Jan - JunDA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 14,1914
W. H. Wimbish
Tom Burton
Mr. Tom Burton, who was rmsed. on J. |
M.-andN. A. Peebles' fanns. di^ last:
week and was buried at-Efbevine, , .
W. B. Wimbi^. of Stparfc, Va.,
who traveled this territSry^^or Watts
Brothers, of l^nchbdrgx^i$(3 at his
hdme Jah. 8th, after a short illness
of tsrphoid fever. Mr. Wimbiah had
niany frie&ds in Mocksville who' will
be sorry indeed to heSe of his deaUi.
He was one of the dever^ fellows'
on ^e road, and his viats' win be
missed. < Peace to his adies. '
Bio - Obituaries - 1/14/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 21,1914
CoL Hemy C* Cowles of StatroyiUa
SUteaville. Jan. 14,—Col. Henry
G. Gowles, who iDras fitrickeii. with
apoplexy at his homo h^o Mopday
morning, died this aftemioon-shortly
before 2 o'clock. He had been lu]:-
oensclous since Biopday. ralte^don
and-lt wa^realised from the begin
ning that he conld not recover.. li>e
frmeral-Ebi^ice will be held at t^e
ireddence oh Broad street tomorrow
at 4 o'clock and the bttrlal will be in
pakwood Gemeteiy.
I 'Colonel Cowles was .a prominent
idtizen of Statesville and. well
Iknown tfaroughoQt this section of
the State. He had been clerk of the
Federal Court at Statesville since
the establishment of the court" in
Pink Tutterow
Pink Tntterow. of Shefdeld, aged
about 80 years old, was found dead
in. his yard Sunday morning about 9
ofdeck. He liyed by himself, and
it is supposed ttfat he died some time
Saturday, night. The burial took
place Monday*
Jonah Curlee and Avery H. Wilson
Mrs. Milas Gales
Mrs. Milas Gales, of near Franklin,
Rowan county, died Jan. 8 th, and
was buried at St Matthews on Jan.
9th, Rev. Hazpwood conducting . the
funerd services. Mrs. Gales was a
daughter of the late Daniel Seamon,
and lived for many 'years near
MocksviUe. She was a consistent
member of the Baptist church, and
was about fifty years old. A bus-,
band and two children survive.
^ En^ea and F^eman Killed.
Engineer ^onah Curlee and /fire
man Avery H. Wilm, both of Caiar-
lotte, were.'killed; in a wr^d^near
DavitaMa;#!, Tleenpe
No othen were htnt The train,
Qie uception of He enpe, h
maiaed on the track. Gapt. Glande
Morrison was in charge of the train.
Mr. ^Wilson'is.a liative of Davie
County and has muiy friends ahd
relatives wl^o will ^e pained to learn
of his untimely death. A wife and
two chilea^n survive. •
William McDanlel
^illtam UcDuiiel, 'tarmerly
this county, but who has been Ih
in Winston with his son. John-
JD^Bla^for some time, died^J^ ^|||
cily last Monday at the age. 'of^^
and the body was brought hCTe
Tuesday roomihg and laid to.'rest^
Oak Groye'Church, Rev. Shore eo^
ducting the funieral and' burial.«esw
■vices. Uf^McDaniel had be» an
invalid for several years. He was »
. consistent member of Methodiatochur^ir. The Record > eztendirpathy to the bereav^ Ofyei.
Bio - Obituaries - 1/21/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, January 28,1914
Sarah Foster
Mrs. M. J. Orrell
~ J> Orrell, of Winsto^-ii
i^letn, died Saturday nigbt and
was brouglit to Advance for burial
Honday morning. / ^
Mis., Sarah Foster, of Aagui^
,died Snnday after a lingeting illness
of cancer, ^ed about years. The
burial took -place at ForkChurch
Monday at 11 o'clock.. Mrs.' Foster
w^'a member of the B^^tist church,
and leaves mai^ frieixds and rda
tives:to^bani her loss. She .was
an annt of Editor J. F. Click; ofcthe
Hickory Tim^Mercury, .
Bio - Obituaries - 1/28/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 11,1914
B. F.'Stosestr^ Dead.
It )8 witb sorrow that we annoonce j
e death of Mrs. B. F. Ston^treet,,
I ^hich occarred at her home en R.
n morning at -4 6'elock.
toii&t^et had been ili for
^eek with imeainoDia.
was 60 years old, and
hand, five sons and. two
besides a host of reia*-
_ ^ „ friends. ArrsngomentB
have not'vet been made for the fnh-
einal and burial services, bnt the in-
terrmmit will probablv be at Center
some time today. Mis. Stoneatreet
wds^ good woman, and will be sore
ly missed in the ^ Gmnmonity where
she spent her u^fal life.. To teow
her was to love'^her. Many things
could be said fa praise of her. but
the greatest and best of all is to say
that she. was a God-fearing, Chris*,
tian woman. To the bereaved ones
The Record joins a host of friends
in extending heartfelt sjmpadiy.
Mrs. John Stewart
night, of mcer, Mrs. Stewart had'
many friends in this eity who will
J)e pdned to learn of hhr death.
Bio - Obituaries - 2/11/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, February 18,1914
George Martin
Geprfl^e Martin, of Redland, died
last 'Wednesday and was buried
Bio - Obituaries - 2/18/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1914
Preston Lyerly
- Bloody filorda at Barbo*.
Che of tlie most horrible -crimes
eommitted in this section recently,
occurred at Barber Janction Tneso
day night of last wedc, between the
honre of sevcm and ^ht o'dock,
when Preston lyerly, manager of
H. T. Smithdeal*8 store, was tdlled,
the bnilding set on fire and the body
homed to a diarred mass. Mr.
Smlthdeal, owner of the store, fires
at Advance^ bnifWas in this city, at*
tmidiog court at the time. He weiit
to Barber ontheearly morning train
Wednesday. Ihere are many theor
ies advancra, but the most plausible
is that Lyerly wmt to the posteffice
after his mail7 and that when he re
turned to the store he foui^ the
burglars robbing the safe, which
was not locked. On being discovered
lyerly was shot through the head
and also knocked in the head, it is
believed, with an axe, after which a
can of bii was upset and a matbb ap
plied. The robber nr robbers se
cured what ca^ was on hand and
ea^ped. The burning building at
tracted the attention of those about
the station who went at once to the
scene, whidi was about two houdred
yardseastc^the de^t - The door
was barricaded with boxes but was
forced open, and reports say
thesafe was open and empty. The
body of the murdered man was oh
the floor in the rear of the building
and vvas notdi^yered until the fire
had gained such headway ^at jt
could not be reached dffioms b
Salisbury, Davieand Iredell county
were notified at once of the crime,
and all trains were watched, but up
to this time the guilty party or par
ties have not been captured. It is
reported that two or ^ree suspic
ious characters were arrested, but
they proved an alibi ami wmre re
leased. It is said that at least 800
l^ple were enga^ in the hunt for
the murderers (yerly was 26 years
of 9^, and h rd^ed to the Lyerly
famfiythat was practically wip^
out by the Glll^pie negroes In 1906,.
fot which three of the n^^roes were
taken from the Salisbury jail. and
lynched. Lyerly was a native of
Woodleaf, and his body was carried
to-Unity church and laid to rest
Thursday. The store bnilding was
worth nbont $1,500 and a $8,000
stock of goods was carried Mr.
Smlthdeal had not a penny of in
surance. Insurance Commissioner
Scott was at Barber Thursday inves
tigating the fire. Itis'thobght Che
Governor will offer a rewm:d for Che
capture of the guilty tortiesk^
Small Son Copley
. A little boy of.Andcgw Gopley^s
gbobt 3 or 4 years old) who lives
on Duke St.^ was fatally burped
lest B^day inbrnlng. The child
lived nntil Satdrday morning at
3:80 o'clock, when death relieved
its suffering,- It was in the cafe
of lea grandmother .who had went
out to get water and heard the
acreami^of the little one and ran in
but its elothiog was entirely bnrn
ed off. . The bereaved' family has
our sincem aympatbyr
Frank Knox
Franl^Cnox, aged about 25 years,
dieAat^ home near Oak Forest,
Iredell county, Tuesday night, after
a few we^ illness of pellegra.
Willie Austin
A Sad keditsoL
■Willie, the ip-year-oid son ofiilf. and Mim-O. C. Austin, formerlyof this cl^.lbut now of .Statesville;
while ■bandling a pistol at the home
of his parents last Wddne^^ nlgiih
had the miffor^e tb disdiarge thepistol with'fatal results.' Iheolbad^took Pectin his head, killing Bm
almost instantly. The
brought to this city Fciday after-
nbbni.and imd to rest at'RoSe deme-tery,^ there to await the -final r^r-
fa;.Knn; The bbdv was .aecompan-
(rest of article Is missing from
Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 1,1914
milrs. Martha Call Dead.
. Mrs. Martha Call, one of Mocks-
villa's oldest and best beloved ladies
died at the home of her son, S. M.
Call. at2 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing, March 25tb. after a short illness.
The immediate cause of her death
was career. alUiough old ag^e and in
firmities had confined her to her
room for some weeks. Mrs. Call
was a little more than 91 years old.
Five sons survive, viz: Me^. Ed,
Cfa^lie and James Call, of Texas,
Rev. W. H. Call, of Washington. N.
C.. and Mr. S. M. Call, of this city.
Mr. J. D. Frost, of R.'2. is a half-
bpother of the deceased. The funer
al services were condncted at the
Methodist churcli Ih'ursday .after
noon at 3 o'clock by her paster. Rev.
D. F. Carver, after which the body
was tenderly laid to rest at Rose
cemetery in the presence of a large
concourse of relatives wd friends.
Mrs. Gail was one of the town's best
women, and her death is mourned
throughout the town. To the. be
reaved ^ones The Record extends
sympathy. A mother in Israel has
Elvira Brogden
r Mrs ElviraBrogdeB, of Glarksville
township, died Tnesday iiight at the
age of -The bnrial took place at
Bear Creek ehnrch Ihiursd^,. of
which decease w^ a memher^ Two
rano and four. daughter^ sorvrve.
Mrs. Brogden had imen ill only a,
short while with lagrlppe.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/1/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 4,1914
John Jones
;Dl^in iioridiu - i
A tdeg^sm wa9' r^iv^
Sator^y Bften^odn,; aaiioan&nff the
death of John^on^, who moved
fromjtocii^to Hdmbtead, fli,
wlii'DotlQievlat lie m t
Mr. and Mrs. Jonosmoved toElonda
in hopes that Blir.'- Jones' health
would improve, a&rhe' was ar great
supperer froitnasthina. He had im
proved very much |ind was though
to have about recovered. The bojy
was brought to this dty, and laid to
rest at Joppa graveyard Tusdsy
morning, the funeral services being
conducted by bis former pastor. Rev.
W. 'B. Wilson. Mr. Jones was 49
yearBofage/and was a eonsistent
meniberof llieBapt^'ehQrch. He
Infant Son Carter
it Thcluucioo of Mr. Bod Mm
I '1% Joe Carter died Wednesda? mom
iog of iiseomonia and was buried
• . Wcdoesdajr ereaioe to Rose oeuie-
'"ih? tery,
.y •/15' 7-
tbrbughoutilie iownhnd eonnty who
^1 be pained to learn of his death.
the bermiyed ones The Record ex
tends ^^mpathy.
Also See Ancestry.com for
Henry Joseph Carter
Born 9/8/1913
Died 2/24/1914
S. G. Baker
^ S. G. B^er, of CSlarksviDe .<^wn-
fship. died suddenly Friday after-
|nooi^«iSged about >63 years. Mr.
I Baker had been out to a pic^ of
1 woods where some cboppiag ^^ be-
>sig done, and died on bis ^ay back
to tbe bouse. -jThe burisd ^k'place i
at.Gtotnut GmvetchurchSaturday«
«ftmnoonat-4 o'clock, sons!
and a host df^riends and relatives |
Bio - Obituaries - 3/4/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 11,1914
H. L Wbfte Dead.
. ^emaoy friends of H.-L. .White,
of GlarksyUle township, will be sor
ry^ learn of.his .death, which
carted at bia hWe Saturdi^ night,
fallowing a short illness of pneu
monia.' Mr.'White was about 70
years old and leaves a wife - and a
bOStof rolativestomoiim his loss.
He was one of the county's best cit •
izeiis, and,wiil be greatly missed in
his? community.' The foneral and
burial services were held at Bear
Creek church Monday. The Record
extends syx^pathy to the bereaved
ones. . . '• *
Agnes Hairston
Mi^ Agnes piston, of near Fork
Churcbt sister of P. W. Hairaton,
one of the leading citizens- of the
cooBly, died last Saturday night of
apop!^, aged about £K) years. 1%ebody was.camed to Berry Hill, Va.,
and'laid to rest Monday afternoon:
Bio - Obituaries - 3/11/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 18,1914
W. A. Boger
W. A. Boger, of B. 2, died Friday'
nightafteri^sWtillness. The
neral serrfces, were conducted by
Rev. Self Sunday at li a. m., and
the bo^ laid to rest at Union Chap-
elr. A i^e and several children sur^
Small Son Richardson
Cana Itpms.
..The iittle son of dolambna Bioh-
ard^n whodiedin Wintton laet
week was. brought to the hbme of
itSrg^ndfratber, p. .G. Esaie on
Tuesday evening of last week, - and
was buried at Courtney "V^^nes-
day'iiiornihg, unto them we extend n
o^aympatby. * * . (
Nealy Cranfill
Bfr. Bfealy OraBfill di^/ near
Oritz'a old-.imiil -pl^ one day last^
week and was burii^ at Courtney,
de leaves a wile to inorn his lose.
We eztend to her our sympathy.
Bio - Obituaries - 3/18/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, March 25,1914
Mr. J. H. Haaelloe Dead.
Mr. J. H. Ksneiine, one of Q&iWvUld%
best citizens, died Saturday inoraiu|/ at
his home near Caha, a(t^ a month's ill*
nesd of dropsy, and vras buried at Eaton's
church Sunday morning at 10 o'clddt. A
wife and one daughter, besides a host of
relativ^ and friends survive. Mr, Rane-
line was one of our best friends, , and his
visits to pur shop wUi be sadiy missed.'
Peace to his asht^
Hettie Guffey
'Miss Hettie GdSey, of South Gala-
haln township, died March, 14th af
ter a lioffering Illness, and wasbnried
^nday folloving at. Society church.
Miss Guffey^ was-about TO yeara of
age, . ' . ' ; .
Dan Campbell
On the farm of Mr. B. A. Massey,
in tUver. Hill community, Tdmers-
Imrg township, Dan Campbell, col-
'dred,'wa8 killed Tuesday•_ afterhoon
by d.tree ^falling oq him —Stated
ville Lahdiqark;
Mrs. Badge Cook
Mrs. Badge Cook died .Monday
evening at h»-home in the' lower
partrof Eagle'Mills ' township, near
the Dayie county Ijne. The funeral
and burial took pl^ Wednesday at
Sandy Springsjehurcb. Mrs. Cook's
husband dieAabout four yS^ ago.
Two. sons and two daugbtefs £^f-
•vire her.—Statesvllle Landmark." -
J. H. Jones
' J. H. Jones, of near County Vme.
died Monday of last'week, aflier a
lingering illness of many months,
and was buried at: Society. Church
Tu^ay aft^pon,-Re7. Floyd Fry,
of this ci^ conducting the funeral
fervices; A mfeand two childi'en
survive. Mr. Jones was a gopd citl-
'island will "be missed in bis cbm-
muDi^. . '
Infant Wagoner
ni^ht'anil was bu^ed at JeM^ ceoid-
Thursday.' It year d((
at the Ume of its deatif.. It '-die^rOf men-^
iagitis. ...
Nellie Fleming
Miss Nellie Fleming &e
home of R. L. Stamtte ot] Monf
diy night of 1^ week, after a long
iiioess. Mrs. Fleming>w^ 79 years
old. Burial tiDok place , at Society
church. . !
Bio - Obituaries - 3/25/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 8,1914
Mrs. Henry R. Call
, A W«p|B Gone.
'2S&k of
|&ndiVihe'4oatli. ejo^red
boaO oif;aj^; d./ M, OaU r>nd
'IAok therefirom thofqpiiil,'a^ (hat
inortal'6t Mn. ]Q:enry B. OalL
I.tneoEune aeqnatptod \dth
dodng. the'Spdng o|f 1864. it
at a date when one - coantry
,'fas ioyqly^ in the greatest :.ialer-
he^ne^war the vorld has eve^
aed while she had a son
^ho ^ dnwn ftoip hie etadles to
l^^ige in a wair of the moet .exten*
nVe; mpgnil(nde - and p'rotraoted
dilution, ohjg in whidi brother as
.^jdl as foe grappleAat the. throats
^eaoh oAer» she ^ eeeined to be
^ft^and i^igned .to the fate of her
as miic^.ae to s^- <*jt know ip■^hem l have to nated, and t^at He. ip ^bia to keep^nto that day dipt
jrhkh I have eommltted nnto hlm«"..1^. Oali: ho brdioary woman^^vi^ one who kne w/her loved
■her. Trnly a ipother In latael has
passed over the dvert And now
is wafted over the nigged
Waiyea of ■ life's tempeetnons eea
9hd stands as one of God's seottnels
io^heekpB her-loved tines' to that
.biissfid shore of blest; eternity. 1
J^nldeaymiieh oiore in oominen-
ddtidn'but it is gnnecessaiy. May
i3^ comfort and eofihua the bes
jt^ved ones is ^ einoere wish of
line who,appiedaSed Grandma Oall
tor hier ihhnnme wmcth^ •
George Brown
wwawaae^ AWff «•
tfc.G^r2e Brown, of Joyner >80)3^jdiedi ve^ suddenly Sdndi^ aboat^ll a! m.Re bed bed a chill Fiiday and a^aiifciSat-
uideynldht, Adoetw was 'call^. and
pren^bed for tilin, end Spnday int^lng.
hedot up and ate bis breSkfast. but iras
soon'talcen worse. Ho'canxe hero socmo
time ago from near l^in and wodced' to
the Erwlp Oompray fw some tiine, /hot
for. the last fto wee^ bad been w<v'Mng
for ^ Brinner Lumbcy fo.- - -was* a
brother of Rev. IVjQUam .Atown.' of -jaeor
(rest of article Is missing from
Bio - Obituaries - 4/8/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
Phoebe Zimmerman
Elbaviile News.'
i .r^f Uv tUl. I'l^c tiaojrnitMWrtS iv> «• . j . jhey heioK
attdooCKO" snrTi e. J .
rer. ilrs.'-V. N. .
r ; '
,U 2i.nn,«....»• we -"1
•uBirn.-U :
ne lU *■
Bio - Obituaries - 4/10/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 15,1914
Mrs. George McDaniel and
Laura Hendrix
Mrs. George ItfcDaniel died and
baried Tbnreday evening. Mrs
Lanra Hendrix also died and was
buried Ihe sacie day. We extend
to tK)tb faoiilies oof sympathy. ^-
James Crews
James.Crews, of' Win8teii>
Salem, daughter of Mr. ahd mis. 6v
G. formeriy of this dty, diial
atjlier home Friday nis^t and was
buried Sunday* A husband and five
children survive.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/15/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 22,1914
Mr. Oliver H. Spencer Dead.
Bar. Oliver Hanse Spencer,, one of tWs-
rity's and mo6t'rejected ritujjno
died suddenly at the home of his dat^-
ter. Mrs; F. M. Johnson, shortly before d
o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. Spencerhad not Iwwea for tie past wean hw
BO eppiehension of-his death was fell.
He was appaKBtly ifltKjh brttCT SlB^y
ahd ate a hearty diano' Dnrlog the, af-
temooa he walked about over the house,
and about 8*.30 he was nni^ng his little
^eat-grandchlld. Ho turned the bahy
over to its mother and complained of a
hurtins in his chest. He then walked in
to his room and a few minutes later, BJrs.-
Stoso, hearing a noise, opened the door
and discovered hUn laying on his back.
Tho family was hastily summonea, and
Dr. Martjin, who happened to be passing
at the moment, was called in- When he
issclisd ths strickSD m ie ted expsd.
o( bis death.ApiMliBy was the cause
cer, rf WiBStoii,Md Frank C. Spencer, of
Petersburg! Vaij one daughter. Bits. F. M.
Johnson, of this city, with whom he re
sided. Three brothers, Messrs. William,
XbomaB and Lucian, of ChoraW.S. C.,and
two daughters, Bits. L. H. LoGrande, of
Hiohmottd county. North Carolina, and
Mm. Laura Walsh, of Monroe, survive.
The funeral services were conducted at
the Methodist churoh Ttiesday moroiog at
resurrection. The many friends presept
at the burial, and thd be&Utifol fliffdl
tributes, show the high esteem in. which
he was held.
Mr. Spencer moved to MocksviUe from
Cheraw, S. C., In 1861. Shortly aft^ com
ing to this city, he enlisted in the. Foity-
Seoond North CaioUnaRegimentand went
to the front, but on account of bad health
he was honorably dischaj^ed and on bis
cetum enlisted with the home goatd. Ho
W8S a Stewart in the Methodist church
i8siiivivedbyt80sott5.Dr.l.O.Spei!|e!efi)r52p8,i(i w oae of (be
wbtamiRioit wMii w
his daughter, Mrs. Frank Johngon, on
North Main street Bir. Spencer's death
is dee^y imourned by a large circle of
friends and relatives throughout the city
and county. A good man has indeed
I been called to his reward.- To the loved
I i ones who are left behind The Record ex
tends sympathy in this hour, of sadness
Ellen Allen
Ik Ellen Alien, tbe widow of Mr,
W. Allen, M dead at her hoiae near
ble. She was a good woman and leaves'
four childreii to mouiii her los%;y:We ex
tend to tbcm our hcurtfdt ^Jyinpathy.
•I'k...-. L. t.2_.i .
Small Son Bracken
The little eon of Mr, and Mrs.
Will Men vas iiorled bere
S. H. Poplin
J. M. Poplin, of this rity, received,
a telegram Friday telling of the
death of his brother, S. H. Poplin,
who died at his home at Higb Point
of paralysis that day. Mr. Poplin
left Friday evening to be present at
the funeral and burial, whicb took
place Saturday. ^ Mr. Poplin return
ed home .yesterday.
Bio - Obituaries - 4/22/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, April 22,1914
Sallie Sharpe
Iffra. Sallie Sharps- flfea at her
boms near Saody Springs April
lOt-h. She nnderwent an opera*
tlon at Dr. Long's daDltorinm *a*
boat six weeks ago. She leavee
thieo'daaghters and two eons to
ffioarn her Icas. She was baried
at ^andy Springe, ^ •
Bio - Obituaries — 4/22/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 6,1914
Paul Gpdby» aboiit 29 years old;
son of Mr. Jaines M;'Godbey'of Har
mony commnni^ this eohnfy, was
fonnd dead is Pi^inont Park, At
lanta^ Tnesday. Hewaasholithrragh
tho'hdad and it was at first ^pngbt
.that he had hera mnrdered; ''^'ere
is reason to bfelieve, hPweveK that it
a ca^ .bf 8aicide;^^t^iile"
Landmark. ;" ' " .
James Douthit
Jaaae^ Denthit, of R. Z, died 'Snn
day, agdd 58 years, after a long ilh
ness wi^ consumption. The burial
took pls^e at Grove Jlonday
aftemopn at 8 o'clock. Four broth
ers and three sistcns snrvive.
Bio - Obituaries - 5/6/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 13,1914
Infant Driver
An infant of Hn and Sirs. L. D.
DiiTer died Sunday and was buried
Bio - Obituaries - 5/13/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 20,1914
Joe Tise
Ciivged Witb fifairder.
WiQGton Salem, May 13.—Joe Tise,
who was sttiick over the head Mon
day afternoon by William Smith at a
blacksmith shop in 'Clemmons, this,
connty; died yeateiday morning at 6.
o'clock and Smith, who was shot in
both 1^, was brought to the conn
ty ja" oere yesterday afternoon in.
an ambulance In charge of ^einff
Flyntt and locked, up <^ai)n^ed with
murder. '
Charles Tise. who sbdt Smith as
the latter w^ running after knock
ing his father, Joe Tise, in the head,
was also locked up for assault with
intent to kill. The sheriff's, party
returned after an all-night investiga
tion of the afl^ir, which ba| greatly
excited the neighborhood' where it
occurred. The trouble seems to
have started between the elder Tise
and Smith, who quarrelled, Smith
finally becoming angered to such an
extent that he struck IHse over the
head with a hammer, iSflicting the
fatal would. Charles ^ise, who was
a short distance away, whipped out
a revolver and shot at. Smith, who
was running, bringing him to the
ground with wounds in both legs.
Hugh Dyson Meefs Horrible Death.
Hugh, Ae 14-year old son of .Mr:
^'nd Mrs. J. P. Dyson; of thii city,
while working at the furniture fac
tory Thursday afternoon, was fatal
ly injured, death resulting at 12. o'
clock Friday. Hugh was working in
ibe factory and went down'. in the
basement of the building to put a
belt on^a^inachine that was not jun-
ning. Inputting the'-belt on. he
use^ a stick, which canghjtnn the
wheel and hitJfioii' jn the scomach,
mjuring hun iutefnally. The boy
lived from 4 o'clock Thursday, uktil
EOQu Friday ^. He was J conscious
m<»t of the time, and itwas thought
for a while that be would recqyer,
but he gradually grew worse- imtil
the end came. The'body was carried
to New Union church, at Sheffield;
on Saturday morning ahd.lmd to.rest
to await- the resurrcetiqn.' Hugh
was a ^od boy and had many friends
who were shocked to learn of hfs un
timely death. The parents and re
latives have the sympathy of the en.
tire town in their great- ber^Ve-
ment.. Only a little merp than a
week ago, a brother of the dead^jboy
was badly, injured by juinplog frpm
a freight iratn. " . . n v •
Mr. William Wyatt.Dead.
Mr. William Wyatt,..*oBe of this
<nt$'s oldest and most'respected dti
Mr.Wjfatiwjffiaboot '70 of
aKO,idleavo9a#Siid ono M
and two daughters. The funeral
and burial services were co^ucted
bif pastor, Rev- D. F. Carver,;and[-
the body laid to rest at Rose cem.e-
&ry'Saturday at U o'clock.'•
Wyatt wa9« condstant member of
thb Methodistcborcb/ahd baajifany
IrM ihrougbout the town and
< Miss Aielia Shatpe Dead.,..
, Miss Adelia Sharpp; a well khowa
and higbly'eateemj^jady pf Jeru
salem tbwhshijEl: was .diljed to h er re-'
ward Saturday; 9thi914.- :Miss
Sharps w^ about TSyearebld pnd.a
natii^.of iredell county. She, came
to Davie county about 30 y'^ra !^'ago
with her aster, Mrs;, John I^fier,
whq.ha^bst married and come witb
her-hus^nd to his commuirt^ 16
make their home here in this county
Miiss -Sharpe never -ma^ed,'. and
having no.feunily of hot own she was
l^t free to devdteher service to'her
God and to her-cpmmnniiy.' Ih .the.
Sunday schoiol and i^urcb she Afilled
a place that has" been. left vaOanb
since her'feibility to do active ^^seri
vice there. Since her coming here
until a few yems £^o, she was a very
competent'teacher'in liberty church
of Davie circuit of which she was a
■valuable member. Her. s^ice to
this and other communities iajhes.ti-
mable. And ive believe, her crown
will have many'stars wen by- minis
tering tp the sickand^ needy • about
her. Her body Was laid'to reatSun
day afternoon in the presence of ajargenumber of relatives and frjends.
The funeral service was. conducted
by her. pastor Rev. P. L. Shore. .
Maggie Lee Owen
/ Maggie Lee. the 20 mobthr ol9l
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jj F;!
Owen, of Statesville,. died--Sunday^
afternoon of meningitis. The'hody«
was brought to this city Monday andlaid to rest at Oak Grove church,!;
Rev. P. L. Shore eonductingtbBTtSijbo
eral services at 4 o'clock, Mr.. an$
Mra. Owen, formerly lived in thipcityj
before moving to State\cille, aB<l th
have many friends here who wi'l
pained to learn of the-deatboft
child. !) -
Bio - Obituaries - 5/20/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, May 27,1914
- ; .B&s Sarah 1^ Dead«
Mi'K Sarah an aged lady of
this d\s^ 41ed at home of Wsis
terja. Mioi Vii, Id M
MoMKon Way. afteiM
aidte^edM^ IhefoDed
• . I.* I..1 I n
(Rest of newspaper fs missing.)
Infant Son Edward
the iiitle fafaqt son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Edward djed Wedncs
diiy and buried at Kew^TJoioD
Bio — Obituaries - 5/27/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 3,1914
Wiley Sain
Mr. Wil^ Sain, a respected- citi-:
of R. Srdied T{iarsday af temopn
of heart dropsy, aged 64 years. Mr.
Sain had been in bad health for W-
eral years, and his death was not-nn^
expected. The fimeral and. burial
services took place at Oak Grove
church Friday afteiiiooUi Several
cUldren survive. "The Record ex-
.tends sympathy to thebereaved-ones.
Bio - Obituaries - 6/3/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 10,1914
Mrs. Miias Hairston
J. B. Smith
J, i3. Smith, of Fork Ohuxch, ugtA
84 years, died Monday, foUewins: an
attack of par^ysis. Awifeandfonr
children, one son and three daugh
ters ^vive. Thefnneral and boriai
services weris held at Fork Tuesday
Bio - Obituaries - 6/10/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 17,1914
John B. Smtfa Dead.
' His many friends will r^ret to
learn of the death of John Blair
Smith, of Fork Church, on Juiie 8tb.
He was bom in Caswell connty, this
State, on No?. 25,1830. In 1^8 he
emigrated to Davie county* together
with Major T. J« firown, and first
learned the people Of Dam to grow
and cure tobacco, For many years
he superintended the Brown planta-
dohs, and in thelirst year of the re>
hellion voluntarily enlisted in the
Confederate aMhy at Riehmond and
after a few months service was hon«
orably discharge, returning to his
duties on'the Brown plantation, and
untii hia deadi was greatly loved by
cbe slaves whom he then tmd in
charge. Throughont .the rest of the
war ne was very active in the Home
Guards. He was well knowh and
Ughly respected in his own and ad*
joining counties. He was a frequent
visitor at the stores and public placra
of his village, and many are they
who will miss the gray-hair^ bent
fignrewhoso often came-to their
stores and hoines and to whom they
always gave the best seat and listen
ed so attentively to his stories of the
And Biellam days before the rail
roads and electricity came. He Was
Imdtoreatin the family plot at
Fork Church June 9Ui, 'having at
tained the ripe old age of 83 years,
6 months and 13 days.. He is' sur
vived by a wife of 72 years,land four
,diiIdt«D, Ht8.-K- LcEinder; oi Ba^
piijif.SlairSiDi(li|iOt ifiDiiiOii,
Ilda»ie9fj.(}!trtf and H, H.
Brewbaker,o{ForkM, S.
F. M. Williams
n fifo. F. M. Williams di^-Jane ^iat. He
was in bis usual healdi and ate a beany
breakfast Mtrnday momirg. He was gOt:-
ting i^dy-togo home with- his brother
when he was taken with a pain- in his
head wbidk he said blinded him. He was
tick only three hours. Mr. Williams was
a good man and will be missed by many.
He leaves a wife, three - sons ^d five
daughters, among them bting Mirs. L, A.
Henddx, of Blxby. Mrs T. H. Latiter. of
near Corinth,.Misses Edna, Modell and
Stella. i.llillieiiiaMed ids (ally
fromBlxbirabont two yeais-3^0. His
» I
liody was laid to rest at No
where he had been a member for some
I years. He was S3 years old. "Bl^ed
are they who die in the Lord."
-Wkepikg Mary.
Mrs. Viney Keaton
Mrs. Viney Keaton. an aged.lady,
died at the county home last Tttiss-
day and was buried Wednesday.
WilBam Bowles Dead,
WUJiam Bowles, of near SheflSeld,
di w Sunday afternoon at 8" o'do^^
following a short illness, aged ahont
70 years. The funeral and burid
services were conducted. at,
Creek Baptist church 'Monday at 3
o'clock. The hereaved ones have
the sympathy of all their neighbors
and friends. One by <me the old
landmarks 81*6 passmg aw^, and
erejohg they will all'have.answered
taps for the last time.
Bio — Obituaries - 6/17/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY
DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, June 24,1914
Andrew J. Yates
o*<i^4rhen of Andiew J;
Votes rtottoedHci Who. give,
Ih. ant) Mrs, Vatia>ixf
aidved bWs the cv«in« Mow
WUtsasb, M«t. iSw to*
for the past five or-^ yeara*
1^ bRI W®''8< forraay
n ' {iiiilij»*®
iliiif ■*.
hisieailL"^ Mt Yatd «a (•PS*!®'lh»SwUiemliei» aW«W>t3r«^ ^
and waa happier ■ ®oMwt <laoffiMr.»» E-E- 'g®'-
Ifc Yaies caii»;to.lhia«Si^ IremHopkin^^e c<«mty. iwd j«hile\h«(o endeaiwhimsdftO an wlthrwhont- h^/came in
contact Ttofhoewil Mtyicea weie coih" Nail
fhottday moinliii ?t 11eialrifitoraofthe :40Wtt being present
aadasdsdnj jB the WP"!
was then canied to Rose.-cemetery mq-gently laid to rest to await the final
'snrrectioii. Awi^apd-three chUdtan;hia mothet anrW^yerel hwthos aiMl-els.
tere sutviW, tire molMs and^ two sisteisbeing preaent at tire faneraL To the b^
WedodM.widow and thiw Uttlo fhtlw?leM childrran. The Record bartends deep and hea^
fdt sympathy, and in ihelr htw of darh-ness points them to flim,' who proinisedcontmiiagOpjiBdWli^iPW"^®
aads.FailnttbktlMiflfW^S'.' A. ^"4
fotlifei. Alardec«pwiw®'.tta>®» «®®laved wiMfonOTpWt?"™!" wlast resting ploce.^ At.the __ time of hisdeath Mh Yates ww 29 years of ago^in
the prime of iite*
Fannie Frost
Miss Pannio Proatrof Bear iCana,
died last Tu^ay- morning of tuber*culores. aged about 33 years. The
funeral and burial aeryices te^ plweWednesday at ,Bear Creek chutchp
Rev. F. S. May condoctang the ser
vices. • Deceajfed was a member -ofthe Baptist church.. ,
Bio - Obituaries - 6/24/1914 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY