Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1903
D. F. Foster
Oar town ras shocked last 8a6-
nrilay by the flndiug of the dead
body of Mr, B. F, Foster, eon of
Deputy Sheriff of this
township, Ahodier victini of
strong drink. His family have
tiie ^mpathi^ of all the' good
people of onr town.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/4/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 11,1903
Josie Daniel
JoBte the beloved danghter of
Mr Ainoa Daniel died 'Aiiraday
morning March Srd of pneninoDia
aitor a short iltnesa. She died on
her 17 birthday. To the bereaved
family ^ve e:Eteud onr sincere syui^
Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 18,1903
' Mr. Philip Hanes Diad.
OolastTcesdiy the lOtli, Mr.
Hiiutswas kicked by one of his
horses, the news was revived by
friends, with no idea thafc hia In-
jnries would prove fatal. Dr.
Kimbrongb was called in,. and on
SCednesday Dr. Stokes of Salis-
bnry was in nttendaiice, but left
on the ovcninjn: iirain, notst all
apprebcnsiwe of fhial resalts. ilih
condition scented not to improve,
and Dr. ICimhrongb remained
with bixn Weduosday night until
his deith Tltiirsday morning, and
he fella itatbat he never reoovercd
from Ute shock fCstiUing f/om the
kick. The snddcuness and sad
uess of tbia death haa cast a gloom
over town and the entire county;
for tiiore was not a more popnlur and
likeable ntuu in Davie county. We
have known bim since boyhoo<l,
and have always bad for him the
liighest r^rds. He alwnvs met
yon with a Siuile and pleasant word,
and when yon parted with him,
you felt that a gentleman and
friend had gone. Kind, gentle ns
a woman, yon were instinotively
drawn tO him, and so far as we
know, he had not an enemy. Mr
Hanes was a native of Davie, born
near b'nlton, he had spent mcsb of
his life in the county. A, few years
ago be formed a oopaniiersbip
with his brother the late B. F.
Hanes at Winston, and moved
there and manniacturod tobacco.
About a year ago he retnrn<Hl to
Darie, pxirchaeed a home in
Mooksviile and erected a magnifi
cent resideuce where hia wife's
father Col* Mart Booe formerly
lived. He was engaged in farm-
log, and was one of the best la the
county. lu the prime of maubood
abont 52 years of age, he is called
away leaving a widow and seven
children. He was the nominee
last year of his par^ for county
commission^:, and the vote he re
ceived—ranniug ahead of bis tick
et, showed bis popnlaiity, tbongh
-lefcated. While the writer diff-
'ired with him poUtioally we had
authing but the Idndost and high
est r^rds for bini as a man. To
mm him np truly, he was a per
feot gentleman—one of natnros
Qoblemei), and wo all know and
fed that we have lost a good man
lud friend, and a useful and en
lorprising citrien. whose (akin
away leaves a ^"ucancy hard to
fill, and whioh will be long felt'by
-mr town and county. His remains
were laid to rest Satorday evening
after the funeral services bad
t>eea conducted at the Methodist
church by Bevs. SherriU, Vi'are
and Willsou, in the Rose burial
gconuil, iu tile presence of the lar
gest attendance ever witnessed in
the county. To hm bereaved wife
whose loss is ineparable and to hie
obildreu who have lost a tender,
loving^athsar we extend onr heart
folt sympathy'. Peace to his ashes.
for he sleepeth the sleep of the
righteous. We will miss the true
gentloiuaii, the faitlifnl aod devot
ed husband, tbe loving afTeetionate
father, the true and manly man
that he was.
Avie Booe Skinner
Mrs. S5k!nner of Alabama, for
merly Miss Avie Ilooeof this coun
ty, died last week. We extend,
^ur sympathy to the bereaved
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 25,1903
Dug Smith
Mrs. Sam Jones
We are sorry to note the death
< f Hre. SiuA iones wliieU oocurea
last Satoiday. I
Dug Smkli was found dead Tnes-1
day moniicg near R^aud. I«o
partienlars of his death at lliisl
time. The Sheriff aud J. W. Bai- I
ley coroner left- early. Tuesday!moroing to hold au inquest. |
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 8,1903
George Dennis
Mr. George Dennis an old con*
federate soldier died at Cooleemee
'ast Monday evening. He was
nearly 00 years old. Mr. Dennis
was tUiioiate, andajtoor laboring
nisrn, but a brave soldier and a
good citizen. Peace to liis ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 15,1903
Rev, 5, Morgan Smith Dead.
Rev. S. Morgan Sroitb of York,
Pa., one. of the laigeafe "Water
Wheel mann&etni era in the UDi*
ted States died In Los Angeles Gal.,
Snnday* 1&. Smith was a native
of Davie eotmty and has a broth
er living nesr Redland, L. M.
j Smith Esq. Mr. Smith .left Davie
connty mnoe the war a poor man
I He was rated at a million or more
Ueveral years ago. His em-cese
! has been remarkable and is an il-
I lustration of what plnok and ener*
gy can accomplish. Oar sympa^
ties are extended to the bereaved
telatives. Mr. Smith was a Mora-
.vian preacher.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 6,1903
Small Daughter Early
and B, Earlj lostthrir
lUtle girl last ^tiisday tt metohr
anons eronp. Tixe iotsmcat took
place at Center grave yaftl lasi
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 13,1903
Louise Koontz
Died at lier Iiomo-at this- place
ou tbe 8tii, inat, of puenniouia
Mis, Louise-Eloontz age 74 yeavSf
Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 20,1903
Laura Hairston
Cocooer Bailey. Slieriff Sheek
lud l>r. Kimbron^ \rere called to
Fork Oitanrch- Sunday to bold an
'fiiiaest, Lanxa Haiiston colored
enUdonly Saturday uigbt, and
it was tbongbt abe b^ been
-'piseued;*' From urbat we can
hear there wiis ho evidence of foul
play and all this expense to the
conaty iornodiing Thejaiyfbund
tuac she died 6001 oatui^l oaneas.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 27,1903
Infant Ketchie
Herbert Eetcbie of Eappa lost
fto in^uifc child last
Groenhervy Hampton Dead. •
Mr, Bart Brown and brother,
l>. Bryan- and. Mr, B^inhandtrof
Yadkin camedowu last Wednesday
to meet the-corpse of Mr. Green-
berry Hampton whieh came- in-oQ.
the 1, o'clock train, from Kansas
City Missonri. Mr. Ham^pton
fTfB a nephew of Mr. Bart Brown.
Bjp -was hnrt by a brick filing
.from a six story bniP^g on whidi
he was Avorking, the brick struck
him in the aido injdribg- him so
Beverly that he died soon after.
Oar sympthay goes ont to the-ber
eaved-&mily of the deseased.
Mrs. B. 11. Bailey ol' Advance
GodsHer Own Life.
The death of Mrs. B, E.' Baaley
of Advance is peculiarly sad. Bor
the past two months h^ heUth
hadbeen poor and iier mind be
came affected, and on last Tuesday
May. Ifr, she jumped into the well
■resnltlng in ber-death..
She was the sister of B-B.
ler former Sheriff! and Treasnrer of.
this- ooanty, and- bad been mar
ried- twice. Her first husband -was-
Hiram Pbelps, who ^ed several
years ago. later, she married B.
B. BaUey Esq-; Her untimely
death is to-be-deplored. To the-
bereaved bosbaud. aged mother
brothers^ and sister we extend
;oar sympathy. in tbls-honr of sad
Bio - Obituaries - 5/27/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1903
l>r. C. W, AikdcrsoD Dead.
Bi'. Charlie Anderson who has
been sick tor sowe time with a
complication of diseases died at
bis home at Fork Oharch Snnday
evening about 5 o'dockp. m. lear-
ii^ a wife and one child. The,
doctor was a n^ve of the oonnty, |
raised at Oalahaln, and a son of
tiqnire Charles Anderson deceased.
To the breaved widow aud oth»
relatives we extend our sympathy.
The doctor was abont 43 years
of age at the time of bis death.
His remains were Md to rest at
Galahaln Taesday, near the scenes
ol his early chiluhood. Pe^' to
bis ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 10,1903
Infant treason
The infaut ehild of 3ir. auil
D. (?. C'mhmii) :&n:l u-n<t Itnriei]
At Lih^irty fJijodtiy ov^a\j?g.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 17,1903
Will Richie
Will Biehte son of Mike Bi tliie
vrho Ures near Gana died moo ay
aged 23 j^eata.
firs. Stacy JDead.
Mib. Kiiggie Stacy erife of Ber,
L. IS, Staoy of Waxhaw died last
Soaday night the. 7th and her re-
mains were brought to Smith Gro
ve for bnrial, Mrs. Stacy was the
dangbter of Mr, Atkinson of near
Dalins, andasisterofMis. H. L.
Austin of Hocksville. To- the be
reaved bosbaod and relatives we
extend onr aympatby. Mrs. Stacy
left a little in&nt 6 days old whidi
followed ber 5 days later..
Infant Stacy
The liiile infant of Ear, I,, p.
Stacy, of Waxhaw which was 1 sti
Friday night and WBS 'bniied ai
,^^er irae w fewatly laid toi
J. W. Comer
, Wcaretorry to note the death
of Mr. J. W. (k)met which occurr
ed last Sunday night. He was ft;
native of Yadkin oonntyaud had
only lived here a short while.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/17/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 24,1903
Mrs. Leon Cash
Mra. Uaeh wife of Prof. Leon
Gasli died lllonduy mocoing in
WittSoon-SaleK. Prof. Cash is a
natire of Davie and an old friend
of the editor. To the bereaved
hnsband and inotberless chUdreu
we extend onr syiup«[Uhy in this
hour of distress.
Mrs. A. T. Qrant Dead, '
Mrs; Bebecjja Omnt wife of A.T. Grant died. Sunday evening and
her remains woie^laid to . rest
Monday cy.ettiag in the Hose' bur
ial grvhbd. The fnrnal service
were condaete<i by .Eev. W, L.
Sterrill at the residence. Mie.
iHr.int had been in declining heal
th for some time. 'She leaves a
husband and sbc dbildren tomonrn
her depai'inre. To the bereaved
hnsbi^ndahd ehildreb we e^oend
our sympathy in the loss of wife
and mother. Peace to her a^^'. n
Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1903 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY