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Jan - Jun
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 5,1916 Mrs. William Barnes Amanda Merrill Mrs. Amanda UerriH, an aged laJyof Folton to^mship, died on Friday, Dec. 24th-- William Barnes, an agedlady of il.4,\died last Tdesday alter a long.iUndss. aqd borted at Tor- r^tine's^'^Wediiesclayaftemoop. The dee^sed feavra a bit^asdandahost! of i^1aBye8>\ Thoinas Deadmon, of i •Podianif and J. K. DeadaMm. of Sal-j i^rv. came ap to 'be present at the burial services. _ ' Bio - Obituaries - 1/5/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 19,1916 Adam McNeeiy Iredeff CoBnty Co&Tict Kii2edl( Adam McNei^, a nesro convk^ was shot and kUl^ near Harmonv last TaesdayniKht b7aguaidniui|(e4 while tryingto make bJa ca^. He was serving a 15y(»r sentence. Mrs. D. Rich Mm. D. Rich, of Wiostoh; died Monday mdrqing at 3 o'clock, fol lowing an operatfoh. The funeral i and burial services occorred yester- 'day. Mrs. Bren^mr of thi^ clly.' a[brother of Mr. Ridi, went ov^^.to be present at the funeral services.*. Mallnda Whitaker Hra. Maliitda Whitakel'.an inmate of the comity home, aged 67 years, died Thursday night and m buried at Smith Grove ^turday aftenmon atmido'^ock. Bio - Obituaries - 1/19/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 26,1916 Hob. T. IL Btilif /^eentlre town was shocked at 9 o dock this momioflr. (Tuesday,) when me news was telephoned overth^^ tdlinsr of the death of Hon. T. B. BaileF, whieb oeeimed at hii. home about 9 o'dodc, foliowinff a mort illness of pneumonia. Mr. ^ley was 66 yean of age at the time of his dem. He is survived by a wife and one brother and one dsttf. He was one of the county's moat prondhehtdcizens. was dmtof theBankof Davie«and was a lawyer of much promfndiee. Ar- rangemmts have not yet beed made for the funeral, but it will mrobably take place Wednesday afternoon, and the body interred at Rose 'eeme- teiy. The town looses one of Nr moat prominent dtizens in the death of Mr.- Bailey. He was a consistwit member of the Presbyterian ^urch, and also a jprominent Mason. Mrs. Goodspeed Mrs. (xoodspeed. of Wasbington, D. C., sister of Mrs. R. N. Barber. formerlyH>f this'dtvV but now of Wayneadlle, died Jan. IStb. Mrs. Baroer was .with her sister whm the end came. William Barnes William Barooot an* aged.dttsen of B. 4. died last Wcdne^fdl^ short illness, and waabu^day atTurrentine, Wovd W, of thisdty. conducting the .buna! services. Ifr. Barnes wm^ 84 yw old at (he time of his dea^, and wt bis wife eome tb^se or .»wr wc^ ago. He was a mm and has gone to hlS'rewaro.__^ ^ ^ ^ CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, January 26,1916 T. B. Bailey s*.* , The death on Tuesday morning of Hon. T. B. Bailey, which cO' cured at hie home at Mookayille, romovea frcm Davie conniy one of ill foremost and mo^t 'prom inent oilise&B. Death followed a ihoitiUoeis of pueumonif. Mr. Bailey was 66 years old. Bio - Obituaries -1/26/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 2,1916 Mrs. N. B. Williams Mis. N. B. Williams, of R. 1, diedlast Taesday night after a long ill- n'e^ of Consomption. aged 35 years. The f Qneca) services were conducted by Rev. T. S. Coble, of thiacity, and the body laid to rest at Salemdrarch Thursday. Deceased leaves a haa-| bwd and four children. .Lnm T/mpfe S. Horn, the IByear-old BOD of llr. and Mi^. John fioni, of North Hockoyill^ died about five o^cloek Tinnsday" monuBg aftey'a lour days illness of pnenmonla. The young man was taken ill Satur^ niaiit and - remained nnecnscious nearly, aU.,tbe time until the end came.. The b^y was laid to at Oak Grove E^ay morning at 11 o'c^. Rot. T.-S. Coble, of thi§ cit:, condueti^ ttie-funeral and bu]rio> servtces. A fotber, mo^er^ sevei 1 sifters and broths antvive. The bereaved ibunUy haye the empathy of the town.. CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, Februaiy 2,1916 Mrs. Ritchie Hri, Ritohie of Oooleomee, mother of A. L Ritobie, a Salis bury oarpenter, died yoiterday moroiog. Bio - Obituaries - 2/2/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 9,1916 PiiinDg di Dr. Tyie IdA . . tyre-York aibfohoi^^ Sat* aii^ mcMniRg,. Jaiu-29tb, after a l^og and- pai^l .llbiefflC He- been in poor health for the past three or four yefure end ;ifor the last ^numtha ha bad hardly be$n able ! to lea^e hi^ hoate. A month ago he 'was hriceh^thgrip, which in a'short time d^elop^' .into pneumonia. 3vluch, in Ida .Wi^oied bodily con dition foond bimmeasy prey to its iSeaimges- He had-li^ out the f our- a^ra years of lifer alloted to man. bdpg in hia ebcht^-third year when& death abg^ called his spirit to giveopthia ^l^of toil and cares. . Dr. York wu a man of strong (^nyfetfona. mi when he eapooaed a eatse. he entered into it with all b.is mi8^taiidlor^* ..-,In early life he was an moomprmniaiog .D&aaoerat. He represent^ Wilkes ooonty in the jEegisIatore^aeyeral terms when the ! eonnty was oyawl^mlngly Repobli- l^can. Whm the State held the first prohibition election some S5 years ;ago, he espoused the anti-prohibft- i<m cause* a^ in the followit^ con- gre^onal ccpvendon was nominated for congress by tte Republican pafw and with the .bdp.of the disgron- iOed Democrats was. elected, defeat ing Haj< W. W.^bbms, of lredell. Iv a yisry large majority. He. how ever; did notdsjin to be a R^mbli- <^*'btit an 'ahti-probibltfon Demo crat. Bntitiie'Repoblieaos went a- hesd and nominatdl him for. gdver* nor-^gainat Hon. A; M. Scalfe& On "JSck," hik old bay mole, with old- fasblo^ saddlebags, he caovassed tbeState* hot was defeated by a very lacge majority. Xfais waa ;the death blow] to hia political life. ' As a fri^d and neighfoor his heart was foU of^tne mQk of kindness. He tamed no one av^ from his door who was in need, and -in him the poor faad-a'intend Indeed.' When he wascalled to aalc^patienthe went witfaont qdesrionr many times know ing that he woold recelye no recom pense.- . . ' . . The first politieid waz^oiy the edi tor of The Record'ever remembers hearing, was.'/'flnrrah f<Mr York, Sbeekand Briley/' ine>^pamed'w^Dr.-^re York, Gisorge $heelc, df HpcksriUe, and W. A. BalIey,lof,i^ym^ ' A]|l three h^e' now p^sed nifo the Grekt Beyoi^.' David Renegar Blr; David Renegar was taken ill one day lastL week mri tHesd the foUowingday. The body waelaioto mstacSaady S^gs dnndi. Infant Son Crotts The IS-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crotts. of near Lexing ton, met a horrlbie death Thursday morning when a'sfaotgon in the hands of his five-year-old brother waa acddentally discharged. Hie entire load took eifect. tearing the top of the child's head completely away. Hri. EmUy Head. Winston Journal, fithl Mrs* -Qnily . Blacfcwellf night at the home of h«r' dansbter, Mrs: Bettie Holland, aftfr ah fitness lasting several months wnb^a- com plication of diseases. The deceased was bom on May.12,1829f. in.- Davie county, .the daughter of the late Tennyson Cheshire and' .Barbara Cheshire (maiden name Mock) l%e was married.to Mr. Robert* Blarifi- well on Aoguet 27,1849 Mr. ifilacfc- well died 18 years ago.' 8he is sur vived by fonr children, Mrs. -Ho!^ land of this city. Mrs..W,- C. Doog^ las, of Maiydell, Mo., and M^ames M. T. Lhwery and J, L. Foster, of; Davie ebontv. Mis. Blacfcwell was a member of Salem Methodist church near County . Une, having joined that church when a girl* The fun eral services will beheld at the home' this aftemoon.at 3:30 o'clock, con ducted by Rev B. S. Crosland. Geo. W. Lee and J. 8 Hiatt. - The re- rorine will be. taken to Mocksvflle Monday morning, leaving the home I at 9 o'clock, and the interment will I be at Salem Methodist church grave yard, nine miles west of Modmvfile. I Bio - Obituaries - 2/9/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 16,19I6 Lee Dingier Mews was reedvad HMidav teliniffoltbe death of Lee IHoglerp of Stato8vine,''afloii of our towns- man, J. M. JHngler, Kood pdson and white swdlioflr was (be eaoso of death, whiefa oeearred Hooday mom- log. Hr. IHnglw li^ed in tfab dCsr for a diort tfine, being engaged in the jewi^biiahieBs. A -wife and' several amall ehlldren survivew Bio - Obituaries - 2/16/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 23,1916 Mrs. Frank Lefler ij^SPranlaLefler.of R. 4. died ^ Wediiesdiy, following an'illneMsome mun^. The fnne&l hi I,senricet by. s. cSle, of tiits dty, on an % the body laid to rwt ^Dwty iraveyard. Mw. LeS^ conautant member of the choreh. A' 'husBS^ and 78^ children Burvive. ' . Enoch Cope Enoch Cope, an aged citizen of Folton township, died Saturday a^ was buried Sun^. Bio - Obituaries - 2/23/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1916 David Garwood Hayden Allen Hayd^* tholi^S'inoiilhs old son j nf Mr. and Hr8.\&im-Allen, of this I cfty/diedThursaaT'night of jpnea-j monia. The lit^e body was cfiirried < to Center F^day, at 3 o'dc^ci^ wd| 'aid to rest. fiev.lR. tf. .Hoyld eon- doeting the' burial vservif^l The Kriefstricken patjente bave^die.ayni. patfay of the oommanify in • tb^ afflietioD. r •. Polly Heath Aged Uify peM* .t:V • . Mrsv Polly Heath, of n^r, ony,!^ buried in ; '0^ Siinday 20. • She was 92'* yean of age.. Three sons and tbrM detngjli- tera survive. . Agd Cllj^ Paties. Mr. Davfd Garwood^ of near Ad vance, die<| last W^nesday night, foUbwing an attack 'of pneumonia; aji^ 83ye^ Thebvrial took place. FViday at Advaiicei his pastor, Rev.i MyerSr off the*: l^pthodist church, I conduetibg the services. .Two sons, and one oritwo. .toghters 'survive. Mr. Garwf^ was a good roan and i has many j friends throoghout the o>Qnty who mil be grieved to learn of his death. •' J. A. Cheshire AGod^Goi^^ In'the dbati^ofiB^iV A. Cheshire 'wfakh bccpri^ bight, Dariecbim^lb^ .a good citizen, the cbuidi loses a futhfnl worker, the eldhir». lib^a kind shd loving fMher. Bjhr. Cheshire was a native iof Davie^Jounty^ Graving been bom pear Holom's X Roads on Oct. 29, 1838, inak|ng his age 79 at the time jof his death. Mr..Cheshire had been ill but a fW days. with pneumonia when the end came; - The funeral and buriai.services were conducted by Rev. Tj A. Williams, of this city, •Tburaday rooming at-11'^o'clock, at Union Chapel. Deceased leaves one SOD, W. Hj: Che^lre. with whom he Uvedi mid one dapigbter, Mrs. C. B. Roger., of-|Et.- 2.- A brother, A. T. Qieshire, of Talban, New Mexico, also survives. Mr. Cheshire was a consecrated Qirisrian, having been converted jwhen but 19 years of age. For sixty, yrara he wmit about do- in^ his Master's iyofk. Previous to the.great .War of l861, he spent a great deal of time working and praying aibong the slaves and hold ing pray'eirmeeringa .among them. ■When the war came on he enlisted and made a brave, soldier. In one of the batriesbe was'wounded, hav ing ohe of bis hands ibadly mutilated.After the ^oce of the war he taught .fichoolfor b numbef of years and then begad farming. Mr. Cheshire■was a gresk singer, and took an ac tive intertkmthe^Oid Folks annual 8iippngat|Uni<m..(^p^ Methodist Protestant church, of which he wasa oottsisteijt member. The day of biS;4eath Ijie aong the old songs. until he bec^e exhausted. In the death of Ifr, Cheshire the editor of The Record .IpSK' one of his best , friends—a friendship has been torn asonder tfcjat was prized highly. Hisfrimtds arb owersl^owed with grief bat not asithose without hope, forthey can ^ of the departed broth er as the apoaiie said of old: *'lhave fought a good^ fi ght, I have fi n-iriied my bourse, I'-baye: kept the fsich. Hmiceforth there is laid up for me a .brown /of righteousness,wMrii the i^rd; therigfatebus judge, shall give me at* that day: and not tome only, bjat ttnto.a]l them also that love his appaaring." John Allen John Allen, colored, formerly of Mochsville, but who for many, years been in Detroit, Mich., died lastweelcand bis body was brou^t here- Fri day for burial. Bio - Obituaries — 3/1/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 1,1916 Sarah Reynolds . Sa«di R^olds, ol Holman's Thursday morniiiff; after an iU- oftionielengUi wi'Ui: brain teou- 57 years. The. burial was Jj.j^Credt church Friday, Rer.Wuliains. ©f Iredell county, i(^- the funeral services. Several cniWren survive. Bio - Obituaries - 3/1/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 8,1916 Mrs. G. Z. Cook Martha E. Dyson Mrg. Martha E Dyson died at the her son, N. B. Dyaon, near on Tuesday of last week. $J}"herculosis. aged 67 years. The burial services wereducted by her pastor. Rev. G. W. on Wednesday, .and thelaid to rest at New Union. De- was a consistent member of iTa chur^. Two sonsBd four daughters survive.' / Farralngton FpK^'?* Monday afternoon, ftf ¨ â lingering iUnessM tuberculosis, aged 35 years. The l{«?^t 71?®® conducted by & and the body laid Mascedonla eharch. A er l^ree children, a fath- brfilS sisteiB 'iand one Mrs. Cook wss- athe^7^?^®jr^tian. a member, of.jij^^YadkiR VpUey Baptist^ cfaiindi: lafri£"75 burial ser^riceswereattended, showing 'the' high comS?,she was hejd by the"^ haven? inothertees cbildrimsympathy of g bow; of Thomas Collette Thomas Collette, a former ciUz^ ofCana. bot who has been In'the State hspital at Morganton for many years, died Saturday, aged about 60. The.body was brought home and laid to rest at Eaton's Church Sunday,: Bio - Obituaries - 3/8/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 15,1916 Berry Spry • Berry Spry died last Friday and • was laid to rest at the. old Bfy^rs c^etery on Saturday, .Etey. Myers Mndiietinff the fuhei^;' Bio — Obituaries - 3/15/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 22,1916 George W. Chaffin Dorsey Stroud n n n ''r '* Dies.j ' tdtfDaMy^troQd. daughter'61'Mr.' biid:Mrfc^lDaa Smntd. died'at the: h))me, ly tierpateiuifaear.Harmpn)r.. last Mon day at the aj{e-oriS'i*alter ab'lUneto 'of Iwyend'nKHd]^, "TboibttriaLtook place 'at Cia^ban.chu^h. Wednesday. Tbe par- ebti annT -heveral brathera and sisters Died, near Advance, Mardi 13th. Mr. George W. Cha^. agedyears and 2 months. The dec^s^ was a gentleman of much beloved by those him . His wife, two siat^. M. Peebles, and fijias Julia Cfa^n.who liv^ withChaffin was a mem^r of St. Episcopal chur^. remains were buried m. the ^al^ Cemetery. • ' n \ j Bio - Obituaries - 3/22/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 29,1916 Two Year Old Son Baity A two-year old son of Floyd H^ty. of Newcastle, Ind., died Tuesda^ night of dyphtheria, and was brooght to Courtney, Yadkin county and bur* ied Friday. Infant Son Dwiggins The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, T. P. DwiKins. of R. 5, died Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock, and was burled at Center Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev C. SV Coble, of this city, conducting the funeral services. James "Pat" Parks James Park^ but more familiarly known as "Pat." died in this city Friday evening, following a ^brt illness of pneumonia, agi^ ^wnt 70 years. A wife and one daughter survive. The funeral aeH^ conducted at one ofclock Saturday af^noon by Rev. T. S. CoUe, 'and the body 1^ to rest ppk: G^e. Bio - Obituaries —3/29/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 5,1916 Edna Wagoner John H. Rice Anderson West Anderson West, an aged citizen of Farmington township, dropped dead Friday and was buried Sator« day. Heart trouble. JohnH. Riee, one of Woodleaf'fl most proffliaoit dttzenaand for many years a merchant In that-iilla^ £ed sa^enl:r Thuisday monuog of aeote indigestion, aged between 65 70 years Mr. Rice had many friends in.thisdty-who ^11 be ^ned to leam of bis death. Edna, the little 8-year.old dai||ri>' ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wagmier; of R. 2, died Iharaday momiiigaflter suffering from- bums which oeeocred about a mon^ aao. Thebnrialtook place at Smtch'Groye Friday, .mom* ins at li o'clock. Rer. T;S. Coble^ of this eonduetittg the services. The little girl stendlajr near the fire abont a month ago whoi hor clothing became ignitd and piit of her body was burned into aeriwbe fore the flames eonid be estingoisli- ed. There was no hope for re- eovery from the first.- The pfu<nls have the aymj^tbv of theeommdidW- Bio — Obituaries - 4/5/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 19,1916 R. Q. A. Teague Mrs. Fred Danner I Fre^'.Daiiner, of' near Rearl 1 Cre^ Churiih, di^ Ttteaday mbni- Mf&Daa- hserliad lie^ in fatting ilie^tb. to severftmonthffi The body iw W I to Wm- nesdny moroUnr ei'll-d pe» Jcensed. waaa me5mbOT of the two aon§ bcdd^^wBt of 'rei^vee l and friends. . ' . P , GoeiMaaGooe. R Q A. Teagne. of near Farminir- ton, one -of Davie cooniy'o best known dtivens. died Saturday of 8p> poplesQT* at the advanced age of 81 years a^ 4 months. Mr. Teague was iti only three days. The body was laid to rest at Fmington Fri day afternoon. The funeral services were oondoeted by Rev. C. S. Gash- well, of Statesvitte, and took place in tte Baptist'diarefa at 8 o'clock. A large ooneourae of relatives and M^idswefepresent. Deceased leayi s iwa sons and one daughter. Mr. Teague was a good man and was a consstoit member of the Baptist church. He will be sadly missed to bis commnnity. The bereaved ones bavethesyropathyof the community. Bio - Obituaries - 4/19/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE lUECORD, Wednesday, April 26,1916 Mary Horn Af ed Lady Kol Misa ilart^ Born, an aged maiden lady, of near River Hill, - Ifedell county died Sunday cnranlog 'at 8 o'clock. ag«d nearly dO yean, tarial took place at New Hope Bap-' ciiyrcb at 4 o'clock Monday aftm'- noon. Deceaaid was an aunt of itesBia G. E and U 6. Bom, of this cf^.atid was one of the woi»9 kn Ifcd^ .eonnty. Bio - Obituaries - 4/26/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 3,1916 Mary Campbell (See Mary Horn Obituary, Davie Record, 4/26/1916) A CorrectioB. [a the last issue of The Record «e ated that Miss Mary Horn, of fre- county, was dead, when we ibuld have said Miss Bfaiy Gamp*' F- Bio - Obituaries - 5/3/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 10,1916 Calvin B. Boger Mitchell Bowden Good Mas Gone. I Hr. Calvin Bj Bo^,' of R. 2. ' i Saturday aftemtion after a dtoit ilU Jness. death resulting from a stroke !j ofparMy&^- burial took pUu&e !rat Union Qiapel - Sunday afternom ' at 6:80 o'clock; his pastor. Rev. T. A, WiHiamsi of tii@ ciU| preaching the funeral. Deceased^was a eon ^stant member of the Methodist Protestanc churdi.' A wife and ^ en children aurvive • Hitebeli, the she yeai^old son of Mr. and Mrs.'S. W. Bowdeo, of near Redland. di^ last Friday night, death reeuldnir frcnn hdnvlda re ceived a few di^ before when he fdl oat ot ^ bam. The little fd- lowhad^jnstivxsoveredfrom an at tack of scarlet feomr whm the acci dent oeoirre^ The burial was Sun day monuDg The fanenl was eon- doetsd^^i^. Ballard. of Ehrm- i Ibgtnn.. Bio - Obituaries - 5/10/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 17,1916 Thos. C. Allen Levie Miller Levie Miller, an aged colored man liyfng near the depot, died Wednea day night and was buried Xhursd v. TI10& C. AUem formerly of Bfadv, bat wbd;beeame mentally onbalatie- ed. aomd time ago and .wis -carried to the State Ho^tal at Motj^ton, died tiKta'FHday and bailed at Advanee^ Satiiiday with . Masonic bdnore. Bio - Obituaries - 5/17/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 24,1916 Estelle Gartner Estate, the little two-year old daoghter of Mr. and Mrs* Boone Gartner, of N<»'th Moeksville,^ died early Snnday momiiig after an ilfneaa of lleo'colitis. The burial took idace at Salem chardi Monday morning. Hazel Murphy Hazel, the two yearold daughter of Mr. and Mis. Will Murphy, of Center, died at 4 o'clpck Wednesday morning after a short illness of ileo- colitia. The burial was at 5 o'clock Wedhegday afternoon at Center. The .parents have the sympathy of the conunimi^. S. T. Smith S. T; Smith, of Haira Feny, who hasbeoiiD die State Boa^tal at Mofgantmi for two years, diraThes- day mght, aged about TO yeara. ^e body was brought home Wednesday and was laid to rest in MasaadoeDla diurefa yard Snnday. A wife and a nombtf of children survive, two or th^of the cidldren living in the West.I Bio - Obituaries — 5/24/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 7,1916 K^W. B. Granger Dead. Mis, W. B. Granger, of B. 1, died morning at one o'clock after a long illnes^ aged about 82 year?. Tbe foneral and boria) service took place Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Center. Deceased leaves a fans* band and many relatives and friends to mourn her death. Mrs. Gran ger was a coD^tent member of ^6 Methodist church, and was one ;of the county's best won^. Kev. R. M. Hoyle conducted the funeral Services. Bio - Obituaries - 6/7/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 14,1916 Infant Son Trivette Sarah Hoi man The little iive-months-old son'of Ur. and ilis. D. W. Trivette. of Calahahi, R. 1, died last Monday Sarah Hobnan. an- aged eolMed J^yaihvliigln Hoifo Modtfl^le.died Pnday night dfdrpp^. evening of colitis# The burial took place Toesday at Hickory Grove charch*at5 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 6/14/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 21,1916 Dorcus Elvira Ellis Mrs. pprcus EMn 0]ia, of Ststes-^ile, I^FridaiU0|ed^yearB^, TO a daojffi^r of Samoerand Llaris^ TQnterK «o n . QSa ArtJiswon^yr Ulahaln, who. is oh© of ^at lartre family ' Mrs^ wszie Tomanson ajid son 6. H. Tomeinson. and P.rMoora of this dty winifc t(]!.thobQ|i- at StateavUte SatoiSay nMmti&iT' John Meachem John Meachem, formerly of neaj; Advance, but who moved to Virginia some.time ago, died last week after a short illness, A wife and six ehO* dren survive. • Bessie Julian Bessie, the little IS-monthsrold dau^ter of'Mft and Mr8,.L. R. Jol* of Wilkeaboro. street,- died Satr urday morriinierat 11 o'hlock, follow ing a week's JUness"of csolitiS. T^e bereaved par^ts have the Sympathy of the town in^this; ber^vem'ent Jessie Lefler Biiss Jessie l^er, of Eph^s, di^ Tuesday, of last week , of spinal men- i^tis, aged SI years The fun^l and buriai service took place Wed nesday morning at 11 o'do^. Rev; P, L. Siore of Davidson cpimty bedd ing the wrvices. Deoeasied leaves a father, sCTeral asters: and brothersto u^rn her untl^ly death. W. H.Call S. M. Call went to Wadiington. N. C. last weds to attend the nner- al of bio brother. Rev. W. H.Call, who dled Monday night after a short illness. Rev.. ^1 Ib^ in-ModmvOie for many yeani, and has a ' host of friends here' ^iho vdll /be pained to lesimjof his death. Bio - Obituaries - 6/21/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 28,1916 Ellen Weaver Aged La^jr Dead. Mrs. Ellen Weaver, one of Davie counl^'s oldest, if not the oldest la* dies, died Eriday tnorninc: at the I home of her son, W« H* Weaver, on R. 8, aged ^ yeaxa, 5 months and 2 days. Death was the result of old age. Mrs. Weaver was a member of the Frmds- church and was .laid to rest in Friends buryiner ground Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev, W, JiS, Walker conducting the funeral services. Deceased had been a rerident of Davie county for about 30 years, having moved to this county from Daividson Two children, a son and daughter survive. Mary Hyde JUST FIFTEEN YEARS AGO* Record of 1901. Mr* Hradii^ pies of Appendid* '-11$. Mr. W.*L. Hendrlcka, of Redland; died Friday morning at the Twin- City hospital, after undergoing an operation for appendicitis on Wed- n^ay evening. Mr. Heodricks was about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. Deceased was a member of Massadonia Mo ravian ohurdi, and was laid to rest Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at Massadonia church-, his pastor. Rev HalK of Clemmona, conducting the funeral services. Mr. Heudrictcs w^ a good citizen and will be s^Iy missed in his community. If he an enemy no one knew it. Peace to his ashes. Small Child Danner Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Danner, ot Grifton, N. C. passed through Wed* nesday with the l)ody of their little two-year old boy. Interment wm at Cartney. Mr. Dauner is a broth er of Mrs. Robt. A. Biaylock, of this city. I Old Aunt Mary Hyde, one of the eldest negro women in Mock9viUe,.died Monday. This notice about Mary Hyde was found In the June 28,1916 issue of the DAVIE RECORD under the "JUST FIFTEEN YEARS AGO" column. Mary Hyde passed in 1901. All issues of the 1901 DAVE RECORD were searched and her notice was not found. The 1901 issues are very fragmented with pieces of pages missing. Searches in Ancestry.com did not yield any additional information. Bio - Obituaries - 6/28/1916 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA