Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 8,1919
Mrs. W. F. James
' Aged Ladf Bomed to Deatb.
Mrk'W. P. of oepr Fovmiagton.
fell fa an open fire on'Saturday Dec 26ih.
and .bomed. so bad that she cfied the
next'v^ypolnd' The foneral and burial
Bervic^Were conducied at Parmington
last B^mday by Rev. W. .1. S. Walker.
She ts survived by her husband and eUht
cbildien. tSrt. .Tames, was C9 years nf
ago at the tbne of her death.
Richard Clyde Nicholson
as D MS
Richard Clvde. the IS' rnontha oM
'son c){ Dr. and Sdra C. R Nicholson,
'of County Line, died at the hospital
I in (/liarlotte Sunday and was buried
I at StatesviUe Monday afternoon.
William Miller Sherrill
I Misaes Sarah and Willie Miller
! wept to Ut UUa Christmas.day. to
1 attend the funeral and bnrial aervl-
J era of little William Miller Merrill,
118 roonths^ld son of Mr' and Mrs.
I Carl SherrlH, who died Deo. 24th of
\ membranous croup.
Mildred Smith
Mildred, the d year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Morgan Smith, n of
Greensboro,-fell into a tub of boiling
water and was scalded to death on
Dec. 23rd. The little body Wfis laid
to rest at Turrentine Baptist churA
on Qbristm&s day. The bereavedparents have the sympathy of a host
jof friends,
fve MO
Thomas A. Phelps Dead.
We aie ^y to rtport the death of our
friend and coudn Thoa. A. Phelps, ol
Advance, R. 1, who died 27, 1918.
after eigbt days illness-of influen2a*pneu>
nsonia, aged Si years. He leaves a wife
and four small children, beddeshis fath
er and mother, seven dstees and one
brother who is in France, and ..a hnst of
cdativea to meora his loaa. His remains
were laid to rest at Moch*s cemetery on
Doc. 28th. funeral services being conduct-^
ed by Us pastor. Rev. J, H. BrendalL Mr.
Fbelps was loved by all who knew him.
He was a member of Mode's church for
about 15 years, and was faithful to all
bis duties. At the time of his death be
was a teacher in the Sunday school and
also assistant superintendent of the Son-
day scfaooL He was secretary, treasurer
of the board of stewards.. It was his de-
Ugbt to attend tQ..bis chutch duties. He
was a prospecoos farmer. We bated to
give him up. but the Lord knoweth best
at all times: We extend sympathy tp
the bereaved family.
Bio - Obituaries -1/8/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 15,1919
Death of Mrs. W. F. James.
Co Soiidny. Decemlier 29, 191$,
the death an^e^ yisited the home
of J O.-proek and carried' back
with U'the soul of ^izabeth Kelly
JaoifS. * S Izabeth waa born Dee.
2. 18^,-0ie<i i>ec>..29, 191S. She
was a* lueiiiKer of the hiethodiec
cfaiirch for a'anoilter of years. She
«'(u9 married .twice, to Mr.
JSoimett Xtatfmpadpi'HDd onio rhfa
iiaioQ waeJiorn two ebildreo, Mr/).
O. Walker, of Ciioleemee, sod MiVi
L- B. Aruiswortby, of Farinioff
ton. ' On* Deo. 3t, 1870 . aha imtr
ried W ..F; James, aad^ .■ onto ,thia
atuon eleyeo .obildreii,live dead fiad six living, yl^:- Mea*
damee J. O, Brook, .Q.-Ef. Orabain
and'Me^rs: jB. 0., G. b.;.'H G.
nod Janiee, of FhjmiDatoD.
She had'doty one ekter, MieB Be
hMca Kelly, of FMrnilngtoi):. Shewas a fttithtal wife;^d - a fiiil ti ful
mother. 8be n(Lijpved by all whoknew her, and wYir-vh^e' rniased In
onr homes. Be^idu(),tK^'S childteti
(lod daler mrvivin^ sis
reen eraiidohildred a'tttj'uoe
graifdclnld. She bath,<^ne what
she coujil.
Mrs. Modi Dead.
Mrs. Annie V. Mock, departed this
life Jan. 7,1919, aged 25 years and
ten months, alter a short' illness of
pneumonia. She was laid to rc»t in
SIock*a cemetery Jan. 8 1919, Rev?.
E 0. Cole conducting the funeral
services. She leaves a husband and
three small children, father mother,
funr brothers wd five sisters and a
bust of relatives and &iends to
monrn her loss. She has been a
member of Ilio.A'8 church for 13
years and alwavs lived up to her
dnties. To the bereaved ones we
extend our sympathy.
Mrs. John Ijames Dead.
Mrs, John Ijames died at the home
of her sister. Mrs. Will Owens last
Thursday monung of heart trouble,
after being' 111 buta few hours. Her
death came as a shock to the entire
town The fonerat and burial ser
vices were conducted by her pastor.
Rev. E 0. Cule. at 2:30 o'clock Fri
day afternoon, and the body laid to
rest in Rose Cemetery. Mrs. Ijames
was nearly 53 years of age at the
time of her death, and is survived
by her husband and two children, a
daughter. Miss Gelene, who was
teaching at Eiizabeth Gity, and a
son, Howard, who was, with her at
the time of her death. Her father,
Mr. Giles Howard, and one sister,
Mrs W. A. Owens, also survive.
Her husband was absent when death
came, he being at the home of bis
sister, Mis. W. C Wilson, on R 1,
helping to nurse a number of influ
enza cases. Mrs Ijames was a con*
^stent member of the Methodist
church. A good woman has been
called to her reward. The hosbahd
and children have the sympathy of
a host of friends
Bio - Obituaries -1/15/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 22,1919
W. F. Stroud
Infant Son Wagoner
An infant son of Mr. ^nd Mrs. Ea-
I Kcne Wagoner, of Clarksville,. was
[found dead in bed Monday morning.
[The little body was laid to rest at
jTurteniine Baptist church yesterday
[mnrning at 11 o'clock.
W. F. .Slroud died Satorday night
II his hfime in Winston Salem after
biiort illness of inflaenza-pneumoT
fi ia. The body was laid to rest lit
[that city Monday afternoon. A wi fe
siiui two children survive. Mr.
^troud was a native of .the County
14ne .section and a son,.•of the late
piles jjiroud. Peace to falS ashes. '
Bio - Obituaries -1/22/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 29,1919
A. M. Blackwelder
The onfortenate. accident which
resulted in the death laat Saturday
of Mr. A. M, Blackwelder, is attrib-
Qted largely. If not altogether, to
the "train hog." Mr. Blackwelder
was assisting on the train bisdaogh
ter, who had a small baby, a suit
ease and other handles, fie carried
tlie baby for her and ehe managed
the baggage oxid buadles as best she
coold. When (hey entered the car
there was no vacant seat. The
daughter was loaded with bar bag-,
gage and Mr. Biadiwelder held the'
baby. Although there were a dozen,
men seated near, not one offered a
seat. Tne train began to move and i
Mr. Blackwelder was obliged to hand!
the baby back to his daughter and |
get off. Before he could get to the'
steps the train was ihoving briskly,
land in alighting he fell under the \
tralp, receiving injuries which re- j
a ulbd in his death a few boars later.;
Infant Davis
TIk' infant of Mr. and Mrs. John]
Davis died Saturday of influenza and;
was buried Sunday at Augusta. I
Bio - Obituaries -1/29/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 5,1919
Infant Daughter Forest
The little 9 months^old daughter |
Mr and Airs Frank Forest, ofj
R. 4; died Saturday of pneumuuia j
The iittle.budy was laid to rest at;
Xorrenane Sunday.t
Virgil Foster
j \nrflril. tne 15 year-old son of Mr.
I and Mrs, N. T, Foster, died Thurs-
> dav about noon, following si month's
I illness of pneumonia and infiair.a
|tory rheumadsin The funeral ser
^ vices were conducted by Rey. E 0.
i Cole at the home Friday at 12 o'clock
rafter which the body w&slaid to rest
I at Rose cemetery. The grief-strick-
I. en parents have, the sympathy of a
I host of friends.
Nioa ChafHa Dead.
On Jan 2ad, the death angel visi
ted the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mar
shall Chaffin, of Calahatn toi^Bhip,
and claimed for its victim tlieir only
dauehter. Nina, aged 13 year? She
bad only been sick a short while of
inflaenzn, Nina bad a sweet difti^ir
tiun and was a kind and obedient
child. She was loved by her tHendi"
and all her school mates and will be
greatly missed from among them
Deceased is survived by a father,
mother and one brother to inouru
their loss To the berea^'ed on^ we
extend our heartfelt sympathy in
this their time of sorrow.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/5/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 12, 1919
Miss Powers Dead.
On Thursday morning, Feb. 6th,
Miss Annie Powers, a noble daugh
ter of a noble father. Hiram Powers,
passed away. Her Mockaville
' friends had for some weeks missed
•the fine cheery face at the window
; and had been saddened by the
i thought of seeing her there no more.
On PYiday afternoon the simple fun
eral service was conducted at the
- hixuse where the sisters, Mrs Lem-
mi and Miss Powers have lived for
{fouryears. At Joppa, the body of
1 Miss Powers was tenderly laid to rest
n in God's beautiful out-of-doors, un-'
der the snnshioe and fiowers .that
she loved. Her strong, brave spirit
has been an inspiration to many of
us and she will not be forgotten
"We cannot say and we will not say
. that she is dead. She is only away."
Annie Powers
John Smith
k Sad Acddeot '
Two sons"of John D. Smith, of the
Redland section, were going home
from a field Friday at noon. One|
of the brothers had a hammerlessj
gun on bis shoulder aiid his youoger
brother, John, was walking behind
him. In some manner the gun was
discharged and the load entered the
face of John, tearing one side of his
face oS. The young man lived about
. five hour.<!. The funeral and bnria!
services were held Sunday at 11
o'clock at Bethlehem churah. This
' was a sad accident, and the bereaved
parents and relatives have the" sym
pathy of all their neighbors.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/12/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 19,1919
Marvin SEiutIb KUIad.
A sad accident happened near
Smith Grove last Tuesday afternoon
when Marvin M. Smith was kiKed
by a Btotnp puller. Mr. Smith and
Marshall Honi were using' a horse
and chain to pull some dogwood
stomps, when the chain broke, and
the dogwood dew orsd nic Mr. Smith
on the head, lie did not seem to be '|
badly hurtattUecimo, hut in a short
while he bt-gsa to siifter severely
and iate in tlie eve/iir.g be became
unconscious, duiug vhout il:dU chat
niRht. Mr. Smilli was auout 19
years of age, and is survived bv a
widowed luoLlicr and one sister.
The body was icid to rest at Smith
Grove Tharsday morning at 11
0*cii>ck. Mr. Sinilii wa^ a member
of the Mbthr^iisc church and was a
hard working, hiuasst votvng man.
His grii'sf-stricken rnfither and sister
have the svmpathy ox all their neigh
bors and friends.
Mrs. Burgin Griffin
Young Woman Btsraed To DeatL
Mis. Bocilin (irlHio. ageil about 18 yenrs.
was burned to death, ond her n;other-ai
law. Mrs. Soean Gnlnn, oiled iiS yeaza
sustained what is cuasidered fatal bums
at their home in Coolceioae. last Monday,
by the explosion of <di tuied co kindle a ^
Are in o stove. The house and ali Ps
contents were destroyed by the lire start- ;
ed by the explosion, notlwit! iieiug saved;
from the dames. Both women ran {can-1
ilcally into Che yard end screamed for
beip. Nelghiujra nialied to the scene, but
could not snbdue the flames until all fbo |
dothind h^ bemi bonied from Mrs. Bur-1
gia GrIfRn, leaving her lb a semi-ccnocioos |
cundition, Shelingefed in great agony |
unUI Tuesday, at 2 p. in. She had Uaen j
married only one year^d leaves no chil-|
dreb. Ttae burial -'took tdoca at Fork!
Chnteh Veduesday afternoon, being* con-;
dncted by Rev. W. L« Bacrs. Mrs. Su^an
Griffin ia still in a precarious oondition as
! a re&olc of the burns, and but little hope
is ent^tained fm ber recoveiy*
Mrs. Thos, Cleary
Mrs. Thoa. Cleary died Tuesday after a
long illness with caucer and was buried
Wc^n^ay at New Union Rev. Taibitt
conducted the funeral.
Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott died Feb. 18,1919.
He was sick 4 weeks with kidney
trouble He was 8a years old six
months and four days. He was a
member of Zion Methodist church
sixty years. He is survived by a
wife, ten children, thirty three
grandchildren and fifteen great
Mrs. J. R. Deadmon
Mrs R- Deadmon:-of Safisbury,
pied Wednesday morning of -jbancer,
oRed 08 years. Mrs. Deidmon was
o native of Davie connty, and a half-
sister of H M. Deadmon, of R '4,
and an aunt of Mrs. G.. F. Strond,
ofMocksville. One brother. J.. F.
Click, of Hickory, survives. The
funeral end burial services othiurr^
ThutBday. ,
Jennie Bailey Griffin
The fboecal aetvicea of Mrs. Jonoie
Bailoy Griffin, of Cooleeme. were conduct
ed here at the Baptist ebtueh on Wednes
day, by Revs. Ridianls<m and Batrs. in
the presence of a large crowd of friends
and relatives. Deceased had a large
number of lelativea and friends in tbis
community who were saddened by her
death, especially happening Jost in the
bloom of life, and QCddemally too. Eeath
daused by burna received from likhclug a
fire with olL She leaves a father, hus
band and several brothers and sisters,'
and a host of other relatives.
Mrs. Tom Clary Do&d.
Mrs. Thomas Clary, of near Sbef-
I field, died last Monday night of can
I cer, aged about 70 years. The'body
i was laid to rest at New Union ch'urcb
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock.
I She is survived by her husband and
; two sisters.
Bio — Obituaries - 2/19/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 26,1919
Thomas Jones
Mr. Thomas Jonel, 64 years,'
died in High Point of heart, disease.
Mr. Jones was a citizen of Davie
county and lived in Glarksville town
ship the most of bis life. He went
to High Point about three weeks ago
to spend the remaining winter with
relatives. He leaves a wife and
many relatives and friends to mourn
his death.
Mrs. B. B. Stonestreet Dead.
Mrs. B. B. Stonestreet, of near
Cans, died Thunidav night, death
I resulting from tumor. The funeral
and burial services were held Satur*
day morning at Eaton's Baptist
church. Mrs. Stonestreet was about
65 years of age. and is survived by
her husband and several children.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/26/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 5,1919
Louise Ratledge
Louise the 16-nionth8-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Ratledge,
died Sunday morning at 8 o'clock of
whooping cough, burial took
place at Rose Cemetery Monday.
The parents have the sympathy of
all their friends and neighbors.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/5/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 12,1919
Mrs. H. E. Ellis
W. F. Swaim
W. P, Swtum,. of Winston^Soleni,
a brother of V. E. Swaim, formerly
of this city, died last Tne^ay after
an illness of several years with heart
Nellie Drake
Mrs. Nellie Drake, of neat Cor-
natzer, died (Urarsday night, aged
more than ninety years. The burial
cook place at Comatzer Saturday.
Sbe is survived by-four sons and one
daughter. Mrs. Drake was probably
the oldest woman in Dsvie county.
Mrs. H. E. ESlis, of Smith ^ Grove,
died Sunday evening, following a
stroke of paralyas, aged 85 years.
Tije funeral and buri^ services were
held at Smith Grove Tuesday mom
ing at 10:80 o'clock by her pastor.
Rev. Mr. Vestal, of Farmiogton.
Mrs. Ellis 18 survived by three ehild-
r^, one son and two daughters. A
mother in brael has been taken to
her reward. The bereaved ones have
the empathy of a host of friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/12/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 19,1919
Mrs. H. £. Ellis Dead.
Mrs. H. E, Ellis kriOwn to many as aunt
Hannah, died Monday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. M. Owen near Smith
Grove. Foar several years she had suffered
with paralysis, and near the end war
helpless. While her death had been ex
pected for some time yet it cast a gloom*
over all who knew her. She was bora in
the year 1832 and early in life united
with the Methodist Episcopal choroh, liv
ing a beautifal chnatlBn life. While yet
very young she became the bride of Mr.
WOllam Ellis. They lived hapidly togeth'
er fora number of yeaiBOOtil 18^ when
bis country called him to Join in the Ci^l
war. He was one of the many who gave
his life for his Goontxy, leaving a widow
vdth four small children. At times, no
doab^ahe felt the burden heavy, but
was 'always cfaeetfol and happy, ever
ready to do something for some one else,
and befwe her affliction ^ was never
too ttjed or bnsy, nor the wea*^her too
cold for her to leave her home ro go to
the bedside of some one ddi, suffezing or
dylog. We who have seen her at the
bedside of our dying loved ones; seen her
gentle touch and heard her gentle voice'
we who oucselvea have felt her tender
tOQch in honts of sickness call her an an
gel .of inetey. Before het mairiage she
was Mlas Hannah Smith, sister of the late
Jonathan Smith.-She leaves three chil
dren, Mrs. Philip Jcmes of this place, Mr.>
Frank Ellis, R. 4 and Mrs. W. M. Owen of
Smith Grove to mourn her foss. besides a
number of grandchildren: great grand
children and othtf xdativea and a large
number of friends. Our loss is * Heave's
eternal gain. A FRIEND.
Amanda West
Mrs. Amanda West died Wednesday
night at the home of her son, Bafotd near
here. She bad been in dedining health
^^severalmonths, she was 70 years of
age and her Ufe has bSen one of good to
herself, her family and friends. She
leaves several children and many .other
relatives to whom we entend our aympa-j
thy in their sad bereavement
Bio - Obituaries - 3/19/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 26,1919
Giles Hendrix
Infant Son McBride
The infant son of Mr, and Mrs.
John tficBrlde, of near Farmincrton,
died Wednesday niKht and was bar-
ied Thursday at Wyo.
Phoebe A. Peck
Mrs. Phoebe A Peck died at the
home of ber son in Hilton New York
on Mardi 8th, after a brief illness.
It will be remembered by some that
she cared for her son, Horace D.
Peck, who was sick and died here in
Mr. Giles Hendrix, of near Cool
Spring:, Iredell connty, died Wednes
day of BrighPs disease, ag:ed about
72 years, Mr. Hendrix was a native
of Davie county, and was the father-
in-law of our townsman, J. L. HoU
ton. Mr, Hendrix was a member of
the Baptist church and lived a con
secrated, Christian life, He will be;
sadly missed by a host of friends.'
A good man has been called to his -
reward. Peace to bis ashes. He is'
aarvived by bis wife and three cnii-
dren. The funeral and bunal took
place at New Hope Thursday, Revs.
C- S CashweU and J. L Teague con
ducting the funeral services.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/26/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 2,1919
Frank M. Johnson
John Hanes
- John Hanes, of Farmington town-
isnip,died Saturday ev^ng of drop
let ased about 75, following: a pro-
Itrecied illness. Tbe was laid
Ito rest at Bethlehem Monday mom-
Frank M. Johnson Dead.
Mr. Frank M. Johnson, one of the
oldest and best known citizens of
Mocksville, died at bis home on
North Main Street Monday morning,
following a long illness, aged 81
years and 6 months. The funeral
services were conducted at the Me
thodist Church Tuesday by his pas
tor, Rev. E. 0. Cote, after which thc-
body was laid to rest at Rose ceme
tery. Mr. Johnson is survived b>
his wife, many relatives and a hosi
of friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/2/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 9,1919
Mary Ophelia Blaylock
MoAer of R. A. Blaylock Dead'
Oa Tuesday nfght about 10 o'clock BSia:
Maiy Opbelia Blaylock. widow of the late
WUiam ABIaylo^ passed away at Ra
leigh at an age of 77 yean. She had
been a sufferer of artedc sclereds t. Cor' a
long time and la Wvlved. liy ' twdv sons.
Messrs. H. H. Blaylock with whom she
made her home, and Robert A.-. Blayloc^
of this place, and oi.e biotber, BIr; Bap-
riaon CMk, of Davle County.
The funeral aervicea will be - conducted
by Rev. C. S. Galdwell and int^ent 'wii]
he thb afternoon at 8 o'clock at'. Rock
Sprinu The deceased has been a devotn
member of the Baptist chmcb for about
60 years respected' and beloved., by. all
who knew hei. an upright Christian motiih
er who lived ooly for her dmrch and her
cfaildreD.-*State8Ville Sentinel.
T. R. Walsh
. Former Editor Dead. n
Mr. T. R. Wal^. a former eilaz^
of UockfiviUe, and at one dme editor
of The Davie Titn^, died at bfs
home in HlckOi^' Satordav^'^t^,
noon. Tlte bqdy. was brooght-jto
Mod^ and laid C^irc^
at Rose C^met^,' Ruv.'E. P. iprad-
lejjcondactioff rae bnrial seryiceB.
Mr .Walsh Id euryiv^ by.a-wi^^^^d'
several Children Peace to hid a^'ea.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/9/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 16,1919
Mrs. Robert M. Daniels
Miss Jeonie Binghan Dead.
Miss Jennie Bfpgbam, a native of
Mccksyiile, died at Lincolnton San-
day, aged 79 years, of heart disease.
The inany friends of Miss Bingham
will be sorry to leam of her. death.
The funeral and burial services were
held in Lincolnton Sunday afcernoon.
Mfs.Robeh. M.-DSni&a,• died Wedhesdaj^r mox^ng aftae^ a
ong illness with dropsy/ag^-48
^ews, 9 months and 14 dayaiM^.^e
^ was laid to rest at> Oak d^ve
^Ursday morning at 11 o'cld^,
Waiter Dodd • condacting. the
services. Mw. Danid ^ &^ber of the Seventh'Day Adyen-
« She is survived by tier. |iuaf
fltij i children, two brotli'eia
two sisters.
Thomas Stonestreet
Thomas, the uifant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Stonestreet, of near
Craa, died Sunday of whooping
cough, and was buried Monday at
Bio - Obituaries - 4/16/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 23,1919
Mr. Wesley Cbilden Deadl
Ur. Wesley Ghildeiis died at, bis
home in this city early Thnr^ay
isprnisf after a short illness of in-
flaenea-ifneumonia aged about 32
veais. Mr. ehilders is survived by
his wife and two small children.
The body was carHed to Bethlehem
church Friday afternoon and laid to
rest, Rev, E. 0, Gole conducting the
funeral services. Mr. Ghilders was
a good citizen and wm well liked by
all who knew him. He was a mem
ber of the Methodist church and al
so a member of Mocksvllle Council
of the Junior Order. A number of
the Juniors attended the funeral and
he was buried with Junior honorsr
The Record eztends sympathy to the
bereaved wife and children.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/23/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 7,1919
Infant Son Jones
The week-old infant son of - Mr.
and Mrs. Qeoige Jones died Tbnra-
day eveninsT and was laid to re^ at
Rose cemetery Friday. * J
Grady Rat ledge
The funeral services for Grady
Satledge will be held at Chestiiiit
Grove on the third Sunday. io-;- &r,
at 3 o'clock, by Ray/J. M. Waft, of
Bio - Obituaries - 5/7/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 14,1919
Infant Son Ratledge
I'Sietffo weds old son of Mr* and
Ub 6. Ratledge died Wednes
jfgptnal meningitis. The little
i; was laid to rest'at Rose ceme-
Nancy Smith
Mrs. Nancy Smith died last Sator*
day and waa laid to rest at New
Union Sunday
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, May 14,1919
Btir of Fnd Beit Bnad.-
WlDston-Salem, May 12,—The
body of Fred Holti the young
man who was drowned in the
Yadkiu rlvor last Wedneeday
near the Forsytb«Davie bridge
while trying to secure a 'dnck.
shot and killed by. him, was
found Sunday morning as it
passed over the dam of the power
house owned and operated by
the Southern Public UtDities
company. The men at the pow
er house had been watching for
the body, believing that the
swollen stream would bring it
down in a few days. After its
recovery it was brought to an
undertaliing establishment here
and prepared for burial. The
funeral service "was held ibis
atternoon.and interment was in
the Baptist graveyard at Olem-
monsk Xl^e docease^l sorvived
by bis parents and two Lroihers.
HUligQ was ^xle^ yeard.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/14/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 21,1919
W. H. Parnell
Mrs. Dav/id Dyson
Mrs David Dyson died last Mon
day and waalaid to r^t at New Un
ion Toeaday^
W. H. Painetl died at the State
Hospital* Morganton, last Thursday
The body was brought here and laid
to .rest at Joppa Friday morning.
Mr. Pamell was about forty years of
age, and is survived by bis parents,
one sister and three brothers. Mr.
Pamell held a prominent portion
with the Soutiiern Railway for many
years, and was for some time Dis
trict Passenger Agent, with head-
qiiariei^ in Texas. His health failed
some three years ago. and he was
forced to give up his work. He ban
many friends throughout thia sec
tion who will be sorry to learn of
his death.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/21/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 28,1919
Mary Ijames
Mra. Mary Ijair.es died Wednes
day at the home of her daughter
near Winston-Saleni, aged about, 72
years. The body was brought to.
Center and laid to rest Tbursd^ af
ternoon. Mrs. Ijamra spent most of
bar time with her son George Ijames
in North Mocksvilie, but had recent
ly gone to visit her daughter. She
was a good woman and leaves sev
eral sons and one or moj» daught^
b^des a host of relatives.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/28/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 4,1919
F. M. Roberts
F. Af. Robertffi for twenty years
o^ner and manager of the. Roberts
^^wareCo , WiiiBtoiiSaimii, died
last week, aged years. Mr. Rob*
ert8.bad many friends in Davie who
will be Bofry to learn of his death.
Infant Daughter Howard
The three-vear-bld daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. John L. Howard, of
B. 4,. died Wednesday of colitis, and
the little body was laid to rest at
Oak Grove Thursday morning at 11
o'clock. The parents have toe sjnn-
patoy of .all their friends and n«gh-
bois. .
Lillian Minor
TmUan; the Dt^
and .Mrs. J. Minor, died Fndayaft^hooh at fohr o'clock,
yiSars and ax- mpnths. We
body was earned, to PbrkSaturday afternoon and
Rev. B. Pe Bradleytoe funeral and bunal. service-
'Suffer little childr^ ®?i2.them.'noti'for • P?®?.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/4/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 11,1919
G. W. Bowies
Alex Myers
Ur. Alex Myers, of Gooleemee,
died last Wednesday of inflnenza-
pneamonia, aged 19 • years.
body vras carried to Oak Grove
Thursday afternoon and laid to rest,
Rev. R. N. Richardson eondncting
the funeral exen^is. The
was bttri^ with Jr.*Oider- anj
Men honors. The parents and one
brother and sister survive. .
Mrs. James Wellman
Mrs. James Welim^, of K. 2,
-died Thnr^ay after a lingering ili-
ness of tobercnloBis, aged about 50
yeara. The funeral and burial sei^
vices were held at Oak Grove Metho
dist churidi Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Mrs. Wellmau is snrvived
by her husbmid, many relatives and
Mrs. €L W- Bowles Dead.
Mrs. 6. W. Bowles died Satordsv
evening at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lee Penry, in Winston-Sa-
lem, after a two months illne^, aged-
about 87 years. The body was
brought to Mocksvllle Sunday after-
noon and'lrid to rest at Oah Grove.
Sirs. Bowles is survived -hy two sons
and two dauhhters. Lonnle Bowks,
of near Mocksville, Ghariie- Bowies;
of Texas, Mrs. H. G. Merpney, of
this city, and Mrs. Lee Peniy, of
Bio - Obituaries - 6/11/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 18,1919
Oscar Craven
Killed By Uglitauig. ^
Mr. Oscar Graven, a prominent
farmer of-the Coddle Creek eectipn,
was struck and instantly killed - by
HghtninRdorins: the.-storm yester
day afterroon. He was reaping and
the two moles to the reaper' were
also killed.-—Statesville Landmark,
Infant Daughter Howard
I Th^six-mohthsolddaukterbf Urt
I and SiK Henry Hpw^
Young Daughter Foster
The thrce year-old daughter of
Mr. and ilfs Robert L. Foster, of
near Smith Grove, died last w^k and
^&s buried at Bethlehem Monday
afternoon. I '
Pinkney Trivette
Pinkney Trivette, o^near Oourtney
died last week aged about 81 years.
Burial at Courtney. -
Bio - Obituaries - 6/18/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 25,1919
Henry Riddle
Bio - Obituaries - 6/25/1919 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY