Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1902
Infant Son Richardson C, Eanes
. The iufftot son of Mr. autl Mrs
Manon Bichard^Q tliptl last Wcrt-
dav. n' . » n
Mr. A. G. Eanes died Saturday
JuiJc2l8tftn<l\vas buried at Oak
Infant Poole
The infant of L. 31, Tool died
Sunday June 22nd, wns bnried
Monday. j
Mr. John Barney Dead. |
Mr. John Surney who lived |
nearBcdlaud died last Tuesday;
June He \v'as over 8J j'eais of.
age. A good citizen, who leaves
several ehildreu to inonru his loss
to whoni-we extend our 8yDip:itiliy.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1902
VIJSL J. F. Click Dead.
Mw. f. Caidc, wife of editor
llmes-Mereary, died San day at
her home in Hickory. Mrs. Cliok
.was a native of Davie- the daugh
ter of Thomas lilazwi^, who lived
near Liberty, io Jeraaalom town
ship. We ^end to the entire
fiuuily our sympathy in their
great sorrow.
Viude Peter Uunley Dead.
BetorHunl^, the Bladtomith,
fomiliarly called by all, white and
black trade Peter, dropped dead
laatThnrsday morning about hdlf
past siz o^clock. He was oat in his
com pateh at work when -death
came. We do not know how old
he was bat suppose he was nearly
80 yeais of
TJnde Peter was born and raised
a slajve in Vs., bat had been a reai--
d.6nt of Mocksville tor many years,
working at his trade of blacksmith
log. Qaiet, polite and lawabiding,
he was likpd and respected by ev
erybody in the town. Undo Peter
talked to us doting the cmapaign|
of 1800 when the Amendment wa8|
onder discussion, and we conld not
help pittylng the old num, bom a
slave, made a freeman and given
toe right to vote, a privH^e be
dearly prized, and one' whidh he
seemed loth to part with, yet he
would say. '^Hverything -will
come right, Sx: The old man
passed over before he had expe-
nenced^the loss of this privilege..
A good negro, A good citizen'. He
lived a life whidi should be emu
lated by otoers of hid race. He
had from his - savings- bought a
home, Where he n spent lost
days. He was a member of toe
Fresbyterian Church and lived a'
consistent cbristlau life, we . had
great faith in tmole^ Pete's pitey,
we believe be liv^ as near rightas
he knew how. He deft a widow,
annt Susan, to whom 'we .extend
Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 16,1902
Ida McCulloh
Deatli by ligbtuin^f.
Mr, Oosben MoOallob's second
daughter Mise Ida, aged about 14,
traa killed by lightoiug while stan
ding in the front porch, on the er-
ening of July 8tb. The oldest
daughter was rendered insensible
for some time. The interment took
place at Eork Chnrob on the t?th,
JOter.G. H. Cope conducted the
funeral services. This Is a sad
de^, and we extend to the Ihmi-
ly one ^apathy in their great
sorrow* Deaths by lightning are
getting to be frequimt, nne does
not know where to consider a safe
place during these elcotric stoims.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1902
Mrs. Lou Fulford
Mrs. Lon Fnlfmtl died at her
home near Farmingtcm Monday,
the bereaved relatives and friends
have our sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 30,1902
Infant McCulloch
Mrs. Wesley Frost
TTie wife of Wesley Eroafc Ool,'
Alieil last Friday awiruing. i
Chas. McCStillooli'a baby died
' Jast Monday Jnly 14th, and the re-
itmins were laid to ri^t in the fami
ly burial gibimd. Tui^ay. Hev.
.B. D.Swaim (e»n<luele<i the fniicml
services. Our syinpalliy is extend
iHl the beKKived pai-euts. '
Ellen Smith
Mi's. Ellen Smitb of this com
munity died last Monday .nigbt.
The leinaics irere laid to rest at
Hickory Grove Tuesday eveniug.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6,1902
Sam Taylor
8»m of Snlisbtiry com-.
JDittcd suicide last Saturday morn-1
ins >>7 sbootius hlmsell tkroogli'
tliebcad. His fnends in Davie
bate the sad ending of bis life.
Infant Sprinkle
The infant child of Mr. and Mis
H. G. Sprinkle died Monday
morning at the borne of Mr. S. M.
C^U at fJiis place. We extend to
-the bereaved parents and relatives
our deepest sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
b re vo (• ^ G . (.An \ cc lfC/~
Cf c+i-i //->
/ ^/O )
Davie Gouniv Pubiic Library
^Aocksville, NO
SARAH TEMPLE 1805 - 1891
Sarah Temple b. 1805 Davidson Co Co NO 86y
Res: Davidson CoNC; Davie CoNC; Davidson CoNC;
(In late years she Hved in a house west (or back) of the house of her son
Richmond Baxter Gentle);
Bur. Reeds Baptist Church Cemetety, near her son Richmond Baxter Gentle;
For genealogical purposes I write her nainft as
Sarah Temple 1805-1891
Sarah & Graver's children: known
1.Isaiah Temple Craver Lanier b. 1824/25 Davidson Co N(M Aug 1856^^e Co NC
Charlotte POTTS b.calSSO Davie Co NC d.cal893 Davidson CoNC (Yadldn College)
Elizabeth Temple Craver Lanier b.l4 Mar 1826 Davidson Co NC
-inr '^^^Mi^^avidson CoNC (Lexington)mJO Jun 1844 Davidson ColjS,_™
Felk Miller b. l2 Got 1824^.29 &fay 1864Va CSA
Sarah Temple Craver 1805f 1891J
m.25 May 1828 Davidson jQJ^; wt. Jehu Peebles
ThomasLanier b.cal800/10 VA d. Perhaps prior to 1846
Sarah & Thomas Children: known
Nancy Ann Lanier b. 1833^dl89^avie Co NC
m. 18 Mar 1850 Davie Co^'"' _
William "Billy" Sidden b.09 Dec 1823 |d.28 OctjS^avie Co NC 63y 10m 19d
Res: Davie CoNC y
Bur: Elbaville Meth Cem Co NC
2. _
Edward Lafayette Lanier b. 04 Feb 1840 Davie Co NCfd.09^g 19(^nj»viF>
m. 21 Nov 1860 Davidson Co NC
Martha Alice "Ally" WALSER b. 1835/37
Res: Davie Co NC
Bur: Fulton Meth Ch Cem Davie Co NC
Drury Lanier b.cal842 Davie Co NC<y. 01 Jul IS^VA CSA
m. 28 Feb 1864
Wilhelmina BERRIER b. 14 Sep 1846iriTMar Co NC 69y
Bur: Wihehmna: Linwood Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC
Davie County Public LiiKary
Mocksville, NG
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1902
Infant Linville
Mr. ftiul 3rra. J, A. Liovnie
lost tUeir iii/aat last sreek. Wo ck-
t«id them our synipatUy-.
Mrs. Mayberry,
Infant Daughter Lookabill,
Infant Griffin
We rf^ret to uote the of
Jfr?. Jfayherry Trhich ooonrred
iiist Ssitttrilay morning. "We nl?o
QuipaCIiizo wi(h Lookahill
in die ileatb of her h I'ant dangli-
ler, also "n'iiU Mr. and Mi-s. Robt.
(•riilin in the loss of tlteir lillle one
of which occiurred rcccQlly.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 20,1902
Ed. Lovin
Ed. Lovin died at Iiis home re
cently of dropsy.
G. L* Cook. I>&ad,
' C, L., IcDOWD as Dook Gook died
'aii his home in the upper edge of
the Ononty last week, of pneumo'
Qe "iras sink bnt a shoirtI arhile. To his to^ved famUywe
ej^iend our bp-
Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1902
William Henderson
L. K. Bailey
L. %, Batiey who left thla ooim>
ty several yeays ago, die^ recently
in Color^o,
^D5ir*Williaiii Henderson died
aHlase Bend last week He was
a nnigne oharocter and at one
fcinrewasaii^nuneDtfigareln N.
Oarolina polices. He had been in
badheel&fova nnmberof years.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 17,1902
Miss Laura Clemant Dead,^
Early Saturday morniug Mibs
Laura CJlcmeut Buffered a strote
of parolys^ aod in a few "hours
she vfls dead. Miss Laura was a
u^ve of this county, but natispent a number of years teaohiDg
at Lexington, but a few years ago
returned to MoohsyLllo and she and
MiBB Mattie Baton have succeeded
lii building up a large and popularschool, known as Snunysido Bemi-
nary. She was in the school room
all of last weok in her nsnal heaich
and her death, under the cinfun^
stances is indted sad, and a
amity to the town and communtty.
She was an excellent woman, u
voted Chnrch and Snnday school
worker and will be sadly missed
by relatives and friends. Sbe was
59 years old, and leates a large
numlier of relatives, to whom we
extend our sympathy in this gmt
aflAictioo. The renudns were lata
to rest Sunday evening at Clementburial grounds, in presence of a
large concourse ol friends.
Bio — Obituaries - 9/17/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, Octobers, 1902
Modell Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. A. £. TTftrfmnti of
near Advance lost th^r little
dangbter last Salnrday, M^ell
wasabrightlittle girl four and a
half years of age. 8he was the pet
of the boQEe-b<dd, and we tender
onr ..syrnpathy to the bereaved
fatiiec and mother in this sad hoor
May they realize and fed that
Mit's best foe the child."' She is
removed from earth to H^ven,
where all is p^ce and happiness,
and- the trials of an xincmrtaiu life
ate at an end. Therema^ were
hdd to rest at Shady Grove Ohnrcb
■yard..Satiday evening.
Julius Hairston
Dabe or Jnlins Hairston wasrfoand d^dlast Friday morning in i
a tobacco barn on Mr. Dan. Davis' ithrm near Fork Chnroh. He was|
curing tobacco, and was found withhis head inside the- fine badlybnmed. J. "W. Isailey Coroner'
held an inquest last Friday, and
the jnry had no evidence that therewas foal phiy, bntthe opinion gen- j
ei-ally provails, that it's morethan likely that there a'asfoul idhy,'in this case. We tMnk the coron-.|
er should call the jpry together,land call in a physician and have
'him examine the head to ascertain
I if possible whether this negro was:Ifcillcd. - I
Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1902
Victoria Hege
n At bcr botne near EibaTilte, IT.
0., Oet, lOtb, 1902. little victorki
tbe litfte dangbter of Mr.
■and Mn, K. F. Hegeqaietly poss-
ed away after one week of mncb
snflering' Little Viotora was born
tbe 16th of ApHl 1893 being ten
years fi ve ntonths and twenfy-four
days old. Bbe was a bright, sweet
devoted child to her parents and
liked by all who knew her. The
sympathy of ail goes ont to the he*
reared &oiily in this great sorrow.
The Lord took back the flowmr
he gave
That badded on earth
To bluoiu in heaven.
C. D. H.
Margaret Smith
Mfi« Margaret; Smith died lastweek ill the npper edge of the Co.
Infant Starrette
The infant dnld of Mr* and MrsTV.t Btanelte ofHoehsville, died
Mveek. Something 11^ scarletlever. Our sympathy goes cat
Lo the father and moMier.
Daniel A. Cornatzer
l^iel A. Cornatzer of Oomatzer, died Sunday leaving a wife and
several children. We extend oursymp^y to the widow and chil*
George Collet
Mr. George Collet who'Evednear Oana died about 10 days agoof^rphoid fever, HewssS^yesrs(tfage,aud a good dtteea. Our
isynipatby is extended to the be-I reaved family.
Bio - Obituaries -10/15/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1902
Annie Hendrlx
' •
.The remains of Ifrs. Annie Hen
Arix of Cooleem^ were interred
bere last Monday.
J. J. Betts
Mr. J. J. Belts died at the resi
dence of bis son lA. h. Betts last
week. Hewaa w y^ira old.Mr^
Betts .had only been in Moc^villc
abont two weeks. He was buried
34: the Rose grave yard Thnisday
evening.. Vi'e extend onr sympa '
thy to the bereaved iiEtmily. n
Miss Janie Woodroff Dead..
n Miss Jaoie Woodm'ff died at
o'clock yesterday at' the home of
her untie, S. A. Woodmtf. She
bus been sick .several months, and
while her loved ones tfaonght that
^econlil not recover, tbey still bad
hope till she breathed bor last.
We extend dnr sympathy to the
bereaved ones. Her remains will
be inteiTed at the Rose graveyard
to-day at 10 o'clock..
Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 12,1902
Son Hellard
A 9m\ of Wiley Hellard of Kow-
jiiiroiiHly, wrtB bufletl at 'Lib^y
5. A. Dula Dead.
M"r. 8. A. Dnla died Ifast- I?rida3*
at Cooleemee ailev a long spell of
sickness. He msGS years old,
and leaves a wife and » or 4 child
ren. He was a good oltizen, hon
ored ttfld respectcl by all who
knew him; He was a native we
thick, of Wilkes'conuty, His ire-'
mains were laid to rest ut. 'Joppn
Satnirday evening. We ex,teud onr
sympa^y to the bereaved family.
Infant West
The infant child of SLv and Mrs Sy.
West died last Monday.and was bur-,
led at Salem - Tuesday.' ,
Sabrina Daniel
.Mrs. Sabrina Daniel tlepartcrl
ilils lUo at the hpine of her son Mr.
0.0» Daniel on SaUinlay mormng
ifov Jst. Tlie renmius wei*c laid
io rest in the Sontli River Oeinebi-
ry on the following Su jiday, by the
side of her linsband who' preceded
hor to tlie spirit land 10 jeai-sago.
The deceas^l was »i native ef Row
an County, but siuee tbo dmith o(
iier husband has spent a gr>otl >.)r-
lion of her time in this neighbor-
'nood. She was hired by all who.
I knew her and will bo greatly miss
jeil iu this .uutl surrounding couu-
j ties. She Icitvcs behind a host of
rdaiives ami friends to mourn her
departure. "We extend to ilie be-
teiwed lamily our sympalhy.
Old Ben.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 19,1902
Infant Son Eaton
TfaelDfimfeBon ofMr. and .Mrs.
O. B, Eaton of Winfiton was baried
at dement burial ground Wednee-
day evening. The bereaved i>a-
rents have our ^mpatby . in this
sail hour.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/19/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 10,1902
Son Swaim
A note Irani 21ilce Swain
jDfono4 OS tbnt he has losi one of
bis boys, and he desires to
Umnkstobls friends and neSgh-
1)0T8 lor th^r many aefes of kind-
nefiB to the fomily during the b1(^-
Bio — Obituaries - 12/10/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 17, 1902
UJE JOMss killisd
^■'■bilTlmrsdaycveuing Bobt.by Frank Clary
. It seems that the
■ tuken ou too much whia,
■got to fooling with a' gnu,
discbarg-^ .iciioi avQUBd which w-
i'j that uight,
j affair, and. 'greatly regretted. Young^*^ Ujeson of James W.
'5-I* 'township, and
death Is,
dj'j circQDistaacea.
'*ii, '''• held an In-1
5vy.o i Frank Ola-
j"'l to await a
tfO liilo coort. We,
bereaved!yThoth are in troable
Bio - Obituaries - 12/17/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY