Jul - DecDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 1,1914
Mrs. Ben Swift
Mrs. Ben Swilc, of. Lexington died and
was bronght heie and boned Tbursday:
A^huaband and f<wchildrfaa snxvive.
Mrs. Ed Nolly
Mrs. Ed Nolly, who lived near
^leemee Junction, died Monday
^cningof last week, after a long
iline^of consumption. ".The t>nrial
fiervi^ were held at Liberty church
Tuesday aCterncon. A hasband and
several childrea survive.
Minnie Fowler
' News was. received here Monday
announcing the death of Miss Mm-
nie Fowler, which occurred at roe
homo of her parents in State^lle
at 6 o'clock Monday morhiiur. M|ss
Powler is a sister of Mrs. G; G. Dan
iel; of this city, who was at her bed
side when the end came-
Bio - Obituaries - 7/1/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 8,1914
Jane Green
;Mi88 Jane Green, died ^Inrday
nl^ht at the homer of. Irer; brother
j. J. Green and was ^ buried' here
Sioiiday,.' Ve e'zteDd.8jjnpathy to
the bereaved family/: ,
Small Child Brewbaker
- A amail-^.rid.oC^* audv3ldt^>
AC'iU^fewbs^^ a few'
Bio — Obituaries - 7/8/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 15,1914
Mrs. Margaret Atkinson Passes.
Mzs. Maigaret Frances Atkiasw died
at the homi^ of her son, W. C. Atldoson,
at KeysvtU'e, Va., Jaly 8th, 1*914, aged 79
years, 3 loonths and 14 days. Iha body
was broogbt to diis dty Thursday mom-
iag and carried to Smith Grove and laid
to rest at 2 o'clodt Thursday, afternoon,
Rev. J.B, Tabor condiicdag the burial
services. Mrs. Athinson was a- member
of the Methodist church, and lived a con-
secreted life during her long on
earth. The deceased was bOzn''Q^Thi{d
Creek. Rowan county, March 24,1835, and
On May 3.18S9 she was united' in mar
riage to W. J. Atkinson. Theiy moved -to
Dutchman crwk, near Mocksville, where
they lived until the death of Mr. Atkin
son, which occurred in October, 1804.
About two years ago Mrs. Athinstm went
to Virginia to visit her 'sons, and wbile
tbeie her health failed and she was not
able to return home. Surviving her are
three sons and two daughters, vis: Mrs.
H. L. Austin, of this city, Mrs. G. F. Piper,
of Columbia. S. (X, Messrs. Thus. F, Attin-
600. of near Mocksville, W. C. and Z. A,
Atkinson.of Keysville. Va. Among tboso
from a distance who attended the buriat
were Mr. and Mrs. C.-F, Piper and son
Francis, of Columbia, W. C. and Z. A. At
kinson, of Key8vUle',and Mrs. J. E.; Aus
tin, of Salisbury. Bdrs. Atkinson number
ed her friends by the score, and around
her old honm near MecksvUlemanv hearts!
were made sad at news of ha death.!
She was. a kind and loving tieighbor and
dining Illness and death in her commun
ity she was a ministering angef to those'
who needed her services, and never failed,
to respond when she could be of help to'
the sick and afflicted. Many noble things
could be .said of this mother iu Israel, but!
the greatest of all is to'say she was aB<
humble follower of the lowly Nazarene.:
who went about while on earth<
ministering to the poor and needy. -The
loved ones left behind do not numm as
(boso.wfao are without hope,, lor Chtiot'
declared nearly two thousand years ago!
tbat^Bleased are they who die -in the
Infant Ijames
The two-weeks-old babe of Mr.
and Mrs. Grady Ijames, of Clarks-
ville, died Thursday and was buried
Elizabeth Kurfees
Infant Daughter McCarter
The five-months-old daughter of'
Mr. and Mrs. Will McCarter. died '
Sunday night and was burled Mon- j
day afternoon.at Rose cemetery. |
Thomas Chaffin
Thomas, the one-year-old son of
Mr. And Mrs. T. N. Ghaffln, died
Thursday morning after a short ill
ness of cholera infantdm. The fun
eral and burial services were con
ducted by Rev. D. F. Carver Friday
morningrand |he little body laid to
rest in Rose cemetery. "Suffer the
little children to come unto me, and
forbid them not; for of such is the
kingdom of God.'- The parents have
the sympathy of the town' in their
affliptipn. - ' !;!
Mrs. Elizabeth Eurf^ died last
Thursday morning after a two we^
illness, at the home of her son L. S.
Eurfees. in North Mocksville, aged
about 66 years. Mrs. Eurfees bad
been in feeble health for some time,
having suffered a stroke of paraly
sis about a year ago. 1%6 funeral
and burial services were conducted
Friday momiog at 11 c'dock at
Union (%apd by Hbv. J. W. Self,
i pastor of the deceased. One son,
I two brothers and two sisters sur-
I vIve. The Record extends sympathy
i to the bereaved ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 7/15/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
: c9i|^^^nfeS^0deai);^|^ts6£>^
cominon n^me m Scotland Each '.
: the Rotertsons have-a-^eek
long reunion^ in Edmbourgh, f
;:'• C:|^|MS •#;l^
:'■ r.;o^eK^io'pardci^e^m^^^^j ;;;;:;^te^on,'i^tiu0.n^^ir^:v|v^
•:' -r=
i-;:;%^^^t 'pr,0'e^i,^?Susie-:ftb^
} vt|i,' y I descendants m this area are Henry, ''
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 22,1914
Major T. J. Brown Dead.
Major T. J. Brown, one of Win
ston's old^t wd most highly re
spected citizens, died Friday after
noon. after a long illness, at the age
of 81 years. The funeral was held
from the Presbyterian, church Sun
day afternoon. Maj. Brown was'an
uncle of Mrs W. H. licGrand, of
this city. Mr. and.Mrs. Legrand at
tended the funeral Sunday. Winston
has lost one of her leading citizens.
Mrs. Coleman Foster
Mrs. Goleman Foster, of r^BixbTV
died Satu^ay after a two w^'s;
illness, and'was buried at ^dyan^'
Sunday. •
Bio - Obituaries - 7/22/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 29,1914
Jacob Foster
, of this city, died
worning aftw a liii*
®%niiieaof consumption.* ibe
Bg- sepficeswere conducted .by
M D 'o . at Se^
ditaJ. wife ana two
Charles T. Elam
Charles T.Elantti of near County
Line, died Thursday evening: of ty
phoid fever, (s^ed s^eut 60 years, A
wife and several children snrvive.
The burial took place ^day | after
noon atCIarksbury Mettiedist <Aarch.
Mr. Elam leaves many relalnves and
a host of friends.
Emma Smith
' . Mrs. Emma Smith died Saturday
and was buried Sanday afternnon)'
Sh.elsaveB a husband, and .fonr
children, . ..
Bio - Obituaries - 7/29/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 5,1914
Hoa. W. A. Bailey Dead.
The citizens of Mocksvllle and the
^tire county were saddened Sunday
when 3 message came telinig of the
death of Wiiliaih 'A. Bailey, which
occured that afternoon at Black
Uoontain, where he had been for the
past two or three years for his
health. 8Sr. Bailey's deith, while
^pected for many months, tsagr iat
blow to his friends and the public
generally. Ke was one of the best
known men-in the county, and has
hdld various offices of trust. He wi s
president of the Bank of Davie at
the time of lus death, and bad served
the county as sheriff, representative
and in other eapadties. The body
was brought to Advance Monday
and was laid to rest at Shady
Grove cemetoy today. Mr. Bailey
was abont 70 years of age. and was
a member of the Methodist church
at Advance. A wife and two sisters
survive. In the death of Mr. ^ley
the county loses one of her best dtU
zens, a man who will be missed more
than any other man inthe connty.
He was a friend to everybody, and
his plape will indeed be hanf to fill.
A more lengthy accqnnt of his life
will oppear ii our next issue.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/5/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 12,1914
Mrs. John Hauser
Jobn Haufier died Friday night and
was buried at Panhlagton ^nday at ten
Bio - Obituaries - 8/12/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 19,1914
William Hanes
WiIlfain Hanes, aged about 75 years
died at the home of his son W. L.
Hanes, near Smith Grove last Thurs
day morning, and was laid to rest at
Fulton en raday^ Mr. Hanes was
well known'throughout'the 'couhfy,'
and was a Confederate tidier. He
had lived in Winston for a long whUe
until a year or twQ agoV. when he
caihe to .Davie to make his home wlih
his sen. '
Bio - Obituaries - 8/19/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 26,1914
Robert Mullins
Fell on Saw, Cot to Pieces*
Mr. Robert MuUice. a son of Mr.
L. C. MuUice of Tumersburg: town
ship, met death in a horrible manner
yesterday morning about 10 o'clock
at his father's saw mill iu the Tabor
community. Yonng MuUice was at
work about the large circular saw of
the mill when be accidentally fell on
the sjaw. Both legs were ' cut off
near'the knee and he bled to death
before a physician could be secured,
—StatesviUe Landmark.
Mrs. D. J. Colt
Mrs. D. J. Coit, of Salisbury, died
at Montreat Aug. 16^, aged about
76 years. Mis. Colt was Miss Jaae
Knox, befoi« her marriage, and was
a native of MocksviUe, having lived
here until about 1871.
Bio - Obituaries - 8/26/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 2,1914
Mrs. E. F. Tatum
Dud u Shaoghi, Cluaa.
Word has been received here of
the death last week in Shanghaiy
China, of Mrs. £. F. Tatam. who has
lived in China 26 years, where her
husband is a missionary. Her hus
band is a missioDsxy. Her husband,
Mr. Frank Thtum. formerly resided,
in this city, and they have quite a
number of acquaint^ces in this sec
tion.—Salisbury Post.
Bio — Obituaries — 9/2/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 9,1914
Infant Son Coleman
the little infant son of Mr. Cdeinan
Foster was laid to rest here Friday. We
extend sympathy to the bereaved ones in
their hour of sadness.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/9/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 23,1914
Daniel Safrlet
bvw uaf0«
ofnear Kappa, died I
By tnorning ^ter a'
njomlnjf at lOo'dock. •
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, September 23,1914
Mrs. H. J. Beeker
Mrs. H. J. Beeker, aged 70, the
widow of the late 8. A. Beeper, a
noted Baptiat preaoher of Davie
OoQDty, died at the home of her
aoO| W. A. Beeker, at Jeraaalem.
She leavee two aona, Rev. 8. J.
Beeker of KaDnapoliB, and W. A
Beeker of Jeroialem, and one
dangbteri Mre. J. Prank Hoffman
i>f Qranite Qoarry, thia oonnty.
Bio - Obituaries - 9/23/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 30,1914
Mrs. H. J. Beeker
Mrs; H. J. Beeker, aged 70,. the
widow of the late S A. Beeker, a
noted Baptist preacher of Pavie
.comity, died at the home of her son,
W. A. Beeker, at Jerosalem. She
leaves two Bons, Rev. S. J. Bkker;
of Kannapolis, and W. A. Beeker, of
Jernaaleis, and one daughter, Mra.
J. Frank Hoffman of GramteQuany,
this Goant^,~Salisbof? Wat^man
Bio - Obituaries - 9/30/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 7,1914
Milas Swisher
Mrs. Dewitt Clinton
Bis. Dewitt Clanmt, who U»ea
wiUlher am D«witt Clei^t. atHolman'a, died early last Taes^
alysia. The foneral end barial mt-
vices took plaee
etUnloeiaapet. AhoBtofreIatiY«
and friends are left to
d«th. Her hnsbandr Pr.Cieraent departed tto Me in 1874. ,
Mr. Mllas Swisher, of near Shef-
lield, died Wednesdar, death re3Qlir>
ins from foloed poison.' Mr. Swisher
was about 65 years of age, and leaves
a wife and several children to mourn
his loss. He was a member of Society
Baptislt churclb, and his pastor, Rev.
b. W, Littleton, of this city, con-
dueted ^he-funeral services Thursday
morning. Sifter which the remaina
were liud to rest in the Society
burial grounds.. Mr. Swisher was- a
good man and will missed in his
community. He was the father of
Romas Swisher, who was killed two
or three yeara ago at a threshing.
Bio — Obituaries - 10/7/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 14,1914
Emma Frances Holman
Mrs. Julius Clary
Mrs. Julius Clary, of Sheffield,
died Saturday night after several
weeks iliaeas with abseess cf the
brain, aged 25 years. A husbamd
and two small ehildren survive. The.
borial took place at New. Uaion
church Sunday afternoon at 8 o'eleck.
Infant Daughter
The li^e.infa^ daughter of Ur. and
MraRoher): Shoaf, of Cdoleemee, • was
brought hm fwr bniial Thuisday. wo ex
tend sympathy to the bereaved ones in
their hour of sadduess.
Mrs. Emma Fkances Hoiman was bora
July 18,1645; dep^edtMsBfoSopt 29.
1914. She was married to Dr. B. G. Clem-
eat Dee. 13. 1871. To thia union was
bora two-8^, one son John Lawrence.
Medafewye^agoandthe'othtf one,
D. C. Oemeat, stxndvos .her; Mrs. Oem-
ent wad a Idad and affectionate mother
and a good and obliging neighbor. She
was a patriotic and a lady in the
strletest eeiue.of the word. lltU woman,
who Ims.paesed to her ^ward. was the
vezy^bod^entof tinffi and honesty.
The writerof this sketeli knew her for 40
04hl years; {NUOT to her passing iroih time
to otooity. She was not a member of
any chnidi and yet 1 believe it is well
with.her. She was buried in the.ceme
tery at Union QiapeL It was there rest
ing bmieath bouquets and wreaths of
moat beautiful and fragrant flowers we
left her to await the resunuction mora.
We pray that ' tha God of all ^ce may
bless ai^ keep and flnaliy bring to Him-
eelf the bereaved' son;' Funeral eervices
were conducted in the ohurch by Rev.
Shore. Written by a Frieud.'
Bio - Obituaries - 10/14/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 28,1914
Bryant Gourley
Lmeberry KilisGoniiey;
Ai^ accident took place near
Geoleemeo last Fidday monaif: when
Charles lineberry, aged about 21,
killed Bryant Gourley, aged about
16. The yoiing men.had heeh to the
woods buhtiDg, and on their-return
to town, they-were playing soldiers.
One ef the boys' had a shot gun
and the other bed a rifle, When they,
wereiiear thirhoteU'Lideherry dre^
his shotgun -and.poihted it at Gonr-
ley, teliing; him tb-hedt. or making
seme otherr^arkJ The young iran
in some way discharged the sho^us,
and the entire lo^ took effect in
Goariey-a chest; kUling hunlnshih-
tiy. Ab inquest was held by GorOner
W. D. Foster. The following gentle-
men were empanelled and acted on
the jdry: G.- C. Teller, W. M. Click,
Sam Benson; M. J., Cline. J. T. Ste'w^
art, S. A, fiailey. They rend^ed a
verdict that deceased 'came ;to bis
deate by accident. Ihe deceased
leav^ a widowed mother, his father
having been dead for. some time.
Lineberry had been in the army,
and had not been in the county long.
This is indeed a sad occurence and
should teaph the people to beinigbty
careful with guns. They are mighty
sorry things ^to play with to say the
Infant Son Watkins
The little infant son of Dr. and
Hrs. T. T. Walkins was laid to
rest Sunday. We exceud sjmpaiiiy
to the bsreaved parents in their
hour of sadness.
Bio - Obituaries - 10/28/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
CAROLINA WATCHMAN, Wednesday, October 28,1914
Bryant Golly
Bof Killed at Cyolseiee
Two young myu, Charlie Lino*
barriar and Bryant Golly, a m^re
boy of Coleemee, had gone bout*'
iug together and after having re-
mov<ad tba shells from their gu s
pretended to be firing at euch
other. They then resnmed tb>-ir
hunt and later btgan a similar
play and it was sopp^sed ach had
drawn bia ahelli, but after fitiriog
It was discovered that Lioobarrier
bad not drawn his and when the
trigger was pulled the gun fi red
and Golly fell to the groand
having received the load in the
side of hia neck. He died
once. The coronerB jury ezamiD
ed Linebarrier.
Bio - Obituaries -10/28/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 4,1914
. SSr. Nail Fomid Dead io Bed,
Mr. Yoaogr Kai), ol Cooleemee,
aged abonti 70 years, vas \ foand
dead in hie bed early this mprniog.
He was cue of the election judgee
all Oooieemee, and was up cdnntipg
votes nntiJ late in the nigh'S, He
was in apparent good health when
ho retired. A wife and one child
Bio - Obituaries -11/4/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 11,1914
infant Son Sheek
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Sheek died Monday after
noon and waa buried at Jeppa Toea-
dry morniBg at U o'clock. The be
reaved parents have the sympathy
of a host of friends.
Vira Stroud
Mro. Vira Stroud, aged abont 65
years, was found dead in bed-early
Tuesday inorniBg* at the home of
her son, E. P. I^h, near town.
Arrangements have not yet been
made as to where imd when the bur*
iai will take place.
Bio - Obituaries - 11/11/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 18,1914
Infant Pickler
The infant of Mr. and Mra. Leni PicUef
died Thursday and was boded Friday.
Rev. W. E. Wilson oondueting the funeral
Bio - Obituaries - 11/18/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 25,1914
Mrs. Harrison Thorn G. W. Morison
Hairuon XhoiB, of n^:
Tain^barif, died Smaday tpoming*
67. She had iil for
Mipe i^e with dropqr.-. .The burial
servlcea wereheld at Salem .ehureh.
Monday at U-u. a., by Bev... P.' -L,
Shore, of this eity.
. ,Rev. '6. W, If otlBOn, of the A; R.,
P,' ^nri^, who lived in Skiloh town'
didp, Ifedeli mmty, while drivcbg
hemein a hugsv ^ea StatesviUe
l^fl^eflday* drej^^. -out of -^^
Bnge^ asd was foand dead. Heart
fhilufe. ..
Bio - Obituaries - 11/25/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 2,1914
Susan Sheek
Mrs. Snaan Sheek. of Ssiifch Grove,
ased abont 8b years, died last W^-
Btsday night of paralyras. The
borial took place Friday at South
Grove, at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Sheek
waa a consistent member of tiie
Methodist eharch.
Bio - Obituaries -12/2/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 9,1914
Bob Bailey
. Bob'Ballesr. CooletcMt. diied Soniiay.
and was Imiight hare forbaEial Bfonday.
We extsad to the boeaved ottssourhean
felt syinpatliy.
Bio - Obituaries -12/9/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 16,1914
Wilson Koontz
Ur Wils(m Koontz. one of Gala-
hala's beat known' and respected
citizois died at bis home near Kappa,
ifonday momiiig; of diabetes, aged
abont .62 years. The buri^ took
place at'Salera churchyard Taesday
at npon, the services being eondact-
ed by Jtw. W. J. S. Walker. A wife
and ^ght children, six sons and two
daughters survive. IHie Recond ex
tends sympathy.
Bio Obituaries -12/16/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY