Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 5,1916
Gray Haneline
Gray* the 3-montha>old son of Mr*
and Mrs. Will Haiieline, of R. 3,
died Tuesday afternoon at one
o*cloi^» deatii resultinsr from atom"
ach trouble. The burial took place
at Smith Grove Wednesday at 11
o'clock* This was one of a set of
triplets that were born to Mr. and
Mfffri. Hanelitte on March Idth. l%ere
were 2 bn^ and one girl. The little
girl is not well, but the other boy is
getting along fine.
Phillip Smoot
Phillip, the 9-month8-old son of
Mr. and Mis. C. C. Smoot. of R«l*
died on Thnrsday, June 22nd. of
colitis The funeral and burial ser
vices were conducted on Fiidayt the
23id.byRev. T. S. Coble, of (bis
dty. and. the body laid to rest at
Saletn church. The little child had
been ill with measles for some time
and this was followed, by an attack,
of poeombnfa and later colitis de
veloped. The parents have the sym'
pathy of a host of friends.
William Smith
Aged CtBen Dead..
Mr-Wilham Smirii. of near Shef
field. died last Monday night aft^
an illness of sevmral months, atthe
advanced age of 84 years, Ibebody
W8S Imd to rest at New Union Meth
odist church Wednesday morning at
10 o'clock. Rev. Vestal, of Greens
boro, condncting. the funeral and
burial services. Deceased leaves a
wife and six children, two sons and
four daughters'
Evelyn Daniel
of &ich u The KmgdoD of
Evdyo. the little seven-monthsKkld
daogb^ of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Paniet. died early Saturday morn
ing, foliowinga weric'sillness. deaih
resulting from colitis. The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. R.
M. Hovle from the residence at noon
Sunday. The little body was carried
to Liberty and laid tm^derly to rest
i'to await the final resurrection.
I "Suffer little children to cmne nnto
me, and forbid them not, for of
so(± m the kingdom of Heaven."
The grief stricken parents have the
sympathy of the enfdre town in the
loss of their little daughter.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/5/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 12,1916
Clarence Rouse
Rad Jones
~ .BadytWeleTen 'monlaiBolil 0011
Qf;]^. nna Mta. Cki^. Joues died
Tfrctfsdsy, Jnoe 29, an d wae laid
to rest dt Fork eebeteiy JntieSO.
tetter, oocMiiiottog-^d
Ikoeral eemoe. fioBosis:
Qarence, the 21-moiith9-old eon of
Mr. and Blis. P. J. Rouse, oiQCSoolee-
mee. died Toeaday, death resnltitig
from meades and pnottmonia. Ihe
funeral serviees conducted by
Rev. M, C.- Marley at the hmne, af
ter which the pody was brouKfat to
'MocksvOte and Imdto rest at Rose
Bio - Obituaries - 7/12/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 19,1916
GdvmCowH Aged 30^ Kilb Hub.
Noctb Wilkesboco. July la^News was
received bece about 10 o'ckicli today of
the suidde yestnday at 11 o'ctocfc of
Calvin Cowlea.abost 30 years old. of Cbia-
ter HiU, Caldweft Mtinty, near the Wilhes
His ^ attempt to end bis life was by
Gutting bis tbfpat with a razor. This
failing, a load firam a duitgon was dis-
char^ In his breast, in bebitb is the
oiily i»tt86 ais^gned for the deed.
Vera Julian
Vera, the 9«yeer old daughter of
Mr, and Mia. G^rge Julian, of
Cooleemee, died last Monday after
noon, following an illness of measles
and eolitis; - Hie funeral was con
ducted by C* Martey at-tlie
Baptist church Tuesday mdrnhig.
after which the body' was lud to
restinthe.North Gooleemee ceme
Mrs. E. L.Vogkr Dead.
News was received here Monday
morning telling of the death of Mrs.
E. E. Vogler, of near Advwee. No
particniars could be secur^ on ac
count of the high waters and tele
phones being out of commisaion.
The burial will be at Advance. A
husband and several sons and daugb-
tmrs survive. The R^rd extends
sympathy to the bereaved huriiand
and children.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/19/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 26,1916
Mrs. S. Y. Goodman
Mrs. S. Y. Goodman, of eool^»
mee. died Wedneadav morning, fol
lowing a long illness of toberculosifl.
nared for burial bjr Bobt. A. Btey-
lock, the Mocksvinef onOTl dwector
and carried to Amity UlU.county. Thnniday morning and Imd
S^t A huSand and aevcral
children survive.
Ifrs. Ifiuy Fijee^r di^ at^
hiHue'of her dauj^ter, Mim. Henry
Gf^es, on Salivary sti^t'^Wed-
henda? morning after a long
at jthe advanc^ age of ^'ye^. The
fdherai was held at the Baptist
churdk Thursday afternoon at Y
o'clock. Rev. C. S. :C^well/of
Statesville, ec^uctiog the sendees,,
after-wbi^^e body -was Zald -to
rest at Bom cemetery. Deceased
iMyesone dau^ter and sons;
Henry Grayes. of s-thjs city,
with whomlsfae liyed. Geo. F^Fteez*
'or. of HHnston, and J. P. Freesor,
ofBiltmore. filrs Freezor, was a
native, ofEsgtand. baving bera bom
in 'Cornwall, and came to .this
connty about 60 years*ago. -
G P. A^cO IKes Sndd co^.
Hr. 6. P. Angell died suddienly at
the home of his son.'' Henry Angell.
on R.2, about six o'clock Sunday
momtng. Mr. Angell appeared, id
be. in his '.usual health Saturdby
nig]^ when he - retired and early
Stm^ moniiur be was awake ana
talking to one of hi's granddilldrmi.
Ahdttt seven o'dodr. when hreak-
fsat was ready. * It was discovered
that Mr. An^l was dead, he having
nassed into me great b^ond with
out a struggle.. DeceBAed - was 72
years. 6 months and 18 days old. He
is survived, by five cbildreo, three
sons and two .daught^. and one
brother and oneatSter.' The funeral
setvices were held atAhe--Baptist
dinrch Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock Rev. Walter Dodd. after
which the' body was laid to rest at
Rose cemetery to await the final
resarreetion. Mr. Angell was a
qniet. enohtmsive 'citizea, and had
many friends who will be pained to
leum of his death. '
Bio - Obituaries - 7/26/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 2,1916
Charles Hammonds
WObtr Joics Kille<l at Wagas
AooUter tstal acddent occutred Friday
wbeaWUtmr Jooea, thiiteeu years of
aga,aiidan employe of the Geofge.E.
Nissen Wagon Co^ of Winatoa was killed
at the company's plant in Wanghtown
this aftemood. The boy died before
nedical md. which was eammoned im
mediately. could reach blim
Mrs. W. Suttler
Mra. .W. Suttler. of Gooleeme^»
diede^ly Friday morninir after a
long illneaB.of tuberculosis. The
body was prepared for burial by
Robt. A Blaylock. of this city, and
carried to Burlington Saturday for
burial-' A husband survives.
2,400 Voltf Pdsf Tbroogh Body-
Bfr. Cbadea Uammonds, a Jtnem w fcr
the Southern! Puldie Utilities Gompaoy.
met Ids death yesterday, when the current
of 2;400 volta. of electridty pass^ diru
bis body whto he was installing: new in-
iulatoisoiitheline fivm the Idol power
plant to thiarity. near the Muddy creek
trestle. Mn llatninons bung on wire
fidterhe was'deadimtH* he was let-doa ii
by his fdlow Cnemen, Mr. Will Sprioklr.
He had two laige buma on the I^t hand,
lodicatiiig tl^t'.the current passed di-
leclly tbiottgh bis heart;—Winston Jour
nal, July 29tli.
Mrl loiiaej^fiBgca Degd.
Mra. l^uise Swaringen, of Farm-
Jlngton fowztship died last Monday
death resulfiiv from cancer,
at the age of 67 years. The burial
t:^ place Wednesday at 10 o'clock,
at Yadkin Valley. Baptist church,
Aey Eirk, of Qemroons, oonduct*
ing the. funeral services. A husband
and - five children, two sons and
three daughters survive, bemdes
three sisters and one brother. Mrs.
SwariDgen had been III for altwg
time and bore her suffering with'for-
titude She -was a good woman,
had been a'member of the Bapt-
ist church' for many ydi^. The
beraaved onra have aymphtby of
I a boat of friends.'
Matthew Kestler
Matthew Kestler. of near Kappa,
died Thursday night, aged about 70
years. The burial took place at
Salem church Friday.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/2/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 9,1916
Engineer Foy and
Napoleon Misenheimer
Second l>eath Inoi' Tadkm Trim
Saliabury, Aug. 4.—Eoghieet Foy iB
dead, his death being the aeootd le^-
log fiwn a wieck' on . the Yedkin road
Wedofsday aftooooo in wbidh hla
nroniaii, Napoleod Mteenhelmer* was
biatanthr UU^ bh; Foy waa s^ottely
scalded aod his recomy was veiy doabt-
fol ffom the fiiBL
Hanes Daughter
L daughter of Amos Hanes, cofor-
died in this city last' week of
and tubercular
W. M. Biles
Rev. W. Biles, a weU-huowa
blefhodiet minister, died suddenly
at his hoiod at Canton, N« C., Fri
day evening, of acute indktesUon.
A wife and three dnldreo smlve.
Blr. ^les helda meetlngr- at the
Methodist church in thisdtir th^
years ago, and made manyfci^ids
while here -who will be pained to
learn of his death.
" Mr. J. M.'tKngler, who has been
imffcniifr for, several' montba with'a
i^cait6er,-diedaliiio8t.sndd^y. Wed*
neaday moniiig at Ms bourn in this
ci^...deatfk being .caused dliecUy by
Iho large a^ry in his leg bursting.
He lived oiily amioate or two afb^r
the artery, broke. - Mr. Dingier was
^ years of age, and leaves one son
ai^. two^ daughters, six'brothers,
four sisters and his mother,' The
hsdy-w^ prepared for burial and
cMed to Mooresvilie Thursday
morning on the 7:34 tram, where the
funeral' and burial se^ces took
plaee. * Mr. Dingier moved to thi)
city three ago, and opened a
jewelry and repair shop here.
Hia F* M. Hcadiickt Dead.
' Mrs. F. M. fiendricks. of n^
Courtney, died early Sunday morn
ing of dropsy, after a long illness,
a^abont 77 years. • The body was
laid to rest Monday mondng at the
hunily burying groopd. Mrs. Hcb-
dricks was one of Davie's best worn-,
mi, and was a consiBtent member of i
the Baptiet churc^ A husband ami'
several smis and daughters survive
The funeral services were eondactcd
by Bey. V. E. Swsim, of Winston.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/9/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 16,1916
Fred White
HfilftianieD at'Soolb*
8pri bathing t'OfE the beach
fL^^d^port, N. C, Stuiday mofp;
i^jlQ-o'ctpek, sergt. W. E* Aidrey;
^rivat^ ^nard Swain bcitti of
jpj^jotte and Private Fred White
of ^isbary, a|l from the Coast Ar-
iiUery camp of the North Carot^
Ndt^na!. Quard at Fort Caswell
weredrowned when they weat be
yond their depth.
Iir« SvroimT is a son of the lite Rev.
S.' D. SwsuxD, and was at one time a
n reaidmit of this d^.
J. H. Bailey
Qjhiaimte Ezplouoa KiU$ IredeD
Salisbaiy. 9.—J. H. Baltey. aged
23, of Amity. hiedeU county, was instant-
hMriUed by an ^lodon of dynandte on
Widuow Creek, in Rowan coonty. sevecal
miles weal of Salitinity today.
Re waa wltl^a diedge bdat crew <m the
oeek. and Jeft the boat for a box of dyna
mite on a hiQ dde tt^ct»y, Re waa amdt-
ing when last seen by his fellow w^-
The eiqdodpn waa heaid and hla body
found a conddeiabld distanoe ovw the
Bio - Obituaries - 8/16/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 30,1916
Hoiman Dwiggins
Mr. Holmaii Dwiggins. a Cc^ed .
erate vetenib,.aged .81' years, died
at tiie county home is^ta.rday even*
iiur, and was bulled Sunday
ing at 11 o'doek; ait Center, Revl T.;
S. Coble conducting the funaral ser-
vfoes. Mr. Dwiggins beduM
-t^ly deranged sotne time ago . audi
was carried to the county' home . '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/30/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 6,1916
Mrs. P. J. Rouse
Mrs. P. J,- Roiise. of Cooleemee,
died last Monday' after an illness of
somelengtb, and ^i^as buried at Rosa
cemetery Tuesday afternoon. A
husband and several children survive.
Decease^ was a sister of Alex Wyatt.
of this dfy, and was foe years a r^
ident of Mocksville*
Conrad Myers
.Conrad Myers, of near BSxby, diet
Thursday about noon, following i
three months* ilness of fever ant
cancer of the stomach, aged.^ years
The fimeral and burid services tool ^
place at Fork • church Friday at 1 ^
o*c1o^. Deceased was a member o *
the Baptist church. A wife and
children survive. |
Bio - Obituaries - 9/6/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 13,1916
Margaret Gil ley
of CliiUL .
atgaret. tlie on^ day*old daofdh
tef of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Gilley,
Sunday night at the City Hospi-
. The body woe taken'to Eaton's'
arch near Cmia, Davie county, the
home of Mrs. Gillca^. where Gie^
loral * service was.conducted byf
Il(V. E. J. Hertwiz Tuesday mom-
{qi r nt 11 o'dock. Intehnent foliow*
the church ittav^ard.—Wins-
I Beal Andcrsoa Dea^
jleal 1. Anderson, of R. 3. died
jljUrsday about n^oon, following a
a}jprtii]lneffl of malaria, at the age
p7 years. The body was laid to
.^.K at Center. Friday morning at
if o'clock. Key. W. J. S. Walker
^Jiducting the burial serviees. A
and several children survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/13/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBUC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1916
Ulala Taylor
Joe Harding
n Mr. Jioe Harding:, of Huntaville
died Saturday night, aged 64 years.
The burial tosk place at Hnntsville
Suhd^ afternoon.
Leila Wilson
Mrs. Ldia Wilson, of Rock Spring
Iredell county died Saturday and
was buried at Sandy Springs, Sun
day afternoon at 4 o'clock. . '
of au
Miss Diala T^bir, of near jerioho,
lied Thur^ay tnomiog at 10 o'clock
lollowibg a iwo>We^ illness of
liptkeria, aged 2S years. < De<»a8ed
a daughter of Mr. ' and Miu
Willis Baylor. The burial was a
private one, and took' place at St.
Matthews Ludieran ehur^, Friday
Dnoming. Two other members of Mr,
Taylor's family are ill with dipth-
ma, one of whom is r^dly Improv*
hg. The family bha been quarao-
dned by Dr. RodweU, the county
Mrs. A. Z. Taylor Dead.
It is with sadness that The Record
i^bronicles.tbed^th of Mrs. . A..Z.
Taylor, which ojccurr^ at her homl^
in this city last Tuesday niglit at
10 o'clock. Mrs. Ti^lor had
ill for the past three months witb
cancer. She carried to the White
bead-Stok^^itoriomat Salisbury,
where she underwent an operation
with the hope that her life might be
prolonged. After remaining In the
hospital for some time]| riie .was
brought home about* ten days be
fore her death. She gradually grew
worse untU the end. came., Mrs.
Taylor is surviv^ by her busbfrnd
and two diildren, one son. Dr. Wil
liam. Taylor, of Warrentbn. and one
daughter,. Miss-LeDora.;TaylorK of
this city; one biother also survives.
Mr S. A. WoodrulT, of. R. 3. Tbe
funerst services were, held at the
residence Wedn^ay. afternoon at
four o'clock, conducted by her pas
tor, Rev. Walter Dodd, asristed by
Rev. £. P. Bradley, of tbe Pceeby-
tprian church. The body was lead
to rest at Rose cemetery, a large
coheourse of friends being present
to witoess the last sad rites.- A
beautiful moudd of flowers |cover^
the grave of one of the towns bi^t
women. Mrs. Taylor was 66 years
of age at the time of her death. She
was a conristent member of the
Baptist church and' was b^oved by
all with whom . she came into, con
tact. A mother in Israel has indeed
gone to her reward. The bereaved
husbwd.' children and brother have
the the sympathy of a host of frien^
in theirhour of sadness.*
Bio — Obituaries - 9/20/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 20,1916
Mr« S. V.Kird^ Detui.
In the death of Mr. Samuel V
Furefaes, whieh Oceurred at bis home
near Psnning^n Saturday morning
at eleven o'clock. Davie coun^ loses
one of her' best and most beloved
citizens; a Christian man, a kind and
loving husband; and father and a
progre^ve famer ' harass
man. His p^e will be, hard to fill.
Mr. Purches was hauling bay last
Tuesday., and in getting ;:ofi the wa
gon he f^i. 8tr|kii^ bis head adtdnst
the ground.. It was not.thought at
first that the faltlunounted to much
as he was able td be up and ai^und
until Ibn^ay evening when he was
taken worse a phyeleian sommor.-
ed: On Friday te became,uncon*
sdous '"and remmed -so until- his
death ^turd^ morning. The fuhir
oral and. bunal servicira were held
Sunday afternoon aC'S o'tdock at
Baton's Baptist church, bb pastor-
Rev. jss. Hall, of Fork jCbiir^cm^^
ducting thesemcss* 1^, large crbwd
present testified to .the Idgh esteem
in which the deoea^ was heSd,' The
Masonic liodge of Farmingtop, had
charge' of -llm burial heryi^ A
number of Mfiaons ftom this dty
' Mr.
and ^r-a6hB,:.attd.f^^
watf-fifiyeiuii^a^^ t^ebm!!^ed
wife^^id^ Theti^rd joiha
j. ing!|^i||afi^^'
Bio - Obituaries — 9/20/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 27,1916
: Sama^/Vance Jwra
jnly 16i^ 1860. Djed Sep^ -10; 1016.
lAffa66yeai8and two' immthflL Ho.
married Him Bell - L. Tatnin Sept
2^,1886« To this union were boro
six children- four boys and two girls.
. One boy and one giri.prec^®!
to the spirit world. Mrs. May Bell
flowell and Ezra' Lewis, Samnri
X Wade, and Frank Boyall Furches of
iFarmington survive and moura bis
j His first wife died Deci . 22.1807.
He marii^ Miss Ada Conrad April
i 16; 1908. To this union was bom ww
IsoD. John' Conrad. Feb. 12.1912. His
llastwife and'son are also'left to
i mourn tbdr with two sisters;
iMrs. Chaa. Sheeb, Portsmouth, Vs..
land Mrs. H. S. Smith. Fetra Mills.
«'N. C. and two half brotfaera, L. M.
iahd D K. Furches. of Farroimtton.
IN. C. He j>rof^ed fmth in Chni^
joined Eaton's Baptist church
I when fifteen or sixteen years old. Ho
'jwas csieof the thirty-nine charter
|memb<»s of Farmington Baptist
'ichurch.' He was clerk of his church
•ai^ remained a faithful meniber un-
\til death. His^wife. chiIdren,"broth-
'iers. sisters and a large number of
-j relatives and friends are in sorrow
ibecauseof his sudden and untimely
'Ideatb. • ,
#^1. 1.
j Farmington Baptist Church has
float a loyal member, Davie county
lone of her best citizens, and his wife
land children a dev'ojtcd and alfectton-
1 ate husband and father. May the
J Lord bless and sustain all especially
! his family whom Jie loved so well.
iLet us^l watch and be ready for
.'death may come when we least ex>
iPectit, "Blessed are the dead that
Idiein the Lord froin thenceforth:
tyea. saith the Spirit that they may
I rest from their labors and their
: works do "follow them.*' Rev. 14 13.
I His pastor, S W. HALL.
Mr] SammS-A. Foster y^t^-dayafterncsinrht 625 o'clo^attes
homaou Beli str^t. Death iwult-
ed from a stroke^of p^alysis wWcfi
he-suffmred August 25th. wtele^
work -in his .rtetauraht on Court
street. "
Mr, Foster, ws's- a. wn of Mr. ana
Mrs. John H^Foater of Dayie county
and was 49 ycara old. He is sur
vived by his.wlfe, one son—Lee Fos-
tpr-and , three danght^rs^Ote.
P^ri and Alene; Poster; fats parmits
andaistera. Mr. Foster moved to
StatesvlUe in 1906 and has sinee con
ducted a restaurant here.—States-
ville Landmark. .
Bio — Obituaries — 9/27/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 4,1916
J. Pinkney Beck
Davie county lost one of her best
dtizens last Mondt^, September
25tb,, when death daimed Mr. J.
Pinkney Becfc, of Sheffield^ at the
^ofTdyears. Mr. Beck bad been
in gopd h^tii op Sonial a short time
before his death, which was duo to
heart trouble. The funeral services
were conduct^ at Son Methodist
church, near Sheffield, Revs. Wih
Uanis. of Harmony, and T. S. Coble,
of 'this'clty. conduotinff the faneral
andbunal services. Mr. Beck was
a member of the Methodist .chnrcfa,
havinir bemi converted nearly fifty
years sgo. Hip wife died some years
ago, and'he is survived by two sis
ters and th^ brothers. In' the death
of Mr. Beck! Davie county, mourofr
the loss of a fine citizen, apd he will
be sadly missed in bis community.
He was a quiet, unassuming man,*
andnumbei^ his friends by the
score. The editor of the Record was
at the home of Mr; Beck on Tburs
day afternoon before his death anr
he seemed good for many years lo
come In Hie midst of life we are in
death. We shall miss bis jovia
greeting and kindly pmile. Peace to
his ashes.
infant Smith
The funeral and burial services of
the seven mbnths^old child of Mr.
and Mrs. James Smith, of Sheffield,
who also died last Monday night,
was held at the saine time and place
as that of Mr. Beck,, the same pae*
tors ccmducting the slices, and the
burial taking place at the^me time.
The burials .were under the direction
of ttudertaker Robt. A. Blaylock, cf
(his dty. The Record extends sym
pathy to the bereaved parerits;^
this honr of affietiottl
Andrew Cranfill
Mr. Andrew Ci^nfill, one of Yad-
kin coon^'s most highly respected
cidzens, died'suddenly at bis home
at Courtn^ Saturday, aged 81 years
Mr. Cranml was shucking corn-at
the time of his death, which was
^^usi^ by hbirt failure. The burial
services, took 'place Tu^day. Revs,
May and'Tumer condaetiug the ser
vices Mr. Cranfill is survived by
fifteen children and a host of cda
laves and friehdsi He was a conri^
tant member of the, .HtpUst church
and will be mdly mlssed in his com-
roohify. A gW ..man has gone to
his reward. >
Bio - Obituaries -10/4/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 18,1916
W. F. White
Mr" Wv F. White, ivbo lived near
d^Diogs, died Friddy aboat 1 o'clock
at the SaBatoiialDr;. wbere he had
been taken an hoar "ear]!er ^th his
skull broken from ah antomobile ae*
cident. " . n
' Mr.; White.h^ebBrted toJenn!iigff
store early Bciday morning. He
was overtaken l»,an antonkdnle
Daiiy. who Invited biih to ride. When
they rcached-Jeihiings^ Mr. White,
Who badbemi-jidisg on the.romiing
boardviiimpedrofr while the car was
itto^iW* .Ho.fdl and the back.of
ms head 8tnick'tliC4groimd» prodoe-
InFlatal. injury,. He was 'broagfat
to the Sanacoiitiioi but. lived just an
hoar aft^. he. reached there.
Mr. Wblte' was years old.'- A
wife, phe .son and four., dau^tecs
eurvive.—StatesviUe Landmark,,,
: '1^ Joiil & Diekd^
.'Boh.'jQhn.;S. Henderson, for ten
years a member of Cpiigrem. fromi.
Hdsdl^ct^ di^ y^t^ay.mpraiD8
at 8:30. at;h{s hoipe in Shlisbary, a^
jter' an itlnes of several weeks... iSe
1n- :Row^ in i^S andis
snr^ved wlfie' and four
dieihH^ti^iUd'Landmark, lOUi.'
Ur. T v. TcncBHouL
.Mr. T. V. TerrdI, for niany years
snperint^dent of the Eh^ Cotton
Mills at Cooleemee, bat for the last
sevmi months manager of the Locke
Mills at Concord, 'died Friday mom-
ing'at 8 o'dodc at* his home at Cool
eemee,,from injuries., received in an
aatomobile accident, as,told in t^
last Issue of The Repord. ' . '
.Mr, Tercdt was M years of ago
at tbe time of bis death, and leaves
a wife and two sonaand'otie daagh-
ter. The body was prepared-for
borial by Robt. A. Blaylo^, of-tbis
city, and carried to Asheville Sator-
davmoming, where the burial tO|dt
place at three o'doek that afternoon.
A short fdneral service washddat
Cooleemee.Frid^ eyening atbeven
o'clock. Rev, E. P. Bradley of this
city, conducting .the services. In
the accident Mr. rlWrell had. several
ribs broken, one-^df which i^trar
trat^ his Jong. But little hope was
entertained for his. recovery from
the first. Mr Terrdi was well known
throughont this section of the state,
and was one of the best mltl men in
this section.. He .wili be missed.
Peace to bis adies.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/18/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 25,1916
Small Child Gregory
[A little child ot Mr. aBd lAtfi. Gre-
5^oleeraee, diM lastwei^jnfsiatile paralysis. cbil^.
J) years old, was ^ckien with
r "'^ase Saturday afteroooD. n
Bio - Obituaries —10/25/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 1,1916
Jane Horn
Jacob Cope
Miss Jane Horn, of near Sheffield
^ed about 65 years of age, was
found dead in bra- Sjmday<.morDiiifli
Theimdy:was laid-l»- re^ -nt.Mew
Uhidn Monray tnoiniog. Huee as-
tersirad two brothers survive.'... De?
ceased was a member- of the Methc-
dl^ churdi and a good woman. Her
death was a^ shock .to the the entire
otHumaolty. . . '
Bio - Obituaries -11/1/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 8,1916
Cana Alien
Mr. Cana Allen, of near Comatzer
died FHdasr and-was buried Satur*
day; A .wife and. several children
Rebecca May
Mrs. Rebecca Bl%y,. an aged lady
living at the county bomej died Fri
day and was buried Saturday. Mrs.
May waa years old at the time of
her death.
Jesse Gartner
Je^-Garther, a. ^ ofdobCart«|
nstM fib^r was rmi over by af
train^ iionnelly Sprihgslast
and both legB out off. Dttth fesultr:
ed Sunday^- A wife survives. . |
Mrs. Sam Renegar
Bfis. Sam-Benegar, of neacGourt-
n^, died Sunday morning. , aged 24
years. The body waa laid to rest at
Gourtney Monday momii« at eleven
o'clock. Jt hori>and and an infknt
survive. M^ Renegar was-a mem*
ber of the Baptist church.
Bio - Obituaries -11/8/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 15,1916
Elizabeth Parks
John P. Penry
. John P. Penry, a former citizen
of.Dayie county, but later of Win
ston, died in that city last Tuesday.
The burial took place Thursday
Miss' Elizabeth Parks, of near
Bailey's Ohapeli died' Wedneaday,
aged about 80 v^rs. of - paralysis.
Burial wasat Forkcliurcli Tfaursdsy
afternoon. D^eased leaves an aged
sister. Miss Parks was a inember
of the • Baptist church., and was a
good woman. Peace to her ashes.
William R. Smith
Hr. William B. Smith, one of
the old^t residents of Stateeville.
died snddenly. Monday morning.
Bio - Obituaries -11/15/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 22,1916
Mrs. W. M. Kilpatrick
. — .«.■ ■-••r'-i''eVf S»,'. ■"
.Vf9 ». ^':.t'v. •?.•
• *lft 1W% ui><tifrJhrW 1iee2^.
Bio - Obituaries —11/22/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 29,1916
Elisha W. Joyner
Carrie Bailey Gullette
Ifim. G«nie Bailey GoUette, died Bfon-
dflv ereiiifii Nov. 20^ and vraa laid Co
mt at Elbavillo cemecety Wednesday
afteroooa, Tbe'limefal sttfkea-were con-
ducted 1^ her pastor Rev. S. J. H. Brown.
' Mr. Eilisha W. Joyner. of near
Spndy Springs cHnrcb. Iredellcojanjiy
died Wranesday of kidney trouble.
jaged The funeral and bur
ial services wdre .condbcted Rev.
S. S. -May aC^ndy Springs Baptist
church on Thursday. Mr. Joyner
leaves ^veral sons and daughters.
He wa)a a ' member of the Baptist
diureh, and the community in-which
he lived is raddmied by his death.'
Peace to his a^es. n
Sallie Whitaker
* Bto. Sallle'Whitaker dQed'snddenty the^
23 .with heart failttre.r . • ' n
Bio - Obituaries -11/29/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 6,1916
Mrs. A. T. Wilson
Mrs. A. T. Wilson,' 6f;]jenoir, a
Bister of Mr, L*,. a of tto;
city, died on Nov, of
tiara, after aii illii€^$f
Mrs. Richie
I .Mrs- Richie, of near County Line,
sdied Friday evening, and was buried
latFairviev Baptist church Satur-
Susie Richie
f fdefde died Friday and traa
I tanied atPteasantVievrdiiindCSanttday*
Mrs. Charles Anderson
.. tfia. Charles Ah^oruori, df Oala*'*!
hali^ dibd ftgind^ morning at the«
home o£ her.'son Roht- Andefson. at •
ftosdvan^hgc^df 9B. jean,-
'fmieral seryf^'wed^ ooiancted byl
.W;X S/f'Wulker-^day after-t
BOOT at-2 o'doek; and die body laid)
^ jestin jthdrfsmity burial ground,.!'
Ilxa> Andeffson waS;. a
irieiiilior .62 the IfeUiodist riwridiV
and a jMiod woman has' gone to hey
i««afdv >■ A host of: tri«i^ 6|id vef;
didifi» K^. oeatlL'V-
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, December 6,1916
Nancy Gallimore
Ura Nmicj GalUBiore, at one
time a oitiseii of Balitbnry, died
Saturday in Oooleemod at the
home of her daughter, Mrs EllenIJames, with vihom oho hadlioon mafcing hait home. • SheWB8 66 y eara old Md waa in verygood beilUi nntU ropntly.
Bio - Obituaries —12/6/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 13,1916
Mrs. Baxter Boger
Walter B. Harrison
Valtei' B. Harrison, of Wopdleaf,
Wan county, died this a
lim of appendieitia.-^Stateavi11o
a<^mark, 8th. .. - r«-
Mrs. J. W. Byerly
The friCTds hert of Mr. J. w.
Byerly, of Mt. Airy, will be pained
to learn of the death of his wife,
which occurred last Tuesday. Mr.
Byerly is a director of the Bank of
Mrs. Baxter Bother.' of R. 2. who|
has been in the State Ho^ital at|
Morffantdn for the ^past six years,
died Friday. Her body waa brouKht
here Saturday afternoon and carried
to Chestnut Grove, where the fun*
eral and burial- services were con
ducted by Rev. W. J. S. Walker. |
Mrs. Boger Is., survived by three
children, to whom The. Re^rd ex-:|
rends sympathy. '
Bio - Obituaries - 12/13/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 20,1916
n BIrt. Sanb iC^ Dead*'
. Airs. Sar^ Call, of Smitht Grove,
died F^ay aftehioon' at 2 o'do^i
following: a sbrdceof |fardyd3..which
61 years of age,- rad -.fa aurvived by
^kndiatMl andi- diree: cldldi^. one
dm'and tivo' dwgKters, yiz: J^rl^
Call, of Smi^. Grove, ai^ M^dam«
John Minor and Marshall Hornrof
this dty; and a step son, W. .L.'Cdl,
of tBis city. The foneral. servic^
'were condaeted - by Re^. Rsliard,-'of
Eamington mnf the laid to
r^tVt Smith Grove. Mr& Galljwas
a theqiber^of:^ Methpdi^^
A h^ gone , to her
J. B. Armffeld
1 3', B. Arhafield. one of Statesvillo'e
most prbininent citizens, di^ at his
I home in that city!' W^hesdav. aK^
51 years. A wife and three childreir
t snrvive. Mr. and Mts. Z. K. Ander.i'son, relatives of .the deceased, at*
tended the funeral and burial'ser*
{Vices Thursday,'.
.Ilint*EflU bead.
!!;- .llfrd ;|hoirei^. .Elli^' t>f Smith
Grovel^died'at Lonft's Sanatorium,
at' Stati^Ue/Tbdrsda^ moniing,
toOo^iv'ah bfi^tioa.for gall stone
^'-ap^ndidtis, .'a^ iabont .62
'yem. bodv waslironght to the
home , of Uie* 'dece.9S^ Thui^ay
ev^big and laid to test at Advance
Saturday,... Mrs; Ellia iasor^ved bv
a husbiai^ and dgbt .children. She
profess^ faith in Christ and joined
the Methodist'ciinfiA early, in' life
andliv^ d' Comeriraf^ ^Chr^^
to. the day^df herf death.* She was
r^y togo~Wb;en tbesummbittcame.
A good Woman to-gone to h» le*
ward, '^e'hnsh^d and diil^oi
ha?e the sympatity. of a host of r^.
larived Bnd:.frleiids.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/20/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY