Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 25, 1900 Ann Hobson Mrs. Ann Hobson died at her home near Jemsalem Sunday night at the adVanoe age of 89 years. Hrs Hob^n tvaa a^simer of Got, John H. Hordieadl She leaves ^viy« ifig her tiixee sons. The remains areie laid to rest in the fiimily bnrr ial ' ground Yesterday at 10 o'do(&. Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 1,1900 Elsie Coley finlgy ilMigiiter of Jas. GoV ky Bag., -of Aloclsviim jdied Friday night at the Twin CSty hfttliitiil iu ^]^iii8tob had be^ taken HerietBaiha were iHo^tgVi^.^tardayabclldd to Te^in Bid Bore bantdjenniDdk Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 8,1900 R. M. Sterling B. M. Slerlitg died jesterday judadqg in fTliiEton, liis jemaitia wtfe lAvngbtover on tbe ereoing, tiain, fliod lotd^iad at the Caiter baii^ gronnd. Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 22,1900 Frank Allen .Mr. Frank Allen, of Fannlngt<ini Davle' tounty', BliS Recently from .the ' 'etTccts of a kick on the heal hy a .'mule that he had been -a-orking with'for fif teen yeare without Ecelng ln;it a dispq- eitioD-'to, kick. * ii-'"' Bio - Obituaries - 8/22/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 5,1900 MKs. MAimiA GFAV VtCE Gone ti» At .'{ uV.ocK oil the uiorntui; of the St of August, at the Taylor j home iu Fairview tnwuship, Mai'-j ti'a Ghir Taylor, dicil ufler u very; painful illness, liaviug beau coufin-1 oil toiler bed for livo weeKS before' her (lent li. She ivaa the u ifc of an j old auU rospcoted cilizeu, ]*'ruuK*t 111! Tiij'ior,' who with her duagli> tcr Mrs. Ktbelda UlTonl and Thus. .Warner and Mary E. Lathrop, a son and dauguter by a .'orhibr bus- baml. and Eunict Taylor a brother Liila arecoy, Sits. Ailirnda Voliu and 3Irs. Eelty Ward, sisters are left to luuuru the los^ of n loving Kind cbnstiaii wife, mother and sister hisullm Gray Taylor was bora in ravic (ounty North Carolina, Jan- nai*y li2, lfst4,iiioving witii her iki-j rents to Iowa in 1853. . She came to Debom in the autunui o'f I8()8^ and was innrfied to Friitihlin Tay- lor May 25thi 1S70. Bio - Obituaries - 9/5/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 12,1900 W. T. Stroud Mr. \r. T. Stroud, of County Li ue, cud of I be dld<'8t citizens ol the couiily, died I'siSl WedneetLiy st bis botue. He wud about 7d ! years oid, a good and Uprigiit citi- i z£D, and a incinber cl tbe Baptist church at Society, at wbicii p ace he was burie«l on last Tlitirsday. Pciicelo bis aahcs. We extend our synipalbies to tbi family. Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 19,1900 Mr. George [apisb Dead. • Mr. Oeor{re Laplsh died at hLt borne near Kappa, Wednesday, Sept. 12. a;red 81 years. Mr. Lapish \7as bom in MocksvUle in the old McNeclev house which stood nearly opposite the Dr. Martin house, on the Salisbury road. At the time of hL<t birth there were only two hoasea in what was then known as Mocks old field, takine its name from Mocks old house which stood just beyond CJP. Meroueys house ontheStatesville road. Mr. Lauish's father came from England, ana set tled in this state, and worked at the saddlers trade inJIMocksrille for 3 years and afterwards moved back to Kng- laud, and on his return to North Car olina, his wife haviuj; died, he married a Nelson, and had two children by this second marriage, Daniel and Kllen. Some time after this he returned to England and was never heard of again by his oldest son George, who was a child of his first wi^e. Daniel, his se cond son moved to New York the first year after the war, and his daughter, Ellen now lives in Winston. Mr. Geo. Laplsh was married 3 times, his fint wife was Betsy Shivcs, by whom he had 6 children, 4 of whom are still liring, John, Clint, Rowan and Sarah, his se cond wife was Perlina Williams by whom he had 4 children, 2 living, Eva and Mary. Ss third vme was Julia Turner, widow of BUI Turner who anr- vives.him,<wlth 2 children, Ada and Lu- la. Mr. L^ishUved for about 28years on the old samaw Walker place. La ter hepttrchascf^and of Joseph Shiyes nearEappa, a^sdsdijplacehereslakd- atthe time 9~Jds-:i0ath. Mr. La plsh was a cniiffftfliit' member of St. Matthews Ln^uexan church and was a good citisen«j|jc|Nhbor and friend, and willbemissMU^m his neighborhood. EUsfamUy hai^ oursympathy in their bereavment. Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 26,1900 Will Smoot Small Child Neely Heal Neely, (col.) lost bis youn gest ehiia tbe i)art veek Will Smool died Saturday morn mg uf tyylioid fever. Will, in our ^iipaUoD, vas one of the beet colored aeo of the tons. He worked bard, attended to bis^ owo afi&lin, and we bare nercr L^rd of bis being in aoy troabie. fife sbo^d ^ te i Juhu Cninip Dead. - | I John Crump, sccoud sou of Jaa. Crump, of .Tcrasalem, died at the Whitehead-Stokes Sanitarium laat Fridaj-night. Uc had been sick only' a pbort while, and was takeirdowa to Salisbury Thursday and operated up-' : on for appendicitis. His remains I were brought to Davic, and iu'terred [ in the family burial ground Sunday. Bio — Obituaries - 9/26/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 3,1900 Mrs. John itindsay Dead. Mrs. Liutlsay died last Wednes day nigbt at the bospital in Salis- bniy. She was tbo wife of our old friend, Jobn Lindsay, of Soafh River. We extend to Mr. Lindsay our sympathy in his great bereave ment. Mrs. Lewis Holder Mis. Lewis Holder, iuruicrly of this place, we are sorry to team, is dead. Bio - Obituaries -10/3/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 24,1900 Kennie Mclver K^uiie Mclrer was shot and Idlled at Surfufd, Moore comity, one day last verk, tiy a policeman. Mr. UclTcr irmi known in this county* Hehdped to giade tte ndlrosd from ^68(00 to Mo3ksnl!o. Ho mairied a dst^: terof Mr. Idol jnat aorooslbe riv«r from the ferry. He leaves a wife and four 4wfivediildrein. J B. Mason Dead. Mr. J.B. Mason, 8r., a promi nent lawyer of Ohapel Hill, drop peddeadin that place yestenlay evesiog. Mr. Mason had not been ill a single day and his sadden death was a great snock to bis fam ily and friends. He was weli known thronghont the State, hav ing on several occasions been a candidate for office on the Bepnb- liean State ticket.—Herald. Mr. Bbson was a native of Davie and is a brother of W. D. Mason, £a^.. of Fork Gboreb, this county. Mr. Mason Iw many relatives and fUendsin this eounty, wUn will rqpret to hear of his sadden death. We extend onr sympathy to the family of the deceased. Bio - Obituaries - 10/24/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 31,1900 Mr. Richardson Hr. Bit^anlsoD, a oon-io -law of | Mr. H. B. Gall, died Tuesday' moTDiog in Wifiaton. He leaves two daugliter^ his Wifetbaving died several yean ago. Bio - Obituaries - 10/31/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 7,1900 Mr. Richardson Mr. Ridiurdson who «Ued last week left mx cliildrcD instead of two. Mm. W.D.Masm) attended the bnrial of her liitlier, Mr. Blcbaid BOO, latst week. Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 21,1900 Mrs. Abe Cornatzer Hn. Abe Cornatzer died last week at her home near Bixby, Shelearee a hnsbaod and three small children. To the bereaved bttfiband we extend otir sympatny. Joseph Cuthrel Mr. Joeepb Cnthrel of, Fur- mington died last week and was buried at SbnniDgtoD. He was aboQt 81 yeaiB old, and a highly respected citizen. WUbam Dontlilt Dead. Mr. William Donthit, one of the oldest citizmiaof the county, of the Oak Grove neighborhood died last Friday night of pnenmonia. Mr. Dontbitwaa afarmer, a good citizen, and was highly respited by all who knew him. He was a kind husband and fkther, and leaves a u^dov and nine children. Three of the boys are out west. Tb the bereaved fiuuily we extend our sympathy. Bio - Obituaries - 11/21/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 28,1900 Jas. G. Clifford Zylphia Maxwell Mrs. Zylpbia Maxwell died at , 1 tier home near Cooleemee, Sator day looroing at 1 o'clock. 8be was tbe widow of tbe late Thoe. Maxwell, aud was iivlier 82 year. 6'CltfTM MiewC liCr..01iSbrd died at hk home Dear C^oa, Thureday oigbt. Hr. (Afford was a good dtiaea, Jy anpcckd by aU x b»lnBev himl fievasowoftbe oMear -mtp fa Bio " Obituaries - 11/28/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 5,1900 Mrs. William Douthit W. W. Miller Jtist SB we go to pres8|'vo leani of the d^th of W. W. Iffiller, at Morgaoton. Hisremdns will be brongbt home for interment. Mm. William Docthit, died at her home Snnday morning at 3 o'do^. of pnenmonla, having sur vived her hneband abont two weelw. To the bereaved family wo extend our aympatby, for the loss of a mother with her love and de- voticm is inestiinable. Bio - Obituaries - 12/5/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 12,1900 Mrs. George Lefler Mrs. Pence Mrs, George Lefier died last week and was bnried at Lihorly. iShe was a daugkter uf Mrs. - well who died recently, and was buried at the same place. Mis. Pence, George .Grubbs' motberdn-law, wiiH tuke.i sudden- I3' with oolie Saturday and dietl i^atunlay eveuing at 3 oeloek. Hej* remaius were put to rest iu liowan eouuty Monday. Bio - Obituaries - 12/12/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA