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Jan - Jun
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 6,1915 Mitt .Death of Mr. Joho Catthte. ; John Caoblo, of (his city, died Tg^ay mornihflt of last abont 2 o'eioek. He had just Itttora^ ffom a week's visit to ^ii^ry on Monday, and went to ' bciiliflo his i&ual heal^* About two o'^jselt he awake aad tp(d' his jwife tiiaihewaa' anffering vdch s^ere •^|j||^|nhte'8tomaeh,' Mrs. Caobie and went to prepare him aeipe a^eine, i%d when she returned he »liMj^i;eadjtexpit:edl The deceased IMW GGyea^of age, and^- leayies a Jiathir, On^ sister and a wife/ ^e bodly tfaa earned to Salisbury uiornjng fpr hoidair .fte iyiip^hy m town ^oes.out' .fla too wife pir# i&th$« ^ V /J', , CharBe Sheak Acctiei^ KDfei* Chanie Sheek, ol Parmtogton towiiaidp was acddentatly "killed, whiile working w the new steel bridge across'the Yadtdh river "at HaU's Ferry last Wednesd^^ morn ing; A pait'of the brid^'en which he^^was standing fell, and be was pre- dpimted to the groood, the fell breaking bis neck. Death was alt most instand. Twp or.thi^ others wen elightly injui^.. tfr, Sheek leaves a wife and four small diildren, besides a mother ai^ a namber of broj^xsand sfsteri. The loBeral adoDbfial servieto took pliea at Massedonia Moravian ehurch l^ors- day afternoon. The deceased was a fine' young man and had many frieada who will be pained to hear of his untimely death. He was a brother ot Mrs. 0.6. Allen, ef this city. Edward Rod we 11 ASiiDttth. Hdward. the little" fear^nd-apfaalf year old son of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Rodwellf.di^ on Frid|^, Dee. 25th. and ^ buried at Rose eemeiery 'oa Dec/ 2$ch. The little fdldw bad ill for some time and had on-- dergobe a dumber of operatloB8..for cancer of the thrttt. The fnibiiy have the. sympathy of the entire town ln/&dr sore aMietlon. - Mrs. J. A. Davis Mfa. J. A. Davis, of near Coimfer ser,jdM last Tieadajr at. the ad^ vnMage elTl yean. Daath n- nItdlfeeiiipMsmfala* TbabwU tookplaeaWaiiBecday M was aj^ toiiiiai by a large ceiicsnittof 101% 'Mveaand friends, Bio - Obituaries - 1/6/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 13,1915 Mrs. Jaae fjiBtsDcfttf. ilffB. liames, o£ B 1. dkd Blnndsy mornioff.afteS an illness o£ •everal flsentha. ag^ 80 years. The foeeral and borial servkes be held today at Center ebnreh. Mrs. fjamea was a member of the Christ ian ehureb. She was the mother of our townsmmi R - M. and J. N. Ijames. Several MOghters.survive. Mrs. Ijames was livhsg with her dasgbteTi Mrs God&y Click, at the time of her death. The Record extmidsarmpathy to the bereaved ones. Bio - Obituaries -1/13/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 20,1915 Sadie Turrentine MissSadit Turr^tsiliie, asttd Wdman, living n«ar 0^ Gray*, died last Wednesday ai^ vai* boned Thorsday afternoeiu n Mn. P. fl. flaiet Deal. WioatoBtSaleB, Jan. 12.—fiCn. P. H. Hanea died late this avoiing at tbftJa^Bon-Wflls Hartal in Rieh^ OMnd vdMtaahe bad beenfwawe^ anderthecareef a apedal^ v^er eonditiai M been seriooafar aevar- al days, sa b«r death was net wbelly onejiveeted. Hwago waaSd jeass. Ha fanaralaiid-borial services toeb ylaeeHorsdav. Bio - Obituaries -1/20/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 27,1915 Snddn Death of Bitba fl. PowdL Mri Ellaba.H. Povell, au aged and well knows cifeieen ot tboHar mosy comaioiilty, dropped dead Satnrday artenoeo about 2 o'etoek. He bad gone to the well at bia borne to draw water when the end dea aamiBOBS cane. Apparently he was io hie nsnal health ' up to' the Hae of death, .whieb is enp poeed to have beeo eaueed by beart failare, broaght on by the iafiriBi tiea of age. The faneihl and burial took plaoe yesterday Hiekory Grove ebureh, in Davie eoaoty. Mr. Powell was a .native of Ban* dolph eouDty and was 64 years old iait August. He bad lived io the Harmony commooity for many years and was quite prominent in the community. Years age be was a candidate for the JLegislatare on ttie Bepnblieao ticket. Mrs. William Barber Mrs. B. G. Clamsat was eatltd to Barber last wt^ en aeaeunt of the deaUiof bar alaler ti-law, Kri. Wil* liatnParber, whieboeeurrtdoB the letb, Mr. Bowell is sorviyed by the fottowing.oaiDed cbildreo: Messrs. E. E. and E. G. Powell of Pomeroy, Wasb., Frank Powell, who lived with bis ikther, Henry Powell and Sto. W. G. Hiubhaw bl the, vicinity of Harmony,- Joseph POwdl of - the vieinily of Honstonvilie, -Mn. M. 0. Ijames of- Davie conoty and hits. B. B Bidiardsoo, ot leieest- er, Buneomhe county .^tatesvilte Landmark. dm FenjiDttd* Mto CRara Poiir* ^aoffbtarel Mr* and ilrSf Jamas Penry, od R. 2, died at one VdockSaaday moraine, aged i6.peari. aftcf'aleagiltpaBiftaber^ culsiiii. Mis^ Peary was carriid ik Moatrosa. tasf; laU with tbo bepo thai fliis'mw rotevor, but^d^Haf to ber mbtliiw'e Wnjeaa. ebe; was; braugbt ittmoabboi t^mshtimago, S^lf i^r^fi^'Sy* bii' parewtaoad sa^ml brothers Slid meterm Uito fimerel sad barial servlees w«iw\ eeadieted bf;lief psfttor, Biv. P. L." Shera at 11 o-elm lleiday motiiiig, aad ^e body laidi-to rest, at Smith Grave. Mw..PmoT,*ibth0r,o£th© deeeioai ie vmyf lUi. he^ ;dioesae airt there m but Kttio for her etvet/y, • To^d'bcmaMd. oaiO''^^o. Bawifd cortc^i .'db^ I, IL Blsmlltad* Mr. i. M. Blooat, for ssaiy. yens a citixea of ModcsviBo. Uter of CooleemeOp.died at bis hdmOjo' that towa last rii^ay moraing-after a loagillaess, . Mr. BltoatsnffoMd a stroke of pa^yM three. wjbnr years ^ imd aWer togidasd li4 beSltb.^ .Me served lor feiv yeaia asReceederof JmiUialQB towaiidp aad wm Btayer of MoeksvOto ;f«r a aumlwr of yeara. At om be was editor of tim Davie 'TbaiM- He was about 1$ y«Br8.(tfa8pattlM.thB0 ofbtsdea^.' He ia'tur^ved^ ^ a wife and several ^drsa. ^o . ror maina were laid to rest at, 'Cmi^ Wodaesday afteiamiatbeprea^^ of ab^of rdlativmaadfridi^ Minnie Tharpe Mte^.Tteipa;diadThmater ito a eb^UlMSS. Slw leaves a hsMaad aad-threeehiidiMBiae eiad fetiMr aid BfOther. Mr. .aai .l^'BsdSmUh aad fenr •titcn, J.P..Bri^'. et. limkivUk MStdawf jffi wi BiiiiWi'y^ut 'JlmMth\of heft; twebnthan, / Meetm W. 0. eiidg. livSrahb. et. Sheffe^, • te mMmkiflem, Tbk tiw.|l.iep> placii-.et Hew Ui^lWday iftiniiiia. l - • Bio - Obituaries - 1/27/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 3,1915 Spencer Sheek A Sid Oeitb. ** 'Brother* Sheek is dead/' was the sod message that q»iretd over Mocksvilie late Snndajr evening and caused sadness tbrougheot the en* tire town. Mr. Sheek bad ill hut a fea^ days and no one thought ^t his sickness was anto de^. Bleod polMn. resulting /!coai a boil or carbuncle, wasthecause of death. Spencer was alraut 21 yean ef age, and leavesa wife, motber, sevenl brothers and aiitm, be^e9 a host of relatives and fdeads ^ thiougheut the community. The funeral was conducted by Rev. B, M« Hoyle, pas tor of the Methodist church, oh Monday afternoon, after which Bte body was laid to rest atJoppac^e tery by thstdde of an infant son, who died aix^t two mouths ago The grtef^icken wife baa the sym- jDathy of-the entire town in this sad {hour. "Brother," as he was fsmil- fiarlv known.to all his frimids, was a '^kind-hearted, generous boy and'was loved b? alt knew him. He will, be' missed by us whodmew and aaaoda* ted with hini> as he was-a Mend to all. Ikaib of Hilt Ro^ Tnraliiew IRMRwoTainBtfi^agedltyeaia. 1 BoothaadtlS days^^-ficd at S o'doek Thundsy Qcniat at home sear Oak Orevo, ^'waa iMd toiestla the dnsA- thflto FMday ct-11'. o'doek Rev.. F. E. WilliaBia eeaAieiiag Che funcfai vieea. Besnwiherifiedjiitt two woAa bMcfe. Sliiwa8a09odtld, anl levod by ad who kaaw har.' Sbovaaa ntem* berofOsfcGnnrelf. E.Choidi. and bad lived a'Ckftatian fife. ' A fRIENlk. Bio - Obituaries - 2/3/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 10,1915 Infant Wooten tbtlnftol bebf WMUadM aid Wik*'bwitf: M TtMAor. . i ' n 'n , ;*:*n * ' - V.' '^*- V 1 -g- / bjiiriutf'Cli J3ia^i£iPf^££iS Bio - Obituaries - 2/10/1915 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 17,1915 C L Robeftioa Dei^. : Sall8bury,!Peb/io--C. E. Robert son, head of ^tbd Bobeitswi Whol^ sale Grocery-Company* and one^ol Salisbury'i beat known btuanesamoi. died suddenly in his room at the Elk 0iib some time after last mid^ght, death probably bdng caused by heart tronble. His bo^ was found early this ttorBing lyhigmi tbefkHHTof the room. Ur.ltobcrtsofiwasa natiye of Davie coobty. bat bad been identir fied with Satisboiy's bosniesslifefor some years.: He was well and fami- liaHy known as' *'Jadc" Robertson. He was a widower and leaves two children. Thefmeral service will be coBdocted from Blrs. (%arles F. Reisner's, on Foltoh street, tomor row aftmtwn at 3 jo'dodt pnd his burial will be with Hasonic honors. Hr. Robertson wasformanyyears a citizen of UocksvUle^'andhasmany friendsheMwho will by sorry'to learn of his dealb. • Turner Foster ^mer^ the little &year-old son of Bfr. and Mrs. N. T. eWw, of tbii died niorning, death resulting from fmeumenfa and men^ ingi^. The bwial took «|dae« at Rose cemetery Friday.Hiree of Mr. Foster's ^tdnem imvebeen v^ ill for some dtne.' *niegrief-fltridceia parents have'tbe syniltttby .of the town and community In their sore afflietloi!. Elizabeth Godbey Ito. Elizabeth Godb^* aged a* bout ^years,died at the-home of her daughter, Mrs. D^ - Creasoa, on Route 2, Wednesday, and was buried at Center dinrjA Thursday afternbonatSo'dodc. lif8.jSodbey was' a- member of t|te Methodbt chntch. Two brothers ^ severd daughters puivive.' Hr& Godbey was sgcKdhroihan faug^ne, to her rew^; The- Rce(^. extei^ sympatby to ttobe^vfd relativea. Bio - Obituaries -2/17/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 24,1915 F. L Carter Dili. Mr. Frtmk L. Carter, of near Smitli Grove, died last Ifendav after ashortillaenand wasbari^ Tdee- day at Smith Grove. A father, mother, wife and two ehUdoen .ear- Vive. Mr. Carter'was a member of the Methodist churefa, .and wra a y vuiw man of sterling qualities and waa well and favorably known by Biany Davie county, people. He was j in themercantUe busineesat Advance! for some time and did buaineas mi* der the firm name of Carter & Rat« ledge. He was also a sehool teacher for some time.' In bis death the county loses a good citizen, the 'par ents an obedfmit son and the wife and children a loving husband and father. Peace to bis artics.. Hn. Maty SpfttUo 1^ Mrs. Mary'Sprinkle., wbq lived with her daughter, Mrs, Gi W. near Harmony, died Ftufay BtrnlfBg attheageefSfyeart. Shehadbeen ill for nearly a year. Hhree- seas and two daugbtera aorviv^ Sheriff Sprinkle, of this citv.ibeid^ a son. I^e'funeral and Imr^ serymesw^ conduct by ^v. VI Bl' Swa^V W iVinsten, assisted by Rev. Binkley, of Holly Springs dmrcb. afterwhicfa the body was laid to rest at Court- uev The dieceased wasa coosffltunt memlw of-the Baptist ^ureb. l^V' Ing been a member for 40 years. Mra. Sprinkle was a naHve of Yad- kin county, bat moved -to Davie iu I860. AhoctofrelartvesaDdfrteads survive, A mother in Israel has de*' parted and gone to ^reward. Mis. Sprinkle was a direct descendant: of Andrew dacksen. n John Hanes Mr. Jobn'Hanes. of Ful^,. dibd last Friday,; aged about 75' yean. The burial took'place at Fol^ •do •Saturday. 'Mr. HaccSwasaettitsiat- aot m^ber of tfad M^odist cbuifel^ ^eval childrenLaurvive.. , Infant Daughter Wagoner I An infant daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wagoner, of B. 2. died I Thursday and was buried at Oak : Grove Friday. Bio - Obituaries - 2/24/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA tv> I in CD o ISAIAH TEMPLE CRAVER LANDER 1824 - 1856 Haiah Temple Graver Lanier b. 1824/25 Davidson Co 1856)Da\ae Co NC Charlotte POTTS b.cal 830 Davie Co NC^890sfDavidson Co NC Res: Davie Co NC; Davidson Co NC ~ YatoCoUege area; Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist Ch Cem Davie Co NC Isaiah*s parents: Graver . Sarah TEMPLE Graver Charlotte's parents: Jeremiah Potts ' Mary Ann FOSTER Potts Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known 1. Agnes Elizabeth Lanier b.l846/fl!l6 Oct 1913 m. , ^ James K. Hartley b.24 Apr 184Q.^04 Ana 1921^ Res: Yadkin College Township M Y.da,0.ll^M»l,a.C..D^C.NC Nancy Jane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848(AM^epl^8^ HL 08 May 1866 Hiram L. Koontz b.Ol Sep 1845 fl769^MSy 1922^^ Res: Yadkin CoUege Township Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC Ph^p Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850(430 Nov79^ m.l'^ 06 Jan 1869 wt.T.W. Hartley, AG. Hoijhl? ^ Sar^MICHAEL b.l2 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896 m.2^ 01 Aug 1897 ...... Ellen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 .[un 1860^8 Dec 194( (Sarah & Ellen were cousins) Res. Yadkin College Township; Tyro Township; All buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC A Andrew Jackson Lanier b.l852(!^ 01 Mar 19151^ m. 24 Oct 1872 Sarah Jane WILSON b.l3 Jun 1854/d. 01 MayJ932l> Res: Yadkin College Township ^^ Both Buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanier b. 07 Feb 1854(d.l6 May 1892^ m. I®' 27 Mar 1873 — MaiyWALKER m.2°^14Marl878 Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC ■.'7 '* Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC d DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 3,1915 6. W. Sttcto Bead. Mr. Geo. If. Shaefcs, one of Davie couatv's hest'eitiscss panod a«m]r acbb borne four mUee frdm Pork Church, OB |ttfc Toeoto. ag;ed 76 rears, after; a Booth's iflncss of Bright's disease. Tbe foneral and burml Servian took place .at Fork l^nieh-m i^uisday, Re7.^ .Jan^ Sail eondttclniiff the. services. Mr. Sheets v^'tfcBiaistaiit md^ber Cku^ ai^ isB^ a 0^ federate yeteraii.: One brother a^ six childm Burvive. Mr. She^ will be.miaed i& hia eoBttiniity-aad thvono^attho fiodttl^* Ho waa a Itood.dtl^alli hSl;^^ wiir bej tard to fill. Infant Son Smith The fitde iafaat m of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith died Monday aad was boded at Hickory fiMve Thofday. Edmond Baxby Esdy last Sunday moniiog Mr.EdmoBd Baxby. an aaed dti^<d iblBcominiraity; pasted away, file was ID bot a short while, and we were bhoeked to hear of Us sodden deatlu The mnatas was laid to test in Folk tiemecety ^fonday; afteraodo. Mrs. Sam Naylor Mrs. Sam Naylor, of CleniinoBe» ForayMi county, di^ Mat Hond^. followiBgasl^eofBandyma. Tito burial aervieee took fdsce at Para* Ington on Wednesday. Mrs. Naylor wasanaMyeof Davio eounty, and has many ralatiyea and ftieada In Moeksvllieand vidnHgr, who were sorry to hear of her det^ Bio — Obituaries — 3/3/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 10,1915 J. N. Foster Gooil Han ' n J. N. Foster, ef;!!;: 4, died Sunday afternoeo at hla Mme on R. 4, after in illness of flome;!tWe with a com- ^ieatioi of disea^, atthead^eed aae of 75 years.' :A wife and' eight children sarviye/^^e foneral and bvrial eerrleea took place yesterday at Angnsta, hit pastor,. Rcr. P. L. Shore, mdaetingihe services. Mr. Foster was a Cdpfi^erate soldier, a^waaagoodaOd usefnl citizen. He will be sadly mtiiaed In his com- nranity: Peace to bis ashes. De- cased was the fatto of Mrs. N. T. Foster, of this city. - Mrs. J. N. Charles JAts, J. N. Charles, ojf Jemsaleip, died Thursday morning at an ad- vani^ age. after snfferingfor along while with heart disease. The btuigl tootplace Saturday at Jerosalem. Mrs-Chaitlea was a member of the Baptist church.' Shew survived by a husband and two sons and one daughter. Mrs. Carles was a goodwjupad^d will beaadly missed In the ooiftniunity where she liyedv The bereaved ones Iwve^thejQrmpa^ of a ho^ of frl«^\ .. yV W. A. Williams Mr. A. TiHiliams, oae of Davie county's oldest and most respected citi2»ii8, died at bis hmne abq^_one mile from Eet^e's miU, osi Tues day moniing after a Jong illn^, at theageef 77 yeari Mr. Williams wasia member of Salem Methodist ehu^ and his body was laid to rest at tiiwt place Wednesday raemii^ at llofdodr. Seveialcbildreh survive. Deonsed was a Confederate soldier, andbas many friends througfaout the county will be pMned to leanief bis death. P. J. Graves A€nmlMan€oBe. p. J. Grav^ one of bavie's oldest dtizoBs, died at bis borne one mile North of Holraan's, Thonday night after a short illness of lagvqiiia. aged 81 years. Decessed was a membtf of the Northmn Medtodist cbureb, and was laid to rest at Chestnut Stomp on Sbtarday morning at 11 v'dqck, his jpastor, con ducting the ,fnttonl sKvtees. Mr. Graves is thO'laat of bis family with the ezc^tioniof one daught^. Mis. S. S. Evans, with whom he lived The Record w^l miss -Mr. Gzavin' yearly vidts. He was one of our best subscribers and alwi^ .k^t his sabscriptirmpald wdi in advance. Peace to bis ashes. Bio - Obituaries - 3/10/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA f - > SASAH TEMPLE 1805 - 1891 Sarah Temple b. 1805 Davidson Co NC(411Mi89l)Davidson Co NC 86v Res: Davidson Co NC; Davie Co NC; Davidson CoNC; (In late years she Hved in a house west (or back) oif the house of her son Richmond Baxter Gentle);Bur. Reeds Baptist Church Cemetery, near her son Richmond Baxter Gentle; For genealogical purposes I write her name as SARAH TEMPLE GRAVER LANIER GENTLE MICHAEL Sarah Temple 1805-1891 & Graver Graver's children: knownSarah & 1.Laiah Temple Graver Lanier b, 1824/25 Davidson Co N(^. Aug 1856D^e Go NC Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Go NC d.cal893 Davidson Go NC (Yadkin College) Elizabeth Temple Graver Lanier b. 14 Mar 1826 Davidson Go NG -2AT "C^OE^bavidson Go NG (Lexington)m.30 Jun 1844 Davidson Go^G Felix MiUer b. 12 Get 1824 ^.29 h^J86^ GSA Sarah Temple Graver 1805(1891 ) m.25 May 1828 Davidson Q^^C wt. Jehu Peebles ThomasLamer b.cal800/10 VA d. Perhaps prior to 1846 Sarah & Thomas Children: known 1. . Nancy Ann Lanier b. 1833(dJ^^J)avie Go NG m. 18 Mar 1850 Davie Go William "BiUy" Sidden b.09 Dec 1823 $1.28 Octlis^avie Co NC 63y 10m 19d Res: Davie Go NG Bur: Elbaville Meth Gem Go NG 2. Edward Lafayette Lanier b. 04 Feb 1840 Davie Go NC(d.09 Aug 19oiDavie Go NG m. 21 Nov 1860 Davidson Go NG Martha Alice "Ally" WALSER b. 1835/37 Res: Davie Go NG Bur: Fulton Meth Gh Gem Davie Go NG 3. Druiy Lanier b.cal842 Davie Go NCii. 01 Jul 1864[vA GSA m. 28 Feb 1864 ' Wlheh^BERRIERb. 14 Sep iW^AlihfejHibavidsbn Co NC 69y Bur: Wihelmina: Linwood Meth Gh Gem Davidson Go NG - . 'Z Davie County Public Liucafy Mocksviile, NG DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 17,1915 H. H. Swicegood Gntfejerate Velttu Detdi* H. 19. Swlc^od,ODeof Jemsatem township's oldest aind meSt^ highly respected citizeBs. died at bip hpiae on R. 4. last H<mday night, aged nearly 80 years. The body was laid to rest at Cherry Hill Wednesday. Mrl Swieegeod leaves a and several sons and daughters. He was a native of Davld8on.cpanty. bat had lived In Davie for many years. He was a Confederate veteran. De^ ceased, was a member of the Lather* an ehnireh. Peace to his ashes. Mrs. A. G. Gibbons Mrs. A. G. Glbtons of - Wopd^y Rowan comity, died Tiiesday rdght of tabercnlo^ A few we^ Mrs. Ojbbotts, realising tbat the end. was near, revealed ehe fact tbat dm the was not legally married to lb# man with whom .she bad lived as wife for 20 yeani, apdadced thatttemanage eeiemony be pi^enBsd. which tm done.--La8dtMrfc; >. r Bio - Obituaries -3/17/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 24,1915 Mrf. Jdia Andtrton Dead. Mrs. Julia Andemn, formerly of Dayje county,' but who bad been livinir ii; Statesville forr some time, died Friday after a long illness. ' pe« cea^ wad the widow of the late Dr. Jphp - Andei^b, of Calahain, and Uaves several children, among them being Mrs. Z. N. Anderaon. of Itbis city. The' burial took place at Sta^vllle Saturday at 10 oVlock. Deceased was a member of ^e Methodist church, and was about .65 yean of age. Carter Wood :.Hf. Carter Wood died .ll^edhea? and waa.bdriea at piue .Fnr dAy, Beir, Bdliaril, oooddcUbg tke bptial seiviee. Bio - Obituaries - 3/24/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 31,1915 Jo^ HodfJr., DmJ. John Hodge, Jr., the IT-year old son of Prof, and Mrs. J. D. Hodge, fonneriyof Aogusta thb coniity. bnt now of Granite'Qoany, died Fri day of. pneiinxmia. The body was broaght-totheformer home of the bereaved parents and laid to rest at Concord durdi&ittday- The parents have the sympathy of their many friends in this hour of afilietlon. Bio - Obituaries - 3/31/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 7,1915 Infant Son Burton I'he death visited the home of Hr. and Mrs. R. B. Burtuu and took their little iolaot son Jsst Friday. The Record exteode sym* I patbj to Che bereaved ooee. 1^* T. F. Radcdge Dead. . Mr. T1 F. Ratledge; of North Mocksville. died Sui^i^ moramy sit IQ o'dodeafter a Ihigmdng illness of tnbereolods, aged -34 years. De*' ceased to aorvived by fato wife, hie parents and several -brothers and atoteis. IBie body WAS laid to rest at Rose cemetery Monday morning at 11 oVlodc, witlrllaaoidc honors. Mr. Rati^ge bad many' frioidB thron^h^t the town and conntor who were pained to leam of his death. Hie bemved wife and paimila have tho sympatby of the town in tftdr affliction. Mr. iRatleds^ innfessed faithinCSnistadiort time before ^ffls death and thmse wto moom, monninotas those without hope Peace to hto ashes. Martin Jones Martin, the 11-year-oid son of Mr. and ^Mrs. John Jones, of Cans, di^ latDFdayittoming after a short ill- oess. The bnrial took place Satar- day. The deceas^ had been parsk I iiz^ on one aide race bM. John Howell Aged Gtwi Pmks. Mr. Jtdiir Howell, one of the oM^ (dtiseiis of the ' town, died at. the home of hto daughter. Mrs. J. H. Sprinkle. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'dock, aged years. Mr. Howell had been ill abont five weeks, and for some time hto death, had bemi momentcvilif expected Tito body was carried to Eaton^ Baptist efanrcfa and laid to rest Tharsdiqr at 11 ,o'- deek. Rev. D. W. iittleten conduct* iogthe funoral servieea. The de ceased was a constotmit member of tim Baptist church and 11^ a lifd (hat hto.'frlends should try to emu late. To the beresv^ imes. The Record extends svmpathy. ' ^ Mrs. Grover Swicegood Mrs. Grover Swicegood, of R. 4. died Sunday of pneumoois. aged .22 years. -The b(^ was laid to rest at Center Tuesday, Rev. J. A. CHrnbb eottducting toe funeral fiervlecs. Deceeised wasB mmutwr Of the Bap tist cbureh. A'husbani and one brotitorend mater survive. James pMlrarOead. Mrs. JamesDriver, of nev Pino, died in the Winston hoepitM Wednes day nto^t.' She was carried there TMsday to tmdergb an operation for cancer, hot sever recoveredInm toeoperatiim. AhuriiandandBeven or eight cfaitdFeD survive. The body was laid to rest at Wesley's Qiapel Friday. Mm. Driver was a member, ii the Melodist church. Decea^ was about'iS years oldr The busr' band and.ci^ldii^ have the SFmpatby of a libflit of friends In theconunnnity.. Bio — Obituaries - 4/7/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 14,1915 Mt/Jaa. B. Kocfees^s^iiiar Hd- roan'B, died ^tufdey at 11 o'clockafter aah^ IHmaa of tlie brain or b^, aged 77. yean, Mr« Korfees wee born io Davie eonntr and ^r^ during tbbeivil war^^^ hoiior to biiniolf and the &atb. Deeeased ia sofrived by tbreosiaten and' throe brothen, and aix ehfidteii, viz: Mni. C. F. Allen,, with' whom he llvedi H9. Sam .Hutchena, Mesa. W. F, -Korfeea, <ft IKtahm;.' (%8S, Kurfeei; of Rodtford; N,' H, Kar- fees, of Danrille. Ill; 4, L. Eurf^ ofAtlahta. The bo^ m ; laid to rest at Center itfonday'aftenibbD, ReVt .F, L> ^9?e eqi^acMng j^thel burial aervic^ jyUr.iCiiifen wM a member^-the Methodiit; chiireh«t leaveamany friendaaikl rdatiyes; He waaagbod.tnan and wui be-M* ly mlq^ in rite eounty aitdertebu^ ly ifkliis eommuotlsr, It.wiir be only a few yean ^ril all th^ who wore riie gi^iand mivrriiad to thesrin^ strd^efr'lKzie/' frill hayeeriMe^ over theThwi: Tbe.See(»d'4ndieb(u^ ^phrity:fo cbfidien afjd.io^ W« E Bnmbikw Dbtd* Tl^ many friends of W. 'H, Brew- baker, of FoA Chdreb, wilt be sorry to learn of hia death, which oeeorred atl^homearly Friday morpiDg. Mr. Bnwbaker had b^'ill for many months with eohsomptiim, and his death, was not imexpeeted, A wife and two small cbildnffl surviye. The body bras laid to rest at Fork Cho^ Saturday afternoon. Mr. Btewbaker waaa veterimuy suigeoii, and itw 'aldo a partner in the Srm of Brewbaker A Davis at Fork Cttuicb. Deceased was wdlkttown through out ihivie and Yadkin counties, and waa frell liked by ^ who knew bim. The Rec(^ extoidsfympariiy to the bereaved family and relatives. Bio - Obituaries - 4/14/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 21,1915 k:Vhm Deftd. J. A. Davis, of n^' Corbsteer. died Friday pight. following a sho^ illheas of pneuinpnia. ajred 69 years. The bnria) took jplaceSunday in the family baryinjt groond. Mr. Da^s iasarvived by three children, and several brothers and sisters. De- c&ued was a member of the B^fst dioreb. L E. Reid Hr. U £. jBdd died Friday oigbc aboot 10 o^olock at Ida lipffle lo the Provideoce oelgbborhood of Cool Spriog towfiehlp, dMtb eoltitig from', tobeioaloala. Mr. ^id^B oritlcai jllnees was metitioii* ed io FridayV Landmark io eoo* uectioD with tbe'deatb of bis notb er, Mrs. Carolipe Reid, wbo; ^iyp< ped dead Wednesday oigbt while at bis bedside. Hr. Beld In an QoeoDsciODS* oondUion at the time of bis mother's dMtb and never knew of it. Columbus Campbell ' -Mr. ColombcM Campbell drop^ ped dead Friday aoroiog at his' home ioB^ldMllts township. :Mif. Cahtpbell waa apparently lo - bla' nsual health tiiat aornlDg and was berroviog bis garden when a Mr. Keller came by and proposed tb do; the work for biio. - Mr. :OsmpMI| said be coald do it but Mr; Kellef' iusisle^ and soon afier be took tbe. barrow be noticed that Mr. bell showed signs of illtieM. When' ashed ii he was siek be passed the' matter off but in a lew minntea be sank to the grbsnd and died; Bio - Obituaries - 4/21/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 5,1915 'Jule" Champ -r., Iv "l"'® Colored, for manv IdioH 1 Of the county home, C- rather sudden. HeL tJi ^ "Jule" w«'^own character, and " was a He was known by a' ^^'^^w^bbdyinthis sectioq. He bet. many times from the ihome Mrs. John Cope Mrs. John Cope of Cooleemee died last Weii:<^esday and was bariod Chursd^ at North Cooirsemee. A husband and several children sur vive. Bio — Obituaries - 5/5/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 12,1915 Mr. James HcGsZre Dead. James MeGuire, Jr one n of the town'a most prominent and best business men died Tbesday niitfat at thesanitoriam inStatesville, where he was carried that afternoon to on* dergo an operation. Mr. McGoIre had been iJl for two weeks, and. ifN death was not nnoKpeeted. Mr. Mit- Guirb was vice president of the Bank 'jf Davie. secretary and treasurer of the Modcsville Chair Comply, and one of the county commia:,ii nee • naving been elected last November. Surviving are a wife and two 8m»i) children. The body wffi brought tp'bis home Wednesday buried in Jop|» Cemete^ at- 3 o'clock Huirsday afternoon with Masonic honors. Mr. McGuire was a native of this county, bom in 1865. being GO yeara of age at the time of his death.- He was connected with various business cerests of the town, and bis dea^h will be felt keenly, throughouts the town and county, rie waa a son '.of Dr. James McGaire. one ot the best known men in this section of the Slate who died some yeara ago. Mrs# C. P HeroBCf Dead. Mrs. G. P. Heroney one of Mocks* vine's most highly esteemed ladits. died at .her home in this dty Wodms day afternoon, ag^ 69 years. De ceased'bad b^dil for many months with stomach trouble and her death was not on^pected. The funeral was held at the reaidenee. Thursday morning at 11 o'clock by her pastor. Rev. R. M Hoyie, after which the body was. tenderly laid to , rest at Rose cemetery. Deceaa^ leaves •two song and one dauah^. viz: Mrs. JaroesSmith. of Winstw Salem; '6. F. Meroney of this city, and R. Meroney. of . .Winston, A good woman h^ been* called to' * her. re ward. To the,bereaved ones who are left behind The Record' dztends sympathy. Adolphus McGuire Adolphus Mi^uire^ about 85 years; old. a fornitore fai^ry wite at Hiimory. committed emcide -Fijday by teeing earbdie add. The only causb asdgned was some trouble be tween hiardatives and bis efaRdxen. Mr, McGuire was. a native of Davie coning. Bio - Obituaries - 5/12/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 19,1915 L B. Walker Cood Citheii Gone* L. B. Walker, of near CeDtPr, one of Davie coaoty's ilirmers and agood dtizen, paaeed away eaddeoly at bie home Friday aboQt fiooo, aged about 65 yearn* Mr.: Wf^lker bid been in bad health for a(!(^ time, hot hie eooditioo was not regaided as een'ous. A wife and two sons and one daughter shrrlve, together with, one sister, Mca W. H. Baroeycascle. The faaeraland burial services took place Saturday at Cent^ cbarcb^ and were drnducted by his pastor, Bev. P. L. Shore. The Record exr; tends sympathy to the bdeaved wife and ebildren. Mr. Waiker will be sadly ini^d in his seotioo ot the county. Rey. W. Bl^ilrlck Dead. News has been received In thisdty idling of the death of Rev. W. Kfl* patriot at bis home in New Waveri> ly, Tex., onAprlllSSid. Someofthe older reddmits of Modksville wiH remember Rev. Kllpatrick, as he was once pastor of the . Preahyteriati chttrdi in this city. Deceased waa a biother iD'taw of Mrs. Alice Wilson, of North Mocksville. and was agood and just man. Ho suffered for many months and the end came peacefully. A wife and children survive. Bio - Obituaries - 5/19/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 2,1915 Mn. P. L Memief D«i^ Ur8.-P. L* Heroney died at her home in this dty Smd^ afternoon diortty after one o'do^ foUowioff a three weelm illness of tydioid fever, Uie. Henmey'wasdS years of age, and leaves a hndumd,' mie fionmidtwodaaflhtets, one brother and two sisters. The laneral was eonditetedat dm homeatir o'doek Monday morninir by her pastor, fiev, R.11. Hoyle^ after wfaldi. die bqdy was carried to Jopps and laid to zest toawait the final resarreedon. Mrs. Heroncy joined the Methodist church whmayooDir girl and had llv^ a conseerated ^risdan life for the past fifty years or more. She was a kind, loving wife and niotbw, sS good n^ghbor and wii] ttemissed by her many ndgfabors and friends. The husband and children have the aympatliyofa host of friends in thdrsadalBietloh. Infant McCulloh An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Gran* vilie McCulloh, of R, 4, was buried at Jerusalem Sunday ^afterooon at 3 o'clock. Bio - Obituaries - 6/2/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MGCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 9,1915 Jane Naylor IIUss Jane Naylor, aged about 70 years, died at the home of Blr, Boyce Gain, at Cana, Thursday afternoon, following a stroke of fiaraiyds. Sim- d^. The burial services were held at Eaton's ehureh Friday. Deceased a consistant member of the Bap tist diurcb. A host of relatives and frioads survive. fifri. J. BL Pcniy Dead. Mts. J. B Peniy. of R. 2. died Sunday morning at 4 o'clock and was buried at Smith Gtovo S(ind[&Qr a£tenioo&at4d*clook. Revs. Skore and lattleton, of this dty. conduct ing the funeral services. Mrs. Pmiry had been 111 for the post six months with heart dropsy* She was 57 years of age. and was a member of the Methodist church. A husband and five childrmi survive. The bereaved ones have the empathy of a host of William Foster Hr, WiUiara Foster.' of Iredell, who died Thursday was Inrofigbfi to New tJnioo and laid Co rest Fri day. Age 84 years, he lesives a witeand several children and a host' of relatives and friend to maom bis Ibas. Bio - Obituaries - 6/9/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 16,1915 Infant Son Josey The twe»Bumtli9Hdd son .of Mr. and Mr^ C. P. Jos^. dl^ Satozdsy of meiHiii^tit and was boried ^ Sontb River chnich Stmdoy* other diild, a twin of the dead babe, iaattheipointof death, while the mother.is ill with dn^sy. Bio - Obituaries - 6/16/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 23,1915 Mr. W. A. Oweo Dead. U is wiih aidti^es that we are called upon to clironicle the death of Mr. W. A. Owen, which occurred athia home In North Mocksville Thursday afternoon, June 17th. at 5 o'clock. Mr. Owen was 47 ycais of age at the time of his death, and had been in failing health for more than three years. Ho had under gone treatment at Charlotte, and everything possible was done to- re store him to'health, but to no avail. The funeral and burial services to«'k place Friday afternoon at 3:30 %/ clock, and the body was laid to rest at Rose cemetery with Masonic hon ors, to await the final resurrection. Mr. Owen is survived by a wife and one daughter, one sister, Mrs. Du<k Thompson, of Tyro, and one brother, Mr. Carles Owen, also of Tyro Mr. Owen was a consistant member of the Methodist church, and was one of our best citizens. He will be sadly missed, for he was a good cit'- zen and w^ loved by all wito knew him. For eight years wo have known Will Owen atid during that time we never heard him speak an unkind word about anyone, and we never heard anyone speaK ill of him in any way. He was a loving husband and father, u cti^jsUan gentleman, a gijod frigid an^iieighlior, and today he Is at rest front all his sufferings, and Is with Him tm said. "Come unto me; all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The b^. reaved wife and daughter hdve ,lhe sympathy of all the citizens of the town in their sad affliction. H. M, Fnslcr 0^^ Mr. H. Bl. Foster, of near Blxby. died Sunday night ^11 o'dock, ^ed about 70 years, after a lingering ni ne^ of many mmths. The burial took place' at Fork Church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clodc. Mr. Foster waa a member of the Baptist dmrch. One son and five daughters survive. Bio - Obituaries - 6/23/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 30,1915 Hr. Getfgi Bom V"! ] Hr. Gedise . of neor ; Gai^ ittln, died Brida? at nqtaof after/a Bngei^ iifeeaB of at -^ age cd 74 yean. The funeral and hmdalaerrioes vrae eondocted .by Bev. 0. W. Iittieti»r. of thia city, aisd the bodr laid to leet at fjamea X Roads-Satafday .noniiDg at 11 o'do^ Aatfeandtvohalfaisten aorylve Bfr.Boc^flraai^oondstant neinterof&e Baptist church a]^. had msny' tbrooghoot * Uie eoonty Who adil be'pained to l«im of his death.- A good nan has gone to his reward; : ' Infant Daughter Josey An infontdaoghter of Ur. and His. Josey. of Sooth Mocksyitle diedi Sunday momiog and was bofied in Rowan county Sunday afternoon, j Hn. Nancy Pcaxy. Dead. Hn. Nancy Pciifydkd Honday nifht atthehomeotlicrdaagliter.Mra. R. E. Andenoo, near Gabhalo, at the ttSeof 81 yens. Thobody waslaldtoiestatGBa- teir.^atdiyacd yesteidav aftemooo at 2. o'etoefc, Rcr. P. L. cooddcthig' tbe bmialseivieea. MsBy ndaiivw snivive. Bio - Obituaries - 6/30/1915 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA