Jul - DecDAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 2,1913 Dora Ratledge Miw Dora Ratledge, of near Galahabi, died Tuesday evening. She leaves a moth er, one brother, two sisters and a host -of relatives and friends to mourn her losa. Age 50 years, she was buried at Hichory Grove Wedne^ay, Rev. Will Walker con ducted the services. Bio - Obituaries - 7/2/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 9,1913 Jlr. W. R. Felker Dead. ^ The many friends of RFelker. of Kappa, Tfffll .be sorry to learn of bis death. - which occurred at his home early ^Friday morning, after a short illness of typhoid fever. Mr Felker' was a conri^t^t member of St. Matdiewp Lutheran .church. He leaves a wife and several children. The fune^ and burial se^ices were held Saturday. In the death of* Mr. Felker. Davie coon^ looses one of her best citiaens.' - He - was one of The Record's b»t friends, and for several years fumiriied us the neni^ from ^ppa. Mrs.. Felker^ is also very ill at this writing, and ^6t ex pected to live. She has been suffer ing for a long while, with tuber culoses, and theend is '.^pected at any time. One of the children, a son. is also very ill with typhoid fever, although w:e learn that he is a little better'^ at this writing. The bereaved on^ have' the- deepest sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow and liable. Small Child Sain •A little child of Baxter Sain; of Cooleemee, died last' Monday and was buned at Oak Grove on Tuesday. Mr. Llppard Mr. lippard^ one of Woodleaf's oldest and best known citiz^. died last week. He was more than 80 years old, and has many friends who will be sorry to leam of bis death. Bio - Obituaries - 7/9/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 16,1913 Dr. & W. LHtie De«d.' Dr. S'. Vf, iitUe, of Clarksville town8hip..was found dead pn his porch lastThursday afternoon. He lived by idmself, and^faras imown he had been in his usual health up to 1 he time of hisdeatb. He was about 84 years^of agpe.' The body was laid to rest at fiear Gre^ church at four n'cloidk BViday afternoon in the pres enc^of adarge cbncourse of relatives and fnen^ . Dr. JGittle. for many years practiced medicine in this county.\and'had many friend who willbei^tiied to leam'of bis, deati^. He was; one of l the county's oldest citizens; and had amassed a consider- ablefdrt^C; chnsistinsr of valuable lands-and^mondv. To the bereaved nne8.'^he. Recoid esctends sympathy. Wede^ that-.tti 6. Ham^ is toad- ministerithe ^tate. Dr. little left ai^&^te-^ortb between $80,000 and $60.dOOMhe. major part of which goes'tp the> Baptist. Orphanage at Thbm^iUe; . Infant Clawson Dicd;>ioii Davie street, Sanday moroiiti of cholera infaamia. Mr. and Mia. Claud Cia^nVbaby. It waa boned Mmany in the Cooleemee cemeteiy.^ Bio - Obituaries - 7/16/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1913 Thomas Wright Kills lUnisoK. Thomas Wright, who lives about a mile and a half west of ShefReld, this county, committed suidde last Tuesday afternoon by shooting him self through the head with a pistol. Mr,:Wnght had been hauling lum ber* that morning, and had returned home in time for dinner. After din ner he went out to his garden and did some hoeing. He started for his house, and passed his wife, who was washing. He told her to give hiin her hand, which she ^d. He th^ turned her loose and wait into the house. She thoBidtt be had heard the telephone bell ring, and had gone toonswerit. He wmit into his room, . and polled a trunk up against the door, and secured his pistol. About ibis time, one of his daughters passr ed the window and looked In. He told her goodbye,, and she noticed that he bad his pistol in his hand. She told him not to do anything with it, and started around to the front door. Before she arrived there she heard a shot, and heard her father fall to the floor. When help reach ed Mr. Wright he was dead. The ballet had pierced his head on one side and ^ne through* coming out --on the opposite side. Death was in stantanious.. Mr. Wright had ap peared to be in his usual health, and none of his family had the least idea that he meant ^,to attempt suicide. It is said that his rash act may have been caused by the death of one of his daughters, which occurred at Concord a few days previous to this time. His daughter had left home against his wlU and married a man at that place. He did not know of her death until after she was buried. Mr. Wright was a hard working man and had many friends, who were shocked to learn of his death. A wife and S or 9 children aunrlve. The body was laid to rest "at New Union churchyard Wednesday after: noon at 2 o'clock. The deceased -was about forty years of age. Cicero Roseman Laat Wednesday evrain^ Cicero Ro^ man, colored, aboat IS y^rs old. was, playing in the riv^ below the dam of the Erwin cotton mill, when he ^pped on • a rock and fell and stiandled and drowned' hefo^ he conld be rel^Bed. Two other colored t)0y8 were with him and gave the ntarm. He was soon found and taken out of 10 foot water. Mac Heilard and Small Child Bean Mr. Mac Hellatd, who, was reported last week as being very low with fever, died .ast Monday evening and was bori^ Tuesday at Liberty cfauicb. He leaves a wife and several cluldren to moam their loss. The family has oor sympathy. Mr, Robert Bean lost a two-year-old ehiM i^y (team the same evening. _ David T. Hunt Infant Daughter Hendren The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs; UTealHeudren died Monday and was. laid .to rest at Old Center fnesday. We extend oor heart felt sympathy to the breayed fami ly. - David T.-Hunt, of Trading Ford, Rowan county, a brother of our townsman. B E. Hunt, died at his borne last Tuesday afteroooii.. aged 66 years. Three brothers and two sistera survive. Ihe burial took place on Wednesday at Trading Ford BapUst church, of which he' was a coii^tent member. Small Child Weaver A am^l child of Nr.' and Mrs. Coluro.baa Weaver died last week. Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 23,1913 Dr. little Dr. S. W* Little d|ed very stuMealy at bia home in daiksvUle cownahip Davie 'boun^, on Thursday the 10th, day of July 1913. l^e was born In Davio county on the,22fid day ol Dec^ber 1828, this' be- io8-84 years, 8 nu^tba and 18 days oldnt the time of his death. Ra.had boen-cuttisgMme clover and gcasa for^ hmse and had r^um'ed to his house and soddonly expired on his ^aza. ^ had been feeUo but was dotnd a- bout his daliy duUes and his sadden pass ing was quite a shock to his relatives and fidends. Dr. little was educated in the ccnunoa schods and.acadeuniSsof Idsday but never had tha advantages of a- col legiate edttcddon.. He was a man of fine mind and afttf finlBhiiui his stadies-h^ ho studied medlsine and after graduating at the Mhitbeni Mescal Colleges, he practiced his chosen profession with giisat success for many years. Ho was a tnap of poative convictions, strong cnmm^^n sense and sound jndganent and high character and strict integrity. He amass ed a eomfmtable estate and was inde- pendoat He nev^ maniod and leaves a number of relatives and Hiends to monm his death. He spent neariy the whde of his iife in his native county, having bought property and lived in Iradeii coudty a few years, but was Uving at his home In^yfo ooun- 'ty at the time of his death. It is said he left a will and afterdedar- ing certain legacies for his idatlves; he gavp-tbe residue.of fais.estate to the&p- (irpfiaimi^'at •Tbomaaville.-N; Cl .. Aljthou^ a ptofirasor of rellgioD, behad never eonnected himself with any chiu^ Re had been reading his bible just. bor fore the sodden- sammoiiB came, calUng him to his etenafi home. \ n The funeral of Dr. Uttle wiui.be preach ed, at Bear Creak chuieh pa the first Saa- day in August^ by Rev. B:'F. Rdlius, of ttiscitp.' ' :• , Bio - Obituaries - 7/23/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, July 30,1913 R. C. Pool Mr. B. 0. Bool, died on tho 4fth, Sunday of Jnne^ and was bnried as the Woodleaf Methodist ohnroh on Monday. Ho was an old Soldier and a Mason. - He was abont 70 years old, and left his third wife and three small children. J. H. A. Lippard J. H. A. Lippard had a stroke of paralysis Mhy Slst, which left him in bed ontti Jane the 28th, when died. He was the oldest maa in the oomnnlty^ and the old fflt member of Unity Bresbykeriao chnrch. He leaves threejsoos and two danghters, 23 grand-ehildren 6 wreat grand-^Udren. He was 86 years old last Maicb. _ .fibs. EQee Wtfier Dead. Mrs. Saien R.;Gaifb^« of Mdph' tain (Sty, Tenn.,' wife of W. M. Oaitber died the 2ad,.:. day of July 1918. Sie was the oldest danghter of WiIllain8H.'Andm»on, of Cala- hain, N.(l. She has four ^ter liv in? county, . Mrs. Tfaos. 'B. (hunpbell, Mrs. J.M.. Jones, Mrs. R. ■A E3^, Mrs. Bur^ Roberts and Mrs Ann E. Anderson also many frimids and rMatives. Thos. M. Anderson. Shuford Crater Shuford Crater died at bis homeIn Union Grove tovm^p Monday nnd was buried at Union'Grove church Wednesday. Mr.Chaterwas87 years old,—States^e Smitind.- Mrs. Charles Hartley The friends of Mrs. Oharlea Hart ley, will regret to learn of her death which took place at her home in thii city Monday. Mrs. Hartley bu been ill for about a year, her death being doe to the effectaof pellagra. The foneral wae preached at the hooie Toes- day evening and her remaine were taken to Davie Ooonty Ihii morn ing lor interment. Mr. Hartley and aeveral children lorvive. Bio - Obituaries - 7/30/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 6,1913 Clarence Bowles Clarice Bowles, of Iredell eounty was killed Friday morninirwhfle re- tundog from Norfolk, where he went on the exearalon. He .was leaning out on the car- steps whra the train crossed Third creek, thr^ miles east of Barber, and was hit in the head b? a of the bridge. Death was instantaneous. Tillet Hendren Rev. TlUet Hendren. while on his JW,to visit relatives and fd^ds inj pavm oountv, was taken ill at Bar- and died In a short The body ^brought to thisImiyMm^.md laid to jrest at i!B¥' ,5®J Hmidrenhad been inb^health for tome time. Hiawife died last year, but he aftowards i married a Bfrs. Pope, sister n of our townsman, J. D. Catoy; who sur vives him. H. M. Brown Mahy hearts have been made sadby^ death of Rev. H. U. Brown whicli oceunj^ at the. hospital^ at Columbia, S::.C. Hehad takmi some pBstor&l workn6ftr.th6roiD F^obnidiya After serving* the pwle for- six mondis, he became suddenly ill and was t^en to the hotol^l where an operation was perfonhedj and he died. He was buHed' at Organ church. Hts widow will return to Sooth Carolinafor a time and then settle (m thdr farm near Organ cfauzen with the'diildreh. He was in the mitmihcy forty years. Mrs. James Ketchie Hrt. Keldhie, wife ot James Ketohie, iod of B. R. Ketobie, who have Jieen living in Ml. Oiament'i, Miohigani died Mod* day nflernooD* Mr* Ketohie is barber and has a hcsl of friends here who sympathise with him in bis misfortune. L. T. Hendren Rev. L. T. Hendren, a native of Davie Oonnty^and pastor of the Methodist Ohnrch at Aebeboro, died at the home of Q. L. Oasey in Bponoer Snuday. Rev, Hen* dren had aboot reoovered from an attaok of plnerisy and had an at tack of heart disease from the ef fects of whieh he died. Alter a short service at Mr. Oasay's his remains were taken to Joppa, Davie Oonnty, for interment. Bio - Obituaries — 8/6/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 13,1913 R. J. Rollins A Good Man Gone to His Reward* R,' J. Rollins, who. was so badly hort last Sunday week by being run over by a buggy, as told in the last issue ot l%e R^rd, died at the home of his son>Hidaw, D. L. Belk, last Wednesday morning, Mr. ^!- lins was 77 years of age at the time of bia death. He was a member ' of Bear Greek Bap^t ehui^, and had been eonneeted with the chureh fpr more than fifty years. The fune^ services -were conducted at Bear Cre^ Thursday at JL2 o'doek by Rev. Floyd Fry, of this dty, who is hold ing a meeting there. A wife and mne children survive, four sous and five daught^, among them being Rev. B. F. Rollins, of this city, Mr. Rollins was bom in CSiesterfidd county, South (^rolina, and moved to Davie county about years ago. He made his home with his son in this city. Bu was a Confeder ate soldier, having enlisted in the firat South GaroUna volunteer anny, and served until the dose of the war. The death of Mr. Rollins was a shoc^ to his many fridids in this dty throughout the county. We have known him since he fimt, came to the county, and no better man has overlived among us,' Bia life was folamdess and he possessed many noble traits of character; Many thl^canbe.said.of him and 'to life*amoung us. but the greatest^ of all these Is the fact that he' was a cbristiannmn, and was prepare to go when the summons caine. To the bereaved ones The -Record exr teudfi aympatiiy In this, thdr sad af fliction. He is not dead, but sleep- etb. He is at rest. Peace to his. H. Qay Grabb;K]Odl cd^rrfe. Spencer, Aug. 9,—"H, C. came tofais death on die utoth dv of August, 1913, at the hand of bis wife, Mrs. Emma-Grubb, who_ in self-defense and who wm justifi able in the act." This is the verdict of the coroner's jury which sat at ^ inquest over the body of one of the most prominent business men of thissection of the State who di^ ^ 2 6'clodc this morning frjm the effect of three bullet wonnds. According to the evidence brought out, H. Clay Grubb eametohishome at Churchland, just over the David son" County line, late last night, , in toxicated &id severely beat his wife, stabbing her in the back and should er, cutting her ear nearly off and in flicting numerous bruises on her b^y. Seizing a heavy Colirs ^ volver which Isy on a table,^ the frightened woman fired^thwe times, one ^ot taking effect in hw hus band's breast, two shots in tteabdo- men. Before neighbors, who were notified, could get to the sc^e> Grubb had died at 2 o'clock, withm an hour from thb time of the shoot ing. _ Mrs. Grubb at this tune is in a crifical condition. In addition to the nervous shock, he.r wounds ore severe. She has been attended by phvsicians, but is not out of danger. Grubb was tried in Rowan county in 1905 for the killing of his broth^- in- law. Obe Davis, and was acquit- t^. Grubb shot to relataye in an encounter at a chuxdi in Boone Township. Davidson county. It was said tHat Davis Bad threatened to kill Grubb and Grubb shot Davis on sight. . ' _ Bio - Obituaries - 8/13/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSViLLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, August 27,1913 Thomas Giasscock Dan Cope A,, IJ Mr. Dan Cope dropiffid dead at bisbofflo near Yadkin College Aug. 18tk He was boned near bis borne. He was 62. omas Giasscock, of nearCenter, died Sunday after a short fllness of iMbingitis. The burial took place at Center Monday* Bio — Obituaries - 8/27/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 3,1913 Mrs. W. H. Steelman Mrs. W. H. Steelman. of Center, died ^nrsday. .She bad been ill botafew minates when the end came. The body was laid to rest at Union Qmpel Friday. Bio - Obituaries - 9/3/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 10,1913 Rouse Thomas fibs. WOson Leach Drad. Mrs. Wilson JLeacE. aged 60 years, died at the home of her son, £!. P. Leach, in this^ty, on last Wednes day night, after aliogecinglllnessof cancer. The foneral services were conducted at Crater church Thurs day at 3 o'doek. by her pastor. Rev. W, J. S. Walker, aftmr which the ^dy was laid to rest to await the resurrection. A husband and dx children, five daughters andone son. and two sisters and one brother sur vive A large number of friends and relatives were at the funeral to pay their last respects to this mother .in Israel. To the bereaved ones The Record extrads sympathy. - Mr. Rouse Thomas who was reported last we^ as being vrar low with minigitis died the Sid of Sept. The fimezal ser vices were held at the Baptist church at 1^30* o'clo<±. Owing to the ateence of Che Baptist pastor, the services were held by pastor Brown, of the Edsoopal duuch. There was a large congregation pi^nt. After the services, the body waa laid to rest in the Cooleemee, eemetacy. As a last token of love that friends eould show toward him, his grave waa totdlycoveied with nice and costly flowers, ^,-had .darked fnr J. N. Ledfoid Co.. for 6 'or' 7 years and was well known and liked by all Cooleemee people and seccn^iog country. He waa 22 years old' ai^ was married 10 months ago to Miss Mamie Brogdmi. He was a condstant member of the Cooleemee Baptist church, and yas Secretary of the Bac^ class. TheBar^ boys acted as pall beaieis. There Is in the Immediate family bis young wife, 4 brothers and 3 sisters, and a boat of r^- tives and frimids to mourn his kiss. Bio - Obituaries - 9/10/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 17,1913 Infant Cope Mr^ James Cope's baby, after lingering 'several weeks as It wcro between Ufeand death with fever, died last week and was laid.to rest in the Coolemnee cemetery. Bio - Obituaries - 9/17/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, September 24,1913 Marshall Sain Marsh Sain HaishSun, who^ named Miss Con Zifflmerman, died - last week and was baded atlllbaville* Ifr.' Marshal Sain, who had underwent an apeiation f<a appendicitis seme ten days ago, died suddenly attheY^tdiead Stokes S^itorium last Monday night, -mre remains arrived here Tuesday and were buned near Advance Wednesday, Rev. C. M. Short c^ucting the seivio^ Bio - Obituaries - 9/24/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 1,1913 George E. Nissen Mr. George E, Nissen, pioneer wagon manofactnrer, of Wmkon' Salem, died suddenly at his home one day last week at an advanced Bge, Bio - Obituaries -10/1/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 8,1913 John Clary Jolm Claiy, who has been tow for some time,' died Tuesday and was laid to rest at Bear Creek Wednesday. Mrs. Wiley Sain Mrs. Wiley Sain, of R. 2, ^ho anf-fereda-strokeofpa^sis about a week ago, died Satdrd^ aftj^o<m fiffod abont 60 the, ftineind sei^ceB were cbaddcted by hep.tor. Bev. B. A.. York, after whi^ the body was laid to rest ^ Oak Grove chnrcb Monday -moming. A husband, tbr^ sons and hvedaugh^ era survive. The*Ifecord fct®d^... ^ u^tivaa.^ Infant Daughter Brinegar 9*116 infant daogbter of Camillt^ BrinegaP, of Glari^Ue, was found dead in b^ early Sundav mominjg. The diild was only one mouth old. and had not been in health. Tbe burial took place Monday at 11 ofdock at Sandy Springs chureh. > n Bio - Obituaries -10/8/1913 DAViE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 15,1913 Dr. L C Giiffio Dead. !Fhe friends of Dr. L. C. 6ri£Bn in MocksyiUe were pained to learn the sad news of his death, which occurred at the home of his father at Marsh- vllle, N. C., last Wednesday. .Dr. Griffin came to this ci^ last May from Winston, where he had been with Thompson's Dru^r Stoi^ and purcha^ the Mocksville Dmg Co» He moved to this city shortly after ward and occupied the Horn rea- denee on North Main street; A ^ort time after coming' to town,' he was stricken with illness, • and was latOT carried to the Whitehead-iStokes Saniterium at Salisbury, where he underwenttwooperatfons. Previous to his moving here he had undergone two operaficmafor.app^dicitis, and his health was very. bad. He re mained in Salisbury until the latter part of August, when he was carried to Maiahville. He gradusdiy grew worse until the end came I^t Wed nesday morning. He leaves a wife, his &tiier' and numerous relatives and &i^ds to. mourn his untimdy deathi Although he remained in Mocksville but' a short while, yet he made many friends while here, who sympathize' deeply with his loved ones in this hour of sadness. Every one who knew him was his friend. A good man has gone. > Peace to his ashes.- During Dr. Griffin's illness the drug rtore here has been succes^ully bj- John LeGrande, who has devoted his entire ^^ne in look ing after the business and increasing the trade. We do not; know what disposition will bo made of the store, but suppose that Mis. Griffin wiU dispose of it to some druggist, Mr. McKesson, of the Statesville Drug Co., accompanied by Mr. Murphy, of Taylorsville. were in town. last week looking over the stock with a view of buying. Mrs. R..J. RoDius Dead. Mrs, R. J, Rollins, who lived with her sen. Rev. B. P. Rollins; in South Mocksville, died Hiursday evening after a riiort illness, aged about 72 y^trs. The funeral and burial ser vices were conducted by Rev. W. B. Wilson Friday mid the body laid td rest heAde her hpshand at Bear Creek church. Mr. Rollins was run over by a buggy a riiort time ago, and died from the injuires received. Mrs. Rollins Was a insistent mem ber of the Baptist church, and leaves several children and'a host of rela tives and frimids to mourn her lo^ The Record extends sympathy to the bereaved ones. Henry Mock Margaret Gaither Miss Mergarct Gaither died-Wednesday and was bnried Thursday at Claihsbuiy. She is smvived by six sisters and one brother to monm her loss. Henry, the 8-year-oId son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mock, of Advance, died Thursday at the Twin-City hos pital. where he was taken to under go an operation for appendicitis. The operation was performed, but too late, as the appendix had bursted. Bio - Obituaries -10/15/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ISAIAH TEMPLE GRAVER LANEER 1824 - 1856 baiah Temple CraverLanier b.1824/25 Davidson Co Aug 185^avie Co NC Charlotte POTTS b.cal830 Davie Co NC (fl890s(Davidson Co NCRes: Davie Co NC; Davidson Co NC - YadiS^Uege area; Bur: Perhaps, Fork Baptist Ch Cem Davie Co NC Isaiah's parents: Graver . Sarah TEMPIE Graver Charlotte's parents: Jeremiah Potts ' Mary Ann FOSTER Potts Isaiah & Charlotte's ch: known 1. Agnes Elizabeth Lanier b. 1846/fljti Oct 19^3 m. , James K. Hartley b.24 Apr 1840^^04 Aug 1921^ Res: Yadkin College Township Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 2. Nancy Jane Lanier b.02 Jan 1848[d0^ep 1^8^ m. 08 May 1866 -—3;;:^" Hiram L. Koontz b.Ol Sep 1845 ffooliiSy 1922^ Res: Yadkin College Township ^ Both buried: Yadkin College Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC Phillip Bodenheimer Lanier b. 20 Aug 1850(430 Nov^928^ 06 Jan 1869 wt.T.W. Hartley, A.G. HougTlP^ Sarah MICHAEL b.l2 Nov 1848 d. 01 Nov 1896 m.2°^ 01 Aug 1897 Ellen Eliza GOBBLE b. 01 :[un 1860^28 Dec l^u) (Sarah & Ellen were cousins) Res: Yadkin College Township; Tyro Township; All buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC 4. Andrew Jackson Lanier b.l852(^ 01 Mar 1915^ m. 24 Oct 1872 — Sarah Jane WILSON b. 13 Jun 185^d 01 Res: Yadkin College Township Both Buried: Shiloh Meth Ch Cem Davidson Co NC Rowan (Roan) Thomas Lanier b. 07 Feb 1854/dl6 MavT^i^t rtLl®* 27 Mar 1873 ^ Maiy WALKER 14 Mar 1878 Margaret Emma BROOKS b.Ol Nov 1858 Davidson Co NC lOl^l l^/f ivr- ,qf3> Davie County Public Library Mocksville, NC A DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, October 22,1913 Mrs. John Bailey Mrs. John Bailey, of Redland, aged 64 years, died suddenly at ber home last Thursday from the effects of a stroke o£ {Kiralysis;. The funeral and butdal sei^ces were condnct^ by Rev. J B. Tabor Friday and the re mains* laid to rest at Bethlehem church. One sister and a host of relatives-aud frenids servive. Infant Nolly cUld pf Ifir.' and WOl . r^y.andwasl^edat the QtMfl^nee cemetsrs^ Satnrday. /- Bio - Obituaries — 10/22/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 5,1913 Mrs. Henry Call . Ate. H^y Call of this city, aged about 60 years, di^ Saturday evoi-, In^r at 11 o'clo^l after a short Qlness. Mra. ^Gall Offered a stroke of para lysis about/^ years ago, and since that time has been in deeliniBg health. It is thought that she suf fered a second stroke about two weeks ago.' funeral services were conducted at Oak Grove. Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. Fox, of the Methodist ohurt^, and Rev. WilBon of the. Baptist church. Mrs. Call wasia' oon^tent xhmnber of the Methcdist church. A hus band and five diildren threesonand two daughters, survive. Bio - Obituaries -11/5/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 12,1913 Her Moore Mimt Mitt tfoore, daogbter of Mr. Md His. & X Moore, abcirt^y^ died last Mo^y (Bvenlng after o UpgHmg •=«* sevetal wcHo and waslmrf^ Wcdn^ay at (Siestout Gwvo ehnzob, tie. fiunibr has ioorslnoeie sympathy to the now of flieir hieai^ment ^ ^ Bio - Obituaries - 11/12/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DAVIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 19,1913 T. H. Boger Mima Baker Ifia.MinttBaker,aged70 years, died' a^e bcme qf hcHTdaoghter, Ifaa, Jobni DysMi last Thnr^ay night, and was bur ied at Oiestnot Grove Saturday. > Eliza Miller Mn. ^Iza Miller, of Forgyih cotm- ty, died last week at the age of * 91 Tf&rs. Mrs.' Miller was bom In Davie cbynty in 1828, and lived in this conn'ty ontil aft^ her marriage. T. .H. Boger, of R. 2, died Friday afteraoon of heart dropsy, aged a- bout 85 years. A wife and five chil- dien survive, three eons and two daughters. The funeral services were conducted by his pastor. Rev. J. W. Self, at Union Chapel Satni^ day afternoon at 2 o'clock. A host of rdatives and friends survive. Mr. Boger was one of llie Record's best friends, and it is with sorrow that we chronicle his death. To the be- fieaved ones we extmd deepest sym" pathy. Mri Bogea had hem a con' sistent member of Union Chapel for morethanS0.v^r8,.andhe will be missed by all who'lmew him. Peace to his ashes. Bio - Obituaries -11/19/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, November 26,1913 Matthew Perrell ; Negro Accidentally Kill^. Matthew Perrell, colored, who works for George Hendrlcks. on B, 4, near Jerusalem, was accidentally killed about eight o'clock Thursday n*g[ht, by Zaek McKinney, white of Hii:h Point, who is boarding at Mr. Hehdricks'and going, to school at Aqiei.ti9ta. McKinney bad bought some gun shells, and the negro boy, about 13 veats. were in the kitchen trying the shells in the gun. McKinney started out of the kitch^ with the gun in his band, when it ac. cidentally bred, the load taking effect in the colored boy's moutti, tearing one side of his head off. Death was iustantanious. The connty coroner went to the scene of the accident Friday and after securing all the evidence an inquest was not deemed necessary. McKinney is a small boy about thirteen years of age. Chil dren should never be allowed to fool with guns, for in nearly every ca^, it Faults in a tragedy. . Mary Ellis Miss Mary Ellis, mster of Mr. A. W. Ellis of Farmiagton, was found dead in b^ in her home in Forming- ton last Tuesday morning, lltH. Heart failure was supposed to have the cause of dea^,—StatesvilQe Landmark. G. W. Nicholson G W. Nicholson, of Fannrngton, aged about 65 yeare, died Sundwafternoonof heart trouble.^ A wife and three children aurvive. The funeral and burial semcea w»e conducted by his pa8tor,,Rey. J. B. Tabor, on Tuesday mommg, the bodylmdio rest in Olive cemetery. Mr. fWchoteon will .be missed. Peace to bis ashes. Mrs. Nume Stroud Mrs. Name Stroud, of nw Coun ty Line, died Saturday night after alingering illness of senie 16 monthswith stomach trouble. The buml took place Mon^y ^ ^ciety church, Re^. Floyd yf this city. condnctiBg semcea. A husband and four chddr^ ar rive. besides a host offirimida. The Record eafcends sym pathy to the bereaved ones. Mrs. E. P. Casey Mrs. E. P- Casey, of BL 5, died last Monday nijAtthe advanced a^ of yeaij. W fweral and buri^segnc^^hddatCmiter dinrch hwRev. B. A. yorke eonducbw Krvices. daughters survive. Sto ^Oasw ™ a conaistant member of thediSlSurch. and leaves many Wends onri 1-idAtivea to mourn h^ d^ar- ture. Her husband died Bio - Obituaries -11/26/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 3,1913 N. Gloio Wtliiams Dead. Mr N. Glenn Williams died at his home in Yadkin county Tuesday, night at 11:35 o'clock at age of 49 years from apoplexy. Mr. Wih Hams had been iU for several months, having been confined to the Twin> City Hospital here for several weeks at one time and he has been 111 at his home since with Bright's disease. Dr. S. F. Pfohl, of this city reaidied him before he died, but medical skill was of no avail. Mr. Williams is survived by a wife whowas-a Miss Hollingpworth* of Mt. Airy,^ and seven children. Mr. WiUiams has f eaded at bis home in Yadkin county, about half a mile from the Fqrsyth county line, all of hia Hfd. His &rm, comprising about fifteen hundred acres, is con ceded to be one of the'finest and moat valnable farms jn the State and it is said that Mr. Williams refused an offer of $75,000 for it, Harry Nicholson Nichdsdii Killod by MIyers..- • As the resalt of an rcidgn^udge -be tween i^arry .Nicholson and Lhke Myers, both of whom live near Hunt ing Creek church, this codn^* Myers killed Nicholson near his home some time last night. According to the best infoHnation obtainable here tto mdfning the shooting was done in self defense. The two men met and the old grudge was renewed when Nicholson made an attack on Myers. Myers realizing the conditimi fired a toad of shot from a shotgun into the side of Nicholson killing him instant ly.—Yadkin Ripple^^ Geo. T. Brown Geo. T. Brown, a prominent bu^-1 ness man of Winaton, died Thbn^ay morning. Mr. Brown once livedi in Mocksviiie. He was President of the Brown-Williamson Tobacco Go:, of Winston. Bio - Obituaries -12/3/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 10,1913 infant Son Penny D. M. Miller eon of ^VnlghtandWJ^ri at Smith Grow^ Ife "Sf all ' in '^wf^avement. . V- ® P'®®lnent eiti^b S ^ ThondiS^r. Mate was a native of connly, but moved to Salisbufy years afito. • Bio - Obituaries -12/10/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 17,1913 J. F. Reynolds J« Reynolds, of R.:2, died Hon* day morning of heart trouble, aged about;55 years. The.burial took place at'Bear Qreek cbdrch Tuesday morning. A wife and eight children survive, Mrs. J. G. Hunter Mrs. J. G. Hrmter, of near' Cans, died early Sunday morning after n a short illness w.ith pneumonia, aged ag^ about 47 = years. A husband and four ehildr^ survive. Thefun^ eral and btulal services took place.at Union Cfaapel l^onday morning, her pastor. Rev. J. W. conducting the services. Hr, Crotts Dies Saddenly. Mr. Jacob Crotts, who bad L . . living in diis city with his childrm^ for some time; ^edanddenlir Sunday momihg about 0 o'clock, at the home of his daughter, (Mrs: T. L. Summeia. Mr. Crotts had ^prat the ni^t' Wi^ bis son. W» M. Crotts, and had gORhj to his daughter's early Sunday mom* ing. On his way down streethewas taken ill, but able to reach Mr, Summers'house. The doctor was sent for and administered a dose of medicine, but ini a few minutea Mr. Crotts. who; was nfting in a chair, fell over and expired: Heart troQble is believed to be. the cause of'- his dea&. He was abeut seven^*<dght years of age, and leaves adven chil dren, four daughters and three sons,three of bis children living in \^s city.viz: Mr..W. M. Crotts, Jfas. D. G.LsnlerandMrs. Ti L..Samr mere. The funeral had burial ser* vices took place at ^bavQle Mehday afternoon. Mr.; Crotts was a wn^ fflstent member of the. Methodist Protestant church, and had friends in the cbunty ,^ho vm\ ^he imined to Icam of his death, ^-.tho bereaved ones Record' ex^ds sympathy.. Bio - Obituaries -12/17/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VIE RECORD, Wednesday, December 24,1913 Sarah Booe I Sarah Boee, colored, wife of Sam Sooe, The Record's press turner, Htd last week after a year's illness. Bio - Obituaries - 12/24/1913 DAVIE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA