Jan - JunDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1918 Sir. Stewart Dead. Mr. Marion Stewart, who lived east of the depot, died Wednesday morning after a ten day's illness with lock bo.we), aged 26 years. The bnrial took place at Pleasant. View Baptist chorch, near County line, on Dmrsday. Mr. Stewart is snrcviyed by his wife and two little chiibren. fa^er. mother, ^veral brothers and sistersJ Mr.'Stewart moved to MocksvUIe about a year ago from near County Line; He was a good, honest, industrions citizen, and his fomily have the sympathy of- the town in their affliction. Mrs. J. M Poplin Dead. Mrs. J. M. Poplin, of near Mocks- ville. died Wednesday evening of last we^. after an illness of some time with tuberculons. , The funeral and burial services.were held Iharsday afternoon at 8 o'clock by her pastor. Rev. T. P. McCulloh. and the. body laid to rest in, -Bethel churchyard. Deceased leaves several sons; and daughters, and a host of friends to Sihourn her iofs. Her husband pre- ceeded her to the spirit land about threer months ago. A good woman has;been called to her reward. The (^iidren have the sympathy of a host of friends. Mrs. Samnel.TittDer Dead. Mrs. Samuenpitaisei;' of Monbo. died ^Thnisday eveniog. .following a short- Ill ness of pneomoida. aged 63 years. The body-wasbnmgbt tolMocksvlUe Friday afternoon, ood-the funeral services wexa held at-|ha residence of Mr. J. J. Eaton SatiiidBy.^-inoroiag 11 o'cloch., afcw whidi the body was laid to rest in the Clement graveyard. Rev. E, 0. Cole, assisted by Rev. E. P. Bradloyi conducted the fUneral' oM bui^ servicea. Mrs. Tamer beforel her marriage was Miss Amelia Eaton., She is'survived by her husband, twoibrothec^ Ifesbis. Joe Eaton of Mochsviile. and 0. B.E8ton.of Wnstoo. and (Hie sister. Miss .'Clanche Eaton, of Hocksville. Mrs. Thmer^was a consistent miember of the Methbclist chorch. A good woman baeLbeeo'called.toh^r reward. Margaret Gaither Mrs* Margfloret Gaitfaer, of Connly Lind, ob Qnistmas ffay at tfae homb of her danghtef. Mrs. Calvin Godbeyi^^ about 82^ yeate. The funeral id bnrial eervicea Wehcid, Dee.'26tb, at Silem chui^ PotiF 'diild^ snryive, one eon iand three dangbters... Agipbd vibAan Imab^ eadi^ to hot reward. ; * ' Claud Howard ^ Ke^ was received here Honday'.of last ww; telliil^lie death of Claud Howidf^- at_ Gainp Jack«)n.. Mr. •HoWartilv^ent to camp just 'about tiiree we^ befor^ his deai^., His father' ^ally Howard, liv^ near Snutli Grove.; The cause of death is; • The .H'®- H. P. Guffy H. P. .Guffy, of Concord.'died last Toesdsy night at Long's Sanitbrium at Statesville, aged ^ years. He is survived by his wife and two daugfa- ters, and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Guffy, of Rowan qounty. Bio - Obituaries — 1/9/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 16,1918 Infant Daughter Jones The infant daughter of Mr, .andMts. George Jone8.i^ed''^Wj^^^^ snd was burial at cematery ^fsday, Rey. Bl 6. ^le amdhgt- lojitbefaDerid servic^,^ The par- ^tsbave the.syiDpiatlv.o£-a boat 'of friends. ^ i V - I3rs. J. M, FppKd. Mca. J. M. Poi^ watt away from ba. loved ones oa eartb Jai^ 2,1918, to join those wfao had gceced^ her to **the land beyond the tidV only a shoit time fqi^ was lai'd to .rest at &thid. The fun* ei^ .services woe^comhimed by her pas tor. • had-beat a pat^raaffeterfiom teoncbial i^ble 'for qoi'te a • whUe^ and for oome time has beetf consdo^ chat the end'WOO near; wqold'often ontreat her loved ones to prepare tiiOisaelvos for. her odpaiture. ahdaaked them ho^. to . 8devo for hot rather as she-was f^dy to ^ and would be out of her suf^ She'wlU'be missed hot' bnlv by her loved -'one^ Imt the- coauntmity in whiehfiheliv'ed fo^ her many deeds 'of Mndn^ 'Sh(^>flfleyer leady tO '(to ^ in her powei iih.^eve the rfok- snf- wasndeded.' Ha life was Ihde^ -on in- gpftytfqn In'many wji«. She pMseased la wdttdtoi power of/ i^dum th^h a^as' ^er nedM^tO' mhrintir at 'cdmpkiip.: alwa^ bowlp^^ humble .sahmlssion .to fthft of h^^TOaveniy- Fatha iicn dqa old moth^, Hoa ^11 listen in vain, for the voice* yon lew hever hear May you aU follow thetehc4lDgiof'the«ech narf lovrty Je^' and Rvb the life that' will give sw an eh- tian^ Into tto 'rbeautlfirt gai^' where father and little l^cr.. wiU be Bio - Obituaries - 1/16/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23,1918 Mrs. M. E. Caton Another aged mother of Idrael'l^ pdssed away. M.. iQ. Cafon passed S^nj^ay niorniDg[4ap.* 19 at the bbnie^her d&oghterrMrs; T. M, Shhrnw^, Mrs* Catbn >was taken witH^^neaindiiia Chnstmaii day and ha^ imssed .oVer Che worst stages of'tk^disease nntil heart tronbleset in^ldrs. Caton lis^ always l.ived in p^e Cbi^t^ . - SSe^as as sistep to the 1^ Mr. Wj R. Bsiley andis'snr- yived;6y one- sbter' Mrs.* Sueanpa WlUi^bs of ElbaviHe.' , Bailey was married to : Mr.' Alf.'Catch in 1^0 and'to thpni weri^ .holj^ fivesoDS/and'; fibe .dahi^hbersV Ontv two of-her childr^^have lived to^her paasaway. . Mis;. D.. Q. Litfim'o&a of. Morristo^n. ^ehnesee and'^UvB.'T.^^ Sheriher of Aj^valnce widi whom she has made-hef tinhebei' h^slKu^ d^th : y/^rs ago;., "li.' " ' " The.fane^ and bhrial -plpee at the^M. B Chnrch^eW Mbn* day at eleym pAclo^r . ) • Bio - Obituaries -1/23/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 30,1918 J. M. Latham . Mr. J. H, of neat Pino; died last Tuesday afternoon, ajced M years. The funeral and burial services were held at Wesley's Cha pel Thursday mdmincr ai IX o'clock, bis pastor. Rev. Vestal condujeting the services. Mr. .Latham was a Confederate soldier, and a good man. He is ^survived by sis sons and-a host .of relatives' aiid friaids. Peace to hie ashes. Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1918 Tobitha James Sheets Mrs. Tobitba Jatnes SbeeM, pas?^ from life onto death, on Sanday mommgJan. 20th 1918, and was laid to rest at Fulton churchyawf oh Tuesday* aftemoon.- Mrs. Sh^ta had b^n sids for a month with par alysis. She was 40 ye^ of age, s^d is auryived by a husband and seven children,^ Barld conducted by Rev. J, fi. Br^dall.^ J. M. Bennett .v*^'A ^neti, superintendent of the WiDston-Salem division of theSouthern Railway .diai Thnraday fpllowinga Bio — Obituaries - 2/6/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1918 j Sallie Ellb Foaad.Dead. : Mris Sallle Ellis, of Advance,, was fott&ddeadin bed about. 6 o'clock 'Sonday morning' by her daoghter, 1 Mrs. Bud Fables. Mrs EUlis bad I suffered from a severe headache qn ' Saturday ev^ii^, but it was i. not ! thought to iiS' ^ious. The body , was 8^11 warm when discover^, at d Dr. Watkins was hastily .sommobed. 'After an examination he found'-that 'd^ath was due to heart trouble, fhe f funetal^ and - burial services were n heU Tu^day afternoon. Mr8.;£U{8 Is^rvlvedby one daughter^'.'Mrs. Bud Peebles, with whom., she lived, and aeveral brothers and .dstera. Mrs Ellis W8S a inember of ;the Methodist church, an^ was a.conse* crated Christian woman, ^e will be sadjy missed in the Advance section. A mother in Israelfhas been ciiUcd to her reward. Infant Rummage An infant of Mr. and .-Mrs. Ross Rttma)age.of Cana, died Thui^day morning and was buried'Friday... Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20,1918 Amy Minor Mrs.' Amy Minor passed atvay to the great beyond Saturday after an illoesa of several weeks. Mrs. Minor made her home with her daughter, .Mrs. G. • Tolbert. As this aged mother in Israel goes to her reward/she leaves behind a brother, a aister,'two sons add one daughter, and a nniiiber of grand- ohildreo. Mrs. Minor was a mem "ber ol (be Baptist oh arch, and was. a consecrated woman. The fouer ,al was CDudacied at the Tolbert home-Monday and the burial was atPorkChorch' beside her hns- band wLo preceded her aevemi years. ' n . John F. Mitchell ' Prof. John F. Mitchell, county Boperintcsnflenf o£ died-^esday morning of last week. foUowing^ short moiiia. Heis -aurvtv^ by bis wife.who was Miss AdaRmty. of Court- hey, and three children, two of whom are now lll with pneumonia. Amy Minor Mrs. Amy Minor, of-Advance, died Saturday night at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Gannon Tolbert, after a long illness. She is survived by several sons and daughters, among them being Prof, .tobn Minor, of Mocks^ile. A go.od wo^ man has been called to her eternal resting place. . To the bereaved ones I The Record extends sympathy. Mrs. W, R, EfHs. death of aqch a lady -as Mrs. W. R. Rlila deserves more than a passing notice, .£^rly in life she be- cainea member of the Methodist church and her consistent Ciuistian life sboiifed the sincerity of her re- iigioD. Tbh deceased was greatly beloved by all who knew her. Qpt amiability of temper, her loveliness of character, her^remarkable cheer- fulness and happy contented* dispo sition. ber'ntter want of selfishness, her fidel^ to doty, her devotion to her hushed and her untiring loving care of her'child. all combined to make her a model woman, fri^d. wife and mother, and the remem brance of her many excellencies of character will fae'a precious comfort to her griel-stTicken f&milv and friends.' She leaves one daughter. Mrs. C. D Peebles, and two grand children, Sallie Elizabeth.and -Wiley Bllis Peebles. Our loss, is her etern al gain. A FRIEND.. Ruth Parker Phillips ' The .many friends of Mrs. Ruth Parker Phillips will he pained to^ learn of her death, whidi occurr^' Saturday'morning at her home in Winston Salein. Mrs. Phillips lived in Mocksville several years ago. and is. the daughter of Rev.,P. E Parker. A husbknd and an ii^ant SurviVe. Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1918 Bob Cornatzer Mr. Bob Cbrnatzsr, of near Cor natzer, died Sunday, and wasbaried here MozidBy afternoon. Mr. Cor natzer was about 30 years of age, and is survived by a wife and five children. The funeral services were conducted by Dr. J. H. Brendall, pastor of the Methodist church here. Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1918 J. N. Ledford Drowns Himself.^ J. K. Lsdfoid. a piomtnent mercbant of Cooleeme^ diownad hioiself Monday eve* Hide between 8 and 9 o'clock, in the miU face near the Cooleemee floor tinUI; • His body was found aboat one o'dofdc Tues day mcroine. A heavy weight was tied afound his nock. A note was found in bis dBce safe telli^ wheie bis body could be found, it is thought that Ul-Wltb is responsible for the awful tragedy. Mr. Ledford's family resides^ln Chaciotte. Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1918 JobD Ray EatOD. Dead. - Thdmatiy friends of John Ray Eaton, who lived near Gaha for many years, will be saddened to learn of bia deatb, whicn ocearred at John Hopkins Hospital, Balti more. last Wednesday night, follow ing an operation for brain trouble. The body was brongfat home ^iday and laid to rest Saturday at Eaton's Baptist Church. Mr. Eaton is sur vived by' bia mother and several^ brothers and slaters.* For several years Mr. Eaton was- in charge of the'farm demonstration work at the A. &• ftf. College, at Raleigh. A few years ago he went to Alabama and remained there for a time looking after the State College farm.- A boot two years ago he returned to North Carolina and went to Sampson county to take charge of. the large farm of Hon. Marion Butler. He was running this farm at Uie time be was stricken with brain fever. John Ray E^ton was a young man of sterling Qualities, and his death is a distinct loss to the county and state. To know him was to love him. The editor-of The Record has lasts good friend. Peace to his ashes. Jake Haneline - Jake Haneline. who lived near Smith Grove, died Wednesday morn ing of tuberculosis, aged about 32 years, Be Is survived by his moth er and two slaters and^ 7 brothers. The funeral and hnrial services were conducted at Elhaville church Thurs day afternoon. Clifford Eaton Qiftord Eaton, son of Mr. and | Mrs. O. B. Eaton, of Winston-^lein, died last Wednesday, after a short' illn^ of heart disease, aged'19 years.: The funeral^ and .barial* ser-! vices were heldTTbursday. Clifford | was a bright young man and his death is a severe shock to bis rela- ^ tives and friends here. Bio - Obituaries - 3/20/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27,1918 Frank A. Martin Former Dayie Cbooty Man Dead. Mr. Frank A Martin, one of the best known readeuts of Winston,' died Sandar morn^nEp at his home, 621 Trade street. He was a son of the late Or. J. F. Marrio and Mrs. Martin, and vas born in Davie county. His age was 63 years. He had been ill for some time. Surviving are Mrs. Martin, two sons and one'daughter; also three grandchtldreh; one sister, R, A. jamison, of Mocksville, and one brother. Dr. John K. Martin of Pat rick county, Va. Mr. Martin was married on May 8.'1882. to Miss £va Hendreh, who survives. Infant Daughter Cashwell The one year-old daughter of Rav, and Mrs. Leary Cashwell. of'.Corne lius, died at Long's vSanatoriam. Statesville, last Wednesday. Their many friends here will be raddened to learn of their great, loss, •;; • CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 27,1918 Jake Haneline Jaikti Hanetine at one timf a rneideut of SaMsbary. died at the home of hi? mother in Davio CoDuly last week f^'om the effecte ot tnhercnloeiB, Whilo in Salisbury he was engaged iu the piumbing basiness. Bio - Obituaries - 3/27/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1918 Mrs. James Eaton Elizabeth Clement IiSizabetb. tbe litUe daughter, of Ir and Mis. Ray Client, of Hon* t>, died last week of xmetunotiia, -.v . Mrs. jam^ Eaton who has beeQ| ill for some time, died Sunday night atthebomeof her'.daugbt^. Mis. J. P Green, death resultlog paralysis. .The fune^ .and burial sfflFviees were conduct^ Tuesday at; Eaton's Gbimdi by Rev; G. S. Cash^j W|^« of Statesville. Deeea^ wa^ a consecrated (^ristian woman, and leayes'o^y .rMatives and-friends mourn bier d^ti^. . • * Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1918 Alonzo Collette Mrs. Alvis Davis Mrs. Alvis Davis, who lived with her daa^hter, Mrs. L. L.- Miller, at Pino, died- iast Wednesday nlsht after a Ions illness, aged abont 80 years. Hie ftmeral and buci^ ser vices were held at Eaton's Baptist church Friday momiDg at .11 o'clock. Mrs. Davis leaves three dauithtera and four sons, besides a host of re latiyes and frieadst A good woman has been called to her reward. Alonzo Collette. formerly of hear' Cana. but who has been working in Winston-Saleni for some time, died, ^tiirday morning of pneumonia, aaed 21 ycarP- The body w bTOuedi^ here Saturday and carried to the home of his mother." • The fa- neral and bdrial services were held at Eaton's Baiitist -Cfanrch Sunday, afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr, Collet^ lived in MocksviUe for some time, and was a fine youflir He was a member of tbo Baptfat Ghurch; and'while.here was a regular atten: dant of the Baptist Baraw Qass; His many friends here will be pained to learn of his death.. He was bur ied With Junior Order honors by Mbekeville Coondl. of wm^he to a-memb^.. • Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1918 W. A. Luckey W. A. Lackev, of Clevdand. Sanday' -afteraooD, aged 91 The fnneral and barial ser* held Monday afteraoon "lock. OapC. liQokey wan an nn'ele d™ townsman G. A Allison, whoatte^^the foneral services. Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 1,1918 Ellis Lakey Mr. ESlis^key dtedl^^^^rmr iBSrtoa Saturday, at tfae^^v^ced of 8i years. Dea^ was dae to paralys^ 1!lie foner^ andf burial '^does were held Mc^day at Wes- les^sGhapel. Mr. Ell^ had ill for. aWt eight y^t^He was a Gonfed^te veteran. rH'hostqf-^ 'Utiyeeahdfn^destii^We. ' Mr. Wiiliara Beck Dead. Mr. WilHam Beck..a good citizen of Davie county, living near Cana, di^ last Tuesday night, fonowmg a long iilne^ of peflegra. The funpr- al and burial services were held at Eaton*^ Baptist church, and was hdd in high esteem by his neighbors and friends. Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 8,1918 Sirs. J. L Holtbnv ^es Saddeuily^^ . The entii^ town- was shocked dSon- dsy about ho6n when U was learned that Mrs, J. L. flolton had died sud denly<: fioltoniHad been In the sardeq and .camefh^ the bouse com* plaidngol; a hea^be She'was suddeqly -stricken with appoplexy. and iivc^itut a fetfv * minutes. Mrs. Holton was about 40 years. of age, and bsurvived by'her hnsband and four QtUIdreo. • sons and one daughter, the' ydapgest - child being abont 6 years old. Her lhther also survives,"and .fiyes near River Hill. FoD^raljaiTaDgemSnts have hot been roade^thisarddeis written. Mrs Holton a good woman, and was loved. by all who new her. To the loved^ones^lleft behind. The Record extends, deep sympathy in this hour of sadfiess, MrVHdlfon is'also ill with neqralgia. Bio - Obituaries - 5/8/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 15,1918 Harriet DeLorme Howard f In. SSemory. 'Mrs. Qairiet DeLorme Howard bom inSumter,- S. C., March 81. 1850 and dl^'jn.tSdlsbnry, N.. C., April 18,1918. aged sixty.elgfat years, and eiebteen (^ys. ' ' > Daring hCT^rjy Mite • she .was .ai nrember of Pr^byterian chnrcb in Samter. S -G. She was married to Mr. T. FJ Howard, of Davie coan- ty-. N. C, and after'living for sev? eral years 19 Sdmter they moved to Davie. While Jiying at Advance, Mrs. Howard was-a faithfa) mem ber of the \ Methodist • Episcopal «harch^ later moving- hep member ^ip to the first M. E. chnrch of Salisbury, of wfaicb'sbe was a mem- 'ber at the time of her death. She was the mother of foa'r chil dren, two sonS dying in infancy. The husband ahd.two daughters still survive. Those being Mr. T. F. Howard, and-^rs. F. E. Thompson, of Salisbury, and Mia. J. ; S. Shntt, of Advance^ .She. leaves twelve grandchilrlren:and two great grand children, also-two'sisters, Mrs. Liz zie Brscy. of Flonda. and Mrs. Ten* sia Brown, of Bumter, S. C. She was a- kind an.! affectionate wlfe-aad mother, and nainbered her friends by .(hose who knew her. She has been a patient sufferer for a number of-years, her health fail* ing scvera].years ago. but she was .only confined to her faeci about three weeks with an attack of grippe and m^rial fever • which she endured patiently untir the end. .She said she was ready to die aov time. ft&s Mamie Moore Dead. Mi^ Mamie Moore', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Moore, of Clarks ville township, died. Sunday after noon of tuberculosis, aged about 33 years. The funeral and burial ser vices were held yesterd^ afrernoon at Ghestnut Grove churdbi. Rev. J M. • Wall, of Harmony, conducting the services. Miss Moore leaves a father, mother, two sisters and one brother. Hie bereaved ones have the sympathy, of all their.neighbors and friends. Thomas Cornatzer Clara Stroud Clara, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stroud, died Thursday of whooping cough. The burial cook- pluce at Clarksbury Friday. 1 David Livengood Mr.; David Livengood. aged about 75 vears. died at his home near Je rusalem Wednesday. The body was carried to Saliriiury and laid to rest, A wife and several cbiidren survive. Mr. Thomas Cornatzer. aged 68 years, died at his home near Bixby last Wedh^py rooming from an at tack of paratinitis. The funeral and burial mrvice^ were held Thursday morning at eleven o'clock, and the body laid to rest at Shady Grove cemetery. Advance, A ' wife and three daughters survive. Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1918 David C. Livengood A Tribute*.. David C. Livengood, died at hJa home, near Jenisaiem. DaVie ctnuity May 8. 1918,78 years, tl moaehs aod 11 days oU. The writer has known Idm well dnee t^bood. From a mere child he was pure in life, dean in chonght and langaage,and fanhless In'conduct. He was preeminent In gqdd iniprese^ aU who knew iMtth i^.hYghltgpe of chiistiah char acter. He ti^-ajiiMiihtmident rtf bis eab- tath'scbodi^t^jry^^ wttll be was iocapa^t^^ by dd. age,'and Hmuasa m^of ^gratefiil af^reciatlqii, for past serviceSa ihe duueh made bim s^erintendeii^jf emed^ tor Uf^ He e^ild sing wett'and';wa8 gifted in prayer Ha was valuable in aU forms of Christian service. He'^as liberal in bis concrlbo- Honstothe.cbdcdi 'and CO all forma of benevolence. > He seemed ever yooog. in edrii^ attracdng and bbldiog the atten* Hen aod te^iect of .childcen. He was a good n^ghbor and loyal cltteeo, having served with copspico^ gaUancry in the armies of bis c^ciy'in the,great war of ^tes. At bom^ he wa8*a peaceful law abiding citizen, never, in bis long life, hat^ bad tte shgbtest trouble In the coo^ In the ohiueb, or in community diltolties. His quiet, peace loving Christian demeanor won for him the un* bounded confidence Of alt who knew him. At alt periods ^ his life, he was good for.' earth nud rea^y for Hraven. fie Rved a sttcoessful farmer's life, w (th in a half a mile of where he was bom, IHiewastwIce'inairied. Of the first onion, ! there lemaiim only a granjlson whom he I raised and 'edncat^ t» honorable aod soccessfol manhood. Of the second, there were 'only a spn and a daughter whom be educated at |he best schools in the com- mnnlty^l-thahon a full graduate of Trinity College and at present, in the employ of the great American Tobacco Company, in Darharo. Tbe'daogbter is also married and fsaioguiaiiy happy and successful. **! have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous fotsakeQ nor his seed begging bread.** The loving appreciation and t^e devoted affection of these children and that of the grandson was beantifiiUy cottching. Bio - Obituaries — 5/22/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1918 A lemarkable Uuog in the life this 'gobd man was the faot that, in all these yeais, be has lived a. loyal and earnest Baptist and hia dear wife, a traly good woman, just as loyal and as earnest a metliodisr, dfvellitig was the home I of the Baptist and Methodist preachers alihe. The one was as carefuily cared for I and as well treated as theotiier, by both of these stetUna Christians How happily these devoted people walked down tb.e steeps of rime, band in hand, heart to i heart, lovingly agreeing *to disagree in matters of church creed, she attending j with lum his Sunday School, church meet> logs and revival services. Ail this in so I sweet a spirit as to challenge the wonder and the admiration of frieods and neigh- {bob,. Stern and rigid as the oak in their 'cOQVicrions yet gentle-as'the evening ze- , .. , pbyrs in their loligioua tolerance. . n Chestnut Hili Cemetery jUt Salisbury. At last, when the end caiiie,>'theie | where the body will quietly rest nnril the weceat the bier a Bdpilit .preacher and a great Resurrection Day., Methodist preacher, their respective pas* -May the good Lt^, cenderlv bless and tors on equal terms, to perform the fun-1 comfort the aged wlf^ rite devoted chiU oral rights, .in the presence of a large con* dren and tbe1ovjrtg"grandsoo, in this hour course of sottowing friends and neighbors, of sore trial, and may they realize that Amid a profusion of costly and beautiful there is no death—that what men call flowers.bocae In the hands of bis old sol* death is only the gate way tbcoogh whic)i dier friends, aa.bmiorary pall bearere, at- the soul sweeps Into a fuller, larger, rich- testing the obmmnmries luv« and regarii, or, happier life, .• the remains were conveyed io the beauii- LIFE-LONG FRIEND AND NEIGHBOR. Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 29,1918 William J. Ellis Dead« Mr. William J. Ellis', one of the oldest and best known- citizens of Winston, died Monday. Mr. Ellis had been in declining health for sev* eral years, bat had onlv been criti> cs|1ly ill for a few days'. The deceased was born in Davie county near Advance on October 23, 1835, and at his death bis age was 82 years.', six months and twenty seven days. He served thru the (Mvil War, a.s a lieutenant in the 42nd regiment. His early youth was snent on the farm, bat after he had completed his edacatioQ he taught school for a number of years. In 1887 he engag ed in the tobacco, business in Win- ston-Salem and in 1889 he moved his family from' Davie'county to this city, where they have resided since During his residence ' here he was for four years deputy' collector of infernal revenue, and from -1896 to 1900 was assistant postmaster, un der the late Phillip Lybrook. The deceased is survived by Mrs. Ellis and fi ve' chiidr..>n as follows: Mrs Ralph J Ramer of-Anderson S. C; W. B Ellis. York. Pa ; T. J. Ellis, of Advance;'C. W. Ellis, of Greenville, S. C ; and R. L Ellis, of Ashevilfe.. A short funeral .service was con- dncted from tHebnme on Tuesday at 12:30 o'clock, by. Rev. J. D Will iams The-funeral proper was con ducted at l^bAviile M. P. church, near Advance. Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock ' The inferment followed in the church graveyard Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 5,1918 MrsW. F« Bro^ Dies* Mrs. W. F. Brock died of pneu- moniaatherhonie in Mt Airy lasc Sunday rooroiog at ten o'clock, hav* ing been ill only ance three o'clock on Saturday. • Mrs. Brock was a Miss Ferabee be fore her marriage to Mr. Brock about axty years ago.. She was burn in Davie county and had passed her eighty first birthday. husband died in the war between the states I and left her with Wo 8ons,.T. .N. and iW. F.'Broek. • . J. M. Somers J. M. Somers. a native of Davie county, but for many years a resi dent of Salisbury; died at* his home in that city a few days ago, at an ad vanced aee. A wife and several children survive. Infant Benson The three-months old child of MK and Mrs. Fx K..- Benson died lastMonday nignt of pneuroonia, and was laid to rest Tuesday afternoon at Rose Cemetery. The ^bereaved: parents have. the sympathy of all; their friends. Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 12,1918 E. D. Davis Mr. G D. Davis, of Winston Sa> lem. died last Tuesday, aged 2$ years.' He was a native of Davie county, and leaves several brothers who live at Advance. Infant Son Clement The inflht son of. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clement died early Saturday morning and was laid to rest at Rose cemetery Saturday afternoon. The bereaved parents and relatives have the sympathy of a host of friends. Bio - Obituaries — 6/12/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 19,1918 T. F. Young T. F. Young, of Salisbury, died last week, aged '62 years. Mr. Young a native of Davie county, buthadl^nin buainess in Salis bury for many years. Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1918 filrs. Amanda Howard DeaA. Mrs. Amanda Howard, wife of Mr, Giles Howard, died at'ber hom^ on North Main street Friday, moro- inff, June 21st, at 11 a. m., at the advanced age of 88 years and 8 mon ths. Mrs. Howard had. been con fined to her bed for 18 months, as a resalt of a fall by which shesostalo* ed a broken hip. Deceased leaves a husband and two danghters, Mrs. J. N. Ijames and Mrs W. A. Owen. Mrs. Howard had been a resident of Mocksville for 65 years and was known and loved by all our' people* Die funeral and burial services were conducted by her pastor. Rev. E 0 Cole, at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon, and the body laid to ^est in Rose Cemetery. A mother in Israel has gone to her reward. Daughter Swicegood . The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swicegood, of Cooleemee, died Thursday and was burled at Bear Creek church Friday. Martha Tutterow Miss Martha Tutterow, of Coolee- mee, daughter of Mr. W. D. Tatter* ow, died ^turday, June 15tb. and was buried at Center on Sunday the 16th, Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA