e'
Mrs. Thos. Hellard
Mia. t^os. H<dlard, who lived I
^ Coolcemee, died Buuday of cons^ptipn.
Infant Twins Wyatt
The tviji- txibles of Mr. JunitisVVyatt, of Cooleom.eo, were buriedId the rimrch-y^' here last week.
Infant Potts
- iwo-year 'old baby of Mr.
Charles. Potts,' di^ last Friday,and wtis iuten^-heie. th'e'foUowing
Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1904 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY