Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1919 Mrs. Began Cash lilra. Bogan Cash, of.Stnitb Grove, died last Friday .morning: after a long illness, aged about 50 years. The burial took plaM Friday after* noon at Smith Grove. Mrs. Gasfar is snr^vel by'her husband and three daughters; many relatives and friends.- Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1919 Isadore G. Woodward A Good Man Gone. Rev. Isadore G. Wocdward, son of Mr. Geo. E. Woodward, of States- ville, died yesterday mbmiog at a hospital io Charl^ton*'S. C., death following an attack of acute appen dicitis. Mr. Woodward was a chap lain in the United States navy, hav ing entered work during the war. .The remains will probably be brought .to Statesviile for burial. The deceased about 25 years of age.- He is survived by his par ents and the following named sisters and brothers: Mias^ Lina and Eth el, and John, Frank. Julius and Lewis. The family live near Mocks- ville. The father, Mr, Geo. E. Woodward is employed in States viile. The young man was unmar ried. - Statesviile Landmark, July 4tb. CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, May 14,1919 John Butner Foard .luhii fluhirr F<Kird di-d ill his hiiino ill .SoiiUi Kivcr. •>«! liic ic courily si<lc Moinliiv inDnn-ii!. "r I'oard was burn atSuiith Fiv cr and was a"farmer. He was a Cdiifcderaie veteran. The fviii- eraKand burial toi>k ]»lacc al Third Crcuk church tiear Ckve l.ind Tutrsd'jv' irji>rniiiu- II«' w i- a prominent mm -and leavr-s n laruc: eji'eiu <ir rel a'i jmd Mini <lr«-»dsof ae<ju.ilnliiiii-es ',vln> will leant with sorrow of his death His wife nee .Miss Laura lira li lUi. tijreesons .1 I, U" II and ( V h\i:iid ;^nd lour il.murh i-rs. Will Mne .Milh-r. 1 1 S Troll, Mi%;ses M .r\- and Laiir.i h^oard. Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 16,1919 Rhoney West John B. Ford JernMlBin tomti- 7th..a«^b(^76 '• ®'®2u:d was Davie^^^8 well know and mveaiciV Rhoney Wesjt, of near Eappa, died Eriday of typhoid fever aged 35 years. He is survived by bis wife and two children, bis mofher and three sisters and four brothers, The bo^ was laid to rest at Salem Church Saturday inorQlng al 10 o'clock, Rev. D. C, Ballard conduct ing the bbrlsA services. Mr. West was one of a pair of twins, and his wife.was also a twin.. The West twins married twin asters, who were daughters of Daniel SaMet. ^is is something unusual. Bio — Obituaries - 7/16/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 30,1919 Elizabeth Bivens R. H. Hays R. H. Haye, a prominent lawyer of-Chatham county, died Saturday eveninir in a Richmond hospital He is survived by his wife, who was fidisS Minnie Roberts, of Davie coun> (y before marriage. Mrs Elizabeth Bivens. of near Augusta, died last Tuesday, aged about 75 years. A few weeks ago Mrs, Bivens fnll and hurt her hip, from which she never recovered. She is survived by three sons and one daughter. The body was laid to rest at Idberty Thursday her pastor. Rev. D. C. Ballard, conduct^ the funeral and burial services. Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6,1919 Louis Brie Die&Aooog Strangers. Mr- Louis Me. ot Cnailoue, came to MoekeviUe Sunday monung on the 7:S7 train. He went to Delia Brown's cafe, and after eating breakfast be coronlained of feeling IIL He told Delia Brown that he was on liia way to Ralelgb and that be wanted to leave here on the afternoon tiaio. Delia got his dinner ready ^nd when abe went to call hiok he was lying (m a bed in ber house dead. She gave the alarm and several persons came in. The county physician, Or. Rodwell. and Sberiif Wiiiecoff were called ia. It ,was decided to hold an iciiuest and the' oor- oner was sent for.. After beatiDg the facts and looking at the body the Jury de* cided thot the deceased died from natural causes. The body was brought to Wal> ker & Ijames iiudettaklog parlor and Robt. A. Blaylock. of Statesviile, came dowti Sunday nigbt and embalmed tbe body. Te:egrams were sent to relatives of tbe deceased. Deceased appeared to be about 6S years of age. and It is said be was on his way to visit some of* his Cjusins In Raleigh It is said that he held a position in a pawn sluv at Char- loue, and that be bad been in MocksvUIc uD one or more occa^ons previous to this time. The body was stepped to Raleigh Tuesday moroiog to an andeitakiug e^ Cat lishment, on orders from Rosenthal*^ jtbe clothiers there. Bio - Obituaries - 8/6/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1919 Mrs. J. B. Smith Mrs. W. R. Meroney _ Mrs. J. B. Smith, an aged lady of Fork Church, died last Thursday and Was laid to rest Friday. De ceased leaves one son and several, daughters. The body, of Mrs. W. R. Meroney, who died and was bntied In Salis bury about twentv-five veare aco, was moved to Mochsville Wednesday and interred ii^Roae cemetery. Bio — Obituaries - 8/13/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 20,1919 Mrs. Samuel Foster I Mrs Samuel Foster, fonperly of near Uocksville, but later, of Sails- j bury, died lasc^week and was burled I at Sethel Church Saturday. Bio - Obituaries - 8/20/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1919 Charlie Richie C^rlie Richie,, who was so l>y a mad bull onBust 23rd, dM. last .•-Toesc^asr to i^esttiat boon'? .on Tuisds^ aft^r* Civil J »levcrflfl . parente apd ream ; He fl-aa aboufc-iOPusIpj® A a:Oodi_ honest, fc- Ihop. ^^^'asbeen'tak^ from Irietidu lundr^s'bl fitimeirir 9| his l^a Bvmn^t?" Kecorf e^-laea. ^ ibis leaved Bio — Obituaries - 9/3/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 10,1919 Wingate Horn 11 f 111* w* .Wingate Horn, formerly of Farm- ington and a brother of L J. Horn who rnns a stare in that village, but for some years a clerk in Fletcher Bros, store, Win5ton>Saiem. died in a Salisbury hospital Saturday, fob lowing an operation for appendicitis. The body was cabied to Farmibglon Sunday and laid to rest Ddonday. Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1,1919 Ruth Blackwelder YoQDg Lady Cbmniits Smcido. Miss Ruth Blackwelder, aited 23 years, the daughter of ^r. and Mrs. J. A. Blackwelder, of nearShoffield; committed*'Bnidde by haugltig her* self some time Saturday night. She appeared to be in good heahh ahd was in a jolly mood Saturday night when fiho retired. hen her.fatber got up Sunday morniDg she was* not in the house. After the family bad eaten breakfast Mr. Blackwelder went over the yard and j^ounds looking for her. He finally went ^ the barn, thinking perhaos she might be ^here. When he went, in and looked up he was horrifi^ to see her body hanging lifeless from a erosa piece in the loft. He. hurried to ibe loft and cut thie plow'*line which was tied around her neck, and found her cold Id death.- No cause can be assigned for the rash deed. Miss Blackwelder was'a con* sist4.nt roemlHir' of the Ijumea X Roads Baptist church mid had jieen a Sunday School teacher for some time. The funeral and' burial aei** vices were-conducted by Rev. V. M, Swaim, of Winscon*3aleni Uonday at 12 o'clock at Jjames X Roads, ^Tbe Toe grief*8Crl^en parents have, the sympathy of all ^eir neighbors and friends .during this 'dark* hour in [ which they are^oasang. | Bio - Obituaries -10/1/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 8,1919 Infant Son Burton An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barton was interred-in the Baptist C^etery at Advaooe Tnea^ dav. Bio - Obituaries - 10/8/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1919 Margaret Sheek . ' . • iMrs. Margaret' Sheek, an .aged lady of Sinith Gr.oye, died Satuiday-| and waa laid to rest Sunday at -Eat*' on'a Baptist cbnrch.. • Bio - Obituaries - 10/15/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1919 George McClamroch Geor(re, the little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McGlamroeh, of R. 2. died Monday momlng at the home of Mrs. George Sbeek. death resulUns: from paralysis. The little body waslaid to rest yesterday.. Bio - Obituaries - 10/22/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 29,1919 Roxie Williams Raxie, the 9 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Williains. of Farroiairtoii. died Monday of para lysis, follomng an illne^ of diphthe ria. The funeral and burial servi ces were conducted yesterday by Rev. S. w. Hall, at Farmington. Bio - Obituaries —10/29/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 12,1919 Dr. Criiz, Albenurle FataBy lojared. Albemarfe, No\r» 9 —Dr; W. H. Critz, a prominent Dentist, of Albe- marie, is in Rainey Hospital, at Ba- din fatally inlured as a result of an automobile accident wbich occurred between Badin and Hardaway's camp on the Yadkin river this after noon. The latest reports from the bos* pital are to the effect 'that Dr, Critz cannot possibly recover,' as the entire fore-part of his sknll was crushed and had to bo removed, and that part of his brain was also re moved. His death ir expected at aiiy moment and the hospital, au thorities do not* think he- can sur vive more than 24 hours, ed a handsome home onXhird street, ri^bt in the heart of town. He and his wife have u number of friends among the best people of the town and the tragic occurrence of this af ternoon Das caused shock to the en tire community. Dr. Critz died at 2 o'clock yester day morning and bis body was brought to New Ho^. church. Ire dell county, and laid to rest this af ternoon at two o'clock. Mr. Horn and daughter. Miss Edna, and littl^ son L. 6.. Jr., arrived home yester day. Mrs. Horn, who sustained two broken ribs, and Claude Horn, who' was hurt in the wreck, were not able to return home yes- terdav. The many friends of Dr. Critz and the Horn family are sad dened by this awful accident, and all are hoping that those who sus- It is stated that the canse of the accident was tbefaultybrakes of the automobile, which in bding driven down a very steep hill near Harda way's camp, turned over twice, in juring all of the occupants of the car, but it is not thought that any of the occupants of the car, but it is not thought that any of them is se-' i »os1y injured except Dr, Critz. The car was driven by L. G. Home, of Mocksvllle. father Mm. Critz. There were in the car besides Dr, Critz and Mr. Home Dr. Critz's wife, Mrs. Home, Claude Home and another small son of Mr. and Mrs, Home. Mrs. Critz is only slightly injured. Mr, Horn is badly shaken up, as Is also young Claude Home. The small boy is'nt injured-so badly and while it is stated that it is tho't that Mrs. Home suffered some in ternal injury, the extent .of which cannot yet be determined, Mr. and Mrs. Home were here on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Critz, and running outto see the big development on the Yadkin when the accident occurred. Dr. and Mrs. Grilz have been mar ried only two or three months, their wedding having taken place in the late summer. Mrs. Critz before marriage was Miss Elsther Home,'of Mocksville. and is well known tb'ru out this section of the Scate. . Dr. Critz came to Albemarle three or four years ago, bis home originally being in Davie county. He had built up a splendid practice in bis profession aud had recently purcbas tabled fnjuries will soon be fully re stored. Mrs, Critz has the sympa thy of a host of friends and ac quaintances in this sad hour. . Bio - Obituaries -11/12/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 19,1919 Mr. John Foster Dead. ' Mr. John Foster, father of Mrs. W. L, Call, of Mocksville. died at the home of his son Leary Foster, in Winston-Salem, early Sunday morning, after a long and painful illoess, aged about 83 years. The bodv was carried to cbarch, in Davidson county, on Monday and laid to rest. Mr. Foster is survived by several sons and daughters and a host of relatives and friends. He was well known in Mocksville, hav' ing spent rooch time here with his daughter. He was a Confederate soldier, and just about the close of the war he was severely wounded by a tree falling on him and smashing one of his iegs. Peace to his'ashes. Mr. Murphy Cali Dead. Mr, Giles Murphy Call, of SnUth Grove, died Sunday night at 12 o'clock, after a two week's illness following a stroke of paralysis, aged 85 years. The funeral and burial services were held at Smith Grove Toesday. 'Mr. Call is survived by four children, two sons and two daughters, via , W. L. Call and Mrs. John Minor, of Mccksville, and Mm J, M. Horn and Charles Cali. with whom he was living at the time of his death. Mr. Gall was a member of the M. E. church, and was a Con- federate soldier. The bereaved chil dren have the sympathv of a host of friends and acquaintances in ;this honr of bereavement. Mrs. Malone Trivette 34alone Trivette, oCne^ Ca. lied Saturday of pneumonia, ag'j years. The body was laid to! I at Union Chapel Sunday. | Kate Davis 1 • ... I 2 Mrs. Kate Davis, whose illness! I was mentioned in onr'last issue.; died. Thursday, at - the advanced age' iSt 81 years. The body- was laid^l^^ teat at 'Concord Church Satufdajr' jjnorniDg at 10 o'clock, her pastor, Rpv. D. C, Bedlcrd; condncUng the fdneral and burial services. Mrs. Davis leaves'many friends and rela tives to mourn her death. Bio - Obituaries -11/19/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MCCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26,1919 C. L. Dixon Infant Son Graver An infant son of Mr. and Mrs. VtTalter Graver was interred .at Fol- ton cemetery last ^day. C. L, IHxon, of near Wyo, died last Wednesdav of tuberculosis, as- ed 28 years. The body was laid to rest at Wyo Thnrsday afternoon. Mr.^ Dizon iaaur^ved by his father, two sisters and f oar brothers Rev J. W. Vestal, of Faraiin^rton, con duct^ tbe fnneral and burial ser vices. Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Decembers, 1919 Mildred Rollins MUdred, the Htlle 7-year^ld daughtir of Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Holllna, of Harwonv,. di«i yester* dav morning; of diptb.eria. William Franklin Ball sWiliiam Franklin Ball, of Clarka- jlle townahip, died Sunday of pneu- Ionia, aged 68 years. The body was to rest at Chestnut Grove Mon- Bio - Obituaries -12/3/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 10,1919 Mary Haneline Marv, the Utt|e fbqrvea^old daqgbter of Mr. qqd Mra. Will HaoeKne, died Sunday n£ eroup. The funeral and bnrial took place at Smith Grove Monday. Bio - Obituaries - 12/10/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 17,1919 R. F. Henry John Campbell R. F. Henry, a prominent jew- <^er of Statesville for the past 40 years, died Saturday at the oj^e of 57 years, following an illness of some months. The body was laid to Monday afternoon with Ma sonic honors. Mr. Henry was a fnend of the 'editor and it is with ^adttess that we chronicle his death. Peace to his ashes. John Campbell, of Harmony, Iredell connty, was killed by a trBin near Fayetteville Monday night of la^ week. He was try ing to get a stalled antomobile off the track, in which a woman and some children were riding, when die train struck him. He is snr- .vivedby-a wife and several dhil- 4ren. He was about 44 years old. Bio - Obituaries -12/17/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 24,1919 B. B. Stonesti^ Mr. B. B. Ston^reet, a well- Icnown dtizen /of iCana, diW last Tuesday, following, a long illness of cancer, aged 68^ years. The fu neral and burial services were held at Eaton's Baptist* church Wednes day, Rev. S. W. Hall, assisted by Rev. If. M. Holloway, conducting the services. Mr. Stonestreet is survived by two daughters and four sons, and a host of rdatives and friends. He-was the father of our townsman .B<rane Stonestreet. A good man has b^n cdled to his re ward. Richard Tucker Mr. Richard Tucker, of Win- ston-Salem, died in the City Hos pital Deceml^r lath, of pneumonia, aged 48 years.* The body was brought to the home of Mr. G. T. I Tucker, brother of the deceased, I Saturday morning. Funeral and j intermiciit at Advance Sunday af- • teruoon. Martha McMahan I', Ifn^; .McHaban -Dead. . [f jsi)S.gWartha McMal^,, bf.iij^ ^ino,^ Friday morning after a ^ttjgillness., McMahan- born near East* Bend. After her marriage she moved to the home near Caua in which she passed away. She : was married more than forty years. . Mrs. McMahan was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and was -loved and esteemed throughout the section in which she lived. She was'an earnest, ac tive member of Wesley Chapel, from which the funeral sei^ces took place Saturday morning at 11 p'dodc, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Vestal. Mrs. McMahan is survived by her husband, ' and the following children: 'Mrs. C. G. Woodruff, of Mocksville; Mrs. W. T. Miller and Mr. -William H. McMahan, of Winston-Salem, and daughter in Indianapolis, -lud. Bio - Obituaries -12/24/1919 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA