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Jan - Jun
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 10,1917 Mrs. Arthur Phelps Uis. AithurPhelpSrOrCooteeniee, di^ Sunday and was. buried at Liberty Tuesday, Rev. H. 0. Mariey cooductiag tbe bniial services. Mary Ann Barringer Maiy Ann Barrioder died on Dec. 24th. aged 31 years. A husband and five Bmnll children survive. -Uis. Baninger was a consent member of the Baptist Ghnccb. Her body was laid to rest at Mt. Tabor on Christmas day. i Mrs. Seagle .lHes in Morganton. Mrs. Jennie Seagle .died at three o'clock Monday morning dt the home of her niece, flbs. Jennie Hogan. at Morganton. The Ifoiieral' was. h^d Tuesday morning, conducted by her pastor. Rev. E. £. Willimnson. For over sixty y^ears Mrs. Seagle wais one of the most devout members of the Methodist chnrch. Mrs. Seagle was .Miss Groot. of .Davie county, and the only surviving meinber of her immediate family is A. T. Grant, of Mocksvllle, her only sister. Mrs, J. A, Glaywell, having died last year* Her husband died nearly fifty years ago. Mrsl Seagle was ^ghty-two years of age.—Winston Sentinel; Dec.-27th. . Mrs. S. D. Smith Mrs. S. D. Smith, of near Pork Church, died Saturaay morning of pneumoma. following an attack of measles. The hurial took pl^ at Folton Sunday. Mrs.'Smith is sar-- vived by'abo^ia&d and five chUdren. Mrs. Smith lived in this city fOr sev- eral years, and has many friends here who ^11 be pmned to learn of herdeath. * . Bio - Obituaries -1/10/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 17,1917 Mr Granger'Dead. J. 6. Granger, of near Memphis Tenn., died Dec. 27tb, of pneumonisr, aged-SOy^rs A wife and several childroi snrvive. Mr.. Granger was born near Mocksville: but went west about sixty years ago. He was a brother of our townsman, - D. W.. Granger, and W. B. Granger,- who lives on Route 1. T. Hi.AnfIersoii;Pead. Mr. T. M. Apderson^-o-of Calahhln, one of the count's well-known citi zens, died Monday momiqg, follow ing an illness of more than a year of dropsy end heart trouble. Mr. An- der^nwasaboat65 yean of age, and Is survived by his wife, one son and two daughters, besides a host of relatives and friends. The funeral and burial services were conducted Tuesday by bis'pastor, Rev. T. S. Poble, of this city, and the body laid to rest in the family burying ground, near Calahaln. The Record extends' empathy- to the bereaved family. * • Jim Ijames Jim ijames, colored, died almost suddenly FHday morning at bla home near the d^t, death resulting from heart trouble. LIndy Casper Kilk Girl Then Shoots Self* Salisbury, Jan. i4.^Iifisa Liody Casper, aged 20. was shqtaad instantly tdUed at the iealdenca of htt tiater ia Salisbury at 9 oi'clodt Saturday night by Lee Honey- eutt 37-yeatold groc^ of this place, who turned the revolver opon himself and in-, flictedtwo serious wounds, after fitii^ four abets into.tbe body of the ^xi Hen- ^cutt %ra8 carried to die hospital and there is not mudi hope for Ms recovery. Re has a wife and several small children. When asked why he had shot the gbl, by the offlgCTa and attending idiysiciaiia, Roneycott is reported to have replied, **abe wouldn't listen to oaje." No cause is assigned for the tragedy. Bio — Obituaries - 1/17/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 24,1917 E. W. Mooring Former Oavie Citmen Dead. A telegram received in this city V/odnesdar.'telling of the death of Mr. E. W. Mooring, which oc^ curred at his home in Oioucester PointrVa., on Tuesday evening, foN lowing a week's illness of gall stone. Mr, Mooring was nearly 64 years of Bge^ and is survived by a wife. Mr. Mooring was for many years a citi zen of 'MOcksville. and was one of the fonnders of the old Davie Times, the first paper ever published in this county. He has many frienda here who.wfU be saddened at the news of his death. Dr. OnmpD^d. . . Drl Wv L. Crump, of Salisbury, died last Wednesday, aged isO .years, following an illness of. some time. Dr. Crump was born in Davie coun ty, but spentmost of his life in Row an county. He is survived by one son and two daughters. Mrs. Burt Owens Mrs. Burt Owens, of Clarksville, died Monday morning, aged 71 years. A husband and two sons survive. The body was laid to rest at Society church Tuesday afternoon. H.T. Bahnson Dr. H. T. Bahnson, one of North Cuolina's most widely known physi cians and surgeons, died at his home in Winston-Saiem last Tuesday, aged 81 years, after an illness of several months Dr. Bahnson was an uncle of Mrs. 0. Lu Williams; of this .city. He had many &ienda here who were pained to learn of his death. George Wilkins Dr. George Wilkins, formerly of Courtney, Yadldn county, but for some years a resident of Dallas, Texas, died at his home in that city last Friday. Mrs. Wilkins, who still livesrat Courtney, was on her way to the bedside of her husband when the mrasage came telling of bis death. The body of Dr. Wilkins will arrive in this city this afternoon on the 2:18 train and will be carried to his old home and laid to rest. Dr. Wil kins had many friends in Dayie who will be sorry to learn of his death. CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, January 24,1917 Ida V. Bollabaugh 1 .\'r = I i .i V Bul a!:.! :iK I . ??v; ■» •-'.*11 p" *V i! r* .) t ,1 A i i" 1 i ' ' i»d at h » !i - hi ! 5 ; ai iv miII •• d i . » » 'iiig of a ii.'i. •.! , triMihlf s. ,">i»' v.as a i \'t ilaviri i"«» i»c*y ami •- a ii<l it ;i'| p* ' V iM ; ij li n U'T rtniai '.s A.)*- '-'kr:. i -. Coole^iiiee f.r iiilHrinea Mouday. i Bio - Obituaries - 1/24/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 31,1917 Phillip Sowers Ltf ge CiWoer in Rowan Dead* Fbillip Soweia, aged 98 years, died at his home near Spencw Jan 22nd followii^ an illness of nine weeks. He was one of the oldest dtizena .of Rowan, and the largest land o^er in Rowan and Davidson counties, oc^ copying a ^lendid home on the Yadkin River, Surviving him are two sons, John and Lum Sowers, of Davidson, one daugditer, Mrs. ]^nk Hedrick, of Lexington, one sister,' Mrs. Katie Davis, of Davie coun^, and numerous grand and fi^aat, grandchildren. Il(Ir& Maiy Moss Dead* Mrs, Mary Moss, of R. 2, du^d last Thursday of asthma, aged abcmt 70 years. A husband, pne son and jthree daughters survive, l^e funeral and bnriat services were conduct4d by her pastor, Rev. T, S. Coble, Satur day morning at 11 o'clock,, at 'Oak Grove Methodipt church. A large eonconrse of relatives and friends were present at the funeral to pay their last respects to this mother n in Israel, who has been called tO\ her reward. To the bmreaved bus.^nd and children The Btecmrd ejct ends deepest empathy. > Mr* James Wood Dead* Mr. James Wo9.d, of'.near Cans; died early Sundav moining of cancel, aged 55 years, f A wife six child' rensurive. The burial took place at Eaton's Bapjlst Ghnrdi -Monday, morning at 11. o'clock' Rev,? WMter Dadd, of tlills .city conducting the services... J . ^ ? Mr* MrmirBian Stroiid D^rad*^ Mr. N, F,. Stroud died at his home in Statesvdil ^turday afternoon \at 3 o'clock*/following a short i)lness\df Pneumoina. j'A wife, and severed children survive, Mr. Stroud mov edfrom County Line to Statesville only a fev/ weeks aifo. Tho. body) w^ broo-ght back anS laid to rest at Sodety/'Baptist Goi^h. A" host of rdatiyes and friends survive. Mrs. Charlie Brown . ! Charlie Brown, color-11 ' i?r* Parmington, died Ij Monday ni^t. Her husband is the I man who was shot Sunday afternoon,.] Jordan Green I <^rdan .Green, a prominent citizen {o£ SmUb Grove, died Monday night. Ifollo'mDg a long illness of kidney [trouble. Mr. Green is survived by [a wife'and two daughters. The fu- I neral and burial services occurred at [2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at[Smith Grove. Claud Stonestreet Mr. Claud Stonestreet, of near Gana, died< Tuesday night of last week, after a long Illness of tuber culosis. The body was laid to rest at Union Chapel Thursday. He is survived by his wife, his parents and. several brothers and sisters. He was a son of Harvey Stonestreet, of Winston Salem. Ida Bullaboy Mrs. Ida Bullaboy, of Salisbury, was buried at libmrty last Monday; I She leavjes a huabahd and five small {children, also a father, mother, two | .sisters and W^^others/ . T. # 1 wv* • • • - >1 ... li' . 1 Bio — Obituaries - 1/31/1917 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 7,1917 Mrs. William A. Luckey - P; A. Allison and daughter. IjlfiH! P^e. and Ura. J. B. JobdSon© tended the fnn^ of Mrs." WiUiaflm ^ Lu^oy. which woB h^d at ddVfe 'and Wednesday moming. Mrs.' j'Ucksy died Tuesday evening at. ~ - l.aged76yeaijB. Bio — Obituaries - 2/7/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 14,1917 Lyerly Child Mr. Albert Lyedy lost a child this week from mea^.. Wlmping cough, mompa and measied are prevalent in tUs eeo- don. Many others around are JuM able to be op. . Young Son Irvin A little son of Mr. Irvlo. at Gocl- emee, died Friday of diphtheria, and was baried Saturday. It ia said the burial was public* Bio - Obituaries - 2/14/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 21,1917 Mrs. Herman Josey Mrs. flerman Josey. oi Coolmee, died Stmday night, aged 17 years. The banal services were conucted by Be\r. T. S. Coble, at Salem diurch, at eleven o'clock yesterday. Mrs. George Booe Dead. ^ Mrs, George Booe, of near Caiu. died last Wednesday roorniDg,.. ag^ about 78 years; The body was. laid to rest at Ijame X Roads Thursda; at 12 o'clock, Bio - Obituaries - 2/21/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 28,1917 Mrs. W. G.Johnson Infant Son Rummage I Ail Infant SQO of Mr. and Mn. ,pastter Bammage, of Oana. died WeAoesi&jr oigiit and «aa boned V OV"-. J. H. Weaver J. H. Waaver, a noted bletho- dtst divine, and for znany yeara a Presiding Elder, dipped dead on the streets of Greensboro Wednes- day night while on his way home from prayer meeting. Mrs. W. G. Johnson, .of Farming- ton, died at the City Hospital in .Winston-Salem, Thui^ay night at 11:30 o'clock, at the age of 66 years. Mrs. Johi^on had been ill for some time, bat her condition had not been considered serioos until a few days before her death. She is survived by one brother and one sister, and one son and one daughter, 6. W. Johnson mod Miss Emma- Johnson, of FaoriDington. The funeral and burial services were held Sunday moraing at Farmington. Mrs. Jobn« son was a consecrated Christian wo man, having joined the Methodist church in her girlhood. The county mourns her death. Bio - Obituaries - 2/28/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 7,1917 Etta Simpson MfS. Gtta StiiDpson. wife of cite late D. H. Stimpsoo, died at the home of herson. Mr. S. O. Sdmpdon. Feh. 20th. Her re- naina weie laid to' rest at OairkabiiTy church. Rev. C. p. Goode cODdutting the fooeral services, assisted by Rev. Ovid Pollen. Jane Burgess I Uis. JaneBnrgess. of R..3, died ^Sunday moriuDg, aged 68 years, death resolting from measles. One son and one daughter survive. The body was laid to rest at Oak Grove (Monday at 12 o'clock. Jane Dismute ^ Jane Dismute,.coh>red, of Smith Grove, died a few days ago at the advanced age of 92 years. She was a Rood old woman and respected by both white and black. 'She remein« bered distinctly of seeing the great shower of stars which fell in 1838. Bio - Obituaries - 3/7/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 14,1917 Milas Holthouser Small Child Rldenhour The Httle child of Mr. and' Mrs. JRijdenhour, of Salisbury, was burled at Liberty last Sunday after- -noon. It died of measles and pneu monia. We extend sympathy to the bereaved parents in tois sad hour. Green Malone Green Malone. an aft^ Mlored inan. died here last To^day. He ^ a law abidingr citizen, and was ^pected by both white and black. Peace to hiar ashes. Milas Kolthooser, a respected citi-^ fen-of Trootman,, diedj Thursday evening at the advance^ ycvs. Mr. HolthouBef was thf^'Tatbs OT of our lownaS^. M. J. nouaer. The burial took. plaoe*-Fri? afternoon,> Mr. and ifn. flpll^' and childreo, of diis citT* attended the funeral and burial' sei^ vices. Deceased was a frood^mati.._a' Ciinfederate veteran.' wd' 1^® ®iBsed in faia cdnunuQt^. Mrs. A. J. Hutchens Milas Brittain Mllas Brittain. colored, died Fri day rooming. Brittain lived on the farm of J. J. E^ton, south of town, and was very old. Eugene Faircloth . Mr. Eugene Faircloth, a respected dtizen of Smith Grove, died Tues day of cancer, aged 50 years. The body was laid to rest at Smith Grove Wednesday, Rev, D. 0. Ballard. of Farmington. conducting the funeral services. A wife and dght childrmi survive. Mrs. A. J. Hutcbms, an aged lady died at the home of her son William R. Hutchens, near Pino, early last Thursday morning, death. resulting from a complication of diseases. The b<^y was laid to rest at Wesley's Ghapel Friday morning, her pastor. Rev. !D. G. Ballard, conducting the funeral services. Mrs. Hntcbens was a good woman, and has been for many years a member of the Methodist church. She is snrvived by four sons and a host of relatives and ^ends who'mourn, but i^t ^ those without hope. A mother In Israel has gone* to her reward^. Kermltt Sparks A distressing and fatal accident occurred in Farmington township, near Cook's store. Thursday morn ing, whai Eennitt, the little three- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks, was instantly killed by. being kicked in the stomach by a yonpg colt; The child was playing in the yard when the. accident happened. The father was standing within a few feet of the child, when the horse kicked, the blow striking .the -child! in the stomach. The little body was; laid to rest at Macedonia church atj 8 o'clock Friday afternoon-, Rev. Jaar Hiill/of Ciemmons, conducting thtf services,' The grief-stricken parents have the sympathy of" the ^entire' Community in their, sad bereavment.| Jesse L. Smoot Jesse It. Smoot, of Gooleeme^l died last Wednesday afternoon at 6: o'clock, at the age of 4pyeaw, death.resulting Irom measles and pneu-t monia. The body w®® Salem Methodist church Thursdw afternoon; and laid to rest. Rev. T.i S. Coble, of this city, condueUngthe funeral'and burial services. Mr. ' ^Smoot was a wnsiatCTt member or itbe.Methodist church, and was a 'membpr of the Wo^jdraen of tbe. j World.' He Is survived by hi? wife, and. live children, his father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Soaoot. of Kappa* and several brothers and. sistere. ll»e;]^rd extends .sy.i^'|palhy to the bereaved ones in -th^ -koutof sadneMii : Bio - Obituaries - 3/14/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 21,1917 Clifton Smoot Mrs. Hany Saia 0iad. Mrs. Harry Sain, of near Snutb Grove, died Sacday at six o'clock, at the advasi^ age of '!0 years, death resaltiiv frrai cancer. The faneral and burial services were conducted at Smith Groveyeaterday morning at 11 o'clock by Bev. D. C. fiallard, of Famuogtcm. Qne son and two daughters survive. Clifton, the six-year-old son of Mrs J. L. Smoot. Cooleemee, died early Sunday momig of measles. The little body was laid to rest at Salem church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock^ itev. Mr. Richardson, Cool; eemee, conducting the funeral and burial services. The father, Mr. J. L. Smoot, died about ten days ago. The grief, stricken mother has the sympathy of the community in her double affliction. * I CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, March 21,1917 Kermlt Sparks fr9{ieD98tliefD9v|8b&flty Oaeof the saddest affairs that hasoccared in this conn- ty in years occared in Farm^ ington township, near Cook^a store, last Thursday morning when Kermit, the little three year old sou of Mr. Jno. Sparks was kicked and in^ ptantly kiHad by a young horse being led to ^ate^ by the child's father The blow landed in the little fallow's stomach and he never breath ed . The body of the little one w 16 laid to rest at Macedpijia church Friday —MocKsviile Enterprise. Bio - Obituaries - 3/21/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 28,1917 Charles Wagoner Cfaarlea Wagoner, an aged citizen of Cooleeme, was found dead in bed Sunday morning. Heart trouble. Bio - Obituaries - 3/28/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 4,1917 William Burton William Bnrton,* one cf Sba'^y Grove's good men. died at his home aboat four miles from Advance, Sat. morning, death resolting from con- sumption. .Mr. Burton was 60 years old, and was a m'^mber of the Bap tist chur^. He will be missed in bis coromnnity. Bio - Obituaries - 4/4/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 11,1917 W. T. Burton Mr. W* T. Boiton died Fnday night,' after Idog sofferiog with consnmptioD. he^ la'.d to rest at Advance Baptist graveyard j Sunday Morning. Mr. Burton was a good bind man.^ha leaves a wife and eleven children to mourn his loss, the writer and many friends extends sympathy to the bereaved oaes in this sad hour. F* R. Brock Dead. Francis Richard Brock son of Noah and Rroily Brock, was bom in Davie Go. North Carolina Dec. 18, 1S70 and died near Darlington Indi* ana March 281917, aged 45 years 3' months and 10 days. He came to Indiana at an early age with lu^ parents, Mr. Brock was widely known as a farmer,8tock buyer and trader. He was hon^t and apnghtinaU UB dealings, a kind 1[ fdendandnagfabor. When his brotiier ws^s taken nine years ago he saidi "Meet me in Heaven." Frank jafd "he can't come to US hot we can nil go to bim and I am going to live to. meet him in hcavmi," and this life he haa lived that time. For some time he has been in poor hedth and grew worse this winter. He so often said to his mother "pray for me." She said I dp -and you pray for yourself, fie aaaured ber that he did and added "when I am taken X will be saved." He was always so ready and will ing to do all in his power to help his neighbors and friends. He leav^ to Mbimi their loss, a father, mdwer, two asters; Bdle Brodrahd Mrs.Wflliam Pmnter .and a host of rela tives and fHen^. Mrs. Charles McBride Mrs. Charles McBride, of Hno, died Tuesday evening,'following a long illness, at the age of 30 years. The funerel and burial services were conducted by Rev. Ballard, at Bethle- ii«ai, «n nonda^' atterooon, A husband and two diildiai survive. Bio - Obituaries - 4/11/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 18,1917 Infant Son Tutterow Anderson Infant Tlie three montti^ld son of Mri Infaofc Dead, and Mrs. Lather Tntterow, of Gen* t j ,, . ter. died Wednesday moraine ot ™ iofant of Mi. and Hn. Jolui An- ^ <l«i. Of W^le. M SoElay, and Be^n^te^'o^'iw^ncUn^'^e wslioriedatBearlJeeli'dniiABIoiiday fonetol service. ; Bio - Obituaries - 4/18/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 25,1917 Mrs* Martba Ratledge Dead. Mrs. Martha A. Ratledge died at her home near Catabalh, at e)even o'clock Saturday night, aaitjng from paralysis. Mrs. Bat- ledge \ras nearly 74 y^rs old. and is snrviy^ by nine children, six sons and thr^ daughters. The funeral and burial service were held -Mon* day morning at 11 o'clock at Hickory Grove Methodist church. Fr^diu? Elder H. K. Boyer conducting the services. > tfepgased waS a good wom an and leaves'al host of friends to moorn her rose. Maude Smoot Miss Maude Smoot* of Richmond, Va.. died Thursday night of appen dicits, aged about 88 years. The body was laid to rest at Joppa Sun« day morning at 11 o'clock, Rev. T. S. Coble conducting the burial servi ces. Miss ^toofc formelv lived'near Hoimau'sbttt moved to Virginasotne } ears ago, where she held a posit ion as bookkeeper. ObilDary—Mrs. Gartner, Saiah Cathenne Wiseman was hero near Mccksville, North.Caroliiia Npv. 27, 1846- She Was converted and baptized at the age of fcuneeo. Four ye^ later in the Sj^ing of 1867 she mov^ with her parents to Jeiaeyville, 111. lemaining there HQtill after thedeath of her father in 1870 when the family returned to N. C. She was mairi^.co Henry Caitner, April 22. 1876. In the. f^ of chat year they came to Cowtey county^ Kanaa and moved to Brown county In the fall of 188o. Where cbay resided near Hiawatha untiU the death of .Mr, Oattoer which occored Ang. 10, Idoa. In February, 1911 she moved to Abilene where she lived untiU her death wMdt occured at her h^e cn North Cedar street Monday. April "9' at 10:30 p. m., aged 68 years, 6 months and 12 days. She la suiived by three clnld- laiiMis. Eaoch Denii^, John Gartner whose ItoDieis North of Abilene and Mis. Hassen Ifeoick Whose home, is near White Cloud, Kas. One son, Robert, died in childhood.- She leaves fbree brothers, Rev. J.H. Wiseman of Austin, Tex. Rev. Wiseman, D. D.' of Monnd Vall^t Kss., and J. 'J. Wiseman of Jcrsey- vllle, IIL, two slsroca, F. A. CUflOTd of Natdia,-OItla., and hi^. Stroud oif St., Louis, III. Also three grandcbUdtcn,. Nel lie Derrick, Ralph .and Kenneth Gartner Mrs. Gartner has alomys been a very consecrated active member af the l^p- tlst ebuioh. One of the great servtces she rendered was white Bving' in Brown coonty when thtongh her teadership the Royas Creek Baptist-church was ^pt open for abont three yeara. And every memberof the Abilene church are gted'to pay ttibute to Mrs. Gartner as oiro of oor teadiag, spiritual powers and for faithfttlnees, She' wee benevoleut and missionary in all of her activitiea. add and was an In^i^tm to any preacher I who bad the j^vUege of {Hceaehingto her. ' We cannot tell of all good deeds that Bibs. Cartnce has done, as she was not* bound by the activities of the church alone but gave herself to Christian service wherever it could be rendered. Mta. Gartner has I many blends; who in sympathy .with ^ stives, fooum her departure and wili look forward to the time when they shall , meet again never to part. Mia. Gartner I was resigned and ready to go nnd the I last words spolten weip a prayer "Loid ' Jesns.'tnltg^SJU^" and less than .a mln- 'btel^d bra laded out. The ftmeial s^ces were hdd at the '.First Baptist cliu^ of Abilene last mon- ^ dayaft^o^atS oTciockby Ri^. A. J,. Umb^or, aa^edhy. Rey.Haoiitz. Text Fs, 35:14. The body was taken to Pleas-j .aiitHill.&8.lto be yd to rest Me. vlher oompankn. R«r^,HulI,u'fofmOTpa.^ ! or of iUdtene^ ; at . Mr. IHr. T. Kiocaid Dead. Bb. W. T. Kincaid died last monday *a- bout 12o''clock at his borne on Davie aven ue. Some months ago Mr. Klncald sof- f«ed a digbt stroke of paialyds. He was conflined but a few days at the time but he did not regain his health and bis blends'feared the worst On the 22od of March he snSetcd a second' stroke and since then bis death has been expected at.any hour. Wllham Thomas Klncald, 69 years old. was bom end reared iu Franklin church ntigbhorhood, Rowan county. In 1888 he and bis brother, Ab. B. L. Kin^aM, en gaged in the lumber - business in the lumber business under the firm name of Kiocaid Bios, and the partnership con tinued to the present For a time they were located at Rock Cut (now Eufola), later at Clevelaod and since about isqa they have lived in Statesvilte. Para tiine they were interested in furnfthro roanu- facturing in Statesvtiie and for some years they have had a busineas at Mocks- viUe.—Statesvilte Landmark.' Bio — Obituaries - 4/25/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 9,1917 A. L. Peeler and P. A. Peeler Francy Cash _ ,.q£ near died .Tbinsdar - jnoxtiiiff ^ r« and waa laid at-lloVlNl^ A *3i09.t l'ftiaid8ra^ve«1 f < Death seems to daim gtown mostly this qirln$. Some weeks aj?o Itr. A. L Fedor, of the Rowan Aitlllay Oou was eaUed to lost A Bttb later; ll£r. P. A. Peeler Che fdnnoBS moidaiit. asd one the beat mmi of Faith, and son>in>law of (Rteaver, died, and it was said the iinM^ services wete attended by the lai^st.col- lecdmt of peoide evurhnownjatthatidaoe. Pearl Holthouser On last Sunday the body 'Miss Peart pdthonser ahottt 18 yean <rtd. was laid to rest at Christiana. She was me of oor best dids; when the Angel came for bar ahoirtedtoelapher bands and left na withaemiie. Bio - Obituaries - 5/9/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Benjamin Franklin "Benejay" Carter (1854-1917) - Find A Grave Memorial Benjamin Franklin "Benejay" Carter Photo added by Charles Paul Wells BIRTH 20Febl854 DEATH 14 May 1917 BURIAL Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, USA PLOT Row 16, Plot 11 MEMORIAL ID 83650273 Family Members Spouse 1^1 Sarah Luevine 1854-1886 *Calculated Relationship Gravesite Details Information provided by Mrs. Edith Shutt Zimmerman, Mrs. Vernelle Snider Greene & Mrs. Florence Sides 3rd Edition (2004) Cemetery Records Book Created by: Charles Paul Wells Added: 18 Jan 2012 Find A Grave Memorial 83650273 F/nc/A Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com : accessed 23 February 2018), memorial page for Benjamin Franklin "Benejay" Carter (20 Feb 1854-14 May 1917), Find A Grave https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/83650273/benjamin-franklin-carter 2/23/2018 r; cr 4 CO a> <y <c c2 O I o Benjamin Franklin "Benejay" Carter (1854-1917) - Find A Grave Memorial Page 2 of 2 Memorial no. 83650273, citing Advance United Methodist Church Cemetery, Advance, Davie County, North Carolina, USA; Maintained by Charles Paul Wells (contributor 47517158). Copyright © 2018 Find A Grave • Privacy Statement • Terms of Service https://www.fmdagrave.com/memorial/83650273^enjamin-fi•anklin-carter 2/23/2018 DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 16,1917 Anna Renegar Renegar' died at her hS Ohio Mt>eek,>iid Z.I ^ htooght®^e%^^ ^ Sandy SpHnggto rest., Avhufr llliss Margiaret Meret^r Dead« Mto Margaret Ueroney, who has been HI for the past five montlis, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. W« Bailey, on Satisbory street, at 6d5 o*eIodc Wednesday* afterboon, aged 76 years. The bodv was Imd to rest at Joppa graveyard Thursday afternoon, Rev. E. O. Cole, conduct ing the funeral and burial services. Miss Meron^ was a comSstant mem ber of the Methodist church, and was loved by all who knew her. One sister, Mrs. J. W. Bailey, and a nephew, H. C. Meroney, survive, besides a host of r^atives and fd^de, A good woman has been called to her leward.- Bio - Obituaries - 5/16/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 23,1917 B3i$s Ida Campbell Dead. Miss Ida Campbell died at her home near Eappa, at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, death resulting from Btight's disease. Miss Campbell was 47 years old, and is survived fay three sisters and four brothers. The fun- _ - eral and burial services were held j I Xharsday evening at Society cburcb. I Rev. Teague conducting the services. I Deceased was a-good woman and I leaves a host of friends and rela> j tives to mourn her loss. Infant Graves Inf^ Dead. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graves, of this city died Wednesday, and was buried at Chesnnt Grove church Thursday afternoon. Bio - Obituaries — 5/23/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 30,1917 Thomas Gartner Thomas Gartner, a r^wcted did* %o of Rowan county, was found dead in bed last Thursday morning. Bio - Obituaries - 5/30/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 13,1917 John Reavis Jplm Reavis died at his teiiBe la oouQty on last Friday and was Suttday at Rock*. Spdnga, Mr ^avls ^ a old mad age tie>od a^aWbine in eigbty* Ha la ewdved by and three daujtbtets. Paul HardiosoD Dead, Mr. Pant. Hardtnsbn for m'any AftTH a citizen of MocksvllI^ but Jiho bas beeti at Black Moantam for ^QSe yeargii died Snnday afternoon of tdbereulosis. after a lonR iinness: %e body was brouarht here yeatep- day aitemdoQ aind laid to rest at the Otenieht 'graveyard mth Ma^nic honors;' Pahl was ayonng ,inan srad had. hosts of frl^da whQ are |)aidM loiuno;*pf' hfa ' dOTtty- . A TOOtber.■tWiQ>^hr)iUii(^^^d:One Bio - Obituaries — 6/13/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 20,1917 Tolliver Chestine Daniels M. C. Cope the elevra moothB old son of Mr. Ed.-'Cope died last Thuzadey, Was taid to rest aC.Forit cwO^jt^VFi^oy at eleven o'clocl^ Rev. Jooo aaaOueUng tbaftmeral- servi*■oea; ^ Qu ^pathy goes cuit io. the par- eo^fllt/their Meayemenc. - T. I. Linn Tolliver Chestine Daniels died Sundaymorning June 17th, 1917, at 7 o»c!ock, at Long'aSanitc^umVStatesvillB. where he was taheii about nine days ago to undergo treatment for bladdu trenble. Mr.Daniel was a native of Dayie,' and lived pear Ephesos all his Jlf& He was! OS yeats of age at the time of his death. A ■wife and four daugbteis and twb sous mtvlve, one son being Register.Of . Deeds John S*'l^niel,' .of -Moeko-yiQe. b^y .was laid to fneny chandiyard'i^ aftMoo'ii '^3^ o'clock imstw. Rev;:'Tr-^^:ccndocti.iig tho Mr'Danid" wdsu.yalttWl friend;of.^ Record. -oiMl Mrs. David Trivette and Infant Mrs.. David Trivette and infant died Saturday at 12 o^dock, at their home near Sheffield. The Burial took place at Zion Chapel Methodist cfaun^ Sunday afternoon at 4 o'dock. Rev. W. J. S. Walker, the pastor, conducting the services. This is three deaths in this family since last July. T. I. Linn, of Hickory, a native of! Davie coun.ty, but who left this sec-'tion many years ago. died Friday! evening after a short illness. &1r. Linn was one of the founders of the Piedmont Wagon Co., one of the; largest wagon factories in the South ' Bio - Obituaries - 6/20/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 27,1917 Three Year Old and Fifteen Month Old Carter Children Two of Thomas (Carter, of near Smith Grove, died on June 17th and IStfa. One child was S vears of agfe and the other 16 months Death caused by colitis. Both children were hurried Uonday momine at Smith Grove. The par ents have the sympathy of the com munity. Mrs. William Foster Mrs, William Foster, of near Sheffield, died Saturday nfter a lonfr illiness. Tlie body "was laid to rest Simday afternoon at New Union, Rev. Walls, her n^tor ccnductintr the funeral ^services.. Deceased leaves three ebUdren. and many rel- ntivea and fricwls to luouni her death. ' William Taylor Willi^ Taylor, of. Cotfleonee. was carried to Long's Sanitorium at Statesville last week to undergo an operation for anpendicitis. He dt^ Wednesday and was buried at Li berty Thursday. A wife and several' children survive. Bio - Obituaries - 6/27/1917 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA