Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1901
Phil Lybrook
.rBoittma^ Flifl. JL|y!no(^ of
^n^tdi, d^ brt wMk in jck ho^
In PbiUddilli^.'- 1&; Ijy-
in Ihe
'pdrae oflifiBC ]m iras nnmatriiM.
N. U. Vestal
it ill vith ^Dcere re(!ret.tbat we
notetbe deatb of oor friend^ 27. H.
Testa), of Yadkia. AVe bad not
^own him long, :bat be always
met US with-a sioifc and, a kind
wotd. Yadkln bah lost ouO of its
best citizens, bis family ifs best
friend. .:Mh "Vestal was ,Cotinty
Goitt^alSnoiiel^ at tbe time of his
de^i and bad been clerk of the
oooH. &e wait a progressive citi
«m,-«(ida man of propesty and
inflaence. To bis bereaved family
wemclrad odr sympaO* 1° this
&dr gitat loto and "affiictioa,
John A. Bidding
Col. John A. Bidding, of the!
Twiu-City, died riuuuuy. Cut. I
BidiUdg lunueriy rvsidcd in AuU
km county;
Jas. D. Baity
Hr. das; D. Bait?. wbo btis b^u
oonliiieil in juil forsoveral muutusj
on accohut of rni^ialucraugcmeui,
died 3iouUay uigui.'
C. B. Bailey
C. B. Bai%i bf Bcdland, died
I Sunday night Tiinl 'm-as buried at
Betblehcni'tTirgsday. He leaves a
wife and .two children, to whom
iVe extend cat sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries -1/9/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 16,1901
N. S. Siewers
Br. K. S. Siewetfi, of Wioston-
Solem. oae of the oldest and-best
knovn phyadana of tho twiu-dty,
Bio — Obituaries — 1/16/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23,1901
William Mabry
Mr. William aiabrj' died near
Liberty Suncbiy aud was boricd at
Lilierty Monday.
T. A. bea<l--
Thos. A. B<^aH died la^t TU'nra- ^
day morning, at 2 o'clock, from a
»un shot woaad r«-eived on Jfon-
day mondiig. It ia a sad and mncli
to bo deploretl death. In the
prime of ir-anboo.1, vrith a wife*
and childrru depeudei t upon biia
lor sni>port. Mr. Itoyall was a
poor man, bat a good citizen,
friend and neighbor. He was ap*
pointe«l dcpati' marshal nearly
four yostrs ago, and had faithfully
and efticiently dischai-ged the du
lies pertaining to his offuro. ]?very
one who has spoken to ns of him
.spokoin the hight«t Icrms of iilm
as a man and an ofileor. Tiicse
are the fads as to the nnfortinrate
accident: He and Mr. O. I'\ Sheek
were riding along together on hoife
back, and Mr. Sheek hud his Win
chester lying across tne saddle in
front, the muzzle from .Mr. Jtoyall. j
iir. itoyall thought his horsey
* would do belter on the opposite t
side, and ch.ingcHl sides. In a short j
wiiile Ji'ter he change<l pasiiiuim, |
?ilr. Shock's liorse hbicil, and the"
gun wiu? disKliarged, iuHicting I he
wound witich resulted in hisdeath.
Mr. Slicefc, \rc he;ir, is abnnst
licsidc himself with grief over the
nnfortuuatc occnrence. It is nat
ural that he should he distrcssctl,
but lie Ayoa in no way to lilatne lor j
tbcs:idaiid unfortnualc nucident. j
To the heart striokcu and he- j
reaveil wife, and the unfortunate i
little children, we extend our deep- [
est sympalhj*.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/23/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1901
Calvin Spry
W. H. Kitchen
Capt. W. H. Kitclieu popolarly
I noTFB as (Uuck KUclieo) died at
liidlionic iu Halifax eoanty last
Oilvin Spry died at bis home
in Jerusalem towusbip last Friday
morniiig. Mr. Spry was ao old
Fli^^loniederate soMier.
served (hroDgh the war. and
was lost year plaoetLnpoo thepen*
sj^roll. He yras boried
Bio — Obituaries - 2/6/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1901
W. B. Chaffin
Mr. M. B. GhaflSo received a
tdcgram anDoanciog tbe sadden
death of biBsoo, W, B; Obafiiu, in
Florida, We extend sympathy to
the family.
Lena Orrell
The death of Miss Lena Orrell
away from home was pecnliarly
sad. She was a promising j onng
lady, and her death is to ber^iet-
ted. To her family we extend onr
Miss Lena Orrell, dangbter of
TJriab Orrell, who has been teach*
ing the public Sdiool at Oalahnln,
died with phneamonia at that
pace. The reinaios were brongbt
down Friday on the I2;d0 train
and laid away in the Elbaville
grave yard Sattirday. The peo
ple of this place Sympathize with
tbefkmily. Miss Orrell was a
bright, good, religions girl and
was liked by all the people who
knew her.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20,1901
Edward M. Anderson
Nettie Willianns
Xcttie Williaios, colored, died
Mumlay night. Sho was quite un
old vromaii.
John M. Foster
sir. Joliu M. Foster, oldest, siir- j
viviog sou of Lorry Foster, ileeM'
died at bis home iu Calabuiu towu-!
ship, Sauday night, aged i>S years.
Tklr. Foster left a wife, sou and a
daughter, a brother, Ab Foster
and two sisters. Mrs. John 11.
Clenieot aud Mrs. S. A. Data, sur
vive biin. Oar sympathy is ex
tended to the family of the de
Weareiii rcjceiptot. a copy ofj
the aionteznma Sepiblicin, of)
Iowa, giving an account of the
life and death of liklward M. An
derson of that place. Afr. Ander
son Was horn at Cblabalu. this
county, Aug. .3,1S30 and died at
Montezoma, lou-a. Jan. 27, 1901,
mahiughim nearly 65 years of
age. Mr. Anderson belonged to
the same £imily of Andersons who
reside in this c-innty. and has
many relatives in the county.
J. A- KoUy Dead. |
2i"o person ha.s die.l iu JIoclcs-
ville recently wIjo will be more:
missel, and whohe taking aiway
will be more regrettcil than J. A.
Kellj', tiio genial gcntlemnii and
popular proprietor of the Dsivic
llotel. Hequieclyaad pwicefully,
hre.*ithe;l his last on Sunday night
uhoutl'J o'clock, snrroniiilcil by
(amity and friends. A wile, two
diu^lilcrit ami two Bon-; eorvivo
him, bwlilua three bfother?, TI.oh.
Tj. IvoI y, of Aloeksvllle, Albert
aurl Ohiicr Kelly, of ?ilerl;leub'.irg,
an I two sisters, Afrs, Thos. It.
tJalther, of Oharlotte, and Miss:
.'jiilHc Kelly, of l>.is place. Mr.
Kdiy w;w sixty-nine year-* old,
bora and r.iiscd in D.ivie. lie re-
prw-scitfd the county four visira iu
the Legislature, ISilS (i9-7U-71.
lie was also county commissioner
(or a nntnbcr of years, alsD justice
tif the pc.ieo. He alst> served one
term as mayor <ir Mocksvillc. Mr,
Kelly was a very popnliir
anivci'iwlly like.l by cvcryho'dy.
Mr, Kelly was a Deuiocrai, but
Was always (otisideswlc of others
views, nijil iirhis iutercuursc with
those who (lidcrcd with him ex-
prea^cil liimseli'iu ancb a inanucr
that while you difforod with biin,
yon could not dislike him. lie
bore himself with diguily, ami
died cominaudiiig the rcspeat; and
igo<Ddwill of Iji'j fellow ciMxPUS.
The county has last a good citizen, |
bis fauilly a devoted huslxiad, j
iitbcr and friend. Tim Lititor
takes plensnro In baarlng lesti- ^
uiuuyofhis fviendship and kind-'
ness "We have know him from "
youth up, aud iu oar iutercoui-se
I aud business relations, wc found j
I biin a friend aud a gentleman.
! Peace to his ashes. And ve ex
tend Onr syinpatliy to his Imieived
family in this hoar of sadness.
The remains were laid to rest at
old Joppa yeaterduy at 10 o'clock,
a. m.. iu the picscnce of a large
concourse of feiend.s.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 27,1901
Mrs. Brady Angell
Mrs. Bnifly Aogell died last
week of pnenraonia. She left a
hnsbaod and five children. Bnch
deaths are more than sad, and the
bereaved deseire the sympathy of
Mrs. T. J. Ellis Dead.
Mrs. Ellis, who diirfl week be
fore last, was the wife of our friend
T. J. Ellis, ot Elbiville, N. C.
She was a daughter of II. E. Dob*
ertsott, dec'd. Two children, a
husband, fonr brolhci-s and one
sister survive her. She was a
good woman, a devoted wife, moth
er and friend, and we e.vteud to
the entire family .sympathy in this
sad honV.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/27/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1901
Will Roberts
\mi BolicrUi died at Lie liome
near Chanty Liae Friday niglit.
Sallie White
Mis. ^ieATbite died Friday
Her remaips trete pat to
leatin Hie lilatoa Oemetuy Bail*■day.' ' "
Joel Reavis
Joel Reavis who lived near XBoads, (lied rciicotly, ngcd about
91 years.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/6/1901 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1901
J. C. i*iUtK ]>esl<l.
Dciith is aln'iiys sad, but more
so wbeii it strikes dowu :i youupc
man jnst euteriug the thi'esboUl ul
yoniig inanhcuHl. The ICditor wsis
not intimately naioaintcd with
•'J. C." as lie was familiarly call
ed by bis friends, but lie bad seen
euongh of him recognize the
fact of. bis possessing some noble
tniitsofeliaraclcr. He died but-
nrday »t o^eloeic, p.'iii., at tlic
age of 19 years. His remains were
laid to rest jMoudny evening at
Joppii. To bi.s licroiivedand liosirt
stricken family we e.xtend oiir sym
pathy in tbisboui'of distress.
Mr. Messick
A Mr. Messick, cue of the Old
est men of C'ooleemee, died of
pseumonla ou the 7 th of this
month. He was 71 years old.
Bio - Obituaries — 3/13/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1901
Thos. Hauser
Thos. Hanser, of tlie Fanning-
tou neighborhood died last
Sadie Ward
Miss Sadie Ward, daughter of
John L. Ward, of Eannington,
died last week.
B. T. Foster
' B. T. Foster died last week of
] neinuonia. He lived near Yad*
kill Vadey church.
Ott Smith
Ott Smith died Sdnday night
atont two o'clodc aiter a month or
mow (mffering. He was a yoong
boy just entering the teens^
Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27,1901
John M. Furches Dead-
Friday ereuirig at r» o'clock,
Jono Jl. Furclies breatUc^l bishusi,
snrroandcl by relatives autl
friends. Jlr. Fiircbes was nhoiU
63 years of age. lie was a native
of Davie County, lie Is .stirvlvcil
by two bj-dtbcrs, \Y. F. Fiirehcs,
or this coiiiify", and Chief Jusliet*
D. M. I^u'cbes oflrcdell, and a sis
ter, Misi JcDoic Furelies. One ot
the saddo-St things counected with
bis death is tlie find of bis hrotljcr
: being kepffroin bis bedside, nt-
teudingtlie iiiipcaeliinciit trial at
Raleigh. Jlr. Fnrclies bud never
married, and bad spent tbe nio.st
of his life iiesir Fanninglon, ids
old borne. He was a good citixen,
and commanded the respect of the
people of the county. His reoiaiu.s
were bud to rest at Eaton's cbnrcb
Sunday. To tbe beitavcd family
wc extend our sympathy. IJc the
fiituic what it imiy, its lo l)e Jioped
that wbcii lie crossed the river ot
dcatb, be Icfl beiiiiid biin all eare-s,
vexatious iiud troubles. The iin-
known sea b:is to be crossed by all
sooner or later.
Mrs. Moore Dead.
Died, last week near Holuian,
Jilrs. Sidlio Moore, at.ao odTaneed
l^e. To tbe fan^y ire
Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1901
Thos. Penry
Mr. Thos. Penty, of GaltAaln,
died Sauday at 3 p. m., at his old
home. He Dras qolte an old man
and was a good citizeo. The be
reaved have oar sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1901
Milley Parker
Mrs. Milley Parker, mother of
Mrs, W. C. P. Etcbisou, Uied Mon
day morning. She was about Sn
years old. A good old woman has
fKiSSed over the river. Mis. Par
ker was buried at Bear Creek,
Church Tuesday.
D. C. Wilson
Mr. D. C. Wilson died at his
itoinc near town lost tJaturday.
Mr. "Wilson was about S2 years of
age and cue of Davie's substantial
farmers. He left a large family of
sons nud dargbtcrs. oue son liTa;
Id Texas. Mis rciimius wei-e Jaid
to rest Sanday at Bycrly's Chapel.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 17,1901
Thomas Potts
Mrs. W. A. CIcmeDt Dead.
Mis, Clement, wife of Capt. W.
A, Clement, of tbis place died
Monday. She bail been eick a
long while with consnmptlon. Sbe
leaves a bnsbaud, three sons and
one dat:ghter to mourn her loss.
Oar sympathies are 'extended the
bereaved family.
Mrs. C. J. Dellinger
Mrs. C. J. Dellinger, who has beet
lingering for some time, died thl-
morning at 11 a. m. Mrs. Dellinger
leaves a husband and four chlldrer
and a host of friends to mourn tbeb
loss. Her remains were carried tc
Lincoln county on this evenlngV
Thomas Potts, son of George W.
Potts, died Apriillth 1001, was born
June 21st 1880; age 20 years 9 montIi.«
and 2i) days. Mr. Potts was one of
Davie conntv^s brightest young men,
and was liked by everybody who knew
him. He was an obedient boy to his
parents, and was always willing to do
anything to please his father and
mother; he was his father's pride and
his mother's j->y. It looks hard to
have to gi^o up our children in the
bloom of life, but God -knows best.
The people of our town sympathize
with the bereaved family. The re
mains were laid away in Shady Grove
{jra'^eyard. Rev W. L. Sherrili of
MockOTille conducted the burial ser
Bio - Obituaries - 4/17/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1901
Mrs. S. P. Snider
Mrs. Thos. Shackleford
Mrs. Shaoklerord, wife of Thos.
S;:ackleffiTl, dk-diialarday night.
Julia Sharpe
. Miss jnliaf Sliai^e, sisti^ of mrs.
Joho Lefler. died at Cooleemee'
Sunday and was boned at Liber^
3Irs. Snidei', T»ife of S. P. Sni
der, died Saturday night. She
u-as the daughter of B. G. Ijames,
and leaves n husband aud fom* cr
five small children. Oiir sympa-
thy is extended to this family in
this irreparable loss of wife and
mother. -
Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 1,1901
Mr. Bullard
A Mr. Bullard dl^ suddculy
last ^'eck at Cooleeincc. He bad
leceutly moved his family from
Dear Elkin to work in the mills.
M. O. Davis
Mr. AI. O. Davis died at bis
lionic neai* here &iturday iiiuruiu};.
Ifr, Divis was a good citizen and
liked by all who knew biiu. To
the bereaved bmiily wo e.\tcudj
our kindest syiupatby. I
M. C. Davis Dead.
Air. Davis died siiddculy at his
boaic uc.ir Ooi'lecmco tititiinlay
inornitig. lie was quite an old
man, and bad been in ill IumUIi
fur a long while, ^Uuiigli he liud
gotten some better witiiiii the 1 ts*
few weeks. lie leivvci a wife,
danghlernud four sous. M'c cx-
Iciid to tbeiu oiu' syiupiitliy.
W. H. Steelman
W. II. Steo'man died recently
of IJrigli t's disease. I
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 15,1901
S. A. Bailey
S. A. Bailor who lived rear
Fork Church died last Saturday
moroinj, aged 40 yeare, and was
baried Sunday evening at Fork
Church. Mr. Hailey leaves a wid
ow to whom wo extend our sym
Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1901
SIiu Hodges De^
Mrs. Polly Hodges, mother of
Prof. D. Hodges, died at her
home near Angoeta Monday morn
ing. 3i^ Hodges was quite an
old woman, and she ^11 be inifised
for she was a good nei^bor and
friend, Bhe was bnried near her
old home.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
June 1901 issues of DAVIE RECORD are terribly fragmented and dates cannot be discerned.
Mrs. A. A. Harbin
lira. Harbin, wifeofMaj. A. A.
Harliin, of this place, died at her
home Snuday eveuiog of typhoid
fever and was buried Monday at
Joppa. Mrs. Harbin was n sister |
of Mrs. C. C. 8aafoid and Mrs. Dr.
Bell. She was survived by her
husband, Maj. A. A. Harbin.
Cftpt. Clcnioim Dead, ^
Oabt. W. A. Cleiudnt died Monl
Liy at 7 o'olock p..m.V at his home^
I Mocksville, aged A (il yeai-a,
win u stroke of ^ pai'alyses.
ftpt. Clcuieut wsis Snu LieBtoi-^ iu Co. P. istli N. C.,;^ trooi>»{it
^Ix^uuiug of the w^ir. He
^Krwards raised a couip.nny and
Belectcd Captain. He' served
^^ghout tbe^rur and '.vna a
^Boflicer. His wife VUed a
^Bontbs agOj and he iwsun'i-
three tjoiia nud a du^hter.
^^Btend to his relativ^ our
^^Bhy. His rematos wcr^laid
the Clemeut bVial
^^Hg^eeday evening with
Small Child Williams
Owing to an ovotighi the Be*
cord failed to uention the
ofthellttleebildoflCr. ahd Mb.
O. L. WillianM, who died the 3nd.
Wetndcoid to the bereaved <rar
tnoet heartfelt sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/1901 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY