Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 14,1915
Mnk Citoa Des!#
. Saisk Gaton* of Cooleeiiieet
jlied Sanda^r morning after a Unger-
jfog illneBB, aged abbnt TOyearSr Wie
bod/ «aB>Ml fo rest at Advance
Monday aftemooii, Rev, Uyers con*
dnctlifg ibe burfd services. Mrs.
Wen was a member of tbe Met^
dist choreb# C^e 'son md tiiree
daegW^^rfiw, ' ^
William Davis Ratledge
I* kj 7»
William Davis, the :l3<moi]ith9*did
of Mr. and Mrs. Bok Ratleclge
uiOQ Friday evening at'9 o*ctoek, in*
ter a ibrec weeks lUnes^ The little
was carried to Hbe cemetely
^lurday afternoon at 4 o'clock and
{wuio reBt. The bereaved parents
wc sympalhy of their, friends
»'>thi3 8adafflicUon.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/14/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 21,1915
C. C Driver Dea^.
Mr. C. 0. Driver died July lOtb, at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J*
M. Seainson, on R. 1, after Mppir i\\-
ness of heart dropsy, aged .79 years.
The burial took place at Bethel
church, on the 11th, Rev. T. A Wil
liams conduciing'tlte burial services
Deceaaed leaves a wife, one brother,
two sisters, three sons and two
daughters. Mr. Driver was a mem
ber of the Christiao church, and
leaves many friends aiid aelatives to
mourn his death.
Emily Campbell
Aa ^ed Lady.DiM^
Mi^ Emily Campbell, of near
River Hill, died last Monday night
at the advanced age of 91 years and
5 months. The borial took place at
New Hope church. Iredell county,
Tuesday at 3 o*ctpck. Decease
leaves two sisters and one brother,
I and a host of relatives and _ firtends.
Hiss Campbell was an aunt of L. -C.
and G. E. Horn qI this city.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/21/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1915
Ruth Taylor
Infant Daughter Ijames
Tbe little iufaot daughter of Mr*
ood Mce. Q. R. XJemes died Moo
day and was burled Tuesday at
The many friends of this plane
were saddened by tbe death of
Hiss Ruth Taylor, which occnred
at the home of her nnother, Mrs.
M. J. Taylor, July 26th, She bad
been in ill h^th for the past three
mooths. Since early ^Udbood
she bad been a consistmt member
of the M. E. church at this place.
She will be greatly missed in tbe
Sunday Bchool and the Fhilathea
lilasA sa she was teaeber. We ex
tend to the bereaved fomily our
deepest symi^tby.
J. R. Williams
J. R. Williams, of Fork Church,
one of the county's old^ dtrsmis,
died last Saturday and was buried
Sunday. Mr. Wtlliama had been a
joeticeofthe peace for about 60
years. He was about 88 years of
Iln. G. F* Feezof IMsd at Ho^ulal
Lut Nlgbt
V^natxm Joonial, Slat.
Mis. 6. F. Feezor died last night
at 9:45 o'clock at the Gty Hospital
at the age of 48 years.
She is survived by her husband,
who is superintendent of Mr. P, H.
Hanes'faim; one son, Leroy, and
one daughter, Frances. Also by two
sisters, Mrs. C. H« Teague of Wal-
buig, and Mrs. M. R Miller of Aahe-
ville, and five brothers, Messrs. J.
M. Ridie and William Stoner tf
AsheviJle^ and 0. L., ann 0. £. Ston
er of Southmont.
The deceased was a daughter of
the late Frank Stoner of Southmont;
and was a highly cultured lady. She
was a member of Brown Memorial
Baptist church.
The rmnains were taken to tlie un
dertaking establishment of HuntJey-
Hill Stockton Company and prepared
for burial, and will be removed . to
the home at Hanes' farm, west of
the dty tomorrow, where they will
remain until Sunday morning at 8
o'clock, whcai the funeral party will
motor to Mocksviile.
The funeral smrvice will be held at
the Baptist church there by Rev. C,
H. Ooxfaam, pastor of the deceased,
and Rev. C. B. Cashwell of States
ville. Tbe interment will be In.Rose
cemetery at Mocksviile.
[Mrs. Feezor lived Ytear Mocks
viile for many years and had a great
host of friends in this section who
were pained to l^n of her death.
The funeral services.at the Baptist
church Sunday morning was attend
ed by a great host of friends of the
deceased. A good woman has bera
called to ner reward. Editor.]
Mill Rath Taylor Dead.
Miss Ruth Taylor, of Smith Grove*
died last Tuesday after a several
months ilbi^ of tuberculoris, aged
abou.t22 years. The funeral and
burial services were, held Wednesday
at Smith Grove, Rev D. C. Ballard*
of Farmingtoo. omducting the ser
vices. Miss Taylor was a monber
of the Methoidist church, and is sur
vived by her mother, two brothers
and one sister The Record is very
soriy to note tbe ontimdy death of
this you^ lady, who has been our
been our Smith Grove correspondent
for the past two years. Miss Taylor
was a ronsecrat^ Christian and has
many friends who were pained to
learn of her death. To tbe bereaved
relatives The Record extends sym
Bio - Obituaries - 8/4/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 4,1915
Jaates Madiiw Qreea.
James Ma^isoo Green was born
Aug. 29r 18S2, in Davidson county.
North Carolina, and dled^July 19,
1915, at-L(» Angeles. Gali., aged 62
years. 10 months and 20 days. He
confessed Qirist and joined Eaton's
Baptist church in Davie county,
Noi^ Carolina when he was 10 or
17 years of age. For about eighteen
years of his early cfai^an life he
was actively migaged In teaching
vocal and instrumental music and
leading the mu^c in revival servi
ces. In 1879 he came west to La*
Fayette county, Missouri, and some
time afterward united with the First
Bapt^ church at Independence, Mo. |
and was an active member of lfae|
dioir. About 1887 be beeamea mem-j
ber'of Independence Order* of Odd
Fellows. On Oct. 31. 1889 he was
united in marripge to Miss'Julia A.
Qiildres, at Oseola, Mo. To this
onion were bom three sons, two of
whom survive. Immedlatdy after
their marriage they removed to Kan-
ffos City, Mp., and both united with
Independenee Avenue Bapt^ church
of that place, of which he was a
deacon tmtil coming west to Cali
fornia in 1907. After arriving they
placed tiimr membership with First
Baptist church, of San Frandeco,
CeUi., and two years later they re-
mov^ to Los Angeles, but on ac
count of unaetUed conditions, they
did not move their ehareh monber-
diip, but bad until his reooit iOness
been a regular attmidant at Temple
Baptist cburdi. Mr. Groro had a
host of friends in Davie who were
pain^ to learn of his death. He
was a brother of'our townsman. J.
P. Green and P. P. Grem. of Cana.
Bio — Obituaries - 8/4/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 25,1915
BL F. SloatifrfiA DofL
-llisflei^ was aboeked
Sitofday aft^oMT' wlum it ym
leaM that Mr. B. 'F: Stoneat^t,
of R.l,oBeof Davie'a best known
citizona bad died almost suddenly a-
boot 6:30 that erentner< Mr. Stone*
stieetbad beanio "dedinini; health
for some time, and.b^ most intimate
friends were not prepared for the
news of his ewMen taking away. ^
was 67 years of and leav^ a wife
and seven cbQdrmi, -five sons and two
daughters. One brother, B. B. Stone*
'street, of Ceuia. andtwosfetera, Mrs.
' Margaret .Bowles and Mrs. Geo. Booe
* survive. Deceased was one of the
coonty'smost prominentfannersand
took an active part in politics for
many years. IBs' first. wife died
jnearly two years'-'pgo and be was
' married a ^ort tinm ago to Mrs.
Martin, of Concord. The funeral
and bu^ services took place Mon
day afternoon at'4 o'clock and the
body was laid to rest in Goiter
churchyard In the presence of a b(^
of relatives and firieiids, Bev. H. C.
Korfeoi, of liouisviUe, Ky., conduct
ing the funeral slices. Mr. Stone-
street will be saddly missed in Davie
county. He sensed as county com*
nusooner for two years. He was a
puhlic-spirited dtizoi and did much
for the upbuilding of his native coun
ty. The Record extends sympathy
to the bereaved ones in their hour of
Bio - Obituaries - 8/25/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 8,1915
Mr* Jesse Walker Dead*
Mr, J^se Walker, of near Smith
Grove, died Wednesday night'iat the
idvaoced age of 84 years. Mr.
Walker leaves a wife and five chib
dren and a boat of relatives and
friends to mourn bis loss. Heserved
during the entire civil war with the
Confederate army and w|u a brave
soldier and a good citizen. The re-
maina were laid to rest at Smith
Grove Friday morning at 11 o'clock,
Mr. Walker jras the father of our
townsman, R. G. Walker, and was
one of The Record's old^t subscribe
era. He was a consistant member of
the' Methodist church. Peace to his
Jane Richardson
Att Aged Lady Diet.
- Mm. Jaie Richaid on, df near
Sheffield, died early Saturday morn
ing at the advanced age of 89 ypars.
Mrs. Richardson had been ill fvr
fire months. The funeral and burial-
service were held at New Union
church Sunday morning at 11 o'-
dock, her pastor. Rev, Splint con-
dueUng the service. Deceased leaves
oevdi.sofis and^twd daughters, be
sides a host of relative and friends
modm her death.
Polly Steelman
I Miss Polly Stedman, of near Ad-'
vance, died at the Twin-C^ty Hospital'
Toe^ay night after an S-weeks Ul-|
- nesa with appendicitis, aged 20yeai9.'
' llie funeral and buiial servicee took'
piece at Union Chapel Friday, I
Bio - Obituaries - 9/8/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 15,1915
Infant Daughter Richardson
. The and
-BAidiaif^Qiadied; Wed
be«}ay%iiil VM-btirledi .TtiQiiBday
»(ZteDeliui§^^ l \
Hn. T. F. Sanford Dead.
Mews was receiyed in this <nt7
early Saturday monunx: teilingr of
thedeadtof Mrs. T. F. Sanford,
whidi ocenrred Friday night at 10
o'clock. - Mrs. Sanford was in a pool
baduDg when she injured her head
In sthne manner, d^th resulting in
afewhonrs. Mrs. Sanford was a>
houtSS Years of age, and leaves a
hosbaod. and two children. Mr.
John Sanford and rister. Miss Mary»
JeCt S^nrday Chattanooga to be
' present at the funeral and burial
which occurred Sunday. This is In-
Ideed sed news to the many friends
of the deceased in tnis city.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/15/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 22,1915
John B. Bowles
Hr. John B BowJes, ol R 2, died,
FrMay niRht of heart drop^, aged {
about 75 years. The burial took'
, place at Union Giapel Sunday morn-
i in^at 11 o^cidek. BIr. Bowles was a
C^federate vefierao and had many
friends in the county who will be'
eorf^ to learn of his death.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/22/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 29,1915
Mrs. Eatoo Dead.
Mrs, Colombus Eaton, of near
Cana, died Sanday at noon, after a |
]on?iUoess of heart dropsfy. The
burial services took place at Chest'
niit Grove church Monday. Deceased
leaves a husband and two children,
a son and daughter, and several
Bio - Obituaries - 9/29/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 13,1915
Claud Peoples
DUt !■ Induaau
Claud Peoples, fonnefly of near
Cana, but who moved'lb Newcastle,
Iitd , about tliree months airo. dkd
S^ondayof app^dicitis. The bud>
was brought back and laid to rest ai
Chestnut G^ve church yesfferdaj.
A wife and two or three children
survive. - Mr.-Peoples was a '{u>n oi
our countyman. T M. Prbples.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/13/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 20,1915
Mrs. VliSkm Clary
Urs. Willtam Clary, of-near Shef
field. died late Satarday afieroooD
of cancer, at the age of €9 years.
The body was laid to reet at Ijames
X Roads Sunday afternoon at 3 o'
clock, Rev. O. W. LitUetbn. of this
city, conducting the ftm^ralj^vices.
Mrs Clary was a .member'^ of the
Baptist'churcb and was a good wo
man. A husband and seven children
survive, four sons and tbreedaugbt-
era. besides a host oft relatives and
Albert Foster
Aa Aged OtBca
Died, at his home near this citv.
W^nesday night. Get 13,1316. Mr.
Albeit FMter. 63 ;years The
deceased was in iobotit :]8 - onaitfas.
deleaves two sistera. .Mra. Jane
Doja. of Cooleemee. and Mrs. i. H
(XefflentiOfthisdly. Mewsalmried
Thursday evening alf the famtty
gxaveya'td at 3 6'dodt, Bev. P. L
Shore conducthig the fomnral ser
vices. -Thus, one by one we are all
passtng'over to the other side.
. Mrs. Walker Dead.
Mrs. H. Ar Walker, of Lexii^on,
died Monday afternoon of last week'
at Salisbury, where she was under
treatment at a saniborium. Before
marriage Mrs. Walker was Miss
Estdia WtliiamB, of Advance. The
funeral services were held at ][iex-
ington Wednesdav morning at 10 o'-
clock." Mr. U. L. Austin, of this
city, a cousin of the decea^. at
tended the burial.
Bio - Obituaries -10/20/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, Novembers, 1915
Mary Gaither
Uiss Mary Gsuthor* an aged lady
died, ac tbe home ai her niece, - Mre.
dohn Campbell, Friday night. Xfae*
bddy was laid to rest at Oak Grove
SimdaK. Dece^^ was more than
80 years of age.
Infant Daughter Hendricks
The ' 10-roontbs-old -- daughter of
ai id airs.^E. G, Hendricka, of
Bixby, died Thiiraday night and was
bnried sit Fork Chnrdi Friday after
noon afc 3" l^th resulted
froin u>hoopiDjr®®^8^'" ^op®rcate
have the sympatfey of a host of
frienda.. ^
Mr. T.iLCafbb bKiSeJbJb
AidMBoUe AccibaL
Mr. ^omaa A. Corbin, a leaf to*
bacco dealer of .WtesteD-^ein, was!
killed in an autombbiteaeeitot tiear
i^tateBviUe IMd^y
d^eea^ . fo -
by a ai^ two '^^teis, M
Ralpb T. Wifliker and Misb EV^
Mr. CorbiirwsB'i^ied-oQ the Post
road ^bout seven and a half milea
out tebm Statesville. He wss goiiv
to Statesville for l^f -tebaoeo and
was accompanied 1^ D. R. Stmpeon.
Mr. Cbrhin was driving and m tom*
teg a enrve seined tb lose control of
machine whi<^ ran off end ctf a
bridge and turned over: into a
branch. The driver was caugfit-^nn-
der the machine and his head buried
in the water It Is brileved be waa
Inlled instantly. If he' was ■.not,
death was due to drowning.
, Mr'Simpsiho got out of the Wfnelr
in abdut twenty minntes and says he
hi^rdno word from .Mr. GmMd.
The dead man's re'niains weire carried
to Statesville and prepared.<ifor
Mr. Simpson sostahied pmnlBl but
notseriotubrotoebonelmiid and
onefopt, but be was able to walk
after'i^ aedd^t.
Jack Rose
FIosBie fiose; colered, of ftdkboiy,
bnt ftmneriyof tins dty, dtoi and
teUedherbnsband, Jack Roae.tboR-'day nlt^t. Roeewaaattiiebomeof
another <^ored woman wbra hiswife found and flbot idm'With a 38
pistol... She ddms she. was outlying to scare him and d^'t khow ttopistol loaded^ ^9^ Salis-huiy jail.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/3/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 10,1915
Bessie Luclle Hendricks
I Luicite, tbe 15*mo&tli9*oId dan jib"
ter df-Ur. and Mfsi Graver Hendrid^ of
l^diy, paase^ bom life 1^^ Tbtiiaday
evenio^ and was laid .to rest. at f^nli
cemeteiy Fiiday aftemoon^ We deeply
sympatfai^ with the bereaved famOy.
Nellie Wyrick
Willie Livengood
Aim exteod sympathy to, Mr. and Mra.
Geo. Uveodood io the toes of thdr two-
year-eld son Willie* who died (hst, 'lOth,
aad was laid to'rest at Folton cemet^
on the nth-
; Nejhe Wynck. 11 yean oM was
' killed by a SootbeiD railway tnla
near her home at Riidd, ^illiord
county, Wednesday morning,
little girl was en,- route to school,
walking on the tra^. As the train
approached she attempted to climbs
the embankment to get out of the
way, but fell back and waa instantly
Bio - Obituaries -11/10/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 17,1915
Mollie Jones
Miss Mollie Jones, an aired lady of
U 5, died lust Taes^y after a lon^
lllners. The body was laid to rest &
Joppa grave yard on Wednesday. ■'
SHra. J. H. Clement Fatally Bnru^
One of tlie moat shocking acd-
dents that ever happened in MockS"
ville occurred just before noon Mmi*
day when Mrs. .lohn H. Clement was
fatally burned. Mrs. Clement waa
in the house by herself when her
clothing caught hre. She mshed
from her room into the yard where
a colored woman was at work, biit
before the fl ames could be extln<
guifi^ed she was horribly burned
from the waist* up. Mr. Clement
and his daughter. Miss Sarah, were
both out of the bouse when the ac*
cident hspphned, and it is not known
just how it occurred. Dra. Martin
and Rodwell were hastily summoned
and did all they could to relieve her
suffering but death came at 5:30
o'clock Tuesday morning. Deceased
was about 65 years of age, and is
survived by a husband and sis child
ren, four sons and two daughters.
As we go to press at 6:30 Tuesday
morning, the funeral and burial ser
vices have not been Arranged. The
grief-stricken family haye the sym
pathy of the entire town.
Bio - Obituaries -11/17/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 24,1915
H, C Rolniiui Dead*
H. C. Hqlmao. wbo suffered a
stroke of paralysis on. Nov. 14th,
died Friday niaht at his hoioe four
ndles w»t of B&ocksville, at the
of75year8« The burial services took
place at Union Chapel Sunday morn-
ing at 11 o'clock. Rev. V^.U. Swaim,
of Winston.eonductingthescrviceslo
ihe absenee'of Mr. Holman'a pastoir.
Deceased leaves a wife land eight
children, four sons and four daugh*
tera. one brother and three eisters^
Mr. Holman was a member of the
Methodist Protestant church, and
was one of the comity's oldest and
best known citizens, in the death
of Mr. Holman the county looses one
iof her best citizens, and he will be
'sadly miffied by a large host of
' friends and retires. Peace to bis
BoritI ^Mii* QmBsL
Mrs. 4. H. CteniiBnt, who .was
burned to deathat her home'in this
city lost wedt, was Imried at tlm
Clement gravejratd Wednesday moiin-
ing8t lOo'clodc.tiieboria] aerviees
beiog eondocted by her pastor. Rev.
R. M' Hoy1e.latbepre9eneeofinaiv
relatives and friendsof the deceased.
In the death of Bin. Qement the
town looses one of her most notde
and best women, the ehnrefa looaea a
consesrated^Christiaii member and
the father and children loose a de-
voted-and loving wife and mother
Tbesympathvof atlgoesout to the
bereaved ones.
iSalikbuiy. 'Ifov: 17;-^Hfe8' Sallie
Canup lost life and Mrs. W.
Henry Cahup was perdaps fatally In
jured this afternoon in (me of the
most.dlatres^ng a^dmita that has
hapbcmed in this section in years.
The two. ladies riding in a new ear
that Mlaa Canup had purebaaed a
few dava ago hod just left 'tbar
home three milee south of SaKMiory
and were eros^mr or about to eros
the Southern Railway traeka when
No 40, the local pamenger traint
eameal(Hig. Thd engine sbttdr the
car-and dmnollriied it'and.apparait-
1y a driving rod stroek 111^ Gsnup*
The top of her head was knocked off
and. of course, death was instantane
Bira. Canup. wbo was drivii^ the
car, was also stnick on the head and
sustained a severe fracture of the
skull Hhe was also hurl about the
body and little hope is entertained
for her-reeovery The accident bap-
pene<lat 4:20. Th^* trmn stoppM
and the injured and dead were
brought on to'Salisborv.
Bio - Obituaries -11/24/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 1,1915
A. J. Johnson
Found Dead 1ft Died.
Mr. A. J.'Jobnsooi a respe^jted
c)t)2^ of the Bailee <%apel ndiidi-
torhood. aged abOTt 6o years, rinia
found-defto in. last llra^ay
morning: When'be .retired
Johnson was loigoiid healtii amiar^
ently, end his.death. was .a. .dimct
8ho<» to hl8>famUy the'
Mmnninity. rThe tborial: fdNriees
toolfplaoePiftday. . *
Deatk of Bin.-Leacb. >
\ Mrs. M, G. pass^ away at
'h^ii today at. the n Uiofne of hef
w^ter: Mrs. liiszie Grady. on UUi
^venae at the age'of 72 years, aftei^
^ extended illness. had been
an invalid for yeara aiid.-.d^pite hei;,
bufferings was optiipiistie and cKeer-
^1 Mrs. was a member Of
die Baptist chureh and was an ex:
cOllent Ghrbtian woman. She.-U;
^rvlyed by a sin. Mr, 4 L. -Lei&^V
and three daughters, Mrs. liade
(jLrady of Hijckory, Mrs. DeBerry of
Jliatni, Florida: and Mrs. Brown* of
.||doeksvi|le.—Hickory Daily Recotd.:
- The bmly of Mrs L^ch was
brought CO .Mocksville Wednesday
^d on Thursday was carii^ b>
ter churchyard and laid toi^t. Mrs.
I^^eadi was a resident of Ibis conii^
for many years, and .-leaves-.many
friend^ and Mlaiives. Deceased wee
the mother of Mrs. M.-U. Bxo'wiv of
this city. .
Bio - Obituaries - 12/1/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 8,1915
Albert T. Mitten
A Accidcat
One ol tiie; worst apdd^ts
has occurred .in Dsvieconn^
Iftpg while, hippaied Saturday
tenioon at 2 o^loek, aooutiiveiDilfd
north-west when
Albert of Ambei^t, U^.
was almost instantly killed^ a load of
shot enterisff hb right breast* Hr.
.Mitten, in eompany with H.P, Q»-
oiy, of WorclM^er, Mass*, and W.
A. Griffin, of this dty.;were out bird
bunting. They came to a braneh
and Mr Griffin etossed the stream
on a plank and took-Mr. Ivory's
^un while he. crossed*, Mr. Mittra
was the last to cross.-. 'He passed his
gUQ to Mr, Gnflin, who took bold of
the st^ with one hind and hadj
jpst pat his other hand on the gun'
to lift it across, when One barrel was
discltarged in some manner, just as
Mr* Mitten released thie barrel, the
entire load ofshot takug effect-*. In
Mr. Mitten's hreaat The gun Was a
liammerless'-and it is not known
wbether the-safety wa$ on or not
For a moment after ilie shot Mr*
Mitten remained staining on the
bank of the streain and then slowly
turned around one time and fell over
on his face. Messrs*:'. Emory and
Griffin rushed to his a^tanra and
raised him up. He spoke two or
three words concerning bis wife and
children. Dr. Rod well was hurried
ly summoned, and went to the scene,
of the aecid^t but nothing could be
done.. The body was brought to ^ia
city and turned over to * the * under*
taking establishinent of R. A.. Blay
loca & Go., who emhalroed the body
and prepared it for shipment- Hie
remains left Sunday morning on the
10:18 train for the distant home. of
the deceased, accompanied by Mr.
Emory* Deceased was a promioont
druggist of Amhert, Mass*, aged .^45
years, and Imes a wife and th|!ee
children. Messrs. Mitten and EnfSb'
arrived in Mqcksville last Wednesday,
and were stopping with Mr. W. " A.
OriiBn, who has large tracts of land
leased for hunting. Although'a
stranger here, the death of Mr» Mit
ten casta gioom over the entire town
and much sympathy was expi!e^ed
for bis wife childr^, Mr. Grif
fin is deeply affected over the' sad
accident, together with the others
who were in the party.
Heath ^ Mr*
Your r^Mi^ter is sorry tc^note
death of onei'of the be^ ei^ns - of
the community, Bfr. 6, M.'James; of
Mocbsville Route 4, who' died on
Tuesday night, Nov. 23, 1915, and
was buried Thursday the 25^,
Thanksgiving day, at the new, Bap
tist church StTurrentine. Mr.'Jamte
had been a ^'tient sufferer for sev
eral years, haying been confined to
bis bed for most of the time ' foA\ a-
bout two ye^ He l^yes a wife
and five chl^lrco, ono ^rl and four
boys, also one brother^ B4r. Thomas
James and l|wo sistersjMrs* Vao^ant
and Mrs. All^ to niourn his l(^.
(q the deat^ of Mr. Jamra the com
munity has'lost one of Its be^ -and
most respected ®en- Hm low will
be gt^tly'moumed. Hewason^
the charier members of the Turren-
tine church and the first to be burled
there. The'funeral was largMy /at
tended, andHhe services was
ducted by Revi J. Adam Grubb, ^his
Julia Johnston Andrews
James Parker
James Parker, formerly of this
city, but who moved over into Iredeli
county, near New Hope, died Thai&
day after a lingering illness.
Infant Renegar
The infant of Mr., and Mrs. Camil
las Renegar, of Calahaln township,
died Snnaay night and was buried at
Sandy Springs. Iredeli county yester
Mrs. Julia Johnston Andrews,
widow of the late Col. -A* B. An
drews, died Tuesday at her home lo
Raleigh after a long lUn^. Mrs,
Andrews '"w
Col. William Johnston ojf WariotWand was born In that town in 18^*
She married Gol* Andrews m ^869A daughter and four sons survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/8/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 15,1915
C..B; Dead.
Mr. C. B. OrreUt of- 9uidy Grove
township, died Tha'reday night, sicer
an-iiln^ of some' time, aged
tween65ai^ 70- years. The bcKiy
laid to rest Satord^ afternoon
at 1 o'clock at Eil^yille, with- ^
sonic h<Hiorf, a numhcr of.Maaoinof
iMs city going down. Oi^l
was a men^^ of t^ Moek^lie
Lodge of tfaaooa. '|S^era1.flo&8.vuid
dao^tera and a ndmher of-relattvea
Susan Jones
' Mrs. Susan Jones died Sunday night
and was boned Tuesday at Hich^ Grove,
Sbo leovw eight children anil a' host of
ffdativos and friends to mchrn her loss.
J. A. Douthit
A. Dottthit, a prominent dtizen
of the Ciemmons 8<^on of For^tb
county, died Thursday night of can
tor and appaptexy, aged about 78
years. Deceased was the father ot
Mrs. B U. Morris, of this city.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/15/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 22,1915
Julia Ann Troutman
loww ; W«ntB Boned To- DnlB.
. The Salisbd^ Poet 809^ tl^ Mia.
[JuliiAiiKXroiitiiiin,aii«ge4 vMte
-"Woaiaiulwsfl.lMixiied to deotb at ber
Iiome iik'.tfaoiiiga& dmrchnel^iborv
bood Sondey B^.body waei
fbQtidoii.lier£wotpoKli eoHy yes*
terda^^thtbodotldiig piactkidly
bnindloffA Itiewippowd ibecat^t
fire ^pciiiii an open fife-p!ioeawl fOWi-
od to Ittie p<MPdi in an effort to pot
oatuisflimdt*. She lived atooe.—Ex.
Bio - Obituaries - 12/22/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY