Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 11,1917
Mrsi 0* Cartner Dead.
Mrs. J. D. Cartner died Wednes*
day about noon, at her home near
Center, following a short Illness of
typhoid fever,.aged about S5 years.
A husband and two children survive,
together with her father, mother
and several brothers and sisters.
Mrs. Gartner- was a consecrated
member of Mt. Tabor Methodist
church, and slie will be missed at
the church services and throb^hout
the community. The burial took
place at Salein church Thursday af
ternoon at two o'clock, a large eon-
course of relatives and friends be
ing present to pay their last respects
to a neighbor and friend. A good
woman has been called to her re,
ward. The husband and little
children have the sympathy of all
their friends in this hour Jof dark
Bio — Obituaries - 7/11/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 18,1917
Mary Jane Foster
Mis. Mary Jane Foster, of near
Farmington, died Thursday after*
iioonat4o'doek.of paraly^ ^ed
^ years. The funeral and' burial
se^ices took place at Smith Grove
Friday afternoon at S o'clock. Rev.
Rs C. Ballard conducting the swvi-
A husband and several child*
ran survive.
. Bfr, p. L Loweiy Dead,
Mr. D, L. Losversr, of County-
Line, one of Davie count's oldest
and most highly respected citizens,
died on Monday night, July 9th aged
78 y^ucs. Mr. L^werv had been
suffering for a long time with
stomach trouble, but had be^ up
and about until k Tew days before
death. -The funeral and burial ser
vices were held last Tuesday after*
n^n at 4 o'clock, at Salem Method
ist church, Rev. C. P. Goode, of
Ireddl county, conducting services.
A wife and t^ee children survive,
they being .Mrs. Will Beard. o;£
Winston-Salem, Dr. Robert Lowery.
of Raleigh, and Mr. M. T. Lowery.
of River Hill. Mr. Lowery was a
Confederate soldier and served
through the GivU War in Dr. Baxter
Ctement'a cavalary company from
Davie. In his death, the commonity
has lost a good citizen and a good
man. He will be missed by a large
circle of friends and acquaintances.
Peace to bis ashes.
John Johnson
John Johnson, a respected jsolored
man of the town, died Friday night,
following a short iUiness.
Jennie Comer
' Jennie Comer, an aged colored
' woman of the town, died Saturday
I night .after a long illiness with tu
berculosis. She leaves conriderahle
Bio - Obituaries - 7/18/1917 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 25,1917
Ernest A. Kestler and
J. E. Walker
Mrs. Luther Bailey
Lotlier Bailey. Cooleemee,
died Sunday aftemooti; aiid was
buried at Fork ^urdi Monday al*
temoon.' A husband and nine or'
ten -ebildred survive. Mrs.. Bailey
was a Misa.Cauden b^oremarriaj^.
and leavea.a'ejster. Mrs. Grotta,
of Mocl^iUe, and-eOyeral brothers.
Infant Son Dunn
The 22^onth8^ld eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Dann. of near Fhrming-
ton. died Thursday followioir an ill
ness of meningitis. The burial took
picae at BetheJhem Friday aftec"
Two Killed lo Train Wreck.
morning passenger train from
Charlotte, No. 26, was wrecked at
5:05 last Tuesday morning at
HuntersvUle. 300 yards south
of milepost 17, on the North Caro
lina Midland rtmd, resulting in the
death, of Fireman Ernest A. Kest
ler, aged twwty-six, of Barber, and
J. E. Walker, colored, a passenger,
aged forty>four, and in the injury of
a number of passengers, most of
them bmng colored.
Engineer J. C. Laynoux, of Char
lotte. was ^Ided on arm and leg.
Walter E. Sloan, aged forty-ax.
of StatesviUe. passenger, back hurt.
He and Engineer Laynox were sent
to a Charlotte hospital for treat
^ Mail Clerk J. S. Shoaf, aged thirty-
eight, of Winston-Salem, hip and
leg bruised.
According to an ofBcal report made
to the office of the superintendent
of the Winston-Salem divison, un
known parties removed spikes, on
the outside of the west rail fr a rail
length. Mail car No. 2S0. coaches
1204 and 1344 turned over and roll
ed down enbankment.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/25/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
I RetainjRg in full air ' •» |,„iwivcrs will, a brifil, ..ful Se
kwpiftB a Icecn inieresi iJai|« of ik.o«l5idr xvorld. a fondm, ,r Cfc/an5jMvrra, she ivrll fc«e«. the joy^IWngA bifge family of devoted neiiJicws and
turn^ to iicr counaetginpaihy aa i„ a ,no,her. amiS
with many loving frmids,
"w^Jr 1 »«""•we can not g,ve her up, she b the life
iL ""»«,*"» *0 her church,Riorbus htsior;and lo her f,orJ that site gave her "sii-i
guide ol hcr life. She loved and read!
Ip2 5«r chiifdi pa-I "reshylenan Standard." De*
S *''® privilegeother ^
Im S ™ «n'n W'y and with the
W «n the nower>rnvcrcd resting pbcc.
ril is r®' ^ Wt inine ofd Joppa graveyard, to airaif the
resurreciuHt mom.
A Friend,
Amanda Bell
JitU**** ^
». '5'® "*• Sunday. July anM Im! fihsdcs of niehl uim» fviil*
oround the home the loved so welL Mi*^ BHI. „iw
"s'rap was the
Si? r® ® htauilful li/c of more
iwice married, firat to Mr. Trnm^
Adnms, iif Davidson. With her mar-
iTc/'V^'- -„c .1. nSSnSSlaL^l tlr «<l»-chlldreo, now=
w^anlwod; Mr. M. W. ndl ofJ^'JPh)-, N. C; Mr. Frank Ibll, ol
hun? fJ* A ** V ki^ John, of Laiiriii-r ^ Marcarel Belt
fcirJ'^f' N-C.. wlHHeKS
Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 1,1917
Frank Cook
Mr. Frank Cook, of near Sheffield,
died last Tuesday and was batried
Wednesday at Sandy Sprlnp^s charcfa.
Thomas Cranflll
Thomas Crandti of Winstoii'Salem.
died Thursday, aged about 56. His
body was- brought to Mocksvilee
Saturday morning 'and carried to
Sandy Spring Baptist church, where
the funeral and burial took place.
. Mra. Roberts Dead.
Mrs. Isaac Roberts, of Glarksville,
died Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
following an illness of three weeks,
at the age of 65 years. The deceased
leaves five children, two sous and
three daughters. The funeral and
burial services v/ere lield at Wesley's
Chapel Methodist church Tuesday
morning at 11 o'clock bv her pastor.
Rev. Ballard. Mrs. Roberts was a
consecrated Christian woman, and
was loved by all the community in
which she spent a long and useful
life. She will be missed by ail who
knew her. but most of all by her de
voted children who have lost* their
dearest friend on earth. To them
The Record extends deep sympathy.
Mrs. A* M. Bell Dead.
The death of Mrs. A. M. Bell, one
of Mocksville'a oldest and best be
loved citizens which occured on Sun
day afternoon, brought sadness to
the entire town. Mre Bell had been
very ill for some tinie and her death
was not unexpected. The funeral
services were conducted at the
Preabyteriafa church Monday after
noon at five o'clock by her pastor.
Rev. E. p. Bradley, after which the
body was carried to Joppa gravfr
yard and gently laid to rest to await
the.final resurrection. * in the death
of Mrs. Bell the town loses one of
its best aud most consecrated
Cbriatian women.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/1/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 8,1917
W. T. Golns
A tdegram was received here
Wednesday, saying that W. T. Goina,
of Dayton, 0,,. bad been killed by a
train on Monday. Mr. Goins was a-
bout 45 years old. and is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Golns, of the
Center community. The parents
have the sympathy of all in this sad
den bereavement*
Jane Winters
Mrs. Jane Winters, of near Cor-
natzer, feli off a porch at her home
Thursday morning and broke one
of Her lower limbs. She was rushed
to the Winston Satem hospital, and
apart of the bone removedi but
when last heard from, her recovery
was not expected. She is about 60
years of age, and was not in good
health at the time of the accident.
Later—Mrs. Winters died Thursday
night and was burled Saturday*
C. B. Harding
Death Of little aad.
G. B., the little S^year^old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John flarding, of near
Pino, died Sunday morning of colitis,
and the body was laid to rest at
Wesley's Chapel Monday morning at
10 o'clock. Hev. D. G. Ballard con*
iducting the funeral and burial ser
vices. The parents have the sympa
thy of a host of friends in their sad
Bio - Obituaries - 8/8/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 15,1917
Sidney Green Holton
.' Mr, Holton's Fatber Dead.
• %
«Bflr. Sidnesr Green Helton, died
Sunday morniner at 3'o'clock, at his
borne m Cool Springs cowDshlp. He
had been a sufferer of rheunaatism
for a number of years and practical*
]y an inveUd for some time. He is
survived by a widow and twelve
childrm. eight sons and four daugh
ters. The mterment was at Provi
dence, Tuesday 11 o'clock, the servi
ces being condncted by Rev. J.'J..
Edwards of Taylorsviile, Mr. Hol
ton is the father* of our townsman,
Mr. J. L. Holton.
Mrs. H. I£ Trundle Dead.
Mrs. H. H Trundle, of Leesburg,
Va., died last Thursday morning,'
following a long illinesa, at the age
of 51 years Mrs. Trundle was Miss
Sophia Clement before her marriage
sod was a native of M'ochsviile. She
is survived by her husband and two
sisters. Mesd^es E. L. Gaither anid
Julia Heitman, • of Moeksville, and
three brothers. Mess. W. R. and
Herbert Clement, of Moeksville, and
L. H, Clement of Salisbury. Mrs.
Heitm'an was with her sister whbn
the mid came. Mr. B. L. Gaither
and daughters. Misses Sarab and
lane Haden. and Messrs. W. R. atfd
Herbert Clemmit left Thursday for
l^Ssburg to attend the funeral,
which occult Saturday morning.
Mrs. Trundle's' death has cast a
gloom over our town, as she was
loved by all who knew her here.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/15/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 12,1917
Fonera] Of ftbr. Canpbeli Thursday*
funeral of ASr. Janiea Gaither
Campbell, whose death is noted on
our first page, occured at Oak Grove
Biethodbt' church Thursday moni«
ing at 11 o'clock, the fUnetal aetvi*
oes being couducted by I'*
Swaim of Winston-Salem, asnated by
Bevs. Walter Dodd and T. S. Coble,
of MocksvUle. The body was laid
to rest with Junior Order honors.
Mr. Campbell was 25 years of age
at the time of Jnis death. He is sur*
rived bv bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Campbell, three sisters and three
brothers. The foneral^rvicea were
attended by. one of the largest
crowds that has ever assembled in
Davie cdnoty, and many faces were
tear^tained before the services were
condoded. floral offerings
were beautiful, and attested the
hiffii esteem in which Gaither was
held by bis many friends. No sad
der death has ever occured in this
section. Mr. Campbell was a mem
ber of the Baptist church, having
united with the church some years
ago while working in Winston. The
Record extends to the grief-slricken
parents and friends its sympathy in
this hour ofssadness.
Mrs* C L Thompsou Dead.
It is with deep sorrow that we iare
called upon to chronicle the death of
Mrs. Chas. L. Thompson, which oc
curred at her home on Church street
Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Thompson was taken seriously
ill on Aug. 9th, and it was realized
from the first that she could not re
cover. At the time of her death
Mrs, niompson was 32 years of age.
A husband and three children, fath
er. mother, one sister and one broth
er survive. Ihe funeral services
I were conducted by Rev. E. 0. Cole
'at the Methodist church Tuesday
j morning at 11 o'clock, after which
I the body was laid to rest at Rose
cemetery. Mrs. 'Diompaon was a
member of the Methodist church,
and was a consecrated Christian wor
man, who was loved by all who knew
her. The husband and motherless
children have the sympathy of the
entire town in their deep affliction.
Mr. Eli Anderson Dead.
Mr. Eii Andean, who lived with
his son Spot Anderson, near Ad
vance. died Sept. 3rd, aged about 68
years, and was buried at Center on
last Tuesday. He is survived ty
his wife end seven children. The
funeral services were conducted by
Revs. W. J. walker and T. S. Coble,
Mr. Anderson was a good man, and
was held in high esteem by tho.%
who knew him.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 12,1917
Gaither Campbell
® t:
Canibsn Dias Jn StaMie Has-
y ;|usl His ioriiirar &irraDd8rs.
.^fi^edville L«ndra8rk,8epl. 7
Campbel) of MocRs-
^^edi'ed Tuoeday afternoong^.L'-^ijg*8 sanalorium from
♦effects of piMol shot^>aud6 inflicted by Jim Belt.^ negro.^ ,Mr. Uampbell was a ppecial
ihe revenue eer^
.under Agent Vander-
i^uiHay afternoon he^ notified lhat whiekey
being unlawfully han-
at Poplar Springs, near^jvlphau. Davie county,^^ere an^ when a negro
Sa^ipmeeting was in progreee.
Mr. Campbell arrivedp;{^he campground he cameIt^l^dth Belt and other nes
who wei^e SQspeetedfc of'^nug the liquor. He or«[♦'j.ed Belt to disarm.fi5t reached for his pistol,i4lch was in his hip pocket,
liaud it to* the - ofiice»*, as
^Iw latter thought, lusteadIt pasdog over the pistol thefero becraii fi ring, 'shootingf^Ahe officer fi ve or more
Four of the ' bulletsj^lv effr'ct, twain the lett
of nbflomeii and two in
riglu flip The officer
raisnd l im.^elf as hist he
and shot several Mraes
Built. None of the shots
Pi^he n-gro. After he hadi^^dled his pistol Belt took
U^he wdo ls.
At. CarnpMl was brout to
Sanatorium as ttrjon as
ible for treatment. At^•ft it was thought that be
a chan ce to rvcover.
^ condition became critical^'.tliiy nighl and cuitinued
his dt-ath Tuesday
_ moon.
*Vt(Inesday nfte*noon his^ains were taken to his
grifi at Mocksviflp and yes-^i-»y was inter led at Oak^VvH church cemetery. Da-
^ojeased wfts a eon of Mr.
d Mts' .fohu B Ca uphell
rMocksville and was 25
rs old. He was uomar-
Bio - Obituaries - 9/12/1917
yjtijeased .wfta a eon of Mr.Id Mts' John B Cauphell
rMocksville and was 25
rs old. He was uumar-
^|Aboni the time Tuesdaypit. OiiitliHr Campbell was
" jiig at Long's Sanatorium,
p m , Jim Belt, the ne-
vwho fi red the fatal ehots,
surrendenng to au oQcer
Jjee Shoemaker's, iu Tarn-r^virg township.
['Recording to the best infor-
'' tiou available. Belt took to
woods immediately afterlooting Mr, , Campbell.
>Vou a goodly number of Da-
w officerg aud Uuited States
cers we»c on his trail,
t|ter Iradell officer^ and cit-
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 12,1917
gufi from Da vie aud IredeU
ties joined in the chase
uegro managed t.--dodge
fe)d teep ahead of his pursa-
and it is believed that eX'-
t for swollen streams
iich he conld not cross, he
gidd have made his escape.
% tritd to get a party to
i'nieh a mule to take himf^oBsa i;ti'eam but Ihe party
tJ? in the day JTnp.odav
1-. Pr-y-'
•• li-iiip*
I i pliOiJ - lll-S-tlg-
iH nt SboH-
1V -Ji li 1 liut lie waul d
^^%-puty fc^^erift i
f i j-fv-rMir
to siirrsuder if be would not
re shot. Mr Privett secured
a mnchiu- and went to Shoe*
inakei'saiiri found Belt wait*
ing for him. He was
bronght to StatesviJie and
commuted to jail.
It was reported here that
ihere was m"ch feeling and
indignation among MrCampi
belies frieade in Davie county
and for fear of an attempt to
take him from Iredeli jail
might be made, Belt was ta^
ken to jail in another coiiuty
for safe keeping. The officer
left here late Tuesday eve
ning, He will be tried in Da-
vie Boperi'^r court for mur
Bloodhounds were brought
fromBalirbury tolredell td
chase Belt, but were not put
on;thf» trail at all.
Belt is 24 years old and.
has a wife and children. He
has a bad reputation among
some of those who know him
and it is very probable that
Mr Oamphell is not the only
man that he has killed. !¨
will b-> reca'Ied that Whit
Aiexai der, colored, of Beth
any township, went to vleit
Belt attli^- latter'a home a
few days befrre last Christ
mas and that Alexander was
killed. At that time it was
apparently Irne, that Alex
ander was killed by The acci
dental discliiMgeof a pistol.
'I'oHfH are lli«»so w(io do not
.fi-s- pt MiHury jf accident.
Bio — Obituaries - 9/12/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 19,1917
BUr. W. F, Fordies Dead,
Mr. W. P. Furches. of near
ington, died on Sept. lOtb, aged a-1
bouc 78 years, after an illin^ of
several months with heart trouble
and Brigbts disease. The funeral
and burial services were conducted
at Eaton's Baptist church, Wednes
day at 11 o'clock, by Rev. S w. Hidl.
of Wtnston-Salem, pastor of the de
ceased. The body was laid to rest
with m^nic honors, Mr. Fhr^is
was for many yearaa member of the
boara of count? commissioners of
Davie, and was well known through-
ont the coiintv. He was a brother
of late D^id Furches, who was a
Supreme Court Judge. He .aanredthrough the Civil war with' honor
w himself and hia conntiW. Mr
Furches is edrvived by hitfwfc, twb
sons and two daughto. and" a host
SLS A®® ^"^8 mourn hisdeath. A g^ man has been called
to his reward. He will be mis^ In
the county, and especiailv in the
immunity in wMch he epent bis
life. The ^uri^ has lost one of its
eonseera^ meml^rs, the wife a
husband, and theAildren a lotvins father. To th^
Master VirgU Swatm Dead.
Within the past few days we have
been called upon to chronicle the
death of a number of our citizens,
but none has been sadder than the
death of Master Virgil Swaim. the
16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs
Virgil E Swaim, which occurred at
7;86 o'clock Wednesday morning of
last week. Virgil bad been suffer
ing for some months with diabetes,
but he bad been up and at bis fath
er's store until Friday night. On
Saturday he was taken very 111, and
remained In a stupor moat of the
time untildeath. The funeral servi
ces were condneted by his pastor.
Rev. E. O. Gole. at 10:80 Thursday
morning, at the residence, after
which the body was carried to Rase
cemetery and gently laid to rest to
await tiie final resurrection, when
those who die in the Lord shall rise
again and go to Him who said,
"Suffer little children to come onto
me, and forbid them not, for of such
is kingdom of heaven." Father,
mother, and one little Mster survive.
Virgil was a good boy and was loved
by all who knew bim. We will all
miss hia smiling face. He always had
a kind word and a pleasant smile for
all with whom he came in contact.
He was a special friend of the editor
and we join the loved ones in thdr
deep sorrow. Virgil Is not dead,
but only asleep.
Mrs Nelson Dead.
Mrs. W' -P, Nelson, a sister in-
law of W. H. Hobson, of R. 4. died
at her home-in Atlanta Saturday.
-The body was brought here and laid
to rest la the Hoteon burial ground
Monday morning at 11 o'clodc. A
husband and two daughters survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/19/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 26,1917
Sarah Kimbrongh.Dead.
death angel never ceases to
the landt and the young and old
called from earth to their eterr»
^ reward. On Tuesday, Sept. 18th,
|CrB. -Sarah Catherine Kimbrough
di^ at the home of her daughter,
Mw. C. P. Meroney, after only a
lew days illness aged about TO years.
%e funeral services were conducted
^ B P Bradley at the Presby*-
6^^ church Wednesday mominff.
after which the body was laid to
. rest at Joppa. Deceased is 8urviv« d
l^y two daughters. Mrs. J. M, Do ^ -
of Lenbir, and Mra. C. P
Meroney, of this city, with whom
she lived, besides a host of reiativos
^d friends, Mrs. Kimbrough was
a^conseerated Christian woman, and
was a member of the Presbyterian
church. The.beapiiful floral offer*
ings which, covered the grave show
ed the high esteem in winch she was
held by her many.fnends. A moth-
en iu Israel has gcpe to her reward.
Young Daughter Beard
Death Ot A Child.
The little 6-year-old daughter of
Ur. and Mrs. 0 L Beard died Mon
day night of last week, of a compli
cation of diseases. The body was
laid to rest at Rose Cemetry Tues-:
day afternoon. Rev. E 0. Gole con-:
ducting the burial services. The|
parents have the sympathy of their
friends in this sad bereavement.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/26/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 3,1917
Carrie Gorrell
Carrie Gorrdl, a r^peeted colored
roniBn of tiie tovn, oiled Satorday
iht. following an illness of only a
tew days.
Infant Son Green
The one year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Green, of R, l, died Sun
day and was buried at Center grave
yard Monday.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/3/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 10,1917
ISrs. H* H, Swieegood Dead.
Mra. H. H. ..Swieegood, formerly
near. Jenisalem, bat who has
Uvinx with her daughter, Ura. 0. A.
Stewart, at Winaton-Salem for some
time, died in SaliBboiy Wednesday
morning, aaed 78 years. The .fun>:
eral and bami ^vices were heid.^t
Cherry Bill ^arrday afleraodh.
Ura. Swicegbod waa the widow of
the late H H. j^icegood, who died
several years ago. Deceased leaves
two'aons^ T.L Swic^ood. of
leem^C. F.;Swieegbod.:df Rowan;
Ihree-daoghterB. %a. J., F.-.Byrd
and J.,.&*i^h?er. of Salisbury.
Stewart, of Winston^
Henry Sheets
Rev. Henry Sheets, a noted Bap
tist divine, of Lexington, died last
week at an advanced age. Mr.
Sheets was at one time a candidate
for Governor on the Prohibition
Ray Bailey
Rav Baiiey, of near Advance, whoin tie a. & ^
years, died in a New Mex>5®
al witn tnbercaiorfa ThorrfWThe body will bebroogbt tohw^^o
and laid to rest at ElbavUle
row Mr. l^iev ia a son of. G.
BailW> was 24 of age.. r ' • .
QSr. James PopBii Dead,
Mr. James M. Poplin, who died
last Monday evening while eating
sapper, was a well-known cidamt of
the town and commonity, and Ms
death cast a gloom over the- town.
Mr. Poplin had been suffering for
the past two months with heartdrop-
sey. hot for the past two weeks be
seemed much better, and had taken
a long walk on the day of his death,
and had meant to come to town the
day foilomng from his home, whidi
is near Bethm churdi. two mil^ oat
of tbwn. While at the anpper table
laughing and talking Monday even
ing. he stopped- saddenly. fdl over
in bis chair and'explred without iit-
teriogasoandr At the time of'his
deathUr. Poplin was62.years old.
He is survived by bis wife, four sons
and two daaghters. "Die funeral
services were conducted Wednesday
morning at U o'clock by his pastor.
Rev.E T. McCttilob. after which
the body was laid to rest in Bethel
churchyard to aw^t the final, resnr-
rection. Formany-vears Mr. Pop
lin baa conducted a shoe repair shop
in Mocksville. and he numbered his
friends by the score. "Jim" Poplin
will be missed. He was a good man
~a quiet, unoffenmve citizen who
bad not an enemy so far as the edi
tor knew, and we have known him
for more than 17 years. **Ble8sed
are they who die in the Lord." We
will miss him in o.ur daily walks of
life, but he is at rest. Peace to his^
ashes. {
Stiss May Keller Dead.
Miss May Keller, for many years
a resident of the Jericho section of
Davle coun^. and a daughter of A.
P. Keller, died at the home of her
mster. Mrs. Bertha Cook, at Crewe.
Via., on Monday of fast week, follow
ing an attack of typhoid fever.. The
body was brought to Mocksville on
Wednesday morning and laid to rest
at Joppa graveyard. Rev. £. 0. Cole
con Joctfng the burial services. Miss
Kdler was about 28 years of age,
and is survived by her fatiier and
severed brothers and mstera.
Bio - Obituaries -10/10/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, October 10,1917
Frances Ellen Swicegood
Mts Eileu. relict of
the late H U Swicegood of Davie
county, died at ibe home of hfr
daughter', *i-s Geo. U Sharer^
on North Main Street last Vvi.d'
nesday mdrniiig. being 78 ycai &
old. The funeral w^is held from
the LrUtberaii church at Chorry
Hill, Davie County. - Thar:$day
afternoon, Rev M M Kiuard rif
Sdlsbury, officiating. Mra
Swicegood had been making her
home with Mrs Snavor for some
time, but was visiting another
daughter in Winston- Salem.
She was brought Mo Scilisbury
in an ambulauce the day before
her d^tb. She was an oacol
lent woman and 'eaves a number
of children to mourn their loss.
Mrs May Steele Kincald, wid
ow of the late W T Kiocaid
died Monday afternoon at her
home on pa vie avenue, her death
^esglting from internal hemor
rhage. She was 52 years old.
The death of Mrr« Kiucaid
came as a sliock to her many
friends. Her relativj^ and inti
mate friends had known for
some time.»>lie was uot in ihe
best of heultli. but none susp<»ct
ed tiuit her condition was :>crtou
She retired abont 9o^cl'«ck Snn-
day night, Yesterd»ty morning
her little uhiiie, Sarah Ktncaid
was sent to her ror^m to if
she was ready for brOaklasi.
The little girl reported her. aunt-
asleep. About an hour later her
sistor, Mrs H L Kincaid. went
to her room and found her ill.
She was cunscious fur a while
Ktncaid was a dau bier
of the late John Steele of R >wan
She is survived by a brother,
Mr J I Steele of Olevelaad, and
and four sisters MrsJ PKnoxof
of Waynesvllle, Mrs II L
Etiicaid of Staiesviiie, Mrs W F
Thompson and Mrs . Annie Ford
of Cleveland Her bnsband to
wbcm she was married about 25
years ago, died in April of this
Fuueral service? will be held
at the home this nCiernoon at 8
o'clock cor.dacted by her pasUir,
DrillEBaynal luterment will
be in oakwo«»d comeiery
Bio - Obituaries -10/10/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 17,1917
Perry Cline
Suicide At Salbbn^*
Mr. Perry Cline, a young man
from j^ewton who bad, been era-
ployed as a.night man at the ex* <
press office,in ^lisbury for the past
rocntbi committed suicide at bis
home in that city Monday, says the
Post,'shoodnir himself through the
heart with a 32'Ca1lbre pistol, death
being instantaneous. Cline had been
roarritid only five months. Finan
cial condition supposed to be the
cause of the shooting.
Bio - Obituaries -10/17/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 24,1917
Mrs. Solomon Mock
A tfceat stillnesa came .over uor little
town OD Oct. I3tb, wben wa learned of
tbe death of fifra. SolomoQ MmA, who
med at the home of her daughter. Mis. W.
R« Ellis.. Biff8.>Mocli was In her ^id year
being bom Sept. 24, 182S. She- was be
fore her marrmge Mlaa Susan EUer. of
Midway. Davidson cminty. Surviving ate
many lelativea, among them three biotb-
era, and one daughter. She alw leaves
twenty giand-cbUdren and forty-seven
great gtand-^ildren. Tbefanerat servi
ces were condttct<Ni by her pastor at Blid-
way Methodist' chonA on Oct IStb, We
extend our deepest sympathy to the be
reaved ones in their personal loss.
Bio - Obituaries -10/24/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, October 31,1917
Vestal Stewart and Frank Young
. > V
^About ll:30 Monday morning
when Vestal Stewaj^, son of
' Oap'* Stewart, wh^ lives at the
Point in Davie • Ck>antjr« and
&ank Young, a.rresident, of
f^wfUriles west of ^ the same
neighborhood, attempted to'cross
the railroad at the North Church
stre^et vCrossiUg, the automobile
in vrbich>^ey Ver^. riding, was
struck by «the incoming passen
ger train, .of which Dan V Keev-
e-r .was engineer, and Geo. Hanget
was conductor. The car was
struck about the middle, a^d i
aud Messrs, Stewart and Voung
were caught on the fron.t of the
locomotive and carried about twc
hundred feet before the trail
could be stopped. The injuret
men were quickly removed from
the wreckage and it was found
that Mr iStewart had a bol^
knocked in his head and was
otherwise injured and Mr
Young's head and face were
disfigured and both were uncouj
scions I'her ^re taken to the
sanatorium in^ao automobile and
though given the best of attenj
tion they died during the cve|
ntng without regaining consciousl
Messrs Stewart and Young
bad gone to the Grimes Mill on
business and were returning up
Church Street, a string of bo
•cars on the siding prevente
their seeing the approaching
train and also kept Engineer
Keever from seeing the auto
mobile, consequently neither rea
ized the danger until too late.
The remains of Mr Stewart
were taken to the home of his
parents - Tuesday and the funer
al and interrment took place
Wednesday morning.
'The remains of Mr Young,
wbo leaves a wife and several
children, was taken to the
■home of a son in Franklin town
ship and the funeral and inter-
meot took place from Calvary
Baptist church Tuesday.
Bio - Obituaries -10/31/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 7,1917
Frank P. Young and
Vestal H. Stewart
Both Die As Result of Acddeot
- Mr. Frank P. Toung and Mr. Ves
tal H. Stewart; both of Daviecounty
who were Injured at the Church
street cirosang in this city Monday
mbrniBg at 11;30 o'clock when in*
coming Western passenger train No
36 steuck the automobile in which
they were riding, died that after
noon at the sanatorium. At the
time the men were taken to the san*
atorium'there was little expectation
that either would recover and their
deaths ^ame as no surprise.
:. Mr. Ftank^P. Young,' the elder of
the two. men, died first, the' end
coming shortly before 4 o'clock, he
having Vieyer regained conadous-
ness. His wife and sons bad been
notified'of the accident and arrived
ip Salis^ry only a short time before
1^'death. Theboby was prepared
fsr burial and then taken to his
hqme in Davie cqunty. The funeral
held from Calvary Baptist
(^urch this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
and the:burial was -in the church
cmetety. Mr. Tonng was about 68
Mr. Vestal H. Stewart, son of C,
W. (Cap) Stewart, died about 6
o'-clock Monday afternoon, he' too
never y^ained consciousness. He
Was 28 years and 7 months old and
asiogle man. The body was
prepared for burial and taken to
thp home of his father; jdst across
. the river in Daviecounty. The fun-
and burial took place at Jem
sMem Baptist church this afternoon
at 3 o'clock.—^Salisbury Post, 30th.
Mr. H. R. Williams and MotherI special to The Record.
Advance, Nov. S.—Our town was
• Miocked about five o'clock Saturday
morning by a fire ala^. Mr, B. R-
Williams was starting a fire at bis
home with kerosene oil when the
flames went into the can. The can
exploded saturating the whole room
where his wife and three children
were sleeping. Mr. Williams was
covered with oil and the blaze spread
over his body instantjy. A neighbor
heard the calls and hurried there,
finding Mr. Williams in the yard
trying to get out of his burning
clothes. He jerked the clothes frotn
Mr. Williams and rushed on .into the
flaming building to save the women
and children. Mr. Williams' wife
and children were rescued from the'
burning building with slight bums.'
but Mrs. Williams rushed back into
the flames thinking one of her cbitd*
ren was left behind. From this she
received what the physician thinks
will prove to be fatal bums. Short- j
ty after the flames were extinguish
ed. the flesh began leaving the bones
of Mr. Williams' body. He died a-
boot noon Saturday, Mr. Williams'
aged mother was in an adjoining
room, and a neighbor ran in when
the flames were a|] around her and
cliRtblng her clothes, and carried
her' out. She died Sunday
at 2 o'clock. The bodies were car
ried on cots to the home of Mr, B.
6. Williams, a brother of the de
ceased. The flames spread so fast
that the house and all its contents
were destroyed.
Infant Hilton
There has been considerable mys
tery attached to tiie death of a four-
months-old infant of W. S. Hilton,
The child was found dead Friday
morning in its crib In] a room ad
joining its mother's. The child
showed serlou-s bruises on each mde
of the face and broken skin behind
one ear. The mother testified that
her husband slapped the child sev
eral days ago. Suspicion came up
as to how the child came to its
death, and the ^erifE and coroner,
and county physician. Dr. Rodwell,
were summoned, and a jury chosen.
Dr. Watkins assisted in examining
(he child's head and neck to see if
I there were any bones broken, but
, none were found. The jury decided
I the child came to its death through
I negligence and cruel treatment.
Mrs. W. B. Hunter
Mrs. W. B Hunter, of Clarksville
towndiip. died last Wednesday, fol
lowing a stroke of paralysis, aged
about 80 years. The body was mid
to rest at Chestnut Grove Friday
f morning at 11 o'clock Deceased is
! survived by cwo daughters and sev-
I eral sons.
Bio - Obituaries -11/7/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 7,1917
Jas. Rufus McClamroch
. Jas. Eafos McClamrocb, of Jero>
falem township, died last Tuesday
mormnpr, aged about 50 yeats, foi-
lowing an illness of some time. The
borfal services were held at Smith
Grove W^nesday afternoon. Mr.
McClamroch is survived by his wife
and one or two brothers. He lived
near Cana for many years,, but some
time ago purchased the Hiram' H,
Swicegood farm near Cherry HIU.
Mrs. William Hunter
WilS^ Htiittier died Oet 31. after!
a short illness ef paralssiB, ai^ed abont 80|
years. The remaios-weto laid to rest Id]
Chestouc Grove'cemetety Nov. 2Dd. faDer>t
al services belDgeondoeced by her paster i
Rev. Wait of Harmony. She Is survived 1
by three sons, two danghters and several 1
g^dddldren. A READER, i
James R. McClamroch
James R. MeCUmrocb. of Jeru-
township, died la.<it Tnesdav.
mAnlce. aged about jO vests'
The burial took place Wednesdayl
afternoon at Smiib Grove. .Mr. j
J^CIamrocli is sttrvlvtd by his;
wife and one or two brothers. He'
lived near Cana for many vears
Bio - Obituaries - 11/7/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 14,1917
Mrs. R. C. Moorefield
Mrs. R. C. Moorefield died at her borne
Monday night and waa bnried Wednesday
at Holly Springs cbarch. Faneral services
were conducted by Rev. B. F. RoHios.
Mrs. Moorefield had been In bad health
and confined to her bed for some time.
She is survived by her faodhand flnd four
sons. She was a good Christian woman
and her many friends will miss her.
. Mrs. Williams Dies of Barns.
Mrs. Robert Willianis, of Advance
who was severely burned in the fire
in which her husband and mother*
in*law lost their lives on Nov. 3rd,
died last Wednesday, after suffering
for five days. The body was laid to
ret Thursday afternoon. Three lit
tle children are left without father
or mother. This is one of the sad
dest accidents that has ever occurred
in Davie county.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/14/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 28,1917
. CtwrUe Brown Dead,
Chadie Brovm. Who wus sentenced to
the roads for Mven yeara for attempted
bank robbery ipt last August court, died
jot the State penltentisry Siindav of con-
eamption. The b^y vJis brought bacb
to MocksvlUe yesterday for buriaU
Mr. E, C SmtthDea^ .
Mr. B. C,- Smith of FarmiDgtoo,
! one of Davie Comity's best citizens,
died last We^'esday morning. Nov.
.2l8t, following a week's lllnes of. a
coinpHcadon of diseases Mr. Smith
'was 65 years of age at hisdeath and
jlsBurvIv^ by. his wife and three
I daughters, one of his daoghters be*
log Mrs. James Ward, of thia town,
^e foneral services were conducted
by Rev. A. G.Loflin, assisted by Dr.
H. E. Boyles of 'WinstoU'Salero, on
l^ursday afternoon at 8 o,clock, at
fiethlehmn Methodist ehnrch. Mr.
Smith will be missed, not only in his
community^ but tturong^oat the
county. P^ce to his ashes.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/28/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 5,1917
Annie Lawrence
Mary E. Foster
Mrs Movy'iE^FoBter, of
ton, died ScftiifflaY, at the aga df
^TB. Thefiffiendand b'Salieoc-
vicea were hdd at Smith Grovtf'Sdn.■1^ morning vX. 12 o?clO<;k ; Rey,VeBtai cond^^ng the services • ahost of •relatives and l^ends survive.
Mrs. Annie Lawrence, of Winston^Salem. died Tharsday at the- home
of her father, Frank' Leder, nearEphesus. after, a Iqng.'illness with- acompiication of d!sea^,^affed abont
30 years. ' The body was laid to rest
Friday .morning at Uberly church.Rev,. T. S Coble, of Moeksville, con-.,
ducting the services,. A husband,
faUier, several brothers, and sistera
soridve, Mrs. I^wrence was visit
tng her father when §be - was tak^ili, and never grew strong enough to
fetum lo.her hom^-
Bio - Obituaries - 12/5/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 12,1917
fililto&'E. HartmaPi Dane Gjo&ty's
First Sacri^ce .to The BtUh-
. less UaOy The Scoorjse
of The* World.
Mr.-^Itor:—No young tnan from
Davie can Burrender more for his
cqnntry's sake than has he. While
he did not I* se his life ou the firing
line in France, he gave it at the call
of -bis. country preparing for the fir
ing lihe.: Measles; followed by pneu
monia, was the cause of his death;
whiieti'occurred at Gamp Sevier near'
Greenville. S. S., Fiiiiay. Dec. •' 7th,
1917.' His remains'r were brought
home Sunday, accompanied by his
fa^er and two uncles, and wa^ bar-
led at Advance on Tuesday. I.hnew
hut little of him, fvr 1 bad not seen
him often. ' He was. of retiring
di^ositioD. a great lover of home
at^ its environs, where most of his.
tips was spent with those' he loved
and for whom he labored. He waa
a young man of fine character, lik'ed
and respected by all who knew him,*
and loved by. every member of bis
fdmlly. Nothing we can say or
write, can a^uage the sorrows of
his mother, father, and other mem
bers of bis family, but tK^. Fhould
rememb^ that a like fate-awaits us
jail, and tiiat soon e^h of us will foe
I called *'ti>pa^ dvef,the river and
rest under the Shad.e of the trees,"
Let us Hope that his life and the
liv^ of counties thoqaauds which-
have and vnil be tui rendered in this
terrible war; are hostages, for uni-
j versal-and lasting peace aiid a glo-
' ridos civlli^tifon f9r the entire
.^oVld.p*^.^'.bit.7 was .'his all, a.ho-*
bi^ a ^or|ou8 * . n M,
HisSrAda Grant Dead*
The entire town was saddened cm
Saturday morning'when it waS an:
nouneed that Miss Ada Grant bad
died Friday night>at 11 o'clock at
Dr. Long's-'Sanitorium at States-
ville. Miss Grant underwent a se
rious operation for galhstone last
Tuesday morning, and It was tiionght
that she was getting along all right
until Thursday evening, when a tele-'
phone message was reedved bv re-,
latives announcing that her condit
ion had.taken'a turn for the wdrst.
She gradually grew worse until the
end came. The body was prepared
for burial and bronght home Friday
afternoon. The body was laid to
rest Sunday afternoon at Rose ceme
tery, her pastor. Rev. E. 0. Colel
condncting the funeral and burial
services. Miss Grant is survived bv
her father, one broUier and three
sisters, besides a host of relatives
and friends. A good woman has
teen taken from earth to heaven.
^Qse who are left behind have the
sympathy of the town in their; sad
Richard Josey
n Mr. and ^rs. W, at
tended the funeral an^'bui^, "wrvi*
cesofMrs. Weant'e b«)thi»-in law,
Mr. Richard Josey, wtiicK 'occurred
at Salisbury Saturday; morning «t
U o'clock. Mr. Josey .was 72 years
old, and suffered a stroke of psraly*.
about three,.we^^Aagbf .which
caused bis death." '
Bio - Obituaries -12/12/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 19,1917
David Reid Pool
a Soldier Boy*
Another of ohr brave soldier lads
has be^ call^ to bis eternal home
be^nd the skies—a mansion that is
not made wiUi.hands. The young
man was David Reid Pool* a ron of
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pool, who re>
cently moved from Mt. Ulla to the
Miller farm, about thr^ miles north
•of Mocksville. Mr. Pool died- 'ot
Camp Jackson last Saturday after a
short illness of meningitis. The body
arrived here Tuesday morning, and
the funeral services were.held from
the Presbyterian cborcb at 11:S0
o'clock, by Eev. E, P. Bradley, after
which Ae body was gently jmd to
rest at Rose cemetery. Mr. Fool ts
survived by his father, and mother*
three brothers and three sisters,-who
have the sympathy of the entire
commuDity In this rad amielion. Mr,
Pool was a consecrated Christian'ana
was studying for the ministry
called to serve hls.conntry. He did
not ask for exemption, and went t»
Camp Jackson last ^ptembeh A
number of relatives amd friends of
the young man from Mt- Ulia, came
up for the funeral' and burial, ser*
vices yesterday.
Infant Son Smoot
n The little six-months old eon of
Mr* and Mrs. Robert'Smoof. of
Clarksville township,* died Friday
otght of pneumonia, and w^ ^urfed
•Sunday at Bear Cr^
parents have the aym^tbyjmf a hjpst
of friends. . V
Samuel Hobson
Samuel Hobson, of Cleveland, aConfederate vetetan, and a broter
ofW-'H- Hobsafli died D®-
aged 8S'years. He wthe old family burial gpwnd, near
Jerusalem- .Peace to bis ashes.^
Bio - Obituaries - 12/19/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 26,1917
f Mr, Joba H. dement Dead;
: Jllr^John- H[. Clement, the oldeBt
om.town, )^ one of /^be
olde^'men jn Davie county, was
found dead hts^bed about 7i|6.0'*
cloeh lakt V7^ne^ay.moi^K. •* Mr>
Glhm^t h&d;jretired the ev^lbff be*
fore'^ bis usual healtl^d l^death
a severe ihocl^ jjo- bis cbiU
dren.ai]^ many fden'dB^.'v Mr. Clem-
was able to waUc mspund until
the end. The f uneral.^d burial ^
wicee #ere cond noted -by his pastor.
Rev. £. O. Cole, 'l^uredf^ at 2 o'
clock, a^r which'^e.l^dy was laid
to rest at the Clemeni: firraveyard,
one nule soujdi.ot,towii« Survivinir
timfoOTBons and, two dauffhteis,
Messt^- Jol^lH. Clement, Jr.,Fostmr
a^ A. >M. Clem.m^t, of Winston*Sal*
ip; l&i, FredCIement, ofMqcksville;
Mrs. jyank jBlaylock, of Oxford, and
Idiss'^ah Clement, aleo^bf this city,
Cipient was one of 'the town's
^t-beloveddtizmisaiid bad.spent
He .^rv^^1 bl his . life her^
^ro^b the C^Vll war<aa. a. Ljeuten
BDt ih,the 42nd RiSKin^mxtr&nd was a
blfave and fearless soidi^ •: .^s life
/IsasweU; spent, ai\d he'.niade the
vacM hSffAf ho h;..U;9£ i._world better by ba^^'^ed by
way> in his d^i^^.t^nhildrOn
aud- la|^|^ter, the
one of t^^j^bhored and'
yl dtizei».;^hq^'wbo ai^
left behind have th^Bympatbjr of Uie
eomnnuuj^ in thelr-bereavement.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/26/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 9,1918
jMr. Stewart Dead.
Mr. Marion Stewart, who lived
east of the depot, died Wednesday
mnrning after a ten day's illness ^tb
lock bo.we)» aged 2fi years. The
burial took place at Pleasant. View
Baptist chnrch. near County I^e. on
Tfaundsy. Mr. Stewart is surcviyed
by his wife and two little cbiibren.
fa^er. mother, several brottiers and
sisters^ Mr.'Stewart moved to
Mocksville about a year ago from
near County Line; He was a good,
honest, industrious citizen, and his
fomily have the sympathy of- the
town in their affliction.
Mrs. J. M Poplin Dead.
Mrs. J. M. Poplin, of near Mocks
ville. died Wednesday evening of last
week, after an illness of some time
with tubereuioaj^. , The funeral and
burial services.were held Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock by her pastor.
Rev, T. P. McCulloh.'and the. body
laid to rest In, -Bethel churchyard.
Deceased Jeaves several sons; and
daughters, and a host of friends to
lihourn her lom. Her husband pre-
ceeded her to the spirit land about
thre&raoDths ago. A good woman
has;heen called to her reward. The
children have the sympathy of a host
of friends.
Mis. SamnelTtvoer Dead.
BIrs. Semoel^^Itanez,' of Monbo. died
Jhoisday evening, .fotlowlng a ahnt* ill
ness of pneamoida.-aged 63 years. The
body• was btotigbt tol Mocksville Friday
afternoon^ and the foneial services were
held at 'Hhe residence of Mr. J. J. Eaton
Sateidas^-moniiag , at> 11 o'clock.. after
which the body was laid to rest in tbe
Clement graveyard. Rev. & 0. Cole,
assisted by Rfiv. E. P. Bradley, conducted
the funeral * sM burial services. Mrs.
Turner beftnei- her matrisge was Miss
Amelia Eaton.^ She is'sttcvived by her
husbaud. two'hrothersv lleaus. Joe Eaton
of Mo^svUle. and O. B. Eaton, of Winston,
and one sister. Hiss ^Blanche Eaton, of
Mocksville. Mis. TUruer'was a consistent
miember of the Methbclist church. A good
wmnan bas.be8o'call8d.tolier reward.
Margaret Gaither
Mrs* Margaret Gaither, of Coun^
Line, oh Christmas-day at the
home of M daoghtef, Mi^ Calvin
Godb^i^srad about 82- yeata. • The
luneral wdlrarial ecrvicea were hdd,
Dec. 2btb« at Sslem cburdL Poar
'diildi^ survive, one eon and three
daugliters. '..Agood woman hjaabedp
caU^ to her reward. ' ' -7
'-.It - • • n n
H. P. Guffy
Claud Howard
was received here Monday'.of
last w^k; tellld^tbe death ofClaiid
How^;- at, Ckunp Jackson.. Mr.
•Howan^w'ent to camp jiist * about
three vre&ss befor^ bis dea^.. His
father* &e!ly Howard, liv^ nsar
Smij^ Grove.; The cause of death ia
^tijmown. -Tbo
H. P. .Gufi^, of Concord.'died last
Tuesday night at Long's ^nitbriam
at Statesville, aged 42 years. He is
survived by his wife and two daugh
ters. and his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Guffy, of Rowan Qonnty.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/9/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 16,1918
Infant Daughter Jones
The infant daughter of Mr, and
Mts. George
sAdffasharied at cem^jeiy
^rsday, Rey. K 0. Cila conduct-
WjflhefoheriU Bervicrai^The par-
^ts have theayispathy .o£-a boat 'of
ftiends. J •
• fi3i& J. M* FopKo.
Mfv. J. H. Fo^ went away from b»
loved ones on earth Jaz^ 2,1918, to join
those who had greced^ her to *Hbe land
t^yond the tidV only a abort time
fo^ was iaid to .rest at &thel. The fuh>
e^.sec^does wNe.oondtM^ed ^ bet pe^
tor. - .%e had beeo a pa^t^tuiffecerrioin
tnoDCbtal dxnible 'for qidtis a - whiles and
for some time baa beeir cons^o^ cbat the
end •woo DifMv; would'oftea entroat her
loved enee'to,pnq^re theause^s for. bet
OepatOMO* andesked them sot. to . grieve'■for ber, bat ratbw rcjd^. as she-was
^dy to go.' and'woo.Id be ant of her suft
fering;' She* wiU'be iniased not bnhr byher loved one^ hot the commtmlty in
wbicb she lived foi; her many deeds 'ofkindn^. '8hq>afl eyer feady to -do. ^in ber p6w«| io.r!rileve the rfck= ai^ snf*
wasb^erl' if» Wd "tvas lode^ hn in:qtodon in many ways. She'poteeased
ia wdmi^bil ppwer of. :ebdaia^^^ ^^b
^aa ^er S^.to^iinbi^ttr or '^'plaip.:alwa^ bowipiib bumble .bibmission Jo^thesHnolbeT'Sa^®^^^'^ CMd-dyat old mhth^.Hoa will listen in vain, for the voice' yonlisii bov« hear: 'May y.caaU follow the
ieic$in^ of'the meek shd lotvly Je^*and Hvb the life that' win give yoa an eii-tmn^ latotto •rbe8«*«'<^mc^er, fsUier and Bttle l^er' vdU. beI • ■. -L,-,. -iJi -ijattiiig t0^elemne.yOa-.
Bio - Obituaries -1/16/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 23,1918
Mrs. M. E. Caton
Another aged of brael;!^
pdssed M,. -iB. Ca^on
passed a^&y- S^^ay ^ornins^^ap.-
19 at the home ^her dhughtlrrMrs.-
T. M. Shhrnu^. Mrs. Catbn «wa8
taken witti^^neantdiiiia Christmas day
and h^ jrassed .ovhr the worst stages
of-t^disease Qntit heart tronbleset
ii^Blrs. always lived dn
Coaht^. ■* She^as as sisteF tothe 1^ Mr* R> Bailey and jsbar-
viv^^By one- sister' Mrs.* Sueanpa
WiUk^ of Elbavilte; *; jtwBailey Was married to . Mr.~.Atl^natoh in thpm were.b(^ fi vasons/and ■ five .dahirhtersi'Ontv two of her childreU'liave lived
her pass away.'. Mre;. D.. D.Linim'ona'bf. Morristown. ^i^eseeand Mra.'T.'i^ Sheriiier of d^vancewid) whom.s^'haam bo^SioOeher hpshsn^ death : mrs
:ago.;. " ' ■ • ?•'/~ Tbe.fnne^ and bhrialplace at tiia U. E Chcnrch^e^ldbn*
day at eTey^ jo^'iclock.-' . r >•/ .; ) •
Bio - Obituaries -1/23/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 30,1918
J. M. Latham
. Mr. J. M, of near Pino;
died last Tuesday afternoon, ased
84 years. The funeral and buria]
services were held at Wedey's Cha
pel Thursday mdmiufir at IX o'clock,
jhia pastor. Rev. Vestal conducting
the services. Mr. .Latham was a
Confederate soldier, and' a good
man. He is ^survived by six sons
aud-a host .of relatives' and friends.
Peace to his ashes.
Bio - Obituaries -1/30/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 6,1918
Tobitha James Sheets
fifes. Tobitba James Sheets, passed
from life unto death, on Sunday
momingJan. 20th 1918, and was
laid to rest at Fulton churchyard on
Tuesday* afternoon.- Mra. Sh^ts
had been sick for a month with par-
rfysia. She was 40 yean of age, ^d
is survived by a hnsband and seven
children, ^ Burial conducted by Rev.
J. H. Br^dall.^
J. M. Bennett
fd'tS* superintendent of
o division of theSpathern Railway dl^; Thursday
Bio - Obituaries — 2/6/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 13,1918
j Ma* Sallie Ellb Foaod Dead.
: Mris Sallie Ellis, of Advance,, was
found dead in bed abont . 6 o'clock
Sonday morning' by her daoghter,
j Mrs. Bud Fables. Mrs Ellis bad
'rafferedfromasevere headache
[ Saturday but it wasi-iiot
I thought to hf ienbus. The body
, still warm when discover^, at d
Dr. Watkins was bast9y .summoned'.
'After an examination he found'-.that
' death was due to heart trouble. 1!he
f-funet^^ and. burial r^rvices wmce
held Tuesday aflemoon. MrStj^is
is ^Tvived by one daughter/ . Mrs.
Bud Peebles, with whom., ^e lived,
and severM brothers and -^ers*
Mrs Ellis wss a mmnber of :.tibe
Methodist chorcb, aim was a. eonse*
crated cbrlstian worn w'. She will be
sadjy missed in the Advance section.
A mother in Israel.^as be^ ca'Ucd
jto her reward.
Infant Rummage
Ah infant of Mr. and .-Mrs. Ross
Rominage,o£Cana, died Thui^day
tnQraingand was buried'Friday...
Bio - Obituaries - 2/13/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 20,1918
Amy Minor
Mrs. n Amy Minor passed away
to the great beyond Saturday after
an illnesa of sbveral weeks. Mrs.
Minor made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. G.' Tolbert. As
this aged mother in !forael goes to
ber reward/she leaves behind a
brother, a. sister, 'two sons add one
daughter, and a number of grand-
Ghildreo. Mrs. Minor was a mem
ber oC Che Baptist ohutob-, and was,
& consecrated a^omau. The fouer
,ai was coDducled at the Tolbert
home-Monday and the burial was
at Bork,Church' beside her hns-
band wLo preceded her 'several
years. ' n .
John F. Mitchell
' Prof. John P. Mitchell, wuniyBOperiuteEndenf of Iredell schools.'
died Tuesday morning of last week.
foUowina^ short illnew of
moiiia. J3e is -survived by to wife,
who was Miss Ada "Baity, of Court
ney. and three children, two ofwhom are now ill with pneumonia.
Amy Minor
Mrs. Amy Minor, of - Advance,
dfed Saturday night at the hpme of
her daughter, Mrs. Gannon Tolbert,
after a long illness. She is sarviv<^d
by several sons and daughters,
among tbm being Prof. .Tohn
Minor, of Mocks^He. A go.od won
man has been called to her eternal
resting place. . To the bereaved ones
I The Record extends eympatby.
Mis. W. R. EOis.
death of sqch a lady -as Mrs.
W. R. Ellis deserves more than a
passing notfee, .Early in-life she be
came a member of the Methodist
chordi and'ber consistent Cbdstian
life showed the sincerity of her re*
ligioD. Thh deceased was greatly
beloved by all who knew her. Qpr
amiability of temper, her loveliness
of character, her^remarkable cheer
fulness and'Wpy contented' dispo*
sltion. her utter want of klfiriiness,
her fidel^ to doty, ber devotion to
her hushed and ber untiring loving
care of ber'child, all combined to
make her a model woman, friend,
wife and mother, and the remem
brance of heir many excellencies of
character ^11 be'a precious comfort
to .ber griel*stri(^en familv and
friends. She leaves one daughter,
Mis. C. D Peebles, and two'grand
children, Sallie Elizabeth and - Wiley
Eaiis Peebles. Our loss, is her etern
al gain. A FRIEND..
Ruth Parker Phillips
; l^e .many friends of Mrs, Ruth'
Parker Phillips will be pained to^
learn of her death, which occurr^'
Saturday'morning at her home in
Winston Salein. Mrs. Phillips lived
in Mocksville several years ago, and
is. the daughter of Rev..P. E Parker.
A busbknd and an infant'aurviVe.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/20/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 6,1918
Bob Cornatzer
Mr. Bob Cornatzer, of near Cor
natzer, died Sunday, and wasbnried
here Monday afternoon. 61r. Cor
natzer was about 80 years of age,
and is snrviv&l by a wile and live
children. The funeral services were
conducted by Dr. J. H. Brendall,
pastor of the Methodist chnrdi here.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/6/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 13,1918
J. N. Ledford Drowos Himself.^
J. N. Ledford, a piomlneiit liiefcbane of
Cooleemee^ drowned hiinself Mondoy eve*
nine between 8 and 9 o'clock, in tbe mill
race near tbe Cooleemee floor mill.' n Bis
body was found abooc one o'dodt Tues
day otcroine. A heavy weight was tied
around Ids neck. A note was found in
bis office safe tellio^ where bis body could
be found, it is thought that Ul*Wltb is
resjxmsible for the awfol tragedy. Mr.
Ledford's family Tesides*in Chacloue.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/13/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 20,1918
Jobn Ray EatOD. Dead. -
The many friends vf John Ray
E^ton, who lived near Gana for
many years* will be saddened to
learn of bis death, whicn occurred
at John Hopkins Hospital, Balti
more, last W^nesday night, follow
ing an operation for brain trouble.
The body was brought home Friday
and laid to rest Saturday at Eaton's
Baptist Church. Mr, Eaton is sur
vived by' bis mother and several*
brothers and sisters.* For several
years Mr. Eaton was- In charge of
the farm demonstration work at the
A. &-M. College, at Raleigh. A few
years ago be went to Alabama and
remained there for a time looking
after the State College farm.- A-
boot two years ago he returned to
North Carolina and went to Sampson
county to take charge of. the large
farm of Hon. Marion Butler. He
was running this farm at Uie time
be was strickem with brain fever.
John Ray E^ton was a young man
of sterling qualities, and his death
is a distinct loss to the county and
state. To know him was to love
him. The editor-of The Record has
last a good friend. Peace to his
Jake Haneline
- Jake Haneline, who lived near
Smith Grove, died Wednesday morn*
ing of tubsrcolosis, aged about 82
years. Be is survived by his moth-
.er and two sist^ and^ 7 brothers.
The funeral and hnrial services were
conducted at Elbaville church Thurs
day afternoon.
Clifford Eaton
Clifford Eaton, son of Mr. and |
Mrs. O. B. Eaton, of Winston-Salein,
died last Wednesday, after a short'
illn^ of heart disease, aged *19
years.; The funeral and.bori^* ser-l
vices were bel^Tbursday. Clifford ^
was a bright young man and his
d^th is a severe shock to bis rela- ^
tives and friends here.
Bio — Obituaries - 3/20/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 27,1918
Frank A. Martin
FoimerDayie Qomatf 0^ De&d
Mr. Frank A Martin, ohe' of the
best known retideats of Winston,'
died Sunday morning at his home,
d21 Trade st^t
He ina a kon of the late Dr. J. F.l
Martin and Mrs. Martin,' and "was
bom in Davie county.' a^ was
63 years. He had hem ill for some
Surviving are Mrs. Mar^. two
sons and 'daughter^ also three
grradchildr^; one sister, ' Mrs. R.
^.'^amisoii, of Hocksvtile, and one
brother. Dr. John K. Martin of Pat
rick county, Va.
Mr.. Martin was married on May
3,'1882. to Miss Eva Heudreh, who
Infant Daughter Cashwell
The one year-old dait^ter>b£ Bev,
and Mrs. Learv Gaitiiw^, of .Corne
lius, died at Long's -S^tetiam,
Statesvilie, last W^esday. n Tb^r
many friei^ here wi& be ^s^den^
to learn of their flgeat. loss..' '
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 27,1918
Jake Haneline
Jake HatieUiie^it one timt'
a rHsideut of SaMebory. died
at the home of hi 8 mother in
Da vie County last week from:
the efftictB ot tuberouitwiBj
While io Salisbury he Was*
engaged iu the plumblDg
Bio - Obituaries -3/27/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 3,1918
Mrs. James Eaton
Elizabeth Clement
Iiaizabetb. the little daufi^ter. of
Ir Ray deipent, of Mon*
0, died last week of pfnetuncoiia. -.v
. Mrs. jam^ Baton who has been|
01 for some time, died Sunday nisdit
at the home of her' .danaht^. Mis.
J. P Green, death resulting from
paralysis. The fune^ ^and burial
serrices were cohducti^ Tuesday at|
Eatim's Churrii by ^v; 0. S. Caaba
wdl, of Stat^ille. Deceased wa^
a oonsecrated Christian woman, and
leayes'ihaiiy t^atives smd-fri^ds'1^.
mourn her d^th. ,
Bio - Obituaries - 4/3/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 10,1918
Alonzo Collette
Mrs. Aivis Davis
Mrs. Alvis Davis, who lived with
her daaahter, Mrs. L. L.. Miiler. at
Pino, died- iast Wednesday night
after a long illness, aged abont 80
years. The ftmeral and bnriM ser
vices were held at Eaton's Baptist
chnrdi Frldaymoraingat.il o'clock.
Mrs. Davis leaves three daughters
and four sons, besides a host of re
ladves and friends. A' good woman
has been called to her reward.
Alonzo Collette, formerly of hear'
Cana. but who has been working in
^Tioston-Saleia f m- some time, died,
morning of pnenmonia,
aged 21 years. The body was
brought here Saturday and carried
to the home of bis mother.' * The fn-
nerai and btirial services were held
at Eaton's Bap;tist -Chnrch Sunday,
afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr. Collet^
lived in Mochsvllle for soide timcv
and was a fine youtig mw. He wp
a member of the Bapt^ GhUTeh;
and while.here was a regular attmi;
dant of the Baptist Bar^ QasK
His many friends here will be pained
to learn of ins death.. He was .bur
led'with Junior Order honors -by
Mccksvine-Council. of whi^he was
a-membtf.. ' y.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 24,1918
W. A. Luckey
W. A. Lockev, of Cleveland.
Sunday n afternoon, aged 91
The funeral and bnrial ser-
held Monday afternoon
5 "lock. Oapt. Luckey was an
uncle d-Qj, townaman 6. A. Allison.
whoatte^^l^3 funeral services.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/24/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 1,1918
Ellis Lakey
Mr. ESIis^key
Saturday, at tfae'l^vanced
of 8i years. Detail was dae to
paralyi^ ISie' fmerSl andf burial
's^vioes were held Monday at Wes-^
l^sGfaapel. Mr. Ell^ h^ be«) ill
for.aboat eight y^t^He was a
Gosfed^te veteran. rH'hostqf-^
Utiyesdhd^endsBQiiE'ive^ ' n
Mr, Witliam Beck Dead.
Mr. William Beck..a good citizen
of Davie county, living near Cana,
di^ last Tuesday night. foHowing a
long iilneffl of peilegra. The fonpr-
al and burial services were held at
Eaton^ Baptist chnrcb. and was
held in high esteem by his neighbors
and friends. Peace to his a^es.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/1/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 8,1918
Sirs. J. L HoUb% >1Hes Suddenly..
. - The enti^ tnwn'^was shocked Mon
day about Qobn when it was learned
that Mrs. J. L. flolton bad died sad
deniyf Mrs. fioltonihad been In the
earden and .cameffi^ the house com*
plaining a head^^e She'was
saddeply -stricken with appopl^y.
and ltv€^-hut a minutes. Mrs.
Helton was about 40 years n of age.
and IS survived by'her husband 'and
four Qhitdreo, ^ree sons and one
^tighter, theyphpgeat-child being
aboQt 6 years old. Her father also
survives."and Ryes near lUver Hill.
Fune^'arrangembhts have hot been
madea$this article is written. Mrs
Holtoh was a good woman, and was
loved. by all who new her. To the
lnved^oneB:)efc behind. The Becord
extehds.depp synipatby in this hour
of sadness; MrVHblton is'also ill
with nepralgia.
Bio - Obituaries — 5/8/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 15,1918
Harriet DeLorme Howard
I ila. Memory.
;Mis, Qairlet' DeLorme Howard
was bom in^mter; S. C., March 81.
1850 and in'S^isbuiy. N.. C,
April 18,1918; aged aSxtyefght years,
and eighteen days. ' '
> Daring h^?^ly^;life n die .was .a<
nrember of Pr^byterian chnrcb
in Samter. S ^C. '^e was married
to Mr. T. F; Howard, of Daviecocm-
ty^ N. C, and after-jiving for sev?
oral years in Sdmter they moved to
Davie. While Jiying at Advance,
Mrs. Howard was- a faithfal mem
ber of the . Methodist • Episcopal
charch^ later moving- her member
ship to the drst M. E. churoh of
Salisbury, of which'she was a m'em-
'bar at the time of her death.
She was the mother of foa'r obil
dren, two sonh. ddng in infancy.
The husband and .two daughters still
snrvive. Those being Mr. T. F.
Howard, and-Mrs. F. E. Thompson,
of Salisbury, and Mis. J. ;S. Shntt,
of Advanced. ..3he. leaves twelve
grand<^iUiren:and two great grand
children, also-two'sisters, Mrs. Liz
zie Bracy. of Floidda. and Mrs. Ten-
sia Brown, of Bomter, S. C.
She was a- hind an.! affectionate
wlfe*and mother, and nombered her
friends by .those who knew her.
She has been a patient sufferer for
a number of-years, her health fail
ing soveral.y^rs ago. but she was
.only confiaed'tp her beri about three
weeks with an attack of grippe and
malarial fever-which she endured
patiently until' the end. .She said
she was ready to die any time.
Mi$s Mamie Moore Dead.
Miss Mamie Moore*, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Moore, of Claiks
vi lie township, died- Sunday after
noon of tuberculosis, aged about 33
years. The fniieral and burial ser
vices were held yesterday afrernoon
at Gieatnut Grove churdi. Rev. J
M.-Wall, of Harmony, conducting
the services. Miss Moore leaves a
father, mother, two sisters and one
brother. The bereaved ones have
the sympathy, of all their .neighbors
and friends.
Thomas Cornatzer
Clara Stroud
(^ra, the little. daughter of Mr. and
Daniel Stroud, died Thursday of
whooping cough. The burial took- place
at Clarksbury Friday. t
David Livengood
Mr.i David Livengood. aged about
[75 years, died at his home near Je*
! rusalem Wednesday. The body was
carried to Salisbury and laid to rest,
A wife and several chiidren survive.
Mr. Thomas Cornatzer. aged 68
years, died at his home near Bixby
last Wednesday morning from an at
tack of paratinitis. The funeral and
burial ^rvic^ were held Thursday
morning at eleven o'clock, and the
body laid to rest at Shady Grove
cemetery. Advance, A ' wife and
three daughters survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/15/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1918
David C. Livengood
A Tribute... j
David G. Livengood, died at his home,
near Jetusaiem, Davie ccniiity May 8.
I9l8,78 yeaxs, 11 months and 11 days
otd. The wdter has koowQ him well dnee
hbyhood. From a mero child he was pore
in life, dean in thought and langoage,and
fanhtess in 'conduct. He vras pceeminent
• >f •. * . • • •Id gold wci^aiadimpresas^aU who knew
iMtrti ijte^.'riigh'tvpe of c'htistiah char-
Oder. He ti^-jmi»bih|mident of his sab-
he was locapa^tQt^ by dd. age, , and
Hmuasa m^of ?gmtefiil ap^reeiatioo,
for past scfric^ ihe chtueh made bim
saperintend^^jf mgedwa for Ufa. He
oonid sing well-and';wa8 gifted In prayer
He was valuable in all forma of Christian
service. HeVooflboralin his contribo-
Hodsiothe.cbaroh 'and CO all forms of
benevolence, > He seemed ever young. in
80fi^ attcacdng and bbldiog the atteo>
tion aod te^iect of .children. He was a
good neigUbor and loyal citizen, having
served with oopspicmm gallantry in the
armies of bis i^ntry'ln Che,groat war of
states. At hom^ he was a peaceful law
abiding citizen, never, in his long iSfe,
having had the sfightest tiouhle In the
coi^ in the cfa'uicb. or in community
dif^lties. His quiet, peace loving
Christian demeanor won for bIm the un*
bofmtled conCdhnce of all who knew hlir.
At alt imrittds pf his life, he was good for.'
earth and ready, for Heaven.
He lived a suceeasfol farmer's life, w ith«
In a half a mile of whm he was born,
I Hie was twice roairied. Of the first union,
! there remaiim only gianjfson whom he
I raised and 'edneat^ t» honorable and
suocessfol manliood. Of the second, there
were only a son and a daughter whom be
educated at the best schools in the com-
mnnity<^--tbe'son a fhQ graduate of Trinity
GoQ^ and at present, in the employ of
the groat American Tobacco Company, in
Dntharo. Ttm'danghter is also married
and Issioguiariy baiqiy and successfuL
**I have been young, end now am old;
yet have I not iseen therlgbteoos forsaken
nm bis seed begging bread,**
The loving appreciation and t^e devoted
affection of these chttdron and that of the
grandson was beantifiiUsr touching.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 22,1918
. A remarkable Uun^ in the life of (bis
gobd man was the fact chat« u all these
lyeais. be has lived a. loyal and earnest
' Baptist and bia dear wife, a tfuly good
woman, just as loyal and . as earnest a
metliodisr. Tbeii^ dwelling was fbe home
{Of the Bapitst and Methodist preachers
'alihe. The one was as carefully eared for
and as well treated as the other, by both
of these stediag Christians How happily
these devoted* people walked down tb.e
steeps of rime, hand in liaiid, heart to
heart, tovlogly agreeing 'to disagree in
matters of cbacch creed» she attending
with ^m' bis Shnday School, church meet*
logs and revival services. All this in so
aweeta spirit as to challenge the wonder
and the admiration of friends and neigh*
bota,. Stern and rigid as the oak in their
coovicrions yet geotle as the evening ze- . ^
pbyra in their leligioua tolerance. , > Cheatnat HiU cemetery Mk Salisbury.
At last, when the end came,>itief61 where the body wjjU qnlecly rdst ontil the
were at the bier aBapiist.preacber and a | great Resurrection Day.,
Methodisr preacher, their respective pas- May the good Lord, tenderly blesj and
tots on equal terms, to perform the fun- n comfort the aged wife, the devoted cbUi
emi rights, .in the presence of a large con- dren and thelovJag' crendson, in ibis hour
coumeof soitowitigtrienda and neighbois. of sore trial, and may they realize cliai
Amid a profusion of costly and beautiful there is no death—chat what men call
flowers,borne in the.hands of bis old sol* death is only the gate way through whic)i
dier friends, as-honorary pall bearers, at* the soul sweeps into a fuller, larger, rich-
testing the coinmnnities love and regafd, happier life,
the remains were con)[eyed to the beauii* LIFE-LONG fRffiND AND NEIGHBOR.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/22/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 29,1918
William J. Ellis Dead«
Mr. Willie J. Elllsi', one of the
oldest and best known- citizens of
Winston, died Monday. Mr. Ellis
had been in declining health for seV'
eral years, bat had onlv been criti
cally ill for a few days'.
The deceased was born in Davie
county near Advance on October 23,
183$, and at his death bis age was
82 years.', six months and twenty
seven days. He served thra .the
CSvil War,. &s a lieutenant in the
42nd regiment.
His early youth was spent on the
farm, bnt after he had completed
his education he taught school for a
number of years. In 1887 he engag
ed in the tobacco, business in Win-
ston-Salem and in 1889 he moved his
family from' Davie' county to this
city, where they have resided since
Daring his residence ' here he was
for four years deputy' collector of
internal revenue, and from -1896 to
190O was assistant postmaster, un
der the late Phillip Lybrook.
The deceased is survived b.v Mrs.
Ellis and live' childr.m as follows:
Mrs Ralph J Ramer of* Anderson
S. C; W. D Ellis. Yoric, Pa ; T. J.
Ellis, of Advance;'C. W. Ellis, of
Greenville, S. C ; and R. L Ellis, of
A short funeral .service was con
ducted from the home on Tuesday at
12:30 o'clock, by. Rev. J. D Will*
lams The-funeral proper was con
ducted at E^bdville M. P. church,
near Advance. Tuesday aftemoun
at three o'clock ' The interment
followed in the church graveyard
Bio - Obituaries - 5/29/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 5,1918
MrsW. £. Brock Dies.
Mrs. W. F. Brock died of pnen-
moniaatherhome m Mt Airy lasc
Monday moroiog at ten o'clock, hav*
ing: been ill only dnce three o'clock
on Saturday. •
Mrs. Brock was a Miss Ferabee be
fore her marriage to Mr. Brock
about axty years ago., Sbe was burn
in pavie county and had passed her
eighty first birthday. Her husband
died in the war between the states
j and li^t her with Wo sonSjT.N. and
j W. F, 'Brock. • . .
J. M. Somers
J. M. Somcrs. a native of Davie^
county, but for many years a rest-'
dent of Salisbury; died at* his borne
in that city a few days ago. at an ad
vanced sere. A wife and several
children aurvive.
Infant Benson
The three-months old child of Mr.
and Mrs- Fx K.. Benson di^ last
Monday night of pneumonia, and
was laid to rest Tuesday ^temoon
at Rose Cemetery. The bereaved iparents have .the sympathy of all;
their friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/5/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 12,1918
E. D. Davis
Mr. E D. Davis, of Winston Sa>
lem. died last Tuesday, aged 2G
years.' He was a naiiv^ of Davie
county, and leaves several brothers
who live at Advance.
Infant Son Clement
The inf£)t son of. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank CUment died early Saturday
morning and was laid to rest at Rose
cemetery Saturday afternoon. The
bereaved parents and relatives have
the sympathy of a host of friends.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/12/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 19,1918
T. F. Young
T. F. Young, of Salisbury, died
last week, aged '62 years. Mr.
Young a native of Davie county,
buthadl^nm boainesa in Salis
bury for many years.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/19/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 26,1918
Mrs. Amanda Howard Dead.
Mrs. Amanda Howard, wife of
Mr. Giles Howard, died at'ber hom^
on North Main street Friday, morn'
iog, June 21st, at 11 a. m., at the
advanced age of 88 years and 8 mon
ths. Mrs. Howard had. been con
fined to her bed for 18 months, as a
rssolt of a fail by which she sustain*
ed a broken hip. Deceased leaves a
husband and two daughters, Mrs. J.
N. Ijames and Mrs W. A. -Owen.
Mrs. Howard had been a resident of
Mocksvitie for 65 years and was
known and loved by all odr people.
The funeral and burial services were
conducted by her pastor. Rev. E O
Cole, at 2 o'clock Saturday after
noon, and the body laid to yest in
Rose Cemetery. A mother In Israel
has gone to her reward.
Daughter Swicegood
. The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Carl Swicegood, of Cooleemee,
died Thursday and was burled at
Rear Creek church Friday.
Martha Tutterow
Miss Martha Tutterow, of Coolee
mee, daughter of Mr. W. D. Tatter*
ow« died ^turday. June 15tb. and
was buried at Center on Sunday the
Bio - Obituaries - 6/26/1918 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY