Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 3,1901
This may not be the correct date for Mr. Meroney's obituary. There is no entry in the Oak Grove United
Methodist Church Cemetery records for Mr. Meroney.
W. E. Meroney
E. Meroney who has been
sclc for set'eral weeks with tyi>hoid
died Monday nioroiog.' He
a young man of good hid^its,.
lufel and iDdttstrioti& He was
rjised in Kocksville and was a son n
''I Thomas Herouey, :He leaves aj
wife and two ctaildreii.'. 'His 'wife
is also very Hi wiih fever. ' There
waius were laid to rest Monday. at
Bio - Obituaries - 7/3/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 24,1901
Andrew Sain
air. Andrew fioin whd Hved
near Pnlins, died Satnrday even-
in;;. He was about 00 yean old,
and leaves a wife and oud dangh-
tcr, who have our sympathy in
their loss.
Blalr Lefler
Onr little fneod Blair Lefler
died Friday ninht. Dear
Blair was loved by all "^o h^evm
her. She was a devotes, and lov
ing dangbtcr to . .her pai^bi and
to the bereaved iainily we extend
cor Idpdest sympathy, for we all
^yO lost a dear little friend.
Blair Lefler Dead.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leiler, of
l^heaits, lost fheir little giri, Blair
lost Fridaj' night. Tlie remains
were laid to rest ai Liberty Stitnr-
iljiy evening. To the gncf-BtrieTc
eii parents we extend our sriom-
E. D, O. Popo Dead.
Last Thurs<lay evening Mr FopC
wos stacking wheat and had just
got off the stack and started home
across the field leading a horse,
when he was stcickcu by lightning
kiUing him ioslautly. ^ It kuoekc<l
the horse down, bite did it no scr-
iotts damage* Mr. Pope was about
41yeaisold. and leaves a
aud three children. He vr
good citizen, and his d
los to the commiiui]
lived. Onr syij
to the
is a
which he
little chil-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/24/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 28,1901
Charlie Hilton
Obiirlie Hilton, eon of Jolin Hil
ton, riiud Sniiday \rith typiioia fe
ver, aged 23 yenra. Tho bereaved
cues liave our syiupatliy.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/28/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 25,1901
Miss Lemly
Miss Iiemly, a eiater' 61^
Kj^y Esq., also a sister of Judge'
ia^b^tte p« S. Lemly'of the 1^*
vy, was Mdiy - buroed Monday,
dothes caught JErom the store
{in'&e~ldtiBlirai,;^and*di6 only lived
Bio - Obituaries - 9/25/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 9,1901
DI!. DE.U).
! Dr. ^o!oriion Au.qlc, of Ircdell,
<lkd :it liis lioiue in J^glc Milh
' ic?.'nshl]i. lie \v:ls uu old luau
7«i ywirs of lie Liul
tjcen ;i frondnent faeler lu the Itc-
parlv, asul \v;m a man of
' Jiinch i!i!li:cui-u. lie uttuiideU Ibo
iii.*[>i:lrJ:can £>i!si:;t<>riul couvontion
ir.si year at llannony and made a
- itpeedi in ndiicii he rcanirkcd that
. he exjicetod it n'a.s the last he
iwurdi attend. A fiuotl man, a
i ;i';od :iC'!;;hb:>r and a respected cit-
I >/vii i;u:; ever the river.
•; IVaoe to hia italics.
Moody Wood
Mootly. the lilUe .sou of Jfre.
(\\ ood, who lives near Tennj"sou,
died last week very suddenly and
was hnricd at Chen^- Hill.
Bio - Obituaries -10/9/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 16,1901
V. K. Moss DoaU.
Snnda? eveDiug about 5 o'clock,
V. £. Moss was found dead on
the back pordi of his resideucc.
Yick, as he was lamiliavly called
by all was well kooAni throughout
the county. He was a haruess
maker by trade, aud a one.
His death was sudden aim ubek-
pected. for he was comparatively
w^ l^turday aud was oo the
streets Sunday moruing. He had
been dead scveial boars when
found, it was thonglit from iudi-
cations. He was about 4() yeais
old and bis remains were hiid to
rest at Clement's burial grOuod
ou Tuesday eveuing. It's a sad
death. Peacetoh^agh88k_yick
irasj^.g^d'cid^n. his cfft-U-
Quiet, unobtru-
he attended to his own af•
foirsjwas universally liked iuid
respected by all.
Bio — Obituaries -10/16/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 30,1901
Delia Boyden
Dclin IJoydcn. col., tiled la?t
Tbufstlay nioniiii^ in Mucksvillej
of CUlKSUUipiioll. f
Bio - Obituaries -10/30/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 6,1901
G. C. Tolbert
Tbe-death of youug G. C. Ibl-
^rt is peculic^ly >ail. Fronj what
Icani he was n bri^nit,
gh^'boy, with a promising lutnrc
beiiire him. He was in his 17th
year. He had recently stood aii
pBOmmationand averaged 8:i, thns
paring a second gpyJe <,-er^iicatc.
He had jast imrually recovered
'fiom a Bj^l of fever and was very
w^ ftoin its" ^'ect. ducto^s
his death was dnc hi? low
-idtali^, which made him nnable
tdially fronitlt»eflpct oftheshock.
•His dcH'ib should be a waruing ifp
-i^angaiid old to keep thier dis-
c--|Bnce froin- niuriiig trains. The
father our de<^e3tHfrmM 11.^1,} ^ iMsr^vemeut."
Grovpr O. Tolbert, son of Gau-»
poll Tolliyrt, Eeq., was inii over
stud niortally wounded by a freight
tfuiu running from Wiuscuu to
ti^arlutic, at Advance, Oct. iSptji..
pt 4:110 p.m.
Yonug Tolbert |p comtjapy wiih
some school mates hud started, it
scepis, to the depot. A freight
tiaiu csimc uiccliug them in the
piean time and as they were wsilk-
Ins along a narrow
Ihe railroad Ybe one
hpd dppppcdj^i^^^^^e^ rear a
few stepij^^ii he started ruusiing
vcrtuke bis associsites, when
some prob-nsiou from the car
struck'lumand wbirl^ biin around
Ib'rowiug hi's right log nuder the
tfaiu, \^ic|i \v:is altup.st scveied
ffoot his body. It ^eems h.6 (pught
at the tmin us he was f|i]Hug, tp
try and fiephlinself 'fron: i^. '
Hf ^:ixter JJyerly waj} scut for
at once unil was at iiip side in p
feiv ipiuut&S. Dr. Ivimb^ugh, of
hlocksYillP: was wired for and pis
bf-onght down on an eugi'ue abpql
10:30 p. ni. Then Dp Hartlii, ol'
Mucksvil'lo, Avds ^nt for uiid uinip
pbou]; &u. m.,"ou the 31st. They
amputated his Ipg ppont 7 a. ni,
and he died abont 3:30. The doe-
turssay i); was not the aiupututiou
that eaniicd' hip depth, buj; thp
^hoi'k'which he received.
llev, H. M. Veptai, of Fanning-
ton, probed thp ftiu'eral in' tlie
Hethodlst church at Ad'yajjce"- v^;
terday at 4 ii. ni., after' which'bis
pemaiiis w'erp |pid to rest. The
'pall bearers wcpe sjx littlp schpol-
mates, of bis sizg:' FraokicHapk-
^ud, Eiuost (iarwoodl Phelps
Ooruat^ei', "\Yi.Iip Foiudgxtpr.
fJharlio BujitlK^eai and ifepry
Faircloth. The grave Avas beanti-
pilly lined in white and the lining
uns decorated with ^eeu ieni-s.
After the liurial the little' ,!(chool-
giilsoovereit his entire graye'with
garlands of floAvcrs.
' CHpye wps'a good and obedient
eon at hoipe and a kind and pbedi-
but pupil in seboo;, He was ex
ceedingly bright. With his'kind
and mild dispc^jtiou he Ayas the
friend and fpyorile of all Avhom he
iugfc. ' •' ' S.'
Bio - Obituaries -11/6/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 13,1901
Ed. Godby
Ulr. El. Godby, father of oar
friend 0. M. Godby, of County
Line, dieil last week. Mr Godby
was ail old uian.» quiet, good clt-
ken. I'eacc to his ashes. "We
c:;lcnil our sympathy to the be
reaved family.
Mr. t^asweli Haiiiiu, one of liic
old Jjiudniarks cf the eounty,
died suddenly Tn&sday night,
Nov. nib, at nbont 8 o'clock. Mr.
Uarbiu was in his nstiui honitli
Tuesday moruiug and was walk
iiig aliout the streets all day. Due
Tumlay ftvouing be got on a wag
on and Startc<l Lc-uie with Will
Etincs. Tliey had got ahout cue
mile from town wben 3Ir. Uarbiu
was taken sick and be brought
back to his home, and cxpiioil in
:i shoi-t while. The doctors say
apoplexy was Gie caitsc of diath.
Mr. Marbin had been jailer for :i j
iiuiiibcr of y^rs and w:is one of the'
oldest rcsidifuts. He leaves ihrec
sous and two danghicxs to whom
vyniputhy. Mr.
Haroin was tiCrn in and wsts
7G}ea!s, C mouths and J.n days
olilat the time of his death. He
was a strung Union inau and was
liltteijy ojiposed to Hccesstou. His
rcniiiius were laid to rest Thnrsday
at .Smith Grove. Peace to his
Bio - Obituaries - 11/13/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 20,1901
Infant Hutchens
Maggie Douthit
Miss JDoatblt died at the
' elcl home place last iredc. She
ds8 8 dangler of Wm. Donthit,
'drbo leoeoUy died. This makeB
>4)iiee of the immediate fomily who
'fcaredicd vitbia the past year.
A litde two year old child of
Babe Hntehe&BjOfXBoadsCbtircb,
vaa buroed to death last Saturday,
its caught while its moth
er was at the vooA pile, and befora
sheoouldeztiDgolsbthe &me3 it
was 60 ha^y bnmed that it died.
People can notbe too careful about
leaviDg amall <diildren alone about
Bio - Obituaries - 11/20/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 4,1901
G. W. Swicegood
We are soriy to hear of the
death of onr old friend O. W.
Swicegood, of Jenuatem township.
He was a qoiet, inoffensive citizen,
and leaves a iamily. Ahont tUl
of the flhildren are grown, to whom
we extend oar aympatby.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/4/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 11,1901
Larry, the eldest sou of Mr. O.
L. Williams, died stiddealy Mon
day nioraing. He was in school
last Friday. Blenengitis was the
canseof bis death. His remains
were laid to rest Tnesdny morning
at the Hose bnryii g ground. Onr
: sympathy is extended to the be
reaved family in their great afflic-
YonngMr. itraves, wliocame to
Mocksville about 15(lnysago, ilio<l
at Davie Hotel Thnrsduy niortiiug.
He was in had health when i.e
came here, had cunsnmption. He
later ountnicted |mcnniotij.a^ ji:hrrli
Wits the liiimediiue ^dsc of his
death. His fiitlim.i%oii F«<ro t-
\^le, ^ ivsB ^Bi'venil
days Itefiire" hff*He found i
hjseoffvery sick, but everything
piissihle being done for his relief.
Mr. W. 13. tinives, tlie father of
the yonng iuaii,left on Friday even
ing's train for his Northern home
with the remains of his boy to be
buriwl near his old home, amid the
scenes of his youtb. To the lie-
reaved family and especially the
aged father, do we e.vtend our
sympathy. Peace to bis n.^hes.
Bio - Obituaries -12/11/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 18,1901
Wiley Rush
Mr. Wiley Hiisb, the Eulicitor
of tliiH disarict, died at Lis lioine
in Asbboro, Inst Snuday. He
bad only attended one court at
this place, bat made many friends
bete. Onrsynipatby is extended
the fatniiy.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/18/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 25,1901
Mrs. Groce
j cSIrs. Groce, of Yadkm county,
near X itoaclB, died raceutly. of
Bio - Obituaries - 12/25/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY