Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1900
Small Son McCulloh
—The lateC. C. MeCoHobssiand-1
fOO ffwt burned to death hut Wed-
ReMay« hii dress caught from a fire
in tlie yard and it dl^ Wedueada}*
night fnun'tlie etTeetu uf the burn.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/10/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1900
Mat Boyer
—-Undo Mat Borer, an olil col- j
man of • Advance, died last |
Tiian4lay. Unde Mai, lij hiaj
Itoncstf and frolitecess, wa& nrdl
tliooght of and respected by all in i
tba oommnuity ip which be lived, j
He vraa between SO and 90 yearn o( 1
fige. Peace to hla ashes for lew j
like bim of his rscc remain. |
Mrs. Henry Blake
Mtk. H^rry Ulaku 'iJod Siimlay i
rJifbt wiih pneumonia and Icavoa!
IiUHbantl and dcren children to monm
her death. The bcvcavcJ fauJlyhavt •;
our sympathy, ; [
Earl Shutt
Eiirl.Shiitt also died Snndaij-ni;rhU ^
He is a son of G. U. C. Shutti of this i
I'lacv, and was a.'i^ood hoy aud w,.!] |
thouj^ht of isiy all who knew him.
Bio - Obituaries —1/17/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1900
Amelia Haynes
J. Ambrose Holder
'^\Ve e](tend our sympathy to
{be family of J. A. HoMer. Am*
«ss a goodhlti?en and we ro*
{jet ta hfiur of thp deaOi of such
Amelia Haynes, a ao-called
witch, and who, hy dint of a dog
ged tenacity on life^ (if we should
but ^anoeat hw euvlnnSments),
had Hbeoonio an octogenarian, re
cently parsed item the sphere of
terrestrial acHon to her eternal
abode^ to thp relief, it is said, of
quite a number of her neighbors.
Josiah Whltley
B. J?. Stonestieet and J. Lee
Hnrfe^ a tteud^. the bnrial of
Mr. doaah Wbitley, who yras
taaried sd ^e Salem grave y^
hist Eriday at 3 d'dkxik.
Bio - Obituaries — 1/24/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January' 31,1900
Owen F. Potts
"VThereas. it has pleased oar
HeaveiUy Father, in His good
providejre to remove froni our
toidfit aud fi om onr Sabbath srhool
oar deceased brother and friend,
Owen F. PottB, Jan. Gth, 1900,
Be it therefore resolved by the
Snnday school at IlardisoD, of
I wb icb he a faithful and cotisis-
{tent member:
I Ist. That in the death of onr
I brother the church has loet a valu-
able member, the Sunday ^hool
and prayer meeting an active work
er, and the oommuaity at lai^e a
true exemplar of chrisHau integri
ty; whose every act seemed done
relative to a gt^t hereifter.
2nd. That while we mourn .toe
o^of such' an-fiialted (diri^n
' aracter, aiid feel that loffi'is well
h irreparabie^slOliTre t)bwCwi
I Christian resignation to the will of;
iHim "whodoetli nil things well, *-
: ItcHcvntg lliat iiiir loss Is hiselci-
i u:il g:<tn.
] Grd. 'J'lml "n"*'leinhTilu-liorcuvt-d
iHiuily oui'fiiuceieayiupalhy iuthis, j
j their hour of giief and IcDeliness,
14in(l beg leave to nastire Uicm of our |
iwoi'mcst ailniiraliuu of thechTis-j
Itiau cliuniuLcr of their tlcoeaaod j
; loved one, wJio 4*0 nobly aetcl hiS;
ipart in life's dmtuu, and then 1*^
Ins for a Ijnghleraud inoro eternal
j life of Jmppiness.
• 4tb. That a wpy of tL««e resolu-
;tiou8 be seat toibe Davie Rk<x>ki>
•audDavic Times for poblication,
jnud a copy scut to the family ot*
1 the deceasuil. I
i I3e»3ie Brown, j
' Miss Ueulab Allen,
i C. W. Seahml,
I (.'ouimittce-
Bio - Obituaries - 1/31/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1900
Mrs. James Lytle
James Lytl«*s wife di^ Satur
day momiog aud will be baried at
HoclcBville today. Sbo had pneu
Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1900
H. I. Kimball
Aaron Eddings
* tel., 'died
.nfter in town ^ondaj
Aateii Wte-a qni^ law-
iSTOaisg citizen, and wi^ thongbt
by both .vhi^ and Uadc.
. ' %■ m, ^
Eliza Clement
*- ClOmra^ Qof., of Salis-^ed abcdtlO ^ysago atJSandy Wyntta, near Advanee,'^i^r B^liddoas circdmstBiires Iwt
.'Vqt enough eridCnoe ooold bf ob-d^ndd icf Idnd any one over to
e notice in the Charlotte'Ob-
servec.of the23jd an aoeonut of
the death of H. J. Kimball, atBoek HiU, S.C., on last Tbaisilay.
Mr. Kimball was at one time a
reddent of this conuty, and themany friends of the frmily at thisjtlate learh wiUi zegret of their
Bio — Obituaries - 2/28/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7, 1900
Paul Early Scott Lindsay
IHafly seeoBd acv ^ «'r ,
Irtend P. a tkAj 4M ,
Bridsy llABch the n-
miM &il«ntd Satoid^ •van-
inc io the Boar bosryliif croo^
null Tu a tfont JMSK
MB 19 yCBTB <ad, DO «■» V^dUioogfat hro veeka aga tiul;^waold BO Booo piat iin^^ It
cnniuilB db forcibly that v» jire
ib-ortaL Oar aynpaUiiM tm ax*
U»ted to tfaa txmrad
—The death of oar yooBg MadScott Uodaay, in the KioadilBe la
paoaitariy md. Be Xoith
f 'BMllBB m ftm yimn fat
tle, and kief «B vent to AkAa.
He died at Oawaoe City « fabra-
ary 32, thrn—d of bObb bwbt
froBi hoiD# hod Sored oBdy ia tlic
/nneongieaB of North W0LToiJaa^ frtber^«bdhlB liloCh-
Bio - Obituaries — 3/7/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14,1900
Beulah Brown
William Kelly
-Xr. Kdiy, brolher
to our toormatm J. A. and T. L.
Kalljof Uila ptoea, died at his
boae ia the eonntty Boaday. Mr.
Kdiy leaves a wift and sevcnl
diildnn. Hie laaaiM were interr
ed Moaday at Joppa*
littla Dcfilab the 10 VKWthi old
cliQd of Mr. and Mia. C. 8, Brown
died of pneoiBonla on last SMday
moidni;. The fnnend senriMB
waraeondoeted ty Bev. w. H. L.
SleLaitria and the lamaina were
:otefsad i» the Joppa bpriog
^rooads Batniday. Itie gr^crt
•tMielation we can aztcnd to the
•tttaxoA iai»ttM word of
;ha I^ord, vhera Cbriit tays.
■'SafliBr litlle^Bdian tootHoetmto010; and forbid tham not; for <1^
sdch is the Kingdom of Crod." wo
•dioold oonfida in hiapsomncii.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21, 1900
Richard Anderson
Dr. Richiu^ Anderton of Albe-.
marlc Staoly county, died lost
week. Hewvsabrotberof Mr, Ar
A.i Anderson of <>lshaln thisi
connty. I>r. - Anderson was about
70 years of age. He attended Ic*'
tares vitfa Dr. McGuire. Tbe Dr.
was raised in Davie, andbasniany
relatires in this eoonty.
Ishmael Caudle
Ur. ^Isbmael Caudle an aged
citiren who lived near Taooyson
Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1900
Wm. Blalock
Mr. Wm. Blalook, a very aged
dtizen who lived near Holly
Springs chnrcli, Iredell county,
died receDtly*
Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1900
Mrs. Will Call
Young Hunt
—Toang Hant ool.. who Hvts
abonl flvfi niileii from town dlwt
last week, fmm the effects of
—The ttaaitm of Bfn. Will Coll
who died at BAtra North CoroliDa,
were btoo^ to Moeksville on Bat-
orday-eTeoing's tcala and woe
laid toTOBt Bonday In the ClenteDl
bDiying gronnd. Itisasad death,
only married a few yvan ago. The
beloved hnsband and rdatlTes
have onr sympathy in this thmr
grot low.
Bio - Obituaries — 4/4/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1900
Samuel L. Foster
Hr. Samuel L. Foster wbo liica
near Itedland died Sunday of O^n-
eumption. Mr. Foster Ieaj:es a irife
and eeveral children to whom we
extend our s^tupathy.
Henry Horah
It is with peiiuine sorrow that
we rhroiih'le tlic dcotb of onr old
friend Henry Uurah Eeti., ofSalia
bury, liossa, as he wa» taniiliurly
called, wns our friend, and when
we were in Salisbury, we always
called in to see him. Tcace to his
Nathan Williams, Esq. died Fri
day ni^rht April (Uh nt Lt» lioAie in
Sniiih Grore this county. Mr.
Williams was 70 years old, w.as a
ffood citlrcn and rcsocdcl by all
wlio kuew liini. Ho wua the fnthei
orex-SbcriOT W. F. Willlauis, Jobu
K. Williams, 3Ini. Knima 3fartin
and Julia Ann Walker. Ilis re-
nuius were laid to rest Suiuhty at
Smith Grove. Oursympatblcsaro
exteudetl to tlie liereav^ family
Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25,1900
Polly Daniel
Mis. Polly Danie^ vbo Uv^
near ^hosus, died Tiieaday Apiil
Mrs* M. A. Neely Dead.
Mrs. M. A. Ifee^y, widow of the
late Be v. G. W. Neely 'of this
coauty died at her home near
Bower Foisyth conuty about 10
days ago. She was 64 years aod 6
numtbB old. Her remains were
liiid to rest IViday the 13tb atBeu-
lali. The fnner^ services were
coudncted by Bev. Daniel Brindle
of Spray N. 0. a former pupil of
Mrs. Neely. Mrs. Neely was a
teacher, and had devoted the moat
of her life to the work. She had
taught at several ppiuts in this
county, and her pupils who cou be
numbered by the hutidreds will
h^ of her death with sorrow. A
good and usefnl life is ended.
Peace to her aidies.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/25/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1900
Mrs. Frances Gartner
IN amaioRjAM.
On Tlmi*day mnruio^ May Srd,
oor hearts were wrrng in anguish
as we beard the pinions of l)eath
nislliog in our midst. Fur ten
long weeks Mrs. Frances Cartiser
liad I^n toaaed on bed of affletion
unt on tbe murning of the 3rtl, it
was seen that the I'cil wlilcb bad
jseperated ber irum tbe great nn-
known was growing thin. Slany
friends nlioat whom, sbe bad eu^
(winetl bctself l*y her nmny kind
uessee, ber uliildreu who i-caltzed
tbat no cihcr could tsike tbe place
ofmother, tne little graatd-ohUoreu
wllb. eyes overflowing with tea's
all, all stood around ber sadly
awaiting the last. And so at about
llo'doek tbe veil of life was
diawn aside and sbe was ushered
into eternity.
Ab, tbat waa a day ot weeping!
Tbe patient husband boweil in si^
lent submission to tlie roire of God,
(be ebildreu, feeling their loss and
loneliness, sank beneath the weight
tbat fwualied tbem. Then night
ctimg,'—calm starry nigbt! Tbe
little grand-idiildren m. 1 mger slent
tlis sweet nndiatn bed slKp but
they Crinkled tbeir pillows with
I tears, as ibsy salt) in tbeir dreams
! "Grauduui is dead.''
Oh, tell me not that sbe is dead,
thongh she is nsmure^l.froni our
mid^; thoagh ber voice is no long
er auditile, 3*et tbe grahd -ssnti-
tneuts she. uttered, the deeds of
geuerosity by which she was cbar-
aclerisod ctill live in ibe tablets ol
memury and.in the light of the
noon and deny eve she yet speaks
to Its.
Tet we feel a melauoboly.triU as
we reflect on Lerdepirture. but we
do not grieve as tb^ise who have, so
hope. We know she never again
can come to ua, bat can ve not go
to iispt
Wo extend onr heartfelt aym-
pstby to the benea-'ed thmily and
QSi^'ially [o the Snsband and
.daughter vrbo bad remained Tfltb
ber, ptotber. 8)im:o IniaDoy, -
the I^rd • bloBe..aiid protect you .in
yonr bereavement, to b'ealoge can,
is tbe piayer of one who bad learn
ed to love aunt Fraiuies.
Ki.iA WitLKES.
Kappa, May 6tb, 1900.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1900
Mrs. Methabel Martin
Died at Smith Grove, May 2ad liXW
Mn. Methabel Martin, nee Welmond
aged 84 years,-8 inos. and 11 days.
To the many friends who eave her
hftdiatance and kind ministration oar
ing her protracted iiiness I return
my sincere thanks and hope they may
receive the reward dne such kind
ness. to my mother. In tho great-
Jas. L. jBlartin.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/23/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1900
Small Son Vaugn
Thelittle 12 year old boy ot "Wil
liam Yaii|(o got dxowood Snndav
evening.in tbo Haaee mill poml.
The l»|fl were in swimniing and
yonng Vangn got in water over his
head and oonld not get to ahor^.
The lit!le tion of Ciooro Smith waa-
with him, Yangn was fhOioa outl
of the pond Moqday moniing* . !
Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 6,1900
Small Child Etchison
are sorry tohear ol tiie lieatti!
ot J. ftV. Etcliison little oLiW, >Ye
e.vtitmlito.the bereaved pareutii our
Bio - Obituaries - 6/6/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1900
W. J. Seeker
Our old frienil W/J. Becker of
derusaloui died last *-cek. He
wa» a nnd a .good citizen
The family ksi£ (n»r »ympaUiy jn
tbcir 2flli5iliOD.
G. A. Bingham
; '^efrienda-e^ A. Biagbam
' eodaty will bear of bis
debth witb somwr. ' Mr. BiDgbam
hred at pue (ime in tbU coobty,iatbw'^^wsB clerk of the
Icoanty roort At tho limo of his
deaib hb was <}dri3ua supervisor'
Our aynlOTihy la eatended id
[thebbfcavW lamily
Bio - Obituaries - 6/13/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1900
H.J. bsekeriieap*
Ur.Heaiy J.Beekerdicdat bil
nomenear JeroBalon on the 8th
last, et the age 64 yeoxe 10 aaonths
aod SOdeys. He had meoiiigitlt
and wasatthe pdnt of doath lor
aboot amootho, safiering intensely
at times, and in it idl, his i&ristian
fidth and loHltnde never wavered.
He wu A true man. 'EewlifcebiBi
ever Hved. Kot brilUaot, yet bis
life wasa distmgoished anoeees. A
poor bound boy, he won the ie>
^eet an^coofidoaee of all who
nev him, endowed witb flraiaftnr
and eonn^ without a penoy^, he
aoQttlfed a eompoteaoe fot hlmetlf
and femily, edocatlogall bis cbll*
dicn, one a graduate of Wake For-
crtool^ge, andapnoldiy yonag
Baptist minisier. Heliffc thfin in
osrapntable dnamiitaaoes. He
oom]detdyand roondly filled every
rdaBoiD<tf life, husband, fether,
fiiend, eoldier and dtisra. Bathm*
than ihfiiet a wioog, be would atlf-
fer wrong, never, io bb toiog life,
having had alawsoit or di^itfe
with hb nei^bor. Sfedajt end
zetirii^in dispodtimi, lint luav*
andooarageo»indntf. Heleayea
bdiind bimaehtDii^ieQovd ud a
diatingolahed example ttue tlia itH
struction and emulation of thoee
who eone after him.
Bio - Obituaries — 6/20/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27,1900
Webb McCulloh
Sr. We1>b McCQilob of Fo^
Ctkiin^ died Soaday of ^pboid
Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1900 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY