Jan - JunUNKNOWN PUBLICATION, January 3,1902 Joseph L. Tatum ■p TATUU—Joaeph L. Tatum was boraAugust 23, l^'O; died Decetuber 23, IflOllo the j»ad death of Brother Tatum Fariu-ington church.of which he was an honoredand faithful member, ha* lost a tried andloyal friend. Every trust cotujuittert tohim was carried out with such faithfulnessof puriwse m to Inspire zeal and hope inthe entire church. We deeply feel that weten lll-atronl to snare such uieoasToeTatnin. CoujpeUcd by fuliare of health toleave Wake Forest Col'e;»e about three * Would havegraduatedat the close of the session, he came homeand, by a rigid observHOce of medical ad-Tise. added several years of usefulness to ■his life. He made a profession of renglonIn earlv life,which was beautifully adorned "y Q- pious walk end fioUly conversation.Be was a brother of our mIsHlonary, E.F. TntatUiOf China. Be-Mes hlni be leavesan aged iiiother.one brother ann one sister ,,at home to mourn th»»lr loss. May our dearjLord comfort and sustain them In this sad : .bereavement So far as I know this fa the.most benevolent family I have ever seen..<For them I thunk Ood. '■ j T « SWklU. «"03. Bio - Obituaries - I/3/I902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1902 Mrs. Jas. R. Harbin Jw. B. Harbin died at iOooIi^itiee Thursday iJae. 26tb and $ra8 boned at PJoo. She leaves a liusbapdaod two small children i© ^'hom we extend pq? sympathy. Bio - Obituaries - 1/8/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1902 W. H. H. Cowles Col, W. H. U. Cowlcs died at his home In Wilkes ilnriug Xinas luiliddya. He was a gallant, bravo confederate officer. After the war he was elected Solicitor of his district, and later served 8 ^earsin Congre>s. He leaves a large fhmily to luonm his death. To the bereaved widow a id chil dren we extend onr sympathy. Bio - Obituaries -1/15/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1902 Mrs. John Milton Ur. Jofin Milan's |gt3i and was bnripd 0^ 6PiN4) IStftveyafd. Joseph Kellar ■Mr* Joseph. Kellar, who was report*^ veryshaE, died last Tuesday a. m. Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1902 Infant Son Deadman 1:1)6 iiqriuit Boa of Martin Dead ^ luai) diM ).'eceaiiy oi , jHEgSSWTB. OAX^ .PI^. = Mr. qpjl jooletly pas^ Ills iiomp laait ?^Q2«4ay njfflit at 10 i^clcck p, jm. H;e was old est of Dietovrp^ hayiugbeen lioiTi July ^ 1^14 iB»K^og iiim fij' years 6 i»qpUUi apd 2 daj<B .old at tiaio.qf j^is iO^ijUi. He joined Metbodi^ obpfiqli ^ this place' inlSSfO, Not a^Bin- ^0 member of tl\ei?^tureh who tras puffs i-vlls nt tiiat tinip js pow liv-' l^L Mr. Ctill n-as married snrvivea lilm. Fiyp eojts Bpryiye him; Ed, (bba.rle?, »nd jltil) wbp live iu 'leW, Atov-\ViM..C!pll I)/ jn^on, N. U., pud JS/' M. tcispjaqe. Mr. CqO \yqs dnp of MocKsvjyte'a best uud piqsl Idjjibjy rps|)eci;ei]Lci(j- /.etis. VVg have hiunrn h:tn sfnco por iMT-yhood, and jievpr bavp wp iiearda p'oyd ispuheu Oyp-nyonfidp- rogato/ybfbHttftt nj>y Ueiitle'^a a-otmii), l-iti'ippd eo»- HiileraVik' 1^ attebdf^ ^r.i.otJy to his oivu nljipj.rs, aud has Jei)-- behind him a life to bepipuhijljfd by nsall. Ill's life was Ktvat, for no unc cau l(^ul;^]id jivp tbo. life be did* without Iqavijig u lasting im- preep upon jbe world, a life to be eranlajied by hia children, aud thces with whom he associated all these years. The Btaqdard he ee- itablisbed is the true mpasnre of greatness, and DO one can be truly great who does not possess some of the traite which ehhraoterize our old friend. Burial service were held at the Methodist churoli Sunday at II o'oleok, after which his reinaine were laid to rest at the Base boiy- ing ground. Our sympii^y is ex tended to the widow and ehihlreu in theif sorrowi i^eaea to his Wm. Kelly A UoiulelUa. A P).aa by the name of "Wni' Kelly was foand dead Mouday tuoruiug in Mrs. Dr. Rnnt's haru yard witivtfai-eo-bnllet holes in his back. It is not known at this time who did the shooting. The criipo WHS committed nt Huuls- vi.le in Tadkin coqaty. Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12,1902 Julius Hobbs I Julius Hobbs died at Ills borne j 'atFor^Cbur^Sataiday mondng , of pueoiBoniaj and yras boned Son- , ,^y. |i Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1902 . Mai? <f..|ro8tor, I>ead. hlitB, Foster, ^ido? of tbe late ArebOPoeter, who lived near'An -gni^, qoielly passed away at the bo^ of her son F. A. Foster last SiE(mday night, at the age of 62 years aud ber reniatDs wore laid -tor^tv'at Concord chnrch - hisl Weds^ay. Only one child shro F. A. Foster,, to whom }we^i^d onr Bymp^thy in hJa' ■scfeowi ;■ Julius Hobbs Mr, Jnliae Hobbs, one of onr most prominent yoQSg men, diedat his home last iSatarday morningawcelc ^ at 6 o'clock, pnenmonia. Mr. Hobte was one of onr best citizens and has left a vacaui^ which no one can fill* We extend onr sympathy to the be reaved mother and other rdativea. The burial 'services were con*dncted attheehnieh Sunday, Mrs. Jas. Stewart Mrs. Jas. Stewart a very agedlady of tbis place, died last Fdday nigbt. Bio - Obituaries - 2/19/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1902 John Hobson CM ancle John Hobson died Satnrdiiy and was burieil Snndfly. He was one of our old colored ciU- zens. Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1902 Rev. A. T. Cleairat, CoL Of^. Tomer dement vho was taken side abodfc a week ago at dements ville where he had gone to fiill one ofhU appoinhnmitB, eame home Satarday night on the train and didi Monday morning of heart di sease. He was one of the pid time negroes, and but few of them lenudm He was about 70 years, old. He was a qniet, good citizen, and leaves a wwand sevezal chil dren to moam his loss. Infant Son Patterson i^'mpathise with Mr. and Mxs. O. 0. Patterson in the dfialh of their infant soDi whidi ocenrred on Eeh, 7th. Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Annon James and Sally. . Cornell James Daughter of Mary Sulivan Cornell 1779-1844 and James "Jim" ComeU 1775-1844. They had 9 children: ' ^ Martha Matilda James who married Benjamin Howard; after her death Benjamin married her sister Phobe James Married William D, Smith Nancy Ellen James married Benjamin Howard after Martha died William Asbury James married Lydia DiXlion Etchison. , Elizabeth James married John Plott * Mary Ann James married And^son Beaachamp Thomas Annon James was killed in the Civil War John James married Mary Jane Carter 9th child's name not known. Maybe died at birth ^Sarah "Sallv" Cornell James was bom July 6. 1803. Died Ma-rrli ifi. ion? ^ Annon James bom Jan, 15, 1788. Died March 12, 1875 S^Hy ns she was always Imown (or later as "Granny James"} was a very strong. Stately flTid fine woman- She was noted as being very tough. She had all kinds of "doctor" books and studied them regularly. She was a "midwife" and .^> matter what kind of weather or anytime day of night, she would go help deliver a baby, ^^e husband would come to get her on horse back. She would wrap up, get her doctor's satchel, saddle her horse and follow the husband to their home. Many time^it would be in the snow. Her grandaughter Clarrisa Plott Bowden said she loved to visit her and spend the night; although when she slept with her, she wouldn't let her move at all in the bed. She had a which she thought the world of. Her Tianti» was "B^.Judv". She stayed with Granny James" until she died. She was buried in the slave graveyard on the James land. Sarah "Sally" Cornell James lived to be 99 years old. The family was planning the biggest ^^^^kday celebration ever for her lOOth birthday. She along with her husband Annon is buried in Bethleham United Methodist Church cemetery. % Rowan County Married records show Annon Jeams and Sary Comol, married July 25, 1824; Andrew Griffin, bondsman; M. Hanes, J. P., witness ~ o, o— V A vfl "C-C information from Alice Faye Ellis Clontz grandaughter of Clarrisa Plott Bowden Clarrisa's parents were Elizabeth James and John Plott a CO 3 oL CO O o CD ' punty Public Ubratv Mocksville, Nc DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1902 Death oflllTSf Elliott. Mrs. Carrie N, Mliott, of HOts viUe, Ya.,- a Bteter of ms. L^nel Oaitlier of HooTcsville^ iras fonnd deadin herbed last "wetk. She is onpposcd to have died -with heart disease. G3ie relatives of the decensed have out sympathy in their soiroff^. Blr. Frank C*-.IIairston Dead. Bfr. Htdrston died in the Hospi tal in l^timore lastTaeaday even* tog of pDeomonia. He was a resi dent of l^vie County, and had gone tu Baltimore lor LreatiueuL. Mr. Hairston was a son of Mr. Pe ter W. Halrston who owned a large landed estate in this county, and his fhmily have lieea residing at Ills dd home near Fork ehnrdi for a nnniber of years. Mr. Holr* ston was elected to theBlate Sen ate in 1898 kom this District, and was about 38 ye^ old at the time of his deathi Onr sympathy is ex tended] to the &iQily of the de ceased. Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1902 Sallie James Vn?. Sajlie Jaroes who died near ^mith Grove recentjj woold bare been 100 years old bad abe lived imtil Jqly,\ Dir. JbbD 1 Woodruff Dead. Mr. Jobn I. Woodraff died at bis home about -4 miles frOm MocksviDe Wednesday evening Afandi 10, after a long ilinesa, at the advanced ago of 80 years 1 mo. and ISdays. Mr. Woodrnffwas born Eebmai74,1822, in'Yadkin Co., near Jonesville, bat had resided in Davle a number of years. He ia BorYived by a widow and 4 ehil- dren, S. A. and W. T. Wood- rufifof this County, and John. M. of Winston, and one daughter, Mrs. Dr. GDbytor of MocksvDle. His remains were laid to rest in thcHoao burial ground, the fu neral was eouduoted by the Mooks- vllle.Ijodge of Masons, Friday the 21st. To the widow and children we tend oar sym(>athy In tiioir loss. Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1902 Sarah James OBlTUARITv flfliah James, rdictof AndreTr James, was bora July 6,1803, and departed tbis Ule M^h 16, 1902; aged ninety-eigbtyeais tight mos. and ten days* To them were bora eleven ehildren. four of whom still sarvlve. l%e ^and children niun- ber the greate grand 4^dx^ two hnndiM and ionr, and the gceategreategrand cbitdzen number 12, making a total proge> ny of two-hundred and eighty-two ofwhitii there are still living two hundred mid tbirtyntiuee. AnntSallie waa a good dhrls- _in woman, loved by all who know her dating h&i long lifetime. She was attentive and helpfnl to the tiol^ and showed kindness mid merey to all about her. . Her fungal waa preached by Bev, Mw H. Vestal, and her re mains Udd to test in the oodhtry graveyard tU: Bethlehem obnreh .m Davie'Co. Sanford Smith, Bedlahd, H. 0. Small Son Leach . llm little son ofHr.E, P.Leaoh, of Doar MOelcavllIe. wat bunied to death last EViday. Ohe tittle fel low was helping his fhther hnrn some trash ip his field, and was canght between two biases, his cloraing lw|ng bnraed from ms body. Dr. Elmbrongh was hasti ly snmmonod, but ere he reached horrible sceoe poor little sufferer wee beyond mMical • aid, dipdinafew boors. Onr sympa thy with tiie bereaved iamly. (See correction In 04231902 issue of DAVIE RECORD. Should be Small Daughter Leach) Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1902 Wade Hampton Oen. Wade Hamptop died at Ool« ombia^. G./abon^ t^n daiys ago., Qen. Onttpton was <)Qj9 of bravest of the bipvp Gopfedprate soldle^. Small Daughter Leach It was a I<09ch that was bufoed, imead of a boy, 2fo one was with her bat he^ lit Uo bvotb^. . Ouri^nnnit^ wasiu tfrori whi)^ 5»ii8qu the luistalce. (This Is a correction to Small Son Leach, 04161902 Issue of DAVIE RECORD.) Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 30,1902 Mrs Betts Dead. Hrs. Betts, the trlfe of A. I». Betts, dledmtorclay niomiDg sad bee lemaiDS \rece carried to Han- oerSTille, Davidson Gomityfwbur ial Sunday nioming:. Mrs. Betts had been a great suiTerer, and ber death no doubt c^e as a relief. Our sympathy is mcteodedto the ibereav^ husband and motherless ehildren. Bio - Obituaries - 4/30/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1902 Prudie Bowles • The^Tnaefal of Pradi^ 77illbe pi-^4)ed ai Ciej^k l^hoTcii the firab ^imd^y Bev. Bc. n, Lpog, Lafayette Grimes Lafayette Gpimes of Lexington, N. 0, 'vbile olimbing a tree laeb Sunday, tell 70 'feefe and vete killed instantly. He a wife and 3 duldreu. Mrs. Frank Sheets Mis. Frank Bh^ts died last week and. was bnried ut Sandy Oreds clinroh, Davidson Co. Bio — Obituaries - 5/7/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1902 4. I WOOORUPF.. ' Modcanlle, U. O., May 5, 1902. John I'Woodnifi "waa hom in 'TankioOq. fhb. 4lh, 1822 and idled at bis home in Davio Co. March 19th, 1202,—<ige 80 yeais, 1 mo. and -IS days.' Sewaaan active and fidtiilbl member of MbcksviUo lodge So. 134 A. 9*. A. U. for nearly Itolf a oentn^andloredhisbr^iren in Masonry as a father loves his dhild. His life was spent prtncdpally in •facing in -which oconpationhe wps mach interested and sncoess- in!. He served through the civil war as a gallant confederate soldier. He spent much time in reading and kept himsdf wdl posted on all subjects, political; religions, and soeia].. He was a very decided postive eharacter, his chief idiaraotmiBtid bMng his modesty and his oontempt for ev ^lytbing that iras nob open and honest. 1$ -was a great pleasnre to bis mends in his last days to hear him talk of events and things long past and gone. Tboronghly in- fbrmiog himself on all qntttions^ he modestly bat boldly spoke his opkdou <Hi any and occasions. Ohan^ng not with the wind yop. coqld always on any qnestion, when others dOnbted, where Bro Woodrnff stood. As a hiend he was as true as ^ecd. He lived an humble Christian life. Thongh mnoh suffering and sorrow was his, he bore it without amnnnmr or complaint. he g^w Older his life became besntl- tdl 4Ud his foith seemed longer, '*To bis grave in a foliage as a shock of com Cometh in his sea. son," BO it was, we believe with our brother. Jnst btfore he died he called his friendB to his bedside and said ^t he tiioc^t the end was near and spoke to them words too ten der and sacred to be written Then he qnietly and peacefully passed, away, hfs . last andible words being "Gome, Lord Jeans, come." -Beeolved therefore;—' 01). ^ab wo monm his death not as those who hE^veno hope. (2) That as a token of onr res peot for his memory we wear the nsnal badge of monrning for third ly days and. inscribe to his memo ry a >age in our minnte book. (3) lhat we excend to bis be reaved family onr sinoerest sym pathy and assure them that we too moam for bim as. a brother belovr ed. (4) ^niat a copy of these resola- tions. be sent to oar county papers and to the Qrphan'a Friend with the request that they publish the same. T. B...BAILBY ) J. B.JOHHB017 >- Com. AV, 0. Denht ) Mrs. Opdby Dead. Mrs. Lola (3<^by of County Line, died Wednesday morning of pneouionia. Bhe was a grand daughter of Mrs. liDtry ICtzrfees, who lives near town. Shq hod on 1y been maeried abent 16 months.! She leaves a yonug infant. To the • bereaved htisbaud and relatives we ekteiid ouy sympathy. Potter's Death. W. T. Potter, who was placed on the chain gang at ftotesvlUe about 2 we^ trgo, and the Coron er's Jnty found that he died from Alcohofisin, and violent exercise; in the snn, A Mr. Phifer ^ked for an anlopsy, to more thojradglily investigate the ca.nse of hi? death but the anthoriti^ refused ii^ iemdthus this poor nn^rtnnate man, whose life was as dear to. him as to any of ns, sleeps the long' sleep of dqath, possibly due to overwork on the cliain gang, when a little common sense might have saved his life. He was not used to hard work In the snn and should not have been exposed beyond his I>ower of physical endurance: We hope there waa up * inhumanity Imk of bis death. It sho nld have bepu tUqronghly iuvcabigated by the authorities. Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVBE TIMES, Thursday, May 15,1902 Infant Son Jordan .'ji j -jrd:ni -.ii: i"; f-n ;:ii. >'njiJiUj's v.ith ll!-- s' nrlv. MK.S. FKr.ZKIt UKAf). Mrs. John P. Feezcr clitTfl at the home oj Uerfjuher, John X. Char^ les. at Jerusalem yesterday and vill be binied at that place today about noan. She had been in bad health for some lime. She was a pxcelleut l.tdy and the husband and family have the sympathy of the community. Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1902 Mrs John Feezer Dead. On last WeduesOay .Mrs. BessieFeeaer diedatlier father^s John N. Charles,- in Jernsalem,'" Misj; Fee zer had been'in delicate health forIV. year, • Bue a daoghter 6F J; IT. CSiarks, of She had been niorH^ abont' 2 yoftr& and leav^ an iniant about 12 mos. old. To the' bereaved bnsbahd, and family wo extend bur sjrmpa- thy. Bee&iej assbe was known' to heir mtiniate fdende, was a bright, joyo^ girl a few years ago; aUd- a rapU of tbeeditor \7hen hetangfat school at Jerasalem. *■ Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1902 Ethel Gladys McLauchlin Bey, W. IBE. L. MoLancblin and wife brought the i^aiLB of their little danghtpp Blhdl Gladys to Mo^viUe last Friday, and l^d it to test in the Bose bnrial gronnds. Gladys was about 2 years old, and died of cholera inihiitam. Mr. and Mrs. MclAturin have the sympathy of d)is entire commainty in th<dr sad bereavement. . Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1902 Hr. Je§ipejj3i^en«^1:toiii April 32Dd, 1^2; he ,80 years, 1 month and'tm-ent^ jd^ys old at the time Of his 'd^tb, yh^h' pccnrreO at his home,op l^t ev ening. Qis i^ma^s V.ere Wd to rest at Eatotis .Chhr<^, pana. M)r. Green vast a good <ntu^, ttue and Ipyal to his mends,, and Trill be grraUy mkeed in hl§ n^ghbor- hood. He leav^ a yidoy and wv- en or eight children to whom we ,ej#p.d<i?w sympathy. Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1902 Zerrell Minor Kr.Zeri^l Mloo^, one of Da- vie OoQDiiy's beet citizens, died June 2Qtb and was bjoided at Fork Ohnreb on Batmday Slst. Mr. Minor leaves a widow an4 8 cbil- dren in inpnm their lose. Ifffi was a^Md neighbor, a good bnaband; a^ a good, kind, affectionate &■'fcher II Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1902 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA