Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 1,1903
iniason Dead
Hps. Kelly Mason \rife of Itev.
Kelly 3X^n died lost week ai
W'illlamBton, K, (J., and her re-
tuaio&weie brought here Thnrs-
lay aod laid to rest at Bo^e hnrlal
ground Friday eveniug.
M». Mason was before her mai'
riage, Fadnie Bichanlson, a
oieroofS. M. Call. She left siu'-
viviug her a husband and two
vthiUlreu. The funeral services
A'cre conducted at thexesldenee of
S. M. Call by Bens Swaim and
^hcrrill. To the bereaved hus*
bond andridativ.es we extend our
John Coley Dead.
John Coley the youngest eon of
Mu- fcowuBman James H, Coley
Jled Monday morning ot Ijyphoid
fovei', after an 'illness'of a little
more than three weeks. John was
a bright little fellow about 14
y&irz of lige; Onr sympathy goes
out to the bereav^ family in thj|<^
auction. The ftiiieral services.
were coudncted by Eev. W, L.
Sberrill, The remains were laid
to rest Tuesday in the ^osn buiial'
rirs; riarioa Richafdson Dead.
3Ira, Marion itichardson of this
place'diedSatnrday evening and,
her remains- were laid to restf at
Bear Creek bttrlal ground Sunday
evening at 3 p. in. To the sorrow,
iug husband,'and rdaliyes we ex-
tend oar sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 15,1903
Aaron Thornton
Asiroo Qhornton whose i»lxsess
was i-eportecl iu last wcelc'a
died at Bt. Peters Hospital, Char
lotte Sunday the 5lh. The reuwins
wore brought here and laid to rest
Monday eycuiugin Liberty, grave
Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 22,1903
Mrs. Giles Spry
Infant Hilliard
The iofant: child of Terty Hilli-
an! died last week.
Mrs. James G. Blaine
H^r3.''B1ain'e the widow of the
late James 6. Bhuneof I^ine
last week.
Mts, Spty wile of Giles. Spry of
Jerusalem towusbip died last
wjeek, aodiwas bnried Saturday
Liberiy cbnrch. She was'the el
dest daaghter of WilborQ Stone-
Bteet ex-Shedff of Davie coaoty,
Mrs. John Owens
, Mrs. John Owens was stricken
last iSatnrday. with .paralysis, and
aied th^.ni^E She hod l^eqin
good health and wmked in the
cotton mill nntil. the day before
she died. Certainly the lOesseuger
of death \7as swift in thj[s,case.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 29,1903
Mr. Coieman Foster l>ead,
Mr. Ooleinaa Foster onebf the
oldest men of the connty died - at
bis home in this cooofy last miius'
day at the of 61 years. To h is
&mily 170 .extend oor syiitp^tiiy.
The remains were laid to rest at
Fork Chm^h burial gronnfl.
Coieman Foster
Mr« Colem^ Fo^r died at liis
home near.hero on the 23rd. inst.
^'had l)een ^te i^ble for some^
time., 3Ir. Foster lived to the
good old age of 81 yrs. He was
one of our best citirjens and lived
an honest .npTis^htlife, worthy to
be followed, Fcaoe to his ashee.
B. S, Grant Dead.
The sadden deiith of-B. B. Grant
Sunday at his home at 11 oarlock
A. M. came as a diook to oor
people. He had been coinplaiaing
for.abont two yeeks bat had not
been confined to his bed ba.t a few
days. Sunday about lO'oelock
his father was in toseo him and he
asked for a chew of tobacco, soon
afterwards he drank some ice milk
and water end went into convnl-
slons and died. The oanse of
death was snperlndnced by the
affects of smallpox from which
disease he had recently partially
recovered. Sontb was 29 years of
age, the oldost son of A. T, Grant
Sr. He leaves a wife and two
children, to them and the .Either,
brother and sisters we extend our
sympathy in this great affliction.
The remains were laid to rest Mon
day evening in tlie Itose bnrial
gronud, near his mother so recent
ly deneas^. The fauera) servloea
were* bondncted by Uov. W, X>,
Mr. Alex Kail Dead.
Noil died id SaHsbnry
J^tstThuroday at the- home of .his
son Jesse Kali, add his renmins
were.brought to this oonnty and
laid to rest at Bethel barial gronnds
besido the remains of his wife.
Ml-. Kail was 80 odd years of age
and had been io feeble health for
some years. We oxteud our. Qrm-
palhy to the relatives.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 5,1903
Infant Tatum
The iiifauC cMld of Mis.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 12,1903
W. M. Lucas
\Vc are sorry to note the death
or Mr. M. Lucas which occured
lost Thursday. The rewaina were
huried at Woodleaf.last f^day.
Hth. O.'U* Spencer Dead.
Mrs. Speneer wife of 0« H.
Spencer died Tuesday- morning at
5 o'clock A. M. She had been in
bad health for some time and her
death was not unexpected, foi' she
had been verysick for some time.
Blis. Spencer was a daughter of
the late Archibald Carter, and
bad a a-ioful, GUrldtliu life.
She leltsnrviving her a hnsband
and three • children. Ura. F.
M. Johnston of Mooksville, Dr.
Spencer of Winston, and Frank
Spencer also of- Winston. Oar.
sympathy is extended to theber^
ved family.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Rev, W. 'C. yyilsoii died, at' rtis|
HQiiie at SlocksvUIe..
.The Journal joins the ,uiftD;|
trien^of Mrs. W. 0, Wilson iu|
jjclendidg sincere syiupjithyJn thej
death of her hustaud,'':at Mook«j
rille AVednealay morning. The enti
Isaine^ahout 1 o'clock after many!
months of decUmng health caos«d|
i by aome atonuvch trouble whlch|
brought the end yesterday inomlng|
Phe decea^d dS jears of oge|
For tkvayears Iwforcbis appoint
mpntto fcheMooksvUle clrouit hcj
was pastor ofBuvkbeadMolhodistl
l£piscopal Chnrch and a host on
friends will mourn his death in|
He was at time of his dealh a Ma I
sou and a director of tJie Korth Cnri
oliiia Midland milroad which pos-f
iciou he had-held for a nurabtr of|
years with dvafciiiguisUed ablllb'-
ak a speaker lie was a man of won-
derfnl tictand inaguetiam nQ.'erat|
a Io?8 on any occasion te say thej
right tVlug. In his death thechnrchi
loses nn able and -earuest workeri
tiie community a good and belovedf
uilirAu. He loaves a wife and four|
ibrotbcra to monru his demise.
llev. Mr, Wilson served throughS
khe CIvii War and no one toofrS
loiore interest in the reauion of old!
^veterans than did this soldier^r
The ftiuernl servfcea will lake place
^tbia morning and the. remains willj
Bbe iaid (or&itin the cemetery at|
iMwrkaville at 10:30 o'clock.—Wiu^
ssron JouruHl.
!acv. W. 'I. AViJlson Dies Aftaii
A Few Montlis SutferiJig.
Eev. W. C. AViJlson was a eon ol|
jlhc lute Qeorge Willson. Born iu
il930. AVosa Leiot. in the ccuifcd
Liatc array—^^vonndod and then;
|made Ohaplnin.
UcJoined the Korth Oaro]in,„
1000(01*61:06 at Gieensboro -in 180%
fand his lii*st ebai'ge was. Hillsboml
[\t 1807 he was married to
lAliee .7. Long—who still snrvics.
Shim. He n-ae for 40 years engaged,
Sill active ministerial work. . Hel
^spent the most of his ministerial
dife in ihU'ie connty, having char
Igges in this county for about li
ryears, and resided hei*e on acconnt
.1pofan afflicted wife, and served
ucigbboriiig clrcnits.
He has been for years a director |
|of the F. C. Midland B, B. and'for^
[a longtime a Trusteeau.l a de-
Jvoted fiier.d of Trinity tkilloge
^6-om which he gradnatctl in 1801
Uc was 08 years oM when tlio ciul
The above sketcli of Bey, AV. O.
'^lATillsou'wasfuLTDisbed ua by Hev.
W. L. Sherrill pastor of the Metli
odlst chnrcH in Moeksville,
We bayo known Mr. AViHson|
since boyhood, have lived uearS
him for the past 10 months. Uc/
Was a kind and cousideitite neigh-|
boro, a'dnvotcd hnslmnd and a|
faithfnl pastor. Ho had been iai
feeble health fur some time, anfj|
death relieved him of sdl suifeting.:
iWcditffiday moruing abont 1 o'-t
idock. Ptinei'nl SBi'vicB) were cou-|
.eduoteil nt the Meiiiodifit c!ii]i'Qb|
Irhimsiltiy morning by Rev. W. LI
^Sheri'tll and his leumins were - laid*
|to rest in the Bose cemetery. In!
his wife and r^atives we extendj
our sympathy. Peace to hts ashes.*
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 26,1903
Rev. W. C. Willson died at his|
home in ibis city last Wednesday I
morolnR. Mr. Willson was 6«^
years of SRC. He served '
the Civil War. .\t the time of
death he was a Mason and a direct'
or of the Carolina Midland railroad.
He leaves a wife a fonr brothers loj
Bouro his deailk -Mr. WUImo!
/ joined the Korth Carolina Metho-
dist Conference at Otwensboro lO;
. 1867 he was married to Miss .A.licfi-
J. Loor. He was for 40 years en-
RORed in active ministettal work.
He served chttrches ip wno-
ty for aboltt i S vearar .
Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 2,1903
Mrs. Caster Dead.
Mrs. M. S. Carter trxdoTTof the
late Arcblbatd Carter was fouoA
dead in her bed last Tlinrsdnj
morning. Mrs. Carter had been in
leeble health for a long while
Heart disease it is thonght \Yas
the cause of her death.'
hlrs. Garter was beloved by all
who knew her, she was kind and
gentle and endeared, herself to all
with whom she came in contact.
She was a sister of the late Bicb-
ard Sterling who taught a school
for a nomber of years in Hooksrille
She was eighty odd years of age.
A sistei'aud niece snrviveher, Mrs
Chatt^ou and Mtx. T. L. H^'.y
of HocksvUle.
The remains were laid to rest in
the Carter burial gronnd. Funeral
services wete conducted by Itev.
P. M. Allov. Onr sympathy is cx-
ceudcd to tlie bereaved family.
Mrs. ltatlo<lge Dead.
Mra. Satlcdge the ^7ife of J. F.
Batledge died last Wedaeflay
Ang. 26, leaving a bnsband and
nine duldren. Her remains were
laid to I eat at Center Thursday
evening, the funeral services were
conducted by Eev. Mr. Moteu of
Y»lkin Goll^. Mrs. Batledge
was the ^dest daughter of B. P.
Casey and sister of BIra. John Cur
rent. It's a peculiarly sad death
and we sympathize with the be
reaved ' husband and motherless
Bio - Obituaries - 9/2/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 16,1903
Jas, Troutman
Jas; Teoutraan living; no&s Cool- j
eemee died last ^'eek of I'ovei'. ' ;
Bio - Obituaries - 9/16/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 30,1903
Mrs. Murphy
' Mrs Murphy the aged mother
uf Jameaend Monroe Mnrpfay died
at her BOB Moaioe^a b<Hiifi tieor Cen
ter 1a^ veelci after an illoesB of
only three days, She was nearly
jSO yeaiB old.
; 3Ir. John W. Haoea formerly 6f
• Davio oouotyi but for a number of
i years one of the leading tolKiocu
i taannfactureii} of Wiuston died
ildsc Wednesday morning at-At*
lantic City, JS, ,T. where he had
I gone for bis healtli. Mr. Uanes
was a brother of the late Philip
Hanes and one of M^nston's most
pr(^es5ire citizens, He leaves a
widow and eight children, and a
number of r^aUvcs, loell of whom
I we extend onr sympatiiy.
Mrs. Lou Hanes
Mrs Lou Hanes wife of Mr. J. H.
Hanes died Wednesday night af
ter an illness of severa* months.
Her son Dr. Lewis Hanes of Win
ston was with hey, during all W
anting. But the work of medi
cal akili and loving hands eonld
not stay the hand of death. She
leaves a hnsbaud and three child'
ran to mourn her death. Her re-
maiits were .laid to rest P^ridoy
evening Sept. 39tb, in Fnlton
grave yard.
Mrs. John H. Hanes
Mrs. John H. Hanes of Folton,
died early last Thursday morning
after a lingering illness. Mrs. Ha
nes was about 56 -years old* She
was a model wife and a kind af
fectiouate, Christian mother, She
leav^ b.hind a' huslmiid, three
eblldian and a host of sympathis-
log IrieBds. Her remains were
laid to rest in the cemetery of
Fnlton llethodist church at 4 &-
do^ in the afternoon of Friday,,
Oct. 25, in the presence of a large
concouiee of people. Peace to her
Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 7,1903
Mrs. Edwin Baxley
Mis. Eiudey wife of Edwin Bax-.
ley, wast bnried in the cemetery
here lost week. Thedeeeaaed was
a very old Udy and has l>eeu af
flicted for several years. Peace to
her ashes.
B, Frost Dead.
^Tr. Ebenezor Frost of Oana
died Sunday morning at his home
itom the effect of injuries [received
in a runaway about 10 days ago.
At the time no one thought his
injuries fatal. Mr. Frost wns atont
G3 years of age and leaves a' wid
ow but no obildren. He wosac-
tU'oiy engaged in buying and ship
ping timber. His remains were
laid to rest Mocday evening at
Eton's (Jbui^'grave yard. To the
bereaved widow we extend our
Bio - Obituaries - 10/7/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE TIMES, Thursday, October 8,1903
Mr. Ebenezer Frost Dead.
—Mr. libent'zcr Frost dici5 r.t
his hofO!:: near CanaSunJay inciri -
injT Hi- death \v?.s the rcsuJi cf
injune.s which he received by be-
i*'}^ thrown from his bug^gy while
returning home from Mncksville
on Sept. 26 .Mr. Frost Was 64
years oM at the time of his death
and in hi.s passing awav the coun
ty sustains the loss of one of its
mo.st prominent and influential'
citizens. He was a member of the I
bapti.st church, a Mason and a!
trustee of the rhomasvillc Orph-1
anage. and in thr*sc relations he
was laithfuZ and true. He had thei
confidence and esteem of all who
knew him, and his 'riends were
Ebcnezcr Frost many. His wife survive.s.
The interment took place;
Monday aftcrnOf>n and was con-'
nic ceremonies. n
SevwallRmiheteatteiidiHltt^ nfl nncruuw
Baton MoadMr. We i ducted witti Mas
6i^wi»1*in:.<if t1tedea8i <if Mr'Seost..! a rr4»vi.*ii «/j A targe crowd was present to wit-
tbfoaith tbe Tfm^ our I '? V 1 •. , • •
totito hercavBi wlf el ncss tiie last sad rites which were- • - " . • - .1 solemn and impressive. j
Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 14,1903
Mrs. Thos. Crews
Mra. lllios. Crews (col) died a
few days a?o of typhoid fever.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 21,1903
Mrs. Frank Owens
We regret to hare to chrontdo |
the death of Mis. Prank Onrena of i
near Cooleemee. Mrs. Owaea was i
ntridken aith paralysis last Friday'
futd difd Saturday aged about 661
years. She \^a gOudwoiuao, and j
leaves sBvenil sons and UanghtC'S'
|o mourn her lost. Our sympathy
e;itepded to the bereaved ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/21/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 4,1903
Infant Campbell
Mrs. Spurgeon Gaither
Mrs. Joe Foster . m?.-. joUub. ca|iipbeii»8 infent
^ . .t. (ihilii died SfoDduV' morning andWe are sorry to note Che deatb; ww biiried Tciesrtay at Oak Grove
3Ir8, Joe Foster of Smith Grove i /)f >Tr8,Bpprgeo» Goitber of Conn- Wcontend onr sympathy to the
died Monday wo regret to leam. 1 ty line whiub ccccrcd ilonday. Iiereayedparenti.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/4/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November II, 1903
Bettie Horn
Wm. Hilton
I "Wm. Kilton, concerolag wbomi
vre bave m;w1e previous nteutlonas!. being serioasly ill. died Oct. Slat, |
I after & locg and wasting ^ckocss. j
Jennie Dayvault Gaither
Mrs. Jennie Gaitber of Gonnty I
Line became the victim of typhoid'
fever bisti week. Mrs, Gaitber
wao 8 (laojbter Wm. Ibiyyaolc of
Bariamfcimngeand u sister of D.
P. Dayvamt of Concord,
Old Anut Bettie ?Iom fed nslcep'
in Jesus last Monday, and we be
lieve Jier Konl was bora in tiinmph
mid bo.MnnHAilironirh the {jsitcs of
Pe- r\ where she will listen to the
i-ieaxeoly utrs that are played to
Ibo dcparteil sonls of Uie good on
tbeir iirst arrival ot tlie portals of
Paradise. Her funeral was pretich-
ed by the Itev. Mr. Mttrcbci'son,
She w;is both a meek and noble
woman, and was 7^ J «irs of age.
it washer dolighv to help and do
kfod deeds both to lior fumiiy and
j friends. She told the writer tbot
lehe never iiiairied ia order to wait
j O;i her father and an invalid sistBr.
i Bhc died trnsting Jesus. •• What
doth it matter if we rest in u grave
of obsecnrity if it !)c etsbttlmod bv
the teais of Heaven."
Bettie Horn
Old Annt Bettie Horn fed asleep'
in Jesus last Monday, and w« be- j
lieve her soul was born la tiiuiaph j
mid ho.'innaA ihrongh the gates of j
Pe-r', where ebewiil listen to the
|jcii\eu)y Htrs that are plisyo<l to j
the depaftmV.^jnls of the god " on
their first arrival at Uie portals of
Paradise. Her funeral a-as preich-
ed by the Rev. Mr. Mnrchci-son.
••^he was both a meek and noble
woman, and was 7^ j «irs of age.
It washer deiigbv to help and do
kind deeds both to her family and
friends. Bhe told the writer tbot
she never luairied in order to wait
•Oil bei' father and an invr.lid sistHr.
i She died trnsting Jcsiis. "What
doth it matter if we rest in a grave
of obsecnrity if it l>c ainbttlmcd by
the teais of Heaven,"
Bio - Obituaries -11/11/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 18,1903
. B. S. MdRRI5 DEAD*
Born ial^niy Co. Va.,' B6braa-j
iy 24th 1825, died Hov. 12 1908.1
IHo was 78 years 8 months and 19j|
'days old,
On JannSry 23^ 1856 io Gaawell
eonntyN. C. be was united in
marriage to Annie B« Fowler who
'died in 1894. He is .survived by
.five children, Mrs. G-. A. Allison
;of Advance, K. O., Mrs. E. Ct,
iPsdnter of West Va., B. O. Morrisj
Jand E. H. Korris of MoaksviU
andL. L, Morris of £iu>zvllle,|
Forstordy honesty, strict int^'
rity and an nnblemiehed moral]
charactw he bad few equals. 'Si
depised dishonesty, small and lit
fie things.
The war left him little berid^
wife and children. And while ad
veirity tronble him, becanse it
prevented him from ^viog bis
cbildreo the edacatlon he wished,
yet it did not enbitter his life or
deter him foim doing bis dnty.
physically he was frail and deli
cate. MoraJiy like the g^antoak oi
the forest he stood riie storm, firom
ail ■du'ectiDDs, and never lost siyh
|of his dnty to his. family and conn-jEnemies if he had any camj
not assail ihat character whfoh he
neaihed to his children and
Which is more to be desired than
ch^ honors and worldly fume,
land which is. more lasting than
[epitaphs graven in brasaand ston
'he writer, the nnfortanate crip-
ide knows and if possible feels the
loss more keenly than any one else
He was with him more, knew him
as he was always, loved him, re
spected and honored him for his
Btnrdy virtnies. When woridly
tciends, some of them tnmed iVom
08, we knew where to go for solace
.nd comfort. Hotbing ever swere-
ed him or shook his implicit faith
and confidence in ns, hestood by
me in life and when death's cold
bands laid bold upon him my
name was the last be uttered. H
is gone, and I shall ever prize th
example be set me, and shall evei
fry to keep in view and practiand live tlie trnthlnl, ^honest llfej
be instilled into ns from the ear
liest boyhood to the last. He had
no aspirations for worldly fame,
d what positions he did hold
e without his seeking, and in
isoharging the dnties devolving
ipon him, the same Stirling hon-
l^ty was exomplified in every act.
b richer heritage can any man
eare to his posterity.
Phrly in life he joined the Metho
[dist ohnrch and for more than 50
'ears he was a consistent member
id worker, and largely tbiongh|hi8 efforts a obntcH wasbnilt j nst
the river from CooleemeeiniBowan connty near Woodleaf;
On last Saturday morning Hov.
.4th after the funeral services bad
oondncted by Rev. J. B.
'raven assisted by Bev. F. M
len, at Liberty, of wblch chn rob
be was a member, his. remains
were laid to rest beside the bones
of onr sainted mother. We tove
no donbt iooor mind, we know his
spirit is now with bis God and
loved ones beyoad, while his mor
tal remains lie tnried beneath the
sod at old Idberty (ne^the.ohnrch
to which he had belonged for more
than 40 years) covered with beanti-
fnl flowers tenderly placed' there
by friends and loved ones. Those
beantiinl white fl owers will soon
tadeand dcaiy. batjiis ohildren
will ever remember the- friends
whose kind thoughlinlness prom
pted them in this sad honr to
cover his last restlDg place with
these emblems of pnrity and 8wee^
aces which he loved ao weU, Peace
peace to . his ashes, evm^lastiug
Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1903 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 3,1903
Mrs. Jas. Boger
^'e exicii'I our synipiitbiea to
family of Jaa. ]i:r&
dic'tl Iiist trt'ek.
J. A. Green
I Itev. J. A. Oreo:- fsimcrly a
I *i;!srur oftiie 3Iulli*i-'is: cituiv.li ul
] nn«> p!:i''0 dk'.l Uii<E wpsk at Mai Inn
i S". •}. VCe i»» l-euf of nls
jth'Ptn, our ayinptilliie'i ari^ exle&U-
;cil 10 ilic bcmiv-eil huuily.
Small Daughter Allen
The liule Zyciir oiil pfrl of Mr.
!c'iiaj*l<«a A lieu Vii u tiiiri.cil his:
i week diasi •'ianiriL'iy Ic'ai:
|Kt«l, Fisu for Ihe^' Uttle .lots
;iodiehii(!h terriluo (la;«ibs. Oar
.Hyuifiuthics gii unt tu tbe gn^;
[i>trkkei] pamitfi.
Cha. Hanes
Last ijiiiiiiuy the hndy «»f f'iia
who iliwl III Philat'iti-
Nov. 18, of a d>HC.i5v(! mi.'e i
{.•iiSiiisis. urrUe<l ut Ad^uarr-, l>!ii
I iiero was ou <ue pitu^ut to rcaelvf
SQL (Mtl'ilfU.U
Bio - Obituaries -12/3/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 10,1903
Carolina Williams
Jimmie Beaford, son of Mr. Jolin
£k}aford,'di^'Sonday night from
the effect^ of ioinries receiv^
^jrom Ills horse ranutngawayj Icis
Hrs. Giirolina Williams an aged
lady, vrbo has been a victim of that
! dreaded disease eonsnmption for
j many yea|8, passed qnietiy away
' at her home at this place, last Fri
day eveoing at 6.30 o'cloclc. The
laneral services were conducted at
the home at 11 a.m. Sunday by
Bev. Harper of Bowao, from the
text of her own seledson. - which
is fonttd in Phil. It 23. **Par I am
in a stnilt betwixt two, having a
desire to depart andbcwith.Gl^t
which is far better," He made
some very tonchiog remarks from
the text, after which the remans
were carried to Salem barial gro*
iind and laid to rest io the pres
ence of a large concourse of sorrow,
lag relalivesand friends, lo await
the resorectiun momiog. e ex-
teud to tho bereaved family our
heart felt sympathy.
John R. Morris
We regret to note the death of
John B. Morris, the famous drum
mer poet. We enjoyed reading
bis poetic sciiitiUatioas very much.
Mxb AVilklnsou Dead.
filrit. L. Q. Oaithcr^ received a
tdegram recently from Hilfsville,
Ya., dnnonncing tho death of her
sister ^TS. Lanra Wilkinson. Mrs.
i Wilk&BOQ waa formerly Miss Lau-
i ra Edwards, and was well known
in M-<ck&vilIe, We extend to Mrs.
Gaith^ and other relatives our
Bio - Obituaries -12/10/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Thursday, December 17,1903
Sailie Branson
Jfiss Sallie BrasBon, Ibe Id-year-
old da*igbter of Mr. John Braoson
died last Friday eveoicg from tbe
effect ofa Struke or paralysis. Tbo
remains were interred at ^l^vtlle
church on the following day.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Thursday, December 24,1903
Richard Ratledge
Mr. Hichoril Biitlodpe of ocur
Calabatb, died last Snturday oigbt
after an illness of a month Of
more. He was jnst in the prime ol
life, beivreen 40 and 4o years olvl
He laivesd obildren to mourn' hiK
deuth, bis wife havlnj gone on be
' fore bim.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY